
English Essay – My Last Day at School & Quotations

My last day at school.

My last day at school was a day filled with mixed emotions. I had spent several years in that school, making friends, learning new things, and growing as an individual. It was a place that held countless memories and experiences that would stay with me forever.

As the final day approached, there was a sense of nostalgia in the air. The classrooms, once filled with laughter and chatter, now seemed quiet and empty. The hallways, once bustling with students rushing to their classes, now echoed with silence. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that this chapter of my life was coming to an end.

On that day, we gathered in the school auditorium for a farewell ceremony. Teachers and students shared their thoughts and memories, reminiscing about the good times we had spent together. It was a time for reflection and gratitude, as we thanked our teachers for their guidance and support throughout our educational journey.

After the ceremony, we bid farewell to our teachers and classmates. Hugs were exchanged, tears were shed, and promises were made to keep in touch. It was a difficult moment, saying goodbye to the people who had become like family over the years.

Leaving the school premises for the last time, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of completion and pride. I had grown not only academically but also as a person during my time at that school. I developed valuable skills, forged lifelong friendships, and gained a deeper understanding of the world around me.

While my last day at school marked the end of a significant chapter in my life, it also symbolized the beginning of a new journey. As I stepped out into the world beyond those familiar walls, I carried with me the lessons and memories that would shape my future endeavors.

My last day at school was a momentous occasion, filled with numerous feelings. It marked the end of an era, the culmination of years spent in pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. The significance of this day was not lost on me, as I reflected upon the memories and experiences that had shaped me into the person I had become.

The morning of my last day, I walked into the school premises with a mix of excitement and sadness. The familiar sight of the school building, the sound of footsteps echoing in the hallways, and the laughter of students filled me with a sense of nostalgia. It was a place that had witnessed my transformation from a curious child to a young adult ready to face the challenges of the world.

As the day unfolded, a farewell ceremony was organized in the school auditorium. Teachers and students came together to celebrate the years we had spent in each other’s company. There were speeches, musical performances, and heartfelt messages exchanged. It was a time for reminiscing and expressing gratitude for the knowledge and guidance imparted by our teachers.

One of the most touching moments was when our teachers shared their wisdom and advice for the future. They reminded us of the importance of resilience, hard work, and integrity. They instilled in us a sense of responsibility towards our nation and urged us to become productive members of society.

After the ceremony, we gathered outside, bidding farewell to our classmates and teachers. Emotions ran high as hugs were exchanged, tears were shed, and promises were made to stay connected. The bonds forged during our time at school were strong, and the thought of parting ways was undoubtedly overwhelming.

Leaving the school premises for the last time, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of sadness and pride. Sadness because I was saying goodbye to a place that had become a second home, and pride because I had successfully completed this phase of my education. The walls of the school had witnessed my growth, both academically and personally, and now it was time to embark on a new journey.

As I stepped out into the world beyond those familiar walls, I carried with me the lessons and values instilled in me by my school. The importance of education, the power of knowledge, and the significance of lifelong learning were ingrained in my being. I felt a sense of responsibility towards my country, Pakistan, knowing that it was my duty to contribute to its progress and development.

My last day at school was not just an ending but also a new beginning. It marked the start of a chapter where I would apply the knowledge and skills acquired, make a positive impact in my community, and strive to achieve my goals. While I would always cherish the memories and friendships formed during my time at school, I was eager to embrace the opportunities that awaited me in the larger world.


The last day at school is a significant milestone in every student’s life. It is a day filled with a range of emotions, as one bids farewell to a familiar environment and prepares to embark on new adventures. As I reminisce about my last day at school in Pakistan, I am reminded of the valuable lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the sense of responsibility instilled in me. This essay will explore the various aspects of my last day at school, highlighting its significance and the impact it had on my journey as a Pakistani student.

The Farewell Ceremony: Reminiscing Memories

On the day of my last day at school, a farewell ceremony was organized, bringing together teachers, students, and their families. It was a time to reflect upon the shared memories and express gratitude for the experiences that had shaped us. As I sat in the school auditorium, listening to speeches and musical performances, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of nostalgia. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of joy and sadness, as we celebrated the bonds we had formed and prepared to part ways.

Teachers as Mentors: Guidance and Wisdom

During the farewell ceremony, our teachers took the opportunity to share their wisdom and guidance for the future. Their words resonated deeply with me, as they emphasized the importance of hard work, resilience, and integrity. One of my teachers quoted Allama Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan, saying, “ Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions… Pass from matter to spirit. The matter is diversity; the spirit is light, life, and the unity of all things .”

These words encapsulated the essence of our education, urging us to transcend personal ambitions and work for the greater good of society. Our teachers instilled in us a sense of responsibility towards our country, reminding us of the potential we possessed to contribute to its progress and development.

Bidding Farewell: Emotional Goodbyes

As the farewell ceremony came to an end, we stepped outside to bid farewell to our classmates and teachers. Emotions ran high as hugs were exchanged, tears were shed, and promises were made to stay connected. The bonds we had formed over the years were strong, and the thought of parting ways was undoubtedly overwhelming. It was a poignant moment, as we realized that our paths would diverge, and we would venture into different realms of life.

  Leaving the School Premises: A Mix of Sadness and Pride

Leaving the school premises for the last time, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of sadness and pride. Sadness because I was saying goodbye to a place that had become a second home, where I had spent countless hours learning and growing. But I also felt immense pride because I had successfully completed this phase of my education. The walls of the school had witnessed my transformation, both academically and personally, and now it was time to apply the knowledge gained and make a positive impact in the world.

Conclusion: The Beginning of a New Journey

My last day at school was not just an ending but also a new beginning. It marked the start of a chapter where I would carry the lessons and values instilled in me and use them to shape my future endeavors. The sense of responsibility toward Pakistan, instilled by my teachers, served as a guiding force. I was eager to contribute to my country’s progress, knowing that education and knowledge were powerful tools for bringing about positive change.

As I stepped out into the world beyond those familiar walls, I embarked on a journey filled with new opportunities, challenges, and aspirations. The memories and friendships formed during my time at school would always hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of the foundation upon which my future endeavors were built.

In the words of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, “ With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve. ” These words continue to inspire me, reminding me of the immense potential within each Pakistani student to contribute to the betterment of our nation and the world at large.


  • “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X
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  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle
  • “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – W.B. Yeats
  • “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss
  • “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” – George Washington Carver
  • “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” – John Dewey
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

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My Last Day At School Essay With Quotation

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My last day at school essay with quotations.

Every student’s last day at school brings a mixture of joy and sorrow into their lives. I am leaving school today. Despite being very happy about the flowering holidays, I’m sad about leaving my friends, teachers, and Alma mater. Students can read My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class with Quotations here.

Moreover, now I’ll step into college life and meet new teachers and friends. Today is our last day at school. My classmates are very happy because they are entering college life. 9th class students organized a farewell party for us. Today is a holiday and only 9th and 10th-class students must attend school.

To begin with, we will take some pictures of each other, since photographs are the best way to remind us of our past and happy memories. After taking some pictures the party began. One of the 9th-class students recited the Surah Yaseen to start the party. After this, they performed some dramas to make the day memorable. Our teachers have also arranged competitions like banana-eating and many others. We are very excited to have a day like this.

