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Free Guide: UCL Personal Statement Word Limit

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University College London (UCL) is a world-renowned university located in the heart of vibrant and dynamic London. Founded in 1826, UCL has consistently been ranked as one of the top universities in the UK and Europe. 

It offers an extensive range of courses in the humanities, sciences, social sciences, medicine, engineering, law, finance, and business.

With over 40,000 students from around the world studying at its campus, UCL provides a diverse learning environment. Its culture encourages intellectual growth and exploration. 

The university’s research output ranks amongst the highest in the country. It prides itself on being at the cutting edge of innovation and technology. It makes only complete sense as to why many students aspire to study at UCL.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a brief narrative essay that outlines an applicant’s qualifications . It includes work experience, skills, and academic accomplishments. They are a standard requirement for jobs, special programs, and in this case, university applications.

Their wide use is the primary reason behind the necessity for mastering them. Every student and professional must learn to write compelling personal statements to increase their chances of a successful application.

brown and white concrete building under white sky during daytime

The Importance of a Personal Statement

The biggest advantage of a personal statement lies in how it allows applicants to inject a bit of themselves into their words. They serve as a way to help admissions officers understand them better.

The chance to leave a good and lasting impression is one that you should never underestimate. Personal statements allow applicants to showcase the person behind the material and to give valuable information that could help recruiters determine their suitability. 

Of course, these benefits will only apply to well-written personal statements. The question then remains. 

How exactly do you write an effective UCL personal statement?

How to Write a Personal Statement

Emphasize the most relevant qualifications.

Emphasizing your most relevant qualifications is one of the best ways to start your personal statement. It’s what gets readers engaged in your work, and it helps retain their attention throughout your content. Make sure to match your qualifications with the program you’re applying to. Relevance is crucial because it has a significant impact on your suitability for a program. 

Use Strong Descriptors

Vivid imagery is key to delivering a strong and memorable message. Use strong descriptors to represent your ideas. They will help you paint a potent image that complements your experiences. A vivid description is important because it’s what gets readers to see things through your viewpoint.

Stick to the UCL Personal Statement Word Limit

There isn’t an official UCL personal statement word limit. Rather they use a 3,000-character limit. This roughly translates to about 428 to 750 words if you include spaces in the character count.

A new update to the UCL application policy penalizes or disregards materials that do not follow the  UCL personal statement word limit . It’s not only a matter of following instructions but also a way to standardize applications.

Write with Emotion

Writing with passion allows you to strike at the heart of what you want to say, creating a much more influential piece of content. Eliciting an emotional response from your readers is crucial because it helps you stand out. People tend to remember an experience through their emotions rather than specific details.

A personal statement is vital to applications because they allow applicants to show admissions officers and recruiters who they are. They are a way to leave good impressions and to stand out from the applicant pool .

Personal statements are fairly easy to write as long as you follow the rules. Good luck!

Free Guide: UCL Personal Statement Word Limit

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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28 November 2023

6 minutes read

Crafting an Outstanding UCL Personal Statement: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples


Dirghayu Kaushik


Gaining admission to University College London (UCL) is a dream for many, but achieving this goal requires more than just academic excellence.

Your UCL personal statement plays a pivotal role in your application, serving as a unique opportunity to showcase your aspirations, achievements, and individuality.

This article provides essential insights and examples to assist you in creating a personal statement that captures the essence of your academic and personal journey, tailored to resonate with UCL’s admissions committee.

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  • The Role of a Personal Statement in Your UCL Application

Understanding the Significance

Your personal statement is a critical element of your UCAS application to UCL. It’s your chance to convey your enthusiasm, experiences, and suitability for your chosen course.

This narrative helps the admissions team to understand who you are beyond your grades and test scores. It’s about making a compelling case for why you are an ideal candidate for UCL and how the university fits into your academic and career aspirations.

What UCL Looks For

UCL, being a prestigious and competitive institution, seeks candidates who demonstrate intellectual curiosity, a commitment to their field of study, and the potential to contribute meaningfully to the university community.

Your personal statement should reflect these qualities, showcasing your passion for learning, your understanding of the course content, and your readiness for the challenges of university life.

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  • Crafting a Winning Personal Statement for UCL

Creating a personal statement for University College London (UCL) is a crucial step in your application process. Your statement should stand out, reflecting your unique qualifications and enthusiasm for your chosen course. Here are key points to help you craft a winning personal statement for UCL:

  • Understand UCL’s Values and Course Requirements : Before you begin, research UCL’s ethos, values, and specific requirements for your chosen course. Understanding what UCL looks for in its students can help tailor your statement to resonate with the admissions committee.
  • Start with a Compelling Introduction : Your opening lines should grab the reader’s attention. Start with a personal anecdote, a provocative question, or a statement that clearly expresses your passion for the subject.
  • Showcase Your Academic Strengths : Highlight your academic achievements that are relevant to the course. Include any awards, high grades in related subjects, or participation in relevant academic competitions or projects.
  • Demonstrate Interest and Knowledge in the Subject : Show that you have a deep understanding of and a genuine interest in the field. Discuss any books, articles, or research that have inspired you and shaped your desire to study this subject at UCL.
  • Reflect on Relevant Experiences : Include work experience, internships, volunteering, or extracurricular activities that have helped develop skills and qualities relevant to the course. Explain what you learned from these experiences and how they have prepared you for university-level study.
  • Discuss Your Career Aspirations : Clearly articulate how the course at UCL fits into your long-term career goals. This shows admissions tutors that you have a clear direction and motivation for your studies.
  • Exhibit Your Skills and Qualities : Highlight personal skills and qualities that make you a suitable candidate for the course. These might include problem-solving, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork, or communication skills.
  • Explain Why UCL Is the Right Choice for You : Discuss specific aspects of UCL and its course offerings that appeal to you. This could be particular modules, the teaching methodology, research opportunities, or the campus environment.
  • Make It Personal and Authentic : Your statement should be personal and reflect your true self. Avoid clichés and generic statements. Admissions tutors want to hear your voice and understand who you are.
  • Conclude with a Strong Closing Statement : End your personal statement on a high note, reemphasizing your enthusiasm and readiness for the course and how you look forward to contributing to the UCL community.
  • Proofread and Edit : Ensure your statement is free of grammatical errors and typos. A well-written, error-free statement demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to excellence.
  • Seek Feedback : Before finalizing, get feedback from teachers, mentors, or those who know you well. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your statement.

