The 7 Best Free Web Development Courses for Beginners

Put simply, free web development courses are the best way to find out if coding is for you. To make getting started even easier, we’ve picked out eight of the top tutorials in 2024.

It feels like recently your friends, family, and colleagues have begun learning to code . While their reasons and motivations for this vary, an increasing number of us are taking the time to learn about programming. If you’re curious and are wondering where to begin, free web development courses are the best way to start.

Thankfully, these days newcomers face a dizzying amount of choice. That’s where we come in—we’ve rolled our sleeves up and had a thorough search to find the best free web development courses for beginners.

Table of contents

  • Why take a free web development course?
  • Web Development for Beginners Course
  • JavaScript Fundamentals
  • Programming Fundamentals with Python
  • Responsive Web Design in 30 Minutes
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • Node.js and Express.js
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • How to choose a free web development course
  • Free web development courses FAQ

1. Why are free web development courses useful?

You don’t have to have a life plan of becoming a web developer—nowadays there are a whole range of different jobs where people are looking to increase their understanding.

Adding some web development knowledge to your skillset can also give you mobility within your company, as well as lead to a higher salary.

It doesn’t have to be all work and no play, though—maybe you just want to learn to code for fun, or to start building websites as a pastime? In these cases especially, free web development courses for beginners are the perfect place to begin.

There are two major reasons why this is the case:

Instead of committing to a full-on coding bootcamp , free web development courses are designed to give you an introduction to the field without going too far down the garden path.

Many are in a tutorial format , which isn’t going to take up a huge amount of your life with assignments and longer lessons. Videos are typically broken into bite-size chunks less than ten minutes long, stopping you from being overwhelmed.

For an example of this, in CareerFoundry’s free web development short course we got Abhishek Nagekar, security engineer at Mozilla, to get you started:

As well as time, you’re not getting sucked into something bigger than the course itself–if you don’t want to. Apart from creating an account or leaving your email address, this can be a no-strings coding fling.

The other reason why free web development courses are a great idea is due to the other limited resource we have—money. The majority of providers are offering these as a taster of their larger or more specialized paid programs, so they’re aiming to both educate you and woo you, at the same time.

If you enjoy the lessons and want to continue learning programming, perfect. You can now pay for a course knowing that it’s a good investment. But this also means that if you try a free web development course for beginners and find out that it’s just not your thing, you can walk away not only with no regrets but also a full wallet. 

So, now that we know why it’s almost a no-brainer to try out a free web development course if you can spare some time, let’s go through some options.

2. The best free web development courses

Many of the beginners courses naturally focus on the easier programming languages to learn , but not all of them. Because of this, it’s definitely worth taking a look to see which languages, frameworks, and tools they will cover. Some languages will involve a lot of previous theoretical knowledge, which can provide a steep learning curve for beginners.

1. CareerFoundry Web Development for Beginners Course

As an online career-change provider for over ten years, here at CareerFoundry we developed a comprehensive short course for those starting out. It should give you an ideal introduction to coding, where you come away after just five tutorials with actual hands-on work to start your web development portfolio.

Instead of focusing on one or two languages, this free course has you creating a website with HTML, then styling it with CSS, and finally making it come alive with JavaScript. Together, these three are known as the pillars of the internet—so you really will be walking away with the basics covered.

Broken up into easily digestible videos taking no longer than 15 minutes each, you can work through the course at your own pace.

At the end, you’ll not only have a nice taster of the kind of professional skills you’ll develop from scratch in the the 7-month Full-Stack Web Development Program , but also your own professional-looking, mobile responsive webpage to show off.

Each day ends with a daily challenge for you to test what you’ve learned, as well as a final test—ace it and you can get a discount on the full program!

Course highlights:

  • Master HTML and CSS tags
  • Change and style custom fonts on web pages
  • Accessing data users have entered with JavaScript

2. JavaScript Fundamentals

You’ve more than likely heard of, or already used, Udemy before. The platform features a huge wealth of courses on every single subject you could possibly imagine.

While many of them are paid tutorials, there are still a lot of free web development courses that are well worth checking out.

Clocking in at just under five hours, this free web development course gives you a gentle introduction to the world of JavaScript, a language we thoroughly recommend newbies learn . You know those little (annoying) pop-ups that appear on webpages?

Soon you’ll know how to create them! Instead of initiating you in using the language for backend (server-side) development , this course focuses on getting you to understand how to use JavaScript on the frontend (client-side).

  • Writing conditional and looping logic
  • Debugging JavaScript
  • Interact with HTML
  • Object creation

3. Programming Fundamentals with Python

We’ve already discussed elsewhere why Python is a language worth learning , not just for web development but also data analytics and AI.

Clocking in at just under 2 hours, this Udemy course gives you an introduction to the world of web development and its foundations. By introducing concepts like decision-making and looping statements, you won’t be thrown head-first into coding with no context for what you’re doing.

The course then provides an excellent introduction to Python, broken down into short (under 10 minute) lectures on the different facets of the language.

While you’ll need to look elsewhere to start applying what you’ve learned here, it’s a great start and shows just how learning Python is useful to data analysts and web developers alike.

  • Object-oriented programming
  • Python Lists, Sets, Dictionaries, and Tuples
  • Solving problems algorithmically

4. Responsive Web Design in 30 Minutes

This free Udemy course aims to get you set up in a “must-have” in web development as quickly as possible—responsive web design (RWD).

It almost goes without saying that if you’re building a web or mobile application these days, it has to be able to be displayed clearly across all devices.

Also covered as part of the CareerFoundry nano bootcamp, this super-short course requires some prior knowledge of HTML and CSS, but otherwise is perfectly aimed at beginners. If you’d like a different perspective on things, Google Developers have an excellent free introduction to the basics of RWD.

  • Media Queries
  • Only 30 minutes long in total

5. Go (Golang)

Codecademy offers a number of free courses on their site, including web development and data analytics.

Even though having some prior knowledge of C helps, this much talked-up language is a great one for beginners to learn, as well as the third most-wanted language by developers according to StackOverflow . Developed and supported by Google, it’s an open-source language that encourages you to play around with it for fun .

Smartly laid-out, Codecademy’s free Go course is broken down into four sections, with each containing lesson, quiz, and project components. The interactive nature is excellent for those with different learning styles, as well as the fact that you can walk away with some finished mini-projects to show for it.

