structure of to what extent essay

How to answer a “to what degree/extent” essay question

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One of the most popular question types to appear on History assessment tasks is one that starts with the phrase, “To what extent/degree...”.

Despite the fact that it appears so frequently, particularly on exam papers , some teachers and students are not sure how to correctly write a response to it.

Thankfully, "to what degree/extent" questions are relatively easy to understand and to write a sophisticated response to, as long as you know what they are specifically asking you to do.

In this blog post, I will explain what such questions are asking you to do and give you some practical tips on how to write an essay response to a “To what extent/degree” question so that you feel confident in your assessment pieces.

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Understanding the question

First of all, it is crucial to understand the purpose of the word “degree” or “extent” in this kind of question. Regardless of which of the two words are used, they mean exactly the same thing: they are asking you to assign a degree of importance to how influential or important a particular factor is regarding the topic at hand.

A useful way of conceptualising the degree of importance , is to think of a simple scale that you could measure it against:

Scale of importance
  degree of importance degree of importance degree of importance

Most of the time, a "to what degree/extent” question is ultimately asking you to decide a single factor’s importance in comparison to another, potentially equally important factor. In other words, you need to argue which of two things is the most important.

Therefore, you will say that one of the two factors was “ to a greater degree ” important, while the other is “ to a lesser extent ” important.

It is rare that this kind of question will require you to say that only one factor was the only important element in regards to a topic. Any event in history is a complex combination of multiple factors, and it is too simplistic to assign only one factor to any topic.

That is why this kind of question is so popular with essays about historical causation , consequences or significance in History exams. These topics acknowledge that there are multiple factors which contributed to a historical event or idea. 

Example essay questions

Sometimes, the question itself will provide you with the two elements that it wants you to compare. For example:

“To what degree was political ideology more important in Hitler’s rise to power than the economic conditions in Germany in the early 1930s?” 

As you can see in this “to what degree” question, it is asking you to decide whether “political ideology” was “more important” than “the economic conditions in Germany in the early 1930s”. Therefore, in your answer to this question, you need to clearly state which you think was “more important”.

Here is another example: 

“To what extent did the Black Death in 14th century Europe decrease the papacy’s cultural influence in comparison to the political scandals within the curia?” 

Once more, it is easy to identify what you are being asked to decide between: whether “the Black Death in 14th century Europe” or “the political scandals within the curia” was more important in causing the decline of “the papacy’s cultural influence”.

However, sometimes an essay question will only give you one factor, in which case you will need to choose the second factor to compare it against.

For example 

“To what degree was Julius Caesar’s assassination the result of his own hubris?” 

In this example, the question only gives you “his own hubris” as one important element. Therefore, you will need to decide, based upon your own historical knowledge and the sources supplied, something else to compare it against.

It is still important, though, that you still come to a conclusion about which of the two elements was the most important.

How to structure your answer to the question (the hypothesis)

Once you have identified the two elements you are going to compare in your answer, you need to decide which of the two you are going to assign most importance to.

When you write your answer to the essay question (which will become your hypothesis ), you have to ensure that you clearly state which of the two options you have decided is the most important. You can use the following cues to identify the greater and lesser factors:

“[Factor 1] was, to a greater degree , more important in [the Topic] than [Factor 2] because...” 

“[Factor 1] was the main cause of [the Topic] despite the role of [Factor 2] because...” 

“While [Factor 2] did play a role in [the Topic], [Factor 1] was by far the most significant element because...”

As you can see in these example structures, you need to:

  • clearly state the two topics you’re comparing
  • mention the topic to which they relate
  • have a clear decision about which of the two factors are most important to the topic

Also, don't forget to provide clear reasons for your decision after the “because” in your hypothesis.

How to structure your essay

 Once you have decided which of the two factors was the most important and which was the least important, then you can start planning your essay paragraphs .

Since essays typically require you to follow the standard five-paragraph structure ( introduction paragraph , three body paragraphs , and a conclusion paragraph ), you know that you will have three body paragraphs available for arguing your decision.

  • In two out of your three body paragraphs, provide two separate reasons for why one factor was the most important  
  • In the third of your body paragraphs, talk about the lesser contributing factor  

This helps us to use a simple structure to respond to a “to what degree/extent” essay question:

Here is a visual representation of the structure to help you:

Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3
 “[Factor 1] was the most important element in [the Topic] because...”  “Another reason that [Factor 1] was the most important element in [the Topic] is because...”   “To a lesser degree, [Factor 2] was important to [the Topic] because...” 

