The House on Mango Street

Introduction to the house on mango street.

The most popular novel of its time, The House on Mango Street, by Mexican American writer, Sandra Cisneros published in the United States in 1984 and created a trend in new techniques in the fiction writing arena. It comprises vignettes, which tell the story of a young girl, Esperanza Cordero, a Chicana girl of just 12, living in the Latino quarters in the city of Chicago . The novel has proved a classic in Chicano literature, winning popularity with more than 20 translations in different languages and the sale of over 6 million copies worldwide even though the novel faced the threat of censorship because of its focus on domestic violence, sexual assault, poverty , and racism. It also has fetched American Book Award for Cisneros and was later adapted into a play staged in 2009 in Chicago under the name Tanya Saracho.

Summary of The House on Mango Street

The story of the novel comprises a year in the life of a young girl named Esperanza Cordero who belongs to the Chicana community . It’s a coming-of-age novel including Esperanza’s zeal to leave the neighborhood and lead a better life. Living in the poor neighborhood in the apartment has had adverse impacts on her young mind. She states that she has been living with her three brothers and sisters, and parents where she experiences a sense of inferiority on account of their shabby apartment. The girl gives a full account of her how they used to live before moving into this house. The reason is that they have been living from one apartment to another apartment as they did not have their own home. The house in this street is the last one on the list of the rented houses though it is not yet as the promised one as they used to think. According to her parents, it is just a primary abode for them. At school, she was made fun of because of her poverty and frustrated because people couldn’t pronounce her name properly.

Despite being a good house, this house has not been better than the previous ones. Esperanza, therefore, does not express her penchant for this house. Her dream is about a wooden, white, and big house with a good yard and trees , while this one is suffocating for her. Meanwhile, she takes to poetry to find expression of her feelings and starts explaining the nature of her family members especially Nenny, her younger sister, who imitates her and her neighboring friends with whom she plays such as Lucy and Rachel. Specifically, Mamacita, an elderly woman who refuses to go out of the house due to a lack of her English speaking skills.

Alicia is a hardworking girl who has high aspirations to leave this neighborhood and get a better job so have to study in the morning but her father makes her do the chores. Rafaela, the woman who won’t step out of the house because her husband locks her up as he is insecure about her beauty . Minerva, who like Esperanza is creative and fond of writing poems and has children and a husband who physically abuses her.  The most interesting moment in her life in that house arrives when all the children enjoy riding the Cadillac of Louie’s cousin but he faces immediate arrest by police for the act of stealing.

As time passes, Esperanza starts becoming mature not only physically but also sexually. These changes also change her worldview and ethical framework. She shapes her mindset to become women who do not surrender to a man’s dominance, yet showcases her ability to be an attractive woman to men. She, soon, becomes the friend of a highly beautiful girl, Sally, whose proactive dressing impresses her much. She also tells about her abusive but religious father. Once, her family was having a party in the monkey garden where Sally dances with the boy she like by showing off her expensive and elegant shoes by lowballing Esperanza of her poverty who couldn’t dance with the other boys because of her torn shoes.

However, on one occasion she does not stay loyal to her and ditches her for a boy when a band of unruly men exploits Esperanza’s vulnerability. Taking this attack heavily, she starts telling about other such suppressive experiences. Specifically, the episode of the man older than her reminds her that sexual exploitation is an ill deeply rooted in the social psyche.

Such other experiences prove highly traumatic for her. She sees that patriarchy is prominent in the current neighborhood, where she feels suffocated. When she attends a funeral where the three sisters see her and predict that she’s going to leave mango street. However, her meeting with Lucy and Rachel and their outgoing aunt shows that she has identified herself with Mango Street. As of now , she decides to resort to poetry to escape the situation emotionally but later escape physically too. The novel ends when Esperanza vows to help the residents of Mango Street, for they are very much with her in her memories.

