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Case Based (Factual) Unseen Passages: Practice English Grammar for School Classes

  • Post last modified: 17 September 2022
  • Post category: Grammar Exercises / School Grammar

What are Case Based (Factual Passages)? Simply put, factual passages are those passages, which let the readers imagine and feel the factual qualities of a topic as mentioned in the passage. The topic can be about a place, person, thing or event. A factual passage tells the reader about the consecutive things related to the topic in detail, occurring in an orderly manner.

Case Based (Factual) Passages

1. read the passage given below: [cbse set 2, 2021-22] .

  • Milkha Singh, also known as The Flying Sikh, was an Indian track and field sprinter who was introduced to the sport while serving in the Indian Army. He is the only athlete to win gold in 400 metres at the Asian Games as well as the Commonwealth Games. He also won gold medals in the 1958 and 1962 Asian Games. He represented India in the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome and the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo) He was awarded the Padma Shri, India’s fourth-highest civilian honour, in recognition of his sporting achievements 
  • The race for which Singh is best remembered is his fourth-place finish in the 400 metres final at the 1960 Olympic Games. He led the race till the 200 m mark before easing off, allowing others to pass him. Singh’s fourth-place time of 45.73 seconds was the Indian national record for almost 40 years. 
  • From beginnings that saw him orphaned and displaced during the partition of India, Singh became a sporting icon in the country. In 2008, journalist Rohit Baijnath described Singh as “the finest athlete India has ever produced”. 
  • He was disappointed with his debut performance at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. *1 returned to India, chastened by my poor performance in Melbourne. I had been so excited by the prospects of being part of the Indian Olympics team, but, hadn’t realized how strong and professional the competition would be. My success in India had filled me with a false sense of pride and it was only when I was on the track that I saw how inconsequential my talents were when pitted against superbly fit and seasoned athletes. It was then that I understood what competition actually meant, and that if I wanted to succeed on the international arena, I must be prepared to test my mettle against the best athletes in the world.” 
  • Then he decided to make sprinting the sole focus of his life. “Running had thus become my God, my religion and my beloved”. My life during those two years was governed by strict rules and regulations and a self-imposed penance. Every morning I would rise at the crack of dawn, get into my sports kit and dash off to the track, where I would run two or three miles cross-country in the company of my coach.” 
  • On how he pushed himself through the tough days of vigorous training. “I practiced so strenuously that often I was drained of all energy, and there were times when I would increase my speed to such an extent that after my rounds, I would vomit blood or drop-down down unconscious through sheer exercise. My doctors and coaches warned me, asked me to slow down to maintain my health and equilibrium but my determination was too strong to give up. My only focus was to become the best athlete in the world. But then images of    a    packed    stadium    filled    with    cheering    spectators, wildly applauding me as I crossed the finishing line, would flash across my mind and I would start again, encouraged by visions of victory.” 

Based on your reading answer any five questions from the six given below: 1×5=5  

(i) What is Milka Singh known as? What realization did Milkha Singh have when he was on the track during the Melbourne Olympics?  

(ii) List any two of Milkha Singh’s achievements.  

(iii)  What strict rules and regulations did Milkha Singh follow?  

(iv)  State two consequences of his hard and strenuous practice.  

(v)  What motivated Milkha Singh to become the best athlete in the world?  

(vi)  Explain the phrase ‘I would start again’ in the last sentence. 

1. Milkha Singh was known as ‘The Flying Sikh’. 

He realised how inconsequential his talents were when pitied against superbly fit seasoned athletes. He also realised that he needed to prepare well to test his mettle against the best athletes in the world. 

2. (i) The only athlete to win 400 meters at the Asian Games as well as Commonwealth Games. 

(ii) Won gold in 1958 and 1962 Asian Games. His national record stood unbroken for 40 years. 

(iii) He was awarded Padam Shiri for his sporting achievements. 

3. Every morning he would rise at the crack of the dawn, get into his sports kit and dash off to the track, where he would run two or three miles cross-country with his coach. 

4. ( i) He was drained of all energy. 

(ii) He would vomit blood or drop-down unconscious through sheer exercise. 

5. He was motivated by his vision of victory at a packed stadium with spectators cheering and applauding him as he crossed the finishing line. 

6. ‘I would start again’ means here that he was encouraged to shun any complacency and start again with the double energy and determination to become the best athlete. 

Q. Read the following excerpt from a Case Study. J.K. Rowling – A Journey. [CBSE SET 2, 2022] 

The story of Joanne Kathleen Rowling’s near magical rise to fame is almost as well known as the characters she creates. 

Rowling was constantly writing and telling stories to her younger sister Dianne. “The first story I ever wrote down was about a rabbit called Rabbit.” Rowling said in an interview. “He got the measles and was visited by his friends including a giant bee called Miss Bee. And ever since Rabbit and Miss Bee, I have always wanted to be a writer, though I rarely told anyone so. 

However, my parents, both of whom come from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that would never pay a mortgage or secure a pension. 

A writer from the age of six, with two unpublished novels in the * drawer, she was stuck on a train when Harry walked into her mind fully formed. She spent the next five years constructing the plots of seven books, one for every year of his secondary school life. 

Rowling says she started writing the first book, Harry’ Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in Portugal, where she was teaching English. 

At first nobody wanted to publish Harry Potter.  She was told that plot was too complex. Refusing to compromise, she found a publisher. 

n 1997 Rowling received her first royalty cheque. By book three, she had sky rocketed to the top of the publishing world. A row of zeroes appeared on the author’s bank balance and her life was turned upside down. Day and night she had journalists knocking on the unanswered door of her flat. 

Rowling’s quality control has become legendary, as her obsession with accuracy. She’s thrilled with Stephen Fry’s taped version of the books and outraged that an Italian dust jacket showed Harry minus his glasses. “Don’t they understand that the glasses are the clue to his vulnerability.” 

Annual earnings of J.K. Rowling from 2010 to 2019 

case study questions for class 6 english

On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer any five of the six questions given below. 1×5=5 

(i) Explain J.K. Rowling’s ‘near magical rise to fame’. 

(ii) What reason did the publishers give for rejecting Rowling’s book?  

(iii) What was the drawback of achieving fame? 

(iv) Why was Rowling outraged with the Italian dust jacket? 

(v)  Find a word in the last para that means the same as ‘insecure/helpless. 

(vi) According to the graph, how many years did it take Rowling to become very successful?

(i) Jk Rowling’s near magical rise to fame is well known as the character she creates I.e. her popular characters led her to magical fame. She was on top of the world of publishing house after the book three was published and her bank balance increased tremendously.  

(ii) She was told that her plot of Harry Potter was too complex. 

(iii) The draw back was that she was approached day and night by journalists knocking at the door of her flat. It was becoming a nuisance and she did not respond all of them. 

(iv) She was obsessed with quality and accuracy and therefore was outraged at an Italian just Jacket for showing Harry without glasses. 

(v) vulnerability 

(v) It took around 6 years for Rowlings to become very successful.

Q. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

India Covid-19 numbers explained

1. With novel Coronavirus spreading rapidly all over the country, there are only three states right now, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Andaman and Nicobar Islands, that have less than 1,000 people infected with the disease.

2. Lakshadweep, of course, still hasn’t reported even a single case till now, the only region in India entirely free of the epidemic.

3. Otherwise, even the relatively smaller states now have significantly large spread of the disease. Goa, for example, has seen more than 7,000 of its people infected by the virus till now. Tripura has over 5,500 cases, while Manipur has more than 3,000, and Nagaland a little less than 2,500. Puducherry has more than 4,000 cases, while even Daman and Diu has over 1,300 people infected.

4. And in each of these states, the numbers are rising at a fast pace, at a rate higher than the national level. The infections had initially reached these states in the first and second week of May, when the lockdown was relaxed for the first time to enable people stuck in different parts of the country to return to their native places.

5. After a period of very slow growth, the number of cases have begun to rise rapidly in the last one month. In Goa, for example, the total number of infected people has nearly doubled in the last 15 days. Same has happened in Puducherry, as well.

6. Tuesday was one of those rare occasions when the number of active cases in the country, those who are yet to recover from the disease, went down compared to the previous day. That is because the number of recoveries, combined with the number of deaths, exceeded the new cases that were detected on Tuesday.

case study questions for class 6 english

7. With over 52,500 new cases detected in the country, the total number of infections crossed 19 lakh, out of `which 12.82 lakh people have recovered from the disease. The number of dead is now close to 40,000.

8. The number of recoveries on Tuesday was the highest-ever for a single day. More than 51,700 people were declared to have been recovered. Three days earlier, the number of recoveries had crossed 50,000 for the first time, but in the next two days the number had fallen to much lower levels.

Choose the correct option to answer the questions based on the above passage and graphics. Do any ten.

