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How to Give an Impromptu Speech, with Examples

March 2, 2021 - Dom Barnard

An impromptu speech is when you’re asked to speak in public without prior notice. It can be one of the most terrifying speeches you’ll ever do; standing up in front of a crowd and having to speak for a few minutes without preparation is daunting, even for the most seasoned speakers.

It’s not likely to happen often, however when it does, you don’t want to be caught completely off-guard. Here are a few things to bear in mind if you’re asked to speak at short notice.

Impromptu speech definition

An impromptu speech is given with little or no preparation, yet almost always with some advance knowledge on the topic. This is sometimes referred to as “off the cuff” or “spur of the moment”.

For example, in class, a teacher may ask a student to give a short impromptu speech about a topic that was in the assigned readings. Business meetings may also start with everyone talking briefly about what they have done recently on the project.

In small informal meetings, the audience will interrupt an impromptu speech and ask questions, which helps guide the speech and the information that is presented.

When campaigning, politicians sometimes respond to reporters or voters almost anywhere and at any time.

Comedians are well known for their impromptu replies to hecklers, which are sometimes planned, but usually made up on the spot.

Tips on giving an impromptu speech

If you are about to make an impromptu speech and have a few minutes to prepare, follow these two tips:

1. Make some quick notes

The first thing you should do when asked to speak is to grab a pen and a piece of paper (or napkin – whatever you can find to write on). Jot down a few initial ideas, or even just a few words that you can expand upon during your speech.

If you don’t write anything else, make sure you’ve written down your  starting  and ending sentences, as these are the most important.

2. Decide on the tone

Next, think about what tone to speak in. This will depend on the type of event you’re at. For example, at a wedding, you would speak informally, and you can have fun with the speech, whereas at a business conference you would speak more formally and stick to a professional tone.

Giving an impromptu talk to a group of people

Impromptu speech frameworks

This is when it gets easy. Pick one of these frameworks to use as a structure for your impromptu speech, and you’ll instantly feel more prepared. They’re easy to remember, so you won’t have to write them down – instead write down keywords for each point.

1. The 5 Ws

Useful for when you’re speaking about a person or specific event

Following the 5 Ws provides instant structure to your speech, and you’ll be able to organise your thoughts in an easy-to-follow way. You don’t even need to change the order – starting with ‘who’ gives context to the speech and ending with ‘why’ leaves the audience with the most important, relatable point.

  • Who  – who is involved in the event or who is attending
  • What  – what event are you at and what are the common goals?
  • Where  – where is the event, how did the initiative the event revolves around start?
  • When  – is the timing of the event important? What does the future hold?
  • Why  – why is everyone there? Why are  you  there?

For example, if you’re talking about a fundraising event, you could say who started the charity, what the goals are, where it is heading, when the event is happening, and why it’s important.

2. Diplomatic framework

Useful for formal occasions such as a business conference.

For this impromptu speech, start by talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the  subject topic , then end with a conclusion.

This will make your speech informative and enable you to talk for a longer period of time than the 5 Ws. It’s important not to be  afraid of silence  when using this framework.

Given that there is less room for creativity, you may find you need to pause to think about what you’re going to say next. While you think, you could walk up and down the stage slightly as if you are letting your last point settle, ask if there are any questions, or ask for a glass of water.

These techniques all buy you more time if your mind goes blank and save you (and your audience) from feeling awkward about a prolonged silence.

3. Storytelling

Useful for informal events such as weddings and book launches.

Storytelling is a powerful method of speaking and is an easy way of  connecting with the audience . When having to speak when you aren’t prepared, start off small, then medium, and end large. Basically, talk about the event from an individual perspective, then a group or national perspective, and end with the bigger picture.

For example, if you’re asked to give a  speech at a wedding , you could talk about when you met the couple and your experiences with them (small), what their relationship and marriage means to the rest of the wedding guests (medium), and end with the future of their relationship and their family legacy.

Practice impromptu speeches

Impromptu speeches, by their nature, are hard to practice for. You don’t know what the topic will be or the type of audience you’ll be facing. However, the more you practice, the better you’ll be when the impromptu situation arises.

We’ve designed an  impromptu speaking exercise  with the following:

  • Speak about what’s on a random slide for 30 seconds each slide
  • Feedback on your performance so you can identify areas that need improving
  • Audio of the practice session is recorded so that you can listen back and self-evaluate your performance

You’ll practice quick thinking by talking about a series of random slides for 30 seconds each. You’ll be able to give speeches at short notice and answer questions more easily with this brain training.

Examples of an impromptu speech

Here are two examples of impromptu speeches. The videos skip the short preparation time and start when the speaker starts speaking.

Being able to deliver an impromptu speech is an important skill to have and will save you a lot of anxiety when you’re asked to speak at the last minute.

To prepare yourself for the unknown, try an  impromptu practice exercise  so that your brain is trained to think on the spot. Not only is this an effective way to learn, but it’s also fun!

Rigorous Themes

  • Internet , Productivity

15 Best Impromptu Speech Tips (With Examples)

An impromptu speech is often the scariest type of speech you can make because you don’t get to prepare or predetermine what you’re going to say.

The speaker only gets a topic given in the form of a quotation, object, or proverb, and they have to do their best to deliver long-awaited answers.

Impromptu speech doesn’t have to be a full speech on its own. It can be a combination of answers to short quotations or terms provided during interviews or live discussions broadcast on the television.

While you can’t prepare yourself for the impromptu speech since you might not have any idea what you’ll be asked, you can still work on improving your speech and dialog with the help of the tips below!

I have also listed some great examples of impromptu speeches to give you an idea of what I am talking about.

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15 Best Impromptu Speech Tips

These 15 tips will let you know exactly how to behave during an impromptu speech, how to know what and when to say, and how to guide your speech without having too many pauses or breaks in between.

1. Hold it Together (Be Confident)

example of impromptu speech situation brainly

Impromptu speeches might happen suddenly for many reasons, and often, you might find yourself in front of the audience without even agreeing to it.

No matter what happens during the speech, you have to assure yourself that you’ll be alright. This means you should look up, never avoid eye contact, and breathe deeply. Thinking about something positive is a confidence boost you might need to get through the speech.

2. Focus on Your Audience

When you’re starting your impromptu speech, keep in mind that you’re not going against the audience, yet the audience will be on your side.

Therefore, you should work with the audience and focus your speech around something positive and helpful to the audience.

The goal is to have the audience listen and understand what you’re saying in your impromptu speech but also respond to the things you’re saying. Being confident in front of the audience is one thing you should do, while the other is to focus on the audience and plan a structure you’ll learn in the next tip.

3. Plan a Structure

Even though you might not be prepared for a speech, you will still be able to quickly develop a speech structure in your head as soon as you hear the topic, question, or object you’re given to talk about.

Every speech structure should include three steps and the speech can be structured around almost anything. The most popular structures are:

  • Past/present/future
  • Cause/effect/remedy
  • Before/the event/the result

Think of the structure as a guideline of your speech that will help you get from start to finish as smoothly as possible. Another thing to keep in mind is that you can tell your structure/plan to your audience so they can easily keep up with your speech and know what to expect from it.

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4. Don’t Ramble

When you come up with a quick structure for your impromptu speech, you’re left to deliver the speech, but one thing you should keep in mind is not to ramble.

Rambling won’t get you anywhere; you’ll feel unease, and your audience won’t follow your speech easily.

Instead, it would help if you stuck to the “less is more” saying, stick to the target, and keep things short and to the point.

With a proper structure plan, you’ll have three key points (no matter what they are), so by splitting your speech into three sections, you’ll be able to judge how much time you should spend talking about each section.

5. Stand Out

example of impromptu speech situation brainly

Many try to stand out by actions, gestures, and confidence during their impromptu speech. While this is also important, there’s something even more important.

The first and the last sentence are the most memorable. It’s all about the primacy and recency, and most of the audience will most likely remember the first and the last thing you say.

Therefore, starting and finishing with powerful sentences that go well with your given topic and are linked to the message you deliver in the speech is super important as it will have the biggest impact if properly executed.

6. Talk as if You Were Talking to a Friend

Talking in front of the audience can be scary, but without preparation, talking in front of the audience can be even scarier.

Instead of feeling the pressure, feeling uncomfortable, or sweating buckets, you should go on with your impromptu speech as if you were talking to a group of friends.

You don’t have to fake anything, as the audience will see right through it. Instead, be yourself and try to do your best as this will always provide a better result.

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7. Tell a Relevant Story to Personalize Your Speech

The great thing about impromptu speeches is that they can go in your favor. If you don’t know what to talk about or what to include in your speech, here’s one tip that can help change the way you do your speech.

Try to think of a personal story that will be relevant to the subject of your impromptu speech. This will give you a topic to talk about, you won’t have to do any research or try to come up with facts that you will have to somehow back up, and your audience will love a personal story.

Personal stories are always easier to follow, and they’ll always go down well with any audience. Another piece of advice is to include a personal story in the middle section of your speech, but you can place it somewhere near the beginning of the speech.

8. Pay Attention to Your Voice Tone

When you take care of everything else before the speech and during the speech itself, many speakers forget to think of the voice tone.

There’s not much to overthink and you should speak slowly. Rushing might get you near the end sooner, but your speech won’t be a smooth ride.

Instead, take your time, focus on your breathing, rely on pauses, and have an impact while you deliver the key parts of the speech.

9. Make Sure to Follow Your Speech with Confident Actions

example of impromptu speech situation brainly

Confident actions are the most powerful body language actions that are not hard to get right, yet you might have to remind yourself to be “presentable”.

Standing tall on both your feet, not slouching over, keeping eye contact, using hand gestures, and avoiding fiddling are some of the things that will make you look confident.

Such confident actions will go well with your speech structure, confident voice tone, and relaxed, personalized speech.

Learning a couple of hand gestures will also put you at ease as you won’t have to wonder what to do with your hands during the speech.

10. Don’t Aim for Perfection

Every speaker wishes for their speech to be perfect, but an impromptu speech is the worst time to expect a perfect speech from yourself.

Therefore, it’s okay to lower the bar and focus on the execution and let the main goal be the smooth flow.

Setting the bar too high will only put you under pressure. In reality, most impromptu speeches happen due to unpredicted reasons, so if you’re put under the spotlight unwillingly and unprepared, the audience will notice, and they’ll understand, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

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11. Practice Beforehand

You might not ever be prepared for a specific impromptu speech, but if you’ve been put into the spotlight once, you can be put under the spotlight again.

What you can do is practice quickly coming up with a speech structure on any given topic. Even if you have only a couple of minutes, you can develop a quick and concise structure and rehearse it in your head or in front of a mirror before you go in front of the audience.

And if you have a couple of hours, you can do a lot of practicing and even go through all these tips and be fully ready, no matter what the audience throws at you.

12. Use Humor to Break the Ice

example of impromptu speech situation brainly

No matter what the speech is about, you can always add a bit of humor to it. Don’t overdo it, but even a tiny bit of humor can help you make a better connection with your audience, ensure they pay attention to what you’re saying, and that they’re intrigued to hear what’s next.

Followed with a personalized story, you’ll have the audience hooked up until the end of the speech.

Of course, humor should come naturally, and you shouldn’t do it if you feel like you have to force it. But keep in mind that humor can be a great ice breaker, so it’s never a bad idea to keep it as a “secret weapon”.

13. The Meaningful Pause

Unfortunately, you’ll likely feel stuck or not know what to say next during your impromptu speech.

Just the thought of this can paralyze many speakers who are put under the spotlight. However, there’s a quick tip you can use to turn the block in your head into an advantage.

Instead of worrying if your audience noticed, try to “fake” a meaningful pause whenever you’re feeling stuck. During this pause, you can relax, and sooner than you know it, you will think of something.

The best thing is, your audience will never notice that “something’s wrong”, and yet this will also give them a breather and help them continue following your speech.

14. Keep Things Short

Less is more, and during impromptu speeches that can go extremely wrong, it’s better to cut your speech short and yet deliver everything you believe is valuable to the audience.

In other words, it’s better to regret not saying something than to say too much and then be on the spot from where you can’t turn back.

Also, keeping things short will help you stay in control of your impromptu speech and even look a lot more confident during your performance!

15. Try Turning the Impromptu Speech into Q&A Session

example of impromptu speech situation brainly

Since most impromptu speeches happen unexpectedly, not only will you have to come up with something from nothing, but you’ll also have to give the audience something you’re looking for.

Therefore, depending on the setting of your speech, you might try and turn your impromptu speech into a Q&A session, just like the journalistic interview type.

This will help you think less about what your whole speech will look like and focus on things the audience asks you in pieces.

You’ll still have full control over the answer, so turning a speech into a Q&A session is never a bad idea.

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Best Impromptu Speech Examples

We’ll now take a look at some of the best examples of impromptu speeches to draw inspiration from.

University of Kentucky – Speech and Debate Team

In this impromptu speech example, the speaker only took two minutes for a quick structure plan from where she was put under the spotlight straight away.

