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La Rutina – Describing your Daily Routine in Spanish

¿Qué haces todos los días? ¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria? These are two common questions to ask about someone’s daily routine in Spanish – la rutina diaria. In a previous lesson, we covered the most important words for  everyday activities  and made sentences with reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. This lesson will go a little further and teach you how to use the right vocabulary, phrases and structures to describe what you do daily to your friends or class. By the end of the lesson, we expect you to be able to write sentences and short descriptions about your daily routine in Spanish.

Vocabulary review: Daily routine and reflexive verbs in Spanish

First, we will review the vocabulary for daily activities. All the activities used to describe daily routines in Spanish are represented by verbs . This video explains how to conjugate reflexive verbs and use them to make sentences about everyday activities, as well as  how to ask what someone does every day and more. The final part of the video shows a short passage describing someone’s daily routine in Spanish for a typical day. The video is easy to follow and also includes many important things that you will not find in the rest of the lesson. Please activate the captions (cc) if you need them.

Describing daily routines in Spanish: examples and common verbs

Spanish reflexive verbs in daily routines.

Most activities in daily routines are verbs in infinitive like JUGAR (to play) or COMER (to eat), and sometimes Spanish reflexive verbs such as DESPERTARSE (wake up) and VESTIRSE (get dressed). In order to conjugate reflexive verbs, you have to conjugate the first part of the verb following the rules for regular or irregular verbs , and add a reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject in the sentence. Too much, we know! That is why Spanish reflexive verbs are covered with a lot more details in an independent lesson. That being said, DESPERTARSE will change to “(Yo) Me despierto”, “(Tú) Te despiertas”, “(Él/Ella/Usted)Se despierta”.

Los verbos reflexivos en la rutina diaria y cómo conjugarlos.

The first example of a daily routine will show someone talking about his morning routine in Spanish, “ la rutina de la mañana “. Sequence words like “Primero” (first), “Luego” (then), “Antes de” (before), “Después de” (after) and “Finalmente”(finally) will be used in most descriptions to connect ideas. This will make the descriptions more real and complete. Pay attention to the way the vocabulary for daily routines in the box is used to make meaningful sentences and a complete paragraph.

My daily routine in Spanish

Example no. 1: mi rutina de la mañana en español (with some reflexive verbs).

Daily routine activities and verbs in Spanish

Mi nombre es Ben. Yo me despierto a las seis de la mañana. Primero,  me levanto y luego me baño por 10 minutos. Antes de desayunar yo me cepillo los dientes y me visto. Después yo desayuno con mis hermanos y mis padres. Finalmente me voy a la escuela y regreso a mi casa al medio día.

Non-reflexive verbs in daily routines

In the previous example, the guy was talking about his own routine so he used sentences with the structure “Yo me + verb + complement”. As you can see in that example, verbs like DESAYUNAR and REGRESAR do not need the reflexive pronoun ME  because both of them are non-reflexive verbs in Spanish. For the verb IR, both “Yo me voy…” and “Yo voy…” are possible.

Here is a second example, but this time including some words for hobbies  and likes (ME GUSTA + activity) , as well as frequency adverbs such as “Siempre” (always), “De vez en cuando” (sometimes) and “A veces” (sometimes), besides non-reflexive verbs in the same paragraph about a daily routine in Spanish.

Example No. 2: My daily routine (including non-reflexive verbs)

Talking about your daily routine in Spanish verbs

Yo hago muchas actividades todos los días. Voy a la escuela en la mañana. Después de regresar almuerzo y descanso por una hora. Luego hago mis tareas y estudio para el día siguiente. Me gusta ver televisión y jugar videojuegos. También me gusta practicar deportes como fútbol y béisbol de vez en cuando. Siempre ayudo a limpiar la casa, lavar los trastes y hacer los quehaceres en la casa. A veces voy al cine con mis amigos o jugamos juntos.

Describing other people’s routine in Spanish

To talk about the activities that other people do  on a daily basis, we will use reflexive pronouns that actually refer to other people, not only “ME”, for example: “ Ella se baña ” (she takes a shower), “ Tú te vistes ” (You get dressed) and so on.

You can even say if a person has an interesting (interesante), simple (sencilla) or busy (ocupada) routine. Besides, you can combine sentences about your daily routine in Spanish with activities that other people do, e.g. “ Yo me levanto temprano y él se levanta tarde ” (I get up early and he gets up late). Normally, all you need to know is which verbs will behave in a reflexive way and which will not. It all comes to practice and seeing examples, so here is one more daily routine description for you to learn a few more things.

Example No. 3: My family’s daily activities in Spanish

my daily routine in spanish essay

Nuestra rutina diaria en español Yo hago muchas actividades todos los días. Tengo dos hijos, un niño y una niña. Me levanto a las 6 de la mañana, cocino el desayuno para nosotros y les ayudo a mis hijos a alistarse para ir a la escuela. Marcos se baña y se viste solo. Rosa hace muchas cosas por sí misma. Yo voy a mi trabajo a las 8 de la mañana. Cuando regreso hacemo s los quehaceres juntos y cenamos. Los niños se duermen a las 10 de la noche. En general, es una rutina muy ocupada.

Listening Activity No. 1: My daily routine in Spanish – Mi rutina diaria

Listening activity no. 2: what’s your routine like – ¿cómo es tu rutina, extra practice: finding the right order for a daily routine, practice and writing: a short essay about your daily routine in spanish.

Write a short essay talking about your daily routine. You can simply write three paragraphs, one talking about your morning routine in Spanish, another about the activities you do in the afternoon and so on. If possible, share it with a native speaker and ask him about his as well. 

Related Spanish Worksheets:

  • Telling Time in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Daily Activities in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Verbs for Daily Routines in Spanish – Crossword Puzzle
  • My Daily Routine in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Daily Activities & Time in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Household Chores in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Dialogues about daily routines in Spanish – PDF Worksheet

22 thoughts on “La Rutina – Describing your Daily Routine in Spanish”

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I really enjoyed the different excercises and fun & games to help me to comprehend my Spanish work. They really helped me!

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Hola, Thanks for your comment. We are happy to hear this lesson helped you. La idea es ayudar un poquito…

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Muchas gracias! Excelente trabajo!

Muchas gracias 🙂

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The lessons are good. However I find the music background very distracting. Much harder to concentrate.

Thanks! We’ll keep it in mind for improvements 🙂

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this was not fun

but it was helpful

Hello everybody. We recently updated and improved the quality of all the podcasts in this lesson. ¡Éxito aprendiendo español! 🙂

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where is number 6

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muchas gracis 🙂

¡De nada! Gracias a ti.

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this was really helpful thank u…. i m currently in spanish 2 class and this really helped me understand THANKS! ;D

We’re happy to hear that. Enjoy learning Spanish! 🙂

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Thanks for this man. My professor in college couldn’t teach me in 1 month what your website did in 20 minutes.

