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Sales Training Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Improve sales skills using content-ready Sales Training PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Hone sales team knowledge and techniques with sales training PPT presentation templates. Outline an effective sales training plan to educate and enhance sales team knowledge about various products and services. This deck comprises of sales training PowerPoint designs such as training process, training timeline, about the product, product list, product rating, product roadmap, product comparison, product pricing, sales by region, competitor analysis, training evaluation, and more. Execute a complete professional sales training program. Implement innovative sales training techniques using ready-made sales training PPT presentation slideshow. Involve your team with various sales training ideas and aim towards making a sale. Educate your team and develop a professional sales force. Incorporate sales training PPT presentation complete deck to help your sales team learn and intensify their selling technique, skills, and processes. Grab professionally designed sales training PowerPoint presentation deck and improve the sales results. Brilliance is called an adjective, Our Sales Training Powerpoint Presentation Slides exemplify in every way.

Sales Training Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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PowerPoint presentation slides

Presenting sales training PowerPoint presentation slides. This deck covers all the aspects of sales training. This complete presentation comprises of amazing visuals, icons, graphs, and templates. These slides are easily customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your requirement. Compatible with all screen types and monitors. Supports Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. You can get access to this readymade professionally designed perquisite presentation with just one click. Download it now.

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  • Sales Training

Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1 : This slide introduces Sales Training. State your company name and get started. Slide 2 : This slide presents Product Training Outline with the following content- Training Process, Training Timeline, About The Product, Product List, Product Rating, Product Roadmap, Product Compar-ison, Product Pricing, Sales By Region, Competitor, Analysis, Competitive, Advantage, Training Evalution. Slide 3 : This slide shows the Training Process which consits of the following points with icons- Training Need Analysis, Training Need Delivery, Training Need Evaluation, Training Need Objectives. Slide 4 : This slide shows a Training Timeline to present your milestones in terms of years. Slide 5 : This slide presents a brief introduction About the Product which contains the following points- Maps, Tools, Business, Portfolio, Creativity, Help, Renew, Creative. Slide 6 : This is also About The Product slide showing- Architectural Design, Originality, Quality Of Product, Ideas, Quantity Of Product, Cheap Price. Slide 7 : This slide presents Product List which should have the following content- Product Name, Item Image, Product Description, Ratings, Price. Slide 8 : This slide shows Product Rating as per good, bad, normal and best parameters. Rate your product according to these parameters listed by us. Slide 9 : This slide shows Product Roadmap to present milestones, growth, evolution, journey etc. of the product. Slide 10 : This is a Product Comparison slide. You can make use of this slide to compare two three, four products etc. as per your requirement. Slide 11 : This slide shows Product Pricing which is analyzed on the basis of the following three parameters- Basic, Standard, Plus. Slide 12 : This slide shows Sales By Region on a world map image. You can easily mark your respective locations in this map. Slide 13 : This slide presents an overview of Competitor Analysis showing the main competitors. It also shows- Competitors, Market Leader, Challenger, Explanations, Niche Competitor. Slide 14 : This slide shows Competitor Analysis to explain your product unique selling point in brief. Slide 15 : This slide shows Training Evaluation pyramid. We have listed four of its stages which are- Results, Behaviour, Learning, Reaction. Use as per your requirement. Slide 16 : This is Sales Training Icon Slide displaying various icons which can be altered as per need and requirement. Slide 17 : This is a Coffee Break slide to halt. You may change it as per requirement. Slide 18 : This slide is titled Charts & Graphs to move forward. You may change it as per requirement. Slide 19 : This is a Stacked Area-Clustered Column slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc. Slide 20 : This is a Stacked Bar chart slide to present product/ entity comparison, specifications etc. Slide 21 : This slide is titled Additional Slides. You can change the slide content as per your needs. Slide 22 : This is Our Mission slide with Vision, Mission and Goals. State them here. Slide 23 : This slide presents Our Team with name, designation and image box. Slide 24 : This is an About Us slide. Provide a brief introduction about company/ team here. Slide 25 : This is a Comparison slide to compare two products/ entities etc. Slide 26 : This slide states Our Goal. Slide 27 : This is a Financial stats slide to state financial aspects etc. Slide 28 : This slide presents Quotes. State your inspirational quotes here. You may change the slide content as per need. Slide 29 : This is Dashboard slide to show information in percentages etc. Slide 30 : This slide presents a Timeline to show growth, milestones etc. Slide 31 : This slide shows Location with two map images of US and Canada respectively. Alter these maps to display your own locations instead. Slide 32 : This is a Venn diagram image slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 33 : This is Our Puzzle slide to state in your information, specifications etc. Slide 34 : This is a Mind Map image slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 35 : This is a Magnifying Glass image slide to show information, scoping aspects etc. Slide 36 : This is a Thank You slide with Address# street number, city, state, Contact Numbers and Email Address.

Sales Training Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all 36 slides:

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Sales Training Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation

Inside the mind of your prospect: change is hard, before-after-bridge: the only formula you need to create a persuasive sales presentation, facebook — how smiles and simplicity make you more memorable, contently — how to build a strong bridge, brick by brick, yesware — how to go above and beyond with your benefits, uber — how to cater your content for readers quick to scan, dealtap — how to use leading questions to your advantage, zuora — how to win over your prospects by feeding them dots, linkedin sales navigator — how to create excitement with color, how to make a sales pitch in 4 straightforward steps, 7 embarrassing pitfalls to avoid in your presentation, over to you.

A brilliant sales presentation has a number of things going for it.

Being product-centered isn’t one of them. Or simply focusing on your sales pitch won’t do the trick.

So what can you do to make your offer compelling?

From different types of slides to persuasive techniques and visuals, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we look at data-backed strategies, examples, and easy steps to build your own sales presentations in minutes.

  • Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline
  • The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics.
  • The “After” picture: How life looks with your product. Use happy faces.
  • Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them).
  • The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles.
  • Social proof slides: Customer logos with the mission statement on one slide. Pull quote on another.
  • “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information.

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect .” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business.

the psychology behind a sales presentation

According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”

The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product.

Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that.

  • Before → Here’s your world…
  • After → Imagine what it would be like if…
  • Bridge → Here’s how to get there.

Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool.

It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails , drip campaigns , and sales discovery decks. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say.

