• • Led a team of 10 providing customer service to over 3000 active accounts, assisting with troubleshooting and technical queries.
  • • Decreased customer service response times by 25% using process optimization skills
  • • Conducted 15+ customer call-backs per day enhancing customer retention by 30%
  • • Developed a new training process, thus reducing on-boarding time by 30%
  • • Implemented an improved social media strategy resulting in a 20% uplift in customer engagement.
  • • Aided in developing the company’s first comprehensive customer service training program that increased customer satisfaction by 15%
  • • Addressed and resolved 95% of customer complaints, leading to a 30% decrease in escalated issues.
  • • Improved invoice dispute resolution process, reducing resolution time by 40%
  • • Managed 100+ invoices weekly ensuring no delays in client payments
  • • Reduced billing errors by 60% through a new complaint tracking system.

5 Customer Service Agent Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

An effective customer service agent resume must showcase your ability to handle customer inquiries with ease. It should also highlight your proficiency in problem-solving, demonstrating how you've positively impacted customer satisfaction in previous roles. Your resume should reflect your excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. Make sure it also reveals your adeptness at using customer service software, which is essential for managing and tracking interactions efficiently.

All resume examples in this guide

resume customer service agent


resume customer service agent

Resume Guide

Demystifying the customer service agent resume format, decoding the customer service agent resume experience section, highlighting essential hard and soft skills for your customer service agent resume, highlighting your educational and certification milestones on your customer service agent resume, should you add a summary or objective to your customer service agent resume, additional customer service agent resume sections for a personalized touch, key takeaways.

Customer Service Agent resume example

One particular challenge faced by Customer Service Agents when crafting their resume is effectively demonstrating their soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving, in a tangible way. Our guide can assist in this regard by providing concrete examples and action verbs that can be used to illustrate these abilities, making your experiences more compelling for potential employers.

Dive into our customer service agent resume guide to:

  • Explore top-tier resume examples, offering insights into the industry's best practices.
  • Enhance sections like experience, education, and achievements with expert advice.
  • Articulate your technical prowess and personal attributes, setting you apart from other candidates.
  • Sharpen your focus on the distinct skills that make your customer service agent resume resonate with recruiters.

Recommended reads:

  • Customer Support Specialist resume
  • Client Partner resume
  • Entry-Level Customer Service resume
  • Customer Service Associate resume
  • Customer Support Engineer resume

While a touch of creativity can be appealing, it's the clarity and relevance of your customer service agent resume format that truly resonates with recruiters.

To ensure your resume not only captures attention but also maintains it, consider these four streamlined steps:

  • If your career boasts a wealth of pertinent and recent accomplishments, the reverse-chronological resume format is your ally. It naturally emphasizes your experience, placing your most recent roles at the forefront.
  • Design a straightforward header: incorporate your contact information, a headline reflecting the position you're vying for or your current designation, and a link to your professional portfolio.
  • While brevity is key, if you're targeting a senior position or have accumulated over ten years of industry-relevant experience, extending your resume to two pages is permissible.
  • To ensure consistent formatting across various platforms, always save and submit your customer service agent resume as a PDF.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Keep your customer service agent resume clear and concise. Top professionals narrate their career stories while highlighting their strengths.

To craft a compelling freight broker resume, focus on these sections:

  • A scannable header
  • A snapshot of your professional persona, showcasing soft skills, achievements, and a summary or objective
  • Skills that align with the job advert
  • Quantifiable achievements in your experience section
  • An education and technical skills section that underscores your proficiency with specific tools or software

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Experience in a customer-facing role showcasing effective problem-solving and communication skills.
  • Proficiency with CRM software and other technology used for serving customers, such as live chat or social media platforms.
  • Demonstration of empathy, patience, and composure, especially under stressful situations.
  • Evidence of meeting performance metrics like Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores, Average Handle Time (AHT), and First Call Resolution (FCR).
  • Industry-specific knowledge or product expertise relevant to the company's operations.
  • Resume Margins
  • How to Use Resume Lines

Once you've settled on your resume's format, the next step is detailing your professional journey.

Many customer service agent professionals grapple with this section, especially when balancing between extensive or limited experience. Here's a roadmap to navigate this:

  • Limit bullet points under each job role to six, focusing on high-impact contributions.
  • Highlight achievements that resonate with the job's requirements, rather than just listing duties.
  • Detail any on-the-job certifications or skills acquired and their relevance to your growth.
  • Choose impactful verbs for each bullet, avoiding overused terms like "managed".
  • Infuse relevant keywords from the job posting, especially in the context of accomplishments.

For more insights, explore these curated examples from seasoned customer service agent professionals:

  • Provided exceptional customer service to resolve inquiries and complaints, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Managed a high volume of incoming calls, averaging 100 calls per day, while maintaining a 95% first-call resolution rate.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement customer retention strategies that reduced churn by 15%.
  • Assisted customers with technical issues, troubleshooting software problems and guiding them through step-by-step solutions.
  • Delivered personalized support to VIP clients, ensuring their specific needs were met promptly and effectively.
  • Led a team of customer service representatives, providing coaching and training to improve performance metrics by 20%.
  • Implemented a new CRM system, streamlining customer information and reducing response time by 30%.
  • Resolved complex billing issues, resulting in a 10% reduction in accounts receivable backlog within six months.
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive onboarding program for new customer service agents, reducing ramp-up time by 50%.
  • Identified process inefficiencies and proposed solutions, leading to a 15% improvement in average call handling time.
  • Assisted in the launch of a new product line, providing product knowledge training to the customer support team.
  • Collaborated with the marketing department to conduct customer satisfaction surveys, gathering valuable feedback for process improvements.
  • Handled escalated customer complaints, resolving issues promptly and turning dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.
  • Managed social media platforms, responding to customer inquiries and comments, resulting in a 20% increase in online engagement.
  • Participated in cross-functional teams to test and launch a mobile app, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Implemented a live chat support system, reducing response time and increasing customer satisfaction by 15%.
  • Provided technical assistance to customers, troubleshooting hardware and software issues over the phone and via email.
  • Coordinated with the product development team to relay customer feedback, resulting in improved product features and usability.
  • Achieved a customer resolution rate of 90% within the first contact, exceeding departmental targets.
  • Assisted in the creation of knowledge base articles and FAQs to empower customers with self-service resources.
  • Serve as the primary point of contact for corporate clients, managing their accounts and addressing their service-related needs.
  • Collaborate with the sales team to identify upselling opportunities, resulting in a 15% increase in revenue from existing clients.
  • Developed training materials and conducted workshops to educate customers on new product features and enhancements.
  • Analyze customer usage patterns and provide data-driven insights to drive product development and improve user experience.
  • Assisted customers with account inquiries, billing issues, and service requests, maintaining a high level of professionalism and empathy.
  • Collaborated with the operations team to optimize call center workflows, resulting in a 20% reduction in average handle time.
  • Contributed to the development of customer service scripts and templates, ensuring consistent and effective communication.
  • Recognized for consistently meeting and exceeding performance targets, including call quality and customer satisfaction metrics.
  • Managed a team of remote customer service agents, providing guidance and support to ensure delivery of excellent service.
  • Implemented a customer feedback system, collecting and analyzing data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Led process improvement initiatives, resulting in a 25% reduction in average response time across all customer channels.
  • Coordinated with the IT department to resolve technical issues and enhance system functionality for improved efficiency.
  • Managed customer inquiries via email and chat support, maintaining a high level of responsiveness and accuracy.
  • Resolved complex billing discrepancies, resulting in a 15% decrease in outstanding accounts receivable.
  • Collaborated with the sales team to identify customer pain points and propose tailored solutions, contributing to a 10% increase in upsell revenue.
  • Assisted in the implementation of a new CRM system, ensuring seamless data migration and user adoption.
  • Provided technical support to customers, troubleshooting software issues and guiding them through resolution steps.
  • Developed and delivered training sessions for new hires, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience and accelerated productivity.
  • Collaborated with the product management team to communicate customer needs and feedback, influencing product roadmap decisions.
  • Implemented live chat support on the company website, resulting in a 30% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Quantify the number of customers you dealt with daily to showcase your ability to handle high-volume, high-stress situations.
  • Include specific numbers related to customer satisfaction or resolution rates achieved to demonstrate effectiveness and commitment to quality service.
  • Note any target quotas you consistently met or exceeded, illustrating your reliability and high performance in a goal-oriented environment.
  • Provide figures regarding any reductions in average response or handling times, signifying efficiency and time management skills.
  • Mention any increases in customer retention rates under your service, showing your abilities in building customer relationships and loyalty.
  • Highlight any revenue you generated through upselling or cross-selling, underlining your sales skills and contribution to business growth.
  • Indicate the size of the team you've worked with or led, indicating your teamwork or leadership experience.
  • Include specific performance metrics from feedback or assessments, providing concrete proof of your skills and competencies in customer service.

Tips for customer service agent newcomers launching their careers

Lacking extensive experience for that customer service agent role? No worries.

Sometimes, hiring managers go for the unexpected candidate when they see potential.

Here's how to convince them you're the right fit:

  • Opt for the functional skill-based or hybrid formats to highlight your unique professional value.
  • Always tailor your customer service agent resume to emphasize the most critical requirements, usually listed at the top of the job ad.
  • Compensate for limited experience with other relevant sections like achievements, projects, and research.
  • In your customer service agent resume objective, pinpoint both your achievements and how you envision your role in the position.
  • Can I Leave a Job I was Fired From Off my Resume
  • Resume Without Work Experience

If your experience section doesn't directly address the job's requirements, think laterally. Highlight industry-relevant awards or positive feedback to underscore your potential.

Your skill set is a cornerstone of your customer service agent resume.

Recruiters keenly evaluate:

  • Your hard skills , gauging your proficiency with specific tools and technologies.
  • Your soft skills , assessing your interpersonal abilities and adaptability.

A well-rounded candidate showcases a harmonious blend of both hard and soft skills, especially in a dedicated skills section.

When crafting your customer service agent skills section:

  • List up to six skills that resonate with the job requirements and highlight your expertise.
  • Feature a soft skill that encapsulates your professional persona, drawing from past feedback or personal reflections.
  • Consider organizing your skills into distinct categories, such as "Technical Skills" or "Soft Skills."
  • If you possess pivotal industry certifications, spotlight them within this section.

Crafting a comprehensive skills section can be daunting. To assist, we've curated lists of both hard and soft skills to streamline your resume-building process.

Top skills for your customer service agent resume

Customer service

Knowledge of CRM software

Data entry skills

Product knowledge

Sales skills

Technical proficiency


Problem-solving abilities

Process improvement

Time management


Active listening


Conflict resolution

Critical thinking


Positive attitude

If you're in the process of learning a pivotal skill for the role, mention this on your resume. It demonstrates initiative while maintaining transparency.

While skills alignment is increasingly prioritized, your educational background and certifications still play a pivotal role in establishing credibility.

To effectively present your academic and certification achievements:

  • Detail your educational journey, including the institution and duration.
  • Highlight recent and relevant certifications, showcasing your commitment to continuous learning.
  • Be concise; focus on the skills and knowledge gained rather than exhaustive details.
  • If a certification is in progress, mention the expected completion date.

Remember, authenticity is key. If a certification is pending, be transparent about it.

Best certifications to list on your resume

If a particular certification is highly valued in the industry or by the company, consider highlighting it in your resume's headline.

  • Continuing Education on Resume
  • Expected Graduation Date Resume

Choose between:

  • Resume summary to match job needs with your top wins.
  • Resume objective to share your career goals.

Both should tell recruiters about your best moments. Keep them short, around five sentences. Check out our sample structures for guidance.

Resume summary and objective examples for a customer service agent resume

Enthusiastic professional with five years of experience in the manufacturing industry, now seeking to leverage proven interpersonal and problem-solving skills in a customer service role. Certified in CRM software and excels at resolving complex product issues, evidenced by reducing customer complaints by 30% at my current job.

Energetic individual with seven years' tenure in a fast-paced tech company's finance department, eager to transition into customer service. Possesses strong technical abilities, including proficiency in Office Suite and several project management tools, coupled with a track record of improving client satisfaction by 20%.

A freshly graduated Communication major who is passionate about creating positive customer experiences. Aspires to apply knowledge of conflict resolution and empathetic communication obtained throughout academic career to improve brand loyalty and promote customer retention.

Recent Business Management graduate aiming to utilize excellent negotiation and communication skills learned during studies in a customer service environment. Enthused to provide top-notch customer support and to contribute to building a customer-centric culture.

Customer service specialist boasting ten years' experience in retail, focused on providing exceptional service and creating repeat business. Expert in using Zendesk software, with a track record of increasing customer retention rates by 25%.

Dedicated professional with eight years' experience in the healthcare sector, now keen on transitioning into customer service. Recognized for training skills and ability to handle high-stress situations, illustrated by leading team to achieve 'Best Emergency Response' award thrice.

To further personalize your customer service agent resume, consider adding sections that reflect your unique qualities and achievements.

Popular choices include:

  • Projects to showcase significant work achievements.
  • Languages to indicate proficiency levels.
  • Awards to celebrate industry recognitions.
  • Hobbies and Interests to share personal passions.
  • Effective customer service agent resumes are well-structured, weaving a compelling career narrative.
  • Choose between a resume summary or objective based on your experience and the impression you aim to create.
  • If lacking in direct experience, leverage other roles, such as internships or contract positions, to demonstrate alignment with the customer service agent role.
  • Be discerning in listing hard and soft skills, ensuring relevance and showcasing outcomes.
  • Always tailor your resume for each customer service agent application, ensuring alignment with job requirements.

customer service agent resume example

Looking to build your own Customer Service Agent resume?

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Customer Service Resume [2024] - Examples & Guide

Background Image

Looks great, right?! Follow the steps below to create a resume that’ll have employers in a frenzy to hire you.

You’re a customer service representative.

You keep customers satisfied by providing solutions to their concerns.

But now it’s time to ease your future employer’s concerns by providing a resume that shows your value as a customer service employee.

This involves highlighting your most notable skills and experiences.

Not sure how to do this?

Well, just follow the simple steps in this guide.

  • An example of a finished customer service resume that works
  • How to write a customer service resume that’ll fill up your interview diary
  • How to make a customer service resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

Before we get into the details, you can check the customer service resume example at the top, created with our very own resume builder .

Looking fore more specific resume examples? Check out this list of customer service resume examples:

  • Barista Resume
  • Bartender Resume
  • Server Resume
  • Waiter Resume
  • Receptionist Resume
  • Cashier Resume
  • Event Planner Resume
  • Flight Attendant Resume
  • Bar and Restaurant Manager Resume

How to Format a Customer Service Resume

Before you can serve the hiring manager, you need to organize your work station!

But what do we mean by this?

Well, just like your work station, your resume needs to be arranged in a way that doesn’t lead to confusion and delays.

Choosing the correct resume format allows the hiring manager to instantly see your most notable achievements, instead of having to hunt for them. 

The most common resume format is “ reverse-chronological ”, and it is one that we always recommend to customer service representatives. 

The following two resume formats also get our approval…

  • Functional Resume – If you’ve got the natural talent to help customers, but lack the hands-on experience, this resume format is recommended. A functional resume focuses on skills, which makes it ideal for those who lack experience or who have gaps in their employment history.
  • Combination Resume – Have previous experience in the customer service industry? Then you may want to use this format. Specifically, the format combines both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological”.

Use a Customer Service Resume Template

Right, time to fire-up your text editor and get typing!

But wait there.

Although great for creating simple files, there are better alternatives when creating a customer service resume. 

You see, text editors don’t hold its structure, which can result in layout breakages.

Want to avoid an afternoon of headache? Use a customer service resume template. You can tailor any of the following resume templates for a customer service specialist resume.

