Nagarro Assignments

College-bharati vidyapeeth's college of engineering new delhi, formvalidator

Nagarro Training Assignments

Mansi mehndiratta ([email protected]) bharati vidyapeeth's college of engineering, new delhi.

S.No. Assignment Name Code Repository Hosted Link
1 Pokemon
2 Portfolio
3 To-Do List(JQuery)
4 Form Validation
5 Cricket Series Information
6 Pokemon (Backend) NA
7 Text Copy
8 To-Do List (JavaScript)
9 Pop Up
10 Image Slider
11 Calculator
12 Weight Converter

Nagarro Training Assignments

Neeraj ([email protected]) bharati vidyapeeth's college of engineering, new delhi.

Assignments Hosted Link Github Link
To Do List using jQuery
Form Validation
Cricket API
Copy To Clipboard
To Do List using javascript
Image Slider
Calculator using jQuery
Weight Converter
Theme Changer
Twitter Login
Twitter Clone
ECommerce Website

Bhavesh Dixit

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marcbizal / SQLAssignment5MB.sql

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-- FILE: SQLAssignment5MB.sql
-- AUTHOR: Marcus Bizal
-- DATE: 2015-07-14
-- NOTE: These queries use the Northwind sample database.
-- 1.
-- Find out how many orders were shipped late. An order is shipped late if the shipped date is later than the required date. Call the expression Shipped Late.
SELECT COUNT(OrderID) AS ShippedLate
FROM Orders
WHERE ShippedDate > RequiredDate;
-- 2.
-- List the Product ID, Product Name, Units in Stock and CategoryID of all products in Category 2 whose number of units in stock is more than average of all products.
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitsInStock, CategoryID
FROM Products
WHERE CategoryID = 2
AND UnitsInStock > (SELECT AVG(UnitsInStock) FROM Products);
-- 3.
-- List the Product ID, Product Name, Units in Stock and CategoryId of all products whose number of units in stock is more than the average units in stock of the products in Category 2.
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitsInStock, CategoryID
FROM Products
WHERE UnitsInStock > (SELECT AVG(UnitsInStock) FROM Products WHERE CategoryID = 2);
-- 4.
-- Using a subquery, list the Customer ID, Contact name, and country for all customers who do not live in USA, UK, Australia or Canada.
SELECT CustomerID, ContactName, Country
FROM Customers
WHERE Country NOT IN ('USA', 'UK', 'Australia', 'Canada'); -- Subquery is not necissary here. It would be redundant.
-- 5.
-- Using a subquery find all customers with no orders.
FROM Customers
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID);
-- 6.
-- List the Employee ID and employee name (concatenate first and last names) who report to Andrew Fuller. Order the list by last name.
SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS EmployeeName
FROM Employees
WHERE ReportsTo = 2
ORDER BY LastName;
-- 7.
-- Show the Customer ID, Company Name and Contact Name of all customers with a company name that is, at most, 12 characters in length.
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName
FROM Customers
WHERE LEN(CompanyName) <= 12;
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Nagarro Recruitment Process

  • enStage Recruitment Process
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  • GS Lab Recruitment Process
  • Myntra Recruitment Process
  • InMobi Recruitment Process
  • Google Recruitment Process

Nagarro is a custom software development and business consulting company that provides consulting and technology services to its clients. It is headquartered in Munich, Germany, and has its primary development center in Gurgaon, in the National Capital Region of India. Nagarro was founded in 1996. In Nagarro’s technical interviews, they ask about your skills in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python, as well as things like data structures, algorithms, system design, database management, web technologies, and networking. Expectations include problem-solving scenarios and discussions on the software development life cycle.


Table of Content

  • Recruitment Process

Academic Criteria

Written round, written test, technical round, about company.

If you want to know more about the company visit: About Nagarro

Recruitment Process :

Nagarro conducts 4 rounds to select freshers as Assistant System Engineers in their organization.

