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The Ultimate AP Human Geography Study Guide

Advanced Placement (AP)


In your AP Human Geography class, you'll learn about the dynamics of societies around the world in economic, social, political, and environmental contexts. This course focuses a lot on ideas and models, along with terminology that defines the ways in which we've chosen to inhabit and change our surroundings.

This AP Human Geography study guide is designed to guide you through all the big concepts covered in the course , with an emphasis on cumulative preparation for the AP exam.

How to Use This AP Human Geography Study Guide

This guide will help you review for assessments in your AP Human Geography class by providing links to practice resources and tips on effective study strategies. I'll also give advice that's specific to preparing for the final AP exam.

In the first section, I'll detail a step-by-step process you can follow to create and execute a customized study plan for the test. This process includes taking a diagnostic test, evaluating your weaknesses, studying the content areas you struggled with the most, and taking additional practice tests to check your progress.

To follow up the study plan, I'll list a few key study tips to remember as you revisit the course content and take practice exams. I'll also give you notes for each topic area that you can use to study for in-class tests and review for the AP exam.

Having all this information in one place will hopefully make studying for AP Human Geography much less stressful!

4-Step Study Plan for AP Human Geography

In this section, I'll go through the steps of a basic study plan for the AP Human Geography exam. Most of the principles will also apply to your studying for tests throughout the class, but full practice tests are only important when directly preparing for the final exam .

You can use shorter topic-specific quizzes to diagnose your weaknesses in different units of the Human Geography course earlier in the school year.

For planning purposes, here's the estimated time required for each step below:

  • Step 1: 2.5 hours
  • Step 2: 1 hour
  • Step 3: 2 hours
  • Step 4: 2.5 hours

It should take approximately eight hours to study for the AP Human Geography exam. Of course, you can always extend the time you spend reviewing content if you're rusty on a bunch of different topics or just want to be extra thorough.

Step 1: Take and Score a Full Practice Test

The first step is to take a full AP Human Geography practice test so you can get a better idea of your current score level . When you take the test, time it to the specifications of the real exam so you'll be able to tell if you have any issues with time management.

Keep in mind that on the test, you only have an hour to answer 60 multiple-choice questions ; this comes out to a minute per question. To be on the safe side, though, try to get your time down to around 45 seconds per question. The only way to get used to this pace is to take practice tests under realistic conditions.

While there are no official practice tests available, we've collected some of the best unofficial ones in our guide .

As you take the practice test, circle or make note of any questions for which you feel anything less than totally confident in your answer . Even if you end up getting these questions right, you should reexamine the content later in your review to increase your comfort level with the material.

When you're done, score your test so you can see where you fall in the AP range. You can use this online calculator for a decent score estimation based on how many raw points you earned.

Then, set a goal for improvement , and decide how many hours you'll need to put into your prep.

If you have a couple of months, you should be able to put in 20+ hours of study time. This will be an appropriate amount of studying if you're hoping to improve by more than one AP point.

If you only need to improve by one AP point or are just looking to raise your score within the same range, you might be able to wait until the month before the test to start the rest of the process. In total, you shouldn't need to study for more than 10-20 hours.

Step 2: Go Through Your Mistakes

If you decide to begin the rest of this process now, go through your mistakes on the Human Geography practice test and categorize them . This is how you'll decide which content and skill areas to focus on in your review.

There's no point in studying concepts and terms you've already mastered. If you want to see real improvements, this is the most important stage of the study process. You can't fix your mistakes unless you know what they are first!

Step 3: Study Appropriate Content

After you finish analyzing your mistakes, start looking at notes that correspond to the areas where you had the most trouble on the test . Make sure you're fully absorbing the information as you read.

In this case, flashcards might be useful because there are so many terms to remember for AP Human Geography. If you found the free-response questions especially challenging, practice a few more of those before you move on to the next step.

You can also use some of the sites I'll link to later in this article to review specific topics with short multiple-choice quizzes.

Step 4: Take a Second Full Practice Test

When you feel that you've fully addressed all your mistakes on the first practice test, you can take a second test to see whether your scores have improved . Compare your new score to the goal you set in the first step, and decide whether you want to go through the study process again or are happy with your current score.

If you're satisfied, you can take a break and just do a bit of light review up until the test.

If you haven't improved, reevaluate how you conducted this process and make some changes to your strategy in the next round. Were you in an environment that was too distracting? Did you skim over your notes without really absorbing them? Are you just generally a bit rusty? These are the kinds of things that can cause your progress to stall.


AP Human Geography: 3 Essential Study Tips

Below are a few of the most valuable strategies to keep in mind as you go through your study plan to prepare for the AP Human Geography exam. These tips should also be helpful for your prep for smaller assessments throughout the school year in your AP class.

#1: Know Your Regions

To get full credit for most free-response questions, you'll have to provide specific examples to support your answers . This means being able to identify the characteristics of world regions in terms of their various cultures, demographics, and physical environments.

You'll see a map of the major regions covered by AP Human Geography in the content section of this guide along with a list of seven units. You should be able to locate each region and identify the relationship it has with each of the seven topic areas .

