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Plastic Waste Recycling Plant – Business Plan, Profit & Cost

Sushma Singh

  • November 14, 2023
  • 20 min read

Plastic Waste Recycling Plant – Business Plan, Profit & Cost

In today’s world, the environmental challenges posed by plastic waste have become increasingly pressing. Recycling is a vital and lucrative industry dedicated to addressing the grave issue of plastic pollution. Recycling plants aim to solve the crisis by converting plastic waste into valuable resources, contributing to a more sustainable future. In this article, we have presented a comprehensive overview of establishing a plastic waste recycling plant, including the outline of a detailed business plan, assessment of potential profits, and analysis of the associated costs. This will provide valuable insights to individuals and organizations who are in dual mind over entering this industry.

Impact of Plastic and its Products

  • Plastic waste is toxic and creates immense damage to the land where it is decomposed.
  • Plastic waste is entirely non-biodegradable. This implies it cannot be destroyed or mix with the soil. In any case, to get rid of it, it has to be burnt, releasing toxic gases such as carbon monoxide that harms the environment and human health.
  • Soil gets damaged when plastic is buried inside it as it stops the aeration and passing of other minerals that are imperative for soil growth.
  • Water bodies and aquatic life is adversely affected due to the plastic waste being disposed of in the water. It hinders the sunlight and oxygen into the water, which disturbs aquatic life immensely.
  • Plastic is made by certain chemicals; those chemicals are toxic to the environment.
  • With the increase in plastic waste, it has occupied a considerable land share, which could be used for better purposes.

Plastic Waste Recycling Plant – Business Plan, Profit & Cost

Plastic Waste Recycling Plant – Business Plan, Profit & Cost

Plastic is a group of materials, either synthetic or semi-synthetic materials or naturally occurring, non-biodegradable substances. Plastic is shaped when it is soft and hardened to retain the given shape. These substances are hazardous to air, water, and soil.

Environmental protection is not only about raising awareness among people but also taking action to preserve the environment and prevent harmful impacts on nature. One of the primary concerns contributing to environmental problems is excessive plastic usage. Despite governmental bans on plastic, people often don’t hesitate to use plastic-based products. Instead of debating how to use plastic without causing harm, it is crucial to deeply understand what plastic is and take measures to reduce its usage.

According to studies and research conducted by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of National Chemical Laboratory, the future of the plastic recycling business in India looks promising. In certain aspects of the plastic recycling industry, India is surpassing countries like European nations, the US, and Japan.

Accredited reports indicate that India produces approximately 900,000 tons of polyethylene terephthalate, a type of plastic, annually. The profit margin in this business is significantly high. The increasing profitability resulting from large-scale recycling operations has attracted a considerable number of business entrepreneurs to venture into this field.

If you’re considering pursuing this business as a career option, it’s important to have a good understanding of its operations, functions, and the required capital. Don’t assume that it’s only accessible to wealthy individuals given the wide range of opportunities it presents. You don’t have to necessarily jump into the realm of large-scale plastic recycling plants; instead, you can begin with a small-scale plastic recycling plant to initiate your business.

Before jumping into the plastic waste recycling business, you need to chalk out a well-thought plan and understand the vital factors you need to consider before entering the industry. A proper business plan helps in getting loan approved and invite other investors .

Here is the plastic waste recycling plant business plan that would ensure that you remain on track and focused:

1. Market Research

Before venturing into the plastic recycling business, it’s crucial to create a well-planned strategy. As you are new to this business doing proper research would be of great help. You can divide the analysis into two parts, i.e., primary and secondary.

  • Primary research would include visiting the recycling plants and preparing questionnaires based on it and the meet consultants.
  • Secondary research would comprise of reading articles, reports and analyze the data. Based on the study, prepare the pros and cons. This research would educate you about types of plastic, their demand, and selling price.

Consider the type of plastic you will recycle and understand the recycling process. Determine the scale of your operation and calculate the required investment for a plastic recycling plant in India. Procure necessary machinery and raw materials. Focus on collecting plastic and identify your target market for recycled products. Calculate profit margins and ensure your investment generates long-term returns. Lastly, prepare a feasibility report to assess the practical and economic viability of the business, providing insights into investments and returns.

2. Location

The first requirement for setting up a plastic recycling operation is a suitable space. This space should be large enough to accommodate all the necessary machinery, equipment, utility items, and storage for collected waste and packaged recycled products. It should also include a small office area for coordination. Adequate access to electricity and water supply is crucial, considering potential electricity cuts.

When selecting a location, it is beneficial to choose an area on the outskirts of the city, as it can provide more space at a lower cost and easier access to potential customers in the industrial sector. The total space needed should be calculated based on the machinery, equipment, waste, storage, packaging, and office requirements.

3. Legal Permit

woman stamping a document

Before commencing your recycling business, it is crucial to obtain the necessary licenses and permits from regulatory bodies, local governments, and environmental agencies. Failure to comply with regulations can lead to legal action due to the pollution associated with recycling activities. Register your business with the ROC and acquire a trade license from municipal authorities, pollution control boards, and fire authorities. By obtaining these permissions, you may be eligible for tax benefits for three years and secure a collateral-free loan of up to 2 crores from a bank.

Operating without proper legal permits is not permissible. Ensure that your plastic recycling business in India is registered with the ROC, holds a trade license from municipal authorities, and has certifications from the pollution control board and fire authorities, demonstrating adherence to safety protocols.

Here are the necessary licenses and permits for initiating a plastic recycling enterprise:

  • Registration with MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) department.
  • Obtaining a GST (Goods and Services Tax) certificate.
  • Registration with Udyog Aadhar, a unique identification number for small businesses.
  • Acquiring a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the state pollution control board.
  • Developing a business layout plan.
  • Presenting valid lease or land documents.

4. Machinery

To begin, gather information on the specific machinery needed and conduct market research to identify reputable dealers who offer high-quality machinery at competitive prices along with additional service benefits. Prioritize sealing the deal with the dealer that offers the best prices and reliable technical support during emergencies. The scale of your operation will influence the machinery requirements and corresponding price fluctuations.

Focus on assessing the necessary machinery based on factors such as business size, budget, plastic type to be recycled, and desired end product. Opt for user-friendly, energy-efficient, and highly efficient machinery. Lastly, identify the supplier who offers superior quality, reasonable prices, and favorable service benefits for future support.

5. Raw Material

To start a low-cost plastic waste recycling business, it is crucial to identify the sources for raw materials and scrap as well as the points of sale after recycling. Many individuals in this industry reach out to rag pickers and local municipalities for assistance in obtaining raw materials. It is essential to document all acquired information in an Excel spreadsheet to determine the optimal sources for raw materials.

To ensure a consistent supply of plastic waste, it is necessary to establish contact with multiple plastic waste suppliers. Once the plastic waste is collected, the next step involves sorting the materials, specifically focusing on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics.

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6. Technicians and Labors

Factory Auditor

To successfully carry out the recycling process, you will need both technical expertise and a workforce. Start by hiring a knowledgeable technician who is familiar with the machinery and the process of recycling plastic. You can initially hire the technician for a specific period and learn from their expertise to eventually handle the process on your own, which can help save costs.

Additionally, consider seeking guidance from experts or enrolling in a short course to enhance your understanding of recycling. It’s also essential to engage laborers who can assist you in completing the various tasks required for the recycling process. The number of laborers needed will depend on the scale of your recycling plant, whether it is small, medium, or large.

Furthermore, consider hiring professionals such as accountants, advisors, managers, and engineers to support your project. As a newcomer to the industry, having an advisor who can guide you through the recycling process efficiently is highly recommended. Aim to build a team that is versatile and capable of handling multiple responsibilities to ensure smooth operations.

The personnel needed to establish this plastic recycling venture include:

  • Technicians
  • Skilled laborers
  • Unskilled laborers

Additionally, it is crucial to provide comprehensive training to these employees in the following areas:

  • Operation of machinery
  • Handling of equipment
  • Safety measures and precautions

7. Capital Investment

After conducting a thorough study for your business plan, you would have gained a good understanding of the financial requirements for starting your business. The amount of money needed will depend on factors such as the location you choose, the size of your business, the type of recycling plant, the scale of production, and whether the equipment is leased or self-owned.

Given the significant investment involved in setting up a plastic recycling plant, it is common to consider financing options such as taking a loan. The cost of establishing a factory can range from Rs 5 to Rs 10 lakhs , with an additional payment of at least Rs 3.5 lakhs and up to Rs 35 lakhs in the process of recycling.

Considering these factors, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the costs and develop a comprehensive financial plan to ensure the successful launch and operation of your plastic recycling business.

8. Marketing and Advertisement

Creating a marketing plan is crucial for any business, including a plastic recycling plant, as it helps establish brand awareness and capture market share. Leveraging social media platforms can effectively promote the business while keeping costs low. It is also beneficial to engage with NGOs and volunteers to showcase the company’s commitment to social participation.

Allocating a specific budget for each marketing strategy allows for proper planning of other aspects of the business. Utilizing social media for promotion is highly recommended due to its cost-effectiveness and wide reach. Thus, incorporating these strategies into the marketing plan can help drive success for the plastic recycling plant.

Utilizing social media platforms to create engaging pages, organize contests, and generate interest, and publishing informative articles, blogs, and explanations that validate our recycling methods and practices – these are some of the advertisement strategies that will help you promote your business.

9.Targeted customers

The demand for recycled plastic exists because it is cheaper than regular plastic. The market for recycled plastic depends on its grade, determining the potential customers. High-quality recycled plastic, obtained from a single recycling process, is used in the manufacturing of premium plastic products. Plastic that has been recycled multiple times is suitable for making plastic bottles.

The road department is a customer for low-quality recycled plastic, which they use in road construction alongside bitumen. Numerous examples show that roads have been successfully constructed using recycled plastic. To attract potential customers, you can provide product samples to other businesses involved in plastic manufacturing. If you offer good-quality recycled plastic at a reasonable price, customers will be interested in purchasing your product.

Some other consumer groups for this business are:

  • Retail and supermarkets stores.
  • Water bottle manufactures.
  • Beverage industry.
  • Construction industry.
  • Packaging industry.
  • Pipe manufacturers.

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Process Involved in Plastic Waste Recycling Plant

Plastic Waste Recycling Plant – Business Plan, Profit & Cost

  • To start the recycling process, the first step is to gather and separate the plastic waste based on its type, polymer composition, strength, and quality.
  • It is crucial to thoroughly wash the segregated plastic to remove any dirt, adhesives, tapes, or other materials that may be attached to it. This cleaning process often involves the use of specific chemicals mixed with water to effectively eliminate these substances from the plastic.
  • After washing, the plastic is shredded into smaller pieces or pellets . Shredding is essential as it facilitates easier recycling of the plastic. Breaking it down into smaller components makes it more manageable for the recycling process.
  • Once the plastic has been shredded, the remaining plastic fragments are classified using machines that identify their type and quality. This step is important because the quality of the plastic pellets obtained after recycling will determine the quality of the final plastic products . Manufacturers need this information to ensure they create products of the desired quality.
  • The shredded plastic is then sent for extrusion , where the pellets are melted and molded into new plastic forms.
  • The melted plastic material is subjected to heat compression in a recycling unit . The heated and molten plastic is thoroughly mixed and shaped into the desired product. Afterward, the molten plastic is cooled down, resulting in the formation of a new plastic product.
  • Monomer is a process that involves reversing the polymerization reaction to create an entirely new polymer. This method helps to maintain the quality of the plastic to a significant extent. Once the new plastic production is complete, it undergoes finishing processes and is sold as raw material.

What Equipments are Required to Recycle the Plastic?

The machinery required for plastic waste recycling can vary depending on factors such as the desired quantity, quality, and end product specifications. However, here is a list of essential equipment commonly used in plastic recycling plants:

  • Dust Cleaner: Dust cleaner refers to a product or tool designed to remove dust from surfaces. The cost ranges from 200,000 to 250,000 rupees.
  • Melting machine: Used to melt plastic waste for further processing. This will cost around 1100000 rupees .
  • Rope processing machine: Specifically designed to handle plastic ropes and similar materials. The cost is around 330000 rupees.
  • Plastic Scrap Shredder/Grinder: It is a machine used to break down plastic waste into smaller pieces or particles, designed to reduce the size of plastic materials. The cost depends on the capacity and is approximately 250,000 rupees.
  • Washing Machine: It is priced at around 150,000 rupees. It removes dirt, contaminants, and residues from plastic waste.
  • Conveyor Machine/belt: This machine transports plastic waste and processed materials between different stages of the recycling process. The cost is approximately 150,000 rupees.
  • Agglomerator Machine: An agglomerator machine is a type of equipment used in various industries for the process of agglomeration, referring to the formation of larger particles or aggregates by combining smaller particles or materials together. It is priced at approximately 350,000 rupees.
  • Plastic Recycling Machine: The cost ranges from 1,000,000 to 1,300,000 rupees and includes components like a water tank, cutter machine, machine panel, etc. This is the central unit where plastic waste is processed and transformed into reusable materials.
  • Sorting machine: Automatically separates different types of plastic based on their properties and characteristics. This costs around 800000 – 3500000 rupees.
  • Compressor: Compresses plastic waste into compact forms for easier storage and transportation. The approximate cost is 190000 rupees.
  • Extruder machine: Converts melted plastic into a usable form for manufacturing new products. This costs around 1350000-1500000 rupees.

