• The DELF Prim
  • DELF Prim A1.1
  • DELF Prim A1
  • DELF Prim A2
  • DELF junior version
  • DELF A1 junior version
  • DELF A2 junior version
  • DELF B1 junior version
  • DELF B2 junior version
  • DELF for schools
  • DELF A1 for schools
  • DELF A2 for schools
  • DELF B1 for schools
  • DELF B2 for schools
  • The DELF Pro
  • DELF Pro A1
  • DELF Pro A2
  • DELF Pro B1
  • DELF Pro B2
  • DILF DELF DALF sample papers
  • DELF sample papers
  • DALF sample papers
  • DELF Prim sample papers
  • DELF Junior version sample papers
  • DELF for schools sample papers
  • DELF Pro sample papers
  • DILF sample papers

​​ DELF B2 presentation

​​ description of delf b2 examination, further information on delf b2.

  • Tiếng việt

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DELF tout public B2

DELF tout public B2

Nouveau format.

New online preparation module for DELF B2.

We announced it to you in December 2021, it is now done! 

The independent preparation for the DELF B2 designed in cooperation between the teams of the Alliance Française de Paris and PrepMyFuture is available online! 

PrepMyDELF B2, perfectly adapted to a combination of face-to-face courses and distance learning activities, is a real experience for both students and teachers: automatic correction of assignments, identification of weaknesses, detailed performance monitoring, etc.  

The combination of the expertise of the Alliance Française de Paris teams in the design of pedagogical materials with the know-how of PrepMyFuture in the publishing of online language test preparation, have once again made it possible to design a complete module for candidates wishing to prepare the DELF B2 diploma.        

What's more, PrepMyDELF B2 is available free of charge to teachers. Request your free access now from the Communication/Marketing Department.

Communiqué de presse PrepMyDelf B2


DELF B2 corresponds to the upper intermediate level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). DELF B2 is an official diploma offered by the French Ministry of Education. DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) diplomas have a lifetime validity; they do not expire.

The DELF B2 exam has 4 components: Comprehension Orale, Comprehension Ecrite, Production Orale and Production Ecrite. Overall Pass mark: 50/100. Pass mark per test: 5/25

Comprehension Orale

Listening (Comprehension Orale) 30 min (25 points)

Comprehension Ecrite

Reading (Comprehension Ecrite) 60 min (25 points)

Production Orale

Speaking (Production Orale) 20 min (25 points)

Production Ecrite

Writing (Production Ecrite) 60 min (25 points)

Click on the icon below to check out our resources for DELF B2 exam preparation.

Exam Format

Past papers, model answers.

Click to check out our Model Answers for the DELF B2 exam.

france education international delf b2

Examen DELF B2

france education international delf b2

23 mai 2024

Période d’inscription :

15 mars – 15 avril 2024

6 juin 2024

5 avril – 6 mai 2024

3 octobre 2024

15 août – 14 sept. 2024

5 décembre 2024

10 oct. – 12 novembre 2024

Accueil » Centre d’examens » Examens DELF/DALF » Examen DELF B2

Les Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne (CCFS) sont un centre d’examen agréé pour le passage du DELF et du DALF. Le DELF (diplôme d’études de langue française) et le DALF (diplôme approfondi de langue française) sont des diplômes officiels délivrés par le ministère de l’Éducation nationale qui certifient le niveau des étudiants internationaux. Ils sont placés sous l’autorité de France Education International (anciennement CIEP).

france education international delf b2

Présentation générale

Le DELF, acronyme pour Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française, est une certification internationalement reconnue destinée à évaluer la compétence en français des candidats. Il s’agit d’un diplôme officiel délivré par le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, aligné sur les niveaux du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL) et ayant une validité permanente. Le DELF permet aux personnes de démontrer leur maîtrise du français à des niveaux allant de A1 (débutant) à B2 (utilisateur indépendant avancé).

