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Grammar: When to Use Do, Does, and Did

Grammar: When to Use Do, Does, and Did

3-minute read

  • 12th August 2022

Verbs are essential to creating complete sentences, as they help us express physical actions ( She jumped in the puddle) , mental actions ( He thought about puppies) , and states of being ( I am hungry) .

There are several types of verbs that can each be written in different tenses, so they can be tricky to work with, especially if English isn’t your first language . We’ve put together a guide to help you use one of the most common verbs, do , in your writing . Read on below to learn more!

Action Verbs

As the name suggests, action verbs are used to express actions completed by the subject of a sentence. The base verb do is conjugated according to the tense:

1. Present Tense

In the present tense, do takes the form do or does, depending on the subject:


Consider the following examples:

We do our homework every night.

   She does her homework every night.

2. Past Tense

In the simple past tense , the base verb do takes the form did with all subjects:


   We did our homework last night.

   She did her homework last night.

Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary , or helping verbs, are used with another base verb to create negative sentences, questions, or add emphasis. Here’s how do should be used as an auxiliary verb:

1. Negative Sentences

Following the same subject–verb pairings introduced above, we combine the auxiliaries do , does , and did with the adverb not to create negative sentences:

   We do not do our homework every night.

   She did not do her homework last night.

Note that we can combine the auxiliary and the adverb to create the contractions don’t , doesn’t , and didn’t . You simply remove the space between the two words and replace the letter o in not with an apostrophe (’).

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Contractions are more common in conversations and informal writing and typically shouldn’t be used in formal writing (e.g., academic or business).

2. Questions

To create questions, the auxiliary is combined with the infinitive of another verb in this way: auxiliary verb + subject + infinitive verb .

●  Simple present questions:

Do they sell children’s books?

Does he speak English?

Note that the third person verb speaks isn’t spelled with the s when paired with the auxiliary to form a question.

●  Simple past questions:

Did you buy anything at the bookstore?

Did he learn how to speak English?

Note that did indicates the past tense, so the main verbs don’t also take the past tense (i.e., bought and learned ).

3. Emphasis

In positive sentences, we can also combine the auxiliaries do , does , and did with the main verb to emphasize that something is true:

   We do sell children’s books.

   He did learn to speak English.

Try saying these sentences aloud and adding emphasis to the auxiliary terms with your tone. It adds a dramatic effect!

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Hopefully, this guide will help you feel more confident when using different forms of the verb do in your writing. If you’re still learning or want to be sure your work is error-free, our editors are ready to help. You can upload a free trial document today to learn more!

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do in English – auxiliary and main verb

Is do an auxiliary or a main verb.

The verb do can be an auxiliary verb or a main verb in English.

1. do as a main verb

1.1. do as a main verb in simple present (do, does, don't, doesn't).

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I I do my homework. I do not do my homework.* Do I do my homework?*
you You do your homework. You do not do your homework.* Do you do your homework?*
he, she, it He does his homework. He does not do his homework.* Does he do his homework?*
we, you, they They do their homework. They do not do their homework.* Do they do their homework?*

1.2. do as a main verb in Simple Past (did, didn't)

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I, he, she, it, we, you, they She did her homework. She did not do her homework.** Did she do her homework?**

1.3. do as a main verb – past participle (done)

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I, you, we, you, they We have done the shopping. We have not done the shopping. Have we done the shopping?
he, she, it He has done the shopping. He has not done the shopping. Has he done the shopping?

1.4. do as a main verb (Present Progressive, Gerund, present participle) – (doing)

affirmative negative
I am doing my homework. I am not doing my homework.
Doing my homework is not always fun. Not doing my homework is not clever.
I saw Jane doing her homework. I didn't see Jane doing her homework.

2. do as an auxiliary

2.1. do as an auxiliary in negations in the simple present.

I do n't do my homework in the evenings.*

2.2. do as an auxiliary in negations in the Simple Past

I did n't do my homework yesterday evening.**

2.3. do as an auxiliary in quesions in the Simple Present

Do you like rugby? – Does he like rugby?

2.4. do as an auxiliary in quesions in the Simple Past

Did you see Peggy yesterday? When did you get up this morning?

2.5. do with the negative imparative

Do n't sing under the shower.

* Here we use do in the negative sentence as an auxiliary and do as a main verb .

** Here we use did in the negative sentence as an auxiliary and do as a main verb .

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English Grammar Quiz for ESL learners

Continuous Tenses and Meaning Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Continuous Tenses and Meaning page.

1. I told my teacher that I _________ what she said.

2. I ________ the number 12 bus just down the road.

3. At the moment Maria ________ her homework, as she does every day.

4. The baby ________ 21 inches long.

5. Please be quiet. I ________ to the radio.

6. Everything on the menu ________ delicious.

7. Why ________ so selfish about this?

8. Was he on time or was he ________ ?

9. He told the police he'd only had a small drink and was ________ not to drive too fast.

10. Is she always ________ with children and animals?

Your score is:

Correct answers:

Exercise on Simple Present - Present Progressive

Complete the story. Use Simple Present and Present Progressive.

  • It (be) early in the morning.
  • Sally (get) out of bed, (open) the window and (go) into the bathroom.
  • Then she (have) breakfast.
  • After breakfast, Sally usually (cycle) to school.
  • After school, she (go) back home.
  • Sally usually (eat) her lunch at home.
  • In the afternoons, she first (do) her homework and then she (meet) her friends in the park.
  • What (do / she) now?
  • She (play) the guitar.
  • Her friends (listen) and some of them (sing) along.
  • When Sally (come) home in the evening, she (have) dinner and then she (watch) TV.
  • She (go) to bed at about 8 o'clock every day.

