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Questa vuole essere una breve guida alla compilazione del Business Plan che verrà richiesto per Resto al Sud 2024. Ci servono questi dati per potere cominciare insieme a presentare l’idea progettuale ad INVITALIA. Il business plan si compone di : A. Una parte descrittiva , nella quale si analizza il mercato di riferimento ed il proprio business plan resto al sud. B. Una parte numerica  a supporto delle analisi e dei prezzi inseriti nella prima parte. ( che faremo insieme ).Parte descrittiva:  Il compito della parte descrittiva è quello di descrivere e spiegare il tuo business plan da realizzare.

il primo passo da compiere è quello di definire con precisione il percorso che ha portato all’idea imprenditoriale di resto al sud e confrontarla con le proprie capacità, competenze e con l’ambiente circostante. in secondo luogo occorre rivedere l’idea in relazione con il mercato di riferimento e con le risorse a disposizione, per far questo sarebbe utile rispondere alle domande presenti nel form.

Sommario  è la  pagina introduttiva del piano resto al sud , quella che cattura l’attenzione del lettore e per questo deve essere al massimo di una, due pagine e scritto con tono positivo con un flash iniziale che racchiude il quadro generale, una sorta di micro versione dell’intero piano che permetta a chi legge di capire cosa viene dopo nei dettagli. Per questo motivo pur essendo il primo step deve essere scritto per ultimo , a documento completo, cioè quando si è in grado di riassumere il tutto. Business concept:

 le finalità dell’iniziativa, descrivendo il know how che ha portato a sviluppare il prodotto/servizio o specifici bisogni di mercato. Descrizione del prodotto/servizio :

 breve descrizione del prodotto/servizio, spiegare quale  problema risolve , chi e quanti hanno il problema con la pratica resto al sud e come lo sapete. L’organizzazione aziendale :

 la struttura dell’azienda resto al sud, le funzioni chiave, i rapporti gerarchici; vengono descritte le risorse umane presenti evidenziando il ruolo, l’esperienza, le competenze. I prodotti (servizi) mercati :

 beni/servizi prodotti e ne vengono descritti i principali requisiti in termini di: caratteristiche tecniche, processo produttivo, politiche di vendita , importanza strategica, brevetti e licenze posseduti.

Il processo produttivo : 

impianti/macchinari presenti, capacità produttiva a regime, competenze e know how del personale preposto. Il Mercato:

 introduzione sul mercato in cui il prodotto sarà venduto, sui canali di vendita e distribuzione; previsioni di vendita ed un accenno alla concorrenza. Segmentazione del mercato:

 occorre immaginare le persone che useranno il tuo prodotto per determinare uno o più segmenti interni all’intero mercato; descrivere le caratteristiche generali della domanda nel settore di riferimento. Le indicazioni possono essere accompagnate da risultati di ricerche di mercato eventualmente svolte.


 una volta identificato il mercato target va analizzata la concorrenza in termini di Prodotto/Prezzo/Qualità/Servizio/Relazione con la clientela/Reputazione e immagine/Localizzazione/Promozione e pubblicità/indicatori di bilancio.

Il Vantaggio competitivo:

 il vantaggio della pratica resto al sud rispetto la concorrenza : Perché dovrebbero comprare il mio prodotto e non quello della concorrenza? Occorre sottolineare le caratteristiche in termini di differenziazione da prodotti/servizi concorrenti, quali potrebbero essere le reazioni dei consumatori e se gli stessi soddisfano bisogni che la concorrenza non soddisfa, in modo da sottolineare il vantaggio competitivo.

Il Piano di marketing  Aspetto commerciale :

 sintesi delle strategie di vendita e di marketing, evidenziando le tipologie di clientela servite, i prezzi di vendita praticati, le condizioni commerciali (servizi aggiuntivi offerti, dilazioni, sconti), i canali di distribuzione, le attività promozionali. Descrive le azioni da intraprendere per raggiungere specifici obiettivi commerciali. Dopo aver identificato il mercato ed i bisogni dei consumatori descrive come il gruppo di consumatori identificati saranno motivati a comprare, analisi del marketing-mix (prodotto¬prezzo-promozione-piace cioè localizzazione e canali di vendita) nella quale si evidenzia il vantaggio competitivo del prodotto.

La previsione delle vendite :

 Questo è la parte più critica dell’intero BP ed è l’indicatore che più degli altri porta al successo o meno del progetto o della pratica resto al sud. Numeri poco attendibili fanno perdere credibilità all’intero documento perché rappresenta il punto di partenza della parte numerica, che porta al cash flow Non è facile fare una previsione, occorrono analisi di mercato ed un mix di dati sulla base di dati oggetti; dati dettagliati e certi.

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Resto al Sud

Le domande possono essere presentate esclusivamente online, attraverso la piattaforma web di Invitalia.