It’s important to note that the specific equipment and machinery required may vary depending on the scale and specific goals of a given plastic recycling operation.

Plastic Waste Recycling Plant Cost in India

The cost of setting up a plastic recycling plant in India depends on various factors, including:

  • Type of plant and machinery chosen.
  • Whether equipment is purchased or leased.
  • Quality of equipment.
  • Profit margins.
  • Resources used.
  • Scale of production.

To calculate the precise cost, one must consider all the required machinery and equipment. Saving money on land costs can be achieved by purchasing land on the outskirts rather than in the city center. Funding options include using personal savings or obtaining a loan from a bank or financial institution.

The initial investment for setting up the plant can range from Rs 5 to 10 lakhs , with an additional expenditure of at least Rs 3.5 lakhs to Rs 35 lakhs for machinery . It is important to prioritize good quality machinery to ensure efficient production and high-quality end products. Ongoing expenses vary based on the scale of the business and may range from Rs 1 to 2 lakhs per month , excluding unexpected costs and faults. Labor and technician costs should also be considered, along with the purchase of plastic raw materials, which can amount to Rs 25,000 to 50,000 per month .

Other costs to include are transportation, marketing, grading, manufacturing, and packaging. Overall, the total investment required for starting a plastic recycling plant in India is around Rs 10 to 50 lakhs , depending on the size of the plant. It is recommended to explore options for business loans and subsidies through MSME’s PMEGP scheme and approach banks for financing. Monthly ongoing expenses consist of purchasing plastic scrap, labor salaries, utility bills, plant rent, and transportation costs.

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Return on Investment and Profits

person counting money

Starting a plastic recycling plant requires a significant initial investment, making it challenging to generate substantial profits in the early stages. However, one can finance the investment by obtaining a loan. The profitability increases as the investment costs are reduced. Another approach to boosting profits is venturing into the manufacturing of new products using recycled plastic. This includes a wide range of items like polythene bags, plastic bottles, boxes, containers, plates, spoons, forks, and more.

The market for finished recycled products is vast, and these items are priced competitively compared to fresh plastic alternatives. Due to their affordability, they enjoy higher demand from customers, resulting in increased sales. Moreover, recycled plastic products are known for their durability, which further attracts buyers. Although the initial returns may not be significant due to the high investment, minimizing costs can lead to improved profit margins.

To further enhance profits, selling recycled plastic to distributors, contractors, or manufacturers can be a lucrative strategy. These entities are willing to pay a good amount for recycled plastic, thereby increasing the overall net profit. By adopting these approaches, a plastic recycling plant can optimize its return on investment (ROI) and establish a sustainable business model. A profit margin of 20%-60% can be expected. You can earn profits up to Rs 60K per month for each ton of recycled plastic.

Plastic Waste Business Plan Summary

Putting all the data together, setting up the plastic waste recycling plant is a sure-shot business idea to start right now. If you have the investment power and want to earn a good return on investment, do not think much! Remember, this industry has a massive market.

Today, even the roads are getting constructed with plastic waste; you can contact the road contractors and supply them with the plastic waste in a decent amount of money, which they will happily purchase.

Some Additional Facts

There are several compelling reasons to consider seizing this business opportunity in plastic recycling.

  • Firstly, the abundance of raw materials combined with minimal investment presents a significant potential for substantial sales.
  • Secondly, as consumers increasingly prioritize sustainability , there is a growing demand for recycled plastic as a substitute for traditional plastic products. This shift in consumer behavior creates a larger market for recycled plastics.
  • Thirdly, the space required to establish a plastic recycling plant is relatively small, ranging from 200 to 500 square feet , making it a feasible venture even in limited areas.
  • Lastly, many prominent companies are actively pursuing environmentally friendly practices, and by engaging in plastic recycling, your business can contribute to their sustainability goals . This generates a high demand both domestically and internationally, presenting opportunities for business expansion.

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To summarize, the vast availability of raw materials, low investment requirements, increasing consumer preference for recycled plastics, modest space requirements, and the potential to cater to the sustainability needs of major corporations all make this business opportunity in plastic recycling highly promising.

Also, the products made from recycled plastic have a vast market. It is solely because these products are enriched with robust quality and are highly durable.

There is no risk involved as the business is feasible and sustainable and has a comprehensive scope in the long run. It can turn out to be an astonishing money-making model if you will invest your time and money.

In conclusion, establishing a plastic waste recycling plant presents a viable and profitable business opportunity. The demand for plastic recycling is growing, and with a well-designed business plan, this venture holds significant potential for success. By effectively managing the cost of machinery, labor, and raw materials, while implementing efficient recycling processes, entrepreneurs can contribute to environmental sustainability while earning high profits.

Sushma Singh

Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online. Her work, largely based on research and useful information, helps both new and experienced gamers and business owners.

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1 thought on “plastic waste recycling plant – business plan, profit & cost”.

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There is a company named RECYCLEAN who provides consultation in setting up such plants. These guys doesn’t leave any stone unturned.

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5 Reasons to Start a Recycling Business in India

waste recycling business plan in india

  • August 24, 2023

With India’s ever-increasing population and urbanisation, the volume of waste generated daily has reached startling proportions. The unrestrained increase in waste generation endangers the ecosystem by contributing to air and water pollution, soil degradation, and climate change. As the need to address these environmental concerns grows, recycling has emerged as a critical pillar of sustainability and a gateway to constructing a greener, more sustainable future.

The Government of India has been forced to take tough regulatory steps to promote recycling and proper waste management as a result of the country’s environmental concerns. As the primary regulating authority for environmental problems, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has been constantly updating recommendations to promote efficient waste management practices and to encourage the adoption of recycling throughout industries and communities.

In this article, we list five reasons why India needs robust recycling businesses. These points, ranging from environmental concerns to rising market possibilities and the economic benefits of resource efficiency, present a compelling case for adopting sustainability through recycling.

  • Environmental Concerns and Regulatory Support

India’s rapid urbanisation and industrial growth have resulted in a huge increase in trash creation. As per a study by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs of the Government of India, India creates over 1.45 lakh metric tonnes of solid waste each year, of which 35 per cent is dry waste. 

As the country’s population grows, waste generation is predicted to increase at an alarming rate, making effective waste management more important than ever.   

The repercussions of incorrect trash disposal are extensive and highly troubling. Untreated waste frequently ends up in landfills, polluting the soil and groundwater. Open waste burning emits damaging greenhouse gases, contributing to air pollution and climate change. Furthermore, plastic waste is a major contributor to marine contamination, endangering aquatic life and ecosystems.  

To address these severe environmental concerns, the Indian government has launched several measures aimed at encouraging recycling and reducing the strain on landfills. The CPCB has been at the forefront of developing waste management and recycling rules and legislation. CPCB has made essential frameworks for waste management of hazardous waste , e-waste , municipal solid waste , bio-medical waste , plastic waste , and batteries management . All of these focus on responsible waste disposal and recycling promotion.

The Indian government has been unwavering in its commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability in recent years. Various initiatives and policy measures have been implemented around the country to boost recycling growth and promote appropriate waste management practices.

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission), established in 2014, is one such project to establish a clean and open-defecation-free India. The government emphasises waste segregation and recycling as vital components of maintaining sanitation and hygiene as part of this objective. Local governments, municipalities, and communities are actively urged to implement waste segregation and recycling practices at the grassroots level The merger of the Swachh Bharat Mission and the National Clean Air Programme increased waste management in 152 cities, with more central help offered for construction and demolition (C&D) waste management. Ninety-nine Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) have received approval for C&D waste processing plants and mechanical sweepers. While 116 ULBs have been sanctioned to develop facilities with a total capacity of 7,063.23 tonnes per day (TPD), with 103 ULBs gaining approval for sweepers with 518 TPD capacity. Under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0 , states are actively participating in generating reusable products at C&D garbage plants. Dedicated trucks efficiently manage waste transportation to collection centres and processing plants.

Another critical project that has gained traction in India is the concept of extended producer responsibility (EPR). Producers and brand owners are held accountable for the end-of-life management of their products, including packaging waste, under the EPR framework. By holding companies accountable for the waste generated by their products, EPR forces companies to follow stringent recycling practices and seriously consider using sustainable packaging materials.

To address the growing problem of plastic pollution, the Indian government has established plastic waste management rules. These restrictions require the collection and recycling of plastic waste, preventing it from ending up in landfills or polluting the environment. As a result, recycling companies that specialise in plastic trash have a significant chance to contribute to plastic waste management efforts and build a cleaner and safer world.

Furthermore, the government has actively supported the use of recycled materials in public procurement. This procurement preference generates market demand for recycled items and encourages enterprises to invest in recycling plants. Recycling enterprises not only help in trash reduction by adopting recycling and supplying recycled products to government bodies, but they can also gain government contracts, increasing their revenue and visibility.

Recycling development in India is being driven by government-led programmes, as well as increased public awareness of environmental issues. Starting a recycling firm as a responsible entrepreneur links your vision with the nation’s sustainable development goals while also contributing to a cleaner and greener future.

  • Expanding Market Potential for Recycled Products

With growing environmental consciousness among customers and businesses, the demand for eco-friendly and recycled items has increased significantly. Consumers are becoming more conscious of their environmental impact and are actively seeking products that are made sustainably and have a low environmental impact.

From packaging to textiles, automotive to construction, numerous industries are embracing sustainable practices and actively pursuing recycled materials as alternatives to traditional resources. As a recycling business owner, you have the opportunity to capitalise on this rising market potential and position yourself as a supplier of ecologically beneficial products.

For example, the building industry is a big user of raw materials and a significant contributor to construction and demolition (C&D) waste generation. You can offer sustainable solutions to builders and contractors trying to reduce their environmental effects by recycling C&D waste such as concrete, metal, and wood. Your recycled materials can be used as aggregates in concrete, asphalt fillers, or alternative building materials, thus, providing cost-effective and environmentally beneficial solutions.

Similarly, the packaging business is undergoing a paradigm change towards more environmentally friendly practices. With a surge in e-commerce and home deliveries, there is a greater need than ever for eco-friendly and recyclable packaging solutions. As a recycling company, you can meet the needs of the packaging sector by delivering recycled paper, cardboard, and plastics, thereby encouraging the circular economy for packaging materials.

The automotive industry is likewise enthusiastic about embracing sustainability through recycling. Recycled polymers and metals are used in a variety of automotive components, helping to reduce the industry’s dependency on virgin resources and contributing to a more sustainable mobility ecosystem.

With global corporations and international consumers increasingly valuing eco-friendly and socially responsible products, the market potential for recycled items goes beyond local borders. Your recycling business can attract foreign clients by developing a reputation for high-quality recycled items, which will boost your growth chances.

In India, the informal sector , which consists of waste pickers, scrap dealers, aggregators, and recyclers, plays a significant part in the circular economy by collecting and sorting waste from households before selling it to scrap dealers or aggregators. After being processed and shredded, the collected plastics are then sold in bundles to recyclers at particular collection locations.

  • Economic Viability and Resource Efficiency

Recycling not only helps to preserve the environment, but it also has substantial economic benefits. Resource efficiency, which focuses on maximising the utility of available resources while minimising waste and inefficiency, is a fundamental motivation for recycling.

Recycling waste materials keeps them out of landfills and puts them to good use. This lessens the demand for natural resources because recycled materials can be used in place of virgin resources in a variety of production processes. You can help maintain forests and minimise the need for excessive logging by recycling paper and cardboard. Similarly, recycling metals conserves energy and minimises greenhouse gas emissions caused by mining and refining.

Recycling can lead to cost savings for organisations. As opposed to creating products from raw materials, producing goods from recycled materials frequently needs less energy and fewer production stages. This resource efficiency can lead to lower production costs, making your recycled products more competitive in the market.

Furthermore, by recycling garbage, you avoid the need for additional landfill space as well as the associated waste disposal costs. Landfills are costly to maintain and, if not properly managed, can pose environmental hazards. You not only save money on disposal by diverting garbage from landfills but also contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.

The circular economy, which strives to create a closed-loop system in which materials are continuously reused, repurposed, and recycled, places a premium on resource efficiency. Adopting the circular economy concept in your recycling firm can be a game changer on the road to a more sustainable and resource-efficient future.

Recycling, in addition to cost savings, can bring economic prospects and jobs. As your recycling firm expands, you will be able to give work opportunities in your community, thus, contributing to social and economic growth. The circular economy strategy encourages entrepreneurship and innovation, resulting in the development of new business models and long-term projects.

A recent study predicts that the global market for metal recycling would reach USD 384 billion by 2030, with the Asia-Pacific region dominating the market in terms of revenue. To achieve a significant shift towards sustainable metal recycling in the nation, there is a need for more awareness campaigns, stricter laws, and increased collection and recycling efforts. This is especially true given India’s status as a major producer and consumer of steel, aluminium, and copper. However, India’s recycling rate for metals continues to be low compared to the global benchmark. There is a large opportunity for India in the scrap recycling business and recycler business, as only 30 per cent of scraps collected are recycled.

