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Thursday 1 september 2016, writing - article (gotong-royong).

english essay gotong royong

TIPS : read the question and highlight the format of the essay make sure the essay should be in PRESENT TENSE or PAST TENSE


Thanks harap harap keluar pt3 2017 #Skraa

english essay gotong royong

I'm lazy to do essay

Apabila masing-masing mencari contoh essay about environment and gotong-royong ��

kepala bana ko

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Tq very helpful

Thank , nice .your essay so good

Kekurangan pada karangan ini : Melebihi patah perkataan

Macam mana nk buat ayat ni 🤔😩😩

😞Harap harap boleh

that help for me


Definition of Gotong Royong and its Benefits and Examples

Understanding Gotong Royong  – Gotong royong is one of the characteristics that is still inherent in the life of Indonesian society. Broadly speaking, gotong royong is contained in Pancasila in the third precept which reads Unity of Indonesia.

Table of Contents

Gotong royong is ingrained and has even become the personality of the nation, as well as a culture that is firmly rooted in people’s lives. In addition, as part of social life, almost all regions in Indonesia instill the value of gotong royong.

Gotong-royong comes from the word gotong means work and royong means together. In order to find out a more complete explanation regarding mutual cooperation. Let’s pay attention to the discussion below.

A. Definition of Gotong Royong

english essay gotong royong

The definition of gotong royong has various explanations with the same meaning, including:

1. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), states that gotong royong means working together. Such as helping each other, or helping to help among members in a community.

2. According to Pudjiwati Sakjoyo

According to Pudjiwati Sakjoyo, which she wrote in the book Rural Sociology, stated that gotong-royong is a custom of mutual help between people in various fields of social activity, be it according to kinship, neighbors, and practical efficient relations, as well as other collaborations. .

3. According to Koentjaraningrat

Based on Koentjaraningrat which he wrote in a book entitled Introduction to Anthropology, stated that mutual cooperation is a form of cooperation where a person is said to be a believer if he loves his brother as he loves himself.

B. Benefits and Purpose of Gotong Royong

The benefits and objectives of mutual cooperation carried out by the community include:

1. Growing a sense and attitude of helping each other, volunteering, helping each other, and having a family nature.

2. Fostering good social relations with the surrounding community.

3. Creating a sense of togetherness and fostering a sense of affection.

4. Strengthening friendship or brotherhood.

5. Lighten the work and save time in completing a job.

6. Increasing work productivity.

7. The creation of a sense of unity and oneness in the surrounding environment.

Benefits and Purpose of Gotong Royong

C. Types of Gotong Royong

Gotong royong is divided into various types, such as:

1. Community Service

Community service is a joint activity in a social environment of the surrounding community. This activity is a form of being able to increase the sense of mutual help and care among others.

2. Disaster Response

Disaster response is a response from the community to work together in a condition affected by a disaster. The disaster response activity was formed from a sense of concern for the surrounding community to help others who were in a difficult situation.

3. Deliberation

Deliberation is a medium for reaching consensus and gathering with the aim of solving problems and making decisions together.

With deliberation, the community can exchange thoughts and opinions with the aim of reaching the expected consensus and mutual benefit for all parties.

4. Great Harvest

The main harvest is the condition of the harvest season on a large scale from all types of agriculture. This harvest season generally occurs within a year twice or depending on the type of plant planted.

5. Study Together

Studying together is also included in the type of mutual cooperation, where a student and a student try to complete difficult material together until it is finished. As well as implementing knowledge as best as possible.

D. Mutual Cooperation Values

Gotong royong has mutual cooperation values ​​contained in it, including:

3. Socialization

4. Volunteer

5. Please Help

E. Characteristics of Mutual Cooperation

Gotong royong has several characteristics that you must know and understand, including the following:

1. Gotong-royong is one of the basic characteristics that is the pre-eminence of the Indonesian people and is not shared by citizens of other countries.

2. With gotong royong, many people have a high sense of caring and togetherness is created in every activity carried out together. As well as having noble values ​​from ancient times to the present for generations.

3. Gotong royong highly upholds the values ​​of humanity and concern for others. In gotong royong activities, all activities and work are carried out together. Does not discriminate or look at the position and degree of a person.

4. Gotong royong also has the meaning of helping each other to achieve harmony and happiness in living life in society.

5. Mutual cooperation activities are also carried out voluntarily so that they do not expect any reward or reward.

F. Example of Gotong Royong

Example of Gotong Royong

You can do mutual cooperation anywhere. Here are some examples of mutual cooperation that you can do, including:

1. In the School Environment

Gotong royong in the school environment, such as:

  • Clean class together.
  • Do community service activities, for example cleaning the school yard together.
  • Doing group assignments together and fairly.

