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How to Write a Job Application Letter (With Examples)

how to write application letter to an organisation

What Is a Job Application Letter?

Tips for writing a job application letter, how to get started.

  • Writing Guidelines
  • What to Include in Each Section

Simple Formatting Using a Template

Tips for writing an effective letter, sample job application letter, sending an email application, review more letter examples.

Do you need to write a letter to apply for a job? Most of the time, the answer is yes. Even when employers don’t require a job application letter , writing one will help you highlight your skills and achievements and get the hiring manager’s attention. The only time not to send one is when the job listing says not to do so. It can help, and it definitely won't hurt to include an application letter with your resume.

A job application letter, also known as a cover letter , should be sent or uploaded with your resume when applying for jobs. While your resume offers a history of your work experience and an outline of your skills and accomplishments, the job application letter you send to an employer explains why you are qualified for the position and should be selected for an interview.

Writing this letter can seem like a challenging task. However, if you take it one step at a time, you'll soon be an expert at writing application letters to send with your resume.

Melissa Ling / The Balance

Before you begin writing your job application letter, do some groundwork. Consider what information you want to include, and keep in mind that space is limited.

Remember, this letter is making a case for your candidacy for the position. But you should do more than just regurgitate your resume. Instead, highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and abilities.

Analyze the Job Posting

To include the most convincing, relevant details in your letter, you'll need to know what the employer wants.

The biggest clues are within the job advertisement, so spend some time decoding the job listing . Next, match your qualifications with the employer's wants and needs.

Include Your Most Relevant Qualifications

Make a list of your relevant experience and skills. For instance, if the job ad calls for a strong leader, think of examples of when you've successfully led a team. Once you've jotted down some notes and have a sense of what you want to highlight in your letter, you're ready to start writing.

Writing Guidelines for Job Application Letters

Writing a job application letter is very different from a quick email to a friend or a thank-you note to a relative. Hiring managers and potential interviewers have certain expectations when it comes to the letter's presentation and appearance, from length (no more than a page) and font size to style and letter spacing . Keep these general guidelines in mind, but always stick to any explicit instructions in the job listing or application portal.

Length: A letter of application should be no more than one page long. Three to four paragraphs are typical.

Format and Page Margins: A letter of application should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use 1-inch margins and align your text to the left, which is the standard alignment for most documents.

Font: Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size should be between 10 and 12 points.

What to Include in Each Section of the Letter

There are also set rules for the sections included in the letter, from salutation to sign-off, and how the letter is organized. Here's a quick overview of the main sections included in a job application letter:

Heading: A job application letter should begin with both your and the employer's contact information (name, address, phone number, email), followed by the date. If this is an email rather than an actual letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature.

  •   Header Examples

Salutation: This is your polite greeting. The most common salutation is "Dear Mr./Ms." followed by the person's last name. Find out more about appropriate cover letter salutations , including what to do if you don't know the person's name or are unsure of a contact's gender.

Body of the letter: Think of this section as having three distinct parts.

In the first paragraph , you'll want to mention the job you are applying for and where you saw the job listing.

The next paragraph(s) are the most important part of your letter. Remember how you gathered information about what the employer was seeking, and how you could meet their needs? This is where you'll share those relevant details on your experience and accomplishments.

The third and last part of the body of the letter will be your thank you to the employer; you can also offer follow-up information.

Complimentary Close: Sign off your email or letter with a polite close, such as "Best," or "Sincerely," followed by your name.

  • Closing Examples

Signature: When you're sending or uploading a printed letter, end with your handwritten signature, followed by your typed name. If this is an email, simply include your typed name, followed by your contact information.

  • Signature Examples

Overwhelmed by all these formatting and organization requirements? One way to make the process of writing a job application easier is to use a template to create your own personalized letters. Having a template can help save you time if you are sending a lot of application letters.

Be sure that each letter you send is personalized to the company and position; do not send the same letter to different companies.

  • Always write one. Unless a job posting explicitly says not to send a letter of application or cover letter, you should always send one. Even if the company does not request a letter of application, it never hurts to include one. If they do ask you to send a letter, make sure to follow the directions exactly (for example, they might ask you to send the letter as an email attachment or type it directly into their online application system).
  • Use business letter format. Use a formal business letter format when writing your letter. Include your contact information at the top, the date, and the employer’s contact information. Be sure to provide a salutation at the beginning and your signature at the end.
  • Sell yourself. Throughout the letter, focus on how you would benefit the company. Provide specific examples of times when you demonstrated skills or abilities that would be useful for the job, especially those listed in the job posting or description. If possible, include examples of times when you added value to a company.

Numerical values offer concrete evidence of your skills and accomplishments.

  • Use keywords. Reread the job listing, taking note of any keywords (such as skills or abilities that are emphasized in the listing). Try to include some of those words in your cover letter. This will help the employer see that you are a strong fit for the job.
  • Keep it brief. Keep your letter under a page long, with no more than about four paragraphs. An employer is more likely to read a concise letter.
  • Proofread and edit. Employers are likely to overlook an application with a lot of errors. Read through your cover letter, and if possible, ask a friend or career counselor to review the letter. Proofread for any grammar or spelling errors.

This is a job application letter sample.  Download the letter template (compatible with Google Docs or Word Online) or read the example below.

Sample Job Application Letter (Text Version)

Elizabeth Johnson 12 Jones Street Portland, Maine 04101 555-555-5555 elizabethjohnson@emailaddress.com

August 11, 2024

Mark Smith Human Resources Manager Veggies to Go 238 Main Street Portland, Maine 04101

Dear Mr. Smith,

I was so excited when my former coworker, Jay Lopez, told me about your opening for an administrative assistant in your Portland offices. A long-time Veggies to Go customer and an experienced admin, I would love to help the company achieve its mission of making healthy produce as available as takeout.

I’ve worked for small companies for my entire career, and I relish the opportunity to wear many hats and work with the team to succeed. In my latest role as an administrative assistant at Beauty Corp, I saved my employer thousands of dollars in temp workers by implementing a self-scheduling system for the customer service reps that cut down on canceled shifts. I also learned web design and timesheet coding, and I perfected my Excel skills. 

I’ve attached my resume for your consideration and hope to speak with you soon about your needs for the role.

Best Regards,

Elizabeth Johnson (signature hard copy letter)

Elizabeth Johnson

When you are sending your letter via email include the reason you are writing in the subject line of your message:

Subject Line Example

Subject: Elizabeth Johnson – Administrative Assistant Position

List your contact information in your signature, rather than in the body of the letter:

Email Signature Example

Elizabeth Johnson 555-555-5555 email@emailaddress.com

Review more examples of professionally written cover letters for a variety of circumstances, occupations, and job types.

CareerOneStop. " How Do I Write a Cover Letter? "

University of Maryland Global Campus. " Cover Letters ."


3 Examples: How to Write an Effective Application Letter

By Status.net Editorial Team on November 15, 2023 — 9 minutes to read

Your application letter should be a clear reflection of you, your skills, and your aspirations. It’s essential to tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for and showcase how you meet the requirements. Stay with us as we walk you through the tips, tricks, and best practices to make your letter shine. By the end, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to navigate the job application process with ease.

Step 1. Introduction: Expressing Interest

The opening line.

Your opening line should grab the reader’s attention, briefly introduce yourself, and express your interest in the position. This is your opportunity to make an excellent first impression, so keep it clear and concise. For example, you could start with:

“As an experienced marketing professional, I was thrilled to see the opportunity for a Marketing Manager position at X Company.”

Revealing the Source of Information

Next, it’s important to mention where you found out about the job opening. This helps recruiters understand where their outreach efforts are effective and demonstrates that you’ve done your homework. Reference the specific platform, such as a job board or company website, or mention the person who referred you to the position. Here are a couple of examples:

“I came across this position on LinkedIn and believe my skillset aligns perfectly with the job requirements.” or
“Jane Brown, the Sales Director at your company, suggested I apply for this role, as she believes my experience in customer service is a great fit for the team.”

