Modified June 14, 2023 | 8 minute read

  • How To Create A Resume Using HTML

Mobile-responsive, printable, ATS-friendly, and matches your theme

In this article, I'll show you how to create an awesome web resume that can also be printed and used how you would expect a resume to be used. If you'd like to spare yourself from reading the whole thing, you can get code for the templete on GitHub . ( Here's a preview of the template.)

You can also check out my resume to see a finished product. Here are some screenshots from the time of writing:

how to make resume using html

After creating this website , I realized my resume was a bit outdated, so I wanted to make a new one that matched my website's theme.

I didn't want to use a document editor like Word because that's way too restricive, I didn't want to use Latex (like I did for my last resume) because that's too annoying and time consuming, and I didn't want to use Kickresume (even though all the LinkedIn influencers rave about it) because it still isn't flexible enough (especially the free version).

So I thought; if only I could create a resume using HTML, then I could make it however I want...

  • How To Do It

I use Tailwind CSS , but the concepts can be applied to other frameworks too.

The key to this is the existence of print-specific options. In Tailwind CSS, there's a super convenient print modifier ( docs link ). This way, we can make two column layouts collapse down on mobile, use cool styles (such as rounded edges), and have other things on the screen (such as buttons), then use the modifier to make the page the right size and hide those extra buttons when we print it.

There's an issue, though. No matter how hard you try to use print modifiers, there are still margins around the outside with these stamps when you try to print the page:

how to make resume using html

Luckily, there are two ways to solve this. When you are printing the page, you can open the "More settings" option and select "None" for "Margins".

how to make resume using html

The other solution works by default without messing with any settings. You can use the @page CSS rule to remove the margins:

That should get you started on creating your own resume, but you can also keep reading and I'll walk you through how I created the template I linked at the beginning!

You can check out the code for this website if you want to see exactly how I created my resume , but my project structure and all the code specific to my resume might make it harder to adapt my code for your own purposes. So, I've created a template for a static site using Tailwind CSS which you can use! You can find it on GitHub , or follow along with my explanations here.

For this tutorial, I'm assuming knowledge of Tailwind CSS.

To start, I created a project by following Tailwind's installation process . However, I changed a line in tailwind.congfig.js to content: ["./index.html"] , and used npx tailwindcss -i input.css -o output.css --watch to build the CSS file. You can check the GitHub repository if you're having issues.

how to make resume using html

Now, we will create our resume inside index.html

In the body, the outer div is the background, and just adds some padding around the edges (but removes the padding when we print). The middle div is our actual page. I added some styles so that on big screens the page has an 8.5/11 aspect ratio which closely resembles how the page looks when it's actually printed, but on smaller screens the page is as long as it needs to be to fit all the content.

I also added rounding to the edges, a shadow, etc., but then removed those styles for printing.

A width of 52rem isn't particularly special, it was just a good size for me and worked well with some of the other things I had going on with my website. print:h-[100vh] ensures that the pdf is only one page (when you don't add that there's an empty second page).

The inner div adds padding around the edges and is a flex box to make sure our resume content fits inside the page how its supposed to.

This is what we have so far (I made the background red to visualize the padding):

how to make resume using html

Now, let's add a header to the resume. Add the following where the "resume content goes here" comment was:

I put my name on the left and some social links on the right. You could add a headshot in the middle like the resume templates on Kickresume have, but I have heard recruiters say not to in order to avoid bias and for them to avoid bias accusations, so I removed the headshot from my resume. (Another idea is to have a version with a headshot and a version without, as it could add a nice touch if the person looking at your resume already knows who you are!)

how to make resume using html

Underneath, add the following:

The reason I made a separate mobile header is because on small screens, there's too much content to fit it all in a row. On mobile the links won't be in the header area, and we'll instead add the links underneath with the rest of the content in the next step (you can obviously switch up these details however you want):

The outer div uses flex flex-col sm:flex-row so that on mobile screens it collapses down to one column.

I also put this between the header from earlier and the body from just now to add a gap:

Lastly, make sure input.css looks like the following:

And we're done! Here's the final product (I made the columns red for the picture so that you can visualize them):

how to make resume using html

Now all you have to do is add some text bragging about yourself and (hopefully) get some interviews.

Here's the full code found on GitHub if you want to copy and paste (I also filled in the "content goes here" comments with some placeholder text):

how to make resume using html

If you are interested in how I made other parts of my website , such as the sticky nav bar, turning markdown files into articles, links with cool underline animations, fade-in effects, etc., I would be happy to write articles explaining! Otherwise, let me know if you actually end up using my template. Also, message me on LinkedIn if you want me review your resume for free and tell you if I have any ideas on how to improve it!

Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful!

30+ Perfect HTML Resume Templates (Free Code + Demos)

This huge 100% free and open source collection of html and css resume templates is sure to impress recruiters and help you land your dream job. enjoy, 1. html and css resume, 2. sample resume idea, 3. responsive resume template.

Responsive resume template, you just need to fill out the content with your own.

4. HTML Resume

5. resume concept.

Draco is a free PSD & HTML resume template.

7. Simple HTML Resume

8. minimal css resume, 9. codepen resume header background.

I made this header in a resume format that lists my development & design skills. The thought process was that potential clients and employers would be visiting my CodePen account so make it pop. I thought it would be nice to have a creative, organized way to display my relevant skill set... Read More

10. Dark Theme HTML Resume

11. responsive css resume.

Responsive Resume built in Sass

12. Interactive CSS Resume

Played a little bit of hide and seek with my resume. Used the code for the flashlight effect from here:

13. CSS3 Creative Resume

I thought this would be a perfect project to use LESS mixins in. Designed by: Pixeden: Librarian Image is from Dribbble: by talented "Artua"

14. Live Resume Concept

15. html/css resume template, 16. my cv - made using html and css.

This is my first implementation. I learnt CSS on 15 Jun 2013 at and as a final project titled "Build your resume!" I took it seriously and decided to go on creating my own Resume using my CSS / HTML knowledge so far (whatever gained from

17. Dark HTML Resume

Inspired from the design made by 'Teodora': Dark-wall pattern: Lato Font: Read More

18. Printable Diner Menu Resume

Live at

19. Pure CSS Resume

A pure CSS resume to showcase your interactive resume!

20. RWD Resume

Thanks to xichen. This artwork is based on I add some animation on skill section and make it more responsive.
Задание по вёрстке для первой ступени Школы редакторов Бюро Горбунова

22. Personal Resume With Bootstrap4

This is my Personal Resume developed by using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Font-Awesome.

23. Thiago Braga | English Resume

Updated at 20/04/2020 - 22:24 (Brazilian time)

24. Personal Portfolio

Resume Portfolio

25. Profile Template

HackerRank Profile Template For Resumé.

26. Responsive Education Timeline

Fully responsive education timeline built with HTML, SCSS, Bootstrap 4 and font awesome for icons.
  • Knowledge Base
  • Free Resume Templates
  • Resume Builder
  • Resume Examples
  • Free Resume Review

Click here to directly go to the complete HTML resume sample

Know how to tag your HTML resume!

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney

And to create a job-winning resume, you need professional assistance which we are here to provide.

Resume writing is not rocket science.

Anyone can write a resume.

But writing a perfect HTML resume - that is where the devil lies.

As a front-end web developer who creates the visual appearance of websites with coding languages, you need to be able to reflect that potential in your html5 resume.

You need to have a professional approach to resume writing if you want to curate a job-winning resume. And in this blog, we have covered every tip for each section of your HTML resume.

Read on to learn the art of curating an impeccable HTML resume to effectively communicate your professional expertise to a potential employer.

Here is a summary of our HTML Resume Blog:

  • Provide the certifying authority, course name, time period, etc. in your HTML resume
  • Mention about the projects that you have participated in or singlehandedly led.
  • Communicate your work experience details in one-liners and list them in groups.
  • List all your details in reverse chronological resume format.
  • Give an overview of your resume by composing a suitable resume summary or an objective.

That's not all.

By the end of this blog, you will be able to put together a job-winning HTML resume. Additionally, you will also learn:

  • How to make your html resume ATS compliant and recruiters friendly.
  • What are the 3 stages of resume writing and what are the distinct section of an html resume?
  • How to describe your work experience in a professional manner on your HTML resume.
  • How to highlight html skills on a resume like a professional?
  • Whether to include education and certification details on an HTML resume.
  • Is it necessary to include a summary or objective for your html resume?

Our Online Resume Builder has a huge library of examples and an HTML resume sample that will blow your mind!

Simply fill in with your details and your perfect resume is good to go.

What is HTML Resume & Why Do You Need It?

The best way to give an HTML resume definition is that it is the documentation of your professional experience and skills for the recruiters to recognize you as a suitable applicant for the targeted job profile.

And you must create a resume that highlights the most significant aspects of your potential.

  • Creating a job-winning resume is not a piece of cake especially if you want to stand out amongst hundreds and thousands of applicants. But it is not something that cannot be accomplished.
  • You need to curate a resume that can help you rank high on the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) which most recruiters use to filter through resumes and pick the most suitable ones.

Simply make sure that you use the keywords used by the recruiters in the job listing and are relevant to the job profile that you are applying for.

HTML is amongst the top programming languages and so the demand for html professionals would be high in the current job market.


Source: UC Berkley Extension

You can learn more about HTML resume definition by going through Hiration's do's and don'ts for your resume .

In the meanwhile, do get your existing resume professionally reviewed by Hiration’s Resume Review Service which is free.

How to Write Your HTML Resume

An effective way to write an impeccable resume is by following the three stages of resume writing that have been discussed below:

  • Stage 1: Master HTML Resume
  • Stage 2: First Draft of HTML Resume
  • Stage 3: Final Draft of HTML Resume


Master HTML Resume

Starting by drafting a master resume can help you throughout your resume writing and make it easier for you to curate a job-winning resume.

A master folder of your HTML fresher resume can be created to gather your details and information that is most likely to be required in every resume.

Simply list down every detail of your work experience, education, training, certifications, awards, recognitions, etc.

Some details may not seem important in your current resume but do not hesitate to store them in your folder because they may be required in the future update of your resumes.

