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How to Respond to the 2023/2024 University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Prompts

university of rochester meliora essay examples

Cece Gilmore is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cece earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from Arizona State University. While at ASU, she was the education editor as well as a published staff reporter at Downtown Devil. Cece was also the co-host of her own radio show on Blaze Radio ASU.

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university of rochester meliora essay examples

Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

university of rochester meliora essay examples

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

How to Respond to the 2023/2024 University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Prompts

The University of Rochester is located in upstate New York and is the home of “Rocky the Yellowjacket.” So, we bet you are buzzing to get into the University of Rochester, and that will require knowing how to respond to the University of Rochester supplemental essay prompts.

So, how can you make your responses stand out? Read more in our guide for how to respond to the University of Rochester supplemental essay prompts! 

Breaking down the University of Rochester supplemental essay prompts

The University of Rochester offers applicants two mandatory University of Rochester supplemental essay questions they will have to respond to. However, there are a few options under each supplemental essay question that applicants can choose from. 

The first essay is one question that offers the following options to respond to: 

  • Essay response
  • Creative response
  • Research response

The first essay needs to be completed in 200 words or less. This is not a lot of words! So, plan out your responses thoughtfully. You want to make sure that you are not repeating yourself, but instead, are revealing your interests and personality throughout your response.

Adding on to that, be sure you are selecting an option for essay 1 that stands out to you. You want to be as authentic as possible when responding to these questions. 

The second essay is a choice of three prompts. Essay 2 will need to be completed in 200 words or less as well. So, be sure both of your answers to Essay 1 and 2 reveal different pieces of information about yourself. 

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The University of Rochester motto of Meliora – or “ever better” – deeply integrates critical core values into all that we do. These core values of equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect and accountability define not only who we are, but also who we hope to become. Please use the space below to highlight a time, creative idea or research experience when you put into action one or more of these characteristics in order to make yourself, your community or the world ever better. (200-word limit).

You may answer this question in one of three ways: 

  • Essay response : Write an analytical or creative response of 200 words or less
  • Creative response : Upload up to three works of your own art (e.g. pictures, video, performances, literary) and use the space below to provide a brief explanation as to how the art is tied to making the world, your community and those around you “ever better.”
  • Research Response : Upload an abstract describing your own related research and use the space below to provide a brief explanation as to how the research is tied to making the world, your community and those around you “ever better.”

Essay response option

Write an analytical or creative response of 200 words or less

If you choose to select the essay response option, make sure that you are brainstorming and outlining your response from the start. 

The core values of the University of Rochester are blatantly laid out in this question. Therefore, make sure you understand them! Figure out which characteristics best represent yourself. 

To make this essay response very easy for you, write down a list of all of University of Rochester’s core values and then write down a time in which you possessed these values. For example, you can write about how becoming the captain of your varsity basketball team in high school helped you learn responsibility  and reap the benefits of being a leader. 

Completing this brainstorming method for each core value will help you narrow down the best narratives and examples of the traits that you possess. 

Once you create this list, select one core value from it that best represents “you.” Remember, there are only 200 words allowed for this response so selecting one will allow you plenty of room to add necessary details. 

After choosing this one core value, describe the narrative that best shows a time in which you displayed this core value. Be creative in your storytelling while also highlighting what you have learned from this experience. 

You do not want to just hype yourself up, but rather, detail how you learned an important lesson. In addition, you want to describe how this characteristic makes yourself, the community, and even the world a better place. 

Creative response option

Upload up to three works of your own art (e.g. pictures, video, performances, literary) and use the space below to provide a brief explanation as to how the art is tied to making the world, your community and those around you “ever better.”

This response quite literally provides you with a lot of creativity. The University of Rochester is allowing you the freedom to show off your artistic and creative talents. Therefore, select a piece of work that is meaningful to you. 

Remember, although this response allows a lot of creative freedom, it is still a part of Essay 1. Therefore, be sure you are connecting your piece of art back to the essay at hand. Be sure to link your work to one of University of Rochester’s core values. 

Remember, do not upload something that you are not proud of or haven’t created completely by yourself–you want your authentic self to shine through! 

Research response option

Upload an abstract describing your own related research and use the space below to provide a brief explanation as to how the research is tied to making the world, your community and those around you “ever better.”

U of R is known for partaking in world-class research. Therefore, it is understandable why they would offer a research option for one of their responses to their supplemental essay question. 

If you completed any research in high school or have any published research, now would be the time to share it! This will definitely give you a leg up on the competition and show the University of Rochester that you will fit in amazingly at their institution. 

If you have not completed any research, do not worry (most high school students have not!). Therefore, it may make more sense to complete one of the other options. 

For the second University of Rochester supplemental essay, you’ll choose between one of three prompts to respond to.

American social reformer, abolitionist, writer and statesman, Frederick Douglass said, “Some know the value of education, by having it. I knew its value by not having it.” Explain ways in which education has directly influenced you and your ability to do good in the world. How will you use the curricular flexibility and co-curricular opportunities of the University of Rochester experience to grow and to promote positive change for yourself, your community and your world.

The University of Rochester is unique in the fact that it offers “curricular flexibility.” This means that U of R gives students the opportunity to double major, study abroad, take fun electives, and much more without falling behind. Be sure you are doing your research on the University of Rochester prior to applying and answering their supplemental essay questions. 

After researching the University of Rochester, you should begin writing your response to this essay question. The first thing you should highlight is what education means to you. 

Think about the following questions to help spark some ideas: 

  • Why do you want to go to college? 
  • What does higher education mean to you? 
  • How has education helped your life so far? 

Detail how important and thankful you are for your educational opportunities. You should then highlight how U of R’s flexible curriculum will continue to help you achieve your goals. 

You could even describe a narrative detailing when you realized how important public programs for the needy are after volunteering at a soup kitchen. This can reveal how you learned from your experiences and want to continue to pursue your education at the University of Rochester to help others. 

Dr. Donna Strickland, University of Rochester alum and 2018 Nobel Prize winner in Physics said, “There’s no point in me being anything other than me.” The University of Rochester encourages each student to embrace who they are and create their own individual curricular path and experience. How will you use the opportunities here to fully be who you are? What unique experiences will you bring to our community?

Everyone is different. So, how do you differ from everyone else? What makes you special? How can you continue to thrive while at the University of Rochester? This is the core of this question. 

To begin this prompt, you should reveal a quirk of yours. What makes you stand out from others? You should narrate a concise story that reveals this passion or interest of yours that makes you – you ! 

After, this is a perfect opportunity to reveal how well you did your research on the University of Rochester’s clubs and organizations. You should connect your quirk to an extracurricular offered at the University of Rochester! 

For example, maybe what makes you unique is that you love to go for runs because it helps calm you down and gives you the chance to see new scenery. Therefore, you are so excited to join the University of Rochester running club to meet like-minded running friends. 

It is important to connect what makes you unique to aspects of the University of Rochester that will allow you to thrive!

