Top 16 Teacher Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 9, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement at the top of your resume that outlines your career goals and how you plan to achieve them. When writing an objective for a teacher position, it's important to focus on the skills and qualifications that make you a great candidate for the job. Think about what makes you stand out from other applicants and use that information in your statement. It should be concise, clear, and specific to the role you're applying for. For example, if you're applying for a kindergarten teacher position, you might write something like "Seeking a kindergarten teacher position where I can use my organizational skills and passion for teaching young children." Another example would be "Eager to apply my five years of experience as an elementary school teacher to help build a positive learning environment." Including relevant qualifications such as certifications or specialized training can also be beneficial when writing your objective.

Teacher Resume Example

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Top 16 Teacher Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a teaching position that allows me to utilize my knowledge and experience in education to foster an engaging learning environment for students.
  • To secure a teaching position where I can use my enthusiasm for educating and developing children.
  • Seeking a teaching role that will allow me to develop innovative lesson plans and inspire students to reach their full potential.
  • To obtain a challenging teaching position where I can apply my knowledge of educational theories and practices.
  • Desire a teaching role that will enable me to share my passion for learning with students.
  • To gain employment as a teacher, utilizing strong communication skills and creativity while inspiring students to reach their highest potential.
  • Looking for an opportunity to teach at the elementary level by utilizing creative approaches to classroom instruction.
  • Seeking a teaching role that will provide the opportunity to help young minds grow through engaging activities and lessons.
  • Aiming for a teacher position in which I can utilize my skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, and student assessment.
  • To obtain an elementary school teaching position that allows me to create an interactive learning environment for students.
  • Seeking a teacher role in which I can utilize my expertise in classroom management, instructional strategies, and differentiated instruction.
  • To secure a teacher position where I can use my enthusiasm for educating youth while providing them with the necessary tools needed for success.
  • Aiming to become part of an educational team that encourages growth through positive reinforcement and creative problem solving techniques.
  • Looking for an opportunity to teach at the secondary level by utilizing innovative approaches to classroom instruction while fostering critical thinking skills among students.
  • Desiring a teaching role that will enable me to share my knowledge of subject matter while motivating students towards academic excellence.
  • Seeking an opportunity as a teacher where I can use my dedication and commitment towards helping children learn effectively within the classroom setting.

How to Write a Teacher Resume Objective

A teacher resume objective is an important part of a job application for any educator. It can give prospective employers a clear indication of your skills and qualifications, as well as how you could contribute to their school or organization. Writing an effective resume objective can help you stand out from the competition and make a great first impression.

When writing a teacher resume objective, it’s important to include relevant information about your experience, education, and credentials. Start by stating your desired position and then provide some background on yourself. Explain why you are passionate about teaching and what makes you an ideal candidate for the job. Make sure to include any specialties or certifications that make you unique in the field of education.

In addition to mentioning your qualifications, it’s also essential to highlight specific skills that will be beneficial in the classroom. For example, if you have experience leading extracurricular activities or instructing students with disabilities, be sure to mention it in your resume objective. You should also focus on qualities such as enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication that will help you excel as an educator.

The most important thing to remember when composing your teacher resume objective is that it should be concise yet compelling. While including all the necessary information is important, avoid making it too lengthy or wordy. Keep it brief but powerful so that potential employers will take notice of your impressive qualifications and desire to work with them.

By following these simple tips, you can craft an effective teacher resume objective that will demonstrate why you are the perfect candidate for the job at hand!

Related : What does a Teacher do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Teacher Resume Objective

In today's competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume is crucial for landing your desired teaching position. One essential component of your resume is the objective statement, where you can showcase your key skills and qualifications. This section titled 'Key Skills to Highlight in Your Teacher Resume Objective' will guide you on how to effectively spotlight those specific abilities and competencies that make you an excellent candidate for a teaching role. These highlighted skills should not only align with the requirements of the job posting but also demonstrate your potential to contribute positively to the learning environment.

1. Lesson planning

Lesson planning is a crucial skill for a teacher as it demonstrates their ability to prepare, organize, and deliver educational content effectively. This skill shows potential employers that the candidate can design appropriate learning activities, manage time efficiently, meet curriculum standards, and cater to the diverse needs of students. Including this in a resume objective indicates the candidate's commitment to providing high-quality education and their capability to handle the responsibilities of a teaching role.

2. Classroom management

Classroom management is a crucial skill for a teacher as it involves maintaining discipline, creating an effective learning environment, and promoting positive behaviors among students. This skill showcases a teacher's ability to handle diverse classroom situations, manage student interactions, and ensure that the learning process is not disrupted. Including this in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's capability to provide a structured and beneficial learning experience for all students. It also indicates their potential to contribute positively to the school environment by fostering respect and mutual understanding among students.

3. Differentiated instruction

Differentiated instruction is a crucial skill for a teacher as it demonstrates their ability to cater to the diverse learning needs of their students. It shows they can modify and adapt their teaching strategies, content, and assessments to ensure all students, regardless of their abilities or learning styles, can effectively learn and succeed. This skill is especially important in inclusive classrooms where students' abilities may greatly vary. Including this skill in a resume objective will highlight the teacher's commitment to providing equitable education for all students.

4. Assessment design

A teacher needs the skill of assessment design to create effective and appropriate evaluation methods for students. This skill is essential in measuring a student's understanding, progress, and mastery of the course material. It also helps in identifying areas of improvement and adjusting teaching strategies as needed. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate can develop suitable assessments to enhance student learning outcomes.

5. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a crucial skill for a teacher as it demonstrates proficiency in using digital platforms for effective teaching. This skill is needed in a resume objective to highlight the teacher's ability to create an interactive and engaging online learning environment, manage and distribute assignments, communicate with students and parents, and monitor student progress. It also shows that the teacher can adapt to modern teaching methods and technologies, which is particularly important in today's increasingly digital educational landscape.

6. Zoom facilitation

In the current educational landscape, many classes are being conducted online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, proficiency in Zoom facilitation is an essential skill for a teacher. It demonstrates the ability to manage virtual classrooms effectively, conduct interactive sessions, share learning materials seamlessly, and engage students in a digital environment. This skill is crucial to ensure that the quality of education is maintained even when physical classroom teaching isn't possible. Including this skill in a resume objective shows adaptability and readiness to cater to modern teaching needs.

7. EdTech integration

Incorporating EdTech integration as a skill in a resume objective for a teacher is crucial because it demonstrates the ability to utilize technology effectively in the classroom. This is particularly important in today's digital age where education technology is rapidly evolving and being widely used to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Teachers who are proficient in EdTech can create more engaging, interactive, and personalized lessons for their students. They are also better equipped to prepare students with the digital literacy skills needed for the future. Hence, showcasing this skill can make a candidate more attractive to potential employers who value modern and innovative teaching methods.

8. Student engagement

A teacher's primary goal is to facilitate learning and help students achieve academic success. To do this effectively, a teacher must be able to engage students in the learning process. This involves creating interactive lessons, adapting teaching methods to meet individual student's needs, and maintaining a positive and stimulating classroom environment. By demonstrating strong skills in student engagement, a teacher can show potential employers their ability to motivate and inspire students, thereby improving overall academic performance and satisfaction.

