
Top 150 Project Management Dissertation Topics [Updated]

Project Management Dissertation Topics

Project management is like the conductor of an orchestra, harmonizing various elements to achieve a masterpiece. Dissertation topics in this field are crucial as they delve into the heart of managing projects effectively. Whether you’re a budding project manager or a seasoned professional looking to deepen your understanding, choosing the right project management dissertation topic is paramount. Let’s embark on a journey to explore some intriguing project management dissertation topics that could spark your interest and contribute to this dynamic field.

How To Pick A Dissertation Topic?

Table of Contents

Picking what you’ll study for your big research project (dissertation) is a really important choice. Take your time and think about it carefully. Here are some steps to help you pick the right topic:

  • Reflect on your interests: Consider topics that genuinely interest you and align with your passion and expertise. Your enthusiasm will sustain you through the research process.
  • Review existing literature: Conduct a thorough review of literature in your field to identify gaps, unanswered questions, or emerging trends that could form the basis of your research.
  • Consider practical relevance: Choose a topic that has practical relevance and real-world implications for your field, industry, or community. Aim to address pressing issues or challenges faced by practitioners or organizations.
  • Consult with advisors and peers: Seek feedback from your academic advisors, mentors, or peers to get their perspectives on potential topics. They can give you good advice and assist you in making your ideas better.
  • Narrow down your focus: Once you have a broad topic in mind, narrow it down to a specific research question or area of investigation. Make sure your topic is manageable within the scope of your dissertation and aligns with the available resources and timeline.
  • Evaluate feasibility: Figure out if your topic is doable by checking if you can find enough information, if you have the right tools to study it, if it’s morally okay, and if there are any real-life limits that might get in the way. Ensure that you have access to the necessary resources and support to conduct your research effectively.
  • Stay flexible: Stay ready to change or improve your topic as you learn more during your research and find out new things. Your dissertation topic might change as you go, so it’s important to be open to that and be able to adjust along the way.
  • Consider your long-term goals: Think about how your dissertation topic aligns with your long-term academic or career goals. Choose a topic that will allow you to develop valuable skills, make meaningful contributions to your field, and position yourself for future opportunities.

150 Project Management Dissertation Topics: Category Wise

Traditional vs. agile methodologies.

  • A comparative analysis of traditional waterfall and agile project management methodologies.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of agile methodologies in software development projects.
  • Implementing agile practices in non-IT industries: challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of project management maturity models in transitioning from traditional to agile methodologies.
  • Agile project management in dynamic and uncertain environments: case studies from various industries.
  • Integrating hybrid project management approaches: combining elements of traditional and agile methodologies.
  • Assessing the impact of agile project management on team dynamics and collaboration.
  • Agile project management in large-scale and complex projects: lessons learned and best practices.
  • Overcoming resistance to agile adoption: strategies for organizational change management.
  • The future of project management: trends and innovations in agile methodologies.

Project Management Tools and Software

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of project management software in improving project outcomes.
  • Adoption and implementation of project management tools: a case study approach.
  • Comparing different project management software solutions: features, benefits, and limitations.
  • Customization vs. out-of-the-box implementation: factors influencing the choice of project management software.
  • The impact of cloud-based project management tools on remote team collaboration.
  • Enhancing project management efficiency through the integration of collaboration platforms and project management software.
  • Project management software usability and user experience: implications for adoption and usage.
  • Assessing the security and data privacy risks associated with project management software.
  • Trends in project management software development: artificial intelligence, automation, and predictive analytics.
  • The role of project management software vendors in driving innovation and industry standards.

Project Risk Management

  • Identifying and prioritizing project risks: a systematic approach.
  • Quantitative vs. qualitative risk analysis: comparing methods and outcomes.
  • Risk management strategies for high-risk industries: construction, aerospace, and defense.
  • The role of project risk management in achieving project success: evidence from case studies.
  • Incorporating risk management into project planning and decision-making processes.
  • Stakeholder engagement in project risk management: challenges and best practices.
  • Resilience and adaptability: building a risk-aware project culture.
  • Emerging risks in project management: cybersecurity threats, geopolitical instability, and climate change.
  • Risk management in agile projects: adapting traditional approaches to dynamic environments.
  • The future of project risk management: predictive analytics, big data, and machine learning.

Project Scheduling and Planning

  • Critical path analysis and its applications in project scheduling.
  • Resource leveling techniques for optimizing project schedules and resource allocation.
  • The role of project management offices (PMOs) in project scheduling and planning.
  • Earned value management (EVM) as a performance measurement tool in project scheduling.
  • Lean project management principles: minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency in project schedules.
  • Agile project planning techniques: iterative planning, sprint planning, and release planning.
  • Time management strategies for project managers: prioritization, delegation, and timeboxing.
  • The impact of schedule compression techniques on project duration and cost.
  • Project scheduling under uncertainty: probabilistic scheduling models and Monte Carlo simulation.
  • Real-time scheduling and adaptive planning: harnessing technology for dynamic project environments.

Leadership and Team Management

  • Transformational leadership in project management: inspiring vision and empowering teams.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in project leadership and team performance.
  • Cross-cultural leadership in multinational project teams: challenges and strategies.
  • Building high-performing project teams: recruitment, training, and team development.
  • Distributed leadership in virtual project teams: fostering collaboration and trust.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project managers: mediation, negotiation, and arbitration.
  • Motivating project teams: rewards, recognition, and intrinsic motivation.
  • The impact of leadership styles on project outcomes: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.
  • Gender diversity in project teams: implications for leadership and team dynamics.
  • Team resilience and psychological safety: creating a supportive and inclusive project environment.

Project Governance and Stakeholder Management

  • Project governance frameworks: roles, responsibilities, and decision-making structures.
  • Stakeholder identification and analysis: mapping stakeholder interests, influence, and expectations.
  • Effective communication strategies for project stakeholders: stakeholder engagement plans and communication channels.
  • Managing stakeholder conflicts and competing interests in projects.
  • Make sure companies do good things for the community and talk to the people affected by their projects.
  • Look at how the big bosses of a project make decisions and handle the people involved.
  • Accountability and transparency in project governance: reporting mechanisms and performance metrics.
  • Regulatory compliance in project management: legal requirements and industry standards.
  • Balancing stakeholder interests in project decision-making: ethical considerations and social responsibility.
  • Continuous improvement in project governance: lessons learned and best practices.

Project Finance and Cost Management

  • Project budgeting and cost estimation techniques: top-down vs. bottom-up approaches.
  • Cost-benefit analysis and return on investment (ROI) in project decision-making.
  • Earned value management (EVM) as a cost control tool in project management.
  • Managing project financial risks: budget overruns, resource constraints, and market fluctuations.
  • Project procurement and contract management: negotiating contracts, vendor selection, and performance monitoring.
  • Life cycle costing in project evaluation: considering long-term costs and benefits.
  • Value engineering and value management: optimizing project value while minimizing costs.
  • Financial modeling and scenario analysis in project finance: assessing project feasibility and viability.
  • Funding sources for project financing: equity, debt, grants, and public-private partnerships.
  • Project finance in emerging markets: challenges and opportunities for investment.

Project Quality Management

  • Total quality management (TQM) principles in project management: continuous improvement and customer focus.
  • Quality planning and assurance processes: setting quality objectives and quality standards.
  • Quality control techniques in project management: inspection, testing, and quality audits.
  • Six Sigma methodology and its applications in project quality management.
  • Lean principles in project management: eliminating waste and optimizing processes.
  • Measuring project quality performance: key performance indicators (KPIs) and quality metrics.
  • Building a culture of quality excellence in project teams: training, empowerment, and recognition.
  • Supplier quality management in project procurement: ensuring supplier compliance and performance.
  • Benchmarking and best practices in project quality management.
  • Continuous improvement in project quality: feedback loops, lessons learned, and process optimization.

Project Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

  • Stakeholder engagement strategies in project management: stakeholder analysis, mapping, and engagement plans.
  • Effective communication techniques for project managers: verbal, written, and nonverbal communication.
  • Managing virtual project teams: communication tools, technologies, and best practices.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project stakeholders: negotiation, mediation, and collaboration.
  • Stakeholder communication in crisis situations: managing stakeholder expectations and maintaining trust.
  • Building trust and credibility with project stakeholders: transparency, integrity, and responsiveness.
  • Cultural sensitivity and communication in multicultural project teams.
  • The role of project managers as communication facilitators and mediators.
  • Communication challenges in cross-functional project teams: aligning diverse perspectives and priorities.
  • Measuring stakeholder satisfaction and feedback: surveys, interviews, and feedback mechanisms.

Project Human Resource Management

  • Human resource planning in project management: resource allocation, skills assessment, and capacity planning.
  • Talent management strategies for project teams: recruitment, training, and career development.
  • Team-building techniques for project managers: icebreakers, team-building exercises, and bonding activities.
  • Performance management in project teams: setting objectives, providing feedback, and evaluating performance.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project managers: negotiation, mediation, and conflict coaching.
  • Diversity and inclusion in project teams: fostering a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Leadership development in project management: training, coaching, and mentorship programs.
  • Managing virtual project teams: communication, collaboration, and team cohesion.
  • Building resilience and well-being in project teams: managing stress, burnout, and work-life balance.

Project Procurement and Contract Management

  • Procurement planning and strategy development: make-or-buy decisions, sourcing options, and procurement methods.
  • Contract types and structures in project procurement: fixed-price, cost-reimbursable, and time-and-material contracts.
  • Supplier selection criteria and evaluation methods: vendor qualifications, bid evaluation, and supplier performance metrics.
  • Negotiation techniques for project managers: win-win negotiation, BATNA analysis, and concessions management.
  • Managing contracts and contractor relationships: contract administration, performance monitoring, and dispute resolution.
  • Outsourcing and offshoring in project procurement: risks, benefits, and best practices.
  • Legal and regulatory considerations in project procurement: compliance with procurement laws, standards, and regulations.
  • Contractual risk management: mitigating contract risks through indemnification clauses, insurance, and contingency planning.
  • Ethical considerations in project procurement: fairness, transparency, and integrity in procurement processes.
  • Continuous improvement in procurement and contract management: lessons learned, process optimization, and supplier feedback.

Project Sustainability and Social Responsibility

  • Integrating sustainability principles into project management: environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic viability.
  • Sustainable project planning and design: minimizing environmental impacts, maximizing resource efficiency, and promoting resilience.
  • Social impact assessment in project management: stakeholder engagement, community consultation, and social license to operate.
  • Sustainable procurement practices: ethical sourcing, fair trade, and supply chain transparency.
  • Green project management: reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resources, and promoting renewable energy.
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in project management: philanthropy, community development, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Sustainable infrastructure development: green buildings, sustainable transportation, and eco-friendly urban planning.
  • Environmental risk management in projects: assessing and mitigating environmental impacts and regulatory compliance.
  • Sustainable project financing: green bonds, impact investing, and sustainable finance mechanisms.
  • Sustainability reporting and disclosure: communicating project sustainability performance to stakeholders.

Project Innovation and Technology Management

  • Innovation management in project-based organizations: fostering a culture of creativity, experimentation, and learning.
  • Technology adoption and diffusion in project management: factors influencing technology acceptance and implementation.
  • Managing innovation projects: from ideation to commercialization, stage-gate processes, and innovation ecosystems.
  • Open innovation and collaborative project management: partnerships, co-creation, and knowledge sharing.
  • Digital transformation in project management: leveraging emerging technologies for project delivery and collaboration.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in project management: predictive analytics, automation, and decision support systems.
  • Blockchain technology in project management: decentralized project governance, smart contracts, and supply chain transparency.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality in project management: immersive training, visualization, and virtual collaboration.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications in project management: real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and asset tracking.
  • Data-driven project management: leveraging big data, analytics, and business intelligence for project insights and decision-making.

Project Governance and Compliance

  • Regulatory compliance in project management: legal requirements, industry standards, and certification programs.
  • Ethics and integrity in project governance: code of conduct, conflict of interest policies, and whistleblowing mechanisms.
  • Corporate governance and project management: alignment with organizational objectives, risk management, and performance oversight.
  • Internal controls and assurance mechanisms in project governance: auditing, monitoring, and accountability.
  • Project portfolio governance: prioritization, resource allocation, and strategic alignment.
  • Regulatory reporting and disclosure requirements: compliance with regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and investors.
  • Project audits and reviews: evaluating project performance, compliance, and lessons learned.
  • Governance of public-private partnerships (PPPs): contractual arrangements, risk allocation, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Continuous improvement in project governance: feedback loops, lessons learned, and process optimization.

Project Resilience and Change Management

  • Building project resilience: risk management, contingency planning, and adaptive strategies.
  • Change management in project management: managing resistance, communication, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Organizational resilience and project management: lessons from crisis management, business continuity planning, and disaster recovery.
  • Agile project management and organizational agility: responsiveness to change, iterative planning, and adaptive leadership.
  • Innovation and creativity in project management: fostering a culture of experimentation, learning, and adaptation.
  • Anticipatory project management: scenario planning, risk assessment, and proactive decision-making.
  • Crisis leadership and project management: decision-making under pressure, communication, and stakeholder management .
  • Change readiness assessment in project management: organizational culture, capacity building, and change champions.
  • Learning from failure: post-mortem analysis, root cause analysis, and continuous improvement.
  • Resilience in project teams: psychological safety, emotional intelligence, and well-being.

In conclusion, selecting the right project management dissertation topics is essential for exploring new frontiers, addressing pressing challenges, and making meaningful contributions to the field. By choosing a topic that aligns with your interests, expertise, and aspirations, you can embark on a rewarding journey of discovery and innovation in project management.

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Engineering Management & Systems Engineering Theses & Dissertations

Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, College of Engineering, Old Dominion University since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.