By following these points, you can craft a personal statement that not only meets the standards of UCL but also truly represents your academic ambitions and personal journey, significantly boosting your chances of admission.

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  • Personal Statement Examples for Different UCL Courses

Example of UCL Medicine Program

Medicine applicants need to demonstrate a passion for the field, empathy, and a strong academic background in sciences. An effective personal statement for a UCL medicine course might begin with a personal anecdote or experience that sparked your interest in medicine.

Follow this with details of your academic journey in sciences, any relevant work experience, and extracurricular activities. Conclude by discussing your career aspirations in medicine and how UCL’s program aligns with these goals.

Example for UCL Economics Program

For an economics course, your statement should reflect your understanding of economic principles and your ability to think critically about economic issues. Start by explaining why you are interested in economics, possibly by citing a current issue or personal experience.

Include your academic achievements in mathematics and related subjects, and any relevant extracurricular activities, like participating in economics clubs or competitions. Finally, express how UCL’s economics program will help you achieve your career objectives.


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Key Dos and Don’ts in Writing Your Personal Statement

Tailor your statement to the specific course and university, demonstrating clear reasons for your choice.Avoid general statements that could apply to any course or university.
Use specific, real-life examples to illustrate your achievements, skills, and experiences.Rely on vague or generic descriptions without concrete evidence.
Let your unique voice and personality come through, showing genuine enthusiasm and commitment.Copy phrases or ideas from others’ statements or use clichés and overused quotes.
Organize your statement in a clear, logical manner with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion.Submit a disorganized or poorly structured statement.
Be clear and concise. Get to the point and make every word count.Ramble or include irrelevant details that don’t contribute to your main message.
Be honest about your achievements and experiences. Authenticity is key.Exaggerate or fabricate experiences; admissions tutors can often tell.
Thoroughly proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.Overlook the importance of proofreading, leading to careless mistakes.
Highlight personal growth, challenges overcome, and lessons learned.Focus only on successes; ignoring how challenges have shaped your journey.
Link your studies to future career aspirations and how the course will help you achieve these.Neglect to mention how the course aligns with your long-term goals.
Demonstrate a genuine passion and interest in the subject area.Write in a way that fails to convey enthusiasm for the subject.
Seek constructive feedback from mentors, teachers, or peers.Rely solely on your own judgment without getting an external perspective.
Show how you align with the university’s ethos and values.Ignore the university’s culture and ethos in your statement.
  • Final Steps Before Submission

Review and Feedback

Before submitting your personal statement, it’s crucial to review it thoroughly. Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers who can provide constructive criticism. Their insights can help refine your statement, ensuring it’s compelling and error-free.

Aligning Your Statement with UCL’s Values

Research UCL’s values and ethos, and subtly align your statement with these. Show how you embody qualities valued by UCL, such as intellectual curiosity, global perspective, and a commitment to impact society positively. This alignment demonstrates that you are not only a good fit academically but also culturally for UCL.

Your UCL personal statement is a vital part of your application. It’s an opportunity to showcase your unique qualifications, experiences, and aspirations.

By following the guidelines and examples provided in this guide, you can create a statement that captures your individuality and suitability for UCL.

Remember, this is your chance to make a lasting impression on the admissions committee, so take the time to craft a personal statement that truly reflects who you are and why you are the perfect candidate for UCL.

Q1: How important is it to relate my personal statement to my future career goals?

It’s very important. Relating your course of study to your future career goals shows foresight and a clear understanding of how UCL will help you achieve your aspirations.

Q2: Can I include quotes in my personal statement?

While a well-chosen quote can be impactful, it’s generally better to use your own words to ensure your personal statement is truly personal and unique.

Q3: How can I ensure that my personal statement stands out?

To make your personal statement stand out, focus on unique experiences, present your content in a structured and coherent manner, and infuse your personal voice and enthusiasm throughout the text.

Q4: Is it okay to share personal challenges in my statement?

Yes, sharing personal challenges can be powerful, especially if you can demonstrate how they have shaped your character and academic journey. However, ensure that the overall tone remains positive and forward-looking.

  • Key Dos and Don'ts in Writing Your Personal Statement

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Table of Contents

  • • The Role of a Personal Statement in Your UCL Application
  • • Crafting a Winning Personal Statement for UCL
  • • Personal Statement Examples for Different UCL Courses
  • • Key Dos and Don'ts in Writing Your Personal Statement
  • • Final Steps Before Submission
  • • Conclusion

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Has anyone completed an SOP for University College London? Here are their vague instructions re: SOP length:

"Please note that there are 3000 characters (not words) available and the system does not accept non-standard characters. Copying text longer than 3000 characters into this field will truncate it, and the text may be lost entirely. If your personal statement is longer than 3000 characters please enter “See additional document” into this box and upload your personal statement via the document upload page of this application form. "

From their wording, the 3000 character limit sounds like it has more to do with the limitations of their online application system than with a length requirement they expect applicants to follow. Do you think a 1,000-word statement (about 6,000 words) would be excessive? I don't want to seem like I'm burdening them!