Thanks! We’re happy you found the lesson useful. We will continue adding more and better content for learners like you. ¡Buen día! 🙂

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Este es un buen sitio para aprender español. Por favor, continúen haciendo más lecciones. ¡Saludos desde filipinas!

Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Seguiremos trabajando para crear nuevas lecciones y mejorar las que ya tenemos. Saludos hasta Filipinas 🙂

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this was helpful i was able to pass my spaish test with the blink of an eye seems like id be using this site often

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Just a note that in your example about cooking that “Ella nos cocina el desayuno” is not a use of a reflexive verb but “nos” is the object of the verb. 🙂

Yes, you are completely right. We will soon update the lesson to avoid any confusion we may have caused with direct or indirect object pronouns. ¡Gracias! ¡Un abrazo!

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This was a very good website to practice spanish.

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How To Describe Your Daily Routine In Spanish (Easy Template Included)

my daily routine in spanish essay

If I were to walk up to you right now and ask you in Spanish, “¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria?”

Would you be able to respond to me clearly and concisely?

If not, don’t worry because I’ll show you how to describe your daily routine in Spanish in today’s article.

I’ll give you a few common verbs and phrases that you will probably want to use, and then I’ll tell you my daily routine in Spanish using some of those verbs. 

After that, I want you to write your daily routine, or at least your morning routine, in the comments section below and then practice saying it.

Heck, even record yourself saying it, and over time you will improve.

Let’s get started.

Talking about daily routines or morning routines is a great conversation starter.  

We recently did an article on 15 phrases to boost your conversations, and talking about daily routines is a good one to add to that list. 

Often, when I am learning a language and talking with other people, one of the easiest ways to start that conversation is to ask them what their morning routine is and then tell them mine. 

So I will start by telling you my morning routine in Spanish, “La rutina de la mañana.” 

And I want you to be on the lookout for a few things, okay

First, I want you to notice that I use all verbs in the present tense. 

That’s because I am talking about something I do every day. So pay attention to that. 

Next, take note of the transition words, words like: 

  • “Primero” (first) ” 
  • Luego (next)
  • Antes de (before)
  • Después de (after)
  • La ultima (the last thing)

Those are the most common transition words that you will use.

Reflexive verbs in Spanish

You will also notice that many of the verbs I will use will be reflexive verbs. 

I should probably do an entire article on reflexive verbs—and I have that on my list…

But for today, since we are talking about ourselves, we will be only talking in the present “yo” so it won’t be too difficult. 

Let me give you a quick rundown of what a reflexive verb is and how to use it in Spanish. 

Reflexive verbs go with reflexive pronouns to show that someone is performing an action on themselves. 

So let’s take the simple example of lavarse las manos. 

When you want to say I wash my hands, in Spanish, you would say, “me lavo las manos.”

The verb used is “ lavarse ” – to wash oneself, the reflexive verb, not lavar (to wash).

In this example, we conjugate lavarse in the present tense and place the pronoun in front.

  • Me lavo las manos (I wash my hands)
  • Te lavas las manos (You wash your hands)
  • Se lava las manos (He washes his hands)
  • Nos lavamos las manos (We wash our hands)
  • Os laváis las manos (Y’all wash your hands)
  • Se lavan las manos (They wash their hands)

One mistake many people make is they:

me lavo mis manos instead of me lavo las manos — t his is incorrect. 

Because you are using the reflexive verb, you don’t need the “mis” here. 

Make sense?

Again, today it should be easy because we are simply talking about ourselves. 

So everything will be conjugated in the me + present yo form. 

For example, me despierto, me levanto, me baño, etc. 

I think it will be best if we start with the morning routine. 

And that’s how I want you to start. 

It’s mainly because it’s effortless to have the same morning routine every day. 

It’s a little more challenging to have an entire daily routine that doesn’t change much. 

There are a lot of things that can happen throughout the day. 

So let me tell you my morning routine in Spanish, then after that, we will analyze what I said, and I will give you a simple template you can use to say your daily routine. 

Click play on the audio below to listen.

The script to the above audio:

Hola, me llamo Rocky. Primero, me despierto todas las mañanas a las nueve. Me levanto de la cama, me cepillo los dientes, me lavo la cara, y me baño. Tiendo la cama, después de bañarme. Luego , hago meditación. Después de meditar, saco a mi perro a pasear . La última cosa que hago, antes de empezar a trabajar, es tratar de leer por 30 minutos. 

Hi, my name is Rocky. First, I wake up every morning at nine a.m. I get out of bed, I brush my teeth, I wash my face, and I shower. I make the bed after I wash myself. Next, I do meditation. After meditating, I take my dog for a walk. The last thing I do, before I start work, is try to read for 30 minutes. 

Let’s analyze the script

First, I used me despierto to say when I wake up. 

I used me levanto (the verb levantarse) to talk about when I get out of bed. 

Then I use a few more reflexive verbs to talk about what I do to myself, I brush my teeth, wash my face, and take a shower ( me cepillo los dientes, me lavo la cara, me baño). 

Now let’s look at where I used the transition words.

I used primero to start. 

I used luego and después de . 

Then in the end I said, la ultima cosa and I also say antes de .

Below is a little template you can use when you are writing your morning routine in the comments below. 

I will check it and add any corrections to what you write below so definitely participate if you are up for the challenge. 

“Primero, me despierto todas las mañanas a las __________ (time). Me levanto de la cama. (Add what you do in the morning – cepillarse, lavarse, bañarse, desayunarse. Remember to conjugate it properly in the yo form. And also be sure the transition words to help your sentences flow: antes de, después de, and luego.) And then to finish, you can say La última cosa que hago es (verb).”

Okay, so now it’s on you… 

Amigo o amiga, ¿cuál es tu rutina diaria? Escríbela abajo en los comentarios.

If you enjoyed this article and are really looking to level up your Spanish then check out our best-selling Seven Day Spanish Course.

4 thoughts on “How To Describe Your Daily Routine In Spanish”

Thanks so much. This helps a lot. I am ready to practice this. I have a class with my tutor tomorrow so I will try to do it then. Thanks!

Thanks, Jordan, glad you enjoyed it. Excited to see your daily routine.

Hola. Me llamo David. Por cada Mañana, me despierto a las 5 de la mañana. Seguiente me lavo la Cara y limpiar me deintes. Depues de yo orar por 15 minutes. Finalmente yo hablar con mi esposa y depues ir por trabajo.

Hola me llamo Mauselio, y este es my diaria de mis mananas. Primero, me despierto mas o menos a las nuve de la manana. Luego, no es neccesarrio pero chequio mis notifications si tengo por coreo o fb. Despues, haga el neccessarrio en el bano. al fin, conico pollo de casa para prepara para mi routina de hacer exceriso, en nota no commenzio trabajo hasta las 3 de la tarde.

