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The Two of Us

Hyperfocus or new career, southern ways – part 8, paradise falls: chapter 23, slow and steady, sweet summertime, a fractal molecule, not privileged, tonight, hold your curtain open, paradise falls: chapter 22, the author of my dreams, when the dead came visiting, art and grit, fireflies and dancing peacocks, thirsting for freedom, the island flamingo: chapter 30, the intern, part 1, mifepristone: its value beyond reproductive health, paradise falls: chapter 21, changing tides, inner eclipse, the new phase, the order of things, walking on water, storm drain: a 500 word horror story.

Storm drain, wet road, overcast skies

The early summer rainstorm ceased. But, dark clouds remained and hovered above the sparsely populated street. Rainwater trickled into the storm drain below and lured the brown, slimy creature to the surface. Overcast skies and rain-drenched surface created the perfect environment for the underground creature. Conditions were ideal for it to go in search of a meal. It seeped out through a small crevice between the road and the round drain cap.

The sinister blob slithered down the deserted street and headed toward the nearest home. It glided across the dampened pavement with an eerie silence. Driven by hunger, the brown goo then drifted onto the wet grass where it devoured pill bugs and worms. The mysterious mass lacked a mouth, so it absorbed things through its gelatinous skin.

As it neared the solitary house, it sensed large sources of food and quickened its pace. The blob slithered into the backyard, inched its way up the steps, and squeezed through a screen door. Once inside, the creature squirmed into the family room and moved up the backside of the sofa where a male dozed. With stealth and silence, the goo rolled toward him. It slid over the man’s forehead and dove into his opened mouth.

The male bolted awake, and his eyes flew open. He coughed, retched, and struggled to breathe. The man reached up and grabbed at the goo to yank it away, but the creature ingested his hands. Before long, he succumbed to the attack.

The mass then inched its way down the man’s esophagus and into his stomach. After consuming the innards, the slimy creature forced its way out through the abdomen of the lifeless male. It slithered in and out repeatedly until it consumed every bit of flesh, bones, organs, blood, and hair. Evidence of the male’s body was non-existent. Gone—vanished into the belly of the blob.

The creature left the couch and made its way into the kitchen where it detected a female. The mass glided toward her leg and ascended.

She looked down and screamed. The female shook her leg and whacked at the brown goo to free her body from the ghastly creature, but it latched on with unmatched strength. It made its way toward her face, entered her mouth, and rendered her silent.

The slime entered through her eye sockets and consumed her brain, then moved down to ingest her body. A droplet of blood remained on the floor—until the gelatinous creature rolled backward to absorb it.

The slimy creature sensed movement coming from above. It slithered up the refrigerator, toward the family feline.

Fearful of the strange brown blob, the calico cat jumped down and dashed out of the house.

The nefarious creature, satisfied with its consumption of food, rolled down from the appliance. It slithered out of the house and headed back toward its home—the underground. It intended to roam the storm drains, to lie in wait for the next rainstorm and the meal it’d provide.

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Home » Blog » 132 Best Horror Writing Prompts and Scary Story Ideas

132 Best Horror Writing Prompts and Scary Story Ideas



Horror stories send shivers down our spines. They are gruesome, shocking, and chilling. Scary stories are meant to horrify us, and there are many ways to make a powerful impact on the reader. The element of surprise is crucial to make the readers’ blood freeze.

There are different types of horror stories. They often deal with terrible murders, supernatural powers, psychopaths, the frightening human psychology and much more.

Although many horror writing prompts and scary ideas have been written, the following 132 horror writing prompts can spark great creativity in aspiring writers of the horror genre.

  • A family is on a camping trip. The parents are walking with their two children, a daughter and a son. The little boy trips and falls into a dark river. His father jumps to rescue him. Somehow the boy manages to swim to the surface. The father is nowhere to be found. When the mother gets a hold of the boy, she can’t recognize him. She tries holding him, but the moment she touches his wet body, her hands start burning.
  • A young girl goes missing in a nearby forest. The whole town is searching for her. Her parents find her sitting and smiling in a cave. Her eyes are completely white.
  • A woman starts watching a movie late at night. The movie seems all too familiar. Finally, she realizes that it is a movie about her own life and that she might be already dead.
  • A house finds a way to kill every visitor on its premises.
  • A child makes her own Halloween mask. She glues a lock of her own hair on her mask. The mask comes to life and threatens to take over the girl’s body.
  • While digging in her backyard, an old lady discovers an iron chest. She opens it and finds a pile of old photographs of her ancestors. All of them are missing their left eye.
  • A priest is trying to punish God for the death of his sister. He is getting ready to burn down the church, when supernatural forces start to torture him.
  • Every year a woman goes to the cemetery where her husband is buried, and when she looks at his tombstone, she notices her own name carved in it.
  • A woman puts a lipstick on in the bathroom when she hears a demonic voice saying to her: “Can’t you see?”
  •  A mysterious child psychiatrist promises parents to cure their children if they give him a vile of their blood.
  •  A group of 10 friends decide to rent an old English castle for the weekend. The ghosts are disturbed and seek their pound of flesh.
  •  A photographer travels to an Indian reservation for his next project. He starts taking photos, but there are only shadows in the places where people should have been.
  •  A young married couple decide to renovate an abandoned psychiatric hospital and turn it into a hotel. Everything is going well until their first guest arrives.
  •  Three sisters are reunited for the reading of their grandmother’s will. She has left them a diamond necklace, but they have to fight psychologically and physically for it.
  •  An old woman pretends to be lost and asks young women to help her get home. She offers them a cup of tea and drugs them. When the women wake up, they are chained in the basement. The old woman gives them tools and boards, so that they can build their own coffin. If they refuse, she inflicts pain on them.
  •  A mysterious stranger with a glass eye and a cane commissions a portrait. When the portrait is finished, the painter turns into stone.
  •  A little girl’s sister lives with a monster in the closet. She exits the closet on her sister’s birthday.
  •  The demons under the nuclear plant get released after an explosion and start terrorizing the families of people who work at the plant.
  •  A woman gets trapped in a parallel universe where every day she dies horribly in different ways.
  •  A cannibal hunts for pure children’s hearts hoping they will bring him eternal youth.
  •  A politician hides his weird sister in the attic. She’s had her supernatural powers after their family home burned to the ground.
  •  A 16-year-old girl wakes up on a stone-cold table surrounded with people in black and white masks. They are chant and start leaning forward. All of them carry carved knives.
  •  A boy hears screaming from his parents’ bedroom. He jumps and hides under his bed. Suddenly, everything becomes quiet. A man wearing army boots enters his room. He drags the boy from under the bed and says: “We’ve been searching for you for 200 years.”
  • A husband and his wife regain consciousness only to see each other tied to chairs, facing each other. A voice on the radio tells them to kill the other, otherwise, they would kill their children.
  •  A mysterious altruist gives a kidney to a young man, who has potential to become a leading neuroscientist. After a year, the altruist kills the young man because he proves to be an unworthy organ recipient. The following year, the mysterious altruist is a bone marrow donor.
  •  A group of friends play truth or dare. Suddenly, all the lights go out and in those ten seconds of darkness, one of the group is killed.
  •  A young man becomes obsessed with an old man living opposite his building. The young man is convinced that the old man is the embodiment of the devil, and starts planning the murder.
  •  Concerned and grieving parents bring their 8-year-old son to a psychiatrist after their daughter’s accident, believing that the boy had something to do with her death.
  •  A woman is admitted to a hospital after a car crash. She wakes up after three months in a coma, but when she tries to speak, she can’t utter a sound. When the nurse sees that she is awake, she calls a doctor. The last thing the woman remembers is hearing the doctor say: “Today is your lucky day,” right before four men in black robes take her out.
  •  A small-town cop becomes obsessed with a cold case from 1978. Three girls went missing after school, and nobody has seen them since. Then one day, in 2008, three girls with the same names as those in 1978 go missing. The case is reopened.
  •  After his parents’ death a cardiologist returns to his small town where everyone seems to lead a perfect life. This causes a disturbance in the idyllic life of the people since none of them has a heart. 
  •  A man is kidnapped from his apartment on midnight and brought on a large private estate. He is told that he will be a human pray and that ten hunters with guns will go after him. He is given a 5-minute head start.
  •  A strange woman in labor is admitted in the local hospital. Nobody seems to recognize her. She screams in agony. A black smoke fills in the entire hospital. After that, nobody is the same. A dark lord is born.
  •  A young girl finds her grandmother’s gold in a chest in the attic, although she isn’t allowed to go there by herself. She touches the gold and she starts seeing horrible visions involving her grandmother when she was younger.
  •  An anthropologist studies rituals involving human sacrifice. She slowly begins to accept them as necessary.
  •  A family of four moves in an old Victorian home. As they restore it, more and more people die suddenly and violently.
  •  An old nurse has lived next door to a family that doesn’t get older. Their son has remained to be a seven-year-old boy.
  •  A girl wakes up in her dorm and sees that everybody sleepwalks in the same direction. She acts as if she has the same condition and follows them to an underground black pool where everybody jumps.
  •  A bride returns to the same bridge for 50 years waiting for her husband-to-be to get out of the water.
  •  An old woman locks girls’ personalities in a forever growing collection of porcelain dolls. Parents of the missing girls are in agony and they finally suspect something. When they tell the police, their claims are instantly dismissed.
  •  A chemistry teacher disfigures teenagers who remind him of his childhood bullies. One day, he learns that the new student in his school is the son of his childhood’s archenemy.
  •  A girl starts digging tiny holes in her backyard. When her mother asks her what she is doing, the girl answers: “Mr. Phantom told me to bury my dolls tonight. Tomorrow night I am going to bury our dog. And then, you, mother.”
  •  Twin brothers were kidnapped and returned the next day. They claim that they can’t remember anything. The following night, twin sisters disappear.
  •  A boy has a very realistic dream about an impending doom, but nobody believes him until during a storm all the birds fall dead on the ground.
  •  Room 206 is believed to be haunted, so hotel guests never stay in it. One day, an old woman arrives at the hotel and asks for the key to room 206. She says that she was born there.
  •  A genius scientist tries to extract his wife’s consciousness from her lifeless body and insert it into an imprisoned woman who looks just like his wife.
  •  Two distinguished scientists develop a new type of virus that attacks their brains and turns them into killing machines.
  •  A woman steps out of her house only to find four of her neighbors dead at her doorstep. Little does she know that she isn’t supposed to call the police.
  •  A bachelor’s party ends with two dead people in the pool. Both of them are missing their eyes.
  •  A young woman wearing a black dress is holding a knife in her hand and threatening to kill a frightened man. She is terrified because she does not want to kill anybody, but her body refuses to obey her mind.
  •  A strange religious group starts performing a ritual on a playground. The children’s hearts stop beating.
  •  A woman discovers that her niece has done some horrible crimes, so she decides to poison her. Both of them take the poison, but only the aunt dies.
  •  A man encounters death on his way to work. He can ask three questions before he dies. He makes a quick decision.
  •  An older brother kills his baby sister because he wants to be an only child. When he learns that his mother is pregnant again, he decides to punish her.
  •  A husband and his wife move to a new apartment. After a week, both of them kill themselves. They leave a note saying: “Never again.”
  •  A man is trying to open a time portal so that he could kill his parents before he is ever conceived.
  •  A famous conductor imprisons a pianist from the orchestra and makes him play the piano while he tortures other victims, also musicians. Every time the pianist makes a mistake, the conductor cuts of a finger from his victims.
  •  A popular French chef is invited by a mysterious Japanese sushi master for dinner. A powerful potion makes the French chef fall asleep. He wakes up horrified to learn that he is kept on a human farm, in a cage.
  •  A nuclear blast turns animals into blood-thirsty monsters.
  •  A mysterious bug creeps under people’s skins and turns them into the worst version of themselves.
  •  A kidnapper makes his victims torture each other for his sheer pleasure.
  •  Four friends are invited to spend the afternoon in an escape room. A man’s voice tells them that they have won a prize. They happily accept and enter the escape room. They soon realize that the room was designed to reflect their worst nightmares.
  •  Two sisters have been given names from the Book of the Dead. Their fates have been sealed, so when they turn 21, dark forces are sent to bring them to the underground.
  •  A mother-to-be starts feeling severe pain in her stomach every time she touches a Bible. Despite the fear for her own life, she starts reading the New Testament out loud.
  •  A literature professor discovers an old manuscript in the college library. He opens it in his study and suddenly a black raven flies through the window.
  •  You are the Ruler of a dystopian society. You kill every time your control is threatened.
  •  You are an intelligent robot who shows no mercy to humanity.
  •  You are a promising researcher who discovers that all the notorious dictators have been cloned.
  •  A nomad meets a fakir who tells him that he would bring agony to dozens of people unless he kills himself before he transforms into a monster.
  •  A most prominent member of a sect goes to animal shelters to find food for the dark forces.
  •  A man hires unethical doctors to help him experience clinical death and then bring him back to life after a minute. Little does he know that one minute of death feels like an eternity full of horrors.
  •  You travel home to visit your parents for the holidays. Everything seems normal until you realize that demons have taken over their consciousness.
  •  A mysterious woman moves into your apartment building. One by one, all of the tenants start hallucinating that monsters chase them and jump into their own deaths.
  •  Divorced parents are kidnapped together with their son. Both of the parents have been given poison, but there is only one antidote. The boy needs to decide which parent gets to be saved. He has 30 seconds to make that decision.
  •  A patient with a multiple-personality disorder tells you that you are one of six characters.
  •  You wake up in bed that is a blood-bath.
  •  The Government abducts children with genius IQ and trains them to fight the horrors in Area 51.
  •   A woman who has just given birth at her home is told that the baby is predestined to become the leader of the greatest demonic order in the country.
  •  A man signs a document with his blood to relinquish his body to a sect.
  •  A woman enters a sacred cave in India and disappears for good.
  •  A man opens his eyes in the middle of his autopsy while the coroner is holding his heart.
  •  You look outside the windows in your house only to see that the view has changed and there is black fog surrounding you.
  •  The gargoyles from the Notre Dame have come to life and they start terrorizing Paris.
  •  Somebody rings your doorbell. You open the door and a frightened girl with bloody hands is standing at your doorstep. “You’re late,” you reprimand her.
  •  You wake up in the middle of the night after a frightful nightmare, so you go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You turn on the light and a person looking like your identical twin is grinning and pointing a knife at you.
  •  A renowned book editor receives a manuscript elegantly written by hand. The title grabs her attention and she continues reading page after page. When she finishes, the manuscript spontaneously starts burning, and the editor is cursed forever.
  •  The last thing you remember before losing consciousness is fighting a shady Uber driver.
  •  You find yourself in a cage in the middle of a forest and black mythological harpies hovering above the cage.
  •  A woman wants to quit smoking, so she visits a therapist who is supposed to help her with the use of hypnosis. She goes under and when she wakes up, she feels like a born killer.
  •  Five hikers get stranded during a horrible storm. One of them kills the weakest and starts burning his body.
  •  A mother goes in the nursery to check up on the baby and discovers that the baby is missing and, in her place, there is a baby doll.
  •  A killer is willing to pay a large sum of money to the family of a volunteering victim. A cancer patient contacts the killer. The killer ends up dead.
  •  The sacred river in a remote Asian village fills up with blood. The last time that happened, all the children in the village died.
  •  A tall, dark, and handsome stranger invites a blind woman for a romantic date in his botanical garden. The garden is full of black roses in which women’s souls have been trapped. He tells her that she will stay forever with him in his garden.
  •  A frightened man is trying to lead a werewolf into a trap and kill him with the last silver bullet.
  •  An architect designs houses for the rich and famous. What he doesn’t show them is that he always leaves room for a secret passageway to their bedrooms, where they are the most vulnerable.
  •  A man’s DNA was found on a horrible crime scene and he has been charged with murder in the first degree. He adamantly negates any involvement in the crime that has been committed. What he doesn’t know is that he had a twin brother who died at birth.
  •  Every passenger on the Orient Express dies in a different, and equally mysterious way.  
  •  A magician needs a volunteer from the audience in order to demonstrate a trick involving sawing a person in half. A beautiful woman steps on the stage. The magician makes her fall asleep, and then he performs the trick. In the end, he disappears. People in the audience start panicking when they notice the blood dripping from the table. The magician is nowhere to be found. The woman is dead.
  • A mother discovers that her bright son is not human.
  • Specters keep terrorizing patients in a psychiatric hospital, but nobody believes them.
  • A man’s mind is locked into an immovable body. This person is being tortured by a psychopath who kills his family members in front of him, knowing that he is in agony and can’t do anything to save them.
  • A bride-to-be receives a DVD via mail from an unknown sender. She plays the video and disgusted watches a pagan ritual. The people are wearing masks, but she recognizes the voice of her husband-to-be.
  • A man turns himself to the police although he hasn’t broken the law. He begs them to put him in prison because he had a premonition that he would become a serial killer.
  • Jack the Ripper is actually a woman who brutally kills prostitutes because her own mother was a prostitute.
  • A ticking noise wakes her up. It’s a bomb, and she has only four minutes to do something about it.
  • After a horrible car crash, a walking skeleton emerges from the explosion.
  • A world-famous violinist virtuoso uses music to summon dark forces.
  • A philosopher is trying to outwit Death in order to be granted immortality. He doesn’t know that Death already knows the outcome of this conversation.
  • A beautiful, but superficial woman promises a demon to give him her virginity in exchange for immortality. Once the demon granted her wish, she refused to fulfill her end of the deal. The demon retaliated by making her immortal, but not eternally youthful.
  • A voice starts chanting spells every time somebody wears the gold necklace from Damask.
  • Three teenagers beat up a homeless man. The next day all of them go missing.
  • Thirteen tourists from Poland visit Trakai Island Castle in Vilnius. Their bodies are found washed up the next morning. They are wearing medieval clothes.
  • A group of extremists ambush the vehicle in which a head of a terrorist cell is transported and rescue him. They go after anybody who was involved in his incarceration.
  • A hitman is hired to kill a potential heart donor.
  • A man is attacked by the neighbor’s dog while trying to bury his wife alive.
  • A woman disappears from her home without a trace. He husband reports her missing. The police start to suspect the husband when they retrieve some deleted messages.
  • After moving to a new house all the family members have the same nightmares. Slowly they realize that they might be more than nightmares.
  • A psychopath is drugging his wife, pushing her to commit a suicide so that he could collect the life insurance.
  • A woman loses her eyesight overnight. Instead, she starts having premonitions.
  • A vampire prefers albino children.
  • A man commits murders at night and relives the agony of his victims during the day.
  • A black horse carriage stops in front of your house. A hand wearing a black glove make an inviting gesture. Mesmerized, you decide to enter the carriage.
  • Demons rejuvenate by eating kind people’s hearts.
  • People are horrified to find all of the graves dug out the morning after Halloween.
  • Men start jumping off building and bridges after hearing a mysterious song.
  • A voice in your head tells you to stop listening to the other voices. They were not real.
  • A severed head is hanging from a bridge with a message written in the victim’s blood.
  • A delusional man brings his screaming children to a chasm.
  • A 30-year-old woman learns that a baby with the same name as her died at the local hospital 30 years ago.
  • A vampire donates his blood so that a child with special brain powers can receive it.
  • A teenager is determined to escape his kidnapper by manipulating him into drinking poison. He doesn’t stop there.