My last day at school quotations:

  • The two best days of school: the first and the last.
  • The first day of school: the day the countdown to the last day of school begins.
  • Finish the year strong!
  • “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Suess
  • Let the next adventure begin! Happy last day!
  • Look how far you’ve come!
  • Happiness is the last day of school!
  • A teacher’s three favorite words: June, July, and August
  • You remind me of school in the summertime: no class.
  • “No, you can’t have extra credit. It’s the last day of school.” – Every teacher
  • School is out for the summer. School is out forever. 
  • No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers’ dirty looks.
  • So long school! Hello, summer!
  • School is out! Scream and shout!
  • Keep calm and finish strong.
  • Every end is a beginning. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
  • “Every beginning has an end.”
  • “No matter how much you hate school, it will still be in your memory.”
  • “His words were sweeter than honey.”
  • “The most significant asset is the wonderful part. It motivates men to work hard.”
  • “We must have old memories and young hopes.”
  • The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

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Essay on “My last day at school” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My last day at school

Saturday, the 20 th Feb, 1977 was my last day at School. On that day we were given preparatory holidays for the Secondary school Examination. The students of class IX arranged a farewell party in honor of the outgoing students of class X.

The school compound was covered with a beautiful shamiana. It was tastefully decorated with buntings and balloons. A stage was set up for speeches and cultural programmed. Under the shamiana, tables and seats were arranged for the students and teachers. The school loudspeaker was filling the atmosphere with the tunes of moving, patriotic film songs.

Students of class X, who were dressed in their best, assembled first of all, in the school garden. ‘There we had a group photographs of small groups of five to six students each. Then we walked up to the school compound, the venue of the Farewell Party. As we entered the compo, the students of class IX welcomed us with cheers. They garlanded us all. We, in turn, garlanded our Principal who always treated us like his own children and the teachers who spared no pains in preparing us for the final examination We took our seats and the programmed started. Our Principal, shri R. P. Goel presided over the function.

First of all, the representative of class IX read out the farewell address. I replied to this address on behalf of the students of class X. I thanked the students of class IX for arranging a grand party. I advised them to try to keep the good traditions of the school in the fields of games, cultural activities and studies. I then, expressed my sense of gratitude to our Principal and teachers who were always kind and nice to us. After this, Manjit, Prem Kant and Party gave us a group song, It was a farewell song and was composed by our Hindi teacher, Sh. A.N. Dixit. All eyes were wet with tears. Our English teacher, Sh. A.N. Saxena, advised us to who is a great scholar and fine speaker, conveyed to us his best wishes and advised us to reach the examination hall well in time. He also told us the method of answering questions in different subjects.

After the speeches were over, we were served with hot tea, samosas,  Barry and fruit. Teachers went round to supervise the arrangement and service done by the student so class IX. This brought the function to an end. I bade farewell to my school and went home.  I shall always remember my last day at school.

Essay No. 2

My Last Day At School

We have joys and sorrows in life. Birth day give us happiness while last day gives us a feeling of sorrow. We have to leave that place. It is a custom in our school that 11 th class students bid – farewell to the 12 th class. They make the parting day attractive. They arrange a parting feast.

This year, 20 th February, was my last day at school. The school bell rang as usual. The 11 th class boys were sad. After the first period the teachers and the students of both classes met in the school hall. The principal and the teachers sat in the chairs. We, the students , took our seats on the chairs.

The function was started by the students of eleventh class. They read poems.  They sang songs. They made speeches suited to the occasion. Every part of the programme was about the outgoing class.

Then our class incharge rose up. He made a speech which moved our hearts. He told us that we would soon enter the field of life. Our care- free  life would end. Soon after we got our school certificates. After passing this examination we would have to face hard realities of life. He advised us to set an aim of our life and try to achieve it with fair means.

Last of all the Principal rose from his seat. There were clapping on all sides. He made a brief speech. He said that the good of the school , that we were leaving for good, should be at the heart of every students. it was the school and its teachers that had prepared us for the struggle of life. He explained in detail, the advantages of simple living and high thinking. He wished us all a successful life.

Then our monitor thanked the Principal, the teachers and the 11th class students for their good wishes. He promised on behalf of his class fellows that they would keep in mind the  lessons taught by the teachers. He assured the Principal and the teachers that they would never forget their school and worthy teachers. He promised to remove ignorance from villages.

After these speeches the grand tea- party took place. Fruits and sweets were   served in great quantities. We ate them to our fill. There was a lot of fun. At 4 P.M., we were photographed. This was the last item of the function. We left the school  with feelings of joy and sorrow. We were sorry to miss the teachers. We had a feeling of sorrow because we were leaving the class fellow as well as our junior companions. All were wishing for our better future. It was a memorable day.

Essay No. 3

My Last Day at School

The last day at school comes on the conclusion of the academic year of the 12 th class. Before the start of examinations students of this class are given a farewell party by the next lower class. Since such functions are an annual affair, some solemnity is attached to them and students as well as teachers take part in it.  

My last day at school marked by more or less the same feelings. It fell on the 28 th of Feb., 2002. The school hall was decorated. A platform was raised and chairs arranged in many rows. Teachers s tint he front row and since I had been the monitor of my class I was also given a place in the first row. Soon the hall was full.

The occasion was highly emotional. All the outgoing students looked very serious. Everyone seemed to be missing the school days on the one hand and looking forwards into the unknown land of future, all uncertain and vague. No doubt the new life, that is, college life, seemed more glamourous ahead of us but taking the responsibilities of new life seemed more difficult. 

The Principal Presided over the function. Since the examinations were at hand so we could hardly lose any item in making long speeches and unnecessary formalities. The Principal spoke for ten minutes. He recalled the years long association of the  outgoing class with the rest of the school and exhorted other class to follow the example of our class in the best traditions of the  school.  

There was a tea party. The students of the 11 th class were host to it. I was told to speak a few words other, which I did. But soon my heart began to throb at the idea of parting. I recalled how we and played, read and sat together. How we were displeased at one moment and were the same friends at the next. Speaking at such functions was a maiden experience in my life yet I made a fine job of it though I was later told that my voice trembled as I spoke.

The hosts gave us a fare well speech. The monitor of their class, Sanchit Sharma, Spoke highly of us. He recalled the guidance which we had been giving them from time to time. He said that though we were parting from the school this year yet they would join us next year in this great school of life – the world.

Party over, a group photograph was arranged. We were free now. I deposited my borrowed books with the library and got a clearance certificate. The joyful attitude of my heart gave place to anxiety and seriousness. The very idea of examination   at hand completely gripped my mind and I hurried to my house without loss of time to burry my head in books.     

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quotations on my last day at school essay in english


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I want a best essay on“my last day at school”with quotation urgently…

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Very good written

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Awww, Such lovely words and it sounds like Holly has had a fab year and is more than ready for school. Now that we have finally bought a house we have made the decision to move our two to a school closer to home and tomorrow will be their last day at their school. I’m not sure how tomorrow is going to go!

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i want a best essay on the topic my last school day

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Okay 👍 Thanks Good morning

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nice essay keep it up for your work

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I want a Best essay on the topic “A visit to a hospital” in which atleast 12 transitional devices are used.

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Essay is nice and easy I’m Soo Happy 😊 inshallah 13 ya 14 mark’s mil jy gy inshallah ❤️🖇️

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My Last Day at School Essay for 10th Class with Quotations

My Last Day at School Essay

My Last Day at School Essay

Here I am going to write “my last day at school essay for 10th class with quotations”.

My Last Day at School Essay Easy

The day when I was free from school for appearing in the Matriculation Examination was a remarkable day in my life. Our class was given a farewell party by the 9th class. It was my last day at school. The host class made all the arrangements for the party. The school was decorated with charts buntings.

