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How to Start a Photography Business in 2024

Want to learn how to start a photography business in 2024? This in-depth guide will teach you all you need to know to become a professional photographer!

Learn | Photography Guides | By Mark Condon

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Want to learn how to start a photography business in 2024? This in-depth guide will teach you all you need to know!

I’ve run a wedding photography business since 2014 and learnt a lot as a professional photographer and business owner.

Starting a photography business allows you to make money using a skill you already enjoy, but it’s important to have a solid plan and realistic goals.

There’s no doubt that photography is a great career – you can earn a good living, make your own hours and travel to exotic places.

Best of all, you’ll make people happy. Whether you’re capturing priceless moments for families or nailing the client’s brief, photos are a precious commodity.

Is photography a good career? Definitely! It was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Now it’s your turn to learn how to start a photography business.

Table of Contents

How do I Start a Small Photography Business?

Reduce risks with a home-based photography business.


Not many professional photographers go from zero to renting a studio – most start off with a home-based photography business, where costs can be kept to a minimum.

As a small business owner, keeping costs low should be a priority, and running your photography business from home is highly recommended.

At this stage when you don’t even have a business plan, all you need is a place in your home from which to work – some private ‘office space’. If you’re using a laptop, you don’t even need a desk!

If you need to meet clients to book work (e.g. for wedding photography), you can do as I did and meet them in a local cafe – clients don’t expect to come to your home, even if you list your home address as your business address.

Decide what types of photography services you’ll offer


Credit: Szabo Viktor

What type of photography is most profitable? You can build a successful photography business by shooting commercial/advertising, event (weddings, corporate, etc), family (maternity, etc), freelance or stock photography.

However, it’s much harder to start earning money as a commercial photographer than, say, as an event photographer.

Also, while stock photography is a good passive source of income , freelance photography allows you to cast a wider net.

When starting your own photography business, it’s important to balance your passion for a specific genre with realistic goals.

Consider whether there’s a market for a particular type of photography in your area, for example.

I chose to focus on wedding photography since there’s a big market for wedding photographers where I live. I also thought shooting weddings would be fun and exciting, and I could also offer mini sessions , pre-wedding shoots and other related services.

You may want to offer several photography services under one unique photography business name , but I recommend focusing on just one genre to become a ‘specialist’.

You need to be the go-to photographer for a certain genre of photography – not the person who shoots everything since this can appear a little amateurish.

That said, there’s always the option to become a professional freelance photographer to offer a selection of different services.

Develop a basic photography business plan


Credit: Galymzhan Abdugalimov

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of creating a photography business is to know how to actually start.

A photography business plan is the first logical step to setting up a strong base camp that will allow you to build up your business without feeling overwhelmed.

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What goes into your plan may vary, but at a minimum, you may want to include:

  • Executive summary: You can start your photography business plan with an executive summary that defines what your general objectives are as well as your key factors of success.
  • Company overview: Do an outline of the organizational structure of your business according to the terms of the area you are in. Will you be the sole proprietor? Will it be a limited liability company? What will be the business structure? Do you need business licenses? Will you have a business partner? What type of business will you run?
  • Products & services overview: It’s important to create a detailed description of the products, services and prices you’ll be offering. This will help you to better navigate the many different client requests that might show up.
  • Audience analysis: Understand who your target audience is and what channels will be most effective to reach them.
  • Competitive analysis (market research): Have a look at the competition operating in your market locally, identify their strengths and in what ways you can differentiate yourself from them.
  • Operations plan: Think about operations – what are the day-to-day logistics of running your photography business?
  • Financial analysis: Make an effort to be financially savvy – this is very important! Create a financial plan to be in full control of all the nuances of your business cash flow. It’s likewise helpful to establish early on what your equipment requirements are and how much profit you expect to make.
  • Timeline: Establish a timeline with clear milestones so you can track your progress and set goals that are increasingly more realistic and adapted to your situation. Think of it as a photography business roadmap to get you to where you want to be.

I should mention that it’s not worth getting too hung up on having every aspect of your photography business planned out in detail.

There are bits you simply won’t know yet and that’s OK! Do your best with it and don’t let writing a business plan become a block that prevents you from moving forward.

Once you have a basic business plan on paper, it’s time to get into the fun part – bringing it to life!

Find the Right Photography Business Structure

One boring-but-important topic when researching how to start a photography business is the subject of business structure.

In the USA, there are 6 main business types of legal structure to consider for your business: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), S Corp. and C Corp.

Sole proprietorships or sole traders are most common for small home-based businesses. They’re the easiest to manage and easiest to handle in terms of taxes since it’s usually just you involved in the running of everything.

You may also consider going into a photography business with a partner, which is actually similar to a sole proprietorship in terms of liability and taxes.

Each person is responsible for their own side of the business and all profits are split based on the percentages you decide. Of course, you also need to consider that all expenses and liabilities are also split between both partners.

If you want to protect your personal assets, many photography businesses opt for an LLC structure (Limited Liability Company). An LLC or S Corp provides one level of tax and also a layer of protection from personal liability.

At this point, it’s worth mentioning that deciding on a business structure should usually involve some legal advice, or at least, a lot of research on your part to decide what’s most relevant for you.

A quick note on business licenses – in most jurisdictions in the United States, no professional license is needed to run or operate a photography business. However, not all States are the same.

To know for sure whether your locality requires you to get a business license for photography, it’s best to call your local licensing board or city hall.

In addition to a business license, you should also start researching whether you need to use photography contracts or model releases for your line of work.

Putting in the groundwork now will set you up for success without any legal headaches.

Choose a photography business name & branding

Photography name and branding

Credit: Brad Neathery

Once you’ve decided what your speciality will be and the structure of your business, it’s time to think about your photography business name and branding.

This is what will differentiate you from the competition. It’s also important because of first impressions: when people see your branding, it can instantly give them an idea of what you do and what your style is.

With that in mind, consider the look and feel of your logo and typeface. Is it something quirky and creative, clean and modern, vintage classic…?

As for names, you might choose to name your photography business after yourself (e.g. “Bob Smith Photography”) or you could get creative and have it reflect what you do (e.g. “Maternal Memoirs” for maternity photography, or “Bedroom Eyes” for boudoir – I’m just making these up on the spot here but you get the idea!).

Don’t neglect to choose a unique or catchy slogan or tagline for your photography business .

The most important thing with branding is to be consistent. That bears repeating, so I’ll say it again: Consistency is key!

You want your brand message to be reflected across your website, business cards, social media accounts , and all materials you deliver to clients including final photo packages, invoices, etc.

  • What is branding for photographers?

Register a domain and create a photography website


It goes without saying that pretty much all successful photographers in 2024 have an online presence. That’s why the next step in starting a photography business is to create a photography website .

Your website should showcase your best work and give people an idea of who you are and how you work.

While there are plenty of free web hosting solutions out there, it’s worth investing a small amount to register your own domain name.

This not only looks more professional, but it’ll also help you rank in Google searches (just ensure your domain name reflects your business name).

From there, you’ll need to build your photography business website and connect your domain name to it.

Now, if your web design skills are non-existent, don’t worry: there are plenty of solutions out there that can make life ridiculously easy.

One of the best options is to use a content management system (CMS) like Wordpress – you can download elegant-looking, customisable themes (for example, Flothemes make some great ones) so the design and layout aspects are all there for you.

With a few clicks of the mouse, you can adapt a pre-made template to include your own branding and start getting your website out to potential clients.

Invest in professional photography equipment & software


At this point, you’re probably wondering: What kind of camera do most professional photographers use?

While there’s no one correct answer as to what is a ‘professional camera’, by and large, most pros use full-frame DSLR or mirrorless cameras.

However, some do absolutely fine by using APS-C sensor cameras, particularly if high ISO low-light performance isn’t required. (Full-frame sensor cameras are better at this, among other things.)

DSLRs are still an industry standard, but are somewhat of a dying breed – mirrorless cameras offer better features and more recent technology, although the number of native lenses still dwindles in comparison to those on offer for DSLRs.

You can see more of the differences between mirrorless and DSLRs here , but suffice to say, you won’t go wrong with either.

As for the question, what camera should I buy to start a photography business? Initially, it’s whatever you can afford, but once you start making a better income, you should always upgrade your equipment in line with what you need to complete your job efficiently.

For example, wedding photographers need cameras with excellent autofocus and high ISO capabilities, whereas a portrait photographer may not need either of these things.

There’s always the option of renting equipment when you first start out – get yourself a good all-round camera, then if any job comes around that’s out of its comfort range, hire something to suit.

The same goes for camera lenses, of which there are a plethora of options . Again, depending on the type of photography services you’ll offer, you can choose between a wide range of telephoto and primes at various price points.

Most pros can get by with an affordable and fast 50mm lens (nifty-fifty), so you can start your lens collection from there. Remember that buying used camera lenses is also a great option.

As for software, this is another area you’ll need to invest in in order to grow your own photography business.

Many photography business owners start out bare-bones with a mixture of Google Sheets for keeping track of expenses and clients’ information and Google Calendar. You’ll soon outgrow these, through.

When you start making money, you’ll also need some kind of accounting software to keep track of all the figures.

It’s wise to pay for premium photographer software early on as it can really help save you time and headaches in the long run.

At a bare minimum, you’ll need photo editing software (we recommend Adobe Lightroom ), client/studio management software , and an online gallery to deliver your photos to your clients.

You can also consider an all-in-one business management tool such as  Bonsai  to help you manage your photography projects more efficiently. They offer features like invoicing, proposals, contracts, time & task tracking, client CRM and more.

All features are integrated to work seamlessly together and you can automate the entire customer relationship journey – from the proposal, and e-signing contracts to invoicing and tax season. On top of that, Bonsai offers hundreds of free templates for proposals, contracts, invoices, and more.

If you’re not shooting high volumes, you can get by with a photo editing software that doesn’t lock you into a subscription, as Adobe Lightroom does – fortunately, there are several great alternatives .

If you’re wondering how to start a photography business with no money, it may well be tough due to the requirements to invest in all the things mentioned above.

If you have good friends or family, perhaps they can lend you the gear until you’ve done enough jobs to earn the money to buy or rent your own.

It’s also possible to find free software that helps to manage your own business, albeit with some limitations.

Take out photography business insurance

We can’t talk about how to start a photography business without covering some more of the boring-but-important stuff, like… insurance!

Yep, it’s not the most fun thing to have to research and organise, but trust me – if something goes wrong, you’ll be glad you took out insurance.

There are various types of insurance your photography business might need, depending on what kind of work you do.

First and most obvious is your precious equipment. Some insurers offer specific camera insurance or photography plans designed to cover gear and studio fittings.

Note that while your regular home contents insurance may cover loss or damage to your gear, it will only be applicable if the damage occurs at home and not while you’re shooting on location. That’s why it’s worth looking into some specific cover.

On top of that, consider taking out some public liability insurance.

Despite our best efforts, sometimes things go wrong while we’re out shooting. Let’s say you’re photographing a wedding and a guest trips over your tripod, breaking their leg and taking out the entire wedding cake in the process – liability insurance will cover the damages.

If you plan on hiring any extra staff, you’ll also want to look at taking out employers’ liability insurance. This is to cover you if an employee gets sick or injured on the job.

Lastly, some photographers choose to take out professional indemnity insurance as well.

Imagine a client accuses you of some negligence and claims they lost some income due to your actions.

(For example, if you photographed a corporate event but lost your memory cards and couldn’t deliver the images. Indemnity insurance would cover any legal and other costs.)

Insurance needs vary depending on where you are in the world and what your business model is, so take this as a rough guide and do speak to your insurer about what plans are best suited to your needs.

Learn how to market your photography business


On to the next step of learning how to start a photography business: I bet you’re keen to start raking in the customers (and the cash!).

If you’re asking, “How do I get clients for my photography fast?” , the answer is  marketing. 

Unlike advertising, marketing can be done for free (or very cheaply), but it takes a little work.

One marketing strategy you can use is to network with other photographers. But wait, you say, aren’t they the competition? Not necessarily!

Another photographer might get a request for a job that doesn’t fit their style or speciality, but does fit yours – and they can refer the client on to you. These referrals are a great way to generate business, so make sure you nurture your relationships with other photographers.

Meeting other photographers is also a great way to learn. You can find out how they generate new business and meet prospective clients, and learn about which marketing strategies work best for them.

You can easily network with other photographers online through photography groups, or in person at your local photography club .

Marketing via social media is obviously another big one. It’s worth using platforms like Instagram to showcase your photography work and interact with your target audience.

To succeed on Instagram in 2024, you need to be creating entertaining Instagram Stories and posting fresh content regularly, as well as interacting with your followers and other accounts.

Online marketing for photographers is a huge topic, but at a bare minimum, make sure you learn the basics of SEO , how to write interesting blog content and how to attract new business via Facebook ads.

(If you want to become a wedding photographer, check out More Brides where I reveal all the marketing secrets that helped me quickly grow my business.)

Once you do get a few clients, make it as easy as possible for them to recommend you. Word of mouth referrals are one of the best ways to net in new clients, and that’s true of any type of business!

If your clients are happy with your work, ask them to leave you positive reviews online, tag you on social media, and recommend you to their friends.

Also, create an email mailing list where you can keep existing and potential clients up to date with your work and aware of any special offers you might be running. Remember to ask for permission and give people an option to opt-out or unsubscribe.

Let’s not forget that nondigital marketing methods also exist. Don’t underestimate the power of business cards,  flyers and other physical marketing materials for distributing around your neighbourhood or pinning to the local notice board.

For example, if you’re a food photographer you might drop round to local restaurants and hand them a brochure or card.

Or if you want to get a foot in the door as a real estate photographer, you might do a letterbox drop to all your local estate agents.

Whether online or offline, find out where your target market hangs out and go there to introduce yourself.

Invest in photography business education

When you’re just learning how to start a photography business, it’s important to grasp the basics. Then, as your business grows, your knowledge of how to run it has to expand as well.

That’s where it can be worth investing in your photography business education. By investing, I’m talking about time as well as money.

In fact, sometimes time is all you need to invest thanks to the copious amounts of free resources online.

Some areas you might choose to study, whether via a free or paid course or workshop:

  • Understanding the full commercial photography workflow, from client briefs through to delivering the final product.
  • Pricing structures and how to charge for your services.
  • Business administration includes registering your business, filing taxes, etc.
  • Best practices for dealing with clients.
  • How to market and grow your business.

Your best bet is to determine where your knowledge gaps are, then start looking for ways to fill them.

And, of course, you should continue your photography education as well.

The best professional photographers are those who are always open to learning new things and developing their skills in every aspect of the art, whether it’s compositional techniques, lighting, post-processing and retouching, or something else.

Fortunately, a lot of free photography courses are available right here on Shotkit!

Start thinking about passive income for photographers


Passive income is basically regular earnings that take little-to-no regular effort to maintain. In other words, you set up the income source and money kinda just rolls in while you sleep. Pretty sweet, huh?

So, how do photographers make passive income?

The most obvious is through stock photography. With stock photography sites , you can upload images and get a commission every time someone downloads one (normally, they’re used for commercial or editorial purposes).

The reality of the stock photography world is that thanks to digital photography, it’s highly saturated. So be aware that it takes some dedication and a high volume of photos to make a decent passive income.

That’s not to say it can’t be worth it – just that you should approach it realistically.

There are other potential passive income streams. You can sell digital products such as Lightroom presets or online courses and ebooks.

Or, you could use a print-on-demand service to offer products printed with your photographs .

If you write a photography blog, perhaps you want to start writing reviews of camera gear and link to sites like Amazon and B&HPhoto to earn a commission as an affiliate.

There are also platforms like Patreon that allow you to charge for content that you provide to your followers.

Think outside the box and see what passive income ideas you can come up with – it’s an excellent way to grow your revenue and ensure you have some income even in times of seasonal fluctuations.

Money and Photography Business FAQs

When researching how to start a photography business, you’ll likely have a ton of questions regarding money – how much it costs to start and run the photography business and how much you can expect to earn as a professional photographer .

We’ve answered all the most common queries below – feel free to leave a comment if you want to ask something specific.

  • How much money does it take to start a photography business?

It depends on what you’re shooting and how much equipment you need, but a good starting point is around US$10,000. That’s to cover basic camera gear, software, insurance and business registration fees.

  • How can I start a photography business with no money?

If you already have some basic camera gear and an internet connection, then you can start a photography business by simply getting out and shooting! Find clients using free marketing strategies and build up from there, reinvesting your earnings until you can buy adequate insurance, better gear, etc.

  • How much money do professional photographers make?

According to, the average photographer salary in the US is $43,114. However, photographer salaries vary greatly depending on country/location, experience level, education level and genre.

  • How much money does a photographer make per hour, a week, a month? states that the average wage for a photographer in the US is around $18.22 per hour; however, that figure ranges from as low as $10.36 per hour for someone starting out to $32.04 or more for an experienced shooter. ZipRecruiter pegs the monthly average salary at $3,592. Again, location is another big factor in how much you can expect to earn.

  • How much should I charge as a beginner photographer?

For a beginner, you’re probably looking at an hourly rate of US$25-$50 (or equivalent in your currency), or between $10 and $25 per image. Think about the time and expenses of the work for you and factor that into what you charge.

Final Words

I hope you found this guide to how to start a photography business useful. Moreover, I hope it genuinely inspired you to get out there and do it!

As I’ve found, starting your own photography business and being your own boss is incredibly rewarding. Yes, there are some challenges ahead, but I assure you, there’s nothing that you can’t overcome with a little perseverance!

So what do you think? Are you ready to take the leap?

If you have any other questions about how to start a photography business, please leave them below and I’ll do my best to answer.

Also, if you have your own tips or want to share your experiences with venturing into the business world, do add them as well – simply leave a comment below.


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Mark Condon is a British wedding photographer and editor of Shotkit. When he’s not taking photos or reviewing the latest camera gear and software, Mark can be found cycling around the northern rivers.

As Jon Morgan, CEO of, I couldn’t help but dive into this article on starting a photography business. With my extensive experience in helping startups and small businesses scale, I love exploring different entrepreneurial pursuits. Who knows, maybe I’ll start a photography business myself and capture all my consulting successes! This article provides a fantastic roadmap for budding photographers ready to take on the world, one click at a time. Keep up the great work, Shotkit!