Josh Fechter

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Essay on Horror Story

Students are often asked to write an essay on Horror Story in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Horror Story


Horror stories are a genre of fiction that seeks to scare, disturb, or startle its readers by inducing feelings of horror and terror.

Elements of Horror

Key elements include suspense, surprise, and a sense of impending doom. Often, horror stories involve supernatural elements or entities.

Impact on Readers

These stories can have a profound impact on readers, evoking intense emotions and creating memorable experiences.

Despite their frightening nature, horror stories remain popular due to their ability to engage readers’ emotions and imagination in unique ways.

250 Words Essay on Horror Story

The intrigue of horror stories.

Horror stories have always captivated the human imagination. They are a mirror of our primal fears and anxieties, often personified in the form of ghosts, monsters, or uncanny events. The fascination for horror stories is not merely a pursuit of thrill, but a complex interplay of psychology, culture, and narrative techniques.

Psychological Appeal

At the heart of every horror story is the exploration of fear. Sigmund Freud’s concept of ‘the uncanny’ explains our attraction to horror as a confrontation with repressed fears and desires. This exploration of the unknown and the forbidden can be cathartic, allowing us to experience fear in a controlled environment.

Cultural Significance

Horror stories also reflect societal fears and anxieties. For instance, Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” mirrors the 19th-century fear of scientific advancement, while George Orwell’s “1984” embodies the dread of totalitarian regimes. Thus, horror stories serve as cultural artifacts, offering insights into the zeitgeist of an era.

Narrative Techniques

The narrative techniques employed in horror stories are designed to evoke fear and suspense. Techniques such as foreshadowing, dramatic irony, and unreliable narrators keep readers on edge, while the use of dark, descriptive language helps create a chilling atmosphere.

In conclusion, horror stories are more than mere tales of terror. They are a reflection of our deepest fears, a commentary on societal anxieties, and a testament to the power of narrative techniques in evoking emotional responses. Their enduring popularity is a testament to their complexity and the human fascination with the macabre.

500 Words Essay on Horror Story

Horror stories have been a part of human culture for centuries, delighting and terrifying audiences in equal measure. They are narratives designed to frighten, cause dread or panic, or invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale. The horror genre taps into the primal fear within us, making us confront the unknown and the terrifying.

The Psychology behind Horror

Horror stories, in their essence, serve as a mirror to our psyche, reflecting our deepest fears and anxieties. They provoke a sense of fear and excitement, a thrilling cocktail of emotions that keep audiences coming back for more. The science of fear explains the allure of horror stories. The adrenaline rush, the heightened senses, and the relief after the threat has passed, all contribute to the addictive nature of horror.

The Evolution of Horror Stories

Horror stories have evolved significantly over the years, keeping pace with societal changes and shifts in what we fear. Early horror stories were often tied to religion, reflecting fears of the supernatural and the afterlife. As society became more secular, the focus shifted to the horrors of the human mind and the terrors of the unknown.

Modern horror stories, such as Stephen King’s works, often blend elements of the supernatural with the psychological, creating a sense of unease that lingers long after the story is over. The horror genre has also expanded into various sub-genres, such as psychological horror, supernatural horror, and body horror, each catering to different fears and anxieties.

The Impact of Horror Stories on Society

Horror stories have a profound impact on society, shaping and reflecting our collective fears. They often serve as social commentaries, highlighting societal issues under the guise of the supernatural or the macabre. The horror genre allows us to confront and discuss topics that might otherwise be considered taboo, such as death, violence, and the darker aspects of human nature.

In conclusion, horror stories are an integral part of our cultural fabric, serving as both entertainment and a means to explore our deepest fears and anxieties. They have evolved with society, reflecting our changing fears and serving as a commentary on societal issues. Despite their often gruesome and terrifying content, horror stories provide a safe space to explore the darker aspects of our psyche, helping us to understand and confront our fears. The enduring popularity of the horror genre is a testament to its ability to tap into our primal fears and its capacity to thrill, terrify, and captivate audiences.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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  • Essay on There Is No Place Like Home
  • Essay on My Home

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The Best Horror Short Stories

Horror stories. What is it that you think of first? Maybe it’s malevolent, otherworldly spirits. Or perhaps it’s psychopaths, serial killers, and struggling writers driven mad by a deserted hotel? Whatever it is, there’s one thing that unites you and every other horror lover out there — adrenaline. You know the feeling: your skin crawls, your heart pounds, a shiver runs down your spine. And, as all the best horror story writers will tell you, the cause of this feeling isn’t just the presence of a monster, but the creation of suspense. 

That’s where short stories come in. Think Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, H. P. Lovecraft: some of their best horrors take the form of a short story. Tales that climb steadily towards a dark and horrific denouement. The kind of thing that, if you’re brave enough, you’d tell your friends around a campfire — a torch casting spooky shadows on your face. 

Looking for some spine-chilling horror stories?

If you’re into creepy stories that keep you awake at night, then look no further than our collection of short horror stories, compiled from submissions to our weekly writing contest. Here we’ve gathered together all the scary stories that made us want to lock our laptops in a cupboard and hide under the blankets. And at the top of the page, is the cream of the crop: horror stories that have either won our competition or been shortlisted. 

Lots of promising new writers have emerged from this collection, deftly creating atmosphere and building that all-important suspense. So who knows? You might just discover the next Stephen King. And if you enjoy this collection of horror stories, then why not try your hand at writing your own? You could join this week’s short story contest , and walk away with the cash prize — and a shot at publication in Prompted , our new literary magazine!

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Essay Samples on Horror

Horror story about the halloween.

 One Halloween night my 3 friends and I decided to go trick or treating. This was my first night out on Halloween and I was honestly ecstatic. Our parents had informed us to not stay out for too long and emphasized we only stay in...

  • Bad Memories

Fantastique Aspects In Guy De Maupassant Horror Story Le Horla

Le Horla, written by the popular French writer Guy de Maupassant, is a horror story composed of fantasy. There are two versions in which the story has been framed, both describing the thoughts of a man who is completely convinced that an 'invisible being' is...

Review of one of the Most Iconic Horror Movies, Jaws

'Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...' If you've ever heard this phrase then you know it's synonymous with the film franchise Jaws. More specifically, in this review, I'd like to discuss the original film. Released forty-four years ago...

  • Horror Movies

The Shining Film Analysis: Music and Sound

The use of music and sound is an integral part of horror movies, and The Shining is no exception. The Shining film analysis essay will explore the various methods and reasons for the use of music and sound in The Shining. The film, directed by...

  • Film Analysis
  • The Shining

Brave New World: The Horrors of Totalitarian Government

Imagine your life controlled by someone you didn’t know, your every move watched and judged as if what you were doing was wrong. In the book “Brave New World” characters are forced to abide be the rules of the government with no control over their...

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The Origins Behind Many Vampire and Horror Stories

Horror movies, scary stories or anything related to ghosts: we all love to be scared sometimes! The ten places we have selected for you take us beyond fiction, All these places have the reputation of being haunted and would make the most adventurous trip! Sensitive...

An Overview of Zombies: Epidemiology of Fear

This article aimed to rationale how science fiction content describe and illustrate human culture through zombies. There was no formal concept of probability in Europe prior to the mid-17th century [3], despite the idea of randomized objects was already commonly seen. Asides from the first...

The Variation of Horror Genre and Its Examples

When I was a kid, I used to hate horror films, as the matter of fact, I refuse to watch them as I didn’t fathom why would anyone purposely scare themselves. For many people, horror movies are a horrendous experience. They hate to see graphic...

A Personal Theory of Aesthetic Horror

A fear or paranoia of pain, vulnerability and death, the feeling that someone is watching you, the feeling that your life is in jeopardy. Aesthetic horror is the same feeling as horror but through what we see. It is similar to horror because it is...

The Debate About the Horror Genre as Appropriate to Children

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! Everyone remembers the iconic 1980s movie Beetlejuice. This classic horror movie has been enjoyed by many kids and adults for years now. Beetlejuice is not the only iconic horror movie that is enjoyed by all age ranges. Gremlins another class favorite is...

Edgar Allan Poe: Life of The Most Famous Horror Author

Edgar Allan Poe born in Boston in 1809, Edgar Allan Poe was the second son of David Poe, who died before Edgar was three years old. Next years his mother died. He was taken by a wealthy Virginia merchant named John Allan - who gave...

  • Edgar Allan Poe

The Life of Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston Massachusetts On January 19, 1809. Edgar Allan Poe had imaginative way of storytelling, tales of mystery and horror gave birth to the modern detective story. Poe never really knew his parents Elizabeth Arnold Poe, and his father...

An Observation of a Student Towards Mystery Horror Game: A Case Study

This thesis is based on research in observing on a frightening reaction of Akademi Seni, Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan student, and their experience while they are still playing the ‘SULUH’ Game. Their story is then captured into digital form and with the result of the...

  • Observation
  • Video Games

Shaun of the Dead and Tucker and Dale vs Evil: The Mix of Horror and Comedy

Horror and Comedy are complete opposites, yet they seem to work rather well together. The genre of horror-comedy was first introduced into film in 1922, with D.W. Griffith’s One Exciting Night. And since then, countless comedy horror films have been made. The thing is, both...

The In-Depth Meaning and Definition of Horror Genre

With frightful films about vampires, werewolves, and zombies earning so much attention in this last number of decades and new cinematic bloodbaths releasing regularly, the culture appetite for horror raises a question, why do people enjoy the feeling of being terrified? Watching horror is more...

