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Leave application by teacher to principal. 5 samples

Leave application by a teacher to the principal.

Taking leave from work as a teacher requires a formal process to ensure that responsibilities are covered and there is minimal disruption to the student's learning experience.

Writing a well-crafted leave application to the principal is essential to communicate your need for time off clearly and professionally. This guide will walk you through the steps to write a practical leave application, complete with tips and sample letters for various scenarios.

Steps to Write a Leave Application by a Teacher to the Principal

Step 1: identify the reason for your leave.

Before you start drafting your application, pinpoint the exact reason for your leave. This helps in providing a clear and concise explanation to your principal. Be honest and direct, whether it is for a medical appointment, a family function, or personal time off.

Step 2: Determine the Leave Dates

Clearly outline the dates for your leave. Mentioning specific dates helps set clear expectations and allows the school administration to plan accordingly. For example:

"I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]."

Step 3: Plan for Work Coverage

Plan how your classes and duties will be managed to ensure a smooth workflow during your absence. Communicate with a colleague who can take over your classes or complete critical duties before your leave starts. This demonstrates your commitment to your responsibilities and helps approve your leave.

Step 4: Draft the Application

Now that you have all the necessary details, you can start drafting your leave application. Use a formal tone and structure to maintain professionalism.

Sample Applications for leave application by teacher to principal

Sample 1: leave application by teacher to principal.

Subject: Leave Application for [Your Name] - [Dates of Leave]

D ear [Principal's Name],

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from my teaching duties at [School Name] from [start date] to [end date].

The reason for this leave is [briefly explain the reason, e.g., a personal family matter, medical treatment, an important family event, etc.].

 I have ensured that this period of absence will not adversely affect my students' learning experience. In preparation for my leave, I have arranged for [Substitute Teacher's Name] to cover my classes during my absence. I have also prepared detailed lesson plans and instructions to ensure a seamless transition and continued learning for my students.

I understand the importance of continuity in education and am committed to minimizing any disruption this leave may cause. I will be available via email or phone for any urgent matters and will make every effort to ensure that my responsibilities are adequately managed during my absence.

I appreciate your approval for this leave and appreciate your understanding and support. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 2: leave application by the teacher to the principal for urgent work 

Subject: Urgent Leave Application - [Your Name]

Dear [Principal's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request an urgent leave of absence from my teaching duties at [School Name] for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] to [end date].

The reason for this urgent leave is [briefly explain the urgent reason, e.g., a family emergency, urgent medical appointment, etc.]. Due to the unexpected nature of this situation, I must attend to it immediately.

I have arranged for [Substitute Teacher's Name] to cover my classes during my absence. I have also prepared lesson plans and materials to ensure my students' learning process remains uninterrupted.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that I will be available via email or phone for any urgent matters that may arise.

Thank you for your understanding and prompt attention to this matter.

One day leave application

Sample 3: leave application for the exam by the teacher to principal

Subject: Leave Application for Examination - [Your Name]

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from my teaching duties at [School Name] from [start date] to [end date] to sit for my upcoming examinations.

As part of my continuous professional development and commitment to enhancing my skills and knowledge, I have enrolled in [Name of Course/Program]. The examination period is crucial for me to complete this course successfully, and I require leave during the mentioned dates to adequately prepare and participate in these exams.

I have taken steps to ensure that my absence will not disrupt my students' learning process. I have arranged for [Substitute Teacher's Name] to cover my classes, and I have prepared comprehensive lesson plans and materials to support their continued education.

I appreciate your approval for this leave and appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. I will be available via email for any urgent issues that may arise during my absence.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Maternity leave application

Sample 4: leave application for sister marriage to the principal by teacher

  Subject: Leave Application for Sister's Marriage - [Your Name]

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence from my teaching duties at [School Name] from [start date] to [end date] due to my sister's marriage.

This is a significant family event, and my presence is essential for the preparations and ceremony. I have ensured that my absence will help the student's learning process. I have arranged for [Substitute Teacher's Name] to take over my classes during this period, and I have prepared detailed lesson plans and instructional materials to support a smooth transition.

I kindly request your approval for this leave and appreciate your understanding and support. I will be reachable via email for any urgent matters that may arise during my absence.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

  • Leave application for marriage

Sample 5: sick leave application by teacher to principal

Subject: Sick Leave Application - [Your Name]

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I am currently unwell and will need to take sick leave from my teaching duties at [School Name] starting from [start date] to [end date].

I have been experiencing [briefly describe illness or symptoms], and my doctor has advised me to rest and recover fully before returning to work. I regret any inconvenience this may cause and have taken steps to ensure that my students' learning will not be disrupted during my absence.

I have arranged for [Substitute Teacher's Name] to cover my classes, and I have prepared detailed lesson plans and necessary materials to ensure continuity in my students' education.

I appreciate your approval for this sick leave and your understanding and support. I will keep you updated on my progress and will be available via email for any urgent matters that may arise during my absence.

Leave application for sick leave  

Tips for a Successful Leave Application

  • Be Clear and Concise: Avoid lengthy explanations. Be direct and to the point.
  • Maintain a Professional Tone: Keep the tone respectful and formal.
  • Provide Sufficient Notice: Give your principal ample time to accommodate your leave request.
  • Follow-Up After Submission: Check in with your principal to confirm receipt and approval of your leave application.

Writing a well-structured leave application is essential for ensuring your request is approved smoothly and professionally. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a precise, concise, and convincing leave application that will help you effectively manage your personal and professional commitments.

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Leave application Questions? Answers.

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To write a leave application, you should include the following information: the reason for the leave, the dates of the leave, how you will keep in touch (if applicable), and a plan for catching up on any missed work.

You should submit your leave application as soon as you know that you need to take time off. This will allow your employer to plan accordingly and minimize disruption to the workplace.

This depends on your employer's policies and the specific reason for the leave.

In some cases, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted for personal or family reasons. However, it is best to discuss this with your employer to determine what is possible.

Yes, most employers are required to provide maternity and paternity leave to eligible employees. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

Yes, employees who are called to active military duty are entitled to take a leave of absence for military service. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

To request a leave of absence, you should first check with your employer to see what their policies and procedures are for taking time off. In most cases, you will need to submit a written request for leave to your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to include the reason for your leave, the dates you plan to be out, and any other relevant information.

Yes, in most cases you can take a leave of absence for personal reasons. However, the specific reasons for which you are allowed to take time off will vary depending on your employer's policies and the laws in your state. For example, some employers may allow you to take time off for personal reasons such as to care for a sick family member, while others may only permit leaves for medical reasons.

Whether your benefits will continue while you are on leave will depend on the specific policies of your employer and the laws in your state. In some cases, your employer may continue to provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off during your leave, while in other cases, you may need to pay for these benefits yourself or they may be suspended during your leave.

Whether you will have to pay taxes on your leave pay will depend on the specific type of leave you are taking and the laws in your country.

For example, if you are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the US, the pay you receive during your leave may be tax-free.

However, if you are taking a personal leave of absence without pay, you will not receive any pay and therefore will not have to pay taxes on it.


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Leave Application by Teacher to Principal in School

Want to write a leave application as a teacher? We are giving you sample leave applications in English for teachers to get casual, emergency, and sick leave from school. Please let us know if you need a different application in the comments.

Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Urgent Work/Domestic Problem etc.

Dear Principal,

I want one day’s leave from school due to a domestic problem (you can mention any other reason like urgent work etc.). Kindly accept my apology for the late message. I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

WhatsApp Message, SMS, Email This Short Leave Application as a Teacher to Principal for Personal Work

The Principal,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I want to request one day’s leave on (day & date) for personal work. I am looking for your kind approval.

Sincerely Yours, Your Name

Teachers Leave for Domestic Problems from School

Dear Principal, I am facing a domestic problem, so I can not come to school today. Therefore, I request you to please consider my leave for today (day & date) and assign a teacher to my class during my absence. I will be thankful to you. Sincerely, (Your Name)

Leave Application by Teacher to Principal for Urgent Work

I have urgent work at home and cannot come to school today. Therefore, I request you to please give me one day off for today (date). I will be grateful to you.

Lecturer Leave Application from College for Going Abroad (Discussed before in a meeting)

Dear Sir/Madam,

As requested in the meeting, I am writing for two weeks off from College because I have to go abroad with my family.

Please grant me leave from (Date to Date), and I will join back right after. In my absence, please arrange alternative classes as discussed in the meeting. I will be thankful to you. Regards, Your Name & Designation

One Week Leave Application by Teacher to School Principal for Bed Rest Due to Muscles Pain.

Dear Principal, I am a mathematics teacher for 9th grade. I am writing for one week’s leave from school as suggested by the doctor. Since last week, I have been feeling pain in my right leg, and now it is hard for me to stand in class during the lecture.

Therefore, I request you to please approve one week’s leave from (date to date) for bed rest. The doctor’s prescription is attached for your review. I will be thankful to you. Sincerely, (Your Name)

Email Leave Application by Teacher to Principal for Medical Checkup/Illness

(Sick Leave Applications for Teachers Available at this Link)

Dear Principal, I am writing for one day’s leave as I have to go with my parents to the hospital for their checkup. I am (Your Name), a teacher in 10th grade for biology. I request you to please approve my one-day leave for tomorrow and arrange a teacher for my class during my absence. I will be thankful to you. Sincerely, (Your Name & Designation)

Leave Application by Teacher to Principal in Email for Transportation Issues

Dear Headmaster, I am the class teacher of mathematics for the 9th and 10th classes. Unfortunately, I am not coming to school today due to some transportation issues.

My husband, who drops me off at school, is unavailable today because he is out of the city. Alone coming to school isn’t possible as you know about the transportation and road issues on the way to my home.

Would you please grant me leave for today?

Thanking you,

(Your Name)

Leave from School by a Class Teacher to Attend Convocation

The Principal, The Nation High School

Subject: Email for One Day Leave

It is my pleasure to share with you that my daughter has completed her graduation from University. She has become an aspiring lawyer. Tomorrow will be a big day for both of us as it will be my daughter’s convocation ceremony .

I request you to grant me a leave for a day on (Date), to attend the graduation ceremony and let me be part of pride in my daughter’s life achievement. Also, kindly appoint a substitute teacher for the class in my absence. I thank you in anticipation. Regards,

(Your Name & Designation)

Email for 2 Days Leave Application by College Lecturer for Brother’s Accident

Respectfully I am writing to request two days of urgent leave from (date to date). Because my younger brother got injured in a road accident, and I want to leave for my hometown.

After reaching back, I will have two extra classes to cover the missed lectures. You can also assign any other lecturer during my absence. I will be thankful to you.

Leave Application by Principal of the School to Join a Meetup

Mr. Goblin, SISA International, USA,

I hope you are doing fine. I want to request leave on (date) from school. I have to meet one of my dearest friends in town for a day. He informed me about his visit to the town, and I am very excited about the meeting. The reunion with my old friend means a lot to me.

I hope you understand why I ask you to leave such a responsible place. I am looking for your kind approval. I would be very grateful to you.

Write a Letter to the Headmaster to Allow You to Attend a Two Days Meeting

To: Headmaster of Hinman High School

Dear Headmaster,

I hope this email finds you in good health. I am a member of a group called “Name of Group/Club here.” Next weekend, from (date to date), we have a general meeting regarding our “meeting agenda.”

I request you to allow me leave from (date and date) to attend this meeting. I would be extremely grateful to you for your kind approval.

Sincerely, Your Name

Leave Application by Teacher to Principal in School

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14 thoughts on “Leave Application by Teacher to Principal in School”

I am a teacher.I need a leave application asking for four days leave till graduation day(from 26th July-30th) to attend my aunts burial. from the school management

I am a teacher.I need a leave application asking for four days leave till graduation day(from 26th July-30th)from the school management

Leave to principal by teacher for two days because of practical exam

I need a leave letter to attend the m.ed workshop

your letter is published at this link:

I am a teacher and I have done my train reservation earlier but now the class extended and I can’t able cancel.write an application reqestimg her leave

here it is:

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Study leave from teacher to headmaster for 2 days

Please, I want to write a leave letter to my head of school which should be from 15th Feb to 28th of April 2019 to enable me prepare on my forth coming marriage ceremony. Need help on how to write it pls.

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I need a leave letter asking 5 days leave to attend compulsory pcp classes in b.ed course.letter format is teacher asking permission to principal.

Mam i an a teacher I have taken a leave for b.ed class so can u pls comment the appropriate letter to write

I’m learning English writing skills. It will be helpful to provide sample letters bty using various reasons…

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Leave Application to Principal by Teacher (15+ Samples)

When a school teacher needs a leave, he/she should get permission from the principal. The best way to write a leave application is to keep it short, formal, and professional without grammatical and spelling mistakes.  

If you are taking a planned leave for any vacation or family functions it is better to intimate before the leave date. For other reasons, like urgent work and illness, you can request leave on the morning of the date. 

Hence there is no specified format for applying for leave for school teachers in India, you can use any format that fulfills your request. Below are a few leave application formats that teachers can use to apply for leave.

1. Simple Leave Application by Teacher to Principal

To The Principal, School Name, City.

Sub: One day leave application.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am requesting one day’s leave on [Date] due to important personal work that requires my immediate attention. I arranged for teacher [Substitute teacher’s name] to take classes in my absence. 

So kindly approve my leave request.

Thanking you.

Regards, Teacher Name, Class & Section.

Ex: I am writing to request one day’s leave on 25/02/2024 due to important personal work that requires my immediate attention. I arranged for teacher Lakshmi to take classes in my absence.

Leave application by teacher to principal

2. Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Urgent Work

Sub: Leve application for urgent work.

I am writing to request Two days of leave i.e. [Date 1] & [Date 2] for urgent work. I will make suitable arrangements to ensure that there is no disturbance in the class for these Two days.

Therefore please approve my leave request. 

Sincerely, [Teacher name], [Class & Section].

Teacher leave application to principal for urgent work

3. Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Fever

To The Principal, School Name, [City].

Sub: Leave application for fever.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence for Two days from [Date] to [Date]  as I have been suffering from a fever. As per medical advice, a minimum of 2 days rest is required.  Please can you arrange another substitute teacher in my place? It would be a great help for me and my students. I take care of any missed work after I return.

So I kindly request you to grant me leave.

leave application letter by teacher

4. One Day Sick Leave Application to Principal by Teacher

I am writing this to request one day’s leave i.e. on [Date], because of my health issue. I have been suffering from cold and cough. A day of rest would heal a lot, then I could resume my classes. 

So please grant me leave for one day.

Regards, [Teacher Name], [Class & Section].

5. Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Family Function

Sub: Leave application for a family function.

I am writing this for a leave of absence for 3 days from [Date] to [Date], due to a family function I must attend. It is an important event in my family so I am unable to attend school during this period. 

I have already asked my colleague teacher Mr/Ms. [Substitue teacher name] to look after my class in my absence.

So please grant me leave.

Yours sincerely, [Teacher name], [Class & Section].

Ex: I am writing this for a leave of absence for 3 days starting from 25/02/2024 to 27/02/2024, due to a family function that I must attend. It is an important event in my family, so I am unable to attend school during this period.

I have already asked my colleague teacher Mr.Prasad to look after my classes in my absence.

6. Casual Leave Application by School Teacher to Principal 

Sub: Casual leave application.

I am writing this to request a casual leave on [Date] due to [reason]. I gave the assignments and instructions to the students. Teacher Mr./Mr. [Subsctitute teacher name] take care of my classes in my absence.

So kindly accept my casual leave application.

Regards, [Teacher name], [Class  & Section].

7. Sick Leave Application by Teacher to Principal 

Sub: Sick leave application.

