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  • My Grandmother Essay in 100, 150, 250, 300, 400 Words for Students

Here we are sharing some beautiful essays on my grandmother in 100, 150, 250, 300, 400 words. These essays are very easy to learn for any students.

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My Grandmother: Short Essay (100 Words)

We are a big family living together. My grandma is the head of the family. She is the oldest person here. We love her. My grandmother name is Rabeya Khatun and she is 78 years old. In this age, she is still strong enough and can do so many own works. My grandma is a really good woman.

She wakes up early in the morning and starts her day with prayer. She encourages us to pray more and more. She is the busiest person in our family because she takes care of all of us. She loves to spend time in the kitchen. I love my grandmother a lot.

My Grandmother: Short Essay (150 Words)

My grandmother is the eldest member of our family. She has sacrificed a lot for this family. Now she deserves respect and love from us. We all grandchildren are a fan of her. She used to spend most of her time with us. The most interesting thing about my grandma is she shares lots of amazing stories.

Especially in the night, the stories of ghosts are really scary to us. But we love to hear these stories. She is almost 80 years old, but it’s not appropriate, because she doesn’t know her birth date. She has never celebrated her birthday. But at this age, she still can move properly like other young peoples.

She is such a strong and good mentality woman. She is a caring woman and takes care of the whole family. She is like a driver who operates a big bus. We love our grandma a lot.

My Grandmother: Essay (250 Words)


Grandparents really love, they love their grandchild’s a lot. Today I am going to sharing my experience with my own grandma. She is an amazing woman, I have ever seen in my entire life. We, whole family and cousins, love and respect her a lot. I think elderly people like her should be respected and loved by us. This will make the families better for them.  

My Grandmother:

My grandmother’s name is Sunita Mehta; she is about 75 years old. She was a school teacher at a young age. My father and uncles used to share lots of stories about her. They share how she has sacrificed a lot in her life for this family. She was an absolutely hardworking woman, who was really committed to make this family a better place. When my grandfather was struggling with his job, she came out and helped him working as a teacher. Besides this, she has done so many things for the family.  

What She Does:

She is a religious woman. Most of her time, she spend doing prayer and Puja . In her leisure time, she sat with us and share lots of stories. Her stories are really addictive and that’s made us a fan of her. At this age, she still goes to the kitchen and takes care of the cooking. She was an amazing cook.  


My mother and aunties love my grandma a lot. They respect her and help her in all of her works. We all cousins also try loving her. She is the most amazing woman in my life.    

My Grandmother: Essay (300 Words)

Most of the family, there is the eldest member. In our family, we have gone our grandma as the eldest member. She is the leader and the guide for the whole family. Before doing anything, we ask her for permission. It’s all about love and respect for her. In her time, she has done so much sacrifice for the family. Today I am going to share my experience with grandma.  

The name of my grandma is Nazma Ahmed. She is about 70 years old and she is still can walk, and move properly. She is an interesting character. She is very talkative and loves to share stories with us. I and my cousins are really curious about spending time with her.    

Her Daily Routine:

She wakes up early in the morning and starts her day with Morning Prayer. She is a very religious person. She encourages the whole family to pray more and more. In her this age, she still goes to the kitchen just to take care of the cooking situation. She was an amazing cook in her time. She takes her bath at 1 PM, before the noon prayer. In the afternoon, she sat with all of us and teaches us some time. She doesn’t have any major health issues yet.  

How Much I Love Her:

I love her a lot. She is like my best friend. From childhood , I am spending most of my time with her. Not only, there a couple of cousins are we raising together and spending time together with her. She always loves us a lot. Even the whole family loves her.  

She is the most senior person in our family and we respect her for this. She has done so many things to make this family better for us.

My Grandmother: Essay (400 Words)

Grandparents are the eldest member in every family. My grandfather is no more, but there is my grandma who is fulfilling the blank space of grandpa. Today I am going to share my love and feeling about my grandma. She is such an amazing woman I have ever seen in my entire life.  

My grandma:

Her name is Ruksana Ahmed, and she is 74 years old. In this age, she is still strong enough. She can walk, and do a few little works too. At this stage of life, she still takes care of the whole family. As usual, she is the most important person in the family. Everyone values her decision and ask her before doing anything major. She is a religious woman. Most of her time, she used to spend praying. She teaches us the holy book Quran. In the time, when I was a kid, she used to teach me and a few of my cousins together. Now she doesn’t have good eyesight, but she still can read with her glasses.  

Her life in a few words:

My grandma had a colorful life. My father and uncles have shared lots of stories of her. Her marriage with my grandpa has arranged so big and awesome celebration. She was the most beautiful girl in the area. Grandpa falls in love and asks her father to marry her.

Both families agreed and they got married. The most touching part of her life is, they faced some financial problems as a family. She started working as a part-time school teacher. She was really hardworking. That was really tough to maintain the whole family, lots of household works after doing teaching in the school.

But she did these successfully. Her hard work pays off and she was able to create a better place for the next generation. We love her a lot. She was a true fighter.  

I and my cousins best friend:

She is my best friend. Not only I, but there also are lots of my cousins who used to spend most of the times with her. She loves us too. She never refuses us in anything. She always loves to tell us stories and teach us small lessons. She is very friendly.  

After all, the whole family loves her. She has lots of contributions to this family. That’s why they never let her be down. Everyone respects her as like deities. I love my grandmother a lot too.  

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my grandmother birthday essay


An Essay About My Grandmother's Birthday

It was my grandmother's 70th birthday. Every year her birthdays were always a blast, it has always been the most memorable and enjoyable time of the year. Her birthday basically represents her personality. She is sweet loving person and would always smile even by just the rise of the morning sun. It is always a joy to be with her and not just because her name is Joy. As I arrive at my grandmother's house, the bright yellow and blue house captively caught my attention. I quickly then rang the bright yellow doorbell comfortably placed at the side of the doorknob. As I entered the living room, a bunch of helium balloons was enjoyably floating above me. The different blue and white shades of balloons made me feel like I was in heaven, and the smooth and …show more content…

My nieces and nephews on the other hand were happily chasing each other even though they were already bumping on the corners of the sofa. The loud yet sweet singing form the living room also added to the noise that my grand father was furiously annoyed about. When the celebration began we cheerfully sang happy birthday for our dear old grand mother Joy. She was smiling like the morning light of sunshine as she looked around at the many pictures hung up on the wall. Her walls were painted with different shades of lavender and rose pink. It was an odd setup as it was not likely what you would see in a 70 year old woman's house but it was a wonderful view, especially with the contrasting yellow pictures that could be found in every corner of the room. As my grandmother made a wish, the loud music began playing again with my grandfather complaining over and over about the annoying sounds of modern music. Everybody was laughing. All over the room everyone's faces were as bright at the yellow sun and as calm as a blue river , well except for my

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Essay About Grandmothers

500 words essay on grandmothers.