I still don’t know where to go now. I have shot a few wedding films and have some engagement photos scheduled. Website is still a work in progress (cringe rn). Still, the business is actually there and working but i’m not a business as far as the government is concerned, you know? If I buy a new piece of gear, i can’t write that off as of now and get a tax break on the money I make. I’d like to get a body with 10 bit video and dual card slots for redundancy but would love to capture some of that as a business expense to soften the blow. Plus being licensed probably looks less armature to clients. I need to know where to go to actually like, fill out a form so that when tax season comes I can fill out a 1099. Any direction would be appreciated :)

Love these tips Mark. One thing that really accelerated my career was having a Mentor too! I use to connect with mine now, mentoring is honestly the way to go.

Thanks Taylor – are you associated with Lisnic? Looks interesting…

Thanks for this great article. Coincidentally my brother just wanted to start a photography business.

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Photography Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Photography Business Plan Outline

  • Photography Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan

Start Your Photography Plan Here

Photography Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Photography business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Photography business.

Below are links to each section of a sample photography business plan. It can be used to create a wedding photography business plan, a commercial photography business plan, a portrait photography studio business plan or any other type of photography business plan.

1. Executive Summary 2. Company Overview 3. Industry Analysis 4. Customer Analysis 5. Competitive Analysis 6. Marketing Plan 7. Operations Plan 8. Management Team 9. Financial Plan

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Photography Business Plan FAQs

What is a photography business plan.

A photography business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your photography business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your photography business plan using our Photography Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Types of Photography Businesses?

There are many types of photography businesses depending on the style of photography and target market. The most common and profitable type is event photography. Other types are stock photography, family/baby photography, travel, school, photojournalism and social media photography.

No matter what type of photography business you plan to start, you need a solid photography business plan. You can quickly complete your photography business plan using our Photography Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Sources of Revenues and Expenses for a Photography Business?

The primary source of revenue for photography businesses are service fees for photoshoots and video, licensing fees and photo editing. Other revenues are also generated from product sales like prints, albums, cards, wall prints and canvas.

The key expenses for photography businesses are equipment expense, advertising, transportation, and labor or professional fees.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Photography Studio Business Plan?

Photography businesses are typically funded through small business loans, personal savings and credit card financing.

This is true for a wedding photographer, pet photography business, commercial photography business, a portrait photography business or any other type of photography services.

Download your plan in word or PDF to share with investors.

What are the Steps To Start a Photography Business?

Starting a photography business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Photography Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed business plan for a photography business that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, data on the photography industry, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  You can quickly complete your photography business plan using our Photography Business Plan Template here .

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your photography business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your photography business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Photography Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your photography business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your photography business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Photography Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your photography business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your photography business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful photography business and photography business planning:

  • How to Start a Photography Business

Where Can I Get a Photography Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free photography business plan template PDF here . This is a sample photography business plan template you can use in PDF format.


How To Write a Winning Photography Business Plan + Template

photography business plan

Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be especially helpful for photography businesses who want to improve their strategy and/or raise funding.

A well-crafted business plan not only outlines the vision for your company, but also documents a step-by-step roadmap of how you are going to accomplish it. In order to create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article provides an overview of the key elements that every photography business owner should include in their business plan.

Download the Photography Business Plan Template

What is a Photography Business Plan?

A photography business plan is a formal written document that describes your company’s business strategy and its feasibility. It documents the reasons you will be successful, your areas of competitive advantage, and it includes information about your team members. Your business plan is a key document that will convince investors and lenders (if needed) that you are positioned to become a successful venture.

Why Write a Photography Business Plan?

A photography business plan is required for banks and investors. The document is a clear and concise guide of your business idea and the steps you will take to make it profitable.

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting their new company or venture, especially if they are inexperienced in starting a business.

Writing an Effective Photography Business Plan

The following are the key components of a successful photography business plan:

Executive Summary

The executive summary of a photography business plan is a one to two page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your photography company
  • Provide a short summary of the key points in each section of your business plan, which includes information about your company’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast among others.

Company Description

This section should include a brief history of your company. Include a short description of how your company started, and provide a timeline of milestones your company has achieved.

If you are just starting your photography business, you may not have a long company history. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in this industry and how and why you conceived your new venture. If you have worked for a similar company before or have been involved in an entrepreneurial venture before starting your photography firm, mention this.

Industry Analysis

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a photography business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends and document the size of your market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the photography industry are you targeting?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now (and if applicable, how do these trends support the success of your company)?

You should also include sources for the information you provide, such as published research reports and expert opinions.

Customer Analysis

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

For example, customers of a photography business may include individuals, families, small businesses, or corporations.

You can include information about how your customers make the decision to buy from you as well as what keeps them buying from you.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to buy from you, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or photography services with the right marketing.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis helps you determine how your product or service will be different from competitors, and what your unique selling proposition (USP) might be that will set you apart in this industry.

For each competitor, list their strengths and weaknesses. Next, determine your areas of competitive differentiation and/or advantage; that is, in what ways are you different from and ideally better than your competitors.

Marketing Plan

This part of the business plan is where you determine and document your marketing plan. . Your plan should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service : Detail your product/service offerings here. Document their features and benefits.
  • Price : Document your pricing strategy here. In addition to stating the prices for your products/services, mention how your pricing compares to your competition.
  • Place : Where will your customers find you? What channels of distribution (e.g., partnerships) will you use to reach them if applicable?
  • Promotion : How will you reach your target customers? For example, you may use social media, write blog posts, create an email marketing campaign, use pay-per-click advertising, launch a direct mail campaign. In addition, you may promote your photography business via public speaking engagements, trade shows, or partnerships.

Operations Plan

This part of your photography business plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your product/service to customers? For example, will you do it in person or over the phone only?
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

The operations plan is where you also need to include your company’s business policies. You will want to establish policies related to everything from customer service to pricing, to the overall brand image you are trying to present.

Finally, and most importantly, in your Operations Plan, you will lay out the milestones your company hopes to achieve within the next five years. Create a chart that shows the key milestone(s) you hope to achieve each quarter for the next four quarters, and then each year for the following four years. Examples of milestones for a photography business include reaching $X in sales. Other examples include hiring a certain number of employees, partnering with another company, or opening up a second location.

Management Team

List your team members here including their names and titles, as well as their expertise and experience relevant to your specific photography industry. Include brief biography sketches for each team member.

Particularly if you are seeking funding, the goal of this section is to convince investors and lenders that your team has the expertise and experience to execute on your plan. If you are missing key team members, document the roles and responsibilities you plan to hire for in the future.

Financial Plan

Here you will include a summary of your complete and detailed financial plan (your full financial projections go in the Appendix). 

This includes the following three financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue : how much revenue you generate.
  • Cost of Goods Sold : These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the product/service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss) : Once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, this is the net income or loss.

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Photography Business

Balance sheet.

Include a balance sheet that shows your assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Photography Business

Cash flow statement.

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include:

  • Cash Flow From Operations
  • Cash Flow From Investments
  • Cash Flow From Financing

Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup photography business.

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Photography Business

You will also want to include an appendix section which will include:

  • Your complete financial projections
  • A complete list of your company’s business policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.)
  • Any other documentation which supports what you included in the body of your business plan.

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and/or grow your photography company. It not only outlines your business vision but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it.

A well-written business plan is essential for any photography company looking to start, expand or grow its business. It can also help attract investors.  

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Photography Business Plan

Executive summary image

Believe it or not—anyone can take a few pictures, but it takes true skill and talent to get the perfect shot.

And If you’re the guy, everyone’s after asking to click pictures at every party or event, starting a photography business could be incredibly lucrative and satisfying.

However, making your photography business successful is more than just clicking good pictures. You need a solid business plan to ensure success.

Need help writing a business plan for your photography business? You’re at the right place. Our photography business plan template will help you get started.

Download the template and follow step-by-step instructions to draft your business plan in no time!

→ Download Now: Free Photography Business Plan

And though photography lets you fulfill your passion, it attracts a lot of competition due to its ease of entry.

Also, having a successful photography business takes a little more than skill. A photography business plan helps you deal with that, while you shutter away your masterpiece.

Industry Overview

According to the IBIS World industry report , the US photography market is expected to decline at a CAGR of 1.3 to reach 12.9 billion dollars in 2023.

With 7-8% profit margins, individual consumers and households make up the main customer base for the industry. Despite a minor recent decline, the photography industry is projected to experience consistent growth in the coming years.

Here are a few key industry highlights to consider:

  • Number of businesses: There are 258,450 operational photography businesses in the US in 2023.
  • Industry employment: 293,339+
  • Key players: Shutterfly Inc., Alamy Ltd.

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Things to Consider Before Writing a Photography Business Plan

You’ll need to focus on both the artistic and business sides of your trade.

Though having an excellent eye for proportion, dimensions, and light is great it isn’t enough to have a profitable business. You bring your skills to the table, but you’ll have to work as hard as any other business owner on your marketing, finance, and operations to have a profitable business.

And though it might seem intimidating, with the right amount of planning and strategizing you can do it smoothly.

Get the Pricing Right

It is important to study every aspect of the market and select the pricing strategy that suits your business the best. Your pricing as a photography business would depend a lot upon the niche you choose, your location, and the quality of your skills.

Develop Your Soft Skills

Good photography isn’t just about your skills with the camera, especially if you are dealing with people. You’ll need to make your customers feel at ease and have a friendly way of communicating.

This helps you become the person’s go-to photographer. As pictures aren’t just products you pay for, but memories that are cherished for years.

But at the same time, if communication isn’t your thing you don’t need to worry. As there are several other niches in photography that you can pick from.

Get the Right Equipment, but Don’t Go Overboard

The right camera, technical equipment, etc, are important to help you work effectively. But it doesn’t do to go over budget for it. Especially, if you are just starting out.

Pick the right equipment, but not the one that weighs down on your finances at the early stages of your business.

Why Do You Need a Photography Business Plan?

Product photoshot

As you are ready to enter the industry, it brings us to the above question, why does one need a photography business plan?

Aren’t you just supposed to dive right in if you are passionate enough?

The answer is, NO.

Though diving headfirst might sound appealing, it can lead to a series of roadblocks in the future. Also, a business plan isn’t as time-consuming as it may seem to you.

It increases the efficiency of your business and acts as a guide on your road to success. Moreover, writing a business plan helps you get a clear idea of your goals and the opportunities and threats that stand in your way of achieving them.

Also, a well-researched and innovative plan can help you get funded. An investor’s confidence in you is directly proportional to the clarity of your business idea. A business plan can help you achieve just that.

How to Write a Photography Business Plan?

Writing a business plan is not as intimidating as it seems. A well-rounded business plan requires thorough research of the industry, a clear set of goals, well-observed and carefully designed strategies to achieve them, and a clear list of milestones and timelines for all the departments of the business.

A business plan should include strategies for all departments from marketing to finance. There are several resources like online software, business consultants, and predesigned templates that can help you in writing the perfect business plan .

Writing a business plan has become a cakewalk through online business planning tools which can craft an ideal business plan for you at the snap of your fingers.

Chalking out Your Business Plan

Though anyone can click pictures with devices as simple as a smartphone, it takes skills, a sense of proportion, and creativity to make people stop scrolling.

In today’s world of photo-sharing apps where people grapple for attention, the demand for excellent photographers continues to rise.

Hence, with the advent of Instagram, the photography industry is growing leaps and bounds.

Photography Business Plan Outline

This is a standard photography business plan outline that will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Introduction
  • Products and Services
  • Financial Path To Success
  • Keys to Success
  • Company History
  • Market Segmentation
  • Target Market Segment Strategy
  • Competition and Buying Patterns
  • Web Plan Summary
  • Website Marketing Strategy
  • Development Requirements
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Competitive Edge
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Sales Forecast
  • Year 1 – Digital Media Production
  • Year 2 – Digital Media Production
  • Year 3 – Digital Media Production
  • Important Assumptions
  • Projected Profit and Loss
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Projected Balance Sheet
  • Ratio Analysis

As you sit down to write your business plan, it brings us to the question, what all things you will need to include in your business plan? Read on to find out.

1. Write an Executive Summary

The executive summary section of a business plan works as an overview of your business and acts as a highlight of its aims and goals. It should be brief and precise and sum up everything your business stands for.

It serves as a pitch of your business ideas to potential investors and should have the following points.

  • The kind of services your business offers (Eg. Commercial Photography, Travel Photography, etc.)
  • Your target audience (Eg. Models, travel bloggers, influencers, etc.)
  • Your strengths and past experiences
  • Your goals for the company.

2. Business Overview

Overview Image

In the business overview section, you’ll jot down all of the business ideas you have and analyze how to bring them to life.

This section would consist of an overview of the functioning of your business. as well as your mission statement.

While writing this section it is important to be as precise as possible It helps the stakeholders of your business to know it better.

3. Describe the Services You’ll Offer

In this section of your business plan, you have to list the services you are going to offer. This helps you get a clearer idea of how to advertise your services and how to reach out to your target audiences.

For example, if you are a landscape photographer all of your marketing strategy and the list of resources and services you’ll need will be built around that.

Also, your target audience would be travel websites and tourism companies. And the ways of reaching out to them would be different than reaching out to influencers or celebrities.

4. Market Analysis

The market analysis section is a crucial part of your business plan.

In this section, you’ll write down everything you can find about the photography market as well as resources that can help you stay updated about the recent trends in the market.

For example, as a photographer, it is essential to know the trending photography techniques.

You can also include the size of the market, your competitors, areas that have the highest growth potential, etc Know the right market value of services and identify the existing market gaps that you can fill.

Let’s consider there is no food photographer in your locality and the restaurants around you need one, you can specialize in food photography to capture that market.

5. Create a Website Strategy

Screenshot of Website

The Internet is the first place where people look for any product or service, hence your business must have a website to be discovered by clients.

A well-optimized website can help you in meeting a lot of potential customers.

Including a website strategy in your business plan is crucial.

6. Plan Your Finances

Your financial planning is one of the major deciding factors of whether your business will stay afloat or not.

In this section keep track of your company’s finances, jot down ways of making it more cost-effective. List down resources that can help you understand and manage your finances better.

Download a sample photography business plan

Need help getting started writing a business plan? Here you go; download our free photography business plan pdf to start.

It’s a modern business plan template designed for your photography center. Refer to the example business plan and follow step-by-step instructions to start writing your plan.

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Write your business plan with Upmetrics

A business planning tool like Upmetrics is the best way to draft your business plan. This incredible tool comes with step-by-step instructions, customizable templates, AI assistance, and business plan examples to help you get started.

You may also explore our library of Entertainment and media business plan examples before you start writing your plan.

So, whether you are starting a photography business or planning to grow an existing one, Upmetrics is the tool you need to create a business plan.

So, what are you waiting for? Start planning now!

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Frequently asked questions, what are some common mistakes to avoid when drafting a photography business plan.

Following are some of the common mistakes to avoid when writing a photography business plan:

  • Inadequate and inaccurate financial projections.
  • Poor market research and ignoring industry trends.
  • Undefined goals and lack of details.
  • Not proofreading the document for typos and grammatical errors.
  • Including outdated and irrelevant information.
  • Not regularly updating your business plan.

What are some key financial metrics to include in a photography business plan?

Following are some of the key financial metrics to include in your photography business plan:

  • Balance sheet
  • Cash flow statement
  • Income statement
  • Break-even statement
  • Projected business ratios
  • Sales and revenue projections
  • Projected expenses

How can a photography business plan help in securing funding or investment?

A well-crafted photography business plan will help your investors better understand your business domain, market trends, strategies, business financials, and growth potential—helping you secure investment.

Where to find business plan writers for your photography business?

There are many business plan writers available, but no one knows your business and ideas better than you, so we recommend you write your photography business plan and outline your vision as you have in mind.

About the Author

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How to Start a Photography Business in 2022 - The Ultimate Handbook

Gurpreet Singh - Author

Looking to start a photography business? Here is the step-by-step guide you need to follow for starting your photography business and getting success.

Are you thinking of starting a photography business? Getting the basics right at the beginning will save you a lot of hassles later on and pave the way for a successful career. This guide is designed both for amateur photographers who are looking at how to start a photography business as well as the pro photographers who want to refresh their photography business plans.

How to Start Your Photography Business

We have put together a 10 step-by-step guide you need to follow for starting your photography business and getting it run successfully.  

  • Working out your photography business goals
  • Choose your photography niche
  • Focus on your ideal client
  • Market evaluation and getting your pricing right
  • Create your photography business plan
  • Registering your photography business
  • Buy just the necessary tools
  • Create a photography portfolio website
  • Marketing your photography business
  • Building and growing your client relationships

Step 1: Working out your photography business goals

To attain success in life, you need to set your goals and follow through to achieve success. Likewise, you need to set business goals that you would work towards accomplishing. Think of your business goals as a long-term vision that you want to realize through your successful photography business.

A few examples of business goals can be:

  • I want to be the number 1 wedding photographer in my area.
  • I want to switch to photography full-time and make X amount of money every year.
  • I want to travel the world through my photography assignments.
  • I want to work with families and take up portrait photography for seniors, kids, and moms.

As you can see, whatever business goal you set is going to define everything that follows. Setting a photography business model by outlining clear business goals is the first step towards having clarity and purpose of executing the next nine steps.

Step 2: Choose your photography niche

Choose your photography niche

Interconnected with figuring out your goals is the process of choosing your photography niche. As a professional photographer, when you are starting a photography business, you need to specialize in one genre. While taking on whatever assignment comes your way when you are starting out might be pragmatic, be aware of slowly but surely steering the work you take on towards the type of photography expert you want to become. There are many types of photography that you can pursue - wedding photography , portrait photography, commercial photography, sports photography, travel photography, and many others. As you grow, you can make your mark in multiple photography genres, but having strong expertise in one photography niche is crucial to establishing a successful photography business.

Step 3: Focus on your ideal client

Once you have chosen your photography niche, you will then have to figure out an ideal client persona for yourself.

Several factors go into deciding who your ideal client is when you are thinking of how to start a photography business:

Your location:

Do you want clients closer to where you live, or are you willing to travel regularly for photography assignments. Be aware that many of the photography genres like wedding photography or portrait photography are firmly tied-in to the location. Clients tend to pick photographers from their local area based on references and their network.


The kind of people you want to work with can be a significant deciding factor in the type of photographer you become. You may feel more comfortable working with kids or seniors, or with to-be moms rather than fashion models. Or you might excel in commercial, corporate shoots rather than working with families. Always go with your instinct and who you are most comfortable working with.

How much money are they willing to spend:

Based on your photography business goals, you will need to choose clients based on their income levels. For example, you may want to focus only on premium and luxury wedding assignments that pay upwards of $5000 rather than working with smaller family affairs that would pay only $1000 for a portrait photography shoot.