In late Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

Dissertation: Examining the Role of Access to Capital, Social Capital Networks, and Education in Supporting Black Founders and Investors in Technology-Based Entrepreneurship , Akosua Acheamponmaa

Dissertation: Understanding the Impact of Emergent Conflict on Communication and Team Cognition: A Multilevel Study in Engineering Teams , Francisco Cima

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Dissertation: Systemic Risk Analysis of Human Factors in Phishing , Mark Guilford

Dissertation: Human Psychology Factors Influencing Agile Team Autonomy in Post-Pandemic Remote Software Organizations , Ravikiran Kalluri

Dissertation: Reinforcing Digital Trust for Cloud Manufacturing Through Data Provenance Using Ethereum Smart Contracts , Trupti Narayan Rane

Dissertation: Electric Vehicle Routing Problem – Models and Algorithms , Hesamoddin Tahami

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Dissertation: A Systems Theory-Based Framework for Environmental Scanning in Complex System Governance , Dale E. Baugh

Dissertation: Learning Curve Characterization Within Complex Low-Rate Production Environments , Robert J. Gies

Thesis: Acquisition Career Progression Model for Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officers , Andrew John Heckel

Dissertation: Hard-Real-Time Computing Performance in a Cloud Environment , Alvin Cornelius Murphy

Dissertation: A Quality Systems Economic-Risk Design Theoretical Framework , Abdallah S. Thefeid

Dissertation: Predictors of Email Response: Determinants of the Intention of not Following Security Recommendations , Miguel Angel Toro-Jarrin

Dissertation: Complex System Governance Leadership , David C. Walters

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Thesis: Quantifying Cyber Risk by Integrating Attack Graph and Impact Graph , Omer F. Keskin

Dissertation: Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Using Graph Theoretical Anomaly Detection and Machine Learning , Goksel Kucukkaya

Dissertation: Application of a Blockchain Enabled Model in Disaster Aids Supply Network Resilience , Farinaz Sabz Ali Pour

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Dissertation: A Framework for Adaptive Capacity in Complex Systems , Abdulrahman Alfaqiri

Thesis: Engineering Management Competencies: A Framework for Present and Future Engineering Environments , Christopher Vaughn Barrett

Dissertation: DOD Mission Engineering and Integration Explorative-Exploitative Architecture for Technology Innovation , Jose L. Bricio-Neto

Dissertation: A Quest to Identify the Emerging Leadership Skills in VUCA World and Investigation of Their Applications in Various Organizational Levels and Security Environments , Ali Can Kucukozyigit

Dissertation: Cyber-Assets at Risk (CAR): Monetary Impact of Personally Identifiable Information Data Breaches on Companies , Omer Ilker Poyraz

Dissertation: Using Interacting Multiple Model Filters to Indicate Program Risk , Amy Sunshine Smith-Carroll

Dissertation: An Investigation on the Effectiveness of a Problem Structuring Method in a Group Decision-Making Process , Ying Thaviphoke

Dissertation: A Core Reference Hierarchical Primitive Ontology for Electronic Medical Records Semantics Interoperability , Ziniya Zahedi

Dissertation: Human Error in Commercial Fishing Vessel Accidents: An Investigation Using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System , Peter J. Zohorsky

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Dissertation: Evaluating Stakeholder Bias in Stakeholder Analysis In Social Media , Ahmad A. Bajarwan

Dissertation: An Investigation of General Criteria for Assessing Space Flight Systems of Diverse Mission Concept Designs , Cindy L. Daniels

Dissertation: Knowledge Sharing and Creative Confidence in Promoting Employees’ Creative Behavior , Elnaz Dario

Dissertation: Optimization of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) Fleet Size With Incorporation of Battery Management , Ahmed Hamdy

Dissertation: An Exploratory Study of Engineering Identity Development in African American Youth , Coletta Elayne Johnson Bey

Dissertation: Identifying and Quantifying Personnel Skills Gaps , Martin Joseph McKenney

Dissertation: Measuring Risks of Interdependencies in Enterprise Systems: An Application to Ghana’s Salt Enterprise , Yaw Mensah

Dissertation: Quantifying Impact of Cyber Actions on Missions or Business Processes: A Multilayer Propagative Approach , Unal Tatar

Dissertation: Development and Initial Evaluation of a Reinforced Cue Detection Model to Assess Situation Awareness in Commercial Aircraft Cockpits , Aysen K. Taylor

Dissertation: A Comparison of Multi-Attribute Utility Theory, the Analytic Hierarchy Process, the Analytic Network Process, and New Hybrid Approaches for a Case Study Involving Radon , Jesse Ray Toepfer

Dissertation: The Resilient City: A Platform for Informed Decision-Making Process , Jarutpong Vasuthanasub

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Dissertation: A Framework for Executable Systems Modeling , Matthew Amissah

Dissertation: The Influence of Engineers on Public Policy , Sarah Bouazzaoui

Dissertation: Contextual Framework of Communications Functions Supporting Complex System Governance , Charles Wesley Chesterman Jr.

Dissertation: A Representation of Tactical and Strategic Precursors of Supply Network Resilience Using Simulation Based Experiments , Yaneth C. Correa-Martinez

Dissertation: Sequence-Based Simulation-Optimization Framework With Application to Port Operations at Multimodal Container Terminals , Mariam Aladdin Kotachi

Dissertation: Human-Intelligence and Machine-Intelligence Decision Governance Formal Ontology , Faisal Mahmud

Dissertation: Exploring Critical Success Factors of Community Development Projects , Kevin Wanjama Muchiri

Dissertation: A Multi-Level Longitudinal Investigation of Transformational Leadership Influence on Team Members Development in Engineering Project Teams , Nathapon Siangchokyoo

Dissertation: Understanding the Impact of Large-Scale Power Grid Architectures on Performance , Ange-Lionel Toba

Dissertation: Case Study on the Development of Engineering Design Modification Projects for U.S. Nuclear Power Plants: A Knowledge Retention Tool in Support of the Longevity and Resilience of the Nuclear Power Industry , Pamela M. Torres-Jiménez

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Thesis: Role of Requirements Engineering in Software Project’s Success , Sujatha Alla

Dissertation: A Hilbert Space Geometric Representation of Shared Awareness and Joint Decision Making , Mustafa Canan

Dissertation: An Investigation into Perceived Productivity and Its Influence on the Relationship Between Organizational Climate and Affective Commitment , Kaitlynn Marie Castelle

Dissertation: Emergency Diesel-Electric Generator Set Maintenance and Test Periodicity , Stephen John Fehr

Thesis: Initiating Event Analysis of a Lithium Fluoride Thorium Reactor , Nicholas Charles Geraci

Thesis: Impact of a Localized Lean Six Sigma Implementation on Overall Patient Safety and Process Efficiency , Luvianca G. Gil-Moreno

Dissertation: Diversity Team Building: Impact on Virtual Team Performance , Nina C. Magpili-Smith

Dissertation: Implementation of a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Toolkit to Aid in Ranking Naval Mission Vessel Combinations With Uncertainty , Andrew R. Miller

Dissertation: A Predictor Analysis Framework for Surface Radiation Budget Reprocessing Using Design of Experiments , Patricia Allison Quigley

Dissertation: Analysis of Project Management System Structure Using the Viable System Model (VSM) , Joseph A. Sisti

Dissertation: Planning and Team Shared Mental Models as Predictors of Team Collaborative Processes , Zikai Zhou

Dissertation: Methodology to Perform Cyber Lethality Assessment , Matthew W. Zurasky

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Dissertation: Systems Theory Based Architecture Framework for Complex System Governance , Bry Carter

Dissertation: Profit Based Simulation Model for The Rail Transportation Industry , Mark Patrick Doran

Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Virtual Team Collaboration System , Syed Ehsan

Dissertation: A General Theory of Emergence in Engineered Systems , John J. Johnson IV

Dissertation: Improvement of Work Process Performance with Task Assignments and Mental Workload Balancing , Cansu Kandemir

Dissertation: An Outcome-Based Competency Model for Systems Engineering Trainees , Vanessa J. Pietrzyk

Dissertation: A Hybrid Tabu/Scatter Search Algorithm for Simulation-Based Optimization of Multi-Objective Runway Operations Scheduling , Bulent Soykan

Thesis: Extension of the Gravity Model: A Risk Integrated Approach Towards the Impact Analysis of Mega Sports Events on Inbound Tourist Arrivals , Abdul Sami Stanekzai

Dissertation: A Retrospective Study of Amusement Ride Restraint and Containment Systems: Identifying Design Challenges for Statistically Rare Anthropometric Cases , Paula M. Stenzler

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Dissertation: An Approach for the Development of Complex Systems Archetypes , Walter Lee Akers

Dissertation: Meta-RaPS Hybridization with Machine Learning Algorithms , Fatemah Al-Duoli

Dissertation: Management and Leadership Style: Is Style Influenced by Engineering Education? , Jesse Levi Calloway

Dissertation: Key Factors Driving Personnel Downsizing in Multinational Military Organizations , Ilksen Gorkem

Dissertation: A Framework to Simplify the Choice of Alternative Analysis and Selection Methods , James Paul Lewis Holzgrefe

Dissertation: Systems Theory-Based Construct for Identifying Metasystem Pathologies for Complex System Governance , Polinpapilinho F. Katina

Dissertation: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Military Leaders' Operational Adaptability and Knowledge Transfer , Vahap Kavaker

Thesis: Improving Response Characteristics of Split Ring Resonators Using Experimental Designs , Omer Faruk Keskin

Dissertation: Examining the Relationship Between Leadership Decision Making Styles and Personality Type Within the Department of Defense , Antoine Lamont Prince Sr.

Dissertation: Command and Control in the Information Age: A Case Study of a Representative Air Power Command and Control Node , Marvin Leo Simpson Jr.

Dissertation: The Role of Diversity on Team Effectiveness in a Multinational and Multicultural Military Environment , Mustafa Utoglu

Dissertation: Safety Culture Monitoring: A Management Approach for Assessing Nuclear Safety Culture Health Performance Utilizing Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis , James Harold Warren Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Dissertation: A Systems-Based Framework for the Assessment of Performance Measurement System Implementations in R&D Organizations , Kenneth S. Baggett Jr.

Dissertation: Human Capital Management Within the Federal Government Utilizing Generational Stratification With a Focus on Generation Y , Ian Nathaniel Barford

Dissertation: Time-Based Collision Risk Modeling for Air Traffic Management , Alan E. Bell

Dissertation: An Investigation of Business Transformation Disruptors at the Military Strategic Command Level , Thomas Bock

Dissertation: Systems Theory Based Framework for Competency Models , Joseph M. Bradley

Thesis: Emergency Diesel-Electric Generator Set Maintenance and Test Periodicity , Stephen John Fehr

Dissertation: An Instrument to Assess Individual Capacity for System Thinking , Ra'ed M. Jaradat

Thesis: Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Customs-Regulated Container Terminal Operations with Multimodal Transportation , Mariam A. Kotachi

Thesis: Assessing Organizational Effectiveness Through the Competing Values Framework A Data Envelopment Approach , Raghavender Macherla

Dissertation: Assessing the Impact of Electronic Health Record Systems Implementation on Hospital Patient Perceptions of Care , Katherine Sofia Palacio Salgar

Dissertation: Graphical Display of the Effect of Three Cash Flow Elements for Sensitivity Analysis , Kawintorn Pothanun

Dissertation: Self-Regulating Teamwork Behaviors in Low-Volume & High-Complexity Production , Aaron W. Powell

Dissertation: An Investigation into the Analysis of Truncated Standard Normal Distributions Using Heuristic Techniques , John Walter Ralls

Dissertation: A Method to Define Requirements for System of Systems , Randy Gene Walker

Dissertation: The Relationship Among HFACS Levels and Analysis of Human Factors in Unmanned and Manned Air Vehicles , Veysel Yesilbas

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Dissertation: System Governance Analysis of Complex Systems , Behnido Y. Calida

Dissertation: Shared Leadership in Six Sigma Teams From the North Shore-LIJ Health System , Brian J. Galli

Dissertation: An Expert Based Multi Attribute Group Decision Making (MAGDM) Model for Portfolio Evaluation: Application on Ground Force Units , Metin Gultekin

Dissertation: Approximate Algorithms for the Combined arrival-Departure Aircraft Sequencing and Reactive Scheduling Problems on Multiple Runways , Gulsah Hancerliogullari

Dissertation: The RQ-Tech Methodology: A New Paradigm for Conceptualizing Strategic Enterprise Architectures , Christine Ann Hoyland

Dissertation: Micro to Macro Dynamics of Shared Awareness Emergence in Situations Theory: Towards a General Theory of Shared Awareness , Samuel F. Kavacic

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Engineering Dissertation Topics

A dissertation (or a final year project report) is a comprehensive technical report of the research work carried out. A dissertation must present some new, original concepts that lead to further research. The core area of a dissertation consists of a hypothesis (or a research question) upon which an investigation is conducted and, in most cases, inevitably leads to further research. A dissertation must be focused, concise and must address the research topics at every level. Also, along with research, a dissertation is expected to present complete evidence of research work in the form of research methods. Sometimes it’s hard to even know where to start. Herein, many engineering research areas, currently being sought after in the industry and academia, are suggested, including electronics, sensors technology, environmental engineering, supply chain engineering, computer science engineering, electrical engineering and civil engineering, to help you start your research.

  • Electronics and Communication Dissertation Topics

Sensors Technology Dissertation Topics

Environmental engineering dissertation topics, supply chain engineering dissertation topics, supply chain management dissertation topics, computer science engineering dissertation topics, electrical engineering dissertation topics, civil engineering dissertation topics, management related engineering dissertation topics, electronics and communications dissertation topics.

Over the past decade the rise of electronic communication has been revolutionised; it is the fastest growing technology. There are numerous areas of research in this field; however, the most demanding ones are highlighted below.