2. Within the Community

Gotong royong in the community, such as:

  • Mutual cooperation in building mosques.
  • Mutual cooperation in carrying out agricultural activities, such as planting and harvesting agricultural products.
  • Mutual cooperation when repairing the house.
  • Community service cleaning the village environment.
  • Mutual cooperation builds bridges between villages.

G. Efforts to Preserve Mutual Cooperation

Efforts to preserve gotong royong are one of the hopes of all members of the community so that the spirit of gotong royong will always exist and remain sustainable. Don’t let this fade away as the digital age advances. Therefore, several efforts are needed to preserve mutual cooperation behavior so that it can survive. Here are some efforts you can take to preserve mutual cooperation, including:

1. In preserving the attitude of mutual cooperation, you need the awareness of all parties or members of the community to have an attitude of being willing to sacrifice for the public interest.

2. Reducing and minimizing a number of assumptions that reveal that mutual cooperation behavior is not important to do. In this way, it is possible to motivate the community and make them aware that instilling mutual cooperation is important and needs to be done.

3. There is no society that uses certain things or cases, such as race to ride it with mutual cooperation behavior. If this is done, it will hurt and tarnish the values ​​contained in the mutual cooperation attitude.

4. Reducing the distance that exists between layers and members of society. With that in mind, of course when you want to do mutual cooperation, each individual has the potential to feel awkward.

5. You need the government’s role to continue to voice the importance of mutual cooperation.

Well, that’s information related to mutual cooperation. Hopefully the discussion on gotng royong above can be useful and help you. And always maintain mutual cooperation.

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How to Say “Gotong Royong” in English: Formal and Informal Ways

Learning how to translate specific cultural terms from one language to another can be both challenging and intriguing. If you are looking for the translation of the Indonesian term “gotong royong” into English, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the different ways to express and explain the concept of “gotong royong” in English, whether formally or informally. Additionally, we’ll provide you with tips, examples, and even a brief overview of its cultural significance. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Formal Translation of “Gotong Royong” in English

“Gotong Royong” is a traditional Indonesian value that encapsulates the spirit of mutual cooperation and community collaboration. While it doesn’t have a direct one-word translation in English, the closest formal equivalent would be “community collaboration” or “community cooperation.”

Examples of Formal Usage:

  • “Our community organized a gotong royong event to clean up the park.”
  • “The village promotes gotong royong to build a stronger sense of togetherness.”
  • “The spirit of gotong royong is deeply ingrained in their society.”

When using the term in a more formal context, it’s crucial to provide a brief explanation or definition to ensure that non-Indonesian speakers can understand the concept fully.

Informal Ways to Express “Gotong Royong” in English

In informal conversation or when discussing the concept with friends, colleagues, or family, you might choose to utilize more colloquial phrases rather than a formal translation. Below are some popular informal alternatives that effectively capture the essence of “gotong royong” in English.

1. Mutual Aid

The phrase “mutual aid” emphasizes the reciprocal support and assistance provided within a community or group.

“Neighbors came together in a spirit of mutual aid to rebuild the playground.”

2. Working Together

This phrase focuses on the cooperative effort involved in carrying out a task or achieving a goal collectively.

“The success of this project relies on our ability to work together as a team.”

3. Coming Together as a Community

Highlighting the unity and collaboration within a community, this phrase epitomizes the essence of “gotong royong.”

“The residents are coming together as a community to address the issue of litter in the neighborhood.”

These informal expressions can be used interchangeably, depending on the context and the level of formality required in a conversation. They beautifully convey the same sense of collective effort found in “gotong royong.”

The Cultural Significance of “Gotong Royong”

“Gotong Royong” is deeply ingrained in Indonesian culture. It represents an essential aspect of community life, promoting collaboration, solidarity, and a shared responsibility for the common good. Whether it’s organizing a local event, carrying out public services, or participating in communal activities, the spirit of “gotong royong” strengthens social bonds while fulfilling practical needs.

It’s important to recognize that “gotong royong” extends beyond mere cooperation. It reflects a sense of unity and togetherness in Indonesian society, fostering a collective identity and a warm communal spirit.

Now that you’re equipped with both the formal and informal ways of expressing “gotong royong” in English, you can effectively communicate this Indonesian concept to non-Indonesian speakers. Embrace the value of community collaboration, and let it inspire you to create a stronger sense of togetherness within your own community, wherever you may be.

About The Author

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Danny Colton

Gotong royong community is one of shared responsibility


It is certainly worthwhile to rekindle the gotong royong spirit in our communities, but its worthiness goes beyond protecting vulnerable segments of our society from domestic abuse (“Revive gotong royong spirit to help neighbours in need”; Aug 6).

The approximate meaning of the Indonesian phrase “gotong royong” is mutual help and the sharing of burdens. It goes hand in hand with the kampung spirit, the spirit of community and neighbourliness.

