Essay on Science and Technology for Students and Children

500+ words essay on science and technology.

Essay on Science and Technology: Science and technology are important parts of our day to day life. We get up in the morning from the ringing of our alarm clocks and go to bed at night after switching our lights off. All these luxuries that we are able to afford are a resultant of science and technology . Most importantly, how we can do all this in a short time are because of the advancement of science and technology only. It is hard to imagine our life now without science and technology. Indeed our existence itself depends on it now. Every day new technologies are coming up which are making human life easier and more comfortable. Thus, we live in an era of science and technology.

Essentially, Science and Technology have introduced us to the establishment of modern civilization . This development contributes greatly to almost every aspect of our daily life. Hence, people get the chance to enjoy these results, which make our lives more relaxed and pleasurable.

Essay on Science and Technology

Benefits of Science and Technology

If we think about it, there are numerous benefits of science and technology. They range from the little things to the big ones. For instance, the morning paper which we read that delivers us reliable information is a result of scientific progress. In addition, the electrical devices without which life is hard to imagine like a refrigerator, AC, microwave and more are a result of technological advancement.

Furthermore, if we look at the transport scenario, we notice how science and technology play a major role here as well. We can quickly reach the other part of the earth within hours, all thanks to advancing technology.

In addition, science and technology have enabled man to look further than our planet. The discovery of new planets and the establishment of satellites in space is because of the very same science and technology. Similarly, science and technology have also made an impact on the medical and agricultural fields. The various cures being discovered for diseases have saved millions of lives through science. Moreover, technology has enhanced the production of different crops benefitting the farmers largely.

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India and Science and Technology

Ever since British rule, India has been in talks all over the world. After gaining independence, it is science and technology which helped India advance through times. Now, it has become an essential source of creative and foundational scientific developments all over the world. In other words, all the incredible scientific and technological advancements of our country have enhanced the Indian economy.

science and technology advantages and disadvantages essay

Looking at the most recent achievement, India successfully launched Chandrayaan 2. This lunar exploration of India has earned critical acclaim from all over the world. Once again, this achievement was made possible due to science and technology.

In conclusion, we must admit that science and technology have led human civilization to achieve perfection in living. However, we must utilize everything in wise perspectives and to limited extents. Misuse of science and technology can produce harmful consequences. Therefore, we must monitor the use and be wise in our actions.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “List some benefits of science and technology.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Science and Technology helps us to function daily comfortably. It has given us railway systems, TV, refrigerator, internet and more.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name the most recent achievement of India with the help of science and technology.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”India most recently launched Chandrayaan 2 successfully. This lunar exploration helped India make a distinctive place amongst the other developed countries.”} }] }

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10 Primary Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and Technology

science and technology advantages and disadvantages essay

Where would we be without science?

Our decision making, virtues, beliefs, and understanding of the world would all be unrecognisable.

The paradigm shift that got us to this point started a few hundred years ago with the Enlightenment.

People began to question what ‘was’, and looked for evidence to substantiate the status quo.

Immense thinkers began challenging the so-called ‘truth’ and looked to objectivity instead. Before long, belief wasn’t enough.

Things had to be falsifiable; to be tested and proved before they were accepted.

Fast forward a few hundred years and human progress at the hands of science has been astounding. It’s now hard to imagine life without it.

Yet there are undoubted advantages AND disadvantages of science to consider. Yes, life would be very different without it- but those differences wouldn’t all be regrettable.

Are you wondering about the pros and cons of science? Keep reading!

The Advantages of Science and Technology

Let’s start with the advantages of science and technology. Here are 5 primary ways that I believe it makes the world better.

1. Science Leads to Knowledge and Discovery

Science expands our understanding of life.

There’s no way we’d know as much as we do about the world without it. Every single day, there are scientists in every discipline under the sun looking at

It looks at the mysteries of existence and asks ‘why?’, ‘what?’, and ‘how?’ Science looks for insight and objectivity. It takes what we think we know and seeks to prove it.

In essence, science is about getting us closer to truth. The scientific endeavour helps us find answers to the deepest problems, and takes us further down the road to discovery.

2. Science Facilitates Progress and Development

That expansion of knowledge is tantamount to progress.

That, for me, is what science is all about.

Think how far we’ve come as a species. 10,000 years ago we were roaming around as hunter gatherers! Now there’s almost 8 billion of us and we’re flying drones and making driverless vehicles.

The growth of the last century alone is staggering. It’s hard to imagine life without the internet now. But 100 years ago there weren’t even TVs!

And it’s all thanks to science.

It pushes our boundaries, tests our assertions, and leads to new discoveries that revolutionise life itself. We don’t know what the future will hold, but we can be sure that scientific progress will be a driving force behind it.

Another of the advantages of science and technology is its ability to challenge false ideas. Only then can you move forward.

3. Science Defies False Beliefs

Assumptions and stubbornness have wreaked untold devastation on the world.

They’ve caused death, famine, war, and countless atrocities.

For example, up until fairly recently, our entire medical model was built on (false) ideas formed by the Ancient Greeks! Ailments were caused by the balance of 4 elements/humors in our system.

Those ideas persisted for millennia. Who knows how many people perished as a result?

Only with the persistence, brilliance, and scientific approaches of a few incredible minds did we move into modern medical practices that save countless lives each year.

Science is about falsification. It looks at ideas and says “prove it”! If you can’t, then we won’t believe you. In this way, science channels us out of ignorance and down a path of realisation.

4. Science Solves Problems

The world is full of problems.

And science takes a proactive approach to solving them.

Once again, look at the progress we’ve made as a civilisation. Almost every development, small or monumental, that we’ve made is the result of scientific problem-solving.

Think about the life-changing inventions of the world- vaccinations, smartphones , the light bulb, aeroplanes…

None of them would have been possible without testing, experimentation, curiosity, and challenging assumptions. Science is a champion of progress. And you don’t see progress without problem-solving.

