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Wholesale Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

how to start a wholesale business

Wholesale Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their wholesale companies.

If you’re unfamiliar with creating a wholesale business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a wholesale business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is a Wholesale Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your wholesale business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Wholesale Business

If you’re looking to start a wholesale business or grow your existing wholesale company, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your wholesale business to improve your chances of success. Your wholesale business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Wholesale Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a wholesale business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for wholesale companies.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a wholesale business.

If you want to start a wholesale business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The guide below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your wholesale business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of wholesale business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a wholesale business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of wholesale businesses?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan.

  • Give a brief overview of the wholesale industry.
  • Discuss the type of wholesale business you are operating.
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers.
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team.
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of wholesale business you are operating and your wholesale business model.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of wholesale businesses:

  • Full service retail wholesale: This type of wholesale business sells its products to a reseller. This type of wholesaler may work with one reseller exclusively, or may sell products to multiple resellers.
  • Wholesale brokerage or agency: This type of wholesale business does not typically handle the goods itself, but rather operates as the middleman, negotiating the buying and selling of goods.
  • Manufacturers’ wholesale: This type of wholesale business is usually owned by a particular manufacturer and used to distribute the manufacturer’s goods.
  • Specialty wholesale: This type of wholesale business focuses on a niche or limited area of wholesale such as selling one specific product such as cars or jewelry.

In addition to explaining the type of wholesale business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, the number of items sold, and reaching $X amount in revenue, etc.
  • Your legal business Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the wholesale industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the wholesale industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your wholesale business plan:

  • How big is the wholesale industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your wholesale business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your wholesale business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, schools, families, and corporations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of wholesale business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other wholesale businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes other types of wholesalers, sellers, and distributors. You need to mention such competition as well.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of wholesale business are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you make it easier for customers to acquire your product or service?
  • Will you offer products or services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a wholesale business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of wholesale company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you sell food, clothing, cars, or a variety of products?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your plan, you are presenting the products and/or services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your wholesale company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your wholesale business located in a busy retail district, a business district, a standalone office, or purely online? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your wholesale marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines
  • Reach out to websites
  • Distribute flyers
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) on your website for targeted keywords

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your wholesale business, including answering calls, scheduling shipments, processing orders, billing customers, and collecting payments, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to acquire your Xth customer, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your wholesale business to a new city.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your wholesale business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing wholesale businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing a wholesale business.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will your warehouse hold 700 cases of product at a time, and will you sell and restock your inventory every two months? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your wholesale business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a wholesale business:

  • Cost of equipment and office supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, and equipment

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your wholesale location lease or a description of the technology used to perform inventory operations.  

Writing a business plan for your wholesale business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will understand the wholesale industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful wholesale business.  

Wholesale Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my wholesale business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily write your wholesale business plan.

How Do You Start a Wholesale Business?

Starting a wholesale business is easy with these 14 steps:

  • Choose the Name for Your Wholesale Business
  • Create Your Wholesale Business Plan
  • Choose the Legal Structure for Your Wholesale Business
  • Secure Startup Funding for Wholesale Business (If Needed)
  • Secure a Location for Your Business
  • Register Your Wholesale Business with the IRS
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get a Business Credit Card
  • Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits
  • Get Business Insurance for Your Wholesale Business
  • Buy or Lease the Right Wholesale Business Equipment
  • Develop Your Wholesale Business Marketing Materials
  • Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your Wholesale Business
  • Open for Business

Learn more about   how to start your own wholesale business .

Where Can I Download a Business Plan PDF?

You can access our business plan pdf download here.

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Wholesale business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how Growthink’s business planning advisors can create your business plan for you.

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Business-in-a-Box's Supplier Business Plan Template

Supplier Business Plan Template

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Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers

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Running a successful wholesale business requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. Whether you're a seasoned wholesaler or just starting out, having a solid business plan is crucial for attracting investors, securing funding, and guiding your operations. That's where ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers comes in!

With this template, you can:

  • Clearly define your business goals, strategies, and target market
  • Outline your competitive advantage and marketing tactics to stand out from the competition
  • Create accurate financial projections and budgets to ensure profitability

So, if you're ready to take your wholesale business to the next level, try ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers today and set yourself up for success!

Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers Benefits

A business plan template for wholesale suppliers offers a range of benefits to help you establish and grow your business:

  • Attract investors: A well-crafted business plan showcases your industry knowledge, market analysis, and growth potential, making it easier to secure funding from investors.
  • Secure funding: A clear outline of your financial projections, including revenue, expenses, and profit margins, demonstrates your profitability and helps you secure the funding you need to scale your operations.
  • Guide operations: A business plan acts as a roadmap, outlining your goals, strategies, and key milestones, providing a clear direction for your team and ensuring everyone is aligned towards achieving your objectives.
  • Mitigate risks: By conducting a thorough analysis of your market, competition, and potential challenges, you can identify and address any risks or obstacles upfront, increasing your chances of success.
  • Measure success: A business plan sets measurable goals and milestones, allowing you to track your progress and make data-driven decisions to optimize your wholesale operations.

Main Elements of Wholesale Suppliers Business Plan Template

ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers provides all the necessary elements to create a comprehensive and compelling business plan:

  • Custom Statuses: Track progress with four different statuses: Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do, ensuring that every section of your business plan is organized and up to date.
  • Custom Fields: Use three custom fields, including Reference, Approved, and Section, to add important information and categorize different sections of your plan.
  • Custom Views: Choose from five different views to manage your business plan effectively. Topics view allows you to focus on specific areas, while Status view gives you a comprehensive overview of progress. Timeline view helps you visualize the timeline of your plan, and Business Plan view provides a holistic view of the entire document. Getting Started Guide view helps you navigate through the template and get started quickly.

With ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers, you can easily structure your plan, track progress, and ensure that all the necessary information is included for success in the wholesale industry.

How To Use Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers

If you're a wholesale supplier looking to create a comprehensive business plan, follow these four steps using ClickUp's Business Plan Template:

1. Define your vision and goals

Start by clearly defining your vision for your wholesale business. What do you want to achieve in the long term? Next, set specific goals that align with your vision. These goals could include increasing revenue, expanding your product line, or entering new markets.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to set and track your business goals, making sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).

2. Analyze the market

To create an effective business plan, you need a thorough understanding of the wholesale market. Research your target customers, competitors, and industry trends. Analyze market demand, pricing strategies, and potential challenges.

Use the Table view in ClickUp to compile and analyze market data, including customer demographics, competitor analysis, and market trends.

3. Develop your sales and marketing strategies

Once you have a clear understanding of the market, it's time to develop your sales and marketing strategies. Outline how you will reach your target customers, promote your products, and increase sales. Consider strategies such as digital marketing, trade shows, partnerships, and customer relationship management.

Create tasks in ClickUp to outline and assign specific actions for each sales and marketing strategy, and set deadlines to keep everyone accountable.

4. Create a financial plan

A comprehensive financial plan is crucial for the success of any business. Start by forecasting your sales and revenue projections based on market research and historical data. Then, outline your expenses, including production costs, overhead expenses, and marketing budgets.

Use the Gantt chart in ClickUp to create a visual representation of your financial plan, including projected sales, expenses, and cash flow. Set milestones to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

By following these steps and using ClickUp's Business Plan Template, you'll have a solid foundation for your wholesale business, setting you up for success in the competitive market.