(a) How are these three states – Meghalaya, Sikkim and Andaman and Nicobar Islands – different from the rest of India? (i) they are the only states to have less than 1,000 people infected with novel coronavirus (ii) they are three of the five states to have less than 1,000 people infected with novel coronavirus (iii) they are the only states to have less than 2,000 people infected with novel coronavirus (iv) none of these

(b) __________ is the only region in India which is entirely free of the epidemic. (i) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ii) Maharashtra (iii) Lakshadweep (iv) Tripura

(c) What is common among Goa, Tripura, Manipur, Nagaland, Puducherry and Daman and Diu? (i) the numbers are rising at a fast pace at rates lower than the national level (ii) the numbers are falling at a fast pace at rates equal than the national level (iii) the numbers are rising at a fast pace at rates higher than the national level (iv) none of these

(d) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the inherent qualities of climate in the present times. (i) 1 and 4 (ii) 2 and 6 (iii) 1 and 3 (iv) 3 and 5

(e) Which date in the graph shows the highest jump of detected cases in a day? (i) July 30 (ii) July 31 (iii) August 1 (iv) August 2

(f) Of the 19 lakh infected cases, how many have recovered? (i) 11.82 lakh (ii) 13.82 lakh (iii) 12.81 lakh (iv) 12.82 lakh

(g) More than 51,700 people were declared to have been recovered on _______. (i) Wednesday (ii) Sunday (iii) Tuesday (iv) Monday

(h) When had the number of recoveries crossed 50,000 for the first time? (i) two days earlier (ii) Tuesday (iii) three days earlier than Tuesday (iv) none of these

(i) Which word in the passage means the same as “quickly”? (i) rapidly (ii) significantly (iii) native (iv) rare

(j) Which word in the passage is opposite in meaning to “indigenous”? (i) rapidly (ii) significantly (iii) native (iv) rare

Answers: (a) (i) they are the only states to have less than 1,000 people infected with novel coronavirus (b) (iii) Lakshadweep (c) (iii) the numbers are rising at a fast pace at rates higher than the national level (d) (iii) 1 and 3 (e) (ii) July 31 (f) (iv) 12.82 lakh (g) (iii) Tuesday (h) (iii) three days earlier than Tuesday (i) (i) rapidly (j) (iii) native

Australia’s 2019-2020 Bushfire Season was not Normal

  • Data from satellite sources assembled by the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) World Environment Situation Room confirms that the wildfires in Australia in the last two months of 2019 and the first six weeks of 2020 were far from normal. 2019 was the second hottest year on record since 1880, and Australia recorded its warmest temperatures ever in December 2019.
  • “Rising temperatures continue to melt records. The past decade was the hottest on record. Scientists tell us that ocean temperatures are now rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs a second. One million species are in near-term danger of extinction. Our planet is burning,” says United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.
  • “The trend is very clear: 37 of the last 40 years were the warmest recorded since 1880, and the six warmest years recorded were the last six years,” says Pascal Peduzzi, Director of UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database in Geneva. “For those who think Australia is always burning, graphs clearly show that these fires were exceptional.”
  • “This service, accessible via the UNEP’s World Environment Situation Room, is provided for all countries at national and provincial levels. It identifies trends in wildfire activity since 2003, when the data first became available and monitoring began. We have sliced and diced the satellite-based data on wildfires worldwide from 2009 to the present day. We analyse the wildfires’ data by month, type of land cover, protected area, province and nation to produce information products,” Peduzzi adds. (Source: UN Environment)

(a) What do the reports confirm about the 2019-20 Australian fires? (i) the fires were not normal (ii) the fires were normal (iii) the fires were natural (iv) data inconclusive

(b) What was the difference in the recorded temperatures in 2019 from the 1880s? (i) 2019 recorded the wettest temperatures since 1880s (ii) 2019 recorded the hottest temperatures ever (iii) 2019 recorded the cooler temperatures than 1880s (iv) 2019 recorded the warmest temperatures since 1880s

(c) What comparison has been made between the rising sea temperatures and Hiroshima? (i) ocean temperatures are rising at the equivalent of three Hiroshima bombs a second (ii) ocean temperatures are rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs a second (iii) ocean temperatures are rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs an hour (iv) none of these

(d) Choose the option that lists the CORRECT answers for the following:

“Rising temperatures continue to melt records. The past decade was the hottest on record. Scientists tell us that ocean temperatures are now rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs a second”. Whose statement is this?

“The trend is very clear: 37 of the last 40 years were the warmest recorded since 1880, and the six warmest years recorded were the last six years.” Whose statement is this?

(i) (1) is from United Nations Secretary and (2) is from the UN President (ii) (1) is from the UN President and (2) is from the UN General Secretary (iii) (1) is from United Nations Secretary and (2) is from the Director of UNEP (iv) (1) is from the UN General Secretary and (2) is from the UN President

(e) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the inherent qualities of climate in the present times. (i) 1 and 3 (ii) 2 and 6 (iii) 3 and 4 (iv) 5 and 6

(f) Which of the following independent data source is NOT PRESENT in the given graph? (i) NASA (ii) NOAA (iii) ISRO (iv) JMA

(g) Choose the option that lists the CORRECT statement. (i) Pascal Peduzzi is the Director of UNEP’s Global Renaissance Information Database (ii) Pascal Peduzzi is the Director of UNO’s Global Resource Information Database (iii) Pascal Peduzzi is the Manager of UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database (iv) Pascal Peduzzi is the Director of UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database

(h) How can you say that the UN is concerned about the rising numbers of coal plants? (i) UNDP Secretary General António Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants (ii) UN Secretary General António Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants (iii) UN Executive Secretary António Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants (iv) UN Secretary General Antony Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants

(i) UNEP’s World Environment Situation Room has been tracking the world temperatures since. (i) 2003 (ii) 2013 (iii) 2000 (iv) 2001

(j) The graph compiled with data from four different sources shows that the global surface temperatures have been _ . (i) steady (ii) falling (iii) on the rise (iv) none of these

(k) Which word in the passage means the same as “collect”? (i) assembled (ii) extinction (iii) exceptional (iv) provincial

(l) Which word in the passage is opposite to the meaning of ‘vague/murky’? (i) assembled (ii) clear (iii) extinction (iv) provincial

(a) (i) the fires were not normal (b) (iv) 2019 recorded the warmest temperatures since 1880s (c) (ii) ocean temperatures are rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs a second (d) (iii) (1) is from United Nations Secretary and (2) is from the Director of UNEP (e) (i) 1 and 3 (f) (iii) ISRO (g) (iv) Pascal Peduzzi is the Director of UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database (h) (ii) UN secretary general António Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants (i) (i) 2003 (j) (iii) on the rise (k) (i) assembled (l) (ii) clear

Q. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: [CBSE, 2019]

Hyderabad — The City of Nizams GOLCONDA

1. In the 16th century, when Golconda was the capital of Qutb Shahi Kingdom, it is believed that a shepherd boy came across an idol on the hill. It was then that the Kakatiya dynasty’s ruler built the fort, which is 120 m high. After it was captured by Aurangzeb, the Mughal emperor, the fort fell into ruins.

2. The beautiful ruins of the fort have a story to tell. They make you wonder how the fort may have looked in its days of glory and grandeur. The fort also organises a sound and light show every day and the history of this fort is narrated in such an interesting manner that even a child can understand and enjoy it. The climb to the fort is a difficult one and unless you are physically fit, you should avoid the climb and relax in the gardens below. The view from the top is breath-taking.

3. The next place is Charminar. The literal meaning of the monument is ‘four minarets’. There is a mosque on the second floor. It is said that when the state was hit by severe plague, Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, the fifth ruler of the Qutb Shahi dynasty, prayed to end the plague and promised to build a mosque in the very place where he was praying. Thus, Charminar came into being!

4. The walk from the bottom to the top of the monument is a little frightening, owing to the narrowness of the pathway and the steepness of the steps. Once you reach the top, the view of the crowds moving below will surely lift your spirits.

5. Make sure you visit the nearby Laad Bazaar, where there are rows of shops selling the famous Hyderabadi glass bangles and lac bangles.


6. The Salar Jung Museum is the third largest museum in the country and boasts of owning the biggest one-man collection of antiques in the world. A visit to the Salar Jung Museum is a must even if you are not a fan of antique stuff. You can view the Nizam’s collection of textiles, arms, metalware, ivory carvings, Indian bronzes and carpets.

7. The main attraction is definitely the Musical Clock, made by Cook and Kelvy of England. Inside the clock is a timekeeper. Every hour, he comes out and beats a gong as many times as the time indicates. Another attraction of the museum is the Veiled Rebecca, an amazing sculpture made by the Italian sculptor, Giovanni Maria Benzoni.

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any ten of the following questions: (any eight) (a) What led to the construction of the Golconda Fort? (b) What led to the destruction of the Golconda Fort? (c) How is the interest in the Fort kept alive? (d) What does the word ‘breath-taking’ in para 2 mean? (e) Why did Quli Qutb Shah build a mosque? (f) How does one feel after reaching the top of Charminar? (g) What is unique about the Salar Jung Museum? (h) What else can one find in this museum apart from antiques? (i) Name the two attractions of the Salar Jung Museum.

Answers by a topper

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The Noun: Case | English Grammar for Class 6 PDF Download

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The Noun: Subjective Case

For example: 

  • Akshay was a good boy. 
  • The cow is a useful animal. 
  • She lights a lamp. 
  • The stone fell from above. 

In the above sentences, the words Akshay, The cow, She, The stone are the subjects of the verbs was, is, lights, and fell respectively. They are said to be in the Nominative or The Nominative Case in a sentence can be found by asking the question Who? Which? or What? to the verb. Who was a good boy? – Akshay. Which is a useful animal? – The Cow. Who lights a lamp? – She. What fell? – The stone. Hence Ram, She, The cow, The stone are in the (Nominative or Subjective Case)

The Noun: Objective Case

  • Rohit bought a watch.
  • Aman hated Mohit.

In the above sentences a watch and Yogesh are the objects of the verbs bought and hated respectively they are said to be in the Objective Case or Accusative Case. Objective Case can be found out by putting the question Whom? or What? after the Verb. What did Rohit buy? – A watch Whom did Aman hate? – Mohit Hence a watch and Mohit are in the Objective Case or Accusative Case. Ram and Yogesh can reverse or exchange their cases when the same sentence is written in the Passive Voice, e.g. Yogesh was hated by Ram. Here Yogesh and Ram are in the Nominative and Accusative Case respectively.

Objective Case

Accusative Case

Nominative Case

Subjective Case

Direct and Indirect Object

  • The teacher taught us English.
  • Mother gave the beggar a rupee.

In sentence 1, us and English are both objects of the verb taught. ‘Us’ is the Indirect Object and ‘English’ the Direct Object. In sentence 2, the beggar and a rupee are both objects of the verb gave. Beggar is the Indirect Object and rupee the Direct Object.

