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How to share documents on microsoft teams meetings.

Microsoft Teams is a great tool for teams to communicate and work together. It has the ability to share documents during meetings, enabling participants to view, edit, and collaborate on files in real-time.

Shared documents in Microsoft Teams meetings are essential for effective communication and collaboration. Everyone can have the same understanding of topics discussed, avoiding any confusion. Presentations, reports, or any other document relevant to the meeting can be shared to ensure everyone is on the same page.

To share documents on Microsoft Teams:

  • Open the document such as PowerPoint, Excel, or Word.
  • Join or start a meeting.
  • Click ‘Share’ at the bottom of the screen.
  • Select ‘Desktop’ to share the entire screen or ‘Window’ to share a specific application window.
  • Click ‘Share’ and the participants will see your document.
  • Participants can interact with the content by editing or annotating it with built-in collaboration features.

Understanding Microsoft Teams Meetings

Understanding the Essence of Microsoft Teams Meetings

Microsoft Teams Meetings are an integral part of virtual collaboration, allowing users to connect and communicate seamlessly. These meetings facilitate real-time interactions, enabling participants to share information, exchange ideas, and collaborate effectively.

Number of Participants: 20
Average Meeting Duration: 1 hour
Average Attendee Engagement: 80%
Meeting Schedule: 10 AM – 12 PM

Microsoft Teams Meetings provide a range of unique features such as screen sharing, chat options, and document sharing, fostering a dynamic and engaging meeting atmosphere. By utilizing these functionalities, participants can easily share documents, presentations, and other relevant materials, enhancing the effectiveness of the meeting.

In addition to its versatile features, Microsoft Teams Meetings offer integration with other Microsoft applications, such as OneDrive and SharePoint. This integration streamlines the document sharing process by enabling participants to access and share files directly from these platforms, eliminating the need for complicated file transfers or attachments.

To fully leverage the potential of Microsoft Teams Meetings, it is crucial for participants to familiarize themselves with the various tools and features available. By exploring and utilizing these functionalities, users can maximize collaboration opportunities, optimize meeting outcomes, and enhance overall productivity.

Don’t miss out on the valuable benefits Microsoft Teams Meetings provide. Take advantage of its dynamic features, seamless document sharing, and enhanced collaboration opportunities to make the most of your virtual meetings. Join the millions of users already benefiting from Microsoft Teams Meetings and elevate your virtual collaboration experience today.

Microsoft Teams Meetings: Where virtual chaos reigns and document sharing becomes an extreme sport.

Overview of Microsoft Teams Meetings

Microsoft Teams Meetings are a great way for teams to connect and collaborate remotely. With its many features, it ensures smooth communication while working from home.

  • Teams Meetings let you join with a single click – no lengthy set up needed.
  • It has video calls, so you can see each other even if you’re far apart.
  • Screen sharing helps you present your ideas, encouraging team discussions.
  • The chat feature keeps communication flowing with real-time messaging and sharing.

Plus, it has special functions like breakout rooms for small groups and live events for big presentations.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to communicate and collaborate easily. Try Microsoft Teams Meetings and experience better productivity and teamwork. Start using this powerful tool today!

Benefits of using Microsoft Teams Meetings for document sharing

Microsoft Teams Meetings makes document sharing easy and efficient! Its powerful features have many advantages that boost collaboration and productivity. Such as:

  • Seamless Collaboration : Share documents with colleagues in real-time – no need for multiple emails or file transfers.
  • Version Control : Keep track of document versions, so everyone works on the right one.
  • Enhanced Security : Microsoft Teams Meetings prioritizes security with permissions control and encryption.
  • Accessible Anytime, Anywhere : Documents can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, so remote collaboration is convenient.

Plus, it offers screen sharing and integrated chat. It’s perfect for communication and collaboration!

John , a marketing exec, had to share an important presentation with his team. With Microsoft Teams Meetings, he quickly shared the PowerPoint document. He could also conduct a virtual meeting! This made the project successful, saving time and allowing instant feedback.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sharing Documents on Microsoft Teams Meetings

Microsoft Teams Meetings: A Professional Guide to Document Sharing

Sharing documents during Microsoft Teams Meetings can enhance collaboration and streamline communication. Follow these steps for a seamless sharing experience.

  • Open the Microsoft Teams app and join or start the meeting.
  • Locate the toolbar at the bottom of the screen and click on the ‘Share’ button.
  • A pop-up window will appear with various sharing options. Choose the ‘Browse’ option to select the document you want to share.
  • Once you’ve selected the document, click on the ‘Share’ button to initiate the sharing process.
  • The document will now be displayed to all meeting participants. You can navigate through the document using the available controls.
  • To stop sharing the document, simply click on the ‘Stop Sharing’ button on the toolbar.