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Daily routine in Spanish: examples, vocab and worksheets!

Last Updated on September 14, 2022 by Keith Filed Under: Grammar , Language Learning , Language Worksheet

Daily routines. Some love them, others hate them, but nowadays most people have certain routines that they do end up doing every day. That’s why, if you want to get better at talking about yourself in Spanish, it’s important to practice talking about your daily schedule in Spanish!

In this post/worksheet, we’re going to provide you with verbs and daily routine vocabulary you will need. We’ll take you through a quick review of how reflexive verbs work. And you can show off your newfound knowledge in a daily routine worksheet at the end.

In this context, the main difference between Latin American Spanish and Peninsular Spanish i s the fact that you don’t have to worry about learning the vosotros form for the reflexive verbs. Lucky! So, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Daily Routine in Spanish Examples

We’ll jump straight into an example about Fiorella, a 24-year-old marketing assistant, who will describe her daily routine on weekdays in the first person.

7 am: Me levanto, me baño y me visto 7:00 am: I get up, have a shower and get dressed.

7.30 am: Tomo desayuno mientras veo un poco de televisión. 7:30 am: I have breakfast while I watch a bit of television.         

8 am: Salgo de la casa para ir al trabajo. Me voy en metro.   8:00 am: I leave the house to go to work. I take the metro. 

9 am: Llego a la oficina. 9:00 am: I arrive at the office. 

1 pm: Almuerzo con mis colegas en la cafetería o un restaurante cercano.  1pm: I have lunch with my coworkers at a café or nearby restaurant. 

5.30 pm: Termina mi jornada de trabajo. Los lunes, miércoles y jueves me voy al gimnasio. 5:30 pm: My working day finishes. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I go to the gym.

7.30 pm: Llego a casa y preparo la cena. Luego leo un poco o chateo con mis amigos. 7:30 pm: I get home and prepare dinner. Then I read a little bit or chat to my friends.

10.30 pm: Me lavo los dientes, me pongo el piyama y me acuesto para dormir. 10:30 pm: I brush my teeth, put my pajamas on and go to sleep.  

Daily routines in Spanish using reflexive verbs

Don’t let the term “reflexive verb” fill you with dread: there’s actually a lot less to think about than the term infers. Have a look at the schedules from the example above and you’ll see these sentences: me levanto , and me lavo los dientes . Those are reflexive verbs in action. The me and se are reflexive pronouns and translate well to “(to) myself”, “(to) himself/herself/itself”.

The big difference between English and Spanish is the fact that many more verbs are used with reflexive pronouns in Spanish. We often just resort to using the possessive pronoun in English. Example: Tu te lavas los dientes (you brush your teeth). It would sound odd to add “yourself” here somewhere.

Here’s a quick review of the conjugation of reflexive verbs using the present tense of “peinarse” (to comb one’s hair):

  • Yo me peino (I brush my hair)
  • Tú te peinas (You brush your hair)
  • El/ella/Usted se peina (He/she/You (formal) brushes his/her/your hair)
  • Nosotros nos peinamos (We brush our hair)
  • Ellos/ustedes se peinan (They/you (plural) brush their/your hair) 

By now, many of you might be asking yourselves: but how do I know which verbs are reflexive? Unfortunately, there’s no definitive list to refer to or trick to apply. The best you can do is keep your eyes and ears open when reading and hearing Spanish and take note of which verbs are often reflexive and in what context.

Daily routine Spanish vocab

Here is some more useful vocabulary in addition to the words used in the examples above:

Maquillarse / afeitarse / ducharse To put makeup on / shave / have a shower

Contestar correos / tener reuniones / escribir reportes To reply to emails / have meetings / write reports

Hacer la cama / limpiar la casa / lavar los platos / barrer la sala / sacar la basura To make the bed / clean the house / do the dishes / sweep the living room / take out the trash

Ayudar con las tareas / leer un cuento / acostar a los niños Help with homework / read a story / put the kids to bed

Hacer deporte / jugar futbol / ver televisión / ir al teatro / juntarse con amigos / ir al cine To play sports / play soccer / watch TB / go to the theater / get together with friends / go to the cinema

Daily routine worksheet

Time to prove you have been paying attention! In the worksheet below we have included several exercises to test you on the verbs and vocabulary from the article. We have purposefully decided not to offer a translation in English in the exercises to make sure it is a true test of your new Spanish daily routine vocabulary. Answers can be found at the end of the article. ¡Mucha suerte!

Exercise 1: Answer questions about Franco’s weekend routine

Read about 13-year-old Franco Sánchez’s weekend routine in Spanish and answer the questions below.

·   Los fines de semana, Franco se levanta a las 10.30 am.

·   Normalmente no toma desayuno.

·   Se lava los dientes y se pone su ropa de deporte.

·   A las 11.30 am se va a jugar futbol con sus primos y algunos amigos.

·   A las 2 de la tarde almuerza en la casa de sus primos.  

·   Después del almuerzo juega videojuegos o ver un poco de televisión con sus primos. 

·   A las 7 pm regresa a su casa y se baña.

·   A las 7.30 pm cena con toda la familia.

·   A las 8.30 pm le ayuda a su madre a limpiar la casa o hace sus tareas para la escuela.

·   A las 10.30 pm se lava los dientes y se pone su piyama.

·   A las 11 pm lee un poco y después se acuesta.

1. ¿A qué hora Franco toma desayuno?

2. ¿Qué hace antes de almorzar?

3. ¿Dónde almuerza?

4. ¿Qué es la primera cosa que hace cuando llega a su casa en la noche?

5. ¿A qué hora hace sus tareas para la escuela?

6. ¿Cuántas veces al día se lava los dientes?

Exercise 2: Practice with reflexive verbs

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1. Yo siempre (me levanta / me levanto) a las 7 de la mañana.

2. ¿Usted siempre (se viste / se veste) de ropa negra?

3. ¡Mi amiga Gladis (te lavas / se lava) el cabello solo una vez por mes!

4. A qué hora (me acuesto / se acuestan) ustedes?

5. El niño ya (se baña / le baña) solo.

6. El cantante (se afeita / me afeita) dos veces por día.

Exercise 3: Answer the questions about your own daily routine

Feel free to leave your answers to exercise 3 in the comments!

1. ¿Siempre te levantas a la misma hora?

2. ¿Qué haces primero, desayunar o mirar a tu teléfono?

3. ¿A qué hora te lavas el cabello?  

4. ¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria por la noche?

5. ¿Algunas veces te acuestas después de medianoche?

Good stuff! You’ve made it all the way to the end of this lesson. Next time someone asks you “what do you do in the morning?” in Spanish, you shouldn’t be lost for words! We hope you did well in the exercise, and that you’re making sure your daily routine also contains some Spanish vocabulary practice. ¡ Nos vemos pronto, muchachos!