  • Exploring fmt packages
  • Bank heist project
  • Cheatsheets

6. HTML5 and CSS3

Back on Udemy, this free web development course is one of the best because rather than being a beginner’s introduction to HTML and then CSS , it uses the most up-to-date versions of both.

This means that you won’t have to worry about learning obsolete materials or have to overhaul your knowledge immediately.

Withn over five hours of video, you will work section-by-section to construct a web page out of code. To ensure that you’re not overwhelmed, lessons are broken into 35 bite-sized pieces, and you’ll start from the very beginning—no previous knowledge or special tools are required.

  • How to use CSS3 elsewhere online
  • Coding best practices

7. Node.js and Express.js

If you try this free web development course after learning the JavaScript basics elsewhere, you’ll already be on your way to becoming a full-stack developer.

This is very, very good news—due to this skillset being high in demand, full-stack developer salaries are impressively high . Allowing you to code in the same language on the backend opens so many doors. Creating web applications will get so much smoother.

This Udemy course is perfectly designed for those seeking to become a full-stack web developer in the medium-term. Broken into 10 sections, it introduces you to the two most important JavaScript frameworks, Node.js and Express.js. From templating engines to dynamic requests, you’ll be taken through all of the different stages of building a fully scalable full-stack web application.

It’s important to repeat that you really should learn Vanilla JavaScript (the plain language) before learning how to use its frameworks like Node.js and Express.js. You could end up creating a lot more work for yourself later on down the line!

  • Handling POST data
  • Deploying a full-stack web application
  • Rendering dynamic data

8. Progressive Web Apps

Who better to learn about building successful apps than Google themselves? While that statement might bring out a variety of answers depending on who you ask, the site , where Chrome developers teach you how to make “beautiful, accessible, fast, and secure” websites is a great resource.

Their free course about how to get started with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) is ideal for beginners, taking you from the very start (explaining what these apps actually are) into how build, test, and debug these very modern web apps. recommend that anyone getting started has a grounding in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript , something provided by other courses on this list such as CareerFoundry’s.

  • App design installability
  • Enhancing your PWA
  • PWA architecture

3. How to choose a free web development course

This can depend on a variety of factors, many of them particular to your own needs: How much time do you have? How do you prefer to learn—by doing, by reading, by watching videos, or a mix?

For example, books can be really useful for those looking to learn a particular language, tool, or framework, but they do have several downsides. Firstly there is the fact that unless you can borrow from a friend or your local library (remember them?), they will cost you money. Secondly, for a lot of people this passive learning style of reading can turn out to be a bit of a slog.

There is a compromise, however—online you’ll find a multitude of free guides and written introductions to programming, notably ones by the big tech companies themselves. Mozilla, creators of the Firefox browser, have a useful frontend web development guide .

The great thing about free web development courses is that they don’t require a serious commitment —you’re able to try several of them out, Goldilocks-style, until you find the one that’s right for you.

4. Free web development courses FAQ

So, now you’ve gone through a range of options of what’s out there, let’s answer some common queries you might have:

Can I learn full-stack developer for free?

With the dizzying range of free web development courses out there, with time and dedication you can definitely become a full-stack developer for free. By using free resources to build your frontend and backend knowledge up, as well as lots of lots of practice, you can pick up the necessary full-stack development skills needed in today’s world.

However, this depends on which way you learn best—for a lot of people having the support and guidance of an experienced tutor and mentor can make all the difference to successfully launching their full-stack career.

Is Udemy for free?

One of the most popular online learning platforms, Udemy offers both free and paid courses for web development. At present they have over 50 free web development courses available on their site, although it’s worth bearing in mind in that the quality of these can vary widely.

Can I learn web development on my own?

Depending on your learning style and what resources you have available, it’s completely possible to learn web development by yourself. The amount of tutorials, books, programs, and even podcasts out there for learning to code nowadays means that you certainly won’t be short of materials. If you opt for this avenue, it’s important to establish a solid learning plan that will keep you motivated along the way.

5. Next steps

So now that you’ve gotten a look at some of the different choices available to you, dig a little deeper into how long each will take, and don’t be afraid to try them out for a few minutes to see how you like it.

Remember that you don’t have to take all of these options, tempting though it might be!

Instead, have a look at either combining two free web development courses for beginners that complement each other. For example, the JavaScript Fundamentals and Node.js tutorials fit together perfectly.

Better yet, however, is one course which gives you a grounding in multiple languages and how they intersect with each other. The CareerFoundry free web development course does just that, teaching you HTML/CSS and JavaScript over the course of just 5 simple lessons. It’s an ideal launchpad for your coding journey.

If you’re interested in reading a bit more about programming before figuring out which direction to go in, have a look at these articles:

  • A Beginner’s Guide To The 10 Most Popular Programming Languages
  • How Much Will I Earn As A JavaScript Expert? The Ultimate JavaScript Developer Salary Guide
  • The Most In-Demand Web Developer Skills in 2024
  • Español – América Latina
  • Português – Brasil
  • Tiếng Việt

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15 Sites To Find Free Web Development Tutorials

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All the resources you need to learn web development can be found online for free. There are plenty of premium courses , but there are also many free tutorials and guides that can teach you everything, from the basics of HTML/CSS to PHP, or even Node development.

In this post, I want to share the top 15 sites and blogs offering the best web dev tutorials. If you pick some tutorials from these sites and put in the time to practice, you’ll be surprised how much you can learn just from free content.

Sites for Free Web Development Tutorials

1. tutsplus.

tutsplus code

The first site on my list is TutsPlus Code , if only for its massive tutorial library. This blog is literally dedicated to tutorials, and it’s one of the few brands that offers consistent, high-quality writing. All their tutorials are super detailed and really aim to dig deep into the subject matter.

You can search tutorials by tags or even browse the whole web development category . Tutorials range from basic HTML5/CSS3 tuts into more complicated libraries and frameworks for languages like JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby.

scotch io

Another detailed blog I really respect is Scotch. They have an entire tutorials category , full of complex web development tutorials.

By following the Scotch tuts, you can rise from a mediocre developer to a surprisingly competent one. Their tuts mostly target intermediate-level developers, so these posts aren’t ideal for early beginners.

But if you really want to improve, you’ll need to try more complicated material. And with a price tag of free, you won’t find many alternatives.

3. Smashing Magazine

smashing magazine

Everyone’s favorite web design magazine also covers a lot of coding tutorials related to frontend development and PHP/WordPress projects.