These steps provide a comprehensive guide to sharing documents on Microsoft Teams Meetings, ensuring effective collaboration and increased productivity.

Moreover, sharing documents in real-time allows all participants to work on the same document simultaneously, promoting a truly collaborative environment.

Fact: Microsoft Teams is used by over 115 million daily active users worldwide. (Source: Microsoft)

Get your documents in order, because in the chaotic realm of Microsoft Teams meetings, even paper clips have trust issues.

Preparing your documents for sharing

  • Organize docs: Before the meeting, spend time organizing docs logically. Create folders or labels for different types of files, like presentations, spreadsheets, or PDFs. This will help you find and share the right doc during the meeting.
  • Check compatibility: Check if the files you plan to share are compatible with Microsoft Teams Meetings. See if file formats are supported and if any specific software or plugins are needed to view or edit them. This will prevent tech difficulties during the meeting.
  • Review settings: Before sharing, review document settings to determine what access others should have. Choose if participants can just view, or if they should be allowed to edit or comment. Adjusting these settings beforehand will save time and avoid unauthorized changes during the meeting.
  • Also consider internet connectivity and permissions for file sharing within Microsoft Teams Meetings.

Follow these steps when preparing docs for Microsoft Teams Meetings. Maximize productivity and enhance collaboration in meetings by implementing these steps today! Impress others with seamless document sharing experiences on Microsoft Teams Meetings!

Starting a meeting and accessing the document sharing feature

  • Schedule or join a meeting: Get started by scheduling or joining a Microsoft Teams Meeting . You can create a new one or select an existing one from your calendar.
  • Access the document sharing feature: Locate the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Look for the “Share” button, which is the arrow pointing up. Click it to access the document sharing feature.
  • Share your documents: After you click the “Share” button, a window will appear with various options for document sharing. Select whether you want to share your whole screen, a certain application window, or upload files from your computer. Follow the instructions to share your documents.

Extra info:

  • Collaborative editing: Collaborate in real-time by making changes/providing feedback while sharing documents.
  • Annotation tools: Highlight important sections, draw shapes, or add text to shared docs.
  • Live captions: Enable live captions for better accessibility during meetings. Real-time transcription of spoken words.

Pro Tip: Before you start the meeting, ensure that all participants have access privileges for the files. A good collaboration experience depends on everyone’s ability to view and edit documents in Microsoft Teams Meetings.

Uploading and sharing documents during a meeting

Sharing documents on Microsoft Teams during meetings is super easy! Just go to the sharing tab and pick the file you want to share. It could be from your computer or services like OneDrive or SharePoint . Then the document will instantly be uploaded for everyone to view. Plus, you can give specific permissions and control who can edit the document. You can even highlight, draw, and comment directly on it.

Did you know? 85% of businesses use Microsoft Teams as their main communication platform for remote work!

Controlling document sharing settings

  • Open the Microsoft Teams app on your device.
  • Schedule or join a meeting and share docs.
  • Locate the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click the ‘Share’ button: this is an icon of a square with an arrow pointing up.
  • Choose to share your screen, a window, or just a PowerPoint.

These steps let you control document sharing settings and make sure only relevant content is shared during the meeting. However, there are extra things to note. In the sharing options, you can also select whether audio is enabled when sharing docs. This ensures clear communication without distractions.

For effective document sharing, here are some tips:

  • Prioritize security – limit document sharing to specific people or groups who need access.
  • Be organized – create folders or categories for various documents in your shared drive.
  • Keep documents updated – make sure all docs are up-to-date before each meeting.
  • Provide instructions – give instructions on how to navigate or interact with a doc during a meeting.

By following these tips, document sharing in Microsoft Teams meetings will be enhanced and team productivity increased. Check and adjust settings regularly based on the needs of the meeting or project.

Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting Tips:

To resolve any issues that may arise during your Microsoft Teams meeting, follow these tips:

  • Check your internet connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to avoid any interruptions while sharing documents.
  • Update your Microsoft Teams app: Make sure you are using the latest version of the Microsoft Teams app to access all the available features and bug fixes.
  • Restart your device: If you encounter any technical glitches while sharing documents, try restarting your device as it can often resolve minor issues.
  • Clear cache and temporary files: Clearing your cache and temporary files can free up resources and improve the performance of the Microsoft Teams app.

For any other specific troubleshooting needs, consult the Microsoft Teams support documentation or reach out to their customer support team.