Get Started with ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers

Wholesale suppliers can use the Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers to create a comprehensive document that outlines their goals, strategies, and financial projections.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a solid business plan:

  • Use the Topics View to organize different sections of your business plan, such as Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Financial Projections, etc.
  • The Status View will help you keep track of the progress of each section, with statuses like Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do
  • Use the Timeline View to set deadlines and milestones for completing each section of the business plan
  • The Business Plan View will give you a comprehensive overview of all the sections and their status, allowing you to easily track progress
  • The Getting Started Guide View will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the template and create a successful business plan
  • Customize the template by adding custom fields like Reference, Approved, and Section to provide additional information and track important details
  • Collaborate with team members to brainstorm ideas, gather data, and create a compelling business plan
  • Monitor and analyze the progress of each section to ensure that your business plan is on track and meets your goals
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About Simple Business Plan Templates

Plans, strategies, roadmaps – Businesses rely on these things to gain perspective on what’s about to happen. Milestones laid down in strategic and careful planning for growth and expansion, visions of where the company’s headed 10 years from now, goals that should meet timelines, all these require a smart, prudent and calculated planning.

Whether you’re a startup, an SMB, or close to a Fortune 500, a solid business plan is crucial. And of course, writing business plans is a huge task. But, what if you needed something that requires input from others though? Say, an online form or a PDF template where responses from your colleagues and managers matter? Well, here’s a collection of PDF templates for business planning.

These are beautifully designed templates, specifically tailored for businesses and companies who don’t know where to start. The hard part was already done and that’s designing the template. These will serve as boilerplates for whatever milestone your business needs. You won’t need to worry on building something from scratch, you just need to focus on the content. Some of these templates will contain or collect executive summaries, opportunities, expectations, execution, financial plans, forecasts, the whole nine yards.

Business plan templates help give a clear vision of what lies ahead. They help you get things organized, planned out, and help you check off items from your to-do list more efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) what are the seven parts of a business plan.

  • Executive summary. This is an overview of your business plan. The executive summary should include your company’s offerings, mission, goals, and projections. Think of it as the elevator pitch for your business plan. If you can’t get investors interested here, it’s unlikely they’ll want to keep reading.
  • Company description and history. Describe your business’s legal structure and history in addition to what you do. If you just started this business, you may replace company history with your leadership team’s experience. The purpose of this section is to explain the company structure and build confidence in the people running the company.
  • Products and services. Talk about what your company offers, whether that’s products, services, or a combination of the two. Describe your products and services in detail. Explain what makes your offering unique, what your profit margins are, what kind of demand you’re seeing for it, etc.
  • Market and competitor research. Investors want to know if there’s demand for your offering. Describe the target market and how your product or service benefits potential customers. Include projections of where the industry is headed over the next few years. Additionally, detail your competitors and how saturated the market is.
  • Sales and marketing strategy. This part of the business plan explains how you’ll promote your product. Outline elements such as your ideal customer profile (ICP) as well as your marketing channels, budget, and methods.
  • Operations and logistics. Explain how you’ll source materials if you sell products as well as the technology you need to deliver such products and services. Also, provide details about your team, like how many people you’ll need and how you’ll manage employees.
  • Financial plan and projections. It’s crucial to prove that your business will be financially viable. For this, you’ll need revenue and expense projections. Many investors want to see sample account statements, balance sheets, and cash flow projections.

2) How do you write a business plan?

Your business plan should be a realistic roadmap that helps you build a successful company. When writing it, take a balanced approach so that you’re not blind to the potential pitfalls and risks. You’ll draft each of the seven sections previously discussed.

Tackling these sections can be overwhelming, so some people like to start with a one-page business plan that includes short paragraphs for each element. Another way to give yourself a head start is by working from a business plan template. Once you have a good start, you can expand each section to make a compelling case for your business.

3) Can I write a business plan myself?

Yes, you can. However, depending on your writing experience and goals, you may want outside help. If the business plan is for internal use with the purpose of improving business functions, you’ll likely be OK tackling it alone. But if you’re trying to secure funding from a bank or investors, a professional business plan writer can give you a leg up.

Even if you decide to do it yourself, have a trusted friend or business mentor review your plan and provide feedback. An objective point of view will help you refine your work.

4) What are the four types of business plans?

  • One-page or mini business plan. The one-page option is a great way to improve the focus of your business plan and highlight the essential elements. It can be an effective way to workshop your company’s plan or quickly give others a rundown of your entire business.
  • Traditional business plan. The traditional business plan is more in-depth than its one-page counterpart and will be more thorough in each section (often, plans exceed 40 pages). For example, it may contain detailed financials, branding samples, and competitive research documents.
  • Business model canvas (BMC). The business model canvas is a more visual representation of your business architecture. It includes sections for infrastructure, offering, customers, finances, etc. Many businesses find the BMC appealing since it can be summarized in a single page.
  • Strategic business plan. The strategic business plan can have different purposes, like proving feasibility, discussing planning operations, or projecting growth. It will outline the company’s goals, its strategy for reaching them, and the company structure. The main difference between this and the traditional plan is its focus on specific strategic initiatives.

5) What are the common mistakes in business plans?

  • Poor writing. Sloppy writing may suggest that you’re not serious about your business or you lack the needed professionalism.
  • Unrealistic expectations. While you should be optimistic about your business, if your financial projections reflect your hopes more than reality, people may hesitate to back your business.
  • Lack of supporting documentation. People reviewing your business plan want to see how you back up your claims. You can include research docs, sample financials, and estimates to make your case.
  • Failing to define the target audience. For a successful marketing plan, you need to define your target audience. Investors and financial institutions need to see if you’re confident about who you’re selling to.
  • Unbalanced. It’s important to lay out the risks and potential upsides. This analysis shows investors that you’re considering the whole picture regarding your business.

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Diesel Distribution and Supply Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » Oil & Gas Sector

Diesel Supply Business

Are you about starting a diesel distribution business? If YES, here is a complete sample diesel supply business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a diesel distribution and supply business . We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample diesel distribution marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for diesel distribution and supply businesses. So let’s proceed to the business planning section.

The rule of thumb in choosing a business to launch is to look out for a business whose products or services are in high demand. A diesel distribution and supply business is one such business but you must have the right exposure and finances.

If you are sure that this type of business is what you truly want to do after you must have conducted your market research and feasibility studies, then the next step to follow is to write a good business plan; a detailed blue print of how you intend raising your seed capital, setting up the business, managing the flow of the business, sorting out tax and marketing your services amongst other areas.

Below is a sample diesel distribution and supply business plan template that will help you successfully launch your own business.

A Sample Diesel Distribution and Supply Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Diesel distribution and supply business is classified under the Fuel Dealers industry and players in this industry sell diesel, heating oil, propane and other fuels directly to end users. Related companies also deliver heating oil, propane and other fuels, such as auto – gas and kerosene, to domestic and commercial premises.

Please note that the Fuel Dealers industry has moderate barriers to entry. Entrepreneurs that intend entering the industry must gain access to cost-effective and reliable sources of heating oil and propane for distribution. They also need to attract a customer base, most commonly away from existing operators. High industry competition limits access to customers.

New operators lack economies of scale because they have few customers when first entering the industry. If customers are geographically distant, transportation costs may be prohibitive due to high per-unit expenses. Since the industry’s products are substitutable, operators differentiate themselves through service and efficiency.

The Fuel Dealers industry is a thriving sector of the economy of the united states of America and the industry generates over billion annually from more than 11,419 registered and licensed fuel dealers (diesel distribution and supply) in the country.

The industry is responsible for the employment of over 78,218 people. Experts project the Fuel Dealers industry to grow at a -5.6 percent annual rate between 2012 and 2017. It might interest you to know that only AmeriGas can boast of having the lion market share of the available market in the United States.

A recent report published by IBISWorld shows that a large majority of Fuel Dealers industry revenue is derived from heating oil and propane sales for household heating purposes.

Revenue generated from these sales fluctuates wildly every year, typically in line with changes in weather conditions and fossil-fuel prices. Revenue grew steadily in 2013 and 2014 as the particularly severe winter in early 2014 led to substantially greater fuel sales.