Major Themes in The House on Mango Street

  • Language: The language and the power that words carry is one of the major themes of the novel. Esperanza puts herself in comparison to other Latino speaking characters such as Mamacita who stays at home due to her lack of English, while Esperanza not only wields power through language but also knows how to mix in the society and win power as well as mobility. Her effort of learning names, words, and nicknames and then recall them to put into her story shows her gradual mastery over language and its uses in social mobility and progress.
  • Gender: The novel also shows the theme of gender through Esperanza, the narrator . Her girlishness develops into strong adulthood, as she continues to master the English language. Despite having won power and a bit of freedom, she instantly comes to know her vulnerabilities as she sees Sally’s situation of being exploited and her being violated by the dominating patriarchy. When every other female character leaves her in the progress of life, she comes to know this gender vulnerability.
  • Othering: The othering of the Latino community in the city of Chicago is another major theme of the novel. The reason is that most of the Latino community is not well-versed in the English language. This makes them work on manual jobs and earn much less. Less earning means to live in shabby apartments such as on Mango Street where Esperanza used to point out “there” to her teacher about the location of her apartment. This otherness creeps into her psyche and stays with her until they have a house of their own.
  • Lives of Women: The story comprising vignettes also shows that it is the story about the lives of women. Although Esperanza talks about a few male characters they mostly live on the fringes. She, on the other hand, learns about marriage, motherhood, and other feminine responsibility from her mother, Marin, and Sally. However, as soon as she becomes young, she abandons this storying of the successful marriage due to the examples of Minerva, Mamacita, and Rafaela.
  • Home: The novel also shows the importance of home through Esperanza’s story of her house located on Mango Street. The nostalgic recalling of her house and then strong desire to have their own house show that she, too, has an American dream. Although they finally get home yet it is not the house that she has desired. The story of the house on Mango Street, however, stays in her psyche, reminding her childhood, desires, dreams , and frustrations.
  • Identity: The theme of identity in the novel emerges as a Latino individual in two ways; gender identity as well as Latino identity. When Esperanza dreams about adulthood and married life, it refers to her gender identity of which she is becoming aware of with her growth. However, when it comes to Latino identity, it emerges in the shape of their Spanish background as well as the Spanish language. For example, Meme Ortiz often becomes confused when she sees her double names and Mamatica does not come to terms with her confusing identity. Esperanza also faces the same dilemma throughout her life.
  • Sexual Awakening: Esperanza comes to know about her sexual awakening when she meets boys and knows their interest in femininity. She feels that as Louis is being treated like a queen by Sire, she, too, deserves to be a queen of somebody. She, however, also knows the risks of feminine awakening in her. The punishment that Sally gets and Rafael meets, too, points to her fears of being a female.
  • Coming of Age: The House on Mango Street also shows the theme of coming-of-age of Esperanza who knows that with adulthood comes responsibilities along with independence. She learns that although she is growing older, it has its own limitations, specifically, when it comes to being a female. That is why she declares that tameness is not her fate; rather, she would carve out her own path in American society.

Major Characters The House on Mango Street

  • Esperanza Cordero: The first-person narrator of these vignettes, Esperanza is quite young of just eleven. She hates her name and wants to be called by some other name when she used to live in the Mango Street house. She is rather ashamed of the shabby outlook of her apartment as well as the penury in which the family has fallen on account of their ethnic and linguistic background. However, her desire to have a good house with a backyard never goes away even when she experiences her femininity having an upper hand in the patriarchal domination of Chicago. Her ideals of Mamatica and Rafael soon lose their appeal as she carves her own figure before becoming a writer.
  • Mama: Another figure that constantly reverberates in her words, as well as sentences, is her Mama, who is not only a selfless, busy lady but is also a facilitator of her children to let them integrate into the American social fabric. An icon of femininity, she stays in Esperanza’s imaginations for a long on account of the lessons she has taught and the personality she has exuded to her. Sexually, gender uniqueness and robust figure are the hallmarks of Mama which do not let any other figure takes hold of Esperanza, specifically, until she is at home.
  • Nenny or Magdalena: Her younger sister and lifelong friend, Nenny is the defender of Esperanza when she takes up brawls with the neighboring girls and is a constant refrain in her life full of frustrations and childish failures. Nenny is another figure after her mother who becomes an ideal for her on account of her strength and power to defend herself as well as other siblings. However, Esperanza does not like her obliviousness to others when playing.
  • Sally: Sally is Esperanza’s best friend who often presents an example for others to follow. Being a flirtatious and experienced one, she becomes a bad role model for her to hook boys though she faces severe beatings from her father on account of her advanced thinking and determination to overcome her weak femininity.
  • Alicia: An embodiment of putting her education into practice, Alicia is full of passions to make progress in life. She is fed up of doing menial jobs that the mothers used to do at that time and demonstrates to Esperanza how to change life as well as a career by changing the neighborhood and residential area. However, it does not work for Esperanza who has not forgotten Mango Street, let alone her house, and friends.
  • Marin: Belonging to Puerto Rico, she appears in the novel doing babysitting and staying at home. She comes into contact with Esperanza when she teachers her and other girls of the area about the shenanigans of the boys. Despite having a fiancé, she does not stop dreaming American boys taking her away into the suburbs. Later, she goes back to Puerto Rico.
  • Papa: Papa is Esperanza’s father who rarely appears in the novel. Working as a gardener after arriving from Mexico, he sets a yardstick for Esperanza to educate herself.
  • Cathy: The significance of Catch in the novel lies in her association with Esperanza as she is her first friend in the neighborhood and then moves quickly away. She is not of Latino origin and as she leaves immediately within a week from the neighborhood, her impact on Esperanza is minimal.
  • Carlos and Kiki: Both are Esperanza’s family members and appear quite often in the novel. Their appearance is often associated with Esperanza’s concept of the home where they also occupy a room.
  • Louie: She is the eldest of the Oritz house and comes into contact with Esperanza through her friendship with other family members. Her cousin appears in a stolen Cadillac once and is arrested on the same day.

