Classroom Assignment 18 | BBC Compacta Solution For Class 8 PDF Download

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Q1: Write a descriptive paragraph in 100-120 words describing a place of worship in your area.

Organise your paragraph like this:

  • Topic Sentence: Introduce the place of worship - its name, location, and the community it belongs to.
  • Supporting Details: Add details like its size/area, various buildings and their architecture, and its heritage status, if any. Also
  • describe how it can be reached and what kind of devotees visit it.
  • Concluding Sentence:  Say something about its atmosphere, popularity and religious significance. 

  St. Michael's Cathedral, located in the heart of Springfield, serves the city's large Catholic community. Spanning over two acres, this historic cathedral boasts stunning Gothic architecture, with towering spires and intricate stained glass windows that tell stories from the Bible. It is easily accessible by public transportation, attracting a diverse range of devotees, from locals to tourists seeking spiritual solace. The cathedral holds a prominent place in the community not only for its religious services but also for its vibrant music festivals and charity events. The serene ambiance inside, coupled with its cultural significance, makes it a revered site that embodies faith and tradition in Springfield.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism

July 24, 2021 by Murali

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science . Here we have given. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism

Question 1. List the different types of religious practice that you find in your neighbourhood. This could be different forms of prayer, worship of different Gods, sacred sites, different kinds of religious music and singing, etc. Does this indicate freedom of religious practice? Answer:

Hindu Pooja,
Krishna, Ram, Shiva, Vishnu Haridwar,
Bhajan, Kirtan
Muslim Namaj Allah Mecca, Madina
Nizamuddin (Delhi)
Sikh Ardas,
Matha tek
Guru Nanak Golden Temple Amritsar, Various Gurudwaras of Delhi, Hemkunt Sahib Shabad kirtan
Christian Prayer, Meditation  Jesus/Mother Mary Church
Jerusalem, Rome
 Holy song, Hymns

Question 2. Will the government intervene if some religious group says that their religion allows them to practice infanticide? Give reasons for your answer. Answer: Yes, the government will intervene if some religious group says that their religion allows them to practice infanticide because:

  • According to the law, killing a human being is illegal.
  • Such an act is also against human rights.

Question 3. Complete the following table:

One religious community does not dominate another.
The State does not enforce any particular religion nor take away the religious freedom of individuals.
That some members do not dominate other members of the same religious community.
One religious community does not dominate another. To maintain Harmony.
To avoid discrimination.
In Hindu schools, in the case of admission of Muslim children, there is more resistance.
The State does not enforce any particular religion nor take away the religious freedom of individuals. Because we are citizens of a secular state, where all religions are equal in the eyes of laws. Religious festivals are celebrated in private schools.
Demolition of temples in Kashmir Valley.
That some members do not dominate other members of the same religious community. Allow freedom in equal measure. In many circumstances in Hinduism, the lower Hindu caste is being dominated by upper-caste Hindu till today.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism 1

  • Among 25-30 annual holidays, 22-25 holidays pertain to different religions.
  • It indicates that there is a holiday or religious festival of every religion. So everyone can celebrate their own festival according to their own tradition. Religious festivals are not celebrated in schools.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism 2

  • Christian March or April

Question 5. Find out some examples of different views within the same religion. Answer:

Hindu Arya Samaj, Sanatan Dharm, etc.
Jainism Shwetamber, Digambar
Sikh Sant Nirankari, Khalsa, Radhaswami
Muslims Shiya, Sunni, Ahmadia, Vora, etc.
Christian Roman Catholic, Luthern Church, Orthodox, Protestant

Question 6. The Indian State both keeps away from religion as well as intervenes in religion. This idea can be quite confusing. Discuss this once again in class using examples from the chapter as well as those that you might have come up with. Answer: Indian State keeps away from religion because if the major religious group has access to State power then it could be easily applicable the power and financial resources against the persons of other religions. The majority could quite easily prevent minorities from practicing their religions.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism 3

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism, help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Chapter 2 - Understanding Secularism

  • NCERT Solutions
  • Social Science Social And Political Life
  • Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 - Understanding Secularism - Free PDF Download

Vedantu professionals provide NCERT Answers for Class 8 Social Science Social and Political Life Chapter 2 to help students with an effective learning experience. These NCERT Solutions cover all of the major themes in this chapter, making it easy for students to study and revise.