However, the industry is fighting to maintain its customer base as more buildings are refitted with less-expensive heating units, increasing external competition. Nevertheless, industry revenue is expected to gradually recover over the five years to 2023, largely due to an expected annualized increase of 4.4 percent in the world price of crude oil.

Some of the factors that encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to start a diesel distribution and supply business is the fact that the market is growing rapidly in the United States and it is not seasonal.

That makes it easier for entrepreneur who are interested in the business to come into the industry at any time they desire; the entry barriers might be high but that any serious – minded entrepreneur can comfortably raise the startup capital even if it means collecting loans from the bank.

Over and beyond, the Fuel Dealers industry is a profitable industry and it is open for any aspiring entrepreneur to come in and establish his or her business as long as they are able to obtain the required license and permits; you can choose to start on a small scale and supply on a community level or you can choose to start on a large scale with distribution network spread across key cities all around the United States of America.

2. Executive Summary

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. is a registered fuel dealer company that will be involved in the distribution of diesel and other fuels to retailers, industries, household, hotels and restaurants et al. Our warehouse cum administrative office will be located in Waco – Texas.

We have been able to lease a warehouse facility that can fit into the kind of diesel distribution and supply company that we intend launching and the facility has easy delivery network. Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. will distribute a wide range of fuels such as Diesel, Propane, Heating oil, Gasoline and Automotive fuels to end users at affordable prices.

We are aware that there are several diesel distribution and supply companies and contractors all around Waco – Texas, which is why we spent time and resources to conduct our feasibility studies and market survey so as to offer much more than our competitors will be offering. We have robust distribution network and strong online presence.

Beyond the distribution and supply of diesel, our customer care is going to be second to none in the whole of Waco – Texas and our deliveries will be timely and highly reliable. We know that our customers are the reason why we are in business which is why we will go the extra mile to get them satisfied when they patronize our products.

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. will ensure that all our customers are given first class treatment whenever they order diesel and other fuels from us. We have a CRM software that will enable us manage a one on one relationship with our customers no matter how large they may grow to.

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. will at all times demonstrate her commitment to sustainability, both individually and as a firm, by actively participating in our communities and integrating sustainable business practices wherever possible.

We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client’s needs precisely and completely.

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. is owned by Julius Padres. He has a B.Sc. in Business Administration, with over 8 years of hands on experience in the retailing and distribution industry, working for some of the leading brand in the United States.

3. Our Products and Services

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. is in the industry to distribute a wide range of quality and safe diesel and other fuel products.

We are in the diesel distribution and supply industry to make profits and we will ensure that we do all that is permitted by the law in the United States to achieve our business aim and objectives. Our products and services offerings are listed below;

  • Heating oil
  • Automotive fuels
  • Other fuels

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to become the ‘go to’ diesel distribution and supply company in the whole of Waco – Texas.
  • Our mission is to establish a diesel distribution and supply business that will distribute a wide range of quality fuel at affordable prices to retailers, households, industries, hotels and restaurants et al in Waco and other cities in Texas where we intend marketing our services and products.

Our Business Structure

Our intention of starting a diesel distribution and supply business is to build a standard diesel distribution and supply business in Waco – Texas. We will ensure that we put the right structures in place that will support the kind of growth that we have in mind.

We will make sure that we hire people that are qualified, honest, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business. As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of ten years or more.

In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions that will be made available at Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc.;

  • Chief Executive Officer (Owner)
  • Depot Manager
  • Human Resources and Admin Manager

Sales and Marketing Manager

Information Technologist

  • Accountants/Cashiers
  • Customer Services Executive
  • Drivers / Distributors

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, appraising job results and developing incentives
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Reports to the board

Admin and HR Manager

  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Maintains office supplies by checking stocks; placing and expediting orders; evaluating new products.
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out induction for new team members
  • Accountable for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Responsible for arranging travel, meetings and appointments
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily office activities.

Depot Manager:

  • Responsible for organizing the safe and efficient receipt, storage and dispatch of diesel and other fuel products
  • Responsible for liaising with customers, suppliers and transport companies
  • In charge of planning, coordinating and monitoring the receipt, order assembly and dispatch of diesel and other fuel products
  • Responsible for using space and mechanical handling equipment efficiently and making sure quality, budgetary targets and environmental objectives are met
  • In charge of coordinating the use of automated and computerized systems where necessary
  • Accountable for keeping stock control systems up to date and making sure inventories are accurate;
  • Accountable for producing regular reports and statistics on a daily, weekly and monthly basis
  • In charge of overseeing the maintenance of vehicles, machinery and equipment.
  • Ensures that proper records of diesel and other fuel products are kept and warehouse does not run out of products
  • Ensures that the warehouse facility is in tip top shape and diesel and other fuel products are properly arranged and easy to locate
  • Interfaces with third – party suppliers (vendors)
  • Controls diesel distribution and supply and supply inventory
  • Manages external research and coordinate all the internal sources of information to retain the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
  • Identifies, prioritizes, and reaches out to new partners, and business opportunities et al
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contact
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Documents all customer contact and information
  • Represents the company in strategic meetings
  • Helps to increase sales and growth for the company
  • Manages the organization website
  • Handles ecommerce aspect of the business
  • Responsible for installing and maintenance of computer software and hardware for the organization
  • Manages logistics and supply chain software, Web servers, e-commerce software and POS (point of sale) systems
  • Manages the organization’s CCTV
  • Handles any other technological and IT related duties.


  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensures compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the organization
  • Serves as internal auditor for the organization

Client Service Executive

  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with customers on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the human resources and admin manager in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the organizations’ products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to customers when they make enquiries

Distribution Truck Drivers

  • Assists in loading and unloading diesel and other fuel products
  • Maintains a logbook of their driving activities to ensure compliance with federal regulations governing the rest and work periods for operators.
  • Keeps a record of vehicle inspections and make sure the truck is equipped with safety equipment
  • Assists the transport and logistics manager in planning their route according to a distribution schedule.
  • Inspects vehicles for mechanical items and safety issues and perform preventative maintenance
  • Complies with truck driving rules and regulations (size, weight, route designations, parking, break periods etc.) as well as with company policies and procedures
  • Reports defects, accidents or violations

6. SWOT Analysis

Our intention of starting out in Waco and distribute our diesel and other fuel products only within Waco – Texas is to test run the business for a period of 3 to 5 years to know if we will invest more money, expand the business and then start our diesel distribution and supply all around the state of Texas.

We are quite aware that there are several diesel distribution and supply companies and contractors all over Waco and even in the same location where we intend locating ours, which is why we are following the due process of establishing a business.

We know that if a proper SWOT analysis is conducted for our business, we will be able to position our business to maximize our strength, leverage on the opportunities that will be available to us, mitigate our risks and be equipped to confront our threats.

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. employed the services of an expert HR and Business Analyst with bias in retailing and distribution to help us conduct a thorough SWOT analysis and to help us create a Business model that will help us achieve our business goals and objectives.

This is the summary of the SWOT analysis that was conducted for Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc.;

Our location, the business model we will be operating on (robust distribution network), reliable distribution tankers, varieties of payment options, wide range of diesel and other fuel products and our excellent customer service culture will definitely count as a strong strength for us.

So, also our management team are people who have what it takes to grow a business from startup to profitability within record time.

A major weakness that may count against us is the fact that we are a new diesel distribution and supply business and we don’t have the financial capacity to compete with leaders in the industry especially as it relates to economy of scales.

  • Opportunities:

The fact that we are going to be operating our diesel distribution and supply business in Waco – Texas provides us with unlimited opportunities to distribute our products to a large number of factories, retailers, households and businesses.

We have been able to conduct thorough feasibility studies and market survey and we know what our potential clients will be looking for when they patronize our products and services; we are well positioned to take on the opportunities that will come our way.

