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7 Ways To Help You Write When You Feel Depressed

how to write an essay when you're depressed

If you are a writer who struggles with depression, you are not alone. Some research even suggests that writers are more prone to depression than the general population. If you feel severely depressed, it is important to get professional support. This article is not about how to find support, but how to keep going when it feels you can’t ever write another word. Both are important.

Depression can destroy our motivation and productivity and that can lead to feeling even more depressed. If this is your experience, I hope this article will help you to keep writing while you get the support you need.

My first daughter was six months old when I began studying for an MA in Creative Writing. I wrote in snatches when she slept – which wasn’t often – and I was often exhausted. Before the first year was out, I was pregnant again and although I arranged an intermission and planned to find a  babysitter for when the intermission was over, these plans went totally awry when our second daughter was born three months prematurely.

A Health Visitor came to see me to determine whether or not I had post-natal depression. She read a list of statements and asked me to agree or disagree. The statements were along these lines: I feel anxious and scared for no good reason. 

how to write an essay when you're depressed

The Health Visitor concluded I was somewhat depressed, and she was right.

Yet, although I didn’t start the second year of my course as planned, I went back in April, and the following year completed the MA, with distinction. Sometimes I look back and wonder how I did it.

But here’s how I did it, and how you can too.

Keep a Journal

From when my baby was a few days old, I kept a journal. My plan for this journal was to one day pass it on to her, so she could know what her early days were like and know how I’d felt about her. And if she didn’t survive it would be for her sister. For months, that was the only writing I did. The baby came home, became seriously ill and went back into hospital on a ventilator. Through it all I journaled; it kept me sane.

The baby survived and came home again. One night, I fed her at 4 am and couldn’t sleep afterwards. Ideas flooded my mind so I got up and wrote them down. The next day I started a different journal – one that was required for my course. And I began work on my creative writing again.

Read About People Going Through The Same Thing

Deal With Disturbing Thoughts

Every night when I went to bed my mind would fill with memories of my daughter’s birth and early days in intensive care, memories that left me panicky and depressed. So I would deliberately think about the novel opening that I was writing for my degree. This is not what most experts would recommend to someone with sleep problems, but lying in bed planning what to write disturbed my sleep considerably less than replaying memories that sent me into depression. As a bonus, I sometimes dreamed about what to write. While ordinarily, I wouldn’t recommend this as a bedtime routine, if you experience similar panic and disturbing thoughts at night it’s worth a try.

A longer term solution is to write your thoughts down. Journalling before bedtime has often helped me to sleep better and when I sleep better I’m happier. If you wake in the night with your mind racing, don’t try to fight it––that only makes it worse. Instead be as kind to yourself as you can, the same as you would with a small child or friend. Again, writing your thoughts down can help,

Deal With Self-Critical Thoughts About Writing

When I returned to writing after my daughter’s birth, there was a major change to my process, and this method I heartily recommend.

In Bird by Bird , Anne Lamott suggests that to get started we stop worrying about the quality of our writing and allow ourselves to produce “shitty first drafts.” She also describes the voices in our heads that say our writing is no good – the negative thoughts we have about ourselves. When we are depressed these thoughts come more frequently and with more intensity so to be able to write we need to find a way around them. Or, more accurately, a way to work with them.

I used a mix of Lamott’s method and the process Natalie Goldberg recommends, when you just keep writing and don’t pause to reread the last line, don’t cross out and don’t worry about punctuation or grammar. Just write. This takes you deep into the unconscious mind, to what Goldberg calls “first thoughts.”

I added something else. When those negative thoughts came into my mind and threatened to stop me writing, I wrote them down. Right in the middle of whatever narrative I was working on, I’d write, “Oh this is stupid. It’s hopeless.” Or, “I can’t do this.”

And then, I countered that with: “You can do it, just keep going, it’s okay.”

Writing the negative thoughts down made them lose their power, whereas writing encouragement helped me keep going.

Of course, you wouldn’t publish something you’d written this way without making changes. It’s a way to get past the internal censors and once you’ve got the first draft then you can edit out everything you’d never want anyone else to see!

To recap here are the main points:

Ways To Help You Write When You Feel Depressed

  • Write whatever you can, even if it’s not your usual style. (So don’t try to write humour if you can’t.)
  • Journal, journal, journal.
  • Do whatever you need to help you write, even if it’s not what “experts” would suggest. I thought about my novel at bedtime, but you might find that sitting in a noisy cafe works for you. The only thing I’d warn against is using alcohol or drugs to get you through. They might seem to get your creative juices going, but soon they will stifle creativity, and stifle you.
  • Write first drafts without editing.
  • Notice the “voices” or thoughts that get you stuck, but instead of believing them, write them down. You could try this process of inquiry  for sticky beliefs.
  • Write encouragements to yourself.
  • Be gentle on yourself, and don’t take on more than you can manage. Remind yourself the depression will pass and you will be stronger afterwards for having carried on writing and taking care of yourself.

Further reading.

If you feel depressed right now, remember you are not alone, you can get through this and you it’s okay to feel good about yourself. Learning self-compassionate was a game-changer for me and you will find several posts on self-compassion on this website.

When we feel depressed, we often feel guilty and ashamed, so learning it’s okay to let those emotions go can be a huge relief. You can read my article, Let Go of Guilt and Shame for more on how to do this.

Top photo by Master isolated images via Freedigitalphotos

14 Comments on “7 Ways To Help You Write When You Feel Depressed”

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Such a thoughtful post! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences and your tips!

Roshni http://www.indianamericanmom.com

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Thanks Roshni!

Wow. Thank you for writing this. Struggling with how to keep writing when it isn’t coming is hard. I appreciate you finding a way to help us all keep on.

Kristi, I hope you never need these tips! And thank you for your comment.

Thank you so much for this, Yvonne. It was just a huge help.

I’m very glad that it was helpful. Thanks for letting me know.

holy moses thanks for sharing that. Those are great tips… really. I have been having some trouble lately and because Im a therapist everyone thinks Im immune to sadness… fat chance! So these are really thoughtful and helpful!

Hi Zoe, I’m glad you found this helpful. I’m sure even therapists have feelings like everyone else – sometimes there is just stuff we need to work through, whoever we are! Thanks for your comment.

Pingback: How to Keep Writing When Depression Strikes | Hopes and Dreams: My Writing and My Sons

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Thank you for the inspiration. Glad I found this rather old post. Proof that this is a universal topic.

Hi Ilham, I’m glad you found it inspiring. Thanks for reading.

Pingback: Writing with mental ill health – Kathryn Clark

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Thank you for this. Honestly, your last point is the one that I personally need to remember the most, and I know I’m not alone. When we’re in that dark place, it can be SO easy to get down on ourselves for not ‘doing something’ about it or pulling ourselves out. Especially with a society that likes to act like overcoming mental illness is as simple as ‘choosing to be happy’. If only it was that easy!

Hi Britt, absolutely beating ourselves for feeling down never ever helps, but just digs us in deeper. People who feel depressed or low need soothing, not scolding. When we’re feeling down, self-compassion is far more effective at creating change than trying to force ourselves to feel better.

And on your point about societal expectations: you might be interested to know that some studies have shown people who feel bad about themselves feel even worse after reading affirmations, whereas for people who already have high self-esteem they do give a boost.

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Essays About Depression: Top 8 Examples Plus Prompts

Many people deal with mental health issues throughout their lives; if you are writing essays about depression, you can read essay examples to get started.

An occasional feeling of sadness is something that everyone experiences from time to time. Still, a persistent loss of interest, depressed mood, changes in energy levels, and sleeping problems can indicate mental illness. Thankfully, antidepressant medications, therapy, and other types of treatment can be largely helpful for people living with depression.

People suffering from depression or other mood disorders must work closely with a mental health professional to get the support they need to recover. While family members and other loved ones can help move forward after a depressive episode, it’s also important that people who have suffered from major depressive disorder work with a medical professional to get treatment for both the mental and physical problems that can accompany depression.

If you are writing an essay about depression, here are 8 essay examples to help you write an insightful essay. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

  • 1. My Best Friend Saved Me When I Attempted Suicide, But I Didn’t Save Her by Drusilla Moorhouse
  • 2. How can I complain? by James Blake
  • 3. What it’s like living with depression: A personal essay by Nadine Dirks
  • 4. I Have Depression, and I’m Proof that You Never Know the Battle Someone is Waging Inside by Jac Gochoco
  • 5. Essay: How I Survived Depression by Cameron Stout
  • 6. I Can’t Get Out of My Sweat Pants: An Essay on Depression by Marisa McPeck-Stringham
  • 7. This is what depression feels like by Courtenay Harris Bond

8. Opening Up About My Struggle with Recurring Depression by Nora Super

1. what is depression, 2. how is depression diagnosed, 3. causes of depression, 4. different types of depression, 5. who is at risk of depression, 6. can social media cause depression, 7. can anyone experience depression, the final word on essays about depression, is depression common, what are the most effective treatments for depression, top 8 examples, 1.  my best friend saved me when i attempted suicide, but i didn’t save her  by drusilla moorhouse.

“Just three months earlier, I had been a patient in another medical facility: a mental hospital. My best friend, Denise, had killed herself on Christmas, and days after the funeral, I told my mom that I wanted to die. I couldn’t forgive myself for the role I’d played in Denise’s death: Not only did I fail to save her, but I’m fairly certain I gave her the idea.”

Moorhouse makes painstaking personal confessions throughout this essay on depression, taking the reader along on the roller coaster of ups and downs that come with suicide attempts, dealing with the death of a loved one, and the difficulty of making it through major depressive disorder.

2.  How can I complain?  by James Blake

“I wanted people to know how I felt, but I didn’t have the vocabulary to tell them. I have gone into a bit of detail here not to make anyone feel sorry for me but to show how a privileged, relatively rich-and-famous-enough-for-zero-pity white man could become depressed against all societal expectations and allowances. If I can be writing this, clearly it isn’t only oppression that causes depression; for me it was largely repression.”

Musician James Blake shares his experience with depression and talks about his struggles with trying to grow up while dealing with existential crises just as he began to hit the peak of his fame. Blake talks about how he experienced guilt and shame around the idea that he had it all on the outside—and so many people deal with issues that he felt were larger than his.

3.  What it’s like living with depression: A personal essay   by Nadine Dirks

“In my early adulthood, I started to feel withdrawn, down, unmotivated, and constantly sad. What initially seemed like an off-day turned into weeks of painful feelings that seemed they would never let up. It was difficult to enjoy life with other people my age. Depression made typical, everyday tasks—like brushing my teeth—seem monumental. It felt like an invisible chain, keeping me in bed.”

Dirks shares her experience with depression and the struggle she faced to find treatment for mental health issues as a Black woman. Dirks discusses how even though she knew something about her mental health wasn’t quite right, she still struggled to get the diagnosis she needed to move forward and receive proper medical and psychological care.

4.  I Have Depression, and I’m Proof that You Never Know the Battle Someone is Waging Inside  by Jac Gochoco

“A few years later, at the age of 20, my smile had fallen, and I had given up. The thought of waking up the next morning was too much for me to handle. I was no longer anxious or sad; instead, I felt numb, and that’s when things took a turn for the worse. I called my dad, who lived across the country, and for the first time in my life, I told him everything. It was too late, though. I was not calling for help. I was calling to say goodbye.”

Gochoco describes the war that so many people with depression go through—trying to put on a brave face and a positive public persona while battling demons on the inside. The Olympic weightlifting coach and yoga instructor now work to share the importance of mental health with others.

5.  Essay: How I Survived Depression   by Cameron Stout

“In 1993, I saw a psychiatrist who prescribed an antidepressant. Within two months, the medication slowly gained traction. As the gray sludge of sadness and apathy washed away, I emerged from a spiral of impending tragedy. I helped raise two wonderful children, built a successful securities-litigation practice, and became an accomplished cyclist. I began to take my mental wellness for granted. “

Princeton alum Cameron Stout shared his experience with depression with his fellow Tigers in Princeton’s alumni magazine, proving that even the most brilliant and successful among us can be rendered powerless by a chemical imbalance. Stout shares his experience with treatment and how working with mental health professionals helped him to come out on the other side of depression.

6.  I Can’t Get Out of My Sweat Pants: An Essay on Depression  by Marisa McPeck-Stringham

“Sometimes, when the depression got really bad in junior high, I would come straight home from school and change into my pajamas. My dad caught on, and he said something to me at dinner time about being in my pajamas several days in a row way before bedtime. I learned it was better not to change into my pajamas until bedtime. People who are depressed like to hide their problematic behaviors because they are so ashamed of the way they feel. I was very ashamed and yet I didn’t have the words or life experience to voice what I was going through.”

McPeck-Stringham discusses her experience with depression and an eating disorder at a young age; both brought on by struggles to adjust to major life changes. The author experienced depression again in her adult life, and thankfully, she was able to fight through the illness using tried-and-true methods until she regained her mental health.

7.  This is what depression feels like  by Courtenay Harris Bond

“The smallest tasks seem insurmountable: paying a cell phone bill, lining up a household repair. Sometimes just taking a shower or arranging a play date feels like more than I can manage. My children’s squabbles make me want to scratch the walls. I want to claw out of my own skin. I feel like the light at the end of the tunnel is a solitary candle about to blow out at any moment. At the same time, I feel like the pain will never end.”

Bond does an excellent job of helping readers understand just how difficult depression can be, even for people who have never been through the difficulty of mental illness. Bond states that no matter what people believe the cause to be—chemical imbalance, childhood issues, a combination of the two—depression can make it nearly impossible to function.

“Once again, I spiraled downward. I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t work. I had thoughts of harming myself. This time, my husband urged me to start ECT much sooner in the cycle, and once again, it worked. Within a matter of weeks I was back at work, pretending nothing had happened. I kept pushing myself harder to show everyone that I was “normal.” I thought I had a pattern: I would function at a high level for many years, and then my depression would be triggered by a significant event. I thought I’d be healthy for another ten years.”

