
30 Funny Long Poems: Rolling in Laughter

Vilcare Staff

Welcome to the world of Funny Long Poems, where laughter knows no bounds! In this collection, you will embark on a delightful journey filled with humorous verses that will tickle your funny bone. These poems are crafted to entertain and bring smiles to your face, as they take you on lighthearted adventures and weave tales of comedic situations.

From witty wordplay to clever punchlines, each poem is a treasure trove of laughter waiting to be discovered. Whether you’re in need of a good chuckle or simply want to brighten your day, these Funny Long Poems are here to offer an endless supply of mirth and amusement.

So sit back, relax, and let the hilarity unfold as you dive into this collection of comical epics. Get ready to embark on a laughter-filled journey that will leave you with aching cheeks and a heart full of joy.

Funny Long Poems

The silly adventure.

Once upon a time, in a land so absurd, There lived a quirky man who loved to be absurd, He went on a journey, with a grin on his face, To find the silliest place, in all of time and space. He stumbled upon a town, where gravity was reversed, People walked on ceilings, and it left him immersed, He tried to eat spaghetti, but it kept floating away, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In this wacky town, nothing stayed in place, he’d say. The people wore shoes on their heads, and hats on their feet, They danced in reverse, to a song that was so sweet, Oh, the laughter and joy, in this upside-down town, Our silly adventurer felt like he had won the crown.

The Talking Animals

In a magical forest, where animals could speak, There lived a chatty squirrel, who was quite unique, He gathered all his friends, from far and near, For a hilarious conversation, they would all cheer. The owl hooted jokes, the monkey did somersaults, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The turtle told stories, with laughs in his faults, The kangaroo hopped around, in a comical display, The laughter echoed through the forest, all day. They shared funny tales, with each passing hour, The rabbit cracked puns, with his carrot power, Oh, the joy and merriment, in this animal crew, In their laughter-filled forest, dreams really do come true.

The Mischievous Prankster

There once was a prankster, mischievous and sly, With tricks up his sleeve, he’d make you cry, He’d hide your socks, and turn your milk green, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In his world of pranks, no one was too serene. He’d fill the sugar jar with salt, oh, what a surprise, And swap your toothpaste with mayonnaise, oh, the cries, He’d put fake bugs in your bed, to give you a scare, But deep down, he had a heart, full of love and care. He brought laughter to people, with his playful pranks, But when it mattered most, he’d offer a hand, no ranks, Oh, the joy he spread, with his tricks and jest, In his funny world, he truly was the best.

The Hilarious Chef

In a bustling kitchen, with pots and pans, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There worked a chef, with the funniest plans, He’d juggle eggs, and dance with the broom, In his culinary chaos, there was never gloom. He’d add extra spices, in the most unexpected way, Turn up the heat, and make dishes sway, His soufflés would rise to the sky, then fall with a thud, But his infectious laughter, it was like food for the blood. He’d wear a hat made of lettuce, and dance on the stove, Create edible sculptures, that resembled treasure trove, Oh, the joy he brought, with his culinary delight, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In his kitchen of laughter, everything tasted just right.

The Hilarious Adventure

In a world of laughter and whimsy, A tale unfolds, so funny and spritely, Our hero, a bumbling fool named Ned, Embarked on a journey, scratching his head. He tripped over his own shoelaces, And got lost in silly, impossible places, Through mishaps and blunders, he stumbled along, Leaving a trail of laughter, both loud and strong. He met talking animals and dancing trees, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); They sang silly songs and did as they pleased, Oh, the hilarity that followed dear Ned, As he embraced chaos, with a nod and a spread.

The Eccentric Inventor

In a cluttered lab, with gadgets galore, Lived a wacky inventor, known as Professor Moore, He tinkered with contraptions, both big and small, Creating inventions that made everyone bawl. He invented a self-peeling banana, And a toaster that played the piano, His flying shoes took him to the moon, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); But he couldn’t figure out how to come back soon. With each creation, chaos ensued, From exploding marshmallows to a dancing food, Oh, the laughter that filled the inventor’s lair, As his wild creations caused quite a scare.

The Silly Circus

Step right up, to the silliest show on Earth, Where clowns wear pants that are two sizes too large, They juggle pies and play pranks so absurd, Leaving the audience in fits of laughter, fully charged. The acrobats tumble, but often miss their mark, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); And the strongman struggles to lift a feather, The tightrope walker wobbles, but never leaves the spark, And the lion tamer is chased by a mouse, not a predator. The ringmaster sings with a voice so off-key, And the elephants perform ballet with grace, The circus is a riot, a joyful spree, Where laughter abounds in this fantastical space.

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Funny Long Poems for Kids

Get ready for a giggle-filled adventure with Funny Long Poems for Kids! This delightful collection is specially crafted to tickle the funny bones of young readers. Each poem is a hilarious journey that will keep kids entertained from start to finish.

From silly characters to humorous situations, these poems bring laughter to life with their playful rhymes and amusing wordplay. The longer format allows for engaging storytelling, allowing children to immerse themselves in the whimsical worlds created by the poems.

Whether read aloud or enjoyed independently, Funny Long Poems for Kids will spark laughter, ignite imaginations, and foster a love for poetry in young hearts. Join in the laughter and embark on a comical voyage with this delightful collection that promises endless entertainment for children of all ages.

The Wacky Zoo

In a zoo so wacky and wild, Lived creatures with a humorous style, The lion juggled bananas with glee, While the monkey roared like a bumblebee. The kangaroo hopped in a zigzag line, While the penguins tap-danced, oh, so fine, The giraffe wore polka dots on its neck, And the elephants played a game of checkers, what the heck! The zookeeper wore a hat made of cheese, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); And the snakes slithered with a silly ease, Oh, the laughter that echoed through the zoo, As the animals entertained, with tricks so true.

The Giggle Factory

Deep in a land of laughter and cheer, Was a factory that made giggles, my dear, The workers wore hats made of balloons, And laughter filled every room, it boomed! They tickled the funny bone, with feathers so light, And invented joke machines, that worked day and night, They bottled laughter, in jars so bright, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); And shipped them off, to bring joy in flight. The factory hummed with laughter’s delight, As the workers giggled, with all their might, Oh, the chuckles and snickers that filled the air, In the giggle factory, laughter was their flair.

The Silly Circus Parade

Come one, come all, to the silly parade, Where circus characters show their funny charade, The clowns honk horns and trip on their shoes, While the acrobats somersault, defying the blues. The elephants wear tutus and spin like tops, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); And the lions jump through hoops, with joyful hops, The tightrope walkers wobble, but never fall, And the trapeze artists swing, having a ball. The parade is a riot, with laughter so loud, As the crowd is entertained, by this circus proud, Oh, the giggles and guffaws that fill the street, In the silly circus parade, fun is a treat.

