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  • Where can our club get legal advice and support?
  • Does the RFU arranged policies provide for loss of income, property or Tours insurance?
  • How does the RFU support wheelchair rugby?

Where can I get guidance on how to make our club even more inclusive?

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  • Where can our club get advice and support on tax?
  • What insurance cover does the RFU provide to the game?
  • How can I find out more about becoming a CASC?
  • What things do we need to think about to ensure an effective committee meeting?
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  • How do I create a club training report?
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  • Where can I find information on Discipline Sanctions?
  • Who can I contact to talk about my rugby club facilities?
  • How do I book an RFU artificial grass (365) pitch?
  • What are the minimum dimensions of a rugby pitch?
  • How do I get involved with Rugby Grounds Connected?
  • What should we do if our facilities flood due to extreme weather?
  • Does the RFU provide guidance on developing a clubhouse?
  • Where can I find guidance on Pitch Risk Assessments and managing pitches in drought conditions?
  • What are the RFU standards for changing room sizes and layouts?
  • How can we manage our facilities in order to minimise the impact of drought conditions?
  • How can we manage our facilities in order to minimise the impact of a flooding event?
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  • What sponsorship guidance is available?
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  • How do we make it easy and attractive for people to volunteer?
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  • How do I receive the Community Game Updates (CGU) if I am not one of the three key roles?
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  • How do I create a new budget code and assign it to a membership scheme?
  • How do I set up multiple bank accounts?
  • What is Regulation 7?
  • How to complete Payment of Players 2024
  • Payment of Players FAQs
  • Who has to complete the Payment of Player declaration?
  • Where can I find the RFU Regulations?
  • What is Regulation 1?
  • What is Regulation 2?
  • What is Regulation 3?
  • RFU's Code of Conduct template
  • What are defined as RFU benefits?
  • Retrieving emergency contact details
  • How do I complete the Club Safeguarding Audit?
  • How to apply for a DBS
  • How do I get help for an injured player?
  • How do I report an Injury / what injuries do I need to report?
  • What is the current guidance for First Aid?
  • How do I book onto an Emergency First Aid In Rugby Union course?
  • What is RugbySafe?
  • How do I order Headcase Resources?
  • Can I organise a Play it Safe safeguarding course at my club?
  • How do I register 17yr and 18yr olds as adult players?
  • How do I manage player registration as a Club Admin?
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  • How does the Player Management Module work?
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  • How to make a player 'Effectively Registered'
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  • What are the regulations for the Age Grade game?
  • What are the rules on Age Grade players playing out of their Age Grade?
  • What are the rules on individual Age Grade players playing up or down?
  • What are the girls' age bandings?
  • At what age can I play mixed rugby?
  • Who should I notify if I have specific mobility / learning requirements?
  • Missing Qualifications/Education/Headcase Courses
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  • I'm unable to attend both days of my course, do I have to complete the whole course?
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  • When will I receive information about the course I've booked?
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  • How do I book onto a Director of Rugby course?
  • Can I add other coaches at the club to my booking?
  • How do I find and book the headcase e-learning course?
  • How do I find and book the Introduction to Safeguarding e-learning course?
  • How do I book onto an England Rugby Coaching Award course?
  • How do I book onto a Principles of Scrummaging course?
  • How do I book onto an England Rugby Mentoring Award course?
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  • How do I book onto a Kids First Contact Rugby course?
  • How do I book onto an Introduction to Refereeing course?
  • How do I book onto an England Rugby Refereeing Award course?
  • How do I book onto an England Rugby Advanced Match Official Award course?
  • How do I book onto an England Rugby Performance Coaching Award course?
  • How do I book onto a Play It Safe course?
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  • How do I book onto an England Rugby Primary Schools Course?
  • How do I book onto an England Rugby Secondary Schools Course?
  • How do I cancel a booked course and receive a refund?
  • How do I cancel my booking?
  • How do I change or cancel my PHICIS course booking?
  • How to download your qualification certificate
  • When do courses run in the training window?
  • Can I get a copy of my old Level 1 or Level 2 Coaching certificate?
  • Why can't I find the course I'm looking for?
  • Can I organise a coaching or refereeing course to take place at my club?
  • Why does my e-learning Course Date say 30th June 2024?
  • How can I find my local rugby Club?
  • How can my club support a local wheelchair rugby club?
  • How can I find out more about starting a wheelchair rugby section at my club?
  • What is Wheelchair Rugby?
  • How can I get involved with wheelchair rugby as a coach, referee / table official, classifier, or volunteer?
  • What is tackle height?
  • Where can we learn more about The Touch Union?
  • What opportunities are there for adult and junior wheelchair users in the sport?
  • How can I find out more about gender participation?
  • What are the 'Rules of Play' for my childs Age Group?
  • What is the Half Game Rule?
  • What are the Age Grade Codes of Practice and Regulations?
  • FAQs for Age Grade 2024-25
  • How do I set up a Women and Girls' team?
  • How do I get more female players in the game?
  • Coaching the Women & Girls' Game
  • What resources are available to support the women & girl's game?
  • How to affiliate as a University player for the men's BUCS Super Rugby/Women's National League
  • Managing affiliations as University administrator for the men's BUCS Super Rugby/Women's National League
  • How to register Age Grade Players for a parent/guardian
  • How to renew Age Grade registration
  • What player welfare support is available?
  • Where can I find Safeguarding information for a parent/guardian?
  • Matches Against Non-English Teams Or Cross Union Matches
  • Why can’t I change the status of a fixture?
  • How do I access Electronic Match Cards (EMC) in the Competition Management module?
  • FAQ’s Manually Entered Fixtures
  • How do I assign players to a team?
  • How do I create and edit the status of a fixture?
  • How do I add a new team?
  • Accessing Electronic Match Card Data as a Club Administrator
  • How do I archive a team?
  • What is the Transfer Deadline for Adult Competitions?
  • What are the Law Variations in Women’s League Competitions?
  • Coach/Team Manager Cannot View Or Edit Team
  • Electronic Match Card Top Tips and Advantages
  • Electronic Match Card Step by Step guides for Mobile and Desktop versions
  • Can't Select a Non-Effectively Registered (NER) player on Electronic Match Card
  • What do I do if I can't access the Electronic Match Card?
  • Electronic Match Card Frequently Asked Questions
  • Recording of Suspected Concussion in EMC
  • Why Can I Not See A Player in My Line-up on EMC?
  • Who do I contact during a competition?
  • What approval is required to be able to stage a Rugby Camp?
  • Are Age Grade teams permitted to tour?
  • If we have to cancel a tour are we covered by cancellation insurance?
  • How do I find my Constituent Body (CB)?
  • What is the role of a Constituent Body (CB)?
  • What is a Constituent Body (CB?)
  • How do I contact my Constituent Body (CB)?
  • CB – Assigning Roles and Permissions Tables
  • Can you provide role descriptor templates for CB roles?
  • How do I become a CB volunteer?