Just like any other business, one of the major threats that we are likely going to face is economic downturn. It is a fact that economic downturn affects purchasing / spending power. Another threat that may likely confront us is the arrival of a similar business in same location.


  • Market Trends

Distribution of goods has been in existence for as long as human started trading goods, but one thing is certain, the distribution industry is still evolving. The introduction of technology has indeed helped in reshaping the industry.

The trend in the fuel dealer industry shows that as oil and natural gas prices decrease, industry revenue is expected to decline, industry operators have tried to cut prices to discourage customers from switching to natural gas and customers will likely transition from propane to natural gas due to price differentials.

Please note that external factors such as world price of crude oil and world price of natural gas will always impact industry performance.

Lastly, it is now a common phenomenon for diesel distribution and supply companies to leverage on technology to effectively predict consumer demand patterns and to strategically position their business to meet their needs; in essence, the use of technology helps diesel distribution and supply businesses to maximize supply chain efficiencies.

8. Our Target Market

The diesel distribution and supply industry has a wide range of customers; a good number of households, hotels, and manufacturing companies make use of diesel and other fuel products and it is difficult to find people around who don’t.

In view of that, we have positioned our company to service businesses in Waco – Texas and every other location we will cover. We have conducted our market research and we have ideas of what our target market would be expecting from us. We are in business to retail (distribute) diesel and other fuel products to the following businesses;

  • Manufacturing companies
  • Power plants that run on diesel
  • Facility managers that make use of diesel

Our competitive advantage

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. is launching a standard diesel distribution and supply business that will indeed become the preferred choice in Waco – Texas. Our competitive advantage revolves around our ability to attract local support and patronage, easy compliance with government regulations and having a loyal customer base.

One thing is certain; we will ensure that we have diesel and other fuel products available in our warehouse at all times. One of our business goals is to make Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. a one stop diesel distribution and supply company.

Our excellent customer service culture, timely and reliable delivery services, online presence, and various payment options will serve as a competitive advantage for us.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives.

We will also give good working conditions and commissions to freelance sales agents that we will recruit from time to time.


  • Sources of Income

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. will generate income by offering the following services and products.

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain when it comes to diesel distribution and supply business, if your business is centrally positioned coupled with effective and reliable distribution network, you will always attract customers cum sales and that will sure translate to increase in revenue generation for the business.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in Waco – Texas and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income/profits from the first six months of operation and grow the business and our clientele base.

We have been able to examine the diesel distribution and supply industry, we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. Below are the sales projections for Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc., it is based on the location of our business, and other factors as it relates to diesel and other fuel products startups in the United States;

  • First Fiscal Year: $440,000
  • Second Fiscal Year: $750,000
  • Third Fiscal Year: $1.5 million

N.B : This projection was done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any major competitor offering same products and distribution services as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Before choosing a location to launch Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc., we conducted a thorough market survey and feasibility studies in order for us to be able to penetrate the available market and become the preferred choice in Waco – Texas.

We have detailed information and data that we were able to utilize to structure our business to attract the number of customers we want to attract per time.

We hired experts who have good understanding of the retailing and distribution industry to help us develop marketing strategies that will help us achieve our business goal of winning a larger percentage of the available market in Waco – Texas.

In summary, Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. will adopt the following sales and marketing approach to win customers over;

  • Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to diesel and other fuel products retailers, factories, facility managers, hotels, households and key stake holders in and around Waco – Texas
  • Ensure that we have a diesel and other fuel products in our warehouse at all times.
  • Make use of attractive handbills to create awareness business
  • Position our signage / flexi banners at strategic places around Waco – Texas
  • Create a loyalty plan that will enable us reward our regular customers

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Even though our diesel distribution and supply business is well structured and well located, we will still go ahead to intensify publicity for the business.

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. has a long-term plan of opening distribution channels all around the state of Texas which is why we will deliberately build our brand to be well accepted in Waco before venturing out. Here are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc.;

  • Place adverts on community based newspapers, radio and TV stations.
  • Encourage the use of word of mouth publicity from our loyal customers
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Google+ and other platforms to promote our business.
  • Ensure that our we position our banners and billboards in strategic positions all around Waco – Texas
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas in and around our neighborhood
  • Advertise our diesel distribution and supply business in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site
  • Brand all our official cars and distribution vans / trucks and ensure that all our staff members wear our branded shirt or cap at regular intervals.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Pricing is one of the key factors that gives leverage to distribution companies and retailers, it is normal for retailers to purchase products from distribution companies that offer cheaper prices. We will work towards ensuring that all our diesel and other fuel products are distributed at highly competitive prices compared to what is obtainable in the United States of America.

We also have plans in place to discount our diesel and other fuel products once in a while and also to reward our loyal customers from time to time.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment via credit cards/Point of Sale Machines (POS Machines)
  • Payment via POS machines
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our client make payment for diesel and other fuel products purchase without any stress on their part.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

Having done our due diligence , this is what it would cost us to set up Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. in the United of America;

  • The total fee for registering the business in the United States of America – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $3,300.
  • Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. in the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $3,580.
  • The cost for hiring business consultant – $2,500.
  • The cost for insurance (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $2,400.
  • The cost for payment of rent for 12 months at $1.76 per square feet tank farm facility cum mini depot in the total amount of $75,500.
  • The total cost for depot facility remodeling (construction of mini depot / tank far) – $70,000.
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery ( $500 ) and phone and utility deposits ( $2,500 ).
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $150,000
  • The cost for Start-up inventory (stocking with diesel and other fuel products and cylinders et al) – $200,000
  • Storage hardware (bins, rack, shelves) – $3,720
  • The cost for store equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) – $13,750
  • The cost of purchase and installation of CCTVs – $5,000
  • The cost for the purchase of furniture and gadgets (Computers, Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, tables and chairs et al) – $4,000.
  • The cost for the purchase of distribution tankers / trucks – $75,000
  • The cost of launching a website – $600
  • Miscellaneous – $10,000

We would need an estimate of $1.5 million to successfully set up our diesel distribution and supply business in Waco – Texas.

Generating Startup Capital for Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc.

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. is a private business that is solely owned and financed by Julius Padres. He has decided to restrict the sourcing of the start up capital to 3 major sources.

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from my bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $500,000 ( Personal savings $450,000 and soft loan from family members $50,000 ) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $1 million from our bank. All the papers and documents have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the number of loyal customers that they have, the capacity and competence of their employees, their investment strategy and business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business, then it won’t be too long before the business closes shop.

One of our major goals of starting Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to supply/distribute our diesel and other fuel products a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Julius Padres® Diesel Distribution Company, Inc. will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce is at the top burner.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check : Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing of mini depot facility and construction of tank farm: In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Printing of Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of furniture, racks, shelves, computers, electronic appliances, office appliances and CCTV: In progress
  • Purchase of distribution tankers/trucks: Completed
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Establishing business relationship with diesel and other fuel products well owners and production companies within and outside of the United States of America: In Progress

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Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

Green Office addresses the market need of environmentally-friendly office supplies. Green Office has been formed as an Illinois Corporation with Stan Cooksey as the main shareholder. Green Office will service a wide range of customers including corporations and government agencies.

Products Green Office will sell eco-friendly products that use recycled materials, reuse “recharged” existing parts, or use non-toxic alternatives. Green Office will sell recycled paper ranging from notepads to envelopes to copier paper, a wide range of laser toner, inkjet cartridges and common office supplies such as correction fluid.

Customers Green Office has identified three market segments. The first is corporations, with an 8% growth rate and 12,000 potential customers. The second is government agencies, with a 11% growth rate and 7,886 possible customers. The last category is assorted customers with a 7% growth rate and 56,888 possible customers.

Competitive Edge Green Office will offer a complete range of office supplies, to become a one-stop shopping place for supply needs. Green Office will offer an unprecedented level of customer attention. It recognizes that shopping must be the the most trouble free, pleasant experience if it expects to form long-term relationships with customers.

