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How To Describe A House In Writing

How To Describe A House In Writing (11 Best Ways)

Describing a house in writing is more than just a portrayal of bricks and mortar; it’s an intricate art form, a literary journey through the architecture of imagination.

In this craft, writers have the power to create vibrant, evocative spaces that transcend mere physical descriptions and serve as living canvases for the stories they wish to tell.

Whether it’s a cozy cottage nestled in the heart of a forest, a grand mansion steeped in history, or a modern city apartment with all the trappings of contemporary life, the process of painting the house with words is an opportunity to evoke emotions, kindle memories, and transport readers into the very essence of a narrative.

This exploration, much like a tour through a house’s rooms, is a journey through the senses, an unraveling of histories, and a passage into the heart of storytelling itself.

In this guide, we will embark on a journey of understanding and mastering the art of describing a house in writing , encompassing all its intricate facets to bring vivid life to our stories.

Table of Contents

How To Describe A House In Writing

Describing a house in writing involves capturing its key features, atmosphere, and characteristics. Here’s a step-by-step process for doing so:

Select Your Perspective

Decide whether you are describing the house as an objective observer, a potential buyer, or someone with emotional ties to it. Your perspective will influence the tone and focus of your description.

Observe and Take Notes

Spend some time in and around the house, noting down its details. Pay attention to both the exterior and interior. Take notes on architectural elements, landscaping, and the overall condition.

Start with an Introduction

Begin your description with a captivating introduction. Mention the location, any unique historical or architectural aspects, and the overall vibe of the house.

Exterior Description

Describe the architectural style, such as Victorian, modern, colonial, etc. Mention the size and layout of the house, including the number of stories. Highlight any distinctive exterior features like a front porch, dormer windows, or a landscaped garden. Comment on the condition of the exterior – is it well-maintained or in need of repairs?

Interior Description:

Walk through each room, starting with the main living spaces. Describe the layout, size, and purpose of each room (kitchen, living room, bedrooms, etc.).Note any unique or standout features, like a fireplace, hardwood floors, or high ceilings.

Discuss the decor, paint colors, and overall interior design. Emphasize the lighting, natural and artificial, and how it contributes to the ambiance.

Atmosphere and Feel:

Discuss the overall atmosphere of the house. Is it cozy, spacious, elegant, or modern? Describe how it makes you feel or the emotions it evokes.

Mention any scents or sounds that are particularly notable, such as the scent of freshly baked cookies or the sound of a crackling fireplace.

Outdoor Features:

Include details about the yard, garden, or outdoor spaces. Discuss any amenities like a pool, patio, or outdoor kitchen. Note the views from different areas of the property.

History and Background:

If applicable, provide some historical or personal context. Has the house been in the family for generations, or is it a new construction with an interesting backstory?

Maintenance and Upkeep:

Mention the condition of the house, whether it’s well-maintained, in need of renovation, or recently updated.


Summarize the key points of your description. Mention any standout features or elements that make this house unique. Convey your overall impression and whether you would recommend it to someone with specific preferences.

Proofread and Edit

After writing your description, proofread it for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Make any necessary revisions to ensure the text flows well.

By following these steps , you can create a comprehensive and engaging description of a house in writing, whether for a real estate listing, a personal project, or any other purpose.

How To Describe A House In Writing

Pre-writing Preparation

Pre-writing preparation is the enchanted gateway where your imagination takes its first exhilarating steps into the realm of creativity.

It’s your backstage pass to the show of words, where you gather sparks of inspiration, setting them alight like stars in the night sky of your mind.

With a mood board as your treasure map and the world as your canvas, you define the very purpose of your words, crafting a compass that will guide your reader through the uncharted terrain of your imagination.

In this ephemeral moment before pen meets paper or fingers touch keys, you are the architect of dreams, the weaver of tales, and the creator of worlds.

Observation and Note-Taking

Observation and note-taking are your secret agents in the espionage of reality, your magnifying glass in the quest for hidden treasures.

They’re like the watchful sentinels who stand guard at the gateway between your senses and your soul. As you venture into the world, they capture the minuscule whispers of the wind, the symphony of colors dancing in a sunset, and the delicate aroma of memories tucked in the corners of a room.

In their meticulous scribbles and sketches, you unearth the fossils of emotions and the jewels of detail, piecing together the puzzle of existence.

These notes are the breadcrumbs that lead you back to the forgotten realms of your experiences, and when the time comes to craft your tales, they transform into the keys unlocking the doors of enchantment for your readers.

Visit a real house or imagine one in detail

Whether you choose to visit a tangible, real house or conjure one from the ethereal fabric of your imagination, the journey is equally captivating.

Stepping into a real house is like embarking on an archaeological expedition, unearthing layers of history and stories embedded in its walls.

Each creaking floorboard and fading wallpaper tells a unique narrative, and your senses become detectives seeking clues to its past.

Conversely, when you create a house within your mind, you become an architect, fashioning every brick and beam with meticulous intention.

You have the power to construct a world from the ground up, shaping the very essence of your characters’ lives. Whether real or imagined, these houses are portals to parallel worlds, inviting you to explore the infinite possibilities of human experience and imagination.

How To Describe A House In Writing

Use all senses for a comprehensive description

To paint a truly immersive picture, one must employ all the senses, as they are the palette of life’s canvas. It’s not just about what the eye beholds; it’s the symphony of sensations that makes a description come alive.

The sight captures the grandeur of a house’s architecture, the play of colors, and the interplay of light and shadow. Sound brings us the rustle of leaves in the breeze or the creaking of a wooden floorboard. The subtle fragrances, both inviting and peculiar, breathe life into the atmosphere.

Touch reveals the texture of walls, the warmth of sunlight, and the coolness of marble floors. Even taste, though less common, can be evoked by describing the air’s flavor, or perhaps the lingering essence of a meal in the air.

When all these senses converge, a description transcends words and becomes an experience, transporting the reader into the very heart of the scene.

Organizing Your Description

Organizing your description is like composing a symphony of words, where you’re the conductor orchestrating the reader’s journey through the labyrinth of your imagination.

It’s the blueprint, the road map, the compass that ensures your storytelling ship sails smoothly through the unpredictable seas of prose.

Every carefully chosen word, each sensory detail, and every pause is a note in the grand opus of your description.

Your canvas is the reader’s mind, and you’re the master artist, crafting their visual and emotional experience. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it, creating a literary choreography that dances through the reader’s senses, leaving an indelible footprint in their imagination.

Describing the Exterior

Describing the exterior of a house is like capturing the essence of a soul in architectural form. It’s the first impression, the handshake of the building with the world.

The exterior tells a story, whispering secrets of the past through the choice of materials, the lines and curves of its design, and the weathered patina of time.

Each brick, window, and shingle is a character in the drama of its existence, and the surrounding landscape is the stage upon which this architectural performance unfolds.

From the ornate grandeur of a Victorian mansion to the sleek, modern lines of a minimalist marvel, the exterior is a canvas where the artist of words paints an evocative masterpiece, inviting readers to wander through its living history.

Architectural style and historical context

Describing the architectural style and historical context of a house is like opening a time capsule of human ingenuity. It’s a journey through the annals of history, a glimpse into the tapestry of culture, and an exploration of the evolving language of design.

Architectural style speaks volumes about the era in which a house was born, whether it’s the Gothic spires of the medieval period or the sleek lines of mid-century modernism.

Each style is a chapter in the grand narrative of human civilization, embodying the values, aspirations, and artistic trends of its time.

As a writer, delving into historical context is like becoming an archaeologist, unearthing the buried treasures of a bygone age.

It’s a form of storytelling that breathes life into inanimate structures, giving them a voice that whispers the secrets of their creation and the echoes of those who once dwelled within their walls.

Setting and surroundings

The setting and surroundings of a house are the ever-shifting stage upon which the story of its existence unfolds.

They are the embrace of nature, the neighborhood’s heartbeat, and the silent witnesses to the ebb and flow of life.

Whether nestled in the tranquil solitude of a forest, standing proud in the heart of a bustling city, or perched on the edge of a windswept cliff, the setting and surroundings shape the house’s character and breathe life into its narrative.

The landscape, the neighboring structures, and the natural elements provide context, framing the house’s personality like a portrait.

It’s here that writers wield the power of description to transport readers to a specific time and place, immersing them in the atmosphere, and allowing them to feel the unique pulse of the world in which the house resides.

The setting is not just a backdrop; it’s a character in its own right, influencing the house’s story and enriching the reader’s journey through its vividly painted world.

How To Describe A House In Writing

Describing the Interior

Describing the interior of a house is like embarking on a journey through the corridors of the soul. It’s a magical odyssey where each room becomes a chapter, and every piece of furniture is a character with its own story to tell.

As a writer, you are an architect of emotions, a curator of ambiance, and a storyteller of human lives etched into the walls.

From the cozy, sunlit nooks where laughter and secrets are shared, to the dark, mysterious chambers hiding their enigmas, the interior is a symphony of textures, colors, and emotions.

With your words, you guide the reader through the labyrinth of emotions and memories, making them not just observers but participants in the unfolding drama of a house’s interior, where the past and present mingle in a beautifully chaotic dance of existence.

Entry and first impressions

The entry of a house is the portal to its soul, a threshold where the story of a home begins.

It’s the first chapter in the narrative of the interior, and much like the opening lines of a novel, it sets the tone for what lies beyond.

As the author of this description, you hold the power to guide the reader’s senses as they cross the threshold. The door, whether weathered and welcoming or imposing and ornate, is the guardian of secrets.

The lighting, whether dappled with warm sunshine or bathed in the cool glow of moonlight, casts a particular mood.

The decor, the scent, the arrangement of objects – all these elements come together to offer the reader their initial impression, like the first chords of a symphony.

The entry is where anticipation and curiosity blend, inviting readers to step deeper into the unfolding narrative of the house, each footfall echoing with the promise of discovery.

Character and personality of the interior

The character and personality of the interior are like the beating heart of a house, the very essence of its soul unveiled.

Every room is a chapter in the house’s unique story, and it carries its own distinct character. Whether it’s the cozy charm of a well-loved family room with threadbare sofas and walls adorned with cherished photographs, or the elegance of a meticulously designed library filled with leather-bound books and antique furniture, each space holds its own secrets and emotions.

The personality of the interior is a reflection of the people who have dwelled within its walls, their passions, and their idiosyncrasies.

As a writer, your words have the power to breathe life into these spaces, evoking the atmosphere, the history, and the emotions that have unfolded within them.

The interior of a house is a multi-dimensional character in itself, and it’s through your descriptive prose that it takes on a role, engaging readers and beckoning them to explore its depths, its quirks, and its undeniable allure.

How To Describe A House In Writing

Using Metaphor and Symbolism

Using metaphor and symbolism in writing is akin to infusing a tapestry of enigma and depth into the very fabric of your narrative.

It’s the literary equivalent of an artist applying layers of paint, revealing more than meets the eye. Metaphors are the breadcrumbs leading readers down a poetic path, allowing them to dance between the lines of reality and abstraction.

Symbolism, on the other hand, breathes life into the mundane, turning everyday objects and settings into gateways to deeper meanings.

These tools are the magic keys to the castle of imagination, granting access to hidden chambers of thought, emotion, and understanding.

Writers who wield metaphors and symbolism create a symbiotic relationship with their readers, inviting them to decode, interpret, and become an integral part of the storytelling experience.

The words become a world within themselves, teeming with secrets, revelations, and a symphony of resonating truths.

Dialogue and Character Interaction

Dialogue and character interaction in writing are like the intricate choreography of a dance, where the words become the elegant waltz of storytelling. It’s not just a means of communication; it’s the vibrant heartbeat of your narrative.

When characters engage in conversation, they reveal their true essence, their desires, and their vulnerabilities. Dialogue becomes the window to their souls, allowing readers to eavesdrop on the symphony of emotions and conflicts that course through the story.

The art of crafting dialogue isn’t just about the words spoken; it’s the unspoken sentiments, the silences pregnant with meaning, and the electricity that crackles in the air when characters collide.

As a writer, you are the conductor of this grand opera, orchestrating the verbal ballet that unravels the plot, deepens connections, and thrusts the reader into the tumultuous world of your characters.

