Student Essays

vote of thanks speech

14 Excellent Vote of thanks Speeches [ 14 Samples & Writers Guide ]

Vote of thanks is the expression of love, respect and sincere wishes. It is given at a certain events, meeting, presentation, function in school, attending meeting, for gratitude etc.

For your ease, we have managed to write Best Vote of thanks speeches that include; definition,purpose, samples, templates of Vote of thanks and writers guide.

Vote of Thanks Speeches | Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Function, Meeting, Presentation [ Writers Guide ]

There is brief introduction of vote of thanks speech. It is very important for a speaker to know and study all the factors for comprehensive delivery of vote of thanks speech. It is formal way of ending any function.

We have seen whenever there is any function; there are efforts of number of people to organize that function. It is very important to pay homage to their hearty efforts.

A vote of thanks speech is a speech in which we officially say thanks to single person, people or a group for doing something.

It is speech whose main theme revolves around offering gratitude for showering respect and love. We all have attended many functions in which organizers have tried hard to give their best to audience. A number of arrangements are made for this purpose.

It includes decorating the place, preparing skits, taboos and several other shows etc and delicious food. It is usual practice to offer gratitude to all the people for their care, respect and all bountiful arrangements.

Our vote of thanks speech consists of words to appreciate the efforts of people for a particular function. We are often thankful for number of things which contributed to make that particular time very special for listeners.

Vote of thanks is a modest speech usually at the end of function. It may be by the speaker or host to offer gratitude to all the audience.

It is organized way of ending the function. It shows the organizers of this event are ending the show officially in a formal way.

Vote of thanks speech is not too long. It is usually short and to the point. It is not only delivered by the host. We have often seen chief guests are called for saying few words regarding particular function. It has been usually observed that audience is tired at times.

They are not that much interested in vote of thanks. Thus, it is very important to catch the attention of your audience. All of your audience must be all ears while you are delivering a vote of thanks. One should always use effective to deliver vote of thanks speech.

Modesty is the best way to offer your gratitude. One should not be churlish or rude while delivering the vote of thanks. The core values of vote of thanks are offering gratitude by best of your words and complete modesty.

No one should be insulted in your vote of thanks. It is very important to give respect to every person who is nominated in your vote of thanks speech. Every word should be thoughtful and crystal clear. Audience should not be suspicious about your any word.

Definition of Vote of thanks

“It is an act of thanking a person or an organization for something they have done.”

Vote of thanks means offering your gratitude to people for their efforts to arrange a desired event. It is well developed and well managed speech in which person delivers thanks to all the organizers, listeners, host and all the participants.

One acknowledges all the dire and hard working efforts of all the people. Any event cannot be successful without the efforts of organizers. There are number of people in back ground. It is very important to appreciate them for their efforts.

It is significant and crucial part of every event. In fact, every event is considered to be incomplete without it. Speaker has to diligently deliver this speech. It is very important to observe all the arrangements.

Speaker should keenly look at the preparations of function. It is the best way to prepare and deliver really worthy and comprehensive vote of thanks. In case of farewell, it may also be offering gratitude to people for memories and long time together.

In it, person says thanks to all his colleagues. In such case, there are always emotions and sentiments associated with it.

One wants to thank for number of things and for beautiful journey together. Vote of thanks speech is always prepared accordingly to the event.

Purpose of Vote of thanks Speech

As the name indicates, the main purpose of vote of thanks speech is to say thanks to the people or organization for their efforts.

It is speech totally comprising of offering gratitude to specific audience. Vote of thanks speech is usually delivered at the end of event.

It is official way to say thanks to people. It is well prepared speech pay homage to the efforts of people who put their heart and soul in organizing event. It is little effort to appreciate the hard work of crew.

Speaker say thanks to people for attending the ceremony. It offers thanks to people gathered, the chief guest, the president, the teachers or students etc. it usually mention all the people who work hard in this regard.

There are many people who offer their help either financially or morally. The main idea of vote of thanks is to offer gratitude to all the people for their help and efforts.

How to Give Vote of thanks Speech?

There are following steps or guidelines to be followed for effective vote of thanks speech:

  • It is very important for speaker to be well prepared for the vote of thanks speech.
  • It is very important to start with opening sentence so that people clearly get idea of it.
  • Speaker should be confident and well dressed
  • Vote of thanks speech should be brief and effective
  • It is very important to announce names of all people and it is important to learn correct pronunciation of names.
  • It is very important to be modest in tone and attitude.
  • Speaker should take all the names with respect and do not humiliate any person.
  • Speaker should say thanks all the organizers, participants and audience.
  • Speaker should acknowledge the efforts of organizers.
  • Speaker should not try to gush. Be calm and speak the words clearly.
  • Use appropriate words and gestures during delivering vote of thanks speech.
  • Conclude your vote of thanks in effective way.

14 Samples of Vote of thanks speeches

Following are the samples of vote of thanks speeches. These are quite helpful for students to come up with their vote of thanks speech

Vote of thanks speech for attending the meeting

Good morning! I offer warm welcome to all the guests and organizers on this beautiful and glorious sunny day.

I am really gratified for giving me a chance to deliver vote of thanks speech to such a honorable audience. It was really a great time with you.

I am assured that you have also got a lot from this meeting. First of all, I am thankful to Almighty for giving us courage and spirit to arrange this glorified event. His blessing has turned this event into grand success.

I, on behalf of my team members and all the organizers, pass my warm thanks to all the audience for their significant presence in this meeting. I specially want to thank our chief guest respected Mr. (name) for his vital appearance.

Sir! Thanks a lot for giving us precious time in your busy schedule. It really means a lot to us. You have surely added to the charm of this event. Here I want to say thanks to our head of institute. Sir! It was truly impossible without your motivation.

You really motivated us to give our best. I also want to say thanks to all the speakers who have entertained us with their important and worthy opinions. I want to appreciate their efforts to make this event informative for all of us.

All the speakers give their best. Further, I want to pass my gratitude to our hosts. They perform their duty really gracefully. I would like to place my hearty thanks to all the people who work in background.

All the participants and volunteers have made this event even more graceful and glorified. Such a big event was not possible without their keen efforts. They really put their zeal and zest to make all the preparations.

It is very important to thanks all the members of our institute. Their combined efforts bear fruit otherwise it would be impossible. They show strong unity and high spirit make this event highly true. I offer my gratitude to my audience.

We are thankful to you for hearing every speaker with full concentration. Your applause really helps our performers to perform well. You make them to give their best by listen to their words attentively.

Your presence and participation make this event up to the mark. At last! Once again a warm thanks to all the people in this hall for making this event a grand success.

Vote of thanks Speech Function in School or College

Good morning! I offer warm welcome to all the guests, parents, students and teachers on this beautiful and glorious sunny day. I am really thankful for giving me a chance to deliver vote of thanks speech to such an honorable audience.

It was really a great time with you. I am assured that you have also enjoyed a lot at this function. First of all, I am thankful to Almighty for giving us courage and spirit to arrange this glorified function. His blessing has turned this event into grand success.

I , on behalf of my team fellows, all the teacher and staff, pass my warm thanks to all the audience for their significant presence in this function. I specially want to thank our chief guest respected Mr.(name)for his vital appearance.

He has truly honored our school by his presence. I also want to thank the head of school federation Mr. (name) for giving us precious and valuable time from busy schedule. Here is list of our guests whom presence means a lot to us.

Mr. (name) Mr. (name) Mr. (name)

We all are thankful to them for their time. These personalities have added to the glory of our function. I am gratified to the most important and special person our principal

Sir.—-. This function was not possible without his efforts. Sir! Thanks a lot for motivating us. I extend my gratitude to all the parents who specially come here for our function. Their presence and appreciation are very significant for our school.

A special thanks to all the teachers and their students. They all work round the clock for success of this function. Every teacher beautifully completes his assigned duties. They trained their students and guided them to perform perfectly.

All the performers were truly amazing today. They turned this function into the grand success. All the credit goes to hard work of teacher and students. I would like to thanks our supporting staff and all the volunteers.

These people were working in background and looking after everything. All the people show unity and zeal and zest for this glorified event.

I appreciate the efforts of all the people. At the end, I would say thanks to our audience for coming and appreciating our performers.

Their participation added to the beauty of this function. Once again thanks a lot to all the people in this ground for making his function honorable and mesmerizing.

Vote of thanks Speech for Guest Speaker

Good evening! All of you are welcome to this seminar. This seminar has been a great success so far as it imparted a lot of knowledge to all the people.

I, on behalf of my institute, want to deliver vote of thanks speech. I am really thankful to my teachers for giving me a chance to deliver this speech.

Ladies and Gentleman! I want to thank our guest speaker Mr. (name) for his active participation in our seminar.

Sir! You truly make this day full of knowledge for us. Your deep and intellectual way of imparting knowledge has added to the glory of this seminar.

Today, we have got a lot of information which will truly help us in our life. We have no words to offer gratitude for your valuable presence in this seminar. You gave deep insight into the topics and reveal some interesting facts.

It was really informative seminar in true sense. I am pretty sure the precious knowledge you gave us will definitely help us in our studies and future.

This seminar was truly worthy. Sir! You really motivated us to gain more and more knowledge and work hard in our respective fields.

Once again I would like to thank Mr. (name) for taking out time from his busy schedule and enlightening us with knowledge. We will wait for some more seminars like that for improving our knowledge and ourselves.

I would also want to thank our head of institute Mr. ABC for giving permission for this seminar. Your motivating words and interest in this seminar mean a lot to all the students and teachers. I would like to thank our teachers for making all the arrangement.

A big thanks to our student committee who really work hard for this seminar. Also, thank you to all the students for attending this seminar and paying attention. I would end my speech here. Thank you.

Vote of thanks Speech for teachers on teacher`s day

Good morning! A very warm welcome to this prestigious function of teacher`s day for our worthy and respectable teachers.

This day is truly memorable and respect worthy for all of us. We have proved our love and respect for this day by arranging this function.

It is basically our little effort to pay homage to our teachers for their dedication and hard work. We have gathered to celebrate their spirit, love and dedication for their honorable profession. I am really pleased to offer the vote of thanks speech on behalf of my school and fellows.

I would like to thank our chief guest Mr. (name) . We are really honored to have him among us. He is also well known lecturer and imparting best of his knowledge to his pupils. Our entire institute is thankful to you for your precious time.

We know very well you are always busy in your work. Sir! Thanks for taking out most important and precious time out of your busy schedule.

Your speech was truly amazing. It made us realize that teachers are really nation builder and put their hearty efforts to make our future bright.

We are all thankful for your words. These words really mean a lot to us and have encouraged us to respect our teachers. I extend my gratitude to our principal. Sir! We are really thankful to you for arranging this function.

This function has truly highlighted the importance and worth of teacher. Let me not forget our parents in this function.

Their presence makes this function even more glorified. They are also our teachers and teach us a lot of things to live a morally developed life.

I want to thank all the teachers. They are true nation builders. We fully believe that we are nothing without their guidance.

They have always motivated us to be a good person and better human being. All my love and respect to all the teachers there.

We salute you for your efforts and I have no words to say thanks. At the end, I am thankful to all the non-teaching staff, volunteers and all the people who are working in background. They all help us to make this function great success.

I will end my vote of thanks speech by thanking you all once again. This celebration would not be possible without your efforts. Thank you.

Vote of thanks Speech on Farewell

Good evening! I warmly welcome all the audience on such a soulful and beautiful eve. I hope you are enjoying it and it is quite evident from your faces. These smiles on your faces are really looking very beautiful.

I am truly gratified to my teachers for giving me a chance to deliver vote of thanks speech on our glorious farewell party.

It is very our last party in this college and we are really excited. All the arrangements, speeches and skits were truly memorable.

We all enjoy them a lot. First of all, I am thankful to Almighty for His grace and blessings. We have completed our educational career with success and collecting a lot of memories. Allah Almighty has helped us a lot during this journey.

I would like to offer my thanks to our principal for making our college one of the best colleges of the city. He has always motivated us to achieve the best in life. His efforts are really fruitful in true sense. We will always remember your valuable advice.

These worthy advice lead us towards the road to success. Sir! You are truly blessing for all the students of the college. I pass on my gratitude to the teachers of our college. These are people who made us capable of achieving our dreams.

Throughout the journey, our teachers were always a driving force. They imparted the best of their knowledge through their insight. I truly have no words to say thanks to my teachers. All the sentiments are bonded with your love and respect and it is certain we are going to miss you.

Undoubtedly, we got the best teachers of the world. Thank you so much for making us capable. At the end, I want to say thanks to all my fellows and juniors. We all have mixed feeling on this occasion.

On one hand, we are pleased for completing our degree but on the other hand we are sad for departing from our friends.

Every moment is truly memorable in this college. We are going to miss that roars of laughter, sharing our lunch at canteen, playing games in playground, making fun and many more.

I am truly thankful for all of these sweet memories. All these warm friendships and fun have given us a lot.

Thank you guys! You have made this journey full of fun and truly mesmerizing. I am also thankful to all the staff of this college for treating us with love and care.

Thanks to all the volunteers and college administration for arranging such a glorified farewell party for all of us. Thank you all. May God bless this college even more!

Vote of thanks Speech for Inaugural Function

Good morning! A very warm welcome to all the audience for their presence on this glorified sunny day. It is my privilege to have been asked to propose a vote of thanks on this occasion.

I, on behalf of my institution and all the members, offer hearty thankful to all of you. First of all, I am thankful to Almighty for giving us courage to start our new journey. I hope He will help us during our journey and fulfill our dream.

May God help us and give us more power and courage to move on the road to success. Amen. I would like to thank our honorable chief guest Mr. (name) for his valuable presence.

Sir! We all are thankful to you for your precious time. We all know you are very busy these days. Once again thanks a lot for taking your precious time out of busy schedule.

Your words have truly encouraged and motivated us and we will follow your valuable advices and guidelines. I further pass on my gratitude to our honorable guests from the city.

Mr. (name) Mr. (name) Mr. (name) and Mr. (NAME)

Your presence has added to the honor of our event. We are really blessed to have you and thanks a lot for your precious prayer. I offer my thanks to our head of our institute for his initiative.

I hope this institute will bring a positive change in our society and help to develop humanity on true basis. I am certain that this institute will make success by leaps and bounds. I want to thank all the people who put their efforts to develop this institute.

It would never be possible without your help. Their dedication and hard work bear fruit today. I hope they will continue to work with same passion.

I am also thankful to all the volunteers for their valuable efforts. I must appreciate their hearty efforts and firm determination. All of them work round a clock for making this intuition a grand success.

At the end, I am thankful to all the staff for their efforts and arranging this function. All the speakers have beautifully added to the glory of this event. I am very gratified to all the audience for coming here and for their best wishes on this augural event.

We will try our best to work according to your expectation. Thanks a lot for appreciating us. I will end my speech here. Once again thanks to all the people for their precious presence. Thank you.

Words to thank my Students

Good morning! I hope you all are enjoying this function. It is my privilege to say some words for my dear students. First of all, thanks to Almighty for such a beautiful journey of my life. it has been very amazing journey so far.

I myself have learned a lot. I am truly thankful to all my students for showing very deep interest in learning. You have always been very attentive during lecture. Your questions have made me to deliver best of my lectures.

I must appreciate your thirst for learning. You are very cheerful and bright students and I truly enjoyed having you in my class. You have always respected me and listened to me carefully. I am really blessed to have students like you.

You have always acted upon my advices. This thing has always made me proud. You have always respected me in the class and even out of class. I will always remember your love and respect for me. Your association in class was mind blowing.

You always helped each other in understanding lectures. You were always together. Your bonding was truly amazing. Your friendships and all that determination were excellent. I am really proud of you all.

You all were very imaginative and creative with great ideas. Your projects, presentation and art work were always up to the mark.

You all have tons of potential. You are very intelligent and capable people. You have participated in all the school function.

You have been integral part of all the functions. We all are going to miss your active and determined participation in all the events. Your class was truly jack of all trades in true sense. I am pretty sure you have bright future ahead.

No one can stop you. You all will get your most cherished and wanted dreams in your life. Thank you for being such a amazing class. At the end, I will say never give up. Keep working hard will dedication.

Your firm determination will take you to the pinnacle of success. Always respect your parents and teachers. You should always try to work for betterment of humanity.

You are really ideal students and I am certain you are going to make your prominent name in this world. Thank you for such a exceptional teaching experience with all of you. May God bless all of you!

Vote of thanks Speech for Seminar:

Good evening everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful time during our seminar today. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to each and every one of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend this event.

We had an amazing lineup of speakers who shared their knowledge and expertise with us on various topics. Their insightful presentations were truly thought-provoking and I believe we have all gained valuable insights from them.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed guest speakers who traveled from different parts of the country to be with us today. Their contribution has been instrumental in making this seminar a success.

A special mention goes out to our sponsors whose support and participation have been crucial in bringing this event to fruition. We truly appreciate your generosity and continuous support towards our cause.

I would also like to thank our team of dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure everything ran smoothly. Their hard work and dedication have been invaluable.

