speech for a funeral of a father

Sample Eulogy - Father

Losing my Father is one of the most difficult things I have gone through.  As I am standing up here today, I realize how fortunate I was to have him as my Father.  There are not words to express his influence in my life.  It is through his example that I learned to be the father and husband that I am today.  My father was hardworking, strong, loving, and gentle.   He loved his family and was deeply devoted to my mother and three siblings.   However, he was no Saint by any means or stretch of the imagination.   As a child, I always looked forward to his childhood friends, "Uncle Mike" and "Uncle Dennis"  coming over to the house.  They would reminisce and tell stories about their youth, and every once in a while, usually after they had had a few beers, they would forget I was in the room, and start to tell the un-edited versions of their stories.  I would always learn some new information about my Dad, and his wild side from when he was younger.

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Eulogy examples to help you write a eulogy for a memorial service

Funeral speech examples from around the world.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

How do you begin to write a meaningful eulogy?

And how is it possible to say everything you want to about a person's entire life story in a few, very brief, minutes?

Both those questions are natural responses to having a eulogy to write for a funeral service.

Grief, together with the desire to honor your loved-one the best way you can, and the pressure of a tight timeframe, can make it feel like an almost insurmountable challenge. 

That's why reading what others have written in similar circumstances helps a great deal.

What's on this page:

Access to 70+ eulogy examples, the whys and wherefores of the collection: its background, a submission form to use if you want to contribute a eulogy and links to other useful pages on my site.

Quick links

  • I want to browse and read the example eulogies in the order they have been received . (The most recent is at the top of the list.)
  • I want to submit a eulogy I have written .
  • I want to read specific types of eulogies : eulogies for mothers, fathers, an older brother, a dear friend...
  • I want help with the eulogy writing process.

About these eulogy examples

I am fortunate to be able to make available to you a large, and growing, collection of funeral speech examples. 

They've been written by people from all over the world, who are just like you and me. They too have family and friends whom they care for deeply.

speech for a funeral of a father

Look and you'll find examples of eulogies for mothers, fathers, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, mentors, colleagues, a close friend..., in short: loved ones.

The people who've written them have shared them to help people like yourself. Because they've been where you are now with a funeral speech to prepare, they know how it feels to be searching for inspiration, trying to find a starting point.

Some of the speeches are short. Some of them are funny. All of them are heartfelt, and they appear in the order I received them.

To see them, jump to  eulogy samples .  

Return to Top

 Help to find specific eulogy examples easily

If you're looking for an example of a eulogy for a particular kind of person, and don't want to browse your way through the chronologically ordered list below, use these links to go straight to a collection of:

  • eulogies for mothers
  • eulogies for  fathers
  • eulogies for  sisters
  • eulogies for  sons
  • eulogies for  grandmothers
  • eulogies for  grandfathers
  • eulogies for  friends
  • eulogies for  colleagues

I've grouped all the speeches I've received through this page according to their type on a new page here: sample eulogies . Whenever a eulogy is submitted, I add its link to the category it belongs to.

Collage of 12 labels: Eulogies for Mothers, Eulogies for Fathers, Eulogies for Sisters, Eulogies for Brothers...

The story behind this collection of eulogies

It began with two funeral speeches  I had written. 

Almost as soon as I put them online, they attracted an enormous number of visitors.

It was then I realized the need for more.  

I also knew my examples would not answer everybody's needs.

The one for my sister was different in approach.

The one for my friend and next-door neighbor was not what a grieving person with a eulogy speech to write for a close family member really wanted to see. 

My two were definitely not enough! 

Image: blue forget-me-not flowers. Text: What do forget-me-not flowers symbolize? Remembrance, enduring love, faithfulness

Offering a wider variety of funeral speeches 

To be really useful there needed to be a wider variety of funeral speeches. We needed eulogies for mothers, fathers, sons, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, colleagues, friends, people who died unexpectedly and suddenly...

And we needed them to reflect the diverse countries and faiths of the people visiting the site.

I decided to ask for more. Lo and behold, they began to arrive through my   eulogy submission form below.

Help to make writing a eulogy easier.

After you've read a few eulogy examples, and you want help to prepare your own speech you'll find it here:  how to write a good eulogy .

Image: bunches of white lily of the valley flowers. Text: How to write a eulogy step by step

The article has step-by-step instructions, examples, a very useful free 15-page printable eulogy planning template to download , as well as comprehensive answers for 13 FAQs about eulogies :

  • how do you start a eulogy ?
  • how do you end a eulogy ?
  • do you read a eulogy or memorize it?
  • how do you stop from crying when you give a eulogy ?


Why do people share a deeply personal speech?

The people sending their eulogies to me to publish fully appreciate that writing a funeral speech under pressure can be a difficult, sad and lonely task - sometimes one of the hardest things they've ever done.

They know from experience having examples to read can lessen that burden. It's a good way of starting to find the right words to tell their own personal stories and share their favorite memories about a person they have loved.

Theirs is a kind and generous act, one that's been repeated over 70 times already. 

Wonderfully, some of the people who've come searching for help to write their own eulogy, have returned to share what they've written.

(Read Craig's comment below his eulogy for his Grandmother, Bertha  or Byrona's below her  eulogy for her Dad  for verification.

Both were helped by funeral speeches they found here and wanted what they had written to assist others in the same way.)

So, if you've written a eulogy...

Would you consider sharing it?

It would help others enormously.

Every day people look for tips on how to a write eulogy or to find  eulogy examples  to read. I know because I see it reflected in my website visitor statistics.

I also know because of the comments people leave under speeches.  They are so very grateful to have found a eulogy expressing how they feel.

For instance, see the comments on Eulogy for my Son , on Eulogy for my Grandmother - Bertha , or Sharon Catley's poem for her Mother,  Journey's End .   

You know how it generally is with a speech of this sort. Typically, there is not much time to prepare, and you want to get it right.

Reading what others have done helps in the best possible way.

These eulogies inspire and give people the courage to do what they need to do.

Despite our differences what we all have in common is the desire to speak about our loved ones the very best way we can. 

The more examples we have, the more likely a person is going to find a speech that resonates and meets their needs.

You too could help by submitting the eulogy you've written. It's very simple to do.

Image background blue forget-me-nots. Text: Thank you for sharing.

When you're ready...

PS. If you would like to share your eulogy but have privacy concerns around using your loved one's name you could use a fictional name, like Bob or Sue in place of their real one. Be assured too, that although there is the possibility that people reading your speech might wish to respond, no comment goes live without my permission.

Enter the title of your eulogy

Entering the text of your eulogy is easy to do. Just type!

Your eulogy will appear on a page exactly the way you enter it here. You can wrap a word in square brackets to make it appear bold. For example [my eulogy for Mary] would show as on the page containing your eulogy.

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Click the headline links below to read the eulogies or funeral speeches shared by visitors to this page...

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speech for a funeral of a father

  • Funerals & Memorial Services

How to Write a Eulogy for a Father: 14+ Examples

Updated 06/13/2023

Published 11/1/2019

Yvonne Bertovich

Yvonne Bertovich

Contributing writer

Learn how to write a eulogy for your father, including step-by-step instructions, examples, and tips for speaking.

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Writing a eulogy in and of itself is significant — but you probably don’t need us to tell you that. Depending on who the eulogy is about will likely dictate the amount of pressure you put on yourself. When preparing to write a eulogy, you may feel pressed for time or exhausted. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

Step 1: get in the right mindset, step 2: surround yourself with inspiration.

  • Step 3: Add Details Th at Count

Step 4: Keep It Conversational

Step 5: write for your audience, step 6: let yourself be emotional, step 7: take your time, short eulogy examples for a father.

Especially when you lose your father, writing a eulogy can feel like a daunting task. How can you pen a heartfelt speech about a relationship that goes back to birth? Summing up your bond with your father can be a fulfilling and honorable moment, and can provide poignant memories to share with your family.

You may not be sure of the right words, but we have some steps to help you prepare and find language that speaks directly from your heart.

If you'd like some help sorting through all of your other post-loss tasks after losing a father, check out our post-loss checklist . 

When preparing to write a eulogy for your father, you may only have a short window prior to the memorial service . However, you can make the writing process easier on yourself by preparing yourself accordingly. 

Pick a physical location to work in that makes you feel most comfortable. Grab your favorite beverage, listen to some music, and light a candle or get some fresh air. Treat the writing process as a manner of healing and as a way to express your feelings. If you work better at a certain time of day, make sure you schedule your writing time appropriately.

Though you may be emotional, a eulogy may not be the time for you to express your personal frustrations about your father. On top of getting in the right mindset, you can also make the process easier by surrounding yourself with inspiration that helps you recall fond memories of your father.

Hold onto important mementos, wear one of his ballcaps, check out his photos from the military (and read our guide to writing a eulogy for a veteran ) or even draft your eulogy in a location you and he used to frequent. These actions may inspire you of the good times with your father, and help you avoid sharing negative details about him or his death.

Step 3: Add Details That Count

Regardless of your father’s age upon passing, it’s likely he had a full, rich life. You may feel inclined to retell his life’s story, or conversely feel the need to leave some details out. Feel free to strike a balance between the two.

Make a list of your favorite memories of your dad, or ask other loved ones for their input. By adding in lighthearted content such as his favorite foods, places to shop, or hobbies, your audience will be delighted and reflect with you. Humor can be a good salve when dealing with the loss at hand.

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The tone and content of your eulogy matters. Add in some of your dad’s favorite sayings or “isms” in the eulogy to keep it personal and touching for both you and your audience. If it helps, direct a personal note to him in the eulogy. 

This will likely make the writing process much easier. What you should focus on overall is how much you loved your dad and why. If you and he had a more difficult relationship, remember that there’s nothing wrong with referencing it.

However, keep your other family members in mind, as well as the lasting impact that words can have on others -- especially at something that occurs once, like a memorial service.

As mentioned above, remember your audience. If your dad cursed like a sailor or had some interesting party escapades, this may be fun content to share at an adult-only dinner party. However, at a memorial service for folks of different ages, it may not be a great idea to share details about your father’s less-than-savory or wild experiences.

To reiterate, a eulogy should be a positive thing. It may be the hardest thing you’ll ever have to write in your life, in particular, if it is about your father. You’ll have an easier time if you remind both yourself and your audience of all the joy your father brought to others or how his good actions inspired you and your family.

If you’re having a hard time ending your eulogy or getting it started, take a look at our guide on how to start a eulogy or inspirational quotes for funerals . Our sympathy messages for the loss of a father may also spark inspiration for your eulogy or help you support others in your life.

When both writing and delivering your eulogy, it’s ok to be emotional. Even the most talented public speakers will have a hard time capturing how much a person as important as a father means to them. 

If you get choked up while writing or speaking, be sure to have another loved one by your side to step in or provide extra support. If you need extra help, read our tips for speaking at a funeral .

When writing a eulogy for a father, take your time and allow for pauses. Practice your eulogy to familiarize yourself with the cadence and flow. Let your audience absorb what you’re saying and let yourself feel it as well. Again, you probably won’t give this same eulogy more than once, so make it count.

Regardless, at such a poignant occasion, remember that you will be surrounded by loved ones who will support you during this trying time. In the end, the effort you put in matters more than whether the eulogy was “good” or ‘bad.”

Whether you’re a daughter or a son, your message to your father may not be all that different. However, if you’re at a loss for what to say, check out the following examples for inspiration. 

From a daughter

  • “My father was my biggest role model and cheerleader — literally. He was always there to remind me not to cry, and helped me to laugh instead. God forbid if it was a boy who made me sad, because he made sure they had a stern talking-to, and that’s putting it lightly.” 
  • “I gave you a hard time during my teen years, but you never gave up on me. Even when I was at my worst, you set me straight. I sometimes got angry or embarrassed, but honestly, I couldn’t be more thankful. You wanted the best for me, and because of that, I won’t settle for less.” 
  • “My father never forced me into any sort of mold. He always taught me about his latest ‘improvements’ on his car or around the house. Dad always had the patience of a saint, but if his team was losing — forget it! I’ll promise to carry on his tradition of yelling at the screen, and will always tune into the NBA playoffs. Go Lakers!” 
  • “Dad always had a way of protecting me, even if at times it felt like it was the last thing I wanted him to do. Afterward, he made it a point to break things down to help me understand why he protected me. These lessons ultimately helped me to learn how to connect and empathize with people, and it was all thanks to him.”
  • “Dad, though you won’t be there when I get married or have children of my own, I know that somehow you’ll be watching over us all. You were a large man that never made anyone else feel small, and for that reason, I’m so grateful to have called you ‘Dad,’ and to have had you in my life for even this long.”
  • “Despite me not being the perfect athlete or the best listener, my father always remained patient. He accepted me for who I was, and even in his old age found ways to stay attuned to all the changes around him--which was amazing given that he still preferred to read the newspaper over reading it online. That being said, his adventurous spirit lives on in all of us. I can only hope to be that inspiring for my son.”
  • “My dad was my best friend and my role model. I bust a gut laughing at his jokes, even when I felt like crying. And I cried a lot when I was younger, over skinned knees and over broken hearts. But every time, he put things into perspective. I was lucky to have had such a supportive father in my life, and I know he will still be around to remind me of the bright side of things when I’m feeling down. Even now, I’m still laughing.”
  • “Dad, you were the world’s biggest sports fan, and you knew nearly every stat since the dawn of time. I may not have as good of a memory as you for that sort of thing, but I pride myself on being able to hit a home run off of your fastball.”
  • “My dad was the strongest person I ever met, and still is, in my heart. He was the best example of a leader for me and my brothers. I will have a hard time learning to pave my own path now, but if anything I know that your daily recitations of “always do the right thing” and “try to be a better man” will ring in my head forever. You’ll always be guiding me the right way. Thanks, Dad. I love you.”
  • “I know everyone knew my father as the biggest baseball fan, but one of my favorite pastimes was watching Golden Girls with him. Sorry, I said I wouldn’t share that. But now I can’t take him to a ball game, or even watch Blanche and the girls -- and that’s really hard. However, it’s difficult to not focus on the positives that he brought to so many people. And there’s no denying that we can probably hear his belly laugh all the way from heaven. I love you, Dad, and I miss you already.”

It’s About You and Your Father

How you choose to eulogize your father is not dependent on a specific formula. People won’t be focusing on your delivery and execution as a public speaker. But maybe your dad loved formulas and patterns and always taught you to write your essays as such.

Writing the perfect eulogy about your father is all about the love you had for him and that’s not going anywhere — regardless of space or circumstance.


  • Loss Of Father

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Gabrielle is an experienced freelance writer and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with experience using equine-assisted therapy.

Learn about our Editorial Policy .

Writing a eulogy for your father can not only feel emotionally draining, but it can also be difficult to know where to start. Breaking up the eulogy into sections and tackling each piece one bit at a time can make writing it feel more manageable. Remember to take breaks and give yourself room to process your feelings if they come up during the writing process.

Writing a Eulogy for Your Father

There is no right or wrong way to write a eulogy. Based on your father's personality and your own, it's best to begin to think about the tone you are going for. While some people focus on creating a more serious and somber tone, there are no rules stating that you can't add in anything funny or silly. If your father was a lighthearted person who enjoyed making others laugh, you can certainly add in some of his sillier moments. It can be easier to write a eulogy that reflects your father's actual personality versus trying to write what you think a eulogy should be.

  • 18 Poignant Poems in Memory of Dad
  • 100+ Funeral Quotes to Help Say a Final Goodbye

The Introduction in the Eulogy

The introduction to the eulogy will set the tone for your speech. In the opening lines, you may want to introduce yourself, your relationship to the deceased individual, and thank a few people. You can consider saying:

  • Hi everyone, I'm (insert name). I am (insert father's name) child. I want to start off by thanking you all for coming out today to celebrate my father's beautiful life.
  • Hello, I'm (insert father's name) (insert child, son or daughter). I want to thank you all for coming today to honor my dad. I know some of you travelled a very long distance to pay your respects and I know my dad would have loved to seeing you all together.
  • Hello everyone. I'm (insert name). I'm (insert dad's name) (insert child, son, or daughter). Although today is going to be a very hard day, I want to take this time to remember and honor the special memories I had with my dad.

Adding in More Details About Your Father

After your introduction, you can go into a little detail about your dad. Describe his personality, any quirks, his likes, dislikes, and anything else that really exemplifies his true traits or characteristics. You can say:

  • My dad was always a funny guy. He loved playing practical jokes on his siblings growing up. This tradition played out as I was growing up too. He loved to come up with these silly bits, or funny jokes that always made us all buckle over with laughter.
  • My father was an incredible person. He was not only the best role model, but he volunteered in his free time. See my dad wasn't okay with only being a wonderful father, but he also wanted to give back to the world and help others in need.
  • My dad's most notable feature was his height. He was over six feet tall. You'd think his towering presence would be intimidating, but he was the most kind and gentle person I've ever known.

Adding in Anecdotes

Short anecdotes can be meaningful to speak about. They remind you and others of your father's most notable moments, or simple experiences that sum up his unique personality. It may feel overwhelming to speak about specific memories the day of, so take your time and know that it's okay to pause, have someone else speak, or end your speech early if this feels like too much. You can think about sharing:

  • Favorite childhood memories: One of my favorite childhood memories happened when...
  • Funny moments that were shared just between you two: A story that sums up my dad happened when he....
  • Sweet traditions: My dad and I had this secret tradition where we would....
  • Memories where your father taught you something that stuck with you: One of the most important lessons I learned from my dad was...

Concluding the Eulogy

To close out the eulogy, you can keep it simple. You can write something yourself, or add in a favorite poem or quote of your father's. Keep in mind you and others may be feeling very upset or sentimental at this time. You can say:

  • I cherish the memories I have with my father and know he is smiling down on all of us. Thank you again for coming out today to celebrate the memory of my amazing father.
  • I feel so grateful to have had as much time with my father as I did. I miss him so much already and I will forever remember having the most incredible dad.
  • I don't know how long it will take me to grieve this tremendous loss. My father was the most important person in my life and I feel heartbroken to no longer have him here with us. His memory will forever carry on.

How to Handle Feeling Overwhelmed

If at any point you begin to feel overwhelmed or too upset to write the eulogy, you can:

  • Reach out for support and call a trusted friend or family member
  • Take a walk and focus on your breathing and surroundings
  • Journal about your feelings
  • Spend some time with your pets or a friend's pet
  • Allow yourself to feel and be kind to yourself during this difficult time
  • Practice progressive muscle relaxation

Sample Eulogy Speeches for a Father

If you feel stuck, you can click, edit, and print out some sample speeches to help you get started.

Eulogy for the Father Who Was a Fighter

This sample eulogy works well for any dad who fought through an illness with strength and dignity.

Eulogy for the Soft-Spoken Father

For the father who lived his life in a reserved, yet gentle way, this eulogy sample may be a good template to work off of.

Writing a Beautiful Eulogy for Your Father

Take your time and be kind to yourself as you write your father's eulogy. This can be an incredibly challengign task to take on, especially during a time of heightened emotions and stress. Do the best you can and know that whatever you write will be a meaningful tribute to your father.


85 eulogy examples.

Eulogies are pieces of writing or funeral speeches that are typically shared at a funeral or gathering for someone who has passed away. The speeches often contain a description of the person who passed away, the kind of person they were and personal memories that the person delivering the eulogy finds meaningful to share. That being said, eulogies can be fully customized to fit your writing style and needs and can come in all types of formats. Somber eulogies, eulogies filled with stories, short eulogies, and funny eulogies are all common. The best eulogy speeches are those that are written from the heart.

How to write a eulogy

Outstanding eulogies posted on ever loved, example eulogy templates, eulogy examples for a friend, eulogy examples for a father, eulogy examples for a mother, eulogy examples for a grandmother or grandfather, eulogy examples for a son, eulogy examples for a brother or sister, eulogy examples for a grandson or granddaughter, eulogy example for an infant, eulogy examples for a parent, eulogy examples for a wife, eulogy examples for a coworker, eulogy examples for various professions.

Not sure where to start? Don’t know how to write a eulogy for a mother? Friend? Sister? Grandfather? Try to relax and remember that many people don’t know how to write a eulogy, especially for someone important in their life. To start, the main parts to include in a standard eulogy are as follows:


A brief introduction usually looks like “Thank you all for being here” or “Thank you all for coming”. You’re acknowledging the audience and thanking them for sharing this time with you and yours.

Short story

Including a short story about your loved one is customary and is usually a story that really shows their personality or what about them made them special. If you’re interested in a lighter eulogy, consider sharing a funny story. For more somber atmospheres, stories about lessons taught by the individual or a story about their achievements is a great alternative. Other popular story topics include major accomplishments, life events, the impact the person had on others, childhood memories and years, stories about traveling, marriage, family, children, or other important stories.

Favorite memories

Similar to the story, it’s not unusual to see eulogies include one or two favorite memories the person had with the deceased. These memories can be of simple or complex moments; this is up to you and what feels right.

Important quote

If your loved one had a favorite passage, verse, quote, or poem, you can include it in the eulogy itself. Alternatively, if you have a passage or quote that you feel is relevant and important to share, you can include that as well.

You can end the eulogy by summarizing the impact this person had on the lives of others and by acknowledging the family and those who chose to attend the services again. It may also feel fitting to end the eulogy with a treasured quote or passage.

Order a eulogy

If you're looking for examples of real eulogies that have been written and read by folks on Ever Loved, here are some outstanding examples. Reading through example eulogies can help inspire you and guide you when it comes time for you to prepare a eulogy.

Shannon McMasters' eulogy

Written by Stephen McMasters Shannon McMasters' eulogy, written and read by her brother, Stephen, is a beautiful testament to a woman who Stephen describes as a "shining star that burned out too soon". Shannon's life was far from easy, but reading about her perseverance, determination, and strength and hearing her brother recount meaningful moments in their life and the impact she had on him and those around her is powerful. Shannon's eulogy is an example for those who are looking to honor the struggles and difficulties their loved one dealt with while remembering other important aspects of their life. Visit Shannon's memorial website to learn more about her life.

Read Shannon's full eulogy below:

Shannon had such a big life and touched so many people, it’s hard to know where to begin. Other than our mother, Shannon was the closest person to me growing up. I was basically raised by my mom and sister. Many of my earliest memories are of the two of us, singing Disney songs together, watching The Breakfast Club on rerun, and of course, fights in the backseat of the car. Later in life, she was the cool big sister. And I wanted to be just like her. I have so many fond memories with Shannon, from the University of Florida to moving cross-country to Los Angeles and on to Atlanta. I would not have done many of these things if not for her. Shannon was my best friend. We laughed at everything together, our sense of humor was nearly identical. We bonded over music sharing two of our top three favorite bands. People even said we look alike, which I was never sure was a compliment or not. The bulk of my life was spent with Shannon; it’s hard to believe she’s gone. She was a shining star that burned out too soon. I don’t know too many people that met Shannon and didn’t have something wonderful to say about her. She truly had a gift to connect to people, understand them, make them feel special and like they mattered. I believe she got this gift from our mother who also had a knack with people. Everyone’s life was brighter having known my sister, especially mine. People think Shannon was lucky to have me, but I was lucky to have her. I know I would not be the person I am today without her. She was always positive and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Because of her, my dreams were bigger, my achievements were bigger, my life was bigger. Shannon was fearless in her pursuits; she accomplished so much in her short life. She graduated from UF, double-majoring in Political Science and Theatre. She then graduated from UCLA Law. She obtained degrees from both institutions while enduring bone marrow transplants. Later she went to cosmetology school at the Aveda Institute in Atlanta. I think it’s fair to say Shannon was dealt a rough hand from the start. In 1997, and again in 2004, she was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia, an extremely rare disease in which the bone marrow quits producing red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Even with a donor, chances of survival are still not 100%. Fortunately, I was a match. I was Bone Marrow Boy as Shannon liked to call me. Throughout both transplants, she had to undergo chemotherapy, hospital isolation, and months of recovery before returning to her normal life. Her oncologist declared her in remission in 2012, but she suffered from graft versus host disease, which caused numerous side effects both internally and externally. For years she took cancer-causing immunosuppressant drugs to suppress her immune system so her body would not reject my marrow. Not only did Aplastic Anemia do tremendous damage to her body, it wreaked havoc on her mind. Doctors told Shannon she would not live passed 40 and would likely be barren. I can’t imagine hearing this as an 18 year-old. Living more than half of her life with a terminal illness resulted in clinical depression and PTSD. She was also told she may develop mental disorders later in life due to her extraordinary illness. As a young adult, her way of dealing with the condition was to not be emotional or vulnerable. She dealt with her illness by pushing it aside and pursuing her academic and career goals, leading many of us to forget that she was ever sick at all. Music, painting, and dancing also played significant roles in my sister’s healing. Shannon viewed dance as therapy. In 2014, she was a research participant in one of my school projects. She tied her connection to music and dancing directly to her illness. She stated, quote, “It’s where problems don’t exist. When you’re not thinking of everything else going on in your life, therefore your anxiety is reduced. Moving and dancing to music makes you happy. You’re not feeling depressed. It’s all about the whole getting lost in the moment. That’s a lot of what Buddhist practice is, staying in the present.” My sister seemed to have found peace in those moments of presence on the dance floor. She also found peace through painting, which she spent a lot time doing the last five years. I think that’s one of the many reasons we all loved Shannon, she made us feel special every moment we were with her. We were present because we felt her presence. In the summer of 2015, Shannon had her first psychotic break. Later that year, she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder borderline Schizoaffective Disorder. Mental illness would prove to be the battle of Shannon’s life. She really struggled those last few years. During this time, her mind was changing and she was helpless to stop or reverse it. She lost many of her close connections, not because she OR we didn’t want them, but because she was trying to navigate her new reality that included mania, paranoia, and delusions. Losing our mother in 2021 and her dogs Osa and Kiki back-to-back was just too much to handle. She was hurting and trying to survive the only way she knew how, but I know she did not want to hurt herself and what happened was an accident. She told me not too long ago that she knew she was never going to be the same again, and she hated her illness and what it had done to her. It just isn’t fair what happened to Shannon. In the end, I think she felt misunderstood and no longer accepted, and that’s what hurts the most. I think she felt alone, like she didn’t have anyone. That’s the tragedy of mental illness, not just because of what she went through, but it’s hard for us to understand and even when we try to help, relationships suffer. Unfortunately there were no easy answers or quick fixes, and I underestimated her ability to cope with her illness. The transplants may have saved her life before, I just wish I could’ve saved it again. Sometimes I feel I didn’t do enough and maybe I’ll always feel guilt for that. Shannon recently told me she prayed to God frequently to take her. I think she was ready to go. I think she has been ready for a while. She felt she had a bigger purpose beyond this place. She came into our lives briefly, laughed with us, cried with us, danced with us, made us smile, made us feel special, then left as quickly as she arrived. Maybe that was her purpose here, to have a positive impact on all of us by leaving us better than she found us. I suppose death is what makes life beautiful, knowing that our time here is finite, to make the most of it and remember what is important. Shannon reminded us of that. When she died, a part of me died too, but a part of her and our mother will always live on in me because they make up so much of who I am. While my heart is broken that she is gone and I will never see my sister again in this life, a part of me feels that she is no longer suffering and is at peace with our mother in God’s kingdom. Some birds simply aren’t meant for this world, their feathers are too bright. That’s how I’ll always remember Shannon, and God called her home to be with our mother.

Juanita Pearce's eulogy

Written by Christopher Cost Juanita Pearce's eulogy, written with love and forethought by her grandson Christopher, is a wonderful example for those who are looking for a unique way to deliver a eulogy for a loved one. Christopher gives beautiful insight into Juanita's life by describing one of his earliest memories, describing how she was throughout her life, and what kind of emotional impact she had on all those she knew. Her dedication to her family and willingness to sacrifice for the good of others is detailed throughout his tribute. Additionally, Christopher takes the time to address members of the family, a beautiful departure from the standard eulogy format that makes Juanita's eulogy incredibly heartwarming and unique. Visit Juanita's memorial website to learn more about her life.