By dividing your three body paragraphs in this way, you devote two-thirds of your essay to the most important of the two factors, and then one-third to the lesser of the two factors.

At the start of each body paragraph, then, you need a clear topic sentence that provides a reason why this factor was important. Ensure that you have two separate reasons to support the factor you’ve chosen as the most important, and one for the lesser of the two factors.

For example: 

Topic sentence for body paragraph 1: 

“[Factor 1] was the most important element in [the Topic] because...” 

Topic sentence for body paragraph 2: 

“Another reason that [Factor 1] was the most important element in [the Topic] is because...” 

Topic sentence for body paragraph 3:  

“To a lesser degree, [Factor 2] was important to [the Topic] because...”

Some rare exceptions

The advice provided above will serve you well in replying to almost all “to what degree/extent” essay questions. However, here are some rare exceptions which you might need to watch out for, along with some quick advice for how to deal with them.

Some questions may ask you to compare three separate factors. On these occasions, the question is probably guiding you to argue that all three factors were of equal importance. Typically, you can assign each factor to a body paragraph and provide one reason why each element was a contributing factor.

Some questions may ask you to only assign a degree of importance to only one factor, without expecting you to provide a second alternative. In short, if this happens, it is probably a poorly written question.

Essay questions that require the analysis and explanation of only one factor should probably be a “how” or “why” question, rather than a “to what degree/extent” question. Firstly, check with your teacher about if they really do only want one factor considered and ask how they intend for you to answer the question.

Additional resources

For additional resources on how to write all the elements in a History essay, please check out the following scaffolding guide , which has examples of full paragraphs to help you out. 

For advice on other kinds of exam questions, read over the exam question advice section .

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Kim Brett ( Tuesday, 01 September 2020 23:32 )

As always, you've got your finger on the pulse, Michael. My students at Our Lady's College Annerley really appreciate your posts. Best wishes

History Skills ( Wednesday, 02 September 2020 02:13 )

My absolute pleasure, Kim. So good to hear that your students are finding the information helpful. Please say 'hello' to them for me and tell them I wish them all the best for their upcoming assessment.

Jeffery ( Friday, 18 December 2020 16:41 )

Hello, I am unsure how to formulate a thesis to this question, can you help me. "To what extent were the American colonists justified in revolting against England?"

Mutsawashe (Tuesday 15 June) ( Tuesday, 15 June 2021 15:29 )

please help me answer this question,"how far did the Germans benefit from the social policy ".My answer should start with ,the Germans benefited from the social policy to a lesser extent. So what comes next.

sharon odawa ( Thursday, 02 September 2021 01:12 )

my question is."to what extent does common and equity law a source of kenya"please help

maddison ( Sunday, 07 November 2021 03:06 )

this has literally saved me so much time on my assessments.

Karina Doherty ( Wednesday, 10 November 2021 17:26 )

It is possible to ask a well written 'to what extent' question that does not require a comparison, but only asks students to provide a judgement about a degree of success. There will naturally be a discussion about factors that limited the success or impact of a particular event or policy, but this is not really a comparison. The question could still be a perfectly valid and well-written.

Christina ( Monday, 13 June 2022 02:19 )

Great advice! Would be great if you correct the reference to a hypothesis. The correct word hers is "thesis".

Queenest ( Wednesday, 12 October 2022 17:41 )

Thank God I came across this article. It has been a blessing to me. Thank you so much

Ishmael ogechi ( Wednesday, 28 June 2023 10:59 )

Can an extent be used in questionnaire construction to elicit responds from respondents? Please may I know the firs scholar that used this term or introduced it in research work and when? Thank you.

Joy ( Wednesday, 18 October 2023 08:32 )

Can a ''to what extent'' question be used for the prevalence of the disease in two different parts of the world?

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"To What Extent" Essay Writing

Updated 04 Jun 2024

Table of contents

‘To What Extent’ Essay Examples

Words to use in an essay, start by choosing your stance, to what extent essay structure.