These two phrases describe a community that lives together and is deeply invested in one another’s well-being, sharing not only joys but also burdens.

A community with gotong royong would not content itself with keeping tabs on neighbours and reporting suspected domestic problems to the authorities. Doing that alone would create a vigilante community.

A gotong royong community would shoulder shared responsibility for one another, be involved in preventing conflicts and help find solutions when they arise — by intervening and rendering aid, comfort and counsel as and when the need arises.

It would engage in root-cause analysis and labour together to treat the ailments and not only the symptoms. Such a community would be able to do this because its members have intentionally reached out and transformed neighbours into friends.

In time, these friends treat one another like family, born not of blood ties but of mutual consideration and trust.

This deep understanding, cultivated over time, would allow them to be sensitive to the needs of others in the community, without being intrusive.

Bringing back this gotong royong spirit is an ambitious goal, but we can start with that first step to make friends of our neighbours.

We can do more for our community with a smile and a wave, a shared meal or a listening ear, than stomping around with a mobile phone camera.

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  • Gotong royong: Indonesia's gift to global community

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Gotong royong: indonesia's gift to global community.

  • March 31, 2022 21:04 GMT+700

Gotong royong: Indonesia's gift to global community

Translator: Indriani, Mecca Yumna Editor: Sri Haryati Copyright © ANTARA 2022

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english essay gotong royong

Indonesian Gotong Royong (Mutual Assistance), Traditional Communal work for the community detail

A project prototype by siska nelson.

Students will immerse themselves in eastern culture of working together in a community. In Indonesia the idea of social interaction is collective, consensual and cooperative. Many key terms in Indonesian nature of society related to this ideological basis, one of them is Gotong royong. Gotong royong in literal meaning is “mutual assistance”. Gotong Royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society. The idea of Gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community. This interaction can develop towards meaningful long lasting friendships between the members of community and build trust. A gotong royong community would shared responsibility and prevent conflict in between the community members. It's a social solidarity in society within smaller bubbles of community. Gotong royong can happen in many social activities such as Kerja Bakti or traditional communal work (cooperative labor) to clean the environment in the neighborhood. Another example in Gotong Royong is the culture of helping the neighbor who will hold a wedding party (or other types of gatherings), by helping them with funds, food or even labor. After time, this particular neighbor will hold the same responsibility towards other members of the community and do the same thing, which means to provide help to someone in need. Many other examples can be mentioned in this social interaction to include, cleaning the neighborhood, building houses, irrigation, clearing fields, etc. This act of communal labor also have been done by military forces to help out disasters affected areas or for celebrating important day such as independence day, heroes day, etc. in their community.

In this project, students will have to create a list kerja bakti or gotong royong  activities that they can think of. The list then should be  posted in http://www.kaskus.co.id/ or https://numpta.com/ or http://idws.id/ , these are indonesian forums where they can post a thread and ask local indonesian of what they think about the list and ask indonesians if the activities on the list is can be considered as a form of kerja bakti as their end product. The result should be documented and post it in the students blog. In the long run they may choose from the list of the activities that was discussed that is considered as gotong royong and launch it as their perpetual new project.

Preparing for the Project

Discussion of culture, listening to a song, launching the project, brainstorming of ideas, discussion of pay it forward culture, managing the project.

Tasks not specified.

Implementation Info

Implementation information not specified.

Provide students with a short video of collectivist culture vs individualist culture differences in L1

video:  collectivist vs. individualist culture

From the video provided student should discuss about collectivist vs. individualist

click on the hyperlink

Lack of understanding about the difference of collectivist and individualist culture.

Watch and listen to this Song , ask student about the general idea of what they hear and what this activity talk about. The song will have subtitles and the speech will be slow.

The choice of the words in song might be to advanced

Ask students if they have volunteered in the community and what they think about it (ask if they agree or disagree that someone have to volunteer their time at some point in their life, whether its for the local humanity organization or for an event) this can be done by raising hands or using stickies and put it in one place

Brainstorm in answergarden.com about:

What is considered as community work activities and things you can do for your neighbor or in the neighborhood.

People, person or organization you can help

Places to do community work

Collect the answer and create a vocabulary list from the answer

Vocabulary Topics needed: Environment, society, Cooperation, neighborhood social interaction, Cooperation.

Students will have to decide whether Pay-it-Forward culture can be categorized as collectivist culture or individualist culture.

Students have to get the discussion going and give reasoning behind it

The video is  here

copy/insert link /media/pbllrepo/uploads/Gotong_Royong_Activity_1.docx

Click, copy, and paste.

Type what you see and whether you think this might be related to your job

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Kampong Spirit and Gotong Royong

The phrase “ kampong spirit” has been mentioned frequently in recent years, especially in the media or used by the community leaders in their speech. Another phrase “ gotong royong “, a term widely used in the sixties and seventies but relatively unknown to the younger generations, is also occasionally making its rounds, most notably by current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at a book launch at Kampong Radin Mas early this month.