In fact, a lot of companies are already using this formula to great success. The methods used in the sales presentation examples below will help you do the same.

We’re all drawn to happiness. A study at Harvard tells us that emotion is contagious .

You’ll notice that the “Before” (pre-Digital Age) pictures in Facebook’s slides all display neutral faces. But the cover slide that introduces Facebook and the “After” slides have smiling faces on them.

This is important. The placement of those graphics is an intentional persuasion technique.

Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). And when participants in a study were asked to recall expressions, they consistently remembered happy faces over neutral ones.

What to do about it : Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions.

Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Simple Graphics

Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text.

Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to.

Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called  Picture Superiority . In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. This builds trust.

Tactic #2: Use Icons

Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out.

Example: Slide 18 uses people icons to emphasize how small 38 out of 100 people is compared to 89 out of 100.

Why It Works:  We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Tactic #3: Include Statistics

Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention.

Example: “71% lift driving visits to retailer title pages” (Slide 26).

Why It Works:  Precise details prove that you are telling the truth.

Just like how you can’t drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can’t connect a “Before” to an “After” without a bridge.

Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide isn’t unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.

sales presentation

They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies:

sales presentation

Before : Customer’s needs when they came on

After: What your company accomplished for them

Bridge : How they got there (specific actions and outcomes)

Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Graphics/Diagrams

Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture.

Why It Works:  According to a Cornell study , graphs and equations have persuasive power. They “signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.”

Tactic #2: Keep Slides That Have Bullets to a Minimum

Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum. No more than one in every five slides.

Why It Works:  According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication , “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to , agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”

Tactic #3: Use Visual Examples

Follow up your descriptions with visual examples.

Example: After stating “15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence” on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10.

Why It Works:  The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself.

Which is more effective for you?

This statement — “On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week” — or this image:

sales presentation

The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs. customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry.

Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65% .

But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean.

sales presentation

Can you feel it?

Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t important.

Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis:

“Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you don’t for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once.”

Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas:

Tactic #1: Personalize Your Final Slide

Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion.

Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with “We’re Here For You”

Why It Works: These small details show your audience that:

  • This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale
  • The end of the presentation doesn’t mean the end of the conversation
  • Questions are welcomed

Tactic #2: Pair Outcome Statements With Icons in Circles

Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes.

Why It Works:  We already know why pictures work, but circles have power , too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony.

Tactic #3: Include Specific Success Metrics

Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them.

Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.

Why It Works:  Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold-out items.

People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.)

This means you need to cut to the chase fast.

Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”

sales presentation

Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes:

sales presentation

So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers .

Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they aren’t in the boardroom.

DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner:

sales presentation example

Ever heard of the Focusing Effect?

It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions.

Easy choice.

Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we don’t think about that. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right.

Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Tell a Story

Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next.

Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slides 4 to 8: “Transactions are complicated” → “Expectations on all sides” → “Too many disconnected tools” → “Slow and error prone process” → “However, there’s an opportunity.

Why It Works:   Storytelling in sales with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a “Before” and “After”) trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.

Tactic #2: This vs. That

If it’s hard to separate out one “Before” and “After” vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a “This vs. That” theme for each.

Why It Works:  It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos.

Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.

That’s what you need to make your audience do.


Zuora tells a story by:

  • Laying out the reality (the “Before” part of the Before-After-Bridge formula).
  • Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”)
  • Giving you hints to help you connect the dots
  • Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”)

You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set “dots,” then let them make the connection.

Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use:

Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials

Use logos and  testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation.

Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

Why It Works: It’s called  social proof . Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.

Tactic #2: Include White Space

Pad your images with white space.

Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept.

Why It Works:  White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image.

Tactic #3: Incorporate Hard Data

Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out.

Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide.

Why It Works:  Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data.

Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood .

The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points:


You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here .

Tip: You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva . Here’s the sizing for your image:


Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.

Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Include a CTA on Final Slide

Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide.

Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button.

Why It Works:  According to the Paradox of Choice , the more options you give, the less likely they are to act.

Step One : Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch :

  • What are your ICP’s pain points?
  • What end picture resonates with them?
  • How does your company come into play?

Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes).

Step Four:  Download photos from Creative Commons . Remember: Graphics > Text. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast.

sales presentation pitfalls

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us:  @Yesware .

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20+ Best Sales PowerPoint Templates (Sales PPT Pitches)

Learning to craft successful and better-looking sales presentations is one of the key skills you should master as a marketer or sales rep.

In this digital era, being able to deliver great presentations is not enough. You also need to be able to design attractive and beautiful slides that engage with your audience while adding more context to your speech.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a designer or take courses to design such effective PowerPoint presentations. All you need is the right PowerPoint template.

In this post, we bring you a collection of PowerPoint sales presentation templates to help you find the right designs for your sales plan, proposal, and pitch slide decks. Be sure to save these templates for future events and meetings.

How Does Unlimited PowerPoint Templates Sound?

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Animated PPT Templates

Animated PPT Templates

Fully animated.

BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

Modern PPT Templates

Modern PPT Templates

New & innovative.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Business Sales PowerPoint Presentation Template

Business Sales PowerPoint Presentation Template

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Sales Strategy Powerpoint Template

Sales Strategy Infographic Powerpoint Template

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Sales Pitch PowerPoint Template

Sales Pitch PowerPoint Template

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Marketing & Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

Marketing & Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

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Sales Meeting – Free PowerPoint Template

Sales Meeting - Free PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template that comes with a set of slides you can create professional slide decks for sales meetings. It features 30 unique slides with modern designs and fully customizable layouts.

Free Sales Planning Process PowerPoint Template

Free Sales Planning Process PowerPoint Template

With this free PowerPoint template, you can create visual presentations for your sales process presentations. There are 35 different slides included in this template that you can edit and customize to change colors, fonts, and images.

Sales – Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

Sales - Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

This professional PowerPoint sales presentation template uses a beautiful color scheme to create a consistent look across all its slides. The template lets you choose from 40 different slide designs to create slideshows for all kinds of sales and marketing presentations. The template includes master slides as well.

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Free Creative Sales Strategy Presentation Template

Free Creative Sales Strategy Presentation Template

Another free PowerPoint template for creating sales strategy presentations. This template has over 30 unique slides with very creative designs. It features colorful shapes, illustrations, and graphs as well.