Most of us have been blessed with grandmothers. But, some of us are lucky enough to have spent more time with them compared to others. Grandmothers are a blessing in disguise as they shower our love on us and guide us through the right path. Through essay about grandmothers, we will take a look at how strong they are.

essay about grandmothers

Angels in Disguise

Grandmothers are sweet little in disguise for all grandchildren. They go through all the pain and put in the effort to get all the work done for their grandchildren. Their hearts are made of gold as they treat all her grandchildren equally.

Even when we face restrictions, they are always there to support us. A lot of times, our parents give us the no signal but it is our grandmothers who try to turn that no into yes. This is their greatness and love for us.

Whether it is our father’s mother or mother’s mother, both grandmothers give equal love. It is because of them that we get to eat such delicious meals. Nothing can compare the taste of grandmother’s food .

Often, they do not tell us about their struggles but keep a happy face to make us happy. Even though our grandmothers have endured a lot, they never let that come to the surface. They always protect us no matter what.

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A Shining Example

My grandmother is a shining example of the person I wish to be. She is over five feet tall and very kind. Her sweet demeanour helps us win over anyone’s heart she comes across. As a child, I always used to hold her delicate and soft hands.

She has stories, a lot of them. She has been through different times, worlds and hardships, but still remains strong as ever. Even though she has grown up time apart from me, she always makes sure to keep up with me to not miss out on anything.

I simply love watching her savour her food and cherish it. She is often the first one to the dinner table but always the last one to leave. She makes sure no one eats alone so she sits till the very end. The patient lady that my grandmother is.

I enjoy spending my afternoons with her, sitting by the window and resting. She sips on tea slowly while I listen to the stories she tells me. All the fascinating stories about her childhood and her siblings.

My grandmother is a wonderful woman who has taught me compassion and sincerity. I owe all my gentleness and empathy to her. I hope she gets to live a long and healthy life full of love and warmth.

Conclusion of the  Essay about Grandmothers

Thus, the great women to impact our lives don’t have to be celebrities. They are our grandmothers who with their personal stories and struggles create a legacy which fosters wonderfully passionate children. I see my grandmother and am reminded of myself, how she lives inside me and makes me stronger each day.

FAQ of Essay about Grandmothers

Question 1: Why grandmothers are so special?

Answer 1: Grandmothers are special because they love their grandchildren to the moon and back. Sometimes, they love them even more than they love their own children. She does everything to see her grandchildren happy. A grandmother’s love is strong, pure and unconditional.

Question 2: What are the responsibilities of grandmothers?

Answer 2: The role of grandmothers in family life is ever-changing. They don many hats, from mentor to historian, to a loving companion and to child-care provider. They are the ones who give their grandchildren a sense of security of belonging to the extended family .

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How to Write a Heartfelt Letter to Grandma (With Examples)

Updated 01/6/2023

Published 04/27/2020

Joe Oliveto, BA in English

Joe Oliveto, BA in English

Contributing writer

Discover how you can write the best letter to your grandma or great-grandma, including step-by-step instructions, tips, and examples.

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If you’re lucky to have the kind of grandma who’s played an important role in your life, you may want to repay the favor by letting her know you care about her. There are naturally many ways to do so. You can call, text, or if Grandma is tech-savvy, even get in touch via social media.

Jump ahead to these sections:

How to write a letter to grandma, examples of letters to grandma, why write a letter to grandma.

You might also want to take the opportunity to send letters to Grandma. Sending a letter to your grandma gives you the opportunity to pen a heartfelt message she’ll appreciate. Because people don’t send letters as often as they used to, receiving a letter from you would be a pleasant surprise.

Keep these tips in mind as you write. We’ve even provided examples to help you get started.

How to Write a Letter to Grandma

Writing a letter to Grandma doesn’t need to be a chore. Just follow these easy steps.

Step 1: Complete the practical steps

There are a few practical steps you should get out of the way first when you decide you’re going to send a letter to Grandma:

Choose your method. Sending a traditional paper letter is nice, but some grandmas don’t particularly care how they receive a letter. Yours might be completely happy with an email. If you’re sending a letter for a special occasion (such as your Grandma’s birthday) at the last minute, sending an email ensures your message will reach its destination on time. Choose whichever method you think your grandma will most appreciate.

Get contact info. Depending on the circumstances, you might not be completely sure your contact info for grandma is correct. For example, maybe she recently moved into a nursing home and you’re not sure what address you should send the letter to anymore. Family or relatives can probably help if you need to confirm this info.

Get supplies. If you’re sending a traditional paper letter, you may want to write it on special stationery. Get these supplies ahead of time if you think your grandma would appreciate that extra touch. You’ll also need stamps. Consider finding stamps featuring images your grandma will love.

Step 2: Write the first draft

Why send letters to Grandma in an age when you can call her up and let her know you love her right away? There are many answers to that question. In general, however, letters give you the chance to truly consider everything you want to say (and how you want to say it) as you express your feelings. This often makes them more heartfelt and meaningful than a simple phone call.

That’s why you should treat your letter to Grandma the same way you treat a school essay or letter to a potential employer. If you want to earn a good grade or land a job, you probably don’t submit the first draft. You write at least one more draft after the first one is complete.

There are two main ways to write the first draft of a letter to Grandma:

  • Write freely. Some people find they express their feelings best in a letter when they simply start writing without much planning. Letting the emotions flow through them helps them more clearly understand exactly what they want to say.
  • Plan it all out. Another option is to approach writing your first draft in a more organized way. Outline it as you would when writing an essay, getting a basic idea for the format and points you want to make.

Neither of those options is the “right” choice for everyone. Choose the option you think will work best for you.

Step 3: Write and send the final draft

No matter which method you choose when writing the first draft, you probably shouldn’t send that draft. It’s a better idea to read through it and more clearly determine which points you want to include in the final letter. You might also find there are more effective ways to express some of the points in the original drafts.

When you’re done with the final draft, all you have to do is re-read it carefully to make sure there are no errors, then send it on its way. If your grandma is getting older and doesn’t check her mail or email as often as she used to, you may want to let her know she should expect to receive a letter from you soon.

Examples of Letters to Grandma

It’s important to remember that your letter to Grandma needs to express your authentic feelings. These examples should simply help you get started. You’ll want to make changes and add more personal details before sending your letter.

That said, a letter to Grandma might sound something like the following.

‘Happy Birthday, Grandma!’ letter

“Dear Grandma,

I’m writing to wish you a happy birthday! All my life, you made every single birthday special by [consider including a few specific examples here]. I know there’s no way I can do the same for you. Even so, I just wanted to let you know I love you, and I hope your special day is perfect. You deserve it.”

