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Writing a Stellar Social Media Essay – Tips, Essay Types & Topics

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Essay on Social Media


Today, social media is actively used by billions of people throughout the world. Similar to other essay types, social media essays enhance the academic writing abilities of students. But it's important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages as well as how to stay safe online.  

One of the popular essay topic for academic discussion and essay writing tasks in recent years is social media. Social media is especially important now that the internet has been invented for linking millions of people worldwide.

You may get all the information you need to prepare a social media essay in this article:

  • How to structure an essay
  • Sample of social media essay
  • Interesting social media essay topics 

How to Write a Social Media Essay: Tips and Topics

Several writings on social media examine how those platforms affect our daily lives. They can aid readers in developing an understanding of how the platforms operate. It also explains the advantages and hazards of using them.

Some social media writings also teach readers how to make the most of social media as a powerful paraphrasing tool . Such pieces are ultimately intended to shed light on how social media is influencing our lives.

Sample Social Media Essay

The negative effects of social media, tips for social media essay writing.

If you've never done it before, you could require a solid collection of pointers on how to create a social media essay. Build your work on our outline for an essay about social media as a foundation.

For authors who have written a few academic writing service essay, this will be a simple ride. Our guidance and pointers will make it seem like a springtime picnic for beginners. If you are drowning in college essays during your academic year, think about hiring our custom essay writing service.

1. Form an Outline for Your Social Media Essay

Prior to beginning your writing, plan. This is a general guideline for all types of writing. You can utilize an essay outline , also known as a structure, as the framework for your entire project. You'll be able to express your thoughts more clearly and keep your attention on the important elements while doing so.

It is crucial to have an engaging opening for social media essays, and then a compelling thesis statement that is broken down into primary points and supporting evidence.

When writing a social media paper, utilize the following essay outline as an example:

  • Social Media Essay topic:

Social media's impact on interpersonal interactions

  • Thesis statement:

Social media has fundamentally altered how people communicate with one another by enabling new forms of communication that can have both positive and negative effects on someone's capacity to build lasting relationships.

  • Promoted forging new connections.
  • Global connections among people.
  • Enhanced already-existing connections.
  • Encouraged jealousy and comparison.
  • Supported online bullying.
  • A decline in in-person interactions.
  • Conclusion:

As already mentioned, social media has significantly altered how people interact with one another. It has facilitated new connections and shortened distances between individuals, but it is also the main cause of bullying and jealousy.

You must list every source you used for the essay here. This will help you to prove the authentication of your paper.

Social media-related subjects range widely in popularity. From the topics we've provided below, you can choose a social media theme to write an engaging A+ essay on. Alternatively, you could always use an essay writing service.

2. Make a Social Media Essay Introduction

Only a portion of the work involves selecting the social media essay topic that is most pertinent. You need a compelling start for your social media essay in order to draw readers in and keep them on your primary ideas.

The essay's beginning establishes the tone and provides a general outline. Here, you must give background information and a succinct summary of the paper. Include context, numbers, or even a compelling example of how social media has changed our lives. Lay the groundwork for your ideas and viewpoints in the introduction.

When writing a paper regarding social media, it's simple to become biased, however, this must be avoided. Present a fair perspective. Don't instantly overload your reader with technical terms; instead, use straightforward language. Be specific and steer clear of drawing generalizations.

3. Write the Social Media Essay Body Paragraphs

Writing a social media essay is like navigating a block of ice. At every step along the process, you should use logic. The importance of each component of the structure is equal.

Body paragraphs should be enticing and appealing after a solid opening. Keep in mind that it's crucial to maintain objectivity and give balanced arguments.

The topic phrase for each paragraph should be one that expresses your essay's major contention in straightforward terms. If more proof is required, continue with examples, statistics, and supporting data. Connect your points and examples in a clear way. Continue to communicate complicated topics with short, basic language.

Once an aspect of the argument has been presented, move on to discussing the other viewpoint. Consider that you are writing an essay on how social media affects society. Simply stating that it negatively impacts our mental health won't result in a great study. You must make counterarguments, like "Social media platforms made communication a lot easier," in support of your position.

You should allow your readers to choose whose side they want to support. If your reasons are convincing and easy to understand, your audience will make an informed choice.

4. End with a Strong Social Media Essay Conclusion

A strong conclusion is essential to a superb social media essay. Finish off your essay with a remarkable paragraph by marshaling all of your writing prowess and creativity.

Restate your thesis statement at the outset. Remind the reader of your important points and the sequence in which they appeared in your outstanding essay on social media. Be sure to emphasize the importance of these discussions and how the main issues relate to the overall situation. Even better, include a call to action. Encourage the audience to act on the basis of the facts they have learned and to use caution when using social media.

You can be planning speech topics on social media in lieu of composing an essay. Both need strong conclusions since they are the difference- assignment makers .

5. Proofread and Revise the Final Social Media Essay

It may seem insignificant, but you must edit and revise your essay on social media multiple times if you want it to be excellent. Proofreading is a crucial step in the writing process. It will enable you to assess the coherence, clarity, and organization of your writing.

Social media and the Internet are easy-to-use resources that are practically an extension of who we are. So the study articles on them shouldn't be difficult to understand. Whether you are writing about social media addiction or social media marketing, the target audience won't read it if your grammar is poor and you don't intuitively convey ideas.

Before submitting it, review each word and sentence and add any necessary finishing touches.

Before reading the sample on social media have a look at our example of a review research paper help to see what a well-written body paragraph looks like. Take notes on various essay types and put them to good use.

An Updated List of Social Media Essay Topics

We are all aware of how crucial an essay topic is. There are many social media essay topics available in different essay formats, especially for writing a social media essay. However, it will take more time and effort to look for the best essay topic.

Since choosing a topic is a time-consuming procedure, we have provided a list of the top social media essay topic suggestions to make your search process simpler.

Feel free to browse the whole list of social media essay topics below if you are out of ideas and select the one that will make it easiest for you to write about.

 1. Excellent Speech Topics on Social Media

  • What changes have social media brought about in psychology education?
  • Hateful behavior on social networking sites.
  • The social media photography scene
  • Is dating on social media a legitimate option?
  • Has social media replaced face-to-face interactions?
  • recognizing various social media platforms
  • making use of social media to further a cause
  • Social media's effects on communication patterns
  • Relevant hypotheses that explain the influence of social media on politics.
  • How do rebellious social movements result from social media?
  • Is social media a useful tool for facilitating communication?
  • Do social networking platforms raise the employment rate?
  • Has social media ruined in-person interactions?
  • Is social media causing people to develop complexes?
  • Are relationships harmed by social media?

2. Top Social Media Topics for Presentation

  • Examine how social media influences green consumption.
  • Should social media be used to advance social justice?
  • Should people who make remarks on social media face legal consequences?
  • How does social media threaten marital fidelity?
  • Describe how social media is used in healthcare.
  • Discuss the impact of social media on teen suicide deaths.
  • Is social media gaining ground as the most influential force in world politics?
  • Describe how social media was used during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Describe the usage of social media influencers by brands.
  • What impact does student addiction to social media have on their academic performance?
  • What effect do social media have on the growth of ecotourism?
  • Before the development of social networking sites, life was better and more socially responsible.
  • What proper conduct should be observed when utilizing social media?
  • Social media's effects on mental health and wellbeing.
  • Social media's involvement in elections and political campaigns.

3. The Power of Social Media Essay Topics

  • The effectiveness of social media in encouraging business growth and entrepreneurship.
  • The potential of social media in advancing fairness and social justice.
  • The impact of social media influencers and how they affect modern society's purchasing behavior
  • Social media's influence on political mobilization
  • Social media's influence on social movements
  • Hashtags' influence on social media campaigns is a powerful force.
  • How social media's influence inspired brand activism
  • How the influence of social media platforms helped to promote a future without plastic
  • Social media's ability to connect people with shared interests throughout the world is its greatest strength.
  • Employment via social media sites: The power of social networking
  • Is it possible to malign someone using social media as a weapon?
  • Are social networking sites to blame for the decline in productivity among people?
  • How do social media affect local artisans' ability to gain recognition on a national and worldwide scale?
  • Social media's effect on encouraging creativity in humans
  • Do people find inspiration for their businesses on social media platforms?

4. The Role of Social Media Essay Topics

  • Talk about how social media has affected society.
  • Is social media severing or strengthening links in relationships?
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
  • The world before and after social media should be described.
  • Describe how to successfully overcome a social media addiction.
  • Is social media more detrimental than beneficial?
  • What are social media's causes and effects?
  • Is there a social media issue or a social media solution?
  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing social media.
  • Social media: Is it harmful to society?
  • Which is a better venue for learning about political news: Facebook or Twitter?
  • Describe the benefits and drawbacks of Facebook Messenger.
  • The most effective social networking site for brand promotion is YouTube.
  • Social media is removing obstacles to communication: Explain
  • Social media has a big impact on political parties and their agendas.

5. Other Interesting Topics Related to Social Media

  • Selling CD players: The Advantages of Social Media
  • How to Stay Out of Legal Trouble in the United Arab Emirates While Posting on Social Media?
  • Social media grammar in official English
  • Addiction to social media in society
  • Tommy Hilfiger's Social Media Post Hosting Strategy
  • The Social Media Marketing (SMM) Interview
  • Cartoon satirizing social media by M. Wuerker
  • Western women who experience stress as a result of social media
  • Social Media Use and Self-Disclosure
  • Elliso's "Negotiating Privacy Concerns in a Social Media Environment"
  • Sports Teams' Exposure to Social Media "Teachers, Social Media, and Free Speech" by Vasek
  • Social Media: Advantages and Drawbacks
  • Social Media and Body Image Definition
  • Use of Social Media Platforms to Promote Business

On a concluding note,

We hope the list of suggested social media essay themes above helped you choose a strong subject. Reach out to us for assignment writing programming assignment help if you need help choosing a decent social media essay topic or if you don't know how to create an effective social media essay. We have qualified essay writers on our staff who can help you create a superior social media essay that meets your needs promptly and affordably.

Q1. What is a social media essay?

A social media essay is an academic or informative piece of writing that discusses various aspects of social media platforms, their impact on society, culture, and individuals, as well as related topics. It may explore the benefits, drawbacks, trends, or any other relevant aspect of social media.

Q2. What are the common types of social media essays?

You may be assigned to write a social media essay in any one of these genres:

  • Persuasive essays
  • Argumentative essays
  • Descriptive essays
  • Expository essays
  • Compare and contrast essays

Q3. What is the importance of social media?

Social media is crucial for modern communication, connecting individuals globally, disseminating information instantly, and facilitating activism and business promotion. It fosters engagement, networking, and the sharing of diverse perspectives. It also helps in shaping public discourse and influencing social, cultural, and economic dynamics in the digital age.

Q4. What are some interesting social media essay topics?

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • Social media's role in politics
  • Cyber-bullying and social media
  • The influence of influencers on society
  • Privacy concerns in the digital age

Q5. How do I structure a social media essay?

Here are the steps to follow to structure a social media essay:

  • Introduction with a hook.
  • Body paragraphs with supporting evidence.
  • Counterarguments if necessary.
  • Conclusion summarizing key points.
  • Citations and references.

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Social Media Essay: A Full Guide

social networking essay point

In an era where a single tweet can spark a global conversation and an Instagram post can redefine trends, it's fascinating to note that the average person spends approximately 2 hours and 31 minutes per day on social media platforms. That's more than 900 hours a year devoted to scrolling, liking, and sharing in the vast digital landscape. As we find ourselves deeply intertwined in the fabric of online communities, the significance of understanding and articulating the dynamics of social media through the written word, particularly in an essay on social media, becomes increasingly apparent. So, why embark on the journey of crafting an essay on this ubiquitous aspect of modern life? Join us as we unravel the layers of social media's impact, explore its nuances, and discover the art of conveying these insights through the written form.

Short Description

In this article, we'll explore how to write an essay on social media and the purpose behind these narratives while also delving into a myriad of engaging topics. From the heartbeat of online connections to the rhythm of effective storytelling, we'll guide you organically through the process, sharing insights on structure, approach, and the creative essence that makes each essay unique. And if you're seeking assistance, pondering - ' I wish I could find someone to write my essay ,' we'll also furnish example essays to empower you to tackle such tasks independently.

Why Write a Social Media Essay

In a world buzzing with hashtags, filters, and the constant hum of notifications, the idea of sitting down to craft an essay about social media might seem as out of place as a cassette tape in a streaming era. Yet, there's something oddly therapeutic, almost rebellious, about pausing in the midst of 280-character wisdom to delve deeper into the why behind our digital existence.

So, what is social media essay, and what's the purpose of writing it? Well, it's more than just an exercise in intellectual curiosity. It's a personal journey, a reflective pause in the ceaseless scroll. While writing the essay, we gain the power to articulate the intangible, to breathe life into the pixels that dance across our screens. It's an opportunity to make sense of the chaos, to find meaning in the memes, and perhaps, in the process, to uncover a bit more about ourselves in this digital wilderness.

Let's face it - our online lives are a fast-paced carousel of memes, viral challenges, and carefully curated selfies. So, why bother wrestling with words and paragraphs in a world where brevity is king? The answer lies in the art of unraveling the digital tapestry that envelops us.

There's a magic in articulating the dance between the profound and the mundane that occurs within the confines of our screens. An essay becomes a lens, focusing our attention on the subtleties of social media dynamics – the inside jokes that become global phenomena, the ripple effect of a well-timed retweet, and the silent conversations unfolding in the comment sections.

6 Key Tips for Crafting a Social Media Essay

Now that we've set sail into the realm of essays on the digital landscape, it's only fair to equip ourselves with a few trusty tools for the journey. Think of these tips as your compass, helping you navigate the sometimes choppy, often unpredictable waters of crafting an essay on social media.

tips social media essay

  • Embrace Your Authentic Voice: Just like your favorite Instagram filter can't hide the real you, your essay should reflect your genuine thoughts and feelings. Don't be afraid to let your unique voice shine through – whether it's witty, contemplative, or a delightful blend of both.
  • Dive into the Details: Social media isn't just about the grand gestures; it's the small, often unnoticed details that weave the most compelling narratives. Explore the minutiae of your online experiences – the peculiar hashtags, the quirky bios, and the unexpected connections that leave a lasting imprint.
  • Craft Your Hashtag Haiku: Much like poetry, brevity can be your ally in social media essays. Think of hashtags as haikus – succinct, impactful, and capable of conveying a universe of meaning in just a few characters. Choose them wisely.
  • Engage with the Comments Section: The comments section is the lively pub where digital conversations unfold. Dive in, clink glasses, and engage with the diverse perspectives swirling around. It's in these interactions that the real magic happens – where ideas collide, evolve, and sometimes, transform.
  • Navigate the Memescape: Memes are the folklore of the digital age, carrying tales of humor, irony, and cultural resonance. Don't shy away from exploring the memescape in your essay. Unravel the layers, decipher the symbolism, and appreciate the humor that often holds up a mirror to society.
  • Be Mindful of the Clickbait Pitfalls: While clickbait might be the flashy neon sign on the digital highway, it's essential to tread carefully. Ensure your essay isn't just a sensational headline but a thoughtful exploration that goes beyond the surface.

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Social Media Essay Structure

In the age of viral tweets and digital conversations, tackling the essay format is more than just stringing words together—it's about creating a roadmap. As we navigate this landscape of likes and retweets, understanding the structural foundations becomes key. So, let's cut through the noise and explore the practical aspects of how to write a social media essay that mirrors the rhythm of our online experiences.

social media essay outline

Form an Outline

Now that we've acknowledged the importance of structure in your essay, the next step is to build a solid roadmap. Think of it like planning a road trip; you wouldn't hit the highway without a map or GPS, right? Similarly, creating an outline for your essay gives you a clear direction and ensures your thoughts flow smoothly.

So, whether you decide to order an essay online or tackle it yourself, here's a simple way to go about it:

Introduction (Where You Start):

  • Briefly introduce the topic.
  • State your social media essay thesis or main idea.
  • Example: 'Let's begin by introducing the impact of social media on modern communication, focusing on its role in shaping opinions and fostering connections.'

Body Paragraphs (The Journey):

  • Each paragraph should cover a specific social media essay argument and point.
  • Use examples or evidence to support your ideas.
  • Example: 'The first aspect we'll explore is how social media amplifies voices. For instance, hashtags like #ClimateAction mobilize a global audience around environmental issues.'

Transitions (Smooth Turns):

  • Guide your readers from one point to the next.
  • Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs.
  • Example: 'Having discussed the amplification of voices, let's now shift our focus to the influence of social media in spreading information.'

Counter Arguments (Addressing Detours):

  • Acknowledge different perspectives.
  • Counter Arguments with evidence or reasoning.
  • Example: 'While social media can be a powerful tool for connectivity, critics argue that it also contributes to the spread of misinformation. Let's explore this counterargument and analyze its validity.'

Conclusion (The Destination):

  • Summarize your main points.
  • Restate your thesis and leave a lasting impression.
  • Example: 'In conclusion, social media serves as both a bridge and a battleground of ideas. Understanding its nuances is crucial in navigating this digital landscape.'

Creating an outline for your essay not only streamlines the writing process but also ensures your readers embark on a clear and organized journey through your insights on social media. If you're exploring more options, you might even want to buy thesis for more convenience.

Make a Social Media Essay Introduction

Begin your introduction by presenting a concise overview of the key theme or topic you're addressing. Clearly state the main purpose or argument of your essay, giving readers a roadmap for what to expect. Integrate social media essay hooks like a relevant statistic, quote, or provocative question to capture attention.

For instance, if your essay is about the impact of social media on personal relationships, you might start by mentioning a statistic on the percentage of couples who met online.

Social Media Essay Body Paragraph

Structure each social media essay body paragraph around a specific aspect of your chosen topic. Start with a clear topic sentence that encapsulates the main idea of the paragraph. Provide concrete examples, data, or case studies to support your points and strengthen your argument. Maintain a logical flow between paragraphs by using effective transitions.

If your essay focuses on the positive effects of social media on business marketing, dedicate a paragraph to showcasing successful campaigns and how they leveraged different platforms.

Social Media Essay Conclusion

In your conclusion, succinctly recap the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. Reinforce your thesis statement and emphasize its broader implications. Rather than introducing new information, use the conclusion to leave a lasting impression on your readers. Consider prompting further thought or suggesting practical applications of your findings.

For instance, if your essay examined the impact of social media on political discourse, conclude by encouraging readers to critically evaluate the information they encounter online and actively engage in constructive conversations.

Proofread and Revise

In the process of writing social media essay, proofreading and revising are indispensable steps that can significantly enhance the overall quality of your work. Begin by meticulously checking for grammatical errors, ensuring that your sentences are clear and concise. Pay attention to the flow of your ideas, confirming that each paragraph seamlessly transitions into the next.