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Chapter 2 - Understanding Secularism

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Hence, by referring to these NCERT Solutions, students can obtain outstanding marks in their Social Science exams. So download and refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 2 “Understanding Secularism” for free from Vedantu. Science Students who are looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science will also find the Solutions curated by our Master Teachers really Helpful. You can also download Class 8 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examination.

Topics Covered under Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism

Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism is one of the most important and exciting chapters of Social and Political Life. Before looking up the  NCERT solutions, go through the topics discussed in the chapter. 

Retaliation vs. Secularism Examples

What is Secularism?

Why is it Important to Separate Religion from the State?

What is Indian Secularism?

This chapter includes 7 questions. All these questions along with their solutions are provided below. Students can write and learn these answers while preparing for their class tests or exams. Later we will solve some important MCQs for the chapter Understanding Secularism.


Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter- 2 Understanding Secularism

1. List the different types of religious practice that you find in your neighbourhood. This could be different forms of prayer, worship of different gods, sacred sites, different kinds of religious music and singing etc. Does this indicate freedom of religious practice?

Ans: The different types of religious practices found in our neighbourhood are the Vedic chants in Temples, the Gurbani in Gurudwaras, the Namaaz in Mosques, and processions on festivals such as Muharram and prayers in Churches. This indicates the freedom of religious practice in our neighbourhood.

2. Will the government intervene if some religious group says that their religion allows them to practise infanticide? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Yes, the government will intervene if some religious group says that their religion allows them to practice infanticide. This is because such a practice is against the freedom to life and also against the human rights of that infant.

3. Complete the Following Table:


Why is this important?

Example of a violation of this objective

One religious community does not dominate another.

The State does not enforce any particular religion nor take away the religious freedom of individuals.

That some members do not dominate other members of the same religious community.


Why is this important?

Example of a violation of this objective

One religious community does not dominate another.

This is important in order to protect the rights of all the religious communities to practice their own religion.

The destruction of several temples such as Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Somnath Temple, etc.

The State does not enforce any particular religion nor take away the religious freedom of individuals.

This is important in order to keep the secular ideas of the state upright. 

The government provides funding to Madrasas in India which are religious institutions for Muslims.

That some members do not dominate other members of the same religious community.

This is important in order to keep the rights of all the people of the state enacted. 

The Ahmadiyya sect of Islam is not considered a part of Islam by the Sunni sect of Islam.

4. Look up the annual calendar of holidays of your school. How many of them pertain to different religions? What does this indicate?

Ans: There are several festivals on which holidays have been declared. 3 of them are national holidays whereas others are religious holidays such as Holi, Diwali, Janmashtami, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Zuha, Eid-e-Milad, Christmas, etc. This shows that in India all religions are respected and people live in communal harmony.

5. Find out some examples of different views within the same religion.

Ans: In the faith of Islam, there are Sunnis who keep fast on Muharram and there are Shias who mourn during this month. So, in the same festival, there are different views and reasons to fast and mourn within Islam. 

6. The Indian State both keeps away from religion as well as intervenes in religion. This idea can be quite confusing. Discuss this once again in class using examples from the chapter as well as those that you might have come up with.

Ans: The Indian state keeps away from religion in certain matters such as the election of government, deployment of officials, etc. for administration. However, it has also given rights to the minorities to set up their own educational institutions and also provides funds to them.

The state also tries to create a reformed society by making laws against the outdated and cruel customs which are against human rights in the religions.

There are certain rules by which a particular religion is exempted from them. For example, the defence personnel in India cannot keep beards but the Sikhs can.

7. This poster highlights the need for ‘Peace’. It says, “Peace is a never-ending process.... It cannot ignore our differences or overlook our common interests.” Write in your own words what you think the above sentences are trying to convey? How does it relate to the need for religious tolerance?

Peace Poster

Ans: The above sentences are trying to say that peace cannot be achieved as long as there is not a healthy environment for discussion and agreement on differences on common matters. One section of people might say that a particular action is wrong or a particular belief is irrational whereas there might be some sections who hold that belief to be true and the actions rational. This could be a cause of disruption of peace in the absence of a harmonious environment for discussion in society.

MCQs Based on Chapter 2 - Understanding Secularism

Below given are some MCQs based on the chapter Understanding Secularism. Tick the correct option:

1. According to the Indian Constitution, which of the following is true?

One religious community can not harm another.

Sikhs can not wear turbans.

People of other religions than Hindus can not worship publicly.