Super shares her experience with electroconvulsive therapy and how her depression recurred with a major life event despite several years of solid mental health. Thankfully, Super was able to recognize her symptoms and get help sooner rather than later.

7 Writing Prompts on Essays About Depression

When writing essays on depression, it can be challenging to think of essay ideas and questions. Here are six essay topics about depression that you can use in your essay.

What is Depression?

Depression can be difficult to define and understand. Discuss the definition of depression, and delve into the signs, symptoms, and possible causes of this mental illness. Depression can result from trauma or personal circumstances, but it can also be a health condition due to genetics. In your essay, look at how depression can be spotted and how it can affect your day-to-day life. 

Depression diagnosis can be complicated; this essay topic will be interesting as you can look at the different aspects considered in a diagnosis. While a certain lab test can be conducted, depression can also be diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Research the different ways depression can be diagnosed and discuss the benefits of receiving a diagnosis in this essay.

There are many possible causes of depression; this essay discusses how depression can occur. Possible causes of depression can include trauma, grief, anxiety disorders, and some physical health conditions. Look at each cause and discuss how they can manifest as depression.

Different types of depression

There are many different types of depression. This essay topic will investigate each type of depression and its symptoms and causes. Depression symptoms can vary in severity, depending on what is causing it. For example, depression can be linked to medical conditions such as bipolar disorder. This is a different type of depression than depression caused by grief. Discuss the details of the different types of depression and draw comparisons and similarities between them.

Certain genetic traits, socio-economic circumstances, or age can make people more prone to experiencing symptoms of depression. Depression is becoming more and more common amongst young adults and teenagers. Discuss the different groups at risk of experiencing depression and how their circumstances contribute to this risk.

Social media poses many challenges to today’s youth, such as unrealistic beauty standards, cyber-bullying, and only seeing the “highlights” of someone’s life. Can social media cause depression in teens? Delve into the negative impacts of social media when writing this essay. You could compare the positive and negative sides of social media and discuss whether social media causes mental health issues amongst young adults and teenagers.

This essay question poses the question, “can anyone experience depression?” Although those in lower-income households may be prone to experiencing depression, can the rich and famous also experience depression? This essay discusses whether the privileged and wealthy can experience their possible causes. This is a great argumentative essay topic, discuss both sides of this question and draw a conclusion with your final thoughts.

When writing about depression, it is important to study examples of essays to make a compelling essay. You can also use your own research by conducting interviews or pulling information from other sources. As this is a sensitive topic, it is important to approach it with care; you can also write about your own experiences with mental health issues.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

FAQs On Essays About Depression

According to the World Health Organization, about 5% of people under 60 live with depression. The rate is slightly higher—around 6%—for people over 60. Depression can strike at any age, and it’s important that people who are experiencing symptoms of depression receive treatment, no matter their age. 

Suppose you’re living with depression or are experiencing some of the symptoms of depression. In that case, it’s important to work closely with your doctor or another healthcare professional to develop a treatment plan that works for you. A combination of antidepressant medication and cognitive behavioral therapy is a good fit for many people, but this isn’t necessarily the case for everyone who suffers from depression. Be sure to check in with your doctor regularly to ensure that you’re making progress toward improving your mental health.

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

how to write an essay when you're depressed

Amanda has an M.S.Ed degree from the University of Pennsylvania in School and Mental Health Counseling and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. She has experience writing magazine articles, newspaper articles, SEO-friendly web copy, and blog posts.

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Writers and Depression: How to Keep Writing Through the Darkness

by Miriam Nicholson | 61 comments

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I feel the chains pull me down as I sink into the dark. Fighting it with fear pulsing through me till despair claims my heart, I can't get out, I can't move, I'm trapped in depression. Writers and depression: not a good combination.

Writers and Depression: How to Keep Writing Through the Darkness

Hey everyone. I'm back, and it's been three more years since my post on self-doubt . Two years, but I've been writing so I guess it's a victory of sorts. However, it has been the hardest thing to keep going.

Through those two years, I've found out that I have anxiety and depression, had to move away from home with no resources, and come to terms with the fact that my childhood was filled with passive aggression and emotional abuse. It has been the hardest thing I've ever had to face, and I now find it affecting my writing.

Writers and Depression and Anxiety: An Endless Cycle

Some people might shrug that off—anxiety, depression, who cares? Just stop being anxious or depressed. What they don't realize is it’s not something you can shrug off. Heck, if you could you’d have done that a long time ago. Why make yourself suffer if it was that easy to get rid of? It affects everything, and for me writing was hit the hardest.

Every time I pick up a writing piece or think about what I want to write next, it comes like a thief in the night to stab me with doubt. “What are you doing? Haven't we already confirmed this? You aren't a writer. You can't do it,” it says and laughs at my pain, my anguish, as I clutch my wounds and try to keep walking.

I am wrapped in chains as the depression follows, each thought adding to my already impossible weight. It's not too long before the wound and weight make me fall, leaving me motionless and alone. I can't get up, and even if I could the effort is too much.

My anxiety and depression watch me and laugh, dancing around me in glee. Everything within me wants to give up, give in, and vanish, but one spark remains in my heavy heart. I focus on it and somehow keep moving because of the spark that got me into the game, the spark that tells me I can't give up. And so, I trudge on with great effort, one step at a time.

Anyone who’s been in it knows the cycle. Rinse and Repeat. A endless cycle of paralyzing doubt, fear, and hopelessness. And yet here we stand, still here, hollow survivors.

Some days it's hard to even get to the writing point, some days it's hard to wake up, and some days it's hard to go to bed. I push on. The only way to fight it is to do what it says you can't —a task so heavy and so great that it is almost bitter sweet.

Sure, you could write something and banish doubt for a time, but it's bound to return when you look at it again. When you start to see the imperfections. The only way to fight it is to keep going.

Writing Through the Pain

Pain is powerful. It breaks us, tears us down, leaving behind tattered emotions and shredded dreams. It’s hard to face; it’s just easier to let it stay, hidden in your soul. Oft times we smile it away, but deep inside it remains.

That is my everyday now. Most days I can't write. Most days that fact drags me deeper into depression. And when depression takes a break, anxiety comes right after, using its sharp knives to convince me to cower from the page and not write at all.

When I get like this, the only thing I can do to break the cycle is vomit on the page. I never know what's going to come out, and starting to write is the hardest part. My pain spews out on the page like blood. I let the words flow; I refuse to look at them.

Sometimes you just have to write.

It doesn't have to be published, it doesn't have to be in a piece you're working on. The point is to get the doubts on the page, and only then can you start to counter them.

Fear Flees From Action

I can see your eyes rolling. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. I can see your yes buts . It’s okay. Action is hard. A four-letter word that makes you shake and curl up inside. Fear so powerful that it’s a presence on your shoulder—how could it just go away?

I’ve been there. I never believed the stories that it fled from action, at least not consciously. Till the one day it just hurt too much to not write. It had been a rough day, anxiety and depression pulling me to my wit's end, but I hadn’t said a word. I was trained out of communicating painful things, but this time it was just too much.

I didn’t want to open a blank page; I didn’t want to start writing; fear pulled at me—but my pain spoke louder. I opened the doc and with trembling fingers started writing. It quickly became nearly gibberish as I wrote with tears flowing down my face, but it felt so good. Anger frustration grief all being taken off my shoulders and thrown on the page. Fear completely gone from my mind within the first paragraph.

I'd like to urge you guys to write anyway. It's going to be hard, it's going to hurt, and in some cases it'll make you cry. Write it anyway. You can't fix a blank page.

Once you write, reward yourself. Anything from watching a favorite movie, to eating a candy bar, or treating yourself in any other way. This is important. Because if you don't reward yourself the doubt can just as easily say that what you made was a fraud. By rewarding yourself you acknowledge that you did something good, something worthwhile.

Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty about a job well done. You earned it.

You Can Do It

I’m not going to start this saying it’ll be easy. It won’t be. It might be the hardest thing you ever do, but of course facing fear is always scary. It was hard to let myself accept what my parents were, and harder still to realize I had anxiety and depression. But I’m still here, still fighting the fight. You can too.

You can take control back in your life. No matter how deep you go, you can make it through even if you're not out yet. You have the power to get up anyway. No matter how many times you’ve done it before, you can do it again and again.

Even if your body gives up on you, even if you’ve had enough, even if it takes all your effort to get out of bed. You can do it. As long as you don’t give up on yourself, nothing can stop you. Even if you don’t believe that and only long to, that is enough. You are enough. All it takes is one step, one choice, one word.

All you need to do is start.

Have you ever experienced anxiety or depression in your writing? How did you overcome it? Let me know in the comments .

For fifteen minutes , I want you to vomit on the page everything that is keeping you from writing, whatever project you are working on. Or, you can simply describe your experience with writing and mental illness. Don't stop to edit; just try to write as much as you can. I won't make you share that piece in the comments if you don't want, although you're more than welcome to. Happy writing!

how to write an essay when you're depressed

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Miriam Nicholson

Miriam is a dreamer filled with passion for her writing. You can read more of it on her website . You can also connect with her on Facebook and  email her .

monster that lives



This is so so so important. Thank you so much for writing this. Normally I would take the time to write my practice piece before commenting, but I had to respond to this article as soon as I finished reading it. I have anxiety and depression as well; have done since I was a little kid, and I’m in college now. I went through the worst depressive episode I’ve ever had a few months ago. Writing was the one thing that kept me going. Diving into my characters’ world for a little while helped me cope with my own. I’m now on anti-depressants, doing much better, and writing a novel about a woman with depression. Thank you again for writing this article and sharing your experiences. It means so much.

Miriam N

I’m glad it resonated with you 🙂 It’s a bit scary for me to put this out there if I’m honest but i’m glad it helped you 🙂 Good luck on your writing and college!

james jetton,jr

Hah! there’s no solution to curing depression and anxiety. You say “write about it.” Voila’ and kill three birds with one stone. A triple reward, but am I not stuck with depression and anxiety even though I’ve overcome my procrastination? Is this the blessing and reward from having depression and anxiety?

Haime Alshaef

I agree with you. I don’t think that writing can cure depression or anxiety. But it sure as hell can make you feel a whole lot better. I loved this article. I don’t have any horrible thing that’s ever happened to me like abuse or stuff like that and thank God for that. But I do struggle with really low self esteem and no self confidence. Also, I just want to add something. Writing on paper can help better than typing on the computer. I’ve tried both and I think the former helps better. If you get so angry, you can press so hard on the paper and break the lead and that’s a good feeling.


It isn’t that I can’t write, it is I can’t stop crying. The onslaught of tears blurs my vision to the point I can’t see to type. The nasal discharge interferes with my thought process. The pain is so intense I feel as if my brain is sucked into the vortex of darkness and prison. I don’t want to feel this way. I would love to rise up and cast off the darkness, push aside the ubiquitous black clouds and see the sun. Some days I can manage to sweep away the possibility of pain. Some days I can navigate the fringe of pain and stay mainly on the highway to strong. Some days I can only ride the wave of tears, grabbing glimpses of hope, taking a breath, going to the bathroom, eating a good meal. Some days I can even laugh at the comments of ‘just get over it’ ‘let it go’. Are you kidding? I vow every day to let go of the pain but some days it is just so damn tenacious. And yes I wrote right through to the other side of the pain.

Hey Karen, I feel for you. I really do. I hope you can weather the storm we are both in. So glad you were able to write to the other side of pain. Just remember, we are warriors. We battle every day! We can do this!


Hi Karen, I am sorry that you are going through a lot of pain that prevents you from writing. But it seems that you are able to produce poetry lines (“push aside the ubiquitous black clouds and see the sun”) from having such intense emotions in your comment. It sucks to go through such terrible emotional pain, but I hope you will find a way to “use” that in your writing and overcome your struggle soon.

James Wright

I love this article. I only wish Ernest Hemmingway was around to read this. He did battle depression.

It seems like a lot of writers battle depression or anxiety at some point in their career. So glad you enjoyed it!

Aui V.

Hemingway is an alcoholic, that causes his depression

Lynn Bowie

which came first, the drinking or the depression? or the depression and the self-medication of drinking…


It’s funny, funny odd that is. This morning I had a serious panic attack. What sets it off for me are smells. I made a mistake of spraying something in the house and this morning I ran around the house screaming. I know it’s not the same, your problem is long lasting mine is short but it is still like yours in that it is controlled in our minds. I’m sorry for you and your problem. This hit me right out of nowhere. Yours is like a slow burning fuse mine is like a bomb! Hang in there.

Thanks Larry, some days are harder then others but I’m making it slowly. I hope you can deal with your panic attacks too! I know that some times smells really trigger me too. Thanks for your comment!

Billie L Wade

I come from an alcoholic family. Anxiety and depression have been constant companions since adolescence. I began journaling at age twelve, and have been doing so daily for several years. In this way, I use my writing to process my feelings. When working on my fiction, short story, essay, or memoir writing, I falter. Anxiety and depression thwart me even getting started, afflicting me with fatigue that renders me immobile. In addition to journaling, which has saved my life, I encourage writers to seek professional counseling, another life saver. Don’t be afraid of medication if you need it. I have to have all three. To all my fellow writers who deal with anxiety and depression, I extend my heartfelt support and encouragement. Happy writing.

Yeah I’ve been trying to do this battle alone for a while now. But I’m now on medication and am in therapy which I’m hoping will be able to help me deal with this if it’s a forever thing in my life. Thanks for reading my post and your comment! Good luck to you as well!

Carol Clark

I am right there with you, Billie. God Bless.

Pat Leo

I just finished reading your article and can relate to it in so many ways. I have struggled with anxiety and depression off and on through out my life. That is the reason I decided to start writing again after so many years of not doing so. For me writing has always been a way to find answers. I just want to thank you for the honesty and courage you’ve shown in your writing.

Thanks for that Pat! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

Stephanie Warrillow

I had a really bad childhood and I have an anxiety disorder and your article was the Same way I feel way writing has saved my life I have learn to turn negative feelings into something more creative I do have been days and that’s when I write what I feel and how I am feeling

I’m so glad you are able to do that! It really helps. I wish you luck in this battle we’re both in! Good luck with your writing!