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Hi all, Has anyone completed an SOP for University College London? Here are their vague instructions re: SOP length: "Please note that there are 3000 characters (not words) available and the system does not accept non-standard characters. Copying text longer than 3000 characters into this field will truncate it, and the text may be lost entirely. If your personal statement is longer than 3000 characters please enter “See additional document” into this box and upload your personal statement via the document upload page of this application form. " From their wording, the 3000 character limit sounds like it has more to do with the limitations of their online application system than with a length requirement they expect applicants to follow. Do you think a 1,000-word statement (about 6,000 words) would be excessive? I don't want to seem like I'm burdening them! Thank you!


  • 2 months later...

Hi, I also have a personal statement which is longer than 3000 characters. Have you figured how to upload it? I must be missing something really obvious but I can't find any place within the online application where I can upload a file...

Espresso Shot

Since you are not typing it directly into the space given to you, you are supposed to write "Please see attachment" or something like that, and then you upload your SOP at the end, on the last page. On this last page it will give you space to upload specific documents like your transcripts and CV, and then the last option will say something vague like "Other Document" or something like that -- that is the space you use to upload your SOP.

Ok thank you very much !! I had't gone until the checklist yet in case it would validate my application without my PS... but it's done now!

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ucl personal statement masters word limit

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University College London (UCL). Founded in 1826, UCL was the first university established in London, as well as the first in England to be entirely secular, to admit students regardless of religion, and to admit women on equal terms. Today, it is ranked as a top 10 university in the world with over 50,000 students and a range of Nobel-winning academics & alumni.

Hi I need help with the personal statement. It says there’s a limit of 3000 characters but then I can upload a document as well. words. Has anyone been through this? Do you think the limit is just for their web form and attaching a one-page doc would be okay if it exceeds 3000 characters?

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Ucl personal statement word limit.

ucl personal statement masters word limit

Posted Nov 03, 2011 15:33


I'm working on my UCL application now, and they state a character limit of 3000 for the main textbox for the personal statement. But they also state that if you exceed that, you can attach the full personal statement as a separate document. I take that to mean that there's no word limit? Also, does UCL do rolling applications throughout the application period?

ucl personal statement masters word limit

Posted Nov 03, 2011 19:18

yes that shall imply that there is no word limit but it should be concise. writing a long statement can cause more harm than good.

ucl personal statement masters word limit

Posted Nov 18, 2011 16:35

I was informed via telephone that 1,200 words is still within limits. Not sure how much higher you can go, though.

Posted Nov 18, 2011 16:41

I think I submitted mine with about 900 or so. Now's just the waiting!

ucl personal statement masters word limit

Posted Nov 18, 2011 17:01

You should try to write short and perfectly. Around one-thousand words would be enough.

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Aptitude tests, higher learning, insiders guide to getting into ucl.

Welcome to my insiders guide to getting into UCL (or getting your child into UCL). Perhaps youre only considering applying for UCL. I can confirm: you may as well firm your choice now. Its consistently in the top 10 universities in the world. Its second in the UK for research (these world class researchers will be your teachers). And its in the best city in the world. No university can quite compete with our notable graduates: Mahatma Ghandi Coldplay Christopher Nolan (produced the Batman trilogy, the good one, not the upcoming Affleck ones) To name a few! There are a million and one other reasons to pick UCL but Ill cease the endless plugging for now. This article should outline the basic procedures for admission to most courses at UCL, as well as deliver helpful tips for excelling at every stage of the application.

Picking a course:

Above anything else I may tell you, this decision has to be your own and it has to be based on what you enjoy and founded on solid research. You have to study it for 3, 4, 5, even 6 years, youd better make sure its something in which youre fairly interested.

A little story:

I walked into my first year studying Chemical Engineering, I made some friends, I had some fun, I enjoyed the course, and around March people started to disappear. It was eerie, like a horror film, like a demon was picking people off and hoping nobody would notice. This demon is called lack of research! Coming into my second year I think we lost maybe 30 students, they either switched courses within UCL or transferred to different universities. Now I couldnt understand this, I was having a great time, the course was very interesting to me, but then, it was exactly what I expected (and better), after talking to several of my friends that left, I discovered ChemEng wasnt what they were expecting.

Theres nothing wrong with changing your mind, but youll find its easier and more practical to do it before you have to start. So research, research, research! There are 11 faculties at UCL, each with a range of degree programmes associated with them, it adds up to some 200+ degree courses, and there are new ones being developed all the time! Select one for you and youll enjoy it, and if you enjoy it, youll succeed.

Which A-Levels should I choose?

Which A-Levels should I choose? Always a query on those fantastic message boards (more on these soon). Here I could say pick what you enjoy, but the ugly truth is that universities, including UCL have an approved list of A-Level subjects that they consider the right level of difficulty or relevance for any prospective student (Ill add a link to this list at the bottom). Dont panic, UCL allow you to have 1 of your at least 3 full A-Levels to be non-approved, and your choices are probably all on the list anyway. That being said, as well as the official approved list, there exists a fabled unofficial hard list among the elite universities. A-Levels they consider more highly than others due to their difficulty, its rather snobby since theyre all traditional subjects but thats the way it is:

Dont be too thrown off by the Hard List, youll likely be wanting to choose one of them anyway. Try to have at least one of them Apart from being on the approved list, each department requests their compulsory subjects, for instance, Maths A-Level for all the Engineering disciplines (and of course Mathematics), Chemistry and Biology for Medicine, and so on. They may also specify in which subject the department demands an A*. What about General Studies/Critical Thinking?

