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7 Spiritual Keys to Fulfill Your God-Given Assignment

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In today’s culture of increasing identity confusion, there is a need for believers to understand and model a healthy identity and purpose that is Christ-centered and kingdom-focused. When we know who we are, why we’re here and where we’re going, we will offer to the world a picture of what a true son and daughter of the kingdom looks like. Here are seven keys that may help start the process in learning how to know your true identity in the kingdom of God in order to fulfill your call and assignment.

1. Determine to love Jesus more than anyone or anything . Simple? Yes. Easy? No. We become what we focus on—who we focus on. As we fix our eyes on Jesus and determine to please Him above all else, our hearts and affections will be rightly placed. In order to make wise choices and determine God’s will, loving Jesus first and foremost is foundational to everything else. We will never know who we really are apart from learning who Jesus really is. We are to be a reflection of Him.

2. Walk in the fear of the Lord, not the fear of man. Once we have settled to love Jesus most, we can expect to be tested in it. The fear of the Lord keeps us faithful to His purposes even when others may misunderstand us, mock us or challenge us. Though I can walk with sensitivity towards people’s needs and perspectives, I don’t have to bow to them or change my beliefs for validation. Especially in the current atmosphere of hostility towards those who seek godly truth, we must guard ourselves from compromise at the altar of “acceptance.” Walking in a healthy fear of the Lord provides wisdom, protection and confidence in all things eternal and right.

3. Seek a reputation in heaven more than on the earth. In today’s social media, the more friends you have, the more tweets you post and the more “likes” you get, the more likely you are to draw a crowd. But getting attention is a lot different than having influence. Standing out in the crowd isn’t hard to do in our shock-driven, entertainment-saturated culture. What’s a lot more challenging is saying or doing something that will cause heaven to move on your behalf to change entire cities and even nations. Sometimes those in the secret place are changing history a lot more than those in the public eye. Seek to move heaven first and then watch the earth respond.

4. Know your spiritual gifts. You have been given a measure of spiritual gifts that have marked you from creation. The seven gifts listed in Romans 12:3-8 point to the motivations and passions your heavenly Father put within you from birth: prophesying, serving, teaching, exhorting, giving, leading and showing mercy. When you can identify your primary “motivational gift,” you can better know your strengths and weaknesses and where you best fit in the body of Christ. Though these gifts do not necessarily define who you are, they do point to what you’re good at and what will bear the most fruit in your life.

5. Know your call. Where your spiritual gifts explain your primary motivation, your calling is what you were born for, or better yet, who you were born to reach. God’s priority is always people, and our calling will be a reflection of His heart to reach someone. This may take a lifetime to fulfill, but you will know it is His call because it continues to burn in your heart, keep you up at night and never quite goes away regardless of challenges or setbacks. It will require faith and is bigger than you are, but your call is what draws your heart and inspires your journey.

6. Know your present assignment. If your life story was written as a book, your calling would be the title. Your spiritual gifts would shine in the unique writing style and illustrations. The individual chapters would highlight the various assignments throughout your journey. Specific assignments will come and go and serve to advance the kingdom, increasing the measure of grace on your life to ultimately fulfill your call. Some may seem like side roads to your destination, but all will lead to His purposes as you trust His heart in knowing how to prepare and equip you.

7. Measure your success by the fruit. Regardless of our call, gifts and assignments, the true measure of success will be in the fruit that follows us. If we are walking in the fullness of our identity, the people around us will recognize it, grow from it and encounter Christ through it. God’s grace will flow out of us and will exponentially increase in those around us. Look for disciples, not just followers. Look for reproduction, not just reputation. Look for transformation that lasts, not just a fascination that quickly fades.

Ultimately, knowing who you are is not about “finding yourself,” but losing yourself in order to find Christ. Seek to know His heart above your own and trust His plans in molding and shaping your life to be a perfect representation of Him. There won’t be any identity confusion. In the end, the world won’t see you anyway; just Him! {eoa}

Wanda Alger is a field correspondent with Intercessors for America . She ministers with her husband in Winchester, Virginia. Follow her blog at .

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4 Signs God Is Preparing You for a New Assignment

By mark ballenger.

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1 Samuel 16:13

Is God about to change his assignment for you? Will you know how to prepare for this change and how to properly follow the Lord’s leading once it’s time?

Here are 4 signs that usually mean God is saying, “You’re almost ready for a new assignment.”

1. God Will Anoint You Before He Moves You

It’s so easy to look at other people in the world around us, or to even look at characters in the Bible, and to then admire the assignments God has given to them. All we see, however, is where they are now. We don’t often see the winding paths that God used to lead them to those positions.

And there’s one man in the Bible that had a very favorable position, but he had many hurdles and twists and turns to go through before he arrived in this desirable assignment. Who was this man? King David. We use the title “king” before his name now, but we mustn’t forget that when we first meet David in the Bible, he was actually a young shepherd boy. Before God moved David away from the fields of sheep and onto the fields of battle, first he anointed him (1 Samuel 16:13).

Now you would think that as soon as God anointed David to be King, God would then instantly give him that new assignment. But this is where we are in for a big surprise. Not only did David get anointed before becoming king, but he was anointed to be king and then God left him in the assignment of still shepherding his father’s sheep.    

So just because you have not been given a new assignment yet does not mean you have not already been given a new anointing. David had the same assignment for a while even though he had already been anointed for a new assignment. This probably occurred because God was still using this old assignment to train David on how to properly use his new anointing.

And by anointing, I’m referring to the power of the Holy Spirit that is empowering you to serve him in the unique way he is calling you to do so (1 Peter 4:10-11). If you feel called to lead, you have to start leading from the position of a servant first. If you feel called to be a husband or wife one day, you have to start living out the qualities of a godly husband or wife even when you are single. If feel called to preach, you can’t wait until you have a pulpit. You have to share biblical truths whenever God opens a door.

Therefore, if you crave a new assignment, you need to start using your new anointing in the assignment you are in right now.

2. Your Heart Will Change Before Your Assignment Changes

Now we need to notice where David’s anointing took place. It took place in the presence of a sacrifice (1 Samuel 16:5-6). I believe this is a foreshadowing of how the sacrifice of Christ is the sole reason God blesses any of us with an anointing to do his work.

We all fall into the trap that Samuel fell into. When he saw David’s oldest brother, he said, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him” (1 Samuel 16:6). But God said:

Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7-8)

Likewise, you may feel God will never anoint you for a mighty assignment because you do not feel you are worthy. And the truth is, you’re not worthy. None of us are. David wasn’t worthy either. He was the youngest in his family, thus the least worthy to be chosen as king. And yet God chose him because his heart was right. And through the sacrifice of Jesus and the crucifixion of our flesh, God can make our hearts right too (Romans 8:1-8).

You may not be the best looking, the smartest, the most eloquent, or the wealthiest. But none of that matters in God’s economy. As Paul said of himself in 1 Corinthians 15:9-10, which states:

For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.”

3. You Will Need to Do a Bit of Both Before You Fully Get Your New Assignment

1 Samuel 17:15 states, “David was the youngest. The three eldest followed Saul, but David went back and forth from Saul to feed his father’s sheep at Bethlehem.” That’s a very important phrase to me, “David went back and forth.”

Most people never get past the mere dream of a new assignment because they are unwilling to have more than one assignment at a time.

Many want to be a musician, and so they quit their day job and give it a shot. But then when the money runs out and they need a new day job, they assume they are not called to be a musician.

Many want to get married, but when one dating relationship doesn’t work out, they assume this means no relationship will ever work out for them; they then quietly resign to a life of unwanted singleness.

Many want to be promoted at their place of employment, but when their boss asks them to do extra work in their current assignment, they say no or they do it begrudgingly.

But again, what did David have to do before he could fully move on from being a shepherd? He had to fulfill multiple roles before he could fully leave the one behind.

4. God Will Give You the Courage to Seize Your New Assignment Even When It Looks Foolish to Others

When David left that final morning before his assignment changed, there is no indication that he knew his life was about to be altered forever. It simply states, “And David rose early in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper . . .” (1 Samuel 17:20). He was being dutiful and responsible. He left the sheep in someone else’s care, making sure his current assignment was not being neglected for his future assignment.

But then when the moment came and God put it on David’s heart to make the jump from shepherd to full-time warrior, notice how instantly David made this jump. He said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep sheep for his father. And when there came a lion, or a bear, and took a lamb from the flock, I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth” (1 Samuel 17:34-35).

It’s comical to me when I think about David’s statement to Saul, “Your servant used to keep sheep for his father.” When did you “used” to keep sheep, David? Oh, just this morning! But David had already switched his mindset. He knew his assignment was changing. As he saw Goliath taunting God’s people, the Holy Spirit prompted David to act even though it looked like madness to everyone else. 

