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  • Prevention is Better than Cure Essay


Essay on Prevention is Better than Cure

An introduction.

It is always better to be safe about things than to be sorry later. Below there is an essay on prevention is better than cure. In this essay, we will be touching upon the meaning of the phrase and trying to understand it using examples from various parts of our lives. The essay also includes why prevention is better than cure altogether, using examples from our daily lives. The most common one we all see is that our moms tell us to wear warmer clothes in winter to prevent catching a cold.

Long Essay on Prevention is Better than Cure

There is a phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’ and it applies to many different facets of our lives. We use this phrase most commonly when we are talking about our health. In the winter season, our mother usually tells us to put on a sweater or a warm jacket because we might catch a cold or flu. These suggestions given by our mothers are the best ways to prevent getting us sick from cold and flu. Hence, it is better to take appropriate preventive measures before you catch a cold or flu then after it has already ensued.

To put this idiom in context with current world affairs, let’s understand ‘prevention is better than cure’ through the same. Considering the current situation of the Coronavirus pandemic,  we have been consistently told to practice social distancing, wear masks, and sanitise or wash hands frequently in order to protect yourself from infection. If we become infected with Covid-19, we will be sick for many days, and so many people have also died or spent days on the ventilator. Thus, if humans have adopted preventive measures to prevent getting sick from covid 19, they would not have had to deal with the consequences of contracting it in the first place. The same can be said about many other diseases, such as avoiding smoking to prevent cancer, avoiding sweets to prevent diabetes, etc. are better than having to live with or find cures for cancer and diabetes.

This is what we mean when we say that prevention is better than cure. It is a lot better to avoid something bad in the first place, rather than have to deal with its consequences later. Similarly, this same concept of prevention is better than cure can be applied to various strata of life. For example, a simple thing such as submitting an assignment for school on time prevents the consequences of getting into trouble if you had not submitted it. It has been said that, once you have said something, you can never take it back. This can be applied here, too - if you get into an argument with your friend ensure not to use any harsh words which eventually hurts your friends feelings and emotions

Simply put, prevention is better than cure because prevention leaves you with certainty that something bad will not happen. On the other hand, the need to find a cure can often leave your life in a lurch, where you don't know what may or may not happen. Isn’t it better knowing what life has in store for you rather than waiting around to see what will or won’t happen?

A Short Note on Prevention is Better than Cure

In the simplest words, ‘prevention is better than cure’ is a way to tell us that it is better to avoid contracting an illness than to have to go around and look for a way to get rid of it. These things that we avoid or indulge in allow us to not have to deal with the dire consequences of unwanted circumstances. Hence, we should consciously avoid performing certain things that we know will be harmful for us in the long run.

For example, exercising every day and having a balanced diet keeps you healthy. On the other hand, if we avoid exercise, and  indulge in habits like smoking, eating lots of junk food, etc. then we will end up getting sick. These are consequences that we wouldn’t need to deal with if we just take precautions to avoid the same. Thus, prevention is much better than cure.

Importance of this Proverb “Prevention is Better than Cure” in our Daily Lives

The proverb “Prevention is Better than Cure” has a special place in various aspects of our lives. Understanding it and acting according to this proverb can be proven helpful for a person in staying away from various kinds of ailments. The proverb teaches us to adopt a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits. One should practice the habit of eating healthy food and eating it at the right time. One should maintain proper sleeping timings, and should not be awake for late-nights, which might put stress on your eyes and might attract eye disorders, so by letting oneself sleep at the right time, one is preventing eye disorders to come one's way, which might have required a proper Treatment (cure), that comes with a lot of suffering. Hence the person will be able to protect himself from the suffering that comes with the cure, just by following this proverb. 

It teaches us to plan and do everything in advance, which will save us from last moment harassment. We should plan all our activities, which are already decided to be done in the future. Planning them will help a person prevent all the hazards that one might have to face due to the irregularity in our daily lifestyle. For example: if a student does not prepare for their exams early on, then they have to face the stress just before the exam time, so students should prepare for their exams gradually throughout the year in order to not face the last moment harassment.

Prevention and Cure

“Prevention” and “Cure” both are two separate words and also carry different meanings. Prevention means following various measures, which will lower the risk of getting any kind of ailment in the first place, while the cure is done only once you get a certain ailment to get rid of the ailment.

However, prevention is considered better in many aspects, rather than the cure via medicines or other medical procedures. Prevention is said to be the best available way to remain away from any kind of problem or disease. A person just needs to maintain a well-disciplined and healthy lifestyle throughout their life, while a careless and unhealthy life might lead to certain issues, which requires cure using medical science. There are also some ailments, cure to which is still not available like HIV AIDS, preventive methods is the only way to protect ourselves from such diseases.

When we say that prevention is better than cure, it essentially means that it is better to stop something before it happens instead of having to repair it or deal with its consequences after it has already been done. It is mostly applied in healthcare matters but also falls into other parts of our life as well. Prevention is better than cure is an important idiom that we should all remember.


FAQs on Prevention is Better than Cure Essay

1. What does ‘Prevention is better than cure’ mean?

Prevention is better than cure means that it is better to be safe than to be sorry, which is also another idiom. It means that we should be safe in life and take all kinds of measures to prevent any unwanted circumstances coming in our lives. When there are such circumstances, we have to find a way out of them, which can be quite difficult sometimes. Thus, it is better to do things that will ‘prevent’ these unforeseen circumstances than to have to find the ‘cure’ for the same.

2. Where can we apply ‘Prevention is better than cure’?

As mentioned in the essay about prevention is better than cure, there are many places where we can apply the concept of the same. When we refer to the idiom, we are generally referring to it in terms of our health and the medical field. Taking precautions to avoid getting a disease, or even mildly sick, is much better than having to go and find a cure for that disease or illness. For example, wearing enough warm clothes in winter is a precaution so that you do not catch a cold, for which you will need a cure.

3. How is this proverb applicable to a person's health?

There are many diseases in existence, a cure to which is not yet found by medical science, so the only thing a person can do for these diseases is to follow prevention methods.

By following the prevention methods, one can assure that the disease will not do any major damage but Cure cannot provide 100% assurance of side effects. If one follows a healthy lifestyle and prevention methods, most diseases cannot find their way to the person. Having a healthy lifestyle and avoiding bad habits such as consumption of alcohol or smoking tobacco, can positively affect one's health, which this proverb wants to tell the reader about.

4. How can you say that prevention is better than cure?

When a person says the proverb “Prevention is Better than Cure Essay”, it means that it is better to stop something or start doing something, before something bad happens, which requires proper cure and time, not to forget the suffering that comes with it. Mostly, it applies in the medical fields, like if someone gives up on smoking, they will have a lower chance of getting respiratory diseases. But in conditions that are out of our control, this proverb does not fit well.

5. How does this Proverb affect our Lives?

The proverb “Prevention is Better than Cure Essay” has a great significance in our lives. Prevention measures help us to avoid difficulties and struggle in our lives and lead a peaceful life. If people do not discipline themselves, then they might have to suffer from many difficulties. Cure to some of which is not available. For Example, if a person stops drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco, then he/she will have lower chances of having liver failure or respiratory-related diseases and will be able to safeguard themselves from the expensive cure (treatment) and suffering that comes along with it.

Study Paragraphs

Prevention Is Better Than Cure Essay In 350 words

The timeless axiom, “Prevention is superior to cure,” rings true across diverse facets of our existence. This essay explores the profound implications of this adage, illustrating its significance across a range of sectors, from health and education to finance and environmental conservation.

Table of Contents

Essay on ‘Prevention is Superior to Cure’

Healthcare: the bedrock of existence.

Within the realm of health, the principle “prevention is superior to cure” reigns supreme. Regular physical activity, encompassing aerobic exercises and resistance training, bolsters our immunity and bolsters overall well-being. Consuming a wholesome diet, packed with an array of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, delivers crucial nutrients that fortify our body’s protective systems.

Practicing good hygiene, including regular hand sanitization and cleanliness, plays an instrumental role in thwarting the transmission of infectious diseases. Regular health checks and screenings enable early detection and thereby offer timely intervention for potential health risks.

Immunizations are pivotal in disease prevention. By getting the recommended vaccines, we can shield ourselves and others from infectious diseases, thereby curtailing the chances of epidemics and the severity of illnesses.

By integrating these preventative steps into our daily routines, we can significantly enhance our health and well-being, averting health ailments before they develop into major complications.

Learning: Sculpting the Future

Prevention is integral not only to health but to education as well. It underscores the importance of providing top-notch education and resources from a young age, laying a solid groundwork to prevent future learning discrepancies. By fostering a positive, supportive learning atmosphere and taking proactive measures to tackle issues such as bullying, we can effectively prevent emotional and psychological distress among students, promoting their overall well-being and scholastic success.

