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Student Contributions ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award

Best doctoral dissertation in computing from an academic institution in India

  • ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award

About ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award

The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2011. This award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation from degree-awarding institutions based in India for each academic year, from July 1 to June 30 in the current cycle. The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of ₹2,00,000. An honorable mention award, if any, is accompanied by a prize of ₹1,00,000. The dissertation(s) will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is the founding sponsor of the ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Recent India Doctoral Dissertation Award News

Pranjal dutta chosen as the recipient of the acm india 2023 doctoral dissertation award.

The ACM India 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Award goes to Pranjal Dutta for his dissertation titled “A Tale of Hardness, De-randomization and De-bordering in Complexity Theory.” Pranjal’s dissertation makes breakthrough contributions in the study of hardness, approximation and derandomization of algebraic circuits, and develops new mathematical tools, laying the foundation for future developments in algebraic complexity theory. Pranjal’s dissertation work was done at Chennai Mathematical Institute under the supervision of Prof. Nitin Saxena.

Pranjal Dutta’s dissertation makes multiple contributions to algebraic complexity theory. In an early result, he shows that the existence of a polynomial with a slightly largish special representation would resolve the long-standing VP vs VNP problem, and also provide non-trivial algorithms for polynomial identity testing (PIT) – effectively attacking two flagship problems in algebraic complexity theory. In the context of PIT, his dissertation provides a nearly polynomial time algorithm for derandomization of a special class of depth 4 algebraic circuits, where the top fanin is bounded and the bottom gates compute low degree polynomials. This is among the strongest results in PIT known so far. Pranjal also provides a deep understanding of the power of closure of algebraic circuits -- an important problem in the Geometric Complexity Theory approach to the P vs NP problem. Specifically, he shows that the closure (or border) of (bounded fanin) depth 3 circuits can be captured by algebraic branching programs, making it one of the first such "de-bordering" results in this area. Additionally, his work also establishes an efficient algorithm for PIT for this class, and shows a surprising exponential-gap hierarchy-theorem for depth-3 constant-top-fanin circuits.

The Honorable Mention for 2023 goes to Jogendra Nath Kundu for his dissertation titled “Self-supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Computer Vision Tasks.” Jogendra’s dissertation makes significant and timely contributions to unsupervised domain adaptation and self-supervised learning techniques for structured prediction based vision tasks, advancing the practical deployment of intelligent machines in real-world scenarios. His dissertation work was done at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore under the supervision of Prof. Venkatesh Babu Radhakrishnan.

Jogendra Nath Kundu’s doctoral dissertation makes three important contributions. First, he considers image-like dense-prediction tasks, where he addresses shortcomings in existing classification-based domain adaptation algorithms. The content-preserving mechanisms introduced by him via cyclic consistency objectives have been shown to yield state-of-the-art performance. Next, he introduces source-side procurement stage learning, a novel approach to source-free adaptation, which significantly enhances adaptability in scenarios with restricted data-sharing. Finally, Jogendra’s thesis applies domain adaptation concepts to the complex task of 3D human pose estimation. He shows how this can be achieved by incorporation of effective prior-enforcing mechanisms alongside development of novel self-supervised techniques leveraging inter-entity relations. The insights in Jogendra’s dissertation have the potential to revolutionize the deployment of intelligent vision systems across diverse industries, from healthcare to virtual and augmented reality.

The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2011. This award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in Computer Science and related disciplines from a degree-awarding institution based in India for each academic year, running from July 1 of one year to June 30 of the following year. The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of ₹2,00,000. An Honorable Mention award, given to nomination(s), if any, that missed the award by a narrow margin, is accompanied by a prize of ₹1,00,000, that is shared among the recipient(s). The winning dissertation(s) will be published in the ACM Digital Library. T ata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS)    is the founding sponsor of these awards. Please see the ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award page  for additional information on current and past winners.

Please join us in congratulating Pranjal Dutta and Jogendra Nath Kundu for their significant achievements.

Siddharth Sandipkumar Bhandari Chosen as Recipient of ACM India 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award

Siddharth Sandipkumar Bhandari is the recipient of the ACM India 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award for his dissertation titled “Exact Sampling and List Decoding” that develops new techniques and tools in sampling graph colourings and contributes to improved analyses for understanding list-decodability of codes. Siddharth’s doctoral dissertation work was done at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai under the supervision of Prahladh Harsha.

Siddharth’s dissertation makes fundamental contributions to two different areas of theoretical computer science: (a) sampling colourings of graphs and (b) list-decoding error-correcting codes. Sampling a random k-colouring of a given graph is a classic problem in theoretical computer science and statistical physics. The problem of perfect sampling is to construct a polynomial time randomised algorithm that generates a perfect sample from the uniform distribution of k-colourings. Siddharth’s work improves on a two-decade old algorithm for solving this problem using novel techniques that are likely to have wider applicability. In the area of list-decoding, Siddharth’s dissertation focuses on three problems. The first problem is the zero-error capacity of the q/(q 1) channel. Prior work on perfect hashing shows that as the list-size is reduced, the channel capacity decreases from an inverse-polynomial form to an inverse-exponential form, and it has been an open problem to understand where this transition occurs. By showing that the channel follows a coupon-collector like behaviour, Siddharth’s work demonstrates that there is an almost sharp transition near O(q log q). The other two results in this part are related to list-decodability of algebraic codes and lead to a better understanding of the list-decoding of these codes all the way up to capacity.

Pritish Mohapatra shares the Honorable Mention for his dissertation titled “Optimization for and by Machine Learning” that makes significant contributions towards the design of efficient optimization methods for machine learning, including key results for optimizing ranking metrics used in information retrieval systems. Pritish’s doctoral dissertation work was done at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad under the supervision of C. V. Jawahar.