The party began at 4 a.m. Hafiz Saeed recited the Holy Quran, and Hamid presented a Naat. Mr. Masud, the monitor of the host class made a moving speech. He mentioned our deep association with the school and their class. His speech was full of praise and appreciation for the outgoing class. He wished us success in the future.

On behalf of my class, I thanked the host. I admired the praise-worthy arrangements by the host class. I expressed my sadness to leave the school where I was educated and got training of my mind and body. It was a sacred place for me where I got knowledge and learning.

In the end, the Principal delivered the closing words. He gave us some pieces of advice in his farewell speech. He stressed inculcating a spirit of service and patriotism. After his encouraging speech, the program came to an end. In the end, a feast was waiting for us. In which Biryani and cold drinks were served. I cannot forget this memorable day in my life.

My Last Day at School Essay for 10th Class Outstanding

My last day at school is a very memorable day in my life. We had completed two years of education at the school. During that period, we developed sincere relations and made true friends. It seemed that the happy days would never come to an end. But the day of separation reached at last.

“The Two Best Days at School, The First and The Last.” 

Parting is always associated with gloom and grief. The place one loves to stay at cannot be easily forgotten. Thus it haunts the mind in the years to come. The good past days come to mind and their remembrance makes us sometimes sad and many times delighted. Actually, life is full of sad as well as happy incidents. Some of them may be forgotten whereas others may be stored in memory. So write down the sad incidents and drown them in the sea but carve the good incidents on marble and store them because:  “Memories never die.” 

Helen Keller was a dumb and deaf American authoress. She says, “We do not value things until we lose them.” Her words echoed in my mind on my last day at school. At that moment, I realized how dearly I cherished the school I was going to leave. I felt somebody drawing my soul out of my body. Hence, in the storehouse of my school memories, enriched with many pearls and pebbles, collected over the last two years, the last day at the school occupies a very conspicuous position as it is said: 

“Memory is a man’s real possession… In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else, is he poor.” (Alexander Smith) 


“Own only what you can carry with you; know the language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn) 

It has mixed feelings of sadness and bliss. During my two years stay at school. I did never feel that I had developed a strong and deep association with the school. Hence, the very idea of my last day at school makes me sad and gloomy. 

A great asset is a glorious past, 

It urges man to work hard. (R.M.) 

On my last day at school, I got ready early in the morning and reached school at about 8:00 am to spend the whole day at the school campus. It was a chilly but sunny day. The students of the 9th arranged a farewell party in honor of the outgoing students. It was to be held in the big Hall. The farewell function started at 10:00 am. All the students sat very peacefully with the worthy Principal and the Professors.

First of all, a student from the 9th class rose to speak. He appreciated our behavior and dealings with them. He enumerated the good events and good days spent with us and then bade us farewell. Then, I. on behalf of my class was asked to speak a few words. I thanked the 9th class students for arranging a grand party. I also thanked the teachers and office staff for their guidance and cooperation during our stay at the school and hoped that they would guide us in the future as well. I was constrained to pay tribute to them because: 

“Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies.” (Charles E. Jefferson)

“Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.” (Jacques Maritain) 

My feelings at that time were a mixture of gaiety and sadness. I was gay at the thought that the first phase of my school career had been successfully completed. I could not help feeling sad also because I was going to leave behind the institution where I had passed two gleeful years of life. I was so overwhelmed with passion that I moved to tears and a wave of sadness ran across the whole atmosphere.

Then the Principal rose to speak. He told us various valuable precautionary measures and practical tips beneficial for the examination. He guided us on how to attempt the paper, finish it well in time and revise it. He reminded us of our duties as students and citizens of the state. He stimulated us to fight against evils. He advised us to remain staunch Muslims and true Pakistanis wherever we go and whatever we do.

He quoted many precedences from the pious life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and our national heroes to lead a successful practical life. He urged us to work hard and bring a good name to our Alma Mater, our parents and the country so that a positive image of Pakistan may emerge in the comity of nations. He very wisely explained to us, “Purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. As long as you live, continue learning how to live.” Then he explained to us: 

“The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.” (Robert Maynard) 

At the end of the academic reference, an elaborate dinner was served in our honor as we had also done a year before. After the dinner, there was a variety show. The students sang songs, performed skits and other fun-fair items. Then we were bidden farewell formally. But I could not move off without having a last glimpse of the school. 

I went to the Union Office and sat there for a few moments. I recalled the last election of the school Union. I remembered how we formed a new organization to beat the old organizations. Hundreds of students moved about enthusiastically day in and day out to canvass for their candidates. What a period of bliss, delight, fervor and enthusiasm! Then I moved to the library. I remembered how I had access to rare and valuable books. I walked along the rows of almirahs and shelves of books and looked at the countless books wistfully.

Afterward, I went to the laboratory. I recalled the happy instructive hours spent there. Now, the memories of the classroom were stirred up. How often did I feel bored? How often did I dislike some of the professors for their strictness about the percentage of attendance and laboratory work? How often did we speak ill of the Principal for his strict discipline and for turning down some of our requests? But on that day, all of those feelings had transformed into love, respect and regard. 

“No matter how much you think you hate school, You’ll always miss it When you leave.”

I was so lost in the memories and thoughts that I did not realize the late afternoon, In the meantime, Mr. Hamza stroked at my shoulder and we started to the gate. My mind was crowded with the thoughts of friends, kind, affectionate professors and the fatherly Principal. I was constrained to utter: 

Farewell my friends; Farewell my foes;  My peace with these; My love with those. (Robert Burns)

2 thoughts on “My Last Day at School Essay for 10th Class with Quotations”

An amazing essay. it’s interesting and helpful.

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English Summary

Short Essay on Last Day at School in English for Students and Children

300-word essay on last day at school.

Everyone loves school life and mostly the beautiful events which one experiences in a school. People develop a sense of emotional and social connection with the school. The school teaches us so many life lessons and values.

But, there comes a day when we all need to part away from our school and our friends. It is difficult for anyone to leave the school one day and forever. When I recall my last day at school, I become very emotional. It was a moment of painful separation.

That day it felt like we had a really short journey together that it passed so fast. Some of my friends became too emotional that tears started rolling down their cheeks. There was a small gathering arranged in our school hall.

Our juniors welcomed us to the hall which was decorated for us. Everyone gathered to bid us goodbye and to wish us for a better future. Our juniors gave speeches. Some of them sang and danced for us. They also asked us to give speeches. Some of my friends and I went to the stage and performed a group song. I also gave a speech on how we spent our school days there.

Our teachers came to us and started consoling us. They tried to inspire us with motivational words. Our headmaster praised us for being disciplined and honest in school. She also advised us to maintain the same wherever we go. All other teachers encouraged us and told us to do hard work in life because it would help us to be successful in life.

The day was a mixture of sadness and happiness. I felt happy I was going to a new school. I was sad because I was leaving my teachers and was parting from our dearest friends. It was a hard day for every one of us. This is how I experienced my last day at school.

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quotations on my last day at school essay in english


My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class with Quotations

The last day of school brings mingled fillings of Joy and sorrow into everyone’s life. Today is my last day at school. I’m very happy because flowering holidays are ahead but I’m sad too due to parting from my friends, teachers, and Alma mater. Here students read about My Last Day at School Essay For the 10th Class with Quotations. Moreover, now I’ll step into my college life as well and I’ll meet new teachers and friends. Today is our last day at school. My every classmate is very happy because they are going to step into college life. 9th class students have arranged a farewell party for us.