The Smashing Magazine coding section is full of updated content, with new posts added each month. Most tutorials focus on a single library or concept, like learning Babylon.js or creating a Node.js chat bot .

Smashing’s editorial process is strict, so you know every single tutorial is detailed enough to teach the subject well.

4. W3Schools

w3schools homepage

I’m hesitant to include this site on the list, because so many developers hate the simplicity of the content. But honestly,  W3Schools is the best place for beginners to learn for free.

The site covers everything, from the basics of HTML/CSS to JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, SQL, and other related web languages. It’s often used as a reference guide, but the tutorials are just as helpful when you’re getting started.

5. CSS-Tricks

css tricks

Over the past few years,  CSS-Tricks has seen a meteoric rise. Their content is fresh, unique, and incredibly valuable, covering advanced CSS hacks for modern web development.

But if you go beyond the basics, you’ll find plenty of tutorials posted to the CSS Tricks blog. These are somewhat sparse yet always very detailed.

This is the best site for learning more complex CSS techniques, like creating a CSS/SVG bar chart or scrolling navigation .

6. Auth0 Blog

auth0 blog

Auth0 is an authentication company, so it might seem weird that they’d have any tutorials. But content marketing is a great way to drive relevant traffic, and this is the idea behind the Auth0 Blog .

Most of these tutorials cover features like security, authentication, or SPAs for JavaScript-powered web apps. But they’re all great tutorials, and they can teach really advanced techniques for more experienced web developers.

7. WPBeginner

wp beginner blog

WordPress is the largest CMS on the planet, and it grows larger every year. That’s why sites like WP Beginner are so valuable—because they’re essentially huge treasure troves full of tutorials and handy resources.

If you need to learn how to do anything with WordPress, I guarantee this site has you covered. You can learn basic features, like creating shortcodes , or you can even get into nuanced topics, like custom admin notices , in the admin panel.

If you want to learn anything about WordPress development, then WP Beginner is the only site you’ll need.

8. Laracasts


Instead of building on a CMS, some developers prefer to use custom frameworks like Laravel. This runs on PHP and makes it easy for developers to create PHP-powered applications from scratch.

And with a platform like Laracasts , you can study Laravel from the very beginning. This is actually a premium service, but it offers many free lessons within the library. So you can get started with Laravel for free, then put down money if you want to go further with the screencasts.

Or you can rely on text-based tutorials like TutsPlus for Laravel tutorials .

9. HTML5 Doctor

html5 doctor

Here’s another resource site that also offers a decent amount of tutorials. If you’re new to HTML, then HTML5 Doctor can be a great place to start.

The site offers a full index of all the major HTML elements, with optional attributes and how they work together. But you can browse their collection of articles to see what’s offered and what you can study.

I put this in line with W3Schools, because they both target beginners; once you get through the lessons, you’ll need to find more challenging resources.

10. SitePoint

sitepoint blog

For well over a decade, the folks at SitePoint have published incredible content for all areas of web design and development. Nowadays they’re still pumping out content, but it’s often in higher volume and covering a much broader range of topics.

Each language has its own category, so you can browse tutorials for JavaScript , HTML/CSS , PHP and so much more.

Publishing guidelines are also fairly strict on SitePoint, so this is definitely one of the better sites you can use to your advantage.

11. Tutorials Point

tutorials point

Here’s another blog with a very similar name but a different content strategy. Tutorials Point is a free community full of tutorials for all IT/tech topics.

Naturally, this includes a lot of web programming, like Node and PHP. But you can also learn about databases, Java apps, and all the latest JS frameworks. Check out the web development category to see what topics they cover.

24ways blog

Every December, the 24ways team publishes an advent calendar of articles. This covers 24 articles leading up to Christmas, and these articles are written by thought leaders in all areas of UI/UX design and web development.

Over the years, they’ve published hundreds of posts and thankfully, they’re organized quite well. Try browsing through the code category to find web dev tutorials on every topic you could imagine. You’ll learn technical skills for proper CSS naming , along with guided lessons on subjects like Git management .

13. Eloquent JavaScript

eloquent javascript

Eloquent JavaScript is a book released for free online , and it’s one of the best resources for web developers looking to learn JS the right way.

All 21 chapters are available in their entirety, and you can practice as you go. This is undeniably the best resource for any new JavaScript developer. You can start with no knowledge of scripting and walk away with a very clear understanding of JavaScript development.

14. Shay Howe

shay howe tutorials

Product leader & developer Shay Howe manages his own mini tutorial series teaching how to code HTML and CSS. These tutorials are completely free, and they lead into his book on a similar topic.

But with these tutorials, you can go from a complete newbie to a fairly adept web developer. These lessons won’t teach you everything about frameworks, but they will teach you the fundamentals of writing frontend code.

Shay’s writing style is super easy to read, and I highly recommend his tutorials for complete beginners who just need a place to start.

google search

I know this seems like a cop-out for the last item in this post, but Google really is your best friend. So many developers run their own blogs and sporadically publish awesome tutorials for free.

But these blogs aren’t seen as major hubs for new content, so even if one blog publishes 2-3 awesome tutorials, you’ll never find them unless you search for them. If you need to learn something very specific, hit Google with your keywords and see what comes up.

When in doubt, trust that Google can help you find stuff hidden in the deeper recesses of the Internet.

Final Thoughts

All of these sites are incredible, and I guarantee you can become a talented web developer just from these free tutorials (and lots of practice).

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Jake is a writer and user experience designer on the web. He currently publishes articles related to user experience and user interface design. Find out more on his website or you can follow his updates on Twitter @jakerocheleau

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Learn Web Development for Free and Earn Certificates upon Completion

Web development involves creating web content, applications, and websites using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This field includes both front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) development, encompassing the design, creation, and maintenance of dynamic and interactive web solutions.

Skills Covered

  • Core Technologies: Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and PHP.
  • Scripting Skills: Gain insights into both client-side and server-side scripting.
  • Web Application Development: Understand the complete process of developing web applications.

Web Development Process

The typical workflow in web development starts from scratch, covering:

  • Design and Layout: Crafting the website's visual framework.
  • Coding: Writing precise code for functionality.
  • Database Integration: Setting up databases for data management.
  • Testing and Optimization: Ensuring smooth, efficient operation.
  • Maintenance: Regular updates and troubleshooting.

Collaboration and Communication

Effective web development relies on strong teamwork between developers and clients to:

  • Understand Client Needs: Align the web project with the client’s goals and target audience.
  • Continuous Feedback: Maintain open lines of communication regarding project status and changes.