Read Juanita's full eulogy below:

Good morning. I am Christopher, Juanita’s grandson from her daughter, Debbie. My nearly 42- year life is right about the length of the job she retired from. She made it to her 89th birthday and then some. From her birth in 1933 to her retirement was just around 60 years. I still have 18 years to get to that point. A lot can happen within that time span. Memory and Truth are funny things. My memory tells me that of all the family, I feel I may have spent the most time with her. The truth is that of all the people that have been in my life, my grandma is the one that has been the most present and participatory. One of my earliest memories of time with my grandma, which is a bit fuzzy at this point in my life, is going to work with her during a summer I was staying with her. She was a manager at Southwestern Bell and visitors had to wear a special badge. What I remember is that I was playing with the alligator clip on the badge and managed to pinch and hurt my finger. I remember my grandma and many other grandmas running to my rescue. I remember my grandma taking me to see these giant catfish that were bigger than me at the time. I remember that I was being a dumb kid and fell and hurt my wrist and she found a way to get me patched up. I still have the scar. My earlier memories may be fuzzy and even failing me, but the truth isn’t: my grandma was always there for me, no matter what. For many of you, perhaps family most of all, that knew grandma before our car accident in 2004, there may be memories of a woman with strong beliefs. You may have memories of her sharing her opinion, and perhaps even memories of some strong judgments and prejudices. For those of us that were especially close to her, we likely also have memories of her always learning and growing into a person that overcame her prejudices. What I remember is she became a woman that even with her opinions, and attitudes, and judgements, never let that get in the way of doing the right thing and rendering aide and support when it was needed. The truth is I’ve only collected two-thirds the memories that my mother and uncle can recall. Her elder sister and only surviving sibling Helen may be able to recall my grandmother’s entire lifetime as memories. The truth is memories are but glimpses and moments and no singular memory or even the collection of memories from a single person will ever adequately define an individual. A lot of you may be blessed by only the last few years of my grandma’s life. I dare say they may be some of the richest blessings you may receive. Truth be told, for as long as I have memories of her, they are made up of sacrifice and offering, one after another. Be it driving to Texas to take care of her grandchildren when my uncle and aunt had to go on a trip or an overnight drive into the mountains of Arkansas to help my mom care for me and my sisters. Or middle of the night runs to the emergency room when one of my sisters or myself had an emergency and mom needed support. No matter the reason, no matter what she was doing, my memories are of a woman who was always there for her family. These last 18 years of my grandma’s life were some of her most challenging. Yet, while she always brought her ornery and cantankerous personality, she also brought every bit of survival fight and strength of character to fill my memories with a woman who scaled an ever-increasing mountain of health and physical and mental challenges. For the 8- and one-half years I directly cared for my grandma following the accident, we tackled daily physical and occupational therapy at my parents’ house and then at the clinic until she could finally return to her own home. We later battled through a relocation to find her and me a new home that was better suited for her ongoing needs and care, to only then face breast cancer before getting into thyroid surgeries. My mother then took over for a few years on daily care before my sister Rebecca took over principal care and support in 2020, just as the pandemic hit. Most of you have your own memories of these last two or three years that I ask for you to recall as I share what I believe of the last few years of my grandma’s life. I believe the truth is that our individual and collective memories tell of a woman that continued to be there no matter what the situation was. They tell of her being a person of support, care, and growth both personally and as an example for everyone around her. And I believe that she will continue to be that person in spirit through the end of each of our lives and the lives of each life we touch. I would like now to speak directly to a some of our family that have been part of Grandma’s daily life and were crucial in the ongoing fight my grandma put up these last 18 years. Kylie, You may never understand how important you were to Grandma Juanita. You were born just ahead of our car accident that changed her life forever. By the time she came to your grandma’s and grandpa’s house for her recovery, you were a source of ongoing reason for her to keep going. I hope that you will from time to time calm your mind and heart to just let her example of love and value for family guide you as you enter your adulthood. RyLee and Lora, She didn’t play favorites often--I should know because I did spend so much time with her--but she does have a special connection with each of you. Ava, Your video calls lighted your Grandma Juanita’s day and gave her a bright smile. To Owen, You don’t understand this today, but Grandma Juanita will always be with you. You were her source of strength and inspiration to keep fighting when her life was turned upside down going from living alone to living with you, your two big sisters and brother, your mom and dad, and the dogs. It was not an easy adjustment for her, but she was able to make that transition because of you. And as your Grandma Debbie and mommy will remind you in the years to come, your partner-in-crime will always be with you, even if you cannot remember her. And, to Kaison and Gavin, the twins, You brought her fresh spirit when her life was yet again shaken with a relocation and then her stroke earlier this year. To my dad, David, Despite your own health, you found the energy to help grandma with her laundry and as always, the two of you continued to keep each other on your toes in conversation. To my brother-in-law Matthew, you helped to clean up messes and did a lot of the heavy lifting with RyLee to relocate her lifetime of things to the new house and storage. To her sister Helen, I know that having a close relationship with you, and your brothers Dillard and Dalford when they were still with us, was very important to her. And, to all of grandma’s family and friends with whom she spoke or saw, there have been so many “cooks in the kitchen,” but she was always grateful for each of you. You each played a role greater than you may know in her ability to continue bringing us blessings and love for 89 years. To my sister Rebecca, who possesses a soul of infinite compassion and caregiving, I want to thank you for the life you were able to let our grandma keep. I may have taken care of her first, but you stepped up and took care of her when she needed support and assistance that allowed her to retain her dignity and privacy in a way a grandson couldn’t provide. And, finally, to her daughter, my mother, You’ve been here as a coordinator and source of medical knowledge and wisdom that completed out and has been no less important than the direct care Rebecca and I provided. Life has thrown you one personal or family health challenge after another, and you have continuing challenges in front of you. Always remember that you too can always calm your mind and heart to allow your mom’s strength and guidance to pick you up when you’re in doubt or facing uncertainty. Death is not the end! It is merely another step we must all take. For those of faith and spirituality that believe Juanita is in Heaven with God, death on Earth is but her means to move to that eternal life. And, for all of us, her death is merely a transition to an ongoing presence on Earth for as long as we each continue to keep her memory within us and grow from her and for as long as you each keep her as part of your truth. In a few hours, some of us will go on a bit of drive to Anadarko to inter her body with her parents and two of her brothers. For as far back as I can remember, this was an annual pilgrimage over Memorial Day weekend. Each year, I can recall the same story as we would pass by Sonic on the highway. Grandma would always remind us that she grew up in a house behind that Sonic. I don’t think that specific Sonic is still there. But for any of you that join us for the burial this afternoon, as you enter Anadarko and see what looks like an old Sonic on your right, let it be a reminder of how precious memories are. For me, I will always remember my grandmother as the woman that took me to the store to get hamburger meat, go home and cook spaghetti and Ragu, spread towels on the floor in front of the TV, and watch movies while we ate on those towels. No matter what memory of her beliefs, opinions, and judgments, I will always know the truth is Grandma loved me, her family, and her friends. The truth is she wasn’t only present, she was actively participating when present. It is in great part through her example and pruning that I am the person I am today. I thank you, Grandma, for every gift and lesson and moment you gave me, and there are nearly 42 years of them to draw on. I love you and carry you with me always!

Barbara Burton Kleinert's eulogy

Written by Christine Maszkiewicz This beautiful eulogy is a wonderful example of how to interweave testament to someone's personality and character with the core occassions of their life. Barbara's eulogy is able to paint a thorough picture of what she enjoyed, what she was passionate about, how she was as a mother, her educational and career choices, and so much more. It's clear that anyone who had the privilege to listen to this eulogy (or to read it in its written form) was given a wonderful opportunity to learn deeply about who Barbara was as a mother, partner, friend, and person. To learn more about Barbara's life, visit her memorial website .

Read Barbara's full eulogy below:

Hello everyone, I am Christie Maszkiewicz, Barbara’s daughter. Today we come to honor and remember the life of Barbara Kleinert. My mother passed away four months exactly from the day my father passed away this year. We sit here in the same spot where we held his memorial back in February. It’s surreal. My family is still dealing with raw heartache from his death and now we are all feeling the pain from hers as well. They both left a void in our hearts. My brother and I are now without our dear parents. My nephews have lost both grandparents on their father’s side. It’s been a tough year so far so I want to thank you all for coming out to remember Barbara and to support this family once again while we are all trying to come to terms with such a great loss. I know many people could not make the trip to Colorado for health reasons or travel reasons. Barbara’s sister Laurie, brother Dave and niece Jenny all are here in spirit and watching online from the east coast and beyond. They wish they could be here today. They joined my brother and I and our spouses in the days leading up to my mother’s passing. We sat around her bed and talked with mom and reminisced about our time with Mom. At times I know for sure that Mom heard and reacted to what we were saying. She was surrounded with family and love in her last days and to me that is the most important thing. Love you Laurie, Dave and Jenny. Thank you, guys, for being there and for being here virtually today. My mom, Barbara was a sincere and warm person. She was a daughter, a grandchild, a niece and then a big sister. She was a close friend, a parishioner, a nurse and a teacher. She was a wife, a sister-in-law, an aunt, and a grandma. To many in her life she was a listener, a singer and a hand to hold. To me she was my mom. My mom loved to care for others throughout her life. My aunt Laurie told me one of her earliest memories was Mom, known as Barbie to Laurie, picking her up out of her crib when she was upset one night, holding and comforting her. During my mom’s childhood she grew up feeling unseen and unheard; she felt she didn’t really fit in or live up to her mother’s expectations. Her heart though was full of love, she turned those feelings of hurt into good. She reached out and helped others to make them feel seen, to make them feel heard. Her passion growing up was very much the church and music. She learned piano but found the guitar to be her instrument of choice and she used it throughout her life to bring song into a youth group or on a mission trip. When she was older, she went to nursing school to help others. Giving of herself was her calling. In her mother’s last year’s my mom was by her side and took care of her and the two eventually made peace. My mother was persistent about peace and understanding between those she loved. Mom was always involved in hobbies that helped others; she even met my dad through her volunteering activities. They met at the U.S.O. in New Jersey where she volunteered. Through her giving spirit she and my dad saw each other through some rough early years. Mom worked nights so dad could work and go to school. She juggled raising a young son while working long hours and supporting her husband. Eventually when a second child came along, she stopped working to be a stay-at-home mother and continue supporting her husband as he continued working and pursuing a Master’s Degree. My brother and I don’t have early memories of daycare, we have memories of being home with mom. Memories of being loved and cared for by her. That was a sacrifice she made, family was very important to her and I know we both appreciate the fact that our parents made that choice. When she went back into the workforce, she had to volunteer to get experience, since a Nursing degree wasn’t enough apparently. She volunteered and eventually worked in the school district with severely handicapped children. The passion she had for helping others became a lifelong career. Mom was always devoted to helping others, through her church St. Michaels in Colorado Springs, she joined the prison Ministry Kairos. I remember as a child answering the phone on weekends when mom was away on a Kairos Retreat. I very politely told the caller that mom was not here right now, she was in prison, could I take a message? My parents always got a chuckle out of that. As a child I connected with my mom’s fun spirit. She was childlike in the sense that she found wonder and beauty in the world where ever she went. She loved animals and nature. As child she had a bunny named Thumper that she adored. Later when she married my dad they acquired a pet skunk named Flower….I think we can figure out what name a pet deer may have acquired. Growing up we couldn’t have a dog or a cat since dad was allergic. With two kids and a wife wanting a critter he and mom figured out a way to make a guinea pig work with dad’s allergies. We had a spotted female named Cutie for a time and then we brought home Skeezics, a red spiky haired guinea pig. My mother had so much fun with him. We’d let him run around the living room and race down the hallway of the house. Many times mom had to help dad dismantle the huge sleeper sofa to get the guinea pig out from underneath where he was hiding. My mom would also sing various songs to the guinea pig, especially at treat time. That little pig would squeak so loudly when he heard the song….”What Shall we get for the Pig” since he knew he was getting a tasty treat. When we moved from CO to VA it was very hard on our family. Mom made sure to help us kids adjust and get involved in activities. As a horse crazy 8-year-old I wanted my own pony. The next best thing, riding lessons. My mom was at every single riding lesson camera in hand. She stood at the fence cheering me on as I learned new things like cantering or jumping. When I had my first fall she rushed to my side and as the old adage tells you, encouraged me to get back on. I’m sure as a mother that goes against many instincts to encourage a child to continue something that injured them. That next week she got me up early every morning so I could soak in a warm bath to ease my pain. In VA my mother continued with Kairos Prison missions but also got involved in Therapeutic riding for special needs children. I joined her a few times at the farm helping with the horses. She loved working with the children. They would come alive up on horseback, it relaxed them and they responded to the games mom and other volunteers played to engage the children. The smiles were just as bright on her face as they were on the children’s. My mother continued to love critters even after our family didn’t have any more pets. Our deck in the back of the house was not our deck. We didn’t have patio furniture or a hot tub out there. Nope, we had birds and squirrels lined up on every single railing eating the seeds and peanuts placed out there by mom. At night we ended up having raccoons at times. One evening there must have been 12 raccoons eating the seeds and other goodies mom fed to the critters. A special guest was Petey, a Virginia Opossum. This little critter loved noodles with BBQ sauce a specialty my mother whipped up for for her culinary delight. Mom spent hours taking photos of this sweet little creature. One day the opossum was still there in the morning and we watched her run off the deck to the underside of the front porch. She came back out with 10 babies clinging to her back and headed off into the woods. Mom made sure we all there to see it and she took pictures of the spectacle. Growing up loving animals just like my mother I didn’t have to look far to find a fuzzy or feathery friend to enjoy. My mother would often take in the birds that flew head first into the window. She would let them rest in a darkened aquarium until they came out of shock and then released them back to the woods. One such incident occurred with a little Tufted Titmouse, aptly named Tufty. He hit the window and needed help. When mom went to catch him, the little guy flew into the house and into the powder room that I was just exiting. My mom and I spent 15 minutes trying to catch that little bird to get him back outside. As I got older and moved on to college and beyond, I acquired the pets I didn’t have growing up, the fuzzy allergy triggering ones. My mother and father loved their grand-dog Spencer. He was a silly little Jack Russell Terrier. Mom never begrudged the fact that I didn’t want children of my own she accepted her four legged grandchildren. Every time I brought Spencer over you would hear the shrill voice of mom bellowing “Grand-Dog! Grand-dog”. He certainly was a spoiled grandchild. When I finally got my pony, my mother was there to meet her, happy as a clam to see me with Daenerys and to share the moment. My mother was constantly documenting our lives with photos. This was before digital photos which now everyone takes pictures of EVERYTHING. My mom invented that; out would come the camera and us kids would groan. Now we have boxes and boxes of memories to sort through that I know we will cherish as we walk down memory lane and thank her for being the shutterbug she was. Kodak stayed in business for a long time because of mom! My mother was the ever-present cheerleader and moral compass of our family. She brought a light to our lives, she often instigated fun but was also patient when we stepped out of line. Surviving my teenage years is a testament to the patience and love my mother had for her family. One hard part I’ve learned about losing someone is having to go through their belongings. Though I will state this act can shed light on memories that will warm the heart. So honestly this burden is one my brother and I are happy to take on. While looking through some books I came across a note mom wrote. She made many notes and comments in nearly every book she read. This particular note though was about parenting. She wrote that parents will make many mistakes. These mistakes shouldn’t really matter if the child knew they were loved. And mom, yes….we knew we were loved. Very much so. This year has been a hard year but with all the tragedy and difficult times we’ve had to endure, this year has been a year full of love, last moments and memories. I cherish these memories and they bring me comfort that there was so much love. I hope each of us can reflect on the memories we have of my Mom, Barbara….and that those feelings can bring us all comfort. We will love you forever Mom. We will love you forever.

Barbara Fritsche Olmanson's eulogy

Written by Leif Olmanson Written in the form of detailed descriptions of different memories Leif had with his mother, Barbara's eulogy is a perfect example of the how the accumulation of small moments woven together end up creating a beautiful landscape of a life well lived. Leif's description of each memory that he cherished with his mom is a perfect way for the reader to gain an understanding of the type of woman Barbara was and the effect she had on those around her. For those looking to share a eulogy that's built on memories, Leif's eulogy is a wonderful place to gain inspiration. To learn more about Barbara's life, visit her memorial website .

Read the full eulogy below:

Remembrances of Mom: When she was ten years old our mother was baptized at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in New Ulm, but I think one reason she chose the Church of the Holy Communion for our family was because of the beauty of the church and its history. I recall being told that the ceiling was designed to look like an upside-down ship—basically a vessel to bring the parishioners to heaven. And that the stained-glass windows came from England by sailing ships and overland by ox cart. The Dodd family grave in the back of the church evokes pioneer history. Mom had a keen interest in local history, and this Episcopal Church building is a living reminder of that history. The obituary focuses on Mom’s love of travel, especially their long trip to Burma and their service to a disadvantaged part of the world under difficult conditions. I think this was a formative experience for them—at times a trial by fire. In some ways, they must have been different people by the time they returned to resume their life in St. Peter. It was a few months after they returned to St. Peter that I (Leif) was born, and my little sister Lori followed shortly. With six kids you would think that the adventures would stop, but that was not the case. Although sometimes they traveled without the kids, often they brought all of us or some of us along. There were memorable trips to the Boundary Waters, Canada, the Black Hills, Florida, Yucatan, and the Cayman Islands. These trips instilled a sense of travel in all of us. Long after we all left home, when Mom was 70 and my sister Trudi was 40, she decided to fulfill her bucket list. It started with Trudi and Thor traveling with my parents to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Other adventures included Peru - Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca, Panama (with Trudi and Eric), Norway and Germany (with Trudi and Eric), and Trinidad and Tobago (with Trudi, Leif, and grandkids Britta and Anders) where I made the mistake of calling my parents elderly when we were inquiring about a boat trip. I was set straight by Mom right away but had reason to be concerned since the docks were in bad shape and the captain had to time the waves to get them on and offboard. There were also several trips to Mexico with each of her children and several grandchildren joining them. The most memorable trip was for Mom’s 80th Birthday where Trudi and I were with them for the entire 21-day trip and all but one of the other siblings and Anders joined for a week. We started in Puerto Morales (a great discovery and location we returned to many times for easier traveling as our parents aged) and then went to Tulum. From there we headed to Xcalak (which was one mile from Belize) and ended up staying at a scuba diver training facility which was cool since they had students from around the world and for the diving trips, we were outnumbered by diving instructors. Mom and Dad enjoyed the snorkeling and bird-watching trip. For such a small fishing village they had some great restaurants with some interesting locally sourced gourmet dishes. We were having a great time and I was using my iPod to text my brother Thor to tell him to come to Xcalak. He misunderstood my messaging and indicated he would meet us in Punta Allen. When Mom heard that we were off to meet Thor in Punta Allen. The travel books said the road from Tulum to Punta Allen was anywhere from 1 to 4 hours depending on road conditions. Well from Xcalak we had a 4-hour drive to Tulum and what turned out to be another 4 hours to Punta Allen. (This long drive was the first time I noticed signs of Alzheimer’s in my dad.) Amazing how well my mom and dad were able to cover it from us. So back to the story. It had been raining so the roads were more like small lakes than a road. With mud puddles covering most of the road and as it turns out it was the route for the adventure Jeep tours you would see if you would go on a cruise or to a big resort. So, there we are in our Jetta size car with luggage and five passengers, Anders on the hump in the back seat. Since the few people that lived on this route did not like the jeeps ripping up the road, they would put in Jeep size road bumps to slow them down. So, every time we came upon one, I would stop and have everyone get out of the car to make it over the bump. After we finally got to Punta Allen the streets were not any better since they were also flooded. We met up with Thor and his girlfriend at the time and had a wonderful time with some great food and company. The adventure continued with Schelli, and Lori joining us Back in Puerto Morelos and trips to Chichen itza to recreate childhood photographs and Ek Balam. A great and memorable trip. Other memorable occasions: Dad and Amby were working on the Ford Model As that were being used for Schelli and Amby’s Wedding parade. Right before the ceremony, Mom saw Amby and took him into the bathroom of the church and said no man would marry her daughter with greasy hands, so she helped him scrub the grease off. When she was babysitting Marty when he was 3, he helped her pick berries and make jam. When Schelli picked him up, he had dark red around his mouth, and she said “the jam must have been good”. Mom gave her a funny look and brought a washcloth over and said, I think he got into a Woodtick that fell off the dog. Picking Morel mushrooms, canoeing, her amazing cooking inspired by traveling including braunschweiger dip, kawswe, elderberry Kiekle, Burmese curry, homemade sauerkraut, and her conch ceviche Mom was always willing to go, whether it was dancing, fishing, going to the lake and tubing behind the boat, and paddle boarding at 80, and they really enjoyed garage sales. Mom was an anchor for our family. She took care of us when we were sick, fed us, taught us about nature and history, and encouraged our interests. She was the keeper of holiday traditions, adapting her more German Christmas traditions by adventurously adding her husband’s annual Norwegian delicacy: LUTEFISK. Regular Christmas guests were: Violet, Charles, and Pauline Kinson (Violet’s shrimp paste), Bernie Bornhagen (black mustard for the lutefisk), and other friends we adopted along the way. One Christmas when we all arrived Mom said they had noticed an awful smell in the house. They remembered their Springer Spaniel dog (Spike) had a dead squirrel in the yard. Sure, that she must have brought the carcass into the house they did a thorough search of the house and to their surprise, they discovered a piece of lutefisk under a chair. The dog must have grabbed it out of the bucket it was soaking in. Dad told us that he rinsed it off and put it back in the bucket. We were pretty sure he was joking. Lots of great memories and we will miss her greatly!

Juliann Therese Weimholt's eulogy

Written and read by Josef Weimholt In Juliann's eulogy, Josef does an excellent job at delivering many of the details you'd find in a eulogy in a loving, descriptive, and beautiful way. In addition to thanking the community, describing his mother's impact on those around her and her character, Josef includes a beautiful and creative tribute to his mother with additional context and pledges for what he aims to do in the future to honor his mother. To learn more about Juliann's life, visit her memorial website .

Good morning. Before I begin, I want to take the opportunity, on behalf of our entire family, to thank all of you for being here today—in person, in this beautiful, old church that our mom loved so much, or virtually—to help us celebrate our mom’s life. We’d like to thank everyone who travelled from out of state to be here today, including those on our dad’s side of the family who traveled from as far away as California. Let that sink in for a second—there are people here today who flew from warm, sunny California. To Chicago. In February. To attend the funeral of an in-law, essentially. Now, I know they came in part to support our dad in his time of grief, but I think it really speaks to the impact our mom had on people. And that’s been evident as well in the flood of messages we’ve received since Mom passed, which have come not just from close friends and family, as you’d expect, but from those who worked with her briefly decades ago, those who met her only recently—including members of the Breakers community in Edgewater, where our parents have lived the past couple of years—from friends (and friends of friends) of my sisters and mine who may have met her only once at one of our weddings years ago. So many have reached out with a kind note, a memory, a heartfelt message about how our mom affected them. As everyone here can attest, to meet Mom was to know instantly what a beautiful person she was, inside and out; a kind, caring soul; sharp, funny, and fun to be around; someone who brightened the lives of all those around her. I heard it said recently that grief is simply unexpressed love. The moral, I think, is that grief isn’t something we should avoid or try to overcome, but something we should embrace. If grief really is just a reflection of the love we feel for the person we lost, then we should hope to always feel some measure of grief for our departed loved ones. I like that sentiment; I think there’s some wisdom there, and perhaps some solace for those of us who are grieving our mom’s loss so deeply still. But it got me thinking about that notion of "unexpressed love." Unexpressed love: that was a foreign concept to Mom. Like our dad, she never missed an opportunity to tell my sisters and I how much she loved us, how proud she was of us, how happy we made her, how lucky she was to be our mom. And we always reciprocated—in person, on the phone, over text (including, in recent years, through liberal use of heart emojis in any text with Mom). Now, I don’t know whether that has lessened our grief any, but I do know that I speak for my sisters, our dad, our Aunt Mary Kay, and everyone who was on the other end of those exchanges with Mom, when I say that we are incredibly grateful for each of those moments, each of those expressions of love that my mom would simply not let go unexpressed. It was in that spirit that I set out some time ago to put down in writing exactly what my mom meant to me—an impossible task, to be sure. I regret deeply that I didn’t finish it before she passed, but I’m grateful I can share it here today with her and with all of you. I initially intended for it to be a poem, as that’s the language that she loved best, but I’m afraid I didn’t inherit her poetic voice (or talents). So I ended up with something else, I’m not sure what exactly. But I call it, “My Mother’s Son.” My Mother’s Son I knew it was coming, every time I would visit Mom at work—usually to ask for money for the movies or to pick up the car to meet friends or for some other equally important reason—never just to say hi, or ask about her day, or tell her how much I loved her. (There would always be time for that later, right?) “You must be Julie’s son!” It was probably my nose or the shape of my face; perhaps the hazel eyes or brown, curly hair. At first, I was annoyed. I didn’t want to resemble a short, middle-aged woman—beautiful though she was—and rued the fact that I didn’t inherit a chiseled jawline or muscular physique instead. So I usually just smiled sheepishly. But beyond an amusement at the resemblance, there was something else evident in their tone. “You must be Julie’s son!” The front desk staff, her fellow nurses, the doctors and residents, the custodial workers—they always made sure to tell me how much they loved working with Mom—how kind and skilled she was with patients, how supportive and generous she was with colleagues. They were quick with an anecdote or an expression of admiration. Eventually, I came to embrace the comparisons—proudly wrapping my arm around her (and sometimes giving her a playful pat on top of her head, which by then came up only to my chest) whenever a new friend, colleague, or stranger remarked on the resemblance. In her later years, as her health declined and the Parkinson’s loomed like a storm cloud growing nearer and more ominous by the day, I would reflect often on the connection I shared with my mom, on what it meant to be her son. Apart from any physical traits she may have passed down, I knew she would be leaving for her children and grandchildren something truly precious and rare. Something that couldn’t be simply inherited, but would need to be earned—brought to fruition through the countless small acts and daily decisions that make up a person’s life. Now that she has passed, and I think about the man I strive to be for my own family—for my wife, Sarah, and our daughter, Tessa, who will grow up without having truly known her Ama—I find in my mom’s legacy a clarion call, a beacon guiding my way, a pledge I must continually renew: I will be kind to friends and strangers alike—especially the less fortunate, the marginalized, and the forgotten among us. I will be generous with my time, energy, and resources, and will commit to causes greater than myself. I will laugh, loud and often. My patience will know no bounds. I will smile constantly and exude warmth so that others are uplifted even when I’m down. I will be selfless and unfailingly loyal. I will not swoon at the sight of blood, but will swoon over a mariachi band (or really any live music). I will create. I will nurture. I will dance with enthusiasm. I will be open to all things, and constantly seek out new adventures, foods, cultures, and people. I will find happiness in the simple things, and peace in nature. When my health fails me or curveballs inevitably come my way, I will put on a brave face to spare my loved ones their worry, and will fight with a strength and tenacity that will make them proud. I will laugh some more, through everything. I will be grateful for all that I have been given. I will love, and be loved, and the world will be a richer, better place for my having been here. I will, I pray, truly and forever be my mother’s son.

Richard "Dick" Floyd Messalle's memorial speech

Written and read by Renee Messalle In this memorial speech, there are plenty references to memories, passions, hobbies, and delights that Richard took part in during his time. These references help paint a loving and broad picture of what Richard's life was like and the kind of person he was. In addition to the personal stories shared, Renee also includes a beautiful poem at the start which kicks off the metaphor of the Train of Life for the rest of the memorial speech. To learn more about Richard's life, visit his memorial website .