What to Include in a Customer Service Resume

The main sections in a customer service resume are:

  • Work Experience
  • Contact Information

To really make an impression, you can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification
  • Volunteer Experience

Interests & Hobbies

So those are the customer service resume sections , but what do you write for each of them? 

Let’s find out!

Want to know more about the different sections? View our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

You should treat your contact section with the same care that you treat your customers.

Failure to do so could result in misspellings and wrong numbers, which makes it impossible for the recruiter to offer you an interview! 

The contact information section on your resume must include:

  • Professional Title – Align this to the role you’re applying for, so “Customer Service Assistant”
  • Phone Number – Check each number carefully
  • Email Address – Keep your email professional ([email protected]), unlike that one from your childhood ([email protected]).
  • Location – City+Country
  • Optional - relevant social media
  • Joe Blogs - Customer Service Assistant. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Joe Blogs - Customer Service Hero. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

job search masterclass

How to Write a Customer Service Resume Summary or Objective

Establishments are always on the lookout for customer service representatives.

But this fact only makes competition more intense.

And with this in mind, we shouldn’t be surprised that recruiters spend just a few seconds on each resume.

If only there was a way to get the recruiter hooked and read through your whole resume?

Fortunately, you can this with a resume summary or objective .

As a customer service representative, you know that friendly introductions go a long way. Similarly, both resume summaries and objectives are short paragraphs that introduce your skills and experiences. 

But what is the difference between a summary and an objective?

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your most notable restaurant experiences and achievements.

  • Enthusiastic customer service representative with five years of retail experience responding to all manner of customer inquiries. Career highlights included being awarded “Employee of the Month” for 36 months out of 48 months and receiving 99% positive customer survey results at XYZ Convenience. Seeking a role at ABC Tech, where my service skills can be leveraged to achieve and maintain the highest level of customer service.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of your goals and aspirations.

  • Passionate and hard-working student working towards graduating with a BA in History from UT Austin. Relevant experience includes serving customers in a campus bar. Eager to become the new customer service representative role at XYZ Tech to leverage interpersonal skills for the highest quality of service.

Got relevant work experience? Use a resume summary. 

Got the skills, but can’t back it up with experience? Use a resume objective.  

How to Make Your Customer Service Work Experience Stand Out

Recruiters hate nothing more than risk.

You see, their job is on the line if they hire the wrong person.

As such, you need to prove you have what it takes, and your work experience section is the easiest way to do that

Here’s the best way for customer service representatives to structure the work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Customer Service Representative 

YXZ Convenience Store

03/2017 - 04/2021

  • Achieved highest up-sell rates in both 2017 (2.8%) and 2019 (3.2%)
  • Worked at the customer information desk for 10+ hour shifts
  • Welcomed 1000+ customers during store opening event
  • Won “Employee of the Month” three months in a row by engaging with customers in personal, yet professional manner

The key here is to showcase how valuable you were to your previous employer. Doing so will have companies competing against each other for your skills.

Instead of saying…

“Spoke to all customers”

“Won “Employee of the Month” three months in a row by engaging with customers in personal, yet professional manner”

Simply put, the first sentence states that you spoke with customers, but it doesn’t say whether you were successful in doing so.  

The second statement goes into more detail and backs-up your claims with awards.

What if You Don’t Have Any Work Experience?

Maybe you’re a student looking for their first customer service job?

Or maybe, you have experience in the field, but never in a retail environment?

Don’t worry, as there are ways to get around this.

All you need are the core job skills and a willingness to learn.

And you can showcase this with related job experience or school projects. 

For example, if you’ve ever worked as a cashier, you can talk about any crossover skills and experiences. Just like a customer service representative, you were friendly, dealt with customers concerns, and operated a POS/computer. 

Use Action Words to Make Your Customer Service Resume POP!

Let’s image that you’re a job recruiter.

Sitting down to read the same generic resumes, one after another.

No one stands out. In fact, all resumes are blending into one.

This exercise highlights the importance of making your resume different from the other applicants. 

One of the best ways to do this is to use power words :

How to Correctly List your Education

After showcasing your experiences, you should delve into your education to date. 

There’s no magic tricks with this section, just enter your education history in this format:

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University/School Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

High School Diploma

Lynbrook High School, California

Graduated 2018

Still concerned about your education section?

The answers below may help you:

What if I haven’t finished my current education yet?

  • No problem. Just mention your education to date

Should I include my high school education?

  • It’s recommended to only include your highest form of education. If that’s your high school diploma, then list it

What do I put first, my education or experience?

  • For a bartender role, your experiences always come first 

Need more advice? Check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 10 Skills for a Customer Service Resume

Whether you’re skilled enough to multi-task while on the phone or operate POS systems with ease, the recruiter is waiting to find out. 

However… to keep your resume to one page, you can’t list every skill you own.

So, which skills don’t make the cut?

It comes down to looking at the job description to identify what the company wants from their new customer service representative. 

Will the specific skill be beneficial to the company?

If so, list it!

For some inspiration, here are some of the best customer service resume skills:

Hard Skills for Customer Service Professionals:

  • Computer Skills
  • Mathematical Skills
  • Product Knowledge
  • Point of Sale (POS) Systems

Soft Skills for Customer Service Professionals:

  • Personable and friendly 
  • Endurance (long hours)
  • Conflict resolution 
  • Time management 
  • Team player
  • The hiring manager will typically ask interviewees for examples of when they have shown the skill listed. As such, only include skills that you actually posses.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of 100+ must-have skills this year .

What Else Can You Include?

Ask yourself one question..

Is your resume the BEST it can be?

Although we have completed every essential resume section, we have to do everything it takes to win that interview.

Adding the following sections could be the deciding factor in whether you’re interviewed for the customer service representative role or not.

Awards & Certifications

Have you ever won an employee of the year (or month) award?

Have you completed any additional courses to expand your knowledge?

Whether it’s an award or certification, make space for this section if you have something that you’re proud of.

Here are some quick example:

  • Employee of the Year 2019 – XYZ Convenience 
  • Learning How to Learn – Coursera Certificate

Applying to an establishment in China Town?

Then being fluent in Mandarin is a good way to shortcut your resume to the top of the pile.

Whether the job description requires it or not, being able to speak multiple languages is impressive – and no one can argue with that!

Rank the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you may be wondering, “how does my love of animals affect my customer service skills?”

Well, it doesn’t.

But employers want customer service representatives who will fit in with the rest of the staff.

Your hobbies allow the hiring manager to see behind your qualifications and learn more about who you REALLY are.

Here’s which hobbies & interests you may want to mention.

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

As a customer service representative, you need to leave a positive impression.

Your application is no different.

And the best way to leave an unforgettable impression is to write a convincing cover letter.

You see, resumes give the vital information, but nothing speaks to a recruiter like a cover letter that delves deeper into who you are and why you want the job.

Here’s how to create a structure that works.

cover letter structure

You should complete the following sections:

Personal Contact Information

Include your full name, profession, phone number, email, and address 

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Include their full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

To hook the hiring manager, the start of your resume needs to pack a punch. Use concise language to mention:

  • The position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievement to date

Once you’ve sparked the hiring manager’s interest, you can delve further into the following specifics:

  • Why you chose this specific establishment
  • What you know about the establishment’s culture
  • How your skills will be beneficial to the establishment
  • If you have worked in similar industries or positions before

Closing Paragraph

Avoid ending the conversation abruptly, you should:

  • Conclude the main points of your letter
  • Thank the hiring manager for their time and the opportunity
  • End with a call to action. This is a good way to continue the conversation further. A simple “At your earliest opportunity, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help XYZ with...” will work.

Formal Salutations

Although this letter shows your personal side, the letter should end professionally. Use something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely.”

For extra advice and inspiration, read our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

You know your customer service skills are good enough to get the job.

And if you follow the above advice, the recruiter will know that too!

Let’s conclude what we’ve learnt:

  • The resume format needs to suit your specific situation. Prioritize the reverse-chronological format, and then follow the content layout tips
  • Use an attention-grabbing resume summary or objective
  • In your work experience section, show your value by highlighting your most relevant and best achievements, rather than day-to-day duties
  • Attach a convincing cover letter for a personable application

That was a lot of information, but now you’re all set to make a Customer Service resume of your own!

Suggested Reading:

  • Resume Keywords and How to Use Them
  • Should You Include a Photo on Your Resume in 2024?
  • The Best Strategy for Getting a Raise [+Examples]

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7 Call Center Representative Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

Call Center

Call Center

Best for careers that encourage creativity

Browsing for creative resume templates? In graphic design, photography, or event planning? Make a statement with this modern resume.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Call Center Representative Resumes
  • Call Center Resume by Experience
  • Call Center Resumes by Role

You’d think that  crafting resumes  and writing cover letters would get easier as you progress through your career. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Entry-level and experienced call center representatives alike struggle with  generating successful resumes . 

Expanding on limited experience or condensing decades of work to fit one page is not an easy task, so that’s where we come in. 

We’ve taken the time to analyze hundreds of resumes from call center representatives  and used analytic tools to determine what does (and what doesn’t) land applicants interviews in 2024. 

We’ve  generated seven call center representative resume samples to help you land your next call center job using this analysis . 

Call Center Resume

or download as PDF

Call center resume example with 12 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Utilizing numbers strategically on your call center resume will allow you to convey more information in a smaller amount of space instead of describing your experience with words alone.
  • Avoid filler words and use numbers as often as possible.
  • When do you need a resume summary? They’re helpful in setting you apart from the competition if you boast 10+ years of expertise in your field and have specializations you can showcase.

Call Center Representative Resume

Call center representative resume example with 9 years of experience

  • To avoid instant elimination from the sea of applicants, ensure that your call center representative resume includes relevant skills. Check the job description, look for key skills and talents, and have them on your resume. 
  • Resumes are frequently processed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) before they reach hiring managers. Call center resumes at this stage with skills that are not specifically pre-selected by hiring teams will never be seen by people. Instead, they’re automatically rejected. 
  • When an employer reads your resume, they should instantly know that you’re extraordinary. Present yourself as confident, capable, and goal-oriented by demonstrating your value and that you understand the job responsibilities. 
  • What makes recruiters want to interview you? The numbers!
  • Pretend for a moment that you’re an employer charged with bringing on an exceptional new team member. Review your current resume and see what you think.

Entry-Level Call Center Representative Resume

Entry-level call center representative resume example

  • When you’re looking to make your first break into a career, it can feel impossible to craft a compelling entry-level call center resume. How do you demonstrate your job capabilities when you have limited prior experience, irrelevant experience, or no job experience? 
  • The most important thing you can do is demonstrate the key skills and responsibilities highlighted in the job description. 
  • If you have some relevant prior experience, make sure it features prominently in your work experience sections and quantify your work in each role. 
  • If you have irrelevant job experience, you can still highlight relevant skills and responsibilities. For example, if you’re looking for a job as a call center representative, you can highlight soft skills like “friendly” or “empathetic.” 
  • If you do not have any work experience, remember that you can detail school projects (perhaps ones that required great communication or leadership), volunteer experience, or extracurricular activities that required relevant expertise. 
  • When do you need a resume objective? They’re more important if you’re looking for a career change. They’re also helpful if you’re a little light on experience and need to fill up space.

Call Center Agent Resume

Call center agent resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Also, remember to weave in your software skills such as Salesforce to give your call center agent resume an edge and put you ahead of the rest.

Call Center Customer Service Representative Resume

Call center customer service representative resume example with 7 years of experience

  • You can borrow a leaf here by composing your piece to highlight big achievements and matching them with realistic numbers.

Call Center Manager Resume

Call center manager resume example with 16 years of experience

  • Increased work responsibilities demonstrate growth and personal development, showing potential employers that you will continue to become more valuable to the company over time and increasing the chances of being contacted for an interview. 
  • Though you may value an internship you completed 15 years ago, it’s no longer relevant to your resume. Only include the most recent (and related) jobs you’ve held, and save an anecdotal tidbit about your internship for the interview. 
  • When you have years of experience, your managerial resume may become denser. Ensure that hiring managers read the most important expertise on your resume by listing it in reverse-chronological order. When your most recent work experience is listed at the top, we’ve found that employers are twice as likely to request an interview. 

Outbound Call Center Resume

Outbound call center resume example with 6 years of experience

  • At a minimum, you should demonstrate your capacity to handle high call volumes, ensure customer satisfaction, and achieve or exceed sales targets. You’ll make yourself an even more compelling job candidate if you highlight how you boosted efficiency for yourself and your co-workers.
  • Mentioning command over popular customer service software tells employers that you’ll require less job training and may be able to train other staff members on new software programs. 
  • Your resume won’t look the same for every application.
  • Try reorganizing, quantifying, and using an active voice throughout your resume. Then check your resume to make sure you get interviews using our  resume checker .

Related resume guides

  • Sales associate
  • Customer service
  • Sales Representative

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  • Online Students
  • Faculty & Staff
  • African American/Black
  • Asian, Pacific Islander & Desi American
  • DACA & Undocumented Students
  • First Generation
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  • Justice Impacted
  • Middle Eastern/North African/Arab-American
  • Military Members and Veterans
  • Neurodivergent
  • Students With Disabilities
  • Liberal Arts
  • Social Sciences
  • Create a Resume / Cover Letter
  • Earn Certifications & Badges
  • Expand Your Network / Mentor
  • Negotiate an Offer
  • Prepare for an Interview
  • Explore Your Interests / Self Assessment
  • Prepare for Graduate School
  • Explore Internships
  • Search for a Job

Customer Service Representative Resume Examples and Templates

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To craft an impactful resume for customer service representative positions, focus on accomplishments that highlight the strongest aspects of your professional career. Hiring managers value candidates who can communicate effectively with a diverse range of people, so it’s important to feature your communication skills prominently throughout the document.

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Administrative Resumes

24 Customer Service Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Applying for a customer service role your resume is an essential part of your application. below, we’ve compiled five resume templates with the most important qualities that hiring managers are looking for in 2023. (google docs and pdfs attached)..

Hiring Manager for Customer Service Roles

Have you ever been told that you have a sixth sense for other people’s emotions? Do you have superb communication skills? Do you love solving interesting problems? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could have what it takes to work in customer service. In the modern era, the need for strong customer service employees is higher than ever. The internet is helping brands reach global audiences and users, making the 24/7, “always-on” marketplace a reality. In addition, customer’s voices are amplified across platforms in the modern era, making the success of a business depend heavily on customer satisfaction. A strong customer service team is key to building the foundation of a successful company, and recruiters are on the hunt for customer service representatives, managers, and supervisors who are adept at solving customer issues and who can represent and uphold the company’s brand. Experts project that the employment of customer service employees will grow a staggering 10% through 2024 -- faster than the average for any other field of expertise. But as the field grows, so does the amount of competition. If you want to work in customer service, it’s important to ensure that your resume will stand out from the crowd. What should a customer service resume in 2023 look like? Below, we’ll go over 5 successful customer service resume templates that you can download and use. We’ll also go over some of the most important skills that hiring managers look out for, and some other useful tips to keep in mind as you write your customer service resume.

Customer Service Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Customer Service Representative
  • Customer Service Manager
  • Customer Service Supervisor
  • Entry Level Customer Service Representative
  • Director of Customer Service
  • Retail Customer Service Rep
  • Call Center Customer Service Rep
  • Customer Service Specialist
  • Customer Service Agent
  • Customer Service Cashier
  • Customer Service Associate
  • Customer Service Sales Associate
  • Healthcare Customer Service Rep
  • Remote Customer Service Rep
  • Call Center Manager
  • Call Center Representative
  • Call Center Supervisor
  • Call Center Agent
  • Call Center CSR

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Customer Service Resumes

Customer Service Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on Customer Service Resumes
  • Related Administrative Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 24: Customer Service Representative Resume Example

If you are outgoing, patient, and a great communicator, a role as a customer service representative might be right for you. Customer service representatives are customer-facing roles who address customer concerns, issues and complaints for a company. The customer service representative is the company's first line of defense in helping customers and ensuring satisfaction. These professionals may work in-person, or in remote settings like a call center. The customer service representative may address a variety of questions and problems from customers each day, and therefore must be master communicators and skilled problem solvers. To become a customer service representative, you’ll need at minimum a high diploma, and preferably an associates degree in a related field like psychology or business adminstration. Previous customer facing experience, such as prior roles as a sales associate or support specialist will be helpful in landing this role. Soft skills are of utmost importance when it comes to what companies are looking for in potential customer service representatives. The ideal candidate will be patient, great at multitasking, and communicating.