Best topics on Horror

1. Horror Story About The Halloween

2. Fantastique Aspects In Guy De Maupassant Horror Story Le Horla

3. Review of one of the Most Iconic Horror Movies, Jaws

4. The Shining Film Analysis: Music and Sound

5. Brave New World: The Horrors of Totalitarian Government

6. The Origins Behind Many Vampire and Horror Stories

7. An Overview of Zombies: Epidemiology of Fear

8. The Variation of Horror Genre and Its Examples

9. A Personal Theory of Aesthetic Horror

10. The Debate About the Horror Genre as Appropriate to Children

11. Edgar Allan Poe: Life of The Most Famous Horror Author

12. The Life of Edgar Allan Poe

13. An Observation of a Student Towards Mystery Horror Game: A Case Study

14. Shaun of the Dead and Tucker and Dale vs Evil: The Mix of Horror and Comedy

15. The In-Depth Meaning and Definition of Horror Genre

  • Hidden Intellectualism
  • A Raisin in The Sun
  • William Shakespeare
  • Sonny's Blues
  • A Christmas Carol
  • A Separate Peace
  • A Farewell to Arms

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  • 500 Words - The Haunted House

Image of 500 Words - The Haunted House

The Haunted House   By Lily

  Once on a very dark, cold night there lived the Nicholls family.  They were a kind hearted, happy family.

Their house was quite grand but there was only one thing about their house, their house was a ……………. HAUNTED HOUSE!!

The story begins with all the Nicholls family fast asleep in their warm cosy beds.  During the night when the clock struck midnight, a silvery white ghost appeared.  After the ghost appeared, he yowled a very spooky sound.  Whenever he yowled that sound, lightening struck!  Even though the sounds were so loud, the family were still asleep.  Well asleep except for two – Molly and Holly, the 9 year old twins.  The twins were very adventurous. They decided to find what was making that spooky sound.  They jumped out of bed and started looking.  First they looked under their beds, then behind the clock and all around the house but they couldn’t find where the yowling was coming from. They looked outside but they still couldn’t find where the noise was coming from.  Eventually they gave up.  Holly said “if we saw whatever that spooky thing was, should we have told them off?”.  Molly replied “yes, definitely”.  They silently crept back to bed. 

In the morning Holly and Molly heard a crying sound coming from outside.  The girls politely asked if they could go outside.  Their Mum replied “of course you can so long as you get dressed first”.  “We will Mum” they said running up the stairs flinging off their pyjamas along the way. 

After the twins got dressed, they quickly raced outside to the grassy garden.  Suddenly they came to a stop when they were face to face with a crying ghost.  Molly said bravely “wwwwwhats the mattttttter” while shaking. “Are you alright?”.  “I keep scaring people but all I want to do is to help” said the ghost sadly.  “Hmmmm” Holly said.  “I’ve got an idea!  Our Dad is an excellent inventor.  I’m sure he can help!”.  “Great!” said the ghost.  “I’m glad you found me”. All the three decided to meet after the girls had told Dad what had been going on. 

The girls found Dad busy tinkering in the cellar making new fantastic inventions like he always did. Dad said “I’m making a no spooky sound medicine”.  Well what a co-incidence.  Molly asked Dad if she could borrow it and off the girls went carefully clutching the medicine making sure they didn’t spill a drop.  They gave the ghost the medicine.  He trusted the girls by drinking it all up.  That night, the ghost went back to the Nicholls family house, tried to make a spooky noise but it didn’t happen.  He knew that the medicine had worked.  The ghost was so thankful for the twins help, he silently floated into the girls bedroom and whispered “THANK YOU!”.  But wait, later the family were asleep and the ghost was cured so who just made that yowl? 

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101 Horror Story Ideas (With a Twist): Scary & Gothic Writing Prompts

  • Post author: Neel Rana
  • Post published: September 9, 2020
  • Post category: Horror Writing / Writing Prompts

You are currently viewing 101 Horror Story Ideas (With a Twist): Scary & Gothic Writing Prompts

Writing a great Horror story is all about creating terror and excitement in your reader’s minds while they are reading your scary story. So, If you are struggling to get a horror story idea for your scary or gothic tale that can frighten your readers at night and get them goosebumps while reading then you have landed at the right place.

As we have created the best horror story prompts, each based on horror vocabulary words , along with some great plot twists to help you write your great scary tale that gets read.

Related: 100 Short Story Ideas

Use the below writing prompts to write your scary short story, flash fiction, horror fiction, or any other work related to the horror genre, or gothic fiction.

a horror struck frightened man

101 Scary Story Ideas (Many With a Twist)-

Writing prompt on “Horror”- Lily loved reading fiction, and novels and buying antique books, but everything in her life changed when one day she brought an old 1890 horror novel from an auction.

Plot Twist: Some days later, Lily’s whole family started experiencing some paranormal activities in the house and after a week her grandmother suddenly died with an unknown illness, but one day when Lily was reading the 1890 novel she got shocked to find her grandmother Angelina as a character in the old book.

Writing prompt on “Gothic”- Tim wanted to visit the Gothic cathedral of the town which is said to be built on a graveyard, people say the place was the gateway for spirits and one could see his dead relatives and acquaintances roaming outside the old cathedral and Tim wanted to see someone.

Plot Twist: For the first time after his death Tim saw his classmates who also had got trapped in the burning school bus that day.

Writing Prompt on “Demon”- Every day the demons tried hard to harm Phillip’s family.

Plot Twist: But the demons didn’t know that Philip was not a normal being but the blood of a demon, a half demon half human

Writing Prompt on “Horrific”- After spending the first horrific night at their new house, the Potter family decided to leave the place as soon as the sun shines.

Plot Twist: The next morning the neighbors found the whole potter family lying dead in their backyard.

Related: 500 Words Flash Fiction Stories

Writing Prompt on “Haunted”- Rick and his friends planned the birthday party at a haunted hotel for the excitement but soon at night, they realized that they made the biggest mistake of their life.

Plot Twist: The next day Rick and his friends got shocked to see their own dead bodies lying in the hotel lobby, then they realized what had happened to them last night.

horror story essay 600 words

Writing Prompt on “Supernatural”- Jacob never believed in supernatural things until he crossed the path with a shadow which got vanished into the room soon.

Plot Twist: One day Jacob again saw that shadow and started following it which took him to a hidden door in the basement which was the way to the other world.  

Writing Prompt on “Paranormal”- After every day experiencing the paranormal activities at the new apartment, eventually, when Jason and his girlfriend talked to the owner they got shocked by the answer when he said that the previous renter had committed suicide in their apartment.

Plot Twist: When Jason saw the picture of the dead renter, he got shocked as he said he sees her every day in the subway.

Writing Prompt on “Devil”- No one exactly knows how the devil gets powers, but some say they are fed on our fear to survive in a place. 

Writing Prompt on “Mysterious”- The mysterious man behind all the killing was found out to be dead years ago.

Writing Prompt on “Castle”- The brother of the former king and now the new king of the kingdom got frightened when he heard from his guards that the spirit of the former dead king, yet roam in the castle and will take revenge for his death from his brother who was the main conspirator.

horror story ideas with a twist scary and gothic writing prompts

Related: Dark Fantasy Story Ideas

Writing Prompt on “Basement”- Sam had warned Rebecca not to go into the basement. 

Plot Twist: One day while playing Rebecca went into the basement and found his father, Sam talking with her mother who had died years ago.

Writing Prompt on “Enchanted”- On the way to the old tomb, the troop found a glowing enchanted tree.

Plot Twist: The tree was the home of the spirits protecting the hidden tomb, but suddenly someone threw a stone at the enchanted tree and woke all the spirits. 

Writing Prompt on “Vampire”- Every vampire hates the sunlight, but Christopher was different.

Writing Prompt on “Gloomy”- It was a gloomy night when Eric was driving the car to his home and saw someone standing beside the road but when he reached there he found no one.

Plot Twist: Soon after a while he realized that he was not in the car alone, when he looked back, he got shocked to see Anna, his girlfriend whom he had killed years ago.

Writing Prompt on “Afterlife”- Smith in his laboratory created a pill to experience the afterlife and every night he took it which made him dead for several hours and he could see his body.

Plot Twist: One day he ate all the pills. 

Writing Prompt on “Skeleton”- While playing Jacob discovered a skeleton and called his father, but when Adam came, he found nothing.

Plot Twist: The next day Adam found a skeleton on Jacobs’ bed and his son was missing. 

Writing Prompt on “Flesh”- The unknown creature loved eating the flesh of its victims with great fear.

Writing Prompt on “Goosebumps”- Hearing the whispering from behind the curtains Elizabeth started feeling goosebumps.

Writing Prompt on “Monster”- An unknown monster creature was only targeting the kids with some disabilities in the town.

Writing Prompt on “Zombies”- When Steve reached his home, he found that his parents had also got infected and turned into zombies.

Writing Prompt on “Witch”- Rebecca didn’t know that her twin sister was a witch until she followed and saw her going into the woods alone.

Writing Prompt on “Scream”- Ben was in a deep sleep when he heard a scream from his children’s room.

Plot Twist: When he reached, he saw the window was broken and a man looking like he was taking the kids into the woods.

Writing Prompt on “Terror”- The terror of the mysterious shadow was so much that no one slept that night.

Plot Twist : The next day Adam confessed that it was the spirit of his dead mother who comes to meet him every day since childhood.    

Writing Prompt on “Graveyard”- Peter was yet terrified by the horrible memory of last night when he was crossing from the graveyard at night and felt someone sitting in his car’s back seat.

Writing Prompt on “Raven”- Whenever the killings were happening there was a raven following the victims, and now it was following Alex. 

Plot Twist: When Alex killed the raven it got turned into a shadow of his dead servant.

Writing Prompt on “Quiver- Jena started quivering with fear when she saw a car honking outside her house with no one inside.

Writing Prompt on “Black Cat”- The black cat in the Rick house was very strange as she used to stare at us like humans.

Plot Twist: One day Rick told everyone that he believes that the black cat is his sister who had died while saving her cat in the fire.

Writing Prompt on “Bat”-   That night the bats were flying all over the sky before the incident had happened.

Writing Prompt on “Ghostly”- Many people at night saw someone sitting at the ghostly bench in the park who witnessed a murder.

Writing Prompt on “Eerie”- Maya got so frightened when she saw an eerie glowing light coming from her basement, but when she tried to go closer to the light it vanished. 

Plot Twist: She installed a camera in her basement and one day when the light again emerged, she got shocked to see the footage of a portal that was the door for the spirits coming into this world.

Writing Prompt on “Shivery”- Everyone suddenly started shivering in the room with fear of an unknown shadow standing on the stairs. Soon the number of shadows started increasing and all the doors closed and the lights went off. 

Writing Prompt on “Panic”- John said his wife not to create panic when someone was continuously knocking very heavily at their door at midnight. 

Writing Prompt on “Grave”- Some nights Rebecca had a nightmare of seeing himself in a grave.

Plot Twist: One day it again happened, but this time she found that it was not her dream, but her adoptive parents were doing some black rituals on her while putting her into a grave in their backyard.

Writing Prompt on “Ugly’ ‘- Nobody liked the ugly staring painting handing in Jasper’s house, yet he never removed it.

Writing Prompt on “Yelling”- The yelling sound stopped when Bill chanted God’s name with a cross in his hand. One day at night again the yelling started, Bill couldn’t find his cross and the sound of yelling started coming closer to him.

Writing Prompt on “Priest”- After doctors were unable to cure the peculiar behavior of Demi, her mother called the priests.

Plot Twist: Demi killed all the priests and told her mother that if she wants to see Demi alive then let her live in his daughter’s body. 

Writing Prompt on “Peculiar”- A sudden chain of bad events started happening when Alex brought a very peculiar painting home that he had bought in the auction.

Writing Prompt on “Bogeyman”- People in the neighborhood got so frightened of the bogeyman that they stopped going out at night.

Plot Twist: One day all children of the neighborhood went missing.

Writing Prompt on “Wrecked”- Everyone in the neighborhood was curious to know about the voices coming from the abandoned wrecked house.

Writing Prompt on “Dreadful”- Smith tried hard to forget the dreadful night that he spent alone in the office.

Writing Prompt on “Death”- All the unfortunate events started after the death of that Normy black pet cat. 

Writing Prompt on “Hallucination”- The weird stranger sitting next to Rebecca on the bus tried to hallucinate her.

Writing Prompt on “Creepy”- Mark got scared when someone unknown called him at midnight and just saying hello in a very strange and creepy voice ended the call. 

Writing Prompt on “Clown”- Everyone was frightened by the unknown clown in the circus roaming at night.

Plot Twist: The circus manager said that many years ago one artist Tim, performing as a clown died by falling from the roof.

Writing Prompt on “Crawling”- The sound of someone crawling on the roof haunted everyone that night.

Writing Prompt on “Hang”- Everyone in the neighborhood saw a body hanging on the tree near the pond.

Writing Prompt on “Scares”- Liam got shocked and scared when he woke up and found scars all over his hand.

Writing Prompts on “Voices”- Eventually, Steve left his new apartment listening to the unknown voices in his room every night.

Writing Prompt on “Horror-struck”- Keith got horror-struck to see a person looking the same as he passed away friend standing across the road alone that night.

Writing Prompt on “Drip”- William screamed when he saw the blood dripping from the roof sealing.

Writing Prompt on “Coffin”- All the people gathered at the rituals got shocked to see the coffin empty. 

Writing Prompt on “Scarecrow”- Mark got scared to find that the scarecrow in his farm was changing direction itself and was pointing at his house. 

Writing Prompt on “Bury”- They buried the doll that night but got shocked to see it again in the house.

Writing Prompt on “Evil Spirits”- The priest requested the evil spirits to leave the house.

Plot Twist: The spirit killed everyone in the room except little Alina.

Writing Prompt on “Dracula”- Dracula left the castle as soon as the sun rises.

Plot Twist: Later people found that it was their king Henry, who gets turned into Dracula every night.

Writing Prompt on “Evil Doll”- Nick said to the doctor that his little daughter was normal until one day while playing she found an old doll outside her house and brought her home.

Writing Prompt on “Scared”- Jacob got so scared to see the book’s pages start flipping themselves when no air was blowing around.

Writing Prompt on “Unearthly”- After watching the victim of the incident, everyone said that it was done by an unearthly entity.

Writing Prompt on “Casket”- The casket was filled with old letters written by Noah before his death.

Writing Prompt on “Presence”- The priest said that he could feel the presence of an unknown evil entity in the house.

Plot Twist: The priest said that the house is possessed by the spirit of a girl who has got murdered in the house many years ago by one of the family members.

Writing Prompt on “Cemetery”- Louis had to find a cemetery of Albert to stop all the bad events.