The Nutty Adventure

Once upon a time, in a land so absurd, A group of kids embarked on an adventure, unperturbed, They sailed on a boat made of cheese, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); And met talking animals, swinging from trees. They climbed a mountain made of ice cream, And rode bicycles in a backward stream, They flew with birds, in a sky full of balloons, And danced with penguins, under the moon. Their journey was filled with laughter and glee, As they embraced the silliness, wild and free, Oh, the joy that accompanied their every stride, In this nutty adventure, where imagination thrived.

The Funny Farm

On a farm so funny and bright, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Lived animals with a comical plight, The chickens told jokes, that cracked up the hens, While the cows danced ballet, in the pigpen. The sheep jumped over the fence, just for fun, And the goats played the drums, till the day was done, The pigs wore sunglasses and did cartwheels, While the horses sang songs, with harmonious feels. The farm was a riot, with laughter so grand, As the animals entertained, all across the land, Oh, the chuckles and snorts that filled the air, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); On this funny farm, where joy was its flair.

Funny Long Poems

Funny Long Poems For Teens

Indulge in laughter and wit with Funny Long Poems for Teens! This collection is tailored for the witty and whimsical sensibilities of teenagers, offering a delightful blend of humor and poetic storytelling. Each poem takes readers on a hilarious journey, exploring relatable experiences, absurd scenarios, and clever observations.

With their longer format, these poems dive deep into comedic narratives, weaving tales that will leave teens chuckling and grinning from ear to ear. The poems capture the essence of teenage humor, using clever wordplay, unexpected twists, and relatable themes to elicit laughter and joy.

Whether shared with friends or enjoyed in solitude, Funny Long Poems for Teens will provide endless entertainment, fostering a love for poetry while tickling their funny bones. So get ready to embark on a comical adventure, filled with laughter, wit, and the joy of discovering the humorous side of life.

The Epic High School Adventure

In the halls of high school, a tale unfolds, Of friendships and laughter, so funny and bold, Where nerds and jocks clash in comical fights, And the drama club rehearses, under stage lights. The teachers give lectures, with jokes up their sleeve, While the students doodle and try not to leave, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The cafeteria serves mystery meat surprise, And the lockers hide secrets, behind their disguise. The prom is a whirlwind of awkward dances, And the senior prank leaves everyone in trances, Oh, the laughter that echoes through the halls, In this epic high school adventure, where humor enthralls.

The Hilarious Teenage Tribe

In a world of social media and selfies galore, Lived a tribe of teens, wild and uproar, They texted with abbreviations, no time to waste, And selfies were taken, in every possible space. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); They danced to catchy beats, with crazy moves, And made Tikor videos, that went viral in grooves, Their fashion sense was a mix of weird and cool, And their slang left adults feeling like fools. They pulled pranks on each other, for a good laugh, And debated over memes, with witty riff-raff, Oh, the laughter that filled their teenage days, In this tribe of funny teens, where humor plays.

The Quirky Classroom Chronicles

In a classroom filled with quirky teens, The teacher tries to control the crazy scenes, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One student’s pencil becomes a drumstick, And another makes faces, quick and slick. They pass notes with doodles and jokes, And use funny voices, in class, it pokes, The math problems become a stand-up routine, And the science experiments are a sight to be seen. The teacher joins in, with a smile and wink, In this classroom of laughter, no one dares to think, Oh, the hilarious moments that fill the day, In the quirky classroom, where teens find their own way. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

The Silly Summer Camp

At a summer camp, where adventure awaits, Teens gather for a time full of laughs and debates, They sing silly campfire songs, out of tune, And swap scary stories, under the moon. They compete in crazy challenges and games, And pull pranks on each other, with no shames, The counselors dress up in wacky attire, And the campers build forts, higher and higher. They tell jokes and riddles, around the fire, And create memories that will never tire, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Oh, the laughter that fills the camp so grand, In this silly summer camp, where fun is unplanned.

The Whimsical Road Trip

On a road trip so whimsical and long, A group of teens sings to their favorite song, They make funny faces, as the wind blows, And tell puns and jokes, wherever they go. They stop at quirky roadside attractions, Pose for funny pictures, with great satisfactions, The car becomes a stage for karaoke delights, And they laugh till their bellies ache, all through the nights. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); They encounter bizarre towns and odd sights, And create stories that will last many nights, Oh, the joy that accompanies their every mile, On this whimsical road trip, where laughter is their style.

The Epic Teenage Adventure

In a world of teenage dreams and schemes, Where life’s a comedy of hilarious extremes, Teens navigate the awkwardness and fun, With laughter and humor, never to be outdone. They embark on quests of epic proportion, From surviving school projects to wild exploration, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With friendship as their compass, they roam, Creating memories that will forever be known. They dance like nobody’s watching, with no care, And try out the latest viral dance moves to share, Oh, the laughter that echoes through the teenage years, In this epic adventure, where humor perseveres.

The Whimsical Teenage Circus

Step right up to the whimsical teenage show, Where laughter and silliness are ready to flow, The tightrope walkers wobble with uncertain grace, While the clowns make everyone laugh with their funny face. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The trapeze artists swing with wild delight, Performing daring tricks with all their might, The audience giggles as they witness the fun, In this circus of teens, where laughter’s never done. The ringmaster narrates with wit and charm, And the audience is enchanted by this teenage farm, Oh, the joy that fills the big top in the air, In the whimsical teenage circus, laughter’s always there.

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Funny Long Poems about Life

Enter the world of laughter and introspection with Funny Long Poems about Life. This collection combines humor and reflection, offering a unique perspective on the ups and downs of the human experience. Through witty wordplay, clever observations, and humorous anecdotes, these poems explore the quirks, ironies, and comical moments that make life so entertaining.

Each poem takes readers on a journey through relatable situations, capturing the essence of everyday life with a light-hearted touch. From the mundane to the extraordinary, these funny long poems invite you to laugh at life’s absurdities while finding joy in the shared experiences we all encounter.

Whether you need a pick-me-up or simply appreciate the art of finding humor in the ordinary, Funny Long Poems about Life will leave you with a smile on your face and a renewed appreciation for the delightful comedy that unfolds in our everyday existence.

The Comedy of Life

Life’s a comedy, a delightful play, With unexpected twists along the way, We stumble and trip, but never fall, As laughter echoes, bouncing off each wall. We chase our dreams with eager pace, Only to realize it’s a wild goose chase, We learn to laugh at our failures and mistakes, And find joy in the silliness life often makes. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The punchlines come when we least expect, And laughter becomes our perfect dialect, Oh, the comedy of life, a humorous ride, Where laughter and joy forever reside.

The Funny Chronicles of Everyday Life

In the mundane moments of everyday life, Humor finds its way, cutting through strife, From burnt toast to missed bus rides, We find laughter in the absurdity life provides. We search for keys in the most obvious place, And forget our own birthdays, what a disgrace, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); But in these ordinary moments, we find delight, As laughter fills the air, shining so bright. The mishaps and blunders become tales to share, As we laugh together, a joyful pair, Oh, the funny chronicles of everyday life, Where laughter acts as our coping device.