Pritish’s dissertation addresses the problem of making optimization of complicated loss functions efficient and practical. Specifically, he designs a practically efficient optimization algorithm for a category of non-decomposable ranking metrics that greatly improve the feasibility of using such sophisticated metrics for learning in information retrieval tasks. Pritish also provides a concrete theoretical analysis that proves the superiority of the proposed algorithm for optimization, providing a fine balance between the theoretical soundness and practical utility of the algorithms. Pritish’s work also makes an interesting contribution in the use of the classical optimization technique of partial-linearization for efficient learning of large-scale classification models. This holds special significance for learning of models with structured output spaces. Finally, Pritish’s dissertation contributes to the problem of using learning for optimization. He proposes a novel framework that uses a learnable model for doing rounding for combinatorial optimization algorithms. This is based on a key insight that randomized rounding procedures can be visualized as sampling from latent variable models.

Sruthi Sekar shares the Honorable Mention for her dissertation titled “Near-Optimal Non-Malleable Codes and Leakage Resilient Secret Sharing Schemes” that makes fundamental contributions in our understanding of cryptographic primitives such as non-malleable codes, secret sharing schemes and randomness extractors. Sruthi’s doctoral dissertation work was done at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore under the supervision of Bhavana Kanukurthi.

The goal of non-malleable codes (NMCs) is to enable encoding of messages so that an adversary cannot tamper it into the encoding of a related message. An open problem in this area is to build 1/2-rate NMCs in 2-split state model where a codeword consists of two independently tamperable states. Sruthi’s dissertation makes fundamental contributions to this area. Specifically, she builds on her earlier work to introduce new two-state non-malleable codes for random messages with rate 1/2. This work also introduces a new primitive called "Non-malleable randomness encoders". Her dissertation also shows how to build a near-optimal rate 1/3, 2-state NMC, thereby taking us a step closer to solving the main open problem in this area. In addition, Sruthi’s dissertation introduces a new pseudorandomness primitive called "Adaptive Extractors" and shows their applicability to building constant-rate leakage resilient secret sharing schemes.

Deepika Yadav shares the Honorable Mention for her dissertation titled “Supporting Ongoing Training of Community Health Workers through Mobile-based Solutions in Rural India” that combines the knowledge of Computer System research and HCI to produce systems that are deployed in fields. Her work resulted in deployment of a mobile based training platform for ASHA workers that has been used to train hundreds of ASHA workers. Deepika’s doctoral dissertation work was done at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi under the supervision of Pushpendra Singh.

Deepika’s dissertation develops a low-cost mobile-based training platform called “Sangosthi” that allows a geographically distributed group of community health workers (CHWs) to connect over a conference call and receive training in a structured manner. The developed system uses a hybrid architecture to use Interactive Voice Response for facilitating online audio training sessions, enabling CHWs to access training from anywhere through their feature phones. Her work contributes to (i) testing the feasibility and efficacy of a low-cost technology intervention through a controlled field experiment (ii) unpacking the training needs of CHWs in the field and mapping it back to the existing reference material through a large-scale deployment on 500 CHWs, (iii) investigating the potential for peer-to-peer learning models to address the challenge of experts’ availability through a controlled field experiment, and (iv) exploring the potential for automated techniques in this domain by proposing a semi-automated natural language processing approach for curating generated learning content and exposing CHWs and women to Chatbot-based education for the first time. By using a range of mixed methods and field experiments, Deepika’s dissertation expands the focus of HCI4D and mHealth research on CHW competence development in low-resource settings.

The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2011. This award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation from a degree-awarding institution based in India for each academic year, running from August 1 of one year to July 31 of the following year. The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of ₹2,00,000. An Honorable Mention award is accompanied by a prize of ₹1,00,000 which is shared amongst the recipients. The dissertation(s) will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Financial support for both the award and honorable mention is provided by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). Please see the ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award page for additional information on current and past winners.

ACM India 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Award

Pranjal Dutta   is the recipient of ACM India 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Award for his dissertation titled “A Tale of Hardness, De-randomization and De-bordering in Complexity Theory.” The Honorable Mention goes to  Jogendra Nath Kundu  for his dissertation titled “Self-supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Computer Vision Tasks.”

Pranjal Dutta, Jogendra Nath Kundu 

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Call for Nominations: ACM India Best Doctoral Dissertation Award 2021

August 4, 2020.

The ACM India Best Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2011 by ACM India with approval from the ACM Awards Committee. This award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation(s) in Computer Science and Engineering from a degree-awarding institution based in India for each academic year. There will be one award for 2021. The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of ₹2,00,000. An honourable mention award, if any, is accompanied by a prize of ₹1,00,000. The Award will be presented at the ACM India Annual Event in February 2021.


Each PhD granting institution based in India can normally nominate 1 student for the award. Institutions that produce more than 10 dissertations in relevant areas per year can nominate 2 students. Each dissertation nominated for the 2021 award must have been defended successfully between August 1, 2019 and August 14, 2020 (the usual deadline of July 31 is being deferred by 2 weeks this year, considering the exceptional circumstances arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic).

Nominations must be received by August 31, 2020 to qualify for consideration of the 2021 award.

Publication and Copyrights

Winning dissertations will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Each nomination must be accompanied by an assignment to ACM by the author of exclusive publication rights, as per ACM's copyright policies. Copyright will automatically revert to an author if her/his dissertation is not selected.

Nomination Procedure

Candidates with PhD degree completed from CS/CSE or allied disciplines are eligible, subject to the clause of maximum number of nominations coming from any institute.

Each nomination must include: i. Nomination letter by thesis advisor. This letter must include:

  • The name, address, phone number and email address of the advisor
  • The name, mailing address and email address of the candidate
  • A one-page (200-300 words) nomination statement addressing why the nominee should receive the award. This should address the significance of the dissertation, not simply replicate the information in the abstract.
  • Suggested citation if the nominee is selected. This should be a concise statement (maximum of 25 words) describing the key technical or professional accomplishment for which the nominee merits this award. Note that the final wording for awardees will be at the discretion of the Awards Committee.

ii. An endorsement letter by the department head or a suitable substitute (in case of a conflict of interest)

iii. At least 3, and not more than 5, supporting letters from experts in the field who can provide additional insights or evidence of the dissertation’s impact. The nominator/advisor may not write a letter of support. Each letter should include the name, address, and telephone number of the supporter. The endorsement letter and supporting letters can be combined in one file in your upload.

iv. One copy of the thesis in electronic format

v. A record of publications in conferences and journals of the work reported in the dissertation, along with their citations, if any.

vi. A copyright transfer form filled out by the candidate and assigning exclusive publication rights to ACM (select either the copyright or license form). Copyright will revert to the author if it is not selected for publication. The copyright form can be attached as the last page of the dissertation in your upload.