When it comes to ‘Agree or Disagree’ write-ups, a lot of students face difficulties since they lack clear ideas and effective structures in mind. This specific 'to what extent essay' type of writing was popularized by the International English Language Testing System, commonly known as IELTS – the most famous test people take to prove their English language expertise. Here, we will guide you on the best structure, how to generate ideas and support your evidence and how to  order essay from the best writers on the market. But before that, check out some questions you should expect in writing part of IELTS.

To give you an image of what to expect in your IELTS exam, take a look at these writing prompts:

  • Age group is key determinant of purchasing decisions. Do you concede or dissent? To what degree?
  • Public libraries have been a waste of resources since computer technology evolved. Discuss.
  • Young people make the best leaders of today’s tech-driven organizations. How much do you concur or disapprove?

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Since the purpose here is to explain the depth of your agreement (or a disagreement) with a certain concept or an idea being discussed, the essay words that you use play a paramount role. Of course, saying "I agree with John" or "I disagree with Lucy" might sound like a great way to explain your thoughts, yet it is not the point or a purpose here. The trick is to use directive words. What these mean is that you should direct your readers to the point that you want to make as you turn to statistics, explanations, or direct quotes. The words to use in an essay should create an inspiring topic sentence that explains where you are coming from with your take on things. For example, saying “based on X research that shows how Y brings damage because of Z aspect, I tend to disagree with the general perception of things because Z aspect cannot be addressed by the current political system and lack of…”. Saying that you disagree with the point made by the author would not be sufficient. It is your wording and research that matter!

The typical essay phrases that you use should point out that you agree "to a certain extent" because "the study of both opinions helps to conclude that". Likewise, saying that you agree "to a great extent" will require an explanation as to why it is so. If you provide evidence or some examples, it will help. Saying that you agree "to a very small extent" can be among those useful essay phrases that will show your attitude, yet remember to provide sources that support your opinion or something that has helped you come to a certain conclusion. Link your thoughts to solid arguments and don’t forget to use academic style language!

Read also: “ Pay for essay writing and benefit from expert help.”

After reading to what extent essay questions, you should decide on a clear point of view. Do you completely side with the statement? Or are you totally against the statement? Perhaps you can accept certain sides of question discussed, while rejecting the others. From there, you can start structuring your paper.

Suppose you completely invalidate perspective of the query. In introduction, discuss reasons for disregarding it, starting with strongest and end with weakest. Mention your thesis preferably in the second statement of introduction. Don’t forget to insist why opposite idea is wrong towards the end of introduction and restate your standpoint.

Then, elaborate your points in body section, using two paragraphs. If you partly bear with the question statement or protest, state exact points you approve of and those that you completely deny. Do so with relevant examples and evidence.

In summary section of an essay to what extent, be sure to stipulate degree of disagreement or agreement using distinctive adverbs as opposed to what you used in introduction. Conclude with supportive arguments and restate your stance. One paragraph is enough to conclude your paper.

See how we have broken down the sections into sentences for you to understand.

  • The introduction
Sentence 1: In introduction section, you are expected to paraphrase the question. Simply restate it with a different meaning. This is where you must demonstrate your ability to use synonyms. Sentence 2: This is the best place to introduce your thesis statement. In other words, put your opinion in a single line. Sentence 3: This is the outline sentence which lines up what you are going to discuss in the body.

You need supportive paragraphs to propose or oppose an idea. In this case, we are using two paragraphs.

In paragraph 1: include a topic, and explanation, and some relevant to what extent essay examples.

The topic sentence tells reader what to expect in the entire paragraph. It is a like an abstract of your initial idea. From there, think about expanding the point further (the explanation). As you write, assume that the reader is in complete oblivion of subject matter. So you should explicitly explain your arguments.

In the last sentence of first body paragraph, come up with a good example to support your idea. Use recent stories and studies. But when you don’t find one, you can always make up something since the reader may not have time to verify if it is true or false.

In paragraph 2: repeat the same format to explain your second point, i.e. a topic sentence, an explanation, and a relevant example.

As previously stated, conclusion should give a summary of the main points and your final verdict. Never introduce new ideas in this section. Simply restate your thesis statement and summarize the supportive evidence.

Not all students understand to what extent meaning essay. Like any assignment, it is important to understand the question before providing an effective answer. By the way, you can ask Edubirdie for any essay writing help . Thinking about how to answer to what extent essay questions, keep in mind that any question that poses ‘extent’ requires concrete evidence and analysis. Such an essay requires you to discuss how one aspect is more valid than other is.

