How Do I Put a YouTube Video Into a Canva Presentation?

How Do I Put a YouTube Video Into a Canva Presentation?

Have you ever wondered how to add a YouTube video to your Canva presentation? Well, you're in luck! In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process step by step, so you can easily incorporate captivating videos into your Canva creations.

Step 1: Get the YouTube Video Embed Code

The first thing you need to do is find the YouTube video you want to include in your Canva presentation. Once you've found the video, click on the 'Share' button below it. A popup will appear with various sharing options. To get the embed code, click on the 'Embed' tab.

Copy the entire embed code provided by YouTube. This code contains all the necessary information to display and play the video within your Canva presentation.

Step 2: Open Your Canva Presentation

If you haven't already, log in to your Canva account and open the presentation where you want to insert the YouTube video. You can either create a new presentation or choose an existing one from your dashboard.

Step 3: Add a Custom Embed

In Canva, there are several elements available for adding content to your slides. However, for embedding a YouTube video, we need to use a custom embed element.

  • To add a custom embed element, go to the left sidebar and click on 'Elements'.
  • In the search bar at the top of the sidebar, type 'embed' and press enter.
  • Select the 'Custom Embeds' option from the results that appear below.

Step 4: Inserting Your YouTube Video

A custom embed element will now appear on your slide. To insert your YouTube video, click on the 'Embed a Website' button within the element.

A dialog box will appear where you can paste the YouTube embed code you copied earlier. Simply paste the code into the provided field and click 'Embed'.

Step 5: Adjusting the Video Size

By default, Canva sets the video size to fit the entire slide. However, you may want to adjust the size to better suit your presentation's layout. To do this, click on the embedded video and drag its corners to resize it.

Step 6: Preview and Finalize

To ensure everything looks perfect, it's always a good idea to preview your presentation before sharing or exporting it. Click on the 'Play' button to preview your Canva presentation with the embedded YouTube video.

If you're satisfied with how everything looks, go ahead and finalize your presentation by saving it or exporting it in your preferred format. Congratulations! You've successfully added a YouTube video to your Canva presentation!

Tips for Enhancing Your Presentation

Now that you know how to insert YouTube videos into Canva presentations, here are a few additional tips to make your presentations even more engaging:

  • Choose videos that are relevant to your content and support your message.
  • Consider adding captions or subtitles to make your video accessible to all viewers.
  • Use Canva's other design elements like text boxes, images, and shapes to create visually appealing slides that complement your video.

With these tips in mind, you're ready to create stunning presentations with embedded YouTube videos using Canva. Happy designing!

how to put video on canva presentation

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How To Embed a Video In Canva (3 Easy Ways)

  • Post author: Rohit Lohia
  • Post last modified: July 4, 2023

So, you want to embed a video inside canva but don’t actually know whether it is possible or not?

Well, lucky for you, embedding a video in Canva is totally possible, and it’s not as difficult as you might think.

In fact, it’s so simple you’ll wonder why you haven’t done it before.

But wait, how the heck do you even do that?

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back like a trusty backpack.

In this step-by-step guide, I’ll teach you how to embed a video in Canva without breaking a sweat (or the internet).

So, grab yourself a cup of coffee (or tea if you prefer), and let’s get cracking!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Users can embed videos from the canva library, custom upload, and third-party sites like Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter, Fb, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
  • Simply copying and pasting the video link inside the canva editor will automatically embed the video inside the canva design
  • Users can also use the Embeds feature from Apps > Embeds to embed videos from third-party sites into canva.

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How to Embed a Video in Canva: Step-by-Step Guide

So there can be 3 possible ways that you can use to embed any video inside your canva design.

  • Embedding a Video from the canva library
  • Embedding a Video from your Laptop/Computer/Mobile

Embedding a video from third-party sites like Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram, etc

Let’s discuss each of the ways one by one.

1. Embedding a Video From Canva Library (Steps)

To embed a video in your Canva design from the Canva library, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Canva editor and select the design you want to add the video too.

2. Click on the “Elements” tab on the left-hand panel and search for any keyword related to the video you want, eg. I have searched for “Nature” .