  • Leveraging Technology for Smarter Waste Management

Adopting technology is no longer an option in today’s fast-paced world; it is a requirement for organisations to prosper. Recycling companies may streamline operations, improve productivity, and promote environmental sustainability by adopting digital waste management systems. In today’s interconnected world, the use of digital solutions and technology has revolutionised a variety of industries, including recycling. Recycling organisations may improve their productivity, accuracy, and overall environmental effect by embracing technology.

One of the major difficulties in the recycling sector is garbage collection and segregation. Traditional waste collection methods can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Recycling enterprises, on the other hand, can optimise garbage collection routes with the use of technology, lowering fuel usage and emissions. Smart trash management systems with GPS tracking allow for real-time monitoring of waste collection vehicles, resulting in timely and efficient pick-ups.

The incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors can improve waste segregation even more. Bins with IoT capabilities can monitor fill levels and alert you when they need to be emptied. Furthermore, intelligent sorting devices can precisely separate recyclable elements from mixed garbage, reducing manual labour and enhancing the quality of recovered resources.

Data analytics can help you analyse trash generation patterns, identify contamination sources, and optimise recycling procedures. Recycling companies can customise their operations to the individual needs of distinct waste streams by analysing data on trash composition and creation rates. This will maximise resource recovery and minimise waste.

Abhay Deshpande , the founder and CEO of Recykal, mentioned three ways of technology use in waste management:

  • Mass Balancing: Waste management facilities track the weight of waste at various stages using electronic scales and sensors, providing real-time data on the amount being processed.
  • Robotic Vision: Advanced vision systems in robots enable speedy and precise sorting of waste items in materials recovery facilities (MRFs) based on colour, form, and texture.
  • Digitising the Deposit Refund System: Using technology such as QR codes in deposit refund schemes (DRS) enhances collection efficiency, engages consumers, and streamlines the recycling container process, which decreases manual tracking and verification.

Furthermore, technology contributes to greater transparency throughout the recycling value chain. For example, blockchain technology can be used to generate immutable records of waste transactions, assuring accountability and traceability. This level of transparency creates stakeholder trust and a sense of responsibility in waste management practices.

  • Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technology for Efficient Recycling

Technology is crucial in tackling environmental concerns and optimising company processes in today’s digital age. As an owner of a recycling company, partnering with cutting-edge technology can dramatically improve the efficiency and effect of your recycling efforts. Recykal, India’s top recycling technology platform, provides a revolutionary ecosystem that connects stakeholders across the recycling value chain.

Recykal is the first circular economy marketplace in Asia. Recykal’s platform functions as a digital link, connecting trash sources, garbage aggregators, recyclers, and manufacturers. The user-friendly interface of the platform enables frictionless transactions and transparent waste tracking. Thus, supporting a comprehensive approach to waste management and recycling.

By working with Recykal, your recycling company receives access to a large network of stakeholders, allowing you to process a wide variety of waste materials. Waste generators, such as corporations, municipalities, and homeowners, use the Recykal platform to efficiently channel their waste to authorised recyclers. This integrated method assures a consistent supply of recyclable materials for your company while optimising waste collection and processing.

Streamlining Recycling Processes with Recykal’s Platform

Recykal’s platform not only makes waste transactions easier but also delivers strong tools and information for improved waste management. You can acquire significant insights into waste trends, demand patterns, and market dynamics by using real-time data analytics. This data-driven strategy gives you the ability to make informed decisions, optimise your processes, and maximise your recycling efficiency.

Recykal’s digital platform observes high compliance standards, guaranteeing that your recycling firm follows environmental legislation and best practices. Compliance with rules is critical for establishing the confidence of stakeholders and attracting environmentally concerned partners such as manufacturers and producers who are interested in using recycled materials in their goods.

Recykal, as your technology partner, can help you revolutionise your recycling business while capitalising on India’s growing emphasis on sustainability. As more companies and individuals embrace recycling, your partnership with Recykal places your company at the forefront of this transformative movement.

Making Recycling Profitable by Adopting Sustainability 

As we delve into the reasons to start a recycling business in India, it becomes evident that recycling is not merely a business venture but a moral obligation to safeguard our environment and create a sustainable future. Environmental concerns, regulatory support, expanding market potential, economic viability, resource efficiency, cutting-edge technology, and government initiatives converge to make recycling an attractive and rewarding entrepreneurial endeavour.

India’s growing emphasis on sustainability, as reflected in the regulatory measures and government initiatives, creates a conducive environment for recycling businesses to thrive. By aligning with EPR guidelines, recycling businesses can build strong partnerships with manufacturers committed to sustainable practices.

The expanding market potential for recycled products presents a vast array of opportunities for entrepreneurs to provide eco-friendly alternatives to various industries. By recycling materials and reducing the demand for virgin resources, recycling businesses can play a pivotal role in creating a circular economy and promoting responsible consumption.

The economic viability and resource efficiency of recycling not only result in cost savings for businesses but also contribute to job creation and social impact. As recycling businesses grow, they can drive innovation and foster economic development at the grassroots level.

With Recykal’s cutting-edge technology platform, recycling businesses gain access to a comprehensive ecosystem that streamlines waste transactions, optimises waste management processes, and fosters compliance with environmental regulations. By partnering with Recykal, recycling businesses can make a profound impact on environmental conservation and contribute to India’s sustainable revolution.

Incorporating technology into waste management operations further enhances the efficiency and impact of recycling businesses. Smart waste management systems, IoT-enabled devices, and data analytics enable recycling businesses to optimise waste collection, enhance segregation, and make data-driven decisions for maximum resource recovery.

As India continues its journey towards sustainability, entrepreneurs who embark on the path of recycling are positioned to be the pioneers of change. By recognising the environmental challenges and embracing recycling, these visionary entrepreneurs can leave behind a legacy of environmental stewardship and pave the way for a greener and more sustainable India.

CTA:   Are you ready to change the world with your recycling business? Join Recykal and contribute to India’s sustainable revolution. Visit Recykal.com   to learn more about our technology platform and services and discover the actual potential of recycling.   

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How To Start Recycling Business In India? Recycling Business Ideas

Table of Contents:

1. Waste Recycling Business

2. starting a recycling business, 3. steps to starting a recycling business, 4. marketing for recycling business ideas.

Every year, we generate around 1.3 billion tonnes of waste per year at a global level. This amount is likely to increase to 2.2 billion tonnes per year by 2025. This figure is projected to increase by 70% by 2050. Hence, waste management has become a matter of grave concern across nations and also is a crucial point of focus for organisations like the World Bank and the United Nations. Poorly managed and dumped waste contributes to around 5% of the global carbon emissions and creates multiple complications in terms of toxic leaks, water and land pollution, and even landslides. High levels of waste products not only harm the environment adversely but also causes economic repercussions. Research has identified that each metric ton of poorly managed waste has a financial cost of $375, while proper management of a similar quantity costs only $50-$100.

waste recycling business plan in india

In light of this research, recycling has become a highly popular and effective solution to waste management. Governments and corporate entities have taken to recycling on a large scale. Several organisations are experimenting with the creation of commodities from recycled materials.

Recycling helps in conserving natural resources, protecting the ecosystem and reduces the carbon footprint significantly. From a business perspective, it requires a lesser amount of raw materials, is cheaper than waste collection and disposal, and also creates more job opportunities. With a growing demand for such initiatives, starting a recycling items retailership is a promising entrepreneurial venture.

The market is quite reliable, as there is a visible global shift towards sustainable living. However, while this makes entry into the market more comfortable, it also means greater competition. Having a detailed plan, sound finances and legal arrangements and strong marketing can enable you to run a healthy and successful business.

As in any business, you will have to learn about the science behind recycling to set up a retailership. Most recyclable waste is plastic, which is often toxic. Ensure that you are well informed about all the safety precautions you need to follow at your business site. It is essential to keep yourself updated on all the latest technology available so that you can meet the needs of your clients without compromising on quality as well as your budget.

Find Your Area Of Interest

Recycling is an emerging field with multiple possibilities of exploration. You have a variety of options to choose from in terms of quantity, material and process. Make an informed decision based on your budget, location and availability of materials. Experts suggest that it is best to pick one steam and develop expertise in it, as that gives you a more specific skill set.

There are multiple options you could choose from:

  • Aluminium Recycling: This is the most recycled item with minimal risks where you could use commonly found aluminium scrap like aluminium cans as raw material
  • Paper Recycling: Paper recycling is the oldest form of recycling with high availability of scrap material
  • Recycling of Tires: Tire waste consists of nylon, carbon and rubber, which can be reshaped into new material provided it is not burnt in any form
  • Electronic Waste Recycling: Electronic waste contains cadmium, phosphorus, lead etc., which has high value. However, e-waste also has some dangerous elements, and it is mandatory to have expert and strong safety precautions in your team. It will also require fulfilment for more conditions for licensure.
  • Plastic Material Recycling: This is the most often chosen option due to availability of plastic scrap.

Also Read: Top Waste Management Companies In India

Fix A Budget

Once you have decided your niche, you will have to draw up a budget to finance all the operations for the same. The budget should include costs for procuring the licenses and permits, a space to store and recycle the materials, wages for any employees you will be hiring, machinery and tools required for recycling, money to purchase the recyclables and vehicles for transportation .

waste recycling business plan in india

Choose a business structure

The next is to make a business structure, which will determine your role in the firm. You could opt for a sole proprietorship, where you would retain complete autonomy, but losses would impact you personally. The second choice would be a general liability partnership, where you would enter into the business with partners after deciding individual roles and stakes in the industry. You could also choose to have an LLC model (limited liability company), which would protect you from your company's losses.

Also Read: Aluminium Foil Manufacturers in India

Create a business plan

Creating a business plan is crucial to making a safe and trackable investment. Your business plan is a formal document that lists all the goals, procedures and potential profits of your business. It is instrumental in tracking your progress and also adds credibility to your venture when talking to vendors or investors. Your business plan should include your sources of capital, company's goals, target market and services offered, the organisational structure, procedures for procurement and sale of materials, market analysis and marketing strategies, the budget and expected profits.

Get the capital you need

There are multiple ways to source capital. You could look out for investors, obtain a loan from a bank, or choose to bootstrap. Recycling does require special machinery and safety gear, so ensure that your credit plan is healthy and practical.

License & Permits

Dealing with waste is contingent on following strict procedures and regulations. Waste is not segregated everywhere, so you need to ensure that you receive the necessary permits to collect waste safely. Collection of waste and scrap material would require a license from the local metropolitan authority as well as operational permits to work with the debris from the required regulatory bodies.

waste recycling business plan in india

Find a space for the business

The next step is to find a place to set up your recycling business. Choose a location that is away from residential localities, but close to any landfills or waste management body. This will help you reduce costs with transportation, and also allow you to network effectively and regularly with concerned authorities.

Hire your employees

Since this line of business requires supervision and workforce, you will have to hire people to work for you. Make an exact list of expectations and requirements before any interviews, as it will help you communicate with candidates entirely.

While referrals are the best way to kick off your business in the initial stages, do not restrict yourself to just word-of-mouth strategies. Digital marketing is emerging to be the most effective strategy in expanding the scope of any business. Research observes that in 2019, digital advertising was at a value of 221 billion rupees, which was an increase of 26% compared to 2018. Invest in a good website that reflects the essence of your organisation, and use it effectively to advertise your services.

waste recycling business plan in india

Ensure that you always insure all purchases related to the business. Creating a well-thought plan after research will make the process easy and also minimise complications. Apart from the good profits, the recycling industry is also highly eco-friendly. Recycling items retailership allows for you to reap profits without burdening the earth any further, making it a highly lucrative deal.

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5 Eco-Friendly Businesses You Can Start Using Waste & Minimal Investment

Thinking about starting a business with minimal investment? Here are 5 ideas for a sustainable business that tackle India's waste problem while helping you earn a neat income.

5 Eco-Friendly Businesses You Can Start Using Waste & Minimal Investment

Many have raised the concern that the waste management problem in India is mounting phenomenally, and rightly so. As much as 94 percent of the total waste collected in the country is dumped into landfills, left to pollute the environment. While some of this garbage is degradable, a large portion consists of materials like plastics, metals, and other substances which take hundreds and thousands of years to decompose.

But a simple fact sets this magnanimous problem in perspective: the less you dump, the less will collect.

Garbage disposal is a major travesty that is often considered irreplaceable owing to its scale. One may contest that eliminating the use of certain products and materials is impossible in daily life, thereby making its disposal after fulfillment inevitable.

While that is true, there is a solution. What if we told you that you can not only lessen the amount of waste that hits the dustbin, but can also generate a source of income out of it?

While many conscious citizens have begun responsible waste disposal at a personal level, some driven start-ups are igniting the spark for sustainable business on a larger scale. These are businesses that upcycle and recycle redundant objects to create commercially viable products .

The Better India shares five such sustainable business ideas which you can begin yourself to upscale waste management while profiting from it:

1. Upcycled Furniture

The fact that furniture is used in every household makes it a great avenue for upcycling waste. To reuse large quantities of waste materials, one can build products like chairs, tables, cupboards and more which are always in demand.