A resume for a customer service presentative with a dgeree in communications and experience as a sr. customer service representative.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Customer Service Representative resume in 2024

   showcase your ability to handle stress effectively.

A role as customer service representative can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t have great stress and crisis management tools. Customers may be emotional when they address representatives, which makes it extremely important that you show your experience with crisis de escalation, active listening, and effective problem solving on your resume.

   Highlight any successes you have had boosting customer satisfaction

Oftentimes, customer service reps are rated on a customer satisfaction score. If you’ve had roles where you were rated on a customer satisfaction survey, be sure to highlight any steps you took to improve your customer ratings. Maybe you often went above and beyond for customers, or found a new way to solve a common issue. Either way, be sure to highlight any experience you have improving customer experience.

Highlight any successes you have had boosting customer satisfaction - Customer Service Representative Resume

Skills you can include on your Customer Service Representative resume

Template 2 of 24: customer service representative resume example.

When applying for a customer service role, it’s important to show the recruiter that you have the required skills and knowledge for the job. You should highlight work experience that is relevant for the role, like in the given resume, which includes three instances of past work experience in a customer service capacity. It’s okay if you don’t have over 8 years of experience in customer service -- you can also highlight your experience in your skills and in your education section.

Use this resume template with strong bullet points to apply to be a customer service representative.

   Strong action verbs and tangible results in customer support

The first bullet of each section has a strong action verb accompanied by a measurable outcome, i.e. “exceeded sales target by 18%”, “achieved a 100% customer approval”, and “greeted 100+ daily guests”. These bullets clearly communicate that the applicant is not only well-versed in customer service, but that they can deliver results that are beneficial to the company. You should include as many numerical examples like these as you can, since hiring managers often skim resumes for such measures of proof.

Strong action verbs and tangible results in customer support - Customer Service Representative Resume

   Education and skills related to customer support fields

Customer service representatives must have high EQ, be excellent at communication, and have superb problem solving skills. They must be carefully attuned to the needs of a potential customer, or even an unsatisfied one. Try to list out all the qualities you can think of that a good customer service representative would have and highlight them in your resume. For example, this applicant highlights a very important skill -- communication -- showing that they received an M.S. in Communications and a Minor in Public Speaking. They also highlight their skill in Customer Satisfaction. What other customer service skills can you see that they highlight?

Education and skills related to customer support fields - Customer Service Representative Resume

Template 3 of 24: Customer Service Manager Resume Example

The customer service manager is an integral role on any customer-facing team. Customer service managers can work in a variety of industries. They are responsible for leading the customer service team, ensuring customer ratings are trending positively, revamping customer service protocols, training new staff, and more. To become a customer service manager, you’ll need some critical soft skills and experience. Generally, hiring managers will look for a candidate with a minimum of an associates degree in business, communications, or another related field. However, those with a high school diploma could be considered if they have a lot of experience. Previous customer service and support experience is required to land this role. Candidates should be comfortable working face-to-face with customers, excellent problem solvers, and goal oriented.

A resume for a customer service manager with a degree in customer service management and experience as a customer service representative.

Tips to help you write your Customer Service Manager resume in 2024

   highlight your leadership skills.

As a customer service manager, you will train and guide junior-level customer service staff. For this reason, you should highlight your ability to mentor and lead others. Maybe you volunteer with tutoring teens, or maybe a previous job has asked you to step up as a leader. In any case, all leadership experience you have should be clearly highlighted on your resume.

Highlight your leadership skills - Customer Service Manager Resume

   Showcase your experience improving customer service metrics

Metrics are very important benchmarks to understand in customer service. As the customer service manager, you will be asked to help improve your team’s metrics, like customer satisfaction or NPS. For this reason, it’s important to show off any experience you have improving a team’s numbers or helping a team meet a new goal.

Showcase your experience improving customer service metrics - Customer Service Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Customer Service Manager resume

Template 4 of 24: customer service manager resume example.

When applying for a customer service manager role, keep in mind what differentiates a manager from a representative. A customer service manager must not only be adept at prioritizing customer satisfaction and needs, but also at strategizing and implementing operational improvements to ensure a smooth and painless customer journey. They should be confident in leadership roles and understand how to manage and motivate a team of customer service representatives. This resume highlights the applicant’s experience in exactly those areas.

When applying to be a customer service manager, include work experience that showcases leadership ability.

   Leadership-oriented work experience, essential for customer service managers

Customer service managers aren’t simply managing customers -- they’re also managing a team of representatives and ensuring that they function like a well-oiled machine. If you’re applying for a customer service manager level role, it’s important to call attention to your capacity for leading such a team. This applicant does so in the bullet points of their work experience and also includes quantifiable metrics, noting that they enhanced team performance and increased team efficacy rate by 15%, with higher job satisfaction reported amongst staff.

Leadership-oriented work experience, essential for customer service managers - Customer Service Manager Resume

   Detailed bullet points with measurable results, using metrics core to customer support

When applying to a senior level role such as this one, you should make sure to convey the impact of your contributions in your work experience. This applicant has numeric metrics in practically every line of their work experience, with detailed descriptions of their role and responsibilities in organizing, enhancing, or facilitating customer satisfaction (e.g. providing 7 innovative ideas, 3 of which are implemented and successful; organized meetings...with a 95% success rate on new client projects)

Detailed bullet points with measurable results, using metrics core to customer support - Customer Service Manager Resume

Template 5 of 24: Customer Service Supervisor Resume Example

The customer service supervisor is a leadership position who oversees many facets of a customer service team. These individuals usually have extensive experience in customer-facing and/or team leadership roles. As a customer service supervisor, you will be responsible for training and mentoring customer service representatives, tracking employee performance, monitoring key metrics, solving high-level issues and complaints, and more. To become a customer service supervisor, you should have keen problem solving skills, strong leadership abilities, and be an effective multitasker. For this role, a minimum of an associate's degree is necessary, however a bachelor’s degree could help you land this role more easily. Moreover, hiring managers will be looking for candidates with 3-5 years experience in customer-facing roles, such as experience as a sales representative, customer care representative, or telephone sales representative. You must show hiring managers you understand how to effectively manage and solve customer complaints. In addition, candidates for the role should have excellent time management and leadership skills.

A resume for a customer service supervisor with a degree in business admin and experience as a customer service coordinator.

Tips to help you write your Customer Service Supervisor resume in 2024

   detail your ability to train and mentor others.

Since customer service supervisors are responsible for overseeing day-to-day productivity of the customer service team, it’s important that they are able to identify areas for growth and improve employee performance quickly. Any and all experience you have teaching, mentoring, or training others should be outlined on your resume.

Detail your ability to train and mentor others - Customer Service Supervisor  Resume

   Highlight your experience giving constructive feedback

Customer service managers will be asked to give employees actionable feedback to improve their customer service and KPIs. For this reason, it’s important to have managerial skills such as delivering constructive feedback. Any courses you’ve taken or experiences you’ve had that relate to giving constructive feedback should be highlighted on your resume.

Highlight your experience giving constructive feedback - Customer Service Supervisor  Resume

Skills you can include on your Customer Service Supervisor resume

Template 6 of 24: customer service supervisor resume example.

A customer service supervisor plays a key role in the smooth and successful execution of customer service operations. Typically, a customer service supervisor is one level lower than a customer service manager, and with experience may eventually be promoted to that role. Thus, this job often includes some budding responsibilities that you might expect from a manager, including recruiting, training, and general involvement in the ongoing development of the customer service team.

When applying to be a customer service supervisor, make your resume stand out by including promotions or other honors.

   Includes management skills, core to customer support teams

Because a customer service supervisor involves a sizable amount of management and supervisory responsibilities, you should call out experiences you’ve had in the workplace where you have utilized such skills. Try to think of times in the past where you’ve demonstrated admirable leadership qualities, whether it’s coaching staff, ensuring employee satisfaction, or juggling multiple stakeholders in tricky situations. In this resume, the applicant highlights that they “coached, motivated and counselled staff of 30+ employees”.

Includes management skills, core to customer support teams - Customer Service Supervisor Resume

   Promotions and awards demonstrate past success and track record

A great way to stand out from the crowd is to highlight your unique accomplishments and achievements. Perhaps you’ve been promoted ahead of the typical cycle at a role, or you’ve been recognized by your superiors for your superb work ethic and dedication. Any sort of award or outstanding advancement through an organization, even in non-customer service capacities, can communicate to the hiring manager that you’re a fantastic employee. In this template, the applicant notes such promotions and awards (e.g. Awarded ‘Employee of the Year’ consecutively for 2 years; Promoted after 8 months...ahead of schedule by 16 months).

Promotions and awards demonstrate past success and track record - Customer Service Supervisor Resume

Template 7 of 24: Entry Level Customer Service Representative Resume Example

As an Entry Level Customer Service Representative, you're the front line of a company's communication with its customers. It's a role that demands exceptional interpersonal skills and a knack for problem-solving. Recently, the ability to navigate and use customer relationship management (CRM) software has become more important as companies digitalize their processes. When crafting your resume, it's crucial to portray not just your customer service abilities, but also your adaptability in a technology-driven workspace. In this role, patience and empathy are also key. The pandemic has put customer service reps under increasing pressure as businesses pivot to meet changing consumer needs. Your resume should tell a story of resilience, adaptability, and unflappable customer service even when faced with challenging situations.

An exemplary resume for an Entry Level Customer Service Representative role.

Tips to help you write your Entry Level Customer Service Representative resume in 2024

   emphasize crm software proficiency.

In your 'Skills' section, be sure to include any experience with CRM software. Today, companies expect their customer service reps to efficiently manage customer data, making this skill a high-priority.

Emphasize CRM Software Proficiency - Entry Level Customer Service Representative Resume

   Showcase Adaptability through Specific Examples

Under your 'Experience' section, cite specific instances where you adapted to sudden changes or challenges. It shows your resilience and ability to remain composed under unexpected circumstances which are essential in a customer service role.

Showcase Adaptability through Specific Examples - Entry Level Customer Service Representative Resume

Skills you can include on your Entry Level Customer Service Representative resume

Template 8 of 24: entry level customer service representative resume example.

If you’re still taking classes as a student, or even if you just graduated, the recruiting world can be an intimidating place -- especially if you don’t have much work experience. Don’t worry! You can use this template to show recruiters that you have relevant experience in internships or clubs, and that you’re fully capable and skilled for the role.

Students who are crafting an entry-level resume should lead with an education section to demonstrate your relevant interests and strengths.

   Put your education at the top for entry-level roles

You may notice that this resume template is quite different from the other templates in organization, with the education section found at the top. This is intentional, and quite common in many successful entry-level resumes. Since most students don’t have a wealth of experiences in the workplace, recruiters will look at your education section to understand your interests and your experience. Make sure to include your GPA and any honors you may have, along with relevant coursework that may be applicable to the role. You can also include any relevant certifications to show that you are someone who takes initiative to learn.

Put your education at the top for entry-level roles - Entry Level Customer Service Representative Resume

   Relevant experience, skills, and projects highlighting transferrable customer support skills

Even though it’s okay to not have experience in customer satisfaction specifically, it’s important to include as many areas where you have engaged in similar capacities. Create detailed bullet points of any internships you might have had, and include responsibilities and achievements that are directly applicable to a customer service role. You can do the same with your experiences in volunteering or with university projects. For example, this applicant calls out that they did an analysis to “understand customer sentiment and purchasing trends”.

Relevant experience, skills, and projects highlighting transferrable customer support skills - Entry Level Customer Service Representative Resume

Template 9 of 24: Director of Customer Service Resume Example

The director of customer service is a senior-level role. This person oversees an organization's customer service program, policies, and procedures They may develop customer service KPIs and metrics, assist in developing budgets, interpret customer service data and reports, and more. All in all, this role is responsible for ensuring all aspects of a company’s customer service department are running smoothly. Given that this is a senior-level role, considerable customer service knowledge and experience is critical. Hiring managers will be looking for a candidate with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business adminstration or management. Moreover, ideal candidates for this role will have 5+ years of experience in customer service. Companies will look for a candidate with previous experience in roles such as sales manager, supervisor, or customer care executive. Strong candidates for this role will have a deep understanding of customer service metrics, budgeting, and project management.

A resume for a customer service director with a bachelor's degree in business and experience as a customer service manager.

Tips to help you write your Director of Customer Service resume in 2024

   highlight your project management knowledge and skills.

As a director of customer service, you will need to execute on many projects and tasks. It’s important to understand how to effectively work through projects and delegate tasks as appropriate. For this reason, you should show off any project management experience on your resume. It’s wise to get certified in Six Sigma Green Belt, or another popular project management framework.

Highlight your project management knowledge and skills - Director of Customer Service Resume

   Showcase your success cross-collaborating interdepartmentally

The director of customer service will need to collaborate internally with the sales, marketing, and finance teams to complete projects and meet goals. Therefore, it’s important to detail instances where you have successfully collaborated with other departments to execute a project or meet a new goal.

Showcase your success cross-collaborating interdepartmentally - Director of Customer Service Resume

Skills you can include on your Director of Customer Service resume

Template 10 of 24: director of customer service resume example.

The Director of Customer Service is a highly ranked position in the customer service team, and commands a large scope of responsibility for the organization’s implementation of customer service initiatives and execution of strategic imperatives. Accordingly, this position requires excellent business judgment, fantastic management skills, and strong decision-making abilities. It is essential to showcase evidence that you have such expertise by including detailed descriptions of your experience in customer service related positions, as well as evidence of your technical skills, specifically those needed to facilitate operational management.

When applying for a Director of Customer Service position, use this template to display your extensive experience in the field.

   Strong work experience section, with evidence of management-level customer support experience

A detailed history of work experience in customer service is one of the most important parts of your resume when applying for a Director level role. Notice that the applicant uses strong action verbs as well as quantitative accomplishments throughout the bullet points under each role. Recruiters must be able to quickly skim your resume and obtain a picture of someone who has the expertise required for providing the strategic direction and knowhow to deliver high quality customer service and execute on standard policies and procedures.

Strong work experience section, with evidence of management-level customer support experience - Director of Customer Service Resume

   Technical skills, to help you get past Applicant Tracking Systems

As a Director of Customer Service, simply including your experience in working with customers might not showcase the necessary skills you need to qualify for the job. That’s why it’s important to emphasize your technical abilities with specific platforms such as Zendesk / HelpScout or Salesforce, or even with customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This also helps you get past ATS, or resume screeners, which may auto-reject your resume if you don't have the right skills on your resume.

Technical skills, to help you get past Applicant Tracking Systems - Director of Customer Service Resume

Template 11 of 24: Retail Customer Service Rep Resume Example

This is an almost entirely customer-facing position. You will be the face of the company to the customer and will be on hand to lend a friendly face and to answer any questions they may have. You may also be tasked with dealing with customer complaints and offering solutions, as well as any cashier tasks, or sales tasks that may be assigned. This job requires a positive attitude, problem-solving skills, and excellent communication, among other soft skills. While no higher education is required, it would look good on your resume to have a degree. More importantly, however, is your experience. Recruiters want to see that you have had experience in customer-facing positions; preferably in the industry you are applying to. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

A retail customer service rep resume sample that highlights the applicant’s certifications and impressive skills list.