Definition of Gotong Royong

So what is gotong royong ? Originated from Indonesia, the phrase is translated into English as “cooperation in a community” or “communal helping of one another”, but the closet interpretation is perhaps “mutual aid”. Gotong royong involves the spirit of volunteerism, and working together for the benefits of the residents living in the same community. It promoted a selfless approach that proved beneficial to the building up of cultural identity among the people.

gotong royong at kembangan 1971

Community Spirit in Other Countries

In other parts of the world, the promotion of community spirit has been a social policy for many governments. It takes on many names such as gadugi (Native American), talkoot (Finnish), bayanihan (Filipino), harambee (Kenyan), imece (Turkish) and meitheal (Irish). For centuries, the dream of building an idealistic society, otherwise known as the utopia, was heavily sought after, but often resulted in catastrophic failure when the method used was too extreme. China’s state policy (in 1958) of a peoples’ commune, where everything from kitchens and tables to farms and food were shared and distributed among the people, was one of the examples.

national servicemen kampong clearance 1971

In Southeast Asia, nationalism was on the rise after the Second World War. Indonesia’s first president Sukarno actively pursued the idea of gotong royong as a way of Indonesian life in a newly-independent nation. In Malaysia, gotong royong was embraced as part of a collaborative practice in the Malay traditions and customs, and was even determined as one of the important socio-economic values in its National Cultural Policy in 1973.

Gotong Royong in Singapore

Singapore of the sixties and seventies provided the ideal environment for the growth of the spirit of gotong royong . Fresh from independence, Singapore was struggling with its economy and national identity.

singapore poly freshmen gotong royong 1967

The horrors of bus strikes and school riots appeared vivid in the people’s minds, and the racial tension was still high. The rural areas, though, were relatively more peaceful and harmonious. Residents living in multi-racial villages continued to look out for each others in the turbulent years.

The kampong spirit was more than just little aspects of daily life such as borrowing a few pinch of salt and a couple of eggs or sharing a dish. The neighbours were able to share and help out one another based on trust and friendship, forging bonds and strong ties within the community.

gotong royong by national youth leadership training institute 1970s

Gotong royong , on the other hand, was promoted through the voluntary works by the national servicemen, students and committee members, that included clearing paths, paving roads, filling up potholes and repairing houses that were damaged by thunderstorms or floods. The filth and stench might put off, but majority of the volunteers would be touched by the overwhelming appreciation and gratitude shown by the kampong residents.

Time Changes

As Singapore began to ramp up its public housings and new townships in the late seventies, many residents living in the kampongs were resettled at the new HDB flats. The government tried to encourage the practice of neighbourhood watch, as the flat owners now lived closely to one another, shared by the long common corridors. It could be considered an alternate form of community spirit, but even so, the spirit was gradually diluting as time passed.

Dubbed as one of the four Asian tigers (or little dragons), Singapore was enjoying its high growth and economic success in the eighties and nineties. The standard living of an average Singapore family improved, and a younger generation of competitive Singaporeans began to pursue the so-called materialistic 5C dream (Cash, Car, Credit card, Condominium and Country club membership). Long hours of work resulted in lesser interactions between neighbours; every family became contended to live in their cozy worlds behind closed doors.

As Singapore entered into the new millennium, the society geared up its competitive nature and focused more on results and profits. This did create a more efficient system, but it also widened the gaps between the people. More became self-centred and individualistic. The massive influx of foreigners further divided the society. For the first time since independence, Singapore’s own unique culture and identity, forged and strengthened through decades of nation building, faced the risks of dilution.

We will then have to ask ourselves: can the kampong spirit and  gotong royong spirit be truly revived again?

Published: 17 September 2013

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5 Responses to Kampong Spirit and Gotong Royong

' src=

Hi Maureen.

Here’s an article. http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_1773_2011-03-25.html

And pictures http://www.singas.co.uk/HTML/singapore_in_the__60s.html

Former NAAFI & SAF NCO Club

More articles http://goodmorningyesterday.blogspot.sg/2007/07/our-history-goes-back-further-than-that.html

Beach Road Pt.1 – NCO Club

' src=

I grew up in a HDB flat but was fortunate enough to experience gotong royong at work. Parents trusted our neighbours and would often leave our house keys with neighbours so that we can collect from them when we returned from school. From my experience in grassroots work in a mature estate, the kampong spirit is very present, especially amongst the older residents who moved into HDB flats from the kampongs.

Have to admit gotong royong is gradually dwindling. All the more important that we continue to create opportunities to boost the flagging kampong spirit.