The Noun: Dative Case

The noun: vocative case.

Come here, boys. Naresh, listen to me. In the above sentences, boys and Naresh are the names of the persons spoken to or addressed. They are, therefore, said to be in the Vocative Case. The Vocative Case is also called the Nominative of Address.

The Noun: Possessive Case

The Noun: Case | English Grammar for Class 6

Formation of the Possessive

  • When the noun is plural, and ends in s, the Possessive Case is formed by adding only an apostrophe.
  • When the noun in Plural does not end in s, the Possessive sign is formed by adding s.
  • When a noun or a title consists of several words, the possessive sign is attached only to the last word.
  • When two nouns in apposition, the possessive sign is put to the latter only.
  • Also when two nouns are closely connected, the possessive is put to the latter.
  • Each of two or more connected nouns implying separate prossessions must take the possessive sign.
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FAQs on The Noun: Case - English Grammar for Class 6

1. What is a case in grammar?
2. How many cases are there in the English language?
3. What is the difference between the nominative and accusative case?
4. Can a noun change its case in a sentence?
5. How important is understanding case in language learning?

The Noun: Case | English Grammar for Class 6

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Unseen Passage for Class 6 English Question Answers

  • by Studyvillage
  • February 3, 2024 March 9, 2024

We have brought you  Unseen Passage for Class 6  English question and answers  MCQ  which will be very useful for you. So you solve it and speed up your question-solving speed so that you can  solve  more and more questions in the exam.

Unseen Passage for Class 6

Students coming to class 6 should study hard to strengthen their studies so that they can get good marks in the  Examination . Keeping all these things in mind, we have come up with  Questions and Answers  on English Unseen Passage for Class 6 children which will help them.

This will prove very  helpful  in remembering.  Read  the Unseen Passage  given below carefully and score good marks.

  • 1 Unseen Passage for Class 6 – Passage 1
  • 2 Class 6 ICSE – Passage 2
  • 3 Class 6 – Passage 3
  • 4 Class 6 CBSE – Passage 4
  • 5.1 Class 6 CBSE Board – Passage 6
  • 5.2 Class 6 – Passage 7
  • 5.3 Unseen Passage For Class 6 pdf Download

Unseen Passage for Class 6 – Passage 1

Using earphones while driving can be much more dangerous than drinking and driving.

The latest research says that drivers who use these mobile phones as a means of fast communication nowadays are heading towards accidents. The study has broken the common belief that drinking alcohol is the main cause of most road accidents. Talking on a mobile phone increases the risk of death compared to drinking and driving. The study’s findings are based on a survey of several cases of road accidents.

In fact, a study of the records of drivers involved in 699 such mistakes showed that the risk of an accident was at least four times higher for those who talked on the phone while driving compared to those who did not drive while intoxicated.

The only advantage for those driving with cellular phones was that they could call for immediate help through these phones. The study which is relevant for the whole world is also relevant for India. Here too, these phones are increasingly being used for communication and business transactions.

Questions and Answers – Passage 1

  • On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following sentences.
  • Qa). With the help of a mobile phone one can ________________ .
  • Qb). Accidents on the road can be caused because of ________________ .
  • Qc). Using ear phones while driving is very dangerous because ________________ .
  • Qd). Cell phones are being used increasingly in India for ________________ .
  • Qe). Latest research has made it clear that ________________ .
  • Ans(a). summon immediate help
  • Ans(b). talking on mobile phones and driving after being drunk
  • Ans(c). it diverts the mind of the driver
  • Ans(d). communication and business transactions
  • Ans(e). drinking is not the chief cause of road accidents

Class 6 ICSE – Passage 2

Once there was a miser who sold all his possessions and, with the money, bought a great lump of gold, dug a deep hole at the edge of the garden, and there he buried his gold. Once a day, thereafter, the miser went to the garden, dug up his gold, and embraced it lovingly. One of the miser’s workmen wondered why his master spent so much time in the garden. One day, he hid behind a tree and soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure.

That night, when the miser was fast asleep, the workman crept into the garden and stole the lump of gold. When the miser found that his gold was gone, he tore his hair and cried aloud in his despair. A neighbour came running to see what the matter was, and the grief-stricken miser told him what had happened.

Then the neighbours said, “Pray to stop your weeping. Go and find a stone. Place the stone in the hole and imagine that it is your lump of gold. The stone will serve your purpose, for you never meant to use the gold anyway.” “To a miser, what he has is of no more use than what he has not.”

Questions and Answers – Passage 2

  • Why did miser spend so much time in the garden? a. He was a nature lover. b. He liked watching children playing in the garden. c. To keep an eye on his hidden treasure. d. To change the place of his lump of gold.

Correct Answer:- c. To keep an eye on his hidden treasure.

  • How did the miser get the lump of gold? a. By selling all he had b. While digging the garden? c. From his ancestors d. From his neighbour

Correct Answer:- a. By selling all he had

  • By whom was the gold stolen? a. A thief b. His neighbour c. The miser’s workman d. The miser himself

Correct Answer:- c. The miser’s workman

  • Choose the most appropriate title for this story. a. Gold and Stone b. The Miser and His Gold c. The Miser and His Neighbour d. The Miser and His workman

Correct Answer:- b. The Miser and His Gold

  • The neighbour advised the miser to put a stone in the hole because _______. a. Gold is like a stone only. b. The miser would never use the gold, hence no difference between the two. c. The stone will become gold after some time. d. For a wise man, gold and stone have equal worth.

Correct Answer:- b. The miser would never use the gold, hence no difference between the two.

Class 6 – Passage 3

A myth has been created about the pelican, one of the oldest living birds. It is a common belief that a mother feeds her blood to her children. That is why people have considered Pelican to be the most affectionate and dutiful bird.

Due to the bird’s large beak it becomes very easy to identify it. It has a short tail, short legs, long wings and a large sac under the beak. Because of their webbed toes, pelicans find it difficult to walk on land.

However, watching these birds fly is a joy. Pelican is counted among the largest birds. Its wingspan is up to 2.75 meters and its weight ranges between 4.5 to 11 kilograms. It lives in places with moderate climate. It migrates to India, Africa and Iran in winter because its feathers do not provide adequate protection from the cold. The brown pelican is the smallest of the pelicans. It dips its head into the water from a great height to catch its prey. The other six species of pelican have white feathers.

Pelicans are very sociable birds. They travel, rest, nest, and even fish together. Young pelicans take up feathers when they are about two months old. Pelicans’ nests are far from any food source. Therefore, adults have to fly great distances to obtain food.

Questions and Answers – Passage 3

  • Below you can find a summary of the above passage. Fill in each blank with one word/phrase to complete it.

Pelican is one of the oldest (a) __________. birds. It is believed that its young ones are fed by the mother’s (b) __________. Perhaps due to this, pelican is regarded as the (c) __________. and dutiful bird. It has long (d) __________. webbed feet and a very short tail. pelican finds it difficult to walk on land because of its (e) __________. It lives in places where the climate is (f) __________. In all there are (g) __________. species of pelicans.

Answers:- 1

(a) surviving (b) own blood (c) most affectionate (d) wings and (e) webbed toes (f) moderately cold (g) seven

Class 6 CBSE – Passage 4

I have talked of the necessity for prayer, and I have dealt with the essence of prayer. We are born to serve our fellow men, and cannot properly do so unless we are wide awake. There is an external struggle raging in man’s breast between the powers of darkness and of light, and he, who has not the sheet anchor of prayer to rely upon, will be a victim to the powers of darkness.

The man of prayer will be at peace with himself and with the whole world: the man who goes about the affairs of the world, without a prayerful heart, will be miserable and will make the world also miserable.

Apart, therefore, from its bearing, on man’s condition after death prayer has incalculable value for man in this world of living. We, inmates of the ashram, who came here in search of truth and for insistence on truth, professed to believe in the efficacy of prayer, but had never up to now, made it a matter of vital concern.

We did not bestow on it the care that we did on other matters. I awoke from my slumber one day and realized that I had been woefully negligent on my duty in the matter. I have, therefore suggested a measure of stern discipline, and far from being any the worse, I hope, we are the better for it, it is so obvious.

Comprehension for Class 6 With Questions And Answers – Passage 4

Answer the following questions briefly.

  • Write the word from the passage opposite in meaning to ‘happy’?
  • Who will get peace with himself and the world?
  • What kind of struggle is raging in man’s heart?
  • Why, according to the author, are we born?
  • Why do the inmates come to the Ashram?
  • Write the word from the passage which means ‘sleep’?
  • Who will become the victim to the powers of darkness?
  • What did the author realize one day when he awoke from his slumber?
  • ‘Miserable’ is the word opposite of ‘Happy’.
  • The man of prayer will get peace with himself and the world.
  • The kind of struggle raging in man’s heart is between the powers of darkness and of light.
  • According to the author, we are born to serve our fellow men.
  • The inmates come to the Ashram to search for Truth and to insist on Truth.
  • ‘Slumber is the word from the passage which is similar to “Sleep”.
  • Who has not the sheet anchor of prayer to rely upon, will become the victim to the powers of darkness.
  • When he awoke from his slumber, the author realized one day that he had been woefully negligent on his duty.

Class 6 English Solved – Passage 5

Gautama Buddha, who lived from 563 B.C. to 483 B.C., was originally a prince named Siddhartha Gautama in northern India. He had a comfortable life. He got the education and later he married a princess. They had a son and lived luxuriously. However, at around age 25, he saw suffering for the first time – a sick man, an old man, a funeral procession, and a monk asking for help.

