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How to research animal, enrichment and stuffs in planetzoo

  • Thread starter Willyphua
  • Start date Nov 8, 2019


I can't find it, can someone tell me where is it located?  

Build a research center, hire a vet, then in your zoo window one of the tabs is research. You can assign your vet to research an animal, but you have to have that animal in a habitat before you can research it.  



Play the tutorial in career mode, it shows you how.  

I am playing sandbox mode  

Willyphua said: I am playing sandbox mode Click to expand...


Chante Goodman

Community manager.

  • Dev Post  

Yes, we really do recommend playing the Career Mode, as it will teach you some tips and tricks for all other modes!  

Actually I have play the franchise mode when planet zoo release it planet zoo deluxe beta game back then. I guess only career mode I haven yet play  

Planet Zoo – Research Guide

1 31

Research is critical and that’s why it’s getting its own information.

What is Research?

If you are in Sandbox Mode then you probably don’t have to worry about this. Research is the most critical column to creating a good zoo. There are two types of research:

Veterinary Research

– For every vet you have is every research you can do. Vets can research a specific animal or a specific medical  thing  like a virus, bacteria, or condition.

– Researching an animal will provide new enrichment, nutrition, and more.

– Researching a medical topic thing will provide better diagnosis, treatment, and pharmacology (it’ll help when your animals get sick)

Mechanic Research

– For every mechanic you have is every research you can do. Mechanics can research a specific theme or a specific construction  thing  like habitats, barriers, or food shops.

– Researching things like habitats, barriers or food shops will yield blueprints, extra objects, and more.

– Researching themes will yield scenery and blueprints to that respective theme.


He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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Planet zoo: animal genetics guide (tips, tricks, & strategies).


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As players build and grow their perfect zoo in  Planet Zoo , they may need to get involved in the sale, trade, or release of certain animals to help make profits. This usually happens when players are working on a  campaign in Franchise Mode , as they will need to sell, trade, or release animals into the wild to lower costs and continue to earn cash or Conservation Credits. Becoming an expert in animal genetics and breeding in Planet Zoo can help players in any game mode, however. All animals in  Planet Zoo  have a  relatively complex genetics system , which consists of the animal's size, longevity, fertility, and immunity. Often players have the most control over the animal's size and longevity stats through breeding. If players are selective about the breeding process, they can easily create offspring with the most desirable traits that can earn them a small fortune in cash or Conservation Credits. This can help players make needed improvements to the zoo or add new habitats, enclosures, and vendors.

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Players won't need to become expert biologists to properly breed their animals. Instead, they will simply need to make sure each animal's welfare stats are as high as possible, provide strategic breeding situations for their animals, and use contraceptives strategically. Players can also hire keepers and researchers to improve the chances of successfully breeding their animals for life in the wild, the best possible sale, or a better quality of life at the zoo. Here are some tips and strategies for players who want to become the best breeders in Planet Zoo .

Animal Genetics in Planet Zoo

A chimpanzee grooms another chimpanzee in Planet Zoo

There are four major attributes that make up any individual animal at a player's zoo. These percentages are defined in the Genetic Makeup section of any animal's profile and consist of:

  • Size : The maximum size an individual creature will reach
  • Longevity : The life expectancy for this creature
  • Fertility : How easy it is for successful breeding of this creature
  • Immunity : The likelihood of this creature avoiding disease

There are also hidden values embedded into each animal's genetics that will determine how well each one can transfer its genes to the next generation.

Players will have the easiest time manipulating genes to get animals with 100% size and longevity. Fertility and immunity are more random and require more work and research to maximize.

The animals that fetch the highest prices or most Conservation Credits are usually the ones with high or maxed out size and longevity stats, though animals with high or maxed out stats in all four categories are ideal. Each time animals breed, it is likely they will have improved genetics from those of the parents, provided one of the parent animals was not inbred.

Only animals who have reached maturation will be available for breeding. Juveniles cannot breed.

How to Improve Breeding in Planet Zoo

A full exhibit with Red Kangaroos in Planet Zoo

Players who want to begin breeding their animals should set up a separate breeding area in their park, accessible only to staff. While this isn't required, and animals will breed if they want to in their main enclosure, building a breeding habitat can speed up the process or ensure it takes place at all. The ideal breeding habitat will contain the male animal and the maximum amount of female animals the male can mate with at a time. This information is contained in the animal's Zoopedia page in the Lifecycle section.

