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Graduation wishes: what to write in a graduation card.

Graduation card

Hats off to graduates! Whether they’re earning a diploma, a program certificate, a degree or even a cool new professional title, their hard work deserves some warm, thoughtful words of recognition and encouragement.

Maybe you’re experiencing one of those “Class of Everyone!” years where you have a lot of graduation cards to send. Or maybe you just want some fresh ideas for what to write in a card for one special graduate. Either way, we’ve got you covered.

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You can read the whole guide or jump straight to the specific ideas you need. Whichever way you go, we hope our ideas help you add a little pomp to all your graduation-card circumstances!

  • Congratulations
  • Look to the Future
  • Graduation During a Difficult Time
  • When You Can Be There
  • When You Will Not Make It
  • Give Advice
  • For a Family Member
  • Warm Closings

Find tips for crafting your own special graduation message and get some real life examples from Hallmark Senior Writer Courtney Taylor in the video below or skip straight to the graduation wishes using the links above.


There’s no need to deliver a whole commencement address in your card. “Congratulations” is a great basic message, and it’s easy to say even if you don’t know the graduate well. Here are some ideas for going a word or two beyond to warm up and personalize your congratulations.

More casual

  • “Congratulations and BRAVO!”
  • “This calls for celebrating! Congratulations!”
  • “You did it! Congrats!”
  • “Caps off to you, Graduate! Well done!”
  • “What a proud day! We just couldn’t be happier for you!”
  • “What an impressive achievement!”
  • “Happy Graduation Day!”
  • “Good looks, brains, heart and now a diploma too? You’ve really got it all! Congrats!”
  • “You did the damn thing, Grad! SO proud.”
  • “The community, the church, your family and especially your mama could not be prouder of you.”
  • “You deserve all KINDS of high fives and hugs! You worked hard and got it done.”
  •  “¡Bravo! ¡Felicidades en tu graduación!”

More formal

  • “Congratulations on your well-deserved success.”
  • “Warmest congratulations on your graduation.”
  • “Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!”
  • “So happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day, and so very proud of you, too!”
  • “With love and pride today and always,”
  • “Prayers and blessings on your graduation and for your future.”
  • “Tu graduación es la recompensa de todo tu esfuerzo. ¡Muchas Felicidades!”

Helpful tip: If the card you’ve chosen already has “congratulations” printed, follow it with an ellipsis […] and add to the “congratulations” message.

Look to the Future  

Graduation is the perfect time to look ahead, offer encouragement and express optimism and excitement about the graduate’s future. And you don’t even need a crystal ball to do it!

  • “Hope you’ll always find yourself as happy and full of big, crazy dreams as you are today!”
  • “Hope you’re able to take a well-earned rest, vacation—whatever kind of break sounds like fun. You’ve earned it!
  • “You’re going to be a star! Congratulations!”
  • “You deserve to see your dreams come true…congrats!”
  • “This definitely won’t be the last time I get to brag about you.”
  • “I’m so happy for you, even if this does mean you’re an [add school mascot here] for life.”
  • “You’ve stepped up on the world stage ready to be a star. Love to see your shine!”
  • “¡Lo lograste! Que todos tus sueños siempre se hagan realidad.”
  • “I’m sure today will be only the first of many proud, successful moments for you.”
  • “Sending warm congratulations today and wishing you all the best at Michigan State in the fall!”
  • “Congratulations today and best wishes for all your tomorrows.”
  • “I just know life has even more wonderful things in store for you.”
  • “Today, the field of education gains a very promising new addition. Congratulations on your graduation and best of luck in your teaching career!”
  • “Can’t wait to see where life will take you next. Wherever it is, our prayers go with you!”
  • “¡Muchas felicidades! Tu actitud triunfadora te seguirá llevando muy lejos.”

Helpful tip: Let your relationship be your guide if you decide to write a lighthearted message. If humor is part of how you communicate with the graduate in everyday life, then feel free to be your funny self when you sign the card.

Graduation During a Difficult Time  

Graduation is supposed to be a time of joy, but sometimes life has other ideas. Here are some message ideas for when difficult personal, family or broader circumstances make it impossible to celebrate the way you and the graduate would have hoped.

When Commencement Is Canceled

  • “Of course, we’re disappointed we won’t get to watch you walk across the stage like we’d always dreamed—but that just means we’re going to celebrate you even bigger as soon as we get the chance!”
  • “Even though graduation is going to look different for you, the achievement is still the same. You’ve put in the same hard work. You’ve learned and grown so much. And I couldn’t be prouder.”
  • “We’re sorry you’ve had to let go of the graduation ceremony and celebrating you’ve been looking forward to for the past four years. We wish it could have been different, but we want you to know we’re still so proud of you and what you’ve achieved.”
  • “It’s going to take more than a canceled graduation ceremony to stop me from blowing an air horn in your honor. Way to go, Grad!”
  • “You are still celebrated for this amazing accomplishment.”
  • “Aunque por el momento no podemos celebrar tu graduación, celebramos con orgullo tu logro.”

When the Graduate Is Struggling

  • “Congratulations on your graduation. I wish it could have happened at a happier time for you, but I hope it helps to know how loved you are and how proud you’ve made all of us who care about you.”
  • “You might not feel up to celebrating as you graduate, but we hope you do feel the pride, caring and good wishes surrounding you right now.”
  • “This is not how I pictured your graduation going, but you sure are the strong, resilient person I always imagined you’d grow to be. Anytime you don’t feel strong, please know you can lean on me.”
  • “As you graduate, you’re in all my proudest and happiest thoughts…and in my most caring, heartfelt prayers, too.”
  • “Sé que ahorita estás pasando por un mal momento, pero quiero que sepas que eres una persona que inspira a todos a su alrededor, y que se te desea todo lo mejor en tu graduación y siempre.”

When the Future Feels Uncertain

  • “You’re graduating at a tough time, but I believe in my heart that better days are coming. It may take some time, but I hope you can hang in there and keep believing, too.”
  • “Someday you’ll look back and think, Wow, I graduated at the strangest time ever… Until then, we’ll be here for you, cheering you on, looking forward to wherever life takes you next, and feeling so proud of you.”
  • “Graduation cards are supposed to wish you a bright future, but right now, I’m all for taking things one day at a time. I hope you’re able to do that, too. Especially today, I hope you can just enjoy all the pride and good wishes coming your way.”
  • “Praying for you as you graduate—for pride today, hope for tomorrow, and for love and support to go with you always.”
  • “Your talent is still your talent. Your hard work is still your hard work. Your dreams are still your dreams. You will help turn the world right side up again. Because you are still that amazing.”
  • “Hard work, talent, drive and vision will always outlast tough times. That’s how I know you’re going to make the world what you want it to be.”
  • “Recuerda que Dios está contigo hoy que te gradúas y siempre. Él te guiará y te acompañará a cada paso.”

Helpful Tip: It’s okay to be real in the face of hard circumstances. If the real you would say “This sucks,” then write “This sucks.” But don’t leave it at that. Try to take your message in a more hopeful, caring direction from there.

When You Can Be There  

If you’re going to be at the commencement ceremony or a part of the celebration afterwards, you might choose to focus your message on the pride and fun of sharing in the graduate’s big day.

  • “Congratulations, Jamal. It means so much to be a part of your graduation day!”
  • “WOO-HOO! We’re thrilled to be celebrating your graduation with you!”
  • “First I get to see you walk across the stage. Then there’s a party? Awesome!”
  • “Your whole village is stomping their feet and shouting your name right now, Kendrick.”
  • “¡Qué alegría poder ser parte de tu graduación!”
  • “So happy we could be here to watch you graduate with honors. It’s an honor to share in such an important day.”
  • “It’s my great privilege to know you…to think about all you’ve achieved…and to be with you on your graduation day.”
  • “You’ll always remember this day and so will all of us who were here cheering you on. Best of luck to you always!”
  •  “¡Muchas felicidades! Es un privilegio poder acompañarte en tu graduación.”

When You Will Not Make It  

Even when you can’t make it to the commencement ceremony or reception, you can still make your presence felt by letting the graduate know you’re with them in spirit.

  • “Congratulations on your high school graduation, Tyler! Wish we could be there to see it.”
  • “I wish I could be at your graduation to give you a hug and tell you in person how proud I am of you.”
  • “Even though we’ll miss seeing you in your cap and gown, we would never miss this chance to tell you we’re proud of you.”
  • “I feel a shout coming on! You can probably hear me from all the way over here. Congrats, Grad!”
  • “Sending warm thoughts and big congratulations to a graduate we’re so very proud of.”
  • “Thinking of you with love and pride on your graduation day.”
  • “Our warmest thoughts and highest hopes are with you as you celebrate your graduation.”
  • “Ojalá pudiera estar en tu graduación para decirte en persona que mi corazón está lleno de un orgullo inmenso por ti.”

Writing tip: When you can’t be there in person, you don’t have to include an apology in your personal message. Just the act of sending the card lets the graduate know you’re thinking of him or her.

Give Advice  

Graduation is a good time for the kind of advice that’s more about building people up than bossing them around. Keep your advice general, upbeat and encouraging, and it will be appreciated.

  • “Always remember: There’s no limit to what you can do if you keep believing in yourself.”
  • “Take pictures. Take your time celebrating. Take it easy for a while. Then get ready to take on the world!”
  • “It took a lot of hard work to reach this goal. You had to show up every day, whether you felt like it or not. I hope you feel great about what you’ve accomplished, and I hope you’ll continue to be a person who shows up day in and day out for those things that are worthwhile and important in life.”
  • “Graduation is like a bridge to the next part of your life, and everything that got you here—hard work, drive and confidence—is going to carry you across to the future you deserve.”
  • “Para alguien como tú ningún sueño es imposible de cumplir. Eres muy especial y tu determinación te llevará muy lejos.”
  • “May you always dare to do great things with your life.”
  • “Keep on growing. Keep adding to the goodness and beauty in the world. Keep developing those unique dreams and talents that make you who you are!”
  • “At my graduation, our commencement speaker challenged us to be lifelong learners, and that’s my advice for you as you graduate. Whatever you do, never stop learning, exploring, growing and challenging yourself to be your best.”
  • “Sigue esforzándote para alcanzar todas tus metas. Tu graduación es solo el comienzo de un futuro lleno de posibilidades.”

Writing tip: What’s the best life advice you’ve ever received? Or, what’s the most important thing you’ve learned so far? Answering either of those questions might be the perfect lead-in to a meaningful graduation message.

For a Family Member  

When it’s a family member graduating—whether it’s your sibling, your child, your niece or nephew, your cousin or even your parent—you might want to add an extra measure of warmth and pride.

  • “Your graduation day is a proud day for you and a dream come true for our family.”
  • “Congrats on graduating summa cum laude! I’m beyond proud to be related to someone so smart.”
  • “Know what makes your graduation extra special? It’s having watched you grow up, having so many good memories of you and knowing all the challenges you’ve worked through to get to this day.”
  • “Tu graduación es un día de orgullo para toda la familia, ¡así que vamos a celebrar!”
  • “Congratulations, with love for the grandson you are and with pride in the amazing person you are becoming.”
  • “It seems like just yesterday you were just a kid starting high school…now you’re a confident young man about to receive your diploma. It’s been our joy to watch you grow and achieve so much these past four years. Hope you know how proud we are and how much we love you.”
  • “It’s a beautiful thing, watching the daughter we’ve always loved growing up and getting one step closer to her dreams. Congratulations, with all our love,”
  • “Es maravilloso verte crecer y alcanzar tus metas. Te queremos mucho y estamos muy orgullosos de ti.”

Helpful tip: It’s probably most natural to share a memory of the graduate, but you could also share a memory from your own life experiences or graduation—anything that would be relevant to the graduate and fun or meaningful for him or her to read.

Warm Closings  

A warm closing is like the bow on top! Choose one of ours, or create your own.

  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Much love to you,
  • Best wishes!
  • Best wishes for your future,
  • All life’s best to you,
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations and best wishes,
  • Warmest congratulations,
  • Gratefully,
  • God bless you,
  • God bless you now and always,
  • ¡Felicidades!
  • greeting card messages
  • Additional contributions by Ellen Brenneman, Cindy Phillips and Melvina Young.

what to write in phd graduation card

Keely Chace is a Hallmark Master Writer who loves reading, running and spending time with her husband and daughters. She shares writing tips in her "What to Write" series on Hallmark & Community.

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Readings With Hope

48 Congratulations Messages for PhD or Doctorate Degree Students

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Have you ever witnessed the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and relentless pursuit of knowledge? 

Imagine the elation, the sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving the pinnacle of academic excellence. 

As we celebrate the remarkable journey of Ph.D. students, it’s imperative to convey our heartfelt congratulations in a way that truly honors their extraordinary achievement.

Here, we present some heartfelt messages that encapsulate the pride and admiration we feel for these exceptional individuals as they embark on the next chapter of their scholarly endeavors.

Congratulations Messages for Phd Admission

  • “Congratulations on your admission to the PhD program ! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. This is a remarkable achievement and the beginning of an incredible journey in academia. I have no doubt that you will contribute valuable insights to your field!”
  • “Well done on securing your spot in the PhD program! This is a testament to your brilliance and perseverance . I’m thrilled to see where this next chapter takes you. Your future is undoubtedly bright, and I’m excited for all the discoveries and contributions you will make.”
  • “ Congratulations! You’ve been admitted to the PhD program, a milestone that speaks volumes about your academic excellence and passion for your field. This journey will be challenging but incredibly rewarding. Your dedication is inspiring!”
  • “This is fantastic news! Being accepted into a PhD program is no small feat, and it clearly demonstrates your commitment and capability. Embrace this new adventure with the knowledge that you are fully equipped to excel. Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD admission! Your journey has been nothing short of inspiring , and this achievement is a significant milestone. The dedication and resilience you have shown are commendable. I look forward to seeing the impact of your research.”
  • “I’m so proud of you for getting into the PhD program! This achievement is a clear reflection of your hard work, determination , and intelligence. The road ahead is full of possibilities and I’m excited to see the contributions you will make to your field .”
  • “Your admission to the PhD program is well-deserved. Congratulations on this incredible accomplishment ! Your passion and dedication have led you to this moment, and I have every confidence in your success moving forward.”
  • “ Heartfelt congratulations on your PhD admission! You’ve crossed a major threshold in your academic career, and I’m thrilled to witness the excellence you’ll bring to your research and the academic community.”

what to write in phd graduation card

  • “Congratulations on your admission! It’s a privilege to see someone so dedicated and talented achieve this significant milestone . Your PhD journey will be demanding, but I know you will rise to the challenge and excel .”
  • “Well done on earning your place in the PhD program! Your perseverance and academic prowess have truly paid off. This journey will be one of growth and discovery, and I’m excited for the contributions you will make to the world of academia.”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD admission! This is a testament to your exceptional skills and dedication. I’m confident that you will bring fresh perspectives and innovations to your field. Your future is incredibly promising!”
  • “Achieving admission to a PhD program is a significant accomplishment , and I’m so proud of you for reaching this milestone. Your dedication to your studies and research is admirable , and I’m excited to see where this journey takes you. Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD admission! Your drive and intellect have opened the door to an amazing opportunity. This journey will challenge and inspire you, and I can’t wait to see the innovations you’ll bring to your field.”
  • “ Bravo for securing your place in the PhD program! This achievement is a testament to your exceptional talent and hard work. The journey ahead is full of promise, and I’m confident you’ll make a lasting impact .”
  • “Your admission to the PhD program is incredibly well-deserved . Congratulations on reaching this milestone! Your commitment to your research is inspiring, and I have no doubt you will excel in this new chapter.”
  • “This is a momentous occasion ! Congratulations on your acceptance into the PhD program. Your dedication and perseverance have paid off, and I’m excited to see you thrive in this challenging and rewarding environment.”

what to write in phd graduation card

  • “ Heartiest congratulations on your PhD admission! You’ve proven yourself to be a formidable scholar , and this is just the beginning. The academic community awaits your contributions with great anticipation.”
  • “Well done on your PhD admission! Your hard work and dedication have clearly shone through. This is a golden opportunity to further your research and make meaningful contributions to your field. Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on this spectacular achievement ! Being admitted into a PhD program is a clear indicator of your academic excellence and potential for groundbreaking research. I’m thrilled about your future discoveries.”
  • “Your PhD admission is a testament to your brilliant mind and unwavering dedication . This milestone is just the beginning of a journey filled with discoveries and success. Congratulations on this well-deserved accomplishment!”
  • “ Incredible job on earning your place in the PhD program! Your ability to tackle complex problems and push the boundaries of knowledge is truly inspiring. I’m looking forward to seeing your impact on your field.”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD admission! This step is a huge leap towards fulfilling your academic and research ambitions. Your passion and perseverance have led you to this point, and they will guide you to even greater achievements.”
  • “ Congratulations on your well-deserved PhD admission! Your journey so far has been a testament to your hard work and dedication . The academic world is ready for your contributions, and I’m excited to see where this path takes you.”
  • “Securing your admission into the PhD program is a major milestone —congratulations! Your commitment to excellence is evident, and this opportunity will enable you to explore and transform your field in unimaginable ways.”

what to write in phd graduation card

Congratulations Messages for Phd Graduation

  • “Congratulations on your PhD graduation ! This is a testament to your incredible perseverance and dedication. You’ve not only advanced your own knowledge but are set to contribute significantly to your field. Well done !”
  • “ Heartfelt congratulations on achieving this monumental milestone! Your PhD is not just a degree, but a symbol of your relentless dedication and passion for research. The world awaits your innovations and discoveries.”
  • “Congratulations on your outstanding achievement ! Completing your PhD is a remarkable feat that speaks volumes about your intelligence, determination , and hard work. Your future endeavors are bound to be exceptional .”
  • “Well done on reaching the pinnacle of academic excellence —your PhD graduation! This milestone is a launchpad for your career, and I have no doubt you will make waves in your field. Congratulations on this incredible success !”
  • “ Bravo on your PhD graduation! You’ve climbed the highest academic mountain, and your view must be spectacular. Your journey has been inspiring , and your future is as bright as your brilliant mind . Here’s to many more achievements!”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD graduation! This is a major accomplishment that showcases your expertise and commitment to your field. The dedication you’ve shown is truly commendable. Your journey is just beginning .”
  • “Achieving your PhD is a monumental success that few attain. Congratulations on this significant milestone! Your hard work and sacrifices have culminated in this proud moment. The impact of your research will be far-reaching .”
  • “Your PhD graduation marks the culmination of years of research, study, and sacrifices. Congratulations on achieving such a prestigious milestone ! Your dedication to advancing knowledge is truly admirable .”

what to write in phd graduation card

  • “ Heartiest congratulations on your PhD graduation! You’ve proven that with perseverance and passion , even the loftiest goals are achievable. Your academic journey has been nothing short of inspiring .”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD graduation! You’ve mastered the art of perseverance, dedication , and scholarly excellence. This achievement opens up a world of opportunities . I can’t wait to see where your talents take you.”
  • “ Warmest congratulations on your PhD graduation! Your journey has been a beacon of inspiration for all who aspire to pursue their dreams. Your contributions to your field are already impressive , and the best is yet to come.”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD graduation! You’ve achieved the highest level of academic excellence and are poised to make a significant impact in your field. Your hard work and determination have truly paid off .”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD graduation ! The dedication and passion you’ve shown on this journey are truly remarkable . Your ability to overcome challenges and push the boundaries of knowledge is inspiring . Here’s to your continued success!”
  • “ Huge congratulations on achieving such a monumental milestone—your PhD graduation! Your journey has been a testament to your resilience and unwavering commitment . I am excited to see the impact your future work will have on the world.”
  • “Completing your PhD is an extraordinary achievement that reflects your hard work, intelligence, and dedication to your field. Congratulations on reaching this pinnacle of academic success ! The future holds endless possibilities for you.”
  • “ Bravo on your well-deserved PhD graduation! You’ve not only earned the highest academic degree but also demonstrated exceptional skill and perseverance. Your contributions to your field are sure to be groundbreaking .”

what to write in phd graduation card

  • “Congratulations on your impressive achievement ! Graduating with a PhD is a clear indication of your expertise, dedication , and passion for research. Your future endeavors are bound to be successful and influential .”
  • “Your PhD graduation is a significant accomplishment that speaks to your hard work and academic brilliance . Congratulations on reaching this milestone! Your journey has been inspiring , and I look forward to your next chapter.”
  • “ Heartfelt congratulations on completing your PhD! This milestone is a reflection of your incredible dedication and the hard work you’ve invested in your research. Your achievement is truly commendable .”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD graduation! You’ve demonstrated exceptional perseverance and intellectual rigor throughout your journey. Your ability to contribute meaningfully to your field is undoubtedly remarkable.”
  • “ Warmest congratulations on your PhD graduation! Your journey to this point has been filled with challenges, but your determination and passion for your work have shone through. The academic and professional worlds await your innovations .”
  • “Congratulations on achieving this pinnacle of academic excellence —your PhD! Your dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge is admirable . This achievement marks the beginning of a promising future filled with impactful contributions .”
  • “Your PhD graduation is not just an academic achievement; it’s a testament to your incredible resilience, intellect , and commitment to making a difference in your field. Congratulations on this well-earned success!”
  • “Congratulations on your PhD graduation! Your hard work, dedication, and brilliant insights have brought you to this moment. Your future contributions to your field are eagerly anticipated by all who know the value of your work .”

what to write in phd graduation card

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Congratulations Message for PhD or Doctorate Degree Generator

Copied the message:, congratulations messages for phd or doctorate degree.