Answers to the worksheet:

Exercise 1:

1. Franco normalmente no toma desayuno los fines de semana.

2. Juega futbol con sus primos y algunos amigos.

3. Almuerza en la casa de sus primos.

4. Se baña.

5. Hace sus tareas para la escuela a las 8.30 pm

6. Se lava los dientes dos veces al día, por la mañana y por la noche

Exercise 2:

1) me levanto

2) se viste

4) se acuestan

5) se baña

6) se afeita

Exercise 3:

Note: These are obviously model answers because there’s an infinity of possible answers to these!

1. No, durante la semana me levanto a las 7 pero en el fin de semana me levanto a las 9 o 10 am.

2. Primero me visto, luego desayuno.

3. Normalmente me lavo el cabello cuando me baño por la mañana, a las 7 am.

4. A las 8 pm ceno, luego limpio la cocina y leo un poco por el Internet. A las 10 pm me cambio, me lavo los dientes y me acuesto.

5. ¡Sí! Pero solo en los fines de semana.

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Share Your Daily Routine in Spanish: A Vocabulary Guide

Sharing your daily routine in Spanish is a fantastic way to get the conversation going with native speakers. By sharing what you do for a living, or what your day-to-day looks like; you’re able to find common interests with new acquaintances or friends. 

What’s more, describing your Spanish daily routines, boosts your confidence in Spanish vocabulary. 

Talking about your daily routine in Spanish requires you to master verbs in their reflexive forms. It also combines adjectives and vocabulary related to time-frequency, objects, and places. 

Join me in this insightful blog post where I teach you how to Share Your Daily Routine in Spanish, along with practical vocabulary and practice audios for supporting your pronunciation. 

After This Lesson, You’ll Be Able to Talk Like This:

1. Yo me despierto todos los días a las ocho de la mañana. I wake up every day at eight in the morning.

2. Antes de bañarme, me cepillo los dientes y me lavo la care. Before I shower, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 

3. Tengo una hora para almorzar en el trabajo. I have one hour for lunch at work.

4. Todas las mañanas desayuno café y huevos. Every morning I have coffee and eggs for breakfast.

5. Yo salgo de trabajar y voy al gimnasio. I get off work and go to the gym.

6. Normalmente hago mi tarea y me gusta escuchar música. Normally I do my homework and enjoy listening to music.

7. Hoy me voy a desvelar, tengo que trabajar. I’m staying up late tonight, I have to work. 

8. Usualmente, me quedo dormida con la tele encendida. Usually, I fall asleep with the tv on. 

Listening to Spanish is key for improving your pronunciation and fluency. It’s a wonderful resource for preparing for a conversation and for memorizing new vocabulary.

Keep scrolling for plenty of detailed instruction and useful examples on your daily routines in Spanish! 

Describe Your Daily Routine in Spanish

Your Spanish daily routines combine what you do for a living professionally, how you get ready in the mornings, how your mealtimes are, and other daily activities before going to bed. 

Every day is different, so being able to elaborate on how your day looks like in Spanish, is proof of your confidence in using the language intuitively. Having una rutina (routine) helps you stay organized and make better use of your time.

Before we dive deep into your Spanish daily routines, we’ll turn our attention to verbs in reflexive form. 

Reflexive verbs are used when an action acts on the subject. Meaning that the verb acts on him or herself. For example, when you comb your hair, brush your teeth, or when you wake up. 

Make a quick review of the subject with this practical blog post about Reflexive Verbs in Spanish Grammar.

Your Morning Daily Routine in Spanish

Tú rutina diaria (your daily routine) starts in the morning. Getting ready for the day ahead is essential for starting your activities with the right foot. 

Let’s take a look at common verbs and vocabulary for the starting point for your Spanish daily routines.

Morning Routine Spanish Verbs Part 1

Morning routine spanish verbs part 2, example phrases.

Yo me levanto a las seis de la mañana. I get up at six in the morning.

Mi alarma me despierta a las 7 am. My alarm wakes me up at 7 am. 

Primero, me cepillo los dientes y uso hilo dental. First, I brush my teeth and use floss. 

Si tengo tiempo, aprovecho a lavarme y secarme el pelo. If I have time, I wash and dry my hair. 

Antes de bañarme, hago ejercicio. Before taking a bath, I exercise. 

Me encanta madrugar los fines de semana. I love waking up early on weekends. 

Al despertarme, voy al baño. When I wake up, I use the restroom. 

Después de bañarme y vestirme, me maquillo. After taking a bath and getting dressed, I put on makeup. 

Normalmente me levanto y voy al gimnasio. I usually get up and go to the gym.

Después de ir al gimnasio, regreso a mi casa a ducharme. After going to the gym, I come back to my house to shower. 

Me toma casi una hora alistarme.  It takes me almost an hour to get ready. 

Solo hago la cama y me voy al trabajo. I just make the bed and go to work. 

Your Eating Times

Breakfast is certainly the most important meal of the day, but being able to talk about your eating times, in general, is essential for discussing your daily routine in Spanish. 

Talking about when you have a snack or when you have lunch is fantastic for making plans. It can also lead the conversation to talking about yummy foods, or about your likes and dislikes. 

Let’s take a look at common verbs and vocabulary for talking about your eating times on your day-to-day. 

Meals Daily Routine in Spanish Vocabulary

Yo cocino todos los días. I cook every day.

Yo pido comida en el trabajo. I order food at work.

No me gusta tomar café sin comer algo antes. I don’t like drinking coffee without eating something first.

Todas las tardes tomo té y galletas. Every afternoon I drink tea and cookies. 

Antes de almorzar, mis hijos ponen la mesa. Before having lunch, my kids set the table. 

Después de alistarme, preparo el desayuno. After getting ready, I prepare breakfast.

A las 11 am, me gusta tomar un refrigerio. At 11 am, I like having a snack. 

Tengo que lavar los platos antes de cocinar. I have to wash the dishes before cooking. 

No me gusta cenar tan tarde. I don’t like eating dinner so late. 

Me gusta tomar un desayuno ligero.  I like having a light breakfast. 

¿A qué hora almuerzas? At what time do you have lunch?

Por el trabajo, tengo que comer rápido. Because of work, I have to eat fast.

Day to Day Activities

Some people have a pretty specific routine because they follow a strict horario (schedule) at work or school. 

Others have certain responsibilities that provide more flexibility. These people are able to distribute their time into different activities. 

Let’s examine some day to day vocabulary that’ll help you talk about what you do on your daily routine in Spanish. 

Day to Day Activities Vocabulary Part 1

Day to day activities vocabulary part 2.

Yo empiezo a trabajar a las 7am. I start work at 7 am. 