So, you must critically analyze all aspects and give a verdict with the degree of how true or false the statement in question is. Use as many sources of information as possible to increase the credibility of your arguments.

If it hasn’t occurred to you yet, this assignment is one of the easiest exams. We recommend you to avoid consenting to or declining partly so you can avoid mixing up ideas and ending up with a confusing thesis. But when you simply stand for an idea or condemn it, you will get an easier time since you only need two reasons to support your stance.

Keep in mind that the examiner focuses on your ability to express, plan, and support your perspective. You will not be judged on the opinion you give. Just make sure the opinion is logical and coherent. A coherent opinion means that the arguments are supported, and they stick together throughout your to what extent essay.

And that is what it takes to ace in ‘To What Extent’ essay. The structure described above has been approved by IELTS for cohesive and clear papers. If you practice this method, you will be in a position to organize your paper even when you have as little as 40 minutes.

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How to Answer To What Extent Questions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Answering “To what extent” questions is an essential skill for any student or professional looking to engage in critical analysis and provide nuanced perspectives on a given topic. These types of questions require the writer to thoroughly evaluate and explore different facets of an issue, rather than simply providing a black and white response. By understanding the underlying principles and following a step-by-step approach, individuals can confidently navigate through these complex questions and deliver well-rounded and informed answers.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to answer “To what extent” questions effectively. We will start by defining what these questions entail and why they are important in various academic and professional settings. Subsequently, we will outline a step-by-step process that will assist readers in structuring their responses and developing a clear and cohesive argument. Additionally, we will discuss common pitfalls to avoid and provide practical examples to illustrate the application of these techniques. Whether you are a student preparing for an exam, a researcher formulating a thesis statement, or a professional seeking to enhance your critical thinking skills, this guide will equip you with the necessary tools to confidently engage with “To what extent” questions.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Question

A. define “to what extent” questions.

To effectively answer “to what extent” questions, it is crucial to first understand what these types of questions entail. “To what extent” questions require an evaluation and analysis of a given topic or statement, exploring the degree to which it is true or valid. These questions aim to assess the depth and breadth of knowledge on a specific subject matter, requiring a thoughtful evaluation rather than a simple yes or no response.

B. Discuss the different variations of such questions

“To what extent” questions can take various forms and may involve different scopes and parameters. Some common variations include asking about the significance, impact, or influence of a particular factor, the level of agreement or disagreement with a statement, or the extent to which a theory or concept applies to a specific case or situation. Understanding the specific variation of the question is essential in formulating a well-rounded response.

C. Provide examples to clarify the concept

IAnalyzing the Question

A. Break down the question into its key components

When facing a “to what extent” question, it is crucial to first understand what the question is asking. Breaking down the question into its key components will not only help you analyze the question effectively but also guide you in developing a well-structured and focused response.

B. Identify the scope and focus of the question

In addition, identify the specific factors, events, or arguments that you need to address in your response. This will enable you to allocate sufficient attention and evidence to each aspect, enhancing the overall quality and coherence of your answer.

C. Discuss common pitfalls to avoid when analyzing such questions

One common pitfall is providing an overly one-sided or biased analysis. It is crucial to consider different perspectives and arguments, even if you have a strong position or opinion. Acknowledging and evaluating opposing viewpoints demonstrates a thoughtful and nuanced approach.

Finally, be cautious of making unsupported claims or assertions. Back up your arguments with reliable evidence and sources. Thoroughly research the topic to gather the necessary evidence, ensuring that your analysis is grounded in sound facts and research.

By breaking down the question, identifying its scope and focus, and avoiding common pitfalls, you will be better equipped to analyze “to what extent” questions effectively and provide a well-structured and evidence-based response.

RecommendedResearching and Gathering Evidence

Importance of conducting thorough research, tips for finding reliable sources and evidence.

1. Utilize academic databases and scholarly journals: These platforms provide access to peer-reviewed articles and studies, which are considered to be credible sources of information.

2. Consult books and reputable publications: Books and publications written by experts in the field are often considered reliable sources as they undergo rigorous fact-checking and review processes.