Bad news. UCL dont even recognise them as A-Levels. All that means is that you cant brandish your A* in the face of an admissions tutor though. If you have the time and inclination for any of them, they are worth doing, they will hone your research skills and, well, your critical thinking skills, and theyre not too bad to talk about on your Personal Statement.

Insider Tips:

From what I understand, while theres no disadvantage in taking Law for an A-Level, UCL, and most of the top universities dont require you to take it as the course is essentially re-taught in lectures, and they certainly wouldnt like it as a substitute for English or History for instance.

Dont take more than you can manage, better to achieve high grades in 3 than mediocre grades in 4 or 5 Check your chosen departments website to view their Year Abroad opportunities, if youre really interested in studying in a certain country, UCL insist you can demonstrate relative proficiency in the language, and an A-Level in it is usually enough.

Your collection of subjects should be focused but, also wide ranging, pick three very relevant to your chosen degree path, and one not so relevant, or two and one, for instance, I studied Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Geography, for Chemical Engineering. This is also for your own sanity, subjects too similar can get repetitive and boring.

Seek feedback from recent graduates:

UniStats is a site where students of a university assess their experience, it can help you decide if a degree course is right for you, straight from the people whove lived it. However, courses can change, UCL in particular listen to feedback exceptionally well and improve where they can, for instance, the entire Engineering Faculty at UCL have added a component called the Integrated Engineering Programme (IEP) where students from different disciplines work closely together on some projects throughout the year, this debuted for 2014 starters so anyone graduating from a 4 year in 2017 or earlier hasnt experienced this revamp. Find out if your course has changed recently. This also goes for new facilities being installed. Currently, development is being conducted on a new UCL campus in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park called UCL East. It promises to bring state of the art learning facilities and a new vision for university study. Its all very vague at the moment, but one of our projects last year was to design a pilot plant for the campus, so no guarantees but Chemical Engineering prospective students for 2019 entry may get to play with some new toys! Essentially, the university is constantly improving, so when conducting your research, take outdated information with a pinch of salt.

Application process:

At last, youve chosen your subjects for A-Level and have considered your choice of course, what now? Write your Personal Statement Write your tutors statement (hold on this sounds like fraud all will be revealed later) Sit any external examinations you must (Medicine and Law students only) Attend a departmental open day/interview (not always necessary)

Personal Statement:

UCL take a holistic approach to admitting students. This means they, more than any other university, consider your whole picture rather than just one aspect such as your grades. Their first view of your whole picture is from your PS.

Structure of Personal Statement:

Essentially, the key ideas you must include are: Your A-Level subjects, why you selected them, what you enjoy about them, how they are relevant to the degree you hope to pursue Your ambition and reason to study the course you chose to apply for, what do you hope to accomplish. Here you should project your passion off the page, show that youve made an informed decision, discuss challenges facing this field in the future that you would like to be a part of Extra-curricular activities, the relevant ones to your course, have you any achievements or awards outside of school? Have you occupied any leadership roles at school e.g. Head Boy/Girl? Have you attended any conferences or competitions related to your course? Some examples of these could be: Maths Challenge Art displayed in a gallery Model UN conferences Hobbies and interests; they show youre a human, any sports you play, musical instruments, book genre you like to read, journals you like to read. Competitions, or other accreditation here goes a long way also These are the 4 musts in the statement, I would suggest structuring it into 4 paragraphs following those themes, but sometimes your skills dont strictly fit this so feel free to play with it, but make sure you have mentioned these essential ideas.

Plant land mines: land mines are topics you want to be asked at an interview, so you mention you particularly enjoy reading about developments in cold fusion for instance, study it relatively well. When the interview comes, they expect people have lied on their PS about the things theyre interested in and will try to grill you, when you repel their best efforts with grade A* knowledge you appear calm under pressure, well read, and someone with more integrity than lying on a PS

Recognise the angels from the devils online: The Student Room can be a valuable resource for specific information for your course, but its filled with as many trolls as it is truly helpful people. Take everything from it with a pinch of salt, and dont despair because Malcolm0102 has 16 A-Levels, climbed Everest and rescued the Pope from a burning building but doesnt think he has enough for Cambridge.

Dont overdo it: nothing looks more ridiculous and unprofessional than someone whos made their whole PS rhyme!

Writing your tutor/teacher statement + predicted grades: If you dont know what this is yet, its ultimately your reference from past employer to your new employer, in this case your old tutor to your soon to be new tutor. It contains your predicted grades, and the tutors impression of you coming from each of your teachers. You dont really write this, but you influence it, in the end its all about you, and if you can present yourself as an engaging, intelligent and inquisitive individual to your teachers, they will convey that to UCL (and your other choices of institution). You will need to keep this up all through Year 12 and half of Year 13 to fix that impression in your teachers minds so you can get a very favourable recommendation. In addition, take every test seriously, whether small or large, your achievement in GCSE level doesnt matter too much to UCL nor does it to your A-Level teachers, particularly if youve been performing well on all the tests theyve throw at you. The teachers dont guess your predicted grade, they look at the evidence, make sure that evidence shows excellence.