When someone close to you earns a PhD or doctorate degree, it's a big accomplishment. So, it's only natural to want to send a message of congratulations.

There are many benefits to sending congratulations messages for PhD or doctorate degrees. For one, it helps to show your support for the individual. This can be especially important during the challenging times that come with earning a higher degree.

Additionally, a congratulations message can be a great way to show your pride in the individual's accomplishment. It can also be a nice way to stay connected to someone you may not get to see as often as you'd like.

Finally, sending a congratulations message is simply a nice gesture. It's a way to let the person know that you're thinking of them and that you're happy for their success.

No matter what your relationship is to the person earning the degree, a congratulations message is always a thoughtful gesture. So, if you know someone who is celebrating this milestone, don't hesitate to reach out and let them know you're proud of them.

Below are various congratulations messages for PhD or Doctorate degree;

Congratulations Messages for PhD or Doctorate Degree

1.    Congratulations on your Doctorate! Today, we celebrate you.

2.    Congratulations! You earned this Ph.D.! Let me know what you're going to do with it.

3.    Congrats on your doctorate! With your new title comes all the bragging rights.

4.    Congratulations, you have completed your Doctorate Degree! We are proud of you and so happy for you.

5.    Congratulations! You've earned your Doctorate Degree! Here's to the next milestone in your education.

6.    Congratulations! You made it to the top of your field, and you deserve some recognition.

7.    Congratulations on your Doctorate!

8.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! You made it, congrats!

9.    Congrats on your Ph.D.!

10.    Congratulations!

Congratulations Messages for PhD or Doctorate Degree

11.    Congrats, doctor! We hope you're enjoying your new title. We know how much hard work it was for you to get there!

12.    Congratulations! We are beyond proud of you for achieving this monumental milestone. Your hard work in school has paid off.

13.    Congratulations! You've just received your Ph.D. - congratulations!!

14.    Congratulations, Doctor! I'm so proud of you.

15.    Congratulations! You made it to the top of your field with this honor. You're so talented, and I couldn't be more excited to see what you do next.

16.    You have earned your doctorate in medicine! Congratulations. Keep up the good work, and let us know if you need any help.

17.    Congratulations on receiving your Ph.D.! Take this opportunity to plan what you'd like to publish and share it with the world. So many possibilities.

18.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! We're happy to support you as you pursue your dream.

19.    Congratulations! You earned your Ph.D. degree! From all of us at ______. We are so proud of you.

20.    Congrats! You're a Doctorate degree-holder now. We celebrate with you.

Congratulations Messages for PhD or Doctorate Degree

21.    Congratulations! This is such a milestone achievement. Here are a few messages to help you celebrate.

22.    You're so incredibly amazing! Congratulations on your Doctorate.

23.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! We can't wait to celebrate all your success together.

24.    Congratulations, doctor! You made it. You're officially a Ph.D. holder and you deserve to be celebrated.

25.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! Your tenacity and hard work have paid off.

26.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! Graduation Day is Here.

27.    Congratulations on your Ph.D. degree! You deserve it.

28.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.!

29.    You did it! You made it through all the studying and research. Congrats on your Doctorate Degree.

30.    Congratulations! You're almost finished with your journey to becoming a Doctor. Your hard work has paid off.

31.    Congrats on your new doctorate!

32.    You've been accepted as a University lecturer and completed your final exams! Congrats on an impressive and well-deserved Ph.D.!

33.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! Here's an exclusive $500 gift card and our best wishes for your future endeavors.

34.    After years of hard work and dedication, you've finally earned a Ph.D. Congrats on graduating!

35.    Congratulations! You've earned this Ph.D./ Doctorate!!!

36.    Congratulations! Your hard work really paid off and you've earned your PhD.

37.    Congratulations! You have finally completed your PhD.

38.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! I am here to help with whatever you need - let me know how I can provide.

39.    Congratulations! You've successfully defended your thesis. Your hard work has paid off. I'm so proud of you.

40.    Congrats, on your lifelong goal!

41.    Congratulations on graduating! You've been a busy genius the last few years and need a break. Come on get some rest!

42.    You're ready for your time in the spotlight! Congratulations on your PhD.

43.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! You deserve this hard-earned degree!

44.    Congratulations! Your hard work paid off and now you're a doctor!

45.    Congrats! Your hard work paid off and you've earned your Doctorate! Here's to the next chapter of your life.

46.    Congratulations, you made it! You've earned your Ph.D. I am proud of you.

47.    Congrats on your Doctorate Degree! We're so happy for you. You deserve a celebration and maybe some cake.

48.    Congratulations on your new doctorate! I am hosting a celebration party for you.

49.    Congratulations on your doctorate! You're awesome.

50.    Congratulations on earning your Doctorate Degree! May we send you flowers to celebrate?

51.    Congratulations on receiving your Ph.D. Hard work pays.

52.    Congratulations on getting your Ph.D.! I'm so proud of you, and on behalf of the whole family, please accept our sincere congratulations.

53.    Congratulations! I'm so proud of you for having the courage to achieve this great milestone.

54.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! You're a star! We are proud of you.

55.    Congratulations on obtaining your Ph.D.! It's a prestigious degree that requires years of studying and researching - a job well done!

56.    Congratulations on your new degree! Here's a lovingly designed card to celebrate.

57.    Congrats on your Ph.D.!

58.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! Here's a gift from the team to congratulate you on this big accomplishment-a $100 Amazon gift card.

59.    Congratulations, Doctor.

60.    Congratulations! We're so happy for you!

61.    Congratulations on your recent Doctorate Degree! Let's celebrate.

62.    So proud to be your mom! You've been working hard and we're so proud of you. Congrats on your Doctorate.

63.    Congratulations on getting your Doctorate! You're smart, beautiful, and inspiring. You deserve the best in life.

64.    You did it! You've just completed your Doctorate Degree, and we're so proud of you. Congrats on all the work you've done and all that you'll do.

65.    You're so brilliant! We should celebrate getting your Doctorate Degree.

66.    Congratulations! You've earned this.

67.    Congratulations! You've made a significant contribution to society. Let's celebrate this big achievement.

68.    Congrats on your Ph.D.! Keep up the great work and know that you'll always have an audience.

69.    Congratulations Dr. Jones! We can't wait to see what you will achieve next.

70.    Congratulations on earning your doctorate!

71.    Wow! Congratulations! We're so proud of you for achieving this great recognition.

72.    Congratulations! I'm so proud of you. You deserve the best.

73.    Congratulations! You've completed your Doctorate Degree!

74.    You made it! You got your Doctorate Degree. Congratulations! Here's to your success.

75.    Congrats on receiving your Ph.D.! You deserve this momentous accomplishment.

76.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! We believe in your capabilities and promise to be with you every step of the way.

77.    Congratulations on your doctorate. The world is now open for you to conquer.

78.    Congratulations, you've made it! I know this is a big milestone for you, and I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished. I am so excited for everything to come.

79.    Congratulations! You've passed the final exam to receive your Doctorate.

80.    Congratulations on your Doctorate! Here's a little celebratory gift.

81.    You are now officially the smartest person in your field :) Congrats!

82.    Congratulations! You got your doctorate!

83.    Congratulations on your Doctorate! You've earned a degree of distinction.

84.    Congrats! I'm so proud of you.

Other Wishes/Messages

Divorce Sympathy Messages Happy Earth Day Wishes and Messages Anniversary Wishes and Messages for Son and Daughter in Law Cheer Up Messages

Congratulations Messages for PhD or Doctorate Degree

PhD Congratulations Message : Earning a Ph.D. degree is a big stepping stone towards a brighter future. Congratulate them on achieving the doctorate degree and becoming a doctor of their own destiny. Send them warm congratulatory wishes while acknowledging their hardship and sacrifices. Appreciate your brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, teacher, friends, or any beloved ones for achieving their doctorate degree and make them feel great about such a great accomplishment. Earning a doctorate is not easy, so appreciate all their efforts by congratulating them on their big achievement!

PhD Congratulations Message

Congratulations on achieving your PhD. I have seen you working hard day and night and now all the hardship has paid well, proud of you.

Congratulations on your hard-earned Doctorate degree! May this be the stepping stone of your future endeavors!

Congratulations {PUT NAME}! May this Ph.D. be the beginning of many more successful endeavors.

Congratulations on Your PhD

Congratulations on successfully completing your Ph.D. and making us all proud. You have always been so dedicated and sure it is very inspiring indeed.

Your long-cherished dream of becoming a Ph.D. holder has finally come true. Many congratulations on your success. You’ve inspired all of us not only to dream but also to work hard to achieve them.

You left no stone unturned in these years and I want you to know that I am extremely proud of you. Congratulations on earning your PHD.

Your hard work has finally paid off! Congratulations on your Ph.D. and best wishes for the future.

I am extremely proud of you for successfully completing your doctorate. May God help you to achieve your other dreams too. Love you.

You never took pride in your achievements but it is time to feel proud. You have nailed it and outshined us all. Proud of you, mate.

Congratulations on shining bright and scoring this PhD Degree. It seems all your hard work has paid off at last. So proud of you my dear brother.

My warmest congratulations for making it to the end and achieving your degree. All the hardship has paid off lavishly, proud to call you my sister.

Your dream of holding a doctorate degree by your name has finally been fulfilled. I cannot be any prouder than I am today. Love you so much.

Dear Son, heartiest congratulations on earning a PhD degree. It was never easy but did not give up. May God bless you forever. Love you.

Congratulations on your Ph.D. dear daughter! I am so proud of you, and I believe that you are destined to do many more great things.

phd congratulations messages

Congratulations on earning a doctorate degree. Thank you for setting such a great example, teacher. Many happy returns of such a remarkable success.

Congratulations on completing your PhD! Your compassion and perseverance are truly fascinating!

Years of labor and endurance have finally brought you this honorable success! Congratulations, doctor!

Congratulations on your remarkable achievement! I appreciate your persistent hard work!

This doctorate degree ensures a bright future with lots of money for you! You’ve got wings now and you can soar high, Mr. Doctor. Congratulations!

It is a great pleasure and honor to hear that all your hardship finally has finally paid off with this Ph.D. degree. May God bless you and help you achieve more in life.

Congratulations on earning a doctorate degree, dear husband. You are and always will be a source of inspiration for me.

I am thrilled to know about your huge triumph! Congratulations! Your achievement is extraordinary!

Sending my warmest greetings for proving yourself over and over again. Many happy returns of this day and once again congratulations on achieving a Ph.D. Degree.

Congratulations Message for Doctor Degree

Congratulations on your doctorate degree! This is surely one of many achievements to come!

Congratulations on your doctorate degree! Your hardships have paid off and lead you to the epitome of your academic journey! Good luck ahead!

Congratulations on earning your doctorate and making us all proud! You are truly an inspiration to everyone around you.

congratulations on your doctorate

Congratulations on nailing another successful chapter of your life! I am immensely proud of you and your doctorate.

Seeing the Dr. before your name makes me feel proud. Congratulations on your doctorate!

Congratulations! You have proven to the world that hard work can fulfill any dream!

Congratulations on your doctorate degree! You always stand up to your reputation and make us proud!

congratulations message for doctor degree

Success comes to those who have earned it with their ceaseless effort. Congratulations and good luck!

Congratulations on attaining your Doctorate degree! Your hard work, patience, and perseverance were bound to bear fruit! We are proud of this success!

A hearty congratulations on your doctorate degree! You have marveled at us with your incredible dedication and hard work!

PhD Congratulations Card Messages

Nothing makes me prouder than seeing you shine brightly. Congratulations on your Ph.D. I’m glad for you!

Congratulations to you on becoming a PhD holder! I hope all the struggles are worth this drill and now you can soar higher than ever. Best wishes for the future.

I knew that you would achieve every success in life, and I am happy to see you shine. Congratulations on your Ph.D.!

congratulations for phd degree

Congratulations on achieving your doctorate degree. Now that you have completed such a milestone, I pray you find happiness and satisfaction in life as well.

You have proved again how dedicated and strong-willed you are. Congratulations on earning your Ph.D. I am truly happy for your success.

You truly have proved your self-dedication and perseverance, dear sister. May God bless you to achieve all the success that is waiting for you. Congratulations on your PHD.

Thank you for proving once again how strong and dedicated you are when it comes to achieving your goals. I love you so much, son. Congratulations on your degree.

Congratulation on such a major success. Your hardship and efforts have finally paid you off with a doctorate degree in your hand. Love you so much.

Thank you for holding our heads high and achieving the Ph.D. Your courage and dedication have led you to earn this, extremely proud of you.

Funny PhD Wishes

Congratulations on your PhD! I’m sure your body has more coffee running than blood by now!

Congratulations! Glad that you have obtained your doctorate before going completely bald!

If you have survived pursuing a Ph.D., life cannot knock you down anymore! Congratulations!

Congratulations on completing your PhD! Rest your brain for a while lest it short-circuits!

PhD Congratulations Card Message Funny

Ph.D. is like labor pain; the process is hard, but it’s all worth it in the end! Congratulations on your Ph.D. completion!

Congratulations! Now that you have attained your degree, it’s time to meet the outside world!

Although you have become a doctor now, refrain from performing CPR! Congratulations!

PhD Completion Best Wishes and Proud Messages

Best wishes for your PhD! Your burning passion speaks through your achievement!

Congratulations on attaining your PhD! May this accomplishment encourage you to thrive more in the future! My best wishes go to you!

Congratulations on receiving your hard-earned PhD! May you do wonders for the world!

Congratulations on your PhD! Best wishes for the upcoming triumphs and endeavors!

This milestone was not easy to reach, but you never stopped running. Congratulations and best wishes!

Congratulations on obtaining your PhD! We are delighted to see your excellent academic performance throughout the journey.

We are overjoyed to know about your academic performance! Congratulations on your Ph.D.! You have certainly made us the proudest peers ever!

Your accomplishments never fail to amaze us! Congratulations on your successful completion of your Ph.D.!

PhD/Doctor Degree Congratulations Wishes for Social Media

Weldone for successfully completing your PhD. I’m proud of you.

Finnaly, you nailed it! Congratulations Doctor on your hard-earned doctoral degree.

The journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. Congratulations on earning your Ph.D.!

You are smarter than most people, and now you have a Ph.D. to prove it! Congratulations and best wishes to you.

Congratulations, Dr. You have worked hard to go this far in life and deserve to be proud of yourself.

This is a prestigious degree, and you have earned it like a champ! Congratulations and much love to you.

Achieving a doctorate degree is not an easy deal. One has to sacrifice a lot to earn this. After all the hardship, the person achieving a Ph.D. deserves to be praised wholeheartedly. Sending some congratulatory messages with your warm and enthusiastic words will make the moment more cheerful. A Ph.D. or Doctorate is the highest form of education that anyone can ever get and this is not just a degree. As the degree will bring a new perspective into one’s life, let him/her enjoy the moment for achieving the hard-earned doctorate degree. Send some sweet and warm Ph.D. congratulatory messages to make them feel great about themselves as such a degree should be celebrated without any doubt. Years of hard work finally result in such an achievement so salute it. Let’s wish them a day full of sunshine a pocket full of dreams and congratulate them with encouraging words right from your heart.

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100 Best Graduation Wishes to Write in the New Grad's Card

Say "congratulations!" to the class of 2024 with these inspiring words.

preview for Best Commencement Advice for New Graduates

Graduations are one of the first big milestones in a person’s life. Depending on the school, this academic accomplishment can start as early as preschool, followed by elementary school, middle school, high school, and of course, college. No matter what grade the graduate in your life is completing, it’s a momentous occasion worthy of praise and celebration. How do you honor your shining scholar?

From funny quotes to encouraging sentiments , these congratulatory messages and well wishes will let your graduate know how happy and proud you are of them. Whether it’s your witty fifth grader moving up from elementary school or sentimental teenager graduating from high school — these inspiring, wise words will be well received.

Of course, you can use them verbatim or simply as inspiration to spark ideas to write your own personal message. In addition to being written inside of a card, they can also be shared as thoughtful texts or as uplifting Instagram captions . No matter how you share them, the lucky graduates of 2024 will know that you’re cheering them on as they embark upon their next exciting chapter.

Looking for graduation gift ideas? Check out these Good Housekeeping gift guides:

Best Preschool Graduation Gifts | Best Kindergarten Graduation Gifts | Best High School Graduation Gifts | Best College Graduation Gifts | Best Graduation Gifts for Her | Best Graduation Gifts for Him

Sweet Congratulatory Wishes

your ambition is so inspiring congrats graduation wish on a blue background

  • Congratulations, you make me so proud!
  • You did it! Congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment.
  • You’re destined for success. Nothing can stand in your way!
  • There was never a doubt that you wouldn’t become the super successful person you are today! Congrats!
  • Enjoy your special day because you’ve earned it! Congratulations.
  • Wishing you nothing but the best as you embark on this new journey.
  • Congrats! Keep making us proud. We know that you’re just getting started!
  • You continue to inspire us every day. Congratulations!
  • We wish you an abundance of health, wealth and
  • Congratulations! Your future shines brighter than the sun in August.
  • Caps off to you, graduate!
  • Congratulations! This is only just the beginning. You’re a star in the making!
  • Congratulations on your big day! Know without a doubt that you were made for great things.
  • Congratulations! We are so proud of you.
  • Congrats, you did it!
  • This calls for celebrating! Congratulations!
  • What an impressive achievement!
  • Wishing you all the best on your graduation day.
  • Good luck on your new beginnings!
  • Woo hoo! Good for you! Congrats!
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved success.
  • Your ambition is so inspiring! Congrats!
  • We knew you could do it! Congrats!
  • Congratulations! No one deserves this more.
  • Major snaps and claps on your graduation.
  • Your hard work definitely paid off. Congrats.
  • Here's to your next adventure. Make it be as awesome as you.
  • Congrats! May your future be as bright as your smile!
  • Sending you good vibes and positive energy for your post-graduation life.

Funny Graduation Messages

the tassel is worth the hassel graduation quote on a blue background

  • Now that you’ve graduated, what are you going to do with all those sticky notes now?
  • Now that you’ve graduated, does that mean all your partying days are behind you? We sure hope so!
  • It’s a miracle you reached this milestone after all the goofing off you did. Good job, sport!
  • I guess barely getting by pays off. Cheers to you!
  • Did you pay your teachers for your diploma? C’mon, you can tell me!
  • Congrats! Welcome to the real world. Trust me, it’s not what you think.
  • You were always good at surprises! Graduating is your best one yet.
  • Who did you hire to take all of your tests? They should be the ones walking across the stage. Oh well, I guess you paid extra to do the walking.
  • My deepest condolences on the end of your college life.
  • And the hard work starts .... now!
  • All that work for a piece of paper?
  • We’re just as shocked as you that this day has come.
  • Congrats! It's time to move out.
  • Sure, there’s no more pencils, no more books. But there’s also no more fun.
  • Congrats on getting through the easiest part of life.
  • I lost a bet. You graduated.
  • The tassel was worth the hassle! You did it!
  • Cap. Gown. It’s going down. Congrats!
  • I always knew you would barely graduate, well done!
  • Congratulations, have fun dressing up in a gown and silly hat!