Environment: Our Joint Obligation

In the environmental context, prevention implies sustainable practices that safeguard our precious earth. By minimizing our carbon emissions through green technologies, practicing water conservation techniques, and promoting recycling and waste reduction, we can actively prevent environmental degradation and alleviate the effects of global warming. These preventative actions not only decrease pollution but also contribute to the long-lasting preservation of our natural resources, securing a healthier and more sustainable future for forthcoming generations.

Finance: The Discipline of Monetary Prudence

Applying preventive measures can significantly benefit our financial lives. Through mindful budgeting, regular savings, and judicious investments, we create a robust foundation for enduring financial stability. Such practices not only avert potential financial crises and debt but also allow us to realize our monetary goals and dreams. Moreover, taking pre-emptive steps such as procuring extensive insurance coverage acts as a robust safety net, providing a buffer against unforeseen financial exigencies and ensuring peace of mind.

Relationships: The Ties that Bind Us

In relationships, prevention involves the careful cultivation of strong foundations underpinned by open communication, mutual trust, and deep understanding. By nurturing these fundamental elements, we can proactively prevent potential conflicts and misunderstandings, ensuring a harmonious bond. Additionally, addressing issues promptly and seeking professional intervention when necessary can fortify and protect relationships from potential threats.

Finale: Prevention, The Pathway to Prosperity

In conclusion, prevention is a forward-thinking strategy that allows us to foresee and avoid potential issues before they arise. It saves us time, effort, and the distress that comes with identifying remedies or solutions. By adopting preventive measures in diverse areas of life, we can lead healthier, happier, and more accomplished lives. Indeed, prevention is not just superior but also more economically viable than cure, highlighting the genuine wisdom in the adage.

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Essay on Prevention is Better than Cure

Students are often asked to write an essay on Prevention is Better than Cure in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Prevention is Better than Cure


“Prevention is Better than Cure” is a wise saying that emphasizes the importance of stopping problems before they happen. It teaches us to be proactive and foresee the possible issues that might arise.

Understanding the Concept

Imagine you’re playing near a puddle. If you avoid it, you prevent getting wet and catching a cold. But if you jump into it, you’ll need a cure – a change of clothes and perhaps medicine for the cold.

Applying it in Life

In life, we can apply this principle in various ways. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and studying consistently can prevent health issues and academic problems, respectively.

In conclusion, taking preventive measures is always beneficial. It saves us from unnecessary troubles and helps maintain a smooth life.

250 Words Essay on Prevention is Better than Cure

The age-old adage, “Prevention is better than cure,” holds profound wisdom that transcends time and disciplines. Rooted in the wisdom of foresight, this saying emphasizes the significance of proactive measures over reactive ones.

Preventive Measures: A Proactive Approach

Preventive measures, by their very nature, are proactive. They involve identifying potential issues and taking steps to avoid them. For instance, maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise can prevent numerous health issues, such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Similarly, in the realm of cybersecurity, implementing robust firewalls and regularly updating software can prevent malicious attacks.

The Cost of Cure

On the other hand, the cure is a reactive approach, often more costly, time-consuming, and challenging. The cost of curing a disease, both in terms of money and suffering, often far outweighs the cost of preventing it. In the context of environmental conservation, it’s much harder and expensive to restore a destroyed ecosystem than to preserve it.

Implications for Society

The principle of prevention over cure has profound implications for society. It underpins public health initiatives, environmental policies, and even disaster management strategies. By focusing on prevention, resources can be utilized more efficiently, reducing the burden on healthcare systems, and ensuring societal well-being.

In conclusion, the wisdom in the saying “Prevention is better than cure” is a guiding principle for individual actions and societal policies. Emphasizing prevention can lead to healthier, safer, and more sustainable societies. Therefore, it is imperative to foster a culture of prevention, where potential issues are identified and addressed before they escalate into significant problems.

500 Words Essay on Prevention is Better than Cure

The principle of prevention in health.

In the realm of health, the principle of prevention is paramount. Chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are often the result of lifestyle choices that could have been altered to prevent their onset. The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes could be prevented by eliminating risk factors like unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use. Thus, preventive health measures such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and regular health check-ups can save individuals from debilitating diseases and the healthcare system from unnecessary burden.

Prevention in Environmental Conservation

When it comes to environmental conservation, prevention is not just better, but often the only cure. Once an ecosystem is destroyed, it is almost impossible to restore it to its original state. Preventive measures such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water, and promoting sustainable farming practices can help mitigate climate change, conserve biodiversity, and ensure the sustainability of our planet. The cost of these preventive measures is minuscule compared to the astronomical costs of dealing with environmental catastrophes.

Socio-Economic Perspective

Challenges and conclusion.

Despite the clear benefits of prevention, it can be challenging to implement preventive measures. These challenges often stem from a human tendency to prioritize immediate gratification over long-term benefits, a lack of awareness, and sometimes, the upfront costs associated with preventive actions. However, it is crucial to remember that the costs of prevention are often far less than the costs of dealing with the consequences.

In conclusion, the principle of “Prevention is better than cure” is a guiding light for policymakers, healthcare professionals, environmentalists, and individuals alike. It is a call to action for us to adopt a forward-thinking approach, to anticipate problems before they occur, and to invest in measures that can prevent these problems. By doing so, we can not only save resources but also create a healthier, safer, and more sustainable world.

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Preventative medicine: the argument for and against

argumentative essay on prevention is better than cure

Lecturer in Biology and Biomedical Science, Aston University

argumentative essay on prevention is better than cure

Lecturer in Biochemistry, University of East London

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James Brown holds funding from the EC Horizon 2020 Innovative Medicines Initiative scheme.

Opeolu Ojo receives funding from WorldBank, Diabetes UK

Aston University and University of East London provide funding as members of The Conversation UK.

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argumentative essay on prevention is better than cure

Preventative medicine has long used drugs to prevent the onset of disease. Those with symptoms such as high blood sugar or pressure are often diagnosed with the “pre-condition”, such as prediabetes or prehypertension , if their symptoms haven’t yet reached the levels which define the disease.

It is estimated that around 7m people in the UK alone have prediabetes and have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But diagnosis of this pre-condition allows pharmaceutical drugs to be prescribed, which could delay or prevent the onset of the disease. However, there are arguments which support and condemn pre-treatment in this way.

We asked two experts to explain.

Prevention is better than cure

Opeolu Ojo is a lecturer in Biochemistry at the University of East London.

A pre-condition shows that something is clearly wrong within the body and therefore medicalising a person with a pre-condition is reasonable. Prevention is better than cure, and an advantage of treating a pre-condition as a medical issue is that it emphasises the seriousness of the changes that are happening within the body.

In prediabetes for instance, the concentration of glucose in the blood is already higher than normal, and as with other preconditions, there are signs that point towards disease development. It is likely to become a problem in the future. It is also known that if no action is taken, every year around 10% of people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes .

If prediabetes is treated, it encourages the person to take appropriate actions which can prevent the pre-condition from progressing into full-blown disease. If prediabetes is not tackled, we would certainly see a rise in type 2 diagnoses.

An issue with medicalisation in this way is that it increases the demand for drugs and therefore the cost of healthcare. But these costs are small compared to the treatment of full disease which may be prevented. Pre-condition diagnosis also allows for future predictions and planning. The International Diabetes Federation , for example, has predicted that around 642m people will suffer from diabetes by 2040 – this prediction allows for planning future public health programmes and treatment options.

argumentative essay on prevention is better than cure

It is true that social and cultural factors, such as diet and exercise, may contribute to the development of several health conditions, and so labels such as “prediabetes” or “prehypertension” have been criticised as attempts to individualise the problem – to shift the blame onto the patient. But recognising the danger of disease development encourages positive changes in behaviour, and claims that these labels may lead to low self-esteem and negative body image have little evidence to support them .

Of course, medicalisation of pre-conditions should only be carried out when necessary. But to abolish this precautionary measure would have far-reaching consequences on our healthcare systems and people’s quality of life.

Medicines aren’t always the answer

James Brown is a lecturer in Biology and Biomedical Science at Aston University

At first glance, it makes perfect sense to prescribe preventative medicine if a person has a high risk of developing a chronic disease – especially one that is expensive to treat. This has been most apparent with type 2 diabetes, which is now at epidemic proportions in the UK and strong evidence does show that anti-diabetic drugs, such as metformin, can lower the risk of developing diabetes in high risk individuals. Prevention is indeed of vital importance, but even if drugs can delay diabetes, should we routinely prescribe them just to reduce diabetes diagnosis rates?

We routinely screen people to provide early diagnosis of diseases, but often these tests are flawed and can lead to the treatment of healthy individuals – a lot of money can be made from labelling healthy people as sick. It is, after all, in the commercial interest of pharmaceutical companies to increase their end users, and some are known to sponsor studies that define disease and promote their treatments. What better way to sell more drugs than to widen the boundaries of illness to include pre-conditions ?