The Laughter Prescription

When life feels heavy, burdensome to bear, Laughter comes as the perfect repair, It’s a medicine that eases the soul, And makes life’s challenges easier to stroll. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); We find humor in the smallest of things, From silly jokes to absurd happenings, Laughter becomes our saving grace, As we navigate the twists and turns life trace. So, let’s laugh in the face of adversity, And embrace the comedy life offers, with glee, Oh, the laughter that heals and sets us free, In this prescription of life, humor is the key.

The Hilarity of the Human Experience

Life’s a carnival of laughter and surprise, As we stumble through moments, foolish and wise, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); We trip on our own shoelaces, without a doubt, And find humor in the chaos life’s about. We make silly faces in the bathroom mirror, And laugh at our own jokes, never clearer, From awkward encounters to embarrassing slips, We find mirth in life’s quirks, with joyful quips. The human experience is a comedic blend, With funny stories that never seem to end, Oh, the hilarity that accompanies this ride, As we find laughter in life’s colorful stride. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

The Comedy Club of Existence

Welcome to the comedy club of existence, Where life’s a stand-up act, filled with persistence, We laugh at the irony that life presents, And find humor in the most peculiar events. From mistaking salt for sugar in our tea, To wearing mismatched socks, can’t you see, We embrace the absurdity life displays, As we laugh and celebrate in joyful arrays. So, let’s join together, in laughter’s embrace, And find comedy in every corner and space, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Oh, the comedy club of existence, a place so grand, Where laughter and humor forever expand.

Funny Long Poems about School

Step into the hilarious world of Funny Long Poems about School! This collection will transport you back to the bustling hallways, quirky classrooms, and unforgettable experiences of your school days. Through clever rhymes and witty storytelling, these poems bring to life the comical moments and relatable mishaps that occur within the educational realm.

From mischievous pranks to amusing encounters with teachers and classmates, each poem will have you laughing out loud and reminiscing about your own school adventures. With their longer format, these poems dive deep into the humor and absurdity of school life, capturing the essence of the unique and often unpredictable environment.

Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or simply someone who appreciates the humorous side of education, Funny Long Poems about School will brighten your day and remind you that laughter truly is the best lesson of all.

The Crazy Classroom Chronicles

In a classroom so wacky and wild, Where laughter and learning are combined, The teacher tells jokes, with a grin so wide, And the students giggle, with joy inside. The blackboard becomes a canvas of fun, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As the students draw doodles, one by one, The desks become spaceships, ready to fly, And the textbooks transform into butterflies. The bell rings, but the laughter lingers, As the class shares jokes, with endless zingers, Oh, the crazy classroom chronicles, so grand, Where laughter and learning go hand in hand.

The Hilarious Hallway Adventures

In the hallways of chaos and delight, Where students scurry, left and right, There’s laughter in the air, so pure, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As they navigate this comical allure. The lockers become hiding spots for pranks, And students race to class, with playful ranks, The floor becomes a stage for impromptu dance, And laughter follows their every stance. Teachers chase students, in a friendly chase, As they laugh and smile, in this hilarious space, Oh, the hallway adventures, full of glee, Where laughter echoes, setting spirits free.

The Jovial Cafeteria Capers

In the cafeteria, a joyful scene, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Where students gather, to eat and dream, The food fights are all in good fun, And the mashed potatoes become art, when they’re done. The lunch trays become percussion instruments, And the students perform, with funny intents, They laugh and chat, as they enjoy their meal, Creating memories that time can’t steal. The lunch ladies join in, with jokes and cheer, As laughter fills the cafeteria, loud and clear, Oh, the jovial cafeteria capers, so bright, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Where food and laughter bring pure delight.

The Hilarity of Recess

On the playground, a world of laughter unfurls, As students run and play, like carefree squirrels, They swing on monkey bars, with glee, And slide down the slides, with wild jubilee. The soccer field becomes a stage for comedy, As students trip and tumble, in hilarious glee, They chase each other, with laughter in tow, And invent games with rules, no one can know. The laughter fills the air, in joyful waves, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As they play and laugh, in their recess caves, Oh, the hilarity of recess, a timeless art, Where fun and laughter find their perfect start.

The Comic Science Lab

In the science lab, where experiments unfold, Laughter becomes the catalyst, so bold, The test tubes bubble and froth with delight, As students mix potions, in comedic light. The lab coats become capes, of scientific fame, And goggles transform into silly frames, The beakers become instruments, in a funny band, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); And the laughter spreads, like magic, across the land. The teacher joins in, with a whimsical grin, As they conduct experiments, with laughter within, Oh, the comic science lab, a place so grand, Where laughter and learning go hand in hand.

The Whimsical Classroom

In a classroom filled with laughter and cheer, Where learning and giggles are always near, The teacher stands with a smile so bright, Guiding students through their daily delight. Math equations become a riddle game, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As students laugh at numbers, never the same, The alphabet letters dance and prance, Creating words with a humorous dance. Homework assignments become a comical feat, As students try to complete them, oh so sweet, Oh, the whimsical classroom, full of fun, Where laughter and learning are never undone.

The Peculiar School Bus

On the school bus, a peculiar sight, Where students embark on a hilarious flight, Seats become launching pads for jokes, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As laughter spreads among the folks. The wheels go round with a silly sound, As the bus driver tells jokes that astound, Students share stories, bursting with glee, Creating a joyful atmosphere for all to see. The bus ride becomes a comedic stage, Where funny faces and impressions engage, Oh, the peculiar school bus, a rolling show, Where laughter and camaraderie always grow.
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40 Hilariously Funny Poems To Read and Share

Have a laugh!

A poem called About the Teeth of Sharks by John Ciardi.

Are your students reluctant to learn about poetry? Luckily, poetry knows no bounds! If you want to switch things up with your next poetry lesson, try adding some humorous poems into the mix. Your class will love these funny, relatable poems. Check out our list below of 40 funny poems for your students to enjoy!

Our Favorite Funny Poems for Everyone

1. the crocodile by lewis carroll.

“How cheerfully he seems to grin …”

2. How Not To Have To Dry the Dishes by Shel Silverstein

A Poem called How Not to Have to Dry the Dishes by Shel Silverstein as an example of funny poems

“Such an awful, boring chore.”

3. Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face by Jack Prelutsky

“Within your ear, your nose would be …”

4. Don’t Go Into the Library by Alberto Rios

“The library is dangerous …”

5. Sick by Shel Silverstein

“I cannot go to school today.”

6. My Kitten Is a Ninja by Kenn Nesbitt

“He sneaks up on me stealthily …”

7. My Next Door Neighbor Is a Witch by Samiya Vallee

“Her clothing is a little strange …”

8. The Boy Who Didn’t Like Ice Cream by Rebecca Syx

“Ice cream was everywhere …”

9. Sweet Treat Dream by Gillian M. Ward

“If my world were made of chocolate …”

10. Don’t Be Silly by Dave Moran

A poem called Don't Be Silly by Dave Moran as an example of funny poems.