Welcome everyone. Thank you so much for coming today. Carl and I wanted to share a few memories about our Dad before the service started. I wanted to start off by reading this lovely poem that I saw recently. Train of Life At birth, we boarded the train of life and met our parents, and we believed that they would always travel by our side. However, at some station, our parents would step down from the train, leaving us on life's journey alone. As time goes by, some significant people will board the train: siblings, other children, friends, and even the love of our life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we won't realize that they vacated their seats! This train ride has been a mixture of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. A successful journey consists of having a good relationship with all passengers, requiring that we give the best of ourselves. The mystery that prevails is that we do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. Thus, we must try to travel along the track of life in the best possible way -- loving, forgiving, giving, and sharing. When the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty -- we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who continue to travel on the train of life. And let’s remember to thank our God for giving us life to participate in this wonderful train ride. I am so glad that I was on my Dad’s train for 51 years. And thanks to those that joined the train at one time or another. His stop and his step down was so very unexpected for us – but he left so many great memories, and we are so grateful he stepped off on a high note! We have all loved hearing what others thought of my Dad – and am so happy that it was what we knew of him. The prevailing theme – he was such a kind and gentle and smart person. And several people said he was a “Renaissance Man”. And I totally agree – he loved to learn and knew a lot about everything. He was so happy in his recent move to Greenspring where he had a big office surrounded by at least 1,000 of his books, all in one room. And most importantly my Dad loved math and data. He had a bachelor and master’s degree in Math. He worked for the Navy using his math skills. And in going through things in his office – we saw that my Dad doodled math everywhere. And he did at least a sudoku a day. I have great memories of him helping us as kids with homework, which he enthusiastically did, and especially of course with math. My high school friends even fondly remember his tutoring us in math. After retirement, he even spent many years tutoring various students – even his grandsons. Just recently he helped Brandon and me with some math homework and sent us detailed descriptions and steps to help us. And he was still the volunteer Treasurer for the Four Corners neighborhood association, which he had been doing for many years. After grad school with his advanced degree in Mathematics, he met my Mom on their first day of work at US Navy, David Taylor Model Basin as they were both trying to find the math lab! My Mom worked there until I was born. And then, when I was looking for a summer job in college, I decided to apply where my Dad worked. This turned out to be the start of my government career as well, and I eventually worked in the same Directorate with my Dad for the summers and then for 7 years after college. It was a great chance for us to know and see each other in different ways, learn what my Dad did at work, have similar co-workers, etc. After my Dad retired, he had so much fun taking liberal art classes at the community college. He also loved going to see plays with my Mom, so they both ushered at various local theaters for over 30 years. And he even directed and acted in some community theater plays. Despite my Dad’s quiet demeanor – he definitely had had a wild and adventurous side …. He loved rollercoasters. Even as recent as about 5- 10 years ago, he was still going on roller coasters and rides at Disney and Universal with my husband and niece and Brandon, and even on the water slides at the water parks. When we were younger, he took us on a hot air balloon ride. He loved to bike – biked to work, biked with friends, biked long distance rides of 100 miles, and biked as a family. He did Hang gliding for a while – and even bought one. I remember playing in fields while my Dad would hang glide off of small hills. He even bought a Unicycle. He also loved science fiction, and he introduced us to Star Wars as kids. And I was able to take my parents to the new Disney Star Wars theme park in February, right before Covid. And I just took him to the movie theater at Thanksgiving to see the new Dune movie, which he loved. My Dad was always around and involved when we were younger. We always had family dinners, he made breakfast every Sunday (where I was introduced to and then loved scrapple), he washed the dishes every night for my Mom, and was always willing and around to assist us with our school and homework. And then he continued to be present and involved in my life as a grandfather to Brandon, especially since we lived somewhat close by. He set such a great example for me of what a father and what a spouse should be. And I am so happy that he met the love of his life, and that he and my Mom had such a wonderful marriage of 53 years – best friends - truly soul mates. In summary, my Dad had a fun life on that train for 79 years, sharing 55 of those years (70% of his life) with my Mom! He left many great memories for me and for others. Thanks Dad – I love you and you will be missed.

Following you will find some eulogy examples, with most of them being short eulogy examples. Shorter eulogies can become longer simply by adding in stories and memories that you hold dear or different aspects of your loved one’s life you’d like to share.

Thank you all for being here today. I’m honored to share this time with [Name]’s friends, family, and others in remembering [his/her] life.

I met [Name] [number] years ago at [description of meeting location]. I immediately liked [Name]’s [sense of humor / personality / presence] and knew we would make fast friends. Once, when we were [description of memory], [Name] turned to me and said “[Quote]”.

[Longer description of memory]

After we met, I [description of life after meeting person] and [he/she] went on to [description of what they did]. When [Name] met [spouse], everything changed. [He/she] became [description] and was one of the best [husbands/wives/fathers/mothers] a family could ask for.

I know I’ll always miss my best friend and that no one can replace [him/her]. With that, I’d like to leave you all with one of [Name]’s favorite quotes, by [author]: “[quote]”. Thank you.

[Name] was my best friend, confidante, partner in crime, and one of the best people I’ve ever had the honor to know. I first met [Name] in [location] and we quickly became fast friends. We shared a love of [hobby] and a desire to [description], something that very few others connected with me on.

[Name] taught me a lot about [description], something I will never take for granted. Our other friends refer to [Name] and describe [him/her] as [description]. What I know for certain is that anyone who knew [Name], knew how [brave/special/funny/kind/unique] they were. You don’t meet someone like that every day.

One of my most cherished memories with [Name] was the time we [description]. If not that, then it’s definitely the time we [description].

I want to thank you all for gathering today in honor of [Name], I know it would’ve meant the world to [him/her]. Let’s honor [his/her] memory by continuing to spread love in this world and to try our best each and every day. Thank you.

For those who don't know me, [Name] and I have been friends for practically our entire lives. We grow up in [town] together, lived down the street from one another, and went to the same schools from elementary to high school. We planned on going to the same college together (but [Name] was smarter than I and got into some schools I didn't). We weren't just friends, we were [brothers/sisters].

When I was younger, [Name] used to take me to [area]. We'd play [game] and sit out in the field, talking about [subject] for hours on end. [Name] was there for my life's most important events. [He/she] was there for [list out important life events] and always remembered my birthday and other important anniversaries. [He/she] was beyond thoughtful -- [he/she] was one of the kindest and most compassionate people I've ever met and will ever meet.

Losing [Name] is akin to losing a family member. [He/she] is irreplaceable and their loss is felt deeply, more than words can ever describe. At the same time, I know [Name] would hate it if they saw me up here crying, talking only about their loss and ignoring all the wonderful things [he/she] did with their precious time here on Earth. So, I'd like to take this time, to thank [Name] for everything [he/she] taught me: [list out lessons or important takeaways]

Let's honor [Name's] memory today (and all days) by being kind to one another and remembering the struggles that we all have to face during our time here.

Joie and I met before we were born -- our mothers were in the same prenatal group and bonded over their hatred of the lack of sushi in their lives. We were born only a few days apart, spent our first years of life held by each other's moms and had almost no chance in not becoming great friends. Little did our moms know -- they'd given us more than friendship when they became friends. They'd made us family -- sisters.

Both of our families had decided to only have one child, so Joie and I filled the void that every only-child experiences. She was my sister, through and through. I was there for every one of her life's major accomplishments (and letdowns). She returned the favor in kind. Joie was my support through my first relationship, my first heartbreak, my first degree, my first marriage (and second!) and my first child. I was there for so many of her firsts, seconds, and thirds in life. That's the kind of person Joie was. Supportive. Constant. Foundational. She was my rock and the rock for so many people around her.

Even in death, Joie knew we'd be lost without her support. Her husband, Robbie, is constantly finding small notes that Joie left behind, just little reminders that she still cares for him and is supporting him, despite this complication we call existence. Two days after Joie was diagnosed with cancer, she gave me a call. She told me to sit down and to get ready for the "shit to hit the fan". I thought it was just another rant about her job or some stupid thing she saw at the store or a 30 minute monologue on the downfall of American reality TV.

When she told me she had cancer, I nearly passed out. But she explained to me that now, more than ever, she needed me to be the strong one. Not just for her, but for her husband, for her family, and for myself. She told me not to embarass her in this eulogy, so I'll restrain myself from doing that by going over the top. Please just know, if you're here today, you meant something to Joie. If you're here today, you matter and are important. If you're here today, please honor Joie's memory by being the rock for someone else in your life.

Joie, I love you so, so much. I can't wait to see you again.

Thank you all for being here today. I’m honored to share this time with our friends, family and community and join in remembering [Name]'s life and ongoing legacy.

I met [Name] at [location] around [number] years ago and instantly knew we'd become lifelong friends.

We spent all our time during that summer [description of activities] and the following years were spent periodically visiting [location] and inviting friends out for our annual [description of trip].

[Name] was the kind of person who you never forget. [He/she] was [describe personality]. [He/she] instantly made people feel like [description]. [He/she] was endlessly [selfless, loving, caring, etc.].

I know this loss is one that runs deep for many of us gathered here today, but I also know that [Name] wouldn't want us to sit around mourning [his/her] loss and instead would want us to look towards the future and think on what we can do to make this world a better place.

In [his/her] memory, let's try our best.

For those who don't know me, [Name] was my childhood best friend. We met when we were [age] and instantly connected. We bonded over [subjects], we spent summers at [location] and I could almost always be found at [his/her] house on the weekends. I spent so much time at [Name]'s house that I was known as [his/her] [brother/sister], even by [his/her] parents own admission.

A lifelong friendship is incredibly hard to find and even harder to live without once you've experienced it. To say that this loss is hard is an understatement. [Name] was one of the [describe personality] people I've ever met. [He/she] was unique. [He/she] was hilarious. [He/she] was irreplaceable.

For all those that are gathered with me today, I ask that you join me in honoring [Name]'s life by practicing the values they held so dear. Be kind, be loving, enjoy life, and live life slowly.

Before I get started, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for showing up to honor and remember the incredible life of [Name]. If you knew [Name] (which, if you didn't, why are you here?), you know how magnetic they truly were. Standing up here with only a few minutes to speak on how amazing they were and what they meant to me feels impossible. How can I describe [Name] in a way that's accurate? How can I sum up the impact they had on me, on those around them, on the field of [career field], on the world? It's a near impossible task, so I decided to list out the top 10 things I appreciated most about [Name]. I plan on integrating these top 10 things into the way I treat others as a way of honoring their memory.

Things I learned from [Name]:

Thank you for joining me and listening to me today. I hope you take some of these values and ways of being with you.

Memories of [Name]

Instead of a standard eulogy, I wanted to use this time to share some of my most cherished memories of [Name]. These are ones I've picked out intentionally as I feel they best represent the type of person [Name] was, at least to me. While not all of these memories are ""positive"", they are the ones that have stuck with me the most.

[List memories]

We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of a remarkable young man, who was taken from us far too soon. [Name] was a 25-year-old Marine, who loved hunting, woodworking, and theater. He had a stoic, but kind personality that drew people to him, and he had a deep passion for nature, exploration, and family.

[Name] was a skilled hunter, who spent many hours in the woods, quietly observing the world around him. He had a deep respect for nature and all of its creatures, and he loved nothing more than being out in the wilderness, breathing in the fresh air, and feeling the sun on his face.

In addition to his love for hunting, [Name] was also a talented woodworker, who enjoyed creating beautiful objects out of wood. He had an eye for detail and a steady hand, and his creations were always stunningly beautiful.

But perhaps most of all, [Name] loved theater. He was a gifted actor, who had a way of bringing his characters to life, and he had a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling. He loved nothing more than being on stage, basking in the spotlight, and entertaining his audience.

Throughout all of his endeavors, [Name] was guided by his dedication to his family. He was a loyal son, a devoted brother, and a loving friend, who always put the needs of others before his own. He had a heart of gold, and he never hesitated to lend a helping hand or a listening ear to those in need.

[Name] was a remarkable young man, who touched the lives of all those who knew him. He will be deeply missed, but his memory will live on in the hearts of those he loved. Rest in peace, [Name]. You will always be remembered.

First, I want to thank everyone here for showing up today. It means a lot.

Losing my dad is one of the most difficult hardships I’ve ever had to go through. That being said, this process has made me realize just how lucky I was to have a father like [Name]. Without his example, encouragement, advice, and love, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I am eternally grateful for his life as an example for how I should live my own.

My dad was difficult to sum up in a few words, but some that come to mind are: [hardworking/gentle/loving/caring/strong/hilarious/funny/serious/crafty/intelligent]. When I was younger, we’d spend time [description of memory]. That’s where I first learned to [description of skill].

I remember once when I was younger, we [description of memory].

Dad, you will never be forgotten. Our family is eternally lucky to have had you as the head of our family. We will honor your memory by [way you’re going to honor memory].

Thank you all for coming today.

Growing up, my father was always [description of attitude / personality]. My friends would always say that he was [description of friends’ thoughts]. His coworkers would describe him as [description]. But to me, he was just my dad.

One of my favorite memories with him is when we [memory description].

Another time, we went to [memory description].

Those are the times that I keep in mind whenever I think of my dad, some of the best times of my life. It’s impossible to describe the amount of love I hold in my heart for my father, so I’ll leave it to someone else to describe for me. In the words of [author name], “[Quote]”.

Hello, everyone. Before I get started, I just wanted to acknowledge everyone's presence today. It means so much to me and to my family that you decided to be here with us today to remember my father's life. I know he's smiling on us from above and is absolutely thrilled that so many of you showed up today to remember him.

My dad is impossible to sum up -- we'd be here all day if I had the opportunity to share with you all all the wonderful things he did, taught, and accomplished in his life. To spare you all from that (and to shield you from watching me cry for a few hours) I've decided to restrict this to a short list of some of my favorite qualities of my dad. Without further ado, here's the things that made my dad the man he was:

  • My dad taught me and my brothers the meaning of what is was to be a man.
  • He was compassionate and kind, funny yet stoic, bubbly yet reserved, and quietly bonded our family together through difficult storms and joyful moments.
  • He was the BEST on the grill and 5 year winner of the Best Chili award at our annual chili cookoff.
  • He hated the Patriots, with a passion.
  • He'd sneak out in the middle of the night when we were younger to take us to midnight premiers of our favorite movies -- much to Mom's dismay.
  • He once drove over 500 miles to help me move out from an ex's apartment -- again, in the middle of the night.
  • He was known by my entire group of friends as "The Cool Dad".
  • Even during his last months, he was ensuring me and my brothers knew what to expect, knew what was coming, and what our responsibilities to each other were.
  • His family was the most important thing in his life.
  • My mom was the love of his life and never failed to put a twinkle in his eye.

My dad is the reason I am the person I am today. He was endlessly encouraging, loving, caring, and intelligent. To lose him is to lose a piece of who I am, though I know he's with me in spirit. Thank you once again for showing up to support our family and remember this great man.

[Author] once said, "[Inspirational quote]". Little did he know, this quote would go on to be the foundation of my father's life.

While most knew my dad as a [descriptor] person, those closest to him knew him for his [kindness, bravery, love, caring, tenderness, softness, etc]. A man of few words and many talents, my father spent much of his life in [work / career description] and caring for [his children/family/wife/etc.]. His greatest love in life was [Name] and his favorite pasttime was [pasttime]. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and not a day goes by that I'm certain the world is worse off without him in it. Losing my dad has taught me two things: [list lessons]

Thank you all for joining me, please tell your parents how much they mean to you and please do kindness, wherever you can.

My father was not an easy man. He was someone who hated the idea of small talk, celebrated people who worked hard (but knew when to take a break), and would be more than happy if no one talked to him for months, leaving him to read through his favorite detective novels.

His life could also not be described as easy. My father grew up poor, he lost his own father at the young age of 8 and had a mother who could be described as absent (at best). His youth was spent attempting to make ends meet through illegal jobs he held while attending school. He ended up dropping out of highschool in order to pursue a job as a dishwasher and support himself.

It was at this point that he met my mother, who seemed to be one of the only people on the planet who could charm my dad. He described her as "The first sense of relief I felt on this earth." and would refer to her as the love of his life for the rest of his life. He did his best to shield me and my brothers from the harsh upbringing he endured. He pushed us to attend college, he pushed us to stay in school, and he pushed us to cherish those in our family -- something he never had.

He worked hard to get to where he was and without a doubt, could be described as a successful man. My father was resilient, generous, and reserved. Though he was a man of few words, he made sure that my brother and I knew we were important, were loved, and were cherished.

I love you Dad and I hope you rest easy. You did a wonderful job.

Lessons from [Name]

Instead of delivering a 20 minute eulogy on my father, that I know he would've hated, I've instead decided to share some of the lessons he taught that could go on to help others. These are lessons that have helped me navigate this life and are lessons I'll cling to now that he's gone. If they resonate with you, please feel free to take them for your own. I love you, Dad.

[List lessons]

My father laid the foundation for my life as a man. He took the lessons his father taught him (rather harshly), picked them up, brushed them off, and buffed them, turning them into the lessons he shared with me (much less harshly than his father did). He was patient. He was kind. He was handy. He was incredibly intelligent and well-spoken, yet preferred to let others speak. If there was a party, you'd often find him on the balcony, in the backyard, or in a corner somewhere, people watching and smiling kindly at anyone who wandered near him. He preferred learning above all else and would most often be seen in his study, with ten different books at varying stages of being read. I owe my father everything and I credit my success in life to the way he raised me, each and every day. To lose him, means to lose a piece of myself. Dad, I love you.

To say my dad meant the world to me is an understatement. A man of few words, and even fewer faults -- he was the stoic figure in my life, the foundation that stayed true no matter what was thrown at him, and the reason I became the woman I am today. I learned to let things go, to love people who loved me back, to befriend those without, and to stay close to those who mattered. My dad meant everything to me, and more. Rest in peace, Dad.

We all dream of having a mother who is kind, loving, and genuine. [Name] was exactly that type of mother. She guided us through years and years and years of hardship, difficulty, joy, and achievement. Our mother was the foundation of our family and without her, it’s difficult to know what to do or what comes next.

I’ll miss her [laugh/smile/generosity/humor/jokes/other descriptor], but am lost without her [guidance/thoughts/advice/other descriptor]. I know we’ll all miss her [insert personality trait or something she was known for].

One of my absolute favorite moments was when my mom [description of memory].

Another one of our family's favorite memories with [Name] was when she [description of memory].

Thank you all for showing up today to honor my mother’s memory and legacy. I know it would’ve warmed her heart to see you all here and I appreciate it greatly. In the words of my mother, “[quote]”

It is an impossible feat to sum up the importance that one’s mother has in one’s life, so I’d like to instead, share some of my favorite memories that I had with my mother. Before I start, let me give you a breakdown of the type of woman my mom was. [Name] was [hardworking/intelligent/ferocious/hilarious/kind/gentle/etc.]. She was always [description] and she never [description]. Her top three favorite things were: [name three things]. One of my favorite memories with my mom was the time we [description]. This is followed closely by the time we [description]. Her [smile/laugh/voice] would light up a room and bring joy to those around her. Her presence was deeply felt and her loss is almost too much to bear. So thank you to everyone who decided to come here today, it means the world to me. One of my mom’s favorite quotes is from [name of author]. It reads, “[quote]”. I’d like to leave you with that today as we celebrate my mother. Thank you.

Thank you for joining me today as I navigate the impossible task of summing up the life of someone incredible, in only a few minutes.

I guess I'll start by sharing one of my favorite moments with [Name]. I was [age] and had just [descriptor]. My mom took me to [location], one of my favorite spots. We had just gone to [location] the previous year, so this was a nice change. We spent the day [descriptor], working on [descriptor] and eating [food]. At night, we [description] and met with [people you met with].

Nights like this weren't uncommon with Mom -- she constantly made sure we had the most fun possible whenever we could. Her free time was spent supporting us, cheerleading for us, driving us to various activities, picking us up, hosting sleepovers, paying for our (many) mistakes, and being known to all as "the best Mom". My friends have all insisted I was blessed with her as my mom, and I know this to be true.

Today, I want us to join together to remember that. To remember the kind of woman she was and the kind of person she taught me and everyone who knew her to be. A woman of joy, light, kindness and warmth. A woman of love and positivity and a ray of sunshine that will be so desperately missed from this world. Mom -- I love you.

To my mother,

I miss you so much. You were the glue that held our family together. You were always there for me when I needed you. I am so grateful to have had you in my life.

You were an amazing woman and an even better mother. I will never forget all the things you taught me. I will never forget your unconditional love and support.

I know you are in a better place now, but I still wish you were here with us. I know that we will see each other again one day, but until then, I will cherish all of our memories together.

I love you, mom.

My mother was the most incredible woman I have ever known. She always supported me in everything that I did, and she was my biggest cheerleader. I know that she is up there looking down on me now, watching over me and guiding me as I navigate through life without her by my side.

Although my mother is no longer with us in this life, I know that she lives on in the memories that I have of her, and the love and support that she gave me throughout my life. She was strong, kind, and warmhearted, and I will always treasure the time we spent together.

I know that it is difficult to lose someone so important to you, but my mother's memory will live on forever in my heart. In her honor, I plan to spend the rest of my days living a life full of kindness and compassion, just as she did. She will never be forgotten.

I am so grateful to have had such an amazing mom, and I know that I will never be able to forget all of the wonderful things she taught me throughout my life. We will cherish all of the amazing memories we have of her until we meet again someday.

Hello all. Before I get started, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has decided to join us today (and even those who reached out and mentioned they couldn't make it). We're gathered in this beautiful location to celebrate my mom's life. For all of those who decided to travel long distances, who reached out to us during our time of need, and who took the time to help us get this set up -- you have no idea how much this has meant to our family.

What's been most clear to me during this difficult time is simply the staggering amount of people my mom influenced, cared for, and loved. So many folks, even those she hasn't seen in over a decade, have written in and let us know the impact she had on their lives. To say she made you feel loved, seen, and appreciated at all times was an understatement. She was the pillar of our family, a pillar of her community, and would take each and every opportunity available to her to make those around her feel supported and seen.

This has been one of the hardest times our family has gone through and I'm so warmed to know all these bright and smiling faces here today. Thanks for coming to honor my mom.

To lose a mother is to lose a piece of your soul. My mother was no exception. Some would say our relationship was too close and my father used to warn me against "relying" on her too much, since he was trying to protect me from this exact day. My mom was the center of my life and without her, I feel lost. I'm angry, I'm confused, and I miss her so, so, very much. I want to ask each and everyone one of you visiting today, who took the time out of your busy schedules to show your support to my family -- please huge your parents. Please resolve any unresolved issues you currently have, if you love them -- none of it matters. Once you don't have the opportunity to make amends, it feels like everything was so silly. Mom, I miss you, I love you, and I'm lost without you.

Friends and family, today we gather to remember and honor the remarkable life of a woman who truly made a difference in this world. She was a devoted mother, a compassionate humanitarian, and an inspiration to all who knew her.

As we heard from her obituary, this incredible woman faced immense tragedy at a young age, losing her husband in a tragic accident. But instead of giving up, she channeled her grief into a powerful force for good. She joined the Peace Corps, dedicating her life to helping those in need in underdeveloped countries around the world. Her commitment to service was unwavering, and she spent years traveling the world, spreading love and kindness wherever she went.

But she was not only a humanitarian. She was a devoted mother to her son, who was her greatest joy in life. She instilled in him the values of kindness and compassion, and he is a testament to her incredible parenting.

Though we mourn her loss, we can take comfort in knowing that her legacy lives on. She touched so many lives with her kindness, generosity, and unwavering dedication to making the world a better place. She will be deeply missed, but her memory will always be a source of inspiration for us all. Rest in peace, dear friend.

Today, we gather to honor the life and legacy of Chef Kimmino, a beloved chef who has left us too soon. Chef Kimmino was a true culinary artist, whose passion and creativity inspired all who had the pleasure of experiencing their dishes.

Sadly, Chef Kimmino's battle with breast cancer came to an end at the age of 45. But let us not mourn their passing. Instead, let us celebrate the life they lived and the joy they brought to countless individuals through their delicious and unforgettable meals.

Chef Kimmino was a true master of their craft, always experimenting with new flavors and techniques to create dishes that were both innovative and mouth-watering. Their culinary creations were a reflection of their adventurous spirit, and they were never afraid to push the boundaries of traditional cooking.

But Chef Kimmino's impact went beyond their culinary talents. They were a mentor and inspiration to many aspiring chefs, always encouraging them to pursue their passion and follow their dreams. They were also a philanthropist, using their talents to give back to the community by donating their time and resources to various charities and organizations.

Chef Kimmino's passing is a great loss to the culinary world and to all who knew and loved them. But we can take comfort in knowing that their legacy will live on through the countless lives they touched with their passion and generosity.

So let us honor Chef Kimmino's memory by continuing to share their love of food and cooking with others. Let us keep their spirit alive by embracing their adventurous approach to life and always striving for excellence in all that we do.

Rest in peace, Chef Kimmino. You will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

We’ve all heard the heartwarming stories many have about just how great their [grandmother/grandfather] was, but I’m here to tell you today that mine was the best. Our [grandma/grandpa], [Name] was such a classic [grandma/grandpa] that it’s almost too difficult to believe. [She/He] was the best at [baking/cooking/fixing things/trips/parties/crafts/giving advice/etc]. [She/He] made the most amazing [food/hobby]. [She/He] also was a part of many clubs, including [list of clubs]. Loved by everyone around [him/her], [name] was the star of the show from the very beginning. When [she/he] was young, [she/he] participated in [activity]. As [she/he] grew older, [she/he] became a fan of [description of hobby/interest]. As [her/his] grandchildren, we were lucky enough to spend time with [him/her] doing [description of time spent]. Now that [she’s/he’s] gone, a hole is left in our hearts and in our souls, but we know we will see [her/him] again soon. One of [name]’s favorite passages was, “[passage]”. I think that sums up who [she/he] was quite well. Thank you all for being here today and I know that [Name] would’ve been in tears just seeing all of you who loved and cared for [her/him] show up for [her/him] today.

My [grandmother/grandfather] was one of those women who [description]. [She’s/He’s] incredibly difficult to sum up in just a few words so I’ll do my best. To start with, my [grandmother/grandfather] was most known for [his/her] [description of something they were known for]. Every single person who came into contact with [her/him] would tell me stories about how [he/she] would [story] and [story].

My favorite memory with [her/him] was the time we went to [description of memory].

I’ll always remember [her/him] as a [loving/caring/kind/gentle/wise/intelligent/hilarious] soul who would try [her/his] best each and every day to put a smile on the faces of others.

For those of you who knew my [grandmother/grandfather], you knew just how special and important [she/he] was to our family. I thank you all for spending time with us here today in honor of [her/him] and the person [she/he] was.

My grandmother was an amazing woman. She was always so kind and loving, and I will never forget all of the wonderful moments we shared together. I am so grateful to have had her in my life, and I know that she will be deeply missed by all who knew her.

She was a strong and independent woman, who always put others first. She was always there for me when I needed her, and she was such an important part of my life. I know that she is now at peace, and I take comfort in knowing that she will always be with me in spirit.

Those who knew her, knew how much she loved her family, and she was always so proud of us. She was the heart of our family, and we will never be the same without her. We will cherish all of the memories we have of her, and keep her in our hearts always.

Thank you for everything, Grandma. I love you so much.

My grandmother was one of the most influential people in my life and the lives of so many others. Never one to back down from a fight, she spent almost her entire life dedicated to trying to improve our system, to the best of her ability.

Whether this was through community service, time spent volunteering, or simply being a listening ear to those who needed one, her time spent on this planet was time spent caring for others.

I want to honor my grandmother's legacy by continuing in her footsteps and ask all here to do the same. Be kind to each other. Find ways to help those who cannot help themselves. Figure out how to invite joy into your life and how to cultivate it in the lives of those around you.

Grandma, thank you so much for being the bright soul that you so were. I adore you always and forever.

Before I get started, I wanted to say thank you to every single one of you who has shown up today to honor the life of my grandmother, [Name]. Each and every one of you meant something to her and I know that you know that, without a doubt.

Now, to the hard part -- summing up the life of such an accomplished, loving, and special woman. [Name] -- you were one of the most unique and special souls that has ever graced this earth. Everyone who encountered you immediately felt like one of your best friends. You held that special talent of conversing easily with strangers, of making newcomers feel like oldtimers, and of holding space for anyone and everyone that needed it. I have run into so many people that have said to me, "I'm so sorry for your loss, [Name] was one of my best friends." I've heard this phrase so often it's astounded me -- how did [Name] have so many best friends?! It's because she was special and she knew how to make others feel just as special.

To say the loss we've suffered is great is an understatement -- there is no way to describe the hole that is left by her passing. That being said, I aim to honor her life and legacy by attempting to make others feel just as loved, held, and cared for as she made them feel. I invite everyone here, to do just the same. Thank you.

I know my grandmother would be rolling in her grave if she could see me up here giving her even the slightest bit of praise. Always one to tut at any kind of recognition of her good deeds, she'd absolutely hate that we were all gathered here today to do just that. I can say, without a doubt, that my grandmother was the love of my life. She was the first person to make me feel like I had a home and a place in this world. She encouraged me to pursue my passions, no matter what they were. She was the first person I called when I decided to switch majors at college. She was the first person I called when I needed relationship advice, or advice on how to fix my toilet, or instructions on how to change a tire. She was endlessly crafty, knowledgeable, loving, and hilarious. She hated sad movies and loved a good horror film. Her church group referred to her as "The Old Commander" because she was so stringent in getting them to submit their projects on time. It didn't matter if it was for a church potluck or a wedding reception, she kept people in line and kept all of us in her orbit. Grandma, I love you endlessly and have no idea how I'm to navigate this scary world without you by my side. But I know you're out there, somewhere, looking over me. I love you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and family, we gather here today to celebrate the life of a remarkable man, a loving grandfather, and a proud veteran - [Grandfather's Name]. He lived a full and fulfilling life, filled with joy, laughter, and countless precious memories that will be cherished by all who knew him.

[Grandfather's Name] was born in San Francisco and spent his early years exploring the city and all that it had to offer. He was an adventurous spirit, always eager to try new things and see new places. When he was called to serve in World War 2, he answered the call with bravery and honor, defending our country and our way of life. His service to our nation was a testament to his character, and it was a source of great pride for him throughout his life.

When [Grandfather's Name] returned home from the war, he began a new chapter in his life, one filled with family, friends, and all the things he loved. He was blessed with five grandchildren, and he cherished each and every one of them, spending countless hours camping, fishing, and exploring the great outdoors with them. His love of nature was second only to his love of his family, and he always took time to share his knowledge and appreciation of the natural world with those he loved.