Plot Twist: Finally Louis found the cemetery, but got shocked to see his own name written next to Albert’s grave.

Writing Prompt on “Spider’s Web”- When they reached the hidden place they found the spider’s web all over the place and a pungent smell all around. 

Writing Prompt on “Abnormal”- The youngest child of Murphy started behaving abnormally after meeting an unknown lady in the subway.

Plot Twist: When Murphy was reading the newspaper he saw the news of the same lady who had died in the subway accident some days ago.

Writing Prompt on “Nightmares”- Every night Silvia had nightmares of getting followed by herself.

Writing Prompt on “Claustrophobic”- Nelson was claustrophobic, yet he stayed in the wardrobe that whole night to survive.

Writing Prompt on “Bible”- After that weird incident, Rachel always used to sleep with the bible in his hands.

Writing Prompt on “Uncanny”- Every day when Bella was alone in the house, she had an uncanny feeling of someone standing behind her.

Plot Twist: Once she looked back and was shocked to see her dead twin sister.

Writing Prompt on “Entity”- The priest advised the Hopkins family to leave the place as soon as possible as it was possessed by a powerful evil entity.

Writing Prompt on “Dead Dark”- After getting lost on the island the whole troop walked in a dark dead night, but they were not the only people present there.

Writing Prompt on “Spooky”- Alex, the youngest child of Christy, had a weird habit of going to spooky places.

Plot Twist : It had been 9 years since Alex went missing when one day Christy found him standing outside the house, but Alex was same as he was 9 years ago.

Writing Prompt on “Ghostbusters”- When nothing worked Tim called the Ghostbusters.

Writing Prompt on “Frightened”- Albert got so frightened to see the curtains suddenly start moving when there was no air blowing.

Writing Prompt on “Sinister”- The sinister somehow managed to escape but left the clue.

Writing Prompt on “Grin”- Matt found the grinning of an old woman sitting next to him very weird and frightening.

Plot Twist: He got shocked when she calls him by his name and asked why didn’t he come to his funeral. When Matt looked at her again he saw she was his grandmother who had died seven years ago. 

Writing Prompt on “Numb”- Everyone in the house got numbed to see blood on the stairs. 

Writing Prompt on “Eyeballs”- Rebecca had a hobby of collecting weird stuff and his favorite was marbles which looked like real human eyeballs.

Writing Prompt on “Possessed”- The priest warned the family not to go into the upstairs room until he does the rituals as it is possessed by an evil spirit.

Writing Prompt on “Cursed”- No one was ready to buy the lavish but haunted house in the town, even at a low price as people say the house was cursed and no one survived more than a year in there. 

Writing Prompt on “Bizarre”- The bizarre-looking painting in Joe’s home always felt like staring at me.

Writing Prompt on “Ghostly”- Adam got frightened when his pet dog suddenly started looking at an empty space in a ghastly way. 

Writing Prompt on “Strange”- Nobody knew about the strange voices coming from the woods.

Writing Prompt on “Haunt”- Every night the picture of the person who died in the road accident haunts Eric as he had left without helping him. 

Writing Prompt on “Tortured”- The screaming and sobbing voices of the slaves who were tortured in the castle yet heard by the guards sometimes at night. 

Writing Prompt on “Superstition”- Miley always followed the superstition of staying away from black cats as she says it brings a bad omen. 

Writing Prompt on “Thrilling”- Justin found it so thrilling to drive the car alone on the abandoned road until he got hit by the strange vehicle which vanished into the woods.

Writing Prompt on “Whisper”- The priest advised the Harper family that whenever they would hear the whisper, they had to chant the god’s name without looking back.

Plot Twist: But one of the family members turned back.

Writing Prompt on “Shadow”- Every staff member of the hotel was scared to see a shadow roaming in the castle.

Writing Prompt on “Unholy”- The presence of something unholy scared every member of the camp trip.

Writing Prompt on “Chilling”- The atmosphere in the farmhouse was very ghostly and chilling.

Writing Prompt on “Fatal”- The joyful dare of the teenagers to visit the abandoned place outside the town soon got changed into a fatal night.

Writing Prompt on “Menacing”- Rob suddenly started shouting in a scary, menacing voice.

Writing Prompt on “Freaked Out”- Bobby freaked out when suddenly his TV got started and started playing the favorite song of his passed away friend.

Writing Prompt on “Moonlight”- In the moonlight, the demons were more powerful, so everyone decided to wait for the next day to face them.

Writing Prompt on “Staring”- An old lady kept on staring at Adam in the subway, but when he told this his girlfriend, he got shocked when she said there was no old lady there.

Writing Prompt on “Calamity”- The priest did some rituals in the house to avert the calamity.

Writing Prompt on “Agony”- Eventually, his agony ended with his death. 

Writing Prompt on “RIP”- Everyone in the Smith family got scared to see the RIP sign written everywhere in the room.

Writing Prompt on “Skull”- When digging the ground for gardening Eliana got shocked when she found a skull.

Writing Prompt on “Spell”- When Windy found an old book of spells in his grandpa’s basement, she thought to return it or tell his grandpa about the book but soon she changed her mind and brought it home secretly.

Writing Prompt on “Ash”- When cleaning the room Julia got shocked to see ashes under his bed.

Writing Prompt on “Wicked”- The wicked spirit was only targeting the girls in the family.

Writing Prompt on “Midnight”- No one knew who was playing the piano at midnight when every family member was sleeping in their room.

Writing Prompt on “Vanish”- No one believed Rick’s words until they all saw the strange woman vanishing into the woods as soon as they started following her.

Do watch the below video by Ted-Ed on how to make horror writing suspenseful.

horror story essay 600 words

About the Author-

Neel Rana is a YA short story author, flash fiction writer, literary enthusiast, and the founder of Pandora Post. Neel holds a degree in BA Honours in English Literature and has been writing since 2017. Neel’s magnum opus YA short storybook, “ The Drunken Ghost ” has been well received by the readers.

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Short horror story essay

Short horror story essay 8 Models

Short horror story essay is one of the popular intimidation methods that help parents in correcting children and improving their behavior in many educational aspects.

Through this article, we will provide you with many models that talk about stories of horror and intimidation that may help or influence the behavior of children, show the goals of horror stories, and the extent of the impact of these stories on improving children’s instincts, and strengthening their personality.

Short horror story essay

The school plays an important and significant role in educating children and improving their behaviour. In a similar article that talks about horror stories, the student can learn about the dimensions of these stories, the extent of their impact and why they are used.

The student can talk about his fears and terrifying situations he went through. The teacher can take advantage of these events and try to address these fears by guiding him and talking to him, or by making him research more about the dimensions of the problem and the benefits that he benefited from despite going through a terrifying situation.

At the beginning of the article we will put several points that show the goals that must be present within the topic, and several models will be created using these points inside them, so that the articles are useful for the student in case he wants to present them to the school, or if he wants to know the aspects that he should talk about inside a similar article he talks about the horror stories and the bad situations he was exposed to.

Objectives of the article

1- To obey orders.

2- Giving up bad behavior.

3- Repressing the evil instincts that are inside every human being.

4- Controlling the child in the safety zone next to the parents.

5- Planting correct means and methods through intimidation.

Several years ago, my father told me a story about a boy  who went out without telling his family where he was going. And this was late at night. After he left, he met some children and played a little with them and enjoyed this, but because of the late time these children left him, some of them returned to their home alone, and some of them their families came to to pick them up, and he found himself alone in the end.

He decided to walk around for a while, so that he might encounter other children and continue playing with them. But after walking for a long time, he found that all the streets were empty, and it was dark everywhere, and he could no longer discern where he was, and that he was far from home and lost his way.

And whenever he tried to return from where he came, he found himself in dangerous areas with street dogs, and in order to avoid them, he kept entering other streets, until he lost the way completely. So he sat crying and did not find anyone to bring him home because all the people of the town were asleep.

The time at night was getting hard for this naughty little boy. Every minute that passes feels like it’s a long time and he’s so afraid of darkness and loneliness. And whenever he heard the sound of dogs howling, intensified in crying. And whenever he called his father, he did not come to take him, because he was far from the house and did not tell them that he was going out, and did not tell them where he was going.

Then he learned that he had made a big mistake and that his father would not come to look for him because he thought he was asleep. And he decided to try to call for help and search for any place where there are people and tell them what happened.

And he kept walking in the dark crying for a long time until he found some people, and told them his name, where he lived, and the name of the neighborhood in which he lived. Fortunately for him, they weren’t bad guys, and they brought this guy home.

The father was very angry with him for this behavior and punished him for a week for this behavior. But the boy was happy that he came home and learned the lesson well and knew that this wrong behavior was dangerous and could have lost his family for life.

While hearing this story, I was very afraid and put myself in the place of this boy, and I found myself learning from him what to do. And that I must tell my family where I am going, and watch the time, and take care of myself and not stay away from home. When I finish playing, I go home.

In the early morning, I was very careful to memorize my full name, the name of the neighborhood in which I live, the name of my mother, and the house number.

Although the story was scary for me, I learned a lot from it and had a reaction to every event that takes place in it.

Dear student, a basic form was submitted for the topic on short horror story essay, In addition to many other models such as, horror short story essay, creepy short horror story essay, a short horror story essay, short ghost story essay, short ghost story essay, scary short story essay, scary experience essay.

If you prefer to add any other topic, you can contact us through the comments of this article and we will study your request and add it as soon as possible.

horror short story essay

At the weekend I went on a trip with my friends to the forest. We took camping equipment, some food and water. The weather was nice, the trees were leafy, the birds were flying from tree to tree, the landscape was beautiful.

We wandered in the woods and ate the fruits on the trees, and as we wandered, a huge bear appeared in front of us, looked at us and prepared to attack us.

We were all very terrified, but the instructions reminded us not to run, not to scream, and to act calmly. I took out of my bag a self-defense spray bottle, which should be used in this case. But the bear left quietly and none of us were hurt.

creepy short horror story essay

I get up early and sit in the garden of the house, enjoying the fresh air, listening to the sound of birds, watching beautiful flowers and other beautiful landscapes, but yesterday something terrifying happened to me.

When I sat on the bench in the garden and was enjoying nature I felt something moving under the chair.

I quickly looked under the chair and found a large black snake.

It moves slowly, I felt very terrified and could not move, I remained frozen in my place, the snake crawled slowly and I looked at it with horror, until it moved away several meters, I called the competent authority immediately and a trained man came and caught the snake.

a short horror story essay

Last week I went with my family to the zoo, the weather was nice, and we were enjoying the nature, where there are a lot of green leafy trees and decorated with beautiful flowers and large areas that allow us to run and play, everything was beautiful.

Then we went to the animal cages and watched the animals from a distance.

But there is a person who got very close to the lion’s cage, even though there is a sign on it that says Do not go near the animal cages.

He was not satisfied with that, but he extended his hand into the cage, and the lion grabbed his hand with force, and this person was unable to rid his hand of the lion’s fangs.

The man screamed loudly from the severity of the pain, and the guard came quickly and tried to give the lion a piece of meat to leave the man’s hand, but to no avail.

The veterinarian quickly intervened and gave the lion an anesthetic injection, and the man was able to get his hand out of the cage, but it had many wounds and was taken to the hospital. It was really terrifying moments.

Short ghost story essay

There are many people who feel terrified in the dark, and my brother is very afraid of the dark and feels terrified and imagines frightening things.

So when the electricity went out and the house became dark. I went to his room quietly without feeling, and stood in front of him, making some strange sounds.

My brother jumped quickly and came out of the room saying a ghost of a ghost, but he hit the wall and cut his head and bled a lot, it was a big wound.

At that time I was telling him don’t be afraid, I am your brother, but he was very frightened. I was very sorry for him and regretted that I had caused him to feel terrified and made him crash into the wall.

And I told him I was just trying to joke with you and I wouldn’t do it again but you should train yourself not to be afraid of the dark.

A Short Scary Story Essay

Last weekend I went with my friends on a fishing trip. We chartered a fishing boat with all our fishing gear and went into the sea for a long distance, so that we could see neither the beach nor the city.

We started fishing and we were very happy because there are many fish and they are also big, and the weather was nice.

Suddenly strong winds blew and the waves rose, and the fishing boat was swinging with us over the water, up and down, and we couldn’t control it.

At this time we felt so afraid that we would drown.The fishing boat cannot withstand these bad weather conditions.

But after a while the wind calmed down a bit and we miraculously survived.

Scary short story essay

Last weekend I went with my colleagues on a school trip to one of the archaeological sites, and we had some teachers with us organizing the trip and supervising our transfers.

We entered a museum that houses great antiquities and stood listening to the tour guide talking about the history of these antiquities.

I was fascinated and listened to the tour guide with great interest, so that I did not feel the departure of my colleagues and teachers, as they left the museum and got on the bus and left this place and did not feel my absence.

When I found myself alone in the museum, I felt very afraid and searched for them all over the museum, but I could not find them, so my fear increased and my crying became louder.

Suddenly I found one of the teachers entering the museum and looking for me, so I ran towards him and grabbed his hand and felt safe.

Scary Experience Essay

At the end of the year I had a frightening experience. I went to the beach and decided to snorkel, so I bought wetsuits, put them on, and dived into the sea. But it was not what I expected and almost drowned.

I was so scared when I found myself unable to dive, and could not swim to the top.

It was a difficult situation but one of the lifeguards on the beach saw me, knew I was going to drown and ran to save me.

Therefore, I advise others to learn before we do anything that might endanger our lives.

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To Cut a Short Story Short

Curious Flash Fiction by Simon J. Wood

Category: 300-600 word stories

horror story essay 600 words

Prince Korrigan

(600 words) “Princes … and paupers, all are buried here, sir.” The old man spat into the grave he was digging in the rich brown earth. I’d chanced upon an ancient church, deep in the Norfolk countryside. A long walk down a meandering single-track lane that looked like it would fizzle out in the middle of nowhere. Instead, there was a sizeable farm, this church, ensconced in shadow amongst mature trees, and two cottages, predictably named ‘Church Cottages nos. 1 and 2,’ as indicated by an incongruously modern sign.

horror story essay 600 words

To the Blue (poem)

Carry my heart, take it down to the sea, Where the sand meets the waves, and the sea meets the sky, And let me remember my comrades who died, And who fought for their country, like me. Carry my memories, out ‘cross the land, Where the sand meets the green, and the green meets the town,

horror story essay 600 words

Jolly as a Pie!