During the proofreading phase, keep an eye out for any inconsistencies in tone or style. This is an opportunity to refine your language and ensure that it aligns with the intended voice of your essay. Look for repetitive phrases or unnecessary words that might detract from the clarity of your message.

As you revise, consider the effectiveness of your hook. Does it still resonate as strongly as you intended? Can it be tweaked to better captivate your audience? A compelling hook sets the tone for your entire essay, so invest time in perfecting this crucial element.

Furthermore, don't hesitate to seek feedback from peers or mentors. Another perspective can provide valuable insights into areas that may need improvement. Fresh eyes often catch nuances that the writer might overlook. Alternatively, you might also explore the option to buy coursework for additional support.

Social Media Essay Topics

In the vast realm of social media, where every like and share contributes to the digital narrative, choosing the right essay topic becomes a crucial compass for exploration. Let's explore thought-provoking topics that not only capture attention but also invite insightful discussions on the intricacies of our interconnected world.

Impact on Society:

  • The Role of Social Media in Redefining Friendship and Social Bonds
  • How Has TikTok Influenced Global Pop Culture Trends?
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Polarization
  • Social Media and Mental Health: Exploring the Connection
  • The Evolution of Language on Social Media Platforms
  • Examining the Influence of Social Media on Body Image
  • Fake News and Its Proliferation on Social Media
  • Social Media and the Rise of Influencer Marketing
  • The Intersection of Social Media and Dating Apps
  • Has Social Media Narrowed or Expanded Cultural Perspectives?
  • The Role of Social Media in Fostering Global Communities
  • The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior
  • Analyzing the Impact of Social Media on News Consumption
  • The Rise of 'Cancel Culture' on Social Media Platforms
  • Social Media and Its Role in Spreading Disinformation
  • The Impact of Social Media on Language and Communication Skills
  • Social Media and its Influence on Political Movements
  • The Relationship Between Social Media Use and Sleep Patterns
  • Social Media and the Accessibility of Educational Resources
  • The Cultural Significance of Memes on Social Media

Individual and Identity:

  • The Impact of Social Media Addiction on Personal Relationships and Intimacy
  • Self-Expression and Authenticity on Social Networking Sites
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Teenage Identity Formation
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Beauty Standards
  • Navigating Online Dating and Relationships in the Social Media Age
  • The Impact of Social Media on Parenting Styles
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Body Positivity Movements
  • The Perception of Success: Social Media's Role in Achievement Culture
  • Social Media and the Construction of Online Persona vs. Real Self
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Lifestyle Choices
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Career Aspirations
  • The Intersection of Mental Health Narratives and Social Media
  • The Impact of Social Media on Self-Esteem and Well-Being
  • How Social Media Influences Gender Identity and Expression
  • Exploring the Concept of Digital Detox in the Social Media Era
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Cultural Identity
  • The Connection Between Social Media and Impulse Buying
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Dietary Choices
  • Balancing Privacy and Self-Disclosure on Social Media
  • The Impact of Social Media on Friendships Over Time

Digital Activism and Advocacy:

  • The Effectiveness of Hashtag Movements in Promoting Social Change
  • Social Media and Its Role in Amplifying Underrepresented Voices
  • The Impact of Social Media on Global Environmental Activism
  • Online Activism: The Evolution from Clicktivism to Concrete Action
  • The Role of Social Media in Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Social Media and Its Impact on Anti-Racism Movements
  • Analyzing the Challenges of Digital Advocacy in Authoritarian Regimes
  • Social Media and the Global Fight Against Cyberbullying
  • The Intersection of Social Media and Mental Health Advocacy
  • Examining the Role of Social Media in Humanitarian Campaigns
  • Crowdsourcing for Change: How Social Media Fuels Fundraising
  • The Challenges of Digital Activism in the Age of Information Overload
  • Social Media and Its Impact on Disability Advocacy
  • The Role of Social Media in Combating Gender-Based Violence
  • Online Petitions and Their Influence on Policy Change
  • Exploring the Intersection of Social Media and Animal Rights Activism
  • The Impact of Social Media on Indigenous Rights Advocacy
  • Digital Advocacy and Its Role in Healthcare Reform
  • Social Media's Influence on Youth Activism
  • Navigating Challenges in Allyship on Social Media Platforms

Privacy and Ethics:

  • The Implications of Facial Recognition Technology on Social Media
  • Social Media Platforms and the Ethics of User Data Collection
  • The Role of Social Media in Combating Deepfakes
  • Balancing Freedom of Speech and Moderation on Social Media
  • Social Media and the Challenges of Regulating Disinformation
  • Ethical Considerations in Targeted Advertising on Social Media
  • The Impact of Social Media Algorithms on User Behavior
  • Social Media and the Right to Privacy: Where to Draw the Line?
  • The Influence of Social Media on Political Manipulation and Propaganda
  • Data Security Concerns in the Era of Social Media
  • The Ethics of Social Media Influencer Marketing
  • Social Media and Its Role in Combating Cyberbullying
  • The Impact of Social Media on Juror Bias in Legal Cases
  • Exploring the Ethics of Incorporating Social Media Usage in Hiring Decisions by Employers
  • Social Media and Its Role in Combating Hate Speech
  • Balancing Personalization with Privacy in Social Media Websites
  • The Influence of Social Media on Public Perceptions of Law Enforcement
  • Social Media and the Challenges of Content Moderation
  • Addressing Online Harassment: Ethical Considerations for Platforms
  • The Responsibility of Social Media Platforms in Protecting User Privacy

Future Trends and Innovations:

  • The Future of Social Media: Emerging Platforms and Trends
  • The Role of Augmented Reality (AR) in Shaping the Future of Social Media
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Its Potential Impact on Social Media Engagement
  • The Rise of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and Social Media
  • Social Media and the Evolution of Live Streaming Culture
  • The Impact of Voice Search and Voice Assistants on Social Media
  • Social Commerce: The Future of E-Commerce Through Social Media
  • Exploring the Influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Social Media
  • The Role of Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Social Media Security
  • Social Media and the Integration of Virtual Influencers
  • The Future of Social Media Content: Short-Form vs. Long-Form
  • The Influence of User-Generated Content on Future Social Media Trends
  • Social Media and the Adoption of 5G Technology
  • The Potential of Gamification in Shaping Social Media Engagement
  • The Impact of Social Media on the Future of Work and Remote Collaboration
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Social Media and Mental Health Apps
  • The Influence of User Privacy Concerns on Future Social Media Developments
  • Social Media and the Role of Ephemeral Content in Communication
  • The Intersection of Social Media and Virtual Events
  • Predicting the Next Wave of Social Media Influencer Trends

If these topics piqued your interest, you'll likely find persuasive essay topics equally fascinating! Dive into our article for a variety of options that might just spark your curiosity and inspire your next writing venture.

Social Media Essay Example

Crafting a standout essay isn't just about the words; it's about weaving a narrative that grabs your reader's attention. Before we say our goodbyes, why not take a peek at our sample essays? Our seasoned writers poured their expertise into creating persuasive pieces, offering you insights into both how to write an essay on social media and the kind of polished language that can elevate your own writing.

Wrapping Up

As our college essay service experts conclude this article, we've journeyed through the emotional complexities, societal reflections, and transformative potentials embedded in our digital narratives. An essay on social media is a portal into the intricate dance of our online lives, urging introspection, empathy, and an awareness of diverse stories. Let your essays authentically reflect, sparking conversations that enrich our collective experience in this ever-evolving digital realm.

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Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Feb 15, 2023

6 Example Essays on Social Media | Advantages, Effects, and Outlines

Got an essay assignment about the effects of social media we got you covered check out our examples and outlines below.

Social media has become one of our society's most prominent ways of communication and information sharing in a very short time. It has changed how we communicate and has given us a platform to express our views and opinions and connect with others. It keeps us informed about the world around us. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have brought individuals from all over the world together, breaking down geographical borders and fostering a genuinely global community.

However, social media comes with its difficulties. With the rise of misinformation, cyberbullying, and privacy problems, it's critical to utilize these platforms properly and be aware of the risks. Students in the academic world are frequently assigned essays about the impact of social media on numerous elements of our lives, such as relationships, politics, and culture. These essays necessitate a thorough comprehension of the subject matter, critical thinking, and the ability to synthesize and convey information clearly and succinctly.

But where do you begin? It can be challenging to know where to start with so much information available. comes in handy here. is an AI application built exclusively for students to help them write essays more quickly and easily. provides students with inspiration and assistance on how to approach their essays with its enormous database of sample essays on a variety of themes, including social media. is the solution you've been looking for if you're experiencing writer's block or need assistance getting started.

So, whether you're a student looking to better your essay writing skills or want to remain up to date on the latest social media advancements, is here to help. is the ideal tool for helping you write your finest essay ever, thanks to its simple design, an extensive database of example essays, and cutting-edge AI technology. So, why delay? Sign up for a free trial of today and begin exploring the worlds of social networking and essay writing!

Want to learn how to write an argumentative essay? Check out these inspiring examples!

We will provide various examples of social media essays so you may get a feel for the genre.

6 Examples of Social Media Essays

Here are 6 examples of Social Media Essays:

The Impact of Social Media on Relationships and Communication


The way we share information and build relationships has evolved as a direct result of the prevalence of social media in our daily lives. The influence of social media on interpersonal connections and conversation is a hot topic. Although social media has many positive effects, such as bringing people together regardless of physical proximity and making communication quicker and more accessible, it also has a dark side that can affect interpersonal connections and dialogue.

Positive Effects:

Connecting People Across Distances

One of social media's most significant benefits is its ability to connect individuals across long distances. People can use social media platforms to interact and stay in touch with friends and family far away. People can now maintain intimate relationships with those they care about, even when physically separated.

Improved Communication Speed and Efficiency

Additionally, the proliferation of social media sites has accelerated and simplified communication. Thanks to instant messaging, users can have short, timely conversations rather than lengthy ones via email. Furthermore, social media facilitates group communication, such as with classmates or employees, by providing a unified forum for such activities.

Negative Effects:

Decreased Face-to-Face Communication

The decline in in-person interaction is one of social media's most pernicious consequences on interpersonal connections and dialogue. People's reliance on digital communication over in-person contact has increased along with the popularity of social media. Face-to-face interaction has suffered as a result, which has adverse effects on interpersonal relationships and the development of social skills.

Decreased Emotional Intimacy

Another adverse effect of social media on relationships and communication is decreased emotional intimacy. Digital communication lacks the nonverbal cues and facial expressions critical in building emotional connections with others. This can make it more difficult for people to develop close and meaningful relationships, leading to increased loneliness and isolation.

Increased Conflict and Miscommunication

Finally, social media can also lead to increased conflict and miscommunication. The anonymity and distance provided by digital communication can lead to misunderstandings and hurtful comments that might not have been made face-to-face. Additionally, social media can provide a platform for cyberbullying , which can have severe consequences for the victim's mental health and well-being.


In conclusion, the impact of social media on relationships and communication is a complex issue with both positive and negative effects. While social media platforms offer many benefits, such as connecting people across distances and enabling faster and more accessible communication, they also have a dark side that can negatively affect relationships and communication. It is up to individuals to use social media responsibly and to prioritize in-person communication in their relationships and interactions with others.

The Role of Social Media in the Spread of Misinformation and Fake News

Social media has revolutionized the way information is shared and disseminated. However, the ease and speed at which data can be spread on social media also make it a powerful tool for spreading misinformation and fake news. Misinformation and fake news can seriously affect public opinion, influence political decisions, and even cause harm to individuals and communities.

The Pervasiveness of Misinformation and Fake News on Social Media

Misinformation and fake news are prevalent on social media platforms, where they can spread quickly and reach a large audience. This is partly due to the way social media algorithms work, which prioritizes content likely to generate engagement, such as sensational or controversial stories. As a result, false information can spread rapidly and be widely shared before it is fact-checked or debunked.

The Influence of Social Media on Public Opinion

Social media can significantly impact public opinion, as people are likelier to believe the information they see shared by their friends and followers. This can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle, where misinformation and fake news are spread and reinforced, even in the face of evidence to the contrary.

The Challenge of Correcting Misinformation and Fake News

Correcting misinformation and fake news on social media can be a challenging task. This is partly due to the speed at which false information can spread and the difficulty of reaching the same audience exposed to the wrong information in the first place. Additionally, some individuals may be resistant to accepting correction, primarily if the incorrect information supports their beliefs or biases.

In conclusion, the function of social media in disseminating misinformation and fake news is complex and urgent. While social media has revolutionized the sharing of information, it has also made it simpler for false information to propagate and be widely believed. Individuals must be accountable for the information they share and consume, and social media firms must take measures to prevent the spread of disinformation and fake news on their platforms.

The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and Well-Being

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of people around the world using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay connected with others and access information. However, while social media has many benefits, it can also negatively affect mental health and well-being.

Comparison and Low Self-Esteem

One of the key ways that social media can affect mental health is by promoting feelings of comparison and low self-esteem. People often present a curated version of their lives on social media, highlighting their successes and hiding their struggles. This can lead others to compare themselves unfavorably, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

Another way that social media can negatively impact mental health is through cyberbullying and online harassment. Social media provides a platform for anonymous individuals to harass and abuse others, leading to feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression.

Social Isolation

Despite its name, social media can also contribute to feelings of isolation. At the same time, people may have many online friends but need more meaningful in-person connections and support. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Addiction and Overuse

Finally, social media can be addictive, leading to overuse and negatively impacting mental health and well-being. People may spend hours each day scrolling through their feeds, neglecting other important areas of their lives, such as work, family, and self-care.

In sum, social media has positive and negative consequences on one's psychological and emotional well-being. Realizing this, and taking measures like reducing one's social media use, reaching out to loved ones for help, and prioritizing one's well-being, are crucial. In addition, it's vital that social media giants take ownership of their platforms and actively encourage excellent mental health and well-being.

The Use of Social Media in Political Activism and Social Movements

Social media has recently become increasingly crucial in political action and social movements. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have given people new ways to express themselves, organize protests, and raise awareness about social and political issues.

Raising Awareness and Mobilizing Action

One of the most important uses of social media in political activity and social movements has been to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize action. Hashtags such as #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, for example, have brought attention to sexual harassment and racial injustice, respectively. Similarly, social media has been used to organize protests and other political actions, allowing people to band together and express themselves on a bigger scale.

Connecting with like-minded individuals

A second method in that social media has been utilized in political activity and social movements is to unite like-minded individuals. Through social media, individuals can join online groups, share knowledge and resources, and work with others to accomplish shared objectives. This has been especially significant for geographically scattered individuals or those without access to traditional means of political organizing.

Challenges and Limitations

As a vehicle for political action and social movements, social media has faced many obstacles and restrictions despite its many advantages. For instance, the propagation of misinformation and fake news on social media can impede attempts to disseminate accurate and reliable information. In addition, social media corporations have been condemned for censorship and insufficient protection of user rights.

In conclusion, social media has emerged as a potent instrument for political activism and social movements, giving voice to previously unheard communities and galvanizing support for change. Social media presents many opportunities for communication and collaboration. Still, users and institutions must be conscious of the risks and limitations of these tools to promote their responsible and productive usage.

The Potential Privacy Concerns Raised by Social Media Use and Data Collection Practices

With billions of users each day on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, social media has ingrained itself into every aspect of our lives. While these platforms offer a straightforward method to communicate with others and exchange information, they also raise significant concerns over data collecting and privacy. This article will examine the possible privacy issues posed by social media use and data-gathering techniques.

Data Collection and Sharing

The gathering and sharing of personal data are significant privacy issues brought up by social media use. Social networking sites gather user data, including details about their relationships, hobbies, and routines. This information is made available to third-party businesses for various uses, such as marketing and advertising. This can lead to serious concerns about who has access to and uses our personal information.

Lack of Control Over Personal Information

The absence of user control over personal information is a significant privacy issue brought up by social media usage. Social media makes it challenging to limit who has access to and how data is utilized once it has been posted. Sensitive information may end up being extensively disseminated and may be used maliciously as a result.

Personalized Marketing

Social media companies utilize the information they gather about users to target them with adverts relevant to their interests and usage patterns. Although this could be useful, it might also cause consumers to worry about their privacy since they might feel that their personal information is being used without their permission. Furthermore, there are issues with the integrity of the data being used to target users and the possibility of prejudice based on individual traits.

Government Surveillance

Using social media might spark worries about government surveillance. There are significant concerns regarding privacy and free expression when governments in some nations utilize social media platforms to follow and monitor residents.

In conclusion, social media use raises significant concerns regarding data collecting and privacy. While these platforms make it easy to interact with people and exchange information, they also gather a lot of personal information, which raises questions about who may access it and how it will be used. Users should be aware of these privacy issues and take precautions to safeguard their personal information, such as exercising caution when choosing what details to disclose on social media and keeping their information sharing with other firms to a minimum.

The Ethical and Privacy Concerns Surrounding Social Media Use And Data Collection

Our use of social media to communicate with loved ones, acquire information, and even conduct business has become a crucial part of our everyday lives. The extensive use of social media does, however, raise some ethical and privacy issues that must be resolved. The influence of social media use and data collecting on user rights, the accountability of social media businesses, and the need for improved regulation are all topics that will be covered in this article.

Effect on Individual Privacy:

Social networking sites gather tons of personal data from their users, including delicate information like search history, location data, and even health data. Each user's detailed profile may be created with this data and sold to advertising or used for other reasons. Concerns regarding the privacy of personal information might arise because social media businesses can use this data to target users with customized adverts.

Additionally, individuals might need to know how much their personal information is being gathered and exploited. Data breaches or the unauthorized sharing of personal information with other parties may result in instances where sensitive information is exposed. Users should be aware of the privacy rules of social media firms and take precautions to secure their data.

Responsibility of Social Media Companies:

Social media firms should ensure that they responsibly and ethically gather and use user information. This entails establishing strong security measures to safeguard sensitive information and ensuring users are informed of what information is being collected and how it is used.

Many social media businesses, nevertheless, have come under fire for not upholding these obligations. For instance, the Cambridge Analytica incident highlighted how Facebook users' personal information was exploited for political objectives without their knowledge. This demonstrates the necessity of social media corporations being held responsible for their deeds and ensuring that they are safeguarding the security and privacy of their users.

Better Regulation Is Needed

There is a need for tighter regulation in this field, given the effect, social media has on individual privacy as well as the obligations of social media firms. The creation of laws and regulations that ensure social media companies are gathering and using user information ethically and responsibly, as well as making sure users are aware of their rights and have the ability to control the information that is being collected about them, are all part of this.