Notice too that God led David to use what he had already learned rather than adapting to a new strategy. Saul wanted him to wear armor and take a sword, but at this point in David’s journey, God had trained David in a different way. One day David would pick up the armor and sword, but now God had only taught him how to trust him with the staff and rock (1 Samuel 17:38-40). This is another example of how God’s changes in our lives happen over time and not all at once. It’s often a process.

If you are being faithful in the process of sanctification , this means your growing. And if you keep growing, oftentimes God gives you a new assignment so he can continue to use you in greater and greater ways, just like he did throughout David’s life.

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When God Appoints You, He Anoints You

by Rick Warren — March 23, 2019

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“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24 NIV).

Just as a lamp won’t shine unless it’s plugged in, your light won’t shine unless you’re plugged into your power source. You cannot fulfill the purpose you were created for apart from the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NIV).

If you want God’s power to work through your life, you need to understand what it means to have his anointing and keep a few things in mind.

  • When God says to do it, you can count on his anointing. Jesus’ last assignment to his disciples was impossible. There was no way they could possibly take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. It could only happen through his power. God will often give you an assignment that looks physically impossible, but he will make it possible.  
  • God’s anointing makes difficult tasks easier. Your resources are limited. Your energy is limited. Your knowledge is limited. Your wisdom is limited. Your talent is limited. God’s is not. With God’s anointing, you can handle things better, last longer, and go farther.

“I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources [God] will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit” (Ephesians 3:16 NLT).

  • God’s anointing makes the impossible possible. In your business, marriage, health, and relationships, you’re going to come up against insurmountable problems. God is a competent Father. He can handle any problem you give him. Nothing is beyond his ability or his resources.

“What is impossible for people is possible with God” (Luke 18:27 NIV).

  • God anoints your life to bless others. Jesus came to comfort the afflicted, the broken-hearted, those who are enslaved to habits, those who don’t know how to get out of debt, and those who are blind. And he anoints you to comfort others as well.

“Jesus arrived from Nazareth, anointed by God with the Holy Spirit, ready for action. He went through the country helping people and healing everyone who was beaten down by the Devil. He was able to do all this because God was with him” (Acts 10:38 The Message).

  • For every new challenge, you need fresh power from God. Anointing by the Holy Spirit cannot be stored up. You cannot handle today’s problems with yesterday’s anointing. You certainly can’t handle the problems you’re going to have tomorrow, next week, and next year with yesterday’s anointing. Stay in touch with God so that he can constantly fill you with his grace, love, and power. Ask for God’s anointing again. James 4:2 says, “You do not have, because you do not ask God” (NIV).
  • If you believed God wanted to bless your life, what would you ask of him?
  • Do you try to accomplish your tasks based on your own power or God’s power? What difference does it make?
  • In what ways do you see how God has anointed you—that is, equipped you—to fulfill whatever assignment he has given you?

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What Is My Assignment From God?

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hat is my assignment from God? This is a question that many resonate with because God has given each one of us a direct assignment. When many in the body of Christ think of their God-given assignment, they make the mistake to understand it on a broad level that feels unreachable.  As we will unpack today, an assignment is something that God uses to start us on the path of our destiny. 

After Jesus had risen from the dead, and spent 40 days walking with his disciples, He gave them disciples an amazing assignment.  

“Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.  When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.  Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20)

The disciples were given a direct assignment from Jesus to go and to “make disciples of all nations.”  How were they to go about accomplishing this assignment?  By “teaching them to obey everything” Jesus had taught them.  This assignment is known today as the great commission.  Why did Jesus give them this assignment? 

It is in the Father’s heart for His children to partner with Him.  In the beginning, Adam co-labored with God in stewarding the garden of Eden (see Genesis 2:15 ).  This assignment was given so that Adam could discover God’s heart and love for the earth.  Today, in the same way, God gives His children unique assignments to carry out so that they can release the love of God on the earth. 

Jesus Modeled The Perfect Assignment 

When Jesus walked the earth, he modeled the perfect assignment.  As one reads the Gospels, they understand Jesus had a clear mission - to usher the kingdom of heaven into the earth.  This mission released various assignments from God to destroy the works of the devil.  1 John 3:8 makes this assignment clear.  “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” 

As Jesus modeled the perfect assignment, he invited others to share in this responsibility.  Many times, after healing the sick or performing a sign to inaugurate the kingdom of God, he would release the recipients with a direct assignment.  

“Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”  She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” (John 8:10-11)

When the woman who was caught in adultery was brought to Jesus, she discovered something she never expected.  In the aftermath of being forgiven and unjudged by the Son of God, he gave her a direct command, “Go and sin no more.”  

In order to release her into her God-given destiny, Jesus commanded her to walk away from her former life and to follow the direction of Jesus.  By her sinning no more and obeying the word of God, she would be released to walk in a manner that she had never once walked in before.  

Assignments Fulfill Our Purpose   

When we discover our assignments from God, we partner with Him into his divine plans for our lives.  The book of Jeremiah speaks to the intentions of God’s plans over us.  

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

God has a plan for our lives.  These divine plans are rooted in our welfare and give us a wonderful hope and a future.  Although this is an amazing promise in scripture, when many read this verse they forget that it is a conditional promise, according to the preceding verses. 

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13)

After God reveals to us His divine plans, He gives us a direct assignment.  Those that embark upon His plans of welfare must take on the assignment to seek Him with all of their heart.  By obeying this command, one embarks upon the road of their own destiny.  

This passage of scripture makes it clear, the path of our purpose is found by saying yes to our God-given assignments.  Saying yes to God’s assignment allows His purpose to begin working in your life.  When Jesus called his first disciples, he gave them clear assignments to propel them into their future.  

“And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

Jesus could of stop after his initial calling of “follow me”, but he didn’t.  Why?  Because Jesus wasn’t looking for followers alone, he was looking for co-labors in the kingdom of heaven.  Just as God gave Adam tasks to steward the garden, so Jesus gave his disciples tasks to steward the kingdom of God.  

Jesus didn’t ask the first disciples to just simply follow him, he gave them an assignment, “to become fishers of men.”  This assignment set them on the path of their destiny.  Years later, the disciples would produce the first fruits of the great commission by spreading the gospel around the modern world.  Imagine if Jesus would have never given them an assignment, could they have taken on their destiny? 

God gives us assignments to steward His divine purpose for our life.  Sometimes, His assignments make no sense to us at first (think of Noah), but we must obey them.  Obedience releases a grace of faith that unlocks our destiny and fulfills our assignment. 

Today, know this - God has called you and has a plan for your life.  The Lord has assigned an amazing purpose for you. It can only be unlocked through your response to His assignments and developed over the course of your own spiritual life. One thing is certain, His assignments are meant to fulfill the words of Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer , 

“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

Kyle Echols

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10 Facts About Your Assignment

  • God gave you an assignment before you were born. God told Jeremiah, “Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you…I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV). God has an assignment for each of us. I am called to be an evangelist. It was prophesied that I would be an evangelist when I was five years old. Joyce Meyer says, “What you can’t stand is a hint to what you are called to fix.” If you had the money and time to do anything you wanted to help people, what would you do?

how do i know my god given assignment

  • Your assignment will be revealed by your diligence. You will never discover your assignment sitting in a rocking chair. You may not know whatyour assignment is right now, but if you will start moving diligently in the direction of your dominate focus your divine assignment will be revealed. Initially, I did not know I was called to be a writer. But, my larger assignment to be an evangelist created the need for me to also be a writer.
  • Your assignment will be something that no one else can accomplish. Look at your thumb. No one else on the planet had your fingerprint. You are unique and special. God has given you abilities that are not duplicated in any other person on earth. If you do not complete your assignment, it will never be done in the way that only you can do it.
  • Your assignment is bigger than you can accomplish alone. You need other people. You need God to be involved in your assignment. With God’s help you can do something bigger than is possible with your own strength.
  • Your assignment will take your whole life to accomplish. Your life purpose is bigger than a few months or years. It may take you a lifetime to prepare to accomplish your assignment. After you die, the fruit of your assignment will continue.
  • There are a variety of ways for you to accomplish your assignment. The nature of your calling comes from God, but the way you fulfill your assignment comes from your creativity. My assignment is to be an evangelist, within this calling there are a variety of ways of accomplishing my assignment. I could be a street evangelist, a crusade evangelist, an Internet evangelist, or a television evangelist. Each of these options would be a fulfillment of God’s call on my life. My assignment comes from God, but the method I use to fulfill that assignment comes from me. The nature of my calling comes from God, the scope of my calling is revealed by my willingness to be used.
  • Your assignment is attached to a particular place, people, or problem. You are not called to fix every problem in the world. You are called to fix a specific problem that no one else can fix. Stay in your assignment and don’t try to minister to everyone. Paul was not assigned to John Mark. A trash collector cannot collect trash in both Seattle and Miami, he has to choose a geographical location to fulfill his assignment.
  • By embracing your assignment, you are saying no to distractions. Know who you are and what you are called to do. I am called to be an evangelist. When I embrace my assignment, it forces me to decline many invitations that are good but have nothing to do with my calling. The more clearly your assignment is defined, the easier it will be to make important decisions. On Facebook, some people make comments that I disagree with but I do not say anything. Why? Because trying to set them straight is not my assignment.
  • When you are in your assignment, you will be sought out by people who need your specific skill. People will appreciate you for who you are instead of for who they wish you were. I don’t get mad at my dentist because he does not cut my hair. You will be rewarded for the problems that you solve.