Ce diplôme est très prisé par les non-francophones désirant enrichir leur CV pour intégrer une entreprise en France ou poursuivre des études universitaires. Notons que le DELF B1, correspondant au niveau d’utilisateur indépendant « seuil, » est requis pour l’obtention de la nationalité française. De son côté le DELF B2 permet d’intégrer la plupart des établissements supérieurs en France.

france education international delf b2

Publics concernés

Le DELF « tout public » est ouvert aux adultes et aux adolescents, qu’ils soient français ou étrangers, souhaitant mettre en avant leur compétence en français à des fins personnelles ou professionnelles. Cette version du DELF, qualifiée de « tout public, » permet d’explorer divers sujets dans les épreuves d’évaluation, qu’ils soient liés au domaine public, personnel, professionnel, ou éducatif.

Sur le plan académique, de nombreuses universités françaises ou francophones peuvent demander un DELF en guise de preuve de compétence linguistique pour l’admission d’un étudiant international. En outre, de nombreux candidats passent le DELF pour améliorer leur CV et leurs perspectives professionnelles, car ce diplôme officiel est reconnu par de nombreuses entreprises et organisations internationales.

Pour les publics plus jeunes, tels que les enfants et les adolescents en cours de scolarité au niveau secondaire, il existe des versions spécifiques du DELF appelées « Prim » ou « junior/scolaire. » Ces versions se concentrent uniquement sur les thèmes pertinents pour ces jeunes candidats, tout en évaluant leurs compétences de communication. Les épreuves du DELF dans ces versions spéciales plongent les jeunes apprenants dans des contextes qui encouragent leur réactivité, mettant ainsi en avant l’ensemble de leurs compétences linguistiques.

Enfin, chaque année, un arrêté du Rectorat précise les dates des sessions du DELF-DALF organisées par les Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne, ainsi que la composition du jury.

france education international delf b2

Les 4 épreuves de l'examen

Compréhension de l’oral.

L’épreuve de compréhension de l’oral permet de vérifier les compétences du candidat en tant qu’utilisateur de la langue pour recevoir et traiter un message parlé. Dans cette épreuve, le candidat écoute des annonces publiques, des émissions de radio, des conversations, etc. Le format du document audio varie selon le niveau.

Échelle du CECRL pour la compréhension générale de l’oral :

Le candidat à l’épreuve orale du DELF B2 Peut comprendre une langue orale standard en direct ou à la radio sur des sujets familiers et non familiers se rencontrant normalement dans la vie personnelle, sociale, universitaire ou professionnelle. Seul un très fort bruit de fond, une structure inadaptée du discours ou l’utilisation d’expressions idiomatiques peuvent influencer la capacité à comprendre. Peut comprendre les idées principales d’interventions complexes du point de vue du fond et de la forme, sur un sujet concret ou abstrait et dans une langue standard, y compris des discussions techniques dans son domaine de spécialisation. Peut suivre une intervention d’une certaine longueur et une argumentation complexe à condition que le sujet soit assez familier et que le plan général de l’exposé soit indiqué par des marqueurs explicites.

Compréhension des écrits

La compréhension des écrits est une épreuve qui permet de vérifier les compétences du candidat en tant que lecteur. Il doit lire des documents pour s’orienter, s’informer, suivre des instructions, etc. Les textes sont courts ou très longs, selon le niveau du CECRL. Échelle du CECRL pour la compréhension générale des écrits : Peut lire avec un grand degré d’autonomie en adaptant le mode et la rapidité de lecture à différents textes et objectifs et en utilisant les références convenables de manière sélective. Possède un vocabulaire de lecture large et actif mais pourra avoir des difficultés avec des expressions peu fréquentes.

Échelle du CECRL pour la compréhension générale des écrits :

Peut lire avec un grand degré d’autonomie en adaptant le mode et la rapidité de lecture à différents textes et objectifs et en utilisant les références convenables de manière sélective. Possède un vocabulaire de lecture large et actif mais pourra avoir des difficultés avec des expressions peu fréquentes.

