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Princeton Releases Michelle Obama's Senior Thesis

February 26, 2008 / 8:18 PM EST /

This story was written by Esther Breger, The Daily Princetonian

The campaign of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), her husband, received criticism from conservative media and bloggers when the University restricted access to her senior thesis until after the presidential election in November.

"A thesis can be restricted or unrestricted for a variety of reasons, including at the request of alumni," University spokeswoman Cass Cliatt '96 said in an e-mail. "It falls within the purview of alumni to discuss their academic work," she said.

Analysis of the thesis' content, in addition to its restricted availability, has featured prominently in blogs over the last few days. Written under Obama's maiden name of Michelle LaVaughn Robinson and titled "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community," the thesis has come under scrutiny as the presidential campaign has advanced for its analysis of race relations.

What's in the thesis?

Obama, who concentrated in sociology and received a certificate in African-American studies, examined how the attitudes of black alumni have changed over the course of their time at the University. "Will they become more or less motivated to benefit the Black community?" Obama wrote in her thesis.

After surveying 89 black graduates, Obama concluded that attending the University as an undergraduate decreased the extent to which black alumni identified with the black community as a whole.

Obama drew on her personal experiences as an example.

"As I enter my final year at Princeton, I find myself striving for many of the same goals as my White classmates -- acceptance to a prestigious graduate school or a high-paying position in a successful corporation," she wrote, citing the University's conservative values as a likely cause.

"Predominately White universities like Princeton are socially and academically designed to cater to the needs of the White students comprising the bulk of their enrollments," she said, noting the small size of the African-American studies department and that there were only five black tenured professors at the University across all departments.

Obama studied the attitudes of black Princeton alumni to determine what effect their time at Princeton had on their identification with the black community. "My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'Blackness' than ever before," she wrote in her introduction. "I have found that at Princeton no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my White professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong."

Emeritus sociology professor Walter Wallace, who served as her thesis adviser, declined to comment for this story.

"It is important to consider the time period in which Michelle Obama wrote her thesis," College Democrats vice president Scott Weingart '09 said in an e-mail. "In 1985, Princeton was still a very conservative school; [Tiger Inn] would not admit women members for another six years. Today, the student body is a lot more progressive and diverse."

Completed theses are kept in Mudd Manuscript Library and are generally available to the public for viewing and scanning. Before today, callers to Mudd requesting information on Obama's thesis were told that the thesis has been made "temporarily unavailable" and were directed to the University Office of Communications. Following the thesis' release by the Obama campaign to, a political news site, the University lifted the restriction.

The University's actions were met with varying reactions by students.

"The school shoud generally default to freedom of information unless there is some compelling school or personal (e.g. the request of the author) interest at stake," Jason Anton '10, co-director of the Students for Barack Obama Princeton chapter, said in an e-mail.

"There's nothing about a senior thesis that's private in nature -- it's written with the knowledge that it will be kept in Mudd for all to read," Zahava Stadler '11 said.

Many students felt that the contents of the work could become a factor in the election, but they were unsure to what extent it would affect the outcome.

"Unfortunately, the thesis may very well revive the race card as a central theme of the election," Anton said.

"Her thesis seems especially pertinent given the questions that have been raised off and on about the supposed 'tight-rope' of racial identity politics that some claim Senator Obama has to carefully navigate," College Democrats president Rob Weiss '09 said in an e-mail.

Molly Alarcon '10, an Obama supporter, said she thought Michelle Obama's writing in college should not have any bearing on her husband's election, but her view was not shared by all students.

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michelle obama princeton senior thesis

Was Michelle Obama's Thesis Restricted Until After the 2008 Election?

The availability of michelle obama's senior thesis fluctuated throughout the 2008 presidential campaign., david mikkelson, published march 31, 2008.


About this rating

In early 2008 Princeton University placed a restriction on access to Michelle Obama's senior thesis that was stated as lasting until the day after the presidential election of November 2008.

Princeton lifted the restriction on access to the thesis in March of 2008.

In every U.S. presidential election campaign, the two major parties' candidates become the subjects of prolonged and intense scrutiny, with seemingly everything they've ever said or done becoming fodder for endless analysis, interpretation and criticism. The scrutiny doesn't always stop with the candidates themselves, however — their parents, siblings, children, and other close associates sometimes find themselves the subjects of fervent investigation as well.

