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A recent study of our tutoring students showed an average increase of an entire letter grade .

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We delivered 4,700,000 hours of online instruction last year. But who's counting?

We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.

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High School aged student smiling with a laptop

July 9 @ 7:30PM EST

Register for this class and learn from former Ivy League Senior Admissions Officer Devery Doran breaks down the key elements do’s, and don’ts of these all-important essays.

High School aged student preparing a college application

August 14 @ 7:30PM EST

Former Ivy League Senior Admissions Officer Devery Doran will deconstruct what admissions officers look for in your applications, and explain the things you can do now that will make it easier to shine when you apply.

Unlock your learning potential.

An infographic depicting the personalized tutoring process. The process starts with understanding the student's needs, followed by a search through a roster of over 40,000 experts to find a suitable tutor. The tutor then creates a personalized learning plan for the student to help them reach their goal with confidence.

Personalized Experience

To ensure you get the right support, we start by understanding your needs. Then we search our roster of 40,000+ experts to find a tutor who “gets” you, who can personalize a learning plan for you, and who can help you reach your goal with confidence.

An image showcasing the convenience and quality of our service. It highlights the flexibility of learning where and how the student wants, while emphasizing that the student remains in control of their learning journey. We are always available to provide help when needed, assisting students in reaching their goals.

Quality and Convenience

Our platform connects you with top-quality tutors who undergo a rigorous selection process—only 10% of applicants are accepted. Enjoy learning on your terms, wherever and however you prefer. With a 4.9/5 satisfaction rating, our learners consistently rave about their experience.

An image illustrating the multifaceted approach to effective learning. It underscores the combination of tutoring with various other learning formats, such as classes and practice tools, which are included in the membership. This diversity in learning methods aims to accelerate the student's progress.

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What’s included:

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Varsity tutors for Schools provides high dosage tutoring at scale.

Varsity Tutors for Schools

Varsity Tutors partners with educational leaders to build customized learning solutions to equitably improve outcomes for all students and expand teacher capacity at scale.

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We help students to have a balanced approach of studying, so they don’t only stay confined to their homework & assignments, and miss the opportunities around them. TutorChamps is to support students across the world to have a fulfilling student life.

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Most common queries of the students are answered here, If you still have any queries, please contact us.


Is TutorChamps a legitimate service?

Yes, TutorChamps is a legitimate service with a team of certified tutors that are dedicated to providing high-quality assistance to students.

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Yes, we take your privacy seriously and use secure methods to protect your personal information.

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"We can help you with your homework in as little as 24 hours. Contact us to discuss your deadline, and we will do our best to accommodate you."

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Yes, our team of experts can provide you with the help you need to prepare for exams, quizzes, and tests.

How do I contact customer support at TutorChamps?

You can contact our customer support team through our website, by email, or by phone. We are available 24/7 to assist you

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No. We are a paid service, so a credit card, debit card, or PayPal account is needed. We do not take payment in cash or checks

Motivational Story

TutorChamps has started a new initiative to inspire its students by sharing real motivational stories. So that students can get that motivation which will help them to deal with personal problems and perform better in academics.

J.K. Rowling “Author of the Harry Potter Series”

J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter series, one of the most successful book series in history. The series has sold over 500 million copies worldwide, and has been adapted into a successful film franchise. However, before Rowling achieved this level of success, she struggled with poverty, depression, and the loss of her mother.

As a single mother living on welfare, Rowling found it difficult to make ends meet. She was struggling to raise her daughter and make ends meet, while also trying to pursue her dream of becoming a published author. It was during this difficult time that Rowling met her mentor, her writing teacher, at the University of Exeter, where she studied French and Classics.

This mentor helped Rowling develop her writing skills and encouraged her to pursue her dream of becoming a published author. He saw her potential and believed in her, even when she doubted herself. He helped her see that she had a unique talent and vision for storytelling, something that she had previously doubted. With the help of her mentor, Rowling was able to overcome her struggles and achieve her dream of publishing her first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

The Harry Potter series tells the story of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, as they attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The series is set in a magical world filled with witches, wizards, and magical creatures. The series follows Harry as he discovers the truth about his family and the dark wizard who killed his parents. Along the way, Harry, Hermione, and Ron face many challenges, make new friends, and uncover the truth about the magical world they inhabit.

The Harry Potter series has been praised for its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and ability to appeal to both children and adults. The series has been translated into over 80 languages and has been adapted into a successful film franchise. The series has also spawned a number of spin-off books, films, and a theme park.