First Draft of HTML Resume

Next, create the first draft of your html5 resume wherein you need to compose the following sections as per your requirement:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

Final Draft of HTML Resume

In the final stage, you need to compose two important sections that can help you highlight both your professional skill and work experience:

Key Skills : Create a separate section to highlight your skills which you need to pick from the professional experience section. Simply scan through your work experience statements, then pick the most significant skills and list them under the "Key Skills" section.

Summary/Objective : If you have more than 3 years of work experience, compose a suitable resume summary. But if you have less nor no work experience, compose a resume objective. You must compose this section as it gives an overview of your resume.

HTML Resume Sections

Every section in a resume plays an important role in highlighting different details and information about you to the recruiters.

Your html resume layout should consist of various sections.

The below-given sections are the standard resume sections that are ideally required to be framed in a resume:

  • Summary/Objective

To enhance the standard sections of a simple HTML resume, the below-given optional sections can be framed:

  • Awards & Recognitions (if any)


Also, do read more about resume sections on Hiration's Guide to sections in a resume .

Additionally, you can use Hiration’s Online Resume Builder to curate the perfect resume that can raise your chances of being shortlisted for your dream job.

HTML Resume: Header

Your resume header is the section that helps you label your resume with your name and give it a unique identity to stand out amongst any other resume.

It makes it easier for the recruiters to keep a track of your resume in a sea of resumes. Hence you should write your HTML development resume in the range of 16-20 font size at the topmost part of your section.

If you have a middle name write only the initial of your middle name followed by a period and place it between your first and last name.

Read Hiration’s Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header to learn how to curate the perfect header for your HTML developer resume.

We have given an HTML resume example for you to understand how an ideal resume header is framed:


Make the best use of Hiration's Online Resume Builder to frame the perfect resume that can help you land your dream job.

Describe Your Professional Experience in Your HTML Resume

Most people make the mistake of taking their resumes for granted and hence end up losing the chance of landing their dream jobs despite having all the required skills and credentials.

Here is your chance to avoid making such avoidable mistakes and get closer to your dream job.

The following factors can help you curate a flawless resume if followed and applied while framing your HTML fresher resume.

  • STAR Format
  • Frame Points
  • Grouping & Highlighting



Always write action-oriented points that help you describe your work experience and highlight your roles and responsibilities while also mentioning your achievements and contributions.

The STAR format can help you describe your professional experience in the most effective manner.

STAR stands for the following points:

  • S: The situation , backdrop, or context of work assigned to you.
  • T: The actual task assigned to you.
  • A: action or strategy you used to execute the assigned task.
  • R: The result or outcome of your action in the form of achievement figures.


To understand the importance of framing your HTML resume points, let us compare the two HTML resume examples that have been given below:


Resume Example 1: "As a professional HTML developer, I have written 100% efficient, well designed, and testable codes by making use of Photoshop and Dreamweaver. While working on the given project, I cooperated with 10 web designers to match the visual design intent for 20+ websites. As part of my roles and responsibilities, I successfully updated 20+ client websites while designing, building, and maintaining software applications. I also identified any existing problems and corrected them to ensure 100% customer satisfaction at all times."


Resume Example 2:

  • Wrote 100% efficient, well designed, and testable codes via Photoshop and Dreamweaver
  • Cooperated with 10 web designers to match visual design intent for 20+ websites
  • Updated 20+ client websites while designing, building, and maintaining software applications
  • Identified problems and corrected them to ensure 100% customer satisfaction

Framing Points: Analysis

By comparing the two HTML resume examples, we can observe that framed points (example 1) are clear to read and understand as compared to the paragraph (example 1).

There is a huge difference between the framed points and the lengthy paragraph despite both the examples describing the same HTML resume points.

And for a recruiter, it would be easier to go through the framed points as compared to the paragraph where all the information is clustered together in a bulk.

In conclusion, always make sure that you frame your points in one-liners and avoid writing bulky paragraphs to describe your professional experience.


Another important factor that can help you enhance your work experience section is by applying grouping and highlighting.

To understand its importance and how it can be implemented in your simple HTML resume, let us look at another set of HTML resume examples given below:


Resume Example 1:

  • Created the UI for 60+ websites through standard HTML and CSS practices
  • Maintained and updated 10+ HTML/CSS templates on a weekly basis
  • Collaborated with the back-end Web Developer team and created 27+ new websites
  • Drafted efficient codes via Dreamweaver & BootStrap to delivered high-quality codes
  • Integrated accurate data from 90+ back-end services and databases


UI Designing & Web Development

Data Integration

Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

Now both the examples are clear to read but applying grouping and highlighting (example 2) effectively enhances your framed HTML resume points (example 1).

It is so because listing down all the similar points under the relevant group makes it look more organized and highlighting the main point in your statements.

The recruiters can easily make out your achievements and contributions as a professional and hence raise the chances of shortlisting you for the targeted job profile as the most suitable applicant.

Make sure that you make the best of grouping and highlighting to frame effective one-liner points that help you describe your professional experience.

Refer to the given resume HTML resume template showcasing what an ideal professional experience section looks like:


Create Separate Key Skills & Technical Skills Section in Your HTML Resume

The recruiters look for applicants who have the right set of html skills on resume to shoulder the responsibilities that come with the targeted job.

  • You need to highlight the most significant skills that you possess as a professional in your HTML resume.
  • Create a separate section under the heading "Key Skills" and align all the core skills that you have justified in your one-liners.
  • But make sure that you mention only those significant skills that are relevant to the job profile.

Doing so can help you rank high on the ATS because you can highlight your skills by using relevant keywords used by the recruiters in the job listing.

Read Hiration's Guide on what skills to put on a resume to get a better understanding of how to efficiently curate this section.

Here is an HTML resume sample showcasing the perfect html skills on resume. It illustrated what your HTML resume skills should look like when composed in this section:


Include HTML Resume Summary

Compose an html resume summary if you have more than 3 years of work experience to give an overview of your resume.

A resume summary can help you highlight your most significant achievements and contributions to an organization through which the recruiters can easily recognize your potential.

You can compose an effective resume summary by following the given points:

  • Write your summary at the end because that way you can easily decide what to skip and add.
  • Scan through your work experience section and pick the highlights of your career.
  • Avoid over flooding your resume summary with unnecessary details and information.

Go through Hiration's Resume Summary Guide to learn how to write an effective summary for HTML resumes.

Look at the given HTML resume sample showcasing an ideal resume summary for your resume HTML templates:


HTML Resume Objective

An HTML fresher resume objective should be written if you do not have enough work experience or if you belong to any of the following categories:

  • You are a fresh graduate.
  • You are making a change of career.
  • You have less or no work experience.

The role of your HTML fresher resume objective is to convince the recruiters that you are the most suitable applicant for the targeted job profile.

Your HTML resume objective is an overview of your resume that needs to be composed if you are not eligible to curate an HTML resume summary.

Learn the art of curating effective HTML fresher resume objective with the help of Hiration's Guide on Resume Objectives .

HTML Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section is an important feature of your html5 resume because this is where you can list down your details of contact without which the recruiters cannot reach you for any likely shortlist.

Here is what an ideal personal information section should contain:

Contact Number

Email Address

Current Location

Additionally, you can also include the following sections when required:

  • LinkedIn profile link
  • Link to an online portfolio
Hiration Protip : In the Mideast, including details like gender, passport details, date of birth, etc. are required, but not in the US. So make sure to read through the hiring norms for the country you are targeting before you include (or don't include) such details.

It is also possible that some recruiters may want to interview you over the phone or confirm with you before scheduling any face-to-face interviews.

Hence you must provide only the correct details of your contact number which is active and functional.

The correct format for writing your mobile number is documented below:

  • Provide the ISD code of your country as a prefix before your phone number
  • Add a plus sign (+) right before the ISD code
  • Eg: +1 (623) 238 2151

One of the most convenient means for the recruiters to get in touch with you is via email.

Give out your official email IDs that have your real name and not the ones that have fancy or made-up names to maintain a professional approach in your html programmer resume.

The right way to frame your email address is: [email protected] or [email protected]

There are two important points you need to keep in mind while framing your current location in a resume:

  • Avoid giving out unnecessary details like the name of your locality, house or street number, etc.
  • Mention the city and state of your residence if you are looking for a job within your country. But if you are looking for a job outside your country then mention your city and country.

Read Hiration's Guide to composing your contact information to learn more about this section.

Take a look at the given resume HTML template sample:


Use our Online Resume Builder to curate a perfectly fashioned resume.

It comes with a pre-designed & pre-filled resume template that you can easily enhance as per your requirements.

HTML Resume: Profile Title

Whether you are an HTML developer or an HTML programmer, you need to let the recruiters identify your professional status through your profile title.

Mention an accurate profile title to make the recruiters recognize the level of your professional expertise.

Your profile title helps conveys the following:

  • Current designation
  • Functional industry
  • The level of seniority in your line of work

Ideally, your profile title should be written in the range of 14-16 font size.

Do not exaggerate your profile title because it may have a negative impact on your job application as it would be considered as lying to the recruiters.

Look at our HTML developer resume sample to get a better insight into how an ideal profile title is framed:


HTML Resume: Education

Provide the details of your educational qualification to make the recruiters recognize you as a suitable applicant for the targeted job profile.

The education section of your html css developer resume should ideally consist of:

  • Name of the school/university.
  • The courses you have pursued.
  • Location of your school/university.
  • Dates of enrollment and graduation in the month & year format.

Read an exhaustive guide on how to correctly curate the education section from Hiration's Guide on how to list education on your resume .

Here is an HTML resume sample showcasing the ideal education section of your HTML resume template:


HTML Resume: Certifications

Being a certified professional can give you more credits as a suitable applicant and hence you should make sure to mention any relevant certifications that you possess.

Mention the details of the following in your certifications section:

  • Certification course name.
  • Name of the institute of affiliation.
  • Location of the institute of affiliation.
  • Enrollment and completion date of the course in the month & year format.

Read Hiration's Guide on listing certifications on a resume and learn how to curate this section.

In the meanwhile, compose a job-winning resume with our professionally designed Online Resume Builder .