This deeply affected him, and he left his palace to find answers to the world’s sorrows. He roamed for seven years and then sat under a peepal tree. He vowed to stay there until he found enlightenment. After seven days, he became enlightened and began teaching others. He was called the Buddha. Buddha means “the Awakened” or “the Enlightened.” He shared his wisdom in his first sermon in the city of Benares, by the holy River Ganges.

Questions and Answers – Passage 5

  • How many days did he spend under the peepal tree? Ans. He spent seven days under the peepal tree.
  • What was Siddhartha Gautama’s early life like? Ans. Siddhartha Gautama had a comfortable life, receiving an education, marrying a princess, and living luxuriously.
  • Where did Buddha give his first sermon? Ans. Buddha gave his first sermon in the city of Benares, by the holy River Ganges.
  • Who was Gautama Buddha? Ans. Gautama Buddha was a prince named Siddhartha Gautama.
  • What is the opposite word of “uncomfortable” as used in the text? Ans. The opposite word is “comfortable”
  • What is a similar word for “lavishly” as used in the text? Ans. A similar word is “luxuriously”
  • What does the name “Buddha” mean? Ans. The name “Buddha” means “the Awakened” or “the Enlightened.”

Class 6 CBSE Board – Passage 6

We must do all we can to stop conflicts and civil war. Most conflicts happen in poor countries, especially which are badly governed or where power and wealth are not distributed fairly between different tribal or religious groups.

So the best way to check fighting is to make a political arrangement in which all groups have their representatives. The need is to ensure human rights and economic development of all.

The next fundamental freedom is one that is not mentioned in the UN charter. In 1945, the leaders could not imagine that such a situation would arise. That is the freedom of future generations to live on this planet.

Even now many of us have not understood its importance. We are using up the limited resources for our present use. We are over using and even wasting them. We are, in fact, robbing our children of their right to live.

We must preserve our forests, fisheries and wildlife. All of these are collapsing because of our own habit of consuming or destroying them.

Questions and Answers – Passage 6

  • Answer the following questions briefly: (a) Why do most conflicts happen in poor countries? (b) What is the best way to check conflicts? (c) What is meant by ‘the freedom of future generations to live’? (d) How are we robbing our children of their basic right? (e) What must we preserve for our children?
  • Find words from the passage that mean the same as (a) fighting (b) keep safely (c) coming to end
  • (a) Most conflicts happen in poor countries because they are generally badly governed. (b) The best way to check conflicts is to make a political arrangement in which all groups have their representatives. (c) It means- the right of the coming generation to live. (d) We are using up the limited resources for our present use. Thus, we are doing injustice to the future generations. (e) We must save our forest and fisheries for use by our great grandchildren.
  • (a) conflict (b) preserve (c) collapsing

Class 6 – Passage 7

The giraffe is the tallest of all living land animals. A male can go up to 18 feet and a female up to 15 feet. Such height enables them to escape the competition for ground level grass that exists among other leaf-eaters. It also gives him a long range of vision. He takes the warning of the approaching enemy early.

Giraffes eat a variety of leaves, but acacia leaves are their favourite diet. In spring when many trees are not in leaf, they spend 80 per cent of the day eating. In summer, when trees are in full leaf, they need only 15 per cent. The rest of the time is spent in resting and quarreling.

A giraffe’s long neck is made up like that of man and most other mammals, of only seven vertebrae. The bones are attached to one another with ball and socket joints. These make the neck flexible. It can run at 50 km per hour.

Rising from a lying position is a problem for such a large animal. So it usually keeps standing even while it sleeps.

To reach water with such a long neck and legs, a giraffe spreads its front legs wide apart. Then it lowers its neck to drink. This awkward position makes it easy for the lion to attack it.

Questions and Answers – Passage 7

  • On the basis of your reading of the above passage fill in the blanks with suitable words:

A giraffe is the (a) ____________. of all land animals. The height of a (b) ____________. giraffe can go up to 18 feet. The (c) ____________. of a female giraffe can be up to 15 feet. With this height it doesn’t have to (d) ____________. with other animals for leaves. This enables it to see its (e) ____________. from a long distance. It, however, creates problem in reaching (f) ____________. in tanks.

(a) tallest (b) Male (c) height (d) Compete (e) Enemy (f) Water

Unseen Passage For Class 6 pdf Download

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  • Noun Worksheet for Class 6
  • English Story For Class 6 Students

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Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions

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Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions

In this post, we present the top 10 Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). These passages are designed to challenge and improve your reading comprehension skills.

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #1

Journalism means many things. First, it means the ability to write and express thoughts in such a way that people can understand things quickly. This means being able to turn long articles into shapes. This means knowing your grammar and composition rules inside out and upside down. It means a nose for news and a feel for words, a respect for truth and a sense of mission.

A journalist should be able to shape the situation on the spot. He must also develop a deep insight into the human condition. No one can teach you the finer points of journalism. No plastic surgeon can give you a nose for news. No teacher can give you a feel for words.

What is a key characteristic of journalism? a) Ability to write concisely b) Plastic surgery skills c) Teaching ability d) Deep insight into the human condition

Answer: a) Ability to write concisely

What is a necessary aspect of journalism? a) A sense of mission b) A love for cooking c) A talent for singing d) A fear of public speaking

Answer: a) A sense of mission

What is a vital component of good journalism? a) A respect for the truth b) A love for gossip c) A disregard for accuracy d) A fondness for sensationalism

Answer: a) A respect for the truth

What is an important aspect of journalism writing? a) Mastery of grammar and composition rules b) Inability to express thoughts clearly c) Lack of understanding of language d) Unawareness of news events

Answer: a) Mastery of grammar and composition rules

What is a journalist’s ultimate goal? a) To entertain readers b) To shape the situation on the spot c) To make readers fall asleep d) To provide irrelevant information

Answer: b) To shape the situation on the spot

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #2

The first man to orbit the Earth was Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut. Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934, in a small village in Russia. He became interested in space travel at an early age and dreamed of becoming an astronaut. In 1960, Gagarin was selected to join the Soviet space program.

On April 12, 1961, Gagarin became the first man to orbit the Earth in his spacecraft Vostok 1. He completes one orbit in just one and a half hours. Gagarin’s historic flight made him an international celebrity and a hero in the Soviet Union. He has received numerous awards and honours for his achievements. Gagarin died in a plane crash in 1968 at the age of 34.

When was Yuri Gagarin born? a) March 9, 1934 b) April 12, 1961 c) 1968 d) 1960

Answer: a) March 9, 1934

Where was Yuri Gagarin born? a) In a small village in Russia b) In the Soviet Union c) In the United States d) In Europe

Answer: a) In a small village in Russia

What was Yuri Gagarin’s childhood dream? a) To become a cosmonaut b) To become a pilot c) To become a politician d) To become a scientist

Answer: a) To become a cosmonaut

When was Yuri Gagarin selected to join the Soviet space program? a) In 1960 b) In 1968 c) In 1961 d) In 1934

Answer: a) In 1960

How long did Yuri Gagarin’s orbit last during his historic flight? a) 1 hour b) 2 hours c) 1 and a half hours d) 3 hours

Answer: c) 1 and a half hours

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #3

A recent investigation by scientists at the USA Geological Survey shows that strange animal behaviour might help predict future earthquakes. Investigators found such occurrences in a ten-kilometre radius of the epicentre of a fairly recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew about wildly, and dogs yelped and ran uncontrollably. Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental changes as early as several days before the mishap.

In 1976, after observing the animal behaviour, the Chinese were able to predict a devastating quake. Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to evacuate millions of others and thus keep the death toll at a lower level.

What can help predict future earthquakes according to a recent investigation? a) Strange animal behaviour b) Weather patterns c) Earth’s magnetic field d) Volcanic eruptions

Answer: a) Strange animal behaviour

What was the radius around the epicentre of a recent earthquake where strange animal behaviour was observed? a) 10 km b) 20 km c) 5 km d) 50 km

Answer: a) 10 km

What kind of animal behaviour was observed before a recent earthquake? a) Birds screeching and flying about wildly b) Dogs barking and lying down c) Cats meowing and hiding d) Fish swimming calmly

Answer: a) Birds screeching and flying about wildly

How long before the earthquake did animals perceive environmental changes according to scientists? a) Several hours b) Several days c) Several minutes d) Several weeks

Answer: b) Several days

What happened in China in 1976 after observing animal behaviour? a) A devastating quake was predicted b) A small earthquake occurred c) No earthquake took place d) A huge earthquake occurred without any prediction

Answer: a) A devastating quake was predicted

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #4

The Suez Canal is a man-made canal located in Egypt that connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It was built in the mid-19th century to provide a shorter and more direct route for ships travelling between Europe and Asia. The Suez Canal is an important waterway for international trade, with over 50,000 ships passing through each year. It is also a major source of revenue for Egypt, as ships must pay a fee to use the canal. The Suez Canal is an engineering marvel and is considered one of the greatest achievements of the 19th century.

Where is the Suez Canal located? a) Egypt b) Mediterranean Sea c) Red Sea d) Europe

Answer: a) Egypt

What does the Suez Canal connect? a) The Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea b) The Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean c) The Red Sea to the Indian Ocean d) The Mediterranean Sea to the Pacific Ocean

Answer: a) The Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea

Why was the Suez Canal built? a) To provide a shorter and more direct route for ships b) To connect the two seas for recreational purposes c) To create a new source of revenue d) To boost tourism in the area

Answer: a) To provide a shorter and more direct route for ships

How many ships pass through the Suez Canal each year? a) 50,000 b) 100,000 c) 25,000 d) 75,000

Answer: a) 50,000

What is the Suez Canal considered to be? a) An engineering marvel b) A tourist attraction c) A minor waterway d) A failure of the 19th century

Answer: a) An engineering marvel

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #5

A recent investigation by scientists at the USA Geological Survey shows that strange animal behaviour can help predict future earthquakes. Investigators have found such phenomena within a ten-kilometre radius of the epicentre of a fairly recent earthquake. Some birds screamed and flew away, and dogs howled and ran wildly. Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental changes days before the accident.