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

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how do i know my god given assignment

Fulfilling God’s Assignment | Christian Leadership Insights

by Mark Dreistadt | Jun 8, 2012 | Leadership

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God has given everyone an assignment! An assignment is a mission or position to which a person is assigned. We each have a position in the Body of Christ and a distinct mission to fulfill… and God has perfectly equipped us to succeed in His assignment. All visionary leaders have to some degree recognized and embraced this charge.

The Calling of Christian Leadership

God places a Word in your spirit … He gives you a revelation.  Then as your life surrounds that revelation it comes to life within you. That revelation released into the world through your thoughts, words, and actions is your Godly assignment.  This is a hallmark, a cornerstone of inspirational leadership .

  • First , you must discover your assignment? Look inside yourself. What do you know God has said to you?  What is your passion? What makes you happy? What makes you angry? What excites you? The answers to these questions will help you know the assignment God has placed within you.
  • Secondly , to effectively fulfill your assignment you must learn to limit. You cannot read everything — know everything — do everything — and be everything — for everyone! Once you understand your assignment, you must focus wholeheartedly and complete the tasks God has entrusted to you.  Church leaders often struggle here because they want to do everything and help everyone, but we need to focus on what our unique assignment is.
  • Thirdly , to fulfill God’s assignment, you need to be willing to self-assess.  You need to take stock of how well you serve in the position God has placed you. Assess what is right and what is wrong — what works and what does not work.
  • Fourthly , you must be willing to change. If you discover something that does not work in your life, you have to change it. If you discover something needs to be done, you need to do it. You must listen to the Spirit of God, and make a change.  Effective church leadership always looks to change things and make adjustments to stay focused on their assignment.
  • Lastly , you need to be willing to make critical choices. If you do not make the hard decisions, you will never successfully fulfill God’s assignment. The great news is once you make the tough decisions, God fills the void left behind with His grace and provision. His joy and blessing will follow you — when you walk in your Godly assignment.  The most fulfilling place for Christian leadership to be is right in the middle of their God given purpose.

God has a spectacular plan for you. You will be amazed at what God will do through you!  Discover his assignment, make the right choices and watch your life soar!

Infinity Concepts understands what you need as a Christian Leader. Let us help you deliver your message in the most effective way. Let’s talk today!

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At the helm of Infinity Concepts’ client teams, Darrell orchestrates the creation of integrated fundraising and marketing strategies tailored to a broad spectrum of ministries, nonprofits, and organizations keen on connecting and engaging with the Christian community. His adeptness at pinpointing growth obstacles, formulating strategic solutions, and delivering tangible outcomes underscores his role as a catalyst for client success.

When Darrell is not in the office, he enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife and daughter. Darrell also loves being in the great outdoors water skiing and boating, and hopes to one day build his dream home on a lake.

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Faith Island

How to Identify Your God-Given Talents

How to Identify Your God-Given Talents

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. ~Romans 12:4-8 NIV

The Bible tells us that each of us is created in the image of God and with specific purposes for contributing to his kingdom here on earth. We were created uniquely and with our own “supply” of talents and abilities that we were given to bring glory to God and to share the message of the Gospel .

That’s great, you say. Talents and abilities… just one more of those mysteries of the Bible, you say, because you don’t have a clue as to what yours are.

But it’s not a mystery. And even though you might not think so, you do have at least some idea of what yours are. Think about it:

  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • What makes you feel accomplished or at ease?
  • What activities do you gravitate towards when you have free time?
  • What character traits are you complimented on?
  • What do people say they like or admire about you?
  • What ministries or volunteer opportunities pique your interest and make you feel good about doing?
  • Which ones make you nervous and uptight?
  • What activities or responsibilities do you find unenjoyable and stressful ?

The things you enjoy doing, are good at, and make you feel accomplished and fulfilled—these are your God-given talents and abilities. No, they aren’t all what some might consider to be ministry-related talents, but that’s only because we might be guilty of putting ministry in a box.

I know a couple that lives within a couple of miles of a major medical facility. This couple willingly and regularly opens their home to out-of-town family members of patients as a place to take a nap, enjoy a hot shower, and relax with a cup of coffee that isn’t from the hospital cafeteria.

So remember… no matter what your talents and abilities, they can be used to bring God glory and to share the message of the Gospel.

Are you a sought-after handyman? Make yourself available to the elderly in your church, and fix things that need fixing at the church.

Do you enjoy sewing or other handiwork? Offer to teach the younger girls and women basic skills. Or alter repair clothing for nursing home patients, or families in need.

Photography skills can come in handy for taking family photos, creating a church directory, or capturing moments of special church events and programs.

Cooking skills can help families needing help with meals, to welcome visitors and newcomers in your church, or to provide snacks for youth group events.

Tutoring for little or no charge is something many families could benefit from without putting a dent in their budget they really can’t afford.

Money-management skills are something numerous couples and families have benefitted from when given by someone with a Christian perspective.

Childcare, eldercare, a love for art, reading, or crafts can all be shared with your church family.

Lawn care, landscaping, gardening skills, and homemaking skills are all valuable and definitely fall under the “category” of women teaching/mentoring women to be Godly wives and mothers.

Simply preparing classroom materials and activities for those who teach is a HUGELY important ministry that no teacher underestimates the value of.

Praying on behalf of others, opening your home to those in need… it’s all ministry.

I said it once (or twice), but I’ll say it again because it is worth repeating… no matter what your talents and abilities, they can be used to bring God glory and to share the message of the Gospel .

~ By Darla Noble

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Samarpan Thorat says

very nice message.

God bless you.

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Thank you so much for all of your very anointed and helpful messages. May God bless all of you and your families always! <3

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Thank you. Clear, concise and to the point.

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Ernest Agbeshie says

I’ve been searching and searching to find what exactly my God given talent because I look empty as though I was born without talent. However, with what I’ve just read , am not empty, I can’t say I was born without talent. I remember many years ago I was tag with name,”Jack of all trades, master of none ” it shows that I can do soo many minor things. Thanks for putting this on the internet

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Mark p says

What does it mean or say about the things that make you uptight or stressed

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I wish I knew what my talents are. It feels like I have none.

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Carol Rice says

Thank you very much for sharing your incite. Proverbs 17:16 was put in my spirit two days ago early in the morning. I prayed searched scriptures to gain an understanding as to what He wanted me know and do. I thank Him for using you to expound on the message He want to convey. We really do serve an awesome and faithful God!!!

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Charles jnr says

thank you for the write up… I understand better now 🙏

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Domenica says

I was never sure what my talents were ,after looking at your questions i Believe GOD gave me a heart for helping people , thank you for being a blessing

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Hi, thanks alot for this revelation. Please I will love to understand more, am very good with my hands, a create anything I see with proper guidelines, fix things also but I’m confused on which skill to pursue. At the moment I’m an undergraduate mathematics student and I’m struggling with the course what should I do thanks.

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yvonne says

Now i uderstand about talents but my queston is that if you pray for gifts God can gave you

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Victoria Binabiba says

Am so blessed reading this piece. Very help.

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Tony Rivera says

Interested in free book about god given gifts

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Thank you. I felt alone in this area until I read this. GOD Bless

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rajesh says

praise the lord

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Sok nang says

I love Jesus 4rever

I wish I knew what may talents are. It feels like I have none.

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Felix Emiojerenre Ukutiren says

Interested in free book about God give talents

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Amanda Alosi says

I’m a Christian and I’m interested in learning more about the gifts from From God. Thank you

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Kenneth Gray says

I still don’t understand how to find talents. I live in poverty and can’t afford to try new things (everything costs money now) until I stumble across what I am good at. Maybe I have the wrong idea of what a talent is. I can’t sing, dance, play an instrument, draw, paint, write, etc. To me a talent is an ability that can be used to improve my life. The only thing I am good at is complaining, can’t make a decent life out of this talent. Is complaining actually a talent? I need a talent to make money to improve my life and to help others with. How do you find this kind of talent? I’ve been trying to find a way to get a skid/pallet of Bibles to distribute to the poor in my city. Even groups that do the same thing can’t help me. No talent of persuasion. How can an untalented person make the money needed to help people. Without a talent all is hopeless. Thanks and God Bless You.