Importance of Learning Web Development

Learning web development is crucial due to:

  • Career Opportunities: High demand in various sectors such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.
  • Skill Development: Mastery over crucial technologies and design principles.
  • Versatility: Ability to create tailored, robust web applications for diverse platforms.

Great Learning provides extensive online courses in web development, tailored for both beginners and experienced developers. Join Great Learning's comprehensive web development courses to advance your career.

Check out some of our free web development courses: 

  • HTML Tutorial
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Introduction to AngularJS

Explore new and trending free online courses

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Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

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Generative AI for beginners

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ChatGPT for Excel

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Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning

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Getting Started with Gemini (Bard)

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Cyber Security Threats

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Data Visualization With Power BI

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Microsoft Azure Essentials

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Interview Preparation using Gemini

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IDEs for Data Science

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Introduction to Google Ads Campaign

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How to Build your own Chatbot using Python?

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Google Gemini for Coders

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Basics of Data Visualization for Data Science


Front End Developer

Back-end developer.

Back-end Developer

Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer

  • Software Developer

Frequently Asked Questions

There's no prior experience necessary to begin, but before you learn advanced courses, complete introductory courses to have solid foundations and develop an interest in working on web applications.  

These courses include 2-6 hours of comprehensive video lectures. These courses are, however, self-paced, and you can complete them at your convenience.   

Once you enroll in the Web Development courses, you have lifetime access to it. So, you can log in anytime and learn it for free online.

Upon completing these free Web Development courses, you will gain knowledge and skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and many web development technologies. You will also learn design principles and techniques to create user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing websites and the basics of web hosting and server management. Additionally, you will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of web application development and how to use frameworks such as React, Angular, PHP, and Node.js to build interactive web applications.  

Yes, you can enroll in as many courses as you want from Great Learning Academy. There is no limit to the number of courses you can enroll in at once, but since the courses offered by Great Learning Academy are free, we suggest you learn one by one to get the best out of the subject.

Yes. You will have lifetime access to these courses after enrolling in them and access to certificates after completing the course.  

Yes. After completing them successfully, you will receive a certificate of completion for each course.   

Great Learning Academy provides these Web Development courses for free online. The courses are self-paced and help you understand various topics that fall under the subject with solved problems and demonstrated examples. The courses are carefully designed, keeping in mind to cater to both beginners and professionals, and are delivered by subject experts.

Great Learning is a global ed-tech platform dedicated to developing competent professionals. Great Learning Academy is an initiative by Great Learning that offers in-demand free online courses to help people advance in their jobs. More than 5 million learners from 140 countries have benefited from Great Learning Academy's free online courses with certificates. It is a one-stop place for all of a learner's goals.

Enrolling in any of the Great Learning Academy’s courses is just a one step process. Sign-up for the courses, you are interested in learning through your E-mail ID and start learning them for free online.

These are free courses; you can enroll in them and learn for free online.   

These free Web Development courses give you a competitive edge in your professional life. Register for the Full-Stack Developer course to further gain professional knowledge after completing these free courses. 

Yes, it is worth learning about web development because it is a rapidly growing field with many opportunities for those with the knowledge and skills to develop and maintain websites. Additionally, web development provides an excellent foundation for many other related and related fields, such as software engineering and digital marketing.

Web development is popular because it enables businesses to create websites and applications that are accessible to a wide range of users, and it allows them to reach a global audience. Additionally, web development is relatively easy to learn, and there are various tools and frameworks to make development faster and easier.  

Jobs that are directly related to web development are,

  • Web Developer
  • Web Designer 
  • UI Developer
  • Web Programmer
  • Webmaster  

Great Learning Academy offers a wide range of high-quality, completely free Web Development courses. From beginner to advanced level, these free courses are designed to help you improve your Web Development and Software Engineering skills and achieve your goals. All these courses come with a certificate of completion, so you can demonstrate your new skills to the world. Start learning today and discover the benefits of free Web Development courses!  

These courses have no prerequisites. Anybody can learn from these courses for free online.   

To learn Web Development basics and advance concepts from these courses, you need to,

  • Go to the course page
  • Click on the "Enroll for Free" button
  • Start learning the Web Development course for free online.   

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100 Most Popular Courses For September

free online web development websites

Harvard and MIT’s $800 Million Mistake: The Triple Failure of 2U, edX, and Axim Collaborative

The future of Coursera’s only credible alternative for universities rests in the hands of 2U’s creditors.

  • 1000s of Free Digital Marketing Courses
  • 10 Best Data Analysis Courses for 2024: From Data to Insights
  • Replacing Bad Study Habits with Effective Learning Techniques
  • [2024] 1800+ Coursera Courses Still Completely Free
  • 7 Best Autodesk Maya Courses for 2024: Exploring 3D Animation

600 Free Google Certifications

Most common

  • computer science

Popular subjects

Language Learning

Communication Skills

Microsoft Excel

Popular courses

Crisis Resource Management

Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course)

Tsinghua Chinese: Start Talking with 1.3 Billion People

Organize and share your learning with Class Central Lists.

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Web Development Courses and Certifications

Learn Web Development, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from Harvard, Stanford, University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.

  • Django Courses
  • Web Design Courses
  • Software Development Courses
  • React Courses
  • HTML & CSS Courses
  • Javascript Courses
  • Cloud Computing Courses
  • WordPress Courses

Class Central's Top Web Development Courses

We've picked the best online courses to learn Web Development from the Class Central catalog.

Some courses are concise and get you up to speed in no time, others will be more comprehensive.

Responsive Web Design

Learn html and css, front-end web developer, foundations: web development, html, css, and javascript for web developers.

  • Show all 5 courses

All Web Development Courses

  • With certificate (4604)
  • Free course (7475)
  • With free certificate (59)
  • University course only (201)
  • Beginner (3441)
  • Intermediate (1212)
  • Advanced (140)
  • < 30 mins (1941)
  • 30 - 60 mins (2760)
  • 1 - 2 hours (2697)
  • 2 - 5 hours (2238)
  • 5 - 10 hours (913)
  • 10+ hours (1341)
  • English (10798)
  • Arabic (81)
  • Bengali (5)
  • Chinese (34)
  • French (86)
  • German (50)
  • Hindi (312)
  • Hungarian (2)
  • Indonesian (16)
  • Italian (31)
  • Japanese (60)
  • Kannada (1)
  • Korean (11)
  • Polish (15)
  • Portuguese (144)
  • Romanian (1)
  • Russian (27)
  • Spanish (535)
  • Turkish (127)
  • Vietnamese (4)

Introduction to HTML5

This course will appeal to a wide variety of people, but specifically those who would like a step-by-step description of the basics. There are no prerequisites for this course and it is assumed that students have no prior programming skills or IT experie…

  • 11 hours 25 minutes
  • Free Online Course (Audit)

CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

This course picks up where CS50 leaves off, diving more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap.