Mode of submission: Nomination material must be submitted electronically by the thesis advisor (not the nominee). Supporting letters should not come directly from the supporters. All necessary material listed in points (i) through (vi) above may be collected and submitted by the thesis advisor, bundled as a zip file. The zip file must be uploaded at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ACMIndiaAwards2020 while filling in all required information in the nomination form at the CMT site.

Selection Procedure Dissertations will be reviewed for technical depth and significance of the research contribution, potential impact on theory and practice, and quality of presentation. A committee of eminent Computer Science researchers from across the world will perform an initial screening to generate a short list, followed by an in-depth evaluation to determine the winning dissertation. For further queries on the ACM India Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, contact [email protected] .

For more information on ACM India, contact [email protected] .

ACM India Best Doctoral Dissertation Award Founding Sponsor: Tata Consultancy Services

CARE School of Architecture

National Award for Excellence in Architectural Thesis 2020-21

UGTA - 3 Winners Excellence-Abishek Raj

We take immense joy in informing you that Abishek Raj, Alumni of Csoa (batch 2020) makes it to the top 3 winners of the National Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis for the year 2020-21 conducted by the Council of Architecture.

Thesis Topic: Reconception of railway station – Madurai Guide: Ar.Vijaykumar Sengottuvelan

The intent behind the Thesis was to understand the railway station as an active public space rather than viewing it as a mere functional typology ,used for boarding and de-boarding .Hence the thesis attempts to re-think the idea of a stereotypical railway station as a public nodal point in the city while still retaining the essence of the existing heritage value and adding more visual experience to the travellers.

The attached video is a screengrab from the official announcement by Ar.Habeeb Khan, President of COA India.

We also take pleasure in informing you that Deepthi JBM another alumnus of CSOA from the same batch, has been nominated amongst the top 10 candidates in the Zonal level (Zone 5) at the National Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis for the year 2020-21.

Thesis topic: Labour Camp for Transient Construction Labours Guide: Ar.Balaji Rajasekaran

Architecture, which is seen everywhere and admired by everyone for its design, for its spaces, for the feel it creates within when being in the space, etc. But most of them are structurally rigid. There’s always a question if the buildings can move or can be moved from one place to another. There are various user groups who can be benefitted from this idea of mobile buildings. One such user group is migrant laborers. This research is an attempt to study the life of migrant workers, especially construction workers as they are in a very vulnerable state while taking their houses or the place they stay into account. Hence this project is aimed to create a better place to stay for the construction laborers. In addition to that, it has also attempted to incorporate the techniques in which the structure can be dismantled so that it can be taken to the next site once the work is completed in the previous site.

Heartfelt congratulations to both the students and the CARE fraternity

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best thesis award 2021 india

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Bites best phd thesis awards 2021 (bbpta 2021).

BITES invites Applications for BITES Best PhD Thesis Awards - 2021 for the calendar year (01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021), from the Faculty members as well as Research Scholars from ECE, CSE, TCE, ISE, MCA and Other Branches of Engineering who have worked on IT related methodologies / technologies (or Computer Applications) in their theses.

Three best PhD thesis awards will be considered, one each, in the following three broad categories:

  • Computer Science and Engineering (and allied branches)
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering (and allied branches)
  • Other branches (worked on IT related methodologies / technologies or Computer Applications)

Each award will carry Rs. 25,000/- cash award and a certificate to the awardee. Additionally, the concerend research supervisors will receive Rs.5,000/- cash award and a certificate.

PhD thesis and other supporting documents will be evaluated by an Expert committee appointed by BITES and the decision of the committee is final.

The last date for receiving entries is June 30, 2022.

  • Faculty members as well as Research Scholars, duly certified by their Head of the Institution, from ECE, CSE, TCE, ISE, MCA and Other Branches of Engineering who have worked on IT related methodologies / technologies (or Computer Applications) in their thesis are eligible to apply.
  • Faculty members must be on the rolls of an institution in the state of Karnataka as regular faculty members (while pursuing PhD). Research scholars should have registered as a research scholar in an institution / research centre in the state of Karnataka.
  • Applicant should have received their Doctorates (either provisional degree duly signed by the competent authority of the university awarding the degree or the final award) in the given calendar year (i.e., January 01, 2021 to December 31, 2021). Regardless of other parameters, one is eligible to apply if the viva was held during the calendar year 2021.
  • Applicants must submit the soft copies of their PhD thesis for evaluation along with other supporting documents like citation index, list of publications, questionnaire etc.; that may be asked for the purposes of evaluation.
  • Applicants should apply online on BITES Website ( Application Procedure ) and the same duly filled in hard copy (of application, marked "BBPTA - 2021) should be sent to Executive Director, BITES, #305, Second Floor, Aryabhata Block, IIIT-B Campus, 26/C, Electronic City Phase-1, Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560100

BBPTA Application Procedure

  • A faculty member / research scholar, who is interested in applying for BBPTA, visits bites.org.in, creates an account , and during creation of user account should select the "Purpose of Registration" as "To apply for BITES Best PhD Thesis Award".
  • The applicant receives an email (please check the spam folder too!) with one time login (to confirm the email), clicks on "log in" link in the email, and sets the password as an user of bites.org.in.
  • Please wait for the admin to approve your account which may take some time (may be one day, as we receive a lot of spam!). Please do NOT register multiple times with different email ids, it's a request!
  • The User then clicks on menu "My account" at the top, click on "Edit" tab under the User Name, and then click "BBPTA Registration" tab.
  • The applicant fills the requisite data, uploads requisite pdf files (like Endorsement from Head of the Institution, applicant's best paper, and PhD Thesis) and submits. An applicant can submit data only once, and submitted data can not be changed (edited) by the applicant later (hence please be careful while submitting the application).
  • The applicant now clicks the menu "BBPTA Submitted Data" at the top, where he/she can see all data submitted by self. The Applicant should then click on pdf icon at the bottom and download data submitted in pdf form. The applicant should take a print out of downloaded pdf containing data submitted by him/her, sign it and send the hard copy (of application in pdf form) to BITES office (address given at the footer). Only when the hard copy is received in full and requisite form, the application process is deemed to be completed.
  • The Applicant may wait for email from BITES Officials for seeking further clarification / info / action/ intimation of selection etc.
  • For any clarification, one may contact webmaster using contact form .

