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May 28, 2022 By Masaki Mori Leave a Comment

Shukudai is the Japanese word for ‘homework’, explained

What does “shukudai” mean in japanese.

Native speakers use shukudai to mean ‘homework’ in Japanese. Perhaps, some Japanese learners know this word as it is sometimes used in Japanese textbooks. In this blog post, however, I will explain this word in detail based on its kanji expression. And also, I will explain how to use it through example sentences. My explanations would help Japanese learners understand shukudai more clearly. Then, let’s get started!

Definition and meaning of “shukudai”

How to say “homework” in japanese, another example of “shukudai”.

Let me start with the definition and meaning of shukudai .

  • shukudai – 宿題 (しゅくだい) : a noun meaning ‘homework’ in Japanese.

Native speakers use this noun to refer to a task or tasks to do at home after school. So, the usage is very similar to that of the English noun, homework , I think.

The definition and meaning are simple and clear. To understand this noun more clearly, however, let me explain its kanji characters in detail, one by one.

Shukudai in kanji

The kanji expression of shukudai consists of the following two kanji characters:

  • 宿 : a kanji character used to refer to a place where people stay.
  • 題 : a kanji character used to mean a ‘theme’, ‘subject’, ‘question’, or ‘problem’ in Japanese.

From these two kanji characters, we can understand that shukudai literally means ‘a place where people stay and questions’ in Japanese. This literal interpretation is not completely in line with the actual meaning, but still understandable, I think. Homework is often a set of questions which people need to solve at home.

When we meet new kanji expressions, we should check their kanji characters in detail to understand their meanings clearly and deeply. In many cases, kanji characters tell us a lot about the meanings of the expressions they form. Actually, here, we could get the better understanding of shukudai through the detailed kanji check above.

So far, I’ve explained the definition and meaning of shukudai together with its kanji characters. Then, let me explain how to use it through the example sentences below.

kyou wa shukudai ga takusan aru – 今日は宿題がたくさんある (きょうはしゅくだいがたくさんある) Today, I have a lot of homework.

Below are the new words used in the example sentence.

  • kyou – 今日 (きょう) : a noun meaning ‘today’ in Japanese.
  • wa – は : a binding particle working as a case marker or topic marker. In the example, this works as a topic marker after kyou to put a focus on it.
  • ga – が : a case particle used to make the subject word or the object word in a sentence. In the example, this is used after shukudai to make the subject in the sentence.
  • takusan – たくさん : an adverb of quantity meaning ‘many’, ‘much’, or such in Japanese. In the example, this works to emphasize the amount of the homework.
  • aru – ある : a verb meaning ‘to be’, ‘to exist’, ‘to present’, or such in Japanese.

This is a typical usage of shukudai . In this example, it works as a part of the commonly-used phrase, shukudai ga aru , which literally means ‘homework exists’ in Japanese. This phrase is often translated into English as ‘to have homework’, though.

boku wa shukudai wo katazuke mashi ta – 僕は宿題を片付けました (ぼくはしゅくだいをかたづけました) I finished my homework.

  • boku – 僕 (ぼく) : a pronoun meaning ‘I’ in Japanese. This is used mainly by boys and young males.
  • wo – を : a case particle used to make the object word in a sentence. In the example, this is used after shukudai to make the object in the sentence.
  • katazuke – 片付け (かたづけ) : one conjugation of the verb, katazukeru , which means ‘to clean’, ‘to clear’, ‘to finish’, or such in Japanese. In the example, it has been conjugated for the better connection with its following word.
  • mashi – まし : one conjugation of the auxiliary verb, masu , which is used after a verb to make it polite. In the example, this is used after katazuke to make it sound polite.
  • ta – た : an auxiliary verb used after a verb, adjective, or auxiliary verb to make its past tense form. Probably, this is well known as a part of Japanese ta form. In the example, this is used at the end of the verb phrase to mean ‘to have finished’ in Japanese.

This is another example of shukudai . In this example, it works together with the case particle, wo , to become the object in the sentence. When we want to mean ‘homework’ in Japanese, anyway, this noun is always a very good option.

In this blog post, I’ve explained the definition and meaning of shukudai in detail based on its kanji expression. And also, I’ve explained how to use it through the example sentences. Let me summarize them as follows.