Yo voy a la escuela de lunes a viernes. I go to school from Monday to Friday. 

Usualmente, hablo por teléfono en las mañanas. Usually, I talk on the phone in the mornings. 

Tengo que hacer tareas y pasear al perro todas las tardes. I have to do homework and walk the dog every afternoon. 

Cuando llego a mi casa, me gusta tomar una siesta. When I get home, I enjoy taking a nap. 

Yo visito a mi familia todos los domingos. I visit my family every Sunday. 

En el trabajo uso mi computadora. At work, I use my computer. 

Yo llevo a mis hijos a la escuela todos los días. I take my kids to school every day. 

Después de salir de trabajar, me gusta ir de compras.   After getting off work, I enjoy going shopping. 

Antes de acostarme, veo la tele.  Before going to bed, I watch tv. 

Yo hago limpieza en las mañanas. I clean the house in the mornings.

En las tardes me gusta estudiar español. In the afternoons I like studying Spanish. 

Todos los miércoles voy a terapia. Every Wednesday I go to therapy. 

Night Routine in Spanish

How do you finish your day? Do you stay up late? Or do you go to bed early?

Talk about your night routine in Spanish with this list of useful vocabulary. 

Night Routine Vocabulary

Me gusta acostarme temprano. I like going to bed early.

Antes de irme a dormir, leo un libro. Before going to sleep, I read a book.

Después de cenar, me cepillo los dientes y me pongo la pijama. After having dinner, I brush my teeth and put on my pajamas. 

No me gusta desvelarme. I don’t like staying up late. 

Normalmente, me quedo dormido viendo mi teléfono.  Normally, I fall asleep looking at my phone.

Add More Details to Your Spanish Daily Routines

You can always include more details when discussing your Spanish daily routines. You can talk about the variations according to days of the week and also about the frequency of such habits. Here’s a list of adverbs you can use. 

Daily Routine in Spanish Adverbs

¿Siempre te levantas temprano? Do you always wake up early?

Tengo que ir a la escuela hasta pasado mañana. I have to go to school until the day after tomorrow. 

Todos los días veo la tele. I watch tv every day.

Normalmente desayuno y después me baño. Normally I have breakfast and shower later.

A veces, me despierto tarde. Sometimes, I wake up late.

¿Tienes planes para hoy? Do you have plans for today?

Casi nunca me da tiempo de almorzar en casa. I rarely have time to eat at home. 

Hoy tengo clase de baile. Today I have dance class. 

Compliment this lesson with this example-packed review of The Days of the Week in Spanish. 

Make It a Habit: Start Spanish Daily Routines!

Make language learning a part of your Spanish daily routines and move forward towards your goal of becoming bilingual. 

Join a free trial class with our certified teachers from Guatemala and practice real conversation with a native speaker. Our experience proves to be fantastic for boosting your fluency and knowledge of Spanish grammar. We offer affordable pricing and programs that fit your needs and schedule. 

Spanish is on the road to becoming one of the most spoken languages in the world. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , job opportunities for Spanish speakers are bound to keep increasing in the coming years. 

Create Spanish daily routines and make them a habit. The more you immerse yourself in the language, the higher your chances of landing a well-paid job as a Spanish speaker.

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60 Terms to Describe Your Daily Routine in Spanish

Travel phrases will come in handy when you’re gallivanting about in Spanish-speaking countries.

Food words will help you navigate your way around even the most advanced Spanish-language restaurant menus.

But when it comes to vocabulary that you can use every day, there’s nothing quite like Spanish daily routine vocabulary.

Morning Routine Spanish Vocabulary

Hygiene spanish vocabulary, meal time spanish vocabulary, bedtime routine spanish vocabulary, activity routine spanish vocabulary, vocabulary for adding details to your routine, reflexive verbs and daily routine, how to practice daily routine vocabulary, and one more thing….

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So we’ve got the main routine words down, but what if you want to describe them a little more—for example, tell someone when or how often you do said routine?

For this, knowing some Spanish adverbs of frequency and where to place them in a sentence will help. 

Here are some adverbs and other vocabulary words that might come in handy for expressing your routine with a bit more accuracy. 

You probably noticed that a lot of these words end in se , which means they’re reflexive verbs. This is the verb type we use when the agent of the action is acting on his or her own self.

When an agent is acting on someone else, we might still use pronouns like me, te  and  le  to indicate who is being acted upon, but the verb is no longer reflexive.

Let’s look at the difference between despertar  and  despertarse (to wake up).

If we’re going to use the reflexive version of this verb, then the acting agent must be the same as who the agent is acting upon, so you’ll start with the reflexive infinitive verb despertar se and turn that into:

Me despierto (I wake up)

Te despiertas (You wake up) 

Se despierta (He/she wakes up)

To indicate that someone is acting on someone else, you might have:

Ella despierta a Juan (She wakes up Juan)

Mi madre me despierta (My mother wakes me up)

Te despierto (I wake you up)

Now that we’ve gone over these new vocabulary words, let’s look at some different ways you can practice these words and a few different resources you can use:

  • Create a daily journal. Write about what you’ve done each day, using these words to describe your own routine. As you write, you’ll become accustomed to describing your day with your new vocabulary words.
  • Create flashcards. Flashcards are the tried-and-true method to learn vocabulary. You can create them by hand or use an app such as Anki .

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As you can see, everyday vocabulary doesn’t have to be boring.

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Daily Routine in Spanish: Guide and Examples

Talking about your daily routine is a great way to practice using common verbs and expressions in Spanish, and it’s also a useful skill to have if you ever need to describe your daily activities to someone else.

These are some examples of daily routine sentences in Spanish:

Now let’s check all that you need to know to make sentences about the daily routine in Spanish

Table of Contents

Daily Routine Verbs

Daily routine in spanish: example #1, daily routine in spanish: example #2, daily routine in spanish, daily routine and adverbs in spanish, more spanish lessons.

To talk about your daily routine in Spanish, you can use the present tense of verbs to describe what you do on a typical day.

Here are some examples of common verbs you might use:

  • Levantarse (to get up): Me levanto a las seis de la mañana todos los días. (I get up at 6am every day.)
  • Duchar(se) (to shower): Me ducho después de levantarme. (I shower after getting up.)
  • Vestirse (to get dressed): Me visto para ir al trabajo a las siete y media. (I get dressed to go to work at 7:30.)
  • Desayunar (to have breakfast): Desayuno cereal con leche y una taza de café todas las mañanas. (I have cereal with milk and a cup of coffee every morning.)
  • Trabajar (to work): Trabajo desde las ocho de la mañana hasta las cinco de la tarde. (I work from 8am to 5pm.)
  • Almorzar (to have lunch): Almuerzo en la cafetería de la oficina a las doce y media. (I have lunch in the office cafeteria at 12:30.)
  • Regresar (to return): Regreso a casa después del trabajo a las seis de la tarde. (I return home after work at 6pm.)
  • Hacer ejercicio (to exercise): Hago ejercicio en el gimnasio tres veces por semana. (I exercise at the gym three times a week.)
  • Cenar (to have dinner): Ceno en casa con mi familia a las ocho de la noche. (I have dinner at home with my family at 8 pm.)
  • Acostarse (to go to bed): Me acuesto a las once de la noche para dormir bien. (I go to bed at 11pm to sleep well.)