Tips to help you write your Retail Customer Service Rep resume in 2024

   gain certification to give you an edge..

Go the extra mile and gain customer service certification. It will show recruiters your commitment to the profession and will also show the knowledge and ability you bring with you. This applicant has three impressive certifications.

Gain certification to give you an edge. - Retail Customer Service Rep Resume

   Use your skills list to show task capabilities.

Show recruiters the functions of your job that you can do by using your skills list. Show them that you can handle customer service, sales, cashiering, etc. This applicant has done this very successfully.

Use your skills list to show task capabilities. - Retail Customer Service Rep Resume

Skills you can include on your Retail Customer Service Rep resume

Template 12 of 24: call center customer service rep resume example.

In this position, you will be helping customers with any queries or problems they may have related to the company. The only difference between you and other customer service reps is you will be working over the phone and in a call center. To succeed you must have excellent communication and problem-solving skills. The ability to remain polite and helpful in stressful situations is also key. The big benefit to this position is you do not have to be in the same physical location as the store or company. Many call centers for American companies are located in other countries. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample for this position.

A call center customer service representative resume sample that highlights the applicants communication skills and impressive experience.

Tips to help you write your Call Center Customer Service Rep resume in 2024

   list all languages that you speak..

Having an extra language when working in a call center position is highly beneficial and desired. So list all languages that you can communicate with over the phone. Make sure to include your level of proficiency for each.

List all languages that you speak. - Call Center Customer Service Rep Resume

   Include your customer satisfaction rates.

An easy way to make your resume shine is to include actual figures that show recruiters how successful you have been in previous positions. So include your customer satisfaction rate or rate of resolving customer problems.

Include your customer satisfaction rates. - Call Center Customer Service Rep Resume

Skills you can include on your Call Center Customer Service Rep resume

Template 13 of 24: customer service specialist resume example.

A customer service specialist is in charge of handling any customer queries and resolving any issues they may face in a timely manner. This may be in person, over the phone, or via email. To succeed you must be an excellent communicator and problem solver. Recruiters will be looking to see customer service experience. While a degree is not always necessary, any related degree or certification will greatly benefit your application and resume.

A customer service specialist resume sample that highlights the applicant’s skills section and certifications.

Tips to help you write your Customer Service Specialist resume in 2024

   include all industry-standard tools in your skills section..

You need to show that you are experienced in using basic customer service tools. So make sure your tools list reflects this. Go a step further by finding out the tools of your company of choice and ensure you include those in your resume when applying to that company.

Include all industry-standard tools in your skills section. - Customer Service Specialist Resume

   Work on getting customer service certification.

Get a leg up on the competition by getting customer service certification. It will show your dedication to the profession and also indicate a strong skill set to recruiters.

Work on getting customer service certification. - Customer Service Specialist Resume

Skills you can include on your Customer Service Specialist resume

Template 14 of 24: customer service agent resume example.

A customer service agent assists a company’s customers, addresses concerns, and answers questions. This is a customer-facing position so you need to be approachable, friendly, polite, and helpful. Recruiters would prefer to see a resume showing customer service experience in their industry. Any extra steps you have taken to gain certification or even a degree in customer service or a related field would also be a huge positive.

A customer service agent resume sample that highlights the applicant’s experience and workload capabilities.

Tips to help you write your Customer Service Agent resume in 2024

   include any other customer-facing experience..

If you have experience in sales or any other customer-facing job, feel free to include it if your experience section is looking scarce. There are very many relevant transferable skills you will gain from these positions which would help you succeed as a customer service agent.

Include any other customer-facing experience. - Customer Service Agent Resume

   Quantify your workload capabilities.

Impress recruiters by including figures of how many customer complaints you resolved in previous positions. Include any other impressive figures related to customer service tasks.

Quantify your workload capabilities. - Customer Service Agent Resume

Skills you can include on your Customer Service Agent resume

Template 15 of 24: customer service cashier resume example.

A customer service cashier is responsible for processing payments of customers when they want to buy a company’s products. Your tasks may include scanning goods, confirming prices, processing cash or card payments, keeping the cashier area organized, bagging or wrapping goods, etc. Like other customer service staff, you need to have excellent communication and a polite and helpful demeanor. In addition, you will need to be good with numbers and be experienced in using payment technology. Recruiters would prefer to see applicants with retail cashier experience.

A customer service cashier resume sample that highlights the applicant’s financial experience and cashier tools.

Tips to help you write your Customer Service Cashier resume in 2024

   keep your cashier tools section updated..

Technology is always advancing. As new and more efficient cashier tools are developed, ensure you learn to use them and update your resume to include them.

Keep your cashier tools section updated. - Customer Service Cashier Resume

   Highlight any financial experience.

A degree in accounting or a similar field is extremely useful for this position. Any financial certifications would equally be beneficial. So ensure you list any related certifications. If you have none, consider gaining some to stand out from the crowd.

Highlight any financial experience. - Customer Service Cashier Resume

Skills you can include on your Customer Service Cashier resume

Template 16 of 24: customer service associate resume example.

A customer service associate ensures that a customer’s experience is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. You will need to be friendly and helpful. Your tasks will include handling any customer queries or problems and providing solutions to any issues they may have. You will also be in charge of keeping a good record of customer interactions and relaying any customer issues to your superiors. Soft skills you must possess include excellent communication, excellent problem-solving skills, and an inviting and calm demeanor. Take a look at this successful customer service associate's resume.

A customer service associate resume sample that highlights the applicant’s related experience and transferable skills.

Tips to help you write your Customer Service Associate resume in 2024

   list your capabilities in the skills section..

Make your capabilities as easy to recognize as possible by listing the customer service tasks you can do in your skills section as this applicant has done.

List your capabilities in the skills section. - Customer Service Associate Resume

   Include any customer-facing experience.

Customer-facing positions have a lot of overlap in terms of skills and tasks, so adding them to your resume will be useful. This applicant has included their cashier experience.

Include any customer-facing experience. - Customer Service Associate Resume

Skills you can include on your Customer Service Associate resume

Template 17 of 24: customer service sales associate resume example.

This is an entry-level position where you will be tasked with assisting customers at any point of their sales journey while in your store. You may be responsible for greeting customers as they arrive, answering any questions about products, assisting them in finding the right products, facilitating the payment process, and even handling refunds if necessary. This position requires excellent interpersonal skills, communication skills, and self-motivation, among others. Take a look at this resume sample.

Customer service sales associate resume sample that highlights the applicant’s sales experience.

Tips to help you write your Customer Service Sales Associate resume in 2024

   ensure your tools reflect the entire sales cycle..

Show recruiters that you are experienced with all industry-standard sales tools from cashier tools to scanning tools, to relevant customer CRMs. Go an extra step and find out what tools the company of your choice uses and make sure to include those in your resume.

Ensure your tools reflect the entire sales cycle. - Customer Service Sales Associate Resume

   Show your background in finance-related tasks.

Doing cashier tasks is a fundamental part of the job. Because of that, recruiters will want to see that you are good with money and accounting. If you have any qualifications or previous experience in those fields, be sure to include them.

Show your background in finance-related tasks. - Customer Service Sales Associate Resume

Skills you can include on your Customer Service Sales Associate resume

Template 18 of 24: healthcare customer service rep resume example.

Professionals in this position will assist customers, where necessary, in a clinical setting. Your tasks may include handling patient intake, patients’ files, booking appointments, and any queries or concerns customers may have. Having an educational background in the medical field would be a huge plus, as would having experience working in the medical field. You also need to be someone who is experienced in handling sensitive information, and who has a friendly disposition.

A healthcare customer service representative resume sample that highlights the applicant’s healthcare background and experience.

Tips to help you write your Healthcare Customer Service Rep resume in 2024

   use healthcare keywords..

Show recruiters you are experienced in the field. and improve your chances of passing through any ATS resume filters by using healthcare keywords. Useful keywords may include HIPAA, insurance, healthcare, EPIC, etc.

Use healthcare keywords. - Healthcare Customer Service Rep Resume

   Get certified in the healthcare field.

Go the extra step to get certified in one or more of the core functions of your job. This applicant is a certified healthcare customer service representative and certified medical coder.

Get certified in the healthcare field. - Healthcare Customer Service Rep Resume

Skills you can include on your Healthcare Customer Service Rep resume

Template 19 of 24: remote customer service rep resume example.

As the name suggests, this professional performs their customer service duties remotely via email or over the phone. Their duties may include responding to customer complaints or queries, building relationships with customers, notifying customers of promotions or discounts, etc. Your written and verbal skills need to be excellent to succeed in this role. Staying self-motivated and highly productive are also keys to success.

A remote customer service representative that highlights the applicant’s workload capabilities and relevant tools.

Tips to help you write your Remote Customer Service Rep resume in 2024

   include metrics of your workload capabilities..

Show recruiters how efficient and productive you are by including metrics such as how many emails you answered in a given period or how many calls you handled.

Include metrics of your workload capabilities. - Remote Customer Service Rep Resume

   Include your software and hardware tools.

If you work from home, include all the hardware you will be using in your tools section. A fast computer, a good pair of headphones, and a fast internet connection are some of the tools you will most probably need.

Include your software and hardware tools. - Remote Customer Service Rep Resume

Skills you can include on your Remote Customer Service Rep resume

Template 20 of 24: call center manager resume example.

As a Call Center Manager, your role is essentially the backbone of a company's customer service operations, and your resume needs to reflect that. You're managing a team of agents, providing training, facilitating communications, and ensuring a high level of customer service. The industry is becoming more digitally focused, utilizing real-time data and advanced software to manage customer interactions. Your resume should convey your technological aptitude, and your understanding of customer service trends. When writing your resume, consider the performance metrics and targets that call centers focus on. Businesses are increasingly valuing managers who can demonstrate their impact through tangible achievements and metrics. Optimization and efficiency are the name of the game, so evidence of your ability to improve these areas is key.

Resume example demonstrating expertise in call center management and customer service metrics.

Tips to help you write your Call Center Manager resume in 2024

   show proficiency in modern call center software.

The call center industry is heavily reliant on technology, and companies often require managers to be proficient in specific software. On your resume, list the call center platforms you're familiar with. This could include CRM software, call routing technologies, or analytic tools.

Show proficiency in modern call center software - Call Center Manager Resume

   Quantify your achievements in team management and customer service

Call center managers are expected to lead their team to meet specific goals and targets. These could be related to customer satisfaction, call handling times, or team productivity. Where you can, incorporate quantifiable achievements on your resume. For example, "Improved average call handling time by 15%".

Quantify your achievements in team management and customer service - Call Center Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Call Center Manager resume

Template 21 of 24: call center representative resume example.

As a hiring manager, I've come across a good number of resumes for Call Center Representatives. What strikes me about this role is the level of multitasking and customer service skills required. You're dealing with customer inquiries, complaints, and sometimes even emergencies, all while navigating various systems to log calls and find information. Recently, there's been a trend towards remote roles, which means you'll likely need to demonstrate your ability to work independently and manage your time effectively. When writing your resume, it's key to showcase these abilities, along with any experience you have in handling difficult situations or complex systems in a high-pressure environment.

A resume snapshot emphasizing customer service and tech skills for a Call Center Representative role.

Tips to help you write your Call Center Representative resume in 2024

   show your interpersonal skills.

As a Call Center Representative, you're the first point of contact for customers. It's your job to make them feel heard and understood. So, on your resume, you should give examples of your ability to empathize with customers and communicate clearly.

Show your interpersonal skills - Call Center Representative Resume

   Prove your tech proficiency

Even though you're in a people-oriented role, tech plays a huge part in your day-to-day tasks. You'll need to log calls, find customer information and possibly troubleshoot technical issues. So make sure to list any relevant tech skills or software familiarity you have on your resume.

Skills you can include on your Call Center Representative resume

Template 22 of 24: call center supervisor resume example.

As a Call Center Supervisor, your role is infused with a mix of administrative, leadership, and customer service elements. Your resume should reflect these unique aspects. Specifically, it must demonstrate your skills in managing employees, ensuring high-performance levels, and handling customer escalations. Recently, companies are leaning towards supervisors with a strong grasp of digital platforms and analytics as call centers move towards omnichannel customer service. So, stay ahead by showcasing your digital skills and familiarity with various call center software. Moreover, hiring managers are now seeking candidates who can work remotely without compromising team productivity. In your resume, you may want to present any experiences where you've successfully managed remote teams or worked in virtual call centers, to cater to this growing trend.

A resume screenshot featuring key skills and experiences for the Call Center Supervisor role.

Tips to help you write your Call Center Supervisor resume in 2024

   show your people management skills.

As a Call Center Supervisor, you're in charge of a team. So, it's crucial to show your ability to lead and manage people effectively. Mention any strategies you've used to boost team morale, decrease staff turnover, or increase agent productivity.

Show your people management skills - Call Center Supervisor Resume

   Highlight your proficiency in Call Center software

Call center operations heavily rely on software. Your resume should demonstrate your proficiency in using call center software, be it CRM systems, auto-dialers or analytics programs. Any experience in implementing or refining these tools can be a significant asset.

Highlight your proficiency in Call Center software - Call Center Supervisor Resume

Skills you can include on your Call Center Supervisor resume

Template 23 of 24: call center agent resume example.

As a Call Center Agent, you're at the heart of customer interaction. You're the voice and ears of the company, providing solutions and offering assistance. Crafting a resume for this role requires a knack for showcasing your communication skills and empathy. Also, as remote operations become more commonplace due to recent trends, it's equally important to highlight experience or comfort with digital tools and remote work environments. Secondly, call centers are evolving into contact centers, with omnichannel interactions (calls, online chats, emails, etc.) becoming the norm, so versatility is key. When writing your resume, it's crucial to show rather than tell. Don't just claim you're patient or agile — provide concrete examples of when you've used these skills. Remember, quality of customer service pulls more weight in call center roles than a high volume of calls handled.

A resume screenshot for a call center agent role, showcasing proficiency in digital tools and versatility in customer interactions.

Tips to help you write your Call Center Agent resume in 2024

   show proficiency in using digital tools.

When listing your skills, show you're no stranger to digital tools. Mention specific software or platforms you've used in past roles, especially remote communication and collaboration tools. This shows you're ready to handle remote and on-site work.

Show proficiency in using digital tools - Call Center Agent Resume

   Demonstrate versatility in customer interactions

Instead of focusing solely on call handling, showcase experiences with different forms of customer interactions. Have you handled customer queries through live chats or emails? Have you dealt with difficult customers? Provide examples. These instances show you're adaptable and ready for the modern contact center world.

Demonstrate versatility in customer interactions - Call Center Agent Resume

Skills you can include on your Call Center Agent resume

Template 24 of 24: call center csr resume example.

Working as a Call Center Customer Service Representative (CSR) isn't just about answering calls. It's about problem-solving on the fly, maintaining a positive attitude, and communicating effectively. A call center CSR resume needs to reflect that, but also keep up with the industry's shift towards multichannel support - handling emails, social media, and live chats. When crafting your resume, understand that it's not just about listing your previous roles, but showcasing your ability to handle an ever-evolving, fast-paced, customer-focused role.

Call center CSR resume with a focus on multi-channel proficiency and problem-solving skills.

Tips to help you write your Call Center CSR resume in 2024

   demonstrate your multi-channel proficiency.

In this digital age, call centers aren't just about making and receiving calls. You need to showcase your ability to handle emails, social media, and live chats. Include any previous experience and skills you have in these areas.

   Show your problem-solving skills

As a CSR, you need to be able to think on your feet. Use your resume to tell stories about how you've solved customers' problems efficiently and effectively. Quantifiable achievements here can really make you stand out.

Show your problem-solving skills - Call Center CSR Resume

Skills you can include on your Call Center CSR resume

We spoke with hiring managers from top customer service companies like Zappos, American Express, and Nordstrom to bring you the most effective tips for your customer service resume. These tips will help you showcase your skills and experience in a way that stands out to potential employers.