  • 12 weeks, 6-9 hours a week

Learn to create responsive web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Develop skills to build modern, user-friendly applications that adapt to various screen sizes and utilize Ajax for server-side functionality.

  • 8 hours 38 minutes

Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Aprenda HTML, CSS e JavaScript para criar páginas web interativas e responsivas. Domine elementos básicos, estilos, layouts e programação para controlar conteúdo e interatividade.

  • 1 day 1 hour 30 minutes

Introduction to CSS3

Learn to enhance web pages with CSS3, covering fonts, colors, layouts, and accessibility guidelines for effective and inclusive design.

  • 16 hours 58 minutes

CS50's Introduction to Computer Science

An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.

  • 12 weeks, 6-18 hours a week

Full Stack Open

Learn React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and TypeScript in one go! This course will introduce you to modern JavaScript-based web development.

  • Independent
  • 12-13 weeks, 15-20 hours a week
  • Free Certificate

Front End Web Developer

Master HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build responsive websites and dynamic web applications with hands-on projects. Develop a portfolio showcasing your front-end development skills and expertise.

  • 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 16 hours
  • Paid Course

Interactivity with JavaScript

Learn to create interactive websites using JavaScript. Covers variables, functions, DOM manipulation, event handling, and form validation. Culminates in building an interactive HTML5 form project.

  • 9 hours 30 minutes

Advanced Styling with Responsive Design

Expand CSS3 skills with wireframes, fluid design, media queries, and styling paradigms. Master mobile-first approach, cross-platform design, and frameworks like Bootstrap for responsive web development.

  • 11 hours 12 minutes

Learn to design and build interactive, professional websites that adapt to different screen sizes. Master responsive layouts, navigation, and data-display separation using JavaScript and templates.

  • 1 day 2 hours 20 minutes

Frontend Web Development Bootcamp Course (JavaScript, HTML, CSS)

Comprehensive JavaScript, HTML, and CSS training with hands-on projects. Master essential frontend skills through practical challenges, from basic syntax to responsive design and DOM manipulation.

  • freeCodeCamp
  • Free Online Course

How To Create a Website in a Weekend! (Project-Centered Course)

Design, build, and publish a basic website with text, sound, images, hyperlinks, plug-ins, and social media interactivity using WordPress. Learn domain setup, layout design, and mobile optimization.

  • 13 hours 40 minutes

Full Stack Web Developer

Learn to build scalable server-side web apps with SQL, APIs, security, and containerization. Master full-stack development for robust, data-driven applications supporting various front-ends.

  • 17 weeks, 5-10 hours a week

Introduction to Front-End Development

Learn to create responsive webpages using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Explore core web technologies, understand front-end development roles, and gain practical skills for building interactive user interfaces.

  • 18 hours 34 minutes

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Create a website without limits

Build and scale with confidence. From a powerful website builder to advanced business solutions—we’ve got you covered.

Start for free. No credit card required.

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One platform, infinite possibilities

Build a website.

Design with a full suite of intuitive tools and powerful AI to create the site you want.

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Website templates that set you up for success

Get a headstart on your journey with 900+ free, customizable website templates , strategically researched and tailored for every industry — or start from a blank canvas on our website builder.

Website for homepage skincare brand.

Build more than a website

Get secure web hosting, a custom domain and a full business solution tailored to your needs. So whether you’re selling online, starting a blog, building a community or anything else—your site will do more than just look good, it will be the core of your business.

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A website builder engineered for growth

Faster loading.

Wix is designed for performance so your site loads faster.

Built with SEO in mind

Get the SEO capabilities you need to optimize your site for search visibility.

Enterprise-grade security

We keep your site and visitors’ data protected, 24/7.

Resilient infrastructure

Multi-cloud hosting ensures 99.9% uptime, even during traffic spikes.

Accessible for everyone

Make your own website inclusive with built-in accessibility tools .

Take your business where it needs to go

A screenshot of a user selecting a color and adding a scooter helmet product to their cart-on an eCommerce website created on Wix.

Sell online and manage your business with powerful eCommerce solutions.

Blog post about coffee shops

Create a free blog, grow a loyal audience and monetize your content.

Options for booking beauty treatments with Wix Bookings

Offer services and deliver a seamless booking experience for your clients.

Homepage of a portfolio website featuring a portrait shot of the artist.

Showcase your work and attract new clients with an online portfolio.

Website domain

Domain and hosting

Get scalable, free web hosting when you create your own website, and connect a professional domain name .

Logo maker tool creating a customized icon for a cosmetics company.

Branding tools

Establish a strong brand identity with a customizable logo , color and text themes, and more.

Drive traffic that converts

Promote your business and reach the right audience:

Complete SEO solution

Google, FB & IG ads

AI powered email campaigns

Social posts and more

Social media and email marketing campaign for a coffee roaster.

Manage your business like a pro

Capture leads, get reports and insights, automate your business, and more from desktop or on the go from your phone with the Wix Owner app .

Everything is synced for seamless management experience.

How to create a website for free

Follow these 6 simple steps to create a website today

​ Choose a platform. Sign up for a secure, reliable and powerful website builder.

​ Start creating. Choose from 900+ fully-functional templates or use the AI website builder.

Customize your website. Use the drag-and-drop editor and tailor your site to fit your brand.

​Optimize for search engines. Increase your site’s visibility with a suite of built-in SEO tools.

Publish your website. Register and connect a custom domain name and go live.

Promote and drive traffic. Use built-in marketing tools to grow and expand your reach.

Get inspired, gain new skills and see what’s trending

A design website being designed using the Wix Editor.

How to design a website in 2024

Frame from a course on Wix Learn.

Online courses to get you started

eCommerce website featuring a chart that showcases an increase in sales.

13 ways to monetize your website

A display of 2 inspiring Wix websites.