Step 2. Body: Detailing Qualifications

Pitching your skills.

When writing an application letter, it’s essential to showcase your skills. Start by listing the most relevant ones based on the job description. Be specific and mention how you’ve used these skills in previous projects or work settings. For example:

“As a project manager, I have successfully managed teams of up to 20 members, ensuring timely delivery of projects while maintaining a high level of quality.”

Use bullet points or bold text to make your skills stand out. This way, the reader gets a clear picture of your capabilities.

Referencing Your Experience

After listing your skills, provide details about your work experience. Start with the most recent position and include the name of the company, your job title, and the duration of employment. Focus on the responsibilities that match the job opening. For instance:

“During my tenure at X Corp as a marketing executive, I was responsible for coordinating marketing campaigns, managing social media channels, and conducting market research.”

Don’t forget to mention any relevant internships or volunteer work. This information will help paint a complete picture of your expertise.

Demonstrating Your Achievement

Lastly, highlight your accomplishments and show the potential employer why you’re a perfect fit. Use concrete examples and mention any quantifiable results you’ve achieved. For example:

“At ABC Inc., I initiated a cost-reduction program that saved the company $50,000 within six months.”

You can also mention any awards or recognitions you’ve received for outstanding work. This demonstrates that your contributions have been valued and recognized by others.

Step 3. Concluding Your Letter

Seeking further communication.

By the time you reach the end of your application letter, it’s important to express your desire for further communication with the potential employer. This shows that you’re genuinely interested in the opportunity and eager to continue the conversation. Example:

“I am excited about the prospect of contributing to your company’s goals, and I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further with you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for considering my application.”

Final Goodbye

After expressing your eagerness, close your letter with a polite and professional farewell, addressing the recipient by name where possible. This is not only courteous, but it also leaves a positive and lasting impression. Example:

“ I look forward to your response and the possibility of working together. Once again, thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name]”

Proper Letter Ending

The complimentary close.

Start by choosing an appropriate complimentary close for your application letter. This part signifies the end of the main content and should leave a professional impression. Some common examples are “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Yours faithfully.” Keep in mind that it’s best to stay formal, so avoid using casual phrases like “Cheers” or “Take care.”

After the complimentary close, press enter twice to leave a space for your signature. This space provides room for your actual signature if you’re submitting a physical letter. If you’re submitting electronically, this space can act as a visual cue that your letter has reached its end.

While signing an application letter, be sure to include your typed full name. Don’t forget to include your relevant contact information, such as your email address or phone number. This will make it easy for the recipient to get in touch with you if they have any questions or require additional information.

Here’s an example of a proper letter ending for your application letter:

[Space for physical signature, if applicable] Your Full Name [email protected] +1-234-567-8901

Post-Writing: Proofreading and Correcting

After writing your application letter, it’s essential to proofread and correct any errors or inconsistencies. This process will help ensure that you submit a polished and professional document that impresses potential employers.

Correcting Grammar and Punctuation

First, focus on your grammar and punctuation. A well-written letter that follows proper grammar rules is more likely to capture the reader’s attention and convey your message effectively.

  • As you’re reading through your letter, keep an eye out for missing or misplaced commas, semicolons, and other punctuation marks.
  • Check for sentence fragments or run-on sentences that make your message unclear.
  • Look for subject-verb agreement issues, as well as any awkward phrasing or wordiness.
  • Ensure consistency in tense and voice throughout the letter.

Checking for Spelling Mistakes

Your next step should be checking for spelling mistakes. Misspelled words can distract the reader and make your application appear less polished.

  • Run your text through a spellchecker; most word processing programs have this feature built-in.
  • Take the time to read through your letter carefully, word-by-word, to catch any errors the spellchecker may have missed.
  • Double-check the spelling of names, addresses, and other specific information to make sure they’re correct.

Examples of Successful Application Letters

When writing an application letter, it’s essential to tailor it to the specific job posting . Check out these examples to help you create a winning letter for different scenarios.

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I’m excited to apply for the Sales Representative position at [Company Name]. With my proven sales record and strong interpersonal skills, I believe I would be a valuable asset to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I consistently exceeded sales targets and established strong relationships with clients. I’m confident that my experience and passion for sales will contribute to the ongoing success of [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my qualifications and how I can contribute to the growth of [Company Name].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

As a creative and skilled Graphic Designer, I am thrilled to apply for the position at [Company Name]. My expertise in Adobe Creative Suite and concept development aligns with the requirements laid out in the job posting.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I created visually appealing and engaging content for various marketing campaigns. My designs helped increase brand recognition and lead to a 20% increase in social media engagement. I am eager to use my talents and contribute to the visual identity of [Company Name].

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my skills and portfolio with you. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards, [Your Name]

As an experienced Office Manager with a strong background in time management and organization, I am eager to apply for the position at [Company Name]. Your commitment to efficiency and supporting your employees is in line with my work values.

During my tenure at [Previous Company], I streamlined scheduling and developed procedures that led to a 30% reduction in office expenses. My proactive approach to problem-solving and ability to create a productive work environment contribute to my effectiveness as an Office Manager.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to the success of [Company Name] by enhancing office operations. Thank you for considering my application.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key components of an application letter.

An application letter should include the following key components:

  • Contact information: Start by writing your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Salutation: Address the recipient professionally, using their name when possible.
  • Opening paragraph: Introduce yourself and state the position you’re applying for.
  • Body paragraphs: Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments.
  • Closing paragraph: Reiterate your interest in the position, provide your contact information, and thank the reader for considering your application.
  • Sign-off: Use a polite closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name.

Can you provide a step-by-step guide on writing a cover letter?

  • Review the job posting and research the company to understand their needs and values.
  • Write your contact information at the top of the letter.
  • Use a professional salutation and address the recipient by name, if possible.
  • Craft an engaging opening paragraph that states the position you’re applying for and how you learned about it.
  • Write body paragraphs that showcase your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments, drawing connections to the requirements mentioned in the job posting.
  • In the closing paragraph, restate your interest in the position and thank the reader for their time.
  • Sign off with a polite closing and your name, followed by your phone number and email address.

What are some tips for writing an effective application letter?

To write an effective application letter:

  • Tailor the content: Focus on the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific job posting.
  • Use strong action words: Highlight your achievements using action verbs, such as “managed,” “achieved,” or “developed.”
  • Proofread for errors: Thoroughly check your letter for spelling and grammatical errors before sending.
  • Maintain a professional tone: Write your letter with a confident and respectful tone, avoiding slang or overly casual language.

How do you customize your cover letter for different job positions?

Make sure to modify your application letter to suit the specific job and company you’re applying to. Analyze the job posting to understand the key requirements and skills the employer is looking for. Emphasize how your experiences and abilities address these needs. Research the company to understand their values and culture, and incorporate that knowledge into your letter to show you would be a good fit for their organization.

What are some common cover letter mistakes to avoid?

Some common mistakes to avoid in cover letters include:

  • Not customizing your letter for each job or company
  • Focusing too much on yourself and not on the needs of the employer
  • Including too much information or making the letter too long
  • Repeating your resume verbatim without providing more context
  • Failing to proofread for spelling and grammatical errors

How can I make my application letter stand out from the competition?

To make your application letter stand out:

  • Use a compelling opening to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Show enthusiasm for the position and the company.
  • Make sure your letter is well-organized and visually appealing, with a professional font and layout.
  • Tailor your letter to the specific job and company, focusing on the most relevant skills and experiences.
  • Offer examples of your achievements to demonstrate your ability to succeed in the role.
  • Proofread your letter to ensure it is error-free and polished.
  • 5 Examples: How to Write a Letter of Employment
  • 3 Examples: How to Write a Job Offer Thank-You Letter
  • 20 Examples: How to Write Resume Job Descriptions
  • 3 Examples: Job Application Email (with Tips)
  • How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation [Examples]
  • How to Write an Effective Performance Review (Essential Steps)

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How to write a job application email that gets a reply


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First things first: Collect your candidate information

How to write a job application email in 6 steps, 5 email templates for job applications, your email’s first impression.