Last but not least, I want to thank each and every one of you for being such an engaging audience. Your active participation and insightful questions have made this seminar truly interactive and engaging.

I hope you all had a great learning experience today and will take back valuable knowledge that you can apply in your personal and professional lives.

With that, I would like to conclude by once again thanking everyone involved in making this seminar a grand success. Let’s give ourselves a round of applause for being a part of such a fantastic event.

Thanks You Speech for attending Church Event:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am honored to stand before you today to express my sincere gratitude for your presence at this wonderful church event. It is a blessing to see so many of you gathered here as we celebrate our faith and unity.

Firstly, I would like to thank our heavenly Father for guiding us in organizing this event and for bestowing his grace upon us. We are truly grateful for his love and mercy.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our beloved pastor, Reverend [Name], for his inspiring message and continuous guidance. Thank you for leading us in the right direction and helping us grow in our spiritual journey.

To all the members of the organizing committee, thank you for your hard work and dedication in making this event a success. Your tireless efforts have truly paid off and we are blessed to have such talented individuals in our church.

A special thank you goes out to all the volunteers who selflessly gave their time and energy to help with various tasks throughout the event. Your contribution has been invaluable and we couldn’t have done it without you.

I would also like to express my gratitude to all the performers and speakers who shared their talents with us today. Your performances were truly uplifting and inspiring, reminding us of the power of faith and worship.

Last but not least, I want to thank each and every one of you for being here today. Your presence has made this event even more special and we are grateful for your support and participation.

Thank You Speech after an Event:

Hello everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for being a part of this event. It has been an absolute pleasure and honor to be surrounded by such talented individuals and I am truly grateful for the experience.

Firstly, I want to thank everyone who was involved in organizing this event. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. Without your efforts, this event would not have been possible and I am truly thankful for everything you have done.

Next, I would like to extend my thanks to all the attendees. Your presence and support mean a lot to me and I am grateful for your participation in making this event a success.

I also want to thank our sponsors for their generous contributions. Your support has made a significant impact on this event and I am truly grateful for your partnership.

To the speakers, thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us. Your presentations were insightful and inspiring, leaving a lasting impression on all of us.

Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to the entire team who worked behind the scenes to make sure everything ran smoothly. Your hard work, dedication, and attention to detail did not go unnoticed and I am truly thankful for your contributions.

Appreciation Words for Chief Guest:

It’s not every day that we have the opportunity to welcome a chief guest to our event. Their presence adds a special touch and brings with it a sense of honor and importance. So, how do we show our appreciation for their time and contribution? Let’s explore some words of gratitude that we can use to express our thanks to the chief guest.

Firstly, expressing gratitude towards the chief guest is important because it acknowledges their presence and shows that we value their time. We can start by saying “Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be here with us today.” This statement conveys a sense of gratefulness and acknowledges that the chief guest has made an effort to attend our event.

Next, we can express our appreciation by highlighting the significance of their presence. For example, we can say “Your esteemed presence has made our event even more special and memorable.” This statement not only shows gratitude but also acknowledges that the chief guest’s presence has added value to our event.

We can also express our appreciation by thanking the chief guest for their contribution or support. For instance, we can say “Your insightful speech has enlightened us and added depth to our event.” This statement not only expresses gratitude but also acknowledges the chief guest’s contribution towards the success of our event.

Furthermore, we can show appreciation by highlighting the positive impact that the chief guest’s presence has had on the audience. For example, we can say “Your words have inspired and motivated everyone present here today.” This statement not only thanks the chief guest but also acknowledges the positive influence they have had on the audience.

Finally, we can express our gratitude by acknowledging the chief guest’s role as a leader and their support towards our cause or event. For instance, we can say “We are honored to have such a distinguished leader like you grace us with your presence.” This statement not only shows appreciation but also acknowledges the chief guest’s leadership qualities and support.

Vote of thanks for Independence Day:

Good morning everyone!

On this special day of Independence, I would like to take a moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals who have made today’s celebration possible.

Firstly, I want to thank our honorable chief guest [Name], for gracing us with your presence and making this occasion even more memorable. Your inspiring words have truly enriched our minds and hearts.

I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to [Name], for delivering such an enlightening speech, reminding us of the sacrifices our ancestors made to earn us this freedom. Your words have truly moved us and will stay with us forever.

A special thanks goes out to all the organizers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, planning and executing every detail flawlessly. Without your hard work and dedication, this event would not have been the grand success it is today.

On this note, I also want to extend my gratitude to all the performers who showcased their talents through various cultural programs. You have truly made us proud and brought alive the spirit of Independence.

I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of our security personnel for ensuring our safety during this celebration. Your service and sacrifices are deeply appreciated.

To all the participants, thank you for being a part of this celebration and making it more lively and colorful. Your enthusiasm has truly added to the festive atmosphere.

Lastly, I would like to thank each one of you in the audience for being here today and making this event a memorable one. Let us all take a moment to reflect on the significance of this day and remember our responsibility towards preserving our freedom.

Thank you once again, and I wish you all a happy Independence Day. Jai Hind!

Funny Vote of Thanks:

Thanks for joining us today! I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Before we wrap things up, let’s give a big round of applause to everyone who made this event possible. To the organizers, thank you for putting together such an entertaining and memorable gathering. And to all the volunteers and staff, your hard work and dedication did not go unnoticed.

But let’s not forget to give a special shoutout to the speakers and performers who kept us entertained throughout the event. Your talent and energy definitely made this event one for the books.

Now, as we end this gathering, I want to leave you with some parting words of wisdom. Remember to always find humor in life, even during tough times. Laughter truly is the best medicine and can bring people together in the most unexpected ways.

And lastly, let’s not forget to thank ourselves for taking the time to come together and enjoy this event. Without our participation and enthusiasm, this would not have been such a success.

So with that being said, let’s raise our glasses one more time and cheers to a fun-filled day! Until we meet again, keep on smiling and spreading joy wherever you go. Thank you all once again for being a part of this special event. Goodbye everyone! And remember, always vote for laughter and happiness in life. It’s the best kind of vote there is! See you next time! Cheers!

Vote of Thanks for Promotion:

Congratulations on your recent promotion! It is truly a great achievement and a testament to your hard work and dedication. As you embark on this new chapter in your career, please allow me to express my gratitude through this vote of thanks.

Firstly, I would like to thank the management team for recognizing the value and potential in promoting our colleague. This decision not only benefits the individual but also reflects positively on the company’s culture of growth and development.

Secondly, I would like to thank our colleague for setting a high standard for excellence in their work. Your dedication, commitment, and positive attitude have not gone unnoticed by your peers and superiors. You have gone above and beyond in your role, and it is no surprise that you have been rewarded with a promotion.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank our team for their support and encouragement. Your contributions have contributed to the success of our colleague, and I am proud to work alongside such a talented and hardworking group of individuals.

Lastly, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to our clients for their trust and continued support. It is through your satisfaction with our colleague’s work that this promotion was made possible.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate our colleague once again and wish them all the best in their new role. Your growth and success are an inspiration to us all, and we look forward to seeing you thrive in your new position. Thank you for being a valuable member of our team, and we are excited to see what the future holds for you. # Thank you!

Vote of thanks speech is a simple speech to offer gratitude to all the people who put their efforts in particular function. It is formal speech at the end of function. It is brief speech involving thanks to chief guests, principal, teachers, volunteers and audience etc.

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Vote of Thanks Speech

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how to write vote of thanks speech in english

A Vote of Thanks Speech is a formal address given to express gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed to the success of an event. This speech is typically delivered at the end of a meeting, conference, seminar, or any formal gathering. It acknowledges the efforts and contributions of individuals or groups, highlighting their roles in making the event successful.

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Vote of Thanks Speech Format

Opening remarks.

Greeting : Begin with a warm and respectful greeting. Examples: “Good evening, everyone.” or “Ladies and gentlemen,”


Purpose : Briefly state the purpose of your speech. Example: “I stand before you to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who made this event possible.”


Event Organizers Recognition : Thank the main organizers and planners. Example: “First and foremost, I would like to thank the event organizers for their meticulous planning and execution.” Speakers and Presenters Appreciation : Acknowledge the contributions of speakers, presenters, and performers. Example: “Our sincere thanks to the distinguished speakers who shared their valuable insights today.” Special Guests Gratitude : Show appreciation to any special guests or dignitaries. Example: “We are grateful to our esteemed guests for their presence and support.” Participants and Attendees Acknowledgment : Thank the audience for their participation and attention. Example: “A big thank you to all the attendees for being here and making this event a success.” Support Staff Appreciation : Recognize the efforts of the support staff and volunteers. Example: “We also extend our gratitude to the support staff for their behind-the-scenes efforts that ensured everything ran smoothly.”

Closing Remarks

Summarize : Briefly recap the key points of gratitude. Example: “In conclusion, we are deeply grateful to everyone who contributed to making this event a memorable one.” Final Thanks : Offer a final word of thanks. Example: “Thank you all once again for your support and participation.”
Goodbye : End with a polite farewell. Example: “Have a great evening, and safe travels home.”

Vote of Thanks Speech Example

Good evening, everyone, I stand before you to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who made this event possible. First and foremost, I would like to thank the event organizers for their meticulous planning and execution. Our sincere thanks to the distinguished speakers who shared their valuable insights today. We are grateful to our esteemed guests for their presence and support. A big thank you to all the attendees for being here and making this event a success. We also extend our gratitude to the support staff for their behind-the-scenes efforts that ensured everything ran smoothly. In conclusion, we are deeply grateful to everyone who contributed to making this event a memorable one. Thank you all once again for your support and participation. Have a great evening, and safe travels home.

Short Vote of Thanks Speech Example

Good evening, everyone, I stand here to offer our heartfelt thanks to all those who made this event possible. First, I would like to thank our organizers for their outstanding planning and execution. Your hard work has truly paid off. A big thank you to our speakers for sharing their valuable insights and knowledge with us today. We are also grateful to our special guests for their presence and support. To the attendees, your participation and enthusiasm have made this event a success. Thank you for being here. Lastly, I extend my gratitude to the support staff and volunteers for their behind-the-scenes efforts that ensured everything ran smoothly. Thank you all once again for your support and participation. Have a wonderful evening and safe travels home.

Vote of Thanks for a School Annual Day

Vote of Thanks for a School Annual Day

Vote of Thanks for a College Graduation Ceremony

Vote of Thanks for a College Graduation Ceremony

Vote of Thanks for a Conference or Seminar

Vote of Thanks for a Conference or Seminar

More Vote of Thanks Speech Examples and Samples

  • Vote of Thanks for a Wedding Reception
  • Vote of Thanks for a Corporate Event or Meeting
  • Vote of Thanks for a Sports Event or Tournament
  • Vote of Thanks for a Charity or Fundraising Event
  • Vote of Thanks for a Cultural Festival or Community Gathering
  • Vote of Thanks for a Guest Lecture or Workshop
  • Vote of Thanks for a Retirement or Farewell Party
  • Vote of Thanks for a Book Launch or Literary Event
  • Vote of Thanks for a Science Fair or Exhibition
  • Vote of Thanks for a Musical Concert or Performance
  • Vote of Thanks for a Religious or Spiritual Gathering
  • Vote of Thanks for a Political Rally or Campaign Event
  • Vote of Thanks for a Volunteer Appreciation Event
  • Vote of Thanks for a Family Reunion or Celebration
  • Vote of Thanks for an Art Exhibition or Gallery Opening
  • Vote of Thanks for an Environmental or Sustainability Event
  • Vote of Thanks for an Award Ceremony or Recognition Event

How to Write Vote of Thanks Speech?

1. start with a greeting.

Example : “Good evening, everyone.”

2. Express the Purpose

Briefly state the purpose of your speech. Example: “As we come to the end of this wonderful event, it is my privilege to deliver the Vote of Thanks on behalf of the organizing committee.”

3. Thank the Chief Guest or Keynote Speaker

Mention their name and highlight their contribution. Example: “First and foremost, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed Chief Guest, [Name], for your inspiring address and for gracing us with your presence.”

4. Acknowledge the Participants or Performers

Recognize the efforts of those who actively participated or performed. Example: “A special thank you to all our participants/performers for your outstanding contributions. Your dedication and hard work have made this event truly memorable.”

5. Appreciate the Organizers and Volunteers

Highlight the efforts of the organizing team and volunteers. Example: “To our organizing committee and volunteers, thank you for your meticulous planning and tireless efforts. Your dedication behind the scenes has ensured the smooth execution of this event.”

6. Thank the Sponsors and Partners

Acknowledge the support of sponsors and partners. Example: “We are deeply grateful to our sponsors and partners for their generous support. Your contributions have been instrumental in making this event possible.”

7. Recognize the Technical and Venue Support

Mention the technical team and venue staff for their support. Example : “A heartfelt thank you to the technical support team and venue staff for ensuring that everything ran seamlessly. Your professionalism and attention to detail have greatly contributed to the success of this event.”

8. Appreciate the Media and Publicity Team

Highlight the role of the media and publicity team. Example : “To the media and publicity team, thank you for spreading the word about this event and helping us reach a wider audience.”

9. Thank the Audience or Attendees

Show appreciation for the presence and participation of the audience. Example : “Lastly, a big thank you to all our attendees for your presence and participation. Your support and enthusiasm have added to the joy of this celebration.”

10. Conclude with a General Thank You and Farewell

Wrap up your speech with a general thank you and a farewell. Example : “In conclusion, thank you all once again for your invaluable contributions and participation. You have made this event a truly special and memorable occasion. Have a wonderful evening and safe travels home.”

Tips for Vote of Thanks Speech

Tips for Vote of Thanks Speech

Crafting and delivering a Vote of Thank you speech is an important task that acknowledges the contributions of everyone involved in an event. Here are some tips to help you create and present an effective and heartfelt speech:

1. Plan Ahead

  • Prepare in Advance : Write your speech ahead of time. This allows you to organize your thoughts and ensure you don’t forget to thank anyone important.
  • Know the Key Contributors : Make a list of all the people and organizations that need to be thanked, including speakers, participants, organizers, sponsors, and volunteers.

2. Keep it Concise

  • Be Brief : A Vote of Thanks speech should be concise and to the point. Aim to keep it within 3-5 minutes.
  • Focus on Key Points : Highlight the most significant contributions without going into too much detail.

3. Personalize Your Thanks

  • Use Names : Mention the names of key individuals and organizations. Personalizing your thanks shows sincerity and appreciation.
  • Specific Contributions : Acknowledge specific contributions and efforts made by individuals or groups. This makes your thanks more meaningful.

4. Maintain a Grateful Tone

  • Be Sincere : Express your gratitude genuinely. Your sincerity will resonate with the audience.
  • Positive Language : Use positive and appreciative language throughout your speech.

5. Structure Your Speech

  • Start with a Greeting : Begin with a warm greeting to set a positive tone.
  • Follow a Logical Order : Thank people in a logical order, such as starting with the chief guest, followed by speakers, participants, organizers, sponsors, and the audience.
  • Conclude Gracefully : End with a general thank you and a farewell, expressing overall gratitude and wishing everyone well.

6. Practice Your Delivery

  • Rehearse : Practice delivering your speech several times to build confidence and ensure smooth delivery.
  • Maintain Eye Contact : Engage with your audience by making eye contact. This helps convey sincerity and appreciation.
  • Speak Clearly : Ensure you speak clearly and at a moderate pace so everyone can understand you.

7. Use Notes, if Necessary

  • Reference Notes : It’s okay to use a small note card with key points to help you stay on track, but avoid reading your speech word-for-word.

8. Stay Calm and Confident

  • Remain Composed : Stay calm and composed while delivering your speech. Confidence will help you connect with your audience and deliver your message effectively.
  • Breathe : Take deep breaths to calm any nerves before and during your speech.

Uses of Vote of Thanks Speech

  • Formal Events and Conferences : A Vote of Thanks speech is essential in formal events and conferences. It acknowledges the hard work of organizers, speakers, and attendees, leaving a positive impression and ensuring that everyone feels appreciated for their participation.
  • Academic Functions : In academic settings, such as graduation ceremonies, symposiums, and seminars, a Vote of Thanks speech recognizes the efforts of educators, students, and guest speakers. It fosters a sense of community and appreciation, encouraging continued collaboration and support.
  • Corporate Meetings : During corporate events like annual general meetings, product launches, and workshops, delivering a Vote of Thanks speech helps in recognizing the contributions of employees, stakeholders, and partners. This boosts morale and reinforces the importance of teamwork and cooperation.
  • Cultural and Social Events : In cultural and social gatherings, such as festivals, charity events, and community programs, a Vote of Thanks speech highlights the contributions of volunteers, performers, sponsors, and participants. It strengthens community bonds and promotes future involvement.
  • Religious and Spiritual Gatherings : At religious ceremonies and spiritual gatherings, a Vote of Thanks speech expresses gratitude to spiritual leaders, organizers, and attendees. It enhances the sense of unity and shared purpose among the participants.
  • Sports Events : In sports events, from local tournaments to international competitions, a Vote of Thanks speech acknowledges the efforts of athletes, coaches, organizers, and sponsors. It celebrates the spirit of sportsmanship and encourages continued support for sports activities.
  • Political and Civic Functions : During political rallies, civic functions, and public meetings, delivering a Vote of Thanks speech shows appreciation for the support and participation of the audience, officials, and volunteers. It reinforces the importance of civic engagement and democratic processes.
  • Workshops and Training Sessions : At the conclusion of workshops and training sessions, a Vote of Thanks speech recognizes the contributions of trainers, participants, and organizers. It underscores the value of the knowledge and skills gained, encouraging ongoing professional development.