If you want to have a seamless experience during your Microsoft Teams meeting, it is vital to troubleshoot any potential issues beforehand. By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth document sharing experience and avoid any potential disruptions. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your meetings more productive and efficient by resolving any technical difficulties that may arise.

Stepping into a Microsoft Teams meeting? Brace yourself for common document sharing issues and learn how to resolve them like a pro.

Common issues and how to resolve them

Software crashes or freezes? Make sure your software is up-to-date and compatible with your OS. Also, do a clean boot and disable any unnecessary startup programs.

Printer malfunctions? Check for paper jams, low ink levels, and ensure the printer drivers are correctly installed. Restart your computer and printer to resolve any software issues.

Unresponsive keyboard or mouse? Check for any loose connections and replace the batteries if necessary. If that doesn’t work, update or reinstall the drivers.

Troubleshooting needs patience and diligence. To fix your issue, consider these tips and take appropriate steps.

Early days of computers saw numerous technical glitches due to limited hardware capabilities. Users had to manually troubleshoot with complex manuals. But, with tech advancements and user-friendly interfaces, troubleshooting has become much easier for all users.

Tips for optimizing document sharing experience

To make document sharing a breeze, here are some tricks!

  • Ensure the document is in a compatible format such as PDF or Microsoft Office.
  • Compress large files for quicker sharing and storage savings.
  • Password-protect sensitive docs to keep private info secure.
  • Be mindful of file permissions when using cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox.
  • Verify shared docs before sending to avoid costly mistakes.

These tips can help us sail through document sharing without a hitch!

Microsoft Teams makes document sharing during meetings a breeze. Just hit the “Share” button on the toolbar and select the file you want to share. Click “Share” again and you’re ready to go!

Also, you can show applications or even your whole screen. Plus, with annotation tools, everyone can mark important sections and comment on shared docs. This level of collaboration keeps everyone in sync and saves precious time.

Sarah, a project manager, had a great experience with Teams. When one of her team members didn’t have access to a doc, she quickly shared it using Microsoft Teams. No emailing or other methods – it was fast & easy!

how to share a pdf presentation on teams

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Screen and app sharing options in Microsoft Teams meetings

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how to share a pdf presentation on teams

When you’re on an audio or video call with colleagues or peers over a Microsoft Teams meeting, you’ve got a bunch of screen sharing options.

And screen sharing is always a good idea. To ensure everyone’s on the same page (sometimes literally), having one person share their screen to keep everyone on topic and together can make the difference between a bad meeting and a good one.

Teams gives you options. You can share any screen that’s connected to your computer, you can share a specific app, or you can open up Microsoft Whiteboard. There are also other third-party apps you can use that I won’t cover here.

You can share from the desktop and mobile versions of Teams; not surprisingly the best experience will be from desktop, but mobile absolutely can work in a pinch. And quite well, too.

Let’s get sharing

Once you’ve joined the Microsoft Teams meeting, you are able to “push” your screen to everyone else using the Share button in the meeting bar.

how to share a pdf presentation on teams

To be able to share your screen to the meeting, you must have the meeting role of organizer or presenter . Attendees of the meeting cannot share their screens.

Now Teams will give you a — somewhat overwhelming — list of things you can share. The safe, familiar bet is always going to be to share your whole screen. But Teams also lets you share individual apps, PowerPoint files, and a shared whiteboard space. Let’s cover each one and why they matter.

how to share a pdf presentation on teams

Share your desktop (or whole screen)

All the way to the left of the selector is your desktop screen. If you happen to use multiple monitors, all of them will be shown as options.

This is what I default to. Sharing my whole screen ensures that I have full control of what’s on that screen without limiting myself to a single app.

  • You retain full control of the screen and you can move apps on and off of that screen.
  • You can share control of your screen with other users in the meeting.
  • If you present a PowerPoint file from the desktop app, you’ll retain full animation and graphics fidelity. (See PowerPoint section below for more information.)


  • It’s your whole screen, so if you left an app open you didn’t mean to, you might walk away embarrassed.
  • Giving control of your screen to someone gives them full access to your computer, which can be risky.
  • If you present a PowerPoint file, it’s difficult to follow meeting chat or access any other Teams features while in PowerPoint’s presentation mode.

Best practices

  • Always zoom in. No matter which app you’re sharing, make the content bigger so everyone can see.
  • Disable operating system notifications.
  • Close any webpages that might receive notifications (including any Office 365 apps, since Outlook will usually send them when emails or appointment reminders come in).
  • Use two monitors and separate what’s safe to share and what’s not between the monitors. I always use my right monitor for presentation-ready content. I can take personal notes, looking things up, etc., on my other monitor.
  • If you’re sharing a PowerPoint file from desktop, join the call from your mobile device as well and follow chat from there, especially if you expect a lot of chatter or questions.
  • Don’t forget to stop sharing when you no longer need to.