BITES Best PhD Thesis Award - Hall of Fame

Year Awardee Institute
2021 Adarsh Vatsa BMS Institute of Technology & Management

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A core committee consisting of a minimum of three persons (One Chairperson and two members) will be constituted by Chairman, BITES for the purpose of evaluation and declaring winners. One member of the committee shall be from Industry. The chairman of the committee shall be BITES governing board member. A core committee consisting of a minimum of three persons (One Chairperson and two members) will be constituted by Chairman, BITES for the purpose of evaluation and declaring winners. One member of the committee shall be from Industry. The chairman of the committee shall be BITES governing board member.

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Archmello's "thesis of the year" awards 2021, india architecture news - apr 12, 2021 - 15:53   4280 views.


Archmello is happy to announce its very 01ST edition of the “Thesis Of The Year Award”. After completing so many studio programs, juries & years of sleepless nights, an architecture student reaches the final mighty stage of “Thesis”. Architectural Thesis is all about going beyond & exploring. 

An Architecture Thesis starts with the difficult task of topic selection, tons of research work, case studies, site selection, concept development, design evolution, the presentation & report development. Archmello believes thesis represents you & your understanding of the entire field. The “Thesis of the Year Award” is Archmello's small attempt to honour some amazing thesis works.

Archmello’s “Thesis Of The Year” award is open to all recent/past graduates & post graduates in architecture. The competition is open for both Indian & Foreign nationals.

The “Thesis Of The Year” award welcomes architectural thesis work done in the following areas:

- Urban Planning and Infrastructure

- Cultural Facilities

- Leisure and Fun Facilities

- Public Offices Buildings and Institutions

- Housing Facilities

- Mixed Use Facilities

- Transport Terminals

Thesis is the most important part of an architecture student’s life as it provides an opportunity to the students to explore a particular design category, address a social – cultural issue through design or work on the futuristic theme. Whatever may be the topic of the thesis, “Thesis Of The Year” Award welcomes everyone to Make Your Work Worth at Archmello.

Registration Dates & Fees

Early Bird Registrations – 13th March to 13th May – 2021

Indian Nationals – INR 950 

Foreign Nationals – USD 15 

Standard Registrations – 14th May to 14th July – 2021

Indian Nationals – INR 1250 

Foreign Nationals – USD 25  

Late Registrations – 15th July TO 15th August – 2021

Indian Nationals – INR 1550

Foreign Nationals – USD 35

Submission Dates 

16th , 17th & 18th August – 2021

Winner Announcement: 30th September - 2021

Prize Money 

Total Prize Money: INR 1,00,000  + 15 Honourable Mentions 

1st Prize – INR 50,000 + Certificate + Publication

2nd Prize – INR 30,000 + Certificate + Publication

3rdPrize – INR 20,000 + Certificate + Publication

Top image courtesy of Archmello

> via Archmello

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Excellence in Post Graduate Thesis in Architecture

Other links.

  • Excellence in Under Graduate Thesis in Architecture
  • Excellence in Documentation of Architectural Heritage



The Council of Architecture, with a view to encourage and motivate the students of Post Graduate Courses has instituted a National Awards for Excellence in Post Graduate thesis in architecture submitted in compliance to requirements of master’s degree program in Architecture and invites students to participate in this prestigious programme by submitting their thesis projects in accordance with the conditions and instructions.

The term 'Student' shall mean a bonafide student, of a College of Architecture approved by COA, who has appeared for the Final Year M. Arch. examination at the end of the academic year. Each thesis is to be submitted by the Head of the institute/ Principal of the college, with the consent of the student. 

Future Program

No Record(s) Available.

Conducted So Far

1 Winners of COA National Awards for Excellence in Post Graduate Thesis in Architecture  2021
2 Awards for Excellence in Post Graduate Thesis in Architecture
3 Awards Calendar (PGTA) 2020
4 Link for Registration
5 COA PG Thesis Awards Program 2020 - Extended Deadline And Revised Calendar


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CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory
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·    Best Ph.D Thesis Award, 2021:  Dr. A V RAMA Rao BEST PhD Thesis Award/cash prize for the year 2021: The Award Winner: Dr. Nalini GORANTLA.

·    NCL Research Foundation:  Keerthi Sangoram Memorial Endowment Award and cash prize, Biological Sciences: Award Winner: Smita DESALE, Best Research Scholar 2021.

·    NCL Research Foundation: Ms Uma Devigupta and Prof Ashwini Kumar Nangia Award and cash prize. The Award Winner: Rashmi DAS, Best Women Research Scholar in Interdisciplinary Research, 2021.

·   NCL Research Foundation:  Keerthi Sangoram Memorial Endowment Award and cash prize, Biological Sciences: The Award Winner: Abhishek BALMIK, Best Research Scholar 2020.

·    NCL Research Foundation: Ms Uma Devigupta and Prof Ashwini Kumar Nangia Award and cash prize. The Award Winner: Shweta SONAWANE, Best Women Research Scholar in Interdisciplinary Research, 2020.

·    NCL Foundation Day Celebration: The best posted Award and cash prize. The Award Winner: Tushar DUBEY, 2019.

·    NCL Foundation Day Celebration: The best posted Award and cash prize. The Award Winner: Nalini GORANTLA, 2019.