Players will need to build a habitat that can contain all the animals comfortably and that can maximize their welfare stats to at least over 80%. This means the enclosure should contain:

  • Good, consistent food source
  • A large enough social group
  • An appropriate and pleasant habitat with some shelter
  • Enrichment, like toys and a keeper

Once players have the breeding habitat set up, they will need to assign a keeper or two who can care specifically for those animals and be attentive to their needs.

Next, players will want to invest in a researcher. They will need to hire a researcher and assign them to the animal they would like to breed. The player will need to wait for the researcher to fully research the animal, which can unlock a fertility bonus of up to 60% depending on the creature. This will improve the chances of a successful breeding.

A Zookeeper works in Planet Zoo

When the researcher finishes, players should move their animals into the breeding habitat. They will need to simply wait a few days until nature takes its course and the female animal has her offspring.

Each generation should have improved size and longevity stats from those of the parents. To improve immunity and fertility, players will need to click on each animal and use the Compare Mates function to determine which of them have the best stats in these areas. Fertility and immunity are more random and cannot be as easily manipulated, so players will need to compare mates for any of their animals with 100% size and longevity to determine the chances of producing offspring with 100% to fertility and immunity. While this doesn't guarantee an animal with 100% to all stats, it greatly improves the chances of producing one down the line.

Players should be sure to keep a decent male-to-female ratio in their habitats and trade or sell any males who have bred with all adult females. Players can use the cash or Conservation Credits they made from breeding to purchase a new male with the best possible stats to avoid any instances of possible inbreeding. Inbreeding will tank the offspring's immunity and fertility stats and make it more difficult if not impossible for players to breed, sell, trade, or release these animals.

Planet Zoo Zebras

If there are animals players would rather not breed, or if players want to prevent breeding outside the breeding habitat, they can allow zookeepers to provide contraceptives to their animals. To do this, they will need to visit an individual animal's profile and click the pill icon next to the animal's gender icon to toggle it on. They can also do this from the  Zoo  panel under the  Animals  page. Once animals have gone to the breeding habitat, players can toggle their contraception off to ensure only the animals they want breeding will be able to produce offspring.

Players can make high scores on the leader board from breeding, and their animal's stats are shared with the rest of the Planet Zoo community in Franchise Mode. There are few better ways to make enough money to turn a profit on a zoo in Franchise Mode, so players should find a strategy that works best for them and get started.

Next:  Planet Zoo Is A Complete Evolution Of Simulation Games

Planet Zoo is available for PC.

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Planet Zoo For Beginners: Top 10 Things To Pay Most Attention To


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Elden ring has an easy mode now and it actually works, 9 games with secret early endings.

If you're just starting out in Planet Zoo it can feel very overwhelming. The game is enjoyable but also incredibly complex. Great care has been taken to ensure it mimics real-life zoo management and with this comes a large number of settings, notifications, and options.

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Here we take a look at some of the most basic and important things you'll need to pay attention to in your zoo. As you explore you'll notice that these are just the beginning. However, they are some of the most important, with these areas being key to good animal welfare, happy guests, sensible staffing and an efficient zoo.

10 Visiting Players

how to research planet zoo

While it may seem like visitors are just a gimmick, they actually offer a reward. If you click on the name of the player on the UI tab when you see visiting player notification then you'll be prompted to greet them. Doing so will award 20 conservation credits so it is well worth the effort.

Conservation credits can be used to purchase healthier and rarer animals and can be difficult to build up. This little trick will give you a nice boost over time, helping your zoo become more unique.

9 The Radar

how to research planet zoo

The radar button is in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen and this will help you see any issues at a glance. It offers a range of heat maps for temperature, water quality, negative impact, electricity and more.

A frequent flick through these heat maps is the easiest way to spot issues before all the red warnings appear. Notifications tend to only kick in once things are dire. One to monitor early on is the negative effect on guests. Use this to ensure staff buildings are kept far enough from paths to minimize the impact on guest happiness.

8 Barrier Settings

how to research planet zoo

At first glance , the barriers seem like a nightmare. Are they climbable, transparent, strong? It can appear that you have to compromise on something but in actual fact, most barriers are highly customizable.

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If you click through both option tabs on the right side of the screen you'll notice that you can add glass windows and anti-climb barriers to almost any barrier. This is alongside the tools you'd expect to adjust height and length. You can also change the maintenance settings to ensure barriers are repaired more frequently.