Members of the same community can harm each other.

2. According to American secularism, there is____

No separation between religion and State 

Less separation between religion and the State 

A strict separation between religion and the State 

The mix of religious activities

3. In Saudi Arabia, which practice is followed? Mark the correct answer.

Non-muslims are not allowed to build temples, churches or any other religious place.

Muslims can harm non-muslims.

Non-muslims together follow their religious activities in public. 

None of the above

Fill in the Blanks

The Indian Constitution mandates that the Indian State be ………. 

The Indian state works in various ways to prevent the ………

The Indian Constitution grants the right to religious communities to set up their own ……

The Indian Constitution guarantees ………..

Indian constitution intervened in Hindureliguous practices to remove ………

Answers. 1. Secular, 2. Domination, 3.  Schools and colleges, 4. Fundamental rights, 5. untouchability

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics - Overview and Summary

The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics on Vedantu will help you to develop a conceptual understanding of the various topics covered in this chapter, which will therefore help you to easily answer all the questions from this chapter of Civics class 8, in the examination.

In Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism, you will read about the concept of secularism, i.e., the fundamental right of religious freedom, and its various aspects. Practising the various types of questions will ensure that you have a good understanding of the subject. NCERT Class 8 Civics Solutions for Understanding Secularism, a free PDF is available on Vedantu and can be accessed by students both offline and online. You can also download the free PDF file of NCERT Solutions and take a printout of the same, for your convenience.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 - Understanding Secularism

Chapter 2 understanding secularism , benefits of ncert solutions for class 8 social science civics.

Our proficient and experienced teachers have formulated all the solutions in a well-structured format to make your learning process easier. The following are the benefits of our Class 8 Chapter 2 Civics Solutions.

NCERT Solutions available on Vedantu are prepared in an easy-to-understand manner.

All the NCERT Solutions are prepared according to the latest CBSE guidelines.

Every answer is prepared by the highly experienced teachers at Vedantu.

These NCERT Solutions are prepared in such a way that a student can have a comprehensive exam preparation.

The PDF file of the NCERT Solutions is available for free download.

All the solutions are accurate and detailed so that students don’t face any problems in understanding the concepts.

Vedantu provides free NCERT Solutions and other study materials for every class and subject. Students of class 8 who are looking for Social Science NCERT Solutions can download the SST Class 8 chapter-wise solutions PDF files from Vedantu for free.

NCERT Class 8 Social Science Social and Political Life Chapter-wise Solutions

Chapter 1 - The Indian Constitution

Chapter 3 - Why do we need a Parliament

Chapter 4 - Understanding Laws

Chapter 5 - Judiciary

Chapter 6 - Understanding Our Criminal Justice System

Chapter 7 - Understanding Marginalisation

Chapter 8 - Confronting Marginalisation

Chapter 9 - Public Facilities

Chapter 10 - Law and Social Justice


Not only does Vedantu give study resources for Social Science, but also for every other topic in class 8. Our subject matter experts have addressed each issue. All answers are properly organised for learners, and all NCERT Solutions adhere to the most recent CBSE rules. Throughout the study materials, each topic is elucidated in an organised manner, and test papers are written appropriately. If you need additional help overcoming your worries, our in-house experienced teachers are accessible around the clock to answer your inquiries. The study materials are available on both the Vedantu app and the website.


FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Chapter 2 - Understanding Secularism

1.What we are Going to Study in Chapter 2 of Civics Class 8?

The basic right to religious freedom is discussed in detail in this chapter of Class 8 Civics. A secular country is one that gives the freedom to its citizens to practice the religion of their choice, and no majority can deprive them of this freedom.

This chapter also discusses why India is a secular country. It can be said that India is a secular country because it is not dominated by people of any single religion and also because it can not force people to follow a certain religion by the state or central power.

The chapter 'Understanding Secularism' makes it easier for students to understand the concept of secularism and also why it is essential to allow the nation's citizens to practice any religious belief in a fundamental way.

2. How can Students Access Solutions for Different Chapters in one Place?

Students can access all the solutions by downloading PDF files from Vedantu. These files are available for free download. You can access the solutions anytime and anywhere on Vedantu. By downloading Vedantu’s app you can attend free live master classes as well.  Some of the students, while understanding civics, face problems. Thus, with the help of our expert teachers, Vedantu has made the topic easier to understand. To make your preparation for exams easier, our experienced teachers have prepared these solutions with the utmost care. Download the NCERT Solutions PDF, and access live masterclasses, NCERT Solution PDF, free videos, and much more.