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Free Sales Process PowerPoint Infographic Slides

Grab this free PowerPoint template to design effective presentations for outlining your sales process. It includes 32 unique slides with many different styles of sales infographic designs.

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Dashi Sales – Sales Report PowerPoint Presentation

Dashi is a PowerPoint template made just for professional marketers. You can use it to design visual and beautiful slideshows for presenting your sales dashboards and reports. The template has 10 slides featuring more than 30 character positions, over 2000 vector icons, and 30 business concepts. Each slide is available in light and dark color themes as well as 30 pre-made color schemes.

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Ardall – Free Sales Presentation Template

Ardall - Free Sales Presentation Template

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B2B and B2C Digital Marketing & Sales Presentation

B2B and B2C Digital Marketing & Sales Presentation

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Real Estate Marketing & Sales PowerPoint Template

Real Estate Marketing & Sales PowerPoint Template

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3D Stairs Diagram for Sales Process Presentation

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Home Collections Market Training And Development Sales Training PowerPoint

Free - Editable Sales Training PowerPoint And Google Slides Themes


Sales Training Presentation Slides

Elevate your sales skills with comprehensive sales training, a strategic blend of sales coaching and sales management training. This powerful concept empowers sales professionals, from seasoned executives to newcomers, to reach new heights of success in the competitive world of sales. Dive into immersive sessions covering prospecting, lead generation, closing deals, and customer relationship management, refining communication and negotiation skills. Sales training is your gateway to unlocking your full potential and achieving sales excellence. This PowerPoint template simplifies the process of delivering engaging sales training sessions, ideal for trainers, managers, and professionals in any industry. Utilize its fully editable slides to illustrate key concepts, share examples, and facilitate interactive discussions, streamlining content delivery and inspiring action among your audience. Equip yourself with this tool and let your passion for sales training shine, inspiring others to embrace the journey toward sales excellence.

Features of the templates:

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the colors of the slide quickly.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • Well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
  • Training And Development
  • Sales Strategy
  • Sales Training
  • Sales Techniques
  • Sales Coaching
  • Sales Development
  • Sales Training Programs
  • Sales Training Courses
  • Sales Training Workshops
  • Sales Training Strategies
  • Sales Training For Beginners
  • Google Slides

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7 Presentation Templates For Sales Managers and Teams

7 Presentation Templates For Sales Managers and Teams

The foundation of a successful sales team is communication— both internally and externally. Offering solutions to prospective clients’ business needs is how you scale your own business, and that’s done through in-person meetings, virtual pitch decks, emails or lead generation strategies. But before you prepare any client-facing communications, your sales team needs to be aligned on sales strategies, account management, and sales projection. It’s a sales manager’s job to facilitate those conversations with their team and give them the tools necessary to close more deals. 

Presentations are a crucial tool for sales teams’ scalability. From all-hands meetings to sales proposals, presentations act as a vessel to communicate your story to the appropriate audiences. Of course, sales managers aren’t designers by trade and the presentation creation process can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. 

Luckily, there’s a presentation template for that. offers a robust library of pre-built, customizable presentation templates curated by industry experts. They serve as a starting point to give you the inspiration you need to package up your own story.

To save you time, we rounded up the 7 presentation templates that every sales manager can benefit from having in their back pocket. 

Sales strategy

A sales strategy helps sales teams achieve their sales goals and close more deals.’s sales strategy template enables managers and sales reps to prioritize and engage with potential customers, while developing different selling models to reach prospective clients. 

Our customizable template has everything you need for a sales strategy like key performance indicators (KPIs), sales process, and product overview. A thoughtful sales strategy presentation can help teams understand things like target market, response time between inbound leads and first sales touch-point, and how to properly demo the product.  

Our sales strategy template can also help you identify objectives and provide guidance to your sales team, create product positioning guidelines, and share sales pipelines and wins with the team and other stakeholders.

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Key account management

Not all of your clients provide the same value to your business. Your key accounts should have a low cost-to-revenue ratio with opportunity to grow in the future. A key account management (KAM) presentation helps teams identify their key accounts and nurture those relationships to their full potential. A successful KAM presentation can help teams define their target accounts, and outline your objectives, for a more favorable outcome. 

Our KAM template can also help you focus sales efforts more effectively, build better relationships with high-profile clients or customers, or optimize sales team results and increase revenue growth for the business.

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Sales go to market

A sales go to market plan helps sales teams identify market size, define a value proposition, and achieve their sales goals with better product positioning and messaging. Sales leaders can set their teams up for success with’s sales go to market presentation template with things like market size and trends, KPIs, and an actionable plan. A thoughtful sales go to market presentation can help teams understand buyer personas and how to position their product or offering when talking to prospective customers.  

Our sales go to market template can also help you identify your sales go to market plan and provide guidance to your sales team, evaluate target market and market trends, or share financial projections with upper-management and other stakeholders.

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Case studies address consumer challenges and highlight the solutions your service or product can deliver. This kind of presentation helps instill confidence in your brand and convert prospective clients to paying customers. Include your company background, past customers, a product demonstration or video, and outline how you can provide each client with positive results. A quality case study presentation illustrates real-world success using data. Our case study template will help you keep your clients engaged while you show them potential business solutions in a polished and professional presentation.

Our case study presentation template can be used as an effective way to showcase your success stories, convert prospective clients, and up-sell current clients.

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Sales proposal

Sale proposals are used to demonstrate how your business, brand, service or product will positively influence a buyer, partner company, or investor. For a sales proposal to be successful it must include a straightforward message, be visually impactful, and show specific stats or data that reference your company’s strengths.

A sales proposal template streamlines the creation process for your proposal slideshow. Rather than limiting yourself to a series of blank slides and adding copy and images as you go, sales proposal templates provide all the basic placement and design for you to fill with customized content.

A sales proposal template can be used for responding to requests for proposals (RFPs), communicating ROI to sales prospects, and pitching sales ideas, concepts, or strategies. 

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Sales projection

A sales projection is the amount of revenue your business expects to earn in the future. Also called a sales forecast or a business forecast, a sales projection gives you insight into the short-term and long-term health of the company. A set of sales projection slides is essential for sharing the results of your calculations companywide. 

Use the sales projection presentation template to analyze the health of the company, compare projections to past sales numbers, or inform company operations.

