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Powerful and Effective Presentation Skills: More in Demand Now Than Ever

what is presentation training

When we talk with our L&D colleagues from around the globe, we often hear that presentation skills training is one of the top opportunities they’re looking to provide their learners. And this holds true whether their learners are individual contributors, people managers, or senior leaders. This is not surprising.

Effective communications skills are a powerful career activator, and most of us are called upon to communicate in some type of formal presentation mode at some point along the way.

For instance, you might be asked to brief management on market research results, walk your team through a new process, lay out the new budget, or explain a new product to a client or prospect. Or you may want to build support for a new idea, bring a new employee into the fold, or even just present your achievements to your manager during your performance review.

And now, with so many employees working from home or in hybrid mode, and business travel in decline, there’s a growing need to find new ways to make effective presentations when the audience may be fully virtual or a combination of in person and remote attendees.

Whether you’re making a standup presentation to a large live audience, or a sit-down one-on-one, whether you’re delivering your presentation face to face or virtually, solid presentation skills matter.

Even the most seasoned and accomplished presenters may need to fine-tune or update their skills. Expectations have changed over the last decade or so. Yesterday’s PowerPoint which primarily relied on bulleted points, broken up by the occasional clip-art image, won’t cut it with today’s audience.

The digital revolution has revolutionized the way people want to receive information. People expect presentations that are more visually interesting. They expect to see data, metrics that support assertions. And now, with so many previously in-person meetings occurring virtually, there’s an entirely new level of technical preparedness required.

The leadership development tools and the individual learning opportunities you’re providing should include presentation skills training that covers both the evergreen fundamentals and the up-to-date capabilities that can make or break a presentation.

So, just what should be included in solid presentation skills training? Here’s what I think.

The fundamentals will always apply When it comes to making a powerful and effective presentation, the fundamentals will always apply. You need to understand your objective. Is it strictly to convey information, so that your audience’s knowledge is increased? Is it to persuade your audience to take some action? Is it to convince people to support your idea? Once you understand what your objective is, you need to define your central message. There may be a lot of things you want to share with your audience during your presentation, but find – and stick with – the core, the most important point you want them to walk away with. And make sure that your message is clear and compelling.

You also need to tailor your presentation to your audience. Who are they and what might they be expecting? Say you’re giving a product pitch to a client. A technical team may be interested in a lot of nitty-gritty product detail. The business side will no doubt be more interested in what returns they can expect on their investment.

Another consideration is the setting: is this a formal presentation to a large audience with questions reserved for the end, or a presentation in a smaller setting where there’s the possibility for conversation throughout? Is your presentation virtual or in-person? To be delivered individually or as a group? What time of the day will you be speaking? Will there be others speaking before you and might that impact how your message will be received?

Once these fundamentals are established, you’re in building mode. What are the specific points you want to share that will help you best meet your objective and get across your core message? Now figure out how to convey those points in the clearest, most straightforward, and succinct way. This doesn’t mean that your presentation has to be a series of clipped bullet points. No one wants to sit through a presentation in which the presenter reads through what’s on the slide. You can get your points across using stories, fact, diagrams, videos, props, and other types of media.

Visual design matters While you don’t want to clutter up your presentation with too many visual elements that don’t serve your objective and can be distracting, using a variety of visual formats to convey your core message will make your presentation more memorable than slides filled with text. A couple of tips: avoid images that are cliched and overdone. Be careful not to mix up too many different types of images. If you’re using photos, stick with photos. If you’re using drawn images, keep the style consistent. When data are presented, stay consistent with colors and fonts from one type of chart to the next. Keep things clear and simple, using data to support key points without overwhelming your audience with too much information. And don’t assume that your audience is composed of statisticians (unless, of course, it is).

When presenting qualitative data, brief videos provide a way to engage your audience and create emotional connection and impact. Word clouds are another way to get qualitative data across.

Practice makes perfect You’ve pulled together a perfect presentation. But it likely won’t be perfect unless it’s well delivered. So don’t forget to practice your presentation ahead of time. Pro tip: record yourself as you practice out loud. This will force you to think through what you’re going to say for each element of your presentation. And watching your recording will help you identify your mistakes—such as fidgeting, using too many fillers (such as “umm,” or “like”), or speaking too fast.

A key element of your preparation should involve anticipating any technical difficulties. If you’ve embedded videos, make sure they work. If you’re presenting virtually, make sure that the lighting is good, and that your speaker and camera are working. Whether presenting in person or virtually, get there early enough to work out any technical glitches before your presentation is scheduled to begin. Few things are a bigger audience turn-off than sitting there watching the presenter struggle with the delivery mechanisms!

Finally, be kind to yourself. Despite thorough preparation and practice, sometimes, things go wrong, and you need to recover in the moment, adapt, and carry on. It’s unlikely that you’ll have caused any lasting damage and the important thing is to learn from your experience, so your next presentation is stronger.

How are you providing presentation skills training for your learners?

Manika Gandhi is Senior Learning Design Manager at Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning. Email her at [email protected] .

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What is a Presentation?

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The formal presentation of information is divided into two broad categories: Presentation Skills and Personal Presentation .

These two aspects are interwoven and can be described as the preparation, presentation and practice of verbal and non-verbal communication. 

This article describes what a presentation is and defines some of the key terms associated with presentation skills.

Many people feel terrified when asked to make their first public talk.  Some of these initial fears can be reduced by good preparation that also lays the groundwork for making an effective presentation.

A Presentation Is...

A presentation is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team.

A presentation can also be used as a broad term that encompasses other ‘speaking engagements’ such as making a speech at a wedding, or getting a point across in a video conference.

To be effective, step-by-step preparation and the method and means of presenting the information should be carefully considered. 

A presentation requires you to get a message across to the listeners and will often contain a ' persuasive ' element. It may, for example, be a talk about the positive work of your organisation, what you could offer an employer, or why you should receive additional funding for a project.

The Key Elements of a Presentation

Making a presentation is a way of communicating your thoughts and ideas to an audience and many of our articles on communication are also relevant here, see: What is Communication? for more.

Consider the following key components of a presentation:

Ask yourself the following questions to develop a full understanding of the context of the presentation.

When and where will you deliver your presentation?

There is a world of difference between a small room with natural light and an informal setting, and a huge lecture room, lit with stage lights. The two require quite different presentations, and different techniques.

Will it be in a setting you are familiar with, or somewhere new?

If somewhere new, it would be worth trying to visit it in advance, or at least arriving early, to familiarise yourself with the room.

Will the presentation be within a formal or less formal setting?

A work setting will, more or less by definition, be more formal, but there are also various degrees of formality within that.

Will the presentation be to a small group or a large crowd?

Are you already familiar with the audience?

With a new audience, you will have to build rapport quickly and effectively, to get them on your side.

What equipment and technology will be available to you, and what will you be expected to use?

In particular, you will need to ask about microphones and whether you will be expected to stand in one place, or move around.

What is the audience expecting to learn from you and your presentation?

Check how you will be ‘billed’ to give you clues as to what information needs to be included in your presentation.

All these aspects will change the presentation. For more on this, see our page on Deciding the Presentation Method .

The role of the presenter is to communicate with the audience and control the presentation.

Remember, though, that this may also include handing over the control to your audience, especially if you want some kind of interaction.

You may wish to have a look at our page on Facilitation Skills for more.

The audience receives the presenter’s message(s).

However, this reception will be filtered through and affected by such things as the listener’s own experience, knowledge and personal sense of values.

See our page: Barriers to Effective Communication to learn why communication can fail.

The message or messages are delivered by the presenter to the audience.

The message is delivered not just by the spoken word ( verbal communication ) but can be augmented by techniques such as voice projection, body language, gestures, eye contact ( non-verbal communication ), and visual aids.

The message will also be affected by the audience’s expectations. For example, if you have been billed as speaking on one particular topic, and you choose to speak on another, the audience is unlikely to take your message on board even if you present very well . They will judge your presentation a failure, because you have not met their expectations.

The audience’s reaction and therefore the success of the presentation will largely depend upon whether you, as presenter, effectively communicated your message, and whether it met their expectations.

As a presenter, you don’t control the audience’s expectations. What you can do is find out what they have been told about you by the conference organisers, and what they are expecting to hear. Only if you know that can you be confident of delivering something that will meet expectations.

See our page: Effective Speaking for more information.

How will the presentation be delivered?

Presentations are usually delivered direct to an audience.  However, there may be occasions where they are delivered from a distance over the Internet using video conferencing systems, such as Skype.

It is also important to remember that if your talk is recorded and posted on the internet, then people may be able to access it for several years. This will mean that your contemporaneous references should be kept to a minimum.


Many factors can influence the effectiveness of how your message is communicated to the audience.

For example background noise or other distractions, an overly warm or cool room, or the time of day and state of audience alertness can all influence your audience’s level of concentration.

As presenter, you have to be prepared to cope with any such problems and try to keep your audience focussed on your message.   

Our page: Barriers to Communication explains these factors in more depth.

Continue to read through our Presentation Skills articles for an overview of how to prepare and structure a presentation, and how to manage notes and/or illustrations at any speaking event.

Continue to: Preparing for a Presentation Deciding the Presentation Method

See also: Writing Your Presentation | Working with Visual Aids Coping with Presentation Nerves | Dealing with Questions Learn Better Presentation Skills with TED Talks

10 Tips for creating an effective training presentation

Ximena Portocarrero

Creating a training presentation is not a simple task. Unlike your usual PowerPoints, a training deck should convey work-related information in a way that keeps your team engaged and creates a positive learning experience. Quite a challenge, if you ask me - especially in online environments.

That’s why today I’ve got a little help from the 24Slides presentation designers . They work on thousands of eLearning slides for companies every month, so they pretty much know what it takes to create an impressive training deck.

By the end of this post, you’ll have learned:

  • What exactly a training presentation is
  • The benefits of corporate training
  • 10 training presentation tips you can execute right now

Let’s begin!

what is presentation training

What's a Training Presentation?

A training presentation is a corporate learning material that helps build the right skills employees require to perform their jobs. For optimal results, ideal training presentations showcase the specialized knowledge in well-structured, easy-to-read slides, and encourage active participation during the whole learning experience.

To give you an idea, common training presentation topics include company policies, safety and health at work, cybersecurity, industrial processes , and more.

Why Should Businesses Provide Employee Training?

Employee training is a business investment, and as such, it’s normal for higher-ups to question whether some corporate learning and development activities are needed. However, as Henry Ford said, “ The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay! ”

And if that’s not enough reason, here are some long-term benefits you can list to show the value of employee training in your organization:

  • Training sessions leverage new employees’ productivity faster
  • Employee training reduces the chances of errors and accidents on the job.
  • Well-trained employees need less supervision, which translates into more time for managers to dedicate to their own tasks.
  • Learning and development activities help increase employee retention and job satisfaction.
  • Constant employee training makes it easier to identify the team’s weaknesses and creates improvement opportunities for the whole organization.

Now that we understand why staff training is important, let’s see how to create a good training presentation.

Top Tips for Creating an Effective Training Presentation

What we commonly call “effective presentation” is the right balance of two elements: the content you provide and how you deliver it. The first part is on your expertise and every piece of information you can share. But the second part is where the real magic happens .

How do you convey your knowledge? How can you make the online learning experience one to remember? Well, a lot relies on the way you present that information. In this section, we’re going to cover both sides through 10 training presentation tips:

#1 Showcase the knowledge of your company’s experts

Internal expertise is a top learning resource many companies fail to see. Just think about how much your sales head or finances specialist can say about the best practices and workflows from their respective areas. Or the industry trends and developments they experience in their day-to-day activities. You don’t need to look outside the office when you already have expert sources that can provide you with valuable know-how for your training slides.

what is presentation training

And don’t curb to technical topics. If the training is on leadership or negotiation skills, why don’t you invite a project manager or sales rep to talk about their experiences? This is a fantastic way to recognize employees as experts and promote team engagement at the same time.

#2 Use your visuals wisely

Visual content is ideal to catch your audience’s attention in a matter of seconds. Plus, studies confirm that visuals help process information faster and facilitate learning . However, this doesn’t mean we should plaster graphics and illustrations all over our slides. Instead, use your visuals strategically only for what’s relevant.

what is presentation training

It’s like highlighting a textbook. A mark signals the main idea from the hundreds of words in every chapter. But what’s the point if you’re going to highlight the entire page? It would lose its whole purpose!

As Benny Prasetyo, Design manager from 24Slides , says:

what is presentation training

So keep that in mind. Your images, icons, and other graphics are not merely decorative devices. They tell people where to look and have the power to amplify your key messages.

#3 Appeal to different learning styles

According to the VARK model , there are four main learning styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. And people tend to prefer one or two modalities over others. The good thing is that you can appeal to the four of them within your training PowerPoint presentation. Here’s how:

  • For visual learners, maps, flow charts, and process diagrams are the way to go. They respond better to all these devices that explain something graphically instead of words.

what is presentation training

  • Auditory learners make the most out of synchronous training because they learn by hearing and discussing ideas. However, you can also adapt your PowerPoint materials to them. Think about adding audio files or linking to podcasts that further expand the main topic. Another great way to appeal to aural or auditory learners is using a conversational style in your slides, so they can read your PPT as if you were talking directly to them.
  • People who process information through reading and writing will appreciate text-based explanations and assignments. Lists, quotations, and case studies are ideal for this type of learner.

what is presentation training

  • For the kinesthetic modality, you can showcase personal experiences or feature practical exercises that allow students to apply what they’ve learned. We’ll talk more about this kind of content in the following sections. But bear in mind that kinesthetic learners are “tactile” and prefer to assimilate new information by exploring it in the real world.

To sum this point up, add elements in your presentation that respond to the four learning styles, and you’ll get an immersive and more dynamic training session.

#4 Keep it real

Want to make your corporate training relevant to your team?

Include scenarios from real situations - extra points if these examples come from their actual work. Here’s the thing: People are more perceptive to things that make an impact on their lives. So, if you connect your session to what they go through in their daily tasks, you’re adding emotion and making your training 10x more relatable.

Ideally, your presentation gives solutions to an issue the business has identified. In this case, you need to explore a little: What has changed or happened in the company that employees require training? How’s the day-to-day of the areas involved? What’s the ideal scenario the company expects?

Now, use your findings to integrate realistic situations as examples or exercises that show trainees the value of your session. The key to an engaged and motivated audience is to keep things real.

#5 Make use of storytelling

Effective training is more than informative sessions. The real objective is to spur change. You want to take employees from point A to point B in their development, and one of the most powerful tools to inspire action is storytelling.

In a few words, storytelling is the art of using a story to communicate something. It might not sound like a big deal, but stories speak to the emotional side of humans, and that’s how you can start building a connection that makes every session memorable.

Some ways the 24Slides designers help incorporate storytelling into training presentations is through comics, animated slides, and PowerPoint illustrations.

what is presentation training

If you’re keen to challenge the status quo in your team, check out these 7 storytelling techniques to create a compelling training deck.