In the dance of dialogue, you hold the power to make your characters breathe, laugh, cry, and love, drawing readers ever deeper into the rich tapestry of your narrative.

Highlighting how characters interact with the house

Characters and their interaction with the house are like a silent dialogue, a dance of emotions played out against the backdrop of architecture.

The way they navigate the hallways, touch the walls, or choose a particular spot to sit reveals their relationships, their histories, and their innermost thoughts. Each creaking floorboard, every beam of sunlight that catches their eye, becomes a reflection of their mood.

In a way, the house itself is a character, responding to their presence, bearing witness to their joys and sorrows. As a writer, you have the privilege of crafting these interactions, using them to illustrate the profound connection between the characters and their environment.

Whether it’s a comforting embrace or a source of tension, the house becomes more than bricks and mortar; it’s an essential part of the story, amplifying the drama and resonating with the emotions of those who inhabit it.

Emphasizing the house’s role in the narrative

The house in a narrative isn’t just a setting; it’s a living, breathing entity with a pivotal role to play. It’s more than bricks and beams; it’s a silent character, a reflection of the story’s soul.

The house often holds secrets, serves as a repository of memories, and even becomes a mirror to the characters’ inner worlds. It can be a sanctuary, a prison, or a puzzle to be unraveled.

The house’s architecture, history, and atmosphere can shape the plot, infusing it with mystery, nostalgia, or a sense of foreboding.

As a writer, emphasizing the house’s role is about crafting its presence in a way that makes it integral to the narrative’s progression.

It can be a catalyst for change, a witness to dramatic events, or a source of conflict. The house is more than walls; it’s a silent companion in the characters’ journey, a bearer of secrets, and an anchor in the storm of storytelling.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How To Describe A House In Writing

Why is it important to effectively describe a house in writing.

Describing a house in writing is crucial for creating immersive, emotionally resonant narratives. It provides readers with vivid imagery, sets the tone, and breathes life into the settings and characters.

How can I make my house descriptions more engaging and unique?

To make your descriptions stand out, consider the house’s historical context, architectural style, and the way it interacts with your characters. Utilize metaphors, symbolism, and sensory details to add depth and intrigue.

How do I balance descriptive prose with storytelling in house descriptions?

Striking a balance involves integrating descriptions into the narrative flow. Instead of overwhelming readers with details, make the descriptions relevant to the story, characters, or themes.

What should I keep in mind when describing the exterior of a house?

When describing the exterior, consider the house’s architectural features, historical context, surrounding environment, and how these elements contribute to the atmosphere of your story.

How can I effectively convey the character and personality of the interior in my writing?

Focus on the details that reflect the residents’ lives, emotions, and history. Describe the layout, furnishings, and ambiance, allowing readers to connect with the characters through the space.

Is it necessary to use metaphors and symbolism in house descriptions?

While not mandatory, metaphors and symbolism can add depth and layers to your descriptions. They can evoke emotions, connect to the story’s themes, and make the descriptions more engaging.

What role does the house play in a narrative, and how can I emphasize it effectively?

The house can be a character in itself, influencing the plot, and reflecting the characters’ journeys. To emphasize its role, ensure that it interacts with the story, the characters, and the themes in a meaningful way.

How can I ensure my house descriptions are not overly detailed or boring for readers?

To prevent excessive detail, consider your audience and purpose, and select relevant details that contribute to the atmosphere, plot, or character development. Engage beta readers for feedback to find the right balance.

Are there any resources or books to help me improve my skills in describing houses in writing?

Yes, numerous resources, books, and articles provide insights into descriptive writing. Some recommended reads include “The Elements of Style” by Strunk and White, and “The Descriptive Writer’s Guide” by James J. Cramer. Online writing communities and workshops can also offer valuable guidance.

Can you provide any tips for aspiring writers looking to master the art of describing houses in their stories?

Certainly! Start by practicing descriptive writing regularly. Be observant, research, and create mood boards for inspiration. Read books known for their descriptive prowess and seek feedback from peers to continually refine your skills. Writing is a journey, and mastering the art of description takes time and dedication.

Describing a house in writing is more than mere description; it’s an alchemical process that turns words into living spaces, and readers into explorers of the imagination.

Throughout this journey, we’ve uncovered the architectural wonders and emotional landscapes that a well-described house can unveil. We’ve seen how each room, each brick, and every scent carries significance, weaving into the narrative’s tapestry.

The house, be it a humble abode or a sprawling estate, becomes a silent character, a guardian of stories, and a vessel for the human experience.

As writers, we hold the keys to this mansion of creativity, and through the art of description, we open doors to entire worlds. So, as you embark on your own literary quests, remember the power of a well-described house to anchor, enchant, and resonate with your readers.

With every detail, you invite them to walk through the door and join you in the enchanting realm of your storytelling.

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Writing Tips Oasis

Writing Tips Oasis - A website dedicated to helping writers to write and publish books.

How to Describe a Mansion in a Story

By Rebecca Parpworth-Reynolds

how to describe a mansion in a story

In this post, we share 10 words you can use to write a mansion in your book. Are you ready to get into the details of how to describe a mansion in a story? Read on!

1. Excessive

“The excessive mansion had so many rooms that it felt like a maze, and the grand ballroom could easily fit an entire football stadium.”

“The amount of gold and marble that adorned the mansion would be seen by many as rather excessive .”

How it Adds Description

Often, mansions can be seen as status symbols of wealth, and as a result, can often be decorated to the extreme with luxury materials and additions. Although some might enjoy this display, others may disapprove, and see it as “excessive”.

2. Expansive

Covering a large area.

“The expansive mansion was a stunning sight to behold, with its towering columns, sweeping staircase, and numerous balconies overlooking the rolling hills.”

“The mansion was so expansive that guests had to charter golf carts to get from one side to the other.”

A mansion is described as “expansive” to emphasize its vastness and size. The mansion is not just large, but it also defies expectations of its size, helping to create a sense of awe and admiration in the reader’s mind.

Impressive and large in size.

“The grand mansion’s intricate architecture, elegant chandeliers, and ornate furnishings exuded an air of sophistication that left visitors in awe.”

“The mansion’s grand entrance with its sweeping staircase, high ceilings, and intricate details gave a sense of majesty and splendor that was fit for royalty.”

Mansions are usually large, awe-inspiring spaces. As a result, you may wish to refer to a room within the mansion, or indeed the mansion as a whole as being “grand”. The word also brings up ideas of status, helping your reader to get a picture of the people who might live there before they even turn up in your story.

4. Luxurious

Comfortable and expensive.

“The luxurious mansion’s expansive marble floors, high-end appliances, and state-of-the-art home theater system were just a few of the amenities that he could simply not live without.”

“The piece de resistance was the mansion’s luxurious master suite, complete with a private balcony overlooking the ocean, a Jacuzzi tub, and a massive walk-in closet.”

Mansions are usually kitted out so that those that live in them can do so in absolute comfort and with every convenience at their disposal. These “luxurious” residences can also help you to be able to create a contrast between the mansion in your story and your everyday home.

Expensive and luxurious.

“The opulent mansion, with its manicured gardens and imposing entryway was the epitome of an exclusive lifestyle that he would never be able to afford.”

“The opulent mansion’s decadent decor, from the imported marble floors and walls to the ornate hand-carved woodwork and gilded accents, was a testament to the owner’s extravagant tastes.”

Mansions are well and truly “opulent”, usually containing many bespoke items, designs, and items that others would never dream of being able to afford. This level of living often leaves those living in them to seem out of touch with the real world to your reader.

6. Ostentatious

An obvious display of wealth or power designed to attract the attention of others.

“The ostentatious mansion’s garish gold-plated fixtures, neon-lit fountains, and over-the-top interior design screamed of tackiness and excess, rather than sophistication and refinement.”

“Compared to the other, sleek and sophisticated mansions on the street, this one stood out ostentatiously as if it needed to one-up its neighbors at all costs.”

Not all displays of wealth are classy. Sometimes mansions can be made to be “ostentatious” by their owners. This can then leave your reader questioning why the homeowners wish to openly show their wealth in such a way, whether it is insecurity or another reason under the surface.

7. Palatial

  • Large and beautiful .
  • Like a palace.

“The palatial mansion’s sprawling estate, with its numerous guest houses, horse stables, and tennis courts, was fit for a king.”

“The palatial entrance hall of the mansion made her feel as if she had stepped into some sort of fairy tale.”

Some mansions can be so large or so decadent in the way that they are decorated, that they are almost like royal palaces! Help your reader to understand the grandeur of the surroundings that your characters find themselves in by describing it as “palatial”.

8. Spacious

Having a lot of space .

“The mansion’s spacious living areas, including multiple sitting rooms, a grand formal dining room, and a sprawling chef’s kitchen, provided ample room for hosting large gatherings and entertaining guests in style.”

“The mansion’s spacious bedrooms were almost like standalone apartments, offering everything the guests could need without even needing to leave their quarters.”

Describing a mansion as “spacious” in your story not only helps to illustrate how large it is, but how open and airy it is even though it has everything one could ever need inside. This space could also help those inside to feel lonely or alone, as they may be far away from people who are still in the same building as them due to the sheer expanse.

Formal in style and appearance.

“The stately mansion’s impressive facade, with its towering columns, intricate stone carvings, and regal symmetry, was a testament to its timeless elegance and grandeur.”

“The stately mansion’s expansive grounds, featuring a sweeping driveway, manicured lawns, and mature trees, exuded an aura of refinement and exclusivity, setting the stage for the impressive home that lay beyond.”

If your mansion has a lot of history and reputation behind it, you may wish to describe it as “stately”. This suggests that the mansion is more than just a large and luxurious home: it’s a property that exudes a certain sense of authority, tradition, and respectability, usually mirroring its owners.

10. Statement

Something that has been explicitly designed to be noticeable and stylish.

“The mansion was built not only as a home but as a statement of wealth, power, and status.”

“The grandiose design of the mansion was a clear statement of its owner’s taste for opulence and extravagance.”

Mansions aren’t usually built for no reason, and are usually made in order to say something. As a result, they become not just buildings, but “statements” of power, status, and even the character and personality of their owners. What “statement” the mansion in your story offers to your reader and your characters is up to you!

description of a beautiful house creative writing

Author, teacher, coach, geek

describe homes

February 19, 2016

44 Ways to Describe Buildings–Homes I

For the next few months, weekly writing tips will include word choice suggestions. That includes:

  • colorful and original descriptions
  • pithy words and phrases
  • picture nouns and action verbs
  • writing that draws a reader in and addicts them to your voice

After taking some advice from Crawford Home Buyers , I keep a  collection of descriptions that have pulled me into the books.

It’s amazing how skilled writers can use just a few carefully chosen words to transport readers into the world of their story, capturing their attention and making them want to stay. While some authors might focus on describing homes in detail, others might take a different approach, relying on powerful imagery and sensory details to evoke a mood or feeling. No matter your writing style, it’s important to find a way to connect with your readers and draw them in. When it comes to bridging the gap between planning institutions and entrepreneurs, one useful resource is  https://netivey-hakama.co.il/ . This service produces professional content and promotes the transformation of licensing into a profession with required training and education, helping to connect planners and authorities with the wider community and promoting effective collaboration.

A note: These are for inspiration only . They can’t be copied because they’ve been pulled directly from an author’s copyrighted manuscript (intellectual property is immediately copyrighted when published).