The Chinese were able to predict a devastating earthquake in 1976 by observing animal behaviour. Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to evacuate millions and thus keep the death toll at a low level.

What have scientists at the USA Geological Survey found regarding animal behaviour and earthquakes? a) It can predict future earthquakes b) It has no relation to earthquakes c) It causes earthquakes d) It occurs after earthquakes

Answer: a) It can predict future earthquakes

How far from the epicentre of an earthquake have strange animal behaviours been observed? a) Within a ten-kilometre radius b) Within a five-kilometre radius c) Within a twenty-kilometre radius d) Beyond a ten-kilometre radius

Answer: a) Within a ten-kilometre radius

What is believed about the timing of animal perceptions of environmental changes before earthquakes? a) They can perceive these changes days before the accident b) They perceive these changes hours before the accident c) They perceive these changes minutes before the accident d) They do not perceive these changes before earthquakes

Answer: a) They can perceive these changes days before the accident

How did the Chinese use animal behaviour to predict a devastating earthquake in 1976? a) By observing animal behaviour b) By monitoring animal populations c) By using technology d) By studying animal migration patterns

Answer: a) By observing animal behaviour

What was the outcome of the evacuation efforts during the earthquake the Chinese predicted in 1976? a) The death toll was kept at a low level b) The death toll was not affected c) The death toll was high d) The death toll was not reported

Answer: a) The death toll was kept at a low level

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #6

There are three main groups of oils – animal, vegetable and mineral. A large amount of animal oil comes from whales, those giants of the sea, the largest of the world’s remaining animals. To protect the whales from the cold of the Arctic sea, nature has provided them with a thick covering of fat, called blubber. The blubber is stripped and boiled after the whale is killed. It generates a large amount of oil, which can be converted into food for human consumption. A few other animals produce oil, but none as much as whales.

The livers of cod and halibut, two types of fish, provide nutritious oils. Sick children and other infirm who require specific vitamins are given both cod liver oil and halibut oil. Vegetable oil has been known since ancient times. No family can survive without it, as it is used in cooking. Perfumes can be made from the oils of certain flowers. Soaps are made from vegetable and animal products and certain flower oils.

What are the three main groups of oils? A) Plant, animal and mineral B) Mineral, animal and vegetable C) Vegetable, mineral and animal D) Animal, vegetable and mineral

Answer: D) Animal, vegetable and mineral

What is the main source of animal oil? A) Fish B) Whales C) Flowers D) Soap

Answer: B) Whales

What is blubber used for? A) Perfume B) Cooking C) Soap D) Generating oil

Answer: D) Generating oil

What is cod liver oil used for? A) Cooking B) Soap C) Supplement for sick children and infirm D) Perfume

Answer: C) Supplement for sick children and infirm

What are soaps made from? A) Plant and animal products and flower oils B) Whales C) Fish D) Flowers

Answer: A) Plant and animal products and flower oils

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #7

All art is, in an important sense, an escape. There is a sense in which his ability to escape from present experience, to use his accumulated consciousness of the past to project a vision of the future, is man’s greatest and most distinctive power. We must not forget the force of Aristotle’s argument that poetry is valuable precisely because it shows men not as they are, but as they ought to be or (more sympathetic to us today) they are capable of being.

What does art allow one to do according to the statement? a) Live in the present moment b) Experience the past c) Escape from present experience d) Live without imagination

Answer: c) Escape from present experience

How does Aristotle view the value of poetry? a) As a reflection of reality b) As a way to show men as they are c) As a way to show men as they ought to be or capable of being d) As a waste of time

Answer: c) As a way to show men as they ought to be or capable of being

What is man’s greatest and most distinctive power according to the statement? a) Physical strength b) Intelligence c) The ability to escape from the present experience d) Wisdom

Answer: c) The ability to escape from the present experience

Does the statement believe art is valuable for all people? a) Yes, everyone should appreciate art b) No, it is only valuable for some people c) The statement does not address this d) Art is only valuable for poets

Answer: c) The statement does not address this

What role does consciousness of the past play in creating art? a) It is insignificant b) It is used to create a vision of the future c) It is the only source of inspiration d) It is only important in historical art

Answer: b) It is used to create a vision of the future

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #8

Radium is a white powder that has the appearance of table salt. A pound of it is worth a thousand pounds of gold. Radium is very expensive because it is very scarce. A pinch of it is worth a small fortune. There are only a few spoons in the world. But radium is so potent that excess amounts are dangerous. A pound or two gathered in one spot will kill anyone who approaches. With radium, scientists hope to learn how to change one element into another. Changing other metals into gold will be attractive and profitable. But it would be more valuable to learn how to get all the energy from atoms to do human work.

What is radium? A. A type of metal B. A white powder that resembles table salt C. A rare mineral D. A valuable gemstone

How much is a pound of radium worth? A. A few dollars B. A few thousand dollars C. A thousand pounds of gold D. The value of a small fortune

What is the significance of radium? A. It is used to make gold B. It has the potential to change elements into another C. It has a high market value D. It is a valuable source of energy

Can radium be dangerous if in excess amounts? A. No, it is safe in any amount B. It depends on how it is used C. Yes, it can be deadly D. It is only dangerous to certain individuals

What is the ultimate goal of scientists in studying radium? A. To turn other metals into gold B. To learn how to harness the energy from atoms C. To increase its market value D. To make perfumes and soaps

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #9

“Science cannot reduce the magic of a sunset to arithmetic, nor can it express friendship with a formula,” noted Dr Lous Orr, an eminent medical researcher. He added, “Beyond science’s mastery of nature are insights into love and laughter, pain and loneliness, and truth and beauty”. This distance of science from the human condition perhaps explains why most foreign tourists to Britain are predicted to visit the hallowed homes of playwrights, writers and poets, but choose to ignore the abodes where its leading scientists lived and worked.

Who noted the statement “Science cannot reduce the magic of a sunset to arithmetic, nor can it express friendship with a formula”? a. J.M. Barrie b. Dr Louis Orr c. William Shakespeare d. Charles Darwin

Answer: b. Dr Louis Orr

What is the main argument made by Dr Louis Orr in his statement? a. Science is superior to other forms of expression b. Science is incapable of expressing human emotions and experiences c. Science is limited to understanding the physical world d. Science is better at predicting natural phenomena

Answer: b. Science is incapable of expressing human emotions and experiences

According to the statement, why do most foreign tourists visit the homes of playwrights, writers, and poets in Britain? a. They appreciate science b. They are interested in the natural world c. They are drawn to the human experience d. They admire the beauty of nature

Answer: c. They are drawn to the human experience

What is Peter Pan, according to the statement? a. A Scottish novelist b. A mischievous boy who can fly c. A character created by a playwright d. A leading scientist

Answer: b. A mischievous boy who can fly

In which work did the character of Peter Pan first appear? a. The Little White Bird b. Peter and Wendy c. Peter Pan or The Boy Who Didn’t Grow Up d. None of the above

Answer: a. The Little White Bird

Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #10

JM Barrie, a Scottish novelist and playwright, created the character Peter Pan. A mischievous boy who can fly and who never grows old, Peter Pan spends his childhood on the small island of Neverland as the leader of his gang, the Lost Boys, interacting with mermaids, Native Americans, fairies, pirates, and the occasional common man. Children of the world outside Neverland. In addition to Barry’s two standalone works, the character has appeared in various media and merchandise, adapting and expanding on Barry’s work.

Peter Pan first appeared in a section of The Little White Bird, a 1902 novel by Barry for adults. The character’s best-known adventure debut came on 27 December 1904 in the stage play Peter Pan or The Boy Who Didn’t Grow Up. The play was slightly adapted and expanded as a novel published in 1911 by Peter and Wendy.

Who created the character of Peter Pan? A) J.K. Rowling B) Lewis Carroll C) JM Barrie D) Roald Dahl

Answer: C) JM Barrie

Where does Peter Pan spend his childhood? A) Wonderland B) Neverland C) Hogwarts D) Narnia

Answer: B) Neverland

What was the first appearance of Peter Pan? A) A standalone novel B) A section of a novel for adults C) A stage play D) A children’s book

Answer: B) A section of a novel for adults

When did Peter Pan make his stage debut? A) 27 December 1904 B) 27 December 1902 C) 27 December 1911 D) 27 December 2003

Answer: A) 27 December 1904

What was the title of the first Peter Pan novel? A) Peter Pan or The Boy Who Could Fly B) The Little White Bird C) Peter and Wendy D) The Adventures of Peter Pan

Answer: C) Peter and Wendy

Unseen Passages for Class 5 with Multiple Choice Questions

Unseen Passages for Class 5 with Multiple Choice Questions

Unseen Passages for Class 4 with Multiple Choice Questions

Unseen Passages for Class 4 with Multiple Choice Questions

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions

Reading Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers

Reading Comprehension Passages

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

January 18, 2024 by Veerendra

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English are solved by experts of LearnCBSE.in in order to help students to obtain excellent marks in their annual examination. All the questions and answers that are present in the CBSE NCERT Books has been included in this page. We have provided all the Class 6 English NCERT Solutions (Honeysuckle, A Pact With the Sun) with a detailed explanation i.e., we have solved all the question with step by step solutions in understandable language. So students having great knowledge over NCERT Solutions Class 6 English can easily make a grade in their board exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Prose

  • Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework
  • Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself
  • Chapter 3 Taros Reward
  • Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space
  • Chapter 5 A Different Kind of School
  • Chapter 6 Who I Am
  • Chapter 7 Fair Play
  • Chapter 8 A Game of Chance
  • Chapter 9 Desert Animals
  • Chapter 10 The Banyan Tree