#6 Take every chance to engage with your audience

Getting active participants during online training is like finding the saint grail nowadays. With muted mics and off-cameras, sometimes you don't even know if someone is listening on the other side. But hang in there.

In this section, I will show you some interactive elements you can use to boost your audience engagement.

what is presentation training

Usually, the host would end the presentation with an “Any Questions?” slide, but what about you asking the questions? Inquiry your audience’s minds and create open questions for anyone to share their opinions. This is a good old trick with the potential to spark great-in-class discussions. You can even transform it into a gamified experience with slides like the one you see above.

Online audience engagement tools such as Slido , Mentimeter , or Kahoot make it super easy to create interactive quizzes and polls. The cool thing about them is that they give you a presentation code, which allows your audience to send their answers and see the team's results in real-time.

what is presentation training

But if you prefer a more traditional approach, there are PowerPoint slides that can do the trick too. Take this multiple-choice quiz template as an example. It comes with a wide array of designs to hold your participants’ attention while assessing their knowledge. You just need to insert questions and alternatives regarding your topic, and voilá!

what is presentation training

Self-assessment activities are a great way to engage with your audience - even when you’re not there to guide them! Here’s a creative quiz template in PowerPoint you can use to add fill-in-the-blank exercises, short-answer questions, and multiple-choice tests to your training deck.

#7 Brand your corporate training deck

Considering that training presentations talk to one of the company’s most important stakeholders (the employees), it should be a no-brainer to keep them on-brand.

what is presentation training

But it’s more than giving a professional look to your slides. Adding the company’s brand to training materials shows your team that you care. You’re making the same effort to deliver a polished product to them as the company does to the customers. And that speaks volumes!

Plus, keeping visual consistency across all materials helps your team become familiar with the brand and reinforce that they’re part of the company's activities.

We’ve got a whole article on why branding is essential in presentations , but at this point, it’s clear that spending some time on the aspect of your slides provides more benefits to the business than not. So, remember to inject the brand’s identity into your training decks.

what is presentation training

#8 Close with summary slides

How often have you seen participants more worried about taking notes from your slides than actually following your speech? This is a common situation in learning scenarios, and it’s not because your participants don’t care about what you’re saying. Quite the contrary, they want to take it all in.

what is presentation training

And you can make their learning experience easier by simply adding summary slides . These final slides contain the key points from your lesson and help viewers retain the essentials.

This way, you ship away your participants’ worry of missing something important, and you get another chance to reinforce your main messages. Everybody wins!

#9 Make your presentation accessible

“Accessibility” is a term that has gained popularity in the last few years, and it refers to the practice of ensuring people with disabilities can access the same information fully and independently as people without disabilities. This is extremely important in eLearning because you want everyone in the organization to benefit from your lessons.

For instance, employees with hearing difficulties might have a hard time watching an instructional video with no captions. Likewise, participants with visibility issues might need an easy-to-read font size in the slides or color contrast in your presentation visuals.

what is presentation training

If you want to start now, PowerPoint has an accessibility checker that gives you a detailed report on what you can do to improve your slides. To activate it, follow this route: File tab > Information > Check for issues (next to Inspect Document) > Check Accessibility

You might be surprised by all the details we take for granted, but they make a huge difference to people with different abilities.

#10 Don’t Underestimate The Power of Your Presentation Design

All these good practices confirm that a good design can enhance any corporate learning experience. It helps your employees better comprehend information. It signals the importance of each item in your slides and how they should be read. A good design provides structure and visual flow. And the list can go on, but I prefer you see for yourself.

Damilka Rojas, Design manager at 24Slides , gives us expert input on the right design approach for effective training presentations:

what is presentation training

Plus, many training slides are stand-alone materials with the task of conveying information without a live instructor. That’s when you can rely on a good design to deliver a coherent interpretation of your lessons.

Upgrade your training presentations today!

Now, it’s time to put these training presentation tips into practice. Whether you apply one or all of them together, I’m sure you’ll see a marked difference in your new slides. But if you have several presentations to upgrade or designing in PowerPoint is not exactly the most productive way to spend your time, let the 24Slides team handle it for you !

Our expert designers can create stunning slides to draw your audience’s attention while keeping the professional look your training decks deserve. They provide presentation design support to some of the biggest companies worldwide , so rest assured your slides will be in good hands. Ready to take your presentations to the next level?

what is presentation training

Create professional presentations online

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What Makes an Effective Presentation?


On this course, you will have the opportunity to discuss the features of an effective presentation and investigate how to design and develop your own presentation. You will explore effective presentation techniques to help you evaluate and improve your presentation skills.

Course link:  Learn more

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Presenting on Video (with Online Practice)


Learn how to deliver successful video-based presentations on Zoom, Webex and more. Then you have the unique opportunity to practice, improve and build your confidence in our virtual presentation simulator.

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High Impact Presentation

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Effective communication is critical in any role. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and failure. This course teaches how to properly execute your presentation and stand out from the crowd.

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Seth Godin on Presenting to Persuade

Instead of focusing on the craft of making slides, Seth Godin takes you on a journey to understand what your presentation is actually for. He'll help you see that a presentation is a unique and powerful opportunity, a chance to be heard, a moment where you have the leverage to make something happen.

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Presenting Made Brilliant

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This online course is an intensive, practical course that takes the focus away from what you present and instead focuses on how you present. You are taught how to build a confident and credible presence in highly pressured environments, how to open and close presentations convincingly, and more.

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This class will teach you basic design principles you can apply to your presentation decks. You’ll learn how to work with type, color and image and lay out information with confidence. You’ll also Identify what type of presenter you are and design your presentation to support this.

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Effective Presentation Skills

Leaders who build, develop the skills to present confidently.


Communicate Confidently to All Types of Audiences

  • We provide presentation skills training courses to empower you to communicate confidently and competently to all types of audiences. 
  • We illustrate proven methods and techniques that allow you to develop compelling, high-impact presentations with universal appeal, yielding consistent, positive results.
  • You will explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression as well as a variety of public speaking styles, ranging from a formal speech to a casual meeting or contentious conversation.
  • Rather than trying to have you be someone you’re not, Dale Carnegie's training courses help bring out your greatness—your authentic self and inner leader.

Top Public Speaking and Presentation Training Courses

Explore the variety of presentation training courses offered to improve your public speaking skills.

  • Deliver convincing presentations.
  • Make memorable and dynamic openings.
  • Close presentations with credibility and impact.
  • Learn techniques to calm your nerves.
  • Learn to think on your feet.
  • Present with confidence and polish.
  • Research and organize your presentations.
  • Speak with conviction and confidence.
  • Navigate Q&As with ease.
  • Influence outcomes.
  • Create cooperation.
  • Build your image as a strong, fair-minded leader.
  • Discover preparation tools to boost your confidence.
  • Use storytelling to present with influence and impact
  • Learn best practices for virtual presentations and meetings.

Our Presentation Courses Will Help You:

presenting in front of a group

Speak More Effectively

Develop essential presentation skills in your organization.

group training on presentation skills

Expand and sharpen your skills for a more successful career.

Contact us and explore how we can meet your unique challenges and allow you to take command of your career, your organization, or your team.


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Effective Presentations

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Master the Secrets of the Pros

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a beginner, use your public speaking skills to soar above the competition.

Presentation Skills Training Workshops

In today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape, delivering captivating presentations is not merely advantageous—it’s essential. We specialize in presentation skills training so individuals can become persuasive communicators by honing their presentation skills. Whether you’re an individual seeking to enhance your personal impact or an organization aiming to elevate your team’s prowess in presentations, our tailored workshops are designed to fulfill your specific needs.

In the world of business and personal growth, the impact of a well-executed presentation is unparalleled. It goes beyond speaking with confidence; it’s about establishing connections with your audience, effectively conveying your message, and leaving a lasting impression. This is precisely where our comprehensive presentation skills courses come into play—they equip you with the necessary tools and techniques to captivate any audience.

Public Speaking Training for me

what is presentation training

Public Speaking Training for my team

what is presentation training

Our Approach to Presentation Skills Training

Our presentation skills program goes beyond traditional training; it offers an immersive journey. We seamlessly blend theory with hands-on exercises that allow you to gain practical experience while improving your presentation abilities. Our experienced trainers offer personalized feedback and invaluable insights derived from their wealth of expertise—assisting you in refining both your style and approach.

what is presentation training

For Individuals : Enhance Your Personal Presentation Skills

As an individual, mastering the art of effective presentations can unlock new opportunities and propel your career forward. Our professional presentation training is designed to help you conquer anxiety, structure your message with precision, and deliver it confidently. Whether you pitch an idea, present at a conference, or lead a meeting, our training equips you with the clarity and conviction needed to captivate any audience.

For Organizations : Elevate Your Team’s Presentation Abilities

The collective presentation skills of your team significantly influence overall success in organizations. Our tailored corporate presentation skills training is ideal for teams seeking to enhance their abilities. We collaborate closely with you to understand your organization’s needs so that our training presentation skills align perfectly with your objectives. Empower your team with the expertise to effectively represent your brand and convey messages in any presentation scenario.

― Testimonials

What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

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Ready to Improve Your Presentation Skills?

Our workshops on presentation skills offer a unique opportunity for individuals committed to improving their ability to deliver impactful presentations. When you enroll in our program, you are not simply joining a presenting course but embarking on a transformative journey toward becoming an influential and effective presenter. Take advantage of this chance to redefine your presentation skill and become a communicator who can engage and motivate others.

what is presentation training

Learn to Give a Better Presentation

  • Overcome your fear and transform anxiety into enthusiasm
  • Exude confidence and poise in every social situation
  • Actively engage and involve the audience
  • Dramatically improve sales performance
  • Maximize your career potential

Request Information

Do you have any questions or need more details about our presentation skills training? Our team is here to help you select the program that best suits your objectives.


What makes our presentation skills classes unique.

Our presentation skills classes and workshops prioritize personalized content, understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t yield optimal results in professional development. We go beyond generic formats, meticulously tailoring our workshops to meet the unique needs of each participant. Customization also extends to aligning the content with your specific goals and industry, guaranteeing that every aspect of the training is relevant and immediately applicable to your professional context.

World-class presentation trainers lead our workshops, bringing expertise in public speaking and corporate training. This combination ensures your presentations skill class is grounded in real-world experience and follows communication best practices. Our focus lies on practical application because we believe that effective training should be applicable in real-life situations. That’s why we emphasize hands-on learning experiences, enabling you to directly apply the skills and techniques you learn to your professional life. This practical approach ensures tangible benefits from our training rather than just theoretical knowledge.

Virtual Presentation Skills Training

Can’t join us for an in-person course? Our remote presentation skill training programs are second to none. We have a variety of powerful solutions with our courses and seminars that will meet your needs. Don’t wait another day!

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What is Presentation Training?

Posted by Belinda Huckle  |  On November 23, 2020  |  In Presentation Training, Tips & Advice

In this Article...quick links

1. Audience analysis

2. presentation structure, 3. presentation delivery, 4. audience engagement, 5. visual aids, 6. managing nerves, so, what is presentation training , and follow us on social media for some more great presentation tips:.

This might sound like a simple question, with an obvious answer. But is it? What is p resentation training?!

Businesses come to us almost every day and say ‘We would like to book some presentation training for our team. Can you help?’ The obvious answer, being business presentation skills experts, is ‘Yes, we can, and we’d love to help!’. But do businesses really know what they’re asking?

When we drill down and ask them to elaborate they often find it difficult to articulate details around why their people want/need the training. Other than perhaps to say something relatively vague like ‘Our people need to be more confident when they’re presenting’ or ‘Our team need s to deliver better presentations’.

So, we thought it might be useful to share with the broader L&D community, and indeed anyone in business, what presentation training is.

We know from our many years’ of experience coaching exclusively in business presentation skills that both confidence, and delivering better presentations, come by getting all the key elements of what makes a good presenter and presentation sorted. Rather than by confidence being instilled as a thing in itself, or by people being given some ‘acting’ tips for standing up in front of an audience.

So, what are these key elements? We believe there are 6 of them; 6 key pillars of successful presentation training. 

Presentation training workshop

The 6 pillars of presentation training

It doesn’t matter how amazing the content is, or how confident the presenter is, if the information for the presentation isn’t tailored specifically for the audience it will fall flat. 

This first step in presenting is absolutely crucial, regardless of whether you’re a CEO presenting downwards or outwards, or a Graduate presenting upwards or across. The most successful presenters are those that place themselves firmly in the shoes of their audience (i.e. by recognising their audience’s level of knowledge, their feelings about the subject, their concerns about what’s being proposed, the level of detail they prefer, and so on) even before they begin putting together any of their content. They then use these insights to carefully target their message in the most meaningful and relevant way possible to the people they are presenting to.  

Most people know about the importance of presentation structure but many  will admit that whilst they have the basics right, their narrative still doesn’t flow as well as it could, their message isn’t as effectively crystalised as it should be and the key takeaways aren’t as clearly emphasised as they need to be. 

If you like, presentation structure is the engine of a car. In our view most people are using presentation structures from 20 or 30 years ago. That might be fine – but who wants to be driving a car with an engine that’s 25 years old when there is a far smarter, more efficient and effective engine that could be used instead? 

At SecondNature we have developed a Presentation Mapper TM methodology that transforms people’s message clarity, impact and persuasiveness. Even seasoned presenters say our Mapper TM approach has taken their effectiveness as communicators to a whole new level.

Training in how to deliver a presentation is what many people mean when they use the words ‘presentation training’. Many   businesses’ focus is for training to help their people deliver better . They want their people to become confident , open, relaxed, inspiring and authoritative presenters, with gravitas, charisma and presence. 

Developing people’s delivery skills ( face-to-face or online ) is certainly important. But presentation training should not just be about how to deliver a presentation at the expense of learning how to create and structure relevant, impactful persuasive presentations. At the end of the day, effective presenters are those that combine style and substance!

Delivery skills are about the ‘style’ part. And this is where presentation training can use techniques to affect how well a presenter comes across and is received by their audience – like how to use pausing , use their voice and how to communicate using body language, gestures, eye connection, movement and so on. 

At SecondNature we believe in helping people develop their own unique, powerful and authentic delivery style. A style that they are comfortable with, so they can influence, even inspire, an audience. 

Always remember that delivery (style) is only one part of a great presentation!

Presentation training help this presenter engage the audience

Very few people enjoy sitting in a presentation and being talked at. Instead they prefer to be communicated with. Fully engaging an audience and making them feel part of the journey or story, even if they aren’t able to actually participate (e.g. when there are hundreds of people in the audience or on a VC call) is a skill every good presenter needs to master. 

The good news is that audience engagement skills are not hard to learn. The bad news is that most people don’t make this a priority. We think that’s a mistake. It’s a mistake because presenters lose out on the opportunity to fully connect with their listeners. And also because the more audience engagement there is the more both the audience and the presenter enjoy the experience. So, learning eff ective audience engagement techniques is a win-win for the presenter and those they are presenting to.