Writing Style of The House on Mango Street

Despite having written in the first-person narrative , The House on Mango Street shows the use of vignette or short memory flashbacks that occasionally bring forth fresh characters out of her sunken memory and makes them memorable on account of minor follies or achievements. The sentence style suits the vignette style writing as they are short, curt, and concise given mostly in colloquialism . The diction suits the sentence style and is easy and simple. The popularity of the novel lies in this simplicity as it suits the student as well as adult readers.

Analysis of the Literary Devices in The House on Mango Street

  • Action: The main action of the novel comprises different life stories from the life of Esperanza about her house, the street, and the neighborhood. The falling action occurs when Esperanza comes to know that she does not belong to Mango Street. The rising action occurs when Esperanza realizes that whether she likes it or not, she is going to be an adult in any way.
  • Anaphora : The novel shows examples of anaphora as given below, i. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor, and before that we lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I can’t remember . (House on Mango Street) ii. One day I will pack my bags of books and paper. One day I will say goodbye to Mango. I am too strong for her to keep me here forever. One day I will go away. (Mango Says Goodbye Sometime) The examples show the repetitious use of “before that” and “One day I will.”
  • Allusion : The novel shows good use of different allusions. For example, i. It was my great-grandmother’s name and now it is mine. She was a horse woman too, born like me in the Chinese year of the horse—which is supposed to be bad luck if you’re born female—but I think this is a Chinese lie because the Chinese, like the Mexicans, don’t like their women strong. (My Name) ii. Marin’s boyfriend is in Puerto Rico. She shows us his letters and makes us promise not to tell anybody they’re getting married when she goes back to P.R.  (Marin) These examples show references to geographical locations as allusions used in the novel.
  • Antagonist : Esperanza is her own antagonist as she worries about hiding her identity, growing up very soon, and the opinions of people around her.
  • Conflict : The novel shows both external and internal conflicts. The external conflict is going on between Esperanza and her friends and the internal conflict is in her mind about her desires and reality.
  • Characters: The novel shows both static as well as dynamic characters. The young girl, Esperanza, is a dynamic character as she shows a considerable transformation in her behavior and conduct by the end of the novel. However, all other characters are static as they do not show or witness any transformation such as Nenny, Kiki, Miran, Mama, Mamatica, and Alicia.
  • Climax : The climax in the novel occurs when Sally leaves Esperanza after they meet in the Monkey Garden and she runs away leaving her alone to face the attack.
  • Foreshadowing : The novel shows many instances of foreshadows as given the below examples, i. We didn’t always live on Mango Street. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor, and before that we lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I can’t remember. (The House on Mango Street) ii. The boys and the girls live in separate worlds. The boys in their universe and we in ours. My brothers for example. (Boys and Girls) The mention of the house in the first and boys in the second foreshadow that both events are going to play a vital role in the life of Esperanza.
  • Hyperbole : The novel shows various examples of hyperboles such as, i. The boys and the girls live in separate worlds. The boys in their universe and we in ours. My brothers for example. They’ve got plenty to say to me and Nenny inside the house. (Boys & Girls) ii. Nenny, I say, but she doesn’t hear me. She is too many light-years away. She is in a world we don’t belong to anymore. (Hips) Both of these examples exaggerate things as boys have no universe and Nenny is not so far away as it should take light-years.
  • Imagery : Imagery is used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses. For example, i. But in Spanish my name is madeout of a softer something, like silver, not quite as thick as sister’s name—Magdalena—which is uglier than mine. Magdalena who at least can come home and become Nenny. But I am always Esperanza. (My Name) ii. My great-grandmother. I would’ve liked to have known her, a wild horse of a woman, so wild she wouldn’t marry. Until my great grandfather threw a sack over her head and carried her off. Just like that, as if she were a fancy chandelier. (My Name) These two examples show images of feelings and movements.