Inspirational Graduation Messages

remember, if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door graduation saying on a blue background

  • This milestone is just a steppingstone for more successes to come!
  • Never stop believing in yourself. You’ve already proven that nothing can stand in your way when it comes to accomplishing your dreams.
  • Stay focused and you can achieve anything. You’re already a shining example. Congrats!
  • There’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it. Hats off to you!
  • Success doesn't always come easy. Remember to always do your best no matter what.
  • You’re on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embark on who you are. Remember to embrace life with passion and keep reaching for the stars.
  • The road ahead will have its share of obstacles, but you’re incredibly ambitious and strong to overcome anything that comes your way.
  • Chasing a dream requires hard work, passion, and many sacrifices. We can’t wait to see you accomplish everything your heart desires.
  • Nothing can stop you now. Your next adventure awaits, and we’re excited to see where it leads you.
  • Today is only the first of many amazing moments and I know life has many more in store for you.
  • May your feet always take you where your heart wants to go.
  • Remember, if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
  • Congratulations! Don’t think of this as an ending, but rather, an exciting beginning.

Offerings of Wisdom

graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey it is the beginning of a beautiful one graduation wish on blue background

  • There are no shortcuts to true success. Keep working hard and the rest will follow!
  • Life is full of surprises. Take them in stride and never lose sight of your goals.
  • Challenges and setbacks are a part of life. Learn how to manage your reactions to difficult situations and you’ll be unstoppable.
  • Be curious and bold as you forge through life, and you’ll never go wrong.
  • You’ll continue to soar as long as you stay true to yourself.
  • Never chase other people’s dreams. You’re unique and so are your aspirations.
  • Remain humble, work hard and it will pay off.
  • Never stop growing, exploring, learning, and challenging yourself.
  • School may be over, but life’s lessons are yet to be learned. Keep an open heart and mind. Happy graduation!
  • The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. May you snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Congratulations on graduating.
  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one. Start each day believing in yourself and watch the magic happen.
  • Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. And, before you quit, try.
  • Be bold, be courageous, be your best.
  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one.

Graduation Messages for Sons and Daughters

it seems like just yesterday you were just starting school and now, you’re receiving your diploma graduation wish on a blue background

  • I remember when you were finger painting, now you’re graduating! You’re all grown up now.
  • Cheers to all our late-night study sessions. Clearly, those all-nighters paid off!
  • Seeing you walk across the stage brings me to tears, but I couldn’t be happier. Congratulations.
  • Your big day is finally here. Relish your accomplishment and cherish the memories.
  • I can’t believe you’re ready for this next phase of life. I’m confident that you’re prepared to tackle whatever lies ahead.
  • I’ve watched you grow into a mature, responsible and confident young adult. You’re well on your way to achieving even greater success!
  • From when you were little to this very day, you continue giving us reasons to hold our heads up in pride. Congratulations on your achievement!
  • It seems like just yesterday you were just starting school and now, you’re receiving your diploma. It’s been a joy to watch you grow and achieve so much these past four years.
  • It's true what they say, time flies, but I'm glad we've created incredible memories together that I'll cherish forever. Congratulations, graduate!
  • I closed my eyes for but a moment and suddenly you stood where my baby used to be. I may not carry you now in my arms, but I will always carry you in my heart. Congratulations on this special achievement.
  • Know what makes your graduation extra special? It’s having watched you grow up, sharing amazing memories with you, and knowing all the challenges you’ve worked through to get to this day. You did it, kid.

Famous Quotes

graduation wish on blue background

  • “You will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal. There really is only one, and that is this: To fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “Just go for it. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to start it. Nothing is ever perfect, but it can’t be improved until it exists.” — Issa Rae
  • “Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. And, when you stumble, keep faith. And, when you're knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can't or shouldn't go on.” — Hillary Clinton
  • “It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” — Henry David Thoreau
  • “Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” — Michael Josephson
  • “Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here. Make good art.” — Neil Gaiman
  • “Go forth and set the world on fire.” — St. Ignatius Loyola
  • “There is no excuse to wait a day to do what you want to do and to change the way that you want to change." — Sophia Bush
  • "Fall forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success. You've got to take risks." — Denzel Washington
  • "You don't have a job? Get one. Any job! Don't sit at home waiting for the magical opportunity. Do something until you can do something else."— Shonda Rhimes
  • "Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead." — Nora Ephron

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99 Inspiring Graduation Wishes to Write in Their Card

Say congratulations with these heartfelt expressions.

preview for Best Commencement Advice for New Graduates

Our list of graduation wishes also includes inspiring quotes from graduation songs and a set of inspirational quotes that might be just the words you are looking for, or you can peruse more quotes about graduation too. So select the best words for this graduate in particular, pull out a favorite pen, and get to writing before the celebration begins (check out our Best Graduation Party Ideas to Celebrate the Guest of Honor for more on that). Your graduate is sure to appreciate the special touch of a personal message!

For even more Country Living graduation gifts and party ideas:

  • Graduation Gift Ideas for the Class of 2024
  • Awesome Graduation Party Ideas That Will Earn Your Bash an A+
  • Graduation Party Food Ideas That Say "You Did It!"

Graduation Wishes and Congratulations

happy university graduate and her father having fun while taking selfie with smart phone

  • Oh the places you will go! Congratulations on your graduation.
  • Congratulations on graduating and here's to your next adventure!
  • We're over the moon for you and proud of your big achievement!
  • You're a class act!
  • Congrats and best wishes for your next chapter!
  • Best of luck on your new beginnings!
  • Congratulations on your momentous accomplishment!
  • You did it, Graduate! Congratulations!
  • Congrats! The sky's the limit and we cannot wait to see what your achieve next!
  • We're so proud of you, and honored to celebrate graduation day with you!
  • You are a star in the making! Congrats and shine on!
  • We're so happy for you! Celebrate your accomplishment and keep on shining!
  • Caps off to you, Graduate!
  • Congratulations on your big day! We knew you could do it!
  • Cheers to the new graduate! Best wishes for your future!
  • Bravo! What an outstanding achievement!
  • Congratulations - the sky is your limit! Fly high!
  • Cheers to four years!
  • We are very proud of you and celebrate your beautiful journey! Congratulations to you!
  • Congrats and may all your dreams come true!
  • High five and hugs! You did it!
  • Nothing can stop you now, Graduate! Keep reaching for the stars!
  • The world is your oyster! Kudos on your big day!
  • You are just getting started! We are so proud of you and look forward to your next chapter!
  • Sending well wishes and congratulations as you celebrate this wonderful milestone!
  • We love you and congratulations on your big day! Graduation is only the beginning of your journey.

Funny Messages for Graduation Cards

group of friends posing for selfie in graduation outfits

  • You're one smart cookie!
  • A toast to the graduate! Do you prefer white or wheat?
  • Why did the graduate cross the road? To move back in with her parents.
  • Here’s to the end of eating Top Ramen!
  • My hope for you is that your awesome memories of college last longer than your student loans.
  • Isn’t it amazing how far people can go with Google and Wikipedia around to help?
  • Congratulations on your graduation. Education is the key to unlocking your potential. The diploma helps a wee bit also.
  • Congrats on filling a minimum job requirement!
  • I lost a bet. You graduated.
  • Hard work: check! Diploma: check! Make some money: more checks!
  • I hate to break it to you, but that was the easiest part of your adult life.
  • Who would have thought that in just six years you'd graduate. That was way faster than I expected.
  • The tassel is worth the hassle! You did it!

Wise Words for Graduates

portrait of three college students in graduation gowns and caps

  • Follow your heart. It knows the way.
  • Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. And, before you quit, try.
  • Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know.
  • Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
  • With love and patience, nothing is impossible.
  • May you always dare to do great things with your life.
  • Life is a journey and only you hold the map.
  • Shoot for the stars and if you miss you’ll land among stars.
  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one.
  • Take your time celebrating. Take it easy for a while. Then get ready to take on the world!
  • Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride!

Sentimental Sayings for Graduation

three friends walking in graduation robes and caps

  • With grit and determination like yours, nothing can hold you back. On to the next adventure!
  • We're proud of your achievements, but even more proud of the person you've become.
  • May you celebrate graduation recalling fond memories from your past and dreaming exciting visions of your future.
  • We can't wait to see what's next in your journey.
  • Go into the world and do well, but more importantly, go into the world and do good.
  • Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go.
  • It has been a privilege to watch you grow into the person you are today.
  • Let your dream be your wings to carry you into the future.
  • From when you were a child until today, you have only given us reason to hold our heads up in pride.
  • Your graduation day is a proud day for you and a dream come true for our family.

Inspiring Quotes for Graduates

hispanic student giving speech at graduation

  • “Success is loving life and daring to live it.” — Maya Angelou
  • “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
  • “All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them.” — Viola Davis
  • “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” — Bruce Lee
  • “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” — C.S. Lewis
  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” — Confucius
  • “Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.” ― Aisha Tyler
  • “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney
  • “The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are. So make up your own rules.” — Neil Gaiman
  • “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
  • “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” — Thomas Jefferson
  • “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” — Booker T. Washington
  • “Go forth and set the world on fire.” — St. Ignatius Loyola
  • “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” — Babe Ruth
  • “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” — Anthony Robbins
  • “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go...” — Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
  • “Be bold, be courageous, be your best.” — Gabrielle Giffords
  • “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” — Winston Churchill
  • “Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.” — Leonardo da Vinci
  • “It is absolutely still possible to make a difference.” — Michelle Obama
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.” — Steve Jobs
  • “If I must give any of you advice it would be say yes. Say yes, and create your own destiny.” — Maya Rudolph
  • “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” — Stephen Hawking

Inspiring Quotes from Graduation Songs

graduating students hands throwing graduation caps in the air

  • “There's always gonna be another mountain. I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle. Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain’t about how fast I get there. Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb.” — The Climb by Miley Cyrus
  • “It's time now to sing out / Tho' the story never ends / Let's celebrate / Remember a year in the life of friends / Remember the love / Remember the love / Remember the love / Measure in love / Measure, measure your life in love” — Seasons of Love by RENT Cast
  • “I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly / I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky / And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change and breakaway.” — Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
  • “So just think of your future / Think of a new life / Don't get lost in the memories / Keep your eyes on a new prize” — Future by Paramore
  • “I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance. Never settle for the path of least resistance. Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking.” — I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack
  • “Don't be shocked when your hist'ry book mentions me / I will lay down my life if it sets us free / Eventually, you'll see my ascendancy” — My Shot by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Daveed Diggs, Leslie Odom Jr., Anthony Ramos, and Okieriete Onaodowan
  • “Who doesn't know what I'm talking about? Who's never left home? Who's never struck out to find a dream and a life of their own? A place in the clouds, a foundation of stone.” — Wide Open Spaces by The Chicks
  • “Well, I never lived the dreams of the prom kings and the drama queens. I'd like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve. They love to tell you stay inside the lines, but something's better on the other side.” — No Such Thing by John Mayer
  • “We are young, so let's set the world on fire. We can burn brighter than the sun.” — We Are Young by Fun. ft. Janelle Monáe
  • “Whenever you remember time's gone by, remember how we held our heads so high. When all this world was there for us, and we believed that we could touch the sky. Whenever you remember, I'll be there. Remember how we reached that dream together.” — Whenever You Remember by Carrie Underwood
  • “I am unwritten, can't read my mind. I'm undefined. I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand. Ending unplanned.” — Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
  • “I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time. Know there was something that meant something that I left behind. When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets. Leave something to remember, so they won't forget.” — I Was Here by Beyoncé
  • “Keep thinking times will never change. Keep on thinking things will always be the same, but when we leave this year we won't be coming back. No more hanging out cause we're on a different track.” — Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C
  • “There's just no telling how far I'll go.” — How Far I’ll Go from Moana by Auli'i Cravalho

Headshot of Jill Gleeson

Jill Gleeson is a travel journalist and memoirist based in the Appalachian Mountains of western Pennsylvania who has written for websites and publications including Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, Country Living, Washingtonian, Gothamist, Canadian Traveller, and EDGE Media Network. Jill is the travel editor for Enchanted Living. Learn more about her journey at

Janece Maze is Associate Editor at Country Living , where she covers DIY projects, gardening, and travel. When she’s not in the kitchen creating a new recipe with farm fresh ingredients, you can find her on the road heading to a music festival or browsing a local consignment shop.  

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what to write in phd graduation card

Ph.D. Congratulations Message : A Ph.D. degree is a significant step toward a brighter future. Congratulate them on earning their doctorate and becoming a doctor of their own choosing. Send them warm congratulations while acknowledging their difficulties and sacrifices. Thank your brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, teacher, friends, or other loved ones for earning their doctorate degree and make them feel proud of themselves. Obtaining a doctorate degree is a tremendous accomplishment, so express your gratitude by congratulating them!

Ph.D. Congratulations Message

Congratulations on your doctorate. I’ve seen you working hard day and night, and now your efforts have paid off handsomely; I’m proud of you.

You left no stone unturned during these years, and I want you to know that I am extremely proud of you. Congratulations on your Ph.D.

Congratulations on your hard-won Doctorate! I hope this serves as a launching pad for your future ventures!

Congratulations on finishing your Ph.D. and making us all proud. You’ve always been so dedicated, and I’m sure it’s very inspiring.

You never took pride in your accomplishments, but now is the time to do so. You nailed it and outperformed us all. I’m very proud of you, mate.

Years of hard work and endurance have finally resulted in this prestigious achievement! Congratulations, Dr.

Congratulations on achieving this Ph.D. degree and shining brightly. Your efforts appear to have paid off. My dear brother, I am so proud of you.

My heartfelt congratulations on completing your studies and earning your degree. I am pleased to call you my sister.

Your dream of having a doctorate degree to your name has finally come true. I’ve never been more proud of myself than I am today. I adore you so much.

Dear Son, heartfelt congratulations on obtaining a Ph.D. God bless you always. I adore you.

Congratulations on receiving your doctorate. Thank you for leading by example, teacher. Many congratulations on your extraordinary success.

Congratulations on your Ph.D. completion! Your perseverance and compassion are truly inspiring!

Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! I admire your perseverance and hard work!

I am proud of you for completing your doctorate. May God also help you to realize your other goals. I adore you.

This doctorate degree guarantees a prosperous future for you! Mr. Doctor, you now have wings and can fly high. Congratulations!

It gives me great pleasure and honor to hear that your efforts have finally paid off with this Ph.D. degree.

Congratulations on completing your Ph.D. I’m very proud of you.

I am overjoyed to hear about your tremendous success! Congratulations! Your accomplishment is outstanding!

I extend my heartfelt congratulations on your continued success. Many happy returns of the day, and congratulations on completing your Ph.D.

Ph.D. Congratulations Card Messages

You nailed it, Finally! Congratulations, Doctor, on your well-earned doctorate.

Congratulations on completing your Ph.D.! I hope all of your struggles have been worthwhile and that you can now soar higher than ever. Best regards for the future.

Congratulations on earning your doctorate. Now that you’ve reached this milestone, I hope you find happiness and fulfillment in your life as well.

You have once again demonstrated your dedication and fortitude. Congratulations on your Ph.D.! I am overjoyed for your success.

Dear sister, you have truly demonstrated your self-dedication and perseverance. May God bless you with all of the success that awaits you. Congratulations on your doctorate.

Thank you for demonstrating once again how strong and dedicated you are to achieving your goals. I adore you, my son. Congratulations on your graduation.

Congratulations on your tremendous success. Your perseverance and hard work have finally paid off, and you now hold a doctorate degree in your hands. I adore you so much.

Thank you for keeping our heads held high and completing the Ph.D. I am extremely proud of you for your courage and dedication in earning this.

Your long-held ambition of earning a Ph.D. has finally come true. Congratulations on your accomplishment. You’ve inspired all of us to dream big and work hard to make them a reality.

Congratulations Message for Doctor Degree

Congratulations on receiving your doctorate! This is undoubtedly one of many accomplishments to come!

Congratulations on receiving your doctorate! Your perseverance has paid off, and you have reached the pinnacle of your academic career! Best wishes for the future!

Congratulations! You have shown the world that with hard work, any dream can be achieved!

Congratulations on receiving your doctorate! You consistently live up to your reputation and make us proud!

Success comes to those who have worked tirelessly to achieve it. Congratulations and best wishes!

Congratulations on earning your Doctorate! Your perseverance, patience, and hard work were bound to pay off! This accomplishment makes us very happy!

Congratulations, Dr. With your performance, you have earned this title! Best wishes!

Congratulations on receiving your doctorate! Your incredible dedication and hard work have amazed us!

Funny Ph.D. Wishes

Congratulations on your doctorate! I’m sure your body is running on more coffee than blood by now!

Congratulations! I’m glad you got your doctorate before going completely bald!

Life cannot knock you down if you have survived pursuing a Ph.D.! Congratulations!

Congratulations on your Ph.D. completion! Allow your brain some time to relax to avoid short-circuiting!

Congratulations! After earning your degree, it’s time to interact with the outside world.

Regardless of the fact that you are now a doctor, do not perform CPR! Congratulations!

Best Wishes and Proud Messages

Congratulations on your Ph.D.! Your achievement reflects your burning passion!

Congratulations on completing your Ph.D.! May this achievement inspire you to thrive even more in the future! My best wishes are with you!

Congratulations on your well-earned doctorate! May you do great things for the world!

Congratulations on your doctorate! Best wishes for your future successes and endeavors!

This goal was not easy to achieve, but you never gave up. Best wishes and congratulations!

Congratulations on your doctorate! We have been impressed by your outstanding academic performance throughout the journey.

We are overjoyed to learn about your academic achievements! Congratulations on your doctorate! You have made us the proudest ever!

Your achievements never cease to astound us! Congratulations on completing your Ph.D. successfully!

A doctorate degree is not easy to obtain. To obtain this, one must make significant sacrifices. After all the hardship, the person who obtains a Ph.D. deserves to be praised wholeheartedly. Sending congratulatory messages with your warm and enthusiastic words will brighten the situation. A Ph.D. or Doctorate is the highest level of education that anyone can obtain, and it is more than just a degree. Allow him/her to enjoy the moment of achieving the hard-earned doctorate degree, as it will bring a new perspective into one’s life. Send them some heartfelt Ph.D. congratulations to make them feel good about themselves, as such a degree should be celebrated without a doubt. Years of hard work have culminated in such an accomplishment, which deserves to be celebrated. Let us wish them a sunny day, a pocket full of dreams, and congratulate them with encouraging words sincerely.

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PhD congratulations messages and quotes for card, graduation, Instagram

Achieving a PhD degree is an achievement for many. Many people find it hard to complete their degree in time because of other commitments in life. Anyone that gets to graduate and earn the doctorate title is a star that deserves PhD congratulations messages and plenty of gifts.

PhD congratulations


Sweet phd congratulations messages, congratulations on your phd for instagram, phd graduation wishes.

A short congratulations for a PhD graduate will only take a few minutes of your time. Compose a sweet message, reminding them of how hardworking they are and wishing them the best. The sky is the limit for many, and if your friend or family attained that honour under challenging circumstances, your message would be an encouragement for many not to give up.

PhD congratulations messages and quotes

Earning a PhD degree is a big stepping stone towards a brighter future. Congratulate them for achieving the doctorate and becoming a doctor. Here are some of the best messages and quotes:

what to write in phd graduation card

110+ college graduation captions to celebrate your success

Your brother, sister, son, daughter, or friend deserve a hearty congratulations for your PhD message to achieve their doctorate. You have probably shared their journey as they studied and researched, and it is only fair that you be by their side when they are graduating. Tell them congratulations, doctor, and recognize the effort they put into earning the doctorate.

