How to Write a Cover Letter to a Hiring Manager (With Templates)

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Oh, the never-ending confusion and debate over cover letters.

Do I need one? Will anyone read it? How, exactly, can I make sure an actual  hiring manager reads it?

Never mind the whole—and rather crucial— “what should my cover letter say?” piece of this equation. There’s so much to consider, it’s no wonder why people often under-use or forego the cover letter altogether when looking for a job.

I’ve long been in the “heck, yes” camp on cover letters. Let me explain why and share some essential tips on what to incorporate in your next cover letter if you want to grab the attention of a hiring manager and get them to call you for an interview.

Why should you write a cover letter?

I’d like to tell you not to worry about crafting a cover letter for the next role you pursue, but here’s the thing (and you’ve probably noticed it): Competition’s fierce in more than a few career fields right now. Given this, you’ll be wise to do everything you can to stack the odds of landing an interview in your favor.

This includes a cover letter. If a recruiter or hiring manager is on the fence about you as a viable candidate, a thoughtfully written cover letter might just nudge you into the “yes” pile.

So, for this reason alone, I’d make the time for it.

Now here’s the good news—most people squander the opportunity. They either opt out of writing a cover letter entirely or, nearly as bad, they submit bland, cliché-filled, or redundant-to-the-resume clunkers.

Given this, hiring managers and recruiters don’t expect to lay eyes on a cover letter that’s memorable, compelling, and on point. When they do? They take notice.

Essential tips for your next cover letter

So how do you pull off a winning cover letter, one that conveys your passion and talent and makes the recruiter or hiring manager’s day? Follow these steps:

1. Choose the right salutation

We are well past the days when “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam” were considered gold standard business salutations. Unless you’re hoping to look like a nonagenarian on paper, plan to address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager or recruiter involved with the search.

It may seem difficult to sleuth this out, but it’s often easier than you may think. Just mosey over to LinkedIn and do a People search using the company’s name as your search term. Scroll through the people working at that company until you find someone who appears to be the hiring manager. (Hint: the job description may tell you who the position reports to.) If you can’t find a logical manager, try locating an internal recruiter or, in smaller companies, the head of HR.

If you aren’t able to pinpoint this information, go with something more general  but still personal and appropriate for current times, like “Dear Muse Marketing Team,” or “To the HR Business Partner Hiring Team.”

Read more:  The 3 Rules of Addressing Your Cover Letter in 2023

2. Convey your interest and value 

Decision makers never want to feel like you’re wallpapering the universe with the same cookie-cutter cover letter. They want to know you’re approaching their organization for specific reasons. Maybe you love their mission, their products, or their reputation as a great place to work.

Lead with this then, using the job description (and whatever other information you’ve gathered) as your guide, then outline what, specifically, you can walk through their doors and deliver. Make it clear as quickly as possible that you’ve got the goods.

Here's an example: “As a long-time cyclist, I know a thing or two about chafing. I also know that plenty of chamois creams just don’t do the trick. Yours does, and I’ve been a loyal fan and user for years. You’ve reduced friction for me and now I’d like to do the same for you as your next Customer Service Manager.

I’m [Name], a personable and solution-focused customer service professional who consistently ranks among the top 5% of performers at my current employer. Here’s what I can deliver in this role:”

And then expound on a few of the skills you bring to the table, with particular emphasis on the priority requirements for that role (they’re typically listed first on the job description or mentioned more than once).

3. Finish strong

You certainly don’t want to fizzle out at the finish line. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve read this exact sentence on a cover letter, I’d have a lot of dollars:

“Thank you for your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.”

Instead, work to sum up why you’re a great candidate and welcome an opportunity to meet to discuss their needs and your qualifications further.

Here's an example: “I believe my collaborative work style, commitment to customer satisfaction, and strong belief in the value of your products will enable me to make considerable impact, quickly. I would love to learn more about your specific goals and needs and share details on how I may contribute. I hope to meet soon!”

And a last, critical tip when it comes to delivering a great cover letter to a hiring manager: Be you. Honest, genuine writing always goes much, much further than trying to emulate the tone and structure encouraged in outdated career guides and textbooks.

Rules can be bent. In fact, if you’re working to make a lasting impression and land that interview? Oftentimes, they should be.

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

14 recruiter cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Recruiter cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Recruiter Roles

Table of contents

  • Senior Recruiter
  • Talent Acquisition Specialist
  • Senior Technical Recruiter
  • Campus Recruiter
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Recruiter resume examples

Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, highlighting previous success.

This cover letter emphasizes the writer's achievements in their previous role, showing that they have a proven track record of success. Make sure to highlight your accomplishments and explain how they make you a strong candidate for the role.

Emphasizing Diversity and Inclusion

The writer demonstrates their commitment to diversity and inclusion by sharing a specific initiative they implemented, which shows that they are proactive and results-driven. Share similar initiatives that you have led or participated in, to show your dedication to creating an inclusive workplace.

Expressing Genuine Interest

This sentence shows the writer's enthusiasm for the role and company, making it clear that they are not just applying to any job. Be specific about why you are excited about the role, and demonstrate your knowledge of the company and its values.

Aligning with Company Values

When you demonstrate your understanding of and alignment with a company's core values, it shows that you're not only fit for the role but also the organization's culture. Here, you've shown your awareness of Google's commitment to diversity and inclusivity and expressed your shared passion for these values. This can make you an attractive candidate as cultural fit is a key hiring consideration.

Quantifying Success

It's one thing to tell me you're good at your job, it's another to show me. By citing specific figures like filling 75% of open positions within 60 days and reducing the time-to-hire metric by 30%, you're giving concrete evidence of your high performance. This is a testament to your skills and effectiveness as a recruiter and shows your potential impact at Google.

Understanding Company Needs

Highlighting your understanding of what Google needs in its employees signals your ability to find the right fit for the company. This confidence in your ability to attract the right individuals demonstrates your knowledge of the company and its culture, and reassures me that you're equipped to make quality hires.

Highlighting Noteworthy Achievements

Man, when you say you filled 15 critical roles in record time, it shows you're not just a recruiter, but a super recruiter. That's something we want on our team. This sentence also suggests you can handle pressure and know how to get results, fast.

Showing Initiative

Introducing a mentorship program is a great move. It shows you understand that recruitment doesn't end when the candidate is hired. It's also about making sure they stick around and grow within the company. Plus it demonstrates your leadership skills and dedication to employee engagement.

Acknowledging Company Values

When you talk about your excitement for inclusive and diverse work environments, it shows you share our values. This makes me think you'd fit in well with our company culture.

Expressing Enthusiasm

I can feel your eagerness jumping off the page when you say you're ready to contribute to our success and innovation. This makes me want to meet you even more.

Showing Hopefulness

Looking forward to a discussion with us shows optimism and a real interest in the role. It's a subtle, yet effective way of expressing the desire for further engagement with us.

Show your passion for the company's mission

Starting your cover letter by expressing a personal connection to our mission makes me see you're not just looking for any job. You're looking for this job.

Detail your recruiter accomplishments

Talking about specific achievements, like improving the candidate pipeline or increasing diverse hires, demonstrates your direct impact. This tells me you're results-driven.

Highlight candidate feedback

Mentioning positive feedback from candidates about your personalized approach adds a human touch. It shows you value people, which is essential in recruiting.

Align your experience with the recruiter role

When you clearly state how your background makes you a great fit, it helps me envision you in the role. This convinces me you've thought deeply about how you can contribute.

Express eagerness to contribute

Closing with anticipation to discuss your contribution shows me you're proactive and genuinely interested. It makes me want to invite you for an interview.

Does writing cover letters feel pointless? Use our AI

Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Share the moment you found your recruiter calling

Describing the moment you knew recruiting was your calling adds a personal touch and showcases your passion for the field.

Detail recruiter skills through experience

Outlining your skills developed over time gives the impression of a well-rounded and experienced recruiter, ready to tackle new challenges.

Illustrate success in filling diverse roles

Highlighting your track record of filling a variety of positions successfully shows you're adaptable and capable of meeting various department needs.

Show your approach to understanding hiring needs

Your method of working closely with hiring managers to understand their needs indicates a collaborative approach, essential for a successful recruiter.

Express enthusiasm for contributing to talent acquisition

Your excitement about joining the team and contributing to their mission makes your application memorable and shows you're not just interested in a job, but in making a difference.

Connect your personal story to the company’s mission

By sharing your personal experience of furnishing your apartment, you create a relatable connection to the company's mission. This shows you are not just a candidate who understands the job but also someone who personally values what the company stands for.

Detail your recruiter achievements

Discussing your past success in hiring engineers and improving recruitment processes provides concrete evidence of your skills. It's not just about the roles you've filled but how you've made the process better and more efficient.

Highlight improvements and candidate satisfaction

When you mention revamping the interview process and increasing candidate satisfaction, it shows you care about people’s experiences. This is key for a recruiter, as it reflects on the company’s culture and values.

Show passion for diversity and inclusion

Your excitement about joining a team that values diversity speaks volumes. It indicates you're not just looking for any job but one where you can contribute to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.

End with a strong call to action

Expressing your desire to discuss your potential contributions further is a good way to end your letter. It leaves the door open for further conversations and shows your eagerness to be part of the team.

Senior Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Identifying with company's mission.

Expressing your admiration for Amazon's global impact and continuous innovation shows your alignment with their mission. This not only signals your interest in the role but also your enthusiasm for contributing to a company that shares your professional ambitions.

Proving Expertise with Past Achievements

By sharing your past accomplishments like recruiting a 50-member team within 90 days and reducing hiring costs by 25%, you're proving your competency as a seasoned recruiter. This evidences your ability to effectively manage Amazon's hiring needs and brings a level of credibility to your application.

Showing Excitement for the Role

Your excitement about identifying and recruiting talent who align with Amazon's mission shows your passion for the role. It tells me that you're not just looking for any job, but are genuinely excited about contributing to Amazon's goals. This kind of enthusiasm is contagious, and can make you an attractive candidate.

Talent Acquisition Specialist Cover Letter Example

Proving your worth with data.

When you say you increased the efficiency of the recruitment process by 30%, it screams competence. It shows you understand how to use data analytics and it proves you've made a tangible impact in your previous role.

Demonstrating Impact

Building a team that launched a $2M revenue generating product? Wow. This highlights your strategic planning, team building skills and your ability to contribute to the bottom line. Your ability to attribute your actions to specific outcomes is impressive.

Aligning with Company Culture

You saying you resonate with Amazon's Leadership Principles is a smart move. It sends a clear message that your values align with ours, which is a key factor in making recruiting decisions.

Conveying Passion

Your keenness to bring your expertise to Amazon is evident in this sentence. It speaks volumes about your passion, ambition and the potential value you can add to our organization.

Expressing Gratitude

Thanking us for considering your application is a nice touch. It shows your humility and appreciation for the opportunity, both of which are qualities we value.

Senior Technical Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Connect with the company’s tech ethos.

Showing your enthusiasm for our technology and tools right away grabs my attention. It indicates you understand and value what we do.

Showcase your technical recruiting improvements

Describing specific improvements you've made, like a new interview process that reduced time-to-hire, proves you're innovative and effective. This is exactly what we need.

Emphasize your personal connection with candidates

Your ability to connect with candidates on a personal level is a rare skill. Highlighting this tells me you're not just filling positions; you're building a team.

Confirm your fit for the senior technical recruiter role

Asserting your confidence in your fit for the role, backed by your experience and skills, makes a strong case for why we should consider you seriously.

Show your eagerness to join the mission

Ending on a note of eagerness to help continue building our tech team sends a strong message of your dedication and excitement about the opportunity.

Show your passion for the tech industry

Talking about your lifelong interest in tech and your desire to connect talent with innovative companies gives me a sense of your genuine enthusiasm for this field.

Highlight your technical recruiting success

When you share specific achievements like filling 25 senior-level engineering positions, it tells me you're not just experienced but also effective in your role.

Understand the person behind the resume

Emphasizing the importance of knowing a candidate's motivations and career goals shows you value a holistic approach to recruiting, which is key for finding the right fit for both parties.

Bring expertise to unleash team potential

Your excitement about contributing to our mission demonstrates your readiness to apply your skills towards our company's growth and success.

Express eagerness for a discussion

By inviting a conversation about how you can help build our engineering organization, you're taking an active step towards becoming a part of our team.

Express alignment with the company’s vision

Explaining your attraction to the company’s commitment shows you've done your research and understand what makes the company unique. It demonstrates you're not just looking for any job but one where you believe in the mission.

Specialize your experience in the field

Detailing your recruitment expertise in cybersecurity positions you as a specialist. This specificity makes your application stronger, showing you’re not just a general recruiter but one with targeted skills that match the company’s needs.

Emphasize teamwork and strategy in hiring

Your ability to work closely with hiring managers and develop strategies highlights your collaborative skills. It also shows you understand the importance of aligning technical skills with company culture.

Share your excitement for growth opportunities

Your enthusiasm for helping scale the company’s technical teams shows you are ready to tackle big challenges. It also aligns with the company’s goals, making you a well-suited candidate for the role.

Invite further discussion

Ending your cover letter with a thank you and an invitation to discuss how you can contribute reflects professionalism and openness. It shows you value the opportunity to further prove your worth to the team.

Campus Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Connect personal experience with company values.

Talking about your own journey and how it aligns with what the company offers makes your application feel more personal and engaging.

Show campus recruiter success with numbers

Highlighting specific achievements with quantifiable results showcases your effectiveness and ability to make a tangible impact.

Emphasize unique recruiter skills

Pointing out your unique ability to understand and connect with students shows you have the interpersonal skills crucial for a campus recruiter role.

Express passion for developing early career talent

Your excitement about helping students start their careers demonstrates a genuine passion for talent development, a key attribute for this role.

Highlight your contribution to campus recruiting efforts

Demonstrating eagerness to contribute to the company's goals shows you're not just looking for any job, but specifically aiming to improve their campus recruiting efforts.

Connect personal experience with campus recruiting

Reflecting on your own college journey to empathize with students' feelings of excitement and uncertainty shows a personal connection to your work.

Share values with the company

Mentioning your alignment with our commitment to diversity and inclusion suggests you'll contribute to fostering a workplace that values authenticity.

Build networks to tap into talent pools

Your ability to establish relationships with career services, student organizations, and faculty highlights your strategic approach to sourcing candidates.

Empower students in their career paths

Showing your dedication to helping students prepare for the job market, through resume reviews and mock interviews, illustrates your commitment to their success.

Demonstrate excitement for early-career development

Your enthusiasm for bringing your campus recruiting expertise to our team indicates a strong desire to support and develop early-career talent.

Show your enthusiasm for the campus recruiter role

Expressing excitement about the job and the company shows you're not just looking for any job, but you're interested in this specific role at this specific company. It makes you seem like a more motivated and fitting candidate.

Highlight relevant experience

When you detail your experience with related tasks and roles, it directly shows your capability and readiness for the campus recruiter position. Demonstrating success in related areas, like organizing career events, proves you can handle the responsibilities of the job.

Quantify your achievements

Using numbers to show the results of your efforts (like a 30% increase in job placements or hiring over 20 top graduates) proves your effectiveness. It makes your accomplishments clear and impressive to the hiring manager.

Connect your passion to the company mission

Linking your personal interests and passions with the company's goals suggests a deep alignment with the company's culture and mission. It indicates you'll be committed and driven if hired for the campus recruiter role.

End with a forward-looking statement

Closing your cover letter by expressing eagerness to discuss how you can contribute, shows you're proactive and serious about the opportunity. It leaves a positive, lasting impression on the hiring manager.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Recruiter Roles

  • Corporate Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Entry-Level Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Executive Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Healthcare Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • HR Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Junior Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Senior Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Technical Recruiter Cover Letter Guide

Other Other Cover Letters

  • Business Owner Cover Letter Guide
  • Consultant Cover Letter Guide
  • Correctional Officer Cover Letter Guide
  • Demand Planning Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Executive Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Operations Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Orientation Leader Cover Letter Guide
  • Plant Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Production Planner Cover Letter Guide
  • Recruiting Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Site Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Supply Chain Planner Cover Letter Guide
  • Teacher Cover Letter Guide
  • Vice President of Operations Cover Letter Guide

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

Recruiter Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Recruiter Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Jacob Meade

  • Cover Letter Examples

How To Write a Recruiter Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter Text Examples

For an effective recruiter cover letter, focus on how you can find and bring talented workers to a company or clients of a placement firm. Also, emphasize your related skills, such as interview scheduling or applicant testing.

The guide below will help you write a cover letter that gets you interviews for your next job in this influential field.

Recruiter Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level


A great recruiter cover letter usually has five sections, outlined below. When possible, connect each section back to your defining human resources (HR) skills and the employer’s hiring needs. The following advice and examples show what to include in your cover letter so it’s optimized for each job application.