Modified on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 04:05 PM

The RFU has a focused strategic objective to drive rugby union in England to reflect the diversity of society; improving diversity of all facets of our game and continuing to create an inclusive environment for all. We have developed useful training resources  to help you and your club.

We've also put together a diversity and inclusion toolkit has been developed to support clubs, CBs and volunteers to understand what I&D means in a rugby setting. The toolkit provides practical resources and encourages everyone involved in rugby to take proactive steps to creating inclusive cultures.   

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Dead Rebels: Why Rugby Australia killed Melbourne’s Super Rugby team

By carla jaeger and sarah danckert, save articles for later.

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Walking into Collins Street’s Intercontinental Hotel, Rugby Australia chief executive Phil Waugh and chairman Dan Herbert had just come from delivering bad news. Etched on their sullen faces was the weight of killing a rugby club .

The rugby bosses, wearing Wallabies ties and sitting in front of a Rugby Australia-logo laden scrim, had informed players and staff at the Melbourne Rebels of the news just hours before they flew out to Fiji for the Super Rugby finals.

Businessman Leigh Clifford (right) wants to save the Melbourne Rebels, and Rugby Australia CEO Phil Waugh, who announced the club’s shutdown on Thursday.

Businessman Leigh Clifford (right) wants to save the Melbourne Rebels, and Rugby Australia CEO Phil Waugh, who announced the club’s shutdown on Thursday. Credit: Artwork: Bethany Rae. Photos: Getty Images, Eddie Jim

The decision upset state government officials who were now questioning their interest in bidding for the Rugby World Cup final , dismayed the small but passionate troupe of rugby fans in the state, and infuriated the backers of the proposal.

It was far from the outcome that had been assured by then-Rebels CEO Baden Stephenson only five months earlier, when he wrote to Rebels members to quell fears about the club’s financial position amid the collapse of Paul Docherty’s business empire.

Stephenson wrote: “The Melbourne Rebels wishes to address the speculations and set the record straight. Despite the unfounded speculation circulating in the media … the Melbourne Rebels’ future is extremely bright.”

On Thursday, that bright future was snuffed out.

The killing of the Rebels is now the subject of much conjecture. Rugby Australia officials are adamant it was a pragmatic business decision based on the Rebels’ parlous financial position and underdeveloped rescue deal; supporters of the Rebels say it was an unfair call and a “premeditated murder” of the club that had operated for 14 seasons.