Management Green Office will be lead by Stan Cooksey. Stan received his undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago. Stan worked for Symantec Software as the Regional Sales Manager for the Government Agency Unit. While working at Symantec, Stan received his Executive MBA.

Green Office is supported by a proven business model, carefully identified market segments, and a top notch management team. Green Office has forecasted sales for year two of $818,000, rising to $1,004,000 in year three. We will become profitable in the second year.

Office supplies retail business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Objectives

  • To become the premier source of environmentally-friendly office supplies.
  • To offer green office supplies that cost no more than a 10% price premium, often at the same price as non “green” supplies.
  • Quickly grow in size and become a profitable business within the first two years.

1.2 Mission

It is Green Office’s mission to become a leading vendor of environmentally-friendly office supplies. Green Office will become a market leader offering a wide, price competitive selection with the finest customer service.

1.3 Keys to Success

  • Offer environmentally-friendly office supplies at competitive prices.
  • Secure large contracts with corporations and government agencies.
  • Ensure fiscal efficiency through strict financial controls.

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

Green Office is an Illinois corporation founded by Stan Cooksey.

2.1 Start-up Summary

Green Office will incur the following start up expenses:

  • Office desk sets with chairs and assorted supplies (6)
  • Workstations and a central file server, two laser printers, and Internet connection (6)
  • Copier, fax machine
  • Assorted pieces of office furniture
  • Assorted shipping material
  • Unit phone system with answer service (7)
  • Shelving units for storage
  • Used fork lift
  • Intercom system
  • Warehouse build out

Start-up funds will be supported predominantly through equity investment, but in addition Stan will obtain a $50,000 SBA backed loan to assist in the purchase of start-up inventory.

Office supplies retail business plan, company summary chart image

Start-up Expenses
Legal $3,000
Stationery etc. $500
Brochures $500
Insurance $300
Web Site Development $5,000
Research and Development $2,000
Other $30,000
Total Start-up Expenses $41,300
Start-up Assets
Cash Required $128,700
Start-up Inventory $46,000
Other Current Assets $3,500
Long-term Assets $43,500
Total Assets $221,700
Total Requirements $263,000
Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund $41,300
Start-up Assets to Fund $221,700
Total Funding Required $263,000
Non-cash Assets from Start-up $93,000
Cash Requirements from Start-up $128,700
Additional Cash Raised $0
Cash Balance on Starting Date $128,700
Total Assets $221,700
Liabilities and Capital
Current Borrowing $0
Long-term Liabilities $50,000
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0
Total Liabilities $50,000
Planned Investment
Investor 1 $95,000
Investor 2 $68,000
Other $50,000
Additional Investment Requirement $0
Total Planned Investment $213,000
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($41,300)
Total Capital $171,700
Total Capital and Liabilities $221,700
Total Funding $263,000

2.2 Company Ownership

Green Office is a privately held corporation owned by Stan Cooksey. Green Office has been incorporated in Illinois.

Green Office offers a wide range of office supplies, all of which are environmentally friendly, they either use recycled content materials, sustainable products, or substitute toxic chemicals with non-toxic substitutes. Products include:

  • Recycled clip boards
  • Non-toxic correction fluid
  • Recycled note pads (small and legal size)
  • Recycled paper clips
  • Recycled copier and printer paper
  • Recycled envelopes
  • Erasable boards
  • Reusable coffee filters
  • Recycled, refillable laser toner cartridges and inkjet cartridges
  • Solar calculators
  • Refillable pens and pencils made out of recyclable materials
  • And many other items

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

Green Office believes that it faces a market with many opportunities and significant demand. Green Office’s three main customer segments will be corporations, government agencies, and others which is a “catch all” category.

The office supply industry operates with several different large companies and many small ones. Within the office supplies industry there exists a niche of environmentally-friendly companies that Green Office competes against. Some of these companies serve local markets, others are Web-based for broader coverage.

4.1 Market Segmentation

Green Office has identified three customer segments that it will go after:

  • Other: This is a catch all segment that contains a wide range of entities such as small companies, individuals, school districts, etc.

Office supplies retail business plan, market analysis summary chart image

Market Analysis
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Potential Customers Growth CAGR
Corporations 8% 12,009 12,970 14,008 15,129 16,339 8.00%
Government Agencies 3% 7,886 8,123 8,367 8,618 8,877 3.00%
Other 7% 56,888 60,870 65,131 69,690 74,568 7.00%
Total 6.77% 76,783 81,963 87,506 93,437 99,784 6.77%

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

As mentioned previously in the Market Segmentation section, three customer groups have been identified. Two of these, corporations and government agencies are quite attractive as customer segments. The third is used as a “catch all” category. The strategy will be the use of a targeted sales campaign that uses specific sales agents each of whom are responsible for a specific customer group.

The hiring process for these sales agents will be done with the specific group in mind. The agent responsible for the government agencies will be chosen based on his past experience and proficiency in selling to government agencies if possible. Green Office will therefore provide each experienced sales person with an exclusive territory, assisting them in achieving high sales marks for the respective customer group.

4.3 Industry Analysis

The broader industry that Green Office competes in the office supplies industry. Within that industry there are several market leaders:

  • Office Depot

Pro Tip:

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

Competition comes from two sources, direct and indirect competitors. Direct competitors are companies that offer similar lines of environmentally-friendly products. The main companies are:

  • EcoProducts
  • The Good Humans

The indirect competitors are companies within the office supplies industry who offer eco supplies, but do not concentrate on these products. Customers’ buying patterns are based on two main factors:

  • Price: Both a relative comparison to standard office supplies as well as eco-friendly ones.
  • Convenience: Ease of ordering, shipping schedule, variety of products.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Green Office’s goal of becoming a major vendor of environmentally-friendly office supplies is an ambitious but achievable goal. Green Office will leverage its two part competitive edge to achieve this goal. The first edge is an unbeatable selection of green office supplies.

This all inclusive product catalog creates a compelling one stop shopping venue. This wonderful product selection will be supported by a customer-centric company culture. The marketing and sales strategies support these two competitive edges.

The marketing strategy seeks to develop an awareness of Green Office and its ability to offer a wide selection of eco-friendly office products. All products will be priced competitively, often at the same low price as non eco-friendly products.

The sales strategy will use specially engineered economic incentives that channel account manager behavior into the mode of ensuring, happy, long-term customers. This entire strategy is based on the company’s philosophy that it is far cheaper to maintain a current customer than it is to attract new ones.

5.1 Competitive Edge

Green Office competitive edge is two fold, a wide selection of office supplies making it a one stop shopping place and a strong customer service oriented organization where the customers are assigned a specific sales agent/account manager to assist them.

By offering a strong product catalog, customers are able to place all of their office supplies orders at one place instead of having to contact multiple vendors each week or month, whatever the interval may be. Creating the perception that all of the company’s office supply needs can be met by one company, Green Office has a competitive edge.

The second edge is Green Office’s focus on customer service. The company recognizes that if long-term sustainable growth is desired, the customers must feel like that they are being offered the finest service. This will ensure the building of a loyal customer base that will assist Green Office in becoming a sustainable operation.

5.2 Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy will be based on a communication effort that announces Green Office’s two competitive edges, their selection and customer service. To be able to order all of an office’s supply needs from one easy-to-work-with vendor is a significant value. Backing up the extensive product catalog with top rate customer service will retain customers.

Green Office will undertake a marketing campaign that communicates its competitive edge. The campaign will rely primarily on print advertising. The media outlets to be used will be determined based on the readership levels and targeted companies. The campaign will develop an awareness of Green Office to the targeted customers. The development of an awareness or image of Green Office is the first step in the implementation strategy, the second step is the sales strategy detailed in the following section.