   Highlight your communication skills

Strong communication skills are essential for customer service roles. Make sure to emphasize your ability to communicate effectively with customers, both verbally and in writing.

  • Demonstrated excellent verbal and written communication skills, consistently receiving positive feedback from customers and supervisors
  • Skilled in active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution to effectively address customer concerns and provide solutions

Avoid vague statements that don't provide specific examples of your communication abilities:

  • Good communication skills
  • Able to talk to customers

Bullet Point Samples for Customer Service

   Showcase your problem-solving abilities

Employers value customer service representatives who can think on their feet and find creative solutions to customer issues. Highlight specific examples of how you've successfully resolved customer problems in the past.

  • Resolved a complex billing issue for a long-time customer, resulting in a renewed contract and increased customer loyalty
  • Developed a streamlined process for handling product returns, reducing customer wait times by 30%

Don't simply state that you have problem-solving skills without providing evidence:

  • Problem solver
  • Able to handle customer complaints

   Include metrics to quantify your achievements

Use numbers and percentages to demonstrate the impact of your work. This helps employers understand the scope of your responsibilities and the value you brought to your previous roles.

  • Maintained a 95% customer satisfaction rating based on post-call surveys
  • Handled an average of 50 customer calls per day, consistently meeting or exceeding team targets

Avoid using vague or unquantifiable statements:

  • Helped many customers
  • Improved customer satisfaction

   Tailor your resume to the specific job

Customize your resume to match the requirements of each customer service position you apply for. Use the job description as a guide to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences.

Customer Service Representative with 5+ years of experience in fast-paced call center environments. Skilled in handling high volume of customer inquiries, resolving complex issues, and maintaining a positive attitude under pressure. Proficient in Zendesk and Salesforce CRM software.

Generic summaries that could apply to any customer service job are less effective:

Customer Service Representative with experience in handling customer calls and emails. Good communication skills and ability to work in a team.

   Emphasize your technical skills

Many customer service roles require proficiency in specific software or tools. Make sure to list any relevant technical skills you possess, such as:

  • Proficient in Zendesk, Salesforce, and Microsoft Office Suite
  • Experienced in using live chat and social media platforms to provide customer support

Don't include outdated or irrelevant technical skills:

  • Proficient in Windows 95
  • Familiar with fax machines

   Highlight your industry-specific knowledge

If you have experience or knowledge related to the industry you're applying to, make sure to emphasize this in your resume. This can help you stand out from other candidates.

  • Extensive knowledge of telecommunications products and services, allowing for quick and accurate resolution of customer inquiries
  • In-depth understanding of e-commerce best practices and trends, enabling proactive customer support and upselling opportunities

Avoid generic statements that don't demonstrate industry-specific expertise:

  • Knowledge of products and services
  • Familiar with industry trends

Many recruiters skim through your resume -- some might spend less than a minute reviewing your application. That’s why it’s so important to craft a resume that highlights your strengths well, and that helps you stand out as a strong candidate. How do you craft such a resume? Below, we’ve gathered the top tips for creating a customer service resume that will help your application shine:

  Tailor your customer service resume with industry-specific keywords

Customer service employees may work in a variety of different industries -- nearly every type of company needs to regularly interface with customers and support their needs. When applying to work on a customer service team, it’s important to tailor your resume to the specific industry that you are applying for -- whether that’s tech, consumer goods, ecommerce, or something else. For example, if the job that you’re applying for is a fast-paced tech startup, you might include such phrases as “driving conversion rates”, “eliminating customer friction points”, or “ensuring agile and scalable operations.” Every industry has their own special jargon. If you’re stuck or not sure what phrases to use, you can find these sorts of keywords by looking through multiple job listings for customer service roles at similar companies and note any words or phrases that seem to get repeated. Using these industry-specific keywords shows your hiring manager that you’ve done your homework and are serious about the role.

   Structure strong bullet points using Action Verb + Task + Metric

Staring at a blank line in your resume can be frustrating. We’ve provided a simple framework for you to follow as you craft your bullet points for your customer service resume. Hiring managers want to quickly see the impact of your contributions, and this formula will help you do exactly that, instead of filling your resume with fluff. Here’s what it looks like:

How to structure your customer service resume bullet points

  Use your skills section wisely

Use your skill section to highlight your expertise in customer service. What skills should you emphasize? Customer service employees need to know how to de-escalate tense customer situations, improve operations and efficiencies, and organize your team and their workflow. You must be strong in the “3 Ps of Customer Service Management”: professional, patient, and “people-first” attitude.

Writing Your Customer Service Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name on the first line.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, as it's the primary identifier on your resume. Make sure it stands out by using a larger font size than the rest of your contact details.

Here's an example of how to format your name in your header:

Avoid adding labels or titles next to your name that could distract from it, like this:

  • Name: John Doe
  • Customer Service Representative John Doe

2. Include essential contact details

After your name, list your key contact details so hiring managers can easily get in touch with you. Essential details to include are:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • Location (City, State)

You can list these details on one line, separated by dividers. For example:

John Doe 555-123-4567 | [email protected] | New York, NY

Avoid providing too many details that clutter your header and distract from the essentials. For instance, there's no need to include:

  • Multiple phone numbers
  • Full mailing address with zip code
  • Unprofessional email handles (e.g. [email protected] )

3. Showcase your customer service job title

If you have room in your header, consider adding your current or most recent job title related to customer service. This helps quickly convey your professional identity to hiring managers.

For example:

  • John Doe, Customer Success Manager
  • John Doe Customer Support Specialist

However, avoid listing multiple job titles or stuffing your header with keywords, as that can appear cluttered and spammy. Stick to one clear job title most relevant to the position you're applying for.


A resume summary is an optional section that goes at the top of your resume, just below your contact information. It's a short paragraph, usually 3-5 sentences long, that highlights your most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. While a summary is not required, it can be a valuable addition to your resume if you're changing careers, have a lot of experience, or want to provide additional context that's not already in your resume.

However, you should never use an objective statement instead of a summary. Objective statements are outdated and focus on what you want from an employer, rather than what you can offer them. A well-written summary, on the other hand, can grab the attention of a hiring manager and convince them to keep reading your resume.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Customer Service resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Customer Service resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Customer Service Resume Summary Examples , or Customer Service Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the customer service role

When writing your summary for a customer service position, it's essential to highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Focus on customer service-specific skills such as communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. Mention any experience you have working with customers, whether it's in a retail setting, call center, or other customer-facing role.

For example, instead of a generic summary like this:

Experienced professional with a proven track record of success. Strong communication and organizational skills. Seeking a challenging position with opportunities for growth.

Try a tailored summary like this:

Customer service professional with 5+ years of experience in retail and call center environments. Skilled in resolving complex customer issues, improving customer satisfaction rates, and training new team members. Seeking to leverage my communication and problem-solving skills in a customer service manager role.

2. Quantify your achievements

Whenever possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements in your summary. This helps provide concrete evidence of your skills and experience, and makes your summary more impactful. For example:

  • Resolved an average of 50+ customer inquiries per day while maintaining a 95% customer satisfaction rate
  • Improved first call resolution rate by 15% through effective troubleshooting and communication
  • Trained and mentored 10+ new customer service representatives

Avoid using vague or subjective phrases like "excellent customer service skills" or "strong communicator." Instead, let your quantified achievements speak for themselves.


Your work experience section is the most important part of your customer service resume. It's where you'll showcase your relevant experience, key accomplishments, and the value you'll bring to the role.

Let's break down the essential components of a strong work experience section for customer service professionals:

1. Highlight your customer service skills

Throughout your work experience, emphasize the customer service skills you've developed and utilized, such as:

  • Active listening
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
Demonstrated active listening and empathy to fully understand customer needs, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating.

Avoid simply listing responsibilities without highlighting the skills behind them. Instead of:

  • Answered customer questions
  • Utilized strong communication skills to clearly and patiently answer customer inquiries, leading to a 10% reduction in escalated issues.

Use our Targeted Resume tool to ensure you're highlighting the right customer service skills for each job you apply to.

2. Quantify your impact with metrics

Whenever possible, use hard numbers to demonstrate the impact of your work. Metrics help employers understand the scope of your experience and the value you've provided. Consider including:

  • Customer satisfaction scores
  • Average call handling time
  • Number of customers assisted daily
  • Percentage of issues resolved independently
Maintained a 98% customer satisfaction rating while handling an average of 50+ calls per day and resolving 90% of issues without escalation.

If you don't have access to exact metrics, estimates are better than no numbers at all. For example:

  • Assisted an estimated 200+ customers per week via phone, email, and live chat.

When describing your achievements, start with the result or impact, then explain how you achieved it. This format makes your accomplishments stand out more.

3. Showcase your career progression

Highlight any promotions, increased responsibilities, or special projects you've taken on. This demonstrates your ability to grow and take on new challenges. For example:

Promoted to Senior Customer Service Representative after one year, taking on additional responsibilities such as training new hires and handling escalated customer issues.

If you don't have a formal promotion, you can still showcase growth:

  • Selected to mentor new team members based on strong performance and leadership skills.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams on a special project to improve the customer onboarding process, resulting in a 15% increase in customer retention.

Use our Score My Resume tool to get instant feedback on your resume's ability to showcase career progression and other key factors employers look for.

4. Tailor your experience to the job

While it's essential to showcase your overall customer service experience, it's even more impactful to highlight experience that's directly relevant to the specific role you're applying for. Review the job description and consider:

  • Which of your experiences are most similar to the responsibilities of this role?
  • Have you worked in a similar industry or with a similar product/service?
  • Do you have experience with any tools or technologies mentioned in the job description?

For example, if the job emphasizes experience with a specific CRM system, you might say:

  • Utilized Zendesk CRM to efficiently manage and track customer interactions, ensuring timely and personalized support.

Avoid focusing on experience that isn't relevant to the role. Instead, prioritize the experiences that best match what the employer is looking for.

If you're having trouble identifying which experiences to highlight, try copying and pasting the job description into a word cloud generator. The most frequently used words will likely be the most important to the employer.


The education section of your customer service resume should be concise and highlight your most relevant qualifications. It's important to tailor this section to the job you're applying for and showcase the skills and knowledge that make you a strong candidate.

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you've recently graduated or have limited work experience, place your education section at the top of your resume. This will draw attention to your academic achievements and relevant coursework.

Bachelor of Arts in Communication University of California, Los Angeles Graduated: May 2022 Relevant Coursework: Customer Service Strategies, Business Communication, Conflict Resolution

2. List relevant coursework and projects

If you're a recent graduate or have completed courses directly related to customer service, consider listing them under your degree. This can demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers.

Examples of relevant coursework and projects:

  • Customer Service Strategies
  • Business Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Capstone Project: Developed and implemented a customer satisfaction survey for a local business

3. Keep it brief for senior-level positions

If you have extensive work experience in customer service, your education section should be brief. Include your degree, university, and graduation year (optional).

Here's an example of what to avoid:

Master of Business Administration University of Texas at Austin Graduated: May 1998 Relevant Coursework: Marketing, Finance, Organizational Behavior GPA: 3.8

Instead, keep it concise:

Master of Business Administration, University of Texas at Austin

Action Verbs For Customer Service Resumes

Use this list of common customer service action verbs to effectively describe your achievements throughout your work experience. Your customer service resume should emphasize the impact of your accomplishments and contributions with strong action verbs. Try to be creative and use a new action verb for each bullet point. To pack an even more powerful punch, combine your verb with quantifiable results to show tangible proof of your work.

Action Verbs for Customer Service

  • Communicated
  • Interviewed
  • Transformed

For more related action verbs, visit Customer Service Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Customer Service Resumes

Skills for customer service resumes.

When you find the Customer Service positions that you want to apply for, always make sure to read the job description carefully from beginning to end. Hiring managers are often overwhelmed with hundreds of applications, and want to ensure that the candidates they select are serious about the position. Instead of simply dropping a generalist resume, make sure to do your due diligence -- and show that you’ve done it! How can you show that you’re done your homework on the role? Go through the job description -- you can even copy and paste it into another document and highlight the specific skills they mention. Then, make sure to include those in your work experience and note them in your resume’s Skills section. You should also try to tailor your bullet points in your Work Experience section to cater to those skill sets where you can (e.g. Enhanced customer satisfaction by 80% using [Skill name]) Generally, hiring managers who are looking to fill customer service roles are on the hunt for candidates who demonstrate excellent communication skills, a demonstrated track record of ensuring customer satisfaction, and -- if you’re applying for a role that leads a team -- strong leadership abilities such as strategy development and decision-making.

  • Customer Support
  • Technical Support
  • Troubleshooting
  • Salesforce.com
  • Contact Centers
  • Customer Experience
  • Customer Service
  • Account Management
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Social Media
  • SME management
  • Microsoft Access
  • Telecommunications

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Customer Service Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Customer Service Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Customer Service job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Customer Service Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Resume bullet points from customer service resumes.

You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your Customer Service resume. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

Identified steps to decrease rates of returns and frauds, resulting in $75k in cost savings.

Provided excellent customer service, effectively reducing customer complaints from 65% to 23% within the first 8 months.

Acted as key contact for issue resolution and customer advocacy, reducing issues and complaints by over 45% .

Collaborated with 10 department managers and peers to develop and implement policies and procedures that increased internal efficiency by 20%.

Created customer satisfaction survey utilizing MS Project increasing customer retention by 12% and onboarding 3 new customers.

For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points , how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments .

Other Administrative Resumes

Cloud developer.

An Azure developer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s Azure qualifications and software development experience.

Relationship Manager

A customer relationship manager resume sample that highlights the applicant’s strong skill set and successful experience.

Service Technician

An HVAC resume template highlighting the applicant's HVAC-targeted skill set.

Customer Service Resume Guide

  • Virtual Assistant Resume Guide
  • Administrative Assistant Resume Guide
  • Executive Assistant Resume Guide
  • Office Manager Resume Guide
  • Research Assistant Resume Guide
  • Customer Success Resume Guide
  • Back Office Resume Guide
  • Inventory Manager Resume Guide
  • Desktop Support Resume Guide
  • Loan Processor Resume Guide
  • Warehouse Manager Resume Guide
  • Fundraising Resume Guide
  • Service Desk Resume Guide
  • Help Desk Resume Guide
  • Administrative Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Administration Resume Guide
  • Scheduling Resume Guide
  • Gig Economy Resume Guide
  • Project Administrator Resume Guide
  • Facilities Resume Guide
  • Revenue Cycle Resume Guide
  • Customer Service Representative Resume Example
  • Customer Service Manager Resume Example
  • Customer Service Supervisor Resume Example
  • Entry Level Customer Service Representative Resume Example
  • Director of Customer Service Resume Example
  • Retail Customer Service Rep Resume Example
  • Call Center Customer Service Rep Resume Example
  • Customer Service Specialist Resume Example
  • Customer Service Agent Resume Example
  • Customer Service Cashier Resume Example
  • Customer Service Associate Resume Example
  • Customer Service Sales Associate Resume Example
  • Healthcare Customer Service Rep Resume Example
  • Remote Customer Service Rep Resume Example
  • Call Center Manager Resume Example
  • Call Center Representative Resume Example
  • Call Center Supervisor Resume Example
  • Call Center Agent Resume Example
  • Call Center CSR Resume Example
  • Tips for Customer Service Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • Sample Bullet Points from Top Resumes
  • All Resume Examples
  • Customer Service CV Examples
  • Customer Service Cover Letter
  • Customer Service Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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5 Entry-Level Customer Service Resume Examples for 2024

Starting a career in customer service? Your resume is crucial. This article shares entry-level customer service resume examples and proven strategies. Learn how to highlight your skills, experience, and key achievements to make a strong impression in this field.