“Why does cheese look like gold?”

11. Tom Tigercat by J. Patrick Lewis

“Tom Tigercat is noted for his manners and his wit.”

12. Herbert Hillbert Hubert Snod by Denise Rodgers

“… he spread toothpaste on his toast.”

13. The Silliest Teacher in School by Darren Sardelli

“Our teacher gave detention to the fountains in the hall.”

14. My Butler by Steve Hanson

“My mom got me a butler To help out with the chores.”

15. Carpet Seeds by Steve Hanson

“A rug crept up the wall.”

16. About the Teeth of Sharks by John Ciardi

A poem called About the Teeth of Sharks by John Ciardi as an example of funny poems.

“The thing about a shark is—teeth …”

17. The Nest by Jessica Amanda Salmonson

“Have you heard about the bird …”

18. Math Blues by Cindi Rockwell

“I can’t find the angle for a celebration …”

19. Homework by Mariam Traore

“All kids say it stinks …”

20. My Doggy Ate My Essay by Darren Sardelli

“I did not try to stop him.”

21. The Parakeets by Alberto Blanco

A poem called The Parakeets by Alberto Blanco.

“They talk all day …”

22. Mother Doesn’t Want a Dog by Judith Viorst

“Mother says they smell …”

23. My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson

“I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me …”

24. Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne

“When I was one …”

25. Help Wanted by Timothy Tocher

“Santa needs new reindeer.”

26. Summer Camp Souvenirs by Richard Thomas

“The poison ivy’s not too bad.”

27. Adventures of Isabel by Ogden Nash

“Isabel met an enormous bear …”

28. The Dentist and the Crocodile by Roald Dahl

“The crocodile, with cunning smile, sat in the dentist’s chair.”

29. Daddy Fell Into the Pond by Alfred Noyes

A poem called Daddy Fell Into the Pond by Alfred Noyes.

“And everyone’s face grew merry and bright …”

30. The Vulture by Hilaire Belloc

“The Vulture eats between his meals …”

31. How To Paint a Wall by Joanna Fuchs

“While I went off to work one day, She decided to paint the wall.”

32. Working From Home by Phil J. Johnson

Working From Home by Phil J. Johnson

“The grass needs cutting, I must mend the gate.”

33. Our Imperfect Dog by Cynthia Naspinski 

“We love our dog with all our hearts …”

34. How the Pope Is Chosen by James Tate

“Any poodle under 10 inches high is a toy …”

35. The People Upstairs by Ogden Nash

The People Upstairs by Ogden Nash

“The people upstairs all practise ballet Their living room is a bowling alley Their bedroom is full of conducted tours.”

36. Messy Room by Shel Silverstein

“Whosever room this is should be ashamed!”

37. Yes, I’ll Marry You, My Dear by Pam Ayres

“Yes, I’ll marry you my dear, and here’s the reason why; So I can push you out of bed when the baby starts to cry …”

38. Granny by Spike Milligan

Granny by Spike Milligan

“Through every nook and every cranny The wind blew in on poor old Granny …”

39. Eating Habits by Alan Balter

“Tomato sauce I’m at a loss …”

40. Monosyllabics by Laura E. Richards

“The black cat sat In the fat man’s hat …”

If you liked these poems, check out our must-share poems for elementary school students.

These funny poems are perfect for students who are studying poetry. They'll get kids laughing and learning all at once!

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Homework Stew

Famous children poem, making homework stew is not quite what the teacher had in mind. this funny children’s poem shows what can happen when we mishear something. famous poet kenn nesbitt writes humorous poetry for children, and he served as the children’s poet laureate from 2013-2015..

I loved this poem because I loved how it said "I sprinkled up my book report". When at the end the teacher said "Your quite a chef but you get a F, I did not say homework stew, I said...

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long funny poems about homework

I cooked my math book in a broth and stirred it to a steaming froth. I threw in papers—pencils, too— to make a pot of homework stew. I turned the flame up nice and hot and tossed my binder in the pot. I sprinkled in my book report with colored markers by the quart. Despite its putrid, noxious gas, I proudly took my stew to class. And though the smell was so grotesque, I set it on my teacher’s desk. My teacher said, “You’re quite a chef. But, still, you’re going to get an F. I didn’t ask for ‘homework stew,’ I said, ‘Tomorrow, homework’s due.'” “Homework Stew” copyright © 2005 Kenn Nesbitt. All Rights Reserved. Published in When the Teacher Isn’t Looking . Reprinted by permission of the author.


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Now We Are Six By A. A. Milne

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Nathaly Tanner

  • 9 months ago

I loved this poem because I loved how it said "I sprinkled up my book report". When at the end the teacher said "Your quite a chef but you get a F, I did not say homework stew, I said tomorrow homework's due".

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Funny Poems for Kids

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Funny Homework

Homework Is Fun

Clever Homework Poems About The Burden Of School

You could make the words of a homework poem great words to live by. Here are a few of the best homework poems that you could recall when it comes to this tough subject. These come in various forms and will encourage you to think a little more about the ways how you are:

Why I Didn’t Do My Homework One of the best funny homework poems entails thinking ab out homework in general: I can say that I didn’t do my homework Or I could say something else instead I could say that my dog ate it Or that it was lost in a spread I could argue that my homework went missing And say that it was in a bend But either way no matter what I say I am surely going to end up dead.

Eating Homework For Breakfast The next funny poem on homework is about getting ready for the day: I thought I ate my homework With a nice side of grapes But that excuse was anything But the best type of escape But while I thought I ate it I made the ultimate sin I took that piece of paper And threw it in the trash bin.

Not Having Homework You don’t need to make overly long funny poems about homework, as this one shows: I wish to have no homework, for it would be great A day without stress, I cannot wait But as I enjoy a day full of rest The next morning, there comes a sudden pop test.

The Dog Ate It Here’s another of the best funny school poems about homework, this time about one of the most popular excuses around: The dog, he comes along He sees what looks like a big block of cheese Something white and vibrant. Maybe mozzarella? A delicious treat, but it’s surprisingly thin He eats and eats, and he loves the taste tints Blue tones, some pinkish features, lots of stuff A lovely treat for the taste buds Best of all, it is not all that filling It takes a bit to consume though. But the flavor is worth it But soon, the young kid is upset Tears start flowing and worries come about But at least we know where the homework went.