  • shukudai – 宿題 (しゅくだい) : a noun meaning ‘homework’ in Japanese. Native speakers use this noun to refer to a task or tasks to do at home after school. So, the usage of this noun is very similar to that of the English one, homework . These two kanji characters literally mean ‘a place where people stay and questions’ in Japanese. This literal interpretation is not completely in line with the actual meaning, but still understandable, I think. Homework is often a set of questions which people need to solve at home.

Hope my explanations are understandable and helpful for Japanese learners.

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Learn How to Say Homework in Japanese

In this article, you will learn how to say “homework” in Japanese, along with its meaning, pronunciation, equivalent words, and cultural usage. Whether you are studying Japanese or need to communicate about your study tasks with Japanese speakers, knowing the appropriate term is essential. Let’s dive in!

The Japanese Term for Homework

In Japanese, the term for homework is “syukudai”(宿題). This word is used to describe the assignments or tasks given to students that are meant to be completed outside of school. Whether you are learning Japanese or need to communicate about your study tasks with Japanese speakers, it is important to familiarize yourself with this term. Remember to pronounce it as “syukudai” to ensure clear and accurate communication.

English Japanese
Homework 宿題 (syukudai)
Assignment 課題 (kadai)
Task 仕事 (shigoto)

Understanding the term “syukudai” will greatly assist you in your Japanese language journey or when interacting with Japanese speakers regarding study-related tasks. Embrace this fundamental word to enhance your communication skills.

How to Say Homework in Japanese

How to say homework in Japanese

To say “homework” in Japanese, you can use the word “syukudai”(しゅくだい=宿題). This term is a direct translation of the English word and can be easily understood by native Japanese speakers. When pronouncing “syukudai,” remember to emphasize the second syllable, “ku.” This will help you communicate the word clearly and accurately.

If you’re wondering how to spell “homework” in Japanese, it is written as “しゅくだい” or “宿題”. Learning how to say and spell “homework” in different languages can be beneficial, especially if you’re studying a foreign language or planning to travel to a country where Japanese is spoken.

Here is a table summarizing the different ways to express “homework” in Japanese:

Type of Homework Japanese Translation
Math homework 数学の宿題
English homework 英語の宿題
Science homework 理科の宿題
History homework 歴史の宿題

Knowing these translations can be useful when discussing different subjects or types of assignments with Japanese speakers. Remember to replace the subject of the homework with the appropriate word, such as math, English, science, or history, to specify the type of assignment.

Other Ways to Express Homework in Japanese

While the most common word for homework in Japanese is “syukudai”(宿題), there are other phrases that can be used to express this concept. These alternative phrases can be used interchangeably with “syukudai” depending on the context and level of formality.

Here are two other phrases commonly used to refer to homework in Japanese:

Japanese Phrase Translation
“Gakushu no Jimu” “Study Tasks”
“Gakushu Shido” “Study Guidance”

These phrases provide additional options for expressing the concept of homework in Japanese. Depending on the situation, you can choose to use “syukudai,” “gakushu no jimu,” or “gakushu shido” to convey the idea of homework effectively in the Japanese language.

Common Examples of Homework in Japanese

When it comes to expressing different types of homework in Japanese, there are several common examples that can be useful to know. Here are a few:

  • Math homework: In Japanese, you would say “suugaku no syukudai”(数学の宿題).
  • English homework: The term for English homework is “eigo no syukudai”(英語の宿題).
  • Science homework: To refer to science homework, you would say “rika no syukudai”(理科の宿題).
  • History homework: The term for history homework is “rekishi no syukudai”(歴史の宿題).

Remember to replace the subject of the homework with the appropriate word, such as math, English, science, or history, to specify the type of assignment. With these examples, you will be better equipped to communicate about specific homework assignments when speaking Japanese.

What is the Japanese word for homework?

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How to say turn in your homework. in Japanese

1) 宿題(shukudai) (n) homework を(wo) (prt) indicates direct object of action/indicates subject of causative expression/indicates an area traversed/indicates time over which action takes place/indicates point of departure or separation of action/indicates object of desire, like, hate, 提出(teishutsu) (vs) to present/to submit/to hand in/to file/to turn in/presentation/submission/filing (num) 10^24/septillion/quadrillion no dictionary result, likely a conjigated verb い(i) (prt) strengthens a question, assertion, etc. 。(。) Japanese period "."    
Grammer form Imperative form (meireikei)
convays a sense of urgency, order or command.
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How to Say Homework in Japanese Hiragana

Learning a new language involves not only memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules but also understanding various aspects of its culture. As you dive into the Japanese language, it’s important to acquire everyday vocabulary that includes terms like “homework.” In Japanese, the word for homework can be expressed using hiragana, one of the three main scripts used in writing. This guide will provide you with the formal and informal ways to say homework in Japanese and offer several tips and examples to assist your learning journey.