7 Habitat Size

how to research planet zoo

One of the easiest ways to build a suitable habitat is to build a basic barrier then put the animal inside and hit pause. Clicking an animal in a habitat will allow you to see exactly how you need to adjust it.

First, check the size, water, and climbing needs. Remember that if you want to breed animals you'll need to keep the size above the base to allow for extras. The first screen will show you the current size and how it compares to the ideals.

6 Animal Needs

how to research planet zoo

Once the basic habitat is in place and suitably sized you can adjust other aspects to meet the animal's needs. As you adjust terrain, temperature, and foliage, these changes effects will show on the animal panel, even in pause.

Make sure you check your animal's preference for area and climate to get the correct foliage and don't forget food, water, and shelter as well as any basic enrichment you have.

5 Pathway Options

how to research planet zoo

In certain zoos especially, paths can be tricky. The pathing tool is powerful but also annoying, especially for beginners. You can minimize issues by fiddling with some of the options.

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Turning off the flatten terrain and tunneling options can help avoid "terrain modification failed" errors. You can also use U and J or hold the left shift button to raise and lower paths to create inclines or stairs. If you've already built an enclosure, the snap alongside barriers option can help keep the path on track.

4 Staff Levels

how to research planet zoo

Staff all play different roles and some perform duties you may not have considered. While mechanics repairing fences and vets treating sick animals is an obvious occurrence, the implications of security guards' roles are less so.

Without security, you may find benches break and education boards or speakers need more frequent repairs. This is because vandalism is the cause of many of these minor breakdowns and is alleviated with security. You won't need security immediately but it's a solid investment once your visitors are steady.

3 Vet Research

how to research planet zoo

Vet research actually plays several roles in your zoo. The first important role is in animal welfare. As a default, you'll begin with only a few enrichment items. Vet research will help you gain more, allowing you to increase animal welfare by adding and rotating these in your exhibits.

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A vets animal research also increases your education rating making education boards and speakers more valuable and prompting more donations. Finally, research into diseases helps keep animals healthy and treat sick animals more efficiently.

2 Mechanic Research

how to research planet zoo

Mechanic research will help with new themes, power sources and staff facilities. All these can really help make your zoo more efficient. Larger staff buildings allow more staff to use them at one time while reducing space and power requirements.

Combine these facilities with staff promotions and new staff when needed to ensure your zoo is in good working order. Just remember that researching staff won't perform other duties at the same time.

1 Guest Happiness

how to research planet zoo

Guests will have different specific needs but there are some basics you need to make sure you fulfill. Food and drink stands should be well spaced to cater for hunger and thirst, you'll also need restrooms for the after-effects. Alongside these benches to combat tiredness and bins to keep litter under control also help with happiness.

To increase revenue from your happy guests place ATMs near vendors or donation boxes and keep an eye on notifications about your zoo's price. Frequent education boards and speakers also help keep guests in a giving mood.

If you want more help with your zoo planning make sure to check out our other Planet Zoo articles.

Next: Planet Zoo - A Complete Guide

Beginner Tips: Zookeeping Tips For New Players

Planet zoo - a complete guide, a beginner's guide to starting a zoo from scratch.

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Planet Zoo Wiki

Mechanic Research

Mechanic Research is a tab in the Zoo screen. It allow players to unlock more game content. Player first need to build a Workshop and have a Mechanic working.

  • 1 Description
  • 2.1 Scenery Themes
  • 2.2.1 Food Shops
  • 2.2.2 Drink Shops
  • 2.2.3 Souvenir Shops
  • 2.3.1 Habitats
  • 2.3.2 Barriers
  • 2.3.3 Shelters and Climbing
  • 2.4.1 Staff Facifilities
  • 2.4.2 Power
  • 2.4.3 Transport Rides
  • 3 References

Description [ ]

Mechanics will visit the Workshop to undertake their research. Only one mechanic can use a Workshop at a given time. This process takes time and a Mechanic may need to visit a Staff Room to take a break.

They can also be called to a higher priority task unless research has been set as their only available task type (in their info panel under Employment tab). Mechanics that have been called away from their research will return to it when they can.

Rewards [ ]

Scenery themes [ ].

There are a lot of Themes in the base game. Some DLCs also introduce additional themes. Each theme has their own section in the Mechanic Research tab. Leveling up on these themes unlock more content in the according theme.