Per richiedere le agevolazioni è necessario:

  • essere in possesso di una  identità digitale (SPID, CNS, CIE)  per accedere alla piattaforma dedicata
  • accedere all' area riservata  per compilare direttamente online la domanda, caricare il business plan e gli allegati.

Per concludere la procedura di presentazione della domanda è necessario disporre di una firma digitale e di un indirizzo di posta elettronica certificata (PEC).

Al termine della compilazione del piano di impresa e dell’invio telematico della domanda e dei relativi allegati, verrà assegnato un protocollo elettronico .

Solo dopo la presentazione della domanda, alla voce "Gestione contatti", i proponenti potranno eventualmente modificare numeri di telefono, indirizzo mail e PEC.

Manuale per la presentazione della domanda

Valutazione delle domande

Le domande vengono valutate in ordine cronologico di arrivo entro 60 giorni dalla data di presentazione (salvo eventuali richieste di integrazione dei documenti). Non ci sono bandi, scadenze o graduatorie.

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Piano d’impresa

Invitalia RESTO AL SUD

Contenuti dell'articolo


Il software per invitalia resto al sud permette di creare facilmente la parte economica e finanziaria del piano d’impresa.

Si tratta di un modulo, da installare insieme ad uno dei nostri software business plan , che riclassifica i dati economici e finanziari negli schemi richiesti dal bando invitalia resto al sud .

Scopri tutti i dettagli del bando nella guida Resto al sud 2022 che abbiamo realizzato per i nostri clienti.

Il modulo funziona esclusivamente in abbinamento con uno dei nostri software:

  • budget aziendale ;
  • software business plan 2022 ;
  • software business plan strutture ricettive ;
  • software business plan specifici con un esempio precaricato .

Questo modulo è geniale! Partendo dal business plan che avevo già realizzato per la mia impresa, ho potuto ottenere tutte le tabelle richieste per il bando di Invitalia “Resto al sud” in un minuto!!

Modulo utilissimo per il business plan resto al sud. Utilizziamo da tempo i software di bsness e ora possiamo utilizzarli per fare i business plan di Invitalia senza perdere giornate a dover fare ogni volta la riconciliazione per tutte le tabelle.

Business plan resto al sud


A soli 39 €   imposte incluse anziché 59 € per la licenza a vita e assistenza tecnica. Offerta valida fino a martedì 30 aprile , soddisfatto o rimborsato ! Acquistalo ora con carta di credito, bonifico o Paypal e scaricalo subito

resto al sud business plan

Come fare il piano d’impresa Invitalia resto al sud

Indipendentemente dalla partecipazione al bando invitalia resto al sud è sempre necessario creare un business plan ben fatto per poter avviare un’impresa di successo.

È importantissimo studiare il mercato, la concorrenza, i bisogni del mercato target, come i nostri prodotti possano soddisfarli e costruire un business plan che possa dirci:

  • qual’è il fabbisogno finanziario per realizzare il progetto e quale sarà la liquidità disponibile in ogni momento;
  • quando raggiungeremo il punto di pareggio e quale sarà la redditività della nostra impresa.

Con i nostri software business plan puoi ottenere facilmente tutte queste informazioni e molte altre fino ad ottenere automaticamente il bilancio CEE, il rendiconto finanziario e l’analisi di bilancio completa.


Con il modulo Invitalia resto al sud, otterrai in pochi secondi ed in modo totalmente automatico tutti gli schemi richiesti dal piano d’impresa come:

  • Prezzi ed obiettivi di vendita;
  • programma di spesa e composizione interna delle spese;
  • conto economico previsionale;
  • prospetto finanziario;
  • flussi di cassa a supportodella sostenibilità finanziaria dell’investimento.

È impossibile ottenere questi dati se non avendo costruito prima un business plan e attraverso una riclassificazione molto complessa.

Con i nostri software potrai ottenere tutto ciò in modo rapido e completamente automatico  


Se devi presentare la domanda per partecipare al bando Io resto al sud 2021 di Invitalia , potrai utilizzare i nostri software con un esempio di business plan già fatto e precaricato.

Con il modulo IO RESTO AL SUD 2021 , otterrai facilmente tutte le tabelle da inserire nella domanda da presentare online ad Invitalia.

Il software è semplicissimo da utilizzare e dispone anche di un manuale dettagliato che spiega tabella per tabella come sono stati ottenuti i dati e le opzioni disponibili.

Una volta realizzato il business plan per la tua attività, con uno dei nostri software, sarà sufficiente installare questo modulo e avrai immediatamente a disposizione i dati da inserire nel modello ufficiale di business plan resto al sud previsto da Invitalia.

Non è per niente semplice calcolare i valori richiesti da inserire nel modello prestabilito creato da invitalia per la partecipazione alle agevolazioni a fondo perduto di resto al sud e non esiste in commercio alcun altro software specifico per farlo.