  • 60 percent or above in B.Tech, Class X and XII.
  • No backlogs at the time of interview

The Written round consists of three major sections namely the General Aptitude Test Technical Ability Test and Coding Test. General Aptitude Test, has mathematical reasoning and logical reasoning and verbal ability part. Technical Ability Test contains questions from operating systems algorithms, data structures, C, Java, Sql, Nand networking problems. And the coding Test contains 3 coding problems. This is pa aper pen based round.

The students who clear the first written round are called for a second written round at their office. This round is coding-based. The written test contains either 3 or 4 questions. This round can be paper pen-based or online tests in hacker rank.

The students who clear the second written round are called for an interview. In this round, they generally ask you to optimize the codes you did in the second written round. You may also be asked questions about data structures, algorithms, and SQL. You may also be asked puzzles in this round. To be prepared for puzzles you can practice from our Puzzles section.

They ask HR questions like :

  • Tell me about Yourself
  • About Family
  • Why Nagarro?
  • How do you see yourself after five years from now ?

Interview Experience

It is always beneficial if you know what it is to be there at that moment. So, to give you an advantage, we provide you with Interview Experiences of candidates who have been in your situation earlier. Make the most of it.

  • Nagarro Interview Experiences

Questions Asked in Nagarro

  • Spirally traversing a matrix
  • Wap to rotate the matrix diagonally
  • Find all the permutations of the given string?
  • What is bug life cycle?

Where to Apply ?

  • Nagarro Official Website
  • Nagarro Careers

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What kind of Experience do you want to share?

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Shubham Tomar

Shubham tomar 👏👏.

I am a final year undergrad Computer Science Engineering student and I am a good Competitive Programmer and having strong knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms, Database, Computer Networking and Operating System and I have a field of interest in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Programming languages and Formal Methods.

Enthusiastic and well-organized .NET developer driven to exceed customer expectations with cutting-edge applications. Versed in latest technologies and most useful programming languages with development experience.

nagarro sql assignment github

.NET FullStack Developer & Competitive Coder💻.

  • Birthday: 21 June 1999
  • Website:
  • Phone: +91 9310931372
  • City: Ghaziabad, India
  • Degree: Bachelor of Technology (C.S.E)
  • Email: [email protected]
  • For-Development Available
  • Github:

.NET FullStack Developer at Altus Solutions(ValueLabs) Pvt Ltd

Extra curricular activities & mooc certifications.

⚫ NPTEL Certification [Theory of Automata And Formal languages] ⚫ KIET literacy Fest Participant ⚫ Attending WorkShop on Machine Learning ⚫Coding block Competitive Programming Certification Course ⚫ Udemy Java script Boot camp Certification Course ⚫ Udemy Microsoft-Azure 900 Certification Course ⚫ Udemy Design Pattern with C# Certificate Course ⚫ Udemy Java Fundamental Certification Course ⚫ Linkedin E-learning C# Certification Course


Mooc Courses

I have a tech stack of Microsoft Technologies like .NET, .NET Framework, .NET Core, MVC, Web APi, Angular 9 , ReactJs, Entity Framework, System Design, Microsoft Azure, Web Jobs, Linq, Node JS and all these stuffs that are useful to make Client Ready Project.

A dedicated and energetic individual seeking to join as a software engineer to contribute to the delivery of quality software solutions by applying interpersonal skills and knowledge of program design.

Shubham Tomar🙏

Software Developer and Competititve Coder with 2.5+ professional years of experience programming and developing application with the use of various technology such as C#/C++, .NET Core, .NET MVC, NodeJs, ReactJs, Javascript, Angular etc.

Education👷‍♂️, computer science, 2017 - 2021.


Completed Bachelor degree in Computer Science with the aggregrate 8.2 SGPA and passed with honour degree

Senior Secondary(XII) C.B.S.E

2016 - 2017.

Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Ghaziabad, IN

Higher Secondary(X) C.B.S.E

2014 - 2015.

Passed with 8.6 CGPA

Professional 👨‍🏫 Experience

Altus solutions(valuelabs), july 2023 - present.

📍Hyderabad, India

  • working with various technologies like .NET Core, Angular, MYSQL, AWS Services like cloudwatch, Athena, Glue Jobs etc for building the user friendly applications for our clients.

Deloitte USI🟢

Feb 2022-july 2023.