Even free clinics have antidepressants. Run, don’t walk to the nearest clinic. You have a chemical imbalance in your brain. It’s no different than having diabetes. Your body isn’t working correctly. It might not have anything to do with your childhood, your current environment, or whatever. Those things exacerbate the problem but they aren’t always the cause. Stop trying to “handle” this on your own. You need professional help. Believe me. I know. I’ve been there.

Yeah, I know. I’m on some now and going to therapy. But even then it’s hard to write. I find that vomiting on the page at least gets me started there. I just don’t have very much motivation still. It helps a lot to vomit on the page for me.

Jean Blanchard

Yes, Tsali. Spot on. I was glad to read your comment. Does it help, I wonder, to externalise/personalise/anthropomorphise depression? Without medication I cannot write and with it, not all the time. What I do know is this: my experience of depression and my sensitivity do make me a better writer; although I am ever aware of a degree of narcissism and a propensity to write purple prose.


One of the hardest things about anxiety and depression is that they affect your view of self, especially as compared to others. You look around and see a world of “normal” people and wonder if that will ever be you. The reality is that you are loved just the way you are. I have the love of family and friends and the unconditional love of God. Having struggled with depression since I was a teenager, this has been one of the most freeing truths. Truth is the enemy of depression, doubt, and anxiety who all like to live in the shadows of deception. They may always lurk behind me but I am not afraid of them any more.

That’s so great what growth you’ve had Jessica! I so agree. I’m still working on realizing I’m loved and all of that but your story gives me hope that I can eventually get there. Thanks!

John Hamshare

I love the positive theme and voice that echoes throughout this article, and empathise completely with the emotional torment caused by anxiety and depression. I will remember this article as I face future doubts. Thank you.

Your welcome 🙂 thanks so much for reading it!

Naomi Pedneault

How timely that I came across this. I’m on day 6 of an anxiety attack that has my insides trembling, having trouble breathing and feeling lightheaded. I haven’t been able to write anything coherent since it started and only today started feeling okay about that. I’ve had anxiety for years, most of that time not knowing what it was, and after my diagnosis was able to build up my mental defenses against it. Those defenses were stripped away in one fell swoop and I’m having a hard time building them back up again, but I’m working on it. Thank you for sharing your struggles, it helps all of us who go through the same thing. By knowing we aren’t alone we can all learn to fight and cope in our own ways.

Your welcome 🙂 I like sharing with people and inspiring people. Good Luck in bringing back your mental resilience! You did it once you can do it again! Good luck in all your writing endeavors!

Victor Perez

Personally, I’ve struggled with any means of progression in many of my favorite hobbies, recreational free-writing being a major one, due to frequently and relentlessly being victimized by anxiety attacks that make my normal levels of everyday anxiousness to triple instantaneously which then completely . On rare occasions, Ill feel brave enough to fight back for the things that I love which in 90% percent of the cases I end up defeated. Literally, these are those annoying moments when I have not even one sentence fully completed on my laptop screen and as always, my conscience comes barging in to throw in its 2 cents, “Are you joking right now? This is a joke, right?” which makes me delete and try to think of a new intro. “Give it up man … you’ll never be a real writer“. This is usually the point free-writing where Netflix suddenly seems way more appealing.

The worst part about this, in my opinion, is that when I have these episodes of anxiousness and depression fueled by anxiety like gasoline fueling an open fire, I have them at the most random and undesirable moments, thus making my sense of panicking even worse. For example, one second ill be in class feeling fine and ready to present my paper,“… you prepared all week for this paper man, no need to worry!” Then, boom! All it takes is for me to proofread my paper one last time, notice something doesn’t seem quite right about the grammar in one sentence and just like that, it’s all downhill from there. Anxiety plays it’s key role by making me believe that I have found another error, then another, and another until I’m forced into believing that the entire paper, all 7 pages, is nonsense speaking gibberish, and then finally depression swings in for the knockout and I’m looking for the nearest exit.

I chose to use a very mild example in order to show how fast and abruptly these unpleasant episodes of depression fueled anxiety can take over. I have been made subject to all forms of verbal abuse, but I was especially abused both emotionally and mentally for years by everyone I know and am currently still dealing with such abuse. There have been unforgettable incidents where my depression is so heavily buried within me that I unknowingly push away everything and anything that designed or willing to help me feel better. Similar ncidents where my anxiety reaches a point so high that its feels uncontrollable and unbearable, and thats when I find everything extremely irritating. My solution, which isnt really a solution, is to isolate myself from everything and prefer to be alone until I feel somewhat alleviated. But the hardest part for me to deal with overall is the fact that I developed these really bad cases of social anxiety and long periods of heavy depression overtime and it was right after coming out of high school and going into college. This made my college experience a hellbent nightmare for 2 very long and dreadful years. Pressured mounted on top of my head by strange faces in every direction on campus, assignments we were given that sometimes were really difficult to understand, and impossible deadlines for huge projects I had to meet in order to recieve a passing grade. I was never the type to be socially anxious or nervous around people, let alone believe that I have reasons for depression. In fact, during my high school years I was completely the opposite of what I am now. Social interactions with whomever and wherever where never seen as a potential risk of anxiety attacks. I loved engaging in conversation with friends, teachers, and even strangers at some points and during my high school years I was convinced that depression was only something people old get since none of my friends never mentioned it. Thats absolutely the worst part about it for me. The fact that no matter what I seem to do now in order to get rid of these conficts, I am unable to outgrow these horrible feelings.

Personally, I’ve struggled with any means of progression in many of my favorite hobbies, recreational free-writing being a major one, due to frequently and relentlessly being victimized by anxiety attacks that make my normal levels of everyday anxiousness triple instantaneously. On rare occasions, Ill feel brave enough to fight back these emotions for the things that I enjoy doing, but about 90% percent of time I end up losing. Literally, these are those annoying moments when I have not even one sentence fully completed on my laptop screen, and as always, my conscience comes barging in to throw in its 2 cents. “Are you joking right now? This is a joke, right? Give it up man … you’ll never be a real writer“. This is usually the point

where Netflix suddenly seems way more appealing.

I chose to use a very mild example in order to show how fast and abruptly these unpleasant episodes of depression fueled anxiety can take over. I have been made subject to all forms of verbal abuse, but I was especially abused both emotionally and mentally for years by everyone I know and am currently still dealing with such abuse. There have been unforgettable incidents where my depression is so heavily buried within me that I unknowingly push away everything and anything that designed or willing to help me feel better. Similar incidents where my anxiety reaches a point so high that its feels uncontrollable and unbearable, and thats when I find everything extremely irritating. My solution, which isnt really a solution, is to isolate myself from everything and prefer to be alone until I feel somewhat alleviated.

But the hardest part for me to deal with overall is the fact that I developed these really bad cases of social anxiety and long periods of heavy depression overtime and it was right after coming out of high school and going into college. I was never the type to be socially anxious or nervous around people, let alone believe that I have reasons for depression. In fact, during my high school years I was completely the opposite of what I am now. Thats absolutely the worst part about it for me. The fact that no matter what I seem to do now in order to get rid of these anxiety attacks and depression episodes, I am unable to outgrow these daily nightmares. This made my college experience a hellbent struggle for 2 very long and dreadful years. Pressure quickly mounted on top of my head from strangers faces staring at me from every direction on campus, from assignments we were given that sometimes were really difficult to understand, and especially those nearly impossible deadlines we had to meet in order to recieve a passing grade. Im suprised I didnt have a heart attack.

I relate to everything you have said here. I’ve been there. I haven’t been able to write a thing lately. this was written a while ago. I wish I could just shrug it off. Take something and bam have it be gone in the morning like a headache.

I cant and am afraid now to edit anything I write because of what you said about that paper. If I let myself edit it most times i convince myself that it’s awful. And it destroys the piece. I feel for you and support you as much as possible in the battle we are both going through.

God Bless you.

Jola Olofinboba

This is a very interesting and timely article. I didn’t realize that creative writing was so demanding until I joined the Write Practice. I enjoy the variety of articles made available to me and I like the comments/feedback from members of the Community. However, I have problems trying to complete my stories. I waste a lot of time trying to tie the different parts of the story together Another issue is that I’m very slow with typing, so it takes me much longer to finish the assignments. Then when I’m writing I get easily distracted by following the links on whatever materials I’m reading to support my writing. Thanks for the tips you’ve given me about how to continue even when I don’t feel like doing so. I’m sure to keep at it. Thanks for your help.

Bisma Bakhtawer

I just took this test like right now and then checked my emails to find this and wow it helped … the test said my anxiety is VERY HIGH but right now im like yeah right..

Geraldine Bengil

I’ am frustrated writer and I don’t know where to start. I want to learn more and creative in writing and successful in career writing, I need guidance from authors and I don’t courage to write.

Well the best place to start is the beginning. Where writing began, writing. It sounds simple but honestly if you want to pursue a career as a writer you need to write. Not to bash guidance from other writers, it certainly has it’s place. but if you aren’t writing then it won’t do you any good.

Writing takes a lot of courage, that’s for sure. You’re putting your heart down on the page and letting it go on the world. It hurts when it’s rejected or not as good as you want it to be. But the big difference from aspiring writers to writers is courage. It takes a lot to get through this beginning stage and if you care about it enough to do what scares you then I’d say go for it.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else says about your work. all that matters is that you keep going if this is what you want.

I think this video from Ira Glass will be very beneficial for you. Good luck in all of your writing endeavors!


It’s helpful thank you so much. I feel depressed and lonely. I want to write about heavy feelings and emotions.


Self-doubt is really God-doubt. Once we know how much God loves us, we can never doubt ourselves – or Him- again.

That is certainly one way to look at it. Thanks for your opinion! I personally think mine goes deeper then that, but i will certainly keep your words in mind!

Natalie Shannon

I stopped writing for a while because I was depressed. I felt a lot worse. I started writing again and I felt better. Writing gave me purpose. I dealt with my feelings better.

I’m so glad to hear that! That’s what writing did for me too. I honestly believed that writing saved my life. Good luck on all of your writing endevors!

Cecly Ann Mitchell

Thank you for putting on paper what has been in my mind and heart for such a long time. Glad to know I’m not alone in those feelings. I’m a big Hemmingway fan too.

You are very welcome! Definitely not alone. We can battle this together! Best of luck to you!

Sarah Franklin

I’ve battled depression and anxiety for years and I get so frustrated by how that black hole of despair can stop me being creative in every conceivable way. This article was inspiring though and I take solace from the fact there are others who understand exactly how this feels. Thank you.

You are so welcome Sarah! Good luck in your battles! Keep Writing! We got this!

Thanks Miriam N. I choose to keep writing rather than whining! Best wishes, Jola

Er New Phone 😛 I totally meant writing endeavors… *sigh* aw well.


Embrace the pain. We are blessed as writers to have depression. That is why we write with profundity. Ever try writing when you feel giddy with happiness? The last thing I want to do is write. Raise a glass and be grateful for everything, including the thorns: our grace and motivation.

Laiq Zada

Woo it was an emotional read, As jeff goins says the first rule is to show up.

Only one way works for me is to read a lot and then try to write.

Alison Smith

Very interesting article. Depression and despondency very often happen with writers. You need to learn how to rule. Read something funny, what kind of articles, like this https://essayvikings.com/blog/want-to-buy-a-research-paper , communicate with friends and not shut yourself up.

Jamie Ghione

I have been writing a memoir of depression and anxiety and getting onto Prozac. I have found so many indigents in my life that I feel have contributed t this feeling.

Tinthia Clemant

I also suffer from depression and I’ve created a vlog about my journey. https://youtu.be/WyxYq2U9oMU

Breana Layne

I’m at a very, very low point in my life. Right now I’m writing this because I have this thought that just maybe this will help. I hate myself today. I hated myself yesterday. And I’ll hate myself tomorrow. My logic is that if I hate myself, everyone else will hate me too. It hurts inside. The deep, hard, gut-pulling ach kills me. I hate this. Needless to say, I use “hate” a lot. Everything is a blur. I can’t remember anything anymore. I’ll listen to sad and depressing music all the time. But I’ve always done that so it’s nothing new. It’s the voices that really get to me. They crumple me up and tear me apart. I’m so vulnerable to them. No one else can hear them, so I’m alone. My head’s been so dark lately. I can’t think the slightest of light. It’s hopeless. I’m hopeless. But I guess that’s okay. I’ll live like this the rest of my life. Living with this hurts like an absolute hell. All you do is stare at blank walls, eat as much or as little as you want, gain or lose the weight, sleep or don’t sleep, and cry. You fall. And some monster has a grasp on your foot so you can’t get back up. That’s alright. The flowers down here are more prettier anyway…


been there! pretty writing. p.s. this is a really good read 🙂 https://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-to-deal-when-you-feel-frustrated-and-hopeless/

Thank you so much! That is really going to help a lot. Thank you for sharing.


You were brave to share how you feel. Don’t give up. Keep writing. Write for yourself. Write to let the hate out and then let it go. Release it like dropping a rock into the water, where it sinks into the ocean never to be seen again. See yourself as unique and special – there never was and never will be another Breana Layne. And know that Jesus doesn’t hate you. He loves you!

Thank you. Really, thank you. I’ve been trying and trying and trying, and it’s slow progress. But it’s better than getting worse or feeling the same as I did. I love to write how I feel. It’s the only way to truly get it out. So thank you. It’s very appreciated.

Riley Lebowicz

Thank you for this article. I’ve read others with BS steps like “think positive” and such. But this really told it like it is. I clinically have both depression and anxiety, which has halted my story writing more than a few times. It’s frustrating, which feels like the worst part. The fact that this wall called mental illness is corralling my imagination. And I end up thinking more about the wall itself, rather than ways to get over it. But I have to try. Writing is what I want to do in life.

just write on time. thanks for sharing


I identify with all that you have said here. I’ve been there. I haven’t possessed the capacity to compose a thing of late. this was composed a while prior. I wish I could simply disregard it. Similarly http://thedailydrudgereport.com may help.