3. What is Understanding Secularism?

Understanding secularism is a chapter in Class 8 NCERT Social Science. This chapter in Civics explains the meaning and definition of secularism, the importance of secularism, what is a secular state and topics related to it. This chapter enlightens students that no one in a secular country has the right to discriminate against any religion and its beliefs. Secularism never promotes any kind of disrespect against any religion. You can access NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science Social and Political Life Chapter 2 to understand the chapter better.

4. What is Secularism in the NCERT Solutions?

India has devised a strategy to separate the influence of religion from the power of the state. This division of religion from state is known as secularism. The goal of secularism is to create a society in which people of different faiths may live together in harmony and peace. A secular country does not allow religious discrimination. Every person living in the country has the right to practice their religion.

5. What is a secular state according to the Class 8 NCERT?

A secular state is a state which practices secularism, that is, a state which does not interfere and remains neutral in matters of religion. A secular state neither goes in favour or against any religion. It follows three objectives:

One religion should not be dominant over another one.

Any member should not dominate other members of the same religious community.

The State neither imposes any one religion nor does it restrict people's religious freedom.

6. Where can I find notes of ‘Understanding Secularism’?

Vedantu is the best platform if you are looking for some excellent quality study materials for your exam preparations. The notes and NCERT Solutions are formulated by a team of experts. For the notes of Chapter 2 of Civics Class 8, you can take a look through the website of Vedantu . They provide the students with downloadable PDFs of NCERT Solutions that are absolutely free of cost. Students can also access the study material on Vedantu’s App.

7. Where can I download NCERT Class 8 Social Science textbook?

The NCERT Class 8 Social Science textbook and solutions to each chapter are available in PDF format on the Vedantu app and the Vedantu website. These PDFs are available for download, and they are also free. When it comes to studying new concepts and topics, the books you choose must be simple to understand and give you the information you seek. NCERT books meet all of these requirements and give you the best.

NCERT Class 8 Social Science Social and Political Life Chapter wise Solutions

Ncert solutions for class 8 social science, cbse study materials.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8

January 18, 2024 by phani

Here we have provided Updated NCERT Solutions for Class 8 for 2019 CBSE Board Exams. NCERT Solutions clear your concepts to the core ensuring to stay with you in the long run. These are created by experts in accordance with the CBSE curriculum. You can find 100% accurate step-by-step solutions for every question in all the latest  NCERT books . Practice with these daily to perform better in boards.

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  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Geography
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit

CBSE Class 8 study materials by LearnCBSE are the best materials to prepare for the final exams. The materials here are provided here for free in PDF format, for all the students. These materials can be easily downloaded and accessed offline as well. Our subject experts and experienced teachers have prepared these materials keeping in mind the latest syllabus(2019-20). Using these materials the students will find it easy to prepare for the exams and score excellent marks. The important materials provided here for Maths, Science, Social Science, English and Hindi subjects are syllabus as per CBSE, solutions for NCERT textbooks, sample papers, previous year question papers, important questions and revision notes.

Students of 8th standard can always use these materials as per their need. Revision notes will help them to have a quick look on all the important concepts, whereas the solutions will give them the best methods to answer the questions in an easier and quicker way. Students can also make use of last year question papers to get an idea of question pattern and practice more questions using sample papers to get an excel on topics.

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NCERT Solutions

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8

Ncert solutions for class 8 – download pdfs.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 is a very crucial study material as it is responsible for laying a strong foundation for your higher classes. However, there is no need to get too stressed or overwhelmed. The best study material any Class 8 student can use is NCERT Books . The textbook explains all the concepts that have to be learned by a Class 8 student neatly and efficiently.

Class 8 students should have a firm grip on the answers to the questions given in the NCERT textbook. The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths and Science are given here for you to refer to. These solutions provided at BYJU’S are incredibly accurate and offer detailed solutions for every question present in each chapter of Maths and Science. These comprehensive explanations, along with the answers, are designed by expert subject teachers after extensive research to produce an authentic and appropriate source of NCERT Solutions for you. The solutions for Class 8 NCERT Science and Maths will help you clear your doubts instantly and understand the concepts quickly. These NCERT Solutions, if studied meticulously, can help you get rid of all your doubts.