  • Fair-sized house built of red Lyons Sandstone with the most god-awful-looking picket fence I’d ever seen.
  • Small upstairs apartment on Newport Island, a tiny piece of land accessible only by a bridge so narrow, it would admit just one car at a time.
  • The weather-beaten slat cottage sat at the far end of a mostly brown lawn. Wood silvered by the sun. Roof shingles warped. Small stands of plantain and giant bird-of-paradise for privacy. Despite the weathered appearance of the slat cottage, there was hope for its revival thanks to the services of a reliable local company specializing in affordable roofing solutions. If you too wish to safeguard your home against the elements and enhance its aesthetic appeal, going for this local company is the answer. Their dedication to quality and affordability ensures that your roof not only withstands weather challenges but also adds to the charm of your dwelling. With their assistance, the weather-beaten cottage could regain its former glory, proving that a reliable roofing projects can breathe new life into any home.
  • Rambling old farm house
  • Gleamed with the spotless silence of for-company-only.
  • He leaned on the old boards. They felt thin and veined, frozen by a hundred winters, baked by a hundred summers. They smelled of dust and age. A big house from buy houses syracuse ny , the kind in which most American kids dreamed of growing up. Secluded among trees on one of DC’s most exclusive streets, it had turrets, gables, dormers, balconies, a screened-in front porch, a free-standing garage, a gazebo, a pool, formal gardents, the American dream.
  • Sturdy two-story residence designed without the least imagination
  • A set of sagging wooden steps descended three treads from the door

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  • A room barely big enough to exhale into
  • A room that showed her lack of interest in anything to do with what people thought of her
  • Small with clean white walls, a twin bed, a desk with a blank blotter on it, sliding closets opposite the bed, and thin green shag carpet. Or make a call to Zerorez to do this job professionally.
  • My Writing Area: My computer faces out the window. I like having the sky and buildings in the background. Occasionally a bird or plane flies by in the distance. To my far left is my 42″ flatscreen TV (size does matter), which often displays my daily dose of CNN or Grey’s Anatomy. Next to that is my Buddhist altar, which I need to make better use of. To my right is a framed poster displaying a poem of mine that had been on Chicago buses and trains. And to the far right is a black and white picture of Grand Central Station with wide beams of light gushing in through the windows. The beams look like they are about to make the commuters levitate at any minute and float skyward. A single light burned, casting light on a chintz couch and an antique Quaker chair
  • Improvised kitchenette off to one side
  • Walls and ceilings were covered with mirrors, a high-tech bordello.
  • Furnishings were cheap, black-painted. A worn mustard-yellow bean-bag chair, a relic of the seventies. An old tape deck and a towering set of speakers whose cloth was fraying
  • A front door that could accommodate a family of giraffes.
  • A foyer that would accommodate the Serengeti Plant at the foot of a vast curving staircase that probably went to heaven
  • Polished wood floors and a graceful banister that curved up toward a soaring second floor gallery.
  • Persian rug cove red a shopworn carpet.
  • Prints of gentlemen riding to hounds decorate the walls.
  • Crumbling rock walls
  • Beautiful high arched windows
  • Velvet drapes framed the windows, the lace inner curtains remained drawn, allowing daylight to enter while rendering the heart-stopping view over the city a blur
  • bay windows
  • two tall windows allowed sunlight to flood the room
  • the windows flanked a grey fabric sofa, burgundy throw
  • sheer lace curtains bordered by heavy burgundy drapes matching

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Jacqui Murray

Writing Beginner

57 Best Ways to Describe Buildings in Writing (+ Examples)

One of the key components of any setting is the buildings within it.

Knowing how to describe buildings can transport your reader right into the world you’ve built.

Here’s how to describe buildings in writing:

Describe buildings in writing by utilizing architectural style, historical periods, materials used, and their cultural significance. Incorporate sensory details like soundscapes and emotional resonance. Highlight unique features, transformations, legends, and personal memories for depth.

In this article, you’ll learn all the ways to describe buildings in your writing.

1. By Historical Period

Cartoon image of colorful buildings - How to Describe Buildings in Writing

Table of Contents

Different historical periods offer a plethora of architectural designs.

When you mention a building from the Renaissance era, the image of grandeur, classic designs, and meticulous details springs to mind.

Similarly, medieval structures might invoke images of castles and fortresses.

Some historical periods to consider are:

  • Ancient : Pyramids, temples, and coliseums.
  • Medieval : Castles, fortresses, and walled towns.
  • Renaissance : Grand manors, theaters, and palaces.
  • Victorian : Ornate houses, large estates, and townhouses.
  • Modern : Skyscrapers, glass-fronted buildings, and minimalist designs.

2. By Material

The building material not only imparts a physical texture to a structure but also offers a tactile feeling to your narrative.

When we describe a structure made of sandstone, readers may visualize its ruggedness and the warmth of its golden-brown hue.

On the other hand, glass skyscrapers evoke modernity and offer a reflection (both literal and metaphorical) of the urban world.

Examples of materials :

  • Brick : Often seen in traditional townhouses. Think of the classic brownstones of New York.
  • Marble : Conjures images of opulent palaces or Greek temples.
  • Wood : Wooden lodges or cabins evoke feelings of nature, simplicity, and coziness.
  • Glass : Mostly seen in modern office buildings or high-rises, suggesting transparency and sleek design.

3. By Height

Height in buildings can be an implicit indication of many things, including the period in which it was built, its function, or the aspirations of its builders.

A towering skyscraper in a business district implies a beacon of commerce and ambition.

In contrast, a quaint, single-story cottage nestled in a village street whispers tales of simplicity and tradition.

The narrative contrast is stark between the dominance of a city’s tallest structure and the humble abode that clings to the ground, embodying a quiet, unassuming charm.

Both have stories to tell, and the tales are as different as the shadows they cast.

Every building, whether ancient or modern, stands as a silent witness to the passage of time.

When describing an old, moss-covered stone building, readers might imagine the countless seasons it has withstood, the generations it has seen, and the myriad stories embedded in its walls.

A newly constructed high-rise, with its shiny facade and contemporary design, hints at a world that’s rapidly evolving, racing towards the future.

It speaks of innovation, of fresh beginnings, and sometimes, of the relentless march of progress that leaves no room for the old.

5. By Function

A building’s function is its heartbeat. It dictates the rhythm of activities inside, the kind of people who frequent it, and the emotions it evokes.

A school, for instance, might resonate with the sounds of children’s laughter, the rustling of books, and the knowledge pursuits.

Examples of functions :

  • Library : A sanctuary of silence, corridors filled with the musky scent of old books, and seekers of knowledge lost in its aisles.
  • Factory : Buzzing with activity, and machinery noise, indicative of industry and production.
  • Barn : Evoking rustic charm, the scent of hay, and the sounds of farm animals.
  • Theater : A world of art, echoing with applause, dramatic performances, and cultural expressions.

6. By Atmosphere

More than its physical attributes, the atmosphere of a building defines its soul.

It’s the difference between a church’s hallowed silence, which commands reverence, and the bustling, lively cacophony of a market square teeming with life.

While the exterior might give a hint, it’s the interior atmosphere of a building that truly draws a reader in.

The interior offers them a seat in its world, whether that’s the tranquility of a remote mountain monastery or the energetic vibe of a downtown jazz club.

7. By Surroundings

Buildings don’t exist in isolation.

They’re part of a larger tableau. Describing the surroundings sets the stage.

A lone manor at the edge of a dark forest might evoke mystery and intrigue, while the same manor overlooking a serene lake offers tranquility.

Context, in essence, is a silent storyteller.

It provides clues about the building’s purpose, its history, and its relationship with its environment.

The quaint bookshop squeezed between two modern cafes speaks of resilience amidst change.

Just as a historic monument amidst skyscrapers stands as a reminder of the city’s rich past.

8. By Color

Colors are a palette of emotions.

Describing a building’s color is akin to painting its mood.

The pastel hues of a coastal villa might convey a laid-back, beachy vibe.

Meanwhile, the monochrome shades of an urban structure suggest sobriety and functionality.

Whether it’s the radiant gold of a palace under the sun, the deep blue of a nighttime diner, or the rusty red of an old barn, colors breathe life into descriptions, making them vivid and evocative.

Size can be both a physical measure and a psychological one.

A sprawling mansion, with its many rooms and vast lawns, can indicate grandeur and opulence.

On the other hand, a small, compact house might not be grand, but it could brim with warmth and coziness.

It’s about the space, its utilization, and the feeling it imparts.

Does the vastness of a castle make one feel lost, or does it evoke a sense of awe? Does the confined space of an attic room feel claustrophobic, or does it exude intimacy?

10. By Architectural Style

Every architectural style brings with it a set of aesthetics, principles, and histories.

A Gothic cathedral, with its pointed arches and intricate detailing, is more than just a place of worship

It’s a testament to a particular period of architectural achievement.

Examples of architectural styles :

  • Art Deco : Think of the glamorous 1920s, with ornate details, bold geometric forms, and lavish materials.
  • Brutalist : Characterized by raw, unadorned concrete structures, it often evokes strength and functionality.
  • Colonial : Reminiscent of colonization eras, with large porches, brick facades, and symmetrical designs.
  • Modernist : Simplified forms, open floor plans, and a strong emphasis on horizontal and vertical lines.

11. By Cultural Influences

Every culture has its distinct architectural imprints.

Buildings influenced by a specific culture bring with them a rich tapestry of history, traditions, and artistic nuances.

For instance, a pagoda-style temple immediately brings forth Asian influences, whereas a hacienda-style house could transport readers to the heart of Mexico.

A mosque, with its minarets piercing the sky, intricately designed domes, and calligraphy-laden interiors, speaks of Islamic artistry.

A Mediterranean villa with stucco walls and red-tiled roofs tells tales of sun-kissed coasts and leisurely lifestyles.

12. By State of Repair

The condition of a building can be a rich source of narrative information.

A dilapidated mansion covered in ivy, with broken windows and creaky doors, might hint at long-forgotten stories, neglect, or even hauntings.

In contrast, a well-maintained Victorian house, freshly painted with a manicured lawn, suggests pride, history cherished and sustained.

Structures in ruins, especially historic ones, often feel melancholic, reminding readers of the inexorable march of time.

Meanwhile, buildings under construction are beacons of progress, symbolizing hope, aspirations, and the future.

13. By Decorative Elements

Details matter.

An ornate balcony with wrought-iron railings, statues adorning entrances, or stained glass windows can offer readers visual treats and clues about a building’s history and the aesthetic preferences of its inhabitants or architects.

Examples of decorative elements :

  • Gargoyles : Often found in Gothic structures, these stone creatures serve both decorative and architectural purposes.
  • Frescoes : Painted walls or ceilings, common in Renaissance buildings, depict scenes or stories.
  • Mosaics : Pieces of colored glass or stones arranged to form patterns or images, frequently found in Byzantine architecture.
  • Columns : Pillars that might be Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian, each bringing a different historical and aesthetic layer.

14. By Lighting

Light, both natural and artificial, plays a significant role in setting the mood.

A cathedral bathed in the soft hues of sunlight filtering through stained glass windows offers a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions.

Conversely, an alleyway dimly lit by a lone lamp post might evoke feelings of solitude or mystery.

The glow of lanterns in an old inn or the harsh neon lights of a modern nightclub can drastically alter the way a building is perceived, grounding readers in a specific time or mood.

15. By Acoustics

Beyond the visual, what does a building sound like?

The echo of footsteps in a grand marble hall, the muffled sounds in a carpeted library, or the lively acoustics of a music hall can immerse readers deeper into the setting.

Acoustics can also serve as indicators.

Sound bouncing off the walls of an empty mansion might evoke feelings of loneliness or abandonment.

Buildings like opera houses or concert halls, specially designed for optimal acoustics, not only emphasize the significance of sound but also bear testimony to the architectural marvels dedicated to the art of sound.

16. By User Experience

How does one navigate or experience the building?

A labyrinthine palace with endless corridors and secret chambers can give a sense of mystery.

In contrast, an open-plan modern office emphasizes transparency and collaboration.

The ease or difficulty of navigating a space, the viewpoints offered by balconies or windows, and even the experience of ascending a grand staircase versus taking a modern elevator can offer readers insights into the building’s purpose and the era’s design principles.

17. By Integration with Nature

Some buildings seamlessly integrate with their natural surroundings, while others stand out.

A cottage with walls covered in ivy, almost hidden by the woods around it, offers a different narrative than a steel-and-glass structure stark against a forest backdrop.

Consider a treehouse that becomes one with the canopy or a desert abode designed for optimal cooling.

Either way, the relationship between a building and its environment can be a rich descriptor, highlighting harmony or discord.

18. By Innovations or Anachronisms

Certain structures stand out due to their innovative designs or features that are anachronistic for their time.

An ancient building with ahead-of-its-time water systems, or a futuristic house with solar integrations and smart tech in a traditional neighborhood, can be points of interest.

Such descriptions can surprise the reader, make them curious, or emphasize the uniqueness and significance of a structure.

19. By Symbolic Significance

Beyond their tangible attributes, some buildings hold symbolic meanings.