Based on your interest and style:

Some clients will automatically be drawn to your personal, signature style while others might have a clear vision about how they want their photo shoots to turn out. You need to find opportunities that let you find a balance between your creative freedom and working to a fixed client brief.

Take your time to figure out your ideal client as you would invest a lot of time, energy, and money in a marketing plan pursuing your ideal client base. Make sure that you are being honest with yourself and don't make your decision based on trends or whoever pays the most money.

Step 4: Market evaluation and getting your pricing right

Carry out thorough research and analysis of the market you are going to operate in to understand the requirement that people have from the photography business you are starting. Try and find out the specific needs of the customers who are not being met by the competition in your demographic area. Are people in your area hiring photographers from outside of your locality? How can you beat the competition on services you offer or price points to make a mark and start gaining clients?

Photography Business Checklist

Research the websites of all photographers that are operating in your area and are proving the services you intend to provide. For example, if you are starting a portrait photography business, find out the rates offered by the competition. Are they offering packages or a-la-carte rates? Most photographers do mention the starting price of their services on their website.

Setting your price point just a little below the competition can be a good strategy when you are starting a photography business. But do take care not to undercut the pricing too much or else you will end up with an unsustainable and loss-making entity.

Check out this detailed article on how to set your photography pricing .

Step 5: Create your photography business plan

It's time to create a business plan. Your photography business checklist is the blueprint that you would follow to realize your business goals. Creating a detailed business plan will help you start a photography business and take it forward towards making it a sustainable, thriving enterprise.

What should a photography business plan include?

The essential aspects of a photography business plan are as follows:

Business Description: 

Describe in detail the defining characteristics of the photography business you are starting.

  • What would be your USPs?
  • Competition Analysis
  • What would be the services you would offer
  • What would be your product line?
  • Who’s your target client?

The legal structure of your business:

There are many ways to structure your business legally - sole proprietorship, LLC, or C-corp. Each of them comes with a different setup cost, personal liability protection, and tax and compliance requirements. Understanding the various aspects of the legal structure for your photography business is essential. Taking advice from a lawyer on how to start a photography business is advisable before you make the big decision. You also need to make a list of photography business names and decide on the one that can be registered.


Calculate the initial cost of starting a photography business. Include all expenses such as costs of legally setting up your business, setting up an office or studio, buying equipment, marketing costs, etc. Make sure that investing in starting your business should not leave you completely cash-strapped and without any money for operational expenses.

If necessary, you can look at taking up a small business loan. Check out this great article on the various types of small business financing options available and how to get then loan.

Cost of running a business:

Calculate all recurring expenses associated with your small business - rentals that you would need to pay, consumables you would use, repair and maintenance of equipment, professional fees of CPAs, assistants, or any other help. What will be the costs incurred every time you take up a photography assignment?

Figuring out your pricing can be the most crucial part of your photography business plan. You need to balance your investments and cost of running your business against your revenue expectations and figure out a pricing model that ensures that you run a profitable business. Factor in seasonality and downtime of your business to make sure you have cash-flows that cover that as well.

Marketing and Advertising

Your business plan should also feature a detailed analysis on how you would build your clients list. What are the marketing and advertising opportunities available to you, what would they cost, and what is the return-on-investment that you plan to accomplish?

Step 6: Registering your photography business

Registering your photography business

Now that you have your photography business plan in place, it's time to go ahead and register to make it a legal entity.

Here are the steps you need to follow to register your photography business:  

Finalize your photography business name.

Finding a perfect business name is crucial as this would also become your brand name. Your brand name should be memorable, unique descriptive - all at the same time. And most importantly, it should be available for you to use without anyone else using it in a similar context.

Figure out a few names that you like and then search if anyone else is using the same name.

  • Do a simple web search and see if something comes up.
  • Book a domain name in your business name. Prefer a .com domain name.
  • Secure the social media accounts in your business name (Register on all major social networks even if you don’t plan on using them to secure your brand name)
  • Do a trademark search with the US Patent and Trademark Office Search page . It is a good idea to register a trademark for your brand name to make sure no-one else can use it in the future.

Register as a legal entity

You need to register as a legal entity (sole proprietorship / LLC / C-Corp) with both the federal and local governments for taxation and compliance purposes.

Setup a business bank account

Make sure that you keep your business and personal financials separate. Set up a business bank account to manage all your business transactions. Get a business banking debit card or credit card to pay for any business expenses where online / card payment is necessary.

Check on the business licenses you need

A photography business license is typically required for professional photographers. Check with your local municipal and state government to see what kind of business licenses are required for you to run your business. Do your research and check if your photography also needs to be licensed just like your business.

Check out The U.S. Small Business Administration website for more information on licenses required for running a business.

Business Insurance

While taking up business insurance can seem prohibitive when you are starting, the risk of being in an unfortunate situation without insurance is not worth taking. Make sure you have the right photography business insurance in place to cover any liabilities. Photographer insurance not only protects your photography business but also your photography gear against theft, third-party claims, lawsuit, and any unexpected events.

Do check out Full Frame Insurance which offers professional photographers a variety of insurance including camera equipment, professional liability insurance, omissions coverage, unlimited additional insureds, and general liability insurance. Full Frame offers three different options - Event, Annual and Annual Plus policy, that protects your photography business from the cost of claims and help it thrive. 

Contracts and agreements

Having photography contracts and agreements in place from day one will help you look professional in front of your clients and instill confidence in them by clearly outlining the expectations and deliverables for any photography assignment you take up.  

Finding a lawyer, you can bank on:

While as a photographer you are not going to regularly need the services of a lawyer (or at least we hope not!), it's a good idea always to have a lawyer that you can bank on when something comes up where you need legal advice.

Tip: You don’t need to have a retainer arrangement but instead have an hourly consultation fees arrangement whenever you need advice with a lawyer.

Step 7:  Buy just the necessary tools

Now that your plan of starting your photography business is taking off, you need to make sure you have only the right photography equipment to handle the photography assignments that would come your way.

Necessary Tools for your Photography Business

Only buy what is extremely necessary and don't spend too much money on all the latest gadgets. You can always rent some of the more expensive equipment for a specific photo shoot when they are required. Make sure you own photography equipment like a good camera, the backup camera, lenses, flashes, batteries, and a charger that will form your photography gear on a day-to-day basis. You would also need to invest in post-production and editing tools such as the software, computer, calibration device, necessary computer programs, storage devices, etc. Also, choose a photo lab carefully and get samples done so that you can deliver optimal quality of prints, albums, and other deliverables to your clients.

Step 8: Create a photography portfolio website

Your photography portfolio website is going to be the single, most important tool that would help you grow your business. Your portfolio website is your gateway to the world and will speak on your behalf to your potential clients. Most clients will see your work and get to know you first through your portfolio website. Hence, it's critical to make a great first impression.

Create a Photography Portfolio

Check out some great examples of photography portfolio websites .

Here are five quick tips on creating a great portfolio website: 

  • Always show your best work only. Do not put all of your work on it. Make sure you curate and categorize your work properly.
  • Make sure your portfolio website looks professional and modern. Choose a minimal portfolio website design that lets your work stand out. Do not use jarring colors, gradients, or music.
  • Your portfolio website should be mobile-friendly as most clients would see your work online on their mobile devices.
  • Your online portfolio website should load fast and be secure.
  • Your contact information should be available on your portfolio website to enable clients to contact you easily.
  • A right domain name can help in bringing more search volume and creating a brand name. If you are out of creative domain ideas and don't know how to check if the domain is available; here is a great tool to help you with that.

See a comprehensive guide on how to create a photography portfolio website that would help you grow your photography business.

Start a 15 days free trial to create your photography portfolio website on Pixpa.  No credit card or coding required.

Step 9: Marketing your photography business: 

Like most creative businesses, photographers can leverage the internet to grow their business, earn recognition, and reach out to potential clients. 

Here are 12 ways to promote your photography business:

Get yourself registered on local listings .

When you decide to take the plunge from a hobbyist to a professional photographer, the foremost thing to do is to register your business on a local listing website. Some of the popular classifieds where photographers list their business are Yelp, Craigslist, Foursquare, and 

Registering a business on these websites is almost free, as long as you don't avail their advertising service. However, do not expect this listing to yield results almost immediately. On these websites, you get to promote your business by responding to reviews and other queries against your listing. Along with analytics capabilities, these online classifieds offer other ways to improve the visibility of your photography business listing. 

You can opt for paid advertising on these websites to quickly see results. Before you list your business, get a peek of the pricing plans, which in case of Yelp looks something like below. 

Get yourself registered on local listings

Seek Referrals from clients  

Professional photographers have relied on referrals for a long time. Before the advent of social media, photographers were heavily dependent on referrals. You may get lucky with clients referring their friends or family to you occasionally; however, you should make sure that you reach out to them actively to seek referrals regularly. You can email or call them as per their convenience. 

List your business on Google and Bing 

Google and Bing are the two most used search engines in the world. While you can expect to get clients from all around the world, these search engines allow you to list your photography business as a local one, helping you get local traffic to your website.    To know more about how local listing can help photographers to grow their business, refer to this quick guide on SEO for photographers.  

Promote your photography on social media 

Facebook and Instagram together have over 2 billion monthly active users and are predominantly photo-sharing social networks. Make most of this massive opportunity to reach people who might be looking for your service, or gain admiration for your work and recognition. Reach out to your friends and family, who will perhaps be your early customers. Introduce people to your photos and stories. This is a great way to build connections and create a buzz about your brand.  

You most probably have created your photography page on Facebook and an account on Instagram, if you haven't, you can start with going over the basics of using social media to grow your photography business. 

 Paid ads are another way you to foster your photography business, and you can couple your social media efforts with ads to accelerate the growth of your business. 

Share your photography and expertise with blogging 

To reap the benefits of blogging, you will need a portfolio website for your photography, which you can easily manage yourself. Blogging helps to improve the visibility of your website, considering its SEO benefits. Ryan Robinson explains 11 essential steps on how to write a blog post .

Get ideas from your Facebook page and Instagram account 

One of the best things about using social media to grow your photography business is you can conveniently track your growth, though quantitatively, in the form of likes, shares, and hearts. You can utilize this information to come up with the ideas for your blog. You can write about your experience on shooting your most liked photograph, or share a tutorial about it. 

Write a blog praising a fellow photographer 

As photographers, we come across others' work that we immensely admire. You can write a blog expressing your admiration for their work, or list down specifics that you genuinely like in their photographs.

Write about your out-of-the-box attempts 

Photographers are always up to something quirky, trying to get a shot that hasn't been attempted before. Regardless of the result, make sure you document your experience in a blog. This could be hugely helpful for other photographers, in turn in giving more exposure to your business. Also, do not forget to share your blogs on your social media network. Ensure that you maintain consistency by regularly posting blogs. Posting quality content will help you reach out to a larger audience and help grow your business manifold. While you are at it, also check out how your photographs can be optimized for SEO. In addition to this, you can write to Pixpa, in case you have something valuable to share about photography. 

Community participation 

There are over a million communities for photographers online . Facebook alone has over a thousand groups dedicated to photographers. Ideally, you can seek help from member photographers in matters of trouble with your work, but these communities are often visited by people looking for photography service. Keeping yourself active in these groups can get you some valuable clients. 

Make sure that you contribute to the photography community by responding to the posted queries and sharing your blog occasionally. 

Social bookmarking 

Social bookmarking is an integral part of link building that helps to increase your website's ranking on Google and other search engines. Sites such as Delicious, Stumble Upon, Scoop it, which are categorized as social bookmarking websites allow you to submit a link (URL) of your website that eventually increases the rank of your website on SERPs. Similar to listing on classifieds, the results are visible over time and require consistent link submission. 

Get yourself published

 There are numerous fashion magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, and more. Similarly, there are interior design magazines like Elle Decor. Depending on the kind of photographer you are –fashion photographer, wedding photographer, you can contribute an article or some of your fabulous photographs to these magazines. These magazines have a massive readership and can lead to pouring in clients in large numbers for your photography business. If you are contributing to their online portals, make sure that you get a backlink to your portfolio website. This amps up your SEO efforts. 

Attend photography events

 Photography events are held in large numbers; you can learn about these events on Facebook and Meetup. These events provide a great opportunity to network with like-minded photographers. At events like Photopro Expo, you get to learn from the industry's leading photographers. You can find opportunities to work with other photographers, make sure that you carry your photography business card with you. 

Participating in online photography contests can also be a great way to get exposure and recognition. You might also want to focus on search engine optimization of your portfolio website. Targeted local SEO techniques can help gain new clients and businesses in your area. 

Step 10: Building and growing your client relationships

Finding the first few clients to hire and pay you for photography assignments is always a challenge. 

If you're venturing into wedding photography, perhaps the first ones to hire you would be your close friends. These early clients will become your foothold to get into the industry. They will be your evangelists. Use the work done for them to get more work - and this means continuously building and engaging with your network. 

Tip: Be open towards taking on photography assignments free of charge if they help in shaping your portfolio. A stunning portfolio would enable you gradually raise your rates and demand your right price.

Treat every client with care, and they will bring you more referrals. Keep a good rapport with your customers and make them feel at ease with your business.

Photography Business Tips

Here are 5 Photography Business Tips for a Successful Photography Business

1. be passionate..

If you don't love photography and are a photographer for reasons other than the mere love for the medium, it's going to show up in your work, and you should seriously give it another thought. The love for the camera and your subjects, and the ability to build happiness around your work is primary. An uninterested photographer cannot bring life to his/her photographs. It's essential for your clients to feel and know that photography is a passion for you, not just another business.

2. Get Organized. Prioritize.

In the early stage aiming to connect with audiences, you'd want to be organized yourself first. Begin with creating a database of clients that are valuable to you, besides having a general client list. Separate those with whom you had an unpleasant experience - and if errors can be rectified. An angry client is the last thing you'd want to give yourself.

Use a client proofing platform that lets you create private galleries for clients to share, proof and deliver your images online seamlessly. You can even sell your images as prints or digital downloads and increase your revenue.

3. Seek personal bonding with clients

Coffee is known to be a great conversation-starter! Informally meeting client and bonding with them is a great way to get to know more about them. It can be an excellent opportunity to ask open-ended questions, particularly if it's your first meeting with them. The answers to these can help you build beautiful, personalized stories about individuals or other subjects. It's wise to keep these meetings shot, crisp and spaced out yet as and when you feel you feel the need to meet and touch base personally.

4. Stay in touch with your clients

Don't forget your clients. Stay in their mind with regular newsletters, updating them about your latest work, offers, information on new/added services, reviews, etc. Pick a weekly theme, choose the periodicity, and share things you know your clients will love to hear! Enable your site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. This will help build a potential customer database .

Stay in touch with your clients

Tools like Mailerlite can help you make beautiful newsletters in a few easy clicks.

Sending personalized mailers that work wonders on almost all clients. Offer freebies, run offers, contests, and promotions. These can help build a loyal community that loves to hear from you. See if you can offer exclusive perks to premium clients. Occasions like birthdays and anniversaries can be good times to send in a personalized mail, wishing your clients. Building a personal relationship will help you garner more clients via references as well, and add to the 'word-of-mouth' phenomenon.

5. Get client testimonials

Testimonials play a significant role in persuading potential clients to hire you. They also make clients feel privileged and feel that they contributed to your success. For example, you've shot some stunning frames for a real estate developer. They've loved your work and given your due credits. Seize this opportunity to ask them about how their experience of working with you was like and request a testimonial!

Connecting with your clients is not always about business. Take a genuine interest in people - not just for the business you do with them, but also for who they are. Only then will your photography business reap the viral effects of great client referrals.

Tip: Don't forget to ask your clients for referrals. That's the best way of getting traction when you are starting a photography business.

As you have seen, there are several aspects to starting a photography business that you need to consider and execute as a part of the process.

This guide gives you a step-by-step answer to the question - How to start a photography business. Using this guide, you can create an action plan for setting up your own photography business. The going will not always be easy, but the rewards of pursuing your dream and creative passion while running a successful business are well worth the effort.

We wish you the best of luck.

Create your stunning photography portfolio website on Pixpa easily. No coding required. Get started for free.  

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How much does a photography business make a year? Photography businesses can have variable income depending on their location, genre of specialization and clientele. A wedding photography business in Oklahoma will not be making the same kind of money as a fashion photography service in one of the fashion capitals like London or Paris. According to the US department of labor statistics from 2018, on an average, professional photographers earn a median income of $34,000 per year.

2) How do I start my own photography business from home? Most photographers start out small. You can start with shooting for family, friends and neighbours and then move on to local clients including other small businesses or events. It is possible to run a small, home-based photography business especially when your photography business mostly focuses on event photography and outdoor photography that does not require studio space. 

3) How much does it cost to start a small photography business? Initial costs can vary depending upon your location. The main costs come with buying equipment including a good digital camera, lenses and lighting equipment. These will run into a couple thousand dollars. You will also need to create your own photography portfolio website. Luckily this is one area where you won’t have to spend a lot of money. You can create an online portfolio website for as little as $7 a month with a website builder like Pixpa . 

4) Is photography still profitable? The profitability of photography strongly depends on the genre. Nature and outdoor photography is not very lucrative because there isn’t really a huge market for it. On the other hand, event photography, including wedding photography and commercial photography like product photography and real estate photography are incredibly lucrative genres.


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How to write a successful photography business plan.

How to Write a Successful Photography Business Plan

Whether you want to know how to start a photography business or take your existing one to the next level, the best place to start is with a plan. A photography business plan is a document that outlines what you hope to accomplish with your business. 

As your business comes to life or goes through change, you can use a business plan to measure your progress and re-calibrate your professional goals. In addition, if you are planning to pitch your business to potential investors for brand partnership opportunities, a business plan is one of the documents you can use to help bring credibility to your business.

However, learning how to start a photography business the right way doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Taking the right steps to showcase your photography services beyond your online portfolio website can set you off on the right foot and continuously help you attract the caliber of clients you want.

Why you need to make a photography business plan. 

Running a small business is hard. You may have heard the lifespan statistic that 20% of small businesses fail in their first 2 years, 30% fail in their first 3 years, and 50% fail after operating for 5 years. While this number is discouraging, the number one reason for the small business mortality rate is the lack of financial planning.

This is why using available tools is essential to your business’s long-term success and to your ability to grow your business. A business plan is critical in keeping you on track with your business goals and identifying where your business is lagging before, during, and after growth.

The main components of a photography business plan.