The success of the Harry Potter series has made J.K. Rowling one of the most successful authors of all time. Her story is a testament to the power of mentorship and the importance of not giving up on one's dreams. Her mentor helped her develop her writing skills, encouraged her to pursue her dream, and helped her see that she had a unique talent and vision for storytelling. Without the support and guidance of her mentor, it is unlikely that J.K. Rowling would have achieved the level of success that she has today.

Today, Rowling continues to inspire others with her story of perseverance and determination. She is an advocate for mental health awareness, and has been open about her own struggles with depression. She has also been involved in various charitable causes, including supporting single parents and fighting poverty. The success of the Harry Potter series has made J.K. Rowling one of the most successful authors of all time, and her story continues to inspire others to pursue their own dreams, no matter how difficult they may seem.

Are you someone who is stuck in the journey of brilliance with no mentors to help you pass through? We at TutorChamps understand the importance of having a mentor when it comes to your studies, and making them more understandable and easy. Just to help students and scholars like you around the world, we are here to provide you the guidance you need. TutorChamps is everything you will ever need to ace you educational journey with no difficulty and right mentor.

Struggling with your Homework? TutorChamps has got you covered!

Are you looking for an online homework helper that can give you the stylish academic backing? Look no further than TutorChamps! While Chegg may be a popular option, TutorChamps offers a more comprehensive and individualized approach to helping students achieve their academic pretensions. TutorChamps provides artful homework help across all subject fields, containing calculation, physics, chemistry, math, science, english, engineering and more. Our platoon of educated tutors work one- on- one with students to give individualized support and guidance. Whether you need help with a specific schoolwork assignment or want to enrich your overall understanding of a subject, TutorChamps has got you covered. Unlike Chegg, which provides generalized homework help, at TutorChamps we tailor our services to meet the peculiar requirements of each student. We extend elastic scheduling and can work around your occupied schedule to guarantee that you get the help you need when you need it. Whether you are a high academy pupil or a council pupil, TutorChamps can help you achieve academic success.

What differentiates us from the other homework help websites?

In addition to online homework help, TutorChamps also offers test preparation services. From the SAT to the GRE, our expert tutors can give you the knowledge and chops you need to exceed on these important examinations. We give substantiated test preparation plans and work with students to identify their strengths and shortcomings so they can concentrate their troubles on areas where they need the most help.

TutorChamps also uses the rearmost technology to give students with the best attainable online literacy experience. Our online platform is easy to use and provides pupils with access to a broad range of educational resources. From interactive whiteboards to videotape conferencing, TutorChamps utilizes the rearmost technology to give students a flawless and effective literacy experience. So, if you are seeking for an online homework helper that can give you individualized support and help you achieve academic success, look no further than TutorChamps. Our team of expert tutors is devoted to help you achieve your academic pretensions and will work with you every step of the way to insure your success. With TutorChamps, you can rest assured that you are getting the best attainable academic support.

What problems do students have that drive them to look for solutions online?

TutorChamps can give you the expert guidance you need to succeed, If you are a student floundering to find the answers to your homeworks or assignments. While TutorBin may be a popular choice, TutorChamps offers a more comprehensive and individualized approach to furnishing scholars with the homework answers they need. TutorChamps is an online teaching service that connects students with educated tutors who can give academic support and homework help. There are many ways that TutorChamps can give accurate answers to your schoolwork questions. Here are some ways as to how:

Competent Tutors: TutorChamps employs competent tutors who possess a strong understanding of the subject matter they educate. They've academic degrees and years of expertise tutoring or training in their separate fields. This ensures that you're taking help from someone who knows the material well.

Thorough Assessment: Before assigning an instructor to a pupil, TutorChamps conducts a thorough assessment of the student’s academic capacities and requirements. This helps to assure that the instructor is suitable to give individualized backing that's acclimatized to the student’s individual requirements and literacy style.

Individual Attention: When you work with a TutorChamps instructor, you admit individual attention and support. The instructor is concentrated solely on your requirements and can give in- depth explanations and guidance to help you understand the material more.

Quality Resources: TutorChamps provides access to high- class resources, like handbooks, practice problems, and informational videotapes, which can help you gather the material and finish your school work assignments precisely.

Feedback and Revision: The tutors of TutorChamps give feedback and revision indications for your work, permitting you to rectify any miscalculations and refine your understanding of the material. This ensures that you're producing accurate answers to your schoolwork questions.