9. Curriculum development

Curriculum development is a crucial skill for a teacher as it demonstrates their ability to plan, design and implement educational programs that cater to the needs of their students. It shows they can create engaging and effective learning experiences, align lessons with educational standards, and adapt curriculum to different learning styles or needs. This skill is essential for a resume objective as it highlights the teacher's competence in fostering student growth and achievement.

10. Parent-teacher communication

A teacher needs to have strong parent-teacher communication skills in order to effectively convey information about a student's progress, behavior, and development. This skill is crucial for a resume objective as it shows the ability to foster relationships with parents and guardians, collaborate on students' educational plans, and address any concerns or issues promptly and professionally. It also demonstrates the teacher's commitment to ensuring that all parties are working together for the benefit of the child's education.

Top 10 Teacher Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, the objective section of your teacher resume is a crucial element that can significantly influence your chances of landing a job. It's important to carefully consider which key skills you choose to highlight, ensuring they align with the needs and values of the school or institution you're applying to. Remember, this section is your opportunity to showcase your unique abilities and strengths, setting you apart from other candidates. Tailor it strategically and thoughtfully to demonstrate not only what you bring to the table as an educator but also how you can contribute positively to their specific educational community.

Related : Teacher Aide Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Teacher Resume Objective

A teacher resume objective should be one of the most important parts of your application. It should provide a concise overview of your experience, qualifications and goals in relation to the position you are applying for. Unfortunately, many teachers make the same mistakes when writing their resume objectives, which can result in a less than impressive application.

One of the most common mistakes is not tailoring your resume objective to the position you are applying for. Your objective should be specific to the job you are applying for and demonstrate why you would be an ideal candidate for that particular role. A generic objective conveys that you have not taken the time to think about how well your experience matches up with what is required from this job and will likely lead to your application being overlooked.

Another mistake is including irrelevant information or simply listing out generic qualities such as “hardworking” or “dedicated” without providing any context as to how they make you suitable for the job. You want to focus on showcasing specific skills, experiences and qualifications that make you stand out from other applicants. Explain why your previous teaching experience has prepared you for this role and highlight any unique skills or accomplishments that may set you apart from other candidates.

Finally, do not forget to include measurable results in your resume objective if applicable. This could mean outlining any awards or recognition received during previous teaching positions or explaining how student performance improved under your instruction. Including tangible results shows potential employers that you have made an impact in past roles and can bring value to their organization if hired.

In conclusion, it is important to take care when crafting a teacher resume objective as it can make a big difference in whether or not your application stands out amongst other candidates vying for the same position. Make sure it is tailored specifically to this role, avoid generic phrases and list measurable results whenever possible if applicable. With these tips in mind, you can ensure that your teacher resume objective will leave a positive impression on potential employers!

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Teacher Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a teacher should focus on the candidate's enthusiasm for helping students develop and grow, while a wrong resume objective would simply emphasize the teacher's desire to secure employment.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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35 Best Teacher Resume Objective Statement Examples

This post will help you craft a powerful objective statement for your CV or resume to land your dream teaching role. As the first part of your resume, the objective statement must draw the reader in to look closely at the details of your experience. You need to communicate that you have the skills necessary for the position and understand what the role entails. Also, don’t be afraid to let your passion for education shine through.

Below are some examples of objectives statements for teachers to guide you in writing a powerful opening to your resume:

Experienced Teacher Objective Statements

  • Patient teacher seeking a role as an elementary teacher at Spring Valley Elementary, bringing over 10 years’ experience in K-6 education, a Master’s Degree, and a certification in special education.
  • Energetic and creative personality and a passion for early childhood education looking to join the teaching team as a kindergarten teacher, bringing two years of pre-school and kindergarten teaching experience in a bilingual English-Spanish setting.
  • To obtain an English teacher position at Stone Creek High, bringing 15 years of secondary level teaching experience and a passion for helping students engage with a range of literature and master writing skills necessary to prepare them for college.
  • Experienced, creative, and passionate student-centered educator looking to undertake the role of a middle school social studies teacher, bringing strong subject-area knowledge gained through a degree in history, and over three years of experience teaching at the middle school level.
  • Qualified teacher with over four years of experience and an undergraduate degree in Mathematics along with an M.A. in Education, seeking the position of a high school math teacher to apply my experience encouraging students to engage with math in a meaningful way to help them gain knowledge, build skills, and prepare them for higher education and the workplace.
  • To undertake the role of bilingual teacher with Fairfield Public Schools, bringing seven years of classroom instruction in Spanish and English, experienced in administering tests and language assessments, as well as a state educator’s license with a bilingual endorsement for K-6.
  • To obtain a position as an elementary teacher for students with special needs, bringing a Master’s Degree in Special Education, a state educator license for grades K-3, and over 12 years of experience tailoring curricula to meet the needs of students with a diverse range of needs.
  • Enthusiastic and creative science teacher looking for a new role in a middle or high school setting, bringing a Master’s of Science in Geology and over five years of experience teaching a range of subjects including physics and earth sciences.
  • Highly energetic and passionate educator skilled in music pedagogy, looking to apply my 20 years of working with students of multiple ages to a position as a music teacher in an elementary setting.
  • Proactive and nurturing kindergarten teacher looking to work with children from a diverse range of socioeconomic backgrounds, bringing eight years of experience in early years education in urban schools and holding an Illinois State Board of Education issued educator license.
  • Organized and optimistic middle school teacher with over 30 years of experience teaching Math, Science, and Health, seeking a part-time substitute teaching role with Oakdale School District.
  • Art teacher with a passion for opening students’ eyes to new forms of artistic expression looking for a role with Green Valley School, bringing five years of experience teaching in middle school settings and bringing a high degree of creativity to my subject as well as superb classroom management and teamwork skills.
  • Seeking to obtain the position of an English teacher in a diverse and inclusive high school setting, bringing nine years of experience teaching English and theater in secondary education settings, as well as creativity, passion, and patience.
  • Highly experienced educator with 16 years of experience seeking to work as a K-6 teacher at Fern Valley Elementary, bringing flexibility and adaptability to my instructional approach to ensure teaching is best tailored to student development and achievement.
  • Dedicated and energetic educator seeking to undertake the role of a kindergarten teacher at Spring Gate Elementary, holding a Master’s of Early Childhood Education, and having over three years of experience in pre-K and kindergarten settings.
  • Enthusiastic and creative K-12 teacher with over 13 years of experience seeking a new role in an elementary or high school setting, bringing my experience of adapting classroom learning and management techniques to virtual teaching and integrating technology into instruction for a range of ages.