Candidates' spouses, in particular, are often a subject of great interest. Not only are they relatives that candidates have "chosen," but they live with the candidates day in and day out, and they sometimes serve as political surrogates by stumping for their husbands or wives on the campaign trail. They probably know the inner workings of the candidates' minds better than anyone else, and they're presumed to be important sources of advice, counsel, and influence. All of this means that the senior thesis of Michelle Obama, wife of Illinois senator (and leading Democratic presidential contender) Barack Obama would naturally be a subject of considerable interest, especially since the subject of that thesis is itself a significant political topic. The former Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, who graduated from Princeton University in 1985 with a B.A. in sociology (and later earned a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1988), wrote her senior undergraduate thesis on the subject of "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community."

Michelle Obama's thesis became a matter of controversy (outside of its subject matter) in early 2008 when some interested parties who attempted to retrieve its content were informed by Princeton that access to the thesis had been restricted until after the presidential election in November 2008. Regardless of the reasons behind it, such a restriction naturally engendered suspicion that someone or something (in this case, presumably the Obama campaign itself) had a vested interest in keeping the information from reaching the public, which in turn served to heighten interest in the contents of the thesis.

The Daily Princetonian noted that prior to 26 February 2008 "callers to Mudd [Manuscript Library] requesting information on Obama's thesis were told that the thesis has been made 'temporarily unavailable' and were directed to the University Office of Communications," but the university lifted that restriction after the Obama campaign made a copy of the thesis available through the web site Politico .

As for the content of the thesis, the Daily Princetonian summarized it thusly:

Obama, who concentrated in sociology and received a certificate in African-American studies, examined how the attitudes of black alumni have changed over the course of their time at the University. "Will they become more or less motivated to benefit the Black community?" Obama wrote in her thesis. After surveying 89 black graduates, Obama concluded that attending the University as an undergraduate decreased the extent to which black alumni identified with the black community as a whole. Obama drew on her personal experiences as an example. "As I enter my final year at Princeton, I find myself striving for many of the same goals as my White classmates — acceptance to a prestigious graduate school or a high-paying position in a successful corporation," she wrote, citing the University’s conservative values as a likely cause. "Predominately White universities like Princeton are socially and academically designed to cater to the needs of the White students comprising the bulk of their enrollments," she said, noting the small size of the African-American studies department and that there were only five black tenured professors at the University across all departments. Obama studied the attitudes of black Princeton alumni to determine what effect their time at Princeton had on their identification with the black community. "My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'Blackness' than ever before," she wrote in her introduction. "I have found that at Princeton no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my White professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong."

Much scrutiny and discussion has been focused on a single phrase contained within the thesis, the statement that "blacks must join in solidarity to combat a white oppressor." This phrase has repeatedly been quoted out of context and presented as if it reflected Michelle Obama's own philosophy, but in its full context it is clearly her speculation about what she thought some of the respondents she surveyed for her thesis (i.e., students who had attended Princeton in earlier years) might have been feeling:

As discussed earlier, most respondents were attending Princeton during the 70's, at a time when the Black Power Movement was still influencing the attitudes of many Blacks. It is possible that Black individuals either chose to or felt pressure to come together with other Blacks on campus because of the belief that Blacks must join in solidarity to combat a White oppressor. As the few blacks in a white environment it is understandable that respondents might have felt a need to look out for one another.

Breger, Esther.   "U. Releases Obama '85's Senior Thesis."     The Daily Princetonian.   26 February 2008.

Heyboer, Kelly.   "Analyzing Michelle Obama's Princeton Thesis."     The [New Jersey] Star-Ledger.   29 February 2008.

Ressner. Jeffrey.   "Michelle Obama Thesis Was on Racial Divide."     Politico .   23 February 2008.

By David Mikkelson

David Mikkelson founded the site now known as back in 1994.

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Dear Mr. Mudd: What Information Do You Have about Michelle Obama’s Time at Princeton?

By Christa Cleeton with April C. Armstrong *14 and Dan Linke

Dear Mr. Mudd,

Nassau Herald entry of Michelle Robinson

In the database, one can also find a few references to Obama’s role as a member-at-large of the Governance Board of the Third World Center (now the Carl Fields Center ), to which she was elected in 1983 , and to her membership on the Undergraduate Student Government’s Standing Committee on Race Relations.