I am unwell and unable to take classes for students. I am suffering from a high fever, so plase grant me leave for 2 days from [Date] to [Date]. I will start the classes as soon as the leave is over.

Regards, [Teacher name], [Class & Section].

8. Half-Day Leave Application by Teacher to Principal

To The Principal, School name, [City].

Sub: Half-day leave application.

With due respect, I am writing to request a half day’s leave from today afternoon i.e. on [Date]. I have an important personal work at my home. So kindly consider my leave request. 

Sincerely, [Teacher name] [Class & Section].

9. Yesterday’s Leave Applicaiton by Teacher to Principal

Sub: Leave application for [Date].

I am sorry to inform you that I could not attend school yesterday i.e. on [Date]. Due to high fever [illness] I couldn’t inform you in advance. My classes will continue as usual from today. So please consider my absence as a leave.

10. Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Exam

Sub: Leave application for exam.

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I am writing this letter to request a leave of absence for Five days from [Dat] to [Date] to attend my [Exam details]. This exam helps my personal and professional growth, for that, it requires my full attention and focus.

I ensure that my absence will not cause any delay in finishing the syllabus. So please grant me the leave.

Regards, [Teacher name], [Class &  Section].

11. Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Marriage

Sub: Leave applicaiton for marriage.

I am happy to inform you that my marriage is scheduled on [Date]. So kindly grant me Four days of leave from [Date] to [Date]. During my leave of absence my colleague Mr/Ms. [Susbstitute teacher name] agreed to look after my classes.

Looking forward to your favorable consideration.

12. Teacher Leave Application for Personal Work

Sub: Leave application for important personal work.

Courteously, I am writing to request a one day leave of absence on [Date] for an important personal work.  I made arrangements to prevent any disruption in the classroom during my leave.

So kindly grant me the leave.

Sincerely, [Teacher Name], [Class & Section].

13. Leave Application by Teacher to Principal In Hindi

माननीय मुख्याध्यापक जी, [विद्यालय का नाम], [शहर का नाम]।

विषय: एक दिन की छुट्टी का आवेदन

आदरणीय महोदय/महोदया,

मैं महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्तिगत कार्य के कारण [तारीख] को एक दिन की छुट्टी का अनुरोध कर रहा हूं जिस पर मुझे तत्काल ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता है। मैंने अपनी अनुपस्थिति में कक्षाएं लेने के लिए शिक्षक [स्थानापन्न शिक्षक का नाम] की व्यवस्था की।

अत: कृपया मेरी छुट्टी का अनुरोध स्वीकार करें।

सम्मान, [शिक्षक का नाम], [कक्षा एवं अनुभाग].

14. Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Going Out of Station

Sub: Leave application for going out of station.

I am requesting Three days of leave of absence from [Date] to [Date] to attend my relative’s wedding function.  I will ensure that the students do not experience any problems due to my leave. I will take extra classes and complete the missed classes.

Therefore kindly approve my leave request.

[Teacher Name], [Class & Section].

15. 2 Days Leave Application by Teacher to Principal for Urgent Work

To The Principal, School Name, [Ctiy].

Sub: 2- Days leave application for urgent work.

I am requesting a Two-day leave of absence on [Date] & [Date] because of an urgent work which I need to attend immediately. Sufficient homework and assignments are given to the students for these Two days. My colleague [Substitue teacher] will take care of my classes during my leave.]

16. 3 Days Medical Leave Applicaiton for School Teacher to Principal

Sub: Medical leave applicaiton.

I am writing to request Three days of medical leave from [Day] to [Day]. I have been suffering from [illness reason]. Please find the attached copies of my medical reports for your review. I will coordinate with my colleague [Substitute teacher name] to provide classes to my students.

I hope you approve my leave request. 

Teacher medical leave application

17. Teacher Leave Applicaiton Whatsapp Message to Principal

Good morning Sir/Madam,

I kindly request Two days’ leave from [Date] to [Date] due to urgent work. 

My colleague Mr./Ms. [Substitute teacher name]  will look after my classes.

So please grant me the leave.

Teacher Leave Letter Should include the Following Components

  • To Address: Address the letter to the principal, school name, and city.
  • Subject Line: Use a simple subject line ex: “Application for leave”
  • Respected Sir/Madam: Start the letter with formal salutations like Respected Sir/Madam (or) Dear Sir/Madam.
  • Number of Days of Leave: Mention the number of days you need leave.
  • Reason for leave: State the reason for the leave Ex: Illness, personal reason, urgent work, etc.
  • Provide Dates: Specify the dates, from which date to which date you are taking leave.
  • Ensure the Class is Not Disrupted: Make sure you made arrangements like arranging a substitute teacher (or) planning lessons etc.. during your absence.
  • Request to Grant the Leave : Finally, make a polite request to approve your leave application.
  • Teacher Details: End the letter by writing your name, class, and section details.

A simple and short leave application with clear reasons and specified dates is the best format for applying for leave. You don’t have to use a lengthy letter to apply for leave.

I kindly request to grant Two days of leave from [Date] to [Date]. I made all the arrangements to minimize disturbance in the class during my leave.

It shows your professionalism, And in the absence of a leave letter, the salary will be deducted.  

It depends on your school leave policy. Usually, you can send a leave request via email or message. On the next day, you can submit the physical leave application. 

You have to explain the importance of the reason behind the leave (or) you should postpone your leave to the next best available date.


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  • Experience certificate formats for school teachers.

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  • Leave Application By Teacher To Principal In School

Teachers play a crucial role in the education system, shaping the minds of students and contributing to their growth and development. However, there are times when teachers may need to take a leave of absence from their responsibilities due to various reasons. To help teachers effectively communicate their need for leave, we have prepared four templates for leave applications addressed to the school principal. These templates cover different scenarios such as personal leaves, medical leaves, leaves for professional development, and leaves due to family emergencies.Each template is carefully crafted to convey the reason for the leave in a professional and respectful manner, while also addressing the potential impact on students' learning. They emphasize the teacher's commitment to their role, providing assurance that necessary arrangements have been made to minimize disruption. Additionally, these templates highlight the teacher's willingness to fulfill any pending tasks or responsibilities before their departure, ensuring a smooth transition for the substitute teacher.It is important to personalize these templates by adding specific details such as the dates of the requested leave, the reason for the leave, and any additional information or documentation required by the school. By utilizing these templates as a starting point, teachers can effectively communicate their leave requests to the school principal, promoting transparency and maintaining a professional approach.Remember to adhere to any specific guidelines or policies set by your school regarding leave applications. We hope that these templates provide a helpful framework for teachers to express their needs for leave and facilitate a positive and supportive response from the school administration.

Template Leave Application by Teacher to Principal - Personal Leave

[Your Name] [Your Designation] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Principal's Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to personal reasons. During this period, I would like to take time off to attend to important personal matters that require my immediate attention.

I understand the importance of my role as a teacher and the impact my absence may have on the students' learning. To ensure continuity, I have prepared detailed lesson plans for the substitute teacher to follow. I will also be available remotely, if needed, to provide any additional guidance or support.

I kindly request your approval for this leave, and I assure you that I will make every effort to minimize any disruption to the students' educational progress. I will ensure that all pending tasks, assignments, and assessments are completed or delegated appropriately before my departure.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I am grateful for the consideration of my request and eagerly await your response.

[Your Name] [Your Designation] [Contact Information]

Template Leave Application by Teacher to Principal - Medical Leave

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you that I am in need of a medical leave from [start date] to [end date] due to my own health concerns. My doctor has advised rest and recuperation for a specific period to ensure a full recovery.

I understand the importance of my presence in the classroom and the impact my absence may have on the students' learning. To mitigate any disruption, I have prepared detailed lesson plans and materials for the substitute teacher. Additionally, I will be available via email or phone to provide any necessary guidance or clarification during my absence.

I kindly request your approval for this medical leave, and I assure you that I will provide all necessary medical documentation upon my return. I will also make arrangements to complete any pending tasks or assessments as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I am grateful for your consideration of my request and look forward to your positive response.

Template Leave Application by Teacher to Principal - Professional Development

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] to attend a professional development workshop/seminar/conference. This opportunity will allow me to enhance my teaching skills and stay updated with the latest educational practices, ultimately benefiting our students and the school community.

I understand the significance of my presence in the classroom, and I have made the necessary arrangements to ensure minimal disruption to the students' learning. I have prepared comprehensive lesson plans for the substitute teacher and provided guidelines for classroom management during my absence.

I kindly request your approval for this professional development leave, and I assure you that I will diligently apply the knowledge and skills gained during the workshop/seminar/conference to improve my teaching practice upon my return. I will also share relevant insights and resources with my colleagues, fostering professional growth within the school.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I am grateful for your consideration of my request and eagerly await your response.

Template Leave Application by Teacher to Principal - Family Emergency

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I am in need of a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to a family emergency. Unfortunately, a sudden and unforeseen situation has arisen that requires my immediate attention and support.

I understand the importance of my presence in the school and the impact my absence may have on the students' learning. To ensure continuity, I have prepared detailed lesson plans for the substitute teacher to follow. I will also be available remotely, if needed, to provide any additional guidance or support.

I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave, and I assure you that I will make every effort to minimize any disruption to the students' educational progress. I will ensure that all pending tasks, assignments, and assessments are completed or delegated appropriately before my departure.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I am grateful for the consideration of my request and eagerly await your response.

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Teacher Casual Leave Application to Principal

Teacher Leave Application Letters

The absence of a teacher from school affects the entire day of students that’s why principals never want their teachers to be absent from their jobs. The absence of a teacher also disturbs the momentum of learning of students because they are suddenly forced to be accustomed to a new personality.

These are the reasons why the absence of a teacher from school is always discouraged. However, when there is an emergency or something very urgent, it is the right of the teacher to ask for leave.

There are some specific circumstances when a teacher is required to be absent from school. These problems may be family problems, health or maternity issues, or taking a break in order to improve their physical or mental health.

Writing a leave application:

Whether or not a teacher will get a paid leave totally depends on the policies of the institute she is teaching in. It is important for a teacher to mention the type of leave she wants to take. If she needs to leave for taking care of her child, the principal can allow her to stay absent from school for a specific period of time. This type of leave is not granted to both parents.

Getting leave for one or two days is very common. However, if you want to get leave for a week or more, then you should read your employment contract so you can know the rules and regulations pertaining to asking for leave.

Make sure that delivers in accordance with the policies of the institute. If the institute demands you apply for leave one month before you should abide by the rules. The specific amount of time should also be mentioned in the leave application so that the principal can arrange an alternative.

Make sure that you have mentioned starting and ending dates in the application. The date on which you will resume your job also be stated on the leave. The teacher should complete all the pending tasks so that the principal can grant the leave without putting objections on anything.

The following letters will help you write a good one for yourself.

Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Sickness

Dear Mrs. Martha,

Hope this letter finds you in the best of your health.

I just visited the HR department yesterday to find out about my annual and casual leave balance. I was glad to know that I have a good amount of leave balance available. As you know, the past few months have been very hectic and tiring for me due to hiring new teachers and training them. It sounds easy, but it is a very difficult task.

But not just that, I was working along with other teachers on the result preparation for students and their appraisals. Meetings are very challenging for teachers as discussing the performance of students with parents always comes with mixed responses.

This very hectic and stressful work routine has made me fall sick. I had seen my doctor and he advised me to take bed rest for at least a week. This will help me regain my energy and get rid of any stress. He has also prescribed me some medicines which I have already started to take, and they are bringing improvement. I would like to apply for one week’s sick leave. In my absence, Ms. Lucy will look after all my responsibilities.

I can be reached by email and call at any time.

With thanks

Teacher Leave Application to Principal for Sickness

Teacher Casual Leave Application to Principal

Dear Mrs. Maggie,

Teacher Casual Leave Application to Principal

I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health.

Being a teacher is a wonderful feeling but at the same time, it can be a stressful job as well. Searching for new methods of teaching and making learning a more playful experience is not easy. We all need some time off from work. This not only makes us better at innovation but also makes us research more attractive strategies.

I have been planning this leave for a month. And I have been in conversation about this with the head of the department. I have been holding on to this plan for the last two months.

Schedules and deadlines were more pressing at that time. But now there is nothing left pending. I have handed over my work to Ms. Larry. I explained everything well. I am sure she will be able to take over things gracefully. I will touch base with her regularly over phone calls and emails.

It would be great if you could grant me permission for my casual leave. I am sure I will come back with all my energy and enthusiasm. I can be reached any time by email and call.

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Leave Application for School

When a student skips school for any reason, he or she must submit a school leave application. The leave application for school authorities is a way of communication that provides information about the cause of absence. It is a formal method of informing school authorities. Let us study how to draft a leave application for school with sample letters in the article below.

Leave Application for School

A leave application is a formal request to higher authorities for leave on the specified dates. School leave letters are used to notify teachers of a student’s temporary absence from school. This letter is addressed to either the Principal or the class teacher. The leave application should be compelling and include all of the appropriate reasons for taking leave.

There could be other grounds for requesting leave, including:

  • Health/fever concerns.
  • Going to hometown/native village.
  • To attend a wedding ceremony.
  • On an urgent work basis.
  • For any traditional celebration.
  • For a family gathering.
  • The student’s mishap
  • A family member has died.

Guidelines to Write a Leave Application for School

  • Write the letter in a respectful, sincere manner that conveys your need for leave.
  • Mention the specific cause for your request for leave.
  • The letter’s resonance should be reserved.
  • The letter must be brief and to the point.
  • Cross-check for spelling and punctuation faults.
  • The relationship between the child and the sender of the letter should be stated in the letter.
  • If necessary, attach any extra documents. For example, a medical certificate, an on-duty certificate, and so on.

Format for Leave Application for School

A leave letter follows the same format as any other formal letter. When drafting a leave letter in English, make sure to utilize formal/professional English. The format is as follows:

Receiver’s Designation

Receiver’s Address

Subject: Leave Application for __________ (Mention reason)

Body of the Letter: Introduce yourself. The reason behind the leaves, the number of leaves required, etc.

Complimentary Closing

Sender’s Name

Contact Details

Note: Attach any required and concerned documents for proof.

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Leave Application for School Samples

Sample 1 – leave application for school by student.

The Principal

Orchid International School

5 th August 2022

Subject: Application for Leave in School Due to Fever

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to bring to your kind notice that I, Raj Sharma of class 9th A have been diagnosed with a stomach infection caused by food poisoning, according to the doctor. The doctor has instructed me to stay in bed for at least four days. I will be unable to attend school for the following three days.

I kindly request you to grant me leave from 6 th August 2022 to 8 th August 2022. I will be thankful for your kindness.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely,

(Attach a copy of doctor’s report)

Sample 2 – Leave Application for School by Parent

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that my daughter Pallavi Shah, is a student of class 7A, in your school. She is not in the best condition to attend school because of the high fever. The doctor has recommended her complete bed rest. As a result, I respectfully urge that you grant her sick leave for the following two days. I shall be much obliged.

I assure you that she will attend classes regularly going forward and would be up-to-date with the syllabus.

Aakash Shah

Sample 3 – Application for Leave in School for Going Outstation

Shardasharam Higher Secondary School

10 th January 2022

Subject: Leave Request for Going Out of Station

I would like to bring to your kind attention that my name is Vipul Thakur and I am studying 10 th B in your school. My cousin’s wedding is scheduled for next week in Jammu, and I want to attend. As a result, I will be unable to attend school from the 15th to the 18th of January. I would like to seek four days of absence so that I can attend a family function. I will be eternally grateful to you. I’ll make sure to find out which lessons were finished during the week and submit them all within a week.