Production écrite

L’épreuve de production écrite permet de vérifier les compétences du candidat à produire un texte en français. Les activités de cette épreuve varient selon le niveau. Le candidat peut être amené à écrire un article, une lettre ou à faire une synthèse. Dans cette épreuve, les compétences en interaction écrite sont également évaluées. Les activités peuvent demander au candidat de compléter un formulaire, d’écrire un message électronique pour répondre à quelqu’un ou d’élaborer un texte voué à être publié sur un forum.

Échelle du CECRL pour la production écrite générale :

Peut écrire des textes clairs et détaillés sur une gamme étendue de sujets relatifs à son domaine d’intérêt en faisant la synthèse et l’évaluation d’informations et d’arguments empruntés à des sources diverses.

Échelle du CECRL pour l’interaction écrite générale :

Peut relater des informations et exprimer des points de vue par écrit et s’adapter à ceux des autres.

Production orale

L’épreuve de production orale invite le candidat à produire un texte. Elle est composée d’activités prenant la forme d’un monologue ou d’un exposé. Dans cette épreuve, l’interaction orale est également évaluée. Le candidat doit communiquer avec le jury. Les activités d’interaction orale prennent diverses formes selon le niveau : des échanges courants, des jeux de rôle, des débats, etc.

Échelle du CECRL pour la production orale générale :

Peut méthodiquement développer une présentation ou une description soulignant les points importants et les détails pertinents. Peut faire une description et une présentation détaillées sur une gamme étendue de sujets relatifs à son domaine d’intérêt en développant et justifiant les idées par des points secondaires et des exemples pertinents.

Échelle du CECRL pour l’interaction orale générale :

Peut utiliser la langue avec aisance, correction et efficacité dans une gamme étendue de sujets d’ordre général, éducationnel, professionnel et concernant les loisirs, en indiquant clairement les relations entre les idées. Peut communiquer spontanément avec un bon contrôle grammatical sans donner l’impression d’avoir à restreindre ce qu’il/elle souhaite dire et avec le degré de formalisme adapté à la circonstance. Peut communiquer avec un niveau d’aisance et de spontanéité tel qu’une interaction soutenue avec des locuteurs natifs soit tout à fait possible sans entraîner de tension d’une part ni d’autre. Peut mettre en valeur la signification personnelle de faits et d’expériences, exposer ses opinions et les défendre avec pertinence en fournissant explications et arguments.

Manuel du candidat : https://www.france-education-international.fr/document/manuel-candidat-delf-b2

Exemples de sujets d’examen : https://www.france-education-international.fr/diplome/delf-tout-public/niveau-b2/exemples-sujets?langue=fr

Conseil aux candidats : https://www.france-education-international.fr/diplome/delf-tout-public/niveau-b2/entrainement?langue=fr

  Un arrêté du Rectorat indique chaque année les dates des sessions du DELF-DALF des Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne et la composition du jury.

Prochaines sessions

Plus d’info , ces cours pourraient vous intéresser, examen dalf c1, examen delf b1.

france education international delf b2

  • 16-22, rue de Martignac 75007 Paris, France
  • +33 1 44 10 77 00
  • [email protected]
  • Secrétariat ouvert du lundi au vendredi 9h30-12h30 et 13h30-16h30
  • Contact recrutement : [email protected]


Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne – Établissement d’enseignement supérieur privé – SAS société à mission Déclaration d’activité : 117562 776 75 auprès de la préfecture d’IdF – ne vaut pas agrément

© Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne – Conditions générales de vente – Politique de confidentialité et gestion des cookies – Mentions légales

france education international delf b2

Le secrétariat sera exceptionnellement fermé le mercredi 17 janvier.

The secretariat will be exceptionally closed on Wednesday, January 17th. 

Information sur la session de printemps 2024

L’inscription à la session de printemps (rentrée du 5 février 2024) est encore possible jusqu’au 2 février , sous réserve de places disponibles.

Les étudiants souhaitant s’inscrire sont invités à se rendre directement au bureau des admissions de l’institution , ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 16h30. Ils doivent s’assurer de disposer d’un visa valide.