  • After all the hard work you put in, you sure deserve what you have. Congratulations on your PhD bestie.
  • You nailed it! Congratulations, doctor, on your hard-earned doctoral degree.
  • Congratulations to you on becoming a PhD holder! I hope all the struggles are worth it.
  • This is great success for you and your family. Now you can soar higher than ever.
  • Best wishes for the future. Your PhD is only one of the many goals that you are set to achieve.
  • You have proved again how dedicated and strong-willed you are. Congratulations on your new target, doc.
  • Evidently, the years of hard work and dedication has finally resulted in the most significant fruit you have ever wanted, baby. Many congratulations on your degree.
  • Congratulation on the degree, my son. I wish you all the love and success in life ahead!
  • I am so happy, my best friend, that your years of hard work has finally paid off in the best way possible. Best wishes on your PhD degree.
  • You have made us proud every day with everything you have achieved so far. It's a pleasure to have a daughter like you. Congrats on your great success!
  • Well done, doctor. I wish you more success and prosperity in the days to come.
  • I wish that all the goals that you have set become more attainable, especially now that the biggest dream of your life has already come true. Best wishes on your achievements!
  • You have proven to many that all things are possible despite one’s circumstances.
  • Wishing you the best in your future endeavours. The doctorate is only one among many wins.
  • Congratulations sister! Being the first in the family to earn a PhD is sure a one-of-a-kind achievement.
  • Thank you for proving once again how strong and dedicated you are when it comes to achieving your goals. Congratulations on your doctorate.

what to write in phd graduation card

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PhD congratulations

  • I love you so much, mom. Congratulations on your degree. I, too, wish to achieve half of what you have achieved.
  • Congratulations on achieving your doctorate. Please receive our warm greetings as a family.
  • Now that you have completed such a milestone, I pray you find happiness and satisfaction in life as well.
  • We always knew the wonderful person you are behind your geeky glasses. I am so happy you made it to the top. Many congrats on your PhD degree!
  • Success was always obliged to come before you. With the right attitude and determination of all those years!
  • A hearty congratulations for getting the doctor title finally. Kudos to the hard work you put in!
  • Hard work always pays off! A quote has proven true by you today, doctor.
  • You are truly inspirational. The hard work and efforts you put into your endeavours are beyond excellent. Congratulations on another success to you!
  • A doctorate comes with a great deal of respect from everybody, the respect you have rightfully earned. Congratulations!
  • It’s a success for everyone who supported you in your days of hard work. Congratulations to you and your family and friends!
  • Who would have thought that you would have a PhD at such a young age? Congratulation on such a significant success.
  • Congratulations on your PhD baby. Your hardship and efforts have finally paid you off with a doctorate in your hand.
  • Seeing you burn the midnight oil to complete your work while being a wholesome mother was fulfilling. Love you so much.
  • You have never been prideful but modest in your achievements. I am so proud of you, my son. Congratulations.
  • Many congrats on your PhD degree. Not many have achieved what you have at such a young age.

what to write in phd graduation card

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Post your friend on social media and share how proud you are of their achievement by writing lovely doctorate congratulations texts beneath their pictures. It is a flex to have friends who are academic giants and intelligent.

  • Years of hard work and dedication has finally resulted in the most significant fruit you have ever wanted, son.
  • I cannot wait to see you change the world with the knowledge you gained at school. Many congratulations on your PhD degree!
  • Congratulation on the degree, my baby. I wish you all the love and success in life ahead!
  • You have worked hard, and now you can enjoy the fruits. Congratulations on your doctorate.
  • A PhD is not an easy task at all. It takes blood, sweat and a lot of coffee. Congratulations, brother, you made it.
  • It’s probably the best day of your life. Celebrate with a bash doctor. You’ve proved yourself worthy of the title.
  • This is just the beginning. Your flight of success has taken off, and guess what? You're the pilot. You're going to take yourself to places!
  • Being honoured with the highest degree is an honour in itself. Congratulations, doctor, on your success.
  • Perseverance is one key that has landed you in such a remarkable position of attaining your PhD degree. Many congrats!
  • I wish you all the best for all your future endeavours and that you achieve all the more success after your PhD.
  • Congratulations, Dr Nerd, on your success. We always knew that you are going to make it to the top.
  • Congratulations on this outstanding feat. Well done, son. You couldn’t have made me any prouder.
  • Congratulations doctor. You are indeed the sweetest and the most handsome doctor, and I'm proud to be your sister.
  • Our faculty and staff are incredibly proud of our young doctorates who have accomplished this task with their hard work. Please enjoy your fruits.
  • Congratulations on your achievement. I wish you a successful and bright life ahead.
  • Congratulations. Your dissertation was impeccable. Best wishes.
  • Congratulations. Your academic publications reveal a sharp intellect and an observant nature. Well done.
  • Congratulations dear. You have worked so hard; it is time for you to enjoy the efforts of your labour.
  • Your area of specialization is not pursued by many. You are a gem in the community.

what to write in phd graduation card

Motivational bio for Telegram: 100+ best and creative ideas

PhD congratulations

  • You have shown remarkable courage and brilliance. We wish you all luck and success in life.
  • Congratulations on making a mark on your own steam. No small feat indeed. Blessings.
  • Congratulations on being the most intellectual of us all. I never could manage to study so much. But you are different. You have done it.
  • Many see the results, but not the hard work, sleepless, anxiety-full nights that you must have put in. Congratulations are in order, doc.
  • You walked on the journey. Congratulations on your hard work and zeal for success!
  • We have a doctor in the family! We are so proud of you, doc.
  • Your success begins when you start believing in it. Congratulations on earning your PhD and believing in yourself!
  • Congratulations doctor. Your motivation and optimism is an inspiration to many.
  • Hearty congratulations from us, your friends. Stay the same. Keep flying and attaining greater heights!

what to write in phd graduation card

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Sending people cards is one of the oldest ways of saying that you remember your friends and recognize their achievement. Buy that card today and send warm graduation greetings.

  • Keep that sharp brain behind thick glasses ticking with newer ways for making the world more aware. Congratulations and best wishes.
  • Best wishes for this important milestone in your life and career. May there be many more to come.
  • Congratulations on never losing faith in yourself and always believing in yourself and your research. Good luck.
  • Head up, chin up and always proud to be a girl. See what places your confidence has taken you. So proud of you.
  • Congratulations on receiving your hard-earned doctoral degree. Best wishes for the future.
  • Many congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment. Not many start and complete their doctorate degrees without giving up.
  • I can only imagine how excited you are that you have earned this degree. Congratulations, doc.
  • It has been a pleasure watching you successfully present your dissertation. Congratulations on your graduation.
  • Good things come to those who wait for them, and you sure have witnessed that. Congratulations, pal!
  • You were always the most dedicated and disciplined student I have ever come across. Congratulations on what you have achieved.
  • You are allowed to take a break now. You have worked too hard. Many congratulations on your degree.
  • Best wishes on your PhD degree. This is an achievement that everyone is proud of.
  • You have made us proud every day with everything you have achieved so far. Please come and celebrate with us as you shine in your gown.
  • It’s a pleasure to have a daughter like you. Congrats on your success! You are now a doctor!
  • I cannot imagine that my baby is now a whole doctor. Congratulations on your PhD, son.
  • I wish that all the goals that you have set become more attainable now since the biggest dream of your life has already come true. Congrats.
  • Please be happy and rejoice in hitting your target. Best wishes on your achievements!
  • Congratulations, my lovely sister. I wish you all the best for all your future endeavours and that you achieve all the more success after your PhD.
  • Today will always be a special day for you. Congratulations and scale higher heights.

what to write in phd graduation card

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PhD graduation wishes

  • We always knew the intellectual person you are behind your geeky glasses. Congratulations, doctor!
  • I am so happy you made it to the top. Many congrats on your PhD degree! You are a winner.
  • You have always been a high achiever since elementary. I am so proud of you, my daughter.
  • Success was always obliged to come before you, with the right attitude and determination of all those years.
  • I wish society could produce many more like you. You are truly inspirational. Congratulations on your PhD, sir.
  • The great hard work and efforts you put into your endeavours are beyond excellent. Congratulations on another success to you!
  • A doctorate comes with a great deal of admiration from everybody. You are our hero.
  • You have indeed worked for the respect that you have rightfully earned. Congratulations on your doctorate.
  • We are grateful to God for the great victory He has bestowed upon you this day. Congratulations.
  • It's a success for everyone who offered you great support in your days of hard work. So, congratulations to you on your achievement.
  • We take great pride in the far you have come and we have faith in the far you will go. Congrats on the big milestone you have achieved this day.

what to write in phd graduation card

50+ heart-touching birthday wishes for teachers from students

PhD congratulations cards and messages are an excellent way of making your friend who just got their doctorate feel happy about what they have. Share that lovely message and brighten their day. You can even throw them a little party to celebrate the day with them. Graduating with a PhD is a milestone for many. published a post about inspiring WhatsApp status to uplift your lives. They can also motivate you to keep the fire burning in whatever you are doing in life.

The status comes in handy if you seeking to find mental solutions to your problems. Overall, the statuses will help you to find a balance in life, especially between bad and good life instances.


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What to Write in a Graduation Card: 50+ Messages and Wishes

Last Updated: April 19, 2018

All > Graduation > What to Write in a Graduation Card: 50+ Messages and Wishes

That special student in your life is finally about to become a graduate. This calls for a celebration of their accomplishments and warm wishes for their future. A graduation card is the perfect way to show the graduate how proud of them you are.

If you’re attending a graduation party or ceremony, or were invited to one but can’t attend, you should give the graduate a card to celebrate their accomplishments. Here are some tips on writing a heartfelt graduation card.

What to Write in a Graduation Card

The grad will appreciate that you took the time to write them a special message. If you’re not sure where to start, these graduation message ideas will help you craft a sentimental card!

  • Congratulate the graduate on all of their hard work.
  • Bestow advice or inspiration from your life experiences. What did you wish you knew at their age?
  • Use a joke when appropriate.
  • Make it personal by sharing one of your favorite memories of them.
  • Wish them well and focus on the future.

Congratulatory Graduation Messages

A congratulatory graduation message is a versatile option when writing a card. These can be less personal and therefore appropriate if you don’t know the graduate that well. They’re also a good starting point for a close friend or family member.

General congratulatory messages

  • Congratulations! You did it just like we knew you would!
  • You have made us so proud, we can’t wait to see what your future brings.
  • So honored to celebrate your graduation day with you, and very proud of you, too!
  • Education is the key to unlocking your potential. The diploma helps a little, too. Congrats!

Congratulatory messages for high school graduates

  • Congrats! [Future college] is lucky to have you!
  • [College/ trade school/ job] will be such an exciting endeavor. Congratulations!
  • Even with the added stress of [list their extra-curricular activities] you succeeded with flying colors. Congratulations!

Congratulatory messages for college graduates

  • Congratulations you are going to be a wonderful [teacher, doctor, etc.]!
  • Be proud of your accomplishment! You made it!
  • For all the lack of sleep, late night studies and hard work, your reward is here. Congratulations to you.

Inspirational Graduation Messages

If you want your grad to look towards the future, try using an inspirational message to get them excited about what’s to come. They’ve probably went through a lot of stress earning their degree and could use some words of encouragement.

  • Life is a journey and only you hold the map!
  • Don’t strive to make your presence noticed. Live to make your absence felt.
  • Being a graduate doesn’t mean that you know everything—but you are better prepared to learn what life has in store for you.
  • You have such an exciting adventure ahead of you!
  • This degree is a stepping stone to assist you in realizing your full potential. Congratulations!
  • “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • Don’t be afraid to carve out your own path. You have all of the tools you need.
  • You worked so hard for this degree, but it is everything that you learned that will propel you to success.
  • Take this great achievement and turn your dreams into your plans.
  • On your graduation day, we honor your journey and your destination. We are looking forward to seeing you embark on a new leg of your adventure!

Funny Graduation Messages

Sometimes it’s all too serious. It’s okay to lighten the mood a bit. Funny quotes are great as long as you know the grad’s sense of humor. These can be enhanced with a funny memory or used to give them a dose of the “real world” that’s to come.

  • Respect your elders. We graduated without Google.
  • Even though I’m upset about losing my bet, congratulations on graduating! Just kidding, I always knew you could do it.
  • Congrats on filling a minimum job requirement!
  • It’s been such a long journey, did you ever think the day would finally come? I didn’t either!
  • Wow, that is one expensive piece of paper. Congrats on your piece of paper!

Funny messages for college graduates

  • Don’t forget to thank those who were always there for you during your time at school: caffeine, instant ramen and Wikipedia.
  • Hate to break it to you, but that was the easiest part of your adult life…
  • My hope for you is that your amazing college memories last longer than your student loans.
  • Do you realize that now you’ll be PAID to work instead of paying to work!?
  • Now that you’ve graduated, maybe you will be smart enough to figure out how to pay back your student loans.

Graduation Messages for Daughter

With her new degree, she can do anything she puts her mind to. Let your daughter know that she is loved and supported. You also have full permission to get nostalgic and cause some tears.

  • It has been a privilege to watch you grow into the woman you are today.
  • Time flies. It seems like just yesterday when we were holding you in our arms for the first time! We are so proud to see our little bundle of joy grow into such a capable and intelligent woman. Continue making us proud sweetheart!
  • We see that you are a powerful woman with the world in your hands, but in our hearts you will always be our little girl.
  • Congratulations! Chasing dreams is not an easy job, but you’ve done it! It required passion, commitment and dedication. We love you!
  • We still remember your first day of school. We were nervous for you to be away from us. That same feeling arose when we moved you into the dorm. Now we understand that it’s never easy to let you go, but the fact that you are so well prepared for your future makes it a little easier.
  • “She turned her can’ts into cans, and her dreams into plans.” – Kobi Yamada
  • To our little girl on her graduation day. Remember to relentlessly pursue what you want. Just don’t forget to stay humble along the way. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Congrats, sweetheart.
  • We are so proud of how intelligent, caring and driven you are everyday—we can not wait to see the places you go! You can do anything. We love you.
  • We take pride in being your parents, especially on days like this. We think about you often and love you so, so much.
  • The biggest honor is having you as our daughter.
  • You’ve always been a hard worker driven by your passions and dreams. Congratulations!

Graduation Messages for Son

He worked really hard to get where he is today, and now he gets to celebrate his accomplishments. Show your son that you are proud of the man that he has become. Don’t be afraid to get a little mushy.

  • Time really flies! Our baby boy is a graduate and we are so proud.
  • “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan
  • Here’s to the variety of new opportunities that have opened for you, our son. Enjoy your graduation day. We love you!
  • We are always proud to call you our son, but today we are especially proud. Congratulations!
  • It has been an amazing treat, to watch your journey of growth from a little boy to the man you are today. But remember, you’ll always be our little boy in our hearts.
  • We love and support you as always, and we couldn’t be prouder to be your parents.
  • I remember the day that you got accepted into your dream school. You were so excited. Then we moved you in and you were off on your own! We are so proud of you for striking out on your own and completing this major accomplishment. Congrats, we love you!
  • Congratulations on this achievement—the world is at your fingertips. Don’t forget that we are always a phone call away.
  • Sometimes we wished that you didn’t grow up so fast, but then we figured out that that would keep us from seeing you turn into the intelligent and handsome young man that you are today. Congratulations!
  • After [number of] years of hard work, your big day has come and you’re walking at graduation. We knew you could do it!

Graduation Messages for a Friend

Good friends have been there through the ups and downs. Celebrate your journey together and your big accomplishments by writing them a heartfelt card filled with your favorite memories.

  • I know that you are an accomplished graduate and all, but don’t forget to call me every once and awhile!
  • Even though we joke around a lot, in all honesty I am very proud to call you my friend.
  • Wow, how did I get so lucky to have such a smart and hard working friend?! Congratulations!
  • It is so great to see all of your hard work come together to accomplish this goal; live it up and celebrate. It’s your time!

Messages for when you attended the same school

  • I’m thankful for all of the fun times we’ve had these past four years, and know that I’ve made a lifelong friend!
  • All of those hours spent at the library were worth it. Congratulations!
  • I am so grateful that we got to share so many memories these past years!

Messages for when you attended different schools

  • Although I wish that we could’ve experienced college together, I am so happy for you and your achievements.
  • Looking back, it’s probably a good thing we didn’t go to school together. Otherwise you may not have made it to graduation!
  • I’m so happy that our friendship survived through these hectic times. Congratulations, I am proud of you!

These messages could be used on their own, but depending on your relationship with the grad, we suggest including a personal message, memory or advice for their future. If you want give a gift along with their card then consider something personalized and unique for your grad. Handwritten cards and personalized gifts really show that you put extra care and thought into their gift. After all, they deserve sincere accolades for their hard work!

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What To Write In A Graduation Card

Summertime is in the air — along with graduation caps at high schools and colleges all over the country. Not to mention kindergartens and graduate schools , too! It really is an exciting time for graduates of all levels—which means with graduation season comes announcements in your mailbox, invitations on your calendar, and graduation cards on your shopping list.

Celebrate the monumental achievement of graduation with American Greetings! Explore exciting graduation greetings with musical and animated ecards , unleash your creativity with DIY Creatacards and have fun personalizing SmashUps™ with their name. Whether you can’t be there in person or want to take a custom, printable card to the next graduation party, American Greetings has everything you need to make your congratulatory message stand out!

So, once you've found the perfect card for your proud grad, how do you come up with the perfect graduation wishes? No worries. We’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of ideas for what to write in a graduation card.


  • “ If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” — William Arthur Ward
  • “Be bold, be courageous, be your best.” — Gabrielle Giffords
  • “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” — Les Brown
  • “Success is loving life and daring to live it.” ― Maya Angelou
  • “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” — Nora Ephron
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Accept no one’s definition of your life, define yourself.” — Harvey Fierstein
  • “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” — Helen Keller
  • “ What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them.” — Viola Davis


  • This is just the beginning of the incredible things you can do. Congratulations!
  • You have what it takes to do truly wonderful things. Congratulations!
  • The world is waiting for you, (Name)!
  • You have so much to offer (Name). Wishing you a most beautiful future!
  • You worked hard to get here—and from today forward, anything is possible!
  • You did it. Way to go! Success is yours.


  • The tassle is worth the hassle! You did it! Congrats, (Name).
  • Hey grad, hope you know how relieved we are for you. Way to go!
  • One degree equals two happy parents. So proud of you, honey!
  • You know all the things! Now go have all the adventures!
  • Your college years are behind you, but the memories will be with you forever. Kind of like your student loans, but let’s not get into that.
  • “So long as your desire to explore is greater than your desire to not screw up, you’re on the right track.” — Ed Helms
  • You’ve always been smart … but now you have the papers to prove it. Congratulations!
  • “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” — Mark Twain
  • “The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing about your life, is that there is no core curriculum. The entire place is an elective.” — Jon Stewart


  • Graduate, I always knew you were special. Happy Graduation!
  • Congratulations! You're amazing! Very best wishes to you in everything you do.
  • You graduated! Yay, you!
  • Congrats, grad! Time to take on the world!
  • Cheers to the end of late-night cram sessions and the start of new adventures!
  • Look at you, all graduated and everything. You da bomb!
  • If you ever hear random clapping, it’s probably me still cheering you on. Congrats on your degree!
  • Hats off to you on your special day!
  • Congratulations to the Class of 2024. YOU ROCK!


  • Congratulations on your graduation, (Name)! We’re so excited to see where life takes you.
  • Keep reaching for the stars and remember that I’ll always be here cheering you on.
  • Your passion for learning and hard work has brought you to this amazing achievement. Congratulations!
  • On this momentous occasion, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you. Happy Graduation
  • As you celebrate your graduation, remember to cherish the friends and memories you’ve made along the way … and look forward to the bright opportunities ahead!
  • (First Name), wherever your dreams take you … I hope you'll find happiness waiting!
  • Graduation is ...  A happy event, an exciting, fresh start … A time to feel proud and to follow your heart. Congratulations!
  • Wishing you a future filled with success, happiness and endless opportunities.


Graduation card messages don’t have to be hard to compose. They just have to be sincere, thoughtful and upbeat. No sweat, right? Now that you know what to write in a graduation card, join American Greetings to unlock member benefits and personalize and send unlimited digital and printable graduation greetings today.

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What to Write in a Graduation Card (78 Messages, Wishes, Quotes, and Congratulations)

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Picking the gift can be the easy part. What should you write in the graduation card? In this post, you’ll find 78 ready to use wishes, messages, quotes, and sentiments, plus tips for customizing what to write in a graduation card. Plus some tips about what to avoid. Let’s get started!

What to Write in a Graduation Card (Quick Quote Guide)

You’re proud of a special graduate, and congratulations are in order, but what to write in a graduation card? You want to say just the right thing to let your graduate know you wish them well, but you’re not exactly a wordsmith.

So, what do you do? We’ve got the solution for you right here!

Refer to this guide that we’ve organized with 78 quotes from across the web. Whether it’s general well-wishes, funny quotes, personal messages for a family member, or sentimental expressions, we’ve got it covered for you.

Graduation messages

78 graduation quotes? Yes, I know – that’s a lot. If you want a shortcut, just choose the one bolded message in each section.

These are my favorites and should make the process much faster.

15 Graduation Wishes and Congratulations

  • “Wishing you the very best on your graduation day and beyond. Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!”
  • “Great results come from hard work. Well done!”
  • “Congrats on your successful graduation.”
  • “We’re proud of all of your accomplishments. Congratulations graduate!”
  • “Best wishes for your future. Congratulations.”
  • “Congrats on graduating! I wish you the very best in all your future endeavors. May success always find you.”
  • “Cheers to the new graduate – let’s celebrate your success! I’m sending you my best wishes for a successful future.”
  • “I wish you the best as you step ahead towards new challenges in life. Congrats and may all your other dreams be fulfilled.”
  • “Congrats on your outstanding achievement. Wishing you all the best for the future and all its challenges and opportunities.”
  • “Job well done! Here’s to your exciting new future and all the happiness that comes with it.”
  • “Congratulations graduate! I am confident you will continue to succeed in life. Keep up the good work.”
  • “Kudos for completing this important life step. Remember to always keep climbing the staircase.”
  • “Today is your day. Wishing you all the best for what life now has in store for you.”
  • “Wishing you many more successes in the future. Congratulations graduate!”