#2: Memorize Terminology

While knowing your way around a map is important, much of AP Human Geography is about your knowledge of terminology. I highly recommend making flashcards or using online flashcards in your prep (I'll put a link to some of these in the upcoming content section!).

Many multiple-choice questions are essentially just asking for definitions, and some free-response questions begin by asking you to define a term that the rest of the question addresses in more depth.

Even if it's not this direct, knowing your way around the language of the field of human geography will make it far easier for you to understand questions without relying on shaky assumptions or inferences.

#3: Pay Attention to Important Models and Theories

Human Geography is mostly considered a humanities subject, but there are some scientific elements to it. These show up in the form of demographic models that are introduced throughout the course.

It's important to know how to read models and understand what they represent. You should also know how they connect to major theories in human geography and what those theories say about the development of society.

I'll give you a link to a comprehensive list of models and theories at the end of the next section.


Skylar, how many times do I have to explain homophones to you? YOU'RE. NOT. HELPING.

AP Human Geography Topics and Notes

AP Human Geography covers seven major topic areas, or units. In this section, I'll list each of them followed by notes that cover relevant subtopics. You can use these notes in the content review stage of your final study process and throughout the year as you review for in-class tests.

You might find these notes (from CourseNotes) difficult to get through because they're written in such a way that it's hard to pick out key concepts. There are a lot of long paragraphs with no bolding of important terms. If you find these notes borderline incomprehensible, you should try getting a review book that puts all the content in clearer terms . I think Cracking the AP Human Geography Exam is a good starting point.

As a precursor to the notes, here's a map of all the world regions that are discussed throughout the course. You'll need to consider how these topics apply differently to varying locations around the globe:


Unit 1: Thinking Geographically

  • Geography and Human Geography

Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes

  • The Earth as Humanity's Home
  • Fundamentals of Population: Location, Distribution, and Density
  • Processes and Cycles of Population Change
  • Where and Why People Move

Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes

  • Cultures, Environments, and Regions
  • A Geography of Languages
  • Diffusion of Languages
  • Modern Language Mosaics
  • Origins and Distribution of Religions
  • Religion: Location, Diffusion, and Cultural Landscape
  • Religion, Culture, and Conflict

Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes

  • Political Culture and the Evolving State
  • State Organization and National Power
  • Multinationalism on the Map
  • The Changing Global Political Landscape

Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes

  • Livelihoods of Rural Peoples
  • Rural Settlement Forms
  • Commercial Agriculture
  • Global Disparities in Nutrition and Health

Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes

  • Civilization and Urbanization
  • Urbanization and Location
  • Urban Pattern and Structure
  • The Changing Nature of the Civic Experience

Unit 7: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes

  • Industrial Activity and Geographic Location
  • Resources and Regions: The Global Distribution of Industry
  • Concepts of Development
  • From Deindustrialization to Globalization

Because terms are so important on this exam, I also recommend checking out this full list of all vocab covered by the course (provided by Quizlet) so you can review all the vocab you'll need to know in one place.

In addition, take a look at this overview of the different human geography theories and models .


When lots of humans get together to form an urban community, they can't help but color on everything. What an adorable species.

Top Resources for Your AP Human Geography Review

Below are some resources you can use to test your knowledge of AP Human Geography content and take practice tests and quizzes.

Official Course and Exam Descriptions

Although there are no official AP Human Geography practice tests available, the College Board has released plenty of sample practice questions you can use in your prep through its free Course and Exam Description (CED) PDFs.

The current CED for 2020 , which has been fully updated for the new test format , contains 15 multiple-choice questions and two free-response questions, as well as a scoring guide.

There's also the 2015 Human Geography CED , which has 23 multiple-choice questions and six free-response questions you can practice with. Just be aware that this guide is not aligned with the new format of the AP exam.

Official Free-Response Questions and Scoring Guides

In addition to Course and Exam Descriptions, the College Board maintains a huge archive of free-response questions that have been asked on the AP Human Geography exam since 2001 . We recommend using these after you've practiced with the sample FRQs in the 2020 Course and Exam Description (see above resource).

Most of these FRQs also come with scoring guidelines and sample student responses so you can get a better sense of how to earn full points on them.

AP Classroom

AP Classroom is a new creation by the College Board that allows AP teachers to keep track of their students' progress through a virtual classroom. Here, teachers can test students' skills by sending them AP Human Geography practice questions on a regular basis.

Highly Rated Review Books

AP Human Geography review books are useful resources that provide access to additional practice questions and tests. They often include diagnostic tests that will help you determine your weak areas accurately and with less legwork on your part.

Especially in a subject like Human Geography that can be a little elusive, books will help you figure out exactly what you need to study and how you should study it.

Some solid review books for this exam include the following:

  • The Princeton Review's Cracking the AP Human Geography Exam, Premium 2022 Edition
  • Barron's AP Human Geography, Eighth Edition
  • REA's AP Human Geography Crash Course

Sporcle Geography Quizzes

As I mentioned in the tips section, it's important to know your world regions for AP Human Geography so you can back up your answers with specific examples .

You don't need to be a complete expert on where every country is located, but these quizzes are both fun and educational, so I recommend checking them out (warning: super addictive!).