Everyone knows the difference between slides that engage and excite them versus those that send them to sleep. Becoming a skilled slide designer is a craft that can take years to learn. None-the-less all of us should know the essential principles behind effective slide design. If you like, the crucial Dos and the Do Not ’ s. You don’t need to be a Mac whizz to put these simple principles into  practise. And why wouldn’t you? Bad slides can destroy a great presentation and completely undermine a great presenter. So, understanding the principles of good slide deck design should always be a part of any presentation training.

Presentation training could help this presenter overcome nerves

Let’s be clear. Nerves are not a bad thing. In fact, nerves show we care (versus being complacent or arrogant). And nervous energy can have many benefits. They can make us sharper, more focussed, disciplined and on ‘on point’. The issue is when our negative nervous energy overtakes our positive nervous energy . That’s where coaching can help to calm nerves . Unfortunately, there isn’t a silver bullet to managing negative nervous energy. That’s because the causes, and the solutions, vary from person to person. 

Examples of why people are excessively and negatively nervous can include that presenting is a new thing for them; or that they’re under-prepared, or don’t feel their content is going to be relevant. Or that they’ve had a bad experience in the past, or they’re worried about the tech falling over (very common these days with online presenting). Or they’re concerned they’ll be asked a challenging question that they won’t know the answer to. Or that they think they’ll get tongue tied, or will have a brain freeze. Or simply that they’re scared the audience won’t like them. 

All these causes are valid. And all of these causes, with the right coaching, can be overcome. But you can see that a blanket approach won’t work – because everyone is different. Hence why, even in a group presentation skills training workshop, everyone needs to have plenty of individual practise time, as well as detailed and personalised feedback guidance and coaching.

In summary, expert presentation training isn’t just about instilling confidence, or developing narrow skills in one ‘pillar’. Instead presentation training is really an umbrella term that covers a wide range of intermeshing skills. Skills that fall into the above 6 pillars, and skills that with practise can add immeasurably to an individual’s career success and to the achievements of a business or organisation. 

Today, learning all these skills is just as important, if not more so, for all of us presenting online.

Improve your business presentations with our business presentation skills training programmes

For nearly 20 years we have been the Business Presentation Skills Experts , training & coaching thousands of people in an A-Z of global blue-chip organisations – check out what they say about our programmes .

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Written By Belinda Huckle

Co-Founder & Managing Director

Belinda is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of SecondNature International. With a determination to drive a paradigm shift in the delivery of presentation skills training both In-Person and Online, she is a strong advocate of a more personal and sustainable presentation skills training methodology.

Belinda believes that people don’t have to change who they are to be the presenter they want to be. So she developed a coaching approach that harnesses people’s unique personality to build their own authentic presentation style and personal brand.

She has helped to transform the presentation skills of people around the world in an A-Z of organisations including Amazon, BBC, Brother, BT, CocaCola, DHL, EE, ESRI, IpsosMORI, Heineken, MARS Inc., Moody’s, Moonpig, Nationwide, Pfizer, Publicis Groupe, Roche, Savills, Triumph and Walmart – to name just a few.

A total commitment to quality, service, your people and you.

  • Presentation Skills
  • Skills & Tools

Presentation skills can be defined as a set of abilities that enable an individual to: interact with the audience; transmit the messages with clarity; engage the audience in the presentation; and interpret and understand the mindsets of the listeners. These skills refine the way you put forward your messages and enhance your persuasive powers.

The present era places great emphasis on good presentation skills. This is because they play an important role in convincing the clients and customers. Internally, management with good presentation skills is better able to communicate the mission and vision of the organization to the employees.

Importance of Presentation Skills

Interaction with others is a routine job of businesses in today’s world. The importance of good presentation skills is established on the basis of following points:

  • They help an individual in enhancing his own growth opportunities. In addition, it also grooms the personality of the presenter and elevates his levels of confidence.
  • In case of striking deals and gaining clients, it is essential for the business professionals to understand the audience. Good presentation skills enable an individual to mold his message according to the traits of the audience. This increases the probability of successful transmission of messages.
  • Lastly, business professionals have to arrange seminars and give presentations almost every day. Having good presentation skills not only increases an individual’s chances of success, but also enable him to add greatly to the organization.

How to Improve Presentation Skills

Development of good presentation skills requires efforts and hard work. To improve your presentation skills, you must:

  • Research the Audience before Presenting: This will enable you to better understand the traits of the audience. You can then develop messages that can be better understood by your target audience. For instance, in case of an analytical audience, you can add more facts and figures in your presentation.
  • Structure your Presentation Effectively: The best way to do this is to start with telling the audience, in the introduction, what you are going to present. Follow this by presenting the idea, and finish off the presentation by repeating the main points.
  • Do a lot of Practice: Rehearse but do not go for memorizing the presentation. Rehearsals reduce your anxiety and enable you to look confident on the presentation day. Make sure you practice out loud, as it enables you to identify and eliminate errors more efficiently. Do not memorize anything as it will make your presentation look mechanical. This can reduce the degree of audience engagement.
  • Take a Workshop: Most medium and large businesses allow their employees to take employee development courses and workshops, as well-trained employees are essential to the success of any company. You can use that opportunity to take a workshop on professional presentation skills such as those offered by Langevin Learning Services , which are useful for all business professionals, from employees to business trainers and managers.

Job profiles that require this skill

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Executive Presentation Training Programs

executive presentation training

Master the Art of Exceptional Presentations

For decades, Speakeasy has been at the forefront of transforming leaders into captivating speakers. Our executive presentation training programs are meticulously crafted to give professionals the tools they need to create compelling narratives, design powerful presentations, and deliver them with unmatched conviction.

With a focus on storytelling techniques, impactful slide design, executive presence , and assertive delivery, we bring out the unique speaker in every leader. We go beyond just technique – we help you find your voice, and ensure it resonates in any boardroom.

Increased confidence among presenters when using a well-designed slide - TechSmith

More persuasiveness for presentations paired with visual aids over those without. - Management Information Systems Research Center

of employed Americans believe presentation skills are critical for workplace success. - Prezi

Flexible Program Options for Any Schedule

At Speakeasy, we understand that life is filled with diverse commitments and schedules can vary greatly. That’s why we offer a comprehensive array of programs to accommodate every professional’s unique circumstances. Whether you prefer the traditional in-person classroom experience, the convenience of live online virtual sessions, or the autonomy of self-administered digital courses, we have the perfect fit for you.

Speakeasy IN-PERSON

Speakeasy IN-PERSON

What to Expect From Executive Presentation Training

A commanding presentation can be the defining factor in clinching deals, influencing stakeholders, and propelling your career forward. Here are five compelling reasons to invest in executive presentation training:

  • Enhanced Presentation Skills: Our training polishes your ability to design striking slides, narrate compelling stories, and deliver with a clear, confident voice.
  • Masterful Storytelling: Learn the techniques to weave stories that engage, captivate, and drive your message home.
  • Robust Audience Engagement: Grasp how to read and respond to your audience, ensuring active participation and lasting impact.
  • Strategic Slide Design: Make every slide count. Learn the art of creating visual aids that complement and amplify your message.
  • Preparedness for Varied Scenarios : Be it boardrooms, webinars, or international

Let Us Match You With An Executive Presentation Training Program

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Discover the Speakeasy Difference

At Speakeasy Inc., we’re dedicated to helping high-potential professionals rediscover the art of conversation, create lasting connections, and elevate their personal communication style. In today’s fast-paced digital world, authentic, face-to-face communication is more important than ever before. Here’s why you should choose Speakeasy:

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Expertise in Communication

Our team of experienced coaches are passionate about communication and its power to transform lives. We bring together the latest research and time-tested techniques to help you become a confident, engaging, and influential communicator in any situation.

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Personalized Approach

We understand that each individual has unique strengths and areas for improvement when it comes to communication. That’s why our programs are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the guidance and support necessary to achieve your personal and professional goals.

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Interactive Learning Environment

We believe that the best way to learn is by doing. Our immersive workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions provide ample opportunities for you to practice and refine your communication skills in a supportive, feedback-driven environment.

FAQs About Speakeasy Executive Presentation Training Programs

What exactly is covered in the executive presentation training, how does speakeasy's approach stand out from the crowd, who is the ideal candidate for this training, what key skills can i expect to develop through this training, how is the training delivered are there virtual options available, start speaking the language of success today.

Ready to transform your organization’s communication skills and drive business success? Connect with us below and let our expert coaches help you chart the path to exceptional communication with our tailored executive coaching programs.

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  • Consent Notice * I agree. By submitting this form, you consent to having a Speakeasy consultant contact you via email, phone call, or SMS for business purposes only. 

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An immersive and interactive event for female leaders and entrepreneurs to learn how to

Captivate any audience with your presence and story.


Presentation Skills Training

Learn how to present with confidence and take your presentations from boring to wow, trusted by global brands & leaders, what is presentation skills training.

Presentations are a core element in the day-to-day of any business. From weekly reports to sales, and investor decks to corporate event slides, if you’re operating in a business setting, it’s hard to avoid giving a presentation. 

Sadly, most presentations are boring – 79% of people agree and tune out after a mere 10 minutes of a presentation. No real hook, too much text, loads of information but no story to connect the dots… the list of mistakes is huge.

The good news? The best presenters weren’t born great – presentation skills are completely teachable. 

The Presentation Skills Training was designed to help teams and individuals take their presentation and business communication skills to the next level. You’ll learn how to create storylines for your presentations, express your ideas clearly, and read the room so you can adapt your presentation for maximum impact. 

More memorable, more impactful presentations begin now with our Business Presentation Skills Training!  

Who is this Business Presentation Training for?

…who want to kick off projects and quarters with inspiring presentations

Team members

…who want to put their best foot forward and show the impact of their work

C-level executives

…who want to create more impact with their executive presentation skills

Sales professionals

…who want to engage prospects to form relationships that net them the business

Training & onboarding teams

…who want to enable better performance across the organization with training sessions


…who are ready to find their next best opportunity and nail investor and client relations

…who need to give meaning to data and turn insights into action fast

HR professionals

…who want to deliver more successful employee engagement programs

“LaQuita’s public speaking workshop was an incredible experience, and has had a lasting impact on the way I communicate to groups of people. Her expertise, coaching, and proven tactics make her extremely effective. She has a warm and caring personality, and is skilled in the way she delivers feedback and offers insight. LaQuita’s workshop is top notch, and one that I’m super grateful I chose to attend. Thank you LaQuita!”

Robyn Brookhart President and CEO, Liberty Pumps

Who is this business presentation training for?

Team members.

Topics Covered in Presentation Skills Training

The Business Presentation Training covers everything you need to know to deliver a successful presentation:

  • How to make presentations more engaging by combining strong vocal delivery with confident body language
  • How to successfully use presentation tools like Powerpoint and Keynote
  • How to prepare for a panel or keynote and identify the talking points in your presentation
  • How to create speaking notes and how to use them effectively
  • Most common presentation mistakes and what you should absolutely not do during a presentation
  • Anxiety reduction techniques that will make you feel more comfortable about delivering your speech, regardless of the size of your audience
  • How to read the room and handle audience feedback and questions
  • Presentation rehearsals that will prepare you for your next event

Training Attendance Details

Format: virtual or in-person
Length: ½ day to multi-day available
Number of Participants: 25 maximum
Equipment: projection equipment needed in the location

How Presentation Skills Training Works?

Get real-time, detailed feedback that you can immediately apply to your presentations to make them more engaging and effective.

LaQuita Ann was a superb resource for our crash course in public speaking. Her professional demeanor and targeted feedback quickly put us at ease and helped establish the foundational skill sets to enhance our speech delivery.


LaQuita's public speaking workshop was an incredible experience, and has had a lasting impact on the way I communicate to groups of people. Her expertise, coaching, and proven tactics make her extremely effective. She has a warm and caring personality, and is skilled in the way she delivers feedback and offers insight. LaQuita's workshop is top notch, and one that I'm super grateful I chose to attend. Thank you LaQuita!


Nailed my 10-year company anniversary speech and I owe it all to Laquita. After attending her 3-day course, I have more confidence in how I prepare, my understanding of technique and my ability to speak in front of a large crowd. Thanks Laquita for not just the skills that will follow me throughout my life but for going above and beyond to follow-up to make sure the speech went well.


What you will Master

Build a team who ALL present on a higher level. This business presentation training will equip you with the tools, techniques, and frameworks to:

  • Identify and tell powerful stories in your presentations. Learn how to wrap narratives around facts and create memorable stories to make a point.
  • Prepare presentations that keep your audience’s interest from beginning to end. Forget about boring slides with too much text, underwhelming beginnings, no humour and personality.
  • Deliver your next presentation like a pro. Preparing the narratives and slides is only half the story. Even the best slides mean nothing without strong delivery. Learn how to breathe life to written words by mastering pitch, tone, volume, and pace
  • Strengthen your message with confident body language. Find the right balance between your body movements and gestures and vocal expressions.
  • Combat anxiety and stage fright. Speak in front of audiences of any size with complete confidence.
  • Use the right words to inspire desired action. Learn how to read the room and adapt your message to your audience.


Additional Workshops

  • Storytelling Training Workshop
  • Pitch Training
  • Virtual Communication Skills Training
  • Media Training Workshop
  • Public Speaking Workshop
  • Workplace Communication Training


  • Keynote Speaking
  • Workshops & Trainings
  • One on One Coaching
  • Success Stories
  • Privacy Policy

Ready to raise the bar on your communication skills? Please fill out the form to schedule your training, learn more or ask questions

Presentation Geeks

Our Top 8 Tips For Creating Effective Training Presentations!

Table of contents.

Staff training for all employees, including managers, supervisors, and executives, is vital to an efficient and safe working space. For optimal results, you not only need active participants and good public speaking skills, but you need effective training materials that are easy to digest.

If you’re hoping to create a staff training PowerPoint presentation, or any other training material, this is the place to be. Here’s our guide to creating effective training presentations that leave lasting impressions on your trainees .

What Is A Training Presentation?

As many individuals in the human resources department know, employee training is mandatory for employees to complete when they start a job.

A training presentation is a learning material that helps build the right skills that employees need in order to perform their jobs accurately. For optimal results, your training presentations should include lessons that showcase the specialized knowledge in well-structured and easy-to-read slides .

An effective presentation will create a great learning experience for your audience and will illustrate the main message throughout the presentation.

Youth Employment Services Training Presentation

Youth Employment Services (YES) was faced with the challenge of developing a training series aimed at you guessed it, increasing youth employment. A typical PowerPoint just wasn’t captivating enough, so we gave them an engaging presentation from start to finish.

what is presentation training

Why Are Effective Employee Training Presentations Beneficial To My Company?

Providing relevant training information to your team is extremely important to the overall safety and efficiency of your company. A solid training presentation that can provide knowledge and important information to your participants can benefit your company in a number of ways. Here are just a few that come to mind:

Peace Of Mind

First, a training presentation can provide peace of mind to your organization. When your team members fully understand the importance of safety requirements or the different responsibilities of their job, it means you can rest assured that they are well equipped for daily tasks and emergency situations.