Share a window (or open app)

Teams lets you select an open window to share. In this scenario the window is the only thing shared with everyone else.

  • You’re only sharing what you want the other attendees to see. No risk of bringing another app with inappropriate content to the foreground.
  • You can be doing things in other apps during the screen share and others will not know.
  • You can share control of your app with other users in the meeting.
  • Notifications won’t bother you when you only share a single app.
  • It can be difficult to remember that only one app is shared. You may start talking about content in another window and not realize for a while that nobody else can see that.
  • You can only share one app at a time, which means you have to jump back to Teams to select a new one to share it. This could lead to awkward fumbling.
  • The app has to be open to share it.
  • Have your app set up and ready before you share.
  • If you’re sharing a browser, make use of tabs to have multiple web pages open. Otherwise you’ll have to jump between sharing multiple windows.

Share a PowerPoint file

Teams lets you share PowerPoint files directly from OneDrive or SharePoint. Teams will promote the most recent files you’ve had open. But you can also click Browse and locate a pptx from your OneDrive for Business, a Teams Channel, or you can upload one from your computer.

how to share a pdf presentation on teams

Teams opens the file directly in the meeting via PowerPoint for the web (the browser version of PowerPoint).

  • Even while sharing the content, you can still access all the meetings features like chat, attendee list, and device settings. PowerPoint doesn’t take over the system like it would if you were using the desktop app.
  • Requires less bandwidth than sharing you're whole screen.
  • Notifications won’t bother you.
  • PowerPoint for the web — while improving all the time — still can’t handle even some basic animations and transitions. It has an especially hard time with quick animations and the morph transition. PowerPoint will try to make up for this by using simpler options, but they usually don’t look good.
  • Just like single app sharing, you can only share one piece of content (pptx, in this case) at a time, which means you have to jump back to Teams to select a new app to share it. This could lead to awkward fumbling.

Best Practices

  • Make your content — especially text, graphs, and images — large. Don’t have a lot of text. You know, the standard slide design best practices.
  • Try not to use animations or complex transitions on your pptx files. At all.
  • If you do, make sure to test presenting the file in PowerPoint for the web before the meeting so you either know what to expect or you can fix the issues before your share the content.

Use Whiteboard

A recent addition to the Office 365 suite is the Microsoft Whiteboard app, which is now built into a few different tools Microsoft officers, notably Teams. The version in Teams is a web version of the Windows Whiteboard app; it doesn’t come with all of the features the desktop app does.

Most importantly, this means that at the time of publishing this post, Whiteboard in Teams only supports inking. It will not accept graphics or other content types. However, meetings participants can open the Whiteboard app on Windows or iOS to gain access to the more complex features in their meeting Whiteboard.

  • This can be a nice alternative to the Teams wiki or meeting notes for brainstorming. In some ways it can even be better than using OneNote.
  • A link to a whiteboard can be shared after your meeting.
  • A whiteboard can be exported as an image.
  • All whiteboards you have access to will be centrally available through the Whiteboard app in the Office 365 app launcher.
  • You can’t really ink without a touch screen and a pen. I guess you can use a touch screen and a finger, but I find my finger still never does as good a job. Even a trackpad won’t suffice.
  • It’s one more ‘space’ to manage and track in Teams.
  • The only image export type is SVG, which very few people outside of graphic design have any idea how to use, let alone which apps open it. I understand why they do it: SVG is scalable without impacting quality. (Adobe Illustrator is the main — albeit expensive — app choice, though InkScape is free.)
  • If you forget that Whiteboard is an app in the Office 365 app launcher, you’ll likely spend some time trying to find the meeting’s whiteboard in Teams afterwards. (It looks like you have to re-join the meeting to access it, actually. Though you could always share the link to it in the meeting chat, which could then be accessible in the Channel or private chat that goes with the meeting.)

When you’re in a meeting, you’re likely talking about something , so it’s important to share that something so everyone can see it while you’re discussing it. Keep these tips in mind when you’re deciding what and how to share. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation on sharing content in Teams .

how to share a pdf presentation on teams

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Free assessment tests to get you prepared, how to upload & share pdf files in microsoft teams.

how to share a pdf presentation on teams

Learn about how to upload and view PDF Files in Microsoft Teams to share important information with your project team.