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Team stand-up

Make your daily sales meetings more effective by starting with a template that lets teammates easily track what's going on and how to best optimize processes. Our team stand up template is a pre-built, customizable presentation optimized for team meetings and collaboration. Your sales team meeting will run smoothly with an agenda slide, talking points slide, deliverables update slide and more to keep everyone organized and focused.

Use the team stand up template to keep team members on the same page about pending deals, get executives up to speed on recent sales’ numbers, and ensure everyone is on track toward larger goals or quotas. 

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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Download the "Sales, Marketing & Communication Strategy" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you were looking for all this time. Use the slides to give your presentation a more professional approach and have everything under control.

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How to Create a PowerPoint Sales Presentation That Is Engaging & Builds Trust

As a business development professional, your PowerPoint presentations should communicate more than just information . They should aid your efforts to build a trust-based relationship with your prospects. Only some salespeople have ever been taught how to design a PowerPoint pitch deck that not only delivers information but also fosters a genuine connection with their audience. Fortunately, today, I will share a bit of scientific research and SIX PowerPoint sales presentation tips that shed light on how to build authentic relationships with buyers through better-designed PowerPoint presentations.

Connect with your audience using storytelling 

Research has shown that storytelling is a powerful way to engage and connect with people. According to Uri Hasson, a neuroscientist from Princeton University, listening to stories can trigger neural coupling, where the brain activity of the storyteller and the listener syncs up ( Hasson et al., 2016 ).

Why is that important, you ask?

Because the study showed this connection helps your audience retain information and empathize with your message. Considering the average prospect only retains 10% of your presentation , framing your presentation as a story versus a dissertation might just be the difference between winning and losing the pitch.

Choose the right visuals to support your message 

Visuals are crucial in capturing your audience's attention and boosting information retention. Research from the University of Minnesota found that presentations with visuals were 43% more persuasive than those without (Vogel et al., 1986). However, it's essential to choose visuals that support your message rather than distract from it. For instance, if you're presenting contrasting information or data, you might frame one grouping inside the image of an apple and the other within the image of an orange, playing off the well-known "comparing apples and oranges" metaphor.

Harness the power of body language 

Body language plays a significant role in how your message is perceived. Studies have shown that nonverbal cues account for up to 93% of communication effectiveness ( Mehrabian, 1971 ). Thus, as both presenter and participant, stay attuned to these subtle signals. Not only does it give you an edge in reading your audience, you'll be more likely to hear the unspoken needs, wants OR concerns driving acceptance or rejection of your pitch.

Be authentic and show vulnerability 

Authenticity is vital in building trust with your audience. Research from Harvard Business School found that people who displayed vulnerability were more likable and trustworthy. Far too many sellers wrongly continue to ascribe to the traditional, aggressive, Type-A sales approach. But don't fall victim to that kind of thinking. Instead, channel your inner introvert -- introverts often have a natural ability to be genuine and open, which can be a significant asset in sales presentations -- so steal their secret and leverage it to deliver more compelling and engaging PowerPoint pitches. To deliver a more engaging PowerPoint sales presentation , show your human side. Share your struggles and successes , and be honest about your product or service. This openness will help your prospects connect with you on a deeper level, leading to trust creation more quickly than if you keep them at arm's length as most salespeople prefer.

Focus on quality content

No matter how visually appealing your presentation is, the content will ultimately persuade your audience. Invest time in crafting a compelling narrative that addresses your audience's needs and pain points. Then use facts, data, and testimonials to support your claims, making your presentation more credible and persuasive. Ruthlessly edit your PowerPoint presentation until every single point on every single slide is absolutely essential. Remember, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FILLER SLIDE if you want people to pay attention to you .

Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse 

I cannot overstate the importance of rehearsing before presenting. PLEASE rehearse your presentation multiple times . I usually practice delivering a new PowerPoint presentation or Keynote talk at least 10 times before I actually deliver it live. This helps me refine my delivery and pacing. It also helps (at least it helps me) to HEAR the presentation out loud.

So often, what looks good on screen or inside your head sounds odd when presented aloud. So practice, revise, and practice again until you're confident the PowerPoint presentation is as effective as possible.

An added bonus : the more comfortable you feel with your material, the more confident and engaging you'll be during your presentation.

Have you read : How to Craft The Perfect Pitch?   

Click Here to Read Next

Six SIMPLE PowerPoint Sales Presentation Tips To Make Your Next Sales Presentation More Compelling and Effective

Remember, the key to creating and delivering an engaging PowerPoint sales presentation is not about having a flashy design or being an extroverted speaker. It's about connecting with your audience on a deeper level and addressing their needs effectively. By following these six simple tips, listening, empathizing, and focusing your presentation efforts on building trust with your audience –  you'll have no problem delivering a successful sales presentation.

So go out there and conquer your next sales pitch with confidence.

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Are Your Slides Costing You Sales?

If your slides suffer from these common persuasion hurdles, we can help. 

  • Lack of a clear presentation goal
  • Text-heavy slides
  • Confusing use of visuals
  • Lack of logical color coordination
  • Inconsistent Charts & Graphs
  • Poorly applied animations
  • Fail to clearly demonstrate your idea, solution, or service


PowerPoint Sales Presentations That Will Blow Your Audience Away

37 Sales Training Games, Activities, & Ideas to Ramp Up Your Team

AJ Beltis

Published: October 13, 2023

There are over 13 million salespeople working in the United States, and they spend weeks or even months training for success in their roles.

rep playing a sales training game

Given the different responsibilities, industries, and team structures salespeople encounter, it’s hard to recommend a one-size-fits-all approach to sales training. Your reps need to learn and retain all of the company-specific skills and knowledge in order to succeed in their jobs.

Download Now: Free Sales Training Plan Template

That’s why we’ve made a list of the best sales training ideas, activities, and games. Read through the list to determine the best tactics and programs to use when training your sales team.

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Free Sales Training Template

Use this template to set up a 30/60/90 day sales training and onboarding plan.

  • 30/60/90 Day Goals
  • People to Meet
  • Feedback/Review Process

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Sales Training Ideas

  • Use a sales training template.
  • Subscribe to industry publications, newsletters, and podcasts.
  • Have the team do objection-handling training exercises.
  • Get certified.
  • Host success (and failure) panels.
  • Listen to and assess call recordings.
  • Present your buyer's journey.
  • Conduct a competitive analysis.
  • Provide opportunities for shadow programs.
  • List your potholes.
  • New contact icebreakers.