While you can customize the components of a photography business plan to suit your needs, the standard components are:

  • Executive summary
  • Business description
  • Product or service portfolio
  • Target market
  • Competitive landscape 
  • Marketing approach
  • Operations & logistics

These elements work together to provide you and your possible stakeholders with a fulsome portrait of your business and its potential. We will go into further detail about these individual components in the following sections.

Write an executive summary.

The executive summary is a 50-250 word section at the start of your photography business plan that focuses on big-picture goals and outcomes of your company. This section summarizes the entirety of the document and should serve as the “elevator pitch” for your company, and its unique position to succeed. A good question to ask when compiling your executive summary is, “What are 3-5 things I want my clients to remember me by?”

Some of the elements to include in your executive summary are your experience, your specialties (ex. commercial photography , landscape , or wedding photography ), and key components of your business that contribute to your success, such as your marketing efforts or a unique angle you bring to the industry.

Explain your company in a business description.

While you may have a clear vision for your business inside your head, being able to succinctly express it to clients and stakeholders is key to your professional success. When compiling your description, it’s important to be as specific as possible.

First, learn about different organizational structures and the associated terms that come with the territory. Are you running a sole proprietorship, partnership, an incorporated company, or another type of business?

Second, your business description should also outline additional details including the history of your business. It gives possible stakeholders an idea of what your business is about and how it began.

In addition, you want to share your business’ mission statement. Because you will go into more details about the offerings and other aspects of your business, it’s best to keep your company description simple and provide only a high-level overview.

Describe your product and services.

This is the place to talk about the types of photography services and products you offer, and the ones you plan on expanding into in the near future. 

As part of your product and services description, provide a comprehensive pricing model. Your pricing model should cover the types of sessions, services (shooting, editing, formatting) you offer, and their associated fees. For example, do you offer mini photography sessions or 2-hour shoots? Is there a sliding scale for editing services, color correction, or airbrushing? Do you handle the physical production of photos, or is the handoff done digitally?

A competent photography business relies on the client’s clear understanding of your “menu” of skills and services.

Lastly, detail the types of services you offer and the types of products you want to focus on that bring you the most income.

Determine your target market.

Targeting your customers is no simple task, as small business owners want to serve everyone. Nevertheless, it helps you to focus on your customers who need your products. You’ll end up wasting money marketing your product to people who don’t need it or have any interest in it.

Understanding your target audience means researching your local market to identify where demand exists. You can search forums and Facebook groups to see what kinds of photographers people are hiring and how much they’re willing to pay. 

For example, a professional wedding photographer should join relevant local event planning and vendor groups on social media to build connections and promote their wedding photography services. Keep in mind that a wedding photographer often has to travel to a location to shoot the wedding, and make sure to factor it into your project estimates. 

While a target audience looks different for everyone, it’s important for your photography business to have a few areas of specialty that help build up credibility and steadily bring in clients.

Conduct a competitive analysis.

As you conduct research on your local market, you will start to discover there are a number of different photographers that offer similar services as you. To create a thorough competitive analysis, take the list of competitors, and evaluate them in different areas. Conducting this analysis will help you determine what sets yours apart.

When looking at your competitors, consider the following questions:

  • Are my product offering and pricing model as straightforward as theirs?
  • What is their tone of voice (ex. humorous/expert/familial)?
  • Who is their target audience?
  • What do they bring to the table that I do not, and vice versa?
  • How can I differentiate myself from them?

To help you understand how your business is perceived, you can seek the help of a brand marketing professional. To take a more DIY approach, you can send your portfolio website to a roundtable of friends and colleagues and ask them how they would describe your business. Collecting these adjectives and looking for common threads can help you understand how your business is perceived and use these findings to your advantage in your marketing efforts.

Conducting a thorough competitive analysis can help you determine your own competitive edge and stay abreast of the competition. As a best practice, get into the habit of conducting a competitive analysis on an annual basis to stay informed about how your industry and your local market evolve over time.

Detail your marketing strategies.

In marketing, there is a saying that goes, “hope is not a strategy.” Yet many organizations allow an “if you build it, they will come” mentality to drive clients toward their marketing efforts.

In reality, a continuous funnel of new and repeat customers is what ensures their long-term success. This is why continuous marketing efforts are the number one way to ensure a consistent workload. Your marketing should work in tandem with a greater marketing plan that aligns all your efforts.

Because stakeholders and investors know the importance of marketing, they will look for a comprehensive and proactive marketing strategy when evaluating your business plan. This is why it’s important to outline the various marketing mechanisms you plan to use in your marketing plan.

Your marketing strategies encompass your marketing programs and your photography portfolio. 

Marketing programs.

Marketing programs mean any platforms, channels, or mechanisms you use to promote your company and attract customers. These may include email marketing campaigns, direct mail initiatives, local photography directory memberships, trade shows, your social media presence, and any paid social media advertising campaigns.

Photography portfolio.

Your online photography portfolio is an essential part of your marketing toolkit. After you make your potential customers aware of your business with your marketing programs, they will seek out a digital presence to explore your abilities as a photographer and to see if there is a fit. A portfolio experience can make or break a client lead, which is why it’s important to invest in a portfolio website that represents the unique offering your photography brings to the world. You can learn how to build a portfolio website the right way with our helpful guide.

Think about operations. 

While service businesses like photographers traditionally have fewer logistics than brick-and-mortar ones, it’s still important to consider the day-to-day logistics and expenses when compiling your business plan.

The operations portion of your photography business can include details like information about where you conduct work.  Many photographers choose to conduct business out of a home studio or office, holding a majority of their sessions at outdoor locations, client homes, and occasionally utilizing a professional studio. Meanwhile, commercial photographers almost always rely on a professional studio to conduct their business. 

Because different types of photographers have different operational needs, stakeholders will look for this information in your business plan to help assess the overhead cost of the operations. Understanding your operations also helps you to plan for potential opportunities in the future.

Draft your financial plans. 

This portion of your photography business plan is important to understanding the overall factors in the cash flow of your venture. Cash flow refers to the amount of money going in and out of your business. 

While compiling this section of your business plan may take the most time, it’s important to get it right to have an accurate understanding of the amount of money it takes to run your photography business, and which investments (ex. new lenses or editing software) are feasible within your business profits.

If you are a new business owner getting into photography, this section of the plan is where you outline the equipment you hope to invest in and what types of services it will be used for. Consider that as a professional photographer, you may need to invest in two copies of every item in case of malfunction. Some photographers, who may be just starting out, may use rental equipment to help them offset the costs of duplicates. However, the cost of renting can add up, which is why purchasing may be the cheaper option in the long run.

As a photographer, you are investing in hardware and software that is imperative to your job. To protect yourself, consider insuring your photography equipment and professional computer in case of theft. You can outline your insurance policy coverage and its cost in the financial portion of your plan. 

Create a timeline.

For photographers, a timeline is a management tool that helps you keep your business goals on track. Some of the key activities to include in your timeline are marketing, financial, investing, and operational in nature. 

In your timeline, consider setting goals for when you expect to pay back for the items listed in the financial portion of your plan. Calculating how many completed photography sessions it would take to cover the cost of the item can help you calculate this date.

It’s important to remember that timelines don’t need to be complicated. You can simply write down the task and the date by which you hope to complete it in sequential order. To help you stay on track, you can put reminders in your email calendar that notify you when you are nearing the anticipated completion of a task, as well as your personal deadline for its completion.

Putting your photography business plan together.

Compiling a photography business plan is an important step in starting your business and in evolving an existing one. While our photography business plan outline contains all the elements to run a successful photography business, there is nothing like drawing inspiration from what’s out there. A tried and tested photography business plan sample can give you the guidance you need to brainstorm the ins and outs of your business.

While all photography business plans are slightly different, most professional photography business plans are clear about their vision and how they want to get there. We’ve collected sample photography business plans from some of the best and most successful photographers in the industry and made readily editable templates for a fast and comprehensive photography business plan.

If you are just starting with your venture and feel a little lost, be sure to check out startup costs for your photography business and three business questions new photographers often ask . These guides give you the important information you need to get started on turning your photography dream into a viable business.

Photography business plan examples.

A sound business plan will set you on the path to success as a photographer. Whether you are a studio photographer, wedding photographer, or anything in between, these industry-specific photography business plan examples will help you kickstart your career.

Photography studio business plan.

If you run a photography studio, the most important element of your business plan is the photography business description. This segment in your photography studio business plan consists of a thorough description of all of the activities you engage in and the services you offer.

By keeping a detailed checklist, you can be clearer with your clients about the studio photography services you offer and market your business accordingly. Our guide to photography marketing shows you how to attract new clients the right way, without spending a dime.

Wedding photography business plan.

Creating a wedding photography business plan is a crucial step in better understanding your market and the opportunities you can leverage with your skills and experience. If there are any specific photography services you offer that other wedding competitors don’t, make sure to include them in your business plan.

If you are looking for a place to start, a simple Google search will provide you with a range of wedding photography business plan samples to work from, which can be tailored specifically to your business.

Now that you are armed with your photography business plan, you can attract better clients and be prepared for the future with a firm grasp of your competitive edge and industry shifts. Don’t forget that along with a solid business plan you need a beautiful website portfolio to show off your work and start getting clients.

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Cheryl Dell'Osso

Cheryl is the Director of Content Strategy at Zenfolio and the Owner/Photographer at Portraits by Cheryl and Seniors by Cheryl in Raleigh, NC. Cheryl has mentored countless new photographers looking to build successful photography businesses.

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Photography Studio Business Plan

Start your own photography studio business plan

Phoebe's Photo Studio

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">, opportunity.

Families need photographs to capture the special moments of their lives. Families of professionals are busy, and if too much time goes by between photos, these moments are lost forever. Babies, especially, grow fast and parents need photos of them several times a year.

While nearly everyone has a camera for snapshots, people need professional quality photos when they will be shown to an important audience, and when people want to be seen in the best light. The Internet has expanded the use of photos, making it possible for anyone to send them or to publish them for wide viewing.

Phoebe’s Photo Studio will meet the needs of professionals and their families to capture the special moments in their lives and present them in the best light. We will establish a relationship in which we initiate the calls to keep their photos up to date. Digital files of their photos will be available for free by e-mail, or with a nominal fee for CD.  Because of our relationship with the families, when something big like a wedding comes, there’s no place else they would go.

Families with children are the biggest market for portraits. For the purpose of this analysis, these families are divided into three socio-economic categories:

  • College graduates
  • High school graduates
  • Non-graduates

Families of college graduates are most likely to be professionals and to have the means and the taste for professional portraits.  There are nearly 20,000 such families in the metropolitan area. 


Competitor X is an award-winning, highly creative photographer with a style that one would expect to find in a national magazine.  His prices are the highest in the area, up to $15,000 for a wedding album.  His strategy appears to be to capture the high-end market, where a magazine look is a luxury that people can afford.

Competitor Y is a more typical photographer with more staged photographs and wedding packages running up to $5,000.  His strategy appears to be to occupy the middle-ground of quality and price where most of the market is likely to be.

Competitor Z offers same-day photos.  This is easier to accomplish with digital processing for a studio organized around speed, but the quality is necessarily sacrificed.  The market for same-day photos doesn’t necessarily demand quality.  Prices are average.  The strategy of this studio appears to be to appeal to convenience and speed.

Our competitive edge is that we provide not only a photograph, but a program of ongoing portraits to capture the special moments in a family’s life. We then make the digital images of their photos easily and affordably available for distributing on the Internet.


Phoebe’s will grow at a healthy annual rate by targeting families of professionals with newborn babies for baby pictures and then developing a relationship with the client over the years for ongoing photographs. The funding envisioned in this plan is projected to result in a comfortable healthy business by the third year. 

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing needed.

We foresee a total of $80,000 in startup financing to get this business going and healthy. That comes $10K from owner savings, $20K as a 5-year loan (family cosigning), and $50K as an interest-free loan from family. 

If the business proceeds according to plan, we will have about half of the $50K family loan paid off within three years. 

Problem & Solution

Problem worth solving.

Professionals often have business needs for high-quality photos, and through this familiarity, they acquire a taste for them. When these professionals need photos to preserve memories, or to display family photos when they entertain at home, they have the budget and the desire for similarly high-quality photos. Just as they appoint their homes with fine furniture and decorations, the photos on their walls need to exhibit their standards of quality.

Most people use professional photo studios only on rare occasions, such as weddings, yearbook pictures, or baby portraits. Because the client has to initiate the call, many special moments are lost and the studio loses potential business. Photo studios generally charge a large fee for CDs of their clients’ digital images. For these reasons, most photo studios are rarely used by families as a whole.

Our Solution

Phoebe’s Photo Studio helps clients preserve memories and portray themselves in the best light. We thrive on repeat business by developing relationships with our clients and calling them with timely reminders for new photos. We make professional quality photographs easily available in a digital format. We do this by using a pricing structure that makes our digital photographs a household staple and by making it fun for them to come here or to have us in their homes.

Target Market

Market size & segments.

We will target female professionals and wives of professionals, because women make the majority of purchasing decisions in these families.

The competitive environment is divided between luxury magazine-quality photographers, moderate professional photographers who mostly pose their subjects, and same-day photo studios.

The trend among our targeted consumers is toward more digital photography and more sending of digital images on the Internet. As the world becomes more technical, people need more personal support. 

Phoebe’s Photo Studio will use a "high-tech, high-touch" approach to reach and retain clients for their ongoing photo needs. We will make it affordable and easy for them to disseminate their photos electronically.

People who who pay for professional photo portraits are generally status-conscious professionals who have children, and so we’ve segmented the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area according to the social status of families. We’ve used education as a measure of social status.

Families of College Graduates

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Families of High School Graduates

People who have not completed college are assumed to be more likely to be employees or be in a trade. While many of them may have the means for professional photos, relatively few will use them. They are more likely to use home-made photographs, except for rare occasions, such as a high school photo or wedding.

Families of Non-High-School Graduates

These are families who are generally without the means to hire professional photographers on a regular basis.


The Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area has a total population of 330,527. There are 74,836 families.

Some 25.5 percent of the adult population in the metropolitan area is composed of college graduates, which we will here define as  professionals.  Some 62 percent of the population is made up of high-school graduates.

The Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area closely conforms to the boundaries of Lane County, Oregon. The office will be located in Eugene, but clients are accessible throughout Lane County through physicians’ offices. Most Lane County residents are accustomed to doing occasional business in Eugene.

Current Alternatives

Competitor Z offers same-day photos.  This is easier to accomplish with digital processing for a studio organized around speed, but quality is necessarily sacrificed.  The market for same-day photos doesn’t necessarily demand quality.  Prices are average.  The strategy of this studio appears to be to appeal to convenience and speed.

Our Advantages

Keys to success.

Our keys for success are:

  • Target marketing for the gateway products of baby pictures, high school photos and wedding albums.
  • Developing relationships with our clients through personal customer service, to turn one-time customers into lifetime clients.
  • Our system of tracking clients’ ongoing needs for photos and taking the initiative to call them for appointments

Marketing & Sales

Marketing plan.

We will get the word out by conventional advertising to start, and by a yellow page ad, social media and a website. We have a targeted marketing effort to:

  • Families of newborn babies
  • Families with children old enough to graduate college or high school 
  • Professionals who need a LinkedIn or Facebook shot, or a headshot for conferences. 

A special for the first baby picture will be a regular feature of our pricing structure. This is offered with the intent of getting the whole family on an ongoing basis as clients, because babies need photos frequently and we want these families to be clients for life.

Locations & Facilities

We will open in an 800 square-foot studio at 100 Main Street, the heart of the commercial district with ample free parking.  The space will be leased for three years beginning at $800 a month with cost-of-living adjustments made annually. 

The studio will have a highly visible electric sign and a 20-foot wide display window visible to passing foot and auto traffic. Customers will enter a public area with a counter, samples of our photographs and albums, and couches for waiting. A separate playroom with props and other toys will accommodate children with sitting areas for parents, while a utility area off the back door will be set up to accommodate pets and their props. Children, pets and props can be brought into the photography studio for their photographs.  An office and working area will be used for assembling the final product.

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones table, key metrics.

Key Metrics 

  • Measure website page views and customer inquiries 
  • Keep track of Facebook page views and Twitter re-tweets 
  • Train our staff to return calls right away 
  • # of customers in a month 
  • # of customers who book a second appointment in advance 

Ownership & Structure

Phoebe Peters has worked as an industrial photographer and freelance portrait photographer in Southern California for 10 years. She has found that personal customer relationships are the key to repeat business and will open Phoebe’s Photo Studio in downtown Eugene, Oregon on that premise.

Management Team

Phoebe’s Photo Studio is a sole proprietorship owned by Phoebe Peters.  It will open in a leased 800 square foot studio in downtown Eugene, Oregon.

Phoebe Peters is a graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California and is a member of the Professional Photographers of Oregon and the Professional Photographers of America. She has 10 years experience capturing the special moments of people’s lives.

Personnel Table

Financial plan investor-ready personnel plan .">, key assumptions.

We assume a stable economy with reasonable growth and a steady rise in interest rates. We also assume that our competitors won’t adopt our strategy within the first two years.  After that, our approach is likely to make a change in what our competitors charge for digital files, because they’ll see it’s effective in bringing in repeat business as well as new business. 

The expenses show the impact of close to $30K startup expenses, which we put into the first month. Those expenses are listed below in the Use of Funds chapter. 

Revenue by Month

Expenses by month, net profit (or loss) by year, use of funds.

Start-up Expenses

  • Insurance $300
  • Filing Fees $50
  • Utilities and Deposits $500
  • Website Development $2,000
  • Marketing Consultant: Ad design, etc. $20,000
  • Personnel Costs for December $3,500
  • Software $1,500
  • Office Expense $200


Start-up Assets: $13,000 in computer and photographic equipment

Sources of Funds

We will be using the $10,000 cash from my savings, plus a $50,000 interest-free loan from family, and a $20,000 5-year loan co-signed by family. The plan calls for funds to service the bank loan and repay most of the family loan by the end of the third year. 

Projected Profit & Loss

Projected balance sheet, projected cash flow statement.

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How to Start a Photography Business: The Definitive Guide

How to Start a Photography Business: The Definitive Guide


Photography isn’t just a way of capturing a memory for many people. Photography is a fulfilling way to express yourself. It’s a way to interpret the world and make the invisible visible.

And for many who have strong photography skills, it’s a way to make a living and make photography a business.

Navigating the transition between photography as a hobby and creating a career by starting a photography business (or growing your photography business) can be tricky.

If you have strong photography skills and want to take the plunge and start your own photography business, there is much to consider.