Imagine you're surfing a job board and you finally see it: your dream job. 

The adrenaline kicks in, but so does the realization that your first contact with the company sets the stage for your professional relationship. This is your initial greeting, and you need to draft a convincing job application email that shows off your experience and ultimately secures that all-important interview.

In the digital age, a simple email carries the weight of a first impression . Think of it as your digital handshake — firm, confident, and memorable. Crafting that perfect email is an art that opens doors to opportunities and sets the stage for your next career move . 

Your email for job applications isn’t just a platform to showcase your professional development . It’s about giving a holistic view of who you are and how that aligns with a company's core values , even though you have limited space. 

But the ultimate goal is to send in your application, and that means collecting all necessary documents and information the job posting asks for. Before penning your thoughts, make sure you have these essentials:

Cover letter: According to a survey from recruiting software Jobvite, 31% of job seekers want companies to remove cover letters from the hiring process . But even if you fall into this group, cover letters are an important step. Consider them your elevator pitch in document form. 

You’ll accentuate your strengths while expressing your enthusiasm for the role. Double-check your cover letter to tailor it to the job description, highlight your accomplishments, and make it more than a regurgitation of your resume.

  • Resume: Your resume represents your professional journey, showcasing your work experience, skills, and educational background. Make sure it’s free from typos and informative without including too much. Remember to choose the right type of resume and rename the file when you attach it, preferably with your full name and the position title.
  • Portfolio or work samples: If you're venturing into fields like graphic design, writing, or any other creative domain, make a portfolio that speaks louder than words. It should encapsulate your style, versatility, and expertise. Make sure it’s up-to-date and mirrors the requirements of the job listing. A website-based portfolio might work for some positions, but others could ask for a PDF.
  • Additional information: Job postings sometimes come with unique demands. They may want to know about certifications, years of experience, or even niche skills. If the job posting lists any specific asks, provide them. This showcases that you’ve read, understood, and met the criteria, demonstrating attention to detail .

According to an eye-tracking study from job aggregate Ladders, recruiters only spend 7.4 seconds looking at each resume . If you want to make a lasting impression and stand out in the job search , every detail counts. Here’s a guide to ensuring recruiters and hiring managers notice you:

1. Include a clear and concise subject line

Your subject line sets the tone. It's the first thing a recruiter sees and often determines whether they’ll even open the email at all. Make it concise and relevant, incorporating the job title and your name, like “Graphic Designer Role — Alex Smith.” This straightforward approach shows you respect the hiring manager's time and helps you stand out in a sea of vague “job application” subject lines.

Beyond the basic info, consider the things that make the role unique. If the job posting emphasizes a specific skill or requirement, try incorporating it, like “Digital Marketing Expert with SEO Specialization — Jamie Carter.” Remember, clarity trumps creativity in this space, so when in doubt, keep it simple.

2. Write the body of your email

Kick off with a professional yet approachable salutation. “To whom it may concern” works if you don’t have the hiring manager or recruiter’s name. But if you do, personalize it to let them know you’re paying attention. 

The opening paragraph should be your hook. Instead of a generic introduction, dive straight into the reasons why you're the candidate they’ve been searching for. Link your experience and skills with the job description to show you've done your homework. Something like “I am a growth expert with 10+ years of experience” is much more effective than “I am interested in the job you posted.”

After the salutation, it's all about engaging the reader. Share a short, relevant anecdote that connects you to the company's mission or the specific role. If it emphasizes innovation , talk about a time you thought outside the box to pioneer a new method or strategy. Prove you’re not looking for any job: you’re looking for this job.


3. Make a pitch

A pitch isn’t about bragging. It’s about succinctly conveying what makes you unique. Use the body of your email to highlight a couple of key achievements or experiences that align with the role. Maybe you boosted sales by 30% in your last job or led a team that executed a successful project. 

After your initial pitch, tie it back to the company. Explain how your work accomplishments will directly benefit the team. If you boosted those sales by 30%, explain how that experience will transfer over to this new position. Connect your past victories to their future successes. 

You don’t have to write a full cover letter in the body of your email (unless that’s what the posting asks for). Just use the space to further explain your candidacy and motivation .

4. Provide your contact information

Ensure potential employers can easily reach you. Even if you’ve included your contact information in your resume, your email should have your phone number, professional email address, and your LinkedIn profile .

Beyond the basics, make yourself available for follow-up questions or discussions. Offer a time frame when you’re most reachable, like “Available for calls between 2 PM and 4 PM on weekdays.” It not only shows initiative but subtly communicates respect for their time by eliminating back-and-forth scheduling.

5. Rename your resume files

This might sound like a minor detail, but your file names are more important than you think. A resume with a title like “Resume1” or “MarketingCV_final” doesn’t scream professionalism and makes it harder for recruiters to keep track of your docs. Keep it simple with a format like “AlinaJones_ProjectManager” to make your resume stand out .

If you're submitting multiple documents, like a cover letter or a list of references , ensure they all follow a consistent naming pattern. This looks more professional and helps recruiters organize your materials. Think “AlinaJones_CoverLetter” and “AlinaJones_References.” It’s clean and shows attention to detail.


6. Add your portfolio

For jobs where showing beats telling, the quality of your portfolio is critical. Include your portfolio as an attachment or as a link, depending on your preference and what the job posting asks for. Just ensure that whatever you share represents your best work.

In a 2019 study, Mailchimp found that the average email open rate is only 21% — meaning recruiters might not read your email at all. That’s why your application needs to rise above the noise. Save time and write the best application possible with these tailor-made job application templates:

1. Entry-level job application example

You're at the starting line of your professional journey, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have value as an applicant. Your motivation and educational experience can still be enough to show employers you’re a good candidate.

This sample letter can help you express your enthusiasm for the role you’re applying for and showcase the skills and experiences that make you the perfect fit:

Subject line: [Full name] – [Position]

To whom it may concern,

I’m [full name], a passionate [field of interest], writing to express my interest in the entry-level [position] at [company name]. I discovered the role on [job board/company website] and am drawn to it because of [company's mission/vision/reputation].

My educational journey equipped me with [relevant skills], further enhanced by my [previous job] at [other company name]. This experience instilled a passion for crafting innovative solutions that align with [company mission].

I am attaching my resume detailing my qualifications. Thank you for considering my application. 


[Full name]

[Contact information]


2. Mid-career job application example

You have a wealth of experience under your belt and are ready for a new challenge. This sample letter will help you articulate your accomplishments and how they align with the new role you’re seeking:

Dear [hiring manager’s name],

I am an accomplished [job title] with [number] years of professional experience. I came across the position at [company name] on [job board/company website], and I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to [company’s project or goal].

My journey in [industry] involves [relevant skills and responsibilities], with significant contributions to companies like [other company names]. I feel confident that my expertise can bring valuable insights to your team.

My resume, attached for your review, provides more detailed information about my qualifications and achievements. I look forward to discussing our mutual goals and aspirations.

[Full name] 

3. Change of field sample job application

Making a career change is daunting, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Your diverse background brings a unique perspective to the table, so use this chance to explain your transferable skills and experience. This sample email will help you highlight your expertise and express your eagerness to enter a new field:

Subject line: [Full Name] – [Position]

Hello [hiring manager’s name]

My name is [full name], and I’m applying for the [job title] opening at [company name]. I saw this role on [job board/company website] and it immediately stood out to me because [company or position details].

Having served as a [previous role], I deeply understand [relevant skill or specialty]. This foundation, combined with my recent experience with [relevant skill or specialty], equips me to [listed job requirement]. I’m ready to offer a unique perspective to your team.