15 Wix websites to inspire you

Why the Wix website builder is the best choice for you

When you create a website using our website builder, everything is there to build your business the way you want. Run it with total peace of mind knowing that there’s enterprise-grade infrastructure built into every site with free reliable web hosting, around-the-clock maintenance and fully managed security.

Use our tailor-made, customizable templates, AI capabilities and 1000s of design features to help bring your vision to life. You can also add your own code for total design control.

Bring more people to your site and convert visitors with a wide range of built-in eCommerce and business solutions like SEO and marketing tools. Plus, you’ll always have the support you need with 27/4 customer care.

You can start by creating a free website with Wix. Over 250 million people worldwide have chosen us to grow online. You can, too.

We’re here for you

Get answers.

Watch tutorials and read detailed articles in the Wix Help Center.

Get support by chat or schedule a call with a Customer Care Expert.

Get help at any stage—from site creation to online growth.

Is it easy to build a website?

Yes. Wix offers a few different ways to create your own website, so you can choose the creation process that works best for you. Pick from 900+ designer-made templates, or use our AI website builder to create a business-ready site in no time using a conversational interface. You can also start from scratch using Wix’s drag-and-drop website builder . Whichever way you choose, you can always continue customizing in the Editor for total website design freedom.

How much does it cost to build a website?

The cost of building a website varies depending on the features you need and whether you opt to build it yourself with a website builder or pay a developer to build it for you. On a website builder such as Wix, you can build as many websites as you want for free, however, you’ll have to upgrade to a Premium plan to connect a custom domain, accept payments and get advanced business features. The cost of building a website is significantly higher if you don’t opt for an all-inclusive platform like Wix.

What types of websites can you build on Wix?

With our website creator, you have the freedom to design a site that perfectly fits your needs. You can build business websites for any industry with a whole host of different features. You can sell products with an online store , sell services and take bookings , share your thoughts on a blog , showcase your work with a beautiful portfolio , and much more. Our solutions are built not only for a variety of industries but also for businesses of all sizes, from a personal brand to an enterprise corporation .

How do I create a website?

Here’s how to create your own website in 6 steps:

Plan your website. First, think about the type of site you’re creating and your target audience. With that in mind, you can start mapping out the pages you want to incorporate like the “About” and “Contact” pages, perhaps a blog or a photo gallery, and a page for products or services.

Build with AI or choose a template. Chat with our AI website builder about your business and preferences to instantly get a fully functional and customizable website built for you. You can also start by choosing from a variety of templates, all professionally designed with the best site practices in mind.

Customize your website. Whether you start with AI or a template, you can use our intuitive drag and drop editor to customize every aspect of your site to match your brand. Your site will also be automatically optimized for mobile, but in the editor you have the option to make changes and customize your site’s mobile view.

Get a domain name. When trying to come up with the perfect domain name, you can use Wix to search and register available names, or connect an existing one to your new site.

Optimize for search engines. Use a suite of advanced SEO tools to help you optimize your site and increase organic traffic.

Publish and promote your website. Once you’re happy with your site, you’re ready to hit ‘publish’ and start gaining traffic. Now’s the time to promote your site with built-in marketing tools and streamline your customer management processes with a smart CRM system.

By following these steps, you'll be able to build a powerful online presence that drives business growth.

Can I create a website without knowing how to code?

Absolutely. Wix is an HTML website builder that makes it possible to create a high-quality website without knowing how to code. In the Wix Editor, you can drag and drop any feature you want and customize it to match the look and feel of your site. Of course, if you do know how to code, you can add advanced functionality to your site with Velo.

Should I use a website builder or hire a developer?

Wix’s no-code website builder is intuitive to use. However, if you are looking for expert help you can explore the Wix Marketplace to find a certified freelancer or agency at a price that fits your budget.

How do I build and host my site for free?

When you create a free website with Wix, you get reliable, scalable and free web hosting. All your web content will be stored on secure servers located around the world. So no matter where your visitors come from, your site will load fast.

How can I make sure my data and my visitors’ data is secure?

At Wix, we take care of security for you. With every site you get enterprise-grade security . From threat prevention to real-time detection and rapid response, security is fully managed by our dedicated team of experts—24/7. This includes data encryption in transit using HTTPS, TLS 1.2+ and an automatic SSL certificate.

How do I create a free website with a custom domain?

You can create a free website with Wix that comes with a Wix domain. To instantly look more professional online, get a custom domain name . It adds credibility to your brand and helps visitors find you online. You can start building your brand by using your domain in a custom email address ( [email protected] ), your social channels, email marketing campaigns and more. For inspiration use our Business Name Generator .

How can I optimize my site for SEO on Wix?

All Wix sites come with best-practice SEO defaults, including utilizing server-side rendering, customizable meta tags for all site pages, structured data markup, dynamic XML sitemaps, and more. Plus, you get a suite of built-in SEO tools to help you compete in organic search. Learn more .

Can I use a website builder to create a landing page?

Yes, you can create any kind of landing page with Wix, including a landing page or one-page website . Explore beautiful HTML landing page templates and get started with the landing page builder.

Can I use 3rd party apps with my website?

Yes, there are hundreds of Wix-made and 3rd party integrations available through your dashboard and the Wix App Market . These apps integrate seamlessly with your site and can help you with website creation, business management, marketing and so much more. Popular integrations include Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and Zapier, just to name a few.

How can I design a logo for my website for free?

You can design your own logo for free with the intuitive Wix Logo Maker . Any logo you create is ready to go in high resolution for digital or print so your brand stays consistent.

Tomorrow’s success starts today.

1000+ Free Developer Certifications

1000+ Free Developer Certifications

By Dhawal Shah

Did you know that organizations such as freeCodeCamp, Google, and Harvard offer online courses to help you learn software development? And that many of these include free certificates and badges?

To help you choose one that's right for you, I've created a full list.

As avid online learners, my Class Central colleagues and I have completed hundreds of online courses over the years, including many with free certificates, as you can see in the collage below.

In 2023, free certificates have become rarer. But if you know where to look, there is still an abundance of free certificates available online for learning software development.


As you likely know, freeCodeCamp offers free certifications . But so do big tech companies and institutions such as Google, Microsoft, and Harvard.

In this article, we bring together all the free certificates and badges that are scattered across the web. In total, the platforms below offer over 1000 free certificate courses for learning software development.


I started Class Central back in 2011, when universities such as Stanford began to offer some of their courses online for free. Since then, the Class Central database has grown to over 100K online courses .