Yours faithfully,

Vipul Thakur

Class 10 th B

Roll No. 52

Sample 4 – Application for Leave in School to Participate in National Level Science Project Competition

Holy Cross High School

20 th September 2022

Subject: Leave Application to participate in the National Level Science Project Competition

I’m Kevin Hanks, a Class X C student. I earned first place in the Science project competition held across multiple state schools and have been chosen to compete at the next stage in Mumbai. The National Level Competition will take place on September 25th. On September 25th, I must report to the venue at 9 a.m.

I request you kindly grant me a week’s leave (22.09.2022 – 28.09.2022). I will make sure to take note of all the lessons and complete the work that will be given during my absence.

Thanking you.

Kevin Hanks

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What exactly is a leave application?

Answer. A leave application is a formal request to be excused from education or work. It must be brief, to the point, and authentic, stating the time period and reasons for absence.

Q2. What information must be included in a leave application for school?

Answer. The following items are required for a good and full school leave application –

  • School’s Address
  • The application’s subject
  • Reason for your leave
  • Leave Time (Number of days)
  • Contact Details (Mobile No/Email ID)

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Letter Writing

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  • No Due Certificate From Bank

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Applications , Letters

Leave Letter to Principal

A Leave Letter to a Principal is a formal document sent to the principal of a school where the writer requests a leave of absence. Both teachers and students occasionally need to request a leave of absence. The best way to request a leave is in a formal professional letter. This documents your request, protecting you from problems about attendance that could occur without the formal documentation.

Schools have attendance policies for both teachers and students. Check the school’s policy to determine if there are other forms you need to complete to request a leave. If there are necessary forms or other documentation, you can enclose them with your leave of absence letter.

What to Include in a Leave Letter to Principal

Your letter needs to contain specific information about the leave you are requesting. Here is what to include:

  • Your name and contact information (and the child’s name if a student needs a leave of absence)
  • Reason for the requested leave of absence
  • The dates of the leave
  • Enclosures such as necessary forms and documentation

If you cannot anticipate the leave of absence, formally document the request as soon as possible. In some cases, such as illness and accidents, your request letter should be written when you can. Include documentation of the illness or accident.

How to Write a Leave Letter

A letter requesting a leave of absence is a professional document that offers you and the principal at your school verification that you requested the leave. It should be written in a formal format containing only the necessary info. Here are the three parts of a letter written to request a leave of absence.

  • Introduction : Use the first paragraph of your letter to the state you are requesting a leave of absence and offer the reason for the leave. State your request for a leave clearly. Provide the dates you will be gone and your return date.
  • Body : Use this paragraph to provide contact information during your absence. If you have enclosed any documentation, note that here.
  • Conclusion : Use the last paragraph or sentence to thank the principal for his assistance with the leave.

Leave Letter to Principal (Format)

{your name}

{your address}

{principal’s name}

Principal, {school name}

{school address}

Dear {principal’s name}:

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence {to…your reason for requesting leave}. I plan to be away from {date} to {date}. I plan to return from leave on {date}.

I have enclosed a {list of enclosures}. If there are any questions, I can be reached while I am gone at {your email or phone}.

Please let me know if you need further information. Thank you for your consideration of my request.

{your signature}

Sample Leave Letter to Principal

Aiden Jones

2048 South 93 East Ave.

Bakersfield, OK 89657

October 20, 2022

Mrs. Jane Ellory

Principal, Bakersfield High School

3004 East 32 Street

Dear Mrs. Ellory:

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence so that I can have surgery to remove my appendix. I plan to be away from November 2, 2022, to November 8, 2022. I plan to return from leave on November 9, 2022.

I have attached the documentation from my doctor. If there are any questions, I can be reached while I am gone at jonesaiden @ email . com. My mother (Jessica) can confirm this scheduled surgery. She can be reached at (878) 234-8929.

Sample Leave Letter From Teacher to Principal

Adrian Connelly

2048 South Zuniga

Bakersfield, OK 89658

April 16, 2022

I am writing to request a leave of absence to complete my master’s degree in English at Northwest University. I plan to be away from August 15, 2022, to August 14, 2023. I plan to return from leave on August 15, 2023.

I have enclosed the completed request for leave form and proof of my enrollment at Northwest University. If there are any questions, I can be reached while I am gone at (567) 894-6767.

cc: Bakersfield School District

leave application letter by teacher

  • Check to see if you need to complete any forms for a leave of absence
  • Write in a professional tone and state your request clearly
  • Provide the dates you will be gone and the date you will return
  • Offer contact information
  • Enclose any documentation required

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Application for Leave in School by Teacher – 5+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

As a teacher in a school in India, there are times when you might need to take a break from work and apply for leave. However, requesting for leave can be a daunting task, especially if you are not sure about the correct format or how to write the application. That’s why we have crafted this article to guide you on how to write an application for leave in school by a teacher.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to help you understand the importance of writing a leave application, the format of a leave application letter, and the types of leaves available to Indian teachers. We will also provide some sample leave letters for your reference, which you can use as a template while writing your own application.

Our goal is to provide you with a complete understanding of the leave application process, which will enable you to write an effective and professional application letter that will be approved by school authorities. By following this guide, you can feel confident that your leave application will be accepted, and you can take the break you need without any worry.

So, let’s get started, and learn how to write an effective leave application in school by a teacher.

  • 1 Application for Leave in School by Teacher to Principal
  • 2 Application for Leave in School for Teacher
  • 3 Application for Leave in School as a Teacher
  • 4 Teacher Application for Leave in School
  • 5 Application for Leave in School to Class Teacher
  • 6 Application for Leave in School for 1 day to Class Teacher
  • 7.1 Components of a proper application
  • 7.2 Structuring the Application
  • 8.1 What is the minimum period for which a teacher can apply for leave in a school?
  • 8.2 What should be the duration of the notice period for a leave application?
  • 8.3 Do teachers need to submit medical certificates while applying for sick leave?
  • 8.4 Can teachers apply for leave during a critical period, such as the exam season?

Application for Leave in School by Teacher to Principal

To, The Principal School Name

Subject: Application for Leave in School by Teacher to Principal

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request your kind approval for a leave of absence from school due to [reason] from [start date] to [end date]. I have informed my colleagues to handle my classes during my absence, and all lesson plans have already been prepared in advance.

Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name] [Your Designation] [Your Contact Information]

Application for Leave in School by Teacher to Principal

Application for Leave in School for Teacher

To, The Class Teacher School Name

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Teacher

With due respect, I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason]. I have already prepared lesson plans for my replacement, and I would be happy to answer any questions they may have. I would greatly appreciate it if you grant my leave request.

Application for Leave in School for Teacher

Application for Leave in School as a Teacher

Subject: Application for Leave in School as a Teacher

With due respect, I am writing to request a leave of absence from school for [number] of days starting from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason]. Kindly grant me the leave and oblige.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Application for Leave in School as a Teacher

Teacher Application for Leave in School

Subject: Teacher Application for Leave in School

I am writing to request your kind approval for a leave of absence from school due to [reason] from [start date] to [end date]. I have prepared and submitted the lesson plans for the duration of my absence to the assigned teacher. I assure you that all necessary arrangements have been made, and I will coordinate with my replacement for a smooth transition process.

Teacher Application for Leave in School

Application for Leave in School to Class Teacher

Subject: Application for Leave in School to Class Teacher

With due respect, I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason]. I have informed my colleagues to handle my classes during my absence, and all lesson plans have already been prepared in advance. I would be grateful if you grant my leave request.

Application for Leave in School to Class Teacher

Application for Leave in School for 1 day to Class Teacher

Subject: Application for Leave in School for 1 day to Class Teacher

I would like to request a leave for tomorrow [date] due to [reason]. Kindly grant me the one-day leave and oblige. Thank you, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Application for Leave in School for 1 day to Class Teacher

Application for Leave in School by Teacher Format

As a teacher, writing a leave application can be a daunting task, especially when you are not sure about the correct format and components of a proper application. To make this task easier for you, we have put together a comprehensive guide that will take you through the essential components of a leave application and provide you with a structure to follow.

Components of a proper application

1. Date: The first component of a proper leave application is the date. Always ensure to write the current date when writing a leave application.

2. From address/To address: Followed by the date, mention the details of the school Administrator/Principal to whom the application needs to be submitted.

3. Salutation: Begin the application with a formal salutation such as “Dear [Respected Name],” or “To Whom It May Concern.”

4. Reason for leave: Clearly mention the reason for seeking leave from your teaching duties. It could either be for personal or medical reasons, or for attending a family event.

5. Duration of leave: Mention the duration of the leave being requested and ensure to provide enough time for the administration to make the necessary arrangements.

6. Contact Details: Provide necessary contact details such as telephone numbers and e-mail ID, to be used by the School authority.

7. Signature: End the application with your professional signature and name.

Structuring the Application

An application for leave in school by a teacher should have a clear and logical structure. We recommend structuring the application in four parts:

1. Introduction: Begin by introducing yourself and the reason for the letter.

2. Reason for leave: In the next paragraph, clearly state the reason for the leave, including the dates you will miss.

3. Request for the Leave: In the third paragraph, formally request for the leave, expressing gratitude for the possibility to take time off work.

4. Conclusion: Conclude the application by thanking the administration for taking the time to read the application, and sign off the letter professionally.

By following the structure and components of a proper leave application for school teachers, you can ensure that your application is professional and easily understandable by the school administration. This increases the chances of your leave application being accepted, and your break from work being granted.

What is the minimum period for which a teacher can apply for leave in a school?

There is no prescribed minimum leave period for teachers in schools. It depends on the school’s rules and regulations, and the reason for the leave. However, it is recommended to apply for leave as early as possible and plan accordingly.

What should be the duration of the notice period for a leave application?

The notice period for a leave application varies from school to school. However, it is suggested to give at least one week’s notice period to allow the school to make arrangements for a replacement.

Do teachers need to submit medical certificates while applying for sick leave?

Yes, teachers may need to submit a medical certificate or a document from a doctor to support their sick leave application. The certificate should mention the duration of the sickness and the period of recommended absence.

Can teachers apply for leave during a critical period, such as the exam season?

Teachers can apply for leave during critical periods but only with a valid reason and sufficient justification for their absence. It is recommended to avoid taking leave during the exam period as it may affect the school’s productivity and delay the progress of students.

Related posts:

  • Half Day Leave Application for School – 11 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Application for Leave in School for Marriage – 13 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Half Day Leave Application to Principal – 3 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Maternity Leave Application for Teachers – 7+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Medical Leave Application for School – 5 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Leave Application to Principal – 7 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

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leave application letter by teacher

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Format and Samples for Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal

leave application letter by teacher

A school has two aspects: students and teachers. When we think of the work leave letter, we always assume a student writing a letter to the teacher or the principal. As the student ratio is always higher, it is a known fact that there are more letters received by students for application for leave. But we cannot rule out the fact the teachers need to take leaves from their work. It is important. Although most teachers do not need a guide on how to write a letter to the principal seeking leave, it is not correct to assume everyone knows it. Therefore, we have provided the format and a few samples below. Learn how to write Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal below.

Table of Contents

Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal

A teacher may seek to leave for various reasons. Some may be personal, some emergency-related and some due to sickness. We have provided a few samples that you can use based on why you need to leave work for the time. We also included instructions on how to write a Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal in the section below.

Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal

How to write a Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal

Learn how to write a Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal here.

  • Greeting or addressing the concerned person
  • Subject line
  • Reason for leave
  • Number of leaves required
  • Details of your work compensation
  • Contact information
  • Name and Signature

Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal Format

DD-MM-YYYY Name Designation, Institution Name, Address/ City


Subject: Leave application – One line explanation of why you want to take the leave and when


Dear/ Respected Sir/ Madam – Use what is appropriate

  • Why are you writing the mail
  • Number of days
  • Request to grant leave
  • Attach medical reference, if any

Thanking you

Yours sincerely, (Signature) (Name)

  • For all formal letters, follow block layout only (format given above)
  • Make sure your subject sums up the reason for writing the mail as most head persons do not read letters unless important. The subject of the letter helps them understand that this letter is important and has to be read
  • Do not write the words ‘Date’, ‘Salutation’, and ‘Body’

Leave Letter From Teacher to Principal – For Personal Reason

The Principal, (School Name), (Address/ City)


Subject : Leave application of (teacher name) for (number of days) due to personal reasons

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am (your name) , designated as (your designation) in your school. I am writing this letter to bring to your notice that I have to travel to my village for a personal reason. My dates of travel are from (start date) to (end-date) . I kindly request you to grant me leave for the said dates. I will resume work the following day. 

Yours sincerely, (Signature) (Your Name) (Your Designation)

Leave Letter From Teacher to Principal – For Emergency

The Principal, (School/ College Name), (Address/ City)

Subject : Leave application of ( your name ) for ( number of days ) due to emergency

I am (your name) , designated as (your designation) in your school. I am writing this letter to bring to your notice that I had to leave the school/ college as my child has fallen off the stairs. As I had to rush immediately, I was unable to inform you of my absence. We have admitted her to the hospital now as she has hurt her head. The doctors have asked us to take proper care of her for at least a week. I request you to grant me leave so that I can take care of my child. I plan to resume work from (date of rejoining) depending on my child’s condition. Hope you understand and consider this.

Leave Letter From Teacher to Principal – For Sickness

HR/ Name of the HR, (Office Name), (Address/ City)

Subject : Leave application of ( your name ) for ( number of days ) due to fever

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am (your name) , designated as (your designation) in your school. With due respect, I want to bring to your notice that I am not in a condition to come to school/ college. I am down with a high fever. My family doctor has run some tests and we are waiting for the results. Irrespective, I have been asked to rest for at least 3 days. I will let you know my date of resuming work once I receive my reports. Hope you understand and consider this. 

Please consider this and grant my absence as leave. 

Tips to write a leave letter

  • Write the application in a polite manner that represents the request for leave and sounds real
  • Mention the purpose specifically for which you are requesting to leave
  • The base of the application should be maintained
  • The application should be concise and to the point
  • Cross-check with grammar mistakes or punctuation
  • The application should state the relationship between the child and the sender of the letter

Teachers must note that this is a sample leave letter only. You might have to alter the content according to your situation. You will also have to make sure to use the correct address, salutation, and designation. Hope this article has helped you understand how to write a Leave Letter for Teacher to the Principal. We have provided samples for various situations. Make sure to sign the letter and add proper details for easy identification by the principal or management. Write the letter to the concerned person only. Send this to your friends and family members as well. It might be useful for all those looking for a Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal. You can get more leave letter formats on our website.

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20+ Leave Letter to Teacher – Key Points, Wording Ideas, Templates

  • Letter Templates
  • February 23, 2024
  • Leave Letters , School Letters

Leave Letter to Teacher : A leave letter to teacher is a formal written communication addressed to the teacher or the school authorities, informing them about a student’s absence from school. The Leave Letter to Teacher is usually written by a student’s parent or guardian, or in some cases, by the student themselves, if they are of an appropriate age.

The purpose of the Leave Letter to Teacher is to notify the teacher of the reason for the absence and to request permission for the student to take leave from school.

Also Read- Permission Letter

Key Points for writing a Leave Letter to Teacher

Content in this article

Here are some key points to keep in mind while writing a leave letter to teacher:

  • The letter should be written in a formal tone and format.
  • The reason for the student’s absence should be clearly mentioned in the letter.
  • The dates of the student’s absence should be specified in the letter.
  • The letter should be signed by the parent or guardian, or the student , depending on their age and the school’s policies.
  • It’s important to express gratitude and apologize for any inconvenience caused due to the absence.
  • If possible, arrangements for the student to catch up on missed coursework should be mentioned in the letter.
  • The letter should be submitted to the teacher or school authorities well in advance of the student’s absence, to allow sufficient time for necessary arrangements to be made.