Please refer to the attached documents for a comprehensive look at my qualifications. I'm available for a call this week or next to delve deeper into how my background can be an asset to your projects.

4. Return to workforce

Taking a break from your career is sometimes necessary, and that doesn’t make you a lesser candidate when you decide to return. You don’t have to go into detail about your career break in your application, but it is good to mention so hiring managers know you’re honest and transparent . 

This sample letter will help you communicate your readiness to get back to work and your enthusiasm for the role or industry you’re re-entering:

Subject line: [Full Name] – [Position] Re-entering the [Industry] Scene

I’m an experienced [job title] interested in the open role at [company name]. With a decade's worth of experience with [skill], notably at [other company name], I have a proven track record in executing, delegating, and prioritizing tasks efficiently. I'm prepared to merge my prior expertise with fresh insights for your upcoming projects.

Over the past few years, I took a break in my career, and I’m eager to re-enter the workforce. During this time, I stayed up-to-date on the industry, [subject] in particular, and I’m also [note any accomplishments from your break].

I've attached my resume detailing my journey and accomplishments. Please let me know if you need further information.

5. Recent graduate application letter example

If you've recently graduated and are ready to embark on your career journey, don’t be afraid to state that in your application. Your knowledge is fresh, and that’s an asset. This sample letter will help you highlight your academic achievements and relevant experiences as you express your excitement for the role:

Subject line: [Full Name] – [Degree]

I am [full name], a [year] [degree] graduate, and I’m reaching out regarding the role at [company name], which I found on [job board/company website].

My academic achievements and internship at [previous company] gave me a robust foundation in [relevant skill or specialty]. I'm eager to apply these skills to enhance brand engagement at [company name] while continuing to grow my expertise.

Enclosed, please find my resume and relevant documents. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to [company project/goal].

Navigating the job market is no easy task, but a compelling job application email can be your ticket to standing out. Remember, it's all about showcasing your strengths, experiences, and passion — so, put your best foot forward and make every word count.

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  • Job Application Documents

How to Write a Job Application Letter (with Examples)

Last Updated: May 30, 2024 Fact Checked

Sample Letters

Introduction, body paragraphs, closing your letter, expert q&a.

This article was written by Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano . Shannon O'Brien is the Founder and Principal Advisor of Whole U. (a career and life strategy consultancy based in Boston, MA). Through advising, workshops and e-learning Whole U. empowers people to pursue their life's work and live a balanced, purposeful life. Shannon has been ranked as the #1 Career Coach and #1 Life Coach in Boston, MA by Yelp reviewers. She has been featured on Boston.com, Boldfacers, and the UR Business Network. She received a Master's of Technology, Innovation, & Education from Harvard University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 10,677,200 times.

So, you’ve found your dream job and want to make sure you nail the job application process. You double- and triple-check the criteria—they’re asking for a cover letter. What does that mean, and how do you write it? A cover letter or letter of application is a single page that sums up why you want and deserve the job. Think of it as an extension of your resume; a sales pitch for why you’re the perfect candidate. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide full of examples and tips on how to write a letter of application for a job. With our help and a little finesse, you may soon be calling that dream job your own.

Things You Should Know

  • Format your application letter single-spaced and in Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font that’s 10- to 12-point in size.
  • Open your letter with an engaging and confident first paragraph that briefly includes your qualifications, where you found the job, and your overall interest in the position.
  • Show your personality in the body paragraphs by describing the passions that relate to the position in 1 or 2 sentences.
  • Use keywords (like leadership, communication, and detail-oriented) from the job description throughout your letter to show that you’ve done your research.

how to write application letter to an organisation

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Personal website and/or portfolio link (if you have one)

Step 4 Provide the company’s information.

  • If you don’t know the hiring manager's name, search the company’s website or refer to the name of the individual who originally posted the job opening.
  • If you’re in doubt about who to address your letter to, use “[Department] Hiring Manager.”

Step 5 Open your letter with a formal greeting.

  • If you don’t have the employer or hiring manager’s name, use a general but professional opening, “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear [Department] Hiring Manager.”

Step 1 Explain what drew you to the job.

  • Be short and specific in this opening paragraph—save those details for later.
  • Think of your first paragraph as a sales pitch. What can you say that’ll grab their attention immediately? Is there something you have that other candidates don’t that make you more qualified for the position?
  • Show the employer that you’re familiar with the company and job application by noting keywords and characteristics valued by the company.
  • For example: “I write to apply for the Office Manager position at Acme Investments, Inc. I am an excellent fit for this position, as demonstrated by my extensive background in management and proven success as a corporate administrator.”

Step 2 State where you found the position.

  • Companies appreciate when job candidates include this information because it lets them know where people are searching for jobs.
  • Only include a company contact or friend’s name if you have their permission. This way, they’ll be ready to answer any questions about you and your character later.
  • You may write something like: “John Smith recommended that I get in touch with you about the general manager position at EnviroRent,” or “I came across the available position on LinkedIn and believe I am a strong candidate.”

Step 3 Explain why hiring you would benefit the company.

  • For instance, if the company needs someone who can lead a team and handle multiple projects at once, note what team projects you’ve led in previous positions and how you improved overall productivity.
  • If you have numerical data or stats to back up your accomplishments, include them! This is your time to brag about your achievements and show how you’ve excelled in the workplace.

Step 1 Summarize your strengths, qualifications, and experiences.

  • Scan the job application for keywords like leadership, communication, management, and detail-oriented. Then, highlight in your letter how you have these characteristics or skills.
  • Avoid embellishing any of your qualifications. Remember, an employer can always double-check the facts.
  • If you’re not sure what to write, refer to your resume or CV. What have you done that matches the job description best, and how can you elaborate on it?
  • For example: “In my previous role, I successfully supported an office of 100 personnel and honed my management and interpersonal skills through customer service and clerical responsibilities.”

Step 2 Include details that aren’t on your resume.

  • For instance, you could express how the company has impacted you personally and why that’s driven you to apply for the position.
  • Although you want to provide details, keep it short. Stick to a 1 to 2-sentence description rather than a full-length story. Your letter should stay under 3 paragraphs.
  • Here’s an example: “My passion for teaching began the summer of my sophomore year of high school when I was a camp counselor. I was given the opportunity to teach a class focusing on local plant life, and the campers’ enthusiasm cultivated my love for teaching and conservation.

Step 3 Finish with a call to action.

  • For instance, you could write, “I am excited about the possibility of working for you and your company. I would be more than happy to discuss my qualifications and Acme’s future direction in person or via video conference.”
  • Keep your call to action brief and open, or provide specific dates you’d be available to meet with the employer.

Step 1 Thank the employer for their time and consideration.

  • For instance, sign off with, “Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you,” or “Thank you for considering me for this position. If you have any further questions or require additional documentation, please don’t hesitate to contact me.” [12] X Research source

Step 2 Sign off with a respectable salutation.

  • If you’re sending your letter via email, import your signature into the document as an image or .png file.

Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

  • Always proofread and ask someone else to read over your application letter before you send it. This way, you can make sure it’s absolutely perfect and error-free. [14] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Keep the overall tone of the company or employer in mind while writing your letter. For instance, if you’re applying to be a journalist for a prestigious news website, match their word choice and writing style. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Be sure to customize your application letter for every job you apply to, even if they have the same qualifications. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to write application letter to an organisation

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  • ↑ https://www.ferrum.edu/downloads/careers/cover-letters.pdf
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/job_search_writing/job_search_letters/cover_letters_workshop/formatting_and_organization.html
  • ↑ https://icc.ucdavis.edu/materials/cover-letters
  • ↑ https://hbr.org/2016/05/learn-to-love-networking
  • ↑ https://hbr.org/2014/02/how-to-write-a-cover-letter
  • ↑ https://www.astate.edu/dotAsset/54eb42cc-33a3-4237-a46e-3f4aaac79389.pdf
  • ↑ https://career.gatech.edu/writing-effective-cover-letter

About This Article

Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

The best way to start an application letter is to mention where you found the job opportunity and how your strengths can benefit the employer. Devote time in the body paragraphs to tell the employer more about your experience and qualifications. Explain why you’re the best candidate and finish by inviting the hiring manager to contact you. For suggestions on how to prepare your letter, and examples of what to write, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Sample Letters

Sample letters to organizations.