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem

  • Poem 1 A House, A Home
  • Poem 2 The Kite
  • Poem 3 The Quarrel
  • Poem 4 Beauty
  • Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go?
  • Poem 6 The Wonderful Words
  • Poem 7 Vocation
  • Poem 8 What If

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Supplementary Reader A Pact with the Sun

  • Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds
  • Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose
  • Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
  • Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop
  • Chapter 5 Tansen
  • Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile
  • Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep
  • Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun
  • Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles
  • Chapter 10 A Strange Wrestling Match

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English(Download PDF)

CBSE Class 6 English Reading

  • Unseen Passages Type I
  • Unseen Passages Type II

CBSE Class 6 English Writing

  • Message Writing
  • Notice Writing
  • Postcard Writing
  • Telegram Writing
  • Paragraph Writing
  • Composition Based on Verbal Input
  • Composition Based on Visual Input
  • Letter Writing
  • Application Writing

CBSE Class 6 English Grammar

  • Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
  • Agreement of Verb and Subject
  • Preposition
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Reported Speech
  • The Sentence
  • The Parts of Speech
  • Kinds of Noun
  • Uses of Articles (A, An and The)
  • Degrees of Comparison
  • Correct Use of Verbs
  • Correct Uses of Prepositions
  • Editing Task (Omissions)
  • Editing Task (Error Correction)
  • Rearrangement of Words (Jumbled Words)

In this page, each and every question originate with a step-wise solution. Working on NCERT Solutions for Class VI will help students to get an idea about how to solve the problems. With the help of these NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster. Moreover, it is a perfect guide to help you to score good marks in CBSE board examination. Just click on the chapter wise links given below to practice the NCERT Solutions for the respective chapter.

Advantages of Solving NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English From LearnCBSE.in

  •   All the Class 6 English NCERT Solutions provided in this page are clear and concise in nature.
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English are solved in easily understandable language to help students to grasp everything on the go.
  • Accessible to everyone at any time anywhere without any difficulty.
  • All the questions are solved strictly based on the NCERT (CBSE) Syllabus and Books. So mastering these solutions will definitely help students to score good marks in the examination.
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle, A Pact with the sun Supplementary Reader, Reading,writing, unseen passages, Grammar given in this page are of free of cost.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English provided in this page helps in your board exam preparation. If you have any questions, ping us through the comment section below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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All Class 6 students start their preparation by covering all the topics and chapters in the syllabus. After covering the syllabus, an important step is to practise as many questions as possible. These questions can be easily practised through CBSE sample papers for class 6 and NCERT Class 6 Books. Practising questions can help students improve their accuracy of writing answers.

Practising questions from CBSE sample papers for class 6 will help students to know the questions that may be repeated in the 

final examination. Students will be able to cover these questions prior to the final exam and score high marks. Scoring high marks in the final exam will help students to get promoted to next grade. 

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 with Solutions

Most important study tool during preparation is CBSE sample papers for class 6. Solutions of each paper can help students clear their doubts regarding some concepts. This clarification can help students to score well in all subjects: English, Science, Social Science, Hindi etc. 

CBSE sample papers for class 6 with solutions will help students to understand the exam pattern of all the prescribed subjects. Knowing about the exam pattern for every subject is very important as it provides a direction for class 6 exam preparation. 

Subject Wise CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6

Students need to score well in each and every subject, for that they need to study properly. For studying properly, students need to follow a proper strategy plan. The most important strategy is to solve subject wise CBSE sample papers for class 6. 

CBSE Class 6 English Sample Paper

The English subject is one of the most important in CBSE class 6, so it is very crucial to score well in the particular subject. To score well in the final exam, one needs to complete all the chapters and poems. Those chapters and poems: who did Patrick's homework, a different kind of school, the kite, what if etc. Questions from these chapters and poems can be easily answered through solving CBSE class 6 English sample papers SA1. 

CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper

For scoring good marks in class 6 Science, one needs to understand the concepts of each chapter. Those chapters: where it comes from, sorting materials into groups, body movements etc. To get a proper understanding of the chapter, one needs to start solving CBSE sample papers for class 6 of Science. Regular solving of sample papers can help students to self-evaluate themselves. 

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Science Term-I 2021 Set - 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6  Science Term-I 2021 Set - 2

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6  Science Term-II 2021 Set - 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6  Science Term-II 2021 Set - 2

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper

Till their previous grades, students don’t have any subject like Social Science. This subject elaborates the relationship between societies. To score good marks in Social Science, one needs to get the basic knowledge of all chapters. Those chapters are what books & burials tell us, new empires and kingdoms, traders, kings, and pilgrims etc. To clear the concepts of these chapters, one needs to solve CBSE sample papers for class 6 of Social Science. 

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Social Science Term-I 2021 Set - 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6  Social Science Term-I 2021 Set - 2

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6  Social Science Term-II 2021 Set - 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6  Social Science Term-II 2021 Set - 2

CBSE Class 6 Hindi Sample Paper

For scoring good marks in class 6 Hindi final exams, one needs to have a proper understanding in the chapters. Chapters included in the class 6 Hindi syllabus are vah chidiya jo, bachpan, saathee haath badhaana, van ke maarg mein, etc. Easiest step to score good marks is to start solving class 6 CBSE Hindi sample paper. Sample paper can give an idea about the exam pattern and marking scheme for class 6 Hindi. 

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Hindi Term-I 2021 Set - 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6  Hindi Term-II 2021 Set - 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6  Hindi Term-II 2021 Set - 2

CBSE Class 6 Maths Sample Paper

To have a strong foundation in class 6 Maths, one needs to practise a lot. They can easily practise questions from CBSE class 6 maths sample papers free download which are easily accessible in the Selfstudys website. Through these questions students can easily evaluate and improve accordingly. Questions from the free CBSE class 6 maths sample papers are generally practised after finishing chapters included in the book. 

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Maths Term-I 2021 Set - 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Maths  Term-I 2021 Set - 2

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Maths  Term-I 2021 Set - 3

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Maths  Term-I 2021 Set - 4

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Maths  Term-I 2021 Set - 5

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Maths  Term-II 2021 Set - 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 Maths  Term-II 2021 Set - 2

Features of CBSE Sample Paper for Class 6

Students need to have every detail about the CBSE sample papers for class 6 before solving it. Those features are:

  • Sample papers with solutions are created through proper research by our subject matter experts.
  • It can give knowledge about the questions that will be regularly asked in class 6 final exams.
  • CBSE sample papers for class 6 can help students to boost their confidence level.
  • Sample papers can help students to improvise their preparation level. 
  • Students can easily evaluate themselves and can improve accordingly. 
  • CBSE class 6 annual exam sample papers help the students to frame answers according to the weightage for each question. 

Importance of Solving CBSE Sample Paper for Class 6

Regular solving of CBSE sample papers for class 6 are very important study material in student’s preparation. Those importance are: 

  • CBSE class 6 annual exam sample papers help all students to manage their time according to the weightage of each chapter.
  • Solving sample papers can help students to revise the syllabus and can score well in the final exam.
  • Through this study material, students can easily keep a track on their performance.
  • Referring to the solutions can improve comprehension skills. 
  • Students can easily improve their speed and accuracy while giving the exam. 

How to Score Well in CBSE Class 6 Sample Paper?

All students need to score well in class 6 final exams, for that one needs to start scoring well in the sample papers. Tips to score well in the CBSE sample papers for class 6 are:

  • Start solving all subject’s sample papers: CBSE class 6 english sample paper, Maths, Hindi sample paper, etc. 
  • Jot down the strong and weak points in each subject. Try to improve those weak points. 
  • Try to rectify made in the previous sample paper before moving towards the next sample paper.
  •  Try to complete sample papers in the given time so that there is no difficulty in completing the final exam. 
  • Students are suggested to solve several sample papers so that they can get an idea about the kind of questions asked in the class 6 final exams. 

How to Download CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6?

Selfstudys website provides CBSE sample papers for class 6 which is free of cost. Through this students can easily download the sample paper, those steps are:

  • Open Selfstudys website.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6, CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 2022-23, CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 PDF

  • Bring the arrow towards CBSE, popup menu will be visible.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6, CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 2022-23, CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 PDF

  • Click Sample paper. Automatically a new page will appear. 
  • Click 6th from the list

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6, CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 2022-23, CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 PDF

  • Then students can easily select the subjects: Maths, Science, Social Science, Hindi. 

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6, CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 2022-23, CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 PDF

Class 6 Exam Preparation Tips:

All students should follow certain tips to score well in the exam, those preparation tips are: 

  • Cover all the concepts included in the subjects: English, Hindi, Social Science, Science etc. 
  • Start practising questions from CBSE sample papers for class 6 and Chapter end questions. 
  • Try to solve all your doubts from your concerned teacher so that there is no last minute confusion. 
  • Revise all the topics and concepts before the class 6 final exams. 

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Important Questions for Class 6 English with Answers

Chapter-wise important questions for CBSE class 6 English Honeysuckle and A Pact with the Sun with answers are available here. All these questions are prepared by our expert teachers and easily downloadable in PDF format. These CBSE Class 6 English important questions and answers help students to clear out difficult concepts in a go. Students are advised to learn these questions to score good marks in the exam.

CBSE Class 6 English Important Questions Free PDF Download

Important Questions for Class 6 English cover all the important questions to set the base for students to score good marks in finals. These Important Questions are widely helpful for the students as it helps in reducing the exam stress and increasing their confidence level.

