• Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
  • PharmD for Pharmacists
  • Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Specialist
  • International Pharmacy Graduate Program
  • Continuing Professional Development
  • Pharmaceutical Industry Residency Program

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Graduate Programs Application Process

Before applying.

We anticipate a limited number of funded spaces for international applicants to the MSc and PhD degrees in 2024-2025 (1-2 spaces maximum) . We encourage all interested international applicants to carefully research faculty members in the Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and their areas of research before applying. International applicants must secure a supervisor prior to submitting their application . Unfortunately, international applicants without a commitment from a supervisor cannot be considered for admission. If you do wish to apply in 2024, please be aware that the GRE is required.   Please consult the graduate faculty website to search for supervisors accepting students for 2024-2025.

For the MScPHM (Master's of Pharmacy) degree, the number of international applicants is unrestricted. Please carefully review admissions requirements for this degree prior to submitting an application.

Before you begin the application process, be sure to review the following information to ensure your application is complete.

  • Review the School of Graduate Studies Admission Requirements
  • Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Master of Science in Pharmacy
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Carefully review the instructions provided. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

When your application is complete, submit your application on the School of Graduate Studies Online Admissions Application Service.

Application Deadlines: MSc + PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences

Applications open: september 22, 2023, application deadline: december 11, 2023.

*Please note that all documents must be uploaded by the deadline to be considered for entrance awards.

Application Deadline: Master of Science in Pharmacy (MScPhm)

September 2024 admissions:.

Program availability will be filled with a deadline of March 31, 2024

Please  contact us  directly about application requests beyond this date.

Apply Today

Supporting Documents

All supporting documents must be uploaded to your online application. Once supporting documents are submitted, they become the property of the University of Toronto and cannot be returned.

  • Unofficial transcripts are required at the time of application; applicants must arrange official, final transcripts  if offered admission. If the admitting degree was not completed at the time of application,  only submit the final official transcript  after the final year is completed and the admitting degree is conferred;
  • Three (3)   References : References must come from professors who are well acquainted with your academic and research abilities. For applicants with a Master’s degree, one reference must come from the graduate supervisor. Each referee must complete the questionnaire and letter section when invited to evaluate the applicant via the Admissions Application system. Please note that at least two of the three references  must  be academic in nature;
  • List Prospective Supervisor(s ) of your interest in the Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Applicants are encouraged to arrange an interview with prospective supervisors as early as possible;
  • Statement of Purpose : A one-page that includes your degree, relevant research and/or publications, and career goals;
  • Curriculum Vitae ;
  • GRE/English Proficiency Test scores  (if applicable): These must be submitted directly from the issuing institution to the University of Toronto;
  • Letter of Support from Employer   (only for the Flex-time PhD Program Option).
  • Certified English translations are required for all international documentation written in a language other than English or French. Translations do not replace original documentation. Both the original documents and translations must be submitted.

Be prepared to submit the following:

  • Contact information
  • Scanned official transcript(s)
  • MScPhm supplemental document
  • Two letters of reference
  • GRE and English Proficiency Test results (for applicants who have not completed a program of study in Canada or the U.S.)

Mailing Address for Official Transcripts

Attention: Graduate Admissions Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto 144 College Street, Room 658 Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3M2 Canada

If you have further question about application and admission process, please email  [email protected] .

PharmSci Application Process Resources

Mscphm application process resources.

  • Pharmacy's Pandemic Response
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  • Student Spotlight
  • By the Numbers
  • Our Research
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  • Message from the Dean
  • Champion Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Educate Pharmacy for Tomorrow
  • Deliver Impact through Cutting-Edge Discovery
  • Build Leadership, Wellness and Community
  • Advance Use of Digital Technology
  • Support Sustainability in Health Care
  • What pharmaceutical sciences research areas can I explore?
  • What pharmaceutical sciences graduate degrees are offered?
  • What courses can I take as a pharmaceutical sciences graduate student?
  • What are the application requirements for a pharmaceutical sciences graduate student?
  • How do I find a supervisor?
  • How much does graduate school cost?
  • What is the application deadline for the graduate department of pharmaceutical sciences?
  • Sign up to learn more
  • How to become a pharmacist
  • Why should I become a pharmacist?
  • What are the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Admission Requirements
  • What high school courses are required to become a pharmacist in Canada?
  • What university program should I take before applying to pharmacy school?
  • How much is pharmacy school tuition?
  • Why should I choose to earn my PharmD at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
  • What can pharmacists do other than fill prescriptions?
  • Upcoming Events
  • News Stories
  • Pharmacy Leadership and Education

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School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Calendar

Pharmacology and toxicology: pharmacology phd, doctor of philosophy, program description.

The objective of the PhD degree is to have students possess a comprehensive understanding of the general area of pharmacology, in addition to specific expertise in their particular area of interest. They build on their knowledge of pharmacology so that they are able to think critically about specific areas in pharmacology. They should be able to formulate and design, as well as carry out and interpret investigations. Their findings should be publishable. They should show capacity for continuing significant contributions in pharmacology and for conducting independent research.

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of three routes: 1) following completion of an appropriate master’s degree; 2) transfer from the University of Toronto MSc program; or 3) direct entry following completion of an appropriate bachelor’s degree.

PhD Program

Minimum admission requirements.

Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology's additional admission requirements stated below.

Appropriate master's degree from a recognized university with an average of at least a B+ in master's degree courses.

Applicants are normally required to have taken courses in physiology, biochemistry, or applied sciences sufficient to form a foundation for their work in pharmacology.

The department determines the eligibility of prospective students. The department assesses the student's ability for advanced study and independent research in pharmacology.

Students transferring from the master's program in Pharmacology to the PhD program may receive full credit for master's courses towards doctoral course requirements, with the department's permission.

Well-qualified students with excellent research potential holding an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university may be considered for direct entry to the PhD program. These applicants must have achieved a minimum final-year average of A–.

Applicants admitted without prior screening (i.e., with MSc degrees from other departments or universities, and students admitted with a bachelor's degree) will have their research ability reviewed after completion of one year. Upon successful completion of a departmental seminar and recommendation from the student's advisory committee, the student will be permitted to proceed with the PhD program.

The department must be satisfied about the applicant's background, accomplishments, and financial support.

All successful applicants are responsible for obtaining research supervision and financial support before they are permitted to officially register in their program.

Program Requirements

Coursework. Students must complete 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

PCL1002Y Graduate Pharmacology (primary subject)

PCL1003Y 0 Seminars in Pharmacology (Credit/No Credit)

1.0 additional FCE (secondary subject)

Any other courses advised by the Graduate Education Committee. The student's advisory committee should help the student determine the secondary course.

Pharmacology graduate faculty members also offer a variety of laboratory-based and tutorial-based learning modules to provide breadth to the student's training experience beyond their particular areas of research focus. During their program, PhD students are required to choose four breadth modules from among available options. 0.5 FCE from outside the student's research area may substitute for one of the four breadth modules. The student's advisory committee will assist the student in choosing suitable modules.

As part of the course requirement for PCL1003Y 0 Seminars in Pharmacology , the student must present thesis material in seminars to the department on two occasions, one of which will take place between two and six months prior to the departmental Final Oral Examination.