  • Metaphor : The House on Mango Street shows good use of various metaphors as given in the below examples, i. Just like that, as if she were a fancy chandelier. (My Name) ii. Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats. Baby cats, big cats, skinny cats, sick cats. Cats asleep like little donuts. Cats on top of the refrigerator. Cats taking a walk on the dinner table. Her house is like cat heaven. (Cathy: Queen of Cats) These examples show that several things have been compared directly in the novel such as the first shows comparing her great grandmother to a chandelier and then Cathy is compared to a cat in the second.
  • Mood : The novel shows various moods; it starts with a nostalgic mood but goes through a joyous, troubled, including calm and peaceful mood through the story and finally ends on a happy note.
  • Motif : Most important motifs of the novel, The House on Mango Street, are houses, streets, women, and falling.
  • Narrator : The novel is narrated by Esperanza who is also the protagonist of the novel. Hence, from the first-person point of view .
  • Personification : The novel shows examples of personifications as given below, i. But the house on Mango Street is not the way they told it at all. It’s small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you’d think they were holding their breath. (The House on Mango Street) ii. The nose of that yellow Cadillac was all pleated like an alligator’s, and except for a bloody lip and a bruised forehead, Louie’s cousin was okay. (Louis, His Cousin & His Other Cousin) iii. They are the only ones who understand me. I am the only one who understands them. Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine. (Four Skinny Trees) These examples show as if the house, the Cadillac, and the trees have lives and emotions of their own.
  • Protagonist : Esperanza, the young girl, is the protagonist of the novel, The House on Mango Street. The novel starts with her description of the house and moves with her reminiscences about people, things, and places.
  • Rhetorical Questions : The novel shows good use of rhetorical questions at several places such as, i. What do you think about when you close your eyes like that? And why do you always have to go straight home after school? You become a different Sally. (Sally) ii. Sally, who taught you to paint your eyes like Cleopatra? And if I roll the little brush with my tongue and chew it to a point and dip it in the muddy cake, the one in the little red box, will you teach me? (Sally) These examples show the use of rhetorical questions posed by Esperanza not to elicit answers but to stress upon the underlined idea.
  • Setting : The setting of the novel, The House on Mango Street , is the Latino neighborhood of Chicago, USA.
  • Simile : The novel shows good use of various similes as given in the below examples, i. The only people who ever enter the garden are a family who speak like guitars, a family with a Southern accent. (A House on My Own) ii. Beauty that is there to be admired by anyone, like a herd of clouds grazing overhead. (A House on My Own) iii. Not the shy ice cream bells’ giggle of Rachel and Lucy’s family, but all of a sudden and surprised like a pile of dishes breaking. (Laughter) iv. I want to be like the waves on the sea , like the clouds in the wind, but I’m me. One day I’ll jump out of my skin. (Bord Bad) These are similes as the use of the word “like” shows the comparison between different things.

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house on mango street theme essay

house on mango street theme essay

The House on Mango Street

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The House on Mango Street: Introduction

The house on mango street: plot summary, the house on mango street: detailed summary & analysis, the house on mango street: themes, the house on mango street: quotes, the house on mango street: characters, the house on mango street: symbols, the house on mango street: theme wheel, brief biography of sandra cisneros.

The House on Mango Street PDF

Historical Context of The House on Mango Street

Other books related to the house on mango street.

  • Full Title: The House on Mango Street
  • When Written: 1980-1984
  • Where Written: Chicago, Illinois
  • When Published: 1984
  • Literary Period: Contemporary Chicana literature
  • Genre: Short story sequence, bildungsroman
  • Setting: Chicago, Illinois
  • Climax: Esperanza’s rape
  • Antagonist: Abusive men, prejudice
  • Point of View: First person limited, from Esperanza’s point of view

Extra Credit for The House on Mango Street

A House of Her Own. Cisneros, like Esperanza, dreamed as a child of having her own house, and she was able to achieve this dream through her literary successes. But the house she now owns in San Antonio, Texas has caused some controversy because of its bright purple color, which Cisneros chose herself. Some people argue that the color doesn’t fit with its historical neighborhood, while others support it as a statement of Mexican culture and Cisneros’s own creativity.