📍Hyderabad India

  • Maintain and Upgrade existing applications and fixing issues.
  • Understand requirements and transform them into functional applications in line with business objectives.
  • Works as .NET Full Stack Developer deals with technology Angular, AWS, .NET Core, Windows Services with graphql API.

Nagarro Software Solutions

Feb 2021 - feb 2022.

📍Gurgaon India

  • Works as .NET Full stack Developer and has a responsibility to deal with client issues and bug training with various project management tool like JIRA and also did development with .NET

◆ Records Management-Deloitte Internal Application USI

August 2021 - present.

working as N-TIER Architecture ,Creating and Handling REST WEB APIS and implementing and handling logging Authentication with JSON Web Tokens and also interact with client issues and fixing bugs..

◆ JIRA To Rally Data Migration

July 2021 - nov-2021.

Migration of Data of our client Cox Automotive From Jira to Rally with the help of .NET Core Web API, JIRA Sandbox and RallyRestWebApi..

◆ Blog Post Application Using Node JS & MongoDB

March 2021 - may 2021.

Develop a “Blog post app” using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Node. Application should display the list of blog post. Users can add new post, view the details of the blog post, edit the blog post and can delete the blog post.

◆ Arduino based hand gesture control of your computer on the IOT base

Sep 2018 - nov 2018.

It is based on using the combination of Arduino and Python. Instead of using a keyboard ,mouse or joystick we can use our hand gestures to control certain functions of a computer like to play/pause a video , move left/right in a photo slideshow more

◆ Canteen Automation System using Android Java

Oct 2020 - jan 2021.

In this Project I automate the functioning of canteen to be fully that on a smart-phone one can easily order their food, track it, feedback facility and view consumers review about particular food.

nagarro sql assignment github

Interships & Training Programs👨‍🏫👩‍🏫

Professional industrial training experience, ◆ microsoft virtual experience internship, 📍 virtual, india,    july 2020.

  • Explore Microsoft's commitment and approach to putting values into action
  • Discover Microsoft's Four Solutions that enable digital transformation Bring a professional approach to meetings
  • Realize the impact of a positive first impression
  • Get to know Microsoft's values – Respect, Integrity and Accountability Bring your professional voice to the Microsoft table

◆ Java Developer Trainee

📍  wipro, india,    jun 2020 - july 2020.

  • Learn Various technologies like Java, RDBMS, CSS, Bootstrap and Html5
  • Project Based Learning(PBL)
  • 260 HR Complete Learning Program
  • weekly Assignment and Milestone Tests

◆ Central Electronics Limited(C.E.L)

📍  sahibabad india,     june 2019 - july 2019.

  • Bugs Identification
  • Monitoring Realtime Analysis web
  • Error Recovery and Failures Handles

Lorem Ipsum

Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident

Dolor Sitema

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat tarad limino ata

Sed ut perspiciatis

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Magni Dolores

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque

Eiusmod Tempor

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi

Achievement & Testimonials🦾

Competitive Coding Platform Profile

Recommendation for my work from Seniors

Shubham is motivated, forward thinking personality and always tries to reach out more in trending technologies that plays a important role in future and he is also having a postive attitude towards their work...😊😊

nagarro sql assignment github

Software Developer at Paytm

He's one of the most dedicated professionals I’ve worked with and is willing to put that extra help whenever you need it. His expertise as a developer is considerable, and it helped our team come up with more efficient solutions on different projects. His contribution is valuable to the side, and I highly recommend Shubham and would love to work with him again.😊😊

nagarro sql assignment github

Pulkit Tyagi

Software developer at coforge.

Shubham has the zeal to learn new technologies and is always open for technical discussions . He would be an asset to any team.😊😊

nagarro sql assignment github

Shubham Pandey

Software developer at nagarro.

He is always available to help us when needed, he strives for excellence and is a valuable team player. His strongest qualities are JavaScript and .Net, which were very helpful to the project we worked on together.😊😊

nagarro sql assignment github

Shivay Gupta

Software developer at payu.