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After she had completed her home work, she went to bed

After she had completed her home work, she went to bed.

Is the sentence correct or not? Is it had completed or have completed ?

  • past-vs-past-perfect

Eddie Kal's user avatar

  • What do think should be the correct choice? –  AIQ Commented Oct 23, 2019 at 1:40
After she had completed her home work, she went to bed After she has /have completed her home work she went to bed

The firstsentence is correct.There are two past actions here.The first one may be in the past perfect and the second one may be in the simple past.

.The second sentence is wrong if you use have or even has. You can not use present perfect since it may refer to a completed activity in the present moment.

You may say:

She went to bed after she completed her home work.

The conjunction after indicates that she completed her home work first and later she went to bed.

Jvlnarasimharao's user avatar

  • 1 OP provides no evidence of any research they did to solve their query. There are plenty of questions in ELL that discuss the use of tenses - had OP looked into those their problem would be resolved. Or, OP could have mentioned which ones they looked at and why those questions did not help them. OP's question looks like a homework question - which we should not answer unless their is a major concern or a real problem. The point is to empower non-natives to learn and educate themselves on simple problems. We should do that by asking them questions to make them think. –  AIQ Commented Oct 23, 2019 at 3:47
  • 1 You giving away the right answer does more harm than good to OP. They have gotten the correct answer, but they have not truly learnt why that is the correct answer. They will not put in the effort now. That is why I made a comment as to which they thought is correct - this will make them think. This will make them put in just a bit more effort into first trying to find their own answers. –  AIQ Commented Oct 23, 2019 at 3:48

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she does her homework now

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She is ______ her homework now. did doing do does done

En base a la frase del enunciado , y tomando en cuenta los conocimientos sobre la temática en el idioma Inglés , se completa la oración de la siguiente forma:

  • She is doing her homework now

Por tanto, la opción correcta es "doing", pues se trata de una acción que la persona se encuentra desarrollando en ese mismo momento actual .

Idioma Inglés

El idioma de Inglés es una lengua que surgió en el territorio del Reino Anglosajón de Inglaterra , cuyo origen es germánico occidental y perteneciente a la familia de lenguas indoeuropeas.

Este idioma , a pesar del territorio donde surgió , se extendió hacia el Norte , en el sudeste de Escocia .

Actualmente, el idioma inglés , se ha convertido en el más importante e influyente en el mundo, considerandose así como el idioma universal , siendo este el idioma empleado para que las personas de todo el mundo puedan comunicarse y entenderse aunque su idioma natal sea diferente, por tanto, se exige en todo el mundo que las personas aprendan el idioma Inglés.

Para aprender más sobre Inglés consulte el siguiente enlace: brainly.lat/tarea/319184

she does her homework now


Nuevas preguntas de Inglés

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word. She ________ her homework at night. do does is doing doing

The correct option is b does a verb is used to express an occurrence, action, or state. it is the grammatical center of the predicate in a sentence. an auxiliary verb is a verb which is used in the formation of tenses, moods, tones, etc. option b is correct the sentence indicates the use of simple present tense. also, the subject is singular and does is used as a main and an ordinary verb here. the other options are wrong as no other tense can be used here. the correct answer is b) does.

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Which one is correct? "she does homework" or "she do homework"?

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  • she does homework

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

  • She does homework every evening.
  • She does her homework diligently.
  • Does she do her homework on time?
  • Who does homework regularly?
  • Why does she do her homework late?


  • she is doing homework
  • she will do homework
  • she did homework
  • she has done homework
  • she will be doing homework

she do homework

This phrase is incorrect. In English, the third person singular form of the verb 'do' requires the addition of 'does'.

Last Updated: March 30, 2024

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Where Is Sherri Papini Now? The Latest Updates on Her Life After Kidnapping Hoax

Keith and Sherri Papini photo from 'Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini' trailer

Sherri Papini’s web of lies is exposed in the new Hulu documentary series Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini . In 2016, Sherri claimed she was abducted by two Hispanic women while out jogging near her home in Redding, California. Her disappearance caused a media frenzy and prompted a massive search to find the married mother-of-two.

Twenty-two days later, Sherri resurfaced and alleged she had been beaten and branded by her captors. Eventually, Sherri’s lies caught up with her. She faked her own kidnapping and had been staying at her former boyfriend’s house more than 600 miles away.

While Sherri’s former husband, Keith Papini, speaks out in the documentary series, Sherri is remaining silent. So, where is Sherri today? Scroll down to get updates about Sherri’s life after faking her own kidnapping, how Keith is doing now, and more.

Where is Sherri Papini now?

Sherri was sentenced to 18 months in prison in September 2022 for committing mail fraud and lying to a federal officer about being kidnapped. She was ordered to pay more than $300,000 in restitution for losses incurred by the California Victim Compensation Board, the Social Security Administration, the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She was released from prison in August 2023 and moved into a halfway house.

She currently lives in Redding, California, near Keith and their children, Tyler and Violet. In an interview with TV Insider , Keith explained his custody situation with Sherri. “They speak to her every week, and they see her in a professionally supervised visitation once a month,” he explained.

Sherri is now dating Shawn Hibdon. Pictures of Sherri and Hibdon together on June 10 in Orland, California, were obtained by Daily Mail . They reportedly started dating before her stint in prison.

According to documents obtained by PEOPLE , during a supervised visitation with her kids in January 2024, Sherri told her children about her current plans: “She’s writing two books. I work lots of hours to write chapter books. So, when I tell you I’m working remotely, that means I’m at home writing chapters on my laptop.” Sherri also claimed to be “making a business that will be a foundation to help people.”

Where is Keith Papini now?