(550 words) “I’m a servant, milord, a maid to Sir Oswald’s household.” “And are you happy there?” I asked. “No, milord, cursed be the day I came into this house!” “What do you see around you?” “Stone flags, milord, and a great fire. There’s a kettle o’water a’heatin’ for the washing.” “Is it the scullery?” “Yes, milord, there be a great kitchen for the cooking.” “Is there anyone else there?” (subject laughs) “Yes, milord, there’s Jack, the varlet. He sits by the fire, his face red as any fox!”

In Dulci Jubilo

I'm very pleased to announce the publication of In Dulci Jubilo, an omnibus of my first three titles, Bound in Morocco: A Short Story of Intrigue, To Cut a Short Story Short: 111 Little Stories, and To Cut a Short Story Short, vol. II: 88 Little Stories. I have re-read (many for the first time in years) and edited all two hundred stories,  and am delighted to say that I enjoyed them all! So, the omnibus contains the very latest up-to-date versions of every story. They range from one hundred words to seven and a half thousand. The three individual volumes that make up In Dulci Jubilo have been republished with the revised texts, in hardback (not Bound in Morocco), paperback, and Kindle. The description of In Dulci Jubilo reads as follows:

horror story essay 600 words

Fun of the Fair

(600 words) I was a schoolboy at St Paul’s when the incident I’m about to relate occurred. I was one of a small number of boarders – my parents were ‘swingers’ (as we’d now call them). Not that I knew that at the time, of course. They just said they had ‘business to attend to,’ so I was packed off to St Pauls for months at a time. Anyway, it was a quiet Saturday in May, and I’d gone down to the kitchens to fetch some milk for a pot of tea I’d just made. There was Sally, the kitchen maid, with her arms up to her plump elbows in a sink full of washing up. “Hello, Sally, what’s that smell?” I asked. There was an unpleasant odour, not unlike the dreaded boiled cabbage, cooked to death, served up four times a week.

Sweet Dreams

(500 words) Control in moving between worlds was something his grandfather had taught him, a closely guarded secret. He came from a place, just a whisper away but invisible and unreachable. At midnight, whilst the moon threw shadows like huge gravestones across the street, he would walk, seeking the aroma he desired. His face was gaunt and sallow, his lips thin and red, and his eyes as black as infinity.

horror story essay 600 words

Where Golden Sleep Doth Reign (poem)

To sleep, perchance to dream, I lay my head on the pillow. I close my eyes, but then it seems, Like the clouds, my thoughts start to billow. Did I remember to bolt the front door? And did I lock the car?

horror story essay 600 words

Completely Unexpected

(625 words) It was incredible and completely unexpected. The sensation as our fingers touched was electric, my heart skipped a beat and I momentarily forgot to breathe. Her fingers intertwined with mine and she twitched her lips in that funny way she used to, before kissing me tenderly. I gazed into her dark round eyes and knew it was love - deep, sacred love.

horror story essay 600 words


(650 words) Given that there were fewer than seven hours before the Sapphire of the Seas sailed from Le Havre, Third Engineer Giuseppe ‘Joseph’ Marino queued anxiously at Portsmouth ferry terminal. The ferry was due to leave in thirty-five minutes and the sailing time to Le Havre was five and a half hours, given a calm sea. He became aware of a small girl at his side. “All those destined for Bilbao, please proceed to gate C,” came an announcement. Joseph’s heart thudded. No, he was destined for Le Havre, gate F. That was OK, everything was fine. He wiped the sweat from his brow. “I’m lost, I’m not sure where my mummy and daddy are.” Joseph looked down at two brilliant blue eyes in the little girl’s upturned face, and his heart melted. Then back to the noticeboard. Departure in less than thirty minutes. In a pocket, his fingers crushed a used train ticket. If he missed the ferry, he missed the cruise ship. If he missed the cruise ship, he missed three months’ work, three months’ good wages, wages he couldn’t afford to lose. He’d be busting his nuts in a crummy, low paid job at home. No contest.

horror story essay 600 words

Scene in a Tent

(600 words) The tent flap opens, and Trevor comes in. Everyone’s here now. Everyone, that is, except Alan the group leader. He’ll be sorting out logistics with the mule team. Eating with them too. I give Trevor a bright smile from beneath my red baseball cap, holding out my plastic plate to Muhammed as he serves from a huge bowl of lamb and vegetable stew.

Flash Friction FREE on Kindle!

For the next 48 hours, Flash Friction, To Cut a Short Story Short, vol. III, is FREE on Amazon Kindle. Simply head over to your local Amazon, download and ENJOY!

horror story essay 600 words

The Moon and the Arrow

(400 words) Old man Tatum had been dreaming of his grandchildren, Sonny and Sarah. They’d all been treading dry pine needles in a huge forest, on their way somewhere. He couldn’t remember where. Then he was aware of pressure on his legs. In an eye blink, he realised someone was sitting on the bed. A young woman, skin as pale as the full moon burning through the curtained window. He thought his heart would pound right out of his chest, then she smiled, and suddenly he was calm.

When You Write

Horror Flash Fiction: How To Scare Your Readers In 500 Words Or Less

Do you have a knack for writing horror stories but struggle with keeping them short and concise? Horror flash fiction might just be the genre for you. With a limited word count of 500 words or less, you can still pack a punch and leave your readers with chills down their spines.

But how do you create a truly terrifying horror flash fiction? It takes more than just a few jump scares and a monster lurking in the shadows. You need to focus on creating a specific idea, building atmosphere, and using shocking imagery to build tension and suspense.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of crafting a horror flash fiction that will leave your readers wanting more. So grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Bone-chilling ideas are crucial for creating terrifying horror flash fiction
  • Engaging all senses and building tension and suspense keeps the reader on edge
  • Ambiguous endings and open-ended questions can leave the reader craving for more
  • Descriptive language and believable characters are important for immersing the reader in the story.

Choose a Focused and Specific Idea

You’ve got to nail down a specific, bone-chilling idea that will make your readers squirm in their seats. Horror flash fiction is all about creating a sense of unease, anxiety, and fear in a very short amount of time.

To do this, you need to choose a focused and specific idea that will immediately grab your readers’ attention. One way to do this is to focus on the setting. Choose a location that will add to the sense of dread and fear. It could be an abandoned hospital, a dark alley, or a creepy old house.

The setting should be described in vivid detail to create a mood that will keep your readers on edge. Another important aspect of horror flash fiction is crafting believable characters. Give your characters depth and personality, and make them relatable to the reader.

When readers connect with your characters, they will be more invested in the story and feel the tension and fear more deeply.

Create a Sense of Atmosphere

As you begin to craft your horror flash fiction, it’s essential to create a sense of atmosphere that will draw your readers in and leave them feeling uneasy.

To achieve this, you’ll want to use descriptive language that paints a vivid picture in their minds. Engage all five senses, not just sight, to immerse your readers in the world you’re creating.

By doing so, you’ll be able to set the stage for an unforgettable horror experience that will leave your readers with chills down their spines.

Use Descriptive Language

With every flicker of the candlelight, the shadows danced around the room, adding an eerie dimension to the descriptive language used to describe the ominous presence lurking in the corner. You could feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up as you read about the musty smell emanating from the dark figure, and the way its eyes seemed to follow your every movement.

The writer had crafted a vivid scene that allowed you to see, hear, smell, and feel every detail as if you were right there in the room with the character.

The power of sensory details can’t be overstated when it comes to horror flash fiction. Every word counts, and every description should serve to heighten the tension and suspense of the story.

By using descriptive language that engages all the senses, the writer can create an immersive experience that will leave the reader terrified and unable to look away.

So if you want to scare your readers in 500 words or less, remember to use descriptive language that paints a picture in their minds and makes them feel like they’re living the nightmare themselves.

Engage All Five Senses

When you’re writing a horror flash fiction, it’s crucial to engage all five senses to create an immersive experience for your readers. Using sensory language effectively can help you create a realistic and terrifying world that your audience won’t easily forget.

To engage your readers’ senses, you need to describe not only what they see, but also what they hear, smell, taste, and feel. For example, instead of simply describing a dark and eerie forest, you can describe the crunching of leaves underfoot, the damp smell of decaying wood, the taste of rain on your tongue, and the cold breath of the wind on your skin.

By using sensory language, you can transport your readers into the world you’ve created and make them feel like they’re right there with your characters, experiencing the horror firsthand.

So, when writing your horror flash fiction, remember to engage all five senses to create a truly terrifying experience for your readers.

Build Tension and Suspense

You want to keep your readers on edge, and one way to do that is by building tension and suspense. Foreshadowing and misdirection are powerful tools you can use to keep your audience guessing.

As you create a slow build-up of fear, consider how you can use these techniques to keep your readers on the edge of their seats. Remember, the ultimate goal is to leave them wanting more.

Use Foreshadowing and Misdirection

Imagine the hair on the back of your neck standing on end as your heart races with anticipation, all because of the subtle hints and clever redirections that lead you down a path of terror.

In horror flash fiction, foreshadowing and misdirection are two of the most powerful tools a writer can use to scare their readers. Both techniques are equally effective, but they serve different purposes in creating suspense and fear.

Foreshadowing is the art of subtle hints and clues that hint at what’s to come. It’s the ominous music before the jump scare, the shadowy figure in the background, or the eerie silence before the storm. It’s a powerful tool that can build tension and anticipation, leaving readers on edge as they try to piece together what’s going to happen next.

On the other hand, misdirection is the art of leading readers down a false path. It’s the red herring that distracts from the true horror, the fake-out scare that lulls readers into a false sense of security, or the unexpected twist that turns everything on its head. Misdirection is a powerful tool that can catch readers off guard, leaving them vulnerable to the true horror that awaits.

By mastering both foreshadowing and misdirection, horror writers can create a rollercoaster of emotions that keeps readers guessing until the very end.

Create a Slow Build-Up of Fear

Creating dread and psychological horror in a flash fiction story requires a delicate balance of pacing and tension. The slow build-up of fear is essential to keep the reader on edge, anticipating what might happen next.

Start by establishing a sense of normalcy, a routine or a setting that feels familiar to the reader. This can be a mundane activity or a seemingly innocent location, such as a family dinner or a quiet library.

As the story progresses, introduce subtle hints of something amiss. Perhaps a character notices a strange noise or a flicker of movement out of the corner of their eye. These small details plant the seeds of unease in the reader’s mind, slowly building towards a climax of terror.

Use sensory descriptions to heighten the tension, describing the musty smell of a basement or the prickling sensation of being watched. By the end of the story, the reader should be left with a lingering sense of dread, unsure of what horrors might lurk just beyond the page.

Use Shocking and Disturbing Imagery

The blood-soaked walls and the decapitated bodies strewn across the floor made your stomach churn. As you try to take in the gruesome scene, you notice something odd about the way the bodies are positioned. They’re arranged in a pattern, almost as if they were intentionally placed there.

Your mind races with questions: Who did this? Why did they do this? And are you next? As you step closer to one of the bodies, you notice a small piece of paper clenched in their hand. You hesitate before reaching for it, unsure if you really want to know what it says.

Eventually, your curiosity gets the best of you and you unfold the paper. The words scrawled across it in jagged letters make your blood run cold. It’s a message from the killer, taunting you with the knowledge that they’re still out there, waiting and watching.

You realize with horror that you’re not just a witness to this violence – you’re a potential victim.

End with a Twist or Revelation

You want to leave your reader breathless and wanting more. To do that, you need to deliver a satisfying or unsettling conclusion that leaves them pondering the story long after they’ve finished.

A twist or revelation at the end can be the perfect way to achieve this goal. So, think carefully about the ending of your story and how you can make it memorable.

Deliver a Satisfying or Unsettling Conclusion

Can’t deny it, we all crave for that shiver down our spine at the end of a horror story, so let me tell you how to leave your readers feeling either satisfied or unsettled with just one sentence.

Crafting ambiguous endings is a great way to leave your audience in a state of uncertainty, wondering what really happened. This can be achieved by utilizing unreliable narrators who leave clues throughout the story that can be interpreted in different ways. This leaves your readers questioning their own interpretation of the events, adding to the unsettling feeling.

Another way to deliver a satisfying or unsettling conclusion is to leave the fate of the characters up to the reader’s imagination. This can be done by ending the story with a cliffhanger or an open-ended question. It allows the reader to imagine what could happen next or what the characters may face in the future.

This type of conclusion leaves a lasting impression on the reader, making them feel like they are a part of the story and that it is still unfolding even after they’ve finished reading.

In summary, whether you decide to craft an ambiguous ending or leave the fate of the characters to the reader’s imagination, a satisfying or unsettling conclusion will leave your audience craving for more.

Leave Your Reader Wanting More

By ending your story with a cliffhanger or open-ended question, readers are 50% more likely to recommend it to a friend.

In horror flash fiction, leaving your reader wanting more is a key element in creating an unforgettable ending. You want to leave them on the edge of their seat, scared and curious about what comes next.

To master cliffhangers, you need to know your story inside and out. Think about the most suspenseful moment in your story and stop there. Don’t give your reader all the answers; leave them with a question that makes them want to read more.

By doing this, your reader will be eager to find out what happens next and will be more likely to come back for more of your writing. Remember to keep the tension high and the stakes even higher to keep your reader engaged.

With these tips, you can create an unforgettable ending that will keep your readers wanting more of your horror flash fiction.

The key to scaring your readers in 500 words or less is to focus on a specific idea and create a sense of atmosphere.

You must build tension and suspense, use shocking and disturbing imagery, and end with a twist or revelation that will leave your readers terrified.

Remember, the devil’s in the details. Use vivid and descriptive language to paint a picture of your horror story in your reader’s minds. Keep them on the edge of their seats by using imaginative and suspenseful language that’ll make them feel like they’re a part of the story.

In the end, your goal is to leave your readers with a lasting impression that’ll haunt them long after they finish reading.

Recommended Reading...

Why short stories are important for readers and writers alike, why do authors use short stories the advantages of this genre, why are short stories so hard to write understanding the challenges, what is a novelette exploring the short story genre.

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100-word horror story

100-word horror story

Since tomorrow is Insecure Writers’ Support Group day, I’ll make this post short and sweet.

I was recently challenged to write a 100-word horror story. Feel free to write your own and share it in the comments, if you like.

The questions began every evening. I tried my best to answer them.

 “daddy, why is the sky blue”,  i sighed with relief—this one i knew. “it isn’t really—it’s colorless. the reflection of the sun’s rays makes it seem blue.”,  she paused for a moment. her next question was a little harder.,  “daddy, where did mommy go”,  the thought of her mother still made my chest tight. “mommy got sick, and the angels took her away so she wouldn’t suffer.”,  her last question was the most difficult.,  “daddy, why did you kill me”,  i wish i had the answer., 1 part newsletter, 1 part unnerving updates, 2 parts sneak peeks of new projects., 35 comments.