5. Science Informs Decision Making

If you’re lucky, you live in a society where major decision making is based on solid scientific evidence.

You identify a problem. You develop a theory. You cultivate a hypothesis. You put together a structured set of tests to see if that hypothesis is right or wrong. You develop falsifiable results that can be challenged by others.

In the process, you walk away with answers and direction. You now know if your ideas could work or not. Science removes the guesswork and restores order. Without it, we’d be shooting from the hip and in the dark in the pursuit of accurate decision-making.

There are many disadvantages of science as well. Here are 5 of the ones that occur to me…

The Disadvantages of Science and Technology

And onto the bad! Here are 5 disadvantages of science as I see it.

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1. Science Butts Heads with Spirituality

Matters of faith naturally come into conflict with scientific endeavour.

They exist in different worlds. Science is a world of objectivity; spirituality, one of subjectivity.

Let’s say I believe in a particular God. That belief brings me hope, contentment, and meaning. I’m a better person for that faith in the God in question.

A person of science comes along and says: ‘you know that God of yours- prove they exist’. And I say in return: ‘I can’t- I just believe’.

The person of science tells me I’m deceiving myself, that I’m deluded and foolish. My God does not exist without proof.

That’s difficult to hear. It’s demeaning, patronizing, insulting, and unfair.

Just as importantly, though, it stops that person of science from attaining the immense positivity that faith and religion can provide.

2. Science is Cold, Rational and Subversive

There’s something cold and clinical about science.

It’s the whitewashed, sterile environment of a laboratory versus the transcendent, warm, multi-coloured vibrancy of the Sistene Chapel.

It’s the refusal to accept that life might have more to it that what meets the eye.

As much as science has catapulted human progress, it can stymie your personal experience of the world. Everything needs to be proven to be believed; it removes mystery from the world, which can be a vital source of hope.

Another disadvantage of science is that it’s cold, clinical, and matter of fact. It makes it harder to see the mystery in life.

3. Science Poses Huge Moral Dilemmas

Scientific progress is mind-blowing.

We’re reaching levels of technological development, for instance, that create serious moral dilemmas. Think about manipulating DNA, changing physical features of unborn children, or creating robots /computers that might, one day, think for themselves.

Something about it feels out of control.

It’s as if we’re on the cusp of something; like a Pandora’s Box of bad news. It’s worrying to think that we might go too far and walk down a road to our own demise.

Anything in excess is bad for us. Maybe science is the same.

4. Science Threatens Our Wellbeing and the Natural World

Science seems to put discovery above all else.

That’s the dark side of the discipline. It seems like it’s a matter of ‘progress and discovery at all costs’, no matter the consequences.

We do inhuman and unspeakable things in the name of science, like experimenting on animals, destroying the natural world , and creating nuclear weapons.

Think about the psychology studies of the Mid-20th Century. By today’s standards they were unethical at best and heinous human rights violations at worst.

And yet we justify and explain such things away as necessary for scientific progress.

5. Science Makes the Future Feel Uncertain

There’s something about science that makes the future seem uncertain too.

I think it’s to do with the scale and speed of change. It feels hard to keep up with sometimes, right? It’s as if the snowballs gathering speed and steadily getting bigger. Sooner or later we’re going to be swept along in the avalanche of technological development.

Part of me wants to step back and hit pause. Do we really know what we’re getting ourselves into?!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Science

There you have it: the advantages and disadvantages of science as I see them!

This is by no means an exhaustive list. However, I hope it shed some light on the good and the bad sides of science. Science has had, and continues to have, a profound positive impact on life. However, it doesn’t come without its share of issues.

Only time will tell what the future holds and where scientific discovery will take us next (and at what cost).

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7 thoughts on “10 Primary Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and Technology”

"There you have it: the advantages and disadvantages of science as I see them!" hmm now thats not very scientific.

I know who you are

@URMOM agreed

I- what is this, the disadvantage of Science half of the disadvantages is just how you feel. so your telling me that someone said that you can’t prove god is real so you wrote this… also everyone commenting is probably your account.



I love this, now I can know the merit and demerits of it, thanks.

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Essay on Science and Technology for Students in 1300 Words

February 18, 2020 by ReadingJunction Leave a Comment

In this article, we have published an essay on science and technology for students in 1300 words.

Science and technology have an essential role in contemporary life, and they have affected human civilization by reaching deeper into it. Scientific progress in modern life has given us a great deal of insight into the mind.

Scientific advances picked up their full tilt in the 20th generation and became more rapid in the 21st generation. We are now entering a new century with structures for the benefit of new ways or men.

Modern society and civilization are becoming dependent on scientific and technological because they’ve become an essential part of everyday life following people’s needs and needs.

Table of Contents

Throughout the world’s history, science may have come a long way. Some of the elements we know about are the discovery of a person’s evolution. Science was instrumental in providing people with answers in common questions as well as providing solutions to many of the issues we face each day.

For instance, there are various vaccines, potions, medicines that scientific knowledge has aided to discover around the world.

Previously, there have been several illnesses and diseases that have taken a lot of people’s lives. It is not just the lives of the people; instead also the lives of specific animals. Nowadays, technology is still active in our daily lives, and it’s still being used to fight a lot of pathogens and pathogens out there. Technology is also a key factor throughout the advancement of technology.

Also, we should take into account that research, technology or developments are relative to one another. The development of technology coincides with breakthroughs throughout the scientific world. Several events have been made to relieve the workload which burdens guy. Machinery is a prominent example as it helps to make a lot of work or tasks simpler.

It also helps its employer to limit the number of losses caused by paying more money for manual labor, and that this helps since machines will also be extremely efficient and price-effective.

Advances in science have brought us to the foundation of modern cultures. This growth contributes significantly to almost every part of our daily lives. Citizens are, therefore given a chance to appreciate these outcomes, which makes our society more comfortable and enjoyable.