Entry-Level Teacher Objective Statements

  • Skilled pianist looking to apply my passion for music to the education of children through the role of a music teacher at Wildwood Middle School, leveraging my classroom instruction skills gained in an accelerated teaching program and year of student teaching.
  • Newly certified teacher seeking to apply my creativity, optimism, and enthusiasm for learning to a full-time position, bringing excellent classroom management skills gained through student and substitute teaching experience and holding a Master’s Degree with a focus on Early Childhood Education.
  • Creative and patient newly certified teacher with a B.S. in Calculus seeking to join North High as a math teacher and apply my creativity in providing a stimulating learning environment that makes math practical and engaging for students according to their levels and abilities.
  • Highly organized team player, seeking to obtain a position as a second-grade teacher at St. John’s School, bringing excellent knowledge of elementary school teaching methods, and a dedication to creating an engaging child-centered environment to foster the intellectual and psychological development of each pupil.
  • Health and fitness enthusiast with student teaching experience looking to teach physical education, bringing patience for students according to their individual capabilities, holding a B.S. in Sports Science and a teaching certification.
  • Early career teaching professional seeking the job of a middle school language arts teacher to apply my knowledge of classroom management and curriculum development along with collaborating with fellow teachers to foster an engaging student-centered learning environment.
  • Patient and nurturing individual looking to join the teaching team at South Coast High School as a teacher, bringing skills in teaching both English and Spanish with a focus on bilingual settings and working with students who have English as a second language.
  • Newly certified teacher seeking the role of a social studies teacher in an elementary or middle school setting, bringing patience, passion, and a demonstrated understanding of the subject matter through an M.A. in Anthropology and an understanding of student engagement and motivation gained through two semesters of student teaching experience.
  • Creative and energetic teacher looking for a pre-K or kindergarten role in a bilingual setting, bringing a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education and native Spanish-language fluency.
  • To obtain a position as a fourth or fifth-grade teacher at Sun Valley Elementary to apply my understanding of lesson planning, classroom management, and communication skills to work with students and their families to prepare them to excel in middle school.
  • Dedicated recent graduate committed to ensuring art education is accessible to students from a range of backgrounds, seeking the role of fine arts teacher at St. Helen’s Academy, and holding a B.A. in Painting and Sculpture, as well as a state certification in art education for K-12.
  • Motivated individual fascinated by opportunities to integrate technology into education, seeking a position as a STEAM teacher at Green Valley High School, bringing a Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering and a teaching certification from the State of Alabama.
  • Aiming to undertake a role of a special education teacher, bringing a Master’s in Education with a state certification in Special Education, and a commitment to patiently and creatively working with students who face behavioral challenges to help them develop and succeed.
  • Energetic and adaptable early career teacher looking to gain classroom experience by joining the teaching staff of Newlon School District as a substitute teacher at the elementary and middle school levels.
  • To obtain a position as an elementary classroom teacher to develop and deliver a curriculum to help students achieve success while respecting and serving their diverse needs, bringing an educator’s license from the State of Michigan.
  • Early career student-centered educator passionate about fostering linguistic skills in children, aiming to undertake the position of a middle school French teacher, bringing excellent command of the French language and knowledge of French culture gained through a Master’s in French Literature and two years living in Paris.

Career Change Teacher Objective Statements

  • Experienced charismatic accountant seeking to apply my 10 years of experience to teaching high school level math and making math come alive for students with my knowledge of math applications in the business world, bringing recent teaching certification to enable me to effectively communicate my passion for numeracy and mathematics to students.
  • Accomplished personable chemist looking for a new career as a high school science teacher, aiming to bring my 15 years of experience working in a laboratory setting to build knowledge and open the possibility for careers in the sciences to students from a variety of backgrounds.
  • Training clinical psychologist looking to transition careers into early childhood education, aiming to apply my five years of clinical expertise and graduate-level training to the pre-K or kindergarten setting with a deep understanding of the individual psychological needs of my students, bringing a Master’s in Education and experience from a student teaching role at Rosewood Nursery.

Your objective statement is your one chance to grab the job screener’s attention. You should make sure that it and your entire resume has been proofread not only by you but also by someone else with good writing skills and strong attention to detail. Consider showcasing your soft skills that will make you successful in the advertised teacher position and really stand out.


How To Write A Teacher Resume Objective (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

example of objective in resume for teachers

By Mike Simpson

When you want to land a teaching job, a teacher resume objective can make a world of difference. Used right, it can help you stand out from the crowd and showcase why you’re a great candidate.

Teachers are some of the trusted , admired , and respected professionals in the country, and there’s a shortage of high-quality teaching talent. But just like every other professional, they have to convince the hiring manager to extend them an offer. You can’t just walk into a school and expect to get hired, even if your credentials are solid.

So, how can a teacher resume objective help? Let’s find out.

What Is a Resume Objective?

Before we dig in, yes, we know that many people think the resume objective is old-school, and not in a good way. You’ll see a ton of advice that says to ditch it. But, like many facets of a resume, if you use a teacher resume objective the right way, it can actually make you a more attractive candidate.

Alright, now that that is out of the way, let’s move on to the core question;

What is a resume objective?

Well, in the simplest terms, it’s a summary of your career and an overview of your professional goals.

Generally, a winning objective showcases how you acquired critical skills as well as outlines how you want to apply your capabilities going forward. We’ve discussed the topic in-depth before, but that’s the basics.

What Is Unique About a Teacher Resume Objective?

More often than not, teacher resumes have a ton in common. Most candidates are going to have similar educational backgrounds and skillsets. At times, even their amount of experience may only negligibly differ.

What does that mean for you? It means that you have to find a way to stand out. You can’t rely on your core credentials in many cases. If you try to, your resume may get lost in a sea of similar applications.

That’s why adding a teacher resume objective can be a great move. It’s your chance to share something that’s a little special. You just have to use one at the right time and take the right approach.

If you’ve recently become a teacher , an objective statement can be a great addition to your resume. It can also work if you have a very specific target in mind. In those situations, you can use the objective to ensure your relevant skills and achievements take center stage, as well as highlight why you decided that a teaching career is right for you.

Now, if you have a substantial amount of teaching experience, the teacher resume objective route may not be right for you. Instead, consider going the resume summary statement route, as that’s probably going to be a better match.

Common Mistakes When Writing a Teacher Resume Objective

Resume objective mistakes are actually pretty common. The main reason is that people don’t understand how to use one effectively.

For example, not long ago, everyone had a resume objective, and they all said essentially the same thing; “I want a job.” When a hiring manager reads a sentiment like that, the first thought that crosses their mind may be, “Thanks, captain obvious. If you didn’t want a job, you probably wouldn’t be applying.”

The simple presence of a resume means you want a job. By going that route, your statement isn’t providing any value. So, skip mentioning that you’re trying to land a position entirely.

A lack of tailoring is also a common misstep. If you don’t adjust your teacher resume objective to the position, you’re missing out on an opportunity. Alignment is the key to success, so avoid a generic statement that doesn’t speak to the exact job.

Top 3 Tips for Writing a Teacher Resume Objective

If you want to write a standout teacher resume objective, here are three tips that can help you make that happen:

1. It’s Not All About You

Your resume objective is the written equivalent of an elevator pitch. It needs to be short, sweet, and not all about you.

While you want to highlight relevant skills and accomplishments, don’t make that your entire focus. Instead, talk about what you can do to help that school excel. If you can demonstrate the value you bring to the table, you’re a more enticing candidate.

2. Don’t Overlook Soft Skills

When you do discuss your capabilities, sprinkle in some soft skills . Teachers need traits like patience , compassion , time management , problem-solving , adaptability , and more. While you won’t have the space to discuss them all, do mention any that show up in the teacher job description, if you can.

3. Incorporate the Right Action Verbs

The language you use can be transformative. By focusing on action verbs , you’re making your resume objective more powerful.

However, you also want to use the ideal ones. Make sure to choose action verbs that best describe what you did (or do) . Even options that seem similar – like “evaluated” and “examined” – aren’t actually the same thing. So, really consider which one is the best fit, and go that route.

5 Teacher Resume Objective Examples

Alright, now you know what a teacher resume objective is and a little about how to create a great one. Do you want more? Of course, you do. Here are five examples that can help you see how to put these statements together, with each one focusing on a different kind of teaching role.