Graduation quotes card

10 Funny Graduation Messages

  • “Hard work: check! Good grades: check! Make some money: more checks!”
  • “Congratulations on your graduation. Education is the key to unlocking your potential. The diploma helps a little too.”
  • “We’re all so proud of you. Now that you’ve got your degree, you’ll be buying the beer, right?”
  • “You’ve worked so hard and successfully completed your studies. Now the real work begins with your new teacher – LIFE!”
  • “Congratulations! Now you can finally start getting paid for all your hard work.”
  • “Good looks, brains, heart, and now a diploma too? You’ve really got it all! Congrats!”
  • “Don’t forget to thank those who were always there for you during your time at school: Caffeine, Ramen, and Wikipedia.”
  • “My hope for you is that your amazing college memories last longer than your student loans.”
  • “Congratulations on getting through the easier part of life! Best wishes on the road ahead.”
  • “Your brain is now worth thousands! You have the receipt to prove it!”

10 Card Messages for High School Grads

  • “High school graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one…”
  • “Congrats! [Future college] should be thrilled to have you!”
  • “[College/ trade school/ job] will be such an exciting endeavor. Congratulations!”
  • “Even with the added stress of [list their extra-curricular activities], you succeeded with flying colors. Congratulations!”
  • “High school graduation is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and a beginning; it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future.”
  • “Congratulations on your high school graduation! We can’t wait to see what exciting things you’ll do next.”
  • “We’re very proud of you for graduating high school, and happy about your college acceptance! Best of wishes on the road ahead.”
  • “Congratulations on your high school graduation! It’s been an honor to watch you learn and grow, and we are very proud of the young woman/man that you are today.”
  • “Congratulations on graduating high school. All the best starting college this fall, and be sure to visit us when you’re back in town!”
  • “There are few times in life when you’ll put as much work into a single accomplishment as you did for the last four years. Celebrate!”

graduation congratulations

11 Wishes for College Graduation Cards

  • “Congratulations on completing your college degree. Your hard work and determination is inspiring.”
  • “May your degree unlock many doors to the success you very well deserve. Congratulations!”
  • “A hearty congratulations on your college graduation and wishing you the best for the new beginning in life. May you reach all your goals.”
  • “Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! Looking back, it was all worth it. Wishing you the best in the wonderful career you have chosen.”
  • “Be proud of yourself. Many people never even start college, and many of those who do don’t finish. You did.”
  • “For all the lack of sleep, late-night studies and hard work, your reward is here. Congratulations to you.”
  • “This degree is a stepping stone to assist you in realizing your full potential. Congratulations!”
  • “You worked so hard for this degree, but it is everything that you learned that will propel you to success.”
  • “Congratulations on your hard-earned degree. As is often said, ‘Find a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life’.” We hope you find just the right job for YOU!”
  • “Congrats on your college graduation! Wishing you all the best in your chosen vocation.”
  • “Can’t wait to celebrate your college graduation! You probably have a great bash planned, especially with all the experience under your belt.”

What to say in a graduation card

15 Graduation Sentiments for Friends and Family

  • “We’re proud of your accomplishments and the person you’ve become. Congratulations.”
  • “Congrats on your graduation. We bet you feel like you can take on the world, and you can. But remember we’ll always be here for you.”
  • “From when you were a little kid until today, you have only given us reasons to hold our heads up in pride. We are so happy to have you in our life. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful career.”
  • “We are so amazed at how smart, caring and wonderful you are every day- we can not wait to see the places you go! You can do anything. We love you.”
  • “Congratulations on your graduation, son/daughter. We are so proud to see our little bundle of joy grow into such a fine, mature adult. Continue doing us proud. Best wishes in your future. We love you.”
  • “One degree = two happy parents! Congrats!”
  • “Today you have made your uncle/aunt proud, my dear nephew/niece. I would like to congratulate you on the successful completion of your graduation.”
  • “I still remember when your parents brought you home. Now I get the chance to remember this incredible milestone in your life. Congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of you.”
  • “What a wonderful young woman/man you have become! Calling you a graduate is a proud occasion, and I know that your future is brightest of them all. Congratulations on this special time in your life.”
  • “Congratulations my friend on being a graduate. I hope that this is just the foundation of many accomplishments to come. It’s time for you to celebrate because today is the day you graduate.”
  • “All of your hard work is paying off my friend. Congrats and let’s celebrate.”
  • “We believed. You achieved. Way to go kiddo!”
  • “This wasn’t the first, and it won’t be the last time we get to brag about you.”
  • “I’m so happy that our friendship survived through these hectic times. Congratulations, I am proud of you!”
  • “Know what makes your graduation extra special? It’s having watched you grow up, sharing amazing memories with you, and knowing all the challenges you’ve worked through to get to this day. You did it, kid.”

9 Sentimental Graduation Sentiments

  • “Remember that you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. Congratulations on your graduation. We couldn’t be more proud.”
  • “Prayers and blessings on your graduation and for your future.”
  • “Take this great achievement and turn your dreams into your plans.”
  • “Happy graduation day. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know. Congrats we love you.”
  • “Remember to embrace life with passion and keep reaching for the stars.”
  • “Chasing a dream requires hard work, passion, and many sacrifices. We can’t wait to see you accomplish everything your heart desires.”
  • “Today is only the first of many amazing moments and I know life has many more in store for you.”
  • “The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. May you snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Congratulations on graduating.”
  • “Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one. Start each day believing in yourself and watch the magic happen.”

8 Sarcastic Graduation Quotes

  • “Now that you’ve graduated, maybe you will be smart enough to figure out how to pay back your student loans.”
  • “We don’t know how you managed to get your degree with all the partying, sports, sleeping, and extracurricular activities, but we’re glad you did. Congrats.”
  • “All that hard work for a piece of paper? Congratulations on getting your piece of paper.”
  • “It’s been such a long journey. Did you ever think the day would finally come? I didn’t either!”
  • “Congrats on filling a minimum job requirement!”
  • “Even though I’m upset about losing my bet, congratulations on graduating! Just kidding, I always knew you could do it.”
  • “Hate to break it to you, but that was the easiest part of your adult life.”
  • “Do you realize that now you’ll be PAID to work instead of paying to work?”

You can also give them a few awful reasons to travel .

Graduation sentiments

4 Things to Consider in Your Graduation Message:

1. the graduate’s personality type.

When deciding on what to write in a graduation card, it’s important to think about the graduate’s personality type. You don’t want to write a message that could be taken the wrong way.

One graduate may have a humorous personality and enjoy a funny quote while another may be more serious and appreciate a sentimental note.

2. Attending the commencement ceremony (or not)

Whether you’re attending the commencement ceremony or not has much bearing on your graduation card message. For example, if you are attending the ceremony, your message could be something like this:

  • “Congratulations! It’s an honor to be a part of your graduation day and watch you walk across the stage to receive your diploma.”

If you can’t make it to the ceremony, you can still choose a message that lets the graduate know your thoughts are with them on their special day. For example:

  • “Thinking of you with love and pride on your graduation day.”
  • “Even though we’ll miss seeing you in your cap and gown, we would never miss this chance to tell you we’re proud of you.”

3. Words of encouragement

Graduation is an exciting time, but it can also be scary for the graduate as well because he/she is venturing into a whole new chapter of life. If you’re older or more experienced, your message can offer encouraging words to build the graduate up and give them direction.

  • ‘Whatever you do, never stop learning, exploring, growing and challenging yourself to be your best.”
  • “Wherever the road leads, remember we will always be there to support and cheer you on.”

4. When the graduate is a close friend or relative

Your message can be personal and extra special if the graduate is a close friend or relative because you can mention childhood memories or past experiences like this:

  • “It seems like just yesterday you were just starting school and now, you’re receiving your diploma. It’s been a joy to watch you grow and achieve so much these past four years.”

Graduation wishes

What NOT to Write in a Graduation Card: 4 Things

1. Don’t be bossy. A graduation card is an opportunity for you to encourage the graduate, so refrain from telling them what they should or shouldn’t do. Give them helpful advice without being bossy.

  • “I hope you feel great about what you’ve accomplished, and I hope you’ll continue to be a person who shows up day in and day out for those things that are worthwhile and important in life.”

2. Don’t mention embarrassing memories.  A graduate should feel confident and pleased with their accomplishments. Don’t bring up an embarrassing mistake they’ve made in the past.

3. Don’t use sarcasm or risky jokes unless you’re sure the graduate will take it in good humor.

4. Don’t tell the graduate what jobs to take.  You may know of job openings or people with influence, but this is not what to write in a graduation card. Save it for another time.

6 Tips About Writing a Graduation Card

1. polish and fix mistakes.

Before you pen your message in the graduation card, handwrite it on paper or type it in a word processor so that you can edit and polish it. You might even go one step further and use a grammar tool, like Grammarly, to get your message just right.

2. Tell them you’re proud of them

Let the graduate know you are happy and proud of them for doing what it took to reach graduation.

  • “You are an achiever. You have made us all proud; keep up the good work. Congratulations on graduation.”

3. Be specific

Mention distinguished awards and accomplishments. Describe how much the graduate has grown and flourished over the time you’ve known them.

  • “Congratulations on graduating with honors. We’re so proud of you!”
  • “You’ve always been a hard worker driven by your passions and dreams. Congratulations!”

4. Personalize the message

Mention the name of the graduate’s college or degree that they earned.

  • “Congratulations on earning your bachelor degree. We know you worked so hard for it.”

5. Be reassuring

Reassure them of their future with encouraging words and wise advice.

  • “Congratulations! Make sure that you treat your education as a springboard and not a finish line.”

6. End with a personal expression

Send them off with love and well-wishes for future success and happiness.

  • “To a happy ending and a new beginning. Wishing you the best on your new chapter. Congratulations!”

Sign off with sincere and heartfelt phrases such as:

  • “Lots of love,”
  • “Wishing you the best in life,”
  • “With love and pride today and always!”
  • “You did it! Wishing you all the best!”

Graduation wishes quotes

Note: Some of the graduation quotes are from/inspired by the following sources: Shutterfly , Greeting Card Poet , Hallmark , , Good Housekeeping , American Greetings , and Leanin’ Tree .

Know someone who is retiring? Here’s what to write in a retirement card .

Whether it’s a sibling, child, grandchild, niece or nephew, friend or neighbor, chances are there’s always someone you know who is graduating soon.

Keep this guide of 78 quotes handy, and you’ll never need to worry again about what to write in a graduation card.

Have a tip or graduation message to add? Let us know below!

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Hi, I'm Dena Haines . And I'm co-founder of Storyteller Travel . I love to cover food, animals, and destinations around the world.

I also blog about photography at Storyteller Tech .

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This was very helpful as I had three that were graduating this year! Didn’t want all my expressions to sound cookie cutter type. Thanks for all the suggestions too!

I like your suggestion to consider the personality and sense of humor of the graduate when choosing what to write in a card. My younger sister will be getting her master’s degree in early childhood education, and I’m thinking about getting her a custom sash and card to show how proud I am of her. Thanks for teaching me how to pick the perfect message for her once I find the right card to give!

I like how you said that ending with a personal expression is a good way to show our love and well-wishes for the person graduating. My niece will be graduating from high school this spring, and I want to show how proud I am by getting her a card and a custom graduation stole to wear. I wasn’t sure what message to write in the card, so thanks for sharing your suggestions here!

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What To Write In Graduation Card: 80 Best Quotes For Graduates

Mark graduation with the perfect wishes for what to write in graduation card from Personal House. These unique and inspiring quotes for graduates will help to celebrate the grad's achievements and send them off on a bright future.

Short Graduation Quote

Along with some custom gifts , let’s celebrate your accomplishment (or that of a special grad) with the perfect short graduation quotes! These bite-sized nuggets of wisdom offer inspiration, humor, and a touch of inspirational graduation quotes to mark this momentous occasion.

  • Grasp the obscure, for it holds the key to your development.
  • Nowadays marks the conclusion of one chapter and the starting of another.
  • Set out to dream, and after that go out and make those dreams a reality.
  • Graduation isn't the conclusion; it's the beginning point of your journey.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments nowadays, but keep striving for enormity tomorrow.

Quotes For Graduates

Short Graduation Quotes
  • Your confirmation may be a ticket to unused openings; make the foremost of them.
  • Victory isn't measured by the degree you hold but by the effect you make.
  • As you step into the world, remember to remain genuine to yourself.
  • The decoration was worth the bother; presently go overcome the world.
  • Your instruction may be a blessing; utilize it shrewdly to shape a brighter future.

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Personalized graduation pillow, personalized graduation gifts for him, personalized graduation t-shirts, personalized graduation mugs.

Inspirational Quotes About Graduation

As you step into the next chapter, here are some graduation quotes 2024 for what to write in graduation card to light your fire beside unique graduation gifts . These graduation quotes inspirational of wisdom from accomplished individuals will motivate you to chase your dreams and embrace the exciting journey ahead.

  • Graduation isn't a fair conclusion; it's a starting, a chance to modify your story.
  • Nowadays, you stand at the edge of unbounded conceivable outcomes. Grasp them bravely.
  • Your graduation could be a confirmation to your devotion, strength, and boundless potential.

Inspirational Graduation Quotes

College Graduation Quotes
  • As you get your confirmation, remember: the world is standing by your one of a kind commitment.
  • Graduation isn't the apex; it's a venturing stone to indeed more prominent accomplishments.
  • With instruction as your compass, explore the unfamiliar waters of your future.
  • Your graduation could be a celebration of your difficult work, but it's too much of a call to activity.
  • Nowadays, you near one chapter and open another filled with guarantee and opportunity.
  • Your graduation isn't a fair turning point; it's a testament to your assurance and tirelessness.
  • As you hurl your cap within the discussion, keep in mind: the sky's the constraints for what you'll be able accomplish. 

Funny Quotes For Graduation

Ditch the deep stuff for a laugh! These funny graduation quotes for what to write in graduation card capture the joy, the relief, and maybe even a hint of terror of this milestone along with some customized gifts for son . Get ready for some chuckles from fellow graduates and guests.

  • "Graduation: the cumbersome minute once you realize you've gone through four a long time examining for a degree you're not beyond any doubt how to utilize."
  • "Congratulations! You've formally picked up the right to be broke and overqualified."
  • "Graduation is like a long, ungainly family get-together, but with more robes and less potato serving of mixed greens."

Graduation Quotes Inspirational

Fun Quotes For Graduation
  • "Keep in mind, graduation is the starting of imagining you know what you're doing."
  • "Presently that you've graduated, welcome to the genuine world where 'C's get degrees, but organizing gets you employed."
  • "Graduation: the one day where you'll feel at the same time finished and totally clueless around the long." run
  • "Life is like a multiple-choice test. Some of the time, the reply you need isn't continuously there, and now and then, it's 'D' - all of the over."

Graduation Quotes Funny

Quote For Graduation Funny
  • "Congrats on surviving college. Presently it's time to outlive adulthood. Great good fortune!"
  • "Graduation is the day after you exchange the misery of composing papers for the misery of paying bills."
  • "The decoration was worth the bother. Presently let the genuine fun start!"

Graduation Wishes For Daughter

Send her off with heartfelt graduation quotes for daughter for what to write in graduation card filled with love, encouragement, and a touch of wisdom beside some customizable gifts for daughter . These graduation ceremony quotes will celebrate her achievements and inspire her to soar in the next chapter.

  • On your graduation day, my expensive girl, I couldn't be prouder of the mind blowing lady you've ended up.
  • As you step into the world along with your recognition in hand, know that I'll continuously be here cheering you on, my valuable girl.

Graduation Ceremony Quotes

Graduation Quotes For Daughter
  • Congrats, my sweet girl, on coming to this noteworthy point of reference. Your difficult work and devotion have paid off, and I can't hold up to see where your travel takes you.
  • Nowadays, as you graduate, I need you to know how much bliss and pride you bring into my life, my adored girl. The world is yours for the taking!
  • To my girl on her graduation day: May this be fair the starting of a lifetime filled with victory, joy, and perpetual undertakings.
  • Observing you get your confirmation fills my heart with overpowering cherish and reverence. Congrats, my expensive girl, on your graduation!
  • My dearest girl, your graduation day may be a confirmation to your quality, strength, and immovable assurance. I am pleased with you!
  • As you set out on this modern chapter of your life, my girl, keep in mind that the sky's restrained. Dream enormous, reach for the stars, and never question your capacity to attain significance.

Quotes For Graduation

Graduation Quote
  • Nowadays, as you graduate, I need you to know that I accept you with all my heart. You are predetermined for uncommon things, my brilliant girl.
  • Congrats, my valuable girl, on your graduation. May your future be as shining as your grin, and may you continuously take after your dreams with boldness and conviction.

Graduation Quotes For Son

These graduation quotes for son for what to write in graduation card capture the emotions of this special day, offering congratulations, inspiration, and a touch of fatherly advice. Find the perfect graduation cap quotes 2024 to celebrate his accomplishments and send him off into the world with confidence.

  • Child, as you graduate nowadays, know that your travel is fair starting, and I'll be by your side each step of the way.
  • Congrats on your graduation, my expensive child! Your difficult work and assurance have brought you to this minute, and I couldn't be prouder.

Graduation Verse

Graduation Message From Mother To Son
  • Nowadays marks the summit of a long time of devotion and tirelessness. Well done on your graduation, child. The world is prepared for your brilliance.
  • As you get your diploma, son, keep in mind that usually not the conclusion but the starting of an energizing modern chapter in your life. Grasp it with mettle and excitement.
  • Observing you walk over the arrangement fills me with pride, my adored child. Congrats on your graduation, and may your future be filled with unending openings.
  • Child, your graduation may be a testament to your versatility and constancy. I have no question that you'll continue to attain extraordinary things within a long time to come.
  • Nowadays, as you celebrate your graduation, you merely have the adoration and bolster of your family behind you, cheering you on each step of the way.
  • Congrats on your graduation, child! May this accomplishment be the establishment for a future filled with victory, joy, and fulfillment.

Graduation Quotes For Son

Congratulations Graduation Quotes
  • Child, as you set out on this modern journey, keep in mind to remain genuine to yourself and never halt chasing your dreams. The world is yours for the taking.
  • Your graduation may be a pivotal event, child, and I couldn't be prouder of the youthful man you've ended up. Here's to a bright and affluent future ahead!

What To Write In Graduation Card For Friends

Stuck staring at a blank graduation quote for your friend? We've got you covered! This section will give you some creative ideas and heartwarming college graduation quotes to personalize your card and celebrate your friend's incredible achievement.

  • Congrats, my expensive companion, on coming to this unimaginable point of reference! Your assurance and difficult work have paid off, and I couldn't be more joyful for you.
  • Wishing you all the victory and joy within the world as you graduate nowadays, my companion. Cheers to the energizing experiences that lie ahead!
  • To my astonishing companion on your graduation day: Here's to celebrating your accomplishments and looking forward to long-standing time together!
  • As you graduate nowadays, know that I'll continuously be here to bolster and cheer you on, my expensive companion. Congrats on this well-deserved achievement!
  • It's been an unimaginable journey watching you develop and succeed, my companion. Congrats on your graduation, and here's to numerous more accomplishments within the a long time to come!
  • On your graduation day, I need to specify how thankful I am to have you as a companion. Your quality and assurance rouse me each day. 
  • Cheers to the conclusion of late-night ponder sessions and the starting of unused enterprises, my companion! Congrats on your graduation, and may this be fair the starting of a lifetime of victory and bliss.

Graduation Congratulations Quotes

Graduation Quotes 2024
  • Nowadays, as you graduate, I need you to know how much your companionship implies to me. Here's to celebrating your achievements and looking forward to making more memories together within the future!
  • Congrats on your graduation, my companion! Wishing you all the leading as you set out on this modern chapter of your life.
  • To my expensive companion on your graduation day: You've worked resolutely to reach this point, and presently it's time to celebrate your victory! 

Graduating High School Quotes

High school graduation - a time to celebrate, reflect, and look towards a bright future! These graduating high school quotes for what to write in graduation card capture the essence of this milestone, offering a mix of excitement for the journey ahead, and wisdom for the road less traveled.

  • Nowadays we near one chapter and open another, outfitted with information and recollections to fuel our travel ahead.