  • Defining the boundaries of electrical signals for current electronics (communication) systems.
  • The limitation of fibre optic communication systems and the possibility of further improving their efficiency.
  • Developing the embedded communication system for the national grid to optimise energy usage.
  • Improvement of inter-symbol interference in optical communications.
  • A study of the various forms of errors and the development of an equalisation technique to reduce the error rates in data.
  • Gaussian pulse analysis and the improvement of this pulse to reduce errors.
  • Realising the potential of RFID in the improvement of supply chain.
  • Radiation in integrated circuits and electronic devices.
  • Design of high speed communication circuits that effectively cut down signal noise.
  • Spectral sensing research for water monitoring applications and frontier science and technology for chemical, biological and radiological defence.
  • Nano-structured membranes for preparative purifications of biopharmaceuticals.

The rise of smart technology has been revolutionising sensor technologies, and there is a high demand to make more efficient and compact sensors. The following topics are a few areas that researchers are currently working in to realise further potentials.

  • Design and development of a pressure sensor for a solar thermal panel.
  • An investigation into wind speed and direction sensors to optimise the operations of wind turbines.
  • Utilising MEMS for profiling airflow around large building structures.
  • Development of micro sensors to measure oil flow rate in tanks.
  • Development and implementation of micro sensors to study pressure of the blood stream.
  • Development of sensors to measure heat generated from solar panels.
  • Sensing and controlling the intensity of light in LEDs.
  • Research and computational simulation of a natural olfactory biosensor.
  • Development of glucose biosensors using nanotechnology.

We are living in the age of technology where the driving force is to reduce the environmental impact of engineering products. Many countries have been undertaking projects supporting the environment and aiming to reduce carbon emissions. The following engineering dissertation topics are of utmost interest for researchers in the industry.

  • Analysing the impact of aviation industry on the environment and the potential ways to reduce it.
  • The environmental cost of the so called green energy, ‘wind energy’.
  • An analysis of factors that hinder the realising of cutting-edge technology for reducing carbon emissions from automobiles.
  • Design and development of a system for measuring the carbon index of an energy intensive company.
  • Process improvement techniques to identify and remove waste in the automotive industry.
  • Process mapping techniques to identify bottle necks for supply chain industry.
  • A study of compressor operations on a forging site and mapping operations to identify and remove energy waste.
  • Improving processes to reduce kWh usage and reduce inefficiencies.
  • Developing a compact device to measure energy use for a household.
  • In the forging industry how can changing burners within furnaces help organisations achieve energy efficiency?
  • How can gas consumption be reduced and efficiency introduced to reduce kWh usage?
  • How can voltage reduction devices help organisations achieve efficiency in electricity usage?
  • What are carbon credits and how can organisations generate them?
  • There are some organisations that use water excessively, with bills totalling more than £25,000. Identify the main reasons for such water usage and investigate better ways to introduce water efficiency and create savings.
  • Identify the ways by which efficient control systems using information systems can be introduced to study the energy usage in a machining factory.
  • A project to set up ways to measure natural gas flow ultrasonically and identify waste areas.
  • How can water conductivity probes help determine water quality and how can water be reused?

Supply chain plays an important role in the manufacturing business sector. It is important that the supply chain is well supported by efficient methods and processes. Your engineering dissertation topics could be about:

  • Highlighting the difference between the supply chain engineering and management for a company to improve output.
  • Analysing the key factors in process planning and optimisation of supply chain for a manufacturing company.
  • Developing a supply chain template for a small but thriving online business.
  • How can organisations achieve success by reducing bottlenecks in supply chain?
  • Just-in-time – is it really valid? Measurement of losses within just-in-time process implementation.
  • How can process efficiency be introduced to reduce waste within the manufacturing process?
  • Supplier relationship is an important factor for the success of just-in-time. How can organisations ensure successful transactions?
  • Research to identify efficient logistics operations within a supply chain.
  • Research to introduce efficiency within information systems and support timely transfer of knowledge and information.
  • The effect of globalisation on supply chain engineering/management for large multi-national companies.
  • Research studying the impact of culture on supply chain industries: identification of factors that generate inefficiencies with the supply chain.

Supply chain management involves the administration, management, control and supervision of the movement of goods and services from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer and to the end consumer. Supply chain management involves coordinating and integrating these elements using an effective and efficient approach and methodology. Supply chain management is important for businesses to ensure there is minimum waste, drive innovation thereby creating integrated value chains. Supply chain management plays an important and central role in the success of a business. Please find a list of topics on supply chain management that may be useful for your engineering dissertation:

  • A detailed investigation into the need and use of dynamic staff to determine and rectify supply chain problems with a specific focus on the construction industry.
  • Research into eco-friendly and sustainable practices in supply chain management.
  • Research to develop a learning organisation and its impact on supply chain management.
  • Research to measure and develop intellectual capital within the supply chain industry.
  • A detailed study of innovative forecasting and demand planning strategies for supply chain management
  • Research study to create measurements to study the impact of learning organisation on performance measurement in supply chain industry
  • Impact of training on knowledge performance index within supply chain industry.
  • The behaviour of Carbon index with the implementation of a learning organisation.
  • Developing a framework for supply chain management in densely populated urban cities
  • Detailed investigation and analysis taking into account supply chain and logistical strategies for perishable goods.
  • The influence and impact of emerging e-commerce technologies on supply chain management.

Computer science engineering focuses on the key elements of computer programming and networking with a focus on gaining knowledge of the design, implementation and management of information systems. Information systems play a major role in computer science engineering and an integral component to the successful operations of organisations. The management of information technology systems is a major element for organisations. The following could be used for an engineering dissertation as well as a computing dissertation:

  • How can organisations ensure that information system is effectively used to maintain process efficiency?
  • How can learning organisations influence the development of information systems?
  • The role of risk management in information technology systems of organisations.
  • Research to identify and reduce e-waste using information technology strategies and systems.
  • Current status and research on E-waste in the United Kingdom
  • Development of measurement systems to measure e-waste.
  • A detailed review of the role of information technology in improving productivity and transforming organisations.
  • An investigation into the use of information technology as a tool for sustained competitive advantage.
  • A high-level investigation and detailed review into best practices for the implementation of information technology in modern day organisations.

Electrical engineering is focused on the design, development, testing, supervision and the manufacturing of electrical equipment. Electrical engineers design the electrical systems of automobiles, aircrafts, power generation equipment, communications systems, radar and navigational systems. The design and development of these electrical components are key and central to modern day life. There are several topics within this area that you could research for your electrical engineering dissertation:

  • Development of a system to study the efficiency of motors in order to reduce kWh usage
  • Setting up of a control system to monitor the process usage of compressors.
  • Develop a scheme to normalise compressor output to kWh.
  • Research to investigate, develop and introduce schemes to ensure efficient energy consumption by electrical machines.
  • Research to study transformer losses and reduce energy loss.
  • Research to study metering techniques to control and improve efficiency.
  • Research to introduce smart metering concepts to ensure efficient use of electricity.
  • Integration of smart metering pulsed outputs with wireless area networks and access real-time data.
  • Developing effective strategies and methodical systems for pay as you go charging for electric vehicles
  • A detailed review and investigation into the key issues and challenges facing rechargeable lithium batteries
  • Trends and challenges in electric vehicles technologies
  • Smart charging of electric vehicles on the motorway

The main emphasis of civil engineering in recent times is focused on sustainable development of quality, durable structures that deliver value for money, maximise the benefits from innovation and meets the specifications of the end users. Construction of sustainable houses has been a top priority within civil engineering. The following research topics are being actively undertaken and may be a good area for you to base your research on your own engineering dissertation:

  • Development of sustainable homes making use of renewable energy sources.
  • The use of sustainable materials for construction: design and delivery methods.
  • The role of environmental assessment tools in sustainable construction
  • The use of warm mix asphalt in road construction
  • Research to study properties of concrete to achieve sustainability.
  • Development of waste reduction strategy to achieve sustainable concepts
  • High-level review of the barriers and drivers for sustainable buildings in developing countries
  • Research to study the impact of sustainability concepts on organisational growth and development.
  • Sustainable technologies for the building construction industry
  • Building Information Modelling in the construction industry
  • Research regarding micromechanics of granular materials.
  • Research to study and develop water treatment processes.
  • Research to set up remote sensing applications to assist in the development of sustainable construction techniques.
  • High-level strategies, best practice guidelines and methodologies for sustainable construction.
  • State of the art practice for recycling in the construction industry.
  • Key factors and risk factors associated with the construction of high rise buildings.
  • An investigation into health and safety in the construction industry.

Engineering management is the application of the practice of management to the practice of engineering. Engineering management integrates problem-solving, engineering, technological developments and advancements in organizational structure, administrative, and planning abilities of management in order to oversee the operational performance of complex engineering driven enterprises. These two topics go hand in hand and support each other quite well. It is important that both sides are well balanced. The following research topics could be useful for your engineering dissertation:

  • Steps to conduct management of change to ensure smooth process improvement.
  • Research to sustainably manage a project team.
  • Research to study the management of engineering projects and various risks involved with them.
  • Research to identify process improvement plans to support business strategies.
  • Efficient supply chain management to ensure and develop key motivational skills within staff members.
  • How leadership can help efficiency within a learning organisation.
  • Developing an integrated approach to strategic management in organisations.
  • Creating and sustaining competitive advantage in engineering organisations.
  • Developing frameworks for sustainable assessments taking into account eco-engineering measures.
  • The role of engineers in managing development in emerging countries.

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Project management is a discipline that enables teams to achieve goals using a set of methodologies and processes. It adds value to skills, tools, and techniques needed for successful project completion. Research in project management helps students manage their projects and tasks. Thus, students must begin with exciting project management dissertation topics for their successful dissertation.

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How to select the best project management dissertation topic.

Project management is a diverse field of study that offers a wide range of concepts and principles, which can be applied to various other fields such as management, engineering, information technology, governance, and more. As project management is still considered an emerging body of knowledge, there are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing a dissertation topic. However, selecting the right topic can be challenging as it should reflect complex knowledge in the field and address real-life issues. Many students face difficulties in developing a unique dissertation topic due to the enormity of the task. We understand that you want to stand out from the crowd and prove your competency to your professors. Therefore, we suggest selecting the best project management research topic from the list provided in the section above or filling out the form for the customised topics

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We understand that you are struggling to find a good topic for your dissertation on project management. This can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience. However, there are various ways to come up with ideas, such as brainstorming, discussing with your supervisor, talking to friends and classmates, and doing some research. Our team of expert writers has created a list of the best project management dissertation topics for the academic year 2024. What makes our list unique is that our writers have provided primary research aims and detailed information on each topic idea, so you can fully understand them. Remember, your dissertation is centred around your brilliant idea, and with the right guidance, you can find the perfect topic to explore.

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125 Project Management Research Topics Ideas

125 Project Management Research Topics

Are you urgently in need of top-class project management research topics for your upcoming exam? Keep reading for exclusive writing ideas.

Those who have handled a project management thesis before can witness that this is not a smooth affair. The creativity, level of research, and critical thinking necessary for developing such a paper require a mature student. The greatest hurdle comes in when you want to develop your research topic. Our professional writers have everything you need to write an award-winning paper. Scroll down to find out how?

What Is A Project Management Research Paper?

It is an assignment that requires students to integrate the different processes to achieve a particular goal and deliverables. Project management is based on the principle that all tasks are special, and thus, you should not treat two tasks as the same.

In this type of assignment, students have to develop many coordination skills and fairness in dealing with various projects. Since various tasks differ in line with their functional procedures, you have to dig deeper to determine how each yields direct and proportional earnings in the end.

Does all these sound like rocket science to you? Well, the next few lines will make you understand this subject better.

Key Points About A Project Management Thesis

There are different steps involved in writing a project management paper. These will contribute to the body paragraphs’ overall quality, length, and depth. The various practices involved in project management include:

Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing the work of a team

When you bring all these processes together, you can achieve a particular goal or specific success within the set time. That brings us to a critical component of project management – time!

Every project has a given time frame within which it is complete. It is the primary challenge as time constraints are always when unexpected issues arise. However, with practice, time will not be a factor anymore; it will be the motivation for completing a particular project.

If you don’t feel those skills are important to you, you can get custom dissertation help from our expert team.

How To Write A Top-Rated Project Management Paper

For you to write a paper that will get the attention of your university teacher, there are various steps that you have to take. Remember that you have to demonstrate to your professor that you understand your topic and can significantly contribute to the topic at the end of the day.

Here is a step-by-step guide that will take you through the full process of project management writing:

  • Understand your assignment: You should carefully read the question and point out any confusing part that you may need clarity with your professor. You also set the goal, timeline, length, format, and other requirements.
  • Develop an interesting project management topic: The best way to generate a writing idea is by brainstorming. You can ask a friend tutor or get inspiration from other research papers.
  • Begin your preliminary research: You can point out arguments that seem important to your topic and find captivating angles to present them. It is advisable to consult sources such as books, journals, or reliable websites. Having research questions in this section will give you ample time.
  • Think of an exciting thesis statement: This will be your central argument that will establish your research paper’s position and purpose. Remember to include the evidence and reasoning you intend to support your answer.
  • Develop an outline for your paper: It includes the key topics, arguments, and examples that will feature in your paper. Having a structured outline helps you complete the writing process effortlessly.

Once you complete these steps, your writing will be like a walk in the park. You will express your ideas clearly and have a logical paper.