·    Scientist of the Year 2022 with citation and cash prize, 2021.

·    Young Scientist Outstanding research contribution award to "Tau protein in Alzheimer's Disease". The award sponsored by Dr. RA Mashelkar Endowment fund, 2021.

·    Young Scientist (Start-up grant, 2015) from SERB, DST, Govt. of India

·    Awarded travel grant to attend Young investigators meet (YIM), March, 2013, Hyderabad, India.

·    Recipientof the Post-Doctoral recognition award, 2011 awarded by the Max Planck Society (MPS) – German Centre for Neurodegeneration Disease (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE)) – Bonn and Max Planck Institute for Neurobiological Research-Hamburg Out station, Hamburg, Germany, (2011-2013).


·      Recipient of Magna Cum Laude for very good thesis work, Max Planck Institute for Structural Molecular Biology (MPG-ASMB) and University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, (2011).


·      Recipient of the Pre-Doctoral recognition award, 2007 awarded by the Max Planck Society (MPS) – Max Planck Institute for Structural Molecular Biology (MPG-ASMB) Hamburg, Germany, (2007-2011).


·   Recipient of Seetharaman award for topper in Master degree, Bharathidasan University, Tamilnadu, (2004).


·  Recipient of Perumbulavar Dr. Nainar Mohamed award for topper in Master degree, Bharathidasan University, Tamilnadu, (2004).







(Associate Editor and Revieweing Editor)

Journal of Alzheimer' disease (JAD) https://www.j-alz.com/members/2619

Frontiers in Neuroscience, Psychairty and Neurology https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/288906/editorial

·    Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience (JNN)

·    Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience (JSIN)

·    Journal of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease (JAPD)

Frontiers in Neuroscience, Psychairty and Neurology

·    Department of Science and Technology and engineering board (DST-SERB)-India,

·    Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-India,

·    Department of Biotechnology (DBT)-India

·    ACS Chemical Neuroscience, ACS Biochemistry, Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC), Nature Scientific Reports (NSR), Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (JAD), Current Alzheimer's Disease (CAR), Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience (JNN), Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience (JSIN)

·    ACS Chemical Neuroscience, Nature Scientific Reports (NSR), Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (JAD)

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Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Indian institute of technology guwahati, best thesis award nomination.

The award is defined as honouring the best PhD thesis defended successfully on/before the deadline declared by the Academic Section in an academic year.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A candidate should have a good academic standing (no backlog in the course work; no repeat in Comprehensive Examination and State-of-the-Art Seminar) and should not have violated any code and conduct of students.
  • The student submitting nomination should have successfully completed the Viva-Voce Examination of the Doctoral Thesis.
  • The student should have completed all graduating requirements of the degree after the 22nd convocation.
  •  Other eligibility conditions as prescribed by the concerned Department/Center and approved by the Chairman, Senate.

Nomination Process

Click here to apply

Last Date of receiving online application: 05.06.2021

For M.Tech.

The award is defined as honouring the best M.Tech thesis defended successfully on/before the deadline declared by the Academic Section in an academic year.

  • The candidate should have a good academic standing (no backlog in the program) and should not have violated any code and conduct of students.
  • The student submitting nomination should have successfully completed the Viva-Voce Examination of the Master Thesis/ Project Work (Final Phase).

For any information please email to: [email protected]

ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners

ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners


ATA 2021, Architectural Thesis Award, after a great success in ATA2020 with 350+ registrations from around the globe. The International Thesis Award, launched with the aim of promoting and giving a global platform to showcase the talents of Young Graduates and Post Graduates, acknowledging the projects amongst young and influential industry professionals.

The award competition is open to all recent/past graduates or postgraduates in architecture who have developed there thesis project in the following areas:-

  • Architectural design and rehabilitation/conservation
  • Landscape architecture & Urban planning
  • Structures and technological systems
  • Transport Terminal

First Prize:

Countryside Dilemma. New rural tourism


ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners

Second Prize:

Friends of the Forest Initiative; Monpa Forest Conservation and Interpretation Centre ​


ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners

Third Prize:

Apparatus of Amusement

ATA 2021 | Thesis Awards 2021 | Winners

For Honorable Mentions visit here .

For Special Mentions visit here .

For selected Mentions visit here .

Explore the entire result on the competition WEBSITE.

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best thesis award 2021 india

  • Constitution
  • Past Executive Bodies
  • Regional Chapters
  • ISA P.S. Deshmukh Young Agronomist Award
  • ISA Life Time Achievement Award
  • ISA Best M. Sc. & Ph.D. Thesis Award
  • ISA Best Paper Award
  • ISA Associateship Awards
  • About Journal
  • Buy Indian Journal of Agronomy
  • View All Issues
  • Instructions for Contributors
  • Submit Manuscript
  • Indian Journal of Agronomy
  • Agronomy Newsletters
  • Proceedings
  • XXI National Symposium
  • 4th IAC Publications

ISA Best Ph.D. Thesis Award

This award was instituted in 1991 to motivate high quality fundamental and applied research amongst Ph.D. scholars in India in the field of Agronomy. This is an annual award open to all Indian students in the field of Agronomy. Only those theses are considered for this Award for which final viva-voce is completed by 31st December of the year for which the award is applied.  The award carries a citation and cash prize of Rs.10,000/-.

Research workers in the field of Agronomy interested to apply for this Award are required to send their applications through proper channel along with a copy of thesis submitted by them for their Ph.D. degree in Agronomy, together with 6 copies of synopsis, highlighting the significance of research. The nomination should be accompanied by a certificate from the concerned Head of the Department that the research work of the candidate has been a significant factor in obtaining the data presented in the thesis leading to the conferment of Ph.D. degree in Agronomy.

All the nominations together with appropriate certificates should be sent to Secretary, Indian Society of Agronomy through the concerned Head of Department by the notified date to be announced while inviting nominations.

All the theses submitted would be judged by a panel of judges appointed by Executive committee. The Executive Committee, whose decision is final, shall approve the report of the judges. The candidate whose work is judged to be the best will be awarded a citation and Rs.10,000/- as cash at the General Body Meeting of the Society. The recipient of the award is expected to deliver an illustrated talk based on his significant research work submitted for the award.