Overall, TutorChamps provides a comprehensive approach to homework help that's concentrated on delicacy and personalized support. By working with a good instructor and using high- quality resources, you can be confident that you're entering accurate answers to your homework questions.

You are just a few steps away. Get instant homework help only at TutorChamps!

TutorChamps offers a variety of academic support services, containing instant homework help. Moreover, TutorChamps can link you with a good instructor who can give instant backing, If you are floundering with your homework assignments and need help right off. Here are some of the ways that TutorChamps can assist you take instant homework help:

Live Chat: One of the most accessible ways to admit instant homework help from TutorChamps is through our live chat feature. This allows you to interconnect with an instructor in real- time, which means that you can receive help with your homework questions as soon as you require it. With live chat, you can ask questions, share lines, and get immediate feedback from an instructor.

On- Demand Tutoring: TutorChamps offers on- demand tutoring, which means that you can receive help with your homework 24/7. Whether you need help late at night or early in the morning, you can link with an instructor who's accessible to give instant backing. This inflexibility is especially helpful for pupils who have busy schedules or who need help outside of traditional training hours.

Quick Response Time: When you reach out to TutorChamps for help with your schoolwork, you can anticipate a quick response time. Our tutors are trained to respond instantly to pupil requests, which means that you will not have to stay long for help. This can be especially helpful if you are working on a time-sensitive assignment or if you are feeling wedged and need immediate guidance.

Individualized backing: When you work with a TutorChamps instructor, you admit substantiated backing that's acclimatized to your individual requirements. This means that the instructor will take the time to understand your literacy style, strengths, and follies, and will give guidance that's specific to your requirements. This substantiated approach can help you make progress more snappily and efficiently.

High- Quality Resources: TutorChamps provides access to high- quality resources, like handbooks, practice problems, and educational videos, which can help you understand the material and complete your schoolwork assignments more efficiently. Our tutors can also recommend fresh resources that are applicable to your specific requirements, which can help you strengthen your understanding of the material and enrich your grades.

Overall, TutorChamps provides an entire approach to instant homework help that's concentrated on delicacy, convenience, and individualized support. By connecting with a good instructor through their online platform, you can get the help you need to complete your assignments snappily and directly, and ameliorate your understanding of the material.

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What To Do When Your Child is Struggling With Reading

Reading proficiency is foundational to a child’s overall educational experience. Since almost every subject requires some reading, if a child has trouble with this skill it can have knock-on effect...

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What To Do When Your Child is Struggling With Math

If there’s one subject almost guaranteed to frustrate and confuse children who don’t have a natural aptitude for it, it’s mathematics. Parents too can find this one of the hardest subjects to suppo...

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Homework Tips for Parents

Let’s be honest: nobody likes homework; neither children, who feel that school should end when the final bell rings, nor parents, who feel obliged to police their kids’ adherence to this onerous ta...


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Best Online Tutoring Services

Chegg Study is an affordable and flexible online tutoring service

It's no secret that many parents turn to online tutoring services for their children to help them do better in school and on standardized tests. Whether your household is full of homeschoolers or you're looking to help supplement in-person learning, and whether you have a kindergartener or a high-school student, online tutors can help get your child where they need to be, academically, from the comfort of their home.

It’s important to find a tutoring program that fits your child’s needs and learning style, as well as your family’s budget, goals, and schedule. That’s why we’ve combed the market and compiled a list of the best online tutoring services to help you make the right choice.

Best Online Tutoring Services of 2024

  • Best Overall: Chegg Study
  • Best Budget: Learn To Be
  • Best Variety: Princeton Review
  • Best for Language Learning: Preply
  • Best Homework Help: Skooli
  • Best for Writing Improvement: Pearson's Smarthinking
  • Best Test Prep: TutaPoint
  • Best for Math Tutoring: Mathnasium
  • Our Top Picks
  • Chegg Study

Learn To Be

Princeton Review

  • Pearson's Smarthinking
  • See More (5)

Final Verdict

  • Compare Providers
  • How to Choose


Best overall : chegg study.

  • Price: Starts at $15.95 a month
  • Ages: All ages
  • Standardized test prep? Yes

Chegg Study is an affordable, flexible online tutoring company that covers a wide range of academic services, from language learning to test prep.