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Hi Kenneth, am reading your comment and it just makes me wonder if when you wrote this absolutely nothing clicked in you unless you didn’t re-read your comment and missed it because the answer you are looking for is in your own comment. First, let’s get one thing straight the talent God gave you is to benefit others first directly and in turn, you will rip the rewards indirectly as a result of using that talent, Everybody has a talent God in his mighty ways has given us all different kinds, you might not think of something has talent because you still don’t know how to use it correctly once you do everything will change for you.

You mentioned the only thing you are good at is “complaining!” If you are good at it then there is “YOUR TALENT” not everybody is good at complaining or making their case heard and they are lot of people , companies who would benefit from your Talent…see where am going with this?

you might also want to drop the term “complaining” and replace it with “advocating” Start small and get yourself out there then try to advocate a case “any case” on someone else`s behalf because “complaining is your talent” you will win it for them and your life will never be the same, but remember your talent is meant to help others first and the benefits created as a result of using your talent is your reward not the other way round. If you seek to cash in on it first instead of truly helping others well it will backfire and you will fail.

Hope this helps, start small, put yourself out there test yourself even if you don’t believe people would even consider letting you argue there case for them do it for free at first and do it well and watch your life and the lives of those you help change.

If you don’t try you will never know whether or not it was your talent and although good things come to those who wait even greater things comes to those who are willing to take a risk the choice is yours to make.

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Kenneth Gray Thank you, Mr. Gray. I will be seventy years old, saved for 41 years and still cannot find my talent. I am not good at anything–and I have tried. Nobody I know gives me any feedback as to what I may be good at. At this point, I have given up. I know the Bible says that God gives everyone a talent; and I have pleaded with Him to show me, but I still do not know. So, Kenneth, you are not the only one. I think that you should team up with someone who has the talent of administration to find out how to implement your good idea of distributing Bibles. Just because you can’t do the whole process, it doesn’t mean that you should not do what you think you feel compelled to do. Anyway, we are supposed to work together, right? Take it a step further and persist in finding a way to distribute these Bibles. If it doesn’t work out, join with others who are already doing what you feel is important to do. God bless. You have a good idea, you just need to carry it through to completion.

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You are so funny, you could be a comedian you make people laugh, laughter is the best medicine if this is something that you’ve ever wondered about or it keeps coming to your mind..then pray about it ask God to put in you the mind of Christ.

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Kenneth, Help Amanda. She wants to know what are the gifts from God. I think you can answer that. It’s the comment directly above yours. Grace is a free gift from God, Amanda. Kenneth, you can share on-line bible websites. You don’t have to purchase them. Almost everyone has a phone or computer. Research on-line bible studies. Father Mike Schmitz has one on how to read the bible in one year. Bibles can be collected from thrift stores at a very modest price. They don’t have to be brand new to be used. Maybe leave notes around town about what you are trying to do. Possibly a bible study at a local librar

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Raji Barakah says

Thank you so much for this,I appreciate it

Thank you so much for this

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D Stack says

Nope nothing

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Naomi Siplin-Boyd says

Hey I’m 46 years old always wondering what my gift is not sure so I prayed about it for awhile didn’t get a any right away and 2 days ago he said to me your a Prophetesses and Now I’m not sure I feel a little ashame to tell my husband and church for some reason maybe I don’t want to be embarrassed if I’m wrong, but for years ima dreamer and I see things on people Since stuff and a lot times I’m not always on point How do I Make Sure before I start telling people maybe or let God do what he do give me more confirmation?

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Samantha says

Hello, Thanks for the responses to my comment.

Geo, thanks, but arguing (complaining) won’t work for me as nobody ever listens to me. I am ignored by everyone. Dismissed without even being heard. Even by God. I don’t have any resources (money) to even try with. Poverty sucks. Poverty is where you end up when you have no skills, talents, or abilities. No skills, no talents, no abilities, and no money, means that life is hopeless. But thanks for your reply.

Sara, thanks for your response to my comment.

I have looked into getting help with my desire to give out Bibles. Tried and failed. No skills, talents, abilities, or money. Poverty restricts so much. I have looked into joining with an organization that is doing what I need to do. The problem with that is that there aren’t any people or organizations doing this in my area. One of the reasons I feel I need to do this. Another problem is that if I did join in with others is that it would no longer be me doing it. Part of this need is to do it myself. I feel that it is my responsibility to do this for my Lords God and Jesus. I don’t know if you are religious or not, but I am and feel compelled to do this by myself.

April, I am not sure if your response was to my comment. But thanks for the reply anyway. If it was directed at my comment, I can assure you that I am not funny. People don’t laugh when they are in my presence they sneer and turn up their noses. Nobody likes me, let alone find me funny. Besides, they can’t find me funny when they won’t even listen to me.

Thanks for your replies. God bless you all.

Sorry for rambling on about how useless I am.

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Kenneth, for a poverty-stricken complainer you are very good at writing and getting your ideas “out there.” I agree with the commenter who said that you should seek to serve the Lord and not yourself first. I know this is difficult when you are in need of so much. Have you considered volunteering your time to helping others? You never know how God will use this to benefit you. Complaining is of no value to anyone. May God bless you always.

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Ekene Daniel says

Replying to Kenneth gray. I don’t know what you think but if I could compose such a long detailed script of your complaint I would be glad. I think you are a good writer. I think we all have a gift or something that comes to us natural. Sometimes we just overlook it or lack the courage to expand the gift. Don’t spend your energy on complaining and start been aware of the little things you can do. Talent doesn’t necessarily have to be the ‘popular’ we are accustomed to as you aforementioned. May the lord direct your path

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Carter says

I have always had a passion for business but God has always been very against it being clear in the ways he shows me not to try to do any of the business stuff. I have no idea what my talents are but im only 19 so it could just take some time to really come to enjoy doing things in life and to make those things work in ministry

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Preparing for God-Given Assignments

Courtnaye Richard

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Originally published Monday, 16 July 2018.



At this time, do you think or believe that God has given you an assignment? If so, what is it? Are you preparing for it? And in what ways? That’s what I’m going to help you focus on this week from a biblical and practical perspective. So, let’s get started.

For starters, there were many in the Bible we can quickly trace back to such as Noah who was given the assignment of building the ark. Moses who was given the huge task of leading millions of the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Joshua who was given the torch to bring them into the Promised Land. Esther who was chosen to be a queen for such a time to save her people from annihilation. Nehemiah who was heavily passionate and burdened with the task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. And the disciples, as well as the Apostle Paul with carrying out the Great Commission to all the nations and spreading the gospel ( we  also have this assignment).

So, has God given you any assignments?

As I thought and prayed about this post, the Lord impressed upon my heart to write specifically about understanding the importance of assignments, who they affect, how we should prepare ourselves for them, and why we do them in the first place. Before I go deeper, just know that any assignment God gives you should be taken seriously and with a confident trust that He will show up and be there to help and lead you by His Spirit. And guess what, no matter what it looks like or how it turns out in your eyes, God’s plans never fail. Remember that.

When you look back at his track record - the ark was built. Moses  did  lead the people out of Egypt. Joshua successfully lead them into the Promised Land. Esther boldly saved her people from annihilation. Nehemiah and his team did finish rebuilding the wall. The disciples, as well as the Apostle Paul kept the faith and finished the race at all cost. Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:1-2, “I, Paul, am on special assignment for Christ, carrying out God’s plan laid out in the message of life by Jesus.” (MSG). Amen! You see, in all of these successfully completed assignments, God’s plan prevailed.

So, when God gives you an assignment, it’s very important to stay close to Him through prayer and His word for direction. He may even send Spirit-led messengers, volunteers, or instruct you to create a team to assist you. The key is following His divine provision step by step. Trust me. He knows how to get the job done, successfully .

And listen. In your lifetime sis, there will be many assignments given. If you’re a mother, you have the assignment of not only nurturing your kid or kids, but also teaching and training them godly ways and the Word. If you’re a wife, you have the assignment of being a loving, respectful and submissive wife who comes alongside her husband to help him fulfill his God-given assignment. You two are a team.

But also, if you work on the job, you’ll have many natural assignments. You’ll also have the task of being a light even on the dark or hard days. Your co-workers or fellow co-laborers will need encouragement by you and to see Jesus working through you by the way you carry yourself as a Christian. And you and I both have the assignment of helping to fulfill the Great Commission.

Assignments come in big and small packages. Our job is to unwrap them, accept them, and trust that our good Lord will help us carry them out well with the gifts He has so graciously given to us by His Spirit.