A great start with a personalized story that leads straight into the argument. During the argument, clear signs of uncertainty are visible, but the speaker did well by slowing the speech down and taking a couple of very short meaningful pauses.

Prepared with examples which is a bonus, the speaker went through her speech structure with ease. There were moments where the speaker was nervous, but she kept it well together and even seemed confident in her speech at times.

Use gestures, confident actions, eye contact with the audience, and all other positive things you can learn from the tips above.

Closing the speech without any rumbling and getting the point straight across to the audience is a memorable way to end the speech, which is why this is one of many perfect examples of an impromptu speech.

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Chris Gurrie Impromptu Speech Example

This is a short yet educative impromptu speech example where the speaker, Chris Gurrie, gets assigned a random topic by the audience and then guides the viewers of this video on how to plan a perfect impromptu speech structure.

While you would usually have around two minutes for the planning and practice process, Chris does it in about 30 seconds.

Chris starts his impromptu speech with many questions that come from a personalized story that then leads into the main topic of the speech.

What Chris also does is focuses on his audience and he shares his planned structure.

Chris’s impromptu speech is full of valuable information the audience might not have been aware of, which then ties to things on a larger scale. Even though Chris only took 30 seconds to work on the speech plan, he looks very relaxed, confident, with a strong game right until the end of the speech.

What’s interesting enough is that if you didn’t know this was an impromptu speech, you might not even know. Therefore, this is a perfect example of how good you can get at impromptu speeches without knowing the subject beforehand.

Toastmaster International – Impromptu Speaking

If you prefer learning from a video example, this four-minute video is everything you’ll need to gain the confidence to do an impromptu speech.

In this example, you’ll learn opportunities where impromptu speaking might be required. Of course, all of the opportunities are the ones where you don’t have much time to prepare.

However, with the techniques covered in this example video, you’ll learn how to manage last-minute speeches.

Lastly, the video will teach you all the benefits of holding impromptu speeches.

Even though this is an educational-type video, if you have a better look, you would notice that this whole video is less than five minutes long, and it’s scripted in a way to serve as yet another impromptu speech example.

Therefore, as you learn how to perform an impromptu speech, you’re watching an impromptu speech which is a brilliant idea.

Preparing yourself for an impromptu speech is only half the job, so in this video, you also learn how to deliver your impromptu speech with more useful tips.

Impromptu Speech Example: Thesis-Point-Story Format

Planning a structure for your impromptu speech is super important. The thing about the structure is that you can develop any three- or four-step process that will get you through the speech.

This video is a perfect example of a thesis-point-story format where Chris, the speaker, gets assigned a random topic from where he creates the thesis-point structure, shares it with the students, and gets down to the speech itself.

With word play, Chris slowly introduces the topic to the audience, and while he speaks to his students as his friends, he is getting down to the story’s main point.

As Chris goes through his impromptu speech, you can also notice that he asks the audience plenty of questions, and by answering his questions, he is slowly revealing the whole story behind the point of his impromptu speech.

Even though this example might be a bit complicated to understand, you can also learn from Chris’s body language, how he speaks, and how he controls his speech as he’s a highly skilled impromptu speaker.

Angel Anderson – Impromptu Speech Example

In this four-minute impromptu speech example video, Angel Anderson teaches you exactly what impromptu speaking is, how to practice it, and even shows an example full of important tips that can help you develop the same skills.

Angel uses a question-style topic, after which he sets the timer for two minutes for his impromptu speech.

With this type of question, Angel starts his impromptu speech with a personal story that gets interesting, which ensures that the audience follows him.

Not only did Angel answer a question, but he also shared an anecdotal story, and even then, he shared some more information connected to this story.

By far, Angel’s video is not the perfect impromptu speech, but it’s a real example of how easily you can work on your impromptu speech, practice, and learn as you progress.

Of course, this example is ideal for all interview-type impromptu speeches, which can be as hard as the topic-type speeches.

Impromptu speech can seem scary at first, but with plenty of preparation and practice, you will be able to speak on any topic without much preparation.

These 15 tips are everything you’ll need to start, develop, and finish your impromptu speech while being confident both verbally and nonverbally.

On top of that, these five examples show you how impromptu speech is done first-hand. Remember that you shouldn’t aim for perfection, but even tiny improvements are a good step forward to achieving a decent impromptu speech.

example of impromptu speech situation brainly

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.

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  • The 4 main speech types
  • Example speeches
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  • Declamation
  • Demonstration
  • Informative
  • Introduction
  • Student Council
  • Speech topics
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  • How to read a speech
  • 9 vocal aspects
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  • Impromptu speaking tips
  • Impromptu speech outlines

Impromptu speech outline: 7 formats

How to prepare for an impromptu speech.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

Using a speech outline to prepare an impromptu speech seems counterintuitive, doesn't it? After all, impromptu means of the moment, spontaneous, without preparation. So, what is an impromptu speech outline?

Quite simply it’s the structure, or format of your speech. It’s how you order your material from the time you open your mouth at the beginning of your speech, until you close it at the end.

An outline doesn’t need to be a written document or put on note cards to be effective. An experienced impromptu speaker will have an assortment of structural patterns memorized. When they’re asked to speak, they’ll mentally flick through them and choose the most appropriate.

Following an outline lessens the possibility of rambling aimlessly off topic. And, given my flibberty gibbet tendencies it's vital! Maybe yours too?☺

What's on this page

Seven structural patterns , each with example impromptu speech outlines and a printable blank outline template to download.

How to use these structural patterns : guidelines for practice

About the printable impromptu speech outlines

How to reframe a topic : examples of openings showing how to adapt a topic.

The patterns are: 

  • Point, Reason, Example, Point (PREP)

Past, Present, Future

Problem, solution.

  • Pros/Cons, Positives/Negatives, For/Against, Advantages/Disadvantages

Cause, Effect, Remedy

  • Before/The Event/The Result

Local, National, International

Graphic: 7 colorful retro fabric scraps. Text: 7 impromptu speech outline patterns.

 How to use these structural patterns

To become a competent impromptu speaker you need to get familiar with them. So initially just play with them for practice either with a friend or by yourself.

  • Get a subject to talk about. (Click for 150 impromptu speaking topics ).
  • Choose yourself a pattern to form the body of speech.
  • Now go. Open your mouth and speak.

You’ll need an introduction followed by your material organized according to whatever pattern you’ve selected, and then a conclusion.

Keep it simple. You don’t need to try hard to say devastatingly intelligent insightful things. The starting goal is to get used to thinking, then speaking, without a great deal of prior preparation.

This is impromptu speaking, ‘off the cuff’, largely spontaneous. Be honest and where you can, add personal stories. Your own experiences, plus your knowledge of the subject, will establish rapport and credibility. Don’t be afraid to experiment, or 'fail', as that's how you'll learn.

If your content at this stage is trite nonsense and you putter out of ideas too soon, so be it. At the beginning it’s more important to learn to let go of feeling anxious, inadequate and the need for perfection. 

Once you’re used to a pattern, and can follow it easily without having to stop and think about which part comes next, you’ll naturally come up with better material.

Along with examples of each impromptu speech outline structure there's a link to a blank printable. There are seven of them: one for each pattern. They are there for you to use as a guide. You'll find the links for them below the example outlines. 

Each outline has the same four step format.

The first step is mentally preparing yourself: sorting out your topic, considering your audience and working out what tone best fits with them, as well as your speech purpose. 

The second step covers preparing the introduction, the third, the body, and the fourth and final step, the conclusion.

Your chosen structural pattern is the body  

The third step, the body of your speech, holds the specific pattern you’re working with. It’s this step, the body, you’ll want to focus on first when you’re practicing. After you’ve set your topic allow yourself a few minutes to think it through (or make notes) using the pattern headings as a guide.

Once you feel comfortable with the body, you’ll find the openings and conclusions become much easier.

Getting the time and content balance right

The overall length of your speech or the time you take to deliver it is, to a large part, determined by how much information you put into the body. Obviously one or two main points and their supporting material will take less time than three or four.

( Practice will help you confidently and reliably get the balance of time to content right. Click the link for  examples of one minute speeches  prepared using the Point-Reason-Example-Point (PREP) pattern. They'll give you an idea of what's required.)

Practice, practice, and then do it some more

You don’t need to follow each of the four steps of the outline slavishly. However, to use that old cliché, before you can run, you need to know how to walk. So before giving yourself permission to try to improvise and dazzle publicly, ground yourself in structure. Give yourself a solid baseline to work from.

There’s no secret behind becoming more confident and competent reasonably quickly. It’s practice. Lots of it.

Time and record yourself. Play it back and listen carefully.

Is there a good opening? Have you followed the pattern you chose in the body of the speech? Is it clear? Have you got clean transitions between each part of your speech and the one following it? Is there a strong ending? And are the words you’ve chosen, as well as the way you use them, right for your subject, the purpose of the speech and your intended audience?

And lastly, learn one pattern well before you work with another.

Effective impromptu speech activities 

If you teach a public speaking or communication class or lead a public speaking group, here's  a comprehensive bundle of   17 proven fun and effective impromptu speech activities , complete with full guidelines and printables. They ease, rather than jettison, students into impromptu speaking one step at a time.  

Banner: 17 fun effective impromptu speech activities

How to reframe a topic

Sometimes when you're asked to speak on a topic you'll find yourself needing to modify it before going ahead.

Or maybe you want confirmation that you've understood what you're being asked to speak about.

Here are examples of three ways to reframe the topic as part of your opening. They are particularly useful for Question and Answer sessions.

Add them to your practice too.

1. Give the topic a scope. This establishes what you're prepared to cover.  

For example: Thanks. That’s a great question. I am happy to share what has happened since I joined the organization in 2020.

Or:  Thanks, that’s a great, and very big question. I don’t have time right now to cover all aspects of it. So here’s the first part. If anybody would like me to follow up with the second and third, please see me later and we’ll make a time.

2. Summarize and ask for confirmation. Use this technique to  make sure you’ve understood what’s being asked of you before you answer. 

Example:  Thank you for your question. It's an important one and I want to make sure I’ve understood it correctly before answering. You want to know why we’re not mobilizing the Defense Force to clear protesters from the streets, is that right?

3. Redirecting, reshaping the question or angle, before responding . This can be useful when you want to give a bigger picture, or establish context - something the original question didn't allow for.

Example: You’ve asked about using the Defense Force to clear the streets. Let’s consider the precedents for that: the 1951 Waterfront Dispute, Bastion Point, 1978, and the anti-Springbok rugby tour protest in 1981. What have they taught us?

7 impromptu speech outline patterns

Please note, these examples are not complete speech outlines. In most instances they don't include the opening or the conclusion. What they do is illustrate seven ways to organize material in the body of the speech. And some of the examples are more fleshed out than others.

 PREP: Point, Reason, Example, Point

PREP is an acronym for: Point, Reason, Example, Point. The pattern adapts well to most situations.

Here are two PREP impromptu speech outline examples: one for a social setting and one for business or workplace audiences. You can also see it in action on this page of one minute speech topics where I've used it in three sample one minute speech outlines.

PREP impromptu speech outline: workplace 

Topic: Cameras off during a virtual team meeting

Point: Human Resources are reporting numerous requests from employees to be allowed to leave their cameras off during routine virtual (zoom) meetings.

Reason: The reason most frequently given is fatigue due to  strain 

Examples: It is hard to:

  • maintain focus while looking at a grid of faces for the length of an entire meeting,
  • see yourself on camera and NOT respond to it,
  • be physically constrained in a small space in order to remain on camera,
  • arrange life so it doesn’t intrude in the form of kittens, babies or anything else while on camera,
  • have your colleagues in your home without having issued the invitation yourself.

Point: And that’s why we’ve asked Human Resources to develop a set of guidelines to cover when cameras should be on, and when they can be turned off. If you have any suggestions or points you’d like them to consider, please get them by Friday.

For more: 

  • Bailenson, J. N. (2021). Nonverbal Overload: A Theoretical Argument for the Causes of Zoom Fatigue . Technology, Mind, and Behavior, 2(1). 
  • Should We Require Students to Turn Their Cameras On in the Zoom Classroom?   Anna Lännström, Stonehill College. Published by Wabash Center, 2020  

PREP impromptu speech outline example: social

A toast to acknowledge friend’s engagement

Point: It’s a joy to join you celebrating Ryan and Mary’s engagement.

Reason(s): There’s dozens of reasons for my being pleased to be here. We haven’t got time for them all. So here’s three. The first goes back a long way to when we were ten years old. I’m never going going to get married, he said. Thanks to Mary, look at you now! I am delighted you have to eat those words. The second reason is quite selfish. At least the field is cleared now because he’s well and truly spoken for. Hi ya singletons out there! And the third and most important is because I’ve never seen Ryan quite so deliriously crazy happy, ever, in all the years I’ve known him.

Example(s): This is the man who has spent all his weekends for last year renovating the house they share. You know it’s got to be the real thing when unclogging drains, getting rid of rat nests and replacing rotten window frames is better than time out with me and the boys. When you add making significant positive changes to his eating and drinking habits, throw in running a kilometer or two or three or more, several times a week, it’s proof. You’ve got be happy to do any of that!