Vadim Mikhailenko - Information Technology Consulting, Coach and Educator

Key Considerations when using this technology

  • Cloud Version
  • Mobile Version (IOS, Android)
  • Desktop Version
  • Web Experience – similar to Desktop

Versions of Microsoft Teams

  • Reduce Cluttered Email
  • Organize Groups
  • Real-Time Collaboration
  • Private Chat
  • Public Conversation
  • Audio/Video Calls
  • Virtual Meetings

Benefits of Microsoft Teams

  • Communicate with Co-Workers
  • Manage Projects
  • Manage Resources
  • Manage Activities
  • Individuals & Groups

Challenges Microsoft Teams Solves

Challenges microsoft teams helps with.

1. Manage Projects      2. Collaborate on Documents      3. Host Meetings      4. Calls and Chats      5. Integrate Business Apps     6. Manage Contacts     7. Store and Share

Microsoft Teams – Central Hub

  • Collaborate
  • Co-Author work
  • Chat and Call
  • Virtual Meeting Space
  • Integration with Apps
  • 1-1 Conversations or in Groups
  • Personalize workspace (gifts, stickers, emoji etc.)

Microsoft Teams Features

  • Sections Area
  • Section Functions
  • Stream/Feed Area

Teams User Interface

Microsoft teams concepts, how to organize teams.

      1. By Project

  • By Department
  • By Initiative

Define Channels within Team

  • Channel (within Team)
  • Break by Topic
  • Marketing Campaign

Channel Functions

  • More (Add as needed)

Channel -> Posts Functions

  • Exchange messages
  • Attach Files/Images
  • Schedule meetings
  • @Mentions to send Push notifications
  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint Online
  • Multiple Ways to Collaborate
  •  Conversations
  • Version Control
  • Auto Save Files

Channel -> Wiki Functions

1.     Standards

  • Shared Documents
  • Methodologies

Microsoft Teams: Peer to Peer Chats

  • Host Virtual Online Meetings
  • Create a Calendar Event
  • Invite others to Join
  • Works within and without teams
  • Join by Audio Conferencing

Effective Meetings in Microsoft Teams

  • Define Objective
  • Prepare Agenda
  • Capture Decisions
  • All Done in Teams
  • Use OneNote App

Working with Vendors Using Microsoft Teams

Vendors identified.

Video Creation Vendors

  • Mexomon Marketing Group
  • Rynaltee Video Creation
  • Toriox Advertising Agency

Meeting with Vendors

  • Learn about Vendors
  • Tell about the project
  • Share RFP & Answer Questions

Use Team to Collaborate with Vendors

Create vendor presentation.

  • PowerPoint Online
  • Conversations

Integrate Microsoft Teams with Asana

Planning & tracking tasks (asana integration).

  • Asana Integration
  • Tasks Grouping
  • Task Assignments
  • Task Progress

Asana App Integration with Microsoft Teams

  • Create Task
  • Link Project
  • Notification Settings

How Asana Projects Organized

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Review other relevant tutorials on the topic?

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Why can't i share my PDFs on Teams?

I recently had a Teams meeting and screen-shared. Everything was going fine until I opened a PDF - it didn't show up in the screens available to share. My browsers, outlook, etc were all available to choose but not the PDF. Does anyone have any ideas?

Seems sharing of PDF’s is not supported so you have to share your screen, which is really not ideal.

@CubanRumLover ,

Could you provide us a screenshot if possible?

Does anyone else have the same issue?


The recommended way to share PDF file is to open the file on system. Then, share the PDF file Window.

If I misunderstand your situation, please give us more information, Thanks for your understanding.

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Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread.

@CubanRumLover , Do you have any further question on this topic?

@CubanRumLover Haven't received your update for a long time, any update now? If the above suggestion helps, please be free to mark it as answer for helping more people.

Whatever the issue was it seemed to sort itself out a few weeks later. I assume MS had an update but until then i was not able to share any PDFs with anyone, although it was clearly open on my laptop.

Hello @Sharon Zhao-MSFT , I've found this Q and one of my customers has the same issue.

Issue description: She's using a MacBook and cannot share PDF files while using Teams.

What can be done?

I have the same problem with an iMac. I can share a screen, and an Edge browser tab, and the entire screen, but not a window. On my PC I can share the pdf file using the window option.

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How to Share PowerPoint On Teams without Showing Notes

Microsoft Teams help individuals to conduct meetings online and collaborate conveniently. You can also present a PowerPoint presentation with your team using Microsoft Teams. However, many people need to learn how to share PowerPoint on Teams.

Do you want to share PowerPoint presentations on Teams without showing Notes? This article will help you to learn how to share PowerPoint on Teams without showing notes. Stay with us.

Part 1. How To Share PowerPoint on Teams Without Showing Notes?

You can easily share your PowerPoint on Teams in simple steps. You can share the PowerPoint in Slide View, Presenter View, or PowerPoint Live. Let's discuss each method in detail.