Affordable monthly rate

24/7 access to help

Wide variety of studies available

Have to borrow and return textbooks for some courses

No free returns for book-borrowing service internationally

We selected Chegg Study as the best overall online tutoring service for its combination of affordability, flexibility, and subject variety.

Chegg experts come from top colleges and universities, and they mentor students of all ages in hundreds of subjects—from engineering and test prep to essay writing, AP classes, ESL and foreign languages, and music—and must pass a subject proficiency test. They’re available 24/7 on Chegg’s online platform, making it easy to start learning or get some extra help ASAP. You can search through thousands of homework problems on the Chegg platform or upload a photo and ask an expert for help with a specific question.

A subscription for Chegg Study costs $15.95 a month and includes access to select textbook solutions, video walkthroughs and practice sets, and its experts. Those in need of a little extra help can also subscribe to Chegg Writing ($9.95 a month), which provides users the ability to scan papers for plagiarism, create automatic citations, and receive expert writing help at any time. There's also Chegg Math Solver, which gives users unlimited solutions and detailed explanations for tough problems, as well as access to a graphing calculator, for $9.95 a month.

Best Budget : Learn To Be

  • Price: Pay what you can, up to $30 a month
  • Ages: Grades K-12

We love this free tutoring program that has shown it raises students' average test scores and GPAs.

"Choose if you can pay" model

Nonprofit service

Covers K-12 students

Provides personalized study plans

Less comprehensive than some other online tutoring services

No strict vetting process for tutors

While online tutoring programs can be invaluable for many students looking to achieve their learning goals, they’re often pricey and unattainable for many families. The nonprofit Learn To Be aims to bridge that gap with a "choose if you can pay" model for its one-on-one online tutoring in a digital classroom.

The company's tutors have served more than 7,000 students since the nonprofit launched in 2012. The program offers math, science, reading, and English tutoring to students in kindergarten through 12th grade from qualified families. Parents regularly report that their children’s test scores and GPAs improved significantly after enrolling in Learn To Be.

If your family needs affordable tutoring, head to Learn To Be’s website to fill out an enrollment form. If you’re approved, your child will be matched with a tutor by email, and they will create a personalized study plan from there.

Best Variety : Princeton Review

Use promo code INVESTO15 for 15% off MSRP.

  • Price: Starts at $40 an hour
  • Ages: All (children, teens, adults)

One of the most comprehensive online tutoring services out there, Princeton Review has tutoring support 24/7 for anyone who needs it on a seemingly endless list of study topics.

Tutors available online 24/7

Wide range of test prep options

Serves adults and kids

Can get expensive

Website can be difficult to navigate

Princeton Review is one of the most comprehensive online tutoring services on the market. The company's tutors—who are available online 24/7—offer homework help and live learning sessions for everyone from kindergarteners to adult learners in more than 250 subject areas.

Subjects include math, science, history, drama, and the humanities (taught in both English and Spanish), as well as ACT, SAT, P/SAT, and GED test prep, AP and IB courses, student success skills (like note-taking, organization, and time management), nursing and health, business, technology, essay and cover letter writing, and even career support.

Princeton Review's prices depend on the package you choose. If you subscribe on a month-to-month basis, prices range from about $40 for an hour of tutoring (usually broken up into three 20-minute sessions) to roughly $115 for three hours of tutoring. Packages range from around $350 for 10 hours of tutoring across six months to about $1,450 for 50 hours of tutoring across six months.

Princeton Review also offers free tutoring for students from U.S. military families, funded through the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance.

Best for Language Learning : Preply

  • Price: Averages $18.30 an hour
  • Standardized test prep? Unclear

Students using Preply can connect with tutors from over 180 countries and learn over 20 different languages.

Wide range of language tutoring available

Tutors set their own prices

Search by language, availability and cost

Free tutor session or refund if not satisfied with first lesson

More adult students than children

Teachers not paid for hour-long trial sessions

Unclear if test prep is available

Preply , one of the best online tutoring services for language learners, boasts thousands of native-speaking tutors from about 185 countries around the world. Students can use Preply to grow their working vocabulary, complete foreign language homework assignments, or even work toward becoming fluent in one of dozens of languages.

Each Preply language tutor sets their own prices and schedule, so you can search for them by availability, nationality, language, or cost. After scheduling a first session that fits both your and your tutor’s schedule, you’ll meet with your new tutor to discuss your goals and take your first lesson.

You can also browse language tutors’ profiles to read reviews from other parents and students to make sure you find the best fit for your child. Students who aren’t satisfied with their first session can try another Preply tutor for free or receive a full refund.