Today is a holiday and only 9th and 10th class students were asked to come to school. First of all, we will take some photographs with each other because photos are the best way to remember our past and happy moments. After taking some pictures the party began. One of the 9th-class students recites the Surah Yaseen to start the party. After this, they performed some dramas to make the day memorable. Our teachers have also arranged some competitions like banana-eating and many others. We are very excited to have a day like this.

My Last Day At School Quotations For 10th Class

We will provide here sad, famous last day of school quotes and Missing school life quotes. This is the day when teachers are treating us like their friends. We feel sad because we are going to miss our teachers as well as our fellow students. We have done many things with each other and never missed our last trip to Murree. Every teacher is advising us to do well in our future life.

My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class

  • How To Write An Essay In School

Essay on My Last Day at School with Quotations

Finally, the wait is over, our principal has arrived. Our principal is very polite as well as a Nobel person. He has advised us to work hard, so he can feel proud of us. He has also wished us to best of luck in our lives. The speech was full of emotions and motivation. At the end of the speech, everyone’s tears were shaded. In the end, he made a promise to us that we would work hard in the future. At the end of the day, we were served Samosas and Cold Drinks. We enjoyed that treat from our juniors. After eating those things the prize distribution started.

my last day at school essay with quotations

The principal has distributed prizes to all participants. After this, we moved to our homes with a dream in our eyes to work hard in the future. I’m going to miss my school life especially my last day at school. School may be hard, annoying, and irritating but admit it, you are going to miss it when it ends.

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Essay on Last Day of School

Students are often asked to write an essay on Last Day of School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Last Day of School

The anticipation.

The last day of school is always filled with mixed emotions. Excitement for the upcoming holidays, sadness for saying goodbye to friends, and relief from the daily routine.

The Farewell

On this day, we bid farewell to our teachers and friends. The classrooms echo with laughter and tears, as we share memories and promises to stay in touch.

The Celebration

The day concludes with celebrations. Parties, games, and final group photos mark the end of another school year.

As we leave the school gates, we look forward to the holidays, and the new adventures that await us next year.

Also check:

  • Speech on Last Day of School

250 Words Essay on Last Day of School

The mixed emotions of the last day.

The last day of school is a paradoxical blend of joy and melancholy. It marks the culmination of a significant chapter in our lives, brimming with a vast array of emotions. On one hand, there’s the exhilaration of stepping into a new phase of life, while on the other, there’s the sorrow of bidding adieu to familiar faces and cherished memories.

The Anticipation of New Beginnings

The last day of school is a stepping stone to the future. It’s the day when the cocoon of school life breaks open, unveiling a world of infinite possibilities. The anticipation of new beginnings, be it college, a job, or a gap year, is palpable. This day embodies the transition from the safety and predictability of school to the uncertainty and excitement of the real world.

The Nostalgia of Past Memories

Simultaneously, the last day is a nostalgic trip down memory lane. As we clean out our lockers and say our goodbyes, we’re reminded of the countless memories we’ve created. From the first day of kindergarten to the final high school prom, every moment becomes a cherished memory. The friendships forged, the lessons learned, the triumphs and failures, all contribute to the bittersweet symphony of the last day.

The last day of school is a milestone that marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another. It’s a day of celebration, reflection, and anticipation. As we step out of the school gates for the last time, we’re not just leaving behind a building, but a significant phase of our lives. It’s an emotional farewell, but also a hopeful hello to the future.

500 Words Essay on Last Day of School


The last day of school holds a unique significance for every student. It is a day of mixed emotions, a day when we feel both joy and sorrow, excitement and regret. It is the culmination of years of hard work, friendships, and experiences that have shaped us as individuals. It is also a day of farewells, of leaving behind the familiar and stepping into the unknown.

The Emotional Roller Coaster

The last day of school is a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, there is the exhilaration of having completed an important phase of life. The feeling of accomplishment is immense, as we realize that we have successfully navigated the challenges of school life, from academic pressures to social dynamics. On the other hand, there is a sense of melancholy. The realization that we won’t be seeing our friends, teachers, and the school premises on a daily basis can be overwhelming. We are leaving behind a comfort zone, a place that has been a second home for many years.

Reflections and Farewells

The last day of school is a time for reflection. It’s a time to look back at the journey, to remember the highs and lows, the triumphs and failures. It is also a time to acknowledge the role that the school has played in our lives, shaping our personalities, instilling values, and equipping us with knowledge and skills. The farewell ceremonies, the signing of yearbooks, the tearful goodbyes – all these are poignant reminders of the bonds that we have formed and the memories that we have created.

Stepping into the Future

Perhaps the most significant aspect of the last day of school is that it is a stepping stone into the future. It is a rite of passage, a transition from one phase of life to another. As we bid goodbye to our school days, we are also preparing ourselves for the next stage – be it college, work, or other pursuits. The last day of school is a reminder that change is inevitable, and that we must learn to adapt and grow.

In essence, the last day of school is a microcosm of life itself. It encompasses a wide range of emotions, experiences, and lessons. It is a day of endings and beginnings, of farewells and hopes. As we step out of the school gates for the last time, we carry with us not just a certificate or a report card, but a treasure trove of memories, experiences, and lessons that will guide us in the journey ahead. The last day of school is not just a day, it’s a milestone – a milestone that marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Importance of School Uniform
  • Essay on Importance of Extra Curricular Activities in School
  • Essay on If I Ruled the School

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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quotations on my last day at school essay in english

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The Best Last Day of School Quotes to End the School Year Strong

Every ending symbolizes a new beginning – even when it’s the last day of school. And if you’re looking for quotes that will mark your new start, we’ve got you covered. Our list of the best end-of-school-year quotes includes memorable Instagram captions, funny quotes, and inspirational sayings. 

Remember, it feels nice to finish the academic year. If the prospect of the unknown terrifies you, don’t be. It marks a new chapter, a new year in your life.  

Table of Contents

Last Day of School Captions for Social Media

Want to share on social media that it’s your last day of school and can’t wait for summer to begin? You can use these last day of school social media captions. Don’t forget to add some last day of school hashtags. 

Instagram caption for last of day school

  • “Tomorrow is my last day of school…and that means summer break!” 
  • “I always miss school when I leave, no matter much I gripe about it.”
  • “I want to yell and scream because school is out!”
  • “I’m trading in my books for poolside beverages. Non-alcoholic, of course.”
  • “I’m ready for Malibu road trips and strawberry ice cream.”
  • “School is fine, but I’m looking forward to going to the pool.”
  • “The first and last days of school are the greatest.”
  • “More hues, fewer grades.”
  • “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

Sad Last Day of School Quotes

Whether you’d like to admit it or not, the last day of school is not only the most wonderful time of the year; attending the last class can be sad, especially if you are moving away to start your freshman year in college. But, remember, it also marks a brand-new ending. 

Image showing a sad last day of school quote

  • “I’m actually really excited for school to start, yet half sad at the same time because this is my last year of high school.”- Unknown
  • “You grow up so fast in high school. It’s not something you wait for, it just kind of happens. One day you’ll look back and be proud of who you’ve become, but at the same time, you’ll miss who you were.” – Unknown
  • “No matter how much you think you hate school, you’ll always miss it when you leave.” – Unknown  
  • “I am happy to be leaving high school but incredibly sad to be leaving the people who I’ve made all these memories with.” – Unknown
  • “When I entered high school I couldn’t wait to grow up. Now that I’m leaving high school I want to be a kid again.” – Unknown
  • “Let’s do what we love, and let’s do a lot of it.” – Marc Jacobs.