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Writing and Wellness

Why Writers Feel Depressed and How to Deal

by Patty Somlo

From my experience, depression results from denying feelings, such as sadness and anger.

Writers have to walk a tightrope between hope and acceptance, success and rejection.

Every writer, no matter how well-published, good or experienced, will have work rejected or reviewed negatively.

I follow one of my former creative writing teachers on Facebook. She has published many books and won numerous awards. I was surprised one day when she posted that she had been rejected by a respected literary journal again and had decided it would be better to stop submitting there, as the journal was never going to accept her work.

Most Respected Writers Experience Rejection

This said to me that even the most respected writers experience rejection. In order to write and submit your work to journals, agents, publishers and contests, or to have your writing reviewed or try to sell books, you have to hold onto the hope that your writing is good enough, while at the same being prepared for the inevitable rejection or having the work dismissed or ignored.

It’s easy to fall prey to depression as a way to deal with the grief, or even feelings of shame, when you don’t meet with success.

Authors Protect Themselves by Numbing Their Feelings

Depression is sort of a numbing of feelings or checking out. I think authors do this sometimes as a means of self-protection from having to face the message from the world that they aren’t any good.

Writing is a solitary pursuit and depression thrives when no one else is around to refute negative self-talk. It’s so easy to become discouraged and depressed on your own.

Writing is hard and it’s difficult to be objective about the work when you are in the midst of it. Even if you have the support of a writing group, you need to spend a great deal of time alone writing before you share the work with someone else. This time is fertile ground for self-doubt, especially because good writing often requires rounds of revision.

In the meantime, there are always those voices telling you the work is bad.

Another thing is that the muse is fickle.

Some days when you sit down to write, the words flow and you feel wonderful. Other days, the opposite occurs. When that happens, a writer can’t help but wonder if this is the end and no more good work will ever emerge.

Depression and Anxiety are Substitutes for Real Emotions

The first, and most important, way that depression and anxiety are dangerous for an author is that both conditions mask feelings.

In my case, both depression and anxiety are a substitute for real emotions, including anger, fear, sadness and shame. Good writing happens when we can connect words to real feelings and that becomes more difficult when the author is depressed or anxious.

In terms of sabotaging writing and writing goals, anxiety about the work not being good enough or being rejected often contributes to writers giving up.

I once knew a writer who never finished anything. When I pressed her about this, she admitted that not finishing work kept her from having to face being rejected or having her writing negatively criticized.

Anxiety tends to make us fear and dread things that haven’t happened yet and the anxious voice can be very persuasive. If your anxiety is telling you the book you’re working on will not ever be any good or that you won’t find a publisher or an agent or an audience for it, that can make it much easier to stop writing.

Depression Separates You from Yourself and Others

I sometimes think of depression as a gray film that separates you from others and from yourself.

Depression makes it difficult to be fully connected and engaged with the world. The more a writer can be connected with the outside world and herself, the more authentic the work becomes.

How Therapy for Depression Can Help Writers Succeed

The biggest change for me [when I realized I was suffering from depression] was that I “lightened up.”

Prior to going to therapy, learning that I suffered from depression and anxiety, and working to heal, much of what I wrote was, frankly, depressing.

After healing some and making positive changes in my life, I still wrote about serious subjects but with a great deal more humor and insight.

In terms of my writing practice, the biggest change for me was being able to more easily accept criticism of my work, which helped me learn to revise. Previously, I found it difficult to make changes in my life. Having learned how to do that, I was also able to improve my writing through revision.

Even more important, I felt more confident about writing, knowing that even if a story or essay or book wasn’t where I wanted it to be at that moment, I would eventually be able to shape it the way I wanted.

Finally, healing my depression, I learned my real life story, instead of the versions I had told myself over the years. This helped me write more honestly, both in memoir writing, as well as in creating more believable characters in fiction.

Why I Wrote About Healing Depression

I knew that I wanted to write about my long search for a place I could call home, as a result of growing up in a military family that moved constantly.

Having to pick up and move at a moment’s notice when I was a child contributed to my depression and anxiety.

So, I understood that telling the story and talking about the importance of place in my life, and especially the importance of beautiful places in nature, also meant writing about healing depression.

It helped me in the sense that writing has always been an important way I have dealt with depression. Even before going to therapy and learning that my low moods were more than just temporary downturns, writing always made me feel better.

But in terms of how it helped me, depression is such a complicated web of accepted negative beliefs, past hurts that haven’t been grieved, and wounds that are easily reopened. Writing about it enabled me to dive deeper into the web and provided more clarity about myself and my life.

In my case, the depression and anxiety have also been fueled by low self-esteem and shame. Writing about aspects of myself and my life that I have felt I needed to hide helped me realize that I had nothing to be ashamed about.

Of course, that was also the difficult part. We are still not a society that accepts mental health issues as legitimate health concerns, rather than individual weakness or something to hide.

I want to be a positive force in changing those perceptions by writing about my situation. But at the same time, it is hard.

Needing to be Alone to Write, but then Getting Depressed Alone

May Sarton, the author I wrote about in the chapter of the book called “Starlight,” wrote movingly and honestly about her depression in the journals she published later in her life.

In particular, in Journal of a Solitude , she focused on the difficulties of being a woman writer and how some of this intersected with depression.

This is my absolute favorite book and the first time I read it, I completely identified with Sarton. One of the important aspects of healing depression through therapy is that you feel heard, and that whatever you are feeling is okay.

Depression, on the other hand, results from being told or assuming that your feelings of anger, sadness or shame are not acceptable, so you have to push those feelings down.

Reading Sarton, I saw another writer experiencing much of what I experienced, such as liking and needing to be alone to write, but then getting depressed alone. Somehow, this validated my feelings and the struggles I have had as a woman trying to continue writing.

What if You’re a Writer Experiencing Depression?

First, I think it’s very important to have a regular writing practice, preferably at the same time every day.

I recommend early in the morning, since other commitments can’t interfere with this time. Writing every day helps even out the ups and downs of writing. There will be bad days, of course, but when you write every day, you are bound to have many more good days.

Second, I recommend finishing work. This might require imagining a person in your head who responds to the voice that will inevitably come up telling you the piece is no good and you should abandon it.

Third, I think it’s important to have goals for the work, such as people you’re going to share it with or places you will try to publish it. Taking your work seriously that way will help push you to revise and make the work the best it can be.

It’s important to find ways to get both positive and constructive feedback about the writing, to improve it and also to reward your hard work and let you know that your efforts have paid off.

Writing is a solitary practice but sharing the work can help a writer feel that she is on the right track and provide her with feedback to make the work shine.

Depressed Writers Benefit Can Benefit from Therapy

I would, of course, recommend therapy for anyone suffering from depression and anxiety.

Especially for writers who tend to be rather solitary people, having a trained, caring person to listen and help you go deep and discover the roots of the depression and anxiety, as well as your potential for healing, can make a huge difference.

For both depression and anxiety, but especially for anxiety, meditation and mindfulness can also be really helpful. Yoga is wonderful for easing anxiety—not to mention, helping to relieve aches from sitting and writing for long periods of time.

The nice thing is that therapy and mindfulness practices will also deepen the writing. As I became more self-aware, I think I was better able to develop believable, three-dimensional characters, and my work had more emotional depth.

(Read more about Patty and her work on her previous wellness post and in her piece, “ Writing About the Pieces of Ourselves that We Leave Behind .”)

Her work has appeared in journals, including the Los Angeles Review, the Santa Clara Review, Under the Sun, Guernica, Gravel, Sheepshead Review, and WomenArts Quarterly, and numerous anthologies. She has two forthcoming books: a memoir, Even When Trapped Behind Clouds (WiDo Publishing), and Hairway to Heaven Stories (Cherry Castle Publishing).

Find more information on her and her work on her website and Amazon , or connect with her on Twitter .

From the lush tropical paradise of Hawaii to fog-shrouded San Francisco and the rugged, wind-swept Washington coast, Somlo explores the places she has lived in order to find her way back home. In this intimate work, she takes us through wrenching therapy sessions where she learns to use the breath to uncover buried anger, sadness and shame. We go along as she falls in love, overcomes a decades-long phobia of driving, and gradually discovers how to make a home. Most important, she shares with us her deep love of nature and the role it has played in helping her heal.

Often funny and deeply moving, this is both a beautifully written, lyrical, personal memoir, and an honest exploration of the challenges and possibilities for psychological healing through the places in our lives.

Available at WiDo Publishing and Amazon .

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Thank you, Patty, for your insightful blog post about writers and depression. I can certainly identify with many of your points, having experienced several episodes of depression during my life. I hope to run in to you at Redwood Writers soon.

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how to write an essay when you're depressed

Stuck on Your College Essay? 8 Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

←How to Write a Last Minute Essay

11 Tips for Proofreading and Editing Your Essay→

We’ve all had that feeling. You know you have to write an essay, a research paper, or even a story, but you can’t seem to string two thoughts together. It’s frustrating, it’s disheartening, and you don’t know how long it’ll be before inspiration strikes again. 

This familiar feeling is commonly known as “writer’s block”. According to The New Yorker , it was once believed that writer’s block was caused by exhausting one’s supply of inspiration or a lack of external motivation. Now, thanks to the research of Jermone Singer and Michael Barrios, we know that there are four broad causes of writer’s block: 

  • Excessively harsh self-criticism 
  • Fear of being compared to other writers and their work
  • A lake of external motivation such as praise or attention 
  • A lack of internal motivation such as a desire to share a story with the world 

No matter which bucket your writer’s block falls under, you are certainly not alone, and you can definitely get your creative juices flowing again. Want to get over your writer’s block? Here are some proven techniques that will help re-inspire your writing. 

Tips For Overcoming Writer’s Block On Your College Essay 

1. freewrite .

A lot of people get stuck on the idea that what they write has to be perfect, and that pressure keeps them from writing down anything at all. If you find yourself feeling that weight on your shoulders, just take a step back for a minute. Give yourself some leeway to write whatever you want on the topic that you’re writing about, even if it’s grammatically incorrect or irrelevant. Just writing something down can often give the mind something to work with, and it can often lead to further inspiration.

Keep in mind that this freewriting can take whatever form you want it to. It can be full sentences, bullet points, even phrases randomly placed on a sheet of paper. Whatever gets your brain thinking in some capacity is a good step in overcoming writer’s block. 

2. Respond to Brainstorm Questions 

What if your writer’s block is so bad that you can’t even come up with a topic or subject for your essay? If you need a place to start, try thinking about something that is not directly related to your college essays. The easiest things to brainstorm are things that you know, like yourself. Here are some easy brainstorm questions to get you thinking: 

  • Who are my favorite characters on TV, Literature, and movies? Why are these my favorite characters? 
  • What is something that I would join a multi-day protest march for? Is there actually anything that I am passionate about?
  • Say I had to start a business selling something, and I would achieve the average level of success (financially, socially, etc) within that business, what would I choose to do?
  • What nonprofit or cause would I volunteer for assuming I could not choose an activity that I’ve already done or an activity available in my school?

While these questions may not be immediately relevant to the college essay you’re trying to write, they are introspective questions. So the more you think about answers to these questions, the more you are reflecting on yourself and your goals. If you can start writing down your answers, then you’re already well on your way to writing a personal statement or explaining your interests and passions to colleges.

3. Talk It Out With A Friend 

College essays always ask you to reflect on yourself, and who knows you better than some of your closest friends? While they shouldn’t write your essay for you, they can be a good sounding board for ideas while giving you some ideas of their own. Try contacting someone you trust and asking them how they would answer the essay prompt if they were answering it for you. See what comes to their mind. They may bring up an interesting approach to an essay that you hadn’t even thought about, or remind you about an aspect of yourself that you hadn’t already considered. Their ideas could help spark your ideas. 

Keep in mind, this doesn’t have to be a friend. It could be a close relative, a neighbor, or even a teacher. You just need to talk to somebody who knows you well and can give you insight on how you should approach the essay, not how they would. 

4. Read a Memoir or Listen To a Podcast 

Inspiration tends to fuel inspiration, and what better way to get inspired to write a creative essay about yourself than to read/listen to others’ creative essays about themselves. Perhaps listening to people tell their stories will give you some ideas on how you can tell your story for your college essays. 

People share their stories in a variety of ways, both offline and online. You could read the personal memoir of someone who inspires you, or of someone whose story you relate to. If you want something that takes a little bit less time, you could listen to a podcast or watch a TED Talk of people telling their stories. Some other places to find inspiration are The New York Times’ Modern Love column or stories from The Moth . Most of the above are short and quick and could possibly spark inspiration for your own essay. 

how to write an essay when you're depressed

5. Change Your Environment 

Maybe it’s not that you lack ideas or inspiration. Maybe you just can’t, for whatever reason, seem to get your ideas down on paper. That’s totally normal, and there’s a chance that your environment has something to do with it. If you’ve been brainstorming in your room for hours or if you’re not comfortable wherever you are, it’s going to be very difficult for you to be able to write creatively and vulnerably. 

Try going somewhere else to write, preferably somewhere with fresh air and sunshine. A simple change of scenery can be surprisingly helpful in getting your brain to work again and letting the creativity come through. As long as you’re peaceful and comfortable wherever you go, it’s a good place to be writing. 

6. Get Some Exercise 

It is commonly accepted that exercise releases endorphins and other helpful chemicals that stimulate your brain and keep you happy. In this way, exercise can be very beneficial in the writing process. If you’re feeling frustrated because of your writer’s block, exercise can lift your mood and give you a much-needed break. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, the chemicals in your brain can help spark some creative inspiration for your essay. 

Of course, it might be a little bit difficult to go for a run or get exercise if you’re staying at home. Just remember that no form of exercise is better than another, and exercise doesn’t have to take up a lot of space. Do some jumping jacks in place, find an apartment-friendly workout video online, or just put on some music and dance in your room. The key is to get your body moving.