L’inscription en ligne pour cette session n’est plus possible sur ce site.

Information regarding the 2024 spring session

Registration for the spring session (starting on February 5, 2024) is still possible until February 2 , subject to availability.

Students wishing to register are invited to go directly to the institution’s admission office , open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm. They must ensure they have a valid visa.

Online registration for this session is no longer available on this website.

Dates des prochains examens TCF

Les prochaines sessions d’examen TCF auront lieu dans les locaux de l’institution aux dates suivantes :

Le 30 janvier et le 27 février :

Le 31 janvier et le 28 février :

Learn French & DELF Exam


DELF B2 : Practice Exam

Here is a collection of DELF B1 sample exams. Click to find the papers with answer keys and audio clips.

  • Practice exam 1
  • Practice exam 2
  • Practice exam 3
  • Practice exam 4
  • Practice exam 5

Disclaimer: DELF is officially administrated by France Éducation International (CIEP) and all the sample exams are properties belong to them. Our website is not endorsed by or affiliated with CIEP.

Production écrite samples

For more tips and samples on how to write postcards, letters, emails, and how to fill out a form for the production écrite, click here.      

france education international delf b2

Additional resources for DELF prep

  • TV5MONDE: Free education resources for French language learners, with news clips, documentaries, music videos, and online language exercises. It keeps you engaged in both language learning and French cultural awareness. Click here to see more.
  • CIEP or France Education International: They are the official DELF administrator. On their website, you can find more details on the exams. For the B2 level, click here.  
  • Books and where to buy them: CIEP recommends a list of books for DELF preparation, which you can also find information of the publishers and where to buy them. To see the list, click here.

Taking DELF soon?

Connect with a certified french teacher today.

Email for free information

Related Posts

9 Best French Podcasts For Learning French

Don't know where to start on your DELF speaking exam?

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Get a private lesson from a certified French teacher today!

Email for free information. 

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DELF-DALF All Audiences

About delf-dalf.

DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française)  and  DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française)  are official qualifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside France in the French language.

These certificates are valid for life. DELF and DALF consist of six independent certificates that correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Exam Preparation Help FIAF Library Resources:  DELF – DALF Prep Official website: www.france-education-international.fr/en/delf-tout-public

Related Exams for Kids & Teens DELF Prim  (ages 8–12) DELF Junior  (ages 13+)

Exam Eligibility

Exams can be taken as one level per session or multiple levels during the same session.

Basic-Level User DELF A1: FIAF class levels A1.2, A1.3, A1.4 and A2.1 DELF A2: FIAF class levels A2.2, A2.3, A2.4 and B1.1

Independent User DELF B1: FIAF class levels B1.2, B1.3, B1.4 and B2.1 DELF B2: FIAF class levels B2.2, B2.3, B2.4 and C1.1

Expert User DALF C1: FIAF class levels C1.2, C1.3 and C1.4 DALF C2: FIAF class levels C1.5 and C1.6

Exam Schedule: All Audiences

Exam Dates: June 10–14, 2024 Registration Deadline: May 12, 2024

Exam Dates: December 9–13, 2024 Registration Deadline: November 10, 2024

* FIAF reserves the right to ask candidates from New York and its vicinity to take the oral exam at a different date depending on the number of candidates. Times are subject to change based on the number of candidates. At this time, we can accept registrations from residents of New York City and State, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts for the DELF B1 and B2 if you are willing to come back on June 23 or 24 to take the oral evaluation. The written section remains as scheduled on June 14 for DELF B1 and on June 15 for DELF B2. more-->

Safety Information

The health and well-being of our students, members, visitors, and staff are our number one priority.  We will be closely following strict guidelines recommended by the CDC and public health authorities regarding COVID-19.

More frequent building-wide cleaning schedule has been implemented.


Please complete this online form: DELF–DALF Registration Form

Or please complete one of the registration forms below and return it to FIAF in person or by email.