Sales Training Ideas

1. Use a sales training template. [Featured Resource]

a sales training template

Download This Template for Free

A sales training and onboarding plan consolidates role expectations, training timelines, and resources into one place for your newly hired salespeople.

Since every sales team has different goals and expectations, it’s important to craft a custom training plan specifically for your new sales hires.

This template is pre-filled with the sections you’ll find on most sales training plans. You can use it to build out a more detailed and specific onboarding plan for your organization.

2. Subscribe to industry publications, newsletters, and podcasts.

One of the mottos we love here at HubSpot is " Always be learning. "

Complacency can kill in a sales job, so encourage salespeople to listen to sales podcasts and subscribe to newsletters from the best sales blogs , regardless of where they are in their career. As the industry shifts and new thought leaders emerge, reps can use the knowledge from these publications to stay in touch with new best practices and continuously build their knowledge base.

3. Have the team do objection-handling training exercises.

I once spoke to a software engineer who described his job as "coming in and figuring out how to break our software every day." He and his team worked to determine the best ways to ensure that the break or breach wouldn’t happen.

Why not take a similar approach with your sales team?

Have your reps come up with all of the reasons they’ve heard why someone would reject your product. Then, have them develop — on their own or in groups — the most convincing counters to those objections. That way they’ll be locked and loaded when someone brings that concern up on a call.

4. Get certified.

Strengthen your team’s understanding of selling best practices by requiring or suggesting they acquire a useful sales certification. For example, HubSpot Academy has a free Inbound Sales Certification and Course available online, including insights and advice from industry experts. The course has been taken thousands of times and can be a helpful step in making salespeople better at their jobs.

5. Host success (and failure) panels.

Honesty goes a long way in training, as do personal connections.

Hosting panels with salespeople in your org that highlight their stories of success can serve as guidance and inspiration to both new and existing salespeople.

However, what might be even more valuable is a sales failure panel. Reps can open up about a time where they fell short, didn’t make the deal, or didn’t achieve the outcome they were expecting. More importantly, they can explain what they learned and how they addressed the problem next time.

6. Listen to and assess call recordings.

Sometimes referred to as " What did you hear? " this sales training exercise involves playing recorded sales calls or meetings and discerning the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Listen to the call alongside your rep, with each of you writing down what you heard that could have been said better, or what was said that stuck out in a great way. Compare notes to see how attentive your rep is and to hear their opinion on how the call went.

This equips reps to go into calls with more confidence, the right vocabulary, and a clear direction in which to take the conversation.

7. Present your buyer’s journey.

After new hires are trained, have them give a presentation on what the typical buyer’s journey looks like for your product or service.

The presentation could follow one of your buyer personas realizing their problem, looking for solutions, how they stumbled upon your business, and what made them choose to do business with you.

This will make salespeople sympathetic to their future customers’ problems, get a grip on the entire sales cycle, and understand how your product/service is actually helpful.

8. Conduct a competitive analysis.

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Chances are, your company has some insight into your competition. You might even have an entire competitive analysis team. However, your new sales hire might not know all of your comparative strengths and weaknesses, even though those points may come up on their very first sales call.

Having reps conduct their own competitive analysis offers many benefits for you and your company. For example:

  • It exposes your reps to what internal documentation you already have on the subject.
  • It can focus on one specific aspect of your product/service for a more thorough deep dive.
  • It compares you to your competition with a fresh set of eyes, which could offer new talking points and arguments for future sales situations.

9. Provide opportunities for shadow programs.

Here’s where you’ll pair a new sales rep with a more established, successful one. The existing rep can walk new hires through the day-to-day of the job, show what success looks like, and serve as a mentor for personal and professional growth.

10. List your potholes.

Dan Tyre , a sales director here at HubSpot, recommends a tactic to foster self-reflection and personal growth in new hires. He suggests new reps set up a written list or spreadsheet of the three "potholes" they fall into each day, as a way of holding themselves accountable, taking risks, and reviewing growth opportunities.

11. Conduct newcontact icebreakers.

Even the most seasoned reps need a little help breaking the ice with new contacts and prospects. A great way to keep contacts engaged (aside from sending the dreaded “checking in” emails) is to send content your contacts may be interested in to keep the conversation going. While it may sound simple, there is an art and a science to using this method to keep contacts engaged.

Spend some time with your team taking them through different engagement methods to help them avoid being ghosted by their contacts. This could also be a great time to have some of your senior reps share best practices with newer members of the team.

new contact icebreakers for your team

Image Source

If your sales team needs a more robust solution for keeping the conversation going, consider training your team to use software such as Icebreaker by UpContent . Icebreaker integrates directly with your CRM to track and log the effectiveness of third-party content shared with your leads.

Sales teams need time and space to interact and bond in non-competitive ways. Strengthen your team with these engaging games that anyone can participate in.

Interactive Sales Training Ideas

  • Decision-making simulations.
  • Mystery shopping exercises.
  • Sales negotiation workshops.
  • Sales boot camps.
  • Sales technology demos.
  • Cross-department shadowing.
  • Field trips or site visits.
  • Sales pitch makeovers.
  • Social selling challenges.
  • Mock sales conferences.

Interactive Sales Training Ideas

1. Decision-making simulations.

Decision-making is one of the key skills that sales people need to acquire and hone in the role.

Create realistic scenarios where participants must make complex decisions during the sales process. These scenarios could include role-playing a client with a limited budget but would be a strong customer-fit, or selling a custom enterprise solution to a large client.

The goal here is to flex those critical-thinking muscles so that when a real life scenario comes up, the sales rep is prepared for the challenge.

2. Mystery shopping exercises.

There's no better way to train for a sales role than to be sold the product you sell! 

Assign team members to act as mystery shoppers, providing feedback on the sales experience. This will help them identify areas of improvement and encourage a customer-centric approach to sales.

3. Sales negotiation workshops.

Once your sales team has completed formal training, this interactive enrichment exercise is the perfect follow-up.

Conduct an interactive workshop where participants can practice negotiation techniques they learned through role-playing exercises. Provide feedback and guidance on the effectiveness of the negotiation strategies they used. 

4. Sales boot camps.

Learning in community is one of the best ways to absorb lots of information in a short period of time. If your sales onboarding is fast-paced, try a sales bootcamp to administer traditional and interactive learning curriculums.