Keith has sole custody of his two kids with Sherri. He told TV Insider that Tyler and Violet are “thriving” these days. “They’re thriving in school,” he said. “The school is such an amazing place for them and a safe haven. They’re both into sports and have a very big social network there, and lots of friends and birthday parties. They’re doing wonderful, outstanding.”

Keith Papini in 'Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini'

In the wake of his wife’s kidnapping hoax and subsequent divorce, Keith admitted that he hasn’t started dating again. “As far as relationships, I haven’t really gone into that yet. I haven’t really put myself out there,” he revealed to TV Insider.

Did Sherri and Keith Papini divorce?

Yes, Sherri and Keith divorced after her kidnapping hoax was exposed. He filed for divorce on April 20, 2022, two days after Sherri pleaded guilty to mail fraud and lying to a federal officer. Their divorce was finalized in May 2023.

Where is James Reyes now?

During her 22-day disappearance, Sherri was actually staying at the home of her former boyfriend, James Reyes, in Costa Mesa, California. Reyes was not charged with any crime connected to Sherri’s kidnapping hoax. As of 2022, Reyes is living in Arizona with his grandfather, Daily Mail reported.

Keith Papini Reveals Where He Stands With Sherri Papini Today After Her Kidnapping Hoax

Keith Papini Reveals Where He Stands With Sherri Papini Today After Her Kidnapping Hoax

Why didn’t sherri participate in the documentary.

Sherri does not appear in the Hulu documentary series. At the end of the third and final episode, the filmmakers noted that they reached out to Sherri several times, but she did not respond.

Keith believes it’s inevitable that Sherri will speak out in the future. “I do believe at some point she will come out and say something,” Keith told TV Insider. “Do I think it’ll be truth? I absolutely do not think it will be the truth. I think it will be another version that she believes sounds the best in her eyes.”

Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini , Streaming Now, Hulu

Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini

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Where Is Sherri Papini Now? What to Know About Her Life After 2016 Kidnapping Hoax

The Hulu docuseries 'The Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini' examines the notorious hoax and how it unraveled

Jessica Sager is a contributing writer at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since 2023. Her work has previously appeared in Parade, The New York Post, Seventeen, PopCrush and more.

Rich Pedroncelli, File/AP

Sherri Papini was dubbed "the new Gone Girl " when she made headlines in 2016.

Sherri went missing in November 2016, after which her husband, Keith Papini, and volunteers from all over their Redding, Calif., community and surrounding areas desperately searched for her . She resurfaced three weeks later and claimed she was abducted at gunpoint by two Hispanic women, held hostage and beaten until one of them let her go .

Despite hundreds of tips and potential leads, investigators didn't make a crack in the case until they found a DNA match more than four years after her disappearance — and her story unraveled quickly: Sherri faked her own kidnapping, shocking not just authorities and the public , but also her own husband and family members .

The case inspired its own Lifetime original movie, Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini , with Jaime King in the starring role, and is the subject of the 2024 Hulu true crime docuseries, The Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini , premiering June 20.

Here's everything to know about Sherri Papini's kidnapping hoax and where she is today.

Who is Sherri Papini?

Sherri first made headlines in November 2016 when she went missing after going for a jog.

On Nov. 2, 2016, Sherri's husband of nearly a decade, Keith, left for work around 6:50 a.m. and kissed her goodbye. When he arrived back at the Redding home they shared that evening, neither Sherri nor their then-4-year-old son Tyler and then-2-year-old daughter Violet were there. Keith used his "Find My Phone" feature and traced Sherri's phone to their mailbox, about a mile from their property, so he initially thought she may have taken the kids for a walk to get their mail.

Keith checked with his mother, who hadn't spoken to Sherri, and called the kids' daycare to see if Sherri had picked them up for the day, but the children were still there. It was then, Keith told ABC News' 20/20 in 2016, that he knew something was wrong. He drove to the mailbox and found Sherri's phone and her headphones off the road in its vicinity.

Keith then dialed 911 to open a missing persons case, and over the course of several days, more than 100 volunteers helped search for his wife, while their family and friends rallied to help Keith care for their kids. They launched a GoFundMe account, raising close to $50,000 in donations, per ABC News.

Keith eventually grew frustrated with the lack of progress and sought help from Cameron Gamble, a hostage negotiator, who worked with an anonymous donor to offer a $50,000 ransom for Sherri's return. When she didn't turn up, the donor rescinded the ransom offer and instead offered a higher sum for anyone with information on Sherri's disappearance. The ransom and reward, plus the website launched to promote them, made national headlines.

On Thanksgiving morning — 22 days after her disappearance — a motorist spotted Sherri walking along the side of the road in Yolo County, Calif., about 150 miles from Redding, and alerted authorities.

Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko told PEOPLE at the time, "She was able to walk to a nearby church but nobody was there at 4:30 in the morning, and then she walked back and was able to flag down a motorist near Interstate 5 and Yolo County Road 17."

Sheriff Bosenko added that Sherri had been beaten and was hospitalized for her injuries. Keith's first reunion with Sherri was in the hospital. He said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE, "My first sight was my wife in a hospital bed . Her face covered in bruises ranging from yellow to black because of her repeated beatings. The bridge of her nose broken. She has been branded and I could feel the rise of her scabs under my fingers." Keith, who passed a polygraph test in the case, said that Sherri only weighed 87 pounds when she was found and that her long blond hair had been cut short.

Sherri told police that she was abducted at gunpoint by two Hispanic women in a dark SUV and that the women tortured her and branded her skin. Sherri alleged that the women held her hostage and chained in a bedroom for weeks until one of the women released her with a chain around her waist, a zip tie on her wrist and hose clamps around her ankles.