— Registration Form  (pdf) — Registration Form  (doc)

FIAF Language Center, 22 East 60th Street, New York, NY 10022 Email: [email protected]

Fees A1: $135 A2: $145 B1: $155 B2: $190 C1: $245 C2: $245

Exam fee is not refundable. Please note there is a $5 administrative fee in addition to the exam fee.

Payment is made by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express). You may pay over the phone (646-388-6691).

Exam session transfers are subject to a $50 fee and only permitted before the Registration Deadline of your original exam session. Any candidate who submits a transfer request after this Registration Deadline is subject to repay the full exam fee. Participation can only be transferred to the next session (without penalty) in the case of sickness, provided that a doctor’s note is mailed (not via email) within three days of the original Exam Date. If you have registered for an exam and need to transfer to another session, please email [email protected] .

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The DELF (Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française) is an official diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language competency of candidates outside of France.

Suited for: adults of all learning levels

The DELF is composed of four individual certificates that correspond with the four levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) .

Each exam is different from one another and candidates can register for the exam of their choosing. Each exam evaluates four communication skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. An average grade of 50 out of 100 points for each part of the exam is required to obtain the DELF A1, A2, B1, and B2 diplomas.


The person at an A1 level has a basic knowledge of French. This learning level is also called the "discovery" stage. The person can interact in a simple way: they can speak about themselves and their immediate environment.

A person at an A2 level is capable of socially communicating in French. The candidate can communicate about simple and routine tasks requiring common phrases and exchanges of information.

A person with a B1 level is independent and can maintain a conversation. They can understand and partake in a discussion and give their opinion. They are also capable of dealing with situations that are likely to happen in everyday life.

The B2 candidate has a degree of independence that allows them to construct arguments to support their opinion, explain their point of view and negotiate. At this level, the candidate has a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions and is capable of correcting their own mistakes.

For more information about each level of this diploma, please visit the FEI website (France Education International).

Register Now!

  • How to register?

{article Diplomas payment information}[text]{/article}

  • Download the registration form .
  • Complete it. ( the form must be filled out exclusively online (handwriting is not permitted).

at North York campus

Toronto Campus

[email protected]

North York Campus

[email protected]

Mississauga Campus

[email protected]

Oakville Campus

[email protected]

Markham Campus

[email protected]

if you need accommodation: please send a medical certificate at the time of your registration, we will not proceed and accept any request after the registration deadline.

space is limited, registrations are based on first come, first serve.

Exercices to prepare for the DELF exam:

DELF B2  - Oral comprehension only

Bonjour de France  - All levels

Ciel DELF/DALF/TCF section - Exercices to prepare for DELF, up to B1 level

Polyglotworld - Exams and Certifications - Français (FLE), DELF B1, and B2

Le Plaisir d’Apprendre  Up to DELF B2 level

Institut Français de Milano from DELF A2 to DELF B2 levels


New! Before registering, evaluate your French skills with Evalang.​

Evalang is designed to automatically determine your proficiency level using the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) chart, from A1 to C2. Stack the odds in your favour and receive the diploma best suited for your skills!

French courses

Cutural events, contact information.

Reg. Charity 1163206

Language Certifications

Official delf and dalf diplomas to validate your french level..

The DELF and DALF are official French language proficiency qualifications administered and awarded by the French Ministry of Education. They are available at 6 different levels. The DELF, for beginners and intermediate learners, at A1-A2-B1-B2. The DALF, for advanced-level candidates, at C1-C2. Each exam assesses four skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

The benefits of the certifications and diplomas

If not simply for your own personal development, sense of achievement and motivation, the DELF and DALF French Language diplomas are an asset to your CV as they are internationally recognised for both professional job applications and university studies. Unlike other certifications they are valid for life .

DELF B1 and B2 diplomas are accepted if you want to obtain French citizenship and naturalisation.

Holders of the DALF C1 diploma and sometimes the DELF B2 can be exempted from taking an entrance test before enrolling in a French University. For foreign students, the DALF C1 is usually the required gateway to the most prestigious schools or universities.