‘Just because’ letter

I miss you so much! I wish we lived closer. Luckily, we can still stay in touch through the mail. I’d like that. Maybe we can also talk on the phone once a week. Does [suggest a time and day] work for you?

You’ve played such an important role in my life and I love you so much for that. I hope you’re doing well, and I hope to see you soon!”

‘Happy Mother’s Day, Grandma’ letter

I wouldn’t be who I am today without my amazing mother. Of course, she wouldn’t be so amazing if her mother wasn’t amazing as well. We both love you very much.

Thank you for being the best grandma and mom anyone could ask for.”

Letter to Grandma in Heaven

I miss you every day. Nothing can replace your kindness and humor. However, your spirit lives on in our family. I know you’re always here in some way because of that.

Life without you can be hard sometimes, but that’s only because life with you was so joyous. Thank you for touching so many lives in so many ways.”

There are plenty of reasons to send a letter to your grandma. Here are just a few common examples.

Wish Grandma a Happy Birthday

It’s important to wish your grandma a Happy Birthday on her special day. If she’s had a positive impact on your life, odds are good she wishes you a happy birthday every year. You should do the same.

Unfortunately, you may not live close enough to your grandma to see her on her birthday. Consider sending gifts to Grandma instead. They might not be substitutes for your presence, but they’ll still let her know you’re thinking about her.

Perhaps more importantly, make sure you include a letter with the gifts. There’s a good chance Grandma will treasure the letter more than the actual presents!

Wish Grandma a Happy Grandparents Day

Her birthday isn’t the only day your grandma might appreciate getting a letter from you!

You could also write a letter wishing her a Happy Grandparents Day . Grandparents Day falls on the first Sunday in September after Labor Day.

Wish Grandma a Happy Mother’s Day

You can’t be a grandmother without being a mother first! You and your mom might want to send Mother’s Day gifts to Grandma , along with a letter from both of you.

This also gives you the chance to bond with your own mom as you share memories and feelings about your grandma.

Wish Grandma a Happy Birthday in Heaven

It’s worth noting that Grandma doesn’t need to still be here for you to write her a letter. Some people find emotional comfort in the process of writing a letter to someone who’s passed on.

You can place this letter at your grandma’s grave. Consider this option if you’re looking for a way to say “ Happy Birthday in Heaven, Grandma .”

Even if it’s not her birthday, you could simply write this type of letter as a tribute to a grandma you miss.

Just because

Keep in mind that you don’t need a specific reason to write a letter to Grandma. Sometimes the best letters are those you send for no other reason than to say you care.

Send a Special Letter to a Special Grandma

Consider writing a letter to your grandma the next time you want to get in touch. Whether you’re wishing Grandma a happy birthday, expressing your love for a grandmother who’s passed on, or simply letting Grandma know you love her, a letter gives you the chance to get your feelings across in a genuinely heartfelt way.


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Essay on My Grandmother

A family makes a person complete. Each member of a family plays different role in making the family happy and connected. Out of all the most lovable member of family is grandmother. The love and care a child receives from grandmother is priceless and incomparable. She is the elder member of the family. People who have grandmother with them are the most fortunate people in the world. Therefore, to highlight the love of grandmother in our life today we will discuss My Grandmother in detail.

Short and Long My Grandmother Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on My Grandmother in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on My Grandmother will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

My Grandmother Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) My grandmother is my favorite person of the family.

2) She always takes care of me and my siblings.

3) Whenever I feel bore, she finds something for us to do together.

4) She always has plenty of stories, and sweets to share with me.

5) She listens to me everytime and save me from mother’s scolding.

6) She always has a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her face.

7) She cooks my favorite food everyday for me.

8) She also inspires me with her life experiences. 

9) I’m so blessed to have my grandma in my life.

10) My grandma is an amazing person, I love her so much.

Short Essay on My Grandmother (250 – 300 Words)


My grandma is one of the most important person of my life. Although she is getting old but she still plays an active role in our family, and I absolutely love her. She is the backbone who keeps our family connected. She is the one by seeing whom every family member feels joyful. She is really a pillar of our family. At this age she is very active and does most of her stuffs on her own.

Personality of My Grandmother

My grandmother has achieved much throughout her life, and I have the utmost respect for her. My grandmother loves to talk and is a great conversationalist. She loves to tell stories about her childhood and her travels around the world. She can talk for hours and never become bored. She has helped countless other people in her lifetime.

Unconditional Love of My Grandmother

Ultimately, what I love most about my grandmother is her unconditional love. She’s always been there to support me no matter what I do. She is always proud of the things I do, even if I don’t always succeed. The best part is whenever I do wrong she still take my side and saves me from shouts of my mom and dad. Her unconditional love is something I will always cherish.

My grandmother is an amazing woman who touched the lives of many. She is kind, generous, and always put others before herself. She is a role model to many, and her legacy will live on in the hearts of those who knew her.

Long Essay on My Grandmother (500 Words)

My grandmother is an amazing and inspiring woman. She is the glue that holds our family together and is always there for us no matter what. She is wise and caring, and her unconditional love and support has been a constant source of strength for me throughout my life. Having a great sense of humor, she makes us laugh always. Her stories of the past bring joy, hope and insight into our lives, and she has a special way of making everyone feel loved.

Influence of My Grandmother

My grandmother’s influence on me has been powerful and lasting. She is an old-fashioned yet kind and caring person and has always encouraged me to strive for my goals. She is always available to me to listen and give me advice on right and wrong. She taught me many life-lessons and values. I remember her lessons about to be strong and independent in life. She also encouraged me to be kind and compassionate to others.

My Favorite Person: My Grandmother

My grandmother is the one person who I admire the most. She has always been supportive and helped me reach my goals. She is wise and caring and takes nothing for granted. She believes in the power of education and knows that no matter what I will achieve my dreams. She is a strong and courageous woman who has inspired me to never give up.

Importance of Grandmother

Grandmothers play a very important role in a family. They provide comfort, security and unconditional love. Grandmothers are also a great source of knowledge and support. They sometimes give us advice or just lend an ear when we need it. Grandmothers are always there to listen and offer a warm hug when we are feeling down.

Love of Grandmother

Grandmothers share a special kind of love and wisdom with all of their grandchildren. Their love is unconditional and they are always eager to share their experiences with the younger generation. Whether it’s baking cookies, playing a game, or simply providing a listening ear, grandmothers show that they care in as many ways as possible. Grandmothers will always hold a special place in the hearts of their grandchildren.

My grandmother has been a strong influence in my life. She has been there for me in the good times and the bad. She is wise, kind and loving and I feel so lucky to have her by my side through all the ups and downs. My grandmother is someone whom I love and admire and I will always cherish all the moments spent with her. She is a true blessing and I am so thankful to have her in my life.