3. Now switch to the “Videos” section and browse through different videos.

4. Drag and drop the video onto your design canvas.

5. Resize and move the video around as needed, just like any other element in Canva.

Embedding a Custom Uploaded Video To Your Canva Design

To embed a custom-uploaded video in your Canva design follow these steps:

1. Open the Canva editor and select the design you want to add the video to.

2. Click on the “Elements” tab on the left-hand panel and select “Videos” from the list of options.

3. Click on the “Uploads” tab in the left-hand panel and select the video you want to add.

4. Drag and drop the video onto your design canvas or click on it to add it to your design.

5. You can adjust the size and position of the video in Canva according to your needs.

To embed a video from third-party sites like Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, etc follow these simple steps:

1. Copy the link of your video from the source, it can be Youtube, Vimeo, or wherever the video is hosted .

2. Open your canva design and paste the link of your video by pressing “ Ctrl/Cmnd + V” on your keyboard.

3. Canva will automatically fetch and embed the video using the copied link in your canva design.

Alternatively, if this method is not working for some reason you can also use the embed widget in canva to embed your video, follow these steps:

1. Open your canva Editor

2. Click on “Apps” from the left sidebar and then search for “Embeds”.

3. If you are using it for the first time, it will ask you to connect , simply press the button and connect the Embeds to your canva account

4. Now you will see a bunch of websites listed over there, to see a dummy embed just click on any one of the website names.

6. To add your own video, copy and paste the video link in the URL bar and press “Add to Design”

How To Embed a Youtube Video In Canva

To embed a youtube video inside canva you can either just copy and paste the URL of the video directly into your canva editor, the canva will automatically embed the video from the pasted URL.

You can also click on Apps > Embeds from the left sidebar and enter your URL over there and click on the “Add To Design” button, which will also embed your Youtube video in your canva design.

Tips If You Are Embedding Custom Uploaded Videos In Canva

Here are some important tips if you are uploading your own videos to embed inside canva:

Tip 1: Choose Supported Video Format

Canva supports MOV, GIF, MP4, MPEG, MKV, or WEBM file format when it comes to videos, however, for better quality Mp4 is suggested.

So make sure you your video in any of the mentioned formats otherwise canva won’t allow you to upload your video.

Tip 2: Check The Size Of Your Video

According to canva, they only take videos that are less than 1 GB, so make sure your video is under 1 GB.

Tip 3: Double Check The Video Resolution

It is recommended to use higher resolution videos for better quality.

Canva works best with videos that have a resolution of 1080p or lower. If your video has a higher resolution, you might experience some lag issues while editing or playing it inside canva editor.

Tip 4: Checking The Copyrights

Always make sure you have the necessary rights and permissions for the video you’re uploading. It’s important to respect copyright laws and use only videos that you have the right to use.

FAQs – How To Embed Videos In Canva

Here are some most common questions people usually ask on the topic “how to embed video in canva.”

Are there any limitations on the length of videos I can embed in Canva?

No, currently there is no limit on the length of videos you can embed but according to  Canva if you are uploading your own video to canva, it should be less than 1 GB and if you are a canva user you will be asked to compress the video if it is between 250 MB to 1 GB.

How do I embed a video link in a Canva presentation?

To embed a video link in a Canva presentation simply copy and paste the link of your video on your canvas and canva will automatically embed it into your presentation.

Does embedding YouTube videos require a paid subscription?

No, using the Canva editor to embed YouTube videos does not require a paid subscription. Canva allows all users, including those with free and pro accounts, to tap into the media capabilities and upload YouTube videos to their designs.

What video files does Canva accept?

Can i embed videos from sources other than youtube in canva.

Yes, you can embed videos from multiple sources other than YouTube in Canva. Canva allows users to embed videos from platforms like  Vimeo, Dailymotion, Ted, Spotify, Instagram, Facebook, and many more All you have to do is simply copy and paste the video URL into the Canva editor directly or you can also use the Embed option from the left sidebar and paste the link over there, both methods will work.

Before You Leave

So I hope I was able to answer your query on how to embed a video in canva.

Now before you leave I have something special for you, do you know you can download Canva presentations as PPT on your computer using our in-depth guide on How To Download Canva Presentations As PPT.

You can read the article if you are struggling to download your presentation made in canva in PPT format.

So if you got any questions regarding “how to embed a video in canva”, you can comment them down below, I would to help you out.

And if you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it with your family members and friends.

Thank you !!