  • Countries of the World
  • Countries of Asia
  • Countries of Europe
  • Countries of Africa
  • Countries of South America
  • Countries of North America

Varsity Tutors Diagnostic Tests

Famed test-prep company Varsity Tutors offers four diagnostic tests for AP Human Geography, each with 75 multiple-choice questions . (Be aware that the current test format only consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, so you can skip 15 of these in your practice.)

The tests have automatic scoring, and each is given a preliminary difficulty level rating. There are also tons of mini-quizzes listed by concept if you want to practice topic-specific questions, as well as flashcards that will help you learn all the course terminology .

Albert Practice Questions

Albert offers quizzes on every AP Human Geography topic, with questions categorized by topic and unit. Quizzes here range in length from just three to as many as 62 questions , and the website keeps a running tally of how many questions you've answered correctly. You'll need to pay for an account to access most of the materials, however.

Chapter Quizzes for Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities

If you select a chapter of this book on the left-hand navigation bar, you can scroll down and click on a link for a multiple-choice quiz. These quizzes are helpful review materials, even if your class isn't using this particular textbook.


Recap: Using This AP Human Geography Study Guide

This AP Human Geography study guide has covered a review plan for the AP test, tips for success in studying throughout the year, and a list of all the topics covered in the AP Human Geography curriculum and on the exam.

The steps in a successful AP Human Geography study plan should look something like this:

  • Step 1: Take and score a practice test
  • Step 2: Go through your mistakes
  • Step 3: Study appropriate content
  • Step 4: Take a second practice test

Again, you can go through this process multiple times if you don't get the results you want in the first round. Just pay close attention to whether or not you're improving. If not, make changes to amp up the effectiveness of your content review.

Some study tips to keep in mind as you study for the AP Human Geography test and any in-class assessments include the following:

  • Know your world regions
  • Memorize terminology
  • Pay attention to major geographic models and theories

After you're clear on the fundamentals of how to study, you can use the notes and prep resources in the second half of this article to prepare for unit quizzes, midterms, and the final AP exam.

What's Next?

Thinking about self-studying for this AP course—or other AP courses? Find out more about whether AP self-study is right for you and which AP classes are the most manageable options .

If you're still planning out your schedule for the future , check out our guide on which other history classes you should take after AP Human Geography.

You might also be interested in these articles that discuss AP credit policies at colleges and which classes you should take in high school based on your college goals.

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Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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AP Human Geography

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About the Exam

Tue, May 6, 2025

AP Human Geography Exam

This is the regularly scheduled date for the AP Human Geography Exam.

Exam Components

Section i: multiple choice.

60 questions 1hr 50% of Score

The multiple-choice section includes individual questions as well as sets of questions. You’ll be asked to:

  • Analyze geographic concepts, processes, patterns, and relationships
  • Analyze geographic data from maps, tables, charts, graphs, satellite images, and infographics.
  • Interpret geographic information represented visually in maps, satellite images, photographs, cartoons, and landscapes.
  • Analyze spatial relationships using geographic scales

Section II: Free Response

3 questions 1hr 15mins 50% of Score

In the free-response section, you’ll respond to three questions with written answers. All three will present an authentic geographic situation or scenario, and at least two will ask you to explain and analyze spatial relationships across geographic scales.

  • The first question will have text only.
  • The second question will ask you to analyze and/or interpret data, an image, or a map.
  • The third question will feature two stimuli, which will include data, images, and/or maps.

At least one of the free-response questions assesses your ability to analyze across geographic scales to explain spatial relationships.

Exam Essentials

Exam preparation, ap classroom resources.

Once you join your AP class section online, you’ll be able to access AP Daily videos, any assignments from your teacher, and your assignment results in AP Classroom. Sign in to access them.

Free-Response Questions and Scoring Information

Go to the Exam Questions and Scoring Information section of the AP Human Geography page on AP Central to review the latest released free-response questions and scoring information.

Past Exam Free-Response Questions and Scoring Information  

Go to AP Central to review free-response questions and scoring information from past AP Human Geography exams. 

AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description

This is the core document for the course. It clearly lays out the course content and describes the exam and AP Program in general.

Services for Students with Disabilities

Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for accommodations for the through-course assessment and the end-of-course exam. If you’re using assistive technology and need help accessing the PDFs in this section in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at [email protected] . For information about taking AP Exams, or other College Board assessments, with accommodations, visit the Services for Students with Disabilities website.

Credit and Placement

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Additional Information

Advanced Placement

Why Take AP Human Geography?

College Board

  • September 28, 2023

When you hear the word “geography,” maps may be one of the first things that comes to mind. While geography does include the study of maps, it encompasses so much more. Beyond the study of physical geography, the discipline also includes human geography, which explores the many ways that humans understand, create, shape, and modify their environments.

“I was fortunate to take AP Human Geography in high school. This class expanded my critical thinking, active reading, and writing skills immensely, which helped a lot in college and in preparation for graduate school. It’s one of the best classes I ever took.” Kayla, AP alum

About the Course

AP Human Geography is one of the most popular AP courses for 9th and 10th graders. The course does not have prerequisites and can be a great place to start your journey with AP.