Our team has helped hundreds of photographers start, grow, and market their photography businesses. And for the past fifteen years, I’ve mentored thousands of entrepreneurs formally through Techstars and Founder Institute and informally on starting and growing their businesses in photography and other industries. This guide shares actionable insights, experience, tips, and best practices.

With the right resources and strategies, starting a business as a photographer can be an inexpensive way to become an entrepreneur and your own boss.

How to Start a Photography Business:

  • Develop and refine your photography business idea
  • Write a business plan for your photography business

Hire an experienced business attorney

Decide your legal business structure, purchase business insurance.

  • Set up accounting and bookkeeping

Assess your finances

Crunch the numbers, create a strong brand identity, build an online presence, create a sales plan, build your team, grow your photography business.

buy photography business plan

Develop and refine your business idea

Before you start your photography business, you must consider your strengths, weaknesses, and interests.

buy photography business plan

You probably know what kind of photography business you want to start. Maybe you want to start a wedding photography studio, or your heart is set on taking headshots and portraits.

No matter what angle you choose, evaluating existing businesses around you is important to see how much competition you’ll face.

Photography is a competitive industry.

More than 12,458 businesses in the U.S. specialize in photography. They collectively earn more than $6.5 billion per year. The industry is growing 2.5% annually and is forecast to grow 1.8% annually by 2024.

Despite the competition, a photography business can be fulfilling and rewarding.

Think about how you can integrate your natural skillset into your photography business to stand apart from your competition. Ask yourself the following questions, and take time to reflect on the answers:

  • What skills set me apart?
  • What is the purpose of my photography business?
  • Who am I providing a service or product to?
  • What is the maximum figure I can safely spend on this business?
  • Do I need outside capital? How much?
  • What kind of work/life balance am I looking to achieve?
  • What are my expectations of being an entrepreneur?


Find a niche

You’ll also want to consider the niche for your photography business.

Is your photography geared toward a particular group or segment of the population?

Are you looking to attract a particular demographic?

You’ll have a better chance at success if you start with a specific target audience.

Ensure you build your photography business to meet a specific niche’s needs to avoid overspending and underwhelming all of your potential customers.

You’re more likely to succeed if you start your photography business with a specific product or service designed for a particular group of people (for example, wedding photography or non-traditional weddings). And you’ll gain experience more quickly by concentrating on a specific area.

This is true for any business, not just a photography business. For example, in our definitive guide on  how to start a successful clothing brand or clothing line , we suggest that aspiring apparel entrepreneurs choose their niche too. Competing is too hard, especially when you start when you don’t specialize.

Here are some niches to consider when you explore the type of photography business you should start:

  • Wedding photography business
  • Fashion photography business
  • Real estate photography business
  • Portrait photography business (people and/or animals)
  • Dog shows photography business
  • Sports photography business
  • Stock photography business
  • Contract work photography business (covering local events, for example)
  • Commercial photography business
  • Local news photography business
  • Image or video editing photography business (helping other photographers with edits)
  • Product image photography business
  • Food image photography business
  • Travel photography business

Whatever type of photography niche you choose, make sure you’re passionate about it. That passion will come through everything you do, and your customers will appreciate and embrace your brand’s authenticity when you deliver photography services.

And be sure you assess your total addressable market to help you understand the opportunity better. Not every niche will be equally lucrative for photography businesses.

Write a photography business plan

Once you choose a niche for your photography company, it's time to write a business plan.

Although a business plan isn’t mandatory when starting a photography business, it can help you crystallize your business ideas .

A business plan is a document that outlines your business’s financial and operational goals. The business plan defines your company’s objectives and then provides specific information that shows how your company will reach those goals.

Your photography business plan doesn’t need to be 100 pages long. Numerous excellent templates can help you create a one-page business plan . Keep your business plan short and focus on the essential details. Think of your one-page business plan as a way to concisely summarize your business education about photography businesses.

Studies show that entrepreneurs who take the time to write a business plan are 2.5 times more likely to follow through and get their business off the ground. The work that goes into creating a business plan also helps new entrepreneurs build skills that will be invaluable later.

Your business plan should include a sales and marketing plan that defines your unique value proposition and how you will promote your business.

For actionable insights and free downloadable business plan templates, read this definitive guide on how to write a business plan .

Do market research

Before diving into your business plan, knowing the market you’re entering is important.

Business planning and marketing research help you to build a more successful photography business. This is true whether you’re just starting your new photography business or growing your photography business.

For example, if you’re planning to focus on weddings, assess the following:

  • Who are your direct competitors? There may already be many wedding photographers in your area.
  • Who are the top professional wedding photographers working in your geographic market?
  • What makes the top wedding photographers in your area stand out from the rest of the competition? Sometimes, they stand out because they have strong photography skills. But some stand out because they have great business skills.

If you focus on real estate, your target audience might be real estate agents and professional home stagers. So, you’ll need to ask similar questions about that audience.

A lot of the work to come relies on information gleaned from market research. You mustn’t skip this stage so you have the data you need to make informed decisions.

There are two major types of market research: primary and secondary.

Primary research answers some key questions, such as:

  • What factors do your potential customers consider when purchasing similar products or services?
  • What do they think is working, and what needs improvement in their current choices?
  • What do they like and dislike about the options currently available to them?
  • What price do they pay? Do they feel it’s reasonable and provides good value?

You answer these questions by talking to potential customers. Surveys, focus groups, one-on-one interviews, and questionnaires are the tools of choice for primary research.

Secondary research is information pulled from existing sources.

Using currently available data, you can identify competitors and define your market segments or demographics. Key attributes like age range, lifestyle, and behavioral patterns are data points used to divide your target customers into segments.

Once you have this information, you’ll refer back to it repeatedly as you build and launch your business. Make sure you spend a decent amount of time collecting data, so your decisions are based on solid research.

Plan for all the necessary legal and logistical business considerations, and you’ll create a strong foundation for your photography business’s successful future.

Most small business owners dread talking with and hiring a business lawyer when starting a business. Some fear they’ll pay exorbitant legal fees or receive bad advice that will destroy their business. Others agonize over how to find a reasonably priced, competent business lawyer.

Here’s what you need to know to hire a good lawyer for your new photography company.

Most guides on how to start a photography business, or any other small business type, won’t include insights on hiring a lawyer. We think that’s a big omission because many businesses run into legal troubles, and by starting on the right path from the very beginning, you can reduce your business risk.

We’ve met many lawyers who are deal-killers. Overzealous and often inexperienced, they focus on the wrong issues and forget that their client needs the deal to move forward. When you talk with lawyers you’re considering hiring, ask them about one or two complicated negotiations and how they overcame obstacles.

Don’t make price your main criterion for hiring a lawyer.

Often, the least expensive lawyers are also less experienced – especially in the areas where you may need help. Paying a cheaper hourly rate might feel good initially, but in the end, you may end up paying far more than if you hired an experienced (more expensive) business lawyer in the first place.

Ensure your lawyer is familiar with a photography business’s peculiarities, has experience with clients starting a photography business, and has represented other photography businesses and small businesses.

Also – be clear about your budget and expectations. Your lawyer should understand that your budget is limited, and they should not waste it on irrelevant details.

Typically, the best time to start a relationship with a lawyer is before you start your photography company.

Too many people make the mistake of forming a company without consulting a lawyer. A good lawyer will help you find the right business structure for the business – and split ownership interests if you have co-owners – in ways that will protect everyone and give you flexibility going forward.

Before starting your photography business, you need to decide on the type of entity you need to register.

Your legal business structure affects everything, from how you file your taxes to your personal liability and whether you need to comply with any special additional requirements at the local, state, or national levels.

There are many different types of legal structures for various business entities . Choosing the best one for their photography business can feel overwhelming for new business owners.

Here are some of the major business entities you should look into:

  • Sole proprietorship – this is the most basic business entity. A sole proprietorship means one person is solely responsible for a business’s profits and debts.
  • Partnership – A partnership is a shared responsibility between two or more people who hold personal liability for a business.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) – a structure that permits owners, partners, or shareholders to limit personal liability but still includes tax and flexibility benefits associated with a partnership.
  • Corporation – this is an entity legally considered separate from its owners. Corporations can own property, be held liable, pay taxes, and enter contracts.

As a creative professional, chances are you’re starting small. Setting up a sole proprietorship or partnership may be the best fit if you’re going it solo, especially if your business will be home-based when you start.

how to start a sole proprietorship hero

It’s important to consider your future business goals, however. You want to choose a business structure that can accommodate the growth and expansion of your business.

Hire an expert to form your company and save time. Our trusted partners can help: Northwest ($39 + state fee) or Bizee ($199 + state fee) . We recommend Northwest. After evaluating the leading registration companies, Northwest stands out as our top choice due to its competitive pricing, exceptional customer support, and commitment to privacy. Pay just $39 + state fees and you'll get a free year of registered agent service, articles of organization, privacy, and client support from local experts.

Once you decide on your legal business structure, register with the government (typically your state and sometimes your municipality) and the IRS.

Your business structure determines the forms you need and where to register.

You can find a full list of the forms for each entity type on the SBA website . You can also find state-specific tax obligations on the same site.

You may sometimes need federal, state, or local business licenses and permits. The SBA’s database lets you search for business licensing requirements by state and business type. And remember to contact your municipality to see if there are local licensing or registration requirements. You’ll sometimes need to get a business license from your municipality too.

You may also need an employer identification number (EIN) from the IRS.

This is not required if you’re a sole owner and don’t have employees. But you might want to get an EIN anyway to keep your personal and business taxes separate and ensure you can quickly hire when the time comes to expand your business.

The IRS has a useful checklist to help you decide whether you need an EIN to run your business.

If you do need an EIN, you can register online for free.

Also, remember that most states require you to register your business if the trade name you operate your business differs from your business’s legal name.

For example, suppose your registered company is an LLC, and the business name is Three Brothers, LLC. In that case, you cannot operate that business lawfully in most states if you’re selling products under the business name Three Tigers Photography. That’s because the registered name, and your trade name, are different.

Fortunately, this is not a difficult problem to overcome. You can simply register your actual trade name with your state (and or local government) by filing a “doing business as” (DBA) certificate. DBAs are also commonly called “assumed name,” “fictitious business name,” or “trade name.” Here’s a terrific resource that explains what a DBA is, the DBA state requirements, and how to file a DBA  for your business in all 50 states and U.S. territories.

You’d be surprised how many new business owners forget to protect themselves and their businesses by purchasing insurance before starting their business.

It doesn’t help to buy insurance after starting your business and incur claims.

Business insurance can cover property damage, theft, intellectual property lawsuits, and other incidents. Those can be very costly to small businesses, and you must protect yourself and your new business. This is true even if your business is home-based, as your home insurance might not cover your business.

Depending on your photography business niche market, you may need photographer insurance to bid for jobs or secure client work. Some companies require all of their vendors and contractors to have insurance.

And if you employ people, you’ll need workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance. Coverage varies by location, and many general liability (GL) policies will cover workers’ compensation.

As a provider of photography services, you’ll want professional liability insurance so you’re protected against possible claims. You probably also have lots of expensive photography equipment, and ensuring those against theft, damage, or worse will ensure you’re prepared if disaster strikes.

Here’s a good read on the different types of insurance you should consider as a business owner.

Set up business accounting and bookkeeping

You'll need to set up a bookkeeping and accounting system to keep track of your finances when starting a photography company. Understanding your business’s cash flow is important and will also be important for tax-filing purposes.

Here’s what you need to know about accounting and bookkeeping for your new photography business.

Business accounting is how your business records, organizes, interprets, and presents financial information. Accountants analyze the financial condition of a business to help the business owner make better decisions.

Bookkeeping is recording, organizing, storing, and retrieving financial information related to your business.

Accounting services and bookkeeping do overlap. The main difference between the two is that bookkeeping is how you record and categorize financial information. In contrast, accounting puts the information to use through business analysis , strategy, and tax planning.

Start by hiring a bookkeeper

A great bookkeeper is not the same as an accountant. Many business owners hire a bookkeeper with simple goals: keep them organized, pay their bills, and prepare to hand off all necessary financials to the accountant.

Typically, bookkeepers are less expensive than CPAs (certified public accountants) and can be trusted to record and organize your day-to-day business transactions, keep your bank accounts balanced, produce simple reports, and assist with keeping your financial records in order.

Many small businesses will use an outside bookkeeper, paid hourly, to handle all entries, pay all the bills, and manage invoicing and receivables . Having help with this aspect of managing a small company can be indispensable, and the time it can free for a busy owner is invaluable. Plus, you generally won’t need to buy accounting software since the bookkeeper you hire likely already owns such software.

Review your accounting processes annually and make adjustments

Do not underestimate the importance of a periodic review of your bookkeeping, accounting, and tax strategies. At your peril, you neglect to look hard at the systems you have in place and the people managing those systems.

Are you doing your accounting most productively and cost-effectively? Does your CPA have the right level of industry knowledge to advise? Does your tax preparer have the skills and expertise to keep you (and your investors) on the right side of the law? And finally (the big one), can you find ways to reduce your expenses while maintaining high-quality controls?

Take the time to reconsider your overall accounting strategy and find ways to strengthen and improve it.

When you start a photography company, assessing your finances and startup costs is crucial. These numbers include tracking your sales and profits - but a smart business must account for much more than sales alone.

Business finance uses your company’s financial information to help you manage your money and make your photography business operations profitable and sustainable.

You have many business financing options.

That’s important because you need to determine your startup costs, how you’ll fund your new business, and how you’ll grow the business.

You’ll have difficulty building a sustainable, profitable business if you don’t understand the numbers.

Be extra careful to conserve your startup funds when starting a photography business. Don’t overspend.

Some purchases (like a professional camera for macro photography and a backup camera, plus lenses, memory cards, and other equipment) will be necessary and could make sense for your photography business. Still, others, like expensive and unnecessary equipment or a fancy car, will threaten your small business’s survivability.

You’ll need to set up a bookkeeping and accounting system to keep track of your finances. We talked about this above. Understanding your business’s cash flow is important and will also be important for tax-filing purposes. Your accounting and bookkeeping system will include income, expenses, capital expenditures, profit, loss, EBITDA, etc.

When you start a small business, you must track your sales and profits – but a smart business must account for much more than sales alone.

For example, many photography businesses tend to work on a contract. That means you must prepare for inconsistent revenue’s ups and downs. You need to know how much revenue you need to cover when things are leaner.

As you may be a company of one, you should also plan for health and life insurance and budget for vacations. Don’t be one of those entrepreneurs who never take time to step away for a while. Everyone needs a break, and your budget should consider that.

Here’s a simple budget you can use as a reference point when starting your photography business. This budget doesn’t include a studio or office space. All prices are one-time purchases or annual estimates.

  • Two professional high-quality cameras : $2,000 to $5,000 each
  • Camera accessories (bags, batteries, grips, etc.): $1,000 to $1,500 total
  • Lenses: $1,000+ each
  • Flashes (at least two): $700 to $1,000 each
  • Lighting accessories (lights, tripods, reflectors): $1,000 to $2,500 total
  • Backdrops: $500 to $1,000 total
  • Props: $250 total
  • Equipment travel cases: $500 to $1,000
  • Multiple memory cards: $50+ each
  • Two external drives: $120 each (backups)
  • A computer: $1,500 to $2,000
  • Reliable car or van: $ varies
  • Website ( Wix , Zenfolio , SmugMug , Squarespace ): $60+ (annual)
  • Lightroom and Photoshop subscription from Adobe: $120 per year
  • Business name and company logo : $500 to $1,000 (one time)
  • Business licenses and permits: $150+ annual
  • Insurance: $600 (annual)
  • Accounting and taxes : $500 to $1,000 per year (annual)
  • Contracts: free to $1,000+ (annual)
  • Business cards: $50+ (annual)

Optional expenses (these are not essential but will help you to build a stronger photography business):

  • Video equipment if you will also shoot video
  • Business training ( classes, small business coach, photography business paid groups)
  • Assistant and other staff
  • Studio and office space
  • professional quality photography printer
  • Photography workshops and classes
  • Marketing materials

Managing a content-rich website poses unique challenges for photography businesses and could increase costs. Selecting a Content Management System (CMS) that offers comprehensive organizational capabilities, especially to help you organize WordPress media files and folders ,  is crucial.

Once you know how much it will cost to get you started, compare that with your funds. Then plan how you’ll make up any difference.

Even if you start a home-based photography business, you’ll still incur costs, so pay careful attention to your budget.

Run calculations to determine how much it will cost to create your business, allowing you to plan and think about pricing.

For example, if your goal is to make $75,000 per year after all expenses, and you plan to shoot weddings, you’ll need to figure out your expenses, how much you will charge per wedding (most professional photographers charge between $100 and $250 USD per hour (which typically works out as $25 to $100 per final edited photograph), and how many weddings you’ll need to shoot every year to reach your goal.

Every photography business is different. Or better put: you must differentiate your photography business to stand out from competitors.

Crafting a memorable visual identity is crucial to any creative professional’s success. This identity is increasingly important as Instagram and other social media blur the lines between a professional and a hobbyist.

As we’ve previously discussed ,

…your brand is your company’s public identity. Ideally, your brand should embody the best (and most essential) attributes of your company.

A brand represents how people know you and your business. It affects how customers perceive your reputation or the reputation of your company.

logo designer sitting in front of a computer

A strong brand is more important than ever in today’s competitive creative market.

Ask yourself these important questions:

  • What identity/personality do I want my creative brand to project?
  • Who will want my products or services?
  • What can customers get from my products or services that they can’t get anywhere else?
  • What can customers get from working with me that they can’t get anywhere else?
  • What are my brand values?
  • What is the most important part of my customers’ experience?

Your answers to these questions (and others like them) will build your brand’s core. All of your future branding decisions should expand on these ideas. Your business name , company logo , and website design should all grow from the concepts you laid out here.

If you feel stuck when thinking about visual design for your photography brand, look at these creative photography logo styles .

Remember that your business name plays a role in almost every aspect of your business. If you’re struggling to name your photography business and need ideas, look at the photography business name generator .

Whenever you make personal appearances, carry business cards  and  brochures in case people want to learn more about your services and give them your contact information. That’s a great way to find new clients.

Happy clients who love your photography will ask for extra business cards to share with friends and colleagues.

Some small business owners delay building a strong brand identity because they worry they might not have a huge budget. This delay can hurt you. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars building a strong brand identity. Here are a few pricing guides that can help you identify the sweet spot for pricing:

  • How much should a logo design cost?
  • How much do business cards cost?
  • How much should brochure design cost?
  • How much does website design cost?

If you’ve already started your photography business but are unhappy with your branding, this is the perfect time to rebrand your photography business .