Costs vary depending on the tutor and frequency of sessions, but the average is around $18.30 per hour.

Best Homework Help : Skooli

  • Price: $0.65 to $0.82 per minute
  • Ages: Elementary school through college-age

Students looking for quick homework help can connect with a tutor on Skooli within seconds, and be back on track in just 15 minutes.

Quick tutor connection


Wide range of subject matter help available

Virtual whiteboard for interactive help

Not for students who need more long-term help

A flexible pay-as-you-go learning model—around $1 per minute, with a minimum of 15 minutes in one sitting—makes Skooli one of the best online tutoring services for instant homework help.

You or your child can ask a specific question or start chatting with a tutor to see if you get along. Within seconds, you can begin a live video session from any device with a tutor who specializes in popular subjects like trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, or physics. Skooli’s interface is also uniquely interactive, with a virtual whiteboard that allows students to work through tricky problems alongside their tutor.

Skooli offers tutoring help for elementary, middle school, high school, and college students in math, science, languages, the humanities, and business. Students can rewatch their tutoring sessions anytime to jog their memory about what they learned.

Best for Writing Improvement : Pearson's Smarthinking

  • Price: $45 an hour for live tutoring
  • Ages: Middle-school age through adult

Writing can be challenging, whether you're doing it in school or in your career. That's why Pearson’s Smarthinking gives focus to that subject area with tutors who zero in on helping you hone your writing skills.

Wide range of subjects available

Majority of tutors have higher education degrees

Help with career-based writing

Language studies limited to Spanish

Pearson’s Smarthinking is one of the best online tutoring services available for students who want to improve their writing skills.

Although Smarthinking’s tutors—90% of whom have master’s degrees or PhDs in their chosen subject—can teach middle school, high school, and college students in almost any area of expertise, they truly shine when it comes to helping learners achieve their potential in writing. They can improve academic and career writing, and even help you brush up on grammar and APA style.

Smarthinking’s prices are also reasonable, especially considering the tutors’ level of expertise. Four hours of on-demand, online tutoring in your choice of over 150 subjects costs about $150, while an hour costs roughly $45.

You can also submit your or your child’s sample SAT or a school essay assignment for a comprehensive review by an expert writing tutor. Fees for this service range from around $13 for an SAT essay to approximately $32 for a standard-length essay and around $50 for an essay over 10 pages long.

For older students looking to land a job or start college, Smarthinking’s resume, college admissions essay, and cover letter review services could help them reach their goals.

Best Test Prep : TutaPoint

  • Price: $50 to $95 an hour
  • Ages: Middle school through high school students

Tutapoint prides itself on being a one-stop shop for standardized test prep for students. The service is designed to help students tackle these daunting tests by arming them with online workbooks, practice drills, and test-taking strategies.

ACT/SAT prep

24-hour turnaround for editing papers

Basic website

No discounts for paying for more sessions up front

Staffed primarily by retired teachers, college and university professors, and teaching assistants, TutaPoint offers some of the best online tutoring services on the market for SAT's latest prep.

While basic tutoring is $50 per hour, TutaPoint packages for SAT test prep start at about $85 an hour (plus $350 for the optional electronic TutaPoint test preparation workbook). There's also a $95 an hour plan for specialized test prep.

Each online test prep student gets guidance in test-taking strategies built around their specific strengths and weaknesses. Most packages also include access to an online portal with quizzes and practice drills. Students with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, or learning disabilities can access live sessions with TutaPoint tutors who have specialized training in helping students with learning differences.

Best for Math Tutoring : Mathnasium

  • Price: Varies by program and location
  • Ages: Elementary through high school

Kids get a private math expert tutor and personalized plan to help them improve their math skills, all online, via Mathnasium@home.

Math expert tutors

Personalized learning plans

Face-to-face virtual instruction

Focus is on STEM subjects

Unclear how often tutors can meet with students

Mathnasium is a neighborhood-based, math-only learning center franchise with over 1,000 locations. Mathnasium@home is an online alternative that offers the same customized, one-on-one math tutoring programs taught by the same expert instructors.

Designed to help both students who struggle with math and advanced students who want to be challenged and up their STEM game, Mathnasium’s program starts with a detailed assessment of each elementary, middle school, or high school student’s current grasp of relevant math concepts. Then, a private tutor will design a personalized plan that caters to that student’s particular strengths and weaknesses. Homework help and test prep are baked into the curriculum, and regular evaluations are used to periodically assess each student’s progress.