Point: Which in turn, makes me happy too. Here's to Ryan and Mary!

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Use this pattern if you want apply a time line treatment to a subject.

Topic: In your experience what's an effective way of getting children to eat vegetables?

In the past:

When I was a child not eating whatever was served was not an option. It didn’t matter if it was something dreaded like cauliflower, broccoli or spinach. It was on the plate. Therefore it needed to be chewed and swallowed. If it wasn’t you were in for a long sit at the table. Because both you and the plate of food remained in place until the plate was cleared. This as a technique was a failure. It built resentment rather than a love of vegetables.

That kind of stand off would not happen nowadays. I have more tolerance than my parents for children whose taste buds do not thrill to strong tasting vegetables. The only thing I ask of my kids, is that they try a little of each new one when it is served. If they don’t like it, they can put it to one side. Alongside that, we use vegetables as snacks, sneak them into purees and sauces, get the kids involved in choosing and cooking them, and set an example by eating copious quantities of them ourselves.

Our diets are changing. They are becoming increasingly plant based. Vegetables are no longer an accompaniment, an after-thought. Instead they’re center plate – up front and proud. 

Perhaps the infamous battle over vegetables will disappear entirely. It’s my hope that through showing greater tolerance of our children’s preferences and by being more creative with how we introduce them into their diets, that the issue will simply cease to be one.

Vive la broccoli!  

example of impromptu speech situation brainly

Topic: What are the most popular and enduring toys for children?

Past : Toys that sold well: Teddy bears, named after Theodore Roosevelt 1902, yo-yos – 1928, Silly Putty, 1955, GI Joe – dolls for boys, 1960s, including two that have kept right on selling;

Present: Lego from Denmark, 1932, and Barbie from USA, 1959

Future : More Lego, more Barbies who are more diverse, more skin types and shapes. Both seem set for along time yet.

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This is a simple two part pattern: here’s the problem. Now here’s the solution.

Example: The problem is congestion on our main city roads during peak hours.

The solution is to:

  • reroute heavy vehicles over those hours
  • look carefully at the current design of the roundabouts, on and off ramps and laybys and update them if necessary 
  • adjust the speed limit

Example: The problem is maintaining a work routine while working from home

  • make yourself a dedicated work space.
  • set yourself regular hours for getting up, having breakfast, being at your desk, lunch etc.
  • establish clear boundaries around your work time for family and friends. Being in the same room or the next one, doesn’t mean you’re available.
  • prioritize your tasks for the day each morning.

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Pros and Cons, Positives and Negatives

This is a useful beginning point toward answering the classic ‘what shall I do?’ dilemmas.

Setting out the pros and cons * of a situation gives us an overview, which we can then use to help make a rational, considered decision.

* 16th century: from Latin  prō  for + con, from  contrā  against

Dilemma:  Whether or not to go to university

  • New experiences, new people, broadens outlook
  • Builds networking opportunities, long term friendships, & professional relationships
  • After graduation enter workforce at different level – a leg up because core competencies already established
  • Scholarships available
  • Leadership and extension activities/clubs available
  • High levels of personal debt
  • Difficult to sustain oneself mentally, physically and financially without support
  • Doesn’t guarantee a job on graduation
  • Doesn’t train you for a specific vocation
  • Doesn’t automatically mean entry into higher paying job

Dilemma:  Whether or not to buy cheap or fast fashion

  • Affordable – instantly gratifying
  • Up to the minute clothing – democratization of fashion – not just for elite rich
  • Can follow the trend – included rather than excluded on price
  • Can change mind and buy more if don’t like what you have – not going to cause you hardship
  • Profitable for retailers and manufacturers
  • pollution: people throw out their clothes which then enter land fills
  • waste: breeds throwaway mentality – chuck rather than mend
  • loss of skills: how to mend clothing: sew on buttons, fix a fallen hem, patch a rip etc.
  • exploitation of woman and children in 3rd world countries: low wages, and unsafe workplaces

For more: Fast Fashion by Adam Hayes, April 2021,

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 This is a three-part problem solving pattern.

  • What is the cause of something?
  • What is its effect?
  • And what is the remedy?

Topic: Public speaking anxiety

Cause(s) of public speaking anxiety:

  • feeling self conscious in front of others
  • fearing repeat of past poor experiences
  • fear of being judged
  • fearing not being as good as you’d like to be, or as good as others
  • breathing poorly which doesn’t support the voice
  • becoming overwhelmed by symptoms of fear: shaking limbs, quivering voice, racing heart beat, forgetting what had been practiced
  • gabbling through speech at break neck speed
  • becomes a cycle which intensifies each time a person has to speak in public
  • limits personal potential in many ways: at work and socially
  • take a public speaking course, join a public speaking club
  • practice a great deal,  get good support and practical feedback you can use
  • and take every opportunity to speak in front of others as it will lessen the fear.

Topic: Procrastination

Cause(s) of procrastination:

  • boredom: not being interested in the task that needs completing
  • fear of failure: thinking the task will prove too difficult - would rather not begin it, than risk failure, perfectionism
  • unable to prioritize what needs to be done against what isn’t so urgent
  • overwhelmed: too many things to do, and too little energy

Effect(s) of procrastination:

  • pressure: rushing to catch up on what should have been done which leads to poor decision making
  • failure: letting oneself, friends, family and workmates down, compromised work standards, reputation
  • losing time, opportunities, limiting your career options
  • escalating low self-esteem issues and health risks
  • Create incremental to-do lists – a bit at a time rather than one huge overwhelming piece of work.
  • Create a stimulating work-place for yourself – surround yourself with what you genuinely like to see.
  • Time-line your work realistically - what needs to happen. today, tomorrow and the next day to arrive at the due date with the work completed to your satisfaction.
  • Get rid of the temptations you know you are distracted by. Put your phone on mute. Remove bookmarked sites.
  • Find a mentor, someone you admire and who will hold you to account.

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Click the link to download a printable pdf file to use: Cause, Effect, Remedy impromptu speech outline

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Before, The Event, The Result

This three-part pattern is a time line centered around an event. The result of event (eg. a natural disaster or a personal or societal change, large or small) profoundly changes what came before it. Sometimes the end result is much better, and sometimes far worse.

It’s a pattern much loved by advertisers who imply that the event (the purchase and use of whatever product or service they are selling) will result in whatever is desired: health, wealth, beauty, popularity, longevity, peace, love, intelligence... It's the classic Before and After format.    

Topic: Covid-19 - its impact on the tourism industry in NZ

Total annual tourism expenditure had increased by almost $15 billion, or 55%, in the seven years prior to 2020. 

  • Tourism was New Zealand’s biggest export industry, contributing 20.1% of total exports. 
  • Tourism generated a direct annual contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $16.4 billion, or 5.5%, and a further indirect contribution of $11.3 billion, another 3.8% of New Zealand’s total GDP.  

Then along came Covid–19.  The borders were closed in an effort to keep it out for as long as possible. Good for the population: fewer deaths and hospitalizations compared to other first world countries: USA, UK, Australia but not so good for tourism.

The result:  

  • total tourism expenditure was $26.1 billion, a decrease of 37.3 percent ($15.6 billion) from the previous year.
  • international tourism’s overall contribution to New Zealand’s total exports of goods and services fell to 2.1 percent from 20.0 percent
  • tourism generated a direct contribution to GDP of $8.5 billion, or 2.9 percent, a decrease of 47.5 percent ($7.7 billion), or 2.6 percentage points


Here’s a feel-good-hard-work-pays-off story using the format, the sort you might hear on your local TV or radio station.

Topic: the house makeover

Before the makeover:

  • dark and dingy – very few windows, dated décor
  • very poor heat retention – no insulation
  • no outdoor – indoor flow
  • small poky kitchen with limited storage
  • one bathroom – not adjacent to either living areas or bedrooms

The Event:   the makeover of the worst house in the best street,  a perfect project for husband (builder) and wife (interior decorator), 12 month time line, carefully planned

The Result:

  • jump in value of property
  • a house which is a pleasure to live in, fabulous garden, everybody is happy, reporters come calling for house and garden magazine before and after spreads☺
  • an inspirational example of talent plus effort

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This structure is excellent for comparisons and overviews spanning spatial areas.

Topic: Deaths from Covid-19 in New Zealand as at 22nd February 2022

Local: none

National: 56

International:  5,905,942

Reference: Google News - Covid 19 map - New Zealand  

Topic: Who follows the news?  A survey of 38 countries, 2018

Local news :  Global median = 78%. 78% of respondents are  more likely to follow the news if in own area and own country. 

National news : Global median = 86%. 86% of respondents are more likely to follow if the news is about own country.

International news : Global median = 57%. Comparatively significantly less of the respondents are likely to follow the news. That changes with the amount of education a person has. If they have more education, they are more likely to follow the news.

Reference:  Publics around the world follow national and local news more closely than international : Pew Research Center report, 2018

Download Local, National, International outline

Click the link to download a printable pdf file to use:  Local, National, International impromptu speech outline

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impromptu speech

Examples of How to Give an Impromptu Speech

Did you know that the most memorable part of one of the most famous speeches in history was not part of the script?

An impromptu speech can feel intimidating. After all, you’ve probably heard that you need to prepare well in advance to give an effective speech. But in truth,  a short speech that you give directly from your heart can reach your audience and stir them to action .

How to Give an Impromptu Speech

An impromptu speech is a public address that the speaker hasn’t planned on giving beforehand. As such, it can be an intimidating prospect, especially for those who feel they lack public speaking and communication skills. Impromptu speaking means you didn’t prepare for the moment, meaning you have to do everything on the fly. Even with experience, you’re not always guaranteed a successful speech. It truly is one of the most difficult public speaking skills to master.

Impromptu Speech Topics

An impromptu speech example.

First, understand that the stakes are fairly low in this type of setting. You don’t need to stress over what to say, but that’s not an excuse to ramble on about whatever comes to mind. That would be an impromptu speaking failure.

The Advantages of an Impromptu Speech

Even if you’re still nervous about giving an impromptu speech on a specific topic, there are several advantages you should know about. As mentioned above, people are generally forgiving when it comes to spur-of-the-moment speeches derived from personal experience. You don’t have to worry about being overly eloquent or super organized. As long as you practice  charismatic leadership , you’ll have their attention all the same.

Your story should indicate what drives you and motivates your  decision-making . Over time, you can refine that story until you’re ready to share it at a moment’s notice. In that way, you can be sure your impromptu speech will leave a lasting impact.

Need a little extra help with a speech?  Check out these articles.

Speech Outline: How to Get the Most Out of Your Next Speech

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How to Give a Great Impromptu Speech

Last Updated: March 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 412,202 times.

Most speeches are the result of careful planning, revision and practice. There may be times, however, when a situation demands that you give an impromptu speech with little or no time to prepare. When you find yourself in an unexpected public speaking scenario, you’ll be improvising what you say, which means you’ll have to be able to think on your feet. Following a basic structure, pacing yourself and staying composed will help you deliver an oration you can be proud of, or at least survive with minimal embarrassment.

Setting Up an Unexpected Speech

A speech outline, showing the components of an introduction, body paragraph and conclusion.

  • Most of the time when you’re giving an impromptu speech, you’ll be singled out to say a few words on the spot. Since you’ll only have a few moments, preparing yourself is more about getting yourself in the right state of mind than it is knowing exactly what you’re going to say.
  • If you really need to milk it, you can buy yourself some extra time by shaking hands, exchanging pleasantries or adjusting the microphone stand before speaking.

Step 2 Calm your nerves.

  • Assume that everyone around you wants to see you succeed. This will help put you at ease. Expecting yourself to fail will only destroy your composure and make you more fearful of your audience.
  • Confront the reality of your situation to avoid being blindsided by panic. Accept that you have to give a speech and then focus all your resources on giving a good one.

Step 3 Project a confident aura.

  • Oftentimes, the more confident you make yourself appear, the more confident you’ll feel.
  • Relax! Speaking in front of a crowd is not that big a deal. Even if you make a mistake, it’s not the end of the world.

Step 4 Make a short introduction.

  • Don’t just jump right into the main idea of your speech. Test the waters by getting used to speaking and sharing a little about yourself first.

Delivering an Effective Speech

Step 1 Speak fluidly and naturally.

  • Use simple sentences that follow a logical progression and enunciate your words carefully to keep yourself from getting tongue-tied.
  • Slowing yourself down a little will give your mind time to catch up and formulate new ideas.

Step 2 Keep it brief.

  • Two minutes will fly by once you start speaking. Despite your reservations about being put on the spot, you may actually find it harder to give a short speech than a long one.

Step 3 Tell a story.

  • A good way to give your speech a solid beginning, middle and end is to present details chronologically. For example start with “when I first became friends with John, he…”, follow that up with “now that we’re coworkers, we have more fun than ever…” and conclude with “I have no doubt that the future of our friendship will be just as entertaining.”
  • When describing personal experiences, avoid sharing opinions on irrelevant controversial subjects.