Resume Review & Free Resume Templates

Get your resume professionally reviewed by our resume experts at Hiration in compliance with the following parameters:

  • Global Compatibility
  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Design Compatibility
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Content Relevance
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

Online Resume Builder for HTML Resume

Here is a list of the resources that come with our Online Resume Builder :

  • 100+ resume templates
  • 25+ resume designs
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • Live resume editor
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • Option to save unlimited resumes

Visit our Online Resume Builder and utilize the pre-filled templates.

Hiration Cover Letters

Create an HTML cover letter for your html programmer resume to give a clearer picture of where you professionally stand to the hiring managers.

Go ahead and get professional cover letters built today!

Hiration's Cover Letter Builder provides:

  • 10+ ready to use templates
  • 15+ designs
  • Freedom to customize templates
  • Create multiple cover letters
  • Easy downloading

This is not all!

There are other amazing products and services of Hiration that can help you create a name in the professional world.

Make sure to check out the following features:

  • Digital Portfolio Builder
  • LinkedIn Review
  • Interview Prep

HTML Developer Resume Sample

To begin with, take a look at our html developer resume sample to know what an ideal resume should look like:

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
  • Software: Dreamweaver, BootStrap, Photoshop
  • Created the layout/user interface for 70+ websites via standard HTML/CSS practices
  • Maintained & updated 15+ HTML/CSS templates on a weekly basis
  • Collaborated with the back-end Web Developer team of 35 to create 27+ new websites and update 50+ existing ones
  • Drafted well designed, testable, efficient codes via Dreamweaver & BootStrap and delivered high-quality codes
  • Integrated data from 100+ back-end services & databases
  • Evaluated code to ensure it is valid & properly structured, and is compatible with browsers, devices, or operating systems
  • Tested background codes of 50 + websites & resolved issues like the inability to access the site or non-functioning links, etc
  • Wrote well designed, testable, and 100% efficient code via software such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver
  • Cooperated with a web designing team of 15 to match visual design intent for 25+ websites
  • Played a key role in designing, building & maintaining websites & software applications and updating 30+ client websites
  • Identified problems uncovered by customer feedback & testing, & corrected them to ensure 100% customer satisfaction
  • Developed new user-facing features for 15+ websites and ensured the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs
  • Optimized 7+ applications for maximum speed & scalability and built reusable code & libraries for future use
  • Collaborated with the back-end team of 20 & stakeholders to understand requirements & created 17 attractive websites

The given html resume design is one of the many template designs made available on our Online Resume Builder .

You can create and download two pager or one pager html template without any hassle.

Key Takeaways

  • Label your resume by writing your name as the resume header at the topmost part of your html css developer resume.
  • Mention only the accurate profile title to make the recruiters recognize the level of your professional status.
  • Frame your work experience in one-liner points and list them under different groups.
  • Provide the details of your education and certifications to enhance your simple HTML resume.

Now that we have reached the end of this blog, make use of all the examples of resume HTML templates and tips that we have provided in this blog as they can help you in writing a great resume.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

how to make resume using html

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how to make resume using html

Development Soft Skills

8 minute read

19 Free HTML Resume Templates to Help You Land The Job

Nick Mertens

Nick Mertens

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Do you know a little HTML? Do you want to impress at your next job interview? Of course, you do! Well, you've come to the right place. Today we will be looking at a variety of free HTML resume templates (written in HTML and CSS).

They will range from your usual Word-doc-like collection of work experience and key skills to fully-fledged websites you can customize to your heart's content.

If you find you need a little refresher on your HTML knowledge, check out our  Introduction to HTML course , which shows you how to build your own professional resume website in two ways - with templates like we have below, or with the handy Bootstrap framework. And to take things further, we've also got courses on  CSS  and  JavaScript !

Take a sip of your coffee, and let's dive straight in.

Plain HTML templates

The following couple of templates are great for quickly getting a CV written up and sent out. They're written in HTML and CSS so you can host these on your website or send them in a ZIP file by email.

Get your free HTML resume templates

Ready to rock your resume game? Then download these free resume templates!

1. Responsive HTML & CSS CV Template

For a stylish but straightforward template, check out  this CV template by Thomas Hardy . It's written in plain HTML and CSS and has a subtle fade-in effect that's rather pleasing to the eye.


2. DIY HTML CV Template

That's a lot of acronyms in a row, but if you're looking for a one-pager that's sure to impress, have a look at this  DIY HTML CV Template by SRT . Just make sure you add a link to a PDF version or remove the button in the header. The simplest way to generate it is to print the page in Chrome and change the printer to "Save as PDF."


Website resume templates

If you have a little more time on your hands, we recommend checking out the following templates. They've been designed a little more, so they're quite lovely to read and navigate.

Built with Bootstrap 3, this is a robust theme for beginners and pros.  I AM X  also comes with documentation, so you'll know exactly how to use it.


4. Scribbler

For those developers with us: first of all, fist bump! Second of all, you might enjoy this  code-focused template . If you want to show off your portfolio in code, this is the one for you. If you're applying for a developer role, it'll likely go down well!


Great for a visual CV,  Miller  has a nice, smooth feel to it as you scroll down, and has space for a big image of you or your work on one side of the template.


This beautifully designed website template will make you stand out for sure.  Hola  has distinct sections for you to fill out and includes a contact form & download option.


7. Kelvin Resume Template

The big splash image in the  Kelvin Resume Template  will help grab their attention, so they scroll down and read all about your education, work experience, skills, and portfolio.


8. Creative CV Website Template

If you're after something a little more flashy, give this  Creative CV Website Template  a go, created by TemplateFlip. As the name reveals, it's a website template that shows off your creative side. It's a little more engaging than a simple static page, and it suits job applications related to creative industries or web developers.


Another template by the great people at Styleshout,  Kards  has timeline items, stats section, skill bars, working ajax form, frontend form validation, a portfolio section to showcase your works, and many more.

how to make resume using html

This One  (see what we did there) is clean and dark - great for the minimalist in you. Easy on the eyes and easy to edit, give it a try!


11. Infinity

"To  Infinity  and beyond!"

Sure, it's not specifically a CV template, but just like Toy Story, with a little imagination, it could be! You can quickly transform it into a website that shows off  your  work instead of a company's.


If your portfolio is the main attraction,  check out Pixfly . If you have enough images to show off, this template can pop off the screen.


13. Responsive Resume

Sitting somewhere in between a plain CV template and a CV website, this  Responsive Resume Template by Philip Davis  could work for you. It has a bit more room for customization than some of the others listed above. It even includes it's own grid, letting you rearrange parts of the template easily.


14. Industrious

Industrious  is the only one on this list with a video background in the header, something you can use to grab their eye! As some of the templates before this one, it's not solely focused on CVs or resumes, but with a little elbow grease, we know you can make it work in your favor!


Far from gritty, cleaner and to the point,  Grit  will work well for a CV with your usual suspects, a portfolio and a blog.


WordPress CV Templates

For the most impressive online CV, create a free  WordPress  account and pick one of the many great CV and Resume templates. Fully customizable, they are fully hosted websites, so it will take a little longer to set up. It's worth it, however, for the impression you'll make.

This  beautiful dark theme  is responsive, fully customizable, and even has the option to display content in various languages!


17. Personal

With space for past experience, portfolio, and even a blog, this  Personal WordPress theme  could be your living, dynamic CV website. Keep it updated regularly, and you'll be sure to stand out.

how to make resume using html

18. Proper Lite

As the title of the page suggests, this one is made for creatives. If you have a lot of visual work to show off - designs, photos, etc. - then  Proper Lite might be the theme for you .


While not a template that's necessarily pitched as a CV or resume template,  Argent  is very flexible and could easily be transformed into a resume and portfolio hybrid.


Thanks for reading

Whether you're new to the world of web or an experienced veteran, we hope you have found the template for your next CV. If you have any templates you like, be sure to leave a comment. For extra help in setting them up, check out our Intro to HTML course which shows you how to modify your template, step by step.

And with such a professional looking resume, you'll probably want to brush up on some common interview questions for your field. So check out our guides below, which will help you put your best foot forward:

13 Most Helpful HTML Interview Questions & Answers

20 Most Helpful CSS Interview Questions and Answers

Startup Interview Questions: 8 Things Founders Will Ask You

6 Most Helpful Soft Skills Interview Questions and Answers

11 Key Graphic Design Interview Questions and Answers

The Top 7 Project Management Interview Questions and Answers

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Nick Mertens

Nick is a web developer, focusing on front end development and UX, as well as dabbling in any new technologies or frameworks that catch his eye. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games, listening to metal, and being an all-round geek.

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DEV Community

Alvaro Montoro

Posted on Feb 21, 2020 • Updated on Jul 12, 2020

Developing an Interactive Résumé with HTML and CSS

For a while, I toyed with the idea of creating an HTML version of my résumé that looked the same as the paper version of it.

As a Web Developer, I thought it would be cool to send my CV as an HTML file instead of a PDF or a Word document. It would be original and help showcase some of the things I could do.

Note: while developing an HTML CV may be a cool project to complete and add a fun factor to the recruiting process, it may not be so practical. Especially considering that most recruiting sites don't support HTML uploads.

There were some obvious limitations and foreseeable problems, but I could work around them:

  • It should not have JavaScript : many browsers block JavaScript when running on local files. It would be terrible if I sent my résumé and it got blocked by the browser while showing a nasty security message.
  • It should work offline : if the person that was looking at the document didn't have an Internet connection, the document should still display correctly. So no CDNs or online images or files.
  • It should be self-contained : I could not send a bunch of images, CSS, and HTML files, because if one was lost or not downloaded, the CV would look bad. Styling and images (SVG if needed) would have to be inline in a single HTML file.
  • It should work in most browsers : using a fancy feature could fail and backfire. It had to work in most modern browsers... and that included IE11, which still prevails in corporate environments.
  • It should be people- and machine-friendly : not only it should be web-accessible, but it should also be easy to process and understand by a computer... even when most recruiting sites don't accept HTML as a valid format to upload a file.

And with that in mind, I started working on the first version of the document.