When should you give a vote of thanks speech.

Give a vote of thanks speech at the end of an event to acknowledge the efforts of organizers, participants, and guests.

How do you handle unexpected contributions in a vote of thanks speech?

Acknowledge unexpected contributions gracefully and sincerely, even if they weren’t part of the initial plan.

Can you use quotes in a vote of thanks speech?

Yes, using relevant quotes can add depth and resonate with the audience, but keep them brief.

What tone should you use in a vote of thanks speech?

Use a sincere, appreciative, and respectful tone throughout the speech.

Is it necessary to mention everyone by name in a vote of thanks speech?

Mention key individuals by name, but you can thank groups collectively to avoid making the speech too lengthy.

How do you conclude a vote of thanks speech?

Conclude with a final expression of gratitude and a positive remark about the event’s success or future prospects.

Can you use humor in a vote of thanks speech?

Yes, appropriate humor can make the speech engaging, but ensure it remains respectful and relevant.

Should you prepare a vote of thanks speech in advance?

Yes, preparing in advance ensures you remember to thank everyone appropriately and stay concise.

How do you start a vote of thanks speech?

Start with a polite greeting and a brief introduction, then proceed to thank the main contributors.

How long should a vote of thanks speech be?

A vote of thanks speech should be concise, typically lasting between 2 to 5 minutes.


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Vote of Thanks Speech in English

Wondering how to prepare a vote of thanks speech? This article will help you with everything you need to know.

Table of Contents

Vote of thanks – what is it and how to write.

  • Vote of Thanks Speech for a General Event
  • Vote of Thanks Speech for Teachers’ Day

FAQs on Vote of Thanks Speech

A vote of thanks is a well-prepared speech given formally and publicly to thank the host, the organiser and other participants for their presence and contribution to an event. It is an important part of every event.

Preparing a vote of thanks speech is always thought of as a Herculean task, and it does not have to be so if you know what exactly you have to do. Choose your words carefully. It is very important that you do not miss out to include any of the esteemed guests, the host or the dignitaries in your speech. You should also take care to thank the participants and the people who were a part of the event.

The Vote of Thanks is probably the last item for any event – be it Teacher’s Day, Annual Day or a birthday party – the list goes on. Make sure that you do not write long unwinding sentences. Keep it short and simple. You can start your vote of thanks speech by greeting everyone present or with a good quote on gratitude, followed by the list of guests you have to extend your thanks on behalf of the organization or the party that is hosting the event. It is then that you thank the participants and everyone who has been there for the event. Finally, you can end by thanking the hosts for having given you the opportunity to represent them.

Sample Vote of Thanks Speech

A few examples of vote of thanks speeches are given below for your better understanding.

Example 1 – Vote of Thanks Speech for a General Event

Good Evening everyone. It has been such an honour to be a part of this wonderful event. On behalf of the organization, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed guests, Mr. Chandhrasekar, Manager, IT Solutions and Mrs. Sunitha, Director of NSM Technologies. Thank you. Sincere thanks to the heads of the various departments who handled the event throughout. A wide round of applause and thanks to all the participants who made the event a memorable one. Finally, I would like to thank all of you present here for making the time to be with us today and helping us make this event a grand success. Thank you one and all.

Example 2 – Vote of Thanks Speech for Teachers’ Day

A very good morning to all. On behalf of all students and staff, I am glad to be standing here to express my vote of thanks. A special thanks to our Chief Guest, Ms. Sandhya, for accepting our invitation and for being here with us today. Your thoughts have truly inspired us. I thank our Headmistress, Mrs. Karishma, for always supporting and guiding us. Our Teachers, the superstars of today, always put in a lot of effort and love into making each one of us good students and wonderful human beings. You have always been generous with your time when your students need you no matter what. Thank you dear Teachers. I would be failing in my duty if I did not thank my fellow students who have made this day possible. I would also like to thank each and every one of you for being here and making this day a wonderful and memorable one for our dear teachers. Thank you once again.

On what occasions can you give a vote of thanks?

A vote of thanks speech can be given in any public events like Teachers’ Day, Annual Day, Fresher’s Day, a farewell, a party and so on.

What are the best quotes to use in a vote of thanks speech?

Quotes like “ Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” – Cicero, “A moment of difference makes a difference in your attitude.” – Bruce Wilkinson, can be used.

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how to write vote of thanks speech in english

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Vote of Thanks Examples

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Vote of thanks examples and how to write a brief formal expression of thanks at a special occasion proposed as a motion at a conference, ceremony or meeting talking to a committee chairman, or this could serve as content for wedding planner courses:

The first is refer to the central message of the speech topics of the lectures or presentations given by the previous public speaker(s). Emphasize only positive statements, ideas and thoughts of the keynote speaker(s). Consider my Sample Vote of Thanks Speech as a frame structure, a speech format outline, and transform the 18 different vote of thanks samples to your occasion.

vote of thanks speech

Honorable [name], Respected [name], Mr Chairman, our most valued invited guests, ladies and gentlemen! It’s my privilege to have been asked to propose a vote of thanks on this occasion.

I, on behalf of [name of the organization of the event], and the entire [other supporting/sponsoring organization, team, crew, even special guests in the audience if you like] let me call it fraternity of [field of interest] here together, and on my own behalf extend a very hearty vote of thanks to all speakers for gracing your important work and sharing with us your findings and opinions today!


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A big ‘Thank You’ to [name speaker], for her / his efforts towards [speech topic]. Refer and respond to just one central idea of the speaker that you found particularly interesting.

If there are more speakers, then consider these vote of thanks examples:

I must mention our deep sense of appreciation for [name speaker], for her / his explanation of [speech topic]. [Again refer … ]

Further, we are greatful to [speaker], for demonstrating her/his [speech topic]. [Refer and respond to …]

I may like to express our sincere thanks to [name], for giving an excellent coverage to [her or his speech idea]. [Refer …].

I also wish to express my gratitude to [name], for providing encouragement at [speech topics]. [Refer].

I am also very grateful to [name] for her / his analysis of [point that struck you most].

And, we also would like to acknowledge our gratitude to [name], for exposing her/his theory of [speech topic].

We are all inspired by your great words!


Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to place on record our hearty thanks to [name], [function] for the perfect logistic support and guidance she/he has extended to all of us at [occasion].

I also extend my thanks to [name], [function] and also to [name], [function] for their enormous cooperation in the organization of this event.

Vary in language when using these vote of thanks examples.

Well, Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, an event like this cannot happen overnight. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. It requires planning and a birds eye for details. We have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team of very motivated and dedicated colleagues of [institute, organization] who know their job and are result oriented.

I cannot thank everyone enough for their involvement and their willingness to take on the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones! Vary on these vote of thank examples till your express motion fits the atmosphere right.

More sample vote of thanks speech input. Think about people who are responsible for:

  • invitations
  • technical arrangements
  • stage setting and lighting
  • the press and media contacts


Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, once again I want to state that we are all most grateful to all speakers on this stage. We thank you for being with us this evening – it’s been a great pleasure.

Thank You Very Much!

Last but not least the second rule: Be brief, clear and sharp (just like they tell you in wedding planner courses covering this subject), everybody has heard enough, and want to have a drink 🙂

Succes with choosing other proper special vote of thanks examples!

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78 thoughts on “Vote of Thanks Examples”

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Wonderfully made for beginners… Well done and thanks.

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Vote of thanks to chief guest in 26 January school program

Please send to me a vote of thanks for a birthday party ceremony. Thanks please.

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Imagine that your friend is the secretary of the Arts Students’ Union. Prepare a vote of thanks which is going to be delivered by your friend at the welcome party conducted by the 2nd year students. Word limit 100_150, grammatical accuracy has to be considered

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Thank you for the samples

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* Summit for Primary Schools on Private Property

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Vote of Thanks Speech in English

Vote of Thanks Speech in English

Table of Contents

A well-informed speech in which the speaker expresses appreciation to the host, organizer, and other attendees is known as a vote of thanks speech. Without individuals who invest their time and resources to make sure that everything is perfect, no event can be successful. Every event or ceremony must have it because it has a significant impact on the function. We will learn how to deliver a good vote of thanks speech in this article. Speaking in public for the first time can be challenging, and new speakers occasionally experience anxiety before speaking. This speech will help you to pay you thanks to all people. It will also help you gain confidence as you will provide a suitable ending to your school function or any other formal gathering.


Vote of Thanks

How to deliver a great vote of thanks speech, step 1: opening your speech, opening your speech, 1. opening your speech.

Address the audience with an opening line. One option is to start your speech with a quote about giving thanks that you find meaningful.   Alternatively, you can just greet your audience.   Really draw your audience into your vote of thanks by making them a part of it.

  • “Good evening, distinguished guests.”
  • , “Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and dear friends.”
  • “First, I’d like to thank everyone for being here.”

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2. Introduce yourself and your role

If you haven’t already given your name, now is a good time. Tell your audience you’ve been asked to give a vote of thanks, and in 1 or 2 sentences, explain your relation to the organization. You might also include your role in the event.

  • “My name is Sam, and I’m the chairman of the xyz Committee. It is my honor and privilege now to give a vote of thanks to all those who helped make this assembly happen.”
  • “I’m Tom, and I’m the organizer of today’s event. On behalf of the xyz Bank, I have the honor of giving our vote of thanks today.

3. Acknowledge the occasion

Briefly mention the event or occasion and its significance. This sets the context for your speech and shows that you understand the purpose of the gathering.

4. Acknowledge the organization that brought everyone together

Every person in the room is likely to have some affiliation with the overarching organization. Before you move into the body of your speech, it’s nice to start with gratitude toward your host. Say 1 to 2 sentences about the event’s sponsor.

  • “We would not be here without the hard work of the xyz Committee. Thank you to our volunteers for working so hard to make today happen.”
  • “I’ll start by thanking the xyz Council for bringing us all together today. Thanks to their generosity, this event has been made possible.”

Step 2: Thanking People

1. identify the people you want to thank.

This list usually consists of speakers, guests, participants, organizers, volunteers, and sponsors.   Before you deliver your speech, write down the people and groups you’ll mention so you don’t forget anyone. Everyone who helped wants to feel like they played an important part, so make them feel special.

  • “I’d like to thank the teachers for taking time away from their curriculum to allow students to hear this message. This assembly would be impossible without your support.”
  • “I’d like to thank Mr. Stephen for speaking at tonight’s event, and I want to thank all of you for your contributions.”
  • “Thank you to our guest speaker Dr. James for sharing her research on recycling and repurposing used materials. I’d also like to thank our event organizers for planning tonight’s dinner, and our volunteers for setting up and cleaning up after the event. Without them, tonight wouldn’t be possible.”

2. Be sincere and concise

You don’t have to gush to show your appreciation. Ironically, a long speech can turn off your audience—including the people you’re trying to thank. Keep your vote of thanks short and sweet to make a big impact.

  • Instead of, “Mr. Ajay, I cannot thank you enough for letting us use your room to practice. Your generosity and kindness toward our committee has been overwhelming, and we would be nothing without you,” try: “Mr. Ajay, our committee is so grateful to you for letting us use your classroom to practice when we had nowhere else.

3. Call back to a specific moment from the event and respond to it

Show the guest speaker that you were actively listening by referencing something they said that stuck with you. In a few sentences, mention an idea a participant brought up and point out its relevance to the event’s overall themes. If you can, talk to the speaker ahead of time to find out what points they’re going to make.

  • “Dr. John tips for befriending bullies really stuck out to me because it reminded me that our club’s goal is to spread kindness.”
  • “Mr. Devan’s comments about generosity really spoke to me. When we give, we truly create a community.”

4. Share personal anecdotes or anecdotes from the event: Share a personal anecdote or a memorable moment from the event that encapsulates its essence. This can make your speech more relatable and engaging.

Step 3: Concluding Your Vote of Thanks

how to write vote of thanks speech in english

1. Underscore your organization’s value.

At the end of your speech, talk about what makes your organization special and give your audience something to think about. Emphasize ways your group helps your community, or how your audience can get more involved. End your speech by giving the audience a positive view of your group.

  • “I would like to thank everyone who helped our committee make this anti-bullying assembly a reality. We are trying to make our halls a safe, friendly space for all students who walk down them, and it’s events like these that help us achieve that.”
  • “I’d like to extend my genuine thanks to all of you for helping our organization provide food to people in need. Without you, there’d be a lot more hungry bellies in our community.”

2. Conclude with a positive note:

End your speech on an optimistic and uplifting note. You can offer best wishes for the future or express hopes for continued success in similar endeavors.

3. Thank everyone again.

When you’re giving a speech, your conclusion should summarize your main points.   In this case, you’re thanking people for helping your event happen. As you wrap up, address the entire audience with a big “thank you” because they all came together to make the day a success.

  • “Again, I’m grateful for each and every one of you.”
  • “One last time, I’d like to express my appreciation to everyone who worked on this event.”
  • “I’d like to end by thanking all of you one last time.”

4. Speak for about 2 to 4 minutes.

Be concise in your vote of thanks, especially at the conclusion. It’s the end of the event and your audience doesn’t want to be keep waiting. Be considerate of their time and limit what you say to what needs  to be said.

  • “Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to be here today and for listening to me speak. I am so grateful for this opportunity. Have a great weekend!”
  • “Thank you, everyone, for being here tonight.”

Vote of Thanks Speech – Samples

1. vote of thanks speech for students, vote of thanks speech for students.

Warm and graceful morning to our most valued Honorable Chief guest Mr/Ms….., management committee, worthy teachers, parents, my dear friends, and everyone gathered here. It’s my privilege to propose a vote of thanks speech and acknowledge the contribution of those who worked really hard to make this Annual day celebration happen.

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Thanks to Almighty

I (speaker name), on behalf of …….school name……, and the entire fraternity of the institution, first of all, extend my most sincere thanks to the Almighty God for making today’s event a resounding success. With his blessings and grace, we are able to make this event what it was.

Thanks to other Dignitaries

On behalf of my school, I extend a really hearty vote of thanks to our chief guest ( …Guest name) who spared time from his busiest schedule to grace the occasion. Today we had an opportunity to hear your thoughts and this will surely be going to encourage us in our future events.

Your thoughts have enlightened our minds and have shown us a new path. My gratitude to all the speakers for gracing the occasion and sharing their opinions today.

Thanks to School Staff

I am immensely thankful to Master …………, for his or her efforts towards anchoring of today. His own ideas and elegance of explanation of everything, I need to mention my deepest sense of appreciation. I also extend thanks to all the staff members for their enormous cooperation within the organization of this gala event.

An event like this cannot happen overnight. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. It requires planning and a bird’s eye for details. We have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team of very proactive and dedicated staff of our institution who are well versed in their job.

I am short of words for their involvement and their willingness to take on the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones.

A special mention to our respected Principal Mr/Ms….for being the catalyst that stimulated us to do our best and standing as pillars of strength. With a deep sense of appreciation, we thank our loving teachers for their untiring efforts.

I would also like to thank the people who worked behind the scene to make this event happen, our technical arrangement team, stage setting, and lighting arrangement team all the musicians and housekeeping staff.

Thanks to Parents and Children

Our sincere gratitude goes to all parents and well-wishers for your rock-solid support system and encouragement. Without your support children were not been able to achieve excellence. Thank you so much for attending this event.

Finally, I would like to thanks our budding rock stars that made this event joyful with their impressive performances. Your days of hard work were evident in your acts. All the programs were very good and were enjoyed by each one of us present here.

Last but not least a big thank you to each one of you who made this Annual day celebration memorable for all of us. On behalf of my school let me thank all students…  (School name) to be disciplined and honored. Our school students are not only good at academics but also in extracurricular activities. We value you and every moment that you stay in this temple of learning.

2. Vote of Thanks for Seminar in College

how to write vote of thanks speech in english

Vote of Thanks for Seminar in College

It’s an honor to have been asked to offer a vote of thanks on the occasion of the association meeting in our college. On behalf of my college and the entire management group here, I am very hearty gratitude to all the speakers for sharing their graceful words with us in today’s meeting.

The honorable and respected chief guest

It has been our tribute to host all the members and audience of the meeting. I am thankful to all the participants for coming here and attending the association meeting.

We have been fortunate to have a renowned identity from academics, industry, and other areas. I am very thankful to the entire participants as well as sponsors of this meeting. I am sure that our college will continue to get significant provision from diverse groups in the future.

I take this occurrence to thank the entire committee as well as the audience for representing their valuable views. I must remark a proficient sense of gratefulness to all of our guests for sharing with us some of the finest management practices. All the participants of this meeting are all inspired by your highly sparkling words.

I want to extend my generous thanks to the entire guest who has come from long distances for their support and cooperation. I thank our teachers for their leading supervision and inspiration at every point of time in college.