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Hey there! I’m Rohit Lohia, a passionate SEO enthusiast and the proud founder of Branded Bucks. I’m all about helping small business owners achieve success online through my blog. Join me on this exciting journey as we explore ways to make money online and build a thriving digital presence.

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How to Use Canva Presentations

Make visually appealing presentations that'll stand out among others using Canva.

Sakshi Garg

Canva, a graphic design platform, is gaining a lot of traction as a design tool. Its basic premise – it’s just as easy to use for non-designers. You don’t need to be an expert in graphic designing to use Canva, and that is one of the main reasons behind its popularity.

With design becoming one of the hottest commodities for just about every field, Canva makes it accessible to everyone. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a marketer, influencer, or a blogger, you can use Canva to make fetching content for social media, posters, graphics, design your own business cards even. If you’ve got even a little eye for design, Canva can help you cut down on the costs of hiring professional designers.

But did you know you can also use it to make just as engaging and stimulating presentations? Whether you want to make presentations for a professional environment or personal use (like a birthday surprise), Canva Presentations have got you covered. Let’s dive right into it!

Getting Started

Canva offers a web app you can immediately start using on your desktop without having to download anything. Unfortunately, the web app is your only option as there is no desktop app. So you need an internet connection to work with Canva as it stores all your work on its servers.

Canva also has a mobile app for iPhone and Android, which you can use on the go. But when getting started, using the web app is the best course of action.

Go to and create a free account. Click the ‘Sign Up’ button to create a new account.

how to put video on canva presentation

You can sign up with your Google account, Facebook account, or your email address.

how to put video on canva presentation

Canva has a freemium structure, so you can use it for free with limited features or get a Pro or Enterprise subscription for complete access. It also offers a 30-day free trial to its Pro features, so you can try it out before deciding whether you want to convert to a paid user.

Now, from the Canva home page, click the ‘Presentations’ button under the Design anything banner. If you can’t find the option, you can also search for ‘Presentation’ from the search bar.

how to put video on canva presentation

There are plenty of size options to choose from when creating a presentation. Let’s stick with the standard size ‘1920 x 1080 px’ here.

how to put video on canva presentation

One of the things that makes Canva so easy to use for everyone is the sheer number of templates. The assortment of templates in existence ensures that you’ll find something to match your needs. But if not, you can also start with a blank slate and create your presentation from scratch.

how to put video on canva presentation

For this guide, we are selecting a template for the presentation. Before selecting a template, you can see what it has to offer by clicking the three-dot menu and selecting ‘Preview this template’.

how to put video on canva presentation

Click ‘Use this template’ to select the template if you like it or go back and select another.

how to put video on canva presentation

Editing the Presentation

The template will load into the editing interface. Canva has an eerily easy editing interface. Let’s navigate the interface first. Below the slide is the thumbnail view where you can see all the slides in thumbnails side by side.

how to put video on canva presentation

To turn off the thumbnail view, click the on/ off toggle (arrow).

how to put video on canva presentation

Click the grid view button to switch views.

how to put video on canva presentation

The grid view is helpful when there are a lot of slides in your presentation. Using grid view, you can get an overview of them all. You can also rearrange the slides by dragging and dropping slides into a new position. Click the ‘Grid View’ button again to switch back.

how to put video on canva presentation

Click the ‘Notes’ option to add notes to the presentation that you can use for reference while presenting.

how to put video on canva presentation

The name of the presentation can be edited from the top-most toolbar.

how to put video on canva presentation

Now, on the left is the toolbar that houses all the tools for editing the design elements in the presentation.

how to put video on canva presentation

When you’re using a template, almost all of the elements can be selected and edited. You can delete an element, change color, font (for text). To select an element, hover over it. The part of that element will be highlighted in blue. Click it to select it.

how to put video on canva presentation

Another toolbar will appear above the slide with editing options specific to the element you have selected. Depending on the element, you can change it’s color, font, font size.

how to put video on canva presentation

When you click the color option, a palette for document colors will appear above, followed by available default colors. For free users, only limited color options are available. If you have a Brand Kit (available only for Canva Pro users), that palette will also appear here.

how to put video on canva presentation

Click on the ‘Elements’ option on the left toolbar to add elements like photos, videos, graphics, audio, charts, etc. to your presentation.

how to put video on canva presentation

To add photos, videos, or audio from your computer, click the ‘Uploads’ button. Then, click the ‘Upload media’ button to select content. Any media you previously uploaded will also be available here.

how to put video on canva presentation

You can also add animations to individual elements or the entire page. Select an element and click the ‘Animate’ button.

how to put video on canva presentation

‘Element animations’ will open. To switch to page animations, click the ‘Page Animations’ tab.

how to put video on canva presentation

Presenting your Presentation

Once your presentation is complete comes the main part – presenting it. Canva offers a lot of options for your finished presentation. You can present it right from Canva or publish or download it for various platforms.