Prices for Mathnasium@home programs vary by ZIP code, but current estimates online range from about $200 to $300 per month.

Working with an online tutor is a great way to gain any number of academic and/or professional skills, or improve the ones you already have. The services above are especially helpful for students and professionals with busy schedules who need to find a way to fit in a quick tutoring session without having to travel to a location. We chose Chegg Study as the best overall online tutoring service due to its affordability, convenience, and range of subjects offered.

Compare Online Tutoring Services

Guide to choosing the best online tutoring service.

You'll want to sort through a number of features to determine the best online tutoring service, but it's important to first identify the purposes for which you need a tutor and be sure a service's offerings align with your needs. You'll also want to consider the technology your student will need to use.

For example, you may seek a tutor to prep for a specific standardized test, or you may want a tutor to help a student struggling with a specific subject. Providers of online tutoring services may include:

  • Qualified teachers
  • Subject matter experts

They teach students in one-on-one sessions via video chat, phone, or even online chat and email. You may want to build a long-term relationship with a specific tutor over time, or you might use a tutoring service that allows you to contact a variety of instructors at any time, day or night. 

While cost is often a consideration, value may be more important to you and your student. Some services like Chegg Study, our top pick, aren't free, but they're more affordable than other programs. A more comprehensive online tutoring service, with experts and high-quality resources like practice tests, may be worth the added expense.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should use online tutoring services.

Reasons for using an online tutoring service include both the need to improve in a specific subject and the need for academic enrichment. Some people want to prepare for a standardized test or focus on specific tasks, like writing college entrance essays.

Is Quick Homework Help Available Through Online Tutoring?

Yes, online tutoring services do serve students who need instant homework help. Some online tutoring services give students access to a subject matter expert at any time, day or night. Quick-answer services may be more cost-effective than the longer-term tutoring plans.

Is Paying for a Tutor Worth It?

The answer likely depends on your family budget and your reasons for hiring a tutor. The best value comes when you've chosen a qualified tutor with whom the one-on-one sessions work well, and you're careful to support the effort at home. Check with your student's teacher, too, to be sure tutoring is worth it.

We selected these programs for our list of the best online tutoring services based on the variety of available subjects and tutoring/teaching expertise, along with quality, affordability, schedule flexibility, tutor availability, and user-friendly technology. We chose some tutoring services because they had a mix of all or many of these elements, according to users. Others made it onto the list because of a specific benefit that made them stand out. For example, Preply earned a spot on the list because of its laser focus on assisting language learners of all stripes. Likewise, Smarthinking is ideal for students who need to sharpen their writing skills.

Yulia Shaihudinova / Getty Images

By Laura Dorwart Laura Dorwart, Ph.D., is an Ohio-based freelance writer and expert in social work, prenatal testing, neonatal nursing, and prison healthcare reform. Her beats include mental health, pregnancy, disability, parenting, education, relationships, pop culture (especially television), queer issues, the performing arts, feminism, and politics.

Here are the 5 best online tutoring services for K-12 students in 2022:

The best online tutoring service overall, the best online tutoring service for bipoc students, the best affordable online tutoring service, the best special education online tutoring service, the best online tutoring service for reluctant learners, other online tutoring services we considered, how we selected the best online tutoring services, the 5 best online tutoring services for k-12 students, including special education options.

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Whether students need extra help with their math homework or a boost in reading comprehension, one-on-one tutoring is a time-honored way to help kids succeed in school.

While parents can find great options within their local school districts, the one-on-one online tutoring services in this guide provide K-12 tutors across all states and subjects. We also avoided traditional in-person franchises in favor of services with an online focus. 

Insider Reviews spoke with Teresa Lubovich, spokesperson for the National Tutoring Association and owner of Poulsbo Tutoring in Washington, and Mel Jackman, a managing director of the East Harlem Tutorial Program , to gather selection criteria for the best online tutoring services (read more about our criteria at the end of this guide). Neither expert is affiliated with any of our picks.

We also reached out to K-12 online tutoring programs across the country to see if they fit our criteria and considered whether they stand out in any one category. Here are our top five picks, as well as some wonderful programs that didn't necessarily fit into a category.

Best online tutoring service overall: ArborBridge, from $145 ArborBridge matches highly trained K-12 academic tutors with students to facilitate learning across all subjects.