Step 4 Get your audience laughing.

  • Humor is a great icebreaker and also makes it easier to hold your audience’s attention.
  • Be sure any jokes you make are suitable for the age and demographic of your audience, as well as the occasion itself.

Ending on a High Note

Step 1 Have an endpoint in mind.

  • As with the rest of your speech, keep your conclusion brief. It’s alright to sign off with a simple “thank you for your time” or “let’s hear it for the newlyweds.”

Step 2 Make your conclusion memorable.

  • If you’re planning on making a specific request or appeal, as for a business conference, the end of your speech is the proper time to do it.
  • The conclusion is the perfect occasion to come out with something especially heartfelt. Emotions will run high and the crowd will be moved by your sentiments.

Step 3 Thank your listeners.

  • You don’t have to thank every important figure at the event individually. A general expression of gratitude is all that’s needed.
  • Be clear who you’re supposed to hand the microphone or floor off to so that you don’t end your speech by looking around in confusion. [11] X Research source

Step 4 Go easy on yourself.

  • Impromptu speeches are mostly appraised by the willingness of the speaker to rise to the occasion. There’s no sense in being too critical of your performance since you’ll have had no time to work on it beforehand.

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

  • Practice for unexpected speaking scenarios by volunteering to give impromptu speeches at casual events. Thanks Helpful 19 Not Helpful 2
  • If you're using a microphone, stay within optimal range for your voice to be amplified. Don't move the microphone too close or too far away from your mouth. Thanks Helpful 16 Not Helpful 2
  • While brainstorming, quickly come up with three or four main points to cover. Thanks Helpful 20 Not Helpful 4

Tips from our Readers

  • Speak clearly and be confident. This will make you seem more credible even if some parts of your speech aren't as strong as others.
  • Don't waste your time by writing full sentences, write bullet points and then expand on them when you give the speech.
  • Make sure not to be too cocky or sound sarcastic, or you might not win over the audience.
  • Use your own stories. Relate the topic to some of the moments in your life.

example of impromptu speech situation brainly

  • Steer clear of subjects you don't know much about. Thanks Helpful 14 Not Helpful 2
  • Be careful not to offend your audience. Not only is it bad form and will make your speech be perceived as a failure, it could actually harm your standing among your acquaintances. Thanks Helpful 13 Not Helpful 3
  • Take a moment to get your appearance in order before presenting yourself. Steal a quick glance in the mirror or have a trusted friend tell you if your hair is a mess, your shirt is untucked, you have food stuck in your teeth, etc. Thanks Helpful 11 Not Helpful 3
  • Don't use generic, pre-written speeches pulled from the internet or oration guidebooks. These can easily come off as stilted and inorganic. Your audience will be able to tell if you're simply going through the motions. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 4

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Frantically Speaking

How to Deliver an Impromptu Speech: A Comprehensive Guide

Hrideep barot.

  • Speech Writing , Toastmasters

how to give an impromptu speech

It was in eighth grade when I gave my first impromptu speech. Being an introvert, delivering a well-rehearsed speech was itself a big deal, let alone an impromptu one.

It was during one of the monthly events in school where we were seated and waiting for the chief guest to arrive. To fill the gap and to keep the audience engaged, the volunteers called out names at random who were supposed to talk about any topic.

My cortisol and adrenaline levels were at its peak when they called out my name. It was more of a ‘say something, and get embarrassed’ or ‘stay quiet and get embarrassed’ situation.

Since either way, the outcome was to ‘get embarrassed,’ I went with the former, and till today, my friends make fun of me. But, it was a much needed push to not be afraid of going on stage. Since then, I tried to learn more about giving speeches on the spot so I could save myself from so-called embarrassing moments!

So, let me save you from such a situation and help you deliver an exceptional impromptu speech. I understand it’s challenging if you’re like me, but hey, it’s the baby steps that matter the most. So, read on to find out more about it.

What Exactly is an Impromptu Speech?

An impromptu speech is a speech delivered with zero preparation. It can be at an office meeting, job interview, or an event. One needs to be vigilant and mentally prepared at all times when it comes to giving an impromptu speech.

Imagine this. You’re at your colleague’s dinner party on a Friday evening. While trying to get ‘in the mood,’ your pal suddenly calls you to come on stage and talk about the evening.

It’s untimely, and you’re unprepared. But, you must present the best version of yourself at the moment. Now, that’s what is called an impromptu speech.

If you’re the type who does not like social interaction or fears being on stage, then delivering an impromptu speech might be quite challenging.

Scenarios Where You Might be Asked to Give an Impromptu Speech

  • When you’re at an art exhibition, a reporter might come up to interview you.
  • You might be asked to talk about your friend or colleague during a send-off.
  • If you’re attending any conference or talks, you get questioned about the event/topic.
  • Business meetings are a commonplace where you’re interrogated about your ideas or updates on the project unexpectedly.
  • During events, the speaker might choose you to come on stage and demonstrate or talk about anything.
  • Dinner parties are a common place where you might have to speak about if the person hosting is close to you.
  • College farewells and events are also where you might have to speak on-spot.
  • If you’re interning at an organization, you can be called upon stage anytime to share your experience. It can also be while bidding adieu without prior notice.
  • Job interviews are also one of the places where your wit is tested. No matter the amount of preparation, you get asked bizarre questions.

7 Tips to Deliver a Captivating Impromptu Speech

impromptu speeches can be difficult

1. Understand That You Only Need to Talk About Your Experiences

When someone gives us a topic, we prepare, rehearse it till the last minute and present it at one go. But, in an impromptu speech, you’re not given a topic that you will not know.

The prime focus of the subject will be either you or your surroundings. If you think about it, this is more straightforward.

It can be about your journey with your colleagues, your company’s latest product, or about your best friend. These are always easy to interpret.  

Well, If you think about it, impromptu speaking has been a part of our everyday lives unknowingly. When you meet a stranger at a cafe or when you head to a nearby store, it is impromptu.

You might be asked to speak on random topics like “Why should one not be a part of the rat-race,” or “Why is it ideal to embrace adversities?” Though these are just examples to give you an overview, you might be asked to speak on any topic under the sun. It all depends on where you are.

2. Learn to Describe What You See Around

We commute to different places in a day, and we see plenty of things happening around. If your friend tells you to describe that cute guy/girl you met on the metro ride, you would go on and on about him/her.

But, if you’re asked to describe a pretty vase on your table, you end it in a few seconds. Learning to describe is an art.

More than describing, it’s about building strong opinions for issues that concern us. Let’s say, the topic is “Your take on mental health.” Though this is a pretty general topic, it’s about your perspective on that particular topic. The upsides and downsides of the issue, the why and what of it. Forming opinions and describing it with actual facts adds a lot of credibility to your speech.

Once you master it, it’ll be easy for you to deliver any speech. If you’re an introvert, you might be well-versed at playing with words on a blank white sheet, but practicing the same by talking can help you with presenting better.

Be a keen observer, try to watch the details. The more you observe, the better you will be able to relate your personal story to the facts, and your audience will love it when your speech is relatable and not generalized.

3. Organize Your Thoughts

I have this problem where a bunch of things will be going on in my mind simultaneously. It’s complete chaos where I end up speaking irrelevant things.

So especially if you’re new to going on stage unprepared, then more than making points, you might start worrying about what others might think of you.

I’ve gone through that, my face would be as red as a tomato and I completely screw up the speech as my voice would stutter and show that I’m obviously nervous.

So, it’s essential to organize your thoughts and prioritize the ones that you want to talk about first.  Also, an impromptu speech is a short speech, so even if you have plenty of things in your mind, filter them and say the best ones. It should be short, engaging, and the audience should resonate with what you say.

A basic strategy is to ask yourself the 5 W’s and H questions when you’re called on stage. Taking the example of “Is it ideal to embrace adversities?” well, you start by asking yourself why is it ideal, how can one overcome, what is the best way to deal with it, and so on.

You can start your speech by speaking about the time when YOU experienced such a situation in your life, move on to tell about how it affected you internally, and finally the ways you overcame your adversity. Conclude by going back to the topic and answering it.

Here, the audience is able to relate to your personal story and also motivate them in the end. This way, you can deliver your impromptu speech more effectively and without much effort. You never know, you might surprise yourself in the end.

4. Try and be as Candid as Possible

Now that you’ve learned to describe things, describing your experiences should be easy.  As mentioned above, though describing the lowest point in your life may not be easy, you can add characters to it and speak as a different story.

When someone asks you to deliver an impromptu speech, go straight up to the stage (this is the time to recollect every possible thing) and express what you feel at that very moment.

If it’s about your colleague or mentor, you can start by speaking about one of the most cherished moments with them, what qualities you liked and learned from them, and how they brought in a positive change in your life.

I’ve seen people who try to be extra formal but end up ruining their speech or make it boring. Just breathe and talk your heart out. No amount of preparation can beat the candid speech ever. It’s the one that comes from your soul, and the one, that touches the audience’s heart.

5. Go with the Flow and be Light-hearted

If you’re a newbie, your first few speeches will not be the way you expect it to be. If you want to be the best version of you, then you need to face complicated situations.

Well, not all the time, but if you land in such a position, embrace it. Never let that consume you. You’re not stooping low and disrespecting yourself, you’re saving yourself from intensifying the situation. It shows you’re confident enough too. 

I bet, even the best speaker would have been through an embarrassing situation at least once.

6. Set a Brand for Yourself

It was during one of my first few speeches in school where I tried imitating the hand gestures similar to that of my classmate. It was so obvious, and also, it did not go well with my personality. So, never do that.

If you’ve watched TEDx Talks, you might have observed that every individual has a unique way of conveying their story to the audience, whether it’s the tone or the body language.

Thus, be comfortable with yourself and your body. You will see the results for yourself. An impromptu speech judges who you are. It’s those few minutes that shows the world who you are. Give your best shot no matter what.

7. It’s Okay to Screw Up in an Impromptu Speech

You might forget your topic while on stage, or you might end up being blank in between your speech. That’s totally alright. It’s a matter of time and everyone would have gone through the same phase.

Learn from it and avoid making that mistake the next time. Maybe even your fifth speech might not be good, but your tenth or twelfth speech will definitely be better than your previous speeches and no one can stop you from there.

Remember, it’s okay to screw up and it’s okay to be reckless. In the end, you will be happy to have that experience. Here’s former NFL player, Bo Eason, telling his students why being reckless is actually a good thing: 

Impromptu Speech Outline

Like any other speech, an impromptu speech has the same structure: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.


There are many ways you can start during an impromptu speech. Like always, the introduction should be captivating. 

Gone are the days where the usual “Hello Everyone, I’m ABC and so on” was the norm for starting a speech. It gives the impression that your speech will be boring right from the beginning. 

  • One way is by sharing a quick personal story. You can start this way, “I remember the time when I was in a similar situation…”
  • Another way is to ask questions. You get enough time to recall notable points. Questioning your audience can buy you extra time if you do not remember right away. (Keep in mind that you do not make majority speech a question-answer session. You’re out there to speak, not to make the audience speak).
  • Also, knowing your audience and the time of the presentation is equally important. It can be at an NGO, a corporate place, or even a party. Start your speech accordingly. Knowing your audience can help you be a lot more contextual.

Thus, start with a relatable quote or come up with one. Share a story that is relatable to all. Your introduction is a gateway to you as an individual. Keep it simple yet effective.

Related Article: 15 Powerful Speech Opening Lines (And How to Create Your Own)

Now since an impromptu speech is only for a couple of minutes, you need not rush to conclude your speech. Honestly, I even dread to talk continuously for 2 minutes, so a couple of minutes on stage is a big deal for me. Breathing helps to calm my nerves. I remind myself to live in the moment and continue my story.

  • If you’re speaking on “Mental Health,” make 3 to 4 informative points like when did you realize mental health is important, how important is it to focus on our overall well-being, in what way does it affect our day-to-day lives, why is there a stigma around it, how can everyone join as a community and offer help, and so on.

If you have gone through any mental health issues, you can share your story and deliver the speech. You can also talk about personal experiences.

  • If it’s a light topic, go on about the details of it, what made you despise or love that phase of life, relate it with the current topic, add facts, quotes, references from movies, or stories if you remember that very moment.

The body of the speech should be informative and engaging. Try not to make it too long. Keep it to the point with all the details included.

Conclu sion

The conclusion is as essential as your introduction. Maybe a little more valuable as your audience will remember your conclusion more than anything. You can either make a gist of your speech and stress on the important points in the end or end it by speaking something that is motivating and inspirational.

  • If it’s on Mental Health, you can probably end it by saying “Let’s push the pause button and not be too busy to not care about the one’s next to us. The least we could do is to ask ‘How are you? Are you OK?’ to the people around us. You never know, it might make a huge difference and bring positivity and hope among everyone.”
  • If it’s a wedding party, be energetic and lively. You can simply end by congratulating the couples and telling the audience to enjoy the evening.
  • If it’s business-related, you can end it with a ‘success’ quote or something compelling enough that is contextual to a business setting.