Table of Contents

1. The Formal Way: 宿題 (しゅくだい)

In formal situations, such as when talking to your teachers or superiors, the appropriate term for homework in Japanese is “宿題” (しゅくだい). This word is written using kanji characters but can also be expressed in hiragana as “しゅくだい.” The pronunciation remains the same, but it emphasizes the formal and polite context.

Example: 先生、宿題を提出しました。(Sensei, shukudai o teishutsu shimashita.) Translation: Teacher, I have submitted my homework.

2. The Informal Way: テスト (てすと)

In informal and casual conversations with friends or peers, the Japanese language often adopts loanwords from English. In this context, the word “homework” is commonly replaced with the borrowed term “テスト” (てすと), which directly translates to “test” in English but is used more broadly to refer to homework as well.

Example: 明日、てすとがたくさんあるよ。(Ashita, tesuto ga takusan aru yo.) Translation: I have a lot of homework tomorrow.

These informal expressions can be used comfortably among friends or when in casual settings, but it’s essential to be mindful of your audience and the level of politeness required in the given situation.

3. Additional Regional Variations

In addition to the formal and informal ways mentioned above, regional variations exist within Japan. While these may not typically be used in everyday conversation, it’s useful to be aware of them to deepen your understanding of the language’s diversity. Here are a few regional variations for the word homework:

  • 関東 (かんとう) Variation: テツド (てつど) This variation is used in the Kanto region, which includes major cities like Tokyo. The pronunciation “テツド” represents the word “宿題” (しゅくだい) in hiragana form.
  • 九州 (きゅうしゅう) Variation: モド (もど) People in the Kyushu region, located in southwestern Japan, may use the term “モド” (もど) for homework instead of the more standard expressions.

4. Tips for Learning Vocabulary

Building vocabulary skills is crucial when learning any language, including Japanese. Here are some tips to help you effectively learn and reinforce new words:

  • Create Flashcards: Write the Japanese term for homework on one side of the flashcard and its English translation on the other. Test yourself regularly to enhance memorization.
  • Use Mnemonics: Conjure up mental images or associate the word “しゅくだい” or other variations with something memorable. For example, you could imagine a school bus that transports homework instead of students.
  • Practice with Native Speakers: Engage in language exchange programs or find Japanese language partners to practice speaking and using new vocabulary in conversations.
  • Immerse Yourself: Surround yourself with Japanese media, such as anime or dramas, and actively listen for vocabulary in context. This exposure helps reinforce your understanding of how words are used.

Congratulations on taking the initiative to learn how to say “homework” in Japanese using hiragana! Remember that “宿題” (しゅくだい) is the formal term, while “テスト” (てすと) represents the more informal way to refer to homework, even though it directly translates to “test” in English. Be mindful of the context and level of politeness required in various situations.

Additionally, knowing regional variations, such as the Kanto region’s “テツド” (てつど) and the Kyushu region’s “モド” (もど), can deepen your understanding of the language’s diversity.

Remember to employ effective vocabulary learning techniques, such as flashcards, mnemonics, conversation practice, and language immersion, to reinforce new words and concepts effectively.

Enjoy your journey of learning the Japanese language and discovering its rich cultural heritage!

Related Guides:

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  • How to Say “Japanese” in Japanese (Hiragana)
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How to write "Homework" in Japanese

If you are wondering how to write "Homework" in Japanese you've come to the right place!

"Homework" is written in Japanese as " 宿題 " and you can read it as " Shukudai ".

Click the button below to download a free printable handwriting practice worksheet with gridlines and stroke order for correct and beautiful handwriting of Japanese characters.

This word is made up of 2 Kanji :

The kanji "宿" means "Lodging" and consists of 11 strokes. And The kanji "題" means "Topic" and consists of 18 strokes.

For a more detailed explanation about the meaning of this word you can visit this page: How to say "Homework" in Japanese

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宿題を提出して下さい。 しゅくだいを ていしゅつ してください syukudaio teisyutsu shitekudasai

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宿題を提出してください。 しゅくだいをていしゅつしてください。

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Apologizing for late homework is the saying correct?