Here’s an example of a complete daily routine in Spanish:

Me levanto a las seis de la mañana todos los días. Me ducho después de levantarme y me visto para ir al trabajo a las siete y media.

Desayuno cereal con leche y una taza de café todas las mañanas antes de salir de casa. Trabajo desde las ocho de la mañana hasta las cinco de la tarde, y almuerzo en la cafetería de la oficina a las doce y media.

Regreso a casa después del trabajo a las seis de la tarde y hago ejercicio en el gimnasio tres veces por semana. Ceno en casa con mi familia a las ocho de la noche, y después me gusta ver una película o leer un libro antes de acostarme a las once de la noche para dormir bien.

Me levanto a las seis de la mañana todos los días y me ducho rápidamente para ahorrar tiempo. Después de vestirme fácilmente, desayuno cereal con leche y una taza de café lentamente para disfrutar mi comida. Salgo de casa a las siete y media para ir al trabajo.

Trabajo desde las ocho de la mañana hasta las cinco de la tarde, y almuerzo en la cafetería de la oficina a las doce y media después de hacer una pausa para hablar con mis compañeros de trabajo. Regreso a casa después del trabajo a las seis de la tarde y hago ejercicio cuidadosamente en el gimnasio tres veces por semana. Ceno en casa con mi familia a las ocho de la noche, y después de la cena, mientras veo televisión, leo un libro o trabajo en un proyecto personal. Antes de acostarme a las once de la noche, me cepillo los dientes y me acuesto en la cama para dormir bien.

In addition to using verbs, you can also use time expressions to describe when you do certain activities.

Here are some examples of time expressions you might use:

  • Todas las mañanas (every morning): Desayuno cereal todas las mañanas.
  • A las siete y media (at 7:30): Me visto para ir al trabajo a las siete y media.
  • Antes de salir de casa (before leaving home): Desayuno antes de salir de casa.
  • A las doce y media (at 12:30): Almuerzo en la cafetería de la oficina a las doce y media.
  • Después del trabajo (after work): Regreso a casa después del trabajo a las seis de la tarde.
  • Tres veces por semana (three times a week): Hago ejercicio en el gimnasio tres veces por semana.
  • En casa (at home): Ceno en casa con mi familia a las ocho de la noche.
  • Antes de acostarme (before going to bed): Me gusta ver una película o leer un libro antes de acostarme a las once de la noche para dormir bien.

You can also use adverbs to describe how you do certain activities. Here are some examples of adverbs you might use:

  • Rápidamente (quickly): Me ducho rápidamente para ahorrar tiempo.
  • Lentamente (slowly): Me gusta desayunar lentamente para disfrutar mi comida.
  • Fácilmente (easily): Me visto fácilmente porque planifico mi ropa la noche anterior.
  • Cuidadosamente (carefully): Hago ejercicio cuidadosamente para evitar lesiones.

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Manuel Campos, English Professor

I live in Costa Rica, I am an Spanish Native speaker and I am English teacher so I am sure that I will share valuable insights if you really want to learn Spanish

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My Daily Routine in Spanish

  • Posted by: Victoria Puerto
  • Category: Spanish Learning Pills

Someone working on daily routine tasks

In this learning pill, we will explore vocabulary related to daily routines in Spanish. Learning these words will enable you to describe your daily activities, talk about your schedule, and understand common phrases used in conversations about routines.

Examples of daily routine vocabulary in Spanish

Grammar Point:

Verbs in Spanish often change according to the subject (yo, tú, él/ella, nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ellos/ellas). Pay attention to verb conjugations to match the subject of the sentence. For example, “yo estudio” (I study) and “tú estudias” (You study).

Example Sentences:

  • Me levanto temprano todas las mañanas. – I get up early every morning.
  • Después de trabajar, suelo hacer ejercicio. – After work, I usually exercise.
  • A qué hora te acuestas por la noche? – What time do you go to bed at night?

Cultural Insights:

Daily routines can vary across cultures. Learning about different customs and practices related to daily activities in Spanish-speaking countries can broaden your cultural understanding and provide insights into different lifestyles.

Practice using these words to describe your daily activities, create sentences about your routine, and engage in conversations about daily life. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

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How to Say My Daily Routine in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning how to express your daily routine in Spanish is essential for effective communication and building relationships with Spanish speakers. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore both formal and informal ways of describing your daily routine, providing you with plenty of tips and examples along the way. So let’s dive in and discover how to communicate your daily activities effectively in Spanish!

Formal Expressions for Describing Your Daily Routine

When speaking in formal situations, such as during business meetings or interviews, it is important to use appropriate language to convey your daily routine. Here are some phrases and expressions you can use:

1. Mañana: Por la mañana, me despierto temprano y hago ejercicio antes de ir al trabajo. Luego, desayuno y me preparo para el día.

Translation: In the morning, I wake up early and exercise before going to work. Then, I have breakfast and get ready for the day.

2. Tarde: Durante la tarde, trabajo en proyectos importantes y asisto a reuniones con clientes. Después, regreso a casa y descanso un poco antes de la cena.

Translation: During the afternoon, I work on important projects and attend meetings with clients. Afterwards, I go back home and relax for a while before dinner.

3. Noche: Por la noche, ceno con mi familia y paso tiempo de calidad con ellos. Luego, me preparo para dormir y leo un libro antes de acostarme.

Translation: At night, I have dinner with my family and spend quality time with them. Then, I get ready for bed and read a book before going to sleep.

Informal Ways to Discuss Your Daily Routine

When speaking in informal situations, such as with friends or family members, you can adopt a more relaxed language style. Here are some phrases and expressions you can use:

1. Mañana: Por la mañana, me levanto temprano y me pongo en forma antes de salir de casa. Después, desayuno y me arreglo para el día.

Translation: In the morning, I wake up early and work out before leaving the house. Then, I have breakfast and get ready for the day.

2. Tarde: Durante la tarde, me dedico a mis proyectos y me reunión con colegas. Después, vuelvo a casa y me relajo un poco antes de cenar.

Translation: During the afternoon, I focus on my projects and meet with colleagues. Afterwards, I go back home and relax for a while before dinner.

3. Noche: Por la noche, ceno con mi familia y paso tiempo con ellos divirtiéndonos. Después, me preparo para dormir y leo un libro antes de acostarme.