Best online tutoring service for BIPOC children: INC Education, from $65 INC is an award-winning tutoring program that gives BIPOC students agency in their personalized learning experience.

Best affordable online tutoring service: Varsity Tutors, from $269 Varsity Tutors is a vast, popular program featuring over 3,000 subjects, from basics to Mandarin to computer science.

Best online tutoring service for special education: Special Education Resource, from $275 Special Education Resource is deeply committed to serving students with a wide range of disabilities from nonverbal autism to ADHD.

Best online tutoring service for reluctant learners: Central Park Tutors, from $110 Central Park Tutors offers highly specialized services for kids who have a wide range of learning styles and needs.

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ArborBridge matches highly trained K-12 academic tutors with students to facilitate learning across all subjects.

Pros : Distinguished tutors, highly personalized interactive experience, covers many subjects

Cons : Expensive, website can be difficult to navigate

Cost: $160 an hour

ArborBridge has offered national online tutoring for 10 years and is widely known for its test-prep services and top-of-the-line academic tutoring in every K-12 subject. Its instructors are specially trained to engage students through video chat platforms.

Forging deep connections over video chat is a critical skill, according to Lubovich. "The students need to feel connected to the tutor as if they were in person," she said. "How the tutor does that through the screen to reach in and draw them out, that's a skill — and it's really important."

Tutors at ArborBridge have a full online toolbox to draw from — from whiteboards to shared screens to interactive capabilities — and are constantly adjusting the tools and techniques they use to meet the unique needs of each student.

Every ArborBridge tutor graduated from a top-rated liberal arts or research university and has significant teaching experience. Beyond these requirements, tutors go through a rigorous interview process to evaluate their competence.

It also features a comprehensive student-tutor matching program for elementary, middle, and high school students. 

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INC is an award-winning tutoring program that gives BIPOC students agency in their personalized learning experience.

Pros: Racially inclusive, affordable, stringent process for student/tutor match

Cons: Some subjects are not available

Cost: The average cost is $65 an hour, but each family receives a unique price package depending on their needs.

INC Education is the largest online tutoring program for BIPOC students. Since 2013, Dallas-based INC Education, which stands for "It's Not Complicated," has expanded its program from a one-man show — founder Jay Veal — to 100 tutors in many subjects (including dance!) and 10,000 students across the United States.

Veal started as a math teacher who was frustrated by the lack of diversity in the educational field. According to studies , students have more academic success when they are taught by same-race and same-gendered teachers, yet most school teachers are white women .

"The role model effect is real," said Jackman. "There's so much evidence that having one teacher of the same race is enough to give the student ambition and drive. You don't know what you can be if you don't see it."

The national program features a staff of more than 90 BIPOC tutors, many with master's degrees. Veal, who delivered a TED Talk, has won several awards for the program, including the 2019 United Nations Global Leadership Award Honoree for SDG 4 Goal of Quality Education.

Before beginning instruction, INC assesses every student and treats them like "little brothers and sisters," according to Veal. The service also incorporates each student's parents into the process and, if needed, their school teachers. Students can choose the ethnicity and gender of their tutor, and every program is individually tailored.

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Varsity Tutors is a vast, popular program featuring over 3,000 subjects, from basics to Mandarin to computer science.

Pros : Affordable, vast options, has a placement algorithm

Cons : Commission rates for tutors vary widely

Cost: $269/year or $299 for 6 months

Varsity Tutors has over 40,000 tutors across the country and is a popular choice for parents seeking quality tutoring at an affordable price.

The service started in 2007 and has been mostly online for five years. Despite being one of the larger online tutoring programs, Varsity rigorously vets its applicants through simulations, background checks, and interviews, and has turned down tutors with perfect SAT scores if they can't convey information in a comprehensible way.

"One of the biggest things I tell my parents is to look for someone who makes a good connection with your student," said Lubovich. "Because it doesn't matter if they know the math. If they don't connect, they don't do well."

Varsity Tutors uses a placement algorithm to match students with tutors based on things like schedule, educational needs, proficiency, learning style, interests, and goals.

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Special Education Resource is deeply committed to serving students with a wide range of disabilities from nonverbal autism to ADHD.

Pros: Personalized attention, comprehensive approach, neurodiversity welcome, singular focus

Cons: Can be expensive

Cost: The average cost for a tailored program is $275 per month, but rates can vary widely from $35 to $2,000 per month.