In AP Human Geography you will focus on using quantitative and qualitative data, including maps, tables, charts, satellite images, and photographs to learn more about how people impact and are impacted by their environments. The course provides a unique cross-curricular experience exploring topics like population, culture, environment, history , politics, and economics.

Here are some topics you will cover:

  • Connecting geographic concepts and processes to real-life scenarios
  • How regions change over time based on cultural, environmental, political, and economic factors
  • The influence of globalization on diverse cultures and regions worldwide
  • Learning to analyze a variety of geographic data such as tables, maps, charts, images, and landscapes
  • Investigating patterns and trends in data and visual sources and drawing conclusions from them

How You Benefit

Learning to analyze distinct types of data is a transferable skill useful for many other classes in high school, other AP courses, and in your college classes. AP Human Geography will also expose you to areas of study aligned to many college majors and careers you may not have otherwise heard about. See all the majors and careers that this course is connected to.

And like all AP courses, AP Human Geography can help you stand out during the college application process and gives you the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both. Learn about all the benefits of taking AP courses and exams.  

Talk to your school counselor to see if AP Human Geography is available at your school and if it may be right for you.  

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Marco Learning

Guide to the AP® Human Geography Exam

Why take ap ® human geography.

When faced with the choice of whether or not to take AP ® Human Geography, the benefits often outweigh the costs for most students.

If you take the AP ® Human Geography Exam and attain a high score while you are in high school, you may be able to qualify for credit toward your college requirements.

A more recent argument for taking AP ® Exams, is that more colleges are going test optional . This means that SAT ® and ACT ® scores are potentially holding less weight in college applications, and a good AP ® score could help tip the scale in your favor when it comes to college admissions.

Besides creating the opportunity to earn college credit for the work you do, AP ® courses also develop crucial skills, challenge you academically, and help round out your knowledge in ways you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. The AP® Human Geography course is the equivalent of a sophomore-level college course, so is a great way to prepare high school students for a college standard of work. In addition to that, preparing for and taking the AP ® Human Geography Exam provides excellent practice for college-level exams you may take in the future.

What can AP ® Human Geography teach me?

Human Geography, also known as anthropogeography, is the study of humans and their interaction with the environment around them. You will learn key skills like:

  • How to apply qualitative and quantitative research methods
  • Understanding spatial relationships on a geographical scale
  • The ability to read and decipher information shown in a variety of maps (e.g. topographic, thematic, mental etc), charts, infographics, tables, and images.
  • Being able to identify patterns and trends from data and visual sources
  • Connecting geographic concepts to real-life scenarios

“If understanding global trends, making sense of the world around you, or figuring out where you fit in this big crazy world seems like something you would be interested in, Human Geography is for you.” – Danny Sanchez (The Human Geo Guy)

That’s why a course like AP ® Human Geography is so valuable. Young people in the U.S. and Canada now have an opportunity to broaden their worldview by learning about WHY communities and cultures are the way they are! It can also develop those valuable, but more “unteachable” traits like empathy, openness, and experience that students will carry with them throughout their entire lives.

In doing so, they’ll be able to get a depth of knowledge about the world at large that they otherwise wouldn’t have. Moreover, the course is taught from a global perspective, with a balanced coverage of all regions. This will ensure that students get a basic understanding of geospatial awareness.

How to sign up for AP ® Human Geography

To register for the AP ® Human Geography Exam, you need to contact your school’s AP ® Coordinator, who can help facilitate your courses and exams.

Bear in mind you’ll likely need to complete requirements to be eligible to enroll in an AP ® course. In order to register for the AP ® Human Geography Exam, you have to join your class section online, on College Board’s My AP ® Portal . Some schools will automatically register you for the exam if you’re enrolled in an AP ® Human Geography class, but others won’t and you will have to register online through the portal. If you are unsure whether or not you are registered for the AP ® Human Geography Exam, check with your AP ® Coordinator.

For the 2020-21 school year, College Board is waiving their cancellation fees, so if you are unsure about taking the exam, you are better off registering for it anyway, and cancelling for free if you later decide not to take the exam. There is however, still a FINAL deadline for exam registration, so make sure you register through your AP ® Coordinator by then to avoid paying any late fees. The deadline to register for exams is in the fall, but specific deadlines may vary by the school—be sure to check with your teacher or AP ® Coordinator about your school’s particular registration policy.

How much does the AP ® Exam cost?

Each AP ® Exam costs a total of $96—if you’re in the mainland United States and its territories and commonwealths, Canada, or a U.S. Department of Defense Dependents School.

If you’re outside of those areas, the AP ® Exam will cost $126 per exam.

College Board has a financial aid program that offers a $34 fee reduction in the exam. Read more about exam fees here .

You cannot use the My AP ® Portal  to pay fees – they will be collected by your AP ® Coordinator.

When you take into account the cost of a college course versus the cost of the exam, though, you’ll see that the AP ® Exam is actually a bargain. With a passing score, you may be able to earn college credit and save hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

When can I take the AP ® Human Geography Exam?

The AP ® Human Geography Exam date in 2022 is Thursday, May 5th. You can find more information about dates and late-testing schedules for the 2022 AP ® Human Geography Exam in our 2022 AP ® Exam Dates article.