Aspects of Science & Technology

When we talk about everything, there are still many advantages to scientific and technological. We vary from small things to bigger ones. For example, the morning newspaper that we read provides us with accurate information is the result of scientific advancement. Electrical equipment and without it, life becomes difficult to imagine, such as a fridge, AC, microwave and much more, were the product of technological innovation.

Also, if they look at the transport situation, we see how advances in science also play a crucial role here too. We really can quickly attain another part of the planet in a matter of hours, all cheers to the advancement of technology.

Likewise, science and technology also influenced the scientific and agriculture sectors. The numerous treatments that are found for illnesses have saved millions of lives by research. The development has improved the output of different crops to the advantage of farmers in large part.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Science and Technology

Through understanding technology, physicists dare able to develop something that can immensely boost the future of our planet; for starters, machines, telephones, TVs, planes, as well as the list goes on. The creation of these technologies makes it much easier for citizens to achieve their ambitions. Science has become a huge help to our nation, as we understand.

It can turn a right, small country into a prosperous one. Science is a person’s only hope against disease. Without the inventions in science and constant attempts of scientists; several diseases and illnesses such as malaria, heart disease, and so forth have spread throughout.

Throughout the past, disease or illness was regarded as incurable and will be conquered. Technology has become so popular or economically financially viable that its advantages were regularly published, which include the potential to improve knowledge and connectivity. Engineering is the study of education.

Use apps, you can find your daily work simpler. You need to learn about every division of existence, such as industry, schooling, safety, and connectivity, etc. and figure out how to use and utilize technology.

Other benefits include:

  • Life is made simple and convenient using science and technology.
  • In mins, travel is becoming easy and quick.
  • Interaction is becoming more accessible, faster and cheaper.
  • The quality of life has increased with either the increase in innovation.
  • Man has become sophisticated by using a variety of new technologies.


With the progress of science or technology, several semi-automatic rifles have been created, and recent wars between nations became more damaging and damaging. Nuclear power is becoming a significant threat to the world of modern times. Keeping that in mind, brilliant scientist Einstein noted that perhaps the fourth world war would be waged with stones or displaced plants.

He was afraid that the inventions in deadly military weapons could end human civilization someday. If we use technology and science to the well-being of human beings, it will create us as quickly as possible.

  • Man has misused the tech and using it for destructive purposes.
  • Man uses it to do illegal stuff.
  • Technology such as a smartphone, etc. hurts children.
  • Terrorists use modern technology for damaging work.
  • Due to the introduction of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb, many dangerous diseases such as skin conditions are developed.

Science & Technology in India

India is in negotiations all over the planet since before the British rule. Since freedom, it is the modern technology that enabled India to progress over time. It has become a vital hub of innovative and ground-breaking scientific advances around the globe. In other terms, the Indian economy has been boosted by all the tremendous scientific and technological achievements of our world.

Subsequently, advances in science also led to the development of various fields, like astronomy, astrophysics, space exploration, nuclear power and more. Several beautiful examples of such events were the railway system, smartphones, the metro system, among many others.

India is becoming an essential resource of innovative and fundamental scientific progress in all parts of the globe. All of the significant scientific advances and technical accomplishments have changed the Indian economic condition in our nation. They have provided many new approaches for the future generation to build a technologically sophisticated climate.

Many new technological product developments throughout the areas of mathematics, design, chemistry, science, pharmacy, metalworking, dogmatic theology, physics, farming, medical care, pharmaceutical products, astrophysics, nuclear energy, space exploration, computer, and defence, have been developed.

The implementation of academic research, innovations, and methods in the education field also brought a massive shift in the future generation but has provided several new and creative opportunities in their very own interest.

Medical science in India also made scientists conscious of their relentless and hard work. The Indian scientist was great, who has made scientific advances of the highest premier league quality.

Professional development in either region would improve the event of any nation. To enhance the power of technology or technology to India, its Government of India created the Science and Industry Research Commission in 1942 as well as the Science and Industry Development Council of 1940.

To order to highlight the advancement of science and technology throughout the region, the Government in India has established several research colleges in national labs and different fields.

Looking at the most recent accomplishment, India has launched Chandrayaan 2. The lunar discovery of India also received critical acclaim from around the globe. Once again, success has been made possible by scientific and technological.

The Bottom Line

Science and technology simply also describe the state of the nation in aspects of progress. Some countries were considered backward when they do not have its required as well as up-to-date implies of scientific and technological and use archaic implies.

Nowadays, the lot, though not all, of individuals, rely on evidence or technology every day. It varies from interaction, transport, different forms of recreation and health care. All the changes we undergo are highly dependent upon science and technology.

Besides, we must accept that advances in science have driven human civilization to success in history. Nevertheless, we must use all that is a wise and restricted way. Misuse in scientific and technological can have negative consequences. We, therefore, need to control the use and be careful with our behavior.

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science and technology advantages and disadvantages essay

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science and technology advantages and disadvantages essay

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Benefits of science

The process of science is a way of building knowledge about the universe — constructing new ideas that illuminate the world around us. Those ideas are inherently tentative, but as they cycle through the process of science again and again and are tested and retested in different ways, we become increasingly confident in them. Furthermore, through this same iterative process, ideas are modified, expanded, and combined into more powerful explanations. For example, a few observations about inheritance patterns in garden peas can — over many years and through the work of many different scientists — be built into the broad understanding of genetics offered by science today. So although the process of science is iterative, ideas do not churn through it repetitively. Instead, the cycle actively serves to construct and integrate scientific knowledge.

And that knowledge is useful for all sorts of things: designing bridges, slowing climate change, and prompting frequent hand washing during flu season. Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies , solve practical problems, and make informed decisions — both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications:

  • New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications. For example, the discovery of the structure of DNA was a fundamental breakthrough in biology. It formed the underpinnings of research that would ultimately lead to a wide variety of practical applications, including DNA fingerprinting, genetically engineered crops, and tests for genetic diseases.
  • New technological advances may lead to new scientific discoveries. For example, developing DNA copying and sequencing technologies has led to important breakthroughs in many areas of biology, especially in the reconstruction of the evolutionary relationships among organisms.
  • Potential applications may motivate scientific investigations. For example, the possibility of engineering microorganisms to cheaply produce drugs for diseases like malaria motivates many researchers in the field to continue their studies of microbe genetics.