Each student will participate in a research program and present the results of the investigation as a written thesis . The thesis must be orally defended to the satisfaction of a thesis examination committee.

Minimum period of two full years of residence , during which time the student is required to be on campus full-time and consequently in such geographical proximity as to be able to participate fully in the department's activities associated with the program.

Program Length

4 years full-time; 5 years transfer-from-master's; 5 years direct-entry

6 years full-time; 7 years transfer-from-master's; 7 years direct-entry

0 Course that may continue over a program. The course is graded when completed.

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Pharmacology and Toxicology Home

Graduate Courses

Definition of Course Delivery Modes:

  • In Person:  Requires attendance at a specific location and time for some or all course activities  (subject to adjustments imposed by public health requirements for physical distancing)
  • Online Synchronous:  Online attendance is expected at a specific time for some or all course activities
  • Asynchronous:  No requirement for attendance at a specific time or location

Recommended technology requirements for remote/online learning

Advanced Topics: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology

Coordinator: Lu-Yang Wang and Michael Salter

This course is offered in alternate years.

This course will focus upon selected topics in molecular genetics and cellular neurobiology. Students will be expected to make presentations based upon appropriate literature listed by the teaching faculty. Participation in discussions will also be required. There will be no didactic lectures. Presentation topics will be chosen from the following topics:

  • Topic 1: Signaling in cells of the nervous system (eg. molecular biology transmitter receptors and ion channels, second messenger regulation, signal transduction systems).
  • Topic 2: Development of Cells of the Nervous System (eg. cytoskeleton; genetics of neural development; nerve guidance and synapse formation; the ontogeny of neural cells; myelin).
  • Topic 3: Plasticity of the Nervous System (eg. long term potentiation; glutamate receptors; learning and memory).
  • Topic 4: Molecular Genetics of Neural Diseases (eg. Type II neurofibramatosis as a casestudy; Alzheimers, Huntingtons, MS, ALS).


  • Permission of the Physiology Department is required

Applied Skills in Clinical Pharmacology

Coordinator:  Dr. Nicole Mittmann

This course introduces fundamental principles of clinical research and provides students with the skills necessary for the design, execution, analysis, and critical evaluation of clinical studies in pharmacology. Students will become familiar with various research approaches, methodologies, and strategies commonly employed in clinical pharmacology. Specifically, lectures will cover observational and experimental study designs and techniques; clinical data measurements, collection, and analysis; evidence review (systematic reviews/meta-analysis); ethical, legal, and regulatory guidelines governing clinical research; safety monitoring and adverse event reporting (pharmacovigilance); and key principles of pharmacoeconomics. In addition, students will be introduced to current topics and conceptual issues related to clinical research in pharmacology, and will learn to critically appraise clinical research.

  • Open to students enrolled in the Applied Clinical Pharmacology field of study only

Behavioral Pharmacology

Coordinator:  Dr. Laurie Zawertailo

The goal of this course is to examine the methodologic and experimental basis of studying the effects of drugs on behaviour. Throughout the course the relationship of pre-clinical behavioural pharmacology to human behavioural pharmacology is compared. There will be a strong emphasis on how behavioural studies can assist in our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and identification of novel therapeutic approaches for various mental illnesses and addictions. In the first part of the course, general background covering the principles of behavioural pharmacology will be covered. This approach ensures that students somewhat weaker in relevant areas of psychology or pharmacology are able to gain such knowledge early in the course. In the second part of the course, there is a focus on selected topics and current experimental issues in the field including several chosen by the class. Instruction will include a 45 minute overview of the topic given by the lecturer followed by a discussion of two research papers provided one week in advance. Structured questions are provided to guide preparation and discussion. An opportunity to observe/participate in some of the behavioural techniques described in the class will be offered.

  • Non-Pharmacology graduate students will require permission from the course coordinator to enroll and should submit an  Add/Drop Course form

Clinical Pharmacology

Coordinator:  Dr. Cindy Woodland

This  course  explores  a  variety  of  topics  in  clinical  pharmacology  with  emphasis  on  the application  of  pharmacokinetic  principles. Clinical  cases  are  used  to  highlight  a  breadth of topics  in  clinical pharmacology  and  toxicology including variability in drug response, adverse drug reactions, clinical study design, and pharmacoeconomics.

  • Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Applied Clinical Pharmacology field of study.

Clinical Pharmacology: Principles in Practice

Coordinator:  Dr. Anita Hamadanizadeh

The overall goal of this laboratory course is to provide students with practical experience and understanding of experimental methods used in clinical pharmacology research. The 12-session course will be taught through a combination of wet labs and dry labs. During wet labs, groups (~3-5 individuals per group) will be given a drug that they will investigate in the laboratory. Dry labs will involve lectures, case studies, and assignments. Topics will include assessments of drug solubility, absorption/bioavailability and bioequivalence, distribution and protein binding, biotransformation, renal excretion, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics modeling, drug-drug interaction, and assessment of pharmacodynamic effects.

  • Open to students enrolled in the Applied Clinical Pharmacology field of study only.
  • Co-requisite: PCL1004Y or prior pharmacokinetics course.

Current Topics in Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology

Coordinator: Jeff Henderson

This course will emphasize the biochemical principles and mechanisms underlying the toxicity of drugs and foreign agents. In particular the current hypotheses that explain the events at the molecular level which determine and affect toxicity are examined and critically evaluated. This course is suitable for graduate students of pharmacy, toxicology, pharmacology, biochemistry, environmental science, pathology, neuroscience and medical biophysics. A weekly journal club will also be held after the lectures.

  • Permission of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department is required

Drug Transport Across Biological Membranes

Coordinator: Dr. R. Bendayan

The course is to provide graduate students with a knowledge of the molecular entities involved in drug transport across biological cell membranes and to emphasize the physiological and clinical significance of these entities. The course will consist of didactic lectures presented in a traditional lecture format, and student presentations, when appropriate a lecture will be replaced by a research seminar.

Fundamentals of Neurological Science

Coordinator: Jesse Gillis and Darren Kadis

The purpose of this course is to give undergraduate students an overview and grounding in the fundamentals of neuroscience. The main emphasis is on the cellular and molecular aspects of brain function. The lecturers, all experts in their respective topics, are drawn from the different university departments and associated research institutes. Each year the course is updated to reflect the rapid evolution of ideas in neuroscience.

  • This course is now offered as two half-credit courses. See PSL1445H and PSL1446H.

Graduate Pharmacology

Course Coordinator:  Dr. David Riddick

A series of lectures and student presentations that emphasize recent advances in our understanding of pharmacological principles. Areas covered include drug metabolism, molecular biology, pharmacogenomics, receptors & signal transduction, clinical pharmacology, and behavioural pharmacology. Each student presents a critical evaluation of a recent research paper during the year. Testing will be in-class exam format and completion of a CIHR-style operating grant application.

  • Open to Pharmacology graduate students only

Graduate Seminar in Toxicology

This course is a seminar-based course in which students critique scientific papers in the area of toxicology. Faculty members from a wide variety of disciplines will guide these sessions and give an overview of the relevant issues in the field. Students are evaluated by oral and written critiques of the scientific literature and by their participation in class discussions. 