Continued controversy of this kind surrounds the use of statins . Despite numerous clinical trials, and decades of use, scientists and clinicians still cannot agree on whether the benefits outweigh the risks in statin users who have not yet had a heart attack. Yet, while this disagreement continues, drug companies make over £15 billion per year from statin sales alone.

Inappropriate medicalisation can also carry a number of dangers including unpleasant or dangerous side effects of medication, poor treatment decisions, and economic waste. Yet we risk this becoming a reality for numerous “pre-conditions” since they could benefit from the use of drugs.

argumentative essay on prevention is better than cure

We lose a battle when healthy people are labelled in this way and we lose focus on what the real problems are – the vast majority of cardiovascular disease worldwide is caused by smoking, physical inactivity and poor diet . But rather than focusing on these problems, we prescribe statins and other drugs, and opportunities to improve the overall health of these people are missed.

Type 2 diabetes also has well known risk factors, such as obesity, and the benefits of exercise and a healthy diet can often go beyond treating just one condition. We also could lower the risk of developing other diseases, such cancer or dementia , but when healthy people with unhealthy lifestyles are medically treated, the incentive to exercise and eat well is reduced. After all, they are already being treated.

Treating these conditions ultimately diverts money away from the treatment or prevention of diseases that simply cannot be prevented by lifestyle changes. And since the NHS is already at breaking point , the capacity needed for managing and tracking those with pre-conditions will add extra pressure .

Health care professionals should educate, as well as treat patients, and care should be provided based on a person’s clinical need – not medical, pharmaceutical or financial targets. It may seem logical to turn to our arsenal of medicines to prevent sickness, but the costs in the end are just too high.

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Prevention is better than cure - IELTS Writing Task 2

Kasturika Samanta

Updated On Aug 22, 2024


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The IELTS agree disagree essay 'Prevention is Better Than Cure' argues for prioritizing health education and preventative measures over treatment.

Prevention is better than cure

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Agree Disagree essays, like ‘Prevention Is Better Than Cure’, are the most common type of questions in IELTS Writing Task 2 . In contrast to classic IELTS Agree Disagree essays , ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree’ questions do not specifically ask you to declare your level of agreement or disagreement with the statement. You can either say for or against the notion or you can partly agree or disagree with it. Once you've made up your mind, come up with two or three arguments in favour of it.

The ‘Prevention Is Better Than Cure’ is an Agree/Disagree Writing Task 2 question will help you acquaint yourself with the format of structuring an IELTS Agree Disagree essays. If you want to practise regularly, check out the Writing Task 2 practice tests .

Let’s have a look at the Agree Disagree essay - Prevention Is Better Than Cure - with three expert-curated sample answers for different IELTS band scores.

Prevention is better than cure. Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Agree Disagree Essay


Paraphrase the topic of the essay.

Clearly state the opinion and the contents of the following paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 – Cases of deaths due to smoking are increasing which could have been prevented by proper health education. Many teenagers get addicted to drugs, which leads to many terminal diseases and finally, death.

Paragraph 2 – The governments have to do a comparative study on the money spent on buying expensive pieces of machinery for treatment to the money spent on preventive healthcare. The amount of money spent by an individual for treatment after the onset of the disease is very high.

Conclude the essay by summarizing the final view.

Preventive healthcare is slowly gaining importance. The average life expectancy rate has come down, which has initiated a probe into this domain. Also, people from all over the world are urging their governments to allocate a considerable amount towards health education and preventive mechanisms. I welcome this outlook whole-heartedly. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall elaborate on the importance of creating awareness of health.

Recent surveys have confirmed that many deaths due to smoking could have been prevented by proper health education. Many teenagers get addicted to drugs, which leads to many terminal diseases and finally, death. This could be prevented by organising campaigns on health and making them aware of the ill-effects of drugs. Another leading causative factor in death is diabetes. The numbers furnished by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) are scary. Untreated diabetes leads to kidney failure. So the government has to protect people by educating them on lifestyle and conduct periodic health checks for free.

The governments have to do a comparative study on the money spent on buying expensive pieces of machinery for treatment to the money spent on preventive healthcare. The latter is more economical. The amount of money spent by an individual for treatment after the onset of the disease is very high. So the budget for preventive healthcare helps to improve the economy at the individual level. Healthy citizens will be more productive and contribute to the nation’s development. A classic example is the introduction of pediatric vaccines which have increased the mortality rates of children. Considering the success rates, it is worth investing in preventive operations.

Although, some people argue that it is an overload on the budget, it has to be implemented considering the long-term benefits.

In summary, governments should invest in preventive health care with a vision of creating a healthy world. Though we may not see immediate results, it would benefit future generations.

There is no denying the fact that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. This is why it is being argued these days that governments should invest a majority of their health budgets in creating awareness about preventative measures rather than providing a cure for diseases. Since health education and awareness about preventative measures offer more benefits than providing treatment, this essay agrees that nations must concentrate on preventative instead of curative measures.

There are several arguments to substantiate this viewpoint. First and foremost, investments made in the prevention of diseases will save people’s money. Treating any sickness is becoming increasingly expensive these days. For instance, the prices of several life-saving drugs are rocketing sky-high. Similarly, treatment of any illness requires diagnosis but, in many countries, doctors show reluctance to use their knowledge and expertise to diagnose even minor ailments and instead prescribe patients many unnecessary and costly tests. This has made the incredibly expensive health care beyond the reach of many ordinary people. Therefore, if the government channels most of its health funds in the prevention of diseases, people can be saved from enormous health bills. Likewise, spending money on creating awareness about health will also reduce the financial/ monetary burden on the government’s shoulders. As government has to spend its limited resources on various crucial aspects such as providing education, developing infrastructure and conducting social welfare schemes, providing treatment to a large number of people at affordable prices in state-funded hospitals will result in a severe shortage of funds. To generate more funds, the government will have to either levy heavier taxes or reduce its spending on other areas. In both scenarios, the one who will be at a disadvantage is the common man. For instance, a rise in the taxes will give birth to inflation which will make it extremely difficult for people to afford even the basic necessities of life. Similarly, if spending on other crucial areas is curtailed, many people, who rely on governmental help, will suffer a lot.

In addition, despite the existence of a cure, the treatment for a malady can make life inconvenient in several ways as it can cause needless pain and suffering. In exemplification, treating cancer using chemotherapy results in many side-effects such as loss of hair, nausea, vomiting, skin infection, fatigue and so on. On top of that, some diseases are incurable and most often result in a person’s demise. A perfect example of this would be HIV which has no viable cure as of yet. Sometimes, therapeutic and surgical intervention fails to produce the desired results. Such failures make people lifelong dependent on costly and unnecessary drugs and also exert an enormous emotional toll on the patient and his/her family. Absenteeism from school and work due to various ailments is another good example to justify the argument that prevention is much better than cure.

Although it cannot be guaranteed that the funds directed towards prevention will yield fruitful results, it is undeniable that we need to try to implement such measures.

To conclude, a healthy citizenry is the real wealth of a nation. By preventing diseases, people can enjoy happy and peaceful life. In a world of scarce resources, spending money on developing costly diagnostic and therapeutic techniques is a waste as long as prevention of diseases is an achievable goal. Thus, it is far more judicious to spend money on prevention rather than cure.

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The surge in the number of ailments suffered by the elderly and the middle-aged is a matter of grave concern for the governments of several nations. The expenditure on public healthcare has seen a dramatic rise over the last few years, leading to the debate on whether more funds should be allocated for the development of preventive systems to eradicate this issue at the grassroots level. I am a strong supporter of this point of view. In the following paragraphs, I will explore my views on the topic and justify the same.

Today, conditions like fatigue, high blood pressure, heart diseases and obesity are more commonplace than they were a few decades ago. Moreover, such afflictions are not an outcome of genetics but are caused due years of neglect and ill practices during an individual’s youth. Thus, if effective means of educating people during their formative years, on the significance of inducing habits like proper nutrition and exercise, are implemented, the well-being of the entire community can be safely guaranteed.

Additionally, investment in the physical education of the young population is a crucial determinant of how future generations will perceive the value in maintaining a fit and healthy body. Therefore, when a youngster is trained in such a manner, they tend to share these principles with their family leading to upliftment of the entire household. Furthermore, the knowledge gained from a formal health education also helps in the identification of serious disorders early on, which can be vital in preventing such conditions from deteriorating.

Nevertheless, it is understandable that such measures will put a burden on the already stringent health budget and expenditure on better treatment facilities have a more immediate benefit. That being said, the authorities have to recognize the expenses on preventive initiatives as a course of action with long-term gains.

Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that the statement “Prevention is better than cure” will always stand true since the merit in the prevention of difficulties is not limited to us, but will also have a positive impact on the forthcoming generations.

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Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika Samanta

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Essay#33 | Prevention is better than cure

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task..

Write about the following topic:

“Prevention is better than cure.” Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model answer.

Of course, it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education.

Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state.

So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the ‘proportion’ of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be ‘diverted from treatment’. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model.

This is the point at which real problems occur – the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for so that we can make informed decisions.

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Prevention is better than cure IELTS Essay

argumentative essay on prevention is better than cure


“Prevention is better than cure.” Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer

A sizeable proportion of the country’s health budget should be spent on health education and preventive measures. Rather than treatment, I am in full solidarity with the above statement because, firstly, it saves money, and secondly, it reduces the burden of doctors.

To embark on providing health education is a prudent approach to conserving plenty of money because it aids individuals in knowing plenty of techniques to prevent diseases, which saves government funds. There is no denying this conviction that this perspective enlightens them to handle minor health conflicts at their disposal, which assists higher authorities in saving their health budget. Moreover, it encourages individuals to conserve their hard-earned money because health education teaches them many preventative measures that help them prevent diseases before they originate. For example, in the COVID-19 pandemic, the unabated support provided by New Zealand’s government in educating people to mitigate the virus saved millions of dollars compared to other countries.

Furthermore, it is a sane approach to the declining number of hospital patients, which would minimize the pressure on medical staff. This step would bring a paradigm shift in people’s health-related awareness, decreasing their over-reliance on doctors. For example, the awareness campaigns originated by the “Red Cross Club” have assisted millions of people in giving first aid, which has helped reduce the worth of medical employees to a great extent.

To summarize, health education and preventive measures save money for the government and people, but they also help reduce the workload of doctors. Therefore, spreading awareness via health education should be the top priority of higher authorities.

Essay on Prevention is Better than Cure

Imagine you have a magical shield that can protect you from harm. Wouldn’t you want to use it to stay safe and healthy? Well, there’s a saying that goes, “Prevention is better than cure,” which means it’s smarter to stop a problem from happening in the first place than to try to fix it after it’s already occurred. In this essay, I will argue that taking steps to prevent health problems is not only wise but also a key to living a happier and longer life.

The Wisdom in Prevention

The saying “Prevention is better than cure” has been around for a long time because it holds a lot of truth. It means that it’s much smarter and easier to avoid getting sick or hurt than to try to get better after something bad has already happened. Think of it like wearing a helmet when riding a bike. It’s better to wear the helmet to prevent a head injury than to try to cure it after a fall.

The Power of Healthy Habits

One of the most important ways to prevent health problems is by forming healthy habits. Eating nutritious foods, staying active, getting enough sleep, and washing your hands regularly are all good habits that can keep you healthy. For example, when you eat fruits and vegetables, you give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to fight off illnesses.

According to health experts, developing healthy habits from a young age can have a big impact on your long-term health. It can reduce the risk of developing diseases like diabetes and heart problems as you grow older.

The Role of Vaccines

Vaccines are a powerful tool for preventing diseases. They work by training your body’s immune system to fight off harmful germs. For example, the flu vaccine helps your body recognize and defend against the flu virus. By getting vaccinated, you can prevent many serious illnesses.

According to doctors and scientists, vaccines have saved countless lives over the years. They have nearly wiped out some deadly diseases, like polio and smallpox. This shows the incredible power of prevention.

Avoiding Harmful Substances

Another way to prevent health problems is by avoiding harmful substances. Smoking, for instance, is a leading cause of lung cancer and many other diseases. By choosing not to smoke, you prevent a host of health issues.

Experts in public health warn about the dangers of tobacco and other harmful substances. They encourage people to make wise choices that protect their health and well-being.

Regular Check-Ups

Regular health check-ups are an essential part of prevention. Going to the doctor or dentist for check-ups even when you feel fine helps catch problems early when they’re easier to treat. For example, your dentist can catch a cavity before it becomes a painful toothache.

Doctors and healthcare professionals stress the importance of regular check-ups. They can help detect health issues before they become serious and guide you on how to stay healthy.

The Financial Aspect

Prevention not only keeps you healthy but also saves you money. Medical treatments can be expensive, and they can take a toll on your family’s finances. By preventing health problems, you avoid the high costs of medical bills and medicines.

According to financial experts, investing in prevention, like eating well and staying active, can pay off in the long run. It can lead to fewer medical expenses and a higher quality of life.

Conclusion of Essay on Prevention is Better than Cure

In conclusion, the saying “Prevention is better than cure” is a valuable lesson to learn. Taking steps to prevent health problems, like forming healthy habits, getting vaccinated, and going for regular check-ups, is not just smart; it’s a way to ensure a happier and longer life. Prevention is like a magical shield that can protect you from harm and help you enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life. So, remember, it’s better to prevent problems in the first place than to try to fix them later.

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Prevention Is Better Than Cure Essay Sample: IELTS Writing Task 2

Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

The prevention is better than cure essay  is one of the most popular topics discussed in the IELTS Writing Task 2. These are opinion-based essay-writing questions. You will be given a statement and asked to decide whether you agree or disagree with it. 

For example, in our context, we can ask questions like, “Is Prevention Better Than Cure? Do you agree or disagree?”

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1. Prevention is Better than Cure Essay: How to Answer?

The Prevention is Better Than Cure Essay is a subjective question and part of  IELTS Writing Task 2 . Your answer is based on your observations and personal opinion. For example, you may feel the cure is more important than prevention or that prevention is more important. In either of these instances, you will have your viewpoint.    

These subjective opinions might vary, but they all will follow the same approach.

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2. Prevention is Better Than Cure Essay: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Prevention is Better Than Cure IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay here.

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Prevention is Better than Cure Essay: How to Answer?

Here is a standard format to write the prevention is better than cure essay questions:  

Introduction (2-3 Sentences):

  • First of all, describe some general information regarding the topic. 
  • Then elaborate on the “Prevention is better than cure " theme.
  • Now, provide a small insight into whether you agree/disagree or slightly between the both. 

Example:   ‘Prevention is better than cure' is a famous saying emphasising the importance of preventive measures to reduce the chances of getting diseases. Maintaining good health is essential, and I agree that prevention is better than cure.  

Body Paragraph 1: Agree  

  • Share your views on why you feel it is good to take preventive measures. 
  • Support your view with an example to strengthen your argument.  

Example:   ‘Preventive measures like vaccinations for children have reduced the rates of life-threatening diseases. For instance, the Government of South Africa has driven many routine vaccinations, eliminating smallpox, measles, and wild polioviruses.’

Body Paragraph 2: Disagree  

  • In this part, you must highlight why prevention is not the only possible solution for better healthcare.
  • You can present the facts to show that providing better cures for diseases is essential to creating better healthcare facilities in our nation.   

Example:   ‘Although the preventive measures have been a great success for countries, many life-threatening diseases are spreading rapidly. For example, so many people across the world are suffering from cancer and heart attacks despite following the proper measures. Therefore, we must also invest in better healthcare treatment facilities to save lives.’  

Body Paragraph 3: Your Opinion   

  • After describing both sides, you can now give your opinion in this paragraph. 
  • Here, you can emphasise both aspects and give a balanced opinion.  

Example:   ‘Although prevention is essential, we must also strengthen the treatment facilities. In this way, we can prevent the spread of diseases and provide advanced treatment solutions to increase the success rates.’  

Conclusion (2-3 Sentences)  

  • In this section, you need to summarise the key points of your essay.
  • Now, highlight your opinion once again.
  • Lastly, wrap up your essay with a positive note.  

Example:   ‘While the phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’ is true most of the time, prevention alone cannot help us tackle the healthcare challenges we face today. Therefore, the government should focus equally on preventive measures and supercharging treatment facilities. In this way, we will overcome our nation's healthcare issues and create a healthier society.’

Prevention is Better Than Cure Essay: Sample Answers

Sample Answer 1: When You Agree With The Statement  

The phrase “prevention is better than cure” is becoming more critical in this fast-paced world. Many people do not give enough attention to their health and suffer the consequences later. In this essay, I will discuss why prevention is better than cure and offer some insights. 

The government has to create better healthcare facilities if many people suffer from serious diseases. They need to invest large amounts of money to cure many people. However, we can slash it down by taking strong preventive measures. For example, the vaccination programme has reduced the number of children suffering from polio and smallpox.   

People can take better measures to prevent themselves from such diseases. For instance, they can adopt a better lifestyle, making them healthier and less prone to diseases. It can reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases like heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer. To create a better lifestyle, they can exercise regularly and eat high-fibre foods to stay healthy and immune from many diseases.  