The Acronym The last of the homework poems to read involves how homework may be used as an acronym. As it turns out, sometimes the best funny poems about homework entail the true to life things that you might enter when completing homework. H is for Hassle, a burden to see Far too difficult of a task for me O is for Official, as that is what I must do But even with that work, my feelings are so blue M is for Messy, so complex and tough All of my notes are far too rough E is for Easy, as least that’s what I wish All these problems are harder than a vegetable dish W is for Worry, a point which I feel The worry of missing a deadline is real O is for Original, that’s what my work is to be Although a calculator or Wikipedia works best for me R is for Ridiculous, the amount that I get I haven’t had a day off this year yet K is for Krazy, and I know it was misspelled wrong But I probably messed up my homework all along

Other Great Poems There are some other entertaining poems worth taking a look at. These include amusing poems that are all about homework and can be found at

  • Homework, Oh Homework! by Jack Prelutsky
  • Homework by Jack Kerouac
  • The Homework Machine by Shel Silverstein
  • Why Do I Hate My Homework? by Anthony Pham
  • Science Homework by Kenn Nesbitt
  • Homework by Faith Long

Of course, there are plenty of other great poems about homework worth looking at. It is interesting to see how well homework can inspire so many people to write about it and what they like and usually don’t like about it. A Final Word Are these funny poems about homework ones in which you can relate? Maybe you thought these homework poems were great. But whether or not you plan to rhyme, a good poem for your thoughts is always worth the time.

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Homework Poems

Homework poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best homework poems ever written. Read all poems about homework.


Chaos ruled OK in the classroom as bravely the teacher walked in the nooligans ignored him his voice was lost in the din ...

School, School, School, A school is not so cool We're here 5 days a week 8 hours a day. ...

Homage to Kenneth Koch If I were doing my Laundry I'd wash my dirty Iran ...

My pants could maybe fall down when I dive off the diving board. My nose could maybe keep growing and never quit. Miss Brearly could ask me to spell words like stomach and special. (Stumick and speshul?) ...

Homework! Oh, Homework! I hate you! You stink! I wish I could wash you away in the sink, if only a bomb ...

For my poems, my friend Valsa George has a hunger. She’s over fifty, but, compared to me, she is younger. She suggested I write about ‘the advantages of being old’. It’s a challenge, but, Valsa, on this idea you have sold...... ...

A seated statue of himself he seems. A bronze slowness becomes him. Patently The page he contemplates he doesn't see. ...

I started on my homework but my pen ran out of ink. My hamster ate my homework. My computer's on the blink. ...

They never teach you this at school; they'll try to teach you reading, writing, 'rithmetic in their own instructed ways; ...

Ricky was 'L' but he's home with the flu, Lizzie, our 'O,' had some homework to do, Mitchell, 'E' prob'ly got lost on the way, ...

You "adults", you exasperate me with your evasions and delays. You're going to have to change some of the ways that you behave. ...

is what we called her. The story was that her father had thrown Drano at her which was probably true, given the way she slouched through fifth grade, afraid of the world, recess ...

Now I was hangin' round Nashville writin' songs and playin' 'em for all of the stars Watchin' 'em laugh and hand 'em back livin' on hope and ...

The Homework Machine, Oh, the Homework Machine, Most perfect contraption that's ever been seen. ...

Why do I hate my homework? It is a pest like a brother Or a sister of another It is like a very boring book ...

I was then a young boy of ten. Was doing homework, before the afternoon game. The door was closed but the window open, When I nearly finished, came a surprise, sudden. ...

Ever since I set foot in school for my new academic year It looks like luck has abandoned me My bus came late to pick me up for school So guess who is punished, me! ...

You know that if there was one thing, That you could take from school, It wouldn't be art or math or history, It would be work. ...

It is the fortune of poeple that the shadows of our futures do not lie heavy ...

I am looking for a past I can rely on in order to look to death with equanimity. ...


When I was little, my stepfather and I would be outside, coloring the driveway with chalk or throwing a frisbee and he'd stop and say, "I'm gonna go stir your mama up." He'd go in the house, coming out minutes later with my mom hot on his heels, waving her arms and haranguing his retreating back. She couldn't see the big grin on his face as he approached me, "It's good for her heart, " he'd say, chuckling and resuming whatever we were doing, "We've got to keep her on her toes." He's a master of dolorous mischief. ...

We will never use mobile phone and other screen While in car, family, meal, and homework routine. ...

Fields of wild flowers in summer bloom, turquoise skies and trees of oak and beech which I fought the imagined enemy's from, I was Geronimo fighting off the 7th calvary, flying off arrows in all directions. That afternoon I was a commando in my dugout hole with a midden bin lid to hide in winning World War 2 with my pals George and James, when I got home I had my supper and a bath and I was Michael again with homework to do for Monday morning. Michael Cochrane © ...

Equations, Simultaneous! ! ...

E is for effort Required at school Hardly accepted But gthe scirge of the fool ...

........ Mrs. Blangleberger, ma'am, sir. ...

Hey! Are you waiting forthe holidays If yes, then don't worry as they are very near Here comes are new session, here comes May But, what is this fear which drives you away ...

Miss can miss her class, But she does not miss her home-work. ...

Moby Dick, geometry, physics. Study every subject everyday. Homework is an indicator of future success. Success is not necessarily happiness but it helps. ...

Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.

Homework Poets

Homework poets from members.

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Poems are the property of their respective owners. All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes to benefit site visitors, and is provided at no charge...

5/18/2024 7:35:19 PM #

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school house drawing

The first of the funny school poems deals with those brave and underpaid souls who spend their days on the front lines, substituting for absent teachers. I think they deserve a special poem, just for them. Don't you?

Teacher and student drawing

Substitute Hurray! We heard our teacher cannot be with us today. Instead, we'll have a substitute. (We'll make her earn her pay.)

Michael will throw spit wads, and Brandon will eat chalk. Patrick will poke David, and all of us will talk.

We smiled and laughed with pleasure as these thoughts filled every head, until we found our teacher sent the principal instead!

by Denise Rodgers Copyright©Denise Rodgers Permissions Art by Julie Martin

Funny School Poem Number Two

Dog eats homework drawing

The Dog Ate My Homework The dog ate my homework just like it was kibble. He started up slow with a cute little nibble and then scarfed it down with a burp and a snort. How was he to know that my special report was due here this morning precisely at 8:00. So now it is eaten. I'm sorry it's late. But what can you do when your dog needs a snack and your stapled report comes under attack? I told him to stop but he just wouldn't mind. When my dog is hungry, he's not very kind. I'll bring it tomorrow, and you'll see it then. So long as my dog isn't hungry again.

Funny School Poem Number Three

Dog in refrigerator

Yes, I Ate His Homework Yes, I ate his homework. You think I'm a liar! So kind of you, teacher, to go and inquire. It's just that when hungry, despite what you think, there's nothing more tasty than paper and ink, unless it's some slippers or brand-new soft shoes, or maybe a sheet of some basted raw chews. I ate all the homework and part of the couch. There's so much to eat and I'm hardly a slouch. So that is my story. I'll swear that it's true. Excuse me for now, I have text books to chew.

Funny School Poem Number Four

Monkey at school desk with A+

Science Day A monkey came for science day with people from the zoo, who showed us slides of chimps and apes and told us what they do.