1. Preschool

“Recent college graduate looking with strong communication skills and a high degree of enthusiasm seeking to bring my knowledge into a preschool classroom. Proven ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment and remain calm, compassionate, and focused when working under pressure.”

2. Elementary School

“Dedicated elementary school teacher with two years of experience looking for an opportunity that allows me to promote creativity while enhancing higher-order thinking abilities in young students, increasing their odds of thriving academically and improving overall performance.”

3. High School

“Graduated magna cum laude with a BS in Mathematics with a minor in Education. Looking to use my technical knowledge and creative approach to make science courses engaging and informative, enhancing the overall performance of students while making the process enjoyable.”

4. Substitute

“Retired chemist looking to use my 30 years of professional experience to assist students during teacher absences, allowing me to pass on my knowledge while supporting local classrooms on an as-needed basis. Punctual, organized, and highly communicative.”

5. Special Education

“Passionate special education teacher looking to apply my skills to help special needs students enhance their capabilities and develop while maintaining a fun, engaging environment.”

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, a teacher resume objective can be a smart addition to your application, particularly if you are new to the field or transitioning in from another specialty .

When used properly, one of these statements, like the resume objective examples above, can help you stand out from the crowd, increasing the odds that you’ll be invited in for an interview.

Just remember that objectives aren’t the only available approach. Many professionals are better served by professional resume summaries, especially if they have prior experience working in that niche.

Your goals should always be to use the option that best meets your needs. That way, your resume will shine, making it more likely that you’ll land the target role.

example of objective in resume for teachers

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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example of objective in resume for teachers

Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Teacher resume objective examples.

Curated by hiring managers, here are proven resume objectives you can use as inspiration while writing your Teacher resume.

Kimberley Tyler Smith - Hiring Manager

  • Bilingual Teacher
  • Career Changer to Teacher
  • Recent Graduate Teacher
  • Teacher resume templates
  • Similar objective examples

Teacher Resume Objective Example

The lure of a stimulating role.

Using the phrase 'stimulating role' shows that you're not just looking for any teaching job, you're seeking a challenging and engaging role. It subtly implies that you're eager for a role that will utilize your skills to the maximum and keep you inspired.

Leveraging past experience

Mentioning specific past experiences in your objective, especially ones that are pertinent to the role you're seeking, can be a powerful way to immediately showcase your qualifications and skills.

Quantifying your accomplishments

Adding hard numbers to your objective, like 'decreasing classroom disruptions by 60%', provides concrete evidence of your ability to make a positive impact in a classroom setting. It shows you're results-oriented and able to drive real change.

Highlighting student engagement

By including a specific achievement related to student engagement, you're demonstrating the direct impact of your teaching methods on student involvement. It shows that you're not just filling a role, but actively enhancing the educational experience for your students.

Bilingual Teacher Resume Objective Example

Highlighting unique skills.

By mentioning that you've 'successfully integrated Spanish lessons', you're demonstrating your ability to bring a unique perspective to teaching. This shows you're capable of enhancing the school's curriculum and appeal to a wider student demographic.

Quantifying language skills

Stating that you've boosted student bilingualism by 30% provides a measurable outcome of your work. This underlines your claim to be an effective bilingual teacher.

Bringing diverse methods

By stating your intention to bring 'diverse teaching methods' to a school, you're showcasing your adaptability and willingness to cater to individual student needs, a critical quality for a teacher.

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Career Changer to Teacher Resume Objective Example

Showcasing unique skills.

Highlighting unique skills from prior roles, like 'conducting workshops for 200+ students', can help set you apart. It shows that you can handle large groups and implies excellent communication skills.

Adding credibility with awards

Mentioning past accolades like 'editing an award-winning school newspaper' adds credibility to your resume and shows that you bring a level of excellence to your work.

Expressing passion and motivation

Using phrases like 'inspire young minds' adds a personal touch to your objective and shows your passion for teaching, which can be a powerful motivator for hiring managers.

Highlighting future plans

Stating your intention to 'create engaging lesson plans' shows your proactive approach and that you're thinking ahead about how you can contribute to the role.

Recent Graduate Teacher Resume Objective Example

Showcasing your innovation.

Mentioning that you've designed an innovative literacy program during your student teaching experience shows that you're a creative thinker, a desirable trait in a teacher.

Providing concrete results

Stating a specific improvement in reading levels as a result of your program gives a tangible example of the positive impact you can make on students' learning.

Teacher Resume Templates

Social worker.

A resume screenshot displaying specialized skills and teamwork experience for a Clinical Social Worker role.

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Career Objective for Teacher

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  • Updated on  
  • Oct 20, 2023

Career Objective for Teacher

What is a good objective for a teacher’s resume? Writing a career objective for your teaching resume is your opportunity to showcase your passion, skills, goals and objectives towards a career in teaching. Here is a perfect career objective for a teacher: “To secure a position as a teacher and utilize my dedication to foster quality education required for a child’s development.” Remember to add your skills and key aim to pursue your career as a teacher from promoting holistic education and development to ensuring quality education. Read this blog to find the best career objectives for teacher, skills to add, a teaching resume sample and more!

Must Explore: Career Clusters: Definition, Objective, and Types

This Blog Includes:

Best objective for teacher resume, teacher resume headlines, skills for teacher resume, skills to add in a professor’s resume, resume objective for online teaching positions, skills to add to online teacher resume, career objective for maths teacher, career objective for science teacher, teacher resume sample, how do you write an objective for teaching.

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A career objective for a teacher is an assertion about the aspirant’s goals and expectations for employment. As a teacher, your career objective defines that you are capable of offering students the best of knowledge and make them grasp subject concepts as efficiently as possible. It doesn’t matter how you formulate your resume , but rather what values are your consistent dedication towards being a teacher and shaping the life of every student. As a teacher, you need to convey your skills, expectations, and dedication to teach the youth of today, Certbolt helps everyone to find their goals easier.

Here are the best objectives for teacher resume:

  • “To secure a position as a teacher and utilize my dedication to foster quality education required for a child’s development.”
  • “Develop and promote creativity and high-order thinking skills that increase the performance of the students.”  
  • “To build a long-term profession as a teacher that will offer endless opportunities for career growth and to keep up with cutting-edge educational technologies.”
  • “As an entry-level teacher, I would like to leverage my extrovert and dynamic approach in teaching students. With my great administrative and coordination skills, I would work to perform organisational tasks and duties. Guiding the students to encourage them to participate in constructive programs would be my aim as a teacher.”
  • “To obtain a teaching position in special education which will allow me to utilise my interest and passion for student development combined with skills and experience that will enable me to make a significant contribution at XYZ school.”
  • “Seeking a teaching position at XYZ school as an English teacher to share my passion for the subject as well as enlighten young minds to gain proficiency in this language.”
  • “Seeking a teaching position at an elementary school to utilise my dedication and passion for fulfilling children’s educational needs and development.”
  • “To obtain a teaching position where I can utilise my knowledge of advanced teaching methods such as team learning and e-learning.”
  • “Passionate, Creative and Certified teacher with a bachelor’s degree in Education and a zeal to foster holistic education and learning to children of all ages.”
  • “Qualified and resourceful teacher with a master’s degree in education and proven knowledge of educational technology, blended online learning and curriculum design.