[Grandfather's Name] was also a talented artist and woodworker. He spent many hours in his workshop, creating beautiful pieces of art and furniture that will be cherished by his family for generations to come. His passion for creating was matched only by his love of giving, and every year he donned a Santa Claus suit to bring joy to children in his community.

In the end, [Grandfather's Name] passed away peacefully in Florida at the age of 82, surrounded by the love of his family. He left behind a legacy of love, kindness, and generosity that will live on in the hearts of all who knew him. Today, we say goodbye to a beloved grandfather, a proud veteran, and a true friend. May he rest in peace and may his memory live on in our hearts forever.

Today, we gather to honor and remember the life of Louis Pereira, a Senior Program Manager and passionate writer. Louis had a love for writing, a passion that he was able to pursue in his final years, penning over six short novels that were close to his heart.

Though Louis may be gone, his legacy lives on through his family, particularly his two beloved grandchildren. His kindness, wisdom, and love will continue to guide them throughout their lives.

Louis's dedication to his work and his commitment to his passions serve as an inspiration to all of us. He was a beloved member of the community, known for his compassion and his willingness to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.

As we say goodbye to Louis, we take comfort in the memories he has left behind and the impact he has had on our lives. May he rest in peace, knowing that his spirit and his legacy will live on through his family and his writing.

You were always determined to be the best – on the field, on the court, in the classroom. You set your sights high and worked hard to achieve your goals.

I am so proud of everything you have accomplished in your short life. You were an amazing son, brother, and friend and you will be deeply missed.

You had a passion for sports and a natural talent for competition. You were always driven to win and I know that you would have gone far in your chosen field, no matter what that ended up being.

I will miss watching you play and excel at what you loved so much. You brought joy to everyone around you and I am grateful to have been a part of your life.

Rest in peace, my son. You will be forever in my heart.

First, let me take this moment to thank each and every one of you who showed up today (and to those who are joining us online). It means so much to our family to have this support system in place after the sudden passing of our beloved son, [Name].

I'm not a person of many words, but at this point in time it feels almost like there aren't enough words in the English language to describe how I feel or the impact my boy had on those he met throughout his short life. From the day he was born, I knew he was something special. It was in the glint of his eyes when he couldn't figure out a problem, in the sound of his laughter as it reverberated through our home, in the shine of his smile whenever he came home from school. He was special. I know every parent feels that way about their kid, but it's true -- [Name] was unique.

Losing him is the hardest thing I've ever dealt with and I know the spot left behind by him is irreplaceable -- I will deal with that for the rest of my days. At the same time, my son was absolutely not the kind of person who would want his friends, his family, and his loved ones to stand by and let grief consume him. He would want his memory to be celebrated and honored through love, laughter, adventure, and a deep appreciation of everything our lives have to offer.

In honor of my son, please hug your children a little tighter today. Please take a few minutes to appreciate what this planet has to offer. And please, most of all, be kind to one another.

I knew from the second I held you in my arms for the first time, how special, unique, and incredible you were going to be. And I was right.

My heart was overflowing with love and joy each and every time I saw your sweet face. Every time you said "Mom!", even if it was said in anger or frustration. I knew how much you loved me, our family, and life itself. Our talks were some of the most special moments of my life -- whether they lasted 2 minutes or were one of our infamous "loving debates" that lasted hours.

Your mind was brilliant, your passion for justice was admirable, and you were everything I wish I could've been at your age. I love you so very much son and to say this loss is unimaginable is simply an understatement.

I will follow your trajectory through life and attempt to celebrate your spirit in everything that I do. You are my sweet boy and I cannot wait until I get to see your sweet face and hold you in my arms once again.

I love you, son.

[Name] was my [youngest/oldest] [brother/sister] and one of the most important people in my life. I know [he/she] would’ve been amazed to see all of you who have come out today in support of [him/her] and us as a family. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Name]. From the very beginning, [Name] and I were inseparable. I loved having [Name] as a [brother/sister] more than anything else in my life. I’ve tried to protect [him/her] as though [she/he] was my own [son/daughter] throughout our lives and it is incredibly painful to be here letting [him/her] go today.

Even though [Name] was taken from us too soon, I know that I will see [him/her] again soon. [He/she] lived a full and happy life, one that touched the lives of so many people. I take comfort in knowing that [his/her] legacy will live on through the lives of others.

I’d like to leave you with one of my favorite quotes that I feel sums up [Name] perfectly: “[quote]”

Thank you all again for coming.

Today we’re gathered in memory of [Name], my [brother/sister] and biggest supporter. I’m [name], [Name] [oldest/youngest/older/younger] [brother/sister]. When we were younger, [Name] & I had a difficult relationship. Lots of fights, screaming, yelling; things that siblings tend to do. As we got older, I started to realize how important [Name] was to me and how much of a supporter [he/she] was to me as an individual.

A couple years ago, we went to [location] for [reason]. We [description of memory]. Another moment that I’ll always remember is the time we went to [description of memory].

[Name] was nothing but [generous/kind/loving/helpful/hilarious/determined/accomplished] and was the pride of our family. [He/she] was my best friend, my partner in crime, and someone I knew I could always rely on. Our family is not the same with their loss, but we will press on and live our best lives as a way of honoring [his/her] memory.

Thank you all for joining me and for allowing [Name] to have a space in your heart and in your life.

Every day, after school, my brother would wait (sometimes over an hour) for me to get out of my last class. He would stand at the bus stop, a huge smile on his face every time he heard the bell ring and saw me running towards him. This tradition continued all the way from when I was around 6 to my very last year of high school.

He was one of the most protective, kind, smart, annoying, hilarious, and goofy individuals I've ever known and will surely, ever meet. Going out of his way to stand at a bus stop just to make sure I had some consistency in my life, a friendly face at the end of the day, and a safe way to get back home was the kind of person he continued to be throughout my life (and throughout the lives of his own family).

Everyone who knew him knew what it meant to him to protect those around him, and that kind of protection was one he enacted until the day he passed away. Without my brother here, I feel a piece of me has shuttered itself away. At the same time, his loss has sparked a desire in me to be better. For him, for his family, for my family, and for myself. His impact on others was incalculable and immeasurable; his life is equally difficult to sum up in just a few words in just a few minutes. I don't doubt I'll be sharing small stories from his life for the rest of my own, but I do want to make sure I make one thing extremely clear.

My brother was the best of us and this world is less bright now that he has passed. Please, keep him in your memory and in your thoughts. Honor his memory by being kind and trying your absolute best. Thank you for coming and for joining my family in remembering my brother.

If I were to say that my sister was the most important person in my life, it might be a bit of a life. (Technically, my mom is the most important person in my life.) I didn't consider my sister as a separate individual -- she was part of me. We were two parts of a whole. Together, we were a full being. Without her, I feel as though half of me is gone.

When we were young, we would stay up until way past our bedtime, whispering down the hallway to each other as we slept in separate beds. We would share our dreams, our fears, our anger, and our joy for a few hours each night. I learned about her dream to be a veterinarian and she celebrated my desire to be a janitor. (We were young!)

Each summer we would go to summer camp together (which we hated), prompted by our parents' need to get some much needed alone time. We were fused at the hip and made almost no friends during summer camps (much to our joy and delight). When we'd get home, our parents would ask if we made new friends and had a great time, we'd lie and make up names for the friends we never made.

When we graduated from college (we both attended [name of college]), she was right behind me on the stage, clasping her degree in [subject] while I held mine in [subject] -- far from our dreams as children.

Throughout our 20's we played around with moving apart and traveling but would ultimately reunite in our hometown every two years or so. When we lost [name], we lived only 20 minutes from each other and would see each other nearly every other day. She was the first person I called when I needed someone to hear me out, someone to listen to me rant, someone to comfort me as I cried, and someone to advocate for me when I wasn't kind to myself.

Losing my sister is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. I will never feel whole again. At the same time, I know she would want me to remember her in a bright light and know that I carry her with me at all times. I truly aim to do this. In her memory, please give your loved ones a hug today and let them know how much they mean to you.

Many of you attending today know my sister through her immensely successful career as a nurse, some of you know her through her brief stint as a filmographer, and many of you know her because she made a deep impression on you at some point during our childhood. To say she was a lifelong friend to many wouldn't be doing her justice. My sister was the kind of person who somehow found the stragglers, the outcasts, the nerds, the misfits, and the people who didn't feel like they had a community -- and gave them one. She opened up her home to those in need, rented out (and sometimes just lended out) her extra rooms, constantly helped people find jobs, resources, and connections when they were new to the city. She was everything to so many and I'm so blessed to see you all here today. Please try your best to fill your life with generosity and gratitude as a testament to her and her life. Thank you.

Thank you for joining me today in honoring my sister's memory. From a young age, I knew my sister was special. She would pick me up each and every day from school. When I went to college, she was there to drive me to the dorms. When I graduated, she drove me across the country. Without her constant and unrelenting support, I wouldn't have made it through the last 40 years of my life. She showed me how to be a better sister, a better person, and a wonderful mom. I owe everything to her and don't know how to navigate life without her.

My grandson, [Full Name] was an amazing young man. He made his family immensely proud of him every single day he lived. A teacher, an educator, a passionate writer, and a talented artist, his multifaceted personality and talent arsenal impressed everyone he met.

He was a strong and independent man, who always put others before himself. Even when he was younger, he'd be the first of my grandkids to ask how he could help. If I was fixing the car, he'd want to watch. If I was working in the garden, he'd want to help. If the lawn needed to be mowed, he'd be up on a Saturday morning taking care of it. When his grandmother, my wife, had hip surgery, he was the one to run and grab us groceries every week. All of this without complaint and without making us feel as though we were burdens.

I am so proud of the man that he had become and only wish he had the opportunity to live out the rest of his days. A rare and special soul, he will be missed so very much.

Thank you for everything, [first name]. I love you and miss you so much.

To my beautiful granddaughter,

You were the light in my life – always happy, always smiling. You lit up a room every time you entered it and I will miss that light so very much.

I am so proud of the woman you were becoming and I know that you would have accomplished great things in your life. You had such a bright future ahead of you and I am heartbroken that it has been cut so short.

I will cherish all the memories we have together – from your first steps, to your first day of school, to your high school graduation. You were always my pride and joy and I will miss you more than words can say.

Rest in peace, my sweet granddaughter. You will be forever in my heart.

Example # 3

Those of you who know me, know how much my grandson meant to me, our family, and our community. [Name] was a rare individual -- someone that, in today's day and age, is becoming increasingly more rare. He thrived on connecting with others and building up his community in any way he could. Countless hours were spent volunteering with the food bank, the humane society, setting up various cancer walks and runs and trying his hardest to do good in this world and to provide a sense of togetherness with the few precious years he had on this planet. His loss is deeply felt by everyone in our family and of course, many of those who are not (but according to him, would be called family). Please consider honoring [Name]'s memory by volunteering your time in any way that you find meaningful. Maybe that means setting up a walk or run (or any other fun activity) for a charity that you hold dear. Maybe that means picking up trash on the road. Maybe that means spending time in the community garden. In any case, know that any time spent building up the lives of others is time spent remembering and honoring the life of [Name] -- and for that, we are forever grateful.

When I gave birth to [Name], my life was permanently changed. I'd heard how this can happen from friends and family, stories about how having a child changes your life. I'd known this would happen but no amount of warning could've prepared me for how rapidly and totally my world was consumed by my baby. When I held her in my arms for the first time, I knew. I knew my life's purpose. I understood the unspeakable bond that tethers a mother to her child. I was hesitant to release her, to let anyone else but me hold her, even her father. I was obsessed.

With each day, she grew into the bright, confident, and cheerful little girl she ended up being. Every flower was a burst of laughter, interactions with puppies and dogs was a cause for joy, she cried incessantly and wouldn't let me sleep for over 2 months -- but it was so worth it. Seeing her bright, chubby cheeks light up as I turned the corner into her room made it so very worth it.

My daughter was my world and I have no idea how I am to cope with her loss. No parent should undergo the rage and grief that accompanies picking out a casket for your small child. Her life was tragically taken from her and I'll never get to know what kind of person she would've been -- though I have theories. I know she loved every day she got to spend on this earth and I know she felt loved for each and every day.

What I learned from her was to embrace joy, to find a spark of happiness in each and every day, and to cry it out when you have to. [Name], sweet girl, you are so loved and so very missed.

Thank you for joining me and my family today to celebrate, remember, and honor the life of [Full Name]. [Name] was a [man/woman] of [describe characteristics] with a penchant for [description] that always showed itself whenever [he/she] would [description]. A [man/woman] of many talents, [Name] showed us that it was never too late to start [hobby/career].

My [father/mother/sister/brother/relation] was, without a doubt, my best friend, my biggest cheerleader, and my constant supporter. When I was interested in [hobby], [she/he] showed up to all the events. When I decided I was obsessed with [hobby], [he/she] went out and purchased [item]. When I decided to [description], [she/he] was the first person to [description].

My [mom/dad/relation] was an unforgettable and truly remarkable human being. I endeavor, with all my heart, to follow in [his/her] footsteps for the rest of my life. I will honor [his/her] time on Earth and [his/her] contributions to our society by [describe how you'll honor their life]. I ask that everyone here today join me in this endeavour as we aim to honor the life of [full name]. Thank you.

To my wife,

You were my best friend and my partner in life. We shared everything – our hopes, our dreams, our lives. You were the love of my life and I will miss you forever.

We had so many happy years together and I am grateful for every moment we shared. You brought joy to my life and I will cherish our time together always.

I am so proud of the woman you were and I know that you touched the lives of everyone around you. You will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

Rest in peace, my love. You will be forever in my heart.

Choosing a favorite moment from my life spent with my wife is impossible. Was it the time that we went to Lake Minetonka and passed out on the shores after sharing a box full of wine? Was it when she surprised me with tickets to see The Black Crowes in concert, only two months after I'd mentioned it to her? When I'd wake up in the morning to a hot cup of coffee and a brief rant on the political state of the world? The way she mothered our children effortlessly and still took the time to ask me about specific relationships at work? My life has been full of these warm memories -- I can't land on one. What I do know is that my wife emanated love each and every day. Every single day I felt loved, supported, and known. It made me want to make sure she was taken care of in each and every way. I did my best. I tried to give her the life she so deserved, but even if I could give her the life of a queen, it wouldn't have been enough for what she deserved. My wife was everything and is the center of my joy. I miss her each and every day and I know I will see her again.

Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be married. I was obsessed with any and all films of prince charmings, beautiful and big weddings, and women being swept off their feet. I was convinced that my time would come by the time I was 20 (how naive!). I went through college and by the time I was 32 realized I'd never had a boyfriend. I'd never been courted. I wasn't even sure I liked men. My desire to be swept off my feet dwindled and I became secure in myself.

Until I met [Name].

Immediately, within the first 20 minutes of meeting [Name], I was absolutely smitten. I thought of almost nothing else when we were apart -- and we hated each other! She was competing with me for the same promotion at work and we were both tenacious and fierce women. She was stubborn, confident, and sure of what she wanted -- much like myself.

After she got the promotion I so desperately wanted, she invited me out for a conciliatory drink -- a move I never would've made. She would go on to refer to this as our first date, though I considered it the first brick towards building a bridge away from dislike and towards camaraderie.

I was swept off my feet, in a completely unexpected way. During our first years of dating, I found myself wanting to provide for her, take care of her, make her smile at all possible moments. When she ranted about work, I wanted to defend her. When she managed to burn chicken each and every time, you wouldn't hear a peep from me. When she suggested we get married, I wanted her to be the star of the show. I wanted to show her off to every important person in my life. She'd lovingly refer to me as her ""Princess Charming"" -- a role I happily inhabited.

My wife brought joy, kindness, love, courage, strength, and purpose into my life. Without her by my side, I feel an unhealable void. At the same time, in her way, she prepared me as best she could. I ask those gathered here today, in her memory, to help me keep her presence alive. Please spread joy in all the ways you can. Tell people how you feel. Advocate for yourself. Be free.

My life's greatest years were spent with [Name], the love of my life. She loved everything about life, even the downsides -- she embraced it all. Life was hard, but it was also worth it for her. From the moment I met her, I knw my life would be different and that I'd found the one.

[Name] made such a massive difference in the community around her, especially after becoming president of the charity she worked for. Her favorite things in life were witnessing others transform their lives for the better, helping people access community resources wherever possible, and advocating for those less fortunate. Go out today and try your best to emulate everything she did, and more.

I am so saddened by the loss of [Name]. We didn't always see eye to eye, but I always respected [him/her] as a hard worker and a great person. [She/He] was always so kind and helpful, and I will never forget all of the times [she/he] went out of [him/her] way to help me. [She/He] will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing [him/her].

When we first met at [company], [name] was one of the first people to make me feel welcome. I’ll never forget how [she/he] took the time to get to know me and helped me feel like I belonged there.

I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with [him/her], and I know that [she/he] has left a lasting impression on everyone [she/he] met. [She/He] was an amazing person, and I know that [she/he] will be deeply missed. Thank you for everything, [name].

May you rest in peace.

Throughout my career, I've met plenty of personalities, characters, and people -- but none as special as [Name]. When [Name] first entered the front doors to our building, I immediately knew we would get on. [Name] was the type of person you'd easily become friends with. People who met [him/her/them] would immediately want to work alongside them. As one of my first direct reports, I can't tell you how many people would come to me on the side and request to be paired with or on a team with [Name]. Why? [He/she] was special. People gravitated towards them. People wanted to be in their sphere of influence. People wanted to work alongside them and get to know them.

That's rare. This is the first time I've seen the majority of my company in one room that wasn't our building -- and it's for the funeral of our very special friend and colleague -- [Name]. Thank you to [Name's parents] for raising such an incredible human being. Please know that your [son/daughter/child] changed the lives, every day, of so many people around them. I have never in my 50 years of managing imagined running into someone like [Name] and I am blessed to have known them. Rest well and peacefully, [Name], you did well.

Today we come together to honor the life and legacy of a beloved retired musician, who touched so many lives with his passion for music. He was a kind-hearted man who enjoyed pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons. He was an avid traveler, having visited countries all over the world. He also had a strong connection to animals, particularly cats. His home was often filled with cats of all shapes, sizes and colors.

He had a variety of musical influences, which he blended together to create his own unique sound. He was an incredibly talented musician who could play various instruments including the guitar, piano and flute. He wrote some beautiful melodies that will live on long after him.

He was also a generous soul, always ready to lend a helping hand. He had an open door policy and welcomed people into his home with open arms. More than anything else, he loved sharing stories and swapping ideas with those around him.

Today we celebrate the life of this incredible man who left behind a beautiful legacy of music and of kindness. He will be remembered for all that he has accomplished and the many lives that he touched. May we strive to follow in his footsteps and honor his memory by living our own lives with love, humility and caring. Thank you.

These eulogy examples are for those who would like to focus on a loved one's profession or career choices as their way of honoring their life's work.

Eulogy for a speech pathologist

Dear friends, family, and colleagues,

Today, we gather to honor the life and legacy of Sarah Kwambe, a remarkable woman who touched the lives of so many people during her time with us. Sarah was not only a skilled speech pathologist but also a former professional soccer player who had to leave the sport she loved due to a career-ending injury. However, Sarah didn't let that setback stop her from pursuing her passion for helping others.

Sarah's journey began in South Dakota, where she lived with her beloved cat, Sam. She dedicated her life to making a difference in the lives of young people, particularly middle schoolers, whom she worked with as a speech pathologist. She had a remarkable ability to connect with her students and inspire them to achieve their full potential.

Despite the challenges she faced early on in her life, Sarah never gave up on her dreams. She was an accomplished athlete who excelled in soccer, but when her injury put an end to her career, she channeled her passion and determination into her studies. She pursued a degree in speech pathology, and her dedication to her work was evident in everything she did.

Sarah was a compassionate, caring, and selfless person who always put others first. She was a mentor to many, a friend to all, and a source of inspiration to everyone who knew her. She had a warm smile and a kind heart that could light up a room, and her love for her students was evident in the way she interacted with them.

Although Sarah never had children of her own, she had a deep love for her cat, Sam, who was always by her side. Her commitment to her feline friend was just one of the many examples of her kindness and compassion.

In conclusion, Sarah Kwambe was a truly remarkable person who touched the lives of many people in ways that will never be forgotten. Her legacy will live on through the countless students she helped, the colleagues she inspired, and the friends and family who loved her dearly. She will be deeply missed, but her spirit will live on in the hearts of all who knew her.

Rest in peace, Sarah Kwambe.

Eulogy example for an environmental activist

Dear friends and family,

Today, we gather to remember and celebrate the life of Rachel Chen, a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to protecting and preserving our environment. Rachel was an accomplished environmental scientist, mother of three children - Irina, Bliss, and Mario, and a loving partner to her husband of many years.

From a young age, Rachel had a deep love and appreciation for nature. Her passion for the environment inspired her to pursue a career in environmental science, and she quickly became a respected expert in her field. She spent many years working tirelessly to protect our national parks, and her dedication to this cause never wavered.

Rachel was also an avid gardener, and she had a remarkable ability to bring beauty to everything she touched. Her love for nature was evident in everything she did, from the way she tended to her garden to the way she spoke about the natural world.

As a mother, Rachel was loving, patient, and kind. She instilled in her children a deep respect for the environment and a desire to make the world a better place. Her children were the light of her life, and she was so proud of the people they had become.

Rachel's passing is a great loss to us all. She was a remarkable person who touched the lives of so many people in countless ways. Her legacy will live on through the countless national parks and natural spaces that she helped to protect, as well as through the love and memories that her family and friends will always carry in their hearts.

Rachel, we will miss you dearly, but we know that your spirit will live on through the beauty of nature that you cherished so deeply. Rest in peace.

Eulogy example for a young adult

Today, we come together to celebrate the life of Zach Peterson. Zach was a talented mechanic, a loving son, and a loyal friend. He passed away far too soon, but his memory will live on in the hearts of those who knew him.

Zach had a passion for auto maintenance that was unmatched. He loved nothing more than working on cars, and he was always happy to help a friend in need. His skills were truly remarkable, and he had an uncanny ability to diagnose and fix any issue that came his way.

But Zach was more than just a mechanic. He was a gentle soul who cared deeply about those around him. He had a warm smile that could light up a room, and he was always quick with a joke or a kind word. He had a way of making everyone feel welcome and included, no matter who they were.

Zach's passing has left a void in our lives, but we take comfort in knowing that his memory will live on. We will remember his kind heart, his infectious laughter, and his unwavering loyalty. Zach was a special person who made a lasting impact on the world around him, and we are all better for having known him. Rest in peace, Zach.

Eulogy for an infant

With heavy hearts, we gather here today to mourn the loss of a precious child who has been taken from us too soon. We know that God has a plan for each and every one of us, but it is still difficult to understand why a young life has been cut short.

As we come together to remember this beautiful child, we take comfort in knowing that they are now in the loving embrace of our Lord. Though their time with us was brief, they brought immense joy and love into the world, and we will cherish the memories we have of them forever.

We know that this is a time of deep sorrow, but we can find solace in the fact that this child is now at peace in the arms of our Heavenly Father. May we all find comfort in our faith, and may we hold this precious child close in our hearts as we navigate this difficult time. Rest in peace, little one.

Eulogy for a grandmother

Today we gather to remember a truly remarkable woman - my grandmother. She was a woman of many talents: a masterful cross-stitcher, an incredible fudge-maker, and a loving grandmother to a whole gaggle of grandchildren.

Grandma was the kind of woman who made you feel like you were the only person in the world when she was talking to you. She always had a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, and she had a way of making even the most mundane tasks seem like an adventure.

And oh, her fudge! I think we can all agree that Grandma's fudge was a work of art. It was creamy, decadent, and so rich that you could only eat a tiny piece at a time - not that it stopped any of us from trying to eat the whole batch in one sitting!

But beyond her talents and her love of fudge, Grandma will be remembered most of all for the love she had for her family. She was a guiding light for all of us, a source of wisdom and strength when we needed it most.

So, as we say goodbye to this incredible woman, let us not mourn her passing, but celebrate the incredible life she lived. She was one of a kind, and we were all blessed to have known her. Rest in peace, Grandma - we will never forget you.

Eulogy for a farmer

Today we gather to celebrate the life of a man who loved nothing more than working hard under the sun, watching his land grow and thrive. [Name] was not just any farmer - he was a tireless advocate for agricultural reform and change. His passion for sustainable farming practices, conservation, and education knew no bounds.

He was never afraid to get his hands dirty or put in long hours because he believed that every crop mattered; every seed planted had the potential to make a difference. His dedication inspired those around him and helped shape the landscape of our community.

[Name] will be remembered by all as an honest, kind-hearted man who always put others first. I’ll miss his unwavering determination to better this world through agriculture and his infectious smile that brightened up everyone’s day.

One of my favorite memories with [Name] is when he taught me how to plant corn by hand while sharing stories about his childhood on the farm.

Another one of our community's favorite memories of [Name] is when he organized a fundraiser for local farmers affected by droughts and natural disasters.

Thank you all for being here today to honor my friend’s memory and legacy. In [name]’s words “Farming is not just a profession but also an art form”. May we carry on this art form in honor of him.

Eulogy for a teacher

We are gathered here today to say goodbye to someone very special: A teacher who dedicated her life towards social justice inside her classrooms, making sure each student felt valued and respected regardless of their background or ethnicity. She empowered students from underserved communities with access to quality education - she showed them they could achieve anything if they worked hard enough.

[name]'s legacy lives on through every student she touched during her career as an educator, instilling confidence in them whilst fighting against systemic oppression within school walls.

I’ll miss her contagious energy, witty humor, and deep compassion for everyone she met.

One of my favorite memories with [Name] is when she invited me to speak in her class about my personal experiences and background, empowering me to share my story confidently.

Another one of our community's favorite memories of [Name] is when she organized a rally with her students for Black Lives Matter movement that brought people together from all walks of life.

Thank you for being here today, honoring the memory and legacy of someone who dedicated their life towards ensuring social justice inside classrooms. In the words of [name], “Education can change how we view ourselves, other people, and the world”. Let’s carry on this legacy in honor of her.

Eulogy for a foster dad

We gather here today to celebrate the life of a man who was known for his unwavering dedication towards family, golfing and fostering kids - [name]. If there’s one thing that everyone knows about him- it's that he loved nothing more than spending time with those he loved and helping those in need.

[name] had an infectious personality which brought joy to all those around him. He made sure to always put his family first no matter what, while also making time for the sport he was passionate about: Golf.

He would often take foster kids along with him on these trips; providing them a chance at a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I’ll miss his contagious laughter, generosity, and his commitment to living every day to its fullest potential.

One of my favorite memories with [Name] is when we went out golfing together by the lake, enjoying each other’s company over some good shots.

Another one of our community's favorite memories of [Name] is when he organized a youth-golf tournament fundraiser raising funds for underprivileged children.

Thank you all for being here today honoring someone who lived their life so fully dedicated towards their passions - Family, Golfing & Fostering Kids. In the words of [name], “Life is like a round of golf; try your best from tee to green but don't forget to enjoy the moments along the way."

Eulogy for a soldier

Today we come together as friends and family members mourning the loss of someone whose bravery knew no bounds- [name]. A soldier who sacrificed everything including her own life during deployment serving her country valiantly.

Her courage has inspired us all and reminded us that freedom sometimes comes at great cost—she gave up everything she had just so others could have something better tomorrow.

She will be remembered not only as a hero but also as a friend whose selflessness touched countless lives on and off-duty alike. Her positivity knew no bounds even in times where things felt like they couldn’t get any worse.

I’ll miss her infectious energy, unbreakable spirit and her ability to inspire people around her even in the darkest of times.

One of my favorite memories with [Name] is when we went on a vacation together after she returned from deployment, catching up on life post-duty and just enjoying each other’s company.

Another one of our community's favorite memories of [Name] was when she organized a fundraiser for veterans who had been wounded during active duty.

Thank you all for being here today. We celebrate someone whose profound sacrifice has given us the freedom that we enjoy today- Freedom which comes at great cost. In [name]'s words: "Duty first; self second." Let us never forget this sentiment as we honor those brave men and women who serve their country valiantly.

Eulogy for an animal activist

Today marks the passing away of a woman whose compassion for animals was unmatched - [name]. She served as President at local ASPCA chapter where she inspired others through her dedication towards animal rights advocacy and protection. Her tireless efforts led to increased awareness within our community regarding animal welfare issues such as abuse or neglect.

[name] will be remembered not only as an advocate but also as a friend to all animals; big or small. Her kindness knew no bounds and it extended beyond just domesticated pets like dogs or cats- advocating for wildlife preservation too!

I’ll miss her infectious energy, unwavering passion and her ability to inspire empathy in those around her.

One of my favorite memories with [Name] is when she rescued several abandoned kittens outside our office building during lunch breaks.

Another one of our local communities’ favorite memories with [Name] was when she coordinated fundraisers which helped raise funds for medical treatment costs associated with pet care amongst low-income families.