The monkey stayed around a while and made himself a pest. And worst of all: he scored much higher than me on our test!

Poem and Art by Denise Rodgers Copyright©Denise Rodgers Permissions

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  • Hilarious Poems About Teachers: Celebrating the Quirky Side of Education

Poetry has the power to capture the essence of our daily lives, and what better way to celebrate the world of education than with hilarious poems about teachers? These light-hearted verses bring a smile to our faces as they playfully highlight the quirks, eccentricities, and unforgettable moments we experience with our beloved educators. Join us on this delightful journey as we explore some amusing poems that will leave you chuckling and nodding in recognition.

1. "The Homework Dilemma"

2. "the lunchtime symphony", 3. "the pencil thief".

Oh, dear teacher, we have a plea, Our homework is too much, can't you see? It piles up high, reaching the skies, We can't keep up, no matter how we try.

Math, science, history, and more, Our backpacks are bursting, our backs are sore. We're drowning in assignments, it's such a plight, Please, dear teacher, grant us respite!

We dream of weekends filled with fun and laughter, Not endless hours studying, what a disaster! So, hear our plea, dear teacher, we implore, Lighten our load, we can't take it anymore!

When the lunch bell rings, oh, what a sight, The cafeteria fills with a cacophony of delight. Students rush in, their hunger ablaze, But, dear teacher, chaos is what you will gaze.

The symphony of lunchtime begins to play, With clattering trays and food fights at bay. Teachers try to maintain order and peace, But it's a challenge, and their efforts cease.

The lunch lady battles the *splat* and *crash*, As mashed potatoes become a weapon, oh, the flash! But through the chaos, teachers stand tall, Smiling, laughing, embracing it all.

In every classroom, there's a sneaky fiend, Known as the pencil thief, a mischievous fiend. They strike when you're not looking, oh, so sly, Snatching pencils with a blink of an eye.

One minute you have it, the next it is gone, Lost in the abyss, forever withdrawn. Teachers search high and low, in every nook, But the pencil thief remains a master of hook.

So, dear students, protect your pencils with might, For the pencil thief lurks, ready to ignite. Beware their tricks, stay ever alert, Or your pencil collection will surely desert!

These hilarious poems about teachers capture the light-hearted and amusing moments that occur within the world of education. From homework woes to lunchtime chaos and sneaky pencil thieves, these verses remind us to appreciate the humorous side of our academic journeys. So, the next time you find yourself in a situation that brings a chuckle, why not turn it into a poem? After all, laughter is the best medicine, even within the hallowed halls of our schools.

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  • Poetry that Illuminates Smiles and Laughter: Celebrating Joy in Verse

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23 Side-Splitting Funny Poems To Brighten Your Day

  • Funny Poems

Funny Poems

Humor changes the way we think and feel . Funny poems make us laugh, yes, but they also shine a new light on ordinary things .

A poem about a messy room or a ninja kitten turns everyday moments into fun adventures.

Poets like Shel Silverstein or Jack Prelutsky use witty words to paint hilarious pictures in our minds. This makes poetry exciting and accessible for everyone.

Laughing together brings people closer . Sharing funny poems can turn a dull day bright and create memories .

It’s not just about the laughter; it’s about feeling connected through humor. Reading these whimsical verses reminds us not to take life too seriously.

So, whether you’re reading alone or with friends, funny poems offer joy and a refreshing perspective on the world around us.

Table of Contents

1. “missing” by anne scott, 2. “messy room” by shel silverstein, 3. “my one-eyed love” by andrew jefferson, 4. “doggy heaven” by larry huggins, 5. “the elephant” by anonymous, 6. “the cat metamorphosed into a woman” by jean de la fontaine, 7. “the horrid voice of science” by vachel lindsay, 8. “the vulture” by hilaire belloc, 9. “my shadow” by robert louis stevenson, 10. “the table and the chair” by edward lear, 11. “the stargazer” (author unknown), 12. “eletelephony” by laura e. richards, 13. “strong beer” by robert graves, 14. “the parakeets” by alberto blanco, 15. “phantasmagoria” by lewis carroll, 16. “the silliest teacher in school” by darren sardelli, 17. “my kitten is a ninja” by kenn nesbitt, 18. “the bashful earthquake” by oliver herford, 19. “the theoretic turtle” by amos russel wells, 20. “be glad your nose is on your face” by jack prelutsky, 21. “the attraction of levitation” by h.g. paine, 22. “the purple cow” by gelett burgess, 23. “funny young fellow” by anonymous, concluding thoughts on funny poems, references:.

23 Hilarious Poems to Brighten Your Day

Get ready to laugh with a curated collection of 25 funny poems. Each one brings a burst of humor that can turn any frown upside down.

“Missing” by Anne Scott dives into the playful mystery of things that go missing around the house.

Through her witty verses , Scott captures the frustration and humor in searching for lost items.

Her poem resonates with both kids and adults, making readers chuckle at the relatable chaos of everyday life.

Characters come alive with each stanza, hunting for what’s vanished without a trace. Anne Scott’s clever rhyme scheme keeps the pace lively and engaging.

This poem stands out for its ability to turn a common complaint into a fun adventure .

It’s part of a collection that showcases how funny poetry can illuminate the quirks of the human condition .

Readers love “Missing” because it mixes laughter with the all-too-familiar feeling of puzzlement over where things end up in our homes.

Read the Full poem below:

From the puzzling disappearance in “Missing” by Anne Scott, we move to a space that’s all too familiar for many—Shel Silverstein’s “Messy Room.”

This poem paints a vivid picture of a room turned upside down. Clothes are scattered, toys are strewn everywhere, and it seems like chaos reigns supreme.

Silverstein uses this mess as a clever metaphor for life’s disorganized moments . Yet, he does so with humor , making readers chuckle at the relatable messiness.

“Messy Room” serves as a perfect reminder not to take ourselves too seriously.

Shel Silverstein invites kids and adults alike to laugh at the piles of clutter that can accumulate in our lives..and perhaps in our minds.

With its short lines and lively rhythm, the poem is easy for young readers to enjoy while delivering a punch of light-hearted fun .

It stands out as one of those funny poems for kids that even grown-ups can’t help but love.

Read the poem below:

Andrew Jefferson’s poem “My One-Eyed Love” finds humor in the unexpected. The author uses creative language to share a love story that is both unique and funny .

This poem invites readers to see love through a new, albeit quirky, lens . It makes you laugh while also making you think about the different forms love can take.

Jefferson crafts each line with care, ensuring the laughter comes from clever wordplay and surprising twists .

His approach shows how humorous poetry can be as rich and compelling as more serious works.

Readers of all ages will find something to smile about in “My One-Eyed Love,” making it a favorite for those looking for a light-hearted read .

See the complete poem below:

“Doggy Heaven” by Larry Huggins is a hilarious poem that will have you laughing out loud.