  • Level 1: Theme Scenery Items. Usually 200+ items.
  • Level 2: Theme Blueprints Level 1. ~15 items.
  • Level 3: Theme Blueprints Level 2. ~10 items.
  • Level 4: Theme Blueprints Level 3. ~4 items.

Guests Buildings [ ]

Food shops [ ].

  • Level 1: Hotdog Squad shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 2: Pizza Pen shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 3: Cosmic Cow Ice Cream shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 4: Missy Good shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 5: Mexelente shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 6: Monsieur Frites shops and decorations (8 items).

Drink Shops [ ]

  • Level 1: Gulpee Slush shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 2: Pipshot Water shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 3: Street Fox Coffee shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 4: Cosmic Cow Milkshakes shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 5: Pipshot Juice shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 6: Gulpee Energy shops and decorations (8 items).
  • Level 7: Pipshot Smoothies shops and decorations (8 items).

Souvenir Shops [ ]

  • Level 1: Just A Momento shops and decorations (6 items).
  • Level 2: Hat's Fantastic shops and decorations (7 items).

Animal Related [ ]

Habitats [ ].

  • Level 1: Blueprints Level 1 (3 items).
  • Level 2: Blueprints Level 2 (2 items).
  • Level 3: Blueprints Level 3 (2 items).

Barriers [ ]

  • Level 1: Gabion
  • Level 2: Chain - Steel Posts.
  • Level 3: Concrete
  • Level 4: Electric
  • Level 5: One Way Glass
  • Level 6: Thick Glass

Shelters and Climbing [ ]

  • Level 1: Blueprints Level 1 (20 items).
  • Level 2: Blueprints Level 2 (23 items).
  • Level 3: Blueprints Level 3 (12 items).

Staff Facifilities [ ]

  • Level 1: Large Keeper Hut (15 items).
  • Level 2: Large Staff Room (15 items).
  • Level 3: Large Quarantine (15 items).
  • Level 4: Large Research Centre (15 items).
  • Level 1: Wind Turbine
  • Level 2: Solar Panel

Transport Rides [ ]

  • Level 1: Boat Ride
  • Level 2: Suspended Gondola
  • Level 3: Steam Train
  • Level 4: 4x4 Adventure Tour

References [ ]

  • 1 Walkthrough Exhibit
  • 2 Colourmorph
  • 3 Cheat Codes

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A Beginner's Guide to Planet Zoo – Staff & Guests

A Beginner's Guide to Planet Zoo – Staff & Guests

Learn how to manage the people of Planet Zoo

Hayo Zookeepers!

A zoo is nothing without the staff to run it and the guests to enjoy it! In this part of our Beginner’s Guide to Planet Zoo we’ll cover everything you need to know about staffing your zoo and keeping your guests happy and educated.

how to research planet zoo

Staff are the lifeblood of your zoo and keep it running like a well oiled machine.

How to Hire Staff

Staff are hired from the Staff page in the Zoo Management screen or from the Staff List in the browser on console. When the desired staff member has been selected, they will become attached to the reticle and be deployed by placing them on a path.

Staff can still be hired even if the zoo has negative funds, which can help you recover from any temporary setbacks. Be careful though! If you can't pay your staff they're likely to quit, so be sure to resolve any funding issues quickly.

Vendors are automatically hired when a shop is placed, but additional vendors can be hired to support shops when staff are taking breaks.

Types of Staff

Planet Zoo - Keeper at work

Keepers maintain the welfare of the animals in the zoo. They are responsible for the following activities:

  • Cleaning habitats and exhibits.
  • Feeding animals.
  • Watering animals.
  • Reporting sickness and injuries.
  • Removing skeletons.

Keepers require a keeper hut to perform their feeding duties.

Planet Zoo - Vet at work

Vets maintain the physical wellbeing of the animals in the zoo. They are responsible for the following activities:

  • Treatment of illness.
  • Treatment of injury.
  • Capturing escaped animals.
  • Removing corpses.
  • Researching animals.
  • Transporting animals (low priority).

Vets require a vet surgery to treat animals and a research centre to perform animal research.

Caretakers look after the zoo and help with transportation duties. They are responsible for the following activities:

  • Transporting boxed animals (high priority).
  • Cleaning paths.
  • Emptying bins.
  • Cleaning toilets.