Leave Letter to Teacher Sample Format

This sample format of leave letter to teacher requests approval for a specified period of absence, providing details about the reason and preparations for missed work in a respectful and concise manner.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Teacher’s Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Leave Application

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend classes from [start date] to [end date] due to [mention the reason for leave, such as illness, family event, etc.]. I kindly request your approval for this leave of absence.

Details of the Leave:

Start Date: [DD/MM/YYYY] End Date: [DD/MM/YYYY] Number of Days: [Number of days you’ll be absent] Reason for Leave: [Provide a brief and honest explanation for the reason behind your leave.]

Preparation for Missed Work: I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed assignments and classwork during my absence. I will coordinate with classmates and use any available online resources to stay updated with the lessons.

Contact Information: During my leave, I can be reached at [provide an alternative contact number or email address] in case there are any important announcements or instructions.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If there are any specific procedures I need to follow or forms to fill out, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your attention to this request, and I look forward to your guidance on how to manage my absence effectively.

[Your Name]

Permission Letter to Teacher for Leave

This permission letter requests the teacher’s approval for a specified leave period, outlining the reason and assuring the teacher of preparations for missed work, emphasizing cooperation and understanding.

Subject: Request for Leave

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek your permission for a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The reason for my leave is [mention the reason briefly, such as a family event, medical issue, etc.].

Leave Details:

Start Date: [DD/MM/YYYY] End Date: [DD/MM/YYYY] Number of Days: [Number of days you’ll be absent] Reason for Leave: [Provide a brief explanation for the reason behind your leave.]

Preparation for Missed Work: I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on any missed assignments or classwork during my absence. I will coordinate with my classmates and utilize any available online resources to stay updated with the lessons.

I understand the importance of continuity in studies and assure you that I will do my best to minimize any disruption caused by my absence.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

School Leave Letter

This school leave letter formally requests a leave of absence for a student, providing details on the reason, duration, and preparations for missed work, while expressing gratitude for understanding and cooperation from the school administration.

[School Name] [School Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from school for my child, [Child’s Name], who is a student in [Class/Grade]. The reason for the leave is [mention the reason briefly, such as a family event, medical issue, etc.].

Start Date: [DD/MM/YYYY] End Date: [DD/MM/YYYY] Number of Days: [Number of days your child will be absent] Reason for Leave: [Provide a brief explanation for the reason behind your child’s leave.]

Preparation for Missed Work: We understand the importance of continuous learning and assure you that [Child’s Name] will make every effort to catch up on any missed assignments or classwork during their absence. We will appreciate any guidance or resources provided by the teachers to facilitate this.

Contact Information: During [Child’s Name]’s leave, we can be reached at [provide an alternative contact number or email address] in case there are any important announcements or instructions.

We kindly request your approval for this leave of absence and appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

[Your Name] [Parent/Guardian of [Child’s Name]

Leave Letter to Teacher Template

This Template for leave letter to teacher is a formal request for a specified absence period, providing essential details on the reason, dates, and commitment to catching up on missed work, demonstrating respect and cooperation.

Student Leave Letter to Teacher for Absence due to Medical Reasons

When a student needs to take a leave due to medical reasons, crafting a respectful and clear letter is crucial. Begin with a concise introduction conveying the purpose and requesting understanding. Here is the sample format of Leave Letter to Teacher for Absence due to Medical Reasons:

[Student’s Name] [Class and Section] [School Name] [City, State] [Date]

I am writing this letter to inform you that my son/daughter [Student’s Name] will not be able to attend school from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to [his/her] medical condition. [He/She] has been advised bed rest by the doctor, and therefore, will not be able to attend school during this period.

I have attached the medical certificate issued by the doctor, which provides details of the condition and the period of rest required. We will ensure that [he/she] catches up on any missed coursework and assignments as soon as [he/she] returns to school.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Student Leave Letter To Teacher For Absence Due To Medical Reasons

Parent Leave Letter to Teacher for Religious Reasons

When a parent needs to request leave for their child due to religious reasons, a courteous and concise letter is important. Start with a brief introduction explaining the situation and expressing gratitude for understanding.

I am writing this letter to request permission for my son/daughter [Student’s Name] to take leave from school on [Date] due to [his/her] religious commitments. As you are aware, [he/she] is a devout [insert religion], and [he/she] is required to attend a religious ceremony on this day.

I assure you that [he/she] will make up for any missed coursework and assignments, and will ensure that [he/she] is up to date with the lessons upon [his/her] return to school.

Leave Letter to Teacher for Sick Leave

When writing a leave letter to a teacher for sick leave, begin with a brief introduction to convey the reason for the absence and express gratitude for understanding. Here’s a sample letter to teacher for sick leave:

[Your Name] [Class and Section] [School Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Date]

[Teacher’s Name] [Class Teacher] [School Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

I am writing to inform you that I will not be able to attend school due to sickness. I have been experiencing fever and throat infection for the past few days, and my doctor has advised me to take rest for the next two days.

Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me leave for the dates [Date] and [Date] so that I can take the necessary rest and recover. I have already informed my parents about my condition, and they will be taking me to the doctor for the required treatment.

I understand that I will miss some of the lessons during my absence. I will make sure to cover up for the missed classes as soon as I return to school. I will also coordinate with my classmates to get the notes and assignments that I miss during my absence.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. Please let me know if there are any further steps that I need to take before or after my absence.

Leave Letter to Teacher for Personal Reasons – Email Format

When addressing a leave request for personal reasons to a teacher via email, a brief yet polite introduction is essential. Clearly state the purpose and express appreciation for understanding. Here is the format of Leave Letter to Teacher for Personal Reasons in Email:

Subject: Leave Request for [Student’s Name]

I am writing to request permission for my son/daughter [Student’s Name] to take leave from school from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to personal reasons. [He/She] has some urgent family matters to attend to, which require [his/her] presence.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and understand the importance of regular attendance in maintaining academic performance. We will ensure that [he/she] catches up on any missed work and assignments as soon as [he/she] returns to school.

Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or requirements that we need to follow for requesting leave. We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Leave Letter to Teacher for Personal Reasons – Email Format 

Absence Letter to Teacher

This absence letter notifies the teacher about a student’s planned absence, specifying the reason, dates, and commitment to catching up on missed work, while seeking the teacher’s understanding and cooperation.

Subject: Notification of Student’s Absence

I am writing to inform you about the planned absence of my child, [Child’s Name], from your class. [Child’s Name] is a student in [Class/Grade], and the anticipated period of absence is from [start date] to [end date].

Reason for Absence: [Provide a brief explanation for the reason behind the absence, such as a family event, medical appointment, etc.]

Preparation for Missed Work: We understand the importance of continuity in learning and assure you that [Child’s Name] will make every effort to catch up on any missed assignments or classwork during the absence. We appreciate any guidance or resources you can provide to facilitate this process.

Contact Information: During [Child’s Name]’s absence, we can be reached at [provide an alternative contact number or email address] in case there are any important announcements or instructions.

We kindly request your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If there are any specific procedures we need to follow or forms to fill out, please inform us promptly.

Thank you for your attention to this notification, and we look forward to your guidance on managing [Child’s Name]’s absence effectively.

Teacher Leave Application letter

This teacher leave application requests a formal leave of absence, providing details on the start and end dates, reason for leave, and preparations for missed work, while expressing gratitude for understanding and cooperation from the school administration.

[Principal’s Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from my teaching duties at [School Name] due to [mention the reason for leave, such as personal reasons, health issues, family events, etc.].

Start Date: [DD/MM/YYYY] End Date: [DD/MM/YYYY] Number of Days: [Number of days you’ll be on leave] Reason for Leave: [Provide a brief explanation for the reason behind your leave.]

Preparation for Missed Work: I understand the importance of continuity in education, and I will ensure that lesson plans, materials, and instructions for substitute teachers are organized and readily available. I will also make myself available for any necessary handover or communication during my absence.

Contact Information: During my leave, I can be reached at [provide an alternative contact number or email address] for any urgent matters or coordination.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in granting me this leave. If there are any specific procedures or documentation required, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your approval for my leave.

[Your Name] [Your Designation] [School Name]

Teacher Leave Application Letter

FAQS About Leave Letter to Teacher – Key Points, Wording Ideas, Templates

What are the key points to include in a leave letter to a teacher.

Leave Letter to Teacher include the start and end dates of your leave, the reason for the leave, details about how you’ll make up for missed work, and your contact information.

What are some wording ideas for a leave letter to teacher?

Leave Letter to Teacher Use polite and respectful language, clearly state the reason for your leave, express gratitude for understanding, and assure the teacher of your commitment to catch up on missed work.

How can I write a leave letter to teacher for my child’s absence?

Follow a similar format as the provided Leave Letter to Teacher templates, including your child’s details, the reason for absence, and plans for catching up on missed work.

Are there any specific tips for crafting an effective leave letter to teacher?

Leave Letter to Teacher Be concise, provide all necessary details, express appreciation for the teacher’s understanding, and ensure your letter is respectful and well-structured.

Can I email my leave letter to teacher?

Yes, emailing your leave letter to teacher is acceptable. Ensure a formal tone, a clear subject line, and include the necessary details.

Writing a Leave Letter to Teacher is an important task that should be approached with care and consideration . It is important to provide clear and concise information about the reason for the leave request , the dates of the absence, and any plans for catching up on missed work.

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20+ Leave Applications for School Teachers to Principal

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Teachers are one of the most essential pillars of the education system. Like everyone else, they also have personal responsibilities and unavoidable circumstances for which they need to take leave from school. In such cases, they have to write a leave application to the Principal requesting sanction of leave. Let’s take a look at how teachers can write Leave Applications for School Teachers to Principal for various valid reasons.

How To Write a Leave Application for a School Teacher to Principal?

A leave application is a formal way of informing and requesting your supervisor or manager for a period of absence from work. It can be written for personal commitments, sickness, family functions, etc. For school teachers, the concerned authority is the Principal. So, if a teacher needs leave, they have to write an application to the Principal. 

The leave application should be written in a polite and professional tone. The reason for leave should be specified along with the duration and dates. here are some points.

  •  Address the Principal appropriately with ‘Respected Sir/Ma’am
  •  State your name, designation/subject taught  
  •  Specify the reason and duration of leave required
  •  Give the exact dates and number of days required 
  •  Request the sanction of leave politely
  •  Thank the Principal for considering your application

20+ Best Leave Applications for School Teachers to Principal

Here are 20+ Leave applications For School teachers to principals.

Leave Letter For Mathematics School Teacher – 1

The Principal

Sunrise Public School

Respected Sir,

I, Suresh Varma (Math’s Teacher), kindly request you to grant me leave for three days from 6 to 9 November. I have to attend the wedding ceremony of my cousin’s sister, which is scheduled for 7 November in my hometown, Lucknow.

I need help managing this critical family function and my school responsibilities. I sincerely hope you will be kind enough to sanction leave for three days during my absence. I can take extra classes upon joining back to cover the syllabus.

Yours sincerely,

Suresh Varma

Maths Teacher

Class 10, Section A

Leave Application For English Teacher to Principal – 2 

The Principal 

Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School

Respected Ma’am,

I, Rita Sharma (English Teacher), wish to apply for a leave of absence for one day on 12 October 2024 because of my daughter’s Parent Teacher Meeting at her school. 

Please permit me to leave on the given date. I will ensure that my absence prevents my students from being academically affected. Rest assured, I will take extra classes to complete the syllabus well in time.

Yours faithfully,

Rita Sharma 

English Teacher 

Class 12, Sections B & C

Leave Application For Geography Teacher – 3

St. Mary’s Public School 

I, Rakesh Shukla (Geography Teacher), request you approve one day of Casual Leave on 24 November. I must be absent from school on the given date due to a medical checkup that cannot be rescheduled.

Please kindly grant me Casual Leave for one day. I will take the necessary steps to cover up the syllabus.

Rakesh Shukla

Class 8 Geography Teacher

Leave Application For Computer Science Teacher in School – 4

Bluebells International School

I, Neha Mehra (Computer Science Teacher), request you to grant me leave for four days.

I need to travel to my hometown, Kolkata, to make arrangements for my sister’s wedding scheduled on 17 December 2024. Being the only sibling, my presence is required during this occasion.

I sincerely hope you will approve my leave application. Upon rejoining, I will ensure my students’ studies are duly taken care of through extra classes.

Neha Mehra  

Computer Science Teacher

Grades 8 & 9

One-Day Leave Application for School Teacher to Principal – 5

DPS International School

I, Nitin Gupta (Maths Teacher), wish to apply for leave of 1 day on Friday, 3rd February 2023.  I have scheduled a medical health checkup on the given date, which is crucial and cannot be rescheduled on any other day this week.

Please grant me leave on that day. I will conduct extra classes to complete the syllabus upon returning.

Nitin Gupta

Maths Teacher 

Grades 11 & 12

CL Application for English Teacher – 6

The Principal  

Tagore Public School

I, Seema Mehta (English Teacher), wish to apply for one day of Casual Leave on Tuesday, 7 March.  

Due to a severe viral infection, I must consult my physician urgently on the given date. Therefore, please sanction one day of CL on Tuesday so I can visit the doctor.

Upon rejoining, I will take extra classes to complete the course. Please approve my leave application.

Seema Mehta

English Teacher

Grades 9 & 10

 How to Write a Letter to the Principal Requesting Leave by the Teacher? (Physics Teacher) – 7

St Xavier’s Senior Secondary School

I, Rajesh Mishra (Physics Teacher), wish to apply for three days of leave starting Monday, 10 to 12 April.

My sister is getting married during this period in our hometown, Jaipur. As an elder brother, my presence is required during all the wedding festivities. I sincerely hope you grant me leave for three days during this critical family occasion.

Upon rejoining, I will take the requisite steps to complete the syllabus through extra classes. Kindly approve my leave application.

Rajesh Mishra

Physics Teacher  

Half-Day Leave Application For School Teacher To Principal – 8

Sunshine Public School  

I, Rajesh Sinha (Maths Teacher), wish to apply for half-day leave on Wednesday, 5 April 2024. 

I have a medical appointment scheduled in the afternoon that cannot be rescheduled. Therefore, please permit me to leave at 1 pm that day.

I will take an extra class on Saturday to make up for my absence. I look forward to your kind approval.

Rajesh Sinha

Leave Application Letter For the School Art & Craft Teacher in English – 9

Ryan International School 

I, Aditi Sharma (Arts and Crafts Teacher), wish to apply for two days of leave on the 17th and 18th of May, 2024. 

My family and I have planned a short trip to Manali during this period. I must accompany them on this vacation. I sincerely hope you will grant me leave for two days.

I promise I will take extra classes upon rejoining to complete the coursework well in time. Please approve my leave application.

I look forward to your kind consideration.

Aditi Sharma

Arts & Crafts Teacher 

Teacher Leave Application to Principal Due To Urgent Work/Domestic Problem – 10

Carmel Convent School

I, Nandini Murthy (Class 10 Maths Teacher), wish to apply for two days of leave on 15th and 16th August 2022. An urgent family function has suddenly come up at my native place, which requires my presence. 

Therefore, please grant me leave for two days on the given dates to attend this crucial domestic event. I will take extra classes upon rejoining to complete the syllabus well in time.

Nandini Murthy

Maths Teacher  

Short Application as a Teacher to Principal Due To Personal Work through WhatsApp Messages, SMS, and Email – 11

Respected Ma’am, 

I, Sneha Reddy (Grade 4 EVS Teacher), am applying for one day’s leave on Friday, 19 August, for urgent personal work. I will cover the lessons on Saturday. Kindly grant me leave. Thanks!