On the other hand, regular checkups at various intervals can help detect diseases only at the initial stage. So, individuals can quickly cure themselves with essential treatment only. This proactive approach will help reduce the risks of major diseases and also save their resources.   

There are numerous benefits of taking active preventive actions rather than treatment. Both the citizens and government play a vital role in preventing diseases. The government can take better vaccination and other measures, and the citizens can follow a healthy lifestyle. 

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Q. What does prevention is better than cure mean in an essay?

A. In  IELTS essay writing , this topic means preventing something is far better than making it happen. For example, following preventive measures is better than suffering from the disease. These measures will save you from these negative consequences and help you stay healthy and fit. 

Q. What is the difference between prevention and cure IELTS?

These are two opposite aspects of a single essay. On the prevention side, you need to discuss preventive measures to prevent you from suffering from diseases. On the cure side, you will focus on the need for a better treatment facility to help the patients recover faster from the diseases. 

Q. Can you both agree and disagree on IELTS writing?

You can offer a balanced or neutral solution in your IELTS essay. For example, we can take a neutral stand in the ‘ Prevention is better than Cure' essay. We might partially agree on the need for prevention and also focus on the importance of treatment, which is equally essential for a healthy nation. 

Q. How strict is IELTS writing?

IELTS writing is not that strict. But yes, sometimes boundaries have to be followed in essay writing. You can invest up to 40 minutes to write and proofread your essay. Exceeding this time limit will reduce the time needed to cover the other sections and modules of the IELTS test. 

Q. How many paragraphs should I write in the IELTS Essay?

It all depends on your choice and the question's demands. For example, agree-to-disagree type questions require writing an introduction paragraph, a body section (2-3 paragraphs), and one conclusion paragraph. In either case, the whole essay should be 3 - 5 paragraphs in between. 

Q. How many words should I write?

You should aim for 275 - 280 words. The prescribed word limit is 250, but we suggest you write extra in the essay. It is because the number of words gets reduced while editing due to grammar, punctuation issues, etc., which might result in a mark deduction. Therefore, to avoid this, write something extra to remain at least 250 even after the editing. 

Q. What types of essays will I get in writing task 2?

Writing task 2 includes various types of essays. You can get essays based on discussions, problem-solving approaches, opinion writing, advantages and disadvantages, and direct questions. Whatever the question type, do not forget to practice it so that you are ready to work on the different types of essays. 

Q. Can I write Task 2 first in IELTS writing?

Yes, there are no strict rules for the IELTS exam. You can choose to write any part of the task at your convenience. However, most candidates usually forget the time constraints while not following the sequence. So please keep timelines in mind while writing the IELTS Task 2, which is 40 minutes long. 

Q. Do I need to write a conclusion in Task 2?

Yes, it is essential to write the conclusion in writing task 2. Take advantage of the part because it will heavily impact your band score. To report a better conclusion, you must provide a crux of all the points discussed in the topics. And always remember to make the last sentence positive and forward-looking.  

Q. How much is writing task 2 worth it?

Writing Task 2 is worth double the marks of Task 1, so it's essential for every IELTS candidate. It includes the essay writing task (like the one we discussed in this guide), which you should write in 250 words. So ensure you practice enough for it and get an excellent overall band score on the IELTS test. 

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Prevention is better than Cure Essay for Students

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Table of Contents

‘Prevention is better than cure Essay’ is a proverb which reveals that prevention methods are much better to remain away from any problem than finding out solutions to cure that problem.

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Long and Short Essay on Prevention is better than Cure in English

Prevention and cure, both are different words and their meanings are also different. However, prevention is considered as better than cure because it saves us from harm of curing through medicines. Prevention is a safe way to remain away from any problem. We just need to maintain a healthy and disciplined lifestyle all through the life. Whereas, our carelessness lead us toward cure using medicines or other treatments. Cure cannot cure us completely however prevention keeps us away from danger and maintains normal health.

We have provided below some essays on Prevention is better than Cure under various words limit in order to help students who have been assigned by their teachers to write some paragraphs or complete essay on this topic. You can select any Prevention is better than Cure paragraph or essay given below according to your need and requirement.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 1 (100 words)

Prevention is better than cure is a proverb which teaches us to follow prevention methods and be careful always to remain away from the problems so that we don’t have to take the help of cure as prevention is much better than the cure. If our problems expand a while or to a great extent, they cannot be controlled through the prevention methods and they need to be treated and cured well through medicines or other type of treatment. If we take preventions, we become safe otherwise we have to take the help of cure. There is need to detect the root of cause of problems before start curing. This proverb is generally based on the physical and mental health of people.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 2 (150 words)

The proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’ is a good teaching to us to save us from being ill and help us to be in well being status. The meaning of this proverb is well suited to us in our daily sphere of life. It is the good example to us that even our misfortunes can be changed to the good fortune only if we take precautions to remain away of troubles and be happy. Suppose that, we neglect our studies all through the year but start studying just after the release of exam dates; then what happens, it only will create pressure on our mind and body. It ultimately improves the heart beat, tension and anxiety level which leads us towards illness and then cure.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 3 (200 words)

Prevention is better than cure is a most famous proverb which is a big example to us in our daily life. It teaches us to maintain a healthy, disciplined, and tension free lifestyle in order to remain away from any health issue or disease. It is easy to follow prevention methods to be safe from any problem however cure is a while dangerous for our health as it do not give surety of complete wellness once we get suffered from some problems. It is much easier for us to prevent the problem from happening than solving it when happened.

It is good to go to the doctor when we get sick but it is very good when we don’t need to go to the doctor all around the year. Being healthy is much better than falling sick which is only possible when we follow prevention methods and be safe. It is very necessary for us to take all the precautionary and preventive measures in advance and avoid silly mistakes. We should take precautions during the change of every season so that we may not fall sick. Being indifferent or negligent to our health may definitely cause illness which may end to the costly cure and perhaps, sometimes impossible to get normal health.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 4 (250 words)


Prevention is better than cure is a proverb which completely suits us in our daily sphere of life. It teaches us to take preventive measures always in our life to get away from all sorts of dangers. Preventive measures help us to save our health, effort, time and money. Preventive measures are very essential in our life required to deal with the effects of bad circumstances regarding healthy life. It is good to have preventive measures earlier than following them while getting affected with any type of health disorder.

So, we should take all the preventive measures before spreading of diseases. Preventive measures are like drinking clean water, eating healthy diet at right time, washing hands with soap before and after taking food, washing hands with soap after each and every use of toilet, follow good habits of hygiene, taking daily bath, wearing clean cloth, taking proper sleep during night, etc.

Importance of it in our Daily Life

This proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’ has various importance in our daily life. Following it in our life, we can be prevented from illness. It teaches us to adopt healthy habits of eating and living. It teaches us to do everything in advance in order to avoid last moment harassment. We should plan our all the activities for the project we have already decided to do in future. It helps us to prevent from all the hazards that may occur because of our irregularity in the daily routine. For example, if we have planned for holidays, we should plan and work accordingly to the trip for getting smooth travel. If we eat easily digestible foods, our stomach will be healthy and calm. If we are not prepared for the exam, we will get harassed at the exam time. So, we should make ourselves ready for all the circumstances.

Conclusion : Prevention is a big tool which helps us in many ways if we understand its real meaning and follow its teachings in our daily routine all through the life. It benefits a lot than it means.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 5 (300 words)

Meaning of this Proverb : The meaning of this proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’ is, if we will follow the prevention measures in all the sphere of life, it will keep us happy in all means. It is a most famous and old proverb, generally relates to our physical and mental health. Prevention is always better and wiser technique to avoid diseases and other problems of health which require proper cure. Cure is a costly regimen which may or may not treat us completely to the normal level. So, prevention should be the priority instead of seeking remedies.

How this Proverb is Applicable in our Life:

Prevention measures help us to avoid difficulties in life and give us a peaceful happy life. Our life is full of numerous difficulties and if we are not disciplined, we have to suffer too much. Therefore, this proverb suits a lot to us all through the life. Wise people must follow this technique in their daily life to be healthy, wealthy and happy. In this polluted environment, anyone can be deceased anytime with any big or small health disorder. And any disease require proper cure which is very costly and doesn’t give surety of wellness.

Prevention is much cheaper technique than cure to be safe and peaceful. It saves time, health, effort and cost. It also prevents us from many anxious thoughts. As a human being, we have power of reasoning and power of foresight, so we should use it for our own benefit. Our mistakes and carelessness invites to the difficulties only. So, we should be careful all time.