Keep your speech short, crisp, and sweet.

Related article: 5 Ways to End Your Speech With Maximum Impact!

I came across this video and loved every bit of the impromptu speech. The speaker starts with a story as an example, relates it to our lives, and explains why we should live like the character in the story ending on a positive note with a great message.

How to be Better Prepared for Impromptu Speeches

“The very best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance.”  Ruth Gordon

Though an impromptu speech is delivered straight away without preparation, if you practice for a couple of minutes every day, you will definitely nail it. Here are some of the ways to improve your impromptu skills and gain confidence by speaking on-spot on a daily basis. It will help you think fast and deliver your thoughts effectively.

1. Practice at Home With Your Family

 The best way to deliver an impromptu speech is to practice more. Ask your family members to give you a topic on-spot every day. It can be a short 5 min session where you practice one topic or one-hour session where each family member takes turns and speaks on any given topic. A perfect bonding moment as well. Once you develop the confidence to speak in front of your family members, you will be much more comfortable speaking in front of strangers. 

2. Call a Friend

You can call your friends and play pick-and-speak . It will definitely be fun and everyone can improve their impromptu skills. It’s always entertaining with friends when they come up with cool topics.

Call your friend up and give her a topic. Let her speak on the topic for a minute or two. After she’s done, switch your roles and allow her to give you a topic. Once you both are done speaking, evaluate each other and give feedback on how you can improve each other’s speeches.

This is a short, effective and fun way of practicing and gives you a buddy to practice and track your progress with.

3. Attending Toastmasters

You can join a Toastmaster’s club near as they help you in improving your speaking skills. You meet like-minded people, and here, you are supposed to pick a topic and present it in front of the members under the Table Topics section. It’s a perfect opportunity to improve your impromptu skills.

Here is another video where a member of a Toastmaster club speaks on a Table Topic. The flow of the speech is natural, and she presents it with grace and autheticty, which is laudable.

Related Article: How to Best Perform the Role of Table Topics Master in a Toastmasters Meeting?

4. Attend an Event or Volunteer at Your Neighborhood 

You can also volunteer at NGO’s and take part in conducting campaigns, reaching out to people, and hosting events. It boosts your self-confidence and gives you a chance to host events or speak on stage at certain occasions. 

Impromptu Speech Delivery

Here are a couple of things you need to keep in mind to be prepared for delivering a speech. Even though you cannot prepare for the topic, you can prepare yourself for any topic.

Read, Read and Read a Lot

Now that you know that an impromptu speech is unplanned, it’s a test to your knowledge. Though you will be sharing personal experiences, the more you add quotes and facts, the better your speech. So, it’s essential to read a lot. Pick up any book, newspaper, or magazines every day and read. Make notes on points you could connect, or the ones that you feel would help you in your speeches.

Work on Your Body Language

When it comes to body language, it’s okay to not be comfortable in your first few speeches. But come home and practice it in front of the mirror. Make sure to not repeat the same mistakes again. A few basic rules to remember are to not keep moving around too much or standing completely still, to not cross your hands, keeping it authentic, etc.

Realted article: Body Language Guide to Public Speaking (The Do’s & Don’ts)

Practice Voice Modulation

voice modulation in an impromptu speech

When you’re anxious, you might want to get done with your speech so end up speaking in a monotonous tone. Voice modulation is essential while delivering a speech. Another crucial thing is while describing your experiences, try to bring in various tones rather than being monotonous. Explain how a mother narrates a story to her child.

Read aloud at home, narrate a story to kids, or record your speech and listen to it repeatedly. Find out where you’re going wrong. Recording your voice will help you understand the areas where you need to work more.

Related Article: The Incredible Impact of Video Recording Yourself While Practicing a Speech

Related article: All You Need to Know about Voice Modulation & Tonality for Public Speaking

Impromptu Speech Topic Examples

  • Do you think self-love should be given more priority than any other form of love?
  • Does engaging in journaling ensure productivity?
  • Why is there a stigma around mental health? What should be done to spread awareness?
  • Why should one not be indecisive in life?
  • Is it true that if a person masters one skill, he is capable of mastering every other skill?
  • Why is it essential to obtain physio-mental stability for everyone?
  • Is it ideal to follow your passion even after knowing the rapid changes happening in the world?
  • What is the most significant thing in life to succeed: persistence or hard work?
  • Should one always go with the flow in life?
  • What should one do to find one’s true potential at the earliest?

Impromptu Speech Online Course

While I encourage you to practice impromptu speaking by yourself, sometimes, a little help can go a long way. 

If you want to learn impromptu speaking in a more structured format, check out this course by Shola Kaye on Udemy :

Public Speaking Success: IMPROMPTU public speaking

The course is quite handy when it comes to understanding impromptu speaking at deeper level. I personally like this course for two reasons:

  • The instructor makes you practice impromptu speaking within the course framework itself. So you’re practicing AND learning, not just learning
  • You get familiarised with various impromptu speech topics and scenarios. This helped be more sensitized to different topics and situations I could face where I would have to rely on impromptu speaking

I really like the instructor, Shola Kaye, as well. Being an introvert herself, she’s quite a relatable instructor. 

She’s also familiar with Toastmasters’ Table Topics. So all you TM members out there, this will be a great match! The curriculum is set out for only 7 days. So the content is extremely snackable and easy to watch. Check it out!

Bottom Line

An impromptu speech may not be as daunting as you expect it. A little belief in yourself and a never give up attitude is all that is needed to master it.

Sometimes, well, most of the time, it’s all the chaos in our mind stops us from being the best version.  It’s the thought about what others think of us put a full stop to our personal growth. Get that thought off your mind, and you’re half-way there.

Hrideep Barot

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How to Give an Impromptu Speech

No Time to Prepare? Don't Despair

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An impromptu speech is a speech that you have to make without much or any time to prepare. In life, this can happen when you attend special events, like weddings or celebrations. In school, teachers use impromptu speeches as  homework assignments to help you develop communication skills and to help you prepare for those future life surprises.

While this may seem like a cruel trick from a student's point of view, it actually builds confidence and is great preparation for life.

Rarely will you be asked to stand and deliver a speech with no warning and no time to organize your thoughts. This would be unusual in the classroom unless the teacher is attempting to make a point about the importance of preparedness.

At some point in your life, however, you may be asked to speak without notice. There are a few things you can do to avoid panic and embarrassment.

  • Grab a pen and a piece of paper. If you have a few moments before your speech is expected to begin, grab a writing utensil and something to write on, whether it's a napkin, envelope, or the back of a receipt you have on hand, and jot down a few thoughts .
  • Highlight a few interesting or significant points.  Keep in mind, your impromptu speech doesn't have to be long. A little-known fact about effective speeches is that if you start with a good line and then end with a really great punch, the speech will be perceived as a total success. So the beginning and ending markers are critical. The middle portion of your speech should relate to the event you're attending or the class assignment, but if you have to choose one great moment, your ending line is particularly important. If you can walk away gracefully, your speech will be a hit, so keep your big zinger for last.
  • Try to memorize key points. If you have time before your speech, create an outline of the major themes or points and commit it to memory with a memorization trick, like an acronym. Don't try to remember the entire speech in detail like this; just remember important points.
  • Hijack the topic.  There is an old trick that politicians use when they're being interviewed on TV, and once you realize this, you can use it yourself. They think of questions ahead of time (or topics to discuss), prepare some talking points, and talk about those, despite the topic or question they're given. This is a handy trick when you're facing a hard question or asked to discuss a topic with which you're unfamiliar.
  • Remember you're in charge of this time.  Your goal is to deliver a one-sided conversation, off the cuff, so you are in complete control. Relax and make it your own. If you want to make this a funny story about your pesky little brother who always bothers you during homework time, then do it. Everyone will applaud your effort.
  • Feel free to acknowledge that you have not prepared for a speech. If you are speaking in front of friends or family, it may ease your nervousness to express your lack of preparation. This should not be an attempt to garner pity, but rather a way to put yourself and your audience at ease. Then, take a deep breath before you begin speaking. Zone out the audience or choose someone specific to focus on, whichever makes you more comfortable.
  • Begin with your introductory sentence, elaborate, then start working your way to your ending sentence.  Fill in the middle space with as many points as you can, elaborating on each one as you go. Just concentrate on the zinger you've reserved for the end.
  • As you deliver your speech, concentrate on diction and tone.  If you are thinking about this, you won't be thinking about the eyes watching you. Your mind can't think about too many things at once, so think about breathing, enunciating your words, and controlling your tone, and you'll maintain more control.

What to Do If You Draw a Blank

If you suddenly lose your train of thought or draw a complete blank, there are a few you can do to keep from panicking.

  • Pretend you're pausing on purpose. Walk back and forth slowly, as if you're letting your last point sink in.
  • There is always a jokester or friendly person who will stand out in the crowd. Make eye contact and try to draw a response from him or her while you think.
  • If you need more time to think, you may want to ask the audience a question. Have a few prepared ahead, like "Do you have any questions," or "Can everyone hear me okay?"
  • If you still can't remember what you were going to say, make up a reason to pause the speech. You can say, "I'm sorry, but my throat is very dry. Can I please get a glass of water?" Someone will go to get you a drink, and you will have time to think of two or three points to talk about.

If these tricks don't appeal to you, think of your own. The goal is to have something ready for every possible scenario ahead of time. If you know you may be asked to give an impromptu speech soon, try going through the entire preparation process with a few common speech topics .

When caught off guard, many people can suffer extreme anxiety about speaking off the cuff. That's why the best speakers are always prepared.

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How to Give an Impressive Impromptu Speech

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An Impromptu speech is a talk that you give on the spot with no preparation.

The speech could be as professional as a project update or as casual as a toast at a wedding. Either way, you are expected to say something smart, witty and charming.

While it might feel like torture even to the most second C-level executive, giving an extemporaneous speech is the mark of an excellent communicator and leader.

Impromptu Speech Situations You Must Be Ready For

It’s not how you handle yourself when you are prepared, that demonstrates your leadership, it’s how you handle yourself when you are least prepared. Most of the presentations you give will be prepared, yet some will not, and these unplanned events will have a bigger impact on your personal brand.

It’s how you handle yourself when least prepared that demonstrates your leadership

Here are just some examples of them

  • Introducing yourself at networking events.
  • Filling in for a late speaker.
  • You are asked to give a toast at a company party.
  • You get asked a question you did not prepare for while on a panel.
  • Job interview questions from left field.
  • You are interviewed by a reporter.
  • You get pulled into a meeting to give an update.
  • There is unexpected push back on your ideas at a company meeting.
  • Say a goodbye speech to a departing employee.
  • Your college refers to you in the middle of a presentation for input.

The Best 3 Impromptu Speech Tips I Ever Got

The first company I interned for during my college years threw me a goodbye party. I was happy until the manager asked if I had a few words for the team.

Then I opened my mouth, and gibberish came out. It sounded like I was speaking in tongues, “Ahh, Ahh, blah, blah, blah…”

Later, my manager at that time gave me three tips about talking on the spot that I carry to this day: “Stick to the truth, share from personal experience, and practice out loud.”

Stick to the truth, share from personal experience, and practice out loud.

1. Stick to the truth. No need to embellish, exaggerate or stretch the truth. The truth is always good enough.

For example, if you feel happy to have your colleagues in a meeting, then don’t say that you feel “super excited.” Saying that you feel happy is good enough. At least when you tell the truth, you will be authentic.

Now, telling the truth does not mean that you divulge company secrets. You stick to your truth at the moment. If you don’t know, then you say you don’t know; if you are not sure, then you say you are not sure.

Sticking to the truth will save you from a lot of mental anguish.

2. Share from personal experience. When you speak from personal experience, then you are referring to things that you intimately know. No need to research, no need to investigate, and no need to memorize anything.

When in doubt about what to say, just tell a story from your past related to the situation. That will make your contribution unique and valuable.

For example, someone asks you about the future of self-driving cars. Instead of making up stuff, just talk about the time you were in Mountain View, and you saw one of the Google’s self-driving cars for the first time.

Wait, you never saw that. No problem. Talk about the last time you were talking with your spouse about self-driving cars.

Wait you never did that. No problem. Talk about the first time you heard about self-driving cars.

You get the idea here. No need to make up anything, just look back in your memory to the closest experience with the topic and share that.

3. Practice out loud. Thinking on your feet is like dancing, you can’t learn it by thinking about it.

There are two ways to practice impromptu speaking:

1. On your own. Choose a different random topic every day and speak out loud about it. What you say does not have to be perfect, or eloquent, or enlightening. The important thing is to speak out loud. I do this when I am stuck in traffic. I pick a random topic and then I just speak on it for a minute or so. Don’t overdo it. Just once a day is enough.

2. Speak in a group. Practicing in front of a group and getting professional feedback is the best way to learn impromptu speaking. I know that this option is harder than practicing on your own for many reasons. Not finding the right group, not finding the time are just a few. However, it is not impossible. You can try out different speaking classes or join a Toastmasters group in your area until you find one that resonates with you. It will be worth it.