So I'm turning my homework in really late and want to apologize to my professor about the late work. I translate the following phrase:

"I'm sorry I was late with homework" to: すみません 私は 宿題の おくれる でした (Sumimasen watashi wa shukudai no okureru deshita)

should I switch the 済みません to  ごめなさい? Is the translation accurate?

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What is "You do your homework (formal)" in Japanese and how to say it?

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  6. How to Say Homework in Japanese: A Comprehensive Guide

    Shukudai: This is the most commonly used term for homework in Japanese. It is a straightforward and neutral word that can be used in any context. Gakushu Shukudai: By adding the word "gakushu" before "shukudai," you emphasize that it is a learning-related assignment. Kadai: "課題" is an alternative word for homework that is often ...

  7. Learn How to Say Homework in Japanese

    To say "homework" in Japanese, you can use the word "syukudai"(しゅくだい=宿題). This term is a direct translation of the English word and can be easily understood by native Japanese speakers. When pronouncing "syukudai," remember to emphasize the second syllable, "ku.". This will help you communicate the word ...

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    How to say "some go in groups organized by their schools, but most go in twos and threes." in Japanese. 1 translation found for 'turn in your homework.' in Japanese. Translation by bunbuku: 宿題を提出しなさい。.

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    1. The Formal Way: 宿題 (しゅくだい) In formal situations, such as when talking to your teachers or superiors, the appropriate term for homework in Japanese is "宿題" (しゅくだい). This word is written using kanji characters but can also be expressed in hiragana as "しゅくだい.". The pronunciation remains the same ...

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    HOMEWORK translate: 宿題, 宿題(しゅくだい). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary.

  11. How to write "Homework" in Japanese

    How to write "Homework" in Japanese. If you are wondering how to write "Homework" in Japanese you've come to the right place! "Homework" is written in Japanese as "宿題" and you can read it as "Shukudai. ". Click the button below to download a free printable handwriting practice worksheet with gridlines and stroke order for correct and beautiful handwriting of Japanese characters.

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    What is "Homework" in Japanese and how to say it? American English. homework. Japanese. しゅくだい. Learn the word in this minigame: Loading WebApp...

  15. How to say "I do my homework." in Japanese.

    Japanese. You do your homework. あなたは宿題をします。. あなたは宿題をします。. He does his homework. 彼は宿題をします。. We do our homework. 私たちは宿題をします。. You all do your homework.

  16. How to say homework in Japanese

    How to say homework in Japanese. JLPT N5. 宿 題 ☆【 しゅくだい shukudai 】. noun: homework; assignment. pending issue; unresolved problem; open question.

  17. Apologizing for late homework is the saying correct?

    すみませんでした -> and I'm sorry for that. I would say less formally something like this: しゅくだいをおくれてすみませんでした. My version changes the phrase to something like this (roughly in the japanese order): My homework is late and I'm sorry for that. (I don't have formal japanese study, just learned from ...

  18. How To Say Turn in Homework in Japanese

    How to Say Turn in Homework in Japanese - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  19. italki

    How to say I'm doing Japanese homework? I have learned these words. I= わたし Japanese = にほんご of = の homework = しゅくだい. However, I don't know how to say "am doing" in Japanese. Please help me! :) Thanks in advance. \\^_^//

  20. How to say homework in Japanese

    What's the Japanese word for homework? Here's a list of translations. Japanese Translation. 宿題. Shukudai. More Japanese words for homework. 宿題 noun. Shukudai homework.

  21. italki

    since Japanese is long and complicated you have to say. " I don't have homework". homework = 宿題 /しゅくだい (kanji and hiragana) to have= あります/ません (positive/ negative) I don't have homework= 宿題がありません or しゅくだいがありません。 I hope that helped! good luck studying!

  22. What is "You do your homework (formal)" in Japanese and how to say it?

    I do my homework. 私は宿題をします。. You do your homework. あなたは宿題をします。. He does his homework. 彼は宿題をします。. We do our homework. 私たちは宿題をします。. You all do your homework.

  23. How to get the most out of Windows Copilot

    Unfortunately, it can only translate content into English, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, French, and Japanese for now. This is likely a work in progress, so expect the translation capabilities to ...