It’s not possible to thank everyone for such an appreciating involvement and the willingness they have expressed to finish the task.

So, I thank our honorable chief guest and professor for taking the initiative of hosting. It’s grateful to thanks the members of the meeting for their valuable suggestions.

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3. Vote of Thanks for the last day in the office

Year 7&8 Speech Competition - Carmel College

Vote of Thanks for the last day in the office

My greetings to all of you, I am feeling very happy and also very sad for goodbye to you today.

Goodbye is always tough, 17 years of service in my _______ company has been a very memorable journey. I have met many great people like our boss Mr Sanju, my colleagues Mohan, Mr Mahesh, Mr Wilson, etc. I never thought of how good the last days in this company would be for me and I am thankful to all of you for love.

I would like to thanks my boss Shri Raveendran for guiding me in all my work. He never made me feel that we are his employees and he is our boss. I will always remember my colleagues as a courageous and friendly leader. I just want to say one thing to all of you, you guys made me feel like I am here in my house.

Thank you so much for that. I could have sent an email to my office on the last day, but it might not have been enough for the beauty of the ceremony.

Thank you so much to my co-workers, my friends, staff and boss for hosting this beautiful farewell for me here on my last day. It is very difficult for me to leave this company because for 17 years this company, office, colleagues had become a part of my life.

I cannot tell you how happy I am right now to receive this long service award. I will always treasure the memories here in this office and company.

Thank you very much to all of you.

4. Vote of Thanks for the National Level Academic Conference

Honourable Chief Guest, Present Excellencies, Teachers and my dear Friends.

I thanks school/college/university for giving me the opportunity to express my gratitude on this special day. It is the biggest day in the history of our university, today we have hosted the biggest education conference in India.

More than 300 representatives and more than 700 colleges and universities participating in this ceremony, this is a huge success in itself.

On behalf of the University Education Council, I express my heartfelt thanks to my Chief Guest, Union Minister of Education, Mr XYZ.

I would like to thanks all the respected representatives who have blessed us with their presence. I would like to thanks the organizing team, teachers and staff members. I would also like to thanks our transport and accommodation team; without you, this council would not have been possible. Thank you very much once again.

I would also like to thanks my digital partner XYZ Entertainment, radio partner 93.5, hospitality partner Brijesh Hotel, news partner Janata News.

Finally, I once again thank the Union Minister of Education, respected representatives and officials of participating colleges and universities; Thanks again for making this conference a success.

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Question 1. Which is the excellent vote of thanks speech?

Answer: A vote of thanks speech must always be short and straightforward. You must be very sincere and use polite language while delivering a vote of thanks speech. Thank your audience for the way you are speaking to them.

Question 2. Why is actually vote of thanks speech different?

Answer: Vote of Thanks is an official speech in which a speaker will thank you formally. Suppose you are a chief guest; you have to deliver a speech to the audience for presenting their talent in front of you in a conventional manner.

Question 3. Should you say Thank You after a delivery vote of thanks?

Answer: When you have delivered your vote of thanks speech, it does not mean you have to officially say Thank You at the end. Instead, the audience must thank you for the information you have given with thanks to speech. However, make sure to keep it simple and short.

how to write vote of thanks speech in english

Aleena V Noushad

Aleena is a passionate Blog writer and a Postgraduate in Master of Computer Application. She also holds a diploma in Aviation and Hospitality. She has been writing for Entri over the past three years, specialising in exam preparation and skill and career development

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How to Deliver a Great Vote of Thanks Speech

Last Updated: February 28, 2023 Fact Checked

Opening Your Speech

Thanking people, concluding your vote of thanks, expert q&a.

This article was reviewed by Tami Claytor and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 482,626 times.

Giving a vote of thanks can feel intimidating at first, but we’re here to make it easy. In your speech, you’ll thank everyone who’s helped make your event a success, such as the organizers or guest speakers. You’ll typically give a vote of thanks at a public event, conference, or special occasion as the event is coming to a close. We’ll walk you through all the steps to giving a fantastic vote of thanks. When your moment comes, you’re going to do a fabulous job, so let’s get started!

Things You Should Know

  • Open your speech by addressing your audience and identifying yourself.
  • Thank the people who contributed to your event, like guest speakers, organizers, and participants.
  • End your speech by thanking everyone again.
  • Keep your speech short and concise.

Step 1 Address the audience with an opening line.

  • “Maya Angelou said, ‘Be present in all things, and grateful for all things.’”
  • “Good evening, distinguished guests.”
  • “Rumi said, ‘Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.’”
  • “First, I’d like to thank everyone for being here.”

Step 2 Introduce yourself and your role.

  • “My name is Jane Doe, and I’m the chairman of the School Anti-Bullying Committee. It is my honor and privilege now to give a vote of thanks to all those who helped make this assembly happen.”
  • “I’m Camille Harris, and I’m the organizer of today’s event. On behalf of the Oakville Food Bank, I have the honor of giving our vote of thanks today.

Step 3 Acknowledge the organization that brought everyone together.

  • “We would not be here without the hard work of the Anti-Bullying Committee. Thank you to our volunteers for working so hard to make today happen.”
  • “I’ll start by thanking the Oakville City Council for bringing us all together today. Thanks to their generosity, this event has been made possible.”

Step 1 Identify the people...

  • “I'd like to thank the teachers for taking time away from their curriculum to allow students to hear this message. This assembly would be impossible without your support.”
  • “I’d like to thank Mr. Gomez for speaking at tonight's event, and I want to thank all of you for your contributions.”
  • “Thank you to our guest speaker Dr. Wu for sharing her research on recycling and repurposing used materials. I’d also like to thank our event organizers for planning tonight’s dinner, and our volunteers for setting up and cleaning up after the event. Without them, tonight wouldn’t be possible.”

Step 2 Be sincere...

  • Instead of, “Mr. Phillips, I cannot thank you enough for letting us use your room to practice. Your generosity and kindness toward our committee has been overwhelming, and we would be nothing without you,” try: “Mr. Phillips, our committee is so grateful to you for letting us use your classroom to practice when we had nowhere else.”

Step 3 Call back to a specific moment from the event and respond to it.

  • “Dr. Wu’s tips for befriending bullies really stuck out to me because it reminded me that our club’s goal is to spread kindness.”
  • “Mr. Gomez’s comments about generosity really spoke to me. When we give, we truly create a community.”

Step 1 Underscore your organization's value.

  • “I would like to thank everyone who helped our committee make this anti-bullying assembly a reality. We are trying to make our halls a safe, friendly space for all students who walk down them, and it's events like these that help us achieve that.”
  • “I’d like to extend my genuine thanks to all of you for helping our organization provide food to people in need. Without you, there'd be a lot more hungry bellies in our community.”

Step 2 Thank everyone again.

  • “Again, I’m grateful for each and every one of you.”
  • “One last time, I’d like to express my appreciation to everyone who worked on this event.”
  • “I’d like to end by thanking all of you one last time.”

Step 3 Speak for about 2 to 4 minutes.

  • “Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to be here today and for listening to me speak. I am so grateful for this opportunity. Have a great weekend!”
  • “Thank you, everyone, for being here tonight.”

Lynn Kirkham

  • Talk to the person you’re thanking ahead of time so you can get their name correct. [12] X Research source Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 6

how to write vote of thanks speech in english

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Vote of Thanks Speech


vote of thanks speech

A vote of thanks speech is an official speech in which the speaker formally greets someone or a group of people for doing something, usually with the host, organizer or participants to thank, as well as attending the ceremony The people gathered, that is, the chief guest, the president, the teacher. And the audience!

It is an important part of every event or ceremony; It dramatically affects function and expresses it in a more effective way.

For the first time speaker, it is a bit difficult, and sometimes they get nervous about speech; Here we will learn to give a successful thank you speech.

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Vote of thanks speech in school

A warm and cherished morning to our most valued honorable chief guest Mr./Ms .. .., management committee, qualified teachers, parents, my dear friends, and everyone. It is my privilege to propose a vote of thanks and acknowledge the contribution of those who worked hard to make this annual day celebration really difficult.

Thanks to Almighty

On behalf of I (Speaker Name), ……. School Name ……, and the entire fraternity of the Institute, first of all, my sincere thanks to Almighty God for making today’s event a grand success. By his blessings and grace, we are able to make the event what it was.

Thanks to other dignitaries On behalf of my school, I give a really heartfelt vote of thanks to our chief guest (… guest name), who spent his busiest time gracing the occasion. Today we had the opportunity to hear your thoughts and this is definitely encouraging us in our future events.

Your thoughts have enlightened our minds and shown us a new path. Thanks to all the speakers for adorning the occasion and sharing their opinions today.

Thanks to All School Staff

I am very grateful to Master ………… for my efforts towards today’s anchoring. The elegance of my own thoughts and interpretation of everything, I need to mention my deep sense of appreciation. I thank all the staff within the organization of this festival event.

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This type of incident cannot happen overnight. The wheels start moving about a week ago. The wheels start moving about a week ago. It requires planning and bird’s eye for details. We have been fortunate to be supported by a team of very active and dedicated employees of our organization, who are well-versed in their jobs.

I lack words for their participation and their willingness to complete tasks beyond their comfort zones.

A special mention to our venerable Principal Mr./Ms. Being the catalyst that inspired us to do our best and stand as a pillar of power. With deep sense of appreciation, we thank our loving teachers for their untiring efforts.

I also want to thank the people who worked behind the scene to execute this event, our technical arrangement team, the stage setting, and the lighting team all musicians and the housekeeping staff.

Thank you parents and kids Our sincere gratitude goes out to all parents and well wishers for your rock-solid support system and encouragement. Without your support the children were not able to excel. Thank you very much for joining this event.

Finally, I would like to thank my budding rock stars who made this event happy with their impressive performance. The hard work of your days was evident in your acts. All the events were very good and each of us present here enjoyed it.

Vote of Thanks Examples

Vote of thanks examples and a brief example of thank you on a special occasion How to write an expression is proposed in the form of talking to the chairman of a committee at a conference, ceremony or meeting, or material for wedding planner courses Can serve as:

DR, How to write a vote of thanks? In short, there are two major guidelines for the proposer:

The first is refer to the central message of the speech topics of the lectures or presentations given by the previous public speaker(s). Emphasize only positive statements, ideas and thoughts of the keynote speaker(s). Consider my Sample Vote of Thanks Speech as a frame structure, a speech format outline, and transform the 18 different votes of thanks samples to your occasion.


Honorable [Name], Respected [Name], Mr. Chairman, our most valuable invited guests, ladies and gentlemen! It is my privilege to offer thanks on this occasion.

I, [the name of the organization of the event], and the entire [other support / sponsoring organization, team, crew, even like special guests of the audience if you wish], I should call it a fraternity of [area of ​​interest]. Thank you so much to all the speakers here for completing their important work together and sharing your findings and opinions with me today!


If there are more speakers, consider these vote of thanks:

I should mention the deep meaning of his appreciation for [name speaker], his explanation of [speech topic] for him. [See again …]

In addition, we are grateful to [the speaker] for his performance of his [speech topic]. [View and Reply …]

I would like to express our sincere thanks to [Name], for giving excellent coverage to [his] or his speech idea. [Refer to…].

I would like to express my gratitude to [Name], for providing encouragement on [speech topics]. [View].

I am also very grateful to [Name] for analyzing her [/ that point] that has hit you the most].

And, we would like to acknowledge our gratitude to [name] for exposing his theory of [speech subject].

We are all inspired by your great words!


Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to record my heartfelt thanks for [name], for the right logistic support and guidance for [work] /, He has extended this opportunity for all of us.

I also thank [name], [ceremony] and [name], [ceremony] for their heavy cooperation in the organization of this program.

Variation in language when using these vote of thanks.

Well, Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, such an event cannot happen overnight. Wheels start rolling around a week ago. It requires planning and a bird’s eye for details. We have been fortunate enough to be supported by a team of very motivated and dedicated colleagues from [institute, organization] who know their jobs and are results-oriented.

I cannot thank everyone for their participation and their willingness to complete tasks beyond their comfort zone! Until your pace is correct, beware of these examples of thanks.

More sample vote of the thanks speech input. Think about the people who are responsible for:

  • Invitations
  • Technical arrangements catering
  • The presses and media contacts
  • Stage-setting and lighting


Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, once again I would like to say that we all are most grateful to all the speakers on this forum. We thank you for being with us this evening – it is a great pleasure.

Thank You Very Much!

Vote Of Thanks Speech For Farewell

Now, in this article, we are giving you a sample vote of thanks speech for the farewell party which is given by juniors to their superiors. In addition, this article contains a vote of thanks script for the farewell party given by a senior that you can refer to for the preparation of your script. Here we have taken the College Farewell Party for Seniors, organized by Juniors as an example. You can modify this script as per your event and requirement. This vote of thanks, speech can also be used for the farewell party held at the school. How to make your vote of thanks before going ahead. Don’t worry, we got you here. Here is the format of the Vote of Thanks script. It is recommended that you should first have a look at the format before going further.

Vote of thanks for the college Farewell Party from Juniors

Good evening everyone, teacher and my dear friend, especially our wonderful seniors. I feel honoured and proud to have the opportunity to present a vote of thanks on this special day.

Every special moment ends, and this occasion is no exception. We participate in the journey of life. Today you will take home the memories of the best time spent in this college. I hope you guys will cherish all the memories that you have made here over the years. It is fun during lectures to cut Chi and those long chats in the canteen, during those wonderful teachers and those monsoon trips. Wow! Who knew that every moment we spend here, we were making these memories. Soon we will start walking our way along our journey, so let’s take this moment and make it worth remembering.

I would like to thank all our seniors for being here and to increase the pride of this farewell party with your presence. You guys are looking fabulous with those blazers and dress. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to make your last moments in this college memorable for a lifetime. Please give me a list of the brain It’s helpful for You

Vote of Thanks Speech On Teachers Day

“ Teachers are the ideals of the younger generation, they affect the heart of every child and they continue to influence us for eternity in the days to come”

Dear esteemed teacher, our guide stars and congratulations to all of you budding from our loving student community.

We feel that on this day it is our pride and honor to thank all our alma mater, who we are.

Our first thanks go to our dear and respected Principal Shri ………………who are all sources of inspiration and who always keep in mind the future and face all Guide us to prepare for it. Life’s challenges in a more positive way.

We thank our Vice-Principal for his continued guidance, although all are out throughout the year for various programs. His loving encouragement assures us to always believe in things, thanks sir, life and affection for you.

After this, heartfelt thanks go to all our teachers who are our other parents who always stand by us, guide us, lead us and inspire us, dear teachers, we feel proud and your Thank you for being a role model and making us feel happy with you. Attendance at this ceremony. Your presence made us feel proud, thank you dear teachers.

We promise that the Teacher’s Day Celebration which was organized by all of us senior students taught us how to be a responsible child along with teamwork. Our sincere thanks to all our friends, who put a lot of effort into making the grand ceremony a success, a big thank you to all our friends.

The essence of fruits is always tested in the last and we believe that the last will be the best. We would like to thank all our students for working with us in making this Teacher’s Day a memorable one for all.

Vote of Thanks speech on Teacher’s Day

Hierarchy of education setup for giving vote of thanks.

  • Founder of Institution
  • Directors/ Vice President
  • Head of The Department
  • Press People
  • Office- Administration
  • Non Teaching Faculties
  • All others (Organizer, Electrician, Caterer, back Stage Staff, Musician, Photographer, Choreographer, Volunteer etc.)

Honorable Mr…………….., Respected Shri………………………,  Chairman Sir and our most valued invited guest, ladies and gentlemen. I am felling very proud to have been asked to propose a vote of thanks speech on this occasion.

I extend a very hearty vote of thanks to all speakers for gracing your important work and sharing with us your finding and opinions today.

A big ‘Thank You’ to Sh. ……………. Student of …………….Branch for his efforts toward special day poem.

I must mention our deep sense of appreciation for Miss………………Student of …………..Branch for her nice spontaneous thought on teachers.

Also with to express my heartfelt gratitude to today’s eminent speaker Mr………….for providing encouragement on this day to all staff and student.  You have created good spark and gave new insight to think teachers differently is really noteworthy and amazing.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to place on record our hearty thanks to our principal sir for the perfect ligistic support and guidance he has extended to all of us.

Well, an event like this cannot happen overnight. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. It requires  a birds eye and a planning for details. We have been fortunate enough to be backed up by a team of very motivated and dedicated colleagues of this institute who know their job and are result oriented.

I cannot thank everyone enough  for their hard work to the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones!

At the end I express my thanks to all on the stage & off the stage staff to make this a grand event.

Vote of thanks speech on Start New Project/Thing in School and College.

Honourable dignitaries, distinguished guest,  respected Director Sir and dear participants on behalf of …………………………(Name of Institute)  and its entire fraternity I feel immense pleasure to propose a vote of thanks.

I want to express my sincere gratitude Dr. ……………(Dean, Department, Institute) , who spared precious time from his busy schedule to grace this occasion and enlighten all of us with innovative ideas on how to make the online Classes interesting for students in present times.