They might represent power (like a king’s palace), spirituality (like a temple or church), knowledge (like a grand library), or even decay and decline (like ruins).

The symbolic weight of a building can add depth to its description and make it more resonant in the narrative.

20. By Popularity or Notoriety

Lastly, how is the building perceived by the masses?

Is it a famous landmark, a tourist magnet with crowds always milling about?

Or perhaps it’s a notorious structure, shunned by locals due to dark tales or unfortunate histories.

The public’s perception of a building, whether a beloved local bakery or a haunted mansion, can influence its role in the story and shape the readers’ attitudes towards it.

21. By Ornamentation and Artistry

Buildings can be embellished with diverse forms of ornamentation, from intricate carvings to frescoes.

This decor often reflects the cultural and historical contexts, as well as the individual tastes of its creators.

A building adorned with gargoyles and flying buttresses, for example, might point towards Gothic influences.

  • Baroque Churches : Filled with lavish ornamentation, gilded statues, and dramatic frescoes.
  • Indian Temples : Carved with intricate sculptures depicting gods, goddesses, and tales from epics.
  • Art Nouveau Buildings : Characterized by sinuous lines, floral motifs, and harmonious curves.

22. By Patronage or Ownership

The patron or owner of a building can provide essential insights into its style, purpose, and decor.

Palaces built by powerful rulers often reflect their ambitions, tastes, or the political needs of their time.

On the other hand, structures erected by philanthropists might emphasize utility and public welfare.

  • The Medici family in Renaissance Florence sponsored numerous buildings that became masterpieces of their era.
  • The Rockefeller Center in New York, financed by the Rockefeller family, is a beacon of art deco design and urban planning.

23. By Architectural Movement

Every era spawns architectural movements with distinct principles and aesthetics.

Describing a building by its movement aligns it with specific philosophies, materials, and designs.

The minimalist, functional approach of the Bauhaus contrasts with the ornate designs of the Rococo.

  • Bauhaus : Emphasizes functionality and eschews unnecessary ornamentation.
  • Rococo : Known for its playful, whimsical, and intricate designs, often in pastel colors.

24. By Social and Economic Status

Buildings can often depict the socio-economic status of their inhabitants or the region they’re located in.

Mansions, penthouses, and gated communities often exude opulence.

In comparison, slums, tenements, and worker cottages might highlight poverty or the working-class struggles.

Examples: The elegant townhouses of London’s Belgravia versus the narrow, crowded lanes of Dharavi in Mumbai.

25. By Sensory Appeal

Beyond sight, buildings can be described by how they appeal to other senses.

The scent of aged wood in a historic home, the touch of cool marble underfoot in a palace, or the distant sounds echoing through a vast cathedral can make descriptions more immersive.

  • The warm, inviting scent of freshly baked bread from a French bakery.
  • The gentle, rhythmic tapping of rain on a tin-roofed cottage.

26. By Folklore or Legend

Some buildings are shrouded in myths, legends, or local tales.

A castle might be infamous for its ghostly residents, or a historic home might be revered as a hero’s birthplace.

Such tales add depth, intrigue, and cultural context.

  • The legend of the Tower of London’s ravens, suggesting the kingdom’s fall if they ever leave.
  • The lore surrounding Transylvania’s Bran Castle, often linked with the Dracula legend.

27. By Climate Adaptation

Buildings can be designed or modified to adapt to their climatic conditions.

A desert home might have thick walls to keep the interiors cool, while houses in tropical regions might feature wide verandas and high ceilings for ventilation.

  • The igloos of the Arctic, built from blocks of snow.
  • Traditional Arabian homes with wind towers for natural cooling.

28. By Relation to Other Structures

The juxtaposition of a building with its neighboring structures can offer rich contrasts or harmonies.

A medieval church beside a modern mall might highlight the city’s layered history or the interplay of the sacred and the commercial.

  • The Flatiron Building in New York, with its unique triangular shape, set against the backdrop of modern skyscrapers.
  • Rome’s Pantheon, an ancient temple, surrounded by renaissance buildings and modern cafes.

29. By Adaptive Reuse

Old structures might be repurposed for new functions, preserving their history while adapting to contemporary needs.

Warehouses transformed into lofts, churches turned into bookshops, or palaces renovated into hotels.

Transformations show the evolving narratives of buildings.

  • The Tate Modern in London, once a power station.
  • Book and Bed Hostels in Tokyo, combining bookshops with sleeping quarters.

30. By Emotional Resonance

How does a building make one feel?

Describing the emotional response it evokes can be more powerful than detailing its physical attributes.

A derelict asylum might exude eeriness, while a childhood home could evoke nostalgia.

  • The somber, reflective atmosphere of the 9/11 Memorial.
  • The joy and wonder of entering the whimsical world of Gaudí’s Casa Batlló in Barcelona.

31. By Historical Events

Many buildings carry the weight of significant historical events.

These events can cast a long shadow over the building’s atmosphere and its place in society.

For instance, a palace that was the site of a famous treaty signing or an assassination takes on the weight and significance of those events, shaping how one views and describes it.

The mere mention of such a building might evoke a vivid picture in the reader’s mind, filled with the drama and emotion of the past.

  • The Palace of Versailles in France, which witnessed numerous royal dramas and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Ford’s Theatre in Washington D.C., forever remembered as the assassination site of President Abraham Lincoln.

32. By Foundation

The foundation of a building is its bedrock, dictating its stability, longevity, and sometimes even its aesthetic appeal.

It speaks volumes about the building’s resilience, design intentions, and the environment it’s in.

Different terrains require different types of foundations.

A building’s foundation can indicate whether it’s designed to withstand earthquakes, floods, or other environmental factors.

  • Stilt homes in flood-prone areas, raised above ground level, showcase the adaptation to the local environment.
  • Buildings in earthquake-prone regions like Japan might have deep foundations and reinforced pillars to absorb shocks.

33. By Roof

Roofs provide shelter but also contribute to a building’s identity.

They often serve as an architectural highlight or adaptation to the climate of a region.

A roof can be symbolic of a region’s architectural history or a practical response to weather conditions. It can be decorative or functional, or both.

  • The distinct pagoda-style roofs in ancient Chinese architecture, with their upturned eaves.
  • Thatched roofs of English cottages, providing insulation and showcasing a rustic charm.

34. By Landscape Integration

How a building integrates or stands out from its surrounding landscape can be a focal point of description.

A mansion atop a hill overlooking a town tells a story of dominance or isolation, while a camouflaged cabin in the woods speaks of retreat and harmony with nature.

  • Machu Picchu in Peru, a stone city seamlessly integrated into the mountainous terrain.
  • Cliffside dwellings like the Hanging Temple in China, defying gravity and blending with the vertical landscape.

35. By Socio-political Context

Architecture often mirrors the socio-political climate of its time.

Structures built during totalitarian regimes might exude power and intimidation, while those from a renaissance period might reflect hope, curiosity, and the human spirit.

Describing buildings within this context can enhance the depth of a story, setting the stage for the characters’ challenges and triumphs.

  • The grandeur of Stalinist architecture, like the Seven Sisters in Moscow, representing power and state dominance.
  • The democratic openness of city halls and public squares in many European cities, symbolizing public participation and freedom.

36. By Architectural Philosophy

Some buildings are constructed based on specific architectural philosophies or principles.

Perhaps the Japanese philosophy of “Wabi-sabi” celebrating imperfection or the Modernist mantra “form follows function.”

These guiding principles can be a unique way to delve into the building’s essence.

  • Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright, embodying the philosophy of organic architecture.
  • The grid-like simplicity of De Stijl architecture , as seen in Rietveld Schröder House.

37. By Spiritual or Religious Significance

Many structures are steeped in spiritual or religious significance, making them more than just brick and mortar.

Temples, churches, mosques, and other religious edifices often come loaded with symbolic elements, rituals, and an aura of reverence.

  • The Notre-Dame Cathedral i n Paris, with its Gothic spires, rose windows, and religious relics.
  • The intricately carved Jain temples of India, representing non-violence and respect for all living beings.

38. By Reflection of the Times

Architecture can be a mirror to the prevalent trends, technology, and societal values of its era.

A post-war building might carry elements of resilience and simplicity.

Structures from a prosperous era might, instead, exude opulence and flamboyance.

  • Art Deco buildings of the Roaring Twenties, like the Chrysler Building in New York, symbolizing prosperity and technological progress.
  • The austere, functional buildings of post-World War II Europe, reflecting the continent’s recovery phase.

39. By Personal Stories and Anecdotes

Every building might have personal stories or anecdotes linked to it.

These tales, whether of love, tragedy, triumph, or everyday life, can turn a mundane structure into something special.

A house might be remembered for the family feuds it witnessed, or a bridge might be iconic for a legendary love story.

  • The Romeo and Juliet balcony in Verona, believed to be the site of the famous Shakespearean love story.
  • The childhood homes of famous personalities, like Mozart’s Geburtshaus in Salzburg, which tells tales of prodigious talent and early beginnings.

40. By Flooring

Flooring can reflect the luxury, practicality, or cultural elements of a building.

It plays a significant role in interior aesthetics and user comfort.

The choice of flooring material, its texture, and design can say a lot about the purpose of a room and the building’s overall theme.

  • Design: The intricately designed marble floors of palaces, indicating opulence and grandeur.
  • Material: Bamboo or tatami mat flooring in traditional Japanese homes, bringing forth an essence of simplicity and nature.

41. By Urban vs. Rural Setting

The setting of a building, whether in a bustling urban environment or a serene rural backdrop, affects its architecture, materials used, and its overall ambiance.

Urban structures might prioritize vertical expansion and efficient space use.

Rural ones might spread outwards, integrating with nature.

  • The compact, upward-stretching skyscrapers of Manhattan versus the sprawling ranches of Montana.
  • Ancient European farmhouses nestled in valleys versus modern urban apartments with their balconies facing busy streets.

42. By Ecological Impact

With the rising emphasis on sustainability, many buildings are now designed with their ecological footprint in mind.

Consider green roofs and walls to structures entirely powered by renewable energy.

There’s a growing trend towards eco-friendly architecture.

  • The Bullitt Center in Seattle is called the world’s most eco-friendly office building.
  • Ancient cliff dwellings, which utilized natural rock formations to maintain interior temperatures and minimize impact on the environment.

43. By Underground Space

A building’s underground space can reveal hidden functions, histories, or layers of utility that aren’t immediately visible on the surface.

Basements, cellars, underground bunkers, or parking spaces can add layers of mystery, function, or historical depth.

  • Ancient catacombs or crypts beneath churches, like the Catacombs of Paris, harboring history and tales of the departed.
  • Modern skyscrapers with multiple levels of underground parking and utility spaces, showcasing urban space optimization.

44. By Human Interaction

How people interact with a building can be a powerful descriptor.

Are its halls always crowded?

Do children play in its courtyards? Is it a place of solitude or social interaction?

Such descriptions bring the building to life, emphasizing its role in the community.

  • The lively bustle of Grand Central Terminal in New York, with commuters rushing, tourists marveling, and couples reuniting.
  • The tranquil corridors of monasteries, where the only sounds might be the soft footsteps of monks.

45. By Technological Advancements

In the modern age, buildings can be described by the technology they incorporate.

Smart homes, buildings with integrated AI systems, or structures with advanced security systems reflect the advancements of the age.

  • The Edge in Amsterdam, touted as the world’s smartest building, where even the coffee machines are connected to the internet.
  • Historical aqueducts and water systems, showcasing the engineering prowess of ancient civilizations.

46. By Adaptability and Flexibility

Some buildings are designed to be adaptable to different needs over time.

These structures might have movable walls, transformable spaces, or modular designs that can evolve with changing requirements.

  • The Habitat 67 complex in Montreal, where prefabricated modules can be reconfigured.
  • Japanese homes designed with large open spaces that can serve multiple purposes, from living rooms in the day to sleeping areas at night.

47. By Fragrance and Aroma

Though subtle, the distinctive smells associated with certain buildings can paint a vivid picture.

A library’s musty scent, the fresh aroma from a bakery, or the mix of incense in a temple can transport the reader to the location instantly.

  • The cedarwood fragrance permeating ancient temples in Kyoto.
  • The unmistakable scent of chlorine in indoor swimming complexes.