5.3 Sales Strategy

Green Office’s sales strategy will be based on the conversion of qualified sales leads into paying customers. The key emphasis here is customer service. Green Office recognizes that customers desire that their needs are taken care of.

Additionally, customers want a seemless experience where their expectations are managed. Green Office will accomplish these lofty goals by assigning a specific account manager/sales agent to each customer (assigned by the customer type). The sales agent receives a commission not just for the individual sale but also using a complex formula that takes into account long-term customer satisfaction of the client.

Green Office therefore has developed an economic incentive for its account managers to develop long-term customers. This incentive based system is key to the sales strategy because it creates an incentive for the sales agent to take into account Green Office’s strategic survival, not just the agents short-term compensation. In addition, long-term customers are more profitable than new customers.

5.3.1 Sales Forecast

Green Office adopted a conservative forecast for the business plan. These conservative estimates will help ensure that the company does not face any cash flow shortages within the first couple of years The sales forecast also takes into account that Green Office is a start-up organization and it will take time to generate a level of sustainable sales. Sales will increase at a slow but steady rate. Please see the three following table and charts for graphical representation of the sales forecasts.

Office supplies retail business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

Sales Forecast
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Corporations $92,892 $298,887 $366,544
Government Agencies $107,470 $358,664 $439,853
Other $59,362 $161,399 $197,934
Total Sales $259,724 $818,950 $1,004,331
Direct Cost of Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Corporations $47,380 $194,277 $238,254
Government Agencies $56,856 $233,132 $285,904
Other $25,585 $104,909 $128,657
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $129,821 $532,318 $652,815

5.4 Milestones

Green Office has identified four specific milestones that will serve as goals for the organization to achieve. While the milestones are lofty in terms of qualitative standards and the timeline deadline, they are achievable.

  • Business plan completion.
  • First major government agency account.
  • $200K in sales.
  • Profitability.
Milestone Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department
Business plan completion 1/1/2004 2/15/2004 $0 Stan Business Development
First major government agency account 1/1/2004 4/1/2004 $0 Sales Manager Sales
$200K in sales 1/1/2004 2/15/2005 $0 Sales Manager Sales
Profitability 1/1/2004 6/1/2005 $0 Stan Entire company
Totals $0

Web Plan Summary

The website will be developed to offer customers a product catalog for online orders. The overriding design philosophy of the site is ease of use. Green Office wants to make the process of placing an order as easy and fast as possible thereby encouraging increased sales. Green Office will incorporate special features such as a section that is specific to each customer so the customer can easily make purchases of repeat items. Instead of going through the website every month and locating their monthly needs, the site captures regularly ordered items for that specific customer, significantly speeding up the ordering process. This ease-of-use feature will help increase sales as customers become more and more familiar with the site and appreciate how easy it is to place an order.

6.1 Website Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy for the website will begin initially with a simple strategy of search engine submissions and the use of pay-per-clicks which is a service of Google and Overture where the company pays the search engine every time a surfer clicks through to the Green Office site.

6.2 Development Requirements

Green Office has secured a start-up website design company to design and develop the site. As a result, the company is able to negotiate a favorable rate for the development and maintenance of the site.

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

7.1 personnel plan.

  • Stan: Operations, business development, some finance, some accounting.
  • Willma (Stan’s wife): Procurement, marketing.
  • Sales: Account manager functions.
  • Accounting: Part-time accounting clerk.
  • Shipping: Responsible for order filling.
  • Administrative/customer support.
Personnel Plan
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Stan $20,000 $22,000 $24,200
Willma $20,000 $22,000 $24,200
Sales $15,000 $16,500 $18,150
Sales $12,000 $13,200 $14,520
Sales $9,000 $9,900 $10,890
Accounting $6,400 $7,040 $7,744
Shipping $15,000 $16,500 $18,150
Shipping $12,000 $13,200 $14,520
Shipping $7,000 $7,700 $8,470
Admin/customer support $10,000 $11,000 $12,100
Admin/customer support $4,800 $5,280 $5,808
Total People 11 11 11
Total Payroll $131,200 $144,320 $158,752

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The following sections will outline important financial information.

8.1 Important Assumptions

The following table details important Financial Assumptions.

General Assumptions
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Plan Month 1 2 3
Current Interest Rate 9.00% 9.00% 9.00%
Long-term Interest Rate 8.00% 8.00% 8.00%
Tax Rate 30.00% 30.00% 30.00%
Other 0 0 0

8.2 Break-even Analysis

The following table and chart show our break-even analysis.

Office supplies retail business plan, financial plan chart image

Break-even Analysis
Monthly Revenue Break-even $31,303
Average Percent Variable Cost 50%
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $15,657

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

The following table will indicate Projected Profit and Loss.

Office supplies retail business plan, financial plan chart image

Pro Forma Profit and Loss
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Sales $259,724 $818,950 $1,004,331
Direct Cost of Sales $129,821 $532,318 $652,815
Other Costs of Goods $0 $0 $0
Total Cost of Sales $129,821 $532,318 $652,815
Gross Margin $129,903 $286,633 $351,516
Gross Margin % 50.02% 35.00% 35.00%
Payroll $131,200 $144,320 $158,752
Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses $2,400 $2,400 $2,400
Depreciation $8,700 $8,700 $8,700
Rent $12,000 $12,000 $12,000
Utilities $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
Insurance $2,400 $2,400 $2,400
Payroll Taxes $19,680 $27,180 $28,080
Website Maintenance $5,500 $6,500 $7,500
Total Operating Expenses $187,880 $209,500 $225,832
Profit Before Interest and Taxes ($57,977) $77,133 $125,684
EBITDA ($49,277) $85,833 $134,384
Interest Expense $3,854 $3,731 $3,500
Taxes Incurred $0 $22,021 $36,655
Net Profit ($61,831) $51,381 $85,528
Net Profit/Sales -23.81% 6.27% 8.52%

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

The following chart and table will indicate Projected Cash Flow.

Office supplies retail business plan, financial plan chart image

Pro Forma Cash Flow
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash Received
Cash from Operations
Cash Sales $64,931 $204,738 $251,083
Cash from Receivables $151,445 $520,877 $722,308
Subtotal Cash from Operations $216,376 $725,615 $973,390
Additional Cash Received
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received $0 $0 $0
New Current Borrowing $0 $3,000 $0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0
New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0
Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0
Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0
New Investment Received $0 $36,000 $0
Subtotal Cash Received $216,376 $764,615 $973,390
Expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Expenditures from Operations
Cash Spending $131,200 $144,320 $158,752
Bill Payments $130,946 $601,459 $748,773
Subtotal Spent on Operations $262,146 $745,779 $907,525
Additional Cash Spent
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $0 $0 $2,234
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $3,403 $3,302 $3,324
Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0
Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0
Dividends $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Spent $265,548 $749,080 $913,083
Net Cash Flow ($49,173) $15,534 $60,308
Cash Balance $79,527 $95,062 $155,369

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

The following table will indicate the Projected Balance Sheet.

Pro Forma Balance Sheet
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Current Assets
Cash $79,527 $95,062 $155,369
Other Current Assets $3,500 $3,500 $3,500
Total Current Assets $141,788 $269,506 $368,509
Long-term Assets
Long-term Assets $43,500 $43,500 $43,500
Accumulated Depreciation $8,700 $17,400 $26,100
Total Long-term Assets $34,800 $26,100 $17,400
Total Assets $176,588 $295,606 $385,909
Liabilities and Capital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $20,122 $52,060 $62,392
Current Borrowing $0 $3,000 $766
Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Current Liabilities $20,122 $55,060 $63,158
Long-term Liabilities $46,597 $43,296 $39,972
Total Liabilities $66,719 $98,356 $103,131
Paid-in Capital $213,000 $249,000 $249,000
Retained Earnings ($41,300) ($103,131) ($51,750)
Earnings ($61,831) $51,381 $85,528
Total Capital $109,869 $197,250 $282,779
Total Liabilities and Capital $176,588 $295,606 $385,909
Net Worth $109,869 $197,250 $282,779

8.6 Business Ratios

The following table shows common Business Ratios, specific to Green Office as well as to the industry as a whole.