Here are the best samples for the teacher resume headlines:

  • “Looking forward to joining the team at [name of the school] as a classroom teacher, bringing about English bilingual skills and extraordinary abilities to help students master their talents and knowledge required to graduate from high school with good grades.”
  • “A qualified school teacher with proven experience to enhance student’s performance.”
  • “A highly enthusiastic and hardworking teacher with a focus on literature and five years of teaching experience in a private school setting looking for a stable teaching position at [name of the school].”
  • “Creative and capable teacher with five years of diverse instructional experience.”
  • “Seeking the job of a 9th and 10th-grade English-language teacher in a challenging environment where my outstanding expertise to execute the curriculum range and continuity required and adopted by the school governing board will be fully utilized.”
  • “As an experienced teacher, I would like to devise and foster fascinating, captivating and unique practices to intrigue the students.”
  • “Fully certified school teacher with a master’s degree in Educational Technology and diverse teaching experience at the primary and secondary school level.”

Recommended Read: Emotional Intelligence at Workplace

While you draft a career objective for a teacher, always remember to highlight the below-listed skills and talents, which will help you reflect your strong image in front of your employer:

  • Self-motivation 
  • Flexibility
  • Organization
  • Self-Discipline
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills
  • Excellent Communication Skills 
  • Planning and Organizing Skills

Quick Read: TTC Courses

Career Objective for Professor

The career objectives for a teacher’s resume are also quite similar to those of a college or university professor resume. Here are the best career objectives for a resume of a professor or lecturer:

“Seeking the position of a college professor with seven years of teaching experience along with brilliant communication and interpersonal skills.”

“Dedicated and hardworking individual with a postgraduate degree in English Literature ( or any other area of study as per your specialisation ) and exceptional teaching and communication skills searching for the position of a lecturer in English Literature at ______ ( university/college name )”

“Searching for suitable opportunities in lecturership in Computer Science at a university to utilize my extensive education and expertise and impart 10 years of knowledge and facilitate interactive and research-oriented learning.”

“Highly motivated and dedicated individual with a doctorate in Civil Engineering and excellent teaching skills and knowledge of educational technologies looking for the position of a professor in Civil Engineering at ______ (university/college name)”

Also Read: Primary Teaching Courses  

Here are the major skills you can use for drafting an impressive career objective and resume of a professor/lecturer:

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Expertise in the area of study that you are applying for the lecturership
  • Exceptional verbal and written skills
  • Organisational skills as well as demonstrating a cooperative and professional interest towards working with a faculty, staff and students
  • Interest in curating and design course curriculums
  • Project management and planning skills
  • Interest in mentoring undergraduates
  • Ability to facilitate an interactive learning environment with an integral focus on research and practical training as well.

With online learning becoming the new normal in 2020, you might also be applying for online teaching positions where putting your career objective might be tricky. So, here are some of the best resume objectives for online teaching:

  • “Seeking an online teaching position to utilise my advanced-level internet skills, knowledge of educational technology and internet applications to provide education and mentor students.”
  • “Highly motivated teacher with digital skills and excellent teaching skills looking for a suitable online teaching position to facilitate interactive online learning.”
  • “Searching for the position of an online Math teacher at a reputed academic institution. Possess outstanding teaching and mentoring skills, knowledge of blended learning and educational technology, and excellent interpersonal skills.”
  • “A highly enthusiastic online teacher with over two years of experience teaching English to secondary grades and proficiency in digital education technologies with outstanding communication and teaching skills.”
  • “To obtain an online teaching position at ______ School/University to teach English through highly interactive online methods and technologies.”

Writing the resume of an online teacher can be slight different. Here are the top online education skills you must in your online teacher resume:

  • Knowledge of Educational Technology
  • Excellent at Facilitating Online Learning
  • Digital Communication Skills
  • Knowledge of Interactive Online Teaching and Learning Methods
  • Understanding of Digital Assessment Tools and Technologies
  • Interest in Curating Online Curriculum and Assignments
  • Knowledge of Class Management Tools
  • Presentation Tools
  • Seeking the position of Maths teacher at a secondary school to implement my knowledge of mathematical aptitude as well as analytical and quantitative reasoning skills to students.
  • To secure the role of Maths teacher at an elementary school to use my knowledge of educational technology and interactive learning methods to impart mathematical skills and aptitude to young students.
  • To obtain an online teaching position as a Maths Teacher at a reputed academic institution. BA Maths Honors graduate with BEd degree and outstanding teaching and mentoring skills, knowledge of blended learning and educational technology, and excellent interpersonal skills.”
  • Seeking the job of a Science teacher in a challenging environment where my outstanding expertise to execute the curriculum range and continuity required and adopted by the school governing board will be fully utilized.
  • Searching for the role of a Science teacher to impart the knowledge of the fundamental discipline of Science in an interactive and educational manner to students of all ages.
  • Seeking a teaching position at _____ school as a Science teacher to share my passion for the subject as well as enlighten young minds to gain a better understanding of this subject in an engaging as well as a learner-oriented environment.

To help you understand where and how to place your career objective as a teacher, here is a resume sample you must take a look at.

Teacher Resume Sample - Career Objective for Teacher

Also Read: Career Objective for a Fresher

The first and foremost part of writing a career objective for teacher is to never mention it as “resume objective” because it is quite an outdated term. Mention it as “professional summary” or simply write “career objective”. A career objective or professional summary is an essential part of a professional resume especially for those having experience in their chosen field. Here are some of the key things you must keep in mind while writing a career objective for a teaching resume:

  • In simple terms, a teaching resume objective should state who you are , the value you aim to bring to the job profile as well as any experience and skills that make you the ideal candidate for this position.
  • Mention your prior experience (if any) or elucidate upon your passion for this profession.
  • Keep the career objective crisp and concise and under a maximum word limit of 20-30 words .
  • Add your dexterity in using educational technology for pedagogy .
  • Make sure to highlight how you can effectively use conventional teaching approaches with technological ones .

Check Out: Objectives of Educational Technology

Find more interesting reads below:

There are five essential elements you must mention in your career objective for teacher. These elements are an overview of your profile, educational qualifications, work experience, skills with extra emphasis on the understanding of educational technology and highlight that you can effectively utilise modern learning methods in place of the conventional teaching approach.

Here are some of the best career objectives for a teacher: “To obtain a teaching position where I can utilise my knowledge of advanced teaching methods such as team learning and e-learning.” “Develop and promote creativity and high-order thinking skills that increase the performance of the students.” “To secure a position as a teacher and utilize my dedication to foster quality education required for a child’s development.” “To build a long-term profession as a teacher that will offer endless opportunities for career growth and to keep up with cutting-edge educational technologies.”

The best way to write a good career objective for a resume is to tailor it according to the job profile as well as what skills and experiences make you the ideal fit for the role.

For more interesting and useful content on career counselling ,  keep following Leverage Edu. 

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22 Teacher Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Teacher Resume
  • Teacher Resumes by Grade Level
  • Teacher Resumes by Subject
  • Teacher Resumes by Type

Writing Your Teacher Resume

Teachers are the backbone of society. You spend more time with the children you educate than their parents do! And effective teachers like you are compassionate, intelligent, and organized, among hundreds of other things.

It can be difficult to highlight all your experience and skills on your teacher resume, and you’ll want to save some for your  teacher cover letter .

These 22 teacher resume examples are helping teachers with varying levels and types of expertise land jobs in 2024 . They’re a great place for you to get started building or  updating your resume .

Please note that this guide is geared toward educators in the K-12 space. If you’re applying to teach at the college level, you’ll likely need to  write a CV . 