Portrait of Diana Price

  • 27 May 2024 - 4 new sections, including 'Education section placement', added
  • 27 May 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Entry-Level Customer Service Professional with Diverse Experience, added
  • 25 May 2024 - Article published
  • 22 May 2024 - Resumes approved
  • 20 May 2024 - First draft complete

  Next update scheduled for 04 Jun 2024

Here's what we see in the best entry-level customer service resumes.

Show Impact Using Numbers : Show impact by using numbers. Metrics common in this industry/job include calls resolved per day , customer satisfaction scores , response time , and tickets closed .

Include Relevant Skills : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are CRM software , data entry , phone systems , multitasking , and conflict resolution . But don't include all of them, choose the ones you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Focus On Customer Satisfaction : Highlight achievements related to customer satisfaction. Examples include phrases like customer issue resolved and positive feedback received .

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Entry-Level Customer Service Resume Sample

Education section placement.

If you have recently graduated or are still a student, place your education section at the top of your resume. This helps employers quickly see your qualifications.

However, if you have been working for some time, then list your work experience first. Employers look at work experience to gauge your skills and how you apply your education in real-world settings.

Highlight communication skills

Make sure to emphasize your communication skills. This is key in customer service roles where you will interact with clients.

Detail how you have used these skills in any past roles or educational experiences. Mention specific examples, like teamwork in group projects or dealing with difficult customers.

Junior Customer Service Representative Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

Aim for a one-page resume if you are an entry-level hire. This makes it easy for employers to read through your skills and experiences quickly.

To keep your resume concise, focus on the most relevant information. Highlight your customer service skills and any related experience or education. Use bullet points for clarity.

Senior Customer Service Manager Resume Sample

Include technical skills.

List any technical skills you have that are relevant to customer service. This can include proficiency in customer relationship management (CRM) software, data entry, or basic troubleshooting for common customer problems.

Showing that you have these skills can make you stand out. Employers look for candidates who can efficiently use technology to help customers.

Entry-Level Customer Service with Specialization in Technical Support Resume Sample

  •   Customer Service Representative Resume Examples
  •   Service Technician Resume Examples
  •   Customer Service Advisor Resume Examples
  •   Customer Service Consultant Resume Examples
  •   Mechanical Service Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Customer Service Resume Examples
  •   Customer Service Specialist Resume Examples
  •   Customer Service Associate Resume Examples

Quick links

Entry-level customer service, resume sample #1, resume sample #2, junior customer service representative, resume sample #3, senior customer service manager, resume sample #4, entry-level customer service with specialization in technical support, resume sample #5, additional resources, questions get in touch.

Customer Service Agent Resume Sample

The resume builder.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Work Experience

  • Providing help and advice to customers using our organization’s products and services
  • Ensures that individual orders are correctly filled to the customer’s satisfaction by making product recommendations based on customer’s needs or restraints and following through to order execution
  • Handle cash, traveler’s checks and credit cards in a safe and accurate manner
  • Reports to Front Desk Manager
  • Position requires a strong customer service focus, strong communication skillsand a positive attitude
  • Handles inbound billing inquiries from Hyatt’s elite guests via the following channels: Inbound Calls, Emails, Voicemails
  • Understand customers’ needs and respond with urgency
  • Load personal vehicles with hand held surgical equipment, ensuring equipment is loaded correctly and taking precautions when handling equipment and hazardous goods
  • Personal computer (mouse), telephone and calculator
  • Partner with other Call Center operations to assure a positive Customer experience
  • Generally works in busy office working conditions with frequent interruptions and deadlines
  • Abide by and support the policies set forth in the Stryker Code of Conduct
  • Conduct work in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations and in accordance with Stryker’s high ethical standards
  • Report any violations of these policies and procedures to Stryker management or in the manner outlined in Stryker’s Ethics Hotline Policy
  • Determines and develops approaches to administrative customer service assignments
  • Responsible for customer service tasks which require planning and judgment
  • Manage the relationship between DTN and its customers, ensuring questions, issues and software problems are identified, reported, tested and resolved and followed up to the customers’ complete satisfaction
  • Demonstrate knowledge about CustomFun365’s merchandise, printing process, and delivery options
  • Sound knowledge of print processes
  • Print process knowledge required
  • Experience analyzing and solving customer issues required
  • Professional communication skills, both written and verbal, required
  • Load vehicles with small to medium sized surgical equipment, ensuring equipment is loaded correctly and taking precautions when handling equipment and hazardous goods

Professional Skills

  • Excellent verbal, written and listening skills as well as strong interpersonal, organizational, and critical thinking skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills including listening skills, problem solving and decision making
  • Specialists apply excellent active listening skills and demonstrate ability to effectively communicate
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Swedish and English. Skills in Finnish is an advantage
  • Demonstrate excellent keyboarding / typing skills
  • Very good Listening and Problem Solving Skills and organization skills
  • Strong organizational, problem solving, and prioritization skills are critical

How to write Customer Service Agent Resume

Customer Service Agent role is responsible for customer, computer, interpersonal, english, basic, listening, microsoft, organizational, planning, portuguese. To write great resume for customer service agent job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Customer Service Agent Resume

The section contact information is important in your customer service agent resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Customer Service Agent Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your customer service agent resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous customer service agent responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular customer service agent position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Customer Service Agent resume experience can include:

  • Effective Oral and written communication skills, organizational skills and good attention to detail
  • Good organizational skills with understanding of prioritization
  • Good Computer literacy (MS Office) with excellent keyboard skills
  • Proven skills with the ability to manage multiple priorities and deliver results in a fast paced environment
  • Demonstrated excellent customer service skills,
  • Strong leadership and excellent people skills

Education on a Customer Service Agent Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your customer service agent resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your customer service agent experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Customer Service Agent Resume

When listing skills on your customer service agent resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical customer service agent skills:

  • Be able to demonstrate strong time management skills in order to organise and prioritise
  • Strong interpersonal skills, ability to work effectively with individuals and teams
  • Communication Skills - essential with great listening skills and clear communication
  • Effective interpersonal skills, including proven abilities to listen,
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal and communications skills, and an ability to stay calm and focused under pressure
  • Interpersonal skills and superior communication skills

List of Typical Experience For a Customer Service Agent Resume

Experience for lead customer service agent resume.

  • Apply skills and knowledge to effectively and spontaneously perform the assigned operational functions
  • Good analytics skills and fast decision making
  • Strong problem solving skills with ability to research problems and present findings
  • Language is for English and Italian. Strong communication skills in both written and oral is required
  • Provide excellent customer services skills to all customers while resolving their concern and maintaining a positive client relationship
  • Use MS office and good computer skills

Experience For Senior Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Demonstrates motivational skills
  • Computer skills: Moderate knowledge of Microsoft Office, and JD Edwards and/or SAP experience is essential
  • Strong interpersonal skills, ability to communicate clearly to a wide range of customers and stakeholders
  • Organizational Skills - prioritizes tasks efficiently and productively, and manages time well
  • Personable, empathetic, energetic, and excellent communication skills
  • Continuously build knowledge and skills, pursue on the job training and development opportunities and any company sponsored classroom training
  • Technical knowledge and troubleshooting skills

Experience For Inbound Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Promptly respond to all customer and internal communications, following up as needed to confirm requested action was taken and effectively addressed
  • Manage multiple priorities within a high volume and fast paced environment and handle shifting priorities daily
  • Customer Focus - at least 6 months excellent customer service experience
  • Any profile is welcome (students, young graduates, experienced call center agents) – remuneration based on experience
  • Someone with relevant customer service experience that is an excellent team player and is able to work under pressure

Experience For Technical Customer Service Agent Resume

  • High level of Interpersonal Skills and the ability to work within a team
  • Effectively on-board new customers
  • Good team player and demonstrate a flexible approach to their work
  • · Develop skills and keep up to date with relevant departments to develop own capabilities and improve the services provided
  • Data input accuracy and interpretation skills

Experience For Overnight Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Competency in using MS Windows Exceptional communication skills
  • Language skills: English (written and verbal) + country specific language(s)
  • Communication skills i.e. verbal, written as well as proficiency in English and ability to handle change energetic, passionate and fast to learn new things
  • Experience Requirement:One year customer service experience in a customer contact environment
  • Excellent communication in Burmese language and good English
  • Proficient in general computer technical skills; mobile, social and software
  • Quick learner and adaptable to learn new processes, concepts and skills
  • Accurate data entry and 10-key by touch skills
  • Communicate effectively with others, orally and written

Experience For Customer Service Agent Tier Resume

  • PC skills – MS Office, intermediate level
  • Can work effectively without supervision
  • Superior problem resolution and follow up skills, with exceptional case documentation work
  • Customer service experience or transferable customer contact experience
  • Demonstrated ability to provide customer satisfaction through effective communication with every interaction via telephone, email, chat or mail
  • Good product knowledge demonstrated

Experience For Resort Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Advanced Written and Verbal skills with people at all levels across the organisation in English
  • Utilize resourcefulness and critical thinking skills to research and resolve order and invoice discrepancies
  • Intelligent and keen to learn new skills
  • · Demonstrate a good depth of knowledge and/or breath of product and process knowledge in order to investigate and resolve any data discrepancies
  • To provide an excellent customer service experience for our customers
  • Sell a service or product effectively
  • Work and communicate effectively with management and coworkers

Experience For Import Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Being “the face” of ŠKODA to customers, providing an engaging experience
  • Having an outstanding attention to details, well-organized, efficient and effective
  • Having an outstanding attention to details, well-organized, efficient and effective is essential for the role
  • Shipping experience isn’t necessary. A passion for customer satisfaction and service excellence is absolutely essential
  • Ticketing/fares experience or exposure is an asset,
  • Taking the responsibility/ownership for the end to end customer experience
  • Working along with other departments to make sure goods are delivered on time and in full to the customer

Experience For Outbound Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Delivering excellent customer service in line with Computershare’s values
  • Build strong and lasting relationships with customers with purpose of gaining an understanding for their business, service needs and drivers of success
  • Demonstrated ability to assist others in completing work assignments including the ability to provide basic work direction and training
  • Experience in Shipping, Freight Forwarding, Transportation or related field
  • International experience working for the world´s shipping leader, in a dynamic, global industry

Experience For Distribution Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Previous customer service experience in various industries such as shipping, logistics, freight forwarding, supply chain, and hospitality
  • Handle incoming customer queries of all kind, leaving a superior customer experience each and every time
  • Experience and knowledge in the field of banking (payment transactions, online banking, account and card management, credit control) would be of benefit
  • Be adaptable to process: putting the customer experience first whilst also protecting the reputation and integrity of the brand
  • Experience interpreting and applying policies and procedures to complete assigned tasks
  • Always looking for a better way to serve and improve – Focused on optimizing the customer experience & processes
  • Adaptability to process: putting the customer experience first whilst also protecting the reputation and integrity of the brand

List of Typical Skills For a Customer Service Agent Resume

Skills for lead customer service agent resume.

  • Proven strong sales and closing skills
  • Excellent customer/client communication experience and skills (phone/email/live chat) required
  • Troubleshooting and problem solving skills and experience
  • Solid understanding of effective selling techniques with proven success meeting sales goals and growing sales
  • Excellent customer service decision making and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrate technical skills by assisting customers with device, connectivity, video streaming , and other common issues

Skills For Senior Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Computer skills / typing ease - with good knowledge of Excel and related applications
  • Excellent communication skills on all levels - face to face, by phone and in writing
  • No Collections! Strong customer service and problem-solving skills and the ability to educate customers are essential
  • Excellent planning and organisation skills, and computer literacy
  • Proven experience of delivering exceptional customer experience
  • Able to work effectively in a fast paced environment, remaining calm, focused and effective with both internal and external customers
  • Provide a professional service using effective communication skills
  • Achieve individual goals for monthly call quality, daily attendance & punctuality, and daily statistical objective utilizing good time management skills
  • Good interpersonal, problem solving and analytical skills

Skills For Inbound Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Excellent communication skills, enthusiastic and constantly smiling
  • Good Chinese typing skills
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to learn new products
  • Excellent customer service and communication skills for interface with internal and external customers
  • Excellent English and French speaking/writing skills (Native level)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Finnish, Swedish and English
  • Curious, with a desire to always learn more, including strong problem solving skills

Skills For Technical Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Strong communication skills; written, telephone, speaking, reading and listening
  • Customer Service and team work oriented, strong interpersonal skills, solutions oriented people
  • Strong communication skills; written and spoken
  • Demonstrable time management and prioritisation skills
  • Good negotiation, persuasion and influencing skills
  • Other Requirements: Excellent interpersonal and communications skills, adept in dealing with guest issues
  • Operate effectively within a regulated department
  • Language(s) Skill: Able to read, write, & communicate effectively
  • Have good communication skills for listening to and understanding customers’ requirements and giving explanations

Skills For Overnight Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Prior customer service experience is a strong advantage
  • Strong communication skills i.e. verbal, written as well as proficiency in English
  • Computer skills - moderate knowledge of Microsoft Office, and JD Edwards and/or SAP experience is an advantage
  • Able to work independently and maintain excellent time management skills; Self starter
  • Demonstrated competency in computer skills: MS Office applications, query tools, and enterprise database systems
  • Strong organizational skills and detail oriented that drive results
  • Have excellent communication skills and ability to work under high pressure
  • Have good commercial skills and knowledge

Skills For Customer Service Agent Tier Resume

  • Have excellent PC skills
  • Using our computer system and guidelines with your listening and data entry skills to help with New Accounts authorizations
  • Telemarketing-marketing, public relations, and basic computer skills are preferable
  • Building solid rapport over the phone and maintain a strong network of customers
  • Keyboarding skills - 55wpm
  • Dealing with customer enquiries or complaints effectively

Skills For Resort Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Effectively meet or exceed all performance expectations, including product promoting, handling metrics, and quality standards
  • Support Asset Management agents by managing and effectively responding to incoming PAL calls
  • Commercial experience and/or experience in shipping/logistics/forwarding
  • Regularly coach and develop the agent Customer Experience fundamentals, by completing Customer Experience Achievement Reviews with coaching and feedback
  • Displays curiosity and interest in continuous learning, actively learning from experiences – good and bad
  • Takes an active role in change initiatives, communicating and sharing information appropriately and effectively
  • Utilize resourcefulness and critical thinking skills to research and resolve order and invoice discrepancies, while maximizing revenue generation
  • Exceptional customer listening skills with the ability to ask probing questions, understand concerns and overcome objections
  • Commercial experience and/or experience in shipping/logistics/forwarding- benfit

Skills For Import Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Exceptional planning and time management skills and attention to detail
  • Effectively communicate information during the initial email to minimize the need for future contact and escalation
  • Effectively communicate information during the initial interaction to minimize the need for future contact and escalation
  • Problem solving skills with focus customer satisfaction and attention to details
  • Proactive problem solver with proven experience working independently to identify solutions and develop preventative measures
  • Superior interpersonal, team building skills, stress resistent, resilient, and reliable
  • Stellar interpersonal skills including ability to maintain professional presence at all times

Skills For Outbound Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Provide an exceptional customer experience by ensuring our customers are always the #1 priority
  • Basic understanding of mathematical skills
  • Got logical thinking and basic calculation skills
  • Have basic typing skills (30 words per minute)
  • Outlook / Writing Skills
  • Previous experience in customer service, banking, financial services or call center experience is needed
  • Advanced computer skills including MS Office Suite
  • Spoken Arabic language skills would be an added advantage
  • Intermediate computer skills

Skills For Distribution Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Full language proficiency with exceptional verbal and written communication skills in English and
  • The skillset to work in a customer driven environment
  • Effectively communicates, both written and verbally
  • Knowledge of windows-based applications (navigation skills)
  • Experience as a Customer Service Representative (Retail, Restaurant or Call Centre Experience)

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Customer Service Agent Resume

Responsibilities for lead customer service agent resume.