Funny Last Day of School Quotes

Everyone appreciates humorous comments about school life, whether it’s about the end of the school year or memorable school events. Furthermore, light-hearted quotes and witty sayings about being a student have never been harmful to anyone. Here are some of the funniest school quotes to share with your pals.

image showing a humorous last of day school quote about dining hall waffle

  • “They told me that practice makes perfect in school.” After they told me that no one is flawless, I quit practicing.” – Steven Wright
  • “What I remember most about high school are the memories I created with my friends.” – J. J. Watt
  • “My mother wakes me up for school, but she has no idea my favorite sleeping spot is on the final bench.” – Unknown
  • “You can take my body to school, but my spirit will not accompany me.” – Unknown 
  • “High School appears to be a good time on TV, but it is not in reality.” – Unknown 
  • “The true dread is waking up one morning to find your high school graduating class is in charge of the country.” – Unknown
  • “The first day of school: The day when the countdown to the last day of the school begins.” – Unknown

image showing a funny last of day school about math class quote

  • “I always say a prayer before Math class.” – Unknown
  • “I’m going to be missing the dining hall waffles the most, but that’s about it.” – Unknown
  • “There are only two locations whereby timing takes priority over the job at hand: school and prison.” – Unknown
  • “We all learn by our experiences, but some must attend summer school.” – Peter De Vries
  • “So often you find that the students you’re trying to inspire are the ones that end up inspiring you.” – Vicky Davis.

Last Day of School Quotes for Teachers

You can love or detest them, but teachers undoubtedly play a significant influence in one’s formative years. 

Inspirational last day of school quote from Oprah Winfrey

  • “A wise teacher does not invite you inside his knowledge mansion but rather brings you to the doorway of your mind.” – Unknown
  • “Those who teach children well deserve to be appreciated more than parents, because parents only gave life; the few who teach kids well give them the ability to live well.” – Aristotle
  • “A great teacher is more like a torch in that it destroys itself to illuminate the path for others.” – Unknown
  • “I believe that thankfulness is delight multiplied by wonder and that thanks are indeed the absolute pinnacle of thought.” – Unknown
  • “Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”– Oprah Winfrey
  • “If I had the chance to tell you, you have been the best instructor on the planet.” – Unknown
  • “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier
  • “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot
  • “I call my students ‘my kids’ because in our year together, they aren’t just kids on my class list, they become a part of my heart.” – Unknown

End of School Year Quotes for Friends

Saying goodbye to your friends and classmates is never easy, but finding the appropriate words to communicate how you feel can help make it easier. Make sure they know you’ll always be around them, no matter how far away they are. We’ve compiled a list of last-day-of-school statements to make saying goodbye easier.

image showing a heartfelt funny last of day school quote for friends

  • “We don’t realize that we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun.” – Unknown 
  • “The old ones are still the best. Old genes, Old boots, Old friends, Old tunes, and Old times.” – Unknown 
  • “Friends are like muffins in a bad day. They make you all warm and fluffy inside, chasing the bad vibes away.” – Unknown 
  • “Friendship is: Chating and wasting time when we have exam next day.” – Unknown 
  • “Making new friends should not mean losing old ones.” – Unknown 
  • “When I say I miss school I mean my friends and fun, not the school.” – Unknown

Whether you were the underdog or the class leader, the last day of school can be one of the most bittersweet accomplishments you’ll experience in life. If you are lost for words, just remember to enjoy the moment and share without trying to think of something original. And besides, you’ve worked your tail off throughout the year with essays, textbooks library study sessions, and pop quizzes you’d rather forget!


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My Last Day at School Essay & Paragraph

A student’s last day at school is an emotional day. It is a day that cannot be forgotten. Here are some essays and paragraphs about one’s ‘last day at school’. They reveal the memories of an outgoing student about his school, his devotion to teachers, and his love for his fellow and young students. If you would like to write an essay or paragraph on “my last day at school”, the following examples may help you.

My Last Day at School Essay & Paragraph

My Last Day at School Essay in English, 300 Words

By: Haque | For class 9-10/SSC | 08-04-’22

Introduction: It was the 15th of February, 2006. Our test examination was over and the result was announced duly. Then we, the SSC candidates, were given a formal farewell by the school. It was the last day at school for us.

Description of the Farewell Function on My Last Day at School: For this purpose, a gorgeous program was organized in the school. The seminar room of the school was decorated for the program. The function started at 11 AM. The headmaster presided over the farewell meeting. Some of the outgoing students delivered speeches describing their experiences and appreciation of the teachers, students, and the whole school. Some of the students of the school also delivered speeches showing their love and respect for the departing students. A student of class nine recited a ‘letter of honor devoted to the outgoing students. The outgoing students were presented with flowers and books. The Headmaster made the concluding speech. After the end of the function, we, the outgoing students, met the headmaster and took the dust from his feet. The Headmaster advised us on what to do and what not to do in the examination hall. He also gave us advice on what to do at the last moment of preparation and how to write on the answer sheet to obtain higher marks. Then we went to meet with our honorable teachers. We took dust from their feet one after another. They blessed us and prayed for our success in the examination as well as in our future life.

Conclusion: The day made us sad. It marked a turning point in my life. After long five years in that high school, I was going to part with the school. Tears ran down our cheeks. Tears also welled up in the eyes of our teachers. That day we returned home with heavy hearts.

My Last Day at School Paragraph, 100 Words

My last day at school was an emotional day. I will never forget this day. That was on December 20, 2006. I went to my school as a last day. It was Chhanbari High School. There was a farewell ceremony at the school for those of us who have studied at this school for the last five years. On that occasion our teachers gave us advice and prayed for us to be successful in life. A few of us also spoke out expressing our love for our school and our young students. Finally we said goodbye to our fatherly teachers with tears in our eyes.

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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Essay on “My Last Day at School” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

My Last Day at School

Essay No. 01

The last day at school comes at the conclusion of the academic year of the 12th class. Before the start of examinations students of this class are given a farewell party by the next lower class. Since such functions are an annual affair, some solemnity is attached to them, and students, as well as teachers, take part in it.

My last day at school marked by more or less the same feelings. It fell on the 28th of Feb., 2002. The school hall was decorated. A platform was raised and chairs arranged in many rows. Teachers sat in the front row and since I had been the monitor of my class I was also given a place in the first row. Soon the hall was full.

The occasion was highly emotional. All the outgoing students looked very serious. Everyone seemed to be missing the school days on the one hand and looking forward into the unknown land of the future, all uncertain and vague. No doubt the new life, that is, college life seemed more glamourous ahead of us but taking the responsibilities of new life seemed more difficult.

The Principal presided over the function. Since the examinations were at hand so we could hardly lose any time in making long speeches and unnecessary formalities. The Principal spoke for ten minutes. He recalled the years-long association of the outgoing class with the rest of the school and exhorted other classes to follow the example of our class in the best traditions of the school.

There was a tea party. The students of the 11th class were host to it. I was told to speak a few words to them, which I did. But soon my heart began to throb at the idea of parting. I recalled how we had played, read, and sat together. How we were displeased at one moment and were the same friends at the next. Speaking at such functions was a maiden experience in my life yet I made a fine job of it though I was later told that my voice trembled as I spoke.