First attempt

Mimicking my paper résumé in HTML was relatively easy, then I went one step forward and added some interactivity :

Screenshot of classic-looking interactive resume

It looked OK, but I already had a paper version of that résumé. Even with some interactivity, it looked a bit meh and didn't have all it required. Also, I was not taking advantage of all the possibilities that HTML and CSS provided.

So I decided to go beyond that...

The extended version

Why limit it to looking like the boring paper-version? Or to be (semi-)static HTML? Or even to have a single visualization? Why make it only "human-friendly" if most résumés will be processed by machines?

I developed a new version of the résumé , and this time it had more bells and whistles: an interactive experience that, when printed, looked like my regular paper résumé. Here is a demo:

To develop this version I focused on five key elements:

  • A different spin on design and interactivity.
  • Multiple style modes (for screen and printer).
  • Use of semantic HTML.

The idea is that a curriculum vitae is both parts equal presentation (points 1 and 2) and data (points 3, 4, and 5). If the CV is visually appealing to a human reader, there would be more chances to catch attention. At the same time, CVs are normally processed by computers, so making them appealing for a machine reader is a big part of it too.

Semantic HTML

One of the big changes in HTML5 was the inclusion of many semantic tags. Developers don't need to stick to div or p and can use tags that convey some meaning to the content.

But let's not focus exclusively on the typical <section> or <main> (that you should use too). A curriculum vitae allows for the use of other semantic tags that are not so common such as:

  • <time> : indicates a period in time, and it is perfect to tag previous job dates or graduation dates, etc.; or
  • <address> : it is important to point out that this is not used for a physical address, but the contact information of the people related to the closest <article> or <body> , and it can contain emails, URLs, Twitter handles...

Also, don't forget about <ul> and <ol> . They are not new HTML5 tags, but they are important too. One common mistake is using groups of <div> or <section> for what should be a list of elements. Your previous/current jobs and certifications are lists. Use them.

...I should take my own advice about lists, as I made this mistake while developing my HTML résumé 😬

If not making orthographic or grammar mistakes is important for a "paper résumé", for a web version, it is important to structure the content properly too. Don't forget to:

  • Divide content into sections.
  • Add headings for each section.
  • Have a proper heading order (don't skip headings).
  • Leave comments in the code.
  • Use the proper semantic tags.
  • Make it standard HTML and CSS.
  • Think of browser support (even if it means leaving out some fancy stuff).

Structuring the content correctly will be incredibly helpful when styling it. But remember: you want your CV to look good even in plain HTML (without any CSS). That way, if something goes wrong with the styles, you will still have something viable.

Design & Interactivity

Now that we have our HTML structured and built, it is time to add some magic via CSS. I know this may sound like a cliché but, it is true, the only limit here is your imagination.

Highlight in "your". This section should be you. I can describe how I created mine, but then it wouldn't be personal for you. Ultimately, you are the one that needs to come up with a design and apply it.

As with the HTML, take into account the type of document and your target audience:

  • Remember about color contrast and accessibility.
  • Use a readable font (and don't forget common fallbacks!)
  • Don't use flash colors.
  • Don't use animations that could be distracting.
  • Keep it professional.

...unless that's not what you want to go with. Again, this is your creative moment. Do what feels right (just make sure it is web-accessible.)

For mine, I chose a relatively simple card-style, with diagonal cuts, and in which the information is pushed up or down depending on which section is active (for more of that, continue reading).


We are not using any JavaScript, so adding interactivity is going to be a little challenge... but it's doable.

The trick is using visually hidden form elements –mainly radio buttons or checkboxes– to save the state of the document, keeping track of what section should be visible at each given time. Then you can activate/deactivate the inputs by using labels targeting them.

This is something that I've done before to create CSS games . It may take a little bit of time to get used to it, but it will be good practice for CSS, and it will help you learn a lot about selectors and modifiers.

Here is a simplification of how it could look:

You can see it working here (click on the titles to activate each section):

In my case, I have two sets of radio buttons:

  • One keeps track of which section the user is in (defaults to the first one).
  • The other one keeps track of which position (within the experience section) should be visible.

Just keep in mind that, the more radio groups that you have, the more complex the page will be.

Printing styles

We have a fancy looking interactive résumé, but if the user tries to print it, it doesn't look great. The solution: style the printed version in a different way to the screen version.

CSS allows for specific printing styles that go inside the print media rule:

There we can define anything, different positions, displays, colors... anything CSS allows to do. But with the print media rule, developers can specify much more , like some default settings for the printer: page size, margins, page breaks, control of orphans and widows, etc.

One of the things I struggled with was the page size. And that is important. While screens operate in pixels, printers don't, and we may not get the expected result if we don't use the right paper size. In the US, the most common would be "letter", but you can specify others like A4, or specific values in px , cm , or other units:

By defining different styles for screens and printers, the visualization in both formats will be completely different:

Comparison of both styling sheets

It may be double the work, but the different results are worth it.

I wrote an article about the importance of metadata in web pages (so they don't get "confused"). It includes information about metadata and microdata (see the following section), and all the content will apply here too.

Here are some things to add to your HTML interactive résumé:

HTML metadata

This is the classic <meta> tags that will contain general information about the document: author, title, description, etc. They are –or used to be– read by search engine crawlers and provide essential information about your page (in this case, your CV).

Some examples:

It may not be as important or relevant as it was before, but it still is. And it is a minor inconvenience to add them.

Social media metadata

We live in a connected world in which the document could potentially be shared in social media. Maybe not so much Facebook or Twitter, but LinkedIn or other professional networks.

So you may want to add OpenGraph meta tags, and maybe some social media meta tags too:

Take into account that these are all suggestions: their content doesn't have to be exactly the same as the HTML meta tags (even when in the end it might), and all of them are optional (especially looking at the picture, which may not be considered appropriate for a CV in some countries while a must in some others.)

Beyond metadata: microdata

While using HTML metadata and semantic tags is a great step, it doesn't provide all the information for a machine to process and understand the data contained in the document. For example, let's look at this code:

A computer will see that simple HTML code and think "Great! there's a section with a title and some content and a link", but it won't have a clue of what that content is. Some programs may be smarter and detect the email, yet the relationship between the content, the email, and the link won't be clear.

Wouldn't it be great if there could be a way to specify it? The good news is there is! By using microdata you can provide additional information about the content in itself. Information that may be obvious for a human reading it, but not so obvious for a machine. Let's make some changes in the code above:

Now the machine will see more than just a section. It will know that the section describes a person named Alvaro Montoro, who has the specified email and URL, and who also is a Web Developer specialized in HTML and CSS.

A human will not be affected by these new attributes in HTML, but the document will get a semantic boost thanks to them... if the machine that processes it understands microdata.

I will not dive into microdata –this section is getting too long already, I'll write a full article about it later if needed–, just know that itemtype is used to identify the type of data, itemprop is for a specific property within the type, and that there are different schemas available (you can see them on ), some of which will be helpful to build a curriculum vitae:

  • Person : it can be used to describe yourself, your reference, or any person mentioned in the document.
  • Organization : use it to describe the companies that you worked for.
  • OrganizationRole : this will give details about your positions and roles (mainly title and duration).
  • EducationalOrganization : used for describing the different schools, universities, boot camps, etc. that you took part in.
  • CreativeWork : it can be used to describe any projects or artworks that you created and highlighted in your résumé.

That was another huge article that should probably have been broken into small and more detailed parts (maybe that's next). If you are still here... thank you for reading :)

Top comments (17)


Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

treyhuffine profile image

  • Location San Franciso
  • Work Builder at
  • Joined Nov 4, 2017

Excellent article and super thorough. The inclusion of is a great addition.

Career growth for devs is something I'm really interested in as well and built out a resume generator for developers -

I see you're in Austin too. Let me know if you're ever interested in collaborating!

alvaromontoro profile image

  • Location Austin, TX
  • Work UI Manager / CSS Aficionado
  • Joined Apr 27, 2019

That looks cool. Let me check it, but I'd up for collaborating :)

Sounds great! :)

splrk profile image

  • Location Kempton Park, South Africa
  • Work Computer Software Engineer at Trans World Radio
  • Joined Nov 21, 2019

Great article! It gave me some great ideas while I prep for my next career move. I'd recently began considering using and JSON-LD in an API but I didn't realize it could be embedded in an HTML document.

fanchgadjo profile image

  • Joined Jul 4, 2019

I was recently suggested for designing a DB, but I had never heard of microdata in HTML. Thank you for sharing your process ! Your resume looks great. 👍

shikkaba profile image

  • Joined Aug 15, 2018

I know you're not asking for feedback, but the way you skewed the content on your site leaves outlines on chrome (edit: took a screenshot and tried to add it to the post to show you. Did not work. Confusing.). This does not happen if you use skew instead of how you did it. To counteract the parent skewing all the inside content, you wrap the child content in a container and do a skew opposite of what the parent is (ie: parent skewX(-10), child skewX(10)).

I always welcome suggestions to help me improve the code or learn something new. I will try it and see how it works. Thanks for the feedback and the suggestion 😊

kgcodes profile image

  • Email [email protected]
  • Location Atlanta, GA
  • Education Bachelor's (Computer Science)
  • Work Software Developer at LivePerson
  • Joined Dec 28, 2019

Super interesting article! I think having a personal/portfolio website with a 'resume' page too can help too. Since it's then fully online (and you can use JS), you could have clever interactive sections displaying your skills and showing your experience. Shouldn't replace a traditional 'offline' resume but just in addition to it.

jh3y profile image

  • Location Null Island
  • Joined Dec 9, 2019

Nice work Alvaro 👏

Been putting something together myself for this on and off for some time 😅

That key piece is definitely print styles 👍 They're a big win!

jeansmaug profile image

Hey, very nice.

You could generate a PDF version of you resume using Puppeter ;) To deal with the sites that doesn't support HTML uploads

besong141 profile image

  • Location Cameroon
  • Work Nothing at the moment at Still a student
  • Joined Dec 16, 2019

My only problem here is to connect the HTML and CSS to my data base

The idea is to have a static page, but you could do that using JavaScript and/or a server-side language.