48. By Security Features

Security features can provide insights into the importance, vulnerability, or the treasures a building holds.

It can also reflect the socio-political environment of the locale.

A building heavily fortified indicates its importance or the potential threats it might face, whereas minimal security might indicate peace, openness, or a lack of valuable contents.

  • The Buckingham Palace with its guards, high walls, and surveillance systems, highlighting the importance and the need to protect the monarchy.
  • A quiet, open-plan library in a small town, with just CCTV cameras, showcases the trust in the community and the open access to knowledge.

49. By Mystique and Legends

Every region has its tales, its myths, and sometimes these stories are intrinsically tied to certain structures.

A haunted house, a castle rumored to have hidden treasures, or an inn with tales of historical figures stopping by can add a layer of mystique and depth to the description.

  • The Tower of London, with its many ghostly tales including that of Anne Boleyn.
  • Château de Brissac in France, also known as the “Giant of the Loire Valley,” renowned for its ghost, “la Dame Verte” or the Green Lady.

50. By Seasons and Weather

The way a building interacts with different seasons can be enchanting.

How it stands resilient during winter storms, becomes enlivened by spring blossoms, offers shade in summer, or is framed by autumn leaves can bring a dynamic quality to descriptions.

  • Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, often pictured blanketed in winter snow, looking like a fairy-tale come alive.
  • Traditional Japanese homes with engawas (verandas) designed to appreciate seasonal changes, especially the sakura bloom in spring.

51. By Movement and Dynamics

While buildings are inherently static, the environment around them isn’t.

Describe how shadows move across a structure during the day, how it appears through the mist, or how its reflection dances on water.

These details can capture a building’s dynamic interplay with the environment.

  • The play of sunset hues on Petra’s Al-Khazneh in Jordan, making the ancient rose-red city look aflame.
  • The Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore, with its surrealistic appearance as it reflects on the bay waters.

52. By Proportions and Geometry

A building’s proportions, symmetry, or lack thereof, and its geometrical design elements can serve as potent descriptors.

They can convey balance, chaos, grandeur, or coziness, depending on the design.

  • The perfectly symmetrical facade of the Taj Mahal in India, representing balance and beauty.
  • The twisted and unconventional design of the Dancing House in Prague, which challenges traditional architectural norms.

53. By Hidden or Secret Elements

Every building might have its hidden nooks, secret passages, or lesser-known elements.

Describing these can add an element of intrigue and adventure to the narrative.

  • The hidden chambers and passageways of Hampton Court Palace in England.
  • The concealed courtyards of Marrakech’s riads, which offer an oasis of calm in the midst of the city’s hustle.

54. By Time of Day

The time of day can drastically change how a building is perceived.

Dawn might cast a soft golden glow, midday could highlight the structure’s magnificence under bright light.

Dusk might lend a serene hue, while nighttime could unveil a structure illuminated in artificial lights.

  • Eiffel Tower in Paris, which transforms from an iron lattice structure in the day to a sparkling jewel at night.
  • Ancient ruins like Stonehenge, which take on a mystical aura during the solstice sunrise.

55. By Parking

Parking can offer a unique perspective on the accessibility, modernity, and practical aspects of a building.

A skyscraper might have a multi-level underground parking facility, while a countryside inn might just have a gravel lot.

The type and style of parking can shed light on the type of people frequenting the building and its location.

Parking is a functional aspect that often gets overlooked.

Yet, it can provide insights into the modern infrastructure and the building’s capacity to accommodate visitors.

  • The Burj Khalifa in Dubai, known for its expansive parking decks, indicative of the structure’s modernity and the bustling crowd it attracts.
  • A centuries-old church in a European town, with only a cobblestone path leading up to it and no dedicated parking, emphasizing its age and the pedestrian nature of the locale.

56. By What Is Missing

Sometimes, what a building lacks can be as telling as what it includes.

The absence of certain features can highlight its history, purpose, or the socio-economic conditions of its residents.

Absence can be telling. A building missing windows might suggest a need for defense or privacy in historical times.

Lack of modern amenities might indicate either a commitment to maintaining historical authenticity or a lack of resources.

  • Castles like the Alhambra in Spain, where certain decorative elements are conspicuously absent due to religious beliefs of the Moors.
  • An old house in a rural village, devoid of any electronic fixtures or modern plumbing, hinting at a simpler time or economic constraints.

57. By Literary Genre

Buildings can be described in a style reminiscent of different literary genres.

A haunted house might be described in a gothic or horror style, a futuristic building in a sci-fi manner, or an old mansion in a romantic or historic style.

Literary genres come with their own set of conventions, moods, and themes.

Utilizing these can offer a distinctive lens through which to view and describe a building, thereby setting a tone that aligns with the narrative’s intent.

  • An abandoned asylum, its corridors echoing with eerie silences and shadows, drawing from horror literature.
  • A building with sleek curves, neon-lit facades, and hovering platforms, reminiscent of science fiction settings like Blade Runner.

50 Words to Describe Buildings

Here is a list of words to describe buildings in your stories, reports, product profiles, and more:

  • Dilapidated
  • Minimalistic
  • Symmetrical
  • Breathtaking
  • Picturesque
  • Verdant (if covered with plants)
  • Cobblestoned
  • Flourishing

25 Phrases to Describe Buildings

Next, let’s look at some of the best “starter” phrases to use when you need to describe buildings in writing.

  • Standing tall against the horizon
  • Whispers of bygone eras
  • A beacon of modernity
  • The touch of nature’s embrace
  • Frozen in time
  • A dance of shadows and light
  • Bearing the weight of history
  • A testament to innovation
  • Merging tradition and modernity
  • Clinging to its past
  • Resilient against the elements
  • Melting pot of architectural styles
  • Crafted with meticulous precision
  • Heralding a new age
  • Cradled in the lap of nature
  • Drawing eyes skyward
  • Seamlessly blending with its surroundings
  • Shrouded in tales and mysteries
  • Rising like a phoenix
  • A canvas of artistic expression
  • Carved with legends
  • Keeping pace with the future
  • Holding the stories of centuries
  • Echoing the footsteps of the past
  • A juxtaposition of epochs

Check out this video about how to describe buildings in writing:

Three Full Building Descriptions

I don’t know about you but I love to see full examples – especially when it comes to writing tips and techniques.

Therefore, here are three examples for how to describe buildings in writing.

The Old Manor House

Nestled on the outskirts of the town, the Old Manor House stands as a silent sentinel of the past.

Its weathered stone walls and time-worn wooden beams whisper tales of bygone eras. The structure, with its vast corridors and winding staircases, holds an enigmatic charm. Ivy covers much of its facade, lending it a verdant embrace.

The large, towering oak trees around it act as guardians, their branches swaying gently with the wind.

Here, every creak of the floorboard and rustle of the leaves seems to echo with stories waiting to be discovered.

Pinnacle Tower

Rising above the bustling city is the Pinnacle Tower, a beacon of modernity.

Its sleek, reflective glass surface mirrors the ever-changing skyline. As the sun sets, the tower transforms into a luminous gem, its lights dancing amidst the city’s constellation. Designed with innovative architecture, it stands not just as a workplace but a testament to human achievement and the possibilities of the future.

Its top floor offers a panoramic view, making the chaotic streets below seem like a rhythmic, orchestrated play.

Lilac Cottage

Tucked away in a quiet lane, the Lilac Cottage is the epitome of quaint charm.

With its cobblestoned pathway leading to a blue wooden door, and windows framed by blooming flower boxes, the cottage seems straight out of a storybook. The white picket fence and the small garden, bursting with colors, add to its picturesque beauty.

Inside, the intimate space, with its wooden furniture and lace curtains, radiates warmth and comfort.

The scent of freshly baked bread wafts from the kitchen, promising a sanctuary of homely delights.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe Buildings in Writing

Each building has stories etched into its walls, stories of the hands that built it, the eras it survived, and the people who occupied it.

By employing diverse descriptive techniques, writers can unearth and convey these tales, making structures more than just static edifices.

We have lots of other articles about how to describe people, places, and things in writing.

Check out a few of the others before you go :).

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description of a beautiful house creative writing

How to Describe a House

Domingo Martinez's memoir, The Boy Kings of Texas, was a finalist for the National Book Award.

Domingo Martinez’s memoir, The Boy Kings of Texas , was a finalist for the National Book Award.

Describing a house in a story ought to be easy. After all, real estate listings do it every day: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. For poetic purposes, maybe throw in a window and chair. Of course, more is needed—but is that  more simply more detail?

One of the best examples of a house description that I’ve read in a long time comes from the first chapter of  The Boy Kings of Texas . Domingo Martinez’s memoir tells the story of his family and growing up in Brownsville, Texas. It was a bestseller and a finalist for the National Book Award. You can  read the opening pages   at the website of The Diane Rehm Show..

How the Story Works

As a thought experiment, try describing the house or apartment where you live. (Seriously, give it a try.)

What happened? Odds are, you started with the property listings and then got stumped. A good description requires some organizational principle, and until you find it, you’re just listing things.

The house that Martinez describes belonged his father’s stepuncle. The two families did not get along, as Martinez explains here:

Elogio and his four sons clearly felt that Dad and his family did not belong in the Rubio barrio, since Gramma had married into the barrio when Dad was already four years old, a child from another man. Elogio was our Grampa’s usurping younger brother, and he wanted control of the family trucking business that Grampa had built. As Grampa’s stepson, Dad challenged Elogio’s succession. It was a Mexican parody of Shakespeare, in the barrio, with sweat-soaked sombreros and antiquated dump trucks.

That tension is important because it informs the way Martinez describes the Rubios’ house, property, and near-feral dogs:

The Rubios had kept these dogs unfed, unloved, and hostile. Presumably it was to keep burglars away from their prototypical barrio home: a main house, built by farmhands many years before, with subsequent single-room constructions slapped together according to the needs of the coming-of-age males and their knocked-up wetback girlfriends. As such, the houses were consistently in varying stages of construction and deconstruction, because the boys never left home; they just brought their illegitimate children and unhappy wives along for the only ride they knew, the one that headed nowhere.

Notice the word choices:  slapped ,  knocked-up ,  wetback , illegitimate, unhappy.  They’re all negative.

Now, think about what other words Martinez could have described the house (or the words that a Realtor would use):  big, hand-built ,  rambling ,  homey ,  comfortable . But those words would be totally out-of-place in this passage. Because Martinez has clearly defined his feelings toward the inhabitants of the house, the tone of the description is established. Once you’ve got the tone, the actual descriptions tend to present themselves automatically. The trick is to give your brain some guidelines. You’re not asking it to pull up every single detail about a place, just a few. The more clearly (and, usually, more emotionally) you define the guidelines, the easier it is to write the description.

It’s also worth noting that the description of the Rubios’ house is connected inextricably to the people who live in it. The main two sentences about the shape and construction of the house (beginning with Presumably… and  As such… ) end with the human rationale for the construction decisions ( according to the needs…   and  because the boys never left home ). The behavior and the needs of the family shape not only the house but the description of the house as well.

The Writing Exercise

Let’s describe a house or apartment (or wherever you or a character lives) using the passage from  The Boy Kings of Texas  by Domingo Martinez as a model:

  • Choose your narrator or main character. If it’s you—good. If it’s a character in a story—also good. You need a primary perspective, a lens through which to view the house and everything else.
  • Choose the house and its inhabitants.  Who lives there? How are they connected to your narrator or main character?
  • Identify the emotional angle on the house. How does the narrator or character feel about the house or the people living in it? Don’t think too hard; just brainstorm. Does the character have warm feelings? Is the character bitter, disappointed, angry, nostalgic, sad? Are the first memories or scenes that come to mind funny? Tragic? Tense?
  • Write a quick scene/anecdote that illustrates that emotion. Focus the scene or story on a character or two and a particular moment in time. Remember, the goal is to tell a story that conveys how you or your character feels about the place.
  • Generalize about the people who live in the house (or spend time there).  This can be as simple as writing a sentence that begins, “They were the kind of people who…”
  • Generalize how the people  used the   house.  Did they use in a communal way (everyone eating, talking, hanging out together)? Did they isolate themselves into rooms? Did they come and go at odd hours? What sort of activities did they do there? Keep in mind the sort of people you are (previous step). If they’re the sort of people who ____, that means they spent a lot of time _____, which really made me/your character feel ______.
  • Generalize how the house was a perfect/imperfect fit for these activities and these people. Did the house allow the people to do the activities? Were the people cramped? Did the people modify the house in order to do the things they wanted to do? In what ways did they modify their own behavior to fit the house?
  • Describe the house.  You’ve probably already written a few lines about the house. Now you’re summing them up. You might start with a sentence about the people: They were the kind of people who _____ or They spent a lot of time _____. Or, you can jump straight to the house with a sentence like this: It was the sort of house that _____ or It was a typical _____ house. Your goal is to write a description of the house that focuses on the ways it was used, the ways it fit a type of behavior, or the ways it shaped the inhabitants’ behavior. Keep in mind the cue words and phrases that Martinez uses ( according to the needs…   and  because the boys ). How can you describe the house in terms of causality?