Dont pester: youll usually be told your predicted grades, less likely to be shown the teacher statement, but you endear yourself to anyone who matters by annoying them, youll get a fair assessment, and usually quite favourable, they never want to portray you badly so dont fret about it This is one of the most important pieces of evidence UCL use to select new students: your predicted grades obviously are the most important here, if they dont stack up, youll be swept away in the first round of screening, if theyre exceptional, you may get a very quick offer. The initial screening takes place early, eliminating any they believe to be not academically capable, make sure youre on the correct side of the broom. I know for a fact that for some courses they look only at your predicted grades and your statement to determine English skills and temperament, then simply give the offer or not, make it count.

External examinations (relevant only to Law and Medicine prospective students): The only course at UCL that require additional tests are Medicine and Law, requiring you to take (and pass) the BMAT and LNAT respectively. They are designed to test your suitability for each of the courses. There is a cut off for each and each university has its own; they need not disclose it, consider the following graph as a guideline, it is interesting in 2 ways: first, it shows a clear cut off point, anyone scoring below 50% appears to be eliminated (dont panic if you did, this is a guideline only); and that even those who were between 50-55%, about a third got an interview, this is down to their other merits. UCL and other institutions arent barbaric, they know some people have off days and your other academic record should vouch for you if you do.

The LNAT has a multiple choice stage and an essay stage. The multiple choice stage is about reading a passage of content and answering a question about it. From what I have heard from friends that do Law, the LNAT can sometimes seem to have trick questions, it doesnt, only difficult questions, the answer is always there in the text, they are testing your ability to distinguish between two answers that may seem equally right but arent. The essay stage is marked mostly for your English skills and ability to argue a position with conviction.

The BMAT is similar, with 2 multiple choice sections, one on scientific knowledge up to GCSE level, and the other on reasoning, both can be mastered somewhat with practice, but having seen questions for myself, they can be very difficult, dont assume you can get them all right, just answer as many as you can in the time allotted and stay calm. The final stage is an essay question that tests much the same way the LNAT does but is weighted much less with regards to your score than the LNAT.

Practice: that is all.

Departmental Open Day/Interview: Each department does these differently. Usually, its just a tour of the facilities and you can bring parents, sometimes it includes a group activity, sometimes its the tour and a solo interview, sometimes its all three.

Sometimes your offer is conditional only upon your attending so they can meet you. Sometimes its about your performance. They will let you know which is which. For Chemical Engineering, everyone I have met was invited to an Open Day but it wasnt compulsory and we all got the offer without having to interview. For Art students a portfolio must be delivered, and then an interview must be sat. For Law an interview is usually always sat, the same for Medicine. Therefore, my interview advice will be relatively general.

Organise your thoughts so your points come out coherently. When solving a problem, think out loud for the interviewer, they want to assess your thought process rather than your arriving at the final answer. Dont try to squirm your way through a hole you wont fit through; dont try to lie about something you dont know about or havent read, apologise and say you havent studied this yet, and then perhaps ask a question about the topic to convey interest, or if its a problem, give any thoughts you might have about how you might solve it.

Try to keep your smile up, responding to high pressure situations is also being assessed.

Take a role: in a group activity, you are being assessed, work as a team and let everyone say their piece, this can be dangerous water, the easiest way to come off well in these is to volunteer to keep time (theres always a time limit), this shows you are conscious of the limit, can think ahead and arent shy to take on a role. An observer will give you points, while your teammates bicker about whose idea is best and who can speak the loudest (I am of course joking, make sure your team performs well!)

Be friendly: if you can find an appropriate way to break some ice between you and the interviewer, perhaps you both play a sport, it is worth making friends with them, even a joke, but dont force this, every interviewer is different

Final Thoughts: I am ecstatic that you have read this far, I hope you have found this guide useful, and best of luck in your applications!

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UCL University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to University College London. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

You can also view our entire collection of personal statements or view personal statements for application at other universities .

Linguistics Personal Statement Example 1 My most memorable Christmas came with a parcel of Harry Potter audio books and this was where my quest to understanding language began. The moment Stephen Fry started to narrate chapter one, I fell in love with words and all they could achieve...

History Personal Statement Example 3 Recently, I found out that my grandma was gambled into slavery for seven years. She escaped her prison and made her way back to Hong Kong, 300 miles south. I was amazed at how courageous she was. This personal discovery led me to read Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans' which made me both proud and ashamed of my heritage...

Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement Example 1 As Pythagoras may have said, (Ambitious)2 + (Bold)2 = (Critical thinker)2 makes a perfect student and is what I strive to be. From the simple Pythagorean to the complex Fermat's Last Theorem, mathematics is a never ending branch of study which I enthusiastically enjoy studying and why I wish to pursue it even further at university...

Mathematics and Physics Personal Statement Example 1 Mathematics is a fundamental tool for understanding our world: it can be used to define the symmetry of flowers or to manage global companies. What is so appealing about mathematics is the opportunity of applying it in the physical world...

Maths and Spanish Personal Statement Example For as long as I have recognised words and numbers, I have seen a connection between the two. As I progressed in the AS Mathematics course I realised how drawn I was to the subject, motivating me to spend 2 weeks at school over the summer holidays learning 2 entire AS Further Maths modules, in order to take the full A-level course in one year...

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Personal Statement Example 1 I have always had a creative ability and a fascination with how things work. The challenge of solving practical problems inherent in the field of engineering appeals directly to these traits. I am particularly interested in electrical and electronic engineering (EEE) because it is such a rapidly evolving discipline...