The University Archives has two photos of Obama located in Princeton’s yearbooks: The Freshman Herald (below) and The Nassau Herald (top of this post).

Freshman Herald entry

Last year, student employee Iliyah Coles ’22 found another photo that appears to be of Obama in the May 7, 1984 issue of The Vigil alongside Joey Harris ’85.  The Vigil  was the newsletter of Princeton University’s Third World Center (now the Carl Fields Center). The caption that accompanied the photograph congratulated Harris on his election as chair of the Center’s Governance Board.

michelle obama princeton senior thesis

The Vigil  is found in the Princeton University Publications Collection (AC364).

There are a few other photos of Obama you may have seen online that she has shared herself, one of her in front of Firestone Library on her Instagram page and another of her near a dorm publicized through various media outlets . These are not held within our collections.

January 6, 2021 update: An additional photograph of Obama from her Freshman Orientation Program has been identified. To view it, please see today’s blog on this topic .

Christa Cleeton

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From Princeton to the White House

by Emily Aronson

It was in the halls of Princeton’s Third World Center that class of 1985 graduate Michelle Obama cultivated her commitment to service. In January, she will be the first Princeton alumna to serve as first lady of the United States.

michelle obama princeton senior thesis

Obama, formerly Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, majored in sociology at Princeton and was actively involved with African American and service organizations on campus. She will be the first African American first lady.

Her commitment to serving her community was nurtured at Princeton as she served on the Third World Center’s governing board and was coordinator of its after-school program. The center, now known as the Fields Center, was established in 1971 to provide a social, cultural and political environment that was responsive to issues of ethnic and racial diversity.

“The grace, intelligence and compassion we see in Michelle Obama today were evident when she was a student at Princeton,” said class of 1984 graduate Hilary Beard, a friend of Obama’s while at Princeton. “She was always kind toward and attentive to other people, especially children, for whom she exhibited tremendous concern. In particular, this was reflected in her community service tutoring children in the town of Princeton.”

Czerny Brasuell, director of the Third World Center from 1981 to 1984, said Obama was an empathetic and honest student who identified with the needs of others — traits she is sure to bring to the role of first lady.

michelle obama princeton senior thesis

“Her strengths as a tremendously humane and intelligent individual would be used in service of whatever role she saw fit to take on,” Brasuell said.

Obama’s interest in public service continued after graduating from Princeton and Harvard Law School in 1988. After working at the law firm Sidley Austin in her hometown of Chicago, she served as assistant commissioner of planning and development for the city of Chicago and then as the founding executive director of the Chicago chapter of Public Allies, an AmeriCorps program that prepares young people for public service.

She also worked for the University of Chicago, where she developed the university’s first community service program as associate dean of student services, and later became vice president of community and external affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center.

Beverly Thomison-Sadia, a 1986 graduate and friend of Obama’s at Princeton, said, “Michelle has proven her commitment to her family and the nation by persisting through a long and contentious campaign. She serves as a role model for women everywhere with practical advice and a solid grounding in reality. There is a calling evident in her life, which has carried her from Chicago to Princeton and beyond. This same calling now takes her to Washington, D.C. Her willingness to give herself over as wife, mother, adviser, ambassador and leader demonstrates once again Princeton in the nation’s service.”

Derrick Burns, a friend and fellow member of the class of 1985, added, “As a student, Michelle accepted nothing less than excellence. As a member of the community, Michelle gave tirelessly of herself to all who asked. As a loyal friend, Michelle told you not what you wanted to hear, but what you needed to hear. More than just a symbol, Michelle truly embodies the qualities that we hold so dear: honor, commitment to truth, dedication to friends and family, and service for the common good.”

michelle obama princeton senior thesis

For her senior thesis in sociology, Obama took a personal and academic approach by focusing on the experiences of African American students at the University. Her thesis, titled “Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community,” was advised by Walter Wallace, now a professor of sociology emeritus.

“She was an extremely hardworking student who learned a great deal from doing the research for her thesis and expressed that fact very clearly, honestly and impressively. ... In general, she impressed me as a very quick study, so I am not at all surprised at the very positive impression she gave on TV during the campaigns,” Wallace said.