As you likely know, people’s houses tend to become manifestations of their personality traits. The goal, then, is to write a description of a house that is as active as the people who live in it.

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Tags: character development , creative writing exercises , creative writing prompts , describing setting and place , Domingo Martinez , Hispanic literature , How to Write a Personal Essay , Texas literature , The Boy Kings of Texas

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  • Categories Character Development , Setting and Place

9 Responses to “How to Describe a House”

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This was very informative and very helpful! I look forward to trying these tips out very soon.

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Thanks! Let me know how it goes.

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Cool tips for writers like me. It’s really hard to describe a house in a story if you want to make it real for your readers. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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wow. great tips for bloggers like me. You did a great job on writing this post. I was impressed by your ideas.

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Please I nedd help .

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Please how can i become a writer

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Examples of creative real estate listing descriptions — and how to write them 

example of creative real estate listing description

A creative listing description can give potential buyers and tenants a powerful, positive first impression.

In this article:

First impressions are everything when it comes to selling a property. The first encounter with potential buyers usually happens through your online listing, so it only makes sense that the quality and creativity of your real estate listing — and the listing photos — matter. 

Real estate listing descriptions are a written narrative that provides details and information about a property. They’re used for both rental and sale properties and serves as a marketing tool to attract potential tenants or buyers or by highlighting the property's key features, amenities, location, and other relevant information.

Why do listing descriptions matter?

A good, effective real estate listing description can attract the right buyers and generate interest in the property. It only makes sense that a poor description can do the opposite, scaring away potential buyers and leaving the property sitting on the market with no offers . 

Here’s why something as seemingly simple as a real estate description matters:

  • Attract the right buyers: An effective real estate description should attract people to your property. When a buyer is searching for a new home, they often have a list of must-haves and deal-breakers. The description should highlight the features that meet the buyer’s needs. Keyword-rich descriptions not only highlight the property’s potential but also attract the buyer’s attention. It’s typically the listing agent’s job to write an effective real estate description to increase visibility and attract the right buyers.
  • Set accurate expectations: The property description should align with the reality of your property. It’s essential to describe your property’s features honestly and accurately, as the buyer will notice any discrepancies when they visit the property. A good description sets expectations in the buyer’s mind, making them more likely to appreciate and consider the property for a potential purchase. Therefore it’s important to provide realistic and accurate information about the property in the description.
  • Highlight unique features: An effective real estate description should outline the unique features of the property that sets it apart from other properties on the market. It may be the location, architecture, landscaping, or other features that make the property stand out. It’s important to describe these features and highlight them, as they could be the selling point for a potential buyer.
  • Generate interest: A good real estate description should enable potential buyers to visualize themselves living in the property. An effective description should be written in a way that evokes emotions and creates a sense of desire in the buyer’s mind. The right words can engage the reader and can instill a sense of excitement or appreciation for the property, generating interest.
  • Save time: A well-written description can save time and reduce the need for multiple showings. A description that accurately represents the property can prevent time-wasting and eliminate unnecessary viewing requests from buyers who aren’t interested in the property. These descriptions can save time and increase the efficiency of the property search process for both the buyer and the seller.

What are some examples of creative listings?

So, what does a standout listing look like? Here are some real estate listing description examples that are memorable for all the right reasons:

Charm meets convenience in this delightful single-family abode! Step into a world of warmth and comfort as you enter the open-concept living space, perfect for creating lasting memories with loved ones. Embrace the tranquility of the landscaped backyard oasis, your own private retreat after a long day. With top-notch schools and amenities just a stone’s throw away, this home offers the ideal blend of suburban living and urban accessibility. Your dream home awaits!

Welcome to your urban sanctuary! This stylish townhouse boasts sleek modern finishes and an abundance of natural light that dances through the generous windows. Take pleasure in the gourmet kitchen, a haven for aspiring chefs, and savor your morning coffee on the private rooftop terrace, where city views unfold before your eyes. Nestled in a vibrant community, this townhouse is your gateway to a dynamic lifestyle, complete with trendy eateries, parks, and cultural hotspots.

Experience city living at its finest in this chic condo retreat. Immerse yourself in the luxurious ambiance of the building’s amenities, from the rooftop infinity pool to the state-of-the-art fitness center. Inside your own sanctuary, revel in the seamless blend of modern design and comfort. With bustling city life just outside your doorstep, this condo offers an unparalleled cosmopolitan lifestyle that’s perfect for professionals and urban enthusiasts alike.

How do you write creative listings?

Writing real estate listings can seem challenging, especially if you haven’t flexed your writing chops in a long time. Having a creative listing description in real estate is especially important for FSBO properties, because you won’t have the professional help of an agent when selling a house on your own .

Luckily, by keeping some simple strategies in mind, you can write listings like a pro — maybe even better ones than the examples detailed above. Here’s how:

Know your audience

It’s important to understand the potential homebuyer you are targeting when writing your listing descriptions. Who are they? What are they looking for in a home? What features are important to them? Once you have answers to these questions, you can tailor your descriptions to match their needs and interests. This will create a connection with your audience and encourage them to visualize themselves in the home.

Highlight unique features

Every home has its unique selling points, and it’s essential to highlight these in your listing descriptions. The most obvious features like the number of bedrooms and half bathrooms should not be overlooked but take it a step further. Does the property have a swimming pool, a big backyard, or a garage? Does it have an open floor plan with plenty of natural light? Was it designed by a renowned architect? 

You can also highlight the home’s history, if for example it was designed by a renowned architect or a designated historic home .

Mentioning these unique features sets the property apart from others in the same price range.

Use descriptive language

Using descriptive words helps to create an emotional connection between the reader and the home you’re promoting. Using words like "cozy," "spacious," "inviting," and "stunning" help to paint a picture in the buyer’s mind. Instead of plainly stating that a property has a "large living room," try using more descriptive words like "expansive" or "airy." This will create a more vivid and attractive image in the buyer’s mind.

Be honest but positive

While it’s essential to point out the home’s selling points, being honest is also crucial. Avoid over-exaggerating or making false promises. If any part of the property is outdated or needs renovation, mention it, but always put a positive spin on it. For example, if the kitchen needs a little updating, mention how it’s a perfect opportunity for the buyer to “add their personal touch and style.”

Make it skimmable

The average person isn’t interested in reading long, heavy blocks of text. Using long paragraphs in your listing description can be overwhelming and even unappealing to potential buyers. Make your listing descriptions attractive and easy to read by using shorter paragraphs and bullet points. This way, readers can easily scan through the information and take note of the most critical aspects of the home.

Ask for help when you need it

Writing creative real estate listing descriptions is a unique skill. Luckily, there are professionals on your side who can showcase your property in its best light with high-quality descriptions that attract the attention of buyers — for all the right reasons. Don’t hesitate to leave this task to your real estate agent or a verbose professional writer when the time comes to list your home for sale. Pride aside, a well-written listing could be exactly what piques the interest of an eager buyer.  

When you list your home with Orchard, we’ll craft the listing descriptions, professionally photograph your home, and create a 3D tour.  

Here are some tips for writing creative real estate descriptions.

Q: How can I make my real estate listing description stand out?

To make your real estate listing description stand out, focus on highlighting unique features, using vivid language, and creating an emotional connection with potential buyers. Incorporate descriptive words, paint a picture of the lifestyle the property offers, and emphasize its key selling points to capture attention and generate interest.

Q: What makes a good property headline?

A good property headline is attention-grabbing, concise, and highlights the unique selling points of the property. It should capture the essence of the property in a few words and pique the interest of potential buyers. Incorporate compelling features, such as stunning views, luxurious amenities, or a desirable location, while maintaining clarity and relevance. A well-crafted headline can entice viewers to click on the listing and learn more about the property.

Q: What are some effective ways to describe a property's architectural style?

When describing a property's architectural style, use descriptive terms that evoke a sense of character and appeal. For example, you could describe a Victorian-style home as "elegant and ornate," a modern minimalist home as "sleek and contemporary," or a farmhouse-style home as "charming and rustic." If you’re unsure what style your house is, you can find out in this guide to different types of houses .

Q: How can I create a sense of urgency in my listing description?

To create a sense of urgency, emphasize limited availability or unique selling points that differentiate the property from others in the market. Highlight features like "rare waterfront views," "highly sought-after neighborhood," or "recently renovated gem" to convey exclusivity and encourage potential buyers to act quickly. Learn how to sell your home fast .

Q: Is it important to use keywords in my listing description for online searches?

Yes, incorporating relevant keywords in your listing description can help improve its visibility in online searches. Consider using location-specific keywords, property features, and popular amenities to attract potential buyers who are searching for specific criteria. However, ensure that the keywords flow naturally and the description remains engaging and informative.

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Into the harkened light of day, into the blessed blue, comes a silhouette that is born of shapen light. And to the eyes, the adjusting eyes, to the brain still processing the freshly brightened hues, appears doors, windows, a roof of fine tile, a cottage of gay castle-heart.
To dream so snug within a cottage-cocoon, to feel the sunlight that comes in welcome soon-ness to the budding day, births dreams of Iron Man made butterflies.
The cottage nests in a mirth of grass as if it were the conjuring of some happy dream.
When rocks learned to flower into the light of every season, be it the brilliant song of summer or winter time, they grew to form sweet cottages, they grew with hearts of nectar and upon their roof tops were garlands of honeycomb.

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How To Write Beautiful Descriptions

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Want to learn more about how to write beautiful descriptions? Read on to discover our top tips! Describing the world in your story is so important. Beautiful, vivid, compelling descriptions create a sense of place and let the reader in. The way you describe the setting will allow your reader to visualize the world in their mind's eye and also fully immerse themselves in it. In short, getting your descriptions right is pretty important.

So how do you find the perfect words to describe your setting to ensure that you paint a vivid image, while also convincing your reader that this world is real and tangible? Here are some useful tips.

Don't delay

Your reader needs to be able to imagine where your characters are from the outset. So don't wait to describe the place and the world and what they can see around them. You need to start early. A common mistake is to launch excitedly into a scene without grounding the reader first. You need to add descriptive material from the outset, otherwise, the scene will feel placeless, and this will put readers off, even if you do add in some detail later.

Get specific

Writing detailed descriptions is all about being careful with your language and choosing specific words and phrases that help to conjure up images for your reader. If you are vague or imprecise, it will be difficult for readers to do this. Take the opening of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, for example. 

'Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.'

He chooses super precise descriptions, he gives his readers all the help they need to step into his world and believe that they are there in it too. Don't be generic; instead, focus on exactly what you are trying to capture and find those precise words that work to do just that. 

Be selective

Don't confuse being precise with describing everything you see. While it can be very tempting to share absolutely everything going on in the surrounding areas, this will quickly become overwhelming, if not boring, for your reader. Select arresting and necessary details to create a sense of place. Remember, you are trying to evoke a particular atmosphere, not overload your reader with information. 

Use the senses

Remember, we have lots of different senses, and we are using them all the time. Make sure that your characters do the same. So don't just describe what they see; explain what they feel, taste, and smell as well. This will create a much richer and more lifelike picture for your reader to absorb. 

The following tips can help ensure that you create beautiful and exciting descriptions that work hard to satisfy your reader and allow them to get to know the world in which your characters reside. Without this, it will be like two actors talking in an empty white room. So make sure you pay attention to your descriptions as you write; your readers will thank you for it. 