What’s on the AP ® Human Geography course and Exam?

Knowing what’s on the AP ® Human Geography Exam is the first step to nailing it. The exam will cover all of the topics that you cover in your coursework.

The AP ® Human Geography course is organized into seven units of study which your APHUG teacher may choose to teach in whatever order he or she prefers. You will be expected to familiarize yourself with each of the following topics and be able to answer questions based around them on your exam.

Unit 1: Thinking Geographically

Exam Weighting: 8-10%

You’ll learn about the tools and methods geographers use in their study of places.

Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes

Exam Weighting: 12-17%

You’ll explore the patterns associated with human populations.

Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes

You’ll focus on how and why language, religion, and other cultural practices spread over space and time.

  Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes

You’ll build on your knowledge of populations and cultural patterns as you learn about the political organization of the world.

Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes

You’ll learn where humans first developed agriculture and how farming practices spread throughout the world.

Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes

You’ll explore the origins and influences of urbanization, examining cities across the world and the role of those cities in globalization.

Unit 7: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes

You’ll study the origins and influences of industrialization, along with the role industrialization plays in economic development.

Course Skills

The following table lays out the skills you will be taught over the course of your AP ® Human Geography class. These are also the skills you will be assessed on when it comes time to take your AP ® Human Geography Exam.

 1. Concepts and Processes Analyze geographic theories, approaches, concepts, processes, or models in theoretical and applied contexts
 2. Spatial Relationships Analyze geographic patterns, relationships, and outcomes in applied contexts
 3. Data Analysis Analyze and interpret quantitative geographic data represented in maps, tables, charts, graphs, satellite images, and infographics
 4. Source Analysis Analyze and interpret qualitative geographic information represented in maps, images (e.g., satellite, photographs, cartoons), and landscapes
 5. Scale Analysis Analyze geographic theories, approaches, concepts, processes, and models across geographic scales to explain spatial relationships

What is the test format for the AP ® Human Geography Exam?

The test format of the AP ® Human Geography Exam is split up into two sections, and includes both multiple-choice, and free-response questions.

Students will have 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete the exam. The exam is made up of a 60-minute section of multiple-choice questions, and a 75-minute writing section where students will answer three essay prompts.

Here is what the format of the AP® Human Geography exam looks like—along with how much of the exam score depends on each section:

Part A: Multiple-ChoiceFree-Response Questions (7 points each)

SECTION I, the multiple-choice section, will include both individual and set-based questions and will test you on the following skills, in the following relative weightings:

Skill CategoryExam Weighting
1: Concepts and Processes25-36%
2: Spatial Relationships16-25%
3: Data Analysis13-20%
4: Visual Analysis13-20%
5: Scale Analysis13-20%

SECTION II, the free-response section, you will be assessed on all five AP ® Human Geography skill categories: at least two different skill categories per question.

Free-Response Question 1 will not include any stimuli to analysis.

Free-Response Question 2 includes one stimulus (data, image, or map) that you will need to reference in forming your answer.

Free-Response Question 3 includes two stimulus (data, image, or map) which you will need to reference in forming your answer.

Although the free-response questions are each structured differently, they will ALL present you with an authentic geographic situation and assess your ability to describe, explain, and apply geographic concepts in forming your answers. This means NO one-sentence answers! You will have to hone your analysis skills in connection to each of the five skill categories listed below:

Skill CategoryExam Weighting
1: Concepts and Processes23-29%
2: Spatial Relationships33-43%
3: Data Analysis10-19%
4: Visual Analysis10-19%
5: Scale Analysis10-19%

How is the AP ® Human Geography Exam scored?

The AP ® Exam’s scoring system is on a scale of one to five—with five being the best and one being the worst.

Here’s a good table that breaks down the score you could get and what it means.

AP ScoreWhat it means


Best. The highest score you can get on your AP Human Geography Exam. This score typically guarantees college credit or placement out of a required course at colleges that accept AP Exams.


Excellent. While not the highest, this is still an incredibly good score. You’ll usually get college credit with it.


Very good. This is often called a “passing” score and is the usual threshold for colleges to give you credit, though not at the most competitive colleges.


Okay. Even though this is not a “passing” score, it can still reflect some significant improvement over the course of a year.


Not the best. We all have to start from somewhere!

When it comes to AP ® Human Geography, you’ll want to aim for a score of 3 or higher. Most colleges will give you college credit if you score within that range.

It varies from college to college though. So, if you want to know the score that a specific college will accept in exchange for credit, you’ll need to check with the college’s registrar’s office to find out information about AP ® credit for the AP ® Human Geography Exam. Often, you can find this information on the school’s website. You can also check out College Board’s search tool for AP ® credit policies .

NOTE: Colleges sometimes change their requirements for awarding college credit or offering placement out of required courses. So always check in with the college to make sure you have the most relevant and recent information.

Bottom line: You’re going to want to score as high as you possibly can. Sure your dream school only requires a 3, but you should always be aiming for the highest possible score regardless.

When you get that credit, you will effectively be walking into college with part of the requirements already completed. It means you could skip a geography or social studies requirement and take whatever class you wanted to. Or, you could even save money on college tuition by spending less time getting credits. Either way, getting that college credit before college is a great way to set yourself up for the next four years. Read more about how AP ® exams helped Marco Learning’s tutors earn college credits.

