
Essay on Government

Students are often asked to write an essay on Government in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Government

What is government.

Government is a group of people who make decisions and laws for a country. They are responsible for providing services like education, healthcare, and security to the public.

Types of Government

There are different types of governments, such as democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, and communism. In a democracy, people choose their leaders through voting.

Roles of Government

Governments have many roles. They protect citizens, make laws, and manage the economy. They also provide public services like schools and hospitals.

Importance of Government

Government is important because it maintains order, protects citizens, and provides necessary services. Without it, society would be chaotic.

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250 Words Essay on Government


The term ‘Government’ fundamentally signifies the governing body of a nation or state that exercises authority, controls, and administers public policy. It is the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states.

The Role of Government

The government plays a crucial role in society by ensuring the smooth functioning of the nation. It is responsible for maintaining law and order, protecting citizens’ rights, and providing public services. The government also shapes the economy by implementing policies that either stimulate or slow down economic growth.

Governments can be categorized into several types based on their structure and the extent of power they exercise. These include democracy, where power is vested in the people; monarchy, where power is held by a single ruler; and autocracy, where a single person holds unlimited power.

Government and Democracy

In democratic governments, citizens have the right to elect their representatives who make decisions on their behalf. This system promotes accountability, transparency, and the protection of individual rights. However, democracy’s success hinges on an informed and active citizenry that can hold the government accountable.

In conclusion, the government is a fundamental institution in any society. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining societal order, ensuring the welfare of its citizens, and driving the nation’s growth and development. The efficiency of a government is largely determined by its structure, the extent of its powers, and the level of citizen participation.

500 Words Essay on Government

Introduction to government.

Government, a fundamental construct of societal organization, is an institution that enforces rules and regulations, maintains order, and facilitates the smooth functioning of a country. It’s a complex mechanism that encompasses myriad aspects from legislation to implementation, and from diplomacy to defense.

The government’s primary role is to safeguard the rights and freedoms of its citizens. This involves ensuring the security of the people, maintaining law and order, and providing public goods and services. A government has the responsibility to protect its citizens from internal and external threats, which is why it maintains law enforcement agencies and a military.

The government also plays a crucial role in economic regulation and stabilization. By controlling monetary and fiscal policies, it can influence the country’s economic trajectory, ensuring growth, stability, and equity. Furthermore, the government is responsible for the provision of public goods and services such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social welfare programs.

Forms of Government

Governments come in various forms, each with its unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. Democracies are governments in which power is vested in the people, who exercise it directly or through elected representatives. Autocracies, on the other hand, are characterized by a single entity possessing all power, with little to no constraint on the exercise of that power.

In between these extremes, there are numerous variations, such as constitutional monarchies, where a monarch shares power with a constitutionally organized government, or oligarchies, where power rests with a small number of people.

The Importance of Good Governance

Good governance is integral to the effective functioning of a government. It is characterized by transparency, accountability, efficiency, and adherence to the rule of law. Good governance ensures that the government’s actions benefit the majority of the population and that public resources are used efficiently and ethically.

Transparency in government actions encourages public participation and holds the government accountable for its decisions. Accountability ensures that those in power can be held responsible for their actions. Efficiency in governance means that resources are used optimally to deliver maximum value to citizens.

Conclusion: The Evolving Role of Government

In today’s rapidly changing world, the role of government is evolving. With the advent of technology and globalization, governments are not just confined to traditional roles but are increasingly involved in areas such as digital infrastructure, climate change, and global health crises.

As we move forward, the challenge for governments worldwide will be to adapt to these changes and continue to serve their citizens effectively. Understanding the nature, role, and complexities of government is crucial for us as we navigate the political landscape of the 21st century.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Government And Society IELTS Essay: Writing Task 2 Samples

  • Updated On December 12, 2023
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

The IELTS Writing Task 2 can have a large variety of questions, so it can never be predicted which question you will get in the IELTS exam. However, there still are some common IELTS essay topics that many students have reported as repeated in the IELTS exam. Thus, the general theme or the essay topics can be determined. In this blog, we discuss Government And Society IELTS Essay.