I hope the above-provided essay on My Grandmother will be helpful to you in understanding the role and importance of grandmother in our life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My Grandmother

Ans. Grandparents can provide love, stability and guidance, as well as pass down cultural values and traditions to the younger generations. They can also offer valuable life advice and be a source of emotional support.

Ans. Mothers of the dad or moms are called as grandmothers.

Ans. Granny, Grandma, Dadi, Nani, Aaji, etc. are some other names for grandmother.

Ans. It all depends on your grandparents’ interests and abilities. Some activities you could do together include gardening, baking, cooking, reading, going for walks, or watching movies.

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How To Write An Essay On My Grandmother For Classes 1, 2 and 3

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Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Grandmother’

10-sentence essay on ‘my grandmother’, short essay on ‘my grandmother’ for children, long paragraph on ‘my grandmother’ for kids, what your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader will learn from the essay.

There is something strikingly comforting about the word grandmother for all of us; that caring and nurturing woman in our lives because of whom we had a wonderful childhood. Most children have the privilege of knowing their grandparents. While some kids are raised in joint families, some only see them during holidays. But in both cases, they are bound to have a special bond with their grandmothers. Expressing this bond in an essay on ‘My Grandmother’ is thus likely to be an easy and joyous experience for some kids, but some might need guidance. In this article, we will help your child with some helpful ideas and tips to write short and long essays on the topic. Let’s begin with the key points!

Most schools are likely to ask their first, second, and third graders to write an essay on ‘My Grandmother’. Check out these pointers on how to approach the topic:

  • For short, one-line essays on ‘My Grandmother’, write one-line facts about your grandmother, her role in the family, and the bond you share with her.
  • When writing short paragraph essays, talk about why your grandmother is special and all the fun activities you engage with her.
  • For longer essays on your grandmother, you can add more details about her life, such as her past in the family and some of her qualities. Continue with how she is important to your family and end with how she is a role model for everyone.

It is always a fun activity for first and second graders to write about their grandmothers, but writing an essay needs them to organise their thoughts before penning them down. Here are a few ideas to write a short 10-line essay on the topic:

  • My grandmother is the sweetest, most caring person in the world.
  • She has taken care of all of us since we were babies.
  • My grandmother knows all of my favourite food, favourite toys, and TV shows.
  • She is also an amazing cook. She prepares delicious meals every day.
  • Granny is seventy-five years old and has beautiful white hair.
  • My grandmother is the head of our family, and everybody listens to her because she has a lot of wisdom.
  • She loves watching TV and play with me during the evenings. We also go for walks every day in the neighbourhood.
  • Granny is a strong but kindhearted woman who wishes good things for everyone.
  • She takes care of me when I’m unwell, and knows all the right foods to make me feel better and strong.
  • My grandmother is also my best friend. I love her very much.

Kids can never run out of things to say about their grandmother. Here is a short essay to learn how to put your ideas together:

My grandmother is seventy years old. She is a very kind woman who has raised all of us since we were babies. My grandmother is the head of the house, and everybody respects her. She is the first person to wake me up every morning, and every night she tucks me in bed and reads me a bedtime story. In the mornings, she helps me get ready for school by helping me arrange my school bag in order and packing my lunch. She is also the person who helps me study in the evenings before sitting with me to watch cartoons.

My grandmother is a strong and pious woman. She says her beliefs give her strength. After sending me to school, she goes about her day helping my mother in the kitchen and maintaining the house. My grandmother is also an amazing cook. She knows old recipes for food that are delicious. My friends love to eat any dish that’s prepared by my grandmother. Every evening, she helps me change after I return from school. After her tea, we go for a walk in the colony and return home for snacks and homework. It is difficult for all of us to imagine our lives with her. She is the string that holds us together. I love her very much.

Children in class 3 can usually write longer essays by properly expressing themselves in written language. Here’s an example of how you can write an essay on the topic:

My grandmother is the most important person in our family. She is seventy years old and very healthy for her age. She inspires us to live a healthy lifestyle. She goes for a walk in the morning and evening to maintain remain fit. She eats healthy foods and rests when she feels the need. Her philosophy is that health is the greatest wealth. If one has health, everything else is achievable.

My grandmother is the head of our family. She raised my father under tough conditions to become a responsible person who is dependable and admired by all. My grandmother raised me too since I was a baby. She is an educated woman who served the government until she retired at 60 to spend time with us. Although she is strict about things sometimes, she is a kindhearted woman who wishes the best for everyone. My grandmother is a tough woman who is respected in our family and community. My grandfather always says that he is lucky to have her in his life as she is an inspiration for him.

My grandmother is a very calm and composed woman. She has a good judgment about the world. She never loses her temper. She has a very smart way of approaching challenges and often advises everyone in the family during tough times. Although she comes from an older generation, she tries to keep up with everything new. She can operate her smartphone without needing too much help as she is educated and can find her way. Whenever she needs help, she doesn’t mind asking for assistance from other people.

We feel lucky to have our grandmother in the family as she is the pillar of moral support for everyone. She keeps the family together and well in order. I wish to be just like my grandmother and respected in society when I grow up.

By writing an essay on ‘My Grandma’, children will learn the importance of grandparents and their role in their lives. Essay writing helps lay the foundation for expression through writing, and children will learn how to observe, recollect, and articulate their thoughts about their grandmothers. By being prepared for the topic, your child will easily write good essays in tests and exams.

To write a good essay, encourage your child to stick to the facts and elaborate upon how their grandma is important in everyone’s life. While most of the points to write about will come from your child’s own experience and observation, reading these short essays will help them explore more ideas and be prepared for their next essay writing assignment.

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Home Essay Samples Life Influential Person

A Tribute to a Special Person in My Life: My Grandmother

Table of contents, a bond beyond generations, lessons of love and kindness, strength in adversity, a lasting legacy.

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Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

Title: my most memorable birthday celebration, introduction.

My birthday is always special, but one stands out from the rest. My tenth birthday was the most memorable. I had been looking forward to it for months.

The Surprise

My parents had planned a surprise party. They invited all my friends without telling me. When I came home from school, I was shocked to see my house decorated with balloons and streamers.

The party was full of fun. We played games, danced, and enjoyed delicious food. My friends gave me lovely gifts which I still cherish.

That birthday was a day full of joy and surprises. It remains the most memorable birthday I have ever had.

250 Words Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

My most memorable birthday celebration was my tenth birthday. I remember it clearly because it was filled with joy and surprises. This special day is still fresh in my mind and I often look back on it with a smile.

The Day Begins

The day started with my parents waking me up with a birthday song. They gifted me a new bicycle, something I had wanted for a long time. I was over the moon with joy. After breakfast, my friends started to arrive for the party.

The Surprise Party

My parents had planned a surprise party for me. They had decorated the house with balloons and colorful streamers. There was a big cake with my name on it. My friends and I played many games like musical chairs and pass the parcel.