What can I bring to the AP ® Human Geography Exam?

Below is a list of all the things you can bring with you into the exam room. Note: It’s possible that not all of the items will apply to you (e.g., the Student Accommodations Letter).

  • Two No. 2 pencils with erasers. These will be used on the multiple-choice portion of the exam.
  • Two black or dark blue ink pens. These will be used for the free-response questions. Be sure to bring black or dark blue ink pens only. Leave your gold glitter pens at home.
  • A watch. This is a simple analog or digital watch with no internet access or alarms. Don’t even try to bring your smart watch in the room.
  • The AP ® Student Pack. This is given to you just before you take your exam and contains a label that you need to place on your exam. Follow the labeling instructions carefully.
  • Government- or school-issued ID. If you don’t attend the school where you’re taking the AP ® World History Exam, you must also bring a government- or school-issued ID.
  • College Board SSD Student Accommodation Letter. If you require accommodations beyond the regular exam, you’ll receive a letter that verifies this (e.g., you need a braille or large-type exam).
  • Remember, you won’t have to bring all these things—but it’s in your best interest to be as prepared as you can for the exam.

Take a look at our Test Day Checklist to make sure you are 100% prepared to take your AP ® World History Exam when the time comes!

How do I study for AP ® Human Geography?

Here are the best study tips for APHUG:

#1: Take practice tests

Be prepared! You don’t want to take your first AP® Human Geography Exam on test day. To that end, take as many practice tests as you can before the big day. Take note of the areas you performed the weakest in and dedicate extra study time to those areas. Only by practicing over and over again can you expect to be better at any skill—including test-taking. If you don’t have much experience taking practice tests, check out John Moscatiello’s Step-by-Step Guide to taking a practice test like a pro .

#2: Write as much as you can

The free-response section of the AP ® Human Geography Exam is probably the most daunting part of the entire test, especially if you’re taking AP ® Human Geography as a freshman, and don’t have much experience with written tests. To prepare, you should be practicing writing succinct, relevant essays in the weeks leading up to the exam. College Board’s website has a page dedicated to past exam questions . Read them and start to craft essays around them. You can have your AP ® teacher read them and provide feedback as to which areas you can improve. If you’re looking for ways to improve your writing skills, you can register for our Free AP ® Human Geography Writing Workshop . Every session is designed specifically to teach you fundamental and advanced skills about how to tackle and formulate essay responses. All sessions are recorded and will be sent to you via email if you miss or want to review a session later.

#3: Find resources that work

When it comes to studying for your exam, there is no “one size fits all”. Just because your best friend loves to use flashcards, doesn’t mean that flashcards are right for you! We encourage you to take some time to figure out what study methods you are most comfortable with; it could be a mixture of everything!

We know it can be overwhelming starting from scratch. If you feel stuck, we suggest downloading our free AP® Human Geography study guide as a jumping off point and going from there.

If you’re looking for live video reviews before the AP ® Exams, we will host live AP ® review sessions on our YouTube channel .

You can also check out Danny Sanchez’s website, The Human Geo Guy . Danny’s website is packed with useful information and resources for AP® Human Geography students, or if you’re looking for something more intensive, he is also available for private tutoring.

how much homework does ap human geography have

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Tools & Calculators

Ap® human geography score calculator.

  • The Albert Team
  • Last Updated On: July 17, 2024

AP® Human Geography Score Calculator

Searching for an AP® Human Geography score calculator? You’ve come to the right place. Determine how you would score on the AP® Human Geography exam by using the interactive tool below.

Could you use a little extra help in preparing for AP® Human Geography? Check out our AP® Human Geography section for tons of review articles or explore The Best AP® Human Geography Review Guide .

How are you projecting the scoring curve?

At this time, the College Board has not officially released a scoring worksheet that reflects the latest changes in AP® Human Geography. In order to create our projected curve, we’ve taken the relative percentages of the MCQ and FRQ as well as the point values of each question as outlined in the scoring guidelines released for 2019-2020 here .

AP® Human Geography

Enter your scores.

Section I: Multiple-Choice

Section II: Free Response - Question 1

Section II: Free Response - Question 2

Section II: Free Response - Question 3

Choose your score curve

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Also, check out this reference for the best AP® Human Geography review books .

What is a good AP® Human Geography score?

A 3, 4, or 5 on an AP® exam is considered a passing score, with 3 described as “qualified”, 4 as “well qualified” and 5 as “extremely well qualified.” It is important to note that many universities will offer college credit for a passing score on an AP® exam, but be sure to verify with the AP® credit policy of any schools you are interested in applying to, which you can check here .

Make sure you have a goal in mind of what score you want to receive and work hard towards it, using the resources listed below as well as any others you may have access to. For reference, 59% of test takers passed with a score of 3 or higher in 2020 .

What is the average AP® Human Geography score?

The average AP® Human Geography score changes every year based on the student population and the specific questions on that year’s exam, so it is difficult to pinpoint an overall average. For example, in 2020, over 218,300 students took the AP® Human Geography exam and their average score was 2.75, with a pass rate (a score of 3 or higher) of 59%. You can see more details about these score statistics here .