Method 1. Share the PowerPoint Slide View

This is the most straightforward method to share PowerPoint on Teams. Follow these steps to share your presentation on Teams.

Step 1: Open your presentation in PowerPoint that you want to share.

Step 2: Connect with your team using Teams or start a new meeting.

Step 3: Go to the Share option in Microsoft Teams.

Step 4: Select the Window option.

Step 5: Choose the PowerPoint presentation window to share and click the Share button.

Step 6: Go to the PowerPoint again and select the Slide Show option or press the F5 key to present the presentation in full screen.

Using this option, you can present your presentation in full screen on Teams. Your team members will not see the notes. However, the notes will be hidden from you also. Also, you won't be able to see Team controls.

Method 2: Using The Presenter View

If you have two screens, you can use the Presenter view option to share your presentation on Teams. Follow these steps to use this method.

Step 1: Open your presentation in PowerPoint.

Step 2: Select the Slide Show option in PowerPoint or press the F5 key.

Step 3: Select Use Presenter View in the monitor section.

Step 4: Press F5 or select Slide Show again from PowerPoint.

Step 5: Access your Teams meeting from Teams or Calendar or start a New Meeting.

Step 6: Select Screen Share from the Teams sharing tray and then select the monitor you are using.

Step 7: Click the Share button to share your presentation on Teams.

This method allows you to see the notes with each slide while sharing the presentation. However, you can not see different options and tools of Teams and can not interact with your team members.

Method 3. Using PowerPoint Live

PowerPoint Live allows you to present your presentation directly from within the Teams. It gives the Presenter and the audience a unique and engaging experience. You can share your presentation using PowerPoint Live using these steps.

Step 1: If you are in a Teams meeting, select Share and select the PowerPoint presentation in the PowerPoint Live option. If you cannot see your required presentation, browse for your desired presentation in OneDrive or My PC.

Step 2: If your presentation is already opened in PowerPoint, Go to the File menu and select Share, and then click the Present Online option.

Step 3: If you are using PowerPoint for the web, select Present and then select Present in Teams.

Using PowerPoint Live helps you to access all the options and tools of Teams. You can easily engage with your audience using different opinions available. You can turn Chat on or off and see raised hands by the audience in real-time. You can also customize other Layout options for your presentation.

Part 2: Free Alternative Choice-WPS Office

WPS Office is the best office solution in the modern world. It is a powerful office productivity suite used by millions nowadays. Professionals and students use WPS Office to create impressive documents, analytical spreadsheets, stunning presentations, etc. WPS Office is an all-in-one productivity suite that contains the following applications and tools.

Writer - to create Word documents, CVs, resumes, and much more

Spreadsheet - to create Excel sheets used for data analysis and insights

Presentation - used to create impressive PowerPoint presentations

AirPage - online document collaboration tool

PDF - to create, edit, and open PDF documents

Besides these, WPS Office also has Teams, WPS Cloud, document conversion tools, and many more practical applications.

Amazing and Unique Features of WPS Office

WPS Office has powerful and unique features and functions, making it the best alternative to Microsoft Office, Libre Office, and other office suites. Some of the special and modern features and functions of WPS Office are listed below.

Free To Use

The most in-demand and unique feature of WPS Office is its free availability for all platforms. Users can use WPS Office on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS devices free of cost.

Templates Library

WPS Office has a vast collection of attractive templates in its applications. You can use these built-in templates to design a CV, resume, presentation, etc. There is no need to create your documents from scratch. You can use any of the suitable templates and create your documents easily.

WPS Productivity Tools

WPS also contains many helpful productivity tools included in the Office suite. You can easily convert between different document formats. There is no need to use third-party conversion tools. You can also insert or remove watermarks from your document. There is a Screen Recorder in WPS Office, which helps you to record screens, record a particular window, or record using the Webcam of your PC.

Use Word, Excel, and PPT for FREE, No Ads.

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Boost your productivity with WPS's abundant free Word, Excel, PPT, and CV templates.

WPS Academy

WPS Academy offers free easy to understand office tutorials. It provides free video tutorials regarding different features and functions of WPS Office and how to use them. These tutorials help you to master your skills in Excel, PowerPoint, Writer, and PDF applications.

Picture To PDF

This tool helps you to convert your images to PDFs. You can take pictures of the documents and then can generate PDF documents quickly. This feature lets you scan an entire book and make a PDF from all the scanned photos.

Auto Backup Feature

WPS Office also offers an Auto Backup feature. This feature helps you to create a local backup of all your documents. You can create your Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and document backups. You can also save this backup to WPS Cloud.