At the top of the page, include your resume contact header, the date, and any contact details you have for your recipient. To set a clear focus, add the title “Recruiter” or “Recruiting Specialist” to your contact header. You can then modify your title to align with each job posting. For instance, use the title “Executive Recruiter” if that’s closer to the role in question and reflects your background.

(Note: Feel free to omit this section if you send your letter as an email message and your contact information is part of your signature.)

Amy Petrone Recruiter | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | 451 Central St., Portland, OR 16455

January 12, 2024

Max Hernandez Human Resources Director Foundations Staffing Agency (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

2. Salutation

Whenever you can, address your recipient by name – it’s the quickest way to signal you’re sending a job-specific letter and not a boilerplate. If you can’t find the recipient’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager” so your greeting is still tailored somewhat to each job opening.

Dear Ms. Blinkly,

Dear Premier Recruitment Hiring Manager:

3. “Hook” or introduction

To catch the reader’s attention, start your letter with an example of your impact as a recruiter. How have you succeeded at finding and converting leads into new staff members? Choose a highlight you can quantify with relevant data (such as total new hires or rate of client referrals) and link to your strengths as an HR professional.

Exceeding my personal annual billings goal by 55% last year was the highlight of my recruitment career to date. I hope to demonstrate this ambition and performance in the lead recruiter role at Chime Recruitment.

4. Body paragraph(s)

Use the main section of your letter to tell why you’re drawn to this recruiting job or employer. For example, maybe it involves writing accurate job descriptions, an area in which you excel. Or it’s one of the many HR specialist positions in health care, a sector you’re eager to return to. Also, consider the organization’s overall approach to HR and employee relations and how that compares to your own.

Following this explanation, cite two or three more of your main skills or achievements , possibly as bullet points.

In my current role, I have become an expert at tapping into new vertical markets and discovering the most profitable niches. My skills are matched perfectly with your company’s mission to become the leading recruitment agency in Houston.

I’m excited to bring my unique combination of experience and exceptional communication skills to Premier. Here are some of my achievements in my current role:

  • Accumulated an average of three permanent hires each month over a period of five years — more than anyone else in the company
  • Obtained first position in the salesperson of the year league table four years in a row
  • Upsold clients in most instances, regularly getting between 15% and 20% commission

5. Call to action

Finally, request an interview for the position. Consider briefly restating your ability to source talented employees. To end your cover letter, use a simple closing like “Sincerely” or “Best regards” and then your name.

Please let me know when the best time to set up an interview is — I’m excited to learn more about the company and provide further information about myself.

Kind regards,

Deanna Williams

Recruiter Cover Letter Tips

1. highlight your skills in talent acquisition.

As part of your letter’s body text, add a short list of bullet points to show your success in other key work areas for a recruiter, such as interview scheduling or contract negotiation. With each bullet, describe how you applied the skill to help organizations build a strong workforce. For instance, you could show time management by describing how you quickly found viable applicants for clients of a staffing agency.

My most important achievements so far include:

  • Successfully placing more than 200 job candidates in banking roles in the last year
  • Accomplishing a 30% reduction in requisition loads and cutting filling times by 35%
  • Leading a team to meet and exceed aggressive hiring targets and challenging deadlines

2. Show you can help grow the organization

Recruiters often must drive or support rapid company growth. Speak to this theme on your cover letter if it reflects your background and the HR roles you’re after.

While at MW First Choice Recruiters, I helped increase the applicant pool by 30%, hiring an additional 125 staff members over three years. I’d love to bring these talent-acquisition skills to the corporate recruiter position at Foundations.

3. Mention your relevant traits

Employers seek HR specialists who are decisive, discerning, organized, personable, and adaptable to new work conditions or priorities. Consider which of these traits best describes you, then give an example or two of how you’ve shown them in a work setting.

Recruiter Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

Dear Mr. Hernandez,

Regarded as a valuable player in our company’s full-cycle recruiting process, I managed a number of aspects, including:

  • Sourcing candidates through referrals, cold calling, and social media
  • Utilizing assessment tools such as HackerRank and pymetrics, and the iCIMS applicant tracking system
  • Maintaining EEOC compliance

My BA in Human Resources background has contributed to my understanding of and experience with human capital management software such as BambooHR, Zenefits and Namely. This has allowed me to assist hiring managers at MW First Choice in addressing their human capital needs and nurturing and sustaining those assets.

I would like to set up an interview to discuss how I can support Foundations’ efforts to successfully source, screen, and hire top-quality candidates to ensure future growth and sustainability. You can reach me at (123) 456-7890 or [email protected] with a time that works best for you.

Amy Petrone

Deanna Williams Recruiter | [email protected] | (123) 234-9983 | 45 Longview Dr., Houston, TX 64211

January 11, 2024

Joanne Blinkly Senior Hiring Manager Premier Recruitment (123) 858-0112 [email protected]

While lead generation is a huge strength of mine, and I regularly make at least 200 calls and send 100 emails per day, I’m even better at conversion. Six years of experience in recruitment has taught me how to target the right people and deliver outstanding results, which I believe I can continue as your Senior Recruiter.

Cruz Hoffman Recruiter | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | 222 My St., San Francisco, CA 12345

January 14, 2024

Mariah Brandt Senior Hiring Manager Chime Recruitment (098) 765-4321 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Brandt,

Chime Recruitment’s results-driven ethos appeals to me because I am exceptionally ambitious and determined. With 12 years’ experience as a recruiter and three years in a senior position, my extensive knowledge and strong communication skills make me the ideal fit for becoming an inspiring leader in your organization.

I would love to schedule an interview to discuss how my skills and experience can translate into increased turnover and productivity for Chime Recruitment. Please feel free to get in touch with a convenient date to meet.

Cruz Hoffman

Recruiter Cover Letter Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the most important part of a cover letter -.

Any explanation you give for why the specific recruiter job or employer interests you. These details distinguish the cover letter from your resume and other application materials. They also set the stage for a good interview discussion about how you fit the role and the office’s work culture.

How should I introduce myself? -

In passing. As long as you give your signature at the bottom, you don’t need to introduce yourself formally with a line like “My name is…” or “I am a…” Instead, work any basic details about yourself into a sentence that speaks more directly to the job opening at hand. For example, don’t write, “I am a talent acquisition specialist with six years of experience in executive recruiting.” Instead, say, “With six years of executive recruiting experience, I can help your firm achieve its mission to…”

What can I do if I'm stuck on part of my letter? -

When in doubt, brainstorm. Take 10 minutes to quickly jot down your thoughts on a separate document or sheet of paper. By pausing to think more creatively, you can jog your memory and find new details to include about your recruitment experience. Brainstorming also helps you figure out the best and most original way to describe that experience, giving your letter the confident tone it needs to catch a hiring manager’s attention.

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Jacob Meade headshot

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

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5 Recruiter Cover Letter Samples & Writing Tips in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Recruiter Cover Letter
  • Entry-Level Recruiter
  • HR Recruiter
  • Technical Recruiter
  • Senior Recruiter
  • Writing Your Recruiter Cover Letter

It might seem ironic for you to have to write a cover letter since recruiters usually read everyone else’s! But now, you’ll have to show how you’re qualified to find top talent.

You’re essential to the success of any company, serving as gatekeepers who develop an eye for the greatest additions to the company team. Recruiters also do their fair share of paperwork like drafting contracts, non-disclosure agreements, and other documents for the employment process.

You’re probably not pumped about writing a cover letter to complement your recruiter resume , but a recruiter needs to demonstrate their  job skills  like any other professional! Fortunately, we’ve assembled five example recruiter cover letters for your inspiration. Coupled with our AI cover letter generator , you’ll be off to a great start.

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

Recruiter Cover Letter Example


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Google Docs

Block Format

Recruiter cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Anytime you can show you already embody the qualities listed in the job description, do so! Then, quantify them with examples and metrics to provide credibility in your recruiter cover letter.
  •  Dig through the  recruiter job description  and company website for flecks of gold that align with your own experiences, such as a program you’re great with, a soft skill you naturally exemplify, or a goal similar to one you’ve previously met.

Pair Your Cover Letter with a Matching Recruiter Resume

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Recruiter resume example with 5 years of experience

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Entry-Level Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Entry-level recruiter cover letter template

  • Capture that experience like Lila does—detail what skills you applied (in this case, data analysis and reporting), tools you employed (cue Tableau), and the accomplishments and lessons you gathered along the way.

HR Recruiter Cover Letter Example

HR recruiter cover letter template

  • Dedicate a line or two of your HR recruiter cover letter’s experience sections to how you used those software programs to effect improvement in the recruitment phases across different workplaces in your career journey. An example could be how Hugo shaves off 32% of onboarding time using DocuSign.

Technical Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Technical recruiter cover letter template

  • Mind the job description’s tone and mirror it while you present your overlapping personal traits and qualifying abilities. It’s not just about the job—it’s also about the interpersonal workplace dynamic.
  • If you’re applying as a technical recruiter, researching the company and studying the job ad is imperative. Your selling points lie in your alignment with industry specifics.

Senior Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Senior recruiter cover letter template

  • This letter establishes personal connections before presenting the hard qualifications necessary to land a senior role. There’s much to condense, so choose your words wisely!
  • Picking which details to include in your senior recruiter cover letter can be intimidating since your professional history is undoubtedly extensive. The key is to research the company and examine the job description for specific needs you can fulfill.    

Is Your Recruiter Resume Ready to Wow?

As a recruiter, you know your resume is the most important document in your job application. Follow our  resume tips  and start building yours now with this easy, breezy interactive resume that you can edit. 

Senior recruiter resume example with 4+ years of experience

Beat the Competition with Your Recruiter Cover Letter

Job seekers compare recruiter cover letter on purple laptop and presentation

Now that you’ve looked at three recruiter cover letter samples, let’s get into some of the broader themes that make them great: Customize your cover letter to the particular job and company, go in-depth with your biggest couple of achievements, and polish your tone.

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

Step 1: Knowledge is power

Oh, how many generic letters get tossed aside with a sigh. But you want yours to dazzle, and the quickest means to that end is tailoring your cover letter to the  recruiter job listing . Your cover letter shouldn’t read like it could apply to any recruiter position: You want the company to know that you want to work for  them .

A great start is taking some notes while combing through the job description. Jot down anything you find that makes you think, “That’s me!” so that you’ll have a handy list to refer to once you start writing your first draft. Look for specific needs you can fill. Also, research the company—especially its mission statement—so you can show you’re a great fit in that area.

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

Step 2: Leverage your success

Many people jump into writing their cover letters, only to wind up repeating what they’ve written in their resume—but your potential employer has already skimmed it in bullet-point form.

Instead of repeating your resume’s bullet points, go beyond them to explain why they matter. For good measure, revisit Step 1 to pick the accomplishments most relevant to where you’re applying.

Your recruiter cover letter should explain how one or two accomplishments benefitted your previous company.

  • Your resume might mention that you onboarded 5 employees—but how did that increase revenue? 
  • Did your work impact retention rates, showing that you improved the work environment? 
  • Did you lead an impressive workplace strategy overhaul that left employees quantifiably happier in their positions?

Make sure you shine a spotlight on these sorts of accomplishments!

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

Step 3: Presentation is key

Imagine you’re conducting an interview with someone to help place them in a job role, and they have good experience and qualifications—but when they talk about themselves, they sound like they don’t even care.

What you say is important, but  so is  how  you say it . The tone and overall message of your recruiter cover letter are well worth the time it takes to refine them.

Not to sound like a broken record—but, once again, referring to the company website and job description will help you. Does the company come across as corporate and formal? Or is it more laid-back, emphasizing employee familiarity and a creative work environment? Company culture is your key to nailing the right tone.

What you say is important, but  so is  how  you say it .

Ensure your overall message is ideal, too—even if that means switching out an accomplishment that isn’t as relevant as you first thought. Your letter should be no more than a page and should send the message that you already know the company’s job role and exactly how you’ll fit in. Don’t skimp on proofreading, editing, revising, and rewriting to get this right.

A Simple Outline for Your Recruiter Cover Letter

Job seekers stands behind a work-in-progress screen that depicts outlining a recruiter cover letter

It’s time for you to take a crack at writing your recruiter cover letter, so keep those last three tips in mind as you think about each section. You may or may not have found a  resume outline  helpful, but chances are, a cover letter outline will really help yours take shape. 

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

How to start a recruiter cover letter

Your contact info:  Include your name, address, phone number, and email address (along with your LinkedIn or other professional social media) if you’re using a cover letter template.

  • Formatting : Leave your name out of your address if you’re using a block format.

190 Fictional Court Wilson, NC 27893 (123) 456-7890

Date:  This should reflect the exact submission date of your application materials.

February 3, 2023

  • Formatting : The date should reflect the submission date of your application materials.

Inside address:  The inside address is just the address where you’re sending your cover letter! Make sure you research and use the person’s real name and company role, shunning generic phrases like “Dear Sir or Madam.”

Eloise Kemper Electronic Arts Hiring Manager 209 Redwood Shores Parkway  Redwood City, CA 94065

  • Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a fresh line. Double-space between the inside address and greeting—it looks much nicer!

Greeting:  Your greeting, or salutation, is crucial in making the right first impression. Always   do your homework and find out the name of the person you’re writing to (hint: LinkedIn will help ya!).

Dear Ms. Irwin, Dear Ms. Kemper:

  • Formatting : Colons are more formal, so you’ll usually default to these. However, if the company culture is more friendly and casual, you can use a comma to reflect that.

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

How to write your recruiter cover letter

Body:  Your cover letter’s body should include 3-4 paragraphs that show your interest in the recruiter position, your credentials that make you the ideal hire, and your excitement for future contact.

  • Formatting : Keep text single-spaced within body text but double-spaced between paragraphs.

Opening paragraph:  Many cover letters run together with nothing that makes them stand out. Make sure yours isn’t one of them by putting in the effort to make it unique to the job position and company!

I love video games. Especially arena games. And I’ve worked as a recruiter for other companies before, so I’d fit in well with you guys.

Why It’s Bad:  While leading with a personal connection is good, this applicant over-stresses the gamer aspect at the expense of their qualifications—where are those? Also, the company culture is laid-back, but this tone takes informality too far.

With 6 years of well-rounded experience as a recruiter—and gamer—plus a background of rapid growth fueled by my finance degree and knack for managing high-volume interview funnels, I would love to use my overarching communication and strategy skills as your senior recruiter to set the roadmap for successful, inclusive hiring. I pride myself on being inquisitive and would love to help Electronic Arts by recruiting top talent to provide games, online services, and worlds with infinite possibilities. 

Why It’s Good:  This applicant has a lot of info to cover in a limited space for a senior role! They make a quick mention of their gaming connection and then move on to the skills that qualify them for the job, wrapping up with a direct reference to the company’s mission statement. Perfect! 

Paragraphs 2-3:  Now’s the time to show that your opening paragraph wasn’t full of empty claims! Use this space to provide examples of your best accomplishments, keeping each section focused on a single achievement.

You don’t have much room, so stick to that one time you drastically improved time-to-hire or that prestigious strategy overhaul you led multiple departments through.

While documenting employee data and feedback, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was room for improvement. So, I researched and fine-tuned a new employee benefits package that improved current employees’ satisfaction by 8%—and then I pushed things further by creating and streamlining data management plans inspired by my educational background. These infrastructures optimized employees’ processes and boosted satisfaction rates by 14%. 

Why It’s Good:  Taking the opportunity to demonstrate growth within your career is smart! This one’s a winner for highlighting various skills and two metrics that come together to further the same core goal, maintaining the paragraph’s focus while demonstrating ambition and versatility.

Closing paragraph:  It’s time for your grand finale! Summarize how your qualifications and values align with the needs specified in the job listing and the company’s vision statement. Finally, provide a call to action that blends seamlessly with the rest of your paragraph and invites further communication.

Can’t wait to work for your company. Helping people find their ideal jobs sounds good, and I’m qualified to help them navigate. Contact me for more info if needed.

Why It’s Bad:  The choppy sentence structure is informal, abrupt, and disinterested. We also see a lack of detail and an indifferent call to action.

I care about clients’ well-being and have the self-motivated management and interpersonal skills to make it count. I would love to use this people-focused outlook to proactively reach clients who view me as the long-term solution as they let me know what they’ll need next. I’d love to meet soon to share more about how my ability to juggle performance objectives and hiring needs can empower TalentCare’s teams—and clients. 

Why It’s Good:  The enthusiasm here is genuine. This applicant feels passionate about the recruiter job role and is eager to use their position to help others, which the company values. Additionally, the references to the job description’s wording and the warm call to action reinforce compatibility.

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

How to end a recruiter cover letter

Signature:  If you didn’t thank the reader for their time in your closing paragraph, then there’s no time like the present! Once you say “thank you,” sign off with your real name.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration, 

Tomas Zepeda

  • Formatting :  If you’re presenting hard copies of your recruiter cover letter, quadruple space in order to sign your name by hand in blue/black ink.