Pradeep Jadhav of Pune, for instance, started Gigantiques Furniture to create practical furniture models out of materials like used tyres and barrels. His career trajectory of having fulfilled over 500 orders confirms the growing ubiquity of such products.

Eco-friendly startup india

He said that the business requires a small seed investment, but has the potential to pick up and pay back in profits. One should look out for the cheapest sourcing options for the raw material and have a clear idea of what it can be fashioned into for best utility.

2. Recycled Products

Despite its cons, plastic offers great utility. This is why it flows into every Indian household in the form of carry bags, packaging, and storage containers.

The simplest way to begin a prudent business is to use this plastic to recycle into reusable products.

Mumbaikar Rita Maker is a fine example of such pragmatic action. She cuts strips of polythene bags and crochets them into mats, bags, and other products. “In 2016, I saw a video on Facebook in which a woman was making a mat out of Walmart shopping bags. That’s where I got the idea. I know how to crochet, so I collected all the polythene and plastic bags in the house and got to work,” she said.

Another inspiring idea reveals itself in Nandan Bhat’s brand Ecokaari. This Pune based start-up is minimising the amount of plastic bags, gift wrappers, and bags of pulses and flours that reach the landfill. Collecting all material from sources like local garbage collectors, Nandan takes them to a unit where they are washed and dried. The artisans employed under his brand cut this plastic into small strips and weave them into a fabric that is made into products.

He said, “We have options ranging from pouches, purses, hand bags, travel bags to electronic covers, which people can buy as per need.”

Eco-friendly startup india

3. Upcycled Decoration

Delhi-based Siddhant Kumar teaches us how one can begin a waste upcycling start-up with minimal investment. This IIT Bombay alumnus is running Denim Decor, a brand that refurbishes old decoration and utility items like lanterns and pen holders, among others, using denim clothing.

At the other end of town is 33-year-old Meenakshi Sharma who calls herself an upcycling artist. Her efforts reuse 200 kg of old clothes a month to make carpets, rugs, bags, and other products.

4. Eco-Friendly Crockery

The use of environment-friendly cutlery and crockery has been gaining fast momentum in the country. Madhavi and Venugopal of Hyderabad have capitalised on this trend to promote an eco-friendly lifestyle choice.

Their brand, Vistaraku, offers an alternative to styrofoam tableware in their products made of palash leaves.

Eco-friendly startup india

Quitting the worn out path of corporate careers, the couple began organic farming on a patch of land, where they now grow the said trees as well.

Venugopal says that with increasing awareness, the demand for sustainable products has been increasing as well.

5. Upcycled Home Decor

Dumped garbage can be transformed into beautiful decoration items, and you’d never be able to tell that it was once just waste. Beginning a small home decor business, one can reuse things like old plastic bottles, utensils, clothes, and more to make lamp shades, wall hangings, book covers and more.

A great example of this are the planters that Shikha Shah of Varanasi makes out of old plastic containers. She also uses electronic waste like hardware items that have fallen out of use to make out of the box stationery items like pen holders.

Eco-friendly startup india

What started as a venture to collect and paint glass bottles began getting her enough orders to expand her product range.

Her advice for some who wishes to explore sustainable entrepreneurship was:

  • Be creative and open to learning something new.
  • Get people’s feedback to find out what they need. Build products that fill that market gap.
  • Ensure that your products have a good quality about them.
  • Use social media to market your business.

Edited by Divya Sethu

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8 organisations that are making recycling easy in India

By Megha Sharma

recycling sustainable organisations waste management recycle ecofriendly organisations

Did you throw out the beverage cans last weekend after hosting your friends at home? Each of those aluminium cans could have generated sufficient energy to run a TV for three hours. The current climate crisis dictates that the general global population becomes mindful of their consumption patterns, and engage in sustainable practices for your waste segregation and management. There are many things you can do at home to do your bit for the environment, but should you need it, help is available outdoors as well. A variety of organisations have been launched in India itself, to help you reuse, reduce and recycle the products you use on an everyday basis. Ahead, we list down eight such startups and services that are trying to take you one step closer to a sustainable future.

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Mumbai -based Skrap provides an end-to-end process of waste management at events and offices. Founded in March 2017, they analyse waste generation data based on the type and size of event, devise a customised plan and implement it on the premises. The idea is to reduce waste significantly, and recycle a huge mass of what’s been produced. At the YouTube FanFest in March 2018, Skrap recycled, composted or reused almost 80 per cent of the four tonnes of waste generated. The sustainability firm has also worked with Bacardi NH7 Weekender and SBI Green Marathon.

Website: Skrap.in

Established in 2010 with the objective to accelerate recycling in India , Paperman launched a mobile app offering on-demand doorstep recycling, which people could use to directly connect with local ragmen to sell their waste. Their Circular Economy Model not only helps people recycle, but also pushes the money generated from it towards non-profits—Paperman has partnered with local NGOs for this. Along with this, the organisation’s initiatives also include public awareness programmes.

Website: Papermanfoundation.org

Saahas Zero Waste

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Saahas Zero Waste started as a Bengaluru -based NGO in 2001 and is now a full-blown organisation that diverts 53,000 kilograms of waste from landfills every day. They specialise in handling bulk waste produced by MNCs, residential communities, universities, tech parks and other organisations, and carrying out end-to-end turnkey projects. Using the sustainably managed and recycled waste, the firm creates clothing, stationery, bags and backpacks, and sells them on their website.

Website: Saahaszerowaste.com


Citizengage sustainability recycling waste management

Founded in 2015, this Bengaluru-based organisation helps food chains and restaurants manage their waste at the source. They collect reject waste from the premises, provide data-driven feedback modules on proper segregation to staff, and ensure that the highest possible amount of waste is reused or recycled. Through their mobile app, which also has a tracking monitor, customers can understand the quality and quantity of their waste on user-friendly graphs. Till date, Citizengage has diverted over 9,000 tonnes of waste from landfills, working with clients such as Smoke House Deli, Social, Blue Frog and Box 8, among others.

Website: Citizengage.co

Gem Enviro Management

Gem Enviro Management recycling sustainability ecofriendly green organisations

This one is a Producers Responsibility Organisation that helps you yield maximum benefits from your trash, and specialises in recycling all kinds of packaging waste. The pan-India service also makes recycled apparel, blankets and toys, majorly produced from their sustainably recycled PET bottles. Their clientele includes businesses like Google, ITC Hotels, The Claridges New Delhi, Coca Cola, Pepsi and more.

Website: Gemrecycling.com

Vital Waste

Vital Waste provides convenient and affordable recycling solutions to residents and corporate offices in Kolkata . They help reduce waste, reuse what is generated, and recycle the rest—collecting everything from PET plastic bottles, metal and e-waste to paper and cardboard. You can also fix a prior appointment to discuss your needs in detail.

Website: Vitalwaste.com

Namo E-waste

namo ewaste recycling green organisations waste management

With collection centres across 12 states and union territories in India, Namo E-waste helps reduce, reuse and recycle electronic assets. Once a customer has scheduled the electronic waste pickup, the organisation handles the collection and brings the waste to their recycling plant in Faridabad. Their client list includes Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces, ICICI Bank, Tata Sky and Godrej, among others.

Website: Namoewaste.com

Plastics for Change

The first recycler to be certified by the World Fair Trade Organisation, Plastics for Change connects waste-pickers to global markets, and helps brands switch to high-quality recycled plastic for p ackaging their goods . Their mobile app provides urban waste-pickers with access to fair market prices, and they are also slowly foraying into coastal communities to address the root cause of ocean plastic . Recently, they partnered with The Body Shop to help their supply chains transition to ethically-sourced, recycled and fair traded plastic.

Website: Plasticsforchange.org

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How To Start E-Waste Recycling Business in India

  • June 4, 2023
  • by Rupak Chakrabarty

Do you want to start an e-waste recycling business? If so, learn from this article, the important steps to follow to launch an e-waste recycling plant in India.

Information technology in India has grown exponentially in the last few years. The sales of electronic products have penetrated almost every household and office in the country. As a result, there has been a huge increase in e-waste volume. It is in fact, one of the most profitable recycling businesses in India.

This e-waste has created an environmental challenge in India. Hence, the need for more and more e-recycling facilities has compounded. Starting an e-waste recycling company in India requires reasonable investment and skilled manpower. Find below, the important steps to start an e-waste recycling plant in India.

Here are the 8 Steps to Start an E-waste Recycling Business in India

1. market research.

It is extremely important, to know more about the local demand for e-waste recycling services, prospective customers, and other existing players operating in a similar market. Hence, it is strongly recommended to do market research before actually jumping into forming an e-waste recycling company.

Also, do not forget to talk to the local competent authorities and gather information about the rules and regulations of operating an e-recycling business in your selected plant location.

2. Develop a Business Project Plan

After you have received the market information related to the local e-waste recycling industry, it is time to draft a business project plan. Some of the basic aspects your e-waste business project plan must address are as follows:

  • Planning to collect e-waste materials from offices and other businesses
  • How you are setting up processes to sort those e-wastes
  • Where do you plan to sell the e-waste recycled products

3. Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses

Starting and running an e-waste recycling plant in India requires a wider range of licenses and permits. This includes a Pollution Control Board (PCB) Authorization, a Consent to Establish (CTE) certificate, and a Consent to Operate (CTO) certificate. Below we list down the basic licenses required to start a recycling business in India:

  • Environmental clearance from the State Pollution Contol Board
  • Consent to establish certificate
  • Consent to operate certificate
  • Trade license
  • Authorization from SPCB
  • GST Registration
  • Fire safety certificate
  • NOC from the local pollution control board

Apart from the permits, it is advised to register your e-waste recycling business. There are various company formations to choose from. It can be a Sole proprietorship, partnership, LLP, or private limited company. Based on the size of your company, select the one that fits you best.

Read:   How to Register a Company in India

4. Cost of Starting an E-Waste Recycling Business in India

It is without saying, the cost and investment to launch an e-waste recycling plant in India will depend largely on the type of equipment, production output, factory rent, salary and wages, and license fees.

You will also need to factor in expenses for the transportation and storage of e-waste materials.

On average, the cost of starting a small-scale e-waste recycling business in India will be in the range of Rs. 10 lacs to Rs. 15 Lacs. The investment will increase to Rs 50 Lacs to 1 crore Indian Rupees for a mid-sized e-waste recycling plant facility.

5. Arrange Funds

Unless you have a good funding backup, there is every reason that there will be a need of availing loans from banks, government schemes, and financial institutions. In India, there are many banks that provide business-friendly terms and working capital loans to startups.

Read:   How to Get a Small Business Loan in India

6. Buy Equipment

Once you have obtained the necessary permits and funding, you can set up your e-waste recycling facility. You should ensure that your facility is equipped with the necessary equipment, such as shredders, crushers, and magnetic separators, and that it is designed to comply with environmental and safety regulations.

There is a wide range of elements and parts in electronic waste. These can be circuit boards, hard drives, metals, plastic films, magnetic chips, glass, and so on.

You will need to buy various types of tools and equipment to sort, separate, and crush those e-wastes. Below we list down some of the basic equipment, you will need to buy to process electronic waste in your plant facility.

a) Shredders: The first step in the e-waste recycling process is to rip up a wide range of components from electronic items. This is mostly done by shredding machines. Components like hard drives, ICs, printed circuit boards, etc. are generally shredded for further processing.

b) Magnetic Separators: In electronic waste, you will find both magnetic and non-magnetic components. Magnetic separators are generally used to declutter magnetic metals from non-magnetic materials.

c) Crushers: As a matter of fact, crushers play a major role in the e-waste recycling process. It is used to smash the e-waste materials into smaller pieces.

The other type of equipment you need to procure are as follows:

  • Screening equipment
  • Optical sorters
  • Dust collectors
  • Waste balers

7. Develop a Collection of Network

One of the most important parts of running an e-waste recycling facility is to source e-waste. You need to have a well-coordinated plan to collect e-waste materials from different sources.

Reach out to local electronic manufacturers and e-retailers and tie up with them for procuring the e-waste materials. Also, make arrangements with small and large business houses that create e-wastes. It is advised to appoint collection centers in strategic locations for easy procuring of e-wastes.

Also, do not forget to have sufficient space to store those collected e-waste materials.

8. Have a Marketing Plan

There are a lot of companies looking to sell e-wastes in India. You need to reach out to them both online and offline.

It is extremely important to have an effective marketing plan for the overall success of an e-waste recycling business.

Create a website and mention the type of services offered, company profile, and contact details. Also, promote your e-waste recycling facilities on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Publish advertisements in local newspapers and industry magazines. Trade shows and exhibitions are also good places for promoting your services.

It is without saying, starting an e-waste recycling business in India is not only profitable but also rewarding. However, it is challenging too. You will need to do proper planning to be successful in this venture.

waste recycling business plan in india

Hello, I’m Rupak Chakrabarty, a passionate advocate for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the driving force behind MUVSI Consulting, where I serve as a dedicated small business coach. With years of experience in the entrepreneurial world and a deep-rooted commitment to helping SMEs thrive, I bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and guidance to aspiring and established business owners alike.