Okay thanks

ssbozy profile image

  • Location Mountain View, California
  • Education Masters in Computer Science
  • Work Engineering Manager
  • Joined Jul 5, 2018

Congratulations! This is really great stuff. I really love the layout and printing options :)

corelhas profile image

  • Education Bachelor Computer Engineering
  • Work Self-Taught Programmer
  • Joined Jul 22, 2019

You did an amazing job!! Congrats!

clrkoko profile image

  • Joined Jan 30, 2020

Great job! Very instructive!

pradeepradyumna profile image

  • Location Bengaluru, India
  • Education B. E. Graduate
  • Work I write code for a living
  • Joined Sep 17, 2020

This is so cool. Thanks for sharing!

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Collection of 16 Resume Templates Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Faraz Logo

By Faraz - April 26, 2024

Craft visually appealing resumes effortlessly with our collection of 16 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript templates. Stand out from the crowd and land your dream job today!

Collection of 16 Resume Templates Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.webp

In today's competitive job market, having a standout resume is crucial for landing your dream job. With the advancement of technology, traditional paper resumes are evolving into digital formats. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are powerful tools that can be leveraged to create visually appealing and interactive resumes. In this article, we'll explore a collection of 16 resume templates that utilize these technologies to help you craft an impressive resume that grabs the attention of recruiters.

Table of Contents

Introduction to resume templates.

  • Live Resume Concept
  • Draco the Dragon
  • Animated Resume Concept
  • Responsive Resume Template
  • Graphical Representation Resume
  • Simple Resume in HTML and CSS
  • Resume Stuff
  • Resume Protocal
  • Clean Resume
  • Dark Resume Template
  • CSS3 Creative Resume
  • Interactive Resume
  • Modern Responsive Resume Template
  • Resume Builder
  • Modern Resume Template
  • Resume Template 2024

Resume templates are pre-designed layouts that provide a framework for organizing your professional information. They streamline the resume creation process by offering ready-made designs that can be easily customized to suit your needs. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, using a resume template can save you time and ensure consistency in formatting.

1. Live Resume Concept

collection of resume template - live resume concept

Experience the future of resume presentation with the innovative 'Live Resume' concept by aadamski91. This cutting-edge technique utilizes HTML and CSS to create dynamic, interactive resumes that captivate employers' attention. From animated transitions to real-time updates, this approach showcases your skills and experiences in a visually engaging manner. With responsiveness built-in, your 'Live Resume' adapts seamlessly to various devices, ensuring a polished presentation every time. Explore the possibilities and elevate your resume game with this revolutionary concept.

2. Draco the Dragon

collection of resume template - draco psd resume template

Draco the Dragon is a unique resume template designed by Afnizar Nur Ghifari. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Draco offers a creative way to showcase your skills and experiences. It's not just a resume—it's an experience! With its responsive design, Draco looks great on any device, from desktops to smartphones.

3. Animated Resume Concept

collection of resume template - animated resume concept

Step into the future of resume design with Lindeun's Animated Resume Concept. Crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this innovative approach breathes life into your traditional CV. Experience seamless transitions and eye-catching animations that captivate recruiters' attention. With responsiveness at its core, your animated resume shines on screens of all sizes.

4. Responsive Resume Template

collection of resume template - responsive resume template

Mario's Responsive Resume Template, meticulously crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This versatile template adapts effortlessly to any screen size, ensuring your resume looks polished and professional on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. With a focus on responsiveness, your information remains easily accessible and visually appealing across devices. Elevate your online presence and impress recruiters with Mario's Responsive Resume Template.

5. Graphical Representation Resume

collection of resume template - graphical representation resume

Introducing Brian Phillips' Graphical Representation Resume, a groundbreaking approach to presenting your skills and experiences. Created with HTML, CSS, and jQuery, this visually stunning template transforms your resume into an interactive infographic. Dive into your accomplishments with dynamic charts, graphs, and visual elements that showcase your expertise in a compelling way. While not responsive, this template ensures a captivating experience on desktop screens.

6. Simple Resume in HTML and CSS

collection of resume template - simple resume in html and css

This Simple Resume template is all about making a strong impact with minimal fuss. Naman Kalkhuria has designed it using HTML and CSS to ensure it’s not only easy to use but also fully responsive. That means it looks sharp on any device, from desktops to smartphones. Part of a select collection of 16 resume templates, this one stands out for its straightforward elegance. Choose this template to present your skills clearly and make a professional impression instantly.

7. Resume Stuff

collection of resume template - resume stuff

Dive into the Resume Stuff template, a creation by Kyle Shanks that prioritizes content and structure. Built with HTML and CSS, this template is designed for those who prefer a non-responsive layout, offering a stable and consistent look across all desktop devices. It’s a part of our curated collection of 16 resume templates, distinguished by its focus on simplicity and ease of use.

8. Resume Protocal

collection of resume template - resume protocal

Resume Protocol is a versatile template crafted by Peter Girnus, utilizing the trio of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This template not only showcases your professional details in a clear format but also adapts seamlessly to any device, thanks to its responsive design. It’s a standout piece in our collection of 16 resume templates, perfect for those who want a dynamic and interactive resume. With Resume Protocol, you can be confident that your resume will engage and impress on any platform.

9. Clean Resume

collection of resume template - clean resume

The Clean Resume template by Naomi Bastian Weatherford is a testament to clarity and precision. Developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it offers a straightforward approach to resume design. While it’s not responsive, its fixed-width layout ensures that your resume will look consistent and professional on desktop screens. As part of our exclusive collection of 16 resume templates, Clean Resume stands out for its focus on a neat and uncluttered presentation, making it an excellent choice for those who prioritize a clean aesthetic and easy-to-read format.

10. Dark Resume Template

collection of resume template - dark resume template

This template, designed by Vishnu Padmanabhan, offers a sleek and professional option for crafting your resume. Using HTML and CSS, it's easy to customize and personalize to showcase your skills and experience. Plus, it's responsive, meaning it looks great on any device, from desktop to mobile.

11. CSS3 Creative Resume

collection of resume template - css3 creative resume

Crafted by Sara Soueidan, this innovative resume template brings your personality to the forefront. Designed using HTML and CSS, it offers a visually captivating way to present your skills and achievements. While it's not responsive, its creative design is sure to make a lasting impression.

12. Interactive Resume

collection of resume template - interactive resume

Created by Becca Barton, this resume template takes engagement to the next level. Utilizing HTML, CSS, and jQuery, it offers an interactive experience for showcasing your talents and accomplishments. Whether you're showcasing your portfolio or highlighting your skills, this template is designed to impress. Plus, it's fully responsive, ensuring it looks great on any device.

13. Modern Responsive Resume Template

collection of resume template - modern responsive resume template

Introducing the Modern Responsive Resume Template by Jeremy Hawes, a sleek and contemporary take on the classic resume. This template is engineered with HTML, CSS, and the interactive capabilities of jQuery, ensuring that your resume not only looks modern but feels interactive. Its responsive design guarantees optimal viewing on all devices, making it a perfect choice for the tech-savvy professional. Featured in our collection of 16 innovative resume templates, this template is designed to make a bold statement and leave a lasting impression on potential employers.

14. Resume Builder

collection of resume template - resume builder

Developed by Faraz, this innovative tool empowers you to create a personalized resume effortlessly. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it provides a user-friendly platform for crafting your professional profile. While it's not responsive, its intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience as you input your information and customize your resume to reflect your skills and achievements.

15. Modern Resume Template

collection of resume template - modern resume template

The Modern Resume Template is a creation of XiChen, designed to bring a contemporary edge to your professional profile. Crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it offers a clean and modern layout that focuses on content and readability. Although it is not responsive, its design ensures that your resume will display beautifully on standard desktop screens. Included in our handpicked selection of 16 resume templates, this template is ideal for those who appreciate a modern look without the need for cross-device compatibility.

16. Resume Template 2024

collection of resume template - resume template 2024

Designed by Ian Chen, this resume template offers a contemporary approach to showcasing your credentials. Developed with HTML and CSS, it provides a structured layout for presenting your skills and experiences. While it's not responsive, its clean design ensures readability and professionalism across various devices.

Creating a standout resume is crucial in today's competitive job market. With the collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript resume templates, you can impress employers with visually appealing and interactive resumes that showcase your skills and experience effectively.

Q1. Are these templates compatible with all devices?

Yes, these templates are responsive and compatible with various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Q2. Can I modify the templates to suit my preferences?

Absolutely! All templates are fully customizable, allowing you to adjust colors, fonts, layout, and content according to your needs.

Q3. Are there any restrictions on using these templates?

No, these templates are available for personal and commercial use. However, some premium templates may require a one-time purchase.

Q4. Do I need coding knowledge to use these templates?

Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is beneficial for customizing these templates. However, most templates come with clear instructions and documentation for easy customization.

Q5. Can I Use These Templates for Commercial Purposes?

Of course! Feel free to use these templates to impress potential employers or clients – just remember to give credit where credit is due!

Create a Resume Builder with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.jpg

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed this article

Did you like it? Let me know in the comments below 🔥 and you can support me by buying me a coffee.

And don’t forget to sign up to our email newsletter so you can get useful content like this sent right to your inbox!

Thanks! Faraz 😊

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Resume Maker by Using HTML CSS JavaScript

how to make resume using html


In today's digital age, having a well-designed and professional CV is essential for job seekers. However, manually creating and updating a CV can be time-consuming and tedious.

That's where a dynamic CV generator comes in handy. In this article, we will explore how to create a dynamic CV generator using JavaScript. This tool will help streamline the process, allowing you to quickly generate and update your CV with ease.

Key Concepts

Before we dive into the code, let's understand the key concepts behind our dynamic CV generator:

DOM Manipulation : We will use JavaScript to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) to dynamically add and update CV fields.

Event Handling : We will attach event listeners to buttons and input fields to trigger specific actions, such as adding new fields or generating the CV.

Template Rendering : We will use HTML templates to structure the CV layout and dynamically populate the content based on user input.

Code Structure

Our code consists of several functions, each responsible for a specific task:

addNewLanField() : This function adds a new language input field to the CV form.

addNewEdField() : This function adds a new education input field to the CV form.

addNewTiField() : This function adds a new title input field to the CV form.

addNewWEField() : This function adds a new work experience input field to the CV form.

addNewAQField() : This function adds a new professional skill input field to the CV form.

generateCV() : This function generates the CV based on the user's input. It retrieves the values from the input fields and dynamically updates the corresponding sections in the CV template.

printCV() : This function hides the CV form, displays the generated CV template, and triggers the print functionality.