Thank you all for being here today honoring someone who made it their mission to ensure well-being among some oft-forgotten members in society: animals. May we strive each day to extend kindness towards them, carrying on what [name] started so passionately.

Eulogy for a writer

Thank you so much for attending the services today as we gather to say goodbye to Kaleb Morris, an incredibly talented author and journalist. His work delved into the darkest corners of human behavior, shining a light on the most heinous and unthinkable crimes. Kaleb had a gift for telling stories that not only captivated readers but also helped to shed light on important issues that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Tragically, Kaleb's life was cut short in a boating accident, leaving behind his child and former wife, Shareece. Though we grieve for the life that has been taken from us too soon, we can also take comfort in the legacy that Kaleb leaves behind.

His writing was not just a means to entertain, but a way to make a difference in the world. Kaleb shone a light on issues that needed to be addressed, and gave a voice to those who had been silenced by violence and tragedy. He was a gifted storyteller, and his impact on the true crime genre will be felt for years to come.

Kaleb will be deeply missed by all who knew him, but his work will live on as a testament to his incredible talent and dedication to his craft. Rest in peace, Kaleb.

Eulogy for a nurse practitioner

We gather to remember and honor Cherish Abrams, a beloved nurse practitioner who touched the lives of countless patients and colleagues during her 25 years of service. Cherish was known for her compassion, dedication, and expertise, and her loss is deeply felt by all who knew her.

Cherish was like a ""grandma"" to the NICU where she worked, comforting and caring for infants and families during their most vulnerable moments. Her gentle touch and kind words provided solace and hope to those in need, and her wisdom and guidance were invaluable to her colleagues.

Cherish's tragic passing is a reminder of how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away. But even in death, she continues to inspire us with her selflessness, her unwavering dedication to her patients, and her love for her profession.

Cherish's memory will live on in the hearts of those she touched, and her legacy will continue through the lives of the countless patients she cared for and the colleagues she mentored. May she rest in peace, knowing that she made a profound difference in the world and that she will be deeply missed.

Eulogy for a community leader

Today we gather to honor and remember the life of Michael Patel, a beloved community leader and philanthropist who dedicated his life to making the world a better place. Michael was a self-made businessman, a devoted family man, and a passionate advocate for those in need.

Throughout his life, Michael demonstrated a deep commitment to his community, supporting countless charitable organizations and causes. His generosity knew no bounds, and his impact on the lives of those he helped will never be forgotten.

Michael's passing is a great loss to us all, but his legacy will continue through the countless lives he touched and the causes he supported. We are grateful for the time we had with him and for the inspiration he provided to us all. Rest in peace, Michael, knowing that your life made a profound difference in the world and that you will be deeply missed.

Eulogy for a high school teacher

We gather here today to remember and celebrate the life of Samantha Liu, a beloved high school teacher who passed away far too soon. Samantha was a bright, energetic, and dedicated educator who brought out the best in her students and inspired them to reach for their dreams.

In her 15 years of teaching, Samantha touched the lives of countless students, colleagues, and parents. Her passion for education was infectious, and her positive energy was felt by everyone who crossed her path.

Though we mourn the loss of Samantha, we take comfort in the memories she has left behind and the impact she has had on our lives. Her legacy lives on in the countless students whose lives she touched, and in the hearts of all those who were fortunate enough to know her. Rest in peace, Samantha, knowing that you made a profound difference in the world and that you will be deeply missed.

Eulogy for a philanthropist

Eulogy example for loving mother.

We gather here today to celebrate the life of Emily Thompson, a beloved mother and grandmother who passed away peacefully surrounded by her family. Emily was a kind, caring, and nurturing woman who devoted her life to her loved ones.

As a mother of four and a grandmother of nine, Emily's love and devotion knew no bounds. She was the heart and soul of her family, providing comfort, support, and wisdom whenever it was needed.

Though we mourn the loss of Emily, we take comfort in the memories she has left behind and the love she shared with us all. Her legacy lives on through her family and the countless lives she touched during her lifetime. Rest in peace, Emily, knowing that you made a profound difference in the world and that you will be deeply missed.

Eulogy example for teacher

Marcus was a beloved teacher who dedicated his life to helping his students achieve their goals. He had a gift for teaching and his enthusiasm for learning was contagious. Marcus always went above and beyond to help his students, whether it was staying late to help them with homework, or just lending an ear when they needed to talk. He truly believed in the power of education to change lives, and he worked tirelessly to make sure his students had the tools they needed to succeed. Marcus was also a devoted husband and father. He met his wife, Sarah, when they were both in college, and they were inseparable ever since. They had two children together, and Marcus loved nothing more than spending time with his family. He was always there for his kids, whether it was coaching their sports teams or just reading them a bedtime story.

Marcus was diagnosed with cancer three years ago, but he never let it slow him down. He continued teaching, even when he was undergoing chemotherapy, and he always had a positive attitude. Marcus fought his illness with courage and grace, and he never lost his faith in God.

Marcus was a shining example of what it means to be a good person, and he touched the lives of everyone he met. He will be deeply missed by his students, colleagues, and his loving wife and two children.

Eulogy example for a chef

Isabella was a talented chef who had a passion for creating beautiful and delicious food. She was always experimenting with new flavors and ingredients, and her dishes were a work of art. Isabella had a natural talent for cooking, but she also worked hard to hone her skills. She attended culinary school and worked in some of the best restaurants in the city. But Isabella's love for cooking wasn't just about creating amazing dishes. She also loved the way food brought people together. Isabella was always hosting dinner parties and potlucks, and she loved nothing more than seeing people enjoy her food. She had a big heart and loved to share her food with family and friends. Her food was a way for her to show her love for the people in her life.

Isabella was also a devoted partner. She met her girlfriend, Maria, when they were both working in a restaurant, and they were inseparable ever since. They built a life together, and Isabella loved nothing more than spending time with Maria and their two dogs.

Isabella's death was a shock to everyone who knew her. She had so much talent and so much to give to the world. But even in death, Isabella's spirit lives on through her food and the memories she created for those who knew and loved her.

Eulogy for a principal

Today, we honor the life of a great educator who dedicated his life to shaping young minds and transforming our community through educational reform. We celebrate Michael's passion for education and his tireless efforts in ensuring that every child in this school district received quality education. He was not only an excellent principal but also a mentor, friend, and role model to many.

Michael was committed to providing resources necessary for students' success by creating programs that would enable them to have access to books, computers, and other learning materials. His unwavering commitment towards serving disadvantaged communities will forever be remembered.

We'll miss his vision for educational reform but are grateful for the impact he left on us all.

One of my favorite memories with Michael was when he fought tirelessly to get funding from the government so that we could add more classrooms and hire more teachers. His determination inspired me always.

Eulogy for a doctor

It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye today to Dr.[Name], an incredible physician who touched many lives during his medical career. While he loved fast cars, small dogs, and Margaritaville music, his dedication towards helping others never wavered.

Dr.[Name] had a way of putting people at ease whenever they were anxious about their health issues; he made you feel like everything would be okay no matter what happened.

He lived life fully and inspired those around him while doing so - even while battling his own illness—always encouraging others never to give up hope or lose faith in themselves.

I’ll miss his sense of humor but am lost without his guidance on how I should take care of myself better!

Another one of my favorite memories with Dr.[Name] is when he took me out on a ride-along in his sports car after work one day! He loved living life vicariously through little adventures like these!

Eulogy for someone who followed their dream

Today we gather here to honor [Name], who was a brilliant data analyst with a desire to become a potato farmer in Europe. He had an insatiable love for his lineage and dreamt of starting his farm there.

[Name] loved data analysis, but he also believed that there was more to life than crunching numbers. His passion for agriculture inspired him to follow his dream of farming potatoes and reconnecting with his roots.

He will be missed for his gentle nature and quiet strength. Still, we can all take comfort in knowing that he lived life on his terms and pursued what made him happy.

One of my absolute favorite moments was when [Name] shared pictures of the farmland where he hoped to start farming someday—his eyes lit up as he spoke about it so passionately!

Eulogy for a CEO who swapped careers

Today marks the passing away of someone incredibly special- a CEO turned dog trainer specializing in corgis- [Name].

[Name]'s career shift from being a successful CEO reflected how passionate she was about dogs, especially corgis! Her love for them was unmatched, and she spent her later years training them.

She was an inspiration to many who dreamed of following their passion. She showed that it's never too late to start something new, no matter how old you are!

We'll miss her business acumen but are grateful for the legacy she left behind. [Name] lived a life filled with happiness and fulfillment, doing what made her happiest - surrounded by pups!

One of my favorite memories with [Name] is when I visited her training facility and saw all the corgis happily playing under her watchful eye; it was a beautiful sight to see!

Eulogy for a small business owner

Today we celebrate the life of our beloved community leader [Name], who served tirelessly on city council while running one of the most popular sandwich shops in town.

[Name] had an unwavering commitment towards serving others; she dedicated her time, energy, and resources towards making our community better. From creating programs for at-risk youth to supporting small businesses like hers financially - she did it all without asking anything in return.

She brought people together through her sandwiches, which were not only delicious but also affordable! Her relentless dedication towards serving her customers helped establish her business as one of the best sandwich shops around town.

We are grateful for everything [Name] did during her lifetime, and we know that her legacy will continue to inspire future generations.

Another one of our family's favorite memories with [Name] is when she would often give us free sandwiches if we couldn't afford them! She truly cared about everyone who came into her shop!

5.Today marks the passing away of someone incredibly special- a CEO turned dog trainer specializing in corgis- [Name].

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We gather here today to celebrate the life of a remarkable woman, a mother, an engineer, a farmer, a community activist, and a beloved friend to many. [Name] was a beacon of strength, compassion, and unwavering love.

Born 58 years ago, [Name] was a woman of many talents and passions. She pursued an engineering degree with the determination and brilliance that defined her character. Not one to rest on her laurels, she furthered her education with a Master’s in Agricultural Sciences, a field where she found her true calling.

[Name] was not just a scholar but a practitioner. Her homestead was her haven, a place where she cultivated not just crops but a sense of community. She loved farming, a passion that was evident in the thriving fields and the abundance she shared with her neighbors. Her produce fed not just bodies but souls, fostering a sense of unity and support in our community.

As a mother of twins, [Name] was phenomenal. Her love for her children knew no bounds. She was bright and thoughtful, always finding the right balance between nurturing and guiding her children with patience and wisdom. Her love was the foundation upon which her family stood strong.

Her battle with lung cancer was a testament to her incredible resilience and strength. Even in the face of illness, she remained an active and dedicated member of our community. Her activism and her unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of those around her were truly inspiring.

[Name] was more than her accomplishments; she was a person of immense warmth and kindness. She had a unique ability to make everyone feel seen and heard. Her thoughtful nature, her loving heart, and her unwavering patience were qualities that left a lasting impression on everyone she met.

Today, as we mourn her loss, we also celebrate her life and the indelible mark she left on all of us. Her legacy is not just in the fields she tilled or the degrees she earned but in the lives she touched and the love she spread.

Let us remember [Name] not with tears but with the joy and gratitude for having had the privilege of knowing such an extraordinary woman. Her spirit will forever live on in our hearts and in the community she so dearly loved and served.

Rest in peace, [Name]. You will be deeply missed, but your legacy will continue to inspire and guide us.

Eulogy for [Name]

Ladies and Gentlemen, family, and friends,

Today, we gather to celebrate the life of an extraordinary man, a loving father, a dedicated foster parent, and a pillar of our community, [Name]. He was a man of boundless generosity, unwavering love, and unparalleled dedication to his family and community.

Born 62 years ago, [Name] was the proud father of four wonderful children. But his heart was so vast that it couldn't be confined to just his own; over the years, he opened his home and heart to more than 15 foster children. Each child who came into his life was embraced with the same love and care as his own. He was not just a father but a beacon of hope and love for all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Tragically, [Name] passed away after a sudden heart attack. His departure has left a void that is felt deeply by all of us, but his legacy of love and kindness will continue to inspire us.

Family vacations were always a highlight of the year, meticulously coordinated by [Name]. He ensured that each trip was filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Whether it was camping in the great outdoors, exploring new cities, or simply spending time together, these moments were cherished by all, thanks to his thoughtful planning.

[Name] had a passion for cooking and baking, often seen in the kitchen whipping up delicious meals and treats. He shared this love not only with his family but also with underprivileged families, teaching them how to cook and build healthy meals. His culinary skills brought warmth and nourishment to so many lives.

His hands were never idle, always busy fixing or building something. He had a remarkable talent for organizing and creating, leaving behind a legacy of beautifully crafted items and well-maintained homes. His ability to turn chaos into order was nothing short of magical.

Every year, [Name] competed in a marathon, showcasing his determination, strength, and dedication. His participation was not just about personal achievement but also about inspiring others to push their limits and strive for their best.

Beyond his immediate family, [Name] extended his care and compassion to the wider community. He served on the board of three community food kitchens, tirelessly working to ensure that those in need were fed and cared for. His commitment to these causes was a testament to his selflessness and desire to make the world a better place.

Beloved by all his children and family members, [Name]'s love was a constant, reassuring presence in their lives. His wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support were the foundation upon which they built their lives.

As we say our final goodbyes, let us remember [Name] not with sadness for his passing, but with gratitude for the incredible impact he had on our lives. His spirit will live on in the love he shared, the lives he touched, and the countless memories we hold dear.

Rest in peace, dear [Name]. You will forever be in our hearts, a shining example of love, kindness, and dedication.

Eulogy for theater director

We gather here today to honor the life of someone truly unique, a person who touched each of our lives in ways we will never forget—[Name]. At just 59 years old, [Name] left us far too soon, taken by a sudden brain aneurysm. Though his time with us was shorter than we wished, the impact he made will remain with us forever.

As an art director and talent manager at KMC Theater in Kentucky, [Name] was a force behind the scenes, guiding creativity and passion with a quiet but unyielding presence. The arts were his true love, and he found immense joy in his work. His dedication to nurturing talent and creating beautiful, meaningful art left an indelible mark on the theater community and on all those who had the privilege of working with him. His colleagues often spoke of his stoicism—his ability to stay calm and focused, no matter the challenges they faced. But behind that calm exterior was a deep well of passion for the arts and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Outside of work, [Name] was a homebody, an introvert who found comfort and peace in the familiar. Yet, when he was at a party, he was the life of it, effortlessly balancing his quiet nature with a surprising ability to connect with others. His friends and family knew him as a man who could make you feel seen and heard, even in a crowded room.

Though he never had children of his own, [Name] was a wonderful uncle—a figure of love, wisdom, and guidance to his nieces and nephews. He relished his role, offering support and encouragement, always with a gentle smile and a listening ear. His presence in their lives was a gift they will carry with them always.

[Name] had a love for trying new things, even if it didn’t always go as planned—particularly in the kitchen. He was, by his own admission, a terrible cook. But that never stopped him from experimenting with new recipes, often to the amusement of those who were brave enough to try his culinary creations. It was just one of the many ways he showed us the importance of embracing life with curiosity and a sense of humor.

Today, as we say our goodbyes, we remember a man who was more than just an art director or a talent manager. He was a beloved uncle, a dear friend, a quiet soul with a heart full of passion. His life, though brief, was rich with meaning and love. We will miss his wisdom, his laughter, his unique presence. But we will carry his spirit with us, in the art he helped create, in the memories we shared, and in the lessons he taught us about living fully and with passion.

Rest in peace, dear [Name]. You will be missed more than words can express.

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speech for a funeral of a father

Eulogy for Life

Eulogy examples for fathers from sons

by Denise Gibb | May 3, 2024 | Eulogy Examples

speech for a funeral of a father

Searching for eulogy examples for fathers is enough to bring anyone to tears. While the are so many touching stories and quotes to share, most articles focus on how to write a eulogy for fathers from daughters, not sons. So we thought we’d focus on eulogy examples for fathers from sons.

Psychologists say one of the most challenging things for a man grieving is writing a eulogy for his recently departed father. For men, fathers are often larger-than-life figures who are impossible to replace. When a man tries to sum up his father’s life in a few words, he may feel inadequate for the task. So if you’re a son, the best strategy when it comes time to write a eulogy for your father is to focus on the positive aspects of his life.

Tell stories that will make people laugh and cry with recognition of who your dad was in life. Also, remind yourself that a eulogy is not a biography. Instead, your speech is a loving tribute to your father. Therefore, there’s no need to tell your dad’s story’s from birth to death.

Here are some eulogy writing tips, examples and quotes to get you started writing a heartwarming and memorable tribute to your father.

Eulogy examples for fathers from sons

How to write a eulogy for a father

Start by brainstorming all of what you want to say about your father by following these six steps.

  • Think about what made your father special and unique. What were some of his defining qualities?
  • Write down your favourite memories of your father. These could be stories that make you laugh or moments when he made you feel loved and supported.
  • Try to capture your father’s personality in your eulogy. Was he funny? Kind? Serious? Use specific examples to illustrate these traits.
  • Keep your eulogy upbeat. (Giving a funeral speech is not the time to air grievances or dwell on negative aspects of your father’s life.)
  • Speak from the heart, and don’t worry about being perfect. Your father would appreciate hearing your honest thoughts and feelings about him.
  • End your eulogy with a memorable quote, poem, or song lyric that captures your father’s essence.

For dad – eulogy examples

Eulogies don’t have to be lengthy funeral speeches. In fact, many people prefer them to be shorter and more to the point. Here are some inspirational tributes for dads from sons that you can use as a starting point.

Paul’s eulogy

“My father was a good man. He was always fair and honest with everyone he met. He was a hard worker, and he instilled those values in me. I will always remember him for his kind heart and his endless supply of wisdom.”

Jason’s eulogy letter

“Dear Dad – you were my best friend. I could always go to you with anything, no matter what. And even though you didn’t always agree with me, you would always listen. I will miss you every day. While I know you will be with me in spirit whenever I need you; my heart feels broken. Dad, I love you and wish I had told you more often. Forgive me. Your loving son, Andrew.”

Wayne’s eulogy

“To say my father was a good man would be an understatement. He was an amazing man who always put others first. I never once saw him lose his temper or say an unkind word to anyone. He was always patient and kind, even when dealing with the most difficult people. I am so proud to be his son and I will miss him dearly.”

Tom’s eulogy

“Dad was a simple man who loved life. He didn’t need material things to make him happy – just the company of his family and friends. He was always the life-of-the-party and he could make anyone laugh. I will cherish our memories together forever.”

Robert’s eulogy

“As a boy, my father was my hero. He was strong and courageous, even in the face of adversity. He never gave up, no matter how tough things got. As a man with my own family, I aspire to be half the father he was. I love you, Dad.”

Bill’s eulogy

“There is not enough time or words to express how much my father meant to me. But if I had to say who he was in one sentence, I’d say dad was a man of great integrity. He always did the right thing, even when it wasn’t popular or easy. He was a role model to my boys and me and a mentor to many others. I will miss him deeply.”

Omar’s eulogy

“Three words describe my father best: kind and loving. Dad always put his family first and was always there for us when we needed him. He was the patriarch of our family and always so proud of his children and grandchildren. In my mind, I can still hear him bragging about our accomplishments to anyone who would listen. You grow up strong knowing your dad is your biggest fan and supporter. But dad was an amazing husband to my mother. They were married for over 50 years and were truly best friends. They were always there for each other, no matter what. Dad, we love you and we will miss you immensely.”

Vincent’s eulogy

“Those who knew and loved my dad know he was a man of faith and instilled that in all of his children, especially me. He was a strong pillar of our church community. In addition to his faith, dad was also a very hard worker. He always put his family first and ensured we had everything we needed, even if it meant sacrificing his wants and needs. My father was a selfless man and always put others before himself. We will all miss him dearly, but none more than me. I love you, dad. And as you journey into the light, know that our blessings will always be with you.”

Jackson’s eulogy

“Words cannot express my sense of loss nor fill the emptiness I feel inside. My dad was the most gentle and loving man I have ever known. Even though he was strict with us kids at times, I always knew it was out of love and concern for our safety and well-being. He would do anything for us and always went above and beyond to make sure we were happy and healthy.

Dad was always so proud of us and our accomplishments, no matter how small. His encouragement and support meant the world to me and I will always cherish his words of wisdom. I know that he is now at peace and free from pain, but I will miss him dearly every day for the rest of my life.”

Stephen’s eulogy

“I will never forget the moments we shared, dad. You were always there for me when I needed you and I know you will continue to be with me even though you are no longer physically here. Your love and guidance will stay with me forever.”

Peter’s eulogy

“Your life was a blessing, a gift from God. Dad, you touched so many lives and made the world a better place. You will be missed but never forgotten. Thank you for everything.”

Inspiration quotes to end a eulogy: son to father

“To the world, you were just a dad, but you were the world to our family.”

“You were always there for me when I needed you, even if it was just to lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.”

“You taught me how to be strong in the face of adversity and to never give up on myself.”

“Your fatherly love for me was so strong that it transcended time and space.”

“Even though you’re gone, I know that your love for me will continue to live on in my heart forever.”

“Your presence in my life was a gift, and I will cherish the memories of you always.”

These are just a few eulogy examples for fathers from sons. You can use them as is or use them as a starting point to write your own.

Writing a funeral speech for your father can be daunting, but it is also an opportunity to pay homage to his life and share memories with others. Just remember to focus on the positive aspects of your dad’s life and tell stories that will illustrate who he was as a father to you.

And finally, don’t forget to say “I love you.” Even if you may not have said it often when your dad was alive, he knows it now.

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How to Write a Eulogy for Dad

A look at how to write a eulogy for your dad, with some examples of things to say in a eulogy for your father.

Last updated: 14 June 2023

picture of a microphone

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Finding the right words to say at a funeral for your dad will never be easy. However you decide to write dad’s eulogy, the pressure you’ll undoubtedly feel is completely understandable.

Many sons or daughters choose to write or read a eulogy at their father’s funeral, as a way of thanking him for who he was and acknowledging how hard it is to say goodbye.

This guide will help you with some ideas for making this emotional task a bit more bearable, and help you go about finding the best things to say in a eulogy for your father.

How to write a eulogy for dad

If you don’t know where to begin writing a eulogy for your father, you could start by jotting down the memories and anecdotes that make you miss him, smile or feel proud.

The perspective that you have will be almost impossible to match. It’s definitely worth looking to friends and other family members for anecdotes and stories, but your life with your dad is probably your richest resource.

Whether they are memories you’ve shared together, stories told to you by old friends or tales he’s given you from his life, you should bring together as much inspiration as you can before you start writing.

How do I find the words to say at a funeral for dad?

To find the right words to say about your dad at the funeral it’s helpful to brainstorm a bit and think about your father’s life as a whole, about how he specifically had an effect on you and the people he knew. Try considering the following:

What was he like as a person?

Was he funny or stern, ambitious or carefree?

What were his hobbies? Did he have an interest in sports or a passion for trains?

What was his favourite joke?

Which are the things you’ll remember that are so “Dad”?

Writing out key points in your dad’s life can also be a help to get the story of his life in order

His childhood

Early schooling

University or college years

Working life

His marriage and/or subsequent relationships

Your childhood experiences with him

His later years

You will probably end up with more material than you could fit into a eulogy, but from that point you can begin editing down to the most thought provoking and evocative elements.

What are some readings that I could include in my funeral speech for dad?

Not everyone is a naturally confident writer and if you’re worried that you can’t find the right words to put in your eulogy, there are a whole range of funeral readings for dad you could include that reflect your father’s life and how you felt about him.

If he was funny then you might want to think about writing a funny eulogy for your dad. If he was into drama, then perhaps including a quote from Shakespeare might be appropriate.

There are poems which are often used in eulogies as they can put complex feelings and emotions into simple words. If he was a non-religious man, celebration of life poems might reflect that best.

It could be something brief or something longer, but so long as you feel the connection, it will be appropriate.

How long should a eulogy for your father be?

A eulogy for your father should be between 5-7 minutes long. This is not a hard and fast rule, but most funeral directors would suggest this length as it’s in line with generally accepted schedules for crematorium services and burials.

A longer eulogy might feel like it’s giving more information, but you might also lose focus in your writing. You want to keep a eulogy tight and relevant so that people can get a real sense of who your father was to you.

On the other hand, a shorter eulogy for a father might skim over important details. Mourners have come to pay their respects and a well written eulogy could well remind them of interesting, funny, heart warming or surprising elements of the person they’ve come to pay respects to.

How do I give a eulogy for my father without crying?

You don’t have to worry about crying when giving your father’s eulogy. It’s not a time when anyone would judge you for crying, because someone close to your heart has died. If you do find yourself getting emotional and unable to carry on, pause and take a few deep breaths. People attending the funeral will almost certainly be patient with you.

You should also not worry about not crying. Everyone grieves in their own way and however you express your emotions is the right way for you.

Eulogy examples for dad

Start simply. Everyone at the funeral will know who you are, and why you are speaking, so you don’t have to worry about introducing yourself. Thank everyone for coming, and speak slowly. Some examples of what to say in a eulogy for dad are:

“Dad was a dedicated family man, who was always there when you needed him.”

“Seeing so many people here to say goodbye to Dad today, shows just how loved he was and how much he will be missed.”

“Dad had a great/terrible sense of humour. No matter what, he would always try to make everyone else smile.”

Try to speak about personal moments that you shared with your dad. Everyone coming to mourn him will want to hear about how you remember him, and your favourite moments with him.

What’s a really good eulogy for a dad?

Writing a ‘good’ eulogy is as simple as speaking from the heart. If you speak about what that relationship was built on, that will remind other mourners how they connected with him too.

You could start by writing a line or two welcoming the gathering, and acknowledgment of the guests (those who have travelled a long way for example). You might then want to include some personal memories or any anecdotes that are special to you. It should give the audience an idea of your dads personality and character. You could reflect on their personal values, and talk about the impact and influence they have had on your life, or even tell your favourite dad-joke or a moment that seemed embarassing at the time, that you've since come to cherish.

To finish the eulogy for your dad, you should try and summarise all that you want to say. You don't need to go over what you've already said, but just a few words from the heart can serve to express how much your dad meant to you, and how much you'll miss him,

What is an example of a eulogy for dad?

When Australian conservationist Steve Irwin died, his daughter Bindi presented this short but memorable eulogy in memory of her dad. Sometimes a few personal and heartfelt words are all you need to say to express the love and admiration for a loved one.

My Daddy was my hero – he was always there for me when I needed him. He listened to me and taught me so many things, but most of all he was fun. I know that Daddy had an important job. He was working to change the world so everyone would love wildlife like he did. He built a hospital to help animals and he bought lots of land to give animals a safe place to live.

He took me and my brother and my Mum with him all the time. We filmed together, caught crocodiles together and loved being in the bush together. I don’t want Daddy’s passion to ever end. I want to help endangered wildlife just like he did.

I have the best Daddy in the whole world and I will miss him every day. When I see a crocodile I will always think of him and I know that Daddy made this zoo so everyone could come and learn to love all the animals. Daddy made this place his whole life and now it’s our turn to help Daddy.

There are some general things to remember when writing a eulogy and it can be a daunting task, whoever you are writing about. But writing a eulogy for a close family member might be the toughest and for a parent who you loved and respected, even tougher still.

For many people, writing a eulogy can be one of the hardest parts of organising a funeral . No matter how you decide to proceed, or how difficult you find the eulogy, remember that you are helping to tell your dad's story, and everyone at the funeral wants to hear you speak.

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speech for a funeral of a father

speech for a funeral of a father

How To Write A Eulogy For Father

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If you’re struggling with the eulogy writing process and finding the right words to say, it can be helpful to learn what goes into the speech and to see examples of what others have done for their father’s funeral. 

Father and son

Table of Contents

H ow Do You Start To Write A Eulogy For Father?

First things first, take a deep breath and acknowledge that this is going to be hard. It’s natural to feel sad, angry, and even resentful that you’re writing a funeral speech for your father . All of those feelings are a natural part of the grieving process. 

Instead of letting your emotions take over, start with the basics. Gather your thoughts and start researching the facts of your father’s life, like birthdate, where he was born and raised, information about his mom and dad and any siblings, wife, children, grandkids, where he attended school, and what careers he held. Note any accomplishments, milestones, volunteer work, social activities, military service, his marriage, children, special anniversaries, etc. 

Once you have the basics organized in a chronological timeline, start gathering stories, special memories, and anecdotes. If you are delivering the eulogy on behalf of your family members, ask them for stories you can share. It may be helpful to use the voice memo app on your phone to record conversations so that you can reference back to them while writing. 

What Is The Most Important Message Of A Eulogy?

The most important thing about your father’s eulogy is that it comes from the heart. It should be a celebration of life and serve as closure to help mourners say goodbye and remember your wonderful father as he would have wanted them to. Your speech should help them remember the good, full life your father enjoyed and how he will live on through loved ones’ memories of him.