  • Pre/co-requisite: JNP1014Y
  • Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Collaborative Specialization in Toxicology
  • Non-Pharmacology/Toxicology graduate students will require permission from the course coordinator to enroll and should submit an  Add/Drop Course form


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university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

  • PhD Program

PhD Tuition and Funding

A&s tuition, fees & base funding package - 2023-24.

2023-24 full-time = $8,213.96  ($6,210.00 tuition + $2,003.96 mandatory incidental fees) 


  • 2023-24 full-time = $8,969.96  ($6,210.00 tuition + $2,003.96 mandatory incidental fees + $756.00 UHIP)

PhD Program Funding

In 2001, the Faculty of Arts and Science introduced a base funding package for eligible graduate students. This package has increased substantially over time. The base funding package helps the Faculty to recruit outstanding students and allows these students to focus on their studies and complete their degrees in a timely manner.

Students are responsible for any course-related expenses, as well as payment of their tuition and fees. Tuition and fees are subject to change on an annual basis. In 2023-24, the tuition fee for full-time domestic PhD students is $8,213.96. Additional information is available on the Student Accounts website . 

The base funding package consists of a University of Toronto Fellowship (UTF) and a Research Assistant Stipend (RA Stipend). There is a possibility of top-ups from sources such as the Program-Level Fellowship.

More Information

Program-level fellowships (plfs).

PLFs are provided by Faculty of Arts and Science. For the 2023-24 academic year, the Faculty of Arts and Science is allocating $1,000 for each registered PhD and MA student. The distribution of funds is determined in consultation with graduate students each year. For the 2023-24 year, we will distribute 50% of allocated funds to MA and PhD students' base funding ($500 per MA and Year 1-5 PhD students) and the other 50% to Black, Indigenous, and other racialized MA and PhD students.

Research Assistantship (RA)

RA Position

Faculty members can hire students to assist with their research. Faculty members pay students from their research funds and in addition to base funding. RA Position is paid as a taxable T4 and involves hourly rates for your research-related work for a faculty member. It is paid as you are completing the work. There is a contract between a student and a faculty member outlining the specifics of this position.

RAship Stipend

PhD students receive an RA stipend of $800 included in the base-funding. The RA stipend helps students to connect with faculty members and their research. Consult your funding letter. RA Stipend is paid into your account by direct deposit in October. 

TAships play a very important role in the Centre’s educational mandate for both graduate and undergraduate students. Therefore, the decisions about TA assignments are made by the Centre’s director, both Associate Directors, with administrative support from Undergraduate Adminstrative Coordinator and Graduate Administrator. 

The hourly rates and the total number of TA hours are regulated through the university’s Collective Agreements with CUPE3902, Uni 1. The current agreement sets a limit of $7,755 to be counted towards base funding for students entering in year 1. Any TA earnings beyond this level will augment a graduate student's actual income, and cannot be offset by lower levels of financial support from other sources (UTF and RA).

TA Assignments, Contracts, and Training Timeline

  • May:  The Subsequent Appointment System opens for students in Year 2 and beyond to declare whether they want to hold an appointment in the coming year, and to provide some details about the kind of TA-ship they want, and on which campus. 
  • July: You will get a provisional TA assignment on the  TAship site . 
  • July: for F/Y terms and in November for S term:  Any TA Job Posting  Applications  will be made available.
  • August 11 for F/Y term and December 11 for S term:  You will receive your TA contract. 
  • September 1:  Description of Duties and Allocation of Hours (DDAH) forms outlining TA duties and specifying the hours assigned to them, have to be confirmed by both the TA and course instructor on the  TAship Online System
  • Questions regrading TA assignments at the St. George campus can be sent to  Colleen Osborn .  Questions regrading TA assignments at the UTM campus can be sent to   Sabrin Mohamed   Questions regrading TA assignments and DDAH forms at the UTSC campus can be sent to  Milene Neves  

How is your funding paid?

The stipend part of University of Toronto Fellowship payments are paid through direct deposit. To set up direct deposit, follow these steps:

  • Log into your ACORN account. 
  • Ensure your contact information, including address, is up-to-date under Profile & Settings . 
  • Click on Financial Account  in the left menu. 
  • Select Direct Deposit  and enter your banking information. You will need your transit number, bank number, and account number. 
  • Banking Authorization Form
  • Void cheque or printout from bank with account information
  • TD1 Tax Form, TD1-ON Tax Form
  • Photocopy of Social Insurance Number (SIN) card, and
  • Photocopy of study permit (if not a citizen or resident of Canada).
  • Note to international students: If you do not have a Social Insurance Number, please secure the information required by Services Canada in applying for a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN). You must have a valid Social Insurance Number in order to earn income in Canada. 

Important notes:

  • ACORN/ROSI and U of T's payroll HR system are not connected and therefore any changes to your information must be submitted separately for each system.
  • Payroll entries must be processed by the payroll close date, which is typically about the 15th of the month, and about the 7th in December. Your information must reach the Department Manager in sufficient time to allow for processing.

When to expect payment

UTF payment comes in two forms: a stipend and tuition.

  • The stipend is paid three times a year: at the beginning of September, January, and May.
  • The tuition is paid directly into the student account in two instalments, in September and January.

CGS-M, SSHRC, FAST and OGS awards are paid in three instalments in September, January, and May. Students holding CGS-M, SSHRC and OGS awards are responsible for paying their tuition as it is NOT automatically deducted from these awards.

TA payments come on the 28th of the month, but only for the months the student teaches. If, for example, the student’s TAship is in the Fall semester only, the payments will be deposited in September, October, November, and December. The Winter payments come in January, February, March and April.

RAship Stipend is paid into your account in October by direct deposit.

Additional Funding Sources

Work-study program.

Every year the Centre hires work-study students to provide employment and career development opportunities. This is a part of the University of Toronto financial aid program. Students may apply for the positions advertised by the Centre, but also for positions advertised by individual faculty members and other departments.

Work-Study positions for the 2024-25 academic year will be made available on the Career Learning Network website .

Job postings will be made available to view in August 2024. All students registered as full time for the 2024-25 year will be eligible to apply.

Research & Conference Grants

  • The Faculty of Arts & Science and the School of Graduate Studies hold competitions annually for research travel grants. Funds are available for a limited number of doctoral students in the humanities to study or carry out research in Canada, the United States or overseas.
  • The Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies realizes the importance of research abroad and has limited research and conference travel funds available.

Financial Aid

We encourage you to investigate your eligibility for financial aid:

  • Financing Your Graduate Education  (School of Graduate Studies)
  • U of T Finances : general information on fees, funding, awards and more. 
  • Prospective Graduate Students
  • Program Requirements
  • Academic Milestones: Program by Year
  • Tuition & Funding
  • Scholarships & Awards
  • Ethics Review
  • Dissertations
  • PhD Graduate Forms
  • Curriculum & Course Information
  • Request new password

Pharmacology and Biomedical Toxicology

Honours Bachelor of Science

School of Graduate Studies

Phd funding data.

We understand that funding is an essential component of successfully completing a PhD. Students accepted into most PhD programs will receive funding from their graduate unit. Funding typically covers four to five years of doctoral study and the amount, composition, and the number of years you receive it will vary based on your Faculty and graduate unit. We want to help ensure that information about funding amounts and composition are available for prospective and current students.