The Rebels formally entered voluntary administration on January 30, appointing administrators from auditing giant PwC, who would go on to uncover a $23 million debt, with just $17,300 in the bank and a handful of assets.

Rugby Australia assumed all payments for the players’ wages and funded the club for the 2024 season, and took back the club’s Super Rugby licence. It seemed then, among some rugby insiders, the peak body – itself facing financial woes – had little interest in saving the club, and would push for the Rebels to enter liquidation.

The Rebels had other plans. They developed a legal case against Rugby Australia, won a court bid to give them time to put forward a rescue deal, then convinced creditors to vote for that deal over entering liquidation.

Business magnate Leigh Clifford was brought in to lead a private-equity consortium that promised to pump $30 million into the club and keep it surviving beyond 2025. Already, the consortium was claiming to be on the way to raising that sum.

Last Wednesday, that consortium invited Rugby Australia into an online data room to view a cache of documents outlining its plan to rescue the club.

The data room included a two-phase approach to the release of information. The first phase included detailed financial modelling, plans for its high-performance participation agreement, a strategy to grow the game and the club’s commercial viability and, critically, governance and risk requests including top-line details of the consortium’s shareholders and proposed board members.

It wasn’t enough detail to quell Rugby Australia’s concerns. The financial modelling also raised eyebrows with KordaMentha basing its figures – which showed revenue nearly quadrupling from $2 million to $9.8 million – on the expectation that Wyndham would soon have a greater population than Canberra.

The Melbourne Rebels will play their last game this month.

The Melbourne Rebels will play their last game this month. Credit: Getty Images

The modelling also showed the new consortium would be a loss-making operation until 2030, when it would eke out its first profit.

Herbert was scathing of the consortium’s rescue plan on Thursday , describing it as “embryonic” and “very underdeveloped”.

“We felt that there still was a huge amount of risk, and the numbers presented in that financial modelling were very risky, and that risk … falls back to Rugby Australia if they fall short,” he said.

A senior sports administrator not involved in rugby, but speaking anonymously due to commercial sensitivities, said there were gaps in the consortium’s plan that were exacerbated by the sport’s financial position.

Rugby Australia’s key issues with the Rebels consortium rescue deal

  • A reliance on extra funding from the governing body “to cover forecast operating losses” and “overly optimistic” financial projections.
  • Identities of consortium members were not disclosed.
  • That key advisers included at least one current or former director of the Rebels – “meaning that an individual or individuals involved were responsible for the [club] governance during the period in which the administrator considers the company may have traded while insolvent”.
  • Verbal assurance but no documentation to support the claim that the consortium has committed $18 million in funding.
  • No official agreement with  Western Melbourne Group  regarding co-location at Tarneit.

“[The Rebels have] never made money. With their proposal, it looks like they would be on the perpetual tap of Rugby Australia. There was a plan to take costs out – but not to grow fan engagements to get bums on seats, nor get significant TV audiences,” they said.

“It’s a problem of Super Rugby’s making, not just the Rebels. It’s a competition that’s lost its way very significantly.”

The administrator acknowledged the argument made by the Rebels’ side, which accused the sport of bias for taking on the NSW Waratahs’ debts in 2023: “They don’t have the money to support underfunding teams. The Waratahs are their most important market. The trouble is it has not been embraced in Melbourne.”

Despite doubts about the viability of a Melbourne team, the consortium pushed on – but the relationship between the parties was still beset with distrust.

After Rugby Australia accessed the consortium data room, it appears that while one side thought it had been forthcoming, providing enough information to make a decision, Rugby Australia had a wildly different view.

On Monday, Rugby Australia held a regular board meeting. Several people in the Rebels camp believe it was at this meeting the call was made to kill the club. This was flatly rejected by those in the Rugby Australia camp, who said they had been underwhelmed by the documents they’d seen, but had not made any final decision.

On Tuesday, the formidable father-daughter team of Clifford and former Rebels director and accomplished lawyer Georgia Widdup met Rugby Australia to discuss phase two of the plan, which included information on identity of the consortium members, sponsors, broadcast capabilities and the Victorian government support.

It appears a key stumbling block was the request of the consortium that Rugby Australia give an indication it would support the plan and sign non-disclosure agreements before learning of the consortium members and other key details.

That meeting, which ran from 7pm to 9pm, became heated with both Clifford and Widdup feeling they had been rough-handled by Rugby Australia representatives.

Widdup wrote to Rugby Australia chair Herbert, accusing a board director of breaching their code of conduct during a late-night meeting.