Having written about online education for over a decade, I remember when platforms like Coursera and edX offered free certificates. Then, rather abruptly, free certificates seemed to pretty much disappear .

This inspired us to write a Massive List of Free Certificates and Badges . To our surprise, we discovered there were still thousands of free certificates available online. To date, that article has received 2M views.

In the same vein, this article aims to draw attention to the organizations that continue to support open education in software development by offering free certificate courses. These include:

  • Learning platforms — for instance, freeCodeCamp, LinkedIn Learning, and FutureLearn.
  • Leading universities — for instance, Harvard, the University of Helsinki, and HPI.
  • Big tech companies — for instance, Google, Microsoft, and IBM.

Without further ado, here are the platforms where you can find 1000+ free developer certifications.

freeCodeCamp's Free Certifications


The natural starting point: freeCodeCamp , the website you’re currently on, where you can learn how to code for free.

The platform offers thousands of hours of learning content, broken down into certifications on subjects such as web development and data science.

Here are the certifications currently offered:

  • Responsive Web Design ★★★★★(77)
  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures ★★★★★(31)
  • Front End Development Libraries ★★★★★(4)
  • Data Analysis with Python ★★★★★(4)
  • Quality Assurance ★★★★★(4)
  • Machine Learning with Python ★★★★★(4)
  • Scientific Computing with Python ★★★★★(1)
  • Data Visualization ★★★★★(1)
  • Back End Development and APIs ★★★★★(1)
  • Relational Database (Beta) ★★★★★(1)
  • Information Security ★★★★☆(6)

600+ Free Google Certifications


Google has launched several initiatives to teach people skills such as coding, digital marketing, and data analytics. You can find a complete list in our dedicated article .

Below is a selection of Google’s offerings:

  • Google Analytics for Beginners ★★★★★(38)
  • Get started with Google Maps Platform - web ★★★★★(4)
  • Google Ads Search Certification ★★★★★(2)
  • Google Analytics for Power Users ★★★★★(1)
  • Google Cloud Essentials ★★★★★(1)
  • Application Development - Python ★★★★★(1)
  • YouTube Music Certification ★★★★★(1)
  • Shopping ads Certification ★★★★★(1)
  • Creating with Google Maps ★★★★☆(1)
  • Intro to ML: Language Processing ★★★★☆(1)

Harvard Free Certificate Courses


Harvard offers a series of academic online courses exploring various facets of computer science, including programming fundamentals and AI. You can find all the details in our dedicated article .

Here are Harvard’s current free certificate offerings:

  • Introduction to Computer Science ★★★★★(140)
  • Computer Science for Business Professionals ★★★★★(14)
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python ★★★★★(11)
  • Web Programming with Python and JavaScript ★★★★★(22)
  • Computer Science for Lawyers ★★★★★(5)
  • Understanding Technology ★★★★★(10)
  • Introduction to Programming with Python ★★★★★(2)
  • Introduction to Programming with Scratch ★★★★★(2)
  • Introduction to Game Development ★★★★☆(3)

1000s of Free Microsoft Badges


Microsoft offers thousands of modules and hundreds of learning paths to explore the company’s products, including Office 365, Visual Studio, and Azure. Once you finish a course, you’ll get a badge on your learner profile.

Here are some of the courses offered by Microsoft:

  • Create and use analytics reports with Power BI ★★★★★(2)
  • AZ-104: Configure and manage virtual networks for Azure administrators ★★★★★(2)
  • Implement a Windows Server hybrid cloud infrastructure ★★★★★(1)
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM): Explore Dynamics 365 Marketing ★★★★★(1)
  • Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals: Explore visual tools for machine learning ★★★★☆(1)
  • Getting Started with Microsoft PowerShell
  • Classify space rocks by using Python and artificial intelligence
  • Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe cloud concepts
  • Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals: Get started with AI

1000s of Hours of LinkedIn Learning Courses with Free Certification


LinkedIn Learning , the online learning platform integrated with the LinkedIn professional social network, offers hundreds of online courses and learning paths that include a free certificate. Here too, we have a dedicated article with a full list.

Here’s a selection of LinkedIn Learning free certificate courses:

  • Communication Foundations
  • Prepare for the CompTIA A+ Certification (220-1001 and 220-1002)
  • Entrepreneurship Foundations
  • Prepare for the CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Certification
  • Agile Requirements Foundations
  • Finding a Job during Challenging Economic Times
  • Administrative Professional Tips
  • Professional Soft Skills Learning Pathway
  • Video Interview Tips
  • Recovering from a Layoff

University of Helsinki Free Certificates


The University of Helsinki offers academic online courses through its independent course platform,, including the following courses which include a free certificate of completion:

  • Elements of AI ★★★★★(715)
  • Full Stack open 2022 ★★★★★(5)
  • Java Programming ★★★★★(2)
  • Cyber Security Base 2022 ★★★★★(2)
  • Building AI ★★★★☆(13)
  • DevOps with Kubernetes
  • Ethics of AI
  • DevOps with Docker
  • Python Programming MOOC 2022
  • Functional programming with Clojure

1000s of Free Salesforce Badges


Salesforce , the cloud-based software provider, offers online courses through its Trailhead platform. You can learn skills related to Salesforce products. But you can also find courses on broader topics, such as blockchain or IOS development.

There are 1300+ modules and 100+ hands-on projects accessible free of charge on the platform. After finishing a module, you will get a free badge for your profile.

  • Developer Beginner
  • Developer Intermediate
  • Developer Advanced
  • Build Lightning Web Components
  • AWS Cloud for Technical Professionals
  • Develop with Mobile SDK
  • Manage the Salesforce Way
  • Get Started with iOS App Development
  • Discover Trailhead Sample Apps
  • Build Your Career in the Salesforce Ecosystem

MongoDB Free Certificates


MongoDB , the popular NoSQL database, offers free certificate courses through its learning platform, MongoDB University . Through these, you’ll learn database fundamentals of databases, and how to interact with them using various programming languages.