It paints a vivid picture of where good dogs go, imagining a place filled with endless treats and fun .

Prelutsky uses short, punchy lines to keep the humor light and the imagery cool and whimsical.

Kids love this poem because it’s easy to imagine their furry friends in such a joyful place. Read the short poem below:

After laughing at dogs in paradise, we turn to another animal – the elephant.

This poem captures the essence of its subject with humor and wit that both kids and adults can enjoy .

The author, known only as Anonymous, uses short lines to paint a funny picture of this large creature.

The elephant comes to life through playful language , inviting us into a world where size and clumsiness become sources of laughter .

The verse plays with imagination, turning the elephant into a character full of surprises.

Despite its anonymous origins, it stands out for its ability to make readers see the usual in an unusual light .

Every line is carefully crafted to keep you smiling till the end—proof that sometimes, the best laughs come from simply observing nature’s giants with a playful eye.

Read the full poem below:

Jean de la Fontaine tells a whimsical tale in “The Cat Metamorphosed Into a Woman.”

This poem mixes humor and wisdom , showing how appearances can deceive . A man falls in love with his cat, and she transforms into a woman.

However, she cannot escape her true nature, chasing mice even in human form. La Fontaine uses this story to teach that true nature cannot be hidden by outward changes.

Readers find laughter in the unexpected twists of the narrative . The poem is short but filled with life lessons about identity and transformation .

It’s a favorite among those who love poems that make you laugh, providing a perfect example of humor intertwined with moral insights .

“The Horrid Voice of Science” by Vachel Lindsay brings humor to a serious topic. Lindsay uses clever rhymes and engaging rhythms to mock the sometimes cold nature of scientific facts.

This poem turns the sterile world of science into something laugh-out-loud funny , showing how even the most serious subjects can be seen in a humorous light.

Readers love this funny poem for its unique take on science . See it below:

Hilaire Belloc’s poem “The Vulture” is a funny yet morbid look at the circle of life unexpected friendship

This quirky perspective makes it a memorable piece that sticks with readers. It mixes humor with dark comedy , showcasing Belloc’s talent for blending wit with thought-provoking themes.

Belloc uses simple language but packs each line with meaning . Kids and adults find this poem both hilarious and a bit grim.

It teaches us about nature in its unique way —reminding us that sometimes, the funniest poems have layers worth exploring beyond the laughs.

See the full piece below and have a good laugh:

Robert Louis Stevenson’s “My Shadow” captures the playful and curious nature of a child’s imagination.

It tells the story of how a child views their shadow as a constant companion that behaves in mysterious ways.

This poem strikes a chord with its lyrical simplicity , engaging even the youngest readers .

The verses explore the peculiar movements and qualities of the shadow, making it seem almost alive.

Children relate to this poem because they’ve all noticed how their shadows mimic them but also seem to have minds of their own.

Through clever rhymes , Stevenson makes this everyday observation both whimsically entertaining and thought-provoking.

Read the complete poem below:

After exploring the whimsical worlds of shadows, we shift gears to “by Edward Lear. This poem tells a funny story about a table and a chair that decide to go for a walk.

Despite their lack of legs, they make it work, showcasing Lear’s unique ability to turn everyday objects into characters full of life and adventure.

The pair even ends up dancing together! Lear crafts this tale with his signature nonsensical style , making readers laugh while also marveling at the absurdity.

It’s a great example of how humor can bring inanimate objects to life in poetry.

Edward Lear excels in creating hilariously funny scenarios that stick with readers long after they’ve finished reading.

“The Table and the Chair” is no exception — it invites kids and adults alike into a playful world where furniture behaves like people.

This poem not only brightens your day but also sparks your imagination , proving that with wit and creativity, anything is possible in poetry.

Read it now:

“The Stargazer” takes readers on a whimsical journey through the night sky , guided by an unnamed poet.

This piece weaves together humor and wonder, inviting smiles and curiosity in equal measure. The author remains a mystery, adding to the poem’s charm.

Its verses celebrate the joy of gazing at stars with a light-hearted tone that captivates both young students and those young at heart .

This funny poem fits perfectly into our selection of works meant to brighten your day.

It proves that laughter can come from even the vast unknown of space, making it a favorite among various short poems listed here.

With its inclusion, our anthology welcomes you to explore laughter through imaginative verse—a journey promising giggles with every line read.

Read the The Stargazer below:

“Eletelephony” by Laura E. Richards brings laughter through its whimsical tale of an elephant who tries to use a telephone.

With playful rhymes and clever wordplay , Richards crafts a funny poem that’s easy to love.

Kids find it hilarious when the elephant gets tangled in the phone line. This piece has become a favorite among those looking for lighthearted reads.

Richards’ skillful storytelling makes “Eletelephony” stand out as a memorable work.

It shows how humor can turn ordinary situations into extraordinary adventures, even with something as simple as making a phone call.

Engaging from start to finish, this poem captures hearts with its joyful silliness , making it perfect for anyone needing a smile.

Read it below:

“Strong Beer” by Robert Graves is a poem that brings humor to the age-old tradition of storytelling through a drunkard’s perspective .

The narrator makes grand claims about his strength and adventures, all credited to drinking strong beer.

Each line is packed with wit, showing how the drink inflates his ego and courage.

Graves cleverly uses this poem to poke fun at tales of heroism that are often exaggerated.

Readers will find themselves laughing at the outrageous feats attributed to strong beer.

The language is simple yet effective, making it accessible and enjoyable for anyone looking for a good chuckle.

See the full piece below:

“The Parakeets” by Alberto Blanco takes you into a vibrant, colorful world .

This poem captures the lively essence of these playful birds with vivid imagery and playful tones .

Readers feel as if they’re right there among the chattering parakeets, experiencing their joyous lives.

Alberto Blanco uses simple language that connects with readers of all ages.

He skillfully mixes humor and observations about nature , making “The Parakeets” a perfect pick for anyone looking to add a splash of fun to their day.

This poem is sure to become a favorite for its delightful journey through the eyes of these charming creatures.

Read the complete piece below:

“Phantasmagoria” by Lewis Carroll offers a humorous take on the supernatural . It unfolds through a quirky dialogue between a ghost and a man named Tibbets.

Carroll uses clever rhymes and imaginative scenarios to poke fun at ghost stories, making readers laugh while exploring themes of fear and the afterlife.

Carroll’s wordplay shines in this poem, showcasing his talent for blending humor with thought-provoking ideas .

Readers get drawn into a whimsical world where ghosts have their own rules and etiquette.

This piece proves Carroll’s ability to entertain across all ages, adding it to your list of favorite funny poems might just brighten your day.

See the full poem below:

Darren Sardelli brings laughter into the classroom with his poem “The Silliest Teacher in School.”

This piece captures the humorous side of school life through the eyes of a teacher who doesn’t follow the usual rules.

The teacher performs funny and unexpected acts , making students laugh and enjoy their time in class. It shows how humor can make learning fun and memorable.