Ideas. Cisneros has written that for some of the stories in The House on Mango Street – like “The Family of Little Feet” – she started with a title and then had to make a story for it, while the first line of “The Three Sisters” came to her in a dream.

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House on Mango Street Sandra Cisneros

House on Mango Street essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros.

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house on mango street theme essay

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Una Vida Aislada: The Theme of Isolation in The House on Mango Street

Essay Excerpt with Reflection

Leila Martinez

In The House on Mango Street by Mexican-American author Sandra Cisneros, the protagonist, Esperanza, describes her life experiences within the Latin neighborhood (or barrio) of Mango Street. This coming-of-age novel told by a series of vignettes narrated by the main character not only revolves around Esperanza, but also the people who reside in Mango Street. A common theme that surfaces in the novel is isolation. Esperanza and her fellow neighbors all experience the feeling of isolation in different ways.

It is common for young people to have awkward stages in their lives when they feel detached from themselves and society. Esperanza, the “…girl who didn’t want to belong” (Cisneros 109), constantly feels outcasted throughout the book because of her inability to be content with her identity. She also feels a strong disconnect towards her community of Mango Street. To begin, Esperanza longs for a true friend who understands her and satisfies her desire for companionship. In the chapter “Boys & Girls,” Esperanza says “Someday I will have a best friend all my own. One I can tell my secrets to. One who will understand my jokes without my having to explain them. Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor” (Cisneros 9). Esperanza associates her free spirit with the red balloon, and the anchor with her feeling of unexplained entrapment and loneliness within herself and her place in Mango Street. Although Esperanza does become friends with Lucy and Rachel later on in the book, they do not achieve the level of closeness Esperanza fantasizes about. In “Laughter,” Esperanza recalls a time when she made a remark about how a line of houses on the street reminded her of the ones built in Mexico, saying, “Look at the house, I said, it looks like Mexico. Rachel and Lucy look at me like I’m crazy, but before they can let out a laugh, Nenny says: Yes, that’s Mexico alright. That’s what I was thinking exactly” (Cisneros 18). Lucy and Rachel don’t see the resemblance, and they were about to laugh at what Esperanza said out of awkwardness or to ridicule her. However, Esperanza’s sister, Nenny, noticed the similarities as well.

The concepts of sexuality and male attention are foreign topics for Esperanza in the novel. She has an innocent view on romance, and is not seen as a romantic interest for the neighborhood boys. This alienates Esperanza in several ways. Firstly, she cannot relate with the neighborhood girls who are more promiscuous (like her friend Sally). Esperanza has a childish outlook on sexuality and the male gender. In “Red Clowns,” after Esperanza’s sexual assault incident at the carnival, she confronts Sally by saying “Sally, you lied. It wasn’t what you said at all. What he did. Where he touched me. I didn’t want it, Sally. The way they said it, the way it’s supposed to be, all the storybooks and movies, why did you lie to me?” (Cisneros 99). Not only does this show the innocence and naivety Esperanza had before her assault occurred, but also highlights how differently Esperanza and Sally view sex: Sally enjoys it while Esperanza fears it.

In “Boys and Girls,” Esperanza says, “The boys and girls live in separate worlds. The boys in their universe and we in ours” (Cisneros 8). This remark “posits the theme of gender difference” (Olivares), and shows how inexperienced and detached Esperanza is from boys. In “The Monkey Garden,” Esperanza tries to grab the attention of Sally, who was flirting with a group of neighborhood boys. She tells Esperanza to “Play with the kids if you want…I’m staying here” (Cisneros 96). Sally continues to laugh and converse with the boys; their flirtatious banter being described by Esperanza as “A joke I didn’t get” (Cisneros 96).  When Sally disappears with the neighborhood boys behind a pickup truck to retrieve her house keys through kisses, Esperanza thought that Sally “needed to be saved” (Cisneros 97), and she found “three big sticks and a brick” (Cisneros 97) to intimidate the boys with. […]

This paper was a final assignment for an American literature course. The essay assignment was to choose one work of literature from a list of classics, and write a six- to seven-page paper on what the selected literature reveals about life, human beings, and/or their relationships. The instructor who assigned this paper noted that the essay question was designed to be open-ended on purpose, to encourage diverse writing topics. The instructor required that all writers find four to six scholarly journals to use as an outside source for this essay. Besides the journals, the book that is selected for this assignment is the only source that can provide textual evidence.