Maths and science are subjects of extreme importance in the curriculum of a student. Hence, emphasizing practising the questions and solutions to understand any concepts in the given chapters is of utmost importance to secure good marks and advance in your desired career. For more practice, you can check out NCERT Books for Class 8 and practise the questions and answers based on the CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 .

NCERT Class 8 Solutions comprises chapter-wise solutions, providing you with the key to unlocking your problem-solving skills. Choosing the right learning strategy will make a profound impact on your academic career. These solutions will help you solve the questions as well as cross-verify your answers simultaneously. The prime motto of providing the perfect NCERT Solutions is to help you understand the topics and concepts comprehensively. This understanding helps you in building a strong foundation for higher grades.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths

BYJU’S provides NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapters 1 to 16, prepared by our expert faculty, to help you in your exam preparations. Download NCERT Class 8 Maths Solutions of all chapter-wise PDFs to find a better approach to solving the questions in the book. These solutions will also help you have a deeper understanding of concepts covered in NCERT Class 8 Maths Textbook . Practising the textbook questions will help you analyse your level of preparation and knowledge of concepts in the book.

The chapter-wise answers to all the questions present in the 16 chapters of NCERT Class 8 Maths, written in a precise and lucid manner, are provided here. You can refer to the PDFs of Class 8 Maths NCERT Solutions as your additional references and study materials to help you learn the essence faster. Practising textbook exercises will surely help you to prepare efficiently for your examination.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science

BYJU’S brings you Science NCERT Class 8 Solutions framed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts related to physics, chemistry and biology. These CBSE 8 Science NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These Class 8 Science NCERT Solutions are explained beautifully using a step-by-step approach for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation.

We have also provided NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science PDFs in an easily accessible format to help you prepare adequately. You can download and practise these NCERT Science Solutions for Class 8 to get a thorough knowledge of the concepts covered in the NCERT Books for Class 8 Science .

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science

BYJU’S brings you Social Science NCERT Class 8 Solutions framed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts related to History, Geography and Civics. These CBSE 8 Social Science NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These Class 8 Social Science NCERT Solutions are elaborately explained for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation. Also, access the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 History, Geography and Political Science (Civics) from the links provided below:

We have also provided NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science PDFs in an easily accessible format to help you prepare adequately. You can download and practise these NCERT Social Science Solutions for Class 8 to get a thorough knowledge of the concepts covered in the NCERT Books for Class 8 Social Science .

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

BYJU’S brings you English NCERT Class 8 Solutions designed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts which help prepare you for the board exams. These CBSE 8 English NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English are explained perfectly for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation. The solutions are prepared according to the latest syllabus and guidelines as it contains answers to all the questions present in the textbook, along with sample papers and practice papers.

How and When to Solve NCERT Solutions

It is often seen that the students directly jump to solving the questions present in the NCERT textbook. But is that the right way to learn? No, it is definitely not how you should learn. Here you go with the proper method of learning NCERT Solutions.

  • For theoretical subjects, like Science, the first thing you have to do is to read the NCERT textbooks thoroughly. However, just reading it without giving any attention to it will do no good to you. You should make it a habit to read the textbook by understanding the concepts. You should read the book at least three times before moving on to solving the questions present in the NCERT book.
  • In the case of numerical subjects, like Maths, you should give attention to the teachers in the class to understand the concepts. Once you get familiarised with the concept, the next thing you should do is understand the method of solving a question. To understand the problem-solving method, you should first try solving the solved examples given in the NCERT textbook. If you think that you are thorough with the examples, try solving them again without looking at the solutions given in the textbook. Compare your answers with the answers given in the textbook.
  • If you follow the steps mentioned above, by the time you are done with it, you would be having a strong knowledge of the concepts as well as the problem-solving method of the chapter you have just learnt. Now, you can go ahead and try solving all the questions in the textbook. Make sure that you try solving them yourself without referring to any solutions.
  • Once you are done with solving the questions in the exercises or at the end of the chapter, take out the NCERT Solutions provided at BYJU’S, and compare your answers with it.
  • Give yourself a pat when you find that you have answered the questions right. But, on the other hand, if you have given incorrect answers, note down the questions and understand the right way to solve them by referring to the solutions. Practise it again and again till you are thorough with the solutions, and once you feel you are proficient in them, try solving the questions again and check the answers. Repeat the step until you find yourself giving the right answers for all the questions given in the textbook.