Vendors are assigned to shops and will serve guests. If a shop does not have a vendor then customers cannot be served. When a shop is purchased, a vendor will automatically be hired.

Planet Zoo - Mechanic at work

Mechanics look after the physical infrastructure of the zoo. They are responsible for the following services:

  • Repairing habitat walls.
  • Repairing power facilities.
  • Repairing water treatment facilities.
  • Repairing vandalised items such as bins, benches and signs.
  • Researching new facilities and scenery items.

Mechanics require a workshop to perform their research duties.

Security Guards

Security guards protect the zoo from the following threats:

  • Guests feeding the animals.
  • Guests distressing the animals.

Planet Zoo 1.9 Free Update - Roaming Educator

Educators primarily focus on raising your guests' education via Animal Talks. When assigned to an Animal Talk, educators will attempt to reach the talk up to three months in advance, waiting at the talk point until it is scheduled to begin. If an educator misses their talk, it will be cancelled, and the guests will be unhappy! Educators can also be assigned to present roaming talks if they currently are not busy with a scheduled animal talk.

Educators will return to a staff room between talks if they have nothing else to do, to make sure they have energy for the next talk.

Staff Needs

Staff have needs that must be satisfied to keep them in the best working condition.

Staff have an energy level which declines over time and will drop more rapidly if the staff member has a heavy workload. This energy replenishes when resting at a staff room. Staff also have a happiness status. This can be maintained by paying the staff member well and surrounding their working environment with attractive scenery. Exhausted staff also tend to become unhappy; unhappy staff are likely to quit.

Staff Training

Training staff is a great way to improve their happiness, efficiency, resilience and work rate.

All staff enter the zoo with a one star rating and can be trained up to five stars. Training can be arranged for a member of staff either in the Training tab of the staff member's info panel or on the Staff Page in the Zoo Management screen.

There is a nonrefundable cost to arrange training for a staff member. Staff members will receive their training the next time they visit a staff room to rest and they will expect an improved salary after each training level.

Staff Work Zones

Work zones can be used to dramatically improve efficiency in the zoo and can be critical for ensuring keepers look after habitats. A work zone is a collection of facilities that can be assigned to one or more staff to limit where they will work.

Work zones can be created from the Zoo Management Work Zones page.

  • Select 'Create New Work zone'
  • Start adding facilities to the work zone by selecting them or by using multiselect.
  • Select a facility again to remove it from the work zone.
  • Name the work zone so it can be identified later All changes are automatically saved.

Staff can be assigned to any single work zone that has been created. This is done through the Zoo Management Staff Overview page or the Employment tab in the staff's info panel. Each staff member can be assigned to a work zone using the Work zones page - staff can also be reassigned from this location.

how to research planet zoo

No zoo would be complete without guests to enjoy and learn more about the animals that call it home.

Guest Needs

All guests are unique. However, they do enter the zoo with a set of needs that they wish to fulfil or at least maintain.

At 100% this indicates that the guest is as happy as possible, but over time the happiness level will tick down, meaning that the guest is becoming unhappy.

Low values for hunger, thirst, toilet, and energy will pull a guest's happiness down quickly, along with protesters, litter, vandalism, overcharging, nearby staff facilities and poorly looked after animals.

If guests become particularly unhappy for a period of time, then they will leave the zoo.

Happiness can be increased by giving the guests great views of healthy animals, providing them with interesting scenery, selling them souvenirs, charging fairly and sustaining their other needs.

Happy guests are more likely to spend money in the zoo, so it’s in your interest to keep them happy.

At 100% this indicates that the guest is full, but over time the hunger level will tick down meaning that the guest is getting hungrier.

This need can be improved by the guest visiting a food shop, vending machine or restaurant.


At 100% this indicates that the guest is fully hydrated, but over time the thirst level will tick down meaning that the guest is getting thirstier.

This need can be improved by the guest visiting a drink shop or a vending machine.

At 100% this indicates that the guest has recently been to the bathroom, but over time, the toilet level will tick down meaning that the guest is becoming increasingly desperate.

This need can be satisfied by the guest visiting a bathroom.

At 100% this indicates that the guest is full of vigour and enthusiasm, but over time, the guest's energy level will tick down meaning that the guest is becoming tired.

This need can be improved by guests using benches, transport rides and some drink types such as coffee.