If you wish to emigrate to Québec or Canada, the eTEFaQ/eTEF Canada are also highly recommended.

france education international delf b2

Since 2019, we are the only fully accredited centre in Oxford.

We offer the DELF Tout Public levels A2 to B2 (adults), DELF Prim for Primary school students  (aged 7 to 11) , and DELF Junior Level B1 Secondary school students  (aged 12 to 18) at the Alliance Francaise d’Oxford, conveniently located in Central North Oxford, easily accessible from Oxfordshire and beyond. Several sessions are held in person during the year. Please refer to the table below for the sessions held in the near future.  For more information on the exam format and to access sample papers, visit  France Education International.

 2023-2024: Calendar of DELF exams 

Before you enrol, please read our Terms & Conditions

Register your interest

No current available exam dates for your required level? Register your interest below and we will notify you when more exams dates become available.

Enquire about these diplomas

  • Private area


Diplôme d'études en langue française Diplôme approfondi de langue française

france education international delf b2

  • France Education International

france education international delf b2

Founded in 1945 and a national public institution since 1987, France Education International is recognised both in France and abroad for its skills with regard to expert evaluation, training, assessment, and management of international projects.

A key public operator for the Ministries of Education and Higher Education, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ main operating partner with regard to the French language, it contributes to the reflection on issues related to international cooperation in education. In carrying out its activities, it relies on a network of national and international experts and partners.

France Education International is involved in two particular domains: education (general, professional, and higher education; recognition of credentials) and languages (the French language, French-language evaluation and certification, foreign languages, and mobility). As a centre for information and discussion, it also hosts international seminars and conferences.

France Education International carries out DELF-DALF examinations, issues diplomas, and trains scorer-examiners and trainers around the world, in cooperation with each country’s DELF-DALF management centre.

Other resources: Read more information provided by France Education International about the DELF-DALF. Read the historical booklet about France Education International.

  • Becoming examiner, scorer or trainer

Latest news

france education international delf b2

COVID-19: important information for the DELF-DALF

france education international delf b2

9th Annual Meeting for the Canadian DELF-DALF centre Directors

france education international delf b2

6th Annual Meeting for DELF-DALF Centre Directors

  • Examination dates

39 examination centres

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Institut français  is a major and  officially approved  examination centre for a wide range of internationally recognised French language proficiency diplomas and certificates. It is accredited by  France Education International  for DELF / DALF and by the  French Chamber of Commerce and Industry  for TEF (Test d’Évaluation du Français – French Evaluation Test).

Which exam is right for me?

  • I want to set myself a goal in my learning process ⇒I take  DELF or DALF Tout public   or  TEF Tout public .
  • I want to motivate my child ⇒I register my child for DELF PRIM  or  DELF Junior
  • I want to study in France ⇒ I take  DELF B2 (for a bachelor level),  DALF C1   (for a Masters Level) or  TEF Études  .
  • I want an official diploma for my CV or for professional reasons => I take TEF Tout public  offered by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry or  DELF or DALF Tout public
  • I want an official diploma to apply for citizenship or to emigrate to France, Canada or Quebec ⇒ TEF IRN is intended for people wishing to acquire the French nationality. ⇒ TEF Quebec  is intended for people wishing to emigrate to Quebec,  TEF Canada  is intended for people wishing to emigrate to Federal Canada.
  • I want to teach French as a Foreign language => I can prepare DAEFLE , a professional qualification for teaching French as a foreign language, co-organised by the Alliance Française Paris Ile-de-France and the CNED, and/ or attend a  training to become an examiner-scorer for the DELF

For any further information regarding the Masters in French as a foreign language in France, please contact Stéphane Alati ( [email protected] ). The Universities of Helsinki and Turku (in partnership with Åbo Akademi and Nantes University) offer the possibility to get a double French-Finnish diploma in order to become a French teacher.

Exam preparation

All these tests and diplomas evaluate the skills described in the Common European Framework for Languages, which is also the base for our courses at Institut français de Finlande.

Thanks to our specific exam preparation courses, you will be well prepared!