Employee Retention

Another benefit of effective training presentations is employee retention. When your employees fully understand their role in your organization and feel equipped and supported, they are more likely to stay in their role. Also, knowledge is power and development/progression is more than just monetary.

Setting Standards & Expectations

Finally, an effective training course will ensure that your team members have a set of clear expectations and standards to hold to throughout their time at your company. Clear expectations for your employees can not only lead to a more efficient workplace, but can also create a safer and healthier work environment.

5 Tips That Ensure You Have An Effective Training Presentation

A graphic of 5 hands holding up fingers with the text 'marketing presentation'

Now that we understand what a training presentation is and why a good presentation is so beneficial for your company, we can focus on how to create a professional and effective training presentation.

Here are 5 training presentation tips that you can use to enhance your training Powerpoint slides and keep the materials interesting to your audience:

Tell Your Story And Articulate Your Learning Goals

When you present your training course to your employees, you want to first start with a summary of the organization’s story and what your main goals are. Your brand’s story should be woven throughout the presentation so that everything ties back together. This solid structure will allow you to build off it and further engage your audience.

In order to engage your team you want them to understand why your business exists and what the main mission or key goals are. When you include these things in your Powerpoint presentation, you can further engage your audience.

As seen in this training presentation for Soccer Shots , the organization’s mission and main goals are clearly articulated at the beginning of the training session.

what is presentation training

Make Your Presentation Accessible

In order to even fully engage your students at a training session, they need to be able to hear the presenter and see and read the slides.

Creating an accessible presentation will allow every person in the audience to gain knowledge from the Powerpoint slides.

Accessibility can mean different things for different people, so it’s important to know what kind of needs your audience requires. For example, you may need to use a larger text size, a microphone, a clear font, sign language, or narration throughout the presentation.

As a presenter, it’s important to ensure that everyone present at the session is able to reach each slide, complete each task, and can hear the trainer’s speech.

Cater To Different Learning Styles

Another aspect of a good training presentation is understanding that everyone learns differently. Where some employees can gain a lot of knowledge from slides full of bullet points, other employees may need more interactive elements during the training presentation.

To ensure that your professional training presentation appeals and engages all types of learners, you should try to include a variety of elements in your PowerPoint presentation design .

what is presentation training

For example, you might include more graphics, images, or videos that can talk for you. Or, you can have specific conversations starters where participants can engage in conversation with the trainer and the other audience members.

Too much text can lead to an information overload that can cause participants to zone out while the trainer is talking. Instead, structure your presentation slides with some white space so your audience isn’t overwhelmed with information.

Use Real World Examples In Your Training Sessions

Another way to boost training skills in a good training presentation is throughout using real life examples. While data charts and abstract ideas can provide extremely helpful information to participants, real world examples can allow that information to stick.

People are more perceptive to ideas that make an impact on their own lives. So, if you include examples from daily life to illustrate and explain your point, you may find that your audience is more engaged in the training presentation.

Now, use your findings to integrate realistic situations as examples or exercises that show trainees the value of your session. The key to an engaged and motivated audience is to keep things real.

Design Is Critical, So Don't Underestimate It

One of the most important tips for creating effective training presentations is that design matters. As much as it may seem that the information is more important than the design for a training course, the design is actually very critical.

Not only can your design reinforce your brand image and brand identity, but it can further engage your participants. Charts that showcase data and information, graphics, high quality images, eye catching colours, and smooth transitions can all help you make a powerpoint presentation that gets your point across effectively.

A great presentation template and slide deck will have a organic design that not only pleases the eye, but will explain important information to your audience.

Consider Additions or Alternatives To Help Support Your Training Efforts

An effective presentation isn’t just about the slides. There are other components that you need to keep in mind before leading your presentation.

Practice Your Presentation Skills

For one, the trainer will need to practice the presentation ahead of the course.

Good public speaking skills and having a strong idea of what you are talking about can all help with creating an effective and engaging presentation.

what is presentation training

Use Effective Handouts

You may also want to use handouts to aid your presentation, but make sure it isn’t just information that is already on a slide in your presentation.

Whether it’s an article with more information, notes about the course, a summary of information, or further tips, handouts can be beneficial for your audience.

Hire a Design Agency

Finally, you should consider hiring a presentation design agency to help you create these slides.

While a presentation template can be a good starting point, a great presentation requires a lot more time, effort, and skill. A professional design agency can take this task off your hands so you can focus on the speech aspect.

This was the case for a Lawyer at BelkerPalm Legal who was giving a presentation to a group of law students. Although his experience was vast and his presentation skills were strong, he didn’t have the visuals to back him up. He was relieved to find the Geeks!

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Need Help Designing Your Training Materials?

Look no further than the geeks!

We’re a presentation and training manual design company that truly understand how crucial it is building effective training materials for new employees. We’ve done it for clients, and ourselves, but we always put you first.

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Blog – Creative Presentations Ideas

7 Sections for Effective Presentation Training Slides

Peter Z

  • February 17, 2018
  • Learning & Education presentations , PowerPoint templates for download

Last Updated on June 3, 2024 by Peter Z

Are you delivering a public speaking or presentation skills training? Find some inspiration for your slides here.

Explore our Business Performance PPT Reports category on the website for more resources to boost your presentation impact.

In this article I suggest how you can prepare engaging PowerPoint visuals covering presentation training topics, specifically:

  • How to illustrate presentation structure and content types on a slide
  • Visualizing speaker and listener types
  • Presenting various meeting room setups
  • How to show hints for preparing speech and presentation itself
  • Closing the presentation training with a recap and summary slide

Whether you are a professional communication trainer or a beginner, I believe you can find some handy examples.

Note: All slide examples are from the Presentation Skills Training PPT Toolbox . Click the pictures to see details.

We’re talking a lot here about presentation content, right visualizations, showing concepts… Let’s get back tot he roots and recall the very basics of high-quality presentation and how it should look like.

Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind. Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling was right that words are a very powerful tool, however, if used and delivered effectively. Let’s break down some theories into short sections.

#1: Illustrating Presentation Structure by Drawing

Presentation structure classical monotonous increasing ppt

In my presentation experience, I see usually those 3 most popular kinds of structures: classical 3-part, monotonous and ‘Hollywood-movie’ style. When you explain such structures, I suggest you draw a simple diagram like the one above. Either on a flipchart or if you want to have materials prepared before, then make a slide with those speech flow diagrams.

You can either show them all together on one slide for comparison or put each on a separate slide. This way you will get attention and focus on one presentation type at a time.

For discovering more tips for structuring presentations I recommend checking Nancy Duarte’s blog series:  Structure Your Presentation Like a Story and her book Resonate.

4MAT – My Favorite Presentation Structure

4mat presentation structure if why how what

Out of various speech structures, I like the most the 4MAT concept. It is pretty simple and works for me.

I suggest that when you create a presentation, ask yourself those four questions. Those are questions listeners have in their heads when they listen to you.

Using the 4MAT framework helps me to see things from the viewpoint of my audience and be sure listeners will get their ideas right.

#2: Explore Presentations by Content

Presentation content informative educational persuasive entertaining inspiring

It’s obvious the presentation content defines the presentation type. However, it’s good to remind yourself what’s the goal of the presentation – to inspire or to entertain only? Do you want to persuade your audience of your idea or only to inform, to give a report?

Some examples:

  • For inspiring presentations: Talks on are the best examples. Or check one of Elon Musk’s speeches on the Mars Mission .  Politicians use this presentation to type a lot
  • Informative presentations are usually used when you do a project summary report or yearly business review. Unfortunately, lots of school lectures fall into this category, even though the teachers should work on moving towards an inspiring segment with a bit of entertainment to keep kids attention.
  • For persuasive presentations just think of the last sales or marketing presentation you experienced.
  • For entertainment – check out any stand-up comedy talks, for example, this (being a father I really appreciate that later talk).
  • A mixture of entertainment and information is e.g. famous John Oliver show

You have to make sure that your speech is relevant to the audience you’re speaking to.

#3: Analyze the Speaker Types

Speaker types talkative salesman systematic analyst monotonous teacher storyteller ppt chart

When teaching about properly preparing a talk, you need to consider also different speaker types classification. I put here four kinds of presenters: a typical talkative salesman style, an analyst type who likes to go into details (sometimes too much), a monotonous teacher style (that would need a point of wake up) and an involving storyteller. However, you can think of other examples based on your experience.

Depending on the particular speaker type, you can use its strong sides to build the presentation differently and also support it with proper visuals. For instance, for a talkative salesman, the agenda slides can provide a structure to follow. On the other hand, a too much detailed analyst on lengthy teacher talk can benefit from having a strong visual section slides that will wake up your audience.

#4: Analyze the Listener Groups

Listeners Laics experts Involved Uninvolved Formal Informal Experimenters Active Passive Feelers Thinkers

Knowing the speaker type is one thing. However, even more, important is to examine the audience carefully to reach them best.

Every presenter should ask first “Who are my listeners”? Do they prefer a formal or informal way of communication? Are they feelers or thinkers (see MBTI types of personality )? Will the audience be active or rather passive during the talk?

When doing a presentation training, you should address this key question. And what is the better way than to illustrate it e.g. by a set of icons?

In my slides, I added there also a hand drawn chart where you can position the major listeners’ types. Then you can place and move around the central circle to show various audience cases on a knowledge and involvement scale.

involment knowledge chart your audience ppt

In a training, you can include a similar chart (or apply those presentation training diagram slides ) for determining the audience type.

#5: Room set up – the importance of the presentation environment

presentation environment round table classroom setup

After talking about the presentation audience and speaker types, a good presenter should think also about the place where the talk will take place. Choosing a suitable environment is an important factor for the effective delivery of the speech.

I distinguish here five common kinds of room setups: classroom, multiple groups environment, interactive roundtable, big theater and sitting in a circle. Each one suits a different purpose. Some of these you need to arrange before, of course, you will know if you speak at a big conference that there will likely be a theater-like room. However, sometimes even a small change of sitting arrangements can provide a totally different atmosphere for a speech.

  • Classroom setup assumes rather one-directional communication from teacher to students.
  • Roundtable or sitting in a circle encourages discussion and underlines equality of all participants.
  • Having clusters of multiple groups is great if you want to have several teams working on some group work.

#6: Presenting Hints for Speech Preparation

presentation training and delivery tips

If you want to add a list of things to remember before making a presentation, I suggest you try to illustrate each point with some image, as I did above. This creates a better mnemonic association for each point and people will remember the hints longer. Even better, replace the bullet points with a vivid diagram along with keeping the icons.

#7: Presenting Summary of the Training

closing summary main message ppt slides

At the end of the training, remember to repeat the main message once again. Present the main conclusion, and give your audience something to think about. You can write it down on a slide clearly, without too many distractions. Or write it by hand on a board or flipchart.

Resources for Presentation Training

Besides the links I shared above I recommend those further reading and resources

  • Toastmasters International public speaking clubs all over the world
  • Books: Slide:ology Nancy Duarte and Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds
  • Our PowerPoint Training templates for various soft-skills training, see details below.
  • Feedback Training Presentation Hints 
  • Motivation Training Presentation Template & Ideas

So if you’re having training on how to create and deliver a presentation, you can reuse slides from our collection in your projects. Or just get inspiration from my slides and create them yourself.

If you decide to go for our hand-drawn style diagrams, you will be able to easily edit all content, adapt the colors to your brand, and add the whole slides or particular charts to your training presentation.

For more inspiration, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Graphics resource: Presentation skills training toolbox

You can also check the presentation template we’ve designed with illustrations of types of speakers or presentation structures:

Presentation Skills Training Toolbox

If you like such scribble style, see the complete All Scribble Symbols Bundle , with over 250 handwritten hand-drawn symbols and shapes.

About the author: Peter Zvirinsky is a slide design trainer and the founder of infoDiagram. He is helping presenters, trainers and various business managers to communicate their ideas in clear visual way usually in form of PowerPoint slides. Peter loves changing text information into simple diagrams and he wants to inspire also others to use this visualization process in everyday life. Reach out to Peter on LinkedIn or via his slide design & training website.

Peter Z

Chief Diagram Designer, infoDiagram co-founder

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Home Blog Education How to Create and Deliver Training Presentations That Make an Impact

How to Create and Deliver Training Presentations That Make an Impact

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Blended learning and hybrid workplaces have improved how employees train and optimize their work output. Corporate training is now a rich combination of in-person group sessions, live online lessons, and SCORM courses that employees can follow at their own pace. 

Are your training presentations up to the challenge?

Learning & Development strategists, HR, and performance management managers take note. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a training deck from start to finish . Plus, some template examples and optimization tips for creating training presentations that make learning more effective.

What is a Training Presentation?

A training presentation is a set of slides created to teach a skill or increase knowledge of a topic. They’re used in training and development strategies in companies worldwide. Across the slides in a training presentation, employees learn essential information and skills to do their jobs better and grow in their careers.

Example of a training presentation slide

Types of Training Presentations

Training presentations form part of all L&D initiatives in an HR department. They have one of two purposes; to train employees for the job at the present moment and to train them for growth and the future. 

Training for the job instructs employees on how to carry out their assigned tasks and responsibilities . The skills they learn follow guidelines from the company’s brand, processes, and structure.

Examples include:

  • On-the-job training
  • Practice simulations
  • Orientation
  • Skillbuilding 

Illustration of a training session, two employees working in a computer

To train for growth , employees are given resources to increase their capabilities, like learning new technology or methodology. They learn skills that will help their career future, preparing them for a promotion within the company or for changing teams laterally in a new role.

Growth training includes topics like:

  • Soft skills
  • New technology
  • New processes or methodologies
  • Job rotation
  • Personal development
  • Career expansion

An instructor exposing financial concepts using charts and graphs through a training deck

Why Are Training Presentations Important?

High-quality training and development initiatives in a corporate setting offer many benefits. Three of the most relevant are employee buy-in and retention, company culture, and professional development.

Employee Buy-in and Retention

When training presentations are achieved at a high standard, team members in People Management, Human Resources, Learning & Development, and DEI feel confident and proud of their work in training fellow employees. 

They accompany employees along training paths, so it’s better if they’re invested in what they’re sharing. For a solid brand identity —and clear company culture—thorough training helps with buy-in straight out of the gate with an onboarding strategy. Then continues with regular training initiatives that lead to retention, satisfaction and loyalty.

Company Culture 

The role of company culture in an organization has a lot of weight towards brand equity. But a strong culture doesn’t happen overnight; it’s instilled in the employees’ minds through team-building activities, motivational seminars, and equitable training in all aspects of work.

Company culture flows through the ongoing interaction between trainers and trainees. Group sessions and training days help build relationships between teams and employees. Feeling invested is a trait developed through the right type of training. 

Professional Development

High-quality training for professional development is essential in every organization. On-the-job training for daily tasks is only part of the puzzle; employees also need to train for growth.