So lastly, I’ll ask one more time. Do you have a God-given assignment? Do you have something that you need to work on specifically this week? If so, prepare yourself accordingly. Break out a pen and pad, and start writing ideas down. Or open up a fresh screen on your computer and do some research about how to do what it is that you need to do. Make a list. Plan your week out early. Ultimately, you and God know what it all entails to get the job done and to get it done right and on time.

Don’t forget to pray, watch for His direction, listen for His voice and messengers, and be diligent in working towards completing your assignment. And make sure to give Him all the glory when it’s all said and done. I echo the words of the Apostle Paul from Philippians 1:6, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the  Inside Out !

QUESTION:  Do you have a God-given assignment that He has called you to be all in on? How can you prepare for it? Also, if you need prayer, you can email me directly @ [email protected] . I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you.

ALSO, my NEW 8-Week Study Guide and Video Teaching Series from my book, "IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ & Moving Forward in Your Purpose” is FINALLY available!!! Purchase here .

*Tune in every Monday at 7:30am for new posts, “Like” my Facebook page ( ), and follow me on Twitter at . Also, share this blog with friends, family, co-workers, or your women’s group or ministry. I’d love to stay connected and help more women grow in the Lord! Thanks again and may God be with you!


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Are You Experiencing the Benefits of the Holy Spirit?

Bethel Campus Fellowship

  • September 27, 2022


His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ – Matthew 25:23 (NKJV)

The brevity of life, described as a mist that appears for a little while, (James 4:14) demands us to understand our God given assignment as soon as we are born again.

God saved you to fulfill a particular assignment for Him, and that assignment is time bound. “ You must work the works of him that sent you, while it is day, a time will come when you can no longer work” (John 9:4 paraphrased)

Your divine assignment is a God given task that comes with an inherent burden and divinely given ability to solve problems that yield eternal value.

When you are sure of your calling or divine assignment you would take every opportunity you have to serve anytime, anywhere.

Ideas for your divine assignment come from the wisdom of God and not the philosophies and ideas of man, it is not copied or necessarily inherited or learned talent.

Have you discovered your God-given assignment? Have you asked about why God is allowing you to have a formal education? Why He allowed you to be in the family, room, dorm, or even the neighborhood and church where you currently serve?

Seek God and ask Him to show you your spiritual gifts. Study His word prayerfully.

Seek counsel from godly matured and genuine Christian mentors. Be sincere in asking God to reveal His assignment for you and be ready to walk in it even if it does not satisfy your personal ambition.

Walking in your God-given assignment is where you will find the ultimate spiritual satisfaction and fulfillment.

PRAYER: Lord show me your way, help me to redeem the time and serve you wherever, whenever and however. I want to occupy for you in my divine assignment. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

  • ~ Devotional ~


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February 7, 2023

Your god-given assignment matters.

Written by Shana Schutte

“ God doesn’t give His children assignments that are unimportant.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – February 7, 2023

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.   Ephesians 2:10

I once heard Pastor Rick Warren say, “You have an assignment from God himself. Once you’re in the family, your life changes. You have a new reason for living. Your life isn’t about you anymore; it’s about God’s mission.” 

If I’m honest, there are times in life when I haven’t liked the assignment God has given me as a creative encourager. I haven’t appreciated my gifts and there are times I haven’t been grateful for them. I have—in ignorance and foolishness—looked at others as if they had gotten a better slice of the “assignment” pie because their gifts and placement in life seemed to have more value, meaning, and significance. 

And, when others close to me haven’t appreciated the assignment God has given me or even cared to know about it, I’ve felt like I got short-changed when God handed out the good works we would do. 

If you can relate to feeling as if you would like your assignment better if you were doing something else, here are some words to encourage you: 

God is the only one who can tell you if your assignment has value and meaning. Your family cannot tell you if it has value. Your pastor cannot tell you if it has value. Your best friend cannot tell you if it has value. Even you cannot determine if it has value. God is the only one who can determine if it has value and if you are making an impact, because God is the one who gives the assignments, and He assigns value to the assignments.

You must look at the assignment God has given you through the lens of eternity because all His plans affect eternity. You must look past here and now to consider how your assignment will ripple into the hereafter. You may see your assignment as small or insignificant. You may even think you have been cheated. 

But could it be that your assignment from the Lord is more significant and more purposeful, more sacred, and more holy than you could possibly imagine? Could it be, that through your assignment the eternal destinies of a myriad of people will be changed because you’re faithful to your assignment? Could it be that you will not see the impact of your assignment until you enter your heavenly home? 

Don’t count your assignment as insignificant or measure its value through a temporal lens, for then you will not see clearly. Look at it through the eyes of God who doesn’t waste the impact of one person whom He has created. All His children have important assignments—all of them. There is not one person who doesn’t matter—including you. 

The grace of God, and His unmerited favor teaches us that every God-given assignment is important because we are daughters, we are sons, and God doesn’t give His children assignments that are unimportant. 

“But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being” ( Galatians 1:15-16 ).

Lord, I may not always be able to see the impact of the assignment you have given me. I may not be able to see the impact of my gifts. But I must trust that you have made me how you have made me for a reason and all you make is good. I trust you with the outcome of the good works you have given me to do. My only job is to be faithful. I praise you, Jesus. Amen.


Choose one sentence that stood out to you from this devotional. Write it on a sticky note and meditate on it today.

Related Reading

1 Corinthians 9:8; Titus 3:8; Revelation 22:12

Worship Resource

Bethel Music (Jenn Johnson feat. Michaela Gentile) : Let My Life Be Worship

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how do i know my god given assignment

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Finding Purpose

What is my god-given purpose.

how do i know my god given assignment

How To Find Your God-given Purpose In Life?

Here are a few steps to help you figure out the solution to ‘ what is my god-given purpose ’:

1. Make the Bible your guide

The Bible is a book of knowledge that God has left to the people. It contains important lessons and advice on how to lead a life that is fulfilling and free of sin.

2. Pray to the Almighty

Along with reading the Bible on a daily basis and often when you feel lost and upset, it is also crucial that you pray to the Almighty. Praying brings peace to a troubled mind and also provides a sense of direction. It is a personal conversation that you have with God, which does not mean you only ask for favors, but you simply share your sorrows and show faith in Christ. Praying will help you find your God-given purpose in life .

“We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”- Ephesians 2:10. This means that we are all born in this world to fulfill God’s purpose, and we must realize that purpose by praying.

3. Have faith in God

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”- Proverbs 19:21. God has numerous plans and often great plans for the people of this world. You might feel otherwise when things go downhill, but you must have faith in God. To find your God-driven purpose in life , you need to follow his will at all times.

“But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”- Matthew 6:33

Focussing too much on temporary pleasures can often take you off your goal and the God-given purpose in life. Always remember that the Lord has some wonderful plans, and it will work out in the end.

4. What are the promises of God?

There are over 3000 promises of God directly related to finding your God-driven purpose in life . Let us talk about three of these crucial promises.

  • Romans 8:28-29- In all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose, which is to be conformed to the likeness of his Son
  • James I:17- Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows
  • Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “ They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope

Read through the many verses and select the ones that apply best to your life. It is advised to note down a few of the verses that you like the most and read them from time to time to come closer to answering the question ‘what is my god-given purpose?’

5. Live a life full of purpose

Living a life focused on God should be your ultimate motive. This will bring you closer to leading a God-driven life. Seeking materialistic things like money and power all the time is sinful and must be abstained from to a great extent. Death is at the end of the tunnel, and you must live every day of your life trying to fulfill God’s purpose. This requires you to have complete faith in God’s will, read the Bible, and pray.

6. How to execute God’s purpose in your personal life?

Something at the center of fulfilling God’s purpose in your personal life is first to choose a profession that you feel incredibly passionate about. This will not only ensure that you earn and provide for your family but also stay happy doing what you love. You do not have to be a preacher or even a doctor or nurse to do noble deeds or God’s work. Any profession can be noble as long as it benefits others, does not cause harm to people, and, most importantly, makes you satisfied. This is how you can execute God’s purpose in your life.

7. Keep your personal goals intact

Even while you are fulfilling God’s will, you must keep your personal goals intact. It’s best to set specific goals for various areas of your life early on in life. Dream big always, and you will find your God-driven purpose in life .

God has big plans for you, and all you have to do is believe in those plans. A very old saying goes, ‘God helps those who help themselves. There is much truth to this. Keep doing your work diligently, and you will see the results you were hoping for.

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Our God-Given Assignment

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Dennis Deese avatar

Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 25, 2003 (message contributor)

Scripture: John 11:1-15

Summary: Wouldn’t you agree that the most important goal or thing in life that you can accomplish is the goal God has given us?