Conclusion : Life is very short and we should enjoy it completely. However, it is only possible when we are stress free, disease free and disciplined in our whole life. Our preventive efforts should be able to prevent troubles and difficulties. It can happen if the principles of this proverb are followed strictly and faithfully to every aspect of life.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 6 (400 words)

Prevention is better than cure is a most popular and old proverb related to our health and healthy life. Good health becomes the valuable present for human life. We can earn lots of money, make houses, achieve luxurious things, etc in life however we cannot buy good health once it got declined by some serious diseases. The meaning of each and every luxurious thing will be zero immediately after we get some diseases. The proverb “prevention is better than cure” is a best advice to us in life. People should divert their mind from costly treatment towards spending time on health education, preventative measures, etc.

How it Relates to our Daily Life

Most of the people suffer from various fatal diseases which have almost no cure or impossible to cure. Some of the diseases have very expensive treatment. People suffering from such diseases are cured by using very hard medicines having lots of side effects in present or in near future. In order to remain away from such diseases, prevention is a great key we can be safe from deadly diseases. Prevention is very cheap and save lots of money, time and effort of us.

If prevention methods are followed by the people, they remain safe and happy forever. Poor people cannot afford costly medical treatments. So, we should take care of us all through proper prevention methods so that we can be away from cure. We have only one life which is very important to all of us. We should live it, not destroy by inviting various problems and difficulties. Life can be more happy and peaceful if we become disciplined and follow principles of this proverb.

Conclusion : By properly understanding the meaning and principles of prevention, we can learn how to save ourselves from deadly and fatal diseases. Generally people know the definitions of making their lives healthier and happier. But they forget the key point of control, discipline and patience. Cure becomes the last step to get our body out of danger however sometimes we cannot get the normal health back in case of some serious diseases. Our doctors may save the life but cannot return the happiness in life. People, who already had suffered difficulties in life, well understand the value the prevention. But, it is better, if people understand its value before getting into any difficulty.

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Essay 31 – Prevention is better than cure

Gt writing task 2 (essay writing) sample # 31.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

“Prevention is better than cure.”

Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures..

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

You should write at least 250 words.

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Model Answer 1: [Agree]

The proverbial saying “Prevention is better than cure” emphasizes the significance of proactive measures in maintaining good health. I agree that a substantial portion of a country’s health budget should be allocated to health education and preventative measures rather than solely focusing on treatment. This approach can lead to numerous benefits for individuals and society as a whole.

Health education plays a pivotal role in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their well-being. By allocating a significant proportion of the health budget to health education programmes, countries can empower their citizens to adopt healthy lifestyles, understand potential health risks, and take preventive measures accordingly. For example, investing in educational campaigns that promote healthy eating habits and regular exercise can help prevent conditions such as obesity and diabetes, reducing the burden on healthcare systems and improving overall public health.

Preventative measures, such as immunizations, screenings, and early detection programmes, are instrumental in identifying health risks at an early stage and preventing the development of severe illnesses. Allocating resources to these initiatives can save lives and reduce healthcare costs in the long run. For instance, implementing widespread vaccination programs can effectively eradicate infectious diseases, preventing outbreaks and the need for extensive treatment.

In conclusion, I strongly support the idea of diverting a substantial portion of a country’s health budget towards health education and preventative measures. By prioritizing these proactive approaches, individuals can be empowered to make informed decisions about their health, leading to healthier lifestyles and reduced healthcare burdens. Furthermore, preventative measures can significantly reduce the incidence and severity of diseases, resulting in improved overall public health outcomes.

Model Answer 2: [Agree]

Countries around the world, except for a few first-world countries, are struggling to cope with the soaring costs of medicines and treatments. But, I think that things would have been different if they had emphasized more on health education and preventive measures instead of actually spending so much on “medicines and treatment”. So, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement that a big proportion of the national budget should be diverted from medical treatment to health education and preventative actions.

First, a couple of centuries ago, Cholera was thought to be caused by breathing “miasmas”, and treatment was given to dilute the odours associated with the disease. But, once it was found that some microscopic creatures were actually the main “culprits” which had caused this, along with the other diseases, treatments changed, and sanitation became the chief means of disease prevention. In fact, some health experts today even go on to suggest that our health owes more to “the idea of proper sanitation” than to all the cures developed before or since!

Secondly, and very interestingly, for most diseases, and for all non-infectious diseases, the word “cured” is simply not defined. Besides, there is no scientific or medical test or cure for any non-infectious disease. There is also no test or cure for any so-called “self-resolving” diseases like the common cold, influenza, or measles. Many medical dictionaries do not even contain a definition for the word “cure”! And, I won’t even go to dig into the “fallacy” of the anti-biotic cure because anti-biotics do basically nothing but allow the living microbes to develop a “resistance” to one antibiotic after another. So, our lifestyle and knowledge related to health do a more prominent work and that’s where our national budget should be spent to get actual results.

To conclude, it is fair to suggest that prevention is far better than cure if we want to use our health budget wisely and have a healthy nation.

Model Answer 3: [Disagree]

Inadequate health education and lack of preventive measures cause unexpected deaths each day across the world while a large percentage of the world population does not get proper treatment. So I do not think that the government should reduce the current treatment budget for prevention measures. That money ought to be diverted from sectors like weaponry and defence.

Many people are bereft of basic knowledge about many fairly common health issues, like cardiovascular diseases, for instance. Most of these diseases can be dramatically decreased if more people are made reasonably knowledgeable about them through disseminating information and public health education programmes. Many countries have already got tangible results from this approach. Besides, many countries have dramatically harnessed the transmission of COVID-19 because they live-streamed campaigns to provide information on how to contain the transmission of the virus and prompt citizens to maintain social distancing, wash hands frequently with soap and avoid large crowds to reduce chances of catching the virus.

However, although I am steadfast in favour of allocating the budget to preventive measures, I do not think that the current treatment should be suffered severe budget cuts. The usual treatment that patients are currently having, is of profound importance. The government ought to slash money from elsewhere. At these unpredictable times, the government still spends a huge amount of money on fatal weapons. If they reduce the minute amount of budget from this sector and divert it into the health budget – both for preventative measures and to treat ill people, it can bring favourable results. In consequence, this would reduce the number of patients substantially, which in turn, along with preventive measures, ameliorate the health of our nation as a whole.

To recapitulate, millions of people die every year around the world due to ignorance of preventable illnesses. The government ought to allow a considerable amount of budget for this, but the budget should be allocated from other sectors like weapon production and national defence.

Sample Answer 4: [Agree]

Many avian flu viruses cause outbreaks worldwide causing havoc at least once in a few decades. This is why many people opine that the health budget should be restructured by diverting a considerable amount of money from treatment to health education and preventive actions, which I also accord with because precautionary measures and proper education could have been sufficient to restrict or even prevent many such diseases.

Hundreds of thousands of people are in the grip of the deadly diseases, like COVID-19, for example, which condemn its victims to a terrible condition. With the spreading of the outbreak, the death toll soars dramatically mile after mile. Terror, isolation, and claustrophobia haunt as people are forced into quarantine. If countries had more health budgets for educating people and taking careful measures, the pandemic could have been restrained in its origin. On top of that, more healthcare research budget could have been a good way to come out with a proper vaccine sooner. Therefore, there is sufficient justification for channelling more funds into public healthcare education and research programmes.

Besides, the uncertain prognosis and treatment demonstrate that the necessity of preventive measures and health education is decisive. In simple words, the clinical spectrum, new diagnostic approach, the necessary information on the transmission mechanism, and the prevention and therapeutic blueprint are yet to develop. But interestingly enough, evidence points to the fact that a healthy lifestyle such as washing hands frequently with soap, having healthy food, social behaviours, regular exercise, and so on, can limit the transmission of the viruses. So, these findings should be disseminated across the world. Thus, health education and preventive measures deserve more money than treatment.

In fine, communicable diseases are spreading like wildfire throughout the earth. So it is sensible enough to conclude that world governments ought to spend more money on preventive measures and public health awareness compared to the treatment budget.

One Comment to “Essay 31 – Prevention is better than cure”

“Cope up with” does not exist in English. The phrase is “cope with.”

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Prevention is better than cure (Corrected essay)

Prevention is better than cure (Corrected essay)

Out of a country health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventive measures.


Write about the following topic. 

To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 


In today’s world disease increases day by day vice versa, cure also but it costs millions of dollars on health budget of country. I believe that we used start thinking alternatives such as preventing them and health education.

A large amount money used in to develop cure and treatment and discovery of vaccination. One of best ways to educate it awareness of health education in child, adult, old ages people.

Health education in school must be part of education system, seminar for adults or promote through celebrity on television Ad on public place or reward for it.On other, hand assess the prevention. If we prevent them to spread it will be easily. The best ways it to eliminate for bad habitat such as wash our hands while eating to or stop, smoking and drinking. Pursue a good lifestyle eating a health diet fresh fruit and vegetable and doing regular exercises such,walking yoga or swimming. And if some is sick they must diagonics properly. For example, H1N1 is spread from monkey to human if we proper diagnosis first we find it we stop to spread in human or tuberlocisis in Germany.