Exam Preparation With NCERT Solutions

NCERT books & NCERT Solutions for Class 8 are more than enough to score high marks in the exam if you focus and read them with full concentration. The chances of out-of-syllabus questions being asked in the Class 8 exams are very less. Scoring high marks in the Class 8 examination is very easy. To score decent marks in the Class 8 examination, you don’t need to have an extraordinary brain. On the other hand, all you should have is a firm grip on the concepts, a logical approach and rational thinking. To score high in your Class 8 exam, a clear understanding of the basics, a command over formulae, and a sound practice regimen are all that you need. Here are some tips for using NCERT Solutions in your favour during exam preparation.

  • Early preparations: Starting your preparations early, right from the beginning of the academic year, is the best way to avoid any last-minute haste. Doing so will help you provide enough time for each subject as well as for solving the NCERT Solutions well in advance. Solving the solution well ahead of time can help you in clearing your doubts related to them at the earliest.
  • Review your syllabus: Going through your whole syllabus and highlighting the main topics to be studied is the first step towards studying right. Ensure to solve the Solutions of NCERT related to the topics you find important or difficult.
  • Know the exam pattern: It is important to understand the exam pattern approved by the Board concerned with the exam you are going to appear for. By doing so, you will get an idea of the chapter that has more weightage and can help you concentrate more on the solutions of that chapter.
  • Study regularly: Study the solutions regularly, along with the NCERT books, to be extremely familiar with the problem-solving method.
  • Revision: As the final step, revise all the NCERT Solutions as the exam date gets nearer to brush up on the concepts and keep them fresh in your mind.

Other NCERT Resources For Class 8

Ncert exemplars for class 8.

The solutions for all the questions present in the NCERT Exemplars books of Class 8 Maths and Science are given here. The NCERT Exemplars for Class 8 have been developed to help you in your academics. We at BYJU’S, are providing these NCERT Exemplar Solutions to facilitate easy learning for students. You can quickly go through the solutions and find out accurate answers. You can find the subject-wise links for Class 8 exemplar solutions in the table below.

NCERT Books For Class 8

The NCERT aims to provide qualitative education to school children in India by preparing and publishing textbooks, study materials, educational kits, etc. The core of the schooling system is NCERT Books. NCERT books for Class 8 Maths and Science are provided at BYJU’S, which can be downloaded from the links given below.

NCERT Syllabus For Class 8

The key to exam preparation is knowing the syllabus. Knowing the syllabus will help you understand the topics and concepts that will be covered in the academic session, in turn, helping you to make proper use of other NCERT resources.

NCERT Solutions and Competitive Exams

The National Talent Search Examination Syllabus consists of the topics covered in Mathematics and Science, along with other subjects of Class 8 as well. Hence, solving NCERT Solutions for Class 8 will help you understand at least a few of the concepts mentioned in the NTSE Syllabus . Similarly, in the case of Olympiads, the Class 8 NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths plays an important role in the Maths Olympiad while Class 8 NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science plays an important role in the Science Olympiad. Therefore, the more you solve the NCERT Solutions, the more familiar and thorough you get with the concepts, helping you excel in Competitive Exams like NTSE and Olympiads.

NCERT Solutions in IIT-JEE Preparation

Getting into a reputed institute to pursue engineering is a dream for many students. Yearly, lakhs and lakhs of people attempt the IIT-JEE , out of which only a few succeed in making it to the reputed institutions. This is one of the principal reasons that you are advised to start the preparation early. Starting your preparation for IIT-JEE soon will give you an edge over other students. The earlier you start, the more time you can provide JEE with. You can give yourself ample time to get your basics right and to balance between school and coaching classes. You can also dedicate your time to preparations for JEE during the weekends, still doing a great job in polishing yourself for the IIT-JEE. You can revise the subjects on a regular basis and recollect the concepts with ease, even at the time of examination.

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class 8 assignment religion solution

Good job I really like it this app

I really like this app this is very useful for me thank you byjus

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class 8 assignment religion solution

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Education & result website in bangladesh, islam assignment class 8 answer 7th week ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা.

August 9, 2022 allnewjob Assignment 14

Assignment of Class 8 for Islam and Moral Studies Answer for 7th week 2021 is available now. Along with other subjects we have uploaded the sample answer of the Class eight (ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা) Islam O Noitik Sikkha question. If you want to get your Class 8 Islam assignment answer, then please read the following question and answer. Religion is one of the important subject both in people’s life and for subject. The subject of religion answer for the class 8 assignment should be download here.