Translation: At night, I have dinner with my family and spend time with them having fun. Then, I get ready for bed and read a book before going to sleep.

Tips for Effective Communication

Here are some tips to enhance your ability to communicate your daily routine in Spanish:

  • 1. Use verbs to express actions: Verbs play a crucial role in describing your daily routine. Make sure to conjugate them according to the subject of the sentence.
  • 2. Incorporate time references: To provide a clear picture of your daily routine, include time references like “por la mañana,” “durante la tarde,” or “por la noche.”
  • 3. Vary vocabulary: Expand your vocabulary by learning synonyms and different ways to express common activities. This will make your conversations more engaging.
  • 4. Practice pronunciation: Pay attention to pronunciation and practice speaking your daily routine out loud. This will help you sound more natural and confident when conversing with native Spanish speakers.

Now let’s take a look at some additional examples of daily routine phrases in Spanish:

1. Levantarse temprano: Me levanto temprano y me preparo para el día.

2. Tomar un café: Después de levantarme, tomo un café para despertar.

3. Trabajar en la oficina: Durante el día, trabajo en la oficina y realizo diversas tareas.

4. Almorzar con colegas: A mediodía, suelo almorzar con mis colegas en el comedor de la empresa.

5. Hacer ejercicio: Por la tarde, dedico tiempo a hacer ejercicio para mantenerme en forma.

6. Disfrutar de la cena: Por la noche, mi familia y yo disfrutamos de una deliciosa cena juntos.

7. Relajarse antes de dormir: Antes de irme a la cama, me relajo un poco y leo un libro.

Remember to adapt these phrases to your own routine and personal circumstances to make them more relatable and authentic.

While there might be regional variations in how people express their daily routine in Spanish, the examples provided in this guide are general and suitable for use across Spanish-speaking countries. However, if you are specifically learning Spanish for a particular region, it’s always advisable to incorporate local expressions and vocabulary.

Keep practicing, and with time and patience, expressing your daily routine in Spanish will become effortless and natural. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

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Spanish Daily Routine Vocabulary: 65 Words for Daily Activities


August 2, 2017

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What’s your daily routine like? Do you wake up at 7, go for a jog, take a shower, get dressed, and then go to work? Regardless of what your routine is, here is a useful list of Spanish vocabulary to help you express your daily activities.

Spanish Daily Routine

You can also download this list as a PDF by clicking the download button below.

Daily Routine Vocabulary

You can also check out the following vocabulary articles:

102 Spanish Classroom Vocabulary

A Quick Guide to Making Small Talk in Spanish

For more vocabulary lists shared daily, follow My Daily Spanish on social media! You can find us on Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter where we share a daily Spanish word and expression. See you there!

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About the author 

Janey is a fan of different languages and studied Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Japanese in college. She has now added French into the mix, though English will always be her first love. She loves reading anything (including product labels).

Great website. It’s a nice to see all these everyday phrases in one place, so practical.

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Mi rutina diaria

Mi rutina diaria - Grammar

In this post “Mi rutina diaria” you will find sentences of a daily routine in Spanish with different activities. A daily routine consists of all those actions and activities that we do every day, such as waking up, having breakfast, getting dressed, going to work, etc. These daily routines are expressed in the present tense and we use reflective verbs. Here you will learn the necessary vocabulary of the daily things that are part of daily life. Enjoy!

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Rentar un apartamento

My daily routine

I wrote a short passage about my daily life. Would you please take a look and correct any mistake for me?

English version:

I wake up early every day, but I get up at 7:00 am. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I comb my hair. Before going to school, I have breakfast with my family. I usually come back home at 5:30 pm. I do homework before watching TV. After taking a bath, I go to bed at 11 pm. I always fall asleep soon if I am very tired.

Spanish version:

Me despierto temprano cada día, pero me levanto a las siete de la mañana. Después de cepillarme los dientes y lavarme la cara, me peino el pelo. Antes de ir a la escuela, desayuno con mi familia. Normalmente llego a casa a las cinco y media de la tarde. Hago la tarea antes de mirar la televisión. Después de bañarme, me acuesto a las once de la noche. Siempre me duermo rápido si estoy muy cansada.

I think I need some transitional words to make my passage sound more smooth. But I haven't learned them yet. Please add some to my writing if necessary.

Should I use "Mi vida diaria" or "Mi vida cotidiana" as the title of the passage? What's the difference between "diario" and "cotidiana"?

dairio = daily. That occurs every day. A it can be used as a synonym of cotidiano in some contexts. cotidiano = daily. Implies routine, normality. So, they are pretty equivalent.

It sounds smooth to me. Congratulations. Just one thing: I would say "vuelvo a casa" (come back).

The title: daily life would be vida cotidiana .

I have no intention to beat atxeko. Here's my opinion:

"vuelvo a casa" = I come back (return) home; "llego a casa" = I arrive home

The first expression is better because you left home in the morning.

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  • Writing exercise: "My daily routine"

My daily routine

"mi rutina diaria" spanish a1 writing exercise.

Practise reflexive verbs and some time expressions while learning about María's daily routine.

Pay attention to the hints!

Some vocabulary you may want to look up before or during this exercise: "to wake up", "to work", "bus stop", "to play (a sport)" and "tranquil".

my daily routine in spanish essay

I’ll give you some sentences to translate into Spanish

  • I’ll show you where you make mistakes
  • I’ll keep track of what you need to practise
  • Change my choices if you want

Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above:

Good morning! My name is María and I am going to describe my daily routine. I wake up at seven in the morning and have a cup of coffee with a piece of toast for breakfast. After breakfast, I have a shower. Then, I get dressed in my bedroom. I work from nine till five, and I take the bus at half past eight. The bus stop is near my house. Generally, I return home at half past five, and I have dinner with my family at nine. On Saturdays I always play tennis and go to the cinema with my boyfriend. We have a very tranquil life.

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My Daily Life Essay (My Daily Routine Essay)

Life is too precious to be idled away in a dull existence. My daily routine is jam-packed with actions and activities and it keeps me and my mind busy. The adventures of everyday life make it an enjoyable and exciting journey. Here are some sample essays on my daily life:

100 Words Essay on My Daily Life (My Daily Routine Essay)

A student should follow an effective routine to achieve success. I’m a morning person. The calm and quiet early morning helps me to concentrate better. I have a daily routine that starts early at 5 am and ends with planning the next day's work at 10 pm. I wake up at five and study till 7. I eat my breakfast at 8 am and leave for school at 8:30. Revision in the morning helps me understand better in class.

My Daily Life Essay (My Daily Routine Essay)

I make sure my routine does not become monotonous, so after I reach home, I go and play outside with my friends. Dinner time is always family time. The day ends with a short walk on the terrace gazing at the stars. The routine keeps me active and productive all the time.