Obama’s brother, Craig Robinson, is a member of Princeton’s class of 1983. Robinson played on the Princeton men’s basketball team, earning two Ivy League Player of the Year titles, and is now the head men’s basketball coach at Oregon State University.

Michelle and President-elect Barack Obama were married in 1992 and have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

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Last update: October 2008

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Digging up dirt on Michelle Obama

Angie Drobnic Holan

SUMMARY: E-mailers go after Sen. Barack Obama by digging into his wife's college years. They take Michelle Obama's senior thesis and add their own fabrication.

There seems to be no shortage of serious issues for this campaign season, but lurking in e-mail accounts are attacks on the candidates' biographies. Sen. Barack Obama has been a particular target of anonymous e-mail; we at PolitiFact have received more negative e-mails about him than any other candidate, by a significant margin. Typically, e-mails portray him as unpatriotic and un-American. The latest chain e-mail involves his wife.

The e-mail looks at a research paper Michelle Obama wrote while a student at Princeton University 23 years ago. It takes a few actual sentences out of context, and fabricates a few quotes that don't exist in her work.

The e-mail begins:

"In her senior thesis at Princeton, Michele Obama, the wife of Barack Obama stated that America was a nation founded on 'crime and hatred.' Moreover, she stated that whites in America were 'ineradicably racist.' The 1985 thesis, titled 'Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community' was written under her maiden name, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson."

Later the e-mail opines, "Michele (sic) Obama clearly has a chip on her shoulder. Not only does she see separate black and white societies in America, but she elevates black over white in her world."

But nowhere in the thesis does Michelle Obama write the words "crime and hatred" or that whites are "ineradicably racist." The e-mail does get the thesis title, her maiden name and the year correct. It also uses real quotations from the thesis, though a few are taken out of context.

The thesis is available on the Internet; the politics news site Politico reported on it in February and posted a copy it had obtained from Princeton University .

We downloaded a copy, which appears to be complete with no numbered pages missing. We read it, but we did not find the phrases the e-mail describes. We took the additional step of scanning the document through optical character recognition software so we could search its text electronically. An automated search did not find the words "crime," "hatred," "hate," "ineradicably," or "racist" in the document.

Every senior at Princeton writes a thesis or finishes an independent project. Famous alumni who wrote undergraduate theses at Princeton include New Yorker editor David Remnick ("The Sympathetic Thread: 'Leaves of Grass' 1855-1865") and Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ("An Introduction to the Italian Constitutional Court"). Obama wrote her thesis as part of a bachelor's degree in sociology and graduated with honors, according to Princeton University's Department of Sociology Web site.

Sociology uses scientific methods to study human group behavior. In Obama's thesis, she sought to quantify how the attitudes of black Princeton alumni changed after graduation in regard to race relations and social change. Obama was especially interested in the attitudes of Princeton alumni in regard to improving the lives of lower-income blacks.

To document the change in attitudes, Obama devised an 18-question survey and mailed it to black alumni. Her thesis is a discussion of her methodology and an analysis of the results. It contains a limited amount of personal opinion in the introduction, including the sentence the e-mail cites. Here is a fuller excerpt:

"Earlier in my college career, there was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the Black community I was somehow obligated to this community and would utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit this community first and foremost. My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'Blackness' than ever before. I have found that at Princeton no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my White professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact with Whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be Black first and a student second."

Obama's perceptions have been supported at least in part by recent reporting: Obama's freshmen-year roommate tried to change rooms upon arrival at Princeton because her mother was horrified that Obama was black , according to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

But Obama writes a few paragraphs later that her earlier assumptions were changing, too:

"At the same time, however, it is conceivable that my four years of exposure to a predominately White, Ivy League University has instilled within me certain conservative values. For example, as I enter my final year at Princeton, I find myself striving for many of the same goals as my White classmates — acceptance to a prestigious graduate or professional school or a high paying position in a successful corporation. Thus, my goals after Princeton are not as clear as before."

The rest of the thesis goes on to discuss survey methodology such as independent variables, dependent variables and sample size, then summarizes the survey response. Obama found that black alumni identified with the black community the most during their years at Princeton, moreso than either before or afterward, and she discusses a number of possible reasons for the survey results.

Certainly, Obama's thesis is race-conscious. But it does not include anything that can fairly be described as antiwhite invective.