Additionally, legislation should ensure that social media businesses are held responsible for their behavior, for example, by levying fines for data breaches or the unauthorized use of personal data. This will provide social media businesses with a significant incentive to prioritize their users' privacy and security and ensure they are upholding their obligations.

In conclusion, social media has fundamentally changed how we engage and communicate with one another, but this increased convenience also raises several ethical and privacy issues. Essential concerns that need to be addressed include the effect of social media on individual privacy, the accountability of social media businesses, and the requirement for greater regulation to safeguard user rights. We can make everyone's online experience safer and more secure by looking more closely at these issues.

In conclusion, social media is a complex and multifaceted topic that has recently captured the world's attention. With its ever-growing influence on our lives, it's no surprise that it has become a popular subject for students to explore in their writing. Whether you are writing an argumentative essay on the impact of social media on privacy, a persuasive essay on the role of social media in politics, or a descriptive essay on the changes social media has brought to the way we communicate, there are countless angles to approach this subject.

However, writing a comprehensive and well-researched essay on social media can be daunting. It requires a thorough understanding of the topic and the ability to articulate your ideas clearly and concisely. This is where comes in. Our AI-powered tool is designed to help students like you save time and energy and focus on what truly matters - your education. With , you'll have access to a wealth of examples and receive personalized writing suggestions and feedback.

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Social Media Essay: Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Networking Sites

The advent of various social media channels has revolutionized the internet landscape by introducing us to global networking. Today, an individual can connect with another in a completely different part of this world just in a matter of seconds. We will take you through various notions and opinions associated with social media and how they impact our everyday lives. Also, there are some incredible tips to give you a better insight into how to write a social media essay.

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Sep 03 2020 ● 8 min read

Whatagraph marketing reporting tool

Table of Contents

What is social media essay, how do you write a social media essay, structure of social media essay, various tones of a social media essay, incorporate an attractive topic.

As you know, an social media essay is a piece of writing that is used to introduce an essential topic to the world with its underlying advantages and disadvantages. These aspects are driven solely by facts and should not contain the opinions of the writers. It is drafted to give others a better understanding of the subject in hand.

No matter which subject it pertains to, an essay ends with a conclusion where the writers are permitted to give their opinion after weighing the advantages and disadvantages.

Similarly, a social media essay is written to appreciate the positive aspects and highlight the negative impacts of social media in this time and day. The conclusions include the analysis of the two elements by the writers in their own lives and give an open-ended point of view. Depending upon the essay writer or paper writing service , the decision can be decisive, too, but that is not encouraged.

Today, the use of social networks, whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, or LinkedIn, has increased exponentially. An average millennial spends 2 hours and 58 minutes per day on social media platforms like Facebook. While some say that the platform is super-informative, others argue that all the information gathered on this platform is trivial and doesn't justify long hours invested in the use of social media.

The above arguments make using social media by individuals with a debatable issue, and this is why a lot of students are required to write an essay on social media. So, here are some incredible tips to help you out in writing an essay on social media even if you don't have marketing skills .

A classic essay consists of 3 parts – the introduction, main body, and the conclusion.

  • The Introduction

As you introduce the main topic, always begin with how it is relevant to the current scenario. You can do this by providing some background information. The information can be made richer by adding some reliable stats and data . Once you have established the topic, you need to give a strong thesis statement of the hypothesis on which your essay is based.

The thesis statement in your essay should be precise and debatable. If not, the arguments that you are going to put forward in the essay would make no sense.

The main body of your text should consist of logical arguments in relevance to your hypothesis. Make sure you put forward one statement in one paragraph and start a new one with another section. This will make your essay look more organized.

Also, when developing ideas, only include the ones you can write clearly about. If not, avoid them. Make sure that the essay develops coherently.

To conclude the essay about social media, bring back your hypothesis, and state how the aspects you discussed earlier support or nullify it. Make it a point to summarize all ideas, but do not start adding more ideas when you are about to conclude. You can now give an, ideally, open end to your essay.

A great conclusion is the one that provokes thought and will make your readers question the use of social media in their everyday lives.

Also, remember that essays do not have to include pros and cons always. They can either be full of pros or cons or both, depending upon your hypothesis. Just ensure they are relevant.

You might believe that an essay is an essay, and two of them would be similar, but that's a misconception. Different essays have varying tones depending on how the author is treating the thesis statement through the main body of the text. Here are a few examples of essays on social media in different tones.

  • Sample of a Persuasive Essay

If you are asked to write an academic paper about the effects of social media on the mental health of teenagers and young adults, you should make it persuasive. For this, just writing about the topic is not enough. It would help if you had an impactful thesis, followed by powerful arguments to support or question your theory.

The perils associated with social media addiction are forcing parents and "grown-ups" to throw their benefits in bad light today. In the race to become best in academics and non-academic activities, people are losing their grip on how social networks bring people together. They empower individuals with knowledge about various cultures and languages, which might not have been possible otherwise.

Social media sites can be addictive, and students might waste their formative years scrolling through the trivial feed and gain nothing but superficial knowledge. But that is just because neither parents nor the school is encouraging positive social media behavior. If these institutions start offering tips to students to limit and utilize their time on social media , one would be amazed to see their achievements.

Is social media a catalyst for the downfall of student life? Well, social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and more are teeming with inspirational achievers and content creators who go the extra mile to share their stories and inspire students. If the children are taught to see their access to social media as an opportunity to grow rather than a competition for likes and followers, they are bound to work harder and achieve goals that seemed insurmountable earlier.

  • Sample of Negative Essay about social media

If you have been asked to highlight the negative aspects of social media, your teacher does not mean that you have to cross all limits to present the use of social media in a bad light. Instead, what they are asking for is some logical and believable arguments that tell us why social media is harmful to society.

Social media is destroying family links by creating a virtual shell for each individual, which dissociates them with their own parents and siblings. The kids are adversely affected by increased access to social media if parents are always indulged in their devices and ignore them. Eventually, even kids start using tools to connect to other people, ignoring their family members.

Since kids and teenagers are the most impressionable age groups, they start believing that everything that glitters on social media platforms is gold, and they become materialistic. Their lives start revolving around likes, comments, and followers/subscribers. No matter whether their minds are prepared for such exposure or not, social media exposes them to the best and the worst about this world, which might turn them into rebels. They start valuing their online friends more than their offline lives and go to unimaginable extents to keep them entertained.

So, parents and elders need to pay attention to their children and limit their social media use so that they can learn to form real relationships and values.

  • Weighing the pros and cons

Another way in which you can present your social media essay is by comparing the positive and negative aspects associated with it. In such essays, the conclusion is better left open for the readers to decide their own take on social media.

One cannot argue that social media has taken the world by storm by allowing like-minded individuals to connect and share their experiences with the world. You can use these platforms to make new friends and discover the ones who have lost touch. You can talk to everyone on your friend list and share your content on these channels to become a part of the creators' community. There is no dearth for talent on social media and its admirers.

On the other hand, if you use social media sites for long stretches of time in one go, you run the risk of addiction. Gradually, a social media addict starts to build a cocoon for themselves, which they find hard to step out of. This leads to a disconnect between you and the family you already have and love. One might feel too confined yet comfortable in their space that they have no urge left to step out, pushing them towards social seclusion, or worse – depression.

When you flip the coin again, you will discover that social media has become an incredible platform for small businesses to grow and earn good profits . The grass-root companies do not have to invest much for advertising and promotion or even own an establishment. All they have to do is to create a grassroots marketing strategy for themselves, and their brand will start selling in no time!

In the end, social media is a game-changer on the World Wide Web. It allows people to connect with the virtual world with the risk of disconnecting with the real world. Then again, businesses are doing well on these platforms. There are indeed two sides to social media, one positive and another negative, and it is up to you which one you lean towards more.

  • Argumentative social media essay

A challenging but equally exciting type of essay on social media you should know about is an argumentative essay. It is often written when you are tasked with altering the point of view of the reader, which is of a completely opposite belief. Here is a sample for your better understanding.

Social networks have an uncertain future with the string impression they leave on users, especially the younger generations. Parents panic with the first mention of social media sites by their children and learning about their presence on these platforms because they are afraid of cyberbullying. They do not want their children to get cat-fished by some stranger on Reddit when they are not around.

Moreover, social media platforms are the reason why several individuals are losing their confidential data every day to corporate houses. These businesses are using the information to bug users with ads about stuff they do not want to buy.

If such instances carry on, the day is not far when the government will start to keep checks on the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other channels. Massive surveillance will be imposed on these sites to prevent malicious minds from harming innocent teenagers physically or by hacking into their systems. So, before you get a chance to ask " have I been hacked ", know that someone is taking care of it.

Having an attractive topic for your social media essay does not mean using poetic words in it. You should have an issue relevant to the current scenario. In the process of selecting a fascinating topic, do not forget to keep it within the extents of your knowledge. If it becomes too complicated for you to write about, you will be stuck when coming up with arguments and ideas.

The perfect topic would be the one which offers good potential for research and is interesting for the readers too. Even if you present profound arguments about such topics, they should be in a logical, comprehensible, and readable format for people to understand easily.

Writing a social media essay is no cakewalk, whether you are a high-school student or university student. All you need to do is, structuralize it properly, be clear with the ideas and arguments you are planning to present, pick the tone of your essay, and began writing. Do not forget to top your essay up with a catchy topic so that your entire hard work doesn't fall flat.

Published on Sep 03 2020

Gintaras is an experienced marketing professional who is always eager to explore the most up-to-date issues in data marketing. Having worked as an SEO manager at several companies, he's a valuable addition to the Whatagraph writers' pool.

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Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social Networking

This essay about the pros and cons of social media explores both the benefits and drawbacks of social networking. It discusses how social media facilitates global connectivity, supports professional opportunities, and serves as a platform for activism and information sharing, highlighting its role in democratizing information. Conversely, the essay addresses the negative impacts on mental health, such as anxiety and depression, concerns over privacy and data security, and the spread of misinformation. It emphasizes the need for digital literacy education and stronger regulatory measures to mitigate these issues. The essay advocates for a balanced approach to managing the challenges while leveraging the benefits of social media platforms.

How it works

In the contemporary landscape, social media is a double-edged sword that offers significant benefits while posing substantial challenges. This essay examines the multifaceted impact of social networking sites, providing a nuanced analysis of their advantages and disadvantages.

One of the most profound benefits of social media is its ability to connect people. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow users from all corners of the globe to stay connected with friends and family. They also provide opportunities for networking and professional growth, connecting individuals with potential employers, colleagues, and business partners.

Furthermore, social media platforms can serve as invaluable tools for learning and information exchange, offering instant access to news, scholarly articles, and a variety of opinions and experiences from around the world.

Social media also plays a crucial role in the democratization of information. It empowers users to share their voice on a global stage and has become a pivotal space for social activism. Movements like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter have gained international attention and support largely through social media campaigns, illustrating its power as a platform for social change.

Despite these benefits, social media is not without its drawbacks. One significant issue is the impact on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can lead to increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The pressure to maintain a certain online image and the constant comparison to others can lead to decreased self-esteem and a distorted self-image.

Privacy concerns are another critical disadvantage of social media. Users often share a wealth of personal information online, sometimes without adequate understanding of how this information can be used by third parties. Data breaches and the misuse of personal information have raised significant ethical concerns, highlighting the need for stricter regulations and more robust privacy protections on these platforms.

Additionally, social media can be a breeding ground for misinformation and “fake news,” complicating users’ ability to discern truth from falsehood. The rapid spread of unverified information can have real-world consequences, influencing public opinion and even affecting election outcomes. This dissemination of false information poses a serious challenge to societal well-being and informed citizenship.

Addressing the challenges posed by social media while harnessing its benefits requires a balanced approach. Educating users about the importance of digital literacy is crucial. This includes training in critical thinking skills related to media consumption, understanding privacy settings, and recognizing the signs of digital addiction.

Moreover, platform developers and policymakers need to work together to create safer, more ethical social media environments. This could involve implementing more stringent data protection measures, developing algorithms to detect and reduce the spread of misinformation, and creating spaces that promote positive interactions and mental health.

In conclusion, while social media continues to revolutionize the way we communicate and interact, it also presents significant challenges that cannot be ignored. By understanding and addressing these issues, society can better manage the influence of social networking sites and ensure that they contribute positively to modern life.

Remember, this essay is a starting point for inspiration and further research. For more personalized assistance and to ensure your essay meets all academic standards, consider reaching out to professionals at [EduBirdie](


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Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social Networking. (2024, May 01). Retrieved from

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"Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social Networking.", May 01, 2024. Accessed June 7, 2024.

"Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social Networking," , 01-May-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 7-Jun-2024] (2024). Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social Networking . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 7-Jun-2024]

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Argumentative Essays About Social Media

This is a comprehensive resource to help you find the perfect social media essay topic. Whether you're navigating the complexities of digital communication, exploring the impact of social media on society, or examining its effects on personal identity, the right topic can transform your essay into a captivating and insightful exploration. Remember, selecting a topic that resonates with your personal interests and academic goals not only makes the writing process more enjoyable but also enriches your learning experience. Let's dive into a world of creativity and critical thinking!

Essay Types and Topics

Below, you'll find a curated list of essay topics organized by type. Each section includes diverse topics that touch on technology, society, personal growth, and academic interests, along with introduction and conclusion paragraph examples to get you started.

Argumentative Essays

Introduction Example: "In the digital age, social media platforms have become central to our daily interactions and self-perception, particularly among teenagers. This essay explores the impact of social media on teen self-esteem, arguing that while it offers a space for expression and connection, it also presents significant challenges to self-image. "

Conclusion Example: "Having delved into the complex relationship between social media and teen self-esteem, it is clear that the digital landscape holds profound effects on individual self-perception. This essay reaffirms the thesis that social media can both uplift and undermine teen self-esteem, calling for a balanced approach to digital engagement."

Introduction Example: "As political landscapes evolve, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for political mobilization and engagement. This essay investigates the role of social media in shaping political movements, positing that it significantly enhances communication and organizational capabilities, yet raises questions about information authenticity. "

Conclusion Example: "Through examining the dual facets of social media in political mobilization, the essay concludes that while social media is a pivotal tool for engagement, it necessitates critical scrutiny of information to ensure a well-informed public discourse."

Compare and Contrast Essays

Introduction Example: "In the competitive realm of digital marketing, Instagram and Twitter stand out as leading platforms for brand promotion. This essay compares and contrasts their effectiveness, revealing that each platform caters to unique marketing strengths due to its specific user engagement and content dissemination strategies. "

Conclusion Example: "The comparative analysis of Instagram and Twitter highlights distinct advantages for brands, with Instagram excelling in visual storytelling and Twitter in real-time engagement, underscoring the importance of strategic platform selection in digital marketing."

Descriptive Essays

Introduction Example: "Today's social media landscape is a vibrant tapestry of platforms, each contributing to the digital era's social fabric. This essay describes the characteristics and cultural significance of current social media trends, illustrating that they reflect and shape our societal values and interactions. "

Conclusion Example: "In portraying the dynamic and diverse nature of today's social media landscape, this essay underscores its role in molding contemporary cultural and social paradigms, inviting readers to reflect on their digital footprints."

Persuasive Essays

Introduction Example: "In an era where digital presence is ubiquitous, fostering positive social media habits is essential for mental and emotional well-being. This essay advocates for mindful social media use, arguing that intentional engagement can enhance our life experiences rather than detract from them. "

Conclusion Example: "This essay has championed the cause for positive social media habits, reinforcing the thesis that through mindful engagement, individuals can navigate the digital world in a way that promotes personal growth and well-being."

Narrative Essays

Introduction Example: "Embarking on a personal journey with social media has been both enlightening and challenging. This narrative essay delves into my experiences, highlighting how social media has influenced my perception of self and community. "

Conclusion Example: "Reflecting on my social media journey, this essay concludes that while it has significantly shaped my interactions and self-view, it has also offered invaluable lessons on connectivity and self-awareness, affirming the nuanced role of digital platforms in our lives."

Engagement and Creativity

As you explore these topics, remember to approach your essay with an open mind and creative spirit. The purpose of academic writing is not just to inform but to engage and provoke thought. Use this opportunity to delve deep into your topic, analyze different perspectives, and articulate your own insights.

Educational Value

Each essay type offers unique learning outcomes. Argumentative essays enhance your analytical thinking and ability to construct well-founded arguments. Compare and contrast essays develop your skills in identifying similarities and differences. Descriptive essays improve your ability to paint vivid pictures through words, while persuasive essays refine your ability to influence and convince. Finally, narrative essays offer a platform for personal expression and storytelling. Embrace these opportunities to grow academically and personally.

Some Easy Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Media

  • The Impact of Social Media: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Is Social Media Enhancing or Eroding Our Real-Life Social Skills?
  • Should There Be Stricter Regulations on Social Media Content to Protect Youth?
  • Social Media's Role in Relationships: Communication Enhancer or Barrier
  • Does Social Media Contribute to Political Polarization?
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Perceptions of Divorce
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: Benefit or Harm?
  • Can Social Media Be Considered a Reliable Source of News and Information?
  • Is Social Media Responsible for the Rise in Cyberbullying?
  • Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Does Social Media Promote Narcissism and Self-Centered Behaviors?
  • The Role of Social Media in Business Marketing: Is It Indispensable?

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Social media refers to dynamic online platforms that enable individuals to actively engage in the generation and dissemination of various forms of content, including information, ideas, and personal interests. These interactive digital channels foster virtual communities and networks, allowing users to connect, communicate, and express themselves. By harnessing the power of technology, social media platforms provide a space for individuals to share and exchange content, fostering connections and facilitating the flow of information in an increasingly digital world.

In a peculiar manner, the inception of social media can be traced back to May 24, 1844, when a sequence of electronic dots and dashes was manually tapped on a telegraph machine. Although the origins of digital communication have deep historical roots, most contemporary narratives regarding the modern beginnings of the internet and social media often point to the emergence of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) in 1969. The year 1987 witnessed the establishment of the direct precursor to today's internet, as the National Science Foundation introduced the more robust and expansive NSFNET, a nationwide digital network. A significant milestone occurred in 1997 when Six Degrees, the first genuine social media platform, was launched.

Mark Zuckerberg is a notable figure in the realm of social media as the co-founder and CEO of Facebook. Zuckerberg played a pivotal role in transforming Facebook from a small networking platform for college students into a global social media giant with billions of users. His innovative ideas and strategic decisions have reshaped the way people connect and share information online, making him one of the most influential individuals in the digital age. Jack Dorsey is recognized as one of the key pioneers of social media, notably for co-founding Twitter. Dorsey's creation revolutionized online communication by introducing the concept of microblogging, allowing users to share short messages in real-time. Twitter quickly gained popularity, becoming a powerful platform for news dissemination, public conversations, and social movements. Dorsey's entrepreneurial spirit and vision have contributed significantly to the evolution of social media and its impact on society. Sheryl Sandberg is a prominent figure in the social media landscape, known for her influential role as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook.Sandberg played a crucial part in scaling and monetizing Facebook's operations, transforming it into a global advertising powerhouse. She is also recognized for her advocacy of women's empowerment and leadership in the tech industry, inspiring countless individuals and promoting diversity and inclusion within the social media sphere. Sandberg's contributions have left an indelible mark on the growth and development of social media platforms worldwide.