By Dr. Dennis Deese –

JOHN 11:1-15

Given the opportunity to get a direct and clear response from God, what one question would you ask him? A survey in USA Today posed that thought to Americans and the top five questions were posted in their paper on May 28, 1999. The clear winner was that which addressed the issue of purpose where 34 percent said they would ask God, "Why am I here on earth?" The second-leading question was, "Is there life after death (19 percent)." Sixteen percent wanted to know, "Why bad things happen." The fourth and fifth questions were almost an even split with 7 percent wondering if there is intelligent life elsewhere, and 6 percent being curious about the length of their life. Such snapshots of American culture affirm people’s need to have and understand the true purpose of life. May the Church be motivated by such information to help people discover real meaning and purpose through Jesus Christ. AFA Journal, July 1999, p. 13

"A measure of a man’s success is not what he achieves, but what he overcomes" Booker T. Washington

Wouldn’t you agree that the most important goal or thing in life that you can accomplish is the goal God has given us?

The game of Monopoly: After playing a the game with my family, about midnight I foreclosed on the last property and did a little victory dance. My family wasn’t impressed. They went to bed and made me put the game away. As I began putting all of my money back in the box, a very empty feeling came over me. Everything that I had accumulated was gone. The excitement over riches was just an illusion. And then it occurred to me, Hey, this isn’t just the game of Monopoly that has caught my attention; this is the game of life. You sweat and strain to get ahead, but then one day, after a little chest pain or a wrong change of lanes on the freeway, the game ends. It all goes back in the box. You leave this world just as naked as the day you came into it.

I once saw a bumper sticker that proclaimed, He who dies with the most toys wins. That’s wrong. It should say, He who dies with the most toys dies anyway. Dr. James Dobson, Coming Home, Timeless Wisdom for Families, (Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton; 1998), pp. 242-243Jesus fulfilled His assignment in life.

No one has understood His God given assignment more than Jesus; thus, there is much to learn about our purpose in this life from Him.

Jesus said,

John 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

John 4:34 My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

John 5:36 But I have greater witness than [that] of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that 1 do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.

John 14:31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so i do. Arise, let us go hence.


Jesus filtered everything through the eyes of the spiritual and eternity. This is the greatest challenge & most difficult aspect of the Christian life.

1. Believe God’s Word

2. Trust God’s Heart

3. Acknowledge God’s Spirit

2. HIS ASSURANCE 11:7-10

His assurance was derived from His trust in God’s:

1. Control 11:9 "Are there not twelve hours in the day?"

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2. Protection 11:8-8 "goest thou there again?’

3. Direction 11:9 "If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not"

4. Presence 11:9 "because he seeth the light"

5. Wisdom 11:9 "light of this world"

LIGHT: 5457 phoce: to shine or make manifest, to illuminate. HIS DESIRE 11:4 & 11:15

1. The Glory of God 11:4 & 12:27-28

2. To obey God 11:7 "let us go" & 11:15 "let us go"

Jesus said in Luke 14:25-26 : "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

3. The Belief of Unbelievers 11:15

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34 Bible Verses about Fulfilling Gods Assignment

Ephesians 2:10 esv / 28 helpful votes helpful not helpful.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Jeremiah 1:5 ESV / 23 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Luke 16:13 ESV / 19 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Matthew 25:31-46 ESV / 18 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, ...

Proverbs 22:6 ESV / 17 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Ephesians 4:1-6 ESV / 15 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, ...

1 Corinthians 1:9 ESV / 13 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 12:2 ESV / 13 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Hebrews 11:6 ESV / 11 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Ephesians 5:5 ESV / 10 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

John 9:1-5 ESV / 8 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

John 3:16-17 ESV / 8 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Hebrews 13:1-3 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.

Colossians 3:18 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.

Proverbs 31:1-31 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

The words of King Lemuel. An oracle that his mother taught him: What are you doing, my son? What are you doing, son of my womb? What are you doing, son of my vows? Do not give your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings. It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, or for rulers to take strong drink, lest they drink and forget what has been decreed and pervert the rights of all the afflicted. ...

Proverbs 13:24 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.

Proverbs 29:15 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.

Exodus 20:12 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

Genesis 3:1-24 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” ...

Hebrews 13:4 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

Ephesians 5:21 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Romans 12:1 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

Matthew 18:10 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

Malachi 2:16 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord , the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”

Proverbs 22:15 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.

Proverbs 19:18 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Discipline your son, for there is hope; do not set your heart on putting him to death.

Psalm 127:3-5 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord , the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

1 John 1:9 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Ephesians 6:4 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Matthew 26:36 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray.”

Matthew 20:28 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

1 Peter 4:10 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:

1 Corinthians 11:3 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.

Romans 8:28 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles , a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Contact me: openbibleinfo (at)

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Preparing for God-Given Assignments

how do i know my god given assignment

By Inside Out with Courtnaye

At this time, do you think or believe that God has given you an assignment? If so, what is it? Are you preparing for it? And in what ways? That’s what I’m going to help you focus on this week from a biblical and practical perspective. So, let’s get started.

For starters, there were many in the Bible we can quickly trace back to such as Noah who was given the assignment of building the ark. Moses who was given the huge task of leading millions of the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Joshua who was given the torch to bring them into the Promised Land. Esther who was chosen to be a queen for such a time to save her people from annihilation. Nehemiah who was heavily passionate and burdened with the task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. And the disciples, as well as the Apostle Paul with carrying out the Great Commission to all the nations and spreading the gospel ( we  also have this assignment).

So, has God given you any assignments?

As I thought and prayed about this post, the Lord impressed upon my heart to write specifically about understanding the importance of assignments, who they affect, how we should prepare ourselves for them, and why we do them in the first place. Before I go deeper, just know that any assignment God gives you should be taken seriously and with a confident trust that He will show up and be there to help and lead you by His Spirit. And guess what, no matter what it looks like or how it turns out in your eyes, God’s plans never fail. Remember that.

When you look back at his track record - the ark was built. Moses  did  lead the people out of Egypt. Joshua successfully lead them into the Promised Land. Esther boldly saved her people from annihilation. Nehemiah and his team did finish rebuilding the wall. The disciples, as well as the Apostle Paul kept the faith and finished the race at all cost. Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:1-2, “I, Paul, am on special assignment for Christ, carrying out God’s plan laid out in the message of life by Jesus.” (MSG). Amen! You see, in all of these successfully completed assignments, God’s plan prevailed.

So, when God gives you an assignment, it’s very important to stay close to Him through prayer and His word for direction. He may even send Spirit-led messengers, volunteers, or instruct you to create a team to assist you. The key is following His divine provision step by step. Trust me. He knows how to get the job done, successfully .

And listen. In your lifetime sis, there will be many assignments given. If you’re a mother, you have the assignment of not only nurturing your kid or kids, but also teaching and training them godly ways and the Word. If you’re a wife, you have the assignment of being a loving, respectful and submissive wife who comes alongside her husband to help him fulfill his God-given assignment. You two are a team.

But also, if you work on the job, you’ll have many natural assignments. You’ll also have the task of being a light even on the dark or hard days. Your co-workers or fellow co-laborers will need encouragement by you and to see Jesus working through you by the way you carry yourself as a Christian. And you and I both have the assignment of helping to fulfill the Great Commission.

Assignments come in big and small packages. Our job is to unwrap them, accept them, and trust that our good Lord will help us carry them out well with the gifts He has so graciously given to us by His Spirit.

So lastly, I’ll ask one more time. Do you have a God-given assignment? Do you have something that you need to work on specifically this week? If so, prepare yourself accordingly. Break out a pen and pad, and start writing ideas down. Or open up a fresh screen on your computer and do some research about how to do what it is that you need to do. Make a list. Plan your week out early. Ultimately, you and God know what it all entails to get the job done and to get it done right and on time.

Don’t forget to pray, watch for His direction, listen for His voice and messengers, and be diligent in working towards completing your assignment. And make sure to give Him all the glory when it’s all said and done. I echo the words of the Apostle Paul from Philippians 1:6, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the  Inside Out !

QUESTION:  Do you have a God-given assignment that He has called you to be all in on? How can you prepare for it? Also, if you need prayer, you can email me directly @ [email protected] . I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you.

ALSO, my NEW 8-Week Study Guide and Video Teaching Series from my book, "IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ & Moving Forward in Your Purpose” is FINALLY available!!! Purchase here .

how do i know my god given assignment

*Tune in every Monday at 7:30am for new posts, “Like” my Facebook page ( ), and follow me on Twitter at . Also, share this blog with friends, family, co-workers, or your women’s group or ministry. I’d love to stay connected and help more women grow in the Lord! Thanks again and may God be with you!