Sir, rightly stressed and talked about man’s innate capacity to adopt and invent new strategies to overcome challenges which is very much required in the present time of pandemic.

Thank you so much sir.

I would further extend the hearty thanks to ………………..President……………for his thought provoking insight on the role of parents in assisting the children in developing creative skills through activities, Sir rightly stressed divergent thinking can be developed at any state in the learning process.

I would take this opportunity to express my deep regards to our Principal Mam…………….for being a constant motivator and guiding force in all our endeavors to excel in the field of education.

I would especially thanks our Director……………….for his unfaltering support and confidence in us. He is the backbone of our institution and the guiding force for every new step forward.

Me deep sense of thanks and appreciation goes to all the participants who were attended this webinar with great enthusiasm made today’s event a great success.

Last but not the least let me thanks Mr. ……………for his technical support.  In the end thank you all for being with us today have a wonderful day ahead.

Most powerful speech on Independence day for Kids and others.

All information about how do you say vote of thanks given above in this article.


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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Speech Script: Vote Of Thanks

A vote of thanks speech is a courteous tradition and a crucial part of any ceremony. It is a speech where the speaker expresses gratitude towards all the people who have contributed to the event. Here’s how to write a meaningful vote of thanks in five clear steps.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Preparation and Gathering Information

Research and list down contributors, understand the context of the event.

The tone and content of your speech will depend on the nature of the event. An academic conference will have a more formal tone compared to a wedding or a sports event. Understanding the atmosphere will help you set the right tone in your speech.

Keep the Speech Short and Focused

Step 2: crafting the introduction, start with a strong opening line.

“As Helen Keller once said, ‘Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.’ This event is a testament to the power of collaboration.”

Acknowledge the Significance of the Event

Step 3: expressing gratitude, thank the guests of honor and keynote speakers.

“We are deeply honored by the presence of [Name], whose insights on [subject] were both enlightening and inspiring.”

Acknowledge the Organizers and Team Members

Recognize sponsors and collaborators.

If there are sponsors or partners who supported the event financially or through services, make sure to acknowledge their contribution.

Appreciate the Audience or Participants

“Thank you to each and every one of you for being an engaged and wonderful audience. Your energy and participation have been the highlight of this event.”

Step 4: Concluding the Speech

End on a positive note, keep the end brief and memorable.

The conclusion is the last thing people will remember from your speech. Keep it short and impactful.

Step 5: Revising and Practicing

Review and edit, practice your delivery, prepare for the actual delivery.

Prepare note cards with bullet points to help you remember all acknowledgments during the event. During the speech, maintain eye contact with the audience, speak clearly, and with confidence.

Additional Tips for a Successful Vote of Thanks Speech

A vote of thanks speech script example #1.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we come to the close of this memorable occasion, it is my privilege and pleasure to extend a vote of thanks on this splendid gathering. First and foremost, I would like to express our deepest appreciation to our chief guest, [Chief Guest’s Name], for gracing us with their presence and for the inspiring words that have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on all of us. Your thoughts have not only contributed to the enrichment of this event but have also set a benchmark for all of us to aspire to.

To the [Organizing Committee’s Name], whose tireless dedication made this event not just possible, but also a great success, I offer our heartfelt gratitude. Your attention to detail, coordination, and unwavering commitment are the backbone of this successful event. A special mention must go to [specific individuals’ names], whose efforts behind the scenes were just as crucial as those in the forefront.

To our audience, participants, and everyone present here, your energy and engagement are what transforms a mere gathering into a vibrant and dynamic event. Your presence is what makes this event fruitful and engaging. Thank you for your active participation and for bringing your own perspectives and ideas to the table.

On behalf of [Your Institution/Organization’s Name] and the entire organizing team, I bid you all a very heartfelt thank you. May your journey home be as pleasant and fulfilling as the time you spent here with us.

A Vote of Thanks Speech Script Example #2

As we draw the curtains on this exceptional event, it is my honor to extend a heartfelt vote of thanks to all those who have contributed to the fruition of today’s program. Each of you has played a pivotal role in weaving the fabric of this successful gathering, and it is with a deep sense of appreciation that I stand before you.

A round of applause is due for our organizing committee, [Organizing Committee’s Name]. Your diligence and hard work have been the driving force behind the seamless execution of today’s event. The determination and perseverance you have displayed in the face of obstacles are truly admirable. I would like to especially commend [individual or team name] for their exceptional commitment and resourcefulness.

To our esteemed audience, your participation has transformed this event from a monologue into a dialogue. Your attention, interaction, and thoughtful questions have enriched the discussions and have been instrumental in the exchange of ideas that took place today. Thank you for being such an integral part of our journey.

On behalf of [Your Institution/Organization’s Name], I extend a sincere thank you to each one of you for your contributions, large and small, seen and unseen. Your collective efforts have made this event not just possible, but also a resounding success.

Final Thoughts

About mr. greg.

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

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Vote of Thanks Speech for Students in English - Short and Long Speech

Vote of thanks is the ending speech of any event, whether it's a birthday party, annual function, or a seminar, but not limited to these. It is usually spoken to show a sense of gratitude towards the audience, the chief guest (if any), and fellow participants, and last but not the least, the members behind the success of the event.

Vote of Thanks Speech for Students in English - Short and Long Speech

10 Things To Remember While Delivering a Speech

Start by greeting the audience and thanking them for attending the event.

Express gratitude towards the organising team, volunteers, and any other contributors who made the event possible.

Mention the key highlights and memorable moments of the event.

Acknowledge the speakers, special guests, and any other attendees who made a significant contribution.

Highlight the purpose of the event and the impact it had on the attendees.

Express appreciation for the sponsors, donors, and partners who supported the event.

Address any feedback received from the attendees and how it will be used to improve future events.

Conclude by reiterating your gratitude to everyone who was involved and encouraging continued support.

Use a tone of sincerity and appreciation in your speech.

End with a warm farewell and invite everyone to the next event.

Short Speech On Vote Of Thanks

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I stand here today, as a proud and grateful student, to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have made this event possible. I would like to start by thanking our school management, who have always been supportive of our initiatives and encouraged us to strive for excellence.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to our teachers, who have been our guiding lights, imparting wisdom and knowledge to us and nurturing our talents. Their unwavering support has been instrumental in our growth and development.

I would like to express my appreciation to our guests, who have taken time out of their busy schedules to grace this occasion with their presence. Your presence has added an extra spark to this event and made it even more special.

Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you, my classmates and friends, for your support and participation in making this event a grand success. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed, and I am grateful for all that you have done.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this event would not have been possible without the support and hard work of each and every one of you. On behalf of the student council, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you.

Long Speech on Vote of Thanks

Vote of thanks for seminar in high school.

Good evening everyone. I, Pragya Kumari, feel very privileged to be able to present here, on this auspicious occasion, and be asked to deliver a vote of thanks on behalf of our School, at today's seminar “Diving into Remote sensing.”

As we all know that saying thank you is a respectful way to show appreciation towards a person, but these words would be less for our today's chief guest and speaker Shrini Sharma, who is a scientist from ISRO, and is especially present here to deliver a talk about remote sensing and its usage. Her talk not only gave us knowledge about remote sensing, but also taught us how to think like a scientist.

A true scientist uses their knowledge in the development of the nation, which we could clearly understand from her lecture. I would also like to thank our second chief guest Sahu Kumar, a specialist in remote sensing and also a lecturer from a renowned college of science. His talk involved how remote sensing in India has developed from time to time, which was clearly understood by everyone. Thank you so much Shrini and Sahu for taking your time and teaching us new things.

Next I would like to thank our Principal because of whom this seminar was possible. He organised this event, and enabled us to learn new things about technology, and also about our country. Our vice principal also played the role of a backbone to us, and helped in the organisation of this talk.

A special thanks goes to our teachers Rahul Jaiswal and Richa Toppo, who took the responsibility of this seminar to be a success. They invited delegate teachers to show their presence, and also motivated us students to be a participant in this seminar.

Today, almost 200 students participated from different schools upon invitation. This made this seminar a grand success as it was able to attract the attention of all the curious, and motivated students who are willing to learn and explore.

Learning is always a good opportunity to feed our mind, as it helps us grow. Through such informative seminars we get a chance to boost our knowledge with an unique opportunity to dive into a field of subject that might be unfamiliar to us. So I would like to take my time in thanking our dear audience, who not only took their time out to be a part of us, but also cheered and motivated us to keep moving.

As we can see that we have a diverse group of students, and this seminar succeeded in providing a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective to Remote sensing, by using real photography, work experience, and selection process for a Remote sensing scientist in ISRO. It definitely was a blessing to have intellectual minds with us, and get to know their thinking process.

Thank you again to all the respected chief guests and speakers, honourable principal, teachers, volunteers and my dear audience. It was because of everyone’s hard work that this event was possible. Thank you so much.

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Vote of Thanks Speech for Students in English

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  • Updated on  
  • Jun 3, 2024

Vote of thanks speech in english

A vote of thanks is a formal speech that expresses gratitude to a special guest or person for honourable contributions. A vote of thanks speech is concluded by expressing your gratitude, summarising the main points of the event and sending an uplifting message. In this article, we will look at some samples of speech on the vote of thanks. Keep reading to learn more.

how to write vote of thanks speech in english

Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Vote of Thanks
  • 2 Speech on Vote of Thanks for School Event
  • 3 Speech on Vote of Thanks for Chief Guest
  • 4 Speech on Vote of Thanks for Guest Lecture
  • 5 FAQs 

Importance of Vote of Thanks

A vote of thanks is a formal speech that concludes your speech by thanking a guest or special person for their contribution.  A vote of thanks is a vital part of an event because it shows that you value each member and their contribution. It has importance in several aspects:

  • Expression of Gratitude: It allows us to express our gratitude to those who have supported and made the event possible. It helps us to build positive relationships.
  • Closure: A vote of thanks helps provide closure to the event. It is something that summarizes the whole event, key highlights and achievements.
  • Sense of encouragement: Acknowledging and appreciating the efforts of other people in the vote of thanks encourages them to better future performance. It inspires people to remain motivated and engaged towards the organization’s goal.
  • Acknowledgement of contributions: A vote of thanks is a formal way of acknowledging other’s efforts that made the event possible.
  • Purpose of courtesy: Appreciating individuals for their support or contribution reflects professional etiquette by highlighting the value of respect in networking.
  • Social Networking: Respecting the contributions of others shows that you value them. This can help you improve your professional relationships while also helping to build new ones.

Also Read: Essay on Voting for School Students

Speech on Vote of Thanks for School Event

Good morning, everyone! It’s been an honour to be a part of this event and as this event is coming to an end, I want to give a vote of thanks on behalf of the student union. As part of this wonderful event, I want to thank everyone who participated, contributed, and made it a success. Firstly, I want to thank our principal, ma’am, Mrs Seema Banerjee, for organising such a great event. She is our guardian angel, always serving us the best. A special thanks to all of the teachers whose hard work and dedication have made today possible. It was an honour to work under their guidance and supervision. Their efforts, dedication and commitment played a major part in the organisation of this event.
I would like to offer my heartfelt appreciation to all of the students who participated in the event with great enthusiasm and made it a success. The parents of these students also deserve appreciation for offering their support. Their involvement in school events is highly valued.
Last but not least, all the school staff members and back-hand teams deserve equal acknowledgement for their contribution that made the event run smoothly.
Once again, Thanks to everyone for your unwavering support in making this event a success.
Have a wonderful evening.

Also Read: Speech on President of India for School Students in English

Speech on Vote of Thanks for Chief Guest

Good morning, everyone. It has been an honour to be a part of this amazing event. Today, on behalf of our school, I would like to thank our Chief Guest, Mr Suresh Naraina, for giving us their valuable time. Your presence and motivational words have greatly inspired the students and teachers. Your words not only provided us with knowledgeable perspectives but also taught the students how to think like scientists.
I’d like to thank our principal, without whom this event would not be possible. You acted as a guiding light throughout the event. I’d also like to thank all of the teachers for their contributions to organising this event. Their efforts and dedication made this event possible. Working under their supervision and guidance allowed us to learn a lot of new things.

Thank you to all of those students who participated in this event and filled it with enthusiasm and creativity.
A special thanks to all of the parents for your unwavering support and participation. Your engagement in school events is much appreciated. I’d also like to thank the attendees for taking their valuable time to attend the event.

Last but not least, I want to thank all of the school staff and backup teams that made the event run smoothly.
Thank you again to everyone who helped make the event a success. Without you, this event would not be possible. We look forward to your continuous support of our future endeavours.

Thank you and have a great evening!

Also Read: Here are Interesting Children’s Day Speech for Students

Speech on Vote of Thanks for Guest Lecture

Good morning, everyone. As we come towards the end of this enlightened lecture, I would like to extend my heartfelt vote of thanks.

First, I’d like to thank our esteemed guest, Mr. Naveen Sharma, for taking the time to offer his valuable insights. As a major leader in science and research, your lecture on ‘Modern Technology in the Contemporary Era’ has provided us with valuable knowledge and motivated us to think in new ways. Your speech highly motivated the students and had a significant impact on their learning.

I’d also like to thank our principal, Mr. Suresh Jain, as well as our faculty and staff, for making the lecture possible. This event would not have been possible without your tireless efforts, dedication, and commitment. Working under your guidance and supervision provided us with valuable learning opportunities.

A big thank you to all of the students for their enthusiastic participation and engaging questions. Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who worked on the backhand and coordinated to make this event run smoothly.

Thank you again, Mr. Naveen Sharma, for being with us today. We anticipate future opportunities to learn more from you.

Thank you all and have a great day!

Also Read: Welcome Speech in English for Learning and Growth of School Students: Long and Short 

Ans: A vote of thanks is a formal speech that expresses gratitude to a guest or special person for their contributions. There are ways to conclude the speech by delivering a ‘Vote of Thanks’, as per the event. 

Ans: A vote of thanks is a vital part of an event because it shows that you value each member and their contribution. It is important as it is a way to express your gratitude towards the other team members. It provides closure to your speech by summarising all of the key highlights of the events and the achievements. It promotes a sense of encouragement and acknowledgement to the tea members, which acts as a professional courtesy.

Ans: Make sure to start your speech with a warm greeting. It should be short and simple. You can start your speech by extending your gratitude towards a special guest on behalf of the party that is hosting the event.

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Vote of Thanks Speech for Students and Children

Vote of thanks speech.

A warm and graceful morning to our most valued Honourable Chief guest Mr/Ms….., management committee, worthy teachers, parents, my dear friends, and everyone gathered here. It’s my privilege to propose a vote of thanks speech and acknowledge the contribution of those who worked really hard to make this Annual day celebration happen.

Vote of Thanks Speech


Thanks to Almighty

I (speaker name), on behalf of …….school name……, and the entire fraternity of the institution, first of all, extend my most sincere thanks to the Almighty God for making today’s event a resounding success. With his blessings and grace, we are able to make this event what it was.

Thanks to other Dignitaries

On behalf of my school, I extend a really hearty vote of thanks to our chief guest ( …Guest name) who spared time from his busiest schedule to grace the occasion. Today we had an opportunity to hear your thoughts and this will surely be going to encourage us in our future events.

Your thoughts have enlightened our minds and have shown us a new path. My gratitude to all the speakers for gracing the occasion and sharing their opinions today.

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Thanks to School Staff

I am immensely thankful to Master …………, for his or her efforts towards anchoring of today. His own ideas and elegance of explanation of everything, I need to mention my deepest sense of appreciation. I also extend thanks to all the staff members for their enormous cooperation within the organization of this gala event.

An event like this cannot happen overnight. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. It requires planning and a bird’s eye for details. We have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team of very proactive and dedicated staff of our institution who are well versed in their job.

I am short of words for their involvement and their willingness to take on the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones.

A special mention to our respected Principal Mr/Ms….for being the catalyst that stimulated us to do our best and standing as pillars of strength. With a deep sense of appreciation, we thank our loving teachers for their untiring efforts.

I would also like to thank the people who worked behind the scene to make this event happen, our technical arrangement team, stage setting, and lighting arrangement team all the musicians and housekeeping staff.

Thanks to Parents and Children

Our sincere gratitude goes to all parents and well-wishers for your rock-solid support system and encouragement. Without your support children were not been able to achieve excellence. Thank you so much for attending this event.

Finally, I would like to thanks our budding rock stars that made this event joyful with their impressive performances. Your days of hard work were evident in your acts. All the programs were very good and were enjoyed by each one of us present here.

Last but not least a big thank you to each one of you who made this Annual day celebration memorable for all of us. On behalf of my school let me thank all students…  (School name) to be disciplined and honoured. Our school students are not only good at academics but also in extracurricular activities. We value you and every moment that you stay in this temple of learning.

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Speech on Vote of Thanks Samples for School and College Functions

Speech on Vote of Thank Samples for functions of School and Colleges

In this article, read all about speech on vote of thanks, its rules, various speech formats for vote of thanks. It includes examples like vote of thanks for school annual day function, chief guest, children’s day celebration, for assembly, etc.

Table of Contents

What is a Vote of Thanks Speech?