In-company training for professional development includes training for higher—or lateral—positions. Offering training for the future not only heightens professional development for individual employees but also carves a strong culture.

How to Create a Training Presentation

Let’s create a training deck together. We’ll use a case study to guide us along.

You and your L&D team at an IT Company are preparing a company-wide training session about the SCRUM framework before implementing it in more aspects of the business. The Training presentation is titled “Understanding the SCRUM Framework. Agilizing our productivity, together.” Sessions will be blended/hybrid to accommodate both in-office and remote employees. There will be a camera recording the instructor, and remote employees will see the presentation and the video of the instructor talking side by side on their screen.

Computer screen showing the title slide for a training presentation

1. Plan and prepare

Planning and strategizing are as important in training as in other business areas. Your training presentation already has a purpose, company-wide training about the SCRUM framework. But if you aren’t sure what employees need to learn to increase productivity and employee satisfaction, you’ll have to do some research. 

Figuring out your people’s learning and development needs takes some work. Are you using a performance management system? What does the reporting reveal? Where are employees failing to set goals? How can training presentations help? 

Analyze the reports, and you’ll see where they’re lacking. Plan upskilling strategies around those topics. With a clear objective, start preparing the training, presentation, and conversation points for group sessions. 

Put together a lesson plan covering the main characteristics of your presentation. Use it as a foundational reference during the production of the training presentation slides .

Sample structure for a lesson plan

2. Create a basic structure 

Creating a structure for a training presentation is a critical step before designing slides or even writing the content. Training presentations with a set structure are more impactful than ones without. 

Following a structure makes the transference of knowledge much simpler. Write an outline that follows that structure. Do it on a document or use a visual tool like a storyboard to overview the full presentation deck .

The main structure for any training presentation has three parts; beginning, middle, and end. Yes, it’s that simple.

  • Start with an agenda slide that covers the contents of the training presentation and builds a framework of what to expect out of this training program. Follow by listing the syllabus for the course and required learning material that will be accessible, and where students should download/access such content.
  • Inform learners that at the end of the presentation, they will have all the basic and practical knowledge to understand and begin working with a SCRUM framework. 
  • Explain (if necessary) what they need as a prerequisite to get the most out of the training.
  • Any instructions they need to follow during the session, such as how to approach practical exercises or instructions for deliverables expected. 
  • Share all supplemental material through links they can download or access from. This should also include any book chapter mentioned, video resources, photos, etc. Cloud-based storage accessible from the Company’s intranet tends to suit all needs.

Introductory slide for a SCRUM training course

  • Throughout the meatiest slides of the presentation, teach them about the SCRUM framework. Then share how their team will use it to agile production and work in general.
  • Use visual training techniques to explain themes and topics clearly.
  • Create interactive moments for learners to imprint information. 
  • Incorporate a variety of teaching formats to cover all learning styles; video, text, images, infographics, interactive activities, etc.

Slide used to introduce concepts in a training course

  • Craft a few slides summarizing what they learned using a highlights list.
  • Have learners take a quiz to test their knowledge and offer results that include the right answers to the questions they got wrong.
  • Share references to supplemental material where learners can get more information on the topic.

Quiz slide to evaluate concepts

The Middle Structure

In the middle is where most of the magic happens. A training presentation is much like a lecture in its purpose. Therefore, using teaching and lecture techniques in your presentations can only be a good idea.

Here are six lecture structures that you can apply to the middle of your presentation. For the SCRUM Framework training, we’ll use the first example .

  • Start with what students can be expected to know to what students don’t know.  
  • Proceed from reality to abstract ideas, theories, and principles.
  • Begin with generalizations and continue with particular examples and applications.
  • Open with simple ideas and round them up with complex ones
  • Start sharing common misconceptions and then explain the truth.
  • Go from a whole view to a detailed view. 

3. Gather resources

Organize all the content you’ll need for the presentation in a folder on the cloud or your team’s content library. Browse the SlideModel template collection, where you’ll find plenty of slides, full decks, and cut & copy elements to include in your training deck. For the slides to describe the SCRUM framework, we used this 3D PPT template of how the parts of the framework are interconnected.

3D model in a slide to explain the SCRUM process

Resource checklist for any training presentation:

  • All visuals, videos, and PowerPoint slides add value to the training. 
  • Case studies and examples support your points.
  • Your company has the appropriate licenses to use the resources that are included in the final design.
  • All references, citations and attributions are gathered for inclusion in the training documentation. 
  • Your templates are from Slidemodel. 

4. Design the slides

Now, it’s time to put it all together and design the slides. Get all your resources ready, a list of all the templates you’ll use, and start a new project on PowerPoint.

Have your outline and/or storyboard open and start designing slides. Start with the cover and then follow the structure you decided on. Work your way through to the end and add a quiz. Here are some instructional presentation design best practices to help you along.

  • Create visual unity and balance by choosing a color theme and font pairing that supports the brand message and purpose of the training.
  • Mind the flow between slides from beginning to end. Use subtle transitions that don’t distract from the learning.
  • Use a table of contents, section dividers, and interactive slide menus for easier navigation.
  • Ensure each slide has a focal point and a visual hierarchy between all other elements.

All training material emulates the company brand, its values and vision. As marketing material follows visual and messaging brand guidelines, so should internal development content. 

Rather than mix & match slide templates, you can try a really fast method to create an entire training presentation by stating its topic, checking the suggested content, and selecting the desired slide design. This is possible thanks to the SlideModel’s AI Presentation Maker .

5 Training Presentation Slide Examples

Are you looking for inspiration to create a training presentation? SlideModel has numerous designs suitable for explaining, visually dissecting, and analyzing the material. Likewise, you’ll find templates that help L&D strategists communicate with instructors during the planning phase and beyond. 

Here are five templates that can help with your training presentation design.

Employee Onboarding

First, this multi-slide ppt template for training is an employee onboarding presentation . Use it to cover all characteristics of a corporate onboarding process. Slides include;

  • Pre-boarding
  • Training Activities
  • Onboarding Roadmap
  • Title & closing slides

Pre-Boarding slide on a Employee Onboarding template for PowerPoint

Managerial Grid

The Blake & Mouton managerial grid is a great way to explain and analyze the different types of management based on production concerns and people concerns. Production concerns are characterized by tasks, and people are concerned with relationships. 

Matrix Grids can be used for other purposes as well. Like stakeholder engagement , talent analysis , and content marketing.

Blake & Mouton managerial grid template

Multichapter Presentation

Does your training content span long chunks of information? Separate it into digestible sections and create a multichapter training presentation. If it still feels very long, separate each chapter into a lesson of a comprehensive digital course. This multichapter presentation template will help you either way. Plus, it will add considerable visual value to the deck as a whole.

Multichapter PowerPoint template

SWOT Analysis

Teaching the SWOT Analysis process is best achieved with a “start big and continue into the details” presentation structure. This 5-slide template starts with the main idea and then delves deeper into each section. A visual structure like this also works for any concept that needs explanatory simplification. Simply separate the main concept into four parts and create a further slide for each.

SWOT analysis template by SlideModel

5Cs of Customer Service

Nothing exudes versatility as much as infographics. This template has one function, to describe and analyze the 5Cs of customer service . Nevertheless, you get six visually different infographic compositions for the same topic in one template. How else can your content be separated into five sections with the same first letter? This—all words with the same first letter—is a mnemonic technique that will help your learners absorb and retain information.

5Cs in Customer Service PowerPoint template

How to Deliver Your Training Presentation

How will you deliver the training presentation to your learners? Depending on the company culture and working model, your training presentation will appear in any of the following scenarios.

1. As visual support to your In-person group training session.

The in-person group training session is the most common—until the pandemic changed many things. Your training presentation is the visual support during the event. 

Here are some tips for delivering a presentation during a group training session.

  • Practice your ability to talk to a group. Notice your voice inflections or lack thereof. Practice the lesson with the training slides to support your spoken or activity-based teaching material.
  • Remember that presenting a business presentation and teaching with a training presentation aren’t the same. If you’re new to in-person group training, research to learn and practice instruction skills.
  • While training, maintain constant interaction with the learners. Ask them questions, and let them ask you questions. Invite anyone interested to join the online whiteboard for notetaking and mind-mapping the lesson.

2. As Part of a Live Online Session for Hybrid Teams.

Online, blended learning is quickly becoming popular with L&D teams. But how does it work? And why is it so special?

When you have hybrid teams with some employees in-office, others at home, and even more in other parts of the world, you need training solutions that work for everyone.

For the SCRUM training, we’d do the following:

  • Prepare the training presentation slide deck.
  • Organize a space for the in-person group and plan the event.
  • Set up a camera to record the lesson or training session.
  • Invite all employees to the session and offer them options of attendance; in-person, online, and live, watching the event recording.
  • Get set up to stream the session live. You can use a webinar tool like Streamyard or the one inside your LMS platform. Someone might need to help so you can concentrate on the training rather than the technical tasks.
  • Stream the lesson live and record it. On Chromecast , choose to use the split screen. One side shows the video of you teaching, and the other is the training presentation you prepared.
  • Send the recording to the employees that didn’t attend in person or live online.

Infographic of steps required for SCRUM training

3. As a lesson in a digital course

Your training presentation can be its own course or part of a bigger one. In a comprehensive multi-lesson course, each section has its training presentation or a combination of presentations and other material. Use e-learning tools like SCORM and xAPI to create courses learners can do at their own pace, which you can keep track of. 

Create your SCORM and xAPI courses with PowerPoint, SlideModel, and the iSpring PPT plugin . Once finished, upload it all to your LMS platform and enroll employees to learn.

What’s the difference between SCORM and xAPI? The visual below has all the answers.

Comparison chart of xAPI vs. SCORM

Read our guide on how to create an online course for detailed instructions and tips to make your course stand out.

3. As a PDF document

Delivering a training presentation as a PDF document shouldn’t be your first choice, but consider it for those employees that prefer learning that way. The same training presentation you create for in-person training, online learning or hybrid sessions can be downloaded as a PDF and shared via email or through the learning portal.

Takeaways for how to create successful PowerPoint Training Presentations

Optimize your training presentations to be as efficient as possible using instructional design techniques from the pros. Start with your trusty authoring combination of PowerPoint and SlideModel, and add an iSpring design plugin to complete the toolkit. Follow the steps in the sections above and then some.

Implement Interactivity 

Add interactivity to your training presentations to make them more engaging while touching on more learning styles. Interactivity can be as simple as a navigation menu between slides, dialogue simulations, and quick in-slide quizzes. Use xAPI and an LMS to create interactive training presentations for any topic.

After discussing the importance of interactivity, take a look at our 5-topic training presentation template showcased in the following video. With a tabbed menu, this training PPT template is ideal for presenting the agenda of your training session and delivering it in a streamlined manner. Each tab can represent a unique topic or module, making it easier for your audience to follow along and understand the progression of your training. The slide layout not only enhances visual appeal, making it more engaging than traditional slides, but also promotes organized content delivery.

Animated presentation templates, such as the one shown, are an effective way to captivate your audience and make the learning experience more memorable. This kind of animations add an element of surprise and engagement that static slides might lack. When paired with interactive elements mentioned earlier, such training templates can transform your training presentations into immersive learning experiences.

Add In-Slide Video

Hybrid learning and online learning have a wide berth of possibilities. One is in-slide video recordings of you—the training presenter—talking to the audience on the other side of the screen. 

This is especially practical for digital training presentations that never had an in-person session and instead are all done online. Use tools like Loom and Camtasia to record yourself speaking as you flip through the training slides, then download the Loom video . Then share the final video output on your company’s learning platform.

Offer Supplemental Material

Regardless of how you deliver your training deck, it’s always a good idea to offer supplemental material for the learner. Let’s look at some ideas:

  • If you deliver the training presentation as a video with much narration, offer a PDF transcript for download. 
  • On an LMS platform, add printable PDF worksheets and further reading material.
  • Before or during an in-person session, give handouts and worksheets.
  • In a hybrid webinar, share links to online games that help reinforce the topic.
  • In any scenario, offer further resources for self-paced learning.

Incorporate Gamification

One of the best teaching techniques for turning training presentations from meh to memorable is gamification. Using games and game-like visual qualities helps learners capture and retain information better. Gamification techniques like badges, challenges, and competition elevate the learner’s feeling of happiness and contentment. They enjoy the process more and therefore learn more effectively.

Cover Multiple Platforms

Reach all employees where they are by creating and delivering versatile training presentations that are viewable on any device, from wall projectors to mobile phones. Create interconnectivity between them with downloads, digital whiteboards for notetaking, online chatrooms, handouts, etc.  

Don’t forget also to follow accessibility standards. For example, closed caption subtitles on videos and e-reader-compatible text. 

Share Questionnaires And Surveys At The End

Do you agree with the business notion that nothing in business is worth it unless you can track it? If so, then your training presentations must have a callback. Shortly after the learner has attended, watched, or listened to your training presentation, send them a short survey to gauge their satisfaction. Combine this with testing and quizzing results, and over a short time; you’ll have a good grasp on the effectiveness of your training.

Give a Certificate of Completion

Offer your learners a certificate of completion. As its name indicates, a certificate is essential for certifying that a person has taken your course. Create a visual certificate that you can send as a pdf in an email. Include all the necessary information for the learner to mention the completed course on their LinkedIn profile.

Sample of a certificate of completion for a SCRUM course

In less than three thousand words, you learned why training presentations are important for business, how to create and deliver them, plus tips on how to make your training presentations amazing.

Your L&D team and all your trained employees will benefit from optimized training presentations that use SlideModel templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Support your learners with visuals and instructional infographics. Start downloading educational templates today.

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

what is presentation training

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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Genard Method Public Speaking Training

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  • Fearless Speaking
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  • Presentation Coaching
  • Speaking Virtually
  • Presentation Skills
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  • The Benefits of Deep Breathing
  • How to Calm Your Nerves Before Speaking
  • Leadership Skills: The 5 Essential Speaking Techniques
  • 5 Ways to Captivate an Audience
  • The Body Language Rules: 12 Ways to be a More Powerful Speaker
  • 4 Characteristics of an Influential Speaker
  • 6 Skills Building Exercises for Effective Body Language
  • 7 Tips for Overcoming Audience Resistance
  • 5 Rules for Succeeding with PowerPoint
  • Great Speaking? – It's About Performance Over Content!
  • 5 Key Tools of Vocal Dynamics
  • 5 Secrets of Powerful Body Language
  • 10 Ways to Stay Fully Focused when Speaking
  • 25 Words or Phrases to Avoid in Speeches and Presentations
  • 6 Rules of Effective Public Speaking
  • 7 Key Components of Successful Presentations
  • 12 Easy Ways to Achieve Presence and Charisma
  • 6 Skills Building Exercises Video

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"Be a voice not an echo." - Albert Einstein

10 Benefits of Presentation Skills Training for Employees

10 benefits of presentation skills training for employees.

Do your company's presentations achieve the results you're looking for? How good are you at speaking to stakeholders? Here are 10 benefits of presentation skills training for employees.