The University of Rochester benefactor entrepreneur, photography pioneer and philanthropist, George Eastman said, “What we do during our working hours determines what we have, what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are.” Looking forward toward your college experience, what do you hope to do outside of the classroom at the University of Rochester? What will enhance who you are as a person? How will specific academic and social opportunities here help you grow?

This question is very similar to option 2. The University of Rochester wants to get to know applicants by understanding what they will take part in while at their university. 

So, write what makes you excited about attending the University of Rochester! Detail specific examples of things that you want to participate in. For example, share about specific courses, clubs, or even something nearby such as a nature walk you want to go on!

The most important thing is that you are writing about something you are genuinely excited about and makes you want to attend the University of Rochester over other schools. 

Remember, take the time to find the specific names of clubs and explain why that particular organization at U of R will help you grow as a person. 

Final thoughts on the University of Rochester supplemental essays 

The University of Rochester’s supplemental essays can be quite overwhelming. However, when it really comes down to it there are just 2 essays you need to write! Therefore, do not get caught up on all of the options presented.

Rather, take it slow! Read each question and its options carefully and select the option that most closely aligns with your interests. If you do not immediately connect with a prompt do not select it! 

Once you have narrowed down your options to just your Essay 1 and 2 questions, begin to brainstorm and plan out what you want to write about! 

The most important thing is that you have done your research prior to answering the questions. This will ensure that you are prepared to name drop any organizations you are excited to participate in. 

Once you have done your research and selected your options, you are ready to respond to the questions! Best of luck during the writing process! 

Next steps after applying to the University of Rochester

Once you have completed the University of Rochester supplemental essay questions, have a trusted person read over your responses to check: 

  • For any spelling or grammar errors
  • Repetition throughout your responses
  • That your responses answer the questions

Now it is officially time to submit your University of Rochester application. Good job! Be sure check for any updates to your application status by looking at your: 

  • University of Rochester portal
  • Social media accounts run by University of Rochester

Additional resources

Before submitting your University of Rochester application, make sure that your Coalition Application and Common Application essays are perfect also! 

Have you taken the ACT or SAT ? If you are curious about whether or not to send your SAT/ACT scores to test optional schools, check out our guide!

Check out our free scholarship search tool to help you afford your education. Scholarships360 is here to help you! 

Additional supplemental essay guides

  • Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD)
  • University of Chicago (Chicago, IL)

Frequently asked questions about responding to the university of Rochester essay prompts

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university of rochester meliora essay examples

3 University of Rochester Essay Examples

What’s covered:.

  • Essay Example #1 – Community Impact
  • Essay Example #2 – Personal Qualities

Essay Example #3 – Activism at Rochester

Where to get your university of rochester essays edited.

The University of Rochester is a selective school, so it’s important to write strong essays to help your application stand out. In this post, we’ll share an essay a real student has submitted to the University of Rochester. (Names and identifying information have been changed, but all other details are preserved).

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our University of Rochester es say breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.

Essay Example #1 – Community Impact 

Prompt: The University of Rochester motto of Meliora – or “ever better” – deeply integrates critical core values into all that we do. These core values of equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect, and accountability define not only who we are, but also who we hope to become. Please use the space below to highlight a time, creative idea, or research experience when you put into action one or more of these characteristics in order to make yourself, your community, or the world even better. (250 words)

My interest in dance wouldn’t be as pronounced as it is today if not for the mentors I met along the way. From my senior peers to my dance instructor, their leadership put me on the right path to success. Recently, I got the chance to make the same impact on the next generation of Dancers.

For my community’s cultural day, a few students were putting together a dance performance, albeit with no prior dance experience. They were looking for an instructor and choreographer for their group and asked me to lead. Although excited, I soon realized this would require more from me. When I started teaching the group, their movements were offbeat and messy. With the performance only a few weeks away, I had to take charge to ensure a great performance. I increased the number of practices, sacrificed more time from my week, and used incentives to lead them to do their best at every practice.

On the day of their performance, I sat at the front of the auditorium, nervous but also excited to see the final product. But when they started the routine, I knew I was proud regardless.

These kids have done 5 performances after this one. While they received a new appreciation for dance from my leadership, I have grown as a person and a dance teacher, further understanding the importance of mentorship. In the future, I hope to continue teaching others about dance and helping expand its prevalence in our community.

What the Essay Did Well

This is a version of the Community Service essay, where you’re asked to discuss the positive impact you’ve had on others. Through discussion of their past, present, and future in the dance community, this applicant has helped us understand the depth of their passion for dance, and the dance community. This story about helping the next generation of dancers choreograph a performance gives readers a positive impression of the author’s commitment both to the discipline of dance, and to their younger peers. The demonstration of these positive qualities, like commitment, generosity, and service to the community, are undoubtedly one of the strengths of this essay. 

Along with the demonstration of positive qualities, this is a particularly clear and effective essay. The word count is tight, but the author manages to cover a good amount of information about themselves and their involvement with dancing, from their own mentors, to the mentorship they extend to these younger dancers. This helps give the essay breadth as well as depth, which is key in a successful essay. 

What Could Be Improved

While this essay is well-written, we would’ve loved to see more vivid language and sophisticated sentence structure, to help it stand out from the crowd. Consider the first paragraph. 

My interest in dance wouldn’t be as pronounced as it is today if not for the mentors I met

along the way. From my senior peers to my dance instructor, their leadership put me on the right

path to success. Recently, I got the chance to make the same impact on the next generation of Dancers.

Now, what if it were rewritten like this:

From the time I slipped into my first leotard, I have loved dance and the community that surrounds it. Older dancers and instructors have always helped to guide me on the path to success. Because of all of this support, I was overjoyed when I recently had the chance to mentor the next generation of dancers.

These introductions have the exact same number of words, but one makes use of more dynamic sentence structure and stronger language choices. Remember, your essays aren’t just a place to show off your most compelling stories, but they’re also where you demonstrate your storytelling skills. Making strong language choices, and making use of interesting essay structures can really help your essay stand out from other applicants. 

Another thing we would’ve loved to see from this essay is some imagery. Vivid descriptions stick in an admissions officer’s mind more so than broader, more vague statements. In the example above, just referencing that first leotard puts an image in the reader’s mind, whereas the other example gives vague impressions of older dancer figures without further detail. This essay is anchored in a narrative, but that narrative has very little detail attached to it. Even with only 250 words, it’s a good idea to include detail wherever possible. 

Finally, detail goes hand-in-hand with another important principle of storytelling: specificity. The more specific your story, the easier it is to imagine it, connect with it, and envision your part in it. Though we have learned a lot about this student’s value for mentorship and giving back to the community, we still don’t know basic details, like what kind of dance was being performed. Ballet, tap, and the Argentine tango all have very different associations. Just using the name of the dance would convey images of what kinds of movement, choreography, and costume the dancers might have been working with, all of which would’ve strengthened this essay’s uniqueness and detail. In writing your own essays, remember to make your essay specific so admissions teams remember you along with it. 