I strongly believe that prevention is best cure in today’s world all the person in should starting thinking about it without wasting money on cure.

Corrected Writing Task 2

In today’s world disease increases day by day vice versa , cure also but it costs millions of dollars on health budget of country. I believe that we used should start thinking about alternatives such as preventing them and health education.

The first sentence is very unclear, and the word choice is also inappropriate in a writing context.  

A large amount money are used in to develop developing cure and treatment and discovery of discovering vaccination vaccines . One of the best ways to educate it is awareness of health education in child, adult, old ages people.

Health education in school must be part of education system, seminar for adults or promote through celebrity on television Ad advertises on public place or reward for it. On other, hand On the other hand, assess the prevention. If we prevent them to spread it will be easily. The best ways it to eliminate for bad habitat habits such as wash our hands while eating , to or stop , smoking and drinking. Pursue a good lifestyle eating a health diet like fresh fruit and vegetable and doing regular exercises such , as walking , yoga , or swimming. And if some people is are sick , they must diagonics be diagnosed properly. For example, H1N1 is spread from monkey to human if we proper diagnosis diagnose first we find it we stop to spread in human or tuberlocisis tuberculosis in Germany.

Lots of spelling and punctuation faults are presented here.

The ideas are also either underdeveloped, or aren’t arranged coherently.

I strongly believe that prevention is best cure in today’s world , all the person in should starting thinking about it without wasting money on cure.

The conclusion is too short and informal.

Overall: 4.0

Task Response: 4

✓ responds to the task only in a minimal way or the answer is tangential; the format may be inappropriate (the essay only has 214 words) ✓ presents a position but this is unclear (very weak conclusion) ✓ presents some main ideas but these are difficult to identify and may be repetitive, irrelevant or not well supported.

Coherence and Cohesion : 4

✓ presents information and ideas but these are not arranged coherently and there is no clear progression in the response ✓ uses some basic cohesive devices but these may be inaccurate or repetitive ( on other, hand on the other hand , “and”, “for example”) ✓ may not write in paragraphs or their use may be confusing (the Body 1 paragraph is too short)

Lexical Resource: 5

✓ uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task

✓ may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader ( vaccination vaccines, diagonics be diagnosed, diagnosis diagnose, tuberlocisis tuberculosis)

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 4

✓ uses only a very limited range of structures with only rare use of subordinate clauses (attempted to use “while” and “if” but the structure is faulty) ✓ some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and punctuation is often faulty (the lack of commas really make it hard for the reader to understand)

This essay is corrected by Anh Tran  -   Let's Write Something Group .

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Prevention is better than Cure Essay

‘Prevention is better than cure’ is a proverb which reveals that prevention methods are much better to remain away from any problem than finding out solutions to cure that problem.

Long and Short Essay on Prevention is better than Cure in English

Prevention is better than cure essay 1 (100 words).

Prevention is better than cure is a proverb which teaches us to follow prevention methods and be careful always to remain away from the problems so that we don’t have to take the help of cure as prevention is much better than the cure. If our problems expand a while or to a great extent, they cannot be controlled through the prevention methods and they need to be treated and cured well through medicines or other type of treatment. If we take preventions, we become safe otherwise we have to take the help of cure. There is need to detect the root of cause of problems before start curing. This proverb is generally based on the physical and mental health of people.

Prevention is better than Cure

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 2 (150 words)

The proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’ is a good teaching to us to save us from being ill and help us to be in well being status. The meaning of this proverb is well suited to us in our daily sphere of life. It is the good example to us that even our misfortunes can be changed to the good fortune only if we take precautions to remain away of troubles and be happy. Suppose that, we neglect our studies all through the year but start studying just after the release of exam dates; then what happens, it only will create pressure on our mind and body. It ultimately improves the heart beat, tension and anxiety level which leads us towards illness and then cure.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 3 (200 words)

Prevention is better than cure is a most famous proverb which is a big example to us in our daily life. It teaches us to maintain a healthy, disciplined, and tension free lifestyle in order to remain away from any health issue or disease. It is easy to follow prevention methods to be safe from any problem however cure is a while dangerous for our health as it do not give surety of complete wellness once we get suffered from some problems. It is much easier for us to prevent the problem from happening than solving it when happened.

It is good to go to the doctor when we get sick but it is very good when we don’t need to go to the doctor all around the year. Being healthy is much better than falling sick which is only possible when we follow prevention methods and be safe. It is very necessary for us to take all the precautionary and preventive measures in advance and avoid silly mistakes. We should take precautions during the change of every season so that we may not fall sick. Being indifferent or negligent to our health may definitely cause illness which may end to the costly cure and perhaps, sometimes impossible to get normal health.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 4 (250 words)


Prevention is better than cure is a proverb which completely suits us in our daily sphere of life. It teaches us to take preventive measures always in our life to get away from all sorts of dangers. Preventive measures help us to save our health, effort, time and money. Preventive measures are very essential in our life required to deal with the effects of bad circumstances regarding healthy life. It is good to have preventive measures earlier than following them while getting affected with any type of health disorder.

So, we should take all the preventive measures before spreading of diseases. Preventive measures are like drinking clean water, eating healthy diet at right time, washing hands with soap before and after taking food, washing hands with soap after each and every use of toilet, follow good habits of hygiene, taking daily bath, wearing clean cloth, taking proper sleep during night, etc.

Importance of it in our Daily Life

This proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’ has various importance in our daily life. Following it in our life, we can be prevented from illness. It teaches us to adopt healthy habits of eating and living. It teaches us to do everything in advance in order to avoid last moment harassment. We should plan our all the activities for the project we have already decided to do in future. It helps us to prevent from all the hazards that may occur because of our irregularity in the daily routine. For example, if we have planned for holidays, we should plan and work accordingly to the trip for getting smooth travel. If we eat easily digestible foods, our stomach will be healthy and calm. If we are not prepared for the exam, we will get harassed at the exam time. So, we should make ourselves ready for all the circumstances.

Conclusion : Prevention is a big tool which helps us in many ways if we understand its real meaning and follow its teachings in our daily routine all through the life. It benefits a lot than it means.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 5 (300 words)

Meaning of this Proverb : The meaning of this proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’ is, if we will follow the prevention measures in all the sphere of life, it will keep us happy in all means. It is a most famous and old proverb, generally relates to our physical and mental health. Prevention is always better and wiser technique to avoid diseases and other problems of health which require proper cure. Cure is a costly regimen which may or may not treat us completely to the normal level. So, prevention should be the priority instead of seeking remedies.

How this Proverb is Applicable in our Life:

Prevention measures help us to avoid difficulties in life and give us a peaceful happy life. Our life is full of numerous difficulties and if we are not disciplined, we have to suffer too much. Therefore, this proverb suits a lot to us all through the life. Wise people must follow this technique in their daily life to be healthy, wealthy and happy. In this polluted environment, anyone can be deceased anytime with any big or small health disorder. And any disease require proper cure which is very costly and doesn’t give surety of wellness.

Prevention is much cheaper technique than cure to be safe and peaceful. It saves time, health, effort and cost. It also prevents us from many anxious thoughts. As a human being, we have power of reasoning and power of foresight, so we should use it for our own benefit. Our mistakes and carelessness invites to the difficulties only. So, we should be careful all time.

Conclusion : Life is very short and we should enjoy it completely. However, it is only possible when we are stress free, disease free and disciplined in our whole life. Our preventive efforts should be able to prevent troubles and difficulties. It can happen if the principles of this proverb are followed strictly and faithfully to every aspect of life.

Prevention is better than Cure Essay 6 (400 words)

Prevention is better than cure is a most popular and old proverb related to our health and healthy life. Good health becomes the valuable present for human life. We can earn lots of money, make houses, achieve luxurious things, etc in life however we cannot buy good health once it got declined by some serious diseases. The meaning of each and every luxurious thing will be zero immediately after we get some diseases. The proverb “prevention is better than cure” is a best advice to us in life. People should divert their mind from costly treatment towards spending time on health education, preventative measures, etc.

How it Relates to our Daily Life

Most of the people suffer from various fatal diseases which have almost no cure or impossible to cure. Some of the diseases have very expensive treatment. People suffering from such diseases are cured by using very hard medicines having lots of side effects in present or in near future. In order to remain away from such diseases, prevention is a great key we can be safe from deadly diseases. Prevention is very cheap and save lots of money, time and effort of us.

If prevention methods are followed by the people, they remain safe and happy forever. Poor people cannot afford costly medical treatments. So, we should take care of us all through proper prevention methods so that we can be away from cure. We have only one life which is very important to all of us. We should live it, not destroy by inviting various problems and difficulties. Life can be more happy and peaceful if we become disciplined and follow principles of this proverb.