A good vote of thank speech much includes:

Vote of Thanks Rules with Do’s and Don’ts

Since this is all about thanking the people who have contributed to the event; you must ensure that you practice well before going for it. Here is a few sample speech to help you understand.

Vote of Thanks Sample Speech Formats or Scripts

1. speech on vote of thanks for function in school or college.

I also extend thanks to all the teachers for their cooperation in the institution of this function. Events like this cannot happen overnight. So, as the wheel starts rolling weeks ago and requires planning and bird’s eye for detail. Here, we are fortunate enough to be backed by a team of a very dedicated and motivated team of our school who know their tasks and are very much result oriented. 

Thank you very much.

2. Speech on Vote of Thanks for the Seminar in School or College

It seems to be a great honor to propose the vote of thanks to all who have helped us in making this seminar a very resounding success. 

During this seminar, we’ve conducted various events. The on-stage events like….., the off-stage events like…… I thank all those who have participated overwhelmingly & making the event success. 

Once again, I thank all for your cordial cooperation. Thank you.

3. Speech on Vote of Thanks for the Conference in College

I am very much thankful to the entire sponsors of this conference, without their generous financial support, it won’t be possible to organize the conference. I am sure that this conference will continue to get generous support from different organizations in the future.  

An event of this dimension can’t happen over-night and needs meticulous planning and execution and an eye for detail. I cannot thank each one enough for their involvement they’ve shown and the willingness they have expressed to take on the completion of the work beyond their comfort zone.

4. Speech on Vote of thanks for Farewell Day and Other Celebrations

The moment has arrived when I am standing in front of you all to deliver my speech on my final day at college. When I was preparing myself for this day, I had planned a lot of imaginary speeches about my relationship, my learning, my experience with my teachers and college mates, the time spent in the cafeteria, in the canteen and many more such things. But now, when the actual moment has arrived, I can’t think of anything else except the two words, that is, “Thank You”!

I would also like to mention the name of the team who always gave me support from the backend. I had trouble on different occasions by asking for complicated problems, however, by besties provided me with that. Thank you guys, you have greatly contributed to my success so far.

Once again, thanks to all.

5. Speech on Vote of thanks for Sports Day / Annual Day Function of School

Now, talent wins games, but intelligence and teamwork win champions. Here, sport is a platform to showcase children’s talent. It is all about having fun, being physically active learning of the basics of the sport.

Finally, I would like to thank the entire well-wisher for this commitment, support, and stewardship. It is your presence in all our programs to encourage us to do our best. You are the reasons for ending our best in us. Thank you all once again, thank you, dear well-wishers.

Thank you so much.

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The vote of thanks speech for farewell can also be referred to as parting speech. It is usually given after the event has come to an end, it can be a school farewell as well. The person appointed to present the vote of thanks for the farewell party speech holds quite a responsibility to not miss out on anybody while expressing gratitude for the success of the event. The speech is a way to appreciate the efforts of all involved parties. One can also share his personal experience of the event in their speech. In the below-given article, we will explore different ways to deliver a vote of thanks speech for farewell. It can be a long vote of thanks for school farewell, or a short vote of thanks for farewell. 

A vote of thanks is also sometimes called the gratitude speech. This is the time that a person either the host or a friend of the host will be providing the vote of thanks. This vote of thanks allows people to express their gratitude for other people who have attended the event. It is always considered to be an important part of any ceremony as it eventually affects the entire function and expresses it more effectively. Students who would like to get a Vote of Thanks Speech For Students in English can now get access to it via Vedantu where even a first-time speaker can take some experience to learn from.

Long Vote of Thanks Speech  

This form of Vote of thanks for a farewell party is helpful for students in schools and colleges who are the appointed speakers for the closing ceremony.

Hello everyone, what a spectacular event that turned out to be. I am not surprised that it was a brilliantly done farewell party. It is an absolute delight to have an opportunity to end the evening with a vote of thanks speech. 

Like everything else that is good in our journey, it also comes with a few stops. Our journey in our school/college (mention the name of your school/college) has come to an end. But the relationships and memories we made here will certainly not be discontinued. The learnings will not be forgotten.

My friends and I were discussing the other day, we always wanted our school life/college life to end soon so we can take on new challenges. We always thought we would be ready when the time comes to bid adieu, we will all stay strong and not cry. But nobody prepares you for this moment and here we are, all of us teary-eyed.


Regards and respect are very small words to express what I feel for this school/college (mention the name of your school/college). The people here, right from the staff members, teachers, Dean, Vice-Principal, and Principal are all so welcoming and warm. 

Today you see me here on stage, speaking confidently without a cracked voice and nervous pauses because of everything I learned here. I was frightened of the stage but my teachers, especially Ms. Padmalata (mention the name of your teacher) always showed faith in me. Like we all know with faith, practicing is also important. 

She trained me every day during breaks to speak confidently. And with that came a renewed confidence in me and I could socialize better and make new friends. Thank you so much ma’am for all the teachings and shaping my personality. 

I was never interested in sports, but without discouragement, this school/college has truly helped me in acting on my strengths of physical ability. And now I practice Badminton and enjoy it so much. A huge thanks to our Dean, for always bearing with our mischief, and being patient with it, you became our friend when teaching us the right way to be. My friends and I are eternally grateful to you for sharing your personal experiences with us. 

Our Vice-principal and Principal for always shielding us and guiding us to navigate our way through the world. Your managerial expertise always kept us on our toes and ready for the next challenge. School/college life is so much more than just academics, it's building lifelong memories and bonds with people you connect with. And even through mountains and valleys, I know the friends I have made in this school/college are my lifelong friends. 

On behalf of all the final year students, I would like to give a huge round of applause to our juniors, the anchors, the showrunners, the performers, what a show you managed to pull off. The food was delicious and the games especially were the most entertaining and hilarious. We will always look back at the time we spent here with a huge smile so thank you for making it possible. Thank you once again to every one of you present here for being a part of our journey in any capacity. 

Short Vote of Thanks Speech  

This short vote of thanks for the farewell speech is brief and very effective where one can thank everybody who has commendably done their work to make it a success.

Throughout the farewell event, I was just thinking about how fortunate I am to have spent such impressionable years of my life in this school/college (mention the name). I would like to sincerely thank our Principal Mr. Abc (mention your Principal's/HOD name) for continuing with the tradition of the school/college and making the last day of the final year extremely special.

Final days in any case are truly very hard to deal with, one is excited and nervous but our teachers have held our hands in this new shift and change we are embarking upon. We are all so grateful for your consistent support.

The teachers/professors of this school/college are truly the friendliest and kindest ones. I can speak for all of us when I say, we were all so inspired by your graciousness and helping us rise from our weaknesses and mistakes. It truly motivated us to do better every day. And we hope to keep making you proud always. 

We will all miss such events where we all spend our time sharing laughter and joy. The lunch breaks and the time spent deciding on the menu in the canteen with friends and having fun are a few moments that will stay with us forever. 

It is because of this school/college that we feel prepared and ready for the next chapter of our lives. We have learnt here the value of discipline, hard work, and teamwork. We have learnt to honor the commitment to doing the job we are supposed to do. Thank you for making us all confident in handling life. 

Thank you. 

10 Lines Vote of Thanks Speech

The final few days have left us all misty and emotional thinking about leaving the place where we spent so many years of our lives.

Our school/college (mention the name) has given us so much that will stay with us forever.

It is here we made our first friends, had our fights, shared laughter and pain, and learned about the world through our teachers.

This place was our world and it was truly filled with so much warmth and joy and there was always room for improvement.

Our teachers have taught us the most valuable lessons, to not try to be like anybody, we should only try to be better than yesterday's version.

 This attitude has changed my perspective and resolved so many insecurities.

School life/college life has made us more confident and also be appreciative of each other.

It has taught us it is never too late to begin again, thanks to our Principal Ms/Mr XYZ (mention her/his name) always giving us second chances.

We know endings are only new beginnings, and the journey so far has been the best, the memories I made here will be forever cherished.

Starting a new journey of life, hope we are worthy of your praise and make all of you proud always. 

Hierarchy of Education Set: (Steps in which the Name is mentioned)

Founder of Institution

Directors/ Vice President

Head of the Department

Press People

Office administration

Non-teaching faculties

All other organizers, electricians, staff, musicians, photographers, etc.

Make sure that when you mention the name of people you mention in such a way as provided above.


FAQs on Vote of Thanks Speech

1. Why is it necessary to give the Vote of Thanks Speech?

A vote of thanks is an official speech that is important in each program to be provided. It indicates the gratitude that the host feels towards all the people who have helped him or her organize the event and the people who have attended it to make it special. This vote of thanks speech is also important for students especially during programs in school as they learn how to deliver the speech in the right way. This is the way that they learn through school and then practice it later on in life.

2. Does the way of delivering the Vote of Thanks Speech affect the overall performance of the student?

Yes, the way that students deliver the Vote of Thanks Speech will highly affect the performance of the students. This is especially in the case of big competitions and during the exams, where the correct deliverance of speech will also have marks. It is only if the deliverance of speech is done well, that the message will be properly reached out to the audience. This also makes it easier for them to understand the purpose behind the speech. One of the best ways to practice proper deliverance of speech is by practicing It many times in front of a mirror.

3. Is the Vote of Thanks Speech an important part of the syllabus?

It has been made that Vote of Thanks Speech is also a part of the syllabus. This allows the students to understand the way that a speech is being delivered, be it in front of an audience or in front of a class of students. This vote of thanks speech also has a proper parking system where each of the sentences and the way that you write it will also affect the total marks that you obtain. It is hence important that you practice and pay proper attention to the Vote of Thanks Speech For Students in English via Vedantu  NCERT Solutions for English.

4. How to ensure that a good Vote of Thanks Speech has been written?

Some points need to be added in the Vote of Thanks Speech so that it becomes a good one. These points can be provided as follows:

Your first sentence of speech must let the audience know what you are thinking and what is going to be delivered through the speech.

Later on, tell the audience in about one to two sentences why you have been specifically asked to give the vote of thanks speech

Go on, to begin with, your speech by thanking the honorable guest, host, and audience.

Try to keep the thank you that you say to each person in brief and do not elongate.

Be sure that you mention any remarkable events that have occurred during the function.

5. Who should students be mentioning while providing an opening statement in the Vote of Thanks Speech?

When starting with an opening statement students can use the following format:

Honorable (guest’s name), Respect Principal sir, respected teachers, and my most valuable friends! It is my privilege to be offering thanks for this particular event.

I and the entire group (name all the event organizers, supporters, crew members, and other special guests) are pleased to call the program a wonderful success. Thanks to you all who have attended and those who have worked hard to make this event a grand success. I am looking forward to all such opportunities where we get to work together again.

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Vote of Thanks Speech | Best Vote of Thanks Speech for Students 3 Minutes

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Vote of Thanks Speech:  A “vote of thanks” speech is a concluding speech given to thank all the members involved in organizing an event, including the guests who have been a part of the event. The event can be a farewell, a school annual function, a party, etc. It is a way of conveying gratitude and appreciating the efforts of the people involved in organizing a successful event. Also, one can express his/her views on the event and the people associated with the event.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long and Short Speech on Vote of Thanks for College Students and Children

Below mentioned are long and short speeches on “Vote of Thanks” of 500-600 words and 200-300 words, respectively. The students can refer to these when required. The speech is provided in an easy language and will help you grace any occasion with your words.

Short Speech on Vote of Thanks on College Farewell

Good evening everyone. It is an honour for me to express my gratitude to everyone present here on this day of my college farewell.

This day reminds me of my entire journey in this college. I remember myself entering the institute as a shy, docile guy, and today, I stand before you as a confident, self-dependent man, ready to start a new journey. This place has given me several memories, many true friends, and lessons for life.

It is rightly said, “It is not the place but the people that make the place worth remembering.” The teachers have been very cooperative, so were the seniors. There was no single day I was left unanswered for my queries. The mass bunks, the canteen chit-chats, the late-night group studies are all that will be cherished for life.

I heartily convey my gratitude to the loving juniors who took pains to throw such a wonderful farewell for all of us. They had always been like a family. The event took me to a flashback journey of my college days.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank our Dean sir for always encouraging us and bringing us opportunities to explore our talent. I remember all the academic and unacademic activities organized in the college that helped me groom myself. Also, the placement drive and the efforts put in by him to bring in the best companies to the campus are commendable.

This place had been my second home for 4 years and will continue to be forever. This college has a special place in my heart and will be missed always.

Long Speech on Vote of Thanks on College Farewell

Good evening respected dignitaries, teachers, and all my dear friends. I am really grateful for having given the chance to extend a vote of thanks to everyone present here.

It was a great evening and an amazing event organized by our lovely juniors. Such a special farewell was actually unexpected.

Nothing is permanent in this world. People are nomads, who keep moving from one place to another and change roles throughout their lives. Today, as we step out of this college, a new life awaits with new challenges. As we look back, a beautiful life bids adieu and asks us to bear the fruits of the hard work done for 4 years.

It was an amazing 4-year journey that passed in a blink of an eye. I still remember myself entering the college gate for the very first time. I was a shy, docile child who had heard all sorts of stories on college raggings and devil seniors. But all that wasn’t true. I have found the most helping and fun-loving seniors in this college. They were always ready to render a helping hand, be it in studies or elsewhere. And this was something I inherited from them.

The teachers were always ready to solve our queries no matter what. I can proudly say, I had been taught with the best teaching methods so far. Not only academics, we also ran to some of our teachers with our personal problems and were never left unattended. These people have always made me feel at home.

Of course, how can I forget those who made my survival easier here? The best of the friends this place gave me and our friendship will go on for ages.

Our managing committee had always kept us engaged with one or the other activities that helped to build our personalities a lot. I thank Dean Sir for putting in so much of efforts to get all of us placed in the best companies possible.

Last but not the least, I would extend my heartfelt gratitude to our lovely juniors who are no less than a family to me. The efforts they had put in are commendable. The anchor, the performers, the organizing committee, and the fillers were extremely entertaining. This was an evening to remember. I shall cherish all these memories throughout my life.

There are a few places you can never forget and it is all because of the people who made it special. College life is one of those phrases that teach us to deal with ourselves more than we deal with others. The lessons taught during this age are for a lifetime. I request all my dear juniors to cherish these moments. These won’t return and one should not live with regrets.

I once again thank everyone for making my journey worth remembering. I am leaving this place with a lot of experience, knowledge, and memories. Everyone will always have a special place in my heart.

FAQ’s on Vote of Thanks Speech

Question 1. What is “vote of thanks”?

Answer: “Vote of thanks” is the speech given by a person to extend his gratitude to everyone involved in making an event successful.

Question 2. How do you begin the speech?

Answer: People usually begin their speech wishing all the dignitaries and mates present. This is to acknowledge their presence and make them feel included in the speech.

Question 3. When do you convey a “vote of thanks”?

Answer: A “vote of thanks” is a concluding speech given at the end of an event to thank everyone for organizing a beautiful event.

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how to write vote of thanks speech in english

Vote of Thanks Speech in English

Vote of Thanks Speech

Want to know how to prepare a speech for the vote of thanks? You can learn everything on Vote of Thanks Speech you need to know from this article.

Vote of Thanks – What Is It and How to Write?

A well-prepared statement delivered professionally and in public to express gratitude to the event’s host, organizer, and other attendees for their attendance and contributions is known as a vote of thanks. It is a crucial component of every occasion.

Vote of gratitude speeches are often thought of as being Herculean tasks, but they don’t have to be if you know exactly what you need to do. Pick your words wisely. It is crucial that you mention all of the distinguished guests, the host, and the dignitaries in your speech. Additionally, make sure to express your gratitude to everyone who contributed to the event and the participants.

The Vote of Thanks is most likely the final item for any event, including birthday parties, teacher appreciation days, and annual days. Be careful not to construct lengthy, winding sentences. Short and uncomplicated is best. Your vote of thanks speech can begin with a welcome to everyone in attendance or a meaningful remark about thankfulness, followed by a list of attendees to whom you want to express your appreciation on behalf of the group or party hosting the event. You finish by expressing your gratitude to everyone who attended the event and the participants. You can finish by expressing gratitude to the hosts for allowing you to speak on their behalf.

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Sample Vote of Thanks Speech

Below are a few examples of vote-of-thanks speeches for your reference.

Vote of Thanks Speech in English

Example 1 – Vote of Thanks Speech for a General Event

Vote of Thanks Speech for a General Event

Good evening to all. It has been an absolute honor to take part in this fantastic event. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our distinguished guests, Mr. Chandrasekar, Manager of IT Solutions, and Mrs. Sumita, Director of NSM Technologies, on behalf of the company. I’m grateful. Sincere appreciation to the departmental heads who managed the event from beginning to end. A hearty round of applause and gratitude to everyone who took part in making the occasion special. Finally, I want to thank everyone in attendance for coming out today and helping us make this event a huge success. I want to thank everyone.