The process of science and you

This flowchart represents the process of formal science, but in fact, many aspects of this process are relevant to everyone and can be used in your everyday life. Sure, some elements of the process really only apply to formal science (e.g., publication, feedback from the scientific community), but others are widely applicable to everyday situations (e.g., asking questions, gathering evidence, solving practical problems). Understanding the process of science can help anyone develop a scientific outlook on life.

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Essay about technology advantages and disadvantages – Analytical Essay


Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advancing at a rate that has helped stave off stagnation. Here I analyze the advantages and disadvantages of technology

Thesis statement

I believe that for every advantage that technology brings us, it also brings us a disadvantage at the same time.

Analysis of cars on our roads

Cars and other vehicles are now readily available and are technologically advanced enough to be safe for use every day and to work as a reliable tool for getting people and goods from one place to another in a relatively short space of time.

The advantages of cars are that they are safe and that people can get to very specific places as per their own timeline. People do not have to rely on trains or planes in order to get to where they want to go, and they can set off at their own time and arrive when they wish without having to work around a train or plane schedule.

The disadvantage is that all forms of vehicle on our roads are polluting the atmosphere and are slowly killing the earth by adding to greenhouse gasses that do not allow the sun’s heat to escape. Even electric cars are powered by electricity generated by fossil fuels. Car accidents are also a very big killer worldwide and many lives have been lost because of car accidents/incidents.

Analysis of Smartphones

They allow people to stay in touch, even over long distances, and they are relatively safe and reliable to use. There are devices that can communicate with plus at the other end of the planet and getting and keeping in touch with other people is very easy.

The disadvantages to this is that it means people no longer need to meet in person as much, and interpersonal relationships are suffering worldwide because people are communicating through a small handheld device. Lots of people have Smartphones and they use them almost semi-continuously, including in public settings when they could be making new friends, finding new lovers, and talking/interacting with their current friends. Analysis – Fast and efficient Internet access

The advantages are that people can communicate over vast distances and can gain access to information and answers to their questions very quickly. The disadvantage is that the Internet isn’t moderated in the way that people think and a lot of it is filled with misinformation and outright lies.

Even brand-named websites that have a lot of trust are not accountable for what appears on their own websites. Even respected and branded news sites have stories that have passed through many people’s hands and originally started as lies with zero accountability throughout the dissemination process. For example, that is why so many celebrities have been reported as dead on news sites when they were actually alive. Conclusion

My analysis proves that technology is a good thing, and that is has its advantages, but that with each technological element we gain disadvantages as well as advantages, and many times those disadvantages are overlooked by technology users.

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Essay on Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology

In the rapidly evolving digital age, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From improving communications and convenience to transforming industries, the benefits are undeniable. Here you can explore an essay on advantage and disadvantage of technology.

The unstoppable progress of technology also comes with many challenges and drawbacks that require attention. This essay delves into the complex landscape of technology, analyzes its strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately sheds light on the complex relationship we share with the digital world. 

Technology is a double-edged sword and has profoundly changed the way we live, work, and interact with the world.

On the one hand, the benefits are huge. This has enabled unprecedented efficiency, connecting people and ideas over long distances in seconds.

Essay on Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology

Access to a wealth of information has empowered individuals and fostered innovation in nearly every field. Medical miracles have lengthened our lives, improved our quality of life, and made convenience a hallmark of our daily lives.

However, the rapid advancement of technology is not without its drawbacks. Concerns about privacy, dependencies, and health issues play a big role.

The environmental impact of production and disposal strains the planet and social isolation exacerbated by shielding poses challenges to the structure of human relationships.

What is advantage and disadvantage of technology?

Finding the balance between exploiting the advantages of technology and mitigating its disadvantages remains a key challenge in our increasingly digital world. Here are some of the basic advantages and disadvantages of technology mentioned below as…

Advantages of Technology

1. Efficiency: Technology automates tasks, increases productivity, and reduces errors.

2. Connectivity: Enable instant global communication and collaboration.

3. Access to Information: Provides access to a wide range of knowledge and information resources.

4. Medical advances: leading to better health care, improved treatments, and longer lives.

5. Convenience: Simplify your daily life with time-saving devices and services.

6. Innovation: Driving progress and creating new products, services, and industries.

7. Accessibility: Helping people with disabilities live more independently.

Disadvantage of Technology

1. Privacy Concerns: Raise privacy, surveillance, and hacking issues.

2. Addiction: Excessive reliance on technology can lead to loss of necessary skills and addiction.

3. Health Issues: Promotes sedentary lifestyles, screen-related health issues, and digital eye strain.

4. Environmental Impact: This leads to electronic waste , energy consumption, and wasted resources.

5. Social isolation: Decreased face-to-face interactions can damage relationships.

6. Job Disruption: Automation may result in job transfers in some industries.

7. Security Threats: Increased risk of cyberattacks and cybercrime.

In the modern world, technology offers undeniable benefits, increasing efficiency, connectivity, and access to information. However, it also comes with downsides such as privacy concerns, addiction, and environmental impact.

Navigating the Digital Era: An Essay on the Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology

Technology is an integral part of our lives, shaping the way we work, communicate, and move around the world. It’s a tool that empowers us in amazing ways, but it also has some drawbacks.

This essay examines the strengths and weaknesses of this technology and sheds light on its complex and evolving role in our society.

Efficiency and Productivity: One of the most obvious benefits of this technology is that it greatly increases efficiency. Tasks that previously took hours or even days to complete can now be completed in a fraction of the time. Technology-driven automation has streamlined industries from manufacturing to agriculture.

Global Connectivity: Technology transcends geographic boundaries, enabling instant communication and collaboration around the world. Whether you’re chatting with a friend halfway around the world or doing business with a partner abroad, technology has made it possible.