Here are the snapshots of this Resume Maker Web Application :

Resume Details Form

Resume Generator Web Application using HTML, CSS, and JS

Generated CV

Resume Generator Web Application using HTML, CSS, and JS

Printable CV

Resume Generator Web Application using HTML, CSS, and JS

  • Download the Source Code zip file. (Download Button is located below this article)
  • Unzip the source code zip file.
  • Locate the index.html inside the extracted source code directory
  • Browse the said file on your preferred web browser.

There you have it! I hope this Resume Generator Web Application developed using HTML, CSS, and Javascript will help you with what you are looking.

Explore more on this website for more Tutorials , Free Source Codes , Articles covering various programming languages.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it. 2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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Middle East Crisis Spain, Norway and Ireland Recognize a Palestinian State, a Blow to Israel

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  • A mostly deserted refugee camp in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. Eyad AL-Baba/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
  • A paramedic helping a wounded Palestinian man during clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Jenin. Leo Correa/Associated Press
  • Waiting to collect water in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip. Mohammed Salem/Reuters
  • A Palestinian man and his children in a destroyed home in Rafah. Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
  • Clashes continuing in Jenin. Zain Jaafar/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
  • A mosque destroyed in a strike in Khan Younis. Mohammed Salem/Reuters

Recognitions of Palestinian statehood are a rebuke to Israel, if a largely symbolic one.

Spain, norway and ireland recognize palestinian statehood, the closely coordinated announcements by the three nations served as a rebuke to israel..

Today, Ireland, Norway and Spain are announcing that we recognize the state of Palestine. Ireland asked the world to recognize our right to be an independent state. Our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our right to self-determination and justice. Today, we use the same language to support the recognition of Palestine as a state.

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Spain, Norway and Ireland said on Wednesday that they would recognize an independent Palestinian state, a rebuke to Israel that, though largely symbolic, reflected dwindling international patience with its military offensive in Gaza and its decades of occupation of Palestinian territories.

Scores of countries have recognized Palestinian statehood, but the closely coordinated announcements by the three nations carried added weight amid the growing toll of the war in Gaza, and because most Western European countries, and the United States, have resisted taking such a step out of solidarity with Israel.

The moves will likely have little immediate effect on conditions for Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank or in Gaza, where health authorities say that more than 35,000 people have been killed in over seven months of Israeli bombardment and ground combat. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel called the moves “a prize for terrorism” and said that it would “not stop us from reaching a victory over Hamas.”

The White House flatly rejected unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood, with National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson saying that President Biden “believes a Palestinian state should be realized through direct negotiations between the parties.”

But the announcements made clear the view in a growing number of capitals that Palestinian sovereignty cannot wait for a permanent peace deal with Israel, whose right-wing government largely opposes a Palestinian state.

“Palestinians have a fundamental, independent right to an independent state,” Jonas Gahr Store, the prime minister of Norway, said at a news conference in Oslo announcing the decision, which will go into effect on Tuesday.

Spain’s decision will take effect the same day, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said, adding that Spain had been forced to act because Mr. Netanyahu did not have a plan for long-term peace with the Palestinians.

“The two-state solution is in danger,” Mr. Sanchez said in remarks to Parliament, referring to a proposed framework for establishing an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. “It’s time to move from words to action — to tell millions of innocent Palestinians who are suffering that we are with them, that there is hope,” he added.

Prime Minister Simon Harris of Ireland said at a news conference that he was confident that other countries would soon join them in recognizing Palestinian statehood.

Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu, an expert on Israeli-European relations, said the announcements highlighted the erosion of the global support Israel saw immediately after the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attacks that touched off the war in Gaza.

“It proves again to us, as Israelis, the extent to which we are ever more isolated,” said Ms. Sion-Tzidkiyahu, an analyst at Mitvim, an Israeli foreign policy research group.

More than 140 countries and the Holy See have recognized a Palestinian state, but most Western European countries and the United States have not. The longstanding U.S. position is that recognition should be achieved through negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, and that while it supports a two-state solution, unilateral measures by third parties will not advance that goal.

Israel strongly opposes international recognition of a Palestinian state — Mr. Netanyahu has called the establishment of such a state an “ existential danger ” — and maintains that Israel needs to negotiate directly with Palestinian leaders on a permanent solution.

But serious negotiations on a two-state solution haven’t been held for over a decade. And some observers argue that by not recognizing a Palestinian state, the West has enabled a far-right Israeli agenda opposed to its existence. It “gives leverage to Israel to keep encroaching on the land and resources and the people of the other state,” Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian envoy to Britain, said in a recent interview.

Palestinian leaders based in the West Bank welcomed the announcements. “We believe it will help preserve the two-state solution and give Palestinians hope that they will have their own state side by side with Israel in peace and security,” Ziad Abu Amr, a senior Palestinian official, said in an interview.

Wednesday’s announcements were the latest blow to Israel on the international stage, and came days after the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor requested arrest warrants for Mr. Netanyahu and Israel’s defense minister, along with leaders of Hamas, on war crimes charges stemming from the Oct. 7 attacks and the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

Spain, Ireland and Norway have all strongly criticized Israel’s conduct of the war and have historically been strong supporters of the Palestinians. Ireland’s support for Palestinians has deep roots ; in Spain, Mr. Sanchez has been a leading voice in Europe for the protection of Palestinian rights.

Norway has historically cast itself as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians. In 1993, it hosted the clandestine meetings that led to the Oslo Accords, the framework that came close to resolving the conflict, but ultimately failed .

Prime Minister Store said Norway had acted with Spain and Ireland in an effort to salvage the possibility of a two-state solution in the face of an Israeli government that has openly rejected it.

Offering Palestinians who favor democracy and a sovereign Palestine alongside Israel, Mr. Store said in an interview, is an attempt to break what he described as “a downward spiral, with militant groups like Hamas setting the agenda on the Palestinian side” and the Israeli government “establishing hundreds of thousands of settlers” on occupied land.

He also said that the move sent “a clear message against Hamas,” he said, which is acting with terror and refusing to recognize Israel and a two-state solution.

“I wish to give credence and support to those parts of the Palestinian fabric who work for civilized principles of statehood,” Mr. Store said.

The announcements by Spain, Norway and Ireland and Wednesday do not, on their own, pose a major diplomatic problem for Israel, said Ms. Sion-Tzidkiyahu, the analyst. But the picture could change if more powerful states like Germany or France felt pressure to make similar declarations, she added.

“For now, we can live with it, because it does not have any real meaning,” she said. “It has no effect on the ground.”

Henrik Pryser Libell , Adam Rasgon , Victoria Kim , Michael D. Shear and Steven Erlanger contributed reporting.

— Emma Bubola and Aaron Boxerman

New footage is released of Hamas militants taking female soldiers hostage.

The families of several Israeli female soldiers taken hostage during the Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7 have released video of their abduction in an attempt to pressure the Israeli government to revive stalled cease-fire talks that could pave the way for the captives’ release.

Family members first saw the footage a few weeks ago via the Israeli military, which formally handed them a copy on Tuesday night, according to the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, which represents families of hostages held captive in Gaza.

“I’m asking you, please show this clip every day, open your broadcasts with it,” Eli Albag, whose daughter Liri Albag can be seen in the video , said in a television interview with Israel’s Channel 12. “Until somebody wakes up, the nation wakes up, and realizes that they’ve been abandoned there for 229 days.”

On Thursday, the day after the video was made public, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said in a statement that Israel’s war cabinet had ordered its negotiators to “continue talks to bring home the hostages” held in Gaza. But hopes for immediate progress appeared remote in the shadow of Israel’s ongoing military operation in Rafah, in southern Gaza, from which over 800,000 Palestinians have fled, according to the United Nations.

Some Israeli politicians immediately seized on the video on Wednesday to try to rebuff the decision by Ireland, Norway, and Spain to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state . Israel Katz, the foreign minister, said he would screen the footage during a “severe reprimand” of the countries’ ambassadors.

In the three-minute edited collection of videos, which were verified by The New York Times, Palestinian fighters, some wearing Hamas headbands, can be seen binding the hands of five Israeli women who served as lookouts at Nahal Oz, a military base near the Gaza border. At least two of the hostages’ faces are bloodied, and they appear to be wearing pajamas. The militants repeatedly threaten the women.

One of the militants calls the women “dogs,” vowing to crush them. One of the women can be heard telling the militants that she had “a friend in Palestine,” even as another begs to know if any of them speak English.

In a statement, Hamas said that the scenes presented in the edited video “could not be confirmed.” The group also claimed that a translation provided by the Israeli authorities was incorrect and included phrases “that were not said by any of the fighters who appeared in the video.”

Talks to secure the release of the more than 125 hostages still being held in Gaza have been at a standstill since Israel began its assault on the southern city of Rafah in early May. Israeli forces operating in northern Gaza retrieved the bodies of four Israelis abducted on Oct. 7, heightening fears for the remaining captives.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum identified the Israeli hostage soldiers in the video as Naama Levy, Agam Berger, Liri Albag, Karina Ariev and Daniela Gilboa, all aged 19 or 20. The footage was recorded by body cameras worn by the Hamas militants who abducted them, the organization said.

Families of hostages met with senior Israeli leaders on Wednesday, including Yoav Gallant, the defense minister, and Benny Gantz, a member of the country’s war cabinet, in an attempt to lobby for an immediate agreement with Hamas.

“The video is a damning testament to the nation’s failure to bring home the hostages, who have been forsaken for 229 days,” the Hostages and Missing Families Forum said in a statement.

In a statement on social media, Mr. Gantz said he was appalled by the footage of the five hostages’ abduction, and vowed to make “difficult decisions” if necessary in order to bring home the remaining captives in Gaza.

Yair Lapid, the leader of Israel’s parliamentary opposition, said the video was “a reminder to the world of the evil we are fighting in Gaza.”

Dmitriy Khavin , Alexander Cardia and Riley Mellen contributed reporting.