Are your employees well trained to deliver your company's key presentations? Whether you're pitching new business, delivering your value proposition, or speaking to investors at your annual meeting, your business success depends upon high-caliber presentations.

So why do so many organizations fail at speaking with power and persuasiveness? A lack of attention to high-caliber presentation training may be the cause. Or if training is provided, it may be based only on information delivery, rather than laser-focused on effective  performance.

To move listeners to action, you must build a solid presentation. Learn the essential elements of speeches that activate stakeholders. Download my free presenters guide,  "7 Key Components of Successful Presentations."

It's not surprising that theater-based techniques are the best ones for showing your staff how to reach and move audiences. Your customers, clients, and prospects respond best to speakers who use all of their communication tools to gain influence. One of those tools, of course, is the information you convey. But the power of performance is at least as important in gaining the impact you're looking for. 

Still, there are many reasons for employee training in public speaking and presentations that go beyond sheer performance. Below are 10 such reasons. Together, they will go a long way toward making your company a more cohesive and effective unit where your all-important business presentations are concerned.

Why you should provide training for your employees.

10 Reasons to Provide Training for Your Employees

  • Build Morale.  Just as the famous saying tells us that most men live lives of quiet desperation, many employees are dissatisfied with the level of their speaking and presentation skills. Most of us get ahead professionally by learning our business, working hard, and making helpful connections. Typically, public speaking training isn't part of the mix. Yet forward-thinking companies know to seek performance-based training by professionals. "I'm no longer avoiding presentations on my job . . . I'm seeking out opportunities!" is often the comment from someone who has received such training.

How to achieve communication skills improvement for your company.

  • Shared Skill Set . Even in work environments where collaboration is strong, employees often must think and work on their own. Communicating with others on one's team also doesn't mean that individuals learn and progress at the same level and are focused on the same material. In group training in company presentation skills, however, they do. On-site corporate workshops are usually carefully planned with the company's goals and objectives in mind, along with pertinent issues and personalities. There is simply no substitute for all key employees being in the same room, learning the same skill set at the same time. The result is truly greater than the sum of the parts involved.
  • Professionalism. When it comes to reaching a higher level of communication effectiveness and influence, the right type of training is essential. Workshops open to the public must aim for a low denominator given the wide range of knowledge and experience represented. Corporate workshops in presentation skills don't have that limitation. Whatever level the organization wants to reach in terms of speaking success is where such a training starts. Add on-your-feet presentation practice and videotaping, and the results can really allow a company's impact and influence to soar.   

The best sales training involves presentation skills improvement for your sales team.

  • Ability to Sell. Another interesting effect can sometimes announce itself when a team hasn't been receiving timely sales presentation training. When a "capabilities" presentation in PowerPoint   is used by the entire sales staff, for instance, the fact that the deck is dated or no longer accurate may not be perceived. A "we've always done it this way" mentality may be harming the company. Sales presentation training workshops--often done at annual sales meeting--can bring this problem to awareness. Partly it's due simply to a fresh set of eyes from outside seeing the problem. But a skilled trainer will also be able to connect the company's stated goals for influencing an audience, with what that audience is actually seeing and hearing. That's part of his or her job, and it's actually not rare that we see this need among the sales staff emerging in a workshop.
  • Company Speakers Bureau . Does your company maintain a speakers bureau? It's a terrific way to keep the learning going for your employees who speak frequently after the on-site workshop is over. And it's custom made to increase your employees' comfort level and eagerness to speak on behalf of your organization.
  • Create Your Own Coaching Staff. This is one of those under-the-radar benefits of presentation skills training for your employees. Often a human resources executive or Chief Learning Officer will bring this up in their initial discussion with us concerning a training. That executive is interested in learning how it's done, i.e., how she or he can coach key executives on an ongoing basis once our workshop has concluded. Usually this person will ask if they can attend the seminar themselves so they can learn. We are very happy to say yes. 
  • Build Stronger Customer Relationships. As I say to clients and trainees, your competitor's product or service is probably very close to yours, and the price is also usually in the same ballpark. So what makes that customer or client decide to do business with you? The answer is that they want to! That usually means they enjoy communicating with you and conducting business together. One of the ways they understand early on that they probably will, in fact, like dealing with you, is that you've given them evidence in your presentations. Trustworthiness and honesty are the bedrock of successful presentations. Of course, they only emerge when confidence and one's comfort level is high. That's a key reason to give your employees presentation skills training that meets that need.
  • Be Recognized as an Industry Leader. Isn't it time your company or organization left Presentations 101 behind? The competition is stiff, and of course, in the 21st century it's truly global. When your employees present, they represent everything that you offer, and everything that you are. Audiences do not separate the message and the messenger. If you want to be recognized as an industry leader, your business presentations must go beyond good, and beyond effective, up to the level of the extraordinary. Give your employees the right kind of presentation training, and they will.

Key takeaways from this blog:

  • Your business success depends upon high-caliber presentations.
  • Presentation training often focuses on information rather than performance.
  • Theater-based techniques are the world's best for presentation training.
  • To keep employees learning and growing, bolster their communication skills.
  • Professional presentations will solidify your status as an industry leader.

Dr. Gary Genard's free white paper, The 7 Key Components of Successful Presentations.

Tags: public speaking training , business presentations , presentation skills training for employees , corporate training , team presentation skills , team training , presentation skills training , public speaking training company , corporate workshops

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What is a Presentation? Objectives, Elements, Important skills, Four Ps

  • Post last modified: 4 June 2023
  • Reading time: 19 mins read
  • Post category: Business Communication

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What is a Presentation?

A presentation communicates a message, an idea or information to a group. It is similar to a report, but with a key difference–the human element. A presentation conveys the speaker’s personality and enables immediate interaction among all participants.

Table of Content

  • 1 What is a Presentation?
  • 2.1 To Inform
  • 2.2 To Train
  • 2.3 To Persuade
  • 2.4 To Motivate
  • 2.5 To Entertain
  • 3 Main Elements of Presentation
  • 4.1 Analytical ability
  • 4.2 Effective communication ability
  • 4.3 Creative ability
  • 4.4 Good interpersonal skill
  • 4.5 Sound time management
  • 4.6 Problem-solving ability
  • 4.7 A sense of humour
  • 5 Evaluation Wheel
  • 6.1 Prepare
  • 6.2 Practice
  • 6.3 Present
  • 7.1 Know Yourself
  • 7.2 Know Your Material
  • 7.3 Know Your Purpose
  • 7.4 Know Your Audience

Objectives of Presentation

The main objectives of a presentation are:

To Persuade

To motivate, to entertain.

A presentation is created to convey some information to a group of people. For example, a presentation may display an organisation’s quarterly performance.

Most training programmes in organisations are done through the presentation mode. Such instructional presentations convey a lot of information and are created with instructional design principles to keep the audience engaged for a long period.

Some presentations are used to convince a group of people to accept a particular idea and/or make a certain choice.

The growing popularity of TED Talks indicates how a presentation can be a powerful motivation tool. These presentations trigger emotions and inspire people to act.

Presentations can also be used to celebrate an event. For example, a farewell presentation of a colleague can be used to narrate the story of his/her overall tenure, experiences and achievement in the organisation.

Main Elements of Presentation

A presentation is said to be effective if it has three main elements, which are as follows:

  • Specific content : This refers to the information that a presentation will comprise. The information must be conveyed effectively so that it is absorbed by the audience in one sitting. It should be relevant and meaningful to them.
  • Audience : A presentation should be targeted for a specific group of audience who share the same purpose and have a similar level of pre-knowledge.
  • Presenter: The presenter should act as the advocate of the information. If his/her conviction and passion in the message are clearly articulated, the audience will also pay attention to the subject.

Important Presentation Skills

In today’s business environment, presentation skills are requisite in almost every professional arena. Employees are often required to give presentations on the targets achieved by them. A presentation can be effective if it is carefully planned and prepared.

However, delivering presentations is not always easy for every individual. Some people take presenting as a probable opportunity to showcase skills, while others find it a challenging task. To provide an effective presentation, a presenter must possess some abilities.

Some of them are explained as follows:

Analytical ability

Effective communication ability, creative ability, good interpersonal skill, sound time management, problem-solving ability, a sense of humour.

It refers to a calibre which empowers an individual to collect, organise, visualise and comprehend data. Such skills enable a person to look at related patterns, draw conclusions and find solutions to problems. In addition, sound analytical skills also enable an individual to forecast future trends using various techniques such as brainstorming, forecasting, data mining and metrics interpretation.

Communication entails much more than mere talking to the audience. To communicate effectively during a presentation, one ought to showcase information lucidly. During a presentation, a person should not just have a good set of slides together; rather he needs to engage and strike a chord with the audience to transmit the intended message.

It refers to the ability to present things in a creative way that have not been explored earlier. Creative skills in presentation enable an individual to invent or develop something path-breaking, such as a new concept, unique way out from a problem, a method, a work of art or new machinery, etc.

It encompasses how an individual portrays or presents himself to the audience and builds a rapport with the audience. During a presentation, sound interpersonal skills empower a speaker to interact, communicate and collaborate with the audience effectively.

Interpersonal skills are prevalent across all personal and professional interactions between people. Interpersonal skills entail empathy, active listening and emotional intelligence.

While delivering a presentation, a person should manage time effectively, set a presentation schedule and end a presentation within a stipulated time. If a presentation is long, there are chances the audience may lose interest and the message may not be delivered.

A speaker cannot expect audience to actively listen to the presentation for hours. At the start of presentation, a speaker should aim to grab audience’s attention and allocate time for questions and answers at the end.

Problem-solving is a requisite skill for a presentation. During a presentation, the audience may ask the speaker any kind of questions. On the other hand, it is important for the speaker to provide an appropriate answer to the audience to make the presentation successful.

A sense of humour is crucial to deliver a quality presentation to make the environment light and engaging. Appropriate usage of light jokes relieves stress and holds the attention of an audience, which makes the presentation a memorable experience for both the speaker and the audience.

Evaluation Wheel

Evaluation wheel is a creative and effective tool that accumulates information on outcomes in a simple and accessible manner. A presenter can opt for the evaluation wheel tool to show the outcomes of the research or reports. This tool is used to provide various types of information and journeys of change within the organisation.

It offers a visual representation of progression and results in the form of a spider diagram. The evaluation wheel measures the exact outcomes for a programme at the start and end. It also helps educators, designers to comprehend information systematically. Figure shows an example of evaluation wheel:

Figure states the scale questionnaire in a circle form wherein respondents will analyse the instances from their discretion and experience and give rating on a scale of 1 to 5.

For instance, service users are appropriately involved. In this case, if the respondent strongly agrees, he/she will give 5 rating and if he/she does not agree, he/she will give 1 rating. The centre of the circle is for 1 and as the respondent agrees, they reach out to edge for 5 rating.

Ps of Presentation

Even the most powerful presentation may fail if the presenter comes unprepared. A presentation is both a mental and a physical effort. There are Ps of presentation that provide a checklist to the presenter for ensuring that the presentation is well-constructed and clear so that the audience gets the message. These four Ps are explained as follows:

A thoroughly prepared presentation captivates the interests of the audience. The topic or content of the presentation must be thoroughly researched. No one would develop interest in a vague or equivocal presentation. A speaker can make use of stories or relatable examples and quote references to give more depth to the presentation and make it intriguing.

Apart from that, it should be ensured that only important points are highlighted in bullets or using other graphical elements. Providing too much of theory or full sentences can create boredom for the audience.

While preparing for a presentation, the presenter should include the following sections:

  • Introduction : This section includes the name of the topic and the purpose of the presentation.
  • Body : This section contains the main content of the presentation; thus, it must be prepared in a well-organised manner.
  • Summary : It provides a recap of the content of the presentation. It outlines the most important points of the presentation to ensure the key message is retained by the audience.

Practice will make a man perfect is an adage that is appropriate across all spheres of life. It helps a speaker become familiar with his/her own voice, words and phrases and adjust accordingly. By practising thoroughly, a speaker can explore how to fit different pieces of information together and practise transition.

Also, a speaker should make notes wherever required as a part of presentation support. Using an index card is a common form of note-taking that provides a quick glimpse of important points.

While delivering a presentation, the speaker needs to demonstrate confidence in front of the audience. The speaker must be polite, but not apologetic in situations, such as if the session is running overtime or the microphone has stopped working.

Instead he/she should expect and ask for discipline and attention. It is important for a speaker to engage with the audience during the presentation in order to assure them that he/she is genuinely interested in talking to them. 4. Pace, pitch and pause: A presenter should deliver the presentation in an easy-to-follow pace and try changing the pace to enliven the presentation.

For example, pauses can be taken intentionally between main points to reinforce them. Along with pace, pitch is equally important. Just as pace varies in normal conversations, it should be used effectively during presentations too. For example, when asking a question, the presenter can raise the pitch and can lower it down when explaining a point.

Four Cornerstones of Making Memorable Presentations

The most crucial aspect of delivering an effective presentation is that the speaker should appear confident and the speech should look effortless. Presentations are a source of anxiety for many individuals. However, getting well-prepared before delivering a presentation can reduce this feeling considerably and ease apprehension.

There are a number of ways to overcome feelings of anxiety, stress and stage fright before the presentation in order to appear confident in front of the audience. The four cornerstones of making a memorable presentation are provided in the upcoming sections.

Know Yourself

Know your material, know your purpose, know your audience.

A presenter should acknowledge his/her strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, he/she should decide the style of delivering a presentation. For instance, if a presenter has a great sense of humour and can use it comfortably in the speech, he/she can make the presentation more engaging and interesting.

On the other hand, if the speaker who is an introvert and prefers to talk or engage less, he/she can add visuals in the presentation. Therefore, the trick is whosoever is delivering the presentation should feel comfortable.

Knowing the topic thoroughly is the most important step in preparing and delivering a presentation. A presenter with well-versed knowledge of the topic is bound to feel more confident. One should perform extensive research of the topic using credible websites and surveys.

A presenter with minimal information about the topic will not be able to deliver a memorable presentation; rather, it would create a negative image in front of the audience. A good presentation is one that is centred around the main theme, presents relevant information and stimulates thought.

It is crucial to know the purpose of the presentation. A presenter should be aware of whether the purpose is to create awareness or to build new skills or to change attitudes. For instance, professional firms or businesses use presentations for various purposes such as to create awareness, educate, motivate and persuade internal and external audiences.

Therefore, to prepare a presentation, identify its objective/purpose, determine the method of delivery, formulate a structure, include visual aids and rehearse.

One should know the type of audience and what is their purpose of attending the presentation. For instance, whether they are there for gaining knowledge or learning new skills, etc. The age, culture and knowledge base of the audience help a presenter in designing and delivering his/her presentation effectively and in a manner in which audience can easily understand and relate to.

A well-designed presentation uses visual aids effectively to reinforce the main points and enhance the audience’s level of understanding.

Business Communication Notes

( Click on Topic to Read )

  • What is Business Communication?
  • What is Communication?