3 generations fishing

How Should You Organize A Eulogy For Your Dad?

It can be helpful to organize your dad’s eulogy into three distinct parts: a beginning, middle, and end.

Beginning – In the beginning, introduce yourself and thank loved ones for attending. Describe the spirit of your father, such as “My father was a family man and never shied away from hard work,” or “My dad was a worldly scholar, always curious and ready for a new adventure.” 

Middle – The middle of your eulogy is where you’ll share facts about your dad’s life while weaving in stories and memories. This is the main part of your speech and where you should dedicate most of your focus during the writing process. 

End – In the end, summarize your speech and share how you think your dad would like to be remembered. For example, “I know my dad wouldn’t have seen his death as the end, but simply the transition from one part of life to another. So remember the good times, and know we’ll meet him again in the next life.” You can say your last words directly to your father. For example, “I will always love you and remember our time together. Rest in peace, dad”.” Close by thanking attendees for coming and offering condolences to your family.

How Can You Incorporate Anecdotes About Him?

Stories and anecdotes will make for a heartfelt eulogy and help loved ones remember your father’s personality. The best way to incorporate anecdotes is to weave them into facts about your dad’s life.

For example, “My dad’s family didn’t have a lot growing up on a farm in Iowa, but he was always positive, and his quick wit helped lighten things. I’ll never forget when I was about 5 years old, eating Fruit Loops for breakfast, and I asked my dad. ‘Daddy, did you have Fruit Loops when you were growing up?’

“And he looked at me and slammed his fist on the table and said, ‘Fruit Loops?! When I was little, I ate dirt and played with rocks!’ And apparently, my eyes got as big as saucers, and he burst out laughing. While he obviously didn’t eat dirt, it was his way of using humor to start talking to me about how he grew up with so little, and how he was working hard to make sure our family had better things — like Fruit Loops.”

Father is dying

What Should You Not Say In A Eulogy?

Your eulogy should be a tribute to your father’s life. Regardless of your relationship with your dad or any problems he had with friends or family, you should keep your speech positive. In general, don’t talk about:

  • The cause of his death
  • Grudges, arguments, or family grievances
  • Bad or sad memories
  • Shortcomings, failures, or faults
  • Addictions, affairs, or crimes

Also, try to refrain from saying things like, “At least his suffering is over,” or “His death was for the best.” While those statements may be true if he suffered an illness before death, your dad’s funeral is the time to remember the good parts of his life. Don’t burden family and loved ones with memories of his painful last days.

Eulogy Examples About Fathers

You can find many great sample eulogy speeches about fathers. Read several to get a feel for different styles. Some use humor, others sarcasm. Some are solemn, others deeply moving and insightful. It’s important to know your audience and how they perceived your father. It may be helpful to pretend your dad is in the audience. How would he receive your speech? Does it accurately reflect his personality and acknowledge what he accomplished in life? Would he be happy to be remembered for what you’re sharing? 

One of the most famous eulogies delivered by a daughter to her father was Bindi Irwin’s speech for her dad, Steve. Bindi was just 8 years old when her father passed away, and she wrote the speech on her own. You can watch a video of the speech here . A transcript of her eulogy is below.

Steve Irwin

Bindi Irwin’s short eulogy for Steve Irwin :

“My Daddy was my hero – he was always there for me when I needed him. He listened to me and taught me so many things, but most of all, he was fun. I know that Daddy had an important job. He was working to change the world so everyone would love wildlife like he did. He built a hospital to help animals, and he bought lots of land to give animals a safe place to live.

“He took me and my brother and my Mum with him all the time.

“We filmed together, caught crocodiles together, and loved being in the bush together. I don’t want Daddy’s passion to ever end. I want to help endangered wildlife just like he did.

“I have the best Daddy in the whole world, and I will miss him every day. When I see a crocodile, I will always think of him, and I know that Daddy made this zoo so everyone could come and learn to love all the animals. Daddy made this place his whole life, and now it’s our turn to help Daddy.”

Carol Farrish is a lifelong writer on diverse topics. Not quite ready to be a customer of the funeral industry for herself yet, she comes from a large family with over two dozen aunts and uncles who survived well into their 80s and 90s. She is a keen observer of the industry after having attended and participated in many funeral and memorial services for family, church friends, and business associates. Not a traditional person herself, she understands the importance of ritual, especially when death strikes a loved one.

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Funeral Speech Examples for a Heartfelt Eulogy

We hope our funeral speech examples will inspire you to write a heartfelt eulogy to honour your loved one.

Delivering a funeral speech can be a daunting task.  Quite apart from the challenge of speaking in front of people while in a highly charged emotional state, the task of actually writing the funeral speech can be overwhelming. 

We are here to help you tackle this important job especially if you are in a state of shock from the grief of losing your loved one.

Further down the page there are links to example eulogies for all loved ones, friends or colleagues to give you inspiration.

The life given us by nature is short, but the memory of a life well spent is eternal.  Cicero. Meme with seascape background.

Sales from links on this page result in a small commission to us, which enables us to continue to provide free content to help the grieving.  

Guidelines for Writing Funeral Speeches:

First of all, we have put together the following simple guidelines to help you to think of things to say: 

  • Speak from the heart and say how you feel about the person
  • Describe the person's qualities
  • Talk about their career, jobs, hobbies and passions
  • Talk about their relationships with family, friends and colleagues
  • Mention things that you inherited or learned from them
  • Perhaps mention some people who will be at the funeral
  • Mention a couple of funny stories if appropriate
  • Keep it real and don't be afraid of mentioning their less good points - you don't have to put them on a pedestal
  • Thank people for coming to the funeral and for their support

Next, read the following two pages to give you step by step instructions on writing the eulogy and giving the speech:  

'How to write a eulogy'  

'How to give a eulogy' 

Rustic Country Flowers Casket Spray

Eulogy Sample Speeches

All the following links are sample eulogies written about real people.  The ones for a father were written by myself and my brother when my Dad died.  The one for a mother was written by my mother (founder of this website) about her own Mum.  

Many of the others have been written for us by guest writers about their own lost loved ones.  

We hope they will give you some ideas for writing your own moving tribute.  

Nicholas Sparks This is not goodbye my darling

Eulogy Examples for a Father

Eulogy for a Father-in-Law

Eulogy for a Mother

Eulogy for a Mother by a Daughter

Eulogy for a Mother in Law

Eulogy for a Husband

Eulogy for a Wife

Eulogy for a Grandmother

Eulogy for a Grandfather

Eulogy for an Aunt

Eulogies for an Uncle

Two Eulogies for a Brother

One More Eulogy for a Brother

Eulogy for a Sister

Eulogy for a Best Friend

A Humorous Eulogy for a Friend

Eulogy for a Mentor

Eulogy for a Friend

Printable Eulogy Templates

Finally, to help you with your task of writing your funeral speech, we have some printable templates as a guide to write eulogies for adults and for children. 

Print them out and then fill in the information and stories for your own departed loved one.  

Free Eulogy Templates

Related Pages: 

Planning a Funeral - Step by Step

Funeral Music

How to Deal with Grief

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speech for a funeral of a father

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eulogy examples for father

What can i say at my dad’s funeral.

Whatever age you are, losing a father you loved is heartbreaking. And writing a eulogy to him may be met by bouts of anxiety, panic and distress. You want to do right by him, and yet, you are too grieved and have no idea where to start. Below we have outlined some ideas for taking on this task and have also produced some eulogy examples to help inspire you and your eulogy for your Dad.

Tribute To Dad At Funeral

This funeral tribute from a son to his dad is a blend of authenticity, wit, and respect.   

Eulogy Transcript

Wow! A lot of people out there! Seeing all these faces, some of them familiar others not as much, it just makes me realize how much my dad was loved. It also kinda makes you remember how much he loved a good party. If he could see first-hand, everybody that came here for him today… I know he’d be thrilled. So I want to thank you all on his behalf for coming out, honouring his memory, and just being here with us today. It really means a lot to me. It means a lot to my mom and our extended family that’s here with us. Thank you. Unfortunately for all of you though I have inherited my dad’s ability to babble. So I don’t have to worry because I got you to stay till at least eight o’clock. Okay, so, I’m going to be that bad. I promise I’ll spare you from me. I will keep it brief but I really could probably go on for hours with everything that dad and I had together. On that note, those of you who knew me and my father personally, you knew the kind of great relationship we had but it wasn’t always like that. In fact, I think it started probably how most teenage boys and their fathers start out a little something like this. I swear there were a couple of years during my teens when dad and I must have butted heads just about everything. Now I mentioned this primarily because most of you out here in the crowd have to have had a good enough relationship with my dad. He was a very opinionated man, to put it politely. He voiced his opinion pretty regularly — a quality I also inherited from him. However, the element with my dad that I don’t think anybody could argue is if he had a point. If there was logic behind what he was saying, you just couldn’t fight it there’s no way of going against it and, as a kid, I always kind of kept it in the back of my mind. It was that quality really that led him to become my best friend and my confidant in my grown adult life. I went to him for anything when he had you been around. When I was 18-year old when I truly made that realization and from that point on I maintained a very close, very steady relationship with him. When I moved out to Pennsylvania five years ago, we talked over the phone almost every single day. It didn’t matter what it was that day at work gave him a call. There was a little success in my life. I sent him a text message. He knew everything that was going on. On that note, he always had something to say. He always had something, usually a positive motivational tone. If it was something that I was talking about that was negative, he had a spin on it to keep me going and truthfully that’s going to be the biggest adjustment for me. But at the same time, one of the biggest motivating forces is that he always inspired me to do better than my best. He was always so openly proud of my accomplishments and kept pushing me to do more and more, but not in any sort of negative forceful sense of course. It was always something that was very uplifting and inspirational to me and in having done that I think he passed something on to me that’s a very difficult thing to do. He got me ready to be a strong, upstanding man who can lead a good quality life in the world. And I don’t even know he might have been unwittingly on his part just might have been doing his thing, but he really imparted that to me. Going forward from today a I’m going to just keep on pushing his memory, keep on getting better, living a good name, keeping the Camaro untarnished doesn’t work. And you know to that end that’s what I’m going to miss! I bet that he’ll be looking down and seeing it, I would have loved to have as we all would. More years, more time but you know that gets him to be a little bit of a selfish end. He’s in a great place now, very much at peace and you know he is happy to be looking down on all of us today. So, goodbye, dad. I’m going to miss you. I love you and thank everybody for coming here today, listening to me babble for a few minutes…

Children Give Tearful Eulogy At Their Fathers Funeral

Children get emotional when paying their final tribute to their police officer father who died in line of duty.

Let us tell you about our dad Michael Langsdorf. He was a very caring and extremely loyal person. He was a loving and wonderful father. Thoughtful, sensitive and dedicated describe him well. He always had our back and was our best friend. Funny, adventuresome and to be very particular – he was a great chef and creative storyteller. He would drop anything at the drop of a dime to accommodate a friend’s need or want, no matter how big or small. They say never to meet your heroes because you will end up disappointed. Well, I had the chance to be raised by mine and he never disappointed me. He taught me that a life of rescuing defending and serving is the only life worth living. We love you, dad! “My father would end every email with a signature quote that read you’ve never lived until you’ve almost died for those.” It was by an unknown Marine. Our dad was the most important person in our lives. He was the light of a party, and a great chef but most importantly he was an amazing father. He had a huge impact on so many people. And even though he was tough, he had the biggest heart. I think we all wish he could have made it through this one, so that we could hear him tell this story at every dinner and family event. We love and miss him every minute of the day.

Short Eulogy For Father

This eulogy might be short but the thing that the son did to keep his father’s memory alive is something to remember.

As you can imagine, I like any son who wants to remember the best of my father but it wasn’t anything particularly press worthy. He did not fight in winning war, he never met the president, he never won state championship, but what my father did was keeping his promises, particularly to me and for my brother Greg. My father said it was going to be done. My dad was not too fond of excuses. Too often we make promises, little and big that we do not honour. I want to remember my father, the promises he kept to me, and I want you to remember the promises you have made. Many of you have expressed your condolences to me and my family. There’s anything you can do for us, there is something you can do, and there is something you should do for yourself. Make a promise in your life — the one that you have been putting off and keep it fixed like that lying man did. I want my father’s memory to help you and others, so I have a favour to ask. For all of you, I’ve created these cards and all they say out there is because I said I would. The purpose of this card is relatively simple. You have a promise. You’ve been holding off for somebody and write it on the card. You have to promise that person that you made the promise to fulfil that promise. And when you’re done, get your card back. Yesterday I left three of these cards for my father. I will not be getting them back but I will keep my word and that’s what I would do. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it looks something like my dad and I wake up in the morning and brush my teeth. I don’t need a reminder that these cards can help remind you to keep your promises.

What is a Eulogy?

A eulogy is a speech given by someone when their loves one dies. The speech outlines the highest point in the deceased person’s life. If your nerves are acting up right now, take a deep breath, close your eyes and let your mind wander. Think about all the good times you have had and all the times he had touched your life. Let your mind linger on the good times and the times that make you smile quietly. Take note of those memories that make you smile or weep with a little happiness. The memorable ones.

You can then pen down all the memorable things and memories you have had with your dad, or record them on your phone. Or if that’s too much, you can just lay back and brainstorm silently. Focus on things that made you feel connected to him and not his academic or life achievements.

how to write a eulogy for dad

It’s okay if you find yourself rambling on the first take. Let it all out, talk about everything that reminds you of your father. His favorite song, his best food, football clubs he supported or anything and your strongest memory of him. Write down what first jumps to your mind when your father’s name is mentioned and how it makes you feel.

Take yourself back to your firsts, the first time you did certain things together, the first time you went to see a particular movie or show together and how all those memories flooding back makes you feel.

If you are writing his eulogy, that means you were connected in some way. While you are thinking or just jotting down random things, think of what light you want to portray your father in. What do you wish to use and define him? Was it kindness, humor, patience, wisdom or fun-loving and just unique that defines him?

Whatever direction that you wish to go, try recalling the incidents that made your mind go that way. Was he fun-loving? Then you can think of some jokes or funny incidents that show him in that light.

Dig deep and do not be scared to explore everything. It’s ok if you are having trouble trying to decide which theme to use as your father’s eulogy. If recalling your past with him makes you cry and laugh then you might want to go with a funny man theme.

The memories that are flooding in, do they remind you of how many times you witnessed him show kindness to a loved one or stranger or you have a lot of things he said to you have changed the way you thought? If so, your theme might be both kind and wise.

Preparing a Written Eulogy

Now it’s time to do the actual writing. Some people may prefer to deliver the eulogy from memory while others from a written source. Whatever you decide is fine but bear in mind that grief makes memories unreliable, and you may get up in front of everyone and feel completely blank even if it has never happened to you before. At this point, you have a slight idea of what you want to say to celebrate your dad and have decided on a theme for your eulogy or have some thoughts scribbled down or a voice recording. So where do you start?

Organising Your Thoughts

You can organize your eulogy with ideas. If the theme was that your dad was kind and wise or a successful businessman, you may want to start by arranging those ideas in that order, the incidents of that make him what you say and a conclusion. You can also start from a to z. Start this approach by talking about his childhood, teenage years, adulthood, fatherhood in that order. Pick some stories, some memories that you think captures or summarizes what he meant to you and write about them. And remember, to tell the audience your name and relation with your father.

“My name is Jane and I am the only female child my dad had such that no matter how grown I was, I was always his little girl. No matter how far away I was, we were always a team”

It’s time to start amassing those thoughts and keeping in line with your theme. You can follow that with a clause like “My father was…” avoid using words like good or decent and go with words like what you think makes him good or decent. While mentioning life achievements is fine, focus more on his human nature and character. What captures his essence? For example, my father was an energetic man with a passion for life.

How to Make an Eulogy for Dad Funny

You can pick a tone depending on who you are, how you feel or who your father was. If he was fun and loved jokes then you might decide to write the eulogy on a lighter note with some slight jokes. Nothing heavy, you do not want to seem to be mocking the dead.

Tell a story, nothing emulates someone like a story so try to include some short stories about your time with your father or some famous passed down stories from when he was younger.

You could use poetry to express your feelings, we have a growing list of funeral poems for dads that have been sent in by our readers and contributed to be professional writers.

Mentioning Your Father’s Death

Depending on what took his life, you can talk about his death. You must not try to be too philosophical about it; death sucks and does not always have meaning. It’s ok to admit that. If he battled with an illness then you may want to mention the illness very briefly. And think of your last moments with him and what they were like or meant. If his death was sudden (all deaths are sudden, but if it was like an accident that claimed his life), then you can refer to the last time you spoke, or your last significant memory together.

It can be something small, like you went to lunch together. The little details make it more real. You can then talk about lessons learned, what being your father’s child has taught you so far. Try not to focus on regrets. Remember that love is stronger than your regret. 

How Long Should Your Dads Eulogy Be?

It’s can be very important to keep the eulogy under 10 minutes. If you are shaken up by grief, then standing up in front of a crowd for too long may make you lose your composure. Must funeral services are also time-constrained, so you want to be aware of that. Nobody is perfect and your father was no exception, but you loved him and that’s all that matters.

You can conclude by appreciating everyone present and saying how honored your father would have felt if he were there. When delivering a eulogy, try not to make any eye contact with the audience as that might break your composure. Try looking directly above everyone’s head. I am sorry for your loss. Death truly is unfortunate and unfair.

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How to write a eulogy for my dad

Share this article, preparing to write a eulogy for father.

Eulogies are usually delivered as a short funeral speech of 3 to 5 minutes.

The point of a eulogy is not to fit every event of a person’s life into that brief speech. Eulogies are about carefully selecting the significant life events and the memories we want to share about a person we loved. You might find the task of writing a eulogy for your dad daunting, but you don’t have squeeze his whole life into it.

When writing a eulogy for your father, you’ll want to share his biographical information and your memories in a way that honours who he was.

Good eulogies for a father will weave biographical information with select moments of his life, peppered with stories and anecdotes that show who he was and what he meant to you.

By spending time thinking about what you want to say, collecting the biographical information, and talking to others about your dad, you’ll make the whole process a lot easier than rushing straight into writing the eulogy.

While there are no hard and fast rules, on this page, we’ll step you through the process for how to write a eulogy for a father.

If you want to get right into straight away, download a copy of our Eulogy Workbook with samples and insights from  funeral directors .

[Download the workbook with eulogy samples now]

Step 1 – Reflect on your dad’s life

Talk to your children, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and other members of your extended family to gather their memories of your dad. Talk to your father’s friends and current or former colleagues. Take notes.

While a funeral is not the time to reveal family secrets and make shocking revelations, it’s important to be honest. But always focus on the positives.

Write down your own memories of you dad, those memories that stand out from your childhood and into adulthood. Think about what life lessons you learnt from your father and the times he had a positive impact on your life. What was he known for? What did people love about him? What will people miss?

Step 2 – Look for patterns

Reflect on your notes and what people have shared with you. Looks for ways to catalogue each memory. You’ll probably start to see patterns emerge.

From these patterns, choose the theme that resonates the strongest with you—that key characteristic about your dad that others saw, too.

This could be how he’d do anything for his kids, his love of driving long distances or his life-long thirst for learning and trying new things.

If nothing leaps out at you, give it some time. A theme isn’t necessary, but it can help you to structure your eulogy. It can also help you choose which memories to share and which to save for a different day.

Step 3 – Gather biographical information

Write down your dad’s biographical details, such as:

  • his full name
  • what other relatives called him
  • his parents’ names
  • his date of birth and where he was born.

Step 4 – Write down significant life events

Include details such as his:

  • marriage or significant relationships
  • career highlights
  • achievements

Next, write down his favourite things — hobbies he enjoyed, his special talents, people he loved spending time with, his favourite food, and any grand adventures he had.

Talk to family members and his friends about these events and his favourite things. Check if they have anything to add.

Step 5 – Set the tone

When you’re writing the eulogy, write as though you’re talking to friends, which you will be at the funeral. There’s no need to be formal or businesslike.

A warm, conversational tone always goes well.

How you talk about your father depends on your relationship with him and how he died.

You can use humour but do so with warmth. A mean-spirited joke that pokes fun at your dad might not be well received.

Humour can also ease the tension people feel during the funeral.

If you collected amusing stories and anecdotes while reflecting on your father’s life, find those that are a good fit for your chosen theme and you can work them into the eulogy.

Step 6 – Write your opening

State why you’re there — to celebrate the life of your dearly loved father. You might want to include something about what he will be remembered most for.

Share who you are and what your connection to your father is. There could be people at the funeral who don’t know you.

You can also thank people for coming. It’s good to recognise any who’ve travelled a distance to be at the service. If you have chosen to the funeral you could also acknowledge those who are joining within you online.

Next, state your father’s biographical details. You can do this in chronological order. These are the basic details you gathered at Step 3.

Feel free to include other details you think are important and worth stating up-front.

Talk about other loved ones—those who were close to your dad. This could include his:

  • wife or partner
  • brothers and sisters
  • cousins, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles
  • children, grandchildren and great grandchildren
  • much adored pets
  • close friends, past and present.

Step 7 – Share significant life events

From the life events you gathered, choose those most important that fit with your father’s life story. Next, choose a memory to share about each event and preferably one that fits with your eulogy’s overall theme.

Your memories will enrich the eulogy.

This is your eulogy and it’s OK to write it and share memories from your perspective.

Step 8 – Write the conclusion

Eulogies often end with a heartfelt message and comforting words.

You can address your final goodbye to the people at the funeral, your father directly, or to both.

Revisit your overall theme to help you find the right message to conclude the eulogy. What would your dad say? How would he comfort you?

Step 9 – Review the eulogy

If you can, leave the eulogy for at least a day so you can come back to it with fresh ideas.

Read it out loud and time yourself.

Ask close friends and family to review it for you. While you should be open to their feedback, ultimately, it’s your funeral speech for dad and you get to make the final decision.

Step 10 – Prepare to deliver the eulogy

Practice reading the eulogy out loud many times. This will help you feel more confident about delivering the eulogy at your father’s funeral.

If you’re worried about your emotions getting the better of you while you’re speaking, there are a few things you can do to prepare for it:

  • plan to take a short break and a few deep breaths to help regain control over your emotions
  • remind yourself not to rush
  • have a glass or bottle of water nearby so you can take a sip
  • plan to have someone sitting near you who you can make eye contact with and they can give you nod of encouragement while you take a pause
  • print the eulogy in a large font to make it easy to read
  • have someone on standby who can take over on your behalf.

Writing a eulogy for your father is a profound way to honor his life. While you’re preparing this heartfelt tribute, it’s also important to consider the practical aspects of the funeral, such as the cost of coffins and choices of caskets .

Understanding these costs can help you make informed decisions during a challenging time.

Download our eulogy workbook

To help you craft a eulogy that will remember your father with the love, warmth and respect he deserves, download a copy of our Eulogy Workbook. It includes what to write in a eulogy and offers eulogy examples for a father.

As we think about writing eulogies for loved ones, it reminds us to think about our own legacies. Just like we honor someone’s life with words, we can plan our own funerals to make things easier for our family later. Explore how pre paid funerals work and secure your legacy today.

speech for a funeral of a father

Eulogy Examples: How to Write a Eulogy for a Loved One

By Bernie Flowers

speech for a funeral of a father

How do you distill a lifetime of memories and experiences into a 15-minute eulogy? It’s an honor to hold the responsibility of eulogizing your loved one, but it can feel like a challenge to fit everything you want to say in one speech.

Instead of making the funeral attendees feel like they are reading an encyclopedia from cover-to-cover, look for ways to highlight the rich life experiences that matter most. A eulogy should be a sampling of the best the person had to offer including accomplishments, personality traits, and memorable stories.

When it comes to eulogy writing, you can search online for ideas and examples. But the most important thing you need to keep in mind: quality over quantity .

All this being said, we would advise using our professional Eulogy Template to guide you through your writing, you can find it here - Eulogy Template

What is a Eulogy?

Giving a eulogy means that you are sharing a remembrance speech with the purpose of paying tribute to a loved one. This speech is given at the funeral or memorial service by a family member or close friend.

A good eulogy highlights the lasting impact of the person on their family and community. Through your speech, you’ll have an opportunity to share their unique qualities, as well as the ripple effect of positivity and change they created in the world around them.

How can you best honor  your loved one? A eulogy can be a part of your healing, and a beautiful way to reflect on the details that were most special about them.

Eulogy Examples

One of the simplest ways to write a eulogy is to review a eulogy speech example that matches your own preferred tone and style. What makes a eulogy unique is the unique details you’ll share about the person themselves, which is why it’s essential to customize your eulogy to honor and celebrate the personality of your loved one.

You may want to start with our primer on how to write a eulogy . Then, use the following outline and eulogy examples to create a strong speech  that communicates the message you want to share about the person who meant so much to you.

Eulogy Sample Outline

Using a eulogy sample outline is a proven way to create a great speech. Remember those Mad Libs books from your childhood? This process is similar: follow the outline and plug in the personal details applicable to your loved one. 

These eulogy samples help you overcome writer's block and keep you focused on the details that matter most. Aim to cap the eulogy at a maximum of 10 minutes total. The simplest eulogy outline can be broken down into three parts, so you’ll need to consider how much time to spend on each section:

  • Set the tone by beginning with a poem, quote, or scripture that was meaningful to the person.
  • Names they were known by, including nicknames and maiden names.
  • Cause of death (an optional detail).
  • A brief insight into your relationship with the individual.
  • Accomplishments
  • Major life events
  • Stories or fond memories
  • How the person affected others
  • Childhood years
  • Travel adventures
  • Marriage and children
  • Any other thoughts you want to share about the person
  • A final take away from your theme
  • How you want family and friends to remember the individual
  • What the person would want you to remember them for
  • Quote, scripture, or song lyric
  • Thank attendees for participating

Eulogy Examples for a Friend

It can be helpful to write this eulogy as if you were talking to a friend. Common talking points might include:

  • Common activities enjoyed together
  • What you like most about the person
  • Personality traits or phrases they often use
  • How you would describe the person
  • What will you remember them by?

Here is a eulogy example for a friend:

I can’t imagine how empty it will feel to spend time on the basketball court without Jim by my side. Our relationship was built with a basketball in hand, and evolved to share many family gatherings and other activities together over the years. With his passing, Jim is leaving behind a legacy of kindness, compassion, and generosity.

Jim shared good humor and a big smile with everyone he met. Even though people often cursed at his practical jokes, he was an integral part of creating a solid foundation of friendship in our group. When times were difficult, he could always put a smile on my face. He held his head high until the end, showing what it looks like to finish strong.

Eulogy Examples for Your Father

Writing a eulogy for your dad may be really tough. How do you memorialize your hero amid grief and emotion? We hope these tips and the example below will help you in your process. 

  • Share childhood experiences when spending time with dad
  • Talk about his best qualities
  • Capture his essence through “dad jokes” and the things that made you laugh
  • Tell about the things you will miss most about him
  • Describe his role in your upbringing

Here is a eulogy example for your father:

My dad was my hero. He could make every person feel like they were the most important person in the world. Growing up, I knew that I could always ask Dad for help – and he would be willing to drop anything to lend a hand. He was a rock of stability in my childhood and a source of strength for our whole family.

My father was a man who infused fun into the most mundane tasks. I remember how he would turn our bedtime routine into an adventure that included highlights from our favorite storybooks. He was a kind and thoughtful person. Every night at the dinner table, he encouraged us to talk about the things we were grateful for, and always had yummy treats for us kids hidden in the back of the pantry. I will miss you, Dad, and I’ll always hold onto the amazing memories we shared together.

Eulogy Examples for Your Mother

How can you ever do justice to a eulogy for your beloved mother – the woman who was always there with love and guidance through the ups and downs, the celebrations and challenging moments of your life? Here are a few tips for writing a eulogy for your mother:

  • Describe the way she showed her love for you
  • Celebrate the small ways she turned your house into a home
  • Highlight the impact she made throughout the community
  • Explain the smells, sounds, and feelings you felt when arriving home
  • Share stories from childhood and adulthood that reflect her character

Here is a eulogy example for your mother:

Today we are honoring, celebrating, and remembering {mom’s full name]. She was a woman of grace and courage, with a stubborn streak that showed up when she set her mind to something, like going back to school to become a nurse at age 40. 

My mother was truly my best friend and I am humbled by the challenge of describing the fullness of her beauty and caring here today. I don't know how she did it, but Mom always found the perfect balance between work and home. Even though she worked 40 – 50 hours a week to support us, she prioritized family dinner. That time was sacred to our family. Her love and kindness were infused in everything she did, whether she was baking cookies for a bake sale to help the hospital or sewing our Halloween costumes by hand year after year. 

She had a magical way of bringing joy every time she walked into the room. No one who met her could forget her smile. And I’ll never forget the advice and the lessons she taught me. Her wisdom will forever guide the decisions I make through the rest of my life. I love you, Mom.