Class 8 Assignment

For the class 8 students, our team has brought some exclusive answer for every subject assignment. The students of class 8 will be very fruitful in getting these assignments as sample. Therefore, this site can be very valuable to our readers who may be either a student, tutor, or guardian. The assignment notice, syllabus, answer, question, solution for class 8 students is our main concerned in this blog post.

The class 8 assignment answer for the Bangla, English, Mathematics (Math), Science (biggan), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Islam, Hindu, Buddha, Christian, Agriculture all subject is very relevant. The dshe has recently published two separate notices relating to the evaluation of the class XII graders in Bangladesh. According the announcement, the school teachers will have to save those assignments for further use.

all class 7th week assignment 2021

Class 8 Assignment Islam

The assignment for the class 8 includes the whole 1st chapter from your religion book. The Islam and moral studies book has several questions. But the assignment question of the class 8 Islam is the following in English.  You want to get the question in Bengali or Bangla. Then they are followings:

Short Questions, 1) What is Aqedah? Why is it necessary to believe in Tawhid? Explain the consequences of disbelief. Explain the evils and consequences of shirk. You have to answer the following question as per the information in your Islam textbook. We can provide you answer in English but it will be very hard for us if we want to deliver the assignment answer in Bangla. Our Bangla team will start working from tomorrow, so you can expect every answer of class 8 9 7 6 assignment in Bangla.

class 8 assignment islam 7th week 2021

Islam Assignment Answer Class 8

Class 8 Islam and Moral Studies Assignment Answer has been posted here in a PDF file. We have given the direct link attached here in this post very explicitly. Therefore, anyone can download the PDF file or go for the direct answer in Bangla in the next week. You have to write down in precise the answer for the class 8 assignment as you can see in the question. You should not write much about but be in brief while writing any question’s answer.

class 8 islam 7th week assignment answer

Click Here For Full Islam Answer PDF

Also Download:

  • Class 8 Bangla Assignment Answer 2021 1st Week
  • Class 8 Math Assignment Answer 3rd Week Solution 2020  
  • ICT Assignment Class 8 Answer & Solution  
  • Class 8 Assignment Science Answer PDF

Quick Link..

  • assignment answer
  • class 8 assignment
  • class 8 islam assignment


Vai ETA. to Islam onno proshno

are year 8 or islam ans koy

Vai class 7 er math answer kothay…

Ei islam prosno to school dia day nay

Ata to maybe class 7ar Islam Assignment. Class 8 ar ta koi

Exam is the most important but your time spent playing game

why is this old one? where is the new ans??

what the F### okarone visit paowar cheshta lel


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class 8 assignment religion solution

Class 8 6th Week Assignment Answer 2022 For ICT, Religion

Department of Secondary  and better  Education Class 8 6th Week Assignment Answer 2022 For ICT, Religion, English, Agriculture, Grahostho Answer Studies All Subject PDF Download. Class 8 all subject solution found here. Class Seven assignment 1st week account  all subjects here. Official site at . This year, most of the scholars  download the assignment question 2022.

All  the principles  and every one  the problems  associated with  the activities of this assignment.  are  discussed to continue  the tutorial  activities.  Insight of all the discussions, the Department of Secondary  and better  Education has issued a notice. Regarding the work scheduled for  the primary  week of the assignment.

Table of Contents

Class 8 assignment 2022

For all student assignment notice 2022 download the official site This year’s new assignment notice published authority. you’ll  use  the primary  Official notice and PDF file download now.

Class 8 ICT 6th Week Assignment

class 8 assignment religion solution

Class 8 ICT Assignment Answer 2022 6th week Tottho Projukti

সমাধান প্রস্তুত করা হচ্ছে….

Class 8 Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment

class 8 assignment religion solution

Class 8 Hindi Religion 6th Week Assignment

class 8 assignment religion solution

Class 8 assignment Routine week List 2022

Department of Secondary  and better  Education assignment Question all subject finally new notice published.  the scholar  Download for the assignment answer. The new assignment of 2022 has been published so this is often  my post  to tell  all  the scholars  about this assignment.