' src=

There is a small road, off Upper Paya Lebar Road, named Jalan Gotong Royong. It was named after the spirit of gotong royong 🙂

Archive of the news:

S’pore needs ‘ gotong royong ’ spirit to do well: PM Lee Channel NewsAsia, 1 Sep 2013

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said the strong community spirit present in kampongs should still be maintained today for Singapore to do well. Mr Lee made these comments at a book launch, specially held for former residents of Kampong Radin Mas.

Kampong Radin Mas is believed to be among the oldest villages in Singapore. While it was the birth place to many Malay-Muslim institutions, Mr Lee said it also produced leaders who made important contributions in politics, as well as in arts and culture.

He asked: “How did Radin Mas produce so many talented people? Some people said it’s because of the ‘air pancur’ – the spring water, which flowed from Mount Faber to the kampong. Others said maybe it was the ice ball kacang, or the kuti kuti and the kana. All the sights and sounds and colours and activities of the old kampong.

“But everybody agrees that the ‘gotong royong’ spirit had a lot to do with it, where people help one another, where everybody knew everyone else and each spurred the other to go on and do their best.

“Even today, when we are in HDB flats – much bigger towns, not a few hundred people, but hundred thousand people perhaps – it’s still necessary for us to maintain that strong community spirit for us to do well.”

The book “A Village Remembered: Kampong Radin Mas 1800s To 1973” documents life in Radin Mas village before it was demolished in 1973 to make way for a satellite town. The book recounts the origins of the village, famous landmarks in Radin Mas and even has some ghost stories. It also gives some examples of how the community worked together.

Former Minister of Social Affairs Othman Wok said: “I remember this old man. He used to come to sell things in the kampong and one day after the rain, he slipped and fell down. All his things went all over the place. So the people laughed. They thought it was very funny. But not my mother – she came down and helped the hawker to take all his things, wash everything, and he was very grateful.”

The government said one way the community spirit can be re-invented today is through common amenities. Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications and Information and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs, said: “I think this is something for us to think about as we go forward, as we build the new Singapore.

“How do we build communities is an important point as we bring people together. I suppose HDB, our land agencies, would have to think about it very carefully. It is nice to build nice buildings, but I think it is also the facilities which are important, where people can come and congregate.”

The book is based on historical documents and interviews with former and current residents.

At Punggol Waterway…

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Latihan Soal Pen. Pancasila Gotong Royong

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Saturday 18 october 2008, what is gotong-royong in english.

english essay gotong royong

LOOOOL, ditto! I was just googling around for it's translation (which is how I stumbled on your blog) because my colleague really needed the meaning fast. All I could get was "mutual aid" but that doesn't seem to sound right.

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Diane Charpentier

Gotong royong in english essay : 2.

The idea of gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community. Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society. One day, there was a thunderstorm. An essay', journal of indonesian social sciences and . Here i have a sample of articles essay for your reference.

Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, . Essay Writing Worksheets And Online Exercises

I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay.

Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, . Contextual translation of telah mengadakan gotong royong into english. I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. Here i have a sample of articles essay for your reference. Nordholt, henk schulte, 'identity politics, citizenship and the soft state in indonesia: T his essay is an ethnographic exploration of the politics of cultural representation in indonesia. The idea of gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community. An essay', journal of indonesian social sciences and . Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society. Organizing a gotong royong for the purpose not only clears away the rubbish, it is also a useful method for the residents of a locality to become more . One day, there was a thunderstorm. All of the sudden, you called me and .

Nordholt, henk schulte, 'identity politics, citizenship and the soft state in indonesia: Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, .

Here i have a sample of articles essay for your reference. Pdf Gotong Royong As Social Capital To Overcome Micro And Small Enterprises Capital Difficulties

Organizing a gotong royong for the purpose not only clears away the rubbish, it is also a useful method for the residents of a locality to become more .

Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society. T his essay is an ethnographic exploration of the politics of cultural representation in indonesia. Organizing a gotong royong for the purpose not only clears away the rubbish, it is also a useful method for the residents of a locality to become more . Nordholt, henk schulte, 'identity politics, citizenship and the soft state in indonesia: One day, there was a thunderstorm. Here i have a sample of articles essay for your reference. Contextual translation of telah mengadakan gotong royong into english. All of the sudden, you called me and . Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, . I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. An essay', journal of indonesian social sciences and . The idea of gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community.

I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. Nordholt, henk schulte, 'identity politics, citizenship and the soft state in indonesia: An essay', journal of indonesian social sciences and . Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, . The idea of gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community.

Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society. A Visit To Seri Kasih Orphanage Home Free Essay Example

The idea of gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community.

Organizing a gotong royong for the purpose not only clears away the rubbish, it is also a useful method for the residents of a locality to become more . I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. Contextual translation of telah mengadakan gotong royong into english. T his essay is an ethnographic exploration of the politics of cultural representation in indonesia. An essay', journal of indonesian social sciences and . Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, . Here i have a sample of articles essay for your reference. The idea of gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community. Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society. Nordholt, henk schulte, 'identity politics, citizenship and the soft state in indonesia: All of the sudden, you called me and . One day, there was a thunderstorm.