Access to information: The Internet, also known as the information superhighway, has democratized access to knowledge. A world of information is now accessible at the click of a button, empowering individuals to learn themselves and explore new horizons.

Medical Miracles: Technology is ushering in a new era of medicine with advances in telemedicine, robotic surgery, personalized medicine, and more. These innovations have improved patient outcomes and increased human lifespan.

Convenience and comfort: From smart homes that adapt to our preferences to wearable devices that monitor our health, technology has made our lives more convenient and comfortable. It simplifies your daily tasks and saves you time and effort.

Disadvantages of Technology

Privacy Issues: The digital age has raised serious concerns about privacy. Our personal information is often collected without consent, leading to alarming breaches and potential misuse.

Addiction and Addiction: The prevalence of technology, especially smartphones and social media, is facilitating addictions that can approach addiction. The temptation of constant notifications and endless scrolling can have a negative impact on our health.

Health Risks: Prolonged screen viewing combined with a sedentary lifestyle leads to a variety of health problems such as obesity, sleep disturbance, and digital eye strain. Additionally, the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt your circadian rhythm.

Environmental Impact: The manufacture and disposal of electronic equipment causes significant environmental damage. E-waste containing hazardous substances poses a major ecological threat.

Social Impact: Paradoxically, the technologies that connect us digitally can cause social isolation in the physical world. Face-to-face interactions are declining, and the ability to form meaningful relationships can be compromised.

In summary, technology is a double-edged sword, its benefits are undeniable, revolutionizing our world and making life more comfortable. Still, its downsides, from privacy concerns to health concerns, cannot be ignored.

The challenge in the digital age is finding the balance between enjoying the benefits of technology and mitigating its drawbacks. Moving forward requires careful thought and responsible stewardship to ensure that technology continues to be a positive force in our lives.

10 Disadvantage of Technology

Here are 10 detailed disadvantages of technology, such as…

1. Privacy Concerns

Technology ushered in an era of continuous monitoring and data collection. Personal information is often stored and shared without our consent, leading to data breaches and identity theft.

2. Dependence and Addiction

Over-reliance on technology, especially smartphones and the internet, can lead to addiction. This addiction can affect productivity, mental health, and relationships.

3. Health Issues

Excessive screen time and sedentary behavior are associated with a variety of health problems, including obesity, sleep disorders, and digital eye strain. Blue light emitted from screens can also interfere with sleep patterns.

4. Environmental Impact

The manufacture and disposal of electronic equipment lead to environmental pollution. E-waste containing hazardous materials poses a major challenge to disposal and is harmful to the environment.

5. Social Isolation

Technology enables digital connectivity but reduces face-to-face interactions, which can lead to loneliness and a lack of interpersonal skills.

6. Job Displacement

Automation and artificial intelligence are replacing certain jobs, especially those with repetitive tasks. This can lead to unemployment and workers will have to acquire new skills.

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7. Security Threats

As technology advances, so do cyber threats. Hackers and cybercriminals can compromise personal and financial information, disrupt critical infrastructure, and cause significant economic and social damage.

8. Digital Divide

Technology has the potential to improve access to education and information, but digital divides exist where some people lack access to the tools and internet connectivity they need, exacerbating existing inequalities.

9. Loss of Critical Skills

Using calculators and spell checkers can lead to a decline in basic math and language skills. Additionally, GPS systems can affect your ability to navigate without digital support.

10. Ethical Dilemmas

Technological advances are raising complex ethical questions, such as the use of AI in decision-making, genetic engineering, and autonomous weapons. These dilemmas require careful scrutiny and regulation.

It is important to note that while this technology presents these drawbacks, it also offers many advantages. Weighing the pros and cons of technology is critical to continuing to integrate technology into our lives.

After completing the essay on advantage and disadvantage of technology , one thing becomes clear: technology will live on and continue to deeply shape our lives. The way forward is to realize your potential while recognizing the pitfalls.

By promoting responsible and ethical use of technology , we can ensure that the benefits of the digital age far outweigh its drawbacks. In doing so, we will ensure a future where technology truly serves as a tool for progress, innovation, and the betterment of mankind.

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Modern Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages Report

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Disadvantages and Potential Solutions

Due to the development of modern technology, humanity is presented with new inventions capable of facilitating everyday life almost every year. Nowadays, people have a variety of technological solutions to use. Sophisticated gadgets, new opportunities for instant communication, and other things are meant to improve people’s experiences with daily tasks. Despite the benefits of new technology, it can affect people by causing cognitive problems or issues related to inappropriate content, and such concerns require common users’ active participation to be reduced.

The use of modern technology is increasing rapidly, and it can have both positive and negative consequences. According to Farmer and Lafond (2016), even though technological progress is “a driver of economic growth,” this process should be highly predictable and historically trackable to avoid economic collapses and other issues (p. 647). It means that sometimes, rapid technological growth and digitalization can present a problem since the rates of technological advancement can be incompatible with social conditions. First of all, modern technology can become dangerous when it is overused, or the resources needed for its implementation are more significant than its actual benefits. Apart from that, there are numerous concerns related to modern technology’s supposed impact on people’s health.

The Role of Technology

People use modern technology daily, but its effects and the perceived benefits may vary depending on its type. For instance, numerous food production technologies have been improved recently. All individuals who do not produce alimentary products on their own present a party that receives benefits in this regard. The same is true when it comes to new technology in construction, healthcare, and many other fields of activity. The field typically associated with the most obvious growth of impact on people’s daily lives is information and communications technology. According to Given et al. (2016), in 2010, more than 90% of teenagers from the United States had an opportunity to access the Internet. The increasing access to technologies for data sharing and communication impacts millions of people, encouraging them to become faster at data searching, which is particularly important for educational purposes. Therefore, in general, modern technology heavily impacts people’s lives, removing the necessity of tiring housework activities and facilitating communication.