Quick and Dirty Impromptu Formula You Can Use Right Away

In an impromptu speech, the structure king. Without a present and practiced structure, you will ramble on and make no point at all. In fact, the structure will be the king, queen, and general combined to martial and lead your content in a concise and relevant way.

Structure is king!

There are many other formulas that I use for impromptu speaking, however, here I want to share with you an excellent one.

It’s called FAT.

Impromptu outline formula

F = Feeling

Share your honest feeling about the topic, circumstance or person. If you feel excited to be there then, that’s the impression that you share (remember to stay close to the truth)

A= Anecdote

Share a relevant story. Most of the time, I share my first experience with the topic. For example, if it’s a car, then I share a story about my first car in college. If it’s a person, then I share my first experience meeting the person. It does not have to be that way.

T = Tie Back

After you are done with the anecdote, make sure you tie it back to the topic you are talking about. Example, if you are doing a toast for a departing coworker, and you share the story of the first time you meet her, you can tie back by saying, that after that event, you knew that she was destined for big things and that she will be missed when she leaves.

When you get asked to speak about someone or something, you can always rely on the FAT formula.

Here is an example of an impromptu speech using the FAT method.

Scenario: you are asked to thank a group of interns that worked with your department for the summer.

I want to thank Michael, Amey, and Kira for working with our department over the summer. Their work is greatly appreciated, and I don’t know how we would have done it without them (only say it this way if it’s the truth).

A: Anecdote

I remember your first day. You were all quiet, taking notes and probably thinking oh my god what a mess . Then surprised us all by your initiative and how quickly you learned. With your help, we caught up on our financial audit.

T: Tie back

We were so thankful to have you this summer and wanted to wish you the best in your academic career next year. I know some of you will be graduating, and I look forward to hearing from you. I hope you would consider coming back to work with us 🙂 Good luck!

Ok, that was the FAT method. Easy right?

You don’t have to remember any content, all you have to remember is a structure. The takeaway is that it can be used for many different scenarios. Weddings, eulogies, goodbyes, updates, answers, etc.

Extemporaneous and Impromptu speaking is a great skill to have. I say a skill because it is something you learn and develop over time. Impromptu speaking is something you get good at with practice and feedback. Start practicing today and leave an impromptu comment below.

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12 effective impromptu speech tips you should use

12 effective impromptu speech tips you should use

  • Filed under: Featured articles , Public speaking articles , Public speaking tips and tricks , Speaking tips , Speech delivery , Speech preparation

An impromptu speech is something most people are afraid of even more than public speaking . There’s hardly any time to prepare, and, sometimes, this speech must be longer than just a few minutes.

So, what is an impromptu speech? An impromptu speech is a speech which is given without any thorough preparation. It is five- to eight-minute speech with a characteristically short preparation time of a couple of minutes.

This can be frightening, but it’s not the hardest of things. Today, I’ll give you 12 good tips you can use in the future. That said if you want even more information about impromptu speech and public speaking then definitely check out this list of the best public speaking books I have compiled for you.

Table of Contents

12 impromptu speech tips (short version)

F = Feeling.
A = Anecdote or a related story
T = Tie back.
One way to practice an impromptu speech is an impromptu speech game I describe below
The more stage experience you gain, the better you will be able to handle different situations. This experience will be handy while making an impromptu speech.
Remember, that if you don’t believe in yourself, why should I as a listener? Also, 99,9% of the time the listeners are your allies and not your enemies.
Do it in a brief and professional manner and avoid futile apologies.
Using humor you create a connection with your audience and they’re paying attention to you
Make a point, tell a story. Even better if the story is funny.
Most people won’t even realize there’s something going on
If the subject is something you don’t know much about, you will adjust it a little and change the focus, talking about it from a perspective you feel more confident about.
It’s essentially the same as the FAT structure but explained from another angle.
This way, you’ll get hints from the listeners about what you talk about, and you can smoothly go over to your speech.
Don’t blab all the time and remember: no one has ever complained about a speech being too short!

Video: 12 effective impromptu speech tips you should use

Why give an impromptu speech? Here are the reasons:

  • The actual speaker is running late or you have to give a speech totally last moment instead of the actual speaker.
  • At a meeting , you are unexpectedly asked to give a longer overview of what’s happening.
  • You are forced (or decide for yourself) to take part in a discussion (e.g., parents’ meeting).
  • A cheering speech at a birthday party or other similar event (e.g., colleague’s birthday).
  • An unexpected (or even agreed beforehand) interview .
  • You must unexpectedly introduce yourself at an event or talk about your area of activity .
  • Unexpected questions during a Q&A session following your presentation.

Remember that the better public speaker you are, the more people will be pointing in your direction, because no-one wants to go out there. So, get ready to be teased, „James, we all know you can do it so well…“

12 impromptu speech tips that will make you shine

1. a good speech has a structure.

There are several speech structures, but I use the one called the FAT system.

  • F = Feeling . Express how you feel about the subject of your speech
  • A = Anecdote . Tell a story related to it. If it’s funny, even better.
  • T = Tie back . Link the story to the subject.

F = Feeling

Share your feelings about the subject. If it makes you sad, show it. If it makes you happy, express it with all your nature.

A = Anecdote

The anecdote doesn’t necessarily mean making a joke. Indeed, if your story is funny and related to the subject, that’s just great. Keep in mind that the make-a-point-tell-a-story approach usually works well.

T = Tieback

When you’re done with your story, keep in mind that now is the time to link it to the subject. For example: if your topic is „Your Favourite Car Brand“ and you told a good story about which bad (or good) cars you’ve come across, now is the time, to sum up, the topic pointing out why you chose a particular car brand.

2. Practice giving a speech

Mark Twain once said, „It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech“. In other words, it can be practiced. The more you practice and the more topics you go through, the easier it will be .

You can practice alone or with your friends. One of the ways to do it with your friends is to play a game. Scroll down for instructions!

As a side note, I wrote an article (with 10 effective tips) about how to practice a speech. You can read it here.

3. Go on stage and give speeches whenever you get an opportunity

The more experience you gain, the better you will be able to handle unexpected situations. You’ll also learn how to deal with tricky questions and smarty pants.

Recommended books

How to Deliver a TED Talk: Secrets of the World's Most Inspiring Presentations

Jeremy Donovan

Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences

Nancy Duarte

Confessions of a Public Speaker

Scott Berkun

Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds

Carmine Gallo

The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right

Atul Gawande

The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything... Fast!

Josh Kaufman

By the way, I did my MA thesis on the fear of public speaking, in which I also studied the way in which the level of the fear of public speaking and the frequency of its occurrence is related. It revealed that the people who do public speaking more often suffer from the fear of public speaking significantly less than those who do it rarely.

Have a look at the figure below:

Stage fright levels

4. Believe you can do it

If you only focus on the idea of potentially failing, you focus on the wrong thing . You’re not the most important person at the moment of giving a presentation. Your listeners are. Anyway, if you don’t believe in yourself, why should I as a listener? Oftentimes, the audience is your allie , and you should keep that in mind at all times.

Why is the audience your Allie ? Because the better you do, the more they will benefit from your presentation.

5. You could mention it’s an impromptu speech

An impromptu speech is just like any other speech, that is, it’s not a good idea to start your speech with an excuse. If the listeners are aware of the situation anyway, it might be worth mentioning. Do it in a brief and professional manner and avoid futile apologies.

Briefly explain why the speech is improvisation and get to the subject. If you use the above-mentioned FAT structure, it’ll be much easier for you to give a good speech.

6. Don’t forget about humor

For example: if you mention that it’s an impromptu speech, make a joke about the situation . Already today, it would be a good idea to think of a funny story or two about yourself for such occasions.

At the same time, keep in mind that if you’re not particularly good at making jokes , don’t try to overdo it . Equally important, never say „I’m going to tell you a funny story“ because you set the expectations high. Just say that you’re going to tell a story, and if the audience finds it funny, great success!

7. Think of universal introductions or stories to use in the future

Getting started with a story is always a good idea, especially, if it’s a personal one. For example, you can start with a story of how you had to give a speech once and what went wrong.

Sometimes, it may happen that you have to give a speech so unexpectedly that there’s no time whatsoever to think of a story introducing the subject. In this case, after making an introduction, you can make a transition in the form of a joke about yourself.

For example, you could say, „Some of you will wonder how this story is related to my presentation. It’s not, really… I just had to give a speech so unexpectedly that this story was the first thing that sprang to mind. Speaking of the subject… (and you go on with the actual subject)“.

But there’s a lot more to it so I wrote a complete guide on how to make a speech introduction that grabs the attention which you can read here.

8. If you get stuck, pretend it’s a meaningful pause

Remember that one speaker from Ancient Greece once summed up the fundamental truths about public speaking tips:

  • Speak clearly to be heard.
  • Stand straight to be seen.
  • Be quiet to be enjoyable.

Take your time and try to avoid unnecessary voiced sounds during the pause – most people won’t even realize there’s something going on.

9. Customize the topic and make it your statement

Sometimes, it’s the only solution. For example: if I’m unexpectedly asked to talk about maths for 15 minutes, I have to admit this is a subject I don’t know anything about.

So I have a couple of stories about how I wasn’t very good at maths at school and that there’s one thing I’m very good at when it comes to maths. Calculating percentages by cross-multiplying. Then, I’ll be talking about how it really helped me in practice and how the audience could use it.

To sum it up, if the subject is something you don’t know much about, you will adjust it a little and change the focus , talking about it from a perspective you feel more confident about.

10. In relation to your speech, find answers to the following five questions:

  • What (or about what)?

For example: if you have to talk about the fact that you’re afraid to speak publicly, your speech could answer the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What have you done to cope with it and what could others learn from it?
  • When did you succeed (or fail) in relation to the subject (add a short story here)?
  • Where could your tips be used?
  • Why is it important at all?

It’s essentially the same as the FAT structure but explained from another angle.

11. Turn your presentation into a Q&A session

If you have no idea what to say in the beginning, go for a Q&A session. For example, your topic is „How to Give a Speech“, but you don’t have any good idea. So you start with something like „Dear all, today, we’ll be talking about how to give a speech. How many of you have given an impromptu speech or done public performances unexpectedly? Yes, Paul, what were the circumstances?“

This way, you’ll get hints from the listeners about what you could talk about, and you can smoothly go over to your speech.

But if you say „Today, we’ll be talking about how to give a speech. First of all, you’ll be able to ask a few questions about what you find most important when it comes to our topic“, the questions asked by the listeners will give you an idea of what you should talk about.

Keep in mind that you have to encourage your listeners as they may be too shy to ask questions. If no-one asks a question, go back to one of the tips above.

12. Don’t blab all the time

To be brief is always a good thing . The longer you talk, the greater the likelihood that your speech becomes somewhat boring , and, as a result, the listeners lose interest.

An impromptu speech developing game you can play with your friends

It’s quite common to play different games in larger or smaller groups. The game I recommend is suitable for groups of all shapes and sizes.

  • Beginner : On a piece of paper, each participant puts down a topic they are able to talk about for a minute or two, without preparation.
  • Advanced : On a piece of paper, each participant puts down a completely random topic.
  • Put all the topics together. Now, in turns, you pick one topic and start talking about it for about a minute or two, without preparation. If you pick the topic written by you, you put it back and pick a new one.

When one participant is finished, the next participant picks a new topic and starts with their speech.

  • Other listeners shouldn’t interrupt the speaker during their speech.
  • It is advisable to give feedback, especially by the person who has come up with the topic.

How does this game improve giving an impromptu speech?

First, you get used to talking about topics you don’t know anything about at a first glance.

Second, you get a wealth of experience in terms of how to customize a topic. For example: if you pick a topic entitled „My Trip to Spain“, but you’ve never been to Spain, you’ll be talking about „What I Could Do on my Next Trip to Spain“.

Third, you get feedback from other people about how you did. Pretty soon, you’ll discover that you’re actually much better than you think.

Finally, the more you play this game, the more comfortable you will feel in different situations . You will learn from experience, right?

An impromptu speech can be frightening, but it’s not the hardest of things. It’s all in your head, and you can start fixing it now.

Have a look at my 12 impromptu speech tips and think of the situations where you can use one or the other. And then… go on stage. First thing. The more you practice public speaking , the better you get.

Related questions

What is a persuasive speech? The main objective of a persuasive speech is to make your listeners do what you want them to do. For example, „buy my product“, „vote for me“, „believe what I’m talking about“, and so on. ( full article here)

What is the elevator pitch? An elevator pitch is a well-thought, meaningful, and repeatedly practiced brief (about 30-60 seconds long) overview of who you are, what you offer, and how your partner can benefit from it ( full article here ).

What is audience analysis? Audience analysis gives you the opportunity to get as much information about the background of your listeners as possible. Using this information, you can prepare your message so that it builds on the interests, needs, and expectations of your listeners. ( full article here )

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Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

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Janek Tuttar

Hi! My name is Janek Tuttar, and I am the founder and author of

I have been teaching and blogging about public speaking since spring 2007. Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

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Impromptu Speech

Speech generator.