The hosts gave us a farewell speech. The monitor of their class, Sanchit Sharma, spoke highly of us. He recalled the guidance which we had been giving them from time to time. He said that though we were parting from the school this year yet they would join us next year in this great school of life—the world.

Party oven a group photograph was arranged. We were free now. I deposited my borrowed books with the library and got a clearance certificate. The joyful attitude of my heart gave place to anxiety and seriousness. The very idea of examination at hand completely gripped my mind and I hurried to my house without loss of time to bury my head in books.

Essay No. 02

The last day at school is a memorable day for every student. It is a day of mixed feelings like feelings of sadness as well as happiness because while it marks the end of our school life and separation from old teachers and friends, it opens the door of college life exciting from every angle.

In short, we have joys, we have sorrows, we meet and then we depart. First, there was a day when I had joined the school, and now comes that day, which is my last day in school.

I remember it was chilly February, and only a month was left for our Board Examinations. Since our syllabus was over, our Principal had declared preparatory holidays.

All students were asked to clear their accounts and return their library books for the use of ensuing batches. After the recess, we were asked to gather in the assembly hall, where the Principal had delivered a short speech concerning our future and wished us success for the coming examinations.

Then I and my friends shook hands and hugged each other and we all cracked jokes. The thing I enjoyed most was when a group of friends scribbled messages on each other’s school uniforms. Then it was time to click photographs with friends and teachers for future memories.

My last day at school was thus full of feelings both of joy and sadness.

Essay No. 03

The 3rd March 1990, was my last day at school. I was both happy and sad-happy at the prospect of joining a college and sad at the thought of leaving my school where I had spent seven years of my life. I reached school at 9.15 a.m. I had with me only one book which I had borrowed library. All the 10th class students came to school without their satchels. There was no teaching on that day. I went to the library and returned the book. Then got a ‘No Dues Slip’ signed by the librarian and teachers I handed it over to the clerk and received my Roll Number slip. I could not solve some problems in Geometry so I went to the Mathematics teacher and got my difficulties solved. I also met my friends. Some of them talked of the coming examination while others talked of their future career. A farewell party was arranged for 5 p.m. The students of the 11th class played the host. The program consisted of a short variety show and a few speeches. Some students of the 11th class sang a humorous ‘qawwali’ describing their teachers and their stay in the school. Our principal gave a brief speech assuring that our memory will remain in the nooks and corners of the school forever. The principal inspired the outgoing students to work hard for success and to be noble citizens of India in the future. When the function was over, I shook hands with my friends, respectfully bade my teacher’s good-bye, and returned home.

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Last day of School Quotes

60+ Last Day of School Quotes That Will Touch Your Heart

Last day of school is often emotional and exciting at the same time. A part of your life you enjoyed and in which you made a lot of friends is coming to an end. At the same time, you are heading to a new phase of your life which is equally exciting. So here are some emotional last day of school quotes for you.

Emotional Last Day of School Quotes

“That bittersweet feeling is even more intense on the best day of your life. After  years, all of your hard work has finally paid off. You’re officially graduated from  school.”

“I’ve always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are best because they are beginnings.” – Jenny Han

“The only way I could describe what kissing him felt like was, like the last day of school, knowing that months of freedom and sunshine lay before you, the feeling that you could do anything you wanted and time stretched out in endless possibilities.” ― Robin Benway

“It is a perfect day for the final day of school. Blue skies, warm sun, and the smell of summertime in the air. What could be better? Not much else to do besides kicking back, relaxing and celebrating another successful year.”

Last Day of School Quotes

“The last day of school is here, we’ve watched as you made new friends, conquered new challenges, and learned more every day. What will the future hold for you?”

“The last day of school is always a little bittersweet. You’re officially an adult and ready to take on the world. But, at the same time…it’s sort of sad.”

“It’s the last day of school and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for us”!

“Whether you’re starting a new chapter or embarking on an entirely new adventure, here’s to all the possibilities the future has in store.”

“And so the school year comes to a close. We are sending you a big hug and wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.”

“The last day of school is here. There’s no better time to start the dreams.”

“It’s almost the last day of school. Time to say goodbye to the past and hello to the future!”

“How about one more time to say goodbye to the best years of your life?”

“We are so excited for you to be on your way, and we’re sending you off with some of the best memories since the last day in school into your future ahead.”

“Since the last day in school, how much do you wish you could go back and tell your younger self something?”

Last Day of School Quotes

“Today is the last day of school, but it’s also one of the best days of your life. Today you’re going to make all your dreams come true. It’s a day to be bold and brave, to think big and set high goals. So don’t be shy, don’t be nervous—go out there and do exactly what you want.”

“Today is your last day of school but can be the first day of the rest of your life. Every moment of it has been leading up to this. You have all the tools you need to succeed, so take the leap and go for it!”

“The last day of school also means the day you can finally start to make a real difference in the world.”

“One day you’ll look back on the memories you made in your school days and wish you could relive them. One day you’ll be nostalgic for school if you aren’t already.”

“Thinking back school was not relaxing and calming, with a lot of fun, most importantly made trained us to focus on our passions and feel the joy of being young without all of the pressures of adulthood.”

“The last day of school means one big question: what are you going to do next?”

“The last day of school. The last day to be a kid and learn about the world outside my comfort zone.”

“After 15 years, we’re celebrating our last day of school this year with a party. How could we forget that bittersweet day in our life?”

Last Day of School Quotes

“The last day of school is also about looking forward to your future and making it happen.”

“I will always remember the last day of school as the best day. I had so much fun, people! I hope you did too.”

“So many memories, so much to say but let’s just enjoy this last day of school together.”

“I’ll never forget this last day of school. I’m so thankful for the memories I made and all the fun friends I found here.”

“What’s the one thing you miss the most about school? EVERYTHING”

“In a few moments, I will be walking out of this building for the last time. I hope to remember the first day of the school.”

“Today marks the last day of school for me. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds, but I’ll miss my teachers and everyone else we’ve met along the way.”

“Here is my short and sweet goodbye speech on the last day of my school life. I have been thinking about it for a long time but we all know some words are better unsaid.”

“The last day of school felt like losing a sense of childhood nostalgia.”

“On the last day of our school life we never thought we would miss it but never stopped missing it since.”

“It’s the last day of school and it is sad. But we all knew, the memories we made today will last a lifetime.”

Last Day of School Quotes

“We’re not just saying goodbye to school and hello to the real world. We’re saying goodbye to our childhoods and hello to a whole new set of adventures.

“Our kids are growing up so fast, it’s hard to believe that this is our last day of school.”

“The last day of school is always the hardest for the teachers to bid goodbye to their students once again.”

“SAD DAYS, GREAT MEMORIES on this last day of school.”

“Since the last day of school, there hasn’t been a day thinking life is so much better when you’re in school.”

“So many great memories. So much to say goodbye to on the last day of school.”

“On the last day of school, all you can do is smile and say goodbye.”

“Here’s to the last day of school. And here’s to the next steps of your journey.”

“We hope you don’t have too many fond memories of the last day of school, but we focus on the positive impact those days can have on your future.”

“Here’s to friendship, fun and a lifetime of memories on the last day of school.”

“No one will ever forget the last day of school. You’ll walk out, knowing that you did your best, and all of your friends are there to support you. You may be sad for the first time not having to do any more homework.”

Last Day of School Quotes

“I miss the days when school was full of excitement, laughter and love. Bye forever, my school.”