Sardelli’s work is loved by many for its ability to mix comedy with everyday situations .

His clever writing turns a normal school day into an adventure full of giggles and surprises.

Kids love these funny moments and remember them long after they leave the classroom.

This poem is a perfect example of how laughter can transform any setting , even a school, into a place where joy and learning go hand in hand.

The playful rhythm and clever rhymes make it easy to read aloud, adding to the fun.

The kitten’s antics are described in such detail that readers can easily imagine this furry ninja hiding, leaping, and causing mischief around the house.

Nesbitt uses simple language but creates vivid imagery , making this poem a favorite among children who love pets or dream of adventures.

It’s perfect for anyone looking for funny poems that are sure to bring laughter and delight .

Read My Kitten Is a Ninja below:

From the quiet stealth of a ninja kitten, we move to the unexpected shyness found in nature with Oliver Herford’s “The Bashful Earthquake.”

This poem brings humor to an unusual subject – an earthquake that’s too timid to fully unleash its power.

Herford creatively personifies the natural event , giving it human-like qualities of bashfulness and reluctance.

You will find yourself amused by the idea of a mighty force trying not to cause too much trouble, making this piece a delightful addition to any collection of funny poems.

It stands out for its originality and clever use of language , showing how even the mightiest elements can have a lighter side .

See the poem below:

Transitioning from the whimsy of “The Bashful Earthquake,” we delve into “The Theoretic Turtle” by Amos Russel Wells.

This poem introduces us to a turtle with quite an intellectual side, engaging readers with its humorous take on academic pursuits .

Through clever verse, Wells explores themes of knowledge and curiosity , all wrapped up in the shell of a turtle who prefers thinking over action .

Wells masterfully uses humor to highlight how sometimes people can get so caught up in theory that they miss out on the world around them.

His choice of a turtle as the protagonist adds layers to this concept, blending natural imagery with human traits .

As you read, you’ll find yourself chuckling at the turtle’s lofty thoughts and maybe even seeing a bit of ourselves in his four-legged scholar.

“Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face” by Jack Prelutsky offers a whimsical outlook on gratitude .

In this poem, readers find humor in the thought of their nose being anywhere else but on their face.

Prelutsky’s playful words encourage laughter while making us appreciate the simple things we often take for granted.

Jack Prelutsky, known for his delightful children’s poetry, uses rhyme and rhythm to bring this funny concept to life.

Kids and adults alike enjoy the silliness of imagining body parts in unusual places.

This poem not only brightens your day with a smile but also nudges you towards a lighter view of life’s minor troubles.

Here is the complete poem:

“The Attraction of Levitation” by H.G. Paine takes readers on a whimsical journey . It explores the dreamy notion of floating above it all, free from earthly ties.

Paine uses clever rhymes and playful language to spark the imagination. You’ll find yourself giggling and possibly wishing you could levitate too.

This poem adds a touch of magic to everyday life. Through Paine’s words, levitation becomes more than just floating; it symbolizes freedom, lightness, and joy .

It’s a delightful read for anyone needing a lift—literally and figuratively!

See The Attraction of Levitation below:

Burgess later expressed regret over its fame but its humor and simplicity continue to delight.

Kids especially love the absurd idea of a purple cow . This poem encourages imagination and brings laughs with its silly concept.

It’s often quoted and remains popular in poetry collections for children. Whether you’re young or just young at heart, “The Purple Cow” is sure to bring a smile.

Read this short poem below:

“Funny Young Fellow” by Anonymous is a light-hearted poem that brings smiles and chuckles.

It tells the story of a merry character whose antics are both amusing and endearing . The verse captures the essence of humor through simple, yet engaging language.

Readers find joy in the playful words and the vivid images they create.

This delightful piece is perfect for anyone looking to brighten their day. Its easy-to-follow rhyme scheme makes it accessible to readers of all ages , while its content sparks laughter and warmth.

As part of our collection, this poem stands out as a testament to the timeless appeal of well-crafted humor .

Funny poems turn a dull day bright . With these 25 hilarious picks, your laughter is guaranteed .

Forget the blues; laughter awaits in every line. Let these poets tickle your funny bone today and every day.

Remember, humor is just a poem away !

FAQs About Funny Poems

1. where can i find funny poems that will make me laugh out loud.

You’ll find 25 side-splitting funny poems to brighten your day on Kenn Nesbitt’s It’s a treasure trove of laughter!

2. What should I do if I want to share these hilarious poems with friends?

Feel free to post links or write about your favorite ones from the collection. Sharing laughter is always welcome.

3. Are there new funny poems added regularly?

Yes, Kenn Nesbitt frequently updates his site with new poems, ensuring you always have fresh laughs waiting for you.

4. Can I use these poems for a school project or study?

Absolutely! These funny poems are perfect for adding some fun to your studies or presenting in front of the class.

5. If my favorite poem goes missing from the website, what should I do?

Don’t worry—just check back later, or explore more of the site; you’re sure to find many more favorites!

  • Poetry, Pick Me Up. “Missing by Anne Scott.” Pick Me up Poetry , 4 Oct. 2023,
  • “Messy Room by Shel Silverstein.” Famous Poems, Famous Poets . – All Poetry ,
  • “Poem About Falling in Love With a One-Eyed Girl, My One-Eyed Love.” Family Friend Poems ,
  • “The Elephant.” Discover Poetry ,
  • The Cat Metamorphosed Into a Woman Poem by Jean De La Fontaine .
  • “The Horrid Voice of Science.” , 2013,
  • The Vulture by Hilaire Belloc – Your Daily Poem .
  • “My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson – Scottish Poetry Library.” Scottish Poetry Library , 21 May 2021,
  • “The Stargazer by Unknown Author – Rainy Day Poems.” Rainy Day Poems , 23 May 2023,
  • Poetry by Heart .
  • Strong Beer .
  • Prezi, Kolby Steiert On. “The Parakeets.” ,
  • Phantasmagoria, by Lewis Carroll .
  • My Kitten Is a Ninja – Kenn Nesbitt’s .
  • The Bashful Earthquake .
  • “Turtle Poems.” Discover Poetry ,
  • “Be Glad Your Nose Is on Your Face – Be Glad Your Nose Is on Your Face Poem by Jack Prelutsky.” Poem Hunter ,
  • “The Attraction of Levitation by H. G. Paine – Rainy Day Poems.” Rainy Day Poems , 4 Mar. 2023,
  • Purple Cow and Other Poems .
  • Poetry, Pick Me Up. “Funny Young Fellow by Anonymous.” Pick Me up Poetry , 4 Oct. 2023,
  • “The Silliest Teacher in School by Darren Sardelli | Poetry Foundation.” Poetry Foundation, 2009,

long funny poems about homework

r. A. bentinck

Bentinck is a bestselling author in Caribbean and Latin American Poetry, he is a multifaceted individual who excels as both an artist and educator.

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