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How to start a Plastic Recycling Business in India?

  • by SBH Team
  • February 12, 2024

As all, we know some types of plastic take 20 to 500 years to decompose in landfills. So limiting the use of plastic is essential not only for India but for the entire world.

Governments are also imposing a lot of rules for limiting the use of plastic and recycling plastic.

So, by starting a plastic recycling business, in addition to earning income, you can also contribute immensely to the environment.

This article provides complete details related to the plastic recycling business, business plan, required investment, required permits etc.

In this Post

Plastic Recycling Business Plan

  • Get enough knowledge about the business and the recycling process before you start this business. Visit the company where you are going to sell your end products (plastic granules)
  • Understand the plastic recycling demand in your area and decide what size plant you can start (small or medium scale).
  • Find a good location for your plastic recycling plant
  • Contact recycling machine suppliers and get quotations.
  • Approach any bank for an MSME business loan/subsidy with a proper business plan
  • Get the required licences and registrations for your business.
  • Visit scrap dealers & build a network of local scrap collectors in your area and get plastic waste from them.
  • Hire people to work in your plant. The exact manpower depends upon your business scale.

How to collect plastic waste for the recycling plant?

You can collect plastic waste from scrap dealers and local independent scrap collectors. You can also get a contract with the local municipality or gram panchayat.

How much space is needed to start this business?

The minimum plant space required is 2000 square feet. You need space to keep machines, sorted and unsorted plastic waste, finished products etc.

Rural or city outskirts with proper water resources, road connection & electrical supply are the ideal location to start this business.

How many workers does this business need?

For a medium-scale plastic recycling plant, the manpower required is around 10 to 12 people. You need manpower for sorting plastic waste, machine operating, loading and unloading etc.

Licences and Registrations Required

These are the licences and the permits required to start a plastic recycling business.

  • MSME Registration
  • GST certificate
  • Udyog Aadhar registration
  • NOC from the state pollution control board
  • Business Layout plan
  • Valid lease/land documents

Plastic Recycling Plant Cost

You require an investment of around 50 lakh rupees to start a plastic recycling plant in India. The exact investment depends on the size of the plant you are going to start.

With the above amount, you can start a medium-scale plastic recycling business. The major required for machine purchase and plant construction

The plastic recycling business comes under MSME’s, PMEGP scheme. ( Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme).

So you can approach banks for Business Loans and Subsidies.

The monthly ongoing expenses in this business are purchasing plastic scrap, labour salary, utility bills, plant rent, transportation etc.

What is the profit margin in the plastic recycling business?

You can expect 30%-40% profit from this business. So you can earn 40,000 to 60,000 monthly income from a small to medium-scale plastic recycling plant.

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Machinery Required

These are the machinery and equipment required to start a plastic recycling plant.

  • Dust Cleaner -> 2 to 2.5 lakhs
  • Plastic Scrap Shredder/Grinder -> 2.5 lakhs (depends upon the capacity)
  • Washing Machine -> 1.5 lakhs
  • Conveyor Machine -> 1.5 lakhs
  • Film Dryer – 3 lakhs
  • Agglomerator machine -> 3.5 lakhs
  • Plastic Recycling Machine – 10 to 13 lakhs (includes a water tank, cutter machine, machine panel, etc)

You can contact these machine suppliers through online B2B marketplaces like IndiaMART .

Steps in Plastic Recycling Process

These are the steps involved in the plastic recycling process.

  • Collecting plastic waste from scrap dealers
  • Sorting/separating plastic waste according to their type (PET, LDPE, PP etc)
  • Cleaning sorted plastic waste through a dust cleaner machine
  • Then this cleaned plastic is made into small pieces by a plastic shredder/grinder machine.
  • This shredded plastic is then put into a conveyor machine, which delivers it to the plastic washing machine.
  • The washing machine cleans the shredded paste thoroughly.
  • Then this cleaned wet plastic is dried through a film drier machine.
  • Next, an agglomerator machine makes this shredded plastic into smaller pieces.
  • Finally, these finely shredded plastic pieces are processed in a plastic recycling machine. In this machine, plastic pieces pass through a heating barrel, water tank and cutter machine and become plastic Granules.

Sorting Different Types of Plastic

There are many types of plastics available in the market. So, before starting the plastic recycling process you need to sort/separate them. The recycling process is carried out separately for each type of plastic.

These are the most common plastic types used in India,

  • Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) -> Soft drinks bottles, food trays, Water bottles
  • High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) -> Shampoo bottles, milk jugs, butter tubes tubes
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) -> Pipes, mouthwash bottles, cable insulation
  • Low-Density polyethylene (LDPE) -> bread bags, clothing, frozen food bags
  • Polypropylene (PP) -> Syrup bottles, Straws, packing tape, bottle caps
  • Polystyrene (PS) -> Disposable plates, Egg cartons, meat trays
  • Other plastics -> citrus juice bottles, nylon, safety glasses.

Among these plastic types PET, LDPE and PP are recycled the most in India.

I hope this article has resolved many of your doubts related to starting a plastic recycling business in India. If you have any suggestions feel free to mention them in the comment box below. If you like this article kindly share it with your friends.

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A Complete Guide to Textile Waste Recycling Business


Textile exports in India have seen tremendous growth since July, which increased by 50.86% in June 2021, even after the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, fast fashion and social media induce people to discard garments after single-use, which generates 5.7% of the solid waste streams.

The emerging global demand for sustainability has increased the value and need for textile waste recycling businesses as an eco-friendly alternative. 

textile loan

Table of Contents

What is textile recycling?

Recovering fibre, yarn, or fabric and reprocessing the textile material into fresh products for reuse and waste reduction are part of the process of textile recycling.

Technically all fibres can be recycled, but the current rate only points one per cent, possibly because natural fibres are unfortunately harder to recycle than synthetics.

The donation, collection, sorting, and processing of textiles followed by the transportation to the end-users of used garments or recovered materials comprise the necessary steps involved in this process.  

The basis of the textile recycling industry is the textile industry that has globally emerged as a trillion-dollar industry.

Other than reducing the fresh raw material consumption, it has secondary benefits such as low energy consumption, decreased air and water pollution, etc.

Choice of textile business

Based on how the textile waste is processed, there are three choices for the type of textile business to choose from before going for a suitable textile business loan: 

Textile Business Loan

Mechanical textile recycling business

The minimal amount of research and development required for this process makes it the easiest and most common option. To ensure profitable upcycling, choosing the suitable kind of machine based on the absolute requirement becomes imperative.

Garnett machinery would be the ideal choice for making downcycled fibres for making rags, carpets, fillings, or insulating materials.

Panipat, Haryana houses a giant recycling hub that utilizes such machines to make downcycled recycled products. There are very few conditions in waste requirements and, any textile waste could be run on the machine since the purpose of these machines is to downgrade the waste.

The shoddy fibres released as the output can then be used to make coarser yarns, rags, carpets, insulating materials, filling materials, etc., upon mixing with some other fibres.

You should purchase machines with different production capacities as per the scale of the business. Given a continuous supply of raw material, the amount of output that the machine can produce in fibres is expressed in kg/hr.

Another factor to consider while equipment financing is the quality of fibres since poor-quality fibres cannot be processed to finer yarn and decrease the value of reprocessed fibres. 

Chemical textile recycling business

Before you plan for the chemical textile recycling business or explore different textile business loans , acknowledge that it demands active knowledge of textile materials and chemistry. Most of the technology suited to this method are either in various testing stages or under-development. 

The fundamental should be to convert the fibre to the new without downgrading the recycled product through a chemical process that would differentiate and extract fibres from blends. 

Huge investments and partnerships from giant apparel companies, academic institutions, etc., are essential since most of the work is based on research and development.

But you do not have to be overwhelmed by the figures since there is easy credit available through facilities like Ziploan who can process your requirement within three days and hassle-free. 

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Garment upcycling and garment recycling business

The garment upscaling/recycling business takes in post-consumer goods to convert them through reconstructing and redesigning into valuable products such as fashionable apparel, accessories, home decors, etc.

Since it is feasible enough to be done through boutique shops, online brands, social enterprises, cooperative with NGOs, etc., this business is the easiest to set up and demands minimal investment costs.

A skilled workforce is a must to establish this business as each waste is unique, and an individual should be able to visualize new items from the available waste itself. Also, consider investing in different sewing machines that can help in creating unique products. 

Therefore there has to be a thorough study of the recycling market to estimate the product price, requirements, etc., to determine your textile business loan requirement.

The main end goal for this business is focused on becoming recognized as a sustainable, conscious brand while challenging the clothing industry.

Cost of setting up a textile business

Any business planning or idea is incomplete without considering the cost and estimated financial requirements. How much you would need as a start is determined by your scale of operation.

Along with that, calculate the cost of collecting the old textiles and transporting them for sale, recycling units, recycling plant, and wages for a minimum of five employees.

You may consider a textile business loan to fuel the establishment of your business. 

These would be the general expenses for a micro recycling plant and, it may be costlier to set up a plant from scratch. However, you can offset some costs by working collaboratively with the local community or applying for easy loans such as CGTMSE schemes .

The startup capital and working capital need to be in place. The setting up process can consume up to 5 to 10 lakh rupees in India, excluding machinery.  

What to keep in mind while establishing the business

  • Seek technical advice from experienced professionals and active textile recyclers. 
  • Understand the demand and different types of the market to an above-average degree. 
  • Famarilse with current prices of different textiles and identify the competitor in your community and their business practice. 
  • Look for cost-efficient ways to source and carry out deep financial planning to determine your source of working capital. That could be from personal savings, asset conversion, or textile business loans you can easily avail of from ZipLoan with no prepayment charges and basic eligibility criteria. 
  • Identify and locate your buyers to scale quickly by drawing out how to reach them.
  • Plan for a cost-effective supply source, consider the available schemes such as CGTMSE, and how you will transport the raw materials to your plant.
  • Maintain sound and regular accounts to stay afloat and track your cash flow, EMI on your textile business loan if you have, and expenses for every period. 

Keep yourself updated with the latest market trends, government regulations, prices of recycled fabrics, new equipment financing methods, and environmental developments.

Textile Waste Recycling – FAQs

What are specific textiles recycled into? Here are a few examples: Stuffed toys and pillows become car seat stuffing and automobile insulation. T-shirts, sheets, towels, and clothing become wiping cloths.

15.6% of clothes and shoes thrown away in the US end up being recycled – while average India throws away 37kg of clothes every year. 12% of the material used for clothing ends up being recycled.

Textile recycling is the process of recovering fiber, yarn, or fabric and reprocessing the textile material into useful products. Textile waste products are gathered from different sources and are then sorted and processed depending on their condition, composition, and resale value.

Every piece of clothing you’re wearing has gone through a complex manufacturing process that uses a high amount of electricity, water, and other energy sources. Recycling clothes saves energy by reducing or eliminating the need to make materials from scratch.

Their fate is not so pretty. Globally, 80% of discarded textiles are doomed for landfill or incineration. Only 20% are actually reused or recycled. The clothing that ends up in landfills can sit there for 200-plus years, and as it decomposes, it emits methane—a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon.

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How To Start an E-Waste Recycling Business – Cost, Licenses

  • February 14, 2023
  • by Next What Business Research Team

Do you want to start an e-waste recycling business in India with a low capital investment? Find here a detailed business plan guide for entrepreneurs looking forward to starting an e-waste recycling plant.

E-waste stands for electronic waste. Generally, the electronic items which we can reuse, recycle, resale, or dispose of are our potential e-waste items. Nowadays, e-waste includes a wide list of materials. Such as computers, office electronic equipment, entertainment device electronics, mobile phones, television sets, air conditioners, and refrigerators.

Broadly, it includes display units (CRT, LCD, LED monitors), processors (CPU, GPU, or APU chips), memory (DRAM or SRAM), and several audio components.

These days, e-waste is a burning issue both in developing and developed countries. The stock of e-waste is growing very fast. Therefore, this creates a requirement for effective recycling. Basically, the explosive growth of the electronics industry is the major reason for escalating the issue of landfill. Additionally, the reduced life spans of electrical, electronic, and consumer electronic devices are generating large e-waste.

Is E-waste Recycling Business Profitable?

Basically, the growth of the E-waste market is supplemented by the growing need for upgrading to the latest technologies. A desire for the adoption of new technologically advanced devices leads to the generation of millions of tons of E-Waste across various regions.

As per the International Finance Corporation (IFC), The electronic waste sector is going to create 4.5 lakh direct jobs by 2025 and another 1.8 lakh jobs in the allied sectors of the transportation and manufacturing industry in India.

Especially mobile devices, televisions, and computer devices are experiencing fast growth across the world. With increasing purchasing power and the rising trend of disposable income, the sale of these electronic devices is increasing continuously.

In addition, the new product launches with updated features and additional services are attracting customers to upgrade their old products with new products. This has reduced the lifespan of these devices to about 3-4 years.

Thus, this is adding more and more e-waste at a tremendous rate. Therefore, the ongoing sale of electronic products provides a lucrative environment for e-waste management in the coming years.

Why E-waste Recycling is Important?