Now let’s explore some of the most sought after project management topics:

Easy Project Management Research Topics

  • How to implement capital improvement projects
  • Discuss the essence of a good project management plan before the onset
  • The role of technology and funding in implementing projects
  • Consider the effects of working from home on project management
  • How global companies manage projects across various regions
  • What is the impact of the world becoming a global village in project management?
  • Why is it necessary to segment tasks in a multi-sectorial project?
  • Discuss the process of harmonizing systems, people, and resources
  • Why is project management as a course in school necessary for the job market?
  • Discuss the challenges related to transit projects
  • Evaluate the various trends in project management in the digital age
  • The role of leadership systems in project management
  • Why time management is necessary for the completion of any task
  • How to develop achievable goals or aspirations in a project
  • The role of risk management before embarking on a project

High-Quality Project Management Topics

  • The undisputed role of administrators in any project
  • Technological systems that have made project management easier
  • Discuss the complexity in completing different projects
  • Why should every project have a project tracking instrument?
  • Steps towards developing a working budget for a project
  • Why do project managers write a proposal before embarking on the actual work?
  • How often should the project manager meet to discuss the progress of a project?
  • How to develop cost-effective projects in developed nations
  • Discuss the various sources of primary funding for projects
  • Why are communications skills necessary for any project?
  • Compare and contrast the completion rate of government projects versus private projects.
  • Discuss the authorization process of a project

Custom Project Management Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the roles of various officers involved in the running of a project
  • What makes a particular project require a great number of resources?
  • How to develop objectives and scope of work for different projects
  • Analyze how the 24-hour economy is impacting the completing of massive projects
  • Why it is important to determine the timing of an escalation in a project
  • Should project managers remain engaged throughout the lifecycle of a project?
  • Discuss some of the leadership qualities necessary for project management
  • Why motivation is necessary for the completion of any project
  • How to point out signs of retardation in a project
  • The essence of addressing emerging issues in a project as soon as possible
  • What are the differences at the micro and macro levels of a project?
  • Steps involved in the termination process of a project

The Best Project Management Topics For Research

  • Compare and contrast the procedural and mechanical parts of a project
  • How to yield direct and proportional earnings from a project
  • Management of a project during the economic recession
  • Evaluate how COVID-19 restrictions impacted project management policies
  • The role of integrating people and machines in the completion of projects
  • Analyze the role of soft skills in project success rates
  • How does cultural diversity impact project performance in the US?
  • Why it is important to keep financial records in the implementation of a project
  • Evaluate the design and implementation of projects
  • A review of the stalled projects and why the project managers are to blame
  • An in-depth analysis of procurement procedures in project management
  • How organizational characters affect the development of a project

College Project Management Topics For Research Papers

  • Investigate the organizational characteristics that affect project completion
  • Identify cost-effective key performance indicators in a project?
  • Social network analysis tools necessary for project management
  • Discuss how emotional intelligence leads to the success of a project
  • How to develop an effective project scheduling system for large projects
  • Why standard operating procedures are necessary for effective projects
  • The role of teamwork and collaboration in project completion
  • Why quality control is necessary for any successful project
  • Effective resource management techniques for technical projects
  • Interpersonal skills that will make a project work
  • Ethics involved in project management
  • Discuss project mapping and progress reporting

Latest Research Topics For Project Management

  • Are all project problems an indicator of more trouble to come?
  • The role of identifying job descriptions in the success of projects
  • Why it is necessary to incorporate staff retention and training in projects
  • Evaluate the various project documentation processes
  • How to develop better project control and management tools
  • Discuss the differences between contractual and commercial management of projects
  • Why delays and disruptions increase the cost of projects
  • Impact of timely delivery of projects on economic development of countries
  • Effects of sanctions of global projects
  • Discuss conflict resolution practices in a particular project
  • How to develop credit risk modeling techniques for projects
  • Why appraisals and incentives are necessary for project success

Hot Research Project Topics In Business Management

  • The role of business planning in a competitive environment
  • How different business structures affect their development paradigms
  • How to develop effective customer service strategies for businesses
  • Why it is necessary to resolve employment issues before they escalate
  • Inventory control practices in business management
  • Discussing the necessity of keeping a keen eye on tax compliance in business establishments
  • The role of record-keeping in the management of business ventures
  • How to develop pricing structures that will keep the business afloat
  • Discuss the peculiarities of merchandising and packaging
  • Evaluate how insurance is necessary for any business
  • Marketing strategies that will outshine competitors in a business setting
  • How e-commerce is transforming project management in businesses

Innovative Topics For Project Management Research

  • The role of decision making and problem-solving in project management
  • Why technology and analytics are important components of successful projects
  • How to use organizational culture to the benefit of project management
  • How to manage international businesses using social media
  • Discuss the role of entrepreneurs and founders in project development
  • Effective operation strategies for developing projects
  • How to adjust and adapt to organizational change
  • Performance indicators that are necessary for competitive project management
  • The role of feedback in the development of any commercial project
  • Why personal productivity is necessary for any project management strategy
  • Reasons why health and behavioral science are important in project management
  • Discuss the effects of globalization on project management policies

Quality Research Topics In Management

  • Discuss the role of government policies and regulations in project management
  • How power and influence impact award of tenders for various projects
  • Human rights to consider in project management
  • The role of incubation hubs in project development
  • Cross-functional management in projects
  • Team member engagement in project management
  • Legal issues in project management
  • Political interference in development projects
  • Evaluate various workspaces design
  • Why should workplace health and safety be a priority in project management?
  • Virtual teams and project management
  • Why mission statements are necessary for project management

Construction Project Management Research Topics

  • Best practices in digital project management
  • How English as a language necessitates project management
  • Online technologies that offer innovative project management ideas
  • Student-centered symposiums in project management
  • Cheap project management solutions that offer quality output
  • The role of expatriates in development projects
  • Discuss the four phases of project management
  • How to manage change in a project
  • Agile innovation methods for project success
  • Quantitative tools for project management
  • The revival of the construction project economy
  • Developing sustainable construction projects
  • The impact of building information modeling
  • Collaborative work in project management

Want an Expert to Do Your Research?

Scoring top grades is no longer a wish but a reality with these topics. If you wish to hire professional dissertation writers for your project management task, type ‘do my thesis,’ Our writers will come through for you. Our writing assistance is all you need to ace your project management paper today!

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Home > PMGT > Dissertations and Theses

Project Management, Graduate (PMGT)

Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2020 2020.

Challenges to Adopting Hybrid Methodology: Addressing Organizational Culture and Change Control Problems in Enterprise IT Infrastructure Projects , Harishankar Krishnakumar

The Difficulty With Introducing Project Management Techniques in Digital Startups , Isabela Mantilla

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Reasons for Success and Failure of Projects , Tamunogbenye Dago

Impediments in Transitioning to Agile Time-boxing Testing Efforts , Taniya Dasgupta

Implementing Agile Methodology Techniques in Automobile Industry , Nikhil Kranthi Datrika

The Role of Project Management in Fostering Creativity: Towards Successful Architectural Design Projects , Angeliki Giannoulatou Destouni

Implementing Project Management Principles in Digital Advertising Age , Yuanqing Jiang

BIM and Project Management in AEC Industry , Nazanin Kamyab


Adopt Agile Methodology for Building Wealth Management Platform Building , Mandar Shripad Kulkarn






Applying the Agile Mechanism in the Clinical Trails Domain for Drug Development , Jitendrakumar Narola


Internet of Things (IoT) and Changing Face of Project Management , Vikram Singh Prasher

Risk Management in Telemedicine Projects in Healthcare , Shalini Sakinala

Study of the impact of team morale on construction project performance , Adrian Gerard Saldanha

Key Competencies for Project Managers: An Empirical Study , Sahil Sandhu




Managing Business Process Transformation Projects Using Contextual Hybrid Agile Methodology , John Tu

Using IOP as a mechanism for project team management , Maryam Selah Varzi


Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Applying Agile Lean to Global Software Development , Piyansh Gupta

Agile in Construction Projects , Chen Jin

Role of Agile Methods in Global Software Development , Dinesh Chandra Kalluri

Innovation through Agile Project Management , Raju Kona

The Use of Effective Risk Management in Cloud Computing Projects , Usha Kiran Marichetty

Feasibility in Applying Agile Project Management Methodologies To Building Design and Construction Industry , Roy S. Moriel

Pharmacovigilance: The Role Of Pharmaceutical Companies To Protect Patients From Adverse Drug Reactions , Srikanth Nukala

Team Performance and Project Success , Ijeoma Okoronkwo

Key to Success of Offshore Outsourcing , Deep Patel

Implementation of Agile Methodology in Public Sector , Kajal Patel

Project Manager’s Perception of Agile Methods Success , Ankit Sachdeva

Adapting Agile in Regulated (Pharmaceutical) Environment , Prachiben K. Shah

The Implication of Agile & Traditional Method as a Practice in Pharmaceutical Industry , Vishant Shah

Project Management for E-Commerce Businesses , Jui Tamhane

Critical Risk Assessment and Management in Pharmaceutical Industry , Abida Zameer

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Improved Sprint Results with Offshore Indian Teams , Fnu Abdul Hasheem

A Different Approach to Project Management: The Use of Soft Skills , Hannah Adams

ERP Critical Success Factors: Importance of ERP Consultants in ERP Implementation , Adekunle S. Balogun

Scrum Sim - A Simulation Game to Learn the Scrum Agile Framework , Anshuman Bassi

Hybrid Project Management Approach for Software Modernization , Chintan Bhavsar

Adopting Agile Scrum , Anirudh Chaganti

Supply Chain Risks: Causes & Mitigation Strategy for the Medical Device Companies , Dipak Patil

Research Paper on Content Management Systems (CMS): Problems in the Traditional Model and Advantages of CMS in Managing Corporate Websites , Elanchezhian Ramalingam

Challenges When Using Scrum in Globally Distributed Teams , Sweta Shah

A Case Study on PPL's Journey to Agile Transition , Jayalakshmi Tenali

To Overcome Communication Challenges in Distributed/Virtual Scrum Teams , Priyamvada Walimbe

Hybrid Agile Approach: Efficiently Blending Traditional and Agile Methodologies , Rashmi Wankhede

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Engineering Management Master's Theses Collection

Chemo prevention treatment for women with high risk to develop breast cancer

Design for internet of things

An environmental input-output analysis of Boston's climate action plan

Examining agile management methods and non-agile management methods in global software development projects

Multi-resolution approach to identification of recurring patterns in process signal

Proposing a measure to evaluate the impact of the sharing economy: a critical analysis of short-term residential rentals.

engineering project management dissertation topics

Project Management Research Topics: Breaking New Ground

engineering project management dissertation topics

According to a study by the Project Management Institute (PMI), a significant 11.4% of business investments go to waste due to subpar project performance.

That’s why students need to study project management in college - to move the progress further and empower businesses to perform better. It is crucial for students as it equips them with essential skills, including organization, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership, which are highly transferable and sought after in the professional world. It enhances their career prospects, teaches adaptability, and fosters a global perspective, preparing them for success in a diverse and rapidly evolving job market.

In this article, you will learn the definition of a project management research paper, discover 120 excellent topics and ideas, as well as receive pro tips regarding how to cope with such an assignment up to par. 

Definition of What is Project Management

Project management is the practice of planning, executing, controlling, and closing a specific project to achieve well-defined goals and meet specific success criteria. It involves efficiently allocating resources, including time, budget, and personnel, to ensure that a project is completed on time, within scope, and within budget while delivering the intended results or deliverables. 

Project management encompasses various methodologies, tools, and techniques to ensure that projects are successfully initiated, planned, executed, monitored, and completed in an organized and systematic manner.

Students can learn project management in colleges and universities, online courses, professional associations, specialized schools, and continuing education programs. Despite the type of institution, most students rely on an essay writing service to ensure their academic progress is positive.  

Achieve Excellence in Project Management Essays

Need a standout essay on the latest project management trends? Our experienced writers are here to provide you with a meticulously researched and expertly written paper, ensuring you stay ahead in your academic journey.

What Is a Project Management Research Paper?

Project management research papers are academic documents that explore various aspects of project management as a field of study. These papers typically delve into specific topics, issues, or questions related to project management and aim to contribute new knowledge or insights to the discipline. Project management research papers often involve rigorous analysis, empirical research, and critical evaluation of existing theories or practices within the field.

Key elements of a project management research paper include:

project management research

  • Research Question or Problem: Clearly defines the research question, problem, or topic the paper aims to address.
  • Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing literature, theories, and relevant studies related to the chosen topic.
  • Methodology: Describing the research methods, such as surveys, case studies, interviews, or data analysis techniques.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: If applicable, presenting and analyzing data to support the research findings.
  • Discussion: An in-depth discussion of the research findings and their implications for the field of project management.
  • Conclusion: Summarizing the key findings, their significance, and potential future research directions.

Project management research papers can cover various topics, from best practices in project management to emerging trends, challenges, and innovations in the field. They are a valuable resource for both academics and practitioners, offering insights that can inform project management practices and decision-making.

Project Management Research Topics Selection Tips

Selecting an appropriate topic for a project management research paper is crucial for the success of your research. Here are some tips to help you choose the right research topic:

  • Start by considering your own interests and passion within the field of project management. 
  • Choose a topic that has practical applications and can contribute to the discipline.
  • Avoid overly broad topics. Instead, narrow down your focus to a specific aspect or issue within project management. 
  • Seek guidance from your professors, academic advisors, or mentors. 
  • Conduct a preliminary literature review to see what research has already been done in your area of interest. 
  • Aim for originality by proposing a research topic or question that hasn't been extensively explored in the existing literature.
  • Consider the feasibility of your research. Ensure your research is practical and achievable within your constraints.
  • Clearly define your research questions or objectives. 
  • Think about the practical applications of your research. 
  • Ensure that your research topic and methodology adhere to ethical standards. 
  • Think about the research methods you will use to investigate your topic. 
  • Consider involving stakeholders from the industry, as their insights can provide practical relevance to your research.
  • Keep in mind that your research may evolve as you delve deeper into the topic. 
  • Be open to adapting your research questions and methodology if necessary.

By following these tips, you can select a project management research topic that is not only relevant and original but also feasible and well-aligned with your academic and career goals. Sounds challenging and time-consuming? Simply type ‘ write an essay for me ,’ and our experts will help you settle the matter. 