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About the author: courtnaye richard.

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I agree wholeheartedly with this post. The number one thing I do when I am given an assignment by God is pray. During the prayer I seek guidance and wisdom on how to approach the tasks. I also write down what God speaks so I can review. Plus I do not want to forget any specific details. Lastly, act on his words. At times one can get so caught up in flesh and possibly fear the task at hand. If it’s God there is no need to fear about what others may say or think. HE is the only person one needs to please! He is with us every step of the way! Thanks for the post. Very encouraging

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What Is a God-given Assignment?

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by Daniel Bacon

Moving toward fulfilling the good work God has for us includes wisdom and action. Bacon offers guidelines for finding our way in the myriad of options.

 Over the years of my missionary career there have been numerous times when leadership has suggested that I take on a new ministry assignment that involves a change in role, and in some instances, even a change in location. That inevitably sets in motion a period of heart searching, asking difficult questions without always finding answers, coupled sometimes with uncertainty, frustration, and anxiety before coming to a final decision.

I suspect that most of us have gone through this process. How do we really know when a proposed assignment is something God is ordering or something else? How do we recognize a God-given assignment? Keep in mind that some might even challenge the notion that God truly has assignments for us that we must discover and fulfill. Regardless, we need to think carefully about the answers to this key question as it may have a profound impact on our daily spiritual life and how we approach our ministries.

From the perspective of Ephesians 2:10 it is clear that God has prepared a path which is characterized by “good works” in which we should walk. In Hebrews 12:1, the writer exhorts us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” The idea is to run faithfully in the lane uniquely marked out for each of us. From our limited perspective, how then do we discern that path or identify the particular good works that God purposes for us? Let me suggest three approaches.

1. The “to-do list” approach. Some have argued that God’s call or assignments are very specific and can be determined through thoughtful prayer, scripture, and godly counsel. In other words, God reveals the where and the how through these time-honored means. Historically, Christians have been taught that God does indeed have good works or assignments for us individually as well as corporately. As a young believer, I was told that God had a specific plan for my life and I must discover it and then do it with all my heart if I were to fulfill my calling. My task was to find God’s “to-do list” for my life, and then at each junction pursue it.

2. The “godly wisdom” approach. Others see God as giving us freedom to make choices and believe that those very choices become the will of God for us as we seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. In other words, God has already revealed all that we need to know to live out the Christian life, and as long as we make decisions consistent with his revealed purposes and values in scripture, we are within God’s will.

Furthermore, this approach would add that God has given each of us a mix of natural abilities, acquired skills, and spiritual gifts, and that he expects us to live out our “gift mix” as good stewards. Thus, whatever task or “good work” we undertake doesn’t really matter in terms of being God’s will or call, but rather our main concern should be that it expresses his revealed purposes in scripture and is done in a way that brings glory to him. This is what is meant by exercising godly wisdom in choosing from among alternatives as we seek to glorify God in our lives. In effect, whenever I choose an assignment believing that it is a good and right thing to do, God, in his sovereign control and purposes, makes it my God-given assignment and ultimately works out his plan (Rom. 8:28).

I confess that I struggle to understand just how God guides. At times, doors open in a way that seems to shout, “Pay attention! This is your opportunity. Walk through it.” There are other times, however, when I feel as if I am totally on my own to make a decision and hear no voice whispering in my ear, “This is the way; walk in it.”

So how do we resolve the tension or polarity between these two views—between what seems a very personal and subjective approach (discover the list and do it) versus a very objective approach (exercise godly wisdom)? My own conviction is that resolution lies in a dynamic tension between the two. But just what do I mean by this?

3. The “partnership with God” approach. As I read scripture, and in particular passages that relate to God’s involvement with the believer in working out his sovereign purposes, I am persuaded that the process of guidance is more complex than we may think and grows out of a partnership with God rather than a simple “follow the directions” approach.

Passages such as 1 Corinthians 3:8 and 3:14-15 indicate that rewards will be given to a believer according to his or her own labor before the judgment seat of Christ. The expression “labor” seems to be referring to one’s unique contribution to the planting and building up of the Church. In other words, the focus is on one’s function and faithfulness in fulfilling that role rather than saying anything specific about where or in what setting we labor. We are rewarded then according to the quality of our contribution (gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, straw) as we operate within our general sphere of gifting or function. As the Apostle Paul puts it, “…as the Lord has assigned to each his task” (1 Cor. 3:5).

Furthermore, Paul describes us in 1 Corinthians 3:9 as God’s fellow workers—an amazing statement! He indicates that as workers we are privileged to serve in a partnership with God to accomplish his purposes. Again, in another setting, the Apostle Paul talks about this partnership in this way: “…for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Phil. 2:13). In other words, God does not treat us merely as robots at the end of a remote control. Rather, there is a divine synergy between the Lord of the Harvest and each of us individually in working out his plan for our lives.

This synergy is further emphasized in 2 Thessalonians 1:11: “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.” What is interesting here is to see the initiative seemingly coming from us to undertake a purpose or act. Then, after taking the first step in faith, we see God working in power to fulfill that act or purpose through us. Here then is the mystery of partnership with God. What has happened is that God worked in us at first (“to will and do of his good purpose”). In responding, we in turn take ownership of that burden and it becomes “our purpose” as well as God’s, and thus we see this reciprocal dynamic taking place.

I am persuaded that God will guide us, but the defining of any so-called "God-given assignment" is a process that includes us as well as the Lord. I believe that it is important for us to pray about what we should do, read scripture carefully to make sure our motives and overall values are in alignment, and seek godly counsel. But I also believe that we need to take more responsibility for our part in decision-making and believe that in the process God will be at work.

What then is the role of the subjective and the objective in the equation of discerning a God-given assignment or in receiving a call? In addressing this question I would like to touch upon two important factors and then outline some general guidelines.

Important Factors in Defining a God-given Assignment 1. Culture and environment. Part of the complication in defining how God guides our lives or in determining what constitutes a “God-given assignment” is our own cultural conditioning. Western or Postmodern cultures that put more emphasis on individual choice and freedom tend to emphasize the subjective side of guidance. In other words, the key questions would start with how you feel about the task: Are you convinced in your heart that it is the right thing to do? Do you have personal peace about the decision? What would bring you the greatest sense of fulfillment and use of your potential?

By contrast, traditional cultures which are more family-oriented and communitarian in their values and practices would tend to stress the objective side of guidance: What is expected by others? What is required or what is your duty? What would please or benefit the group most?  Seldom heard is the oft-mentioned phrase so common in the West: “I don’t feel like it!”

2. The call. Inevitably, any discussion about guidance will bring up the matter of the call. Few questions come up as frequently or creates as much confusion in Christian circles as the whole matter of the “call”—whether to a place, ministry, or task. However, what does it really mean and how does one really know if he or she is called by God? When am I “free to just choose” and when must I have a “call”?

The Greek word kaleo, usually translated “call,” occurs 148 times in the New Testament with an additional 70 times in related terms. The predominant use of the term is in reference to God’s calling of individuals to salvation and to a quality of life as a Christian. Thus, we could describe this as God’s general call to all believers.

At the same time there is another use of the term as found in Romans 1:1 and 1 Corinthians 1:1, which describes a call to a unique role or function. Paul saw himself as an apostle, called and appointed by the will of God (Eph. 3:7). Related to his function as an apostle, he then viewed his service as an outworking of that call or function (Acts 13:2; 16:9). Thus, we are all called to salvation and a Christian walk worthy of that calling (Eph. 4:1). Beyond that, however, some are called to a kind of ministry or task as Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13:2. The focus of a call, then, is on the function more than the where and how.

It is important to note that the only time geography is used in relation to a call in the New Testament is in Acts 16:10. Beyond that there is no other reference to Paul being called out from Macedonia to some other location or ministry task similar to the way he was called to Macedonia. Why geographical direction was given here but apparently not elsewhere is not clear, but perhaps there was something special about the circumstances. Therefore, we need to exercise caution in demanding a geographic call before determining our direction. Furthermore, there is no record of any individual in the Book of Acts being accepted or rejected on Paul’s apostolic mission band because of a personal call. Also, the term is never referred to as a requirement in the list of qualifications for church leadership in 1 Timothy 3 or Titus 1.

What do we mean then by the call? For many, the traditional use relates to a feeling or conviction that someone should be in a particular country or in a certain kind of ministry and undertake a specific task. The call is frequently tied to God’s guidance for special service, usually in the cross-cultural sense or to the staff of a local church. One should never go out without one, nor accept a position without one, for that would be inviting trouble. Ignoring the call would be disobedient and result in serious consequences and loss. The call usually comes through the formula of the word, prayer, and circumstances.