7. Use a Pen and Paper 

Most students type their essays on computers instead of writing them down, and this makes sense. Almost all college applications are submitted online now, and it’s easier to share your essays with others for editing. 

That being said, typing your essays may not be the best idea if you’re experiencing writer’s block. The blank screen in front of you may be a psychological deterrent to your creativity, and the internet may serve as a huge distraction. 

If you find yourself unable to come up with something to write on a computer, try going old school and writing your ideas with a pen and paper. If you don’t have any of that around, try jotting down some ideas on a dry erase board or chalkboard. Writing your ideas instead of typing them encourages you to jot down shorter ideas and think in an entirely different way. This can be a beneficial switch for your brain as you attempt to overcome your writer’s block.

8. Work On A Different Section 

Who says that you have to write your essay from start to finish? If you are having trouble coming up with the beginning, write the end or start somewhere in the middle! If you have an idea of what you want to say and how you want the essay to flow, you can write it down in whatever order you want. Write down the parts that come easiest to you and circle back to the parts you haven’t quite figured out yet. This way, you’ll at least have something written down, and you can use that something to inspire you to write the other parts of your essay later. 

Again, your essay does not have to be perfect on the first draft. If the different parts of your essay don’t seem to fit together because you wrote them at different times, that’s okay. At least you’ll have all of the parts written down, and you can edit from there. 

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To Myself, When Recovery From Depression Is ‘Sink or Swim’

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I have been struggling with mental illness my entire life. Just recently, I began writing and speaking out about my struggles with depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well. I’ve been shouting from the mountaintops to anyone who could hear, hoping not only to help others understand but to battle the stigma attached to mental illness, as well. When I was approached by another author to write a segment for his upcoming book about depression and recovery, naturally, I jumped at the chance.

You see, when my world fell apart, I had two choices: It was either sink or swim, live or die. Though a large part of me wanted more than anything to surrender in order for the pain stop, there was this little kernel inside of me screaming to never give up, never give in. I mustered every ounce of strength I possessed and began to fight like I’ve never fought before. I began to write about all I’ve been through. I wrote like my life depended on it because in so many ways it did. By pulling my demons out into the light and exposing them, I felt I was finally able to begin to heal. I had found my voice. Writing had become my passion, my life blood.

I published a book about my life. I began blogging, as well, hoping to reach out to those struggling with depression themselves so they would know they were not alone. I found myself writing to help others understand mental illness and to speak for those without a voice. With each new piece I published, I hoped to start a dialogue and reduce the stigma. While I found some healing in trying to help others through my writing, the focus had shifted off of myself. I was no longer writing for myself; I was writing for a cause.

When a fellow author asked me to contribute something to his project, a book set to be published next year, it was enormously huge for me. He wanted me to write a letter to someone out there struggling. To let them know I understand. To give them encouragement and inspiration to hold on, be brave, be strong and continue to fight on. The idea of such a letter struck a chord with me. Everyone deserves something like that. Unfortunately, though, what you deserve and what you get are sometimes entirely different things. I could wait a lifetime and never receive such a letter from anyone else. So I decided to write one to myself.

Today, I go full circle and return to where I first began, first found my voice. I shift my focus inward and once again make myself a priority. It is so much easier to reach out to others with encouragement than to face my own nightmares. The truth, however, is I must face my own demons if I have any hope of slaying them. Once again, it is sink or swim time, live or die. While it terrifies me to look inward, I am not ready to surrender quite yet. I have too much living still to do. I deserve to matter. I deserve encouragement. I deserve hope. And so I write to myself:

I know you are scared. You’ve been through so much in life and are so tired of fighting, of struggling and of hurting, but you have to be brave and hold on. You’re so much stronger than you know. You’ve come so far in life. So many people have tried to break you, yet here you still are, still surviving, still holding on.

All your life, you’ve had people saying you were unwanted, unlovable, broken, damaged and a waste of space. You’ve let other people define you and determine your worth. You’ve bought into every cruel word they’ve spoken, believed every lie. You need to stop listening to others and begin listening to yourself. Listen with your heart.

All your life, you’ve faced abuse from others. People have laid their hands on you in anger, treating you like a punching bag instead of a person. Men and boys have touched you in ways a little girl should never be touched. Their abuses have stolen your identity, broken your will until you felt more like an object for others to use and abuse than as a person. You never deserved that.

Everyone you’ve allowed yourself to love has torn your heart out and stomped on it. You’ve begun to believe that love and pain go hand in hand, and sooner or later, everyone leaves. They’ve made you feel like you’re not enough so often that you’ve begun to believe it. You internalize their actions, always blaming yourself for never measuring up. Even when they’ve cheated, you believe somehow you’re at fault. You’re not. You never were.

You were taught young to put up walls. Never let anyone see what hurts you because it makes it that much easier for them to hurt you next time. Never let anyone in. Never be vulnerable. You are so terrified of letting yourself be hurt that you walk around numb, afraid to feel anything at all.

You’re so used to hurting inside that you’re not sure how to feel anything else. Though you paint on a smile so others don’t worry, you’re always crying inside. You’re not even sure what happiness is most days. You’re afraid of letting it in because it’s always fleeting. Happiness never seems to last. You greet it with wary suspicion because you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Though others have abused you and broken your spirit more times than you can count, you’ve picked up where they left off. You need to own that sweetie. You’re harder on yourself than anyone else has ever been. You’ve let them all convince you that you’re worthless so you treat yourself as such. You beat yourself up for everything, regardless of whether or not it was even your fault. While you’re able to accept the flaws and mistakes of others, you tear yourself down for every misstep and every defect. You never give yourself any breaks. You need to stop that. You’re slowly killing bits of yourself every bit as much as all their abuses have. Please, be kind to yourself.

In so many ways, you’ve surrendered to your depression. You’ve accepted that this is just how your life shall always be. You’ve begun thinking of it as something familiar, akin to a friend. Your depression is not your friend sweetie. It is not there to comfort you or help you. Your depression speaks in lies . It wants to beat you, to break you, to tear you into little pieces, shattering you so badly you can never recover. You need to stop being polite and welcoming it in. You need to stop accepting it as your reality, your lot in life and fight it.  It only has power and control over you if you let it.

I know you’re terrified of life, of letting anyone else in and of being hurt again. You’re scared to death that you’re not strong enough. So many times you’ve cried out, “No more! No mas!” positive you could not survive anymore heartache, sure that any more abuse would kill you.  It’s OK to be scared. It’s OK to be vulnerable, but never let your fear keep you from fighting.

Whenever you’re not feeling strong enough, you need to remind yourself of everything you’ve survived in life. Keep reminding yourself of your strength. You are a hurricane, a tornado, a force to be reckoned with. You’ve been battling monsters and demons for more than 40 years now, and you’re still going strong. There is not anything you cannot overcome.

I know you’re scared, too, of putting your heart out there again and that is OK. Love will come again in time. Don’t give up on it. Don’t let the actions of a few bad apples make you jaded or close off your heart. Love is a beautiful thing, and you deserve it in your life. You deserve to be loved and cherished with as much fervor as you have always given everyone else. Just make sure to learn from your mistakes next time. Never again settle.

You need to let go of all those negative labels others have used to define you because none of them are even remotely true. You are fierce. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are strong. You are a warrior. You are a survivor. You are an incredible person Beth. You have such a warm, loving heart. No matter how much other people have broken it, you always manage to reach out to help others. You have so much to give to the world, Beth, and to yourself. You are a blessing.

Stay strong. Always keep fighting. Never give up. The world needs you in it. Your children need you. You need yourself.

With all the love you deserve in this world, Beth

Image via Thinkstock.

This post originally appeared on Unlovable .

If you or someone you know needs help, visit our suicide prevention resources page.

If you need support right now, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. You can reach the Crisis Text Line by texting “START” to 741-741.

I am a 46-year-old happily married mother of three. I have survived physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse, a failed previous marriage and a long engagement imploded by an ex’s repeated infidelities. I have been diagnosed with major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorder. I have many facets and have filled many roles. At different times in my life, I have been a student, a teacher, a mother, a daughter, a fiance, a wife, an artist and an author. Throughout my life, I have been both strong and courageous, weak and afraid. I may be a product of my experiences and choices, but I refuse to let them define me. After years of suffering in silence, I have found my voice. My first book, “Unlovable: A Story of Abuse and Depression from Someone Drowning in the Abyss,” is available for purchase in both paperback and e-book versions on Amazon.com and at barnesandnoble.com.

Alice Boyes Ph.D.

How to Protect Yourself From Depression When You're Stressed

Stress can lead to depression, but you can improve your resilience..

Posted August 23, 2021 | Reviewed by Davia Sills

  • What Is Depression?
  • Find a therapist to overcome depression
  • You can't always prevent yourself from becoming depressed, but simple strategies may help build your resilience.
  • A positive mood typically requires sources of both pleasure and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Both behavioral and cognitive strategies can contribute to resilience.

Dan Gold/Unsplash

It's not always possible to prevent yourself from becoming depressed. Sometimes that will happen despite your best efforts and strategies. However, these highly practical tips will give you options to improve your resilience when you're under high stress.

1. Take a micronutrient supplement.

This tip is by far the easiest on this list. When people are stressed or becoming depressed, it's easy for their diet to suffer. High levels of stress may also increase your need for micronutrients. Studies of how people coped psychologically after a major earthquake (and many ongoing aftershocks) demonstrated that taking a micronutrient supplement helped people's resilience. (Research on this topic is summarized in this book .)

2. Schedule these two types of activities.

For a positive mood, we need to regularly engage in two types of activities. First, we need activities that give us a sense of accomplishment or mastery. Second, we need activities that provide pleasure.

Think of your day in three sections—morning, afternoon, and evening. Plan one activity that will provide pleasure and one that will provide a sense of accomplishment in each of the three sections. You should have six activities planned each day (three of each type).

Morning: Write a magazine article (accomplishment), and go for a walk in the sunshine (pleasure).

Afternoon: Change my sheets (accomplishment), and eat a yummy lunch (pleasure).

Evening: Clean expired food out of the fridge (accomplishment) and play ball with my child (pleasure).

It takes less self-control to complete behaviors when those behaviors are habits. So, slot particular activities into the same place each day. For example, I do a "deep work" session (usually writing) at roughly the same time each morning,

Plan out your activities once a week for the week ahead. It's too onerous to do it more frequently than this. Keep it simple. If you feel any sense of dread about what you've chosen, choose easier activities.

Still feel dread? Choose even easier options. Shrink activities so that they don't feel overwhelming. For example, pick throw expired items out of the fridge, not clean your whole kitchen, or even clean your entire fridge.

3. Do one activity every day that doesn't have a deadline.

When you're planning activities that will provide a sense of accomplishment each day, include one small task that doesn't have a deadline. For example, changing your air conditioner filters. When people are stressed, these tasks can end up ignored, but then they pile up. When this happens, we sense we're not doing a very good job of adulting. When you do a tiny task that wasn't urgent, it will give you a boost of efficacy. It will help you feel you're on top of your life, and this can have flow-on mood-boosting effects.

There are two approaches to protecting your mood. You can either play defense or offense. One way you can play "offense" is to try novel activities that give you a sense of personal growth. These don't need to be arduous. Try activities that give you a sense of discovery, like discovering parks around your city you've never been to.

Trying new forms of movement is a great idea too. Again, these don't need to be arduous. Book a spot at that pickleball court you've walked past 100 times. Try a climbing wall. Play frisbee with a friend at the park.

Depression is associated with retreating and being very self-protective: for example, the urge to stay in bed all day. It's hard to feel depressed if you feel like your sense of self is expanding in positive ways.

5. Find meaning in your struggles.

When we experience stress, it gives us an opportunity to learn something and to practice our skills at something. For example, I've been going through infertility treatments for the past two years. As part of this, I joined some peer support groups. The experience of being in these groups has improved my empathy and sensitivity beyond the ways my training shaped these skills. What can you take from your struggles?

6. Actually try the things you think might help you.

Depression and anxiety both make us hesitant. And when we're stressed, we often have a lot of decisions to make but become indecisive from decision overload or self-doubt.

You may have had good, simple ideas of what would help your mood but have hesitated to act on those. For example, a couple of weeks ago, I purchased a $25 cooling vest so I could still walk outdoors in hotter temperatures. It's great. I kicked myself I hadn't done it earlier since walking outside helps my mood a great deal.

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Have you already had good ideas but not acted on them? It's OK if not everything you try works. Even 50 percent success is still great.

None of these self-help suggestions are substitutes for formal treatment if you're already clinically depressed. If these ideas feel too hard, that's a good indicator you might need more support than just trying self-help. So, use that information to show you the path forward rather than as fuel for self-criticism. But, if at least one of these ideas feels doable, try it. When you do, some of the other suggestions might start to feel doable too.

Alice Boyes Ph.D.

Alice Boyes, Ph.D., translates principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and social psychology into tips people can use in their everyday lives.

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May 2024 magazine cover

At any moment, someone’s aggravating behavior or our own bad luck can set us off on an emotional spiral that threatens to derail our entire day. Here’s how we can face our triggers with less reactivity so that we can get on with our lives.

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How to Identify Your Emotions When You’re Depressed

Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and international bestselling author. Her books, including "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," have been translated into more than 40 languages. Her TEDx talk,  "The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong," is one of the most viewed talks of all time.

how to write an essay when you're depressed

Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in eating behaviors, stress management, and health behavior change.

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JGI / Jamie Grill / Getty Images

Many people think depression is just a deep sadness that doesn’t go away for a while. That’s not the whole story, however. Depression is more complicated than that.

That’s why many people who have depression don’t recognize it as such. And it’s why people often show disbelief when they learn someone has depression .

But just because you don’t feel sad or someone says, “But you don’t seem depressed,” doesn’t mean you aren’t. Everyone experiences and displays depression in their own way.

Individuals with depression do share some common emotional experiences, however. Learning to identify your emotions can be the first step in figuring out how to respond to them in a healthy way.