But should a candidate's wife's undergraduate course work from 23 years ago be fair game in the election? Even academics have mixed feelings about it, according to the news Web site , because the work is typically that of someone who has just recently entered adulthood.

Political observers have questioned the relevance of a spouse's academic work.

When the thesis became public in February 2008, it was a topic on the Fox News show Hannity & Colmes . Former Republican Sen. Rick Santorum, a noted conservative and a commentator for the network, said on the show he thought her thesis work wasn't relevant to the current campaign.

"First off, a spouse's personal life is out of bounds, period, end of discussion," Santorum said. "This is something that she did at an age when you write some pretty strange stuff sometimes. I hope they don't pull up my college thesis papers."

"If she's out, as she was on the campaign trail, speaking on behalf of her husband, and she says something at that point and it's in the public policy realm, fine, then that's a legitimate point," he added. "But to dig out someone's past, (it's) out of bounds. Leave it alone, move on."

Republicans may be more sensitive this year about issues of a spouse's past because of Cindy McCain's history with a painkiller addiction. McCain was stealing pills from a medical charity she ran and the incident became public in 1994. No charges were filed, and she reimbursed the charity, but the incident received national press coverage at the time.

Obama himself has defended his wife, not for her thesis but for other attacks made against her on the campaign trial, saying people should not attack his wife.

Obama said he found it "unacceptable" that the Republican Party should attack his wife or children, responding to a Tennessee state party ad that targeted Michelle Obama.

"Michelle is the most honest, the best person I know. She is one of the most caring people I know. She loves this country. And for them to try to distort or to play snippets of her remarks in ways that are unflattering to her I think is just low class. And I think most of the American people would think that as well," Obama said.

Our Sources

Politico, Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide , Feb. 22, 2008

Princeton University, The senior thesis

Princeton University, Senior theses and Ph.D. dissertations

Princeton University, Sociology Department

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Georgian recalls rooming with Michelle Obama , April 13, 2008

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Roommate story resonates strongly across racial lines , April 19, 2008

Fox News Network, Hannity & Colmes transcript, Feb. 25, 2008

Associated Press, Senator's Wife Admits Prescription Drug Addiction, Aug. 22, 1994

Good Morning America, Interview with Barack Obama transcript, May 19, 2008

Browse the Truth-O-Meter

More by angie drobnic holan.

michelle obama princeton senior thesis

  • Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2023
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The Controversy Over Michelle Obama's Thesis

What a yawner. Why this was ever put under lock and key, I have no idea. Anyway Politico One%20of%20harder%20things%20to%20accept%20about%20democracy,%20and%20it's%20the%20reason%20why%20up%20until%202006%20I%20had%20never%20voted,%20is%20lying.%20Politicians%20will%20lie,%20and%20there%20is%20basically%20nothing%20you%20can%20do%20about%20it.%20They%20will%20lie%20willfully%20about%20huge%20matters.%20It's%20important%20to%20note,%20while%20a%20lot%20of%20us%20get%20self-righteous%20about%20the%20lies%20of%20Bush,%20the%20same%20man%20that%20brought%20us%20the%20voting%20rights%20act,%20also%20brought%20us%20the%20<a%20href=%22>Gulf%20of%20Tonkin</a>.%20</p>">got it --from the Obama campaign, it's worth noting. Among the many racist bombshells to be found amongst 22-year old MIchelle Obama's anti-white, anti-American, anti-Apple Pie diatribe:

"My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before," the future Mrs. Obama wrote in her thesis introduction. "I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. Regardless of the circumstances underwhich I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second."

I'm sure the GOP will find some way to twist this. I guess. Though I have no idea how. This sound like every black kid I ever knew who went to an Ivy. Shoulda picked The Mecca , hun.