So now you know how to write beautiful descriptions, why not learn more about what makes writing engaging?

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About Beth Cadman

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How do we plan on accomplishing this? Easy, instead of focusing 110% of our efforts on meaningless things such as correct spelling, proper grammar and fancy words...

...We'll give you solid information, that you'll get solid results with when tested in the real world ;-)

So with that said...

Consider the mis-spellings, grammatical mistakes and lack of $1000.00 words that you may or may not find on this site a reminder to you to focus on the things that will "really" prompt publishers to become interested in your book or potential fans of your writing to want more and more and more..

...And that is, learning how to write not good, but Great content, that pulls people in and will have them coming back begging for more. (Geesh... Could we get any worse with this run on sentence and lack of structure? I guess not, but I'm sure you get the point...)

A publishing house could care less if you won the spelling bee 10 years in a row.. They have editors that they pay to correct mistakes...

The only thing they are interested in is knowing if your writing is something that will SELL..

Nothing more, nothing less!

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10 Creative Real Estate Listing Descriptions That Will Make Buyers Fall in Love

Blog/10 Creative Real Estate Listing Descriptions

When it comes to selling a home, the listing description can make all the difference. A well-crafted listing can draw in potential buyers and make them fall in love with the property before even seeing it in person.

As a real estate agent, it’s essential to create a listing that not only highlights the best features of the home but also paints a picture of the lifestyle that comes with it.

In this article, we’ll explore ten creative real estate listing descriptions that will do just that. From using sensory language to highlighting unique features, these descriptions will make potential buyers swoon and ultimately help to sell the property faster.

So, let’s dive in and discover how to craft the perfect real estate listing description that will make buyers fall in love with your property.

Table of Contents 1.   Importance of a Great Listing Description 2.  Understanding Your Target Audience 3.  Tips for Writing a Creative Listing Description 4.  Examples of Creative Real Estate Listing Descriptions 5. 8 Fixer-Upper Listing Description Examples 6. Testing and Refining Your Listing Description

Importance of a great listing description

A listing description is a key part of marketing . It’s the first impression potential buyers have of a property, and is the hook that draws them in and convinces them to schedule a viewing. A great listing description is essential for selling a home quickly and at the right price. A poorly written listing can turn off potential buyers and leave a property sitting on the market for months.

Creating an effective listing description requires a balance of creativity and practicality. It’s essential to highlight the best features of the home while also being honest about any flaws. A great listing description should be clear, concise, and attention -grabbing. It should be written with the target audience in mind, using language and tone that resonates with them.

Understanding your target audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial when crafting a listing description. Are you targeting first-time homebuyers, families, or retirees? Each group has different priorities and values when it comes to buying a home.

Knowing your audience can help you tailor your description to their needs and preferences. Highlight the features of the home that are most important to them. This will make your listing more appealing and increase the chances of attracting the right buyers.

real estate description generator

Tips for writing a creative listing description

Crafting a creative listing description is both an art and a science. It requires a balance of practicality and creativity. Here are some tips for writing a creative listing description that will make potential buyers fall in love with your property.

1. Use storytelling in your listing description

A great listing description should tell a story about the property. Use words to paint a picture of what it’s like to live there. For example, instead of just listing the features of a backyard, describe how it’s the perfect place for summer barbecues with friends and family.

2. Highlight unique features of the property

One of the best ways to make your listing stand out is to highlight unique features of the property. This could be anything from a custom-built fireplace to a stunning view. These features can help create an emotional connection with potential buyers and make your property more memorable.

3. Incorporate emotion into the description

Buying a home is an emotional decision, and your listing description should reflect that. Use language that evokes emotion, such as “peaceful,” “luxurious,” or “charming.” This will help potential buyers envision themselves living in the home and create a stronger emotional connection.

4. Use descriptive language and vivid imagery

Descriptive language and vivid imagery can help bring your listing to life. Instead of just describing a room as “spacious,” use language that paints a more vivid picture, such as “expansive” or “airy.” Use imagery to describe how the room is decorated or how the natural light floods in.

5. Harness the power of AI for writing property descriptions

Writing listing descriptions doesn’t have to be a chore. Powerful tools like ChatGPT for Realtors can do the work of a professional copywriter in seconds. For example, with the Real Estate Listing Generator , you simply answer a few questions about the home you’re selling, and moments later get an original, high-quality and creative property description you can use anywhere.

Examples of creative real estate listing descriptions

Here are ten examples of creative real estate listing descriptions that will make buyers fall in love with your property:

1. “This charming bungalow is the perfect place to call home. With a cozy fireplace, spacious backyard, and plenty of natural light, you’ll never want to leave.”

2. “Live like royalty in this luxurious estate. With stunning views of the city, a private pool, and custom-built features throughout, this home is truly one-of-a-kind.”

3. “Calling all foodies! This gourmet kitchen is a dream come true. Featuring high-end appliances, custom cabinetry, and plenty of counter space, you’ll love cooking and entertaining in this space.”

4. “Escape to your own private oasis in this stunning waterfront property. With breathtaking views of the lake, a private dock, and plenty of outdoor space, you’ll feel like you’re on vacation every day.”

5. “This charming cottage is perfect for those seeking a simpler way of life. With a cozy fireplace, vintage details throughout, and a beautifully manicured garden, you’ll feel like you’re living in a storybook.”

6. “Step into luxury in this stunning penthouse. With soaring ceilings, custom finishes, and panoramic views of the city, you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world.”

7. “This modern farmhouse is the perfect blend of rustic and chic. With custom woodwork, high-end appliances, and plenty of natural light, you’ll love entertaining guests in this space.”

8. “Live like a celebrity in this stunning Hollywood Hills mansion. With a private pool, home theater, and custom finishes throughout, you’ll feel like you’re living in a movie set.”

9. “With space for everyone, this home has everything you need to make memories that will last a lifetime. With a spacious backyard, custom-built playroom, and top-rated schools nearby, you’ll love living here.”

10. “Experience the ultimate in luxury living in this stunning beachfront property. With panoramic views of the ocean, a private pool, and high-end finishes throughout, you’ll feel like you’re living in a five-star resort.”

8 Fixer-upper listing description examples

Conveying the potential and endless possibilities of a fixer-upper can be tricky. Here are a few examples designed to captivate investors and DIY enthusiasts alike:

1. “Attention DIY enthusiasts and investors! This charming fixer-upper is a blank canvas just waiting for your creative touch. With a little TLC, this home has the potential to become a dream haven. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to add value and personalize this property to your liking.”

2. “Investors and handy homeowners, don’t miss out on this diamond in the rough! This spacious fixer-upper offers endless possibilities with its generous square footage and desirable location. Bring your vision and transform this property into a stunning masterpiece that will shine in the neighborhood.”

3. “Calling all renovators and bargain hunters! This fixer-upper presents a golden opportunity to build equity and create your dream home. Put your renovation skills to work and unlock the hidden potential of this property. With its prime location and solid bones, the possibilities are limitless.”

4. “Looking for a project? Look no further! This fixer-upper offers incredible potential for those with a keen eye for design and renovation. Whether you’re an experienced investor or a first-time homeowner seeking a rewarding DIY experience, this property is ready to be transformed into a true gem.”

5. “Attention builders and flippers! This fixer-upper is your chance to capitalize on a fantastic investment opportunity. With its favorable location and ample space, this property is perfect for a renovation project. Bring your team and unleash its true potential, and watch your profits soar.”

6. “Calling all HGTV enthusiasts! This fixer-upper is ready for its makeover moment. Embrace your inner designer and turn this property into a stunning showcase. From updating the kitchen to revitalizing the outdoor space, let your imagination run wild and create a home that will make a lasting impression.”

7. “Investors and DIY lovers, rejoice! This fixer-upper is your chance to make your mark and reap the rewards. With a little elbow grease, this property has the potential to shine bright. Take advantage of the affordable price and make this house a home that you’ll be proud of.”

8. “Attention renovators and visionaries! This fixer-upper is a hidden gem waiting to be polished. With its charming vintage details and original character, this property offers a unique opportunity to restore its former glory. Don’t miss your chance to create a true masterpiece that will stand the test of time.”

Testing and refining your listing description

Creating a great listing description is not a one-time task. It’s important to test and refine your description over time to ensure it’s resonating with potential buyers. Use analytics tools to track how many views and inquiries your listing receives, and adjust your description accordingly.

Ask for feedback from potential buyers and other real estate professionals to get a sense of what’s working and what’s not. Refining your description will help you attract the right buyers and sell your property faster.

Crafting a creative real estate listing description takes time and effort, but it’s well worth it. A great listing can draw in potential buyers and make them fall in love with the property before even seeing it in person. Use storytelling, highlight unique features, incorporate emotion, and use descriptive language and vivid imagery to create a listing that stands out. Test and refine your description over time to ensure it’s resonating with potential buyers. By following these tips, you’ll create a listing that makes buyers fall in love with your property.

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How to Write the Perfect House Description

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If you’re selling or renting out your house yourself, it can be tough trying to find the right words to describe it. You know everything about your home (after all, you do live there), but you can’t necessarily pinpoint what it is that other people will love about your house, too. Here is our definitive guide on how to write an effective description to sell your house …

1) Keep it short and sweet

People get bored quickly, and unless you’re writing a novel about your home, potential buyers are not going to want to read paragraphs upon paragraphs about why your house is the best one for them. Keep it short and sweet,  just like essays written by an  online essay writing service , and people will be more likely to read the entire description, and will often be eager to find out more and book a viewing.


Capitals suggest that someone is shouting at you. I don’t like being shouted at and I’m guessing that you don’t either. Writing the opening sentence in capitals is acceptable, but not the entire description: IT LOOKS MESSY, UNPROFESSIONAL, AND IS LIKELY TO PUT PEOPLE OFF!!! Point made? Good.

3) Check and double-check your grammar and spelling

You want to give the best summary of your home, and it could get a bit embarrassing if you get things wrong. Saying that your home “has good hearing” instead of “good heating” is a bit creepy and will definitely give off the wrong impression. Not only this, but if you have no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, you will look more professional and make more people want to deal with you.

4) Be honest

So one of your distant relatives has died and their run-down, old mansion with very dated decor has been left to you in their will. Rather than saying in the description that the house is “perfect for the modern family and ready to move in to”, say that “the house is a fantastic project with bags of potential”. People appreciate honesty and it will save you a lot of time and effort if people view your house knowing what to expect.

5) Use bullet points

This relates back to keeping your description short and sweet. Bullet points are easy to read and get straight to the point. Please pardon the pun.

6) Include room dimensions

Pictures can be deceiving and it is sometimes hard to tell how big or small a room really is. By including the room dimensions in the description, people can determine whether your home is the right size for them.

7) Make the most of your words

Just because your description should be concise, it shouldn’t mean that it should be boring. Try using as many descriptive words as you can to make your listing stand out and sound more exciting. After all, “Charming character property in an idyllic village” sounds a lot more interesting than “Two bedroom cottage for sale”.

8)  say why you love your house

When you look at a home, you want to imagine what it is like to actually live there. By telling people your experience of living in your home, will give potential buyers an idea of what it’s like to live there, too. Brought your kids up there and loved it? Tell them. The location is perfect for commuting? Tell them. Your house is haunted and ghosts play tricks on you? Maybe hire a priest and invest in incense…

9) Highlight the best features

If your house is located near a train station, had a new kitchen fitted, or is even near some of the best schools in the area, people are going to want to know. Saying that your home is west-facing and perfect for watching the sunset could be the difference between selling your home quickly or having it on the market for months on end.