⇒ Exam preparation courses

Contacts: Contact  [email protected]  for further information about our courses.

If you have any questions regarding the exams, please contact:  [email protected]

france education international delf b2

DELF / DALF for all

france education international delf b2

DELF PRIM / JUNIOR (for children or teenagers)

france education international delf b2

TEF – French Evaluation Test

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Pour les enseignants de français

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Prepare and pass your French exam

French exam preparation available.

Click on the French exam you are preparing for and discover the corresponding Exam France offer.


TCF Tous publics TCF IRN TCF Canada TCF Québec

TEF Tous publics TEF Intégration TEF Canada TEF Québec

Which exam for which purpose?

Depending on your objectives, find the exams that correspond to your goals.

To study in France in a university, a grande école or in a French-speaking school.


To obtain the French nationality or the residence card.

To work in France or in a French-speaking country around the world.


To strengthen your professional skills through French.



Why prepare yourself with Exam France?

Exam France has been developed by a teaching team that has been teaching French as a foreign language to learners from all over the world for over 25 years.

The mock exams, the exercises, the modules and all the specific contents are developed by specialised teachers, who graduated from the best French universities.

Our success rates are very high for the DELF/DALF exams.

For over 25 years, our teaching team has trained and coached more than 20,000 learners in French courses and exams, with consistently excellent results.

They obtained their DELF/DALF exam thanks to Exam France!

Obtain a French language diploma thanks to our teaching methods which give incredible results. 

france education international delf b2

DELF B1 and DELF B2 (elementary diplomas in French language) are official diplomas issued by France Education International, an operator of the French Ministry of Education. These diplomas are internationally recognised and are valid for life. Read more…

france education international delf b2

The DALF C1 (diplôme avancé en langue française) is an official diploma awarded by France Education International, an operator of the French Ministry of Education.  This diploma is internationally recognised and is valid for life. Read more…

france education international delf b2

The TCF (Test de connaissance en français) is an international reference language placement test that measures your level of knowledge and skills in French. It is issued by France Education International. The results are valid for two years. Read more…

france education international delf b2

The TEF (Test d’évaluation de français) is an international reference test that measures your level of knowledge and skills in French. It is issued by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The results are valid for two years. Read more…

Who are we?

The exam france platform, which will help you prepare for and pass your french exams, has been entirely created, designed, developed and set up by a specialist teaching team trained at the best french universities..

Exam France has formed partnerships with several schools specialising in teaching and learning French as a foreign language. Our partner schools are based in major French cities such as Paris, Montpellier, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nice and Annecy. They have been in existence for over 30 years, are accredited and all have private higher education status.

It's up to you to pass your French exam!

france education international delf b2

Like the thousands of students who have placed their trust in us, prepare yourself and pass the French exam you need!

france education international delf b2

Exam France is developed by LD INVEST

Exam preparation

Exam france.

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france education international delf b2


  1. DELF tout public

    Retrouvez toutes les informations, les présentations des épreuves, les exemples et les conseils pour le DELF B2 version « tout public ». Aller au contenu principal ... France Éducation international est votre partenaire pour organiser un séminaire, colloque ou forum. ... Portail documentaire de France Education international.

  2. DELF tout public

    DELF tout public - niveau B2. Retrouvez toutes les informations, les présentations des épreuves, les exemples et les conseils pour le DELF B2 version « tout public ».

  3. Exemples de sujets

    Une liste d'exercices audios et écrits pour s'entraîner efficacement au passage du DELF junior / scolaire de niveau B2. Aller au contenu principal Navigation principale ... Una visión general de las actividades de France Éducation international país por país. ... Portail documentaire de France Education international.

  4. DELF B2, a diploma in French for advanced learners

    The DELF allows people to demonstrate their proficiency in French at levels ranging from A1 (beginner) to B2 (advanced independent user). This diploma is very popular with non-French speakers wishing to enrich their CV to join a company in France or pursue university studies. Note that the DELF B1, corresponding to the "threshold ...