— Aaron Boxerman reporting from Jerusalem


news analysis

The war is creating a widening divide between Europe and Israel.

In Europe, long a vital source of support for Israel, the political center of gravity is moving away from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

Spain, Ireland and Norway on Wednesday recognized Palestinian statehood, despite vehement Israeli and American opposition. And most European governments offered unequivocal support to the International Criminal Court this week, after it requested arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and defense minister, along with leaders of Hamas.

Israel still has staunch allies within the European Union, especially Hungary and the Czech Republic, and key players like Germany, despite growing discomfort with Israel’s conduct, have not shown any inclination to alter their stance. The growing fissures within Europe mean that the consensus-driven European Union will not change its positions any time soon.

But European countries face rising international and domestic pressure to take a firmer stand against Israel’s handling of the Palestinian territories, and particularly the devastating war in Gaza.

Sweden prominently became one of a handful of European Union members to recognize Palestinian statehood a decade ago. Europe has long supported the eventual creation of a Palestinian state — the “two-state solution” that Israel’s government steadfastly opposes — and voiced frustration with Israel’s handling of the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, but most nations have been unwilling to go further.

Instead, the European Union, before the war, was moving closer to Israel, including through financially and politically important partnerships in trade and science.

The war, and the way it has evolved, are changing that. The sympathetic views that sustained European support for Israel after the Oct. 7 attacks is waning as the war continues, the humanitarian situation in Gaza worsens, and Israel looks to many people less like a victim and more like an aggressor.

Ireland and Spain, E.U. members, and Norway, a nation closely aligned with the bloc, took the next step on Wednesday, recognizing Palestinian statehood — a sharp rebuke to Israel, even if it has little practical effect and came as little surprise. The three European countries have been vocal in their criticism of Israel and support of the Palestinian cause, even as they have condemned Hamas and the brutal assault it led against Israel on Oct. 7.

If more of their neighbors follow their lead, the European Union could become a major counterweight to the American position that Palestinian statehood should result only from a negotiated settlement with Israel. That would deepen the rift between Europe and Israel.

There have been warnings and concerns, from Europe and other parts of the world, about Israel’s deadly and destructive campaign against Hamas in Gaza. Particular attention now turns to Belgium, another deeply pro-Palestinian E.U. country that has stepped up its criticism of how Israel is handling the war.

“We certainly have seen a growing chorus of voices, including voices that had previously been in support of Israel, drift in another direction,” Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, said at a news conference. “That is of concern to us because we do not believe that contributes to Israel’s long-term security or vitality.”

The European Union as a bloc has maintained its trade and other agreements with Israel, despite growing calls to sever or drastically limit them.

A majority of the 27 E.U. countries have held largely similar positions on the Israel-Hamas war since Oct. 7 and have undergone similar shifts.

They began with revulsion at the Hamas-led attack that killed an estimated 1,200 people and captured more than 240 hostages, support for Israel’s right to defend itself and continued hope for a two-state solution. They called for restraint by Israel as it bombarded, blockaded and invaded Gaza. Then came outright, increasingly sharp criticism of an Israeli campaign that has killed about 35,000 people — combatants and civilians — so far, forced most Gazans to flee their homes, caused shortages of food and medicines and leveled many of the territory’s buildings.

In standing by Israel, countries like Hungary and the Czech Republic may play a decisive role in determining what the European Union can and — especially — what it cannot do when it comes to the Middle East. Austria, too, has remained close to Israel while others have criticized it.

Foreign policy is a national prerogative jealously guarded by E.U. members that cede many other powers to the bloc. The group’s positions in international affairs can be reached only by unanimous consensus, making it unlikely that it will take a clear position on Israel and Palestine any time soon.

When the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor on Monday requested arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant of Israel, most European countries, and the E.U. itself, stopped short of taking an overt position on the move, but said that they respected the court’s independence.

But the Czech prime minister, Petr Fiala, said on social media that seeking the arrest of “the representatives of a democratically elected government together with the leaders of an Islamist terrorist organization is appalling and completely unacceptable.”

Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary called it “absurd and shameful.”

But Belgium’s foreign minister, Hadja Lahbib, said , “Crimes committed in Gaza must be prosecuted at the highest level, regardless of the perpetrators.”

The Foreign Ministry of France, the bloc’s second-largest nation, said , “France supports the International Criminal Court, its independence and the fight against impunity in all situations.”

Recognizing a Palestinian state is “not taboo” for France but the right moment has not yet come, the French foreign minister said on Wednesday after several European countries officially took the step. “This decision must be useful,” Stéphane Séjourné, the foreign minister, said in a statement.

Though France has refrained so far from acting on its own, last month it voted in favor of a U.N. Security Council resolution to recognize Palestine as a full member state of the United Nations. Britain, no longer in the European Union but still influential, abstained from that vote.

The United States, France and Britain are all permanent Security Council members, with the power to veto any action there. Only the United States used that power, demonstrating the widening divide with Europe.

The evolution of Germany’s stance will play an important role in determining the direction of E.U. relations with Israel. Germany is the bloc’s biggest member and has long expressed a unique commitment to Israel as a result of its Nazi history and the Holocaust.

Berlin started on the pro-Israel end of the E.U. spectrum in the immediate aftermath of Oct. 7, but now it more openly criticizes the way Israel is conducting the war, and it has called for an immediate cease-fire, in opposition to Israel and the United States.

At a news conference in Berlin, Kathrin Deschauer, a spokeswoman for the German Foreign Ministry, did not signal any change in her country’s stand when asked about the Spanish, Irish and Norwegian recognition of Palestine.

“An independent state of Palestine remains a firm goal of German foreign policy,” she said. It is an urgent matter, she added, but must come at the end of a “process of dialogue.”

Aurelien Breeden contributed reporting from Paris, and Christopher F. Schuetze from Berlin.

An earlier version of this article misstated that for a decade Sweden was the only European Union member to recognize Palestinian statehood. It was one of a few members to do so, not the only one. 

How we handle corrections

— Matina Stevis-Gridneff reporting from Brussels

What does it mean to recognize a Palestinian state?

The decision by three European countries — Ireland, Norway and Spain — to recognize a Palestinian state fits into a long-term goal of Palestinian leaders to secure diplomatic acceptance, but it appears that the immediate practical impact will be limited.

Broadly speaking, recognizing a state means declaring that it meets the conditions of statehood under international law. It typically opens a path to setting up diplomatic relations and an embassy there. But the European countries appeared to be mostly concerned with expressing support for Palestinians and sending a message to Israel at a time of deepening international concern about its conduct of the war.

The foreign minister of Norway, Espen Barth Eide, told a news conference that the country’s representative office to the Palestinian Authority, which was opened in the West Bank in 1999, would become an embassy. He gave no date for this change but said it would enable Norway to enter into bilateral agreements.

Recognition would also have some “domestic legal effects in Norway in areas where issues related to the state of Palestine arise,” he said.

Statements by the leaders of Ireland and Spain focused on the need for peace in Gaza and the importance of a two-state solution, but did not mention embassies or other immediate changes.

“Recognition of Palestine is not the end of a process, it is the beginning,” said Simon Harris , the taoiseach, or prime minister, of Ireland. He said that Ireland was recognizing the right of a Palestinian state to exist in peace and security within internationally agreed borders, and said that to do so sent a message “that there is a viable alternative to the nihilism of Hamas.”

Mr. Harris said he would travel to Brussels on Sunday to meet more than 40 partners from the Middle East, Europe and elsewhere “to discuss how recognition can make a concrete, practical impact to ending this horrible conflict and implementing a two-state solution.”

To date, around 140 countries, mainly outside Western Europe, have recognized a Palestinian state, according to the Palestinian Authority’s website. These do not include the United States, Israel’s most significant ally, or Britain, France or Germany.

The announcements on Wednesday fit into a broader Palestinian drive for diplomatic recognition , though the advances so far have had little immediate impact on the lives of people in the West Bank and Gaza.

The United Nations voted in 1947 to create an independent Arab state alongside a Jewish one, but the plan was rejected by neighboring Arab governments and Palestinian Arabs, and the state of Israel was founded amid a war the following year. In the decades since, plans for a two-state solution have repeatedly been stymied.

This month, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution declaring that Palestinians qualify for full membership status at the United Nations. The Assembly can only grant full membership with the approval of the Security Council, and the United States would almost inevitably wield its veto power to kill such a measure , as it did last month.

Even though a majority in the General Assembly supports Palestinian statehood, the resolution was the first time the body had voted on the issue of full membership, reflecting solidarity with Palestinians that appears to have deepened in some nations as a result of the war in Gaza.

Palestine became a member of UNESCO, the United Nations cultural organization, in 2011, but a bid for full U.N. membership failed. The next year, Palestine was granted the lesser status of observer at the United Nations, a level shared by the Holy See.

Observers can participate in U.N. General Assembly sessions but are not allowed to vote. They also can join the International Court of Justice, which is currently hearing a case on the legality of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, on Monday requested arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Hamas leaders on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Israel does not recognize the court, but Palestine has been a member of the court since 2015.

Palestine is also party to a number of treaties, and became a member of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in 2018 .

Henrik Pryser Libell contributed reporting.

— Matthew Mpoke Bigg

Israel’s finance minister says he will withhold tax revenues from the Palestinian Authority.

Israel will not transfer much-needed funds to the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the decision by three European countries to recognize a Palestinian state, the country’s finance minister said on Wednesday, as its foreign minister denounced the European moves as giving “a gold medal to Hamas terrorists.”

The decision by the finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right leader who opposes Palestinian sovereignty, threatened to push the Palestinian government into a deeper fiscal crisis. He said in a statement that he had informed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he would no longer send tax revenues to the authority, which administers parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank in close cooperation with Israel.

Mr. Smotrich’s office signaled that the decision was at least partly a response to Spain, Norway and Ireland recognizing Palestinian statehood, and that the Palestinian leadership bore responsibility for campaigning for the move.

“They are acting against Israel legally, diplomatically and for unilateral recognition,” said Eytan Fuld, a spokesman for Mr. Smotrich, referring to the authority. “When they act against the state of Israel, there must be a response.”

The Israeli move drew a rebuke from the White House, but no threat of action in response.