Fino ad ora era necessario realizzare il budget economico e finanziario con un programma generico e poi riclassificare i dati ottenuti secondo gli schemi previsti nel modello ufficiale.

Ma questo è un lavoro tutt’altro che semplice anche per la particolarità dei dati richiesti.


Non nascondiamo che anche per noi, in fase di realizzazione del modulo, non è stato semplice, pur avendo accesso a tutti i dati intermedi “nascosti” che solo noi possiamo vedere.

Per questo motivo, dopo molte richieste dei nostri clienti, abbiamo deciso di realizzare il software per il progetto resto al sud di Invitalia e rendere il lavoro semplice e veloce.


Al momento, siamo gli unici ad averlo realizzato consentendo ai clienti che già stanno utilizzando i nostri software di poter compilare velocemente anche il piano d’impresa resto al sud.

Abbiamo realizzato un esempio business plan resto al sud per illustrare come sarà il risultato finale utilizzando questo modulo e l’aspetto delle tabelle create.

Abbiamo i moduli per riclassificare i dati dei nostri software business plan anche per gli altri bandi Invitalia a fondo perduto:

Imprenditoria femminile ;

Smart&Start ;

Selfiemployment ;

ON oltre nuove imprese a tasso zero .

Ora disponibili i moduli per i bandi Invitalia e il software DSCR per il calcolo degli indici di bancabilità! Ignora

software business plan resto al sud

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  • Fabrizio Ventimiglia
  • Gaia Condello
  • Marco Giannone
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  • Nicola Glorioso
  • Raffaele Lauretta
  • Rosario Orlando
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  • Debt Collection in Italy
  • Debt Collection in UK for EU Company
  • Immigration & Citizenship law, Relocation
  • Italian Litigation & ADR
  • Medical Malpratice in Italy
  • Personal Injury in Italy
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  • Travel Accident Claims
  • News & Guides


RESTO AL SUD is the new project promoted by Invitalia , Development Agency of the Ministry of Economy which grants very interesting incentives for new businesses to support entrepreneurs in starting up and implement their projects in some specific areas within the Italian territory.

software business plan resto al sud

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS In order to submit an application for Resto al Sud  project, the applicants must meet certain requirements at the time of submitting the application and must possess other requirements in case of approval of the project proposal.

REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION – NOT having turned 46 on January 1, 2019 – NOT having been the holder of a VAT number (company status: active) on the date 21.06.2017 – NOT having received other national subsidies for self-entrepreneurship in the last 3 years – Projects must be started within the Southern Regions and in the areas of Central Italy hit by the earthquakes of 2016 and 2017.

If you are currently over 45, you will need to submit your project proposal by 31 December 2020. Business owner refers to the legal representative or the owner of an active company (including VAT number registered in the commercial register – sole proprietorship).

You may also apply in case:

  • you have ceased your Italian business before 21.06.2017;
  • you have set it up after that date;
  • your company was not active on that date.

REQUIREMENTS IN CASE OF APPROVAL – You must be a resident in the area where you intend to start the business – You must not have a PERMANENT contract You can always accept a FIXED-TERM contract.


  • Each applicant within the new company can ask for up to €50.000,00;
  • The funding ceiling for each company is €200.000,00 ;
  • The funding covers 100% of any eligible cost;
  • In case the application is filed by just 1 freelancer or sole owners it is possible to request up to €60.000,00.

NON-REPAYABLE FUNDING DETAILS The following Terms and conditions apply to each approved loan: – 50% of the loan is allocated as a NON-REPAYABLE FUNDING covered by EU funds; – 50% of the loan is allocated as a INTEREST FREE FUNDING ; – The loan must be repaid in 8 years. – No instalments are payable for the first two years: the loan is repaid starting from the third year. – 80% of the loan is guaranteed by Medio Credito Centrale , financial institution owned by Invitalia: in the event of liquidation or bankruptcy of the applicants’ new companies, the State will return to the bank up to 80% of the amount zero rate; the entrepreneur instead guarantees the remaining 20%. (e.g.: for a total project of €100.000,00, the proponents will be still required to repay a sum equal to 20% of the loan, with a minimum amount of €10.000,00.

ELIGIBLE COSTS Not all expenses can be eligible for funding. It is very important to know the eligible costs and the ineligible costs: future entrepreneurs will have to have suitable capital to cover the ineligible expenses needed by the completion of the spending program (24 months).

  • Business Premises Renovation (maximum 30% of the program): expenses include building works, systems, and any intervention aimed at renovating the place of business. It does not include construction costs and can only affect the place of business. • Professional Equipment : furniture, machinery, systems, software, information and communication technologies. This macro entry does not have a ceiling ; you will therefore need to use most of the resources in this section. • Rent, utilities, raw materials and semi-finished products (maximum 20% of the program). You can enter in this item the costs for renting the property of the operational headquarters, the payment of electricity, water, gas, internet utilities, and the purchase of raw materials, semi-finished products and consumables. • Respecting the maximum percentages , you can establish how to divide the expenses in the program; for example, in a 100.000,00 Euro project you can request a maximum of 30.000,00 Euro for renovation costs.