The advantages of technological growth are numerous, and they strictly relate to specific fields. For example, in ITC, technological advancement leads to faster exchange of information, which has positive implications to awareness of disastrous events, people’s overall area of thought, and access to new knowledge. To some extent, new opportunities in ITC are capable of reducing finance-based barriers to information. As for other advantages, some examples of new technology can be life-saving (Farmer & Lafond; 2016; Hamet, & Tremblay, 2017). For instance, the emergence of new medical robots helps to eliminate mistakes related to the human factor and monitor “the guided delivery of drugs to target organs, tissues, and tumors” (Hamet, & Tremblay, 2017, p. S39). As is clear from this example, further technological advancement can potentially increase the quality of medical care by reducing the rates of complications. In general, new technology is advantageous since it facilitates education and can help to eliminate medical mistakes.

The disadvantages of modern technology involve numerous risks related to people’s cognitive intelligence and children’s healthy development. Nowadays, even pre-school children have access to gadgets and some online sources, which helps them to learn “by modeling the adult world” (Given et al., 2016, p. 350). This “world” may involve different types of content, and the age-appropriateness of children’s online activities presents a significant issue to discuss. Samaha and Hawi (2017) report that “American youth intense exposure to new media systems… negatively affects their sexuality” (p. 352). This fact adds to the problem of technology use related to exposure to unwanted materials. According to Moledina and Khoja (2018), “overindulgence on the internet and internet-enabled devices causes cognitive impairment such as reduced attention and decreased memory span” (p. 12). Nowadays, many children possess technology literacy, but as research indicates, memory issues at an early age are a reverse of the coin. Both disadvantages discussed in the section are related to problems widely discussed today, and the ability to address them is crucial.

The problem related to the exposure to age-inappropriate materials with the help of new technology can be solved due to the concerted efforts of parents and software developers. Apart from using applications helping to filter content, parents can reduce unwanted influences on their children by introducing specific rules at home (Samaha & Hawi, 2017). Among other things, time limits related to media use can make children more disciplined. The next issue, the threat of cognitive impairment, should be solved with the help of focused education and again, parental control. For instance, Moledina and Khoja (2018) recommend the so-called digital diet and increased social activity to both adults and children. These measures are supposed to help a person strike the right balance between online and real-life activities, thus helping to prevent addiction to technology.

Finally, although the growth of research and new technology has several advantages related to people’s quality of life and the amount of time needed to perform certain operations, its negative effects deserve close attention and specific solutions. Technology overuse and the availability of age-inappropriate content are among the most obvious negative effects of technological advancement. To solve such problems, people should become more conscious concerning modern technology and closely monitor their children’s use of it.

Farmer, J. D., & Lafond, F. (2016). How predictable is technological progress? Research Policy , 45 (3), 647-665.

Given, L. M., Winkler, D. C., Willson, R., Davidson, C., Danby, S., & Thorpe, K. (2016). Watching young children “play” with information technology: Everyday life information seeking in the home. Library & Information Science Research , 38 (4), 344-352.

Hamet, P., & Tremblay, J. (2017). Artificial intelligence in medicine. Metabolism , 69 , S36-S40.

Moledina, S., & Khoja, A. (2018). Letter to the editor: Digital dementia – is smart technology making us dumb? The Ochsner Journal , 18 (1), 12.

Samaha, M., & Hawi, N. S. (2017). Associations between screen media parenting practices and children’s screen time in Lebanon. Telematics and Informatics , 34 (1), 351-358.

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IvyPanda. (2021, July 9). Modern Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages.

"Modern Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages." IvyPanda , 9 July 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Modern Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages'. 9 July.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Modern Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages." July 9, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Modern Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages." July 9, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Modern Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages." July 9, 2021.

  • Differences
  • Pros & Cons

Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and Technology

  • August 7, 2019

In this very article, we will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology. As we know we are in the era of tech and this keeps changing every day. Making the sense that science and technology have changed our lives very much. So let’s know the merits and demerits of science and technology.

Science is a systematized body of knowledge based on facts & human experiences. Technology is a broad term that refers both to artifacts created by humans, such as machines, and the methods used to create those artifacts. Science may drive technological development, by generating demand for new instruments to address a scientific question, or by illustrating technical possibilities previously unconsidered.

In turn, technology may drive scientific investigation, by creating demand for technological improvements that can only be produced through research, and by raising questions about the underlying principles that a new technology relies on. By discovering Science, scientists are able to create something which can improve the quality of our lives immeasurably. Man has progressed through science and technology. Science has brought about several outstanding advantages to mankind. 

Advantages of Science and Technology

  • The vast improvements made in the field of medicine have served to lengthen our life expectancy and to reduce the rate of infant mortality. 
  • The discovery of mechanization, better seeds, and better techniques of irrigation and pest control, has worked to increase productivity levels on farms. 
  • In transportation, railway, modern ocean liner, jet plane, and motor vehicle have made our lives more comfortable and provided great possibilities for modern commercial development and industrialization. 
  • The invention of the computer has assisted the process of calculation in laboratories 
  • Technology has made communication much simpler in recent times. 
  • Science has brought about groundbreaking solutions to numerous deadly diseases. 
  • Man is able to explore the space extensively because of the wide-scale development in technology. 
  • Our life has become healthier and longer. 
  • Modern hygiene, sanitation, medicine and surgery are conquering more and more physical and mental ills day by day. We now know and experience the joys of good health and longevity. 

Disadvantages of Science and Technology

  • Machines have led to unemployment. 
  • They have polluted water and atmosphere. They have caused noise pollution. 
  • Factories have led to slums where human beings live in squalor. 
  • Our moral and spiritual progress has failed to keep pace with our scientific progress. 
  • We have allowed science to master us instead of using it as our servant. 
  • Machines make us mechanical, deaden our sensibilities, stifle our creative talents, force mechanical regularity, uniformity and boredom upon us, increase our wants and desires, and tend to make us selfish, greedy and cruel. 
  • Geographical distance has, no doubt, vanished, but the gulf between the minds and hearts of man has widened. 
  • Machines have given man leisure, but man misuses it to get cheap and vulgar entertainment which destroys his physical and mental health.
  • Again, science has put in our hand’s such fiendish weapons as a nuclear bomb, the guided missile and means of chemical and biological warfare. 