Please explore the PhD Funding dashboard to see the average Actual Income and Base Funding received by full-time, active PhDs.

Questions or feedback about the PhD Funding Data project? Contact us.

Helping you understand your funding

What is Base Funding?

What is is Average Actual Income?

Explore the Dashboard

The interactive dashboard functions are most effectively utilized on a desktop or laptop device. If you have trouble viewing our dashboards, please try using Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

For any inquiries please email us at [email protected]

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Graduate School
  • Prospective Students
  • Graduate Degree Programs
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)

Canadian Immigration Updates

Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Review more details

Go to programs search

You're ready to work at the forefront of pharmaceutical sciences advancement. Take your education to the next level with a PhD at UBC Pharm Sci. It's where you'll work shoulder to shoulder with other leading experts in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, contributing knowledge, developing solutions, and shaping the future of health care. Come to work every day at one of the world's most inspiring campuses, where you will find exceptional mentors and supervisors, and state-of-the-art facilities.

For specific program requirements, please refer to the departmental program website

What makes the program unique?

At UBC Pharm Sci, our research has shaped our outstanding international reputation. This is the place to collaborate with some of the world's foremost pharmaceutical experts, generating relevant, evidence-based and industry-focused research that makes a positive impact on broader society.

As a PhD student, you will embark upon a journey of academic discovery by working alongside renowned researchers who are at the top of their fields. Right from the onset of the program, you will be welcomed by a vibrant collegial community, receive individualized guidance to shape your customized study plan, and receive mentorship from senior researchers. During the program, you will enrich your knowledge and build your skills set to prepare for careers in academia or industry, while exploring research frontiers in world-class facilities. Our graduates are often highly sought after by the pharmaceutical industry for their expertise in drug discovery and development.

Our PhD program attracts some of the brightest and most curious scientific minds, so you can expect to work alongside some of the best scholars to inspire you. Our student body is diverse both in terms of educational backgrounds and global talent. More than half of our graduate students join us from countries outside of Canada, bringing various perspectives to share. We offer orientation events to help new students integrate into life here in Vancouver, at UBC and within the Faculty. And our Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Student Society (PharGS) will help support you through your educational journey and make you feel right at home.

UBC has the top Pharmaceutical Sciences program in Canada, which was a major draw for me to choose UBC. Also, the campus is beautiful and Vancouver is a great city!

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

Danielle Hanke

Quick Facts

Program Enquiries

Admission information & requirements, program instructions.

To be considered for admission to the Pharm Sci PhD program, a complete application must be submitted by January 15th. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

For International students: This includes the submission of a copy of the official IELTS or TOEFL transcript.

1) Check Eligibility

Minimum academic requirements.

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies establishes the minimum admission requirements common to all applicants, usually a minimum overall average in the B+ range (76% at UBC). The graduate program that you are applying to may have additional requirements. Please review the specific requirements for applicants with credentials from institutions in:

  • Canada or the United States
  • International countries other than the United States

Each program may set higher academic minimum requirements. Please review the program website carefully to understand the program requirements. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission as it is a competitive process.

English Language Test

Applicants from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of their application. Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of your application.

Minimum requirements for the two most common English language proficiency tests to apply to this program are listed below:

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language - internet-based

Overall score requirement : 100

IELTS: International English Language Testing System

Overall score requirement : 7.0

Other Test Scores

Some programs require additional test scores such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Test (GMAT). The requirements for this program are:

The GRE is not required.

2) Meet Deadlines

3) prepare application, transcripts.

All applicants have to submit transcripts from all past post-secondary study. Document submission requirements depend on whether your institution of study is within Canada or outside of Canada.

Letters of Reference

A minimum of three references are required for application to graduate programs at UBC. References should be requested from individuals who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and qualifications.

Statement of Interest

Many programs require a statement of interest , sometimes called a "statement of intent", "description of research interests" or something similar.


Students in research-based programs usually require a faculty member to function as their thesis supervisor. Please follow the instructions provided by each program whether applicants should contact faculty members.

Instructions regarding thesis supervisor contact for Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)

Citizenship verification.

Permanent Residents of Canada must provide a clear photocopy of both sides of the Permanent Resident card.

4) Apply Online

All applicants must complete an online application form and pay the application fee to be considered for admission to UBC.

Research Information

Research highlights.

If you're passionate about health sciences research that makes a difference in patients' lives, then UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences is your place. Innovative, collaborative, impactful and widely recognized, our groundbreaking research is relevant to today's problems.

Some examples of our research include work in the following areas:

  • Lipid- and polymer-based drug delivery systems using nanotechnology to enhance cancer therapy
  • Developing small molecule inhibitors for disease-relevant targets, with a specific focus on anti-cancer drug discovery 
  • Gene-delivery treatment of genetic diseases
  • Predictive analytics in respiratory diseases
  • Causes, risk factors, and biomarkers of neurological disease progression

Research Focus

A PhD in pharmaceutical sciences is the entry point to countless research opportunities in drug discovery and development. Whether it’s genomics and individualized therapy, nanomedicine, chemical biology, pharmacology, or epidemiology, we offer options for you to explore and collaborate. Our research themes include:

Molecular & Systems Pharmacology is comprised of areas such as drug metabolism, pharmacokinetic modeling, cancer biology/pharmacology, diabetes, cardiovascular pharmacology, neuroscience/neuropharmacology, receptor pharmacology, and pharmacogenomics. This highly interdisciplinary theme embodies research directed at the interactions of drugs with therapeutic targets, and covers fundamental questions of the molecular and cellular basis of individual variations in response to drugs, mechanisms of drug action and the pathogenesis of diseases. These studies are used to inform and optimize the development and delivery of drug intervention regimes for clinical practice.

Nanomedicine & Chemical Biology applies our expertise in the chemical biology of the fabrication and handling of nanoscopic materials to drug discovery and delivery. Sensing and screening technologies are also an important focus.

Epidemiology and Health Outcomes covers our activities in epidemiological analysis, health outcomes and health economics research seeking solutions for the predictive enhancement of intervention strategies for practical and preventive healthcare. The impact of this work is used to shape policy to optimize the allocation of health care resources as well as defining the efficacy of healthcare interventions and strategy.

Research Facilities

Opened in 2012, the award-winning Pharmaceutical Sciences building is a quarter-million-square-foot, state-of-the-art learning and research facility in the heart of the UBC campus. Functional, striking and always thrumming with activity, the building is home to cutting-edge equipment, laboratories and research spaces that we make available for use by the scientific public. Our building houses modern, modular labs designed specifically for the type of research intended for the space. Among an array of state-of-the-art scientific equipment, the Faculty houses a modern mass spectrometer facility for pharmacokinetic and drug metabolism studies, and a Sequenom Mass-ARRAY system for genetic studies.

Tuition & Financial Support

Financial support.

Applicants to UBC have access to a variety of funding options, including merit-based (i.e. based on your academic performance) and need-based (i.e. based on your financial situation) opportunities.

Program Funding Packages

Thesis-based PhD students in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences are eligible to receive a stipend, provided they are in good standing and maintain their eligibility as a UBC graduate student. The stipend package normally includes a graduate teaching assistantship, a graduate research assistantship, and/or a scholarship.