Bosenko said that investigators didn't get much information from Sherri at first, but that it wasn't necessarily unusual for the situation.

"We don't have any reason not to believe her. She was abducted, held captive for three weeks and then released," he explained. "Traumatized from the experience and then of course very emotional about being released and then being reunited with her husband ... Sometimes people who have been in a traumatic event, their mind shields them from some of the trauma so they do have limited recollection, and also if you try to push to get some of those details people can shut down and not want to re-experience or try to recall some of those bad memories."

No motive was given for the abduction, and despite receiving more than 600 tips, offering a $10,000 reward for information and releasing sketches of the alleged kidnappers , police were still unable to solve the case after a year . Three years later, authorities still hadn't progressed in their search for suspects .

What happened to Sherri Papini?

Adrew Seng/The Sacramento Bee/AP/File

What really happened to Sherri is starkly different from what she first alleged.

In October 2017, nearly a year after Sherri's disappearance, authorities revealed that both male and female DNA was found on Sherri's clothing after her escape, but that neither matched anyone in their databases nor did it match her husband Keith. At the time, investigators said the DNA may have been from acquaintances of Sherri's captors who owned the clothing.

Police also told PEOPLE that Sherri had been in an online and texting relationship with a man from Michigan for several months leading up to her alleged abduction and that the man was an acquaintance from her past. The Michigan man visited California at the time of her alleged abduction, authorities noted, but hadn't been to Redding and wasn't believed to be involved with the kidnapping.

Investigators also noted that there was at least one inconsistency between Sherri's recounting of the events and the evidence presented: She said she'd cut her foot in an altercation with one of her captors, but she had no injury matching the description when she was hospitalized. At the time, authorities claimed that they had no reason to believe Sherri was lying, attributing her "foggy" memory to trauma.

Police had a breakthrough in the case in March 2020, when they matched the DNA on Sherri to a relative of one of her ex-boyfriends. That June, they compared it with DNA from a bottle of green tea found outside of her ex's apartment. It was a match.

In August 2020, police questioned Sherri's ex-boyfriend, James Reyes. Reyes told authorities that Sherri was hiding out with him in Costa Mesa, Calif., from Keith, who she had alleged was sexually and physically abusive (which Keith later denied in an interview with Good Morning America ). Reyes told authorities that he and Sherri had been communicating with prepaid cell phones, SFGate reported , and that Sherri harmed herself to create her own injuries. ( According to The Sacramento Bee , Sherri's mother filed a police report in 2003 accusing Sherri of doing the same and blaming her for it in 2003; her parents reportedly had also accused her of burglary and making unauthorized withdrawals from their checking accounts.) Reyes also said she was deliberately trying to lose weight while they were together and that he helped her create some of her injuries, though he never directly laid a hand on her in a harmful way. She left for home on Thanksgiving morning, he said, because the "super mom" missed her kids.

On March 3, 2022, more than five years after her alleged abduction, police arrested Sherri at her children's piano lesson for faking her kidnapping . She was charged with making false statements to a federal law enforcement officer and engaging in mail fraud, the latter stemming from the $30,000 she received from the California Victim's Compensation Board.

What was Sherri Papini's sentence?

Rich Pedroncelli/AP

In April 2022, weeks after her arrest, Sherri pleaded guilty to one count each of lying to a federal officer and mail fraud. She said in a statement through her attorney that she was "deeply ashamed" of what she did, adding, "[I am] so sorry for the pain I've caused my family, my friends, all the good people who needlessly suffered because of my story and those who worked so hard to try to help me. I will work the rest of my life to make amends for what I have done."

Sherri's hoax cost the California Victim's Compensation Board more than $30,000 for her ambulance ride and therapy visits after her false abduction. The fake kidnapping also cost the United States Social Security Administration more than $127,000, the Shasta County Sheriff's Office $148,866 and the FBI $2,558.

In September 2022, Sherri was sentenced to 18 months in prison for the hoax and ordered to pay back more than $300,000 in restitution for government funds expended on her after her self-inflicted disappearance. It was 10 months more than what even the prosecution recommended.

U.S. District Judge William B. Shubb called Sherri a "manipulator" during her sentencing hearing. "People don't like to be conned," Shubb said, "and I don't believe those people who were deceived would believe that one month or eight months is sufficient."

Shubb added that his goal was to deter other would-be hoaxers from doing the same thing expecting leniency.

"'If I get away with it, I'll get $49,000. If I don't get away with it, I'll spend one month or eight months,' " Shubb noted. "We have to send a message that crime doesn't pay."

Sherri began her sentence on Nov. 8, 2022.

What happened to Sherri Papini's husband Keith and their children?

After Sherri's arrest, Keith told police he was " blindsided " and "in shock" at the fact that she faked her own disappearance. In April 2022, Keith filed for divorce from Sherri, requesting full custody of his and Sherri's son and daughter because of the trauma she'd inflicted on the family .

"I wish to make it clear that my goal is to provide a loving, safe, stable environment for [his and Sherri's children] and I believe the requested orders are consistent with that goal and the best interests of the children," Keith told PEOPLE in a statement. "I do not want to say anything in the pleadings connected to this matter that would inflame the situation or attract media attention."

Keith was awarded full custody, though Sherri now has visitation rights.

"They're very happy kids," Keith told PEOPLE of Tyler and Violet in 2024, who are now 11 and 9. "A lot of their childhood years were, in my opinion, stolen from them. So my biggest goal is giving them a happy and healthy life and surrounding them with loving people."

Where is Sherri Papini now?