Essay Example #2 – Personal Qualities 

Prompt: Dr. Donna Strickland, University of Rochester alum and 2018 Nobel Prize winner in Physics said, “There’s no point in me being anything other than me.” The University of Rochester encourages each student to embrace who they are and create their own individual curricular path and experience. How will you use the opportunities here to fully be who you are? What unique perspectives will you bring to our community? 200 words

I look in the mirror as I put on my jhumka earrings and fix my lehenga skirt. This traditional Indian costume has become an important part of my identity and every one of my dance performances. As a Bollywood dancer, my life isn’t complete without monthly performances or dance practices. At Rochester, I hope to continue my exploration of this passion. Rochester Raas is a competitive Indian dance team, focused on traditional folk dance. By joining Raas, I will be able to continue the activity I love, while also learning more about my traditional roots and heritage.

I am also well known for my vast collection of books and my tendency to read during any free moment. At Rochester, I hope to start a unique book club focused on sharing our passions for reading. Rather than everyone reading the same book, members of this club will recommend books they have liked in the past to their peers, allowing for discussion and the joining of like minds. This practice started with my small group of friends, and I hope to expand it to the Rochester community in order to find others with similar interests as mine.

This prompt is a version of what we call a Diversity essay , which focuses on applicants’ unique identities and the communities they are a part of. This essay responds perfectly to the prompt, by describing communities this student already inhabits and expanding that to the University of Rochester. Instead of just talking about future ideas or plans, the student makes their existing commitment to these passions clear, so it’s easy to imagine them participating the same way in Rochester. 

Along with very concrete examples of communities, we get an idea of the author’s hobbies – dancing and reading – as well as their value for cultural engagement and generating community. Their readiness to start a book club, if one doesn’t exist, demonstrates their readiness and ability to be a positive presence on campus. Overall, this essay paints a clear picture of who this student is, in a few concrete, community-focused ways. This answers the unique perspective component of the essay, and gives an idea of the kind of diversity this student will bring to campus. 

Finally, the vivid imagery of donning the jhumpka earrings and lehenga skirt are a powerful way to bring us into the essay, and help readers picture the author as a dancer and a reader. This makes the essay personal and specific, and brings us closer to the applicant. 

One thing we would’ve liked to see in this essay is a bit more focus on the flow of the writing. While this essay accomplishes a lot in terms of content, the two sections are pretty disconnected, which makes the essay feel choppy and a bit underdeveloped. While there is a transition sentence, we would’ve liked to see a transition that linked the two ideas, rather than just bringing in the next one. Something like “When I’m not on the dance floor, I’m known for having my nose buried in a book,” is a smoother segue from one subject to the next. 

Another thing we would’ve loved to see in this essay is more imagery and vivid details. The essay is just 200 words, so extensive description isn’t really possible, but even something like the common phrase of burying one’s nose in a book has an image inherent in it. Talking about stacks of books or passionate discussions could help readers picture the atmosphere of the book club. 

Prompt: Susan B. Anthony, champion of abolition and women’s rights, once said, “Organize, agitate, educate must be our warcry.” As you look to join our community of doers and disruptors, in what ways do you envision using both the curricular flexibility and co-curricular opportunities to invoke change for marginalized groups? (200 words)

To Nigerians,

It’s been eight years since we’ve been subjected to the tyranny of bad governance. Our medical systems have been destroyed, economy devaluated, and freedom of speech banished. But we need not worry for long. Just 5 years left!

By 2027, I will have explored the strategies behind successful revolutions in Prof. Meguid’s Introduction to Comparative Politics Class ( PSCI101) in my world politics cluster, equipping me to successfully lead us through the revolution we’ve eagerly awaited and install a political system that will ensure our happiness. With the help of the Greene Center, I will have gained practical experience of the biomedical engineering career field by interning at Corning’s biochemical department, enabling me to contribute to the rebuilding of our medical system. I will have developed a Parkinson-stabilizing device from my experience analyzing human motion with MATLAB in Professor Buckley’s BME 201-P class. I hope to later extend this device to cater for poliomyelitis, a disease that has plagued us since 1982. I will have strengthened my ability to put corruption under check through music by developing my soprano voice at Vocal point.

But even more importantly, I will have been Meliorad- made ever better and equipped to make you ever better.

I will be made all these at University of Rochester.

This is a version of the “Why This College” prompt , which asks the writer to discuss their reasons for choosing the University of Rochester. This response really delivers, with great specificity both about the author, and about Rochester. The classes, departments, and club mentioned make it clear that this student has done their research, and knows not just where they will fit in, but how. 

Another particularly strong element of this essay is the personal connection that the author has to all of the points mentioned. In tying their ideas and goals to their country and its struggles, the author has chosen not just any marginalized group, but a group that they are a part of and that is truly important to them. This creates connection, not just between the student and the topic they’re discussing, but the admissions committee reading the essay, as well. 

Lastly, the unique letter format is attention-grabbing and unique. It’s effective because the author is able to easily introduce the issue at hand and explain how to solve it without coming across as literal or pedantic. This essay stands out, and it accomplishes the author’s goals efficiently. 

One thing that stands out in this essay as an easily fixable potential improvement is the language fluency. Some of the writing and phrasing is a bit awkward and some of the word choices may be incorrect. These kinds of edits can be easily made with the help of a friend or peer as a reviewer. 

The ending is also a bit abrupt. “I will be made all of these at University of Rochester” is both awkward, and fails to recap some of the most important parts of the essay. While the discussion of becoming ever better and making others ever better is compelling, explaining how the applicant plans to do this would make this conclusion stronger. 

Finally, the context of this essay is not very clear. While admissions officers can certainly do a bit of research to understand the situation in Nigeria that this student is describing, the mentions of five more years, and a change occurring in 2027, are a bit more obscure. Is the student taking action to make change in 2027? This is a powerful statement, so making it clear what exactly they are saying would be a great step to making this essay even more effective.

Do you want feedback on your University of Rochester  essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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University of Rochester’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Meliora short response.

The University of Rochester motto of Meliora – or “ever better” - deeply integrates critical core values into all that we do. These core values of equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect and accountability define not only who we are, but also who we hope to become. Please use the space below to highlight a time, creative idea or research experience when you put into action one or more of these characteristics in order to make yourself, your community or the world ever better.

Select-A-Prompt Short Response

Please select one of the following prompts to respond to in 200 words or less.

American social reformer, abolitionist, writer and statesman Frederick Douglass said, “Some know the value of education by having it. I knew its value by not having it.” Explain ways in which your background, educational experience, and opportunities have directly influenced you and your ability to do good in the world. What specific moments of growth, lessons learned and resilience in your life have prepared you to promote positive change for your community and the world?

Dr. Donna Strickland, University of Rochester alum and 2018 Nobel Prize winner in Physics said, “There’s no point in me being anything other than me.” The University of Rochester encourages each student to embrace the intersectionality of their identity and create their own individual curricular path and experience. What qualities and experiences make you the best version of yourself? What unique elements of your background, perspectives, and experiences will you bring to our community?