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  • 88th Fighter Aviation Corps PVO (Rzhev, Kalinin Oblast)
  • 151st Guards Fighter Aviation Division PVO (Klin, Moscow Oblast)
  • 38th independent Reconnaissance Aviation Squadron (Rzhev, Kalinin Oblast)
  • 182nd independent Reconnaissance Aviation Squadron
  • 90th independent Transport Aviation Squadron (Stupino, Moscow Oblast)
  • 1st Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Maryino-Znamenskoye, Moscow Oblast)
  • 52nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Biryulevo, Moscow Oblast)
  • 74th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Mytishchi, Moscow Oblast)
  • 76th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Skolkovo, Moscow Oblast)
  • 78th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Gorkiy, Gorkiy Oblast)
  • 80th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Moscow (Lenin Hills), Moscow Oblast)
  • 96th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Panki, Moscow Oblast)
  • 48th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl Oblast)
  • 80th Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Tula, Tula Oblast)
  • 108th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast)
  • 387th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Sarov, Gorkiy Oblast)
  • 389th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Bezhitsa, Bryansk Oblast)
  • 393th Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast)
  • 532nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Smolensk, Smolensk Oblast)
  • 1225th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Gorkiy, Gorkiy Oblast)
  • 1287th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Shcherbaki, Kalinin Oblast)
  • 92nd independent Regiment for Radar Countermeasures (Moscow, Moscow Oblast)

Organisation 1962:

  • 118th Communications Center (Moscow, Moscow Oblast)
  • 6th independent Radio-Technical Regiment (Klin, Moscow Oblast)
  • 436th independent Transport Aviation Regiment (Stupino, Moscow Oblast)
  • 103rd independent Communications and Radio-Technical Support Company (Stupino, Moscow Oblast)
  • 2367th independent Radio-Relay Battalion (Nemchinovka, Moscow Oblast)
  • 52nd independent Airfield Engineer Battalion (Kosterevo, Moscow Oblast)
  • 1470th independent Engineer Battalion (Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast)
  • 193rd independent Transport Battalion (Moscow, Moscow Oblast)
  • 1st Air Defence Army for Special Use (Balashikha, Moscow Oblast)
  • 2nd Air Defence Corps (Rzhev, Rzhev Oblast)
  • 3rd Air Defence Corps (Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl Oblast)
  • 7th Air Defence Corps (Bryansk, Bryansk Oblast)
  • 18th Air Defence Division (Gorkiy, Gorkiy Oblast)

Awarded the Order of Lenin 22.6.68.

Organisation 1970:

  • 16th Air Defence Corps (Gorkiy, Gorkiy Oblast)

Organisation 1980:

  • 712th Data Center (Moscow, Moscow Oblast)

Organisation 1988:

1998 renamed Moscow Air Force and Air Defence District.

2002 renamed Special Purpose Troop Command.

  • Moscow, Moscow Oblast, 1948 - today [55 45 59N, 37 38 22E]


  • GK PVO, 1948 - 7.98
  • GK VVS and PVO, 7.98 - today



    michelle obama princeton senior thesis

  2. Michelle Obama's Princeton Sr. Thesis-Full

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  3. The most successful Princeton alumni

    michelle obama princeton senior thesis

  4. Michelle lavaughn robinson later obama princeton senior thesis

    michelle obama princeton senior thesis


    michelle obama princeton senior thesis

  6. Who Is Michelle Obama? Read Her Princeton Thesis and She'll Tell You

    michelle obama princeton senior thesis


  1. Michelle Obama's Racist College Thesis

  2. Time Traveler meets Michelle Obama

  3. My Princeton University Thesis

  4. Passing the baton: From the jazz Masters to American democracy: Wesley Watkins, Ph.D at TEDxFillmore

  5. Why I love Barack Obama



  1. Princeton Releases Michelle Obama's Senior Thesis

    Michelle Obama's thesis was released to the public by Princeton University Tuesday after several days of media scrutiny over its availability and content. The campaign of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill ...

  2. Was Michelle Obama's Thesis Restricted Until After the 2008 Election?

    In early 2008 Princeton University placed a restriction on access to Michelle Obama's senior thesis that was stated as lasting until the day after the presidential election of November 2008 ...

  3. Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide

    Updated: 02/23/2008 09:51 AM EST. Michelle Obama's senior year thesis at Princeton University, obtained from the campaign by Politico, shows a document written by a young woman grappling with a ...

  4. Princeton Releases Michelle Obama's Senior Thesis

    Feb 28, 2008. Princeton University has recently released Michelle Obama's senior thesis after previously making it unavailable to the public, according to an article in The Daily Princetonian. Obama's thesis, "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community," examined the attitudes of the university's Black alumni toward the Black ...