Teachers Leave Application Due To Domestic Problems from School – 12

Cambridge Public School

I, Mohan Lal (Hindi Teacher), request you grant me leave for four days from 26th to 29th September 2022, as I have severe domestic problems that need my urgent attention back home.

I will take all steps to complete the syllabus on time through extra classes. I hope you will consider my situation and approve the leave application.

Mohan Lal   

Lecturer Leave Application from College for Going Abroad (Discussed before in a meeting) – 13

Rajendra College

This is to remind you that, as discussed in last month’s staff meeting, I will be going abroad for an educational conference from 17 November to 25 November. 

I sincerely hope you will kindly grant me leave for the said period. I have planned my lectures and arranged for guest faculty to take classes in my absence so that students are not affected academically. 

Veena Krishnan

English Literature Lecturer

7 Days Leave Application by Teacher to School Principal for Bed Rest Due to Muscle Pain – 14

Army Public School

I, Hisham Server (P.E. Teacher), wish to apply for leave of 1 week from 1 December to 7 December.  I have been advised to complete bed rest by my orthopedic doctor due to severe back and shoulder muscle pain. I have attached the medical prescription for your kind reference.

Please grant me leave for a week as recommended by the doctor. Upon rejoining, I will plan my lessons accordingly so my students are not affected.

Rajesh Kumar

P.E. Teacher 

Email Leave Application by Teacher to Principal Due To Medical Checkup/Illness – 15

To: (Your Email)

Respected Sir, 

I, Rizwan Ali (Grade 1 teacher), wish to apply for two days of leave on Wed, 14 December, and Thu, 15 December, for a scheduled whole body medical checkup and treatment for viral fever.

Kindly grant me leave on the given dates. I will reschedule my lessons upon rejoining.

Thanks and Regards,

Grade 1 Mentor

Leave Application by Teacher to Principal in Email Due To Transportation Issues – 16

I, Mohit Sharma (Computer Science Faculty), wish to apply for one day of leave tomorrow, Friday, 23 December 2022, due to transportation problems caused by heavy rains here. 

Please grant me leave for tomorrow. I will take an additional class next Tuesday to cover up.

Leave from School by a Class Teacher Due To Attend Convocation – 17

School Name

I am applying for leave for two days. I need to attend the convocation ceremony at Delhi University to receive my Master’s degree.

As a student, it is a crucial day for me, and I sincerely hope you will grant me leave for two days to attend the Convocation. I will reschedule my classes appropriately upon rejoining so my students are not affected.

I look forward to your kind approval.

Neha Gupta  

Class 5 Mentor 

Email for Two Days Leave Application by College Lecturer for Brother’s Accident – 18

I, Suresh Lal (Economics Lecturer), wish to apply for two days of leave on the 3rd and 4th January 2024. My younger brother has unfortunately met with an accident and is hospitalized in critical condition. Being the only sibling, I need to be by his side in this time of difficulty.

Given the emergent situation, I sincerely hope you will grant me leave for two days. I will take the necessary steps to ensure my students are cared for academically during my absence.

I look forward to your understanding and approval.

Leave Application by Principal of the School Due to Join a Meetup – 19

To: Managing Director

ABPS Institutions

I, Sunita Reddy, Principal of ABPS School, wish to apply for leave for three days from 10th to 12th Jan 2023 to attend the annual Principal’s Meetup 2023 organized by the CBSE Board in Jaipur. 

This important event brings together principals from CBSE schools across India to discuss the latest trends and policies in school education. 

I request that I be granted leave for three days to participate in this event actively. I will ensure all my duties are appropriately delegated in my absence.

Sunita Reddy


Write a Letter to the Headmaster to Allow You to Attend a 2 Days conference Meeting – 20

The Headmaster

Little Flower Public School

I have been invited as a guest lecturer for a today educational conference on ‘Pedagogy for the 21st Century’ on 18th & 19th January 2023 organized by the Department of Education.

Please grant me a leave of absence for two days to attend this educational event as a speaker.  I will prepare lesson plans in advance for my students during my absence. Please allow me to leave to attend this event. 

20+ Important Leave Applications for School Teachers to Principals with Pictures

Leave Letter For Mathematics School Teacher

Teachers often need to take leave from school for valid personal reasons. In such cases, they should draft a formal leave application to the Principal, stating the exact dates and reason politely. 

Teachers must assure the Principal that students’ studies will be fine in their absence through extra classes or guest faculty. Planning and applying formally shows teachers’ responsible conduct.

Adhering to proper leave application etiquette demonstrates ethical professionalism. It strengthens the teacher-principal trust relationship. Timely informed principals can make arrangements to ensure academic continuity when a teacher is on leave.

In summary, leave applications are an essential professional communication between teachers and principals. Following due process and seeking leave displays teachers’ commitment to nurturing their students’ holistic growth.


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Leave Application For Office


How To Write Leave Application To Class Teacher?

How To Write Leave Application To Class Teacher

Writing a leave application to your class teacher might seem like an uphill task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. However, it’s an essential skill for students to learn, as it teaches responsibility and effective communication. In this guide, we’ll break down the process of how to write leave application to class teacher into simple steps that anyone can follow.

Why Is It Important To Write Leave Application To Class Teacher?

Table of Contents

Writing a leave application to your class teacher is important for several reasons:

  • Communication: Informing your class teacher about your absence through a leave application is a form of respectful communication. It helps them understand why you won’t be attending classes and allows them to make necessary arrangements, such as adjusting lesson plans or providing missed assignments.
  • Accountability: By formally requesting leave, you demonstrate responsibility and accountability for your actions. It shows that you understand the importance of attendance and are willing to take the necessary steps to ensure minimal disruption to your studies.
  • Compliance: Many schools have policies in place that require students to seek permission for absences. Writing a leave application ensures that you comply with these policies and avoid any potential consequences, such as penalties for unauthorized absences.
  • Professionalism: Learning how to write a leave application is a valuable skill that extends beyond the classroom. It teaches you how to communicate effectively in a formal setting, which is a crucial skill in both academic and professional environments.
  • Courtesy: Notifying your class teacher about your absence in advance is courteous and respectful. It allows them to plan ahead and make any necessary adjustments, which ultimately benefits both you and your classmates.

How To Write Leave Application To Class Teacher

Step 1: understand the purpose.

Before you begin writing, make sure you understand why you need to write the leave application. Whether it’s due to illness, a family event, or any other valid reason, clarity about your situation is essential.

Step 2: Choose the Right Format

Decide on the format you’ll use for your leave application. Typically, it includes a heading, salutation, body of the letter, closing, and your signature. This format ensures clarity and professionalism in your communication.

Step 3: Start with the Heading

At the top of your leave application, write your name, your class, and the date. This provides essential information for your teacher to identify you and understand the timeline of your absence.

Step 4: Address Your Teacher Respectfully

Begin your letter with a polite salutation. Use phrases like “Dear [Teacher’s Name]” or “Respected [Teacher’s Name]” to address your teacher respectfully.

Step 5: Write the Body of the Letter

In the body of the letter, clearly state the reason for your leave, the dates of your absence, and any other relevant details. Be concise and to the point, providing enough information for your teacher to understand your situation.

Step 6: Conclude Politely

Close your leave application with a polite closing. Express gratitude for your teacher’s understanding and sign off with “Sincerely,” followed by your name.

Step 7: Proofread Your Application

Before submitting your leave application, proofread it carefully to check for any spelling or grammar errors. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and free of mistakes.

Step 8: Submit Your Application

Once you’re satisfied with your leave application, submit it to your class teacher according to the school’s guidelines. Make sure to do this well in advance of your planned absence to give your teacher sufficient time to process your request.

Step 9: Follow Up if Necessary

If your teacher requires any additional information or has questions about your leave application, be prepared to provide clarification promptly. Communication is key to ensuring a smooth process.

Step 10: Return Promptly

After your leave period, make sure to return to class promptly and catch up on any missed assignments or classwork. This demonstrates responsibility and respect for your education.

How To Write Leave Application To Class Teacher: Example

I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend classes from April 18 to April 20 due to a family wedding.

I have attached a copy of the wedding invitation for your reference. The wedding festivities will take place out of town, and I will be traveling with my family during this time.

I assure you that I will diligently catch up on any missed assignments and classwork upon my return to ensure minimal disruption to my studies.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

[Your Name]

This example includes all the necessary elements:

  • Heading: Your name, class, and date are provided at the top of the letter.
  • Salutation: The teacher is addressed respectfully as “Ms. Smith.”
  • Body of the Letter: The reason for leave (family wedding) and the dates of absence (April 18 to April 20) are clearly stated. Relevant details about the event and assurance of catching up on missed work are also included.
  • Closing: The letter concludes with a polite closing, “Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.”
  • Signature: The letter is signed with your name.

This example demonstrates how to write a leave application to your class teacher in a clear, concise, and respectful manner.

How Do You Write An Application To A Class Teacher For Sick Leave?

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I am unable to attend classes today, April 16, due to illness.

I woke up this morning feeling unwell with symptoms of a fever and sore throat. After consulting with my parents, it has been decided that I should stay home to rest and recover.

I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause and assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed assignments and classwork as soon as I am well enough to return to school.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

[Your Name]

In this example

  • Salutation: The teacher is addressed respectfully as “Mr. Johnson.”
  • Body of the Letter: The reason for leave (illness) and the date of absence (April 16) are clearly stated. Relevant details about symptoms and the decision to stay home are included.
  • Closing: The letter concludes with a polite closing, “Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.”

How To Write A Leave Letter To The Class Teacher For Fever?

I am writing to inform you that I am unable to attend classes today, April 16, 2024, due to a sudden onset of fever.

I woke up this morning feeling unwell, with a high temperature and body aches. After consulting with my parents, they advised me to rest at home and seek medical attention if necessary.

I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause and assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed lessons and assignments once I have recovered.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

[Your Name]

This letter includes:

  • Body of the Letter: The reason for leave (fever) and the date of absence (April 16, 2024) are clearly stated. The letter also expresses apologies for any inconvenience caused and assurance of catching up on missed work.
  • Closing: The letter concludes with a polite closing, “Thank you for your understanding and consideration.”

How To Write An Application To Your Class Teacher For 2 Days Leave?

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to request a leave of absence from school for two days, from [Start Date] to [End Date].

The reason for my absence is [briefly explain reason, e.g., personal/family commitment, medical appointment, etc.]. I have attached relevant documentation, such as a doctor’s note or invitation, for your reference.

During my absence, I assure you that I will diligently keep up with the classwork and assignments. I will reach out to my classmates or consult online resources to ensure that I stay on track with the curriculum.

I understand the importance of not falling behind in my studies and will make every effort to minimize any disruption caused by my absence.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

[Your Name]
  • Salutation: The teacher is addressed respectfully as “Dear [Teacher’s Name].”
  • Body of the Letter: The reason for the leave (two days), the dates of absence, and assurance of keeping up with classwork are clearly stated.
  • Closing: The letter concludes with a polite closing expressing gratitude and understanding.

Common Mistakes to Avoid In Leave Application

Avoiding common mistakes in a leave application is crucial to ensure clarity, professionalism, and respect in your communication. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Being Vague: Providing insufficient information about the reason for your leave can lead to confusion. Be clear and specific about why you need to be absent.
  • Missing Dates: Forgetting to mention the dates of your absence can make it difficult for your teacher to plan accordingly. Always include the start and end dates of your leave.
  • Using Informal Language: Maintain a formal tone and avoid using slang or casual language in your leave application. Treat it as a professional correspondence.
  • Neglecting to Proofread: Spelling and grammar errors can undermine the professionalism of your leave application. Always proofread your letter before submitting it to ensure it’s error-free.
  • Exaggerating or Providing False Information: Being dishonest about the reason for your leave can damage trust with your teacher. Be honest and provide genuine reasons for your absence.
  • Not Following School Guidelines: Some schools may have specific requirements or protocols for leave applications. Make sure to follow these guidelines to avoid any issues.
  • Waiting Until the Last Minute: Requesting leave at the eleventh hour can disrupt your teacher’s plans and cause inconvenience. Try to submit your application well in advance of your planned absence.
  • Not Providing Contact Information: In case your teacher needs to reach you for further clarification or questions, it’s essential to provide accurate contact information in your application.
  • Being Impersonal: Addressing your teacher as “To Whom It May Concern” or using a generic template without personalization can come across as insincere. Address your teacher by name and tailor the application to your specific circumstances.
  • Forgetting to Express Gratitude: Always conclude your leave application with a polite thank you to your teacher for considering your request. Expressing gratitude shows respect and appreciation.

Writing a leave application to your class teacher doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

By following the steps outlined in this guide (for how to write leave application to class teacher) and keeping these tips in mind, you can effectively communicate your absence and ensure a smooth transition back to school.

Remember, clarity and respect are key when it comes to writing a leave application.

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One Day Leave Application for Teachers (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional one day leave application for teachers.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

One-Day Leave Application for Educators

First, find the sample template for one day leave application for teachers below.

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, Postal Code]

Subject: Application for One Day Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I have prepared lesson plans for my classes on the said date and have made arrangements with [Teacher’s Name] who has kindly agreed to supervise and assist my students in my absence.

I assure you that my absence will not cause any hindrance to the regular flow of teaching, and I will put in extra effort to cover up for the missed day.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused because of this and I kindly request you to grant me the leave.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “one day leave application for teachers” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

One Day Leave Application for Teachers due to a Family Function

One Day Leave Application for Teachers due to a Family Function

I, [Your Name], working as a [Your Designation] at [School Name], am writing this letter to kindly request you to grant me leave for one day, i.e., on [Date]. The reason for this leave is a family function that I need to attend.

I will make sure that my temporary absence will not cause any inconvenience to the students or the school’s regular functioning.

I kindly request you to consider my application and grant me leave for the aforementioned date. I am looking forward to your positive response.

Yours faithfully, [Your Name], [Your Designation], [School Name]

Date: [Current Date] Place: [Your City]

Unexpected Sickness One Day Leave Application for Teachers

Unexpected Sickness One Day Leave Application for Teachers

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to inform you that I am unable to attend school today due to an unexpected bout of illness. I woke up this morning feeling unwell, with symptoms such as headache and fever.

I understand the responsibility towards my duty and the influence of my absence on the students. Therefore, I have prepared lesson plans for today’s classes and have shared them with [Alternate Teacher’s Name], who has kindly agreed to handle my classes for the day.

I assure you that I will make up for the lost work once I resume. I hope to recover soon and be back at school with the same energy and enthusiasm.

One Day Leave Application for Teachers for Personal Work

One Day Leave Application for Teachers for Personal Work

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address of the School], [City, State, Zip]

I understand that my absence may cause some inconvenience, and for that, I apologize. However, I have taken necessary measures to ensure the least disruption to my students’ learning during my absence. I have prepared lesson plans for that particular day and shared them with [Name of the Co-Teacher/Substitute Teacher] who has kindly agreed to take over my classes for the day.

I assure you that I will compensate for this day by putting in extra efforts and will ensure that the academic progress of our students is not impacted.

[Your Name], [Your Position], [Your Employee ID], [Date]

Professional Development One Day Leave Application for Teachers

Professional Development One Day Leave Application for Teachers

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City], [State], [Postal Code].

Subject: One Day Leave Application for Professional Development

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to request a leave of absence for one day, on [Day, Date], to attend a Professional Development Seminar that has been organized by [Organizer Name] at [Location].

The seminar is a unique opportunity for me to interact with eminent educators from across the country and to learn about the latest methodologies and tools in teaching. It will provide an excellent platform for me to upgrade my skills and knowledge, which will, in turn, benefit our students and the school at large.