Conclusion : By properly understanding the meaning and principles of prevention, we can learn how to save ourselves from deadly and fatal diseases. Generally people know the definitions of making their lives healthier and happier. But they forget the key point of control, discipline and patience. Cure becomes the last step to get our body out of danger however sometimes we cannot get the normal health back in case of some serious diseases. Our doctors may save the life but cannot return the happiness in life. People, who already had suffered difficulties in life, well understand the value the prevention. But, it is better, if people understand its value before getting into any difficulty.

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"Prevention is better than cure." Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures. To what extent do you agree.

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To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

This passage discusses the importance of proverbs which are short sayings that provide good advice. One of the most important proverbs is Prevention is better than cure” which means it is better to avoid getting sick than to have to spend time and money on getting better. This proverb can be applied to many aspects of life such as avoiding bad behavior or living within one’s means. Prevention is less costly than cure and it is important to take care of one’s health to avoid future problems. Foresight and reasoning can also help in preventing problems from happening. Overall, prevention should be applied to all aspects of life to avoid problems and lead a better life.”

A proverb is a well-known short saying that gives good advice. As there are many languages in the world, there are many proverbs. These proverbs are words of wisdom and if we really understand and follow them, our work will be made smoother and easier, we will commit fewer mistakes and we will be able to lead a better more successful life. Of all these proverbs, none is truer and wiser than the proverb” Prevention is better than cure”. This is one of the earliest proverbs we learn from our environment.

The saying “Prevention is better than cure” literally means that it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it. It is a wise saying because once a person contracts a disease; it takes a lot of time and money to recover health. Everyone should always bear in mind to take great care of his own health throughout his life before misfortunes comes. Moreover, in many cases, the disease leaves some evil effect behind and that person can never regain his former condition. Prevention brings many advantages. Prevention is less costly than cure.

It saves not only time and money but also man power. It also educates people how to avoid diseases and how to live a healthy life. That saying can be applied to many things. In human’s character, any bad character shall be avoided before it is formed. Eradicating and changing bad behavior or character is a must, before it has been formed. In the same way, living in poverty by self-control is nicer than becoming poor in debt by waste a lot. Health, the greatest value, can neither be purchased nor exchanged with any amount of money.

There is no better way to keep good health except only prevention. Human’s power of reasoning or foresight can be well applied for his own benefit. Man can calculate the difficulties and adopt some means to avoid them. It is better to prevent a loss than to repair it. Better to prevent danger than to overcome it. Better not to commit a crime than to serve a sentence. So a person must have foresight if he wants to prevent something bad from happening. Hence, prevention should be applied to every aspect of human’s environment, as the global problem.

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Essay On Prevention Is Better Than Cure – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘Prevention Is Better Than Cure’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on prevention is better than cure for kids, essay on prevention is better than cure in 150 words for kids, long essay on prevention is better than cure for children, quotes about prevention is better than cure for kids, what will your child learn from an essay on prevention is better than cure.

Prevention is better than cure is a proverb that perfectly fits into our daily lives. It is always better to avoid danger than to have regrets later. This is prevention. Prevention helps us to save ourselves from any threat that may affect our health, time, or money. Prevention is vital so that we can lead a life with good health. Most of the kids must have heard their parents instructing them to cover themselves in winter to avoid catching a cold. This is one of the most basic examples of the proverb, “Prevention is better than cure.” You can find many instances from your daily lives that are good examples of this proverb. Below is an essay on prevention is better than cure for classes 1, 2, and 3.

It is essential for children to understand the topic well before writing about it. Some key points to remember before writing an essay on ‘prevention is better than cure’ are:

  • The structure of the essay is fundamental. A good essay has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  • Encourage kids to pick everyday examples for a better understanding.
  • It is best to use easy and comprehensive ways to make children understand the importance of prevention.

Knowing the meaning of proverbs and incorporating appropriate examples is crucial for writing an excellent essay for classes 1 and 2. The following 10 lines will help children compose simple sentences on prevention is better than cure.

  • It is easier to prevent the problem from happening than to solve it later; hence prevention is better than cure.
  • This statement applies to all walks of life. For students, it is best to study regularly rather than trying to cover the whole syllabus right before the exam.
  • Preventive measures can be taken to avoid falling sick such as maintaining hygiene, eating healthy food, wearing warmer clothes, etc.
  • Prevention is the best form of being prepared to face any challenge.
  • But sometimes, when prevention cannot help you, we must find a cure or a solution to the problem which also prevents further damage.
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle, we eat fast food and have an irregular sleep schedule. It may lead to various health problems. We can prevent that by making changes to our lifestyle before we require cure for the problems that may arise.
  • Life is not possible without hurdles. Therefore it is important for us to learn how to both prevent and manage or solve problems.
  • To live the best life, we must learn from our mistakes. Preventive measures can help us in avoiding problems.
  • Experience can resolve specific issues, while our inherent instincts can determine others.
  • Knowledge, planning and good management can help a person prevent any challenge at hand, rather than going through it and looking for a cure later.

If you have been assigned to write a small paragraph on proverbs, first learn their meaning. You can also take examples from daily lives to make the concept easier for you. Here is a short essay on prevention is better than cure.

“Prevention is better than cure” is a proverb that encourages us to use preventive techniques and always be careful. If prevention fails, it is best not to delay the solution and seek assistance. Prevention is a kind of surety in our minds that nothing wrong will happen. Our problems must be treated appropriately and cured by medications or other types of treatment if they persist for a long time or to a significant extent and cannot be controlled through prevention techniques. If we practice prevention, we can stay healthy; otherwise, we must seek medical attention. For example, exercising and consuming a balanced diet can keep you healthy and boost your immunity. On the other hand, if we indulge in habits like eating lots of junk food, drinking sodas, etc., we will get sick. We can avoid the same if we check our actions. Thus, prevention is much better than cure. This proverb typically refers to a person’s physical and mental wellness.

Given below is an essay for class 3 on prevention is better than cure. The 400-word essay covers the topic with everyday life examples, an introduction and a concluding paragraph.

A well-known and traditional saying related to our health and a good life is “prevention is better than treatment.” Having good health turns into a priceless gift for people. We can acquire great things in life, build beautiful homes, make a lot of money, etc., but we cannot purchase good health after it has been compromised by significant illnesses. The moment we have a disease, the value of every luxurious item is instantaneously reduced to zero. “Prevention is better than cure” is one of the best pieces of life advice in this regard. People should focus on health education, preventative measures, etc., instead of expensive treatments. Preventive measures help us live a peaceful, happy life by supporting us in averting obstacles. Therefore, to lead a long and prosperous life, we must adopt the “prevention is better than cure” phrase in our life.

If people use prevention to avoid problems, they will always be safe and content. Medical treatments are pretty expensive, and not everyone can afford them especially poor people. Therefore, we must take good care of ourselves through effective preventative strategies to avoid needing a cure. If we practice discipline and adhere to the proverb’s guidelines, life can be more joyful and serene.

We all should learn how to protect ourselves from life-threatening and fatal diseases by fully comprehending the meaning and guiding principles of prevention. To lead a more colourful life, one must not ignore the importance of restraint, self-discipline, and patience.

What Is The Meaning Of The Proverb Prevention Is Better Than Cure?

The saying “prevention is better than cure” suggests that if we practice prevention in every aspect of our lives, we will live happy and healthy life. This proverb is applicable to our physical as well as mental wellness. Prevention is a better option than looking for a cure. Therefore, prevention should take precedence over finding a solution.

Why Is Prevention Always Better Than Cure?

Prevention is thought to be preferable to treatment as it protects us against the risks associated with medical treatment. A problem can be safely avoided by incorporating necessary prevention. Without prevention, we would have to suffer and spend time and money on cures.

How To Apply This Proverb In Our Daily Life?

A person can lead a healthy life by following prevention strategies. It is important to take all essential precautions and preventive steps and avoid stupid errors. Example: Every season should be approached with caution in order to avoid getting sick. Being careless or unconcerned with our health can undoubtedly lead to illness, resulting in expensive medical treatment.

Some quotes on prevention are better than cure are given below.

  • “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – Benjamin Franklin
  • “Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them” – Albert Einstein
  • “Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable” – Bill Gates
  • “Prevention is the daughter of intelligence” – Walter Raleigh
  • “One of the best aspects of health care reform is its emphasis on prevention” – Anne Wojcicki

By writing an essay on prevention is better than cure, children will learn ways to stay away from danger. They will learn everyday examples to relate to the proverb, which will make them understand their surroundings much better.

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  • Essays for Class 3


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    Prevention is better than cure. Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventive measure. ... A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of ...

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    IELTS Writing Correction Service /. Writing Samples /. Band 7.5. "Prevention is better than cure." Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures. To what extent do you agree. # prevention # cure # diseases # measures. It is commonly considered that as research and treatment of diseases ...

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