I am open for collaborations, so if you find my work interesting feel free to send me a message! Even if you don't send me a message anyway! Here is Where you can find me:

Ghaziabad India

[email protected]

+91 9310931372

Hy! I am V edanshi Dixit, Web Developer

twitter icon

Me, Myself & I

I am a front-end developer located in Kanpur. I have a serious passion for developing the user friendly web applications and to provide better user experience. A Bachelor of technology final year student, well organized person and fan of sports. Interested in entire web development spectrum and working on multiple projects with ambitious people.


Percent : 86.5, percent : 91.8, bachelor of technology, maharana institute of professional studies.

As a student I started developing websites about 2 years ago. I've created multiple Projects that are fast, ease to use, and developed with good practices. The main area of expertise is front-end development, HTML, CSS, javascript, React, building small and medium web apps, features and coding layouts. I also have knowledge about full stack development, Node.js, Express, MongoDB.I worked on multiple full-stack small and medium projects during two months internship with Nagarro.

My Projects

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Nagarro All Assignments :

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Email : [email protected]

Alternate email : [email protected].


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    Exercise1.sql. Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. --CONECT TO DATABASE USE AdventureWorks2012; --1.1 /* Display the number of records in the [SalesPerson] table. (Schema (s) involved: Sales) */ SELECT COUNT (*) AS 'No. of Records' FROM Sales.SalesPerson; --1.2 /* Select both the FirstName and LastName of records from the Person table ...

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    Nagarro Assignments Submitted by- Harshvardhan Joshi ([email protected]) College-Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering New Delhi

  8. Mansi Mehndiratta

    Nagarro Training Assignments Mansi Mehndiratta ([email protected]) Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, New Delhi S.No. Assignment Name Code Repository Hosted Link; 1: Pokemon: 2: Portfolio: 3: To-Do List(JQuery) 4: Form Validation: 5: Cricket Series Information: 6: Pokemon (Backend) NA: 7:

  9. Neeraj Jangra

    Nagarro Training Assignments Neeraj ([email protected]) Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, New Delhi Assignments Hosted Link Github Link; Pokemon: Portfolio: To Do List using jQuery: Form Validation: Cricket API: Pop-Up: Copy To Clipboard: To Do List using javascript: Image Slider:

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    1. ToDo List 2. Form Validator 3. Pop Up 4. Unit Converter 5. Simple Calculator 6. Copy-to-Clipboard 7.

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  13. SQL Assignment 5 · GitHub

    Order the list by last name. -- 7. -- Show the Customer ID, Company Name and Contact Name of all customers with a company name that is, at most, 12 characters in length. SQL Assignment 5. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

  14. Nagarro Recruitment Process

    Nagarro is a custom software development and business consulting company that provides consulting and technology services to its clients. It is headquartered in Munich, Germany, and has its primary development center in Gurgaon, in the National Capital Region of India. Nagarro was founded in 1996. In Nagarro's technical interviews, they ask ...

  15. Nagarro Projects

    Nagarro Assignments Mohit Saini [email protected]. Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore. S.No Assignment Name Github Code Link Live Link(Hosted) 1: Assignment 1: 2: Assignment 2: 3: Todo List JS: 4: Todo List(JQuery) 5: Popup Box: 6: Calculator(JQuery) 7: Movie Finder(JQuery) 8: Form Validator: 9: Copy to Clipboard: 10:

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    SQL Assignments solutions for SQL training. Contribute to Ayushbendwal3/SQL-Assignment-Nagarro development by creating an account on GitHub.

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    SQL Queries written to fulfill requests from Accounting, HR and IT departments - murphyjohn/SQL-ASSIGNMENT

  18. Portfolio

    Explore Microsoft's commitment and approach to putting values into action. Discover Microsoft's Four Solutions that enable digital transformation Bring a professional approach to meetings. Realize the impact of a positive first impression. Get to know Microsoft's values - Respect, Integrity and Accountability Bring your professional voice to ...

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    sql-assignment in trying to import a csv file i had trouble trying to get the tables to show in the schema section tables were automatically created from the list of neflix shows i created About

  20. Vedanshi Dixit

    Me, Myself & I. I am a front-end developer located in Kanpur. I have a serious passion for developing the user friendly web applications and to provide better user experience.

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