“The efforts are genuine and did not deserve to be dismissed in the manner that they were and with the contempt that was shown to all of us,” she wrote.

Herbert promptly wrote back: “From my understanding, whilst our representative may have posed some tough or uncomfortable questions, they were put in a firm but respectful way.”

He added that questions about whether Widdup, who is part of the seven directors leading legal action against Rugby Australia, had a personal conflict in being involved with the rescue deal might have caused discomfort, but were important to be asked.

The animus simmering between the two parties palpable, the emergency meeting for the Rebels was called for Thursday morning.

Killed to be kind?

A close associate of the Rebels who was aware of the negotiations described it as a plan of “premeditated murder” of the club.

Supporters of the Rebels point to how the sporting body choked Super Rugby clubs of funds after the COVID-19 pandemic, refusing to turn back on the funding tap after lockdowns cruelled the league’s performance.

The Melbourne Rebels at their Super Rugby launch event in 2010.

The Melbourne Rebels at their Super Rugby launch event in 2010. Credit: Wayne Taylor

Another sign of the Rebels’ impending doom, they claim, came in July 2023 when the club’s senior officials were made aware of discussions led by Rugby Australia that a “Rebels Pasifika” team would play the British and Irish Lions in 2025, rather than a Melbourne Rebels team.

Supporters also believe that Rugby Australia’s widely reported decision to centralise the ownership of the Super Rugby teams under its banner in August was another death knell for the club, and by then, the Rebels were dead men walking.

These claims were fervently rejected by those in the Rugby Australia camp, who said they had no interest in killing in the club, but simply were left with no other alternative. They were only made aware of the extent to the club’s losses after the Tax Office sent the peak body a garnishing notice at the end of December. By then, it was too late.

“It’s simply the fact that they got themselves into this position,” one senior rugby source said.

They also claim they were never made aware of the director penalty notices until it was reported by the Australian Financial Review – later confirmed in a report filed by administrators with the corporate regulator.

Now all that is left of the club is an impending legal battle.

“Every dollar spent on lawyers is money not spent on rugby and community games and programs,” Herbert said on Thursday.

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    The RFU is a members' organisation of professional and amateur rugby clubs, referee societies and Constituent Bodies (geographic or national unions of clubs) and a society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act, reinvesting all profits back into the sport. The Patron of the RFU is The Princess of Wales.

  17. Where can I get guidance on how to make our club even more inclusive?

    Modified on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 04:05 PM. Print. The RFU has a focused strategic objective to drive rugby union in England to reflect the diversity of society; improving diversity of all facets of our game and continuing to create an inclusive environment for all. We have developed useful training resources to help you and your club.


    During the 20/21 season we will promote wider usage for rugby across member clubs, across the RFU and CBs along with striving to secure more rugby focused usage from educational institutions. Alongside this we will continue with the in-house migration of the commercial football lettings. We will develop site by site business

  19. Dead Rebels: Why Rugby Australia killed Melbourne's Super Rugby team

    Last Wednesday, that consortium invited Rugby Australia into an online data room to view a cache of documents outlining its plan to rescue the club. The data room included a two-phase approach to ...

  20. RFU

    To discuss incorporation for your club further please contact: Dave Stubley - National Club Development Manager. Tel: 07736 722387 / Email: [email protected]. Martin Woodward - Club Business Manager / Tel: 07708 468857 / Email: [email protected].


    STRUCTURE OF THE RFU The RFU is a members' organisation of professional and amateur rugby clubs, referee ... current proposals accordingly give the Board authority to approve the Strategic Plan and the annual budget and business plan. Council has a more structured mechanism for monitoring and oversight of these areas, with the Board obliged ...

  22. Market research and marketing

    Marketing is designed to: Awareness - Attract the attention of the customer. Interest - Raise customer interest by demonstrating benefits. Desire - Convince customers that they want the product or service and that it will satisfy their needs. Action - Lead customers towards taking action and/or purchasing. How effective are you currently at ...

  23. PDF RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION Incorporating as a company limited by ...

    A set of template documents has been produced to assist an unincorporated rugby football club (the Club) to "incorporate" as a company limited by guarantee. The word "incorporate" suggests that the Club will somehow transform itself into a company. In fact distinct steps are involved as shown in the flowchart below: 2. Flowchart

  24. PDF RFU Clubs UK

    1. What is a RFU Club? In this Agreement, a RFU Affiliated Club means the premises of a current member club of the RFU at which member activities are undertaken. Sky has sole discretion in determining whether a premises is a RFU Affiliated Club. 2. Is this the right Agreement for my business? If you are a RFU Club in the UK, Isle of Man or Channel