Example 2 – Vote of Thanks Speech for Teachers’ Day

Vote of Thanks Speech for Teachers’ Day

Good morning to everyone. I’m happy to stand here and offer my thanks on behalf of all the students and staff. A special thank you to Ms. Sandhya, our Chief Guest, for accepting our invitation and joining us today. Your ideas have really motivated us. I appreciate Mrs. Karishma, our Headmistress, for always encouraging and directing us. Our teachers , who are today’s great stars, always work very hard and with a lot of love to make each of us good students and amazing people. Whenever your pupils needed you, you were always gracious with your time. I appreciate you, teachers. I also want to thank all of you for coming and helping to make this day great and special for our beloved instructors. Once more, many thanks.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs on Vote of Thanks Speech

When is it appropriate to offer a vote of thanks.

Any public event, such as Teachers’ Day, Annual Day, Fresher’s Day, a goodbye, a celebration, and so forth, can use a vote of gratitude speech.

What are the most appropriate quotations to include in a speech of thanks?

Quotes like “Gratitude is not only the greatest virtue, it is also the parent of all other virtues.” Cicero once said, “A moment of difference makes a difference in your attitude.” Bruce Wilkinson is acceptable.

How do you appreciate a speaker after his speech?

The classic starting line for a thank-you speech is, “Thank you very much, Ms. Speaker, for a (insert an appropriate adjective) presentation.” Then, briefly discuss one or two (but no more) noteworthy points from the speech, such as the startling discovery or the wise words that were earlier mentioned.

How do you acknowledge a good speech?

If you’re giving a formal or professional speech, you can thank them at the start or finish by stating their names, positions, or organizations and briefly summarising their contributions or important points. Additionally, you can mention how their knowledge, experience, or point of view influenced your speech.

How do you end a vote of thanks?

Say a heartfelt “thank you” to everyone in the room as you draw to a close because they all contributed to the success of the day. I’m thankful for each and every one of you once more. “One last time, I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this event,”

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How to write a thank you speech

With a short thank you speech sample and a printable planner

By:  Susan Dugdale  

A thank you speech or appreciation speech prepared and given with sincerity means a lot to those you acknowledge.

Dive right in. There's all the assistance you need on this page to write an excellent speech of thanks.

What you'll find on this page

  • the types of occasions it could be good to have a thank you speech ready to give
  • best practice and content suggestions to guide you step by step through writing a short thank you speech
  • a short  sample thank you speech for an award (and a link to an example thank you speech for a 18th birthday party)
  • a printable thank you speech planner to download
  • links to thank you quotations you may like to use
  • notes covering rehearsal and delivery   

how to write vote of thanks speech in english

'No man is an island'

When we achieve, we usually do so because others have helped. Your speech of appreciation is the gift or acknowledgment you give in return for what was given you.

When is a thank you speech appropriate?

Any time is good to say thank you! However, a more formal speech of thanks could fit any of these occasions.

  • for coming to my graduation, farewell, birthday, or retirement party
  • for the promotion
  • for the award
  • for coming to our wedding and your gifts, our engagement party, our 50th wedding anniversary
  • for coming to the opening of my new business...

Be prepared! Best practice guidelines

Generally the decision to leap to your feet and give a thank you speech is not spontaneous. You will likely have some forewarning and time to consider exactly what you want to say and who you want to mention.

Deciding on the content

Cover these three content areas and you'll be fine.

  • WHO are you thanking? Note their names in ranking order- the most important first.
  • WHAT are you thanking them for? Be specific rather than general. Naming what you are grateful for gives your thanks more meaning.
  • WHAT did their gift of time, expertise, encouragement, money... mean to you? Again, be specific. This is your chance to publicly give credit where it's due, to compliment, to praise. Take it.

Writing your speech

When you've sorted out who you wish to mention and what for, you are ready to begin writing.

Like any other form of speech you need 3 parts:- an opening, the body or middle where you put all your acknowledgments, and a conclusion.

1. Introduction/opening

In your introduction or opening give the reason for the occasion and why it is you're going to thank everyone. What you say, and how you say it, will set the tone for the remainder of the speech.

Depending on the number of people on your 'thank you/appreciation' list and the amount of time you have, consider including a small story about the lead-up making this event possible. A well-chosen personal anecdote will always go down well because it lets those listening share your experience more deeply.

Check out this page on story telling in speeches for more information.

In the body of your speech, start at the top of your list of people to thank and work your way through it. Take care to give the most important people the most time.

For those whom you want to mention but don't have enough time to make individual acknowledgments consider grouping them according to function.

Example: "To Alex, Mary, Judy and Sam, thank you for making me remember to laugh. You helped me keep my sanity and perspective when the going was tough."

3. Conclusion

In the conclusion, summarize your main points and finish.

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A short thank you speech sample 

Here's a short example thank you speech for you to see how it could be done. There are many ways covering the required content. This is just one.

The person giving this speech is thanking an organization for giving him an award. 

It is 374 words long. When spoken it will take approximately 2 minutes + to deliver. That's about the right length. It's brief and covers everything needed.

As you read it through imagine hearing it out loud. 

Speech text

"Who's considered the incredible power and range of meaning in 'thank you'?  Those two words express gratitude, humility, understanding, as well as acknowledgement.

I am here with you: my family, many of my friends and colleagues because I need to say all of that, and then some more.

Thank you for coming to share my being given the Fred Smith Award for Community Service. It's very humbling.

There's a phrase I'm sure you know: it takes a village to raise a child. In this case it's not a child that's been raised but awareness and a long-needed community resource - the  Parksville Community Literacy Center.  The village behind it and me, is you.

In particular, thank you to my wife Marlene who has always understood and shared my conviction that communities are healthiest when its resources are equally shared, and that the ability to read underpins long term social and economic wellbeing.

I know the hours I spent after work helping to establish our new Center tested her, especially when I was home late, again.

Remarkably she continues to support, and love me.  For that I will always be grateful.

Mary Hill, Catherine Beech and Matthew Fall from the Fred Smith Foundation – thank you for sharing the vision of an integrated community and for being so incredibly supportive. You understood what we were trying to achieve and helped make it possible. Your generous gifts of time, expertise and funds are deeply appreciated.

This award may have my name on it, but in truth it belongs to everybody who has worked to make the center a reality. Have you got a spare day or two? If I called out all those people we'd be here for quite some time! Instead, I'll simply say thank you. You know who you are.

The time and effort you've given ensures that the Parksville people who want it will have access to effective literacy programs and resources. That is a priceless gift.  As Nobel Peace Prize winner former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan said “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.”

Thank you for the award and thank you on behalf of all those who will cross that bridge to a brighter future." 

how to write vote of thanks speech in english

Here's another example. This one is a thank you speech for a birthday . The speaker is thanking their parents and guests for the celebration in honor of their 18th birthday. 

Thanks but NO thanks!

What I really need is a Thanksgiving Speech!

Image: - a string of autumn leaves. Text: Thanksgiving - a time to say thanks for life, family, friends and food, in a speech.

And it's here. Choose a theme. Complete the template. And give your Thanksgiving Speech with confidence.

Get a printable thank you speech planner

Regardless of whether you are preparing a thank you speech for the guests who came to your wedding, engagement, retirement, farewell, graduation or birthday party, the steps are the same.

This printable planner will guide you through the four needed. Each one is fully explained with an example.

Completing it will make writing your speech so much easier.

Either click the link or the image below to: download a printable thank you speech planner .

Banner: Download a printable thank you speech planner

Use a quotation to help show your gratitude

Image: blue forgetmenots. Text: Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. GB Stern

Before you finalize the content, check out these 'thank you quotations' .

They offer different ways of expressing your gratitude. You could find just what you need to spark your creativity and provide the thread/theme to unite your speech. It can be so much more than a long string of thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ...

Tips to help you get your thank you speech right

Rehearsal, practice and feedback.

Image: Black and white photo of a young man standing on a stage. Text: About rehearsing a speech.

Many people make the assumption that once they've got the words of their speech sorted, they're set to go.

That's not true! Practice completes the process.

Giving yourself several  rehearsals, firstly by yourself and then in front of  friends or family, will help enormously. Click the link for detailed information about  how to rehearse effectively .

For the condensed and shortened version covering good rehearsal practice follow the points below.

1. Content check

Before investing too much time and energy into rehearsing your speech say it through in front of a few trusted friends or colleagues.  It is much, much easier to change text prior to practicing it than after you've begun working with it. Ask them to listen:

  • to make sure you've included everyone you should, in the right order and thanked them for the right things.
  • for tone. Does the vocabulary fit the occasion? Are the stories right? Is the speech positive? Is it inclusive?

Edit as needed, and then have your test audience listen again. 

Getting the timing right is an essential part of making it a success. Go on too long and people stop listening. Be too brief and there's a danger you've missed things out.

The only way to find out how long your speech is, is to time yourself as you say it out loud at a normal speaking rate. If it's too long, look for areas you can cut. Maybe you need to group a few  more people together or perhaps you need to shorten some of the specific examples about why it is you're thanking someone.  If it's too short, add more detail.  Repeat until you get the length right.

If you'd like to check the number of words you have in your speech against how many minutes it will take to say them go to: how many words per minute are there in a speech .

3. Use cue cards

If you're at all worried about forgetting things, losing your place or muddling what you want to say, use cue cards. They'll take the anxiety away.

Write the main points of your thank you speech on cue cards. Good notes will keep you on track while ensuring you cover everything you want to like, for instance, the name of every person you want to thank and why.

(Click the link if you don't know about using or how to make cue cards . Cue cards are preferable to reading your speech.

However sometimes you just have to read because...for all sorts of reasons. If that's you, do it well. Find out how to read a speech effectively .)

Are you sweating over a business thank you speech?

One thanking your colleagues for a job well done?

Here's a good one to use as a template. It's utterly adaptable. Takes bits out, flick bits in... until you have it just as you want it.
Get thee pronto (quickly) to the  !

speaking out loud 

Subscribe for  FREE weekly alerts about what's new For more see  speaking out loud  

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how to write vote of thanks speech in english

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Vote of Thanks Speech in English for Students

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Table of Contents

Vote of Thanks Speech: A vote of thanks is an expression of gratitude, typically given during a public speech, ceremony, or event. It can be given by an individual or a group, and is usually given at the end of the event.

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Vote of Thanks Speech

There can be several occasions when you may be called upon the stage to offer a vote of thanks to someone on behalf of others or yourself. We have shared some sample Speech on Vote of Thanks in English for Students here, which will help you on any occasion. You can use this short speech on a vote of thanks at school or college functions, and the long speech on a vote of thanks can be used at the corporate level. The language is extremely simple but impressive; you can use these as samples and quickly create your effective best vote of thanks speech.

Speech for Vote of Thanks

Vote of thanks speech sample 1.

Honourable Principal Ma’am, Honorable Manager Sir, Honorable Professors, Respected Parents and My Dear College Mates!

Today we all are gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Teacher’s Day , and as of now, we have reached the end of this beautiful celebration. On behalf of every student in this college, I would like to propose a vote of thanks to all our respected teachers who have a great role in making our future bright and to our managing committee for organizing such a great event and providing us with this opportunity. I am feeling very proud to give this speech as a way of thanking my honourable teachers. There is a huge limitation of words in front of the respect of the teachers, but still, I will try to express my views and thank all the teachers.

As we all know, in India, we celebrate teacher’s day on 5th September to mark the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan , a teacher himself, our former president of India, and a profound philosopher and statesman. He wanted his birthday celebrated as “the teacher’s day” on thiStudentsan auspicious opportunity to thank their honorable teachers. On this day, many students performed poems, speeches, dance performances and many other performances to thank their respected teachers, which is indeed beautiful.

A teacher is not only a person who teaches academic lessons to their students, but they are also a guide for a student. The word “GURU” is used for a teacher in India, which is a Sanskrit word, and in this word, “GU” means darkness, and “RU” means who removes darkness. A teacher helps the students in every aspect of their life. They are the future shapers of the students. They help students in achieving their goals. Behind a successful person is the guidance of great teachers who shows the right path to their students. A teacher scolds his students to make their future bright, and their scolding is worthy.

We also cannot forget to thank our parents because they have the most important role in every person’s life. We all know that our parents are the first people we get as our first teachers. They taught us how to walk and how to eat. Thus, I would like to extend my Vote of thanks to our respected parents for everything they did for us and are still doing. Without the guidance and love of parents, it isn’t easy to survive in this world.

I would also like to thank our honorable principal, ma’am and manager, sir, for providing us with such great and talented teachers and many opportunities by conducting vote of thanks speech in college that helps in sharpening our talents.

On this note, I would like to conclude my speech and extend special thanks to our honorable principal, ma’am, management committee, respected professors and respected parents for making this event a memorable day for us.

Thank you, and I wish you all a great day ahead!

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Vote of Thanks Speech Sample 2

Honorable Chief Guest, Honorable Manager Sir and My Dear Friends!

I am honored to stand before you today as a thankful student, extending my sincere gratitude to all those who have made this event a reality. I want to begin by expressing our appreciation to our school’s leadership. They have consistently supported our endeavors and motivated us to aim for greatness.

We all know that there are still many places in India where women are exploited and dominated by a patriarchal society. In these societies, women have to live according to their parents, husband, family and society. They do not have any right to go or do something that is against their family and society. They suffer violence physically as well as mentally. The sex ratio in many states of our nation is very unfavorable. There are many cases of female infanticide and female feticide as well. It is a matter of shame for these societies where they are practiced.

Every human being came to this world only by the sacrifices of their mothers, and they are also females. A woman is a mother, sister, daughter and many more. She sacrifices her own pleases for her family. A woman only needs respect from society. Many cases of domestic violence is a very shameful crime. We cannot even imagine how many women still suffer from domestic violence in this world. In many places, their husband and family members violate them for dowry. They are judged by people on their dressing sense and lifestyle. Many women here still do not have the freedom to wear clothes according to their wishes. My huge thanks also go to those supporting women living a lifestyle according to their wishes.

I would also like to thank all the parents around the globe who support their daughters and treat them as they treat their sons. The parents who treat their daughters and sons equally know that there is no difference between them, and they deserve equal love.

I would also like to thank all the people around the world who are working for the welfare of women and supporting women. We need more support from people to spread awareness about women’s empowerment . I want to extend my Vote of thanks to all our women who showed courage in fighting for their rights and freedom. Without their fighting spirit, it would not have been possible to make our NGO successful. We will try our best to provide freedom to all women still suffering.

On this note, I would like to conclude my speech and I hope this day will bring a new fire in our souls for fighting for women’s rights.

Vote of Thanks Speech Sample 3

Honourable Chief Guest, Honourable DCP, Dear Organizers and Visitors!

Today we have gathered here to celebrate the success of the initiative called ‘Love mankind’. The project was started two years ago, and I am extremely glad to share that it has been going highly successful since then. It’s indeed an honour and a matter of great joy for me to extend a vote of thanks to all who have contributed to making this project a great success.

Our NGO was established 10 years ago, on the same day-to-day, to save small children, minors and women from trafficking. Even though we are an independent organization, the residents highly admire us; we also get support from the local authority and the local police in this area and other areas too where we operate. Two months ago, we received a complaint from some school students’ parents that their kids continuously saw a beggar child crying outside their school gate; that child also had some bruises on his body. To know more about this incident, we sent some of our workers to that area, and they also noticed the same thing. We involved local police in questioning the child further.

We came to know that he had lost his parents and was forced into begging by some strangers. We raided the address shared by the child and rescued around 50 children from there. These children are with us now, and we are trying every attempt to send them to their respective parents once they recall their addresses, etc. Our NGO works for the benefit of deprived children, and we protect them against crimes such as trafficking, exploitation, etc. We run several schools in remote areas that operate 24 hours to educate homeless children who do not go to school for some other reason.

I want to share special thanks to DCP Mr A for deploying police officers in areas where begging is more prevalent. The department has always helped us whenever we want to in carrying out a raid or investigation, etc. We would also like to thank the industrialists, Mr B, Mrs C and Mr D & Sons, for their continuous support in the form of donations; we use the donation money to open up schools, buy necessary items for the children, install medical camps, etc. We would also like to thank the School authorities and the teachers in our area who work as guest teachers in our schools. Thanks to the residents of this locality who don’t employ small children as domestic help but rather support their education and other necessities. Some of the youth of these residents also work with us voluntarily. We have made groups of five people each and deployed each group in remote areas of all those states from where children and women are imported to the metro cities for begging, prostitution, domestic help, etc. The parents of these remote areas have many kids who are so poor that they cannot even afford the upbringing and education of all the kids. We offer a source of income to such women through art and craft. By imparting basic education in these areas, we have made the families and their kids self-dependent.

I would acknowledge that this wouldn’t have been successful without your help. Let’s continue with the good work always.

Vote of Thanks Speech Sample 4

Honourable Chief Guest, Respected Visitors and My Dear Team Members!

I feel honoured and privileged to have an opportunity to offer a vote of thanks on this memorable occasion.

First, I would like to thank the authority for showing trust in our company and assigning this great work of fitting water pipelines in our state’s villages and remote areas. I am elated to announce the successful closure of this project. There are around 25 villages where we have installed water pipelines. These villages had to face the water shortage every summer; the hand pumps installed in the villages also get dried out in May, June and July. The ladies of these villages travel 2-3 kilometres daily to get water from the nearby pond, which has stagnant and contaminated water. This leads to the spread of diseases like diarrhoea and cholera, affecting the people of these villages, especially the kids and older people.