Guests enter the zoo with no education and have a desire to learn new things during their visit.

Education can be increased through animal talks, education boards, conservation boards, education speakers and audio guides. The amount of education provided by these depends on the research level of the animal being highlighted.

A better educated guest will want to spend more cash in your zoo; the higher a guest's education the bigger the bonus to their spending.

Make sure they have plenty of opportunities to learn and spend!

Guest Wish Lists

Planet Zoo: Console Edition - First person view of park

Guests have a wish list of animals they particularly want to see on their visit. Animals on this wish list are more likely to attract the guest's attention and therefore steer them through the zoo.

Guests get a boost to happiness for viewing animals on their wish list, providing the animals are healthy at the time of viewing. Animals on wish lists are more likely to attract guests to use donation boxes and to purchase adoption packs at souvenir shops.

Guests Leaving

Guests will leave the zoo for any of the following reasons:

  • They have seen all of the animals.
  • They have run out of time.
  • They are particularly unhappy.
  • They are fleeing an escaped animal.

Planet Zoo - Protestors

Protesters will enter your zoo if an animal's overall welfare rating falls into the red zone. A well-run zoo should not see protests!

Once protestors have entered a zoo they will make their way to the animal's location before loudly protesting. Guests in proximity to protesters will have the animal's plight highlighted to them and this will in turn make them unhappy and may even cause them to leave the zoo!

In this way protesters aim to improve the welfare of animals by having an impact on the zoo's profitability.

Protesters cannot be forcefully removed from the zoo and will only leave once the animal's welfare has been raised, and maintained at this improved level, for a period of time.

The inspector periodically enters zoos to make sure they are being well run and that animals are being looked after. They will choose up to five animals to inspect and will make their way around the zoo attempting to ascertain the animals’ wellbeing.

Animals are assumed to be in fine condition until proved otherwise. An animal that cannot be inspected is assumed to be in the worst condition possible. The inspector can issue spot fines for poorly performing habitats, dead or sick animals and any form of escape.

Once the inspection is complete, a report is issued providing details as to the running state of the zoo.

The reporter acts in a very similar way to the inspector, periodically entering the zoo to check on how well it's being run. The key difference is the reporter cares about more than just the animals - they will also check your zoo's Cleanliness, Crime, Education, Finances, Guests and Staff.

Once the Reporter has finished, a report will be issued providing details as to the running state of your zoo.

You should now have the knowledge you need to keep your staff happy and productive, while also making sure your guests have the best possible educational visit to your zoo!

Need to refresh your knowledge on how to care for the animals in your zoo? Head back to the previous entry in this series and learn more about Planet Zoo’s animals . Ready to become a management genius and lead your zoo to success? Move on to the next and final entry of the series, where we discuss how to manage your zoo .

Planet Zoo: Console Edition is available to buy now on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S .

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    A. Nov 8, 2019. #2. Build a research center, hire a vet, then in your zoo window one of the tabs is research. You can assign your vet to research an animal, but you have to have that animal in a habitat before you can research it.

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    Here is where I explain the animals and the difference between Animal Trading and Exhibit Trading Keep in Mind: Planet Zoo refers to the exhibits you build with barriers and animals like a lion as habitats and exhibits where you have glass walls like for the iguana as exhibits or small exhibits.I refer to both as exhibits and I have tried to keep in mind the difference so let me know if I mix ...

  9. Vet Research

    Vet Research is a tab in the Zoo screen. It allow players to unlock more game content. Player first need to build a Research Centre and have a Veterinarian working. Veterinarians will visit the Research Centre to undertake their research. Only one veterinarian can use a Research Centre at a given time. This process takes time and a veterinarian may need to visit a Staff Room to take a break ...

  10. hou to speed up animal research? :: Planet Zoo General Discussions

    Razamanaz Jan 31, 2020 @ 3:02pm. Higher trained Vets and Mechanics should research faster. #1. Moving Target Jan 31, 2020 @ 3:16pm. Place a small research centre close to the entrance of the habitat (you can move this around later for new animals to save getting a new one each time) Make sure to allocate a vet to a workzone that includes the ...

  11. What is advanced research bonus? : r/PlanetZoo

    What is is? It is used to acumulate the research progres or the more advanced research you have the faster you research stuff? I can't find anything about it online. It's when you have a vet research something already at its highest level (when you get the gold Erlenmeyer flask). It raises the education gained by your guests from the ...