A photographer's calling card is their portfolio and work samples. Today that means having a professionally designed website.

Customers choose creative services based on the brand, the person behind it, and the quality of the work presented to them.

The most effective way for creatives to show off their skills and personality is through their web presence.

Don’t believe us? A recent study shows that 97% of consumers research their purchases online before they buy something.

Start by ensuring that your website design truly embodies your brand. Visitors should understand who you are, the services you offer, your style, and the quality of your work.

Your website’s design and marketing copy should project your brand’s voice and identity. Here are some suggestions:

  • Use your brand’s colors .
  • If you are the primary employee, include a photo and bio. Customers want to know the person behind the site.
  • Be authentic and avoid marketing “happy talk.” Speak the same language as your customers.
  • Include high-quality examples of your work.
  • Give site visitors an easy way to get in contact with you.

Aim to create a site that builds your brand, establishes your approach and style, and communicates your business’s value proposition. As with personality-driven fields (like real estate sales and other creative services), people are not just buying your services; they’re buying a relationship with you.

Self-hosted open-source portfolio apps allow you to combine your uniquely branded website with a gallery of your work.

Check out WordPress if you’re looking for a self-hosted solution. Many WordPress plugins are created specifically for photographers. For example, because photographers include many images on their portfolio sites, use an easy WordPress Image Optimizer like Imagify . After comparing many optimization plugins, that’s the one we use and love on the crowdspring blog.

Don’t use stock images or stock photography when building a web presence. After all, you’re trying to promote your unique photography business. Stock images will send the wrong image to your target clients.

Finally, a strong website design will lend credibility and legitimacy to your business. To learn more about great website design, check out Grow Your Small Business With These 7 Website Design Best Practices and 11 biggest web design trends for 2022.

Never forget the power of good old-fashioned market research when you’re ready to open your photography business.

Not every option will be cost-effective or practical; you should understand what choices will work best for your business.

Your photography business won’t succeed if you just take pictures. You can’t ignore the business side.

You need to create a photography business roadmap for your new business. As a starting point, ask yourself these questions:

  • How will you sell your products or services?
  • Will you work full-time or part-time as a professional photographer?
  • What photo editing software will you need to create memorable photos for your clients?
  • What will you choose as your pricing structure?
  • Will you accept credit cards?
  • Will you have a client referral program?
  • How will you book clients?
  • Do you need office space or studio space to meet with clients, or will you operate your business as a home-based photography business?
  • What customer expectations will you set when you offer your services?
  • How will you provide customer service for customers who have questions or problems?

Photography work can be a personal, intimate service, so a hands-on approach is often more effective and successful. Your website can help you generate leads , but your success is based just as much on the customers you say no to as the ones you say yes to.

What does this mean? It means getting up from the computer and on the phone.

You can’t just take pictures and ignore sales and marketing.

A quick call with a prospective customer can establish whether you’re a good fit for their needs. It saves you and your customer time and effort if there isn’t a good match.

This pre-work leads to the second part of your sales plan: the in-person consultation. You want to meet with your client before you pick up your camera so that you can work out their needs, expectations, and any critical factors in advance.

The ultimate goal is for your client to buy your work. You may have your particular style or aesthetic, but you also want to capture your customers wants. The in-person meeting is when you can establish these criteria.

Another part of your sales plan is what happens after completing the work. Post-sales customer care can be a place where you differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Present your work to your customers personally, and walk them through your thoughts and comments about the project. Many professional photographers are content to send clients and potential clients a link to an online selection of photos. An online gallery may be efficient for both parties but may turn your work into a commodity.

Add a personal perspective when you share your work so your clients and potential clients understand your thought process. Creating a great sales experience throughout the project can bolster work-of-mouth referrals.

Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool, especially for professional photographers. As we wrote :

In fact, customers referred to a product are more valuable. A Wharton School of Business study found that referred customers have a 16% higher lifetime value and are more loyal.

Consider your sales plan beforehand to capitalize on every opportunity to close the sale and generate more. And remember to build an email list to update your and prospective clients about your photography business.

There’s a time in almost every entrepreneur’s career when you feel like you’re going it alone.

When you first start your photography business, there’s a good chance that you will be.

For your business to scale and grow, however, you’ll need help.

Many photography businesses are started by sole entrepreneurs who hire experienced professionals to handle specific business parts.

Whether you hire employees or work with contractors depends on your particular business.

At first, you should only hire for positions that provide the most immediate benefit to your business.

There’s no one right answer for what those positions might be – every business is different. As you plan what positions to hire, consider what aspects of the company pose the most significant challenge. It’s also crucial to recognize your limitations.

Hire an employee who is an expert in areas your business lacks expertise. Build a robust and well-rounded team to create a stable foundation for your business.

With all of that in mind, where should you start?

You may want your first hire to be a part-time assistant. Look for someone who is a jack-of-all-trades, eager to learn new skills, and with a strong work ethic. You’ll sleep better if you have someone in the trenches with you that you can rely on. And you’ll likely need someone to help you with photography equipment at photoshoots. And if you’re a great photographer but less skilled with photo editing, look for an expert with photo editing software.

If you’re new to marketing, a marketer can help you strategize your business.

One position you’ll need to fill is an accountant or bookkeeper. You need to track your expenses and revenue and keep good records for tax season.

The Legal Stuff

Of course, hiring staff or consultants for your photography business means you’ll have to deal with all sorts of legalities and paperwork. Hiring and signing contracts with professional service providers isn’t an area where you should “wing it.”

We went straight to the source to help you with some of the legal issues to consider. The hiring experts at Indeed recommend that you:

  • Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) by applying on the IRS website (you’ll get your number immediately after applying!).
  • Register with your state’s labor department.
  • Fill out paperwork to withhold federal taxes from your employee’s wages.
  • Set up workers’ compensation insurance if it is required in your state.

You’ll also need to decide whether you hire full- or part-time employees.

Part-time employees cost less. These cost savings can be an advantage when you first get started. As your business grows and you can afford it, you can expand their hours.

Full-time employees also require more paperwork to get set up. To gain complete insight into the hiring process, read Indeed’s step-by-step guide, “ How to Hire Employees .”

Your business is ready to go – your brand is a masterpiece of consistency and charm, your legal and business plans are all squared away, and you have a solid team behind your business.

Here comes the fun part – introducing your business to customers!

Look into newspapers and local magazines, trade shows, and public events where you can bring your brand and your work to the people. Any outlet that makes sense for your small business is one you should seek out.

Give your prospective customers an intimate view of your work and your business. You’ll want to develop a content marketing strategy to grow your business.

As a new, up-and-coming small business owner, social media is an inexpensive and easy outlet for all of the beautiful work you’ve created. As we previously explained ,

Social media gives you the ability to easily keep customers up-to-date on new products, store policies or sales. It also enables you to build a social rapport with current customers, while building low-pressure relationships with future buyers.

Maintaining Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook presence is important to build a following and connect with your market niche on social media. With the advent of micro-influencers , the potential reach a new business now has, especially on social media, is truly massive.

Most of your new business will likely come from word-of-mouth referrals. And as a result, your social media presence should be managed with intent.

Instagram is an obvious priority for photography businesses. You can post examples of your work to the platform, connect with customers, and use it to build your personal brand. But Instagram (and other platforms like Facebook) can also be where you post behind-the-scenes photos and videos to give prospective and potential clients an insider’s eye to your business.

There’s a lot to think about when starting a photography business.

But with this complete guide on how to start a photography business, you’ll have a competitive advantage to start on the right path to success.

Additional Resources for Photographers

If you want to sell your photos to stock image sites, here are the sites you should consider:

  • BigStockPhoto
  • Candidly Images
  • CanStockPhoto
  • DepositPhotos
  • Instaprints
  • iStockPhoto
  • ShutterPoint
  • Shutterstock

buy photography business plan

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How to Start a Photography Business: The Ultimate Guide

Eric Goldschein

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Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones with sophisticated cameras on them (for mobile devices, that is), it seems like everybody wants to try their hand at being a photographer. But not everyone has what it takes to start a business.

There’s a vast difference between those who can take the perfect selfie and those who can capture the perfect moment and call themselves professional photographers. If you’re wondering how to start a photography business, know there's much more to it than pointing your iPhone and slapping on a filter.

As with any professional endeavor, starting a photography business requires a significant investment of time and money to secure equipment, register your business, and build your portfolio. Luckily, the photography industry startup costs are relatively lower than in other industries. Depending on your focus, needs, and current equipment, you can learn how to start your photography business step-by-step as soon as today.

buy photography business plan

Step 1: Write a business plan

All business owners should write a business plan—that includes even solo photography businesses. A business plan is critical to outlining your services, understanding your target market, and setting your rates.

When you start thinking about these details upfront, it will help you start and scale your business to the heights you’ve always dreamed of. It doesn’t have to be a lengthy or tedious process either. Be sure to check out our guide on how to write a business plan to get you started.

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Once we uncover your personalized matches, our team will consult you on the process moving forward.

Step 2: Register your business

Next, you'll want to register your business—meaning you legally establish your business. To do so, you should choose the right business entity for your business and choose a business name.

Choose a business entity

Many photography business owners register as a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company (LLC). Each legal structure offers certain benefits.

The most popular advantage of sole proprietorships is that they’re free to form. However, a sole proprietorship doesn’t protect you against personal liability.

Many photography businesses form an LLC because you enjoy additional benefits like reduced liability and choosing to be taxed as a sole proprietorship or corporation. Moreover, having “LLC” in your business boosts your professional appearance.

The entity you choose will have a big impact on your business, from taxes to liability and more, so be sure to consult with a business attorney or tax professional if you're unsure of the right choice for you.

Choose a business name

Dedicate some time to thinking about your business name. It will be your potential clients’ first contact with your brand, and you want to ensure you strike a good first impression. After deciding on a business name, do a quick secretary of state business search to ensure the name is unique and available.

If you’re operating under a sole proprietorship, you'll want to file a DBA when registering your business. As a sole proprietorship, your business name defaults to your own legal name. If you want to operate under a different name (one that mentions photography, for instance), you'll need a DBA. DBA requirements can vary by state, so be sure to do your research.

Step 3: Obtain business licenses, permits, and insurance

Your business now legally exists, but to make sure you continue to operate legally, your next step is to obtain the proper business licenses, permits, and insurance.

Business license and permits

Securing the right business license or permit is key to learning how to start a photography business legally. Be sure to check with your local city hall and state licensing board to ensure you’re complying with the necessary regulations.

Business insurance

You may not think it necessary as a photography business, but you should always look into insurance. Insurance adds another level of protection from costly liability disputes if you ever encounter a disgruntled customer. Do some research into business insurance policies to shield you from professional and general liability.

Step 4: Set up EIN, bank account, and credit card

To start doing business, you'll need a separate place for your money to live. That's where EINs, bank accounts, and credit cards come in.

Obtain an EIN

Even if you’re a one-person photography business, you should still apply for an employer identification number, or EIN, from the IRS .

Your EIN is the business equivalent of a social security number for an individual, and you will include it when filing your business taxes with the IRS. Moreover, your EIN is crucial when opening your business bank account and applying for a business loan in the future, should you decide to.

Open a business bank account

It’s always a practical idea to separate your business and personal finances. Mixing your personal and business finances can compromise any legal protections gained from forming an LLC. Even sole proprietorships benefit from this division because it makes bookkeeping easier come tax season.

One way to distinguish your business and personal finances is to open a business checking account . You can deposit cash or invoice payments collected from your photography gigs in this account. Also, remember to use these bank account funds for business-related expenses only.

Open a business credit card

A dedicated business credit card is another practical tactic for separating your business and personal expenses. You may be surprised that you have a separate credit score for your business. By regularly using your business credit card, you boost your business’s financial health, helping you secure a business loan in the future.

Step 5: Purchase or upgrade your equipment

Professional photographers have top-of-the-line (read: often expensive) cameras. But you don’t need brand-new, expensive equipment when you’re first starting a photography business. As you gain more experience and increase your income, you can upgrade your toolkit over time.

“As a young photographer, I started with more amateur equipment—a camera, a lens, and a flash,” says Alexa Klorman, owner of Alexa Drew Photography in New York City. “Then, as my business grew and as I started to get more clients and increase my price, I wanted to make sure that the quality of my photos was validated in what I was charging.”

Startup costs

If you’re serious about your photography, you’ll want to create a business budget that will help you grow your toolkit. Below is a list of recommended tools and accessories with approximate prices:

Camera : $1,000 to $2,000

Camera lens: $1,000

Memory cards: $50

External drives: $100

Laptop for editing: $2,000

Website hosting : $50

Backdrops and lighting: $500

Editing software: $20.99 per month (Photoshop)

Tripod: $100

Camera bag: $150

Accounting software: $10 to $30 per month for basic plans

Chances are, you already have many of the items on this list, like a camera and laptop, which can dramatically reduce your startup costs.

Build a relationship with your supplier

Whether you need a new camera body or lens, or something simple like a memory card, you need a photography equipment supplier. Amazon is often a convenient and inexpensive marketplace to source your needs. But the cheapest option isn’t always the best.

“I go to Adorama in NYC. I love going there because I know the people there; I always go to the same guys. They always give me a good deal—they’re honest and kind,” says Klorman.

When you first start your photography business, Klorman recommends establishing a relationship with a local shop to keep track of your purchases. Being a loyal customer can open opportunities for cost-saving deals and even client referrals. The best part: You’re supporting a fellow small business owner.

Step 6: Price your services

When starting a photography business, pricing your services is where many people get stuck. Your formula should include time, plus labor, as well as a fee for using your resources. Here are a few tactics to help you set your prices:

Choose your niche

The niche you choose will influence the value of your photography services. For example, a professional wedding photographer can charge $2,000-plus for their services. In contrast, a family photographer might charge $400 for a photoshoot.

Choose what you want to focus on—whether it’s weddings, newborns, corporate events, or some combination of multiple areas—and then start accumulating samples to showcase your abilities. As you grow your portfolio, you can eventually raise your rates.

Check out the competition

To get an idea of where to start, do what Klorman did: Look to your peers and grow from there.

“I looked up other photographers in the area, and I started pretty low on the pricing scale. Then every few months, I’d bump it up a bit, then bump it up a bit. And I’d always say, ‘I’ll wait to see if inquiries and emails drop off, and if they do, I’ll lower it back down.’”

Of course, don’t raise your price just to raise it. Once you find yourself working with your preferred clientele, you can stick with a price that works for you. Similarly, stay firm on what you charge.

“I find that people generally accept my pricing; they don’t negotiate so much,” Klorman says. “I have my price, and I’m pretty strict about sticking to it because it’s a fair price. Because I’m transparent with what my packages cost, generally when people contact me, they’re ready to book.”

Figure out how long each job takes

Part of what may affect your pricing is how long each photography job takes. Also, be mindful of your time beyond the photoshoot—processing, editing, uploading, and distributing your photos are time- and labor-intensive. Be sure to factor these steps into your price point, so you’re not underpaid for all your hard work.

Portrait sessions generally last between one-and-a-half and two hours. This produces somewhere in the range of 75 to 100 images, edited in both black and white and color. Events can lead to hundreds of photos, though it depends on how long the event lasts.

Don’t be alarmed if you need a bit longer than this when you first start your photography business. You’re still settling into your workflow and deciding what works best for you. With time and experience, you’ll finish things more quickly and with improved quality.

Step 7: Market your business and find clients

With your photography business up and running, the next step is finding clients so you can start earning money. Here are some strategies to market your business.

Referrals are the lifeblood of many businesses, and the photography business is no exception. The most effective marketing—the kind that professionals would kill for—is positive word-of-mouth referrals. And it doesn’t cost a dime. When you’re starting your photography business, think about how you can develop positive referrals.

Klorman stands by word-of-mouth marketing, attributing 90% of her gigs to be referral-based. “I pride myself on my referrals,” she says. “I don’t invest money in marketing. I would rather spend more time making my clients feel awesome, giving them amazing photos, and building a relationship with them.”

Leverage social media

Social media is no longer only a tool to connect with old friends and family. Now, it’s a real business tool helping them connect with their target customers.

If you want to upgrade your marketing strategy, go to where your target customers are hanging out. For example, if you’re a wedding photographer, join local Facebook groups for soon-to-be brides. Chances are, they’re on the lookout for a wedding photographer—a perfect opportunity to pitch your amazing services.

Instagram is another great way to build your portfolio. Instagram is a visual platform, and your stunning collage of photos might inspire a future business inquiry. Also, you can expand your reach by contacting wedding photography profiles to feature your work.

Tips for finding your first client

But what if you’ve never done a photoshoot or worked with a client before?

If you’re wondering how to start a photography business with no experience, worry not. If you don’t have a portfolio, you can do a free photoshoot for your friends and family. Yes, you’re giving your time and labor away for free, but this is often necessary for new photographers. In return, these free gigs will build your experience and create sample pieces that you can market to future clients.

While posting your photography on social media can be helpful, you may want to build your small business website. Getting your own real estate on the internet creates a central resource for prospects to view your work and contact you. Also, having a dedicated domain name for your business adds a professional flair to your brand.

Step 8: Sell your photography online

Don’t limit your income to only the photography gigs you do with clients. You can also learn how to start a photography business by selling your images online. Many websites need stock photos to enhance their content and branding, and stock photo sites will pay to add your work to their database.

If you want to supplement your photography income, here are stock photo marketplaces you can visit:

Adobe Stock


Getty Images





Start Your Dream Business

The bottom line

Photography isn’t just a popular hobby; it can be a legitimate business, provided you have a passion for capturing timeless memories. Starting a photography business takes as much dedication as any other business, but the bonus is your work can be visceral and affecting. It’s also a business that is easy to start small and build up.

So, stop messing around with the photo apps on your smartphone. If want to learn how to start a photography business on the side and grow it into a full-time income, it’s time to take what you learned and get started.

This article originally appeared on JustBusiness, a subsidiary of NerdWallet.

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How to Start a Photography Business

How to Start a Photography Business


15 Steps To Start a Photography Business

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How to Start a Photography Business from Home

Helpful videos, additional resources in the photography industry.

If you’re looking to start a photography business, you’ve come to the right place. Since we’re going to show you exactly how to do it.

We’ll start with key photography industry fundamentals like how big the market is, what the key segments are, and how revenues and profits are generated.

Then we’ll discuss keys to not only starting a photography business, but succeeding in it!

And don’t forget to look at our photography business plan template if you need a plan to start or grow your photography company.