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If delivering a speech can get nerve-racking for some people, just imagine if they are to deliver an impromptu speech. When we know we are to deliver a speech, we would often go out of our ways just to plan, rehearse, and practice for days, even weeks for some, just to make sure we could ace it. However, when we are asked to deliver a speech on the spot, that’s when things would get challenging for us.

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Even though the moments when you would be asked to deliver an impromptu speech could be unexpected, there are some moments when you are most likely to deliver one and such moments are weddings, award presentations or recognition, and even project updates in your workplace. Whatever it is, people would expect that you would be able to deliver an impromptu speech that is smart, witty, insightful, and informative, especially if it’s a formal setting.

If you are not really good at making an impromptu speech but you would always find yourself to be asked to deliver one, then you have to ace your game and surprise everyone who has already witnessed your countless nail-biting situations with the help of the impromptu speech examples that we have compiled here in this article. We have also included some tips on how to deliver an impromptu speech that will surely be of help when you are asked to deliver another impromptu speech.

What is Impromptu Speech? – Definition An impromptu speech is a type of speech that is given without prior preparation or notice . It requires the speaker to quickly organize their thoughts and ideas on a given topic and deliver a coherent and persuasive presentation on the spot. Unlike prepared speeches, where the speaker has time to research, plan, and rehearse, impromptu speeches are spontaneous and demand a high level of quick thinking, adaptability, and the ability to articulate thoughts clearly and effectively under pressure. Impromptu speaking is a valuable skill in various contexts, including everyday conversations, business meetings, interviews, social gatherings, and competitive speaking events. It tests a speaker’s ability to think on their feet, use language creatively, and engage with an audience without the safety net of prepared materials. Mastering impromptu speaking can enhance one’s communication skills, confidence, and ability to handle unexpected situations gracefully.

Tips on giving an impromptu speech

Steps to Deliver an Impromptu Speech Letter Word with D

  • Stay Calm and Composed : The key to successful impromptu speaking starts with your mindset. Take a deep breath, stay calm, and approach the task with confidence. Remember, your audience is more forgiving than you think.
  • Listen Carefully : If you’re given a topic or question, listen carefully to understand it fully. Clarify if necessary before you start speaking to ensure your response is relevant.
  • Structure Your Thoughts Quickly : Organize your speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end. You might use the simple structure of stating your main point, supporting it with a few details or examples, and then concluding by summarizing your point.
  • Use the PREP Method : Point, Reason, Example, Point (PREP) is a straightforward formula for organizing your thoughts. State your main point, give a reason why it’s important, provide an example or evidence, and restate your point.
  • Draw on Personal Experience : Personal stories or examples can make your speech more engaging and relatable. Don’t hesitate to draw on your own experiences when relevant.
  • Keep It Simple and Clear : Avoid trying to cover too much in a short speech. Focus on one or two key points that you can discuss clearly and succinctly.
  • Engage Your Audience : Make eye contact, use gestures for emphasis, and modulate your voice to keep the audience engaged. Showing enthusiasm for your topic can also help captivate your listeners.
  • Practice Active Listening : Improve your impromptu speaking skills by practicing active listening in daily conversations. This helps you become better at formulating quick and coherent responses.
  • Embrace Silence : It’s okay to take a moment to collect your thoughts before responding or to pause briefly during your speech. These pauses can actually improve your speech’s clarity and pacing.
  • Learn from Every Experience : After each impromptu speech, reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Continuous self-reflection and practice are key to becoming a more effective speaker.
  • Stay Informed : Being well-read and informed about a variety of topics can provide you with a wealth of material to draw from when asked to speak spontaneously.
  • Practice Under Pressure : Challenge yourself by practicing impromptu speeches in different settings or under time constraints. This can help build your confidence and improve your quick-thinking skills

Impromptu speech frameworks

Impromptu speech frameworks are structured approaches that help speakers organize their thoughts quickly and deliver a coherent speech on the spot. These frameworks provide a guideline for arranging your points, making it easier to speak confidently and clearly under pressure. Here are several effective frameworks for impromptu speaking:

PREP (Point, Reason, Example, Point)

Point : Start by stating your main point or argument. Reason : Explain why this point is important or relevant. Example : Provide an example or evidence to support your reason. Point : Conclude by restating your main point, reinforcing your argument.

PEEL (Point, Explain, Evidence, Link)

  • Point : Begin with the main point you intend to make.
  • Explain : Elaborate on your point, providing more detail.
  • Evidence : Offer evidence, examples, or anecdotes to support your explanation.
  • Link : Conclude by linking back to your main point, showing how the evidence supports it.

What? So What? Now What?

What? : Describe the situation or topic you’re addressing. So What? : Discuss the importance or impact of the situation/topic. Now What? : Suggest a course of action or a conclusion based on the discussion.

5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why) and How

This framework is especially useful for informative or explanatory speeches. Address each of the “5 Ws” to cover the topic comprehensively, followed by “How” to explain processes or solutions.


Problem : Start by describing a problem. Solution : Propose a solution to the problem. Benefit : Highlight the benefits or positive outcomes of implementing the solution.


Cause : Explain the cause of a particular issue or situation. Effect : Describe the effects or consequences of this cause. Solution : Offer solutions to mitigate the cause or address its effects.

Compare and Contrast

This framework involves comparing two or more ideas, situations, or objects, highlighting similarities and differences. It’s effective for persuasive speeches or when making a choice between options.


Past : Start by discussing the history or background of your topic. Present : Describe the current state or relevance of the topic. Future : Predict future trends or implications related to the topic.

Three-Point Structure

Choose three main points you want to make about your topic. This straightforward structure is flexible and can be adapted to most topics, providing clarity and depth without overwhelming the audience.

Impromptu Speech Samples

  • Impromptu Speech for Students
  • Impromptu Speech for Kids
  • Impromptu Speech for Beginners
  • Impromptu Speech for Grade 10
  • Impromptu Speech for Love
  • Impromptu Speech for Family
  • Impromptu Speech for Bullying
  • Impromptu Speech for Public Speaking
  • Impromptu Speech for Education
  • Impromptu Speech for Events
  • Impromptu Speech for Political Rallies
  • Impromptu Speech for Social Media Influencers
  • Impromptu Speech for Educational Leaders
  • Impromptu Speech for Health And Wellness Coaches
  • Impromptu Speech for Technological Innovations
  • Impromptu Speech for Corporate Success
  • Impromptu Speech for Graduates

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Topics Impromptu Speech Example

Situations You’d Likely Deliver an Impromptu Speech

As mentioned above, the moments you’d be asked to deliver an impromptu speech is unexpected but there are certain moments and events wherein you would most likely be asked to deliver one. With that, we have listed down some of the situations that you would most likely get asked an impromptu speech:

  • The scheduled speaker had informed that he or she would not be able to make it at the last minute and you have been asked to fill in for him or her.
  • When you are one of the panelists in a contest, a report or status update, or a project presentation and when you are the one doing the project presentation or a status update and that one of the panelists would ask you questions.
  • When you would initiate a question-and-answer session after your prepared speech (the answers you reply to the questions thrown at you by the audience is considered as an impromptu speaking).
  • When you would be asked to be interviewed, be it on television, radio, seminars or webinars, or even phone interviews.
  • When you would be asked to say a few words or a toast at any kind of gathering, be it among your friends, family members, colleagues, or company.
  • When you would join a debate in school or even in your workplace or even when your teacher in class would decide that he or she is going to hold a debate on the spot.

Winning Tips and Strategies for Creating and Delivering Impromptu Speeches

If there is one thing you cannot do with impromptu speeches, it’s the fact that you can never prepare them. However, you can always prepare yourself for when you would be encountering such moments. With that, we have listed down some tips and strategies you can use when you would be asked to deliver a speech right on the spot:

Anticipate the possible situations where you might be called upon to deliver an impromptu speech. We have already listed down the possible and common situations and events above and you could also add on some more situations especially if you have already countless experiences when you would just be caught off guard because you are, again, asked to deliver an impromptu speech. Even though you can never prepare an impromptu speech because you can never know what would happen in a situation, having the knowledge of these situations will enable you to at least prepare and compose yourself.

If you are a prominent person or an individual people have high regard for, just expect that you will always be asked to speak even if you know it yourself that you are not good at public speaking, especially if it is an impromptu one. This is why you should make it a point to have a personal impromptu speech structure that can serve as your default template, framework, or guide when you are asked to deliver an impromptu speech. Having such structure decreases the chances of you rambling in front of your audience since you would already have something to follow in your head.

If you could not think of any personal impromptu speech structure, you could make use or get inspired with some of this easy impromptu speech structure or framework:

  • P.R.E.P. which stands for Point, Reason, Example, Point. This structure is easy to follow: you can start off by clearly stating your points, followed by sharing the reasons or your defense as to why you have these points, followed by examples that would illustrate and explain to the audience why you made those points and the reasons for those points, and lastly, end your impromptu speech with the summary of your central point again.
  • Issue, Pros vs. Cons, Conclusions.  Here is another easy structure that you can follow. You start off by talking about the issue. Then, you follow it by talking about the benefits people can get from it, followed by talking about its drawbacks, and finally end it with your recommendations.
  • Answering the 5Ws and 1H.  This structure is centralized in addressing and answering the 5Ws and 1H questions or the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How elements or questions.

Turn your impromptu session into a question-and-answer session. Having a Q and A session always works wonders especially when you are only tasked to fill in for the absence of a scheduled speaker. Most of the time, a scheduled speaker would be given at least 30- to 45-minute speech but in your case where you are only given the task to fill in his or her time without preparation, it would not be wise to dive into having a 30- to 45-minute impromptu speech. Even if you are fully aware and knowledgeable about the topic that you will be making an impromptu speech out of, it is still not easy to prepare a speech about it right on this spot. If you would re-frame the time with a Q and A session, you would be able to easily break up the given time into a series of very small but extremely manageable impromptu speeches which makes it easier for you to answer and generate an impromptu speech out of. The best part of it is that the questions would come directly from the audience, which means that the answers you give to them is something they wanted to hear.

Using your personal stories also works wonders as well because even if you are not really a good speaker to begin with, you would suddenly be an expert at it especially if you would be creating an impromptu speech using your emotional, real, and interesting personal stories. This is because it is much easier for you to speak about the things that happened based on personal experiences.

Most of all, just go easy on yourself. You may be a good speaker but if you are too tensed and you put so much pressure on yourself, you can still go downhill. Don’t aim too much for perfection and just strive to deliver a message that your audience will get insights from. Your audience could probably recognize that you are only asked to give a speech right on the spot and they will surely understand.

Do you feel like you could take on every moment that you’d be asked to deliver an impromptu speech after reading this article? You may also be interested in  Commercial Speech Examples in PDF.

Benefits and Opportunities of Impromptu Speech

  • Enhanced Communication Skills : Regular practice of impromptu speaking sharpens your ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely, improving overall communication skills.
  • Quick Thinking : Impromptu speaking fosters quick thinking and mental agility, enabling you to formulate and articulate ideas on the spot.
  • Confidence Building : Facing the challenge of speaking without preparation builds self-confidence, not just in public speaking situations but in everyday interactions as well.
  • Adaptability : It teaches adaptability, allowing you to adjust your message based on the audience, setting, or feedback you receive in real-time.
  • Listening Skills : Effective impromptu speaking often requires active listening, especially when responding to questions or comments, thus enhancing your listening abilities.
  • Persuasion Skills : As you learn to construct arguments and convey messages spontaneously, your ability to persuade and influence others improves.
  • Stress Management : Over time, engaging in impromptu speaking can help you manage stress and anxiety associated with public speaking and other high-pressure situations.
  • Creativity and Innovation : The need to think on your feet can boost creativity, encouraging innovative thinking and problem-solving skills.


  • Leadership : Strong impromptu speaking skills are invaluable in leadership roles, where the ability to communicate effectively and make decisive comments is crucial.
  • Career Advancement : Effective communication is a key competency in the workplace. Proficiency in impromptu speaking can open doors to promotions and other career opportunities.
  • Networking : Impromptu speaking skills can enhance your networking abilities, making it easier to engage in conversations, make connections, and leave a positive impression.
  • Public Speaking : For those interested in public speaking, debate, or politics, impromptu speaking serves as a foundational skill that can lead to more formal speaking engagements and opportunities.
  • Educational Benefits : Students can benefit significantly from impromptu speaking, improving their academic presentations, classroom participation, and overall learning experience.
  • Social Interactions : On a personal level, the confidence and skills gained from impromptu speaking can enrich social interactions, making you a more engaging and persuasive communicator in social settings.
  • Crisis Management : In professional settings, the ability to speak eloquently and calmly during unexpected situations is invaluable, especially in crisis management roles.
  • Personal Satisfaction : Mastering impromptu speaking can bring a deep sense of personal achievement and satisfaction, knowing you can handle spontaneous speaking challenges with poise.