Gotong Royong In English Essay : 2 . Here i have a sample of articles essay for your reference. Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, . One day, there was a thunderstorm. I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. Nordholt, henk schulte, 'identity politics, citizenship and the soft state in indonesia: Organizing a gotong royong for the purpose not only clears away the rubbish, it is also a useful method for the residents of a locality to become more .

I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. Gotong Royong Pengertian Manfaat Kegiatan Contoh

Contextual translation of telah mengadakan gotong royong into english. Here i have a sample of articles essay for your reference. Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, .

T his essay is an ethnographic exploration of the politics of cultural representation in indonesia. 12 Set English Essay

I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. Organizing a gotong royong for the purpose not only clears away the rubbish, it is also a useful method for the residents of a locality to become more . The idea of gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community. Contextual translation of telah mengadakan gotong royong into english.

Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society. English Year 6 Remedial Program

Contextual translation of telah mengadakan gotong royong into english. Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, . The idea of gotong royong is sharing of burdens between the member of community. One day, there was a thunderstorm. Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society. An essay', journal of indonesian social sciences and .

All of the sudden, you called me and . National Unity Comprehensive Essay Outlines 2019 Syllabus History H2 Gcealevel Thinkswap

T his essay is an ethnographic exploration of the politics of cultural representation in indonesia. Nordholt, henk schulte, 'identity politics, citizenship and the soft state in indonesia: Organizing a gotong royong for the purpose not only clears away the rubbish, it is also a useful method for the residents of a locality to become more . Means shoulder to shoulder in carrying out activities that aim to build a comprehensive benefit, .

I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. Doc English Module Paper Mahes Wary Academia Edu

Contextual translation of telah mengadakan gotong royong into english.

An essay', journal of indonesian social sciences and . 2

Nordholt, henk schulte, 'identity politics, citizenship and the soft state in indonesia:

One day, there was a thunderstorm. Pdf Pragmatics In Efl Classroom Avoiding Pragmatic Failure In Cross Cultural Communication

Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society.

I was so engross studying world history and writing an essay. Gotong Royong As Social Citizenship In Indonesia 1940s To 1990s Journal Of Southeast Asian Studies Cambridge Core

T his essay is an ethnographic exploration of the politics of cultural representation in indonesia.

T his essay is an ethnographic exploration of the politics of cultural representation in indonesia. Pdf The Rhetorical Organisation Of English Argumentative Essays By Malay Esl Students The Placement Of Thesis Statement

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Gotong royong berasal dari bahasa....

Sebuah nilai yang menunjukkan adanya perilaku dan sikap kerukunan serta kerja sama dalam masyarakat yang beragam, yaitu hidup ....

gotong royong

gotong kosong

royong gotong

gotong gotong

Gotong royong merupakan ... semua warga masyarakat.

Pilihan jawaban

tanggung jawab

Manfaat dari gotong royong adalah ....

menumbuhkan rasa perselisihan antar warga

meningkatkan rasa persaingan antar sesama

meringankan beban, waktu, dan biaya

menambah beban, waktu, dan biaya

Gotong royong merupakan modal terwujudnya suasana masyarakat yang ...

penuh ketegangan

Nilai-nilai positif dalam gotong royong antara lain, adalah ....

keuntungan dan persatuan

keuntungan dan balas jasa

kebersamaan dan keuntungan

kebersamaan dan persatuan

bentuk semangat gotong royong yang di lakukan di sekolah adalah ....

bersama-sama melaksanakan tugas piket di ruang kelas.

bersama-sama membantu ibu menyiapkan makanan di dapur.

bekerja sama memelihara tanaman di lingkungan sekitar rumah.

bekerja sama membersihkan lingkungan rumah.

Bentuk semangat gotong royong yang di lakukan di rumah adalah ....

bersama-sama menengok ke rumah teman yang sedang sakit.

belajar bersama dengan teman-teman di dekat lingkungan rumah.

mempelajari tarian tradisional dari daerah lain.

membantu teman yang kesulitan memahami pelajaran di sekolah.