Eulogy Examples for Your Grandmother

How do you share the details about the love you felt through your relationship with a grandmother? Follow these tips to write a good eulogy for this important woman:

  • Talk about the fun traditions she brought for your favorite holiday
  • What was she known for in the community?
  • How did her influence touch your life?
  • What are the daily moments that will remind you of her?
  • Share funny stories that showcase her quirks or sense of humor

Here is a eulogy example for your grandmother:

My grandmother paid attention to the details – it was the little things that added the finishing touch to every experience. Whether she was setting out the treat jar on the kitchen table or clinking the glass while drinking her iced tea, she always prioritized food and drinks.

Since she loved to shop, grandma would often take us to the mall when we were visiting for the weekend. We would have fashion shows in the dressing rooms and often come home with bright, frilly dresses that were perfect for twirling.

When grandpa was away for the war, grandma was an example of always getting back up again when things get hard. She never complained; just worked hard and supported her family at all times. Despite the personal challenges, she always looked outside of herself – which is why she will be remembered as a beacon of light in this community.

Eulogy Examples for Your Grandfather

What are the details that make your grandfather larger than life? Here are a few ideas to help when writing a eulogy for this great man:

  • Explain the qualities that best describe his personality
  • Tell about the details that made him stand out from other grandparents
  • What hobbies or passions did he share with the family?
  • How will the neighborhood or community remember him?
  • Talk about stories that were life-changing moments for him

Here is a eulogy example for your grandfather:

Even though my grandfather didn’t like to be the center of attention, he had an undeniable impact on the community. If he was here with us today, he wouldn’t want us to share grief and sorrow. Instead, his desire would be to focus on the happy memories and joyful experiences shared over the years.

Grandpa was a man who set a lasting impression on everyone he met. His deep laugh and kind eyes warmed the room and brought life into the most boring daily activities. Grandpa loved spending time with his grandkids because he said that it made him feel young at heart.

He was a great teacher and a dependable friend. His advice and guidance will continue to carry me through the joys and challenges that life has to offer.

Eulogy Examples for Your Brother

Siblings share a special bond, giving you deep insights to share about your brother. Follow these tips for writing a good eulogy:

  • What was it like growing up in the same house together?
  • Describe the way your relationship changed in adulthood
  • Share funny stories about sibling rivalries
  • Explain the lasting impact he left on you and the family
  • List his favorite hobbies and food

Here is a eulogy example for your brother:

While it’s tragic to think about Kyle leaving us too soon, he left behind a lifetime of memories that we can celebrate. Kyle was always ready for a fun day with friends – he would have been the one showing up today with the perfect playlist for the event.

Even though my brother was a few years older than me, he always included me in the adventures with his friends. I never felt like the little brother he was dragging along. He made me feel special and included in the group, and helped me build confidence along the way.

Kyle was my best friend and I can’t imagine what life is going to be like without him sending me funny cat memes every night. But I know that his memory will live on when I eat his favorite pizza or hear his favorite band on the radio.

Eulogy Examples for Your Sister

If you’ve lost a sibling, we are truly sorry, Writing a eulogy for your sister can be a way to honor her through your memories of your childhood and growing up with her, as well as the milestones of her life. A few ideas for this eulogy include:

  • Share her notable life accomplishments
  • Retell your favorite stories from growing up together
  • Highlight the kind of person she was
  • Summarize your relationship in a few short words
  • Talk about what she meant to you and how she influenced your life

Here is a eulogy example for your sister:

My sister, Kim, might have been a little shy at the first introduction. But once she warmed up to a friendship, she always had plenty to say every time she talked. Kim loved to share stories from her time volunteering at the children’s hospital and she had a beautiful gift of making everyone feel like the most important person in the world.

We were only a year apart, which meant that I was the younger sister who was often stealing her clothes or listening in on her conversations with her boyfriend. Even though I was the pesky sibling who cracked jokes about her unique style, she was everything I wanted to be when I grew up. She was independent, strong, and beautiful. She was a free spirit who wasn’t afraid to act boldly, like moving to Paris after college and starting her own business. She was my partner in crime, and I could always tell her everything. She will never be replaced. . My dear sister, I love you and I will be forever grateful for every moment we spent together.

Short Eulogy Examples

Short and sweet is a good rule of thumb to follow when writing a eulogy. Consider these important talking points if you want to write a short eulogy:

  • Highlight the person’s passions or interests
  • What were the most memorable times you spent together?
  • Sum up the person’s character using a story or memory
  • Express your gratitude for the impact the person had on your life
  • Talk about their influence on family and community

Here is a short eulogy example:

The years I spent with Kathy in my life were filled with excitement and adventure. She showed up for life in the biggest way possible. From the moment she shared her cookie with me on the first day of kindergarten, I knew we would be best friends.

She spent many years working as a teacher, and her heart was big enough to offer individual attention to every child that walked into her classroom. Kathy made a difference in the lives of hundreds of children over the years, and her kindness and positivity will leave an unwavering legacy in this community.

Funny Eulogy Examples

Sometimes a bit of humor is the perfect way to lighten the mood and showcase the personality of your loved one. Consider these tips if you want to add a few jokes into the eulogy:

  • Point out the person’s comedic qualities
  • Be specific about sharing their jokes or pranks
  • Look for ways to communicate what the person would say if they wrote the speech
  • Find the right balance of humor to share laughs without being irreverent
  • Share a funny poem or a quote from the person’s favorite movie

Here is a funny eulogy example:

Anyone who met Josh quickly learned that there are always laughs to be shared. It was impossible to spend time with him without enjoying a gut-busting laugh at some point in the conversation. Josh was known as the class clown, and his jokes were quick-witted and hilarious.

Who could forget the time Josh showed up to the family reunion wearing that ridiculous blow-up dinosaur costume? He chased the kids around the park until everyone laughed until they were crying.

Many funny memories came out of our family camping trips. He couldn’t sit down to enjoy a peaceful campfire. Instead, the s’more making always seemed to turn into a marshmallow fight – with white puffs flying through the air when you least expected it. Josh kept a smile on my face through the ups and downs of life, and I will keep on smiling in his honor.

Personalizing the Eulogy

As you read through these funeral eulogy examples, the most important thing to remember is that there isn’t a right or wrong way to write a eulogy. Instead, consider the best way to share the person in the way they would want others to remember them. It’s your chance to verbalize your love and honor the memories of your loved one.

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speech for a funeral of a father

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A eulogy is a final opportunity to shine a light on the goodness of another human being, sharing stories that may have gone unheard otherwise.

Many people don’t know where to start or how to write a eulogy.

We hope the eulogy examples we’re sharing below inspire you to create the perfect tribute for your loved one.

However, if you find yourself struggling, you aren’t alone.

You have all the words already, its not that.

They’re just buried in the whirlwind of grief and all the memories flooding in right now. You simply need help organizing them into an actual eulogy or funeral speech that you can stand confident and proud to deliver for your loved one.

When you hire a professional eulogy writer, you’re hiring someone highly skilled in holding space with you as you unearth memories and themes from your loved ones life, creating a speech your friends and family are sure to always remember.

Give us your memories, we’ll give you the words.


Click the links below to view some of the eulogies and funeral speeches written by Lasting Eulogies.

Eulogy for a Mother

Eulogy for a Dad

Eulogy for a Spouse

Eulogy for a Father

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  • Eulogy Guide
  • Eulogy For a Husband Example
  • Eulogy For a Wife Example
  • Eulogy For a Mum Example
  • Eulogy For a Dad Example
  • Eulogy For a Grandfather Example
  • Eulogy For a Friend Example
  • Eulogy For a Brother Example
  • Eulogy For a Sister Example
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  • Cremation Services in USA
  • Cremation Services in UK

Professional Eulogy Writing

Eulogy writing guide, funeral speeches for a work colleague, tribute speech to dad from daughter, funeral speech writing advice, funeral speeches for dad: honoring his legacy.

  • February 14, 2024


Saying goodbye to a father is one of the most difficult experiences in life. It can be challenging to find the right words to express your love, gratitude, and admiration for the man who raised you. If you're preparing a funeral speech for your dad, here are some tips to help you create a meaningful tribute to his life and legacy.

Are you struggling to write a meaningful eulogy during this difficult time?  Our professional eulogy writing service can help you honour your loved one in less than 48 hours, with no additional stress. We help you preserve the legacy of a cherished life, in your time of grief. Find out more →

Table of Contents

Begin With a Personal Memory

Personalized eulogies for spiritual guides, weaving a narrative of spiritual depth and emotional resonance, testimonies of heartfelt dedication: client reflections, why is a personal touch important in a funeral speech for dad, what elements can make the funeral speech engaging, how can i incorporate his hobbies or interests into the speech, what is the importance of sharing personal anecdotes, can i use humor in the funeral speech, how can i honor his legacy in the speech, how to handle emotions while delivering the speech, how to engage the audience during the speech, what kind of language should i use in the speech, can i share his words of wisdom in the speech, how long should the funeral speech be, can i include quotes or poems that remind me of him, how to conclude the funeral speech, should i prepare a written speech or speak impromptu, can i invite others to share their memories during my speech, share his accomplishments and passions, express your gratitude and love, acknowledge the pain of loss and offer comfort, end with a memorable quote or message, practice and rehearse your speech, consider using humor, keep it concise, stay true to yourself, eulogy assistant: reverberating spiritual echoes, funeral speeches for dad frequently asked questions.

One of the best ways to start a funeral speech for your dad is by sharing a personal memory. This can be a story from your childhood, a funny anecdote, or a special moment that you shared with your father. Starting with a personal memory helps to establish a connection with the audience and sets the tone for a heartfelt tribute.

Your father likely accomplished many things throughout his life, both big and small. Sharing these accomplishments can help to celebrate his life and legacy. You can also share his passions and interests, highlighting the things that he loved to do and the impact he had on the people around him.

At the heart of any funeral speech for a father is the expression of gratitude and love. Take time to thank your dad for everything he did for you and your family. Express your love and admiration for the man he was, and the impact he had on your life. Be specific about the ways in which he touched your life and the lives of those around him.

Need a Eulogy? Get a Personalized Professional Eulogy Written For Your Loved One

Writing a eulogy for a loved one you have just lost, can be both challenging and painful. Alongside the pressure of delivering a meaningful tribute in front of other funeral guests.

Let our expert Funeral Speech Writers create a heartfelt & personalized eulogy, that captures the amazing life and memories of your loved one.

Learn more about our Professional Eulogy Writing Service today, and see how we can help you.

Funeral speeches for a father can also be an opportunity to acknowledge the pain of loss and offer comfort to those who are grieving. Share a message of hope and offer words of comfort to family and friends who are struggling with the loss of your dad. Recognize that the pain of loss is real, but that there is hope for healing and moving forward.

Finally, end your funeral speech for your dad with a memorable quote or message. This can be a quote that was meaningful to your dad or a message of hope and inspiration. Whatever you choose, make sure it's a message that leaves a lasting impact and honours your dad's legacy.

Preparing a funeral speech for your dad is never easy, but it can be a meaningful way to honour his memory and celebrate his life. Remember that you don't have to do it alone. Reach out to family and friends for support, and consider working with a professional eulogy writer who can help you create a heartfelt tribute that will be remembered for years to come.

Once you have written your funeral speech for your dad, it's essential to practice and rehearse it before the actual event. This will help you to feel more confident and comfortable delivering your speech. Consider rehearsing in front of a mirror, recording yourself and listening back, or practicing in front of a trusted friend or family member.

While a funeral speech is typically a solemn and serious event, there may be an opportunity to incorporate some humor into your speech. If your dad had a good sense of humor, consider sharing a funny story or memory that will make people smile. Humor can also help to ease tension and provide a much-needed break from the sadness of the event.

When delivering a funeral speech, it's important to keep it concise and to the point. A good rule of thumb is to aim for a speech that is no longer than five minutes. This will help to ensure that your audience stays engaged and doesn't become overwhelmed with too much information.

Above all, it's important to stay true to yourself when delivering a funeral speech for your dad. Speak from the heart and in your own voice. Don't try to be someone you're not, or deliver a speech that doesn't feel authentic to you. Remember that the most important thing is to honour your dad's memory and legacy in a way that feels meaningful and true to you.

Funeral Speeches for Dad Example 1

Ladies and gentlemen, as I stand before you today, my heart is heavy with grief, yet full of gratitude for having been blessed with a father like mine. In the tapestry of life, he was a vibrant thread, weaving love, strength, and wisdom into the fabric of our family. Today, we gather not just to mourn his passing but to celebrate the remarkable life he lived and the enduring legacy he leaves behind.

My father was a man of simple pleasures. He found joy in the quiet moments – a sunrise, a peaceful walk, a good book. He was a beacon of strength, not in a loud or ostentatious way, but in his steady, unshakeable presence. He was the rock of our family, the calm in any storm, the voice of reason that guided us through life's challenges.

From my earliest memories, Dad was my hero. He had a way of making the ordinary feel extraordinary. He could turn a simple backyard campout into an adventure, a trip to the hardware store into a treasure hunt. He wasn’t just teaching me about the stars or how to hammer a nail; he was teaching me about life – about curiosity, perseverance, and the joy of discovery.

He was a man of few words, but when he spoke, his words carried weight. He taught us the value of honesty, the importance of hard work, and the power of kindness. His actions spoke even louder than his words. He was the first to offer help to a neighbor, to stand up for what was right, to put the needs of others before his own. His integrity was unwavering, his compassion boundless.

Dad had a sense of humor that was both endearing and infectious. He could find humor in any situation, often using it to lighten the mood or to make a point in his unique, subtle way. His laughter was a sound that filled our home and our hearts, a reminder that, even in tough times, there is joy to be found.

His love for our family was his driving force. He was a devoted husband and a loving father. He and Mom were a team, partners in every sense of the word. He supported her dreams as much as he did his own, and their love was a testament to the power of partnership and mutual respect.

As a father, he was my guide, my mentor, and my biggest supporter. He was there for every important moment, not just to celebrate the achievements but to offer a comforting word during the setbacks. He taught me not just how to ride a bike or drive a car, but how to face life's challenges with courage and grace.

One of the greatest lessons Dad taught me was about resilience. He faced his own share of trials – from professional setbacks to health challenges. Through it all, he remained positive, a pillar of strength for our family. He showed us that it's not the challenges that define us, but how we respond to them.

In his later years, Dad found joy in the simpler things – a cup of coffee on the porch, a game of cards with his grandchildren, a quiet evening with Mom. He took pride in the small moments, in the legacy he was leaving through his children and grandchildren. His wisdom continued to guide us, his love continued to strengthen us.

The news of his passing was a blow that we are still struggling to comprehend. It seems impossible that someone so integral to our lives, so present, could be gone. We are left with a void, a dad-shaped hole in our lives that nothing can fill.

Yet, even in our grief, we find comfort in the memories he left behind. We see him in the lessons he taught us, in the traditions he instilled, in the love that binds our family together. He may have left this physical world, but his spirit, his teachings, and his love remain with us.

In one of our last conversations, Dad told me, “Remember, life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride, and make it count.” These words, simple yet profound, are a reminder of his approach to life – to live fully, to love deeply, and to leave the world a little better than he found it.

As we say farewell to Dad, let us honor his memory by living as he taught us. Let us carry his legacy forward through our actions, our words, and our deeds. Let us remember him not just in our moments of sadness, but in our moments of joy and laughter.

Dad, thank you for everything – for your love, your wisdom, your strength. You have left an indelible mark on our lives, and we are eternally grateful. Rest in peace, knowing that your legacy lives on in us.

Funeral Speeches for Dad Example 2

Today, as we gather here to remember and honor the remarkable journey of a man who was not just a father but a pillar of strength, a beacon of wisdom, and a reservoir of love, I find myself grappling with the vastness of the void that he has left behind. His presence in our lives was like a mighty oak tree, providing shade, protection, and a steadfast presence that grounded us, nurtured us, and watched over us with a loving gaze.

My father was a man of many facets, a man whose resilience and determination were matched only by his compassion and kindness. He was a warrior, battling the storms of life with a grace that was awe-inspiring, teaching us the value of courage, perseverance, and the indomitable spirit of the human soul.

In the tapestry of life, he wove threads of love, of joy, and of beautiful moments that became the fabric of our existence, an existence that was enriched by his wisdom, his guidance, and his unwavering support. His life was a testament to the power of love, a love that knew no bounds, a love that embraced everyone with open arms, fostering connections that were based on mutual respect, understanding, and a shared journey of love and growth.

He was a teacher, a guide who led by example, who showed us the way to live a life that was rich with purpose, with love, and with the joy that comes from living in harmony with the world around us. Through his actions, he demonstrated the transformative power of love, the ability to heal, to nurture, and to create a world that was a reflection of the values he held dear.

As a father, he was a nurturing presence, a loving lap where we found comfort, solace, and the reassuring embrace that spoke of home, of love, and of the beautiful bond that we shared. His laughter was a melody that echoed the joyous symphonies of life, a sound that reverberated with love, with happiness, and with the joy of living a life that was a beautiful dance of love and connection.

His wisdom was a lighthouse in the stormy seas of life, guiding us with insights that were profound, with experiences that were enriching, and with a perspective that was grounded in love, compassion, and empathy. He taught us the art of living fully, of embracing each moment with a heart filled with gratitude, with joy, and with the zest for life that defined his remarkable journey.

He was a poet, painting the canvas of life with words that echoed the sentiments of love, of joy, and of the beautiful connections that defined his existence. In his presence, we found a sanctuary of peace, a haven where hearts connected, where souls resonated with the beautiful symphonies of love, friendship, and togetherness.

As we stand here today, we realize that his journey was not just a personal one, but a journey that was a beautiful dance of connections, of love, and of the nurturing embrace that he extended to everyone he met. His life was a beautiful narrative, a story that showcased the potential of love, of kindness, and of the joyous communion that comes from sharing a journey of love and growth with others.

Today, as we bid him farewell, we do so with hearts that are filled with gratitude, with love, and with the beautiful memories that he has left behind. We remember him as a beacon of love, a pillar of strength, and a wellspring of joy, a remarkable man who touched our lives in countless ways, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts, our souls, and our journey through life.

As we say our final goodbyes, let us carry forward his legacy of love, his spirit of joy, and his zest for life. Let us remember him for the beautiful moments shared, for the laughter echoed, and for the love that bound us in a beautiful tapestry of cherished moments, moments that defined his remarkable journey, a journey that was a beautiful dance of love, of joy, and of the nurturing embrace that he extended to everyone he met.

Farewell, dear father, until we meet again in the gardens of eternity, where love knows no bounds, where joy is everlasting, and where we are united once more in the embrace of eternal love and joy.

Funeral Speeches for Dad Example 3

In the grand orchestra of life, we were blessed to have our father as the masterful conductor, leading us through a symphony rich with love, wisdom, and boundless joy. Today, as we gather here to bid him farewell, we also take a moment to celebrate the rich tapestry of life he wove, a masterpiece that resonated with the harmonious melodies of love, unity, and compassion.

Our father was a man of principles, a guardian of values that speak of respect, integrity, and a deep-rooted sense of community. In his world, every individual was a note, contributing to the beautiful music that echoed the sentiments of togetherness, of unity, and of the harmonious dance of life that is enriched by the diversity and the unique contributions of each individual.

His was a life of service, a journey that was marked by his dedication to fostering connections, nurturing relationships, and creating a community where everyone felt seen, heard, and valued. His ability to see the beauty in everyone, to appreciate the unique gifts that each person brought to the table, was a testament to his expansive heart, a heart that embraced everyone with love, with respect, and with a joyous celebration of the human spirit.

In his presence, we learned the art of active listening, the beauty of engaging in deep and meaningful conversations that fostered understanding, empathy, and a shared journey of growth and learning. His wisdom, gleaned from a life rich with experiences, became the guiding star that led us through the intricate pathways of life, offering insights that were profound, uplifting, and grounded in a deep-seated love for humanity.

Our father was a craftsman, meticulously carving out moments of joy, of laughter, and of beautiful memories that became the cherished treasures of our familial tapestry. His hands, strong yet gentle, became the nurturing embrace that sheltered us from the storms, guiding us with a steadiness that was comforting, reassuring, and a testament to his resilient spirit and his unwavering dedication to his family.

He was a storyteller, weaving tales that transported us to worlds rich with adventure, with excitement, and with the beauty of the human spirit that seeks to explore, to learn, and to grow. Through his stories, we embarked on journeys that expanded our horizons, fostering a sense of curiosity, a zest for life, and a deep appreciation for the beautiful mysteries that life unfolds.

In the garden of life, he was a diligent gardener, nurturing the seeds of dreams, of aspirations, and of the beautiful potential that resides within each one of us. Through his guidance, we learned the value of hard work, the joy of realizing our dreams, and the beautiful sense of fulfillment that comes from living a life that is in harmony with our true nature and our unique gifts.

Today, as we stand here to honor his legacy, we do so with hearts that are brimming with gratitude, with love, and with the cherished memories that he has bestowed upon us. We remember him as a beacon of love, a wellspring of wisdom, and a guiding light that illuminated our paths with the radiant glow of love, of compassion, and of the nurturing embrace that defined his remarkable journey.

As we bid him farewell, we do so with the knowledge that his spirit lives on, in the laughter that echoes in our homes, in the love that binds us together, and in the beautiful lessons that he imparted, lessons that speak of love, of unity, and of the beautiful dance of life that is enriched by the contributions of each individual.

Dear father, as you traverse the realms of eternity, know that you are loved, cherished, and remembered with fondness and affection. Your spirit will continue to guide us, to watch over us, and to be a source of inspiration and joy. You were a remarkable man, a beacon of love and light, and today, we honor your memory with tears of gratitude, with smiles of fond remembrance, and with hearts filled with love.

In the moments of deep reflection dedicated to a spiritual guide, the challenge of expressing your profound respect and cherished memories in words can be as profound as a spiritual journey. Eulogy Assistant is here to assist you in this sacred endeavor, seamlessly blending reverent homage with heartfelt emotion, turning your cherished recollections into enduring eulogies.

Our team, experienced in the art of empathetic eulogy crafting, is committed to guiding you in creating a eulogy that resonates with the serene teachings and impactful legacy of your spiritual mentor. Eulogy Assistant offers more than just a service; it's a partnership marked by empathy and understanding, devoted to memorializing a life of spiritual influence and guidance.

At Eulogy Assistant , we emphasize the importance of collaboration in crafting an eulogy that authentically resonates with sincerity and emotional richness. Working hand in hand with you, we intertwine your personal experiences and heartfelt sentiments with our professional expertise, crafting a tribute that honors with authenticity and connects deeply.

Our approach is founded on genuine dialogue and mutual creative journey. Your personal stories and insights are vital in shaping a narrative that genuinely captures the spirit of your spiritual mentor's legacy. This task involves more than just recounting their life; it's about vividly illustrating their spiritual journey and the depth of their teachings.

Together, our goal is to create a narrative that authentically represents your spiritual mentor – a eulogy that transcends typical commemorations, enriched with respect, personal connection, and heartfelt emotion. Our collective work results in a eulogy that is a beautiful harmony of words, echoing the profound respect and affection your spiritual guide has inspired.

The essence of our service is authentically portrayed in the testimonials from those we've supported. These heartfelt stories of gratitude and appreciation from individuals who relied on our guidance are the most sincere testament to our dedication.

"Embarking on the tribute to my spiritual guide was a journey of deep respect, but Eulogy Assistant was a source of steadfast support, helping me craft a eulogy that truly captured their spirit and teachings," says Linda, expressing her heartfelt appreciation.

Michael adds, "In my time of bereavement, the empathetic and professional guidance from Eulogy Assistant was a comforting presence. They assisted me in shaping a eulogy that was more than words, a heartfelt and moving homage to my spiritual guide."

These stories underline our commitment to crafting eulogies that are not just formal speeches, but heartfelt expressions of honor, respect, and lasting memory. We are privileged to guide you on this journey, celebrating the unique legacies of those who have profoundly influenced our lives, and crafting eulogies that serve as lasting tributes to their spiritual wisdom.

Join us in shaping narratives that are deeply personal, respectful, and truly reflective of the inspirational spiritual guides who have shaped our lives.

In a funeral speech for dad, a personal touch is essential because it brings to life the unique bond you shared with him. It paints a vivid picture of his personality, his quirks, his wisdom, and the moments that made him special, allowing others to see him through your eyes and remember him fondly.

An engaging funeral speech often includes anecdotes, fond memories, and a touch of humor. Incorporating these elements not only captures the essence of your dad's personality but also provides a comforting and warm atmosphere, helping to lighten the hearts of those in attendance.

Mentioning his hobbies or interests can give a fuller picture of who he was outside his role as a father. Share stories or incidents where his hobbies played a significant role, or discuss the lessons and values you learned through them, making the speech more vibrant and relatable.

Personal anecdotes help in creating a vivid and authentic portrayal of your dad. Sharing little stories or moments that were significant helps in painting a picture that is both heartfelt and genuine, allowing those present to connect on a deeper level with the memories being shared.

Absolutely, incorporating humor can bring a sense of lightness and joy to the occasion. Sharing funny stories or quirks can evoke smiles and laughter, helping to celebrate his life in a joyful manner, and providing a comforting break from the sorrow of the moment.

Honoring his legacy can be achieved by highlighting his virtues, the lessons he imparted, and the positive impact he had on others. Mentioning how you plan to carry forward his teachings and values can be a touching tribute to his lasting influence in your life.

It's completely natural to be overcome with emotions during the speech. If you feel teary, take a moment to compose yourself. You can also have a backup person ready to continue the speech if necessary. Remember, showing your emotions is a beautiful testament to the love you shared.

Engaging the audience can be done by encouraging them to reminisce along with you. You might ask them to nod or raise hands if they remember a particular incident you mention, or invite them to share their anecdotes or memories after your speech, fostering a sense of community and shared remembrance.

The language should be heartfelt, warm, and inclusive. Using simple yet evocative language helps in creating a connection with the audience, allowing them to feel the depth of your words and the sentiments behind them.

Absolutely, sharing his words of wisdom can be a beautiful tribute, allowing others to benefit from his insights and perhaps find comfort and guidance in them, especially at this moment of loss.

While there's no strict rule, a good length for a funeral speech is around 5-10 minutes. This gives you enough time to share anecdotes, memories, and tributes without it being too lengthy, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Including quotes or poems that remind you of him can be a touching addition, adding depth and a literary touch to your speech. Choose pieces that resonate with his personality or the bond you shared, adding a poignant and thoughtful dimension to your tribute.

Concluding the funeral speech with a note of gratitude for the time and memories shared, and a hopeful message about meeting again in another realm or carrying forward his legacy can be a comforting and fitting end to your tribute.

Having a written speech helps in organizing your thoughts clearly and ensures that you cover all the points you wish to. However, if you feel comfortable, an impromptu speech coming straight from the heart can also be very touching and authentic.

Yes, inviting others to share their memories can create a communal atmosphere of remembrance, allowing for a richer and more diverse tribute to your dad. It encourages others to reminisce and celebrate his life from various perspectives, adding depth to the occasion.

In conclusion, delivering a funeral speech for your dad is an opportunity to celebrate his life and legacy and to offer comfort to those who are grieving. With these tips, you can create a heartfelt tribute that will be remembered for years to come. And if you need additional support in crafting your speech, consider using Eulogy Assistant .

Looking For Examples? Here Are Some of The Best Eulogies

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Jennifer M. Bukowski

Photo 1 - Obituaries in Erie, PA | Erie Times-News

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Jennifer M. Bukowski, age 51, of Harborcreek, passed away Friday, August 16, 2024, following a brave battle with cancer. She was born in Erie on August 10, 1973, daughter of Ronald Bukowski and Mary Bukowski, who passed away on August 4, 2024.

Jen was a 1991 graduate of Tech Memorial High School. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Edinboro University and her Master of Science Degree in Speech Pathology from Radford University. Jen first worked as a speech pathologist for the Henry County Schools in Collinsville, VA for 20 years, where she inspired so many students along their education path. She then was a speech pathologist in the UPMC Network for 8 years in offices that specialized in speech pathology along with PT/OT where she treated patients in the adult setting along with some children. She led a Parkinson’s clinic in her time at UPMC also treating patients who had a stroke or certain cancers that affected speech. As Jen bravely battled her own cancer for over 4.5 years, she often spoke at the Cancer Wellness Center on the effects of chemotherapy on the brain.

Jen was a director with several consultants under her wing for a company called 31, where she mastered sales of their products and promoted them through charity and bingo events. She was an avid dog lover who rescued many dogs from the Anna Shelter and provided a very good life to all of them including Gucci, her current dog who provided comfort, support and much laughter and happiness. Raising Gucci was one of her greatest joys. She was a lifetime fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers, a hobby she enjoyed every football season. Jen inspired and touched many lives over her years and maintained lifelong friends with her infectious smile.