Social Networking Sites: Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace. Microblogging Platforms: Twitter. Media Sharing Networks: Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat. Discussion Forums and Community-Based Platforms: Reddit and Quora. Blogging Platforms: WordPress and Blogger. Social Bookmarking and Content Curation Platforms: Pinterest and Flipboard. Messaging Apps: WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat.

Facebook (2004), Reddit (2005), Twitter (2006), Instagram (2010), Pinterest (2010), Snapchat (2011), TikTok (2016)

1. Increased Connectivity 2. Information Sharing and Awareness 3. Networking and Professional Opportunities 4. Creativity and Self-Expression 5. Supportive Communities and Causes

1. Privacy Concerns 2. Cyberbullying and Online Harassment 3. Information Overload and Misinformation 4. Time and Productivity Drain 5. Comparison and Self-Esteem Issues

The topic of social media holds significant importance for students as it plays a prominent role in their lives, both academically and socially. Social media platforms provide students with opportunities to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge with peers, expanding their learning networks beyond the confines of the classroom. It facilitates communication and access to educational resources, allowing students to stay updated on academic trends and research. Additionally, social media enhances digital literacy and prepares students for the realities of the digital age. However, it is crucial for students to develop critical thinking skills to navigate the potential pitfalls of social media, such as misinformation and online safety, ensuring a responsible and balanced use of these platforms.

The topic of social media is worthy of being explored in an essay due to its profound impact on various aspects of society. Writing an essay on social media allows for an in-depth examination of its influence on communication, relationships, information sharing, and societal dynamics. It offers an opportunity to analyze the advantages and disadvantages, exploring topics such as privacy, online identities, social activism, and the role of social media in shaping cultural norms. Additionally, studying social media enables a critical evaluation of its effects on mental health, politics, and business. By delving into this subject, one can gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex and ever-evolving digital landscape we inhabit.

1. Social media users spend an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes per day on social networking platforms. This amounts to over 7 years of an individual's lifetime spent on social media, highlighting its significant presence in our daily lives. 2. Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, with more than 500 million of them using the platform on a daily basis. 3. YouTube has over 2 billion logged-in monthly active users. On average, users spend over 1 billion hours watching YouTube videos every day, emphasizing the platform's extensive reach and the power of video content. 4. Social media has become a major news source, with 48% of people getting their news from social media platforms. This shift in news consumption highlights the role of social media in shaping public opinion and disseminating information in real-time. 5. Influencer marketing has grown exponentially, with 63% of marketers planning to increase their influencer marketing budget in the coming year. This showcases the effectiveness of influencers in reaching and engaging with target audiences, and the value brands place on leveraging social media personalities to promote their products or services.

1. Schober, M. F., Pasek, J., Guggenheim, L., Lampe, C., & Conrad, F. G. (2016). Social media analyses for social measurement. Public opinion quarterly, 80(1), 180-211. ( 2. Appel, G., Grewal, L., Hadi, R., & Stephen, A. T. (2020). The future of social media in marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing science, 48(1), 79-95. ( 3. Aichner, T., Grünfelder, M., Maurer, O., & Jegeni, D. (2021). Twenty-five years of social media: a review of social media applications and definitions from 1994 to 2019. Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking, 24(4), 215-222. ( 4. Ruths, D., & Pfeffer, J. (2014). Social media for large studies of behavior. Science, 346(6213), 1063-1064. ( 5. Hou, Y., Xiong, D., Jiang, T., Song, L., & Wang, Q. (2019). Social media addiction: Its impact, mediation, and intervention. Cyberpsychology: Journal of psychosocial research on cyberspace, 13(1). ( 6. Auxier, B., & Anderson, M. (2021). Social media use in 2021. Pew Research Center, 1, 1-4. ( 7. Al-Samarraie, H., Bello, K. A., Alzahrani, A. I., Smith, A. P., & Emele, C. (2021). Young users' social media addiction: causes, consequences and preventions. Information Technology & People, 35(7), 2314-2343. ( 8. Bhargava, V. R., & Velasquez, M. (2021). Ethics of the attention economy: The problem of social media addiction. Business Ethics Quarterly, 31(3), 321-359. (

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How to Write a Social Media Essay With Tips and Examples

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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Social media essays resemble other academic papers and focus on a wide range of topics in various subjects. Basically, a unique trait is that such papers focus on social media, which shows their primary focus. In this case, a compelling social media essay should contain specific sections, like an introduction, body, and conclusion. Firstly, the Introduction entails a hook, summary of main ideas, and a strong thesis statement. Then, the body section must have several paragraphs that relate to a thesis statement. Besides, writers should split a thesis into several justifiable points to form body paragraphs. In turn, a conclusion of a social media essay should bring a paper to a logical closure. Hence, students need to learn how to write a social media essay to meet its basic requirements and get a response from an audience.

General Guidelines for Writing a Good Social Media Essay

Social media is a useful tool that continues to gain popularity today due to its features. For example, the most famous social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, among others, allow users to be connected with each other, and their distance does not matter. Also, young individuals are dominant users of such technology. Basically, these defining features make social media an exciting area of study for writing different types of essays . In this case, many scholars write essays and research papers that focus on negative and positive issues related to the continued application of social media. Moreover, such papers focus on all matters about social media and its influence on all human characteristics. Hence, because online-based communication platforms are a popular means of communication, scholars write essays and research papers concerning their relationships with human lives. 

how to write a social media essay

Free Examples of Topics for Social Media Essays

Selecting a suitable topic is the first and most important step toward writing a good social media essay. Basically, it can be an overwhelming task for college students to develop new themes for their essays and research papers. In turn, free examples of social issues essay topics in various disciplines are:

1. Sociology

  • Influence of social media on modern society
  • Impacts of social media on society: Progress or peril?
  • How does social media influence society?
  • What are the influences of social media on social relations?
  • Is social media a problem or a solution?

2. Psychology

  • Understanding the impact of social media on teenage self-Image
  • How does social media influence mental well-being of teenagers?
  • Describe effective ways that people use to overcome social media addiction.
  • Do social media inspire cyberbullying?

3. Education

  • Describe some ways that social media impacts education.
  • What role does social media play in improving grades?
  • In what ways has social media changed education?

4. Business

  • Impacts of social media on companies and businesses
  • How does social media transform the world of business?
  • Has social media opened a new way of doing business?
  • Effects of social media on healthy aging.
  • Does social media interaction enable people to lead healthy lives?
  • Negative impacts of social media on mental health.

6. Technology

  • Virtual reality and its potential impact on social media
  • Impacts of social media and internet algorithms on user experience
  • Roles of social media in promoting technological innovativeness.
  • Is social media used for mass surveillance?
  • How social media reflects modern technological advancement?

Identifying Social Media Essay Topics

Students can learn that they need to write social media essays and research papers quickly. For instance, all the topics have the words “social media.” Basically, this feature distinguishes these essays from other essay topics. Moreover, social media papers follow a unique essay structure that enables students to express their thoughts effectively. Besides, one can identify different types of social media essays based on the kind of argument presented on a topic. Hence, basic guidelines on how one may identify various types of social media essays are:

1. Argumentative Social Media Essays

An argumentative social media essay should have a strong argument. Basically, this essay’s topic should prompt a person to pick one side of a discussion and provide the necessary support. Besides, argumentative prompts require one to use facts and analysis from credible sources. In turn, one may identify these argumentative essay topics quickly since they encourage writers to give an opinion.

2. Persuasive Social Media Essays

A persuasive social media essay focuses on urging readers to accept a particular belief or idea. For example, persuasive social media essay topics require students to use logical concepts to support the main argument. Besides, such themes focus on promoting critical thinking skills when dealing with a specific idea. In turn, one may identify such persuasive essay topics easily because such themes contain keywords, like “effects,” “impacts,” “causes,” and “pros and cons,” among others.

3. Satirical Social Media Essays

A satirical writing style requires learners to use sarcasm when criticizing a subject. In this case, satirical social media essay topics compel writers to use irony and hyperbole elements to communicate their points. Also, students may identify such issues easily since such assignments require them to use creativity with a good sense of humor. In most cases, such topics relate to “addiction” or “isolation.”

Structure of Social Media Essays

Social media essays require a proper structure, just like other academic papers. In this case, the first step in writing a successful social media paper is to develop a correct essay outline, which shows all the necessary sections. In turn, students may use the following structure:

I. Introduction

Outstanding social media essays should have a good college essay introduction that captures the reader’s attention with an impressive hook. For example, one should begin a paper by using a theme that makes the audience interested to read other sections of a paper. Hence, a hook sentence makes people interested in reading an essay.

B. Keywords and Summary

Writing a good introduction for a social media essay includes keywords and an overview of the main ideas. In particular, students should include keywords that relate to a topic in question. Moreover, opening paragraphs should consist of catchy words that allow readers to have a clear picture of an intended message. In turn, a clear summary of the main ideas allows the targeted audience to develop a clear understanding of a topic. Besides, such brief details reveal the social media essay’s scope.

Outstanding social media essays should have a clear thesis statement that reveals the main message. Basically, a good thesis statement should show the writer’s unique thoughts and perception of a topic. Besides, one should create a debatable thesis statement that seeks to prove something about a subject in question.

The body of social media essays provides ideas required to support a central claim. In this case, writers have a mandate to provide adequate evidence to support a thesis statement. Basically, the social media essay’s body should contain different sections related to a thesis statement. Hence, writers must follow a specific structure of body paragraphs.

A. Topic Sentence

Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that relates to a thesis statement. In practice, a body paragraph in a social media essay must focus on one idea. Moreover, a topic sentence should relate to a single idea connected to a central argument. In turn, this strategy enables one to communicate intended ideas to the audience clearly. 

B. Evidence

Students must provide the necessary evidence to support an idea presented in a topic sentence. As a rule, one should use real-life examples or evidence from reliable sources to support a topic sentence. Basically, this approach makes a social media essay appear compelling and relevant to issues that affect readers. In turn, one should provide credible citations for evidence by using appropriate referencing formats, such as APA 7, MLA 8, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian, among others.

C. Explanation

Writers must provide a clear and relevant description of evidence cited from academic sources to avoid plagiarism. Moreover, readers need to understand connections between an example given, a topic sentence, and a thesis statement. In this case, one should provide one or two sentences that explain how the evidence supports an idea presented in a paragraph. Besides, a prudent writer uses transitional words in a paragraph to enhance the flow of ideas and separate sentences for a friendly reading. In turn, readers should have a seamless flow of concepts as they go through a text.

D. Concluding and Transitioning Sentences

Each body paragraph must end with a concluding and transitioning statement. For instance, all the body paragraphs should have a unique relationship between ideas presented in these sections. Also, readers should not experience unnecessary disruptions and obstructions as they move from one paragraph to another. In this case, the last sentence of each body paragraph must provide a clear summary of the main ideas presented in a section. Besides, this sentence should be linked to a topic sentence of the next paragraph. Hence, students must ensure that all body paragraphs are connected with each other to keep the audience glued until the end of an essay.

4. The Number of Body Paragraphs

The ideas presented in a thesis statement determine the number of body paragraphs that one should use when writing a social media essay. As a rule, one should focus on communicating the main message effectively. Moreover, one must evaluate a thesis statement and split it into different ideas to convey the central idea effectively. For persuasive social media essay topics, one must use several paragraphs that show facts effectively. Hence, a social media essay should have several sections that enhance a logical representation of ideas.

III. Conclusion

A social media essay must have a concluding paragraph that brings a paper to a logical closure. Basically, students not only focus on being creative when writing the conclusion part but also reiterate the main points discussed in a body section with a thesis statement by using different wording. Unfortunately, some writers make mistakes in introducing new information and evidence in the conclusion section. Besides, such flaws undermine the social media essay’s quality and lower the ability to communicate the intended message. As a rule, one should restate a thesis statement and summarize the ideas presented in all topic sentences. Besides, the closing paragraph should include any appropriate call to action. Hence, the conclusion should bring a social media essay to a logical closure that reveals the ideas presented.

Example of a Social Media Essay

Topic: Is Social Media a Problem or a Solution?

I. Introduction Sample

Social media is a primary cause of the major problems today. Basically, the emergence of social media has enabled people to maintain close interaction with friends from all over the world. Also, such applications make social a suitable solution to societal issues and interests. However, it results in many social ills. Although some people argue that social media solves societal problems, the continued wide use leads to long-lasting hatred problems.

II. Examples of Body Paragraphs

A. argument: hatred.

Social media leads to hatred among teenagers. For instance, most teenagers rely on social media to establish relationships with their peers. In this case, they tend to spread hatred in their social circles. Moreover, social media bullying and victimization is the primary cause of teenage suicide. In turn, hatred caused by social media can lead to terminal consequences. Hence, social media can be a significant cause of hatred among teenagers despite having some benefits.

B. Counterargument: Benefits

On the other hand, social media communication provides a unique way of establishing unique solutions. For instance, teenagers create friends through social media platforms. In turn, this strategy allows them to share ideas and issues that affect their lives. Eventually, they manage to address many challenges that affect their lives. Hence, social media supports the establishment of unique societal solutions.

C. Weaknesses of a Counterargument: Proper Use

The counterclaim is weaker than the main argument since it ignores that only a small number of people use social media constructively. For example, new social media users may face bullying and other mistreatments that lead to anger and resentment. Besides, addiction to social media usage leads to psychological problems like stress.

III. Conclusion Sample

In summary, some people argue that social media solves societal problems. However, such arguments tend to disregard the impact of the continued widespread application of internet-based communication methods, which causes long-lasting problems of hatred. Unfortunately, the significance of such disgust may include suicide among teenagers.

Another Social Media Essay Sample

Topic: Describe Two Undesirable Effects of Social Media

I. Example of an Introduction

Online-based communication methods form an indispensable fragment of human life. Basically, many individuals rely on social media for communicating and maintaining close contact with friends and family members. Despite the presence of such benefits, the wide use of social media leads to adverse effects. Because social media is a popular mode of communication, it continues to cause negative impacts, like cyberbullying and suicidal thoughts.

II. Body Sample

A. effect 1: cyberbullying.

The wide use of social media platforms leads to cyberbullying among teenagers. For example, the majority of teenagers who use social media platforms have experienced cyberbullying in the form of name-calling and rumor-spreading. Basically, these abusive online behaviors lead to damaging resentments and unmatched hatred among teenagers. In turn, this problem leads to chronic stress among victims. Hence, social media platforms expose youths to cyberbullying, including suicidal thoughts.

B. Effect 2: Suicidal Thoughts

Social media use has a direct contribution to a suicidal way of thinking. For example, many scientists show in their study reports how the Internet and social media platforms influence suicidal thoughts. In this case, damaging resentments from cyberbullying and intimidation in social media motivate youths to think about suicide as a way to get out of problems they face. Moreover, online interactions expose teenagers to enter cults and groups that consider suicide as an easier way of escaping social challenges. Hence, interactions through social media are a source of motivation for teenagers to develop suicidal thoughts.

III. Example of a Conclusion

In summary, social media is a popular mode of communication today. In particular, the development of online platforms as a suitable tool of interaction exposes teenagers to adverse effects like cyberbullying. Moreover, many youths develop anger and resentment that may lead to suicidal thoughts. Thus, scientists need to develop new methods of how to overcome such outcomes of media use.

Social media platforms are popular methods of communication in the twenty-first century. In this case, many students write essays and research papers on connections between the use of online-based communication methods and human lives. Moreover, social media essays are unique academic papers that focus on a wide range of topics. Hence, easy steps that learners should consider when writing social media essays are:

  • start with an introduction that hooks readers;
  • develop body paragraphs that contain real-life examples or evidence from credible sources, like studies, reports, books, scholarly articles, and news articles with relevant explanations;
  • finish writing a social media essay with a summative conclusion.

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An Essay About Social Media: Definition, Outline and Examples

An essay about social media is a piece of writing that explores social media’s impact, influence, and consequences on various aspects of society, such as communication, relationships, politics, mental health, culture, and more.

The essay can take on different forms, such as an argumentative essay , a cause-and-effect essay, a critical analysis, or an exploratory essay.

A good essay about social media aims to provide a well-researched and thought-provoking examination of the topic and to help readers better understand the complex nature of social media and its role in our lives.

The essay may address questions such as:

  • How has social media changed communication?
  • What are the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health?
  • How has social media impacted politics and public opinion?
  • What is the future of social media, and how will it continue to shape our lives?

Why do college students write essays about social media

College students may write an essay about social media for several reasons:

  • To fulfill an assignment: Many professors assign social media essays as part of a communication, media studies course, or sociology. Writing an essay on social media helps students understand the topic more deeply and grasp its impact on society.
  • To demonstrate critical thinking skills: Writing an essay about social media requires students to analyze the topic and form an informed opinion critically. It provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their critical thinking skills and shows that they can evaluate complex ideas and arguments.
  • To develop research skills: Writing an essay about social media requires students to conduct thorough research and gather information from credible sources. This helps students develop important research skills and evaluate the reliability and relevance of different sources.
  • To express personal views and opinions: Writing an essay about social media allows students to express their views and opinions on the topic. This can be a great opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and thoughtfulness and share their insights.
  • To prepare for future careers: Social media is a rapidly growing field, and many careers in marketing, advertising, public relations, journalism, and other fields require a deep understanding of the role of social media in society. Writing an essay on social media can help students prepare for these careers by better understanding the topic and its impact on the world around them.

How to write an essay about social media

Essay about social media

Step 1: Choose a Topic Before you start writing your essay, you must choose a topic you are interested in and clearly understand. This could be a specific aspect of social media, such as its impact on mental health, or a more general overview of the pros and cons of social media.

Step 2: Research To write an effective essay about social media, gather information and data on your topic from various sources, such as books, articles, websites, and interviews. Make sure to take notes and organize your research to make it easier to reference later.

Step 3: Create an Outline An outline is a roadmap for your essay about social media and will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. A standard essay outline includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Step 4: Write the Introduction In the introduction of your essay about social media, provide background information on social media and introduce your thesis statement. A thesis statement is a sentence that states your argument and sets the direction of your essay.

Step 5: Write the Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs are the main part of your essay, where you will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media, its impact on society, and other relevant topics. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and a conclusion.