“Thank you for letting me be part of your lives. I’ll miss these times and hope we can spend this school life altogether in our next life.”

“You’ll miss the cafeteria crowd, you’ll miss the staircases, and you’ll miss that warm feeling when your friends greeted in the morning.”

“It’s the last day of school, and you’re feeling sad. But as you walk home with your friends, you think of all the memories this place has given you. And as you look back at everything, you realize that it was worth it.”

“Dear school, you were the best days of my life. Thanks for teaching me how to push through challenges, fight for what I want, and make lifelong friends along the way. For everything you’ve given me all these years, I thank you.”

“Dear school, the years I spent in your halls were the best of my life. It’s hard to believe that school is really over. Thank you for teaching me how to grow confident, communicate with others, and work towards my goals. I wouldn’t be who I am without you.”

“Dear school, in case I don’t get the chance to say this again, thank you for all the great times. I learned a lot about myself and others. And most importantly, I gained valuable friendships.”

“Saying goodbye can be tough, but looking back on the good times you shared will help you cherish these moments forever.”

Last Day of School Quotes

“As you sit here on the last day of school reflecting on all your past years, you’re filled with gratitude. You have so many people to thank for helping you get here. So many people who have pushed you to do better, and get better. And though there is still a long way to go, you can reflect proudly on how far you’ve come.”

“The last day of school is always a great day. You will reminisce about your favourite moments in school, and then get to start the next chapter in your life.”

“When the last bell rings, you can’t help but smile. You’re done with school life and you can’t wait to see what’s in store for your future.”

“Grab your best friends and get ready to make the last day of school one to remember.”

“Sometimes you have to say goodbye to good things because a new beginning is waiting for you.”

“What happens when you say goodbye to the school that shaped you?”

“You’re not sad until you realize that it’s your last day of school and you have to say goodbye to all your friends.”

“Our final day at school is bittersweet. We’ve grown so much, but now it’s time to go our separate ways. I can’t wait to watch all of us achieve all of our dreams

“Last day of school, so many memories were made. So much to appreciate now that we’re grown up and can see it from the outside. Here’s to those who never gave up on their dreams—you guys are fantastic!”

“It’s a sad day when you say goodbye to your best friends and teachers. But, for some, it’s a happy day knowing that you’ll grow into the person you’ve always wanted to be.”

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16 Last Day of School Quotes to Finish out the School Year

quotations on my last day at school essay in english

School is out for the Summer! Well, almost.

Before we can think about vacation plans , soaking up the sun, summer camps, and lounging around on the beach, we have to finish all of the end of the school year activities. There are tests to take, homework to forget (senior-itis, amiright?), and class parties to enjoy!

We started the year with sharpened pencils , new crayons, a fresh haircut, and a positive attitude. And now we’re ending it with flat erasers and torn notebooks, but also with closer friendships and a lot more knowledge in our heads. Sounds like a good tradeoff, if you ask us.

Whatever grade you’re in and whatever kind of school you attend, the last day of school is bittersweet. It’s the end of something and endings are often a little sad. But it’s also the beginning of the rest and relaxation we all need and then another new school year, which you’ll enter a little older, a little wiser, and maybe a little more tan from your Summer travels. 

On the last day of school, it’s time to say bye to all of our friends, classmates, and teachers. It’s the day to get our yearbooks signed and clean out our lockers. If you’re a teacher, grades are done! And if you’re a parent, summer plans are made (maybe)! We’re all ready to enjoy ourselves for the next few months and then start the school year all over again in the Fall!

In honor of the last day of the school year, here are 16 quotes for your letter board that can be appreciated by students, teachers, and parents alike!

  • The two best days of school: the first and the last.
  • The first day of school: the day when the countdown to the last day of school begins.
  • Finish the year strong!
  • “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” - Dr. Suess
  • Let the next adventure begin! Happy last day!
  • Look how far you’ve come!
  • Happiness is the last day of school!
  • A teacher’s three favorite words: June, July, and August
  • You remind me of school in the summertime: no class.
  • “No, you can’t have extra credit. It’s the last day of school.” - Every teacher
  • School’s out for the summer. School's out forever. 
  • No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher’s dirty looks.
  • So long, school! Hello, Summer!
  • School is out! Scream and shout!
  • Keep calm and finish strong.
  • Every end is a beginning.

Display your last day of school quotes with Soft Magnetic letters in vibrant colors that remind us of Summer, such as Dandy Lion , Uncut Grass , or Tropical Teal ! 

Getting ready to go back to school? Check out our blog post with 10 Back to School Quotes for Letter Boards !

Last Day of School Quotes

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My Last Day At School

Sports and games, a rainy day, a scene at the railway station, a hockey match, a cricket match, a true muslim, life in a big city, village life, a visit to a hill station, quaid-e-azam muhammad ali jinnah.


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My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class in Simple English

Here down on this page we are going to provide you the My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class in Simple English. No student can forget the first and last day of their school as it holds prominent significance in their whole educational career timeline. I still remember the last day of school which is still fresh in my memories. There are so many unforgettable memories that are connected with school life but nothing can replace the last day of school. Like every single time, I started recalling the last day of school; it made me so much emotional every time. I make pleasure by my recalling that leisure time.

My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class

My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class in Simple English

We got together in a friendly chat with everyone before the start of the event and then finally the event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran.  The comparer of the event welcomes the participants for this day. The whole event was based on the program that was put into the categories of the variety of shows as well as plays and songs that was prepared by the junior students. These programs and shows are also based on the good and bad memories of our school tenure. Some of the junior students even read out farewell poetry as well.

Our headmaster ended the event by advising all the students to work hard in their life ahead and pray for excellent results and a brighter future.  This event made so many of the teachers and students emotional as well. Autographs of teachers and best friends and other gifts are still decorated on the wall of my home. This was the memory of My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class in Simple English which stays with me. It ultimately refreshes the time I have spent in my school.

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Matric English 10th Essay My Last Day at School with Quotations

Matric English 10th Essay My Last Day at School with Quotations

If you want to view other Matric English 10th Essays with Quotations. Click Here .

The 15th of February, 2009, was my last day at school. It was a day of mixed joy and sorrow. We were happy because we were going to be free from the strict discipline of the school. We were sad because we were going to part from our teachers and friends.

On that day were given preparatory holidays. No teaching work was done. Our class teachers came as usual to our class. They laid great stress on the importance of revising papers. “It is easier,” said they, “to satisfy the examiner with a few lines written correctly and well, than with pages full of mistakes.”

They also advised us not to be nervous but take the examination with courage. The Headmaster assured us that even during the preparatory holidays we could get our difficulties removed if we wanted to.

The ninth class students had arranged a farewell party on the eve of our departure. We all assembled in the hall. We were served with sweets and tea. Songs were sung and speeches suited to the occasion were made.

The Monitor of the Ninth Class read out the farewell address which was so touching. He referred to our good behaviour and the splendid role played by us in making the school so popular. He sincerely prayed to God for our success in the Board examination.

After this our worthy Headmaster and teachers showered their blessings on us and addressed a few words of wisdom and advice. Those words are still ringing in my ears. One of our friends sang a farewell song which moved everyone to tears.

On behalf of my class I thanked the ninth class friends for the sumptuous party they had given and the fine words they had spoken. I heartily thanked the Headmaster and the teachers for their keen interest in and parental love for us. The occasion was so touching that I could not help shedding tears.