Best Project Management Research Topics and Ideas

Here is a list of the 50 best topics for a project management paper. These topics cover many project management areas, from traditional project management methodologies to emerging trends and challenges in the field. You can further refine and tailor these topics to match your specific research interests and objectives.

  • Agile Project Management in Non-IT Industries.
  • Risk Management Strategies for Large-Scale Projects.
  • The Role of Leadership in Project Success.
  • Sustainability Integration in Project Management.
  • Challenges in Virtual Project Management.
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management.
  • Project Management Best Practices in Healthcare.
  • Lean Project Management Principles.
  • Project Portfolio Management in Multinational Corporations.
  •  The Use of Blockchain in Project Management.
  •  Cultural Diversity and Its Effects on Global Project Teams.
  •  Managing Scope Creep in Project Management.
  •  Project Management in Crisis Situations.
  •  Agile vs. Waterfall: A Comparative Analysis.
  •  Project Governance and Compliance.
  •  Critical Success Factors in Public Sector Projects.
  •  Benefits Realization Management in Project Management.
  •  Agile Transformation in Traditional Organizations.
  •  Project Management in the Digital Age.
  •  Sustainable Project Procurement Practices.
  •  The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Leadership.
  •  Project Management in the Healthcare Industry.
  •  Effective Communication in Virtual Project Teams.
  •  Agile Project Management in Software Development.
  •  The Impact of Project Management Offices (PMOs).
  •  Project Management in the Construction Industry.
  •  Project Risk Assessment and Mitigation.
  •  IT Project Management Challenges and Solutions.
  •  Project Management in Startups and Entrepreneurship.
  •  Lean Six Sigma in Project Management.
  •  Project Management Software Tools and Trends.
  •  The Role of Change Management in Project Success.
  •  Conflict Resolution in Project Teams.
  •  Project Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
  •  Scrum vs. Kanban: A Comparative Study. 
  •  Managing Cross-Cultural Teams in International Projects.
  •  The Future of Project Management: Trends and Forecasts.
  •  Effective Resource Allocation in Project Management.
  •  Project Procurement and Vendor Management.
  •  Quality Assurance in Project Management.
  •  Risk Assessment in IT Project Management.
  •  Benefits and Challenges of Hybrid Project Management Models.
  •  Agile Transformation in Large Organizations.
  •  The Role of Data Analytics in Project Management.
  •  Project Management for Non-Profit Organizations.
  •  Continuous Improvement in Project Management.
  •  The Impact of COVID-19 on Project Management Practices.
  •  The Role of Project Management in Innovation.
  •  Project Management in the Aerospace Industry.
  •  The Influence of Project Management on Organizational Performance.

Simple Project Management Research Ideas

Here are 10 simple project management research ideas that can serve as a foundation for more in-depth research:

The Impact of Effective Communication on Project Success: Investigate how clear and efficient communication within project teams influences project outcomes.

Project Management Software Adoption and Its Effects: Examine the adoption of project management software tools and their impact on project efficiency and collaboration.

Factors Affecting Scope Creep in Project Management: Identify the key factors contributing to scope creep and explore strategies to prevent it.

The Role of Project Management Offices (PMOs) in Organizational Performance: Analyze the performance, improving project success rates and enhancing overall project management maturity.

Agile Project Management in Non-Software Industries: Study how Agile project management principles can be adapted and applied effectively in non-IT industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, or construction.

Project Risk Management Strategies: Investigate the best practices and strategies for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks in project management.

Stakeholder Engagement in Project Success: Explore the significance of stakeholder engagement and its impact on project outcomes, including scope, quality, and stakeholder satisfaction.

Project Management in Small Businesses: Analyze the unique challenges and opportunities of project management in small businesses and startups, considering resource constraints and growth objectives.

Sustainability Practices in Project Management: Investigate how project managers can integrate sustainability principles into project planning and execution, with a focus on environmental and social responsibility.

Change Management in Project Transitions: Examine the role of change management in ensuring smooth transitions between project phases or methodologies, such as moving from Waterfall to Agile.

Interesting Project Management Research Paper Topics

These research paper topics offer opportunities to explore diverse aspects of project management, from leadership and ethics to emerging technologies and global project dynamics.

  • The Impact of Effective Communication on Project Success.
  • Project Management Software Adoption and Its Effects.
  • Factors Affecting Scope Creep in Project Management.
  • The Role of Project Management Offices (PMOs) in Organizational Performance.
  • Agile Project Management in Non-Software Industries.
  • Project Risk Management Strategies.
  • Stakeholder Engagement in Project Success.
  • Project Management in Small Businesses and Startups.
  • Sustainability Practices in Project Management.
  •  Change Management in Project Transitions.

Still can’t find an interesting topic? Maybe you’re in writer’s block. But we have a solution to this, too - a research paper writing service from real academic professionals! 

Research Project Topics in Business Management

Here are ten research project topics in business management. They encompass various aspects of business management, from leadership and diversity to sustainability and emerging trends in the business world.

  • The Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation and Productivity.
  • Strategies for Enhancing Workplace Diversity and Inclusion.
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership.
  • Sustainable Business Practices and Their Effects on Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Innovation and Technology Adoption in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs).
  • Financial Management Strategies for Small Businesses and Startups.
  • Effective Marketing Strategies in the Digital Age.
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Global Expansion for Multinational Corporations.
  • Supply Chain Management in a Post-Pandemic World: Resilience and Adaptability.
  •  Consumer Behavior and Market Trends in E-Commerce.

Software Project Management Dissertation Topics

These dissertation topics cover a range of critical issues and strategies in software project management, from risk management to AI integration and agile methodologies.

  • Effective Software Project Risk Management Strategies.
  • Agile vs. Waterfall: Comparative Analysis in Software Project Management.
  • Requirements Management in Software Development Projects.
  • The Role of DevOps in Accelerating Software Project Delivery.
  • Software Project Management Challenges in Distributed and Remote Teams.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing Practices in Software Project Management.
  • Managing Scope Changes and Requirements Volatility in Software Projects.
  • Vendor Management in Outsourced Software Development Projects.
  • Project Portfolio Management in Software Organizations.
  •  The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Software Project Management.

Remember that research paper topics might also be used to write a dissertation. Check them out as well!

Ten Construction Project Management Research Topics

Offering you ten research topics in construction project management, which delve into various aspects of construction project management, from sustainability and safety to technology adoption and stakeholder engagement.

  • Optimizing Construction Project Scheduling and Time Management.
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Large-Scale Construction Projects.
  • Green Building Practices and Sustainable Construction Management.
  • The Role of Technology in Improving Construction Project Efficiency.
  • Safety Management and Accident Prevention in Construction.
  • Contract Management in Public Infrastructure Projects.
  • Resource Allocation and Cost Control in Construction Project Management.
  • The Impact of Lean Construction Principles on Project Delivery.
  • Innovations in Prefabrication and Modular Construction Methods.
  •  Stakeholder Collaboration and Communication in Complex Construction Projects.

Ten Outstanding Project Administration Ideas for Research Paper

Let’s gain insights into the key aspects and focus areas of each research paper topic in project administration. Researchers can further refine these 10 topics to address specific research questions and objectives. 

Innovative Strategies for Effective Project Communication and Collaboration: This topic explores innovative communication and collaboration methods that enhance project team coordination and overall project success. It may include the use of technology, virtual tools, or novel approaches to foster effective communication.

Integrating Sustainability into Project Management Practices: This research examines how project managers can incorporate sustainability principles into project planning, execution, and decision-making, contributing to environmentally and socially responsible project outcomes.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Leadership and Team Dynamics: This topic delves into the significance of emotional intelligence in project leadership, focusing on how emotional intelligence influences team dynamics, motivation, and project performance.

Agile Project Management in Non-Traditional Industries: Opportunities and Challenges: It explores adopting Agile project management methodologies outside the software development domain, discussing the opportunities and challenges of applying Agile in industries like healthcare, manufacturing, or construction.

Crisis Management and Resilience in Project Administration: This topic investigates crisis management strategies and the development of project resilience to navigate unexpected disruptions, disasters, and unexpected events affecting project progress.

The Impact of Change Management in Successful Project Implementation: It examines the critical role of change management in ensuring smooth transitions between project phases, methodologies, or organizational changes, contributing to project success.

Ethical Decision-Making in Project Management: Balancing Objectives and Integrity: This research delves into the ethical dilemmas and decision-making processes project managers face and explores frameworks for ethical behavior in project management.

Technology Integration and Digital Transformation in Project Administration: It discusses how the integration of technology, such as AI, IoT, and automation, is transforming project administration practices and improving efficiency and project outcomes.

Risk Management and Contingency Planning in Large-Scale Projects: This topic focuses on risk management strategies and the development of effective contingency plans to mitigate risks in complex, large-scale projects.

Project Governance and the Influence of Regulatory Compliance: It explores project governance structures, including the impact of regulatory compliance on project management, risk management, and decision-making processes. In case you need aid with complex senior year papers, consult capstone project writing services . 

Ten Healthcare Project Management Research Topics

These research topics address various aspects of healthcare project management, from facility construction and technology implementation to quality improvement and crisis management. Researchers can explore these topics to contribute to the improvement of healthcare project outcomes and patient care.

  • Optimizing Healthcare Facility Construction and Renovation Projects.
  • Effective Implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in Hospitals.
  • Managing Change in Healthcare Organizations: A Project Management Perspective.
  • Telemedicine Project Management and its Impact on Healthcare Delivery.
  • Healthcare Project Risk Management: A Case Study Analysis.
  • Patient-Centered Care Initiatives and Project Management Best Practices.
  • Quality Improvement Projects in Healthcare: Challenges and Success Factors.
  • Healthcare Supply Chain Management and Project Efficiency.
  • The Role of Project Management in Healthcare Crisis Response (e.g., Pandemics).
  •  Measuring the Impact of Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare Process Improvement Projects.

When you find a topic - what’s next? Check out this guide on how to research a topic !

Project management is a dynamic and ever-evolving discipline, offering a rich landscape for research and exploration. Whether you are a student seeking captivating project management research topics or a seasoned professional looking to address real-world challenges, our list of topics provides a valuable starting point. 

The key to successful research in project management lies in identifying a topic that aligns with your interests and objectives, allowing you to make meaningful contributions to the field while addressing the pressing issues of today and tomorrow. If you need support executing your research or project, you might consider the convenience of our online services. Simply request " do my project for me " and connect with experts ready to assist you in navigating the complexities of your project management tasks.

So, delve into these research topics, choose the one that resonates with your passion, and embark on a journey of discovery and advancement in the world of project management. If you feel stressed or overwhelmed with the workload at some point, pay for a research paper to gain a competitive edge and save valuable time. 

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Project Management Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

Mark Aug 17, 2021 Aug 12, 2021 Project Management No Comments

Project management refers to the processes, knowledge, methods, experience, and skills utilized to achieve the planned strategic project goals. If you are looking for dissertation topics on project management, you have visited the right site. We have gathered and listed some very interesting and workable project management dissertations topics and research topics on project management. […]


Project management refers to the processes, knowledge, methods, experience, and skills utilized to achieve the planned strategic project goals. If you are looking for dissertation topics on project management, you have visited the right site.

We have gathered and listed some very interesting and workable project management dissertations topics and research topics on project management. you can take help from our expert writers to meet your requirements and deadlines. To begin with, you can select any topic from the list of project management dissertation topics and start writing a brief proposal. It will help in choosing the best topic that you find interesting to work on.

A list Of Project Management Dissertation Topic

A review on building project management skills – a look at current and past practices.

Exploring the major findings on trends related to project complexity

Analysing the process theory for accumulating project management knowledge.

To study the impact of implementation of project management on the success of construction projects.

Comparing and contrasting the different project management techniques – Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall.

A literature review on the advantages of different project risk management tools.

Studying the strategies and approaches related to sustainable project management.

Identifying and investigating the political risk management strategies related to international construction projects.

Exploring the major reasons behind delays in construction projects.

A literature review on the stakeholder theory in project management.

A bibliometric analysis of the project management success.

Examining the success criteria and critical success factors in project management.

A study on exploring the increasing project management involvement in pre-execution phases of projects.

Studying the strategies to manage different types of risks related to construction projects.

How do macro-environmental factors affect the success of construction projects?

To study the project management practices related to enterprise resource planning system projects.

Impact of different leadership styles on the success of projects.

Exploring the emerging technological trends in the context of project management.

Analysing the growing role of women in project management – a future perspective.

How to identify a suitable sustainable project management approach?

Exploring the relationship between project management and entrepreneurship.

Revisiting information systems in the context of project management success in the contemporary and modern era.

Studying the development models in the IT sector from 2008 to 2018 considering its impact on project management.

Analysing the people-oriented principles and values in the context of agile project management.

A review of the evolution of the relationship between knowledge management and project management.

Evaluation of the factors behind the failure of project management practices.

How to address and manage conflicts during project management.

Studying the increasing demand for experienced and skilled project managers and project management techniques.

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Project Management Dissertation Topics

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Starting a dissertation in project management is a big task. You need to think carefully and make smart plans before you begin. A very important choice you’ll make is choosing the right topic for your dissertation. The decision you make also affects where your study is going and how successful it will be in school. This article talks about the best ways to pick good project management dissertation topics that you like, and help make a big difference in your field.

How to Select the Project Management Dissertation Topic?

  • Identify Your Passion and Interests

Picking a project management dissertation topic that matches your interests and passions is very important. Think about the parts of project management that really interest you. Picking a topic you love, like risk management or teamwork, will help keep your enthusiasm high while doing research. It’s important to choose something that makes you excited because it can be tough sometimes. Using fresh ideas and methods is also worth considering during the study process as well!

  • Check Current Trends and Job Requirements

Keep up to date with recent trends and requirements in project management. Your big paper can be more important if it talks about modern issues and helps to fix real-life problems. Look into the new things, future technologies and changing ways in managing projects.