The Special Gift

During the gift-opening time, I received many presents. But, the most special gift was from my grandmother. She gave me a handmade sweater. She had knitted it herself, and it was the warmest and most beautiful sweater I had ever seen.

My tenth birthday was indeed the most memorable one. The joy of receiving my dream bicycle, the surprise party, and the special gift from my grandmother made it unforgettable. This day reminded me of the love and care my family and friends have for me. It was a day filled with laughter, joy, and love, a day I will always cherish.

500 Words Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

Everyone has special days in their life, and birthdays are one of them. My most memorable birthday celebration was my 10th birthday. I remember it clearly because it was filled with joy, laughter, and surprises.

Planning the Celebration

My parents started planning my birthday a month before the day. They wanted it to be a surprise, but I found out because I saw them talking to the party planner. They decided on a superhero theme because I loved superheroes. My excitement was building up each day as I looked forward to the big day.

The Big Day

Finally, the day arrived. I woke up to the smell of my favorite breakfast, pancakes with maple syrup. After breakfast, I was asked to stay in my room until the guests arrived. I could hear the sound of balloons popping and people talking outside my room. I was curious but waited patiently.

When I was finally allowed to leave my room, I was amazed. The whole house was decorated with superhero posters, balloons, and banners. There were also life-sized cutouts of my favorite superheroes. I was dressed as my favorite superhero, Spiderman. My friends were dressed as different superheroes too. Seeing all my friends in superhero costumes was so much fun.

The party started with fun games. We played ‘Pin the Mask on Spiderman’, ‘Superhero Relay Race’, and ‘Find the Superhero’. Everyone enjoyed the games. Then, we had a magic show which was very entertaining. After the magic show, we had a delicious lunch. The menu included pizza, burgers, and ice cream, all my favorites.

The Birthday Cake

The highlight of the day was the birthday cake. It was a superhero-themed cake with all my favorite superheroes on it. When I blew out the candles, everyone clapped and sang the birthday song. It was a magical moment that I will never forget.

Gifts and Goodbyes

After the cake-cutting, it was time to open the gifts. I received many gifts, including superhero action figures, comic books, and video games. I was overjoyed. As the party ended, each of my friends received a goodie bag filled with candies and small toys. The happiness on their faces made my day even more special.

My 10th birthday was the most memorable birthday celebration because it was filled with surprises, fun, and joy. I got to spend the day with my friends, dressed as our favorite superheroes. The games, the magic show, the delicious food, and the gifts made it a day to remember. This birthday celebration will always hold a special place in my heart.

In conclusion, birthdays are special days that bring joy and happiness. They are a celebration of life and growth. My 10th birthday was indeed a memorable celebration, and I will always cherish it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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My Grandmother Essay for Class 3

My grandmother essay for class 3 students.

Here we bring to you “My Grandmother essay in English”. Let’s see how one can write an impressive My Grandmother essay for Class 3. The moment we hear the word “Grandmother”, we might light up. The endless talk we have with her, the stories we love to listen to and the affection that we receive from her is incomparable. We hope the few lines about my grandmother essay will let you and your kids relive the moments of love and joy spent with loving grandmas.

Grandmothers are protective and selflessly sweet. Kids love to be around their grandmothers. Grandmothers mostly are also great cooks, aren’t they? We love the times when we play around our grandmas and get loads of love and care from them. Provided below is an essay on My Grandmother in English for Class 3 kids.

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Essay on My Grandmother for Class 3

  • My grandmother’s name is Janki Chaturvedi.
  • She is around 60 years old and is a very religious lady.
  • She is very punctual and has taught me a lot about being on time for everything.
  • She usually is the first one to wake up in the morning.
  • She regularly does yoga and encourages everyone to do the same for sound health.
  • She makes tasty food. I am fond of the rasmalai and gulab jamun prepared by her.
  • Every night she tells me interesting stories of her childhood and her friends.
  • She cares for everyone in the family. I pray that the universe give her a long healthy life.

Essay writing is known to enhance the overall linguistic understanding of kids. When one writes an essay, one gets better in vocabulary, sentence building, etc. The 10 lines about My Grandmother essay given above is filled with the emotions of love and respect for grandmothers. You might also wish to have a look at other frequently asked essay topics of Class 3 .

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my grandmother birthday essay

70 Touching Birthday Wishes for Your Grandma’s Special Day

Even though oldies aren’t always goldies, you can’t help feeling nostalgic when it comes to people that remind you of your childhood. Grandmothers are almost iconic about their sweetness, and they’re often found to symbolize purity and innocence. In stories and movies, they are the ones that tell us fairy tales, the ones that bake cakes, those who kiss us good night, and -well, it’s probably true- the ones who tend to spoil us, making our parents furious.

When it’s grandma’s birthday, sharing some words of love and gratitude is the nicest thing we can do, whether we are going to be by her side or not. Alternatively, especially if distances are too long to be covered, we can share a digital birthday card with her. Hearing from your grandchildren is arguably one of the warmest things to happen to you when you are a grandparent, so receiving birthday wishes from them is a true blessing.

Table of Contents

Sweet birthday messages for your grandmother, birthday wishes for your grandmother which express gratitude, encouraging birthday wishes for your grandma, funny birthday wishes for your grandma, birthday images for grandma.

  • Happy Birthday to my grandma! You are the sweetest, kindest woman that I know! Enjoy this day, knowing that you are loved by me!
  • Happy Birthday to the best grandma in the world! When I am feeling down, you always know how to lift me up! I hope every experience that you have today makes you happy!
  • Wishing my wonderful grandma, a Happy Birthday! You are the most important member of our family! You are the one that holds us together!
  • Happy Birthday, Grandma! Here is to the woman who brings a smile to my face, even when I don’t think I can be happy, again! Here is to someone with inherent goodness!
  • Grandma, may you have a great birthday! May it measure up to the person who you truly are! May it shine brightly and fill you with everlasting joy!
  • Happy Birthday, Grandma! On this day, I hope that you feel special! I hope that you receive everything that you have always wanted!
  • Wishing my luminous grandma, a Happy Birthday! May your presence continue to light the lives of all who know you!
  • Happy Birthday, to the best grandma that there is! You are magnificent! Enjoy your special day!
  • May your birthday make you rejoice, Grandma! May you feel all of the love that your family and friends have for you!
  • Grandma, you are the rare jewel in our family! There is no one more devoted to providing love, hope, and comfort to all of us! May you receive a multitude of heartfelt wishes on your most, special day!

I love you, Grandma. Happy Birthday!