The minimum stipend starting in the 2023-2024 academic year will be:

Domestic PhD student: $30,555 to $31,215 per annum, which includes a President’s Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award  (Years 1-3: $1,215 per year; Year 4 and later: $555 per year)

International PhD student: $34,625 per annum, which includes an International Tuition Award ($3,200) and a President’s Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award ($1,425 to each student whose tuition is not paid by an external sponsor).

Please be aware that due to the higher cost of living in Vancouver, students should plan to draw on their personal funds in addition to the stipend.

Average Funding

  • 13 students received Teaching Assistantships. Average TA funding based on 13 students was $11,734.
  • 23 students received Research Assistantships. Average RA funding based on 23 students was $15,578.
  • 1 student received Academic Assistantships valued at $2,003.
  • 27 students received internal awards. Average internal award funding based on 27 students was $11,552.
  • 9 students received external awards. Average external award funding based on 9 students was $25,685.

Scholarships & awards (merit-based funding)

All applicants are encouraged to review the awards listing to identify potential opportunities to fund their graduate education. The database lists merit-based scholarships and awards and allows for filtering by various criteria, such as domestic vs. international or degree level.

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA)

Many professors are able to provide Research Assistantships (GRA) from their research grants to support full-time graduate students studying under their supervision. The duties constitute part of the student's graduate degree requirements. A Graduate Research Assistantship is considered a form of fellowship for a period of graduate study and is therefore not covered by a collective agreement. Stipends vary widely, and are dependent on the field of study and the type of research grant from which the assistantship is being funded.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA)

Graduate programs may have Teaching Assistantships available for registered full-time graduate students. Full teaching assistantships involve 12 hours work per week in preparation, lecturing, or laboratory instruction although many graduate programs offer partial TA appointments at less than 12 hours per week. Teaching assistantship rates are set by collective bargaining between the University and the Teaching Assistants' Union .

Graduate Academic Assistantships (GAA)

Academic Assistantships are employment opportunities to perform work that is relevant to the university or to an individual faculty member, but not to support the student’s graduate research and thesis. Wages are considered regular earnings and when paid monthly, include vacation pay.

Financial aid (need-based funding)

Canadian and US applicants may qualify for governmental loans to finance their studies. Please review eligibility and types of loans .

All students may be able to access private sector or bank loans.

Foreign government scholarships

Many foreign governments provide support to their citizens in pursuing education abroad. International applicants should check the various governmental resources in their home country, such as the Department of Education, for available scholarships.

Working while studying

The possibility to pursue work to supplement income may depend on the demands the program has on students. It should be carefully weighed if work leads to prolonged program durations or whether work placements can be meaningfully embedded into a program.

International students enrolled as full-time students with a valid study permit can work on campus for unlimited hours and work off-campus for no more than 20 hours a week.

A good starting point to explore student jobs is the UBC Work Learn program or a Co-Op placement .

Tax credits and RRSP withdrawals

Students with taxable income in Canada may be able to claim federal or provincial tax credits.

Canadian residents with RRSP accounts may be able to use the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) which allows students to withdraw amounts from their registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to finance full-time training or education for themselves or their partner.

Please review Filing taxes in Canada on the student services website for more information.

Cost Estimator

Applicants have access to the cost estimator to develop a financial plan that takes into account various income sources and expenses.

Career Outcomes

48 students graduated between 2005 and 2013. Of these, career information was obtained for 42 alumni (based on research conducted between Feb-May 2016):

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

Sample Employers in Higher Education

Sample employers outside higher education, sample job titles outside higher education, phd career outcome survey, career options.

With a tailored PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, the door is open to numerous research career options in drug discovery and development. Our graduates have gone on to create R&D companies in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, and developed and commercialized therapeutic products in the treatment of various diseases. While a number of our PhD graduates opt for careers in academia or government, the majority of our alumni thrive in industry.

Alumni on Success

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

Swamy Yeleswaram

Job Title VP

Employer Incyte Corporation

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

Gary Lopaschuk

Job Title Professor

Employer University of Alberta

Enrolment, Duration & Other Stats

These statistics show data for the Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD). Data are separated for each degree program combination. You may view data for other degree options in the respective program profile.


Completion rates & times, upcoming doctoral exams, friday, 14 june 2024 - 9:00am - room 200.

  • Research Supervisors

Advice and insights from UBC Faculty on reaching out to supervisors

These videos contain some general advice from faculty across UBC on finding and reaching out to a supervisor. They are not program specific.

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

This list shows faculty members with full supervisory privileges who are affiliated with this program. It is not a comprehensive list of all potential supervisors as faculty from other programs or faculty members without full supervisory privileges can request approvals to supervise graduate students in this program.