To publish it elsewhere or download it, click the ‘three-dot’ menu on the top-right corner.

how to put video on canva presentation

A list of options will appear. You can download it onto your computer, or as a PowerPoint presentation, share a link to the presentation, publish it as a website, embed it on your website, and much more. You can also record it while presenting with a voiceover.

how to put video on canva presentation

To present straight from Canva, click the ‘Present’ button.

how to put video on canva presentation

Click the drop-down menu below ‘Type’ and select how you want to present it.

how to put video on canva presentation

There are three options to choose from: ‘Standard’ – where you present at your own pace, ‘Autoplay’ – where the presentation advances automatically, and ‘Presenter View’ – where you can view your notes and upcoming slides, but the rest of the people cannot. Presenter View is best used when you’re presenting on a projector.

how to put video on canva presentation

After selecting the type, click the ‘Present’ button.

how to put video on canva presentation

Bonus Tips for your Presentation

While presenting the presentation on Canva, you can add special effects to enhance the performance with some keyboard shortcuts. All you need to do is press the associated key with each effect to bring it into action. Press the same key to stop it. You can also press multiple keys to add 2 or more special effects. With these effects, your presentation is bound to stand out to your audience and be memorable.

Drumroll : Add a drumroll before a slide by pressing the key ‘D’ before a big reveal.

how to put video on canva presentation

Confetti : Add a shower of confetti to celebrate something with the key ‘C’ .

how to put video on canva presentation

Countdown : Add a countdown from ‘1-9’ by pressing one of the keys.

how to put video on canva presentation

Quiet : Bring a 🤫 emoji to screen to hush your audience with the ‘Q’ key.

how to put video on canva presentation

Bubbles : Press down the ‘O’ key to bring bubbles on the screen.

how to put video on canva presentation

Blur : Build tension and add drama to the atmosphere by blurring the screen with the key ‘B’.

how to put video on canva presentation

Presentations are a huge part of professional life, whether you’re presenting to your clients, doing a webinar, promoting your brand, to name a few. With Canva, you can make presentations that’ll leave a long-lasting impact but won’t take long to make.

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Great graphic design is the secret super power behind many content creators. However, for many content creators, graphic design is either too time consuming to tackle or too expensive when outsourced to professional designers. Luckily, Canva has made creating your own custom designs much easier. In this tutorial, our team of design experts will cover how to turn a presentation into a video, in Canva. This has many useful applications. Content creators can turn ordinary presentations into courses, webinars, or narrated educational material.

How to Turn a Presentation into a Video in Canva

1. click on presentation option on canva’s homepage.

canva glass letter

Go to the Canva homepage and search for ‘Presentation’. This will allow you to see so many ready-to-use templates. Some of the templates are free while others are for ‘Pro’ users only. You can use this link to get a free 30 day trial of Canva Pro!

2. Edit Slides

Let’s say we are making for an aesthetic mood board for your traveling photography business. All you need to do is select the appropriate mood board template for it. You can also choose any of the templates and customize them according to your requirements.

canva glass letter

3. Add Presentation Notes

Once you are happy with your presentation, you can also add notes at the bottom of the page. You can add important bullet points or the script in the notes. It will help you to remember the important things while presenting it.

canva glass letter

4. Use Present and Record Feature

After adding the notes, your presentation is ready to record. So all you need to do is go to the three dots menu and select ‘Present & Record’.

canva glass letter

5. Activate Webcam or Microphone

You can also ‘Pause’ and ‘Resume’ your recording in case you want to move from the WebCam. This will record your screen and yourself in the circular webcam at the bottom of the page.

canva glass letter

6. Share Link or Download Video

After recording, you can use the ‘Copy Link’ option to get a sharable link. You can also download the recorded presentation. You can use a shareable link in emails or directly send the downloaded recording.

canva glass letter

7. View Final Product (with You Face Appearing in the Circular Cam)

The results will look as shown below. You can see yourself in the circular cam at the bottom corner of the page.

canva glass letter

Canva is an amazing graphic design tool, and I hope you found this tutorial covering how to turn a presentation into a video in Canva, useful! Click here to read our comprehensive Canva Guide. If you haven’t tried CanvaPro, click here to try it for free for 30 days through our exclusive offer! Below are several related Canva tutorials that you might find useful.