  • My wish for you on your birthday is that you’ll always be healthy, happy and full of energy. May God never seize pouring His blessings on you, grandma. Happy birthday.
  • Despite the saying that nothing lasts forever, I want to assure you that my love for you is everlasting. I love you, grandma. Have a birthday that is as lovely and as glorious as you are.
  • Grandma, for your special day, I want to tell you how beautiful and inspiring you are to me. I will always love you and be proud of you. Have a blissful birthday.
  • You’re such a sweet and wonderful person, grandma. On your special day, I hope and pray that all your wishes come true. Have a wonderful birthday, grandma.
  • When I look at you, grandma, all I see is a beautiful, loving, caring woman, who has lived her life to the fullest. Have a magical birthday, grandma, knowing that you’re cherished.

If you enjoy this article, check out our collection of  Birthday Messages to Make Someone’s Day Special

Birthday wishes and messages.

  • Wishing a magical birthday to the most fabulous grandma in the universe. You’re simply the best, grandma. Best wishes on your birthday.
  • On this special day, I wish you all the most beautiful things in life. May your birthday be as heavenly and incredible as you are, grandma.
  • Grandma, for your birthday, I would like to ask for God’s amazing blessings in your life. May you always know happiness and peace. Happy birthday, grandma.
  •  You’re more than just a grandma to me. You’re my hero, my friend and my role model. I love you so much I can’t express it in words. Have a glorious birthday, grandma.
  • Wishing the world’s greatest grandmother a super duper happy birthday. We love you so much.
  • Grandma, if I were a songwriter, I’d write a thousand songs for you. If I were a poet, I’d write a thousand poems for you because you mean the world to me. Happy birthday. I love you.
  • Granny, you’re my angel and I love you so much for that. Happy birthday.
  • I am the luckiest person in the world simply because I have such a wonderful granny like you. Happy birthday.
  • I would change a lot of things in my life if I had the power to do so. However, the one thing I wouldn’t change in my life is you, my sweet and loving grandma. Have a beautiful birthday.
  • May every brand new day in your life be filled with joy and happiness. Happy birthday, granny.

An image with birthday blessings for grandma.

  • Wishing my grandma a fantastic birthday! I could not have made it in life without you! You have given the skills to survive and prosper!
  • Happy Birthday, Grandma! Thank you for raising me to be a responsible woman! You have shown me how important it is to consider situations, before taking actions! May you have a blessed day!
  • Best Wishes on your birthday, Grandma! Your humility and giving nature has inspired me to stay true to myself, and to help others!
  • Sending birthday wishes and gratitude to my grandma! You convey the importance of self love and self respect! Because of you, I walk with dignity!
  • My greatest wish for your birthday, Grandma, is that everyone you have shown kindness to, thanks you! You are an amazing woman who has improved numerous lives, including mine!

Happy Birthday, Grandma.

  • Grandma, you have provided valuable lessons to our family! You have taught us how to look out for each other and stay united, no matter what happens in our lives! On your birthday, we all come to you with grateful hearts and express thanks!
  • Happy Birthday, Grandma! Thank you for giving me a stable environment to grow up in! Due to you, I have become a well-adjusted adult! You have shown me what it means to give to another and what love really is!
  • Showing my grandma how thankful I am for her, on her birthday! There is and will never be anyone like you! You live your life the way that you want to! You have made me a braver person!
  • Grandma, I appreciate you! May you have a birthday where you are surrounded by people who do, too! May it be known how significant the date of your birth is!
  • Happy Birthday to my grandma, my greatest example in life! Your display of integrity has been a model for me to follow! Thank you for improving my life!
  • Best wishes to a grandma who does not have to say much, in order to get her point across. Your actions have reminded me of the vitality of the truth, and that it is better to know who you, than to try to be someone that you are not! May your birthday reveal new things to you, that are important in life, at moments that matter the most!
  • I am so lucky to have you as my grandma. Thank you for all the beautiful things you have done in my life. Happy birthday, grandma.

Happy Birthday to you (Bicycle cover) - Birthday card / Greeting card

  •  Because of how loving and caring you are, I wish you the happiest of birthdays, grandma. Thank you for shaping me into the man/woman I have become today.
  • Grandma, words can’t fully express how grateful I am to you for your love and care throughout my life. Happy birthday.
  • Today being your birthday, grandma, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there to support me when I needed someone to lean on. Happy birthday, and may the Lord bless you abundantly.
  • Dear grandma, I wish I could reward you for all the love and kindness you have shown me, but I can’t. Not even all the wealth in this world can pay you back for the sacrifices you’ve made for me. All I can say is thank you. Happy birthday, grandma. You’re truly the most wonderful person I’ve ever known.
  • When times get really tough and everything around me seems to be making no sense, the one person I can always count on is you, grandma. Thank you so much. Happy birthday.
  • Grandma, I don’t think I often express my gratitude to you for all the amazing things you’ve done for me over the years. Today being your special day, I just want to let you know how grateful I am to you for all the good things you have done for me and continue to do. Happy birthday!
  • Thanks, grandma, for giving me sweet childhood memories that I will cherish all my life. Happy birthday.
  • Thank you for being my best friend and for always being my pillar of support. This special bond between us shall never be broken. Happy birthday, nana, and know that I love you tons.

A Year of Happiness (Cupcake) - Cute Birthday card

  • On your birthday, Grandma, remember what you have taught me: That it is vital to go after your dreams! I know there are countries that you would still like to visit. Grandma, you still can go! I’ve learned from you that it is never too late to have new experiences in life!
  • Grandma, your accomplishments have shown me that I can do anything that I set my mind to! As you celebrate your birthday, think about all of the things that you still wish to do, and go do them!
  • Happy Birthday, Grandma! Although I know that it has been a difficult year for you, I also know that you are a survivor! Grandma, you have the inner strength to go on, when many others would not be able to! May you have a birthday that reminds you of your courage, and to always have hope!
  • Grandma, the ability to move forward in life is a blessing! As you celebrate your birthday, acknowledge that you possess that ability! There is something unbreakable within you! Have an extraordinary day!
  • Happy Birthday, Grandma! You push me to be the best! Today, I would like to do the same for you. Whatever you want to do, go and do it! Make it happen! Nothing can stop you!
  • On your birthday, Grandma, I hope that you can see the bright future that you have before you! There is still much to do and see! Dream as big as possible, then make all of your dreams come true!
  • I pray that you always have the strength and courage to light up your beautiful face with a smile regardless of the situation you find yourself in. Have a wonderful birthday, grandma.
  • When the difficulties of life become too much to handle, please always remember that you can cast all your worries on God. He will take away your burdens and renew your strength. Happy birthday, grandma.

An image with a woman opening her arms and receiving birthday blessings in a nature landscape and a religious birthday wish for a blessed birthday.

  • I might not be with you all the time, but know that I think of you always. So whenever you find yourself alone, please never feel lonely because you’re not really alone. You’ll always be on my mind and in my heart. Happy birthday, nana.
  • Grandma, please always remember that age is only a number and that you can still achieve your dreams with faith and courage. Happy birthday.
  • Granny, I take a look at you and I see a beautiful, strong and determined woman who doesn’t give up easily. Never give up in life because your strength and determination inspire me a lot. Happy birthday.
  • Celebrate your special day knowing you’ll never be alone because I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday, my dearest grandma.