  5. What a Joke: Michelle Robinson-Obama's BA Thesis

    3. by David Sims. MICHELLE LaVaughn Robinson (now Michelle Obama) wrote a thesis at Princeton University as part of qualifying for her Bachelor of Arts degree. It is titled " Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community .". You can find the PDF copy of the entire thesis here. It appears to be a study about the changing attitudes of the ...

  6. PolitiFact

    Politico, Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide , Feb. 22, 2008 Princeton University, The senior thesis Princeton University, Senior theses and Ph.D. dissertations

  7. Why Michelle Obama's Thesis Adviser Rewrote Her Harvard Recommendation

    'Michelle Obama says an unimpressed professor's recommendation letter nearly jeopardized her acceptance into Harvard Law School, according to a Refinery29 interview published Thursday. However, her ability to overcome negativity while studying sociology at Princeton helped her succeed. "When I went to my thesis advisor for a letter of recommen...

  8. Dear Mr. Mudd: What Information Do You Have about Michelle Obama's Time

    Michelle Obama-then named Michelle LaVaughn Robinson-graduated from Princeton University with the Class of 1985. Nassau Herald (senior yearbook) entry for Michelle LaVaughn Robinson '85. The University Archives holds her thesis, " Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community.

  9. Michelle Obama talks about her experience at Princeton for the first

    Other parts of her life at Princeton came out during the campaigns, including her senior thesis, a survey of African American alumni about their perceptions of race and identity after having attended Princeton. Obama wrote that right-wing media used the thesis to paint a picture of her as a radical determined to "overthrow the white majority ...

  10. Michelle Obama Felt 'the Shadow of Affirmative Action' as Princeton

    Her experience is a good example of why affirmative action policies are a bad idea. Michelle Obama felt "the shadow of affirmative action" as an undergraduate student at Princeton University, the ...

  11. obama

    For her senior thesis in sociology, Obama took a personal and academic approach by focusing on the experiences of African American students at the University. Her thesis, titled "Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community," was advised by Walter Wallace, now a professor of sociology emeritus. "She was an extremely hardworking ...

  12. DataSpace: Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community

    To order a copy complete the Senior Thesis ... For more information contact [email protected]. Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses: Appears in Collections: Sociology, 1954-2023: Files in This Item: File Description Size Format ; AC102_Robinson_Obama_Michelle_1985.pdf: 8.47 MB: Adobe PDF Request a copy: Show full item record ...

  13. Michelle Obama, Race and the Ivy League

    Her 64-page senior thesis explored issues of identity and purpose among black Princeton graduates as she tried to square her upbringing on the South Side with the elite world she now inhabited.

  14. PolitiFact

    Our Sources. Politico, Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide , Feb. 22, 2008 Princeton University, The senior thesis Princeton University, Senior theses and Ph.D. dissertations Princeton ...

  15. DataSpace: Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community

    File Description Size Format ; AC102_Robinson_Obama_Michelle_1985.pdf: 8.47 MB: Adobe PDF Request a copy

  16. Princeton Releases Withheld Thesis by Michelle Obama

    Princeton University released Michelle Obama's thesis yesterday, four days after the political journal The Politico published a copy obtained from the campaign of her husband, Sen. Barack Obama ...

  17. The Controversy Over Michelle Obama's Thesis

    Among the many racist bombshells to be found amongst 22-year old MIchelle Obama's anti-white, anti-American, anti-Apple Pie diatribe: "My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my ...

  18. PDF Politics, Policy, Political News

    A thesis presented to Princeton University in partial Iment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor 0£ Arts in Department of Sociology Princeton, New Jersey, 1985 (c) Michelle LaVaughn ...

  19. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  20. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  21. Russia: Gazprom Appoints Pavel Oderov as Head of International Business

    March 17, 2011. Pavel Oderov was appointed as Head of the International Business Department pursuant to a Gazprom order. Pavel Oderov was born in June 1979 in the town of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast. He graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with an Economics degree in 2000 and a Management degree in 2002.

  22. Order of Lenin Moscow Air Defence District

    Moscow Air Defence District. Order of Lenin Moscow Air Defence District. Ордена Ленина Московский округ ПВО. Military Unit: 64178. Commanders: Marshal of the Soviet Union Kirill Semenovich Moskalenko, 1948 - 1953. Colonel-General Nikolay Nikiforovich Nagornyy, 1953 - 1954. Marshal of the Soviet Union Pavel ...