INELIGIBLE COSTS You cannot enter in the spending program:

  • VAT on purchases . All goods included in the spending program are considered VAT excluded. • Consultancy : planning, tax, accounting, technical and labour consultancy. • Company establishment costs : notary, consultant, chamber of commerce expenses. • Advertising : advertisements, marketing campaign. You can still finance the creation of the website • Personnel costs.


The above procedure can be really complicated , time consuming and full of pitfalls. Especially if you have not experience with Italian bureaucracy, it would be advisable to appoint a team of experienced immigration professionals who can assist with the whole process, dealing with the Italian relevant authorities on your behalf.

If you wish to receive further information about the Resto al Sud project and any other similar funding projects, please do not hesitate to contact our team of experts emailing at [email protected]

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How to Write a Restaurant Business Plan (+ Examples)

Learn how to create a restaurant business plan with the best format that outlines your concept, and financials. Get examples and templates to get started.


10 minute read

Restaurant business plan

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What is a business plan for a restaurant?

A business plan for a restaurant is a document that outlines the restaurant's concept, strategies, and financial forecasts. It serves as a roadmap for launching and growing the establishment successfully.

Don't just focus on profit margins, ensure your business plan is well-presented

In the competitive world of the restaurant industry, where low-profit margins are a well-known hurdle, there emerges a critical, yet often overlooked, factor pivotal to success: the design of the business plan.

As we enter 2024, it's becoming increasingly clear that the traditional overlook of business plan design can no longer be afforded.

This isn't just about financial projections or market analysis; it's about crafting a blueprint that encapsulates the essence of your restaurant, compellingly communicates its value, and sets a solid foundation for growth.

By focusing on the design of your business plan, you stand to gain not just the attention of potential investors but also a clearer roadmap to navigate the challenges ahead.

What makes an effective business plan?

Embarking on the restaurant business journey requires more than just a passion for food-it demands a comprehensive plan that lays out every aspect of your venture with precision and foresight.

Let's delve into what constitutes an effective restaurant business plan, ensuring it's not just another document, but a roadmap to success.

6 key components of a winning restaurant business plan:

1. Vision and concept clarity

Start with a crystal-clear articulation of your restaurant's concept. Whether it's a cozy vegan cafe or a high-end steakhouse, the essence of your establishment should leap off the page.

This clarity helps potential investors and partners instantly grasp what you're aiming to create.

Beyond the concept, delineate your restaurant's values, mission, and the unique selling points that set you apart in a crowded market.

2. Comprehensive market analysis

A deep dive into market analysis cannot be overstated. Here, you're not just identifying who your customers are but also understanding the competitive landscape.

What are the prevailing trends in the dining sector? Who are your direct and indirect competitors, and how do you plan to differentiate yourself? This section should reflect a meticulous research process, showcasing insights that guide your strategy.

3. Robust financial planning

In any successful business plan, sound financial management is key.

Essential elements include:

Realistic financial projections: Your forecasts should be realistic, and built on data-backed assumptions.

Detailed profit and loss forecasts

Cash flow predictions

Break-even analysis

Contingency planning: Preparing for unforeseen challenges is crucial.

Develop a well-thought-out contingency plan to navigate the industry's unpredictable nature.

Identify potential risks and solutions, including supplier issues, staffing shortages, and changes in consumer behavior, to ensure business resilience.

4. Operational strategies

Operational excellence underpins a restaurant's success. Detail your plans for day-to-day operations, from sourcing ingredients to managing inventory and staffing.

Highlight your commitment to quality and efficiency in every aspect of the operation, from the kitchen to customer service.

Also, outline the technology and systems you'll implement to streamline processes and enhance the dining experience.

5. Marketing and branding

In today's digital age, a savvy marketing and branding strategy is crucial.

Describe how you'll create a strong brand identity and the channels you'll use to reach your target audience.

From social media campaigns to community engagement initiatives, your plan should reflect a keen understanding of how to connect with potential customers and build a loyal following.

Discover how to create a marketing deck to align your strategy with your business objectives, target audience needs, and market trends.

6. Customer experience focus

Exceptional customer service is the lifeblood of any successful restaurant. Detail the steps you'll take to ensure every guest feels valued and satisfied.

From the ambiance and menu design to staff training programs, every element should contribute to a memorable dining experience.

Feedback mechanisms and how you'll adapt to customer preferences are also vital components of this section.

What should be included in a restaurant business plan?

Creating a restaurant business plan is a foundational step toward launching a successful dining establishment.