Considering Different Perspectives and Arguments

When answering “to what extent” questions, it is crucial to consider different perspectives and arguments related to the topic. This allows the writer to present a balanced and nuanced response. Exploring different viewpoints not only strengthens the overall argument but also showcases a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

By considering different perspectives, the writer can anticipate potential counterarguments and address them effectively within their response. This not only demonstrates critical thinking skills but also adds depth and credibility to the argument presented.

Developing a Thesis Statement

In order to effectively answer “to what extent” questions, it is crucial to develop a strong and concise thesis statement. The thesis statement serves as the main argument or claim of your essay and guides the reader in understanding the extent to which you agree or disagree with the given statement.

Role of a thesis statement

A thesis statement provides a clear and focused direction for your essay. It outlines the specific points and arguments you will be addressing in order to support your position. When answering “to what extent” questions, your thesis statement should indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree, allowing your essay to present a nuanced and balanced argument.

Formulating a strong and concise thesis statement

Importance of clear and focused arguments.

By developing a well-crafted thesis statement and presenting clear and focused arguments, you can effectively answer “to what extent” questions, providing a comprehensive and thoughtful response to the given topic.

Structuring Your Response

2. Background and Contextual Information Provide relevant background information and context to help readers understand the topic and the significance of the “to what extent” question. This section should also highlight any key terms or concepts that will be discussed in the essay.

3. Argument and Evidence Present your main arguments and supporting evidence in separate paragraphs. Each argument should address a specific aspect of the “to what extent” question and be supported by reliable sources and examples. Make sure to analyze and interpret the evidence to demonstrate its relevance to your thesis statement.

C. Tips for Effective Transitions To ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs and sections, use transitional words and phrases such as “furthermore,” “in addition,” “on the contrary,” etc. These help connect your ideas and guide your readers through your essay. Additionally, use topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph to clearly introduce the main point or argument of that specific section.

Another strategy is to pose a thought-provoking question that relates directly to the extent of the topic. This can create a sense of intrigue and make the reader eager to explore the various perspectives and arguments put forth in the essay.

In conclusion, the introduction plays a crucial role in answering “to what extent” questions. By employing attention-grabbing strategies, including a clear thesis statement, and ensuring a seamless transition into the body of the essay, you can effectively engage the reader and set the stage for a well-argued and comprehensive response.

### A. The Significance of Providing Evidence When answering “to what extent” questions, it is crucial to support your arguments with evidence. This not only demonstrates your knowledge on the topic but also strengthens the credibility of your response. Without sufficient evidence, your arguments may appear weak and unsubstantiated.

### B. Different Types of Evidence and How to Use Them Effectively There are various types of evidence that can be used to support your arguments. These include statistics, expert opinions, case studies, historical examples, and empirical data, among others. Each type of evidence serves a different purpose and can be used strategically to strengthen different aspects of your argument.

### C. Examples of How to Integrate Evidence into the Essay Integrating evidence into your essay requires careful thought and consideration. One effective way to incorporate evidence is by using it to support your topic sentences. Each paragraph should start with a clear topic sentence that presents the main idea or argument of that particular section. Then, follow up with evidence that supports and strengthens that argument.

A. Discuss the importance of addressing counterarguments in your essay

Addressing counterarguments demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and adds credibility to your argument. It shows that you have considered various perspectives and have thought critically about the issue at hand. By acknowledging and responding to counterarguments, you are strengthening your own argument and demonstrating that you have explored all sides of the question.

Incorporating counterarguments into your essay not only strengthens your argument but also demonstrates intellectual honesty and critical thinking skills. It shows that you have carefully considered the complexity of the topic and have taken into account opposing viewpoints.

X. Exploring the Limitations

A. explain the relevance of acknowledging limitations in your response, b. discuss how to identify and address limitations in an effective manner, c. provide examples of how to address limitations in an effective manner.

To effectively address limitations, consider incorporating phrases such as “While it is true that…” or “One potential limitation of this argument is…”. These phrases signal to the reader that you are aware of the limitations and are actively engaging with them.

Summarizing and Evaluating the Evidence

11.1 summarizing the evidence presented.

Summarizing the evidence you have presented in your essay is essential to ensure clarity and coherence in your response. By summarizing the evidence, you can demonstrate that you have considered multiple perspectives and arguments. It allows you to provide a concise and organized overview of the evidence discussed throughout your essay.

11.2 Evaluating the Overall Strength of Arguments

By evaluating the overall strength of your arguments, you can identify any weaknesses or gaps in your reasoning and take steps to address them.