I understand that my absence may cause a temporary disruption in the normal functioning of the classroom, but I assure you that I have made all necessary arrangements to minimise this. I have prepared lesson plans for the substitute teacher and assigned educational activities to keep the students engaged.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Position], [Your Contact Information].

One Day Leave Application for Teachers due to Weather Conditions

One Day Leave Application for Teachers due to Weather Conditions

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

I am writing to inform you that I, [Your Name], working as a [Your Position] at [School Name], am unable to attend school on [Date], due to the extreme weather conditions in my residential area.

I deeply regret any inconvenience caused due to my absence and assure you of my commitment to make up for the lost work hours by connecting with my students online or staying extra hours, as per your guidance and the school’s policy.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Employee ID] [Date] [Contact Information]

How to Write One Day Leave Application for Teachers

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Samples Of Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence

leave application letter by teacher

Attendance is one of the biggest indicators of school success. If you are a student, you will have to take leave from school for some reason. In such a situation, you have to write an application to your teacher. Schoolchildren are required to write applications for leave. Here you will also be told tips for writing important work and tips for sickness . So, know how to write a leave letter to the class teacher for absence . See this below…

Table of Contents

Sample 1 Of Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence:

(Subject: Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence)

Respected Sir/Madam

I am [Name] student in your class. My roll no is [Your Roll No.] . I am writing this letter to apologize that I could not attend my class on [Absent Date] . Because my father had gone out of town and my mother became ill due to a sudden high fever .

There was no one to take care of her at home . I was not in a position to inform you about this in advance.

So please give me two days off.

Your Obedient Student

[Your Name] [Your Class] [Roll No.] [Date]

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Sample 2 Of Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence:

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I want to state that I [Your Name], want to request that due to the death of my grandmother , we all have to go to the village tomorrow, due to which I will not be able to attend school . Please give me 2 days off.

It will be so kind of you.

Thank you Your Obedient Student

Sample 3 Of Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence:

I am a student in your class [Your Class And Roll No] , and my name is [Your Name] . I humbly request that I have a fever since last night. The doctor has told viral feve r. So, please request me to grant me a week off from [Date] to [Date] .

I will be very much grateful to you if you grant me this leave.

List Of Leave Application For Student

Sample 4 Of Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence:

I humbly request that I am a Class [Your Class] student in your school. Yesterday, after coming home from school, I got hurt due to falling from a bicycle while coming home. Due to this, my hands are hurting very fast . The doctor has asked to rest for [No. Of Leave Days] days.

So, please request me to provide [No. Of Leave Days] leave from [Date] to [Date] . I will be grateful to you if you grant me leave. Your Obedient Student

Sample 5 Of Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence:

I am [Your Name] , a student in your class. I am humbly requesting that since the beginning of the second period today , I have been experiencing sudden pain in my head .

There is also a mild fever . I have taken some common medicines from the treatment room of the school but to no avail . A doctor’s advice and comfort seem to be necessary.

So, my request to you is to allow me to go home as soon as possible. I will be grateful to you.

FAQ Regarding Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence:

Q. How To Write a Leave Letter To the Class Teacher For Absence?

A. Writing a leave application letter is very easy. However many people face difficulties while writing a leave application letter. You have to follow the format to write a leave application to your teacher.

Q. How Much Important It Is To Write a Leave Letter To the Class Teacher For Absence?

A. Attending school is very important for a student’s bright future. Teachers take good care of students to encourage them. If a student is absent from school the teacher must know the reason for his/her well-being. So, this is very important to write a leave letter to the class teacher for absence.

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Leave Letter to Class Teacher: Format and Samples

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 16, 2024

Leave Letter to Class Teacher

A leave letter to class teacher acts as a source of updates that lets students communicate their need to take a leave of absence from school. As the immediate point of contact, the class teacher is the class’ authoritative figure that coordinates with all the other teachers in charge of the particular class, responsible for tracking the performance of each student. Taking the same into consideration, the student, when planning to take a leave of absence from school, may work on writing a leave letter, informing their class teacher of the same. Read this blog that expands on the same; including the format and sample of a leave letter to the class teacher. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Reasons to Write a Leave Letter to Class Teacher 
  • 2 Guidelines to Write a Leave Letter to Class Teacher
  • 3 Essential Components
  • 4 Format of a Leave Letter to Class Teacher 
  • 5 Tips to Write a Leave Letter to Class Teacher 
  • 6 Sample of a Leave Letter to Class Teacher 

Reasons to Write a Leave Letter to Class Teacher 

Starting with, let’s go through some of the reasons that may arise the need to write a leave letter to the class teacher. 

  • The student must be engaged with prior commitments with their family such as attending a marriage function or being involved with a range of traditions. 
  • The student could be going out of the station, which could have been planned beforehand, making it predictable for the students to determine the days of their leave of absence so that they can communicate with their teacher. 
  • There might be some kind of health issues that the student could be facing, such as coming down with a fever, which could translate into writing a leave application for fever. 
  • The student could have met with an accident; for which writing a medical application could suffice. 
  • There might be certain extremities that the student could be facing, with respect to their familial circumstances, such as the loss of a loved one.

Guidelines to Write a Leave Letter to Class Teacher

Some guidelines that should be kept in mind while writing a Leave Letter to Class Teacher are:

  • The tone of the letter should be sincere and respectful.
  • Mention what is the cause behind your application of leave.
  • The letter should be concise and to the point.
  • Grammar, Spellings, punctuations, should be correctly used.
  • Attach the required documents where necessary.

Also Read: Medical Leave Application

Essential Components

Moving forward, it’s time to take a look at some of the most essential components of a leave letter to the class teacher. 

  • The letter should clarify the intent from the start. So the need of a subject line is a must. 
  • It’s essential to include the school name and address. 
  • In this letter, the student’s address shall also be included. 
  • Mentioning the date of submitting the letter is crucial.
  • Using a correct salutation at the beginning of the body and its end is highly essential to incorporate.

Also Read: Leave Application Format for Office, School & College

Format of a Leave Letter to Class Teacher 

For a better understanding of the student, the format of writing the letter is explained in the table below. 

The letter should start by mentioning the sender’s name and address. Mention the latter in complete detail.
The date comes next, preferably in the format: DD/MM/YYYY
Here, it is to mention “To The Class Teacher”, followed by the school name and address. Make sure to mention which class the class teacher is in charge of.
The subject line of the letter could be to the likes of: “Leave Application for Two Days”, clarifying the purpose of the letter. 
This is to show respect to the one you are writing the letter to (in this case, the class teacher). So a “Respected Ma’am/Sir” should suffice. 
The body of the leave letter to class teacher can be divided into three paragraphs: 
It includes the student introducing themselves, along with stating the purpose of writing the letter. 
: It includes factual information that explains the situation of the student in detail, leaving no room for verification or clarification.
: It includes a sense of gratitude as well as an optional inclusion of restating the request for the leave of absence. 
The letter is concluded with a simple “Your Sincerely/Your Faithfully”
Finally, the sender is to mention their name, class, and optional signature. 

Tips to Write a Leave Letter to Class Teacher 

Some tips to follow for the students are as follows. 

  • The student is advised to use a formal salutation, tone and signature in the letter. 
  • The subject line should be brief. 
  • The student should not over-exaggerate their situation and not go too much into detail in the body paragraph of the letter. 
  • “Yours Faithfully” is the preferred way to close the letter. 
  • If the student chooses to use a signature at the bottom of the letter, they must make sure that it is the full signature of the one writing it. 

Sample of a Leave Letter to Class Teacher 

This is a sample letter for students to get a glimpse of writing a leave letter to class teacher.

*Insert Sender’s Name*

*Insert Sender’s Address* 

Date: ________

The Class Teacher 

*insert school name and address*

Subject:  *insert a short sentence that clarifies the need of taking leave of absence*

Respected ____, 

I, _____ (name of the student), a student of Class ____, am writing this letter to request two days of leave from _____ to _______ (mention the dates of absence). I have prior engagements at home, for which I shall be out of station for the given time period. 

Kindly consider approval for 2 days of leave. 

I shall be thankful for your consideration.

Yours faithfully, 

*insert name of student*

*Full signature*

Also Read: Casual Leave Application 

Related Reads :    

Ans. Mention the reason for your leave and follow the format of the leave application to write a simple leave. 

Ans. A leave letter to the class teacher is required when the student is suspecting their leave of absence from school, keeping the teacher in the loop and taking their approval for the same. 

Ans. You request leave by writing a leave application. 

This was all about Leave Application to Class Teacher. Subscribe to more such interesting yet informative blogs on Leverage Edu

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Sanya Chhabra

A hermit who prefers to stand true to her values of kindness, inclusivity; and reflects the same in her writing. With a degree in literature and multimedia journalism, she's on a forever pursuit to improve. Additionally, she's open to inputs that are not unsolicited. Welcome to her professional writing space, hope you enjoy your time.

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Writing a “Leave of absence letter for a teacher”

When you are writing a leave of absence letter for a teacher, you will need to consider a few pointers.

[Teacher’s Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Principal’s Name]

RE: Requesting Leave of Absence

This letter is a formal request for an [eight-week] leave of absence without pay, so that I may attend a course at Name of University on [Name of Course]. My last day of work would be [Friday, January 30th] and I would return to my classroom on [Wednesday, April 2nd]. This course is a special arrangement made by the University and is being taught by [Name of Professor] who is a Nobel Prize winner in the field. It will not be offered again in the near future, which is why I need to take advantage of it at this time.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Most respectfully, I beg to say that I am ________ (Mention your name) working in your school as a _________ teacher (Mention your designation). I’m unable to come to school because I have been suffering from fever for the last few days.

Considering my situation, I request you to grant me leaves from ________ [Start Date] to ______ [End Date]. I hope you understand my condition.

Thanking you,

[Your Designation],

[Mobile Number]

(School Name),

(Address/ City)

Subject: Leave application of (teacher name) for (number of days) due to personal reasons

I am (your name), designated as (your designation) in your school. I am writing this letter to bring to your notice that I have to travel to my village for a personal reason. My dates of travel are from (start date) to (end-date). I kindly request you to grant me leave for the said dates. I will resume work the following day.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,


(Your Designation)

Frequently asked questions:

What is a good reason for leave of absence.

A good reason for leave of absence is definitely medical reasons or family emergency reasons. You can also mention personal reasons as there are usually very few follow-up questions for this. Many employees also give the reason of a sick child at home, which is often granted leave immediately.

How do you tell your boss you will be absent?

You can tell your boss you will be absent by writing a leave of absence letter. In this letter, you can mention the reason for your leave and explain it in a polite manner. It also helps to be aware of the company policy and use it in these circumstances.

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[Sample] Teacher Leave of Absence Letter

Leave Application by Teacher to Principal in School

Leave Application For School Teacher To Principal

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(10+ Sample) Leave Application For School Teacher To Principal

leave application for school teacher to principal

Table of Contents

1. Leave application for school teacher to principal

To, The Principal St. John school New Delhi, India

Date : day/month/year

Subject : Application requesting leave.

Respected sir/madam, With cordial regards, I wish to state to you that I am the Maths teacher of the senior section in your reputed academic institution. I want to ask you to provide me leave for one day because I want to attend my sister’s wedding ceremony. I also would like to request you to allot my period to another teacher.

I will be hopeful that you will grant my application and allow me to take leave. Your kind cooperation will mean a lot to me.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely Name 

2. Leave application by teacher to the Principal for going out of station.

To, The Principal Holy child Academy  Noida, India

Respected sir/madam, With all due respect and humble submission I beg to inform you that I am Nandita Ghosh, I teach English to the senior students. I am going out of station for an urgent issue due to which I will not be able to reach school.

Kindly grant me leave so that I can be done with the above mentioned issue. It will be really an appreciable action.

Yours sincerely Name  PGT. english

Also Read: Half Day Leave Application for School College School Leave Application for Marriage

3. Leave application for exam by teacher to principal

To, The principal Holy Child Academy New Delhi, India

Subject : Application requesting leave for exam.

Respected sir/Madam, The solemn purpose of this letter is to gently inform you that I teach Hindi in the senior classes in your esteemed school. I have an exam on __/__/___ ( mention date ). I wish to request you to grant me a leave on that date.

I therefore request you to kindly accept my application. I shall be eminently grateful to you. 

Yours sincerely Name PGT hindi 

4. Leave application for school teacher to principal for marriage.

To  The Principal St.Mary’s High School New Delhi, India

Date : dd/mm/yyyy

Subject : Application requesting leave for marriage.

Respected sir/madam, I am writing this letter to gently notify you that I am a teacher of your reputed school. I teach chemistry. I have decided to tie the holy knot on __/__/___( mention date ). I request you to grant me leave from __/__/____ to __/__/____ ( add date ). 

Kindly consider my request for which I shall be forever grateful to you.

Yours faithfully Name  Other details

Application For Sick Leave From School

School Leave Application For Fever

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5. Sick leave application for school teacher to principal.

To, The Principal  Mother Teresa school kolkata , India

Subject : Sick leave application.

Respected sir/madam, With all due respect and humble submission I beg to state to you that I am a teacher of your school. I am unwell today, I have caught a high fever. I will not be able to attend class today.

I therefore request you to kindly grant my application and allow me to stay at home and recover.

Yours sincerely  Name  Other essential details

6. Half day leave application for school teacher for Principal.

To, The Principal St. Teresa High school New Delhi, India

Subject : Half day leave application.

Respected sir/madam, I intend to inform you that I am the physical education teacher in your school. I started feeling unwell a while ago.  I wish to request you to grant me the leave of half day.

I therefore request you to kindly grant me the leave of half day. I shall be forever grateful to you for this act of your kindness.

Thanking you 

Yours sincerely  Name

7. One day leave application for school teacher to principal.

To, The Principal Covent School New Delhi, India 

Date: day/month/year

Subject : Application requesting one day leave.

Respected sir/madam, I am Nandini Sikka writing this letter to let you know that I will not be able to be present at school and take my maths period.I have a family function which is indispensable. I request you to kindly grant me a leave of one day on __/__/____( mention date ).

Kindly do the needful for which I shall be eminently grateful to you for this act of your kindness.

Yours faithfully Name  Other essential details  

8. Leave application for school teacher to Principal for urgent work.

To, The Principal  Kendriya Vidyalaya Chennai, India

Subject : Application requesting leave due to urgent work.

Respected sir/madam, I am Neeraj Chetry, I am a teacher working at your school. I have urgent work at the bank for which I will not be able to attend school today.

I therefore request you to kindly consider my situation and grant me leave.

Yours faithfully Neeraj chetry  Other important details Contact number 

9. Leave application for school teacher to principal for fever

To, The Principal Marian High school Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Date :day/month/year

Subject : Application requesting leave due to fever.

Respected sir/madam The intention behind this application is to let you know gently that I am a teacher working in your esteemed academic institution.I have been feeling feverish since yesterday evening and I have not recovered yet. I will not be able to be present at school and take up my period.

I therefore request you to grant me leave for today so that I can rest and recover.

Your generous act of kindness will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely Name  Contact Details 

10. Leave application for school teacher to principal for family function.

To, The Principal Royal Global school Guwahati, Assam, India

Respected sir/madam, I, with this letter, wanted to inform you that I will not be able to attend school on __/__/___( mention date ).I have a family function which I have to be a part of.

I with all due respect request you to kindly grant me leave for that day.

I shall be forever grateful to you.

Yours sincerely Name Other details

11. Leave application for school teacher to principal for brother/sister wedding

To, The Principal Name of the school Address of the school

Subject: Application requesting leave.