It outlines your vision, strategy, and the specific actions you plan to take to make your restaurant a success.

Below, we break down the essential components that should be included in your restaurant business plan, ensuring clarity, comprehensiveness, and appeal to potential investors.

8 essential sections of a restaurant business plan:

1. Executive summary

A compelling overview of the restaurant, showcasing its unique concept, mission, and strategic objectives that guide its operations.

Overview: Present a succinct snapshot of your restaurant, including its concept, mission, key goals, and ownership structure.

Purpose: Highlight what you aim to achieve with the restaurant and the appeal it has to potential investors or lenders.

2. Business description

An in-depth look at the restaurant's theme, location, and how these elements combine to create a distinctive dining experience.

Concept and theme: Describe the unique aspects of your restaurant's concept, from the cuisine and menu items to the design and ambiance.

Location analysis: Analyze the chosen location, discussing demographics, foot traffic, and how these factors make it an ideal spot for your target market.

3. Market analysis

An insightful examination of dining trends, target demographics, and customer needs to inform strategic positioning.

Trends: Examine current trends in the dining industry and how they influence your restaurant's positioning.

Target demographic: Identify your target customers, detailing their preferences, dining habits, and how your restaurant will meet their needs.

Needs and preferences: Focus on understanding and catering to what your target market seeks in a dining experience.

4. Competitive analysis

A detailed evaluation of competitors, focusing on differentiation and strategies for establishing a market edge.

Competitors: List direct and indirect competitors, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and how you'll differentiate your restaurant.

Differentiation: Explain the unique selling points that will set your restaurant apart in the competitive landscape.

5. Menu and product offering

Overview of menu design, ingredient sourcing, and special services that enhance the restaurant's appeal.

Menu design: Discuss the inspiration behind your menu, including how it reflects the theme and caters to your target demographic. Outline your pricing strategy and item selection.

Sourcing and suppliers: Detail your approach to sourcing high-quality ingredients, including partnerships with local suppliers and commitments to sustainability.

Special offerings: Highlight any additional services your restaurant offers, such as catering, special events, or exclusive seasonal menus, to draw in a wider audience and generate extra revenue.

6. Marketing and sales strategy

A summary of branding efforts, promotional tactics, and sales projections designed to attract and retain customers.

Branding: Detail your restaurant's brand identity, including name, logo, and how it communicates your restaurant's values and mission.

Marketing tactics: Outline the strategies you will employ to attract and retain customers, such as social media marketing, local advertising, partnerships, and loyalty programs.

Sales forecasts: Provide realistic sales forecasts, explaining the rationale behind these projections and how you plan to achieve them.

7. Operating plan

Description of daily operations, facility management, and health safety protocols to ensure smooth and compliant restaurant functionality.

Daily operations: Describe the operational flow of the restaurant, including hours of operation, staffing requirements, and customer service policies.

Facility management: Discuss the layout and design of your restaurant, kitchen equipment needs, and any other facility-related details that will ensure efficient operation.

Health and safety: Outline the health and safety measures you will implement to comply with local regulations and ensure the well-being of both employees and guests.

8. Management and organization

An outline of the restaurant's organizational structure, key personnel, and staffing strategies for operational excellence.

Ownership structure: Specify the ownership structure of the restaurant, including key stakeholders and their roles.

Team composition: Introduce the management team, chefs, and other critical staff, highlighting their experience and how it contributes to the restaurant's success.

Staffing plans: Discuss your plans for hiring staff, including numbers, positions, and the qualities you seek in employees to maintain high standards of service.

How to create a business plan for a restaurant?

Creating a standout business plan for your restaurant involves focusing on key components that blend your vision with practical strategies.

6 actionable steps to distill your restaurant business plan:

Define your concept clearly: Begin by articulating your restaurant's concept, ambiance, and what sets it apart. This clarity lays the groundwork for the entire business plan.

Conduct thorough market analysis: Dive deep into your target market and competitors. This research will guide your menu design, pricing strategy, and marketing efforts, ensuring you carve out a unique space in the marketplace.

Craft a compelling menu: Ensure your menu reflects your brand identity and appeals to your target audience, all while considering cost-effectiveness and supply chain realities. Aim for a balance between innovation and simplicity.

Develop realistic financial projections: Detail initial costs, revenue expectations, and a break-even point. Importantly, predict potential hurdles with ready contingency plans.

Outline operational strategies: Describe your daily management approach, including sourcing, staffing, and customer service. Efficient operations are crucial for a seamless experience and streamlined processes.

Implement strategic marketing: Choose the most effective ways to connect with your audience. Building a strong brand narrative and engaging actively with customers can help turn first-time visitors into regulars.

7 restaurant business plan examples for winning partners and investors

When it comes to crafting a business plan for a restaurant, the type of establishment you're planning significantly influences the structure and content of the document.