Download our Ultimate Photography Business Plan Template here

Starting a photography business can be very profitable. With proper planning, execution and hard work, you can enjoy great success. Below you will learn the keys to launching a successful photography business.

1. Choose the Name for Your Photography Business

The first step to starting a photography business is to choose your business’ name.

This is a very important choice since your company name is your brand and will last for the lifetime of your business. Ideally you choose a name that is meaningful and memorable. Here are some tips for choosing a name for your photography business:

  • Make sure the name is available. Check your desired name against trademark databases and your state’s list of registered business names to see if it’s available.
  • Keep it simple. The best names are usually ones that are easy to remember, pronounce, and spell.
  • Think about marketing. Come up with a name that reflects the desired brand and/or focus of your photography business.

2. Determine the Type of Photography Business You Will Launch

The next step in establishing your photography business is to define the specific niche you intend to focus on. Photography encompasses a wide range of specialties, and your choice will influence your brand, clientele, and the services you offer.

Here are some popular photography niches to consider:

  • Portrait Photography: Specialize in capturing individuals or groups, including headshots, family portraits, and senior photos. You can also venture into specialized areas like maternity or newborn photography.
  • Wedding and Event Photography: Focus on documenting weddings, engagements, corporate events, or other special occasions. This niche requires excellent event management and storytelling skills.
  • Commercial and Product Photography: Work with businesses to create high-quality images for advertising, e-commerce, and marketing purposes. This niche often involves studio work and attention to detail.
  • Landscape and Nature Photography: Explore the beauty of the natural world, capturing landscapes, wildlife, and environmental scenes. This niche often appeals to art collectors and nature enthusiasts.
  • Fashion Photography: Collaborate with fashion designers, models, and brands to create visually striking images for magazines, advertisements, and catalogs.
  • Food Photography: Specialize in photographing culinary creations for restaurants, food blogs, and cookbooks. This niche requires a keen eye for composition and lighting.

3. Develop Your Photography Business Plan

One of the most important steps in starting a photography business is to develop your business plan. The process of creating your plan ensures that you fully understand your market and your business strategy. The plan also provides you with a roadmap to follow and if needed, to present to funding sources to raise capital for your business.

To enhance your planning process, incorporating insights from a  sample photography business plan  can be beneficial. This can provide you with a clearer perspective on industry standards and effective strategies, helping to solidify your own business approach.

Your business plan should include the following sections:

  • Executive Summary: This section should summarize your entire business plan so readers can quickly understand the key details of your photography business.
  • Company Overview: This section tells the reader about the history of your photography business and what type of photography business you operate. For example, are you a portrait photography, wedding photography, or fashion photography business.
  • Industry Analysis: Here you will document key information about the photography industry. Conduct market research and document how big the industry is and what trends are affecting it.
  • Customer Analysis: In this section, you will document who your ideal or target customers are and their demographics. For example, how old are they? Where do they live? What do they find important when purchasing services like the ones you will offer?
  • Competitive Analysis: Here you will document the key direct and indirect competitors you will face and how you will build a competitive advantage.
  • Marketing Plan – your marketing plan should address the 4Ps: Product, Price, Promotions and Place.
  • Product: Determine and document what products/services you will offer
  • Prices: Document the prices of your products/services
  • Place: Where will your business be located and how will that location help you increase sales?
  • Promotions: What promotional methods will you use to attract customers to your photography business? For example, you might decide to use pay-per-click advertising, public relations, search engine optimization, and/or social media marketing.
  • Operations Plan – here you will determine the key processes you will need to run your day-to-day operations. You will also determine your staffing needs. Finally, in this section of your plan, you will create a projected growth timeline showing the milestones you hope to achieve in the coming years.
  • Management Team – this section details the background of your company’s management team.
  • Financial Plan – finally, the financial plan answers questions including the following:
  • What startup costs will you incur?
  • How will your photography business make money?
  • What are your projected sales and expenses for the next five years?
  • Do you need to raise funding to launch your business?

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

4. choose the legal structure for your photography business.

Next you need to choose a legal structure for your photography business and register it and your business name with the Secretary of State in each state where you operate your business.

Below are the five most common legal structures:

1) Sole proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a business entity in which the owner of the photography business and the business are the same legal person. The owner of a sole proprietorship is responsible for all debts and obligations of the business. There are no formalities required to establish a sole proprietorship, and it is easy to set up and operate. The main advantage of a sole proprietorship is that it is simple and inexpensive to establish. The main disadvantage is that the owner is liable for all debts and obligations of the business.

2) Partnerships

A partnership is a legal structure that is popular among small businesses. It is an agreement between two or more people who want to start a photography business together. The partners share in the profits and losses of the business.

The advantages of a partnership are that it is easy to set up, and the partners share in the profits and losses of the business. The disadvantages of a partnership are that the partners are jointly liable for the debts of the business, and disagreements between partners can be difficult to resolve.

3) Limited Liability Company (LLC)

A limited liability company, or LLC, is a type of business entity that provides limited liability to its owners. This means that the owners of an LLC are not personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business. The advantages of an LLC for a photography business include flexibility in management, pass-through taxation (avoids double taxation as explained below), and limited personal liability. The disadvantages of an LLC include lack of availability in some states and self-employment taxes.

4) C Corporation

A C Corporation is a business entity that is separate from its owners. It has its own tax ID and can have shareholders. The main advantage of a C Corporation for a photography business is that it offers limited liability to its owners. This means that the owners are not personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business. The disadvantage is that C Corporations are subject to double taxation. This means that the corporation pays taxes on its profits, and the shareholders also pay taxes on their dividends.

5) S Corporation

An S Corporation is a type of corporation that provides its owners with limited liability protection and allows them to pass their business income through to their personal income tax returns, thus avoiding double taxation. There are several limitations on S Corporations including the number of shareholders they can have among others.

Once you register your photography business, your state will send you your official “Articles of Incorporation.” You will need this among other documentation when establishing your banking account (see below). We recommend that you consult an attorney in determining which legal structure is best suited for your company.  

5. Secure Startup Funding for Your Photography Business (If Needed)

In developing your photography business plan, you might have determined that you need to raise funding to launch your business.

If so, the main sources of funding for a photography business to consider are personal savings, family and friends, credit card financing, bank loans, crowdfunding and angel investors. Angel investors are individuals who provide capital to early-stage businesses. Angel investors typically will invest in a photography business that they believe has high potential for growth.  

6. Secure a Location for Your Business

When searching for the ideal space for your photography business, several factors should be carefully considered to ensure it meets your needs and supports the growth of your venture.

Here are key considerations:

  • Location: Choose a location that is convenient for both you and your clients. Consider accessibility, parking options, and proximity to potential clients or complementary businesses like event planners or wedding venues.
  • Space Size: Evaluate the space’s size in relation to your photography niche. Larger spaces are suitable for studios and commercial photography, while smaller spaces may suffice for portrait or home-based photography businesses.
  • Natural Light: If you rely on natural light for your photography, look for spaces with ample windows and good natural lighting conditions. Alternatively, ensure the space can be modified to accommodate artificial lighting if needed.
  • Studio Setup: If you plan to have a studio, consider the layout and functionality. Ensure there’s enough room for backdrops, props, equipment, and comfortable shooting areas.
  • Amenities: Check for amenities like restrooms, changing rooms, and waiting areas if you anticipate clients needing these facilities during photoshoots.
  • Rent and Operating Costs: Analyze the rental cost, as it should fit within your budget. Also, account for additional expenses such as utilities, insurance, and maintenance.

7. Register Your Photography Business with the IRS

Next, you need to register your business with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which will result in the IRS issuing you an Employer Identification Number (EIN).

Most banks will require you to have an EIN in order to open up an account. In addition, in order to hire employees, you will need an EIN since that is how the IRS tracks your payroll tax payments.

Note that if you are a sole proprietor without employees, you generally do not need to get an EIN. Rather, you would use your social security number (instead of your EIN) as your taxpayer identification number.  

8. Open a Business Bank Account

It is important to establish a bank account in your photography business’ name. This process is fairly simple and involves the following steps:

  • Identify and contact the bank you want to use
  • Gather and present the required documents (generally include your company’s Articles of Incorporation, driver’s license or passport, and proof of address)
  • Complete the bank’s application form and provide all relevant information
  • Meet with a banker to discuss your business needs and establish a relationship with them

9. Get a Business Credit Card

You should get a business credit card for your photography business to help you separate personal and business expenses.

You can either apply for a business credit card through your bank or apply for one through a credit card company.

When you’re applying for a business credit card, you’ll need to provide some information about your business. This includes the name of your business, the address of your business, and the type of business you’re running. You’ll also need to provide some information about yourself, including your name, Social Security number, and date of birth.

Once you’ve been approved for a business credit card, you’ll be able to use it to make purchases for your business. You can also use it to build your credit history which could be very important in securing loans and getting credit lines for your business in the future.  

10. Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits

Starting a photography business often requires obtaining several licenses and permits to operate legally and professionally. The specific requirements can vary depending on your location and the nature of your business, but here are some common licenses and permits you may need:

  • Business License: Most jurisdictions require a general business license or operating permit. This license allows you to legally conduct business within your city or county.
  • Sales Tax Permit: If you plan to sell prints, photography services, or digital images, you may need a sales tax permit or seller’s permit. This enables you to collect and remit sales tax to the relevant tax authorities.
  • Home Occupation Permit: If you are running your photography business from home, you may need a home occupation permit or zoning variance, especially if you have clients coming to your residence.
  • Professional Photography License: Some areas may require a specific license for professional photographers, particularly if you are offering specialized services or commercial photography.
  • Studio Rental License: If you operate a photography studio and rent it to other photographers, you might need a special license or permit for this aspect of your business.
  • Health and Safety Permits (if applicable): If your photography involves special effects, pyrotechnics, or other potential safety hazards, you may need additional permits to ensure the safety of your clients and crew.

Depending on the type of photography business you launch, you will have to obtain the necessary state, county and/or city licenses.  

11. Get Business Insurance for Your Photography Business

Operating a photography business comes with various risks, and having the right insurance coverage is essential to protect your business, equipment, and assets.

Here are some types of insurance you should consider for your photography business:

  • General Liability Insurance: This is a fundamental insurance policy that covers bodily injury and property damage claims made by third parties. It provides coverage if someone is injured during a photoshoot, or if you accidentally damage a client’s property while on location.
  • Professional Liability Insurance (Errors and Omissions): Also known as E&O insurance, this policy is crucial for photographers. It covers claims related to errors, omissions, or negligence in your professional services. For example, if a client is unhappy with the quality of your work or believes you failed to meet their expectations, this insurance can protect you from potential legal claims.
  • Equipment Insurance (Photography Gear Insurance): This type of insurance covers damage, loss, or theft of your photography equipment, including cameras, lenses, lighting, and other gear. It’s essential for protecting your valuable investments.
  • Business Owner’s Policy (BOP): A BOP combines general liability insurance and property insurance into one package, often at a lower cost than purchasing the policies separately. It’s a cost-effective way to get comprehensive coverage.
  • Commercial Auto Insurance: If you use a vehicle for business purposes, such as transporting equipment to photoshoots, you may need commercial auto insurance to cover accidents or damage related to your business activities.

Find an insurance agent, tell them about your business and its needs, and they will recommend policies that fit those needs.  

12. Buy or Lease the Right Photography Business Equipment

To run a photography business successfully, you’ll need a variety of equipment to capture high-quality images and manage your operations efficiently. The specific equipment you require can vary depending on your niche and the services you offer, but here’s a general list of essential equipment for a photography business:

  • Camera Body: Invest in a high-quality digital camera with interchangeable lenses. Full-frame and APS-C sensor cameras are popular choices among professional photographers.
  • Lenses: A variety of lenses allows you to capture different types of shots. Common lens types include prime lenses, zoom lenses, and specialty lenses like macro or wide-angle.
  • Tripod: A sturdy tripod is essential for stability, especially in low-light conditions or when using slow shutter speeds. Look for a tripod that can support your camera and lenses.
  • Camera Bag: A durable camera bag helps you organize and transport your gear safely to photoshoots and locations.
  • External Flash and Lighting Equipment: Depending on your niche, you may need external flashes, strobes, softboxes, umbrellas, reflectors, and other lighting equipment to control and enhance your lighting.
  • Light Stands and Accessories: Light stands, clamps, and other accessories are necessary for setting up and positioning your lighting equipment.
  • Backdrops and Background Support: For studio photography or controlled environments, backdrops and a support system are essential for creating different scenes and settings.
  • Reflectors and Diffusers: These tools help you manipulate natural light and control harsh shadows, improving the quality of your outdoor or studio shots.
  • Camera Accessories: Extra batteries, memory cards, lens filters, lens hoods, and a cleaning kit are crucial for smooth shooting sessions.

13. Develop Your Photography Business Marketing Materials

Marketing materials will be required to attract and retain customers to your photography business.

The key marketing materials you will need are as follows:

  • Logo: Spend some time developing a good logo for your photography business. Your logo will be printed on company stationery, business cards, marketing materials and so forth. The right logo can increase customer trust and awareness of your brand.
  • Website: Likewise, a professional photography business website provides potential customers with information about the services you offer, your company’s history, and contact information. Importantly, remember that the look and feel of your website will affect how customers perceive you.
  • Social Media Accounts: Establish social media accounts in your company’s name. Accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or other social media networks will help customers and others find and interact with your photography business.

14. Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your Photography Business

Running a photography business requires various software tools to manage different aspects of your business effectively.

Here is a list of essential software for a photography business:

  • Adobe Photoshop: Widely used for advanced photo editing and retouching.
  • Adobe Lightroom: Great for organizing, editing, and managing your photo library.
  • Client Relationship Management (CRM) software: Tools like HubSpot or Salesforce can help you manage client relationships, track inquiries, and schedule appointments.
  • Scheduling software: Tools like Calendly or Acuity Scheduling can help clients book sessions with you online.
  • QuickBooks or Xero: These accounting software options help you manage finances, track expenses, and generate invoices.
  • PayPal or Square: Useful for processing payments and online transactions.
  • Dropbox or Google Drive: These cloud storage solutions allow you to securely store and share high-resolution image files with clients.
  • Project management tools: Trello or Asana can help you keep track of tasks, deadlines, and projects.

Research the software that best suits your needs, purchase it, and set it up.  

15. Open for Business

You are now ready to open your photography business. If you followed the steps above, you should be in a great position to build a successful business. Below are answers to frequently asked questions that might further help you.  

According to IbisWorld, there are 185,075 photography businesses in the US, and the photography industry generated $10.5 billion in revenue in the United States alone last year. This represents an annual growth rate of 2.6% over the past 5 years.

The photography industry derives a significant portion of its revenue from personal and group portraits, wedding photography services and school photography services. Corporations make up the other large buyer of industry services, primarily in the form of marketing and advertising services and other organizations or groups account for the remaining

A number of factors affect the performance of the photography industry. These drivers include:

Per capita disposable income – This industry is particularly sensitive to fluctuations in disposable income because its services are discretionary rather than necessary. Therefore, a dip in disposable income limits the number of people who purchase professional photography services.

Total advertising expenditure – Revenue from commercial photography comes from photo shoots for advertisements or other marketing materials. Commercial photographs appear on billboards; corporate websites; and in magazines, textbooks and other print media. Consequently, increased spending on advertising raises demand for commercial photographers, which generate over one-fifth of industry revenue.

Number of K-12 students – School photographs are a major market for portrait photographers. Changes in enrollment trends, including retention rates, influence demand for industry services. In general, the more students enrolled in school, the more revenue photographers can expect to earn from school portraits.

Marriage rate – Wedding photography and video services are expected to account for a significant portion of industry revenue. Therefore, a rise in the marriage rate is beneficial to the industry as demand for wedding photography services increases.

The largest customer segment in the photography industry are households, followed by businesses and schools

Wages – In the last five years, total wages have decreased at an annualized rate of 1.4%.

Purchases – In the past five years, purchase costs to have declined to 19.4% due to the increased prevalence of digital photography equipment.

Rent and utilities – Rent and utility costs vary considerably according to studio location.

Other costs – The industry incurs a range of other expenses that make up another 2.4% of revenue.

What are the Typical Startup Costs for a New Photography Business?

The total costs of starting a Portrait Photography Business is around $9,500 – $13,500 while Wedding Photography business usually costs $14,000 – $18,000.

For additional information on the photography market, consider these industry resources:

  • American Society of Media Photographers:
  • International Society of Wedding Photographers:
  • Professional Photographers of America:
  • Photography Mavericks:

Photography Business Plan Example PDF

Download our photography business plan pdf here. This is a free photography business plan example to help you get started on your own photography plan.

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Table of contents, 1. summarise your services and products, 2. describe your target market, 3. analyse your competitors, 4. conduct a swot analysis, 5. outline your marketing plan, 6. outline your operations plan, 7. work out your finances, 8. set goals and create systems, 9. write an executive summary.

Photography business plan template for services and products section

What is your main photography service?

List any other photography services your offer, how do your photography services complement each other, describe the products you provide to clients.

Photography business plan template - target market section

Sum up your ideal client in one sentence

What are the top 3 desires you can help with, what are the top 3 pain points you can help with, what will connect you and your ideal client, 3. analyse your competitors.

Photography business plan template - competitor analysis section

List 2 or 3 of your closest competitors

Describe their services and products, who are they appealing to, what is their price point and position, what are they doing well, what could they be doing better, write 3-5 adjective to describe their brand, 4. conduct a swot analysis.

Photography business plan - SWOT analysis section

Make a list of your strengths

Acknowledge your weaknesses, where are the opportunities, are there any potential threats, 5. outline your marketing plan.

Photography business plan template - marketing plan section

What makes your business stand out?

Write your elevator pitch, write your big, bold statement (tagline), define your brand personality and tone of voice, what content are you going to create, which social media platform will you use and how, will you do any face-to-face marketing, will you seek publicity for your business, how will you generate and nurture leads, how will you create loyalty and encourage referrals, 6. outline your operations plan.

Photography business plan template - operations plan section

Describe the enquiry and conversion process

Describe the booking and onboarding process, describe the shoot or wedding process, describe the post-shoot/wedding process, describe the product sales process, describe the order fulfilment process, describe the process beyond order fulfilment, 7. work out the finances.

Photography business plan template - finance plan section

Summarise your CODB and salary aims

Where are you positioned in terms of price, which pricing model is right for you, 8. set goals and create systems.

Photography business plan template - goal setting and action plan section

Decide on your financial goal

Map out your systems, what needs to happen for your systems to work, 9. create an executive summary.