The classic literature that I chose to write about for this assignment was Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street . I read this book for the first time when I was twelve years old. I saw myself in the main character, Esperanza. She was a Latin-American girl who felt out of touch with her heritage and identified more with the American aspect of her identity as opposed to her Mexican ethnicity. Growing up as someone who didn’t have parents who prioritized speaking Spanish, or any abuelos to learn it for, I was extremely disconnected from my Hispanic identity. I was never able to know what my relatives were gossiping about at the kitchen table, have a connection with any of my relatives in the Dominican Republic, or genuinely enjoy a bachata song’s lyrics and not just the rhythm. I clung onto the American culture, which I knew best. I selected this book not only because of the bittersweet and nostalgic childhood memories that came from it, but also because it is a short read. Being a little over 100 pages, I knew this book would be appropriate for an assignment with a closely approaching deadline. The briefness of the book is very deceiving, for the amount of substance each individual chapter encapsulates provides a multitude of interpretations unique to each reader.

Reading this book again after several years, there were many themes I could have chosen. There are the themes of sexuality and femininity, the emphasis of male dominance in minority cultures, the loss of innocence, the myth of the American Dream, and the desire for personal autonomy. However, I needed to choose something that could be spread across six to seven pages, as the assignment requires. I chose the theme of isolation, as both Esperanza and several of the other characters in the book experience this sensation. In the book, there is a juxtaposition between Esperanza and the residents of Mango Street. While Esperanza feels isolated due to her cluelessness about how she interprets her identity sexually, ethnically, and emotionally, the residents of Mango Street feel isolated because of spousal abuse, immigration, and familial confinement. I was able to write seven pages in total, because of my ability to connect five different characters to the theme of isolation and foreignness. I structured this essay by first talking about Esperanza and how she relates to the theme, and then about the other characters and their relation to the theme.

There was a specific method I followed in order to find appropriate scholarly journals to use for this final paper. I used the official library website of my college to find reliable databases like ProQuest and Gale Literature Criticism. I would open each journal that was suggested, and search for keywords like “identity,” “outcast,” and “foreign.” I used those words since they pertain to the theme that I planned on writing about for my essay. If I notice those words or anything similar highlighted frequently in the text, I would read the selected journal more carefully to determine if it fits the narrative I want to push for this assignment. The same strategy was applied for certain side characters, like “Mamacita,” “Geraldo,” “Marin,” and “Rafaela.” These were the characters that I wanted to connect to Esperanza and the sensation of foreignness, so I needed in-depth analyses of them to help construct my notes.

I felt very overwhelmed prior to writing this essay, since there was so much evidence that was applicable to the theme of isolation. The lengthy page count on top of the other finals I had to complete for separate classes made me realize I had to do some planning. To help utilize my time strategically and organize my thoughts, I created a large flow chart that is separated by the different characters in the book. Esperanza had the largest section, while the minor characters did not have sections that were as detailed since I only had one chapter of specific information about them to go by. The flow chart consisted of multiple boxes and lines. These were used to display and connect textual evidence and personal interpretations of each character. The personal interpretations were then perfected to become thoughtful literary explanations that were included in the essay. For instance, Esperanza’s flowchart started off with her name. Then another box connected to a statement that summarized how Esperanza fit into the theme of isolation. Next, I made three larger boxes titled “Friendships,” “Sexuality,” and “Ethnicity.” These are the reasons why Esperanza feels the sensation of isolation and detachment in The House on Mango Street . In each of these labeled boxes, I copied and pasted evidence from the scholarly journals that were relevant to each category, along with a parenthetical citation of the authors’ last name and the page number of the journal. I did the same thing for the book by reading each chapter and extracting evidence that could pertain to the three topics, including parenthetical citations for each as well.

Creating this flow chart was an essential step to writing this final paper. Taking the time to plan what I was going to include in this essay not only made writing the paper a lot quicker, but it helped calm my feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious. I also believe that choosing a book that I genuinely like made the essay more enjoyable to write. I received an “A” on the paper, which validated all the hard work I have done to create an essay that I am wholeheartedly proud of.