Table of Contents

As an IELTS exam aspirant, it is important you go through as many common topics for Writing Task 2 as possible. One such common IELTS test theme is ‘government and society’. This theme can form a multitude of questions for the second writing task. Therefore, students should go through some sample answers for Government And Society IELTS Essays.

government and society ielts essay

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Types of Questions

There are several types of questions that can be framed from the theme of ‘government and society’ for Writing Task 2 in IELTS. Let’s take a look at the two primary kinds of possible questions that you may be presented within the exam:


These questions will describe two sides of an argument to you. You will be required to either discuss both and then give your opinion, or pick one side and give your opinion on why that is logical and more sound than the other side of the argument.

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Government And Society IELTS Essay: Writing Task 2 Samples

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Government And Society IELTS Essay: Writing Task 2 Samples


This type of question usually asks the aspirant to either enlist some advantages and disadvantages or mention some effects and possible solutions to a particular social problem. These questions can also ask you to share your opinion with the examiner in writing the essay.

Whatever the type of question you get in the exam, to get a good band score, there are some general tips that you should apply:

  • Using excellent vocabulary and grammar is important to get a high band score in writing (as well as in speaking).
  • Providing relevant examples is the secret to scoring well.
  • Taking help from a mentor whenever you get stuck throughout your preparation can be very helpful to ensure you get a good band score. For this purpose, you can explore online platforms like LeapScholar that offer outstanding mentorship and preparation courses for IELTS .

Sample Answers for Government And Society IELTS Essay

Sample answer 1.

Q: Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others think that even an individual can have a lot of influence on society. What is your opinion on the above statement? You should take about 40 minutes for this answer and write a minimum of 250 words.

Ans: It is often advocated that the leadership of a country holds the supreme power in its hands to be able to change society for the better and get rid of all its cons. However, this view is flawed in my opinion as I believe that without the cooperation of every individual, there is only so much the government can do for society’s betterment. The government can make strong policies and can mobilise resources for their execution, but the policy only yields the desired results when it is acted upon by all members of society. If the policy has been set in place, but no one acts in accordance with it, then it will never be able to achieve its stated primary objective. For instance, of late, many countries have come up with policies aligned with the goal of achieving lower carbon emissions by 2025. However, the individuals living in those countries assume a reckless attitude and hardly abide by the policy for curbing climate change. Hence, without individuals’ cooperation, the government cannot achieve any positive results. Moreover, the government’s efforts are often focused on driving results on a macro scale (nationwide). In contrast, an individual’s efforts will show results on a micro-level and can immediately lead to the betterment of society. The ruling party cannot become aware of all the problems their society faces in many regions. However, the people of the region will be well aware of the problems existing in their region. Thus, the individual holds more power to bring about immediate change in their locality with the help of the resources mobilised by the government on a large scale. For instance, if there is a flood in an Indian state, and the government comes up with an immediate disaster relief response, these efforts will bear more fruit when the individuals of the region cooperate in the rescue operations rather than leaving it all up to the politicians and their forces. In conclusion, I believe that individuals can bring about a more immediate impact on society when they work in tandem with the government.

Sample Answer 2

Q: The government should come up with policies to control the internet for reducing cybercrime and ensuring the safety of users. Do you agree or disagree?