Photography business plan template - executive summary section

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  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
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  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
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VMware by Broadcom Dramatically Simplifies Offer Lineup and Licensing Model

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By Krish Prasad, Senior Vice President and General Manager, VMware Cloud Foundation Division

Broadcom’s close of the VMware acquisition has brought together two engineering-first, innovation-centric teams to help build the world's leading infrastructure technology company. Together, we are well-positioned to enable global enterprises to embrace private, hybrid and multi-cloud environments. And we are committed to driving customer success through faster innovation, a simpler portfolio and a robust ecosystem.

Over the past two years, VMware has been on a journey to simplify its portfolio and transition from a perpetual to a subscription model to better serve customers with continuous innovation, faster time to value, and predictable investments.

Today, VMware by Broadcom has reached a new milestone with the announcement of the following:

  • A dramatic simplification of our product portfolio that allows customers of all sizes to gain more value for their investments in VMware solutions. The portfolio simplification across all VMware by Broadcom divisions stems from customer and partner feedback over the years telling us our offers and go-to-market are too complex.
  • Complete the transition of all VMware by Broadcom solutions to subscription licenses, with the end of sale of perpetual licenses, Support and Subscription (SnS) renewals for perpetual offerings, and hybrid purchase program/subscription purchase program (HPP/SPP) credits beginning today (effective dates will vary). Additionally, we are introducing a bring-your-own-subscription license option, providing license portability to VMware validated hybrid cloud endpoints running VMware Cloud Foundation.

Portfolio Simplification

Today, we’re announcing specific changes coming to the VMware Cloud Foundation division portfolio. Going forward, the division will feature two primary offers:

  • VMware Cloud Foundation , our flagship enterprise-class hybrid cloud solution for customers to run their business critical and modern applications – in a secure, resilient and cost efficient manner. To allow more customers to benefit from this solution, we’ve reduced the previous subscription list price by half and added higher support service levels including enhanced support for activating the solution and lifecycle management.
  • The new VMware vSphere Foundation delivers a more simplified enterprise-grade workload platform for our mid-sized to smaller customers. This solution integrates vSphere with our intelligent operations management to provide the best performance, availability, and efficiency with greater visibility and insights.

Both VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware vSphere Foundation will have optional advanced add-on offers. Our storage offering, ransomware and disaster recovery service, and application platform services are available on both offers. And Application Network and Security offerings are available for VMware Cloud Foundation. Additional advanced services and offerings, including Private AI, will be available soon.

Subscription Licenses

VMware has been on a journey to transition to a subscription model for more than a year now, and the industry has already embraced subscription as the standard for cloud consumption. With a simplified portfolio in place, we’re completing our transition to subscription offerings. Offerings will solely be available as subscriptions or as term licenses following the end of sale of perpetual licenses and Support and Subscription (SnS) renewals beginning today.

The subscription model helps us deliver what customers want:

  • Continuous innovation.
  • Faster time to value.
  • Predictable investments.

Customers may continue using perpetual licenses with active support contracts. We will continue to provide support as defined in contractual commitments. We encourage customers to review their inventory of perpetual licenses, including Support Services renewal and expiration dates. Broadcom will work with customers to help them “trade in” their perpetual products in exchange for the new subscription products, with upgrade pricing incentives. (For additional details, see FAQ).

The simplification of our portfolio and shift to subscription and term offerings are a culmination of our multi-year business transformation efforts. The steps we’re taking today will further enable customer and partner success by delivering the innovation, simplicity and flexibility they need as they undertake their digital transformations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: what is vmware by broadcom announcing.

A: Today, VMware by Broadcom has reached a new milestone in its journey and announced the following:

  • Complete the transition of all VMware by Broadcom solutions to subscription licenses, with the end of sale of perpetual licenses, Support and Subscription (SnS) renewals for perpetual offerings, and HPP/SPP (generic) credits beginning today. Additionally, we are introducing a bring-your-own-subscription license option, providing license portability to VMware validated hybrid cloud endpoints running VMware Cloud Foundation.

Q: How do these changes benefit customers?  

A: Over the past two years, VMware has been on a journey to simplify its portfolio and transition to a subscription model, the industry standard for cloud consumption, and to better serve customers with continuous innovation, faster time to value, and predictable investments. We’re also helping more customers benefit from VMware Cloud Foundation by reducing the list price by half and including higher support service levels including enhanced support for activating the solution and lifecycle management.

Q: Why is this good for partners?

A: The industry has already widely embraced subscription and SaaS, and many partners in our ecosystem have already developed success practices in this area. Subscription and SaaS models provide an opportunity for partners to engage more strategically with customers and deliver higher-value services that drive customer success. It also helps accelerate their own transition to a business model focused on annual recurring revenue.

Q: What are the changes to perpetual licenses?

A: As part of our transition to subscription and a simplified portfolio, beginning today, we will no longer sell perpetual licenses. All offerings will continue to be available as subscriptions going forward. Additionally, we are ending the sale of Support and Subscription (SnS) renewals for perpetual offerings beginning today.

Q: Why make this change from perpetual licenses to subscription? 

A: This shift is the natural next step in our multi-year strategy to make it easier for customers to consume both our existing offerings and new innovations. VMware believes that a subscription model supports our customers with the innovation and flexibility they need as they undertake their digital transformations.

Q: Can customers continue to use their perpetual licenses?

A: Yes, customers can continue to use perpetual licenses that they’ve purchased for products.

Q: Can customers still purchase and add additional perpetual licenses after today?

A: After a customer’s effective date for the end of availability of perpetual licenses, customers will not be able to purchase new perpetual licenses. Customers will be able to purchase subscription software or term licenses to supplement or replace their current perpetual-licensed install base.

Q: Can customers renew their Service and Support (SnS) contracts after today?

A: No, customers cannot renew their SnS contracts for perpetual licensed products after today. Broadcom will work with customers to help them “trade in” their perpetual products in exchange for the new subscription products, with upgrade pricing incentives. Customers can contact their VMware account or partner representative to learn more.

Q: Do customers have to collect and submit their perpetual licenses to Broadcom when they “trade-in” their products for subscription?

A: No, Broadcom does not require customers to submit their perpetual licenses to Broadcom when they “trade in” their products for subscription.

Q: Will VMware by Broadcom continue to provide support for active Service and Support (SnS) contracts?

A: We will continue to provide support as defined in contractual commitments.

Q: What will happen to customers’ existing perpetual licenses with active SnS contracts when they are up for renewal?

A: Customers should contact their VMware account or partner representative for upgrade pricing from perpetual to subscription.

Q: What can customers with perpetual licenses do now to prepare?

A: This is an excellent time for customers to assess their current state with VMware infrastructure and management products. We encourage customers to review their inventory of perpetual licenses, including refresh cycles and renewal dates, and become more familiar with VMware's available subscription offers. Customers should also contact their VMware or partner representative for more information. 

Q: What VMware Cloud Foundation division offerings are available for purchase?

A: The product simplification across the VMware Cloud Foundation division stems from customer and partner feedback requesting we reduce the complexity of our offers and go-to-market. Going forward, the VMware Cloud Foundation division will feature two primary offers: VMware Cloud Foundation, the new VMware vSphere Foundation and our Hybrid Cloud services and offers. Additionally, we offer VMware vSphere Standard and VMware vSphere Essentials Plus for deployments with more limited requirements.

Q: What is VMware vSphere Foundation?

A: VMware vSphere Foundation is a new solution that combines our full-featured server virtualization platform, vSphere with intelligent operations management to deliver the best performance, availability, and efficiency with greater visibility and insights. For customers seeking an HCI solution, we offer VMware vSAN as an add-on to vSphere Foundation, which includes all the capabilities of vSAN including vSAN Max.

Q: What happens to customers that have purchased HPP/EPP credits and still have an outstanding balance of unredeemed credits?

A: We are honoring existing agreements and will work with our customers to help with the redemption of credits on our new offerings.

Q: What products and bundles are impacted by this new policy?

A: Here is a list of products impacted by the new licensing policy:

  • VMware Cloud Foundation
  • VMware vSphere
  • VMware vSAN
  • VMware Site Recovery Manager
  • VMware vCloud Suite
  • VMware Aria Suite
  • VMware Aria Universal
  • VMware Aria Automation
  • VMware Aria Operations
  • VMware Aria Operations for Logs
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks
  • multi-cloud
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China Has a Plan for Its Housing Crisis. Here’s Why It’s Not Enough.

A new approach by China’s top leaders is bold but pales against the problem: a vast number of empty apartments no one wants to buy.

The abandoned shells of several unfinished apartment towers with weeds growing in a path between them.

By Alexandra Stevenson

Reporting from Hong Kong

China has a housing problem. A very big one. It has nearly four million apartments that no one wants to buy, a combined expanse of unwanted living space roughly the area of Philadelphia.

Xi Jinping, the country’s leader, and his deputies have called on the government to buy them.

The plan, announced last week, is the boldest move yet by Beijing to stop the tailspin of a housing crisis that threatens one of the world’s biggest economies. It was also not nearly enough.

China has a bigger problem lurking behind all those empty apartments: even more homes that developers already sold but have not finished building. By one conservative estimate, that figure is around 10 million apartments.

The scale of China’s real estate boom was breathtaking. The extent of its unrelenting bust, which began nearly four years ago, remains vast and unclear.

China’s leaders were already managing a slowdown after three decades of double-digit growth before the housing crisis created a downturn that is spiraling out of their control. Few experts believe that Beijing can transition to more sustainable growth without confronting all those empty apartments and the developers that overextended to build them. All told, trillions of dollars are owed to builders, painters, real estate agents, small companies and banks around the country.

After decades of promoting the biggest real estate boom the world has ever seen, and allowing it to become nearly one-third of China’s economic growth, Beijing stepped in suddenly in 2020 to cut off the easy money that fueled the expansion, setting off a chain of bankruptcies that shocked a nation of home buyers.

It was the first test of Beijing’s determination to wean China’s economy off its decades-long dependence on building and construction to sustain the economy.

Now the government is confronting another test of its resolve. To stop the excesses of the past, it signaled over the last few years that no real estate company was too big to fail. But as dozens of big developers have gone bust, they have obliterated any confidence that remained in the housing market. Officials have since tried everything to restore optimism among buyers. Nothing has worked.

With few buyers, developers that are still standing are also on the brink of default. And they are intricately connected to local banks and the financial system that underpins the government in every village, town and city. One recent estimate, from the research firm Rhodium Group, put the real estate sector’s entire domestic borrowings, including loans and bonds, at more than $10 trillion, of which only a tiny portion have been recognized.

“Right now, not being able to sell homes looks like a risk, but it isn’t. More developers going bankrupt is,” said Dan Wang, chief economist at Hang Seng Bank. The first big developers to default, like China Evergrande, were problems hiding in plain sight.

Evergrande’s initial default in December 2021 set off fears of China’s own “Lehman moment,” a reference to the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers, which set off a global financial meltdown. The fallout, however, was carefully and quietly managed through policy support that let Evergrande finish building many apartments. By the time a judge ordered the company to be liquidated five months ago, Evergrande had effectively ceased being a viable business.

But China has tens of thousands of smaller developers around the country. The only way for officials to stop the free fall in the market, Ms. Wang said, is to bail out some midsize developers in cities where the crisis is more acute.

China’s top leaders are instead refocusing the lens to address the millions of apartments that no one wants to buy, pledging to turn them into social housing at lower rents. They have committed $41.5 billion to help fund loans for state-owned companies to start buying unwanted property — altogether equivalent to eight billion square feet, of which a little more than four billion square feet is unsold apartments, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

When Beijing’s response was announced last week, shares in developers initially rallied. But some critics said the initiative had come too late. And most speculated that it would take a lot more money. Estimates ranged from $280 billion to $560 billion.

Officials in Beijing began softening their approach last year. They directed banks to funnel loans and other financing to dozens of real estate companies they deemed good enough to be on a government “white list.”

The support was not enough to stop housing prices from crashing.

Policymakers pulled other levers. They made their biggest cut ever to mortgage rates. They tried pilot programs to get residents to trade in old apartments and buy new ones. They even offered cheap loans to some cities to test out the idea of buying unsold apartments.

In all, local authorities tried out more than 300 measures to increase sales and bolster real estate companies, according to Caixin, a Chinese economic news outlet.

Still, the number of unsold homes continued to reach new levels. Prices of new homes kept falling. So at the end of April, Mr. Xi and his 23 top policymakers began to discuss the idea of taking some of those unwanted apartments off the market in a program not unlike the Troubled Asset Relief Program , which the U.S. government set up in the wake of the American housing market crash.

Last week, China’s most senior official in charge of the economy, Vice Premier He Lifeng, convened an online gathering of officials from across the country and delivered the news: It was time to start buying apartments. Not long after, the central bank loosened rules for mortgages and the central bank promised to make billions of dollars available to help state-owned companies buy apartments.

The move underscored just how worried the government had become about the dysfunctions in the housing market.

Yet almost as soon as state media reported Mr. He’s call on local governments to buy unsold apartments, economists started asking questions.

Would local governments be expected to buy all the unsold apartments? What if they, in turn, could not find buyers? And there was the price tag: Economists calculated that such a program should be in the hundreds of billions of dollars, not tens of billions.

More worryingly, to some, the central bank had already quietly started an apartment buyback program for eight hard-hit cities, committing $14 billion in cheap loans, of which only $280 million had been used. Those governments did not appear to be interested in using the loans for the same reason that consumers did not want to buy houses in smaller cities.

One big difference now, said John Lam, the head of China property research at UBS, the Swiss bank, is political will. The country’s most powerful leaders have said they stand behind a buyback plan. That will put political pressure on officials to act.

“The local government can acquire the apartments at a loss,” Mr. Lam said.

Yet in places where the population is shrinking, which are some of the same cities and towns where developers expanded most aggressively, there will be little need for social housing projects.

The optimistic view is that Beijing has more planned.

“Beijing is headed in the right direction with regard to ending the epic housing crisis,” Ting Lu, chief China economist at the Japanese bank Nomura, wrote in an email to clients.

The task, he added, was a daunting one that required “more patience when awaiting more draconian measures.”

Alexandra Stevenson is the Shanghai bureau chief for The Times, reporting on China’s economy and society. More about Alexandra Stevenson


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    Photography Business Plan Template [Updated 2024] Photography Business Plan Template. Written by Dave Lavinsky. Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their photography businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards ...

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    A photography business plan is a formal written document that describes your company's business strategy and its feasibility. It documents the reasons you will be successful, your areas of competitive advantage, and it includes information about your team members. Your business plan is a key document that will convince investors and lenders ...

  5. Photography Business Plan [Free Template]

    Our photography business plan template will help you get started. Download the template and follow step-by-step instructions to draft your business plan in no time! → Download Now: Free Photography Business Plan. And though photography lets you fulfill your passion, it attracts a lot of competition due to its ease of entry.

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    The Photography industry in the United States is currently a thriving market, with an estimated size of over $10 billion. This figure includes revenues generated from various photography services such as portrait, commercial, event, and stock photography.

  7. How to Start a Photography Business in 2022

    Step 5: Create your photography business plan. It's time to create a business plan. Your photography business checklist is the blueprint that you would follow to realize your business goals. Creating a detailed business plan will help you start a photography business and take it forward towards making it a sustainable, thriving enterprise.

  8. Creating a Photography Business Plan

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    10. Network for your photography business. As a photographer and a new business owner, you need to network your heart out, Marino says. "You can be the greatest photographer in the world, but unless people know about you, it won't do you any good," he says. "Join groups, forums, clubs, collectives, whatever you can.

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    That comes $10K from owner savings, $20K as a 5-year loan (family cosigning), and $50K as an interest-free loan from family. If the business proceeds according to plan, we will have about half of the $50K family loan paid off within three years.

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    Build a social media strategy focusing on the platforms that make the most sense for your business (Instagram is a good place to start). Then build a following and create a community with other local vendors. For example, if you're a wedding photographer, link up with local event planners, venues, florists, etc.

  15. How to Start a Photography Business: The Definitive Guide

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  18. How to write the ultimate photography business plan

    3. Set aside no longer than a day to do this and block that day out in your schedule now because, the sooner you finish planning, the sooner you can take action. Growth happens with action and action happens with a plan . To help you further, I've created a free photography business plan template to use with this guide.

  19. How to Write a Photography Business Plan

    Things to include: A brief summation of the points in your executive summary. Your company history — how the business came to be. A deep dive into your photography services — what you offer. Your objectives — where you're trying to get to. Your vision — what things will look like when you get there. 3.

  20. How to Market Your Wedding Photography Business

    Below are a handful of marketing strategies to consider: Bridal shows: If you want to physically go where the brides are at a time when they're actively planning their wedding and searching for ...

  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  22. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  23. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Cities near Elektrostal. Places of interest. Pavlovskiy Posad Noginsk. Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.

  24. Custom Fireplace Contractors & Installers in Elektrostal'

    Search 151 Elektrostal' custom fireplace contractors & installers to find the best fireplace contractor for your project. See the top reviewed local fireplace services and installers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  25. Nvidia's incredibly pricey shares are about to get much cheaper

    Ann Wang/Reuters. CNN —. Nvidia announced a 10-for-1 stock split on Wednesday, making buying shares in the red-hot semiconductor company more accessible for individual investors. Five years ago ...

  26. VMware by Broadcom Dramatically Simplifies Offer Lineup and Licensing

    The simplification of our portfolio and shift to subscription and term offerings are a culmination of our multi-year business transformation efforts. The steps we're taking today will further enable customer and partner success by delivering the innovation, simplicity and flexibility they need as they undertake their digital transformations.

  27. Russia's War Machine Revs Up as the West's Plan to Cap Oil Revenues

    The United States and its allies in the Group of 7 nations set two goals in 2022 when they enacted a novel plan to cap the price of Russian oil: restrict Moscow's ability to profit from its ...

  28. China Has a Plan for Its Housing Crisis. Here's Why It's Not Enough

    China has a housing problem. A very big one. It has nearly four million apartments that no one wants to buy, a combined expanse of unwanted living space roughly the area of Philadelphia. Xi ...

  29. China is trying to end its 'epic' property crisis. The hard work is

    Big investment firm misses payments. Ting Lu, chief China economist at Nomura, who has called the country's housing problem "epic," says just finishing construction of pre-sold homes would ...

  30. Some millennials, Gen Zers plan to tap into retirement savings to buy a

    Some young retirement savers say they might raid their 401 (k) accounts to buy a home. Doing so, however, could be to their detriment, experts warn. Nearly one-third (30%) of aspiring homeowners ...