Teacher Resume Example

or download as PDF

Teacher resume example with 7 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • When listing your student teaching experience, focus on what you contributed instead of your responsibilities. 
  • Since you want to make the resume reviewer’s job as pleasant as possible, clearly state the subject and grades you taught in a resume bullet.
  • When you go to make a cover letter , this is your ticket to dive deeper into how you helped your students achieve greater success in the classroom.

Daycare Teacher Resume Example

Daycare teacher resume example with 4 years of experience

  • If you’re a pro at integrating play-based learning like building blocks or water play into your daycare environment, do more than list it in your skills section. Use your work experience to show your skills in action.

Elementary Teacher Resume Example

Elementary teacher resume example with 13 years of experience

  • Include licenses or certifications in a dedicated “Certifications” section on your elementary teacher resume. Our  user-friendly resume templates  and  Google docs resume templates  let you add a section just for certificates and licenses.
  • For example, “Improved students’ passing rates on the statewide annual exam by 13%” effectively shows competency through an estimate.

Middle School Teacher Resume Example

Middle school history teacher with 1+ years of experience

  • Including a  career objective  can help explain why you’re a strong candidate if you have limited work experience or if you’re undergoing a career change.
  • Certifications are typically required qualifications for teachers, so it’s best to list any relevant certificates you’ve acquired. 
  • Projects can be a great place to highlight experiences not technically work-related but still highly relevant to your passion for teaching. 
  • An activities section is the spot for interesting, quirky experiences or  hobbies on your resume ; just be sure you can explain  why  they’re relevant when you get an interview! 

First Year Teacher Resume Example

First year teacher resume example with internship experience

  • Succinct, to-the-point, and intriguing are everything your career objective should be-it should be two to three sentences summarizing your teaching career goals and demonstrating your readiness to help the hiring institution attain its objectives. Weaving in mentions of past relevant experiences like a teaching internship can leave a solid impression that gets you hired.

High School Teacher Resume Example

High school teacher resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • The “Education” section of your  high school teacher resume  should list the degree you’ve earned. No need to list high school since that’s a given.
  • For example, instead of saying, “Prepared students for standardized exams,” say, “Helped improve standardized testing performance by 3%.”
  • If you list “collaboration” as a skill, then somewhere in your resume’s work experience bullet points, it should be clear that collaboration is part of your repertoire.

PE Teacher Resume Example

PE teacher resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Save a small section on your resume’s side column for role-relevant tertiary educational background, much like how Amanda flaunts her bachelor’s degree (Physical Education) from the University of Central Florida. It’s about showing you’ve put a great deal of work into amassing the necessary knowledge and skills.

Science Teacher Resume Example

Science teacher resume example with nearly 6 years of experience

  • You see, few other things piss off hiring managers as much as a resume littered with grammatical mistakes, from typos, punctuation errors to awkward phrases. And that brings us to the essence of staking the time to meticulously proofreading yours before hitting the send button. Better yet, involve a second pair of eyes, be it a friend, family member or career coach.

Math Teacher Resume Example

Math teacher resume example with nearly 8 years of experience

  • Such unique achievements make your math teacher resume shine and grab the attention of your dream employer. Identify such feats in your career and let them take center stage in your application.

Art Teacher Resume Example

Art teacher resume example with nearly 3 years of experience

  • Your also have to prove that you go beyond the curriculum to offer students more opportunities such as through showcasing their work to the world.

Social Science Teacher Resume Example

Social science teacher resume with 8+ years of experience

  • Ask a friend, colleague, or even a co-worker to proofread your resume. If you’re low on time, invest in a spell-check system like Grammarly or run your resume through our  resume checker  to catch any typos or comma errors. 
  • All our example resumes include the essential sections, and you can add your own sections to customize your template to your specific needs.

English Teacher Resume Example

English teacher resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Summaries are two to three-sentence paragraphs that can be thought of as a recap of your best self on your resume. 
  • Purely optional, you can include one if you have years (10+) of experience in your field.
  • Summaries work best to showcase your tried and tested years in the education field and any specializations you’ve honed, such as teaching AP-level courses.

Foreign Language Teacher Resume Example

Foreign language teacher resume example with nearly 20 years of experience

  • Why?  Hard skills are more specific to your profession and easier to demonstrate throughout your resume. Plus, they show school admin that you’ve already got some technical know-how for the job. 
  • Aim to include six to eight specific skills, emphasizing hard skills (like “bilingual” and “lesson planning”) over soft skills (like “organization” and “caring”).
  • If you’re hoping to switch from teaching German to teaching history, you don’t need to include many details on your strategies for teaching verb conjugation, for example.

Experienced Teacher Resume Example

Experienced teacher resume example with 8 years of experience

  • It’s perfect time to turn to your technology skills and how you’ve tapped them to solve everyday teaching challenges. Show how you’ve leveraged Zoom and Google Classroom for virtual teaching, Quizizz for tailored tests that improved average students score, and so on.

New Teacher Resume Example

New teacher resume example with 4 years of tutoring experience

  • Also, show how it has been a lifelong process for you, and how you are ready to bring in your set of pedagogical skills in the learning environment.

Student Teacher Resume Example

Student teacher resume example with 3 years of sales associate experience

  • Schools know you have to start somewhere, so what they’re really looking for is that you show the promise and potential to step inside their classrooms and successfully manage and teach a class.
  • If you’ve volunteered as a teacher after school, provided tutoring or homework help, or even assisted in a teacher’s grading load, you have valuable experience to add to your resume.

Teacher Assistant Resume Example

Teacher assistant resume example with 3+ years of experience

  • Instead of vaguely stating, “Worked with assistants and teachers,” give concrete details, like “Worked with 2 assistants and teacher to provide instruction to 60+ 2nd graders with IEPs.”
  • An objective is valuable if you’re light on experience and need to fill some white space, but it loses its value if it’s not customized.
  • Tailor your objective by mentioning the target school by name and sprinkling in some keywords from the  teacher job description , so long as they honestly describe you!

Substitute Teacher Resume Example

Substitute teacher resume example with  3+ years of experience

  • If you’re a certified substitute teacher (or teacher) in your state, include that in a dedicated “Certifications” section on your substitute teacher resume. This will help you stand out from other applicants, as this is not required in every state.
  • Any prior subbing experience should highlight maintaining a disciplined classroom. One of the toughest aspects of being a sub is commanding a classroom, so demonstrating your strength will increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • Another way to impress is by  formatting your resume’s  work history in reverse-chronological order; it lists your most current and relevant experience first, so the admin can glimpse your best stuff first.

Collaborative Teacher Resume Example

Collaborative teacher resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Choose one or two key areas, such as section titles or your header, to include a pop of conservative color.
  • Use two contrasting fonts on your resume template . Just don’t pick anything hard to read—remember, recruiters scan resumes within seconds, so it has to be understood at a glance.
  • Even if your projects aren’t teaching-related, highlight skills you used or developed, like working with kids, collaborating with co-workers, or taking a leadership position.

Special Education Teacher Resume Example

Special education teacher resume example with 15+ years of experience

  • Does your resume take up the entire page?
  • Does it have half to one-inch margins? (Either half an inch or one inch is fine.)
  • Does your resume include separate sections for contact information, education, skills, and work experience?
  • Start each bullet point with action words, like “spearheaded” or “brainstormed.” 
  • Either end all bullet points with a period or none at all. Be consistent with punctuation.
  • Write your work experience in the past tense.
  • Avoid using personal pronouns like “me” or “I” on your resume. We’re pretty sure the employer already knows you’re writing about yourself!