200 Words Essay on My Daily Life (My Daily Routine Essay)

“ We are what we repeatedly do ,” says my dad daily quoting Aristotle. According to him, following a daily routine consistently will help me achieve my goals. He says that by planning my day and following it, I can complete all my work on time, avoiding pressure and being more productive.

My Daily Routine

Every morning I wake up at 5 am to the sound of my brother’s alarm which wakes me up. Exercising in the morning keeps me energetic and active the entire day. The fresh aroma of roasted coffee beans from the kitchen indicates coffee time. Later, I diligently sit for my morning studies and revise the previous day's concepts.

By 8:00 am, I’m ready for school. My mother prepares a delicious breakfast which I eat while watching the daily news along with my brother. 8:30 am I leave for school on my bicycle. Halfway, my friends join me. After lunch, I prefer light walking and freshening up for the afternoon study session. Classes end by 3:30 pm. After school, I go to the playground with my basketball team, where we practise for 2 hours, and I reach home by 6 pm. I finish my homework before supper.

Before going to bed, I prepare for the next day at school. Weekends are more relaxed. Mornings are usually spent cycling with friends. Afternoons, I help my mother grocery shop and cook in the kitchen. In the evening, I visit my grandma and have dinner with her.

500 Words Essay on My Daily Life Essay (My Daily Routine Essay)

“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” is taught to us from childhood. Following the principle, I begin my day early, around 5 am. I spend the first hour of my day exercising with my brother. I love sunrises. Around 6 am, I take a pleasant walk in the park with my pet dog “Candy” enjoying the beautiful, heartwarming morning light.

My Morning Routine

After the walk, I freshen up and study for an hour. I start with the daily newspaper, followed by my curriculum subjects. At precisely 8 am, we all gather at the dining table to have our breakfast. By 8:45, everyone departs for their respective work. I will reach school in 15 minutes by bicycle. Classes begin at 9:30 and continue till 12:30 pm.

My Afternoon Routine

Lunch breaks are always fun. I share my lunch with all my friends. I, along with my friends, walk to the dining hall; on the way, I make sure to go through the school's bulletin board. We discuss sports, television serials, and games while having our lunch. Lunch breaks are when I meet my seniors, discuss my doubts, and ask for their suggestions.

Classes go on till 3:30 pm. The last hour of the day is dedicated to PTE or games. This is the time when I relax and have fun. We indulge ourselves in fun games like running, tennis, basketball etc.

My Evening Routine

By 4:30, on the way home, I like stopping by my favourite chaat shop and enjoying some delicacies there. After arriving home at 5:00, I relax for an hour, eat some snacks, and watch my favourite tv show. 6 - 7:30 I go out to play.

By 7:30 pm , I’m back to studying, finishing my homework, and revising the day's curriculum till 8:30. We have our supper by 9. Everyone updates about their daily happenings during supper. I watch television for some time after dinner and finally am off to bed by 10 pm. I end my day by offering my gratitude for everything.

My Favourite part of the day

The time I have my supper is the best part of my day. I enjoy it a lot. My father usually asks us about our day. He usually tells us stories from his office, cracks jokes, and sometimes asks us puzzling questions. The winner gets to choose the tv program to watch. Later, the entire family goes out for a short walk with Candy. It's the perfect way to end the day with love, warmth and togetherness.

My Daily Relaxing Recreation

Every passing moment is an opportunity. But sometimes, these deadlines and schedules work me up. Everyone should have a hobby to relax and unwind from their daily monotonous routine. So, I make sure to relax now and then with some hobbies. My mother and I love to bake. Baking helps us relax. I feel calm and composed after baking.

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  4. La Rutina

    The first exampleof a daily routine will show someone talking about his morning routine in Spanish, " la rutina de la mañana ". Sequence words like "Primero" (first), "Luego" (then), "Antes de" (before), "Después de" (after) and"Finalmente" (finally) will beused inmost descriptionsto connect ideas. This will make the ...

  5. PDF Mi Rutina Diaria

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    4. Practice pronunciation: Pay attention to pronunciation and practice speaking your daily routine out loud. This will help you sound more natural and confident when conversing with native Spanish speakers. Now let's take a look at some additional examples of daily routine phrases in Spanish: 1.

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    We wash our hair. Os laváis el pelo. You wash your hair. Se lavan el pelo. They wash their hair. Él se lava el pelo por la mañana pero ella se lava el pelo por la tarde. He washes his hair in the morning but she washes her hair in the afternoon. Glossary of Spanish words and expressions to describe daily routines.

  16. Daily Routines in Spanish

    See Daily Routines in Spanish Kids PDF for more activities with pictures and color.. Daily routines in Spanish (rutinas diarias en español) - How to express what a person does every day:Daily Activities in The Morning (Rutina Diaria en las Mañanas) Me despierto a las 7:30 a.m todas las mañanas.Me levanto y me doy una ducha. Luego, me preparo una taza de café y al terminar me cepillo los ...

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    A daily routine consists of all those actions and activities that we do every day, such as waking up, having breakfast, getting dressed, going to work, etc. These daily routines are expressed in the present tense and we use reflective verbs. Here you will learn the necessary vocabulary of the daily things that are part of daily life.

  18. I wrote a short passage about my daily life. Would you please take a

    dairio = daily. That occurs every day. A it can be used as a synonym of cotidiano in some contexts. cotidiano = daily. Implies routine, normality. So, they are pretty equivalent. It sounds smooth to me. Congratulations. Just one thing: I would say "vuelvo a casa" (come back). The title: daily life would be vida cotidiana. Saludos.

  19. My daily routine

    Good morning! My name is María and I am going to describe my daily routine. I wake up at seven in the morning and have a cup of coffee with a piece of toast for breakfast. After breakfast, I have a shower. Then, I get dressed in my bedroom. I work from nine till five, and I take the bus at half past eight. The bus stop is near my house.

  20. Spanish Daily Routine paragraph Flashcards

    Spanish Daily Routine paragraph. i get up at four in the morning. Click the card to flip 👆. me levanto a las cuatro de la mañana. Click the card to flip 👆. 1 / 9.

  21. My Daily Life Essay (My Daily Routine Essay)

    100 Words Essay on My Daily Life (My Daily Routine Essay) A student should follow an effective routine to achieve success. I'm a morning person. The calm and quiet early morning helps me to concentrate better. I have a daily routine that starts early at 5 am and ends with planning the next day's work at 10 pm. I wake up at five and study till 7.

  22. My daily routine in spanish Free Essays

    My Daily Routine I normally wake up at 5:00 am wash my face and brush my teeth with a brush. I take physical exercise to keep my body healthy and fit. Early in the morning I worship to god with flowers and akshitaas. Worship to God I have my breakfast with a piece of bread and cup of a tea. Sometimes I take chapati as well in my breakfast.