Why are AP® Human Geography scores curved?

Advanced Placement exams are designed to model college courses, many of which are curved. Also, one of the primary goals of the College Board is to maintain exam consistency over the years, even though the test questions change. So, the scoring guidelines are reflected to account for these needs. Make sure to note that since there is a curve, a 5 can be difficult to achieve. The curve is designed to give the majority of students a score of 3, which is why in 2016, only 12% of test takers received a 5.

How do I get a 5 on AP® Human Geography?

There is no golden secret to getting a 5 on the AP® Human Geography exam. It takes a mixture of study habits, content knowledge, and practice to score high. A good portion of the exam is also interpreting data like graphs, charts and maps, so be sure to practice your skills with these aspects as well. However, there is also a wealth of resources to help you prepare for this exam at

  • Is AP® Human Geography Hard?
  • How to Study for AP® Human Geography
  • The Ultimate List of AP® Human Geography
  • Heartland Theory: AP® Human Geography Crash Course Review

Don’t forget,’s study guide provides hundreds of multiple choice practice questions to guide you in your revision for the exam as well.

Why should I use this AP® Human Geography score calculator?

This AP® Human Geography score calculator uses the official College Board scoring worksheets from previously released exams, making it highly accurate and up-to-date. Using this calculator can also help relieve your stress on exam day; you will know how many points you need to get to earn the score you want.

Looking for AP® Human Geography practice?

Kickstart your AP® Human Geography prep with Albert. Start your AP® exam prep today .

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Classroom Resources

Ap human geography, join the ap human geography community.

AP resources are designed to support all students and teachers by connecting course content and skills through a wide variety of instructional materials.

AP Classroom

AP Classroom is a free and flexible online platform that provides i nstructional resources for each AP course to support student learning of all course content and skills. AP Classroom r esources, including AP Daily videos, help your students learn and practice all year. 

  • Learn about all instructional resources in AP Classroom.
  • Learn more about AP Daily videos and their features.
  • Learn how to get started in AP Classroom.

Higher Education Faculty Lectures

Supplement your instruction with videos hosted by college and university professors. Watch the videos in AP Classroom , via the Overview page in the Course Guide section, or on the Advanced Placement YouTube channel for this course.   

Additional Resources for AP Human Geography

Curriculum module, ap human geography: urban geography, special focus materials, globalization, from your ap colleagues, maps and spatial thinking skills in the classroom.

Concrete strategies for helping your students learn to think in space, think about space, and think with space.

Cultural Landscape Study

The spanish flu and its legacy, related articles, defining geography: what is where, why there, and why care.

A concise definition of the field, emphasizing the unique methodology of this science.

Understanding Land Use Patterns

Web resources, online resources recommended by ap teachers.

A list of online resources recommended by your fellow AP Human Geography teachers.

AP Human Geography

How much time do you spend on AP human geography homework every day? I feel like its a ton of work and that I’m spending more time than I should be.

I rarely had homework in the class. Mostly just reading and study guides. No more than 45 minutes a night. I ended up getting a 5 on the exam in 2016.

@hayisforhorse Same thing here- except the fact I got a 4. Probably because one of the FRQ questions was never mentioned in our book and I winged the entire question. I’m pretty sure everyone got a 4 as well as none of us had the necessary knowledge.

Not much, I procrastinate all my work so I end up doing 2-3 hours the night before something is due ha. But overall depends on the teacher but me is 4 hours a regular week, (if there is vocab due or such then maybe like 7), working dilligently in class works wonders.

I spent no time on homework and never studied and got a 104 in the class. Got a 3 on the exam though. To be honest, it’s easier than regular algebra 1.

I didn’t spend too much time on APHuG. Most of my work was vocabulary and reading. Got a 5 on the exam.

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Freshmen will take AP human geography and then say that they're "freshmen but basically a college student" when asked what grade theyre in

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  1. AP Human Geography Full Course Review by AP Human Geography

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  2. 5 Steps to a 5: AP Human Geography 2024 Elite Student Edition

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  6. AP Human Geography Unit 3 Review Packet by Jason Kochenburger

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  1. AP Human Geography Students… #aphg #aphumangeography

  2. Massive Deal On APHG Teacher Resources!

  3. 5 Tips To A 5: AP Human Geography

  4. How Much Geography Have I Forgotten?

  5. AP Human Geography

  6. 3


  1. AP® Human Geography FAQ: Everything You Need to Know for 2024

    In 2019, only 10.8% of those who took the exam scored a 5. In 2019, AP® Human Geography was the second-hardest AP® test — or, more accurately, the test that awarded the second-lowest percentage of 5s. The lowest percentage was for the AP® World History exam. Only 8.6% of students scored a 5 on that exam.

  2. Is AP Human Geography Hard? A Complete Guide

    Is AP Human Geography Hard? A Complete Guide

  3. The Expert's Guide to the AP Human Geography Exam

    31.8%. As you can see from this chart, a whopping one-third of test takers got the lowest possible AP score on this test. What's more, 47% of students earned a 2 or lower, basically "failing" the exam. As a result, we can say that Human Geography is one of the hardest AP exams out there!