  • First of all, e-waste contains a huge amount of precious metals. And we can use those metals after the recovery from the scrap.
  • Recycling e-waste helps to manage solid waste effectively.
  • Actually, old electronic devices contain toxic substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium. And these are tremendously harmful to the environment. Therefore, proper processing of e-waste is essential.
  • Nowadays, e-waste contributes to more than 70% of environmental pollution. And only recycling e-waste can reduce environmental pollution.

Licenses & Permission for E-waste Recycling Business

Starting an e-waste recycling and processing activity demands different types of permission and licensing from the Govt. authority. However, the specific requirements may vary from state to state. Here we have compiled some of the basic necessities.

  • First of all, apply for the Udyog Aadhaar MSME registration. You can apply this online.
  • After that, apply for the ‘consent to establish’ permission from the state Pollution Control Board. For applying, you have to submit several documents. The list includes a Site plan/index, Topographical Map, Detailed plant layout including DG set capacity in KVA, Process Flowsheet, Details of water pollution/air pollution control systems, SSI Certificate or NOC from the Directorate of Industries, Consent fees in form of DD in favor of the state PCB, local Body NOC and Undertaking on 20 Rs stamp paper or CA certificate about proposed investments
  • If you want to import the scrap, you will need to have permission from the environment ministry to import the e-scrap. Additionally, you can obtain a detailed procedure from CBEC (Central Board of Excise and Customs).

E-waste Recycling Business Model

In starting any business, it is important to create an effective business model. And creating the right business model is the make-or-break aspect of this business. As far as operation is concerned, you can break the overall activity into several steps.

These are collecting the devices, processing the scrap, and finally, getting the money in exchange for the components.

According to your investment capacity, it is important to determine the operational areas of your e-waste recycling business.

If you don’t want to collect the devices from the mass population, then you have to depend on the scrap collectors (Kawariwala). However, collecting the scrap from the users ensures a better margin along with brand awareness.

Cost of Starting an E-waste Recycling Business

An e-waste recycling business demands substantial capital investment. First of all, you have to put the investment into getting the necessary permissions and licenses. Additionally, you have to secure a space for operation with a dump yard.

The processing operation demands different equipment and tools. You have to hire skilled and professional manpower. And finally, you have to take care of the daily basic expenses related to the operation, marketing, etc.

The Total approximate cost of starting a small-scale e-waste recycling processing unit will start from 15 Lacs to more than 1 Crore depending upon the size and type of equipment.

Arranging Funds

Sourcing fund is one of the most critical steps in starting an e-waste recycling business. There are various ways of approaching funds to secure funding. Banks, government grants, and alternative lenders are some of the popular options.

You can also apply for instant business loans from personal loan apps. Also, apply for a credit card for handling small day-to-day business expenses.

Suggested Read:   Best Business Loans In India

10 Steps for Starting E-waste Recycling Business

1. After you decide to start the e-waste recycling business, check the online marketplace. Check the established e-waste recycling company websites for getting knowledge of their style of operation.

2. Create a brand name, a catchline, and a logo . These are all mandatory these days for operating a business successfully.

3. Register your business . Have the all necessary licenses and permissions.

4. Secure the space. Check the availability of commercial electricity and water. You must have a dumping yard. It is advisable to secure the space in an industrial area. Though it is not mandatory, it eliminates different social and political hazards.

5. Prepare the business model and create your company website . If you want to target the end consumers, then you can offer an instant quote facility for the devices. Additionally, you can offer a free pickup facility and an instant cash payment facility.

6. Determine the territory. It is very crucial when you collect the devices from the consumers. Because the distance is an important aspect of calculating the unit cost and net profit. Additionally, your consumers must know in which specific city your service is available.

7. Craft a marketing plan carefully. No business can be successful without an effective marketing plan. And in today’s digital world, you must concentrate on digital advertising.

8. Procure the essential equipment and tools for the operation.

9. Hire experienced and skilled manpower. Broadly, you have to hire employees for the processing, admin operation, pickup, and delivery facility and for marketing.

10. Finally, you must have the right software for leak-proof operation. E-waste recycling is a heavily detailed-oriented business. Therefore, you must have an integrated system for better monitoring and control of the business.


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Our legal advisor will contact you shortly.., how to start a glass recycling business in india.


  • Overview of Glass Recycling Business in India

Glass may be melted down and transformed into a variety of products, including drinking glasses and glass fiber. Glass is broken down into tiny pieces known as cullet and then sent to a manufacturing or recycling facility. The shattered parts are prepared for mixing with other raw materials like soda ash and sand by being crushed, sorted, cleaned, and prepared. To create new bottles of various colors and sizes, the raw materials and glass fragments are melted in a furnace and then molded. This process produces brand-new recycled bottles and jars. Did you know that it can replace recycled glass cement? Yes, I'm glad to hear that.

Table of Contents

Process of Glass Recycling

Business plan of glass recycling business, investment required for glass recycling business, obtain a business license for the glass recycling business, budget for glass recycling business, funding for glass recycling business, collection of waste glass, training of workers for glass recycling, opportunities in the recycling business.

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At recycling sites, glass waste can be turned into a cement substitute that can be used as an alternative to concrete or ash.  The recycling industry generates many small business ideas to help entrepreneurs start new businesses and do something for the environment. Glass is a non-destructive waste that must be recycled. Bottles and glass jars are 100% recyclable. In countries like Norway, 90% of glass comes from households and industry. Glass recycling is a great opportunity for small businesses. You can start a business in your own backyard or garage. If you intend to enter the glass processing industry, you must first understand the process.

The crushed glass and bottles are fed into the feeder hopper. After that, the glass is fed into a conveyer belt, which transports the material to a hammer mill. A screen is built into the hammer, and the glass is broken to the desired proportions by a machine called a jaw crusher. The material is next passed through a magnetic cross-belt, which removes any contamination such as aluminum, steel, or plastic lids. After that, the crushed glass is melted at a high temperature and molded into the desired shape to create the completed product.

Four out of five small firms fail during the first five years due to poor planning and management abilities. Your business plan will be required if you approach a bank or an investor for finance. After you have a thorough understanding of the glass recycling industry, you must proceed to the planning stage. Do proper research and talk to people who are knowledgeable and experienced. Investigate the various varieties of glasses and their applications. Learn about the machinery and technologies used to make recycled glass. Before investing your time and money in your new venture, conduct feasibility assessments. Budgeting and forecasting will be aided by the statistics and data obtained from your feasibility studies. 

Read Our Blog: Recycling Business Ideas in India

You must make your company appealing to potential investors if you want it to expand and succeed. Create a stunning brochure that includes information about your business, your team members, and the value they bring to the table.

Get a license from your local government authorities. You have to decide whether your business would be a sole proprietorship or a partnership. Hire a printer to print your business cards. Remember to put your phone number. Some major licenses which are required for the recycling business:

1. GST registration:   GST stands for goods and services tax, and it was implemented on July 1, 2017, in India, replacing approximately 15 additional cascading taxes imposed by the Central and State governments. Goods and services are taxed at varying rates under GST, depending on the categories established by the Indian government. 0 percent, 5%, 12%, 17%, 18%, and 28% are the various tax slabs. Rough precious and semi-precious stones are taxed at a special rate of 0.25 percent, while gold is taxed at 3%. In addition, a 22 percent CESS on top of a 28 percent CESS Aerated drinks, luxury autos, and tobacco goods are all subject to GST. GST replaced other indirect taxes, reshaping the country's 2.274 trillion-dollar economy considerably. GST registration is required for all enterprises doing business in India, whether they are purchasing, selling, or delivering services.

2. MSME registration: Micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSME) are registered. Udyog Aadhar or Laghu Udyog are other names for this registration. According to their investment in the manufacturing or service sector, the entities are classified as micro, small, or medium enterprises under this registration. The fundamental benefit of MSME registration for a business entity is that it provides a unique number to the entity, allowing it to be recognized. According to MSME data, the MSME sector accounts for nearly half of total exports, 45 percent of total industrial employment, and 95 percent of industrial units that produce more than 6000 goods. The rise of these MSME industries will boost the economy while also reducing unemployment by employing a large number of unskilled and semi-skilled workers. Small-scale industries, or SSIs, are the industries that are registered under MSME.

3. Factory license: Every factory owner must register their premises with municipal authorities before launching a business, according to the Factory Act of 1948. A factory license is a document that allows you to carry out manufacturing activities with the approval of authorities. According to the Factories Act of 1948, a factory must receive clearance from the labor and employment department for its building plan before applying for factory registration. Factory license registration and renewal are also done under this statute to protect worker safety.

4. NOC from the state pollution control board: Every person who wishes to run or establish an industrial plant or any other project must first get the State Pollution Control Board's (SPCB) Consent to Operate (CTO). To put up an outlet, follow the guidelines outlined in Section 25 of the Water Prevention and Control Act of 1974. Anyone who wishes to run an industrial plant must follow the restrictions outlined in Section 21 of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Act of 1981.

The quantity of money you'll need to start this firm is determined by the type of operations you intend to run. Glass recycling is a capital-intensive enterprise that, over time, pays off handsomely. You'll need to invest in recycling equipment. You'll need collection bags and bins, as well as gloves for handling and goggles for eye protection during crushing. Glass is heavy and costly to transport. To go about it, you'll need to get a pick-up truck or a van. When your company grows, you'll need to rent a storage facility or warehouse to store the glass you've collected. So decide the budget accordingly

If necessary, you can apply for a small business loan at your local bank or any other financial institution. If the necessity arises, you can also seek angel investors and venture capitalists.

You can distribute recycling bags to residents in your neighborhood and instruct them to fill them with old glass bottles. You must also go around to pubs and restaurants collecting old bottles. Outside these places, huge containers can be placed where abandoned bottles can be deposited by the workers. Another option for collecting glass is to contact your city's municipal corporation's solid trash division. After collecting the bottles, you must wash them and remove the labels. Are you aware that simply collecting discarded glass can earn you money? You can make some money by selling them to buy-back centres for entrepreneurs. You must also register with the manufacturers as a seller. Picking up the glass is only the beginning. You must return it to your sorting yard and separate it. After that, you must transport the sorted material to your glass recycling factory in order to create new items.

You will need to hire people to work for you because this line of business necessitates management and a crew. Before any interviews, make a detailed outline of your expectations and requirements, as this will help you interact with prospects more effectively.

According to current data from 2021, the world generates 1.2 billion tons of household waste per year and it will continue to grow. It is estimated to produce 2.2 billion tonnes of solid waste per year by 2025. The only thing we will have in the near future is waste that can be used in a very strategic and useful way. For more than a decade, people have been thinking about how to reduce waste. Before we learn more about waste recycling, we need to classify waste and its types. Waste can be turned into raw materials in many ways. The process described allows the conversion of different types of waste into useful resources. There are many modern technologies that help create wealth from waste, but there are some more traditional ones. There is a saying: "If you are smart, you can turn everything to your advantage." This also applies to waste. Once you understand waste and its importance, you can explore some ideas on how waste can be recycled and used as an efficient resource.

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How To Start Paper Recycling Business In India| SkillsAndTech

The paper that we use is mostly a biodegradable waste that can easily be decomposed with the passing time. In the present times there has been a huge usage of paper. Nearly everywhere we go we can easily see papers around. The usage of paper is vivid and is increasing by time. Some basic usage of paper includes newspapers, books, text copy, pamphlets, posters, magazine papers, calendars, and many more.

The world market of paper is very huge and is in billions. Paper is made using the pulp from trees. As of 2011, 398, 975 thousand tons of paper is produced every year. In this article I am sharing profitable business plan for paper recycling business. If you want to start your own paper recycling plant then read this article till the very end, you will get all information about profit margin in this business and cost of setting up a paper recycling plant.

Table of Contents

How Paper is produced?

Paper is produced from the pulp of wood, fibrous plants, rice, water plants, stubbles, and other such materials. The basic material that is required to manufacture paper is fiber which is an essential part in paper making. You can get this pulp mainly from two sources. One is from wood pulp and the other is from old recycled papers. The production of papers required cutting down of tress. One tree in general produces 16.67 reams of paper whereas 12 trees produce 1 ton of paper.

To produce such a huge quantity of papers millions of trees are cut down every year. The rise in cutting down of trees has led to deforestation resulting in rise of global warming. To counter this people are now focusing on recycling of paper.

Is Paper Recycling as a Business A Good Idea

Paper recycling business is a flourishing business that is giving huge returns to its owners. There is abundant demand of recycled paper as they are cheap. If one plans down a strategy, executes it and invest a fair amount of capital then one can get a satisfying return within no time. To lay down a business plan you need to understand the basics of recycling a business, its requirements, investment, and return and so on. Here is a strategic and brief plan that can help you in your paper recycling business.

What Is Paper Recycling Business Plan:

The plan will carry all the details of how your paper recycling business can be opened, executed and run successfully with satisfying return. Here are few things you need to care about.

  • Resource Required to open a recycle plant
  • cost of setting up a waste paper recycling plant
  • Requirement of total capital
  • Arrangement of capital
  • Time investment
  • Strategy for successful recycle business
  • Profit margin
  • Return on investment

What License Are Required For Paper Recycling Business

While executing Paper Recycling Business ideas you must look for a license required for the Paper Recycling Business.