Betz, Regina M. “Chicana ‘Belonging’ in Sandra Cisneros’ the House on Mango Street .” Contemporary Literary Criticism , edited by Lawrence J. Trudeau, vol. 352, Gale, 2014. . Accessed 7 Nov. 2021. Originally published in Rocky Mountain Review , 2012, pp. 18-33.

Burcar, Lilijana. “Shortcomings and Limitations of Identity Politics and Intersectionality in Sandra Cisneros’s the House on Mango Street. ” Acta Neophilologica , vol. 51, no. 1-2, 2018, pp. 25-38 .

Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street . Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 1991.

Olivares, Julian. “Entering the House on Mango Street (Sandra Cisneros).” Contemporary Literary Criticism , edited by Tom Burns and Jeffrey W. Hunter, vol. 193, Gale, 2005. Gale Literature Criticism , . Accessed 7 Nov. 2021. Originally published in Teaching American Ethnic Literatures: Nineteen Essays , edited by John R. Maitino and David R. Peck, University of New Mexico Press, 1996, pp. 209-235.

Kondali, Ksenija. “Living in Two Languages: The Challenges to English in Contemporary American Literature.” ELOPE ; English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries , vol. 9, no. 2, 2012, pp. 101-113 .

Processes Copyright © 2023 by Leila Martinez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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82 The House on Mango Street Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • Culture and Identity: “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros The past is a driving force for the future and it is hard to erase that part of an individual’s life.
  • “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros The vignettes presented in The House on Mango Street describe the daily experiences of Esperanza, and they demonstrate the particular features of the Mexican Americans’ life in a low-income neighborhood.
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  • Themes and Writing Styles in “A Rose for Emily” and “The House on Mango Street” The House on Mango Street is a work of fiction, but the author breaks the conventional rules of form and plot.
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  • Marriage Over Education in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • The Portrayal of the Sexual Violence Against Female Adolescents in “The House on Mango Street”
  • Women’s Liberation in Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street”
  • The Story of the Life of Esperanza Cordero in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • The Never-Ending Dreams in Sandra Cisnero’s “The House on Mango Street”
  • An Analysis of Irresponsible Behavior in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • The Difficulties of Being Alienated in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • Violence in “The House on Mango Street”
  • The Apparent Misplacement of the Word “Strong” in “The House on Mango Street”
  • Identity Conflict in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • The Impact of the “Shame of Poverty” Concept on Esperanza’s World View in “The House on Mango Street”
  • American Social Classes in “The House on Mango Street”
  • The Significance of Language Adaptation in Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street”
  • The Theme of Coming of Age in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • Female Sexuality in “The House on Mango Street”
  • The Struggle of a Latina Woman in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • Restricted Freedom of Women in Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street”
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  • Kate Chopin’s “The Awakening” and Sandra Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street” Comparison
  • The Sexist Prejudices Affecting Women in “The House on Mango Street”
  • The Hardships and Abuse of Machismo in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • The Feminism and Machismo in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
  • Social Issues in “The House on Mango Street”
  • The Utilization of Esperanza’s Growth and Maturity in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros
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  • The Simple House in “The House on Mango Street”, an Article by Toni Cade Bambara
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  • Women’s Literature Contributions of Sandra Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street”
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  • Harsh Realities and Beauty in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisnero
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  • What Does “The House on Mango Street” Ultimately Seem to Value?
  • Why Doesn’t Esperanza Consider “The House on Mango Street” a “Real House”?
  • What Is a Good Thesis Statement for “The House on Mango Street”?
  • How Are Sex and Violence Linked in “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Is the Purpose of the Internal Rhymes That Appear in Many Vignettes of “The House on Mango Street”?
  • How Do Race and Gender Come Into Conflict in “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Does “The House on Mango Street” Say About the Process of Growing Up?
  • In What Ways Does Writing Set Esperanza Apart From Her Neighborhood in “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Is Esperanza From “The House on Mango Street” Ashamed of?
  • Why Did Cisneros Chooses Not to Try to Represent Dialect, Slang, or Accents in “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Is Esperanza’s Relationship to Her Identity as a Mexican American in “The House on Mango Street”?
  • Why Does Esperanza Want a “Real House” in “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Is Esperanza’s Experience With Racism Throughout “The House on Mango Street”?
  • How Do Esperanza’s Dreams Evolve Throughout “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Does “The House on Mango Street” Suggest About Racism and Prejudice?
  • How Does “The House on Mango Street” Express the Importance of Place, Culture, and Environment?
  • What Comment Does “The House on Mango Street” Make on Issues of Gender Roles?
  • How Is Esperanza’s Identity Shaped by Her Community in “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Is the Main Lesson of “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Does Elenita Mean by “A Home in the Heart” in “The House on Mango Street”?
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  • How Does Esperanza’s Decision to Let Bums Into Her House Show a Change in Her Since the Beginning of “The House on Mango Street”?
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  • What Is the Overall Message of “The House on Mango Street”?
  • How Is Language Used to Divide and Include in “The House on Mango Street”?
  • What Makes Esperanza From “The House on Mango Street” Angry?
  • How Does Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street” Impact and Influence the Latino Experience in America?
  • What Can We Learn About Life in Chicago From Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street”?
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"82 The House on Mango Street Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 4 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '82 The House on Mango Street Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 4 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "82 The House on Mango Street Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 4, 2023.