Find inspiration in our curated catalog of letters to organizations. Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words.

Letters to Organizations

Letters to organizations are letters written to institutions, associations, or any organized body of people working together to achieve a common goal. An organization could be a charity, union, corporation, or even a neighborhood association. There are a thousand reasons why you may want to write to an organization. Maybe you want to volunteer to offer your services, or you want to make a donation. Perhaps you are requesting sponsorship for your event. Whatever the reason, any letter to an organization must be formal and addressed properly. When writing letters to organizations, it's important to know what it is that you want to achieve and what you want the organization to do. Use the standard business letter format. Start your letter with a proper salutation and introduce yourself or your company. State the purpose of the letter. Mention what you are asking for or what you are offering. Include any materials or information that you feel might be important to the recipient. Use a polite and professional tone. Keep the letter short, preferably, one page. In the end, thank the recipient in advance for his/her time and consideration. Sign-off using business-appropriate language. Include your full name and contact details.

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15+ Sample Membership Application Letters – PDF, Word

A membership application letters is used by an individual who would like to join as a member of an organization or a cooperative group. Once the membership application has been approved, the person is entitled to enjoy the perks and other privileges that are regularly reserved only for the members of a particular organization, group, or club. You can compose a job application letter for a country club, gym, or workers union, just to name a few. Below, you can find tips for writing a membership letter , along with a recommendation letter, acceptance letter, letter of intent, church worker letter, solicitation letter, society membership letter, subscription letter, golf club letter, and more.

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Free Application For Membership

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  • Microsoft Word
  • Apple Pages
  • Google Docs

Sample Application Letter For Membership Of Association

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  • Editable PDF

Letter Of Intent For Organization Membership

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Club Membership Application Letter

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Letter Of Intent For Membership Application

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Application Letter For Membership In an Association

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Sample Membership Letter Organization

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Application For Membership Of Association

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Free Request Letter For Membership Of Club

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Church Worker Membership Registration Application Letter

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Free Cooperative Membership Application Cover Letter

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What Do You Write in a Membership Application Letter?

  • The name of the person who wanted to apply for membership
  • The kind of membership that the individual wants to acquire
  • The name of the club, organization, or establishment that a person wants to be a member of
  • The qualifications of the person to be a member
  • The basic personal information of the individual ownership Transferpplying for membership
  • The date that the membership application letter has been made

Why Do You Need to Write a Membership Application Letter?

  • Some entities require membership application letters because of exclusivity.
  • A membership application letter creates a professional initial impact.
  • Membership application letters fully cover the purpose and reason why an individual wants to be a member of an entity.
  • Membership application letter outline are physical documents that can serve as transaction proofs, which may be used for a variety of purposes be it for the applicant or the organization.

Free Bank Credit Union Membership Application Letter

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Free Membership Subscription Renewal Application Letter

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Free Membership Acceptance Application Letter Template

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Free International Society Membership Application Letter

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Free Membership Application Letter of Intent Proposal in Word

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What Are the Membership Application Letters You Need to Write?

  • Club membership application letters can be any of the following: (a) a membership reference letter from a member of a club who would like another person to be a part of the same club and (b) a membership application from an individual who would like to be a member of a specific club
  • Church membership application letters are usually written by individuals who would like to be a part of a specific church or sector would want to formally transfer from one religion to another. You can also see more on  Job Application Letters for Executive .
  • Membership request application letters are written by businesses that want to enroll their employees in a particular membership. Corporate memberships are offered by various entities to get more clients by providing discounts and special offers to members of a specific group.
  • Membership renewal application letters are written to renew an existing membership so that the individual can continue to get the benefits that s/he has been getting. Membership renewal letters are usually written a few days before the expiry of the membership.
  • International membership application letters are created and passed by individuals who would like to be a part of an international organization like Rotary International or Greenpeace.

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Application introduction letter, partnership application letter, membership extension letter, membership withdrawal letter, membership payment letter, membership proposal letter, membership confirmation letter, management application letter, information application letter, employment application response letter.

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How To Write an Effective Email Cover Letter (Template + Examples)

Nathan Thompson

3 key takeaways

  • An email cover letter is typically sent alongside a resume.
  • Learn the structure and format of a winning email cover letter, and how to create your own.
  • Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the process of creating cover letters tailored to each job.

When applying for a job online, an email cover letter is a crucial part of your application. It's your introduction, providing a personalized narrative that complements your resume and demonstrates your fit for the role.

A well-written email cover letter can distinguish you from other candidates and improve your chances of securing an interview.

This guide walks through best practices for writing an email cover letter, emphasizing the importance of personalization and professionalism.

Struggling to craft the perfect email cover letter? Get started with Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator for free.

What is an email cover letter?

An email cover letter is a document sent with your resume when applying for a job online or via email. It's an introduction to your qualifications and interest in the role.

Email cover letters have become a standard part of the job application process, often serving as the first impression you make on a potential employer.

The primary role of an email cover letter is to complement your resume by providing context and a personalized narrative that demonstrates your fit for the position. An effective email cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of securing an interview.

Why email cover letters matter

Crafting a compelling email cover letter is more important today than ever before.

A well-written email cover letter can make the difference between your application being noticed or getting lost in a "maybe" bin with other candidates. It lets you showcase your personality, highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, and demonstrate your genuine interest in the position and company.

Plus, an impressive email cover letter can set the stage for a successful job interview.

It gives hiring managers a glimpse into your communication skills, attention to detail, and professionalism—all qualities employers highly value. A memorable email cover letter can pique the hiring manager's interest and make them eager to learn more about you during an interview.

In essence, your email cover letter is a powerful tool for marketing yourself, distinguishing your application, and increasing your chances of landing your dream job.

How to write an effective email cover letter

An effective email cover letter requires a strategic approach to capture the employer's attention and demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Follow these steps to craft a compelling email cover letter:

1. Craft an attention-grabbing subject line

Your subject line is the first thing the employer sees, so make it count. Use a clear and concise subject line that includes the job title and your name.

Marketing Manager Position - John Doe.

2. Address the recipient appropriately

Start your email cover letter with a proper salutation, addressing the hiring manager by name, if possible. If the name is unavailable, use a respectful greeting. 

Dear hiring manager,

3. Write an engaging introductory paragraph

In the opening paragraph, briefly introduce yourself, express your enthusiasm for the role, and provide a hook that piques the reader's interest.

Consider mentioning a mutual connection or a notable achievement relevant to the position.

4. Highlight your qualifications and fit for the role

The main body of your email cover letter should showcase your qualifications, experiences, and skills that align with the job requirements.

Quantify your resume and provide specific examples that demonstrate your potential value to the company. Mention how you can contribute to their success and why you are the ideal candidate.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator helps job seekers craft compelling cover letters that effectively highlight their accomplishments. 

Teal is able to analyze job descriptions to identify the most relevant skills and experiences to emphasize. It then helps you articulate these professional achievements more clearly and persuasively, ensuring your cover letter stands out.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator

Whether you're detailing a project that boosted sales by 25 percent or explaining how you led a successful team, Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator ensures your accomplishments are presented in the most impactful way, increasing your chances of making a strong impression on potential employers.

5. Express enthusiasm and a call to action

Conclude your email cover letter by reiterating your interest in the role and the company.

Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and provide a call to action, such as requesting an interview or discussing your qualifications further.

6. Use a professional sign-off

End your email cover letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Thank you for your consideration."

Need help overcoming writer's block? Learn how to generate a great cover letter with ChatGPT cover letter prompts .