Class 8 assignment Routine week List 2021

Class 8 Assignment Question PDF Download

Dear student friends,  you’ll  download the first-week assignment or scheduled work PDF file from here. Unfortunately Download All Student can`t Download PDF File.  I will be able to tell them  that you simply  can easily download  the specified  PDF file from our website with  only one  click. If  you would like ,  you’ll  easily download it by clicking on the download button

6th সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট প্রশ্নপত্র ডাউনলোড করুন

Class 8 assignment 6th week Answer 2022

See here for all Eight graders  to seek out  solutions  to all or any  issues. we are  a replacement  update today and continue on our site at Now  you’ll  found your assignment 2022 1st week answer sheet with PDF. List warry answer found on my site. Just wait to unravel  your assignment 2022 1st week answer.

Class 8 English Assignment 6th Week Answer

class 8 assignment religion solution

Class 8 Assignment 6th Week Grahostho Answer


Class 8 Assignment Answer 2021 5th Week Bangla

Class 8 Assignment Answer 2021 5th Week Bangla

Class 8 Assignment Answer 2021 5th Week Kormo O Jibonmukhi Sikkha

Class 8 Assignment Answer 2021 5th Week Kormo O Jibonmukhi Sikkha

I hope that successfully download Class 8 Assignment 6th Week Answer 2022  All Subject PDF Download  for free of charge . Now next update finds on  the location  at For more Updates about the Department of Secondary  and better  Education assignment 2021. Thanks for visiting our site.

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  • Class 8 6th Week Assignment Answer 2021- English, Agriculture, Grahostho

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ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা বই - ২০২৩ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ৮ম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক - Religion Class 8 Textbook 2023 PDF (NCTB)

Mofizur Rahman

৮ম শ্রেণির    ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা  Class 8 Religion Book Pdf

(according to nctb).


১ম অধ্যায় : আকাইদ

  • নিফাক
  • আল-আসমাউল হুসনা
  • রিসালাত
  • খতমে নবুয়ত
  • আখিরাত
  • শাফাআত
  • জান্নাত
  • জাহান্নাম
  • ইমান ও নৈতিকতা

২য় অধ্যায় : ইবাদত

  • যাকাত
  • যাকাত ফরজ হওয়ার শর্ত
  • যাকাতের মাসারিফ
  • | যাকাতের গুরুত্ব ও তাৎপর্য
  • হজের ফরজ, ওয়াজিব ও সুন্নত
  • হজ পালনের নিয়ম
  • কুরবানি
  • আকিকা
  • কুরবানির ত্যাগের শিক্ষা

৩য় অধ্যায় : কুরআন ও হাদিস শিক্ষা

  • কুরআন মজিদ
  • তাজবিদ
  • নুন সাকিন ও তানবিনের বর্ণনা
  • মীম সাকিনের বর্ণনা
  • নাযিরা তিলাওয়াত
  • সূরা আল-কাদর
  • সূরা আল-যিলযাল
  • সূরা আল-ফিল
  • সূরা কুরাইশ
  • সূরা আন-নাসুর
  • আয়াতুল কুরসি
  • সূরা আল-হাশরের শেষ তিন আয়াত
  • আল-কুরআন ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা
  • মোনাজাতমূলক তিনটি হাদিস
  • হাদিসের আলোকে নৈতিক শিক্ষা

৪র্থ অধ্যায় : আখলাক

  • আখলাকের প্রকার
  • কতিপয় আখলাকে হামিদাহ, ধৈর্য
  • ভ্রাতৃত্ব
  • নারীর মর্যাদা
  • সমাজসেবা
  • দেশপ্ৰেম
  • পরমতসহিষ্ণুতা
  • আখলাকে যামিমাহ
  • অহংকার
  • অশ্লীলতা
  • পরশ্রীকাতরতা
  • চৌর্যবৃত্তি
  • ঘৃণা
  • সন্ত্রাস
  • এইচআইভি এবং এইডস

৫ম অধ্যায় : আদর্শ জীবনচরিত

  • হযরত সুলায়মান (আ.)
  • হযরত মুসা (আ. )
  • হযরত ঈসা (আ.)
  • হযরত মুহাম্মদ (স.)
  • হযরত আয়েশা (রা.)
  • হযরত উমর ইবনে আব্দুল আজিজ (র.)
  • হযরত রাবেয়া বসরি (র.)

ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা বই - ২০২৩ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ৮ম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক - Religion Class 8 Textbook 2023 PDF (NCTB)

বাংলা ভার্সন পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড

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ইংরেজি ভার্সন পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড

Mofizur Rahman

Mofizur Rahman

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Class 8 Religion Assignment 6th week Answer 2022

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