  • Cairns, Brian (Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects); electrophysiology; headache; Neuropharmacology; Oro-Facial Pain; pain; pain mechanisms; peripheral analgesics; sex-related differences; temporomandibular disorders)
  • Chang, Thomas (Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects))
  • Collier, Abby (Drugs in children, Drugs in pregnancy, Developmental pharmacology, Drug metabolism, Pharmacokinetics, Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, primarily of the phase II (conjugation) enzymes, focused on pregnancy and pediatrics)
  • Conklin, Annalijn (Public health nutrition policy; Other basic medicine and life sciences; Chronic Diseases in Elderly; Community Health / Public Health; disease management evaluation; food and nutrition policy; Gender Epidemiology; gender and health equity; Health Policies; healthcare quality improvement; healthy ageing; Indigenous health; Obesity; obesity & CVD risk factors; Professional Practices; Social Determinants of Dietary and Metabolic Disorders; social nutritional epidemiology; ethics of research and public health)
  • Coughtrie, Michael (Drug metabolizing enzymes)
  • Cragg, Jacquelyn (Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); data science; open science; Causal inference; Drug Effectiveness; Drug Safety; Epidemiology; neuro-epidemiology; Neurological diseases; Spinal cord injury; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); multiple sclerosis; Parkinson’s disease)
  • De Vera, Mary (examining how eHealth technologies can support new and existing models of care to improve care delivery and patient outcomes; exploring patients' perspectives and experiences with medication taking and adherence; and evaluating the use and impacts of medications among pregnant women, particularly with inflammatory conditions.)
  • Finbloom, Joel (Drug discovery, design and delivery; Biologically active molecules; Nanochemistry; Antimicrobial resistance; Nanomedicine; nanomedicine; Chemical Biology; drug delivery; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Infectious disease; Bacterial Biofilms; Microbiome; Probiotics; Antibiotic resistance)
  • Frankel, Adam (Other basic medicine and life sciences; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Protein Biochemistry; arginine methylation; Histones; Nucleosomes; post-translational modifications; Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms; Organic Molecules and Biomolecules; Bioactive Molecules; Proteins; Chemical Biology; drug discovery; Target Engagement; yeast; Amino acids)
  • Giaever, Guri (Model organisms, human therapeutics, high-throughput cell biology, drug synergy, technologies for understanding relationship between chromatic structure and transcriptional regulation)
  • Hafeli, Urs (Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c.)
  • Harrison, Mark (measurement and valuation of health, health technology and policy assessment, and preferences for healthcare interventions; evaluation/re-evaluation of the type of health care that is provided, the point in the treatment pathway, and the way in which it is delivered)
  • Jarvis-Selinger, Sandra (Education, human learning, development, and instruction, education innovation, konwledge translation, teaching excellence, curriculum design, technology)
  • Johnson, Kate (Health Outcomes)
  • Krentz, Nicole (Human development and organogenesis; Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c.; Human physiology, n.e.c.; Diabetes; Developmental biology; Genetics)
  • Kumar, Ujendra (Somatostatin hormone, molecular pharmacology, Somatostatin, , Hormones, somatostatin, locomotor and cognitive function, neurodegenerative diseases, drugs)
  • Lalji, Fawziah (Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Pharmacoepidemiology; Infectious diseases; Immunization; Antibiotics and Resistance; Vaccine preventable diseases)
  • Li, Shyh-Dar (Drug discovery, design and delivery; Nano-technology; biopharmaceutics; drug delivery; nanomedicine; pharmaceutics; Gene delivery and therapy)
  • Loewen, Peter (Cardiology and circulatory sciences (including cardiovascular disease); Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice; Knowledge translation and implementation science in health; atrial fibrillation; Pharmacoepidemiology; Thrombosis and Embolism; adherence to medication; Cardiovascular diseases; Arrhythmia; Heart Failure; stroke; Health Care Technologies; Professional Practices; Hematology; decision making; clinical prediction rules; healthcare communication technologies; hospital pharmacy practice; knowledge translation of evidence to patient care; patient complexiometry; patient decision aids; patient education; pharmacy practice; prediction of stroke and bleeding in atrial fibrillation patients; quality of care, quality drug therapy; Shared decision-making; stroke prevention therapy; use of mobile technology for clinical decision-making)
  • Lynd, Larry (health economics, orphan drugs, pharmaceutical policy, respiratory medicine, epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, rare diseases )
  • Maharaj, Anil (Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c.; Pharmacometrics; Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics; Obstetric and Pediatric Pharmacology)
  • McCormack, James (Knowledge translation and evidence-based practice)
  • Nislow, Corey (genomics and develops biotechnology tools to address both fundamental and applied biological questions; Parallel genome-wide chemical genomic screens; High throughput cell-based screens; Next Generation Sequencing)
  • Page, Brent (Drug discovery, design and delivery; Cell Signaling and Cancer; Cancer; Cell signaling; Chemical Biology; Drug development; Drug Discovery, Design and Delivery; Medicinal Chemistry; Target Engagement)
  • Rodrigues, Brian (Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects); Diabetes; Cardiomyopathy; Heart Failure; Energy Metabolism; Cardiovascular metabolism; Endothelial cell - cardiomyocyte crosstalk; Vascular Endothelial Growth factors)

Doctoral Citations

Sample thesis submissions.

  • Macroaggregated albumin particles as intravenous drug formulation for lung delivery
  • Transmucosal delivery of protein and peptide drugs by using cell penetrating peptides
  • Exploring health care encounters and treatments for mental disorders in individuals with inflammatory arthritis : epidemiologic and health services research studies
  • Pharmacokinetics of cationic host-defense peptides and innate defense regulators in native and formulated states
  • Examining the quantity and quality of antibiotic use : a population-based analysis of British Columbia and Ontario
  • Investigation of excipients to improve oral delivery of peptides
  • Bioorthogonal click chemistry – synthesis of aptamer-conjugated polymeric nanoparticles for cancer targeting and pretargeted imaging of ⁹⁹ᵐTc-labeled tetrazines
  • Developing models to study breast cancer progression and investigating the role of invadopodia in tumor cell metastasis
  • Development and evaluation of radiolabeled macromolecular conjugates for targeted delivery of anti-arthritic drugs
  • An oral physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model to predict drug absorption and disposition of vismodegib
  • Biochemical investigations of protein arginine N-methyltransferase 2
  • Nanoscale flow cytometry for extracellular vesicle analysis and isolation
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor B affects cardiac substrate utilization by regulating lipoprotein lipase
  • Development of reporter mouse models to evaluate and optimize crispr/cas9 base editing therapeutics
  • Development of a novel Enkephalin-like peptide with pain-relieving and antidepressant-like effects

Related Programs

Same specialization.

  • Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
  • Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSc)

Further Information


Pharmaceutical Sciences covers research areas of nanomedicine, drug delivery; drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics and toxicology; pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics; diabetes, cardiovascular and molecular pharmacology; neuropharmacology; cancer pharmacology; pharmaceutical health outcomes and pharmacotherapeutics; and pharmaceutical education.

UBC Calendar

Program website, faculty overview, academic unit, program identifier, classification, social media channels, supervisor search.

Departments/Programs may update graduate degree program details through the Faculty & Staff portal. To update contact details for application inquiries, please use this form .

Sepideh Soukhtehzari's image

Sepideh Soukhtehzari

UBC is a hub for scientists from different aspects of life science research, is highly rated for cutting edge scientific achievements and provides such a rich environment for trainees in their professional life. In addition, UBC offers a variety of facilities and also events that support social...

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Megan Thomas

UBC is one of Canada’s leading research universities, consistently ranking in the top 40 universities in the world. In addition to it's stellar reputation, it also has one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. The ocean and mountain views are unmatched!

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

Petar Iliev

I have an interest in target-based drug-discovery and in my PhD I wanted to explore the use of the latest target-engagement techniques for developing new inhibitors. I joined UBC and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in particular, because I wanted to work with Dr. Brent Page, who has...

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

Michael Rowley

I wanted to study at a university with a sterling reputation in the research community that also had a diverse community of peers and well situated in nature. UBC met and exceeded all of these criteria!

university of toronto fully funded phd in pharmacology

Considering Vancouver as your next home?

This city won’t disappoint. It has it all: sea, parks, mountains, beaches and all four seasons, including beautiful summers and mild, wet winters with snow.

  • Why Grad School at UBC?
  • Application & Admission
  • Info Sessions
  • Research Projects
  • Indigenous Students
  • International Students
  • Tuition, Fees & Cost of Living
  • Newly Admitted
  • Student Status & Classification
  • Student Responsibilities
  • Supervision & Advising
  • Managing your Program
  • Health, Wellbeing and Safety
  • Professional Development
  • Dissertation & Thesis Preparation
  • Final Doctoral Exam
  • Final Dissertation & Thesis Submission
  • Life in Vancouver
  • Vancouver Campus
  • Graduate Student Spaces
  • Graduate Life Centre
  • Life as a Grad Student
  • Graduate Student Ambassadors
  • Meet our Students
  • Award Opportunities
  • Award Guidelines
  • Minimum Funding Policy for PhD Students
  • Killam Awards & Fellowships
  • Policies & Procedures
  • Information for Supervisors
  • Dean's Message
  • Leadership Team
  • Strategic Plan & Priorities
  • Vision & Mission
  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
  • Initiatives, Plans & Reports
  • Graduate Education Analysis & Research
  • Media Enquiries
  • Newsletters
  • Giving to Graduate Studies

Strategic Priorities

  • Strategic Plan 2019-2024
  • Improving Student Funding
  • Promoting Excellence in Graduate Programs
  • Enhancing Graduate Supervision
  • Advancing Indigenous Inclusion
  • Supporting Student Development and Success
  • Reimagining Graduate Education
  • Enriching the Student Experience


  • Public Scholars Initiative
  • 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)
  • PhD Career Outcomes


Undergraduate Programs

Back to Undergraduate Programs


St. George Campus, Faculty of Arts & Science

Program Information

Degree(s): Honours Bachelor of Science

Program(s): Pharmacology (Major, Specialist)

OUAC Admission Code: TLG (Life Sciences)

Academic Requirements

Ontario Secondary School Diploma Six 4U/M courses, including:

  • Biology (SBI4U)
  • Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U)
  • Chemistry (SCH4U)
  • English (ENG4U)
  • Physics (SPH4U) is recommended

Find equivalent requirements for Canadian high school systems , US high school system , International Baccalaureate , British-Patterned Education , French-Patterned Education , CAPE , and other international high school systems .