Types of Communication

  • 7 C of Communication
  • Barriers To Business Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Types Of Non Verbal Communication
  • What is Written Communication?
  • What are Soft Skills?
  • Interpersonal vs Intrapersonal communication
  • Barriers to Communication
  • Importance of Communication Skills
  • Listening in Communication
  • Causes of Miscommunication
  • What is Johari Window?
  • What is Presentation?
  • Communication Styles
  • Channels of Communication

Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Differences and Benett’s Stages of Intercultural Sensitivity

  • Organisational Communication
  • Horizontal C ommunication
  • Grapevine Communication
  • Downward Communication
  • Verbal Communication Skills
  • Upward Communication
  • Flow of Communication
  • What is Emotional Intelligence?
  • What is Public Speaking?
  • Upward vs Downward Communication
  • Internal vs External Communication
  • What is Group Discussion?
  • What is Interview?
  • What is Negotiation?
  • What is Digital Communication?
  • What is Letter Writing?
  • Resume and Covering Letter
  • What is Report Writing?
  • What is Business Meeting?
  • What is Public Relations?
  • What Is Market Segmentation?
  • What Is Marketing Mix?
  • Marketing Concept
  • Marketing Management Process
  • What Is Marketing Environment?
  • What Is Consumer Behaviour?
  • Business Buyer Behaviour
  • Demand Forecasting
  • 7 Stages Of New Product Development
  • Methods Of Pricing
  • What Is Public Relations?
  • What Is Marketing Management?
  • What Is Sales Promotion?
  • Types Of Sales Promotion
  • Techniques Of Sales Promotion
  • What Is Personal Selling?
  • What Is Advertising?
  • Market Entry Strategy
  • What Is Marketing Planning?
  • Segmentation Targeting And Positioning
  • Brand Building Process
  • Kotler Five Product Level Model
  • Classification Of Products
  • Types Of Logistics
  • What Is Consumer Research?
  • What Is DAGMAR?
  • Consumer Behaviour Models
  • What Is Green Marketing?
  • What Is Electronic Commerce?
  • Agricultural Cooperative Marketing
  • What Is Marketing Control?
  • What Is Marketing Communication?
  • What Is Pricing?
  • Models Of Communication
  • What is Sales Management?
  • Objectives of Sales Management
  • Responsibilities and Skills of Sales Manager
  • Theories of Personal Selling
  • What is Sales Forecasting?
  • Methods of Sales Forecasting
  • Purpose of Sales Budgeting
  • Methods of Sales Budgeting
  • Types of Sales Budgeting
  • Sales Budgeting Process
  • What is Sales Quotas?
  • What is Selling by Objectives (SBO) ?
  • What is Sales Organisation?
  • Types of Sales Force Structure
  • Recruiting and Selecting Sales Personnel
  • Training and Development of Salesforce
  • Compensating the Sales Force
  • Time and Territory Management
  • What Is Logistics?
  • What Is Logistics System?
  • Technologies in Logistics
  • What Is Distribution Management?
  • What Is Marketing Intermediaries?
  • Conventional Distribution System
  • Functions of Distribution Channels
  • What is Channel Design?
  • Types of Wholesalers and Retailers
  • What is Vertical Marketing Systems?
  • What i s Marketing?
  • What i s A BCG Matrix?
  • 5 M’S Of Advertising
  • What i s Direct Marketing?
  • Marketing Mix For Services
  • What Market Intelligence System?
  • What i s Trade Union?
  • What Is International Marketing?
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • What i s International Marketing Research?
  • What is Exporting?
  • What is Licensing?
  • What is Franchising?
  • What is Joint Venture?
  • What is Turnkey Projects?
  • What is Management Contracts?
  • What is Foreign Direct Investment?
  • Factors That Influence Entry Mode Choice In Foreign Markets
  • What is Price Escalations?
  • What is Transfer Pricing?
  • Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
  • What is Promotion Mix?
  • Factors Affecting Promotion Mix
  • Functions & Role Of Advertising
  • What is Database Marketing?
  • What is Advertising Budget?
  • What is Advertising Agency?
  • What is Market Intelligence?
  • What is Industrial Marketing?
  • What is Customer Value
  • What is Consumer Behaviour?
  • What Is Personality?
  • What Is Perception?
  • What Is Learning?
  • What Is Attitude?
  • What Is Motivation?
  • Consumer Imagery
  • Consumer Attitude Formation
  • What Is Culture?
  • Consumer Decision Making Process
  • Applications of Consumer Behaviour in Marketing
  • Motivational Research
  • Theoretical Approaches to Study of Consumer Behaviour
  • Consumer Involvement
  • Consumer Lifestyle
  • Theories of Personality
  • Outlet Selection
  • Organizational Buying Behaviour
  • Reference Groups
  • Consumer Protection Act, 1986
  • Diffusion of Innovation
  • Opinion Leaders
  • What is Business Law?
  • Indian Contract Act 1872
  • Essential Elements of a Valid Contract
  • Types of Contract
  • What is Discharge of Contract?
  • Performance of Contract
  • Sales of Goods Act 1930
  • Goods & Price: Contract of Sale
  • Conditions and Warranties
  • Doctrine of Caveat Emptor
  • Transfer of Property
  • Rights of Unpaid Seller
  • Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
  • Types of Negotiable Instruments
  • Types of Endorsement
  • What is Promissory Note?
  • What is Cheque?
  • What is Crossing of Cheque?
  • What is Bill of Exchange?
  • What is Offer?
  • Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Articles of Association
  • What is Director?
  • Trade Unions Act, 1926
  • Industrial Disputes Act 1947
  • Employee State Insurance Act 1948
  • Payment of Wages Act 1936
  • Payment of Bonus Act 1965
  • Labour Law in India
  • What is Brand Management?
  • 4 Steps of Strategic Brand Management Process
  • Customer Based Brand Equity
  • What is Brand Equity?

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How to create an effective customer service presentation (+design tips)

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How to create an effective customer service presentation (+design tips)

Customer service is one of the most crucial elements of any business. You can have the best product or offer the lowest price, but if your customer service is subpar, it will be challenging to develop and thrive in a competitive landscape. On the other hand, excellent customer service can enhance your brand’s reputation, keep current clients happy, and help attract new ones through referrals.

This is where customer service training becomes a key strategy. And what better way to walk your team members through their responsibilities than with a customer service PowerPoint presentation? Let’s now break down the importance of this type of presentation and how it can help set your business up for success.

What’s a customer service training presentation?

Customer service PPT is a means of educating employees on the principles and best practices of effective customer service. It usually includes slides and visuals that explain how to handle difficult situations or client questions through calls, emails, or face-to-face interactions and explain the importance of good customer service.

Benefits of a customer experience presentation

A thorough understanding of client service expectations and guidelines can set your business up for success in various ways, including:

  • More qualified customer support agents

The main purpose of customer service presentations is to train staff members who will be providing service to clients. When properly trained, your employees can complete their responsibilities to company standards and deliver exceptional service to your clients.

  • Effective service for your clients

If a customer has a problem and needs someone to listen and help resolve it, but your support team lacks customer service training, it can lead to various issues, including losing them as a customer. On the contrary, when clients receive quality service from your employees across all channels, they feel valued and are more likely to come back or recommend your product or service to someone else.

  • Improved brand reputation

Reviews from customers, whether on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Google, or sites like Sitejabber and Trustpilot, can have both a positive and a negative impact on your business. That’s why putting your customers first and providing excellent service to them can help build a strong reputation and establish your company as an industry leader.

What to put in your presentation on customer service

According to top experts at our PowerPoint design company , your slides have to touch upon the following topics:

  • Conflict resolution best practices
  • Product/service knowledge
  • Communication styles
  • Most common customer issues
  • Reasons for customer complaints
  • Understanding who has authority for specific tasks
  • Approaches to building relationships with clients
  • Ways to measure success

Here are some key components of a well-crafted PPT presentation on customer service:

  • Introduction: An explanation of why customer service is important and how it affects the business.
  • Company values & mission: How customer service connects with what the company believes in and aims to achieve.
  • Customer service standards: Guidelines on how employees should act when interacting with customers.
  • Communication skills: Tips and techniques for effective verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Customer experience: Ways to improve customer service quality and go beyond what they expect.
  • Problem-solving: Top methods for resolving clients’ issues and dealing with common complaints.
  • Role-playing scenarios: Examples and role-playing activities to help employees practice and get better at customer service.
  • Performance metrics: Ways to measure customer service performance and why reacting to feedback is essential.
  • Q&A session: An opportunity for employees to ask questions and discuss their concerns or uncertainties.

Now that you know the fundamentals, let’s move on to the top tips for creating an effective PowerPoint customer service presentation.

Expert tips to make your client service presentation more engaging

Creating an engaging presentation on customer services is not easy. If you want your employees to be interested and willing to do what you ask them to, you have to prepare your presentation very carefully and learn how to deliver it in the best way possible. The tips below will help you create slides that catch and hold your employees’ interest so they can engage with the material more effectively and retain the key information faster.

1. Start with a strong opening

This can be anything from a relevant story, statistic, question, or captivating anecdote. Remember, your goal is to hook the audience right from the start.

2. Keep your presentation simple and clear

Organize your thoughts logically, with an introduction, key points, and a solid conclusion. Avoid cluttered slides and complex jargon. Each slide should convey one main idea.

3. Select a consistent color palette and design structure

These should complement your message and branding, not compete with it. Ensure readability by harmonizing colors and employing suitable design elements to emphasize important content.

4. Keep your content concise

You can utilize bullet points, bold text, short phrases, or keywords to convey your message. However, avoid long paragraphs or any unnecessary data on slides.

5. Use visuals

Where appropriate, incorporate engaging images and informative charts to visually represent data and concepts. Remember, visual aids can make complex information more digestible and your presentation more interesting.

6. Include real-life examples

These can be case studies, customer stories, or any other examples your employees can relate to. This way, you’ll make your presentation easier to understand.

7. Engage your audience

Incorporate interactive elements like polls into your presentation. This way, you’ll encourage participation and keep your employees engaged.

8. End with a strong conclusion

Summarize the main points and give the audience a clear call to action. You can also add a memorable closing statement or a quote to reinforce your message.

9. Prepare handouts or resources

Provide handouts, cheat sheets, or additional resources for your employees to take away. This will offer reference material and help them further retain the information presented.

10. Polish your presentation

As the presentation day approaches, give your slides a final look. Review your talking points and make any final tweaks.

  • Choose a sans-serif font, such as Helvetica or Arial. Fonts like Palatino and Times New Roman can be harder to read at times.
  • Never use a font size of less than 24 points.
  • All your headlines should have the same font.
  • Use bold and different sizes of fonts for subheadings and captions.
  • Every screen should have a clear label. For the title, choose a larger font (35–45 points) or a different color.
  • Don’t use more than four fonts in your presentation.
  • Choose larger fonts to indicate importance.
  • Use different sizes, colors, and styles (e.g., bold) for impact.
  • Don’t use too many punctuation marks.
  • Avoid italicized fonts and long sentences.
  • Refrain from using all caps (except for titles).
  • Add a maximum of 6-8 words per line.
  • Use the 6 x 6 Rule: one thought or 6 words per line and 6 lines per slide max.
  • Either use light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background. However, light backgrounds are preferable.
  • Put page numbers and other repeating elements in the same location on each slide.
  • Don’t put too many colors on one screen.
  • Use no more than four different colors on a single chart.
  • Check colors on a projection screen before the presentation, as they can project differently than on your monitor.

Design and graphical elements

  • Before designing your presentation, look for customer service presentation ideas online.
  • Standardize styles, positions, and colors.
  • Keep the details to a minimum and only include essential information.
  • Use colors that complement and contrast.
  • Keep the presentation background consistent.
  • Use a single style for bullets throughout the slide.
  • Use one or two large images instead of lots of small ones.
  • Make all images the same size when appropriate.
  • Arrange images horizontally or vertically.
  • Use the same border for all slides.
  • Keep the design uncluttered. Leave empty space around graphical images and text.
  • Use quality clipart that relates to the slide’s topic.
  • Use graphical images of the same style throughout the presentation.
  • Use image repetition to reinforce the message.

Remember, a great customer service presentation comprises relevant information, product knowledge, and company-specific employee guidelines, so plan carefully.

If you require professional assistance with your customer service slides, the certified design experts at SlidePeak are here to help. Our dedicated team can tailor a fully editable customer service PowerPoint template for your company and employees so you can easily customize and update it as needed. Google Slides design experts are also available!

All initial consultations are free of charge and confidential, with no obligation to continue. Call now or fill out our online form, and we’ll get back to you in under 15 minutes!

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  • Presenting techniques
  • 50 tips on how to improve PowerPoint presentations in 2022-2023 [Updated]
  • Present financial information visually in PowerPoint to drive results
  • Keynote VS PowerPoint
  • Types of presentations

How to prepare and write valid progress report for project?

  • Guide & How to's

How to prepare and write valid progress report for project?

How to create and give a great presentation at a job interview?

How to create and give a great presentation at a job interview?

How to create a business plan presentation?

How to create a business plan presentation?

The Online Home of Teamsters Local 710

The Online Home of Teamsters Local 710

Representing more than 13,500 workers across the midwest, 2024 educational programs: harassment seminar, history presentation, and stewards’ training.

Posted on June 26, 2024 in Local News

what is presentation training

Teamsters Local 710 is proud to announce our 2024 member education programs! In addition to our annual Stewards’ Training, we will also conduct a Harassment Seminar and History Program, which will be open to all rank-and-file members.

Space is limited and reserved on a first-come, first-served basis: ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please complete the appropriate registration form to RSVP ASAP! You will receive a registration receipt upon completion of the form. You will receive a separate email confirming your seat in your chosen program by July 31. If the programs fill up, you will be notified and placed on a wait list.

Stewards’ Training

When: Friday, August 23 through Sunday, August 25, 2024 Where: Local 710 – 9000 W. 187th Street, Mokena, IL 60448

Teamsters Local 710 is proud to offer an interactive training for our Stewards. This 2-day program (plus Friday night reception) will be run by your Local 710 Representatives, attorneys from Willig, Williams, and Davidson, and Sister Karin Jones, IBT Historian. Must be a Union Steward to attend Friday and/or Saturday.

Friday, August 23, 2024 (OPTIONAL) 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Stewards’ Reception

Saturday, August 24, 2024 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Stewards’ Training

Sunday, August 25, 2024 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Harassment Seminar & Teamster History

Harassment Seminar & History Presentation

When: Sunday, August 25, 2024 Where: Local 710 – 9000 W. 187th Street, Mokena, IL 60448

Teamsters Local 710 is proud to offer two programs for all our members! 710 Representatives and attorneys from Willig, Williams, and Davidson will give a presentation on Harassment and how to combat it in your workplace, followed by a Teamster History presentation by IBT Historian Karin Jones.

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  • Member Education
  • Steward Training

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A person using a laptop, presumably learning what C R M is

What is CRM?