Susan B. Anthony, champion of abolition and women’s rights, once said “Organize, agitate, educate must be our war cry.” As you look to join our community of doers and disruptors, in what ways do you envision using both the curricular flexibility and co-curricular opportunities to invoke change for marginalized groups? How has your unique lived experience shaped you and prepared you to be a changemaker here?

The University of Rochester benefactor, entrepreneur, photography pioneer and philanthropist George Eastman said, “What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are.” How have the ways you‘ve spent your time enabled you to grow as a person? What challenges have helped define you and your role within your many communities?

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?

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Mastering the University of Rochester Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

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Welcome, Yellowjackets in the making! If you're aiming for the University of Rochester, you're in the right place. We're here to help you navigate the University of Rochester supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle.

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Prompts

  • Why Rochester? (250-300 words)
  • What issue of local, national, or international significance have you worked to address? (250-300 words)
  • Describe a time when you were challenged by perspectives different from your own and how you responded. (250-300 words)

Here are our top tips to tackle these prompts:

Why Rochester? With this classic "why us" question, Rochester wants to see your genuine interest in their institution. Discuss specific courses, professors, clubs, or research opportunities that excite you. Don't forget to link these elements back to your personal goals and interests. The key here is specificity; make sure the admissions officer can see that this isn't a generic essay you could send to any university.

University of Rochester's commitment to innovation and research, specifically in the realm of quantum physics, has always fascinated me. The Integrated Optics for Undergraduate Native Americans (IOU-NA) program, which combines hands-on research and mentorship, perfectly aligns with my aspiration to delve deep into quantum research, contributing to advancements in the field.

What stands out most to me about Rochester is the "Meliora" spirit. The institution's drive for ever betterment resonates with my personal philosophy of continual learning and improvement. I'm particularly attracted to the Open Curriculum, which empowers students to pursue their intellectual passions. This flexibility will allow me to explore diverse fields like philosophy and computational linguistics that can complement my primary focus on physics, thus fostering interdisciplinary understanding.

Beyond academics, I'm excited about joining the Physics and Astronomy Club and the Society of Physics Students. Collaborating with fellow enthusiasts in these clubs will enable me to engage in stimulating discussions, further expanding my perspective.

What issue of local, national, or international significance have you worked to address? This prompt gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to community service, activism, or leadership. Reflect on an issue you are genuinely passionate about and discuss your role in addressing it. Remember to highlight not just your actions but also your motivations and what you learned from the experience.

Climate change is an issue I'm deeply concerned about. Inspired by Rochester's research on energy-efficient lasers, I led an initiative at my high school to promote sustainable living.

We started a 'Green Warriors' club, which worked towards reducing the school's carbon footprint. We implemented measures like switching to LED lights, promoting waste segregation, and organizing tree plantation drives.

The project's success was not immediate. It required persistence, teamwork, and extensive awareness campaigns. However, over time, we witnessed a tangible shift in our school's attitudes and practices towards sustainability. This experience taught me the importance of proactive involvement in solving global issues and reinforced my commitment to promoting sustainable practices.

Describe a time when you were challenged by perspectives different from your own and how you responded. In this prompt, Rochester is looking for your ability to engage respectfully and thoughtfully with differing viewpoints. Share a story where you encountered a different perspective, how it challenged you, and what steps you took to understand and learn from it.

During a summer internship at a local NGO, I worked alongside Sarah, who held radically different political views. Our differing perspectives initially led to heated discussions. Instead of avoiding these debates, however, I chose to engage constructively with Sarah.

I began by reading authors she suggested and attending a few local political gatherings she frequented. While I didn't always agree with her perspectives, I learned to understand and respect them. Our discussions became less about proving who was right and more about understanding the rationale behind each other's viewpoints.

This experience taught me the value of active listening and open dialogue in bridging ideological divides. As I head to Rochester, I look forward to engaging in such enriching discussions, upholding the spirit of 'Meliora' in true sense.

For all essays, remember:

  • Be Authentic : Showcase your personality, values, and interests. Genuine stories always make for compelling essays.
  • Be Specific : Specific details, examples, and anecdotes make your essay more engaging and convincing.
  • Reflect : A good essay is not just about telling a story but also reflecting on it. What did you learn? How did it change you? How does it relate to your goals at Rochester?

With these tips in hand, you're ready to take on the University of Rochester supplemental essays. Best of luck, and here's hoping we'll see you in Rochester!

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University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Guide: 2021-2022

Not sure how to respond to a University of Rochester supplemental essay prompt?  CollegeAdvisor.com ’s guide to the University of Rochester essay questions will show you how to write captivating University of Rochester essay responses and increase your chances against the University of Rochester acceptance rate.

If you need help writing your University of Rochester supplement essays, create your  free account  or  schedule a free advising consultation  by calling (844) 343-6272.

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Guide Quick Facts:

  • The University of Rochester’s acceptance rate is 35% –  U.S. News  ranks the University of Rochester as a  most selective  school.
  • The University of Rochester is ranked 34th by US News in their current ranking of national universities.
  • We recommend that you complete each University of Rochester supplemental essay thoroughly and thoughtfully to maximize your admissions odds.

What is the University of Rochester acceptance rate?

The current University of Rochester acceptance rate is 35%. According to US News, the average acceptance rate for universities is 68%; this makes the University of Rochester acceptance rate significantly lower than that of many universities.

However, don’t let the University of Rochester acceptance rate scare you. After all, many factors influence whether you’re accepted to a given school. There are plenty of things you can do to boost your admissions odds. For example, crafting strong responses to each University of Rochester supplemental essay. Well-crafted essays, strong recommendation letters, and impressive transcripts can help you overcome the University of Rochester acceptance rate.

Once again, the University of Rochester’s acceptance rate is 35%. Given the low University of Rochester acceptance rate and its test-optional ad policy, well-written University of Rochester supplement essays can considerably increase your admissions odds. In other words, whenever applicable in a University of Rochester supplemental essay, you want to show that you’ve done your research on the school. Your essays should show the admissions team your specific goals in attending Rochester (beyond reputation and prestige). To learn more about DI and how universities use it, check out this  Forbes article .

Want to learn how to use the University of Rochester acceptance rate to build a balanced college list? Check out our recent  blog article .

Is the University of Rochester hard to get into?

US News currently lists the University of Rochester ranking as 34th in the nation. U.S. News takes both the high University of Rochester ranking and the low University of Rochester acceptance rate into consideration when they designate Rochester as a  most selective school .

Once again, the University of Rochester’s acceptance rate is 35%. Given the low University of Rochester acceptance rate and its test-optional admissions policy, well-written University of Rochester supplement essays can considerably increase your admissions odds.

Since the University of Rochester ranking is quite high, you should do all you can to help your application shine. However, don’t let the University of Rochester ranking (or acceptance rate) discourage you from submitting the strongest application you can.

Does the University of Rochester require essays?

Yes. All applicants must complete two University of Rochester essay questions in addition to the required essay for the  Common App  or  Coalition App . Below, we’ll discuss how to best respond to each University of Rochester essay question in this Rochester essay guide.

Need some help writing your Common App essay? Get great tips from our Common App essay  guide .