You can create a team of all your teammates using WPS Team. WPS Teams help you to interact with your colleagues easily. You can share your files. You can also track changes and see all files' version history.

How to Download WPS Office?

You can easily download WPS Office from its official website. Go to the website and click the Free Download option. After the download, run the installer file, and WPS Office will be installed on your PC.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how to share powerpoint presentations on teams without displaying speaker notes.

You will need two screens to use the Presenter view to show the presentation without showing notes.

2. How do I change the Presenter mode in PowerPoint?

Go to the Slide Show option from the main menu in PowerPoint and check the Presenter View checkbox to use the presenter mode in PowerPoint.

How To Share PowerPoint On Teams Without Showing Notes - Wrap Up

You can easily share your PowerPoint presentation on Teams. You can use the Slide Show option or use the Presenter View to share your PowerPoint presentation. You can also use the PowerPoint Live option to share your PPT on Teams. This article provided you with a detailed tutorial on how to share PowerPoint on Teams without showing notes.

WPS Office is also a powerful solution that lets you share your PowerPoint presentation on WPS Teams in simple and easy steps. You can download WPS Office for free from its official website.

  • 1. How to Use Microsoft Copilot in Teams (Step-by-Step)
  • 2. How to Share PowerPoint Without Showing Notes (Step-By-Step)
  • 3. How to Share PowerPoint on Zoom Without Showing Notes (In Easy Methods)
  • 4. How to Share PowerPoint on Teams: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • 5. How to Use Teams Presenter Mode for PowerPoint Presentations
  • 6. Zoom: Sharing PowerPoint without Showing Notes On Mac

how to share a pdf presentation on teams

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.

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Sharing our latest culture memo.

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Sergio Ezama

Chief Talent Officer

In August 2009, Reed Hastings, our co-founder, published a 125-page powerpoint presentation on Netflix’s culture. Its refreshingly direct tone immediately struck a chord — and the focus on values and performance over rules and controls have enabled us to adapt and grow ever since.  

Over the last 15 years, we’ve revised it four times in the quest for excellence, and today, we’re publishing the latest iteration for anyone to read. It’s been 12 months in the making, with every employee given the chance to weigh in (we call this “farming for dissent”). In total, we received over 1,500 comments, many of which are reflected in this update.  

A few key things to highlight: First , the memo had gotten a bit long, so we’ve shortened it by focusing on what’s most important, and what differentiates Netflix. Second , we reintroduced some concepts from the original deck that had been watered down (e.g. the emphasis on responsibility, and the focus on good and bad process versus no process at all). Third , we’ve structured it around the core principles that we think best represent Netflix today — an entertainment company of 13k+ people that operates all around the world: 

The Dream Team : We aim only to have the highest performers at Netflix, modeling ourselves on a professional sports team, not a family.

People over Process : Our goal is to inspire and empower more than manage because employees have more impact when they’re free to make decisions about their own work. 

Uncomfortably Exciting : Netflix works best if you thrive on change because success in entertainment requires us to think differently, experiment and adapt (often quickly). 

Great and Always Better : We often say we suck today by comparison to where we want to be in the future. So we focus on constant improvement, and the resilience needed to get there. 

As head of talent, I’m often asked, why do we place so much emphasis on the culture memo? We believe that our culture is key to our success and so we want to ensure that anyone applying for a job here knows what motivates Netflix — and all employees are working from a shared understanding of what we value most. The other question I’m often asked — does Netflix seriously not have an expenses or vacation policy? The answer: we don’t. 

You might think that this kind of freedom leads to chaos. While we’ve had our fair share of failures — and a few people have taken advantage of our culture — our emphasis on individual autonomy has created a very successful business. This is because in our industry, the biggest threats are a lack of creativity and innovation. And we’ve found that giving people the freedom to use their judgment is the best way to succeed long term.

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how to share a pdf presentation on teams

Share slides in Microsoft Teams meetings with PowerPoint Live

PowerPoint Live in Teams gives both the presenter and audience an inclusive and engaging experience, combining the best parts of presenting in PowerPoint with the connection and collaboration of a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

When you’re the presenter, you have a unique view that lets you control your presentation while staying engaged with your audience, seeing people’s video, raised hands, reactions, and chat as needed.

And if you’re an audience member, you can interact with the presentation and personalize your viewing experience with captions, high contrast slides, and slides translated into your native language.

Here’s how it works:  

Tip:  Are you an audience member? Jump down to learn more about how you can interact during the presentation.

Presenter view

PowerPoint presentation in Teams

Present your slides

PowerPoint Live sharing file options

If you're in PowerPoint for the web, select Present > Present in Teams .