Ratio Analysis
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Industry Profile
Sales Growth 0.00% 215.32% 22.64% 1.50%
Percent of Total Assets
Accounts Receivable 24.55% 46.24% 43.44% 38.65%
Inventory 8.73% 11.59% 10.89% 28.15%
Other Current Assets 1.98% 1.18% 0.91% 18.82%
Total Current Assets 80.29% 91.17% 95.49% 85.62%
Long-term Assets 19.71% 8.83% 4.51% 14.38%
Total Assets 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Current Liabilities 11.39% 18.63% 16.37% 43.40%
Long-term Liabilities 26.39% 14.65% 10.36% 11.10%
Total Liabilities 37.78% 33.27% 26.72% 54.50%
Net Worth 62.22% 66.73% 73.28% 45.50%
Percent of Sales
Sales 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Gross Margin 50.02% 35.00% 35.00% 22.64%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 96.00% 31.88% 28.47% 13.42%
Advertising Expenses 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.26%
Profit Before Interest and Taxes -22.32% 9.42% 12.51% 1.70%
Main Ratios
Current 7.05 4.89 5.83 1.77
Quick 6.28 4.27 5.17 1.07
Total Debt to Total Assets 37.78% 33.27% 26.72% 5.52%
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth -56.28% 37.21% 43.21% 59.64%
Pre-tax Return on Assets -35.01% 24.83% 31.66% 13.69%
Additional Ratios Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Net Profit Margin -23.81% 6.27% 8.52% n.a
Return on Equity -56.28% 26.05% 30.25% n.a
Activity Ratios
Accounts Receivable Turnover 4.49 4.49 4.49 n.a
Collection Days 56 53 74 n.a
Inventory Turnover 5.91 21.43 17.12 n.a
Accounts Payable Turnover 7.51 12.17 12.17 n.a
Payment Days 27 21 28 n.a
Total Asset Turnover 1.47 2.77 2.60 n.a
Debt Ratios
Debt to Net Worth 0.61 0.50 0.36 n.a
Current Liab. to Liab. 0.30 0.56 0.61 n.a
Liquidity Ratios
Net Working Capital $121,666 $214,446 $305,351 n.a
Interest Coverage -15.04 20.67 35.91 n.a
Additional Ratios
Assets to Sales 0.68 0.36 0.38 n.a
Current Debt/Total Assets 11% 19% 16% n.a
Acid Test 4.13 1.79 2.52 n.a
Sales/Net Worth 2.36 4.15 3.55 n.a
Dividend Payout 0.00 0.00 0.00 n.a
Sales Forecast
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Corporations 0% $0 $0 $7,645 $8,212 $8,455 $8,747 $9,212 $9,454 $9,987 $10,112 $10,414 $10,654
Government Agencies 0% $0 $0 $8,774 $9,454 $9,746 $10,096 $10,654 $10,945 $11,584 $11,734 $12,097 $12,385
Other 0% $0 $0 $5,048 $5,354 $5,486 $5,643 $5,894 $6,025 $6,313 $6,380 $6,544 $6,673
Total Sales $0 $0 $21,467 $23,021 $23,687 $24,487 $25,761 $26,424 $27,884 $28,227 $29,054 $29,712
Direct Cost of Sales Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Corporations $0 $0 $3,669 $4,038 $4,196 $4,386 $4,688 $4,845 $5,192 $5,273 $5,469 $5,625
Government Agencies $0 $0 $4,403 $4,845 $5,035 $5,263 $5,625 $5,814 $6,230 $6,327 $6,563 $6,750
Other $0 $0 $1,981 $2,180 $2,266 $2,368 $2,531 $2,616 $2,803 $2,847 $2,953 $3,038
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $0 $0 $10,054 $11,064 $11,496 $12,016 $12,845 $13,276 $14,225 $14,447 $14,985 $15,413
Personnel Plan
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Stan 0% $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Willma 0% $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Sales 0% $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Sales 0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Sales 0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Accounting 0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800
Shipping 0% $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Shipping 0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Shipping 0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Admin/customer support 0% $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Admin/customer support 0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800
Total People 0 0 5 5 8 9 11 11 11 11 11 11
Total Payroll $0 $0 $8,000 $8,000 $11,800 $12,800 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100
General Assumptions
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Plan Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Current Interest Rate 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00%
Long-term Interest Rate 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00%
Tax Rate 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00%
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pro Forma Profit and Loss
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Sales $0 $0 $21,467 $23,021 $23,687 $24,487 $25,761 $26,424 $27,884 $28,227 $29,054 $29,712
Direct Cost of Sales $0 $0 $10,054 $11,064 $11,496 $12,016 $12,845 $13,276 $14,225 $14,447 $14,985 $15,413
Other Costs of Goods $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost of Sales $0 $0 $10,054 $11,064 $11,496 $12,016 $12,845 $13,276 $14,225 $14,447 $14,985 $15,413
Gross Margin $0 $0 $11,414 $11,957 $12,190 $12,470 $12,916 $13,148 $13,660 $13,779 $14,069 $14,299
Gross Margin % 0.00% 0.00% 53.17% 51.94% 51.46% 50.93% 50.14% 49.76% 48.99% 48.82% 48.42% 48.13%
Payroll $0 $0 $8,000 $8,000 $11,800 $12,800 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100
Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200
Depreciation $725 $725 $725 $725 $725 $725 $725 $725 $725 $725 $725 $725
Rent $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Utilities $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Insurance $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200
Payroll Taxes 15% $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 $1,770 $1,920 $2,265 $2,265 $2,265 $2,265 $2,265 $2,265
Website Maintenance $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Total Operating Expenses $2,625 $3,125 $12,325 $12,325 $16,695 $17,845 $20,490 $20,490 $20,490 $20,490 $20,490 $20,490
Profit Before Interest and Taxes ($2,625) ($3,125) ($911) ($368) ($4,505) ($5,375) ($7,574) ($7,342) ($6,830) ($6,711) ($6,421) ($6,191)
EBITDA ($1,900) ($2,400) ($186) $357 ($3,780) ($4,650) ($6,849) ($6,617) ($6,105) ($5,986) ($5,696) ($5,466)
Interest Expense $332 $330 $328 $326 $324 $322 $320 $318 $316 $315 $313 $311
Taxes Incurred $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Net Profit ($2,957) ($3,455) ($1,239) ($694) ($4,829) ($5,697) ($7,894) ($7,660) ($7,147) ($7,025) ($6,734) ($6,501)
Net Profit/Sales 0.00% 0.00% -5.77% -3.01% -20.39% -23.26% -30.64% -28.99% -25.63% -24.89% -23.18% -21.88%
Pro Forma Cash Flow
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Cash Received
Cash from Operations
Cash Sales $0 $0 $5,367 $5,755 $5,922 $6,122 $6,440 $6,606 $6,971 $7,057 $7,264 $7,428
Cash from Receivables $0 $0 $0 $537 $16,139 $17,282 $17,785 $18,397 $19,337 $19,854 $20,922 $21,191
Subtotal Cash from Operations $0 $0 $5,367 $6,292 $22,061 $23,404 $24,225 $25,003 $26,308 $26,911 $28,185 $28,619
Additional Cash Received
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received 0.00% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Investment Received $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Received $0 $0 $5,367 $6,292 $22,061 $23,404 $24,225 $25,003 $26,308 $26,911 $28,185 $28,619
Expenditures Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Expenditures from Operations
Cash Spending $0 $0 $8,000 $8,000 $11,800 $12,800 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100 $15,100
Bill Payments $74 $2,248 $2,770 $3,928 $3,945 $4,854 $15,401 $18,659 $18,739 $20,139 $19,678 $20,511
Subtotal Spent on Operations $74 $2,248 $10,770 $11,928 $15,745 $17,654 $30,501 $33,759 $33,839 $35,239 $34,778 $35,611
Additional Cash Spent
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $273 $275 $277 $279 $281 $283 $284 $286 $288 $290 $292 $294
Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Dividends $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Spent $348 $2,523 $11,047 $12,207 $16,026 $17,936 $30,785 $34,045 $34,127 $35,529 $35,070 $35,905
Net Cash Flow ($348) ($2,523) ($5,680) ($5,915) $6,035 $5,468 ($6,560) ($9,043) ($7,819) ($8,618) ($6,885) ($7,286)
Cash Balance $128,352 $125,829 $120,149 $114,235 $120,270 $125,738 $119,177 $110,135 $102,316 $93,698 $86,814 $79,527
Pro Forma Balance Sheet
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Assets Starting Balances
Current Assets
Cash $128,700 $128,352 $125,829 $120,149 $114,235 $120,270 $125,738 $119,177 $110,135 $102,316 $93,698 $86,814 $79,527
Other Current Assets $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500
Total Current Assets $178,200 $177,852 $175,329 $175,696 $175,447 $171,612 $176,792 $172,596 $165,405 $160,112 $153,032 $147,554 $141,788
Long-term Assets
Long-term Assets $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500
Accumulated Depreciation $0 $725 $1,450 $2,175 $2,900 $3,625 $4,350 $5,075 $5,800 $6,525 $7,250 $7,975 $8,700
Total Long-term Assets $43,500 $42,775 $42,050 $41,325 $40,600 $39,875 $39,150 $38,425 $37,700 $36,975 $36,250 $35,525 $34,800
Total Assets $221,700 $220,627 $217,379 $217,021 $216,047 $211,487 $215,942 $211,021 $203,105 $197,087 $189,282 $183,079 $176,588
Liabilities and Capital Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $0 $2,157 $2,639 $3,797 $3,795 $4,344 $14,779 $18,036 $18,067 $19,484 $18,995 $19,817 $20,122
Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Current Liabilities $0 $2,157 $2,639 $3,797 $3,795 $4,344 $14,779 $18,036 $18,067 $19,484 $18,995 $19,817 $20,122
Long-term Liabilities $50,000 $49,727 $49,452 $49,175 $48,896 $48,615 $48,333 $48,048 $47,762 $47,474 $47,183 $46,891 $46,597
Total Liabilities $50,000 $51,884 $52,090 $52,972 $52,691 $52,959 $63,112 $66,084 $65,829 $66,957 $66,178 $66,709 $66,719
Paid-in Capital $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000 $213,000
Retained Earnings ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300) ($41,300)
Earnings $0 ($2,957) ($6,411) ($7,650) ($8,344) ($13,173) ($18,870) ($26,764) ($34,424) ($41,571) ($48,596) ($55,329) ($61,831)
Total Capital $171,700 $168,743 $165,289 $164,050 $163,356 $158,527 $152,830 $144,936 $137,276 $130,129 $123,104 $116,371 $109,869
Total Liabilities and Capital $221,700 $220,627 $217,379 $217,021 $216,047 $211,487 $215,942 $211,021 $203,105 $197,087 $189,282 $183,079 $176,588
Net Worth $171,700 $168,743 $165,289 $164,050 $163,356 $158,527 $152,830 $144,936 $137,276 $130,129 $123,104 $116,371 $109,869