How many essays does the University of Rochester Require?

There are two University of Rochester supplemental essay prompts on the 2020-2021 Common App. All applicants must complete both University of Rochester supplemental essays.

Does the University of Rochester care about essays?

Simply, yes. Like many other universities, the University of Rochester has moved to a test-optional admissions policy. Last year, over 18,000 students applied to the University of Rochester. Of that number, only about 6,500 students were admitted—which is how they calculate the University of Rochester acceptance rate.

With a test-optional policy and a rising number of applicants, the other aspects of your application become even more important. This includes the University of Rochester supplemental essays. If you don’t send standardized scores in your application, the  University of Rochester emphasizes  that your essays will be even more critical.

To recap, given the low University of Rochester acceptance rate, strong University of Rochester supplement essays could make the difference when it comes to your admissions result. If you want your best shot against the University of Rochester acceptance rate, don’t discount your Rochester essays!

How do I write the University of Rochester essays?

Approach each Rochester essay with a thorough understanding of the prompt. Then, take your time to draft a complete response. Spend the remainder of your time polishing each University of Rochester supplement essay. You’ll want to make sure that your openings grab your reader’s attention. Additionally, you should draft each University of Rochester essay with the word limit in mind—keep your language concise! Finally, whenever possible, your Rochester essays should use DI to reinforce your interest in attending the school.

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay – Question 1 (Required)

The University of Rochester motto of Meliora – or “ever better” – deeply integrates critical core values into all that we do. These core values of equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect and accountability define not only who we are, but also who we hope to become. Please use the space below to highlight a time, creative idea or research experience when you put into action one or more of these characteristics in order to make yourself, your community or the world ever better. (200-word limit).
You may answer one of three ways:
Essay Response: Write an analytical or creative response of 200 words or less.
Creative Response: Upload up to three works of your own art (e.g. pictures, video, performances, literary) and use the space below to provide a brief explanation as to how the art is tied to making the world, your community and those around you “ever better.”
Research Response: Upload an abstract describing your own related research and use the space below to provide a brief explanation as to how the research is tied to making the world, your community and those around you “ever better.”

University of Rochester ranking and reputation aside, focus on how this University of Rochester supplemental essay can help you stand out!

This University of Rochester supplement essay prompt asks you to show how you emulate Rochester’s motto of “ever better” by embodying Rochester’s core values. The prompt invites you to connect your experiences, art, or research with at least one of Rochester’s listed values (equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect, and accountability) as well as with the motto of “ever better.”

Let’s break down this University of Rochester supplement essay and discuss how to choose the best type of response.

Brainstorming Core Values

The University of Rochester wants students who model their core values and strive to make the world around them a better place. In your Rochester essay, you want to demonstrate that you embody Rochester’s key values. First, think about the values Rochester lists and how they contribute to making the world a better place. Then, brainstorm times when you lived out one or more of these values.

Making a List

To begin, go through each value listed and  free write  about a time or experience when you put that value into action. If you find yourself really taking off on one or two of the values, use that as a starting point for this University of Rochester supplemental essay.

Additionally, the values that matter most to you might not necessarily fit the requirements for your Rochester essay. For instance, if you list “equity” in your brainstorm but struggle to remember a time you lived this value, then you shouldn’t choose that value for this University of Rochester supplement essay. Do you value equity? Of course. But let’s choose a value that meets the University of Rochester supplement essay requirements.

On the other hand, if you list “leadership” and can share an experience when you used leadership to “make yourself, your community, or the world ever better,” you’ve found a topic for this University of Rochester supplemental essay.

Choose one or two of your strongest values that you have put into action to make the world “ever better.” Whichever values you choose, make sure you can back up your experiences with specific details.

Making a Choice

Once you have chosen a topic for your University of Rochester supplemental essay response, it’s time to choose a form. Rochester lets you get creative with this prompt—your University of Rochester supplement essay might not even be an essay at all!

Let’s look at each option and consider which one is best for you:

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Option 1: The Essay Response

While writing an essay (rather than submitting a creative response or a research project) might seem unexciting, there are plenty of ways you can make your essay response shine. So, if you don’t have artistic projects or research to use for your first Rochester essay, don’t worry! The essay response is the route for you; let’s make the most of it.

For this University of Rochester essay, you need to identify a core value from your brainstorming list and describe how you used that value to better yourself or others. With only 200 words, you don’t have much space. You’ll want to include specific details—while your word count might be limited, your Rochester essay should still tell a story. You might open your essay with an anecdote before discussing how this value impacts your relationship to the world.

While you can address multiple values in your essay, you should do so with caution. Don’t try to tell multiple stories; instead, remain focused on one general idea. It’s better to address one topic in detail than to attempt to write about multiple experiences.

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Option 2: The Creative Response

Art can be a powerful way to communicate your values. Do you have any creative work (pictures, video, performances, literature, etc.) that demonstrates one of your core values? If so, you might consider this option for your University of Rochester essay.

If you go this route, you can upload up to three artistic works. You must also provide a 200-word written explanation that details how these works align with making the word “ever better” for the University of Rochester supplemental essay.

Any files that you upload must meet the file type and size requirements provided. Name each file logically:

Ex. “Video 1” “Video 2” or “Photo 1” “Photo 2”

If you use specific file names, you can easily refer to them in your written explanation. Your explanation should clearly identify the work, the value it demonstrates, and how that work is “tied to making the world ever better.” As with all University of Rochester supplemental essays, you should be as specific and detailed as possible.

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Option 3: The Research Response

The University of Rochester prides itself as one of the  leading research universities  in the US. This is one of the reasons the University of Rochester ranking is #34 in National Universities. Consequently, if you have published research, you might choose this option for your University of Rochester supplement essay. Relatively few students will have done extensive research projects, so this Rochester essay response can help your application stand out!

Upload your research abstract—follow the file upload requirements provided in the directions. Next, provide a 200-word discussion that explains how this research expresses a core value and is making the world “ever better.”

In your 200-word University of Rochester supplemental essay, you should use as many details as possible to directly describe how this research improves the world. Why did this research matter to you? How might it relate to projects you hope to continue while studying at Rochester?

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Key Questions:

  • Does your University of Rochester supplemental essay response identify a matching core value?
  • Does your University of Rochester essay tie your core value(s) to your actions?
  • Did you choose the best method of response to illustrate your value(s)?
  • Does your response show how you will make yourself, your community, and the world “ever better” while studying at Rochester?

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay – Option 2 (Required)

Please select one of the following prompts to respond to in 200 words or less.
1. American social reformer, abolitionist, writer and statesman, Frederick Douglass said, “Some know the value of education, by having it. I knew its value by not having it.” Explain ways in which education has directly influenced you and your ability to do good in the world. How will you use the curricular flexibility and co-curricular opportunities of the University of Rochester experience to grow and to promote positive change for yourself, your community and your world.
2. Dr. Donna Strickland, University of Rochester alum and 2018 Nobel Prize winner in Physics said, “There’s no point in me being anything other than me.” The University of Rochester encourages each student to embrace who they are and create their own individual curricular path and experience. How will you use the opportunities here to fully be who you are? What unique experiences will you bring to our community?
3. The University of Rochester benefactor entrepreneur, photography pioneer and philanthropist, George Eastman said, “What we do during our working hours determines what we have, what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are.” Looking forward toward your college experience, what do you hope to do outside of the classroom at the University of Rochester? What will enhance who you are as a person? How will specific academic and social opportunities here help you grow?