  • Achieves individual goals for monthly call quality, daily attendance and punctuality and daily statistical objectives using good time management skills
  • Excellent communication skills & computer literacy
  • Applies excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Applies excellent interpersonal skills
  • Good English skills, as we work with colleagues from all of Europe
  • Solid investigative skills to be able to co-ordinate information from multiple sources to get to a point of clarity for the customer

Responsibilities For Senior Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Excellent planning skills to be able to execute customer tasks on time and to quality, first time, every time
  • List required and desirable qualifications and experience/skills
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work under high pressure
  • Good commercial skills and knowledge
  • Strong organisational, analytically, problem solving and administrative skills

Responsibilities For Inbound Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Computer skills - moderate knowledge of Microsoft Office, and JD Edwards and/or SAP experience is essential
  • Planning and execution skills to deliver a range of planned tasks and actions for a diverse range of customers with various service and communication needs
  • Effectively meet or exceed performance expectations, including call handling metrics, and quality standards
  • Provide back-up coverage for receptionist, ensuring all switchboard and reception tasks are handled efficiently and effectively
  • Focused on providing an excellent customer journey and experience
  • Customer Service/Contact Centre Skills
  • Experience in customer service environment or equivalent work experience
  • Experience in Customer experience jobs in complex environment
  • Advanced computer & phone skills

Responsibilities For Technical Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Customer Focused - assigns the highest priority to customer satisfaction; establishes effective relationships with customers, gains trust and respect
  • Possess phone and computer skills
  • Possibility to enhance your communication, problem solving and relation building skills
  • Experience working in a customer service environment, specifically in a complaints handling environment
  • Experience working in the shipping and logistics industry
  • Experience interacting with customers and understanding customer dynamics
  • Order entry/order processing experience using IDV01 mainframe
  • Experience building a sales pipeline (including outreach calls)
  • + Experience working within a manufacturing environment

Responsibilities For Overnight Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Previous experience coaching and/or mentoring employees
  • Proper setting of ticket priorities
  • Demonstrate understanding of the customer’s business needs and achieve and maintain high customer satisfaction ratings
  • Problem Solving - Demonstrated initiative and a well developed sense of urgency and follow through
  • Are fun to work with and bring energy, creativity and a strong can do attitude to the team
  • Processes customers complaints/claims according to T&L procedures, cooperate with different departments of the company to manage customer’s complaints
  • Experience in Customer Service or Customer facing role

Responsibilities For Customer Service Agent Tier Resume

  • Strong customer service understanding
  • Act as a key contact and build strong and sustainable relationship with external & internal stakeholders including Commercial team and Global Service Centre
  • Maintain workflow on multiple ongoing tasks with attention to detail and ability to prioritise
  • Operate cross-functionally with marketing, sales, regulatory, legal, international partners, and others
  • Demonstrates basic proficiency in word processing, spread sheet and data base management software programs
  • Facilitate the customers’ needs timely and resolve issues effective by engaging relevant internal stakeholders
  • Be your customer´s primary contact and actively build strong and lasting relationship and provides second to none customer service
  • Identify ways in which cost effective value adding service can be provided to specific clients

Responsibilities For Resort Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Working directly with the customer experience in related industries
  • Coordination of departments – Planning, Quality Control and Logistics to achieve timely delivery of goods
  • Good initiative, learning attitude, positive and highly motivated in character
  • Previous receptionist experience using a multi-line phone system
  • Good relationship building capability to be able to provide exceptional service to our customers

Responsibilities For Import Customer Service Agent Resume

  • CA Fire & Casualty License - active and in good standing
  • Identify trends and opportunities to improve the customer experience, escalating improvement suggestions via the appropriate channel
  • Good Problem Solving Capabilities & Written and Verbal Communications
  • Good ability to grasp banking and credit card processes to service customers on a myraid of queries
  • Good ability to grasp banking and credit card processes to service customers on a myriad of queries
  • Build strong relationships with all stakeholders including GSC teams
  • Ideally experience in using remote software and ticket systems
  • Order entry/order processing experience
  • Proven ability to maintain composure in stressful and emotional situations while managing to diffuse angry or irate members

Responsibilities For Outbound Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Demonstrated consistent high performance while achieving quality scores and metrics
  • Contribute to maintain strong relationships with suppliers (airlines, trucking companies, and others)
  • Operate on both Mainframe and SAP ordering platforms
  • Good working knowledge of all Microsoft Applications
  • Customer service experience, ideally in a multi-channel contact center environment dealing with high amounts of contacts
  • Experience with financial services, healthcare, technology companies, or something

Responsibilities For Distribution Customer Service Agent Resume

  • Experience in call centers, telemarketing, bank offices, technical helpdesk
  • Demonstrate car features by controlling fixed cameras
  • Demonstrate car features using hand held devices
  • Reassign work as needed to manage customers’ expectations making judgments based on current workloads and priorities
  • Experience in customer service, ideally handling products with technical parameters
  • Excellent understanding of HIPAA regulations

Related to Customer Service Agent Resume Samples

Customer service cashier resume sample, customer service sales resume sample, healthcare customer service resume sample, center support resume sample, tech, tech support resume sample, expert support resume sample, resume builder.

  • Remote Customer Service Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Remote Customer Service Resumes:

  • Respond to customer inquiries via email, phone, and chat
  • Resolve customer complaints and issues in a timely and professional manner
  • Provide product and service information to customers
  • Process orders, returns, and exchanges
  • Maintain accurate customer records and update databases
  • Collaborate with other departments to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Identify and escalate priority issues to management
  • Participate in training and development programs to improve skills and knowledge
  • Meet or exceed performance metrics, such as response time and customer satisfaction ratings
  • Continuously seek opportunities to improve processes and procedures for better customer service.

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Remote Customer Service Resume Example:

  • Provided exemplary customer service to 90+ customers per month, resulting in a 25% improvement in customer satisfaction ratings
  • Proactively identified and resolved customer inquiries within one business day, leading to an increase in cost-savings of 37%
  • Collaborated with product improvement teams to identify and recommend new and innovative products, leading to a 10% increase in revenue
  • Skilled at successfully troubleshooting customer inquiries, resulting in a 70% first-call resolution rate
  • Developed and implemented customer education program to improve customer service experience, which was recognized in customer feedback and led to a 20% overall increase in customer satisfaction ratings
  • Provided customized solutions for individual customer needs, resulting in a 40% reduction in repeat customer service inquiries
  • Trained and mentored 14 new customer service representatives, developing their skills and helping them excel in their roles
  • Streamlined customer service process through innovative use of online portals, which led to a cost reduction of 30%
  • Liaised with internal product development team to implement effective customer service strategy, resulting in 10% decrease in customer complaints
  • Excellent verbal communication skills
  • Strong written communication skills
  • Exceptional customer service skills
  • Proficient problem-solving abilities
  • Advanced troubleshooting skills
  • Accurate data entry
  • Knowledgeable in customer service protocols
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Adept in multitasking
  • Able to think proactively
  • Superb interpersonal skills
  • Ability to learn quickly
  • Excellent time management skills
  • Proficient in customer service software
  • Ability to work independently
  • Exceptional computer skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Familiarity with company products
  • Ability to work well under pressure
  • Positive and empathetic attitude
  • Communication

Top Skills & Keywords for Remote Customer Service Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
  • Technical Troubleshooting
  • Multitasking and Time Management
  • Communication Skills (Written and Verbal)
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Data Entry and Management
  • Sales and Upselling
  • Knowledge of Company Products and Services
  • Email Management and Etiquette
  • Social Media Management
  • Chat and Messaging Support
  • Call Center Software and Equipment

Soft Skills

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Empathy and Customer Service Orientation
  • Problem Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Active Listening and Feedback Incorporation
  • Patience and Tolerance
  • Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
  • Multitasking and Handling Pressure
  • Positive Attitude and Enthusiasm
  • Technical and Computer Skills

Resume Action Verbs for Remote Customer Services:

  • Communicated
  • Collaborated
  • Prioritized
  • Streamlined
  • Facilitated
  • Coordinated
  • Investigated

Generate Your Resume Summary

resume customer service agent

Resume FAQs for Remote Customer Services:

How long should i make my remote customer service resume, what is the best way to format a remote customer service resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a remote customer service resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a remote customer service, compare your remote customer service resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Remote Customer Service job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Remote Customer Services:

Remote customer service, customer service representative, customer service associate, customer service specialist, customer support specialist, customer service coordinator, customer success associate, customer service executive.

Interview Guy

Customer Service Agent Job Description [Updated for 2024]

resume customer service agent

In today’s digital landscape, the importance of customer service agents is more crucial than ever.

As technology and businesses evolve, the demand for skilled professionals who can nurture, build and maintain customer relationships becomes even more significant.

But let’s delve deeper: What’s truly expected from a customer service agent?

Whether you are:

  • A job seeker trying to grasp the intricacies of this role,
  • A hiring manager designing the perfect candidate profile,
  • Or simply fascinated by the dynamics of customer service,

You’ve come to the right place.

Today, we present a customizable customer service agent job description template, designed for effortless posting on job boards or career sites.

Let’s dive right in.

Customer Service Agent Duties and Responsibilities

Customer Service Agents are the first point of contact for clients and customers, providing assistance, resolving queries, and ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.

They utilize excellent communication and problem-solving skills to provide a smooth customer experience, often handling complaints or issues that may arise.

Their duties and responsibilities include:

  • Responding to customer inquiries via phone, email, or in-person
  • Providing information about products or services offered by the company
  • Handling and resolving customer complaints regarding product defects, service issues, or billing disputes
  • Processing orders, applications, and requests
  • Keeping records of customer interactions, transactions, comments, and complaints
  • Communicating and coordinating with other departments to resolve customer issues
  • Providing feedback on the efficiency of the customer service process
  • Ensuring customer satisfaction and providing professional customer support
  • Identifying and escalating issues to supervisors or other relevant departments
  • Training and mentoring junior customer service staff

Customer Service Agent Job Description Template

We are seeking a dedicated Customer Service Agent who is ready to help our customers by providing product and service information, resolving product and service problems, and processing orders.

Customer Service Agent responsibilities include maintaining customer satisfaction through superior service, efficiently handling inquiries and complaints from customers, and ensuring a seamless customer experience.

Our ideal candidate has a customer-oriented approach, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.


  • Manage large amounts of incoming calls and customer inquiries
  • Identify and assess customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction
  • Provide accurate, valid, and complete information by using the right methods/tools
  • Handle complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits and follow up to ensure resolution
  • Process orders, forms, applications, and requests
  • Keep records of customer interactions, process customer accounts, and file documents
  • Follow communication procedures, guidelines, and policies
  • Take the extra mile to engage customers


  • Proven customer support experience or experience as a client service representative
  • Track record of over-achieving quota
  • Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening
  • Familiarity with CRM systems and practices
  • Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritize, and manage time effectively
  • High school diploma or equivalent; college degree preferred
  • Health, dental, and vision insurance
  • Paid time off
  • Retirement plan
  • Company-sponsored training
  • Opportunities for career advancement

Additional Information

  • Job Title: Customer Service Agent
  • Work Environment: Office setting with options for remote work. Some travel may be required for team meetings or client consultations.
  • Reporting Structure: Reports to the Customer Service Manager or Team Leader.
  • Salary: Salary is based upon candidate experience and qualifications, as well as market and business considerations.
  • Pay Range: $30,000 minimum to $45,000 maximum
  • Location: [City, State] (specify the location or indicate if remote)
  • Employment Type: Full-time
  • Equal Opportunity Statement: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.
  • Application Instructions: Please submit your resume and a cover letter outlining your qualifications and experience to [email address or application portal].

What Does a Customer Service Agent Do?

Customer Service Agents often work for a wide variety of businesses across industries, from retail companies to financial institutions, and may also provide services remotely for an outsourced call center.

Their primary role is to interact with customers, answering their inquiries and solving issues related to the company’s products or services.

They can be found communicating with customers through multiple channels, including over the phone, via email, or in person.

Customer Service Agents also handle complaints, process orders, and provide information about the organization’s services and products.

They may also be responsible for customer account management, including setting up new accounts, recovering lost details, or updating existing accounts with new information.

In their role, they are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism and patience, as they often deal with dissatisfied customers.

Their ultimate goal is to ensure customer satisfaction and build a strong, positive relationship between the company and its customers.

Additionally, they may also play a role in sales by recommending additional products or services to customers, based on their needs or interests.

Customer Service Agent Qualifications and Skills

A proficient Customer Service Agent should possess a range of technical and interpersonal skills, including:

  • Excellent communication skills to listen to customers’ needs, answer their queries, and provide helpful and accurate information.
  • Strong problem-solving skills to help customers resolve issues with products or services.
  • Empathy and patience to handle dissatisfied customers, and the ability to remain calm and professional in stressful situations.
  • Highly organized with the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, prioritizing and addressing customer concerns efficiently.
  • Proficiency in using customer relationship management (CRM) software and other relevant computer applications.
  • Strong interpersonal skills to foster positive relationships with customers and maintain customer loyalty.
  • A good understanding of the product or service in order to provide effective customer support.
  • Time management skills to ensure prompt responses and efficient service to customers.

Customer Service Agent Experience Requirements

For entry-level Customer Service Agent roles, companies typically require 1 to 2 years of experience in a customer-facing position, such as sales associate, front desk attendant, or host.

Many candidates gain this experience through part-time or summer jobs during their education.

Candidates with more than 2 years of experience may have worked in a call center, support desk, or a similar customer service setting.

They often have developed a strong foundation in conflict resolution, communication skills, and building customer relations.

Those with more than 5 years of experience in customer service may have experience in leading a team or managing a customer service department.

These individuals may have experience in training new hires, managing performance and maintaining customer service standards across a team.

Additional experience in using customer relationship management (CRM) software, knowledge of specific industry processes, and multilingual skills can also be beneficial for a Customer Service Agent role.

However, many companies also value soft skills like empathy, patience, and problem-solving abilities, which can be gained from a variety of professional and personal experiences.

Customer Service Agent Education and Training Requirements

Customer Service Agents generally require at least a high school diploma or equivalent, although some employers may prefer candidates with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in communication, business, or a related field.

A solid background in customer service or experience in a service-oriented role is often essential.

Experience in the specific industry of the prospective employer can be beneficial as it provides an understanding of the business operations and customer needs.

While formal education can set the groundwork, Customer Service Agents often receive on-the-job training to familiarize themselves with the company’s products, services, and policies.

This training may include shadowing experienced customer service staff, role-play scenarios, or using customer service software.

Customer Service Agents may also benefit from earning certifications such as the Certified Customer Service Professional (CCSP) or Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCEP).

These certifications can demonstrate a commitment to the field and can enhance job prospects.

Soft skills such as active listening, problem-solving, empathy, and communication are crucial for this role, as they directly impact the quality of service provided to customers.

Many employers provide ongoing training and development in these areas to continually improve their customer service team’s effectiveness.

Customer Service Agent Salary Expectations

A Customer Service Agent can expect to earn an average salary of $37,907 (USD) per year.

However, the actual earnings can differ based on factors such as the level of experience, the specific industry in which they work, and the geographical location of the job.

Customer Service Agent Job Description FAQs

What skills does a customer service agent need.

Customer Service Agents should possess excellent communication skills to interact with customers and address their concerns effectively.

They must have strong problem-solving skills to provide the best possible solutions to customer problems.

Additionally, they should have empathy and patience, as they often deal with frustrated or upset customers.

Good time management and multitasking abilities are also essential to handle multiple tasks and customer queries at a time.

Do Customer Service Agents need a degree?

While a degree is not always required, some employers may prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, communication, or a related field.

However, most companies prioritize experience in customer service or a related role over educational qualifications.

Training is usually provided on the job to acquaint agents with the company’s products, services, and customer service policies.

What should you look for in a Customer Service Agent resume?

Look for previous experience in a customer service role, which indicates that the candidate has experience dealing with customers.