  4. AP Human Geography Exam

    AP Human Geography Exam - AP Central - College Board

  5. PDF 2022-23 AP Human Geography Exam Instructions

    Percent of Total Score: 50% Writing Instrument: Pencil required. Section II. Total Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes. Number of Questions: 3 essays. Percent of Total Score: 50%. Writing Instrument: Pen with black or dark blue ink. Before Distributing Exams: Check that the title on all exam covers is Human Geography.

  6. AP Human Geography

    AP Human Geography - AP Students - College Board

  7. The Ultimate AP Human Geography Study Guide

    This AP Human Geography study guide has covered a review plan for the AP test, tips for success in studying throughout the year, and a list of all the topics covered in the AP Human Geography curriculum and on the exam. The steps in a successful AP Human Geography study plan should look something like this: Step 1: Take and score a practice test.

  8. AP Human Geography Exam

    The AP Human Geography Exam will test your understanding of the geographic concepts covered in the course units, as well as your ability to analyze maps, geospatial data, infographics, and more. Exam Duration 2hrs 15mins Exam Date Tue, May 6, 2025. 8 AM Local. AP Human Geography Exam ...

  9. PDF AP Human Geography

    The AP Program unequivocally supports the principle that each school implements its own curriculum that will enable students to develop the content understandings and skills described in the course framework. While the unit sequence represented in this publication is optional, the AP Program does have a short list of


    The AP Human Geography course is organized around seven major topics: Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives. Population and Migration. Cultural Patterns and Processes. Political Organization of Space. Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use. Industrialization and Economic Development. Cities and Urban Land Use.

  11. Why Take AP Human Geography?

    Why Take AP Human Geography?

  12. Guide to the AP® Human Geography Exam

    Here is what the format of the AP® Human Geography exam looks like—along with how much of the exam score depends on each section: SECTION I. SECTION II. Part A: Multiple-Choice. Free-Response Questions (7 points each) 60 questions. 60 minutes. 50% of total exam score. Three questions.

  13. How to Study for AP® Human Geography

    Step 2: Understand the Exam Format. Another important thing to keep in mind is getting familiar with the structure of the AP® Human Geography exam. In case you do not know the AP® Human Geography format, this study guide breaks it down. The AP® Human Geography exam is broken down into two major parts.

  14. How hard is AP Human Geography as a class? : r/APStudents

    personally, it's an easy exam but my teacher made it extremely difficult, he basically over-prepped us. it just depends on your teacher. Reply reply. dragon_qu33n1. •. It's fairly easy, just reading and taking notes and making lots of maps (I'm in my 2nd semester taking it; my school is on a yearlong schedule).

  15. how much time do you spend on homework/studying, and which APs ...

    AP CSP: we literally get no homework AP Human Geography: usually an hour or so each night. The work isn't hard, it's just a lot. AP Latin: 30-45 minutes per night, harder work than AP HUG though And for the non-AP classes: Precalc Honors: it varies but it's usually about 30-45 minutes per night

  16. AP® Human Geography Score Calculator

    The average AP® Human Geography score changes every year based on the student population and the specific questions on that year's exam, so it is difficult to pinpoint an overall average. For example, in 2020, over 218,300 students took the AP® Human Geography exam and their average score was 2.75, with a pass rate (a score of 3 or higher ...

  17. AP psych homework : r/APPsychology

    In general, the things you have to memorize are pretty straightforward, there are some exceptions, but you should be fine. I personally have not taken AP Bio, but I can assure you that AP Psychology is easier than AP Bio, but this only applies if you have a good teacher, or one that doesn't give too much work.

  18. AP Human Geography Classroom Resources

    AP Human Geography Classroom Resources - AP Central

  19. AP Human Geography

    easyalesseffort February 1, 2018, 12:17am 5. I spent no time on homework and never studied and got a 104 in the class. Got a 3 on the exam though. To be honest, it's easier than regular algebra 1. Candyblossom1245 February 5, 2018, 8:16am 6. I didn't spend too much time on APHuG. Most of my work was vocabulary and reading.

  20. How many hours of homework do you have for each AP? : r/APStudents

    Daily studying, but as for actual homework it varies. AP Comp. Gov takes should 20 mins of note taking each night. ap art - 2-4 hrs/week ap chem - 1 hr/night, half spent studying and the other half spent crying. AP World- an hour or more or so AP Seminar- Very little to 10-15 minutes.

  21. Help with studying for the AP!! (and how much I should)

    This is going to sound really basic but it depends entirely on how well you understand the content. If you understand it super well and aren't struggling at all then I'd say 2-3 hours a week so around 20-30 minutes a day but if you don't understand as well then it could be more like 4-5 hours a week. Just try to focus on your weakest ...

  22. Homework answers AP human Geography Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Define Human Geography., 2. Define Physical Geography., 3. What has been the effect of transportation and communication on places around the globe? and more.

  23. Freshmen will take AP human geography and then say that they're

    Well imo the sheer amount of content and memorization required makes it harder, at my school the AP human textbook is like 200 pages and the AP world one is 1000+ so 😂. The AP world class at my class is a lot of work but thank god we have an amazing teacher