Each kind of restaurant from fast-casual and fine dining to food trucks and bistros-caters to different market segments and operational models.

Here's a look at how these differences manifest in their respective business plans:

1) Fine dining restaurant business plan

Market focus: Targets higher-income clientele seeking a premium dining experience. The plan should highlight exceptional service, high-quality ingredients, and unique culinary offerings.

Operational model: Detailed attention to the ambiance, chef expertise, and a higher staff-to-guest ratio. Wine lists and bar offerings also play a significant role.

Financial projections: Emphasizes higher check averages with a focus on profitability per guest rather than volume. The cost structure will detail higher initial investment in decor, kitchen equipment, and inventory.

Here’s an example of a fine-dining restaurant business plan:

2) Bar restaurant business plan

Market focus: Targets a diverse clientele, from young professionals to social groups, seeking a blend of dining and socializing.

Operational model: Balances innovative cuisine with an extensive beverage selection in a space designed for both eating and lounging, including live entertainment options.

Financial projections: Outlines dual revenue streams from food and drinks, emphasizing beverage sales' higher profit margins and detailing licensing, entertainment, and insurance costs.

Here’s an example of a bar restaurant pitch deck:

3) Bistro restaurant business plan

Market focus: Caters to locals and tourists seeking a casual yet refined dining experience, positioning itself as a cozy neighborhood spot.

Operational model: Highlights a selective menu that adapts seasonally, emphasizing a warm ambiance and personal service.

Financial projections: Projects moderate earnings with a strong local following, noting initial investments in location and ambiance to create a distinctive setting.

Here’s an example of a bistro restaurant pitch deck:

4) Food truck business plan

Market focus: Appeals to urban professionals, millennials, and foodies looking for unique, high-quality food options on the go.

Operational model: Mobility is key. The plan must address location strategy, permits and regulations, and adaptability to different events and seasons.

Financial projections: Lower startup costs compared to brick-and-mortar establishments but include considerations for vehicle maintenance, fuel, and parking permits.

5) Coffee restaurant business plan

Market focus: Appeals to a varied audience with a unique theme or specialty cuisine, standing out from conventional coffee shops.

Operational model: Details the influence of theme or cuisine on menu design, decor, and guest experience, aiming to make the restaurant a destination.

Financial projections: Anticipates varied financial outcomes based on concept uniqueness, with thorough market research guiding pricing and marketing strategies.

6) Italian, Mexican, Asian, etc., cuisine restaurant business plan

Market focus: Focuses on providing authentic dining experiences to both expatriates and locals interested in specific cuisines.

Operational model: Requires sourcing authentic ingredients and skilled chefs familiar with the cuisine. The business plan should address menu authenticity, culinary training, and potential partnerships for ingredient import.

Financial projections: Depending on the positioning (casual vs. fine dining), financials would reflect the cost of unique ingredients and the expected dining experience level.

Here’s an example of an Italian restaurant business plan proposal:

7) Fast food restaurant business plan

Market focus: These plans emphasize speed, efficiency, and affordability. The target market typically includes busy professionals, families looking for convenient meal options, and younger demographics.

Operational model: The business plan must detail quick service operations, including streamlined kitchen layouts, supply chain logistics for fast-moving inventory, and technology for order taking (e.g., apps, and kiosks).

Financial projections: Focus on volume sales, low to moderate check averages, and strategies for high turnover rates.

How to design a restaurant business plan?

Designing a restaurant business plan is much like crafting a compelling game pitch deck, it's all about presenting your concept in a way that's as irresistible as the dining experience you're proposing.

8 restaurant business plan design tips:

1. Embrace scrollytelling

Use narrative scrolling to take your audience through the journey of your restaurant's concept, from the inspiration behind your dishes to the ambiance you plan to create.

This dynamic presentation style keeps readers engaged, turning your business plan into an immersive experience.

Here's an example of scroll-based design:

Business plan scrollytelling example

2. Incorporate interactivity and multimedia

Go beyond static pages by embedding interactive elements like sample menu walkthroughs, virtual tours of the restaurant layout, or clips from cooking demos.

These elements not only highlight your restaurant's unique offerings but also keep potential investors or partners engaged throughout your presentation.

And here's what a static presentation looks like compared to an interactive one:

Static presentation

Static PowerPoint

Interactive presentation

Interactive Storydoc

3. Use data visualization

Present market research, target demographics, and financial projections through clear, compelling visuals.

Transform complex data into easy-to-understand graphs, charts, and infographics, making your business strategy both visually appealing and straightforward to grasp.

Here's an example of a presentation with dataviz elements:

4. Personalize your deck

Leverage software that allows for customization, such as incorporating the viewer's name or tailoring content to specific investor interests.

A personalized approach demonstrates meticulous attention to detail and can forge a stronger connection with your audience.