Step 6: Write the Conclusion The conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis. It should also provide a final thought or call to action, encouraging the reader to think critically about social media and its impact on society.

Step 7: Edit and Revise Once you have completed your first draft, take some time to revise and edit your essay. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and ensure your ideas are well-organized and presented.

Step 8: Proofread Proofread your essay one last time to catch any mistakes you may have missed in the previous steps. This will help to ensure that your essay is well-written and error-free.

Essay about social media

Essay about social media: outline example

I. Introduction

Definition of social media A brief history of social media Importance of social media in today’s world II. Advantages of social media

Connectivity and communication Access to information Improved marketing and advertising Increased global exposure and reach Ability to participate in social movements and activism III. Disadvantages of social media

Cyberbullying and online harassment Addiction and decreased productivity Spread of misinformation and fake news Decreased privacy and security Impacts on mental health and self-esteem IV. Social media and its impact on society

Influence on politics and elections Changes in the way we interact and communicate Increase in consumerism and materialism Impact on journalism and news media Effects on personal relationships and communication skills V. Conclusion

Recap of the advantages and disadvantages of social media Final thoughts on the role and impact of social media in society Call to action for the responsible and mindful use of social media

Example 1: Short social media essay

Social media is a term that refers to the various platforms and websites that allow individuals to communicate, share information and content, and connect with others on the internet. With the rise of social media, the way people communicate, interact and consume information has dramatically changed. Overall, Social media has changed the way we communicate, access information, and interact with others, but its impact on society is both positive and negative, highlighting the need for responsible and mindful use. One of the most significant advantages of social media is the ease of connectivity and communication. Social media has brought people from all over the world together, making it possible to form online communities and interact with others who share similar interests (Lin et al., 2021). This has been especially beneficial for individuals who live in isolated areas or have mobility issues, as social media provides a way to stay connected and engaged with others. In addition, social media has provided unprecedented access to information. The internet has become a vast library of knowledge available to anyone with an internet connection. With the help of social media, people can access the latest news, events, and trends from around the world and learn about various topics and issues from diverse perspectives. However, social media also has its negative aspects. One of the most significant drawbacks is the spread of misinformation and fake news. The ease of creating and sharing content online has led to an increase in misleading information, which can have far-reaching consequences, particularly in politics and public opinion (Kuss & Griffiths, 2017). Additionally, social media can be addictive and can negatively impact productivity, as people spend hours browsing and scrolling through their feeds. Social media has also had a significant impact on the way we interact with one another. The anonymity provided by the internet has led to an increase in online harassment and cyberbullying, which can be particularly damaging to young people’s mental health ()Lin et al., 2021; Kuss & Grifffiths, 2017). Moreover, social media has decreased privacy and security, as personal information can be easily shared and spread online. In conclusion, social media has been both a blessing and a curse for society. On the one hand, it has revolutionized how people communicate, providing a platform for global connectivity and access to information. On the other hand, it has also led to an increase in misinformation, cyberbullying, and privacy concerns. As social media continues to evolve, it is important to find a balance between its benefits and drawbacks and to use it responsibly and mindfully. References
  • Kuss, D. J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2017). Social networking sites and addiction: Ten lessons learned. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), 311.
  • Lin, L. Y., Sidani, J. E., Shensa, A., Radovic, A., Miller, E., Colditz, J. B., Hoffman, B. L., Giles, L. M., & Primack, B. A. (2021). Association between social media use and depression among US young adults. Depression and Anxiety, 33(4), 323–331.

P.S: Click here if you need help with your social media essay 

Example 2: 1000 + words Essay About Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us to people and information from around the world. With the rise of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, social media has transformed the way we communicate, share information, and consume media (Statista, 2021). This essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of social media, as well as its impact on society. The overaching assertion is that by understanding the complex role that social media plays in our lives, we can begin to use these platforms in a more responsible and mindful way, ensuring that we are maximizing their benefits while minimizing their negative effects. Advantages of social media Connectivity and communication Social media has made access to information easier and more convenient than ever before. News, entertainment, and educational content are readily available through social media platforms, providing users with a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints. Social media has also made it easier for individuals to access information that would have previously been difficult to find or obtain (Gershon, 2019). For example, people can now easily find information about medical conditions, research studies, and government policies, all of which can be used to make informed decisions about their health, education, and politics. Improved marketing and advertising Social media has revolutionized the way companies market their products and services, enabling them to reach a wider audience and target specific demographics. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have sophisticated advertising algorithms that allow companies to target users based on their interests, location, and behavior (Gershon, 2019). This has made advertising more effective and efficient, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates. Social media has also enabled small businesses and entrepreneurs to reach customers without the need for expensive marketing campaigns, making it easier to compete with larger corporations. Increased global exposure and reach Social media has given individuals and organizations global exposure, allowing them to reach audiences they would not have been able to reach otherwise. Social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram have been used by celebrities and public figures to build their brands and reach a wider audience (Pew Research Center, 2021). Social media has also been used by activists and social movements to raise awareness about issues and mobilize support across the globe. For example, the #MeToo movement, which started as a hashtag on social media, has become a global movement that has led to significant changes in the way society views sexual harassment and assault. Ability to participate in social movements and activism Social media has given individuals the power to participate in social and political movements, making it easier for people to voice their opinions and take action on issues they care about (Mesch, 2018). Social media has been used to organize protests, raise awareness about issues, and mobilize support for causes. It has also given marginalized groups a platform to share their experiences and perspectives, enabling them to demand change and hold those in power accountable. Disadvantages of social media Cyberbullying and online harassment While social media has many benefits, it also has several disadvantages. One of the most significant drawbacks is cyberbullying and online harassment. Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for bullying and harassment, with individuals using anonymity to attack and intimidate others. This can have severe consequences for the victim, including depression, anxiety, and in extreme cases, suicide (Mesch ,2018). Cyberbullying has become a significant concern, with one study finding that 59% of U.S. teens have experienced some form of online harassment (Pew Reserach , 2021). Addiction and decreased productivity Social media can be highly addictive, with users spending hours scrolling through their feeds and engaging with content. This addiction can have detrimental effects on productivity, with individuals spending less time on work or other important activities. Studies have shown that social media addiction can lead to a decrease in academic performance, work productivity, and overall well-being. Spread of misinformation and fake news Another disadvantage of social media is the spread of misinformation and fake news. With the ease of sharing content on social media, it has become easy for false information to be disseminated to a wide audience quickly. This can have severe consequences, as false information can influence people’s beliefs and behaviors, leading to harmful outcomes. The spread of fake news has been a significant concern, with social media companies facing criticism for not doing enough to combat it. Decreased privacy and security Social media has also led to a decrease in privacy and security, with users’ personal information often being collected and shared without their consent. Social media platforms collect vast amounts of data about their users, including their location, interests, and online behavior. This information can be used for targeted advertising, but it can also be used for nefarious purposes, such as identity theft or cyber attacks. Impacts on mental health and self-esteem Social media has been linked to several negative impacts on mental health and self-esteem. Studies have shown that excessive social media use can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Social media has also been linked to negative body image and low self-esteem, with individuals comparing themselves to unrealistic and idealized images presented on social media platforms (Pew Research Center, 2021). Social media and its impact on society Influence on politics and elections Social media has had a significant impact on politics and elections, with candidates and parties using social media to reach and engage with voters. Social media has enabled political campaigns to reach a wider audience, mobilize support, and fundraise (Tufekci, 2018). Social media has also been used to spread propaganda and false information, leading to concerns about its impact on the democratic process. Changes in the way we interact and communicate Social media has transformed the way we interact and communicate with others, with many individuals relying on social media platforms as their primary means of communication. Social media has enabled individuals to connect with people across the globe, but it has also led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions. This can have significant consequences, as face-to-face interactions are crucial for building strong relationships and developing social skills. Increase in consumerism and materialism Social media has contributed to an increase in consumerism and materialism, with individuals being exposed to a constant stream of advertisements and product promotions. Social media platforms have become virtual marketplaces, with individuals being bombarded with messages that encourage them to buy more and consume more. Impact on journalism and news media Social media has also had a significant impact on journalism and news media, with many individuals turning to social media platforms for their news and information. While social media has enabled citizen journalism and given a platform to marginalized voices, it has also led to the spread of misinformation and fake news. Social media has also led to a decrease in traditional news media outlets, with many newspapers and TV stations struggling to compete with social media platforms (Tandoc et al., 2018). Effects on personal relationships and communication skills Finally, social media has had significant effects on personal relationships and communication skills. While social media has enabled individuals to connect with people across the globe, it has also led to a decrease in the quality of interpersonal relationships (Pew Research Center, 2021). Many individuals rely on social media for their social interactions, leading to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and the development of social skills. Additionally, social media has enabled individuals to present a curated and idealized version of themselves, leading to a lack of authenticity and trust in personal relationships. Conclusion In conclusion, social media has become an integral part of our lives, with many individuals relying on social media platforms for communication, information, and entertainment. While social media has many advantages, it also has several significant disadvantages, including cyberbullying, addiction, spread of misinformation, decreased privacy, and negative impacts on mental health and self-esteem. Social media has also had a significant impact on society, influencing politics and elections, changing the way we interact and communicate, contributing to consumerism and materialism, and affecting journalism and news media. As we continue to navigate the complex world of social media, it is crucial to be mindful and responsible in our use of these platforms, ensuring that we are using them to their fullest potential while minimizing the negative impacts. By doing so, we can continue to enjoy the benefits of social media while mitigating its negative effects. References  Statista. (2021). Number of social media users worldwide from 2010 to 2026 (in billions). Pew Research Center. (2021). Social media fact sheet. Tufekci, Z. (2018). Twitter and tear gas: The power and fragility of networked protest. Yale University Press. Mesch, G. S. (2018). Social media and social support. In J. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (pp. 28–33). Elsevier. Tandoc, E. C., Jr., Lim, Z. W., & Ling, R. (2018). Defining “fake news.” Digital Journalism, 6(2), 137–153. Gershon, I. (2019). Media ideologies: A comparative study of Russian and US journalism. Cambridge University Press.

Social media essay topic ideas

  • Why social media has changed the way we communicate
  • A critical analysis of the impact of social media on mental health
  • How social media has affected politics and public opinion
  • Where social media has made the biggest impact on society
  • An examination of the benefits and drawbacks of social media
  • The role of social media in the spread of misinformation
  • How social media has changed the advertising industry
  • The impact of social media on privacy and security
  • Why social media can be addictive and what can be done to mitigate its negative effects
  • An exploration of the use of social media in education and learning.
  • The influence of social media on relationships and personal connections
  • How social media has impacted the job market and employment opportunities
  • The role of social media in promoting cultural exchange and understanding
  • An analysis of the influence of social media on popular culture
  • The impact of social media on traditional forms of media, such as television and print
  • The potential of social media for social activism and social change
  • How social media has changed the way we consume and share information
  • The impact of social media on the way we perceive and experience events
  • The role of social media in shaping the future of technology and communication
  • An examination of the ethical considerations surrounding social media and its use.
  • The influence of social media on fashion and beauty trends
  • How social media has impacted the way we perceive and experience travel
  • An analysis of the impact of social media on professional sports and athletics
  • The influence of social media on the music industry and artist promotions
  • The role of social media in fostering online communities and relationships
  • How social media has changed the way we access and consume news
  • An examination of the impact of social media on the way we shop and make purchasing decisions
  • The influence of social media on the way we view and engage with art and creativity
  • The impact of social media on personal branding and self-promotion
  • An exploration of the use of social media in crisis management and emergency response.

Essays about social media additional tips

  • Start with a strong thesis statement that clearly states your argument.
  • Use reputable sources for your research and reference them properly in your essay.
  • Avoid using overly technical language or overly casual language.
  • Use specific examples to support your argument and make your essay more relatable.
  • Be mindful of the tone of your essay and aim for a balanced, neutral perspective.
  • Avoid making broad generalizations and instead focus on specific, well-supported claims.
  • Consider both social media’s positive and negative aspects and provide a nuanced perspective.
  • Use clear, concise, and well-structured sentences and paragraphs to make your essay easy to read and understand.
  • Use a variety of sentence structures and avoid repeating the same sentence structure repeatedly.
  • End your essay with a strong conclusion summarizing your main points and providing a final thought or calls to action.

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A Guide to Social Media Essay: Tips, Uses, And Benefits

The use of social media is rampant and inescapable in today’s era of digitalization. it has become a routine of everyone’s lives, from kids as young as 2 years to aged ones. some people with the use of social platforms restructure their lives, while others harm. as social media has gained immense traction, essay writing has also become a preferred topic for teachers, students, and others. this article will provide insight into all the important elements of a social media essay that must be accommodated..

A complete guide to social media essay

What is a Social Media Essay? 

Social media is a term used conjunctively for web applications and websites that aid people in interaction, communication, development, content sharing, networking, and marketing. A social media essay is a type of academic writing that provides an analysis of social media—its nature, history, and impact. It must be inclusive of nature’s types, history, impact, prevalence, pros and cons, and other relevant information.

The Steps to Be Followed to Write a Social Media Essay 

  • Pick an engaging topic on which you have some insight. You can discuss how social media has changed the world in general or how it has impacted your life. Your theme should cover all the concerns you’re attempting to address. 
  • Write down a few ideas of what you want to write about and narrow it down to one topic that interests you the most, and prepare a thesis, as it is crucial.
  • Get yourself a reliable source and do your research; don’t limit yourself to the internet; do visit books.
  • Start drafting your essay by writing a general introduction and thesis statement first. Then, add more details and information as you go along. Start with a brief introduction hinting at your topic.
  • Focus on the body part as it comprises the major part of your essay, and then terminate your essay by tying everything together and summarising your main point. If necessary, add a few more details for clarity besides keeping your essay from veering away from the topic. 
  • Proofread your essay for spelling and grammatical mistakes before publishing it to make sure it’s perfect, and don’t forget to credit your sources.

Several Topics You Can Write About in a Social Media Essay:

  • Social Media & The Digital Era 
  • The Inevitable Rise of DigitalMedia in the Marketing World
  • How is the Way We Communicate Changing Due to Social Media
  • How Brands Leveraging Digital Strategies
  • How to Make the Most of Digital platforms for Your Business
  • How To Master Social Networking Sites  In A Few Easy Steps
  • Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing
  • How to Get Your Business Noticed on Digital Media: A Guide From A Newbie
  • How to Develop a Successful Social Media Strategy!
  • The Ultimate Guide to Digital Media: How to Get Started, Stay Up-to-date, and Grow 
  • How to Create Your Own Digital Media Strategy : 7 Tips for the Novice
  • How to Build Your Brand on Digital Media : A Comprehensive Guide
  • Social Media Strategies : How to Build Your Business On Social Media
  • The Potential of Digital Media and its Impact on Society’s Perception
  • Social media and its effects on society
  • How does Digital media affect us?
  • How Does Digital Media Affect Our Mental Health?
  • The Pros and Cons of Digital Media Use
  • Is Digital Media a Waste of Time? What The Research Says

The Basic Structure to Be Followed to Write a Social Media Essay

1. Introduction: The reader is given an introduction to the subject in this section. It should be concise or shorter than the paragraphs that follow, try to provide the article’s pertinent background information, and have engaging content.

2. The Body, or the Middle: This contains the body of an essay, which comes after the introduction. It aims to give a thorough explanation of the subject by including arguments, illustrations, quotes, figures, and the writer’s personal experiences. It can be broken up into different paragraphs, with each one covering a significant issue.

3. The Conclusion, or End: This follows the body. It summarizes the essay and reiterates the key ideas of the subject, including the director’s arguments. It makes use of phrases or clauses that indicate the essay’s conclusion. Essentially, it restates your main idea in another way.

Various Essay Types to Go Ahead With Social Media Essay

There are various different ways to present information in an essay. In case you’re not familiar with these, let’s understand the different types so that you can select the best structure for your social media essay.

1. Chronological Essay

A chronological essay refers to writing from beginning to end in sequential order. For example, you start from the birth of a person, how they spent their early childhood, then school days, and how their behavior changed during all that time. You don’t have to skip any of the parts to ensure a chronological pattern. It is often used in a narrative or biographical essay or when you tell a story.

2. Compare and Contrast:

 An essay genre known as a “compare and contrast” essay offers comparisons between two themes. True to its name, it demonstrates how the subjects are comparable in some ways and dissimilar in others. The essay format typically consists of two body paragraphs describing the two issues before tying everything together with the conclusion. This requires that both themes be covered in the thesis statement, topic sentences, and descriptive details.

Critical thinking is also necessary for comparing and contrasting essays. To write one, you need to do more than just describe your subjects; you also need to evaluate and explain how they relate to one another. You can give your essay better shape by formatting it with a compare and contrast structure.

3. Problem-solving Essay

Essays with solutions to problems are a common style of persuasion. You must outline an issue, get the reader to care about the situation, provide a solution, and be ready to refute any objections in these essays. There is a simple formula you can use to compose an essay about a problem and its solution. Let’s talk about the sequential procedure:

An Introduction To The Issue

You’ll thoroughly describe the issue in your introduction paragraph. What exactly is it, and why must it be resolved? Declare your thesis after you’ve done this.

Motivate The Reader

Don’t merely state the issue in general terms. You must describe it from the readers’ perspective. Describe the topic in a way that will pique the reader’s interest. Why is this issue important? Who cares if they don’t? There are various strategies for enticing readers. Offer them startling data that will cause them to get interested suddenly.

Outline Your Solution

After you’ve written your introduction, it’s time to start writing the essay’s body. You might wish to strive for three well-written paragraphs that outline the answer, depending on the length requirements. Of course, clarity must come first. Clearly and simply describe your answer so that everyone may comprehend it. Without being overly wordy, include as many specifics as you can about how this would fix the problem.

It’s time to wrap up the essay at this point. Describe the immediate next steps that must be taken. Draw a clear image of the world as it would be if your workable solution were adopted.

Here is a complete guide to Social Media Campaign

4. Persuasive Essay 

In a persuasive essay, you use reasoning and arguments to persuade readers of your viewpoint. Both academic and personal writing can be used in persuasive essays. They often start with a query, which the author then operates on in the body of the essay to argue for or against. The important components of a persuasive essay are:

The terms “logos” and “words” in your argument all allude to its logical foundation. To make a statement or an argument cohesive, it’s critical that everything you say ties together like links in a chain or pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

When you try to persuade your audience of your trustworthiness or character, you are using ethos, often known as the ethical argument. You must accept yourself before you can persuade an audience to believe whatever you say. People won’t be persuaded by you unless they believe in you, regardless of what you are doing, including making flyers, presentations, job applications, and teaching workshops. There are several ways to build trust when it comes to communication. You must be aware of how to react in each circumstance and adjust as necessary.