Sherri was released from prison in August 2023 and transferred to a residential reentry facility in Sacramento County, Calif. She left the home that October — eight months early — and remains on supervised release until late 2026.

In March 2024, the U.S. Attorney's office filed a writ of garnishment against Sherri, claiming that she still owed more than $300,000 in restitution from the case: $309,292.93, plus a 10% litigation surcharge ($30,929), bringing her grand total to $340,221.23.

"Upon information and belief, Debtor [Papini] has a substantial nonexempt interest in property, that is in the possession, custody, or control of Garnishee [law firm]," the writ reads in part.

While Sherri hasn't paid the sum yet, her lawyer said she intends to do so when she can, according to her criminal defense attorney.

"Sherri Papini appreciates the significance of her financial obligations to the Court and to the Government and will continue to meet said obligations as she has promised," her lawyer William Portanova told PEOPLE in a statement. “Nothing has changed."

Prosecutors also filed a writ of garnishment against the law firm representing Sherri in her divorce from Keith. As of November 2023, they were reportedly still fighting in court over dividing their assets in their divorce.

Keith told PEOPLE in 2024 that he and Sherri have not spoken outside of court or mediation. "I don't make contact with her at all. And I don't even allow it," he said. "She's tried but I just can't. That is her power, her voice, and her manipulation."

In addition to scheduled visitation with the children, Keith also told PEOPLE that Tyler and Violet speak with Sherri over the phone.

Sherri lives in northern California, and notes from a visitation supervisor obtained by The Record Searchlight indicate that she is writing a book. Keith also told Good Morning America in June 2024 that Sherri has a new boyfriend, though his identity hasn't been revealed.

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Robert Morris warned sex abuse accuser she could be prosecuted for seeking compensation, emails show

Two decades before pastor Robert Morris publicly confessed last week to engaging in “sexual behavior” with a child and resigned from Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, his accuser had confronted him and sought compensation, according to copies of emails obtained by NBC News.

“Twenty-three years after you began destroying my life, I am still dealing with the pain and damage you caused,” Cindy Clemishire, 35 at the time, wrote to Morris on Sept. 20, 2005, according to partially redacted emails provided to NBC News by her attorney.

“I want some type of restitution. Pray about it and call me.”

Morris responded two weeks later.

“Debbie and I really do care for you and we sincerely want God’s best for you,” he wrote, referring to his wife, Debbie Morris, according to the emails. Robert Morris wrote that he’d long ago confessed his sins to Clemishire’s father and believed that he’d “obtained your forgiveness as well as your family’s.” 

Morris ended his reply with a legal warning.

“My attorney advises that if I pay you any money under a threat of exposure, you could be criminally prosecuted and Debbie and I do not want that,” he wrote. “If you need more information, have your attorney contact mine.”

Morris’ email was the final exchange in a series of messages that year between Clemishire, Morris and a former Gateway elder, Clemishire said. The emails, spanning from April to October 2005, appear to reveal Clemishire’s attempts to get Morris — who later rose to become a leading evangelical figure who served on former President Donald Trump’s spiritual advisory panel — to compensate her for the trauma she says he inflicted on her as a child.

“Men that have over 100 counts of child molestation go to prison,” Clemishire wrote to Morris in one of the messages. “Men who pastor churches that have over 100 counts of child molestation go to prison and pay punitive damages. You have not had to do either.”

Cindy, the accuser, at age 12, with her older sister.

At the urging of a retired pastor, Clemishire went public with her allegations against Morris last week in a post published by The Wartburg Watch , a website focused on exposing abuse in churches. In the post and in a subsequent interview with NBC News , Clemishire accused Morris of molesting her for years beginning at her home in Oklahoma on Christmas night in 1982, when she was 12. 

Morris hasn’t been charged with a crime. He didn’t respond to a request for comment. 

Last weekend, Morris and Gateway’s elders initially responded to Clemishire’s allegations by acknowledging in statements that Morris had several sexual encounters with a “young lady” when he was in his 20s and saying he had been transparent about his sin and had repented. On Tuesday, following days of backlash from church members and elected officials, Gateway’s board of elders announced it had accepted Morris’ resignation . 

“The elders’ prior understanding was that Morris’s extramarital relationship, which he had discussed many times throughout his ministry, was with ‘a young lady’ and not abuse of a 12-year-old child,” the church leaders said in their statement.

Clemishire and her lawyer, Boz Tchividjian, contend that Gateway elders should have long ago investigated Morris’ account of a consensual relationship. 

Gateway officials did not immediately respond to a message requesting comment. The board of elders announced this week it had hired a law firm to investigate the matter.

Robert Morris, center, founding pastor of the megachurch Gateway, during a service at the church in Fort Worth, Texas.

The 2005 emails reveal that at least one Gateway Church elder, Tom Lane, was aware that Clemishire had been in touch with Morris and seeking compensation. The emails do not indicate, however, whether Lane, who has since left the church, was aware that Clemishire was accusing Morris of child sexual abuse. The initial email Clemishire sent is missing from the chain shared with NBC News; Clemishire’s lawyer said she could not locate it. 

In a statement to NBC News on Friday, Lane said that, until Clemishire went public with her story last week, he “did not fully understand the severity and specifics of the sexual abuse she experienced, nor did I know she was 12 years old when the abuse began.”

Lane’s spokesperson, Richard Harmer, said in an email that Lane was under the impression that Clemishire was under 18, but old enough to consent to a sexual relationship with Morris, who would have been in his early 20s. (The age of consent in Oklahoma, where the abuse is alleged to have occurred, is 16.)

“I am deeply saddened by the pain Cindy Clemishire has endured and the recent revelations regarding Pastor Robert Morris,” Lane said in his statement. “My deepest sympathies go out to Cindy, and I pray her suffering is fully recognized and validated.”