5. Use cohesive branding

Ensure your business plan reflects your restaurant's identity through consistent use of colors, fonts, and imagery that align with your branding.

This not only enhances the visual appeal of your plan but also immerses your audience in the atmosphere you aim to create.

6. Ensure mobile-responsive

Given the variety of devices stakeholders might use to view your plan, ensuring a mobile-responsive design is essential.

This ensures that your business plan is accessible and engaging, whether it's being viewed on a smartphone or a desktop computer.

7. Highlight key information

Design your business plan to draw attention to critical information.

Techniques such as strategic content placement and highlighting can guide the reader's focus, ensuring that essential points stand out without overwhelming the viewer with too much information at once.

8. Segment content in tabs

Organize your business plan into sections or tabs that cater to different aspects of your restaurant concept and business strategy.

This not only makes your plan more navigable but also allows readers to easily find the information most relevant to their interests or concerns.

Here's an example of a tabs slide:

Tabs slide example

Restaurant business plan templates

Kicking off your restaurant business plan is a daunting task, especially when you aim to capture the essence of your dining concept in a document.

Interactive restaurant business plan templates are designed to simplify this process. They provide a structured framework that incorporates interactive and multimedia elements, essential for presenting your restaurant in a vibrant and dynamic manner.

These templates not only save you precious time but also guarantee that your business plan conveys a polished and compelling story.

Snag one today!

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I am a Marketing Specialist at Storydoc, I research, analyze and write on our core topics of business presentations, sales, and fundraising. I love talking to clients about their successes and failures so I can get a rounded understanding of their world.

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Exploring Opportunities: What Business Activities Can be Started with Resto al Sud

If you are interested in starting a new business, a great opportunity to explore is resto al sud. this initiative aims to revitalize the southern regions of italy by supporting entrepreneurship and economic development. by providing funding and support, resto al sud encourages the creation of new business activities. but what types of business activities can be started with resto al sud let’s find out.

Exploring Opportunities: What Business Activities Can be Started with Resto al Sud

1. Hospitality and Tourism

The southern regions of Italy are blessed with stunning landscapes, rich history, and cultural heritage. This makes it the perfect location to start a business in the hospitality and tourism industry. You can consider opening a bed and breakfast, a boutique hotel, or even a tour agency. With Resto al Sud’s financial support, you can invest in improving your facilities, marketing your services, and attracting visitors to explore the wonders of the south.

2. Agribusiness

The south of Italy is renowned for its agriculture and high-quality food products. This makes agribusiness a promising sector to venture into with the help of Resto al Sud. You can start a farm, produce and sell organic products, or even establish a vineyard. With the support provided, you can invest in modern equipment, enhance your production capabilities, and access new markets both domestically and internationally.

3. Artisan Crafts

The southern regions of Italy are famous for their traditional artisan crafts, such as ceramics, woodwork, and textiles. If you have a passion for craftsmanship and preserving cultural heritage, you can start a business in this field. Resto al Sud can assist you in upgrading your workshop, training artisans, and promoting your unique products globally.

4. Renewable Energy

Resto al Sud also encourages businesses that focus on sustainability and renewable energy. You can explore opportunities in solar energy, wind power, or even eco-friendly construction. With the financial support, you can invest in eco-friendly technologies, promote green practices, and contribute to the region’s sustainable development.

5. Technology and Innovation

In today’s digital era, technology and innovation play a crucial role in all sectors. Resto al Sud recognizes this and provides funding for businesses focused on technology-driven solutions. Whether it’s developing software, creating innovative apps, or even launching a tech startup, Resto al Sud can help you turn your ideas into reality and support your path to success.

Resto al Sud opens up a wide range of possibilities for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start a business in the southern regions of Italy. Whether you are passionate about hospitality, agribusiness, artisan crafts, renewable energy, or technology and innovation, Resto al Sud can provide the financial and technical support needed to turn your dreams into a reality. Take advantage of this initiative and make the most of the opportunities available to contribute to the economic growth and development of the south.

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Home Guide Utili Resto al Sud 2023: finanziamenti per l’imprenditoria

Resto al Sud 2023: finanziamenti per l’imprenditoria

di Bufale.net Team | Maggio 07, 2023

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Ci è stato richiesto di parlare dell’iniziativa Resto al Sud 2023. Per maggiori dettagli rinviamo ovviamente al sito istituzionale Invitalia , che ci illustrerà chiaramente di cosa parla l’iniziativa e a chi è rivolta.

Resto al Sud 2023: finanziamenti per l'imprenditoria

Dal portale sappiamo che Resto al Sud è l’incentivo che sostiene la nascita e lo sviluppo di nuove attività imprenditoriali e libero professionali in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia , nelle aree del cratere sismico del Centro Italia (Lazio, Marche Umbria) e nelle isole minori marine, lagunari e lacustri del Centro-Nord .  È rivolto a chi ha un’età compresa tra 18 e 55 anni . I fondi disponibili ammontano a 1 miliardo e 250 milioni di euro.