Special Education Resource provides comprehensive online tutoring for kids with IEPs (individualized education plans). It is deeply committed to that goal, from assessment to evaluation — while many other tutoring services provide qualified special education academic tutoring, Special Education Resource has always been singularly focused on it.

Uniquely, the tutors are all part of the staff and are not independent contractors. This is a deliberate rule meant to create a family, according to co-founder Luke Dalien. All instructors have a four-year degree in special education as well as classroom experience.

"Not everyone is equipped for special education instruction," Lubovich said. "If a family has an IEP, they need to look for people who have been specifically trained."

Special Education Resource creates a very individually tailored experience for each child. In fact, Dalien said he personally meets with every parent individually, multiple times.

Students undergo a thorough assessment to be matched with the right instructor and also receive a specialized learning plan. Because of this, the rates vary widely depending on the needs of the student.

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Central Park Tutors offers highly specialized services for kids who have a wide range of learning styles and needs.

Pros: Run by teachers, values neurodiversity

Cons : Does not offer every subject

Cost: $110 an hour

Central Park Tutors offers K-12 homework help and academic coaching in many basic subjects like physics and history. While it serves all children, the service also offers specific methods like the Orton-Gillingham and Wilson multisensory reading systems designed for kids with dyslexia.

Many tutoring programs were launched by entrepreneurs, but Central Park Tutors was founded in 2005 by two teachers and scholars: husband and wife Mike Wallach and Susana Kraglievich. The service now has about 90 tutors on its roster, each with a master's degree or higher.

The program's tutors thrive on making information fun and digestible for students who have lost interest in school, or who may have depression or learning disabilities. They abide by the principles of education authors like Alfie Kohn and John Holt, who value unconditional support and respect for students.

"You want a program that will humanize the learning experience and recognize the magnificence of the children's brains and how powerful they are," said Jackman. 

Central Park Tutors' intake system is very thorough, with each student receiving a custom plan and well-matched tutor. Despite its name, the service has worked with students from New York to Shanghai. However, most of the tutors are trained and based in New York. 

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We looked at many options while choosing the best online tutoring services. Over time, we refined our criteria and had to leave off certain programs, including the following:

  • BrainStorm Tutoring & Arts : BrainStorm is an award-winning tutoring program that uses a hands-on approach. It didn't make it to the top because it is primarily based in New York, New Jersey, and Branson, Missouri, and has only just started to gain national traction. BrainStorm is a great option for kids who need help with basic subjects, as well as ancillary skills like time management, intellectual stamina, and self-confidence.
  • K12.com , Skooli.com , Tutor.com , and Wyzant : We did not include these four popular programs because they ask parents to independently choose tutors from a list of profiles. This format may be preferable for some families, but we only selected programs that utilize a deliberate matchmaking system. These services may be good options for parents and students who want complete control over the tutor selection process.

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Not all online tutoring services are created equal, and not all of them will suit your child's specific needs. There is an almost infinite number of programs online, and there is no one set of guidelines. Parents do have plenty of criteria to work with, though. Here's how we evaluated the tutoring programs featured in this guide:

Are the tutors qualified?

It's important to look for qualified tutors who generally have a degree in their field and a background in education. Tutors might opt for certification under the National Tutoring Association or the Association for the Tutoring and Coaching Profession , but there are no laws that regulate tutors or require these certifications.

Does the program offer shorter tutoring sessions?

Lubovich said that two-hour sessions are rare — as they should be — because they're pushing the absolute limit. Sessions should also include some breaks for physical movement, especially when it comes to young children.

Is there a contract?

Companies should give parents a contract complete with expectations, and they should comply with all children's online privacy laws .

Is the approach holistic and transparent?

A good tutoring program looks at the whole student rather than simply their grades or test scores. Look for services that assess children in advance and deliberately match them with tutors based on expertise and personality.

Tutoring should also take into account everything that is going on in a kid's life, such as trauma at home, not just scores. Frequent, transparent check-ins between tutors and parents are essential.

"You should be able to ask questions," Jackman said. "What is the staff like, is the learning process transparent, can I come take a peek or see a recorded video? Parents should feel empowered."

The holistic approach is particularly crucial for marginalized students. At a baseline, children with disabilities should be matched with specialized, qualified tutors. However, Jackman argued that tutoring companies should go beyond that by embracing diversity in every form, whether that means having a diverse staff, requiring anti-bias training among tutors, or offering discounts or equipment to lower-income students.

"It's not just about giving kids information, but celebrating who they are," Jackman said.

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