  • Review Existing Literature

Read a lot about project management from books and articles that already exist. Find missing parts, unexplored places or areas that need more study. This part not only gives a start for your own job but also helps you see what others are talking about and add to it in a valuable way.

  • Talk with Your Teachers and Friends

Talk with your teachers and friends to get suggestions or opinions on possible subjects for a big paper you have to write. Their experience and viewpoints can help you improve your thoughts. Talking together can help us have a clearer and better research question.

  • Consider Practical Implications

Look at how your chosen topic works in real life. Check how your study could be used in real-world situations for managing projects. Topics that give real help to people and businesses can be very interesting. They might get more attention from teachers, professionals, or both in academic circles.

  • Personalize Your Approach

Change your dissertation subject to match what you know best and are good at. If you can, include your work experience in your research to make it more useful. Making your work personal makes it more real and interesting. This also helps people connect with the content better.

  • Show Your Importance in the Area

Pick a research paper subject that lets you give something helpful to the area of running projects. Whether you suggest a new idea for how things should work, add better ways to what we currently do or challenge old ideas in the field, try your best to have an impact on it.

As you start your dissertation journey, keep in mind that is there to help with school things. Our team of writer experts is good at making special, well-written articles like dissertations. Give your project to us, and let our expert writers improve it. Go to for a good and dependable school writing service made just for you. Your success is our priority.

Dissertation Topics in Construction Project Management

Embarking on a dissertation in construction project management opens the door to exploring a wide range of fascinating and relevant topics. Here, we present a curated list of 20 dissertation topics to inspire your research in this dynamic field:

  • Sustainable Construction Practices: A Comprehensive Analysis.
  • Risk Management in Large-Scale Construction Projects.
  • The Impact of Technology Adoption on Project Efficiency in Construction.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration in Urban Infrastructure Development.
  • Lean Construction Principles: Implementation and Effectiveness.
  • BIM (Building Information Modeling) in Project Planning and Execution.
  • Procurement Strategies in Construction Project Management.
  • Safety Culture and its Influence on Project Success in Construction.
  • Resilience in Construction Project Management: Case Studies.
  • Social and Environmental Responsibility in Construction Projects.
  • Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Digital Transformation in Construction: A Case Study Approach.
  • Human Resource Management in Multinational Construction Projects.
  • Cost Overruns and Delay Analysis in Construction Project Management.
  • Innovative Project Delivery Methods: Comparative Analysis.
  • Building Smart Cities: Technological Integration in Urban Projects.
  • Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Infrastructure Development.
  • Climate Change Adaptation in Construction Project Planning.
  • Modular Construction: Advantages, Challenges, and Future Prospects.
  • Quality Management in Construction: Best Practices and Lessons Learned.

Powerful MSc Project Management Dissertation Topics

Choosing an MSc project management dissertation topic requires a blend of theoretical understanding and practical relevance. Here are 15 intriguing topics to spark your interest and guide your research:

  • Agile Project Management in Complex IT Environments.
  • Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Project Team Performance.
  • Project Portfolio Management: Strategies for Success.
  • Change Management in Project Environments: A Comprehensive Study.
  • Integration of Sustainability into Project Management Practices.
  • Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges in Global Project Teams.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Project Management Software Tools.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Project Management: Case Studies and Analysis.
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Leadership.
  • Measuring and Enhancing Project Manager Performance.
  • Innovation Management in Project-Based Organizations.
  • Crisis Management in Project Environments: Lessons from Real Cases.
  • Strategic Alignment of Projects with Organizational Objectives.
  • Effective Stakeholder Engagement Strategies in Project Management.
  • Project Management in Healthcare: Addressing Unique Challenges.

Selecting a dissertation topic is a critical step, and we hope these suggestions serve as a springboard for your exploration. Remember, is here to support your academic journey, providing expert assistance tailored to your needs. Visit us for a seamless writing experience that ensures the success of your MSc or construction project management dissertation. Your academic success is our commitment.

MBA Dissertation Topics in Project Management

An MBA dissertation in project management combines the principles of business administration with the intricacies of effective project leadership. Here’s a curated list of 20 MBA dissertation topics to ignite your interest and guide your exploration:

  • Strategic Project Portfolio Management: Aligning Projects with Organizational Goals.
  • Entrepreneurial Project Management: Navigating Risks and Opportunities.
  • Leadership Challenges in Matrix Organizational Structures: A Project Management Perspective.
  • Agile Methodologies in Business Transformation Projects.
  • Investigating the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Manager Leadership.
  • Project Governance and its Impact on Project Success.
  • Analyzing the Influence of Organizational Culture on Project Management Practices.
  • Implementing Project Management Office (PMO) in Large Corporations.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration in Global Project Teams.
  • Risk Management in Mega-Projects: Lessons from the Field.
  • Innovation and Creativity in Project Management: A Comparative Study.
  • Measuring and Enhancing Project Manager Performance in High-Stakes Projects.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Integration in Project Management.
  • Supply Chain Management in Project Execution: Best Practices.
  • The Role of Technology in Improving Project Efficiency and Effectiveness.
  • Project Management in the Age of Digital Transformation.
  • Evaluating the Impact of Stakeholder Management on Project Outcomes.
  • Green Project Management: Sustainable Practices in Business Projects.
  • Managing Change in Organizations: A Project Management Approach.
  • The Integration of Lean Six Sigma Principles in Project Management.

Fabulous IT Project Management Dissertation Topics

In the fast-evolving landscape of information technology, an IT project management dissertation offers an opportunity to explore cutting-edge topics. Here are 15 intriguing dissertation topics to spark your interest in the intersection of IT and project management:

  • Cybersecurity Risk Management in IT Projects: A Comprehensive Study.
  • Blockchain Technology in Project Management: Opportunities and Challenges.
  • IT Project Governance: Ensuring Accountability and Transparency.
  • Cloud Computing Adoption in Project Environments: Best Practices.
  • Big Data Analytics in Project Decision-Making Processes.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Project Planning and Execution.
  • Digital Transformation Projects: Overcoming Implementation Challenges.
  • IT Project Outsourcing: Managing Relationships and Achieving Success.
  • The Role of IT in Agile Project Management Methodologies.
  • User Experience (UX) Design in IT Project Development.
  • Mobile App Development Project Management: Lessons Learned.
  • Innovative Project Management Tools for IT Professionals.
  • IT Project Failure Analysis: Causes and Mitigation Strategies.
  • Evaluating the Impact of IT Project Management Certification on Career Advancement.
  • IT Infrastructure Project Management: Ensuring Scalability and Reliability.

Selecting the right MBA or IT project management dissertation topic is a crucial step in your academic journey. Remember, is your trusted partner, offering specialized writing services to ensure your dissertation stands out. Visit us for personalized assistance that aligns with your unique requirements, propelling you toward academic success. Your achievement is our priority.

Interesting Project Management Dissertation Topics

When choosing a project management dissertation topic, opting for an interesting and engaging subject can enhance your enthusiasm and lead to a more compelling research project. Here are 15 intriguing dissertation topics designed to captivate your interest and fuel your academic curiosity:

  • The Psychology of Project Teams: Understanding Motivation and Collaboration.
  • Exploring the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Project Communication.
  • Project Management in the Gaming Industry: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Effective Knowledge Management Strategies in Project Environments.
  • The Role of Project Managers as Change Agents in Organizations.
  • Measuring Success in Non-Profit Project Management: Metrics and Evaluation.
  • Adopting Sustainable Practices in Construction Project Management.
  • Project Management in the Healthcare Industry: Navigating Regulatory Compliance.
  • The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Project Management.
  • Agile Methodologies in Creative Industries: A Case Study Approach.
  • Managing Virtual Project Teams: Strategies for Success.
  • Evaluating the Impact of Social Media on Project Communication.
  • Project Management in Startups: Challenges and Innovations.
  • The Use of Virtual Reality in Project Planning and Execution.
  • Crisis Management in Project Environments: Lessons from Historical Events.

Brilliant Project Management Dissertation Ideas

Generating innovative and impactful dissertation ideas is crucial for a successful project management research endeavor. Here are 15 dissertation ideas to inspire your thinking and spark creativity:

  • A Comparative Analysis of Traditional vs. Agile Project Management Approaches.
  • Examining the Relationship Between Project Leadership Styles and Team Performance.
  • The Evolution of Project Management: Trends and Future Directions.
  • Project Management in E-commerce: Addressing Unique Challenges.
  • The Impact of Project Complexity on Risk Management Strategies.
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Virtual Project Management Tools.
  • Project Management in the Era of Remote Work: Lessons from the Pandemic.
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Manager Decision-Making.
  • Implementing Circular Economy Principles in Project Management Practices.
  • Project Management in the Gig Economy: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Analyzing the Influence of Stakeholder Engagement on Project Outcomes.
  • The Integration of Design Thinking in Project Management Processes.
  • Measuring the Success of IT Project Management in Government Organizations.
  • Project Management in Creative Industries: Balancing Innovation and Execution.
  • The Use of Predictive Analytics in Project Risk Management.

Picking a dissertation theme that matches your interests and shows off excitement is very important. is a place to help you in school work, giving top writing services made just for what you need. Come to us for dependable and tailored help that makes sure your project management paper gets noticed. Your success is our commitment.

engineering project management dissertation topics


  • Project Management

Top 170 Project Management Research Topics to Work in 2024

Home Blog Project Management Top 170 Project Management Research Topics to Work in 2024

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In the ever-evolving field of project management, staying ahead of the most recent research trends is essential for professionals who wish to enhance their skills and increase successful project outcomes. This article highlights the top ten project management research topics expected to impact the project management field in 2024 significantly.

Along with Project Management certification courses , this thorough list will be an invaluable tool for exploring the main research frontiers in the dynamic field of project management. Whether you are an aspiring project manager, an academic researcher, or an industry professional looking to optimize your project strategies, project management certifications will support your growth.

What is a Project Management Research Paper?

Project management research papers are academic documents that go deeply into a single topic or aspect of the field of project management. It is usually written by students, researchers, or professionals in the field of project management, and its goal is to add new knowledge, insights, or views to the field.

A research paper on project management will look at some aspects of project management, be it a theoretical framework, methodology, best practices, or case studies. It entails conducting a systematic investigation into the chosen topic, accumulating and analyzing relevant information, and drawing conclusions or making suggestions based on the findings. The study of the project management research topics 2024 will help budding project managers along with PMP certification training .

List of Project Management Research Topics and Ideas

 Here is a list of project management research topics, for writing your project research paper.

1Impact of Global Leadership in Leading to the Success of a Project
2Effects of Cultural Diversity on Project Performance
3Popular Leadership Style Used by Project Managers
4Evaluate PMBOK Guidelines
5Stakeholder Approach to Successful Adoption of Projects
6Effect of Change Mobilization on Companies
7Impact of Reward System on Boosting Productivity
8Relation Between Leadership and Change Management
9How to Develop Cost-effective Projects in Developed Nations?
What is a Project Management Research Paper?

Top 10 Project Management Research Topics

The following are the top project management thesis topics in 2024. Let us look into key points and overview of each project management research proposal:

1. Impact of Global Leadership in Leading to the Success of a Project

The following are the key points covered in the thesis on project management of “Impact of global leadership in leading to the success of a project”.

  • Global Leadership in Leading Projects: Global leadership is the skill of project managers to lead and manage project teams that are from different cultures, different time zones, and different parts of the world. It means learning and adjusting to different cultural norms, ways of communicating, and ways of doing work.
  • Communication and Working Together: Good communication and working together are key to the success of a project, especially when it's a global project.
  • Team Building and Motivation: Global leaders must establish trust, develop a sense of a common goal, and provide adequate support and recognition to team members regardless of their geographic location.
  • Knowledge Transfer and Learning: The importance of knowledge transfer and learning among project teams should be highlighted by global leadership.

The influence of global leadership on the success of a project has become an increasingly vital subject of research in the discipline of project management. Project teams are becoming more diverse, multicultural, and geographically dispersed as organizations continue to expand their global operations. This trend has created an urgent need for effective global leadership to navigate the complexities and challenges of managing projects across multiple countries, cultures, and time zones.

2. Effects of Cultural Diversity on Project Performance

How cultural diversity affect teams

  • Understanding Cultural Diversity: People from other cultures bring their own unique set of values, beliefs, behaviors, and modes of communication to the table, creating a rich stew of cultural diversity.
  • Benefits of Cultural Diversity in Project Management: Cultural diversity has various advantages for project management in addition to highlighting differences.
  • Challenges of Cultural Diversity in Project Management: Even though cultural diversity can have a lot of positive effects on a project, it also poses special difficulties that project managers must overcome to ensure project success.
  • Effective Management of Culturally Diverse Teams: It can be difficult to manage a team with different cultural backgrounds, but with the correct strategy, project managers can capitalize on diversity's advantages and complete projects successfully.

This research topic, it is examined how cultural diversity affects project performance as well as how project managers may successfully lead a multicultural team to project success.

In today's globalized world, cultural diversity is more common than ever and has a big impact on project management. Project managers need to understand how cultural variations between the team, stakeholders, and clients might impact project performance.

3. Popular Leadership Style Used by Project Managers

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “Popular leadership style used by project managers”.

  • Qualities of Effective Leadership.
  • Leadership Styles of Project Managers:
  • Democratic leadership style
  • Transformational leadership style
  • Situational leadership style
  • Comparative analysis
  • Charismatic leadership style
  • Summarizing the main findings and contributions of the research.

The paper begins by emphasizing the significance of effective project management leadership and its influence on project outcomes. It emphasizes that project managers require not only technical expertise but also the ability to inspire and lead their teams to deliver results. The purpose of this study is to identify the most prevalent leadership styles employed by project managers and cast light on their effectiveness within the context of project management.