In addition to her father, Jen is survived by her sister, Kim Berkeley (Jon); her aunts: Joan Estile (David), Kaye Veres (Al) and Margie Serck (Lee); and many cousins.

A Celebration of Jen’s Life will be announced at a later date. Private arrangements are being handled by the Dusckas Funeral and Cremation Services Harborcreek. Memorial contributions may be made to the ANNA Shelter, 1555 East 10th Street, Erie, PA 16511.


Posted online on August 21, 2024

Published in Erie Times-News

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Ashley Biden introduces her father at DNC as the "OG girl dad" and one of the most "consequential" leaders in history

By Kathryn Watson

August 20, 2024 / 10:12 AM EDT / CBS News

Ashley Biden, President Biden's 43-year-old daughter who typically stays out of the spotlight, introduced her father Monday night at the first night at the  Democratic National Convention in Chicago as he delivered one of his final and most historic speeches in his time as president and a public servant. 

A social worker in Philadelphia, Ashley Biden offered a different side to her father, as not just one of the "most consequential leaders ever in history," but also as the "OG girl dad."

"He told me I could be anything and I could do anything," she said. 

"And he wasn't just a girl dad. I could see that he valued and trusted women," Ashley Biden said. "How he listened to his mother. How he believed in his sister. And most of all, how he respected my mother's career. Dad was always there doing everything he could to be a true partner to her. Dad, you always tell us but we don't tell you enough that you are the love of our lives and the life of our love." 

Election 2024 DNC

Ashley Biden said that on her eighth birthday, her father, a U.S. senator at the time, took the Amtrak train from Washington, D.C., to Delaware just to hug her and watch her delight at seeing her birthday cake. 

She also recalled her wedding reception in her parents' backyard more than a decade ago, when Mr. Biden was vice president, and made sure that the backyard was perfect. 

"And by the way, he was very emotional," she said. "I thought that I would be a mess, but he was the one crying, and I was the one that had to comfort him."

All these years later, Ashley Biden said, "Dad, you are still my best friend." 

When Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015, Ashley Biden said she and her brother Hunter didn't know if the pain would ever subside. Mr. Biden has often said it should be Beau in the Oval Office, not him. 

"Dad had the capacity to step out of his own pain and absorb ours," she said. "And I know Beau is with us tonight, as he is always with us."

The president has lost two of his four children, since his first wife and daughter died in a crash in 1972. Hunter and Beau were also badly injured. 

Ashley Biden pleaded with the supportive crowd to work harder than ever before. 

"So tonight, I am asking you if you stood with us in 2020, call upon your courageous heart," she said. "Stand with us today. Work harder than you have ever worked before in your life. This is the fight of our lifetime."

After her speech, the president took a moment to dab at his eyes, the emotion of the moment overwhelming him, and called her "incredible."

Ashley Biden was a frequent prescence at her brother Hunter's trial earlier this year in Wilmington, Delaware, on federal gun charges. Hunter Biden, who was convicted in June , made an appearance at the end of Mr. Biden's speech with his children. 

Kathryn Watson is a politics reporter for CBS News Digital, based in Washington, D.C.

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Utah father of six olin johnson killed wife in murder-suicide after chilling final facebook post: police.

A Utah man and his wife were found dead in a suspected murder-suicide on Thursday afternoon, days after he reflected on being a “crappy person” in his final chilling social media post.

Olin Johnson, 57, is accused of fatally shooting Kerilyn Johnson, 52, before turning the gun on himself inside their $1.34-million American Fork, Utah home, according to KUTV.

Police have not disclosed a motive for the killing, but said a family member discovered their parents’ bodies.

Olin Johnson is accused of fatally shooting his wife Kerilyn Johnson before turning the gun on himself inside their million-dollar American Fork home.

Neighbors of the couple said they were playing softball with them the night before the shooting, and didn’t notice any problems as Olin hinted at future plans, the outlet reported.

The couple celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary in April.

Before the tragedy, Olin shared his concerning thoughts and love for his motorcycle.

“No matter how crappy a person I am, motorcycles always love me back. Oh and skiing. Skiing loves me too,” Olin’s post on June 18 read alongside pictures of him riding his bike and skiing.

Olin’s account featured a bio that read “father to 6 great kids and one Beautiful wife,” and also featured his family, especially Kerilyn.

“The family is requesting privacy as they grieve their loss. We express our most profound and sincere condolences to the family and friends of Olin and Kerilyn,” the American Fork Police said.

According to his LinkedIn, Olin is listed as the owner of Simtek Modular, a “service company that makes modular panels for force-on-force training.”

The page alleges the company has worked on projects with the US Border Patrol, FBI and Utah County Sheriff’s Office.

Police have not disclosed a motive for the killings.

Recent posts showcased the couple’s trip to Australia, where they celebrated Kerilyn’s birthday and a separate post praising her breadmaking.

Kerilyn Johnson was an adjunct faculty member at the BYU School of Music where she taught several courses over the last two years.

She is credited with performing in multiple main stage productions and performed in throughout the US, Russia and Baltic States while completing her bachelor’s degree.

“Currently, she does studio work locally and maintains her private studio at home, in addition to being a mother of six,” her bio read.

Days before the tragic murder-suicide, Olin shared his concerning thoughts and love for his motorcycle.

She was remembered as a generous friend that would be missed.

“Kerilyn was literally one of the most generous, kind, supportive people that I have ever known,” Gayle Lockwood told KUTV.

Lockwood, a retired voice teacher at BYU, said she had Johnson as a student and called her a friend.

“She is a light that will be missed in the world,” she added.

A GoFundMe was created by a family friend to raise funds for the Johnson children who have to make funeral arrangements.

Kerilyn Johnson was an adjunct faculty member at the BYU School of Music where she taught several courses over the last two years.

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“With the sudden passing of Olin and Kerilyn Lowe Johnson many are devastated and desire to show love and support to their six children as they navigate this tragedy,” the crowdfunding read.

“It is hoped that they would not need to shoulder the financial burden of paying for funeral expenses and other unexpected costs over the coming weeks and months.”

Olin Johnson is accused of fatally shooting his wife Kerilyn Johnson before turning the gun on himself inside their million-dollar American Fork home.


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Families of US hostages take their stories to the DNC amid Gaza war protests

CHICAGO — Family members of six Americans who are still being held hostage after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel are at the Democratic National Convention to increase political pressure for a ceasefire deal and hostage release amid widespread demonstrations from pro-Palestinian protesters in the Windy City.

The families are working to keep the conversation focused on the release of their loved ones who have been gone for 319 days as of Tuesday. 

Ronen Neutra and Ruby Chen are two fathers bonded by their tireless advocacy to secure the release of their sons. Neutra’s son, Omer, is one of five American hostages believed to be alive. While Chen’s son, Itay, was killed on Oct. 7 and Hamas took his body to Gaza. Hamas still has the bodies of two other American hostages.

speech for a funeral of a father

“Ronen and I are just simple dads from New York City — we are not spokespeople for the state of Israel. We are just part of this tragedy and we want our kids back,” Chen said in an interview with the Washington Examiner at a hotel in Chicago on Tuesday morning. “By coupling our tragedy with the Israeli Palestinian issue, which many, many people for many many years have tried to solve, that is not helpful to us.”

Itay Chen, a 19-year-old U.S. and Israeli citizen, was serving in the Israel Defense Forces and was thought to have been taken hostage last October. However Israeli intelligence in March revealed Chen was killed while defending civilians on the Gaza border during the Hamas attack. His family has been unable to hold a funeral, pointing to the fact that his body deserves a proper and dignified burial

“In the U.S. we say rest in peace — the soul needs to be at a place where it is at rest. We are all children of God and all of us have dignity also to the deceased,” Chen explained. “We need to at least have some closure and begin the next sad chapter of our lives.”

Time is running out for 22-year-old Omer Neutra, who was taken from his army base near Kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel during the attack. The Israeli military announced Tuesday that it recovered the bodies of six hostages taken in the attack that started the war in Gaza. 

speech for a funeral of a father

The recovery operation underscores the urgency for a deal that would bring the hostages home. 

Negotiations for a ceasefire continue as Secretary of State Antony Blinken has pushed for a deal that would free the hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held in Israel. 

“We are down to 109 hostages right now in the hands of these savages and we are urging everybody to put pressure wherever they can on the leadership of Hamas and the leadership of Israel to reach a day that is long overdue and bring them home,” Neutra told the Washington Examiner.

Pro-Palestinian protests have erupted in Chicago near the convention center. Demonstrators upset over the Biden administration’s support for Israel and its failure to end the war in Gaza marched with signs, calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to break with President Joe Biden and embrace an arms embargo, pointing to Israel’s retaliatory offensive that has led to the deaths of over 40,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which is run by Hamas and does not identify how many deaths were militants. 

Multiple protesters were arrested Monday after deviating from a city-approved parade route and breaking down the first layer of security fencing. This comes amid protests on U.S. college campuses this spring that featured antisemitism and at times confrontation between protesters and counterprotesters. Both fathers hope to send a message to those demonstrating. 

speech for a funeral of a father

“I think anyone with a heart can relate to our situation. My son was taken for over nine months, I don’t know his medical condition, I have no sign of life. If you have a heart you can sympathize,” Neutra said. “I’m expecting people on all sides to understand how terrible the humanitarian situation is, and we need to bring them back, and as a result, this will be key to bring calm to the Middle East.”

“It starts with a ceasefire and a hostage release and everybody in the Middle East, including the people in Gaza, who will get the humanitarian aid they need.” 

Chen is emphasizing that the families of the hostages and the protesters have a similar goal. 

“There is so much misinformation, and from our perspective, we actually have one common goal. We both want to reach a ceasefire and bring calm to the area,” Chen said. “In that regard, the hostage situation is a humanitarian issue. Anyone with a heart must support the return of the hostages.” 

Omer, who grew up on Long Island, loved to play sports. He decided to spend a gap year between high school and college in Israel on an educational leadership program. In 2020, he decided to defer his acceptance to Binghamton University and joined the IDF.   “He made the very brave decision, we are very proud of him to go support the Israeli Jewish state,” Neutra said. “He was one of the first responders to rush to the border, trying to defend the kibbutz, the settlements around the Gaza border.”

Neutra and his wife Orna addressed the Republican National Convention last month in Milwaukee.  Wearing a black shirt with Omer’s picture and the words “Bring Them Home,” Ronen declined to discuss his political views and instead emphasized the importance of being part of a bipartisan effort.

In his speech before the Republican convention, he said former President Donald Trump spoke with them after the attack. He has also praised the Biden administration.

“I’m happy to say that we’re getting very strong support from the Biden administration, but the proof is in the pudding. We need to get those people back, we are 319 days in, this is an incredibly long time, and the hostages are dying.”


As of Tuesday afternoon, the families had not yet been asked to address the Democratic convention. However, they are hopeful that they can share their stories onstage.

“We are hoping the families will have a stage to speak up and tell the story of where we are right now,” Neutra said. “I’m pretty sure the Democratic Party will do something similar to the RNC.”

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Formed by Nebraska small towns, Tim Walz brings unconventional background to race

Kamala Harris’ VP pick spent half his life in rural Nebraska, graduating from high school in a county where nearly 90% of voters picked Trump in 2020. Nebraskans who knew Minnesota’s progressive governor say that upbringing shaped him.

By Jessie Van Berkel and

Reid Forgrave

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BUTTE, NEB. – When Tim Walz was a sophomore in high school, his family moved from a small town in the scenic Sandhills of north-central Nebraska to this even smaller town 100 miles to the east.

The family was in a bad way. Walz’s father, the school superintendent in Valentine, Neb., had been diagnosed with lung cancer. They wanted to be closer to relatives in Butte, a farm town of more than 500 people that has since dwindled to about half that.

Even in those difficult times, Walz’s uncle Jerome Reiman saw a promising young man: a good athlete who played every sport and excelled in football. A quiet, curious, intelligent boy whose values seemed grounded in small-town Nebraska. But a potential vice president?

“I was surprised to see him last night, throwing his hands up in the air,” Reiman, an 84-year-old retired farmer, said Wednesday, the day after the rally in Philadelphia where Walz made his national debut as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate.

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In the small Nebraska towns where Walz grew up and later taught high school, relatives, neighbors, classmates, old friends and students are reminiscing about the Tim or Mr. Walz they knew. High school yearbooks are being pulled out, old newspaper clippings shared and tales of the former teacher posted on Facebook. The Minnesota governor spent half of his life in the Cornhusker State, and the Harris-Walz campaign is eagerly leaning into those Nebraska roots as they seek rural voters’ support.

In his first campaign video , Walz said he’s ready to fight for the “values I learned in Nebraska.” Several people who grew up with him said those include hard work, caring for neighbors and getting along with people who have different interests, beliefs or economic backgrounds.

“We learned how to be good and kind to others and developed friendships with so many people so different from us,” said Scott Humpal, one of the 24 students who graduated with Walz from Butte High School in 1982. “It was not uncommon to be in a car full of guys, one was on welfare and food stamps while the other was wearing the latest expensive Nike shoes.”

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A deeply conservative community

In Butte, the vast majority of people have different beliefs from the blue-state governor who has pushed a progressive policy agenda in Minnesota.

The village is the seat of a county where Donald Trump won 87% of the vote in 2020. It’s a place where the two gas pumps at the gas station are analog, with the price and gallons spinning in clock-face style, and where scores of people set up tables on the main street on a blazing-hot Wednesday night last week for the weekly Butte Town Night.

Kids devoured cotton candy and homemade lemon ice cream. Women sold cookies and jellies and vegetables. Students from nearby Boyd County Butte Elementary offered homemade slime and paper ornaments. A giant “TRUMP 2024″ flag flew in a grassy lot next to the community center.

Many Trump fans here expressed a mix of feelings: No way would they vote for Walz, but nice to see a hometown kid on the national stage. They hoped he could help give voice to a small-town America that has long felt overlooked.

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Greater Minnesota

speech for a funeral of a father

In the rural communities where Walz still has relatives, few were overtly critical of the governor.

Some longtime Republicans who know his family said they are considering voting for the Democrat this year. Dick Jeffers, who lives in Valentine, the town 100 miles to the west where Walz grew up before the family moved to Butte, served on the school board when Walz’s father was superintendent there and was a pallbearer at his funeral. He called the governor a “copyright” of his dad.

“He’s straightforward,” Jeffers said. “I’ll probably end up voting Democrat. Don’t tell my wife! ... [But] I know the family. If it came to him, his decisions would come from a good place.”

Dorothy Boes, a 77-year-old retired special education teacher from Bonesteel, S.D., lives 20 minutes north of Butte. She’s in a coffee group with Walz’s mom, Darlene, who still lives in the community and enjoys planting flowers and playing games like Mexican Train dominoes with friends. Friends described Darlene as sweet and energetic, a rare Democratic activist there who has been involved in the local county party.

Boes, a lifelong Republican, said they generally don’t talk politics — that’s the way in this small town — and while she wasn’t certain she’ll vote for a Harris-Walz ticket, she surprised even herself that she was considering it.

“I’d vote for him in a minute; I would,” Boes said. “They’re decent people. For the longest time leading up to this election, I thought I wasn’t going to vote. Forget it. I was so sick of all the fighting.”

Next to her, a conservative friend who declined to give her name just shook her head: “A lot of prayers, a lot of prayers.”

speech for a funeral of a father

Looking beyond Nebraska

Born in West Point on the eastern edge of Nebraska, Walz was mostly raised in Valentine a few miles from Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge. It was the type of town where you could bike down the street and always run into kids to play baseball or football, said Pat Donovan, who grew up there playing sports with Walz. Donovan said the now-governor seemed to get along with everyone.

It’s also a “cowboy town,” as locals say, where Young’s Western Wear takes up nearly a block of Main Street. Cherry County, where Valentine is located, is larger than Connecticut but has about 6,000 people in its 6,000 square miles — and 140,000 breeding cows, more than any county in the United States. The Sandhills region upends Nebraska’s pancake-flat stereotype; grass-covered dunes rise and fall while never-ending skies loom over vast grasslands of grazing cattle. Valentine has a thriving motel industry welcoming bikers who stop here en route to Sturgis, S.D., or tourists on golf outings or canoe trips down the Niobrara River.

At the Valentine Livestock Auction last week, a John Deere tractor parked out front displayed a sign and flag reading, “GOD GUNS AND TRUMP.”

Brogan Arendt, a field representative for the auction, said he doesn’t pay much attention to the news. A longtime customer came in the day Walz was announced and told him Harris’ pick was from this small town.

“Did you say a Democrat ?” Arendt replied. “Well, that’s something else, I guess.”

Brad Rodgers, the veterinarian caring for cows at the auction, went to middle school with Walz in the 1970s. He described politics there as a libertarian brand of Republicanism: “Just leave us alone. We’re ranchers. We want the least amount of regulations.”

He said he believes Walz’s Midwestern folksiness merely serves to soften too-liberal policies.

“I think he’s using that as a crutch, or maybe a way to get into Middle America and try to relate to some small-town people, maybe some independents,” Rodgers said. “I just don’t see where any of [Walz’s progressive politics] came from, being raised in this town.”

Growing up, Walz has said, he spent summers working on Everett Brown’s ranch “working cattle, building fence, putting up hay.” Brown’s son declined to comment for this story, saying he doesn’t trust the media.

speech for a funeral of a father

Even in those early years, Walz was looking beyond rural Nebraska. During a speech last month at an Esri User Conference in San Diego, he talked about how, at 14, he would return to the bunkhouse where the ranch hands played cards, look through boxes of old National Geographic magazines and dream of faraway places.

Two days after his 17th birthday, his father, a Korean War veteran, picked him up from track practice and took him to sign up for the Army National Guard. He did basic training the summer after his junior year of high school and ended up serving 24 years in the Guard.

After spending time in Texas and Arkansas following his father’s death, he returned to Nebraska for college, using his GI Bill to attend Chadron State College a couple hours west of Valentine. This year, about 350 students graduated from the small college in the Pine Ridge region near the South Dakota border.

When college graduation came, Walz had a choice between a conventional job offer or flying to the other side of the world to join a group of Americans teaching in China, he said during a commencement speech at his alma mater a decade ago. Walz chose the unconventional path, arriving in the southern coastal province of Guangdong at a moment of social upheaval for the country. It was 1989, the year of the protests and massacre in Tiananmen Square.

“That door didn’t just lead to China. It led to a lifetime of doors that continue to present themselves in choices that can be made,” the then-congressman told the Chadron graduates. He closed the speech by telling the crowd, “You don’t inherit the future. You make it to what you choose. Choose well. Choose boldly, but above all else, choose without regret.”

speech for a funeral of a father

Students, coaches recall ’Mr. Positive’

Walz brought stories from his time in China and the military into the classroom when he returned to Nebraska to teach in the blue-collar railroad town of Alliance, then home to almost 10,000 people in Nebraska’s panhandle.

He met his future wife, Gwen, there. Walz taught geography and was an assistant coach for the football and basketball teams. She taught English and was the cheerleading adviser. The couple worked together to organize student trips to China in the early 1990s.

Walz fit “like an old shoe” into Alliance’s tight-knit coaching staff, said Rocky Almond, who was the head basketball coach. His daughter was the flower girl at the Walzes’ wedding, and another coach’s son was the ringbearer.

“He just brought the energy every day; that’s what we loved about him,” said Almond, who also coached football with Walz. “He was just Mr. Positive; he didn’t have bad things to say about kids. He understood what it took to motivate kids.”

As a quarterback at Alliance High School, Losson White also saw Walz as consistently positive and someone who had a lot of trust in his students. White recalled driving a “clunker” and admiring Walz’s sports car. One day at practice, he asked if he could borrow it to take his date to the homecoming dance. Walz readily handed over the keys.

Walz wasn’t an easy teacher, but he was a popular one who was always thinking about how to get kids to connect with the material, said Heath Tuttle,who student-taught in his classroom. From Walz, he learned the value of identifying the one or two students who could change a class’ tone and getting those natural leaders engaged.

“He had high expectations and [students] did everything they could to meet them, and I felt the same way eventually as a student teacher,” Tuttle said. “I walked away from there wanting to be as good of a teacher as he was.”

While Walz was teaching at Alliance, he was pulled over for driving more than 40 mph over the speed limit and failed a sobriety test. He later pleaded guilty to reckless driving. He no longer drinks alcohol and told the Star Tribune in an interview years later that it was a gut-check moment.

“He owned it, and I think that’s what a person of integrity does,” said Jeff Tomlin, who was Alliance’s head football coach at the time. “He responded in a positive way as far as not letting it define him. He took it and made himself better, and that’s the most anybody can do.”

Messages about “Mr. Walz” have been flying among Alliance’s former students and teachers since Harris’ announcement. But Tomlin said he’s not surprised by the pick. He said he believes Walz has an “it factor.”

“Tim had a rare ability,” Tomlin said, “to be able to connect with all kinds of different people from all walks of life.”

about the writers

Jessie van berkel.

Jessie Van Berkel is the Star Tribune’s social services reporter. She writes about Minnesota’s most vulnerable populations and the systems and policies that affect them. Topics she covers include disability services, mental health, addiction, poverty, elder care and child protection.

Reid Forgrave covers Minnesota and the Upper Midwest for the Star Tribune, particularly focused on long-form storytelling, controversial social and cultural issues, and the shifting politics around the Upper Midwest. He started at the paper in 2019.

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Who is Kamala Harris' stepdaughter Ella Emhoff? Here's what to know.

On the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, family members of top-of-the-ticket candidates watched on as the week's speeches kicked off, including Vice President Kamala Harris' stepdaughter and 25-year-old Ella Emhoff.

While sitting with her family, Emhoff drew attention for donning the viral camo baseball cap with "Harris Walz" in orange writing across the front. Three thousand hats sold out in 30 minutes shortly after Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was announced as Harris' running mate.

Ella Emhoff and older brother, Cole, were first introduced to the country in 2020 when Harris, who they call "Momala," became President Joe Biden's running mate. Now, they could potentially be part of the first family as the November matchup between Harris and former President Donald Trump nears.

Doug Emhoff, Harris’ husband and father of Ella and Cole, is scheduled to give a speech at the convention Tuesday evening ahead of former President Barack Obama's keynote address.

Who is Ella Emhoff?

Kamala Harris became a stepmom to Ella and Cole when she married Doug Emhoff in 2014. It was Harris' first marriage and Doug Emhoff's second as he shares his adult children with his ex-wife, Kerstin Emhoff. Ella Emhoff was in high school when Harris and her father got married, and started her senior year when Harris was sworn into the U.S. Senate.

Aside from being the step daughter of the vice president, Ella is a model and pursued a career in fashion and design.

A week after she went viral for wearing a gem-covered Miu Miu coat to Biden's 2021 inauguration, Ella signed with modeling agency IMG Models Worldwide. She has also modeled for Balenciaga and Adidas by Stella McCartney.

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In 2021, she graduated from Parsons School of Design and went onto found knit wear brand, Soft Hands. She also hosts knitting classes.

In July, Ella came to Harris' defense after claims made by Republican vice presidential pick and Ohio Sen. JD Vance's resurfaced, where he called Harris and other female lawmakers "childless cat ladies," who “are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made.”

Emhoff reposted a post on her Instagram story with text reading “How can you be ‘childless’ when you have cutie pie kids like Cole and I."

Kerstin Emhoff also weighed in, saying "These are baseless attacks. For over 10 years, since Cole and Ella were teenagers, Kamala has been a co-parent with Doug and I," she told CNN “She is loving, nurturing, fiercely protective, and always present. I love our blended family and am grateful to have her in it.”

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Casey Harrell, with his face facing right, sits in a wheelchair, with two portals attached to the top of his head and cords leading from each of them.

A.L.S. Stole His Voice. A.I. Retrieved It.

In an experiment that surpassed expectations, implants in a patient’s brain were able to recognize words he tried to speak, and A.I. helped produce sounds that came close to matching his true voice.

Casey Harrell, who has A.L.S., received surgically implanted electrodes last July that help connect his brain to a computer allowing him to speak with the assistance of an A.I.-powered computer voice. Credit... Ian C. Bates for The New York Times

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Benjamin Mueller

By Benjamin Mueller

  • Aug. 14, 2024

Four years ago, Casey Harrell sang his last bedtime nursery rhyme to his daughter.

By then, A.L.S. had begun laying waste to Mr. Harrell’s muscles, stealing from him one ritual after another: going on walks with his wife, holding his daughter, turning the pages of a book. “Like a night burglar,” his wife, Levana Saxon, wrote of the disease in a poem.

But no theft was as devastating to Mr. Harrell, 46, as the fading of his speech. He had sung his last Whitney Houston song at karaoke. A climate activist, he had delivered his last unassisted Zoom presentation to fellow organizers.

Last July, doctors at the University of California, Davis, surgically implanted electrodes in Mr. Harrell’s brain to try to discern what he was trying to say. That made him the latest test subject in a daunting scientific quest, one that has attracted deep-pocketed firms like Elon Musk’s company Neuralink: connecting people’s brains to computers, potentially restoring their lost faculties. Doctors told him that he would be advancing the cause of science, but that he was not likely to reverse his fortunes.

Yet the results surpassed expectations, the researchers reported on Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine, setting a new bar for implanted speech decoders and illustrating the potential power of such devices for people with speech impairments.

“It’s very exciting,” said Dr. Edward Chang, a neurosurgeon at University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in Mr. Harrell’s case but has developed different speech implants . A device that just years ago “seemed like science fiction,” he said, is now “improving, getting optimized, so quickly.”

Mr. Harrell’s team sank into his brain’s outer layer four electrode arrays that looked like tiny beds of nails. That was double the number that had recently been implanted in the speech areas of someone with A.L.S., or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, in a separate study . Each array’s 64 spikes picked up electric impulses from neurons that fired when Mr. Harrell tried to move his mouth, lips, jaw and tongue to speak.

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2024 Election

Ashley biden, the president's daughter, paints a personal picture of her father's commitment.

Elena Moore, photographed for NPR, 11 March 2020, in Washington DC.

Elena Moore

Joe Biden arrives onstage after his daughter Ashley Biden introduced him.

Joe Biden arrives onstage after his daughter Ashley Biden introduced him. Eva Hambach/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

The NPR Network will be reporting live from Chicago throughout the week bringing you  the latest on the Democratic National Convention .

Ashley Biden, the youngest child of President Biden, painted a more personal picture of her father, sharing stories of him as a parent and as a political figure.

A social worker and activist, Ashley has largely stayed out of the spotlight.

Watch her full remarks:

"Dad always told me that I was no better than anybody else, and nobody was better than me. He taught me that everyone deserves a fair shot and that we shouldn't leave anyone behind. That's what you learn from a fighter who has been underestimated his entire life," she said.

"When I look at Dad, I see grace, strength and humility," she added. "I see one of the most consequential leaders ever in history."

The 43-year-old, who is the former executive director at the Delaware Center for Justice, also spoke about her late brother Beau, who died in 2015, adding that her father was able to keep serving in government despite reeling from a loss.

"After Beau passed, I got this tattoo on my wrist. It says, 'courage, dear heart' — a reminder to myself to keep going, to get back up, like my dad has always done," she said. "He has taught me that a courageous heart is a miraculous thing. A courageous heart can heal a family. A courageous heart can heal a nation and maybe even the world."

Joe Biden wipes away a tear on stage.

Joe Biden wipes away a tear on stage. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images hide caption

When the president took the stage, he hugged his daughter and dabbed his eyes with a tissue. After minutes of applause, Biden exclaimed, "That was my daughter!"

"God love you," he added. "You're incredible."

Ashley previously spoke on her father's behalf at the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

  • election 2024


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    Both fathers hope to send a message to those demonstrating. Hagit, left, and Ruby Chen, parents of fallen Israeli soldier Itay Chen, pose for a portrait in Tel Aviv, Wednesday, May 8, 2024. (AP ...

  27. Formed by Nebraska small towns, Tim Walz brings unconventional

    Walz's father, the school superintendent in Valentine, Neb., had been diagnosed with lung cancer. They wanted to be closer to relatives in Butte, a farm town of more than 500 people that has ...

  28. Who is Kamala Harris' stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff?

    Doug Emhoff, Harris' husband and father of Ella and Cole, is scheduled to give a speech at the convention Tuesday evening ahead of former President Barack Obama's keynote address.

  29. A.L.S. Stole His Voice. A.I. Retrieved It.

    Casey Harrell, who has A.L.S., received surgically implanted electrodes last July that help connect his brain to a computer allowing him to speak with the assistance of an A.I.-powered computer voice.

  30. WATCH: Ashley Biden, the president's daughter, addresses the Democratic

    Ashley Biden, the youngest child of President Biden, painted a more personal picture of her father, sharing stories of him as a parent and as a political figure. A social worker and activist ...