This may include working in call centers, retail, or any other customer-facing role.

Soft skills like communication, problem-solving, patience, and empathy are also critical.

Additionally, familiarity with customer service software, databases, and CRM systems is a plus.

What qualities make a good Customer Service Agent?

A good Customer Service Agent is patient, empathetic, and genuinely enjoys helping others.

They have excellent communication skills and can remain calm under pressure.

These agents also have good problem-solving skills and can think on their feet to come up with the best solution for the customer.

They are also adaptable and can handle different types of customers and situations.

What are the daily duties of a Customer Service Agent?

A Customer Service Agent typically starts their day by reviewing any pending customer queries or complaints.

They spend most of their day interacting with customers via phone, email, or live chat, resolving their concerns, and providing information about products or services.

They may also handle returns or exchanges and escalate issues to the appropriate department when necessary.

Agents also record customer interactions and transactions, taking detailed notes of customer inquiries and the solutions provided.

There you have it.

Today, we’ve demystified the role of a customer service agent.

It’s not just about answering calls.

It’s about building strong customer relationships, one interaction at a time.

With our comprehensive customer service agent job description template and real-world examples, you’re well-equipped to take your next steps.

But don’t stop there.

Delve further into our job description generator . It’s your gateway to precision-crafted job listings or fine-tuning your resume to perfection.

Every customer interaction contributes to the overall customer experience.

Let’s create remarkable customer experiences. Together.

How to Become a Customer Service Agent (Complete Guide)

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resume customer service agent

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Sample Resume of Customer Success Engineer | Free Resume Templates & Samples on Resumod.co

Resume of Customer Success Engineer



Avantika is a customer success engineer who provides technical support and guidance to clients in the software industry. She is passionate about building and maintaining strong client relationships while driving customer success and satisfaction. She is adept at working collaboratively with cross-functional teams to ensure the successful implementation and utilisation of products/services.

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  • BTech MTech
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Resume Skills and Keywords for Customer Success Engineer

A customer success engineer ensures client satisfaction by providing technical expertise, support, and guidance. They serve as the primary point of contact for clients' technical inquiries, issues, and escalations, working closely with them to understand their technical requirements and challenges. Customer Success Engineers offer expert advice, recommendations, and solutions to help clients optimise their use of products/services, assist with product implementation and configuration, and conduct training sessions to educate clients on product features and best practices. They also troubleshoot technical issues, identify root causes, and collaborate with internal teams to implement solutions, all while building and maintaining strong relationships with clients as trusted advisors and advocates for their needs within the organisation. Overall, Customer Success Engineers play a critical role in driving customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty through exceptional technical support and service.

Skills required for a Customer Success Engineer role:

  • Technical Proficiency
  • Customer Focus
  • Product Knowledge
  • Trend Identification
  • Technical Support
  • Data Analysis
  • Analytical Skills
  • Strong Communication
  • Organisational Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Leadership Skills

What recruiters look for in a Customer Success Engineer resume: 

  • Bachelor's degree in computer science, engineering, or related field.
  • Strong technical background with experience in software development, systems integration, or technical support.
  • Proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, or JavaScript is preferred.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical audiences.
  • Problem-solving mindset with the ability to troubleshoot technical issues and propose effective solutions.
  • Customer-focused attitude with a passion for delivering exceptional customer experiences.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.

What can make your Customer Success Engineer resume stand out:

A strong summary that demonstrates your skills, experience and background in customer support

A dedicated customer success engineer skilled in providing technical support and driving customer success. Possesses a strong foundation in technical skills and a passion for delivering exceptional customer experiences. Committed to leveraging technical expertise to assist customers, build relationships, and contribute to the success of the team and organisation.

Targeted job description 

  • Troubleshoot technical issues, identify root causes, and implement solutions in collaboration with internal teams, such as engineering and product development.
  • Create and maintain technical documentation, knowledge base articles, and troubleshooting guides to assist clients in resolving common issues independently.
  • Gather feedback from clients regarding product functionality, usability, and performance. 
  • Communicate client feedback and enhancement requests to internal teams to drive product improvements and enhancements.
  • Assist clients with the implementation and configuration of products/services, ensuring smooth onboarding and integration into their systems and workflows.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with clients, serving as a trusted advisor and advocate for their needs within the organisation.

Related academic background 

  • B. Tech in Computer Science at Manipal University, Bangalore | Pursuing

Sample Resume of Customer Success Engineer in Text Format


Customer Success Engineer 

+91-9953776253 | [email protected] |Bangalore, India



Customer Success Engineer at Alp Consulting from Apr 2023 - Present, Bangalore

  • Serving as the primary technical point of contact for assigned customers, building strong relationships and understanding their technical needs, challenges, and goals.
  • Providing technical support and troubleshooting assistance to customers, including diagnosing and resolving technical issues, answering technical questions, and escalating complex issues to internal teams as needed.
  • Conducting product demonstrations, training sessions, and technical workshops for customers to educate them on product features, capabilities, and integrations.
  • Assisting in the implementation and configuration of products and services, working closely with customers and teams to ensure successful deployments and integrations.
  • Collaborating with customers to understand their use cases, workflows, and technical requirements, and providing recommendations on best practices and solutions to optimise their use of products and services.


  • Certified in Advance Excel by Elearn markets. 
  • Completed a course in Consultancy Program at Accenture.
  • Actively working with Government NGOs supporting causes for the poor and unprivileged.
  • Appointed as the PR Head of AIEEE Society.


  • Hardware Aware Training for AI Systems: The goal of this project is to explore hardware-aware training methods for AI systems. 
  • Developing algorithms and representations which take into account the underlying characteristics of the hardware during training, to deliver low-power hardware implementations which are accurate, reliable and robust.

Technical Proficiency | Customer Focus | Product Knowledge | Trend Identification | Technical Support | Data Analysis | Analytical Skills | Strong Communication



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Agent CV Example for 2024

Create a standout agent cv with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Agent CV Example

Are you a talented and experienced agent looking to create the perfect CV to showcase your skills and experience? Look no further! Our Agent CV Example article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a compelling CV that will help you stand out in the competitive job market. Whether you're a real estate agent, insurance agent, or travel agent, our example CV will help you highlight your professional achievements and land your dream job.

We will cover:

  • How to write a CV , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a CV to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a CV fast with our professional CV Builder .
  • What a CV template is, and why you should use it.

What does an Agent do?

An agent is a person or entity that represents and acts on behalf of another individual or organization. Agents can work in various industries, including real estate, talent representation, insurance, law, and more. Their primary role is to negotiate on behalf of their clients, handle legal and financial transactions, and provide guidance and expertise in their particular field. Additionally, agents often work to secure opportunities and deals that will benefit their clients' interests and goals.

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  • Store Assistant Manager CV Sample
  • Recreation Assistant CV Sample
  • Store Clerk CV Sample
  • Greeter CV Sample
  • Loss Prevention Officer CV Sample
  • Teller CV Sample
  • Retail Manager CV Sample
  • Customer Service CV Sample
  • Retail Specialist CV Sample
  • Deli Clerk CV Sample

What are some responsibilities of an Agent?

  • Understanding the market and staying updated on industry trends
  • Acquiring new clients and maintaining relationships with existing ones
  • Negotiating contracts and agreements on behalf of clients
  • Managing financial transactions and ensuring accuracy in accounting
  • Advocating for clients' best interests and providing representation when needed

Sample Agent CV for Inspiration

Agent CV Agent CV Personal Details

Name: John Doe

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 123-456-7890

John Doe is a seasoned Agent with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He has a strong track record of success in managing client relationships and closing deals.

  • Senior Agent at XYZ Realty (2015 - Present)
  • Agent at ABC Properties (2010 - 2015)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from University of ABC (2005 - 2009)
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills
  • Strong understanding of real estate market trends
  • Ability to build and maintain client relationships
  • Real Estate Agent License
  • Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE)
  • English (Fluent)
  • Spanish (Intermediate)

CV tips for Agent

Crafting an impeccable CV that kickstarts your career is a challenging endeavor. While adhering to fundamental writing principles is beneficial, seeking guidance customized for your unique job pursuit is equally prudent. As a newcomer to the professional realm, you require Agent CV pointers. We've curated top-notch advice from experienced Agent individuals. Explore their insights to streamline your writing journey and enhance the likelihood of fashioning a CV that captivates potential employers' attention.

  • Highlight your achievements and sales record to showcase your success in the industry.
  • Showcase your expertise in marketing and negotiation to demonstrate your ability to close deals.
  • Include specific examples of successful transactions and satisfied clients to reinforce your credibility.
  • Emphasize your knowledge of the local real estate market and your ability to provide valuable insights to clients.
  • Use professional language and formatting to make a strong first impression on potential employers.

Agent CV Summary Examples

An Agent CV summary or objective can be used to concisely and clearly communicate the skills, experience, and career objectives of the candidate. It provides a quick overview of the agent’s qualifications and goals, making it easier for employers to quickly assess their suitability for a position. This can help the agent stand out in a competitive job market and make a strong first impression on potential employers. For Example:

  • Experienced and driven real estate agent with a proven track record of successful property sales and client satisfaction.
  • Highly skilled insurance agent with expertise in providing personalized risk management solutions for clients.
  • Motivated travel agent with a passion for creating memorable and seamless vacation experiences for clients.
  • Dedicated talent agent with a strong network and reputation for matching clients with lucrative opportunities in the entertainment industry.
  • Detail-oriented purchasing agent with a talent for negotiating favorable terms and sourcing quality products for businesses.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Agent CV

Building a strong experience section for an agent CV is essential as it highlights the candidate's career trajectory, accomplishments, and relevant skills. This section allows potential employers to quickly understand the candidate's level of expertise, industry knowledge, and ability to handle client relationships. A solid experience section also demonstrates the candidate's track record of successfully managing sales, negotiating contracts, and building strong client relationships, making them a more competitive candidate in the job market. For Example:

  • Successfully negotiated and closed over 50 real estate transactions
  • Developed and maintained strong relationships with clients, resulting in a 90% client retention rate
  • Utilized effective marketing strategies to promote properties and attract potential buyers
  • Assisted in the purchase and sale of residential and commercial properties
  • Provided excellent customer service and support throughout the buying and selling process
  • Conducted market research and analysis to determine property values and pricing strategies
  • Collaborated with lenders, inspectors, and attorneys to facilitate smooth transactions
  • Regularly attended industry events and networking opportunities to build a strong professional network
  • Maintained detailed records of transactions and client interactions
  • Stayed up-to-date on industry trends and changes in real estate laws and regulations

Agent CV education example

A career as an agent typically requires at least a high school diploma or GED. However, many employers prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree in business administration, finance, marketing, or a related field. Additionally, completing industry-specific training and certifications, such as real estate or insurance licensing, can be beneficial. Ongoing professional development and continuing education are also important to stay current with industry trends and best practices. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Agent CV:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Marketing - University of XYZ
  • Certification in Sales and Negotiation Skills - ABC Institute
  • Course in Effective Communication - DEF Training Center

Agent Skills for a CV

Adding skills to an Agent CV is important because it helps to demonstrate the candidate's ability to fulfill the specific requirements of the role. It also showcases the candidate's expertise, experience, and general abilities. Including a range of skills can make the candidate more attractive to potential employers and increase their chances of being selected for an interview. It also helps to highlight the candidate's strengths and any additional qualifications that may be relevant to the position. Soft Skills:

  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving ability
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Organizational skills
  • Active listening
  • Conflict resolution
  • Positive attitude
  • Sales Techniques
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Communication Abilities
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Data Analysis
  • Financial Acumen
  • Technical Expertise
  • Software Proficiency
  • Project Management
  • Product Knowledge

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing an Agent CV

In today's competitive job market, an average of 180 applications floods employers' inboxes for each vacant position. To streamline this influx of CVs, companies frequently employ automated applicant tracking systems that weed out less qualified candidates. If your CV manages to surpass these digital gatekeepers, it must still captivate the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager. Given the sheer volume of applications, a mere 5 seconds is typically allocated to each CV before a decision is reached. With this in mind, it's crucial to eliminate any extraneous information that might relegate your application to the discard pile. To ensure your CV shines, consult the list below for elements to avoid including in your job application.

  • Skipping the cover letter: A well-crafted cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your suitability for the role and express your enthusiasm for it.
  • Excessive jargon: CVs laden with technical terms can alienate hiring managers who lack specialized knowledge.
  • Neglecting vital details: Incorporate your contact information, education, work history, and pertinent skills and experiences.
  • Relying on generic templates: Tailoring your CV to the specific job exhibits your commitment to the position and company.
  • Errors in spelling and grammar: Proofreading is essential to eliminate typos, spelling errors, and grammatical blunders.
  • Overemphasizing duties: Highlight accomplishments to underline your candidacy's value.
  • Sharing personal information: Steer clear of revealing personal details like age, marital status, or religious affiliations.

Key takeaways for a Agent CV

  • Highlight relevant experience and skills
  • Showcase successful track record with sales and client acquisition
  • Emphasize communication and negotiation abilities
  • Demonstrate knowledge of real estate market and local area
  • Include professional certifications and licenses
  • Show willingness to take on challenges and continue learning

Create CV


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  8. Customer Service Resume Examples & Skills for 2024

    Get the interview invite using our customer service resume examples with writing tips that work in 2024. Tools. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. ... and agents. Maintained a customer account information database (incl. canceling and updating customer accounts.) Prepared monthly reports on customer satisfaction ...

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    To craft an impactful resume for customer service representative positions, focus on accomplishments that highlight the strongest aspects of your professional career. Hiring managers value candidates who can communicate effectively with a diverse range of people, so it's important to feature your communication skills prominently throughout ...

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    Representative Customer Service Agent resume experience can include: Effective Oral and written communication skills, organizational skills and good attention to detail; Good organizational skills with understanding of prioritization; Good Computer literacy (MS Office) with excellent keyboard skills

  24. Remote Customer Service Resume Example

    Remote Customer Support Agent. 05/2021 - 11/2021. HelpDesk Solutions. Trained and mentored 14 new customer service representatives, developing their skills and helping them excel in their roles ... The ideal length for a Customer Service resume typically depends on the individual's experience and career stage. However, there are some general ...

  25. 21 Important Customer Service Skills (With Resume Example)

    Customer service skills are traits and practices that equip you to address customer needs and foster a positive experience. In general, customer service skills rely heavily on problem-solving and communication.Customer service is often considered a "soft skill," including traits like active listening and reading both verbal and nonverbal cues. In this article, we discuss the definition of ...

  26. Customer Service Agent Job Description [Updated for 2024]

    For entry-level Customer Service Agent roles, companies typically require 1 to 2 years of experience in a customer-facing position, such as sales associate, front desk attendant, or host. Many candidates gain this experience through part-time or summer jobs during their education.

  27. Sample Resume of Customer Success Engineer with Template & Writing

    Resume Skills and Keywords for Customer Success Engineer A customer success engineer ensures client satisfaction by providing technical expertise, support, and guidance. They serve as the primary point of contact for clients' technical inquiries, issues, and escalations, working closely with them to understand their technical requirements and ...

  28. Agent CV Example for 2024

    Sample Agent CV for Inspiration. Agent CV Agent CV Personal Details Name: John Doe. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 123-456-7890. Summary. John Doe is a seasoned Agent with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He has a strong track record of success in managing client relationships and closing deals.

  29. How To Write a Customer Service Resume Summary (With 21 Examples)

    Follow these steps to write an impressive resume summary for a customer service job: 1. Learn about your desired role. It can be essential for your resume summary to match the employer's expectations. Study the job description to learn the credentials the company is seeking in potential employees.

  30. Remote Bilingual Customer Service Agent

    Help us improve CareerBuilder by providing feedback about this job: Report this job Job ID: 19734_58f5c2dcb344. CareerBuilder TIP. For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. ...