Enclosure(s):  This part of your cover letter is important since it signals that there’s more to your application package! For example, a recruiter would include their job resume and any needed certifications.

Enclosures: Resume Application IPMA-CP certificate 

  • Formatting : Make sure you use the proper singular or plural form of “enclosure,” depending on how many items you’re enclosing.

Secure Your Next Recruiter Role with a Resume That Wins

Job seeker builds recruiter resume on blue laptop after finish cover letter

You’re so close—congratulations on investing in your cover letter! But before you call it a day, it’s essential to take this opportunity to write or  review your resume  and cover letter to ensure that your entire application package is thoughtfully put together, polished, and impressive.

Pro tip: It’s actually easier to write your cover letter once you’ve completed (or at least drafted) your resume! When you  build a resume , you get to see all your bullet-point accomplishments laid out in one place so that you can pick out the finest achievements to address in more depth.

And don’t worry if you’re not sure where to start. We have a treasure trove of versatile  resume templates  you can use to start writing your own, including this one here. 

Technical Recruiter Resume

Need a resume to pair with your technical recruiter cover letter?

Technical recruiter resume example with 3+ years of experience

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your next recruiting role as you use our resources and tools. We’re rooting for you every step of the way, so you can get to finding and retaining the best talent at your next dream job.

While what you write in your cover letter should be customized for each job, using a template can be extremely helpful to speed up the process and present a consistent, professional look for each one. Think about how you were probably impressed when prospective employees you were recruiting handed in cover letters that were well laid out. It’ll help you stand out to hiring managers and show you know how to approach hiring when making those key decisions yourself.

Standing out as a recruiter can feel like a tough task. After all, the other applicants are also very knowledgeable in the hiring process, just like you are. A great way to stand out is by using key metrics from your achievements and being very specific to the needs of each role you apply to. For instance, if the company wants to reduce turnover after hirings, you could explain how improving recruiter job descriptions in your last position helped boost candidate satisfaction rates post-hiring by 58%.

Your cover letter shouldn’t be longer than one page. Think about how many applicants you’ve generated during recruiting. It can be tough to manage all the information about each candidate, so concisely focusing on key abilities like social media recruiting and job boards will help those primary skills grab attention.

Create my free resume now

Recruiter Cover Letter Example

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Starting a Recruiter cover letter should be done professionally and engagingly. Begin by addressing the hiring manager by name if possible, as it personalizes your letter. If you don't know their name, use a professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager." Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Make sure to mention where you found the job posting. The opening paragraph should also include a compelling statement about why you're interested in the role and the value you can bring to the company. This will grab the reader's attention and make them want to learn more about you.

The best way for recruiters to end a cover letter is by summarizing the key points, expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity, and providing a clear call to action. This could be an invitation for a follow-up conversation or an indication of next steps. For example, "I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can contribute to your team. I will follow up next week to see if we can arrange a time to speak." It's also important to end on a professional note with a formal closing such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name and contact information. This approach leaves a positive impression, shows initiative, and encourages further communication.

Recruiters, when writing a cover letter, should include the following elements: 1. Introduction: Start with a strong opening that grabs the reader's attention. This could be a brief introduction about yourself and your role as a recruiter, and why you are reaching out. 2. Company Understanding: Show that you have done your homework about the company you are recruiting for. Mention something specific about the company that impresses you or aligns with your values. This shows that you are not just sending out generic letters. 3. Role Understanding: Clearly state the role you are recruiting for and why you think it is an exciting opportunity. This will help the candidate understand what the job involves and why they should be interested. 4. Candidate Value: Explain why you believe the candidate would be a good fit for the role. This could be based on their skills, experience, or something unique they bring to the table. This shows the candidate that you have taken the time to understand their profile and believe in their potential. 5. Call to Action: End the letter with a clear call to action. This could be an invitation to an interview, a request for further information, or a suggestion to visit the company's website for more details about the role. 6. Professional Closing: Close the letter professionally, thanking the candidate for their time and expressing hope to hear from them soon. Include your contact details for any further queries. Remember, the cover letter should be concise, professional, and personalized for each candidate. It should not only sell the role but also build a relationship with the candidate, making them feel valued and excited about the opportunity.

Related Cover Letters for Recruiter

Related resumes for recruiter, try our ai cover letter generator.

recruiter cover letter

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Recruiting Manager Cover Letter Example

Land your next job more easily & get inspiration for your new cover letter with this highly instructive Recruiting Manager cover letter example. Copy-paste this cover letter example as it is or edit it directly using our simple yet powerful cover letter builder.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Recruiting Manager Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Laura mogen.

Dear Hiring Managers,

I am writing to express my interest in the Recruiting Manager position at MMB Group, Inc. as advertised on I am confident that my experience and skills make me a strong candidate for this role and a valuable asset to your team and organization.

In my previous role at The RMR Group Inc. as a Recruiting Manager for over three years, I successfully managed multiple hiring processes, conducted interviews, recruited new personnel, and facilitated their onboarding. Additionally, I maintained relationships with employment agencies, conducted seminars and presentations, and collaborated with the Marketing Department to manage social media accounts.

My experience at The RMR Group Inc. has equipped me with the ability to lead teams, thrive in fast-paced environments, and enhance my industry knowledge, time management, and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, my tenure as an HR Consultant at GEA Group, Inc. for three years involved developing and implementing policies to improve productivity, analyzing recruiter performance, and representing the company at industry events.

With a Professional Recruiter Certification and a degree in Human Resources Management from the National University of Singapore, I bring strong communication, multitasking, and teamwork skills to the table. I am confident in my ability to excel in this role and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to MMB Group, Inc.

Laura Mogen

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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Sample Cover Letter and Resume for a Recruiting Manager

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When you’re applying for a job as a recruiter, it’s especially important to show that you understand the hiring process. This means creating a resume and cover letter that showcase your previous recruiting experience and the successes you've had helping companies grow their applicant pool and staff. It also needs to include any data you have to support your claims and demonstrate how your skills helped the company make money and build its business and reputation.

Remember, your cover letter should support your resume, and provide details to entice the hiring manager to review the resume and call you for an interview.

Keep your submission succinct, but make sure you include relevant information to support your candidacy for the open position. Also, make sure that you follow the application directions exactly, including the documents required. Apply by email, if requested.

Recruiting Manager Cover Letter Example

Need help getting started? Below is a sample cover letter for a recruiting manager job, followed by a sample resume for the same type of position. You can download the recruiting manager cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Recruiting Manager Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Melanie Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555

September 1, 2018

David Rodriguez Director, Human Resources ABC Company 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Rodriguez,

I would like to express my strong interest in the Recruiting Manager position, as listed on I am confident that my 10 years of experience building teams of professionals for Fortune 1000 companies, as well as my strong communication and interpersonal skills, make me an ideal candidate for the position.

As an experienced recruiting manager, I have hired over 1,000 applicants for positions in dozens of departments, at levels ranging from interns to upper-level management. Often, I have been responsible for tracking applicant pools of up to 4,000 applicants. This experience handling thousands of candidates would allow me to successfully recruit and manage applicants for your growing company.

You state in your job application that you are looking for a Recruiting Manager who is able to develop effective relationships with all internal teams in order to tailor recruiting strategies for each department and job position.

As a recruiter for four years with XYZ IT Company, I was responsible for working closely with managers in the development, operations, IT, and human resources departments. My strong communication skills allowed me to understand what these managers were looking for in ideal applicants. By continuously communicating with these managers throughout the hiring process, I successfully hired 400 applicants and increased the retention rate of hires by 20 percent.

I am confident that my years of experience managing large pools of applicants, my strong communication skills, and my proven record of success hiring and retaining employees, make me a strong candidate for the Recruiting Manager position at ABC Company. I have enclosed my resume and will contact you next week to see if we might find a time to speak together. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Melanie Applicant

Sending an Email Cover Letter

If you're sending your cover letter via email, list your name and the job title in the subject line of the email message.

Include your contact information in your email signature, and don't list the employer contact information. Start your email message with a professional salutation.

Email Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Subject: Recruiting Manager Position - Your Name

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing in regard to the position of Recruiting Manager posted on I believe that my many years of experience as a recruiter, and for the last six years as a recruiting manager with growing technology companies makes me an ideal candidate for the position. I have proven interpersonal and communication skills, which have enabled me to develop effective teams in a variety of technology departments, including architecture, engineering, IT, QC, and research and development.

As a recruiting manager for PQZ Enterprises, I hired applicants for positions in all departments at all levels, from interns to upper-level management.

I have experience tracking applicant pools of thousands of applicants. My familiarity with applicant tracking systems and recruiting strategies will allow me to retain the best possible professionals for your staff.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you regarding the positive impact on your business I could have through my ability to recruit the right people for the right jobs. I have enclosed my resume for your review, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Firstname Lastname

Contact information

Recruiting Manager Resume Example

When writing a resume for a recruiting position, it is important to emphasize your understanding of the hiring process by presenting your previous experience in a clear and concise manner. Provide career statistics in the profile of your resume to draw attention to your dedication and familiarity with the job.

The following is a sample resume for a recruiting manager that contains a profile. You can download the resume template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Recruiting Manager Resume Example (Text Version)

Carly Applicant 2000 East Street, Apt. 12 Albany, New York 12345 (123) 555-1234


Recruitment manager with eight years’ experience administering million-dollar recruiting budgets to successfully build teams of professionals, particularly IT and life sciences, seeks a position with a top recruiting firm.


Developed and implemented online applicant tracking system used to successfully hire over 800 professionals.

  • Increased retention rate of hired employees by an average of 20 percent.
  • Good interpersonal skills; have cultivated contacts at many top companies.
  • Have a track record of successfully recruiting and training personnel.


XYZ RECRUITING COMPANY, Stamford, CT Senior Recruiter , September 2016-Present Maintain consistent relationships with multiple Fortune 1000 companies, helping each firm fill dozens of upper-level management positions.

  • Successfully hired over 400 professionals in clean-tech and science industries.
  • Provide coaching and leadership training to 20 recruiting assistants and their client management.
  • Developed a training manual for new recruits that was adopted by the firm as a training tool used with all new hires.

IT COMPANY, Albany, NY Recruiting Manager , May 2010-September 2016 Recruited and staffed all departments, including development, operations, IT, and human resources.

  • Administered recruiting budget of $500,000, saving the company 10 percent through efficient advertising strategies.
  • Developed and maintained online applicant-tracking system.
  • Conducted recruiting presentations across the Northeast and designed employment packages to successfully attract ideal employees.

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (May 2010); GPA 3.9 University of ABC, New York, NY Dean's List; Graduated Summa Cum Laude

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To Whom it May Concern? How to Address and End a Cover Letter

We’ve put together a few tips to help you personalize your cover letter, whether you know the hiring manager’s name or not.

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Customers Interviewed by:


In our modern age of personalization, To Whom It May Concern is both an antiquated and detached way to address a cover letter . It may also imply that you haven’t researched the company or that you assume the letter can be read by anyone. Below, we’ve put together a few tips to help you personalize your cover letter , whether you know the hiring manager’s name or not.

When it comes to addressing a cover letter, advice columns frequently spotlight these two pitfalls:

  • Mistake 1 : Failing to address your cover letter to a specific person
  • Mistake 2 : Addressing a cover letter to the wrong person

Most job postings don’t specify who will be reading your cover letter. This puts job seekers in a tricky situation. Fixing the first mistake could cause you to make the second. So what’s the best way to replace “To Whom It May Concern” on your cover letter?

Get instant feedback on your cover letter with Jobscan’s cover letter optimization tool. See it in action .

3 Key Tips for Addressing Your Cover Letter

1) don’t address your cover letter to the recruiter.

For many job openings, the first person you need to impress is a corporate recruiter. That doesn’t mean you should address your cover letter to them.

“Recruiters do not read cover letters,” a long-time healthcare recruiter told Jobscan . “Bottom line.”

That might be an overstatement — most don’t, some do — but many recruiters would admit that they aren’t the intended audience of a cover letter. “It’s mostly for the hiring manager,” said a recruiter in the non-profit industry. “For us [recruiters], it’s just an extra step in an already elongated process.”

The healthcare recruiter agreed: “If you’re sending it straight to a hiring manager who’s looking at a much lower number of applicants, they might actually read that.”

2) Search for the Hiring Manager’s Name

The best way to personalize your cover letter is to address the hiring manager by name. However, it can be difficult to identify the hiring manager, and your educated guess could cause you to address your cover letter to the wrong person. Here are some tips for finding the hiring manager.

Search the Company Website

Few job postings list the hiring manager by name but many will tell you the position to which you’d be reporting.

Addressing a cover letter: Use "reports to" to figure out who to address.

With this information, a little detective work can reveal the name of the hiring manager.

Start off by browsing the company’s website. Look for an about page, company directory, or contact page. These pages are frequently linked at the very bottom of the website. Companies that feature employees on their about page make it much easier to figure out who will be reading your cover letter.

Addressing a cover letter: Find the hiring manager on these types of pages.

You can also try searching the website. If the website doesn’t have a built-in search bar, use this syntax in Google:

“[position you’ll be reporting to]” site:company website

Addressing a cover letter: Use google to search for the hiring manager's name

This will reveal hard-to-find about pages or other mentions of the position in the company’s blog posts, press releases, and other pages.

Search LinkedIn

If a company doesn’t list the hiring manager on their website, LinkedIn is your next best resource.

Start off by searching for the company page on LinkedIn. Once you’re on the company’s LinkedIn page, click “See all X employees on LinkedIn” near the top.

Addressing a cover letter: Find the hiring manager on LinkedIn. See all employees on LinkedIn

Depending on the company size, you can either browse all positions or narrow your results by adding search terms to the search bar (e.g. “Marketing Manager”) and utilizing the “Current companies” filters on the right side of the screen.

Addressing a Cover Letter: Use LinkedIn filters to find the hiring manager's name

Search for the “reports to” position from the job listing. If it wasn’t provided in the listing, search for keywords related to your prospective department (e.g. “marketing”). If the company uses an intuitive corporate hierarchy  you should be able to determine who will be reading the cover letter.

Contact the Company Directly

There is nothing wrong with calling or emailing the company to ask for the name of the hiring manager. Be polite and honest with the administrative assistant or customer service representative. Explain that you’re about to apply for a job and you’d like to know who you should address in your cover letter.

If they aren’t able to provide an answer or transfer you to someone who knows, let it go. The last thing you need is word getting back to the hiring manager that you were pushy with one of their colleagues.

3) Use a More Personalized “To Whom it May Concern” Alternative

You can still personalize your cover letter, even when you don’t know the identity of the hiring manager. Instead of “To Whom It May Concern,” which casts a wide net and is specific to no one, try addressing your cover letter to one specific person.

The most generic version of this is:

Dear Hiring Manager,

But job seekers can often be more specific. Take a look at these examples:

Dear Customer Experience Manager, 

Dear Customer Experience Hiring Team Manager, 

Some other alternatives include addressing your cover letter to an entire department:

  • Dear Engineering Department,

Dear Engineering Team, 

OR addressing the entire team:

Hi Jobscan Team,

Dear Jobscan Team,

As with many aspects of the job application process, demonstrating that you put in some extra effort can make a difference. Doing some research before addressing a cover letter contributes to a positive first impression.

8 cover letter salutation examples

Here are eight standard cover letter openings you can choose from. Select the one that best suits the energy of the company you’re applying to and use either a specific name or department depending on the information you have available.

  • Hi Mr. Smith,
  • Hello Jobscan Team,
  • Dear Ms. Whittaker and Team,
  • Good morning, Mr. Kennedy
  • Good afternoon, Louise, 
  • To the Jobscan hiring manager, 

How to end a cover letter

Just as important as beginning your cover letter is ensuring you end it on a strong note. Your cover letter ending should not be underestimated in its ability to help you move forward in the hiring process. After making your case in the previous paragraphs, you need to end your cover letter with a strong call to action to entice the recruiter to invite you for a job interview.

Madeline Mann , an HR leader in the technology industry and creator of Self Made Millennial , says that while no conclusion will save a bad cover letter, it can distinguish you from another good candidate.

It’s all about enthusiasm, according to Madeline. “Companies want people who want them,” she says. If you can draw to the company’s values and show how interested in working with them you are, that’s a substantial advantage. You want to create a lasting impression by incorporating that enthusiasm in your cover letter ending.

“Companies want people who want them” – Madeline mann

A good conclusion, in fact, should reflect the rest of your cover letter.

Set up the end of your cover letter with a strategic middle section

If you want your cover letter ending to be effective, you first need to build momentum. Most recruiters and career coaches agree that by the time you get to the end of your cover letter, it needs to possess the following three elements:

  • It tells a story about yourself
  • It shows your value concretely
  • It calls the recruiter to action

Julia Reiter, a career coach based in Toronto, suggests that you lead up to your cover letter ending by showing that you understand the company’s current challenges and are equipped to solve them. This will make your cover letter call to action all the more effective.