Tips for writing compelling email cover letters

Writing your first cover letter can be intimidating. Follow these tips to set yourself up for success:

  • Keep it concise and focused: Aim for a length of three to four paragraphs, highlighting your most relevant qualifications and experiences.
  • Personalize for each application: Tailor your email cover letter to the specific job and company, demonstrating your understanding of their needs and how you can contribute.
  • Proofread carefully: Ensure your email cover letter is free from spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors, as it reflects your attention to detail.
  • Incorporate keywords from the job description: Use relevant keywords and phrases from the job posting to show your alignment with the role's requirements.

Following a clear, professional format is crucial for creating an email cover letter that makes a strong first impression.

Writing email cover letters with AI

Struggling to craft the perfect cover letter for each job application? Research and compare the best AI cover letter writers to avoid writer’s block.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator takes the stress out of the process, allowing you to create effective, tailored cover letters in minutes, not hours.

With just a few clicks, its AI personalizes your cover letter to match any job description, highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences.

Plus, Teal intelligently adds keywords from the job descriptions to help make your cover letter more ATS-friendly, ensuring your application stands out with a professional, customized cover letter every time.

Proper email cover letter format

The standard parts of an email cover letter include:

1. Subject line

Your email cover letter's subject line is the first thing a hiring manager or recruiter will see. It's your chance to make a strong first impression and entice them to open your email.

When crafting your subject line, aim for clarity and conciseness.

Clearly state the purpose of your email, such as "Application for [Job Title] - [Your Name]."

This immediately lets the reader know what the email is about and who it's from.

Avoid using generic subject lines like "Resume" or "Job Application.” While descriptive, those terms are too vague and overused in application subject lines and, therefore, more likely to be overlooked.

To make your subject line stand out, consider including a unique selling point or achievement that aligns with the job requirements. This gives the reader a reason to learn more about you.

Lastly, keep your subject line short and sweet, ideally under 60 characters. That way it won't get cut off in the recipient's inbox preview.

Email cover letter subject line example:

Experienced Software Developer with Expertise in [Relevant Skill]

2. Salutation

One of the most important aspects of your email cover letter is addressing it to the right person.

Whenever possible, aim to find the hiring manager's name or person responsible for filling the position. This shows you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the role.

To find the hiring manager's name, review the job posting carefully. Sometimes, the contact person doesn't have their name listed in the ad. If not, visit the company's website and look for a "Team" or "About Us" page. You might find the name of the department head there.

If you still can't find a name, try searching for the company on LinkedIn. Look for people with titles like "Hiring Manager," "Recruiter," or "Human Resources Manager." You can also search for the head of the department related to the position.

If you exhaust all these options and still can't find a name, using a general salutation is okay.

"Dear Hiring Manager," "Dear Recruiting Team," or "Dear [Department] Team" are all appropriate choices. Avoid outdated salutations like "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern."

3. Opening paragraph

Your opening paragraph captures the hiring manager's attention and entices them to read further.

Keep your opening paragraph of your email cover letter short and impactful, ideally no more than three to four sentences.

Remember, your goal is to quickly capture the hiring manager's interest and encourage them to continue reading your email cover letter to discover how you can contribute to their organization's success.

Try the following to get started: 

  • Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and the company to make a strong first impression.
  • Briefly mention how you discovered the position, whether it was through a job board, referral, or the company's website.
  • Explain why you are interested in the role and company.
  • Showcase your knowledge of the company’s mission, values, or recent achievements.
  • Highlight one or two key qualifications that make you an excellent fit for the position.

Email cover letter intro example:

I was thrilled to come across the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name] on [Job Board]. With my 5+ years of experience in digital marketing and my passion for data-driven strategies, I am confident I would be a valuable asset to your team.

4. Body paragraphs

One of the most important aspects of crafting an effective email cover letter is showcasing your relevant skills and experience.

To make a strong impression on the hiring manager, carefully select the most impressive and pertinent qualifications from your background that align with the job requirements.

  • Review the job description and identify the key skills, experience, and qualities the employer is seeking.
  • Choose examples from your work history that demonstrate your proficiency in these areas.
  • If the job posting emphasizes strong project management abilities, highlight a time when you successfully led a complex project from start to finish.
  • Provide concrete details about your role, the challenges you faced, and the positive outcomes you achieved.
  • Quantify your accomplishments wherever possible using hard numbers and metrics.
  • Instead of stating you "improved sales," specify that you "boosted sales by 25% within the first quarter."
  • Incorporate keywords and phrases from the job description into your email cover letter.

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen candidates based on the presence of specific keywords. Naturally integrating these terms into your resume and cover letter also increases your chances of passing through the ATS and landing an interview.

Remember, the goal is to clarify to the hiring manager that you possess the necessary skills and experience to excel in the role.

5. Add a call to action

As you wrap up your email cover letter, be sure to finish strong and leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. This is your golden opportunity to reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and the company, as well as your confidence in the fit.

Start by briefly recapping your key qualifications and how they align with the position's requirements. This reinforces why you're a strong candidate and reminds the reader of the value you can bring to their team.

Then, clearly state your desire to further discuss the opportunity and learn more about how you can contribute to the organization's success.

This call-to-action demonstrates your proactive approach and eagerness to take the next step in the hiring process.

6. Signature

Finally, end with a polite and professional sign-off.

Best regards, Sincerely, Thank you for your consideration.

Include your full name and contact details below your sign-off to make it easy for the hiring manager to reach out to you.

By leveraging AI to streamline formatting, you can ensure each email cover letter maintains a polished, professional appearance while focusing your time on tailoring the content to make a compelling case for your candidacy.

Need a bit of added help? Check out this resource to learn how to format your cover letter and stand out from the crowd.

Email cover letter sample

To help you visualize what an effective email cover letter looks like, let's explore a few examples for different scenarios:

Email cover letter example: marketing manager position

Subject : Experienced Marketing Manager Excited About [Company Name] Opportunity Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I was thrilled to come across the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name]. With my 5+ years of experience leading successful marketing campaigns and driving brand growth, I am confident I would be a valuable addition to your team. In my current role at [Current Company], I have spearheaded several digital marketing initiatives that have increased website traffic by 40% and generated a 20% increase in lead conversions. I am well-versed in developing data-driven strategies and collaborating with cross-functional teams to achieve measurable results. I am particularly drawn to [Company Name]'s mission of [Company Mission] and believe my skills and experience align perfectly with the goals you aim to achieve. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to your marketing efforts and help drive your company's continued success. Thank you for considering my application. You will find my resume attached for your review and look forward to the possibility of an interview. Best regards,  [Your Name]

Why it works

This email cover letter works effectively for several reasons:

  • Personalized salutation : Addressing the hiring manager by name shows that the applicant has taken the time to research and personalize their application, which demonstrates genuine interest in the position and company.
  • Clear and enthusiastic introduction : The opening sentence clearly states the position applied for and expresses enthusiasm, capturing the hiring manager's attention right away.
  • Relevant experience and achievements : The applicant highlights their 5+ years of experience and provides specific, quantifiable achievements, such as increasing website traffic by 40 percent and lead conversions by 20 percent. This demonstrates their ability to deliver results and adds credibility to their application.
  • Alignment with company mission : By mentioning the company’s mission and explaining how their skills and experience align with the company's goals, the applicant shows they have researched the company and understand its values and objectives.
  • Collaborative skills : The applicant emphasizes their ability to work with cross-functional teams and develop data-driven strategies, showcasing their collaborative and analytical skills, which are valuable in a marketing role.
  • Professional and polite closing : The closing paragraph reiterates the applicant’s interest in the role, thanks the hiring manager for their consideration, and includes a call to action by expressing eagerness for an interview. This leaves a positive and proactive impression.
  • Attachment of resume : Mentioning the attached resume ensures the hiring manager is aware of where to find it, providing a complete picture of the applicant's qualifications.