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IvyPanda . "82 The House on Mango Street Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 4, 2023.

The House on Mango Street

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Discussion Questions

What is Esperanza’s relationship to her identity as a Mexican American? Cite examples from the text where she grapples with her Mexican heritage and her desire to achieve the American dream. 

Why does Esperanza want a “real house”? Why is she so disappointed with the house on Mango Street? Why does she want a house of her own so badly?

What is Esperanza’s experience with racism throughout the text?

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  2. The House on Mango Street: Themes

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  3. The House on Mango Street

    Introduction to The House on Mango Street. The most popular novel of its time, The House on Mango Street, by Mexican American writer, Sandra Cisneros published in the United States in 1984 and created a trend in new techniques in the fiction writing arena. It comprises vignettes, which tell the story of a young girl, Esperanza Cordero, a Chicana girl of just 12, living in the Latino quarters ...

  4. The House on Mango Street Study Guide

    Cisneros's work has become a landmark for American minority women writers, and she is one of the most famous Chicana and Latina writers. The House on Mango Street is set in a barrio (primarily Latino neighborhood) of Chicago, and portrays both the poverty and the male-dominated culture of Cisneros's own upbringing. Her work criticizes both the sexism of the Mexican-American barrio and the ...

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  7. The House on Mango Street: Study Guide

    The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, published in 1984, is a coming-of-age novel written in short vignettes. The story centers around a young Latina girl named Esperanza Cordero, who grows up in the Hispanic quarter of Chicago. The novel is structured as a series of short, interconnected stories that collectively depict Esperanza's ...

  8. The House on Mango Street: Themes

    The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros is a coming-of-age novel that explores the themes of identity, community, and the pursuit of dreams. The novel follows the life of a young Latina girl named Esperanza Cordero as she navigates the challenges of growing up in a low-income neighborhood in Chicago. Through the experiences of Esperanza and her neighbors, Cisneros examines the ...

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  16. The House on Mango Street: Suggested Essay Topics

    Suggested Essay Topics. Previous. 1. What is the purpose of the internal rhymes that appear in many vignettes? Provide a detailed reading of a section's rhyming words, explaining how the rhymes contribute to the meaning of that section as a whole. 2. How do race and gender come into conflict in The House on Mango Street?

  17. The House on Mango Street: Motifs

    Mango Street is full of women who are trapped by their husbands, fathers, children, or their own feelings of inadequacy. Esperanza's long-dead great-grandmother married unwillingly and spent her whole life sitting sadly by her window. Four women in Esperanza's neighborhood are trapped in their apartments—Mamacita, Rafaela, Minerva, and Sally.

  18. Essays on The House on Mango Street

    The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros is a coming-of-age novel that explores the themes of identity, community, and the pursuit of dreams. The novel follows the life of a young Latina girl named Esperanza Cordero as she navigates the challenges of growing up... The House on Mango Street Symbolism.

  19. The House on Mango Street Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt ...

  20. The House on Mango Street: Full Book Summary

    In a series of vignettes, The House on Mango Street covers a year in the life of Esperanza, a Chicana (Mexican-American girl), who is about twelve years old when the novel begins. During the year, she moves with her family into a house on Mango Street. The house is a huge improvement from the family's previous apartment, and it is the first ...

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    Sandra Cisneros' novel "The House on Mango Street" is a coming-of-age story that follows the experiences of a young Latina girl growing up in a poor neighborhood in Chicago. Throughout the novel, Cisneros employs vivid imagery to convey the protagonist's emotions, dreams, and struggles. This essay will explore the various forms of imagery used ...