Alex J. Cavanaugh

That is chilling. Didn’t see it coming.


Thanks so much, Alex! You ROCK.

susan scott

yikes, totally out of left field!

I’ll take that as a compliment, Susan. 😀

Mason Canyon

Wow, I’m like Alex. I totally didn’t see that ending coming. Makes me want to know more.

Thoughts in Progress and MC Book Tours

Thanks so much, Mason! Who knows…maybe, like the best horror movie characters, they’ll come back.


Wow. Just Wow!

Aw, thanks Denise. Everyone is being so kind. I didn’t expect such a wonderful response–I’m a little overwhelmed. 🙂

Samantha Bryant

That was amazing, and horrifying. I’ll have to play with something really short like this. I’m surprised how powerful it could be with so few words.

@mirymom1 from Balancing Act

Thanks, Samantha. I’m glad you liked it. The PR team at Samhain asked me to write it, and when they first suggested it, I thought, “I can’t do that–a horror story in 100 words? That’s crazy!”

Turns out I can! 😀

If you try it, tag me.

Heather M. Gardner

*chills* *chills* *chills*

That is SO creepy!

Aw, thanks Heather! *hugs*

Madeline Mora-Summonte

Totally chilling!

And you know how much I love micro fiction AND horror. 🙂

Thanks, Madeline! It’s great to hear from a master of the genre.


It begs for an encore. Nicely done. 🙂

Thanks so much, Henry! And thanks for posting your own on my Facebook page . That was awesome.

You’re welcome. It was a fun challenge. I wish more people would give it a try.

You and me both!

Lisa S.

Creepy. Makes me want to hear more.

Thanks, Lisa. You never know…maybe these two will speak to me some more one day, demanding a novel of their own.

Adam Dooley

Thanks so much, Adam! Welcome to my blog. 🙂

Chrys Fey

That ending is chilling! This reminded me of something I read before. I swear I’ve read something before about a child asking a dad questions and each one was harder for him to answer. Hmm…I can’t think of where I read it, though. Oh well. Great job! I should try 100 word stories. 🙂

Thanks, Chrys. Is it possible you read it when I promoted it for Samhain? They were the ones who asked me to write it initially, and I shared it back then.

Roland Yeomans

Yep. That ending was chilling all right. Oh, the ghost of Mark Twain just followed your Twitter account — on account you were pretty he said, wagging his eyebrows! Sigh. Forgive the old rascal. He’s mostly harmless except to himself!! 🙂

Well, I’m flattered, Roland. And you can tell Mr. Twain I said so.


Wow! I did not see that coming and that is downright creepy but it would make a great book and movie

Wow, you’re too kind, Birgit! Thanks so much. 🙂

Mary Aalgaard

Horrifying, really. Well done.

Thanks so much, Mary!


CREEPY!!!! I love it. =) <3

Thanks, Nikki. I adore you!

Patricia Lynne

That was great. I didn’t see that ending.

Thanks, Patricia!

sophia eze

i lovgfe your pageeeeeee

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6 Sincerely Spooky Stories in 100 Words or Less

Raven on the empty, spooky cemetery

Halloween is upon us, but here in the digital age, it’s hard to find the time to read a short story, let alone a full-length horror novel. Here, then, are six blood-curdling tales for the digital age, each 100 words or less.

RELATED : 10+ Short Scary Stories You Definitely Don’t Want To Read Alone

Sally’s parents went out for a Halloween dinner, so Sally decided to invite a few friends over. There was some booze and pot, some slasher DVDs, and then the spooky highlight: a Ouija board.

Just gibberish at first and then, to their horror and delight, messages.

Specific messages.

S-A-L-L-Y , the board spelled out.

“Who is this?” said Sally.


“Are you dead?”

“How did you die?”

“Who are you?”


Sally is still screaming when the police car arrives, and a single officer, cap respectfully in his hands, approaches the house.

Old cabinet in night vision

© fourblueeyes/flickr

Driscoll and Smedley are grave robbers. Their night’s work done, they head to the hospital on a cart loaded with fresh corpses.

No honor among thieves: Driscoll plans to cut Smedley’s throat after they get paid. Driscoll cackles to himself as they traverse the London dawn. He looks at Smedley, thinking: He has no idea.

“Excellent,” shouts Dr. Barron from a casement window as they draw up with their grisly cargo. “You’ve brought me those seven corpses I need!”

” ‘Ere,” says Driscoll. “There’s only six on the cart! You told me—”

“Yeah,” says Smedley, drawing his revolver. “I did, didn’t I?”

They entered the chamber.

Kendall was gripped by foreboding. There was the altar stone with its spiral pattern, carved millennia ago.

Glover shone his torch around the gloom. “The legends say this place makes people vanish.”

“Hard to see where anyone could vanish to.”

“Ten have, over the last 200 years.”

Kendall stared into the spiral carving; as he did so, he felt an awful sense of unease. Suddenly, he saw infinity. The same pattern repeating, over and over, reminding him of something. And then he was remembering, screaming—

Kendall was gripped by foreboding…

The Old Well

Frightened human eye pupil with a skull within it

© @Doug88888/flickr

I fell down the old well. Fortunately, I wasn’t hurt. At the bottom, there was a skeleton, a horrid thing in the tatters of a summer dress. I was terrified. I climbed out and ran back to the house but I couldn’t find my family, only a man and a woman I didn’t know. I approached them; the man ignored me, but the woman screamed, and then I realized there was something important I had forgotten.

Then I was back in the dark well again, with that horrible skeleton.

What have I forgotten? What was it?

From Room 116 come the sounds of flamenco in the hot Seville night. The clacking of castanets, the shuffle of heels, the melancholy guitar.

“Christ,” says Benson. “For the third night running!”

Before he knows it, he’s out of bed and hammering on the door of 116. “Keep that bloody noise down!”

The noises stop abruptly. The door creaks open.

On the bare floorboards are a broken guitar, cracked castanets and a pair of mouldering high-heeled shoes.

The dust is thick. Undisturbed.

All Benson can hear now is the sound of his own breathing, hard and fast.

Long Distance Call

Telephone handset hanging in the air

© helloturkeytoe/flickr

At the hideout, the phone rang. Trembling, Dan answered.

“Dan! It’s Tony.”

Dan gasped.

“I thought you were—”

“Just listen. Guess the bank job didn’t go like we planned, huh? Still. At least one of us got away.”

“What are you—”

“Shhh. I had to describe it. This place.”

“Whispering shadows. The sky white with ash. The horizon roars, and the streets are bleached bone…”

“Nobody has a face.”

“This isn’t funny.”

“I mean, I expected flames, and pitchforks, laughing devils. Not this.”

“But you’ll see. Soon enough, Danny Boy. You’ll see.”

Cover photo: ifeel_infinite/flickr

This article was originally published on November 1, 2014

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An essay of 600 words is approximately 2 pages double-spaced or 1 page single-spaced. The most common format for all the major citation styles is 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is about 250 words per page. While APA 7, MLA 9, and Chicago also accept fonts like Arial and Calibri, TNR 12 ppt is still preferable.

A 600-Word Essay Is How Many Paragraphs?

A 600-word essay contains 2 to 6 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

What Does a 600-Word Essay Look Like?

The easiest way to organize a 600-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

How Long Does a 600-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 12 to 24 minutes to type 600 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 2 hours for 600 words.

How Long Should an Introduction Be for a 600 Word Essay?

An average introduction length of a 600-word essay should be 90 words. The exact requirements will be given by your professor.

Social Change, Leadership and Advocacy

Such concepts as social change, advocacy, and leadership are closely related as they all focus on innovation, shifts, and collaboration. It is important to understand what these concepts are to apply them in the real world and make a difference. The concepts can be analyzed within certain dyads with the...

“Horrible Bosses” Film in Project Management Aspect

A project is a short term undertaking from start to finish making use of resources aimed at meeting certain goals and achieving valuable change. Project management involves planning, classifying, leading, and collecting resources aimed at achieving a precise goal. The main characteristic of project management is the presents of constraints...

Affordable Care Act and Its Achievements

The Affordable Care Act and Medicare The most important change introduced by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the change in the new payment system. The fee-for-service model common before the establishment of the ACA has several flaws, including the possibility of needless treatment, also termed overutilization. The ACA substitutes...

Transformational Leadership for Nurses’ Motivation

Internal and External Motivation Factors Categories Extrinsic (external) Intrinsic(internal) Job Content Characteristics Challenging nature of work Opportunity to provide high-quality care Level of authority Level of influence on job planning and related activities The significance of the work Opportunity to apply certain skills or use creativity Perceived work effectiveness Perceived...

Sun Life Financial Inc.’s Stakeholders and Stakes

The particular company that our group studies are called Sun Life Financial Inc and it is believed to be one of the most popular companies located in Canada that specialize in financial services (History of Sun Life Financial 2016). Analyzing the performance of the discussed company and the role it...

Toys “R” Us Company: Supply Chain Management

With an experience over 60 years in the context of the global economy, Toys “R” Us has become one of the leading companies in the retail industry. Though restricting the scope of its operations to selling goods for a rather specific age group (i.e., toys, which are typically aimed at...

American Association of Nurse Practitioners’ Goals

The function of the organization, its mission, and vision American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is the chief full-service nationwide specialized membership association for nursing practitioners of all spheres (American Academy of Nursing Practitioners, n.d.). The mission of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners is to allow all NPs to...

Cervical Cancer Screening Methodology

Introduction Today, medical institutions have a well-developed set of guidelines designed by the governmental authorities (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2017). Following these aspects helps improve the quality of the provided services and contribute to the sufficient screening of various illnesses such as cancer. Nowadays, apart from the continuous...

Management Functions: Internal and External Factors

Introduction Internal forces refer to all the situations affecting a business organization from within like innovation and diversity. These situations are usually under the control of the company. External forces on the other hand are the driving factors that are out of the company’s control like competition, political interferences and...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Magical Realism

“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” Elisenda and Pelayo responded to the arrival of the old man with enormous wings like to the ordinary event, which captured their attention only for a while, and then they focused on benefiting from the situation. Thus, having met the old man, Pelayo...

Motor Carriers and Freight Transportation Future

What Do Transportation And Logistics (T&L) Leaders Need To Do To Prepare For The Future Of Freight Transportation, Especially Motor Carriers? Transportation is one of the most important aspects of supply chain management. The existence of competitive transportation rates during the 1990s compelled many companies to develop supply chains that...

Lupus: Teaching and Nursing Care Plan

Based on the symptoms, it is possible to assume that the patient has lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune, inflammatory disorder. It progresses as a result of impairments in the immune system when it starts to treat the body cells as foreign and try to destroy them (Maidhof & Hilas, 2012)....

Informal Group’s Effect on Organizational Behavior

Informal groups perform a number of crucial functions that can hardly be delivered by formal groups. For example, informal groups have the potential of perpetuating cultural value systems that are cherished by a group. This noble role assists in safeguarding the integrity of the group. It is possible for common...

Teenage Pregnancy, Its Health and Social Outcomes

The teen pregnancy rate is one of the most persistent issues in the modern community. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the federal, state, and local players, the incidence of the phenomenon was steadily decreasing over the last decade. However, the overall decrease does not represent the complete picture as...

Philosophy of Education in Ancient Greece

Prominent Western philosophers have given lasting contributions to the subject matter: Socrates developed his famous dialectical method, Plato talked about diverse education and Aristotle saw education as a moral training. Rousseau, on the other hand, went against prevalent currents to argue that the true nature of education can be found...

  • Communication

Circumcision, Its History and Controversy

Introduction Circumcision is a surgical procedure of removing the foreskin on the genitals, usually performed on male children and adults. However, female circumcision is also practiced in certain world regions. As this procedure is controversial from the medical and sociological standpoint, it is necessary to describe the issue and examine...

Standardized Coding Systems in Health Care

The introduction of the newest technologies in the health care sector has greatly affected health outcomes and contributed to the emergence of new opportunities for improving the overall quality of care. In particular, the foundation for such an enhancement is the implementation of the so-called health information technologies that make...

Kansas City Zephyrs Club’s Accounting Problems

The case study at hand presents several accounting problems faced by the Kansas City Zephyrs baseball club. The disputes arise because of the disagreement between the baseball team and the club owners on the benefits provided to players. Both parties are involved in bargaining negotiations, the ultimate purpose of which...

Electronic Health Records and Digital Regulations

Nowadays, almost every hospital in the US possesses a certified electronic health records (EHR) system; in particular, in 2014, 97% of them reported to do so (Gold & McLaughlin, 2016, p. 664). Does it imply that the EHR adoption is universal or near universal? Unfortunately, not: the possession of an...

Health Literacy Importance and Impact on People’s Health Status

My initial impressions after watching the video by NASEM health and medicine division (2012) on health literacy were those of shock and alarm. Although I have always realized that some patients may have difficulty understanding the prescriptions of their physicians, it has never occurred to me that the problem grew...

Care Quality and Development Milestones in the US

The first chapter in “Health quality and the patient” provides an overview of the concept of healthcare quality. According to the authors, despite significant improvements made in the recent decade, the quality of healthcare in the U.S. is below the expected level (Joshi & Berwick, 2014). The chapter contains a...

Risk Mitigation Strategy Introducing

FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis is a framework typically used to determine the existing risks and evaluate the potential harm that they may cause to a company or a project (Kubiak & Benbow, 2014a). The areas that FMEA embraces include the manufacturing process, the design, the promotion of a...

Cannabis Usage History in Medicine

Introduction The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes has evolved considerably since 1996 when California passed Proposition 215, which allows the practice. Currently, Guam and Puerto Rico, the District of Colombia, and twenty-nine other states have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana. The growth of cannabis use for medicinal purposes...

Industrial Capitalists in the American History

Robber Barons were known as rather self-centered and even cruel industrial capitalists, who had the purpose to get the necessary personal fortune using quit the unfair business. It was not difficult for them to forget about people’s interests to be satisfied and become wealthier. Industrial capitalists of the late 19th...

New Life and Stress Factors at High School

Stress is part of life. Each person experiences stress at one point in life. Stress is defined as a normal way through which the body responds to every undertaking to keep it balanced. Thus, in life change is inevitable and always causes one to be stressed. In fact, stress may...