Host a multi-day immersive sales training program that includes workshops, team challenges, and simulations, focusing on various aspects of the sales process. End this program with a celebration or certificate of completion to end the experience on a grand note.

5. Sales technology demos.

It's one thing to read marketing materials about the product you sell. It's another to try it out for yourself.

To give your sales reps an authentic selling experience, conduct sales tech demos as part of the sales training process.

Arrange hands-on demos of different sales tools and technologies, allowing participants to explore and understand their benefits and functionality. 

6. Cross-department shadowing.

Turn interaction on its head with the shadowing technique. 

Pair up sales team members with colleagues from other departments (e.g., marketing, customer service) to promote collaboration and understanding of the entire customer journey.

Sales reps will walk away from this training with a different perspective on the way a customer interacts with the business when making a purchase. 

7. Field trips or site visits.

If your business has brick-and-mortar locations, implement a site visit for your reps who work in a different location or remotely. 

Arranging these visits allows them to observe and learn from real-life sales interactions. Plus, fostering networking opportunities during these events is an added bonus.

8. Sales pitch makeovers.

Sales training doesn't stop at onboarding. Ongoing refinement of sales skills, especially pitches, is necessary throughout a sales person's career.

Have participants review and improve their existing sales pitches with the help of peer feedback and guidance from sales trainers. Encourage creativity and experimentation for the best results.

9. Social selling challenges.

What better way to shake things up than to go digital with the selling process? Prospecting is one part of sales where reps can get creative, but that doesn't mean it should be a free-for-all. Training around social selling can pay dividends in the long run.

Encourage the use of social media platforms for prospecting and building relationships. Set targets for engagement and content creation, and reward the most effective strategies.

10. Mock sales conferences.

Conferences can be some of the opportunities to sell because it's a concentrated environment of your target audience who are open to learning about the product or service you sell. 

To help your reps prepare for these occasions, organize a simulated sales conference, where participants can practice presenting and networking in a realistic conference setting. Provide feedback and pointers on public speaking skills.

Sales Team Training Games

  • Sell Me This Pen
  • What’s a...?
  • Elevator Pitch (or E-Pitch)
  • Make a Commercial
  • Still Don't Get It
  • Cold Call Bingo!
  • Next Logical Question

Sales Team Training Games

1. Sell Me This Pen

Ever seen The Wolf of Wall Street ?

As real-life investor (and crook) Jordan Belfort, Leonardo DiCaprio delivers this line to a group of colleagues in an impromptu selling exercise, challenging them to create a need in the eyes of a potential buyer.

The challenge could involve picking anything in the room or office. Task your reps with identifying what the problem is to which the obscure item is the solution. From there, in a mock selling situation with a prospect (either another new rep or someone on the training team), have the rep try to get the prospect to identify the need themselves, and provide the solution (in this case, the obscure product).

2. Match Game

If your business sells multiple products, software, or upgrades, make a list of the key ones. Then, write out a one or two-sentence scenario where a potential customer would benefit from it.

Shuffle both lists and have salespeople match the problem to the solution so they can determine when someone is a good candidate for a certain solution. Here’s an example of what that might look like.

Match the Right Software to the Right Solution

3. What’s a ...?

Keep new hires on their toes with this fun activity.

After a new sales class is onboarded, inform them that the rest of the company has been instructed to — at any time during the workday — approach new sales hires and ask, " What’s a… " followed by the name of your company, your product, or your software.

At a moment’s notice, and without hesitation, salespeople should be ready to explain what it is that they are selling in a concise, convincing, and clear way. This is especially true if your company sells complex software or if it’s a newer, lesser-known company.

As an added bonus, this can serve as an introduction for new hires to employees from other departments.

4. Jeopardy!

At the end of your training, quiz new hires on five to 10 different categories, with each category containing five questions of increasing difficulty and point value. This game is particularly effective with a big onboarding class or for retraining a large group of existing reps.

If you’re in need of a Jeopardy! style template, Lifewire has compiled a resourceful list of templates you can use to quiz your salespeople on product training.

5. Elevator Pitch (or E-Pitch)

The concept of the elevator pitch (or e–pitch) is simple — you’re in an elevator with somebody you’re trying to sell to, and have only 30-60 seconds to make your case before that person gets off the elevator.

E-pitch competitions are a staple for new hire training, as they force reps to get the value of a product out clearly and quickly. However, you can also run e-pitch competitions for continued sales training, putting random objects or ideas in a hat and challenging existing salespeople to pick one at random and brainstorm a pitch to work on their public speaking, persuasion, and brevity skills.

6. Pop Quiz

One of the best ways for your reps to retain information could be for you to reinforce it during the training. Spontaneous pop quizzes during training and onboarding sessions can keep your salespeople engaged, particularly if the testing is gamified.

You can use mobile-based quiz platforms like Kahoot to put the quiz right in the hands of your trainees, ensure everyone’s involvement, and analyze where the gaps in data are in your group afterward.

7. Make a Commercial

In this game, the sales manager or trainer splits reps into multiple teams and distributes a random object to each team. The object can be something abstract like a strange Lego build, or it could be an everyday item laying around the office.

Each team then collaborates to come up with a purpose for the item, identify the pain it solves, and script messaging for a "commercial" to "sell" the item to the group.

At the end of the presentations, hold a vote and give a prize for the best commercial.

This game develops creativity, positioning, and presentation skills.

S'up is a common sales game for building reps' confidence.

Take your team to a public place, like a mall or networking event, and have them pair up for accountability. Each rep must initiate a conversation with a stranger and "prospect" for personal information during the course of the conversation.

Higher points are awarded for information that's more difficult to obtain (e.g. what they had for lunch is worth less than a story about their childhood).

9. Still Don't Get It

Similar to S'up, this game is also played in public. Instruct each rep to approach a stranger and ask a question. (This game is often played by asking for directions to somewhere, but any question will do.)

When the stranger provides the answer, the rep must probe for more information as if they "don't get it." Points are awarded to reps based on how many times they are able to push the stranger for more information. This develops sales reps' muscles for reading prospects and knowing when to push further or quit.