Wrapping It Up

Today, technology is very important because it is used for almost everything, and like everything, technology has advantages and disadvantages. We are in danger of destroying ourselves with these monstrous means which, ironically, are our own creations. Rightly used science can bring heaven on earth. Wrongly used, it can turn this earth into hell by destroying civilization 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and Technology

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Students are often asked to write an essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology


Modern technology is a crucial part of our lives. It has its advantages and disadvantages which we will explore.

Firstly, technology makes our life easier. For example, we can communicate with others instantly. Secondly, it provides endless entertainment options. Lastly, it’s a great tool for education.


However, there are downsides. Over-reliance on technology can lead to less physical activity. Additionally, it can cause social isolation. Lastly, it can be a distraction from studies.

In conclusion, while technology has its benefits, it’s important to use it wisely to avoid its pitfalls.

250 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Modern technology, an integral part of our daily lives, has transformed the world into a global village. While it offers numerous benefits, it also presents several disadvantages.

Advantages of Modern Technology

Modern technology enhances efficiency and productivity. Tools like computers, software, and artificial intelligence can automate repetitive tasks, freeing humans to focus on complex, creative pursuits. Moreover, technology enables instant communication and fosters global connectivity. Platforms such as social media, email, and video conferencing have bridged geographical distances, fostering a global culture of collaboration and shared knowledge.

Disadvantages of Modern Technology

However, the reliance on technology can lead to issues such as privacy invasion and data theft. With the increasing amount of personal information shared online, individuals become vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Furthermore, the extensive use of technology can lead to physical and mental health problems. The sedentary lifestyle promoted by screen-based activities can contribute to obesity, while constant connectivity can lead to stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, while modern technology has significantly improved our lives, it has also introduced new challenges. It’s crucial to strike a balance, leveraging the benefits of technology while being aware of its potential pitfalls. As we continue to innovate, we must also develop strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of technology.

500 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Modern technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing every aspect from communication to business, from education to healthcare. The advancements in technology have brought numerous benefits, but they also come with their own set of drawbacks. This essay aims to delve into the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.

One of the most significant benefits of modern technology is the enhancement of communication. With the advent of smartphones, social media, and instant messaging apps, people can now connect with each other from any corner of the world in real-time, fostering global collaboration and cultural exchange.

Another advantage is the advancement in healthcare. Modern technology has led to the development of new medical equipment and procedures, allowing healthcare professionals to diagnose diseases earlier, save lives, and improve the quality of patient care.

In the field of education, technology has transformed the learning experience. Online education platforms, digital textbooks, and virtual classrooms have made learning more accessible, personalized, and flexible.

Despite its advantages, modern technology also has its downsides. One of the main disadvantages is the issue of privacy and security. With the increasing amount of data being shared online, there is a growing concern about data breaches, identity theft, and cybercrime.

Another disadvantage is the impact on mental health. The overuse of technology can lead to addiction, isolation, and increased levels of anxiety and depression. The constant digital connectivity can also disrupt sleep patterns and lead to physical health issues like obesity and eye strain.

Moreover, the rapid pace of technological change can lead to job displacement. Automation and artificial intelligence threaten to replace human labor in certain sectors, leading to job loss and increased social inequality.

In conclusion, while modern technology offers numerous benefits such as improved communication, advancements in healthcare, and transformation in education, it also poses significant challenges, including privacy and security concerns, mental health issues, and job displacement. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between leveraging the benefits of modern technology and mitigating its potential drawbacks. As we continue to innovate and advance, we must also ensure that we are addressing these challenges and shaping a future where technology serves as a tool for societal improvement rather than a source of disruption.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of The Way Technology Has Changed The World

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Essay on Science- Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Science, as we all know, plays a major role in our day to day life. Because of science, we are having an easy life and we must give the scientists and their discoveries the credit. Science has been playing a big role in the world since many years and the discoveries made by the scientists are remarkable. Science has its own advantages and disadvantages and people should know that. Also, depending too much on technologies and scientific discoveries might not turn out to be fruitful. Science has always been a part of every individual’s life. It plays a major role in all the sectors of the life and therefore it is important to understand the pros and cons of science.

Advantages of Science

Science plays a big role in our life and there are many advantages of it such as-

  • Better transport- with the increase in science and its technology there have been many things that are being manufactured. In earlier days transportation was a problem but today because of various discoveries and improvements in the technologies transportation has become very simple and easy.
  • Better communication- Communication is a major thing and helps in sustaining the human touch. In earlier days people used to communicate through letters or by sending pigeons. But with the improvement in technology and science, the ways of communication has improved and people now can even see each other while talking. It is giving a rise to the virtual world.
  • Increase in productivity- with the improvement in science a lot of machines are being invented which helps in increasing the productivity in the factories and generating higher revenues. It has also made the human work simpler and easier.
  • Improved health- Every day there is a new discovery in the medical sector and the scientists are making new medicines to fight the problems that are being faced by people.
  • Helps in being aware- With the improvement in science, people are getting aware of the surroundings and other things as well.

Disadvantages of science

With many advantages come certain disadvantages. Science has few disadvantages as well.

  • The risk to health- The increase in technology can be a risk to the health and people might fall sick because of the use of chemicals in the industries and other manufacturing companies.
  • Increases the chances of warfare- As the country progresses, the risk of warfare also increases. A lot of developed countries see the developing countries as a threat and the increase in their technologies can also be a risk.
  • Depending only on inventions- People nowadays are depending a lot on the inventions and the technologies, which in return is a problem and therefore there should be a limited usage of technologies.
  • Increases pollution- The use of chemicals and dumping the old gadgets increases the risk of pollution.
  • Increased competition- With the increase in scientific discoveries, there is always an ongoing competition between the people and the country.