Although the job description will give you information about what the company is looking to accomplish, it will not help you distinguish yourself from other applicants. Show the company you are willing to go the extra mile by researching the key industry challenges and the particular issues they might be facing (beyond the obvious ones).

For example, you can read articles from industry-related publications and get acquainted with the numbers and statistics about the particular business areas your company is engaged in. By being aware of the particular issues they are facing, you can more easily make your skillset and experiences relevant.

When you talk about your past experiences and accomplishments , make sure you mention the problems the company is facing. For example, if you are applying for a customer success manager position at a Software-as-a-Service company, a relevant issue might be high churn rates.

Instead of writing something like “my experience in customer success makes me confident I will be a great addition to your team,” write something like “When I worked at XYZ company, I was able to reduce the churn rate by 30%. With this experience and my deep knowledge of B2B consumer psychology, I am prepared to ensure we have one of the lowest churn rates in XYZ industry.”

End your letter with a call to action

You may be tempted to write that “I’m looking forward to hearing from you” for your cover letter ending. That isn’t a call to action. For Madeline, the end of a cover letter serves to give one last push and show interest and enthusiasm in a way that stands out.

Likewise, Julia says, “now that the company knows you are aware of their current challenges and are equipped to solve those challenges for them, don’t leave them hanging. Tell them how they can make your skills and experiences a reality on their team. What number can they reach you at for an interview?”

How do you conclude a cover letter? Here are 3 examples

  • “I’m excited to have the opportunity to talk about how I could join your team in its quest for XYZ value. I’m particularly thrilled about XYZ project and would love to know how I can contribute to it.
  • “I am keen on meeting with you to see what I can contribute to XYZ company as it moves on in its journey to XYZ goal. I am available at your convenience for a phone call or in-person meeting.”
  • “I would love to get your thoughts on what I mentioned. I am happy to hop on a phone call at your earliest convenience to discuss how I can help XYZ company with XYZ issue.”

Read more : Check out our cover letter examples page, which covers a wide range of jobs, industries, and situations.

Mistakes to avoid when ending a cover letter

The mistakes people make when they end their cover letter are often the same ones they made earlier in the piece. However, they can be particularly detrimental to your chances of landing an interview if they constitute the final impression a recruiter has of you.

When ending a cover letter, avoid:

Making it about yourself instead of the company: use sentence constructions that make the recruiter see how the company is going to benefit from hiring you. For example, try to use “you” or “we” instead of “I.”

Sounding generic or robotic: we’ve all seen these cover letters that end with the same plain paragraph. If you write one of those, the last impression you’re giving is not different from those given by all other applicants.

Selling yourself short: the conclusion is your last chance to show off the value you can bring to the company. Emphasize it and use it as a segue into your call to action.

How to end a cover letter with the appropriate salutations

Always remember that recruiters review hundreds of applications for each position. When you are competing with that many candidates, the slightest mistake will disqualify you immediately Although you may not think too much of the salutations, they can hurt your chance of landing an interview.

Make sure your salutations are formal and polite. You should be respectful not only by indicating your appreciation of the recruiter’s time but also by being concise. Do not overdo your salutations and do not employ informal greetings. “Sincerely,” “Thank you for your consideration,” “kind regards,” are all safe options.

When ending your cover letter, you want to balance confidence, respect, and appreciation.

17 cover letter ending examples

Depending on the energy of the business you are applying to, and your own personality, select one of the following 17 cover letter closing options.

  • Best wishes,
  • Sincere thanks,
  • Many thanks,
  • Thanks in advance,
  • Thank you for your consideration,
  • Thank you for your time,
  • Respectfully, 
  • Sincerely, 
  • Sincerely yours, 
  • Yours truly, 
  • Kind regards,
  • With best regards,
  • Looking forward to speaking with you, 
  • With gratitude,

One Final Important note: Cover letters aren’t what they say they are

Cover letters don’t introduce your resume, they supplement it.

In order to get your cover letter into the hands of a hiring manager who cares, your  resume has to get past the recruiter and, in many cases, the applicant tracking system they’re using.

Try analyzing your resume below to receive instant optimization tips and recruiter insights from Jobscan so that the time you spend crafting your cover letter isn’t a waste.

The keyword analysis also shows exactly what to focus on in your cover letter.

Jobscan Premium (one month free)  even has a cover letter scan feature.

Editor’s Note: A section of this article was originally written in a separate blog post by Léandre Larouche on June 9, 2020. It has been updated and combined with this article as of June 10, 2021.

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  • How to Address a Cover Letter...

How to Address a Cover Letter to Recruiter or Hiring Manager

5 min read · Updated on November 24, 2021

Lisa Tynan

Knowing how to effectively address a cover letter makes you a very visible and appealing candidate.

Did you know that the cardinal rule of cover letters is personalization? It impresses a hiring manager or recruiter because it tells them you took time to research the specific information for the letter rather than sending a generic version.

What many people forget, however, is that the greeting or salutation in a cover letter must also be personalized with the hiring professional's first and last name whenever possible.

There are several effective ways to find the hiring manager's name for your greeting — and some acceptable back-up strategies when you can't. Either way, knowing how to address a cover letter effectively can prevent you from ending your hiring chances before they even begin. 

When you know the hiring manager's name

More often than not, you'll be given the name of the hiring professional or the manager that you'll work for. Whoever it is, use their full name (first and last name) in the greeting. 

If you cannot definitively tell the gender of the hiring person, do not use a gender-based title such as “Mr.” or “Ms.” in the greeting. Instead just use the person's full name.

For example, Alex Johnson could be male or female. To avoid a gender mistake, use Dear Alex Johnson, Hello Alex Johnson, or simply Alex Johnson .

However, professional titles such as “Professor” or “Dr.” are definitely acceptable as a cover letter salutation and should be used as a sign of respect. Be on the lookout for these and other titles to include.

How to find a hiring manager's name for your cover letter

If you're not given the name of the hiring manager, here are some effective ways to discover their name by using:

The job description: Check this document for the hiring manager's name. While it's not generally listed, you never know. If it's not obvious, there's also a trick to quickly discover an email in the job description that might contain the name; while in the document, press Ctrl +F or run Command + F and search for the @ symbol.

An email address: If you discover an email address, it may not have a full name but rather a first initial and last name or just a first name like [email protected] or [email protected] . A Google search combining the person's name as shown in the email and the company name might find you the person's full name.

 A LinkedIn post: A name connected to the LinkedIn job posting is probably that of the hiring professional who posted it, so use that name in your greeting.

The supervisor's title: It's more likely that a job description will list who the new hire will report to — such as the director of accounting — without listing a name. In this case, there are several search options:

Search the company's website for listings of staff members by title.

Run an advanced LinkedIn or Google search for all directors of accounting at that specific company.

Check with your network for someone who might know the person's name or search the appropriate professional networking sites.

Contact the company by phone or email. Tell them you're applying for [job title] and want to address your cover letter to the right person.

In the end, this research can be the difference between making a great first impression and getting noticed for the position — or getting totally ignored by the hiring manager. 

Acceptable options in lieu of a name

If you try the steps above and come up empty, there are still some alternative greeting options that will put you in a professional light.

The idea is to show that you've read the job description and tailored your greeting based on the company department where the job is located, the hiring manager's title, or the team with which you'll potentially work.

Some good examples include:

Dear Head of Design

Hello IT Department

Dear Accounting Manager

To Company ABC Recruiter/Hiring Professional

Hello Marketing Hiring Team

Dear Customer Support Hiring Group

Dear Human Resources

If you still can't find any specific name or department information, go with “Dear Hiring Manager.” It sounds professional and it's not gender-specific. In fact, a recent survey of over 2000 companies by Saddleback College showed that 40 percent preferred “Dear Hiring Manager” as the best greeting when a manager's name can't be found. 

“Dear Sir or Madam” is another option that works because it's gender-neutral and respectful. However, it sounds a bit old-fashioned and may signal a hiring professional that you're an older worker or just not aware of other greeting options. It's perfectly acceptable, but the better choice is “Dear Hiring Manager.” 

In the end, an actual name or any of the alternative examples will let you stand out from the crowd, so do your best to find and use those whenever you can.

Never leave the greeting blank

Whatever information you may or may not find, it's important to never leave your greeting line blank.

A blank greeting line can make you come across as lazy or rude, or imply that you simply don't understand how to write a cover letter — all of which will immediately put you out of contention for the job. There's no reason to leave the greeting blank when there are so many options that can be used effectively.

When you spend the time and effort to personalize your cover letter, you don't want to come across as “just another candidate” by using a generic greeting or no greeting at all.

A personalized greeting will impress any hiring professional, increasing the chance they'll read your entire cover letter — and ask you for an interview.

Not sure if your cover letter is cutting it? Our writers don't just help you with your resume . 

Recommended Reading:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

5 Things to Say in Your Cover Letter If You Want to Get the Job

How To Write a Cover Letter (With Example)

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3 cover letter examples to help you catch a hiring manager’s attention

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What’s a cover letter?

What does a cover letter include, 3 cover letter samples to make your own, 3 more tips for a winning cover letter, letter for success.

You studied the job application, polished your resume, and are ready to hit “send.” But before you do, you need to craft a cover letter to support your candidacy. 

A hiring manager’s job is to quickly gauge whether you have the know-how to fit the roles and responsibilities of a job. And they also want to know if you possess soft skills that bring value to company culture and the business as a whole. Every document you send to a potential employer should prove you’re the best person for the job. 

Your resume or CV showcases your professional development based on skills and work experience. But the best resumes are concise, with bullet points that lead the reader to the most important information. You often don’t have enough space to truly express your value.

A good cover letter is an opportunity to highlight your experience and display your workplace personality . It gives a hiring manager a taste of what it’ll be like to work with you — and going the extra mile shows you’re genuinely interested in the job description.

To help you write a successful application for your dream job, here’s information around cover letters plus three cover letter examples to adapt to your needs. 

A professional cover letter is a document you submit to a hiring manager or recruiter with your application. It’s a persuasive letter that dives deeper into your skills and experience. 

But an effective cover letter should do more than just copy and paste the content of your resume. It describes how you’ll use those skills on the job. You can highlight your most relevant personal achievements and speak directly about the value proposition you’ll bring to the company.

Think of your cover letter like a movie trailer. It should make an engaging first impression , tell an exciting story , and entice the hiring manager to learn more about you. 

Many people dread writing cover letters . They take time to compose, and you never know if hiring managers will actually take the time to read them. But submitting one at all shows the company that you’re serious about earning a position , proving you’re a high-quality applicant who cares about the job.

Most professional emails and letters follow the same format, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Typically, a cover letter is between 250 and 400 words and fits onto one page. 

You can send a cover letter in three ways: as an email attachment, in the body of an email, or as part of an online application. Pay careful attention to the instructions in the job posting .

Some companies may prefer a specific file attachment for easy internal sharing, and sending the right format tells the hiring manager you have an eye for detail and take direction. 

Here’s an example of what you’ll find in a basic cover letter template:

Header with contact information: Let your reader know who you are, with your full name and professional email address at the top of the page. You may include additional information like a personal website or LinkedIn profile , location, and contact information like a phone number. 

Opening paragraph: Begin with a professional salutation . Research the company and try to find the hiring manager or recruiter's name to demonstrate professionalism and due diligence. Your opening paragraph should be a quick show of gratitude that thanks them for their time and consideration. 

Body: Your second and third paragraphs should tell an engaging story introducing you as a person and an employee.

This might include a relevant anecdote about why you’re interested in the company and a personal achievement that connects the role to your professional development goals .

Always tie in skills and keywords from the job posting, and consider researching the company’s core values and wrapping them into the text. 

The closing sale: Your final paragraph should reiterate your main selling points, demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job, and thank the person for their consideration. Conclude with an appropriate email sign-off . 


Professional communication should be short and to the point, whether you’re writing an out-of-office message , letter of interest , or promotion announcement . Developing a cover letter format that self-promotes your best qualities without losing your reader’s attention requires careful, purposeful writing. 

To write your own, here are three examples to edit based on your needs and the new job's requirements:

1. Simple cover letter template for an entry-level job

This basic application letter tells a hiring manager or recruiter what they need to know about your potential, even without years of experience.

It shows off important soft skills like enthusiasm, initiative , and goal-setting that provide insights into the type of worker you are. This cover letter also highlights necessary information and your unique value proposition. 

[your name]

[email address]

Dear [hiring manager’s name], 

I hope this letter finds you well. Thank you for considering me for the [position] at [company name]. As a recent college graduate with a [degree title], I’m eager and excited to enter the workforce. 

I’m a creative and innovative person who excels in [type of work]. When deciding what major to choose, I found that [topic] was a career path that allowed me to nurture my natural critical thinking abilities and find out-of-the-box solutions.

At school, I balanced my coursework between [subject], [subject], and [subject], whic h helped grow my passion for [industry]. That led me to find [company name], an organization I really admire for its [attributes and company goals].

While wrapping up my degree, I completed an internship at [company name] as part of [department]. The experience tested my understanding of [topic] with real-life scenarios and proved that I excel equally in independent research and fast-paced, collaborative environments.

It cemented my motivation to continue to push my career in this direction, and I hope to continue my work with your team.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my application. I hope to have the opportunity to interview and discuss more about the job, along with how I can contribute to [company name]’s goals. I have attached my resume and am happy to provide you with professional references . 


[LinkedIn profile URL]


2. Creative cover letter template for an internal promotion

A great cover letter grabs a hiring manager's attention like a gripping story, and this is especially true when you’re already passionate about the company you work for.

This cover letter provides an emotional hook and supports itself with specific examples that promote the right experience level, attitude, and know-how for an internal promotion .

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the [job title] opening. Having dedicated the past [number] years to working on [previous team], I feel deeply connected to [company name]’s mission and culture.

I’m ready to take the expertise I’ve learned in my current [title] role to contribute to the success of the business in new ways while also pushing my own career growth forward.

If you’re unfamiliar with my work, last summer, I supported [project] and used my [skills] to bring it to fruition. Building a [type of project] from the ground up and working strategically across [fields] was an eye-opening and formative new experience, and it taught me [more specific skills].

I’m proud to say we [achievements with metrics], and I know I can bring that expertise to [new position],

While I have enjoyed the challenge of [previous title], that experience taught me that I excel with [skills], which I know I can apply to [new title]. I'm ready to translate my knowledge of [topic] to a more wide-reaching role handling [new responsibilities].

The creativity , collaboration, and flexibility I’ve shown in my current role show that I’m up for the next challenge. 

Thank you again for inviting me to apply. I look forward to this opportunity to continue pushing our company toward success. 


3. Best cover letter template for a freelancer or contractor

For a contract or freelance job, a hiring manager wants to know that you’re thoughtful, competent, and independent enough to finish your work on time without too much guidance.

Similar to a letter of intent , researching the company and drawing parallels to your skills and experience will capture the hiring manager’s attention.

I hope you’re doing well. I’m excited to apply for the [contract role] you’ve posted. 

With [number] years of experience working independently for a wide range of companies, including startups, small businesses, and national brands, I have a proven ability to adapt my skills to any business model and complete [type of work] that meets your goals. 

Throughout my career, I’ve always prioritized working with companies that emphasize impact beyond their bottom line. Your commitment to [company values] speak directly to the values guiding my work.

I’m confident we can develop the solutions you’re looking for [cite goal listed in the job post, like increasing market share] while respecting the ethos of our work philosophies.

As a [job title or topic], I’ve worked with nearly [number] brands and continue to regularly consult with [number]. My approach is [describe work ethos]. I value quality over quantity. Building trust and long-term relationships while contributing truly valuable work is what matters most. 

I’m fluent in [skill], stay on top of emerging AI technologies, and thrive on [skill/topic]. My top concern is always making the right recommendation for the client, not the market.

I pride myself on my adaptability and ability to tease out the best strategy for my clients. Over the past year, my work has contributed to over [number] in net profits for clients of a similar size to your own. 

I’m eager to hear more about your long-term objectives and bring my expertise to your mission. 

Best regards,

[professional website URL]

Remember that a cover letter is specific to the job and to your experience, and even putting in just five extra minutes of effort can show a potential employer you care. Here are some extra tips to make sure your application is perfect:

Prepare ahead of time: There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all application. The perfect resume is specific to the job search, responsibilities, and company you’re applying to — and the same goes for your cover letter.

Read the job post thoroughly for keywords and use them to guide your writing. Incorporating company language into your own will show that you fit the team. 

Double-check your work: Misspellings, grammar mistakes, and inconsistent formatting can ruin your chances of getting an interview . Small or consistent errors insinuate that you lack effort and care.