Pathos, often known as the appeal to emotion, is the process of influencing a reader by deliberately arousing particular emotions in them to cause them to feel the way the author intends. The persona that your audience most closely identifies with will be more persuasive to them. Authors purposefully choose their words, employ meaningful language, express use metaphors that elicit emotion, and use instances and narratives that do the same. A variety of emotional reactions, such as empathy, rage, irritation, or even humor, can be desired by authors.

5. Argumentative Essay

You can structure your social media post in the form of an argumentative one. An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that persuades the reader of a particular point of view using factual data and logical arguments. While many essay genres attempt to persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint, argumentative essays place a strong emphasis on supporting their claims with facts and sources from other research and publications.

Essays with an argument don’t have to be belligerent or aggressive. Instead, it takes its name from an argumentative approach in which the author provides adequate evidence to both support and refute competing viewpoints. Remember that the purpose of an argumentative essay is to demonstrate that your thesis is the only logical conclusion.

Must check out the guide to Social Media Tools for Successful Marketing

Some Social Media Essay Intros to Guide You.

The catastrophic side of social media .

The ability to connect with others who share similar interests or beliefs can be a powerful force for good, as it allows people to share information and support one another.  However, social media can also be a source of great emotional and spiritual harm. Social media’s detrimental effects are well known. They include:

  • A constant cycle of comparison and judgment can lead to feelings of depression and loneliness.
  • Social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness. It is normal to compare oneself to others in this way, but the false sense of perfection that social media often projects can devastate our self-esteem.
  • Social media use has been shown to increase anxiety and depression in users as young as 12 years old. This is likely due to the nature of such platforms, which are designed to encourage engagement by inducing feelings of envy and inadequacy in users. Additionally, many users suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out), which leads them to feel even more anxious about the events they’re not attending or the photos they’re not posting.
  • Although these effects are likely more pronounced among young people, social media use is linked to increased anxiety and depression across all age groups.

Social Media: Good or Evil

Social media has the potential to be a force for good or evil. It can be a constructive, inspiring, and empowering means of communication, or it can be a sinister stalking ground for the depraved, deluded, and deranged. The pros and cons of social media depend on your perspective. For example, is being followed by an algorithm creepy or valuable? 

Is it a double-edged sword? Social media has pros and cons because it’s right and wrong in almost every conceivable way. Similarly, there are good and bad ways to use social media. Even if you’re undecided about its merits, it’s clear that social media’s positive aspects are worth exploring further.

Balanced Use of Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Social media has become a dominant force in an age where information travels at lightning speed. The millennial generation is the largest target audience for social media marketing. With the digital world being so small, it’s easy to get caught up in all things tech, apps, and websites. But how much of this has trickled into our real lives?

Social media has its pros and cons. While social media can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family and make new connections, there are also risks involved in using these platforms frequently. Stay tuned to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of social media usage and tips for balancing usage in your life.

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Social Media: Right or Wrong For Your Business?

Social media has transformed how people communicate, share ideas, and build communities. It’s also become a primary way for businesses to market their services and products. Social media pros have increased as a result of this increased usage. These benefits include lowered marketing costs, more direct communication with customers, and new opportunities for collaboration. Social media also presents some challenges for businesses that use it.

For example, social media can become time-consuming because users post frequently about their personal lives and interests. Additionally, there are privacy concerns connected to the public nature of these sites; anyone can see your posts unless you set your account to private. This blog post will introduce you to the positive and negative aspects of social media so that you can make an informed decision about whether it is right for your business or not.

Social Media Wide Reach: Asset or Liability 

Social media has been both an asset and a liability for businesses for some time now. Its potential to reach a wide audience at almost no cost is a huge advantage, but it has also received criticism. Social media can be time-consuming and challenging to maintain, especially if the business doesn’t have many resources dedicated to its social media profiles.

Keeping up with each platform’s nuances takes strategy, patience, and consistency. With so many different social media platforms available today, choosing which ones to focus on as part of your marketing strategy can seem overwhelming at first. As you begin exploring your options, you might find that there are pros and cons to consider before making a final decision on which sites will work best for your business.

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How Can Social Media Essay Help Small Businesses Succeed?

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, it’s no surprise that social media has become a powerful tool for small businesses. With over 3 billion people using social media every day, there’s a vast potential customer base to tap into. However, for businesses to engage with their target audience on social media, it takes more than just being present on these platforms. Specify your aims. greater brand recognition?

Added leads? higher sales? Knowing your objectives will enable you to develop materials and techniques that are more likely to aid in achieving them. Knowing your audience will enable you to produce content that is more focused and efficient. posting often. You must publish frequently if you want to keep up your presence and gain followers. The goal of this post is to go over every piece of advice that can help your small business prosper.

Social Media Essay & Digital Marketing in India: A Professional’s Guide to the Future

The start-up culture that has evolved into an atmosphere where it is necessary to grow and advertise itself with the most financially smart methods is a significant factor that has added to the development of digitization. As long as broad techniques like SEM (Search Engine Marketing), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and SMM (Social Media Marketing) continue to rule the industry, India’s new businesses and existing organizations will rely on these key components of digital marketing to grow and attract customers.

1. How do I structure my comparison and contrast?

The first approach might involve side-by-side comparisons of your subjects based on one distinct aspect at a time. The second approach is the block approach, in which you go over each subject thoroughly on its own. Additionally, you can combine the two approaches by writing a lengthy paragraph on each of your themes and a concluding paragraph that contrasts them using a particular metric.

2. What are some important tips for writing an effective essay?

  • Don’t try to complete an essay in a single sitting.
  • Revise your first draft extensively.
  • Put your essay aside for a few days and then edit with a fresh mind. 

3. How do I begin my social media essay?

Start your essay by focusing on a specific area, conducting research, making notes, and brainstorming potential topics.

4. How long should I write a paragraph in social media essay?

The length of a paragraph in the body of social media essay should be between five and seven sentences. 

Most people don’t find writing an essay to be the most exciting activity. It holds your attention and calls for a certain amount of perseverance to finish. You are not born with the talent of being able to create a great essay. It develops via perseverance, diligence, and practice. Writing an essay requires organizing a series of ideas into a logical argument. As a result, the author needs to be aware of the subject matter and the arguments he or she will present.

The first stage is to create an essay outline that will serve as a road map for the author as they write. The author might further develop his or her ideas in the essay and conclude it by offering his or her thoughts on the subject. Did you find these suggestions helpful? What specific points? If not, what exactly do you not comprehend about how to write a solid essay? Please contact us with any comments, inquiries, or recommendations you may have.

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social networking essay point

The Effects of Social Media on Society Essay

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  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The social networks broke into the everyday life of the majority of common people in the middle of 00s, first giving neglectful and suspicious attitude, as a tracking instrument of the government. Nevertheless, shortly, almost every individual including teenagers and elderly people, created a page on some kind of social media platform. Today it is hard to find anyone who does not have an account on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, or another local network.

People post news, share impressions and pictures, follow their friends’ activity and the activity of the people they are interested in. The whole world seems to become broader, but at the same time closer, as you can track your best friend who moved to another part of the country a long time ago. However, these new opportunities also bear a certain amount of dangers. People get addicted, lose contact with reality, and unthoughtfully provide strangers with important details of their personal life.

Let us start with the advantages. Advocates claim that social media provide a connection with people, allow you to stay in touch even if you are far away from each other. That is a good point. The friend is always in the background, you might not have conversations often, but if he or she updates his or her status frequently enough, you might have an idea what is going on in his or her life.

Social networks carefully remind you of friend’s birthday or other important events of his or her life, and you do not have to keep this information in your mind. There is almost no risk to miss it. The dark side of this statement is that you lose a skill of conversation, because you do not have to ask questions. Your friend posts, you tap “Like” – everyone is happy.

You do not have to write long letters, choosing the most correct words; do not have to consider what questions to ask to find out more about the friend. Your interaction becomes kind of robotic. You start to expect post’s approval from your friend, and if there is no “Like” in response, you get upset and start developing prejudgments towards him or her. However, the friend might be far away or just have not noticed your post. A friend might be not involved in social networking that much. However, the networking has its own laws.

The second advantage claimed by advocates is that people are getting more informed, as they follow the sources with the most recent and reliable news, they choose. According to people’s point of view, of course. A person starts following a source that seems trustworthy, and thus, providing the source with the connection to own emotions, the ability to generate an own opinion.

As the information is updated constantly, and the individual consumes it regularly, the interaction starts to gain hypnotic features, and if the source is professional, it certainly knows how to make you think the way it wants.

Following celebrities and popular persons also has a negative side, as they tend to post some minor things from their everyday life. By paying too much attention to those posts, an individual starts to lose such minor things in his own life, wasting time on the activity of the person he or she will never see or will never have a chance of a personal talk.

Despite certain advantages, there are several serious dangers hidden within spreading and vast application of social networks. First, making their life look exciting and interesting, people post too much important personal information online, making it available to the vast majority of absolute strangers or envious and malevolent persons. These posts might evoke envy and anger. You never know what is going on in strangers’ head, and they already know where you live, what your parents look like and how many kids you have.

Stalking and cyberbullying are not a pleasant thing to deal with as well. Second, many people get addicted, and this addiction is similar to drug or alcohol dependence. Just compare – angriness, frustration, losing focus on real-life issues, bad temper, relationship problems, abandoning hobbies and usual interests, depression if the desired substance is beyond the reach (Robinson, Smith, and Saisan par. 8).

Does not it remind the symptoms of the frequent social media network user if the one cannot get online? Actually, there are certain official criteria for measuring internet addiction. They are the preoccupation with social networks, increasing an amount of on-line time to get satisfaction, staying online longer than planned, lying about the time spent online (Young 21).

Moreover, the National Poll states that 22% of teens check social networking sites more than ten times a day and 28% have shared personal information that they normally wouldn’t have shared in public (“Common Sense” par. 2).

As concluded on the basics of many researches, extracting “information from friends’ pages appears particularly pleasurable” and “may be linked to the activation of the appetitive system, which indicates that engaging in this particular activity may stimulate the neurological pathways known to be related to addiction experience” (Kuss and Griffiths 3532). Sounds frightening. Third, people are simply losing time they could spend on some useful activity.

Nowadays the enormous number of entertainment websites generates content that is widely spread all over the network. Users share funny pictures, quotes of famous people (frequently assigned to wrong authors), top 10 lists of the most stupid celebrities and the best places to visit from 4 p.m. till 8 p.m. The majority of this information does not even make sense, but people continue to repost it filling the online space with garbage content that takes your time as you are trying to get something important digging your way through.

The concept of friendship also shifts as people get closer to someone they have never met offline and lose their connection with offline friends. Friendship gains some new attributes and loses the old ones. People are starting to get too serious if their post was not approved, liked, or read by someone they consider as friends. People would rather provide some personal information to a complete stranger, who looks reliable online, than talk to a friend over the cup of coffee.

Thus, this behavioral pattern is more typical if the person has a lack of communication and understanding in real life (Mesch and Talmud 41). There is no correct answer if this way of acting is good or bad for the individual, but the access to online communication may cause losing individual’s ability of successful offline communication at all.

Social networks both have their advantages and disadvantages. The thoughtful application can provide people with important information. Inaccurate use may cause serious psychological, social and even criminal problems that might affect not only you but also your friends and your family members.

Works Cited

Common Sense: Is Social Networking Changing Childhood? 2009. Web.

Kuss, Daria J., and Mark D. Griffiths. “Online social networking and addiction—anreview of the psychological literature.” International journal of environmental research and public health 8.9 (2011): 3528-3552. Print.

Mesch, Gustavo S., and Ilan Talmud. “Online friendship formation, communication channels, and social closeness.” International Journal of Internet Science 1.1 (2006): 29-44. Print.

Robinson, Lawrence, Melinda Smith, and Joanna Saisan. Drug Abuse and Addiction . 2015. Web.

Young, Kimberly S. “Internet addiction: symptoms, evaluation and treatment.” Innovations in clinical practice: A source book 17.1 (1999): 19-31. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 11). The Effects of Social Media on Society.

"The Effects of Social Media on Society." IvyPanda , 11 May 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Effects of Social Media on Society'. 11 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Effects of Social Media on Society." May 11, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "The Effects of Social Media on Society." May 11, 2020.


IvyPanda . "The Effects of Social Media on Society." May 11, 2020.

Persuasive Essay

Persuasive Essays About Social Media

Last updated on: Jan 2, 2024

Learning From Pros To Write Persuasive Essays About Social Media

By: Donna C.

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Jan 26, 2023

Persuasive Essays About Social Media

Writing a persuasive essay about social media can be tough. Most people want to make sure they convince their readers of their argument without coming across as aggressive. 

We’ve gathered some examples you can use to write a persuasive essay about social media. 

They will show you how to structure your argument, choose evidence, and avoid common mistakes. 

With our help, you'll be able to write a convincing essay that will get your reader's attention.

Let’s get started!

Persuasive Essays About Social Media

On this Page

What is a Persuasive Essay?

A persuasive essay tries to convince readers to accept your point of view or opinion on a particular topic. 

You must take a stand, support it with facts and evidence, and explain why it's the right viewpoint. 

It's not enough to just give an opinion; you need to back it up with data and research. 

Persuasive essays are usually written as argumentative essays, so you must develop a thesis statement and support it with evidence. 

Writing a persuasive essay can be difficult. Using strong logic and careful arguments can convince your readers to see things from your perspective.

How to start a Persuasive essay about social media?

Here’s how you can start a persuasive essay:

  • Start your persuasive essay about social networking sites by introducing the issue and outlining why it matters. 
  • Explain the potential implications of unrestricted access to social media and how that could affect our society. 
  • Take a stance on the issue, supporting it with evidence from reliable sources. 
  • Discuss ways social media can be used to benefit our lives, as well as possible risks associated with its use. 
  • End your persuasive essay with a call to action, encouraging readers to make informed decisions about social media usage.

Need help in starting your essay? See how you can create a persuasive essay outline .

Remember, the main goal of your essay is to persuade readers to consider your point of view.

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Here is an example to show you how to write an introduction:

Persuasive essay about social media introduction

Not sure on how to write the intro? Watch this video to write a perfect introduction.

Persuasive Essay Examples About Social Media 

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It's time to understand its power and impact. 

Let’s start with a simple persuasive essay about social media.

Here are a few persuasive essay examples that showcase the potential of social media positively and negatively. 

Persuasive essay about social media addiction

Persuasive essay about social media platforms are a danger to our privacy

Persuasive essay about social media - beneficial or harmful

Persuasive essay about social media privacy

Examples Of Argumentative Essay About Social Media

It's clear that social media has changed how we interact and communicate with others. So it's no surprise that this topic makes for an excellent argumentative essay. 

Here are some examples of argumentative essays about social media that you can use as inspiration to get started: 

Argumentative essay about social media advantages and disadvantages

Argumentative essay about social media addiction

Argumentative essay about social media on students

Looking for more sample PDFs? Take a look at these persuasive essay examples !

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Persuasive Essay Topics About Social Media

Here are some ideas for persuasive essay topics about social media: 

  • Should governments be able to control the content that appears on social networks? 
  • How can companies protect their data from hackers and other malicious actors on social media platforms? 
  • How has social media impacted real-life relationships between individuals and groups?
  • Are influencers a powerful tool of persuasion, or are they a threat to democracy? 
  • How can schools and universities use social media responsibly in the classroom? 
  • Should employers be allowed to monitor their employees' use of social media during work hours? 
  • Is the current data privacy landscape sufficient to protect individual users on social networks?
  • Should businesses be held accountable for their social media content? 
  • How have the algorithms used by social media companies impacted our lives? 
  • What are the ethical implications of using targeted advertising based on user data collected from social networks? 

Need more options? Here are some more persuasive essay topics for you!

Let’s sum it up!

Social media isn't going away anytime soon, and lots of people need to understand the benefits and dangers of using it. 

By writing a persuasive essay about social media, you can help others become more aware of both sides of the issue.

Our examples make it easier for people to make an informed decision about how to use it responsibly. 

Make your voice heard and write a persuasive essay about social media today. 

Are you looking for an essay writer who can craft an argument that will make your reader stand up and listen? has got you covered!

Our essay writing service is designed to help you create the perfect argument supported by expert-level research and compelling evidence.

We understand how important it is to ensure your essay is persuasive. 

So if you're looking for a top-notch persuasive essay writing service, is the place to be. 

Let our persuasive essay writer craft the perfect argument for you today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good persuasive essay topics.

When choosing a topic, you need something interesting that grabs the reader’s attention. 

Here are some great topics for your next persuasive essay: 

1. Should schools have mandatory uniforms?  2. Should students be allowed to use cell phones in class?  3. Should we get rid of teacher tenure?  4. Is gun control an effective way to reduce crime rates?  5. Do video games lead to violence among teens? 

How do you write an introduction for social media essay?

The main purpose of an introduction is to provide a general overview of the topic and spark interest in readers. So it should be concise yet intriguing.

To give you an idea, here are some advice and tips on how to write an effective introduction:

1. Start with a hook 2. Provide background information  3. Include relevant research studies 4. Mention central points

What is a good title for a social media essay?

If you're looking for a great title for a social media essay, why not consider this:

"The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives: A Detailed Analysis". 

Donna C.

Law, Education

Donna writes on a broad range of topics, but she is mostly passionate about social issues, current events, and human-interest stories. She has received high praise for her writing from both colleagues and readers alike. Donna is known in her field for creating content that is not only professional but also captivating.

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Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager

Students are often asked to write an essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager


Social media has become an integral part of our lives, especially for teenagers. It provides a platform to connect, share, and learn.

Positive Impact

Social media can be beneficial. It helps teenagers to express themselves and connect with friends. It’s also a source of information.

Negative Impact

However, excessive use can lead to issues like cyberbullying, anxiety, and depression. It can also impact their physical health and academic performance.

In conclusion, while social media has its advantages, it’s essential for teenagers to use it responsibly.

250 Words Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, particularly for teenagers. It’s a platform that offers a myriad of opportunities for communication, entertainment, and learning. However, it also presents challenges and potential harms.

Firstly, social media offers a platform for self-expression and identity formation, critical aspects of adolescent development. Teenagers can explore various facets of their personalities, interests, and values. Moreover, it provides an avenue for social interaction and friendship formation, connecting teenagers globally.

On the flip side, the pervasive nature of social media can lead to addictive behaviors, impacting teenagers’ mental health. The constant need for validation through likes and comments can lead to anxiety and low self-esteem. Furthermore, cyberbullying is a significant concern, with its effects often devastating, leading to depression or even suicidal thoughts.

Role of Digital Literacy

To mitigate the negative impacts, it’s crucial to foster digital literacy among teenagers. They need to be educated about responsible social media use, privacy settings, and how to handle cyberbullying.