Resto al Sud 2023: finanziamenti a fondo perduto per l’imprenditoria

Parliamo dunque di una iniziativa di finanziamenti a fondo perduto dedicato all’imprenditoria nel meridione, nel cratere sismico e nelle zone lagunari e lacustri del Centro Nord.

Il 50% del finanziamento è a fondo perduto, il restante 50% a tasso zero: abbiamo già visto i requisiti di età e località, cui aggiungere il fatto che ovviamente il finanziamento potrà essere richiesto solo per nuove attività e da soggetti senza posizioni pendenti con la pubblica amministrazione

Tra le attività coperte dal bando troviamo

  • Attività turistiche, come bed and breakfast, agriturismi, ristoranti, bar e negozi di souvenir.
  • Produzione e vendita di prodotti alimentari locali, come vino, olio d’oliva, formaggi e salumi.
  • Servizi di assistenza sanitaria, come cliniche odontoiatriche, fisioterapiste o case di cura per anziani.
  • Attività di servizi alle imprese, come consulenze, formazione professionale, marketing e pubbliche relazioni.
  • Attività nel settore della tecnologia e dell’innovazione, come sviluppo di software, applicazioni mobili, startup tecnologiche e servizi di web design.

Si accede mediante bando sul sito Invitalia, una procedura con deposito online di documentazione che richiede l’uso di SPID e il deposito di documentazione rilevante all’impresa, come un business plan e l’eventuale iscrizione obbligatoria ad albi professionali.

Le FAQ sul portale contengono l’elenco dei beni acquistabili, che esclude il ricorso al mercato dell’usato ma consente l’acquisto di autovetture se necessarie alla richiesta attività ad esempio e le indicazioni degli adempimenti successivi.

Il rilascio del finanziamento fino a 200.000 euro infatti comporterà un colloquio a mezzo Skype, mediante le istruzioni ricevute.

Le imprese che hanno ottenuto il provvedimento di concessione e sono intestatarie di un contratto di finanziamento agevolato hanno 24 mesi per completare il programma di spesa a partire dalla data del provvedimento di concessione, mentre i temi di erogazione sono 30 giorni dopo la data di invio della documentazione richiesta per la prima tranche e 60 giorni per l’erogazione del saldo finale del prestito richiesto. Previo, ovviamente, controllo sull’utilizzo delle somme per la richiesta destinazione.

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Attenzione - l'articolo verrà successivamente completato con un fact-checking completo, ma per ora presenta un tag provvisorio con le informazioni fino ad ora raccolte per bloccare la viralità di eventuali bufale. la metodologia è spiegata nella seguente sezione: https://www.bufale.net/fact-checking-prearticoli, bufale.net team.

"Bufale.net è il primo servizio fact checking per i liberi cittadini creato dai denbuker Claudio Michelizza e Fabio Milella. Opera su segnalazione e dopo un'opera di debunking comunica i propri esiti tramite articoli mirati con TAG specifici: BUFALA - DISINFORMAZIONE - NOTIZIA VERA - PRECISAZIONI - ANALISI IN CORSO. Il team è composto da debunker professionisti e neutrali. In ogni articolo non vengono usate opinioni personali o credi religiosi - politici - calcistici. Siamo attivi dal 2014 e speriamo che la rete un giorno non abbia bisogno di noi."

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  1. Esempio Business Plan Resto al Sud: realizza il tuo progetto

    Descrizione. Partecipare al bando Resto al Sud non è mai stato così semplice grazie a questo modulo da installare con uno dei nostri 200 software di business plan già fatto, precaricato e ottimizzato per richiedere finanziamenti e agevolazioni.. Il modulo acquisisce e riclassifica in automatico i dati del business plan della vostra attività e in pochi secondi crea le tabelle richieste dal ...


    C) ANALISI DI MERCATO DEL PROGETTO RESTO AL SUD CAMPEGGIO . C.1) L'opportunità di business. Siamo molto ottimisti sulla riuscita del progetto "resto al sud" per il nostro campeggio, sia perché abbiamo studiato a fondo il mercato e abbiamo potuto verificare che esiste una domanda molto ampia per la tipologia di servizi che offriremo e anche perché la compagine sociale che rispecchia ...

  3. Modulistica Resto al Sud

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  4. Business Plan

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  5. Resto al Sud

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  11. Exploring Opportunities: What Business Activities Can be Started with

    Resto al Sud opens up a wide range of possibilities for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start a business in the southern regions of Italy. Whether you are passionate about hospitality, agribusiness, artisan crafts, renewable energy, or technology and innovation, Resto al Sud can provide the financial and technical support needed to turn your ...

  12. Resto al Sud

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