The University of Rochester wants students to build their own program of study and engage in campus life. This University of Rochester supplemental essay gives you an opportunity to connect with their ideals.

Let’s check out each of your options here and strategize for your best choice.

Evaluating The Prompts

Both the first and second options mention “curricular flexibility” and “individual curricular path.” So, take some time to understand this unique  Rochester Curriculum  before selecting a University of Rochester essay prompt.

In some ways, each of these prompts is akin to a “Why Rochester” essay. This means that in your University of Rochester supplement essay, you should try to mention specific programs and opportunities only available at Rochester. This is your chance to show the Rochester admissions team that you’re invested in their school—don’t let it go to waste.

Each of these University of Rochester supplemental essay prompts takes a slightly different angle. Let’s break down what each of these questions asks:

Prompt 1: Education and its Influence

This University of Rochester essay prompt directly asks how education has influenced you to do good in the world. You can choose this prompt if you’ve had a unique experience with education that has contributed to your identity and goals.

Remember, your University of Rochester supplemental essays should help the admissions team learn more about you. Do you have a personal experience connected to education that informs your desire to study at Rochester? If so, this might be a great prompt to choose for your University of Rochester supplemental essay.

For example, you might discuss how a volunteering experience you had influenced your desire to promote education for underserved groups. Or, you might describe how your own struggles in the education system have inspired you to help make learning more equitable.

Identify your previous learning experience and connect it to your academic planning with the Rochester curriculum. By connecting your experiences to your goals at Rochester, you can use this University of Rochester supplement essay to show both your understanding of curricular programming at Rochester and your desire to affect change in your community.

Prompt 2: Being Who You Are

This University of Rochester supplemental essay requires you to identify a distinct personal feature and demonstrate how you will express that trait at the University of Rochester.

At Rochester, community extends far beyond the classroom walls. Ninety percent of University of Rochester students participate in student clubs and organizations. Take this opportunity to investigate the  student organizations  on campus. Consider what qualities you will bring to Rochester and how you will contribute to the student body.

You might choose a particular club that accords with your identity or interests and describe how you would interface with that aspect of campus culture. For instance, if you’re a first-generation college student, you might talk about your desire to join Rochester’s 1st Gen Society and help connect the first-generation community. Whatever you choose, make sure to include as many specific details as possible.

Prompt 3: Life Outside the Classroom

In some ways, this University of Rochester essay prompt combines Prompt 1 and Prompt 2. This University of Rochester essay prompt asks you to identify your goals and describe how the University of Rochester will help you grow into the person you want to be.

Once again, you’ll want to be as specific as possible. Focus your University of Rochester supplement essay not just on what opportunities Rochester offers but on how these opportunities will help you grow. The admissions team should come away from your Rochester essay with a solid sense not just of what you will bring to Rochester, but, moreover, of what Rochester (and only Rochester) can do for you.

  • Do you use your University of Rochester supplemental essay to highlight your understanding of Rochester’s opportunities?
  • Does your University of Rochester supplement essay demonstrate your long-term goals and how Rochester will help you reach them?
  • Does your Rochester essay response illustrate how you’ll contribute to campus life?

University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Questions – Final Thoughts

The University of Rochester essay prompts may seem overwhelming, especially in light of the high University of Rochester ranking and the low University of Rochester acceptance rate. However, don’t let that discourage you! With these tips, you can write an engaging set of University of Rochester supplemental essays and maximize your chances against the University of Rochester acceptance rate. Good luck!

This 2021-2022 essay guide was written by Sasha Litzenberger. Want help crafting your University of Rochester supplemental essays? Create your free  account  or  schedule a free advising consultation  by calling (844) 343-6272.

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university of rochester meliora essay examples

University of Rochester "Meliora" Essay HELP!

<p>I’m writing the “Meliora” essay for University of Rochester applications (Priority Review, due December first) and I’m concerned it’s not about me and my own experience enough, but i don’t know what else to say! Suggestions?</p>

<p>The prompt: Meliora: ‘‘Ever better’’ - The University’s motto directs our focus toward continual improvement through learning, discovery, creativity, and enterprising collaborations among people with different points of view. Describe a ‘‘Meliora’’ experience from your life.</p>

<p>The essay: At the end of Taekwondo class, my instructor said, “You all did great today. But do you think you can do better?” A few students said, “Yes, Sir.” “Your answer should always be yes,” he said. “You can always improve with practice.” I took his words to heart, realizing they pertain to more than Taekwondo. I find they apply to life in general: improvement is possible in most endeavors, as Meliora proclaims. To me, Meliora means ever better at what I love and what is difficult or scary. It means ever better at working with different people and in unique environments, especially when it doesn’t come naturally. Like Taekwondo, college will offer me new goals, boosting me from my comfort zone to my Meliora zone.</p>

<p>I had a difficult time with the Meliora essay as well. They don’t give you a lot of room to get a point accross. Did you go to the website and read the blog that has about 1000 other Meliora essays? </p>

<p>BTW I think the essay your wrote is good but might be better if you could personalize it a little more.</p>

<p>My personal opinion is that this prompt is asking an applicant to share with admissions a specific incident he/she experienced “Meliora.” What you’ve written agreed with the prompt but didn’t answer the prompt. Again, colleges are looking to get to know YOU better as a person through your experience.</p>

<p>Hope this helps. Good luck! : )</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Here is my latest attempt at the essay. I completely reworked it… any suggestions?</p>

<p>My strengths are mostly mental and rarely athletic; I am more a logical, creative thinker than a limber gymnast or graceful dancer. Paradoxically, that is why I love taking taekwondo. No part of it comes naturally to me; I have to work for improvement. This makes taekwondo satisfying in a way that easier activities are not; every milestone I reach, I know I deserve.</p>

<p>My goal in taking taekwondo is not to become a grand master, but to cultivate a part of myself that needs development. I try to bring this attitude into my life whenever possible: each challenge and each weakness is an opportunity to grow and become better. As meliora dictates, I am “always striving to be ever better” at all aspects of my life – not only those that come easily.</p>

<p>This is definitely not an easy essay.</p>

<p>This is excellent, unique and perfect for the prompt. The only thing I personally would change is this part:</p>

<p>As meliora dictates, I am “always striving to be ever better” </p>

<p>Rewriting the prompt is not necessary and takes away from your wonderful piece.</p>

<p>Good luck! :)</p>

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University of Rochester Supplemental Essay 2013-2014 (What kind of Meliora Experiences?)