In conclusion, while social media offers significant benefits to teenagers, it also poses considerable risks. It’s a double-edged sword that can either enhance or hinder adolescent development. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide teenagers with the necessary tools and education to navigate this digital landscape safely and responsibly.

500 Words Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, shaping our interactions, relationships, and the way we perceive the world. However, its impact on teenagers, who are at a critical stage of their development, is a topic of intense debate and concern.

The Positive Impact

On the one hand, social media can be a powerful educational tool for teenagers. It provides a platform where they can access a wealth of knowledge and information, enhancing their learning experience. It also fosters creativity and self-expression, allowing teenagers to share their thoughts, ideas, and talents with a global audience.

Moreover, social media helps teenagers build connections and socialize, especially those who may be introverted or socially anxious. It offers a space where they can engage in discussions, participate in online communities, and build friendships beyond geographical boundaries.

The Negative Impact

Conversely, the pervasive use of social media also has potential downsides. Cyberbullying is a significant issue, with teenagers being particularly vulnerable to online harassment and abuse. This can lead to serious emotional and psychological consequences, including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Additionally, the pressure to maintain an idealized online persona can be detrimental to teenagers’ mental health. The constant comparison with others’ seemingly perfect lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction.

Furthermore, excessive use of social media can negatively affect teenagers’ physical health. It can lead to sedentary behaviors, sleep disturbances, and even addictive tendencies, disrupting their overall wellbeing and development.

Given these impacts, it is crucial to promote digital literacy among teenagers. They need to be educated about the potential risks and benefits of social media, and how to use it responsibly. This includes understanding privacy settings, recognizing and reporting inappropriate content or behavior, and being mindful of the amount of time spent online.

In conclusion, while social media can be a beneficial tool for teenagers, it also presents significant challenges. It is imperative that parents, educators, and policymakers work together to ensure a safe and positive online environment for teenagers, fostering their growth and development in the digital age. The key lies in balance and mindful usage, allowing teenagers to harness the potential of social media while mitigating its risks.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Impact of Social Media
  • Essay on Effect of Fake News on Social Media
  • Essay on Ecotourism

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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social networking essay point

Social Networking Sites Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on social networking sites.

Social networking sites are a great platform for people to connect with their loved ones. It helps in increasing communication and making connections with people all over the world. Although people believe that social networking sites are harmful, they are also very beneficial.

Social Networking Sites Essay

Furthermore, we can classify social networking sites as per blogging, vlogging, podcasting and more. We use social networking sites for various uses. It helps us greatly; however, it also is very dangerous. We must monitor the use of social networking sites and limit their usage so it does not take over our lives.

Advantage and Disadvantages of Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites are everywhere now. In other words, they have taken over almost every sphere of life. They come with both, advantages as well as disadvantages. If we talk about the educational field, these sites enhance education by having an influence on the learners. They can explore various topics for their projects.

Furthermore, the business field benefits a lot from social networking sites. The companies use social networking sites to connect better with their potential clients and business partners. Moreover, people in search of jobs use the sites to connect better with employers and firms. This gives them a great opportunity to seek better jobs.

Read 500+ Words Essay on Social Media here.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of social networking sites are also very high. They give birth to cybercrimes like cyberbullying , sexual exploitation, money scams and more. It is very harmful to kids as people make them victims of pornography and more. It also gives easy access to the pedophiles of children’s information.

Most importantly, social networking sites are very addictive. They drop the productivity levels of people. Students waste their time using it and get distracted easily from their studies. Moreover, it makes them inactive and limits their physical activities.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Famous Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites have created a massive presence in today’s world. While there are many types of these sites, some are more famous than the others.

For instance, Facebook is the largest social networking site. It has more than 1 billion users which keep increasing every day. Moreover, it also helps you promote your business or brand through ads.

Secondly, there is Instagram. It is owned by Facebook only. Similarly, this app allows you to share photos and videos with your followers. It gives users a lot of filters to beautify your photos.

Furthermore, Twitter is also a great social networking site. It is mostly used by celebrities. This site allows you to post short messages called tweets to share your thoughts. Twitter is a great platform to convey your message in limited words.

Moreover, we have LinkedIn. This is one of the most sought after sites which allow professionals to locate and hire employees. Subsequently, it is available in more than twenty languages to give a user-friendly interface.

Finally, we have WhatsApp. Though it entered the game quite late, this instant messaging app made a place for itself instantaneously. Facebook acquired this app as well. It allows you to share text messages, images, videos, audios, documents and more.

In short, social networking sites are a bane and a boon. It depends on us how we use to. Anything in excess is harmful; likewise, social networking sites are too. Use them for your benefit and do not let them control your life.

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Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

social networking essay point

By Alina Chan

Dr. Chan is a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard, and a co-author of “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.”

This article has been updated to reflect news developments.

On Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci returned to the halls of Congress and testified before the House subcommittee investigating the Covid-19 pandemic. He was questioned about several topics related to the government’s handling of Covid-19, including how the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which he directed until retiring in 2022, supported risky virus work at a Chinese institute whose research may have caused the pandemic.

For more than four years, reflexive partisan politics have derailed the search for the truth about a catastrophe that has touched us all. It has been estimated that at least 25 million people around the world have died because of Covid-19, with over a million of those deaths in the United States.

Although how the pandemic started has been hotly debated, a growing volume of evidence — gleaned from public records released under the Freedom of Information Act, digital sleuthing through online databases, scientific papers analyzing the virus and its spread, and leaks from within the U.S. government — suggests that the pandemic most likely occurred because a virus escaped from a research lab in Wuhan, China. If so, it would be the most costly accident in the history of science.

Here’s what we now know:

1 The SARS-like virus that caused the pandemic emerged in Wuhan, the city where the world’s foremost research lab for SARS-like viruses is located.

  • At the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a team of scientists had been hunting for SARS-like viruses for over a decade, led by Shi Zhengli.
  • Their research showed that the viruses most similar to SARS‑CoV‑2, the virus that caused the pandemic, circulate in bats that live r oughly 1,000 miles away from Wuhan. Scientists from Dr. Shi’s team traveled repeatedly to Yunnan province to collect these viruses and had expanded their search to Southeast Asia. Bats in other parts of China have not been found to carry viruses that are as closely related to SARS-CoV-2.

social networking essay point

The closest known relatives to SARS-CoV-2 were found in southwestern China and in Laos.

Large cities

Mine in Yunnan province

Cave in Laos

South China Sea

social networking essay point

The closest known relatives to SARS-CoV-2

were found in southwestern China and in Laos.


social networking essay point

The closest known relatives to SARS-CoV-2 were found

in southwestern China and Laos.

Sources: Sarah Temmam et al., Nature; SimpleMaps

Note: Cities shown have a population of at least 200,000.

social networking essay point

There are hundreds of large cities in China and Southeast Asia.

social networking essay point

There are hundreds of large cities in China

and Southeast Asia.

social networking essay point

The pandemic started roughly 1,000 miles away, in Wuhan, home to the world’s foremost SARS-like virus research lab.

social networking essay point

The pandemic started roughly 1,000 miles away,

in Wuhan, home to the world’s foremost SARS-like virus research lab.

social networking essay point

The pandemic started roughly 1,000 miles away, in Wuhan,

home to the world’s foremost SARS-like virus research lab.

  • Even at hot spots where these viruses exist naturally near the cave bats of southwestern China and Southeast Asia, the scientists argued, as recently as 2019 , that bat coronavirus spillover into humans is rare .
  • When the Covid-19 outbreak was detected, Dr. Shi initially wondered if the novel coronavirus had come from her laboratory , saying she had never expected such an outbreak to occur in Wuhan.
  • The SARS‑CoV‑2 virus is exceptionally contagious and can jump from species to species like wildfire . Yet it left no known trace of infection at its source or anywhere along what would have been a thousand-mile journey before emerging in Wuhan.

2 The year before the outbreak, the Wuhan institute, working with U.S. partners, had proposed creating viruses with SARS‑CoV‑2’s defining feature.

  • Dr. Shi’s group was fascinated by how coronaviruses jump from species to species. To find viruses, they took samples from bats and other animals , as well as from sick people living near animals carrying these viruses or associated with the wildlife trade. Much of this work was conducted in partnership with the EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based scientific organization that, since 2002, has been awarded over $80 million in federal funding to research the risks of emerging infectious diseases.
  • The laboratory pursued risky research that resulted in viruses becoming more infectious : Coronaviruses were grown from samples from infected animals and genetically reconstructed and recombined to create new viruses unknown in nature. These new viruses were passed through cells from bats, pigs, primates and humans and were used to infect civets and humanized mice (mice modified with human genes). In essence, this process forced these viruses to adapt to new host species, and the viruses with mutations that allowed them to thrive emerged as victors.
  • By 2019, Dr. Shi’s group had published a database describing more than 22,000 collected wildlife samples. But external access was shut off in the fall of 2019, and the database was not shared with American collaborators even after the pandemic started , when such a rich virus collection would have been most useful in tracking the origin of SARS‑CoV‑2. It remains unclear whether the Wuhan institute possessed a precursor of the pandemic virus.
  • In 2021, The Intercept published a leaked 2018 grant proposal for a research project named Defuse , which had been written as a collaboration between EcoHealth, the Wuhan institute and Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, who had been on the cutting edge of coronavirus research for years. The proposal described plans to create viruses strikingly similar to SARS‑CoV‑2.
  • Coronaviruses bear their name because their surface is studded with protein spikes, like a spiky crown, which they use to enter animal cells. T he Defuse project proposed to search for and create SARS-like viruses carrying spikes with a unique feature: a furin cleavage site — the same feature that enhances SARS‑CoV‑2’s infectiousness in humans, making it capable of causing a pandemic. Defuse was never funded by the United States . However, in his testimony on Monday, Dr. Fauci explained that the Wuhan institute would not need to rely on U.S. funding to pursue research independently.

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The Wuhan lab ran risky experiments to learn about how SARS-like viruses might infect humans.

1. Collect SARS-like viruses from bats and other wild animals, as well as from people exposed to them.

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2. Identify high-risk viruses by screening for spike proteins that facilitate infection of human cells.

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2. Identify high-risk viruses by screening for spike proteins that facilitate infection of

human cells.

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In Defuse, the scientists proposed to add a furin cleavage site to the spike protein.

3. Create new coronaviruses by inserting spike proteins or other features that could make the viruses more infectious in humans.

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4. Infect human cells, civets and humanized mice with the new coronaviruses, to determine how dangerous they might be.

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  • While it’s possible that the furin cleavage site could have evolved naturally (as seen in some distantly related coronaviruses), out of the hundreds of SARS-like viruses cataloged by scientists, SARS‑CoV‑2 is the only one known to possess a furin cleavage site in its spike. And the genetic data suggest that the virus had only recently gained the furin cleavage site before it started the pandemic.
  • Ultimately, a never-before-seen SARS-like virus with a newly introduced furin cleavage site, matching the description in the Wuhan institute’s Defuse proposal, caused an outbreak in Wuhan less than two years after the proposal was drafted.
  • When the Wuhan scientists published their seminal paper about Covid-19 as the pandemic roared to life in 2020, they did not mention the virus’s furin cleavage site — a feature they should have been on the lookout for, according to their own grant proposal, and a feature quickly recognized by other scientists.
  • Worse still, as the pandemic raged, their American collaborators failed to publicly reveal the existence of the Defuse proposal. The president of EcoHealth, Peter Daszak, recently admitted to Congress that he doesn’t know about virus samples collected by the Wuhan institute after 2015 and never asked the lab’s scientists if they had started the work described in Defuse. In May, citing failures in EcoHealth’s monitoring of risky experiments conducted at the Wuhan lab, the Biden administration suspended all federal funding for the organization and Dr. Daszak, and initiated proceedings to bar them from receiving future grants. In his testimony on Monday, Dr. Fauci said that he supported the decision to suspend and bar EcoHealth.
  • Separately, Dr. Baric described the competitive dynamic between his research group and the institute when he told Congress that the Wuhan scientists would probably not have shared their most interesting newly discovered viruses with him . Documents and email correspondence between the institute and Dr. Baric are still being withheld from the public while their release is fiercely contested in litigation.
  • In the end, American partners very likely knew of only a fraction of the research done in Wuhan. According to U.S. intelligence sources, some of the institute’s virus research was classified or conducted with or on behalf of the Chinese military . In the congressional hearing on Monday, Dr. Fauci repeatedly acknowledged the lack of visibility into experiments conducted at the Wuhan institute, saying, “None of us can know everything that’s going on in China, or in Wuhan, or what have you. And that’s the reason why — I say today, and I’ve said at the T.I.,” referring to his transcribed interview with the subcommittee, “I keep an open mind as to what the origin is.”

3 The Wuhan lab pursued this type of work under low biosafety conditions that could not have contained an airborne virus as infectious as SARS‑CoV‑2.

  • Labs working with live viruses generally operate at one of four biosafety levels (known in ascending order of stringency as BSL-1, 2, 3 and 4) that describe the work practices that are considered sufficiently safe depending on the characteristics of each pathogen. The Wuhan institute’s scientists worked with SARS-like viruses under inappropriately low biosafety conditions .

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In the United States, virologists generally use stricter Biosafety Level 3 protocols when working with SARS-like viruses.

Biosafety cabinets prevent

viral particles from escaping.

Viral particles

Personal respirators provide

a second layer of defense against breathing in the virus.


Gloves prevent skin contact.

Disposable wraparound

gowns cover much of the rest of the body.

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Personal respirators provide a second layer of defense against breathing in the virus.

Disposable wraparound gowns

cover much of the rest of the body.

Note: ​​Biosafety levels are not internationally standardized, and some countries use more permissive protocols than others.

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The Wuhan lab had been regularly working with SARS-like viruses under Biosafety Level 2 conditions, which could not prevent a highly infectious virus like SARS-CoV-2 from escaping.

Some work is done in the open air, and masks are not required.

Less protective equipment provides more opportunities

for contamination.

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Some work is done in the open air,

and masks are not required.

Less protective equipment provides more opportunities for contamination.

  • In one experiment, Dr. Shi’s group genetically engineered an unexpectedly deadly SARS-like virus (not closely related to SARS‑CoV‑2) that exhibited a 10,000-fold increase in the quantity of virus in the lungs and brains of humanized mice . Wuhan institute scientists handled these live viruses at low biosafet y levels , including BSL-2.
  • Even the much more stringent containment at BSL-3 cannot fully prevent SARS‑CoV‑2 from escaping . Two years into the pandemic, the virus infected a scientist in a BSL-3 laboratory in Taiwan, which was, at the time, a zero-Covid country. The scientist had been vaccinated and was tested only after losing the sense of smell. By then, more than 100 close contacts had been exposed. Human error is a source of exposure even at the highest biosafety levels , and the risks are much greater for scientists working with infectious pathogens at low biosafety.
  • An early draft of the Defuse proposal stated that the Wuhan lab would do their virus work at BSL-2 to make it “highly cost-effective.” Dr. Baric added a note to the draft highlighting the importance of using BSL-3 to contain SARS-like viruses that could infect human cells, writing that “U.S. researchers will likely freak out.” Years later, after SARS‑CoV‑2 had killed millions, Dr. Baric wrote to Dr. Daszak : “I have no doubt that they followed state determined rules and did the work under BSL-2. Yes China has the right to set their own policy. You believe this was appropriate containment if you want but don’t expect me to believe it. Moreover, don’t insult my intelligence by trying to feed me this load of BS.”
  • SARS‑CoV‑2 is a stealthy virus that transmits effectively through the air, causes a range of symptoms similar to those of other common respiratory diseases and can be spread by infected people before symptoms even appear. If the virus had escaped from a BSL-2 laboratory in 2019, the leak most likely would have gone undetected until too late.
  • One alarming detail — leaked to The Wall Street Journal and confirmed by current and former U.S. government officials — is that scientists on Dr. Shi’s team fell ill with Covid-like symptoms in the fall of 2019 . One of the scientists had been named in the Defuse proposal as the person in charge of virus discovery work. The scientists denied having been sick .

4 The hypothesis that Covid-19 came from an animal at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan is not supported by strong evidence.

  • In December 2019, Chinese investigators assumed the outbreak had started at a centrally located market frequented by thousands of visitors daily. This bias in their search for early cases meant that cases unlinked to or located far away from the market would very likely have been missed. To make things worse, the Chinese authorities blocked the reporting of early cases not linked to the market and, claiming biosafety precautions, ordered the destruction of patient samples on January 3, 2020, making it nearly impossible to see the complete picture of the earliest Covid-19 cases. Information about dozens of early cases from November and December 2019 remains inaccessible.
  • A pair of papers published in Science in 2022 made the best case for SARS‑CoV‑2 having emerged naturally from human-animal contact at the Wuhan market by focusing on a map of the early cases and asserting that the virus had jumped from animals into humans twice at the market in 2019. More recently, the two papers have been countered by other virologists and scientists who convincingly demonstrate that the available market evidence does not distinguish between a human superspreader event and a natural spillover at the market.
  • Furthermore, the existing genetic and early case data show that all known Covid-19 cases probably stem from a single introduction of SARS‑CoV‑2 into people, and the outbreak at the Wuhan market probably happened after the virus had already been circulating in humans.

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An analysis of SARS-CoV-2’s evolutionary tree shows how the virus evolved as it started to spread through humans.

SARS-COV-2 Viruses closest

to bat coronaviruses

more mutations

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Source: Lv et al., Virus Evolution (2024) , as reproduced by Jesse Bloom

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The viruses that infected people linked to the market were most likely not the earliest form of the virus that started the pandemic.

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  • Not a single infected animal has ever been confirmed at the market or in its supply chain. Without good evidence that the pandemic started at the Huanan Seafood Market, the fact that the virus emerged in Wuhan points squarely at its unique SARS-like virus laboratory.

5 Key evidence that would be expected if the virus had emerged from the wildlife trade is still missing.

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In previous outbreaks of coronaviruses, scientists were able to demonstrate natural origin by collecting multiple pieces of evidence linking infected humans to infected animals.

Infected animals

Earliest known

cases exposed to

live animals

Antibody evidence

of animals and

animal traders having

been infected

Ancestral variants

of the virus found in

Documented trade

of host animals

between the area

where bats carry

closely related viruses

and the outbreak site

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Infected animals found

Earliest known cases exposed to live animals

Antibody evidence of animals and animal

traders having been infected

Ancestral variants of the virus found in animals

Documented trade of host animals

between the area where bats carry closely

related viruses and the outbreak site

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For SARS-CoV-2, these same key pieces of evidence are still missing , more than four years after the virus emerged.

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For SARS-CoV-2, these same key pieces of evidence are still missing ,

more than four years after the virus emerged.