10. Cold Call Bingo!

Have one of your reps make a cold call while the rest of the team listens on speakerphone. Each listening rep has a Bingo! card with common sales tactics and milestones (such as "price objection" or "need/pain identified"). The point is to get the team actively listening for and identifying prospect handling techniques while learning from a live example.

Reward the Bingo! winner and the cold caller for a successful Bingo! achieved.

11. Next Logical Question

In large new hire classes, role play as a prospect and have reps take turns asking the next logical question following the statement you’ve made.

For example, a rep might ask you " What made you reach out for more information? " You would then express a common problem a potential customer might look to your company to solve. Then, the rep needs to figure out the best question to ask in response to that need.

If the answer is all wrong, or if there is silence in the room, you get to chime in and give guidance on what could be asked. Keep track, and the person who asks the most logical next questions wins.

No matter what sales training ideas, games, or activities you’re using in your office, they should serve the ultimate purpose of making salespeople better at their jobs. Ross Nibur , Director of Revenue Operations and Strategy (and former Director of Business Development) at Toast , proposes a four-step process to developing and implementing any sales training idea.

Sequentially, sales trainers should answer these four questions:

  • What knowledge or skill do I want salespeople to acquire?
  • Why are those skills important to them and to business growth?
  • How can we ensure salespeople retain this knowledge?
  • How can we support salespeople if they are struggling to learn the skill?

So, for example, you may decide you want your salespeople to become experts in your product. That answers question one. This information is important so reps can speak knowledgeably about products to prospects, set proper expectations for the end-user, and earn the trust of those they’re talking to, answering question two.

Question three is where you match a training idea or activity to teach or outline the learning you want to highlight, so maybe you decide that a sales rep giving a successful product demo is the best training idea for addressing this need.

As for question four, new reps who fall short on their demo might be given access to additional documentation, recordings of successful demos, or demo coaching sessions to strengthen their skills.

That’s an example of a training idea implemented with purpose, a clear goal, and actionable next steps to ensure the knowledge and skills and retained.

Sales Team Building Games

  • Common Ground
  • Virtual Escape Room

Sales Team Building Games

1. Common Ground

This game works particularly well for teams working in virtual environments. Split members of your team into smaller groups via your virtual meeting software’s conference room feature and have them come up with three things they all have in common that don’t involve work.

Ideally, members of each group will explore a variety of topics before figuring out what they all have in common. This exercise helps build trust and familiarity among team members, which is essential for creating a supportive work environment.

2. Guess Who

Have each person on your team submit a fun fact about them that the rest of the team doesn’t know. When it’s time to play, go through each fun fact (you can do this by creating a presentation with one slide per fact, with fun GIFs to keep it interesting) one by one and have your team guess who the fact belongs to.

3. Virtual Escape Room

An escape room exercise can be a great way to help your team bond and work through problem-solving scenarios together. Thanks to technology, virtual escape rooms make this activity even more accessible.

While participating in a virtual escape room, teams often need to work together to solve a challenging riddle, collect virtual clues, and work through complex puzzles under a time crunch to move on to the next level. Companies such as The Escape Game offer guided virtual escape rooms teams can play from anywhere via Zoom.

Let’s be honest, sales team meetings are not always the most exciting part of you or your team’s week. If your sales team meetings are all about diving into the numbers, try one of these activities to liven things up.

Sales Meeting Games

  • Product Jeopardy
  • Circle of Kudos

Sales Meeting Games

1. Product Jeopardy

How well does your team know your company’s product or service? Help them brush up on their skills by creating your own Jeopardy game focused on your company history and products. Start by creating five categories related to your company’s offerings. Sample categories can include specific product names, company mission, and values, or customer stats.

Then create five questions for each category with assigned point values between 100 and 500 correlated to the difficulty of the question. You can make this game remote work-friendly by creating a template using PowerPoint or Google Slides .

2. Circle of Kudos

Sales reps can sometimes feel underappreciated working in such a high-stakes, competitive field. Make sure everyone on your team feels appreciated with this "circle of kudos" exercise.

One by one, have each member of your team give a shoutout to another team member about strengths they have or something they’ve done well recently. Once a team member has received their kudos, it is then their turn to share their kind words about another member of the team. Continue popcorn style until all of your reps have shared and received kudos.

These ideas and games are perfect ways to sharpen the skills of your existing team or as part of onboarding training for new sales hires.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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Home Blog Design How to Create Effective Call to Action Slides for Presentations

How to Create Effective Call to Action Slides for Presentations

Cover for Call to Action Slide guide by SlideModel

When concluding a presentation , it’s essential to prompt attendees to take action. This is where a specific slide type, the call-to-action slide or CTA slide, comes into play. Depending on your context, this slide can incorporate various graphical elements, such as compelling images, charts, or diagrams, to evoke emotions or simply be attractive with information on how to contact the presenter. 

In our experience, a call-to-action slide is an element that has one-third of the influence factor for decision-making, especially in contexts of business pitch or sales presentation . For this reason, this article will guide you through the essentials of creating powerful, attention-grabbing call-to-action slides for presentations. We will illustrate each point with examples and include a list of eye-catching PPT templates that can make the job easier.

Table of Contents

What is a Call to Action Slide?

What are the elements of a call to action slide, how to write a call to action slide, recommended cta templates for powerpoint and google slides, final words.

A call to action slide is a presentation slide type designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage the audience to take a specific action (purchase, connect, sign-up, etc.). Typically, call-to-action slides are placed at the end of a presentation, as they capitalize on the audience’s interest in the presented topic and the expectations built up throughout the presentation. 

The same guidelines applied in marketing for call-to-action features in e-commerce are valid for call-to-action slides, as they must be clear, concise, and focus on an actionable verb to instruct the audience what to do next. Bold colors and strong contrast indicate what action to take, and in some cases, visual elements like buttons, arrows, or even animations help guide the audience to that specific keyword.

Let’s analyze the contents of a call to action slide through this infographic.

Typical structure of a Call to Action Slide

The Visuals

All call-to-action slides ought to include an image. This can be a vector graphics illustration , a photo displaying the desired typical scenario (for example, for an e-commerce brand, the call to action is a computer placed on top of a desktop with the website opened), or a product image.

The visuals must be prominent and in high-quality format—meaning no pixelation and clear-to-understand imagery. In terms of importance inside the slide, they can take up to a third of the layout.