SMINICK975 2 / 4   Dec 29, 2013   #1 Hey all, I've recently submitted my supplemental essay to the Common App website, but before I finalize the application, I decided to seek out some professional advice and critiques. The Rochester supplement asks: - The University of Rochester offers many rare advantages, building from our "Meliora" ("ever-better") motto that has inspired generations of scholars, professionals, and artists. Describe what's leading you to apply, and what kind of "Meliora" experiences you want to have here at Rochester and beyond. Below is the submitted form of my Rochester supplement. Are there any grammatical corrections that any of you could suggest? I think I definitely explained what the college could give to me, but what about what I could bring to the college? Sometimes I wonder why we no longer have any Aristotles or Leonardos in the world among us today. Why're there no masters of nearly every field of academia, polymaths who can, one day, change the way we perceive the world that is beneath our feet, and then the heavens on the next? As I studied throughout my academic career, I developed a fascination with the biological sciences, a passion for European culture and history, and an inclination towards music appreciation. It was then that I noticed every student has a unique set of interests, a unique set of passions, so why should they be directed to choose a conventional, uniform education identical to every other student's in that field? I am applying to the University of Rochester because I want to study exactly what I want, when I want to. The University of Rochester allows students the utmost freedom to sculpt their own unique education around their unique interests and passions through the cluster program. Many university campuses are eager to accept well-rounded students, but what better school than the University of Rochester to produce well-rounded graduates? The home of the Yellow-Jackets would provide me with the opportunity to shadow medical professionals at the Strong Memorial Hospital, bringing my own research experience to one of the most distinguished institutions in the world, and then walk across campus to the University's world-renowned Eastman School of Music to watch one of my favorite musical performances, a cappela, performed by the Midnight Ramblers. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank You!!

thenewdude 13 / 59   Dec 29, 2013   #2 Some minor grammatical errors. Overall, the essay seems to be fine: Why're there no masters of nearly every field of academia, polymaths who can, one day, change the way we perceive the world that is beneath our feet, and then the heavens on the next? -- Why are there no masters of nearly every field of academia - polymaths - who can not only change the way we perceive the world beneath our feet, but also the heaven above us? because I want to study exactly what I want, when I want to -- lose the 'to' (never end a sentence with a preposition) The home of the Yellow-Jackets would provide me with the opportunity to shadow medical professionals at the Strong Memorial Hospital, bringing my own research experience to one of the most distinguished institutions in the world, and then walk across campus to the University's world-renowned Eastman School of Music to watch one of my favorite musical performances, a cappela, performed by the Midnight Ramblers. --- The home of the Yellow-Jackets would provide me with the opportunity to shadow medical professionals at the Strong Memorial Hospital - bringing my own research experience to one of the most distinguished institutions in the world - and walk across campus to the University's world-renowned Eastman School of Music to watch one of my favorite musical performances, a cappela, performed by the Midnight Ramblers. Let me know if you have any questions. And please critique my Lafayette essay:)

OP SMINICK975 2 / 4   Dec 29, 2013   #3 Really? Only Grammatical? I'm actually pretty happy to hear that you think the actual substance of the essay is good... Could You rate the quality of my essay, substance-wise, on a scale of 1-10? I have a question about the hyphens...Are those actually grammatically correct substitutions for commas in those circumstances..? I'll take a look at your Lafayette supplement too! :) Thanks

thenewdude 13 / 59   Dec 29, 2013   #4 Hey man! Glad I could help. But if I were you, I'd wait for more opinions on the content matter. I have seen drastically different views in the same thread many a time. Yeah, I feel they are. I am about 95% sure, but again, do wait for more opinions. Let me give you a 'like', so you can make this thread Featured. That'll attract attention faster:)

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university of rochester meliora essay examples

Office of Student Affairs

Meliora Vision & Values

Meliora Vision and Values logo

Statement of the Meliora Vision and Values

As a community, the University of Rochester is defined by a deep commitment to  Meliora ­—ever better. Embedded in that ideal are the values we share:  equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect, and accountability .

Together, we will set the highest standards for how we treat each other to ensure our community is welcoming to all and is a place where all can thrive.

The University of Rochester will continue to frame and solve the greatest challenges of the future.

We are a community in which all who work, teach, create, and provide care are welcome and respected, and where all can pursue and achieve their highest objectives for themselves, their community, and the world.

Steeped in Rochester’s rich history of social justice and entrepreneurial spirit, we will always be an inclusive, equitable, sustainable, and responsive organization at every level.

We will hold ourselves accountable to these values in the design of our programs, the development and delivery of our services, the evaluation of performance, and the ways in which we interact as a community.

We strive to be ever better, for everyone.

We commit to diversity, inclusion, and access.

We take initiative and share responsibility for exemplifying excellence.

We conduct ourselves with honesty, dedication, and fairness.

We embrace freedom of ideas, inquiry, and expression.

We value our differences, our environment, and our individual and collective contributions.


We are responsible for making our community ever better, through our actions, our words, and our dealings with others.

The Year of Equity

our commitment to “diversity, inclusion, and access.”

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Best University Essay Examples

University of rochester essay.

486 words | 2 page(s)

It has always been my most ardent desire to attend the University of Rochester. Imagine then, my distress when I applied last year, but my application could not be reviewed due to one late reference letter. Rochester stresses the meliora experience: making life better. After the letdown of not being considered for matriculation the first time I applied, I vowed to use the word “meliora” to better my situation and reapply at the appropriate time. That time is now.

When I was in middle school, one of my favorite teachers asked me what I wanted to do in the future. My only thought then was that I wanted to be the best. That has not changed because I still desire to be the best, and I know that the only way to do that is to try to improve my life on a daily basis. It was years later before I logged onto the Rochester website and saw the name for what I was striving everyday to do: be better.

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Rochester demands improvement, not excuses, and I feel drawn to this concept and challenge. I am not trying to use the excuse of a late reference letter submission for not being considered for admittance to this august university. Instead, I look at this as a learning opportunity. I learned from that experience to be more organized and give my references plenty of time to complete their letters. More importantly, I learned that when one makes a mistake, the only thing to do is to learn from that mistake and then move confidently and boldly forward to improve my life.

I came to this country three years ago and had no understanding of the American culture. I had difficulty communicating with my teachers and peers because I could not speak or understand English. I had to enroll in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes while taking college level classes at the same time. It was extremely difficult and posed many obstacles for me, but I persevered. I was able to manage it very well, and at the end of this this semester I will have an associate degree in Electrical Engineering. I consider this degree to be a start on my road to continuing to improve my life. Rochester will help meliorate my writing skills, my problem solving skills, and also my leadership skills. I know Rochester will be more challenging, but if I want to be the best that I can be, then I need to make a great effort.

Meliora is more than a motto. It has become my mantra and my way of life. I wanted to be considered for matriculation to the University of Rochester the last time I applied, and I still want to be considered. Learning at Rochester will help me to meliorate my life in such ways that I will become a better person and a contributing global citizen.