  5. DELF B2: French studies diploma level B2

    At level B2, the candidate has a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions and is capable of correcting his/her own mistakes. Please note that, except dispensation, DELF B2 is compulsory to follow studies in the French higher education. DELF B2 examination is based on level B2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference ...

  6. DELF tout public B2

    DELF tout public B2. Nouveau format. Download all the audio files (61) Download all the video files (6) (open a new window) Legal information ...

  7. New online preparation module for DELF B2.

    The independent preparation for the DELF B2 designed in cooperation between the teams of the Alliance Française de Paris and PrepMyFuture is available online! ... From within France or abroad:--Alliance Française de Paris-- +33 1 42 84 90 00. Telephone reception from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm (local time).

  8. Delf B2

    DELF B2 is an official diploma offered by the French Ministry of Education. DELF (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) diplomas have a lifetime validity; they do not expire. components. The DELF B2 exam has 4 components: Comprehension Orale, Comprehension Ecrite, Production Orale and Production Ecrite. Overall Pass mark: 50/100. Pass mark ...

  9. DELF B2, un diplôme en français pour les apprenants avancés

    Le DELF B2 est un diplôme officiel de français pour les apprenants avancés, reconnu par le ministère de l'Éducation nationale. Le CCFS Sorbonne est un centre d'examen agréé qui propose des sessions du DELF B2 en 2024.

  10. DELF B2: Practice Exam 1

    DELF B2 : Practice Exam 1. Click on the links below to download the .pdf and .MP3 files for practice exams, audio clips, audio transcripts, speaking exam topics, writing evaluation criteria, and answer keys. Disclaimer: DELF is officially administrated by France Éducation International (CIEP) and all the sample exams are properties belong to them.

  11. DELF B2: Sample Papers with Answer Keys

    DELF B2 : Practice Exam. DELF B2 : Practice Exam. Here is a collection of DELF B1 sample exams. Click to find the papers with answer keys and audio clips. Practice exam 1; ... CIEP or France Education International: They are the official DELF administrator. On their website, you can find more details on the exams. ...


    DELF (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) are official qualifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside France in the French language. These certificates are valid for life. DELF and DALF consist of six independent certificates that correspond to the levels of the Common ...

  13. DELF

    For more information about each level of this diploma, please visit the FEI website (France Education International). Register Now! SESSION 2- Registration: from F ebruary 5 to May 10, 2024 - SESSION CLOSED ... DELF B2: Thursday June 13, 2024 at 12 pm - Duration: 2 h 30 min. Day & Time TBA. after the registration deadline.

  14. Alliance Francaise d'Oxford

    DELF B1 and B2 diplomas are accepted if you want to obtain French citizenship and naturalisation. ... For more information on the exam format and to access sample papers, visit France Education International. 2023-2024: Calendar of DELF exams . Before you enrol, please read our Terms & Conditions. Exam Dates Registration Deadline Price Bookings;

  15. DELF B1/B2 Exam preparation

    Prepare for your DELF B1/B2 exam with Exam France's e-learning solution. More than 20 specific modules to put all the chances on your side. ... (France Education International) and the French Ministry of Education. These diplomas are internationally recognised and are valid for an unlimited period of time. They facilitate professional ...

  16. France Education International

    As a centre for information and discussion, it also hosts international seminars and conferences. France Education International carries out DELF-DALF examinations, issues diplomas, and trains scorer-examiners and trainers around the world, in cooperation with each country's DELF-DALF management centre. Other resources: Read more information ...

  17. Exams

    Institut français is a major and officially approved examination centre for a wide range of internationally recognised French language proficiency diplomas and certificates.It is accredited by France Education International for DELF / DALF and by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry for TEF (Test d'Évaluation du Français - French Evaluation Test).

  18. Home

    DELF B2/DALF C1. To obtain the French nationality or the residence card. TEF/TCF. To work in France or in a French-speaking country around the world. ... DELF B1 and DELF B2 (elementary diplomas in French language) are official diplomas issued by France Education International, an operator of the French Ministry of Education. ...