Ref number: THSI-2394

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Helping writers become bestselling authors

Setting Description Entry: Bedrooms

October 4, 2008 by BECCA PUGLISI

description of a beautiful house creative writing

bed, night stand, dresser, armoire, make-up table, desk and chair, picture frame, window, closet, mirror, bookshelf, clothes hamper, wastebasket, wall shelves, phone, lamp, computer, notepads, books, rug, curtains, shade/blinds…

female: frilly, flowery, lacy, soft, pink/purple/yellow, hearts, stuffed animals, make-up/hair products, perfume, decorative pillows, canopy bed, diary, fuzzy-topped pencils, nail polish, bracelets, bangles, earrings…

male: sports memorabilia, geometric, spartan, darker colors, rumpled bedsheets, clothes on the floor, messy, dusty, CD collection, posters of girls (beach babes, film stars, Army, Action movies), toy guns, airsoft guns, action figures…

Music blaring, murmur of TV or talking on the phone, laughter, tick of a clock, radio alarm, click of computer keys while IMing, cat or dog scratching to get in, trill of a cell phone, squeaky bed spring, whispering, outdoor sounds leaking in through…

Perfume, hairspray, nail polish, model glue, body spray, deodorant, clean linen, sweat, rotting food, bubblegum, fabric softener, dust, wet towels, a whiff of dinner cooking in the kitchen, a spicy cheese smell from an open bag…

Bubblegum, the bitter taste of hairspray, breath mints, peanut butter and jam sandwich on a plate, a banana, granola bar, sugary pop, water…

silky, clean sheets, the unwelcoming hardness of pressing the alarm button, cool, smooth desktop, fuzzy sweaters, itchy sweaters, slippery t shirts, rough Cotton jeans, cool walls, soft, sinkable bead, balling up paper, tossing it into a garbage bin…

Helpful hints:

–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1:  When I could put it off no more, I tiptoed into Great Aunt BeeBee’s room. The floor was cold and gritty, dust and crumbs and who knows what else clinging to my bare feet. My only light came from a slit between the sagging curtains at the window, the feeble brightness barely enough for me to make out anything. I crept closer, trying to not gag on the smell of sweat and sickness. On the floor beside the bed I could just make out a twisted lump of blankets, but I couldn’t get up the courage to touch it. Please don’t be dead, I thought. I strained my ears for the sound of her rusty breath, and again remembered the sickening thump that had woken me…

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Simile)  I followed on Anna’s heels, catching the bedroom door seconds before it could slam in my face. Enraged, I sucked in a deep breath and pushed the door wide. My words curdled into nothing at the mess greeting me–clothes, text books and muddy shoes lay across the floor in knotted clumps, pages from a teen magazine peppered the walls and CDs marched across the unmade bed like a ticker tape parade…

Think beyond what a character sees, and provide a sensory feast for readers


Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers . Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict , people commonly found in these locales , and setting-specific notes and tips , and the collection itself has been augmented to include a whopping 230 entries—all of which have been cross-referenced with our other thesauruses for easy searchability. So if you’re interested in seeing a free sample of this powerful Setting Thesaurus, head on over and register at One Stop.

The Setting Thesaurus Duo

On the other hand, if you prefer your references in book form, we’ve got you covered, too. The Urban Setting Thesaurus and The Rural Setting Thesaurus are available for purchase in digital and print copies. In addition to the entries, each book contains instructional front matter to help you maximize your settings. With advice on topics like making your setting do double duty and using figurative language to bring them to life, these books offer ample information to help you maximize your settings and write them effectively.


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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April 16, 2015 at 8:35 pm

I’m not sure if I missed it or if its somewhere else on the website, but I’m looking for descriptive ideas for explaining the noises of a house at night. Specifically those, sort of, tinkling sounds of the materials expanding and contracting with the temperature. Any thoughts or directions on this would be hugely appreciated!!! 🙂

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April 17, 2015 at 11:11 am

Hi, Elizabeth. We don’t have a thesaurus for noises, but you should be able to find many house sounds by looking at the different house-related entries in The Setting Thesaurus: attic, basement, bathroom, bedroom, etc. Each entry has a SOUNDS field; by looking through those entries, you might find the sounds that you’re looking for. Best of luck!

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December 3, 2018 at 7:04 pm

i know its a little late but descriptives for what your looking for would be EX: hrough a window I could hear the risings and fallings of a conversation being held on a porch near the corner, chatting and yapping and playing and shrieking; a car passed on the street the creaking, the sea noises, and the night birds outside. or I was surrounded by the musty, oily, salty smell of the ship and the ocean, and realized how sharp one’s senses become in the dark. Every place has its own scent, a peculiar mixture of organic growth and human industry, of must, paint, wood and vermin.

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July 19, 2014 at 10:50 pm

I hadn’t seen these entries yet! Now I REALLY want a setting set of books…. 😀

July 21, 2014 at 1:32 pm

You’re in luck, Kimbra! We’re working on the first draft of the Settings Thesaurus right now. No firm publication date yet, but we’ll place periodic updates here at the blog. You could also sign up for our free newsletter (link below), which will bring notifications about our upcoming books and other info right to your inbox :).


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June 22, 2011 at 5:17 pm

It is possible we would, but if so it would be when (and if) we put the Setting Thesaurus into a book version. 🙂 So glad this is helpful to you! 🙂

June 22, 2011 at 11:33 am

I love your blog, thank you for pointing out the little things that go unobserved but are a great importance to each and everyone of our stories! By any chance would you be writing any of these for different time periods? Either way, thank you for the inspiration!

October 6, 2008 at 9:06 pm

Brilliant! This could actually double, somewhat, for a hotel room (with a few minor tweeks and add ons….smell…blech). Anyways, great stuff! Thanks for the inspiration!!

October 6, 2008 at 8:40 am

Boy do I know about bedrooms! My room was ALWAYS such a total and complete mess that my dad put a sign on my door that read, “Danger Disaster Area Three Feet Deep.” It remained on my door for many years.

October 5, 2008 at 11:10 am

*Gives some warm milk to PJ*

Thanks for coming over Rachel–we’re glad you found us!

October 5, 2008 at 12:02 am

Hey, wandered over from AW and poked around! These thesaurus posts are incredible. What a fantastic resource.

October 4, 2008 at 10:28 pm

I’m sleepy just reading it! Love this! Thanks!

October 4, 2008 at 11:46 am

I like the interior design mags too. I think it’s because I have a hard time imagining the potential of a room without some visual aids. I’m currently looking into remodling my kitchen, and my head reels at all the options and choices there are! Becca must be much better at this than I (and I wish she lived closer!) because she recently did a big reno in her new home.

Gutsywriter, one of the best things about this blog (and all online writing groups) is the ability to learn together. Becca and I have had such a great experience by pairing up and working through our writing woes, it was something we wanted to share on a bigger basis.

Each time we do an entry, we learn as we go, flexing the imaginative muscle to come up with descriptions and emotional actions that feel real.

October 4, 2008 at 10:49 am

Thanks for helping us again and again in our writing. It must take you a long time to put together your postings. A lesson plan in itself. I still have your emotional thesaurus on my laptop every time I rewrite a chapter and need more show and less tell.

October 4, 2008 at 9:35 am

This detail leaped out at me :

“the unwelcoming hardness of pressing the alarm button”

Sounds like a bedroom of the rich and famous. 🙂 I love looking at pictures of bedrooms in books on decorating and interior design and imagining how I’ll decorate my bedroom some day. Maybe I’ll have one of those low tables with padded tops as well.


How to write a good house description

Writing an effective house description is essential when marketing a property for sale. a well-crafted description can capture the attention of potential buyers and help them visualize themselves living in the house. here are some tips on how to write a compelling house description:.

  • Begin with an attention-grabbing headline that highlights the property's most desirable feature. For example, "Charming Victorian Home in a Picturesque Neighborhood" or "Spacious Modern Condo with Spectacular Views."
  • Consider the target audience for the property. Are you marketing to families, first-time buyers, investors, or retirees? Tailor your description to their needs and preferences.
  • List the property's standout features, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, special amenities (e.g., swimming pool, fireplace, walk-in closet), and any recent renovations or upgrades.
  • Paint a picture for potential buyers by telling a story about the property. Describe how the layout flows, how natural light fills the rooms, and how the spaces are ideal for different activities or lifestyles.
  • Discuss the property's location and its proximity to important amenities, schools, parks, shopping, and public transportation. Mention any unique aspects of the neighborhood or community.
  • Use vivid and appealing language to evoke emotions and create a sense of desire. For example, use words like "cozy," "spacious," "sun-drenched," "gleaming hardwood floors," "stainless steel appliances," etc.
  • Highlight any recent improvements or renovations, such as a new roof, updated kitchen, or a freshly landscaped garden. These can add value to the property.
  • Describe the lifestyle that the property can offer. For example, if the home has a large backyard, you might mention it's perfect for outdoor enthusiasts or those who love to entertain.
  • Be transparent about any potential concerns, like an older HVAC system or the need for cosmetic updates. Honesty builds trust with buyers.
  • Briefly describe each room's purpose and unique features. For example, "The spacious master bedroom features a walk-in closet and an en-suite bathroom."
  • Clearly state the asking price and contact information for the listing agent or seller.
  • Encourage potential buyers to take action, whether it's scheduling a viewing, attending an open house, or contacting the agent for more information.
  • Ensure your description is free of spelling and grammatical errors. A well-written description reflects professionalism and attention to detail.
  • If your description will be posted online, use relevant keywords to make it searchable. Think about what potential buyers might search for when looking for a property like yours.
  • While providing detail is important, avoid overwhelming potential buyers with too much information. Aim for a balance between detail and brevity.

Writing a house description requires a mix of creativity, factual information, and an understanding of your target audience. Keep the description engaging and informative to attract serious buyers and generate interest in the property. 

About the author, author's recent posts, related posts, highlighting school districts, social media tips, luxury home tips, income variability, agent mistakes.

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    A creaking bookcase accommodated torn books looking ahead vacantly. To the outside viewer, the mansion would have seemed identical to any other in the prestigious neighborhood. Stone statues ...

  13. How To Write Descriptions And Create A Sense Of Place

    Set the scene early on - then nudge. It may sound obvious but plenty of writers launch out into a scene without giving us any descriptive material to place and anchor the action. Sure, a page or so into the scene, they may start to add details to it - but by that point it's too late. They've already lost the reader.

  14. Examples of creative real estate listing descriptions

    Make your listing descriptions attractive and easy to read by using shorter paragraphs and bullet points. This way, readers can easily scan through the information and take note of the most critical aspects of the home. Ask for help when you need it. Writing creative real estate listing descriptions is a unique skill.

  15. How to Write Vivid Descriptions to Capture Your Readers: 7 Writing Tips

    Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 • 3 min read. Writing vivid descriptions involves using specific language to help your own writing stand out and form a detailed mental picture for readers. Whether it's for a novel, formal essay, short story, or public speaking event, it's important to make sure your writing is memorable and interesting for ...

  16. How to Write Creative Real Estate Listing Descriptions

    1. 'Brand' Your Listing With a Short Title. Length: One sentence. The most creative listing descriptions start with a one-sentence-or-less title. Taking the time to write a catchy "brand" for your listing will draw people in and help them see it as a home, not just pictures on the internet.

  17. Cottage

    cottage. - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing. Into the harkened light of day, into the blessed blue, comes a silhouette that is born of shapen light. And to the eyes, the adjusting eyes, to the brain still processing the freshly brightened hues, appears doors, windows, a roof of fine tile, a cottage of gay castle-heart.

  18. Setting Description Entry: Forest

    Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers.Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict, people commonly found in these locales, and setting-specific notes and tips, and the ...

  19. How To Write Beautiful Descriptions

    Get specific. Writing detailed descriptions is all about being careful with your language and choosing specific words and phrases that help to conjure up images for your reader. If you are vague or imprecise, it will be difficult for readers to do this. Take the opening of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, for example.

  20. 10 Creative Real Estate Listing Descriptions That Will Make Buyers Fall

    Here are some tips for writing a creative listing description that will make potential buyers fall in love with your property. 1. Use storytelling in your listing description. A great listing description should tell a story about the property. Use words to paint a picture of what it's like to live there. For example, instead of just listing ...

  21. How to Write the Perfect House Description

    7) Make the most of your words. Just because your description should be concise, it shouldn't mean that it should be boring. Try using as many descriptive words as you can to make your listing stand out and sound more exciting. After all, "Charming character property in an idyllic village" sounds a lot more interesting than "Two bedroom ...

  22. Setting Description Entry: Bedrooms

    Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers.Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict, people commonly found in these locales, and setting-specific notes and tips, and the ...

  23. How to write a good house description

    Writing a house description requires a mix of creativity, factual information, and an understanding of your target audience. Keep the description engaging and informative to attract serious buyers and generate interest in the property.