The Container

This is the area where the written call to action is placed. We have to work with a box format (although it can feature organic shapes if the context requires it) where the information is displayed. Gradients are particularly helpful as we create smooth transitions between sections of the container and don’t induce sharp contrast between text, icons, and the container’s background.

Besides the specific verb that incites to take action, we have to include a concise text that gives the call-to-action a context. What’s the reason for that? Picture it this way: you want your call to action to be actionable, regardless of when that’s bound to happen. If attendees of your presentation get a copy of the slide deck , they can share it with colleagues or friends, boosting the reach of your call to action slide. But what if your call to action doesn’t give any context? People who didn’t connect with the presentation or didn’t attend the event may not feel prompted to take action on something they cannot grasp how it will benefit their lives.

To further illustrate this point, let’s imagine this scenario: You deliver a presentation on cybersecurity for large corporations. Your agency exposes the risks of continuing to operate under the same standards and adds a call to action slide at the end of the presentation to encourage stakeholders to hire your services. Which one of the slides is going to work best?

  • Scenario A: A computer screen image with a button that says “Hire Us Now.”
  • Scenario B: A minimalistzic slide showcasing a picture of a locked computer due to ransomware with a text box that states, “54,000 customer accounts can be leaked at any minute. Protect their assets now” – and a button with the text “Secure Your Data.”

Yes, scenario B is a well-thought case of a call-to-action slide.

Differences in CTA slide design

Visual Cues

If your slide is cluttered with multiple visual elements, as in webinars, you can use arrows, icons, or eye-catching buttons to highlight the area where the CTA is placed. Use bold colors to contrast with the container’s background, but be mindful of your selected color palette.

You can learn more about the importance of colors in presentations in our color theory for presentations article.

A Clear Directive

The call to action doesn’t have to be lengthy. Your best approach is a clear and direct command that tells the audience exactly what to do. Consider the following list of call-to-action examples to guide you:

  • Register Now
  • Download Now
  • Let’s Connect
  • Start Your Free Trial Today!
  • Schedule Your Free Demo!

Urgency or Incentive

Sometimes, your message might not be perceived as imperative as you expect. In highly competitive niches, marketers work with taglines that add an extra incentive, inciting a sense of urgency to acquire the product or service. Examples of these are:

  • Limited Time Offer
  • Only 10 Units Left
  • (Timeclock) Minutes Left
  • Unlock Premium Features Now

Follow this step-by-step instruction to create your call to action slide, regardless of your presentation’s niche. 

Identify the Objective

The approach you need to take depends on the topic of your presentation. If you aim to sell a product, the call to action slide can invite the audience to try a demo or to become one of the first buyers and receive an exclusive 40% discount.

If, on the other hand, you promote a service, you can invite them to connect, discover customer success stories, or schedule a meeting to discuss a custom-made offer.

Craft a Compelling Message

Your call to action slide must be written in an active language tone to ensure audience engagement . It is important to use strong verbs that connect your message and the value your product or service brings to the potential buyer’s life. For that purpose, you should personalize the message to be directed to the audience attending your presentation on that specific day. How can you do that? Bring in relevant facts that interest your attendees and use recent factual information about your offer.

The CTA has to be concise yet powerful. Font size matters on this behalf, so you need to test the readability from several distance rows or opt for a complementary speech CTA. Technically speaking, use no less than 24pt as font size to write the text for the CTA button and 18pt for the contextual text.

Call to action slide in Product Presentation

The Emotional Value

Storytelling in presentations is an excellent aid when you need to create a CTA without making the slide look self-promotional. You can articulate the graphics and the presentation’s speech as different chapters of a narrative, where the CTA is the epilogue of your story. This approach requires aligning all the graphics to your narrative, avoiding technical jargon that might distract the audience from your story’s core value, and creating a summary slide that exposes the benefits of taking action now.

General Recommendations for High-Quality CTA Slides

We want to conclude this section with tips from our experience creating effective call-to-action slides. First and foremost, you can only add one CTA per slide. If your presentation has multiple objectives requiring a CTA, something is not working. Less is more, and you dilute the message if you distract the audience with multiple options to choose from.

That being said, the layout for the call to action slide has to be minimalistic. All elements must direct attention to the CTA section, and ample white space is extremely important so the audience focuses on that key point.  This is not an extra slide on your deck. It has to remain consistent with the slide deck’s style regarding color palette, font pairing options, and graphics; otherwise, it feels disconnected. Visual hierarchy principles indicate that the human eye scans content from left to right, top to bottom in the Western culture (languages that are read right to the left invert the horizontal axis but preserve the vertical one). Place your content accordingly, making the CTA the final element that attracts the user. You can test the correct placement of your call to action by checking the slides across different devices.

F and Z layout patterns

In this section, you can find our selection of Google Slides and PowerPoint templates that are fit to create call to action slides in just a couple of minutes. Download and customize them for any kind of presentation topic.

1. Corporate CTA Slide Deck

Contact Us PPT Slide - Capital Planning Template

Secure business deals by inviting your clients to reach out in a clean and professional layout. This call to action template for PowerPoint features an array of icons to indicate address, phone number, email, and website.

Use This Template

2. Dropshipping Call-to-Action Slide

Creative Business Model Slide - Classic Type

For any kind of dropshipping business that seeks to close partnership deals with fellow entrepreneurs, this slide deck contains all the graphical elements to depict your business model and invite to get in touch.

3. Product Presentation Call to Action Slide

sales training presentation ideas ppt

Highlight the key features of your product with a creative call to action slide layout. Four different arrangements to tailor your product presentation for maximum sales performance. Check it out!

4. IT Consultancy Call to Action Slide

sales training presentation ideas ppt

A slide deck intended for IT agencies delivering services to both clients and corporations. You can craft a compelling presentation describing your team, the services you offer, your expertise, strategy to implement, and summarize it with a carefully designed call to action slide.

5. CTA Slide for Business Presentations

Creative 16-Slide Presentation Template for PowerPoint

Ideal for company presentations, product sales pitches (as we’ve seen in our example above), and more. Customize the slides of this presentation deck in just minutes.

Creating persuasive CTAs can transform your presentations from informative to persuasive content, even when you don’t feel such a transition is forced. Your audience is inspired to act because of the quality of your presentation, making the CTA slide the final touch to convince them of your expertise on the matter.

sales training presentation ideas ppt

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