TA/DA as admissible shall be paid to recipient of the award for his journey from his place of work to the place where biennial meeting is being held, in the case the recipient fails to get the same from his organization.

Recipients of ISA Best Ph.D. Thesis Award

2022Central: Mr Kalikrishna Hazra
East: Ms. Sonaka Ghosh
North: Mr. Kamal Garg
South: Dr. Pruthviraj N
West: Dr Anju Bijarnia
2021Central: Dr Harish M.N
East: Dr Prithwiraj Dey
North: Dr MOHD Hasanain
South: Dr. Santosh Nagappa Ningoji
West: Dr B.S.S. Siddartha Naik
2020South Dr Sadashivanagowda S.N.O.
West Dr. Manohar Lal
Central Dr. G Jaya Prathiksha
2019North Dr. Dinesh Jinger
South Dr. Sunil Kumar S.
East Dr. Ipsita Kar
West Dr Rameti Jangir
Central Dr. Abhinav Kumar
2018North Dr. Sunil Kumar Dubey
East Dr. Dibakar Ghosh
West Dr. Hanuman Sopanrao Garud
Central Dr. Vishal Tyagi
2017North Dr. Raghavendra Madar
South Dr. Hanamant M. Halli
East Dr. Koilakonda Ashok Kumar
Central Dr. Hanuman Prasad Verma
North Dr. Pravin Kumar Upadhyay
2016Dr Chaitanya Prasad Nath
Dr Buta Singh Dhillon
2015Dr Mukesh Choudhary
Dr P.C. Ghasal
2014Dr Amarpreet Singh
2013Dr Ashaq Hussain
2012Dr T. Kiran Kumar
2011Dr V. Karunakaran
2010Dr. Vijay Pooniya
2009Dr. C.P. Chandrasekara
2008Dr. G.S. Yadahalli
2007Dr. H.M. Jayadeva
2006Dr. U.K. Shanwad
2004Dr. Rajendra Lakpale
2003Dr Esther Shekinah
1998Dr.V.V. Angadi
1997Dr.B.Sahadeva Reddy
1995Dr.P.Thomas Varghese
1991-92Dr. P. Rajendran

Recipients of ISA Best M.Sc. Thesis Award

2022Central: Mr. Utkarsh Singh
East: Mr. Abhijit Mandal
North: Mr. Tarun Sharma
South: Ms. Yalamareddy Kiranmai
West: Ms. Uditi Dhakad
2021Central: Ms. Priyanka Saha
East: Mr. Anurag Bera
North: Mr. Shashank Patel
South: Mr. Akshya Kumar Kurdekar
West: Ms. Monika Choudhary
2020North Mr. Biswajit Rana
South Ms. B. Soujanya
East Mr. Suman Samui
Central Mr. Tony Manoj Kumar Nandipamu
2019North Mr. Kirttiranjan Baral
South Mr. Basavaraj Biradar
East Ms. Shilpi Bera
Central Ms. Sripriya Das
2018North Mr. Biswaranjan Behera
South Mr. Santosh Nagappa Ningoji
East Mr. Bishal Mukherjee
2017North Dr M.N. Harish
South Mr. Manoj K.N.
East Ms. Ayesha Fatima
West Dr. Sachin Onte
2016Ms. Anita Kumawat
Ms. Aastha
2015Dr Malu Ram Yadav
Ms. Rekha Ratnoo
2014Sh. Vijay Kumar
2013Sh. Sudhir Kumar Rajpoot

best thesis award 2021 india

Archmello - Thesis of the Year Award : 2024

Total prize - inr 60000, registration dates.

01/07/2024 to 25/08/2024

best thesis award 2021 india

Thesis , the only studio in architecture wherein the student gets a chance to select the studio program of his/her choice. It provides an opportunity to the students to explore a particular design category, address any social - cultural - political issue through architecture or work on the futuristic theme for the betterment of the society. Architectural Thesis is a stage of going beyond & exploring new dimensions of designs. We believe six months of rigorous research & design creativity should be acknowledged. THESIS OF THE YEAR AWARD - 2024 is our small attempt to honor some of the best thesis works from around the globe.

Total Prize INR 60000

best thesis award 2021 india

Manoj Patel

Principal Architect - Manoj Patel Design Studio

  • Edition - 1
  • Edition - 2
  • Edition - 3

best thesis award 2021 india

First Prize - TA21A0052

Sergio Mutis - Colombia

best thesis award 2021 india

Second Prize - TA21A0346

Lee Min Hui - Malaysia

best thesis award 2021 india

Third Prize - TA21A0181

Preksha Chheda - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0191

Hariish Ananthan - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0587

Anandita Ayesha Rangarajan - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0466

Theodora Li - United Kingdom

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0231

Harish Kanth - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0441

Akanksha Deolekar - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0410

Jerwin Geo - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0422

Santhosh Narayanan - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0488

Saivi Shah - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0538

Mohamed Farook Ahlam S - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0332

Adnan Kasubhai - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0382

Mokshit Dedhia - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0593

Francesca Prini, Selene Rini, Nicole Vettore - Italy

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0459

Riyesh Patil - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0413

Vatsal Shah - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0190

Lilian Silva Costa - Brazil

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0182

Abishek Raj - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0158

Ravi Modi - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0149

Anisha Mehta - India

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA21A0108

Utkarsh Kumar Verma - India

best thesis award 2021 india

First Prize - TA23B70923

best thesis award 2021 india

Second Prize - TA23B70961

best thesis award 2021 india

Third Prize - TA23B70775

Dean Smuts ( South Africa )

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B71226

Vinayak Bhattacharya, Tanvee Thapa, Silvia Caremoli

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B70689

Serah Yatin

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B71050

Liron Gonsalves

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B1225

Md. Zahidur Rahman

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B71236

Ritika Somani

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B71225

Ayesha Akhter

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B71206

Alvin Baride

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B70905

Ngo Thanh Quy

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B71219

Md. Muhaiminur Rahman

best thesis award 2021 india

Honorable Mention - TA23B70901

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B71240

Snigdha Gopalkrishnan

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Special Mention - TA23B70859