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    university of rochester meliora essay examples

  2. University of Rochester Essay Example

    university of rochester meliora essay examples

  3. How to Write the University of Rochester Supplemental Essays: Examples

    university of rochester meliora essay examples

  4. Meliora 2021 celebrates Rochester’s resilience

    university of rochester meliora essay examples

  5. Meliora 2021 celebrates Rochester’s resilience

    university of rochester meliora essay examples

  6. Campus Life

    university of rochester meliora essay examples


  1. How to Write the University of Rochester Supplemental Essays: Examples

    How to write each supplemental essay prompt for University of Rochester. Prompt #1: Research. Prompt #2: Combined-degree program. Prompt #3: "Meliora" essay. Prompt #4: Multiple options.

  2. How to Write the University of Rochester Essays 2021-2022

    Read this University of Rochester essay example to inspire your own writing. University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Prompts All Applicants Prompt 1: The University of Rochester motto of Meliora - or "ever better" - deeply integrates critical core values into all that we do. These core values of equity, leadership, integrity ...

  3. How to Respond to the 2023/2024 University of Rochester Supplemental

    The second essay is a choice of three prompts. Essay 2 will need to be completed in 200 words or less as well. So, be sure both of your answers to Essay 1 and 2 reveal different pieces of information about yourself. Apply to these scholarships due soon. $10,000 "No Essay" Scholarship.

  4. 3 University of Rochester Essay Examples

    What's Covered: Essay Example #1 - Community Impact. Essay Example #2 - Personal Qualities. Essay Example #3 - Activism at Rochester. Where to Get Your University of Rochester Essays Edited. The University of Rochester is a selective school, so it's important to write strong essays to help your application stand out.

  5. University of Rochester's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    The University of Rochester motto of Meliora - or "ever better" - deeply integrates critical core values into all that we do. These core values of equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect and accountability define not only who we are, but also who we hope to become. Please use the space below to highlight a time, creative idea or ...

  6. How To Write A Great Application Supplement

    The more specific, the better. Think about why you really want to go to the school you are applying to, and if their mission statement or programs, culture, student life, etc. fits with those goals. 3. How you are a good candidate. Finally, to tie it all together, you want to also showcase why you deserve to be a student at your potential school.

  7. How to Write the University of Rochester Supplement 2023-2024

    Essay Response: Write an analytical or creative response of 250 words or less.*. There are a lot of words in this question. However, the ask is more straightforward than it seems. They want you to write about a time you exhibited Equity, Leadership, Integrity, Openness, Respect, and/or Accountability.

  8. How to Write the University of Rochester Supplement 2022-2023

    The University of Rochester is a private research university. It's a picturesque campus off of lake Ontario in the town of Rochester in Upstate New York. Rochester mid-sized school with about 7k students. They house some unique programs including a music school. They have an acceptance rate is about 41%. Their supplement is a little confusing.

  9. What I Will Love About The Meliora Class

    This past year, we designed a single "Meliora" extra Rochester essay, and o ne of the applicants struck me with a cogent description of why he was applying: "When Mr. Burdick visited [my] campus and said that the type of student Rochester is looking for is one who challenges the status quo and can be interested in studying two completely ...

  10. Mastering the University of Rochester Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    University of Rochester's commitment to innovation and research, specifically in the realm of quantum physics, has always fascinated me. The Integrated Optics for Undergraduate Native Americans (IOU-NA) program, which combines hands-on research and mentorship, perfectly aligns with my aspiration to delve deep into quantum research, contributing ...

  11. How to Apply

    Complete the online application process. Be prepared to provide information for the following items: Short Essay (500-word maximum) *This is only required for full-day program applicants Essay Prompt: Meliora is our University's motto, meaning "ever better."At the University of Rochester, we are always looking for ways to continue learning, and improve ourselves and others.

  12. University of Rochester Supplemental Essays

    The first University of Rochester essay is the same for all applicants and can be referred to as a "community essay.". Strong University of Rochester supplemental essays for this prompt will detail contributions to a community, large or small. This essay has a limit of 250 words or about two to three paragraphs.

  13. The mystery behind Meliora

    Meliora: A Primer A Short History of the University of Rochester's Favorite Word. Latin might be considered a dead language by some, but at the University of Rochester, one Latin word rolls off the tongues of our students, faculty, and staff daily: Meliora. Meliora, pronounced MEH-lee-OR-ah (very important!), is a Latin adjective meaning "better," or a noun meaning better things, always ...

  14. College Essay Guides

    University of Rochester Supplemental Essay Guide Quick Facts: The University of Rochester's acceptance rate is 35% - U.S. News ranks the University of Rochester as a most selective school. The University of Rochester is ranked 34th by US News in their current ranking of national universities. We recommend that you complete each University ...

  15. University of Rochester "Meliora" Essay HELP!

    To me, Meliora means ever better at what I love and what is difficult or scary. It means ever better at working with different people and in unique environments, especially when it doesn t come naturally. Like Taekwondo, college will offer me new goals, boosting me from my comfort zone to my Meliora zone.</p>. dob103 November 19, 2012, 2:38pm 2.

  16. Statement : Meliora Vision and Values

    Accountability— We are responsible for making our community ever better, through our actions, our words, and our dealings with others. University of Rochester. 500/510 Wilson Commons. P.O. Box 270443. Rochester, NY 14627. (585) 275-4085. As a community, the University of Rochester is defined by a deep commitment to Meliora­—ever better.

  17. University of Rochester Supplemental Essay 2013-2014 (What kind of

    The Rochester supplement asks: - The University of Rochester offers many rare advantages, building from our "Meliora" ("ever-better") motto that has inspired generations of scholars, professionals, and artists. Describe what's leading you to apply, and what kind of "Meliora" experiences you want to have here at Rochester and beyond.

  18. How to Apply

    Rochester's quest for Meliora ... Supplemental Essay Prompt for 2024-25 Application Cycle This must be completed as part of the application process. The University of Rochester benefactor, entrepreneur, photography pioneer and philanthropist George Eastman said, "The progress of the world depends almost entirely upon education." ...

  19. Meliora

    University motto; commonly translated from the Latin as "ever better.". Always capitalized; does not usually need to be set in italics unless added emphasis is important. When writing for an external audience that may not be familiar with the meaning of Meliora, add the context of "ever better," but be careful not to imply that the ...

  20. Meliora Vision & Values

    Statement of the Meliora Vision and Values. As a community, the University of Rochester is defined by a deep commitment to Meliora­—ever better.Embedded in that ideal are the values we share: equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect, and accountability. Together, we will set the highest standards for how we treat each other to ensure our community is welcoming to all and is a place ...

  21. Meliora Vision & Values

    Statement of the Meliora Vision and Values. As a community, the University of Rochester is defined by a deep commitment to Meliora­—ever better.Embedded in that ideal are the values we share: equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect, and accountability. Together, we will set the highest standards for how we treat each other to ensure our community is welcoming to all and is a place ...

  22. University of Rochester Essay

    University of Rochester Essay. It has always been my most ardent desire to attend the University of Rochester. Imagine then, my distress when I applied last year, but my application could not be reviewed due to one late reference letter. Rochester stresses the meliora experience: making life better. After the letdown of not being considered for ...