Respected sir/madam, With deepest respect and regards I intend to gently notify you that I will not be able to be present at school on Wednesday, __/__/___( date ) due my brother’s/sister’s wedding.

I hope you will understand my condition and grant me leave for which I shall be forever grateful.

Yours sincerely Name

12. Yesterday leave application for school teacher to principal

To, The Principal Name of school Name of city/vill

Subject: Application for leave.

Respected sir/madam, I was absent yesterday at school because I had a fever and a cold.

I teach Biology in class 11 and 12. 

I request you to kindly consider yesterday’s absence as sick leave. I shall be highly thankful.

Yours faithfully Name  Other details

12. leave application for school teacher to principal in Hindi

सेवा में, प्रिंसिपल मैरियन हाई स्कूल इंदौर, मध्य प्रदेश

दिनांक: दिन/महीना/वर्ष

विषय: बुखार के कारण अवकाश का अनुरोध पत्र।

प्रिय महोदय/महोदया, इस पत्र के माध्यम से मैं आपको सूचित करना चाहता हूँ कि मैं आपके श्रेष्ठ शैक्षिक संस्थान में शिक्षक के रूप में सेवानिवृत्त हूँ। कल शाम से मुझे बुखार हो रहा है और मैं अभी तक स्वस्थ नहीं हुआ हूँ। इस कारण, मैं स्कूल आने में असमर्थ हो गया हूँ और मेरा पाठ पूरा नहीं हो पाएगा।

इसलिए, मैं आपसे निवेदन करता हूँ कि आप कृपया मुझे आज के लिए अवकाश प्रदान करें, ताकि मैं आराम कर सकूँ और जल्दी स्वस्थ हो सकूँ।

आपके उदार कार्यों की मैं अत्यधिक प्रशंसा करता हूँ।


आपका विश्वासी, नाम संपर्क विवरण

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About the author.

Golam md

Golam Md is the founder of, a blog that is exclusively dedicated to providing helpful tips, Samples and advice on writing effective application letters.

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How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation For A School Application

Jeff Tompkins

Updated: Jul 13, 2023, 3:18pm

How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation For A School Application

Whether you’re a high school student headed to college or a college undergraduate preparing for grad school, letters of recommendation are often a requirement to advance to the next stage of your academic journey.

However, asking a teacher or professor for a letter of recommendation can be intimidating, whether in-person or via email. But fear not—we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of asking for letters of recommendation to help you gain acceptance to the college or graduate school of your choice.

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What Is a Letter of Recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a formal letter written by someone in a position of authority, such as a teacher, to provide testimony regarding your abilities, achievements and character.

Colleges and universities ask for letters of recommendation because they give admissions officers a well-rounded picture of you. Recommendation letters can provide more insight into your personality and abilities beyond your transcript and extracurriculars and set you apart from other applicants.

The number of recommendation letters you need can vary, so verifying each school’s requirements is important. One to three letters are typically required, but two to three is the standard. Consider two letters as your minimum and a third letter as a backup or supplementary perspective to offer the admissions committee further insight into your qualities and achievements.

Who Should Write Your Recommendation Letter?

Someone who knows you well academically is best suited to write your recommendation letter. Typically professors and teachers fill this role. However, coaches, counselors and club advisors can be potential candidates, especially if they know you in multiple settings, such as in the classroom or an extracurricular club.

Employers or supervisors at your workplace are possibilities for a secondary letter if they have firsthand experience of your abilities and accomplishments.

Remember to review the school’s application requirements to see if they want recommendation letters from specific people, such as a core subject teacher or a school counselor. Letters of recommendation for graduate school may need to come from undergraduate professors.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

Give plenty of notice.

Teachers usually have multiple recommendation letters to write, so give them as much advance notice as possible. Giving them a month before the due date is the minimum, but providing six to eight weeks of notice is even better.

For high school seniors, the beginning of the school year is an optimum time to ask for recommendations, particularly if you are considering applying for early decision. The more time your references have, the greater your chance of receiving a sincere, thorough letter.

Ask in Person if Possible

If possible, speak with your prospective recommenders in person before you send them your written request for a letter of recommendation. Before your conversation, rehearse and prepare your “pitch” to clearly and succinctly outline the purpose of your application and why you’re seeking their recommendation.

Also, meeting your recommenders in person can help them recall their experience with you in their class, which can be beneficial when they write your letter.

At first, you may feel shy about requesting such a favor. But remember that teachers and professors receive these requests frequently, and writing letters of recommendation is common practice in this field.

Send a Formal Request

Send a well-written request to each person who agreed to write you a letter by email. Your email subject line should read “Request for Letter of Recommendation” or something similar. Remind them of who you are and the college you’re applying to. Provide a deadline and an option to decline your request.

Supply Helpful Materials

Provide a copy of your current resume to the person writing the letter. Consider including a sheet highlighting key school courses or projects you’ve worked on, relevant work experience, specific character attributes or academic accomplishments and any long-term goals relevant to the recommendation. This information can help jog the writer’s memory and provide them with details that can add a more personal touch to the letter of recommendation.

It’s always a good idea to send your references a short, polite reminder one to two weeks before the due date. Following up is also an opportunity to ask if they need additional information from you.

Say Thank You

Send a thank you in writing to everyone who submitted a letter for you. A handwritten note is the best option. Sending your note by email is the next best option. Do not send a thank you note by text message. Lastly, don’t forget to share the good news of your acceptance to the school with your recommenders.

Tips for the Recommendation Letter Process

Waive your right to view.

We recommend waiving your right to view your recommendation on your application form since letters of recommendation are typically considered confidential. Admissions officers may view them as more trustworthy if they know you haven’t seen them.

Prepare for a “No”

No one is obligated to write you a letter of recommendation. People may decline your request for various reasons. For instance, some teachers decide to only write a certain number of recommendations each year and may have reached their quota.

Also, if someone you ask for a reference hesitates, it’s a sign that they aren’t a good fit. They may not know you well enough to speak to your qualifications.

Be prepared with alternatives. If anyone declines your request, take it graciously, thank the person and reach out to the next person on your list. If you don’t have an alternative, a guidance counselor or academic advisor can help you think of someone.

Update Your References

You should update those who have written your letter of recommendation. Your updates can include informing them of your acceptance to a college and other important achievements. Keeping your references updated is a polite gesture since they are essential to the application process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

How do you ask for a letter of recommendation via email.

When writing a letter of recommendation via email, keep it short and formal. Include a direct subject line such as “Request for Letter of Recommendation” and a formal salutation and closing. Use the first paragraph to reintroduce yourself to the recommender and your second paragraph to make the request. Ensure that you provide a clear deadline.

How do you politely ask for a recommendation letter from a professor?

Show your appreciation for your recommender’s time by giving plenty of advance notice. Whether approaching the request in writing or in person, maintain a polite and professional demeanor. Clearly, explain why you have chosen them as a recommender, what information you expect the letter to include and details on where to send the letter.

How long before the due date should you ask for a letter of recommendation?

A generous lead time is essential when asking for a letter of recommendation. Give your letter writers at least one month before the due date—and preferably longer. Ensure the date is clear in all your communication with the recommender.

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Jeff Tompkins is a writer and teacher of English as a Second Language living in New York City. He was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1967 and was educated at Brown University and University College London. His articles and reviews have appeared in CHA Review of Books and Films, the Brooklyn Rail, the Chicago Review of Books, PopMatters, Words Without Borders, and other outlets.

The Hechinger Report

Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education

PROOF POINTS: As teacher layoffs loom, research evidence mounts that seniority protections hurt kids in poverty

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Teacher layoffs are likely this fall as $190 billion in federal pandemic aid expires. By one estimate , schools spent a fifth of their temporary funds on hiring new people, most of them teachers. Those jobs may soon be cut with many less experienced teachers losing their jobs first. The education world describes this policy with a business acronym used in inventory accounting: LIFO or “Last In, First Out.” 

Website for Mind/Shift

Intuitively, LIFO seems smart. It not only rewards teachers for their years of service, but there’s also good evidence that teachers improve with experience . Not every seasoned teacher is great, but on average, veterans are better than rookies. Keeping them in classrooms is generally best for students.

The problem is that senior teachers aren’t evenly distributed across schools. Wealthier and whiter schools tend to have more experienced teachers. By contrast, high-poverty schools, often populated by Black and Hispanic students, are staffed by more junior teachers . That’s because stressful working conditions at low-income schools prompt many teachers to leave after a short stint. Each year, they’re replaced with a fresh crop of young teachers and the turnover repeats. 

When school districts lay teachers off by seniority, high-poverty schools end up bearing the brunt of the job cuts. The policy exacerbates the teacher churn at these schools. And that churn alone harms student achievement , especially when a large share of teachers are going through the rocky period of adjusting to a new workplace. 

“LIFO is not very good for kids,” said Dan Goldhaber, a labor economist at the American Institutes for Research, speaking to journalists about expected teacher layoffs at the 2024 annual meeting of the Education Writers Association in Las Vegas.

leave application letter by teacher

The last time there were mass teacher layoffs was after the 2008 recession. Economists estimate that 120,000 elementary, middle and high school teachers lost their jobs between 2008 and 2012. The vast majority of school districts used seniority as the sole criteria for determining which teachers were laid off, according to a 2022 policy brief published in the journal Education Finance and Policy. In some cases, state law mandated that teacher layoffs had to be done by seniority. LIFO rules were also written into teachers union contracts. In other cases, school leaders simply decided to carry out layoffs this way. 

Economists haven’t been able to conclusively prove that student achievement suffered more under LIFO layoffs than other ways of reducing the teacher workforce. But the evidence points in that direction for children in poverty and for Black and Hispanic students, according to two research briefs by separate groups of scholars that reviewed dozens of studies. For example, in the first two years after the 2008 recession, Black and Hispanic elementary students in Los Angeles Unified School District had 72 percent and 25 percent greater odds , respectively, of having their teacher laid off compared to their white peers, according to one study. 

Districts with higher rates of poverty and larger shares of Black and Hispanic students were more likely to have seniority-based layoff policies, according to another study. “LIFO layoff policies end up removing less experienced teachers, sometimes in mass, from a small handful of schools,” wrote Matthew Kraft and Joshua Bleiberg in their 2022 policy brief for the journal, Education Finance and Policy.

Budget cuts can create some messy situations. Terry Grier, a retired superintendent, who ran the San Diego school district following the 2008 recession, remembers that his district cut costs by eliminating jobs in the central office and reassigning these bureaucrats, many of whom had teacher certifications, to fill classroom vacancies. To avoid additional layoffs, his school board forced him to transfer teachers in overstaffed schools to fill classroom vacancies elsewhere, Grier said. The union contract specified that forced transfers had to begin with teachers who had the least seniority. That exacerbated teacher turnover at his poorest schools, and the loss of some very good teachers, he said. 

“Despite being relatively new to the profession, many of these teachers were highly skilled,” said Grier. 

Losing promising new talent is painful. Raúl Gastón, the principal of a predominantly Hispanic and low-income middle school in Villa Park, Ill., still regrets not having the discretion to lay off a teacher whose poor performance was under review, and being forced instead to let go of an “excellent” rookie teacher in 2015.

“It was a gut punch,” Gastón said. “She had just received a great rating on her evaluation. I was looking forward to what she could do to bring up our scores and help our students.”

The loss of excellent early career teachers was made stark in Minnesota, where Qorsho Hassan lost her job in the spring of 2020 because of her district’s adherence to LIFO rules. After her layoff, Hassan was named the state’s Teacher of the Year . 

Hassan was also a Black teacher, which highlights another unintended consequence of layoff policies that protect veteran teachers: they disproportionately eliminate Black and Hispanic faculty. That undermines efforts to diversify the teacher workforce, which is 80 percent white , while the U.S. public school student population is less than half white . In recent years, districts have had some success in recruiting more Black and Hispanic teachers, but many of them are still early in their careers. 

leave application letter by teacher

The unfairness of LIFO layoffs became evident after the 2008 recession. Since then, 20 states have enacted laws to restrict the use of seniority as the main criteria for who gets laid off. But many states still permit it, including Texas. State laws in California and New York still require that layoffs be carried out by seniority, according to TNTP, a nonprofit focused on improving K-12 education, and Educators for Excellence. 

While there is a consensus among researchers that LIFO layoffs have unintended consequences that harm both students and teachers, there’s debate about what should replace this policy. One approach would be to lay off less effective teachers, regardless of seniority. But teacher effectiveness ratings, based on student test scores, are controversial and unpopular with teachers. Observational ratings can be subjective and, in practice, these evaluations tend to rate most teachers highly , making it hard to use them to distinguish teacher quality.

Others have suggested keeping a seniority system in place but adding additional protections for certain kinds of teachers, such as those who teach in hard-to-staff, high-poverty schools. Oregon keeps LIFO in place, but in 2021 carved out an exception for teachers with “ cultural and linguistic expertise .” In 2022, Minneapolis schools decided that “underrepresented” teachers would be skipped during seniority-based layoffs. Still another idea is to make layoffs proportional to school size so that poor schools don’t suffer more than others.

This story about  teacher layoffs was written by Jill Barshay and produced by  The Hechinger Report , a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for  Proof Points  and other  Hechinger newsletters .

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Free Teacher Resume Template and Tips, Plus 21 Teacher Resume Examples

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Whether you’re searching for your first teaching job or you’re ready for a change, you’ll need a solid resume. There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there on how to write a resume that will land you an interview, so it’s worth taking some time to review teacher resume examples first. We’ve rounded up examples for pretty much any kind of educator and assembled tips for how to write a strong modern teacher resume.

Best of all, we’ve got a free, fully customizable teacher resume template to get you started quickly and easily. Fill out the form on this page to grab your template, then use our tips to start building your resume today.

Teacher Resume Tips

Teacher resume examples.

Resumes have changed a lot in recent years, so do your research to find out what the latest trends are. For instance, while an “objectives” section used to be a resume standard, people often drop this section today in favor of more space to highlight their accomplishments. Start with these general resume tips, then get more advice for completing our free teacher resume template, section by section.

General Tips

  • Keep it to one or two pages. Hiring managers don’t have time to read overly long resumes. Put the most important information up front, and remove anything that doesn’t truly strengthen your application.
  • Be honest. While you want to highlight your strengths and achievements, don’t go overboard. If you exaggerate your experience but are unable to perform certain tasks, you may put your future job at risk before you even get started.
  • Skip the gimmicks. Some people will tell you the way to make your resume stand out is to use fun fonts or a “creative” design. The fact is, people who are hiring want an easy-to-read, clear presentation that highlights your achievements and credentials. That’s what will land you an interview.
  • Tailor your resume. Keep a standard resume document that you can customize for the specific job you’re applying for. That might mean moving sections around, highlighting specific skills or experiences, or deciding which parts of your career deserve to be placed up front. Take a close look at the job description, and tailor your resume accordingly.
  • Don’t try to circumvent the system. Years ago, people would tell you to ignore requests to send your resume and instead show up in person. Our advice: Don’t do it! Application systems are nearly all online these days, and for good reason. This helps hiring committees by organizing information efficiently and ensuring they meet all anti-discrimination laws. So just send your resume and application using the method requested.
  • Don’t forget a cover letter. A great cover letter really can help your resume stand out. Learn how to make your teacher cover letter special here.

Contact Information

On today’s resumes, your mailing address is optional. In fact, if you’re looking for a job outside of your current geographical area, it can sometimes be helpful to leave it off. This way, employers won’t worry about whether you’re willing to relocate for the job.

Email addresses are not optional. This is the way most schools will contact you today, so be sure to provide yours. You might want to take a look at your address to make sure it sounds relatively professional too. Ideally, it simply contains a version of your name (e.g., “[email protected]”); don’t forget you can grab a free email address from sites like Gmail if you need to. But other addresses are fine too, as long as there’s nothing questionable. “[email protected]” is fine. “[email protected]” is not.