Rohit Belvikar

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B70912

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B71241

Riddhee Madan Patil

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B71160

Harsh Agarwal

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B71012

Priya Chauhan

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B70737

Reeshba Reji

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B1533

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B70927

Pradyumna Lalit Vikharankar

best thesis award 2021 india

Special Mention - TA23B41425

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B70973

Riya Saira Georgi

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B41435

Eromitha Ramesh

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B1547

Vini Thakker

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B70941

Rachit Joshi

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B71129

Garima Mutha

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B1531

Urja Laddha

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B71044

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B1545

Disha Rabadia

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B70782

Zalavadiya Nikunj Harshadbhai

best thesis award 2021 india

Top 10 - TA23B71248

Woon Zi Zheng

Mango Logo Header.png

This competition was launched to promote, recognize, and give a global platform to showcase the talents of Architects, and the design community. We have received more than 900 registrations from around the globe.

If you wanted to know more about the competition, please click on the button below to download the complete brief of the "Architectural Thesis Award-2021".


 first prize winner .


Countryside Dilemma. New rural tourism




Friends of the Forest Initiative; Monpa Forest Conservation and Interpretation Center




Apparatus of Amusement

Indian Agricultural Universities Association

Iaua awards.

  • Ph.D. Thesis Awards

IAUA Awards for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Research

The Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA) instituted IAUA Awards in 2023 for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Research to recognize outstanding original research, to provide incentive for enhancing the quality research and to promote high quality research in emerging priority areas. These awards are meant exclusively for Ph.D. thesis research related to Agricultural Sciences including Agriculture Engineering, Horticultural Science including Forestry, Veterinary and Animal Sciences and Dairy and Fisheries Sciences from any of the IAUA member Agricultural Universities. Each individual award consists of Rs. 50,000/ (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) in cash, a certificate and a plaque. The Four awards will be given in following four categories (one each) every year, if recommended by the committee and approved by the competent authority of IAUA.

  • Agricultural Sciences including Agriculture Engineering (1)
  • Horticulture Science including Forestry (1)
  • Veterinary and Animal Sciences (1)
  • Dairy and Fisheries Sciences (1)
News & Events Details
  • AcSIR Emblem
  • Mission & Objectives
  • Board of Governors, AcSIR
  • Senate, AcSIR
  • AcSIR Affiliated Research Institutes (82)
  • Statement of Accounts
  • Right To Information
  • Faculty of Studies
  • Academic Timeline
  • Professors & Faculty List
  • AcSIR Students List
  • Programme Fee
  • Grade Conversion Formula
  • Academic Requirements
  • Research Papers with AcSIR Affiliation (till 2021)
  • AcSIR Ph.D. Thesis Abstract Portal
  • PhD Notification
  • Request for Transcript from AcSIR
  • Request for Degree Certificate (Routine/ Priority to Indian/ foreign destination) and/or Duplicate Degree/ Grade Card
  • AcSIR Best Ph.D. Thesis Awards
  • Awards & Honors
  • Convocation
  • Online Admission Portal
  • Admission process
  • Admission Calendar
  • QIP | Quality Improvement Programme
  • Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme January-2024 (Open)
  • AcSIR-RMIT University Joint PhD (Cotutelle) Fellowship Program 2023
  • AcSIR-Deakin University Joint PhD (Cotutelle) Program, 2023
  • AcSIR, India–UWA, Australia, Joint PhD (Cotutelle) Program
  • National Ragging Prevention Programme
  • AcSIR Alumni network
  • Master’s Program – Alumni
  • Ph.D. Program- Alumni
  • Opportunities

AcSIR Best Ph.D. Thesis Award.

best thesis award 2021 india

Ph.D. students, who have been awarded their Ph.D. degree from AcSIR during the period  January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 , are eligible to apply for AcSIR Best Ph.D. Thesis Award.

These awards which consists of a citation and a cash prize, will be awarded in all the five faculty disciplines.

The students, who wish to apply for these awards, must send their completed  application form  strictly in the attached word format (do not send PDF) along with copies of all  publications, patents/technology transfer/copyright   emanating only from the Ph.D. thesis-work , Thesis abstract  and  soft copy of their signed thesis  electronically to  [email protected]  not later  than April 10, 2024.



    best thesis award 2021 india

  2. thesis award india

    best thesis award 2021 india

  3. Arclif India Thesis Awards 2021

    best thesis award 2021 india

  4. (PDF) Thesis Award 2021

    best thesis award 2021 india


    best thesis award 2021 india

  6. Archmello's "Thesis Of The Year" Awards 2021

    best thesis award 2021 india


  1. Best thesis award |IISc Bangalore|

  2. AIOC2024

  3. 5 Creative Tips to Write your Thesis Faster & Professional

  4. "How I Bagged Ph.D. In Mathematics"~ UNILAG Overall Best Doctorate, Dr Aminat Ige Shares Her Journey


  1. About ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award

    About ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award

  2. Call for Nominations: ACM India Best Doctoral Dissertation Award 2021

    This award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation (s) in Computer Science and Engineering from a degree-awarding institution based in India for each academic year. There will be one award for 2021. The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of ₹2,00,000. An honourable mention award, if any, is accompanied by a ...

  3. AcSIR Best Ph.D. Thesis Awards 2021.

    Thesis Title. 1. 10BB16J18025. Dr. Jampala Annie Modestra. Biological Sciences. Microbial catalyzed reduction of CO2 to biobased products through bioelectrochemical synthesis and gas fermentation. 2. 10BB15A02030.

  4. National Award for Excellence in Architectural Thesis 2020-21

    We take immense joy in informing you that Abishek Raj, Alumni of Csoa (batch 2020) makes it to the top 3 winners of the National Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis for the year 2020-21 conducted by the Council of Architecture. Thesis Topic: Reconception of railway station - Madurai. Guide: Ar.Vijaykumar Sengottuvelan.