Assistant Teacher Resume Example

Assistant teacher resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Consider a certifications section in which you proudly spotlight credential like Child Development Associate (CDA), just as Matthew does. Of course, a proven understanding of early childhood education best practices is sure to get a nod from the hiring manager reading your piece.

Teacher Aide Resume Example

Teacher Aide resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Begin by spotlighting your most recent, senior position (paired with key quantified achievements and relevant tool applications) and backtrack through your junior roles. This technique is golden for illustrating your career progression in a resume and should show an increment of responsibilities and wins as you go up.

Related resume guides

  • Teacher Assistant
  • Preschool Teacher
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Substitute Teacher

Formatting Your Teacher Resume

Recruiter points with yellow chalk to job skills and qualifications list on blackboard

Formatting ensures your teacher resume is readable, logical, and complete. Imagine understanding a book without chapter headings or margins and no discernable organization. It would be a nightmare to parse out any information when nothing follows a clear structure and doesn’t lend itself to being read correctly. It’s an extreme example, but it proves the necessity of formatting. 

Just as you create lesson plans to help your class learn best, format your resume so your qualifications are conveyed and understood. We’ll cover three important formatting elements in the following sections: resume formats, your contact header, and resume readability for ATS.

example of objective in resume for teachers

Three resume formats

The most popular  resume formats  for 2024 are reverse-chronological, functional, and combination/hybrid. Here are some of the pros and cons of each:

  • Reverse-chronological : This format highlights your career progression in an easy-to-scan list, making it ideal for recruiters and ATS. However, this format exposes time gaps and can be repetitive if you’ve held the same position at multiple schools.
  • Functional : This format focuses on your skills, ideal for limited teaching experience or gaps. However, it’s commonly known to confuse potential employers and ATS.
  • Combination/hybrid : This leverages an in-depth skills section and a small experience section to accurately summarize why you’re the best candidate for the job. However, it’s easy to structure this poorly, and it can look like you’re hiding a lack of work experience.

We advise the reverse-chronological format for your teacher resume because it proves you have practical knowledge and a steady career. This format tells the story of your teaching career in under  six seconds , which is how long recruiters will take to read your resume.

example of objective in resume for teachers

Include the right details in your contact header

Your contact header should be easy to locate and read. Some suggest not adding contact information in the header, but that’s why formatting your contact header properly is so important. With good formatting, none of your information gets buried, and it can distinguish you from other applicants. You should include:

  • Job title you’re seeking
  • Phone number
  • City, State (optional)
  • Professional links (optional)

Per industry standards, place the header in either the top left-hand corner or centered beneath your name. Not enough space? Remove the optional elements or go down a font size. Choose a sans-serif font that’s no smaller than your resume’s body text. 

Like the example below, you can put your header in a color block to grab attention quickly and add personality. It’s best not to use obnoxious colors (neon green would be a hard no), and always double-check that the color works well with black body text or white font. 

High school mathematics teacher blue contact header on resume example

Sometimes, the ATS won’t read your resume properly despite having a beautiful header. That’s why we recommend submitting it as a .docx (friendly for ATS) and as a PDF (friendly for employers). 

We have plenty of  excellent resume samples  you can check out for inspiration on your header, and if you’re rushed, choose one of our  free resume templates  to start and finish your teacher resume in record time. 

Ensure the ATS and employers can read your resume

To ensure your resume reaches principals and department heads, you’ll need to pass muster with the ATS. The good news is formatting for the ATS also results in a resume easy to read by employers. 

Resume tips to steer you on the right path:

  • Not only is a one-page resume faster for recruiters and ATS to scan, but it forces you to be concise and include only what’s relevant. 
  • Most ATS don’t recognize documents in Open Office, Adobe Pages, HTML, or PDF (on occasion). The wisest option is to submit your resume as a .docx and  as a PDF to give employers options if one doesn’t work.
  • The standard 10–12-point font is the best readability range for employers and ATS.
  • Even at a reasonable size, some fonts are hard to read, unprofessional-appearing, and ATS-unfriendly. Stick to standard sans-serif fonts like Helvetica or Arial.
  • One-inch margins are standard, but you can be flexible. Avoid going smaller than a half-inch or larger than one inch to keep your teacher resume professional and tidy.
  • You may confuse the ATS and the school if you have odd header titles. Use standardized headers, as you see in our resume samples , to make each section easy to find (and comprehend). 
  • ATS uses keywords to determine your eligibility, including skills (Google Classroom, modifying lessons, parent communication, etc.) matching what’s in the job ad. 
  • If your resume sections aren’t in the recommended order, they may confuse ATS. Yet again, it’s best to stick to the standard. Try using our  resume builder  to ensure your structure is logical and readable. 

Coworkers discuss career documents on BeamJobs' platform behind them

Writing an effective resume  may feel daunting, but it’s far more manageable if you take it section by section. You may even want to use one of our  fresh Word resume templates  designed just for teachers. Let’s dive into each resume section you’ll want to consider:

Does an objective/summary on your teacher resume matter?

Teaching history, top skills for educators.

  • Listing education, certification, and optional sections

Customize your teacher resume for the job

Revise and edit your teacher resume.

example of objective in resume for teachers

Principals and their hiring teams may see hundreds of resumes across a wide array of teaching roles, so it’s crucial to showcase your talents and personality quickly. Objectives and summaries can work as excellent introductory tools, but many end up being generic, boring, or vague. 

First, consider whether you’ll use an  objective or summary statement (or neither). An objective highlights your interest and qualifications for the role, while a  resume career summary  distills your specialized skills and experience in a few lines. Use an objective if you’re seeking your first teaching position or switching from teaching one subject to another. On the other hand, veteran teachers may opt for a summary (or no statement at all).

Regardless of your circumstances, if you use either of these introductory statements, you should always tailor your message to the position. Let’s look at specific examples to contrast a D+ resume objective with one worthy of an A. 

A generic, vague objective tells recruiters nothing about you beyond the bare minimum:

New high school teacher seeking employment at a local high school closer to family. Talented at communicating with teenagers and teaching. Received many compliments and letters at last place of employment.

The above objective lacks personality and neglects to mention anything specific. This next objective, however, is focused and tells the principal about the applicant’s skills:

Compassionate algebra tutor with 4+ years of experience. Excellent at coaching students in formulas and helping them develop analytical thinking skills and mathematical competency at all levels of ability. Seeking to use my communication and interpersonal skills to build meaningful student relationships and improve their mathematical abilities at Joaquin High School.

Like the visual example below, the above objective works because it details the applicant’s experience and how it’s relevant to their new goals within the classroom. 

Elementary teacher career objective on resume example

With summaries, it’s difficult to narrow down years of experience into one paragraph, so they often end up looking like this:

Skilled and experienced teacher who loves working with littles. Adept at communication and care. Excited to use my skills for Sunnyside Elementary. 

For starters, repeating “skilled” and “experienced” won’t tell employers anything. A good summary should sell your experience and qualifications, making principals wish they’d had the chance to hire you years ago:

Elementary education teacher with 12+ years of experience managing 25-30 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders’ classrooms. I am a patient, personable, and compassionate professional eager to bring my expertise to Sunnyside Elementary. Awarded Teacher of the Year in 2020 and 2021 for creating online individualized lesson plans for over 65 students during the height of the pandemic.