  • Social Media

Perception and Attention in Examples

The Perceptual Process Perception entails the processes of selection, organization, interpretation, and response to stimuli gathered from the surrounding environments through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2007, p. 70). Additionally, perception utilizes the cognitive processes involved in information processing. Accordingly, perception occurs...

Moore Housing Contractors’ Program Evaluation and Review

CPM/PERT network for Moore Housing Contractors for determining the probability that the contractors can complete a house within 45 days The CPM/PERT network for Moore Housing Contractors is supposed to determine whether the Contractors of the Moore Housing would be able to finish the work on the house within agreed...

Traffic and Pollution in Los Angeles

Pollution caused by cars and other types of transport is a well-known problem connected with the development of modern technology. In Los Angeles and other cities in the United States, high car fuel consumption causes both environmental and health issues. The most cost-effective solution is to replace all cars in...

“Moving Mountains” the Work by Erik Reece

“Moving Mountains” is a work by Erik Reece devoted to the exploitation of natural resources in the United States and related human casualties. The article is a part of the collection of essays published by Orion Magazine. In the source, Erik Reece provides a thorough discussion of the unwanted consequences...

Theodore Roosevelt and Progressive Era

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt is a statesman whose ideas continue to reshape the United States’ political, social, and democratic processes. During his period as a leader, Roosevelt joined hands with other individuals to propose ideas that could transform their followers’ experiences. In 1912, he presented a famous speech that focused on...

The Concept of Social Anxiety Disorder

Introduction Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also referred to as social phobia, is a condition under which a person suffers from anxiety in different social contexts. The underlying component of SAD is the fear of being judged by others and not being approved by them. Although the disorder is widely spread...

The Healing Power of Forgiveness in Forgiving Dr. Mengele

Forgiving Dr. Mengele (2006) is a documentary, which chronicles the story of a Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor, who underwent inhuman experiments at Auschwitz concentration camp. After trying to cope with dreadful reminiscences for half of the century, Kor finally decided to forgive the Nazi perpetrators. In 1995, she made...

Nursing Understaffing: Evidence-Based Project

Nursing Theory Among the main tasks of nursing management is the development of organizational and managerial reserves for work with personnel and consolidation of professional and departmental efforts for the population’s healthcare. Therefore, the staffing issue is of high importance for the management of medical organizations. During previous years, nursing...

Clostridium Difficile: Methods and Analysis Section of EBP Proposal

Research Design for the Project As the project is based mainly on the evidence-based practice proposal, it will focus primarily on reducing and preventing Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infection incidence among health care workers through the implementation of hand hygiene practices (Dubberke et al., 2014). The variables that could be...

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: Plot Analysis Essay

Introduction The play A Doll’s House by Henry Ibsen depicts a class conflict and accumulation of wealth, family relations, and the role of marriage. The events reflect the economic and social problems of society and the role of money in the life of the characters. From the very beginning, A...

  • Environment
  • Discrimination
  • Relationship
  • Historical Figures

Skills and Caring in Nursing

When considering the profession of a nurse, one might reflect on the following question: is it better to be skillful or caring? I have heard people mention this dilemma; in particular, my acquaintances were discussing the famous and notorious House, M.D. and paid special attention to this topic. I prefer...

Education in the 21st Century: Philosophy Statement

I believe that Education in the 21st century is something unlike any learning experience in the past decades. These days, classroom learning is no longer the only tool by which a child is capable of learning material. All classrooms and students are now wired to the internet and are therefore...

Other Voices: Literature Review

Literature has a lot of different aims: to entertain, to inform, and to convince. The works of Judith Sargent Murray, Samson Occom, and Phillis Wheatley are very convincing, as they try to implement their ideas in society about religion and gender. Judith Sargent Murray is an American writer whose literary...

“Charter School: A Primer to the Issues” by S. Vergari

Introduction The article by Sandra Vergari Charter School: A primer to the Issues promotes an innovative idea about a new type of school with more privileges for the students. The article finds out the solution in a wide discussion of the problem related to the charter school, as one more...

Blue Star Inc.: The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

Ethics and morality are philosophical concepts that are understood differently by different people. There are some rules in the society that are aimed to be the norms of the behavior. Business is the same world where norms of behavior also exist. The ethical code of behavior states some issues, according...

Standards of Beauty or Eyes of the Beholder?

Beauty! Beauty! Beauty! Where can it be placed? Different definitions have been projected but the truth is every individual has his or her own way of defining beauty. The concern is, are there set standards of beauty or does it lie in the eyes of the beholder? The definition of...

War in Iraq: Should Be Withdrawn Army?

The positive sides of the US deployment in Iraq In this article Joseph D’Agostino argues that the situation in Iraq can be improved if the US troops continue their deployment in the country. He discusses several aspects: first, he emphasizes that the clashes between coalition forces and the locals have...

Dangerous Driving: Many Drivers Have Dangerous Habits

Introduction Accidents happening on our roads have been a major cause of deaths and injuries in the country. Many unnecessary costs of medication; loss of livelihood and of lives are incurred. This paper seeks to identify some of these habits and some of the steps that can be taken to...

Consulting IT Firms, Types of IT Techniques

Introduction IT consulting refers to the process of advising a business of how best they utilize information technology to meet their business objectives effectively. This practice has become so common in the current global world. Most small but medium-size organizations are increasingly consulting certain independent IT firms since they may...

Cross-Cultural Management and Challenges It Faces

Cross-cultural management describes how an organization operates across its cultural context and the difficulties it encounters such as diversity in terms of values and beliefs of different cultural groups. These diversities have a bearing on the modes of management from leadership, motivation and negotiation (McCaughey & De Cieri 2002, p....

  • Ancient History
  • American Politics
  • Performance

Cultural Diversity in Barbara Bowman’s Monograph

Introduction In writing this monograph, Barbara Bowman takes the bull by the horn in spelling out controversial cultural issues affecting academic achievement in United States. The article is likely to generate mixed emotions depending on which side the reader decides to take. Nevertheless, the writer has done a great work...

Public Law and Private Law Implications

Abstract Using the telephone as well as World Wide Web services by minors has never been discussed properly. Children tend to use the telephone for making paid calls and their parents refuse to pay the bills afterward. The question is whether these bills are the responsibility of parents who overlooked...

Element of Drama in “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

“Oedipus the King” is an enigmatic tragedy account where fate makes the main character to kill his father and marry his mother unknowingly. Sophocles borrows heavily from Aristotles’ tragedy ideas to make a tragic hero with a noble personality who is made to fall by mere errors in life caused...

Online Courses at Florida National University

On the homepage of Florida National University (FNU), the tab “online learning” offers a wide range of different programs for students. The question is: Are online courses better and more effective than studying on-campus? Is it easier for students to use these modern methods instead of those that are more...

American and Asian American Literature Debate

Over the years racial discrimination in the United States of America has been an issue of burning debates. Although commonly an African – American issue, Asian Americans were able to develop the rich heritage of their community in order to make themselves known. Provided that Asian Americans have been suffering...

Commitment of Sexual Offenders in California

Introduction In the United States of America, sexual offenders have attracted a lot of attention in relation to the risk assessment for recidivism (Doren, 2002). The risk assessment for recidivism is an estimate of the likelihood of an offender to revert to illegal behavior after the jail term (Beggs &...

Political Candidates: Voting for Executives

Introduction Many various factors might affect the voters. The political views of a candidate play a significant role in an election campaign, but people make decisions according to their preferences based on personal likes and dislikes. While a particular range of characteristics seems to be universal and should be adopted...

Moral Intuitions: A Heuristic Model

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze a heuristic model of moral intuitions as described in the book, The Moral Psychology Handbook, by John M. Doris. To present the model, it is first necessary to identify it and explain its working principles. Models of heuristics can improve on...

The Importance of Resilience and Community

Introduction Resilience is a virtue that allows people to confront difficulties with courage. Resilience plays a particularly significant role in battling inequalities and achieving justice. Mental strength is the driving force behind the current human rights movement that aims at eliminating racial oppression. Through examining the themes and characters in...

School Age Health Literacy

Being health literate means maintaining a high standard of living and eliminating issues that may negatively affect well-being. Children need to have various health-related skills, depending on their age. School-age health literacy is crucial, as children need to know how to comply with health recommendations and make better health-related choices....

  • Advertising
  • Comparative Literature

Anne Boykin’s Theory of Nursing as Caring

Nursing theories guide nurses in their practice, research, and professional development. Anne Boykin, in collaboration with Savina O. Schoenhofer, introduced her theory of nursing as caring in the 1990s (Alligood, 2017). The theory has been widely utilized in diverse healthcare contexts since then. This paper includes a brief description of...

Ethics, Morality, and Legality Relationship

Nowadays, ethics became a cornerstone of the medical business as it ensures sound and lawful practice. In general, ethics can be defined as a branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles that shape an individual’s behavior or decisions. Although one could use morality and ethics as interchangeable concepts, they...

Heart Disease: Post-interventional Practice and Monitoring

Chest pain can be caused by a variety of physical conditions, including heart disease or nervous disorders. A 52-year-old male patient has several physiological abnormalities that are triggered by hyperlipidemia and first-degree obesity. In addition to necessary laboratory tests, the man needs additional blood and urine tests, such as creatinine...

Teenage Drug Addiction Problem

The modern world is full of diverse activities and hobbies that can have both strictly positive and negative effects. In other words, the world’s versatility becomes both a virtue because each individual can find his own business, and a disadvantage because among the hobbies are often destructive addiction. One of...

Ethical Leadership: On Types of Leadership Behavior

Good relationships at the workplace play an essential role in forming a positive environment for the employees, which includes communication between leaders and subordinates. An atmosphere of mutual trust and respect improves the employees’ perception of the work process, and it is also a vital component of efficiency. Yukl et...

Importance of Early Balanced Diets in Children

Abstract Nutrition plays a critical role in a child’s cognitive and physical development. These developmental phases are highly susceptible to nutritional deficiencies in children (Hurley et al., 2016). Research indicates that substandard dietary choices in children below five years can lead to lifelong health disparities among this populace (Hurley et...

Abortion Issues: Credible and Non-Credible Sources of Information

The problem of induced abortion remains extremely important in modern obstetric and gynecological practice. Its relevance is determined not only by the level and prevalence of such surgical interventions but also by the risk of complications. Despite the availability of a variety of safe and effective methods of contraception, the...

Transportation: Fostering the Development

Fostering the Development of Transportation Systems States, cities, and towns must work individually and in collaboration with others to foster the development of their transportation systems as an efficient transportation system is first and foremost the backbone of the economy (U.S. Department of Transportation, n.d.). TCRP (2002) suggests that the...

Crises Management in Aviation Safety

Aviation security is achieved by combining information and response, the correct order of actions, and timely delegation of authority. Each air carrier is responsible for the welfare of passengers and the quality of services. Consequently, the creation of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP), which addresses customers’ security needs, is imperative...

Music and the Second Reconstruction Relationship

The song What About Us by the Coasters represents the idea of the absence of equality among African-American and white people in the USA. In 1959, when the composition was released, the question was extremely acute, and the lyrics appealed to most fighters for adequate human rights as it aims...

  • Corporation

Role of Family in Healthcare and How Culture Affects Health Beliefs

Culture impacts the way a person views life, values, social norms, and other aspects that constitute daily life, including health and diseases. Individuals’ families also play a role in the way health is perceived. Patient-centered care implies involving family members and incorporating care tailored to the patient’s culture. This paper...

Pursuit and Experiences of God in Texas

Religion plays a crucial role in the development of each nation, and the Southwest of the United States is defined as one of the most religious regions in the country. Therefore, its pursuit of God and an understanding of religion in general always deserve attention and recognition. The region of...

Columbia Shuttle Accident: Performance and Evaluation

Introduction The Columbia Shuttle accident occurred in 2003 when the shuttle was disintegrated over Texas during its re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere because of damaging the thermal protection system. The most tragic detail connected with the accident was in the fact that this tragedy which caused the deaths of seven...

Reading Summary of Two Social Articles

Freedom of Association is Not the Answer In her study, Fine (2010) analyzes the premises underlying the concept of liberal principles of exclusion. The author bases her article on the investigation of Christopher Heath Wellman’s article, “Immigration and Freedom of Association.” Fine (2010) has summarized Wellman’s arguments on the states’...

Social Networks Security: Ethical Issues and Practicies

Introduction Social networks have been having privacy issues; in the case of Beacon and Facebook, Facebook had made it possible for people to share their private life with others using Beacon; the launch had been done in December 2007. When the program was launched, it seemed to facilitate business and...

The Financial Performance Measurement

Calculation The values of operating leverage, return on investment, economic value added (EVA) and return on equity will be calculated. The calculations are presented below. 2013 (Millions) 2014 (Millions) Sales 146,917 144,077 Variable expenses 125,195 123,516 Fixed expenses 16,244 17,121 Total expenses 141,439 140,637 Operating income 5,478 3,440 Net income...

An Unlawful and Unintentional Killing

Unlawful and unintentional killing of a person is “Manslaughter”. Reckless driving and automobiles accidents are examples. It can be “voluntary” and “involuntary”. It depends on the defendant’s intention at the time killing occurred. Though Frank’s intention to hit Tom’s car was intentional, in order to destroy his new car, he...

Breast Cancer: Literature Review

Introduction Breast cancer is the single most common type of cancer among women. This type of cancer can be detected by such simple methods as (BSE) breast self-examination. When breast cancer is discovered at an early stage, it becomes easier to treat (American Cancer Society 2011). The research paper takes...

Physical Restraints in Acute and Intensive Care Units

Though the use of physical restraints in acute and intensive care units is predetermined with the objective factors and working necessity, the complications resulting from the implementation of the method question its effectiveness and appropriateness. The issue of using physical restraints in health care institutions is a rather debatable topic,...

Maritime RobotX Challenge System Selection

The robotic competition offers a platform to determine the selection of an efficient system concerning the guidelines and procedures of the challenge. According to RoboNation (2014), the competitors were awarded approximately $20,000 and a WAM-V program to establish a sensory set and propulsion software effectively. In this sense, this report...

  • Information Technology

Using of Statistics in Healthcare

Introduction Many students who plan to apply for medical studies suggest that they are not going to need mathematics and any mathematics-related sciences in the future and successfully forget anything they learned in school or college. However, mathematics and statistics are an essential part of healthcare research. This essay will...

The Measures of Central Tendency and the Descriptive Statistics

Introduction of the study The measures of central tendency like the mean, median, mode that will be discussed in this essay and the descriptive statistics are very useful in summarizing any collected data and help to come up with detailed and correct conclusions. The aim of this essay is to...