Writing the Conclusion

A. highlight the purpose of the conclusion, b. offer tips for writing a strong and impactful conclusion.

To write a strong and impactful conclusion for an essay answering “to what extent” questions, consider the following tips:

2. Reemphasize your thesis statement: Remind your reader of your thesis statement and its relevance to the question. Clearly state the extent to which you believe your thesis statement holds true.

C. Discuss the importance of restating the thesis and summarizing key points

Finalizing your essay, a. proofreading and editing.

After completing the writing process, it is crucial to allocate sufficient time for proofreading and editing your essay. This ensures that your response to “to what extent” questions is clear, coherent, and error-free. Proofreading involves carefully reading your essay to identify and correct any grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes.

B. Ensuring Clarity, Coherence, and Proper Grammar and Spelling

C. seeking feedback and making necessary revisions.

Seeking feedback from others can provide valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement. Ask someone you trust, such as a friend or teacher, to read your essay and provide constructive criticism. Consider their feedback objectively and make necessary revisions to strengthen your arguments or clarify your points.

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Quick Guide to Writing a Successful To What Extent Essay

Quick Guide to Writing a Successful To What Extent Essay

So, your teacher gave a simple assignment - to write a ‘to what extent’ essay. You are heartened by the nature of the task and assume that you’ll finish it in less than an hour. After all, just admitting that you agree or disagree with the statement and to what degree is all you asked to do.

You submit the paper and feel shocked when you see the score. How come you got an F for the minimalistic essay? How come the teacher didn’t get the idea of your inventive approach towards doing your homework or writing the exam?

Friend, we feel for you, but this essay type is really tricky. It involves more work than just saying, ‘I completely agree’ or ‘The author is right on the one hand, but on the other hand, I do not take this statement.’

So, in this article, we’ll detail the ‘to what extent’ essay and will show you how to write it in the right way.

What’s the Purpose of a ‘To What Extent’ Essay?

Before you learn how to answer to what extent question, let’s first take a look at the anatomy of this essay type.

This essay is usually inquiring about the importance or impact of one factor in relation to a wider concept or topic. It also makes an inquiry about the level of your consent and discontent on a specific topic.

For example, ‘To what extent do you agree that robots will replace manpower someday?’. Or ‘In your opinion, to what extent did Abraham Lincoln contributed to the death of slavery?’.

In other words, the aim of the ‘to what extent’ essay is to encourage the student to make a claim about the given topic and assess other conditions that affected the given phenomenon.

Things to Look For in Your Compelling ‘to What Extent’ Essay

The greatest challenge of the ‘to what extent’ essay is that you have to provide a perfect blend between the solid facts and your own in-depth evaluation. In other words, always think of the:

  • facts and supportive materials on a narrow topic;
  • facts and supportive materials on a broader topic;
  • your own evaluation of the events, facts, etc.

Let’s consider the prompt about Abraham Lincoln as an example. At first, you should find and provide facts about the accomplishments of this persona (these would be pieces of information on the narrow topic). Then, mind searching for the materials about actions taken in the USA towards fighting slavery (this would be data to support the broader topic). And, finally, you’ve got to weigh how Lincoln’s legacy correlates with the general solution of the slavery problem.

Thus, you’ve got to apply a wide range of skills to write a winning ‘to what extent’ essay. You should show great research and analytical skills. In case you struggle with finding reputable and trusted sources online, you can always go to the school or college library or ask for assistance from a professional writer.

The Structure of the ‘to What Extent’ Essay

The surest way to write a great essay is to follow the commonly accepted structure. You’ve probably mastered the art of using the introduction, body, and conclusion by the time you are given this type of assignment. But the standard five-paragraph essay construction requires more detailed explanations so you could write a well-reasoned ‘to what extent’ essay.


It’s not a surprise that all essays start with the introduction. This part of writing actualizes the subject matter and gives a hint on what’s the author’s point of view towards this or that question.

After you set the topic, you should express your attitude towards the idea provided in the statement. You can say that you completely agree or disagree. You can say that there are only several rational aspects that resonate with you, while some things do not awaken any positive response in your mind.

The key point of the introduction is to make a spoiler of what you are going to talk about in your essay, so do not keep it too long. 3-5 sentences are enough to briefly set the mood of your work and prepare the reader for more profound thoughts.