Ask a colleague to give it a read-through to make sure you're effectively representing yourself. Likewise, run your final draft through a grammar app to ensure punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure are perfect. 

Use a cover letter builder: If you’re drawing a blank on the best cover letter design or can’t find the right words, lean on available online tools. You can use a professional cover letter template on a resume builder site to guide you and ensure you check off all the right boxes for a hiring manager. 


While your resume highlights your skills in a structured format, the cover letter gives you more freedom to showcase your positive personality traits , celebrate your achievements, and impress a potential employer. While not every job will require a cover letter, it’s never a bad idea to go the extra mile to make a case for yourself as the best candidate. 

Now that you have several cover letter examples, it’s time to get writing. Research the company, study the role, and draw the right parallels between its needs and your abilities. It could be just the motivation for a hiring manager to give your resume a little extra attention — and for you to land your next job. 

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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Professional HR Recruiter Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your HR recruiter cover letter must clearly demonstrate your ability to connect with people. It's essential to reflect your communication skills and your empathetic approach. Highlight your track record of successful placements within your cover letter. Showcase your expertise in evaluating candidates and matching them to the right opportunities.

Cover Letter Guide

HR Recruiter Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience HR Recruiter Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

HR Recruiter cover letter

Crafting a HR recruiter cover letter can be a daunting step in your job search journey. You understand it's more than a formality; it's a chance to showcase a professional triumph you're particularly proud of. However, striking the balance between formality and originality, all while not simply echoing your resume, can be challenging. In this guide, we'll walk you through creating a compelling narrative that fits neatly on one page, ensuring you make a memorable impression.

  • Create a hr recruiter cover letter to persuade the recruiters you're the best candidate for the role;
  • Use industry-leading hr recruiter cover letter templates and examples to save time;
  • Dedicate your hr recruiter cover letter space to your best achievement;
  • Make sure your hr recruiter cover letter meets recruiters' expectations and standards.

Avoid starting at the blank page for hours by using Enhancv's AI - just upload your resume and your hr recruiter cover letter will be ready for you to (tweak and) submit for your dream job.

If the hr recruiter isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • HR Recruiter resume guide and example
  • Corporate Recruiter cover letter example
  • Continuous Improvement Manager cover letter example
  • Knowledge Manager cover letter example
  • Contracts Manager cover letter example
  • Human Resources Specialist cover letter example
  • Recruitment Manager cover letter example
  • HR Generalist cover letter example
  • Human Resources Consultant cover letter example
  • Human Resources Coordinator cover letter example
  • Benefits Analyst cover letter example

HR Recruiter cover letter example

Andrew Clark

Jacksonville, Florida


[email protected]

  • Customizing the introduction to echo the company's values signifies that the candidate has done their research and understands the culture and goals of the organization.
  • Quantifying achievements, like the '30% reduction in hiring time', provides tangible evidence of the candidate's impact in previous roles, demonstrating their capability to deliver results.
  • Mentioning specific tools or processes used ('revamped internal candidate database'), showcases familiarity with industry practices and the proactive ability to implement improvements.
  • Highlighting industry-specific certifications (e.g., CIPD) establishes the candidate's professional credibility and commitment to their field.

Structuring and formatting your hr recruiter cover letter

Here's what the structure of your hr recruiter cover letter should include:

  • Header (with your name, the position you're applying for, and the date);
  • Salutation (or greeting);
  • Introductory paragraph (or your opening statement);
  • Body paragraph (or further proof of your experience);
  • Closing paragraph (with a call to action);
  • Signature (that is optional).

Use the same font for your hr recruiter resume and cover letter - modern fonts like Lato and Rubik would help you stand out.

Your hr recruiter cover letter should be single-spaced and have a one-inch margins - this format is automatically set up in our cover letter templates and our cover letter builder .

When submitting your cover letter, always ensure it's in PDF, as this format keeps the information intact (and the quality of your document stays the same).

On one final note - the Applicant Tracker System (ATS or the software that is sometimes used to initially assess your application) won't read your hr recruiter cover letter.

The top sections on a hr recruiter cover letter

  • Header: Includes your contact information, the date, and the recruiter's details, ensuring they can easily identify and reach out to you.
  • Greeting: Addresses the hiring manager by name if possible, demonstrating attentiveness and a personalized approach to your application.
  • Introduction: Briefly introduces yourself, your interest in the recruitment role, and mentions your experience in sourcing, engaging, and hiring top-talent, setting the stage for your cover letter.
  • Body: Highlights your key achievements in talent acquisition, mastery of recruitment tools, and ability to manage multiple hiring processes efficiently, showcasing your match for the HR recruiter position.
  • Closing: Ends with a strong, confident statement about your contributions to the team, a thank you for considering your application, and a call to action, suggesting an interview to discuss how you can benefit the company.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Proficiency in recruiting software and applicant tracking systems: Recruiters need to efficiently manage job postings, resumes, and candidates' information.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills: Crucial for engaging with candidates, understanding hiring managers’ needs, and maintaining relationships.
  • Deep understanding of employment law and hiring practices: Ensures the recruiting process is compliant with regulations and fair to all applicants.
  • Experience in talent sourcing and headhunting: Demonstrates the ability to find and attract top candidates, sometimes in competitive fields.
  • Keen eye for talent and good judgment: Allows recruiters to effectively assess candidates’ skills, cultural fit, and potential for growth within the company.
  • Excellent organization and time-management skills: Vital for managing multiple job openings and candidate pipelines simultaneously without sacrificing quality.

What matters most when tailoring your hr recruiter cover letter salutation

Your hr recruiter cover letter greeting should feel welcoming to recruiters.

Use their first name (e.g. "Dear Marshall" or "Dear Sara"), if you've previously been in touch with the hiring manager and are on a more friendly basis.

If this is the first time you're contacting the recruiters, start your hr recruiter cover letter with:

  • their last name (e.g. "Dear Ms. Ali" or "Dear Mr. Stevens") - look up who's the hiring manager for the role on social media or the company website;
  • generalized greeting (e.g. "Dear HR Team") - just don't use "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir/Madam".

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Recruiting Team,
  • Dear [Department Name] Team,
  • Dear [Mr./Ms./Dr.] [Last Name],
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],
  • Dear Selection Committee,

Get creative with your hr recruiter cover letter introduction

Recruiters are going to assess plenty of candidate profiles for the role. Thus, anything you do to stand out will win you brownie points.

Use your hr recruiter cover letter introduction to share something memorable about your experience .

But before you go down the rabbit hole of creativity and humor, align your message with the company culture.

For example, if you are applying for a role in some startup, use those first two sentences to tell a funny story (about your experience) to quickly connect with the recruiter.

The middle or body of your hr recruiter cover letter body: a great instrument to tell a story

Now that you've set the right tone with the greeting and introduction of your hr recruiter cover letter, it's time to get down to business .

Hear us out, the body of your hr recruiter cover letter is the best storytelling instrument you have, in your job-hunting arsenal.

Writing the next three to six paragraphs, take the time to reassess the advert to discover job-crucial requirements.

Next, choose one accomplishment that covers those key skills and talents.

Use precisely that achievement to tell an exciting story of how you match the ideal candidate profile.

In the undertones of your story or hr recruiter cover letter body, hint at the difference you'd make and sell your application as the perfect one for the job.

Ending your hr recruiter cover letter to avoid "Sincerely yours"

Yes, this sort of closing statement may work best before your signature.

But you want to give recruiters something more with your hr recruiter cover letter ending .

Some professionals choose to go down the path of promises. In a single sentence, they map out what they'd bring about to the role (whether that's a particular technical skill set or personal traits).

Others, decide to be more concrete by thanking recruiters for their time and prompting for their next interview.

Whatever path you choose, remember to always be polite and respectful of the opportunity you've had. Good manners go a long way.

Lacking experience: here's how to write your hr recruiter cover letter

As a candidate with no experience, it's important to be honest from the get-go of your application .

Use your hr recruiter cover letter to sell your unique talents. Choose an accomplishment from your academic background or your volunteer work to show the skills that are relevant to the role.

Focus on your career objectives and how you see the job to align with them. Be specific and, at the same time, realistic about where you picture yourself in five years.

Key takeaways

Turning your hr recruiter cover letter into a success is all about staying authentic to yourself and relevant to the job:

  • Be creative with your hr recruiter cover letter introduction by stating something you enjoy about the company (that is genuine) or about your skill set (to get the recruiters' interested);
  • Use single spacing and have a one-inch margin wrapping all around the content of your hr recruiter cover letter;
  • Select just one past achievement from your career or life to tell a story of how you've obtained job-crucial skills and how they'd be beneficial to the role;
  • The finishing paragraph of your hr recruiter cover letter doesn't necessarily have to be a signature but could be a promise of what you plan to achieve in the role;
  • Instead of focusing on your lack of experience, spotlight your transferable skills, one relevant achievement, and career dreams.

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Awards on Resume: How to List Them on Your Resume

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How To Write A Cover Letter For A Job In 2023 (With Examples)

  • How To Write A Cover Letter
  • When Is A Cover Letter Necessary
  • Free Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Mistakes To Avoid
  • Cover Letter Tips
  • How To Sell Yourself In A Cover Letter

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Cover letters aren’t required with every application, but the majority of managers pay more attention to a candidate who includes a cover letter. This is especially so if you make an effort to tailor your letter to the specific position. It’s important not to just change the names and job positions, but also to show how your professional experience fits with the job.

A good cover letter greatly increases your chance of getting an interview. If you’re looking to write a cover letter, rework a letter that you have, or just want to know what’s involved in the job application process, then keep reading.

Key Takeaways:

A cover letter should be a maximum of one page long, with three to five paragraphs.

Before writing your cover letter, it’s important to reread the job description and include keywords from it.

Do research to figure out who you are addressing, and make sure to keep your greeting gender neutral if you don’t know.

Tailoring your resume to each job can help you stand out from other candidates.

How To Write A Cover Letter For A Job in 2022 (With Examples)

What is a cover letter?

Why cover letters are important, how to write a cover letter, cover letter examples, cover letter template, do’s and don’ts in a cover letter, cover letter faq, expert opinion.

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A cover letter is a one-page document that describes your professional background, fitness for the role, and interest in the company. Cover letters are a way of introducing yourself to hiring managers in a more engaging way than resumes can.

While your resume spells out the “who, what, where, when” of your relevant experience, a cover letter fills in the “why” and “how.” A good cover letter not only expands on your resume’s accomplishments but also highlights the soft skills that make you an excellent person to work alongside.

While there are no official formatting guidelines for cover letters, hiring managers and recruiters do have certain expectations regarding structure, length, and content.

Writing a good cover letter is important because it is your chance to stand out from other potential candidates. Showing your personality while also matching the tone of the company will help recruiters to visualize how you could fit into the role.

Simply submitting a cover letter isn’t enough though. Each cover letter you write should be specifically tailored to the job you’re applying for (just like resumes). It’s essential that you show the reader that you’ve done your homework and understand exactly what function you’d be serving if hired. You do that by providing examples of past work experiences that directly relate to the responsibilities of the new job.

Cover letters are inherently unique based on who’s writing them and for what position. However, as a cover letter is a business letter, it has an expected format that it should follow. This is important because you want the hiring manager to be able to look over your cover letter quickly and understand your qualifications and interest in the position.

Here’s the standard way that a cover letter should be formatted and what to include:

The header. The header of your letter is where you should input all of the contact information for yourself and the hiring manager . Do you best to address it directly to the person who’ll be reading the letter — typically either the hiring manager or HR manager.

Traditionally, you should include both your name and address and the employer’s name and address. However, as the majority of applications are online, the employer’s address is often omitted. But a traditional cover letter’s heading would look like this:

Page Roman 444 Frog Rd. Marigold, TX, 10987 August 27th, 2021 Chris Morgan Marketing Manager New Media Company 833 Rune Rd. Marigold, TX, 10987

If you’re emailing your cover letter, you can simply include your name, telephone number, email address, and fewer address details (just your city and state will suffice). You can also include a zip code if you live in a big city with multiple zip codes.

Jessica Dancer jessica. dancer | (555)-444-3333 | Colombus, OH 43110

Be sure to use a professional-sounding email address that’s not associated with your current or past employer. It’s disrespectful to both your current employer and the company you’re applying to, and will likely hurt your chances of being invited for an interview.

The greeting or salutation. Traditionally, the best salutation would be to use Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]. Make sure that you know the person’s gender when doing this, however, as you don’t want to misgender the hiring manager. Using “Dear [First Name] [Last Name]” is becoming more popular for this reason, patriotically among younger workers.

Dear Mr. Morgan, Dear Mrs. Smith Dear Ms. Conner

Avoid using generic greetings such as “To whom it may concern” as it’ll look like you didn’t bother to personalize the letter (even if you did.) That particular phrase has become somewhat controversial as well, so if you need to put a generic address — if you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, for instance — use something else, such as:

Dear Hiring Manager Dear [Department] Manager Dear [Title of the Person You’d Report to if Hired] Dear [Department] Hiring Team

Opening paragraph. The opening of your professional cover letter should instantly grab the attention of your reader . Try to lead off with one of your most relevant and impressive accomplishments.

Open strong . Open with a statement other than your name or stating your interest in the position. Lead with an interesting experience or achievement that directly relates to the new position.

Convey your personal value. There are always other qualified applicants with similar skills, so it is key to express why you personally would bring value to the organization. Give specific details as to the value you brought in a previous position, and how that could transfer to the new role.

Show your enthusiasm. Recruiters want to hire candidates who are excited about the position. Express enthusiasm and convey why you are passionate about the role. This is another opportunity to share a quick personal anecdote related to the job.

Keep it short. All of these points in your opening paragraph shouldn’t be more than a sentence or two each. You don’t want your introduction to be too long, as you want the reader to be able to quickly go through your cover letter.

As a Content Writer with a passion for travel and literature, I was thrilled to see the Senior Content Writer position open up at BookFly. My past experience driving organic traffic by 23% YoY to the travel website, XTravel, would translate perfectly into the position’s stated goals from the job description.

First body paragraph. Here is where you should really sell yourself across several areas. Showcase how your personality traits, such as being honest or having the ability to work under pressure, make you a good fit.

Emphasize transferable skills. Explain how the skills you’ve cultivated make you the perfect fit for the role. This can include collaborative work you’ve done in the past, a leadership role you had that drove results, or interpersonal skills.

Revisit the job description. Make sure to pull relevant skills from the job description and put them in your cover letter. If the hiring manager spent the time to list those skills, they’re going to be looking for candidates that have them.

It also helps with applicant tracking systems that may sift through cover letters looking for keywords.

Don’t skimp on personality traits. These are especially important if you don’t have a lot of experience. Desirable skills such as ambition, dedication, and getting work done on time are good for both entry-level positions and if you’re making a career change.

I have a passion for content creation and a deep understanding of the content cycle, from ideation to promotion. My years in the digital publishing world have crafted my ability to drive killer CTR and resonate with an audience. Not only did CTR jump by 2.1% in the months after I was brought on board, but it had a knock-on effect on social media engagement, which rose by 8% in the same time frame. I believe good content has its roots in good data. This is why while at Media Company I created a content-marketing dashboard to highlight KPIs like those mentioned above. The dashboard allowed us to take advantage of wins more rapidly and avoid repeating losses.

Second body paragraph. Just as an employer wants to know why you’d want the role, they also want to know why you’d want to work at their company. Do your research and learn more about the core values of the company. Discuss how they align with your own.

Check the company’s website but also start to explore LinkedIn for greater insights. Employers want to make sure that you fit into the overall culture, and this is also something you should consider for yourself. However you feel you fit into the work culture, explain to the recruiter why. Paint a picture of how you’ll be better from the company, and how the company will also benefit.

I thrive in a fast-paced environment and excel at creating structures from scratch. I spearheaded our SEO efforts, developing workflows and systems to ramp up content production from zero. BookFly’s commitment to core values of “collaboration and imagination” aligns with my own preferred approach to tackling projects and dreaming of big ideas.

Closing. The closing of your letter is your final impression to the hiring manager, and therefore should clearly express your eagerness to take on the position. You don’t need to rehash all of the accomplishments and skills highlighted in previous sections. Consider this more of a statement of intent.

First, express gratitude that they took the time to consider you for the job by making it all the way through your letter. Then, quickly remind them of the benefits that you can bring to the role and company.

Finally, your closing should state a clear call-to-action (CTA) for the recruiter to take next, such as calling you to schedule an interview. Being confident and direct at the end of your cover letter helps to close the deal.