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How Do I Upload a Canva Video to YouTube?

Last updated on August 28, 2023 @ 10:32 am

Uploading a Canva video to YouTube is easy!

First, open your design in Canva and click the “ Share ” button in the top right corner.

how to put video on canva presentation

Next, select “ Download ” from the menu that will appear.

how to put video on canva presentation

From there, select “ MP4 Video ” from the File type dropdown menu and click on the “ Download ” button.

how to put video on canva presentation

After downloading your video from Canva, sign in to your YouTube Studio account and open the Channel Dashboard . The next step is to click on the  “ Upload Videos ” button.

how to put video on canva presentation

In the window that will appear, click on the “ Select Files ” button.

how to put video on canva presentation

This will open up the file explorer window. Browse the Canva video you want to upload, select it, and click on the “ Open ” button.

how to put video on canva presentation

You will then be redirected back to your YouTube Studio channel, and you will be prompted to input the details of your uploaded video. Simply enter a title and description for your video, then click on the “ Next ” button.

how to put video on canva presentation

YouTube will then conduct Copyright checks of your uploaded video content. If there are no issues found, then click on the “ Next ” button.

how to put video on canva presentation

The final step is to set up the visibility of your uploaded video. You can choose to set your video to Public , Unlisted , or Private . You can also schedule a date to make your video public. Once done, click on the “ Publish ” button.

how to put video on canva presentation

And there you have it! Your Canva video will now be live on YouTube!

how to put video on canva presentation

There are a few things to keep in mind when uploading Canva videos to YouTube:

  • Make sure your design is public: Only public designs can be published on YouTube. To check the privacy settings of your design, click the “Share” button and look for the “Collaboration link” setting. If it says “Only you can access,” switch it to “Anyone with the link.”
  • Choose the right aspect ratio: Canva videos can be published in four different aspect ratios: 16:9 (widescreen), 4:3 (standard), 1:1 (square), and 9:16 (vertical). To change the aspect ratio of your design, click the “Resize” button in the editor’s toolbar and select your desired ratio from the drop-down menu.
  • Export at the highest quality: For the best results on YouTube, make sure to export your video at the highest quality setting. To do this, click the “Download” button in the top right corner of your design and select “MP4 Video” from the drop-down menu.

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    From the editor side panel, click the Videos tab. If it's not there, click Apps first.; Click See all next to a category to see the videos available. You can also type keywords in the search bar, and hit Enter or Return on your keyboard to search for videos. Free ones are tagged Free and premium or paid ones will have Pro.; Click on a video to add it to your design.

  8. Embed media on designs

    Embed media from different sources directly from the editor. Computer. Mobile. Create or open an existing design. From the editor side panel, select Apps. Select the app to use depending on the type of media you want to embed. Some of the apps you can use include: Bitmoji - custom Bitmoji avatars. Dropbox - your saved media files.

  9. The 3 Best Ways to Embed a Youtube Video in Canva

    Step 3: Go back to the Canva project you're working on and paste the YouTube video link. The YouTube video thumbnail will then appear on the page, where you can double-click it to watch it. 2. Add a Youtube Video to a Canva Project with "Embeds". Embedding means integrating a link, an image, GIF, or in this case, a video, into a social ...

  10. Free Video Presentation Maker

    Head on to the recording studio. Access the "Present and record" option on the editor's top-right side or click on the three-dot menu to select it among recommended actions. Select "Go to recording studio" and set up your camera and microphone. Start recording with your notes in Presenter's View and have the options to pause and ...

  11. Learn How To Make A Video Presentation In Canva

    ️Try Canva with my affiliate link: Learn how to make a video presentation in Canva quickly and easily. It's...

  12. How To Embed a Video In Canva (3 Easy Ways)

    1. Open the Canva editor and select the design you want to add the video to. 2. Click on the "Elements" tab on the left-hand panel and select "Videos" from the list of options. 3. Click on the "Uploads" tab in the left-hand panel and select the video you want to add. 4.