In April 2005, Lane wrote to Clemishire on behalf of Morris, after Clemishire initially reached out in the email that NBC News has not seen. Lane asked to speak with her, and Clemishire replied that she wanted to address the matter with Morris directly. 

Lane then wrote that he and the other Gateway elders wanted Clemishire to “find help and healing.” 

Lane told Clemishire that Morris had been “completely open with the Elders of Gateway Church about his past and specifically about his indiscretion with you.” He said Morris and his wife had treated Clemishire with “caring concern but their responses apparently have not brought the healing you seek.”

“The ‘Blessed Life’ that Robert writes about in his book and you refer to in your email, is not one of perfection but one of submission and obedience to God, something that he has made diligent effort to walk in, both in failure and success, for more than twenty years,” Lane wrote to Clemishire. “Robert and Debbie have done what they can to help you heal. Our church believes in healing, forgiveness, and restoration of all individuals. We would like to help you find that healing for your life.”

The emails shared by Clemishire’s lawyer do not include a response from her to Lane’s message. 

In a statement, Tchividjian, Clemishire’s lawyer, questioned why Lane and other Gateway elders didn’t investigate Morris’ claims.

“It seems as if it was preferable for them to simply accept his vague narrative instead of seeking the truth regarding a sexual offense perpetrated upon a minor,” Tchividjian said. “The leaders at Gateway had the responsibility to find out what happened and not to blindly accept his words.”

Five months after Lane’s message, on Sept. 9, 2005, Clemishire wrote again directly to Morris.

“I am giving you one last chance to call me,” she wrote. “You really have no idea how devastating it will be if you don’t. I don’t want Tom or anyone els to contact me. This is your issue not his.”

A week later, Morris wrote to say he was praying about how to respond, and he followed up several days after that to ask what Clemishire wanted.

Clemishire wrote back less than two hours later: “I have suffered almost my entire life from the emotional damage you inflicted on me. If you want to know what I want, call me.”

Morris never called, Clemishire said, although she said she did speak briefly with his attorney to discuss setting up a meeting with Morris but never followed up.

In his final reply included in the messages shared by Clemishire, Morris told her she was wrong to believe that he’d benefited from keeping secret what happened between them.

“You see the blessings God has poured out on my life and conclude that it is because I have hidden my past,” Morris wrote. 

“God does not work that way. He will not be mocked by deceit.”

CORRECTION (June 21, 2024, 8:29 p.m. ET): A previous version of this article incorrectly described Richard Harmer. He is Tom Lane's spokesperson, not his lawyer.

she does her homework now

Mike Hixenbaugh is a senior investigative reporter for NBC News, based in Maryland, and author of "They Came for the Schools." 

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‘they took away my first born’: mother shares heartfelt plea for answers after 12-year-old daughter found strangled.

Brittany Taylor , Senior Digital Content Producer

Corley Peel , Reporter

HOUSTON – The mother of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, the girl who was found dead in a creek Monday morning in north Houston, is talking about her loss for the first time since she learned about her daughter’s murder.

Tears streamed down Alexis Nungaray’s face as she spoke with KPRC 2 reporter Corley Peel about her 12-year-old daughter, Jocelyn.

Alexis described her first-born daughter as “goofy” and said she had her own “little spunk.” She also said Jocelyn never followed the crowd. “She always stood up for what was right,” said Alexis.

The heartbroken mom said she feels like she’s in an alternative universe where she is living this ongoing nightmare that doesn’t stop.

“It’s like it’s not real. I keep hearing everything and everybody tell me everything, and I hear it and it’s not registering,” she said.

The last time Alexis said she saw her daughter alive was Sunday night before they went to bed around 10 p.m. Her last words to Jocelyn were to not stay up late, stating that she was coming with her mother to work the next day.

HPD said she had snuck out of the family’s apartment off Rankin Road sometime between 10 p.m. to 12 a.m.

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Around 3 a.m. Monday, Alexis said Jocelyn’s cat was “going crazy” but thought the cat was with her daughter since she sleeps with her pet at night.

It wasn’t until Alexis woke up around 6 a.m. and started her normal routine to wake up her 5-year-old son and Jocelyn that she noticed Jocelyn was missing, and her phone was also missing.

She said she looked everywhere around the house, walked around their apartment complex and then got into her car. Alexis reportedly pinged her daughter’s cell phone, which traced back to the creek where she ran and saw police officers canvassing in the area.

She said she told officers that her daughter was missing, and it wasn’t until an hour later she received a call that it was Jocelyn.

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Around 6 a.m. Monday, a woman said she called 911 to report the child’s body in the water. The Houston Police Department Dive Team responded and recovered her body.

The Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences, ruled the 12-year-old died from strangulation on Tuesday. Medical examiners confirmed Wednesday that the body was identified as Jocelyn’s.

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Houston police released surveillance photos from the 7-Eleven convenience store where the girl was last seen. In these images, investigators saw two persons of interest they would like to question in connection to the girl’s death.

Investigators told KPRC 2 reporter Bryce Newberry the two men were the last to be seen with the girl, and they seemed to have first encountered her at the store. On Wednesday, a source gave KPRC 2 reporter Corley Peel new surveillance photos of Jocelyn at the convenience store around 12:17 a.m. Monday.

Alexis said she has no clue who those men were in the surveillance photos and suspects that they are Hispanic males, possibly who live in their apartment complex or walked from the skate park.

“I want karma to hit them. I’m angry. They took advantage of her. She’s so young. She’s 12. I want justice. I want them to come forward. I want whoever has seen them to please call police. They took my baby away.”