I look forward to learning more about how the Senior Content Writer operates within BookFly and the current content process. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Sincerely, Jessica Dancer

With thousands of cover letter templates on the internet, you want to make sure you choose the right one. Here’s a basic format of what a good cover letter will contain:

Jessica Dancer [email protected] | (555)-444-3333 | Colombus, OH 43110 Dear Mr. Morgan, As a Content Writer with a passion for travel and literature, I was thrilled to see the Senior Content Writer position open up at BookFly. My past experience driving organic traffic by 23% YoY to the travel website, XTravel, would translate perfectly into the position’s stated goals from the job description. I have a passion for content creation and a deep understanding of the content cycle, from ideation to promotion. My years in the digital publishing world have crafted my ability to drive killer CTR and resonate with an audience. Not only did CTR jump by 2.1% in the months after I was brought on board, but it had a knock-on effect on social media engagement, which rose by 8% in the same time frame. I believe good content has its roots in good data. This is why while at Media Company I created a content-marketing dashboard to highlight KPIs like those mentioned above. The dashboard allowed us to take advantage of wins more rapidly and avoid repeating losses. I thrive in a fast-paced environment and excel at creating structures from scratch. I spearheaded our SEO efforts, developing workflows and systems to ramp up content production from zero. BookFly’s commitment to core values of “collaboration and imagination” aligns with my own preferred approach to tackling projects and dreaming of big ideas. I look forward to learning more about how the Senior Content Writer operates within BookFly and the current content process. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Sincerely, Jessica Dancer

If you’re putting the cover letter in an email, you can omit putting the contact information at the top and instead include it below your signature. You want to make sure to include your name, phone number, and LinkedIn link, as well as a professional portfolio , if applicable.

Dear hiring manager: I am writing about the position of veterinary receptionist at Pet Care Clinic posted on I am a certified dog trainer with both Petsmart and Petco, allowing me insight into animal behavior. I’m also an aspiring novelist , making me a fast, experienced typist as well as adept with Microsoft Word and Apple Pages. Since I’ve worked at pet stores for several years, I am familiar with different kinds of animal and animal care, as well as building a rapport with pet owners. While I enjoy working with animals and my coworkers, I would like to move into a business where I can continue to learn and build on my experience. I would also like to work for a smaller business. Veterinary medicine has always interested me, and I very much enjoy learning new things. I’m eager to learn more about it in order to help customers make the best choices for their pets. I’ve always enjoyed working with animals, even before I was able to get a job that allowed me to. I grew up with dogs and cats, so I’m comfortable and familiar with their behavior. Being a pet owner myself, I’m able to understand what customers are looking for in a veterinary clinic and tailor the experience to their needs. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Michelle Bolivar Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 545-9706
[your contact information] [date] Dear [Hiring Manager], I’m writing to apply for the open [position] at [company] that you posted [place job ad was found]. I believe that my [relevant experience] would be an excellent fit with [company name]. I have long been interested in [specific industry/department], and particularly your company because [why you’re interested in the company/awards they have won/accomplishments]. That experience and [relevant skills] that I’ve cultivated as a [current position] for [time worked in position or industry] will be an asset to the company as it’ll make me effective [at the job/particular aspect of the job]. The [responsibilities required in the job description] will be a [challenge/interesting task] and I look forward to making use of my [relevant skills]. I excel at [working with a team/working alone] and I want to use my expertise to further [company’s] success. I am excited about the possibilities this position holds, and I believe that my qualifications ensure I’d be an asset to your team. I look forward to being able to further discuss the details of the position and my qualifications with you in an interview. Please let me know if you require further information from me. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, [Your name] [Your contact information (if it’s an email)

Knowing the proper format of a cover letter is the most important factor, of course, but there are some additional dos and don’ts that if you follow can make your cover letter better. It’s during the editing process, it’s important to go over and make sure that you haven’t made any common mistakes that’ll hurt your chances.

Here are 10 dos and don’ts for writing a good cover letter:


Do start by scanning the original job posting for keywords you can include in your letter.

Do be proud of your accomplishments and make sure to highlight them.

Do clearly express why you would be an asset to the organization.

Do tailor your cover letter to every hiring manager and position that you apply for.

Do try to find unique experiences, but make sure to always discuss measurable and relevant results.


Don’t feel the need to lie about your skills or accomplishments. One of the worst mistakes to make is being caught in a lie.

Don’t copy and paste a template and only change your name and job titles. Recruiters will not see the value in a plug-in-play cover letter that has been used by multiple applicants.

Don’t forget to be direct and include a call to action.

Don’t make your cover letter too long. Similar to your resume, you want the reader to sum up who you are and get a quick explanation of why you’re a good fit.

Don’t forget to proofread. Grammatical errors on a cover letter and resume are a quick way to get your packet in the “no pile”.

What do you write in a cover letter?

In a cover letter, you should mostly write about impressive accomplishments from past jobs or academic experiences that relate to the job you’re applying for.

What is the purpose of cover letter?

The purpose of a cover letter is to help a hiring manager see why your background makes you suitable for the role in question. While a resume lists achievements, educational background , and skills , it doesn’t give the reader an idea of your actual expertise or personality.

A cover letter allows you to share your approach to work, as well as your ability to communicate your value effectively. A good cover letter makes it easy for a reader to think “I could imagine this person working for us.”

How do you write a simple cover letter?

To write a simple cover letter, start with the header and greeting we outlined above. Next, state your interest in the position (give the exact job title as listed in the job description) and mention your years of industry/job experience.

To keep your cover letter simple, you can now briefly mention in 1-2 sentences or 3-4 bullet points what parts of your background are most important for the hiring manager.

Finally, thank the reader for considering your application, and sign off as usual (e.g., “Sincerely, [full name]”).

What is the best way to start a cover letter?

The best way to start a cover letter is with an accomplishment that speaks directly to your ability to provide value for the company. Other good strategies include describing your long-standing passion for the field, mentioning an important reference at the company, or referring specifically to challenges the company is currently facing.

Do you introduce yourself in a cover letter?

No, you do not introduce yourself in a cover letter. By that we mean you do not say “My name is so-and-so” — you simply jump into your background and why you’re interested in the position.

Your name can be found at the bottom of the cover letter, as well as the header, your email address, and your resume, so there’s no need to force it awkwardly into your cover letter’s opening.

How do you end a cover letter?

To end a cover letter, thank the reader for their time and/or consideration, express enthusiasm for further correspondence and conversation, and sign off with a standard closing like “Sincerely.”

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should be a maximum of one page long, with three to five paragraphs. Half a page is the shortest that your cover letter should be.

Harvard Business Review — How to Write a Cover Letter

University of Washington — Writing the Cover Letter

What’s a quick cover letter tip?

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

Michael Akbar Vice President Certified Professional Career Coach

Use your six seconds to show the employer in a tailored cover letter and resume that you understand their pain and will make their lives better if put in the position.

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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Manager Cover Letter Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

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Are you looking to land more Manager job offers?

You're going to need a strong cover letter. This comprehensive guide is packed with everything you need to know in order to write a job-winning Manager cover letter. It's got everything from effective strategies and essential skills to helpful templates and real-life examples.

You can trust that all the insights and tips in this guide are based on data from coaching thousands of job seekers, just like you, who have gone on to secure positions at some of the world's most reputable companies.

Whether you're an experienced manager or just starting out, reading this guide from start to finish can help you land your dream role. But if you're short on time and looking for specific information, here's a breakdown of what's included:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Manager Cover Letter
  • The Best Skills To Include On An Manager Cover Letter

How To Address A Manager Cover Letter

  • 3 Manager Cover Letter Examples

The 8 Best Manager Cover Letter Templates

3 tips for writing a job-winning manager cover letter.

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

Manager Cover Letter Overview: What To Know To Write A Cover Letter That Wins More Job Offers

What do companies look for when hiring for a manager role?

When hiring for a manager role, companies look for candidates with a combination of technical expertise, leadership skills, and interpersonal abilities. Effective communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and organizational skills are also essential for success in a managerial position.

Managers should also possess technical knowledge that's relevant to the industry, and have strong interpersonal skills that are necessary for building strong relationships and working effectively with others.

Typically, organizations also look for candidates with prior management experience, as it demonstrates a track record of success in a leadership role. However, this isn't a requirement. Overall, companies seek candidates who can lead their team to achieve organizational goals, communicate effectively, and make timely and effective decisions.

Your resume should show your potential employer that both your personality and your experience encompass all of these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning manager resume:

  • Highlight your leadership and management skills.  Include examples of how you have motivated and led teams to achieve organizational goals.
  • Emphasize your communication and interpersonal skills. Provide examples of how you have effectively communicated with team members, stakeholders, and clients.
  • Include keywords from the job description:  ensure your resume is optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Highlight your problem-solving and decision-making skills.  Provide examples of how you have addressed complex issues and made effective decisions.
  • Include any relevant certifications, awards or professional development courses.  Demonstrate your expertise in your industry or field.
  • Quantify your work:  Use numbers to showcase the impact of your leadership on your team's performance. Some examples include improvements in employee productivity, increased team morale,  and boosts in overall team performance.
  • Proofread:  Carefully proofread your resume for errors and typos, as these can give a negative impression to potential employers (I recommend using the  Hemingway App ).

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Manager Skills To Include On Your Cover Letter

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your cover letter. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your cover letter for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan cover letters for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for the employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more Manager interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized cover letter. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Manager Keywords

The first way to find the right keywords is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for an Manager cover letter.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of  real Manager  job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Communication
  • Team Member
  • Performance
  • Development
  • Consistency
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Accountable
  • Organization

2. Use To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Cover Letter And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific cover letter and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your cover letter is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for.

Manager Resume Skills

Here's how it works:

  • Open a copy of your target Manager job description
  • Head over to
  • Select the “Job Description Scan” from the scan type selector in the upper right corner of the tool
  • Copy and paste the Manager job description into the field on the left
  • Hit scan and review the results

ResyMatch is going to scan the target job description and show you the exact keywords and skills that are relevant for the role and that you should weave into your cover letter.

Here's a video walking through this whole process:

Adding a personal touch is what makes a cover letter stand out, and that starts from the very first sentence! You should always greet the person reading your cover letter and there are two ways to do this well:

1. Use The Hiring Manager's Name

The first, and best, is by including the hiring manager's name. Let's say that you discovered the hiring manager's name from a post on LinkedIn or via an informational interview.

This is the jackpot! All you need to do is use their name in the introduction, like this:

Example of Starting A Cover Letter With The Hiring Manager's Name

2. Use This Formula: To The [Department] Team at [Organization]

If you don't have the hiring manager's name, no problem! You can address your cover letter to the team that you're applying to.

For example, if you're applying to for a Product Marketing Manager role at Discovery Education, you might start you cover letter like this:

Example of Starting A Cover Letter With The Team & Company

This shows the reader that this letter has been written specifically for them and the content inside of it will support that.

It's much more relevant and personal than  “To Whom It May Concern!”

For more advice on writing a strong opening to your cover letter, check out this guide.

3 Manager Cover Letter Examples For 2023

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three cover letter examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds that are all applying for Manager roles:

Manager Cover Letter Example #1: A Traditional Background

Our first example is a cover letter written by a candidate with traditional Manager experience. Here is what an example of their cover letter might look like:

Manager Cover Letter Example #1

Manager Cover Letter Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

Our second cover letter example comes from a candidate looking to make the leap from an individual contributor role to a management position. While this person doesn't have traditional management experience, they do a good job of speaking to their relevant leadership skills and how they can transfer to this new role.

Manager Cover Letter Example #2

Manager Cover Letter Example #3: Landing a Senior Management Role After a Career Gap

Our third example highlights a candidate with extensive management experience who has been freelance consulting during a career break. Addressing a gap in your employment history can feel tricky, but this person does a good job of demonstrating their value as a leader and what they can bring to this new role.

sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a Manager cover letter that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with  our CoverBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

The Best Cover Letter Templates

You're off to a strong start! But I've got a few more tips to help you take your cover letter to the next level:

1. Use ChatGPT To Write Your Cover Letter In <30 Seconds

All of these tips and best practices work, but you still have to implement them. Normally, that'd mean you sitting down and spending hours brainstorming ideas, typing, deleting, and typing again, and then feeling absolutely drained.

Now there's a way to work around all of that so you save your best energy for the writing and edits that matter most. Here's how it works:

  • Head to ChatGPT (you'll need to create an account – it's free)
  • Ask ChatGPT,  “Please write me a cover letter for an Manager role. The role I'm applying for is [Job Title] role at [Company]. Here is the job description: [Paste Job Description]. And here is my resume: [Paste Resume].
  • Watch ChatGPT write up a pretty darn good cover letter base!

Here's a video of me doing this with a real cover letter if you want to see the steps in action:

Note:  I  do not recommend or advise that you simply copy and paste the content from ChatGPT into your cover letter and submit your application. ChatGPT is great for doing 80% of the baseline work, but you still need to review, revise, and personalize the content yourself.

2. Include Measurable Metrics And Outcomes

Too many job seekers only focus on the actions that they took and not the outcomes that resulted from those actions. As a campus principal, it's impossible to differentiate between a dozen candidates who were all “Responsible For Creating a Safe Learning Environment.” 

If you want to win, your cover letter should speak to the specific outcomes that you drove in previous roles. That could be:

  • The percentage by which your team increased revenue under your leadership.
  • The average reduction in overall expenditures.
  • The average employee satisfaction rate.
  • The rate at which your employee retention increased from year to year.

These numbers will show hiring teams what you're capable of and make your value crystal clear!

3. Match Your Cover Letter And Resume Design

Quality Impacts Perceived Value - Car Example

They're the exact same car, down to the year, make, and model. The only difference is the way the product was presented. Like I said, quality impacts perceived value.

One of the best ways to boost the quality of your cover letter is to make it look clean, professional, and have it match your resume. That's why the resume templates in our resume builder tool match the cover letter templates in our cover letter builder:

Matching Cover Letter And Resume

If you use both tools to create your cover letter and your resume, your entire application is going to be top notch.

Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Cover Letter

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Manager cover letter:

  • Start with a proven cover letter template from
  • Use to find the right keywords and optimize your cover letter for each Manager role you apply to
  • Start your manager cover letter with a personalized greeting for the hiring manager or Human Resources representative.
  • Emphasize the measurable outcomes and value you drove in previous roles (include metrics!)
  • Compare the draft of your manager cover letter to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like  Hemingway App to proofread your cover letter before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more Manager interviews and job offers.

Laura Headshot

Laura Lorta

Laura is an Editor at Cultivated Culture. She transitioned from teaching into the world of content so she's no stranger to career pivots. She also has a bachelors in Entrepreneurship and a Masters in Curriculum & Instruction / Bilingual Education. She currently shares job search advice to help people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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320+ Free cover letter examples (+expert guides)

320+ Free cover letter examples (+expert guides)

Engineering 7

Education 39, transportation 9, administrative 18, accounting & finance 23, real estate 5, human resource 6, business & management 22, information technology (it) 31, marketing 17, hospitality & catering 17, maintenance & repair 11, production 1, beauty & wellness 6, security & protective services 8, transport & logistics 5, sport & fitness 5, government 2, try our professional resume builder now, cover letter example to copy & paste.

A general cover letter example can serve as a great starting point for your application. If you’re feeling stuck, check out this copyable cover letter sample that you can copy and paste to modify for your own experience. You can also change the cover letter template at any time.

Dear Mr. North,

My experience of managing teams through change has taught me that if you put people first, everything else will fall into place. I led a team through a turbulent 18 months of downsizing at Labsworth, while a blistering period of growth at Pine Inc. provided an entirely different experience. No matter what the trajectory of the company is, there are lessons to be learned. Upon the completion of my MBA last year, I understood that I wanted to pursue a management role with an international dimension. I have never used my native Spanish in a business context and feel that your expansion into South America will allow me to employ my change management skills in a cultural setting that is familiar to me. In a start-up, it is important to employ people with both operational and commercial expertise. I have negotiated contracts worth $9.5m, improved delivery efficiencies by 12%, redesigned warehouse packing flows, overseen staff disputes, and driven profitability to industry-leading levels. In my last year at Pine, I spearheaded three initiatives to improve the net profit from 5.2% to 6.1%. Profits improve when everything is considered. I believe in letting my teams dictate the direction of their development. I have experience working with HR to design training modules, something that is particularly useful in a start-up. I enjoy the creativity and challenge of working out how to get the most out of a diverse set of professionals. 60% of my former team have enjoyed promotions over the past five years.

I cannot wait to find out more about your international expansion plans and hope that I am well-placed to assist.

Lara Fernandez

Our best sample cover letters

Check out our most popular cover letter samples below.

Internship cover letter example 

Use this Internship cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Internship positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Internship cover letter example

Accounting cover letter example 

Use this Accounting cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Accounting positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Accounting cover letter example

Graduate cover letter example

You’re a newly minted college graduate. After years of hard work, you have your diploma in hand and are ready to leap into the workforce. Congratulations! It’s time to get your job applications in order, but it can be a daunting task. Relax! Our graduate cover letter example and writing guide will make it easier to apply for your 2024 dream job.