Overall, this email cover letter is concise, well-structured, and tailored to the specific job and company, effectively showcasing the applicant's qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

Email cover letter example: software developer position

Subject : Passionate Software Developer Ready to Contribute to [Company Name] Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to express my strong interest in the Software Developer position at [Company Name]. As a skilled developer with extensive experience in [Programming Languages/Frameworks], I am excited about the opportunity to bring my technical expertise to support your mission. During my time at [Current Company], I have been responsible for developing and maintaining several complex applications. One notable project involved creating a user-friendly web application that streamlined internal processes, resulting in a 30% increase in efficiency. I pride myself on writing clean, maintainable code and collaborating effectively with team members. I am impressed by [Company Name]'s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and creating cutting-edge solutions. I believe that my problem-solving skills and passion for innovation make me an ideal fit for your development team. I have attached my resume, which further highlights my qualifications and experience. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to [Company Name]'s success. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,  [Your Name]

This email cover letter works well for several reasons:

  • Personalized salutation : Addressing the hiring manager by name shows the applicant has taken the time to research and personalize their application, demonstrating genuine interest in the position and company.
  • Relevant technical skills : The applicant mentions their experience with specific programming languages and frameworks, highlighting their technical expertise and aligning with the job requirements.
  • Quantifiable achievements : The applicant provides a specific example of their work, noting a 30 percent increase in efficiency from a user-friendly web application they developed. This demonstrates their ability to deliver tangible results and showcases their impact on previous projects.
  • Alignment with company goals : By expressing admiration for the company’s commitment to innovation and technology, the applicant shows they have researched the company and aligns with its values and mission.
  • Highlighting key strengths : The applicant emphasizes their problem-solving skills, passion for innovation, and ability to write clean, maintainable code, which are essential qualities for a software developer.
  • Attachment of resume : Mentioning the attached resume ensures that the hiring manager is aware of additional details supporting the application, providing a complete picture of the applicant's qualifications.

For more inspiration and guidance, check out Teal's extensive collection of cover letter examples spanning various industries and roles.

How to proofread and edit your email cover letter

A well-polished cover letter demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism, increasing your chances of impressing the hiring manager.

Before hitting send on your email cover letter, take the time to carefully proofread and edit your work by following these steps:

1. Review your email cover letter for any spelling or grammatical errors. Even minor mistakes can make you appear careless or unqualified.

2. Use spell-check tools and read through the content slowly to catch any typos or awkward phrasing.

3. Assess the overall flow and tone of your writing. Does your email cover letter have a logical progression of ideas? Is the tone appropriate for the company culture and industry?

4. Make sure your personality shines through while maintaining a professional demeanor.

5. Get a second opinion. Consider having a trusted friend, family member, or mentor review your email cover letter as well. 

A second set of eyes can often spot issues you may have missed and provide valuable feedback for improvement.

Remember, a little extra effort in the editing process can go a long way in making a positive first impression on potential employers.

How to send your email cover letter

Once you've crafted a compelling email cover letter, you need to send it correctly to ensure it reaches the hiring manager and makes the desired impact.

1. Use a professional email address

Create an email address that includes your name, such as [email protected] . Avoid using casual or outdated email addresses that could undermine your credibility.

2. Attach your cover letter and resume

Use widely accepted file formats such as PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). PDF resumes are often preferred because they preserve the formatting and layout of your documents across different devices and platforms.

3. Name your attachments professionally

Name your attachments clearly, such as "FirstName_LastName_Cover_Letter.pdf" and "FirstName_LastName_Resume.pdf."

This makes it easy for the hiring manager to identify and keep track of your application materials.

4. Double-check before sending

Before hitting send, double-check that you've attached both your cover letter and resume.

It's also a good idea to test your email by sending it to yourself or a friend to ensure that the attachments open correctly and the formatting appears as intended. This extra step can help you avoid any last-minute technical issues that could derail your application.

Write cover letters faster with Teal

Writing an effective email cover letter can be time-consuming and daunting, especially when you're applying for multiple positions.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the process, allowing you to generate a compelling email cover letter in minutes.

The AI-powered Cover Letter Generator guides you through the essential components, ensuring you don't miss any crucial elements. Simply input key information about your background and the job you're applying for, and the tool will craft a personalized email cover letter that highlights your relevant skills and experience.

One of the most significant advantages of using Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator is its ability to create customized content for each application. The tool analyzes the job description and incorporates relevant keywords and phrases, demonstrating to hiring managers that you're a strong fit for the role. This level of customization can significantly increase your chances of standing out from other job seekers.

Rather than starting from scratch for each application, you can leverage AI suggestions to quickly assemble a polished email cover letter. This efficiency allows you to focus your energy on other aspects of your job search, such as networking and interview preparation.

Try out Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to write a cover letter in the email body.

It depends on the company size and hiring process. Small companies with fewer applications to manage may prefer the cover letter in the email, while larger companies will need it as an attachment to add to a candidate’s file.

Can the email message itself serve as the cover letter?

In some cases, the email message can serve as your cover letter, particularly if the job posting explicitly states this preference. If taking this approach, craft the email with the same level of care and attention you would give to a formal cover letter document.

How to choose between PDF and Word attachments?

When it comes to attaching your cover letter and resume, both PDF and Word resumes are generally accepted. PDFs are often preferred as they preserve the formatting and layout, ensuring your documents appear exactly as intended.

how to write application letter to an organisation

Nathan Thompson

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A school application letter is the initial way you present yourself to those deciding on admissions. It gives you an opportunity to highlight what you have achieved, share how excited you are about attending their institution, and persuade them that you are the right match for their school. 

In this article, we will examine the purpose of a school application letter, the important things that should be in it, and the mistakes you should not make.

Understanding the Purpose of a School Application Letter

Your school application letter is like a formal way to say hello to the people who decide on admissions. It shows them what you have learned in school, things you do outside of class, and what kind of person you are. It is very significant because it shows how much you really care about joining this school and the reasons why you think that they should accept you as a student.

Preparing to Write Your School Application Letter

Before you start writing, it is very important to prepare well. Here is how you can get ready to write a good application for admission in school:

1. Research the School Thoroughly

When you start to write the letter for your school application, it is very important to research the school deeply. You should do more than just look quickly at their website. Spend time understanding the school’s values and what they provide. 

Begin by going to the school website and reading their mission statement thoroughly. This sentence captures the main beliefs and goals of an organisation, giving a deep understanding of its values.

Look beyond the main goals of the school and investigate what kind of programs and activities they have. Get to know their educational courses, any special projects they offer, and different chances that are only available at a particular school. 

Look at the resources and places for students, like libraries, science rooms and sports areas. Knowing these things about the school helps you write your school application letter in a way that shows how you can add value to what the school provides.

2. Reflect on your Personal and Academic Achievements

Once you have a full grasp of the details about the school to which you are applying, spend moments thinking about what you have accomplished personally and in your studies. Recognise what abilities, skills, and special traits make you different from others who apply. Think about times when you showed qualities like being a leader, coming up with new ideas, or not giving up easily. 

This could be during school time or in other areas of your life. Look back at your success in studies – good marks you have received, any prizes or special recognitions and talk about educational work or projects that you have been part of.

Besides knowing your strong points, it’s important to think about your job ambitions. Think about how the programs, resources, and chances at the school could support you in reaching your study and career goals.

3. Gather Necessary Information and Documents

Collect all the important papers and details you need for your application, such as your academic records, test results from exams, recommendation letters, and people who can vouch for you. Make sure that all the documents are current, correct, and easy to access. If you have these papers ready, the application process will go smoother and allow you to give out any information quickly when asked.