  13. How to Embed a YouTube Video in Canva Presentation [Working Method 2024]

    First, go to the left corner and scroll to the bottom part, where you can find the "More" option. 2. Scroll at the middle part and select the Youtube icon. 3. Look for the video title you're looking for by typing it in the search bar. Once you have found it, drag it into one of your slides. You can even adjust the size of the video ...

  14. How to record video presentations in Canva (with your face in the

    Do you need to create a beautiful video presentations for your business? Maybe even some video lessons for your online course?I have a simple and FREE way th...

  15. Creating and editing videos

    To preview one, hover your mouse over it and click the that appears. Select Preview this template. To use the template, select Customize this template. You'll then be taken to the editor. Search our video library, upload your own, or record a video to replace the videos in your selected template. See Adding and replacing videos on designs to ...

  16. How to Create a Presentation on Canva in 20 Minutes

    I've made the switch! Presentations on Canva are SUPER EASY and convenient to put together. In this Canva tutorial video, I'll show you how to put a great lo...

  17. Creating a presentation in Canva

    Use the same 'banner' or title font throughout your design. Have the same 'frame' or 'grid' throughout your design. Apply the same background throughout your design. Use consistent fonts. 2. Work smarter, not harder. Create a template page for your presentation to keep all the points above about consistency in line.

  18. How to Use Canva Presentations

    Drumroll : Add a drumroll before a slide by pressing the key 'D' before a big reveal. Confetti : Add a shower of confetti to celebrate something with the key 'C'. Countdown : Add a countdown from '1-9' by pressing one of the keys. Quiet : Bring a 🤫 emoji to screen to hush your audience with the 'Q' key.

  19. How to Record Video Presentations in Canva

    via GIPHY. First, go to Canva and create a new design and select "Presentation". Select a template to begin designing your presentation, or create your own from scratch. Once you're done, click on Present and Record. Once you click on "Present and Record", you will see a window asking if you'd like to head to the "recording studio".

  20. How to Turn a Presentation into a Video in Canva

    How to Turn a Presentation into a Video in Canva. 1. Click on Presentation Option on Canva's Homepage. Go to the Canva homepage and search for 'Presentation'. This will allow you to see so many ready-to-use templates. Some of the templates are free while others are for 'Pro' users only. You can use this link to get a free 30 day trial ...

  21. How Do I Upload a Canva Video to YouTube?

    The next step is to click on the "Upload Videos" button. In the window that will appear, click on the "Select Files" button. This will open up the file explorer window. Browse the Canva video you want to upload, select it, and click on the "Open" button.

  22. How to record insert video on Canvas

    for econ4850 news broadcasting presentation

  23. Free and customizable animated presentation templates

    Share your animated presentation online so your audience can even view it asynchronously. Post it on social media, embed it on websites, or send it to your colleagues via email. Impress your audience live when you present straight from Canva. Use our amazing presenter tools like Canva Live to pool in real-time questions and feedback.

  24. Importing PowerPoint presentations

    From the editor. Drag and drop your presentation file to the editor. On the top corner of the editor, click on File > Upload a file. On the editor side panel, click on the Uploads tab, then click on Upload files. Select the files you want to upload, or drag and drop them in the Uploads tab. To use the file in your design, click on it from the ...

  25. Business Model Canvas

    The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management template used for developing new business models and documenting existing ones. It offers a visual chart with elements describing a firm's or product's value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances, assisting businesses to align their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs.. The nine "building blocks" of the business ...

  26. Green Doodles. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template Put together a creative presentation in minutes with this customizable PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. There's an increasing trend of using visual techniques to better convey concepts, so this design mimics the kind of doodles you would draw on a ...

  27. Presentation modes

    This is ideal for those who want to see their presenter notes while presenting to a group of people. Choosing the presenter view opens two windows. Audience window: shows the design in standard view. Presenter window: displays page notes and the upcoming slides. Moving the slides on the presenter window will reflect on the audience window.

  28. Graphic Designer Remote Job

    3. Produce high-quality animations and video edits using Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro 4. Design captivating infographics and presentations using Adobe Illustrator and Canva 5. Develop print materials such as brochures, flyers, and posters using Adobe InDesign 6. Stay up-to-date on industry trends and incorporate best practices into ...