Common Emotions Experienced During Depression

While everyone’s experience with depression is a little different, some emotions during depression are fairly common symptoms :

  • Sadness : Depression can cause deep feelings of sadness . Feelings of sadness might involve a particular event, like the loss of a loved one or they may just be general feelings of sadness.
  • Guilt : Depression may make you feel guilty about almost everything. You might feel guilty you’re depressed or you may feel bad about mistakes (or perceived mistakes) you’ve made.      
  • Irritability : You may feel irritable much of the time. You may have a lower frustration tolerance or you may just feel annoyed by almost everything going on around you.
  • Anxiety : You might worry about something specific (like whether you’re going to be able to fall asleep tonight) or you might just feel anxious for no particular reason.       
  • Loneliness : You might not feel like socializing when you’re depressed but at the same time, you might feel really lonely. Loneliness can be common, even when you’re surrounded by people. 
  • Worthlessness : You may believe that you don’t have anything to contribute to the world and you might feel as though you’re worthless to your friends and family.       
  • Hopelessness : Depression can cause you to think that nothing will ever work or that things will never get better .

Why Identifying Your Feelings Helps

Feelings are complex. Simply putting a name to them can help your brain make more sense of what is going on.

A 2018 study found talking about feelings, writing about them, or simply picking a feeling after reviewing a list instantly reduced people’s distress.   Naming feelings decreased the duration and intensity of uncomfortable emotions.

It may not be helpful to just identify what you’re feeling as depression. It may be more beneficial to identify more specific emotions that you’re going through—which are likely to shift and vary quite often.

How to Name Your Feelings

If you aren’t used to identifying your feelings, it will take some practice. But there are several things you can do to get better at figuring out how you’re feeling.

  • Start with a number . If you’re struggling to name your feelings, start with a number system. Rank your mood from 1 to 10 every day with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the best. After a few days of using a number system, you might feel more comfortable putting a name to the various emotions you’re experiencing.
  • Use a feelings chart . It’s impossible to identify how you’re feeling unless you have the language for it. Look at a feelings chart or feelings word list to help you recall a vast array of feelings ranging from disappointed to embarrassed.
  • Take time to reflect . Set aside some time every day to think about your emotions. You might recall how you were feeling at certain times throughout the day or you might pause every once in a while to just name how you’re feeling in the moment.
  • Pair it with another habit . To make naming your emotions a regular habit, pair it with another habit you already do. For example, you might name your feelings when you’re brushing your teeth in the morning and then again at night. Or, you might identify your emotions at each meal. Pairing it with a habit you already do will make it easier to remember.
  • Write in a journal . Writing things down can help you make more sense of your emotional state. Spend a few minutes every day sorting through your feelings on paper.
  • Talk about feelings in everyday conversation . You don’t have to talk about your feelings all the time but incorporating more feeling words into your everyday conversations can help you get more comfortable with identifying your emotional state.

Keep in mind that you are likely to feel more than one emotion at a time. And sometimes, those emotions might feel conflicting.

You might be both happy and sad. Or, you might feel anxious and excited. It’s normal to experience all types of emotions simultaneously. But naming your feelings can help you sort those things out a bit and help your brain make a little more sense of what’s going on.

Get Advice From the The Verywell Mind Podcast

Hosted by Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares how you can learn to tolerate uncomfortable emotions.

Follow Now : Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

A Word From Verywell

If you’re struggling to identify your feelings, you’re not alone. It’s tough to do—and depression makes it even more difficult to name your emotions.

A mental health professional can help you.  A therapist can assist you in figuring out your complex emotional state as you cope with depression.

Torre JB, Lieberman MD. Putting Feelings Into Words: Affect Labeling as Implicit Emotion Regulation.  Emotion Review . 2018;10(2):116-124. doi: 10.1177/1754073917742706

By Amy Morin, LCSW Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and international bestselling author. Her books, including "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," have been translated into more than 40 languages. Her TEDx talk,  "The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong," is one of the most viewed talks of all time.

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I have an exam tomorrow but don’t feel prepared – what should I do?

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Associate Director, The Victoria Institute; National Director, AVID Australia, Victoria University

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Claire Brown receives funding for AVID in Australia from the Sidney Myer Fund and the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust.

Victoria University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU.

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You have an exam tomorrow and you’re not feeling prepared. With only a few waking hours to go, how is it best you spend your time?

To pass tomorrow’s exam, cramming might help you write more on the paper than you would have without doing any form of study, depending on how stressed out you are. But it certainly won’t help you learn the information deeply. You will have forgotten most of what you crammed within a week.

Cramming doesn’t work for retaining information

Research shows we overestimate our ability to remember information and underestimate the importance of actively learning information. Students will often say they don’t need to take notes because they have great memories. But this research suggests we assume we’ll remember things forever as well as we do now (we won’t). We underestimate our need to learn and relearn information to be able to recall it when we need it.

As an article in The New York Times put it, cramming is like jam-packing your brain:

But hurriedly jam-packing a brain is akin to speed-packing a cheap suitcase, as most students quickly learn — it holds its new load for a while, then most everything falls out.

So if your exam is tomorrow then cramming might help, but research shows when students see the same material again at a later date, it’s like they have never seen it before.

Cramming and stress

If you’re feeling anxious, it might be better to put the books down and not attempt to cram. Cramming can clog working memory and that can result in cognitive overload, making you feel overwhelmed.

Going to bed late because of a cramming session, overstimulated from too many energy drinks, then tossing and turning with an overloaded brain, could be worse for you than just giving up now and going to bed.

how to write an essay when you're depressed

Four study strategies that are better than cramming

It’s never too late to adopt good study habits that will improve your exam success and relieve your exam anxiety.

1. Get organised

A major reason for cramming is poor organisation of time. Time-poor students should use a planner to identify the times available for study and block out those times in the planner. Then actually be disciplined and use that time to study.

Get a study binder – electronic or hard copy – and keep it organised. Use it regularly to store and review your study notes and materials.

Being organised with your study materials helps you to be organised in your thinking, too, as you can easily access the materials you need to help you study in the time you have prioritised to study.

2. Take, make, interact with and reflect on notes

Taking notes is important. An active note-taking process is important to help you transfer new information from short-term memory and then recall it more easily after it is stored in the long-term memory.

Read more: What's the best, most effective way to take notes?

Read more: What's the best way to take notes on your laptop or tablet?

3. Keep interacting with the content

Research has found the rate you forget information is minimised if you interact with (reread/discuss/write) new information within 24 hours of first receiving it. A second, shorter repetition within 24 hours brings recall back up to 100%. A third repetition within a week for an even shorter time brings recall back to 100%.

Going back to the suitcase analogy :

When the neural suitcase is packed carefully and gradually, it holds its contents for far, far longer. An hour of study tonight, an hour on the weekend, another session a week from now: such so-called spacing improves later recall, without requiring students to put in more overall study effort or pay more attention, dozens of studies have found.

When cramming, students often concentrate on one thing intensively for a long period of time. That doesn’t work either. Research shows learning is more effective if the type of material being studied is mixed and study periods are spaced out over time.

That’s why athletes, musicians and students should mix up their training/rehearsal/study sessions by practising different skills over different time periods , rather than focusing on just one thing for an extended time.

Read more: Why block subjects might not be best for university student learning

4. Self-testing

So once you have a good set of notes, what is the best way to interact with them? Self-testing is a powerful way to study and learn.

Other tools you can use to help you self-test are to use mnemonics and flash cards. Mnemonics are memory devices that help you to recall information. An example of a well-known mnemonic is “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue”.

Flash cards are a great way to self-test. Good organisation of where you store your flash cards and effective use of them are essential to maximise their study potential. It’s good to mix up sets of flash cards and study them in short bursts.

For tomorrow…

If all you want to do is retain the information until after your exam tomorrow, a bit of cramming now might help. But if you’re feeling highly anxious your brain might not retain new information anyway. It might be a better idea to eat a nutritious dinner, go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep.

When you wake up, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself you can only do as well as you can do, and it will all be over in a few hours anyway.

But next time save yourself the stress and take the time to engage with the content frequently. Only this will ensure it’s locked up tight in your brain for a long time. And, finally, good luck!

Read more: HSC exam guide: maximising study and minimising stress

  • Exam stress
  • effective studying

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How to describe a depression in writing

How To Describe A Depression In Writing (14 Steps You Need To Know)

Describing depression in writing is an intricate and deeply empathetic endeavor, akin to unraveling the most enigmatic corners of the human soul through the alchemy of words.

It is a journey that challenges the writer to navigate the labyrinthine depths of emotion, to give voice to the silent struggles within, and to illuminate the often-invisible weight that depression imposes on the human psyche.

As writers, we are tasked not only with crafting compelling narratives but also with authentically conveying the profound, sometimes harrowing, experience of depression.

In this exploration, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of depression, from its psychological and emotional underpinnings to the intricate dance of words, symbols, and sensory details that bring this complex condition to life on the page.

In doing so, we aspire to foster empathy, understanding, and awareness, creating a literary bridge between the realms of storytelling and the very real, and often misunderstood, world of mental health.

How to describe a depression in writing 1

Table of Contents

How To Describe A Depression In Writing

Describing depression in writing involves conveying the complex emotions and experiences associated with it. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you do that effectively:

Understand Depression

Before you start describing it, ensure you have a deep understanding of what depression is. Research its symptoms, causes, and effects to provide an accurate portrayal.

Choose Your Perspective

Decide whether you want to describe depression from a personal perspective (first-person) or from an observer’s standpoint (third-person). Your choice will influence the tone and style of your description.

Start with an Engaging Hook

Begin your description with a compelling sentence or phrase that captures the reader’s attention and sets the tone for your piece.

Use Vivid Imagery

Paint a vivid picture with your words. Use sensory details to describe how depression feels, looks, sounds, and even smells if relevant. For example, you might describe the heaviness in one’s chest, the grayness of the world, or the silence that envelops a depressed individual.

Express Emotions

Emotions play a crucial role in conveying the experience of depression. Use words and phrases that evoke the feelings associated with depression, such as sadness, hopelessness, loneliness, or numbness.

Provide Examples

Share specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate the impact of depression on daily life. These can help readers empathize with the experience.

Explore Inner Thoughts

Dive into the internal monologue of a person experiencing depression. Share their thoughts, self-doubts, and the constant battle within their mind. This provides insight into the mental aspect of depression.

Show Isolation

Depict the sense of isolation that often accompanies depression. Describe how it feels to withdraw from social interactions and the world at large.

Highlight Physical Effects

Discuss the physical toll depression can take on the body, such as fatigue, changes in appetite, or sleep disturbances.

Mention Coping Mechanisms

Describe how individuals with depression might cope or attempt to alleviate their pain, whether through therapy, medication, or self-help strategies.

Avoid Stereotypes

Be cautious not to perpetuate stereotypes about depression. It’s a unique experience for each person, and not everyone experiences it in the same way.

End with Impact

Conclude your description with a thought-provoking or poignant statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Edit and Revise

After writing, review your piece for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Ensure that your description effectively conveys the intended emotions and experiences.

Seek Feedback

If possible, share your writing with others to get their perspectives and feedback. They can help you refine your description and make it more impactful.

Remember that describing depression is a sensitive topic, and it’s important to approach it with empathy and respect for those who have experienced it. Your goal should be to create a piece of writing that fosters understanding and compassion.

How to describe a depression in writing

Understanding Depression

Understanding depression is like deciphering the enigmatic language of the soul, where every sigh, every tear, and every hesitant smile hides a story untold.

It’s a journey through the labyrinthine corridors of the human mind, where emotions flow like torrents, and the shades of despair paint the canvas of one’s existence.

To truly grasp depression is to embark on an odyssey of empathy, where we listen not only to words but also to the poignant silences that echo the depths of pain.

It’s a dance with darkness, a delicate tango with the inexplicable, and a quest to unmask the faceless monster that resides within. In the shadowy recesses of a depressed heart lies a universe of unfathomable complexity, waiting for those willing to shine a light of understanding upon its profound mysteries.

Explore the psychological and emotional aspects of depression

Exploring the psychological and emotional facets of depression is akin to navigating a vast and intricate labyrinth of the human psyche.

Within this labyrinth, thoughts become tangled, emotions surge and recede like tempestuous waves, and the very essence of one’s identity can feel distorted and elusive.

It’s a profound voyage into the abyss of despair, where self-worth often dwindles, and the world transforms into a monochrome landscape.

The emotional contours of depression range from the leaden weight of sadness to the eerie numbness of apathy, all while the mind grapples with relentless self-criticism and the gnawing sense of hopelessness.

Understanding these complex interplays of emotions and thoughts is essential for illuminating the darkness of depression and offering a glimmer of empathy and support to those who navigate its treacherous terrain.

How to describe a depression in writing

Examine the physical and behavioral manifestations

Examining the physical and behavioral manifestations of depression unveils a multifaceted tapestry of human suffering.

On the physical front, depression often exacts a heavy toll, manifesting in profound fatigue, disrupted sleep patterns, and even somatic symptoms like headaches or stomachaches.

It’s a battle where lethargy clashes with the demands of daily life, and the simplest tasks can feel like monumental feats.

Behaviorally, depression casts a shadow on one’s once-vibrant personality, leading to withdrawal from social interactions, loss of interest in once-beloved activities, and sometimes even self-destructive behaviors.

These manifestations serve as poignant reminders of the silent struggle that occurs beneath the surface, where the invisible weight of depression shapes one’s existence in profound and sometimes painful ways.

Recognizing and addressing these physical and behavioral markers is a crucial step in offering support, understanding, and ultimately, a pathway towards healing for those grappling with depression.

Research and Empathy

Research and empathy are the twin lanterns guiding us through the labyrinth of human understanding. Research provides the compass, the knowledge, and the context, casting light upon the intricate layers of human experience.

It’s a journey through the archives of human knowledge, where we unearth the stories and statistics that frame the canvas of empathy.