Dalam gotong royong tidak ada ... antara yang satu dengan yang lain.

rasa kekeluargaan

dalam bekerjasama, semua pihak harus mendahulukan kepentingan

kerjasama dalam pengelolaan sawah bernama Subak terdapat pada daerah

kerja sama antara orang per orangan atau antarkelompok untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu dengsn suatu perjanjian saling menukar barang, jasa, kekuasaan atau jabatan disebut


kerja sama bidang kehidupan ekonomi berlandaskan pada pasal

pasal 34 ayat 1 dan 4

pasal 34 ayat 2 dan 3

pasal 33 ayat 1 dan 4

pasal 33 ayat 2 dan 3

kerja sama dengan cara rela menerima unsur baru dari pihak lain disebut

berikut adalah sikap yang perlu dihindari dalam kerjasama (kecuali)


Saling membantu antarsesama manusia adalah penegrtian dari ... .

tolong menolong

minta tolong

meminta bantuan

Pernyataan di bawah ini yang benar adalah ... .

manusia dapat hidup sendiri

manusia tidak membutuhkan orang lain

manusia tidak dapat hidup sendiri namun membutuhkan orang lain

Tidak mengharapkan imbalan dari orang yang ditolong adalah arti dari ... .

Contoh sikap tolong menolong adalah ... .

mengumpulkan sumbangan untuk korban covid 19

membiarkan dan melihat ibu yang bawa belanjaan dari pasar

menertawakan teman yang terjatuh dari sepeda

Pernyataan yang tidak termasuk manfaat tolong menolong adalah ... .

meringankan beban orang lain

menumbuhkan kerukunan antarsesama manusia

membuat orang lain merasa dirugikan

Contoh kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan cara bergotong royong adalah ... .

membersihkan halaman sekolah

mengerjakan soal ulangan

menyelesaikan penilaian keterampilan Matematika

Menciptakan rasa persatuan dan kesatuan dalam lingkungan merupakan ... dari gotong royong.

Membangun Poskamling adalah contoh gotong royong di ... .

Menyiapkan makanan untuk keluarga adalah contoh gotong royong yang dilakukan di ... .

Sikap tolong menolong sesuai dengan pengamalan Pancasila sila ke ... .

Agar kerukunan tetap terjaga maka ketika menolong tidak oleh ... suku, agama, ataupun ras.


Sikap tolong menolong akan menumbuhkan sikap ... .


Ketika ada teman yang kesusahan sebaiknya kita ... .

Hidup sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tidak berlebih-lebihan adalah arti dari ... .

hidup mewah

hidup sederhana

Orang yang memiliki gaya hidup sederhana maka akan bersikap ... .

rendah hati

Orang yang hidup sederhana akan mendahulukan ... .

Dengan hidup sederhana maka akan membuat kita untuk ... dengan sesama.

mau menang sendiri

Selain membuat kita peduli, manfaat hidup sederhana adalah memiliki rasa ... yang tinggi.




Felix di rumah memiliki 3 tas sekolah. Ketika di sekolah, Felix melihat temannya memakai tas model terbaru. Sesampainya di rumah Felix merengek-rengek kepada Papanya untuk dibelikan tas seperti yang dimiliki oleh temannya. Sikap Felix termasuk hanya menuruti ... .

mendahulukan kebutuhan dari pada keinginan

mendahulukan keinginan dari pada kebutuhan

antara keingina dan kebutuhan harus seimbang

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  1. English Gotong Royong Essay Upsr / Upsr Useful Resource For Bm 2014

    english essay gotong royong

  2. Essay

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  3. Gotong Royong In English Essay : 2

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  6. Gotong Royong In English Essay : 2

    english essay gotong royong



    The gotong-royong began at 7.30 in the morning. The Form five students cleared up the rubbish left around in the school compound. While, other students set to work, clearing and washing the drains. Two of the English Language Society members had brought lawn mowers and began mowing the grass on the school field.

  2. Communal work

    Gotong-royong is a conception of sociality ethos familiar to Indonesia. ... In a 1983 essay Clifford Geertz points to the importance of gotong royong in Indonesian life: ... It is in English and in Filipino with regular news and articles on Philippine current events and history. It was established in October 1998 in Sydney, Australia.

  3. Definition of Gotong Royong and its Benefits and Examples

    Benefits and Purpose of Gotong Royong C. Types of Gotong Royong. Gotong royong is divided into various types, such as: 1. Community Service. Community service is a joint activity in a social environment of the surrounding community. This activity is a form of being able to increase the sense of mutual help and care among others. 2. Disaster ...

  4. How to Say "Gotong Royong" in English: Formal and Informal Ways

    Below are some popular informal alternatives that effectively capture the essence of "gotong royong" in English. 1. Mutual Aid. The phrase "mutual aid" emphasizes the reciprocal support and assistance provided within a community or group. "Neighbors came together in a spirit of mutual aid to rebuild the playground.". 2.

  5. Gotong royong community is one of shared responsibility

    The approximate meaning of the Indonesian phrase "gotong royong" is mutual help and the sharing of burdens. It goes hand in hand with the kampung spirit, the spirit of community and ...

  6. Gotong royong: Indonesia's gift to global community

    Gotong royong as a mindset must be taught through actual practice, and not just discourse. This can be done through activities involving collaboration at the school, family, and community levels. He opined that hard times truly test if people uphold the value of gotong royong. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian people showed their mutual ...