Graduate cover letter example

Administrative assistant cover letter example

Use this Administrative Assistant cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Administrative Assistant positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Administrative Assistant cover letter example

Teacher cover letter example

You know how to introduce yourself on parent-teacher nights, but how best to introduce yourself to the principal when you want a new job? The guide below will show you how to write an A+ teacher cover letter that makes the grade.

Teacher cover letter example

Nursing cover letter example

If you're empathetic, practical, and caring, the world of nursing is calling your name. Here's how to write a nurse cover letter that will turn the hiring manager's head.

Nursing cover letter example

Software engineer cover letter example

Use this Software Engineer cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Software Engineer positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Software Engineer cover letter example

Perfect cover letter structure

The perfect cover letter should have a clear and organized structure to make sure it highlights why you’re the right candidate for the job. Here’s what you should include to impress employers and increase your chances of landing the interview:

  • Header: The cover letter header is the space at the top, or sometimes the side, of your cover letter that contains your name, contact information, and any relevant links. The header serves a vital role in identifying your cover letter and helping to create an attractive presentation.
  • Greeting: The greeting of the cover letter is the way you address the person who will be reading it. We recommend using the hiring manager’s name whenever possible to establish a friendly, yet professional tone.
  • Introduction: The introduction consists of the opening lines of your cover letter that serve to grab the hiring manager’s attention and encourage them to read the rest of your cover letter. The introduction should also include the company name and the role for which you are applying.
  • Body (middle part): The body paragraphs are the middle part of your cover letter that give you the space and flexibility to discuss your accomplishments and key qualifications for the role.
  • Conclusion & sign off: The conclusion is the final sentence of the cover letter that generally includes a call to action. This sentence expresses your enthusiasm for the job and politely encourages the hiring manager to schedule an interview.

You can also view our full guide on how to write a cover letter.

Science Teacher cover letter example

What makes a good cover letter example

A good cover letter example contains a combination of factors that work together to present you as the best possible candidate for the role. Remember that a cover letter sample is a starting point and should always be customized for your specific experience and the job you are applying to. In general, here are a few things to pay attention to that will make your cover letter stand out from the rest:

  • The right template : An attractive cover letter is more likely to be noticed by employers. The best cover letter template is one that combines your own professional personality with the brand and image of the company you’re applying to. Our adaptable cover letter sample can serve as a reference when creating your header.
  • Proper formatting : The right formatting makes your cover letter easier to read, and in turn, keeps the hiring manager interested for longer. Here are a few do’s and don’ts for great cover letter formatting .
  • Keep a balance of white space to text
  • Use paragraph breaks and proper punctuation
  • Create an attractive header at the top of the page
  • Adjust the margins to cram in more text
  • Go overboard with flashy colors unless appropriate in your industry
  • Forget to proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes
  • A customized greeting : Your cover letter greeting should use the hiring manager’s name whenever possible. If you can’t find the name of a specific person, make sure to customize the greeting for the company or team.
  • A professional email address : Your email address should be a combination of your first and last name (with numbers if you have a common name). Unprofessional email addresses are a big mistake.
  • Clear structure : Even though a cover letter is one of the more freeform parts of your application, it should still appear organized. Use the sections of our cover letter example above as a model for your own.
  • Detailed examples : The writing of your cover letter should give concrete examples of your skills, qualifications, and accomplishments. Make sure to use numbers and statistics whenever possible.

Cover letter examples FAQs

What to write in a cover letter.

Your cover letter is an opportunity to expand on the skills and experiences described in your resume. Instead of simply repeating what’s written there, make sure to add new details and examples that are relevant for the role and will encourage the hiring manager to contact you for an interview. 

How do you start a cover letter?

There are plenty of ways to start a cover letter , including with an anecdote, a statement about your skills or passion, or your connection to the company. Check out our adaptable cover letter samples for more ideas to get you started writing your own cover letter.

What are 3 things you should include in a cover letter?

Three things that should always be included in a cover letter are:

  • Your name and contact information
  • The hiring manager’s name
  • The name of the company and the role you for which you’re applying

How long should a cover letter be?

Ideally, a cover letter's length should be between 250-400 words. A shorter cover letter may not be able to capture your skills, while a longer one may become tiresome to read. A cover letter should always fit on one page. See our adaptable cover letter examples for details.

What are common cover letter phrases?

Every cover letter should be unique but a few phrases you may find useful are:

  • I am excited to apply to the role of (Job Title) at (Company Name).
  • I am looking forward to the possibility of an interview.
  • Feel free to contact me by phone or email at (Your Phone Number) or (Email Address).
  • Sincerely, (Your Name)

What words should not be used in a cover letter?

We recommend avoiding “ To Whom It May Concern ” as it sounds impersonal and outdated. You should also avoid any language that sounds cold, arrogant, or entitled. Our cover letter samples can serve as an example of the right tone to use.

What does an employer look for in a cover letter?

Employers use cover letters to gauge whether you’re truly interested in the position and if you’ve understood the requirements. Make sure to consult the job description before writing your cover letter.

What is a simple example of a cover letter?

If you’re looking for a simple example of a cover letter, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some of our favorite simple cover letter samples:

Student cover letter example

Use this Student cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Student positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Student cover letter example

Driver cover letter example

A driver cover letter goes far deeper than the mechanics of the job. Share the personality that makes you great at what you do.

Driver cover letter example

Customer service representative cover letter example

Use this Customer Service Representative cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Customer Service Representative positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Customer Service Representative cover letter example

Free professionally designed templates

50+ Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers in 2023

50+ Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers in 2023

Madison Norton

Looking for cover letter examples that you can use?

You are at the right place!

We understand that writing a cover letter can be hard, that’s why we have added these highly customizable cover letter samples that you can copy and use.

In this article you are going to find the following examples:

  • Generic cover letter examples for anyone
  • Professional cover letter examples for experienced professionals
  • Creative cover letter examples to help you stand out
  • Entry level cover letter examples for professionals starting out their journey
  • Inspirational and great cover letter samples from various industries to inspire you
  • What a Cover Letter Should Include?

Overall a good cover letter should say that “I am applying for this position because…” and “this is what makes me the best candidate for this position…”. But in order to say it right, you need to add these 5 sections in your cover letter:

  • Salutation - This should be addressed to the hiring manager. If you don’t know the hiring manager and are applying at a very large company, use a salutation like “Dear [xyz] team” instead.
  • An introductory paragraph - Make sure to leave a good first impression here. Introduce yourself and briefly explain that you would like to apply for the position. Make it easier for the hiring manager to scan, this paragraph should be of maximum 2-3 lines.
  • Body paragraph(s) - This is where you help them understand why you are the perfect fit for the role. This is where your relevant experience, skills and achievements would shine.
  • Vision paragraph - Add how you feel you can add value to the organisation and if possible share how your vision aligns with the company’s vision.
  • Formal closing - Use this to prompt next steps for your job application. And add a sign-off.

Optionally, you can also include these two to your cover letter:

  • Postscript - If you have something of value that adds value to your cover letter, consider adding it by adding a “PS: …” at the end of your cover letter.
  • A portfolio paragraph - If you have a portfolio to share, consider adding a short paragraph of 1-2 lines with links to your portfolio added in it.

The Perfect Cover Letter Example Template

Salutation Dear [First name of hiring manager]/Dear [XYZ] Team

Introductory Paragraph Add your cover letter’s introduction here. Give a brief description of who you are, what you specialise in, and what makes you apply for the position. Keep it to a maximum of 2-3 lines.

Body Paragraph(s) The body paragraph(s) should highlight three things: relevant work experience, relevant skills and professional achievements. While writing these paragraphs, ensure that you only add relevant skills and experience as information overload would overwhelm the hiring manager.

Best practice is to use the combination of paragraph and bulleted list to make it easier for the hiring manager to scan for the right information as shown below in this cover letter example:

“As the lead auditor for KPMG West Coast, I managed a team of 15+ auditors independently and achieved the following results: Reached 100% compliance levels with zero errors in FY 2022 audit reports. Won award for …”

Vision Paragraph It often helps a hiring manager to see what the job applicant envisions they would do if they were hired. Adding your vision can help you stand out from the crowd.

Formal Closing Add a formal closing statement. Adding “Sincerely” followed by your name should be more than sufficient for most job applications.

cover letter example template

  • Our Cover Letter Guides

A cover letter is often the very first thing a recruiter sees when you apply for a job. Even if you don’t have any job experience, making sure your cover letter is in the best shape possible gets you off to a great start on the hunt for your dream job! Take a look at our cover letter examples and guides when you're a little light on work experience:

  • Dental Assistant No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Legal Assistant No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Entry Level Bank Teller No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Budtender No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Paralegal No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Medical Assistant No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Flight Attendant No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • CNA No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • USPS No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • A Sample Generic Cover Letter for Employment

We have written a lot about how to customise your cover letter to perfection, but if that’s not your strong suit - consider the cover letter example below.

  • Generic Cover Letter Example - Copy and Use

I was excited to see Berg Lansing’s Technical Writer position on and really wanted to apply for this role. The idea of playing a pivotal role in delivery of effective support to Berg Lansing’s customers through high quality user documentation is very exciting to me.

I currently manage multiple cross functional technical writing programs at ACME. And as a part of my current role I ensure that stakeholders, internal team members and customers are well supported. Some of my technical writing accomplishments at ACME include: Reduction of customer support requests by 25% as a result of simplified documentation.

Helping customer support teams reach 45% higher CSAT scores on closed support requests. Introduction of the idea of maintainable technical documentation to my peers and leading the program at ACME. Reduction of length of technical content by as much as 50%.

In my previous role, I was also responsible for maximizing the visibility of an organization's corporate activities by crafting creative content and working with creative teams for PR.

I am eager to apply my current skill set and knowledge to the Technical Writer position at Berg Lansing. Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, Heather T. Wynn

Generic cover letter example

What Makes this a Great Cover Letter Example?

While this cover letter example is a generic one, it doesn’t appear to be generic at all. Heather has very smartly picked up key elements that are common across each technical writer job and have written a cover letter around it.

In addition to that, Heather also made the following decisions that make the cover letter look customized for this job:

  • Using the hiring manager’s name instead of a generic salutation
  • Mentioning the organization’s name that she’s applying to.

To summarize why it makes a great cover letter example:

  • It has been intelligently designed to work with multiple job ads with very minor modifications
  • No part of the cover letter example feels generic.
  • Two Professional Cover Letter Samples

If you are not applying for an entry level job, consider these professional cover letter examples.

Professional Cover Letter Sample

Jeannine C. Frederick Big 4 Consulting Corp 1901 Norman Street Los Angeles, CA 90042

Dear Jeannine,

My name is Lida and I wish to apply for the auditor position at the Big 4 Consulting Corp office in Los Angeles. I have spoken with several members of Big 4 Consulting Corp’s audit teams and was each time impressed by their acuity and passion for both accounting and their firm. I am confident that my accounting skills and passion for efficiency will make me an excellent fit for Big 4 Consulting Corp, just as they are.

My accounting and time management skills will be vital to succeeding at Big 4 Consulting Corp. I was able to apply what I had learned that year to my work at the Corp2, where I was given the opportunity to assist the non-profit accounting department and CFO in their fiscal year-end closing and annual internal and external third party audit.

It was in Corp2 that I found my passion for understanding business operations. I enjoyed understanding how each employee’s work helped achieve the organization’s goals because I would be able to find ways to perform my own tasks to more efficiently and effectively achieve those goals.

While working full time here, I also took two accounting courses and taught myself Visual Basic programming in order to further optimize my efficiency at work. I was actually able to use the programming I learned this summer to automate several tasks such as bulk emails and manage large spreadsheets.

My passion for accounting and desire to understand clients and their complex businesses and circumstances align with Big 4 Consulting Corp’s audit approach to understand a client’s business, risks, and internal controls in order to provide the most effective audit procedures. After conversing with several team members about their passions and goals, I believe I am an excellent fit for Big 4 Consulting Corp’s culture and philosophy.

I was inspired by audit manager Shanon’s dedication and ambition but also humbled by her modesty and kindness. I also clicked well with Derick and look forward to possibly working with him and all the other team members I’ve spoken with.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing this position further.

Sincerely, Lida R. Boyles

professional cover letter example 1

What Makes this Example a Great Cover Letter to Use?

This is a very professional, yet very deeply thought-out cover letter. To take a role at such a large organization, Lida displayed how well she knows the culture and that she had put enough effort to understand the current team as well.

This cover letter example highlights how to impress a hiring manager in large organizations.

Customizable Cover Letter Sample

Here is another professional cover letter sample that you can drive inspiration from.

Dear Lorrie, TeamGIS 1787 Pearlman Avenue South Boston, MA 02127

I am excited to apply for the position of GIS Technician at TeamGIS’s New York office. My technical skills in geospatial analysis at large scale, background in data management and visualization makes me an ideal candidate for this position.

Over the last few years, I have worked on extremely challenging remote sensing use cases and LiDAR datasets to derive various indices and statistical measures. My work has been instrumental in helping decision makers with reports and custom visualizations. My key projects involve: Allocation of various types of social housing across the continental United States. Assessing impact of global warming on social housing portfolio. Informing equity research analysts about possible asset value fluctuations based on GIS data.

My professional focus, work experience and research interests significantly overlap with the future vision of TeamGIS and that’s why I feel I will be a valuable addition to your team.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you in detail.

Sincerely, Evan

customizable professional cover letter example

What Makes this Example a Great Cover Letter?

Unlike the previous cover letter example, this cover letter by Evan went in a completely different direction by showcasing the following: It shows that Evan has the right skills to do the job In addition, it also showcases how well Evan’s personal goals are aligned with the company goals as well.

  • A Creative Cover Letter Sample

This creative cover letter example will show you how you can adopt creativity and stand out from the crowd.

Cover Letter Example for Employment Application

Dear Vernon Team,

When I was in the 6th grade I was limited to 3 questions a day in my class because I asked “why” way too much. Thankfully, as an adult, I can ask “why” as many times as I want. My passion to understand the “why” for the user and the company makes me a perfect candidate for the Product Management position.

As an associate product manager, asking “why” and then collecting data to extract insights to improve products is what I truly enjoy. I have been instrumental in lifting XYZ app’s adoption from 10% to 43% and implemented a mobile attribution system from the ground up to support acquisition efforts.

I am a very organized, and strategic person who enjoys putting “hypothesis before solutions” and “differentiating with execution”. Shopping and payment products excite me a lot as there are numerous opportunities to serve better user experiences and build flow states.

As a Product Manager for Vernon, I will bring my user research skills towards mobile shopping and payment verticals and build the next generation applications.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you about this opportunity.

Sincerely, Devon

creative cover letter example

What Makes this a Great Creative Cover Letter Example

The way Devon starts this letter by bridging his habit of asking “why” to what he becomes illustrates his deep passion for being curious and finding solutions instead of assuming everything.

Any hiring manager who is looking for a customer obsessed product manager would love Devon’s creative cover letter example.

  • Cover Letter Example for Career Transition

This cover letter example will help you craft one to support your career transition.

Cover Letter Sample

Dear Susan,

Ever since I started in sales, I enjoyed understanding customer’s needs and providing them with the right solutions. It became an obsession as I worked more and what started with me learning email marketing turned me into a self taught marketer. And, that’s why I’m interested in applying for the role of Junior Marketer.

From running personal projects to learning marketing to freelance for various clients to gain real world experience I have gained the following skills: PPC - Google Adwords, Facebook Ads (Google and Facebook certified) SEO and Content Marketing Email marketing and Sales enablement

At your organization (especially under Ralf’s leadership) I feel I can learn even more and fulfill my dream of working in the marketing team of a cutting edge company.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, Jim

career transition cover letter example

How to Use this Cover Letter Example for Career Change?

Career transitions are very hard to justify. Often hiring managers see applications from an unrelated or adjacent role and can’t understand why the candidate has applied for the position. That’s why this cover letter example is extremely good. It very clearly justifies:

  • The motivation to apply for the role despite working in sales.
  • What Jim has done on his own to support his transition.
  • Jim’s own thoughts on how he expects to thrive under existing leadership

This cover letter example also shows that Jim has spent time and energy considering this job as well.

  • Cover Letter for Entry Level Roles

This cover letter example will show you how to apply to an entry level position.

Cover Letter Example

I am excited to apply for the Mechanical Engineer Intern position at ACME. I found this position through the referral of Lorraine A. Dubreuil, Design Head for FST division at ACME. I am a graduate student pursuing Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M. With my Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, my extensive R&D experience in mechanical design and structural engineering, I believe I am a strong candidate for this position.

During my time as an undergraduate, I utilized SolidWorks and MATLAB to design and analyze the structure tube frame of chassis. I also assisted with the hand lay-up of our vehicle’s carbon fibre monocoque which taught me a lot about working with composite structures.

Additionally, my work with the SAE collegiate design series has provided me with experience in design and manufacturing, while emphasizing teamwork, adaptability and communication.