I love you, grandma! Happy Birthday!

  • Happy Birthday, Grandma! May your dentures stay in your mouth, when you bite into your birthday cake! May you dance without needing a hip replacement, tomorrow!
  • To the old lady who is my father’s mother, Happy Birthday! May this be the first day that you use a watch, instead of a sundial! May you ride in a car, instead of a horse drawn carriage!
  • Oh, to be old! I’m glad that I don’t have to worry about that for many years! Happy Birthday, Grandma!
  • When I realized that it was your birthday, Grandma, I was shocked! The number of years you have accumulated left me speechless! Happy Birthday, oldie!
  • Happy 100 th Birthday, Grandma! Don’t deny it! I know how old you really are!
  • It’s your birthday, Grandma! Here is to cover up all the wrinkles, and the arms! Please don’t forget to cover up your arms!
  • Grandma, did you know that you are a 16 year old girl who finds herself in the body of an old woman?! Well, now you know, let the party begin. You and I are going to boogey like there’s no tomorrow! Happy birthday.

Let's Celebrate - Birthday card / Greeting card

  • Cheer up, grandma. Old age is something which doesn’t last long. Just kidding! Have a very wonderful birthday.
  • Happy birthday, grandma. May you live to be so old you can’t boast of even a single tooth.
  • Grandma, on your birthday, I wish to express my condolences to you for aging. Happy birthday.
  • Grandma, you know I’ll always be by your side no matter what. Heck I’ll even be right by your side to help you mourn the death of your youth. Happy birthday.
  • Happy birthday to one of the few people in my life whose birthday I don’t need social media to remind me of.
  • Grandma, I hope you see all the beauty around you and smile while you still have teeth. Have a wonderful birthday.
  • At this age, I can say with absolute certainty that you are now officially too old to ever die young. Have a marvelous birthday, grandma!
  • How I wish a genie would magically transform me to your walking stick so that I can walk with you all the time, grandma. Happy birthday.
  • Grandma, in case you forgot, I want to use this message to remind you that it is your birthday today!

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Happy Birthday, grandma!

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Yiannis Kalliantas (He/Him) has worked for more than 15 years in the hotel industry, organizing all kinds of social events like birthday parties and wedding receptions.

He has an MBA in Tourism, and is an avid city photographer. His recent work on street photography in Athens, Greece can be found on his website .


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Birthday Wishes for Grandmother – Happy Birthday Grandma

The relationship between a grandmother and her grandchild is beyond explanation. She is a great source of love, care, fun, and many other special things. Therefore, her birthday should be celebrated in special ways too. So, if you need ideas about how to wish a happy birthday to your grandma or what to write in a birthday card for your grandmother, this article is your complete guide. Sending birthday wishes to grandmother as special words of love is the cutest thing you can do to make her birthday wonderful. Also, you can send her a surprise birthday gift or something she will love to receive from you.

Birthday Wishes for Grandmother

Happy birthday, grandma! Thanks for being in our lives. Your wisdom and care have made our lives beautiful.

Wishing a very happy birthday to my sweet old granny! May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and lots of cake!

Happy birthday, grandma. May your heart be filled with happiness and your life be filled with blessings.


Happy birthday, grandma. Wishing you many more years of happiness and health. May you have a blessed year ahead!

Thank you for always being there for me. Cheers to another year, the world’s best Grandmother.

I pray for your happiness and health on your Birthday. May the Lord strengthen the bond between you and Him. I thank the Lord for your life and all the wonderful things you’ve done for our family.

Happy birthday to the world’s most beautiful old lady. I’ve been in love with you since my childhood, and I will love you till my death.

May God add many more stubborn years to your age. I want to be spoiled a little more by no one but you. Have the happiest birthday ever.

May God keep you happy and healthy and guide you in every step of your life. Happy birthday, granny!

Happy birthday in heaven, grandma. I wish I could tell you how much I love you.

Happy birthday grandma. Wishing you a delighted birthday celebration. Thanks for being my free therapist.

Happy birthday, Grandma. And no, we are not looking at your grey hair. You are stunning anyways.

Do not count the candles on the cake- make a wish and let’s raise our glasses, Grandmom.

Happy birthday to my dearest granny! Thank you for always being there for me and for all the precious memories we’ve shared together.

Happy birthday to my partner in crime and trustworthy secret keeper. You’re the coolest grandma anyone could ask for. May your birthday be glorious.

You’re my heart’s best companion. Thank you for all the cozy hugs and wise advice. Enjoy your special birthday.

Don’t be sad about getting older as we will party harder, no worries. Happy birthday, Grand maa.

Birthday Prayer for Grandmother

May God bless you with health and lots of good years to lead a happy life. Love you, Grandmother.

Dear grandma, I pray for your good health and lifelong happiness on your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday. May God bless you.

Happy birthday, grandma. May God spread His blessings upon you wherever you go.

Happy birthday, grandma. I thank God that I have you in my life. May God bless you with strength, good health, and grace.

Religious Birthday Wishes for Grandmother

Enjoy your day, Grandma. May you get blessed with health, happiness, and a good life.

May God shower His blessings upon you on your birthday and always. You’re God’s greatest gift to our family and me. Wishing you a delighted birthday.

Happy birthday grandmother. Thank you for your unconditional love and guidance. On this day, I pray that God will bless you abundantly for everything you did to make us happy.

May God helps you and bless you throughout your life, dear Grandmother. Thanks for being such an inspiration.

Dear grandmother, I hope God bless you in the upcoming years. You are an absolute favorite.

Happy birthday to my favorite person in the world. Love you so much, Grandma. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

Also Read: Religious Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes from Grandson

Happy birthday to my cute grandma. After mom, you’re the most important woman in my life. If I have to list the reasons, it would have no end.

Best wishes to the greatest grandma from her favorite grandson. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Enjoy your birthday cake.

Happy birthday my old girlfriend. Thank you for being the most wonderful grandmother in the entire universe. Being your grandson is a pride.

Birthday Wishes from Grandson

Have a very wonderful birthday, grandma. May you live to be so old that you can’t remember your grandson’s name. Lol.

No one can ever take your place in my life. Thanks for being my best friend, my homie, dear grandma. Have a blast!

Thanks for always having my back and supporting me even when Mom and dad disagree. Love you, Grandma.

Happiest birthday to the coolest, Grandma. This grandson of yours would do anything to make you smile, know that.

May you live long enough to blow thousands of candles, and we can play all our rowdy games. Love you so much, Grandma.

Read: Birthday Prayers and Blessings

Birthday Wishes from Granddaughter

Wishing my granny a birthday full of surprises. You’re actually sixteen in the body of an older woman. And, despite the age difference, we’re sisters as always.