Graduating High School Quotes

  • As we hurl our caps within the discussion, let's keep in mind the fellowships manufactured, the lessons learned, and the dreams holding up to be chased.
  • Tall school graduation: the starting of an unused experience, where the world gets to be our classroom and each involvement shapes our future.
  • Cheers to surviving cafeteria nourishment, pop tests, and adolescent dramatization. Tall school, it's been genuine!
  • Graduating high school isn't close to getting a confirmation; it's approximately grasping the individual we've ended up with and the unending conceivable outcomes ahead.
  • Nowadays, we bid goodbye to the lobbies that formed us and the instructors who propelled us, carrying with us lessons that go past reading material.
  • Tall school graduation marks the conclusion of a period and the daybreak of an unused chapter filled with fervor, challenges, and openings.

Funny Graduation Cards

Graduation Poem
  • We may take off tall school behind us, but the recollections we've made and the companionships we've shaped will remain with us until the end of time.
  • Graduating high school is like wrapping up the preface to an extraordinary novel – the genuine experience is a fair start.
  • As we stand on the edge of adulthood, let's keep in mind that the travel of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Congrats, graduates!

Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony Quotes

Celebrate those tiny scholars in style! Find the perfect kindergarten graduation quotes for what to write in graduation card to commemorate this momentous occasion and inspire a love of learning that will last a lifetime!

  • Nowadays, we celebrate the modest strides that have driven us to this minute, as our small graduates take their to begin with a huge jump into the world of learning.
  • Kindergarten graduation may be a celebration of interest, inventiveness, and the perpetual conceivable outcomes that lie ahead for our youthful researchers.
  • From coloring interior lines to portray their possessive future, our kindergarten graduates have developed in ways we might have never envisioned.

Graduate Quotes

Kindergarten Graduation Quotes
  • As we observe our small ones get their confirmations, let's keep in mind that each colored pencil stroke and finger portray has been a step toward academic success.
  • Kindergarten graduation isn't almost about moving on to another review; it's about ingraining an adoration for learning that will last a lifetime.
  • Nowadays, we honor the laughs, the fellowships, and the development that have characterized our kindergarten travel together.
  • Congrats to our pint-sized graduates! May your adore for learning proceed to blossom as you set out on the following chapter of your instructive travel.
  • Kindergarten graduation could be a celebration of the little triumphs that clear the way for huge achievements within a long time to come.

Preschool Graduation Quotes

Graduation Quotes For 5th Graders
  • As we bid goodbye to our kindergarten lesson, let's cherish the recollections made and see forward to the shining prospects that anticipate each and each one of our graduates.
  • From learning their ABCs to pursuing them to begin with sentences, our kindergarten graduates have come a long way. Here's to the starting of numerous more breakthroughs to come!

Unique Graduation Gift Ideas For A Graduates

Ditch the ordinary and celebrate the extraordinary grad in your life! This section is packed with unique gift ideas with congratulations graduation quotes for what to write in graduation card that go beyond the expected. Find something special that reflects their personality, interests, and future goals, making their graduation truly unforgettable.

  • Personalized Mug Ideas For Graduation

Celebrate their achievement with a personalized mug - the best-selling product from Personal House on graduation! Made from high-quality, microwave- and dishwasher-safe materials, this mug with graduation quotes funny is built to last. 

  • I'm Finally Graduated Mug

Unique Mug With Graduation Verses

Unique Mug With Senior Year Captions
  • The Tassel Was Worth The Hassle Mug

Custom Mug With Short Graduation Captions

Custom Mug With Bible Quotes For Graduation Shop Now

A cup will not only help improve drinking habits, but will also be a special keepsake with personalized images. If someone you know is a teacher graduate, the following product with the short graduation captions "Greatest Teacher Ever" will be the perfect choice.

  • Personalized Greatest Teacher Ever Mugs

Customizable Mug With Pre K Graduation Quotes

Customizable Mug With Funny Graduation Cap Ideas
  • Unique T-shirt Ideas On Graduation

According to the latest poll on products from Personal House that bring satisfaction to recipients, unique T-shirts were honored to rank first. That’s why you should level up their wardrobe with our unique graduation t-shirt! Made from comfy, 100% pre-shrunk cotton, these t-shirts with what to write in graduation card are built to last and perfect for any activity.  

  • She Believed She Did T-Shirt

Personalized T-shirt With Graduation Cap Quotes 2024

Personalized T-shirt With Senior Quotes Funny
  • Proud Mom Of A Graduate T-Shirt

Customized T-shirt With Funny Graduation Quotes

Customized T-shirt With Quotes For Graduation

Personalize it with their name, graduation year, inspirational quotes about graduation, or even a special image to create a one-of-a-kind gift they'll love.  Our unique mineral wash colors add a touch of vintage flair, ensuring each shirt is a true original - a perfect keepsake they'll cherish for years to come.

  • I'm Done Finally T-Shirt

Unique T-shirt With Graduation Quote

Unique T-shirt With Quotes For Graduates
  • Custom Graduation Pillow Gift

Celebrate their accomplishment with a luxurious custom pillow from Personal House! Made from soft, shiny satin with a durable zipper closure, this pillow is built for your downtime, or even as a companion to enjoy pleasures like watching movies. 

Personalize it with their name, graduation year, congratulations graduation quotes for what to write in graduation card such as "I Graduated Can I Go To Bed Now" to create a one-of-a-kind gift they'll treasure.

  • I Graduated Can I Go To Bed Now Pillow

Custom Pillow With Short Graduation Quotes

Custom Pillow With Inspirational Graduation Quotes
  • I'm Finally Graduated Pillow

Customizable Pillow With College Graduation Quotes

Customizable Pillow With Graduation Congratulations Quotes
  • Before You All Your Dreams Tumbler

Another product that has received a lot of positive customer feedback and reviews regarding its suitability for graduation gifts is the personalized tumbler with graduate quotes. Thanks to being made entirely of stainless steel, rust-free, stain-resistant, and corrosion-resistant, this product will be extremely durable and safe for your health.

Personalized Tumbler With Graduation Quotes 2024

Personalized Tumbler With Graduation Quotes Inspirational
  • Congrats Graduates Canvas

The last product on the list of graduation gifts to buy is a customizable canvas from Personal House. With custom personalization, you can easily design a unique gift with your own images and funny graduation cap ideas. Reasonable prices and fast shipping are also reasons you should choose us to be the bridge for your graduation gift.

Customized Canvas With Fun Quotes For Graduation

Customized Canvas With Graduation Ceremony Quotes

No matter your style or sentiment, you're sure to find the perfect graduation quotes for what to write in graduation card to express your pride and congratulations with over 80 unique and inspiring quotes, wishes, and messages in this graduation collection.

  • 1. Short Graduation Quote
  • 2. Inspirational Quotes About Graduation
  • 3. Funny Quotes For Graduation
  • 4. Graduation Wishes For Daughter
  • 5. Graduation Quotes For Son
  • 6. What To Write In Graduation Card For Friends
  • 7. Graduating High School Quotes
  • 8. Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony Quotes
  • 9. Unique Graduation Gift Ideas For A Graduates

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Wedding invitations, graduation wishes and graduation card messages for 2024.

Written by  Shutterfly Community Last Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Graduation is the time to make your grad feel extra special. Honor your grad’s achievements with graduation wishes and card messages to acknowledge their hard work throughout the years and the big adventures that lie ahead of them. There are countless ways to congratulate and express your happiness for the graduating senior in your life—it’s a matter of finding just the right words to say. Find inspiration for writing the best happy graduation message for any grad.

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  • Graduation Announcements

Whether you’re hoping to recognize a senior in high school or college with inspirational graduation wishes or other congratulations messages for graduation, we’ve gathered an assortment of graduation personal message examples for you to use and customize to your liking. Say “congratulations,” “we’re so proud,” or “keep up the good work” to any graduate with personalized graduation cards  or other gifts or grad party decor from our graduation collection . Jump to:

  • What to Write in a Graduation Card

Congratulations Graduate: Happy Graduation Card Messages

  • College Graduation Messages

High School Graduation Wishes

  • Graduation Sentiments to Son
  • Graduation Sentiments to Daughter
  • Special Messages and Wishes from Parents
  • Messages and Wishes to Nephew
  • Messages and Wishes to Niece
  • Graduation Wishes to Friend

What To Write In A Graduation Card

Show your grad how special they are by writing a meaningful graduation message to congratulate them on this milestone. Whether you use a bit of humor to make them laugh or write them a graduation advice card they can’t get anywhere else, your personalized graduation card is an opportunity to express your joy and how proud you are of their achievements. Before you write your graduation message, consider these writing tips:

  • Say Congratulations! Let the graduate know how proud you are of their accomplishments and congratulate them on graduating. You should start your graduation messages off with this cheerful sentiment.
  • Mention specific accomplishments. Did they receive any honors or were they a sports team captain? Mention this in your letter!
  • Give advice. Provide the graduate with valuable graduation advice for their career and life to give some helpful direction. Graduating can be as scary as it is exciting. They’ll appreciate you sharing advice and any lessons you’ve learned.
  • Look to the future. Express your happiness for the grad’s future and let them know you’re excited for their next chapter. Reassure them that their future is bright.
  • Send well wishes. Send the graduate off with graduation wishes for new beginnings and continued success.

what to write in phd graduation card

Searching for the right words to celebrate a graduate’s accomplishment can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you’re congratulating a friend, family member, or colleague, the message you choose can leave a lasting impact. With this list of examples, you’ll find a variety of heartfelt and inspiring graduation card messages to help you convey your pride, encouragement, and best wishes. From thoughtful reflections to humorous anecdotes, these messages are designed to make the graduate’s day even more memorable. 

  • Congratulations on graduating! This is just the beginning; you are a star in the making. Shine on.
  • You are an achiever. You have made us all proud; keep up the good work. Congratulations on graduation.
  • It must be a very proud moment for you. All of the hard work you have put in has paid off. Congratulations Grad. Your reward lies ahead. Have a successful future.
  • As you cherish the fruits of your hard work, I wish that success keeps following you in everything that you do. Today and always… Congratulations and Happy Graduation.
  • I believe you can fly! The sky is your limit. Spread out your wings and soar high. Congratulations and best wishes.
  • Congratulations Graduate. You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals and now you’re on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embark on who you are, embrace life with passion and keep reaching for your star. Go for it!
  • Chasing a dream requires efforts, passion and hard work. You are now in the half way. Keep up your good work and continue to strive. Congratulations!
  • Nothing can stop you now. You have a ticket to your dreams come true. Congrats. You worked your butt off, now shake your booty for some fun. Congrats on your graduation.

College Graduation Wishes

College graduation is one grand achievement. Although these past four years have gone by in just a blink of an eye, your grad has his or her whole life ahead of them with endless possibilities. Your college graduation messages will be the perfect cheers to the past and congrats to the future with these inspirational ideas. Add any of these sweet graduation messages to one of our stylish, fun graduation congratulations cards to make your graduating senior’s day.

  • Chase your dreams. Never stop trying. Never stop learning. Live life to the fullest and give it nothing but your best.
  • You can achieve whatever you want in life. All you have to do is believe that you can. We believe in you, happy graduation.
  • Congratulations on graduating… Wishing that brighter opportunities come your way and you achieve success in all of them!
  • Congratulations, my dearest, on being a graduate. As for your future is concerned, we’re sure you are going to make it a successful one.
  • I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.
  • You are brilliant, able and ambitious. You shall always walk the glory road. Happy Graduation. I bless you with all that you need to earn many more achievements and feats in life ahead. Congratulations and well done.
  • A hearty congratulation on your graduation and wishing you good luck for the new beginning in life. May you reach all your goals.
  • Your future is bright. For all the times of late night studies, lack of sleep and sacrifice of enjoyment your reward is here. Congratulations to you.
  • Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! Looking back, it was all worth it. Wishing you the best in the wonderful career you have chosen.
  • The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. May you carry your spirit to snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Congratulations on your graduation. May you live a proud life.

There’s a lot of adventure awaiting a recent high school graduate. Between saying goodbye to hometown friends and packing up for the college dorms, your grad could surely use a hearty congrats (and maybe even a few wise words.) Sending a special high school senior a smart, colorful graduation card will go a long way to making them feel accomplished and ready for the next challenge.

what to write in phd graduation card

  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one…
  • Your brilliant achievements are remarkable. May all your dreams come true. Good luck and congratulations.
  • Start each day believing in your dreams. Know without a doubt that you were made for great things.
  • Graduation is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and a beginning; it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future.
  • You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. And you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go. Congratulations graduate.
  • Isn’t it funny how day by day it seems like nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different… Make the most of now, congratulations graduate.
  • We are so proud that you are a graduate now. Congratulations dear.
  • Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. And, before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. And, before you quit, try.
  • We praise you for your efforts, and send good wishes too, for a future filled with happiness and your fondest dreams come true.
  • My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small and that you never need to carry more than you can hold. There is a lot that awaits you, congrats grad.

Son Proud Graduation Quotes

It’s safe to say that we all know the shock when graduation rolls around and the reality sets in that your once little boy is officially onto his next adventure. Congratulate him in a way he’ll never forget with these great graduation wishes and a custom graduation greeting card  that he’ll hold onto forever—one that captures the tone of your relationship and the heady vibe of the event.

what to write in phd graduation card

  • We still remember the first day of your school. On that day, we were nervous to send you away from us. It still feels like that same day is back again. We feel nervous yet again, as you face the world by yourself. But, deep inside we always know that you’ll come out as a winner. Best of luck son.
  • Congratulations to our little graduate. No matter where you go or how successful you become, never lose sight of yourself. Always be humble. Your parents think about you often.
  • Now that you are a graduate, use your freedom wisely. We are already so proud of you. Congratulations.
  • Son, I closed my eyes for but a moment and suddenly a man stood where a boy used to be. I may not carry you now in my arms, but I will always carry you in my heart. You have given me so many reasons to be proud of the man you have become; the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my son. I love you now and forever. Congratulations on this special achievement, grad.
  • You have worked so hard my child. It is time to celebrate your graduation. You have made us all very proud. Best of luck for your future.
  • Congratulations on your brilliant success and achievement. Keep up the good work and many more great accomplishments will keep coming your way. We are so proud of you.
  • Chasing your dreams is not an easy job. It requires lots of passion, it requires lots of commitments and a true dedication, as you proved it right by being a graduate. Congrats son.
  • Congratulations on your graduation, son. We are so proud to see our little bundle of joy grow into such a fine and mature adult. Continue doing us proud sweetheart. Best of luck in your future, we love you.
  • Just remember that the process of learning never ends. Happy Graduation, son.

Graduation Messages For Daughter

It was just yesterday that your daughter was begging you not to leave her at preschool and now she’s saying goodbye to one chapter and hello to another. A graduation message from parents can be sweet, inspirational, contemplative, and more, and a daughter graduation message can reinforce all the ways you appreciate and respect her. Congratulate your daughter for the smart and courageous woman that she has become with cute graduation congratulation cards to remind her of the hard work she has achieved. She’s worked hard and deserves to know it.

  • Right from when you were a little kid and till today, you have only given us reasons to hold our heads up in pride. We are so lucky to have you in our life. Congratulations and best of luck for a successful career.
  • We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Remember to go after what you want and to stay humble along the way. Congrats sweetheart.
  • Education is the key which unlocks all your potential. It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. We know the degree you’ve worked so hard for will help you in thriving in the field you’ve chosen. We love you so much, congratulations.
  • You turned an itty-bitty bundle of joy into a kind, smart and courageous woman. We are so proud of you today and always. Congrats!
  • We are so amazed at how smart, caring and wonderful you are everyday- we can not wait to see the places you go! You can do anything. We love you.
  • Daughter… At times we wish you wouldn’t have grown up so fast, but then we figured that would keep us from seeing you turn into the beautiful young lady that you are today. Congratulations on graduation.
  • This is the beginning of your life. You can do absolutely anything you set your mind to. Happy graduation sweetie.
  • Here’s to the door to new opportunities that has just opened for you, our daughter. Enjoy your graduation, we are so proud of you.
  • Congratulations for your achievement. And here is wishing you all the success and happiness the world has to offer. We love you.
  • To our daughter on her graduation, remember that obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. You have so much to be excited for. Every day is your day.

what to write in phd graduation card

Graduation Message From Parents

As parents, there are countless moments in life when we find ourselves proud of our children. From the first steps to graduation, it’s natural to be extra excited for this huge milestone. Tell them just how proud you are with these graduation card messages and wishes. 

  • School may be over, but life’s lessons are yet to be learnt. Keep an open heart and mind. Happy graduation, we love you.
  • Happy graduation. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know. Congrats we love you.
  • Congrats grad. Shoot for the moon because even if you miss it, you will land amongst the stars.
  • Life is a grand adventure and now is the time for you to go live it. We are so proud of you on your graduation and we are so looking forward to seeing all that you will accomplish.
  • The tassel was definitely worth the hassle. Congrats on all your hard work.
  • Remember that you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. Congratulations on your graduation sweetheart, we couldn’t be more proud. Good luck with what the future holds.
  • We’re proud of your accomplishments and the person that you’ve become. Congratulations.
  • Although your graduation may mark the completion of your schooling, don’t ever stop pursuing knowledge. Wishing you all the best on graduation.
  • Congrats on your graduation. We bet you feel like you can take on the world, and you can. But remember we’ll always be here for you.
  • Now you’re a step closer to your dream and will soon be reaping the fruits of your hard work. Congratulations!

Graduation Messages For Nephew

Write the perfect graduation message for your nephew with a message that captures your sentiment and relationship. As an aunt or uncle, you’ll want to congratulate the graduate, share a memory, and pass along any wisdom you see fit. 

  • You have made your uncle/aunt proud, my dear nephew. I would like to congratulate you on the successful completion of your graduation.
  • It is a great feeling that my nephew has become a graduate. I am so proud of you.
  • Enjoy all of your achievements, my dear nephew. You’ve come a long way and I’m excited to watch you grow.
  • It was my dream to see you graduate and you’ve made it come true. To my dearest nephew, I congratulate you on your success and all that is to come.
  • I hope my support and guidance has helped you over the years in any way. I’m so happy to watch you graduate and achieve your goals.
  • You’ve not only made your parents proud, but have made me the happiest uncle/aunt in the world. Congratulations on your graduation!
  • You’ve worked so hard to get here. Remember to follow your dreams and stay true to yourself as one chapter ends and the next begins. I am so proud of you.
  • I still remember when your parents brought you home. Now I get the chance to remember this incredible milestone in your life. Congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of you.
  • To my dearest nephew, I can’t believe you’re so grown up. You’ve learned so much and I’m confident you’ll continue to reach your goals. Congratulations!
  • Even more than proving that you are smart enough to earn a diploma, you have proven your character. And your character is much more important than any diploma or graduation. Best wishes to a man of character!

Graduation Messages For Niece

Let your niece know how proud you are of her on graduating with thoughtful graduation wishes and playful, inspiration graduation card messages. First, order graduation congratulations cards from Shutterfly. Then, add one of the memorable graduation messages below, and then, if you’d like, add a personal note, either printed on your card or handwritten.

  • You have made your uncle/aunt proud, my dear niece. I am so proud of your accomplishments and I know there is only more to come.
  • My dearest niece, I am so happy to watch you achieve your goals. Congratulations on your journey to success.
  • I always wanted to see you as a graduate! Enjoy this deserving moment in your career and life.
  • There’s no better feeling than watching my niece live out her dreams. Congratulations dear!
  • From my favorite baby niece to an intelligent and bright graduate, I am so proud of the woman you’ve become. Congratulations on reaching another milestone.
  • Congratulations to my favorite scholar! Your parents and I are beyond proud of your hard work and most of all, the woman you’ve become.
  • To my dearest niece, never forget how hard you worked to get here and how much farther you’ll go. Congratulations on your graduation!
  • Congratulations to my darling niece! I’ve always had faith in you and I’m confident you can do anything you put your mind to. Wishing you a future full of success of happiness.
  • Having a niece like you is priceless. I am so lucky to have witnessed your growth over the years. I wish you all the best for your future.
  • What a wonderful young lady you have become! Calling you a graduate is a proud occasion and I know that your future is brightest of them all. Congratulations on this special time in your life.