Now, I am eager to apply my mechanical engineering knowledge and skills at ACME. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration. I am sincerely looking forward to learning more details about the Mechanical Engineer Intern position.

Sincerely, Tom

entry level cover letter example

How to Use this Cover Letter Example to Apply for Jobs?

Tom, while being an undergraduate, knows the value of communication. And this cover letter example by Tom highlights how he:

  • Highlights relevant past R&D project work.
  • Leaves an impact by providing the reference who referred him for the role.
  • Wrote a very concise cover letter as shown in the example; this is uncommon where most graduates would overdo their cover letters and fail to leave the same impact.
  • The Shift Toward Email Cover Letters for Job Applications

The formal cover letter - A PDF attached to the job application with a classic 4 paragraph layout - is quickly becoming obsolete. However, it is being replaced by the “introductory email.” A short note explaining to the hiring manager or recruiter why you are the perfect fit. I use the term cover letter interchangeably with introductory email in this article.

A good cover letter is a marketing pitch - it draws the reader in, and encourages them to read more. We’ve compiled all of the best cover letters on the internet and from our own personal network.

Copying these cover letters will not be effective for you. A cover letter/intro email is a personal document that depends on the employer, the target contact, and your own skillset. If you’re a very qualified candidate - a short sentence can suffice. If you’re a young, ambitious recent graduate - you might need more real estate to sell yourself.

We have compiled various industry cover letter examples below that you can use as inspiration.

Cover Letter Example Job Categories:

  • Designer Cover Letter
  • Customer Support Cover Letter
  • Community Management Cover Letter
  • Software Engineer Cover Letter
  • Marketing Cover Letter
  • Business Development & Sales Cover Letter
  • Designer Cover Letter Examples

Design cover letters should focus on the things that matter most when it comes to design. Namely, the designs. However, a good designer needs to communicate well as they will be working with different members of company teams, or external clients. Design cover letters should also of course link to an online portfolio or project that shows their skill. Here are some great examples of design cover letters.

Cover letter for a product designer at Crew

Product designer cover letter

This is a perfect introductory email. It takes the tone of the job post in question, and matches the company vibe. It then outlines Luke's passion for the position, and that he studies his craft extensively. He also includes links to his online portfolio/resume. You can view the full cover letter, and more examples at the blog post by Michael Cho of Crew at the following blog post: Why I didn't look at your resume .

Cover letter for a design director at 37 Signals


This cover letter matches 37 Signals Philosophy nicely. It explains Jamie's beliefs about design, and why he is unique compared to other designers. He also made a sample work project to share with the team. You can view the full cover letter at the following link .

Cover letter for a graphic designer at 37 Signals


This online cover letter has a nice balance of explaining who Jason is, what he know about the company (and why he is passionate about working for them), and his skills. The full letter can be found here .

  • Customer Support Cover Letter Examples

The key to a customer support role is a great personality and communication skills. The cover letter is an opportunity to first express those communication skills to your next employer. Note that these letters vary in tone, from professional to more casual. The applicant must make the judgement call based on what they know about the company.

Cover letter for a customer happiness concierge


Marlee's cover letter gets the tone right - you can tell she is a happy, personable, and effective person. She outlines why her past experience makes her a great fit for the job, and her personal habits that will ensure her success in the role. The full cover letter can be found here .

Cover letter for a Director of Customer Care


This is an expert from a blog post from the CEO at LiveStream, who said it was the best cover letter he has ever received. It is funny, honest, and confident. Note the applicant takes a few risks with the language and tone - but clearly understands his audience. You can read the full cover letter (along with the job description), at this link .

Cover letter for customer support


This cover letter gets to the point, and shows deep understanding of what a customer support role is. As it clearly states, "customers want to communicate with a human" - it is clear there is a human behind this letter. View the full letter here.


Jason clearly shows his writing skills and passion for the job in this cover letter.

  • Community Management Cover Letter Examples

Cover letters for community management positions must understand what a community manager role is. To be a successful community manager, one must be a great communicator, an enthusiastic personality, and a dialed-in social media guru. Here are the best examples of community manager cover letters we found.

Cover letter for a community manager


The tone perfectly matches the company that Joanne is applying for. It outlines her enthusiasm, passion, and how her past experience applies to the job.

  • Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter for a web developer


This cover letter shows that an effective introductory email doesn't have to be long. It efficiently lays out the skills that Thomas has, and piques the company's interest about what he can bring to the table. In a hot market for engineers, this is enough to get the interview. It is also from Mikael's article.

Cover letter for a front-end developer


This cover letter is also for Mikael Cho's company, Crew . It emphasizes links to Dan's portfolio and best work - very important for a web developer.

  • Marketing Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter for a marketing position at google


For creative positions, a creative cover letter is necessary. This cover letter mirrored the marketing materials at Google, and got the interview. View the full article here.

Sales & Business Development Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter for a business development/product specialist.

Rodolphe shows how persistence and hard work can convince an employer to hire you in this cover letter to work at Buffer - a fast growing social media management platform. The full exchange is worth reading on the Buffer Blog .

Cover letter for a sales coordinator


This cover letter for a sales coordinator position is closer to a traditional cover letter than the other examples. It does a fine job of outlining experience and passion for the job. View a full before-and-after analysis of this cover letter on the Ask a Manager Blog.

  • Cover Letter Examples and Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is a good opening sentence for a cover letter?

A good opening sentence for a cover letter is “I was excited to see Company’s position on and really wanted to apply for this role”.

  • What are some examples of selling points in a cover letter?

Some examples of good selling points in a cover letter are:

  • “In 2021 I was able to help my company achieve [something]...”
  • “I was awarded [X] in 2021 due to my exceptional work in [Y]...”
  • “I built [X] team out from scratch to help [company]...”
  • “I am currently in the top 1% in [Y]...”
  • “I have managed large scale projects when it comes to [X]...”
  • What are the 3 parts of a cover letter?

Three main parts of a cover letter are:

  • Cover letter body
  • A formal closing
  • How do you write a perfect cover letter?

To write a perfect cover letter make sure you address the cover letter to the right name, customize the cover letter based on the job ad and show how you are the best candidate for the role.

  • How to write a cover letter in email?

To write a cover letter in email, simply copy the cover letter you created using the examples above and paste it into your email client.

  • Use These Examples To Inform Your Own Cover Letter

Remember, the key to a good cover letter is personalization. You must market to your audience. Do the research, write well - and go get hired!

Land your dream job with VisualCV's resume and cover letter builder. Sign up below to try it for free today.

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Recommended links:

  • Our collection of 500+ professional resume examples .
  • Our gallery of 20+ downloadable resume templates .
  • Sales & Business Development Cover Letter Examples

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

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The top hiring and human resource statistics for 2024, including data on AI resumes, job interviews, remote work, and recruiting.

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Ben Temple

Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

How to beat the applicant tracking system with an ATS-friendly resume

Learn how your resume can beat the applicant tracking system (ATS) with keywords and the right resume template.

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The Ultimate Guide to CV Formatting

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August 12, 2020

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  1. 26+ Recruiter Cover Letter

    sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

  2. 5 Recruiter Cover Letter Samples & Writing Tips in 2024

    sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

  3. Recruiter Cover Letter: Sample and Guide for Recruiting Jobs

    sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

  4. Recruiter Cover Letter: Sample and Guide for Recruiting Jobs

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  5. 9+ Recruiter Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager

  6. Recruiting Manager Cover Letter Example

    sample cover letter to recruiter or hiring manager


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  6. HR experts answer "Does anyone read cover letters?"


  1. Recruiter Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Recruiters may craft job descriptions and offer letters, so expert writing skills can be essential for these professionals. Revise your letter to show employers your ability to choose precise language and write in a direct, business-friendly style. Related: 8 Ways To Improve Your Writing Skills Skills to include in a recruiter cover letter

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter to a Hiring Manager (With Templates)

    1. Choose the right salutation. We are well past the days when "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam" were considered gold standard business salutations. Unless you're hoping to look like a nonagenarian on paper, plan to address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager or recruiter involved with the search.

  3. Recruiter Cover Letter Sample

    August 31, 2021. [Hiring Manager's Name] 74 Company Address. Boston, MA 02109. (xxx) xxx-xxxx. [email protected]. Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Hiring Manager's Name], As a senior recruiter with over 8 years of creative, technical, and corporate recruiting experience both in-house and agency-side, I'm confident that I'll be an excellent ...

  4. Recruiter Cover Letter Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

    3 Highlight your skills: Showcase your most relevant skills for the role, such as Hiring, Communication, and HR, as well as proficiency with specific recruiting tools, software, and technologies. 4 Tailor your cover letter for the job description: Emphasize your experience to meet the job requirements listed in the description.

  5. 14 Recruiter Cover Letter Examples: Plus Recruiter Insights (Updated

    Recruiter Cover Letter Example. Dear Hiring Manager, As a long-time admirer of Google's innovative approach to technology and company culture, I was thrilled to come across the Recruiter position on your careers page. Having experienced the impact of Google's products in both my personal and professional life, I am incredibly eager to ...

  6. 9+ Recruiter Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    Therefore, your cover letter should be customized to match the job description. Highlight the skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the specific job. Lengthy Cover Letters Recruiters often make the mistake of writing lengthy cover letters. Remember, hiring managers are busy and likely have a lot of applications to go through.

  7. Recruiter Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

    A great recruiter cover letter usually has five sections, outlined below. When possible, connect each section back to your defining human resources (HR) skills and the employer's hiring needs. The following advice and examples show what to include in your cover letter so it's optimized for each job application. 1. Heading.

  8. Recruiter Cover Letter: Sample and Guide for Recruiting Jobs

    Here's how to write a cover letter for a recruiter job application: 1. Use crisp recruiter cover letter formatting and layout. Cover letter outline: three paragraphs. Cover letter layout: margins—1 inch on each edge, cover letter line spacing —1.15.

  9. Writing a Cover Letter to a Hiring Manager (With Template)

    If the job description tells you to submit a cover letter in an e-mail, you can add your contact details at the end, after your name. 4. Address the hiring manager. After listing your contact information, it's time to address the cover letter to the hiring manager using their name if possible.

  10. Recruiter Cover Letter Sample & Full Writing Guide

    Put them in the same order—your full name, followed by your job title and contact details. Under that, write the cover letter exclusive information. The name of the hiring manager, their position, plus name and company address. Follow this template for the best results: Cover Letter for a Recruiter Header Template.

  11. 5 Recruiter Cover Letter Samples & Writing Tips in 2024

    How to write your recruiter cover letter. Body: Your cover letter's body should include 3-4 paragraphs that show your interest in the recruiter position, your credentials that make you the ideal hire, and your excitement for future contact. Formatting : Keep text single-spaced within body text but double-spaced between paragraphs.

  12. 2024 Recruiter Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools & Guidance)

    Best Cover Letter Greetings: The greeting of your cover letter should be professional and respectful, setting the tone for the rest of your letter. If you know the name of the hiring manager, use it; if not, address the company or department as a whole. 1\. "Dear Hiring Team," 2\.

  13. How to Write a Cover Letter to a Recruiter

    In a cover letter to a recruiter, be sure to include the following five pieces of information: All contact information, including your phone number, address, and email. Why you're in the market for a new job and what you are looking for. Job titles and industries that interest you. Your salary expectations.

  14. 15 Professional Recruiter Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    Elevate your application by sharing specific examples of recruitment successes using a 'challenge-action-result' format to underline how your strategies led to hiring qualified professionals efficiently. Rate my article: 15 Professional Recruiter Cover Letter Examples for 2024. Average: 4.80 / 5.00.

  15. Recruiting Manager Cover Letter Example

    555-555-5555. [email protected]. MMB Group, Inc. Helsinki, Finland. 14/11/2019. Application for the position of Recruiting Manager. Dear Hiring Managers, I am writing to express my interest in the Recruiting Manager position at MMB Group, Inc. as advertised on I am confident that my experience and skills make me a strong ...

  16. Hiring Manager Cover Letter Examples & Samples for 2024

    Free Hiring Manager cover letter example. Dear Ms. Griswolde: With this letter and the attached resume, I would like to express my sincere interest in the Hiring Manager position you have available. As an accomplished senior-level professional with extensive experience and finely honed abilities in talent acquisition and candidate management, I ...

  17. Sample Cover Letter and Resume for a Recruiting Manager

    When you're applying for a job as a recruiter, it's especially important to show that you understand the hiring process. This means creating a resume and cover letter that showcase your previous recruiting experience and the successes you've had helping companies grow their applicant pool and staff. It also needs to include any data you have to support your claims and demonstrate how your ...

  18. How to Address and End a Cover Letter: 25 Examples & Tips

    1) Don't Address Your Cover Letter to the Recruiter. For many job openings, the first person you need to impress is a corporate recruiter. That doesn't mean you should address your cover letter to them. "Recruiters do not read cover letters," a long-time healthcare recruiter told Jobscan. "Bottom line."

  19. How to Address a Cover Letter to Recruiter or Hiring Manager

    Whoever it is, use their full name (first and last name) in the greeting. If you cannot definitively tell the gender of the hiring person, do not use a gender-based title such as "Mr." or "Ms." in the greeting. Instead just use the person's full name. For example, Alex Johnson could be male or female. To avoid a gender mistake, use Dear ...

  20. FAQ: Should You Use "Dear Hiring Manager" on a Cover Letter?

    Dear Recruiter or Recruiting Manager: Addressing your cover letter to a recruiter is appropriate if you know a recruiter is handling the hiring process. However, if you know their name, it may be more appropriate to use that instead. Dear HR Manager: Sometimes, you may address a cover letter to the HR manager if you know they're in charge of ...

  21. Cover Letter Examples That Can Actually Help You Land That Dream Job

    A professional cover letter is a document you submit to a hiring manager or recruiter with your application. It's a persuasive letter that dives deeper into your skills and experience. But an effective cover letter should do more than just copy and paste the content of your resume. It describes how you'll use those skills on the job.

  22. Professional HR Recruiter Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    Structuring and formatting your hr recruiter cover letter. Here's what the structure of your hr recruiter cover letter should include: Header (with your name, the position you're applying for, and the date); Salutation (or greeting); Introductory paragraph (or your opening statement);

  23. 240+ Cover Letter Examples for Every Industry

    Use our 240+ cover letter examples to craft applications that catch the eye of recruiters. close. ... a cover letter that demands attention. Our cover letter samples will help you write a letter that impresses hiring managers and land an interview. Assisted Living Manager. ... Customizing these cover letter samples is as easy as inputting your ...

  24. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    Writing a cover letter for a job in your current industry is pretty straightforward. But writing a career change cover letter requires a slightly different approach. The sample cover letter below includes the three elements you need to persuade a hiring manager you're ready to transfer industries: One reason (or more) for the career change

  25. Free Cover Letter Template for Your Resume (Copy & Paste)

    Your Name Street Address City and Zip Code Your Phone Number. Today's Date. Addressee's/Hiring Manager's Name Job Title Organization/Company Name Street Address City and Zip Code. Dear Name, Opening paragraph: State who you are, say where you found the job listing, and explain why you're interested in the position. Body paragraphs: Give an overview of your previous job experience ...

  26. How To Write A Cover Letter For A Job In 2023 (With Examples)

    A good cover letter not only expands on your resume's accomplishments but also highlights the soft skills that make you an excellent person to work alongside. While there are no official formatting guidelines for cover letters, hiring managers and recruiters do have certain expectations regarding structure, length, and content.

  27. Best Cover Letter Templates for 2024 (+ Free)

    Don't ignore your cover letter. About 20-50% recruiters expect you to write one even if they don't read it. Writing a cover letter from scratch feels like a chore, but it doesn't have to. You can create a cover letter for a job of your dreams in minutes. Employers will recognize you for who you are: the ideal candidate.

  28. Manager Cover Letter Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

    Here's how it works: 1 Head to ChatGPT (you'll need to create an account - it's free) 2 Ask ChatGPT, "Please write me a cover letter for an Manager role. The role I'm applying for is [Job Title] role at [Company]. Here is the job description: [Paste Job Description]. And here is my resume: [Paste Resume].

  29. 300+ Free Cover Letters Examples by Job [Full Guides]

    300+ Best Cover Letter Examples 2024 Free job-winning Cover Letter Samples + Expert Guides Write Professional Cover Letters in only 5 Minutes! ... Recruiter. Human Resources. HR Manager ... The introduction consists of the opening lines of your cover letter that serve to grab the hiring manager's attention and encourage them to read the rest ...

  30. 50+ Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers in 2023

    The Shift Toward Email Cover Letters for Job Applications. The formal cover letter - A PDF attached to the job application with a classic 4 paragraph layout - is quickly becoming obsolete. However, it is being replaced by the "introductory email." A short note explaining to the hiring manager or recruiter why you are the perfect fit.