Economics and Politics Personal Statement Example 1 "I killed the bank": the last words of Andrew Jackson, former president of the US, after he had vetoed to renew the charter and withdraw all federal deposits from banks causing them to bust. Real money was backed with gold shortly after, causing the greatest economic boom in history for the US where no income tax was implemented...

Spanish and Economics Personal Statement Example My aspiration to study Spanish and Economics has not only been influenced by my curricular education but also from experiences I have had throughout life. I am intrigued in the effects caused by the failing Euro zone, and I consider communication among speakers of different languages essential in progressing forward...

Economics Personal Statement Example 5 Choosing an undergraduate degree in economics is a result of my deep seated curiosity to know why economies are they way they are; why oil prices in my country, Pakistan, rapidly fluctuate whereas economies like USA and China continue to strengthen despite recessions...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 2 My fascination with human behaviour and the motivations behind human actions has existed for most of my adult life, to determine a cause however I would accredit this to the voluntary work I participated in with Crisis Single Persons Homeless charity...

Geography Personal Statement Example 2 In a dynamic world, the study of geography is increasingly important. The diversity of the subject and the interaction between the physical environment and human population is becoming even more evident with climate change and globalisation influencing our everyday lives...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 11 “If she’s smart she will study Medicine.” This is an unwritten rule in my culture - all Nigerian parents want their children to become doctors. What becomes of the aspiring psychologist in the family? I met a junior doctor, at an educational conference, who wanted to specialise in psychiatry...

Architecture Personal Statement Example 3 Growing up in post-soviet Belarus I wasn't surrounded by the architectural wonders - all the buildings were dull and grey, therefore from early childhood I started drawing and making houses of my dreams...

Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement Example 2 Every day we make decisions and interact with others; the laws of economics help us make rational choices and consider the irrationality of others, as well as understand the world better. Maths and statistics are the necessary tools for me to understand the modern economics...

Anthropology and Archaeology Personal Statement Example My interest in culture first started when I began to attend my local Hindu Temple with my friend in primary school. I was highly interested in how her surroundings differed from my own and enjoyed immersing myself in her way of life...

English and History Personal Statement Example 1 I believe history inspires optimism. With the state being cut and our economy weakening we could easily fall to pessimism. I just have to look within history to see that just over 400 years ago Queen Mary I killed 'rebels' for heresy when they protested, whereas Modern freedoms have allowed me to protest openly in several Unite marches...

English Personal Statement Example 23 My love of literature is rooted in the connection it gives us to centuries of ideas, giving us the ability to converse with ghosts, linking us with the greatest and most eloquent minds in history; as Bovee puts it, “books are embalmed minds”...

Pharmacology and Human Sciences Personal Statement Example From the race to find a vaccine for the H1N1 virus to the almost daily reports of breakthroughs in the field of cancer research, science has always fascinated me.On a more personal note, my interest has largely stemmed from school, work experiences, and science in the news...

Biomedical Engineering Personal Statement Example 2 Thanks to my mother's profession, I have had a front row seat in observing the radical changes made in the medical field with the introduction of new devices. I have also seen the beneficial effects these developments have had on the lives of people living in the less affluent countries in the Middle East; these observations coupled with my interest in mechanics have inspired me to pursue a career in biomedical engineering...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 45 Advances in computer and information technology over the past few decades have brought about revolution in science, medicine, education, business, and entertainment. I wish to be part of the future revolution and that is why I want to study computer science...

Maths & Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example 1 "It has become a very strange and perhaps frightening subject from the ordinary point of view,but anyone who penetrates into it will find a veritable fairyland"( Kasner E and Newman J).This saying is perhaps the most fitted to describe my enthusiasm for Maths...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 48 Since embarking on the A level course 16 months ago I have decided to devote my life to working in psychology. I am struck by the way Psychological research has impacted all areas of life, but also how much there is yet to understand...

Economics Personal Statement Example 23 It would not be foolish to contemplate the possibility of a far greater progress still. John Maynard Keynes From childhood I was bred to learn and the passion to understand has become a trait of my character...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 5 I realised that I wanted to study Anthropology in 2005 after picking up a book called ''Mapping Human History'' by Steve Olson. I read the book cover to cover a number of times, and knew that I had discovered a subject that I was not only interested in learning but wanted to investigate for myself...

Postgraduate Linguistics Personal Statement Example My interest in linguistics was gradually shaped throughout my life by all the different ways in which I have experienced languages: as a learner, translator, and as a teacher. However, it was the times spent living in Russia and later in the UK that made me fully understand that language can be a means of conveying much more than just our thoughts...

European Social & Political Studies Personal Statement Example In my opinion, the problems societies face today deserve an in-depth analysis which draws on different disciplines of thought for its relevance; furthermore the implementations of strategies to combat problems must take into account more than one academic approach if they are going to be positively effective...

Human Sciences Personal Statement Example Perhaps what makes me different from other University applicants is that I have ambition to understand multidimensional human life. It is not the appeal of a top qualification or the zesty student lifestyle that attracts me to this course; but it is the long-term knowledge and answers to interdisciplinary human problems, and the enigmas that I will commit a lifetime investigating with perhaps no solution, that inspires me to apply...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 51 There is a reason behind everything we do, a purpose to our actions. The cognition behind any decision that we make is one of the many aspects of psychology that I am fascinated by. The following five words, as said by the Prophet Muhammad, I believe explain such a suggestion: "Actions are but by intentions"...

Archaeology and Anthropology Personal Statement Example 2 As an immigrant living in Spain, I am constantly reminded of the importance social and cultural factors have on my daily life, the language I speak, and the difference between the relationships I maintain with people from my own country and those I encounter here on a daily basis...