  • Despite the intense search trained on the animal trade and people linked to the market, investigators have not reported finding any animals infected with SARS‑CoV‑2 that had not been infected by humans. Yet, infected animal sources and other connective pieces of evidence were found for the earlier SARS and MERS outbreaks as quickly as within a few days, despite the less advanced viral forensic technologies of two decades ago.
  • Even though Wuhan is the home base of virus hunters with world-leading expertise in tracking novel SARS-like viruses, investigators have either failed to collect or report key evidence that would be expected if Covid-19 emerged from the wildlife trade . For example, investigators have not determined that the earliest known cases had exposure to intermediate host animals before falling ill. No antibody evidence shows that animal traders in Wuhan are regularly exposed to SARS-like viruses, as would be expected in such situations.
  • With today’s technology, scientists can detect how respiratory viruses — including SARS, MERS and the flu — circulate in animals while making repeated attempts to jump across species . Thankfully, these variants usually fail to transmit well after crossing over to a new species and tend to die off after a small number of infections. In contrast, virologists and other scientists agree that SARS‑CoV‑2 required little to no adaptation to spread rapidly in humans and other animals . The virus appears to have succeeded in causing a pandemic upon its only detected jump into humans.

The pandemic could have been caused by any of hundreds of virus species, at any of tens of thousands of wildlife markets, in any of thousands of cities, and in any year. But it was a SARS-like coronavirus with a unique furin cleavage site that emerged in Wuhan, less than two years after scientists, sometimes working under inadequate biosafety conditions, proposed collecting and creating viruses of that same design.

While several natural spillover scenarios remain plausible, and we still don’t know enough about the full extent of virus research conducted at the Wuhan institute by Dr. Shi’s team and other researchers, a laboratory accident is the most parsimonious explanation of how the pandemic began.

Given what we now know, investigators should follow their strongest leads and subpoena all exchanges between the Wuhan scientists and their international partners, including unpublished research proposals, manuscripts, data and commercial orders. In particular, exchanges from 2018 and 2019 — the critical two years before the emergence of Covid-19 — are very likely to be illuminating (and require no cooperation from the Chinese government to acquire), yet they remain beyond the public’s view more than four years after the pandemic began.

Whether the pandemic started on a lab bench or in a market stall, it is undeniable that U.S. federal funding helped to build an unprecedented collection of SARS-like viruses at the Wuhan institute, as well as contributing to research that enhanced them . Advocates and funders of the institute’s research, including Dr. Fauci, should cooperate with the investigation to help identify and close the loopholes that allowed such dangerous work to occur. The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics .

A successful investigation of the pandemic’s root cause would have the power to break a decades-long scientific impasse on pathogen research safety, determining how governments will spend billions of dollars to prevent future pandemics. A credible investigation would also deter future acts of negligence and deceit by demonstrating that it is indeed possible to be held accountable for causing a viral pandemic. Last but not least, people of all nations need to see their leaders — and especially, their scientists — heading the charge to find out what caused this world-shaking event. Restoring public trust in science and government leadership requires it.

A thorough investigation by the U.S. government could unearth more evidence while spurring whistleblowers to find their courage and seek their moment of opportunity. It would also show the world that U.S. leaders and scientists are not afraid of what the truth behind the pandemic may be.

More on how the pandemic may have started

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Where Did the Coronavirus Come From? What We Already Know Is Troubling.

Even if the coronavirus did not emerge from a lab, the groundwork for a potential disaster had been laid for years, and learning its lessons is essential to preventing others.

By Zeynep Tufekci

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Why Does Bad Science on Covid’s Origin Get Hyped?

If the raccoon dog was a smoking gun, it fired blanks.

By David Wallace-Wells

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A Plea for Making Virus Research Safer

A way forward for lab safety.

By Jesse Bloom

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Alina Chan ( @ayjchan ) is a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard, and a co-author of “ Viral : The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.” She was a member of the Pathogens Project , which the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists organized to generate new thinking on responsible, high-risk pathogen research.

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Majority of independents and 'double haters' think Trump should end 2024 campaign: POLL

The voting blocs could be critical in November in the expected razor-thin race.

Former President Donald Trump's guilty verdict on all 34 counts in his hush-money trial appears to have a majority of independents and "double haters," those who have an unfavorable view of both Trump and President Joe Biden, feeling that the former president should end his bid for the White House, according to a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll -- a number that could have a ripple effect on the election in November.

Among independents, 52% said they believed Trump should end his 2024 presidential campaign and within the even more specified group of "double haters," 67% said they felt the same way, according to the ABC News/Ipsos poll published on Sunday . The poll was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.

In an election year, the votes of independents as well as those aligned with neither candidate are highly sought after by both campaigns. The votes could make a significant impact on the 2024 presidential race that will likely be decided at the margins, especially within crucial battleground states.

MORE: Half of Americans think Trump's guilty verdict was correct, should end campaign: POLL

Overall, 72% of Republicans, 6% of Democrats and 23% of independents have a favorable view of Trump following his conviction.

For Biden, 4% of Republicans have a favorable view of him after Trump's conviction, while 72% of Democrats and 24% of independents do.

PHOTO: Former President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump leaves Manhattan Criminal Court after he was convicted in his criminal trial in New York,. May 30, 2024.

The poll also found that 50% of Americans think Trump's verdict was correct; 27% said it was not and 23% responded that they don't know.

Almost half -- 49% -- of the country said they think Trump should end his campaign based on just the verdict, the ABC News/Ipsos poll found. One in six Republicans -- 16% -- said Trump should end his campaign because of his conviction. More than three-quarters -- 79% -- of Democrats think he should suspend his bid, according to the poll.

Another poll from Reuters/Ipsos that came out Friday tracked the immediate political fallout of the verdict.

MORE: Biden campaign slams Trump for warning of supporters' 'breaking point' if he's jailed, put under house arrest

That poll found that more than half of registered voters said the verdict does not impact their likelihood of voting for Trump, but that around one in 10 Republican voters said it makes them much or somewhat less likely to vote for him.

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Among independents, 16% said Trump's guilty verdict makes them more likely to vote for him, but 26% said it made them less likely to vote for him. Fifty-eight percent said the conviction would not influence their likelihood of voting for Trump.

In the Reuters/Ipsos poll, 11% of Republicans said that the conviction would make them less likely to vote for Trump.


This ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted using the probability-based Ipsos KnowledgePanel®  May 31-June 1, 2024, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 781 U.S. adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.7 points, including the design effect, for the full sample. Sampling error is not the only source of differences in polls. Partisan divisions are 31-29-32 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents. See the poll's topline results and details on the methodology here .

ABC News' Rick Klein and Oren Oppenheim contributed to this report.

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Trump’s hush money guilty verdict is only going to make him more dangerous

What has happened in the course of the Trump hush money trial is absolutely mind-bending, norms-crushing stuff. On Thursday, a jury found former President Donald Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records. But while there was no way to anticipate this particular verdict, there is plenty about the aftermath of this trial that we all knew, long before a trial even started. And that has everything to do with Trump's habit of twisting the truth and facts for his own political gain.

Even with the unprecedented nature of this trial, Trump's potential next move is a relatively easy guess.

This is true even though this trial was marked by a number of “firsts,” including its being the first time a U.S. president has ever been tried on criminal charges and the first time a major-party candidate has sat for a criminal trial. The closest America has ever come to this before was with Richard Nixon — although Nixon resigned because other Republicans told him he’d lost the confidence of his fellow party members. In contrast, we've seen very few Republicans stand up to Trump during his two impeachments, during his Jan. 6 insurrection or during his third run at the White House.

Yet even with the unprecedented nature of this trial, Trump's potential next move is a relatively easy guess.

On the night before the closing arguments, Trump “truthed” : “Can you imagine, a President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in the history of our Country, and who is also the Republican Nominee for President in the upcoming 2024 Election, and leading in all polls against the Democrat Nominee, Joe Biden, is tomorrow going before a Corrupt and Conflicted Democrat Appointed, Acting New York Judge, on a FAKE & MADE UP CASE by a Soros backed failed D.A., and the Judge himself, to see whether or not he will become a common criminal?” 

Moments after the jury began deliberating, Trump took to his social media platform again, firing off a series of misleading and outright false claims, including the assertion: “I don’t even know what the charges are in this rigged case — I am entitled to specificity just like anyone else. There is no crime!” Notably, Trump typed this even as, as MSNBC’s Hayes Brown pointed out , the jury sat for more than an hour while Judge Juan Merchan provided detailed instructions about what jury deliberations entail. That post was just one of many in which Trump refuted the validity of any pending guilty verdict.

Trump, a self-proclaimed wannabe autocrat , has made his own criminal case an attack on the rule of law from the start. It is incredibly dangerous to have someone who is supported by a significant percentage of the American people focus on degrading an important American norm. When Trump calls the justice system “corrupt” and “conflicted,” he undermines one of the central tenets of our rule of law: the right to a fair trial. This explains why Trump effectively attempted to undermine a verdict before it was even passed down. He has sought to damage the institution of our justice system from the start. And he has succeeded in chipping away at its perceived legitimacy, long before any verdict was handed down.   

A lot of Trump watchers believe that Trump’s main goal in running for president was to afford himself some legal protection. According to Republican Will Hurd , Trump is running for president "because he’s trying to stay out of jail." Trump announced he was running for president ridiculously early, a week after his party underperformed in the midterms. Since then, he has been laser-focused on trying to merge his status as a defendant with his status as a candidate — creating a scenario in which Trump is pitting himself against the Justice Department and the rule of law. 

Perhaps even more significantly, running for president presented an opportunity to have GOP donors pay his legal bills. Which they did, to the tune of $100 million .

Since mid-April, Trump has been sitting in a criminal court listening to everyone from adult film star Stormy Daniels to National Enquirer owner David Pecker testify about their damning experiences with Trump. At times, it seemed as if candidate Trump and his team didn’t help defendant Trump much during the trial. At one point, Trump lawyer Susan Necheles attacked Daniels, saying, “You have a lot of experience making phony stories about sex.” This comment opened the door for Daniels to testify about the sexual relationship she says she had with the Republican front-runner, an unforced error that could have been avoided. A former federal prosecutor, Jim Walden, told The Washington Post , “Whatever else Donald Trump may be — a great businessman, a great reality TV show host, a great politician — he’s a dumb lawyer.” 

So what happens now? Now that we have a verdict in the case, there’s a good chance Trump will play it as being what he expected, and even wanted. We should expect him to go scorched-earth, because he so often does. We know he will try to weaponize this verdict and craft it into an assault on the rule of law, on the judge and the jury and on New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

No matter what the outcome, Trump was always going to try to use candidate Trump to help defendant Trump. And any verdict was destined to be molded into his branded narrative of persecution, witch hunts and a fight against the political system. Of that we can be certain.

Molly Jong-Fast is a political analyst for MSNBC, special correspondent for Vanity Fair and host of the podcast "Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast."

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  3. Essay On Social Networking

    social networking essay point

  4. Social Media Essay

    social networking essay point

  5. Social Networking Essay in English for Students in 300 Words

    social networking essay point

  6. Essay on Social Media in English

    social networking essay point


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  2. Essay on Social Networking

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  4. Pros and cons of social networking essay in English l Pros and cons of social networking paragraf l


  6. Workshop Session: "How to Write Essay for IISMA?"


  1. Top 500+ Interesting Social Media Essay Topics for Students

    2. Make a Social Media Essay Introduction. Only a portion of the work involves selecting the social media essay topic that is most pertinent. You need a compelling start for your social media essay in order to draw readers in and keep them on your primary ideas. The essay's beginning establishes the tone and provides a general outline.

  2. Social Media Essay: How to Write It Effectively

    Social Media Essay Body Paragraph. Structure each social media essay body paragraph around a specific aspect of your chosen topic. Start with a clear topic sentence that encapsulates the main idea of the paragraph. Provide concrete examples, data, or case studies to support your points and strengthen your argument.

  3. 6 Example Essays on Social Media

    People's reliance on digital communication over in-person contact has increased along with the popularity of social media. Face-to-face interaction has suffered as a result, which has adverse effects on interpersonal relationships and the development of social skills. Decreased Emotional Intimacy.

  4. 171 Social Networking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The findings of the study confirmed that once an individual engages in social networking, his or her feeling of safety goes down and depression mood emerges meaning that a correlation between depression and social networking […] We will write. a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts.

  5. Social Media Impact On Society: [Essay Example], 614 words

    Social Media Impact on Society. Social media has become an integral part of our society, influencing how we communicate, interact, and consume information. The rise of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok has transformed the way we connect with others, share our thoughts and experiences, and access news and entertainment.

  6. Social Media Essay: Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Networking Sites

    Similarly, a social media essay is written to appreciate the positive aspects and highlight the negative impacts of social media in this time and day. The conclusions include the analysis of the two elements by the writers in their own lives and give an open-ended point of view.

  7. Sample Essays About Social Networking

    Social Networking Essay - Sample 1 (200 words) Social networking, in its most basic form, is the interaction of individuals with common interests over an online platform. This concept is a marvel of modern technology, enabling people around the globe to connect and interact. However, the concept is not new; for centuries, people have gathered ...

  8. Essay on Social Media

    500+ Words Essay on Social Media. Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly features. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more are giving people a chance to connect with each other across distances. In other words, the whole world is at our fingertips all thanks to ...

  9. How to Write a Persuasive essay about social media

    2.1 Exploring the reach and impact of social media. Social media has cast its net far and wide and has reached every corner of the globe. With billions of live users, systems like Facebook ...

  10. Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social Networking

    Essay Example: In the contemporary landscape, social media is a double-edged sword that offers significant benefits while posing substantial challenges. This essay examines the multifaceted impact of social networking sites, providing a nuanced analysis of their advantages and disadvantages ... Remember, this essay is a starting point for ...

  11. Argumentative Essay about Social Media • Free Examples

    2 pages / 1139 words. Introduction: In today's era, Social Media has been the most important part of everyone's life, from children to adults, be it as entertainment, shopping, education or a business tool. Social Media transforms people's lifestyle as the number of its active users is increasing enormously day...

  12. How to Write a Social Media Essay With Tips and Examples

    Writing a good introduction for a social media essay includes keywords and an overview of the main ideas. In particular, students should include keywords that relate to a topic in question. Moreover, opening paragraphs should consist of catchy words that allow readers to have a clear picture of an intended message.

  13. An Essay About Social Media: Definition, Outline and Examples

    An essay about social media is a piece of writing that explores social media's impact, influence, and consequences on various aspects of society, such as communication, relationships, politics, mental health, culture, and more. The essay can take on different forms, such as an argumentative essay, a cause-and-effect essay, a critical analysis ...

  14. A Guide to Social Media Essay: Tips, Uses, And Benefits

    Social media is a term used conjunctively for web applications and websites that aid people in interaction, communication, development, content sharing, networking, and marketing. A social media essay is a type of academic writing that provides an analysis of social media—its nature, history, and impact. It must be inclusive of nature's ...

  15. The Effects of Social Media on Society

    The Effects of Social Media on Society Essay. The social networks broke into the everyday life of the majority of common people in the middle of 00s, first giving neglectful and suspicious attitude, as a tracking instrument of the government. Nevertheless, shortly, almost every individual including teenagers and elderly people, created a page ...

  16. Persuasive Essays About Social Media

    Here's how you can start a persuasive essay: Start your persuasive essay about social networking sites by introducing the issue and outlining why it matters. Explain the potential implications of unrestricted access to social media and how that could affect our society. Take a stance on the issue, supporting it with evidence from reliable ...

  17. Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager for Students

    Positive Impact. Firstly, social media offers a platform for self-expression and identity formation, critical aspects of adolescent development. Teenagers can explore various facets of their personalities, interests, and values. Moreover, it provides an avenue for social interaction and friendship formation, connecting teenagers globally.

  18. Social Networking Sites Essay for Students

    Read 500+ Words Essay on Social Media here. On the other hand, the disadvantages of social networking sites are also very high. They give birth to cybercrimes like cyberbullying, sexual exploitation, money scams and more. It is very harmful to kids as people make them victims of pornography and more. It also gives easy access to the pedophiles ...

  19. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  20. O'Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier and Lindke v. Freed: Is a Public Official

    Whether a public official's social media activity can constitute state action only if the official used the account to perform a governmental duty or under the authority of his or her office. 24 Footnote ... Jump to essay-6 42 U.S.C. § 1983 (Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, ...

  21. Murthy v. Missouri: The First Amendment and Government Influence on

    Murthy v. Missouri concerns whether the federal government's involvement in influencing content moderation choices at private social media companies, such as Facebook, YouTube, and X (formerly Twitter), violated the First Amendment's Free Speech Clause. 1 Footnote U.S. Const. amend. I (Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech . . . .

  22. Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

    Dr. Chan is a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard, and a co-author of "Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19." This article has been updated to reflect news ...

  23. 80th anniversary of D-Day: This year will likely be the last major D

    Organizers and government officials concede that this year's 80th anniversary of D-Day could be the last major commemoration to involve living veterans.

  24. Majority of independents and 'double haters' think Trump should end

    Among independents, 52% said they believed Trump should end his 2024 presidential campaign and within the even more specified group of "double haters," 67% said they felt the same way, according ...

  25. What's next for Donald Trump after guilty verdict? We already ...

    This explains why Trump effectively attempted to undermine a verdict before it was even passed down. He has sought to damage the institution of our justice system from the start. And he has ...

  26. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Architecture

    The social demand for the realization of the multilayered process of the citizens' network interactions changes the face of the metropolis. Both dominant and ordinary buildings, streets, squares, parks, and water spaces are combined in a single stream of urban life. Buildings which have previously been...

  27. 'Orlan' Drones

    According to the Russian Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu (February 2014), almost 320 billion rubles has been allocated to the program of providing the army with drones. The program is intended to be completed by 2020. This is almost 5.925 billion dollars (with an exchange rate of 54 rubles to the dollar). Thus, the yearly spending from 2014 to 2020 on this program will be roughly 987.5 ...

  28. Russia: Gazprom Appoints Pavel Oderov as Head of International Business

    March 17, 2011. Pavel Oderov was appointed as Head of the International Business Department pursuant to a Gazprom order. Pavel Oderov was born in June 1979 in the town of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast. He graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with an Economics degree in 2000 and a Management degree in 2002.

  29. Trump found guilty: Stock markets slide, read investor reaction

    Shares in Trump Media & Technology Group New Tab , opens new tab , parent of the former president's social media site Truth Social, fell 14% after the verdict.

  30. Yr

    21° / 12°. 0.3 mm. 4 m/s. Open hourly forecast. Updated 02:26. Forecast as PDF Forecast as SVG. Weather forecast for Elektrostal for the next 10 days.