This is the most important part of the essay because it should contain your arguments and supportive facts in relation to your own ideas. In this structural element, you detail your point of view and give evidence of why you think that way.

The structure of the body will vary depending on what ideas you would like to deliver. But let’s assume that you partially agree with the suggested prompt and have some arguments against the initial thesis.

In this case, devote the first paragraph to explain why you agree with the statement. Break your ideas into logical blocks by combining your own ideas and facts from history, theory, or life. 

Use the next paragraph to show disagreement with the idea expressed in the prompt. Imagine that the reader is a complete rookie in the subject matter you are writing about and do your best to provide relevant and strong arguments to show why the thesis is not completely right.

In the final paragraph of the body suggest how the initial statement could be improved and what idea is more appropriate for you.

In the last paragraph, summarize the arguments and drive your own attitude to the problem, personality, or phenomenon.

The biggest mistake students make in this section is introducing completely new viewpoints that haven’t been shared in the essay. Remember once and for all. A conclusion is a part of the essay where you grab all your ideas together and make a generalized statement towards the essay prompt.

The Final Thought

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structure of to what extent essay

Essay exams: how to answer ‘To what extent…’

(Last updated: 3 March 2020)

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Many students struggle to produce a sophisticated essay format under exam conditions. Instead of writing to their usual standard, they panic and just scribble down all the information they know on the subject. Sound like you?

To What Extent?

Why are they so popular? Well, this type of question allows the student to show a variety of skills. Firstly, the depth of their knowledge on the given subject. Secondly, students can display independent judgement by analysing the importance of different pieces of information.

What your custom essay should include

The first is detailed source evidence and extra material, to support your argument. Let's use an example essay question here to demonstrate. In a history exam, the essay might ask: “ To what extent was the character of Charles II responsible for his problems with parliament? ".

The student is being asked to do two things here: to show an in-depth knowledge of Charles II's character, and to analyse which specific aspects of his character may have affected his political relationships.

Incorporating detailed evidence will always demonstrate how much you know of the subject matter, and will help to support the angle and strength of your argument.

The second element is linking to wider issues, topics or arguments that support your point of view. For example, in this particular history essay, a student could refer to other historical events that were responsible for problems between Charles II and parliament, but which were not related to his character.

Drawing on other factors in this way helps to increase the significance of your argument, and will round out your essay fully.

These two elements of analysis – including detailed evidence and linking to wider ideas – can be used to answer any 'To what extent...' question. In other words, when answering this type of essay question, keep the general structure the same and change the the appropriate information in the right places.

Remember also to analyse your evidence as you weave your argument. Do this by answering questions like, 'how significant is your evidence in supporting your argument?' and, 'what are the potential weaknesses that this evidence carries?'.

How your custom essay should be structured


For example, going back to our history essay question above, the introduction would need to acknowledge that to some extent, the character of Charles II was responsible for his problems with parliament.

An introduction should then go on to highlight the importance of taking into account other aspects which also impact the topic of the essay.

Paragraph 1 and 2

Linking sentence, paragraph 3 and 4.

This can be achieved in two ways. Firstly, by showing flaws in its logic (in this case, by suggesting that there were actually some aspects of Charles’s character that in fact improved his political relationships). Secondly, by offering alternatives (in this case, other elements unconnected to his personality that may have soured the parliamentary relationship independently).

To do this, simply recap:

• The points that suggest the question's claims are true • The points against • Then conclude whether you agree the statement is true ‘to a certain extent’, ‘to a great extent’ or ‘to a very small extent’. This must be backed up by a summary of the argument on both sides to prove why you feel it to be weighted one way or the other.

Once you have finished your essay, the little touches matter. You don't want to risk being penalised for not sticking to the formatting guidelines set for your submission. Many students seek the assistance of a good proofreader to check for any errors or omissions in your work and will ensure that you have every opportunity to present your points in the best possible light, with the perfect structure, formatting and presentation to match. After your thorough research and work put into completing this best essay writing , you deserve the best possible grade.

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How to Answer “to what Extent” Question in Research & Examples

How to Answer “to what Extent” Question in Research & Examples

Answering 'to what Extent” Question

Answering 'to what Extent” Question

In the real world, deciding which factor is more important than another may seem impossible. However, when answering a question such as “what is ‘to what extent question, they are ultimately asking you to decide a single factor’s importance in comparison to another.