I want to extend my Vote of thanks to The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, as this mission couldn’t have been successful without their expert guidance and supervision.

This was a personal mission for me because it was exceedingly disheartening to notice that some people in our state struggled so much to meet one of life’s most basic needs, such as water. Initially, the plan was to install a water pipeline zone-wise and pick two villages at a time; but our company was determined to liberate the people of all these villages from the curse of thirst and dryness. We, therefore, started the project on a large-scale level, invested a huge amount, and involved several employees, engineers, workers and labourers to accomplish the mission at the same time.

I cannot forget sharing my Vote of thanks with the investors, employees, labourers and workers who have put their heart and soul into making this project successful.

I would also like to extend a vote of thanks to Mr A of NGO XYZ for installing mobile medical camps in these villages. People here are very poor and struggle a lot to earn their livelihood. Our company has decided to donate 10% of our monthly profit to XYZ NGO; the money will be utilized to open permanent schools and hospitals in these villages.

We are also planning to open cottage industries and employ the villagers, men and women who can start earning their livelihood. Children would go to school, and the death ratio would get reduced as the people would get benefitted from the timely treatment.

It’s an honour to extend my Vote of thanks to the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Textiles, Handicrafts and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for allowing us to open schools, cottage industries and hospitals in these areas; for it is not possible to succeed without their constant trust and support.

Our mission is to make each family independent by 2020; our company will personally supervise the functioning of the industries, schools and hospitals for the next five years for any support.

For this, I would, of course, require the dedication and commitment of the employees of my company. On this note, I close my speech. Thank you for listening to me with so much patience.

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Vote of Thanks Speech FAQs

How do you introduce a vote of thanks.

Begin by expressing gratitude, mentioning the event or occasion, and introducing yourself as the speaker.

What is an example of a vote of thanks for a seminar?

I'd like to thank our esteemed speakers, organizers, and all attendees for making this seminar a success.

Why is vote of thanks given?

It's given to express appreciation and acknowledge the efforts of people who contributed to an event.

How do you say vote of thanks speech at school?

Start by thanking teachers, staff, and fellow students for their support and participation.

How do you thank the principal in the vote of thanks speech?

Show gratitude to the principal for guidance and support in your school journey.

How do you say vote of thanks in a meeting?

Acknowledge the contributions of meeting participants and express appreciation for their time and input.

How do you start a vote of thanks speech?

Begin by greeting the audience, mentioning the occasion, and expressing gratitude.

What is an example of a vote of thanks after a seminar?

I extend heartfelt thanks to our speakers, sponsors, and the audience for enriching this seminar with their knowledge and presence.

How do you say thank you in anchoring?

You can say, A big thank you to our audience, performers, and everyone who made this event special.

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Vote of Thanks Speech

A vote of thanks speech is a well-authorized speech where the speaker delivers a vote of thanks to the organizer, host, and other participants. Any event can be successful without people who devote their resources and time to ensure that everything is flawless.

It is also crucial part of each and every event or ceremony; it dramatically impacts the function.

For the first-time speaker, it’s a bit tricky job and sometimes they get nervous about the speech, here we will learn ‘how to deliver a successful gratitude speech.

Vote of Thanks Speech for a Farewell:

Good evening to the honourable chief guest, respected principal, invited chief guest, teachers and my dear students.

First of all, I would like to thank the Principal Madam, you gave me an opportunity to speak on this auspicious occasion, and it is a matter of honour for me.

On behalf of the entire institute, I would like to thanks the honourable chief guest, because school program can be complete without your presence and inspiring words.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the guests present today.

I would also like to thanks the student committee and the support staff, for the complete preparation of this farewell program, you got just two days’ time.

In this such a short time, you have made the best arrangements for this program, thank you wholeheartedly.

I have also obligated to the parents present here, your participation and suggestions always help us.

Finally, I would like to say,

GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha,

Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Vote of Thanks Speech for the National-level Academic Conference:

Honourable Chief Guest, Present Excellencies, Teachers and my dear Friends.

I thanks school/college/university for giving me the opportunity to express my gratitude on this special day.

It is the biggest day in the history of our university, today we have hosted the biggest education conference in India.

More than 300 representatives and more than 700 colleges and universities participating in this ceremony, this is a huge success in itself.

On behalf of the University Education Council, I express my heartfelt thanks to my Chief Guest, Union Minister of Education, Mr XYZ.

I would like to thanks all the respected representatives who have blessed us with their presence.

I would like to thanks the organizing team, teachers and staff members.

I would also like to thanks our transport and accommodation team; without you, this council would not have been possible. Thank you very much once again.

 I would also like to thanks my digital partner XYZ Entertainment, radio partner 93.5, hospitality partner Brijesh Hotel, news partner Janata News.

Finally, I once again thank the Union Minister of Education, respected representatives and officials of participating colleges and universities; Thanks again for making this conference a success.

Vote of Thanks for a Function in School:

I convey my best wishes to the honourable chief guest, respected Chairman, beloved principal, teachers, parents and my dear friends.

I, ____________ the Students of ____________ consider the occasion as an honor and privilege to extend the Vote of Thanks.

Once a great man whispered, “Feeling thankfulness and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

Today, I take the opportunity to put all my gratitude into words.

On behalf of the school management and all the students I would like to thanks our chief guest _____________for taking his precious time out and consenting to be the Chief Guest. Sir, indeed you’re words have inspired the students.

I thanks our Respected Chairman ___________ who graced us with his presence and guidance. Thank you, sir, for sharing with us your words of wisdom.

We have been fortunate to be assisted by our principal ___________. You have been a constant support and you have given us a lot of encouragement. Thank you, Ma’am.

I thanks all the parents for their presence this morning. You always help us in carrying out such important events.

Last but not least, I thank you all the students for showing their interest in the program. I once again thanks everyone for making this program successful.

Vote of Thanks Speech for the Seminar:

Good evening everyone, I am honoured and lucky to have the opportunity to give a vote of thanks on this special day.

I particularly liked Mr Sharma speeches, where he mentioned the need for digital education in this seminar, the way in which he explained this subject was extra-ordinary.

I would like to thanks all those organizing teams, teachers and staff members.

I must not forget to thanks the volunteers and the student teams who contributed to organizing this conference until the last days of the week.

Finally, I again want to thanks the Principal, respected Chairman and Trustees for participating in this seminar.

I would like to thank you again for making this event a success.

Vote of Thanks Speech for last day in the Office:

My greetings to all of you, I am feeling very happy and also very sad for goodbye to you today.

Goodbye is always tough, 17 years of service in my _______ company has been a very memorable journey.

I have met many great people like our boss Mr Suresh, my colleagues Mangesh, Mr Praveen, Mr Vasant, etc.

I never thought of how good the last days in this company would be for me and I am thankful to all of you for love.

I would like to thanks my boss Shri Venugopalraoji for guiding me in all my work. He never made me feel that we are his employees and he is our boss.

I will always remember my colleagues as a courageous and friendly leader. I just want to say one thing to all of you, you guys made me feel like I am here in my house.

Thank you so much for that. I could have sent an email to my office on the last day, but it might not have been enough for the beauty of the ceremony.

Thank you so much to my co-workers, my friends, staff and boss for hosting this beautiful farewell for me here on my last day.

It is very difficult for me to leave this company because for 17 years this company, office, colleagues had become a part of my life.

I cannot tell you how happy I am right now to receive this long service award. I will always treasure the memories here in this office and company.

Thank you very much to all of you.

Gratitude Speech for Independence Day:

On this auspicious day of Independence Day / Republic Day, I feel extremely proud to have the opportunity to give a vote of thanks speech on behalf of my school/college/office/company.

I feel very proud to be born in India and as a responsible citizen, as an Indian, it is our duty that we should celebrate such a glorious day.

I want to thanks all of you for being part of the Independence Day / Republic Day celebrations and for glorifying the day.

I would like to thanks our Principal / Head of Department / Boss for such a beautiful event.

Special thanks to the organizing team, students, volunteers, and this ceremony could not have been successful without them.

 I would like to thank you all very much. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!


Conclusion :

A vote of thanks speech must be at the end of the function, it must be small in which you must thank the chief guest, principal, teachers, volunteers, audience and sponsors, etc.

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13 thoughts on “Vote of Thanks Speech”

This is really helpful and mind stirring.

Thank you Hadizhattu for your valuable comment! Read our other articles as well…

It was very useful session for me. Thanks!!!

Thank you, Akshaya for your valuable comment! Read our other articles as well…

I have really learnt on how to write a VOTE OF THANKS SPEECH thank you so much Gupshups.

it’s our pleasure Ebson Kantoolo Chinyama. Read our other articles as well…

I have really learnt on how to write a VOTE OF THANKS SPEECH FOR A SEMINAR thank you so much.

thanks so much for this guidance, i will saying bye to my company on 28th february 2021 it being my last day in the office

Nice work it could also be longing (just an advice)

Knowledge gained, thank you so much.

This was really helpful though. Thanks 😊

Knowledge gained and understood thanks

It was very helpful for our study..thank you so much sir for these wonderful speeches….🙏

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  1. Vote of Thanks Speech in English

    how to write vote of thanks speech in english

  2. Vote of thanks speech in english

    how to write vote of thanks speech in english

  3. Vote of Thanks in English

    how to write vote of thanks speech in english

  4. vote of thanks speech in English

    how to write vote of thanks speech in english

  5. 😱 How to write vote of thanks. How do you write a vote of thanks speech

    how to write vote of thanks speech in english

  6. Vote Of Thanks Speech Samples

    how to write vote of thanks speech in english


  1. Vote of thanks speech in english for school, college or any institute function. # Gratitude speech

  2. Sample Vote of Thanks|| Speech for students

  3. Vote of Thanks in English by a Teacher

  4. Vote Of Thanks || Vote Of Thanks For School Assembly || Vote Of Thanks Speech In English ||

  5. VOTE OF THANKS Speech for Children's Day

  6. Vote of Thanks in English by a Student


  1. 14 Excellent Vote of thanks Speeches [ 14 Samples & Writers Guide ]

    Vote of thanks speech should be brief and effective. It is very important to announce names of all people and it is important to learn correct pronunciation of names. It is very important to be modest in tone and attitude. Speaker should take all the names with respect and do not humiliate any person.

  2. Vote of Thanks Speech

    Tips for Vote of Thanks Speech. Crafting and delivering a Vote of Thank you speech is an important task that acknowledges the contributions of everyone involved in an event. Here are some tips to help you create and present an effective and heartfelt speech: 1. Plan Ahead. Prepare in Advance: Write your speech ahead of time. This allows you to ...

  3. Vote of Thanks Speech in English

    Example 2 - Vote of Thanks Speech for Teachers' Day. A very good morning to all. On behalf of all students and staff, I am glad to be standing here to express my vote of thanks. A special thanks to our Chief Guest, Ms. Sandhya, for accepting our invitation and for being here with us today. Your thoughts have truly inspired us.

  4. Vote of Thanks Examples [Updated June 2024 ]

    Refer and respond to just one central idea of the speaker that you found particularly interesting. If there are more speakers, then consider these vote of thanks examples: I must mention our deep sense of appreciation for [name speaker], for her / his explanation of [speech topic]. [Again refer …. Further, we are greatful to [speaker], for ...

  5. Vote of Thanks Speech in English

    Example 2 - Thank You Speech for Teachers' Day. Good morning to all. I am privileged to stand here today to express our collective gratitude. Our Chief Guest, Ms. Meena, thank you for accepting our invitation and sharing your wisdom. I extend my thanks to our Principal, Mr. Kumar, for his continuous support and guidance.

  6. Vote of Thanks Speech in English

    Step 3: Concluding Your Vote of Thanks. 1. Underscore your organization's value. At the end of your speech, talk about what makes your organization special and give your audience something to think about. Emphasize ways your group helps your community, or how your audience can get more involved.

  7. How to Give a Vote of Thanks: 9 Easy Steps

    Address the audience with an opening line. One option is to start your speech with a quote about giving thanks that you find meaningful. [1] Alternatively, you can just greet your audience. [2] Really draw your audience into your vote of thanks by making them a part of it.


    Vote of thanks speech in school. A warm and cherished morning to our most valued honorable chief guest Mr./Ms .. .., management committee, qualified teachers, parents, my dear friends, and everyone. It is my privilege to propose a vote of thanks and acknowledge the contribution of those who worked hard to make this annual day celebration really ...

  9. Speech Script: Vote Of Thanks

    Step 1: Preparation and Gathering Information. Research and List Down Contributors. Understand the Context of the Event. Keep the Speech Short and Focused. Step 2: Crafting the Introduction. Start with a Strong Opening Line. Acknowledge the Significance of the Event. Step 3: Expressing Gratitude. Thank the Guests of Honor and Keynote Speakers.


    N nice - say something nice about the speaker, without being patronising. K key closing words - say something positive: eg "I know you will all join me in extending a most sincere thanks to you, our speaker". then give a personal thanks: "Mr Speaker I found your speech illuminating, I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to welcoming you ...

  11. Vote of Thanks Speech for Students in English

    Vote of thanks is the ending speech of any event, whether it's a birthday party, annual function, or a seminar, but not limited to these. It is usually spoken to show a sense of gratitude towards the audience, the chief guest (if any), and fellow participants, and last but not the least, the members behind the success of the event.

  12. Vote of Thanks Speech for Students in English

    Speech on Vote of Thanks for School Event. Good morning, everyone! It's been an honour to be a part of this event and as this event is coming to an end, I want to give a vote of thanks on behalf of the student union. As part of this wonderful event, I want to thank everyone who participated, contributed, and made it a success.

  13. Vote of Thanks Speech for Students and Children

    Vote of Thanks Speech A warm and graceful morning to our most valued Honourable Chief guest Mr/Ms….., management committee, worthy teachers, parents, my dear friends, and everyone gathered here. It's my privilege to propose a vote of thanks speech and acknowledge the contribution of those who worked really hard to make this Annual day ...

  14. Speech on Vote of Thanks Samples for School & College Functions

    5. Speech on Vote of thanks for Sports Day / Annual Day Function of School. The most honorable chief guest, guest of honor, members of the teaching faculty, support staff members, parents, and my dear friends. A bright morning to the gathering. It is our esteemed honor to propose the vote of thanks.

  15. Vote of Thanks Speech For Students in English

    The teachers/professors of this school/college are truly the friendliest and kindest ones. I can speak for all of us when I say, we were all so inspired by your graciousness and helping us rise from our weaknesses and mistakes. It truly motivated us to do better every day. And we hope to keep making you proud always.

  16. Best Vote of Thanks Speech for Students 3 Minutes

    Long and Short Speech on Vote of Thanks for College Students and Children. Below mentioned are long and short speeches on "Vote of Thanks" of 500-600 words and 200-300 words, respectively. The students can refer to these when required. The speech is provided in an easy language and will help you grace any occasion with your words.

  17. Vote of Thanks Speech in English

    Example 2 - Vote of Thanks Speech for Teachers' Day. Good morning to everyone. I'm happy to stand here and offer my thanks on behalf of all the students and staff. A special thank you to Ms. Sandhya, our Chief Guest, for accepting our invitation and joining us today. Your ideas have really motivated us.

  18. Best VOTE OF THANKS Speech in English

    Best VOTE OF THANKS Speech in English | How to give Vote of Thanks | Vote of Thanks in EnglishAlso watch: World Environment Day 2023:

  19. How to write a sincere thank you speech [with examples]

    For those whom you want to mention but don't have enough time to make individual acknowledgments consider grouping them according to function. Example: "To Alex, Mary, Judy and Sam, thank you for making me remember to laugh. You helped me keep my sanity and perspective when the going was tough." 3.

  20. Vote of Thanks Speech For School Students and Children In English

    Vote of Thanks Speech for Annual Day. Good morning to all of you, managing personnels, all instructors and coaching staff, all parents, all my friends, and our most esteemed honourable chief guest, Mr. or Mrs ____. I am Shubham Sharma, a student of 10th class of Arya school. It is an honour for me to offer a speech of thanks and recognise the ...

  21. Vote of Thanks Speech in English for Students

    Vote of Thanks Speech Sample 2. Honorable Chief Guest, Honorable Manager Sir and My Dear Friends! I am honored to stand before you today as a thankful student, extending my sincere gratitude to all those who have made this event a reality. I want to begin by expressing our appreciation to our school's leadership.

  22. A Vote of Thanks Template

    A vote of thanks is a short (2-3 minutes) expression of gratitude to a speaker on behalf of the audience. Therefore, it is not another speech, nor an evaluation, nor should it repeat the speaker's introduction, nor may it be prepared in detail in advance - all will become clear. The opening sentence (which may be prepared!) should be as follows:

  23. Vote of Thanks in English

    A vote of thanks speech is a well-authorized speech where the speaker delivers a vote of thanks to the organizer, host, and other participants. Any event can be successful without people who devote their resources and time to ensure that everything is flawless. It is also crucial part of each and every event or ceremony; it dramatically impacts ...