“I think it’s wrong on a strategic basis, because withholding funds destabilizes the West Bank. It undermines the search for security and prosperity for the Palestinian people, which is in Israel’s interests,” Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, said at a news conference. “And I think it’s wrong to withhold funds that provide basic goods and services to innocent people.”

Mohammad Mustafa, the recently inaugurated Palestinian Authority prime minister , warned that the dire fiscal situation was contributing to a “very serious moment” in the West Bank, which has faced increasing unrest since the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attacks on Israel.

He said that he was set to meet top diplomats from countries that have traditionally provided funding for the authority next week in Brussels. “We go through an extremely difficult time trying to deliver services to our people on the ground, and they’re already under military action,” Mr. Mustafa said in a video distributed by his office. “And on top of that, we cannot pay them to do the basic things. This is war.”

Israel also recalled its ambassadors from Spain, Ireland and Norway for consultations on Wednesday morning. Israel Katz, the Israeli foreign minister, said he had summoned the countries’ envoys to Israel for a “severe scolding” following “their governments’ decision to award a gold medal to Hamas terrorists.”

Mr. Netanyahu’s office did not respond to a request for comment on Mr. Smotrich’s statement.

Under decades-old agreements, Israel collects customs and import taxes on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. Those revenues constitute most of the Palestinian budget, particularly as international aid has declined. But Mr. Smotrich — who has labeled the Palestinian Authority “an enemy” — had already delayed transferring the latest tranche of funds before the announcements on Wednesday, said Mr. Fuld and a Palestinian official. The Palestinian official spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

The Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority is already in a severe financial crisis following tightened Israeli restrictions on its funding and a depressed West Bank economy stemming from the war. This month, it managed to pay only 50 percent of the salaries of tens of thousands of civil servants.

Diplomats and analysts have warned that the Palestinian government’s deepening financial problems could lead to even more unrest in the West Bank. More than 500 Palestinians have been killed in the territory, many in clashes with Israeli forces, since the Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7 prompted Israel to go to war in Gaza, according to the Palestinian Authority Health Ministry.

Palestinians have faced tightening Israeli restrictions since Oct. 7. Over 100,000 Palestinians who worked in Israel were barred from entering, creating mass unemployment overnight. Near-nightly raids, Israeli road closures, and stricter checkpoints have further choked the Palestinian economy.

The Palestinian Authority traditionally disburses some of the tax funds collected by Israel to Gaza. After the war broke out in October, Mr. Smotrich said he would withhold that part from the amount it transfers to the authority. Palestinian officials refused to accept the reduced payments at all in protest.

After a monthslong standoff over the issue, Israeli and Palestinian leaders agreed to a deal stipulating that Norway would hold some of the revenues in trust until Israel agreed they could be sent to the Palestinians. The Palestinians agreed to receive the reduced payments in the meantime.

On Wednesday, Mr. Smotrich called for the government to immediately annul that agreement as well.

Top Israeli officials, including Mr. Netanyahu, have repeatedly excoriated international recognition of a Palestinian state as a “prize for terrorism” after the Oct. 7 attack.

Most of the current hard-line Israeli government rejects the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, practically ruling out peace talks to end Israel’s decades-long occupation.

President Biden and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken have said that after the war , Gaza should be unified with the West Bank under a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority . Israel has remained vehemently opposed to that idea. The authority in its current form is also unpopular among Palestinians, who view it as complicit in Israel’s occupation.

Yair Lapid, the leader of Israel’s parliamentary opposition, said he agreed with Mr. Netanyahu that the three countries’ decisions were “disgraceful.” But he also called it “an unprecedented diplomatic failure” for Israel in a statement on social media, an implicit reproach of Mr. Netanyahu.

Health officials report that the death toll has risen to eight in Israel’s raid of Jenin in the West Bank.

Israeli forces extended a military raid into a Palestinian city in the occupied West Bank into a second day, and Palestinian officials said at least eight civilians, including two high school students, a doctor and a teacher, had been killed so far.

Dozens have also been injured since the Israeli military entered the Palestinian town of Jenin on Tuesday morning, in the latest of a series of raids that Israeli officials have described as counterterrorism operations. Israel’s forces have trapped residents in their homes, torn up roads with heavy machinery and tanks, and destroyed vehicles in the streets, according to residents, local officials and the health ministry.

“No one can leave their homes; the military’s snipers are spread out over the roofs of the homes they took over, preventing anyone from moving in the streets,” said Nidal Naghnaghieh, a resident of Jenin.

Israel has increased its West Bank incursions in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack on Israel, carrying out near-nightly military raids into Palestinian cities and neighborhoods. More than 500 Palestinians have been killed, according to health officials.

Many of the raids have been in Jenin camp, a more than 70-year-old refugee community within the larger city of Jenin that is populated mainly by Palestinian refugees and their descendants who were expelled or fled from their homes in present-day Israel during the war that surrounded the creation of the state of Israel.

Jenin has long been known as a bastion of armed resistance to the Israeli occupation and was the target of frequent military raids even before the war in Gaza.

The Israeli military did not respond to questions about the raid.

“The situation in the camp for the second day of their raid is really difficult, they have blown up several homes,” said Mr. Naghnaghieh, who was outside when the raid began and has not been able to return home for two days. His family is stuck inside their home, he said.

Many men and boys in the camp have been detained by the Israeli forces, he said.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said Israeli forces shot at one of their ambulances on Tuesday while it was trying to rescue the wounded, but it gave little detail.

“There are martyrs and people don’t know the fate of those who have been wounded,” said Mohammad Al-Sayid, a member of the Jenin city council.

— Raja Abdulrahim reporting from Jerusalem

Norway’s recognition carries significance because of its role in 1993 talks.

Scores of countries have recognized a Palestinian state, but Norway’s announcement on Wednesday that it would do so carried added significance because it hosted the clandestine meetings in 1993 that led to the Oslo Accords, the framework for peace that came close to resolving the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. It ultimately failed .

Norway calls itself a friend of Israel, and the two countries have a longstanding relationship. But since Oct. 7, when Israel launched a military offensive in Gaza in response to Hamas-led attacks, Norway has also sharply condemned Israel’s conduct of the war.

Norway’s foreign minister said in March that “Israel’s use of military force is having a disproportionately severe impact on the civilian population and is not in line with international humanitarian law,” and called for a cease-fire.

Norway also continued to fund UNRWA, the main U.N. agency that helps Palestinian refugees, after several other countries stopped doing so following Israel’s allegations that about a dozen of the agency’s employees had been involved in the Oct. 7 attacks.

In February, Norway testified at the International Court of Justice , stating that Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem were among the biggest obstacles to peace in the region.

The Oslo Accords were landmark agreements that included mutual recognition between the government of Israel and the Palestinian leadership, which was able to return to the occupied territories from exile. The accords also established the Palestinian Authority, which was meant to be an interim body exercising limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In 2000, continued negotiations toward a permanent peace treaty to establish an independent Palestinian state alongside an Israeli one dissolved into a second Palestinian uprising and an Israeli military clampdown.

Jonas Gahr Store, the prime minister of Norway, said on Wednesday that “a recognition of Palestine is support to moderate forces that are on the defensive, in a long and gruesome conflict.”

He called the recognition “an investment in the only solution that can give lasting peace in the Middle East,” and he urged other countries to follow suit “so that the process towards a two-state solution finally can begin again.”

— Emma Bubola

In recognizing a Palestinian state, Ireland nods to its own history.

When the Irish government on Wednesday announced formal recognition of an independent Palestinian state, it drew on its own struggle for statehood and the violence that surrounded it.

“From our own history we know what it means: recognition is an act of powerful political and symbolic value,” Simon Harris, the taoiseach, or prime minister of Ireland, said at a news briefing.

Mr. Harris was nodding to the Republic of Ireland’s quest for self-rule in the early part of the 20th century after hundreds of years of British rule. He detailed how, on Jan. 21, 1919, Ireland asked the world to recognize its right to independence.

“Our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle and our right to self-determination and justice,” he said. “Today we use the same language to support the recognition of Palestine as a state.”

Ireland condemned Hamas after the group led the Oct. 7 attack on Israel that officials there say killed some 1,200 people. And since the start of the conflict in Gaza, it has sharply rebuked Israel for its assault that Gazan authorities say has left more than 35,000 people dead.

Mr. Harris emphasized that Ireland’s announcement, which came on the same day as similar moves by Spain and Norway , did not diminish his country’s relationship with Israel. Instead, he said, it was an acknowledgment that Israel and a state of Palestine had an equal right to exist.

“I want to know in years to come that Ireland spoke up, spoke out, in favor of peace,” he added.

The Republic of Ireland has a deep history of support for Palestinians and for their efforts to establish an independent state, and the announcement on Wednesday drew support from across the political spectrum and from within the country’s coalition government.

The small island of Ireland — which is made up of the independent Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which remained part of the United Kingdom — also experienced its own seemingly intractable sectarian conflict between mostly Catholic nationalists who supported independence and mostly Protestant unionists who supported alignment with Britain.

That conflict, which was marked by thousands of lives lost in terrorist bombings, shootings and clashes with the military and police over decades that came to be known as The Troubles, came to a close with the Good Friday agreement in 1998.

“Ireland has for many decades recognized the State of Israel and its right to exist in peace and security,” Mr. Harris said. “We had hoped to recognize Palestine as part of a two-state peace deal, but instead we recognize Palestine to keep the hope of that two-state solution alive.”

Mr. Harris also drew on Ireland’s history when he made a distinction between Hamas terrorism and the broader Palestinian population.

Asked whether recognition of Palestinian statehood would empower Hamas, Mr. Harris said: “Hamas is not the Palestinian people, and here in Ireland, better than most countries in the world, we know what it’s like when a terrorist organization seeks to hijack your identity and seeks to speak for you.”

It was a clear reference to the deadly terror attacks carried out decades ago by paramilitary groups across the islands of Ireland and Britain, often in the name of Irish independence.

“Palestine is made up of people, decent people. So is Israel,” he said, adding: “I think right-thinking people around the world are able to differentiate between the actions of terrorists and the decent people of a state.”

— Megan Specia


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