But empathy, oh, it is the true magic, the lantern’s flame that breathes life into that knowledge. It’s the whispered stories of countless souls, the unspoken pain in their eyes, and the warmth of their joys.

It’s the bridge we build between their experiences and our hearts, allowing us to feel, to comprehend, and to extend our hands in genuine support.

Research and empathy, when united, are a formidable force, illuminating the path towards a more compassionate and enlightened world.

Gather information on depression through reliable sources and personal accounts

Gathering information on depression from both reliable sources and personal accounts is like assembling a mosaic of understanding.

The scholarly works, medical studies, and expert opinions provide the foundational tiles, offering scientific insights and clinical perspectives.

They shape the contours of our comprehension, allowing us to appreciate the broader landscape of depression. Yet, it is the personal accounts, the brave narratives shared by individuals who have traversed the labyrinth of depression, that infuse color and depth into this mosaic.

Their stories, filled with raw emotions, vulnerability, and resilience, are the vibrant, intricate pieces that give life to the bigger picture.

These firsthand accounts breathe humanity into the statistics and theories, forging a profound connection between knowledge and empathy.

In this harmonious blend of data and lived experiences, we discover the power to truly comprehend the multifaceted nature of depression, ultimately fostering greater compassion and support for those who grapple with it.

Develop empathy by understanding the experiences of individuals with depression

Developing empathy through understanding the experiences of individuals with depression is akin to stepping into their shadowed world with an open heart.

It’s a journey that demands we shed preconceptions and judgments, replacing them with a profound willingness to listen and learn.

As we walk in their shoes, we come face-to-face with the tumultuous storms that rage within, the silent battles fought against the invisible adversaries of despair and isolation.

It’s in these moments of shared vulnerability that we grasp the depth of their pain, the resilience in their spirit, and the courage it takes to confront each new day.

Empathy, born from this intimate connection to their trials and triumphs, not only bridges the gap of understanding but also kindles the flicker of hope in their darkness, reminding them that they are not alone in their struggle.

Avoid stereotypes and misconceptions about depression

Avoiding stereotypes and misconceptions about depression is essential to fostering a more compassionate and informed society.

Depression is not a one-size-fits-all experience; it’s a nuanced and complex battle within the human psyche. Stereotypes that portray individuals with depression as simply “sad” or “lazy” oversimplify the reality of their struggles and stigmatize a condition that affects millions.

It’s crucial to recognize that depression can manifest differently in each person, with a spectrum of symptoms ranging from emotional numbness to profound despair.

Challenging these misconceptions requires an open-minded willingness to educate ourselves, listen to diverse experiences, and replace judgment with empathy.

By doing so, we can create a space where those living with depression feel heard, validated, and supported, dismantling the barriers that prevent them from seeking the help they deserve.

Creating Relatable Characters

Creating relatable characters is akin to sculpting intricate masterpieces of the human soul with words. Each character is a kaleidoscope of experiences, a vessel of emotions, and a mirror reflecting the myriad facets of humanity.

Their backstories, aspirations, and vulnerabilities are not just words on a page; they are the threads that weave a tapestry of connection between the reader and the narrative.

In the dance of words, characters breathe life into stories, and it’s their relatability that invites readers to walk beside them, to share in their joys and sorrows, and to find echoes of their own humanity within these literary companions.

Crafting relatable characters is a journey of empathy and authenticity, where the lines between fiction and reality blur, and readers find solace in the familiarity of these beautifully flawed souls, recognizing themselves and the world around them in the pages of a compelling tale.

How to describe a depression in writing

Developing characters who struggle with depression

Developing characters who grapple with depression is a delicate dance of authenticity and compassion. These characters, laden with the weight of their internal battles, breathe life into the narrative with their raw, unfiltered emotions.

Their backstories are often laced with pain, marked by trials that have forged their resilience or sometimes led them to the precipice of despair.

Crafting these characters demands a profound understanding of the nuances of depression—its ebbs and flows, its relentless grip, and the delicate balance between hope and despair.

It’s an exploration of vulnerability, a journey that allows readers to peer into the depths of the human psyche and empathize with the intricate layers of their struggles.

Ultimately, characters who grapple with depression are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, offering both solace and inspiration to those who may find reflections of their own battles within the pages of the story.

Showcasing their unique struggles and journeys

Showcasing the unique struggles and journeys of characters who wrestle with depression is like tracing constellations of pain and resilience across the narrative sky.

Each character’s battle is a singular odyssey, marked by personal demons, unexpected allies, and moments of both profound darkness and fleeting light.

It’s in these struggles that their humanity shines brightest, for they are not mere vessels of sadness but complex beings with diverse experiences.

Their journeys are pathways through emotional mazes, where they stumble, fall, and sometimes rise with newfound strength.

As writers, our task is to delicately unfurl these individual narratives, allowing readers to walk beside these characters and witness their evolution. In doing so, we illuminate the power of human resilience, offering a glimpse into the kaleidoscope of experiences that make each person’s journey through depression a distinct and poignant story worth telling.

How to describe a depression in writing

Language and Descriptive Techniques

Language and descriptive techniques are the artist’s palette and brush in the masterpiece of storytelling.

It’s the symphony of words that paints vibrant images, stirs raw emotions, and weaves the very fabric of imagination.

Like a master magician, writers have the power to transform mere letters into a portal that transports readers to other worlds, and the key to unlocking this magic lies in the artistry of language.

It’s the choice of words that allows us to create not just stories, but living, breathing realms that resonate with readers’ senses. Descriptive techniques, whether through poetic metaphors, sensory-rich imagery, or subtle foreshadowing, are the spells that breathe life into characters, settings, and emotions.

They are the symphonies of literary creation, and when wielded with mastery, they captivate hearts and minds, making the written word a realm of boundless enchantment.

Selecting appropriate words and phrases

Selecting appropriate words and phrases in writing is akin to orchestrating a delicate ballet of expression. It’s about choosing not just what to say but how to say it, with each word and phrase carrying the weight of the intended meaning, emotion, and impact.

The vocabulary at a writer’s disposal is a treasure trove of hues on a literary palette, allowing for the creation of intricate emotional landscapes.

The art lies in the precision of selection, whether it’s the thunderous resonance of a well-placed metaphor, the subtle nuance of a carefully crafted simile, or the visceral punch of vivid sensory language.

Each word is a brushstroke on the canvas of imagination, and when chosen with discernment, they paint not just a picture but an entire world that readers can step into, savor, and be forever transformed by.

Conveying the weight of depression through language

Conveying the weight of depression through language is akin to shouldering a profound burden of emotions with carefully chosen words as the only means of expression.

It’s about summoning the gravity of despair, the stifling heaviness of each moment, and the relentless ache of the soul with an eloquence that resonates in the reader’s very bones.

To craft this linguistic tapestry, writers must wield language like a sculptor chiseling emotion from stone, allowing readers to not just understand but viscerally feel the weight of depression.

It’s in the measured cadence of sentences, the haunting metaphors, and the echoes of solitude within the prose that the true enormity of depression emerges.

In these words, we find the power to invite readers into the darkness, to stand beside characters in their struggles, and ultimately, to shine a light on the profound human experience that is depression.

How to describe a depression in writing

Point of View and Narrative Style

Point of view and narrative style are the architect’s blueprints and the interior designer’s decor in the construction of a literary masterpiece.

They are the lenses through which readers peer into the world you’ve meticulously crafted, offering unique angles of perception and emotional resonance.

Point of view, whether first-person intimacy, omniscient omnipotence, or the shades in between, shapes the reader’s connection to characters and events.

It’s the voice that becomes an intimate whisper, a guiding star, or a symphony of diverse perspectives.

Narrative style, on the other hand, is the texture that flavors the storytelling canvas — be it the raw brushstrokes of stream-of-consciousness, the polished elegance of classic prose, or the avant-garde experimentation that challenges the very boundaries of literature.

Together, they are the creative nucleus, the architects of immersion, and the conduits that convey the soul of your narrative to captivated readers.

In this synergy of perspective and style, writers wield the power to mold not just stories, but entire worlds, each as distinct and captivating as a fingerprint.

Setting and Atmosphere

Setting and atmosphere are the alchemical elixirs of storytelling, their enchantment weaving the very soul of the narrative.

The setting is more than just a backdrop; it is a character in its own right, with a vivid personality and history, shaping the lives and decisions of those within it.

Atmosphere is the invisible hand that cradles the narrative, its emotional climate swaying between the tranquil breezes of hope and the tempestuous storms of despair.

Together, they are the architects of immersion, transporting readers to worlds both familiar and fantastical, invoking the sensations of biting cold or the embrace of a sultry breeze.

It is in the careful crafting of setting and atmosphere that writers create an evocative stage where stories unfurl with a visceral intensity, inviting readers to not just witness but truly inhabit the narrative’s heart and soul.

Creating a setting that reflects the emotional state of the character

Creating a setting that mirrors the emotional state of a character is akin to painting with the hues of the soul. It’s the art of imbuing the external world with the internal turmoil, a literary alchemy that allows readers to feel the character’s emotions through the surroundings.

Whether it’s a gloomy, rain-soaked cityscape mirroring a character’s melancholy or a sun-drenched meadow echoing their newfound joy, the setting becomes a mirror, reflecting their innermost struggles and triumphs.

In this delicate interplay, the environment becomes a storytelling partner, amplifying the emotional resonance of the narrative, and inviting readers to journey not only through the character’s mind but also through the landscapes of their heart.

Incorporating sensory details to evoke emotions

Incorporating sensory details is like weaving an intricate tapestry of emotions that envelops the reader’s senses.

It’s the subtle scent of rain-soaked earth that conjures the feeling of nostalgia, the taste of salt on the lips that carries the tang of sea-borne longing, and the gentle caress of a summer breeze that stirs the echoes of joy.

Through these sensory nuances, writers have the power to immerse readers in the very essence of a moment, evoking not just an intellectual understanding but a visceral, emotional response.

The rustle of leaves in the wind, the warmth of a tender embrace, or the distant hum of city life can all become conduits for empathy, as readers not only see and hear but also taste, touch, and smell the world and emotions of the characters.

In this sensory symphony, the boundaries between words and feelings dissolve, forging a profound connection between the reader’s heart and the heart of the narrative.

Dialogue and Interactions

Dialogue and interactions within a narrative are like a dynamic dance of words, where characters step into the spotlight of their own stories .

They’re the electric sparks that ignite emotions, unveil hidden intentions, and bring the narrative to life with a captivating rhythm. Each exchange is a window into the souls of the characters, revealing their desires, fears, and conflicts.

It’s in the charged silences, the heated arguments, and the tender confessions that the human essence truly emerges. Dialogue is the heartbeat of a narrative, its pulse resonating in every word spoken, unspoken, and everything in between.

These interactions are not just conversations; they are the conduits of empathy and connection, where readers become intimately acquainted with the hearts and minds of those who inhabit the pages.

In this theater of words, writers have the power to captivate, inspire, and leave an indelible imprint on the reader’s imagination, making the narrative an unforgettable symphony of human experience.

Depicting interactions with other characters

Depicting interactions with other characters is akin to choreographing a complex ballet of emotions, where every step and gesture carries layers of meaning.

These interactions are the heartbeat of a narrative, the crucible where relationships are forged, tested, and transformed.

They reveal the true essence of each character, as they navigate the delicate balance between connection and conflict.

Through these exchanges, writers breathe life into the story, allowing readers to witness the ebb and flow of human dynamics, from the fiery clashes of opposing personalities to the tender moments of vulnerability and understanding.

It’s in the nuances of dialogue, the subtleties of body language, and the unspoken exchanges that characters come alive, and the narrative gains depth and resonance.

In the intricate web of these interactions, readers find echoes of their own experiences and gain new perspectives on the complexities of human relationships, making the story a mirror reflecting the tapestry of human connection.

Showing the impact of depression on communication

Showing the impact of depression on communication is akin to unraveling the threads of connection in the intricate tapestry of human interaction.

Depression often cloaks language in a shroud of ambiguity, rendering what was once clear and articulate into a fog of incoherence or silence.

It mutes the colors of expression, making words feel heavy or meaningless, leaving sentences incomplete and thoughts tangled in the labyrinth of the mind.

Communication becomes an arduous uphill climb, as individuals with depression may withdraw from conversations, struggle to convey their emotions, or even resort to self-imposed isolation.

The weight of depression casts a long shadow over language, and writers who delve into this terrain must navigate the intricacies of fractured communication with empathy and insight, unveiling the profound impact it has on the individuals who wrestle with this mental burden.

Symbolism and Imagery

Symbolism and imagery are the conjurer’s tools in the enigmatic world of storytelling, where words transform into portals of meaning and visuals into vessels of emotion.

They’re the breadcrumbs that lead readers through the labyrinth of interpretation, inviting them to decipher hidden messages and uncover deeper truths.

Symbolism is the secret language of literature, where a rose may not just be a flower but a symbol of love, and a storm may not just be weather but a metaphor for turmoil.

Imagery, on the other hand, paints vivid landscapes of emotions and sensations, igniting the senses with each word, each stroke of the writer’s brush.

Together, they form an alchemical blend, creating a narrative elixir that stirs the reader’s soul, inviting them to explore the rich tapestry of the human experience through the prism of symbols and the canvas of imagery.

In this realm, writers wield the power to craft stories that transcend the page, becoming timeless vessels of meaning that linger in the reader’s consciousness long after the final word has been read.

Incorporating symbolic elements to represent depression

Incorporating symbolic elements to represent depression is like painting with shades of melancholy on the canvas of a narrative.

It’s the art of transforming abstract emotional landscapes into tangible, evocative imagery that resonates with readers.

These symbols can take many forms: the heavy rain that mirrors the weight of despair, a labyrinthine maze symbolizing the complexity of one’s thoughts, or a shadowy figure that personifies the relentless grip of depression itself.

Such symbolism goes beyond words; it’s a silent conversation between the author and the reader, inviting them to explore the profound depths of an often indescribable emotional state.