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 12 Mathematics is at the root of many academic subjects, such as mechanics in Physics, organic Chemistry and even Music and this is why I find it so fascinating. The process of starting from a simple set of formulae and deriving nearly all mathematical truth from these is what makes Mathematics a leading academic subject...

Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 2 To me, fiction is like the magic carpet of Aladdin. It takes me to travel through time and space and explore the slices of human experience. In the wonderful trips, I am guided by the author and accompanied by the characters...

Economics and Management Personal Statement Example 2 My interest in Economics goes beyond an appreciation of statistics and profit margins. In my mind, economics represents the relationship between people and their money – a relationship that dates back to the history of mankind...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 61 While the idea to care for others is appealing to me, the applications of medicine for finding remedies to the complexities of the human body fascinates me even more. Studying medicine opens several career options from general practice to clinical research! Having the interest and aptitude for scientific knowledge and the awareness to promote health safety, it encourages me to choose this highly rewarding and satisfying course...

Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Example 10 Chemical engineering is a most fascinating field of all the branches of science and engineering. To me it truly reflects human endeavour and spirit through means such as the exploration of unknown substances, and making something of worth and value out of mere raw materials...

Maths Personal Statement Example 12 Mathematics dictates our understanding of the universe; the sciences that the world depends on today are founded and dependant on maths. Scientists and mathematicians spend their lives making remarkable discoveries contributing to the development of humanity, the findings we have been making in fields like quantum mechanics would be completely impossible without maths...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 66 White coats, stethoscopes hung around necks and the sense of playing hero were popular amongst childhood dreams. However, unlike others around me, this dream was not lost when I realised reality paved a much tougher road- instead, it grew to become a fierce ambition...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 64 Psychology is ubiquitous in society. Because of the mercurial nature of humans, there is always something different to study and analyse. I find this exciting. Part of what draws me to psychology is how the dynamics of it affect daily life and behaviour...

Economics Personal Statement Example 30 The ever-changing nature of the human science intrigues me. Newton’s laws of motion will never change, from wherever ‘the ball is dropped’. However, different strategies and policies have to be framed and implemented for each economic problem...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 67 I first became interested in psychology whilst discussing the underlying causes of criminal behaviour and non-conformity with my father. The nature-nurture debate gave me a huge desire to increase my knowledge and understanding of the human condition...

Physics Personal Statement Example 15 I have always been intrigued by the world of physics. From everyday experiences to the most extreme boundaries of today's knowledge, I have always voraciously searched for answers to my questions. As I grew up, the elegance of mathematical demonstrations and of physical theorems fascinated me, and I have often dreamt of making contributions to the unification theory and of improving and simplifying the Navier-Stokes equations...

Natural Sciences Personal Statement Example 4 Why and How? I believe these are the two most important question words as they express mankind’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and they have lain the foundation of sciences and have helped us find answers and solutions to problems throughout history from the domestication of fire to Darwin’s theory of evolution, to landing on the moon and so on...

Electrical Engineering Personal Statement Example 2 The defining wonder of today’s age is electricity. In just two centuries, we have come from Faraday’s crude but prophetic experiments to devices just a square inch that can calculate in seconds what the most gifted of human minds might take days...

Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example 3 When I was in primary school I would take pens apart to put them back together, so that I could see how every small piece fits together to create a whole working object, and as I furthered my education my focus shifted to the w orld around me...

Linguistics Personal Statement Example 3 Have you ever heard the Tuvan throat singing technique? Beautiful and intriguing at the same time. The question that's bound to accompany a throat singing performance is how the human voice could possibly produce such a sound...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 7 Coming from a mixed religious background, the comparison between cultural practices has touched me deeply, personally and profoundly. I have been able to observe the influence of culture on people's perspectives and world views...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 17 My decision to study engineering stems from a desire to contribute to the evolution of society through a process that does not just define our environment but our era. My personal inspiration is the Segovia aqueduct, an 800m long, 30 metre high Roman marvel which still stands today...

PPE/Economics Personal Statement Example Humanity today stands at the intersection of the most significant questions facing the world today: if democracy leads to political infighting, should it be sacrificed in the interest of economic well-being? Does religious fundamentalism provide a way for countries in the developing world to assert their identity in the face of Western hegemony? Does the entry of Western consumer goods threaten a country’s economic self-sufficiency? The answers of these questions will determine what the nature of our world is in the twenty-first century...

History Personal Statement Example (Oxbridge) 2 Whether considering the real world applications of Bentham's utilitarianism in Religious Studies, analysing the context of a changing Victorian society in English Literature, or debating the evolving ideology of the Labour Party in Politics, there is one common thread connecting what I enjoy most about my studies: history...

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How important is the personal statement on your Ucas application?

How important is the personal statement on your Ucas application?

How to write an excellent personal statement in 10 steps

How to write an excellent personal statement in 10 steps

Writing a law personal statement: expert advice from universities

Writing a law personal statement: expert advice from universities


  1. How to write masters personal statement ucl / isewanforum.org

    ucl personal statement masters word limit

  2. Free Guide: UCL Personal Statement Word Limit

    ucl personal statement masters word limit

  3. UCL Personal Statement

    ucl personal statement masters word limit

  4. UCL Personal statement word limit

    ucl personal statement masters word limit


    ucl personal statement masters word limit

  6. UCL Personal Statement v1.1

    ucl personal statement masters word limit


  1. Writing your personal statement

    Where to put a personal statement. You can type your personal statement in the online application form (3,000-character limit, including spaces) or upload it as a separate document. If you upload your personal statement, you can go over 3,000 characters but it cannot be longer than two sides of A4 paper (size 12 font and single spaced).