Graduation Messages To Friend

You’ve watched your best bud work hard these past years and you want them to know that you’ve noticed. These light hearted college graduation messages and high school graduation wishes will do the trick. Add them to a graduation congratulations card from Shutterfly for the perfect note of recognition.

what to write in phd graduation card

  • You are brilliant, able and ambitious. You shall always walk the glory road. Happy graduation. I bless you with all that you need to earn many more achievements and facts in life ahead. Congratulations and well done.
  • We’re so happy that you’ve achieved this great milestone- Wishing you great success with your dreams and career.
  • It’s official: you’re now too cool for school. Congrats grad.
  • You have completed your remarkable student career. Now that you are graduating, you are at the commencement of a brand new voyage. Good wishes for my best friend on your achievement and to your brand new life. Congratulations graduate.
  • Congratulations my friend on being a graduate. I hope that this is just the foundation of many accomplishments to come.
  • Many wishes for you on your graduation. You have done the impossible my friend. Have a degree is an honorable thing. Congratulation graduate.
  • All of your hard work is paying off my friend. Congrats and cheers to the next step.
  • We’re glad you’re a grad. Congratulations.

More Resources For Graduation Wishes

Use the examples above as a starting point for what you can write in a custom graduation card, whether for a high school, college, graduate school, law school, or nursing school student. Share your inspirational words and tell the grad just how proud you are with a handpicked and personalized graduation wishes. Be sure to check out our additional graduation resources:

  • Graduation Cards
  • Graduation Party Invitations
  • Graduation Thank You Cards
  • Graduation Gifts

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101 Inspirational Graduation Wishes To Write in a Card

"Major snaps and claps on your graduation!" 👏

preview for 12 Inspirational Quotes for Graduates

With five amazing kids, The Pioneer Woman herself knows a thing or two about graduations. When Ree's eldest boy Bryce graduated high school in 2020, she got just a little emotional. "He was a little boy yesterday. This has snuck up on me, and I'm not ready. I mean, I am ready. But I'm not. But I am. But I'm not," Ree said. Excuse us while we look for some tissues. 🥺

Whether your grad is finishing high school like Bryce, middle school, or college , this once-in-a-lifetime milestone is deserving of so much celebration! Capture these emotions in a few wishes and notes of congratulations. Here, you'll find funny messages for the jokester, words of wisdom, and even some inspiring quotes from graduation speeches to help usher your special someone into their future.

Short and Sweet Graduation Messages

sweet graduation messages

  • All your hard work paid off. It’s time to celebrate!
  • Congrats! Your future shines brighter than the sun in July.
  • What an impressive achievement!
  • You've reached the finish line, now pause and catch your breath before embarking on the next journey. The upcoming chapter will be full of surprises!
  • Oh, the places you’ll go! Congrats on your graduation.
  • Major snaps and claps on your graduation!
  • As your biggest cheerleaders, we are so honored to be standing by you today and celebrating all your hard work!
  • Keep reaching for the stars!
  • The world doesn’t know what’s coming. Congrats on becoming a grad!
  • Cheers to the best four years! Congrats, grad!
  • Caps off to you, graduate!
  • We’re so honored to be here to watch you graduate with honors! Congrats!
  • You’re going to be a star! Congratulations!
  • Sending you good vibes and great energy for your post-graduation endeavors.
  • Be glad you're a grad! You did it!
  • Congrats on your well-earned degree! Never forget how impressive it is to have earned one.
  • You’re a class act! Way to go, grad.
  • High fives for graduating with high honors! We knew you could do it!
  • Your graduation calls for lots of celebration! Congrats!
  • My beautiful, unique, and hard-working graduate. You are full of so much potential and we are so proud.
  • Congratulations on your graduation! You did it! I know you'll go far in all your future endeavors.
  • Hats off to you for achieving this milestone! Your hard work and dedication sure as heck paid off.
  • A big congrats on your graduation day! You have accomplished so much and should be more than proud.
  • You have reached a great milestone in your life, so hold on to the moment! The world is yours for the taking.
  • Congratulations on graduating! Your hard work, determination, and perseverance have paid off.
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved success. Remember this achievement any time you face doubts in the future.
  • Y'all did it! Congratulations on graduating and making it to the next chapter in your lives. Now, go out there and take the world by storm!
  • Congratulations on graduating and for all your achievements. The world needs your unique skills and talents, go forth and make a difference!
  • Your graduation is a testament to your hard work and dedication. Congratulations to the hardest-working person I know!
  • Can you believe it? You've made it to the end of this chapter and the beginning of something new. Congratulations and best wishes for all the exciting things yet to come.
  • As a graduate, you're like a well-seasoned cast iron skillet: strong, resilient, and ready for whatever comes your way.

Inspirational Graduation Messages

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • Hard work yields great results. We couldn’t be more proud!
  • Rarely will you invest as much effort into a single achievement as you have over the past few years. Now, it's time to revel in your success!
  • Remember, if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
  • Graduation is not the end of learning; it's the beginning of a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. May you continue to explore, innovate, and strive for greatness. Congrats!
  • May your future be adorned with delightful coincidences, invaluable setbacks, and boundless achievements.
  • Let this accomplishment be your reminder to shoot for the stars because the sky is the limit!
  • Congratulations on graduating! Remember, the road to success may be long and winding, but with persistence and hard work, you'll reach your destination.
  • This milestone is simply a stepping stone for more successes to come!
  • As you embark on this new chapter of your life, remember that every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Keep striving for greatness!
  • Today, you stand at the threshold of endless possibilities. Embrace the journey ahead with optimism and a sense of adventure. The world is yours to explore!
  • May your feet always take you where your heart wants to go.
  • Today is just the start of all the wonderful things that life has in store for you.
  • Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go.
  • The only way to climb a mountain is one step at a time. Congratulations on reaching the summit!
  • A comfort zone is a lovely place, but nothing ever grows there. Here’s to trying new things!
  • Never be afraid to carve out your own path. You have all the tools you need.
  • Chasing a dream requires passion and hard work. Congratulations on graduating and continue to strive!
  • Behind you, all your memories. Ahead of you, all your dreams. Within you, all you need. Wishing you the best graduation.
  • The next chapter gets really good. Congrats, grad!
  • She believed she could so she did! May you continue to move mountains.
  • To the grad who deserves it all: adventure awaits.
  • May your hat fly as high as your dreams!
  • To our wonderful graduate: go confidently toward your dreams, live the life you have imagined, and keep making us proud.
  • Always remember that there's no reason to worry because you get the job done.
  • Make a difference. Live the dream. Relish the adventure. Make your mark. Happy graduation
  • You always got high marks, now it's time to make your mark!

Funny Graduation Messages

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • My deepest condolences on the end of your college life.
  • Did you ever think this day would come? Neither did we!
  • All that work for a piece of paper?
  • How does it feel to be only one degree wiser?
  • Isn’t it amazing how far people can go with Google and Wikipedia around to help?
  • Congratulations on getting through the easiest part of life!
  • Good looks, brains, heart, and now a diploma, too? Stop making me look bad! 😂
  • I always knew you were a smart aleck, now you have a degree to show it!
  • You may have brains, but don't trip on your way onto the stage!
  • This is the last time you can sleep in till 2 p.m., so catch those Z's while you can!
  • Why didn't you tell me you were so smart?
  • Despite losing my bet with your grandpa, congrats on your graduation.
  • Here's to the end of eating ramen noodles and takeout.
  • As you graduate don't forget to thank those who helped you get here: Google, Command C, and Command P.
  • Congratulations! After the last four years, I can officially add "copy editor" to my resume.

Words of Wisdom

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • Stay humble, work hard and it will pay off.
  • As you exit this period of hard work, remember to take the time to relax! The worries of tomorrow can wait.
  • Don't forget the connections you have made here, because your cohort will be the shakers and movers of the future.
  • Be proud of this moment, and know you deserve all the successes you work toward.
  • Failure is inevitable in life, but the greatest successes come from making mistakes.
  • You probably had a mentor in your life that you are forever grateful for. And while you'll continue to have mentors, now is the time you begin to pay it forward. Give back to the community and mentor someone.
  • Going forward, understand that all paths are different. Always remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
  • Find comfort in being uncomfortable. Take the opportunities presented to you even if they're scary; you have to leave your comfort zone to grow as an individual.
  • Imposter syndrome is real, but know you deserve to be here.
  • You can only take credit for the accomplishments you earn.

Sentimental Sayings

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • Go into the world and do well, but more importantly, go into the world and do good.
  • Do all the ambitious and important things in life, but as you do, err in the direction of kindness.
  • There is nothing more beautiful than finding your course in life.
  • You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  • You will never know what you're capable of unless you try.
  • There will be growing pains, letdowns, and setbacks. Don't hold to anger, hurt, or pain. They steal your energy.
  • The greatest gift you can give someone is believing in them. And you have a whole team of people who believe in you.
  • When it comes to career decisions, close your eyes, take your time, and listen. What does your heart say?
  • Live each day as if your life had just begun.
  • Close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere. Now, look forward.

Inspiring Graduation Quotes

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • "It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.” —Nelson Mandela
  • "Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead." —Nora Ephron
  • "Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never years, and never regrets." —Leonardo da Vinci
  • "Buckle up, you have good times and rough seas ahead. It is just part of life, but enjoy the ride and laugh a lot."—Ree Drummond
  • "The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are. So make up your own rules." —Neil Gaiman
  • "That clock you hear is the sound of your own heart. Sink your teeth into this life, and don't get let go." —Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • "Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered." —Michelle Obama
  • "It is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate." —George Burns
  • "Your inexperience is an asset in that it will make you think in original, unconventional ways. Accept your lack of knowledge and use it as your asset." —Natalie Portman

Headshot of Micaela Bahn

Micaela Bahn is a freelance editorial assistant and recent graduate from Carleton College, where she majored in English literature. She loves running, photography, and cooking the best new recipes.

Nitya Rao is the editorial assistant at The Pioneer Woman, covering stories ranging from food, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, news, and more.

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100+ Inspiring Messages for a Graduation Card — Here's What to Write

We're getting creative for the 2024 grads!

preview for 12 Inspirational Quotes for Graduates

Get ready to throw your grad cap in the air and toss your tassel to the side — graduation season is right around the corner, marking one of the most monumental milestones in a person’s life. Spread some love to the graduate in your life or your fellow classmates with the perfect graduation wishes that’ll make them feel extra special.

There are so many circumstances that call for well-wishes and cards, including moving-up ceremonies that occur in preschool or junior high. But of course, most people think of the full pomp and circumstance that is associated with the commencement from high school or college. No matter what stage or grade, the act of graduation is an accomplishment that deserves recognition and encouragement.

It can be hard to put into words *just* how proud you are of a friend or relative who has achieved such a high honor — but we've curated a list of graduation wishes that are so good, that you'll think about heading back to school just so you can receive these kind words in a card. Here are our best wishes, phrases, and graduation card messages:

🎓 Short Graduation Messages

graduate look up in thought

  • Be proud of this moment, and know you deserve all the successes you work toward.
  • There is nothing more beautiful than finding your course in life.
  • You did the damn thing, grad! So proud.
  • You’re going to be a star! Congratulations.
  • I'm proud of your achievements, but even more proud of the person you've become.
  • I just know life has even more wonderful things in store for you.
  • Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!
  • Sending warm congratulations today and wishing you all the best at [insert school name in the fall.
  • With love and pride today and always.
  • Congratulations today and best wishes for all your tomorrows.
  • You deserve to see your dreams come true. Congrats!
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved success.
  • Congratulations!
  • ConGRADulations!
  • You did it — congrats!
  • Caps off to you, graduate!
  • What a proud day! We just couldn’t be happier for you.
  • Happy Graduation Day!
  • Prayers and blessings on your graduation and for your future.
  • Warmest congratulations on your graduation.
  • Best wishes for your next adventure!
  • Great results come from hard work — well done!
  • Be glad you're a grad!
  • The tassel was worth the hassle!
  • Keep reaching for the stars!
  • Best of luck with your new beginnings.
  • This calls for a celebration!
  • Many dream, some try, but only a few achieve. You have achieved!
  • Best of luck!
  • This is only the beginning.
  • Take pictures. Take your time celebrating. Take it easy for a while. Then get ready to take on the world!
  • May you always dare to do great things with your life.
  • I'm so proud of you!
  • May all your dreams come true, graduate.
  • You're a star, graduate — keep shining!

🎓 Funny Graduation Messages

cropped portrait of two attractive young female students celebrating on graduation day

  • Did you pay your teachers for your diploma? C’mon, you can tell me!
  • Now that you’ve graduated, what are you going to do with all those sticky notes now?
  • You may have brains, but don't trip on your way onto the stage!
  • Congrats! You're like a fresh batch of cookies just out of the oven: hot, fresh, and ready to take on the world!
  • I guess barely getting by pays off. Cheers to you!
  • My hope for you is that your awesome memories of college last longer than your student loans.
  • As you graduate don’t forget to thank those who helped you get here: Google, Command F, and copy and paste.
  • Congrats on filling a minimum job requirement
  • Hard work: check! Diploma: check! Make some money: more checks!
  • Did you ever think this day would come? Neither did we!
  • Congratulations on your graduation. Education is the key to unlocking your potential. The diploma helps a wee bit also.
  • I lost a bet. You graduated
  • What a fancy piece of paper you’ve got there.
  • I hate to break it to you, but that was the easiest part of your adult life.
  • This definitely won’t be the last time I get to brag about you.
  • First I get to see you walk across the stage. Then there’s a party? Awesome!
  • Good looks, brains, heart, and now a diploma too? You’ve really got it all!
  • My deepest condolences on the end of your college life.
  • All that hard work for a piece of paper? Congratulations on getting your piece of paper.
  • Happy graduation. Now welcome to the real world!
  • Here’s to the end of eating Top Ramen for the last four years. Kudos!
  • Isn’t it amazing how far people can go now that Google and Wikipedia are around to help?
  • How does it feel to be only one degree wiser?
  • Now that you’ve graduated, maybe you’re smart enough to figure out how to pay back your student loans.
  • Why did the graduate cross the stage? To move back in with their parents.

🎓 Heartfelt Graduation Wishes

graduates tossing caps into the air

  • Take the time to relax. Celebrate your accomplishments. Stressing about your future can wait.
  • Go into the world and do well, but more importantly, go into the world and do good.
  • Can you believe it? You've made it to the end of this chapter and the beginning of something new. Congratulations and best wishes for all the exciting things yet to come.
  • It’s my great privilege to know you, to think about all you’ve achieved, and to be with you on your graduation day.
  • It seems like just yesterday you were just a kid starting high school. Now, you’re a confident young man/woman about to receive your diploma. It’s been my joy to watch you grow and achieve so much these past four years.
  • Now that you’ve graduated follow your heart and embrace what dreams are important to you. Cherish them. Own them. And pursue them with all of your might.
  • Be proud of this moment — you deserve it for all the effort and dedication you invested. Congratulations.
  • May you always find yourself as happy and full of dreams as you are today! Congratulations.
  • The future holds no promises, but rather mysteries and surprises. What you’ve learned will prepare you for both. Congratulations and all the best for the future.
  • Keep on growing. Keep adding to the goodness and beauty in the world. Keep developing those unique dreams and talents that make you who you are!
  • Always remember: There’s no limit to what you can do if you keep believing in yourself.
  • So happy we could be here to watch you graduate with honors. It’s an honor to share in such an important day.
  • If you’re wondering how the last four years went so fast, you should see how quickly the rest of life flies by. Enjoy this moment because you won’t get it back. Congratulations.
  • It took a lot of hard work to reach this goal. You had to show up every day, whether you felt like it or not. I hope you feel great about what you’ve accomplished, and I hope you’ll continue to be a person who shows up day in and day out for those things that are worthwhile and important in life.
  • Sending warm thoughts and big congratulations to a graduate we’re so very proud of.
  • I’m sure today will be only the first of many proud, successful moments for you.
  • Today is just the start of all the wonderful things that life has in store for you.
  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one. Start each day believing in yourself and watch the magic happen.
  • School may be over, but life's lessons are still to be learned. Keep an open heart and mind.
  • Always allow your challenges to build your character, and your accomplishments to make you proud. This is such an important moment!
  • You did it! Your journey is only just beginning. It’s time to use your brilliant mind to pave your path to success.
  • You have always been the captain of your own ship. On this exciting day, feel proud that you’ve steered it toward victory.
  • May you take every chance that comes your way with boldness and excitement! Enjoy what the future has to offer; you’ve earned it.
  • There is no such thing as an easy path. Every path presents challenges; what matters is how you deal with them. You have proven that your strength and character are built for success.
  • On this day, you have made everyone in your life proud of your achievement and all the effort it took to get here. It’s time to celebrate your success!
  • May all the warm memories of your school years accompany you on your journey to success; there are many more to come!
  • Now that you’re a graduate, it’s time to be courageous. Life is full of lessons that will challenge you all along the way.

🎓 Graduation Messages for Friends

friends smile after graduation

  • Congrats on graduating! I’m beyond proud to be friends with someone so smart.
  • Know what makes your graduation extra special? It’s having grown up together, having so many good memories, and knowing all the challenges you’ve worked through to get to this day. I’m so proud of you.
  • It’s a beautiful thing, watching the friend I've always loved grow up and get one step closer to her dreams. Congrats, with all my love.
  • You’ve come a long way since you were that frightened little [boy /girl] on our first day of kindergarten. I'm so proud of you.
  • Your brilliance has been made unmistakably clear through your many achievements. I am so proud to call you my friend.
  • You are strong, intelligent, bold, and kind. Your rock-solid character will carry you to new heights in the future, and I’ll always be there by your side on the journey!
  • Your perseverance never went unnoticed. You are an inspiration and example to me and everyone else alike.
  • Every giggle, every tear, every joke, and every secret we’ve shared has warmed my heart and lifted my spirit. What a journey!
  • I am so proud of your journey so far, and so excited for your future! May we face it together with laughter and joy.
  • My dear friend, you can achieve anything you want in life. Believe in yourself the same way we believe in you.

🎓Graduation Messages for When You Can't Be There

graduation students photographing each other

  • The only thing that would have made this day more perfect is if we could have celebrated it together. (But in my heart, I'm by your side)
  • It would have meant the world to me to share this day with you. But just know I am celebrating your huge success across the miles. Congratulations!
  • You are still celebrated for this amazing accomplishment, even if it's from home.
  • I wish I could be at your graduation to hug you and tell you in person how proud I am of you.
  • I feel a shout coming on! You can probably hear me from all the way over here. Congrats, Grad!
  • I'm disappointed that I won’t be there to watch you walk across the stage and get your diploma, but we will celebrate your success as soon as we can!
  • Looking forward to getting together soon to celebrate your achievement!
  • I wish I could see you in your cap and gown but know that I am so very proud of you.
  • Sharing our pride and love from afar.
  • Sending our joy and happiness through the mail. Congrats graduate!
  • I would have popped confetti in person, but this will have to do!
  • Save a slice of the celebratory cake for me! So proud of you.
  • There beside you emotionally, but not physically. Congratulations on graduating!
  • *Redeem this card for a free celebratory dinner when we see each other again*
  • Broke out the stamps for you — this achievement just couldn't go unnoticed!

🎓 Inspirational Graduation Quotes

us education music swift

  • "Whatever you choose for a career path, remember the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose." — Chadwick Boseman
  • "My dear terrified graduates, you are about to enter the most uncertain and thrilling period of your lives." — Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." —Mark Twain
  • "Your inexperience is an asset in that it will make you think in original, unconventional ways. Accept your lack of knowledge and use it as your asset." —Natalie Portman
  • “Hard things will happen to us. We will recover, we will learn from it, we will grow more resilient because of it. And as long as we are fortunate enough to be breathing, we will breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, and breathe out. And I am a doctor now, so I know how breathing works.” — Taylor Swift
  • "It is absolutely still possible to make a difference." — Michelle Obama
  • "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." — C.S. Lewis
  • "Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never years, and never regrets." — Leonardo da Vinci
  • "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today." — Malcolm X
  • "All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." — Walt Disney
  • "Wherever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius
  • "Go forth and set the world on fire." — St. Ignatius Loyola

Headshot of Abby Dupes

Abby is an editorial assistant at Seventeen, covering pop culture, beauty, life, and health. When she's not busy watching the latest true crime docuseries, you can find her strolling through Sephora, thrifting the perfect dress, or jogging with her pup. 

Headshot of Briannah Rivera

Bri is the editorial and social media assistant at Before joining the team at ELLE, she worked as the editorial assistant for and where she covered all things celebrity news and pop culture. You can probably find her sipping an oatmilk iced chai while searching for the best new makeup products or thrifting her entire wardrobe.

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What to Write in a High School Graduation Card They'll Love

Congratulate the new grad with these inspirational graduation card sentiments!

Gabrielle is an experienced freelance writer and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with experience using equine-assisted therapy.

Learn about our Editorial Policy .