Chapter wise CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Important Questions

  • Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework
  • Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself
  • Chapter 3 Taro’s Reward
  • Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space
  • Chapter 5 A Different Kind of School
  • Chapter 6 Who I Am
  • Chapter 7 Fair Play
  • Chapter 8 A Game of Chance
  • Chapter 9 Desert Animals
  • Chapter 10 The Banyan Tree

Chapter wise CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem Important Questions

  • Poem 1 A House, A Home
  • Poem 2 The Kite
  • Poem 3 The Quarrel
  • Poem 4 Beauty
  • Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go?
  • Poem 6 The Wonderful Words
  • Poem 7 Vocation
  • Poem 8 What If

Chapter wise CBSE Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Important Questions

  • Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds
  • Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose
  • Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
  • Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop
  • Chapter 5 Tansen
  • Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile
  • Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep
  • Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun
  • Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles
  • Chapter 10 A Strange Wrestling Match


CBSE NCERT Solutions

NCERT and CBSE Solutions for free

MCQ Questions For Class 6 English With Answers

Students can refer to the following MCQ Questions for Class 6 English with Answers provided below based on the latest curriculum and examination pattern issued by CBSE and NCERT. Our teachers have provided here collection of multiple choice questions for English Class 6 covering all topics in your textbook so that students can assess themselves on all important topics and thoroughly prepare for their exams

Class 6 English MCQs Questions with Answers

We have provided below chapter wise MCQs questions for Class 6 English with answers which will help the students to go through the entire syllabus and and practice multiple choice questions provided here with solutions. As English MCQs in Class 6 pdf download can be really scoring for students, you should go thorough all problems provided below so that you are able to get more marks in your exams.

MCQ Questions for Class 6 English with answers

Our teachers have developed really good  Multiple Choice Questions  covering all important topics in each chapter which are expected to come in upcoming tests and exams, as MCQs are coming in all exams now therefore practice them carefully to get full understanding of topics and get good marks. Download the latest questions with multiple choice answers for Class 6 English in pdf or read online for free.

The above  NCERT based MCQs for Class 6 English have been designed by our teachers in such a way that it will help you a lot to gain an understanding of each topic. These CBSE NCERT Class 6 English Multiple Choice Questions have been developed and are available free for benefit of Class 6 students.

Advantages of  MCQ Questions for Class 6 English with Answers

a) MCQs will help the kids to strengthen concepts and improve marks in tests and exams.

b) MCQ Questions for Class 6 English with answers have proven to further enhance the understanding and question solving skills.

c) Regular reading topic wise questions with choices will for sure develop very good hold over each chapter which will help in exam preparations.

d) It will be easy to revise all English chapters and faster revisions prior to class tests and exams.

Free Printable  MCQs in PDF of CBSE Class 6 English are designed by our school teachers and provide best study material as per CBSE NCERT standards.

MCQ Questions for Class 6 English with Answers

You can easily get MCQs for English from https://www.cbsencertsolutions.com

The MCQs for Class 6 English with Answers have been developed based on current  NCERT textbook  issued by CBSE.

Yes – These Multiple Choice Questions for Class 6 English with Answers are free to print and use them later.

MCQs cover the topics of all chapters given in NCERT Book for Class 6 English .

No – All MCQs for English are free to read for all students.

Just scroll and read the free MCQs.

Yes – you can download free MCQs in PDF for English in standard MCQs format with Answers.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

Download chapter-wise ncert solutions for class 6 english.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English contains answers for each and every question of the textbook Honeycomb answered in detail. Also, you will find solutions to the supplementary book “A Pact with the Sun”. Our team of subject-matter experts have carefully crafted the solutions to provide students with the perfect way to frame solutions to the complex questions in the examinations. The first step towards achieving excellence in exams is to have a firm grip on the topics. To assist you with the same, we are here to offer you the most comprehensive and reliable NCERT Solutions for Class 6 .

English is not only crucial in terms of scoring well in exams but also very important for becoming a good communicator. The subject plays a major role in shaping one’s personality. Here, we provide you with the most accurate and elaborate NCERT Solutions .

You can also download the solutions in PDF format for free through the links provided below and refer to the solutions at any time.

NCERT Solutions of Class 6 English

Here are the links to the unit-wise NCERT Class 6 English Solutions of Honeysuckle and Supplementary Textbook, A Pact with the Sun.

Honeysuckle Textbook Solutions:

The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle can be learnt easily using the chapter-wise and exercise-wise solutions given by BYJU’S. The textbook helps students build a strong foundation on important topics and succeed in the final exam. English is an important language, and it is necessary to create a good hold of it from primary classes. The Class 6 English Honeysuckle helps students to understand the basic concepts of the subject. The experienced academicians formulate the solutions to provide the students with a complete grasp of the Class 6 English Textbook.

Supplementary Textbook, A Pact with the Sun Solutions:

In this developing world, it is important to nurture the students from primary classes itself. Parents would expect their children to join some home tuitions or coaching classes as they believe that it provides quality education. The marks scored in the final exam only depend on the time spent by the student on self-study. Blindly mugging up the chapter does not provide any valuable knowledge to the students. In such a scenario, we are offering NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun to help the students.

Here, you will be able to find solutions for each and every question in the NCERT Textbook. By using these solutions, students will be able to master the themes of each chapter. It acts as a perfect guide to build a strong knowledge of fundamental concepts, which helps them to attain remarkable scores. While practising the textbook questions, just click on the links provided to download the PDF of solutions absolutely free.

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English to get well-versed with the chapters.

NCERT Solutions Class 6 English

NCERT Solutions Class 6 English at BYJU’S are the best source of reference material for the students under the CBSE board. These solutions improve the grammatical skills of students, which is important in English. The solutions contain answers to all the questions from the prescribed NCERT Textbook. Using these solutions while answering the textbook questions, students not only analyse their areas of weakness but also understand the type of questions that would appear in the final exam. The expert faculty have used clear and understandable language to provide a quality learning experience for the students.

Features of BYJU’S NCERT Class 6 Solutions

Here are some of the most intriguing qualities that make the NCERT Class 6 English Solutions of BYJU’S different from others:

  • Every unit, including the story and the poem of the respective units of the English  NCERT Class 6 textbooks has been covered.
  • You can download the solutions in PDF format just by clicking the links.
  • These downloaded PDFs can be used and referred to anytime and anywhere.
  • The solutions have been designed with the utmost care, following the standards set by the CBSE board.

If you wish to get access to more such awesome learning resources, just download India’s most trusted learning app for students – BYJU’S: The Learning App. You will find there all that you need to ace your studies – from video lectures to online live sessions. Keep Learning!

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

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CBSE Class 6 English


An Overview of the Syllabus, Books, and Grammar

English is a crucial language that plays a vital role in communication and knowledge acquisition. As such, it is an essential subject taught in the Indian education system, including the Central Board of Secondary Education ( CBSE ). This article will discuss the CBSE Class 6 English syllabus, books, and grammar.

CBSE Class 6 English Syllabus

The CBSE Class 6 English syllabus aims to help students develop their language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The syllabus comprises four sections: Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Literature.

The Reading section includes comprehension passages, note-making, and vocabulary. In this section, students learn how to understand and analyze various texts, including short stories, poems, biographies, and news articles.

The Writing section focuses on developing students' writing skills through creative writing, letter writing, and grammar exercises. Students are taught how to organize their thoughts and express themselves in written form.

The Grammar section teaches students the fundamental principles of English grammar. This includes parts of speech, tenses, sentence structure, and punctuation.

The syllabus for the first three sections ( Reading, Writing, and Grammar ) is as follows:

English Grammar 

Applied Grammar 

Writing Section 

Gap filling/ sentences

Formal letter 


Dialogues completion 

Informal letter 

Sentence reordering 

Diary entry



Notice writing 


Message writing 

Sentence transformation




Sentence and phrases

Subject-verb agreement


Reported speech

Story completion

Framing questions 




CBSE Class 6 English Books for Literature

The CBSE Class 6 English syllabus includes two books for literature - Honeysuckle and A Pact with the Sun. These books contain a variety of stories, poems, and non-fiction texts that help students develop their reading and comprehension skills while also introducing them to different literary forms and styles.

Honeysuckle is the main English textbook for Class 6 students. It contains a collection of stories and poems by different authors, including Ruskin Bond, Roald Dahl, and Robert Frost. The book also includes exercises and activities that reinforce the reading and comprehension skills of students.

A Pact with the Sun is a supplementary reader that contains a collection of stories by different Indian authors. It includes a mix of fictional and nonfiction texts, such as biographies and essays, that introduce students to different themes and ideas. Some of the stories in the book include 'The Shepherd's Treasure' by Rabindranath Tagore and 'The Old Clock Shop' by N.M. Mohit.

Both Honeysuckle and A Pact with the Sun have been designed to engage and inspire young learners while also developing their language and literary skills. These books offer an excellent introduction to literature and encourage students to think critically and creatively about the world around them.

Chapters in Honeysuckle:

S. No

CBSE Class 6 English Chapters in Honeysuckle











Poems in Honeysuckle:

S. No

CBSE Class 6 English Poems in Honeysuckle









Chapters in A Pact with the Sun:

S. No

CBSE Class 6 English Chapters in A Pact with the Sun











Class 6 English Grammar CBSE

English grammar is a fundamental component of the CBSE Class 6 English syllabus . Students are introduced to basic grammatical concepts, such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. They also learn about sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, tenses, and punctuation.

To reinforce grammar learning, the CBSE Class 6 English book includes exercises and activities that help students practice their understanding of the concepts taught. The grammar section is crucial as it forms the foundation for effective communication in the English language.

The CBSE Class 6 English syllabus is designed to help students develop their language skills and improve their communication abilities. The CBSE Class 6 English books are an excellent resource that covers all aspects of the syllabus, including reading, writing, literature, and grammar. The grammar section, especially, is critical as it forms the foundation for effective communication in the English language. With the right resources and guidance, students can develop their English language skills and become proficient communicators. You can try Vedantu’s courses to master your English language and literary skills in CBSE Class 6. Book a demo class today!


FAQs on CBSE Class 6 English

1. What is the best way to improve my English reading skills as a Class 6 student?

You can improve your reading skills by reading regularly and widely. Try to read a variety of texts, including fiction and non-fiction, and take notes to understand the main ideas.