Science is a need to humanity but the people should be aware of their advantages and disadvantages. Science also helps in the growth of a human being and of the community in general.

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Santosh Kumar

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Advantages and disadvantages of science

Science- is the system of systematic knowledge based on facts and human experiences.

The science of the Latin word scientia meaning, the ”knowledge"

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The advantages of Science and Technology are:

1. It will make our life easier.

2. It helps us organize our daily activities.

3. This helps our work can be done faster.

4. It helps us to communicate more easily with others.

5. This helps us to better know and understand other cultures and societies.

By discovering science, scientists are able to create something that can immeasurably improve the quality of life; for example, computers, telephones, televisions, planes and the list go on. With the discovery of these inventions, people can achieve their aspirations much more easily. As we know, science has helped our country a lot. It can turn a small, poor country into a progressive country. Science is the only hope of man against diseases. Without the inventions of science and the ceaseless efforts of scientists, many diseases and diseases such as the malaria , the cancer etc. were considered incurable diseases and diseases in the past would be defeated. The technology is so popular and economically profitable that benefits are published regularly. These include his ability to improve education and communication. Technology is the practical science. With the use of technology, you can make your daily work easier. To know the use and technology, you need to read on every department of life like, business, education, health, and communication etc. For example in case of education; know that Teachers use multimedia for teaching instead of chalkboard and graphics, saving time in the classroom. In business, a computer has information about all his clients. Science has brought many unique benefits to humanity. The vast progress made in the field of medicine has made it possible to extend our life expectancy and reduce the infant mortality rate. The discovery of mechanization, better seeds, better irrigation techniques and pest control has helped to increase farm productivity levels. In transportation, railways, modern liners, jets and motor vehicles have made our lives more comfortable and have offered great opportunities for modern commercial development and industrialization. The invention of the computer helped the process of calculation in the laboratories.  

The disadvantages of science and technology are :  

1. it can be easily handled by irresponsible people.  

2. We will be too dependent on that. When technology fails, we are helpless (in one way or another )  

3. Sometimes it affects our health and our lifestyles (we will be complacent and lazy.) Chemicals are dangerous )  

4. It destroys our simple and healthy life (the traditional lifestyle I miss).  

5. Invasion of our private life.

If on the one hand, science and technology have brought us a lot of wonders, on the other hand, there are also disadvantages of science and technology. First, he has increased anxiety in our lives. Second, when technology falls into the wrong hands, it can have a negative impact on society, such as the rising rate of cyber criminality , hacking, theft of personal information and pornography websites. Third, technology has also increased alternatives and opportunities for terrorists. In addition, technology has removed our physical efforts and we are getting more luxurious and comfort living. Economies lagging behind in the integration of new technologies are seen as poor economies and their progress in the world is hampered. Science has been responsible for pollution and given us the nuclear bomb that threatens our very existence. But in this also the fault lies not in science, but rather in the intention of man to abuse the discoveries of science. Science is not intrinsically good or bad. It is a way to acquire knowledge in a systematic way. The disadvantage of new mobile phones is too many can communicate with us all at the same time. He can create scams and spam in many ways. Young people have also been very addicted to gadgets that they can spend too much time with him. A disadvantage of production is the energy it uses. It consumes a lot of energy to run the machines. And so, we need more fuel, and that will leave a lot of waste and pollution to our environment. This is the most destructive price for the technology of our time. We cannot avoid the inconveniences that come with the benefits of technology.


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IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time


Updated On Jan 18, 2024

science and technology advantages and disadvantages essay

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IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time

IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

Achieving proficiency in the Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing module for questions, ‘IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time’ poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.

The IELTS Writing Task 2 is a crucial part of both the General Training and Academic versions of the IELTS exam. It assesses your ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic.

In this task, you will be presented with an Opinion Essay prompt, where you are presented with a statement or opinion, and you are asked to either agree or disagree with it.

To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. offers a comprehensive collection of IELTS writing task 2 practice tests , that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score in the exam.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Structure Breakdown

Band 7 sample answer for ielts writing task 2: new technologies have changed the way children spend their free time.

Currently, it is true that the way children spend their leisure time has been changed by new technology. While this has several benefits, In my opinion, the the drawbacks far outweigh them.

To begin with, computer games tend to be enjoyable for many kids and can potentially enhance their cognitive abilities. Strategic video games, for instance, compel players to hone their problem-solving aptitude and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. As a result, children who regularly play such games are likely to sharpen their logical reasoning and problem-solving prowess. Furthermore, the vast trove of easily accessible information online can benefit young people through early internet exposure. When children are able to surf the web from a young age, they can embark on the learning process sooner and accelerate their knowledge acquisition as they mature.

However, I would argue that the advantages discussed above are outweighed by the disadvantages. One main drawback is that children who enjoy spending time in front of the computer screen are often reluctant to do exercise. Low physical activity levels are likely to result in children becoming overweight, and in turn, they would end up being obese. In addition, some games tempt people to continue playing for hours, which could lead to gaming addiction. In role-playing games, for instance, people might need to stay in front of the computer for several hours in order to progress to higher levels, and therefore children may spend an excessive amount of time on games.

In conclusion, while there are some advantages to children spending time on advanced technologies, it seems to me that the disadvantages are more significant. Technology has been triumphant over sundry verticals nowadays which has modified the leisure time spent by the children around. (285 words)

Band 7 Vocabulary

  • Cognitive :

Meaning : Related to mental processes such as thinking, learning, and remembering.

Example : Engaging in chess or other strategic board games can enhance children’s cognitive development by stimulating critical thinking.

  • Strategic :

Meaning : Involving a plan or strategy to achieve a specific goal.

Example : Playing strategic sports, like chess or soccer, encourages children to think strategically and make quick decisions on the field.

  • Reluctant :

Meaning : Unwilling or hesitant to do something.


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