On the other hand, a number of Bible teachers or mission leaders question the biblical validity of a special missionary call. They stress that scripture’s commands to go and make disciples are evident, and extraordinary guidance of a subjective nature is unnecessary. Rather, the emphasis should be on a person’s suitability and availability to respond to given needs or opportunities. If those are in tandem from an objective standpoint, the person should move ahead even without a “feeling” of being called.

Many, however, use the term “call” in a generic sense, synonymous with God’s guidance, including both subjective and objective factors. Although in this system an individual’s convictions are given consideration, responsibility for assessing suitability is not ignored. If the qualifications are lacking, the church or mission agency usually discourages candidacy, regardless of the person’s subjective feelings.

The following guidelines may help steer our thinking through this important decision-making process of discerning a God-given assignment.

Assignments that apply to all. Every believer has been called to a relationship with God and to a quality of life that honors him in every aspect of daily life. As Paul reminds us, “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received” (Eph. 4:1). This is the will of God for each of us, regardless of where we live or what our individual roles might be. Jerry Sittser adds this practical note:

The will of God concerns the present more than the future. It deals with our motives as well as our actions. It focuses on the little decisions we make about the future. The only time we really have to know and to do God’s will is the present moment. We are to love God with heart, soul, mind and strength, and we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. These are the basic responsibilities Jesus challenges us to pay attention to… (2000, 29)

Assignments that express our unique giftedness and basic function in the Body of Christ. Scripture makes clear that what God has equipped us with as believers (natural abilities, acquired skills, spiritual gifts) should give direction to our primary service and assignments. Peter states it simply when he exhorts, “Each one should use whatever spiritual gift he has received to serve others, faithfully ministering God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Pet. 4:10). There is a sense in which all of us are called to serve—to do the necessary things at times, regardless of whether or not we feel that it matches our training or giftedness. However, as a general rule, God expects us to take on tasks or accept assignments that enable us to best utilize our giftedness.

In Ephesians 4, Paul reminds us that God has given gifted people to serve within the body and to reach out to the world. These gifted people are called apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Each of these gifted people is called to fulfill a certain function. What is stressed is not the specific location or organization within which they might serve, but rather the nature of their unique roles. As one reads through Paul’s journeys in Acts, we see frequent changes in place, circumstances, and assignments. And yet the thread of continuity in all of Paul’s ministry settings was the unique role he fulfilled as a gifted apostle, teacher, and pastor.

Sittser clarifies the importance of distinguishing between our basic calling and our careers (2000, 63). Sometimes we confuse our God-given function with any specific job description, role, or career. We think that God calls us to a career (e.g., missionary, doctor, engineer), but fail to understand that within any vocation we are called to a basic function which flows out of what God has equipped and gifted us for (e.g., evangelist, pastor, teacher, encourager).

Assignments that respond to needs and opportunities. The New Testament is replete with exhortations for God’s people to engage in “good works” (e.g., 2 Cor. 9:8; Gal. 6:9-10; Eph. 2:10; Titus 2:7, 14). The theme running throughout these texts is that each of us is to respond to needs and opportunities for doing good; by doing so, we are fulfilling God’s redemptive purpose or calling for us.

Thus within these broad parameters of God’s clearly revealed will, each of us takes on various assignments that reflect God’s purposes. I really don’t need to pray about whether or not I should love my neighbor or seek to serve within the local church. God has already spoken about these duties. In my daily priorities and choices, any action or response that flows naturally from life’s circumstances or demands and looks like, smells like, and talks like a good work, becomes a God-given assignment to me at that point. Whatever best expresses the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) in a situation automatically qualifies as God’s assignment and thus God’s call or will for me.

There are innumerable potential good works that theoretically could be considered divine assignments. The key issue, however, is not to be unduly concerned over which should be mine or yours, but to start from the perspective of what are the needs or opportunities that I’m uniquely equipped to undertake or have the reasonable opportunity to meet.

Assignments that come from a God-given burden or concern. There is strong biblical evidence that God also works in our hearts so that a vision, burden, or concern to meet a need begins to emerge and gives us a conviction that there is something we need to do. Paul reminds us that “…it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Phil. 2:13).

Titus is an interesting case study. At one point, Paul asks Titus to go to Corinth to assist in the pastoral care and development of this important local church. Using his apostolic authority, Paul could have ordered Titus to go and likely he would have. Paul was not adverse to issuing orders to fellow workers such as Titus in other settings (see Titus 1:5). But instead we read, “I thank God, who put into the heart of Titus the same concern I have for you. For Titus not only welcomed our appeal, but he is coming to you with much enthusiasm and on his own initiative” (2 Cor. 8:16-17).

It is interesting that most ministry visions flow out of a desire to meet a need or solve a problem. Seldom does a vision come from a vacuum. History is filled with stories of God’s servants seeing a need, and feeling within a growing desire or burden to do something about it. Hudson Taylor saw one million souls a month perishing without Christ in China, and the burden to help is what drove him to start the China Inland Mission in 1865.

God has called us to partnership in his work in this world. It would seem that as we walk with God, from time to time he brings to our awareness a situation that cries for help. We are confronted and begin to feel in our heart of hearts that this should not be. It becomes a cry or protest against the status quo. That kind of a conviction would strongly indicate a God-given assignment.

Assignments that come from organizational requirements. When we are a part of an organization as an employee or volunteer, then scripture makes clear that work-related assignments are in reality God-given assignments. Paul reminds slaves in Ephesians 6:7, “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is a slave or free.”

When we are serving under authority, we are told to see our tasks not just as menial or mundane jobs to be done, but rather as acts of service to God. How much more so when we are serving within a Christian organization or as part of a ministry team. Tasks then that come to us from the team need to be seen as God-given assignments and solicit from within us a wholehearted commitment to contribute as best we can.

Summary In the end, we are all called to walk by faith and not by sight. We desperately want to get things right and thus, at times, want “absolute proof” of what God is asking or calling us to do. However, each of us needs to take a final step of faith even after we have done all to discern God’s will with respect to a proposed assignment. Ultimately, we are to trust not in our guidance, but in the God who guides (Ps. 48:14).

Reference Sittser, Jerry. 2000. Discovering God’s Will: How to Make Every Decision with Peace and Confidence . Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.

Having served in Japan and Singapore, and as U.S. national director for OMF International, Daniel Bacon has focused on leader development among OMF personnel and consulting with other ministries. Daniel has a DMiss from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

EMQ, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 60-66. Copyright  © 2011 Evangelism and Missions Information Service (EMIS).  All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or copied in any form without written permission from EMIS.

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Man or bear? Hypothetical question sparks conversation about women's safety

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how do i know my god given assignment

If you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a bear or a man? Answers to that hypothetical question have sparked a debate about why the vast majority say they would feel more comfortable choosing a bear.

The topic has been hotly discussed for weeks as men and women chimed in with their thoughts all over social media.

Screenshot HQ , a TikTok account, started the conversation, asking a group of women whether they would rather run into a man they didn't know or a bear in the forest. Out of the seven women interviewed for the piece, only one picked a man.

"Bear. Man is scary," one of the women responds.

A number of women echoed the responses given in the original video, writing in the comments that they, too, would pick a bear over a man. The hypothetical has people split, with some expressing their sadness over the state of the world and others cracking jokes. Some men were flabbergasted.

Here's what we know.

A bear is the safer choice, no doubt about it, many say

There were a lot of responses, more than 65,000, under the original post. Many wrote that they understood why the women would choose a bear.

"No one’s gonna ask me if I led the bear on or give me a pamphlet on bear attack prevention tips," @celestiallystunning wrote.

@Brennduhh wrote: "When I die leave my body in the woods, the wolves will be gentler than any man."

"I know a bear's intentions," another woman wrote. "I don't know a man's intentions. no matter how nice they are."

Other TikTok users took it one step further, posing the hypothetical question to loved ones. Meredith Steele, who goes by @babiesofsteele , asked her husband last week whether he would rather have their daughter encounter a bear or a man in the woods. Her husband said he "didn't like either option" but said he was leaning toward the bear.

"Maybe it's a friendly bear," he says.

Diana, another TikTok user , asked her sister-in-law what she would choose and was left speechless.

"I asked her the question, you know, just for giggles. She was like, 'You know, I would rather it be a bear because if the bear attacks me, and I make it out of the woods, everybody’s gonna believe me and have sympathy for me," she said. "But if a man attacks me and I make it out, I’m gonna spend my whole life trying to get people to believe me and have sympathy for me.'"

Bear vs. man debate stirs the pot, woman and some men at odds

The hypothetical has caused some tension, with some women arguing that men will never truly understand what it's like to be a woman or the inherent dangers at play.

Social media users answered this question for themselves, producing memes, spoken word poetry and skits in the days and weeks since.

So, what would you choose?


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