Here are some of the certificate courses MongoDB offers:

  • MongoDB for Java Developers ★★★★★(18)
  • MongoDB for Javascript Developers ★★★★★(1)
  • MongoDB Basics ★★★★★(2)
  • MongoDB for .NET Developers ★★★★☆(3)
  • Basic Cluster Administration
  • MongoDB for Python Developers
  • MongoDB Performance
  • Diagnostics and Debugging
  • MongoDB for SQL Pros
  • Data Modeling

Redis Free Certificates


Redis is a flexible data storage solution, akin to a lightweight database, that is used a lot in web development. Redis has a dedicated online learning platform, Redis University , where they offer free certificate courses to learn how to use Redis. These include:

  • Redis for JavaScript Developers ★★★★★(1)
  • Introduction to Redis Data Structures ★★★★★(1)
  • Querying, Indexing, and Full-Text Search ★★★★☆(1)
  • Redis for Java Developers
  • Redis for Python Developers
  • Redis Streams
  • Redis Security
  • Running Redis at Scale

Cisco Free Certifications


Cisco , the IT and networking giant, offers a series of self-paced online courses through its Networking Academy platform that include a free certificate of completion. Here’s the list:

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity ★★★★★(2)
  • CPA: Programming Essentials in C++ ★★★★★(1)
  • Cisco Packet Tracer ★★★★★(1)
  • Cybersecurity Essentials ★★★★☆(3)
  • Networking Essentials
  • Introduction to IoT
  • NDG Linux Essentials
  • PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python
  • Entrepreneurship
  • JavaScript Essentials 1 (JSE)

90+ IBM Free Certificates


IBM’s platform offers 90 courses and 10 learning paths in data science, AI, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain.

The platform also provides a virtual lab environment allowing users to practice what they’ve learned in the courses. To earn a badge or certificate of completion, you need to score at least 70% in a course.

Here’s a selection of their free certificate courses:

  • Deep Learning with TensorFlow
  • Build Swift Mobile Apps with Watson AI Services
  • Accelerating Deep Learning with GPUs
  • Data Visualization with R
  • Introduction to Open Source
  • Using R with Databases
  • Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
  • Predictive Modeling Fundamentals
  • Text Analytics 101
  • Mathematical Optimization for Business Problems

Kaggle Free Certificates


Kaggle is an online community for data scientists and aspiring data scientists alike. It offers over 50K public datasets, allowing you to build your own data science projects through Jupyter notebooks, and participate in competitions.

In addition, the platform offers a series of courses to learn the fundamentals of data science. Each leads to a certificate of completion.

  • Python ★★★★★(3)
  • Intro to SQL ★★★★☆(1)
  • Computer Vision ★★★★☆(1)
  • Intro to Machine Learning
  • Data Visualization
  • Intro to Deep Learning
  • Data Cleaning
  • Intro to AI Ethics
  • Machine Learning Explainability

HackerRank Free Certificates


HackerRank , a platform for learning algorithms and data structures and preparing for coding interviews, provides skills certifications tests in topics such as problem solving, Python, and JavaScript.

Here are some of the tests you may complete to earn a certificate:

  • Problem Solving (Basic)
  • Python (Basic) Skills Certification
  • Java (Basic) Skills Certification
  • C# (Basic) Skills Certification
  • JavaScript (Basic) Skills Certification
  • SQL (Basic) Skills Certification
  • Go (Basic) Skills Certification
  • R (Basic) Skills Certification
  • Node (Basic) Skills Certification

30+ DataCamp Free Certificates


DataCamp is a popular online platform for — you guessed it — learning about data science, but also general programming. The platform offers a series of courses that culminate in a statement of accomplishment. Here’s a selection:

  • Beginning Bayes in R
  • Basic Statistics
  • Kaggle Python Tutorial on Machine Learning
  • SQL Tutorial for Marketers
  • Introduction to Python & Machine Learning
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Plotly Tutorial: Plotly and R
  • Tidy Data in Python Mini-Course
  • Introducción a Python (in Spanish)
  • Introducción a R

100s of Great Learning Free Certificates


Great Learning offers over a hundred free certificate courses in a wide variety of subjects, such as AI, data science, programming, cloud computing, and digital marketing. Here’s a selection:

  • Microsoft Azure Essentials
  • Data Analytics using Excel
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Cloud Computing Foundations
  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Introduction to NoSQL
  • Introduction to Design Thinking
  • Python Foundations
  • Python Fundamentals for Beginners

60+ upGrad Free Certificates


upGrad is an online learning platform that offers over 60 free programs on subjects such as data science, business analytics, and technology.

Once you complete all the modules of a program, you’ll receive a certificate of completion.

Here are some of the free programs offered on upGrad:

  • Programming with Python: Introduction for Beginners
  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel
  • Introduction to Database Design with MySQL
  • Data Science in E-commerce
  • Introduction to Cryptocurrency
  • React.js For Beginners
  • Node.js For Beginners
  • Core Java Basics
  • Introduction to Blockchain Technology

100+ FutureLearn Free Certificates


FutureLearn , the European counterpart to Coursera and edX, offers hundreds of courses that include a “digital upgrade” — which, among others, entails a free certificate of completion. Again, you can find more details in our dedicated article .

Here’s a list of some of FutureLearn’s free offerings:

  • Digital Skills: Digital Skills for Work and Life ★★★★★(2)
  • Digital Skills: Digital Marketing ★★★★☆(7)
  • Digital Skills: Web Analytics ★★★★★(1)
  • Digital Skills: Social Media ★★★★☆(6)
  • Digital Skills: Artificial Intelligence ★★★★☆(2)
  • Digital Skills: User Experience ★★★★☆(1)
  • Introduction to Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
  • Digital Skills: Reimagine Your Career
  • Transforming Assessment and Recognition of Complex Learning Competencies
  • Digital Skills: Mobile

Jovian Free Certificates


Jovian is an online data science bootcamp that offers a handful of free certificate courses. Here’s the list:

  • Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs
  • Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas
  • Machine Learning with Python: Zero to GBMs
  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
  • Natural Language Processing: Zero to NLP

GitLab Free Certificates


GitLab , the popular version control website for hosting your repos, also offers free online courses to grow your professional skills.

Here are the free certifications on the platform:

  • GitLab 101 Tool Certification
  • GitLab 201 Tool Certification
  • GitLab All-Remote Certification
  • GitLab Manager Challenge

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With Framer, you don't need any prior coding or development experience to build a professional website. Its intuitive visual interface make it accessible to anyone, regardless of their technical background.

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Framer stands out with its design freedom, seamless Figma integration, and powerful features like advanced animations, custom code components, and AI tools. 

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Framer offers both free and paid plans to cater to different needs and budgets. The free plan provides access to essential features, while paid plans offer advanced capabilities like custom domains, analytics, and priority support.

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