Happy Birthday to the friendliest grandma in the whole world any granddaughter ever asks for. My life would be so boring without you in it. Thank you for being my source of joy and happiness.

Birthday Wishes from Granddaughter

Wishing my wonderful grandma a Happy Birthday! May you feel all the love that I have deep in my heart for you!

Dear grandmom, thanks for always braiding my hair and telling me stories. Many happy returns of the day.

My prayer to God is to bless you with many birthdays and numerous blessings. Your granddaughter loves you the most.

Thanks for making my world shinier and brighter with your existence. Love you, Grandma.

Happy birthday to my old but cute grandma. Thank you for passing your good looks and beautiful gene to me. I’m glad to be your granddaughter.

Birthday Wishes for Grandma in Heaven

Heaven isn’t so far enough to make me forget your birthday. Happy birthday in heaven, grandma. Missing you on this special day.

Happy heavenly birthday grandma. Enjoy your special day in God’s loving arms. Love from all those you left behind on earth.

On your birthday, I wish you all the best from back here on earth. I hope you’re resting in peace and celebrating your birthday in heaven surrounded by Angels.

Birthday Wishes for Grandma in Heaven

Grandma, I miss you so much and cherish the moments we shared. Sending my love and prayers to you way up there. Have a special birthday in heaven.

Happy heavenly birthday, not only my fav but also one of God’s fav human beings. Love ya, Grand maa. Have a blast up in the heavens.

Heavens seems so far away, or else I would have gone there to give you a surprise. Happy Birthday, Grandmother.

I am so jealous of the angels who get to celebrate your birthday for eternity. Miss you so much.

Read More: Happy Birthday in Heaven

Short Birthday Wishes for Grandmother

Happy birthday, grandma. Wishing you a long life ahead.

Wishing you a happy birthday, granny. May your smile never fades away.

It’s my pleasure to celebrate another birthday of yours. May you have an amazing birthday, grandma!

short birthday wishes for grandmother

You are the best among all the grandparents in the world. Happy birthday, grandma.

Wish you were here, granny, to celebrate your birthday with us! Happy birthday, we miss you.

Happy birthday old lady. Thanks for the bedtime stories that made my childhood so colorful.

Thanks for spreading happiness and love into our family. Wish you a happy birthday, granny.

Birthday wishes for grandmother are an essential thing to do on one’s grandma’s birthday without any doubt. If you wonder what wishes or messages for grandma should be appropriate, this post is all way perfect. But rather than going for some birthday quotes for grandmother, pour your heart out and say how much you adore her existence in your life. Here are some birthday wishes for grandmother if you are struggling with what to write in a birthday card for grandmother. Do not get confused about how to wish a happy birthday to your grandma. Know that she loves you unconditionally no matter what. Wish her conveying all your love and gratefulness. Please go through this fine compilation and share it with your lovely grandma. Think wisely; what else would be the perfect match with these happy birthday wishes and messages for your grandmother.

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A Gift from My Grandmother

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Published: Sep 1, 2020

Words: 1158 | Pages: 3 | 6 min read

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Review: James Seay’s essay collection reflects on mortality, literature and the natural world

May 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

by Bradley Sides /

Photo by Tom Rankin / James Seay

"COME! COME! WHERE? WHERE?" by James Seay (University of North Carolina Press, 184 pages, $23).

James Seay takes readers to Mississippi, Moscow and many places in between in his latest book, a reflective and tender essay collection titled "Come! Come! Where? Where?"

In the opening essays, the author reflects on his own loss and grief. For example, "Down Among the Bones, the Darks, the Sparrows" finds Seay at his son's grave, observing a bee. Seay remarks, "At the moment, a bee is testing a plastic flower at the base of Josh's gravestone, then it moves on to the asters and marigolds, Russian sage and rosemary I have brought to his grave today." We, as readers, see — and feel — the presence of death, but we also, as the essay reveals itself, see life in the memories and objects that exist at the edges.

A similar careful juxtaposition exists within the next essay, "Wheat Field With Crows," which goes back in time and captures "a birthday trip to New York City" with the author and his son. We see the life and joy of the moment, but, with the knowledge of the preceding essay, we also know the pain of how the story will ultimately end.

In "Through the Trees," the author again reflects on mortality, but this time his own. Through "pale blue neon light" from a nearby funeral home, filtered on his childhood bedroom wall through a few trees, the presence of death makes its haunting entrance. It lingers, too, as family sickness becomes a frequent occurrence.

Seay, a Mississippi native who taught for a time at Vanderbilt University, is the author of four books of poetry and directed the creative writing program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1987 to 1997. His poetic sensibilities, which come to life through his command of language, shine when he discusses the convergence of literature and the natural world.

"One Corner of Yoknapatawpha" reflects beautifully on this very relationship, as Seay examines Faulkner's fictional county and his own experience of Faulkner's world: "I was aware too of another phenomenon having to do with literature and place. If I had never read Faulkner and you took me to this bean field and told me all about it and the clubhouse, which resembled the house of a tenant farmer more than a hunting lodge, I would nod and agree, but in truth it would be little more than just another bean field to me. When an author sets a narrative in motion around an actual place that we recognize, however, that place becomes invested with a kind of extra-reality, if the fiction has established a valid claim on our imagination. In addition to its own history, the place takes on that of the fiction as well."

Elsewhere, in "Avian Voices: Trying Not To Kill a Mockingbird," Seay summons Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," as well as David Lynch's film "Blue Velvet," Seamus Heaney's translation of "Beowulf" and Bede's "Ecclesiastical History of the English People." In this standout essay, Seay writes about trying to protect his garden from deer, an aggressively protective mockingbird and the monitored behavior of other types of birds. Readers with a special awareness of the avian world will likely find much kinship with the observations in this particular essay.

"I am not going to kill the mockingbird," Seay writes. "Truth to tell, I have become amused at his antics. Yesterday morning I walked out toward my garden and he took flight from the fence. I have a screenhouse that is elevated on wood pilings, but there is only a three-foot space between its floor beam and the ground. The mockingbird made a straight course for that restricted opening and flew under the screenhouse and out the other side. Showoff. But maybe a hint of détente. He didn't swoop down on me."

One of the most appealing qualities of "Come! Come! Where? Where?" is how richly diverse the contents are. Outside of the essays focused on mortality, grief, literature and the natural world, Seay writes about his grandmother's fried chicken ("Our Hands in the History of It"), life in a single-wide trailer ("The Single-Wide Wars") and how dogs get their perfect and intentional names ("Dogs With Agency").

"Come! Come! Where? Where?" is the kind of book that, by its end, reminds us of our world and our place in it. Even when it focuses on death, it is still buzzing with life.

For more local book coverage, visit , an online publication of Humanities Tennessee.


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