Ans: The frequency of cybercrimes has rapidly surged in recent times and has become a cause of concern globally. With the aim of curbing the rate of cybercrime, some experts argue governments should regulate and control the various internet activities that users of a specific country engage in. I agree with this statement only partially because I believe the ambit of these policies should not be in violation of the fundamental rights of citizens. With the ever-increasing number of internet users, the incidence of cybercrimes is also on an upward trajectory. This can be controlled with government policies that protect users’ data. By protecting users’ private data online, the government can get ahead of online predators looking to commit crimes (especially financial and bureaucratic ones) by making use of that data. For instance, by installing a strong technological architecture in place, the government can protect its country’s users’ data. This will have a significant impact on curbing the rate of cybercrimes committed by stealing personal data. Moreover, by mandating the nation’s organisations increase transparency, the leadership can ensure that online crimes are controlled and eliminated. By asking organisations to clearly state the kind of data they will be extracted from their online users and to educate users about netiquette (‘net etiquette’), the government can significantly reduce the nation’s cybercrime rate. For instance, Instagram informs its users about the kind of content that will be viewed as offensive or inappropriate and can lead to legal action. This has resulted in bringing down the incidents of hate speech online and reduced the incidence of fraud through phishing schemes on the platform.

government and society ielts essay

In summary, governments should definitely put in place policies with the aim of reducing cybercrime. However, these steps should not undermine their citizens’ rights. A primary way forward to tackle this issue would entail raising awareness and establishing a strong online infrastructure. To gain a good band score, Government And Society IELTS Essay should be tackled with a clear thought process and excellent writing skills. Don’t forget to read more sample answers and keep practising!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i prepare for writing an essay for ielts task 2.

Ans: You should start your preparation by first strengthening your vocabulary and grammar. Thereon, you should start by  reading  through some of the high band scoring model answers online, and then try to write answers for some common questions yourself.

2. What mistakes should I avoid in the IELTS writing task?

Ans: Certain pitfalls to avoid during writing the IELTS essay for task 2 are: a. Not taking time in the beginning to map out your main ideas for every paragraph b. Not proofreading your essay as it can lead to spelling and grammatical errors c. Not providing relevant examples

3. How can I get a band score of 8 in the IELTS writing exam?

Ans: The key tips of writing a high band scoring essay for IELTS task 2 are- Wide showcase of vocabulary, great sentence structuring, giving good examples and ensuring coherence between paragraphs.

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Manisha Angre

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Home / Essay Samples / Government / American Government / The Role of Government in Society: Why is It Important

The Role of Government in Society: Why is It Important

  • Category: Government , Science
  • Topic: American Government , Global Governance , Political Culture

Pages: 3 (1450 words)

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Role of Government 

Function of government .

  • The main function of government is to protect basic human rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property rights. The idea of natural rights is due to the fact that everyone deserves these rights. These are the rights that a God gave humans beings when they were born. It is assumed that people are born with these rights and should not be stripped of them without their consent.
  • Government has a duty to fight poverty and improve the quality of life of its citizens. To achieve this, the government must create an environment that is good for prosperity and economic growth.
  • All modern governments accept the responsibility of protecting the political and social rights of their citizens.
  • Government can participate directly in the economy for promoting various economic activities.
  • The function of government is to form a more perfect Union.
  • Government is form to establish justice in the society.
  • Government can provide health services, education and welfare services to the peoples of the societies.
  • Government can promote the common well-being in the state or the country.
  • Government provides security to the peoples live within a country or a state.
  • The government provides public services because the public is happier if they are taken care of and they also need support.
  • It gives national security because the defense of a country must be structured to ensure the safety and health of its population
  • Government can sets the laws, rules and regulations in the country because we need rules to determine how well a nation works so people know how to act. To enforce the 'rule of law', the government must operate a system of laws and courts.
  • Managing foreign affairs is one of the most important functions that the government performs.
  • One of the most important functions of government is to protect civil liberties.

Significance of Government 

Branches of government .

  • Executive branch
  • Legislative branch
  • Judiciary branch

Executive Branch

Legislative branch, judiciary branch, levels of government .

  • Federal government
  • State and territory government
  • Local government

Federal Government

State and territory government, local government, system of government.

  • Unitary system
  • Federal system
  • Confederate system

Unitary System

Federal system, confederate system.

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