  • Pharmacology

Pharmacology Scholarships for International Students

Great News! Pharmacology Scholarships for Bachelors, Masters, and PhD programs are regularly offered by universities abroad. If you are a student of Pharmacology and are looking for a scholarship that can help you complete a higher education degree in Pharmacology, you may apply for any of the scholarships listed here. Remember, these scholarships in Pharmacology disciplines may require you to fulfils the admission criteria of the university. Pharmacology is an excellent discipline to pursue for a bright career as it has incredible scope and the job industry for Pharmacology is demanding more and more professionals. If you are seeking Pharmacology undergraduate or postgraduate degree programs without IELTS requirement, it is recommended to apply to Chinese universities or European universities.

Flinders University International Postgraduate Research Scholarships.

Flinders University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (FIPRS) 2024 in Australia

  • Partial Funding
  • Flinders University
  • Research, Masters, PhD
  • All Subjects
  • International Students

This is a Research, Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at Flinders University, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Flinders University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (FIPRS) 2024 in Australia.

Qassim University Scholarships.

Qassim University Scholarships Fall 2024 in Saudi Arabia (Fully Funded)

  • Fully Funded
  • Qassim University
  • Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering
  • Saudi Arabia

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. Students interested in Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering are advised to apply for Qassim University Scholarships Fall 2024 in Saudi Arabia (Fully Funded).

DAAD Prime Fellowships 2024 in Germany

DAAD Prime Fellowships 2024 in Germany

  • Germany Universities

This is a Fellowship scholarships for International Students at Germany Universities, Germany. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for DAAD Prime Fellowships 2024 in Germany.

Dick and Mary Earle Scholarships.

Dick and Mary Earle Scholarships 2024 in New Zealand

  • New Zealand Universities
  • Postgraduate, Research
  • International Students, Domestic Students
  • New Zealand

This is a Postgraduate, Research scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at New Zealand Universities, New Zealand. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Dick and Mary Earle Scholarships 2024 in New Zealand.

KAUST Fully Funded Fellowships 2025/2026 in Saudi Arabia

KAUST Fully Funded Fellowships 2025/2026 in Saudi Arabia

  • King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • Masters, PhD

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for KAUST Fully Funded Fellowships 2025/2026 in Saudi Arabia.

Government of Italy Scholarships.

Government of Italy Scholarships 2024 for International Students (Fully Funded)

  • Italy Universities

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at Italy Universities, Italy. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Government of Italy Scholarships 2024 for International Students (Fully Funded).

Niche $25,000 No Essay Scholarships.

Niche $25,000 No Essay Scholarships 2024 in USA

  • USA Universities Offered by Niche
  • Undergraduate
  • Domestic Students

This is a Undergraduate scholarships for Domestic Students at USA Universities, USA. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Niche $25,000 No Essay Scholarships 2024 in USA.

Han University of Applied Sciences Scholarships.

Han University of Applied Sciences Scholarships 2025 in Netherlands

  • HAN University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor, Masters
  • Netherlands

This is a Bachelor, Masters scholarships for International Students at HAN University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Han University of Applied Sciences Scholarships 2025 in Netherlands.

Western Union Foundation Fellowship 2024 (Fully Funded)

Western Union Foundation Fellowship 2024 (Fully Funded)

  • Offered by Western Union Foundation
  • Short Training
  • Team Management, Pitch, Go-To-Market, Foundation, Data & Metrics, Funding

This is a Short Training scholarships for International Students at , Worldwide. Students interested in Team Management, Pitch, Go-To-Market, Foundation, Data & Metrics, Funding are advised to apply for Western Union Foundation Fellowship 2024 (Fully Funded).

One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarships.

One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship 2024 in Switzerland (Fully Funded)

  • Offered by IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers
  • Switzerland

This is a Summit scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at , Switzerland. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship 2024 in Switzerland (Fully Funded).

Ca' Foscari University of Venice Scholarships.

Ca' Foscari University of Venice Scholarships 2024/2025 in Italy (Fully Funded)

  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice

This is a PhD scholarships for International Students at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Ca' Foscari University of Venice Scholarships 2024/2025 in Italy (Fully Funded).

Go City The London Pass Education Scholarships.

Go City The London Pass Education Scholarship 2024 in the UK

  • UK Universities
  • Postgraduate

This is a Postgraduate scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at UK Universities, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Go City The London Pass Education Scholarship 2024 in the UK.

University of Tokyo JEES Scholarships.

University of Tokyo JEES Scholarship 2024/2025 in Japan

  • University of Tokyo

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at University of Tokyo, Japan. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Tokyo JEES Scholarship 2024/2025 in Japan.

University of Milan Excellence Scholarships.

University of Milan Excellence Scholarships 2024/2025 in Italy

  • University of Milan

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at University of Milan, Italy. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Milan Excellence Scholarships 2024/2025 in Italy.

American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarships.

American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Fall 2025

  • American University

This is a Undergraduate scholarships for International Students at American University, USA. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Fall 2025.

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University of Trieste Scholarships 2024/2025 in Italy

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Fully Funded PhD in Social Work at University of Toronto

Fully Funded PhD in Nursing at University of Toronto

Join our telegram channel, never miss an opportunity.

The University of Toronto’s Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, located in Canada, presents an exceptional opportunity for aspiring doctoral candidates by offering a fully funded PhD program in Nursing.

This program equips students with the comprehensive analytical and research competencies necessary to advance the frontiers of knowledge in clinical, theoretical, and healthcare systems domains.

PhD Program Requirements

The admission eligibility criteria for the PhD in Nursing at the University of Toronto’s Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing generally include the following:

  • A Master’s degree in Nursing or a closely related field.
  • A competitive academic record and research background.

PhD Funding Coverage

The base funding package normally consists of 3 elements: Tuition fee, Award, and Teaching Assistantship. Overall, the minimum value of the base funding package is $17,250 plus the tuition fee, or approximately $25,050.

Application Requirement

Prospective students seeking admission to the Nursing PhD program should meticulously prepare their application packages. These typically include:

Online Application: Start by submitting an online application through the university’s application portal, ensuring that you adhere to the application deadlines.

Academic Transcripts: Include official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended, reflecting your academic achievements.

Letters of Recommendation: Gather strong letters of recommendation from academic and/or professional references who can attest to your qualifications and potential for success in the program.

Statement of Purpose: Craft a compelling statement of research interests and objectives, outlining your research agenda and how it aligns with the faculty’s expertise.