How to Build Impromptu Speaking Skills

Building impromptu speaking skills is a valuable endeavor that can enhance your communication abilities across many areas of life. Here are steps and strategies to improve your impromptu speaking skills:

1. Understand the Basics

  • Familiarize yourself with the structure of impromptu speeches and common frameworks, such as PREP (Point, Reason, Example, Point) or the 5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How).

2. Practice Regularly

  • Engage in daily practice by giving short, impromptu speeches on random topics. Use a list of prompts or have someone suggest topics.
  • Join clubs or groups that practice public speaking, such as Toastmasters International, where you can practice impromptu speaking in a supportive environment.

3. Embrace Opportunities to Speak

  • Seize every opportunity to speak in public, whether it’s answering questions in a meeting, giving a toast, or participating in discussions. The more you practice in real situations, the more comfortable you’ll become.

4. Read Widely and Stay Informed

  • A broad knowledge base will give you more material to draw from during impromptu speeches. Stay informed about current events, and read widely across different subjects.

5. Listen and Observe

  • Pay attention to effective speakers and analyze what makes their impromptu speeches work. Notice their structure, how they engage their audience, and how they handle unexpected questions.

6. Think on Your Feet

  • Practice thinking on your feet by putting yourself in situations that require quick thinking. Activities like debating or even improvisational comedy can improve your ability to come up with ideas quickly.

7. Focus on Clear Structure

  • Even in impromptu situations, strive to have a clear beginning, middle, and end to your speeches. A clear structure helps keep your thoughts organized and makes your speech more coherent to your audience.

8. Develop Your Listening Skills

  • Good impromptu speaking often involves responding to others. By developing your listening skills, you can more effectively tailor your responses to what has been said.

9. Work on Delivery

  • Practice using effective body language, making eye contact, and modulating your voice to add interest and emphasis to your speeches.

10. Record and Review

  • Record your practice speeches and review them to identify areas for improvement. Pay attention to your ums and ahs, pacing, clarity, and how well you stick to your structure.

11. Seek Feedback

  • Get feedback from peers, mentors, or through public speaking groups. Constructive criticism can help you identify strengths and areas for improvement.

12. Embrace Mistakes

  • Understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Each mistake is an opportunity to improve. Reflect on what went wrong and how you can do better next time.

13. Challenge Yourself

  • Gradually increase the complexity of your speech topics or the pressure of your speaking situations to continue pushing your boundaries.

14. Stay Positive

  • Maintain a positive attitude toward impromptu speaking. View it as an opportunity to improve and showcase your skills rather than something to fear.

15. Reflect and Adjust

  • After each impromptu speech, take a moment to reflect on what went well and what didn’t. Use these insights to adjust and improve for next time.

How to Give a Great Impromptu Speech

  • Listen and Understand the Topic
  • Structure Your Speech
  • Use a Familiar Framework
  • Open Strong
  • Focus on Key Points
  • Use Personal Experiences
  • Engage Your Audience
  • Conclude with Impact
  • Practice Active Listening
  • Embrace Pauses
  • Learn from Every Experience
  • Stay Informed
  • Practice Regularly

How Do You Prepare for Impromptu Speaking?

To prepare for impromptu speaking, regularly practice speaking on random topics, stay informed about various subjects, and improve your quick thinking and listening skills. Familiarizing yourself with speech structures like PREP can also help.

What Are the Three Parts of an Impromptu Speech?

The three parts of an impromptu speech include the introduction, where you present your main idea, the body, where you expand on your idea with details or examples, and the conclusion, where you summarize and reinforce your main points.

Are Impromptu Speeches Short?

Yes, impromptu speeches are typically short, often ranging from two to five minutes. Their brevity requires the speaker to convey their message concisely and effectively within a limited timeframe.

Why Is Impromptu Speech Difficult?

Impromptu speech is difficult because it requires quick thinking, the ability to organize thoughts rapidly, and confidence in speaking without preparation. The challenge lies in delivering a coherent and engaging speech on the spot.

Is Impromptu Speech a Talent?

While some individuals may naturally excel at impromptu speaking, it is more accurately described as a skill that can be developed and refined with practice, rather than a talent. Continuous practice and learning can significantly improve impromptu speaking abilities.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Create a speech on the importance of teamwork in school projects

Generate a speech encouraging students to participate in school sports.

Deliver an Impromptu Speech on the Benefits of Reading Books over Watching TV.

Create an Impromptu Speech discussing the Pros and Cons of Remote Work.

Generate an Impromptu Speech on Ways to Reduce Environmental Pollution.

Deliver an Impromptu Speech on the Role of Technology in Education.

Create an Impromptu Speech about the Value of Traveling and Experiencing Different Cultures.

Generate an Impromptu Speech on How Volunteering Benefits Both the Volunteer and the Community

Deliver an Impromptu Speech on the Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Create an Impromptu Speech discussing the Future of Renewable Energy Sources.

Give at least five impromptu speech situations and list the preparations you should make to succeed. ​


1. Presenting a speech at a company meeting - Preparation: Research on the topic, organize thoughts, practice delivery, gather supporting materials, dress appropriately.

2. Speaking at a career fair - Preparation: Research the company, prepare a concise summary of qualifications and experience, create an elevator pitch, bring copies of resumes and business cards.

3. Impromptu debate - Preparation: Stay informed on current events and popular topics, practice both sides of an argument, research supporting evidence, prepare counter-arguments, stay calm and focused under pressure.

4. Toasting at a wedding - Preparation: Gather stories and anecdotes about the couple, consider personal anecdotes, include heartfelt sentiments, practice delivery, keep it appropriate for the audience.

5. Delivering a eulogy - Preparation: Research on the life of the deceased, gather personal stories from family and friends, practice delivery, consider the feelings of the bereaved, remain composed during delivery.


1. When pitching your business idea in an elevator to a potential investor, ensure that you know your idea well and have a brief, persuasive pitch to highlight key points. Practice delivering the pitch assertively and pay attention to your body language and eye contact. Be ready for possible objections and rehearse responses.

2. If invited to a panel discussion related to your industry, research and gather information on the topic and adjacent issues. List key points to make during the discussion, but remain open to other panelists' perspectives and admit when you're unsure. Cultivate confidence in the knowledge and experience you have on the issue. Aim to listen actively and converse respectfully.

3. For a wedding toast, organize in advance and include engaging stories and quotations. Training your timing and delivery. Consider the audience, keep the toast succinct, and be sincere in your emotions.

4. When preparing for a job interview, anticipate the interviewer's questions, research your potential employer, and get ready to reply to queries with examples of your abilities and track record. Aim for self-possession and composure in your delivery, listen attentively to what the interviewer(s) have to say, and respond thoughtfully.

5. If introducing yourself and your company to a new contact at a networking event, devise an influential and succinct introduction. Customize your pitch and conversation to the person you are speaking with. Be self-assured in your understanding and experience. Plan to ask the other person relevant questions to stimulate a dialogue and show interest. When speaking, be mindful of your body language and eye contact.

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Impromptu Speech: Meaning, Tips And Skills

Whether it’s tackling unexpected job interview questions or bidding farewell to a colleague, we have all been in situations where…

Impromptu Speech: Meaning, Tips And Skills

Whether it’s tackling unexpected job interview questions or bidding farewell to a colleague, we have all been in situations where we were asked to talk about a subject on the spot. These are some examples of impromptu speech, which means exactly how it sounds.

Even though it’s often unexpected, you can always practice impromptu speaking. It not only helps you be confident in your delivery but also makes meaningful speeches that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Meaning Of Impromptu Speech

The good and bad of impromptu speaking, how to give an impromptu speech.

When you deliver a speech without any prior preparation, it’s known as an impromptu speech. The word impromptu means without preparation or organization. While impromptu speaking may seem intimidating and not as glamorous as a well-prepared speech, it’s an essential skill to master. You may find yourself in various scenarios where you’re asked to share a few words. Here are some common instances that often encourage an impromptu speech:

Small talk at networking events or parties

Exchanging opinions in business meetings

Weddings and other celebrations

Sharing your experience when you’re leaving an organization

A speaker goes missing and you need to fill in at the last minute

As you can see, an impromptu speech can be as professional as sharing opinions in a meeting or as informal as a toast at a party. Either way, you’re expected to say something smart and meaningful.

The Good And Bad Of Impromptu Speaking

In an impromptu speech, you’re in an advantageous position as you get to choose the topics you want to talk about. You can enhance the quality of your speech by using personal anecdotes and real-life examples. As you aren’t prepared, you’re likely to deliver your speech as if you were in a conversation with another person. Speaking with conviction makes you sound confident and impresses your audience.

At the same time, impromptu speaking means not being well-prepared. Collecting your thoughts may be time-consuming if you don’t have much knowledge about the topic. Even if you’re familiar with a topic, your speech may lack relevant details. Moreover, if the audience doesn’t engage or ask questions, you may miss out on significant content.

However, speaking without prior preparation shouldn’t be so difficult. There are several strategies that can help you brush up on impromptu speaking skills and deal with any situation confidently.

Communication is an integral part of our lives and speech is one of its fundamental components. Language wouldn’t have evolved like it has without the help of speech. Impromptu speech, in particular, gives you the liberty to explore ideas, opinions and perspectives while sharing them with an audience. Here are some impromptu speech tips that’ll help you deliver your content confidently while captivating and convincing your audience of your thoughts:

Organize Your Thoughts

If you’re speaking in front of an audience unprepared, the first thing you should do is collect and organize your thoughts. When you start making points in your head, you gain clarity and direction regarding your topic. This further helps you prioritize and filter out unnecessary elements from your speech.

Go With The Flow

While formal situations such as business meetings and conferences may require you to be mindful of the information you share; informal situations like parties and gatherings can be candid and light-hearted. It’s best to be as candid as possible and not force yourself to behave in a certain way. This further helps you feel relaxed and use a conversational tone with your audience.

Share From Personal Experience

It’s best to focus on yourself and your surroundings. When you speak from personal experience, you’re not only familiar with the topic, you don’t require much preparation time. Storytelling is a great way to increase audience engagement. Personal anecdotes and examples can make a huge difference.

Start A Q&A Session

If you’re caught off-guard and you’re unsure about what to say or present, you can start your speech by engaging in a question-and-answer session. An interactive start will not only involve the audience but will also keep them captivated till the end. This is particularly helpful in situations where a speaker is absent and you’re filling in for them.

Use A Written Paragraph Approach

Speaking successfully involves the same outline as a written paragraph. There is an introduction, main idea discussion, supporting examples and conclusion. This structure is generally followed by people who prepare their speeches in advance. Following such an outline can help you organize your thoughts and improve the flow of the speech.

Working on your speaking skills should be a part of your career-development strategy. Harappa’s  Speaking Effectively course will teach you how to strengthen your communication skills and create ever-lasting impressions on people. The PAM Framework will help you understand your Purpose, Audience and Message better, while the Non-Verbal Cues framework will help you exhibit confidence. Be the speaker that everyone takes notice of. Start your learning journey today!

Explore topics such as Art of  Public Speaking , What is  Business Communication , Importance Of  Speaking Skills ,  Presentation Techniques  and  Audience Analysis  from Harappa Diaries to build a personal brand that inspires, motivates and guides others.


Which of the following is an example of an impromptu, or unplanned, speech

  • profile A. addressing the city council about why more traffic lights are needed B. introducing your new neighbor at a Block Watch meeting C. explaining the process of making ice cream D. outlining the many reasons why kids hate broccoli report flag outlined

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Ai-generated answer.

explaining the process of making ice cream

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    4. When preparing for a job interview, anticipate the interviewer's questions, research your potential employer, and get ready to reply to queries with examples of your abilities and track record. Aim for self-possession and composure in your delivery, listen attentively to what the interviewer(s) have to say, and respond thoughtfully. 5.

  16. Impromptu Speech: Meaning, Tips And Skills

    Here are some common instances that often encourage an impromptu speech: Small talk at networking events or parties. Exchanging opinions in business meetings. Weddings and other celebrations. Sharing your experience when you're leaving an organization. A speaker goes missing and you need to fill in at the last minute.

  17. Which of the following is an example of an impromptu, or unplanned

    In this type of speech, the speaker may have a basic idea of what they want to say but does not have a written or practiced speech.The act of introducing your new neighbor at a Block Watch meeting would most likely be an impromptu speech because it is not something that you have prepared for ahead of time.

  18. Which of the following is an example of an impromptu, or unplanned, speech?

    Brainly Tutor. For students. For teachers. For parents. Honor code. Textbook Solutions. Log in Join for free. profile. Tflowers74. 03/07/2017. English; High School; answer. answered. Which of the following is an example of an impromptu, or unplanned, speech? outlining the many reasons why kids hate broccoli explaining the process of making ice ...

  19. Which of the following is an example of an impromptu, or unplanned, speech

    Which of the following is an example of an impromptu, or unplanned, speech. profile. A. addressing the city council about why more traffic lights are needed. B. introducing your new neighbor at a Block Watch meeting. C. explaining the process of making ice cream. D.