It is a good idea to be upfront about your approach and how you plan to answer it. Read on.  

structure of to what extent essay

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How to Answer the ‘to what Extent” Question

to what extent questions

First, you must determine what “extent” you want to measure. If it’s the extent of your knowledge about something, then you need to know how much you know about it.

If it’s the extent of your experience with something, then you need to know how much time and energy you’ve invested in it .

Second, you must determine what kind of “to what extent” question you’re asking.

If the question is about what extent this has on me (i.e., how does it affect my life), then use an absolute term such as “a lot,” or “much.” 

If the question is about how much this leads me toward some goal (i.e., how do I benefit from this), then use a comparative term such as “more,” or “less.”

To answer a ‘to what extent question, you need to explain what the situation is like. If you can’t do this in your first response, you should think about how to answer the question again before responding with a second response.

If you are unsure how to answer the question, you haven’t thought about how to answer it enough. In this case, try researching the topic and coming up with some ideas for responses that would be relevant to the test context.

Finally, once you’ve determined what kind of question it is and how much each answer will help give it context, answer based on that context!

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Tips to Note when Approaching the ”to what Extent” Question

The “to what extent” question is a great place to start because it allows you to discuss the relationship between the two things.

When approaching these question , ensure you understand how each item functions within your overall goal. These are just some general tips:

1. Make Sure you have a good Understanding of what the Question is Asking

first understand

The first step in answering this type of question is understanding what you are being asked. The answer will depend on the context and the nature of your response. 

For example, if you are asked ”to what extent the student understands the concept of Pythagoras,” then it is not enough for you to say that he knows about Pythagoras. 

You will need to elaborate on how much he understands this concept. If you have difficulty explaining how much your student understands about Pythagoras, then he may not understand it well enough for your purposes.

Once you have established what question is being asked, think about how best to answer it based on your knowledge of that topic or area of study. 

In most cases, however, there is no right or wrong way to answer such questions; rather, it depends upon whether or not your answer will help clarify the main point made by your instructor or professor.

2. Ask Someone else to Help Interpret the Question if you Need Help Understanding it

To be able to answer this type of question, you need to be clear in your mind about the meaning of the word ‘to what extent. This means that you need to be able to define clearly what you mean by it. You also need to be able to explain how much is enough and too much.

The best way of doing this is by asking someone else who knows better than yourself about these things. If you have a friend or colleague who can help, this can be done by asking them for their advice on how to answer the question.

They may not always agree with your interpretation of what they say, but they will likely give examples that will help show why they think it’s right or wrong.

3 . Be specific

be specific

When describing how one item relates to another, be as specific as possible. Avoid using vague statements such as “it’s important” or “it’s essential.” Instead, give examples from your own experience and knowledge.

Use concrete examples to explain your answers. For example, instead of saying, “I’m good at planning,” say, “I helped my boss plan his trip last year.”

If possible, include documents or visual aids showing how you’ve demonstrated your skills.

4. Don’t be Boring

Don’t just say yes or no; make sure your answer is interesting enough to catch the interviewer’s attention. Saying “yes” has its place in an interview.

However, don’t be afraid to add some color with some personal anecdotes about how you’ve demonstrated those skills in the past that may not directly relate to what they’re looking for.

5. Don’t rush Through an Answer

Take your time! Read through each choice carefully before choosing the most relevant and appropriate for your answer. This will save time and improve your chances of answering correctly (if you make errors from rushing through, there may be little time left on the paper). 

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Examples of ‘to what extent” Questions

1. To what extent have you been able to learn Chinese?

2. To what extent do you feel that your English skills have improved?

3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “I don’t enjoy learning languages.”

4. To what extent do Chinese people learn from the Japanese during the war?

5. To what extent is it true that most people do not know how to swim?

6. To what extent should a student be able to speak a foreign language?

7. To what extent should the government try to limit immigration?

9. How much does the price of gasoline affect the average American family’s disposable income?

10. What is your name? -To what extent do you agree/disagree with the statement “I am a good person”?

11. How many times have you been to the cinema? -To what extent do you agree/disagree with the statement “I enjoy going to the cinema”?

12. Which of these books do you like most? -To what extent do you agree/disagree with the statement “I like reading books”?

structure of to what extent essay

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees.

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