Professional Objective/Summary

As mentioned earlier, resume objectives are used less and less today. Recent college grads or those transitioning to teaching careers might still decide to include a professional objective statement. Those with more experience have replaced objectives with a summary statement that provides an overview of their career. It’s also OK to delete this section altogether if you’d like more space in the Relevant Work Experience section.

Education and Certifications

Include your undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as any certifications or licensures you hold. Note: It’s up to you whether you include your graduation date. Some people worry it can open them up to age discrimination. You’ll likely be asked for this information if you continue in the hiring process, so they can verify your degrees.

Related Experience

This is the real meat of your teacher resume. You can list jobs chronologically starting with the most recent, or choose to place your most relevant experience first. Either way, include your employer’s name, dates of employment, and the position/s you held. Then, highlight your experience and achievements. Strive to make your statements measurable and quantifiable rather than just a listing of your job duties.

Weak statements:

  • Taught fifth grade science and math
  • Prepared students for standardized math tests
  • Oversaw annual school science fair

Strong statements:

  • Instructed 100+ students each year in fifth grade science fundamentals, including human anatomy, electricity and magnetism, and earth and space science
  • Improved standardized testing math scores by an average of 8% over a period of five years
  • Organized seven annual school science fairs by coordinating 200+ participants, finding qualified judges, and arranging for prizes donated by the community

New college grad? You should definitely include your student teaching or internship experience in this section!

Additional Experience

You can use this section to include jobs you’ve held that aren’t quite as relevant to the one you’re applying for. If you’re new to the working world, it’s OK to include non-teaching jobs here. For those with longer careers, it’s probably not necessary to list every job you’ve ever had. Just highlight any experience that helps support your application or fills any employment gaps.

Professional Honors and Leadership

If you’ve received awards or honors related to teaching, share them here. The same goes for any leadership roles you’ve held in educational professional orgs.

Professional Affiliations

If space allows, you might want to include a short list of respected professional organizations you belong to. You should definitely include them if you play a very active role, have been invited to speak as an education expert at a conference, etc. Otherwise, this section is optional.

Other Teacher Resume Sections

Here are some sections you might consider adding if you have space, and a few to skip altogether.

  • Professional skills: Don’t include this section if your skills are simply those expected of any teacher. But if you’ve built up any unusual and relevant teaching skills through experience or professional development, you could include them here. (Fluency in multiple languages, for example.)
  • Community involvement or volunteer work: If you’ve been heavily involved in community organizations that work with children or education, consider highlighting those achievements on your resume.
  • Publications: Have you published articles in an educational or professional journal, or had your work featured on a trusted, well-known website? Include any relevant articles and links.

Here’s what you don’t need on your resume:

  • Hobbies or “unique” unrelated skills (like “juggling” or “Cordon Bleu chef”).
  • Any information about religious or political affiliations, or your marital status, gender, race, or age. These could lead to potential bias or discrimination in the hiring process.
  • References: Most people leave this section off their resume these days, as job applications or hiring committees will ask you for them separately. Line up your references and gather their contact information, but hang onto them until you’re asked to provide the info. You don’t even need to put “References available upon request,” since hiring managers already assume that.

As you complete your teacher resume template, use these examples for ideas about what to include and how to word it.

1. First-time teacher

This is a great resume for teachers with little to no experience.

2. Another first-time teacher example

Here’s one more example of a great teacher resume for those with limited experience.

3. Experienced elementary teacher

This one allows you to showcase your skills in a compact, visually appealing design.

4. Another experienced elementary teacher

This is one of those teacher resume examples that work best for those with some experience but who are still early in their career. (Note: Click the link above and scroll down to find it.)

5. Summer school teacher

Use this resume to highlight the unique skills of summer school teachers who work with students who are either repeating a course or trying to get ahead for the following school year.

6. Assistant teacher

Applying for an assistant teacher job will be much easier using one of the five fantastic teacher resume examples through this resource.

7. Special education teacher

As a special educator, your responsibilities may change from minute to minute and your skills need to adapt. This template helps you simplify your experience in a one-page resume.

8. School counselor

This resume will help you showcase your excellent mentoring, counseling, and leadership skills.

9. School guidance counselor

As a guidance counselor, your role is to guide students through academic development as well as personal growth. Use this template to show you how to highlight your unique talents.

10. Library media specialist

Showcase your ability to collect and maintain the valuable resources needed to foster a strong learning environment for students.

11. High school English teacher

Use this guide to create a great English teacher resume that will highlight your communication, interpersonal, and planning skills to edge out the competition.

12. Technology teacher

Emphasize your commitment to the ongoing professional development necessary to continue integrating the latest technology into the existing curriculum, and coming up with new lesson plans for today’s classrooms.

13. Music teacher

Share and showcase your love of introducing music to students with this straightforward teacher resume.

14. Drama teacher

This resume example is simple but perfect for drama teachers who want to emphasize their experience as well as their knowledge of acting techniques and production.

15. World language teacher

Establish yourself as the ideal candidate by demonstrating teaching skills, language proficiency, communication, and organizational skills.

16. Sports coach

As a coach, this template will help you demonstrate your ability to manage teams and sports programs as well as encourage academic performance.

17. ESL teacher

This teacher resume example allows you to highlight your classroom management skills, as well as your commitment to empathy, patience, and cultural awareness. (Note: Click the link above and scroll down to find it.)

18. Math teacher

This clean resume template showcases a math teacher’s ability to break down complex math concepts through patient, meaningful engagement with students.

19. Pre-K teacher

It takes a special person to be a great pre-K teacher. Working with young children while creating lesson and activity plans, monitoring progress, and providing quality supervision takes patience and kindness.

20. Business teacher

Put your best foot forward with this business teacher resume that emphasizes teaching methods and a commitment to ongoing professional development.

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Use this resume to let hiring managers know that you’re not only motivated to help students learn but uniquely qualified. Be sure to highlight any experience living or traveling abroad as well as foreign language skills.

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leave application letter by teacher

Fifth grade teacher in Southborough has been placed on paid leave. Here's what to know

SOUTHBOROUGH — A local elementary school teacher is on paid administrative leave after school officials say the teacher held an "unacceptable" mock slave auction in front of the class, and uttered a racial slur in a separate incident.

The fifth-grade teacher at the Margaret Neary School has not been named.

According to a letter from Superintendent of Schools Gregory Martineau to parents, which was sent last week, both incidents occurred earlier this year.

The first incident occurred in January during a lesson on the southern colonies' economy, including the slave trade.

"During the lesson, the educator held an impromptu mock slave auction," according to Martineau's letter. "The educator asked two children sitting in front of the room, who were of color, to stand, and the educator and class discussed physical attributes (i.e. teeth and strength). Holding a mock slave auction is unacceptable and violates the district's core values."

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According to the letter, research has shown that such simulations are "disproportionally traumatic for students of color."

Second incident allegedly involved use of a racial slur

The second alleged incident occurred in April, according to the letter. In that incident, the teacher was reading a book in class that was recommended by another teacher. While discussing the book, which was not approved for the fifth grade English curriculum, the teacher said the "N-word." The word does not appear in the book, according to Martineau's letter.

According to the letter, parents of students in the class reported the incident to Principal Kathleen Valenti, who held a meeting with the teacher, parents and students. The following day, according to the letter, the teacher confronted at least one of the students who had reported the second incident.

"The next day, the educator inappropriately called out the student who had reported the educator’s use of the racial slur, which is not acceptable," according to Martineau's letter.

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The district then began an investigation, placing the teacher on paid administrative leave. Valenti was also placed on paid administrative leave from May 6-16.

The district continues to investigate the incidents. Martineau, in his letter, said all personnel matters will remain private.

Superintendent announces several improvement steps

Martineau wrote that the district will take on several actions to "improve our cultural competency," after the incident.

Those include developing a professional development plan that focuses on "culturally competent pedagogy," that will be implemented int he fall; expand partnerships with consultants with the knowledge and skills to help strengthen the district's work; accelerate professional development of the faculty and staff; improve the reporting and investigatory procedures; and to work with students and families impacted by the incidents.

Martineau could not be reached for comment on Monday. But in last week's letter, he apologized to parents and hoped the district would do better in the future.

"I apologize for the events that took place in the Public Schools of Southborough," he wrote. "I acknowledge that there were missteps in this process that further complicated the situation. Ultimately, I am responsible for ensuring students are in safe and supportive learning environments."

Anti-Defamation League leader calls incident 'de-humanizing'

In a statement, the Anti-Defamation League of New England's interim director, Ron Fish, called the mock slave auction incident "dehumanizing."

"This incident is highly insulting, offensive, and indicative of poor judgment," Fish said. "We are horrified students of color in particular were subjected to this dehumanizing 'exercise.' The district must promote healing and ensure this never happens again."

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's Boston office could be reached for comment.

Norman Miller can be reached at 508-626-3823 or [email protected]. For up-to-date public safety news, follow him on X @Norman_MillerMW or on Facebook at


  1. Leave Letter for School

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  2. FREE 64+ Leave Letter Samples & Templates in PDF, Word, Pages, Google Docs

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  3. Teacher Sick Leave Application To The Principal

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  4. Application to the Principal for Casual Leave by School Teacher

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  5. How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter (Samples & Template)

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  1. Leave Application

  2. Write a request letter to class teacher for three days leave

  3. Application For Leave For Company/Office Staff || Sick Leave Application For Office/Company Staff

  4. Application for leave for office or company staff || Leave application for urgent work

  5. leave letter for kids and students in school // how to write leave letter to the principal

  6. Leave Application to Principal from Teacher


  1. Leave application by teacher to principal. 5 samples

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  2. Leave Application by Teacher to Principal in School

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  3. (13 Samples) Leave Application for School Teacher to Principa

    Note of Appreciation: End the letter on a positive note, expressing your appreciation for the support and cooperation from your colleagues and principal during your absence. In conclusion, by including all of the necessary components and structuring your leave application correctly, you can ensure that your leave is granted without any issues ...

  4. Leave Application to Principal by Teacher (15+ Sample)

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  5. Leave Application By Teacher To Principal In School

    Dear [Principal's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to personal reasons. During this period, I would like to take time off to attend to important personal matters that require my immediate attention. I understand the importance of my role as a teacher and the ...

  6. Teacher Absence Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

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  7. Teacher Leave Application Letters to Principal

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  8. How to write a Leave Application for School

    Leave Application for School. A leave application is a formal request to higher authorities for leave on the specified dates. School leave letters are used to notify teachers of a student's temporary absence from school. This letter is addressed to either the Principal or the class teacher. The leave application should be compelling and ...

  9. Leave Letter to Principal (Format & Sample Applications)

    Here is a sample leave letter based on the above format. It demonstrates how a teacher can use the format to write a request for a leave of absence. Adrian Connelly. 2048 South Zuniga. Bakersfield, OK 89658. April 16, 2022. Mrs. Jane Ellory. Principal, Bakersfield High School.

  10. (5+ Samples) Application for Leave in School by Teacher

    Subject: Application for Leave in School as a Teacher. Respected Sir/Madam, With due respect, I am writing to request a leave of absence from school for [number] of days starting from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason]. Kindly grant me the leave and oblige. Thank you for your kind consideration.

  11. Format and Samples for Leave Letter for Teacher to Principal

    Leave Letter From Teacher to Principal - For Sickness. To. HR/ Name of the HR, (Office Name), (Address/ City) Date: DD-MM-YYYY. Subject: Leave application of (your name) for (number of days) due to fever. Dear Sir/ Madam, I am (your name), designated as (your designation) in your school. With due respect, I want to bring to your notice that I am not in a condition to come to school/ college.

  12. 20+ Leave Letter to Teacher

    Here are some key points to keep in mind while writing a leave letter to teacher: The letter should be written in a formal tone and format. The reason for the student's absence should be clearly mentioned in the letter. The dates of the student's absence should be specified in the letter. The letter should be signed by the parent or ...

  13. 11 Samples Of Application To Teacher For Leave

    The Class Teacher, [Name Of The School] [Address Of The School] [Date] Subject: Application For Leave. Sir, With due respect, this is to inform you that I am [Your Name], a student in your school. I am going out of the station for an urgent issue due to which I will not be able to reach school. So kindly grant me leave on [Date].

  14. 20+ Leave Applications for School Teachers to Principal

    P.E. Teacher Email Leave Application by Teacher to Principal Due To Medical Checkup/Illness - 15. To: (Your Email) Respected Sir, I, Rizwan Ali (Grade 1 teacher), wish to apply for two days of leave on Wed, 14 December, and Thu, 15 December, for a scheduled whole body medical checkup and treatment for viral fever.

  15. How To Write Leave Application To Class Teacher?

    Sincerely, [Your Name] Heading: Your name, class, and date are provided at the top of the letter. Salutation: The teacher is addressed respectfully as "Dear [Teacher's Name].". Body of the Letter: The reason for the leave (two days), the dates of absence, and assurance of keeping up with classwork are clearly stated.

  16. One Day Leave Application for Teachers (with Samples & PDFs)

    First, find the sample template for one day leave application for teachers below. Subject: Application for One Day Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing this application to request your permission for a leave of absence for one day, dated [Date], due to [Mention the reason for ...

  17. Samples Of Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence

    Sample 3 Of Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence: To, The Class Teacher. [School Name] [School Address] (Subject: Leave Letter To Class Teacher For Absence) Respected Sir/Madam, I am a student in your class [Your Class And Roll No], and my name is [Your Name]. I humbly request that I have a fever since last night.

  18. Leave Letter to Class Teacher: Format and Samples

    Make sure to mention which class the class teacher is in charge of. Subject. The subject line of the letter could be to the likes of: "Leave Application for Two Days", clarifying the purpose of the letter. Salutation. This is to show respect to the one you are writing the letter to (in this case, the class teacher).

  19. Leave of absence letter for a teacher (+5 Samples)

    Subject: Leave application of (teacher name) for (number of days) due to personal reasons. Respected Sir/ Madam, I am (your name), designated as (your designation) in your school. I am writing this letter to bring to your notice that I have to travel to my village for a personal reason. My dates of travel are from (start date) to (end-date).

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    The solemn purpose of this letter is to gently inform you that I teach Hindi in the senior classes in your esteemed school. I have an exam on __/__/___ (mention date). I wish to request you to grant me a leave on that date. ... 12. leave application for school teacher to principal in Hindi. सेवा में, प्रिंसिपल

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    Send a Formal Request. Send a well-written request to each person who agreed to write you a letter by email. Your email subject line should read "Request for Letter of Recommendation" or ...

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  24. Free Teacher Resume Template and Tips + 21 Resume Examples

    Special education teacher. As a special educator, your responsibilities may change from minute to minute and your skills need to adapt. This template helps you simplify your experience in a one-page resume. 8. School counselor. This resume will help you showcase your excellent mentoring, counseling, and leadership skills. 9.

  25. Teacher on leave after holding mock slave auction, using N-word in 5th

    CNN —. A Massachusetts teacher who staged a mock slave auction and used the N-word in a 5th-grade class has been placed on leave, according to a letter sent to parents by the school's ...

  26. Southborough teacher on leave, accused of holding mock slave auction

    0:05. 0:45. SOUTHBOROUGH — A local elementary school teacher is on paid administrative leave after school officials say the teacher held an "unacceptable" mock slave auction in front of the ...

  27. Southborough teacher on leave after holding 'mock slave auction ...

    A Southborough public school teacher has been placed on leave after holding "an impromptu mock slave auction" with students during a history lesson and later using a racial slur while ...