  2. 10 things to avoid in your personal statement

    Following on from our list of 10 things to think about when writing your personal statement, here are ten things to avoid in your personal statement. ... (without a word limit). Keeping it to around a single page is a good guide (don't worry if you're a little over or under). ... and the correct university. 10. Don't forget to ask.

  3. MSc LangSci

    It can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't need to be, let's look at some things you can keep in mind when writing your personal statement. 1. You. The point is to provide a personal statement. So make it personal to you: write about your experience and your interests. Let us know why you want to follow MSc Language Sciences, what ...

  4. Personal statement character limit : r/UCL

    University College London (UCL). Founded in 1826, UCL was the first university established in London, as well as the first in England to be entirely secular, to admit students regardless of religion, and to admit women on equal terms. ... I am confused with the wording about the character limit for the personal statement.. The website says ...

  5. What's the actual word count for UCL personal statement?

    So I'm trying to write up a personal statement for postgrad courses at UCL. The word limit on the portal says 3,000 characters. If you choose to upload its 2 sides of A4 documents. Yet the course page says 500 words. I am really confused.

  6. Free Guide: UCL Personal Statement Word Limit

    There isn't an official UCL personal statement word limit. Rather they use a 3,000-character limit. This roughly translates to about 428 to 750 words if you include spaces in the character count. A new update to the UCL application policy penalizes or disregards materials that do not follow the UCL personal statement word limit.

  7. Crafting An Outstanding UCL Personal Statement: A Comprehensive Guide

    Let your unique voice and personality come through, showing genuine enthusiasm and commitment. Copy phrases or ideas from others' statements or use clichés and overused quotes. Structure. Organize your statement in a clear, logical manner with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion.

  8. UCL SOP

    2. Location:Paris. Program:LLM. Posted February 26, 2011. On 2/26/2011 at 10:06 AM, Poppet said: Since you are not typing it directly into the space given to you, you are supposed to write "Please see attachment" or something like that, and then you upload your SOP at the end, on the last page.

  9. Hi I need help with the personal statement. It says there's a limit of

    University College London (UCL). Founded in 1826, UCL was the first university established in London, as well as the first in England to be entirely secular, to admit students regardless of religion, and to admit women on equal terms.

  10. Applying for Graduate Taught Study at UCL

    This explains exactly what UCL can and cannot accept. Sending documents that cannot be accepted will delay your application being processed. A personal statement. Our personal statement guidance offers advice on writing an effective personal statement. If you need a visa to study at UCL you will need to provide a copy of your current passport ...

  11. UCL Personal statement word limit

    UCL Personal statement word limit. effloresce. 27 53. Posted Nov 03, 2011 15:33. I'm working on my UCL application now, and they state a character limit of 3000 for the main textbox for the personal statement. But they also state that if you exceed that, you can attach the full personal statement as a separate document.

  12. Insiders Guide to Getting into UCL

    Welcome to my insiders guide to getting into UCL (or getting your child into UCL). Perhaps youre only considering applying for UCL. I can confirm: you may as well firm your choice now. Its consistently in the top 10 universities in the world. Its second in the UK for research (these world class researchers will be your teachers).

  13. University College London

    Personal Statement:Economics 31. Personal Statement:Economics and Management 3. Personal Statement:Economics and Mathematics 2. Personal Statement:Mathematics and Economics 2. Personal Statement:Electrical and Electronic Engineering 5. Personal Statement:Electronic Engineering 3. Personal Statement:English 19.

  14. University College London Personal Statements

    UCL University Personal Statements. These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to University College London. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place. You can also view our entire collection of personal statements or view personal ...

  15. Analysis: How to write the best personal statement for university

    Every statement at UCL gets read and there are plenty of programmes where a well-written statement can make the difference. They may even be ranked. Be truthful. We can see through exaggerated claims and you may be asked to expand on something you have written in interview or at an open day. UCAS also checks each personal statement for plagiarism.

  16. FAQs for prospective students

    What is the application word count? You have two options to submit your personal statement. You can type your personal statement in the online application form, where there is a 3000-character limit, including spaces. Alternatively you can upload it as a separate document, which allows you to include more than 3000 characters. However, you ...

  17. Writing a personal statement

    75%-85% of the statement must be about the subject. Select only your best examples. Reflect on your experiences. Stay focused and relevant. Let your passion for your subject shine. Avoid clichés and bland, vague statements. Proofread before submitting.

  18. Writing an urban planning personal statement

    The personal statement demonstrates to your future tutors not only your relevant past educational, professional and life experiences, but also your passion for your chosen subject and how it fits with your future career goals. This guide shares some tips on what you should include in your statement. Whilst we've given generic examples, your ...

  19. Kings College London Personal Statement Length

    Generally speaking a personal statement for postgrad should be around 800 words. Anything over 1000 words is too long. Reply 3. 10 years ago. A. AcquaLife. 2. Well, mine was about 3 pages for the master's program there. I think i was the first to be accepted.

  20. Graduate degrees

    Come and join over 20,000 graduate students from 150+ countries, studying more than 650 graduate degree courses. ... allowing you to balance your study with professional and personal commitments. ... UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, offers PGCEs in Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education. ...

  21. Personal Statement Word Limit UAL

    Personal Statement Word Limit UAL. A. spacecowboy_89. When applying for a BA hons Film & Video, or for any BA Hons for that matter, is the word limit 200 words? Or is it the standard word limit of 4000 characters / 47 lines? I've been told varying things. :l. Thanks for your help.