  5. Awards

    22-11-2021: View Details: 3: National Awards for Excellence in Post Graduate Thesis in Architecture 2021: 22-11-2021: View Details: 4: National Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis 2021 & JK AYA Best Architecture Student of the Year Award 2021: 22-11-2021: View Details: 5: COA Awards Calendar 2021. 08-12-2021 View Details: 6

  6. AcSIR

    Contact. - Research Papers with AcSIR Affiliation (till 2021) - Request for Degree Certificate (Routine/ Priority to Indian/ foreign destination) and/or Duplicate Degree/ Grade Card - AcSIR-RMIT University Joint PhD (Cotutelle) Fellowship Program 2023 - AcSIR-Deakin University Joint PhD (Cotutelle) Program, 2023 - AcSIR, India-UWA ...

  7. BITES Best PhD Thesis Awards 2021 (BBPTA 2021)

    BITES invites Applications for BITES Best PhD Thesis Awards - 2021 for the calendar year (01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021), from the Faculty members as well as Research Scholars from ECE, CSE, TCE, ISE, MCA and Other Branches of Engineering who have worked on IT related methodologies / technologies (or Computer Applications) in their theses. ...

  8. Applications are invited for the best MTech thesis and the best PhD

    May 24, 2021. The Department of Chemical Engineering invites application for the best MTech thesis and the best PhD thesis award from the eligible candidates for the year 2021. Interested persons who have completed their degree after the 2020 convocation can submit their application latest by 05 June 2021 in the prescribed format.

  9. PDF NABARD Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research 2021

    uary 2021 and31 December 2021 are eligible to apply.A thesis will be considered only once. The research work mus. be original and must have a direct bearing on aspects relevant to operational areas of NABARD. For the Award Year 2021, primacy will be given to applicants who have completed their Ph.D. degree in the fields of Agri-Credit, Agri ...

  10. Archmello's "Thesis Of The Year" Awards 2021

    Whatever may be the topic of the thesis, "Thesis Of The Year" Award welcomes everyone to Make Your Work Worth at Archmello. Registration Dates & Fees. Early Bird Registrations - 13th March to 13th May - 2021. Indian Nationals - INR 950. Foreign Nationals - USD 15. Standard Registrations - 14th May to 14th July - 2021. Indian ...

  11. Excellence in Post Graduate Thesis in Architecture

    Winners of COA National Awards for Excellence in Post Graduate Thesis in Architecture 2021: View Details: 2: Awards for Excellence in Post Graduate Thesis in Architecture: View Details: 3: Awards Calendar (PGTA) 2020: View Details: 4: Link for Registration: View Details: 5: COA PG Thesis Awards Program 2020 - Extended Deadline And Revised ...

  12. CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory Faculty

    · Best Ph.D Thesis Award, 2021: Dr. A V RAMA Rao BEST PhD Thesis Award/cash prize for the year 2021: The Award Winner: Dr. Nalini GORANTLA. ... Government of India. 1. CSIR-Healthcare FBR Project (2020-2023). 2. Department of Science and Technology Health Sceinces (DST-SERB, 2019-2022). 3. Department of Biotechnology (DBT- Neurosceince, 2018 ...

  13. Best Thesis Award, EEE, IIT Guwahati

    The student submitting nomination should have successfully completed the Viva-Voce Examination of the Master Thesis/ Project Work (Final Phase). The student should have completed all graduating requirements of the degree after the 22nd convocation. Other eligibility conditions as prescribed by the concerned Department/Center and approved by the ...

  14. ATA 2021

    Information. ATA 2021, Architectural Thesis Award, after a great success in ATA2020 with 350+ registrations from around the globe. The International Thesis Award, launched with the aim of promoting and giving a global platform to showcase the talents of Young Graduates and Post Graduates, acknowledging the projects amongst young and influential ...

  15. Best Thesis Award

    PDF | (India Independence Awards-2021) Virtual International Award Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation Date: 18th August 2021 | Find, read and cite all the research you need ...

  16. Archmello

    Submission Deadline: Wednesday, Aug 18, 2021 11:59 PM IST. Archmello is happy to announce its very 01ST edition of the "Thesis Of The Year Award". After completing so many studio programs, juries & years of sleepless nights, an architecture student reaches the final mighty stage of "Thesis". Architectural Thesis is all about going ...

  17. ISA Best Ph.D. Thesis Award

    ISA Best Ph.D. Thesis Award. This award was instituted in 1991 to motivate high quality fundamental and applied research amongst Ph.D. scholars in India in the field of Agronomy. This is an annual award open to all Indian students in the field of Agronomy. Only those theses are considered for this Award for which final viva-voce is completed by ...

  18. PDF 5) ICAR- Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis

    4) Nature of the Award This award is meant exclusively for doctoral thesis related to agricultural sciences from any Indian University. Each individual award consists of Rs. 50,000 in cash plus a citation and silver medal (Gold polished). The 4 awards will be given but not more than 1 award in any one of the subject areas: 5) Eligibility:

  19. Archmello

    Archmello - Thesis of the Year Award : 2023


    AWARDS The Ethos Trophy has 6 awards which includes 5 awards - one each for every academic year and a Best Thesis Award. EVALUATION CRITERIA • First Impression (5%) • Design (40%) o Response to design problem/ Concept o Context o Research/ case studies done, and conclusions drawn (if applicable)

  21. Results-Architectural Thesis Award 2021

    Architectural Thesis Awards 2021, the international thesis award, was launched with the aim of promoting, recognizing, and giving a global platform to showcase young talents in architecture. top of page. Home. Architecture Thesis Award 2024. ... (INDIA) 3RD. THIRD PRIZE WINNER ...

  22. IAUA Awards for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Research

    The Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA) instituted IAUA Awards in 2023 for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Research to recognize outstanding original research, to provide incentive for enhancing the quality research and to promote high quality research in emerging priority areas. These awards are meant exclusively for Ph.D. thesis ...

  23. AcSIR Best Ph.D. Thesis Award

    AcSIR Best Ph.D. Thesis Award