Graduation is a huge milestone! While anyone can pick out a Hallmark card with a kitschy congratulations comment inside, it's much more meaningful when the sender takes the time to craft a personal sentiment that truly expresses how proud they are of the graduate. When parents, relatives, and friends take the time to do this, it can have a positive impact on the graduating teen. For those folks who find themselves at a loss for words, we've compiled a grade A list of phrases to write in a high school graduation card!

Graduation Card Messages Perfect for a High School Grad

Just like yearbook quotations, graduation card messages can be happy, funny, honest, and inspirational. There are many types of high school graduation card messages that show the graduate how much you care about them. Here's a roster of the top comments to consider!

Congratulations Messages for a High School Graduate

A high school graduation is a joyous occasion. Write a note that celebrates all their hard work by saying:

  • We are so excited to celebrate your accomplishments today and look forward to seeing what your future holds.
  • We share in your happiness on this very special day. We are so thrilled for you!
  • You've accomplished so much during high school and I am so pleased to celebrate your successes with you.
  • Your high school graduation deserves to be celebrated! We are so happy to do so with you!
  • I'm so glad to be here with you today celebrating your graduation!
  • Cheers to four more successful years! We cannot see the amazing things you do in college. Congrats on making it to this momentous milestone.
  • We could not feel happier watching you walk down the aisle to graduate. We are so impressed by your accomplishments.

Funny Graduation Card Messages That Make the Grade

If you have a playful relationship with the graduate, you can write something funny in their card. After all, high school was hard, but there were likely lots of laughs too. You can say:

  • I can't believe you are graduating from high school. No, really, I can't. Congrats - I never thought this day would happen!
  • Wait, you graduated? How did that happen? Just kidding! All the best to you!
  • If I had a penny for all the times I thought you'd get this far... well, I'd be quite poor. Congrats!
  • I can't believe you're officially turning into a real grown up!
  • What? It only took you four years to graduate high school? I lost money on that bet. Just kidding! You have always been a sure bet!
  • Now that you've graduated high school, it's time to embrace your specialty... partying!
  • I can't resist... ConGradulations!
  • You made it this far! Now just don't poke your eye out when you throw your hat in the air! Congrats!

Sweet Graduation Card Sentiments

Write a touching card for the graduate to tell them how much you love them. A sweet note is perfect if you have a close relationship with the high schooler that's graduating. You can write:

  • We hope you always cherish this special day. Congratulations to an amazing person!
  • Today is your day! We look forward to celebrating your graduation with you!
  • This is a day you will always remember and we hope you look back upon it fondly.
  • You are a wonderful person and we hope your high school graduation is a special moment for you.
  • You are about to embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery. Enjoy this amazing day and get ready for an exciting future.
  • Savor this sweet memory. We are so touched that we get to be here with you on your graduation day.
  • Breathe it in. You did it. We are so very proud of you. Enjoy your day. Tomorrow brings your next adventure!
  • You can do anything you set your mind to - we can't wait to see what you think up next! Congrats grad!

Short High School Graduation Messages to Put in a Card

Sometimes it's best to keep things short and sweet. After all, it's been a long four years! You can say:

  • Don't let the fear of the future keep you from making it the present.
  • Thank you for including us today. Congrats on graduating!
  • We can't wait to celebrate your high school graduation with you!
  • Congrats to you for making it to this special day!
  • We wish you the very best on your graduation day!
  • Celebrating your hard work and determination! Congrats grad!

Words of Wisdom to Put in a High School Graduation Card

Starting out in the world after high school isn't always easy. Give the new grad some inspiration and wisdom with your well wishes in their card with phrases like these:

  • Appreciate the little moments, be present, and stay humble: that's a recipe for success.
  • High school wasn't the end of something: it's just the beginning. Stay true to who you are and you'll never go wrong.
  • There is nothing you can't do: making it through high school proves it! Congratulations!
  • Don't wait for the star - wish on anything you want and make it happen. I believe in you.
  • If there's one thing life taught me - it's to always look forward. And remember that there are no mistakes you can't learn from.
  • Everyone graduates from high school a little stronger. You're better prepared for your future than you think.
  • After high school, you have so much ahead of you. Surround yourself with people who fully know you and love you. They'll help you overcome anything.

Graduation Card Messages From Parents or Grandparents

As a parent or grandparent, a graduation card is a great opportunity to tell your child or grnadchild how proud you are of them. Graduating high school can also be a bittersweet moment as you realize the teen you know and love is moving toward adulthood. Ideas of what to write might be cute, funny, or sentimental:

  • May your dreams become your reality, your fears become be vanquished, and may your life be as bright as the sun.
  • This day came so quickly. We are so very proud of you and what you have accomplished. We love you so much!
  • Breathe in every moment of this incredible day. Congratulations on your high school graduation.
  • Watching you graduate today is one of the happiest moments of our life. We are so proud of the person you have become.
  • Oh, the places you'll go! We cannot believe that you are old enough to be graduating. You are such an amazing kid and we know that your future is bright.
  • We always knew that you would do great things! Today comes as no surprise. You worked hard, you overcame, and you achieved your goals. We are so very proud of you!
  • Cheers to a momentous occasion. We are honored to watch you graduate today and proud to be your parents!
  • We are truly honored to be your parents/grandparents. You impress us every day with your kindness, strength, and determination. Congratulations on graduating today. We could not be more proud of you. We love you.
  • Graduation Quotes for Proud Parents

Graduation Messages for a Sister

Your sister graduating is a huge milestone for her. Tell her:

  • Your time in high school was well spent. I hope the rest of your years have just as much success.
  • You are the best sister in the entire world and I am so excited to celebrate your graduation with you today!
  • Graduating high school is a wonderful accomplishment for a wonderful sister! I love you so much!
  • I hit the jackpot when it comes to siblings . So happy to be here celebrating your graduation with you!
  • You have inspired me to be the best version of myself, and for that, I thank you. I know you will continue to make me proud to be your sibling as you embark on to the next phase of your life.
  • I can't wait to see what your future has in store for you. You are truly an amazing person. Congrats on this momentous day!
  • I am so proud of you, big sis! You are such a great role model. I can't believe that I will soon be in your shoes!

Graduation Card Sentiments for a Brother

When your brother graduates, you can tell him:

  • I remember that time we sat on the swings and thought we were invincible. I hope the rest of your life feels like that!
  • Your high school accomplishments are something to be very proud of. I am truly inspired by you and I can't wait to see what you do as you enter into this next chapter of your life.
  • Congrats on graduating today. I feel so blessed to be here celebrating your high school career with you.
  • Knowing I have you as a brother makes me feel beyond lucky. I hope you feel extra special today as we all support your incredible accomplishments!
  • I hope I can be there for you as much as you've been there for me. You really are the best brother! Today we celebrate this epic milestone and party!
  • I am over the moon excited for you today and can't wait to follow in your footsteps. You're the best and I love you so much!
  • Graduation Gift Ideas for Friends

Graduation Wishes for a Friend

When a friend graduates, it's a great opportunity to wish them well . If you've been through high school together, you have plenty of ups and downs that connect you. Things to say or write in a card to a friend graduating might be:

  • They say that the future is only what you make of it. I'm confident that you'll use your skills to make yours amazing.
  • Congratulations on making it through high school! I look forward to seeing how much more you accomplish in the future!
  • I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop - we can't actually be graduating!
  • Growing up and going to high school with you was an adventure. I'm so glad to have the experience of graduating with you too!
  • I never thought this day would happen. I still remember trading lunches on the playground and now we have diplomas. Thanks for everything over the years and congrats!
  • You've been an incredible friend throughout our high school years and I am so excited to celebrate your graduation with you.
  • WE DID IT! Can you believe we made it through ________ class? So proud of you and so thankful to have you as a best friend!
  • Ready for our next adventure! Can't wait to graduate with you again from ____________!
  • Is there anything you can't do? Congrats on your big day! We will miss you next year!

Graduation Wishes for When You Can't Attend

Just because you can't watch this momentous occasion in person doesn't mean you can't celebrate them in spirit!

  • Sending love and congrats from afar! You did it! Enjoy this day!
  • Don't think we won't be celebrating your big milestone when I see you next! This is one for the yearbooks!
  • Thinking of you from afar on this important day! It is the first day of the rest of your life, and we cannot wait to see where you land!
  • I am so sad that I can't be there for you on your high school graduation day, but I will be cheering you on as you walk the stage in spirit! Here's to you grad!
  • We are overflowing with pride! You have accomplished so much! We wish we could be there cheering you on, but know that we are immensely honored to have such an intelligent nephew/niece/granddaughter/grandson and we are celebrating you in spirit!

Tips on What to Write in a High School Graduation Card

Knowing what to say or write in a card to a high school graduate just starts with a little thought. Personal touches are always a terrific idea when writing high school graduation card sentiments. However, if you truly want to elevate your message, there are a few other things to include:

Personalize It

Start with their name or a nickname you use for them. This makes the message more personal. You can also start it off with an inspirational quote from a book, song, or movie you know they love.

Recognize Their High School Success

Next, acknowledge the hard work they put in! School doesn't come easy for everyone. Other students juggle an array of activities while maintaining a high GPA. Make sure they know that their efforts were noticed.

Wish Them Well on Their Next Chapter

After noting your excitement and pride for the graduate, take the time to acknowledge their future endeavors! What are they doing after high school? Are they going to college? Do they plan to attend a trade school or certificate program? Is their next step traveling across Europe? No matter what the plan may be, express your enthusiasm for their new adventure.

Share Words of Wisdom

You can also consider sharing some words of wisdom. Remind them to enjoy the coming years and to dip their toe in an array of activities. Who knows, they may find a few more passions while pursuing their current career goals.

Close Your Card With Care

How you end the card will depend on your relationship with the graduate. If you're close, you can put in some loving sentiments about how proud you are of them and how much they mean to you. If you aren't as close, something as simple as 'Good Luck' or 'Best Wishes for the Future' and your name is fine.

Be Thoughtful in Your Message

Take your time when writing your high school graduation card messages for your friend or loved one. You may not realize it, but your words can make a meaningful imprint on the graduate and even inspire them as they enter their next chapter in life!

Oh My Creative

20 Printable Graduation Cards

Save time and money and make your cards at home. These printable graduation cards come in a bunch of creative designs! Add them to your list of the Best Graduation Gifts to give seniors!

Whether you’re on a budget, like to have full creative control, or you’re on a time crunch and need cards today, these are for you!

Maybe time ran away from you and you don’t have time to stop at the store on your way to the graduation party. Or maybe you want to give them a card that stands out.

Pin image collage of free printable graduation cards. Many can be used for grad gifts.

No matter what your reason is, we’ve got the cards for you! And the best part about them is that they don’t look like you printed them at home!

In fact, these cards look fancy, like something you might buy from an artisan.

You’ll find cards of all types, including gift card holders, funny cards, and fancy folded cards. You’re sure to find a card that you love.

What To Say To A Graduate

What do you write in a graduation card? This can be especially challenging if you don’t know the person very well. And we’ve all been there – attending the party of a 3rd cousin or friend of a friend.

So, I have three of my go-to things to write in a graduation card. Use them, and you’ll never be stumped again!

If you don’t know the graduate very well, then going with humor is a great way to add something to the printable graduation cards . Use puns, self-deprecating humor, or make a joke about a rival school.

You can also chat and Google graduation jokes for some quick and easy ideas.

If you know the person a bit and want to add something inspirational, then add a quote. It could be a quote about courage, going after your dreams, or a funny quote from their favorite comedian.

Personal Story

You can be funny or inspirational with this idea. Share a memory of your graduation or your time going to college. If you can relate to them in any way, do it here.

Pin image collage of free printable graduation cards. Many can be used for grad gifts.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with just keeping it simple. Sign the card with, “congrats! You did it!” Add your name, and give them the card.

In fact, that’s always a great way to do it – especially if you don’t know them very well.

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Supplies Needed

If you want your graduation card to look like something meaningful, then I suggest getting a few essential supplies.

First, get some heavyweight cardstock . Don’t print it out on light printer paper. The card stock will look more professional.

Next, look at the size of the card you’re printing and make sure you have an envelope that will fit it. It will look so much better to give them your card when it’s in an envelope .

Finally, make sure you have a photo-quality printer . Most printers are pretty high-quality these days.

If you want to save money, then you can always send the cards to a local print shop. They will use the materials you request and the printing will look professional.

More Graduation Party Ideas

Are you hosting the party? If you are, then I have a bunch of graduation party ideas that will help you throw an epic party without all the stress. Check these out!


Remember, the best thing you can do is to keep it simple! Don’t stress yourself out trying to plan an unforgettable party!

Are you ready to browse the list of printable graduation cards? Here you go! Click through to your favorites to learn more about them.

Graduation Gift Ideas

Finding the perfect graduation gift can be a challenge, but Meaningful Graduation Gifts For Him can include personalized items that showcase his accomplishments and journey.

Find Senior Graduation Gifts For Her that symbolize the end of one chapter and the beginning of another can be both sentimental and practical.

When considering How Much Money To Give For A Graduation Gift t, it’s essential to factor in your relationship with the graduate and what would be most appreciated during this significant milestone.

Printable Graduation Cards

Why spend hours searching for the perfect graduation card when you can print one at home? Printable graduation cards are convenient, customizable, and just a click away!

what to write in phd graduation card

Graduation Cap Card {Free Printable}

This creative graduation card is in the shape of a graduation cap and opens up to reveal a congratulations message and a place to put money or a gift card.

what to write in phd graduation card

Bright Future Graduation Cards

This free, printable graduation card has a light bulb on the front with the message "Your future looks bright!". 

what to write in phd graduation card

Free Graduation Cards with Positive Quotes and CASH!

These printable graduation cards also act as a gift too!

what to write in phd graduation card

Congrats on Graduation Dog Printable Card

If your graduate is a pet lover this is a great card to give them!

what to write in phd graduation card

Pastel Painting Graduation Card

Give them a card that will leave them in awe with this beautiful watercolor graduation cap painting on the front.

what to write in phd graduation card

Laser Cut Designed Graduation Card

Use your laser-cutting machine to bring this beautiful graduation card to life.

what to write in phd graduation card

Graduation Mug and Grad Card

Get the free svg files needed to create these graduation gifts in no time!

what to write in phd graduation card

Graduation Silhouette Card

This is a cool card you can print right at home and make that graduation party even better.

what to write in phd graduation card

Fun Graduation Card SVG File

This is such a cool design for graduation cards and you can make it right at home!

what to write in phd graduation card

Congrats Grad! Free Graduation Card SVG

You will need a vinyl cutting machine like a Cricut or Silhouette to use the file to make this cool card.

what to write in phd graduation card

Free Printable Game of Thrones Graduation Card

If you have a Game of Thrones graduate they'll entirely get this play on words with this graduation printable card.

what to write in phd graduation card

Printable Graduation Gift Card Holder

Use this graduation card as a way to give gift cards too!

what to write in phd graduation card

Funny Kale Card

A fun play on words with this printable graduation card!

what to write in phd graduation card

Colored Graduation Cards

You can make such cool designs with these colored graduation printable cards.

what to write in phd graduation card

Welcome to Adulthood: Free Printable Graduation Cards

These printable graduation cards are perfect for making them smile.

what to write in phd graduation card

Free Printable Graduation Cards

Floral-themed graduation cards are a sweet way of being sentimental but also simple.

what to write in phd graduation card

No More School Printable Graduation Card

This one sheet printable graduation card also has a space to attach a gift card.

what to write in phd graduation card

Printable Funny Graduation Cards

Keep it casual with these printable funny graduation cards.

what to write in phd graduation card

Printable Money Holder Graduation Card

Here's a printable graduation card that you can print on regular computer paper or cardstock to give it some color. 

what to write in phd graduation card

Free Printable Graduation Cards ("Congrats!)"

The cards will print off one per page and are 5x7 after you cut them out.a

Did you enjoy this list of printable graduation cards? If so, pin this to Pinterest so you can find it later!

creative 1

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Watch CBS News

University apologizes after names horribly mispronounced at graduation ceremony. Here's its explanation.

By Caitlin O'Kane

May 10, 2024 / 2:39 PM EDT / CBS News

May V. Lee Zubeth Brotoski. Syer Ovoon Jean June Breenun. Victoria Lee Zubithruss. These are the names announced at the Thomas Jefferson University graduation ceremony – except the graduates were really named Maeve Elizabeth Brostoski, Sarah Virginia Brennan and Victoria Elizabeth Bruce.

At the university's commencement ceremony for nursing students in Philadelphia on Thursday, the person tasked with calling out graduates' names botched several of them – even ones as simple as Thomas.

Video taken by @colleenb415 and shared on TikTok racked up nearly 8 million views and 16,000 comments on the platform in less than a day. It was shared by others across social media platforms and went massively viral. 

The people who recorded the original video couldn't help but laugh, astonished at the horrible mispronunciations. "Milena Zabeth Cop," the woman reads for Molly Elizabeth Camp.

"Tamome," she says, before the graduate says his name is Thomas. She corrects herself and says Thomas, but doesn't even attempt to read his last name, Canevari. 

Thomas Jefferson University apologized for the mispronunciations of several of the graduates' names.

"This ceremony is a celebration of the significant achievements of our students, and each graduate deserves to have their name honored correctly on this pivotal day," the university said in a statement to CBS News. 

Many people on social media speculated that the woman was reading the phonetic spellings of the names and didn't have the full names written out in their normal spellings. Others had a more cynical explanation – perhaps the woman's name was mispronounced her whole life, and this was her vendetta.

The university confirmed the former to be true.

"The mispronunciations occurred due to the way phonetic spellings were presented on the speaker's cards, which was noted when the presenter apologized during the ceremony," the university said in a statement. "This unfortunate error does not reflect the immense respect we have for our graduates and the value we place on their hard-earned accomplishments."

The school said they "are deeply sorry for any disappointment this may have caused."

Many of the graduates in the video appear to take the botched names in stride – some giggled as they approached to take their diplomas, while others just looked confused. 


Caitlin O'Kane is a New York City journalist who works on the CBS News social media team as a senior manager of content and production. She writes about a variety of topics and produces "The Uplift," CBS News' streaming show that focuses on good news.

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what to write in phd graduation card

University apologizes after wildly mispronouncing graduates’ names: ‘She made a graduation entertaining’

How em-bar-uhs-ing.

A Thomas Jefferson University presenter utterly butchered students’ names during the Jefferson College of Nursing commencement ceremony on May 9. 

“My apologies for the phonetic spelling or pronunciation of the names that was on the cards,” the speaker said during the graduation. “I would have been better just reading from the book. My apologies, graduates.”

Thomas Jefferson University explained that the odd delivery was due to the way phonetic spellings were shown on the speaker’s name cards.

She incorrectly pronounced several nursing students’ names, such as Jessica, Allison, Sarah, Louise, Virginia, Stephanie, Maeve, Molly and Elizabeth.

Instead of saying “Molly Elizabeth Camp,” the speaker said “Mollina—zabeth—cap.” For Maeve Elizabeth, she blurted out “May-vee Lee Zu-beth.” And Sarah Virginia Brennan’s name was pronounced as “Sayer Oo-voon Geen-goo Bree-none.”

But one name took many attendees by surprise, and that name was “Tha-mo-may,” also known as Thomas Michael Canevari Jr. 

As the presenter says, “Tha-mo-may,” many audience members sigh in disappointment, and the student frustratedly corrects her, saying, “It’s Thomas.” 

Many people found it odd that the presenter needed help pronouncing Thomas correctly, even though the institution is named Thomas Jefferson University.

The university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, apologized to graduates for the embarrassing name mispronunciations that went viral over the weekend. 

“Leadership and faculty of Thomas Jefferson University extend our sincerest apologies for the mispronunciations of the names of several of our graduating nursing students during our recent commencement ceremony,” the university said in a statement  posted on Facebook.

The viral moment had people roasting the university online for such a major flop. 

“It’s the fact that the college itself is Thomas Jefferson University and the person calling out the graduate’s names couldn’t pronounce Thomas… it’s literally the schools name lol,” one person  tweeted on X.  

“As a parent, I would be [mad] if it was my kids,” a parent commented. 

“Hysterical!! Glad our profs know what they’re doing!!”  tweeted another. 

Even comedian Jimmy Fallon joined in on the roast,  sharing the clip on his late night show , claiming “she did the impossible, she made a graduation entertaining.” 

However with three more commencement ceremonies scheduled on May 21 and 22 at the university, graduations can’t anticipate no muh-stayks.

University apologizes after wildly mispronouncing graduates’ names: ‘She made a graduation entertaining’


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