Then we were photographed along with the Headmaster and the teachers. We bade good-bye to one another. Our throats were too choked to utter a word.

Gloom reigned in the school. I took leave of my teachers, asked for their blessings and started for home. My feet faltered. I left the gate, but the school building, seemed to beckon to me.

I threw back a wistful glance. I then consoled myself. I thought I should visit this seat of light and learning once a year. I should pay back my debt to the school by helping it with money.

Days have rolled by since I left the school. Whenever I sit in an idle and thoughtful mood the whole picture of my school is raised before me. I bend my head of respect of my school. Can I ever forget my school? No, never.

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Quotations For Essay My Last Day At School

An essay without quotes seems colorless. If you are to write my last day at school essay for your class test or the annual examination, you need to adorn it with multiple quotes to get full marks.

While adding quotes in an essay, it is mandatory to create room for the quotes. It means to make a specific place where the prose of your essay and quotes get harmony.

If you only stuff the quotes without creating a room, your essay will become absurd and instead of adding more charm, the quotes will ruin the nature of the essay.

“My last day at school” is an important essay at the matriculation and intermediate level. It is often asked by the examiner to write down your ideas about your last day at school.

Considering “My last day at school” as an important essay, the following are the quotes to add to it. These quotations are easy to learn and remember for a long time.

Moreover, these will not demand you to create a special room, as these are generic and can be adjusted at the start or end of many paragraphs.

Quotations on My Last Day At School in Pakistan For Matric – 10th

Here are the best quotations on my last day at school essay in English. You can use these quotes about essay my last day at school in your test or paper with confidence.

Some were genius rest were fool, Love that bench and the stool, Life was stunning and was cool, When I was there at my school. Calym Nush

quotations on my last day at school essay in English

Hand in hand we were a band, Sitting together, together we stand, Just can’t forget, that piece of land, Where with friends I played in sand. Calym Nush

Quotes About Essay My Last Day At School

Also, Check: Quotations For Essay Sports And Games

Those were days, how to lend? That term of life, could not extend, Dejected I am, Alas! My friend, Every beginning has an end. Calym Nush

quotations about my last day at school essay

In daylight, during the sunset, There are memories I can’t forget In my mind, they dwell and stay, I, my friends, and that school way. Calym Nush

my last day at school essay for 10th class quotations

Where we are now all in gloom, In that corner, in that classroom, All my friends and their perfume, In the future, I wish to bloom. Calym Nush

my last day at school essay quotations

Enough was said still wanted to say, One more trick with friends to play, But who can turn the time by pay, At my school that was last day. Calym Nush

essay my last day at school quotations

Some were hot some were too cool, Among those able, there was a fool, To the end had come our rule, Goodbye my friends, farewell my school. Calym Nush

Quotations on My Last Day At School in Pakistan

What is life, if up to sum, Living with friends, fun with chum, Where were mirths, now that pool, Have been lost there in my school. Calym Nush

My Last Day At School in Pakistan For Matric

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What I’ve Learned From My Students’ College Essays

The genre is often maligned for being formulaic and melodramatic, but it’s more important than you think.

An illustration of a high school student with blue hair, dreaming of what to write in their college essay.

By Nell Freudenberger

Most high school seniors approach the college essay with dread. Either their upbringing hasn’t supplied them with several hundred words of adversity, or worse, they’re afraid that packaging the genuine trauma they’ve experienced is the only way to secure their future. The college counselor at the Brooklyn high school where I’m a writing tutor advises against trauma porn. “Keep it brief , ” she says, “and show how you rose above it.”

I started volunteering in New York City schools in my 20s, before I had kids of my own. At the time, I liked hanging out with teenagers, whom I sometimes had more interesting conversations with than I did my peers. Often I worked with students who spoke English as a second language or who used slang in their writing, and at first I was hung up on grammar. Should I correct any deviation from “standard English” to appeal to some Wizard of Oz behind the curtains of a college admissions office? Or should I encourage students to write the way they speak, in pursuit of an authentic voice, that most elusive of literary qualities?

In fact, I was missing the point. One of many lessons the students have taught me is to let the story dictate the voice of the essay. A few years ago, I worked with a boy who claimed to have nothing to write about. His life had been ordinary, he said; nothing had happened to him. I asked if he wanted to try writing about a family member, his favorite school subject, a summer job? He glanced at his phone, his posture and expression suggesting that he’d rather be anywhere but in front of a computer with me. “Hobbies?” I suggested, without much hope. He gave me a shy glance. “I like to box,” he said.

I’ve had this experience with reluctant writers again and again — when a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously. Of course the primary goal of a college essay is to help its author get an education that leads to a career. Changes in testing policies and financial aid have made applying to college more confusing than ever, but essays have remained basically the same. I would argue that they’re much more than an onerous task or rote exercise, and that unlike standardized tests they are infinitely variable and sometimes beautiful. College essays also provide an opportunity to learn precision, clarity and the process of working toward the truth through multiple revisions.

When a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously.

Even if writing doesn’t end up being fundamental to their future professions, students learn to choose language carefully and to be suspicious of the first words that come to mind. Especially now, as college students shoulder so much of the country’s ethical responsibility for war with their protest movement, essay writing teaches prospective students an increasingly urgent lesson: that choosing their own words over ready-made phrases is the only reliable way to ensure they’re thinking for themselves.

Teenagers are ideal writers for several reasons. They’re usually free of preconceptions about writing, and they tend not to use self-consciously ‘‘literary’’ language. They’re allergic to hypocrisy and are generally unfiltered: They overshare, ask personal questions and call you out for microaggressions as well as less egregious (but still mortifying) verbal errors, such as referring to weed as ‘‘pot.’’ Most important, they have yet to put down their best stories in a finished form.

I can imagine an essay taking a risk and distinguishing itself formally — a poem or a one-act play — but most kids use a more straightforward model: a hook followed by a narrative built around “small moments” that lead to a concluding lesson or aspiration for the future. I never get tired of working with students on these essays because each one is different, and the short, rigid form sometimes makes an emotional story even more powerful. Before I read Javier Zamora’s wrenching “Solito,” I worked with a student who had been transported by a coyote into the U.S. and was reunited with his mother in the parking lot of a big-box store. I don’t remember whether this essay focused on specific skills or coping mechanisms that he gained from his ordeal. I remember only the bliss of the parent-and-child reunion in that uninspiring setting. If I were making a case to an admissions officer, I would suggest that simply being able to convey that experience demonstrates the kind of resilience that any college should admire.

The essays that have stayed with me over the years don’t follow a pattern. There are some narratives on very predictable topics — living up to the expectations of immigrant parents, or suffering from depression in 2020 — that are moving because of the attention with which the student describes the experience. One girl determined to become an engineer while watching her father build furniture from scraps after work; a boy, grieving for his mother during lockdown, began taking pictures of the sky.

If, as Lorrie Moore said, “a short story is a love affair; a novel is a marriage,” what is a college essay? Every once in a while I sit down next to a student and start reading, and I have to suppress my excitement, because there on the Google Doc in front of me is a real writer’s voice. One of the first students I ever worked with wrote about falling in love with another girl in dance class, the absolute magic of watching her move and the terror in the conflict between her feelings and the instruction of her religious middle school. She made me think that college essays are less like love than limerence: one-sided, obsessive, idiosyncratic but profound, the first draft of the most personal story their writers will ever tell.

Nell Freudenberger’s novel “The Limits” was published by Knopf last month. She volunteers through the PEN America Writers in the Schools program.


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