Your slides will appear in the Teams meeting, with your Notes next to them.

Navigate through the slides

Navigation arrows in PowerPoint Live

Use the navigation arrows to go forward and backward.

Use the thumbnail strip to jump ahead or backwards.

Select Go to slide to see a grid view of all slides in the presentation. Select one to jump to it.

Stay connected to the audience

One of the benefits of using PowerPoint Live to present instead of sharing your screen is that you have quick access to all your meeting tools you need to engage with the audience and to read the room in one view. This is especially true if you’re presenting from a single screen.

Turn Chat on or off to view what your audience is saying.

See audience reactions and raised hands in real-time.

Change the Layout of your presentation and choose how your live camera feed appears in your presentation, like Standout or Cameo . It helps the audience read your non-verbal cues and keeps them engaged.

Use the Laser pointer , Pen , Highlighter , or Eraser to clearly reference items on your slides.

Audience view

As an audience member, you’re able to personalize your experience without affecting anyone else. Try these options to find what works best for you:

Select Sync to Presenter, next to the navigation arrows

Note:  If presenters don't want people to be able to independently navigate through a PowerPoint file they are sharing, use the  Private view  toggle to turn it off.

Click any hyperlink on slides to get more context right away.

Interact with videos on slides to adjust the volume or jump to a timestamp and consume it at your own pace.

Use a screen reader to get full access to the slide content.

Select Translate slides

Switch to a high contrast view to make the slides easier to view if you have low vision. Select More options > View slides in high contrast .

Your viewing experience will be at a higher fidelity, letting you see crisp text and smooth animations. PowerPoint Live also requires significantly less network bandwidth than typical sharing, making it the best option when network connectivity is a problem.

Independent magnifying and panning

You can zoom in and pan on a presentation slide without affecting what others see. Use your mouse, trackpad, keyboard, touch, or the Magnify Slide option as applicable. 

To zoom in or out on a slide, do any one of the following: 

Hover over the slideshow and pinch or stretch on trackpad.

Pinch or use the stretch touch gesture (on a touch-enabled device).

Press the + or – keys.

Hover over slide, hold down Ctrl key and scroll with mouse wheel.

In the More Actions menu, click the + or – buttons.

To pan around your slide, do any one of the following:

Press the arrow keys.

Click and drag using a mouse.

Click and drag on a trackpad.

Use one finger to touch and drag (on touch-enabled device).

When done zooming and panning, press  Esc to reset your screen.   


PowerPoint Live is not supported in Teams live events, CVI devices, and VTC devices.

If you're using Teams on the web, you’ll need Microsoft Edge 18 or later, or Google Chrome 65 or later, to see the presenter view.

Presenter view is hidden by default for small screen devices but can be turned on by selecting More options below the current slide and then Show presenter view (or by selecting the sharing window and then pressing Ctrl+Shift+x).

Meetings recordings won’t capture any videos, animations, or annotation marks in the PowerPoint Live session.

When you share from Teams, the PowerPoint Live section lists the most recent files you've opened or edited in your team SharePoint site or your OneDrive. If you select one of these files to present, all meeting participants will be able to view the slides during the meeting. Their access permissions to the file outside of the meeting won't change.

If you select Browse and choose to present a PowerPoint file that hasn't been uploaded to Teams before, it will get uploaded as part of the meeting. If you're presenting in a channel meeting, the file is uploaded to the Files tab in the channel, where all team members will have access to it. If you're presenting in a private meeting, the file is uploaded to your OneDrive, where only the meeting participants will be able to access it.


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  4. Share files in Microsoft Teams

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  11. Share screen and PDF's

    When I play the power point on its own, everything works fine. I click the the slide that has the link for the PDF and it opens right up. But when I screen share the power point in Teams, and click the slide that has the link for the PDF, it doesn't open the PDF. It can't seem to be found.

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    1 answer. It is suggested you to open the PDF file before joining the call. MN_Brett315 gives an explanation about this as below in this thread for reference: As a workaround, you can also share the desktop screen. Besides, Adobe is a third party product, which is not supported by us. If the above suggestion doesn't help, you could seek for ...

  13. Chat and share files in Teams

    Upload from my computer. Select a file > Share a link. If you're uploading a file from your computer, select a file, select Open, and then select Send . You can always see all the files you post to a channel by going to the Files tab. Next: Collaborate in Teams. Training: Chat or post something to Microsoft Teams to get the conversation started.

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    share screen in teams when chatting with your peer or in team meeting.

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    Then, share the PDF file Window. If I misunderstand your situation, please give us more information, Thanks for your understanding. If the response is helpful, please click " Accept Answer " and upvote it.

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