  • ‘Like a bad dream’: Police say 12-year-old found dead in N. Houston creek was strangled, seek 2 persons of interest

Alexis said she knows her daughter fought hard and was a fighter, repeating that “she needs justice, she didn’t deserve this.”

She had a message for the men involved in her daughter’s death: “They took away my first born. I was a teen mom, she helped me grow an mature. She’s turned into such a beautiful young lady.”

She said she and Jocelyn have gone through a lot these past few months with her mental health.

Alexis hopes that someone comes forward and hopes the universe gives her daughter’s killers “what they deserve.”

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Investigators said Jocelyn’s boyfriend was the last person who spoke with her on the phone. He reportedly told officials that he heard her speaking with the two men at the gas station before they hung up.

Alexis said she needs to know what the boyfriend heard because her daughter has never run off with strangers and had to be fighting for her life before her death.

“She just said she was just walking around different stores,” Jocelyn’s mother said. “I don’t know why, what possessed her to walk around late at night in this area out of all places. I always told her to never leave the house, never leave unattended, always be safe -- there’s people around here that are crazy. I don’t think she ever thought it would face her.”

Alexis said she wouldn’t wish this pain on her worse enemy and has been blown away with the amount of support they are getting.

“Somebody is going to catch them, someone’s going to see them, I believe in faith, and I put it all in God, Jesus Christ that they are going to be found,” she said.

As for why she thinks Jocelyn left home, Alexis responded, “I believe we’ve all been there at some point. Being young, dumb, making dumb decisions and thinking nothing’s really going to happen. And this unfortunately, her making this decision cost her life.”

The family has set up a GoFundMe for a tribute to Jocelyn. They also told us that they are planning a memorial for her, and they’ll let us know when an official date is set.

Anyone with information on the identities of the two persons of interest or in this case is urged to contact the HPD Homicide Division at 713-308-3600 or speak anonymously with Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS.

Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.

About the Authors

Brittany taylor.

Award-winning journalist, mother, YouTuber, social media guru, millennial, mentor, storyteller, University of Houston alumna and Houston-native.

Corley Peel

Corley Peel is a Texas native and Texas Tech graduate who covered big stories in Joplin, Missouri, Tulsa, Oklahoma and Jacksonville, Florida before returning to the Lone Star State. When not reporting, Corley enjoys hot yoga, Tech Football, and finding the best tacos in town.

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Who is the Hawk Tuah Girl and why is everyone talking about her?

She even has her own line of merch

NME News

The internet has been taken by storm over the last few days by a blonde girl from Nashville, and it’s not Taylor Swift .

The ‘Hawk Tuah Girl’ has become a viral sensation on social media, after an entertaining street-interview video made way for multiple memes, edits and a desperate search to try and identify the girl in the clip.

The video, which was posted by creator duo Tim and Dee TV on June 11, shows a young woman, reportedly named Hailey Welch, and her friend being asked questions as they enjoy the aftermath of Nashville nightlife.

In the video, the interviewer asks Welch to name a “move in bed [that] makes a man go crazy every time?”

Welch confidently replies: “You gotta give ’em that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thang!” in a strong southern accent, the ‘hawk tuah’ mimicking the sound of spitting.

The video has been reposted, edited and shared over the last few days, turning Hailey, or the ‘Hawk Tuah’ girl into a fully fledged meme.

@timanddeetv “YA GET ME” 😂 #foryou #viral #rizz #publicinterview #fypツ #xybca #6thstreet #nashville #reels #hawktuah #hawktuahgirl #funny #college #party #cmafest ♬ original sound – timanddeetv


Check out some of the memes below.

pic.twitter.com/wKqyCjXtwk — VisionaryVoid (@VisionaryVoid) June 22, 2024
A hawk Tuah origin story pic.twitter.com/Y2QWARPzCI — VisionaryVoid (@VisionaryVoid) June 25, 2024
If he buys you In-N-Out, he deserves the “hawk tuah”. — In-N-Out Burger ᶠᵃⁿ (@innoutburger_) June 23, 2024
I painted the Hawk Tuah. I’m adding it to the time capsule. pic.twitter.com/J6zsUi4Cy3 — Travis Chapman (@Travispaints) June 21, 2024
pic.twitter.com/t0DaudqBJd — Balhum (@GBalhum) June 21, 2024

Who is the Hawk Tuah Girl?

While many efforts have been made to track down Welch and find out more, she has been keeping a relatively low profile online since the video surfaced. Her social media accounts have reportedly been deleted, and she hasn’t produced any other searchable content.

However, she did appear to be involved in the official merch line which is being made as a result of the meme. The original creators of the video have reportedly teamed up with a local business to make a line of “authorised merchandise” related to the viral interview – and in a post on the Facebook page of Tennessee apparel company Fathead Threads, Welch appears to be pictured signing some.

The new line’s theme is based on the popular design for US election campaigns, complete with slogans and dates. For example, a cap that reads “Hawk Tuah ‘24” is going for $40 with a signature, $30 without, with the text: “Spit on that thing”.

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Grammar Quiz

She ___ her homework last night. a. did b. made

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Billy will ride ____ bike to pick up milk for ____ mom

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  5. 8 أشياء يجب أن تعرفها الآن عن ال Auxiliary verbs: Be, Do and Have الأفعال المساعدة في الإنجليزية



  1. do support

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  2. She does her homework or She do her homework?

    She do her homework. This phrase is incorrect in English. The correct phrase is "she does her homework." In English, the verb "do" changes to "does" when used with third-person singular subjects like "she." This is a basic rule in English grammar. TextRanch has helped me to improve my written skills as well as to communicate more naturally ...