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  1. Wholesale & Distributor Business Plans

    Wholesale Bicycle Distributor Business Plan. Wheelie Deals is a wholesale distributor of bicycles and bicycle parts, focusing on closeouts, discontinued models, seconds, etc. Before you write a business plan, do your homework. These sample business plans for wholesale and distribution businesses will give you the head start you need to get your ...

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    Download Template. Create a Business Plan. A wholesale business offers indefinite benefits starting with low operational costs, an extensive marketplace, and a recurring revenue model. The volume business brings along with lucrative profits and makes a wholesale business a rewarding venture. Anyone can start a wholesale business.

  3. How to write a business plan for a supplier

    Executive summary. The executive summary of a business plan for a supplier serves as an overview of the entire document. It lets readers know what they can expect. When writing this section, you should know that the aim here is to present your business in a clear, comprehensive, and concise manner.

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  8. How to write the suppliers section of your business plan?

    The suppliers section of a business plan details the sources of goods, materials, or services essential for the company's operations. It highlights relationships, terms, and strategies for securing reliable and cost-effective supplies to sustain the business. This example was taken from one of our business plan templates.

  9. Business Plan Template for Wholesale Suppliers

    Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to set and track your business goals, making sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). 2. Analyze the market. To create an effective business plan, you need a thorough understanding of the wholesale market. Research your target customers, competitors, and industry trends.

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    Business Plan James Smith Example Sandwich Co. High Street Town County UK1 1XX 0191 2668877 Example Sandwich Co. Page 2 of 29 ... 3.6 Key Suppliers 21 4 Financial Projections 22 4.1 Sales Forecast 22 4.2 Direct Costs 22 4.3 Overheads 23 4.4 Fixed Assets 23 4.5 Investments 23 4.6 Loans 23

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    The cost for Start-up inventory (stocking with a wide range of building materials) - $250,000. The cost for counter area equipment - $9,500. The cost for store equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) - $13,750. The cost of purchase and installation of CCTVs - $10,000.

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    February 28, 2024. Business Plan. Creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial for launching and running a successful restaurant. This plan serves as your roadmap, detailing your vision, operational strategies, and financial plan. It helps establish your restaurant's identity, navigate the competitive market, and secure funding for growth.

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    You can get ideas from the terms and examples given above. Some sample terms could involve quantity, price breakdown, payment guidelines, severability or cancellation clauses, deliverables schedule, etc. It is important for a supplier contract to be comprehensive yet concise. Step 4: Confirmation of Agreement.

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    "Nonprofit organization" means an organization qualified to do business in California and qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code. ... "Small water supplier" means a community water system serving 15 to 2,999 service connections, inclusive, and that provides less than 3,000 acre-feet of water annually ...

  24. Medical Equipment

    This business plan has been developed to present our company to prospective supplier partners, employers, and investors. Zenergy Medical Industries is a start-up company focused initially on distribution of leading brands of therapeutic systems for use by residents of Homecare and Assisted Living facilities at risk of complications from X disease.

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    Plan development, personal protective equipment (PPE), monitoring, temporary measures, and any other related or incidental items necessary to complete the Work in for which separate payment is not provided under other items on the Pricing Schedule. B. Ceiling Texture Removal . 1.

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    growing State economy; encouraging business investment and job creation; and supporting diverse, prosperous local economies across the State. Staff should be familiar with the MWBE Operations Primer published by the Division of Minority and Women's Business Development to ensure compliance with MWBE-related laws and requirements.

  27. Office Supplies Retail Business Plan Example

    Office desk sets with chairs and assorted supplies (6) Workstations and a central file server, two laser printers, and Internet connection (6) Copier, fax machine. Assorted pieces of office furniture. Assorted shipping material. Unit phone system with answer service (7) Shelving units for storage. Used fork lift.

  28. PDF 5. Competitive Bidding Methods

    9. Small Business/DVBE Option (GC §§ 14838.5; PCC §§ 10335.5(c)(6), 10340(b)(6)). a. This option allows for an award under the following conditions: 1) The contract is awarded to a certified small business, micro- business or disabled veteran-owned business; 2) The contract award is greater than $5,000 and less than $250,000; and