  12. Beginner's Tips For Planet Zoo

    Planet Zoo: Beginner's Tips For Building From Scratch. Planet Zoo begins by easing you into the complex task of running a zoo quite slowly. No matter if you are playing on PC, or have Planet Zoo: Console Edition for Xbox Series S|X or PlayStation 5, there are three different zoos for you to manage that are considered tutorials.

  13. Advanced Research? :: Planet Zoo General Discussions

    So, as far as I know, advanced research is pointless. I have speakers at max volume throughout my zoo, that and a few education screens here and there I'm already at 5 stars. Renewable power lowers their running costs at $0 as well, so it's more cost-efficient to have a ton of education items than having to pay expensive vet salaries. #5.

  14. Planet Zoo: Animal Genetics Guide (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies)

    All animals in Planet Zoo have a complicated genetic makeup they pass to offspring. Players can manipulate these genes and become master breeders. Improve stats and health through breeding. ... The player will need to wait for the researcher to fully research the animal, which can unlock a fertility bonus of up to 60% depending on the creature. ...

  15. Planet Zoo For Beginners: Top 10 Things To Pay Most Attention To

    2 Mechanic Research. Mechanic research will help with new themes, power sources and staff facilities. All these can really help make your zoo more efficient. Larger staff buildings allow more staff to use them at one time while reducing space and power requirements.

  16. How to research for animal enrichment items? : r/PlanetZoo

    Hi! I'm playing in franchise mode, and figured out that there are barely any enrichment items available. I twittered PlanetZoo, and was told that I have to do research. Problem is, I have no idea how to do that. Tried to research habitats but it didn't do anything. Can someone help me? Have a vet, go into vet research once the animal is in ...

  17. A Beginner's Guide to Planet Zoo

    The standard edition of Planet Zoo features 72 unique animals, rising to a total of 180 animals with all DLC*. With so many unique animals to populate your zoo, all with their own quirks and requirements, there's a lot to learn. Luckily this guide is here to kit you out with all the knowledge you need to keep your animals happy and healthy ...

  18. Mechanic Research

    Mechanic Research is a tab in the Zoo screen. It allow players to unlock more game content. Player first need to build a Workshop and have a Mechanic working. Mechanics will visit the Workshop to undertake their research. Only one mechanic can use a Workshop at a given time. This process takes time and a Mechanic may need to visit a Staff Room to take a break. They can also be called to a ...

  19. What things do people research before others and why?

    I always research barriers first for the one-way glass, followed by power for the Solar panels and eventually shelter and climbing for when I´m too lazy to build it myself. After that depends on what type of zoo I´m playing at that moment. Don´t quote me on this but I think researched habitats unlock the prefab habitat blueprints.

  20. Mechanics take so long to research! : r/PlanetZoo

    They research faster with more training. I restrict my Research Mechanic to just do research (no repairing stuff), and I increase their training to at least level 2 or 3. Same with my Research Vet (no tending sick animals, etc)... just do research. I think restricting their tasks and training them up makes a big difference in speed.

  21. Problems with the research center tutorial :: Planet Zoo General

    Problems with the research center tutorial. I can not for the life of me place this the right way, I try placing it inside the shell building, but I can't pin it down, it won't place. Can't click to place it.... very annoying! I can't finish that part of the tutorial now.

  22. How do I know what diseases to research? :: Planet Zoo General Discussions

    The zoopedia doesn't tell me what animals can get what disease, so I have no idea what to actually research in this regard. You don't as far as I can tell, other than if you have birds then Avian Flu would be better than Cowpox. Diseases seem to be pretty rare anyway and your animals still get healed even if you don't have the proper research.

  23. Is there any way to reset research progress? : r/PlanetZoo

    my-two-point-oh. • • Edited. I'm pretty sure if you start a completely new franchise all that resets. But you lose your conservation credits too if I remember correctly. Edit to add: Just checked, from the Franchise menu, at the top next to your conservation credits is an edit button. In that menu the very bottom button is "Close Franchise ...

  24. A Beginner's Guide to Planet Zoo

    Vets require a vet surgery to treat animals and a research centre to perform animal research. Caretakers. Caretakers look after the zoo and help with transportation duties. They are responsible for the following activities: Transporting boxed animals (high priority). Cleaning paths. Emptying bins. Cleaning toilets. Vendors