Registration of Firm:

You may start the small to medium business either a Proprietorship or partnership farm For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. A company with Registrar of Companies (ROC).

GST Registration:

Get GST number (compulsory for all business after GST rule), tax identification number and insurance certificate Trade License: obtain the Trade License from local authorities.

Pollution Certificate:

apply for pollution certificate because business is dealing with the pollutant.

MSME / SSI registration-

Fastener manufacturing is a machinery-based industry. Registering your business at the MSME / SSI Registry can provide you with government subsidies and benefits.

EPF Registration:

Employees state insurance which is an insurance scheme for workers.

ESI Registrations:

Employees provident fund is compulsory for the business were more than 20 employees are working.

Trade Mark:

Register your brand name with a trademark that will protect your brand.

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Investment of setting up a recycling plant:

The cost estimation which is given below is in Indian currency and is targeting readers from India. This business plan is also valid for other countries like South Africa, Australia, USA, UK, Canada, etc. The cost of machine is nearly same everywhere and recycling process is also same.

Renting or owning of place depending on size varies from place to place which one can calculate. The better option in starting is to rent a place or use an existing place owned by you as it will reduce investment. Waste paper collection doesn’t costs much. Nearly 4-5 rupee is spent to buy 1kg of waste paper.

Purchasing equipment is costly which should best be rented on monthly basis which is easily available if you have contacts. Recycling machine is a costly thing to own which should best be owned. Start with a small machine that costs around 3-5 lakhs while the medium costs at Rs 5-10 lakhs and the large one costs Rs 10-35 lakhs.

Hiring expert technician and labor will cost you Rs 30-40 thousand per month. You can add electric charges, water charge, transportation and other expense as well. A total of at least Rs 10 lakhs is required for the first time in setting up your business. Later you have to spend at least 1-1.5 lakhs per month.

What Is Area Required for Paper Recycling Business

The First basic requirement is a place where you will recycled paper. If your house allows you to setup your plant then it is okay or you need to get a decent space where you can set your factory. Depending on the scale of recycling you can own or rent that space. The minimum space should be around 250sq. feet. The space should be closed with rooms for collecting paper waste, a cleaned room for keeping the recycled paper, a place to setup machines and so on.

What Are Raw Material for Paper Recycling Business

The Basic amenities are required everywhere. You need to have permanent standard power connection with stable water supply. The paper recycling plant requires huge amount of water therefore you need to have that supply. Your plant should not be that far that transportation becomes a problem because you need constant supply of waste paper for your recycle plant. To recycle the paper you need some standard equipment like washing soap, cleaning equipment, bleaching powder, tanks, containers, machines, jets, paper printer, etc.

You can network with scrap collectors, paper waste owners, dumping grounds and so on to collect waste paper.

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What Machine Are Required For Paper Recycling Business

There are three types of machines for recycling paper. First is the small type machine that recycles 20-100 kg of paper per hour. The medium size machine recycles 75-250 kg of paper while the large machine recycles 100-500 kg of paper waste. Depending on your requirement and budget you can purchase the machine. It would be advisable to start with small machine and later on go for medium and large machine as it will help you in understanding the business supply and returns.

What Kind Of Business Training Is Required For Paper Recycling Business

You need at least one person who is expert in paper recycling and with major machines and equipment. You also need few labors that will assist the main worker in the recycling job.

 What Is The Process Of  Paper Recycling Business

Paper recycling has been hugely adopted these days by every country in order to save the cutting down of trees. The benefit of recycling is not only that it saves cutting down of trees but also reduces and reuses paper waste that would have created a mess in the atmosphere. There is unique advantage of recycling paper as it is beneficial in many ways. To produce one A4 size paper nearly 5 liters of water is required. Recycling down of 1 ton of paper saves 26, 500 liters of water, 682.5 gallons of oil and 17 trees.

Inspired by such an effective method, the whole world has invested a huge sum of money in recycling paper waste. Earlier these recycling job was conducted by either government owned businesses or big recycling businesses but now even common man can own a paper recycling business.

Stage 1: Collection

The most common way paper is collected for recycling is via kerbside collection schemes – operated by your local council to make recycling at home as convenient as possible

Stage 2: Recycling

The start of the paper recycling process requires the paper to be separated into types and grades. The paper is then washed to remove any film, glue, ink and other contaminants using soapy water. Once washed the paper is then transfered to a large container, where it is mixed with water to create a pulp.

Stage 3: Rolling

The pulp is then pressed, dried and rolled into large thin sheets of recycled paper that can be over 50 miles long.

How To Sell Recycled Paper

As soon as you have done together with the Recycling paper plan program You need to work on  how to sell recycled paper  and the best way to promote your business, here we have given the subsequent strategy which you might use to have clients.

Local Marketing

You can foster your Business locally with local media such as Paper, the networking, you are able to brand your small BUSINESS.

Additionally, tell your previous customers and family members to inform about your company, this approach will make it possible for you to get referral customers.

Online Marketing 

Aside from local advertising, you have to attempt online marketing that enables you to expand your open BUSINESS internationally and quickly. Here we have mentioned some online advertising strategy which can help you grow your business.

Produce a Website:

To create the internet presence of your company you need to have to create a website that presents your company on the internet and receive you, customers

Once you’ve done with the website production you’re able to article The blog concerning. Which could allow you to get more viewers? Employing high-quality content

The blog post is a long-term marketing strategy, and you also do not Have to pay for blogging frequently, the blog will provide you continuous clients.

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Boost Your Website For SEO:

Social networking supply a great opportunity for attaining the ideal customers for your business. So long as you know your customer well. It is likely to promote Your Company Utilizing social websites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc

Sell On Other Website

B2B Websites:

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etc. where you can sell your product on  bulk orders.

B2C Websites:

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etc. where you can sell your product directly to the customer.

Retarget Your Customers

Getting clients is not just serve as a reason for the promotion you’re able to retarget your previous customers utilizing the following approach.

Offer Free Product:

Marketing Studies confirmed that people are more prone to Accept something for free. So, you can offer a free service or merchandise to your clientele?

You’re able to retarget your customers by providing them free Service or merchandise

Email Marketing:

Email advertising Is Something Which Every Company Owner Should be considered as a marketing platform

If you can give something at no cost in exchange for your Consumer’s email address. And as soon as you build an email list you can get connected with your previous clients, and target them to market and encourage the merchandise of your enterprise.

Review for  Business

While searching for any service or merchandise new customers are constantly looking for the prior portfolio or past work. So you may ask your customers to provide feedback or testimonials that you can utilize to acquire new clients.

Brand and Uniqueness

Apart from all tradition way of promoting; online promotion is a very efficient and effective way to launch your brand.

While marketing the business you need to study the competitors, analyze the competition and do a plane for promoting your brand.

You can open your own online shop where you can sell your product, or you can tie-up with another hosting site that will help to Sale and introduce your product to the customer.

Advertising is a critical advance for the accomplishment of the business.

You have to advance your business from the day you have finished to begin the cashew preparing business.

It will spread to word and you will get a decent measure of customers during the season of your first unit of generation is finished.

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Inventory and management of E-waste: a case study of Kerala, India

  • Published: 31 May 2024
  • Volume 196 , article number  588 , ( 2024 )

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waste recycling business plan in india

  • Saurabh Sakhre 1 ,
  • Jayalekshmi T. R. 1 ,
  • Sravanth Tangellamudi 1 ,
  • Akhil Vikraman 1 &
  • Ansari Jamal 1  

The recent surge in electronic device usage has led to a notable rise in electronic waste (E-waste) generation, presenting significant environmental challenges. This study aims to quantify Kerala’s E-waste inventory and formulate a comprehensive management plan. Utilizing sales data from 2017 to 2020 and estimating E-waste generation based on “average” or “end-of-life” durations of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) items, the analysis forecasts substantial E-waste quantities. Key assumptions include correlating sales data with E-waste generation and utilizing guidelines for estimating E-waste quantities based on EEE item types and sales figures. The highest E-waste generation is predicted for the years 2028–2029, estimated at 97,541 tonnes, which is crucial for the state’s management strategy. To address this challenge, the study proposes a comprehensive environmental management plan that integrates the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R) into its core strategies. The plan includes establishing 78 collection units across the state, strategically allocated based on the Taluk (a sub-division of a district) population, to ensure efficient E-waste collection and recovery of reusable items. Additionally, the study outlines the need for 273 recycling units statewide, with Malappuram district requiring the most units due to its high population density. The plan emphasizes efficient E-waste collection, segregation, and recycling, promoting responsible consumption and resource conservation. The study furnishes a “cradle-to-grave” framework for the management of E-waste at local, regional, and national levels, serving as a valuable resource for pollution control boards, regulatory bodies, statutory bodies, and research organizations alike.

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waste recycling business plan in india

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All data and materials used in this research are available upon request to ensure the transparency and reproducibility of the findings presented.

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The authors are thankful to the Director, CSIR-NIIST and the Kerala State Pollution Control Board, Kerala, India, for their support in carrying out the present study.

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Environmental Technology Division, CSIR – National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695019, India

Saurabh Sakhre, Jayalekshmi T. R., Sravanth Tangellamudi, Akhil Vikraman & Ansari Jamal

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All authors contributed substantially to the conception and design of the study. Saurabh Sakhre, Jayalekshmi T. R., Sravanth Tangellamudi, and Akhil Vikraman were involved in material preparation, data collection, and analysis. The initial draft of the manuscript was composed by Saurabh Sakhre and Jayalekshmi T. R., and all authors reviewed and contributed to previous versions. All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Saurabh Sakhre .

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• Data-driven quantification: Meticulously catalogs E-waste generation using sales tax data from 2017 to 2020.

• Comprehensive E-waste management plan: Provide vital input for strategic management.

• Policy enhancement: Insightful recommendations for modifying and enhancing regional-level policies.

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About this article

Sakhre, S., R., J.T., Tangellamudi, S. et al. Inventory and management of E-waste: a case study of Kerala, India. Environ Monit Assess 196 , 588 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-024-12739-3

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Received : 28 December 2023

Accepted : 17 May 2024

Published : 31 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-024-12739-3

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How do scrap management startups use tech to contribute to the circular economy.

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Amit Samsukha, Director & CTO at EmizenTech , is an e-commerce consultant, proficient at improvising IT infrastructure.

Looking at the figures recorded by the World Bank, the annual waste production will elevate by 73% and reach 3.88 billion tonnes by 2050. This is likely a byproduct of a growing population, and it poses a critical environmental challenge. In 2020, the number hit 2.24 billion tonnes, around 0.79 kilograms per person daily. Whether it’s domestic waste or industrial waste, the impact is severe.

Per Statista, by 2030, the global waste market is anticipated to surge with a valuation of $1.96 trillion and a CAGR of 5.4% . By revenue, industrial waste is responsible for the largest market share. These statistics can be acknowledged as profitable opportunities in this sector.

With a similar traditional waste management concept, startups in this ecosystem have embarked on harnessing the power of the latest technologies and developing revolutionary ways to collect, channel and recycle scrap, ensuring zero waste.

Startups are stepping in with varied software, systems and applications to address these gaps and provide a complete solution to control the rising wave of unmanaged waste.

How Scrap Management Solutions Are Benefiting Individuals And Businesses - Segregate Both Scenarios

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By adopting waste management solutions, individuals enjoy recycling, which diminishes the environmental impact, provides efficient waste management and leads to a more sustainable and cleaner future. Users can mention the quantity and type of their scrap, and the businesses connect them with nearby recyclers and collectors with a scheduled pickup service.

Collector/Recyclers Edge

On the contrary, scrap management startups are coming forth with user-friendly and handy ways to empower people to control their waste management and handle their scrap materials, contributing to a circular economy and their scrap business.

Top Players In The Scrap Recycling Business

The scrap management business is progressing by adopting trending technologies and innovation.

Here are a few names of emerging players in the scrap management game that have already laid the groundwork for promoting responsible waste management and recycling.

iScrapRight App

Serving in Chambersburg City, Pennsylvania, this scrap recycling app is used by most scrap buyers to buy and pay for scraps easily and quickly and run their scrap yard or recycle center efficiently.

One of the top players in Kerala's waste management sector, Aakri's core vision surrounds recycling, leveraging the latest technology to optimize waste collection and blend separated waste into a vast recycling network.

India's largest marketplace for industrial scrap, Scrapzo, transforms scraps into opportunities by connecting people for scrap selling and buying and contributing to a greener tomorrow.

Challenges Of Scrap Management With Possible Solutions

Scap management apps facilitate recycling by easing waste collection and disposal, favoring scrap reduction and environmental sustainability.

Yet, such waste management processes face various challenges.

1. Logistics And Operations

Pickup coordination and logistics management can be challenging, specifically in peak market demands or densely populated regions. Collectors may find it complex to ensure timely pickups and systematic routing.

Solution: Here, investing in advanced logistics software can optimize pickup schedules and routes, diminishing waiting times and maximizing efficiency for scrap collectors.