2. What are the different types of writing assignments given in CBSE Class 6 English?

Writing assignments in CBSE Class 6 English include creative writing, letter writing, and grammar exercises.

3. How can I improve my grammar skills in CBSE Class 6 English?

You can improve your grammar skills by practising regularly and seeking help from your teacher or tutor. Use grammar exercises and review notes to reinforce your understanding of the concepts.

4. Is it necessary to have a good vocabulary to score well in CBSE Class 6 English?

Yes, having a good vocabulary is essential to score well in CBSE Class 6 English. You can improve your vocabulary by reading widely and regularly using a dictionary.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing in CBSE Class 6 English?

Common mistakes to avoid include spelling errors, punctuation errors, and using incorrect verb tenses.

6. What are some tips for improving my speaking skills in CBSE Class 6 English?

To improve your speaking skills, practice speaking in front of a mirror or with a partner. Listen to English language media such as news, podcasts, and songs to improve your pronunciation.

7. Is it important to understand the context of a text while reading in CBSE Class 6 English?

Yes, understanding the context of a text is important as it helps you comprehend the main ideas and message of the text.

8. How can I stay motivated to learn English in CBSE Class 6?

You can stay motivated by setting achievable goals, tracking your progress, and finding resources that make learning enjoyable and fun.

9. How can Vedantu help me with CBSE Class 6 English?

Vedantu offers online classes with experienced teachers who can help you with your CBSE Class 6 English syllabus. With personalized attention and customized study materials, Vedantu can help you improve your language skills.

10. What are the benefits of improving my English language skills as a Class 6 student?

Improving your English language skills can benefit you in many ways, including better academic performance, improved job prospects, and enhanced communication abilities.

Case Study Questions Class 6 History Introduction – What, Where, How and When?

Case study questions class 6 history chapter 1 introduction – what, where, how and when, cbse case study questions class 6 history introduction – what, where, how and when.

Answer- Manuscripts were written by hands usually on palm leaves,or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as the birch.

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    case study questions for class 6 english


  1. CBSE Class 6th English

  2. 6th class English Student Activity Book key answers |Kalika Balavardhane @learneasilyhub

  3. Learn Class 6 English Grammer Quiz 2023|Grade 6 English Question|Class 6 English gk quiz for kids

  4. The Wonderful Words (Poem) Class‐6 Chapter‐6 English‐Workbook fully solved exercise @NCERTTHEMIND

  5. RPF & SSC GD Current GK 2024

  6. Bihar paramedical Biology class| Biology pm/pmm 2024 important Questions| Biology vvi question 2024


  1. CBSE 6th Standard CBSE all Case study Questions Updated

    CBSE 6th Standard CBSE all English medium question papers, important notes , study materials , Previuous Year questions, Syllabus and exam patterns. Free 6th Standard CBSE all books and syllabus online. Practice Online test for free in QB365 Study Material. Important keywords, Case Study Questions and Solutions. Updates about latest education news and Scholorships in one place

  2. Case Based (Factual) Unseen Passages: Practice English Grammar for

    Case Based (Factual) Passages. 1. Read the passage given below: [CBSE SET 2, 2021-22] Milkha Singh, also known as The Flying Sikh, was an Indian track and field sprinter who was introduced to the sport while serving in the Indian Army. He is the only athlete to win gold in 400 metres at the Asian Games as well as the Commonwealth Games.

  3. CBSE Case Study Questions Class 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 and 12

    CBSE Case Study Questions for Class 6 - 10, 12 for Maths, Science, SST. By Krishna Last updated: August 29, 2023. ... Sikkim SCERT Class 4 English Chapter 1B Thembi and the Singing Tree Solution. June 26, 2024. The man who wished to be perfect Class 11 Long Questions for Semester 2. June 25, 2024.

  4. Best 25+ Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Questions & Answers

    Answers: The Roman Colosseum is located in Rome, Italy. The Roman Colosseum was built in the 1st century AD. The Colosseum was used for a variety of entertainment events, including gladiator fights, animal hunts, and mock naval battles. The Colosseum could hold up to 50,000 spectators.

  5. CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers

    Unseen Passage for Class 6 English - Passage 1. Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions. Once there was a miser who sold all his possessions and, with the money, bought a great lump of gold, dug a deep hole at the edge of the garden, and there he buried his gold. Once a day, thereafter, the miser went to the garden, dug up ...

  6. The Noun: Case

    This document is useful for Class 6. 2.3K Views. 4.86/5 Rating. Praveen Kumar. Document Description: The Noun: Case for Class 6 2024 is part of English Grammar for Class 6 preparation. The notes and questions for The Noun: Case have been prepared according to the Class 6 exam syllabus.

  7. Unseen Passage for Class 6 English Question Answers

    This will prove very helpful in remembering. Read the Unseen Passage given below carefully and score good marks. Contents. 1 Unseen Passage for Class 6 - Passage 1. 2 Class 6 ICSE - Passage 2. 3 Class 6 - Passage 3. 4 Class 6 CBSE - Passage 4. 5 Class 6 English Solved - Passage 5. 5.1 Class 6 CBSE Board - Passage 6.

  8. CBSE Class 6 English Sample Paper-1 with Solutions (2018-19)

    The CBSE Class 6 sample paper-1 (2018-19) for English will be helpful for your exam preparation in several ways. Solving this English sample paper will help you make a quick revision of the entire syllabus. Practicing the writing tasks from this sample paper will help you focus on the required time management strategies.

  9. Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions

    Unseen Passages for Class 6 with Multiple Choice Questions #1. Journalism means many things. First, it means the ability to write and express thoughts in such a way that people can understand things quickly. This means being able to turn long articles into shapes. This means knowing your grammar and composition rules inside out and upside down.

  10. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

    NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Supplementary Reader A Pact with the Sun. Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds. Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose. Chapter 3 The Shepherd's Treasure. Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop. Chapter 5 Tansen. Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile. Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep.

  11. NCERT Solutions For Class 6 English 2024-25

    FAQs. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Questions and Answers helps students grasp the concepts and the analysis of the poems and the prose provided in the textbook. These solutions are provided in a PDF format on Vedantu, and students can download them for free. Students can learn the best answer-writing approaches from these solutions.

  12. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

    NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun. Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds. Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose. Chapter 3 The Shepherd's Treasure. Chapter 4 The Old Clock Shop. Chapter 5 Tansen. Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile. Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep. Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun.

  13. CBSE Class 6 English Important Questions 2024-25

    The Wonder Called Sleep. A Pact with the Sun. What Happened to the Reptiles. A Strange Wrestling march. Share this with your friends. Get chapter-wise important questions for Class 6 English with answers on Vedantu. Download the PDF for free and revise these important questions for CBSE Class 6 English exam 2024-25.

  14. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 with Solutions

    Class 6 Exam Preparation Tips: All students should follow certain tips to score well in the exam, those preparation tips are: Cover all the concepts included in the subjects: English, Hindi, Social Science, Science etc. Start practising questions from CBSE sample papers for class 6 and Chapter end questions.

  15. Class 6 English Extra Questions with Answers

    Extra Questions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun. Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds. Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose. Chapter 3 The Shepherd's Treasure. Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop. Chapter 5 Tansen. Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile. Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep. Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun.

  16. Class 6 Science Case Study Question Chapter 1 to 16

    CBSE Class 6 Science Case Study Question and Answer for all Chapter 1 to 16. Class 6 Students can learn Case Type Question from here. 100% FREE Exercise & Practice for CBSE, NCERT and ICSE ... English Grammar and Writing; CBSE. CBSE Notes; CBSE Science; 2024 Exams. JEE Main 2024; Entrance Exam 2024; Olympiad Exam 2024; My Vision for India in ...

  17. Important Questions for Class 6 English with Answers

    Chapter wise CBSE Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Important Questions. Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds. Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose. Chapter 3 The Shepherd's Treasure. Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop. Chapter 5 Tansen. Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile. Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep. Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun.

  18. MCQ Questions For Class 6 English With Answers

    Advantages of MCQ Questions for Class 6 English with Answers. a) MCQs will help the kids to strengthen concepts and improve marks in tests and exams. b) MCQ Questions for Class 6 English with answers have proven to further enhance the understanding and question solving skills. c) Regular reading topic wise questions with choices will for sure ...

  19. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

    The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle can be learnt easily using the chapter-wise and exercise-wise solutions given by BYJU'S. The textbook helps students build a strong foundation on important topics and succeed in the final exam. English is an important language, and it is necessary to create a good hold of it from primary ...

  20. CBSE Class 6 English: Study Material and Resources

    The CBSE Class 6 English syllabus aims to help students develop their language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The syllabus comprises four sections: Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Literature. The Reading section includes comprehension passages, note-making, and vocabulary.

  21. Case Study Questions Class 6 Geography Maps

    What is (1). Answer- Political maps. 5.) Define thematic maps. Answer- Maps focusing on road maps, rainfall maps, maps showing distribution of forests, industries etc. are known as thematic maps. Case 2. There are three Components of Maps - distance, direction and symbol.. Scale is the ratio between the actual distance on the ground and the ...

  22. TDOE Releases 2023-24 State-, District-, & School-Level TCAP Results

    Nashville, TN— Today, the Tennessee Department of Education released the 2023-24 Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) state-, district-, and school-level results, which include both fall 2023 end-of-course (EOC) exams and spring 2024 exams in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies, with the exception of math EOC data, which will be available later ...

  23. Case Study Questions Class 6 History Introduction

    Answer- Himalayas. 4.) Manuscripts deal in what kind of subjects. Answer- manuscripts deal with all kinds of subjects: religious beliefs and practices, the lives of kings, medicine and science. Case 5: There were many other things that were made and used in the past. Those who study these objects are called (1).