Curriculum Vitae (CV): Submit a detailed CV highlighting your educational and research experiences, as well as any relevant publications or presentations.

English Proficiency Test Scores: If applicable, provide your TOEFL or IELTS scores to demonstrate English language proficiency.

Application Deadline

January 15, 2025

Application Fee

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  1. Virtual Pharmacology Experimentation


  1. PhD Program

    PhD Program. The Ph.D. program in Pharmacology aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of pharmacology, while allowing you to gain specific expertise in your areas of interest. Through rigorous coursework and hands-on research, you will build on your knowledge of pharmacology, develop critical thinking skills, carryout and ...

  2. Fully Funded PhD in Pharmacology at University of Toronto

    The University of Toronto, located in Ontario, Canada, provides an exceptional opportunity for aspiring scholars to pursue a Ph.D. in Pharmacology through fully funded programs. These programs are designed to offer comprehensive education and research experiences, allowing students to become experts in the field. PhD Program Requirements Applicants should have a strong academic background ...

  3. Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)

    Earn your PhD in the heart of Canada's innovation and health research ecosystem PhD students at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy have the opportunity to further their research in collaboration with a vibrant community of world-leading professionals and researchers from a variety of disciplines and background. Our faculty is a diverse and multidisciplinary community exploring some of the ...

  4. Graduate Admissions

    Admissions Requirements. Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies in addition to the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology's admission requirements as stated below. If your degree was obtained outside of Canada, please consult the International Applicants section below for additional requirements.

  5. Graduate Programs

    Ph.D. Program. In the Ph.D. program, students conduct independent original research under the supervision of one or more graduate faculty members. Students in the Ph.D. program will conduct thesis research at an advanced level and ultimately present their investigations in a Ph.D. thesis and defend their research at a Ph.D. Final Oral Examination.

  6. Fully Funded PhD Programs in Pharmacology

    The University of Toronto is one of several schools offering fully funded PhD programs in Pharmacology. Last updated February 1, 2022. As part of my series on How to Fully Fund Your PhD, I provide a list of universities that offer full funding for a PhD in Pharmacology.Pharmacology is the branch of medicine which pertains to the uses, effects and modes of action of drugs.

  7. Graduate Admissions

    2024 Admissions. Applications for Winter 2024 admissions (for domestic PhD applicants only) will be available starting August 1. Applications for Fall 2024 (all cohorts) will open on October 1st. Please visit our admissions page for more details. Graduate Admissions. The Department presently has over 80 core, emeritus, status-only and cross ...

  8. University of Toronto

    The Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology is among the oldest in North America. We offer training in pharmacology and toxicology to both undergraduate and graduate students who may subsequently go on to exciting research, regulatory and administrative careers in academic, industrial, and healthcare provision settings. We also provide training ...

  9. Graduate Programs Application Process

    Before Applying We anticipate a limited number of funded spaces for international applicants to the MSc and PhD degrees in 2024-2025 (1-2 spaces maximum). We encourage all interested international applicants to carefully research faculty members in the Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and their areas of research before applying.

  10. Awards & Funding

    Awards and Financial Support. Students in the thesis-based M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology receive annual stipends during the normal graduate degree program duration. Part-time students and students enrolled in the course-based (Applied Clinical Pharmacology) M.Sc. program are not guaranteed stipend ...

  11. Pharmacology and Toxicology: Pharmacology PhD

    Applicants are normally required to have taken courses in physiology, biochemistry, or applied sciences sufficient to form a foundation for their work in pharmacology. The department determines the eligibility of prospective students. The department assesses the student's ability for advanced study and independent research in pharmacology.

  12. University of Toronto Fully Funded PhD in Pharmacology

    The University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada offers fully funded programs of study for students to earn a Ph.D. in Pharmacology. The objective of the Ph.D. degree in Pharmacology is to have students possess a comprehensive understanding of the general field of pharmacology, in addition to specific expertise in their particular area of interest ...

  13. Pharmacology

    Applied Clinical Pharmacology; PhD. Contact & Address. Web: www.pharmtox.utoronto.ca Email: [email protected] Telephone: (416) 978-3851. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology University of Toronto Medical Sciences Building, 1 King's College Circle, Room 4207 Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8 Canada

  14. Graduate Courses

    Graduate Seminar in Toxicology. Fall 2023 | Fridays | 12:30 - 3:00pm. JNP1016H. 1. 2. 3. Next. Traditional Land Acknowledgement. The Department offers a variety of courses suitable for graduate students of pharmacology, toxicology, and other related sciences.

  15. PhD Tuition and Funding

    In 2023-24, the tuition fee for full-time domestic PhD students is $8,213.96. Additional information is available on the Student Accounts website . The base funding package consists of a University of Toronto Fellowship (UTF) and a Research Assistant Stipend (RA Stipend). There is a possibility of top-ups from sources such as the Program-Level ...

  16. Pharmacology and Biomedical Toxicology

    Pharmacology and Biomedical Toxicology. Honours Bachelor of Science. St. George. Main navigation repeated. Future students; Current students; Alumni; Faculty and Staff; Donors; Visitors; Jump to menu repeated. ... We wish to acknowledge this land on which the University of Toronto operates. For thousands of years it has been the traditional ...

  17. PhD Funding Data

    PhD Funding Data. We understand that funding is an essential component of successfully completing a PhD. Students accepted into most PhD programs will receive funding from their graduate unit. Funding typically covers four to five years of doctoral study and the amount, composition, and the number of years you receive it will vary based on your ...

  18. Pharmacology, Ph.D.

    Applicants are normally required to have taken courses in physiology, biochemistry, or applied sciences sufficient to form a foundation for their work in pharmacology. Well-qualified students with excellent research potential holding an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university may be considered for direct entry to the PhD program.

  19. Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences

    You're ready to work at the forefront of pharmaceutical sciences advancement. Take your education to the next level with a PhD at UBC Pharm Sci. It's where you'll work shoulder to shoulder with other leading experts in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, contributing knowledge, developing solutions, and shaping the future of health care. Come to work every day at one of the world's most ...

  20. Pharmacology

    Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Six 4U/M courses, including: Biology (SBI4U) Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) Chemistry (SCH4U) English (ENG4U) Physics (SPH4U) is recommended. Find equivalent requirements for Canadian high school systems, US high school system, International Baccalaureate, British-Patterned Education, French-Patterned Education ...

  21. Pharmacology (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    University of Bristol School of Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience. This project will be part of the Bristol-Macquarie Cotutelle Programme, funded by EPSRC. Read more. Supervisor: Prof J Hodge. 1 August 2024 PhD Research Project Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide) More Details.

  22. Pharmacology Scholarships for International Students 2024

    Italy. 05/23/2024. Learn More. This is a PhD scholarships for International Students at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Ca' Foscari University of Venice Scholarships 2024/2025 in Italy (Fully Funded). Expires in33 Days.

  23. Fully Funded PhD in Nursing at University of Toronto

    The University of Toronto's Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, located in Canada, presents an exceptional opportunity for aspiring doctoral candidates by offering a fully funded PhD program in Nursing. This program equips students with the comprehensive analytical and research competencies necessary to advance the frontiers of knowledge in clinical, theoretical, and healthcare systems ...