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  5. do in English

    1.4. do as a main verb (Present Progressive, Gerund, present participle) - (doing) affirmative. negative. I am doing my homework. I am not doing my homework. Doing my homework is not always fun. Not doing my homework is not clever. I saw Jane doing her homework. I didn't see Jane doing her homework.

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    Continuous Tenses and Meaning Quiz. You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Continuous Tenses and Meaning page. 1. I told my teacher that I _________ what she said. did not believe. was not believing. 2. I ________ the number 12 bus just down the road.

  7. My sister __________ her homework now. (to do)

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    she does her homework. Ella hace la tarea por la noche, después de cenar. She does her homework at night, after having dinner. ... ella hace la tarea using machine translators. See Machine Translations. Random Word. Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Get a Word. Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation ...

  12. She ___________ her homework last night. A. did B. does

    She _____ her homework last night. A. did. B. does. C. do. D. will do. Select your answer: Next Quiz > Random Topics: Participle & Appositive Possessive Adjective If vs. Whether Unless If First Conditional Used to - Would - Tenses Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Quantifiers Present and Past Tense Irregular Adjectives.

  13. She does her homework in Spanish

    huhr. hom. -. wuhrk. ) phrase. 1. (general) a. hace su tarea. Ximena is a very diligent student; she does her homework as soon as she comes home from school.Ximena es una estudiante muy aplicada; hace su tarea tan pronto como llega a casa de la escuela.

  14. she sometimes does her homework vs she sometimes do her homework

    My daughter needs some help with her homework. Just make sure Callie does her homework. She would have done her homework. Dana was hoping she could find someplace to do her homework. She used to come here sometimes after school and do her homework. I help him with his homework sometimes. Dana was hoping she could find someplace to do her homework.

  15. She is ______ her homework now. did doing do does done

    En base a la frase del enunciado, y tomando en cuenta los conocimientos sobre la temática en el idioma Inglés, se completa la oración de la siguiente forma: She is doing her homework now. Por tanto, la opción correcta es "doing", pues se trata de una acción que la persona se encuentra desarrollando en ese mismo momento actual.

  16. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.She ________ her homework

    An auxiliary verb is a verb which is used in the formation of tenses, moods, tones, etc. Option B is correct the sentence indicates the use of simple present tense. Also, the subject is singular and does is used as a main and an ordinary verb here.

  17. she do homework or she does homework?

    The correct phrase is 'she does homework'. In English, the third person singular form of the verb 'do' requires the addition of 'does'. 'She do homework' is incorrect because it does not follow the subject-verb agreement rule. "This was very helpful and I personally think this site is the best."

  18. she does her homework

    She does her homework in the car on the way there and eats dinner in the car on the way home. Because Leslie does her homework, and she would never want you to know this, but she made sure that there was no peanut products in the entire house, and her favorite meal is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She does her own homework.

  19. She is doing her homework in Spanish

    hom. -. wuhrk. ) phrase. 1. (general) a. está haciendo su tarea. What is Juanita doing? - She is doing her homework with a classmate.

  20. life skills unit 7 Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ava has gotten to the point in her life where she does her homework without being told and goes to bed at a reasonable hour. Her parents have gotten rid of her curfew and other restrictions because they have noticed how responsible she has become. Which word BEST describes Ava's behavior?, Mia has been sexually active for about ...

  21. She ______ (finish) her homework before dinner.

    C. badder. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. She ______ (finish) her homework before dinner. A. finishes B. finished C. have finished - Past and Perfect Tenses Quiz.

  22. Hear what Judge Judy thinks about the legal cases against Trump

    CNN's Chris Wallace sits down with Judy Sheindlin, who provides her thoughts on the legal cases involving former President Trump. Watch the full episode of "Who's Talking to Chris Wallace ...

  23. Where Is Sherri Papini Now? The Latest Updates on Her Life After

    She faked her own kidnapping and had been staying at her former boyfriend's house more than 600 miles away. While Sherri's former husband, Keith Papini, speaks out in the documentary series ...

  24. Who Is Gypsy Rose Blanchard's Ex-Fiancé Ken Urker? All About Their

    Gypsy Rose Blanchard was previously engaged to a man named Ken Urker, who was her pen pal Gypsy Rose Blanchard Instagram Gypsy Rose Blanchard is reconnecting with her ex-fiancé Ken Urker. After ...

  25. Where Is Sherri Papini Now? What to Know About Her Life After 2016

    On Nov. 2, 2016, Sherri's husband of nearly a decade, Keith, left for work around 6:50 a.m. and kissed her goodbye. When he arrived back at the Redding home they shared that evening, neither ...

  26. Robert Morris warned sex abuse accuser she could be prosecuted for

    Emails from 2005 released by Cindy Clemishire show how Gateway Church pastor Robert Morris responded after she asked for "restitution" for sex abuse she says began when she was 12.

  27. 'They took away my first born': Mother shares heartfelt plea for

    The mother of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, the girl who was found dead in a creek Monday morning in north Houston, is talking about her loss for the first time since she learned about her ...

  28. Who is the Hawk Tuah Girl and why is everyone talking about her?

    The internet has been taken by storm over the last few days by a blonde girl from Nashville, and it's not Taylor Swift. The 'Hawk Tuah Girl' has become a viral sensation on social media ...

  29. She ___ her homework last night.

    A. him, it. B. his, his. C. his, my. D. it's him. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. About grammarquiz.net. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. She ___ her homework last night. a.

  30. Mindy Kaling reveals she recently gave birth to a baby girl, her third

    Mindy Kaling is now a mom of three. Kaling shared the happy news on Monday, which was also her 45th birthday, writing on Instagram that she gave birth to a baby girl named Anne in February.