  7. Full article: The restoration of gotong royong as a form of post

    Gotong royong made a comeback building upon pre-existing structures of political leadership and social co-operation, which shaped to the form it took after the earthquakes in 2018. Gotong royong had waned in recent years (Tomo et al. Citation 2020 ) but was seen to recommence due to the abrupt natural event.

  8. NFLRC PBLL Repository

    Gotong royong can happen in many social activities such as Kerja Bakti or traditional communal work (cooperative labor) to clean the environment in the neighborhood. Another example in Gotong Royong is the culture of helping the neighbor who will hold a wedding party (or other types of gatherings), by helping them with funds, food or even labor

  9. Year 6 essay practice (gotong royong in school) worksheet

    Year 6 essay practice (gotong royong in school) Year 6 essay practice (gotong royong in school) Mohd Fairuz Raziman Mohd Hijazi. Member for 3 years 9 months Age: 11-15. Level: year 6. Language: English (en) ID: 1518991. 13/10/2021. Country code: MY. Country: Malaysia. School subject: English language (1061957) Main content: Essay writing (2011199)

  10. Kampong Spirit and Gotong Royong

    The phrase "kampong spirit" has been mentioned frequently in recent years, especially in the media or used by the community leaders in their speech. Another phrase "gotong royong", a term widely used in the sixties and seventies but relatively unknown to the younger generations, is also occasionally making its rounds, most notably by current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at a book ...

  11. 'Gotong-Royong' to Clean Up School

    The word 'gotong-royong' means to do an activity (usually cleaning a place) together as a community (i.e. neighbours, school, etc.). This is suitable for intermediate foreign learners of English. This is a reading task made when I was a trainee. I adapted a newspaper article from The Star. The word 'gotong-royong' means to do an activity ...

  12. Tapera memupuk budaya gotong-royong pembangunan rumah di Indonesia

    Melalui kegiatan gotong royong, masyarakat dapat membangun hubungan sosial yang lebih baik. Kehadiran Dana Tapera bisa menjadi pemicu untuk mengadakan pertemuan rutin dan kegiatan sosial lainnya yang memperkuat ikatan antarwarga. Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam program pemupukan Dana Tapera juga mendorong inovasi dan kreativitas.


    goyangan. gradasi. graduil. grafik. grafik jantung. grafika. grafis. Search for more words in the English-Czech dictionary. Translation for 'gotong-royong' in the free Indonesian-English dictionary and many other English translations.

  14. Latihan Soal Pen. Pancasila Gotong Royong worksheet

    06/03/2023. Country code: ID. Country: Indonesia. School subject: Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) (1061906) Main content: Gotongroyong (2015282) From worksheet author: latihan soal materi gotongroyong. Other contents: Housework.

  15. PDF Gotong Royong Sebagai Budaya Bangsa Indonesia Ditinjau Dari Teori Nilai

    Merujuk pada gotong royong sebagai identitas bangsa maka dalam dunia pendidikan, konsep gotong royong mulai diajarkan di sekolah dasar hingga jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) sebagai pendidikan penguatan karakter. Kemendikbud dalam situs resminya https://cerdasberkarakter.kemdikbud.go.id menyebutkan nilai gotong royong diajarkan sejak

  16. Program Gotong-royong Komuniti Di Rumah Pangsa Waller Court

    Program gotong-royong ini amat bertepatan sekali dengan Sambutan Kemerdekaan kerana ia dapat mengeratkan lagi ikatan silaturrahim serta interaksi sesama penduduk setempat, di samping melahirkan sikap toleransi di kalangan mereka. Hubungan silaturrahim yang erat amat penting dalam memastikan negara kita terus aman dan maju.

  17. A Gotong Royong in KG Melor

    A Gotong Royong in Kg Melor - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The Nature Society of Sekolah Menengah Gurun held a gotong-royong to clean and beautify the school compound in preparation for a gardening competition. About 100 students divided into groups performed various beautification tasks such as trimming hedges, cleaning ...

  18. Essay Gotong Royong

    Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia.

  19. Do You Know?: What is gotong-royong in English??

    I might need this in my English essay and now, I already forgot what is gotong-royong in English. ps: I wonder what so important about the needing the word gotong-royong in English for.. ah, I wasn't bothered to ask any further. That is all for now. Stay tuned till' next week(or maybe not) for more live and unexciting life of the goddess of ...

  20. Gotong Royong In English Essay : 2

    An essay', journal of indonesian social sciences and . Contextual translation of telah mengadakan gotong royong into english. Organizing a gotong royong for the purpose not only clears away the rubbish, it is also a useful method for the residents of a locality to become more . Gotong royong is seen as an obligation of individual towards society.

  21. gotong-royong in English

    Check 'gotong-royong' translations into English. Look through examples of gotong-royong translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.


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