Overall, the project management research paper offers insightful insights into the most prevalent leadership styles employed by project managers. It provides a thorough comprehension of the significance of leadership in project management and emphasizes the effectiveness of transformational leadership in motivating high-performance teams. The findings are a valuable resource for project managers and other professionals who wish to improve their leadership skills and project outcomes.

4. Evaluate PMBOK Guidelines

The following are the key points in “Evaluate the PMBOK guidelines”.

  • Introduction to PMBOK Guidelines
  • Evaluation of Strengths
  • Identification of Weaknesses
  • Areas for Improvement
  • Suggestions for Enhancements

This research paper tries to evaluate the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) guidelines, a widely accepted project management standard. The PMBOK provides a comprehensive framework and best practices for effectively managing projects. This study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the PMBOK guidelines, identifies areas for improvement, and proposes potential enhancements to increase its relevance and applicability in modern project management practices.

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5. Stakeholder Approach to Successful Adoption of Projects

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “Stakeholder Approach to Successful Adoption of Projects.”

  • This paper examines the significance of stakeholder management to the successful adoption of projects.
  • Understanding Stakeholders
  • Significance of Stakeholder Management
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Engaging Stakeholders
  • Stakeholder Engagement Strategies
  • Managing Stakeholder Expectations
  • Overcoming Challenges
  • Benefits of the Stakeholder Approach

This research paper begins with an overview of stakeholders and their significance in project management. It emphasizes that stakeholders include individuals, groups, and organizations that can influence a project or be influenced by it. The paper emphasizes the necessity of identifying, analyzing, and ranking stakeholders based on their interests, power, and influence while acknowledging the wide variety of stakeholders involved in any given project.

The paper concludes by highlighting the importance of adopting a stakeholder-based approach to project management for attaining successful project outcomes. It prioritizes the need for project managers to recognize stakeholders as essential collaborators and engage them actively throughout the project lifecycle. By considering the interests of stakeholders, managing their expectations, and maintaining open communication channels, projects can increase their likelihood of successful adoption and long-term sustainability.

6. Effect of Change Mobilization on Companies

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “Effects of change mobilization in Companies.”

  • Importance of Change Mobilization
  • Change Mobilization Strategies
  • Impact on Organizational Performance
  • Challenges and Barriers to Change Mobilization
  • Overcoming Challenges and Enhancing Change Mobilization

The "Effect of Change Mobilization in Companies" research paper investigates the influence of change mobilization on organizational performance and employee engagement. The study investigates the numerous strategies and approaches utilized by businesses to successfully carry out and oversee initiatives to change. The findings demonstrate a positive relationship between effective change mobilization and increased productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction. The paper highlights the significance of leadership, communication, and employee participation in facilitating organizational change.

7. Impact of Reward System on Boosting Productivity

The following are the key points included in the project management research paper “Impact of a reward system on boosting productivity”.

  • This paper investigates the effect of a reward system on boosting productivity in a variety of contexts.
  • Importance of Rewards in Motivation.
  • Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Reward Systems.
  • Types of Rewards
  • Case Studies and Empirical Evidence.
  • Challenges and Limitations.
  • The research paper also concludes that well-designed reward systems can have a positive impact on productivity by motivating individuals and fostering a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

The research paper investigates the effects of implementing a reward system on organizational productivity levels. The study investigates how incentives and recognition can positively impact employee motivation, engagement, and overall performance.

Overall, the research paper illuminates the significant influence of a reward system on increasing organizational productivity. It provides administrators and human resource professionals with valuable insights and recommendations that can be used to improve employee motivation and performance, leading to increased productivity and organizational success.

8. Relation Between Leadership and Change Management

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “Relation between Leadership and Change Management”:

  • Definition of leadership and change management in the project management context.
  • Leadership's Role in Change Management.
  • Leadership Styles and Change Management.
  • Key Factors for Effective Leadership in Change Management.
  • Case Studies and Examples.
  • Challenges and Recommendations.

This project management research topic examines the vital connection between leadership and change management in the context of project management. It attempts to examine how effective leadership influences the success of organizational change initiatives. Examining various leadership styles and their influence on change management processes, the study identifies the important factors that contribute to effective leadership in driving successful change.

9. How to Develop Cost-effective Projects in Developed Nations?

The following are the key points discussed in the research paper “How to Develop Cost-effective Projects in Developed Nations”:

  • A survey of project management in developed countries
  • The significance of efficiency in project development.
  • Objective and methodology of research.
  • Cost-effectiveness factors in developed countries.
  • Cost-Effective Project Management Strategies.
  • Case Studies and Effective Methods.
  • Cost-Effective Project Management Framework for Developed Nations.

This research paper concentrates on the identification of strategies and methods to build cost-effective projects in developed nations. The study acknowledges the challenges project managers experience in high-cost environments and aims to provide practical insights and suggestions for achieving optimal project outcomes while minimizing costs. The paper synthesizes current research and case studies to highlight key contributors to cost-effectiveness and presents a framework for project management in developed nations.

10. Analyze the Role of Soft Skills in Project Success Rates

The following are the key points included in the research paper “Analyze the Role of soft skills in project success rates”:

  • Definition of soft skills
  • Importance of soft skills in project management
  • Relation between soft skills and project accomplishment
  • Effective communication
  • Leadership and team management
  • Resolution of disagreements and problem-solving
  • Importance of soft skills development
  • Team composition and selection
  • Integration of soft skills in project management practices

The "Analyze the Role of Soft Skills in Project Success Rates" research paper examines the significance of soft skills in determining project success rates. Soft skills are a collection of personal characteristics and interpersonal abilities that enable individuals to communicate, collaborate, and manage relationships in professional settings. This study seeks to investigate the effect of these abilities on project outcomes, shedding light on their contribution to project success.The paper begins with an introduction to the significance of soft skills in the contemporary workplace, emphasizing their increasing recognition alongside technical expertise. It emphasizes the growing complexity of initiatives and the need for effective teamwork, communication, and leadership skills to successfully navigate such complexity.

Software Project Management Research Topics

These topics cover a range of critical issues, tactics, risk management, AI integration, and agile methodologies in software project management.

  • Software Project Management Challenges in Distributed and Remote Teams.
  • Effective Software Project Risk Management Strategies.
  • The Role of DevOps in Accelerating Software Project Delivery.
  • Agile vs. Waterfall: Comparative Analysis in Software Project Management.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing Practices in Software Project Management.
  • Project Portfolio Management in Software Organizations.
  • Managing Scope Changes and Requirements Volatility in Software Projects.

Construction Project Management Research Ideas

These topics cover sustainability, safety, technology adoption, and stakeholder engagement in construction project management.

  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Large-Scale Construction Projects.
  • The Role of Technology in Improving Construction Project Efficiency.
  • Resource Allocation and Cost Control in Construction Methods.
  • Safety Management and Accident Prevention in Construction.
  • Optimizing Construction Project Scheduling and Time Management.
  • Green Building Practices and Sustainable Construction Projects.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration and Communication in Complex Construction Projects.
  • Impact of Lean Construction Principles on Project Delivery.

Research Topics for Project Management in Healthcare

These topics cover various aspects of healthcare project management, facility construction, implementing technology, quality improvement, and crisis management.

  • Healthcare Supply Chain Management and Project Efficiency.
  • Managing Change in Healthcare Organizations: A Project Management Perspective.
  • Optimizing Healthcare Facility Construction and Renovation Projects.
  • Telemedicine Project Management and its Impact on Health care Delivery.
  • Healthcare Project Risk Management: A Case Study Analysis.
  • Patient-Centered Care Initiatives and Project Management Best Practices.
  • Quality Improvement Projects in Healthcare: Challenges and Success Factors.

Research Topics in the Agile Project Management  

  • How can project managers survive the agile scare?  
  • Can a project manager be an effective scrum master?  
  • Agile leadership - Looking beyond the project management horizon  
  • Lean agile principles and project management - applying these constructively  
  • Zeroing down on the role of a functional manager in agile project management  
  • Measuring agile adoption across the organization  
  • Tips for being an effective impediment remover while driving projects successfully across the industries  
  • Scrum best practices with project management - creating high performing teams  
  • How utilization metrics help and what can project managers do to address low team utilization ratios?  
  • Beyond velocity - a look at key metrics for agile teams  
  • Roadmap planning - how does it help project managers?  
  • Understanding the overlapping roles of product and project management  
  • DevOps framework - explainer of the 4 pillars of DevOps  
  • Can a project manager be an effective impediment remover for teams  
  • How to manage risks effectively in case of distributed teams  
  • Changes in project management after the pandemic era  
  • Proven change management strategies for project managers  
  • Demystifying resource utilization to solve project problems  
  • How to drive effective retrospectives for any agile team  
  • Improving collaboration a key ingredient for project success  
  • Evolution of project lifecycle - from traditional to agile  
  • Avoiding pitfalls when scaling agile   
  • SAFe vs LeSS - understanding distinct agile methodologies  
  • Why is scrum the most popular agile methodology  
  • Product backlog - the key to agile project success  

Project Management Research  Topics in by Project Phases  

A. project initiation    .

  • Explained - the art of choosing the right projects for the organization  
  • Mapping portfolio vision to project execution methods  
  • Understanding patterns of successful project selection methods   
  • What must project managers know about benefits management  
  • Project tradeoffs and how, what and when to make the choice  
  • The 4 quadrants of choosing the right projects  
  • Sunk costs - how to avoid hitting the tip of the iceberg  
  • The art of stakeholder management in project management  
  • Move stakeholders from unaware to leading - a guide for project managers  
  • Stakeholder engagement - the hidden truth of project management  
  • Identifying stakeholders - the first step to effective project management  
  • How to convert business documents to project documentation  

B. Project Planning  

  • Peeling the agile planning onion layer by layer  
  • Shift left project planning from top-down to bottoms-up  
  • Understanding importance of Gantt charts in project planning  
  • Planning cross-vertical projects - Do’s and Don'ts  
  • Avoiding project planning pitfalls  
  • Project planning for dummies  
  • Passing the baton from project planning to implementation  
  • Planning projects as a servant leader  
  • Capacity planning and its applications across software development  
  • A guide to rolling-wave planning and its benefits  
  • Comparative analysis - project scheduling and planning tools  
  • Scope management - establishing clear boundaries for project success  

C. Project Execution  

  • Handover from project planning to execution - A checklist  
  • Balancing the project management triangle in a chaotic environment  
  • Project documentation - the backbone of project management and execution  
  • Executing projects with the help of modern day GPTs  
  • Execute projects using AI - going beyond traditional project management  
  • How AI can change the way project managers think about project execution  
  • Different ways to capture unknown-unknowns in project management  
  • Contingency planning - how to plan for the worst and prepare for the best  
  • Executing cross-vertical projects - common challenges and pitfalls  
  • Linking themes, initiatives, and user stories - lessons for project managers  
  • Success stories on project communication - how to engage team members effectively  
  • Communication tools and strategies - chalking the project management path  

D. Project Monitoring and Controlling    

  • What metrics must project managers see on a daily basis  
  • Fix the scope creep and gold plating problems the traditional way  
  • The art of project management - how to monitor and control projects effectively  
  • Effective risk management for project managers  
  • How to monitor projects using ChatGPT prompts  
  • Risk management 101 - 101 common risks every PM must know  
  • Patterns in risk management - how to uncover risks early and easily  
  • Quality control - the most effective methods for project success  
  • Impact of continuous improvement on project success and methods  
  • What cannot be fixed in projects - tips every project manager must know  
  • Triaging meetings - the lesser known project management gemstone  
  • Common project monitoring and control pitfalls every PM must avoid  

E. Project Closure    

  • Simplifying project closure - ways to effectively close projects  
  • Why 90% project managers fail to close projects convincingly  
  • Balancing stakeholders during project closure  
  • Project closure - transitioning from project management to benefits management  
  • Project closure checklist - common handoffs to complete and close projects  
  • The what and how of post project evaluations   
  • How to perform effective retrospectives in any project  
  • Creating Organization Process Assets and lessons learned while closing projects  
  • Knowledge transfer - moving from project management to operations  
  • Establishing measures to address challenges when closing projects  
  • How can project managers learn from failures while closing projects  
  • Common project closure pitfalls every PM must avoid.  

Project Research Topics by Domain  

A. finance and accounting    .

  • A guide to key financial performance indicators (KPIs) to measure projects  
  • Cost benefit accounting and analysis in financial project selection   
  • Comparative analysis of project budgeting methods in finance and accounting projects  
  • Knowing what types of financial metrics are used in project evaluation  
  • Transparency and Accountability in project management reporting  
  • Project financial management - a guide to cost benefit analysis  
  • Key to project financial disclosures for project managers  
  • Risk mitigation and management in project financial analysis  
  • Key financial ratios to review project performance  
  • Project financial statements that a project manager must analyze during project closure  

B. Sales and Marketing    

  • Borrowing techniques from project management for effective campaign planning  
  • Strategies for conducting comprehensive market research  
  • Product launch - creating a step-by-step path using project management practices  
  • How to add project management best practices to establish robust marketing management plans  
  • Project management in the digital age - tools to run digital marketing strategies  
  • Best practices and pitfalls for sales and marketing projects   
  • Project management practices to design and conduct impactful sales trainings  
  • Successful planning and control techniques experienced marketing managers must know  
  • How can project managers drive transition from sales management to service management  
  • How can project managers draft a successful CRM implementation plan  

C. Manufacturing Industry    

  • TQM - the role of Total Quality Management in the manufacturing industry   
  • Getting the hands dirty - techniques PMs must employ for project management in factories  
  • Green manufacturing initiatives - how do they influence projects and project management  
  • Exploring project communication strategies and challenges in manufacturing project management  
  • How has six sigma and lean quality principles helped project management  
  • Waste reduction - the science every project manager in manufacturing must know  
  • Meeting labor needs - techniques for project managers to work with labor unions  
  • Project management and Internet of Things - driving innovation in industry 4.0  
  • Why quality is everyone’s responsibility in the project  
  • How can project managers create an effective documentation strategy for manufacturing industry  

D. Service Industry    

  • Bridging the customer experience gap in project management  
  • Project management and customer satisfaction - making two ends meet  
  • Analysis of Agile adoption across industries and domains  
  • Embracing project management success strategies in the digital PM drive  
  • Risk management in service industry - an overview  
  • ChatGPT prompts that every project manager must know   
  • How ChatGPT can calculate Key Performance Indicators for any project  
  • Common project pitfalls that every project manager must know  
  • Applying agile techniques in service industry   
  • Enhancing digital adoption via various channels and techniques  

Project Research Topics for the  Non IT  Industry  

  • Application of project management practices in Finance and Accounting  
  • Project management best practices for healthcare industry  
  • How project management can help optimize operations management  
  • Establishing measures for effective project management in primary industries  
  • Building effective project management strategies in secondary industries  
  • Improvising project management practices in tertiary industries  
  • Agile transformations in the retail space  
  • Harnessing project management practices for stock broking and trading  
  • Building engaging and successful team dynamics in the defense industry  
  • Creating meaningful OKRs for projects in the Non-IT industry  
  • How knowledge areas and processes of project management can help non-IT industries  
  • Creating meaningful metrics for measuring project performance  
  • Driving automobile sales and delivery using project management practices  
  • Insights for CRM based project applications  
  • PM best practices applied in non-IT based projects  

How to Write a Project Management Research Paper?