These symbols create a bridge of understanding and empathy, allowing readers to glimpse the indomitable spirit of those battling depression while shedding light on the dark corners of the human psyche.

In the alchemy of storytelling, these symbols are the keys to unlocking the powerful narratives that illuminate the human experience.

Progression and Resolution

Progression and resolution in storytelling are the heartbeat and crescendo, the dynamic duo that propels narratives to life and leaves a lasting imprint on the reader’s soul.

Progression is the forward momentum, the unfolding of events and emotions that guide characters through their transformative journeys.

It’s the subtle shifts and seismic revelations that keep readers turning pages in eager anticipation. Resolution, on the other hand, is the grand finale, the moment of catharsis and closure that leaves readers both satisfied and contemplative.

Together, they form a symphony of narrative, an intricate dance of tension and release, making each step of the journey resonate and every resolution feel earned.

As writers, we orchestrate this intricate ballet, inviting readers to waltz through a world of possibilities and emotions, to witness the characters’ growth and evolution, and to savor the sweet harmony of resolution that lingers long after the final chapter has been read.

Tracing the character’s journey through depression

Tracing a character’s journey through depression is akin to navigating a treacherous, winding path through the darkest recesses of the human soul.

It’s a narrative expedition marked by jagged peaks of despair, deep valleys of isolation, and the intermittent glimmers of fragile hope.

Along this tumultuous voyage, readers bear witness to the character’s inner struggles, witnessing the erosion of their spirit, the battles with self-doubt, and the relentless pursuit of understanding and healing.

The journey through depression is not a linear one; it’s a labyrinth where emotions are the compass, and resilience is the guiding star.

As writers, our task is to authentically map this odyssey, to depict the character’s trials and tribulations with empathy and sensitivity, and ultimately, to offer readers a poignant testament to the indomitable human spirit’s ability to persevere amidst the darkest of storms.

Conveying moments of hope and despair

Conveying moments of hope and despair in storytelling is like orchestrating a symphony of emotions, each note resonating in the reader’s heart.

Hope is the gentle melody that lifts the spirit, a flicker of light in the darkest of hours, a reminder that there can be beauty even in the bleakest of circumstances.

Despair, on the other hand, is the haunting refrain, a crescendo of anguish that tugs at the soul, a reminder of the fragility of the human spirit.

It’s in the delicate balance between these two, the interplay of their contrasting tones, that the true depth of a narrative’s emotional landscape emerges.

Writers must wield their words with precision, crafting moments of hope that shimmer with authenticity and despair that reverberates with empathy.

In this emotional tapestry, readers find themselves transported into the hearts of the characters, feeling the highs and lows of their journeys as if they were their own, reminding us that storytelling, at its core, is an art of profound emotional resonance.

How to describe a depression in writing

Editing and Feedback

Editing and feedback are the twin compasses that guide a writer’s voyage from the rough seas of creation to the tranquil waters of literary perfection.

They are the sculptor’s chisel and the master’s brush, refining the raw material of words into a masterpiece. Editing is the laborious yet exhilarating process of self-discovery, where a writer polishes their work, chipping away at the excess to reveal the gem within.

Feedback, on the other hand, is the external perspective, the invaluable mirror that reflects blind spots and illuminates hidden treasures.

Together, they are the alchemical combination that transforms a manuscript into art. Editing is the writer’s introspection, while feedback is the reader’s reflection.

Embracing both with humility and open-mindedness, writers embark on a journey of continuous improvement, each edit and critique carving their work closer to the heart of their creative vision.

Revising and refining the description of depression

Revising and refining the description of depression is like sculpting an intricate masterpiece from a block of raw marble.

It’s a meticulous process that demands a writer’s keen eye for detail, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to authenticity.

Each revision is a stroke of the writer’s brush, adjusting the hues and tones of language to capture the nuances of this complex emotional landscape.

It’s about fine-tuning metaphors, amplifying sensory details, and distilling thoughts and emotions to their purest essence.

Revising descriptions of depression is not merely an exercise in wordsmithing; it’s a quest to articulate the indescribable, to convey the depths of despair and the fragile moments of hope with both precision and poignancy.

In this endeavor, writers honor the weight of the subject matter and the resilience of those who face it, seeking to foster understanding, empathy, and a profound connection between the reader and the human experience of depression.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How to Describe Depression in Writing

What’s the importance of accurately describing depression in writing.

Accurate descriptions of depression can foster empathy, understanding, and awareness about this mental health condition, reducing stigma and offering support to those affected.

 How can I make my description of depression more relatable to readers?

Incorporate relatable human experiences, emotions, and scenarios that resonate with a broad audience. Use common, everyday situations to illustrate your points.

Is it necessary to have personal experience with depression to write about it effectively?

While personal experience can provide valuable insights, it’s not a strict requirement . In-depth research and interviews with individuals who have experienced depression can also result in empathetic and accurate descriptions.

Should I focus on the emotional or physical aspects of depression when writing about it?

It’s important to address both emotional and physical aspects, as they are interconnected. Describe the emotional turmoil and the physical manifestations like fatigue or changes in appetite to provide a holistic portrayal.

How can I avoid romanticizing or glamorizing depression in my writing?

Stick to the facts and the lived experiences of individuals with depression. Avoid glorifying or exaggerating the condition to ensure your writing maintains its authenticity.

What literary techniques can enhance my description of depression?

Metaphors, similes, and vivid imagery can be powerful tools. For example, you can liken depression to a heavy, suffocating fog or an endless, dark tunnel to convey its impact.

How long should a description of depression be in my writing?

The length can vary depending on your writing’s purpose. It can be a brief, poignant paragraph or an extended piece, as long as it effectively conveys the message without unnecessary repetition.

Can I provide solutions or resources for dealing with depression in my description?

Yes, it’s helpful to include information on resources, support networks, or coping strategies. However, ensure these are accurate and reliable to provide genuine assistance to readers.

What tone should I adopt when describing depression in writing?

The tone should be empathetic, compassionate, and sensitive. Avoid judgmental or dismissive language, as the goal is to create understanding and support.

Is it okay to use personal anecdotes when describing depression in a broader context?

Yes, sharing personal anecdotes can make your writing more relatable and authentic. Just be mindful of respecting privacy and obtaining consent if discussing others’ experiences.

How can I incorporate the perspective of a person with depression without exploiting their pain?

Seek consent if sharing someone else’s story and focus on their resilience, coping strategies, and journey toward recovery while respecting their privacy and dignity.

Are there any writing guidelines or ethical considerations specific to describing depression?

Ensure accuracy, avoid triggering content without warning, and provide credible information or resources for further reading. Respect the mental health community and its guidelines when discussing depression.


Describing depression in writing is a multifaceted and deeply empathetic endeavor that demands meticulous research, creative finesse, and a commitment to authenticity.

By following the step-by-step process outlined, writers can not only create compelling narratives but also shed light on the intricate and often misunderstood world of depression.

Through well-developed characters, vivid language, and empathetic storytelling, writers have the power to foster understanding, empathy, and awareness, ultimately bridging the gap between the realms of fiction and the profound human experiences of mental health.

In this endeavor, literature becomes a powerful tool, offering readers a window into the complex emotions and struggles that accompany depression, and, in doing so, inviting them to connect with, support, and advocate for those who confront this challenging condition in real life.

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The Romance Novelist, His Muse and a ‘Healing’ Plot Twist

After their 2021 wedding, John Murray and Kimberlee Stevenson experienced much heartbreak. Now comes joy.

The mother and father stand on green grass, hunched over their smiling toddler. Each parent holds one hand.

By Alix Strauss

When Kimberlee Stevenson married John Murray on April 30, 2021, “we thought the worst was behind us,” Mr. Murray said. “We were ready to start our lives together.”

“We had both been through so much,” Ms. Stevenson said.

And for the first six months, life was indeed good.

The two first connected in March 2016, when Ms. Stevenson picked up one of Mr. Murray’s books, “Until I Saw Your Smile” at her library in Chesapeake, Va. Mr. Murray is the author of more than 40 romance novels, and Ms. Stevenson is a fan of the genre.

Their commonality ended there.

Ms. Stevenson, now 41, had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 2½, and raised by her mother, and at the time, was single and did not have children. Mr. Murray, now 60, was 18 years older, divorced, had two sons from that marriage — Jontae, 25, and Joshua, 29 — and was convinced he would never marry again.

After reading his book in three days, Ms. Stevenson friended Mr. Murray on Facebook, but the communication ended there.

In January 2018, he emailed her and explained how, through following her on social media and reading her blog, he felt in awe by her accomplishments ( like running a 5k race ), and unbeknown to Ms. Stevenson, had made her the main character of his next novel, “Kicked to the Curb.” He asked if she would review the manuscript for factuality and authenticity. She agreed. “There was an overwhelming feeling of how accurately he had captured me,” she said.

They talked or emailed, sometimes several times a day before meeting at the Cerebral Palsy Conference in Suffolk, Va., where she was speaking, in March 2018. Their friendship quickly deepened, then blossomed into a relationship.

By 2019 they were inseparable. The following few years brought challenges: Ms. Stevenson had several strokes. Covid kept them separated for 101 days. “That was agonizing,” she said.

And so, following their 2021 wedding at the Butcher’s Son in Virginia Beach, they were in honeymoon bliss. There were book tours, trips and a connective routine they created at home.

In November their upswing plummeted. Ms. Stevenson, who was at the gynecologist for a checkup, was told that the surgery performed in January to shrink the fibroids preventing her from getting pregnant was unsuccessful.

“She said I’d never have children,” Ms. Stevenson said. “I left the office, got in my car and cried. I had no idea how I was going to tell John. Having another child was all he wanted.”

Mr. Murray was unfazed.

“Her doctors have always been wrong about Kim’s capabilities,” he said. “Why should she believe what this doctor said?”

Mr. Murray suggested she make a list “of everything doctors insisted I would never do, like walk, talk or graduate from college, and how I proved them wrong,” she said. “He was right.”

The optimism didn’t last long. That night Mr. Murray’s father called to tell him his mother, who had Alzheimer’s, had died unexpectedly. Two weeks later Ms. Stevenson’s grandfather died.

“I was a mess. We both were,” Ms. Stevenson admitted. “Life felt cruel and unfair. Our worlds were falling apart. We put smiles on our faces so people would stop asking us questions and if we were all right.”

The couple went from one burial to another and Mr. Murray, who had always been prolific, forced himself to finish a Christmas novel timed specifically for the holiday. Then he stopped writing.

“I was mourning for my mom,” who had been his first reader, he said.

Toward the end of December 2021, Ms. Stevenson, who had felt nauseated, took a home pregnancy test. When a plus sign appeared, Mr. Murray drove to Target to purchase a digital one, “just to be sure,” he said. “We didn’t need it. When Kim decides to do something, she just wills it.”

Two weeks later her doctor confirmed she was pregnant.

During the first few months of 2022, they told only Ms. Stevenson’s sister, mother and Mr. Murray’s father of the news. She started to show. A shower was planned. A baby’s room was decorated.

Numerous tests were performed to make sure their child was healthy, “because I was a high risk, 39-year-old stroke survivor with cerebral palsy and fibroids,” said Ms. Stevenson, who runs a blog called Southern Roots Kitchen. She also works as a youth contractor specialist for the Hampton Roads Workforce Council, which offers employment services. She documented the experience in a journal for herself and her son. “I wanted him to know how much he was wanted, how hard it was to get here, and to cherish the memories,” she said.

Then disappointments followed. Mr. Murray, unable to write, grew more depressed. Ms. Stevenson was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, followed by Covid, again, and in July, put on bed rest until her delivery date.

“I felt hurt, angry and defeated,” she said.

Mr. Murray, who called this time “a season of grief,” said, “we were desperate for a moment to breathe without something bad happening. We just wanted a normal life.”

On Aug. 26, 2022, after a C-section and difficult birth, Steven Earl Murray was born.

“I was exhausted and overwhelmed, but the relief to physically see him, hold him and touch this healthy child was incredible,” she said.

For Mr. Murray, it rekindled his hope.

“Life has a way of revealing more pain than you thought possible,” he said. “The two of us went through everything together. That toughened us and deepened our love. Having Steven has as well.”

Their first year with Steven flashed by. The couple thrived as parents, and life, for the first time, “felt good,” Ms. Stevenson said. Which was a little scary. “When you live in trauma, and you experience joy, you experience it differently because you’re constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop,” she said.

In July, after almost two years without scribbling notes or starting a chapter, Mr. Murray found inspiration while visiting his father in Aylen Lake, Canada, for his yearly trip.

“He called to say he had ideas, and was writing things down,” Ms. Stevenson recalled. “I could hear excitement in his voice. I knew I got him back.”

But it was during Ms. Stevenson’s weeklong work trip in Las Vegas where Mr. Murray, who accompanied her, had an unstoppable bout of creativity, and wrote the first 50,000 words for his new novel, “Where Broken Hearts Go,” which was published in January.

“Steven was with Kim’s mom at home, so there were no distractions,” Mr. Murray said. “I fell in love with writing again.”

If difficulties have brought the pair closer together, having Steven cemented a relationship built on love, books, trust and togetherness.

“John is an incredible support system,” Ms. Stevenson said. “He’s taught me to slow down and take care of myself first. Steven has taught me how to smile at life and look for the joy in every day.”

She added that she “got more than I expected. I never thought I’d get married, have a baby, or be a mother. I was happy being married to John, but this is a different type of happiness. This has been the most healing experience.”

For Mr. Murray, that desire for “becoming a normal couple with a child, we got there,” he said. “I’m a better man as a husband and a father, to all my boys. I was aimless for a while. Kim gathered me and made me whole. I’m a romance writer who created my own romance and family.”

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  23. Quora

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  24. The Romance Novelist, His Muse and a 'Healing' Plot Twist

    Then he stopped writing. "I was mourning for my mom," who had been his first reader, he said. Toward the end of December 2022, Ms. Stevenson, who had felt nauseated, took a home pregnancy test.