Managed Care and Ethics in Dental Field

Introduction Professionals in the dental field play a significant role in restoring the wellbeing of the patients with issues of the oral cavity (Owsiany, 2008). These experts ought to offer the most excellent treatment options and preventive alternatives for the best interest of the patient’s welfare. Besides, the experts should...

Shonagon’s “The Pillow Book” as Historical Document

Positive Analysis One of the main strengths of the book is the fact that it provides an invaluable insight into Heian Japan and how regular women lived at that time. It is a well-composed historical document in regards to reflecting the lifestyles and interests of both royal family members and...

Nursing Philosophy Reflection

The paradigm of nursing experience, although impossible to encompass at its fullest, has been currently explicitly described in a variety of textbooks and scholarly articles. Thus, prior to making a meaningful choice to dedicate oneself to the career of a nurse, it is of paramount importance to secure a careful...

Public Role and Control of Police

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about police is that their role is to help people, protect them, and improve the quality of their lives. The implementation of these goals lies in the maintenance of law and public order, and crime control through the investigation and prevention...

“The Baker and the Beauty”: A Failed Television Show

The TV show The Baker and the Beauty aired in April 2020 and included nine 40-minute episodes. The TV show presents a story of a baker, Daniel Garcia working for the family business, who meets a famous model Noa Hamilton (IMDb, 2020). The two try to develop a romantic relationship,...

Social Networks’ Impact on Companies’ Operations

Introduction E-commerce refers to the selling and acquisitions of goods or services through internet platforms and the transfer of finances to complete the business. Social networking is applying social media sites based on the internet to maintain connectivity with friends, family, customers, or clients. There are several platforms using social...

The Four Basics of the Human Evolution

Evolution refers to the process that causes changes in allele occurrences in a population over a period. Conferring to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the event takes place by natural selection (Ashraf & Sarfraz, 2016). Thus, evolution enables organisms to acquire characteristics that best suit their environment, increasing their chances...

The Concept of “Everything in Moderation” in “The Sacred Vine” Poem

One of the main problems of modern people is their tendency to fall into the extremes. Many of the difficulties they have are likely to be caused by overindulging in something or by complete abstinence from it. It has become too difficult to avoid overusing the advantages of the modern...

  • Night by Elie Wiesel
  • Mental Health
  • Christianity
  • Nursing Theory

Social Media and Traditional News Media

Social media platforms have transformed how people communicate in today’s world. Information can easily reach any corner of the globe by just having a smartphone and internet connection. This is contrary to the past, where people depended on traditional media to receive and send information. Several social media platforms have...

Human History and Its Three Main Eras

The last two millenniums of human history can be divided into three essential periods with distinct characteristics, which define the period. These periods include pre-modern from 400 to 1400s, modern from 1500s to 1900s, and post-modern from 1900s to present moment. Each period may be analyzed through the prism of...

Amilia Lanier Biography and Influence

Introduction The name Emilia Lanier is unique in the context of English history and poetry. Emilia Lanier, nee Aemilia Bassano, lived in 1569-1645 and appeared to be the first English woman, who claimed herself a professional poetess. This fact was surprising for the people of this epoch. She resided in...

Rutherford B. Hayes Presidency

Rutherford B. Hayes served as the 19th president of the U.S. between 1877 and 1881. He won the highly contested 1877 elections narrowly by defeating the Democratic Party candidate Samuel J. Tilden by one electoral vote. Hayes’ presidency marked the period in which America transitioned from the era of Reconstruction...

“At the Dark End of the Street” by Carr

Introduction The problem of racism is topical for modern American society. Unfortunately, racism is not only about hatred of people with different skin colors but also about encroachment on their lives and inviolability. One of the most famous victims of racism is Recy Taylor, who was kidnapped and raped by...

Unfair Policies: Private Probation

Government laws and regulations are put in place to protect members of society, benefit and advance society. Nevertheless, some policies do not seem to serve the intended purpose and are misused. Private Probation can be an example of an unjust policy that benefits a few members of society while putting...

President Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps Program

During the Great Depression, one in every four American workers was unemployed. Within weeks of his inauguration, President Roosevelt sent legislation to Congress to provide employment opportunities for the unemployed population. In the first few weeks between election and inauguration, the president traveled, planned, and assembled like-minded individuals from experts...

Martin Luther King’s “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” to White Clergy

Introduction Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” was written in order to provide a comprehensive and detailed response to white clergy. The latter was known for criticizing Martin Luther King’s methods of protest, which was nonviolent civil disobedience. In his letter, the activist explains that he usually dismisses...

Changing Perceptions of Women’s Roles in Northern Pakistan

Gender roles are a social and biological issue raised to understand human nature. Roles have been changing since the emergence of humans, and, unfortunately, more often than not, women have not been assigned the most pleasant role. Instead of accessible education, women were limited to reading lessons; instead of fighting...

The Role of Ethical Decision-Making in Business

Background Ethical dilemmas constantly occur in organizations and workplaces regardless of the industry and the size of an organization. They may differ significantly in terms of values, which are in conflict, or parties, which are at stake. Therefore, it may be essential to introduce a comprehensive approach to the decision-making...

  • Globalization

Understanding Frida Kahlo’s Artworks

To understand Frida Kahlo, one has to approach her work through the lens of personal perception, adding intimacy to the viewing, just like Kahlo immersed herself in each artwork. There is an inevitable consequence of such close viewing – endowing Kahlo’s work with many interpretations, and appropriately so. The integrative,...

Racism in “Being Brought From Africa to America” and “A Letter From Phyllis Wheatley”

Phyllis Wheatley, the first African American to publish a book of poetry in 1773, was the author of the poem “Being Brought from Africa to America.” Wheatley represents the start of a long tradition of African American poets. She described her African ancestors as non-Christian (“Pagan”) and believed that she...

Plots of Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” and Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Unfortunately, oppression of women is a severe and extended process that was especially active in the 1890s. A number of famous American writers of those years used their talent of choosing the right words to describe how women and men may oppress each other and deprive their beloved ones of...

Liberation Theology and Gutierrez’s Contribution to It

Introduction Religion plays a significant role in every human being’s life, and it arises a necessity to have an insight into vital parts of it. It is essential to be aware of liberation theology that can be considered a religious movement centered in Latin America, in the view of the...

General Good and Happiness Definition

The general good and happiness can be defined as states and conditions in which people are satisfied with the course of life actions. At the same time, it is obligatory to emphasize that in order to achieve total happiness, it is necessary to highlight individual contribution. Any person can start...

Emily Jerry’s Death: The Root Cause Analysis

Emily Jerry was a two-year-old patient who died during her stay in a hospital due to mismanagement of medical equipment and hospital staff incompetence. She was scheduled to receive chemotherapy but died of detrimental brain damage (Hope, 2020). A series of events that included missing fundamental understanding of solution concentration,...

Bannister’s “The Word and Power Church”

Although the realm of the Christian community and, particularly, the Christian Church, might seem as entirely unclouded, several underlying conflicts have developed over years of interpreting the Word of God and implementing theological research. In his book The Word and Power Church, Dough Bannister (2009) expresses the concern that the...

Analysis of The Odyssey and Its Impact

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Shirley Conran, Author Best Known for the Steamy ‘Lace,’ Dies at 91

A divorced single mother, she started out to write a sex guide for schoolgirls and ended up with a tale of female autonomy that became a best-selling novel.

A black-and-white portrait of Shirley Conran, wearing a striped shirt and polka-dot headband while smiling at the camera.

By Penelope Green

Shirley Conran, the industrious and proliferous British author whose 1982 novel, “Lace,” was a tale of female autonomy disguised as a bonkbuster (to use the British term for a steamy best seller) that made her a millionaire and introduced the lowly goldfish into the erotic canon, died on May 9 in London. She was 91.

The cause of her death, in a hospital, was pneumonia, her son Jasper Conran said.

Ms. Conran was already a household name in England when she set out to write a sex guide for schoolgirls, but ended up writing the potboiler that was “Lace.” In 1968, she was the founding editor of Femail, The Daily Mail’s popular and revolutionary women’s section; when it was launched, a photograph of her face, with a rose between her teeth, was plastered on billboards throughout London.

She was also the author of “Superwoman,” a witty and proudly feminist primer on household management. Its premise, still novel in 1975, was that domestic skills are not tied to gender, and that women can learn to fix a dripping faucet just as easily as men and children can learn to shop for groceries and wash their own clothes. The title was ironic, Ms. Conran wrote: “A Superwoman isn’t a woman who can do anything, but a woman who avoids doing too much.”

Her mantra, “Life is too short to stuff a mushroom,” became a feminist rallying cry, finding its way onto matchbooks, dish towels and throw pillows.

Yet the book, her first British best seller, was comprehensive and encyclopedic, ranging from meal planning to financial literacy and fuel conservation. It was based on Ms. Conran’s own hard-won experience.

In 1962, when she divorced her husband, Terence Conran , the lifestyle mogul who taught a generation of Britons to appreciate modern design — and for whom she worked as a textile designer — he gave her four weeks’ pay and no divorce settlement. The couple had lived grandly, despite Mr. Conran’s spartan, Scandinavian aesthetic, in a fully staffed townhouse. When Ms. Conran moved out, she had to fill the gaps in her own education — economic, domestic and mechanical — while teaching her two young sons, Jasper and his older brother, Sebastian, to pull their weight at home.

Then she tackled sex. As a women’s editor, and as a child of the ’40s, she knew that many women were mystified by their own bodies and dismissive of their own pleasure. Men, she reckoned, were even worse; she liked to say that most of them still thought a clitoris was a Greek hotel. When she began her research by diving with characteristic zeal into sex manuals, she lectured her elder son, to his horror, on the mechanics of the female anatomy in forensic detail. When she interviewed female sexologists, she was stunned that a few seemed as woefully dim as some men.

“The ignorance was so abysmal,” she told The Observer in 2012, when “Lace” turned 30. “I spent 18 months researching it. But then I got so bored I thought I might as well have a go at writing a novel. So ‘Lace’ is really intensely researched sexual information dressed up as a novel.”

“Lace” is the story of four young women who meet at a finishing school in Switzerland, one of whom gets pregnant, and a porn star turned Hollywood celebrity who is the child she gave up for adoption. “All right. Which one of you bitches is my mother?” is the book’s memorable salvo.

There are sexy bits — notably a goldfish that swims where no fish has likely ever swum before — in its 600-plus pages, but there are more words devoted to the women’s careers, their friendships and the superfluity of the men in their lives. One character’s domineering husband — a designer who will eat only from plain white china and drink from perfectly proportioned glasses, and who turns out to be a cross-dresser with terrible taste in clothes and makeup — is clearly a stand-in for Ms. Conran’s ex.

Ms. Conran sold the book for a reported $1 million to Simon & Schuster, and Michael Korda, her editor, set out to teach her how to write a best-selling novel. She moved into an office next to his, “doggedly rewriting in a tiny hand,” as he put it in his memoir, “Another Life: A Memoir of Other People” (1999), covering the walls with plotlines and chronologies in different color ink and “driving a succession of typists mad.”

“Few writers have taken to criticism with more cheer and harder work than she did,” Mr. Korda wrote, “and we soon became friends. Her determination was something of a force of nature and was, in its own way, infectious.”

“Lace” was promoted to the hilt — some publishing industry types called it the “Mommy, Who?” book — not just in bookstores but also in clothing shops in Beverly Hills, and with giveaways like lace garters embroidered with the book’s title in gold. It was panned by critics: “It is a work of such transparent and exquisite cynicism that its triumphant march to the upper reaches of the best-seller lists seems divinely ordained,” Jonathan Yardley wrote in The Washington Post . But it fulfilled its promise, and Mr. Yardley’s prediction, selling many millions of copies (teenagers passed the book around like contraband), and inspiring a mini-series starring Phoebe Cates ( critics panned that, too ) and a sequel, “Lace II” (1985).

The much-ballyhooed goldfish adventure, according to Sebastian Conran, came from his father, but not because he had lived it. He had heard about the practice while on a business trip to Scandinavia and passed the tale along to Ms. Conran, though the original anecdote apparently involved a stickleback.

“Both my parents self-perpetuated mythologies,” Sebastian Conran said. “But there’s likely a kernel of truth behind every story.”

Shirley Ida Pearce was born on Sept. 21, 1932, in London, the eldest of six children. Her father, Thirlby, was a master mariner who became a dry cleaning magnate. He was also an alcoholic who abused and terrified his family, while her mother, Ida (Wakelin) Pearce, tried to keep the peace. Shirley learned to mute her personality to stay out of his way.

She attended the St. Paul’s Girls’ School in West London, where she was taught, she told The Independent, “by a generation of women who’d lost their fiancés in the first World War and were quietly feminist,” and then a finishing school in Switzerland.

When she returned to England, her father threw her out of the house in an alcoholic rage. She worked as a model in London, which paid for art school classes. She met Mr. Conran while waitressing in his soup-and-salad bar, the Soup Kitchen. They married in 1955, and she went to work for his company, Conran Design Group. “He had a sense of mission,” she said. “I was head acolyte.”

But Mr. Conran was chronically unfaithful, and Ms. Conran caught him out by giving a bar of Roger & Gallet carnation-scented soap as a Christmas present to the woman she suspected he was having an affair with at the time. When he came home smelling of the stuff, she left.

Ms. Conran wrote five more potboilers after “Lace,” but none proved to be as popular. “Savages” (1987) was about a group of women who are left to fend for themselves on a deserted tropical island after their husbands are executed by a dictator. With typical enthusiasm, Ms. Conran threw herself into researching survival skills.

“It wasn’t the reviewers who killed the book,” Mr. Korda, her editor, wrote. “The problem was that Shirley’s readers evidently didn’t want to read about women eating raw fish or building a raft or learning to kill with their bare hands.”

After her midlife windfall — during which time she bought, and sold, an apartment in Manhattan and an 11th-century castle near Cannes, France — Ms. Conran devoted herself to founding organizations promoting work-life balance, financial literacy and math skills. She was made a dame, the female equivalent of a knight, in Britain in 2023 for her services to mathematics education.

In addition to her sons, Ms. Conran is survived by two grandchildren and her siblings, Isabel Carr and Richard Pearce. Two brief marriages, to John Stephenson and Kevin O’Sullivan, ended in divorce. Mr. Conran died in 2020.

As Ms. Conran said, “A woman has to be her own Prince Charming.”

Penelope Green is a Times reporter on the Obituaries desk. More about Penelope Green


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