It is suggested to get certified in PRINCE2 certification training for aspiring project managers, which will help them work on well-organized and logical project management topics for research papers. Here is a step-by-step guide to writing your research paper on project management:

  • Select a topic of project management that sparks your interest.
  • Utilize credible sources such as academic journals, books, Google research, websites, and scholarly articles to conduct extensive research on the selected topic.
  • Create a plan to organize your primary ideas and thoughts.
  • Write an appealing introduction that provides perspective and states your research question.
  • Provide a comprehensive survey of the appropriate research by summarizing existing studies and theories.
  • Clearly describe your method, including how you plan to collect and examine data.
  • Use tables, charts, or graphs as necessary to present your findings or results.
  • Consider any restrictions or limitations of your study and explain how they may have affected your findings.
  • Your paper should be proofread and edited for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling.
  • Format your paper according to the specific instructions provided by your institution or the journal to which you are submitting.
  • To avoid plagiarism, cite your sources using the appropriate format (e.g., APA, MLA).
  • To enhance the quality and rigor of your research paper, solicit feedback from peers or professors.

These topics for research in project management provide an excellent roadmap for project management academicians and practitioners to follow as we move forward. By focusing on these areas, we can obtain valuable insights, foster innovation, and elevate the project management discipline to new heights. The discipline of project management, such as construction project management research topics and ideas, is in a constant state of evolution, and researchers need to explore new avenues and address new challenges. Along with getting trained in these project management research proposal topics, it is suggested to enroll in KnowledgeHut Project Management courses for beginners and get globally recognized accreditations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Project management for research is the process of planning, coordinating, and carrying out research tasks in a way that helps reach certain goals within certain limits. 

The questions that a study or research project is trying to answer are the research questions. Most of the time, this question is about a problem or issue that is answered in the study's result through the analysis and interpretation of data.

The latest emerging project topics are Hybrid Project Management, Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Automation, Rise in remote working, Advanced Resource and Project Management Software, and Projects and Organizational strategy.


Kevin D.Davis

Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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20 Thesis Topics for Project Management

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  • Richard Thornton
  • March 21st, 2018

Project Management Thesis?

Project management basically includes initiating, planning, controlling and executing a project. While preparing a project management thesis, dissertation, essay or any assignment, one must be well-versed with the primary terminologies and requirements of the subject. Broadly, the assignment can be divided into 3 phases:

  • Initiation of a project includes all the processes involved in defining a new project. This phase determines the nature and scope of the project. If this stage is not followed, it is very unlikely for the project to meet the business’ needs.
  • Planning and controlling involves monitoring and controlling the time and resources, and effectively managing risk during the project execution. The ongoing procedure measures all the project variables and corrective actions are taken to address the issues.
  • The closure means formal acceptance of the project, thereby the ending. This involves the documentation and report of the learning. Post Implementation Review also constitutes a vital phase of the closure.

While working on a project management assignment, students, as well as working professionals, may find the need to emphasise on minute details such as PBS, WBS, RACI, project documentation, cost engineering and many more.

Project Management Assignment TutorVersal

20 Topics to Write a Project Management Thesis or Dissertation:

Following are the topics that students as well as working professionals can choose from while preparing project management assignments:

  • Business Requirement Analysis
  • Descriptive Analytics And Visualisation
  • Business Value Of Information
  • Project Scheduling and Control
  • Project Integration and Procurement
  • Project Leadership
  • Management Research and Practice
  • Project Procurement Management
  • Information Systems Challenges
  • Contemporary Approaches
  • Project Program and Portfolio Management
  • Sustainable Project Management
  • Facility Life Cycle Costing 
  • Project Stakeholder Management
  • Work And Organisation Systems
  • Project Investment Analysis
  • Organisation Change Management
  • Global Leadership
  • Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Project Risk Management

TutorVersal Project Management Assignment Help

TutorVersal’s project management assignment experts are well-versed with all the aforementioned topics, and their respective requirements when it comes to preparing any write-up.

TutorVersal Project management Assignment Writing Experts

Our project management experts have been part of different industries including construction projects, production engineering, design engineering, computing, architecture, telecommunications and many heavy industries from all over the globe. Apart from the subject-matter knowledge, our experts can prepare your project on the basis of its complexity. Moreover, they have successfully delivered projects with up to Level 7 complexity . Therefore, based on various criterion such as time-span and project output, our professionals can provide you the best possible assignment with your precise specifications.

The services differ we provide differ for different communities. For students, the assignment help experts of TutorVersal sticks to the marking rubric as per the specific university guidelines. On the other hand, for working professionals, the experts provide highly specialised projects. Our non-disclosure clause ensures that any information related to the client as well as the respective ghostwriter(s) is kept highly confidential.

Apart from project management, you can avail the services of subject matter experts from diverse fields to get the best engineering assignment help or guidance in other subjects.

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Construction Engineering Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On May 20, 2024

The development of construction engineering has significantly influenced the way our society has grown over the last few decades. Recent research in sustainable construction has been much emphasised in the civil engineering industry. The world is now moving towards systems that are considered adaptable, sustainable, viable, and environmentally friendly.

Many developed countries, including the United Kingdom, have developed pathways towards this future in Vision 2030 and even 2050. There are various exciting research opportunities for students when selecting their construction engineering dissertation topic .

To help you get started with brainstorming for construction engineering topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your construction engineering dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for 2022 here.

Latest Construction Engineering Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of virtual reality on enhancing customer experience and decreasing on-site visits to construction projects.

Research Aim: The aim is to evaluate the impact of virtual reality on enhancing customer experience and decreasing on-site visits to construction projects


  • To understand the significance of incorporating VR in the UK construction projects
  • To analyse the effect of VR on enhancing customer experience
  • To examine the impact of VR on reducing the number of on-site visits

Topic 2: The incorporation of AI in UK based construction projects to forecast costs accurately and mitigate safety and productivity issues

Research Aim: The aim focuses on examining how the incorporation of AI in UK construction projects can help in forecasting costs accurately and mitigating safety and productivity issues

  • To explore the significance of incorporating AI in construction projects
  • To evaluate how forecasting of costs can be done accurately with the incorporation of AI in the UK construction projects
  • To understand how safety and productivity issues can be mitigated effectively with the integration of AI in UK construction projects

Topic 3: The impact of workforce restrictions and supply chain disruptions due to the coronavirus pandemic on the growth of the UK construction sector

Research Aim: The research aim concentrates on exploring the impact of workforce restrictions and supply chain disruptions due to the coronavirus pandemic on the growth of the UK construction sector

  • To evaluate the different impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the UK construction sector
  • To determine how supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic have influenced the growth of the UK construction sector
  • To examine how workforce restrictions due to this pandemic have impacted the growth of the UK construction sector

Topic 4: The importance of five elements of Business Information Modeling and how these elements of BIM are minimising operation costs and increasing the productivity in UK construction projects

Research Aim: The aim is to evaluate the importance of five elements of Business Information Modeling and how these elements of BIM are minimising operation costs and increasing productivity in UK construction projects

Objectives :

  • To understand Business Information Modeling and its five elements
  • To determine how these elements of BIM are minimising operation costs in the UK based construction projects
  • To examine how these elements of BIM are increasing the productivity  in the UK based construction projects

Topic 5: An examination of different ways through which a site waste management plan in UK construction projects helps in using recyclable products and mitigating contamination

Research Aim: The research aim explores different ways through which a site waste management plan in UK construction projects helps in using recyclable products and mitigating contamination

  • To examine the importance of the site waste management plan in UK construction projects
  • To determine how an efficient site waste management plan can help in recycling waste products
  • To evaluate how an efficient site waste management plan can aid in mitigating contamination

List Of Top Construction Engineering Dissertation Topics

  • Utilisation of renewable energy resources in the development of sustainable homes
  • Sustainability and its impact on societies; Visualising a constructive future.
  • Achieving sustainability from properties of concrete; Analyses of the recent research and developments.
  • The lean manufacturing techniques and the role of management in construction
  • Construction Safety; is there a need to revise or re-model the practices/legislations, reviewing the accidental trends and role of legislation?
  • Multilingual safety in construction; reviewing the current industrial practices and the need to improve, highlighting the actual issues of migrant workers in the construction industry
  • Analysis of the impact of the latest technology in the construction Industry
  • The role of Business Information Modelling (BIM) in the Construction Industry; assessment of practices, management, and productivity through such computer-aided tools
  • Procurement techniques; analyses of the most suited procurement strategies in the construction industry
  • Is there a need for an integrated model that can replace all other management tools? Review of how the construction industry can be revolutionised through the use of state-of-the-art computer-aided techniques
  • Construction Management; highlighting the best practices in modern construction projects
  • Zero carbon structures; use of technology to develop zero-carbon buildings
  • Waste minimisation in construction projects; identifying the best practices
  • Use of Waste in construction; how demolition can be modelled to construct new structures
  • Construction materials analyses; timber, steel, or concrete? Investigation of materials for optimum material utilisation.
  • Design of Effective ventilation systems in high-rise buildings
  • How Is Building Information Modeling (BIM) Transforming Construction Project Delivery?
  • Is Prefabricated Construction A Sustainable Solution for Affordable Housing?
  • The Role of Virtual Reality (VR) in Construction Design and Training
  • Can drones be used in construction to increase transparency and traceability?
  • The Impact of Brexit on Construction Material Supply Chains and Costs
  • The Impact of big data analysis in prediction in the construction industry 
  • The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Construction Logistics and Transportation
  • The Role of Community Engagement in Large-Scale Construction Projects
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of High-Performance Buildings

COVID-19 Civil Engineering Research Topics

Construction engineering after coronavirus: identify the consequences of covid-19 on construction engineering in the uk or any country of your choice..

Research Aim: This research will focus on identifying the impacts of Coronavirus on construction engineering in the selected country.

Research to study the damage caused to the construction projects due to the lack of workers on site.

Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the damage caused to construction projects as the workers are staying away from the sites. What measures are taken to complete these projects and recover the loss?

Contractors and Builders after COVID-19: business industry, tender opportunities, and planning to continue business.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the conditions faced by contractors and builders. What is their plan to deal with the COVID-19 crisis? How did it affect the business industry and tender opportunities?

Cite Operating Procedures: research the various safety measures for workers, contractors, and engineers working on construction sites.

Research Aim: This research is conducted to know about various safety measures taken by the government and private organisations for workers, contractors, and engineers working on construction sites.

Investigate how civil engineers are working from home: Identify whether remote working can be a long-lasting solution to recover the loss caused by COVID-19.

Research Aim: Remote working has emerged as a ray of hope for mechanical engineers amid this pandemic. This research will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of remote working and also answer the question of whether it is a long-lasting solution or not.

Research to study the economic and labour crisis as a result of Coronavirus.

Research Aim: This research will focus on the financial loss and labour crisis caused by the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Research to study the disruption of the supply chain, shortage of contractors, workers, and material, and cancellation of contracts due to COVID-19

Research Aim: This research will focus on identifying the disruption of the supply chain, shortage of contractors, workers, and materials, and cancellation of contracts due to COVID-19.

Research to throw light on the future of the construction Industry after the Coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This research will predict how the construction industry will transform after the COVID-19 pandemic. What challenges it may face, and what could be the possible ways to meet those challenges?

Also Read:   Mechanical Engineering Dissertation Topics

Note: Some of these topics may require students to undertake primary research, which includes developing questionnaires, survey forms, and interviews, whilst others are based on desk-based research.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service , which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service !

Important Notes

As a construction engineering student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing construction engineering theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of construction engineering is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like  civil engineering , chemical engineering , mechanical engineering , engineering and more. That is why it is imperative to create a construction engineering dissertation topic that is particular and sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best construction engineering dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample construction engineering dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Dissertation on Construction Engineering

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic in light of the research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic, and key terms can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology: The  data collection  and  analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs , charts, and   tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to link the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  This should be completed in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices: Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the  dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long time and thus are aware of the issues and trends of the industry they are working in.

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Review our complete list of Best Dissertation Topics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find dissertation topics about construction engineering.

For construction engineering dissertation topics:

  • Investigate emerging technologies.
  • Explore sustainability challenges.
  • Analyse project management techniques.
  • Consider safety innovations.
  • Examine cost-effective practices.
  • Consult experts and industry sources.

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