2. Scale And Market Fragmentation

Obviously, a scrap app can be helpful only with the availability of a large user base and recyclers/collectors. In regions with low adoption rates and fragmented markets, it can take time to attain scalability.

Solution: Strategic partnerships with municipalities, local businesses, environmental NGLs and waste management companies can help expand users’ and collectors’ networks.

3. Technological Dependency

Being reliable on technology and investing in developing waste management solutions may require confronting a specific set of challenges, including server downtime, app glitches, compatibility issues and cybersecurity threats.

Solution: Constant technological updates identify relevant challenges and improve user experience. Regular maintenance, bug fixes and adoption of cybersecurity measures can ensure seamless operations.

4. Limited Revenue Source

Solely relying on transaction fees or commissions can be challenging when dealing with scrap recycling. Businesses must find other revenue streams while keeping services profitable for collectors and affordable for users.

Solution: Here, alternative revenue sources can be advertising partnerships, premium membership plans and value-added services, such as sustainability consulting.

Handling these challenges and issues requires a multi-faceted approach incorporating user education, technology innovation, continuous improvement and regulatory collaboration.

This way, we can anticipate improved effectiveness in promoting environmental sustainability, recycling and responsible waste management while contributing to the circular economy.

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Outlook Planet

Recyclekaro To Help India Tackle E-Waste Crisis, Joins EPR Portal For Battery Recycling

By Outlook Planet Desk May 28, 2024

India, the third-largest e-waste producer globally, generates 1.71 million metric tons annually with only 40 percent recycled. The EPR portal, an initiative by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), aims to address this challenge by providing a transparent framework for electronic waste management

Recyclekaro To Help India Tackle E-Waste Crisis, Joins EPR Portal For Battery Recycling

Recyclekaro registers on government's EPR portal for e-waste recycling, becoming one of four registered lithium-ion battery recyclers in India. This move will help manufacturers, producers, and importers meet EPR targets of 4,200 MT for lithium-ion battery recycling and 15,000 MT for e-waste recycling. 

India, the third-largest e-waste producer globally, generates 1.71 million metric tons annually with only 40 percent recycled. The EPR portal, an initiative by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), aims to address this challenge by providing a transparent framework for electronic waste management. 

The Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022, mandate producers to meet collection and recycling targets to fulfill Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations. Producers, recyclers, and refurbishers must register through the CPCB's online portal, enhancing accountability and transparency. 

Recyclekaro's Founder & Director, Rajesh Gupta, said, "Registering on the government's EPR portal not only allows us to connect directly with manufacturers, fulfilling their waste management responsibilities, but also significantly enhances our business opportunities. 

Being among the four registered recyclers for lithium-ion battery end to end recycling is amajor milestone and a recognition that showcases our credibility." He added that this registration strengthens their position in the industry and supports their mission to promote sustainable recycling practices. 

Recyclekaro has achieved 90 percent metal extraction efficiency with purity levels exceeding 99 percent from scrap batteries and plans to double its recycling capacity by the second quarter of FY 2024-25.

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<p>Recyclekaro joins Lohum Cleantech, Attero, and LICO Materials as one of the four registered lithium-ion battery recyclers, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable e-waste management.</p>

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  3. Waste Recycling Business Plan

    waste recycling business plan in india

  4. Plastic Waste Recycling Business Plan

    waste recycling business plan in india

  5. Importance of E-waste recycling business plan

    waste recycling business plan in india

  6. How to Start E-Waste Recycling Business in India| SkillsAndTech

    waste recycling business plan in india


  1. How To Start Old News Papers Recycling Business

  2. plastic waste recycling business plan #sandipyare

  3. Indian Business Ideas : Waste Paper पासून या महिलांनी सुरू केला Stationery business

  4. Scrap Recycling business ideas

  5. How to Start E waste Recycling Business

  6. Low Investment Recycling Business ♻ #shorts #recyclingbusiness #recyclingideas #trendingshorts


  1. Turn Waste Into Cash: Guide to Start Recycling Business in India

    Essential Registration for Recycling Business in India. It is required to register with the necessary information that the Indian government has set in order to begin a recycling business. The following are the essential registration for recycling businesses in India: 1. Goods and Service Tax Registration.

  2. Plastic Waste Recycling Plant

    Here is the plastic waste recycling plant business plan that would ensure that you remain on track and focused: 1. Market Research. ... Ensure that your plastic recycling business in India is registered with the ROC, holds a trade license from municipal authorities, and has certifications from the pollution control board and fire authorities ...

  3. Top 10 Recycling Business Ideas in India

    As technology advances, electronic waste has become a major concern. Starting an e-waste recycling business can be highly profitable. India generates around 3.23 million metric tonnes of e-waste every year, making it a potential goldmine for recyclers.By properly recycling electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and televisions, you can extract valuable metals like gold, silver, and ...

  4. How To Start Waste Management and Recycling Business In India ...

    The waste management and recycling business sector in India offers substantial market potential due to several factors: Better environmental regulations and waste management rules are pushing ...

  5. Turn Waste into Cash: Guidance to Start Recycling Business in India

    Researched-Detailed: The first step is to conduct detailed research and plan the whole business. It's important to learn and understand the market before starting a recycling business. Business Planning: After deciding on an idea about the market for the recycling business, make also a business plan for the same.

  6. How to Start A Plastic Waste Recycling Plant

    After determining the scale of operation, determine the total investment required to determine the cost of a plastic recycling factory in India. Consider the machinery and the acquisition of raw materials. After you've done all of that, you'll need to gather plastic, assess your target market for recycled products, and calculate your profit ...

  7. How to Start an E-Waste Recycling Business in India?

    The presence of E-waste is an Opportunity for Entrepreneurs: All forms of E-waste naturally are a huge environmental hazard, but these provide a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs who are willing to leap of faith.If we only talk about India, it is the fifth-largest producer of e-waste across the globe, and this generation tends to grow annually at a 30 percent rate.

  8. Why Start a Recycling Business in India?

    5 Reasons to Start a Recycling Business in India. August 24, 2023. With India's ever-increasing population and urbanisation, the volume of waste generated daily has reached startling proportions. The unrestrained increase in waste generation endangers the ecosystem by contributing to air and water pollution, soil degradation, and climate change.

  9. How To Start Recycling Business In India? Recycling Business Ideas

    4. Marketing For Recycling Business Ideas. 1. Waste Recycling Business. Every year, we generate around 1.3 billion tonnes of waste per year at a global level. This amount is likely to increase to 2.2 billion tonnes per year by 2025. This figure is projected to increase by 70% by 2050. Hence, waste management has become a matter of grave concern ...

  10. PDF Handbook

    formal e-waste recycling facilities in India. These provide guidance on the general procedures and the regulatory requirement for establishing and operating such a facility. However, the specific requirements need to be in accordance with those specified by the State Government in which the unit is located. E-WASTE Processing Business House ...

  11. 5 Eco-Friendly Businesses You Can Start Using Waste ...

    Ecokaari products. 3. Upcycled Decoration. Delhi-based Siddhant Kumar teaches us how one can begin a waste upcycling start-up with minimal investment. This IIT Bombay alumnus is running Denim Decor, a brand that refurbishes old decoration and utility items like lanterns and pen holders, among others, using denim clothing.

  12. How to Start a Fabric Waste Recycling Business in India?

    Here's a general guide to help you get started: Stage 1: Research and Feasibility Study. Conduct market research in order to understand the demand for fabric waste recycling in your target area. Identify potential customers such as textile manufacturers, fashion brands, or retailers.

  13. 8 organisations that are making recycling easy in India

    Mumbai-based Skrap provides an end-to-end process of waste management at events and offices. Founded in March 2017, they analyse waste generation data based on the type and size of event, devise a customised plan and implement it on the premises. The idea is to reduce waste significantly, and recycle a huge mass of what's been produced.

  14. How To Start Recycling Business In India

    How To Start Recycling Business In India. 7558640644 - Meena. Overview: Waste Recycling Business. On a global scale, we produce roughly 1.3 billion tonnes of waste each year. By 2025, this figure is expected to rise to 2.2 billion tonnes per year. ... Your business plan is a formal document that outlines all of your company's objectives ...

  15. How to Start Business of an E-Waste Recycling in India

    Related Business Plan: E-Waste Recycling Plant. Personal computing devices make up about 70% of the telecom market, while the government division, public division companies, and private division ...

  16. How To Start E-Waste Recycling Business in India

    Some of the basic aspects your e-waste business project plan must address are as follows: Planning to collect e-waste materials from offices and other businesses; ... On average, the cost of starting a small-scale e-waste recycling business in India will be in the range of Rs. 10 lacs to Rs. 15 Lacs. The investment will increase to Rs 50 Lacs ...

  17. How to start a Plastic Recycling Business in India?

    These are the machinery and equipment required to start a plastic recycling plant. Dust Cleaner -> 2 to 2.5 lakhs. Plastic Scrap Shredder/Grinder -> 2.5 lakhs (depends upon the capacity) Washing Machine -> 1.5 lakhs. Conveyor Machine -> 1.5 lakhs. Film Dryer - 3 lakhs.

  18. A Complete Guide to Textile Waste Recycling Business

    October 26, 2021. 0. Textile exports in India have seen tremendous growth since July, which increased by 50.86% in June 2021, even after the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, fast fashion and social media induce people to discard garments after single-use, which generates 5.7% of the solid waste streams.

  19. How to Start E-Waste Recycling Business in India| SkillsAndTech

    n Waste Stream E waste recycling business is the Largest growth having Business, with computer equipment accounting for almost 70% of it, followed by telecommunication equipment (12%), electrical equipment (7%) and medical equipment (6%). E-waste represents an enormous environmental hazard. However, it also presents huge opportunities for entrepreneurs willing to take the plunge. According to ...

  20. How To Start an E-Waste Recycling Business

    Suggested Read: Best Business Loans In India. 10 Steps for Starting E-waste Recycling Business. 1. After you decide to start the e-waste recycling business, check the online marketplace. Check the established e-waste recycling company websites for getting knowledge of their style of operation. 2. Create a brand name, a catchline, and a logo ...

  21. How to set up a Lithium-ion battery recycling business in India?

    According to market analysis reports, the lithium-ion battery recycling market is anticipated to reach $38.21billion by 2030, recording a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 36.0% from 2021 to 2030. Because lithium-ion batteries have replaced other battery types, a new type of toxic waste has been produced. This has given rise to the Lithium-ion ...

  22. How To Start A Glass Recycling Business In India

    Obtain A Business License For The Glass Recycling Business. Get a license from your local government authorities. You have to decide whether your business would be a sole proprietorship or a partnership. Hire a printer to print your business cards. Remember to put your phone number. Some major licenses which are required for the recycling ...

  23. How To Start Paper Recycling Business In India| SkillsAndTech

    Start with a small machine that costs around 3-5 lakhs while the medium costs at Rs 5-10 lakhs and the large one costs Rs 10-35 lakhs. Hiring expert technician and labor will cost you Rs 30-40 thousand per month. You can add electric charges, water charge, transportation and other expense as well.

  24. Inventory and management of E-waste: a case study of Kerala, India

    The recent surge in electronic device usage has led to a notable rise in electronic waste (E-waste) generation, presenting significant environmental challenges. This study aims to quantify Kerala's E-waste inventory and formulate a comprehensive management plan. Utilizing sales data from 2017 to 2020 and estimating E-waste generation based on "average" or "end-of-life" durations of ...

  25. How Do Scrap Management Startups Use Tech To Contribute To The ...

    Per Statista, by 2030, the global waste market is anticipated to surge with a valuation of $1.96 trillion and a CAGR of 5.4%.By revenue, industrial waste is responsible for the largest market share.

  26. Recyclekaro To Help India Tackle E-Waste Crisis, Joins EPR Portal For

    Recyclekaro registers on government's EPR portal for e-waste recycling, becoming one of four registered lithium-ion battery recyclers in India. This move will help manufacturers, producers, and importers meet EPR targets of 4,200 MT for lithium-ion battery recycling and 15,000 MT for e-waste recycling.

  27. Recyclekaro joins India's EPR portal as Lithium-ion battery recycler

    India is the third-largest e-waste producer globally, generating 1.71 million metric tons annually, with only approximately 40% of e-waste recycled in the last financial year. To address this challenge, the EPR portal , an initiative by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), provides a transparent and accountable framework for electronic ...

  28. Recyclekaro among 4 lithium-ion battery recyclers registered on India's

    Mumbai: E-waste and lithium-ion recycling company, Recyclekaro has registered on the government's Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) portal for e-waste recycling.It joins Lohum Cleantech, Attero, and LICO Materials as one of the four registered lithium-ion battery recyclers, aligning with sustainable e-waste management goals. India, a significant e-waste producer globally, generates 1.71 ...

  29. Circular economy in agriculture: Closing the loop with lithium battery

    India's tech boom and the surge in electric vehicles and electronics usage forecast a soaring demand for lithium-ion batteries, reaching 235 GWh by 2030. ... a global leader in electronic waste ...

  30. The plastics industry says chemical recycling could help banish ...

    Chemical company Dow says it plans to build multiple chemical recycling facilities in the US and Europe, adding as much as 600,000 tons (1.2 billion pounds) of recycling capacity by 2030.