This summary works because it tells the recruiter their specific qualifications, namely personalized lesson plans and classroom management, and their skills (in this case, two awards). 

example of objective in resume for teachers

It’s tempting to list every job you’ve ever had to prove you’re qualified, but this becomes either overwhelming or redundant. It also means you can’t include much about each position, which won’t inspire principals to hire you. 

Instead, pick two to four of your most relevant teaching positions. Quantify your responsibilities and incorporate skill keywords to improve your ATS score with each. 

No teaching experience yet? Add internships, student teaching, volunteering, or other special projects like the example below that can highlight your soft skills like leadership. Certifications and awards are helpful additions, too. 

Teacher resume example projects section for JV baseball coach

How to write your job description bullet points

Whether you’re describing a past job, an internship, or a college project, you’ll need to craft your bullet points with care. Every word counts, so use active verbs, definitive language, third-person pronouns, and consistent verb tenses. Pay careful attention to consistency with punctuation—using periods at the end of some bullets while none for others is sloppy.

Based on these resume writing tips , here are some examples of well-crafted bullet points suited for a teacher resume:

  • Taught mathematics, English, general science, art, geography, and history to 60+ 3rd grade students
  • Collaborated with parents to discuss student performance and options for an improved learning experience, such as individualized instruction for students with learning disabilities
  • Hosted annual fundraiser to raise $6,500 for 10+ teachers to attend the RAISE conference and led yearly trips to RAISE meetings, resulting in overall more effective teaching strategies and a renewed passion for academia

These bullet points work because they’re descriptive and results-oriented. Strive for conciseness and specificity with your job description bullet points.

Maximize your classroom impact with numbers

From an employer’s mindset, metrics cement your abilities by proving that your actions resulted in a desirable outcome. If possible, include metrics on 50 percent of your job description bullet points to showcase the results of your effective teaching. 

When talking about past teaching roles, it’s a good idea to discuss the following metrics:

  • Increase in test scores, passing rates, or grade point averages
  • Number of students/classes taught
  • Increase in student participation/improved behavior

The following examples use the metric types listed above to describe a teacher’s impact further: 

  • Co-founded a S.T.E.M. club with the aid of 4 fellow teachers, increasing student passing rates in science and mathematics by 13%
  • Established weekly one-on-one student conversation sessions to intentionally build student-teacher relationships, resulting in a 15% overall increase in classroom participation and attendance
  • Hosted monthly Write-Til-You-Drop sessions for high school students struggling in English and offered expertise for outlining thesis development and argument structure, which resulted in 31% higher essay scores for participating students

example of objective in resume for teachers

The  skills section of your resume  is a quick guide to what you bring to the table as a teacher. That means choosing the right skills for each job is crucial. You might be organized and great at time management, but if employers want to see that you’re compassionate and great at lesson planning instead, your resume may be set aside. 

Since teachers fulfill many roles, employers will want to see a host of varied skills, including soft, hard, and technical capabilities, such as these:

Common teacher skills

  • Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • 1:1 communication
  • Organization
  • Class management
  • Active listening
  • Lesson planning
  • Google Classroom
  • Parent communication
  • Gradebook software

These skills demonstrate aptitude and support the responsibilities a teacher must complete on the job. Remember that while the above list outlines common and popular teacher skills for your resume, defer to what the job description is explicitly seeking. 

example of objective in resume for teachers

Education, certifications, and optional sections

You’ll need to include different elements on your resume depending on your education level, years in the workforce, and any specializations or concentrations you possess. All teaching positions require a bachelor’s degree, and an increasing number of teachers hold a master’s. Also, ensure you’re up-to-date on your state certifications, like the California candidate below.

Certification section on California teacher resume example

If you hold many certifications, you don’t necessarily need to include them all if you’re applying for one specific role. For example, suppose you’re an ESL-certified teacher with a graduate ESL certificate seeking an ESL role. In that case, you’ll need to include  that  certification either in a summary/objective, in your work experience, or in your education. 

This candidate’s education speaks volumes with a classic bold font and color.

Education section on teacher resume example

While including education and certifications is required, a projects section is optional. If you’re a drama teacher, for example, new to directing but experienced with leading drama camps, including a projects section to describe the drama camps you’ve led or assisted with can add a relevant impact. List and discuss projects on your resume, just like a paid position.

Additionally, consider adding  interests and hobbies to your resume . Most teacher resumes should save room for other information, but it’s a good idea to add these sections when the job you’re applying for stresses the importance of school spirit and culture.

Choose your interests that reflect the school’s values. However, be picky about what you include. Finding every Easter Egg in the entire timeline of Zelda games might be your favorite pastime, but that doesn’t mean you should list it on a resume (unless you’re applying for Nintendo, in which case this might be appropriate, and you’re reading the wrong resume guide). 

It’s up to you whether you include any optional sections on your resume, but always be sure to be as specific as possible. Your interests should also be specific. “Reading” doesn’t say much about you, but “leading classic book clubs” is far more likely to get you a job as an English instructor.

example of objective in resume for teachers

Generic resumes are easy to spot and will likely get tossed. To avoid the trash, tailor your resume to every position you apply for. This tells principals you’ve researched the school and the role, and you genuinely care about the position.

To customize your resume, scan the  job ad  to know what responsibilities, accomplishments, and keywords to include in your skills section and your bullet points. You should also tailor your objective/summary (if used) to have the school’s name and speak to anything unique about the school that particularly interests you. Check your resume against the job description to ensure you’re addressing their concerns. 

example of objective in resume for teachers

As a teacher, you already know the pitfalls of submitting drafts before they’re revised, so don’t let minor mistakes slip through the cracks. Instead, take a break and hand your resume off for peer review. You can also use our free resume checker  to get tips from our AI software. 

After a day, return to your resume and consider the constructive criticism you received. Edit and check for errors, inconsistencies, or gaps. Read through your resume at least twice more, one for content and one for proofreading. Once you’re sure it’s error-free, you can submit it proudly. 

Start Setting up Your Classroom (Almost)

Job seeker and dog celebrate job hunt success with smiles and move boxes into new office

Go ahead and celebrate because if you’ve made it this far, you’re well on your way to that A+ resume! By spending more time throughout each phase of the writing process, you’re vaulting yourself closer to your next teaching job. It’ll be time to turn in a simple resignation letter at your current job and start setting up your new classroom before you know it!

If you’re not quite satisfied with your current resume, upload it to our  resume checker  for our AI-powered tips. If it’s time to start from scratch, use our  resume builder tool  to work with our AI from the ground up. We can’t wait to see you land your next teaching role!

Create my free resume now


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  2. Top 16 Teacher Resume Objective Examples

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  6. How To Write A Teacher Resume Objective (Examples Included)

    1. Preschool. "Recent college graduate looking with strong communication skills and a high degree of enthusiasm seeking to bring my knowledge into a preschool classroom. Proven ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment and remain calm, compassionate, and focused when working under pressure.". 2.

  7. Teacher Resume Objective Examples

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    Milan, Italy • [email protected] • +1-234-567-890. Copy. Objective. Transitioning from a successful career in journalism, looking for a teaching position to apply strong communication and storytelling skills. Experienced in conducting workshops for 200+ students and editing an award-winning school newspaper.

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