Key Elements of a School Application Letter

A letter for school application is your chance to show the best version of yourself to those deciding on admissions. It’s very important that you follow the right school application format. Your letter should clearly share what you can do, how excited you are, and why you fit well with the admission requirements. You should make sure these main points are in it:

1. Header and Salutation

The heading and salutation are the foundation of your school application letter, establishing the mood for your application. Here is what you should incorporate:

i. Contact Information and Date

Start your school formal letter by writing down your contact details, which should include your complete name, where you live, telephone number, and email. After that, put the date when you are writing the letter. This data allows the admissions panel to contact you when needed and helps maintain a tidy school letter format.

ii. Appropriate Salutation

When you write your school letter, please direct it to the right person or group, like the admissions officer or the admissions committee that has been assigned. If you do not know exactly who should receive your letter, it is okay to start with a common greeting such as “Dear Admissions Committee” or “To Whom It May Concern.” However, whenever possible, it’s best to address the letter to a specific individual.

2. Introduction

The beginning part of your letter is where you explain the situation and say why you are writing. Here’s a way to make a good start:

i. State the Purpose

Make sure to explain the reason for your letter, that you want to join the particular school you are writing to. Say which program or course you wish to apply for so the admissions team understands better.

ii. Express Enthusiasm

Show your excitement and keenness for the school straight away. Point out what draws you to this place, like its well-known academics, special courses, knowledgeable teachers or the atmosphere of the campus. Your real excitement will grab the reader’s attention and make your application more noticeable.

3. Body Paragraphs

The main part of your application letter is the body paragraphs. This section is where you give more information about what makes you a good fit for admission, talking about your skills and qualifications. Here’s a way to organise this part of your letter:

i. Discuss Academic Background and Achievements

Start by talking about your educational background, where you studied before and the important classes you took. Mention if you have gotten any honours or prizes for your school work. Talk about particular accomplishments that show how much you love learning and how good you are at studying.

ii. Highlight Extracurricular Activities and Leadership Experiences

In the following section, describe your participation in activities outside of school, such as club memberships, athletic groups, volunteering, or local community groups. Highlight any positions where you were a leader and explain how these roles have contributed to building useful skills and personal attributes.

iii. Explain Fit and Contribution

Tell why you think you are a good match for the school and in what ways you might add to its scholarly community. Make links between your own interests, what aims you have, and what chances the school offers. Show your excitement for meeting other students, being part of activities on campus, and creating a good influence in class as well as beyond it.

4. Conclusion of Application Letter

To finish your letter, the ending part is very important because it gives a final impression to whoever reads it. You should remember these points when writing your conclusion:

i. Restate Interest and Enthusiasm

Express your keenness and zest for the institution again, emphasising your wish to join its scholarly society. Sum up briefly why you are eager to have the opportunity to study at this place.

ii. Thank the Reader

Saying thank you is a respectful way to leave a good impression and show that you can handle things professionally.

iii. Express Eagerness to Discuss Further

Finish by showing how much you look forward to talking more about the application, whether it’s in an interview with extra documents or anyway the admissions group thinks it is right. It demonstrates that you are ready to take initiative and want to be involved in the admission procedures.

Tips for Writing an Effective School Application Letter

1. be concise and clear.

i. Keep your letter focused and to the point

Admission staff receive lots of applications, so it is essential to write a concise and straightforward letter. Avoid adding unnecessary details. Concentrate on presenting the qualifications and experiences that are most closely related, clearly explaining why they qualify you as a strong applicant for admission.

ii. Use short paragraphs and simple language

Separate your letter into short segments to make it clearer. Make sure you express your thoughts in a straightforward way for good understanding. Write your letter with easy words and make it simple to understand so the person remembers it.

2. Customise your Letter for Each School

i. Avoid generic or templated letters

Don’t use the same plan for every application letter. Every school is different, so your letter should show you really like and know the specific school you’re applying to. When you write, mention the school’s ideas, the classes they have, and the chances there that match what you want to do.

ii. Demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the specific school

Do thorough research on the school and include specific details in your letter to show you truly care. Mention particular programs, teachers, or projects on campus. When you invest time in learning about the school, it demonstrates to the admissions team that you’re very committed to your application.

3. Use a Professional and Polite Tone

i. Avoid slang, contractions, or overly casual language

Keep your letter professional by avoiding slang, not using contractions, and staying away from too casual language. Your school application letter needs to show that you’re serious and professional. Use full sentences and correct grammar to make sure it’s clear and professional.

ii. Proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

Make sure you check your application letter for spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes before sending it. Errors like these can make your letter look less professional and give a bad impression. Spend some time looking over your letter again and again, or maybe get another person to check it so you can be sure there are no mistakes.

4. Showcase your Personality and Unique Qualities

i. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points

Instead of just naming your accomplishments, provide particular instances and stories that illustrate your life experiences. Talk about events that show off what you are good at, the things you care deeply about, and what you have succeeded in doing in a way that captures attention. Sharing personal stories allows the admissions panel to understand your identity aside from just educational accomplishments.

ii. Convey your passion, curiosity, and enthusiasm for learning

Show your love for learning and growing personally. Share how excited you are about the educational chances at the school and show that you really want to add to its lively community. Demonstrate that you are not simply pursuing entry but also truly enthusiastic about joining the academic community of the school.

More Resources:

Sample School Application Letters

Sample 1: application letter for a high school student, sample 2: application letter for a transfer student, sample 3: application letter for a graduate school program, common mistakes to avoid, 1. focusing too much on yourself and not enough on the school.

Balancing between showing your achievements and expressing excitement for the school you apply to is essential. While it is important to point out your strong points and past experiences, don’t make the request letter for school admission only about you. 

Try to connect your good qualities and achievements with what the school likes, its programs, and what it offers. When you show that you know what this school is about and really want to be part of it, it tells the admissions team that you’ve thought a lot about applying and want to join in.

2. Using Clichés or Generic Phrases

When you write your application letter, avoid using common phrases that don’t show your unique qualities. For example, saying “I really love learning” or “I’m a hardworking student” might sound fake. Instead, share specific stories about yourself to explain your thoughts. Be honest and show your real passion for wanting to go to this school.

3. Repeating Information Already Available in Other Application Materials

Don’t say the same things in your application letter that are already in your resume or grades. Instead, use the letter to talk about what you can do, what you’ve been through, and what goals you have that aren’t in other papers. Focus on showing new parts of yourself or giving more details to help them understand you better as a candidate.

4. Exceeding the Recommended Word Count or Page Limit

Please make sure you follow the school’s rules about how many words or pages your school admission letter should have. If you write too much, it might show that you don’t pay attention to small things. Stick to the given instructions and make sure each word is important, concentrating on key details so your letter is short and to the point. Keeping it within set boundaries shows you can comply with guidelines and pass on your information efficiently in a limited space.

Following Up After Submitting Your Application Letter

Once you have sent in your school joining application, it is a good idea to check with the admissions office to see if they got all of your documents and to let them know you are still very interested in attending their institution. A respectful email or telephone conversation where you show excitement about the study opportunity and readiness to give any more details if needed can make a good impact.

Composing a letter for a school application is an important move to getting into the school you want. If you follow the advice in this guide, you will be able to get a strong and nicely written letter that shows your skills, excitement, and how well you match with the school. To avoid making usual errors and to check in after you send your application, it shows that you are serious and dedicated. If you prepare with caution and focus on small things, it may help you do better when trying to get admitted.

FAQs on School Application Letter

Q1. can i use the same application letter for multiple schools.

A1. It is better to write a unique school application letter for every school you apply to. This shows that you really want to be part of that particular school and lets you show how your skills and background fit with what the school offers and believes in.

Q2. Should I include my GPA or test scores in the application letter?

A2. Normally, your grade point average and exam results appear in different parts of the application, such as the transcript or reports from standardised exams. But if you have particular accomplishments or important academic moments that are worth mentioning, it is okay to talk about them briefly in your letter. Focus on providing insights that may not be evident from your other application materials.

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    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  22. How to Write a School Application Letter: Tips and Samples

    3. Gather Necessary Information and Documents. Collect all the important papers and details you need for your application, such as your academic records, test results from exams, recommendation letters, and people who can vouch for you. Make sure that all the documents are current, correct, and easy to access.