Manage, track, and store information related to potential customers using a centralized, data-driven software solution.

Defining CRM

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a set of integrated, data-driven software solutions that help manage, track, and store information related to your company’s current and potential customers. By keeping this information in a centralized system, business teams have access to the insights they need, the moment they need them.

Without the support of an integrated CRM solution, your company may miss growth opportunities and lose potential revenue because it’s not optimizing operating processes or making the most of customer relationships and sales leads.

What does a CRM do?

Not too long ago, companies tracked customer-related data with spreadsheets, email, address books, and other siloed, often paper-based CRM solutions. A lack of integration and automation prevented people within and across teams from quickly finding and sharing up-to-date information, slowing their ability to create marketing campaigns, pursue new sales leads, and service customers.

Fast forward to today. CRM systems automatically collect a wealth of information about existing and prospective customers. This data includes email addresses, phone numbers, company websites, social media posts, purchase histories, and service and support tickets. The system next integrates the data and generates consolidated profiles to be shared with appropriate teams.

CRM systems also connect with other business tools, including online chat and document sharing apps. In addition, they have built-in business intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities that accelerate administrative tasks and provide actionable insights.

In other words, modern CRM tools give sales, marketing, commerce, field service, and customer service teams immediate visibility into—and access to—everything crucial to developing, improving, and retaining customer relationships.

Some ways you can use CRM capabilities to benefit your company are to:

  • Monitor each opportunity through the sales funnel for better sales. CRM solutions help track lead-related data, accompanied with insights, so sales and marketing teams can stay organized, understand where each lead is in the sales process, and know who has worked on each opportunity.
  • Use sales monitoring to get real-time performance data. Link sales data into your CRM solution to provide an immediate, accurate picture of sales. With a real-time view of your pipeline, you’ll be aware of any slowdowns and bottlenecks—or if your team won a major deal.
  • Plan your next step with insight generation. Focus on what matters most using AI and built-in intelligence to identify the top priorities and how your team can make the most of their time and efforts. For example, sales teams can identify which leads are ready to hand off and which need follow-up.
  • Optimize workflows with automation. Build sales quotes, gather customer feedback, and send email campaigns with task automation, which helps streamline marketing, sales, and customer service. Thus, helping eliminate repetitive tasks so your team can focus on high-impact activities.
  • Track customer interactions for greater impact. CRM solutions include features that tap into customer behavior and surface opportunities for optimization to help you better understand engagement across various customer touchpoints.
  • Connect across multiple platforms for superior customer engagement. Whether through live chat, calls, email, or social interactions, CRM solutions help you connect with customers where they are, helping build the trust and loyalty that keeps your customers coming back.
  • Grow with agility and gain a competitive advantage. A scalable, integrated CRM solution built on a security-rich platform helps meet the ever-changing needs of your business and the marketplace. Quickly launch new marketing, e-commerce, and other initiatives and deliver rapid responses to consumer demands and marketplace conditions.

Why implement a CRM solution?

As you define your CRM strategy and evaluate customer relationship management solutions , look for one that provides a complete view of each customer relationship. You also need a solution that collects relevant data at every customer touchpoint, analyzes it, and surfaces the insights intelligently.

Learn how to choose the right CRM for your needs in The CRM Buyer’s Guide for Today’s Business . With the right CRM system, your company helps enhance communications and ensure excellent experiences at each stage of the customer journey, as outlined below:

  • Identify and engage the right customers. Predictive insight and data-driven buyer behavior helps you learn how to identify, target, and attract the right leads—and then turn them into customers.
  • Improve customer interaction. With a complete view of the customer, every member of the sales team will know a customer’s history, purchasing patterns, and any specific data that’ll help your team provide the most attentive service to each individual customer.
  • Track progress across the customer journey. Knowing where a customer is in your overall sales lifecycle helps you target campaigns and opportunities for the highest engagement.
  • Increase team productivity. Improved visibility and streamlined processes help increase productivity, helping your team focus on what matters most.

How can a CRM help your company?

Companies of all sizes benefit from CRM software. For small businesses seeking to grow, CRM helps automate business processes, freeing employees to focus on higher-value activities. For enterprises, CRM helps simplify and improve even the most complex customer engagements.

Take a closer look at how a CRM system helps benefit your individual business teams.

Marketing teams

Improve your customers’ journey. With the ability to generate multichannel marketing campaigns, nurture sales-ready leads with targeted buyer experiences, and align your teams with planning and real-time tracking tools, you’re able to present curated marketing strategies that’ll resonate with your customers.

As you gain insights into your brand reputation and market through customized dashboards of data analysis, you’re able to prioritize the leads that matter most to your business and adapt quickly with insights and business decisions fueled by the results of targeted, automated processes.

Sales teams

Empower sellers to engage with customers to truly understand their needs, and effectively win more deals. As the business grows, finding the right prospects and customers with targeted sales strategies becomes easier, resulting in a successful plan of action for the next step in your pipeline.

Building a smarter selling strategy with embedded insights helps foster relationships, boost productivity, accelerate sales performances, and innovate with a modern and adaptable platform. And by using AI capabilities that can measure past and present leading indicators, you can track customer relationships from start to finish and automate sales execution with contextual prompts that delivers a personalized experience and aligns with the buyer’s journey anytime, anywhere.

Customer service teams

Provide customers with an effortless omnichannel experience. With the use of service bots, your customer service teams will have the tools to be able to deliver value and improve engagement with every interaction. Offering personalized services, agents can upsell or cross-sell using relevant, contextual data, and based on feedback, surveys, and social listening, optimize their resources based on real-time service trends.

In delivering a guided, intelligent service supported on all channels, customers can connect with agents easily and quickly resolve their issues, resulting in a first-class customer experience.

Field service teams

Empower your agents to create a better in-person experience. By implementing the Internet of Things (IoT) into your operations, you’re able to detect problems faster—automate work orders, schedule, and dispatch technicians in just a few clicks. By streamlining scheduling and inventory management , you can boost onsite efficiency, deliver a more personalized service, and reduce costs.

By providing transparent communications with real-time technician location tracking, appointment reminders, quotes, contracts, and scheduling information, customers stay connected to your field agents and build trust with your business.

Project service automation teams

Improve your profitability with integrated planning tools and analytics that help build your customer-centric delivery model. By gaining transparency into costs and revenue using robust project planning capabilities and intuitive dashboards, you’re able to anticipate demands, determine resources capacity, and forecast project profitability.

And with the ability to measure utilization with real-time dashboards, you can empower your service professionals to apply those insights to their own workflows and optimize resources at any given time. With visibility into those insights, teams are more likely to simplify processes internally, seamlessly collaborate, and increase productivity.

Why use Dynamics 365 for your CRM solution?

With Dynamics 365 , you get a flexible and customizable solution suited to your business requirements. Choose a standalone application to meet the needs of a specific line of business or use multiple CRM applications that work together as a powerful, comprehensive solution.

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Managing Floodplains for Local, Elected Officials and Executives

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The purpose of this 1.5 hour presentation is to help you explain floodplain management to your community’s senior leadership. Ideally, this presentation will persuade them to increase resources for floodplain management in your local area. More resources will help improve your community’s floodplain and support you in your role!

This presentation is designed to be given by any Floodplain Administrator. You don’t need experience teaching or to be an expert in floodplain management. Even if you have limited public speaking experience, you will be a great presenter.

Course Materials

For presenters.

Presenters may download and use the materials provided below.

  • Presenter Guide : This guide provides helpful information, notes and tips for delivering the presentation.
  • Synopsis of Learning Objectives (by unit) : This plan of instruction provides insight on the design of the presentation, including objectives, delivery options, suggested time plans and additional resources.
  • Presenter Evaluation Form : Presenters (or participants) can use this form to tell FEMA if the course was helpful.

For Participants

  • Participant Manual : This “takeaway” document allows participants to follow along with presenters and includes space for individual notes along with key points and links to additional resources.


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Portable SYCL code using oneMKL on AMD, Intel, and Nvidia GPUs, June 20, 2024


Portable SYCL code using oneMKL on AMD, Intel, and Nvidia GPUs, presented by CodePlay and Intel, is part of the Performance Portability training series . This series, offered by OLCF, NERSC, and ALCF, features training sessions on various performance portable programming solutions to help ease developer transitions between current and emerging high-performance computing (HPC) systems, such as the NERSC Perlmutter, OLCF Frontier, and ALCF Aurora featuring NVIDIA-, AMD-, and Intel-based GPUs, respectively.

Time: 8:00 - 10:00 am (Pacific time), Thursday, June 20 (online only)

With supercomputers such as Aurora, Polaris, Perlmutter, and Frontier deployed across DOE national laboratories, there is now a range of GPU-based architectures for researchers to use from different vendors. The good news is that it is possible to write code using a single programming model and language deployable across all these supercomputers and more.

In this session, we will show you how to achieve portable code using the oneMKL library. oneMKL is based on the oneAPI specification and can be used to target multi-vendor and multi-architecture accelerators from a single code base. It is also now governed by the Unified Acceleration Foundation (UXL), an open governance body that is part of the Linux Foundation. We will also talk about the GROMACS and NWChem projects that are benefitting from using the oneMKL library to target Intel, Nvidia, and AMD GPUs, with discrete Fourier transforms as an example. The oneMKL interface library makes this possible with minimal overhead using SYCL backend interoperability.


This event will be presented online only using Zoom. Registration is required for remote participation. Please  register here .

Presentation Materials

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  2. 7 Sections for Effective Presentation Training Slides

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  3. Presentation Skills 101: A Guide to Presentation Success

    Those presentations cover, topic by topic, and the contents of a syllabus and are created by the team of teachers in charge of the course. Training Presentations: These presentations take place during in-company training sessions and usually comprise a good amount of content that is resumed into easy-to-take solutions. They are aimed to coach ...

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  5. Powerful and Effective Presentation Skills

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  6. What is a Presentation?

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  7. Presentation Skills Training

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    3min video. View free Presentation Skills courses. Become a better presenter with courses taught by top-ranked Udemy instructors. Whether you're getting ready for a big presentation, or practicing your on-camera speaking skills, Udemy has a course to help you develop into a confident public speaker.

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    Inspiring presentations begin with confident presenters trained using Dale Carnegie's methods. Topics include persuasion, selling, energizing, presentation, effective delivery, message, influence, audience, Dale Carnegie training courses, effective presentation skills, and modules.

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    Our professional presentation training is designed to help you conquer anxiety, structure your message with precision, and deliver it confidently. Whether you pitch an idea, present at a conference, or lead a meeting, our training equips you with the clarity and conviction needed to captivate any audience.

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    The 6 pillars of presentation training. 1. Audience analysis. It doesn't matter how amazing the content is, or how confident the presenter is, if the information for the presentation isn't tailored specifically for the audience it will fall flat. This first step in presenting is absolutely crucial, regardless of whether you're a CEO ...

  15. Presentation Skills

    Presentation skills can be defined as a set of abilities that enable an individual to: interact with the audience; transmit the messages with clarity; engage the audience in the presentation; and interpret and understand the mindsets of the listeners. These skills refine the way you put forward your messages and enhance your persuasive powers. The present era places great emphasis on good ...

  16. Executive Presentation Training Programs

    Our executive presentation training programs are meticulously crafted to give professionals the tools they need to create compelling narratives, design powerful presentations, and deliver them with unmatched conviction. With a focus on storytelling techniques, impactful slide design, executive presence, and assertive delivery, we bring out the ...

  17. Presentation Skills Training

    This business presentation training will equip you with the tools, techniques, and frameworks to: Identify and tell powerful stories in your presentations. Learn how to wrap narratives around facts and create memorable stories to make a point. Prepare presentations that keep your audience's interest from beginning to end.

  18. Effective Training Presentations: Our Top 8 Tips To Crush It

    A training presentation is a learning material that helps build the right skills that employees need in order to perform their jobs accurately. For optimal results, your training presentations should include lessons that showcase the specialized knowledge in well-structured and easy-to-read slides.

  19. 7 Sections for Effective Presentation Training Slides

    Visualizing speaker and listener types. Presenting various meeting room setups. How to show hints for preparing speech and presentation itself. Closing the presentation training with a recap and summary slide. Whether you are a professional communication trainer or a beginner, I believe you can find some handy examples.

  20. How to Create and Deliver Training Presentations That Make ...

    A training presentation is a set of slides created to teach a skill or increase knowledge of a topic. They're used in training and development strategies in companies worldwide. Across the slides in a training presentation, employees learn essential information and skills to do their jobs better and grow in their careers.

  21. How to Make a "Good" Presentation "Great"

    A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you're pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something ...

  22. 10 Benefits of Presentation Skills Training for Employees

    Sales presentation training workshops--often done at annual sales meeting--can bring this problem to awareness. Partly it's due simply to a fresh set of eyes from outside seeing the problem. But a skilled trainer will also be able to connect the company's stated goals for influencing an audience, with what that audience is actually seeing and ...

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    A presentation communicates a message, an idea or information to a group. It is similar to a report, but with a key difference-the human element. A. ... Most training programmes in organisations are done through the presentation mode. Such instructional presentations convey a lot of information and are created with instructional design ...

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  25. 2024 Educational Programs: Harassment Seminar, History Presentation

    Stewards' Training. Sunday, August 25, 2024 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Harassment Seminar & Teamster History. STEWARDS: RSVP Now! Harassment Seminar & History Presentation. When: Sunday, August 25, 2024 Where: Local 710 - 9000 W. 187th Street, Mokena, IL 60448

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    4.8. (68 reviews) Beginner · Course · 1 - 4 Weeks. microsoft powerpoint. microsoft powerpoint انشاء خطة عمل ب. using microsoft powerpoint to create a choice board. use microsoft powerpoint to create a visual schedule. effective business presentations with powerpoint. work smarter with microsoft powerpoint.

  27. What is CRM?

    Marketing teams. Improve your customers' journey. With the ability to generate multichannel marketing campaigns, nurture sales-ready leads with targeted buyer experiences, and align your teams with planning and real-time tracking tools, you're able to present curated marketing strategies that'll resonate with your customers.

  28. Managing Floodplains for Local, Elected Officials and Executives

    The purpose of this 1.5 hour presentation is to help you explain floodplain management to your community's senior leadership. Ideally, this presentation will persuade them to increase resources for floodplain management in your local area. More resources will help improve your community's floodplain and support you in your role!

  29. PDF Utah State Tax Commission Tax and Revenue

    Seller Amendments and Adjustments (Continued) • If you have multiple business locations and/or a non-fixed location you must also reflect the amended or adjusted amounts in the return's schedules for the

  30. Portable SYCL code using oneMKL on AMD, Intel, and Nvidia GPUs, June 20

    Introduction. Portable SYCL code using oneMKL on AMD, Intel, and Nvidia GPUs, presented by CodePlay and Intel, is part of the Performance Portability training series.This series, offered by OLCF, NERSC, and ALCF, features training sessions on various performance portable programming solutions to help ease developer transitions between current and emerging high-performance computing (HPC ...